#nikolai wants me so badly guys
lilisouless · 2 months
Nikolai pushing Zoya and Genya out of the palace
Nikolai: have fun on girl’s night!
Genya : are you sure you don’t want-
Nikolai slams the door
Zoya: he is always so eager to make us leave early in girls night. I think he and the guys are too enthusiastic about doing whatever they do when we are not with them
Genya: well it´s good they have their own thing, surely they need their boys time without their girlfriends
(twenty minutes later)
All the boys sitting in a circle while crying.
Nikolai: why do they even need a "girls night" are we now enought?
Adrik: don't they know we don't have a life without them?
David: i just solved my colored cube, it´s got all the faces now (sobs) but what´s the point if none of this faces are Genya´s
Mal crying: i don't know why i came, i don't even like you
Nikolai: i don't like you either
Both hug each other in tears
Jesper sobbing: oh the loneliness is killing me so badly
Wylan: Jesper, i am right here
Jesper holding Wylan: Shh! do you want to fit with the cool kids or not?
Wylan: not really, there are like five empty rooms in this palace and we are here with them
Jesper: i...good point
"both run away"
Kuwei: yes! go away! leave me here alone with this needy "cool kids"! (dries tears out of his clothing) last time i come
Kaz: look at them, crying over their sweetiepies, pathetic...
Kuwei: i am not even going to ask why you have been stroking your face with a blade since we got here
Tolya taking the knife away: you can get hurt, let´s just
Kaz makes striking strangled sounds while he tries to reach back for the knife
Tolya quickly gives it to him: for the saints, it´s like a baby with a pacifier
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sleepy-vix · 5 months
oh yeah btw i went into the city with my sister today and it was a very nice day :) i'm now going to tell you all about it bc i need to learn to be more positive. also, i will add random photos from pinterest so this post looks mildly interesting
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here i go:
- first we watched an anzac day march (i live in australia, yeah. idrm u guys knowing that. basically anzac day is a day where we show respects to soldiers who fought in the war/s) for a whole hour (yeah... it was very tiring but atleast all we had to do was sit and watch. its not exactly hard i suppose)
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- then, we went to a cafe where we drank iced matcha latte and shared a chocolate cake slice. the cafe was so cozy and it had jaz music and it was dark wood + green + overgrown vines type of vibe :)
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- then, we went to....
drumroll please
a second hand bookstore !!!
*dies, comes alive, dies, comes alive* (x4)
there were a million books in there (or so the sign at the front claimed) and it was such a lovely place
it smelled like old books. i nearly suffocated because the smell was so strong (but i didnt mjnd at all ofc)
in the back, there was a big space with no shelves and a few tables and chairs to sit and read (i assume?) (tho there were still shelves along the wall)
in the front+middle, there were shelves everywhere, with only space for 2 people in between each shelf
it was very cluttered. i struggled to understand the system because many shelves were unlabelled, but i think that adds to the charm and i loved having to look through all the shelves
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at the very front, there is the cash register and a bunch ( a BUNCH) of book stacks on the floor with no price (bc the owner hadnt priced the books yet. the shop is personally owned and they price books by writing it in pencil on the first page. isnt that so charming??)
the books werent insanely cheap, but its a food place to fins different/collectable covers of certain books
i saw a red hardbound version of dead souls by nikolai gogol, which i was going to get bc i really want to read that, but it was falling apart so badly (like the spine was 4/5 off the book) that i felt like it was unwise to purchase haha :,)
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in the end, i didnt get to look at everything bc my sister got restless but i did manage to buy 3 books that i am very happy abt:
1. "the adventures of tom sawyer" by mark twain :) this was 7.50 and it had a really pretry cover (also it was small sized, which i think is so charming and pocketable)
2. "the tenant of wildfell hall" by anna brontë. i have read none of the brontë sisters' works, but i really want to:) this was also only 7.50 and the cover was pretty, and it was also pretty small
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3. "quiet" by susan cain. it seems so interesting and it was only $10, whereas its going for $20 on amazon 💀 :)
also the owner gave me a bookmark that looked old and it was beige + black and it had the shop name on it, contact info, promo stuff but also it was so cool bc the font was fancy and there was an olden day sketch of an oldman reading to a child in the middle of the bookmark :)
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also the owner was a nice and chill old man. also there was classical music !
i cant wait to revisit that store :) i will be opting to purchase all of my classics there because they have covers that ive never seen before.
then we took the bus home
the end
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The Kings Spy.
Nikolai Lantsov X F!reader | 18+
summary: You get back from Fjerda after being a spy for King Nikolai. Nikolai comes to find you immediately and your love and lust gets quickly rekindled.
wordcount: 2345
warning: Includes smut.
authors note: I made this after a hyperfixation. Loving Nikolai a lot and having some inspiration to write after reading the books. Enjoy.
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There was an urge in his voice, even before you heard the knock on the door. You had been gone, being one of his spies in Fjerda. You had hated him for it, clearly. But in the end you were one of his most important and smartest Grisha. He needed you. And you knew he had hated it. 
"Is she okay?" you heard him say, making the sun start to shine again.
"She always is." Nina's triumph made you chuckle.
"Come in!" you called out, the door being opened mere seconds later.
His eyes traveled towards you in the dimmed light. And you realised you missed him, more than you ever thought you could.
He seemed to be speachless, for once, so you smiled. 
"Hi King Lantsov." 
He rolled his eyes. His hand going through his blonde locks.
"I'm so s-" 
You were up before he could finish his sentence. Your finger pushing against his soft, baby pink lips.
"Don't be. I am your spy. I always will be. I gave you what you needed. Now I demand something I need."
His brow raised, a twinkle appearing in his eyes. 
"Where did you learn to speak like that to a king?" 
Your fingers traveled down his lower lip, pushing it outwards, ever so slightly.
"From a pirate. Maybe you know him? Sturmhond?" 
"Privateer." he corrected you, the never ending correction playing over his lips.
"Ah, yes. That's what he was." you smirked.
"He is a good looking guy."
Nikolai pushed his body closer and your breathing got mingled. 
"Saints, I've missed you." he whispered, before your lips finally— finally collapsed. 
You had spend every day in the cold Fjerdan country, waiting for God knows what. It could take hours, days, years. And every single day felt more like you were gonna rip your heart out. You had fallen for Nikolai badly. But he was the king. And you were a Grisha. And everything that stood in between felt like a wall; a mountain. 
Nina had known from the first moment that you had fallen for the young fox. And she hadn't spilled it once. She loved to talk about it though. Every. Single. Day.
And it made you miss him more and more. 
Nina had told her to go back. Screw what that blonde king had to say. 
But you didn't know what would happen. 
So you stayed. A long, insane year. 
Longing for the King a little more every day.
You took a deep breath, your body shivering by the slightest touch of his long, slender fingers. 
"How is your Shu princess?" you couldn't help but ask. 
He froze, his eyelids falling slowly.
"Gone." he whimpered. 
"G-Gone?" you frowned.
"You give me no time." he whispered. His lips against your temple. "I wanted to explain.. later."
His hands were on your hips, his tops pushing slightly into your covered skin..
“We won’t be getting married.” he spoke, his voice low.
You weren’t sure what to say. The last news you heard were the talks of Nikolai Lantsov getting married to a Shu princess. You knew the day would come, you had been dreading it. But you had to accept it. The alliances were more important than your stupid teenage love for that man.
For all you knew he only loved you for your body. For your comfort. For your touch.
You spoke, finally. “Why not?”
His darkened eyes were studying you, lurking for a reaction. But you were scared for the answer.
“She, we-” he licked his lips.
“The handsome prince is too handsome for the Shu.”
He sighed, a soft laugh escaping his mouth.
“We had another plan.” he said, his guard wearing off now that he was around you. “And it would break my heart.”
He dipped your face into his hands, his thumb; rough from fighting, caressing your delicate skin slowly.
You looked up, wondering where this conversation would lead. There was a single curl hanging onto his forehead and he smiled when you pushed it up.
“It would break my heart not to have you by my side.” he whispered.
You never needed those words from him. You never demanded them from him. But now that he spoke them, so clearly, your heart made loops inside your chest.
He nodded, smugly and you laughed.
“I can’t go another year without you here. And Saints, who cares what anyone else thinks. I love you.”
Those last three words were just a whisper, against your needing lips.
He kissed you, his hands claiming your cheeks. His lips claiming yours. You pushed yourself up, tiptoes on the ground. He shamelessly entered your mouth, lifting you into his arms as he lead you to the bed. He laid you down gently, finally doing what he came here to do.
A knock on the door made you scream. He pushed his hand in front of your mouth, making you sputter. He had a devilish smirk on his face.
“It’s just me. It’s Nina.” the familiar voice came from the other side. “I know you’re in there doing something I enjoy more than waffles when it comes to my own husband, but I believe Tamar called for you.”
Nikolai rolled his eyes.
“Tell her I will be with her when I will be with her.” he growled.
“I didn’t know you could be so nasty when you grave something other than Ravka.”
You held your laugh underneath his hand and he shook his head at you. His eyes warning you.
“Go off, Nina. Come on.”
She giggled loudly. And as the giggle disappeared slowly, Nikolai focused back on you.
“You think she’s funny, huh?”
“Not as funny as you, Sturmhond.” she winked, making him moan as you pushed him against you.
“I need you, Nikolai.” you almost begged as that oh-so familiar smirk filled his face.
“Are you in luck then, my queen, I need you too.”
There was something about Nikolai. When he got you, alone, he would turn darker, wilder. You loved it. It made him someone nobody knew he was. Need was a big word between the two of you. You never spoke of needing each other. But being gone for what felt like an eternity brought that out in you.
You nervously unbuttoned his white blouse. The compass safely around his neck. He looked down, following you.
“You’re never gonna get rid of it, are you?”
“It’s a part of me, love. A part of Sturmhond too.”
You nodded, going over the cold metal with your thumb. You knew how much the compass meant to Nikolai. You just wanted to hear his voice, just a little more.
You draped the blouse over his shoulders, pushing it down gently. The first time you saw his body. The naked skin underneath that oh-so kingly attire, you had took get a second look.
Nikolai had a gentle face, but underneath it all there was man who worked for his body.
The compass was dangling back and forth against his chest.
“Korol Rezni.” you whispered, the scar of the demon still just underneath his shoulder. King of scars, he was famous for it now.
He kissed you, tentatively. Opening up your dress. The dress you had put on to formally come back to the King. Tell him of your stories. That was of no need now. He let it fall down your stomach and he stood up, pulling it off slowly.
“You’ve never been this calm.” you said.
“I want my time.” he smiled softly. “Besides, we need to meet soon. In about-” he checked the clock. “Twenty minutes.”
That devilish smirk came back and you bit your lip to hide your smile. He took a quick glance at the dress, his eyes widening slowly.
“It’s the exact same..” - “Blue.”
You nodded, standing up. Your arms wrapping around his neck. 
“Sturmhond was the man I met. I thought it would be rather fitting.”
He smiled. Worlds most beautiful smile.
“I’m sorry for sending you away.” he whispered, his tone serious.
“Maybe it’s okay.” you answered, lowering down the bands of your bra. “Maybe it made me want you more.”
He had those big blue orbs, looking down at you. The intense stare that always made you feel awkward, but not with him. Not with Nikolai.
You opened your bra, letting it fall onto the ground.
“Can I?” Nikolai asked, not touching you at all.
You frowned, nodding slowly.
“I don’t have a ring or something that comes close to show you that I want you. But I do have something else.”
You whispered a ‘no’ as Nikolai raised the necklace off his own neck. And you watched in disbelief as he laid it down against your chest. Falling beneath the valley of your breasts.
“Hold onto it for me.”
His hand was curls around the golden metal and your fingers lashed onto them.
“Forever.” you whispered, kissing his fingers.
He nodded, sincere. You never believed you and him could be a forever thing. But right now, you knew things had changed.
He cupped your cheeks. A smile curling around his lips before he bowed over, kissing you happily. You laughed against his lips, holding him close. The metal was hissing between you. Cold between your heated bodies.
His cheeks were red when you pulled back. His lips even more so.
His hands trailed down your body, onto your hips. His thumbs grasping onto your panties, pulling them down so you could step out of them.
You sat down on the bed, waiting as he got rid of his pants. You glanced at the compass, knowing what he did was something special. Something only he could do.
You looked up, his body exposed against the incoming sunlight. You breathed out heavily, meeting his sky blue eyes.
“Come here.” you breathed out.
He listened, his body covering yours as he pushed your hands up. Your fingers intertwined, disappearing into the sheets as you kissed eachother slowly.
“Twenty minutes.” you whispered, making him chuckle.
“They can wait for the King.” he chirped.
“Not when the Kings spy ain’t there either, Nik.”
He rolled his eyes, surprised by your cleverness.
The room got quiet, apart from the hisses and the breaths leaving their mouths. Heated kisses were shared, as Nikolai let his length push against your body. He was hardening, even though he had been far gone anyway.
He let go of one hand, the other one still intertwined with his. He positioned himself as she let your thumb go over his warm cheek.
“I love you too.” you said softly.
His eyes shot up, a smile brightening his face.
He answered as you did just mere minutes before. By giving you the love you so desperately seeked for. You held in a moan, the sound filling the room anyway as he became one with you. His body pushed against yours, his hand going back into place as he fell into a rhythm.
Little drops of sweat were starting to form underneath his blonde curls. The compass was moving against your chest as he pushed you back and forth softly.
“It’s been too long.” he whispered.
“Don’t tell me that.” you giggled, a moan following up that giggle immediately.
You never blamed him for sending you away. But you had always missed him.
He hummed, quieting your talks by kissing you. You opened your mouth as his tongue asked for more. Your hands letting go of his, so you could wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, your hands in his hair as you really felt everything.
You felt desperate for his touch. Nothing more and nothing less. And Saints, you knew Nikolai knew how to give you that. Your legs curled up, your feet going over his legs, trying to ground yourself. But your walls were clinging around his shaft and he was giving you the best time you had ever had.
You dropped your head into the silk sheets. An opportunity for Nikolai to let his lips find your neck. You closed your eyes, your body burning and producing fireworks as he kissed, nibbled, sucked.
“Nik.” you said.
He knew enough.
“Look at me.”
You opened your eyes.
“Stay with me.” he whispered.
And you nodded, before your body exploded into one of the best orgasms you ever had. He followed, simply by looking at the ecstasy on your face. And you held him in your arms. Your bodies a bit too sweaty, but not all too bad anyway.
Once you were calmed down, a laugh left your mouth. You let your lips find his and he smiled.
“Five minutes.” he whispered.
“Saints.” you giggled, wiping away some sweat of his forehead. He just stared.
“Hide the compass.” he mumbled.
“I will.” you nodded, meeting his eyes. “But I will carry it. Always.”
The smile he gave you, was one you wouldn’t forget fast.
“I have to go.” he sighed. “To meet my spy again.”
You hummed. 
“I heard she is just as good looking as that guy- that privateer. Sturmhond.”
You chuckled, kissing his chest.
“I’m not sure you’re flattering me or yourself right now.”
Nikolai let go of her, standing up to dress himself swiftly.
“A bit of both.” he said, buttoning up his blouse as you stared at him. 
He smirked smugly, bowing down to give you another kiss. His fingers going over the compass before he stood up.
“I’ll see you soon.” he whispered, leaving one last kiss on your forehead before he straightened himself and made his way to your door.
“Remember to tie your shoelaces when you go out. I don’t want you to end up falling for someone else.” he said, a twinkle in his eyes before he opened it and disappeared right after.
Nikolai was a flirt, a charmer. He could get anyone he wanted. He was the King of Ravka after all. You had been in luck, you realised. And as you softly kissed the compass, you know that luck hadn’t run out just yet.
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gothushi · 1 month
Scenario: you the ex, come back. I feel like Charlie, Simon, & Nikolai will throughly ruine you so you can’t walk straight for days and you remember you belong to them. “Mine” “you are not leaving me” “everyone will know you’re mine “ “I’ll find you if you try”
Luke , Ernest, and Father Anthony are HELLA needy. A lot of “don’t ever leave me again “ “I’ll do anything you want”
Now Hook on the other hand (pun fully intended) he shows up in your living room. “Darling… you know how much I love chasing. “
i wish i could answer these with voice notes because im scrolling through my inbox and just talking my own ear off LMAOOO
i fully agree with this like i can see u leaving all of the boys except rob (dont worry will post the second ask after this) ITS SO FUNNY U NOT INCLUDING HIM BC UR RIGHT!!!!
im just gonna ramble bc i agree with all of these. i can see u leaving charlie/simon for like a similar reason they’re so focused on some job/simon’s focused on brendan so badly that they either unknowingly or on purpose are pushing you away. but eventually they come to their senses once they realize just how fucking empty and lonley they both feel. all three of them would totally be so possessive so feral like they’re desperate to never have u leave ever again. i can see nikolai just … not appreciating what he had until u left. maybe he was just being a dick overall and he just randomly notices ur not home .. spends forever trying to find u.
i feel like luke could be a similar situation to nikolai, he just wasn’t taking the relationship seriously and didn’t realize how bad it was getting for u till ur gone. (i cant see him avoiding/ignoring u talking to him abt it though, so it’d kinda be u just up and leaving w no warningbcu think he doesn’t care. say u got separated from ernst bc of the boat crash, once he’s rescued and is back home he is ALLLL OVER UUUU!!!! never wanting to be away from u, never ever ever. i feel like for anthony it’d be a mutual thing like he doesn’t think he deserves it nor is allowed to (i picture u guys close but not like… officially together yk. bc the thick undeniable heart burning tension is there and u both know u love each other) he has a convo with one of the ladies at the church and the older woman smacks him upside the head like ‘what is wrong with u????? go get ur woman!!!!’.
now hook… good pun btw, is definitely just fucking insane. but u like it. i rly like the entire premise of a poor reader, probs homeless and never rly having that security. u’d probs end up leaving bc u feel like a burden and ur shuddering in the cold city streets when he just pulls up beside u and snaps at u to get in…. u actually cant escape
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stromuprisahat · 7 months
You know how in the old days French is the language of courts and diplomacy and refinement, and how their cultural stuff gets exported, and a lot of Russians spoke French as a first language and Russian as their second
In grishaverse it's probably Kerch
Which brings me to the image of someone decrying Nikolai's heritage saying 'He's not even Ravkan!'
And Nikolai says 'So is the court. It seems I reign over Kerch merchers and their mevrouws.'
Kerch looks like a rough crude language, suitable for trade and haggling, while French language and culture are renowned as a symbol of elegance and sophistication. While I like the idea of "language of nobility", Kerch isn't an option I can imagine (Perhaps maybe in more trade-focused West Ravka.).
But hey- Grishaverse is either severly underdeveloped, when worldbuilding's concerned, or there's way too much we haven't even heard of, so if I were to pick between ordinary Ravkan and Kerch for aristocracy, I'd go for "secret third thing", whatever we'd want it to mean...
When we're at the topic of different way of speaking in different classes, Ravka badly lacks linguistic expression of divine right of Tsar. The King (Or what the hell is that guy's title...) isn't just a man with a crown! He's a person-shaped representation of the state! Saints-appointed to rule the country! Where's the Royal We?!
“Moi Tsar, Your Majesty” he said in clear tones. “Alina Starkov, the Sun Summoner.” ... “Come, come! Bring her to Us.” The Darkling and I walked to the base of the dais. The King scrutinized me. He frowned, and his lower lip jutted out slightly. “She’s very plain... Show Us,” the King commanded.
Shadow and Bone- Chapter 7
(The adressing's weird too. There's "Your highness, moi tsar" in the original quote without capitals, plus the order makes it look like Darkles is speaking to a Prince first, then the King/Tsar... well... I've re-wrote it so we can read is as acknowledging the Queen, who's also present.)
If we wanted to get wild, Royalty could refer directly to their servants in third person (Instead of "(You will) Bring me..." "She will bring me...").
“We didn’t ask to see this witch.” ... “She is a traitor to the Crown. We want her head.” To my surprise, Genya said to Nikolai, “I will take my punishment if he takes his.” The King’s face flushed purple. Maybe he’d have a heart attack and save us all a lot of bother. “She will stay silent among her betters!” Genya lifted her chin. “I have no betters here.” She wasn’t making this any easier, but I still wanted to cheer. The Queen sputtered. “If she thinks that—” Genya was trembling, but her voice stayed strong as she said, “If he cannot be tried for his failures as a king, let him be tried for his failures as a man.” “That ungrateful whore,” sneered the King. “That’s enough,” Nikolai said. “Both of you.” “We are Ravka’s King. We will not—” “You are a King without a throne,” said Nikolai quietly. “And I respectfully ask that you hold your tongue.”
Ruin and Rising- Chapter 7
Genya and Nikolai refering to the King as to a single person would also serve to emphasise his lack of power at the moment.
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karl-raccoon-enjoyer · 9 months
sigma for the character ask game :D
First Impression- I thought the scene where he saved that one guy who was struggling from having massive gambling debts was so sweet 😭 Plus the whole DOA gave me that feeling feel where when you feel the feeling feel and you’ve felt it, you know there are feelings to be felt (basically the feeling when you start fixating on something). Also, pretty.
Impression Now- I still think they’re the sweetest guy ever. They just want to have a home and I love that. But sometimes I remember he’s still a terrorist who possibly saved that guy for publicity reasons so the casino could be more profitable in the long run?? But that also ties back to how much they love their home???? It’s crazy. Even though I feel like he’s one of the easier bsd characters to understand just because they spell most of their motivations out, there’s still so much he does that’s morally gray and complicated.
Favorite Moment- When he was fighting that one girl from the hunting dogs who I forget her name. That reminder of his sheer determination and strength and love and protectiveness over his home was MAJESTIC. Plus I feel like a lot of people forget they can be scary like that which is frustrating.
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This panel specifically is everything.
Idea for a Story- What if Sigma succeeded in killing Teruko (looked up her name). He would be in such deep shit, even if he did legally control the Sky Casino. Since they’re already a terrorist, they might spiral further and further into greater illegal and violent activities in order to protect his home. We need more of his scary side so badly. And what if Fyodor took refuge in the casino some how and convinced Sigma he’s also their family? Like a damn parasite? Like a damn parasite that’s only corrupting them further? Sigma could be a villain so easily and we forget that sometimes.
Unpopular Opinion- I’ve seen a lot of theories on which author he’s based on. Personally, I think they’re literally just the letter because that aids to the themes of their alienation from the rest of humanity, but, if he is based on an author, I think it’s Homer. Specifically, their ability is The Odyssey. Not only was Odysseus’ main motivation getting back home, but the Ancient Greek concept of xenia is also very prevalent in that story. Xenia is basically a list of expectations between guests and hosts, and we know how Sigma treated their guests. Plus, Odysseus is smart and spends a lot of time telling the stories of his life and Sigma’s incredibly intelligent (also a semi-unpopular opinion, unfortunately) and their ability allows them to know the stories of others. PLUS plus The Iliad and The Odyssey were like just a collection of stories told by various Ancient Greek storytellers rather than one man, which may be why he is named something more broad. There’s more parallels I could draw but this is getting long.
Favorite Relationship- Siglai. Siglai Siglai Siglai. Their ideas of freedom contrast each other so well. Nikolai’s world where they’re free is one where they’re alone and without any ties to others. Sigma’s is one where he has a home and a family. They both want to be understood so badly. They see each other for what they want to be seen as. Sigma just wants to be a normal person and Nikolai sees that as the true him. Nikolai wants to be wild and free and Sigma sees that as the true him. And like, if you think about their relationship while Sigma still owned the casino, Nikolai would definitely be there forcing them to have fun and de-stress (in an annoying way or not). They understand and compliment each other so well, yet their paths are pulling them in other directions. Plus Sigma’s sky symbolism and Nikolai’s bird symbolism… ugh.
Favorite Headcanon- Stealing this from @aroacesigma, but they fully made up all that stuff about being the one legally in charge of the casino in the sense that all the laws there are controlled by him. He just didn’t was to deal with any bureaucratic bs (typed that bsd on accident, brain is INFECTED and INFESTED) so they made up their own bs. I also love xey’re headcanon about him having freckles. Sorry for not having any original ideas here but I had to defer to the CEO of transmasc Sigma eventually for this.
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cheetozai · 11 months
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I've honestly never posted on tumblr so pls give me some advice
I'M A WRITER (kinda.)
I'm badly and madly Inlove with Dazai (not proud)
Any prns are fine as long as it's not it/its!!
I'm also into honkai, ggz and genshin so hmu pls
Egyptian and Muslim 🐺🙏 so if you have a problem with that please block me
DNI IF URE!!! Basic dni criteria ofc, pro-israel, anti-recovery
I take requests!! Might be slow to reply tho </3
I write for bsd!! (Dazai, Yosano, Ranpo, Chuuya, Sigma, Atsushi and Nikolai)
Might be ooc sometimes but I'm studying their character!! If you want to give your thoughts on their personalities please tell me in dms or asks :3
Jjk also!! (Gojo, Geto)
Won't write; noncon, pure smut, creepy age gaps, dazai x atsushi romantically (sorry they are so son and father), any lolicon/shotacon related content, yes that includes Loli reader or wtv 😨,
Will write; Smut headcanons, x readers, ships, pure angst :3, platonic x reader or x character !!
I mostly write; Fluff, angst, headcanons in general
Artists pls hmu u guys are amazing and talented and-
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I basically goof around in general so if u wanna also goof around drop by !! @satrouhearts
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zukkaoru · 8 months
hi!!! for the ask game uuhm nathaniel, nikolai, shibusawa, and uuuh fuck it. kajii too
whooo okay here we go!!
first impression:
oh i just know everyone hates this guy because everyone hates the scarlet letter. they don't know about the house of the seven gables :(
impression now:
favorite moment:
probably the scene with him and margaret on the zelda, right before kajii comes in
idea for a story:
i so badly want to write a nikonathan soulmate au someday. i don't even know what the specifics would be but can you imagine them discovering the other is their soulmate?? nathaniel would Hate It and nikolai would immediately become the most obnoxious version of himself
unpopular opinion:
every opinion on nathaniel is an unpopular one sdfghjhk but i kind of wish they'd approached his character differently? bc like.. idk there's so much more to the irl hawthorne than "that guy who wrote that one book about adultery that everyone had to read in high school and hated" but perhaps i am just biased bc i liked thotsg so much and would have rather his character be inspired by that book even though no one knows about that one
favorite relationship:
nikonathan is fun. fyothaniel compels me. and i like the dynamic between him and margaret platonically
favorite headcanon:
king james version is his go-to bible translation. he is forever and always a kjv girlie🙏 also he has a younger sister named phoebe
first impression:
who is this clown and why do we ship him with fyodor
impression now:
ohh there is so much more to you than you will ever let anyone see
favorite moment:
when dazai gives him fyodor's arm and for the first time since we were introduced to him, he hesitates
idea for a story:
i think fyolai roadtrip au is the only one i have that would be more centered around nikolai, which i'm pretty sure i already told you about fdgfhgjhkj but basically no-powers au where nikolai drags fyodor on a roadtrip with the intention to kill him and then slowly spirals when he realizes he can't bring himself to do it
unpopular opinion:
i think he's kinder than a lot of people think he is, but like.. he chooses not to be. i think his instincts are kinder than his actions. does that make any sense? like i don't think he's a Good person by any means but i do think there is a part of him that is instinctually kind, which he works to smother because caring about people is not freeing
favorite relationship:
once again, nikonathan is fun. and i do love fyolai too. his dynamic with sigma is also really interesting but i wouldn't necessarily say i Ship them
favorite headcanon:
he has a very complicated relationship with his culture/hometown/etc. because he feels like it ties him down somewhere, thus trapping him. but he also can't just. let go of it completely. some part of him will always miss the place where he grew up even if he tells himself he doesn't care. and he hates it so much but no matter how hard he tries, he cannot free himself.
first impression:
who is this
impression now:
what if they let him be a dragon living in a castle forever. and he just promised really hard to be chill. and they let him be. and there was just a dragon in yokohama. would that be sick or what
favorite moment:
idea for a story:
i don't actually think i have any ideas with him even in it sfdgfhgjh uhhh best i got is the one universe in snowfall where he's the god of death and gin tries to bargain with him to bring aku back and he's like :/ sorry. no can do. the laws of reality forbid it. that would be kinda cool to expand upon
unpopular opinion:
what if they just let him be a dragon livinbnbgf
favorite relationship:
idk whatever was going on with him and fyodor in dead apple was like doomed toxic yuri to me so let's go with that
favorite headcanon:
um. he likes it when people braid his hair
first impression:
this guy is insane (concerned)
impression now:
this guy is insane (affectionate)
favorite moment:
THE LEMON RUNWAY actually wait no it's when he says he's only part of the port mafia bc mori provides financial support for his science experiments. he's got his priorities straight
idea for a story:
he and ranpo hook up at some point pre-canon, after dazai joins the ada. this is because ranpo comes to the (correct) conclusion that eventually, most of the ada is going to end up sleeping with someone from the port mafia and he doesn't want to be left out. important to note here that both kajii and ranpo are aro(spec) and not particularly interested in an actual relationship. ranpo is dealing with fomo and kajii loves science experiments and they have a great time. and then two years later when this comes to light, yosano is like. ranpo full offense but what the HELL is your taste in men do you only like people who want to skin you alive just to see how you bleed???? and ranpo is like. tbh? yeah
unpopular opinion:
i feel like a lot of people hate him but i think he's such a fun character!! like. his ability is being immune to lemon-shaped explosives?? he shows up every once in a while to throw around lemon bombs. he's a mad scientist. what more could you want
favorite relationship:
i do really think kajii-ranpo hookup would be funny. ultralemon 4ever <3 also corey and i decided kajii and tecchou exchange terrible food combo ideas and make jouno's mental health Worse simply by being friends
favorite headcanon:
he eats lemons like apples. yes. he bites directly into them, peel and all. also alloaro kajii is a vibe
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bardofavon · 7 months
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
ok so my real toxic trait is that i'm delusional and I alllllwaaayys think "i'm going to write this eventually!!!" so here are fics that are in my brain right now that i want to get to but realistically (considering ideas that I have that are more fleshed out) probably won't end up coming to fruition (solely because they are almost too sweeping and would be HUGE projects lol) they are all six of crows because that’s my writing hyper fixation at the moment:
- six of crows sk8: the infinity au. i just feel like if any characters were going to be able to fit right into a universe about illegal underground skateboarding it would be the crows. idk don't text.
- i had an INSAAAANE fic idea ages ago. like. 2 years ago in the kazling server i was going on about a Bachelor AU that still hangs out in my mind sometimes. okay hear me out, do you remember that story about the guy who got trapped in the reality TV show and no one would let him leave?? jesper signs kaz up for the bachelor as a joke and he accidentally gets contractually obligated. jesper mixes in the contract with actual paperwork while kaz is on autopilot. boom, he's the bachelor now. i throw in every single person in the grishaverse who i have weird ship feelings about in there. nikolai makes it all the way to hometowns as sturmhond and then when he takes kaz to his hometown it's the fucking grand palace. listen i put way too much thought into this fic that will never be written by me !!!
-I love Persona 5 and the metaverse/palace structure means that I so badly want to take every other piece of media I have and go "what would this persons palace be?" anyway. the crows are phantom thieves taking down pekka rollins palace and not realizing kaz, their leader, has a palace just as big.
fanfic writer asks
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 1 year
for blorbo bingo I desire your opinion on gay clown nikolai, liddol guy mika, and/or babygirl genius architect kaveh <3
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he was having a girl moment
unfortunately. his silly swag caught up to me and before i knew it i was excited when u started liking him dhdhshaj
understandable i think. he'd let me maybe
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MY SON MY BABY. i can fix him. and by that i mean he can stay in my teapot and i can work out a custody arrangement. or hand him over to kaveh
mikas got like a lot of problems that i think everyone like. overlooks. he doesn't want to be a burden more than anything, and is seemingly terrible at saying no to people. him and noelle are plenty similar in this regard, the only difference being that mika is a member of the knights already. he's not just socially awkward, but cares about the reputations of the superiors he represents. he's not just shy, but is terrified of making himself a burden to others. in almost every voiceline he has he says something like 'i wont drag you down' or 'ill take some weight off your shoulders'. in his wounded voicelines he says he'll be fine or alright. in his gift 3 he says he'll finish eating the disgusting food because you went through the trouble of making it for him. in his about mika V he says he's fine with whatever anyone thinks of him.... AS LONG AS HE'S NOT CAUSING TROUBLE FOR ANYONE. mika is also an incredibly intelligent man! hes the ONLY person who can use the mapmaking gadget he has with ease. why? because, and i quote, "This function can greatly improve the accuracy of a map, but regrettably, everything else — including the statistical information and calculations regarding the terrain in question — has to be computed in the user's mind". Mika is constantly doing mental calculations to use this gadget, and he's the ONLY surveyor who can. Also
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his issues regarding wanting to be completely confident in what he says lest they reflect badly on varka and eula are sooo me fr fr
mika my son boy
i cant live normally now that i know abt him. i cant look at him the same. hes not just the nerdy sounding little german boy hes a guy to me
theres so much lost potential in not having him in more stuff. just like heizou mika needs more events. i honestly thought he'd be a focus in weinlesefest because thats where he was introduced but???? they didn't??? it makes me so fucking angry. also i want expanded venti mika friendship
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why does everyone think that he's like. the dumb one. he's literally equally smart as haitham, and is stated to have the closest understanding of true wisdom. in NAHIDAS WORDS. they also dont understand his mommy issues. his father may have died but he lost his mother that day too. and he'll never have her back. hes was doing the emotional labor in that relationship and then she left him!!!! she started a new life in fontaine!!!! her last bit of family, her son, wasn't able to make her happy anymore. was he not enough? do you understand
its less they dropped the ball of kaveh and more they dropped the ball on haitham. which fucks it up for kaveh. if haitham is always right when we see him then we dont see how kaveh reflects and improves him. and if kaveh always loses then of course he seems dumb :/
kaveh 💕💕💕
i can. i can do it watch me
hes literally gorgeous???? stunning???
its less that I hate him and more that im so concerned for him. i fundamentally can't understand why he'd pour his all into the palace of alcazarzaray despite everything else. id kill him for that. which is why hes so fucking well written
you understand
see: point about haitham
stares at you. stares at you. stares at you.
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caitlinincolour · 2 years
mmm time to infodump/rant my feeling about shadow and bone season two because ive just finished it!!!
why THE FUCK are Crooked Kingdom plot points happening this early in the show?? it makes no sense and it feels like they're not expecting to be renewed so they're rushing all the big character development and plot point things early
im just so upset and confused about the timeline it hurts my head ;-;
Alina's hair didn't turn white and also she's got shadow powers? tf?? i don't remember the ending of the shadow and bone series very well but doesn't she and Mal go live on a farm together quietly? when did Alina get so power hungry??
dont get me wrong I do love the mashup of the sab characters and the soc characters but they easily could have done that better without screwing up the soc and ck plots so badly
I love Tolya and Tamar 1000/10 but if they start the Toyla x Inej bullshit I'm canceling my netflix subscription
I saw someone else make a meme about how Inej and Jesper's trauma gets 0 attention compared to Kaz's and it makes me sad because it doesn't give them the same amount of depth Kaz has been given
I LOVED getting to see more of the world with Shu Han and Novyi Zem this season!!
WE GOT ALL THE WESPER THAT WE COULD HAVE EVER WANTED THAT THE BOOKS LACKED (probably the only thing I'd want to change about the books)
also because they rushed all the crooked kingdom plot things AND the crows got paid so so much by Nikolai (who's country is supposed to be broke right?) that means the stakes for the ice court heist are not going to be as high or as meaningful- you're telling me Kaz is going to risk his life and crew to better the world and get rid of jurda parem? this man is only motivated by money and he got so much of it from Nikolai why would he risk so much for more?
I wish we got more of Zoya being badass but she felt more like a side character this season :/ they better give her the spotlight in season three
I want to be clear im not pro or anti Darkling bc he's a complex character with a lot of faults but also many good points especially with saving Grisha for years- which everyone seems to look over and just paint him as a bad guys when there are worse powers: jurda parem and the druskelle
INEJ WAS ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE AND FLAWLESS NO NOTES (other than what was the purpose of the weird taxidermy guy fight?)
I was never a big fan of Mal x Alina when reading the books but the ending they got in season two even made me disappointed like? they spend the whole damn show obsessed with finding each other and doing everything for each other just to walk away???
also in the books Nina is Ravkan and loves her country and the grisha so i thought there would be more of a big deal made when Nina finally gets to return to her home country in s2 but its not even addressed??
I know this sounds like a lot of complaining but overall I absolutely LOVE the show!! Especially the casting! everyone is perfect and bring the characters to life excellently! I think they've overall done a wonderful job (especially with my beloved crows)
if I think of any more I'll add them! tell me your thoughts too!
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part 2 of bsd characters except it's conversations/things me and my friends have said
Chuuya: piss on the principal and say "transphobe" and leave
Fyodor: I heard piss
Dazai: oh. my. god.
Fyodor: We are obsessed with piss or making fun kf it
Dazai: Make it a soliloquy for when its a rainy day and i want to feel like a badass widower, and then you can cum
Chuuya: hey what the fuck?? its two am
Margaret: my humor is dry but my pussy is wet
Chuuya: At least I haven’t been called twink here, my old friend used to call me that constantly. Not a bad thing but
Higuchi: isnt a twink something for gay men
Akutagawa: Twink is a weak ass bottom
Ranpo: fan behavior
Yosano: growls
Kunikida: not the fan behavior-
Chuuya: heh bottom
Dazai: we both know perfectly well it's not like that.
Akutagawa: are you deaf aside from a coward?
Hawthorne: i have to shit so fucking badly but i’m in church
Mark: shit on the pastor
Lucy: burn the church.
Steinbeck: arson😩😩😩
Hawthorne: i think i might literally shit my pants
Lucy: burn the church
Steinbeck: burn the church
Hawthorne: it’s like squeezing out my ass hole
Mark: poo on the pastor
Poe: run to the bathroom in all seriousness
Margaret: IM CRYONGE
Hawthorne: i cant their praying rn
Hawthorne: so i can’t really run
Mark: waddle
Margaret: tears will start running out of my eye sockets if you shit yer pants
Lucy: say “UwU pastor sama i have to take a poopoo, please let me go shitty witty in the toilet, I’ll pray to sky daddy tonight nya”
Poe: NO
Mark: NYA?????
Margaret: thats it here comes the tears
Gin: HC my wifi has a praise kink
Gin: “Such good wifi” Works better
Akutagawa: i have a praise kink
Gin: wha
Akutagawa: i also have a degradation kink
Gin: same
Akutagawa: idk how that works but
Margaret: I’m gonna ride Jesus like the wind
Dazai probably: it's cunnilingus but for buttholes
Kunikida to the ADA talking about someone (for the scenario let's say it's Fyodor):holy shit he is the single most annoying person ever AND IVE MET YOU GUYS
Kyouka: fuck you and your privileged shoes!
Kenji: the square is the sandwich.
Dazai, texting Kunikida: my ass is made out of armadillos.
Kunikida: no i'm not gonna write a box of condoms.
Q: you made my teeth wiggle! bitch!
Yosano: silence twinkymalinky
Dazai: What are you doing step bro
Chuuya: help me get out of this fucking washing machine dazai or so god help me i'm telling mom what a slut you are
Chuuya: bitch person
Q: bitch person
Chuuya: yes i can't call you bitchboy you're nonbinary
Dazai: bitch enby?
Chuuya: no, bitch person
Mori: Bitch human
Kouyou: that would be assuming Q is human
Q: im not sure at this point
Dazai: Bitch god
Chuuya: bitch being
Mori: yeah
Atsushi: I hate it here.
Akutagawa: good.
Nikolai, as a joke: list of Fyodor's kinks - tear kink - piss kink - scat kink - mold kink - dirty water kink - electricity kink - mommy kink - cockroach toilet flushing kink - marking kink - horse kink - hussie kink
Sigma: jesus christ
Dazai: sounds about right
Fyodor: IHY
Chuuya: i'd step on someone if they steal from me
Elise: no spray febreeze in their eyes
Gin: no you gotta K.O them
Higuchi: i dont like confrontation but i dont mind having to use violence
Hirotsu: im pretty sure the devil is scared of you
Ranpo: genuinely think that the one lyric in the song up by cardi b is "i said my face bomb ass tight rack stuck and shat light" bc i haven't looked up the actual lyrics and at this point i don't think that looking them up will stop me from continuing to sing these lyrics.
Yosano: you.
Yosano: ok
Lucy: ok 2013 humor i didnt ask for your input
Atsushi: what else am i supposed to say?? good for you?? break a leg?? don't die?? what the fuck
Ranpo: we ate ,,, lamp
Ranpo: *lamb
Poe: l
Poe: lanp
Ranpo: ??
Poe: lap
Ranpo: lamnpl
Ranpo: we ate goat
Tetchou: psst
Jouno: Oh no
Tetchou: gay
Jouno: What about it
Tetchou: nothing just gay
Jouno: Stares
Jouno: Same
Tachihara: i have never had boba
Tachihara: it looks funky
Gin: It tastes amazing
Tachihara: do you like swallow the balls or bite them
Gin: Either way
Tachihara: shit that sounds weird out of context
Yosano: it's wonky! it is- it's fucking wonky! none of this is straight and i can relate to that!
Louisa: my only experience with boba was when i once went into a boba shop and ordered,,, coffee
Poe: You
Poe: What
Louisa: yeah,,,
Louisa: ok so kind of a long story
Louisa: i was in a coffee shop before but i accidentally ordered a drink that wasn't coffee but i wasn't gonna ask my friends to go back to the coffee place to get coffee and they wanted to go get boba so i saw there that they also had coffee and i was like "Oh i'm gonna get that"
Louisa: it tasted like black tea with milk
Louisa: not coffee
Louisa: so it was an absolute scam
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bluesilksilverspurs · 3 years
So, a little intro piece to what I hope will be quite a few pieces about Nikolai. This part is SFW, but the rest will definitely most likely not be :)
F!reader x Nikolai Zinoviev
"Something planned for this evening?" His voice was cool, and unexpected. Sometimes you forgot there was even anyone else in the dim room, the quiet and the faint, still light thrown by blue screens suggesting solitude. You knew he preferred it that way. Wesker wasn't one for small talk.
Turning, you looked along the console to him. An imposing figure, all the more so since the Mansion Incident, Wesker was sitting watching you, his long fingers splayed on the arms of the leather chair.
You felt suddenly self-conscious. You weren't wearing anything risqué - you'd changed into a pair of smart black jeans, a dark blue top that suggested a hint of cleavage. The necklace at your throat sparkled silver in the light above you. But still, you felt suddenly naked, as though he could see through you, as transparent as water.
"I'm meeting a friend for dinner."
Wesker didn't say anything at first, but his fingers drummed very softly on the armrest. When you didn't elaborate, he continued.
"A friend we have in common?"
It was a question, but it came out sounding like a statement. You swallowed. Why were you nervous? You weren't doing anything wrong. Were you?
He stared at you for a beat longer, then turned his head to the bank of monitors on his left. His gloved hand tapped a few times on the keypad beside him. Your cheeks burned.
"He's a dangerous man. You should take care with the company you keep."
A nervous giggle bubbled from your lips, and you flashed a smile at him.
"Dangerous men seem to be the only company I keep these days."
Wesker smirked at you, but his gaze had drifted. His attention was already on something else. "Have fun, then."
You pressed your palm against the release mechanism for the door and walked out of the darkened room, blinking in the sudden harsh glare of the corridor. White and chrome, stretching for miles, it seemed. Given how many people worked in this facility, it was strange that you barely saw anyone. Well, it wasn't strange on this particular floor. Here it was quiet, austere, the atmosphere monastic. People rarely came here, unless to deliver bad news, or receive it.
The elevator doors opened with a soft chime, and you stepped inside. There, three versions of yourself stared back at you, identical eyebrows raised in identical appraisal. You looked okay, you thought. This was a fairly balanced assessment - your inner critic might be lying dormant, but you knew it wouldn't take much to coax her out. Instead, you combed your fingers through your hair, teasing out strands on each side of your face. You'd put on a little make-up - nothing much, only a slick of mascara, really - and you tried a shaky smile. The nerves exploded in your stomach.
There was no point in asking yourself why you were nervous. Nikolai Zinoviev was a mercenary, a ruthless man who played badly with others. But he had a wry sense of humour that delighted you, an odd chivalry about him, and eyes that were surprisingly doe-like for a trained killer. You thought him tremendously handsome, but not the kind of man you would normally be attracted to (here your mind scoffed. He was rather a lot like the kind of men you were normally attracted. Your current employer being a former case in point). If you were honest, you didn't think he would be interested, not in you, nor maybe anyone else. Certainly not for anything more than a quick fuck. So it had surprised you when he asked if you'd join him tonight.
Maybe a quick fuck was all he wanted. You didn't know. It had been a long time since you'd been on any type of date at all - working as a contact for powerful men manipulating the balance of power was exhausting, time-intensive and secretive, in effect making it almost impossible to have an intimate relationship. You didn't want to lie to anyone, or present yourself as something other than you were. You knew what your job was - you were good at it, and you were loyal, which is probably why Wesker had kept you around for so long. You knew that you weren't working for the good guys, although sometimes you could see the logic in the moves that were made. It didn't matter anyway. Good, or bad, there would always be casualties, always be compromises, always deals struck and undone. The money was good, and you were respected, although sometimes you thought that might be, in part, because of who your direct boss was.
Your job was how you had met Nikolai in the first place. You wore many hats and spun many plates for Wesker, but your chief responsibility was the allocation of contracts. At your fingertips was a database of the world's mercenaries, private armies, general guns for hire. Wesker told you what he wanted, you arranged to have it done. Simple. Most of the time, a quick encrypted message was enough to a familiar contact - a straightforward job needing executed. Other times it was more complicated, and for this you would meet contacts to discuss the details, and their compensation. Sometimes they bartered for price, but not always. Not even often, really. Wesker was well-connected and had deep pockets. His contracts were sought after, not merely because of the good pay, but because of the good graces it could land a mercenary in. Wesker might be above the interpersonal politics, but you remembered who you liked to work with, and who was unreliable, or a headache.
You liked to work with Nikolai.
Reliable, efficient, handsome. What more could an agent ask for?
You had reached the front door of the building. Sometimes you wondered if people really did believe this was simply the headquarters of an international manufacturer of lab equipment. The original story had been a HR company, but it was thought too hard to explain the delivery trucks coming in and out. You did wonder what people thought about the helicopters that came and went. It didn't matter. The town was in Wesker's pocket, or rather, in the pockets of the companies that he hid behind. Dark shades hiding dark intentions.
The company car was waiting at the kerb, and you slid into the back seat. The driver pulled away smoothly, heading downtown. You wondered if this is how Wesker had known you had plans, but you couldn't begin to guess how he suspected it was Nikolai you were meeting. It didn't really matter, you supposed. You wouldn't have lied to him. You didn't lie to Wesker and get away with it. If the man wanted to know something, then he could find it out easily enough.
The lights seemed to flicker and blur as the car moved between traffic. You would be early, most likely, but you didn't mind waiting. Maybe you'd even have a drink to calm your nerves, although drinking wasn't something you tended to do. You didn't like feeling out of control.
Soon, the car was pulling up outside a small bar. Inside, you could see patrons milling about, people drinking, heads close together. You hadn't picked the venue, but you'd read favourable reviews in the local press. You thanked the driver, pressed a crisp $20 into his hand and, taking a deep breath, got out of the car.
"Ah, Miss L/n!" The Russian accent was unmistakable, smooth and dark and dizzying. You startled, and he laughed, pushing away from the wall he'd been leaning against. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you."
The blush that was furiously spreading across your cheeks deepened as your eyes flitted across him. He seemed impossibly tall, even though you weren't particularly short, and he was wearing a smart grey linen jacket and a pale shirt over dark trousers. Even in civilian clothes, he was intimidating, but he made you feel…. safe, somehow. You knew what he had done, what he did for a living. You knew how dangerous he could be. But you didn't feel threatened by him. You smiled.
"It's alright, I just…. Well, I'm early - it didn't occur to me that you would be early too."
"I don't like a lady to have to walk into a bar unescorted." His expression was playful, and you relaxed a little.
"And they say chivalry is dead." Linking your hand into the crook of his proffered arm, you walked into the bar with him. Were you imagining it, or were people staring? Did anyone recognise either of you? Was there anyone here doing surveillance? You shook your head a little, as though trying to shake loose the thoughts. You knew Nikolai would have already run recce here. It was fine.
"Reservation, sir?" The maitre d' asked, his tone polished and bright. Nikolai smiled at the man, and you marvelled at how personable he could appear to be. You knew about his reputation. You knew about his propensity for manipulation, for ingratiating himself with people - you knew this, and worried about it, and somehow were drawn to him anyway. Maybe you had no sense of self-preservation after all.
You didn’t let your eyes leave the maitre d' and his gloved hand running his pencil down the gilt-lined book, never giving away the sleight in name.
"Ah yes, sir. Yes. Please, follow me." The man made a sweeping gesture and stepped nimbly round the varnished table, and you allowed Nikolai to lead you through the bar. There were booths in the back, curved backs, sleek tables, lined along the wall, but the maitre d' led you off to the left and through a sedate black door. Behind it, there was a staircase, lit with tiny blown-glass lamps, like little frosted irises blooming with soft light. You looked up at Nikolai through your eyelashes as he held the door open for you to go through, and you both followed the man up the stairs.
With a subtle flourish, the man opened the door at the top. The room that you walked into was not as large as the bar down stairs, but there were a small number of fine booths lining the walls. Some of them were occupied, some were empty, but your eyes were drawn to the baby grand sitting on a little plinth in the centre of the room, a tall vase frothing with lilac-coloured flowers beside it. A man in coat and tails sat there, momentarily paused to take a sip of his drink and converse with one of the patrons.
"I didn't know this place was here." You admitted, feeling strangely naïve as you slid into the booth indicated by the maitre d'. The man took your drink orders and then left, and Nikolai looked at you properly for the first time.
"You look very lovely this evening. A little nervous, perhaps, but lovely."
"You look very lovely yourself, Mr. Novikov." Your smile was flirtatious, genuine. It felt as though this was the first thing you had done in an age that wasn't work. It probably was. He laughed.
"Makes sense to keep a low profile. I doubt they'd buy my name was Jones, or Smith, though. Not with this accent."
"You know, I was kind of surprised when you asked if I'd join you tonight." Your fingers played with the edge of the heavy linen napkin, lining it neatly perpendicular to the table edge. Why was it so hard to look at him all of a sudden?
His large hand covered yours, stilling your anxious fidgeting. His skin was warm - a corresponding warmth seemed to bloom low in your belly.
Why, indeed. You glanced up and found his eyes intent on you, his expression intense. His thumb grazed back and forth along the underside of your wrist, the movement mesmerising, tracing the thrum of your pulse.
"I guess I just never imagined you as the kind of man who'd go out for dinner." Or be interested in me. You smiled, "I don't know why I thought you would be working 24/7. Maybe it's because I've only seen you in a work capacity til now."
"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Miss L/n". His smile was wolfish, sharp. That feeling in your belly made you shift in your seat, pressing your thighs tight together beneath the welcome cover of the table.
"I'll bet."
The smile on his face softened, and he let go of your hand, breaking the breathless feeling of falling, of your mind racing like a rabbit in the parts of your mind you normally kept the doors closed on.
"Let's spend this evening getting to know a few more things about each other, hm?" He raised his glass to you, and you mirrored him, shy and alive.
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thewillowbends · 3 years
So I started following you because of your Lucifer stuff and fic, which I love. But, your posts got me to watch Shadow and Bone and now I’m all aboard the Darklina train. I haven’t read the books though and from what I have been seeing on Tumblr, my sense is that after Season 1 if the show follows the books at all, there is no more Darklina. Is that right? Any chance that Ben Barnes’ amazing acting makes the writers change course? Mal just falls flat for me. Thoughts? :)
Well, there's Darklina moments, but it's a bit like the court jester hanging over the balcony to mock the baying hounds and stir them into a frenzy. It's definitely the far more interesting relationship in the few scenes we get it, certainly more so than anything Malina gives us, but Leigh Bardugo aggressively steers the Grisha Trilogy away from any potentially interesting avenue at every turn. It's not end game at all, and even after the Darkling and Alina close out their story, you don't even get that catharsis because she drags his corpse out for the inane storyline of the Nikolai duology and pretty much undermines any meaningful interaction they had. Bardugo is a writer intent on punishing Alina and girls like her for daring to fall in love with the bad boy, and we all have to suffer for it.
We're not going to get it in the show, to be blunt. Even with Ben and Jessie's incredible chemistry, the writing is on the wall narratively that they want Malina to be endgame. If you know anything about YA and story coding, it's right there in the spoken narrative ("meet me in the meadow") and the more insidiously unspoken one (the chaste, supportive boyfriend versus the dark, sensual villain). To it's detriment, IMO, since Malina doesn't really have a story to me. Like they're a much better couple here than they were in the books, but I don't find them compelling as a story. There's just not enough there to hang plot around because when two characters are already friends, all you need is attraction to push it into the next step, and that shouldn't be a particularly big hurdle. We have both here, so it's literally a matter of them just acting on it, which is ridiculous to pretend wouldn't happen (or wouldn't have already, to be frank) now that the characters are aged up and are more mature and assertive.
Frankly, Storm and Siege is literally a primer on how much of a nothingburger their relationship amounts to when you try to frame a plot around it. In fact, doing so destroyed that book precisely because focusing on their drama in the face of a literal civil war made them come across completely selfish, myopic, and unlikable. The only reason I wanted them together was so nobody else had to deal with them. I suspect the show will mostly fix that aspect, but I don't think it's going to be able to inherently boring dynamic they have. Unless they're tracking something, Mal just doesn't really have a plot purpose, and it becomes more glaring the longer you read.
Even though Darklina fans make up a hefty portion of the fandom and definitely dominate the creative segment of the fandom, the writers have made it clear they're intent to follow the general direction of the books. It's a shame because I've talked to a few people who'd read them before the show was made who had tuned in to see if it would change things to be more interesting, but they've all told me they're disappointed and certain it'll mostly be the same general pathways, just bereft of the corruption arc. (Something that could have been interesting but was so badly handled in S&S that I'm glad to see it go.)
What we might see is a redemption arc. The Darkling...sorta kinda has one in the Nikolai duology in the most fucked up way possible, and given that Ben Barnes clearly wants one and definitely played the character more sympathetically (though he still was in the original series, IMO), I suspect he might have enough pull to get it. What I suspect they'll do is merge parts of the Nikolai duology into the seasons that align with S&S and R&R, dumping most of the S&S plot (please do). That way Zoya and Nikolai serve as the "good" foils to the Darkling's brutal revolutionary bent who will pursue his vision of improving things for Grisha, while still allowing him to serve out his time as the villain. He'll close out his story on the same sacrifice - but a defiant one, as befitting a guy who literally rent the world in half to satisfy his need for justice.
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dilucshighponytail · 3 years
STRESSED - Fyodor x reader (M)
repost from my ao3 (chuuyari)
18+, blow jobs, mention of sex
word count: 1.9k 
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"Ah Y/N, You didn't bring me tea?" Whined Nikolai, head resting in his gloved palm. A pout adorned his features, nose scrunched in disappointment, making you giggle. "Sorry Niko, next time I promise." His scowl transformed into a grin at the nickname, hands clasping together, a jolly laugh echoing in the room. He seemed utterly  pleased with your answer, his previous disappointment disappearing in the flash of an eye. Holding two cups in your hands, you enjoyed their momentarily warmth settling yours on a table nearby. Nikolai's chatter filled the room, as he discussed the DoA’s next moves with Sigma. As for your lover Fyodor, he sat in front of his computer, entranced by the screens. Speaking of him, The man raised an eyebrow wondering why you held a second cup of tea, lavender irises eyeing you up and down, before going back to work. This pile of work seemed to have no end, and it was really starting to get to him. His long fingers quickly jolted on the keyboard, writing a series of codes that seemed like utter nonsense to you. He got cut out of his train of thoughts as you dropped the other cup of  warm tea next to him. Oh? So that was why you carried a second cup, it was for him. He nodded in your direction "Thank you milaya" His voice dripped with something as sweet as honey, a tone he only used when talking to you. 
A soft blush erupted on your cheeks at his boldness considering that they were far from being alone in the room. Fyodor's words instantly made the clown grin, as he got a mischievous idea, elbowing the other man. "Ay Dos we'll head out for a bit to grab some food" He exclaimed, getting up to stretch. Fingers reaching for the ceiling he looked at you, winking "want something to eat Y/N, Dos?" You grinned, obviously pleased with his question. Shooting him your order with not an ounce of hesitation, he nodded "Your wish is my command" before averting his gaze to Fyodor who stood there pensively, a hand rubbing his chin. "Nothing for me, thank you I already have food." 
And with that Sigma and Nikolai exited, waving you guys off. There was only you and Fyodor left, the sound of classical music fillIng the whole space, as you walked behind your lover, hands dropping on his stiff shoulders. He flinched at first, eyes darting away from the multiple screens as if reminded that you were still in the room with him. He was clearly overworking himself, spending his days planning the DoA's next moves, his tiredness seeping through his handsome features. His beautiful irises strained after being in contact with the numerous screens for so long. You just desired to be good to him, your fingers gently scratching the base of his neck, playing with his luscious locks. The man almost purred beneath your touch, as you felt him relax and lean back against your abdomen. His eyes were closed, as if delightful enveloped in this moment with you. 
Your gaze loomed over him, leaning down to brush a soft kiss against the shell of his ear. The reaction was immediate, a shiver ran through him, as he spun his chair around. His lilac gaze met yours, a swirl of lust twinkling within them "You're playing a dangerous game moya Lyubov" He smirked, large hands coming to pat his laps inviting you to straddle him.  You wasted no time in obliging, making sure that your core rubbed against his semi-erect member in the process. You blushed, your delicate hand coming to caress some hair away from his cheek. You could feel him harden at each passing second, just from your touch.  "All that from just a kiss Fyo?" You teased, voice barely above a whisper. Usually, you'd be afraid of the mere punishment you'd get from teasing him, but it seemed that today your lover was too tired to retort back, irises just melting into yours. 
"I'm afraid this is the power you have over me" He purred, letting his forehead rest against yours. His eyes closed in the sheer delight at the proximity of your being. He enjoyed your company thoroughly, always treating you like the royalty you were to his eye. You were the one singularity, the one exception. He cared so deeply for you that it sometimes scared him. 
You took your time to gaze at his feature, thumb rubbing soothing patterns on his cheeks. You knew that he had a lot of work to do, and were thankful for every second he accorded you nonetheless. Slowly leaning closer, you captured his lips with yours. Your lashes fluttered shut, tilting your head to the side savoring the moment fully. Fyodor's eyes opened at your sudden kiss, feeling all of his worries and stress melt away. Gazing lovingly at you, a groan escaped his throat, deepening the kiss tenfold. Humming you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach at the sounds your lover emitted. His tongue delving into your mouth, parting your lips, he smelled heavenly, his scent intoxicating your every pore. Tangling your hands into his dark hair you brought him closer, rubbing your core against his, eliciting a soft moan from Fyodor. 
"Y/N-" He broke away from the kiss, half-lidded eyes gazing at you from under his thick lashes. His voice sounded like a warning, a warning telling you that he wouldn't be able to hold back if you kept going. However, you had no intention of stopping, you needed him as badly as he needed you.
At that moment, you knew exactly what you wanted to do. Dropping on your knees, your delicate hands settled on his thighs spreading them apart. You nestled in between them, now under his desk. A huge smirk covered his feature, head tilted to the side: "Oh is someone that eager to take my cock?" He purred violet eyes glued to you. You winked quickly making work of his pants dragging them down to his knees. " Of course Fyo, I just wanna be good to you-" you paused, your finger dragging along his now rock hard member. "Only to you" God that was the perfect answer, his member twitched at the sheer words you used, the power you had on him completely apparent. "That's my darling," he whispered, voice dripping with lust. One of his hand dropped to your cheek, caressing it before muttering in a low tone: "Now put that mouth to good use Milaya" 
You didn't need to be told twice, lowering his underwear in one go. Saying that Fyodor was hard was an understatement, as his cock bounced up hitting his abdomen. A bead of precum oozed from the tip, which was rosy ish considering it had been a long time since you both had private time together. Fyodor arbored no desire into jerking off when he had you instead, to him, you were utmost perfection. Wasting such time to jerk off when he could be ravishing you instead  was foolish. Tongue darting out to wet your lips, your hand reached grabbing his cock  at the base giving it a slight squeeze. It wasn't long until Fyodor’s fingers were buried into your locks, pressing you eagerly toward his leaking member. He was so worked up from just mere kisses, but he felt no shame in it. He knew that seeing him aroused, was a huge turn on for you as well. Lashes fluttering closed he leaned back against the chair, a soft moan escaping his parted lips. 
Violet irises covered by a thin veil of lust, he let himself be consumed by pleasure feeling your tongue slowly trace his member. Starting at the base, you made sure to apply just the right amount of pleasure to drive him insane, up until his leaking tip. Fyodor’s cock was way above average, both in girth and length, making your insides flutter at the mere thoughts of it buried deep inside you. 
“Milaya-” He whispered, breath coming in short puffs, lilac gaze meeting yours. You felt that his patience was at its limit, the pet name sounding almost menacing. 
“Didn’t I just tell you to put that mouth to good use?” He purred lowly, long slender fingers grasping your locks tighter. You couldn’t help but comply, as he forcefully pulled you closer to his cock, whispering : “ or i’ll have to punish you” 
You shivered at the mere thoughts, recalling all the previous punishments Fyo made you endure. All those restless nights of him drilling into you, never giving you the release you oh so greatly desired. All these hours spent edging you into the perfect orgasm that he’d only end up denying you, whispering sweet Russian names and slurs to you all night. Memories of his tongue darting out to lick the shell of your ear, teeth biting and pulling at the skin until you’d be a moaning mess, writhing underneath him. 
Finally wrapping your lips around his member, a low groan escaped his throat “That’s it moya lyubov, you’re taking my cock so well.” Moans filled the room as your tongue swirled around the tip, tasting his precum, delicate hands wrapping around what couldn’t fit in your mouth. You eagerly started to pump him, eliciting even more mewls and moans from the man. 
A particular growl escaped his lips  as your velvety muscle traced along the vein on the back of his cock. You knew Fyodor’s most sensitive spot was that particular area, taking your time to lap and coat it with your spit, giving it special care.  Lifting your gaze to take a look at the man moaning above you, you were met with possibly the most lustful sight of your life: 
 Fyodor’s eyes were half lidded, pupils dilated a thin veil of lust covering his irises. The soft shade of violet you always oh so adored to gaze into was replaced by his blown-out irises which indicated that the man could turn the tables and start ravaging you at any moment. A soft pinkish blush covered his cheeks, lips parted. He seemed to have been biting on them throughout your ministrations as a droplet of blood was smeared on his lower lips. The sight made you moan, the vibrations eliciting yet another sinful moan from the man above you. He absolutely loved seeing you on your knees in front of him, worshipping his cock. 
Long fingers lifted you away from his rock hard member. Taking this opportunity to have a breather, a thin string of saliva connecting your tongue to his dick, your gaze locked with his again. He eyed you, the mere sight in front of him enough to make him lose his mind. “Breath my darling” He whispered, out of breath, beads of precum leaking down his cock. As much as he loved being rough with you, you were the utmost precious thing in this world he could not afford to hurt.
“I just want to be good to you Fyodor” you purred your hands slowly starting to move around his cock, focusing on the leaking reddish tip. He shuddered, half-lidded eyes never breaking away from your form. Large hand grasping yours, he turned you over flipping you on your stomach over his desk. 
Digits roaming over your rear, he swiftly slipped his fingers under the waistband of your pant slowly dragging it down, exposing your black lace panties.
“Now then, how about I show you how heaven feels like Milaya?”
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thebigwhatif · 3 years
Shadow and Bone: A Rant
With the new Netflix series coming out, my social media has been flooded with Shadow and Bone content. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for the show, and I like Leigh Bardugo as an author and I thought Six of Crows was phenomenal but Shadow and Bone was disappointing for me to say the least. And here is why.
Disclaimer: If you like the book and the story and I am all for that, and I am not trying to put down anyone that likes the series. I liked the magic system in the story and the world-building was really good.
But there were concrete things that as an individual who is of Russian descent and grew up with the culture, that just SHATTERED my suspension of disbelief and took me out of the story entirely. In the end, I couldn't finish the series. So without further ado, in descending order of what bothered me the most to least:
1) The character Privet.
So for a book that takes elements from the Slavic cultures and Eastern European languages using this was jarring. Privet literally translates to 'Hi' from Russian. So reading "Hello, Privet" in book two literally translated in my mind to "Hello, hi" which is ridiculous and just broke my suspension of disbelief. I tried reading through the part, but it was so jarring that I quit the book. Not even Nikolai, who I really really liked, could save it for me.
2) The Grammar of the Ravkan Language.
I can't speak for all Slavic languages, I only know Russian so I am going to speak mostly in reference to that.
So for context Russian, like French or Spanish, is a gendered language. It's a bit different from French in that it has 3 types of pronouns: the feminine, masculine, and ungendered. And depending on the gender of your object you would change the ending of the previous word (such as an adjective) to match it.
(So for example: Sky is ungendered in Russian, so if you want to say blue sky you would use the ungendered version of the word blue. )
In Ravkan, what ended up happening was that Leigh mashed different words of different genders together so it sounds grammatically incorrect. And you might say its grammar it's no big deal, but I'll counter with: "I am become a blade"
We all make fun of Mal for getting that tattoo because to an English speaker that is intuitively incorrect so it sounds bad. I got the same level of cringe every time I read Skanta Ilya Morozova.
To break that down:
Ilya is a male name.
Sankta: ends with an A so female-gendered
Morozova: ends with an A so female-gendered.
Russian last names change ending depending on if you are a male or female. So Morozov (male) vs Morozova (female); Volkov (male) vs Volkova (female) and so on.
So having this compound of Sankta (that's setting up my mind to expect a female name) Ilya (a male name. I'm thinking okay that's kind of weird but I'll go with it) Morozova (female again? So now I'm confused did Leigh think Ilya is a female name?)
Reading that kind of stuff over and over again is like getting hit with "I am become a blade" type grammar over and over again. It's cringy, it sounds wrong, just no. I ask that Leigh would take at least 2 seconds to do the basic research on this gendering system or ask a Slavic language speaker about this. It would have been a quick fix (just add or take away the 'a' at the end) and would have shown that she took the time to research and respect the language. And it would not alienate a whole group of readers like myself.
3) Kvas.
This is another thing that just took me out of the story, and considering that this happened in the first chapter that's pretty bad. In the book, Kvas was portrayed as an alcoholic drink that the soldiers were drinking to get drunk and to 'warm up' during the winter. And just...no.
Kvas is a real drink. Also, Kvas has an alcohol content of 1.5%. Sure if it stands in the heat for a while and ferments the alcohol content can go up to 2.5% but still, you would have to drink A LOT of it to get drunk and you sure won't be "warming up" from it like you would with whisky or vodka. To put this into context you can buy Kvas at grocery stores in North America without needing an ID and kids can drink it without getting drunk (kefir has an alcohol content of 2.5% FYI).
Kvas is a very popular drink in Russia, and people drink it in the summer. It's like the Russian version of America's Iced Tea.
So now she takes a real drink that exists that she had access to and just what? Makes it something else? Especially something that is so common in the Slavic countries that's virtually ubiquitous there?
This was also an easy fix: describe Kvas as it is. If you wanted them drunk have them drink vodka. If you wanted them warm to warm up but not be drunk have them drink tea (if you didn't know tea also a popular drink in Russia). Either of those would be more realistic alternatives that wouldn't shatter the suspension of disbelief for me because now I would have to take time and think "WTF? Did she really mean that or did I misread that?"
If you've read this far down, thanks for reading my rant. Once again I want to reiterate I have nothing against anyone that likes the books or the series. I think that Leigh is an amazing writer and I'm really excited for the Shadow and Bone show (but mainly because of the Crows lol). It's just that seeing these kinds of things in the Shadow and Bone book really upset me because, to be honest, Russia is always portrayed as the 'bad guy' in popular media. They are always the villain, Russia is always portrayed grey and cold and dirty and everyone there is a drunk, and growing up in North America being from Russia watching that really sucked because I identify with that culture, I'm from that country, I know the language, and often times what they show on TV is just wrong. I was excited to see a Slavic-inspired world because I don't usually see that in fantasy or other media and it was just handled so badly. So, I was a bit disappointed when reading the books. Hopefully, the show is better on that front but we will see.
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