#nico x eros
biggestqiblifan · 3 months
My child...
Its like Rick just handed Nico Will after years of bullying as a "sorry".
Oh? Your mom was assassinated? Your memories were erased? You were thrown into another time period? The last piece of world you had (Bianca) died because she was trying to get you a gift? Your sister died after seventy years of raising you? Your dad hates you? Oh does your father wish that you had died instead of Bianca? Oh you got betrayed MULTIPLE times? Was manipulated by an evil ghost? FELT BIANCA DIE? Had nightmares about it? 2 WARS?!
Oof, lmao, anyways, suicidal much? Oh you believe everyone hates you? No-one wants you around? TARTARUS! You got trapped in a jar? Nearly starved and suffocated to death? Felt all those close you die? Was brutally outed by a God as a child to a near stranger? Never felt you fit in anywhere? Didn't care if you died cause you felt no-one else would care? Stranger? Outlaw? Abandoned? Oops, looks like you were homeless for a while.
Anyways, here's a sunshine boyfriend.
Uncle Rick just can't give him a break!!!! (I love you so much)
Oh? Your sunshine boyfriend also already has trauma?
Anyways, I'm pretty sure its canon that there is more than 1 camper that thinks that Nico is just a phase, and that Will could get so much better.
Like, NO?!
Nico is the best. Percy but better.
Our emo gay Italian kept at least 2 million readers in the series, (including me).
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willsimpforanyone · 1 year
Hey! I was wondering if you could do a poly!solangelo x child of eros!reader smut? And there was this tiny bit of angst since reader is the child eros and well, ya know what happened last time nico saw eros/cupid? Thanks!!!!!!!!:D
i can do that, thank you for waiting so patiently! as per usual, everyone in this fic is in their 20s at least as they have their own apartment and no one below 25 can afford that shit
reader will use they/them pronouns and generally i don't refer to genitals unless the ask specifies them
hoo boy this got away from me
I draped myself over the back of the sofa, arms flung around Nico's neck. "Hey gorgeous, how're you?"
The flinch he gave, no matter how hidden, didn't go unnoticed. He didn't say anything and I immediately pulled away. I walked round to the front of the sofa, sitting at the end with a good two feet of space between me and my boyfriend.
"You okay? Do you not want to be touched?" Which I was fine with, it just meant I'd go and find Will to lean on- being a child of Eros meant I was somewhat touchy and that wasn't always okay with people.
Nico shifted uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact. "Hm? Yeah, y-yeah, I'm fine."
"Bullshit, what's wrong?"
He shot a glare at me and seemed to immediately regret it, curling in on himself and tucking his head into his hands. I hesitated, slowly getting off the sofa. "Alright, I'm going to get Will, because this looks like I've done something and I don't know how to get you to tell me."
I made it almost to the door when Nico sighed. "Wait, come back, I-" His voice was thick, like he was swallowing tears. "-I can tell you, you don't have to get Will, just... c'mere, okay?"
Carefully, I returned to my seat on the sofa, clasping my hands together to resist holding his. Nodding, I waited patiently for Nico to explain.
After a moment, he turned to face me. "It's not your fault, I know that, but sometimes... sometimes it sucks that I never... for fucks' sake!" Nico dragged his hands through his hair. Instinctively I reached out, only to pull my hand back. Nico liked touch on his terms, and I would be a really shitty partner if I didn't respect that.
Instead, I cleared my throat. "Neeks, not to push you, but you're not making much sense."
Nico nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I know, sorry, um." He took a deep breath.
"Do you know what day it is?"
"Yeah, it's-" Oh. Oh, shit, it's a real bad anniversary. "Oh, fuck, Nico, I totally forgot!" I jumped off the sofa and made to leave. "I'll- I don't know, go for a walk or go to someone's house, of course you don't want to be around me-"
Nico practically leapt across the sofa to stop me leaving. "No! No, don't go, I'm not mad at you, I'm not, I swear." My hand was tightly grasped in his and it took everything in me not to melt. I let myself be led back onto the sofa.
"I'm not mad, it's just a bit difficult when someone you love was created by a god who ruined your life, y'know?" He gave a watery laugh. "Well, one of the gods that ruined my life."
I gave a small smile. "I get it, Neeks, I do, but I need you to be honest with me, okay?" He nodded, and I continued. "Would it make it easier if I just... left, for today? Go over to to Piper's or something?"
Nico wiped at the tears welling in his eyes. "Please, don't go. I love you too much to let your dad get in the way."
There was a pause, and we both burst out laughing.
"Oh my gods, that's such a weird sentence!" I cackled, and Nico buried his face in his hands to hide his smile.
"Wow." His voice was muffled but sounded less like he was going to burst into tears.
"What happened?" Will's head poked round the door, sunny smile directed at the pair of us.
I shook my head. "Nah, just realising that my existence is awkward."
Nico half-heartedly slapped my leg. "Hey, no, your dad's existence is awkward." We began giggling again.
Will waltzed into the room, pressing kisses onto the tops of our heads. "Ah, I see, that time of year, huh?" Wow, he catches on quicker than I do, apparently.
Nodding, Nico slid over to me to make space for his other partner. "Yep, I shall be mourning the fact that I didn't get to come out on my own terms for the rest of the day, just so you know." Will flopped onto the sofa and I immediately reached out, grabbing his hand so I was touching both of them.
"Well," Will began. "Thanks for the warning, honey, but you don't have to do that."
"I will, though, it's not really my choice." Nico gave a small rueful smile.
Will looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "I mean, I've sort of had an idea hidden in the depths of my mind for a day such as this."
Both Nico and I perked up, curious. Nico shifted until he was facing Will, back leaning against my side. "Sounds dangerous, but go on."
Clearing his throat, Will played with my fingers. "It's sort of a... roleplaying... thing." I raised my eyebrows back at him, and he shrugged. "Look, just something to make Nico feel like he's just... experimenting, unsure of his sexuality and hasn't come out to anyone yet."
I couldn't judge Nico's expression, but he hadn't turned to stone which I took as a good sign. His ribs vibrated against me as he spoke. "I'm... curious, continue."
Will sat up straighter. "Okay, um, something like we'd picked you up from a bar or something, convinced you to come home with us, allowing you to experiment with us, have us experiment with you, just stuff that a closeted gay might be interested in but without any potentially toxic fallout."
Pretending to take home an innocent Nico and letting him explore exactly what he wants? I couldn't lie, that was a pretty good idea as long as Nico was into it.
Very carefully, I tuned into Nico's body language. One of the weird little gifts I had from Eros was being incredibly attuned to body language and what it meant for each person. Will had gone from somewhat nervous to more confident when Nico had said he was interested.
Nico's shoulders were loose, his fingers interwining with mine, his heart was pounding and there was a red flush creeping down his neck. Without seeing his face, I could fairly confidently say he was interested in this idea of Will's.
Fidgetting slightly, Nico swallowed. "Hypothetically, when would you want to do this?"
Will shrugged. "I mean, the point of this exercise is to distract you, give you positive memories of before you came out." There were air quotes around the last four words. "So, hypothetically, if you wanted, we could start now." He paused. "Obviously you'd be able to safeword out of it at any time, you know that, right?"
Nico was nodding before he could catch himself. "Y-yeah, Oedipus."
Will made eye contact with me. "Hey, you down for this?"
I grinned. "Oh, so very down, baby."
Lifting himself off the sofa, Will reached for me. "Okay, Neeks, we're going to go out to the kitchen, then we'll come back in after a minute or so and get started, alright?" I took Will's hand and together we left Nico on the sofa.
My skin was buzzing, but I let Will lead me into the kitchen.
"Hey, Will?"
"Yeah, honey?"
I swallowed. "Can I kiss you?"
Will grinned. "Feeling a little deprived of affection, are we?"
Rolling my eyes, I pulled him closer, letting his hand go in favour of wrapping my arms around his waist. "Please?"
In answer, Will pressed his lips against mine. I surged forward, delighting in finally being allowed to touch and kiss and feel someone against me. Will's hands cradled my head and I melted into him, transferring all the desire to touch Nico in the last twenty minutes or so onto Will.
He pulled away, laughing lightly at my whine, and pecked my nose. "I know, babe, but we have a baby gay out there, waiting to be shown the ropes, isn't he worth cutting this a little short?"
That sent a shiver down my spine. "Yeah, absolutely, come on." I dragged Will into the bedroom, the pair of us searching for a couple things to lay out on the bedside table before Will caught me in one last kiss.
The trip from the bedroom to the living room was the longest journey in the world. Nico was standing by the mantlepiece, pretending to admire the picture of me and Will on holiday. He'd strategically put all other photos with him in them to face down- he was into the game and I was delighted to see him invested.
Will strode forward. "Hey, you like our home?"
Nico nodded. "It's lovely." His eyes ran over the cheesy rainbow flag bunting we put up last year and never took down. "It's great that you're so open in who you are, too."
I slung an arm over Will's shoulders. "Thank you, hun." I took a slight risk. "You could be too, y'know."
Shaking his head, Nico folded in on himself. "Maybe. Not right now, though."
Sidling up to him, I nudged his shoulder. "No, of course not, it's just us right now." Nico leaned slightly into my side and I looked back at Will, as if to ask him something.
He came up on the other side of Nico. "So, me and my partner were wondering, of course you can say no, it's just a suggestion, but-"
I interrupted. "Get to the point, darling."
Will pretended to glare at me. "What am I supposed to do," he hissed, just loud enough for both Nico and me to hear. "Just tell him we want to fuck him? I have manners!"
Nico coughed lightly, and both Will and I froze as if we'd been caught.
"Y-you..." Nico swallowed, trying to keep the smile off his face. "You want to- fuck me?"
I sighed, gently turning Nico to face me. "I'm not gonna lie to you, we may have had an ulterior motive in offering you a place to stay for the night, but that doesn't mean you owe us anything, okay? If you don't want to, then we can order pizza, watch a movie and make up the sofa for you to crash on."
Will, careful not to spook Nico, wrapped his arms around his waist from behind. "But, if you want to, my partner and I would love to..." He paused, considering his words. "...make you feel good, darlin', in any way you'd like."
Nico took a shuddering breath, trying to hide how much this idea was affecting him. "I-I don't know what I'd like, I've never been with..."
"That's alright, honey." I reached up and tucked his dark curls behind his ear. "We can help you figure that out, if you'd like." He looked at me with such trust in his expression I almost caved. This was the innocence that was hidden from him, but was still there, it just needed a little coaxing to come out. "So, what do you say, handsome?"
Under the careful ministrations of both me and Will, Nico relaxed and nodded. "O-okay, yes, I'd like that."
A grin spread across my lips and I trailed my hand from his cheek, along his neck, down his arm and twisted my fingers in his. "Then come this way, we'll take care of you, we promise."
I led the three of us into the bedroom. We sat Nico down on the bed, and his eyes drifted to the things on the bedside table. Will explained the condoms and the lube and that there was a bunch of toys in the drawer below that we didn't need to use but were there in case he wanted to see what they did.
Slipping onto the sheets beside Nico, I rested a hand on the back of his neck as Will explained in a way he would to someone that had no idea what they were doing. This kept Nico grounded and meant I could feel his heartbeat, blood thumping through him and giving away how excited he was.
"Will, baby," I interrupted. "I think he gets the idea."
Will grinned sheepishly. "I just want him to know what could happen." He kneeled down, leaning a hand on Nico's knee. "You still okay with everything still?"
Nico nodded, and I guided his head to face me. "Hey, can I kiss you?"
Instead of a verbal answer, Nico pushed into my space, wrapping his arms around my neck and kissing me hard. I reciprocated with as much fervour, closing my eyes and enjoying the familiar experience of kissing one of my partners. My arms secured around his waist and I hoisted him into my lap, drinking the whine from his lips.
Will pulled gently on the hem of Nico's shirt, pulling it off only when Nico pulled away from me very briefly. I ran my hands over his bare torso, thrilled with the hitch of breath I got when I ghosted my fingers over his nipples. I dragged my nails over them again and was rewarded with Nico throwing his head back and moaning from deep in his chest.
His hips were shifting, clearly getting uncomfortable. I broke away from where I'd been nipping a lovely flower patch of red and purple into his skin to look at Will.
Eyes hungry and wanting, Will was also shirtless and hard in his sweatpants. I raised an eyebrow. "Nico, sweetheart, hop off me for a moment, will you?" It took a moment for him to respond, but he obediently wiggled off my lap.
I slipped off my trousers, exposing my legs and shuffled back until I had my back against the headboard, the pillows holding me at an angle. Beckoning for Nico to come back, he crawled over and I positioned him until his back was against my chest. Will fell on the bed, eyeing Nico like a predator does prey.
Breathing against Nico's ear, I shot a wicked grin Will's way. "You wanna get fucked, handsome?" Nico's back arched against me and I felt the desperate groan more than I heard it.
"F-fuck, yes-!"
Will stripped Nico of the rest of his clothes, licking his lips at the sight of Nico's cock, red and hard and drippy with precum. "I'm gonna prep you first, okay darlin'? You think you can handle that?"
Nico nodded frantically. I smoothed my hand along the planes of Nico's ribs and hips. "Be nice, Will, he's new to all this."
I delighted in the twin moans that drew from my partners. Carefully, I reached down and pulled Nico's legs apart, thighs exposing him and a delicious blush spreading down his chest.
Grabbing the lube, Will coated his fingers in the substance and kneeled between Nico's legs. He winked. "I'll be gentle, promise."
Nico keened as the first finger eased into him, body adjusting to the intrusion and relaxing as I pressed kisses into his hair and Will went slow and soft, keeping up the pretense that this wasn't an intimately familiar situation.
"So good for me," Will breathed as Nico took a second finger, then a third. "Such a good boy for us, Nico." Said 'good boy' preened under the attention, body limp and pliable against me.
It didn't take long for Will to withdraw his hand. Nico let out a broken cry of want, and I shushed him in his ear. "Shh, I know, baby, I know, but don't you want Will to fuck you? Be the first one to experience you like this?"
Nico dug his nails into my legs bracketing him and nodded frantically. "P-please, I need him, I-I need him to f-fuck me so bad-!"
I grinned, lazily drawing circles around his nipples. "Aww, so precious, baby, wanna be fucked so bad." I looked back to Will applying a condom and hissing as he jerked himself with lube. "Don't keep us waiting, honey, you heard him."
Will practically leapt on Nico, catching him in a heavy kiss, tongues moving lazily and I held my hips as still as I could, occasionally grinding up against Nico.
They broke apart and Will sat back, lifting Nico's hips up and massaging his hole with a thumb. "You want me to fuck you, huh?" Nico rolled his hips in a frankly obscene way, and Will could stand it no longer.
He guided his cock into Nico, and I had the pleasure of hearing their sighs and moans at finally, finally getting some relief. The jealous part of me reared its head for just a second before it was pushed down by the delicious sight of Will fucking into Nico at a slow, steady pace, cock dragging against insides with wonderful friction. They fit together so well, I was so lucky to know and love and be known and loved in return.
I felt my body rocking in tandem with Will's thrusts, my hands firmly on Nico's waist to stop him wriggling too much. Whimpers and moans sang in my ears and it became harder and harder to not reach down and touch myself to the sights and sounds and sensations.
Will's breathing got heavier and heavier. "I-I'm gonna come, darlin', feels so fuckin' good, my gorgeous boy..."
I reached down and wrapped a hand around Nico's cock, hardly moving as the force of Will's thrusts let Nico fuck my hand. Nico grasped at the sheets, eyes rolling back in his head. "Sh-shit...!"
Nico came with a broken cry, tears spilling over his cheeks and Will buried himself to the hilt inside Nico, spilling into the condom with a throaty groan and leaving red fingerprints on Nico's hips.
The moment was quiet, panting as the only noise.
Very gently, Will pulled out, kissing Nico's knees apologetically as he hissed in overstimulation. In the softest voice, Will murmured, "I'll be back, gimme a sec." He slipped off the bed, legs slightly shaky and wobbled to the bathroom.
With as much effort as he could master, Nico rolled off me, pulling me down to lay with him face to face. Eyelids low, fucked out expression on his face, he gave me a small smile. "You didn't come."
I shook my head. "It's fine, gorgeous, this was about you, remember?"
In response, Nico nudged his leg between mine, pushing his thigh against me as he threw an arm around my waist and moving as close to me as he could get. His voice was breathy and worn out and unbelieveably sexy. "Use me."
Still keyed up from the sight of my partners lost in pleasure and with Nico's thigh between my legs applying a delectable amount of pressure, I rolled my hips against him. "That's it," Nico tucked his face into my neck, laving his tongue over my pulse point. I shivered and felt him grin. "Use me, sweetheart, I know you want to, I wanna feel you come, please?"
Well, when he asked so nicely, what could I do but obey? I grinded against Nico's leg, breathing hard and letting my boyfriend trace shapes with his tongue against my skin. In a few minutes I was right on the edge. Nico reached his hand down and into my underwear and in the next few seconds I was coming, soaking my underwear and his hand and his thigh. "So good, fuck, you look so good when you come."
"Oh shut up." I blushed hard and Nico kissed my cheek.
"Absolutely not."
Will returned, accompanied with towels and the sound of a running bath behind him. "Come on, this isn't over, we're still taking care of you, Neeks."
Rolling his eyes, Nico bit gently into my neck and I squeaked. "Nico!"
He sat up, a shit-eating grin on his face. "I'll come be taken care of, but only if I get to make you come properly." His eyes burned into mine, and I was helpless.
"You get an attitude after sex, you know that?"
Nico grinned, then his eyes widened, looking between me and Will. "Hey, guys? I think I might be gay."
Will face-palmed as Nico cackled. "Just get in the bath, Neeks."
okay this took me like almost 2 hours to write so i am in Pain but i hope you enjoyed!!
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
“So who falls first in your ship?” Me. I fall first and the hardest.
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avaetin · 9 months
Record 01: Christmas Day, 25th December 20XX - Chapter 2
Pairings: Primordial God! Chronos/Ananke! Nico di Angelo
Rating: T
Chapter Summary:
“I want to open mine too,” Percy complained, his hands twitching at his sides as he looked at the gift pile. “They’re not the only ones cold,” Jason mumbled underneath his breath. “You get to open yours like everyone else - at Dr. Claymore’s,” Nico firmly denied them. “Annabeth, Piper and Frank can’t attend the party later, so they’re getting theirs early.” Jason and Percy were well-aware of that. Still though… “Ahhh… it’s so soft and so comfortable! It’s like getting a personal hug from Nico,” Piper exclaimed as she wrapped her scarf around her shoulders and playfully snuggled in it. It took everything to suppress the bubbling laughter in her throat as Percy and Jason gave her aggrieved looks. “Best scarf I’ve ever owned.”
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ladynicte · 2 years
Suffering from Thanatos x Nico brainrot right now
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butterfluffy · 1 year
strawhats + d. mihawk with a healer!s/o
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· what would it be like being a healer, and an s/o to these people?
⠀⠀➧ unlabeled | strawhats, d. mihawk (separate)  x gn!reader | multi-character headcanons
⠀⠀➧ warnings — idk, none, ig? mistakes may be present tho.. so do ignore them, thanks.
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed, sorryyyyy..!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: finally writing to clear out my inbox aAaaaAahhHhhHHHHh
req by @n0body-1mportant
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This trouble maker captain right here is always injured lol
So that said, you always go on healing your big, trouble maker baby
Wild card : Though he can take punches, kicks, and even stabs without screaming in pain—Luffy starts whining like a poor puppy everytime he comes to ask you to patch him up.
“Y/n...! Look, look, I'm heavily injured! I'm reaallyy hurt! Won't you heal me!? And, and! Won't you give me a kiss, too, for doing a great job in beating that bastard's ass!?”
Same as his captain, the first mate is always injured—due to fights, his harsh training, and other causes
..Despite always being injured, Zoro hates getting himself patched up. But if you're the one doing the healing so he could get better, it's all good for him!
Wild card : Zoro doesn't care if he's greatly bleeding out during a fight—but outside a fight, if he got the smallest cut, Zoro immediately dashes to you to get himself healed up..!
“Hey, so, I was peeling myself apples a while ago using that ero-cook's damned knife—now I got this cut. Heal it now, and eat these with me, yeah?”
Nami very much hates getting herself injured, especially getting scars
So Nami is quick to rush to you to get her injury fixed
Wild card : this happens quite rarely, since as said above, she hates getting scars—but, nami sometimes get herself injured on 'places' to see you flushed when she asks you to heal it~
“Babyyy..! Look, look! Look at my perfectly beautiful legs here! They've got a scar! Their beauty has been tarnished, so, please.. Take care of them, yeah~?”
Usopp avoids getting himself injured at all cost.
And when he does get injured, he screeches as he dash towards you with tears on his eyes, asking you to heal his injury ASAP.
Wild card : I have this headcanon for Usopp where he's a real clutz, so he always has an injury here and there, and wounds that he doesn't know where it came from.
“Y-Y/n..! W..When I woke up, I saw this new wound on my arm..! I..I don't know where it came from—it's probably from the spirits that I've angered, waaahh!!”
(it was caused by Luffy. He was dreaming that Usopp was a piece of meat, and bit him during their sleep. 💀)
As the left hand man of the ship's captain, Sanji is always out on a fight to support his captain, so injuries are unavoidable.
He's developed durability to the beating up he receives and shows it off his coolness to you, BUT AFTER THE FIGHT, he whines.
Wild card : This perv right here always has a nosebleed everytime you go patch up his beaten up ass, causing you more trouble.
“My loveee..! I'm injured, I'm badly hurt..! Everything's so painful, so please, heal me with your magic kiss—*you kiss him* *he nosebleeds*”
Robin isn't a big fan of getting injuries during combat, or whenever.
Though despite being injured, she handles it like a Queen! (You don't.)
Wild card : As said above she handles her injuries like the Queen she is, BUT, you don't—you're more panicked when she's injured as she stays calm while telling you some morbid jokes.
“Darling.. Please calm down. I'm not going to die, you know? All I got is this small scratch the size of a severed finger, so, don't worry about me too much, okay?”
SUPEEEERRRRR Franky right here who's a barely gets himself injured.
↑ Why? Because, he's a cyborg, a cool one who will barely get a scratch..!
Wild card : ...When Franky does get injured for some reason being during a fight or where else, he starts crying like a small child to you as he asks you to heal him...!
“Waaahh! This damned injury hurts so bad..! It's SUPEEEERRRR painful, I'm gonna cry! Y/n, Y/n, quick, quickly, heal me and ease my pain..!!”
The greatest swordsman? Injured?? Pfft, not a chance.
Though when he's going against strong fellas, he gets some scratches here and there, which he deals with by himself—not wanting to bother you.
Wild card : Mihawk doesn't show it, but, he loves, and finds it cute when you insist on helping him with his injury that he already had managed, or can obviously handle fixing by himself.
“My dear... I already fixed my injury, so don't worry about it. But.. If you really insist on using your ability to speed up the healing process.. Alright. I'll let you.”
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© butterfluffy 2023
⠀⠀ʚїɞ · likes, comments, reblogs, and/or feedbacks are highly appreciated!
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mrkeatingsblazer · 5 months
The Prophecy [Oh, Was It Punishment?] Part One
Apollo x Child of Hermes! Reader
Part one Part Two
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“No man of mortal blood could ever love you.”
It rings in your ears; the words of Eros haunting you till this day. It was no major exposure like that of Nico’s, who was forced to come out to both Jason and you to appease the love God, but still; you felt as though the ugly truth of your soul was revealed to the two boys and you recall that you never liked surprises. Even though the sentence rushes and pillages through your mind like a crazed wave, you’re strangely enough soothed by it. To know that every worry and concern of your ability to be loved was not from any fault of your own but rather the weaving of the fates comforts you to the point of sighing in relief. It’s not you but what was forced of you, a true demi-god faith if you do say so yourself.
You have never been a stranger to a prophecy, being a big aid to Percy during the war against Kronos and your half-brother, Luke, and being a member of The Eight, destined to defeat Mother Earth herself, Gaia. As much as you despise prophecies you can’t help understand the glory of the previous ones you’ve been a part of. Sure, a couple friends and families die but at least you get the title of Hero of Olympus, am I right? This prophecy [is it even a prophecy or just a God's way of giving a diss] is just downright depressing. Almost as depressing as when your Godly parent was revealed.
At 15 years old, after defeating Atlas and rescuing both Lady Artemis and Annabeth, you stood as an unclaimed child watching as the Gods debated if you should all just be killed. It was only when Artemis was asking you, along with Thalia and Annabeth, to join her hunt did anyone question parentage.
“And you [name], who has not been claimed by God or Goddess alike, allow me to claim you as my own and join as a member of my hunt,” Artemis spoke with such kindness, almost reminiscent of a mother. You shook your head at that thought; she was definitely more like a big sister. Before you could even begin to respond to the Goddess, Zeus raised his hand into the air.
“The child's parent should be given the chance to claim her,” he declared with an air of authority, “before any decisions are made.”
“She is 15 solstices of age, has that not been enough time for the child's parent to claim,” Artemis rebukes with narrowed eyes only to be met with the same expression from her father.
“You first take my daughter, whom I allowed to be given,“ you heard Thalia scoff from beside you, “and now you fight against my order, purposely trying to disobey me in public.” His voice comes out icy and dangerous.
“father -” Apollo nervously begins from the throne beside his sister.
“Quiet Apollon!” Zeus demands. “If any one here owns the child speak now.”
The zoom grows silent, you watch as the Gods’ and Goddess’, interested or not, scanned the zoom waiting for someone to pipe in. Tears built up in your eyes and a lump began to form in your throat, you didn’t even have time to process or even blush when Percy slid his hand into yours, giving it a comforting squeeze.
Your eyes landed on Apollo, to his concerned frown and his perfectly furrowed eyebrow. You recall meeting him barely weeks before now, finding him alluring and bubbly as he chatted with you during the ride on his Sun Chariot. When we got to camp, you remember him engaging with his children in envy. He swung them around and messed with their hair, conversing with them with questions about their hobbies while also never failing to make them all laugh and feel included. You always kind of hoped he was your father ever since you found out you were a demi-god. You sloppily used a bow for a month straight before giving it up; everyone knew Apollo always claimed his kids a month into them being at camp. That didn’t stop you from hoping, from writing poetry and sending offerings to him every meal. Even now you hope he says something, eagerly looking at him like a moth to a light.
“She’s one of mine.” Everyone turned towards the direction of the voice, to Hermes who looked as though claiming you was the last thing he wanted to do that day. It made sense, really, and made you feel stupid for not realizing sooner. Grover always said you were a built in lie detector and you ran faster then anyone in camp, probably anyone in the world. You look up hopefully above your head to nothing; he didn’t even use his sign.
“So,” Artemis said, bringing back the attention to herself, “knowing now the God who conceived you, do you accept my offer to join my hunt?”
All eyes were on you, the deities’ large and looming forms leaned closer as if to hear your answer better even though they had perfect hearing. You once again looked, from Lady Artemis, to Lord Zeus, Lord Apollo and back to your father, Hermes. You caught a hint of interest in his deep brown eyes and sadly, that was all you needed.
“I appreciate your offer, my Lady, but I must decline.” you hear sighs from your friends beside you. Percy once again squeezed your hand, sending you one of his charming smiles that made your stomach weak. Hermes seemed quite happy with himself at your decision, as if he wasn’t forced to claim you moments prior, while Lady Artemis gracefully nodded in acceptance and that was it. There was no pulling you aside to talk with your father or even a look as far as you were aware. He partied into the night during the biggest moment of your life.
That memory fades from your mind, the lavish party of Olympus merging into the end of war celebration at Camp Half-Blood. Just like the former, you had no energy to join in with the festivities. With Leo dead there didn’t seem like there was much point to, the rest of The Eight agreed. From across the haggard bench you sat on, you watched as the sun set down upon the camp. It was poetically finite but still you had a stabbing feeling that this wasn’t finished, you weren’t finished.
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kekaki-cupcakes · 10 months
Hi! Imma resend my req then cause yep.
Could I pls get Nico with a super rich pretty boy (mortal) that’s like very affectionate and looks like a airhead but just like completely changes when it comes down to business like becomes super serious? And he’s like super big in making Nico blush with lavish and thoughtful gifts or trips to compensate cause he can’t like fight monsters? Feeel free to decline!
Ps: I loved ur Connor stoll x mortal fic!
Hey <333 so this was kinda changed around a bit and also mixed with a request for Nico x Son of Eros from ages ago, so whoever asked for that, here it is!
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red roses and ghost flowers---Nico x flirty son of Eros
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-Nico doesn’t know how to react.
-First of all, touch is a big no no for him, it makes him feel claustrophobic and stuck and there’s a lot of reasons he really doesn’t like that feeling. But then you came along, and suddenly maybe if he’s outside in the open spaces and you run up and wrap your arm around his shoulder, it might just be okay. 
-You just wear the prettiest rings and give him the prettiest rings, that holding hands isn’t the worst thing. Just because of the rings. Definitely. Not because of how your knuckles sit against his the way your thumb rubs against the scars covering his palms. 
-His hands. Holy Hades, you seemed to have this obsession with doing that silly bow and pressing your lips to the back of his hand every time he saw you. 
-Which was a lot. 
-Maybe it was meant to be, or maybe it was because Nico sort of detoured a little to wander past the Eros cabin or pop into the arts and crafts center. Just to see how Annabeth was doing teaching the weaving classes, of course. Not because you were usually in the back making another little thing.
-Nico ended up with a lot of those little things. They filled an entire coffin shaped shelf in his by now, but he couldn’t exactly get rid of them. The skull shaped candle was just too on point, you must’ve found a real skull for comparison, and that was dedication Nico couldn’t just throw away. And then there was a vinyl record of an old band Maria had taken him to with Bianca. However you had found that, it must've taken a lot of time and money. It would be rude to get rid of something like that.
-Of course the bouquets were always chucked out every few days, but only when Nico had touched the soft petals with a smile too much and they’d started to shrivel.
-Nico was still convinced Hazel was the mole, running to find you every time the sunflowers or the red roses or the ghost flowers [He hated to admit that they were really cool] wilted, because then another bunch of flowers would turn up on the doorstep of the Hades cabin with a pink silk holding them together. 
-Even the Mythomagic cards you’d found stayed on the shelf, although Nico already had them. They were from you. It would be rude. And they sort of made him grin a little bit. You paid so much attention, why wouldn’t that make him grin? 
-Especially because, well, you could be paying attention to anyone else. Literally anyone. There were people clawing their way into the sparring classes you went to. Not that they had much of a reason to watch, you spent most of the time holding a sword and then blinking in confusion at the instructor, who’d given up by now. 
-Archery was a whole different story though, and Nico had to admit, he had sort of gone to watch you do that a few times. 
-On one hand, you weren't exactly bad looking, but on the other hand all he could see was Eros laughing cruelly and launching volley after volley of heart shaped arrows into Nico’s limbs in that shadowy place filled with broken statues and pillars. It was safe to say he had a bit to work through, but the fact you still ran up with a grin considering the first time Nico met you, he had a full blown panic attack and then Jason nearly bit you, he figured you couldn’t do much harm. 
-The son of Jupiter still watched your interactions carefully, but Nico had convinced him to tone down the growling part. 
-Then you’d both bonded over the fact that your dads sucked majorly, and now Nico was sort of concerned that Jason might steal his- his… his whatever you were [apart from way too pretty]
-Nico had to admit, you were really good looking. Something about the shininess of your eyes and the way your smile was so sharp had to be some sort of love god trickery, but it made his stomach fill with the souls of the departed and shadows to thicken in the corner. 
-You didn’t even mind when the grass wilted around him and the air got a bit too cold to be normal. 
-One time you even picked him up and just carried Nico princess style to the pavement that couldn’t shrivel and turn brown. That certainly helped the bad feelings inside his head take a break and admire your arms. 
-He figured when you showed up one night in your normal camp clothes and a pink bow tie to take him to the first showing of Scream 6 [Nico liked explaining how many stabs it would actually take to kill the characters], that there really was no back peddling.
-So he took the bouquet of ghost flowers from you and then held both the flowers… and your hand. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
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matchaverse · 4 months
HC: now hear me out… each driver being a different greek god/goddess.. like for example:
oscar = Apollo: Olympian god of music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge.
lando = Hypnos: the god of sleep. (this is one is kinda funny since lando can fall asleep anywhere).
charles = Eros: God of love and desire.
max = Nike: Goddess of victory.
logan = Poseidon: God of the sea, earthquakes and horses
lewis = Hebe: Goddess of eternal youth.
sergio = Enyo: Minor goddess of war and destruction
carlos = Aphrodite: Goddess of love and beauty (and war).
george = Hestia: goddess of the hearth, home, architecture, domesticity, family, and the state.
fernando = Hermes: God of trade, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, and border crossings, guide to the Underworld and messenger of the gods
yuki = Hephaestus: God of fire, blacksmith and craftsmen.
lance = Tyche: Goddess of prosperity and fortune.
nico = Peitho: Greek goddess of persuasion and seduction.
kevin = Deimos: God of fear, panic and terror.
daniel = Caerus: Minor god of opportunity, luck and favorable moments.
esteban = Momus: God of satire, mockery, censure, writers and poets and a spirit of evil-spirited blame and unfair criticism.
alexander = Dionysus: An Olympian god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness, religious ecstasy and theatre.
zhou = Themis: the Titan goddess of divine law and order.
pierre = Pheme: Goddess of fame, gossip and renown.
valtteri = Cybele: The Greek goddess of caverns, mountains, nature and wild animals.
now this is just MY opinion on the topic, if anyone has suggestions please feel free to share. i would love to hear your thoughts.
(i might or might not be thinking of doing an f1 x percy jackson type story)
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bagerfluff · 8 months
Anger At First Sight
Nico di Angelo x Son of Eros Reader
Prompt - First Meet
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
AN - If you have any ideas for a story with this reader then ask and you shall receive
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Nico glared at his sister as she pulled Nico to Gods nowhere.
She had grabbed him by the jacket and away from his tree, he was having a very nice time thinking about his life while watching everyone. But now that they were still walking, and Hazel refused to tell Nico what she was even planning, annoyed him.
Nico wanted nothing more than to leave. But Hazel kept dragging Nico. “What are we even doing Hazel?” Nico asked for what felt like the millionth time. The sun was slowly setting and everyone was gathering for dinner so Nico didn’t even know what was happening.
For all Nico knew nothing was happening. Nico never spent a lot of time at Camp Half-Blood but he knew nothing like Capture The Flag was happening.
So this confused Nico more.
No one else was with them, Hazel had only dragged Nico. She still hadn’t let him go, which was probably a good thing since Nico would probably shadow travel away. Hazel looked at Nico and just smiled at him. Nico rolled his eyes.
He had to stop asking.
Nico never really knew what was going on in Hazel’s mind anyway. Hazel finally stopped but Nico almost walked into her. “Sorry, why did you finally stop?” Nico asked and this time Hazel rolled her eyes. “I wanted you to meet someone”, Hazel pointed her finger in the direction she was looking in.
Nico had quickly realized that he was on the opposite side of the Hermes Cabin. In front of him Nico followed Hazel’s finger and Nico eyes widened at what he saw. He was what looked like the Stoll Brothers talking to someone.
He had h/c hair that was messy and looked like it hadn’t been washed in days. He was wearing a white tank top that looked like it had big holes in the back. They were so big and close that there was almost no back to the shirt.
Nico was confused about that but what caught his attention more was the scars. Nico had seen his fair share of scars, he had some interesting ones himself, but he had never ones like this. They looked red, like they were agitated but they were pretty small.
Maybe six inches long and almost completely straight. Nico was confused how he got these scars. The boy was also wearing jeans that were ripped at the knee. That was all Nico could see as he only saw the boy from the side.
Nico realized that he looked good.
He seemed to be laughing at something and Nico could slightly hear it over the commotion of campers. It sounded light and airy, and Nico had the sudden urge to laugh too but Nico pushed it away. “Is that the new camper?”
Nico asked, looking over at Hazel, who looked like she was trying to not laugh. “Yes, and I think you like him”, Hazel smiled at Nico and Nico tried to ignore the slight increase in his heart beat. He had heard about you when he came to camp a few months ago.
He wasn’t claimed yet so you spent all your time in the Hermes Cabin. Nico had also heard that you were good at archery, which made people think he was a Son of Apollo.
But why did Hazel bring him here?
Hazel's comment popped into Nico’s head and Nico got rid of it. Nico hadn’t focused on romance in a while and Hazel was clearly trying to set him up with him. “I don’t need a boyfriend, Hazel. And I don’t like him”, Nico argued, “How could I like someone I don’t even know?”
Hazel smiled at Nico and placed her hands around her mouth “Hey Y/n!” Nico looked over at the boy, Y/n, that was his name. He looked away from the brothers and smiled when he saw Hazel. Nico looked at him, he had e/c eyes that seemed to shine in the sun and a smile that could blind a man.
Nico had to look away or he was afraid a blush would spread to his face. Nico didn’t like what he was feeling. It felt wrong, weird, not normal. “Hey Hazel. Who’s this?” Nico hadn’t even realized that he had come up to them
Nico looked over at him again.
He was now a few feet away from them looking at Nico. “This is my brother, Nico”, Hazel said, pointing at Nico. Nico had realized, against his will, that he looked better up close. Nico slightly shook his head, to get rid of the thoughts. Then he hoped that no one had noticed. If they did, they didn’t say anything.
He smiled again and held out his hand. “Nice to meet you Nico”, Nico pulled his hand out of his jacket and shook his. But after he shook Nico’s hand he turned his hand over and placed a kiss on Nico’s knuckles, not breaking eye contact with Nico.
Nico felt his cheeks heat up and he looked over to glare at Hazel to see that she had left. Nico made a mental note to talk to her about this later. He let go of his hand and leaned to the cabin that was next to him.
“So, do you know why Hazel wanted me to meet you, Pretty Boy”, Nico was shocked for a moment. Nico had been called lots of things. But ‘pretty boy’ was never one of them, and Nico didn’t know how to feel about it. He didn’t know how to feel about him.
“I don’t know but I have things to do”, Nico said and then he started to walk away. Nico heard him say “Nice talking to you too” but you didn’t follow him. Nico was glad for that. Nico didn’t like this. 
And for now, he didn’t like you.
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happyk44 · 1 year
I just want Percy to be forced to watch Eros fucking Nico. Whether Nico is aware that Percy is there is debatable, but the key components is that Eros looks like Percy and Percy ends up having deeply complicated emotions about seeing himself break Nico down to nothing but moans.
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xoxochb · 4 months
<3 could we pls get a “love story” themed nico x Eros son (the one from the othe req you published which btw was awesome)? (Like Eros son asking out Nico for the first time or idk whatever you feel like. I love that song though I get it’s kind of a basic fav) thanks so much and happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈
⋆·˚ ༘ * it’s a love story baby just say yes
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warnings: reader stays in hermes cabin, silena’s alive because therapy isn’t free
pairing: nico di angelo x son of eros
summary: basically a fic version of these headcannons
A/N: I love love story, grew up loving it, and will forever and always love it 💛💛
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you paced the floors of hermes cabin
you’ve been trying to figure out a way to tell the son of hades you wanted to go on a date with him
but it was kind of hard when your father hated him, and nico felt the same way about him
maybe eros doesn’t have to know…
no- that won’t work, he’ll find out, you know he will
you don’t like your father anyways, who cares what he thinks?
“you only live once” that’s what they say isn’t it?
you could always ask the aphrodite cabin…
that’s the best idea yet!
you rush to cabin ten, running through the doors, you realize how insane you look when all of aphrodite’s offsprings are looking at you like you have five heads
“sorry” you mutter, walking over to your best friends bed, taking a seat there, “silena, I need your help”
“yeah? with what?” she fixes her seating position, implying she’s eager to help
“well,” you sigh “I want to ask nico on a date but my dad hates him and he hates my dad, and I’m afraid of what my dad will do if he knows that I’m on a date with him”
“you’ve surely got a dilemma” she blows a raspberry
“can you help me? do you have any advice?” you ask
“your dad doesn’t control you, he’s not even present in your life, so I say that if you love nico, then you deserve to be with him” she gives you a reassuring smile
you blush, “how should I do it?”
“do what? ask him out?” she inquires
“yeah, I’m not good with this stuff”
she thinks for a moment, “have you ever thought about just asking him?”
“well it crossed my mind, but I want to do something thoughtful, I really like him” oh gods, why won’t this blush leave your face?
“so cute!” she squeals “speak from the heart, thats the most thoughtful thing you could do”
“very wise” you laugh
“my specialty” she hits your shoulder “now go get your boyfriend”
“he’s not my boyfriend” you stand up
- 📜 -
this is fine right? all you have to do is ask him on a date, the worst he can do is say no and never talk to you again
that’s not helping
think positive!
shouldn’t you be god at this? your dad is literally cupid
unfortunately for you, you were not blessed with his romantic abilities
“y/n? are you alright?”
you swear your soul left your body for a quick second upon hearing that voice
you know that voice
it’s your one and only crush
“yes! of course I am” you reassure.
he takes a seat next to you, and you think for a second
should you ask him now?
no- he just sat down, you want him in your presence for a little while longer incase he says no and thing get awkward
but if he says yes then he won’t leave
too many decisions!
you let mouth make this one for you
“how would you like to go on a date sometime?”
oh my gods! did you really just say that?
you thank your dad for your natural flirty and extroverted personality or you would have been toast
“a date?” nico looks like you just told him he was about to be publicly executed
“yes! a date!” you’re internally screaming over your word choice
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea” he says
“why not?” you ask
“because I know that you don’t actually want to. you flirt with everyone and you’re just doing the same with me”
you take back your earlier statement
you hate your dad for your flirty personality
“but this is different, I don’t like those other guys I flirt with” you pray that this will change his mind
“so why do you flirt with other people if you only like me?”
oh no
It shouldn’t be that hard to think of a response!
but why do you flirt with other people?
you’ve only been in love with nico since you got to camp…
“it’s just in my nature I guess” you shrug “but I promise I don’t like anyone else, I only like you, those other guys don’t mean anything to me”
he sighs “your dad isn’t exactly by best friend either”
“who cares what my dad thinks?”
you curse yourself for saying such a thing
you hope your dad never finds out you said that
“I do” he points to himself
“well I don’t, I’ve never even met him before, so why should he care who I’m dating?” you give him a begging look “just one date, and if you don’t feel comfortable then we won’t go on another and you never have to see me again”
he thinks for a second, “I’ll go on a date with you” he holds up his pointer finger “under one condition”
oh gods you sound like a helpless, lovestruck idiot
“we can go on more after”
you smile so widely your cheeks start to hurt
if you knew it would’ve been this easy you would’ve asked sooner!
but you could care about anything right now because your long-time crush just said he wants to go on not one- but multiple dates with you!!
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
something something Nico as an angel who has his wings severed so that Cupid can keep him in his own paradise forever.
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wordsofasarcast · 2 months
hi Sarc!! I’m sooo excited for the next chapters of dolce and misery because you had no businesses writing such masterpieces.
Throughout reading dolce I’ve had the idea of one of Nico’s songs being leaked (something that alludes at will but not so obvious any listeners could understand). More specifically a song that was never meant to be released, something Nico wrote and composed purely because he needed to get it out. (Would also be interesting to see who leaked it considering Nico does all his music by himself rarely anyone else is credited).
Also I’m excited to see how fans may react to Nico’s face reveal cause he was seen sitting next to Will at the Grammys but didn’t accept the reward and it could be interpreted that Nico was his date.
anyways thank you for reading my ramblings it’s an honor to read your writing . Love ya have a great day :))))
Oooh this is such an interesting concept - a music leak was actually part of the original plot that I ended up scrapping (for now, but never say never). So, let’s talk about how it would happen!
The biggest thing of course is who would leak it?! Eros seems like the obvious answer, after everything that’s just happened, but I think he’s had his moment to wreak havoc. Maybe Leo, I feel like he’d be really active on social media and would post behind-the-scenes content on tour that could leak something accidently. There is another character I can think of too, who’d leak something intentionally, but they’re more relevant to the spin-off fic I’m passively planning rather than Dolce itself so I’ll leave it a mystery for now. I do think Nico is the kind of artist who would plan a leak too, so his fans can go crazy theorising.
I do really love the idea that it was a song that Nico never intended to release, there’s a lot of potential for angst there x
As for reactions to Nico’s face reveal and the subsequent media - I am literally so excited to write about this and for you guys to read it. Reactions to Nico’s identity, speculation about the relationship ‘Everything…I didn’t say’ was about - Nico’s presence at the Grammys with Will will definitely play a large role - and speculations about his next album when he reveals each song. As well as Nico and Will’s reactions to this kind of media.
Thanks for the ramble and for reading along!
Many more stories to come, 
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newobsessioneveryweek · 3 months
I think son of Aphrodite Sherman would be like..Regina George almost. mainly the whole “That is the ugliest f-ing skirt I’ve ever seen” scene.
Connor as son of Hades would use skeletons to prank people, but also he’d be kinda…moody like Nico. (Travis pulled a Bianca. Bros dead) (Also Son of Aphrodite Sherman x Son of Hades Connor canon bcuz I said so-)
Nico is the meanest, moodiest child of Iris ever /hj
I don’t have much for Daughter of Apollo Clarrisse or children of Hecate Connor and Travis. But still fun lol
Not Travis pulling a Bianca😭
On a random yet connected note, extremely low-key, will-probably-never-be-published fic idea I had like 2 months ago where Travis dies in TOA :] If you wanna know more about that idea and get a little summary hmu in my ask box and I shall squeal about it in earnest :]]
I feel like Clarisse as an Apollo kid would be like Michael Yew 😂 they were just so similar in the books in terms of being combative, proud and stubborn lol
Well, love and war have always had somewhat of a relationship. Aphrodite and Ares and that whole "All's fair in love and war" quote to start. Aphrodite started the Trojan War. Plus-- not necessarily war-related-- that whole Boy Mom stunt she pulled with Psyche and Eros. She's a fighter lol and unrelenting af. If she sees reason she'll rain down hell upon you. So not much has to change but I like the subtle bitchiness you've added to Sherman's character 😄 some goddess of beauty spice✨
I've always liked the Chthonic deity aspects of Hermes so it's also such a smooth transition with Connor and Travis. These all correlate so well! I don't know if that was intentional but I'm vibing with it 😌
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