#ninjago daddy no legs
juniperjellyfish · 7 months
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vesivoro · 5 months
There's a character names Daddy No Legs
Iwjrvglelrvle KB evldjevlejebflerkfkd
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alieliscious · 1 year
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Hiiii I'm back from the deaad, recently I rewatched S9 of Ninjago I still love it, and I still love Faith😩🥵
So I gave all the named hunters(except Stalwart Dangerbuff since he has no canon design) Warrior Cats designs and names
Idk if I should elaborate on some of the names, but I will on Faiths, she has her warrior name and her name from when she was under Mangledstars leadership as his deputy
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nyaskitten · 1 year
I think the Ninjago fandom SERIOUSLY needs to realize that we should not be singing Ninjago, and by extension, Lego's praises every time there's a bit of diversity seen.
Let's not forget, the basis of Ninjago is still completely an Orientalist view of ninjas and a bunch of Asian cultures lazily slapped together.
Let's not forget that every disabled character has been a villain (even if some of them joined the heroes later on that doesn't change much).
Let's not forget one of their disabled villains is literally named fucking Daddy No Legs (I know it's a joke about the daddy long legs spider but it's SO fucked up)...
Let's not forget that the ONLY canonically queer character is ambiguous. We don't know what she identifies with, we just know she's some flavor of queer.
Let's not forget this is the same franchise with the racist caricature that is Chen.
Let's not forget about the "magical islanders who sacrifice someone to their angry god so they don't die".
Sure, there COULD be a chance to finally change and improve but seeing as this show has been going on for 12 years, I highly doubt they're just gonna start doing better rep for anyone possible out of nowhere
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mouwrites · 7 months
this is so mean but... For your 400 follower event can I request Daddy issues by The Neighbourhood for Lloyd?
Ooh, good choice for him! Sorry this one came out a little shorter ^^"
Word count: 741
Ninjago - Daddy Issues (Lloyd) (400 follower event)
The clouds were blocking the majority of the sunlight outside, dimming the atmosphere to the point that you’d want to turn on your lights. But you didn’t; instead, you were kneeling on your couch with your chin on the back cushion, watching the rain fall and feeling the coolness of the window a few inches from your face.
You blinked, taking a deep breath. This might have been a peaceful afternoon, but instead it felt lethargic. Depressing, even.
And you weren’t the only one that felt this way. Beside you was Lloyd, imitating your exact pose, but with one hand toying absentmindedly with a strand of his blonde hair.
You shifted positions so that your cheek was where your chin used to be, with your shoulder digging into the cushion and your legs now sitting with one on top of the other. You were looking directly at Lloyd.
You had a feeling you knew, but you decided to ask anyway. “What are you thinking about?”
You couldn’t fully see his eyes, but you saw his eyelashes flick down a few times before he turned his head to look at you.
He was smiling a wan smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes; not that you could blame him. You were sure your eyes were just as empty.
“Same thing you’re thinking about.”
The corner of your lip quirked up in a smile. You sighed, looking down at your lap where your hands were now clasping each other.
“It sucks.”
“It does.”
“I don’t know why I’m thinking about him.”
Lloyd’s silence prompted you to keep talking. Your voice was low and sad, and you spoke each word as if it were molasses moseying out of your throat. But you just kept going on about your father; you never seemed to have a lack of things to say about him. 
You weren’t sure how long you spoke. But the rain kept on pattering against the window, and Lloyd kept blinking his empty eyes at you.
A sudden wave of exasperation made you shut your mouth and shake your head defeatedly.
“I don’t want to talk about him anymore. Do you want to talk now?”
“Your dad. Do you want to rant?”
Lloyd drew in a deep breath, glancing out the window as he held it for a few seconds. Then he blew it out his lips in a half-hearted raspberry. “What’s there to say?”
Despite himself, he found the words flowing from his lips anyway. A lot of what he said were things he’d said a hundred times and thought about a thousand times before. But it felt good to get them out again. It didn’t make the pain any better, but it was still nice to air out the things in his mind.
He was watching you fidget weakly with your hands as he spoke. It seemed you were listening about as much as he had listened to you.
It wasn’t that you were being mean or uncaring to by ignoring each other; this was just something you’d both talked about many times. And you always said the same things. You both knew each other’s situations, and you both understood that sometimes you just need to talk, even (perhaps especially) if no one was really listening.
He reached out to grab one of your hands, pulling it away from its counterpart. He brought your entwined hands to rest in the small gap between you two.
He began to gently brush his thumb over your skin, still talking, voice growing quieter now. He shook his head, turning to look out the window once more.
“But you know all that already.”
“I do. But sometimes I forget,” you mused, giving his hand a little squeeze. “And it’s nice to hear it again.”
“Yeah,” he huffed in what you assumed to be a half-hearted laugh, “same here.”
You scooted closer, leaning your head on his shoulder and closing your eyes. You felt his cheek connect with the top of your head, and he let go of your hand to wrap an arm around your shoulder.
And you stayed just like that; watching the rain, knowing there was a sympathetic soul in the warm body pressed up against you, lamenting but comforted by that presence.
“I’m glad we can talk like this,” Lloyd rasped, voice barely above a whisper. His lips grazed your head for a second, and you hummed in response.
“Me too.”
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Thank you for taking part in our event!! And thanks for reading, take care lovelies <33
(divider by saradika)
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random-chaotic-bitch · 10 months
ninjago characters as things my friends and i have said
"Use Miracle Grow, it does wonders! You'll have a beard in no time!" Jay to Lloyd (prob just before the merge) (iykyk)
"People who put their crocs in sports mode are walking red flags." Cole to Zane
"I support women's rights, but I also support women's wrongs." Jay, about Nya
"Show the angles." Kai. On a daily basis.
"It's official, seagulls are the spawn of Satan." Nya, pissed that a seagull ate her sandwich (this actually happened to me... fucking beach pigeons)
"Don't die of boredom, I would hate to have to give your eulogy." "Going to your funeral would be inconvenient for my schedule." Kai and Jay to Cole
"Oh. I wasn't aware of that information." Zane
"Daddy long legs" Jay to a very confused 6'4" Zane
"Oh no not the crusaders." "Oh yes yes the crusaders." Cole and Nya
"I HAVE NEITHER THE PATIENCE OR THE CRAYONS TO DEAL WITH THIS!" Lloyd. Specifically little Lloyd (pre-tomorrow's tea)
"Do me up, I dare you!" "I'll do you up! Oh, goddammit!" Cole and Jay (while Nya is on the floor laughing)
"Find another animalistic queer identity, this one is mine." Cole, Lloyd, or Kai
"It's me, hi. I'm the problem, it's me." Lloyd
"I just love giving Cole anxiety attacks." Jay
"Do you think that after we physically die, a part of our soul gets trapped wherever we died?" Cole (joking about the whole ghost thing)
"I've fingered the middle!" "... Fuck you." Kai and Lloyd
"I thought charity was about giving, not bitching." Nya
"We got you two for a buy one get one deal." Cole to Nya and Kai
"You're the child, Sora is the cousin that comes and goes as she pleases, and Wyldfire is the rabid cat-like creature we found on the side of the street." Lloyd to Arin
"I have a little bit of karma in my back pocket!" Kai
"I have a joke, but if I say it, you might actually kill me." Jay to the team
"We wouldn't kill you!" Lloyd ^
"Okay then." *tells the joke* Jay ^
"... You have five seconds." Lloyd ^
"Give it back you- you rat!" Nya to Kai
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shawnxstyles · 2 years
addicted in the afterglow
summary: the aftermath of the birthday party left you in shambles. you couldn’t do anything, especially get yourself off, but asking harry to fuck again would be insanely embarrassing. no matter how badly you needed it. what you didn’t know was that harry needed it just as bad.
requested: yes ;), but i didn’t do this exactly, so i will add the rest in the next part!
words: 5.7k :)
warnings: SMUT (f- receiving [light bondage, hickies, slight nipple play, fingering, overstimulation/multiple orgasms, mild degrading/name-calling], small daddy kink (mentioned twice), protected sex, and dirty talk [you know how i love it]!!), language, and so much dialogue ;)
note: part 3!! here is my masterlist. and to note, the consent is not clearly stated, it is only implied. ALWAYS ASK FOR CONSENT!
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This week’s Hangout was at Rina’s house and everyone showed up tonight. Work and school didn’t interfere, so no one was really stressed out either. Except for you.
You couldn’t stop thinking about last week at the birthday party. You couldn’t stop thinking about Harry. And he was going to be here.
Throughout the week, you would try to get yourself off to ease your mind. However, you couldn’t release anything until Harry became your muse. But even then, you couldn’t make yourself come the way Harry made you. Your mind was so attached to how he made you feel, it was like nothing else turned you on anymore. You were embarrassed to admit it to yourself, but you were desperate.
You doubt Harry thought or felt the same. He sleeps with a stupid amount of girls weekly. So, you didn’t dare to mention it.
As the week slowly passed, your friends seemed normal. They didn’t seem skeptical or suspicious. However, Raquel did mention that “party bathroom incident” more than once; it has a name now.
Why was she so obsessed with finding out who was in there?
It doesn’t matter, as long as they’re not accusing you. Tonight, you were going to clear your mind of stress. With alcohol. You grab a seltzer from the fridge to start off the night before walking back into the living room. You plop on the couch in the middle of a conversation between your insane friends.
“Kai was definitely the hottest—” Rina stated, getting cut off by Raquel.
“No no, it was definitely Cole—”
“May I ask what the topic of conversation is?” You butt in, highly confused, yet intrigued about who they’re talking about.
“Lego NINJAGO. Who was the hottest? It’s Kai, right? Totally your type,” Rina answers with a biased twist. You laugh loudly and shake your head. Before you answer, the life of the party walks in.
Late. As per usual.
Your heart jumps just once before regulating to a normal pace. This is the first time you’ve seen Harry since you were together in the bathroom, and your hormones are about to bounce off the walls. You didn’t think it would be this bad, but God, he looks better than usual. You only peered at him, but his hands look smooth, yet rough. You can’t help but remember the tattooed feeling they left on your skin and how good they felt. In that one glance, you saw enough to probably get you off for the night.
God, that’s so embarrassing.
Did he get a tighter shirt? No, but did it just get hot in here?
You take a big swig of your drink because you’re going to need it tonight. You try to bring yourself back to the topic as Harry gets situated in the corner of your eye.
“First of all, why are you talking about Lego boys and second, who says that’s my type?” You cross your legs, foot shaking as you keep your eyes solely on Rina. You notice Harry peer at you subtly as he snatches a bottle of cold beer from Sean. You take a sip nonchalantly.
“You’re telling me cocky men aren’t your type? Oh, please! That’s like every guy you’ve fucked,” You nearly spit out your drink at the thought of Harry, holding a fist to your lips to keep it in. You swallow and cough out, embarrassed by Rina’s words. She appears innocent, but she’s more vulgar than people realize.
You would say you don’t get flustered often, but when you’re hiding a lie, it’s a bit hard not to when things can relate so easily. Harry plasters a sly smirk, trying to not laugh before licking his lips and sipping on his beer.
You cocky son of a bitch. He knows. He has to.
You can play this game too.
“What? No way. Confidence is key, yes, but cockiness turns me off,” You glance at Harry for a quick moment, seeing his eyes squint in confusion. Rina nods her head slowly, processing. Harry’s eyes say it all; you’re full of shit.
“Well, since we’re kind of on the topic, is it TMI to ask what all your guys’ turn ons are? I’d personally like to know,” Raquel smirks, a subtle eye landing on Sean. You don’t think about it and brush it off while she looks around the room smoothly.
“I think that’s a great idea. Y/N, why don’t you start?” Harry quirks with a tilted head, licking his lips with a devious smile.
You don’t think you’ve ever wanted to choke him out more.
“Sure,” You crinkle your eyes as you harshly smile back. You set down your seltzer and pond on it for a moment.
Oh, you can play this game too.
What can you say to make Harry really ticked off? Or really turned on…
“I like when a guy is vocal… and I prefer them to be in control, you know? But I like being on top too, don’t get me wrong. And I personally, sorry if this is TMI, like it better rough,” You list some of the things that Harry did, nodding your head naively. Normally, you’d never share anything like this, but your hormones are allowing you to not give a single fuck. You pretend to look around at everyone, but you really just wanted to see Harry’s face. You can tell he is withholding a huge smirk behind his glass bottle as he impulsively decides to chug it cleanly. He goes to place the empty drink on the table. “But I haven’t been with a guy like that in years.”
Now, you can’t hold back your desperate need to smile as Harry’s face completely drops, and so does the bottle. They all nod unknowingly at you, unaware of the upcoming tension between Harry and you. He awkwardly picks up the glass and places it on the table. Harry clearly did all of those turn ons; and he did them very well. But what’s not to throw him for a loop? His ego needs to be humbled. Before anyone else could speak, the man himself does.
“How is that possible?” Harry questions swiftly, obviously without thinking. Your heart skipped a beat, like maybe your friends would get suspicious now. You felt as though they would confront you two any minute now.
But at the same time, you kind of liked the feeling.
Was this a new turn on?
“Oh, they’re all too gentle! Big softies…” You roll your eyes and sway your hand. In the back of your head, you don’t want your friends to find out, but the risk is what convinces you to do it more. Even though sharing your sexual life with them is embarrassing, telling them about you and Harry seems a lot worse. You take one more sip before your can is empty as well. You tell your friends you’ll be right back as you head over to the kitchen to grab another drink.
Your hand opens the fridge as you gaze inside. Your friends resume the chatter that sounds like mumbles from the kitchen, not skeptical of anything. Harry doesn’t hesitate to follow you, using the same reasoning to speed walk into the kitchen.
He’s not very good at this lying thing. You guess you didn’t really discuss it, though, either.
“What was that about?” He immediately asks, flustered and annoyed. You raise an eyebrow at his demeanor and fight off a smirk. You could see his fingernails digging into his palm as his knuckles turned slightly white. You felt a bit jealous of his palm right now…
“I have no idea what you mean,” You innocently say, fluttering your eyelashes too many times. You pretend to be engaged in your findings of the refrigerator, attempting to not focus on him.
This is war, Styles.
“Oh, shut up with that. What did you think your little shenanigan out there was going to do for you?” He closes the fridge quickly, gaining your full attention. Your heart picks up pace as you bite the inside of your cheek. He’s making it more difficult to refuse him the more he speaks. Why are you heavily turned on right now?
This is it. The lowness of your standards are really showing right now.
“I thought it was pretty cute, no? I mean, it was the truth,” You cross your arms with a doe-eyed expression. God, you’re egging him on. Deep inside of you, you want a reaction from him. You guess that was your whole objective anyway. This just seemed like an entertaining way to get attention from him. You want him to want you so much that he says it first.
Very toxic. Just how this relationship between the two of you is.
“Cute,” Harry mockingly huffs. He peers down at the floor for a moment while clicking his tongue. He inhales like he’s trying to stop himself from getting heated. “I think we both know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Just have to tell me.”
What he says brings you back to the bathroom, when he was making you beg for him. The arrogant expression showing on his face makes your blood boil in the most addicting way; slightly raised, persuasive eyebrows, a small smirk, and hungry eyes gazing heavily at you. He’s giving you an opening to admit your desire, yet you hate begging, he knows that. You know he gets off on you pleading for him—his ego will skyrocket if you do. You can’t have that happen. You carry too much pride yourself to willingly indulge in him that easily.
“If you know, why don’t you do something about it?” You suggest, eyes straining to stay on his intense ones. You ditch the innocent act and become sternly annoyed.
“Oh, you don’t think I will? Just wait,” He taunts, a hand resting by your head while his dips lower toward your ear. “Or do you need me so bad you can’t take it? Want me to fuck you with our friends in the next room?”
Harry’s words freeze you completely; they never struggle to catch you off guard. Your back is caught between him and the fridge, while your heart pounds so crazily he can probably feel it. Your body feels weak, tiringly desperate at this point. You have no words for him–he clearly knows what you want, he just wants you to tell him. Even though his words are tempting, you know that the amount of time you two have been in the kitchen alone (without full-blown arguing) is probably concerning to your friends already. You don’t even think before speaking, your impulsiveness gets the best of you.
You’re nearly shaking with need. You can’t take it.
“I haven’t been able to do anything since the party, okay? I can’t focus in class, I can’t sleep. I can’t even get myself off without having to think of you!” You whisper-yell, furiously embarrassed by your needy state. Your cheeks feel warm and your fingers are in trembling fists. Harry licks his lips, resisting that familiar smirk (ego equals rising).
“Stop doing that! Stop doing everything! I’m so ridiculously turned on right now I want to kill you,” You rub your hands over your face, attempting to hide away from your embarrassing statement. Your legs are pressed together tightly. Harry swiftly rests a finger to your lips, silencing your raging whines. You glare at him in irritation because you have completely let yourself go and he hasn’t said anything to reassure you.
“Shh, someone’s desperate,” His chest nearly touches yours. “You don’t want them to know how much of a slut you are for me? Do you?”
With clenched teeth, you shake your head stiffly. His free hand grips your hip for a moment, rubbing slow, enticing circles.
“Good. Be patient, princess,” Harry drags out with a deceiving smile. “And you better listen to me.”
Suddenly, he pulls you toward him by your hip. Your heart rate increases tenfold, only for him to just switch your positions. He nonchalantly opens the refrigerator to snatch another beer, leaving you beats away from a heart attack. His face resumes to a shallow, cocky expression as he practically struts out of the kitchen in confidence. Shaking yourself out of a daze, you nearly forget to grab a seltzer before scrambling back into the living room.
Why does he have this effect on you?
“Took you guys long enough. Jeez, what did you do, get stuck in the fridge?” Rina quirks and everyone chuckles. Harry just smiles while you attempt to laugh, but it comes out all awkward. It’s hard for you to comprehend anything right now because of the incident that just occurred in the kitchen. As Raquel resumes and begins to go over her kinks, you zone in and out thinking about Harry.
“Hello? Y/N?”
“What? Yes,” Rina waves a hand in front of your face, breaking you out of your trance. A trance where Harry was going down on you so hard you saw stars. Your clit was throbbing at the thought of it. You tear yourself away from the fantasy, blinking a few times and then looking at her concerned face. Your blank statement makes her frown slightly.
“You look exhausted, Y/N. You should probably go home,” You hear Harry's voice suddenly suggest from across the coffee table. It sounds somewhat fake and deceiving, but at the same time, he seemed serious. Your eyes squint in confusion as the cogs in your mind turn.
Why does he care?
“And you better listen to me.”
You recall what Harry had said earlier. Is that what he meant? Were you supposed to follow his lead or something? Instead of snapping at him for even talking to you (like you usually do), you decide to follow along to him. You pray your friends don’t mentally tick your every different move you’ve been making.
“Yeah, I am feeling a bit tired,” You fake a yawn and then check the time on your phone. “He’s right, I should probably go home. I actually have to work tomorrow.”
“But you never work on Saturdays,” Raquel states, a skeptical look in her eye.
“Just doing a favor for a friend,” Two lies spill out of your mouth as you half smile, hoping it’s convincing enough. Thankfully, they all nod surely and you announce that you’re going to take an Uber back to your apartment.
“Uber’s aren’t safe. I’ll drive you. I was going to head out anyway,” Harry suggests, yet again, and your eyes widen at his risky moves. You swear you see that hint of suspicion in Raquel’s eyes again.
Is he crazy? Is he even thinking about what he’s doing right now? Since when did he care about your safety? And you guys would never be in a car alone. Let alone, willingly!
You inhale, trying to hide the surprised expression on your face. You stiffly agree before you both walk toward the door. By then, everyone decides to call it a night and goes outside together to say goodbye. Everyone shares hugs and short farewells as you, Raquel, and Harry descend into the darkness of the front yard.
“Look at them getting along for once. I knew it would happen,” Rina tells Sean, while everyone meets their cars. You sit in Harry’s passenger seat, your movements rigid and small because of the tension.
“Oh yeah, they’re definitely getting along,” Sean mumbles to himself while Rina tiptoes into the house happily. When the porchlight automatically dims, Harry ignites the engine and starts driving.
“So, what were you thinking about?” Harry questions, one hand on the wheel.
Everything he does is just attractive, isn’t it? If he–for some reason– has to reverse and he puts his hand behind your headrest, you’re a goner.
“What do you mean?”
“You know, after we left the kitchen, when you were sitting on the couch, gazing into space? Something was clearly on your mind,” Harry describes, keeping his eyes indifferently on the road.
“What do you think?”
“Hmm, is it me? Or me fucking you!” Harry smiles excitedly like he just invented something brand new. You groan and cover your face again at his arrogance.
“You can’t just say…what you said in the kitchen and then just leave!” You were clearly upset because he left you high and dry. But you know doing anything more in the kitchen would have been way too risky. Even he knows that.
“So you did want me to fuck you in front of all our friends?” He smirks, resting back in his driver’s seat. You so badly wanted to wipe that smirk with a nice slap to the cheek. You sigh and groan again, hitting your head on the headrest.
“It’s so easy to make you pissy, baby,” He says smoothly, making your heart jump again like it had earlier. He said baby so simply, but it didn’t feel that simple. That quick spark in your chest didn’t feel simple at all.
The car slowly rolls into a parking stall at your apartment complex. Harry turns off the engine, but doesn’t leave the car just yet. You inhale and exhale a sigh.
“I’m going to say this once,” You knew in the back of your head you wouldn’t be saying this just once, but you hoped you would. You were so irritated yet horny, you might pass out. “I’m going to go upstairs. I suggest you follow me because if you don’t, I will Carrie Underwood your car.”
Harry raises his eyebrows, licking his lips. He always found it hot when you were annoyed at him, but now you’re demanding him to meet you upstairs? Harry is unbelievably hard now. You exit the car and slam the door shut, strutting into the building. You don’t look back to see if he is following you because you have a pretty keen feeling he will.
“Oh, yes, ma’am,” He gets out of the car as well and slightly jogs up to you.
You take your shoes off and Harry does the same. You both stand still for a moment, waiting for the other to make the first move as silence cascades your surroundings.
“Fuck it,” He growls, taking a large step toward you and puts your face in his hands. He bends down to you and kisses you so roughly that your teeth clash. Your body melts, finally being satisfied by his touch. Your hands go straight to the back of his hair, tangling your fingers within it. A hint of his tongue glides into your mouth and it’s so addicting, it’s cruel. You could makeout for hours right here if your legs didn’t feel like jello with how badly they ached for him.
His hands smooth down to your waist and then your hips before sliding over your ass. He squeezes once through your leggings, making you end the intense kiss.
“Jump,” He grumbles, as you obey with no hesitation. You throw your arms around his neck as you continue the hungry kiss. Your apartment is small, so it doesn’t take him long to find your bedroom without guidance.
He breaks the kiss and practically tosses you onto the bed. He takes off his shirt–the one you swore got tighter–and discards it along the floor. You don’t hesitate to take off yours either, swiftly throwing it to join his.
You admire his torso for a moment, trying not to let him see. His abs are just how you like them, which makes you hate him more. They’re soft yet defined and when he flexes they really pop out. His tattoos add a whole new level of attractiveness. You never thought someone like him would have something as gracious as a butterfly or a pair of angel wings, but it angers you how hot it looks decorated on his tanned skin.
Harry climbs on top of you with a smirk and you assume that you’re going to makeout again, so your hands reach up to grab his hair. However, he decides to speak instead.
“What was it that you said earlier? You like when a guy is vocal, in-control, and rough?” Harry whispers with his head bent low. Your chest raises up and down with anticipation while your blood boils in familiar annoyance.
“No talking,” Cutting you off, he snatches your loose wrists and pins them above your head.
“And no touching. Got it?” Harry demands with a stoic tone. You swallow your words, getting lost in his intense gaze. You clench your teeth so hard you wonder if you’ll crush them.
Now, you weren’t going to speak, but an idea clicked in your mind. Or a name should you say, that might just make him weak. There is no point in not at least trying, right?
“Yes, daddy,” Your expression becomes innocently displayed as a small smile grows upon your lips. You’re joking, but you had a small feeling he actually liked it. Harry’s eyebrows raise in surprise with a slight head tilt as a small blush colors his cheeks. He mumbles a quiet fuck in a low breath.
Got him.
“Well, if I knew you were such a slut, I would’ve had you over my knee right now. But I have other ideas.”
With further permission, he skillfully unclips your bra with one hand and tosses it on the floor. He holds your wrists and undoes his belt. He takes it and straps it around your wrists, so you can’t touch him. Your huff turns into a whimper as he leaves hungry love bites along your neck.
He slowly makes his way down your body, sucking harshly on your nipples. He pinches and twists them until they’re hard and aching. If he touched them any more, you might come from just that stimulation. You try your best not to moan out as he gets lower and lower. You practically hold your breath as he leaves wet kisses on your hips.
“It’s a bit quiet in here, huh? Maybe I should let you talk,” His hand lays flat on your stomach, rubbing back and forth teasingly. The familiar coldness of his ring sends electricity through your burning skin. You whimper quietly, biting your lip. You knew that if you didn’t listen to him he wouldn’t let you come, and that’s the only thing you want right now. “Should I make you beg again? I quite liked that.”
Stay silent or beg pathetically? Both nearly killed you, but you could only hold your breath so long before you were actually killed.
“Please. Please, I’m aching,” You quietly begged, hands becoming fists against the leather belt. Harry smirks, satisfied and drags the waist of your leggings down until they’re completely off. He wides your legs and rubs your clit right through your panties. The sudden stimulation makes you gasp loudly while you clench around nothing. “Damn you.”
“God, you’re such a slut. Getting drenched while I punish you?” Harry tsks, while he forces your legs to stay open. He slips your panties off with ease and brings his thumb straight to your clit. He rubs in small circles, making your eyes shut immediately. You begin to pant with longing need and your nipples attempt to harden even more than before.
Suddenly, he takes his ringed middle finger and sinks it through your folds easily. You moan out, finally being filled by something. But it still wasn’t enough for you to be completely satisfied. You were greedy, but you didn’t care.
His finger slips in and out so graciously for a sinful act. He adds another until your gushing wetness onto the comforter. Harry places his mouth on your nerves, his warm tongue exploring. You tasted so sweet that Harry could have a sweet tooth just for you. Your taste was addicting. You moan noisily as your back begins to arch off the bed. With all the built-up teasing, you were destined to come quickly.
“I’m gonna come,” You pant, nails digging into your palms. Your stomach begins to tense and your legs start to shake. He lifts his mouth, bringing his thumb to your clit as his fingers still ram into you. He twists and curls them, tickling your g-spot. Biting your lip harshly, you clench around him as your orgasm nears.
“C’mon then. Come all over my fingers, princess,” Harry demands roughly, speeding up his movements. Your mind is hazy, desperate to reach your release. Harry reaches his other hand up to tug your nipples, adding just the stimulation you needed.
Your core tightens and your eyes squeeze shut as you finally come all over his fingers, just like he wanted.
However, he doesn’t stop. Even when your come is no longer gushing out of your cunt, he keeps massaging your clit over and over. Your legs attempt to close because it’s all getting too much, but he forces them to stay open.
“Harry, it’s too much,” You whine, trying to back away from his touch.
“Oh, now it’s Harry? What happened to daddy?” He mocks and chuckles hoarsely, sinking two fingers into your cunt again. He curls them deliciously, hovering over you. You hiss at the sensitivity. “I thought you wanted this?”
You can’t help but moan out and immediately clench around him. You hated how easily your body caved to him and how it contradicted what your mind wanted.
“Harry,” You say threateningly through clenched teeth, but it wasn’t very threatening to him. He knows you want more of him, but after your little stunt in front of all your friends, he thinks you deserve a bit more of a punishment. Just a bit of overstimulation wouldn’t hurt you. Too badly anyway.
You wheeze lustily, nearing your second orgasm quickly. Your body feels weak and achy as your stomach squeezes. Harry bends his head low and kisses your neck harshly, leaving bruises in his path. You hiss at the pain and pleasure before you’re coming over his fingers. Again. And you did it in record time.
It. Was. Embarrassing. To say the least.
“Harry, there are condoms in the drawer. If you don’t fuck me right now–” You pant out as he lifts his arrogant face above yours. You couldn’t even finish two sentences, mind too blurry and hazy to function. You’re high off of your orgasms and your limbs cry with soreness, but you still need him to fuck you senseless until you can’t feel anything.
“What, Y/N? What are you going to do? Scream? You better,” Harry smirks as flames of irritation and desire light up your eyes. He reaches over to the nightstand, ripping and sliding on a condom. You don’t remember when he pulled his jeans off, but you were too desperate to care.
He rubs himself over your cunt, still sensitive and dripping from your previous orgasms. In one motion, he’s slamming his hips down and thrusting into you hard. He groans into your neck, feeling how snug he feels inside of you. He didn’t want to admit it, but God, he needed you as much as you needed him.
He lifts his hips and rams into you so rough, you wouldn’t be surprised if he broke the bed. Your teeth dig into your bottom lip, trying your best not to be loud. Making a lot of noise will not only concern your neighbors but give Harry the satisfaction of making you feel like you’re floating. He flicks his hips so dangerously hard into your pussy, you wouldn’t be surprised if he broke you, too.
Arousal seeps from your cunt, creating a gushing sound every time he pushes in and out of you. He’s so deep that you can feel him in your stomach. When he goes deep enough to hit your g-spot, you gasp loudly and try not to scream.
“Moan for me,” He orders, seeing your attempts to be quiet. You shake your head as he thrusts into you aggressively, making you see stars behind your closed eyelids. “If you don’t, I’ll stop right now.”
Like before, your body gets the best of you and you release a moan when his fingers fixate on your clit. You mentally curse at yourself for never winning, and always giving in. Your legs begin to feel that familiar shake and tension as you wrap your ankles around his back. The action only makes him sink deeper inside of you, making him moan heavily into your chest. You badly wanted to tug at his brunette locks, all sweaty and curly from the heat between you two.
“I h-hate you,” You stutter a groan, back curling to an arch. His strokes slowly become sloppier and his moans are more frequent and breathy. Your hands were probably bleeding from how hard you were digging your nails into your palms.
“Do you hate when I fuck you like this?” He pants near your ear, voice husky and deep. You subconsciously clench around his cock, feeling him twitch inside of you. “Do you hate when I’m so deep inside of you, you can feel me in your stomach?”
His attack on your clit is insanely quick, trying to get you to a third orgasm. The overstimulation is almost too much for your body to keep up with.
“Fuck, Harry!” You wail as your orgasm rushes over you. Bliss fields your vision as you cry looking toward the ceiling. A single tear falls from your eye in pure ecstasy and down into the blanket beneath you. Harry twitches again before coming inside of you (in the condom, of course). Profanities leave his mouth as he slowly pulls out of you, exiting your velvety warmth.
He’s quick to discard the full condom in your trash can, leaving you on the bed still tied up. When he comes back, you glare at him with a threatening look.
“Harry, undo me,” You say, voice dry and scratchy from screaming. Although, you wouldn’t call it screaming because even admitting that to yourself makes you mad.
“No, I think I quite like you all tied up,” He smirks, pulling his jeans up and purposely leaving his shirt off. You clench your teeth in irritation as if all the pleasure he had just given you left your body. Speaking of your body, it was so sore, you didn’t think you’d be able to walk tomorrow. Or even now.
He leaves again and comes back with some toilet paper. You can’t help the small jump of your heart when he cleans you up gently. You didn’t expect him to do that, knowing how much he hates you and all.
“I’m fucking serious!” You groan, trying not to be embarrassed that you’re still naked and vulnerable while he’s half dressed, rubbing you delicately like he didn’t just fuck all the holiness out of you.
“Fine. Only because I need my belt,” Harry walks over to you after tossing the used paper away. Your glare at him is so intense your eye begins twitching. As he undoes the belt, his eyes advert to your nipples. They’re still pebbled and hard after his warmth left you.
“Someone is still horny,” Harry murmurs as the belt becomes loose. You bring your hands to cover your breasts, looking at the red markings around your wrists. You sit up from the bed, legs and stomach indeed sore. You pretend it’s nothing as you stand and achingly walk toward your dresser.
If this is you now, you couldn’t imagine how you would be tomorrow.
“Oh, shut the fuck up! Don’t you have somewhere to be?” You say as you search for a new pair of panties. He watches your every move and honestly, you don’t hate it, even though you’re still naked. The room is decently dark, only small specks of moonlight peek through the open blinds. Harry sits on the edge of your bed, hands resting behind him, still shirtless. You find a clean pair and slip them on, grabbing your shirt on the ground.
“Yeah, I was on my way to fuck someone–”
“A guy perhaps? I think it would be good for your experience.”
“Pff, if any of us lacks experience, it’s you, sweetheart.”
“Just because I don’t fuck everything that walks doesn’t mean I don’t have experience, dipshit!” You don’t bother putting on pants or shorts, knowing that Harry will be leaving soon. The shirt you slid on feels bigger than before, but you don’t question it, knowing your shirt was previously baggy. Harry smirks when you grab his shirt off the ground and chuck it at him. “Can you leave now? I hate that you’re still here.”
“Alright, I’m leaving,” He stands up from the bed with his hands in the air in defense. You roll your eyes and cross your arms, waiting for him to strut his way out of your front door. You follow him out of your bedroom and to your door, making sure he actually leaves.
“Don’t have a good night, fucker,” You exaggerate a large, sarcasm smile. Harry can’t deny that you look annoyingly adorable when you smile, even if it was a fake one. Maybe if you didn’t want to fight him every time he opened his mouth he would make a move on you. A real one. He is almost completely out of your apartment before he opens his mouth one last time.
“I really like you in my clothes, I think you should wear them more often,” Harry winks, and you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. You look down and see you're wearing his T-shirt, while yours rests in his hands by his sides. He doesn’t bother giving it back when you gasp in shock. “Goodnight, princess.”
He slams the door shut while you stand there frozen. You groan, not even attempting to chase after him because you’re not even wearing pants. Your muscles ache when you trudge back to your bedroom. You know you’ll have to shower and do laundry tomorrow, but you were too tired to care. You fold back your comforter before sliding into your comfy sheets.
Although you’re glad he’s gone and you’ll hopefully never have to need him again, you can’t ignore the ache in your heart and the emptiness that surrounds you as you slowly fall asleep.
AHH i think my smut is getting better guys🤭
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pleaseitsjustrae0nly · 11 months
Can you please do a Zane X jack frost daughter reader basically the reader is the daughter of jack frost the reader is half spirit and immune to the cold and can control ice and at first it confuses them because there is supposed to only be one master of ice but the quickly told them she the daughter of jack frost to clear up the confusion and Zane falls in love with the reader and he convinces his felling for the reader and the reader accept them (do to the reader being half spirit she is immortal and well everyone knows that Zane is also immortal the version of jack frost in this is from rise of the guardians)
THIS IS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! I love jack frost, so this will be fun! This was my favourite to write, ty so much for letting me write this 💙 this story is a bit longer than I thought so... yeah!
Your my own snow fall.
A Zane x Jack Frost Daughter! Reader. Uses she/her. Fluff, Comfort, family argument, mention of an oc (4 the mom) and slight swearing!
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"BUT MOOOOOM! Dad said I could go out this winter with him!" You whined, you were in a pale baby blue hoodie and some grey leggings. "Not tonight. May I remind you, YOU promised you'd help me bake your favourite dessert for the meet up, didn't you?"
"Leilani, she can help you when we come back. We won't be gone for too long!" Your father, Jack Frost argued with his beloved.
It was always like this whenever it was winter season. Your mother Leilani, the guide to all flora, and your father, Jack Frost, the personification of winter.
"Jack, the last time you brought her with you ended in complete disaster!" Your mother said as she tended to the plants in your home. "She was fine! Besides that was years ago, our daughter can now grow icey flowers now and fly in the wind, just like us!" You nodded, you were always a daddy's girl. You loved your mom, but sometimes, she can be overprotective. "She MAY be able to, but she's only flew through the spring winds and early winter winds. THESE ARE LATE WINTER WINDS JACK, THEY ARE STRONGER THAN THE ONES SHE'S TRAINED ON."
"... you didn't tell her?" You ask your dad, he was sweating. He didn't tell your mom that you've been secretly flying in the late winter winds with his permission. "Tell me what." Your mother was death staring both of you. "uhhh... WE'LL BE BACK IN A BIT, LOVE YOU HONEY!"
"JACK I SWEAR ON THE MAN IN THE MOON-" your mother's cursing lowered as you and your dad flew through the strong winds. You and your dad flew over the village and then began ascending into the clouds where you started to glide smoothly over the fluffy condensed masses of air and water.
"You're so dead when we get back dad.", "HA! I'm dead? We're both dead! May I remind you, you were the one who started flying in the strong winds without BOTH OF US knowing, be grateful it was me who heard you smack yourself into a tree."
You were both laughing and joking around when you both heard screams coming from below. "Dad? Can we-", "No 'we' sweetheart. Just me, you stay somewhere high up okay?", "But dad-", "Sweetheart, no. Your mom is already going to kill me for not telling her, who knows what she'll do if she found out I let you fight with me?"
You sighed, allowing yourself to sit on a tall building. You were in a completely new area. Your mom was right, these winds were stronger, it felt like you were just flying for 15 minutes. The signs were written in some characters, you glanced around to try and find the name of the city when a blimp flew over with a message flashing on it: "WELCOME TO NEW NINJAGO CITY, THE CITY THAT'S ALWAYS CHANGING."
"huh, Ninjago. Dad never told me about this place." you started to swing your feet, you started to create snowflakes and blow them through the city streets. You would usually create them with your dad but he was busy helping in whatever that situation was.
It's been like, 10 minutes? 15? Either way, it's been a bit too long since your dad left to assist in whatever that situation was. Your dad isn't the type to just leave you alone in an unknown city, your mom would kill him and he loves you too much. "Where the hell is he..."
"Excuse me miss, you shouldn't be sitting there. It's dangerous." a male voice spoke. It you lifted your staff (that your parents gifted you) at the man, he had a mask covering everything except his eyes, his icey glowing eyes. "Oh, sorry... I'm just waiting for my dad." you lower your staff, 'his eyes are pretty...'
"I see, but why on the rooftop?" he asks, "Well, he just said to wait for him here." you sat down on the concrete floor and staring at the mysterious masked boy. "Did he say where he was going?", "We heard screaming so he went to check it out.", "Really? Where from?", "Uhhh, like down those alleys I think?"
You pointed to where you think the screams came from. You didn't want to say you were flying over, but then something clicked. HE COULD SEE YOU. "Uhm, how did you see me up here anyway?", "I saw your silhouette." No one is suppose to see you unless they believe in either your mom or dad...
"Well...uhm." the winds howled, through the cold night. "Aren't you cold miss?" you shook your head, just praying to the man in the moon that your dad would come and pick you up soon. And seems like your prayers were heard for a gust of cold wind whooshed behind you. "Sorry sweetheart, I got held up by some dumb pajama people. They think I harmed the townsfolk and..." He saw the guy next to you, "Y/N, step away from him.", "Dad?", "Step. Away. From. My. Daughter."
"Sir I think there's a misunder *static*... what?" his hand was placed next to his ear. "Sweetheart we have to go, NOW." you start making your way to your father when the boy in white spoke again, "Who are you..." Your father then grabbed your wrist and jumped off the building.
"DAD WHAT THE FUCK?" You quickly adjusted into your gliding position and began yelling at your father. "They started attacking me sweetheart, it's not safe there.", "Dad, what do you mean? Your Jackfrost, the personification of winter! How are you a threat?"
"...They could use elements, one had water, the others were earth, fire, and lightning. There was another, they used some sort of Green..." He said, "And the white one?", "No clue, but i'm not staying to find out."
The silence made the trip seem longer than it was coming. You and your father arrived to see your mother happily laying out some dinner and taking what seemed to be her famous Lemon Ginger Cookies. "Well you two are back earlier than expected, something happened?" You were about to tell your mom what happened but your dad... "Nothing, the winds were a bit weak so we weren't able to travel that far. Anyway! What did you make? It smells good as usual."
You didn't really mind your dad flirting or sweet talking your mom, but at that moment, you wanted to punch him in his cold face. he has lied for you so much, your worried the trust that your mom and dad have might break. "Y/N sweetie? Aren't you gonna eat?", "Huh? Oh yeah, sorry i couldn't help mom...", You mom patted your head "It's okay, I should give you a little more freedom now that your older. But your helping me bake tomorrow, no backing out!"
The next day came, guilt was eating away at you. Sure, you've lied to your mom a few times, but dad is lying to her for YOU. You walked out of the cabin to see your dad sprinkling snow on some plants. "Dad, why did you not tell mom about what happened last night?", "Sweetie, I will tell her but not yet. She's in a really good mood and I don't want to ruin it.", "Dad, we've been lying to her for far too long, at least tell her at lunch.?" he nodded, "Hey... don't you have some baking to do?", "SHIT!" you muttered as you quickly ran inside to help your mom.
"Guys, he's not here, and neither is his daughter." PIXAL said reviewing their body cameras. "Are all sure that he used... ice?" Zane questioned. ever since the incident last night, they were searching for the man who could control ice, along with his daughter. "Were sure Zane, he froze most of us besides Kai and Me... did she tell you where they came from?" Lloyd, the green ninja asked.
"Of course not, I was a masked stranger." Cole was still slightly shivering, "Where do you think they went?", "They're home probably." They re-watched the footage again to see what they missed, but again nothing.
"Well fuck. WHAT DO WE DO? SOME GUY WHO CAN ALSO USE ICE IS OUT THERE AND WE DOn'T KNOW WHAT HE'LL DO!" kai yelled, he had a point. They don't know what the guy uses his powers for, good? evil? they have to know...
A week has passed, and the situation had died down. The 'man' and his daughter never showed, and there wasn't any problems with the people in ninjago so they assumed they were just travelling from somewhere. That is until one night where Zane was sitting on top of the same building where he met you.
"...I hope she's okay." he found himself talking to the wind when he felt a similar chill. "You again?!" he jumped to his feet and saw you... "It's you, the daughter of that man with ice.", "Okay that's rude. Look, I just came here to get away from home for a bit, I don't want to deal with anyone right now."
He tilted his head, you had to get away from your home? You then sat on the ledge behind him as he sat next to you. "...wanna talk about it?" he asks softly. You sigh. "It's a long story." you looked at him and he looked like he didn't care if it was a long story.
"Well, remember that time me and my dad came here? He didn't tell my mom about our encounter, and he promised he'd tell her at lunch the next day... but he didn't. My mom was the one who found out after I asked him to tell her... and she went ballistic." You lowered your head, in shame. "I've kept some things hidden from my mom, and my dad always takes the blame for it. But he hasn't been telling my mom everything. My training, the fight, all of it." Zane listened well, and put two and two together, 'then your dad must really not trust her.' he didn't say that, but he wanted too. "Have they fought before?" he asked, "Not like this, it was worse. They were both yelling, my mom was crying... I felt like I caused this, and I did. If I had told my mom before everything, maybe this wouldn't have happened."
"Would your mother have reacted badly?", "At first, maybe. But she's understanding... god I should have told her from the start... I'm horrible." you began to form ice on the edge, and Zane took notice. "She might never forgive my dad... they may even separate... this all my fault." tears began to roll down your cold cheeks, whilst more ice began to form on the ledge.
"They loved each other... and now, they might never love again... all because I didn't tell her from the beginning."
Zane saw the ice grow, he shouldn't be this shocked. It was a possibility you inherited the ice abilities from your father, and it seemed to revolve around your emotions. "Would you like to hear my honest opinion on the situation?" he asks, ignoring the ice. "Yes please, *sniff*" you wiped your tears.
"You should have told her everything. She's your mother, trust and honesty are one of the main structures a relationship relies on to stay healthy and sturdy. You knew that, yet you still kept it hidden. You had the right to not tell her, but she should know when her own daughter was in a situation and was nearly hurt." He began to form ice around where he sat, making a sculpture of a flower, "Your mother has every right to be upset at both you and your father. You broke her trust, just because you both are dear to her does not mean it will repair quickly. Trust is earned, not given."
He handed you the flower, "I would like to start over, I'm Zane. Master of ice. You are?" you held the flower with your cold hands, looking up at the now unmasked boy, revealing a steel exterior, paired with teal eyes. "Y/N, the daughter of Jack Frost. An honor to meet you Zane."
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After the proper introduction, you hung with Zane on top of the building for another hour, talking about both of your powers, family, friends and immortality.
He gave you the confidence to head back home and apologize to your mother about keeping things from her. And promised to return to Zane to hang out once everything was sorted out.
A week had passed, Zane returning to the top of the building every night, just to check if you had arrived. It usually brings him disappointment when not seeing you, even after waiting 10 minutes.
But on a Sunday night, he was about to leave when he felt a similar wind behind him. He turned and was met with a hug, you were hugging him. You finally released him from your strong grip, and smiled at him.
You told him what had happened that week. You and your dad both apologized to your mother that same night after their argument. She did give them both the silent treatment.
But in the end, they reconciled. The air is slightly tense still but it's slowly returning back to normal in your family home.
"Thank you Zane, I'm sorry I wasn't able to hang out with you this week.", "Don't worry about it. After all...
We have all of our life to be with each other."
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To start, round 1 will take place during 2 days. Both starting at 5pm CET with the first 8 groups on each side, then with the other 8 at 8pm CET. With a break in between group 1 (apple) and group 2 (bapelsin).
We start with most votes, then by fandom. The rest is random
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Round 1 - apple, 8/4-2023, day 1
God (bible) vs Reigen Arakata (mob psycho 100), finished
John Silver (treasure planet) vs Donquixote Rosinate (one piece)finished
Garmadon (Lego Ninjago) vs All Might (my hero academia), finished,
Bandit Heeler (bluey) vs Heinz Doofeshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb), finished,
Maes Hughes (full metal alchemist) vs Uncle Iroh (avatar, the last airbender), finished
Bob Blecher (bob’s burgers) vs Professor Utonium (PowerPuff girls), finished
Yosuke Koiwai (Azumanga Daioh) vs Iruka Umino (Naruto), finished
Asura (asura’s wrath) vs Darkwing Duck (ducktales cinematic universe I mean darkwing duck), finished, finished
Hakoda (avatar the last airbender) vs Kaname Date (ai: Somnium files), finished
Sojiro Sakura (persona) vs Ice King (adventure time), finished
Richard Waterson (the amazing world of gumball) vs Dr Venomous (ok ko let’s be heros), finished
Splinter (teenage mountain ninja turtles) vs Kazuki Kurusu & Rei Suwa (buddy daddies), finished
Jotaro Kujo vs Bruno Bucciarati (JoJo’s bizarre adventure), finished
Greil vs Eliwood (fire emblem)
Peony vs Kukui (Pokémon), finished
Seteth (fire emblem) vs Phoenix Wright (ace attorney), finished
Day 2 9/4
Largo the black lion (tales in the abyss) vs David Evans (Inazuma 11), finished
Loid Forger (SpyxFamily) vs Ferid (Suikoden V), finished
Kotestu Kaburagi (tiger and bunny) vs Tim Lockwood (cloudy with a chance of meatballs), finished
Naoki Gotoh (bocchi the rock) vs Oscar Proud (the proud family), finished
Shouta Aizawa (my hero academia) vs Bill Green (big city greens), finished
Dracula (hotel Transylvania) vs Donald Duck (ducktales), finished
Ken Shirashi (project Sekai) vs Sailor Uranus (sailor moon), finished
Skipper (penguins of Madagascar) vs Norisuke Higashikata the 4th (JoJo’s bizarre adventure), finished
red leg Zeff (one piece) vs Sully (monsters inc), finished
Kouhei Inuzuka (sweetness and lighting) vs Geto Suguru (jujutsu Kaisen), finished
Alibert (wakfu) vs Oboro (Suikoden V), finished
Meta Knight (Kirby) vs Senshi (delicious in dungeon), finished
Jades Curtiss (tales of the abyss) vs Gru (despicable me), finished
Pankraz Gotha(dragon quest 5) vs Zenkichi Hasegawa (persona), finished
Keiji Shinoji (your turn to die) vs Kanan jarrus (Star Wars: rebels), finished
Chilchuck (delicious in dungeon) vs Mr Ping (kung fu panda), finished
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Bapelsin day 1, 11-4
Eddie Diaz & Evan Buckley vs Bobby Nash (911), finished
Benjamin Sisko (Star Trek deep space 9) vs Dad Egbert (homestuck), finished
Subject Delta (bioshock) vs Damien Bloodmarch (dream daddy), finished
Goldlewis Dickinson (guilty gear) vs Atticus Finch (to kill a mockingbird), finished
Paul Blofis (Percy Jackson) vs Kazuhira Miller (metal gear solid), finished
Gomez Addams (the Addams family) vs Din Djarin (the mandalorian), finished
Hans Hubermann (the book thief) vs Lee Everett (telltales the walking dead), finished
Kiryu Kazuma (yakuza) vs Waymond Wang (everything everywhere all at once), finished
Jean Valjean (les misérables) vs Joel Miller (the last of us), finished
Calvin’s dad (Calvin and Hobbes) vs Augustus Aquato (psychonauts), finished
Pyrrha Dve (the locked tomb) vs Dustan Thron (stardust), finished
Neon J (no straight roads) vs Common Wubbox (my singing monsters), finished
Patton Sanders (sander sides) vs Doc Louis (punch out), finished
Alther Mella (septimus heap) vs Riki (xenoblade), finished
Digby Wolf (fables/a wolf among us) vs Bob Cratchit (a Christmas carol) , finished
Petey (dogman) vs Mo Folchart (inkheart), finished
Day 2, 13-4
Alfred (Batman) vs Gandalf (lord of the rings), finished
Asgore Dreemurr (undertale) vs Micheal Bluth (arrested development), finished
Dave Seville (Alvin and the chipmunks) vs Martin Penderwick (the Penderwicks), finished
Anthony Herzen (professor Layton) vs Chimney Han (911), finished
Glamrock Freddy (five nights at Freddy’s) vs Mr Carrisford (a little princess), finished
Poseidon (Percy Jackson) vs bail Organa (Star Wars), finished
Neir Gestalt (Neir) vs Kim Dokja (Omniscient readers viewpoint), finished
Hal Wilkerson (Malcom in the middle) vs Ness’ dad (earthbound), finished
Tony Stark (MCU) vs Lee Scoresby (his dark materials), finished
Dream (sandman) vs Kat (all quiet on the western front), finished
Thrushpelt (warrior cats) vs Teacher (the girl from the other side) , finished
Barret Wallace (final fantasy) vs Lazlo Cravensworth (what we do in the shadows), finished
Domingo Montoya (the princess bride) vs Charlie Swan (twilight), finished
Geralt of Rivia (the Witcher) vs Terry Jeffords (Brooklyn 99), finished
Dan Espinoza (Lucifer) vs Rupert Giles (Buffy), finished
Pollination Tech 9 smith (the sims 2) vs Marko (saga), finished
Okay basic questions time before I get a bunch of anon asks
“Two of these are women.”
Father figures also count
“Some of these doesn’t have their own kids”
See point 1
“Why is there only a few characters from the same franchise going against each other but sometimes they aren’t”
Because I only recognized fire emblem, Pokémon, and JJBA at first.
“Aus doesn’t count”
As a previous undertale fan. I could care less. And I am not replacing Tim with BAMSE.
“Replace x with Bamse”
Sorry but. Findus and Skalman have already won. 3 times are a bit too much for us sweds.
“911 is copaganda”
You see Brooklyn 911 (picked by wheel) and you go against fireback mountain. Shame on you anon.
“Dad council these aren’t all random”
Yeah but Neon J vs Wubbox = chaos
Code of conduct
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ambulance-mom · 2 years
ooc I'm 21 i have a learning disability wich is actually as i found out a educational learning disability and a social learning disability
i live in the uk
i have adhd
i have been role-playing for three years
i have autism...
i suffer from anxiety and depression so if i baddger you please don't block me it's just my emotions or if to the outside eye i seem toxic I'm not toxic i just have iffy social skills and dont pick up on cues well
turns out i struggle with boundaries so please tell something if do wrong
all blogs
no pedos
no homophobes
no creeps
my tf oc
@hells-greatestdad best Luci
@xdeerxhealerx best deer
@vintagemoss a moss that provides emotional support
I love you guys
Alt rp blog @lust-trauma
Trauma began life as a high caste medical trainee before the war and during the boiling point when it all went down the high council decided to bomb her clinic for disabled homeless younglings making a cover up saying they had destroyed abominations but trauma... out of her grief joined the decepticons to avenge her lost charges
alternative timeline
during the middle of the war she saw a decepticon soldier kill a youngling and then the truth came toppling on her she had then defected to the autobots and became a rescue bot for sigma 17 soon after morrocco kidnapped Cody and since then she became Cody's bot partner and in some aspects mother figure
tfp/RB info above
alternate tfp/rid2015
after the war she was granted amnesty and placed as the alchimores medic....
in some universe's she's a sweet and sadistic predicon medical officer
in the shattered glass universe she is insane off the walls and kidnaps younglings to "help" them being a mad medic
in generation 1 she's a apprentice of hook and sees the cons as a dysfunctional but lovable family
in animated she may be a former decepticon but trauma chooses to stay neutral and help orphan human children
in earthspark she's Megatron's lover and a close friend of dot's like her conjunx she was a decepticon and was their medic and now reculantlly works for ghost but she can't help but feel something's off about ghost
she was the one who amputated dot's leg and helped with her prosthetic leg and dot became like a sister to her
she was the one in my RP universe saved rumble's life and reunited him with frenzy his older sister and co parent's the twin's aswell as the other terran Cybertronian children with dot and megs acting as an aunt to all the lil ones
in idw she was at the Delphi facility when pharma released the rust disease potentially putting her Life at risk and the false medic then shot her
Fallout au
Surprisingly the bombs never affected due to her Cybertronian nature now she studies the wasteland curious and now tries to protect folk from raiders
Helluva-hazbin au
She's a succubus who works in the sin of lust's castle as the doctor/nurse
adoptive sire
@dodgeram-reboot shots
star wars rp blogs
@youngfett - cw and fanon tbb boba fett
fnaf rp blogs
@bear-bitten evan afton rp blog
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juniperjellyfish · 2 years
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Welcome to the New Realm
Okay I'm having fun with this so have what I am writing out
Ladies Gents and the They Thems or whichever pronouns you prefer I present to you the Realm 14 Borg Siblings meeting their Counterparts!
But honestly writing 2 Cyrus's is a trip ngl
Their Dad's sat in front them, one had a contraption on his legs rather then the usual wheelchair, he was leaned on the desk,
"Okay now that we have over 30 kids let's go down the list to make sure everybody is here" the Cyrus in the wheelchair said
"okay we definitely need name tags" Victoria and Violet muttered at the same time,making the others snort
"I'm Realm 15 Cyrus" he tapped a number on his Lapel"We already came up with this to identify who is who, also the 14th Realm Cyrus has his exo skeleton"
The other waved,.actually pushing off the desk and standing up using a cane
"I built this as an alternative to my wheelchair I just need a cane to keep balance, I just use the wheelchair when they are charging,"
They nodded as his counterpart looked to him,
"Just alert if and when you do need a wheelchair I'm pretty sure my spare would work for you"
"Thank you"
Cyrus 15 nodded and looked back to them, looking at the clipboard,
"It shouldn't be too hard to identify who's who's with us. Siblings I think Quixie Harriet and then Simone, Jennifer and Pixal are the duplicates, but even they have differences," Freida said logically,
"I'm pretty sure I am not like I was years ago a fashionista princess" Simone snorted side, eyeing her counterpart, who was redoing her lipstick and make-up,
She closed the compact, meeting her counterparts optics with an incredulous look,
" But if you're not doing fashion darling, then what are you doing?" She scoffed,"probably ended up on the corner,"
Simone broke out into laughter, her siblings trying not to laugh, as their Mirror Realm Counterparts stared Wesely saying
"No way"
Simone opened her jacket, pulling out a vape
" oh honey you're in for a rude awakening as yes exactly that is what I am. I stopped working on the streets about 5 years ago. Nowadays, I entertain in the most popular strip club in Ninjago or, well, formerly Ninjago," She took a hit, letting out the smoke with a smirk yelping as she got pelted by not one but 2 pens
"No Vaping in the office" Cyrus 15 snipped she grinned tucking the device away,
She then turned around, shimmying her jacket down, showing the brand of Borg Industries on her shoulder, but also all the rest of the tattoos and when she turned around they spotted the blackened skin around her powersource,
Her counterpart was left speechless as Simone laughed,
"I also have a wife. Elora who's in the same field."
Cyrus 14 asked his counterpart dumbfounded "How in the World?"
Simone interupted pulling her jacket back on but leaving it unzipped,
"Oh got into car batteries and the likes Daddy over here disowned me for a bit he did pay for my apartment for a while but wouldn't give me an allowance so in order to feed my habit I went out and got a job that makes money quick"
"Yeah, she's our chaotic one. Former Prostitute and current stripper," Chloe chirped
"Says the Hacker," Violet muttered
" yeah needless to say there's more than one kid of mine that turned out to be quite chaotic"Cyrus 15 shook his head looking a bit exasperated "Kids"
Chloe leveled him with a look,
" well you didn't build me originally to be your daughter you're forgetting to tell them I was originally your fiance"
That made a few of the Realm 14 crew burst out laughing as Cyrus 14s face grew red
"Yeah uh Ginny was the same, only she stuck with being a teacher, unlike Chloe who sounds like went a complete different way"
Ginny nodded,
" I have taught kindergarteners for close to 7 years now. I hoped to someday find someone and have a family after our Cyrus discovered himself during my absence…. by the way where is your husband,"
"What?!" The 15th realms inhabitants shrieked making the 14th realms inhabitants wince
" I was waiting to tell them because it appears here, everything did not go according to how it went in our Realm. I have already done research on him, here and he was a villain outright. Cyrus of this realm did not offer out a hand like I did"
He turned around to the confused appearance of their counterparts
"during the events of the time twins, I offered my hand out to Acronix and he took it, we became fast Friends and I was able to bring him back over to the side of good, he himself took down Krux with my help."
He leaned on the desk shrugging
" for the first couple years, Acronix really showed his intelligence with technology, one day he showed me a security flaw that I had not noticed and only he noticed because he hacked into the system to show me. So he became our white hat hacker to make sure all of our security devices have no flaws
" and I'm guessing over years and years you too fell for each other," Violet carefully said the sheepish grin giving her her answer along with him pulling out a necklace with a ring on it She sighed, "oh dear I best make a call to the chief he's probably already arrested your husband thinking he's our Acronix who escaped,"
" how did you have a direcrt line to the chief" Eris asked raising an eyebrow, but Violet already was talking to someone,
" you are looking at the mayor of our city" Felix said with pride,
Now it was their counterparts turned to be surprised
"Whoa, so instead of a doctor in your guys realm Violet became mayor?"
He nodded
"Yeah, she was a lawyer but after the mess of a situation with the overlord part two she decided to run, she is the most powerful woman in the city"
They turned their heads as they heard,
" yeah thank you chief figured as much glad we could get that sorted out" Violet looked to them as she tucked her phone away "yep they already had Acronix locked up he's already been saying he's not the one they're looking for, Chief will be escorting him here as quickly as he can,"
"Oh thank the first Spinjitzu Master Dad's alright," Harriet 14 said clutching her chest,looking beyond relieved to the confusion of the others,
" he can be a bit dim witted at times intelligence is high, common sense or wisdom however is non existent, so him running around Ninjago, it's like letting a cat out into the streets," Victoria explained to the snorts of the others
"So while he's on the way let's get this head count going"
For the next few minutes they called out names,
"Only the Pixals are missing," Cyrus 15 said
"They're probably at the Monestary can someone try to get to them?"
"On it!" Chloe said as the Elevator asked
Acronix Chromos Identified as wishing permission-
"Granted!" Cyrus 15 called out and the groups barely had moved out the way of the elevator before a giant blur ran past them Cyrus 14 laughing as Acronix picked him up and spun him around,
"Oh thank the first Spinjitzu master you're alright!" He crowed, "I was heading here when I got hog tied,"
They shared a quick kiss, before Cyrus 14 responded,
"Well your here now thanks to my Counterparts daughter,"
As gentle as possible, Acronix set the other back down looking over at Violet
"I heard thank you, Mayor Borg,"
"It was no problem," She responded, watching as he went over to their Counterparts,
"You kids okay?" He started checking them over as the other group stared
"Wow," Chloe finally said, "This is so strange, it's like he's a normal civilian"
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nyaskitten · 11 months
Okay, seriously where the fuck did Wu and Garmadon learn to be ableists? And where'd Wu learn to fat shame??? Why'd Wu call Daddy No Legs "tinsel toes" and why'd Garmadon go all "if anyone is going to destroy Ninjago, it'll be me, not some Oni usurper with a walking stick." LIKE FSM ? DID YOU TEACH YOUR SONS THIS...
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senseiwu · 3 years
I thought of this ages ago and only just drew it now
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hyperfixated-fan · 2 years
I absolutely love this fic because it gives more characterization and worldbuilding to the Hunters in the First Realm. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GO READ IT AND OTHER FICS BY THIS AMAZING AUTHOR!!
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dead-nathan · 5 years
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