#new chapter is out btw ;D
fabuloustrash05 · 4 months
Turtles In The Roaring 20s, Chapter 20 spoilers without context:
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ode2rin · 4 months
to all the lovely ppl asking to be added to the kaiser mini-series taglist, jus wanna say that i see youuu and you've been added dw !!! and that i apologize for not replying i almost slapped myself for typing a "this is noted" and nearly sending it as a reply ._. i fear i brought home the horrors of capitalism that day ._.
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The Price of Silence - Diamonds to Dust Ch5
Synopsis: Lusik’s pretty determined to get some information out of her captive, with the help of her trusty knife. Storm’s not giving in that easily, though.
Content: Interrogation whump, torture for information, lots of slicing and slashing with a knife, angy whumper, stoic whumpee (or at least, Storm’s trying to be)
Taglist: @whump-queen @ghostsinthecloset
Lusik slams her hands forcefully down on the table, startling her prisoner. They look up at her with weary eyes and a straight face through matted blue hair.
“Answer my question!” she demands.
Storm says nothing, as they’ve been doing for the past hour. It’s incredibly frustrating, but Lusik is determined to keep her cool. Though, when she uses her knife to make another long cut across their arm, she can’t help but dig the blade in deeper than usual. Storm winces sharply, giving Lusik some temporary satisfaction.
She’s going to have to stop soon, though. Their arms and hands are covered in dozens of little cuts from her knife. Blood pools in the lacerations and drips down onto the table that they’re handcuffed to. If she goes too far, then they might lose too much blood.
Lusik stares straight into Storm’s eyes with a frosty expression. “There’s no reason for you to not say anything.” As she asserts this, she slices the back of their hand, crossing over a previous cut she made.
They still don’t say a word, but she notices Storm breaking out into a cold sweat, straining to not cry out in pain.
She’ll break them soon, she swears on it.
Lusik wanders around the table and stops when she’s standing behind them. “It’s such a small question,” she sighs. “Do you live with Xavier Hsu, or do you not?”
Still nothing but dead silence from them. Lusik scowls and drags her short blade through a cut she already made on Storm’s shoulder. She takes her time, using a sawing motion to really make it hurt. Storm flinches and lets out a quiet cry of pain, and her mouth curls into a smirk.
“You know you’re stuck here, right?” Lusik remarks. Storm stares at the wall, away from her, stone-faced.
Without warning, she grabs them by the hair and pulls their head up, exposing their throat, and hovers her knife just over their windpipe. Storm’s eyes go wide with fear and panic, and they tremble and thrash around, fruitlessly trying to escape her grasp.
“Wait—wait, I—” Storm stutters out, voice raspy from disuse and dehydration.
“Yes?” Lusik encourages, interested.
Storm opens their mouth like they’re about to say something. But after a few moments, they clam up, pressing their lips tightly together.
Lusik can’t fucking believe it. She was this close, she knows it! She starts to see red, wanting nothing more than to crush their ribs into pieces, but instead, Lusik works to channel her anger into making her words as vicious as possible.
“Nobody’s coming for you, you know that?” Poison coats her every word. She slits the skin just under their collarbone, and they let out a low whimper.
“The only people who know that you’re here? Are you, me, and the guards outside the door.” It’s not remotely true, but Storm doesn’t know that.
Storm shakes their head. “Xavier… he’ll…”
“Never find you.” Lusik interrupts. “So give up on this obstinate little act of yours. You’re my prisoner, and you’re gonna be for a long time.” She tightens her grip on their hair to make sure they’re paying attention. “I suggest you don’t make it too painful for yourself.”
“So, are you going to answer my question, or are you going to continue being difficult?”
Lusik waits for a response, but the silence is deafening. Storm’s expression is contorted in fear, yet they still refuse to talk.
She grits her teeth. God. Fuck this. She has other places to be and better things to do than waste her time trying to coax secrets out of someone too stubborn to spill them.
In a final flash of rage, she slams their head down into the table with a loud bang. Storm lets out a disoriented yelp and looks up with a dazed look on their face. Blood drips from their nostrils, staining their face.
“We’ll continue this tomorrow,” she hisses before striding out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her.
AN: Yeahhh first proper torture chapter >:)
Next chapter I’m gonna introduce the final main character (or, well, final for now) and then we’ll have the whole cast!!
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prodagustd · 1 month
the road not taken 04 | myg
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part four: a wish
Summary: Were you about to go crazy if you started to consider that Yoongi felt something for you?
<part three
—pairing: lawyer!yoongi x actress oc
—rating: +18
—genre: brother's best friend, one sided pinning (or both?)
—warnings/tags: slow burn, angst, FLUFF ❤️‍🩹, eventual smut, angst, sexual tension!!!!! flashbacks, ANGST!! mentions of sex 👀Btw english is not my first language!
—words: 9.6k
—a/note: hiiii friends!!! i'm glad to say that it didn't take me six months to post this :D. I genuinely went through the most stressful two months of my life so I'm really proud that I could finish this chapter while trying to survive this thing called being an adult!! Anywayy, I’m excited for this chapter but I’m MORE EXCITED FOR THE NEXT ONE… 👀 so please have patience with this story!!! I promise it’s worth it hehehe. As always, you are more than invited to discuss this chapter in the asks, feedback is always welcomed <3 this one is very fluffy i hope you enjoy ittt. (Also if you read a typo, no you didn’t)
series masterlist | teaser | playlist
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Four years ago
Seven days before New Year’s Eve
Were you too naive to still believe your father when he said that you were granted a wish every Christmas? He used to say that every year when he was still around and you were still a kid, when the clock struck twelve you could wish anything you wanted, as long as it wasn’t something material or more presents, you had to wish for something special, something that made you happy. 
The last Christmas before your father passed away you were seven years old and still believed in Santa Claus. That year, for some reason, your wish slipped your mind, you forgot about it completely. You stayed at your house, watched movies the whole day in your pajamas and at midnight your parents let both you and Simon open only one present before sending you to bed. You remembered how your father chased you to the stairs to tickle you until you cried of laughter and how good the cookies your mother made that night were, perhaps that year you were too happy to remember making a wish, perhaps what you had was enough. When you woke up the next morning, you were sad that you had wasted it, but your father, wise as ever, told you not to worry. He said that it was like you were saving your wish for the next year — maybe then it would be stronger, and maybe, since you waited, you would have a better chance of it coming true.
By the time Christmas came the following year your father was already gone, and with him all the magic of the world. You had to grow up, you stopped making wishes and tried to stop believing in stories, but it was difficult when his words were still at the back of your mind like some sort of tradition every holiday season. Despite knowing that magic didn’t exist and perhaps not a single wish of yours had ever come true, you still couldn't help but believe you still had your last wish, and everytime the idea of finally making it crossed your mind, you stopped to tell yourself you could still wait another year, just to be sure. 
That morning you saw Yoongi leaned over his car, adjusting his cap as he saw you walking over to him and you thought about your saved wish for the first time this year. And then again when he grabbed your hand to drag you out of the room, or when he waited for you at the bottom of the stairs before leaving the house, but you wouldn’t admit it, not even to yourself. 
He dragged you all across your grandmother’s hometown as if you didn’t know it like the palm of your hand, as if the streets weren’t filled with kids running and whole families doing last-minute gift shopping, but he didn’t seem to care, so for once, you didn’t let it annoy you either. You observed the happy families and the kids playing in the snow, and sat in the park for as long as the cold weather allowed.
It was like you entered a trance, you tried to fight the urge to snap out of the moment and talked and talked the whole afternoon about everything and nothing at the same time, Yoongi listened and laughed while playing with the ends of your hair, pushing you closer to the edge of illusion. If you weren’t so adamant to stay in that blurry haze, you would’ve done something to stop him, you would’ve push his hand away when he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, you would’ve hated how easy it was for him to play dumb, how natural it was to touch you without feeling something was wrong. You ignored it instead, you ignored him and his wandering hands and the fact that he didn’t dare to mention the moment you shared in the closet, nor the way your noses brushed together, or how his fingers hugged your waist as if you weren’t just friends. Even if you would’ve died for him to say a word about it, to tease you, to attempt to make fun of you just to know that what happened was real and not something you dreamt last night.
If you were really dreaming, you held on to your sleep for a while. When Yoongi found that secondhand bookstore five blocks away from the park, he grabbed your hand when you ran across the street before the traffic lights turned green and stayed inside wandering the aisles with him, you let him lean over to whisper jokes in your ear and you punched his arms when he made you laugh a little bit too loud. You tried to keep your voices low and made a list of books to read the following year. You didn’t buy any of them but you read the prologues and the author’s biographies like it was the most interesting thing in the world. You waited for Yoongi when he started to talk with an old man about a book he needed for college and, when he felt you drifting away, he hooked one of his fingers on the belt loop of your jeans and pulled you close to him again. You felt his hands on your waist, keeping you pressed against the side of your body while he pretended to be focused on the conversation, but he was focused on something else. His long fingers played with the waistband of your jeans as your chest felt tight and your breath felt heavier. Maybe you were beginning to go insane, maybe you had a fever and everything was just a product of your imagination, but a tiny voice inside your head quietly suggested that maybe this time you weren’t insane, maybe it was just him.
It was getting dark outside, and you were supposed to be home anytime soon, but he turned his head to you and whispered in your ear that you should save a seat at the coffee shop next door and wait for him while he paid for the book. Even if it was cold and snowing neither of you wanted to return home yet, so you agreed. You made your way to the cute little coffee shop adorned with Christmas lights and sat on a table to wait for him to arrive at the table, until you saw him entering the shop with a book wrapped in brown wrapping paper in his hands. 
You observed him approaching with your face on the palms of your hands, you watched his eyes scanning the place until they found you in some poor illuminated corner. He smiled, his eyes never left yours as he made his way to your table, and when he sat in front of you, he slid the book towards you. 
“This is for you.” He simply said, crossing his arms over his chest like it was no big deal. 
You frowned, confused. Did Yoongi get you some lawyer book? You didn’t know, you grabbed the wrapped book in your hands and scanned it as if you were able to see through the envelope. “The book you needed for college?”
“It’s not that.” He huffed. “It’s a present.” 
You tried to bite back a smile, but you failed. “Is this your way to tell me you forgot to buy me a Christmas present?” You joked, making him roll his eyes. 
“C’mon, you know me.” He said “I would never give you a Christmas present before Christmas, are you crazy?”
You laughed “So is this not a Christmas present?” You inquired, teasing him. 
“It is a Christmas present, but not the Christmas present that I got for you.” He tried to clarify, and it sounded confusing but you understood him anyway. 
You nodded, tearing the wrapping paper to reveal that Yoongi just bought you an Anne Sexton poetry book, the title “Love Poems” shinned in red on the cover, making you hold your breath for a second. 
You raised your gaze from the book to find his eyes, which were looking at you expectantly, the same way someone looked at the moon, yearning. The same way you were looking at him. 
“How did you know…?” The question died in your lips.
“I just know.” He cheekily said, and that was enough.
You know me, he said, and you felt your heart aching when you realized that Yoongi knew you too, and it was becoming impossible to escape from it.
You spent these past weeks trying to make it disappear, but there it was again, that strange feeling you felt in your chest, like something tugged from a string tied to your heart to try and steal it away. You were sure Yoongi thought he had his ways with you, that he was some kind of genius that knew exactly what to say and what to do to erase the frown from your face and make you laugh, but the truth was that he didn’t need to do much effort to win you over, the truth was that he already had you. He had you then, and he had you now and you weren’t sure if that was ever going to change, but today you didn’t care, you let him walk you home as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders like that warm wouldn’t chill you to the bone when he left. 
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You had successfully gone through dinner without having to answer questions about college, or your future, or anything about yourself at all, part of it was because your grandmother didn’t ask any questions to begin with. Maybe you were a bit jealous that she seemed more interested in Eva, your cousin, who was a biochemist and just got engaged, or Aidan, your other cousin, who was just admitted into college, or even Yoongi, who was about to graduate, however, you felt relieved that the attention was not focused on you. You were used to your family thinking that you were a thirteen year old teenager and not a twenty one year adult, the attention was never really on you, sometimes it bounced on you accidentally like a ball and, from time to time, you got to share a glimpse of information about your life, but most of the time your mother answered for you as if you were a kid in the hospital room, trying to include you in conversations and talking about your own projects, and that was enough for everyone. 
In the past, your mother had sat you down several times to explain that your grandmother was never an easy woman, she reassured you that her judgmental behavior was a reflection of herself, not of you. She always offered to let you stay at home if you wanted to, but you refused only for the rest of the family, you could stand being with your grandmother if that meant being with the rest of them. And you learnt to endure it all: your grandmother’s judging look, all the talking about your cousin’s achievements, their goals, projects, flawless record, and the fact that everyone seemed to be finding their paths except for you. You had to learn to pretend you were happy for them and not jealous, you took several breaths and moved on, and for a while you thought that after two decades of your life you had finally mastered the art in not giving a fuck about what your family thought about you, until today when you ran to hide in the closet so they wouldn’t find you. 
You had to work on that, you knew that, but at least for now the blatant disinterest for your life spared you from having to explain your life crisis, at least Yoongi was by your side, redirecting attention to him and the real question everyone wanted to ask but no one dared, a question that eclipsed any other topic of conversation: what was happening between the two of you? 
You looked at him next to you, charming as ever, talking with your uncle across the table. He decided to put on his glasses, his cheeks were pink and the sleeves of his blue sweater were rolled up to his elbows, his arm was casually resting on the top rail of your chair and every time he made a joke he looked at you to check if you were laughing. Every attempt he made to try to make you part of the conversation made your heart swell, but you were more than happy just observing him blending into your family as if he were part of it; you wanted to be as clueless as everyone on the table and believe that Yoongi could be sitting next year at this very same table to be there for you, for a moment you allowed yourself to dream of a reality where he saved you from every family gathering like he was doing tonight.
From the tip of your nose to the tip of your toes you felt warm, almost as if you had a fever. It was probably because you were still wearing your black sweater inside the house or because the memory of the book Yoongi gave you kept your cheeks burning red, or maybe because when dinner was over and your family lingered over the table for the longest time they could, you saw Yoongi tilting his head towards the stairs, meaning it was time to go to bed. 
There was a couple differences between this weekend and the night Yoongi slept with you after coming back from The Alley, that night you wouldn’t have ask him to stay over if you were sober, and he most likely wouldn’t have stay if he wasn’t high, tonight you had to share the room, but it was impossible for you not to be dramatic and always make big deals out of small things. Unlike you, Yoongi didn’t flinch when you told him you were going to sleep in the same room, you failed to remember that you were the one who had a decade-long crush on him and not the other way around.
Now the house was quiet and everyone was scattered around the floors, your cousins were in the living room with your uncle, your grandmother was already in bed, your mom was in the kitchen washing the dishes and Yoongi was upstairs, waiting for you. Before going with him, you changed into your pajamas and went to the kitchen to steal a few cookies that your mother cooked for tomorrow morning. You could wait a few hours more to eat the cookies, but you were desperately trying to look for an excuse to prolong the moment you entered the room you were sharing with the man upstairs. 
You entered the kitchen, making your mother turn around from the sink to take a quick look at you before coming back to the dishes. “Are you already going to sleep?” She asked, a curious tone on her voice. 
“Yeah, but I wanted to grab a few cookies first, is that okay?” You inquired, already opening the cabinet above her head to grab a big plate.
“Just a few, remember they’re for everyone.” She warned, and you hummed in response, knowing that you were going to grab more than just a few. 
The room fell silent for a moment, you heard the water running and your dragging feet making their way to the cookies on the counter before she raised her voice again. “Are they for you and Yoongi?” 
You hummed again “Yes, just a few, I promise.” You said, grabbing what it seemed to be a whole batch of cookies to put on the plate. 
You tried to be quick, putting an extra cookie for the road between your teeth and turning around to escape from your mother before she could see you and scold you for stealing way too many cookies. Trying not to make any noise, as if that could make you invisible, you made your way towards the door to escape, but when you thought you were about to succeed, you heard the nickname your mom used for you from the corner of the room, stopping you in your tracks. 
“Wait, darling.” You heard her tone of voice, surprised that it wasn’t annoyed, but rather motherly. 
You turned around slowly with your guard up, as if in that way she wouldn’t notice the cookie between your teeth. You took it out of your mouth, hiding it behind your back.
“Yes?” You answered, remaining calm. You would not give yourself away when you already made this far. 
She closed the faucet, turning around to face you. Her eyes fell upon you, offering you an apologetic smile, which was weird, it was the kind of smile she gave you when she knew she was about to upset you. It wasn’t the kind of face someone who was about to scold you would make, she looked hesitant, almost worried. 
“I wanted to-... I mean, I wanted to ask you about something.” She said, stumbling with her own words. Her eyes were not focused on the plate on your hands, not even in your face completely, like she was trying to avoid your eyes. You felt a rush of nervousness running down your body and quickly dissipating, you didn’t know why. 
“About what?” You inquired, wiping the crumbs from your mouth. 
She sighed, playing with the towel in her hands to keep her hands busy. “I know you don’t want me to be all over your business, and I’m aware you are not a teenager anymore, but I can’t help worrying a little bit.” She explained, or at least she tried.
You frowned, more confused than ever. The conversation seemed to be taking a completely different path than you thought five seconds ago. 
“What do you mean, mom?” You said, taking a step forward, what did this have to do with the cookies?
Your mom pursed her lips, hesitating for a microsecond until the words finally came out of her mouth. “You are already a woman, darling, so I wanted to know if you are… cautious.” She pronounced, making emphasis on the last word and letting it sink in the air, but you still didn’t understand what she was talking about. 
“Cautious with what?” You must've looked like a total fool, asking once again what she meant, but your mother seemed to want you to understand without having to explain. 
She shifted in her place and you saw a flash of embarrassment in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared. “With Yoongi, I mean.” She said, making the name resonate in your ears “I know you’re both adults and you can do whatever you want, but I wanted to make sure that you are using protection.”
The realization fell upon you like a ton of bricks, each word she uttered felt like a different punch to your stomach. You opened your eyes widely, almost choking with your own spit.  “What? No, mom-” You wanted to interrupt her, but she was quick to talk over you. 
“I just want to make sure!” She said like she was apologizing “I don’t mean to be invasive, but it’s important to me that you’re being safe.”
You winced, feeling your face burning as you began stuttering “Me and Yoongi…-We are not, I mean-”
“Honey,” She stopped you, looking at you like she was a sex education teacher trying to explain why you should use protection. “I was not born yesterday, I see things happening, and believe me, I have no problem with you sharing a room, but I can’t help but ask.”
You were left completely speechless, and her constant interruptions while you were trying to finish a sentence were not helping. You racked your brain to find a logical explanation, but you were incapable of forming a decent sentence when she was looking at you like she was a doctor. The fact that your mother thought that you and Yoongi were having sex made your stomach squirm, and how she stated that it was obvious left your head spinning. Did she see you today in that closet and immediately assumed you were… fucking? God, that sounded so bad, so incredibly embarrassing. You still felt yourself blushing when you thought about that moment, you couldn’t even fathom the idea of seeing him without a shirt, less alone having sex with him.
“Mom, please. You don’t have to worry, really.” You tried to explain, but that was not enough to leave your mother content, by the look on her face you knew she didn’t believe you one bit. 
“I know I don’t have to worry!” She defended herself “Yoongi is a great boy, and I trust you… But you know, if things get a bit too frisky...” 
You closed your eyes shut, trying not to picture that in your mind, “God, mom, don’t use that word!” 
“Sorry! I mean… You know what I mean! I hope you’re using protection, no matter the circumstances.” 
You took a deep breath, ninety percent sure you were about to die of embarrassment, but with your last breath you made sure to be clear with your mom so tonight she would sleep peacefully “Believe me, mom. You don’t have to worry, nothing happened between Yoongi and me, I mean it.”
You could see it in her eyes, she was not convinced, and she was right to be so. That was a lie, and she knew it. What happened today was not “nothing”, and your mother knowing that only made your cheeks burn.
“Fine.” She said, struggling to let the conversation go “But if something does happen… Be safe, okay?”
You nodded repeatedly, trying to end the conversation as soon as possible. “Yes, of course.” You promised, but the idea of that ever happening sent a chill down your spine, you tried to shake that thought as far away as you possibly could. 
Your mom smiled and you took it as your cue to go. You tried to walk away, but before you reached the door, she spoke again. 
“And darling?” She said, making you turn around to see her. “I know you don’t like coming here without your brother, so thank you for coming anyway.”
“It’s fine, mom.” You said, and it was true. “At least Yoongi made up for it.”
She smirked, suppressing a laugh. “Oh, I’m sure.”
You rolled your eyes, in disbelief. “Yup, I’m going now, goodnight!” You said, finally escaping from the conversation. You heard your mom’s laugh in the distance as you closed the door behind you to run upstairs. 
When you visited Simon’s apartment for the first time you could clearly notice it was a boy’s apartment from the lack of decoration, the lack of food in the fridge and the amount of boxes still unpacked weeks after moving in, but after you entered through the door tonight you saw a completely different version of it. It was a part of him that you missed out when you were gone, now there were plants on the living room and traces of Florence all over the place, like her purple slippers on the door and the purple toothbrush on the bathroom, her scrunchies on the entryway table and the framed picture of her beside them. You found it endearing, it was like a secret world made just for the two of them, a proper home. 
“When is Florence coming back?” You asked, leaving your bag on the couch. 
Simon took off his shoes, wandering through his house as he turned all the lights on “On Monday.” He replied.
You made a mental note to leave on Monday, even if Simon repeated a thousand times that it was okay for you to stay there on the way here, you didn’t want to intrude in his life. Instead you decided it would be easier to intrude in Minnie’s life, who’s apartment was big enough for the two of you, the only person she shared her apartment with was not an actual person, it was just her orange cat. 
 “I was supposed to go with her.” Your brother kept talking “But me and Yoongi are behind on some work and I had to stay… Well, I’m the one who’s behind, really. Yoongi is just helping me.”
You did not forget that Simon and Yoongi worked together at the same law firm downtown ever since they graduated. You knew that Yoongi got the job as soon as he graduated and then he was followed by your brother, after years it was still impossible to keep them apart, which had become a problem for you. 
You nodded but didn’t say anything about it, you reasoned that Yoongi was still working before arriving at your house, that explained the clothes, the shoes and the messy hair. You sighed just by thinking about it, at least dinner was over, at least your first encounter with Yoongi after four years wasn’t the worst thing that happened tonight. 
It was impossible, but you tried not to think about it too much. Yoongi’s presence was some kind of collateral effect that came with your life, it was too late to detach him from it, but you still tried to run away from it for years and years, only to come back and still find him here, talking to you like nothing ever happened, like you were still friends. 
Yoongi and you were always on different stages of your life, on different places, on different paths, but you seemed to agree on one thing: keep everything secret, no one needed to know what happened between the two of you, that was why Simon was always talking about Yoongi when you called him, that was why he couldn’t stop talking about it him now, he didn’t realize that you didn’t want to know anything about his best friend, you could never told him why.
You followed your brother to his guest room as he talked and talked about how smart Yoongi was and how he was capable of taking so many different cases and not dying in the process, how nice it was to work with his best friend and blablabla. You swore that if you heard the name one more time you would explode, so you decided to drastically change the subject of the conversation, you were willing to say anything to take his name out of your brother’s mouth. It took a second, but when the room fell silent, you looked at your feet, a bit unsure, gathering enough courage to finally say what you’ve been meaning to tell him since you arrived home.
“I’m sorry for not telling you about the proposal.” You softly spoke, and Simon, who was looking for a blanket in the closet in the corner of the room, turned his head to look at you. “I wanted to tell you in person, but I wasn’t planning for that article to come out, I didn’t want the whole world to know.”
Simon left the blanket on the bed, turning his body to look at you more clearly. “Mom told me that you think Ian leaked the news” He mentioned, and you nodded, at the risk of looking crazy. 
“Sally suggested it.” You confirmed, sitting on the bed “And if he didn’t, he’s fine with it anyway. He doesn’t care if people see me as this bitch who broke his heart, I might as well be.” 
He looked at the wall behind you, confused. “I think I missed a chapter here.” He said, sitting on the edge of the bed “Maybe more than one. Weren’t you in love with him?”
You wanted to grab a pillow, bury your face on it and scream as loud as you could, but for the sake of looking like a sane person you contained yourself. “I thought I was.” You said sincerely. you believed there was a time when you were sure you were in love with Ian, there were moments you thought that the good things about him could outweigh the bad things, but deep down you knew that if you were really in love you wouldn’t have to do all that math, you wouldn’t have to fight to ignore his arrogance and his big ego. 
“And when did you realize that you weren’t?” He continued to ask “Or when did you realize he was a jerk?”
You scoffed, bitterly. “I guess I always knew both, I tried to make it work regardless. I enjoyed being with him for some time, but then he planned an engagement party full of people I didn’t even know. He didn’t care to call any of you and expected me to say yes… Does that say more about him or me?”
He kept quiet, not knowing what to say, but you already knew the answer. 
“Ian was an asshole, kid. He was jealous of you, of your family, of your job, none of us understood why you were with him.” 
“That was not what I asked.” You laughed, rolling your eyes. “Ian was a prick, I get it, but I wasn’t much better either.”
“You can’t make me think you deserve each other, are you kidding?” He said. 
“I can’t blame him for everything, I made my own bed.” You huffed “I was terrible and it took me almost four years to snap out of it, that was not his fault.” 
“You are right, but you’re here now, aren’t you?” He reminded you, calmly. “Isn’t that what’s important?” 
You began to become exasperated “C’mon, Simon, don’t try to be nice, you’re supposed to be mad at me.” 
“I am mad at you.” He corrected you, sending a chill down your spine “You’re working all the time, you never call, never text back, we barely see you and the only way to know about your life is when we read some article saying you broke up with your boyfriend because he proposed to you, are you kidding? Of course I am mad, but because I miss you.”
You felt a wave of regret hitting all your senses, suddenly your eyes were burning with tears and you are not supposed to cry, you knew that, but the single tear that slid down your cheek was quicker than any thought that could cross your mind. Somehow, you wished your family hadn't noticed how absent you'd been these past few years, that they just shrugged and said “that’s just her” and forgot about it, it was not necessary to look at Simon’s face to know that he couldn’t just forget about it. He loved you, your mother loved you too, you didn’t have a family that you would want to run away from, but you did it anyway,
“I’m sorry…” You murmured, looking at him with eyes full of regret. “It wasn’t you, it wasn’t any of you, it was me. I was so angry when I left, I didn’t know how to handle it.”
You wouldn’t trade your career for anything, it was one of those few things that made you happy, but after years of trying to convince yourself that every decision you made for the last few years was the right choice, this was the first time that you admitted that maybe you weren’t thinking clearly when you decided to move to the city and never look back. 
Simon frowned, thinking about it twice before asking “Were you angry, bug?”
You tilted your head, giving him a sad smile, hoping that it could explain everything.”I was quite angry, yes.” You answered “Not at you, though.” 
“At mom?” 
“Maybe a little bit at mom, yeah.” You laughed, shaking your head. You sighed deeply, letting the silence sit in the room for a moment before you could put in order all the things you wanted to say. “I remember when I told her I left college she looked at me like I finally lost my mind, it was like she saw it coming, you know? Me, again, being lost, it was not a surprise, but rather something she would expect of me. I know she was just worried and I know I can be a lot sometimes, but it hurt anyway. I don't blame anyone, Simon, but all I needed was someone to believe in me and no one did. I had to leave.” Something ached inside your chest because that was not the whole truth, but it was all you could say tonight, you couldn’t say that Yoongi was also one of the reasons. “I’m not trying to justify myself.” You mumbled “I’m just saying that I was so angry that I didn’t realize how many mistakes I made.” 
The silence that took over the room was so strong it made your stomach squirm. You shifted in your place, but Simon stayed there, with his gaze lost somewhere in the room as he processed what you just said. 
“I always believed in you, you know that?” He spoke, causing your head to snap up towards him. “I know a lot of people tried to tell you that you weren’t, but you’ve always been special and I’ve always seen it.” 
“I know you did.” You sighed. “But I was being so stubborn, I walked away and I’m so sorry.”
“I know you think you’re too much, but you’re not.” He continued talking “Maybe mom just wanted everything to be simple, for her kids to go to college, graduate, get a job and a home and never have to worry about whether they are choosing right or wrong ever again. But you’re not simple, bug, you’re extraordinary and talented and too brilliant to stay still, but you’re not too much, not for me.” 
You held back a sob, feeling ridiculous. “I’m sorry.” You said, once again, because you haven’t said it enough times.
“It’s okay now, I mean it.” Simon reached for your hand to squeeze it tightly. 
You sniffed “God, I should be comforting you for being a bad sister, not the other way around” 
“I don’t need to be comforted, I’m okay as long as you’re here.” He tried to cheer you up. “And you were not a bad sister, you were sad and acted shitty.” 
You smiled, because you told Simon that you were angry but instead he heard that you were sad, you didn’t feel like correcting him because he wasn’t so wrong about that. 
“I’m sorry.” You repeated once again like a scratched record, making him laugh. “Are you still mad at me?”
“No.” he replied, “But only if you promise not to disappear again.” 
You raised your hand, extending your pinky finger in front of his face. “I promise you, Simon, I will not disappear again.”
Simon tangled his pinky with yours, making your promise impossible to be broken, and your soul felt at ease for a moment.
“Fine, good enough for me.” he said, throwing himself back onto the bed. “Now I want to hear everything about the proposal, and I want you to describe to me exactly the face he made when you said no.”
You laughed, throwing yourself on the bed the same way he did and tried to summarize the last three years in just one night. Only for today, your body did you a favor and your head stopped spinning at least for now. Something began to feel right.
Four years ago
Seven days before New Year’s Eve
You could hear the radio at the end of the hallway in your grandmother’s room, softly playing jazz to cancel out the outside noise. Not everyone in the house liked the radio, your cousins always said that it was annoying and kept them awake, but it was still one of those old habits of your grandfather that remained in the house even if he was no longer here, so you liked it. The music inevitably seeped under the door of your room, Yoongi hummed some Frank Sinatra song as if he knew the lyrics to it, making you laugh and beg him to stop. 
You know it’s almost midnight, as your roommate just informed you, but you didn’t want to turn the lights off yet. All of the cookies already disappeared from the plate, Yoongi was laying on his side the same way you were and the lamp on the nightstand warmly lighted up his brown eyes, you couldn’t help but feel you were not supposed to be in such presence, his messy hair and the loose white shirt he wore to sleep, his sleepy eyes, his pink lips; it looked just like the kind of view that was bound to haunt you forever. 
The nightstand that separated you was not far enough to stop that pull from the string in your chest, not when he was looking at you like that, his gaze fixated on yours like he didn’t want to leave you awake alone, and neither did you. You felt yourself shaking because, what was the version of you that existed when you were asleep? And what happened inside his head when you were not there? What was happening inside his head right now?
Did you cross his mind the same way he crossed yours? When you finally fell asleep, would he remember that moment in the closet or would it be just water under the bridge? Did he spend every waking second of the last seven hours thinking of that fleeting moment when you could almost feel his lips on yours?
Or was that just you?
The night was fading away, your eyelids were getting heavy but you still couldn’t find the will to sleep. 
“I’m sorry for today.” You almost whispered, gathering enough courage to mention the little accident “I’m sorry for dragging you with me to the closet.”  
He smiled softly, closing his eyes for a second. “It’s okay, it was cozy.” He teased you, making you groan in annoyance. He laughed loudly at your reaction, annoying you even more. “I’m serious, it was okay.” 
“Was it really?” You asked him “Wasn’t I being silly?”
“It's okay being silly sometimes.” He assured you, but that did not ease that anxious feeling in your stomach. He seemed to see it in your face. “What’s wrong with being a little silly? I would’ve run from your grandmother, too.” 
You bitterly laughed, covering your face with the palms of your hands “Stop, I’m being immature.” You groaned “I’ve got to get my shit together.”
“C’mon Pinky, you have to stop with that.” He said. 
“I would if I could.” You remarked.
“Didn’t you say you were going to get your shit together after the holidays?” He reminded you “Why are you worrying right now?”
Yoongi was right, that was the initial plan, but ever since you came back home everything was pointing in different directions and it was beginning to drive you crazy, it was like the universe was forcing you to think about it, it was not letting you run away from it, not even temporarily. First, it was Yoongi, showing up every few days at your doorstep, grabbing your hand, squeezing your legs, whispering things in your ear like he wanted you to go insane, it was Minnie, offering you a job, talking about The Alley, saying you were supposed to be on the big screen, and then it was your mother, expecting you to make up your mind once for all. And still, you had your whole life ahead, why were you worrying right now?
“I don’t know…” You sighed “What if I come back next year and the plan was not good enough? What if I end up hiding again from everyone?”
Yoongi shifted in bed, curious “Do you have a plan, Pinky?” The nickname rolled off his tongue softly, you swimmed in the tenderness of his voice, something about it made you want to tell him everything.
“Not really, I mean… It all sounds so bad.” 
“You have a plan.” He affirmed, smiling “I want to hear it.”
“It’s not a plan.” You contradicted yourself “If it were a plan, it would suck.”
Yoongi hummed “It’s something like a plan, then.”
You scrunched your nose, unsure. “Yeah, but not quite like a plan, something like a…” You said, but the words died on your lips before you got the chance to finish. 
“Something like a dream, then?” He continued to ask, but you shook your head.
“Something close.” You expressed, unable to find the right words to explain your thoughts. You stayed silent for a second, believing he was beginning to lose interest in the topic, until the words slipped past his lips like a spell.
“Something like a wish.” He pronounced, and he was not asking, it was almost like he knew. 
You thought there was not much difference between a dream and a wish, but in this case, there was. 
You smiled at him, nodding, somehow you felt you could trust him with all your secrets “Yes, like a wish.” You affirmed, and it felt like a confession. “I don’t know Yoongi, have you ever stayed up late and planned something but when you woke up next morning you felt it was stupid? Well, I do that every night.”
“I’m sure that whatever it is, it’s not stupid.” He said, making your heart swell.  
“I would like to believe you…” You murmured “Do you have a dream, Yoongi? Something you’re too scared to wish for?”
You could see him think about it for a moment, but his eyes were still connected with yours. Oh, how you wished to be inside his mind right now, read his thoughts, witness his dreams, know all his secrets.
“Yes.” He confirmed, “But I can’t talk about them out loud right now.” 
You laughed, biting your bottom lip. “Okay, fair. What about those you can say out loud?”
“I’m not going to tell you because you’re going to laugh.” He pouted, making you frown. 
“Laugh?” You repeated, sounding more offended than you actually were. “I would never, c’mon.”
He raised an eyebrow, testing you “You sure?”
“Of course, don’t piss me off.” 
“Fine, fine.” He let out a long sigh, believing you. “My wish would be… to stop time for a while. Sometimes I believe I can’t think when time’s running, all I do is study and come home to my mom, there is very little time that I have for myself.”  
You felt your chest tighten, but it didn't surprise you that Yoongi felt this way. He already mentioned to you that, even if taking care of his mother didn’t feel like a burden, he still felt he was missing out on so many things. 
“And what would you do if time stopped right now?” 
Yoongi shifted his eyes for a moment, and you almost missed it but you saw it, the urge to hold back and the words getting stuck on his throat. 
“Mmm…” He hummed, “I’ll go to the beach.”
“In winter?”
“Yes, I wouldn’t care.”
“And where else?” You continued to ask.
“Honestly? I’ll go anywhere but home.” He confessed.
“What’s wrong with home?” You of all people knew exactly what was wrong with home, but you wanted to hear why he thought that. 
“Home it’s okay,” He waved off. “It just feels like I spent my whole life there. I went to college expecting something to change, and a lot of things did but I still feel like something else is supposed to happen, like there's something else for me to see.” 
It was looking in a mirror, it was the same thing you’ve told him a few days ago but in other words, in another tone. Yoongi sounded resigned, like his wish was clearly something that was not meant to happen and he needed to come to terms with it, nothing could ever make you more sad. 
“There’s plenty for you to see, Yoongi, are you kidding?” You chuckled  “You’re twenty five, you’re barely grasping life.” 
He scoffed, bitterly, “It’s not that easy.” 
“Of course it is easy, do you know it’s not necessary to stop time to go to the beach?” 
“I know, Pinky.” He agreed, “But what does it feel like running away?” 
“Running away would be so bad?” You asked, hearing the question echoing in the room, letting you know that maybe it was something you weren’t supposed to wonder out loud. Yoongi didn’t dare to ask such a question, but you seemed determined to make his wish come true, maybe you were the only one who could do it. 
“Don’t ask me.” He said, looking at the ceiling to avoid your gaze.  “Don’t act like running away isn’t your wish as well” 
You snorted, immediately grabbing a pillow and threatening to punch him in the face with it, but Yoongi is quick to cover his face with his arms.
“Don’t!” He protested, laughing.
 “Don’t expose me like that!” You whined, embarrassed. 
“What, am I wrong?” 
“Maybe you’re not…” You dared to answer, leaving the pillow on the bed again “But how do you know?”
“I told you, Pinky.” He murmured “I just know.”
You shook your head in denial, how could it be? Were you really that transparent or Yoongi really just knew? 
“What else do you know?” You continued to ask, curious. 
He pretended to think about it, pouting his lips and looking at the ceiling as if the answers were to fall from the sky. His eyes shifted towards yours, tilting his head “I know that you would run away to the beach with me if I asked you to.” 
A giggle was built in your throat, you laughed nervously as you tried to decipher if he was joking or not, even if Yoongi could see right through you, it was a bit difficult for you to do the same with him. 
“I don’t know about that.” You said, ignoring the way your heart was beating against your ribcage. “Do you mean in… an hypothetical scenario?” 
“It’s a hypothetical proposal.” He answered.
“I’ll have to check my schedule first.” 
A smirk tugged from the corner of his lips. “What about… two weeks away from now?”
You did the calculation in your head, but you already knew that by then Yoongi would have to go back to class, so you doubted. “What about the semester?” You asked, trying to be the voice of reason. “Your last semester, might I add.”
“That could wait.” He did not hesitate “Isn’t it part of running away? Leaving things behind?”
You laughed “And what would people say about me, then? That I made you leave college, nuh-hu.” 
“Here we go again with that.” He rolled his eyes “I don’t care what people say and, besides, I’m not leaving college, I’m… postponing it.” 
That didn’t sound like the Yoongi you knew at all, but then again, this whole conversation didn’t sound like anything Yoongi from the past would say. A thousand questions crossed your mind, like what do you do on the beach in winter? Wouldn’t being alone be a problem? What are you going to talk about, where are you going to stay? If you say yes, would he grab your hand when you crossed the street, would he try to kiss you again? 
You crossed your arms, thinking about it, not daring to agree right away, but how could you say no? When he was looking at you, convinced that you would say yes. 
You opened your mouth, not sure what you were going to say but still ready to answer, and before you could utter a word, he interrupted you. “Run away with me to the beach, Pinky.” He asked in a soft tone, looking at you with warm eyes and warm words, making your heart shake violently in your chest “Only for now, I promise I’ll make it worth it.”
You smiled, ignoring that little person inside you that tried to warn you about something, but you weren’t sure about what because all you could feel was your heart racing. “Fine, I’ll follow you for now.” You simply said, trying to sound as cool as possible “Let’s run.” 
In that moment you forgot about years and years of disappointment and failed dreams, failed wishes, you ignored the reality, deciding everything was false and true at the same time. You didn’t need to look at the clock to know that it was midnight, something inside your chest sparkled and told you it was time to make your wish, and for some reason, you listened. It echoed in every corner of your mind, your wish was the beach in winter. 
Four days before New Year’s Eve
Two weeks ago, when you bought Yoongi’s Christmas gift, you thought about it like a farewell. You stood in the shop and talked to the tall man with the long face and chose the gift as you tried to convince yourself this was a way of saying goodbye to him. 
That Christmas morning Yoongi tore the brown wrapping paper and opened the long box to find that you decided to give him a red tie. It wasn’t bright red, it was deep dark red, red like a rose. It came with a notebook and a pen with his initials on them. In your mind, you were giving away that version of him that lived in your head and clung to your thoughts and clung to your heart, that version of him you could never let go. Yoongi was about to graduate, he was about to become officially a lawyer, an adult, a man, he wasn’t that boy you fell in love with years ago, he was a wish you had to let in the past and your gift was just a way to remind you of it. You had a purpose, a plan, you had everything figured out until he decided to ask you to run away with him, until you said yes.
His gifts for you were a vinyl copy of Is This It by The Strokes, two tickets to watch When Harry Met Sally at the Alley the following week and a pair of red gloves for the rest of the winter. 
Yoongi looked at you and smiled like you both knew something everyone else in the room didn’t. “The gloves match with the tie.” He had said.
So now you had no plan, what you did have though, was a bunch of pictures of several locations Yoongi thought of booking for your trip to the beach. You were doomed. 
You thought the only person in this town who could possibly understand what you were going through was Minnie, the only person in the world who knew about your feelings for Yoongi, and the only person who you could call a friend at the moment. 
You weren’t expecting to see Minnie again when you saw her at The Alley a few weeks ago, but she had different plans; it was like she forced you to be her friend again. You tried to stop thinking you didn’t deserve it, you had to swallow your guilt and accept her friendship, and after a few five hour calls filled with gossip, you ultimately decided not to be against it, even if she called you everyday and still talked nonstop about that audition in the city, talking with her felt like you were still fifteen, and you liked it.
That night, as she raided her closet looking for a dress for you to wear at the New Year’s party at The Alley, you sat on her bed and gave her a run down of everything that happened with Yoongi since you came back home, it didn’t take her much to get you to admit that you were still in love with your brother’s best friend, so you might as well be honest and tell her everything. 
“You’re being stupid right now, sweetheart.” You heard her muffled voice from inside her closet. The next thing you saw was a piece of fabric flying in the air and landing at your feet. You grabbed it, putting in front of you to reveal a short pink dress that you would never, ever wear. 
You snorted, leaving the dress on the pile of clothes that you already rejected. You seemed to forget that Minnie was not the most adequate person to talk about “boy stuff”, perhaps because she was way too honest. You didn’t know whether it was a mistake or not to tell her about the trip to the beach, because all the questions she was asking and all the things she was stating to be true were thoughts you were desperately trying to avoid. 
“He wants to fuck you, I don’t know how else to tell you this.” She said, walking over the clothes to make her way to you. You threw yourself on the bed, covering your face with your palms “I mean, I wish I could only tell you that he’s head over heels for you, and honey, that he is, but he also wants to fuck you.”
You groaned, kicking your feet. “God, you make me want to throw up.”
“Of excitement, I’m assuming.” She affirmed “I’m telling you, there’s no way you’re going on a trip alone and come back without having fucked.”
You looked at her, begging her to stop talking, but she was not finished. “Stop!”
“Picture this.” She ignored you, forming a rectangle with her fingers and looking right through it as if she was directing a scene from a movie “First scenario, a storm causes the power to go out, there’s no electricity, you have no way to be warm so you sleep in the same bed to warm up, there’s tension, you look at each other and kiss, you fuck.”
“Okay, I don’t see that happening.” You shook your head. 
“Second scenario, you just finished showering, you go out of the bathroom wearing only a towel because you think he’s not there, but he is! He sees you, you kiss, you fuck.”
“That’s not… That sounds like porn.” 
“Third scenario!” She exclaimed. 
“Fine, that’s enough.” You stopped her, waving your arms in the air. 
“No, you have to prepare! And when it happens you will know that I was right.” Your friend insisted, but you refused to let any of those ideas in your mind. 
“What if you’re not?” You wondered “What if he just wants to be my friend and I’m just imagining everything?”
“But you are not, are you kidding?” She laughed “That man is clearly in love with you, why are you convincing yourself otherwise?”
You felt Minnie’s body sitting right next to you, causing you to sit back on the bed to look at her face to face. You were sure you were about to start crying out of frustration. “I don’t know, what if I get hurt?”
Minnie pursed her lips “Baby, I can’t answer that question at all, but you have to take the chance.” 
You groaned, annoyed. “I don’t want to take the chance.” You whined “I was fine before seeing him again, I wasn’t even thinking of him.”
“That is a lie,” She laughed, mocking you. “We both know you never stopped being in love with him, now you have him in the palm of your hand, do something.” 
Minnie stood up again, looking for another piece of clothing on the floor as you kept silent, wondering if any of that could be possible. Did you really have him in the palm of your hand? Was he in love with you and you were being stupid for believing that he wanted to be just friends?
“What should I do?” You asked her, hoping that the redhead in the room knew all the secrets of the universe. 
“Invite him to the New Year’s party and wear a hot outfit, how about that?” Minnie offered, like that could answer all your prayers. 
“Would that resolve all my problems?” You joked, talking to the sky. 
“C’mon, he literally asked you to run away with him, don’t you find that a little bit hot? Don’t you really think that was not code for ‘I want to fuck you’?” 
You laughed “Yoongi is not like that!” You protested. 
“I hate to break it to you, but you are hot.” She insisted, throwing another piece of clothing at your face. “And if Yoongi is not blind, he knows that, and let’s not forget the most important fact here.” 
“Which is…?”
“He’s in love with you, let’s start wrapping our heads around that.” She simply said “Once that’s done, you invite him to the New Year’s eve party at The Alley, you wear a hot outfit and confront him about it, tell him to stop playing around.”
You grabbed the dress Minnie just threw at you, which was another short dress, but this one was actually cute. It was black and was covered in black sparkly sequins with thin straps, you were definitely going to freeze to death if you wore that, but you were sure this fitted the description of “hot outfit”. 
Minnie was right, you couldn’t keep running away from the facts, everything was laid on the table, you didn’t need more proof to know that Yoongi felt something for you, even if you weren’t sure if it was the same that you felt for him, you needed to gather enough courage to find out what it was. 
You grabbed the phone in your pocket and opened Yoongi’s chat, you decided to invite him to the New Year’s party. 
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taglist: @kingofbodyrolls @overtherainbow35 @namin13 @p34rluv @moonchild1 @yoongisoftface @namgihours @idkjustlovingbts @yoongisducky @bangtansmauyeondan @tarahardcore @wobblewobble822 @secfir @ot72025 @baechugff @heroinanne @mortal-body-timelesssoul @hiii-priestess @wii-wii @jungkookies1002 @busanbby-jjk @acquiescence804 @yoongibaybee @hsbongwater
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kanmom51 · 3 months
JM Muse Blooming
Concept photos and clip
JM's first concept photos dropped, and what can you say? The man is 🔥🔥
Walking in the Smeraldo flowers garden.
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Wearing this belt:
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Same belt?
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The minute I saw this photo it felt a little familiar.
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And then it hit me.
JK's 2D shoot.
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Now, I'm no photography expert, but it looks like the same kind of slow exposure technique is used for this photo.
And then we have this:
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How far will you go for love
To the moon?
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To tell the whole world that you want that one person you love, even if your love may be considered as wrong or ugly to some?
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To enlist together, being the first idols EVER to do so?
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I guess pretty far.
Yeah yeah, I know not everything is about Jikook. This is JM's album, JM's photo concept, JM's creation. And yes, not everything is about them as a couple. There is definitley plenty that isn't. But with saying that, we have seen, time and time again, referencing, coding and mirroring of one another. Not everything is about them as a couple, but yet, I do believe that some of it is.
And then we have this next photo.
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Now really?
If you are sitting there and denying the second you saw the tie you didn't envision this:
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then you are lying. Either out right or to yourself.
The tie, the crop top. Even the pose with the shoulder tilt and the lifting of the chin gaze looking down.
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Reminds me of someone else that had some mirroring going on and was called a copycat and so much more and worse.
I can assure you that was one among many photos taken in that shoot, and yet, that was the photo chosen by JM.
Third photo.
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Besides the fact that JM is beautiful, no need to even state the obvious, we get a few more details from this photo.
First we get the 13 on his cheek.
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In the Face shoots he had the studs/thorns and scar under his eye, and now he's proudly wearing the number 13, a number that means so much to him that he has it permanently tattooed on his arm.
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His nail art.
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In the teaser clip we had the crescent (probably right hand) and now we get two parallel lines. An equal sign perhaps?
We also have a little bit more sharing going on.
I guess Jikook do love to share their outfits and accessories when it comes to these solo shoots specifically.
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Another coincidence? I think we are way past the point of believing that it is.
We have shared belts.
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Same pants.
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Different parts of the same outfit.
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Same singlet.
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Same necklace.
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We also got this message:
ARMY! Who knew a baby chick could be so dangerous? One look at these concept photos and you might have a heart attack 🐥 10 years of this boy and he’s still finding new ways to be beautiful? 🤦‍♀️ 🐣: Is that how you see me?! 💜: Exactly that, yes. Hope you’re all pumped up for another new chapter in our lovely shared story!!
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I find a few things curious with this one.
First of all, using the terms "boy" and "beautiful".
JM being an almost 30 yo man choosing the work boy is a little strange here, and knowing that every single thing he does is done with thought, just like the use of the non binary singer emoji for the 30 minute reminder or the tteokbokkibyjk.
And what about the use of the term beautiful, a term usually used as an expression of feminine good looks rather than masculine (not by me, btw, but by many).
Another curious thing I found was the dialogue, and more so, the question asked by JM: "Is that how you see me?!"
Question mark exclamation mark.
Is he asking us if we see him as a boy? Is it about age or gender? If we see him as beautiful? Is this about me overthinking? 🤣🤣
And then we have the clip:
So, JM in the dark, looking away from us.
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Then the place lightens up and the camera goes into a close up of JM's face, and he's looking into the camera, or at us.
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He's literally looking into my soul.
What to expect?
With JM I think we have gotten used to expecting the unexpected, in the very best way possible.
176 notes · View notes
saerins · 7 months
U think u could tell us how y/n’s mother figured out she fucked with Eita?
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extra chapter: friendship
꒰ঌꨄ︎໒꒱ — part of priceless. before you ever met sae, when you were twenty there was another boy that took care of you: how your mother figured out you were fooling around with eita, and all the little things in between.
content: otoya eita x female reader. smut/nsfw. both reader and eita are great at being avoidant. pet names (baby/princess), cunnilingus, penetration, mentions of masturbation, orgasm denial, they get caught in the act. word count: 2.3k
༝༚༝༚ omg nonnie SORRY my hand slipped this turned out way longer than i thought it would be !! but yes anyway have this :D wrote this at work btw & didn’t proofread so you have been warned !!!
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this is bad. so bad.
you really shouldn’t be doing this, shouldn’t be testing the waters like this. you’re at a recon for the school, taking a tour of the hotel for the event that you’re all going to be ushers at. but that doesn’t seem like the case when you and eita seemingly love to do whatever you want, whenever you want.
ever since that night at the club, the first time you’d ever let eita in, it’s become addictive.
the distraction. you never have to think about what bothers you whenever he’s around, whenever he looks at you with those lust-blown eyes, whenever his fingers trail to your inner thighs; always a tell-tale indication of what he wants, what he needs from you too.
he’s your best friend, and this is not what best friends should be doing, but you crave for the way his tongue can make you forget, even if just momentarily, about all your problems. you really shouldn’t be doing this, getting distracted so many times especially during exam season and especially not in a public place but the both of you can never help it.
not like the fleeting touches in the bus helped. eita’s always the one who instigates it, his fingers always finding some way to sneak onto your thighs, squeezing the soft flesh before testing your limits, creeping higher and higher until he drags you into a vacant hotel room left unattended by one of the staff, to the safety behind closed doors where no one would know of your little antics with each other.
and sometimes you think he’s been waiting a long time for you to submit to him, with the way he’s always hungry for you, or maybe that’s just how he is—you wouldn’t know. but his many other girls would, though now he’s too preoccupied with you to pay attention to anyone else.
he’s staring down at you as you lie down on the bed, dress hiked up over your chest, his fingers trailing down your chest to your underwear, hooking under the waistband and tugging on it. a little tilt of his head as he appreciates what he’s about to undress completely.
he really shouldn’t take his time, given that the staff could come knocking on the door at any moment. but he’s already locked the latch so they shouldn’t think about getting in if he isn’t done with you yet.
“pretty,” he comments, voice hoarse with arousal as he swallows the lump in his throat. “this new?” because he swears, of the many times you both have done it by now, that he’s never seen you wear such lingerie, satin mixed with lace, in black and so, so enticing on you. 
you giggle under your breath, his pants growing visibly tighter as he continues to stare at you. “does it matter?” it is new, and you’d partly just wanted to see what eita looked like when he really likes something, and he’d once said that he likes black lace. an off-handed answer or not, he gives you the reaction you’re looking for, hands desperately grabbing onto your hips as he kisses you as if he hasn’t seen you in forever.
but he’s seen you just two nights ago, squirming under him on his sheets. he’s seen you three nights before then, when he willingly ditched a date for you. he’s seen you many times in ways no one has ever seen you before and right now he’s going crazy because why has he never noticed that you’re so fucking ethereal like this?
your mouth squeals out his name as he marks you a little too hard on your neck, the image of you one day somehow not being solely his managing to irk him in some way. but that’s the deal, that’s what he told you—that this is temporary, for fun. and you’re keeping your end of the deal; you’re never clingy, and you never act like he’s yours. that’s good, because getting attached just sounds like such a hassle and eita’s fine with this.
he’s fine with your hands unzipping his pants, pulling it down as desperately as he’s undressing you; the thin material falling to the floor as he breaks the kiss to look at you, all bare underneath him. you always avert your gaze when he does this—the only time he’s ever seen you shy. you’re otherwise always brazen with a sharp tongue that seeing you like this, trying to contain your voice as he massages your breasts, somehow turns him on so much that he can’t help but tease you, to try to break through your guard.
eita scoffs, a smirk on his face as he tauntingly mocks you. “usually you’re so loud when you talk back to me in public,” he hums, tongue flicking against your nipple, your back arching in response. “what happened to you now, huh? what’re you holding back for, princess?”
his fingers glide across your skin slowly, down your chest to your hips to your pussy, his smirk growing wider when he finds that you’re absolutely soaked and he’s barely done anything yet. he supposes that’s the adorable part of you—since he’s your first, you’re always so excitable, so vulnerable.
“eita, i swear to god—”
he pushes a finger in before you can cuss him out, disturbing your train of thought as he sucks on your nipple, getting what he wants and hearing you moan out his name in a way only you can—so saccharine and sinful that it makes him even harder.
you drive him absolutely crazy.
“look at yourself,” he says, pressing his forehead against your cheek, head tilted towards the mirrored wall just beside the bed. your walls clench around his finger and he chuckles, pressing a kiss on your cheek. “such a good girl, letting me do what i want to you.”
you’re never used to this, to letting eita completely have the upper hand, to let eita talk to you like you belong to him, but you’re helpless whenever it comes to this. your whimpers are enough to let him know that he has control, and he always knows how to make you feel so good that you willingly submit.
“fuck,” you groan as you feel him pushing another finger inside you, your eyes squeezing shut, the tears flowing as you start to feel overwhelmed by it.
your phone rings at the worst time, and you’re about to just ignore it when eita does one better. “answer it,” he tells you, after looking at the caller ID. it’s just kimiko, the student who’s put in charge today, responsible for overseeing all of you and making sure you all know what’s going on before the actual day.
“answer,” he tells you again, his fingers stopping midway, a mewl leaving your lips as you feel the high you’re chasing abruptly disappearing. he pulls his fingers out, showing you just how wet you are, the string of your slick being pulled apart by his fingers. 
eita’s sexy and cruel and downright irritating when he knows he’s got the upper hand, but you have no will left to resist, wanting the release he can provide you, your hands already reaching out to answer the phone, hoping to make it short and sweet.
he knows what you’re thinking, you’re not as elusive as you think in these situations. that’s why he purposely latches his mouth onto your clit the moment you start talking, your voice quivering as you feel his tongue licking quick fat stripes up the nub. you can’t even wait for kimiko to respond, hurriedly telling her you and eita are busy before hanging up, your fingers tangled in his hair as your thighs wrap around his neck.
“something wrong, y/n?” he teases, his chuckle sending light vibrations that make your spine tingle. but he knows you love this, love the way his tongue rubs circles around your clit, love the way he’s telling you to cum for him, love the way he’s taking such good care of you. 
the way eita moans as he feels you close to your high always tips you over the edge, and every single time he denies you of it, making you beg for him. always a sadist, but it’s not like you can resist.
brows raised in mockery, the back of his fingers brushing against your cheeks as you plead with him to please fuck you. yet he always caves in almost immediately, a dangerous sign that you can get him to do almost anything you ask.
eita taps his dick against your pussy, your slick collecting on his tip, his mouth falling open at the sensation, at the mere thought of being inside you. he’s so, so tempted fuck you raw but that’s not a risk either of you can take.
he’s confident he can pull out, definitely. but maybe if it’s anyone but you. if it’s you, he might just lose himself. he’s already jerked himself off to the thought of cumming inside you, at the thought of filling you full and watching as his cum flows out of your pretty little cunt.
so no, he can’t fucking risk taking you raw because he might actually doom the both of you. reluctantly, he grabs the condom from his pants pocket, long discarded on the floor, and rolls it over his length, the way your eyes are filled with desire already threatening to send him spilling before he’s even inside you.
you’re so, so dangerous. 
so fuck, why is he so hooked?
his eyes gaze at where you’re connected to him, the greens rolling to the back of his head as he feels you clenching around his dick, sucking him in. he’s had sex too many times to count, with multiple girls of multiple origins—his head falls back, tilted to the ceiling because he’s so, so close but fuck if he’s going to cum before you do—and yet you’re the only one who feels this good.
what is it about you?
he can’t fucking think straight, not when you keep chanting his name like that—it’s already committed to his memory by now. it’s his favourite melody; the way you say his name.
“eita, fuck i can’t—”
eita’s eyes fly open, looking at how your hands are gripping at the sheets, at how your face is positively lewd that it makes all those videos he watch go to shame, at how the condom is soaked with your juices. he can’t take it, his fingers digging into the plush flesh of your thighs, your name flying out of his mouth in half moans, something he’s too ashamed to admit he only does with you.
“just cum for me, baby,” he pants, the pet name rolling off his tongue before he can realise it but the both of you are too lost in how you feel that it flies over both your heads. “good girl, come on, cum.”
his skin slaps your skin once more, thrusting hard one last time as he releases, your gummy walls clenching around him as you let go at the same time, your nails on his biceps finally relaxing, nearly drawing blood.
eita’s panting, falling onto you as he squeezes the last drop out, wishing that it was spilled inside you. you let him rest against your body, like you always do because you’re nice, taking the time to catch your own breath. it’s like routine by now, the both of you barely discussing about what you just did, acting like it’s a part of a normal day, like best friends fuck each other everyday, and then go back to resuming what you’re supposed to do.
that is, getting back to kimiko and the others. a part of you feels a little guilty; even though you don’t know her aside from your one-minute interaction earlier today, you know by the look in her eyes when she stares at eita that she’s probably got a crush on him. being a pro soccer player in university as well as being part of a band in school, you’re not surprised that girls are practically lining up for him. yet here he is, too busy for other girls because he’s busy satisfying you.
both of you are too absorbed in your individual thoughts to realise that the door is already opened now, when you’re still pulling your underwear up halfway, when eita’s still standing there in just his boxers, and the both of you are staring dumbly at the person in the doorway because you both recognise them.
there she is, your mother in all her demonly presence, scoffing with her arms crossed as she looks her daughter up and down like she isn’t entirely surprised. beside her is the current man she’s making use of, a poor thing you don’t even want to associate with because she’s going to discard him as soon as he does something wrong.
sometimes you wonder if she ever loved your father or if he was just one of these… poor things.
“get me a different room, i don’t want to sleep in one where such loose kids have been in,” she commands at the man, as if she doesn’t know you, glaring at both of you with disgust. though you and eita look at her with the same look in your eyes.
the moment she leaves the room, you feel eita’s warmth surround you, but your hands stay at your side, both anger and despair welling up in you at the same time.
this is temporary. this is just a distraction. but eita will do his best to make you forget, no matter what—because he’s seen you that day, broken and wailing, blood all over your hands. he’ll do anything not to see you like that again.
there’s a certain selfishness in his actions, but his kiss stuns you anyway, because you know it’s probably not just a simple kiss but lack the energy to dissect it anyway.
“just forget about her, okay?” he whispers in your ear, the gentlest tone you’d ever heard him in.
for now you just let it be, and so does he. things are easier if neither of you question this. for the sake of your friendship.
yeah, that’s what it is.
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captainkirkk · 14 days
Sorry I just wanna rant on the isekai note. There's this one popcorn read harem bl isekai I read. I expected to drop in like 10 chapters, but I fell in love with it for 2 reasons.
The battles were really cool and well written
The first love interest had feelings for the og soul and the new soul feels *horrible* about it. This protag can probably earn the right to go home if he 'finishes the plot'. Which has him questioning if the og soul will take his place and if so where is it now.
Until he finds out that the og soul is probably dead, there may still be a fragment of the og soul left but not enough to ever become a full person again (but enough that it's still influencing his decisions which lead him to doubting his own feelings it's a WHOLE THING) so if he leaves he leaves behind those he's grown to love (and one he unknowingly caused deep psychological pain with his arrival. HE DOES TELL THAT PERSON THE TRUTH BTW and it doesn't go down well and it takes a while to work out and I loved the messiness of it) but if he doesn't go back he'll never see his family again.
I love(d) that this book covered that cause it's so unusual! Translation's not done yet, so while I know he'll probably choose to stay cause it's that kind of novel I'm SO interested in how they'll emotionally resolve this.
Anyways, please qwq be kind I've never told anyone I read this book because it's a harem and it's an isekai but I saw such a same brain moment with the tags on that isekai post that I;; wanted to share. I hope this wasn't weird sorry and thank you
I hope you have a wonderful day
Wait this sounds really cool, what's its called?? I know when isekai stories go into detail about this !!
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 8 months
the swan and her princess (part 1)
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summary: Swan Lake isn’t all beauty and grace, contrary to popular belief. And you experience firsthand that as you wage a one-sided war with your “rival” for the role of the Swan Princess, Odette.
pairing: Gwen Stacy (Spider-Woman) x fem!Ballerina!Reader
word count: 842
warnings: uses of Y/N, lots of ballet terms and references, the teacher displaying blatant favouritism ig?, mildly petty reader 💀
a/n: I finally got around to doing it! yay :D academic rivals to lovers ftw honestly
gearing up for my first official chapter-based fanfic WHOOOOOOOOO
dividers by me btw! it’s my first time doing dividers so any feedback would be appreciated <3
part 1 // part 2 (pending)
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Swan Lake: Swan Lake, Op. 20, is a ballet composed by Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in 1875–76. It is now one of the most popular ballets of all time. The ballet is based on a German fairy tale, and tells the story of a prince named Siegfried who falls in love with Odette, a princess who has been turned into a swan by an evil sorcerer
Odette: Odette is the main female protagonist in the ballet "Swan Lake," which is composed by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. She is the White Swan, also known as the Swan Princess/Swan Queen.
Anna Pavlova: Anna Pavlovna Pavlova was a Russian prima ballerina of the late 19th and the early 20th centuries. She was a principal artist of the Imperial Russian Ballet and the Ballets Russes of Sergei Diaghilev. (basically, every ballerina’s idol)
first position: In the first position, the heels are together, with toes turned out until the feet are in a large, open V or a straight line.
relevé: Relevé is a French term meaning "raised up." It is one of the basic ballet moves. The dancer starts in a demi-plié (a move where the dancer bends their knees halfway while keeping their feet on the ground) and then rises up into demi-pointe (on the balls of the feet) or en pointe (on the toes), either on one foot or both feet.
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“Let’s take it from the top, Y/N. More turned out this time. And your ‘wings’ aren’t flowy enough. You are the very Swan Princess, not a struggling cygnet. You die gracefully.”
You blew air threw your nose a little more forcefully than you usually would, trying your best to follow your ballet teacher’s instructions.
“Ah, Gwendolyn! So nice of you to join us.”
That statement was usually used sarcastically in most settings. So why did your teacher’s voice take on a note of adoration? You resisted the urge to roll your eyes, not even looking at the new arrival. All she ever did was drop into class half an hour late - without even doing her hair in a proper bun - and get showered with praises for everything she did. Always Gwen this, Gwen that. You were so sick of it.
“Gwen, if you decide to try out, you would be a perfect fit for the White Swan,” Your teacher eagerly told her, and your ‘flowy feathers’ tightened into fists. Just brilliant. In her eyes, you had no chance at Odette, did you? Once again, Gwendolyn Stacy would swoop in and snatch up something you had worked so hard for, spending hours upon hours on late nights at the studio practising alone, all because the teacher thought she was the next Anna Pavlova. But every time, you bit your tongue and kept your head down. One day, you would show them. You would show them all how good you were. And little Gwendolyn Stacy, the number one teacher’s pet, would watch and weep.
You cleared your throat to jolt your teacher out of her rambling. “Miss? My audition?”
She blinked as if she were just noticing you. “Ah, right. Yes, you may continue.”
You were ready to hurl your pointe shoes at both of their annoying faces, but you focused on making yourself extra turned out and extra graceful. Oh, how the tables would turn when you got this role.
You risked a glance out of the corner of your eye and noticed with a smug satisfaction that Gwen was staring at you, eyes wide. Completely enthralled.
Ha-ha, Gwendolyn Stacy. Look upon actual, hard-earned talent and despair.
You finished the Dying Swan - the Swan Lake piece you were doing for your audition - and bowed, standing in first position with your head held high.
“Thank you, Y/N. That was very nice. Everyone, let’s get started. Get your shoes on and get into your positions at the barre, please.”
Ugh, the barre positions. Your arch-nemesis, apart from a certain Gwen Stacy. Well, maybe not apart from her, since your barre position was right in front of her.
“One, two, three, four - hold, two, three four…”
You tuned out the voice of your ballet teacher; the exercise was purely muscle memory to you by now, and her voice was only distracting you at the moment.
“Hey, Y/N.”
You were pulled out of your intense focus by the voice behind you. Once you realised who it was, you had to resist the urge to scoff. “What is it?”
“I, uh… I just wanted to say that you did amazing. It was very graceful. You’ll make a good White Swan.” That almost made you lose your balance in a relevé and twist your ankle, because what?
Gwen Stacy thought that you’d get the role?
Oh. That was new.
Or maybe it wasn’t, and you were just imagining the whole ‘undeserving slacker’ thing and painting her as the bad guy…?
You almost giggled at that. Nah. This was definitely some ploy to get you to relax a little, to stop practising almost obsessively. Yeah, she was just trying to ensure you weren’t a threat. The moment you let down your guard, she would snatch up the role of Odette. You just knew it. Well, she could try all she wanted; you would not make it easy for her.
“Oh, I know,” You replied coolly, ending the exercise with everyone else and turning to offer her a politely bored smile. “But thank you.”
Gwen’s smile dropped a little and her eyebrows scrunched together slightly, her piercings glinting in the studio’s warm light. “Okay, well… I’ll see you around, I guess.”
She reached down and grabbed her duffel bag, unceremoniously dropping her teal pointe shoes into the mess of clothes and who knows what else she kept in it.
You kept your eyes on her until she disappeared out the studio’s door after a quick goodbye to the teacher. She was like a ghost, always appearing and flickering out just as quickly as one. And somehow always getting away with it, every single time. Not to mention… she was also somehow really good. Despite missing classes and coming late.
“Remember, class. Now that I’ve seen all your auditions, the roles will be up next week. Don’t be late,” your teacher called as you all left the building.
You kissed your teeth in annoyance. Yeah, don’t be late. Unless you’re Gwen Stacy.
Good grief, that girl would be the death of you.
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Taglist: (reply to be added!)
@hobiebrownismygod @l0starl @therealloopylupin2099
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altraviolet · 2 months
a lil about the new fic & impromptu mini Flatline bio
I've had a lot of fun brainstorming for the new fic for the past 24 hours! there's lots to figure out, but the fun/easy part is happening now
Flatline's making a comeback! He's a character I've really enjoyed writing in the past, and I know he has a few fans :D
if the only fic you've read of mine is TEG, please consider checking out The Angel Breaker or Face the Past! Flatline's in those and the new fic will feature a Flatline very similar to the FtP Flatline. this is what he looked like in IDW 1. I really love the design Alex Milne did for him:
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Saren Stone also drew some beautiful Flatlines:
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👆that line is what I inferred all his characterization from, btw, lol
He was also in IDW2. I was excited to see him there, but I dropped off from the comic partway through so I honestly have no idea what he ended up doing there.
He's a really interesting and cool-looking medic. I hope we see more of him in the future!
uhhh anyway. so yeah! he'll be in the new fic, in his trusty body shop, doing questionable things for questionable people.
also I've figured out a new interpretation for Soundwave's casseticons. spoilers: they don't turn into cassettes. I don't think this particular thing has been done before, so I'm excited to share it eventually!
in terms of the brainstorming itself, I'm trying something new this time. I'm writing out a bunch of stuff in a small sketchbook, using different colored pens. it looks pretty. it looks more organized than it really is 😄 usually I brainstorm everything in my word processor, and eventually all this info will need to be transcribed into da digital world, but I'm having fun with all the colors :) I wish I could share a pic but it'd be all spoilers
the plot continues to elude me. I've noticed I work best within confines, so I'm hoping a plot will naturally arise from all the worldbuilding and character-building. plots are always the hardest part for me. one generally hopes for a character-driven plot, so I just have to figure out what Soundwave wants in this story (I already know what Rodimus wants) and then hopefully... it'll be a go!
would occasional updates on the writing process help any of you? if so, I can keep doing these lil updates :)
also I'm contemplating writing the whole thing and then posting it on a schedule. I am always suuuuuuper I GOTTA POST IT! right after a chapter is completed, though, so we'll see how that goes xD I think it would be cool to be able to start posting on Halloween, given the themes. it would be quite a challenge to write and complete the fic before then, though.
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funkycloewn · 24 days
I've once again come from the dead to post lmaooo
After having avoided the pilot for so long in fear of getting sucked into the world and fandom, I finally watched Lackadaisy! (My fears were right btw as it has a grip on me rn) I love it and subsequently read the comic so I knew everything and wouldn't get spoilered.
Anyway, a little time after I came across the amazing interactive fic called the Under The Devil's Moon made by @libras-interactives
I enjoyed a lot (and can't wait for the next chapter/update) and couldn't help but make ocs due to this fic being a sort of self insert thing
These characters shown are only two out the five I made :]
It's sorta rambly but I hope you enjoy it anyway!! (Especially you, Iibra 🥺)
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Name: Margaret Quinn
Nickname: Daisy
Date of Birth: October 26, 1889 (31 Years Old)
(Mostly the usual callgirl personality with some stuff added into the mix)
Years of being in the industry, has shaped this feline to be calm, gentle and soft spoken. She knows what her customers want and acts accordingly so. Though, she doesn't particularly show it — that would be bad for her image as a callgirl — she is quick to give a person a label, to categorize them. She doesn't mean to be judgy but this mindset has helped her out countless of times, so she continues on; getting to know that someone is the only way for her to lift off the verdict she holds. With the ones she loves, Margaret is very caring towards. Making sure they're well fed with both food and love is one of her top priorities. (Though, recently that has been a difficult task to maintain) This, unfortunately, can make her pushy and stubborn even when she means well.
Romantic Relationship:
Out of all the characters to choose from I chose our friendly local bartender, Viktor Vasko. At one time I was thinking of either Zib or Sable but after reading about how he would treat Chester, I was sold. I can't for that romance to unfold! :D (rhyming unintended)
• She was born and lived most of her life in the outskirts of New Orleans
• Her mother succumbed to a yellow fever outbreak, leaving her and a few other kids orphaned.
• This led to her forming a group with said children and the four of them residing in an abandoned shack.
• Margaret knows how to fix things at least temporarily because of this (e.g. pipes and infrastructure).
• (This one is a little violent so warning for that :'D) Both her front paws are missing their claws. This is due to a farmer who got sick of her constantly stealing his chickens.
• The pearl necklace she has, was given to her by Flynn. She doesn’t like anyone to know that and avoids the question when asked who she got it from.
• She likes fidgeting with the pearls. The way they softly clack when moved and the feeling of them soothes her.
• Due to her motherly nature, she will "adopt" (translation: care and look after) anyone under the age of 25 with who she is somewhat close to, especially when they are boys
• She sees Jack and Marius as older sons of hers
• Rocky could (will) be a contender for the spot of a fourth son
• She always carries a box containing a sewing kit, buttons and patches
• This has come in handy plentiful of times for Jack, mostly. On rare occasions Marius is in need of them, though I would think he's picky on what she uses; they have to match.
• Though, she says she doesn't know who Chester's father is, she knows. She just doesn't like to acknowledge it.
Voice Claim: Tiana from Princess and the Frog
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Name: Chester Quinn
Date of Birth: January 6, 1917 (3 Years Old)
This little troublemaker, has a great fondness for being one with the earth. By that I mean, he loves digging. Chester likes creating craters at playgrounds or parks, all the while letting himself be covered in freshly dug up soil. Almost all of his clothes have a grass stain and Larochka fears that he might have stained his chubby little hands for eternity. Speaking of fashion, he hates wearing shoes. A tantrum is bound to occur if you simply try to make him wear a pair. Even if you somehow achieve the impossible, he will just claw them off and chuck them. However despite all that, he's well meaning and can be gentle at times. He enjoys snuggling with him Mama or Larochka. Chester is very social and when out he's always looking for a way to make people smile.
• If he likes you, he'll make you a 'special mud pie' (a mud pie sprinkled with hand picked flowers; the more flowers, the more he likes you)
• He's handsy, mostly because he's an affectionate boy but also due to the fact he has poor eye sight.
• While he's chubby right now he grows to look more like his father, even somewhat in the face department.
• Fortunately for everyone and the tom himself, he grows out of his habit to refuse any kind of footwear. Don't tease older Chester about his phase, though, because he will get embarrassed and he will look like he just ate a sour lemon.
Voice Claim: Greg from Over the Garden Wall
Cleaned up and with his eye color when he gains his melanin
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Wonder who the dad is lmaoo
Lastly a size comparison (not sure if it's accurate tho lol)
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maiko-san · 10 months
TADC x Robotic Jester! Reader (Part 3)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Continuation of the previous parts :D, I literally forgot one character that is Kaufmo. Even though he's not in the pilot, the poor guy deserves love! I know this is a short chapter but Kaufmo kinda deserves one tbh. Too many Jax x readers around lol.
ft. Kaufmo
Warning : slight angst
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There's nothing much to do around the circus as of late, Caine had been busy with his work/project and the others are doing their own things or minding their own business.
You're in Gangle's room and watch her draw characters from anime, even though she couldn't remember much about the characters or how they used to look like. Every time she draws, she feels that she is getting the characters so right!
"Look, here (Y/o/n)!" Gangle smiles as she holds up her finished drawing of an animal with a large red hat.
"A raccoon?" you questioned tilting your head to the side. "No, silly! It's a reindeer! A doctor too!" Gangle said. "Hehehe~ I'm just messing with ya, Ribbons!" you said.
"Hey, look what I've drawn!" you said. Holding up a badly drawn of yourself with Gangle with the word 'Weeb Besties' on top with hearts all over. Gangle gasps and takes the paper from you, "I'm going to pin it on my wall!" she said, hugging the drawing. She walks over to her board and pins it on the large board filled with all kinds of arts she had done.
"(Y/o/n), let's play mario—" before Gangle could finish, both of you were teleported to the stage.
Turns out, there were new people on the stage.
A clown?! Gasps! A stage buddy! Yippe :D
Kaufmo, a name that was given to the newcomer by Caine. At first, the poor guy was in a panic mess, well who wouldn't when you enter a whole different dimension in an instant.
"What—wh—where am I?! Why can't I get this thing off?????!!!" Kaufmo shrieks as he begin pulling on his face, Jax snorts "Try pulling harder, maybe you could rip—" you instantly slaps your hand on the rabbits's mouth to shut him up.
LICK— "Waa! Eew! Gross!" you cringe when Jax licks your palm as the purple rabbit gives you a smug grin.
Caine had taken Kaufmo on an instant tour around the place.
The clown didn't take it too well.
The guy was in a nervous wreck and running around the tent to find an escape from the digital realm.
"Exit! Where's the exit!" he shrieked. Jax on the other hand kinda had enough with his screaming and left, leaving you and the others.
"Alright, let's calm down and take a deep breath" Ragatha said as she walked over to Kaufmo to calm him down.
Due to Ragatha's expertise at calming people, Kaufmo finally calms down.
Everyone introduced themselves to the clown and it was your turn, "Hello, there Kaufmo! My name is (Y/o/n) the robotic jester! Hey, wanna hear a joke?" you said with a grin.
Somehow both of you became partners in the circus!
You and Kaufmo would do tricks together and tell jokes to each other, even Kaufmo's jokes weren't the best ( most of his jokes were consists of dad jokes btw ). Being a good partner, you help him improve!
Like Kinger, Kaufmo sees you as a good friend. Like you do with Gangle, you protect him from Jax's pranks and mockeries.
But even when you try to get his mind off the exit, it won't stop him or change his mind. Kaufmo were glad that you wanted to help him but....
He really wants to go home.....
"(Y/o/n)....I'm thankful that you want to help me but...I miss home and...my family. I know they are waiting for me" Kaufmo said. with a deep frown on his face. You stare into his black beady eyes as you rub your arm and look away.
"Don't you miss yours, (Y/o/n)?" your eyes widen slightly at Kaufmo's question, "I wish I could be like you, ya know....Like don't worry about anything at all? All of your feelings are so genuine unlike the others, like you belong in this place....." Kaufmo said, fiddling with his gloves.
"Well, I— uh" you were cut off by a voice.
"Now, what's with all of these frowning I see?" a voice echoes, both of you look up to see the moon looking down at the two of you.
"Oh, w-we were just talking...." you said, rubbing the back of your neck "I-I I think I want to go back to my room, see you tomorrow I guess..." you said as you speed your way back to your room. On your way, you see Jax walking by and he sees you. He folds his arms behind him and extends his leg once you got close.
He trips you as you fall on the ground, but you were too deep in your thoughts to even bother about Jax tripping you.
A question mark appears on Jax's head as he watches you enter your designated room, slamming the door shut. Jax's grin left his lips, he never sees you acting like that before and it kinda bothers him to see you like that.
"Pft....they'll get over it" he snorts as he walks away but he still couldn't shake off the feelings.
Once you're in your room, you lock the door and lean on the wooden door before sliding down and sit on the floor. You cover your face with your hands and cry.....
Now that Kaufmo said it, "I u-understand how it felt...." you mumbled to yourself. Yes, you also miss your family.
Especially your beloved uncle, you couldn't remember what he look like anymore and every time you want to remember, it was all a blur in your mind.....
He was the only family you had left.....
You'd hope that he's doing alright....
You look up at a drawn picture of yourself (avatar form) and a man with a question mark on his face, both of you are holding hands.
There is a word written, "Greatest Uncle in the world".
"I...I miss you" you sobbed, rubbing away your tears.
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aihoshiino · 4 months
chapter 151 thoughts
Chapters Since The 143 Kiss Happened And Went Entirely Unacknowledged And Unaddressed Count: 8
Aqua Hoshigan Status: Black
Kana enjoyers continue to eat good in this new arc, as 151 very clearly parallels what's considered one of the more iconic AquKana chapters from the first half of the manga with a bit of role reversal in the mix. 'Reversal' is sort of the keyword for this chapter for a handful of reasons but we'll get into that when it's relevant.
the usual shout out to mengo for Peak Faces this chapter. my faves were kana's blushy face as she takes off her glasses and aqua covering his blush with his baseball glove… it does NOT get cuter than that.
It's pretty cathartic to see Kana get a similar TV spotlight to BH!Ruby, where she's centered in B-Komachi's success and Ruby is sort of just in the background lol. That said… kinda of hate that OnK is continuing to frame the ShimaD shit!!! I have a lot of complicated feelings about it but I will say that overall, it's pretty fucked that the story made all those correct assertions about sexual harassment in the entertainment industry and how women and young girls specifically are pressured to kowtow to men to retain their place in the industry and then like… not? link any of this?? to what happened to Kana??? Weird and bad!!!!
on the plus side. megarima and maskua <3
It feels like a good step for Kana to confidently assert that they are, in fact, on a date and their shared visible embarrassment is pretty cute. This is what I meant when I said this chapter was a bit of a reversal of chapter 30, which Aqua even calls explicit attention to - running from school to play catch vs running to school. It works well, imo, as a sort of marker of both change and consistency for both of these characters, showing us how far they've come… but at the same time, how much has managed to stay the same. This return to the early AQKN dynamic is really nice… their moment to moment rapport is the one I enjoy most in the series so even though it's definitely jarring to whiplash back to it after the Movie Arc… idk!! I am still enjoying it all the same.
aqua calling her out on it being a baseball date was really funny btw
And their talk about dreams is… Very Shrimptresting. I keep waffling back and forth on what to take from it, because hypothetically I think it's really interesting but whether or not I really end up liking it is going to depend on how things are handled with Aqua going forward…! IDK, this is the obvious pitfall of analyzing the story like this week to week,
I guess all I'll say now is that this falls in line with how I was reading last chapter's framing of Gorou -> Aqua, where Aqua's inheritance of that identity is just that - an inheritance and it's up to him what he chooses to do with that legacy. He can decide for himself what parts of it he wants to take with him into the future and what he chooses to leave behind.
That said: this is still black hoshigan Aqua. Is this just a 'dream' because it's something he wants but doesn't think he'll be able to have? Or is Aqua starting to seriously consider a future for himself past the end of his revenge quest? It was Kana who prompted him for an answer, after all, and he's already had to make a promise to her that he won't 'disappear'. Is he just lying here to put her at ease? Much to consider…….
Kana's side of this conversation is also really interesting. Kana is a person who acts out of genuine love for her craft, yes, but she's also correct that she kind of already got her assumed end goal of 'be a nationally famous actress' when she was a kid and it didn't necessarily make her happy or fulfilled. To a degree, she's been operating on momentum and desperation to cling to the industry so much of her identity was formed around. But if a 'dream' is something she just wants for herself, without her career coming into it… then what does Kana really want?
And the answer, obviously, is Aqua. With another 'oshi no ko' title drop, to boot…!
It's a little sad that even as Kana makes this tentative confession to him, she still downplays herself in favour of Memcho and Ruby but the emotional stakes she's putting on the table are very loaded. This essentially, without either girl knowing it, puts her in direct competition with Ruby who very much seems to still want to milk her sensei's Little Aqua and I don't imagine that conflict is going to go off without fireworks.
Interestingly, though, this isn't the only point on which the two are opposed here: this is what I mean when I said this chapter's keyword was 'reversal'. While Ruby insists that 'Sensei' is her oshi, Kana offers to be Aqua's oshi. This isn't the first time it's happened, either - when Kana talks about her feelings last chapter, she describes them as 本気の恋 (honki no koi), i.e, seriously, earnestly, truly in love whereas Ruby's confession uses the term ガチ恋 (gachikoi), a slang term referring to a fan who considers themselves to be legitimately in romantic love with a celebrity/idol/etc - and specifically says she's gachikoi for Sensei. Gachikoi is also how the first generation of B-Komachi are described in both Viewpoint B and 45510 in the original Japanese text. On just about all fronts, these two are bound to clash going into the final arc of the story and I'm tentatively interested to see where it goes.
No break next week!
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This is my fic btw 💖 it'll only get worse. Chapter two will be posted soon and it's... F-d up.
Royal Tastes, by Dragonborn_Eldenlord on AO3.
Chapter 1: The Young King, The Cannibal Knight, The Dead Knight:
Sir Hannibal Lecter. A knight, ruthless and merciless in his quests. Or hunts, as he calls them.
Hannibal was infamous among many kingdoms as the Cannibal Knight, or Hannibal the Cannibal, that ate his enemies as a show of strength; not a popular habit. Most Knights hated or reluctantly accepted their jobs, but he reveled in the bloodshed. The scars, the agony, the screams, the light fading in his victims eyes, blood gurgling from their mouths or dripping from shallow wounds til they slowly bleed out… He saw beauty in it all.
Hannibal was visiting a kingdom he hadn't visited in a good twenty years or more; the Ophiuchus Kingdom, named after the serpent constellation due to the multiple snakes that infest the forests. Ophiuchus was infamous. The past rulers were known for their vicious and violent tactics, for their greed and gluttony. The only reason Hannibal was coming here in the first place was to and get in the good graces of the new ruler, as they had recently had their coronation if rumors were to be believed.
Walking into the throne room, Hannibal noticed the grandiosity of the palace. The new King is obviously doing some remodeling since there's multiple portraits stacked in a corner, many of which are torn. Hanging on the walls in their place are tapestries, animal hides, and furs, making the throne room have more of an animalistic, wild, and feral vibe.
Hannibal noticed the lack of the King as the throne was momentarily empty but he knelt anyway, the dark gray metal of his armor scraping against the expensive tiled floor; dark inky black tile with gold outlines and occasional intricate designs. He kept his head hung low, and soon he heard the footsteps of who he presumed to be the new King.
“Sir Hannibal Lecter, at your service, my Lord,” He greeted, head still positioned towards the dark ground.
"My apologies, Sir Lecter, but I'm not exactly... Educated on the proper etiquette of societal expectations for how I'm supposed to act and talk so I hope you'll be patient with me. Stand. I'm Lokka La’Rose, new King, blah blah blah. Killed the last King because he was a dick, so on and so forth," Lokka says casually as he perches on the arm of the fancy throne, not even looking at Hannibal as the Knight stands, instead he's briefly frowning in distaste at the gawdy throne before finally looking back at Hannibal with curiosity, golden eyes slowly taking in Hannibal's armor clad body and handsome face.
Hannibal stood, looking at the new King now fully. He seemed young. At least, younger than most rulers. If he's an adult it's just barely. His outfit—well, it lacked any form of royalty. Wearing something like that in court would make him the laughing stock of all the nobles. He's dressed in simple hunter-like garbs; a simple dagger on his hip, faded animal hide trousers and shirt. His curly hair is messy but pulled back in a low ponytail to keep it out of his face.
There's an old ugly scar running across his face that somehow danced between both eyes without harming them. And his eyes are peculiar as well; unnatural gold, reflecting all light, and feline-like with slit pupils.
"No worries, there's nothing wrong with not knowing etiquette. You’ll learn, it’ll feel like second nature in no time at all, Your Highness,” Hannibal studies the scars on the young King's face, "May I ask how you got those?”
"The scar? I was eight years old, a starving orphan, tried stealing from some noble man and he actually noticed and decided to teach me a lesson. Left me with a scar so I'd be reminded of the consequences of theft. Instead it just reminded me of the power imbalance in the Kingdom and the greed of the rich.”
Hannibal stayed silent for a moment, his eyes locked onto the other man. He studied the scar again, as it ran across his face in a jagged line. It had clearly scarred over years ago, but it still looked quite prominent. He knew the old King, and he was a greedy man, for sure. He thought the entire Kingdom was a piece of him to flaunt around. And many of his nobles had the same mentality.
"I see. You didn’t deserve that, child," He said the word in a somewhat condescending tone, though his facial expressions didn’t change from their almost emotionless state.
A small quiet huff of amusement escapes the King, “So, what are you here for? You requested an audience with the King. I know I'm not probably who you expected but I suppose I can still hear your piece and possibly assist.”
Hannibal smirked at his slight amusement, finding the King somewhat amusing. He began to circle around the throne, eyeing the golden details. He then came back to the front of the throne, locking eyes with the young King who'd allowed the Knight to pace and circle around him, looking entirely unthreatened.
"I didn't expect y ou , no," He paused for a moment, "Though I heard that you killed the last King. Tell me, was it worth it?”
Lokka tilts his head in thought, ".... worth it for the people....perhaps not for me though. I didn't want to be King. I just wanted there to be change. But no one else had the power to do it.”
Hannibal nodded slightly, silently admiring his slight vulnerability. He seemed to have thought about it a lot. He crossed his arms behind his back, shifting his weight to one foot. He seemed to look him up and down again before speaking again.
"You did this for the people, not yourself. That’s very admirable, Lord La’Rose.”
"Thank you, but please, just call me Lokka. I'm still not used to that title… and you're interesting enough to keep around and befriend.”
"Very well, Lokka ."
The way Hannibal says the King’s name makes the young King shiver and his cat-like pupils dilate.
Hannibal tilted his head downwards slightly, his arms behind his back casually and nonthreatening but somehow still imposing. The boy seemed somewhat shy, but somewhat confident, at least for speaking to a Knight that was feared by many for his bloodthirsty killing. He took a few steps closer to the throne.
"How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?”
“17,” The young King states simply.
Hannibal nodded as an indication of acknowledgement, slightly impressed that he had managed to kill a man—let alone a King—at that age. There was clearly a lot of determination and courage, perhaps some foolish bravery as well. He took another few steps, now being a few feet away from the throne.
"Ah. Young and full of life," He teases.
Lokka gives a small playful smirk, "I've heard of you, Sir Lecter. Hannibal the Cannibal . The Cannibal Knight . Are you here to add another man to your diet or are you after something else? I'm not easy to kill so I'd think twice if I were you,” His tone isn't threatening, just playful but with a hint of promise.
Hannibal chuckled dryly at Lokka’s comment, his hands still behind his back. Hannibal seemed amused by Lokka, intrigued even. Lokka was a curious thing.
" You're smarter than you look, kid ," He paused for a moment, looking into his odd eyes, before continuing, "And you seem a tad bit cocky for a young Lord.”
“Fake it til you make it," He says with a simple shrug, a hint of insecurity in his strange eyes.
Hannibal chuckled, noting a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. He tilted his head to the side, studying him a little closer.
"You're not confident, are you?" He teased him, finding a way to get under the new king’s skin.
Lokka shrugs, unperturbed, “No, I'm not. But I'm stubborn and spiteful so I'm planning on sticking around as King for a long time. At least until I find a suitable heir."
Hannibal hummed in acknowledgement, somewhat impressed by Lokka's determination and stubbornness. He seemed like a boy filled with ambition and power…and yet so vulnerable. So…breakable.
He'll be fun to break . Hannibal thinks to himself with a secret smile.
" And when you find that suitable heir, will you simply pass the throne over to them without a fight?" Hannibal asked, taking a small jab at him.
"I'll train them, have them educated on the life of the nobles and the poor, make sure they have decent morals and a support system, and then I'll peacefully step down, give them the throne when they're ready, and perhaps stick around as an advisor or something if needed.”
Hannibal’s eyebrows raised slightly, impressed by his thought-out plan. He had clearly thought it through for a while, which he respected.
"So you already have a plan in mind, that's quite…ingenious." He paused for a moment, "And you're sure they’ll be fit enough to rule your kingdom?”
"I've no idea. Haven't met a suitable heir yet. Enough about that though. What is it you wished to accomplish with your audience with the King, Sir Lecter?”
Hannibal chuckled at him, slightly amused. Lokka was clearly done talking about the subject for now, which Hannibal was willing to respect. Sometimes you have to play the long game when playing with a new toy you wish to enjoy breaking.
"Ah. Straight to the point. I like you, Lokka." He commented, now towering over the shorter man, "I simply came to offer my services to you—to the kingdom, I mean.”
Lokka gives Hannibal a small playful smile, not bothered at all with Hannibal towering over him- most Kings would've had Hannibal thrown out for the attempt at appearing imposing or threatening, instead Lokka just peers up at Hannibal in amused interest, "You wish to be my knight?" He basically purrs sweetly.
Hannibal found Lokka's lack of fear for him amusing, almost down right hilarious. Most rulers would be intimidated by a man like him, but the boy didn’t even seem slightly bothered by it. Hannibal found it quite interesting.
"Yes, of course," He said, somewhat amused. "I am the best in my field. You’d be unwise to decline my services, kid.”
Lokka chuckles, "Most would be practically begging or at least respectful when offering their services to a King, even a young and naive King enjoys respect instead of being called a kid," Lokka says with a playful smile, casually crossing his legs as he remains perched on the arm of the throne.
Lokka studies Hannibal for a long few moments, golden cat-eyes piercing and intelligent as he takes Hannibal in, like a wild cat studying its prey. Slowly he returns his gaze to Hannibal’s.
"Ask again." He says, a small smirk tugging his lip, “maybe with a pretty please ?" He asks, basically taunting Hannibal.
Hannibal was taken somewhat aback by his request, his eyes widening a slight bit. He had expected him to be polite and shy in his response, not demanding and confident. Hannibal’s smug expression soon faded away, the slight teasing look still in his eyes.
"My apologies," He began, his expression almost blank by now, "I'll be respectful , like you'd like."
He took a deep breath, knowing he was going to hate it.
"May I please be your Knight, Your Majesty, Lokka ?”
Lokka giggles in honest amusement, golden eyes lighting up with joy before he schools his expression.
"hm...no," He says before smiling again. "I'm not going to waste your services as a common Knight. If you'd like to work for me, I'd rather you be my main security. Top knight, Housecarl, or whatever the fancy noble terminology is. I've heard of your skills and I'd love to see them in person. I've had multiple attempts on my life within just a week so I imagine you'll get a chance to prove yourself interesting . If you grow bored of being a bodyguard, then I suppose I can send you out to play with the other Knights. Does that sound appealing enough to you, Sir Hannibal Lecter ?”
Hannibal’s eyebrows shot up at Lokka's words, surprised. He was expecting to be a regular Knight of the castle, which was just fine. But security for the King? That was unexpected, but he was very much intrigued by the offer. And it would make it easier to toy with the King and slowly break him.
"That sounds very appealing," He commented, his smirk returning once again, "I agree to those terms.”
"Good. Splendid. Hope you don't mind explaining the seemingly stupid noble jargon the people here keep expecting me to understand. Do you understand the purpose of so many forks for one meal?" He asks, tone switching from the teasing playful to genuinely open and curious
He chuckled at his question, amused by the King’s clear lack of knowledge of the social rules.
"Of course. And I know the noble jargon.” He explained. "And it’s stupid, honestly. There’s so many rules for a simple meal. A commoner would eat an entire turkey with their hands, while Kings and Queens have to use specific forks and spoons for specific items of a meal. And don’t even dare to use your hands; you’ll be chastised by the etiquette police.”
The King sighs dramatically as he lays across the throne, "Everything has so many ridiculous rules and yet the commoners are more concerned with surviving, which is more understandable. Why so many forks when hands work just fine? It's stupid…”
"I think I'm going to like you, Sir Lecter." The young King says, rolling his head where he lays across the throne to look up at Hannibal.
"Perhaps I may say the same," Hannibal replied, an amused smile tugging at his lips. He studied him for a moment, admiring his confidence, especially for a young king like him.
“ Goddesses ! I need to get rid of this throne !" He jumps off of it dramatically, a good three feet in the air before landing on his feet in a squat like a feral cat before slowly standing like a normal human, "that thing is so ridiculously uncomfortable. And such an eyesore . Like, we get it! This is a throne! But if you're going to show off wealth you may as well use it for something comfortable . Especially if you're expected to sit in the evil thing for days on end and play nice with other nobility.”
Hannibal was surprised by Lokka's sudden outburst and unexpected agility as he jumped from his throne, not expecting him to be nearly as physically adept as he was for a King or a human. He let out a dry chuckle as he stood next to him.
"Most nobles and royalty don’t care about what’s comfortable. They just care about what looks good and makes them look better than everyone else," Hannibal replied dryly.
Lokka huffs and crosses his arms, glaring at the throne like a petulant child who was just told that he has to eat his veggies before dessert, “Well I'm not most kings. If I could have that replaced with a recliner I would... I suppose I'll just settle for having this fancy throne melted down to coins and donated to the commoners, maybe the orphanage. Then I'll just feckin' carve a nice throne from some cherry wood perhaps and get some nice comfy- but I suppose fancy fabric- cushions to line it with."
Hannibal chuckled at Lokka's…rant, finding his determination for a more comfortable throne quite amusing. He tilted his head to the side, studying the younger man.
"A cherry wood chair," He repeated, a single brow quirked, "With plush velvet cushions," He added dryly with a slight tone of mockery. He was clearly holding back his laughter.
The King huffs and throws his hands in the air with dramatic exasperation "Ye have better design ideas, Sir Lecter?”
Hannibal let out a few dry chuckles at his dramatic actions before replying with a smirk.
"Maybe. I was thinking something a little more… aesthetic ," He said, thinking over the design in his mind, "Dark oak. Gold or a dark material for the trimmings. Soft light fur as a cushioning.”
"....I might actually be able to work with that...I'll sketch something up and have you look it over,” the King says after actually seeming to seriously be pondering over Hannibal's words.
Hannibal hummed, finding him quite amusing. Who would’ve thought a newly crowned King would ask for his input on a throne design of all things? Hannibal had to hold back his smirk at Lokka's eagerness.
“Of course. I’ll look it over once you have it sketched up, Lokka.”
"....so," Lokka clasps his hands and rocks slightly in place, "I'm supposed to play nice and be all Kingly for a few more hours today. One of the servants told me that there were a couple different knights and messengers from different kingdoms coming today- aside from you. I was even warned that at least one messenger is going to try and get me to marry some King's daughter from a neighboring kingdom," he says, looking disgusted but hides it mostly, "Are you ready to play advisor/bodyguard today or do you wish to have a servant show you to your new quarters and start tomorrow?”
Hannibal could sense Lokka's disgust in his voice and almost chuckled but contained himself. It seemed he disliked the prospect of having to listen to someone ask him to marry someone’s daughter for political purposes. He smirked, crossing his arms over his chest once again.
"I’m quite ready. And if any messenger does decide to try to convince you to marry an ugly daughter, I’ll be your bodyguard and advisor.”
"I'm not concerned with their looks , I'm just opposed to marrying some girl I don't know nor wish to know ," He says simply, reluctantly sitting back on the throne, though properly this time. He glances at the grand fancy clock across the throne room, "The next person should be here soon. Don't remember if it's a knight or some noble, or a messenger though.”
Hannibal watched as Lokka sat back down on the throne, this time properly. He still found the throne to be a little gaudy looking, no amount of proper sitting would change that. He took a few steps closer to the throne, positioning himself on the right side of him.
"Well, whoever this next person may be, I’ll be right here," He replied, referring to his position beside Lokka.
Lokka gives Hannibal a small smile, "Good boy," He says playfully, but praising, and before Hannibal can snark or react, a servant enters and announces the arrival of another visitor; another Knight.
Hannibal’s smirk quickly faded in surprise with Lokka's playful praise, his cheeks taking on a slight red hue. He was not expecting him to say that, but he quickly shook it off. He refocused his attention back towards the entrance to the throne room as the servant announced the arrival of another Knight. His eyes narrowed slightly as he watched the Knight carefully for his mannerisms.
The Knight was mature in age, probably around Hannibal’s age. His armor was shiny and well-polished; he's probably rather stuffy and hasn't actually seen many battles. He entered the room rather arrogantly—like most Knights were—and began to speak in an overly cocky tone.
“Your majesty, I am Sir Charles,” The Knight said, standing in the middle of the room, not bothering to take a knee or bow or show any respect, making Hannibal curl his lip in distaste.
Lokka tilts his head, studying the man, "Sir Charles... I'm Lord La'Rose. What have you come here to ask of the new King of Ophiuchus?" Lokka asks, all previous playful energy gone, in his place is now a serious calm intelligent King.
Hannibal noticed that Lokka even used his title this time, instead of being casual like Lokka had been with him. The change was sudden. Happened as soon as Sir Charles entered, only a brief moment of Lokka sniffing the air prerequisites his personality shift when Sir Charles entered.
Sir Charles was taken aback by Lokka's sudden and unexpected shift into a completely different person. From a giddy, happy, young King to a stoic, serious individual in a matter of seconds. He paused for a moment, almost intimidated by the change, but eventually responded.
"Well, your majesty, I have come to… congratulate you.” He replied, the word ‘congratulate’ sounding almost bitter coming from his lips.
"hmmm... Is that so? You could've just sent some gift like most of the others singing my praises lately," Lokka doesn't sound cocky despite his words, he actually seems uncomfortable with the thought of being praised for what he'd done, "So, what else is it you wanted from me, Sir Charles, aside from wasting my time?”
Sir Charles was once again taken aback, clearly not expecting the King to brush off his praise and assume he was just there to waste his time. He stood silently for a few moments, almost shocked, before speaking up again.
“I wasn’t just here to give my congratulations, your majesty.” He replied, his tone somewhat snarky and somewhat irritated now. “I also came to request something.”
"speak, no need to dawdle.” Lokka says when Sir Charles doesn't get straight to the point, making Hannibal fight a proud smirk.
Sir Charles let out a snort, crossing his arms over his chest and taking a few steps closer to the King.
“If you’d be so kind, Your Majesty, I was hoping you’d send a few of your troops to help us in a little battle we’re having.” He explained, the tone in his voice still demanding.
"A little battle?" Lokka asks, a single brow raised, "Why? Plead your case, Sir Charles.”
Sir Charles let out another snort, his arrogance seemingly taking control as he spoke again.
“My kingdom has been at war for over a year now. We just lost a significant amount of soldiers and are requesting backup.” He said, as if the reason was obvious and simple. “It would be immensely appreciated if you would send whatever soldiers you can spare.”
"...you have yet to explain why you're even at war or why I should be inclined to help. Perhaps I'd rather help your enemies, hm? What say ye to that?"
Sir Charles stood silent, shocked, for a few moments. The arrogance on his face now faded into disbelief. Obviously, he hadn’t expected the King to be so indifferent and ask for a reason to send soldiers to help.
“The reason for our war…” He repeated, “Why- the reason is…”
He paused for another moment, trying to come up with a reasonable response on why they were at war and why they needed his help. A good reason. One that wasn't seeped in greed.
Lokka chuckles, darkly, in amusement, before speaking with a light disturbingly kind tone despite his words, "Give me a good reason, Sir Charles, before I send you back to your King without a head.”
Sir Charles almost staggered backward in shock, horrified by the King's response. His dark amusement and the threat of beheading him if he can’t come up with a good reason was enough to nearly make Sir Charles piss in his armor, but he managed to stay composed. Mostly. He swallowed thickly before replying again.
“We’ve been at war with our neighboring kingdom for years now. A war we can’t win without you. If you do not help, Your Majesty…” He paused once again, his voice wavering slightly, “We will be overtaken and lost.”
"Still," Lokka says, casually standing from his throne, and slowly walking down the steps of the platform to the main part of the throne room, gesturing with one hand casually for Hannibal to stay, back for now, "You've yet to explain why you're at war. Just that you are and that you're losing." Lokka's tone softens to an almost teasing seductive tone as he nears Sir Charles and raises a hand to gently caress the taller older man's cheek and tilts his gaze to meet his eyes, "so... Explain to me, Sir," Lokka practically purrs, "why," he traces his fingers over the Knight's pulse point, "you need me?”
Sir Charles froze as the King suddenly approached him, his hand gently caressing his cheek and moving his head to face him. The sudden shift in his tone and attitude to something more seductive and playful shocked him, his heart almost stopping as he felt his slender fingers tracing over his pulse point.
He inhaled deeply, unable to find the words to respond. His words got caught in his throat, but he eventually began speaking despite the dryness in his throat.
“I- We…” He paused, swallowing the lump in his throat.
"ooh, has a cat got your tongue?”
Sir Charles tensed his shoulders, his cheeks turning a slight pink at his words. It didn’t help that Lokka was so close to him, his slender but firm and calloused fingers still gently caressing his pulse point. Sir Charles swallowed again, his words stuck in his throat like a frog for a few moments.
“N-no.” He managed to stutter out, cursing himself for stuttering like a boy with a middle school crush.
The King chuckles playfully, dancing around behind the large Knight and draping his arms over the man's shoulders from behind, wrapping his arms around the man's neck and resting his hands teasingly on the man's chest armor.
"hmmm..." Lokka hums in thought, glancing over to Hannibal, "Sir Hannibal, what do you know of Sir Charles and his Kingdom?”
Sir Charles tensed more as the King began to dance around him, jumping slightly as he suddenly draped his arms over his shoulders. He immediately tried to look at whatever Hannibal’s reaction was to the King’s action, his stomach twisting into knots at the King’s forward and almost…flirtatious behavior.
Hannibal’s eyes remained fixated on the pair, his head tilted to the side observing the King’s behavior, and Sir Charles’ reaction. He noted his tension and how he seemed almost afraid of the small young King.
The boy continues to surprise me…
"Don't tell me a cat's got your tongue too now, Sir Hannibal," the young King calls out playfully to his Advisor and Knight, "Do you know of Sir Charles or his Kingdom? Feel free to speak your mind, Sir Hannibal.”
Hannibal’s eyes flicked over to the King as soon as he spoke up, his eyes narrowing for a moment before his normal, calm demeanor returned to him. He raised an eyebrow, a little surprised with the King’s almost childish behavior. He took no issue with it, it was almost…endearing…
Hannibal glanced back at Charles for a moment, observing his behavior further, before speaking up in his usual polite but crisp and composed tone.
“I know of his kingdom and his cause. I also know of his king.”
"Hmm," Lokka hums, teasingly nuzzling his face into Sir Charles' neck from behind, though from where Hannibal stands, Hannibal can see the way Lokka curls his nose in disgust at whatever he smells, or just disgust for the Knight Sir Charles in general.
“Continue to speak your thoughts, Sir Hannibal. What's your opinion? Since you know of him and his King. Should we help them? Why are they in a war?”
Hannibal noticed the way the King’s nose curled in disgust as he nuzzled into the Knight’s neck. That was interesting. Clearly, there was more going on than a simple plea for help. Hannibal kept that thought in the back of his mind for now as he continued to speak up.
“They’re at war with their neighboring kingdom because of a fight over land.” He explained, “Their King wants to expand his kingdom and is willing to take it by any means necessary, even if it means going to war.”
"Hmm...." Lokka hums, tracing his hands teasingly in a sexual manner over Sir Charles chest armor from behind as he continues to nose Sir Charles' neck, "pathetic," he hisses out before suddenly biting down and tearing into Sir Charles' neck, tearing out a large chunk of his flesh and causing blood to gush from his artery.
Sir Charles drops dead to the ground, a few brief gurgling noises before he dies. Lokka is now covered in Sir Charles' blood but looks unbothered. More annoyed with the blood on the beautiful tile throne room floor than anything else.
Lokka whistles out a sharp note and a servant enters.
"Maria, darling,” Lokka says sweetly, almost apologetic, and it seems genuine, “Can you have the gardener get rid of this one like they did with the King? You and the servants may sell or keep whatever he has on him. I'll need someone to clean this blood out of the floor. Again."
Hannibal’s eyes widened in utter shock the moment the young King suddenly bit the Knight’s neck. He stood speechless for a few moments, unable to speak or form any words or coherent thought. Everything about this moment was so…unexpected..
And strangely attractive.
Hannibal watched as the King called in a servant named Maria, almost stunned as he listened to what the pair said. He was still trying to process what just happened, and it almost felt like he was dreaming.
Maria nods and quickly fetches a few other servants. Soon the dead Knight is gone- a handsome but awkward looking man, the gardener presumably, fetching the body and carrying it out- and there's a servant cleaning the blood up. Lokka walks slowly back up to the throne and stops a few feet in front of you.
"Do you still want this job?" Lokka asks, unknowingly licking the blood on his lips.
Lokka's mouth, jaw, neck, and the front of his shirt is soaked in blood from Sir Charles.
"I promise to play nice and let you leave without harm if your answer is no. Though I will be sad if you do choose to leave.”
Hannibal’s eyes remained fixated on the bloody, almost gorey scene before him, unable to tear his eyes away from the blood on the floor.
He stayed silent for a few moments as he finally registered his question to him, his eyes snapping up to meet his gaze. His usual stoic features were now replaced with slight shock and awe. He wasn’t sure how to feel about any of this, it was all so…unexpected…
“I…I do still want the job, Your Majesty.” Hannibal says with a small stutter, surprising even himself. It's not fear though that makes him stutter. Something about the way Lokka looks with blood dripping from his chin is just… delicious. Maddeningly so.
"hmm... Very well then," Lokka turns and looks back at the servant currently cleaning the floor, "Maria? Sir Hannibal and I will be gone for a few minutes. If any guest comes, please apologize for the wait and have them guided to... I don't know where, just somewhere nice and keep them entertained and fed til I return. Understood, doll?”
Maria, a young, brown-haired, and freckled servant, looked up as the King addressed her. She paused for half a second before nodding her head. She didn't seem afraid of him despite the gore and violence.
“Understood, Your Majesty. Will do.” she says simply.
"Good." Lokka says with a soft smile to the girl, though the blood on him ruins the attempt at a kind image.
He turns and gestures for Hannibal to follow as he leaves the throne room and heads for his private chambers.
They're not the original King's Chambers- far too casual and not as overly decorated. There's still nice furniture and a sitting area but it's also decorated with multiple books filled with notes and scribbles in the margins, animal hides and leathers tossed everywhere, half finished crochet and wood carvings and leatherworking projects everywhere.
Lokka leads Hannibal in and practically ignores his presence as he goes to his wardrobe and pulls out a nicer but still not exactly Kingly clothes; simple black pants and a long sleeve black shirt. He changes and washes the blood from his face at the water basin before finally turning to look at Hannibal, not caring that he'd stripped down to his boxers and undershirt in front of the other man since the boxers and undershirt hid the parts of himself he likes to keep hidden from everyone who doesn't need to know his secret.
"So, any opinions or questions as to why I killed that Knight? You're allowed to speak freely. I won't give you the same side of me I gave him.”
Hannibal took the invitation to speak his mind, taking a moment to properly organize his thoughts before beginning to speak.
“You’ve clearly got a distaste for people who you see as weak, a person like the late Knight.” He began, keeping his voice and tone calm, and his words precise and careful to avoid sounding disrespectful. “Perhaps the Knight said something, or you simply got…fed up with him.”
The King chuckles softly, "hm, good theory but not quite, Sir Hannibal," He says as he sits on one of the couches in the sitting area of his private chambers, "I was going to kill him the moment I smelled him- I'm not a normal human if you haven't noticed yet."
Hannibal tilted his head slightly, his eyes narrowing for a moment as he fully assessed the king now, taking in his unnaturally keen sense of smell. This kid was far more than he seemed. He slowly walked over to the same couch and sat down a few feet away, keeping his usual polite composure still.
“You’re a werecat.”
Hannibal stated, not asking but saying it like it was factual.
“Precisely," the King says with a chuckle.
This was a very interesting development, to say the least. Werecats were relatively rare. Hannibal noted that Lokka's eyes resembled that of a cat. Sharp, unwavering, and almost predatory in a way.
“I assume you could smell that he was a coward…” Hannibal mused out loud, pausing for a moment as he noted more differences about the King.
“I did not kill him for his cowardice. But rather what I smelled on him- what he'd done- before he'd dirtied my Kingdom with his presence."
Hannibal raised an eyebrow, intrigued to know what he smelled on him. He never would’ve expected such a young king to be so…violent. The death was so vicious and sudden, and not to mention messy. And it was all over a particular scent.
But God, was it beautiful…
“What did you smell on him?” Hannibal questioned, his curiosity getting the better of him.
A murderous snarl tugs Lokka's lip, but not at Hannibal, rather the Knight he'd killed, "He smelled of children, suffering children, at least two. Two whose scents were far too different from his to have been his offspring. And scents that reeked of fear and pain. He'd harmed them. I dare not dwell in what ways."
Hannibal’s eyes momentarily darkened as he listened to the kid’s reply. Child abuse, a particular weakness of his. His hatred for it was almost as strong as his cannibalism.
For a split second, Hannibal suddenly felt a pang of…admiration. The kid had a sense of justice, in a way. A strange moral sense of delivering justice but still. He wasn’t a normal royal, that’s for sure.
“Is that why you killed him the way you did?” He questioned, masking his previous internal admiration and remaining composed and polite.
Hannibal didn’t know how to feel about the King being so…unapologetic and straightforward about his violence, yet he found it almost refreshing and…charming. Usually, nobles danced and tiptoed around the subject and acted disgusted or horrified when acts like this were brought up.
“A brutal, yet justified death.” Hannibal muttered under his breath, speaking his thoughts out loud by accident.
"I'm glad you think so," Lokka says softly, head tilted slightly as he looks up at Hannibal.
Hannibal noticed his head tilt, taking in the small action further. He couldn’t help but find it…cute. The little King was clearly not an ordinary King, especially for his age. He was young, wild, and violent, and yet there was an almost endearing quality to him. Almost like that of a small, feral creature.
Hannibal's eyes drifted to the King's lips.
Soft and stained a faint red from the blood that he'd just washed off.
Lips that had parted to kill a man.
Lethal but beautiful lips that Hannibal wants to-
The gif of Hannibal covered in blood belongs to @bloodydancy ☮️💖
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thebunnednun · 5 months
New profile pic!! Oh and updates 4/14/2024 (Master list too)
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Finally, something that looks like me!
Oh, btw the names Angellica or Angie for short. I don't mind being called BUNNEDNUN either babes.
Now let's get down to business,
An updated schedule will be as follows:
Mundane Monday: The beginning of the week is always dreadful so let's make it fun with some crack fics. Memes, Memes, MEMES galore!
Tearful Tuesdays: Angst posts will be the main thing on here. I'm thinking of some hurt and comfort fics. I'm already working on a Buggy fic for this. I'm not opposed to happy endings but in general, think of an onion cutting itself for these. They don't all have to be romantic and I'm creating something for Trafalgar Law here.
Wonderful Wednesdays: I will update two of the current fan series on this day maybe three if I have the time. So far the list includes:
*Enchanted meeting (Buggy The Clown x Straw-hat reader)
*Shadows of the Blade (Dracule Mihawk x Assassin reader)
*Capturing hearts (Iñaki Godoy x Photographer reader)
*Please Don't Hate Me! (Juan Ruiz x Imperfect reader
*Whispers of the heart (Dracule Mihawk x Maid (Pirate Queen) reader)
*Love Sick (Buggy the Clown x Straw-hat reader)
*Bound by Justice (Sabo x Marine! Reader)
*Carnival Confessions (Portgas D. Ace x Straw-Hat! Reader)
*If you only knew how much I love you (Sabo x Straw-hat! Reader x Ace)
*Make you mine!~ (Trafalgar D. Law x Cheeky~ Crewmate! Reader)
*Throw Me Overboard! (Buggy the Clown x Fm! Reader)
*Gone Fishing! (Sabo x Sea creature Straw-Hat! Reader)
*Good neighbors (Farmer! Bakugou Katsuki x Gardener! Reader)
*Dancing Under the Stars (Red-Haired Shanks X Bar/ DanceClub Owner! Reader)
*In the Arms of a Stranger (Charlotte Katakuri x Bride! Reader)
*Unexpected Dinner Guests! (Koby x Straw-Hat! Reader)
*Tempted to touch! One piece Men x Fm! Reader (Multi fic)
*Shadows in the Night! (Trafalgar D. Water Law x Ethereal spirit! Reader)
*Sweet dreams!~ (Trafalgar D. Law x Hot Doctor Wife! Reader (Modern Au))
*Golden afternoon (Monkey D. Luffy x Crew mate! Reader) *LOYALTY (Katsuki Bakugou x Sugar Baby! Reader)
*You're my Coffee (Shouta Aizawa x Pro Hero/Teacher! Reader)
Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Ace, Law, Robin, Boa, Chopper, and Zoro will be loading soon. I have many, many, MANY, ideas but no time right now.
Thoughtful Thursdays: Just some random conversations and ideas thrown out there. I'll try to host polls so you guys can vote on what you want next. Basically a rest day for me though because there's just no way I could write everything in one shot. (/@ ~@)/~* I've tried and it ends with me updating around 3AM or sum.
Follower Fridays: Requests from followers are posted. If you have a story request or anything you want to ask go ahead and do so on this day. Just make sure you send them in early so I can get to it in time. If you send something the day of I might be able to make it happen.
Sexy Saturdays: Send me your best Saturday night requests: ie dancing, funny adventures, or crazy antis with the one-piece crew or another fandom. I'm very familiar with Naruto and MHA (and any other anime honestly I doubt there's anything you could request that I don't know.)
It's all about having fun and having those Saturday night vibes babe!~
Sweet Sundays: Romantic One-shot posts! Any character of age and as long as it's not a child. I would be open to doing a reader insert where they are a parent or parental figure though. I find them to be very endearing.
As always your requests are welcomed and comments are very much appreciated. Sorry again for being gone for so long. I want to pick up my serious especially and make the chapters juicy again.
I also have a spring tee shop for merch related to all the stories!!
Every little bit helps me to pay for my tuition! <33
Thank you guys again for your patience and understanding.<<333
Don't forget to check out my a03 account of the same name!!
My new goals are to keep up with the schedule and get 50 followers by the end of the month! I wanna keep growing our family. :3
Most of all, remember that you are safe here and loved.
Until next time my loves!~
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skyartworkzzz · 6 months
Last Line Challenge!
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many as you like.)
Tagged by: @starostasnow (thank chu btw <3 )
Last line(s):
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This is what I was writing for my COTL fic Death After Life! Im currently tryna figure out where I want it to end before finishing the chapter sobs
As for last art(s):
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Still filling up a whole ass canvas to try and figure out how I want to draw these 2 OTL
Tagging: IIIIiiii have no idea IUANDKJADAS dont think I have enough mutuals inside COTL for this and if I do theyve probs been pinged already- Feel free to do this if u want tho! Idm any mentions :D
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umeji-writes · 8 months
Why the manga Mairimashita! Iruma-kun is a masterpiece, part # (idk at this point)
Spoilers for the latest M!IK chapter (332) under the cut ♡
Okay, I was loving this art-focused arc already, as someone who after... several years (hi I'm old)... decided to learn illustration for good. But unholy shit I wasn't expecting an actual storytelling lesson from Nishi-sensei!!! I'm specifically referring to these two pages:
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..........do you see what Nishi did????? See, I always found the characters in M!IK to be exceptionally alive, as if they had independent lives outside the pages we can read. Basically all named characters are consistent and three-dimentional, even if they appeared for a couple of chapters at most. And there are LOTS of them, I tried to compile a spreadsheet for personal use and we are well beyond 100 at this point (I'm not done yet). This is most likely Nishi's writing method. It fits: "when it comes to terror designing characters, what's important is the foundation. When, where, from whom, and from what was that terror were that character's motivations born? Without that, art doesn't live". See all the crumbs of information Nishi left along the chapters, in text or drawings, or in the Q&As. M!IK's characters are alive, like the Bowing Palome. Clearly this is not new when it comes to storytelling in general, and to manga specifically. As an example, there's a whole chapter dedicated to character design in Hirohiko Araki's Manga in Theory and Practice, The Craft of Creating Manga (most recommended read btw), that goes over the data to collect even before drawing a character. I imagine that's among a mangaka's best practices. But that's the point, Nishi actually follows the rules of the Golden Way*, and created a work which is nearly perfect from any point of view: the four fundamentals (characters, story, setting, and themes), and even rhythm, art, comedy... I'm in awe. I know I sound like a smitten fan, and I am at this point, but seriously, this manga is qualitatively great, and it's a pity it's so underrated. *The set of rules/tips Araki compiled, which if followed would lead to a manga being successful, according to him. I guess there are other sources as well out there, like illustration schools? But this what I can tell you, as an outsider :D
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