#nightmare cycle
nuctoria · 18 days
Nightmare Cycle Chapter 5
@istadris @itsavee4117 @darknadaworld @noddynods @keakruiser @fruitytiff @billinshoes @amybizarre
I'm on a writing spree and I'll use this energy to its fullest before I get burnt out and lose motivation again.
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scifimagpie · 6 months
10 first lines, 10 people
Okay, so this is the first line from any ten chapters in your WIP. I'm not done The Foundling City yet, so I'll use Monsters and Fools, which is technically (!) done, at about 90K words. Book 1 is available here.
If you're into an underground sorta-magical post-apoc neo-noire focusing on leftist politics and featuring polyamory, hit me up! I need beta readers.
Chapter 1:
“What’s that, Mom?” He pointed at the sky. “Pick me up! I wanna see!”
Chapter 4:
New Years’ is almost here, and you wouldn’t even know it.
Chapter 5:
It’s been a really quiet holiday season.
Chapter 8:
You would not believe the amount of shit I’ve had to deal with in the last two days.
Chapter 14:
I feel like I’m being stalked by my own brain demons.
Chapter 23:
I got my notice on Friday that I was supposed to go back to the IIB and interface primarily with Sandmen again, and I had barely gotten settled today when I ended up with a pile of crap on my plate.
Chapter 25:
The city is in mourning—and on lockdown.
Chapter 37:
We’ve arranged meetings with the leaders of the Sandmen’s family groups.
Chapter 42:
The problem with dream-shaping a bed, blankets, and pillows is that they’re usually Dust by morning, and I wake up on my back or my side, all achy.
Chapter 45:
Yesterday was the Night of Masks.
Hit me up or check out these other authors!
@aughtpunk @sabotabby @chiefwritesbook @jpohlmanwriting @kay-orc-blog @zillanovikov @alnaperera @greyisbetterthangray @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @bluberimufim
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proxycrit · 4 months
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Me thinking about honses.
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(Are they gods? Or unfortunate magical experimentations? When did the world blink, and they’ve grown— but not old, nor wise?
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At least they’re sisters, and they have each other.
At least.
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At least.)
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Anyways here’s my doodles for a possible luna and celestia! They’re ancient alicorns, ascended during a great war that would later shape equestria as a primarily pony continent. (The modern alicorns are made with love. The ancient alicorns are made with desperation. Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker are not accidents.)
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squash1 · 9 months
adam: Oh My Fucking God. am i going to kill gansey???? how do i prevent this from happening. i need to analyze every single thing i do just to make sure i DON’T. kill gansey.
ronan: tehehe what if i added a silly little tree that made everyone see their worst nightmare 🥰🥰🥰
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a-lilguy · 4 months
‘The Soldier’
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notlumenera · 1 year
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wet cat gains a cat
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mikesbasementbeets · 2 years
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cringengl · 1 year
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adamparrishsaccent · 30 days
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i’m no kavinsky apologist but can i just say there was something so raw and despairing about his character that makes me wish he’d been able to be saved
i often see his character get reduced to just a chaotic druggie or some shit, but he was so much more and i think people sleep on that fact?? he was intelligent and perceptive as hell, and even though he was definitely bad for ronan, i think he served as a major eye-opener for him
without kavinsky, ronan may never have learned how to control his dreaming or take it to the extent that he is now able to. that’s not to say ronan couldn’t have done it without him, but kavinsky definitely played a major role in it, not to mention saving ronan from his nightmare creature
also, can we talk about how it gets so overlooked how upon kavinsky’s death, his closest friend was revealed to have been dreamt by him. he dreamt his best friend, someone to be with, someone to keep him company. he just sounds so fucking lonely and the way his character parallels ronan there really hit me because ronan’s father dreamt his wife. ronan dreamt matthew. ronan “jokingly” commented about dreaming adam
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kavinsky’s entire character was meant to be a red flag, a stop sign, a warning. he ended up being one of those stories that you take as a lesson and then move on from. he showed ronan what could become of a dreamer who abused his power, but also what could happen if he threw caution to the wind and continued down a self-destructive path
yeah, he was a bad person, but i can’t help but think he deserved better
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notdampeterjohnson · 8 months
dont ask me how or why but this fanart sounds like Brianstorm (Arctic Monkeys)
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(artist: @rosiethorns88 on twitter)
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[Image ID: handshake meme with one hand labelled "Dean in 13x2", the other labelled "Jack in 14x2", and the joined hands labelled "Plan A is to kill you" End ID]
Just a normal father-son dynamic in the Winchester family
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nuctoria · 4 months
Second chapter of Nightmare Cycle is being posted in an hour!
This one is mostly a filler for the upcoming events.
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scifimagpie · 8 months
Heads up 7 Up
Oh ho, did you think you had escaped my tag games because I'm working on my synopsis and a query letter? NO! I'm working on Monsters and Fools again.
@dyrewrites got me, so I'm tagging in @omokers @aughtpunk @ventela1 @pinkchaosart @pb-dot @transroboteeveegirl @sabotabby
Post yer seven lines and tag seven souls! ***
Una had risen, and her jaw and fists were clenched, and her eyes were granite. “Nathu,” she said, too evenly.
“Una?” and then, with a forlorn heaviness that pulled at my furious heart—“Janelle?”
“Good to see you,” I said automatically. I hadn’t decided whether it really was or not.
The gulf of silence between the three of us seemed to widen into a sinkhole. Everyone was uncomfortable even just watching us, and so people started whispering—and eventually, a slow burble of chatter uneasily trickled through the room. ***
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uncorrectintamed · 1 year
Jiang Cheng: Sorry, I was being sort of a dick.
Jiang Yanli: We weren't going to say it.
Wei Wuxian: I was.
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tai-janai · 2 months
What was happening when you left him in the basement? Why was he screaming? 😰
well youre not really supposed to know.
but here's a clearer lead-up
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apppleioi · 1 month
gang, be honest, am i turning into adam parrish?
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