#never got a reason why he was the killer btw!!
Y’all ever read a book that’s super relevant to your interests and it’s actually really good, but it just has such a disappointing ending and you just kinda sit there afterwards like
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valyrfia · 2 months
Btw do you think lando got a chance for wdc without a miracle of McLaren building a car with the rb19 level of dominance. Or do you think he's gonna become part of the next silent generation between max-charles(hello lewis?) / ollie-kimi. Because I barely can see him winning even if Max retires tomorrow. And I'm fully aware and admit that he's talented a lot and performing strong. But something about him gives me the impression that he's never gonna actually did it.
Oof what a minefield of a question.
Lando is a talented driver, sometimes I think he is a tad overhyped but that's more down to the britishness of it all. However, I don't think he's likely to ever win a WDC, and it's for the same two reasons I think George won't either–they're in the wrong teams at the wrong time, and the right teams already have indisputably generational racing drivers to build around (Red Bull with Max and Ferrari with Charles).
We've had a killer of a Max Verstappen domination era, and the wind is starting to blow in the direction of a future Charles Leclerc domination era like we've seen with Max and Lewis previously–Ferrari getting good, Charles embracing the insane. I see a lot of people speculating about when George and Lando are going to win their WDCs, when I think the most likely timeline is after our 4-5 years of Max winning everything, we have 4-5 years of Charles winning everything.
I also don't think Lando really has the mentality for a WDC fight currently, he's talked openly and honestly about mentality being an issue when fighting for a win. That's why I maintain that even though Lando and Oscar are evenly matched, if McLaren were a dominant team I think Oscar would clinch the WDC because Lando would psych himself out.
TLDR: I see the next few world champions being something along the lines of Max->Charles->Next Gen (someone not on the grid yet). Oscar could maybe, MAYBE pull a championship between Charles and Next Gen, but I'm much more willing to bet on him than Lando.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 3 months
what really frustrates me that Vivzepop had these characters (the hazbin hotel cast) for YEARS and never really bothered to actually explain their backgrounds besides little info facts
we know Alastor is a radio host who also a cannibal serial killer but what was his life before that
we know angel and his siblings was in the mafia and angel did drugs but what was the reason for him to be a drag queen besides being a closet gay men
we know husk likes to gamble and was a alcoholic…and that’s really it unless there’s more to his character
we know niftty was a housewife that was obsessed with boys and that’s all we got
we know vaggie was a prostitute that got killed by a guy
btw love your blog
TYSM!! Please enjoy a fat nuggets while I go crazy again!
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So I’m neurodivergent we know this yes yes Rai you’ve mentioned it at least 4 times this week. Okay good. I am NUTS about specifics. Like. Like this nuts
(This is my collection of lore and data from every piece of Alice in Wonderland media I can get my hands on)
So I must say, not knowing jackshit about these characters backstories is driving me CRAZY.
I cannot believe I have to be like “I hope we learn more about the main cast after 4 years” because I don’t even know if Vivzie is going to touch on it in S2 and thats the only season we have guaranteed so like oh well!
For Alastor I am genuinely shocked we don’t know that much about him but then again they did allude to doing more with him in Season 2 so for that I guess we shall wait and see. For Angel I literally have no idea. My only headcanon I have about his living time is when he was 6 he hated vermicelli because it means “little worms” and he thought that was gross. For the drag thing. We haven’t even seen this guy in drag in the actual show yet and I am frankly pissed but idk where they’d fit that in with what we got so like okay I guess but as for his reasoning I think he either just liked it or yeah its just cause he was a closeted gay man. Husk I again have no clue. We know he was an overlord and then made a contract but that is literally it. I like Husk as a character he seems like a very sweet guy sometimes, but again, Idk anything about him. Nifty is just. Kinda there? Not that every character needs a tragic backstory but like im curious why is she like that. I didn’t even know that shit about Vaggie until I got this ask but that makes me wonder/worry if we’re going to see something in relation to that in the same way we did episode 4. HOPEFULLY not. At least we got the Vaggie angel lore but thats basically it?
I hope for so much in S2 but mostly just give us some fucking context dude. Not even the avid watchers know whats going on and I’m just some dude pirating shit so I sure as hell don’t either 😭
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baby-xemnas · 6 months
I'm not really a shipper, but that leaves me freedom for enjoying everyone's take/artwork on any ship. That said, I've actually never heard of LawBepo before seeing your stuff?? It's actually quite adorable? At least, what I see since it's only your stuff I see lol either way, I wanted to ask WHY Bepo? Like what drew you too the ship I guess?
Always curious how people get to ships they like haha. That and every time I practice Bepo I think of your Bepo so I figured I'd ask finally while I think of your art 😂 hope you don't mind.
Which that thing said, I need to throw in I'm positively alive for your art btw. It's so crisp and I love for the sketchy/black and white. Thank you for gracing my eyes with it.
thank you for the message!
(you never seen it because except for like a couple of artworks noone really done it at the scale that i have. at least not in the western part of the fandom)
what drew me to the ship is the hug on zou but back when i first got into op 8+ years ago but i wasnt open minded enough to take it seriously - it didnt spark ideas to make stuff in me back then yet - but i did love the hug A LOT
its adorable. its just the cutest ever and the single most affectionate that we see law. you cant argue with that if i try. idc how people interpret his other scenes, zou hug is the most obviously and openly shameless display of affection towards someone we see with law
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look at this fucker smiling hes so content rubbing cheeks with his 22 year old male best friend
i came back FOR bepo because i heard of [manga spoilers] i saw it and thought yoo shit hype started looking things up and saw the STOP ACTING CUTE scene and it was all over. one more canon reason for me to ship them (that is ofc if u consider anime filler canon since both the scene i mentioned were toei expanding and improving upon odas ideas) but i do consider them canon if it suits me lol
basically we were given a ton of cute fanservice of bepo being law's favorite most precious guy and i always ship my ships in accordance to canon its just the type of person that i am
you need to give me a crumb of canon and ill justify the rest. a hook is always necessary and these two got plenty
also reading the novel and seeing bepo be such a precious little brother to law....yeah...cute
oh we cant forget that i also went to look at things on pixiv and japanese fans are geniuses so i got so inspired by the characterization of law being a protective nose bleeding weirdo and bepo being oblivious to it....incredible dynamic i got absolutely hooked. bepo is cute and good and precious and he is home and comfort to law
to summarize: why bepo? because canonically bepo is the only person in bepo's position. he gets special treatment from law, he is THE crewmember of his. he is what killer is do kid - we know most about them they are the closest to the captain. its simple math
finally thank you im glad you enjoy my style!!!!
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mkaroy · 3 months
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sorry for being dead. i will continue to be dead becuz this took 48 HOURS.
as a treat i’m gonna infodump about my headcanons for a bit (read if you DARE)
so mrs afton isn’t pictured here because she was smart and left william, but william got full custody cause as we know, the fnaf government is VERY stupid and they apparently just love william. cc and michael both like their mother better because she was more patient and emotionally intelligent with the young boys, but elizabeth always favoured her father so she wasn’t complaining.
If it isn’t obvious, i don’t think william is a good parent. no matter how good of intentions you have, he had to be some kind of deranged for his sons death to lead to him being a serial killer, that doesn’t just HAPPEN. he particularly takes out his anger on michael because a) he feels more sympathy with the other two kids and b) michael has always challenged his father, he’s not scared of talking back or standing his ground (even if he gets hurt in the process). however despite this, michael still has a lot of love and respect for his father. as he gets older and as the accidents become worse and worse, through williams manipulation, michael basically works for him, trying to make things right again because he’s fully convinced everything was his fault (ALSO THANKS TO WILLIAM LOL)after he gets scooped he kinda puts it together that maybe his father never had the best intentions for him, and full of rage he does his thing and burns his father to the ground.
outside of william just being the worst to michael, making him a full time babysitter and whatnot, he’s not the kindest to the younger children either. elizabeth is easily the favourite because she tries to serve him as much as possible, but william is simply FAR too busy to care about that, so she gets pushed aside and neglected a lot. she doesn’t know why he’s doing these things so she just tries to be even more perfect, she urns for that attention in other places, i think that’s why she dolls herself up so much, because she loves the compliments she gets from mothers saying that she’s “just the cutest thing”. when her father finally shows her some love by making his specialty, an animatronic based off of her, she can’t help but be filled with excitement. I think as baby, she’s a lot more angry than she was before. she doesn’t understand why her father would do this to her and her anger is bigger than he child brain can comprehend, which is why she’s just so insanely mean in pizza sim and sister location, lashing out to michael and henry because she shouldn’t be an animatronic right now, she should be living her life free of this family. god i love elizabeth.
and then obviously cc, i think it’s a silly headcanon to imagine that william just forgot his name but remembered his initials but that’s mostly cuz i refuse to give him a name (btw all of you guys who put charlie or charlotte into his name are GENIUSES but i’m not you). he was really young when his parents actually separated, so he didn’t have much memory of his mother unfortunately. and ALSO unfortunately he was born with a fear of the animatronics, like how some kids are born with like an irrational fear of mascots of smth, that’s him. I think he was also the first one to die so his nightmares weren’t based off of elizabeth’s death. i also think that the fnaf 4 gameplay wasn’t cc because of MANY reasons (seriously guys look at the room layout…). but his irrational fear of the animatronics makes him almost constantly in tears, which michael obviously mocked. all the afton men were raised with the idea that boys shouldn’t show “feminine” emotions, which is why michael hated cc so much, because it wasn’t fair that he got to cry all the time with little to no repercussions and cc just couldn’t help himself whenever he cried. oh also in my headcanon he’s autistic, same with like most of the aftons, but he’s selectively mute and easily gets sensory overload, which is why meltdowns in the pizzeria were so common.
guys i love the aftons so much fill my asks with them if you wish i will answer ALL OF THEM (until the hyperfixation dies LMAO)
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ligninn · 2 months
I know I'm reeeeally late to the party, but I just finished Diablo 4 and I have… questions. First of all, the game looks incredible, and I loved the aesthetics, the scenery, the character designs—they were all really well done. However, the story felt a bit "meh."
Since Diablo 3 (or maybe even 2—tbh I really don't remember D2 lore; it's been ages since I've played), the story kept showing us how Heaven, source of light and good, doesn't care about humans or anything related to them, that they just mind their own business with Hell. They see humans as abominations since they have the darkness in them too. Again since D3, there's been this yin-yang situation going on, especially seen with Inarius and Lilith. Inarius is an angel corrupted by darkness, mostly by hatred, and Lilith is the daughter of hatred "corrupted" by love and care. She was a mother, maybe not the best for sure, but it really looked like she cared when her son got killed. Especially since Inarius was the killer and his reason was so fucking stupid. He really thought killing his son would get his ass back to heaven- i can't with this man... We see more humanity in Lilith than any other "villain" we've had so far, I believe. I'm not saying she's perfect of course, her ways were brutal obviously but she only talks about giving people the freedom to do whatever, suggests that they're free to do sin but never really gives any details on what a sin is. In the end it's the people choosing to do evil. She's saying that no religion, especially one following a corrupted angel, can show them the way to live and act. AND SHE WAS RIGHT! But why was she doing all this? What was in it for her? Did she just want to send a big "fuck off" to both Heaven and Hell, or was she craving power and wanted to be the sole ruler?
That's my biggest issue with the main story. We never get to learn. We were never given a chance to really talk and consider her points, which mostly made sense, btw. But instead, for some reason, we were considering more of what Mephisto, a damn Prime Evil, had to say? Like I said, the story so far had a yin-yang theme, so I thought we would dive deeper into this with less prejudice, but it felt so superficial, unlike the theme itself. Because it was literally just Lilith = bad while everything about her was mostly gray. And I think they wasted a lot of potential there :/
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Okay, let's continue.
So Alastor makes a few digs in about her family. He found out that her father had died a few years ago. She has three older sisters and one brother. He knew what he was going to do. 
So one day, he invited all of her family members to stay for a month in New Orleans. He's not going to finish them all in one kill; it's going to look suspicious, especially on her behalf. So he's going to take them down, one by one. 
First, he tricks her first sister into a tavern and buys her a drink that has poison. One down.
(Btw, I know he most likely killed them by hand in his way, but he needs to make sure the family is cursed by coming here somehow.) (So it's not going to look suspicious.)
Second, her brother. This one he killed by hand, but in the end, he made it seem like he died in an accident. He put his dead body on a car, then put a brick on the pedal, and off you go! Boom! It's crashed into another car. 
For the last two sisters, they tried to flirt with him (he was disgusted by them). So he used this advantage to trick them into this one abounded warehouse in the middle of nowhere and killed them in the most brutal way possible. His heart only belongs to his wife. 
Now for the mother. He already has her tied up in the basement. When he was about to finish him off, Katty came down to the basement to look for him. How shocked is she when she finds out about the scenery in front of her? Alastor tries to explain the situation while the mother begs her to let her go. She then slowly stood in front of her mother.
The mother: "Kat, please... Please let me go. Together, we report this psychopath's husband of yours and live a happy life. I know you never had a mother to grow up with. So let me give you one."
Kaltain: "You think I never know...why the reason my real mother died...? You think I never know why my father got into a car crash...? You think I will never find out that you are the reason behind this? I know you poisoned my mother, and I know you planned my father's accident. I would never want you, mother, love; you are not one to begin with. You make my life a living hell. Now I will make sure you end up in hell."
She then took a knife from one of the Alastor collections and stabbed her. Not once, not twice, but until she is satisfied and breaks down. She then slowly sank to the floor while crying. A pair of arms wrap around her and comfort her. 
Alastor then cleans up all the evidence and gets rid of the body. He then returned home and comforted her all night. The next day, she confronts her husband to see if he is the serial killer they are looking for. At first, he was scared that she would leave him, but his wife offered to help him with his killing. He declined at first, worried something was going to happen to her, but then let her. 
Surprise is written on his face when he finds out his wife is pretty good. So they became partners in crime (yeah!). One lures the victim; one finishes the victim.
Until he got shot. Oh, how sad Katty was sad when she heard the news! It took her a few weeks, maybe a month, to recover. So to continue his legacy, she keeps killing for him. This continues for 2 years until she gets murdered or shot. 
When she woke up, she was in a forest or swamp. Her appearance is also different. A hand is offered to her; she looks up and finds her husband in deer form. He quickly jumped into his arms. They finally reunited. The couple couldn't be more happy than they were. 
So they live happily ever after death.
The end <3
Thank you for reading ✨
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battlekilt · 2 years
why is writing clones as kids so soothing?
(This is cadet ages, btw.)
Boba is an absolute brat, but also ultimately sweet. He'll be verbally mean one moment, and the first to screech in fear if it looks like one of the alpha brothers has done something to get hurt. He hides toys in their spaces to accuse them of stealing, but does it so that he has an excuse to be around them. When Jango is off-world, he really misses his dad. But, it is also the perfect time for Boba to make the rounds and hide his hidden toys in new spots.
Neyo is a monstrous little droid killer. But is the only one of any of them to point out where the messes are to the janitorial droids, so they don't have to overwork themselves, and thanks them on their way out. Though eerily quiet, Neyo is kind of nosey and has to be informed about everyone's business. He does tend to stare... a lot.
Cody is... Cody. Stubbornness and rule enforcement on two legs. Also, don't make small brothers cry. He really... really doesn't like it when someone does that. No, really... he really doesn't like it. Since they aren't supposed to hit or hurt each other, Cody makes an exception for this reason. But that's okay. He's a supervisory cadet.
Fox might be small, but he makes up for it with energy and tenacity. Never outgrew his 'twinkle toes' phase like the others did, and still walks on the balls of his feet if out of shoes. Bites for any and every reason, sometimes for no reason at all—he'll claim his gums were itching. Any food is fair game, no matter whose plate it was on or hands it was in; Wolffe is the hardest challenge because it is the only time Wolffe shows aggression. Always has something to say. No, really, he always has something to say, and doesn't know how to handle not being heard. He calls out liars, but will also cover for a brother who might have bent a rule so much some would say he broke it. He'll steal a sweet treat from an undeserving brother and bring it to a sad brother. He knows all the rules... mostly to be able to break them properly, then argue his way out of it. This is one of the main reasons he and Cody don't get along.
Rex doesn't say much, but when he does... he manages to retell the most mundane stories that get the whole mess table roaring with laughter. Refuses to play lookout because he wants a front-row-seat to when his brothers manage to burn their own bridges. If everyone is being exponentially stupid, he has a smart alack retort to highlight their stupidity, though... only after they've already doomed themselves. Brothers bring their own karma, he's just here to provide commentary. Because he has plenty of brothers set out to do stupid things, he is never bored.
Wolffe says 'sorry' when he isn't at fault. He tells the most imaginative stories, or at least... by 'Clone raised on Kamino' standards they are imaginative, and always has a compliment. Also, he's always hungry. A little food aggressive. He'll agree to be lookout because no one else will, and feels special because he got asked. Makes a good one, that is, until his attention span wanders off… sometimes he wanders away, too. Although he is exceedingly shy, he doesn't take well to being alone for very long nor does he like to see someone else alone... which is why he annoys Neyo so much, but he suits quiet little Rex. If he is left alone for too long, he gets a tad destructive and the only explanation he has is, "I thought no one was coming back." Really has no concept of his size or strength.
Bly... well, want a hug? Go find Bly. His stubbornness is the only one to rival Cody's, but he isn't such a stickler for the rules. He just wants everyone to have fun, especially himself.
Bacara sometimes draws illustrations from Wolffe's stories. Also, he helps save droids from Neyo's... curiosity. Really... really likes plants.
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princelylove · 7 months
W-we are friend now, ahhh. I'm so happy~ thank you so much
Btw do you know about the yandere alphabet (here: https://www.tumblr.com/dear-yandere/188860909008/yandere-alphabet). Do you accept request base on the yandere alphabet? If yes, then I'd love to request:
+ F, H, N for Noriaki
+ I, J, L for Josuke
+ B, Q, X for your favorite yandere :)
~ 🏵️ anon ~
You’re welcome. Sure, I’ll bite. Forgive the formatting here, I’m still trying to figure out how to make it all pretty. For my "favorite" I just did someone I was in the mood for tonight.
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F: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Noriaki is displeased, to put it lightly. He doesn’t understand why you won’t just behave, he’s doing everything right, by all means. If you resist him you might as well just be begging for restrictions. He doesn’t even restrict you that much, he doesn’t have any plans to kidnap you! Stop acting like he’s some obsessed creep and behave. 
H: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Losing your autonomy. If you are incapable of acting right, he’ll make you act right. It’s not like it’s hard to puppet you. He knows how you talk, walk, even how you rest when you stand still for too long. And he just adores the way hierophant green looks on your wrists and ankles. 
Also the social isolation. Once you notice it, it’s too late. 
N: How would they punish their darling?
Noriaki is very, very understanding. He researched how most victims react to overbearing obsession, and to be honest, not very good results! His goal isn’t to harm you, he wants you to flourish! He punishes you socially, have you ever been talking to a group of people and one of them stops the entire conversation to chide you? Social shaming and peer pressure is killer.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Josuke wants to settle down. He’s always been sorta jealous of people who had really loving families, and sometimes family means you, your darling, and maybe a dog. He wants his darling to play house with him. 
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Only sorta. He’s cool if you show him lots of attention; He doesn’t want to be one of those overbearing boyfriends who ruins every friendship you’ve got. He’s an asshole, yeah, fucking ok, but he’s not gonna get in the way of your friends. He’s not insecure. 
On that same note, it’d drive him up the wall if you talked about another guy like he was better than him. He’s sitting right there, you absolutely cannot be serious. He blows off steam by working out, and telling himself he’s way better than that scumbag you’ve definitely got eyes for. 
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
I think he inherited his father’s persistence. He can’t take a “no” for shit. He’ll go a seemingly normal route- saying he wants to spend time with you, getting your phone number, doing things he thinks people find attractive when guys do. He peacocks quite a bit, and for good reason, he’s quite handsome. He takes you out on a couple dates before he decides to properly ask, and if you say no, he’s just going to take that as a “Not yet.”
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Leone is prepared to kill for his darling, and that’s entirely with his hands. He doesn’t use guns, and his stand isn’t one for combat, so it’s either his bare hands or something he can bash someone’s head in with. It’ll be such a pain to get this blood out of his clothes, but he really doesn’t care. He has a job. He can buy new clothes. He can’t buy a new you.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Never. If his darling died while under his care, he’d kill himself. End of story. What’s the point in keeping his life if he let you rot? He’s a disgusting excuse for a man, he should’ve never gotten impatient and snatched you up. If you ever escaped successfully, it wouldn’t be for long. He’d brood for a week or so- that’s your period to get the fuck out of the country- and then go hunting for the only thing keeping him going. 
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Total reverence. Leone absolutely adores you, you make him a better man. He pretties himself up entirely for you- you’re his main motivation for everything. He can’t be lazy, who wants a lazy boyfriend? He can’t be so slovenly, who wants to make out with that? Leone gets rather meticulous about his makeup, Mista’s rushed him out of their shared bathroom more times than he can remember. Get a vanity, man, you’re interfering with poor Mista’s schedule. 
Leone loves to just sit and watch you. He gives you space, careful not to step on your metaphorical toes, and just sits quietly to watch. He won’t look away if you look over while he’s giving you that stupid, lovestruck stare. He’s so lucky he gets to witness you. Your every need is taken care of, he’ll even get down on the ground to rub your feet if you told him to- as long as you’re doing what he wants. If you break his fantasy of you actually liking him, he falls into a bit of a depressive rut, and slacks a bit with your needs.
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krewssleuth · 7 months
# _ this is the crime kitchen after all.
ib:: their video (i work at a criminal kitchen) content:: murder, crimes, illegal stuff, it isn't as dark n very generic soo note:: first post let's go! (btw i'm still working on a better post design) help why was this so good?! why do 2am works turn out better than when i'm fully awake. also, i need to find proper ages for them to make it make sense.
The Killer ; Painting Rainbows
- An infamous 'alien hunter' in the community. Lunar knew of her as the head honcho in dealing of illegal items. Rainbow then got in touch with Funneh and thus got hired.
- She used to work at the sandwich store until the owner was arrested. Rainbow wasn't arrested due to the government wanting to hide the truth of aliens existance. She also harvests organs which are mainly hearts but doesn't tell how she got them so as to not get anyone else in trouble for her crimes, which I find pretty sweet (Rainbow being sweet is a canon event!)
The Knockout ; Golden Glare
- A fashionable ex-model, now hired at the Sandwich Store due to her ties with Rainbow. Gold knew her from school as Rainbow was called a 'lunatic' for believing that aliens exist. She didn't mind Rainbow as she found her quite 'normal' and understanding when it's just them two.
- She bought her fame, until one day her manager threatened to expose her. The man has helped her too much and demanded a higher pay. Gold being the greedy woman she was, declined and her manager launched at her with a knife. She was able to kill him out of defence, still traumatised by her actions, yet craving for more. The ex-model served her years for manslaughter, then losing her popularity.
The Mastermind ; Funneh Cake
- A young, avaricious money launderer who continued the business out of fun. Funneh hired Lunar, slowly bonding over time. After Funneh bought the place, she had Lunar and Draco invest in the Sandwich Store. She did find it strange that Gold and Rainbow wanted to work there but didn't question it much.
- She found out about the place from rumours that the place had 'aliens'. The thing that truly caught her interest was guns; a popular illegally-bought item. Who on Earth would buy alien bodies or human hearts? Some Science geek who is unafraid to get arrested? Funneh later got in touch with Draco, a man who could cover up their tracks when needed.
The Mule ; Lunar Eclipse
- A blood-thirsty money mule who knows too much about the dark web. Lunar had searched far and wide for quick cash, for unknown reasons. She was only a few years younger than Funneh, deciding then to be her money mule.
- She started off buying illegal items off of the dark web then selling it to classmates and schoolmates, making sure to make profit. She then crossed paths with Funneh while dealing in an alleyway, until Funneh hired her. Lunar found it strange but wanted the money, and since then they have become two peas in a pod.
The Silencer ; Draconite Dragon
- A quick-witted intelligencer that will do whatever it takes to protect his co-workers. Draco met Funneh through the heads of their respective crime families. She found him useful to the team, while he found her and the group interesting. Almost like he knew them, for a long a time. As though he had talked to them every day, had shared great memories with them, lived happily with the team of five.
- Draco is often at a nearby bar or library, eavesdropping on any information that the police knows about him and the others. He would of course report back to Funneh on anything urgent, not wanting to kill off too many people but still, he makes sure to get rid of any person that could risk the group's lives. The four women were very important to him. He never knew why but will never question his heart and soul.
[ Dyaa M_'s LOG Ended. ]
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theevilcactus · 2 years
i love bones so much but some of the shit the characters do is wild. even ignoring all the police brutality (which happens in almost every episode, jesus christ) you've got:
hodgins working on a case while actively hiding the fact that he used to be engaged to the murder victim (very sketchy; he does get called out for this one though)
the entire team (minus booth) not reporting a kidnapping, and then handing evidence over to a serial killer as the ransom. it's worth noting that the only reason they HAVE this evidence is that hodgins stole it from the fbi (so many levels of illegal)
in the same episode as above, they convince a high-ranking Navy officer to declare the case 'a matter of national security' (it was not) and use this to steal a dead body from the fbi
in this same goddamn episode, they tie up a defenseless and injured fbi employee, repeatedly threaten her life, and get access to her personal information under false pretenses. yeah she was a serial killer, but that's still so fucking illegal and they didn't have proof (that's fucking kidnapping! yes she deserved it but there was literally no proof!!!)
also, unrelated to this discussion, but ghosts are real??? this is also from the same episode btw
arresting a serial killer's mother under false pretenses just to piss him off (and 'throw him off his game' or whatever, but seriously, that's fucked up).
getting upset that a judge refuses to accept illegally-gotten evidence. this one isn't illegal by itself, but the fact that the narrative presents it as justified is a bit fucked up
hodgins almost killing a guy in broad daylight. yes the guy was a serial killer, but he hadn't been convicted of anything and hodgins was the one to turn that confrontation violent. just straight up chokes a guy almost to unconsciousness in the middle of a graveyard
not sure what episode this was in, but i have a VERY distinct memory of hodgins calling in a fake bomb threat to the airport to prevent a suspect from fleeing the country. this was never mentioned again.
their old friend (who was arrested for working with a serial killer) breaks out of a mental hospital, and they wait until after he's helped them solve the current case to send him back. i'm pretty sure that counts as hiding a fugitive
stealing a dead body from a funeral???? they were like 'hey, this doesn't look like he died of natural causes, we should look into that' and instead of talking about it they just straight up steal him from the funeral home. (this is a comedy)
actually i'm pretty sure that one was hodgins's idea too. it's been a while since i saw that episode, but he was definitely involved. why is it always hodgins?
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birdiesgolden · 2 years
Hello! Here’s a dose of songs that remind me of Warner I promised ages ago, if you liked it there are more songs if anyone is interested.
Btw this will have spoilers!
BOYFRIEND - Dove Cameron
Basically this whole song reminds me of when Adam and Juliette were together. I don’t think there is specially one line but there are quite a few. “I don't need to tell you twice, All the ways he can't suffice, If I could give you some advice I would leave with me tonight”. “I could be a better boyfriend than him, I could do the shit that he never did”
KILLER SHANGRI-LAH - Psychotic Beats
I heard this on an advert for a tv show and was like ‘oh…yes’. I don’t really think I need an explanation, the song is just pretty badass so I felt the whole vibe was right. “I had to kill you, I’m really sorry”. “But you know what…ain’t nobody gonna change me”
HUNGER - Alibi Music
Literally the same reason for the song above. “I see you watching me with those eyes, I feel them watching me all the time”. “You’ve got secrets and I’ve got mine, but how do we know when to draw the line?”
I felt like this also just fit, it reminded me of when he killed Seamus Fletcher because he had no regrets to it. “They say I did something bad. Then why’s it feel so good?” “Most fun I ever had, and I’d do it over and over and over again if I could”.
THE 30TH - Billie Eilish
I cried when I heard this song it broke my heart. But besides from this just being a masterpiece I felt like it related to Warner in the Believe Me novella when Juliette was thought to die on the plane back to Sanctuary. He was so scared to leave her alone in case anything happened to her because of the trauma of almost loosing her. I think because he wasn’t beside his mother when she died, he may hold some regret that she was alone. In the song, there are a lot of ‘what if…’ and I think it could shows Warner thinking of it happening and struggling to move on from it because of the paranoia of someone you love almost dying. “But I told you even then you looked so pretty. In your hospital bed”. “I remember you said you were scared. And so am I”.
It just felt like a warnette song and it’s just so adorable. I can just hear this playing in the background if shatter me was a movie cause they just love each other and deserve everything. “If you’ve been waiting for falling in love. Babe, you don’t have to wait on me" "Pull me oh so close, 'cause you never know just how long our lives will be" " 'Cause what you want is what I want, sincerity"
In Restore Me we were told that Warner was listening to this song on repeat and I understand why. It seams to relate to his life and how it has changed so much from Shatter me to Ignite me (and obviously keeps changing). I struggled to pick out chunks of this song to put in this list but if you listen to it then it will probably be clear. "How does it feel, how does it feel? To be without a home" "Nobody's ever taught you how to live out on the street. And now you're gonna have to get used to it" "You're invisible now, you've got no secrets to conceal"
HEATHENS - twenty one pilots
I felt like this fits into the first shatter me book theme but also other books too. I thought it related to Warner because he is often misunderstood by everyone around him as they do not know, nor understand what he has been through. He is both a tragic hero and anti-hero. (Did any of that make any sense?) "Please don't make any sudden moves. You don't know the half of the abuse" "You'll never know the murderer sitting next to you. You'll think, "How'd I get here, sitting next to you?""
FATHER'S SON - Celeste
This feels like this song relates to Anderson, Warner and Adam. Warner throughout the series is almost trying to tell us he isn't anything like his father despite there being characteristics that are the same. Overall there is one clear factor that makes them stand out from each other. Warners emotions. With Adam and Warner it felt like the lines could fit Ignite me and Restore me. It feels like Warner is trying to process how the can be brothers with similar (but different) backgrounds but turned out to be completely different types of people. it reminded me of when Warner told Juliette he admired Adam for his capability to turn out completely different to him despite receiving Andersons abuse. "I know you look at yourself like me. With the same eyes, we both see through to the end" "I heard it's in your blood, baby. I heard you got the same taste in your mouth" "Maybe I'm my father's son, maybe I'm my father's son. Or, I'm nothing like you, or, I'm nothing like you"
SEVEN - Taylor Swift
This song feels to me like it could almost be from Juliette pov of when she was a child. It felt like the memories of their childhood together in Defy me. it was revealed that Warner and his mother hid in the closet to get away from Anderson and Juliette suggested to live underwater (bby). "And I've been meaning to tell you I think your house is haunted Your dad is always mad and that must be why And I think you should come live with Me and we can be pirates Then you won't have to cry Or hide in the closet And just like a folk song Our love will be passed on"
HIGHER LOVE - Lilly Winwood & Steve Winwood
This song is just so cute and I could imagine it playing when Juliette confessed that she loved Warner in Ignite me. "Things look so bad everywhere. In this whole world, what is fair?" "Worlds are turning, and we're just hanging on. Facing our fear, and standing out there alone" "There must be someone who's feeling for me"
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epros · 2 years
hey guys do you remember when i first got into milgram and made a crazy post about haruka? im about to ramble a bit because i dont feel like making something more in depth but remember when in that post i talked about how my first impression of the girl hes with as a child was not his sister 9or friend???) but his idealized self? well i decided afterwards that both of those things can be true and the release of “all knowing all-agony” solidified that for me hey. dont walk away. let me explain. (deckard cain voice) stay a while and listen... its obvious that harukas relationship with his parents (particularly his mother) is very fraught. they clearly dont care for him. when they have a daughter who is “normal” (not an effeminate ‘son’ who is developing differently than other children) (because haruka is autistic) (if you get it you get it) they stop pretending to care about haruka and focus on the daughter instead and haruka is like what the fuck 😐... haruka killed her for 2 reasons: 1. because he was sick of being neglected by their parents who favored her, particularly their mother because idk the dad has to be absent or a serial killer considering haruka didnt even attempt to latch onto him for approval in the absence of his mothers love (dad does not want a girly “son” even if said son will join the serial killer business) (i cannot explain this further at the moment but it makes sense if youre me or tshirt) (to be brief the fact haruka had been previous validated for killing someone/something and thinks killing Again will totally earn more love and validation is so strange and makes no sense even in the context of if the death was because of his parents taxidermy hobby because theres a stark difference in killing an animal and killing a person and most taxidermied animals are already dead not killed For The Sake Of Taxidermy in this the year of 2022 so someone is a serial killer) and 2. because he was like well there can only be one girl here and youre a REAL girl which is not fair . But if youre gone i will be the girl again. #win the fact all knowing all agony starts with lines like “why was i born like this / why does it hurt so much?” and “you kept calling me ‘hopeless’, you never called me by my name / you were always comparing me to someone else / you were always generous, except towards me / i will definitely make you love me again” and him going into his mothers(?) jewelry drawer and taking a necklace (that might have been his sisters 🤨✍????) is like. there is something happening here. the insistence that “i wasnt wrong, i wasnt wrong” (which was also present weakness) during the chorus, along with pleas for someone to “hug me again as you once did” and “dont leave me alone, dont leave me” and, like the beginning of the song, “why was i born like this? why does it hurt so much?” just makes the soup in my brain start bubbling the real meat of what im trying to talk about comes from lines like “i just wanted to be your good boy. why am i crying again?” and “i will keep on killing to be a good boy”. near the end we also get “why was i born to be me? why does it hurt so much?” like, his mother only validated him when he was a “boy”, and he was killing. apparently. but doing this is painful for him. existing as a boy and also killing people(?) (things?) for attention isnt something haruka particularly wants to do but its what gets the attention he needs. i havent forgotten that in weakness he asked “how many more times do i have to do this so i can be human?” implying if he does not kill he is not human enough. but also his mother was clearly distraught at the end of the video when haruka was on a pile of animal corpses (which was an awesome visual just btw) theres something going on anyway the point im winding to is haruka is a girl actually and maybe her dad is a serial killer (who knows) her mom sucked and maybe she killed her sister out of frustration and neglect and also because she wanted to steal her gender (but haruka was a girl before her sister came into the picture make no mistake she did not decide to become a girl because her sister got more attention and love than she did. but it did prove to her in her mind that oh well if im a girl then 🤨... like do you get it?)
tshirt put it thusly after we watched all knowing all agony: “i'm just like. narrativizing this in my head like "oh and haruka self consciously models himself after specific women in order to gain their approval and also disavow the femininity as emerging intrinsically from him-- btw also his dad is killing people" which i think sums up what im trying to say because ive just kind of been on a stream of consciousness ramble because i fell asleep thinking about harukaisms last night truly i cant get over the repetition of lines like “why was i born like this why does it hurt so much” “i wanted to be your good boy / why am i crying again” like im sorry but there is something so gender about taking on the habits of the women around you and being agonized by the fact you are not physically like them and crying over being a boy but wanting to be a boy because its what you “are” and the only thing your parents will see you as and they are the only source of love and validation you have in your life even though they are not validating or loving you and resent you the more you try to gain their affections. LIKE MAKE IT MAKE SENSE ? also i think its really funny if harukas dad IS a serial killer because we have someone like kotoko who is gungho for vigilante justice so much so she beat the shit out of an 11 year old cult survivor (i wont forgive milgram fandom for voting amane guilty btw) and mikoto who is so stressed by familial responsibility and work that he started disassociating and beat a guy to death with a baseball bat and also shidou botched surgeries for reasons currently unclear (finger paresthesia? moving a loved one up on the organ donor list? both?) and its just like. haruka with the actual lucid serial killer dad. who also kills people because she feels like she has to. i dont know its just really funny to think about... (theres also futas whole thing and kazuis and yunos but they arent killers. probably. futa wasnt a willfully malicious murderer he just accidentally doxxed a woman alongside the guy who was sexually harassing her and social pressure drove her to suicide. kazui is a closeted gay man with a wife who may or may not have killed herself. i wrote a whole thing about it remember? and yuno had an abortion. which like, is against the law, especially if she didnt have the ‘fathers’ consent to do it, and depending on the method of abortion. mahiru has something going on idfk if shes a stalker or what. and then theres haruka and muu. muu is so funny spoiled rich lesbian schoolgirl who is feeling super validated that her murder was justified because she was being bullied and now she has haruka to yank around. falling back on her old ojou-sama hobbies. good for her) milgram is so funny.... anyway tl;dr i do think haruka displayed girl power when she murdered her sister(?) and whoever or whatever else she might have killed for attention and voting her innocent/forgiven is the best option (because its the funniest option for her future development)
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mothmans-cumrag · 10 months
Rewatching The Apple be like
finally! I took a break of about a year but I'm back!
I feel like I'm always saying this but how many people, especially high ranking people does it take for them to go on a mission? because of "strange sensor readings"??
I forgot how hot Bones is, fuck (<- this is also Jim's and Spock's internal monologue whenever they see him, btw)
"Husbandry would be quite efficacious" Spock I had to google that word before I was sure but I think you just proposed
Ah, the garden of Eden was just outside Moscow scene, we've all seen it
So he just used kilometres which I am happy about but before they were talking about the planet having an average of 76° which must mean Fahrenheit. I am confusion
killer flowers over here lol
Scotty fishing for shore leave <3 love him
Pavel using this situation to flirt as if he did't just see a colleague die like two metres in front of him
no matter how often I rewatch it, the explosive rock scene is one of the funniest things ever to me
Spock diving in front of a deadly plant for his boyfriends is the best thing ever to me, sorry not sorry <3<3<3<3<3<3
Oh wow, the transporters don't work, that's something I've never seen before in my life.
Spock calling the hypospray "potion" <3
Jim is so fucking right every time someone jumps in front of someone they could just fucking yell for them to get out of the way. This way it's much more romantic tho so...
These lighting bolts are so... realistic
Three redshirts down, and one of their dads apparently helped Jim get into the academy? But why did the redshirt not get a better job than redshirt if his dad apparently had some sort of influence?
ah, the survivor's guilt mixed with the guilt of being in charge... getting real Hans Kammerlander vibes rn... (google his name and the Manaslu if you don't know what I mean)
"what do you want, Violins?" will now be my answer every time someone comments on my tone of voice
ohhhhh, this was the planet of the Aryans! (not sure if my being German makes it more or less ok for me to say that, but there isn't another word I know for blonde ppl with blue eyes who are conventionally attractive)
Spock just touched this man's chin. With his hand. Is that cheating?
"If you don't get those Warp engine's working you're fired" mate if he doesn't fix them he'll literally die. WHat are you, Hermione?
Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more
"It makes me uncomfortable" bitch I bet, those things look scratchy as fuck
I like how half of them immediately got rid of these flower things <3 literally me
you tell him Spock! Humans literally are the minority!!!
"stawp fighting!!!! They've got the Enterprise!!!!" Jim I hear you but philosophical arguments are literally my only life source
sex. the word you're looking for is sex.
goddamnit they are all so uncomfortable talking about one of the most natural things in the world, idk if I should be amused or sad for them
awwwww, she calls him Pav!!! they are actually pretty cute
i feel gross watching the natives kiss and idk why
how to kill someone 101
oh really Spock. you telling me James Tiddies out Kirk wants to ignore the prime directive? wow. what a shocker. I am shocked.
Bones stepped on the belt of his tricoder when getting up and for some reason this is endearing to me
This is the third time Spock injured himself this episode and yet he is still capable of more sass than any squatch I know (get it? sasquatch. haha.
Damn, Martha can fight! Oh, and the last redshirt has died
awww hell nah, Scotty lost his job :(
awww hell yea, Scotty got his job back :)
They should give them actual sex ed wtf
the bickering at the end is always my favourite thing <3<3<3<3<3<3 10/10 will watch again (and again and again and again)
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sopebubbles · 11 months
hello there! before i start with my ramblings, may i know what to call you? your username is sopebubbles and i love sope and bubbles!! but what do i call you ? i’m sorry if i missed any ask that have mentioned your name, but i really don’t know what to call you other than author-nim 😭 so im so sorry!
— btw i just finished my final papers. my days were hectic with studies and revisioned with these killer subjects that literally killing me, but i managed to pull it off and end it well sighhhhhh. i’m 22 yet im still taking exams. (never quit learning btw, it’s good to stimulate your brain-) anywayyyy, that’s why now i have some times to come back to tumblr and have my precious time delulu-ing away with my favourite fics updates!!
imagine my surprise that i saw two chapter updated 😭😭 omg it was heavenly surprised!!!
actually it took me few weeks to collect myself, my thoughts, my spirits, to talk (sending ask) to you here. now i’m good to discuss this eheks :3 i hope that you don’t mind with me being so handful and asks lots of questions sometimes 😔 ㅋㅋㅋ
emm,to start, i wonder if yn ever will ever share her sad background story with the pack as now she’s one of the pack and yoongi’s mate. with how privileged life that most members in the pack grew up with, unlike yoongi and jimin and maybe taehyung too. so i wonder if she will ever tell them and maybe in future it might be a solid reasons to the pack to protect her. as in in chapter 12 where namjoon feels threatened by yn that she might stole the spot or something. i feel like they need to know how horrible she was treated before, you know my little heart sometimes cannot handle this injustice feeling - however i understand why namjoon felt that too. yet still — shhshshs
for taehyung and jungkook, what is their position in the pack? i mean jimin close with yoongi obviously. seokjin and hobi are married, namjoon being seokjin right hand man. so where does these left jungkook and taehyung? are they like just there in the pack like a family or they are lovers too with others? sorry if this sounds stupid but i am stupid so it’s not surprising. shshshs
anyway anyhow by the way, i cheer for your upcoming stories! rest well and don’t get hurt!!
🙋🏻‍♀️hiiiii! Nice to hear from you again! I'm glad to hear you got through your exams. I absolutely do not miss those days! Learning is fun but taking tests is not! I'm grateful you made time to read my little story.
As for what to call me, i guess you can call me maddie! Although author-nim gives me a nice warm feeling 🥰
She will definitely tell them, although it probably won't be all at once. She will reveal some to just Yoongi in the next chapter though! They will all come to understand her and love her better eventually.
They are lovers too!! Jungkook was the third to join. For a year or two or was just Jin, Hobi and Jungkook. Then Jungkook and Jin kept bringing home strays 🤭 Jin brought Namjoon and Jungkook brought Taehyung not too long after. Jungkook has a very central role in the pack, though they all do in their own way. He's kind of close with everyone. Taehyung is closest with Hobi, Jimin and Jungkook, although Yoongi and Jin give him a lot of respect and trust, leaving him to protect their omega(s) all day long. When it comes to Jimin, they're very silly but very close and really understand each other. Low key if the pack had split, Tae might have asked to go with Jimin.
You're not stupid at all!! You've done so well with school and i hope you have some time to relax! Thank you for your questions, they're never a bother 💜
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mrultra100 · 2 years
4th Anniversary Special; Top 10 Vampires
4 years… Holy hell, it’s already been that long? Might as well do something to celebrate. Now, what’s something that I love beyond all reasonable measure and won’t shut the hell up about? What’s pale, supernatural, and blood-thirsty that I’m hooked for…?
*GASP!* I got it!  VAMPIR-
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Oh…Lemme fix this for a bit.
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There we go…VAMPIRES! I love me some vampires! Many of you know that I’m a sucker (Geddit?) for these goofy creatures of the night. Hell, one of my own OCs IS a vampire! Since we’ve started this blog with vampires, why not celebrate by countin’ down my top 10 favorite vamps? If we ignore both that stupid Morbin meme and those godawful books made by a delusional, racist cow (That last part’s real, btw), we can wash all of that out by talking about a bunch of silly bloodsuckers for a good few minutes. Better get some garlic and wooden stakes ready, cuz’ we’re about to go full-blown Bela Legosi all up in this mother! This, ladies, gentlemen, and others, is my Top 10 Vampires!
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10. Malzeno (Monster Hunter Rise; Sunbreak)
The first (And newest) “vampire” on this list, and it’s not even a vampire! What gives!? I’ll tell ya what gives! Malzeno is rad as hell! While it’s only here because as of me writing this, Sunbreak is just about to come out, and we still don’t know everything about this silvery Drac-drake. Not only is it one of the best Elder Dragons in the series, it has a killer theme (As per usual with most of the themes in MH), and its design captures all of the charm as a regular vampire. I’m not a regular Monster Hunter player, but mark my words, I can bet that people are planning to make a badass cape from its wings once they slay it. Guess it pays to be THIS banging, huh?
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9. Count Von Count (Sesame Street)
Yes…I’m including the counting vampire puppet. Try and stop me, PIGS! While he’s not the perfect example of a vampire (Blood-sucking is a huge no-no for a kid’s show), the Count has a good few traits related to vamps. Also, for those who aren’t used to vampire lore, the Count’s obsession with counting actually has some roots in vampire mythology, as one of a vampire’s lesser-known weaknesses is a compulsive need to count things, giving their victims enough time to escape. Is that why he hasn’t tried to attack and drain the residents of Sesame Street? Nah, he would never do such a thing!
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8. Wilhamena (OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes)
Here she is, folks; One of the most beloved (And lewded-on) vampiresses we’ve seen in quite some time. What could I say about Enid’s hot vampire momma that hasn’t already been said? People love her that much. Wilhamea here is an example of one of my favorite type of vampire; Tall, with a long dress that covers their whole body, along with massive hair, and well-endowed hourglass figure. It helps that Wilhamena’s a certified MILF.
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7. Slayer (Guilty Gear)
One of the classiest vampires on this list, Slayer is a true gentleman. While he maybe a creature of the night, Slayer is actually one of the good guys. Not only does he enjoy a good, fair battle, but he also aids Millia Rage in her quest and gives her helpful advise. Hell, his own wife is okay with being drained, having more than enough blood to go around for him. We can always use a guy like Slayer.
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(Credit to Bogleech for the depiction seen here)
6. Pentasite (Mortasheen)
Yes...this...THING counts as a vampire. Ya see, in the world of Mortasheen (An ongoing RPG project made by the wonderful @bogleech​ ), vampires are monstrous, telekinetic animals affected by an ancient virus from the deep sea. It’s only in the last few eons that these bizarre, blood-sucking beasts started to haul themselves onto dry land. As for Pentasite? Well, I’m gonna let its official description do the work.
“This large Echinoderm mutation achieves sentience without a central brain and amazing agility without a muscle structure. It is one of the few vampires capable of reproduction without parasitic implantation in a living host, as any portion severed from its body will slowly develop into a complete creature. Like a normal starfish, the Pentasite regurgitates its stomach over prey, but no longer uses the organ in digestion. Rather, the stomach is utilized only as a sticky net to constrict prey and drag it towards the blood-sucking teeth.”
Scary, huh?
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5. Seras Victoria (Hellsing: Ultimate)
I’m not the biggest anime buff around, you should all know that. With all of that said...How did a show popped out a vampire girl that goes this hard? Seras is the right combination of cute, sexy, badass, and horrifying that I could ask for in a vampire girl character. I could learn alot more about Hellsing, huh?
Also, Police Girl is a golden nickname in terms of comedy.
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4. Alucard (Castlevania)
Oh, what. Ya thought that I was gonna follow up Police Girl with her master? You’ve must’ve gotten your Alucards wrong. The Alucard I’m bringing up ain’t Dracula...He’s merely the son of him. Thankfully for all of mankind, Alucard chosen to become a hero, defying his evil father and his wicked ways. There are alot of characters out there who deserve a spot in Smash, and this sword-wielding dhampir is ONE of the biggest. He was already an Assist Trophy in Ultimate, so what’s stopping Konami and Nintendo from adding him into the next Smash game?
...On second thought, the stupid “enefftees” that Konami were making, along with the various slip-ups made by Nintendo may already answered that.
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3. Globert (Mixels)
Yeah, yeah. I’m well aware that the Glowkies are technically NOT “vampires”, but since they’re the closest we’ll ever get to a vampire in the Mixelverse, I’ll let it slide. Globert is basically the living personification of “flanboyant”. He hosts parties, sings and dances, he and his whole crew live in a cave on the Mixel Moon, and don’t get me started on how he dresses. If you’re looking for the ultimate party animal to host your shindig, here’s your answer!
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(Credit to Daria Cohen for the art seen here)
2. Duke and Missi (The Vampair)
That’s right, I’m puttin’ both Duke and Missi together for a single spot on this very list! To tell you all the truth, the vampy-ness of these two grows the strongest when they’re together. Ever since their series got the love that it deserves years ago, I’ve been keeping up with it and their antics. I even graduated high school a few days after the season finale came out, and I first discovered the show early on in my freshman year! I’ve come full circle with these two, haven’t I?
And finally, for number 1...
You already knew who it is, so let’s just get down to brass tax, shall we?
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1. Vampire Twins (Johnny Test)
As much as V-Mary is my favorite character of all time, I couldn’t leave Susan out of this. Besides, they’re basically the mascots of this very blog! On this day, 4 years ago, my first ever post on this site featured the V-Twins, and I’ve certainly done alot with them since then, huh? From requesting fanart to a bunch of other artists like a weirdo, to stepping up to the plate and starting my own art career out of a want to bring these two back in a big way. I honestly have the Vampire Twins to thank for inspiring me to become an artist at all.
And there have ya have it! It’s been 4 years since this blog began. I’ve been through alot; Hopping onto other sites, picking up art-making as a hobby, making new friends, etc, it’s been a long, wild journey for me so far, and I’m excited to see what comes next. Thank you all so much for reading, and here’s to another 4 years and beyond!
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