#no “prefer not to say” options
cobwebbed-crow · 9 months
If your institutionally mandated "diversity survey" doesn't include a 'prefer not to say' option for every single question, congratulations, I now know better than to believe that your institution is safe for minority students.
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jakeperalta · 2 months
(this isn't a question about the best p&p adaptation ever, it is simply which you prefer OUT OF THESE TWO OPTIONS since they are the two most commonly talked about and compared!!)
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thedailybullshit · 1 year
So I’ve concluded that there are 2 possible explanations for the Titan having a Hooty sticking out of his eye:
1) This is simply a component of Papa Titan choosing to appear as an amalgamation of King’s family: glyph pajama pants for Luz, Bad Girl Coven t-shirt for Eda, & an eyeball parasite for Hooty
2) The Hooty backstory they had to cut for time was going to amount to “Turns out your house is the optic nerve of god.”
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iguessitsjustme · 4 months
No nuance. Choose.
(I am genuinely just curious. This is not a judegement on anyone. I just want to know where ql tumblr falls)
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waitineedaname · 1 year
I realized I made some notes on how different characters fight in mob psycho, and I never posted them. here you guys go, for any reference needs
Mob: mostly simple attacks, not very showy, just waves his hand and uses telekinesis/exorcizes something, doesn’t move around much. As ???%, much more destructive, psychic force seems to just emanate off of him and destroy everything
Teru: VERY mobile, throws himself around with telekinesis, puts his whole body into the attacks and tends to use moves from normal fights (punches, slaps, kicks, etc). Utilizes a variety of psychic techniques with flexibility, very creative. Piss stance, necktie sword. Much more flashy than Mob
Ritsu: uses powers to throw people/things around. While Mob and Teru attack with just psychic blasts, Ritsu tends to use his powers to grab other things as an attack (grabbing the delinquents and throwing them against each other, throwing the Claw guards against the wall, picking up cars to sandwich Shimazaki between them). Uses his environment creatively (fire extinguisher smoke screen against Shimazaki). More flashy than Mob, but not as mobile as Teru. Hand gestures for Drama
Shou: sneaky + speed + bomb!! Tries to be as evasive as possible using invisibility/speed (probably telekinetically enhanced?) to hit from behind, using either telekinetic force (his stomp in his introduction, the shockwave hit on ???%) or his charge bomb attack. Potentially uses speed/evasive moves as defense instead of the barriers we see most everyone else use
Serizawa: likes to channel his powers into an object (umbrella, business cards). Uses that object as a shield, sword, or something to blast psychic powers out of. Not very mobile in season two, moves around much more in the yokai fight. Not particularly flashy, but looks cool regardless
Reigen: deception/surprise!!! Either tricks people into thinking he’s going to do something else and then attacking, or just outright taking them by surprise and attacking before they know what’s going on. Usually doesn’t have a follow-up move, just does the one attack and hopes for the best. Prefers to bluff his way through a situation
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skywalkr-nberrie · 9 days
I just think it’s weird to say that Padmé’s “ideal” person would be an entirely different character from Anakin. When everything in canon points to the opposite of that statement. From Padmé saying the only Jedi she could ever love is Anakin (ROTS novel), to Sabé confirming in Queen’s Hope that many people fell for Padmé but she only fell back for Anakin, to Padmé herself claiming in the AOTC novel that most men she’s encountered in her career were never genuine and were always after a bigger prize due to her status (thus her never giving them a chance), and Anakin’s genuine desire and love for her attracted her. There’s much more as well, but I mean… the point here is that the whole story literally SCREAMS at us, at every point and chance it gets, that Anakin is the only person that could win Padmé’s heart. That he’s her ideal, he’s her one and only, he’s her everything. Yet we still have people out here saying they haven’t yet “decided” whom would fit her the best…
Some of them are really sleeping on the fact that Anakin was like a prince for Padmé. He saved her from the tower where she’s cooped up alone and doesn’t exist for herself. In the same way she’s his hero, and saves him from nearly drowning in isolation by giving him love, sympathy, and support.
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transgenderpolls · 3 months
i'm gonna be real man you literally cannot be excluded from a poll if there is an "other" button. it is not a bad thing to just not be the person that a pollmaker had in mind or to be a tiny minority especially if everything else literally takes up all the possible responses like damn lol. tbf i wouldn't be surprised if i started seeing ppl demanding a second 'other' option just bc they didn't like the vibe of the first one
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dr-pipis · 4 months
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motherfucker do you not have anywhere better to be
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vaguely-concerned · 8 days
as I am replaying origins -- a game which, to be clear, I love very VERY much -- I can't help but feel that people do don the rose coloured glasses on it a bit specifically when it comes to the range of dialogue options you're actually given to work with at any given time (something I've seen my fair share of silent vs. voiced protagonist discourse about over the years *smokes tired cigarette in survivor of a decade of DA tumblr*). like... there are a couple of situations where you're given a decent range of responses, but the vast majority of the time you have about three dialogue options, and often they're presented sort of like 'polite/bland/unprovoked near-cartoonish levels of assholery'. arranged like, y'know:
I am [BLANK]. It's an honor to make your acquaintance.
You can call me [BLANK].
How dare you speak to me. Fuck you and your family back five generations. I'm going to rob your mother's grave before your eyes.
(sometimes if you're real lucky you get the secret extra 'Something else/I'm bald/but I'm a dwarf!' option)
I'm not at all saying it's worse in that aspect than the other games (Dalish Inquisitor 'Who's Mythal' just entered the chat), but I do think it's worth considering that this might be a bit of a franchise original sin that has been present since the beginning, as indeed it is in most rpgs because making rpgs is real hard, and you notice it more with the dialogue wheel format than when the responses and questions you can ask are all laid out in a list together
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Neopronouns user + neurogender culture is wanting to add au/auti/autis/autis/autiself and neu/neuro/neuros/neuros/neuroself to your pronouns and have people use them for you in real life. But you’re scared you’ll be accused of faking your autism because no *real* autistic would actually want to associated with their autism to the point that they make it their pronouns. *Real* autistics hide themselves.
Neopronoun user culture
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llamahearted · 1 year
listen there is no 'correct' answer I'm just curious and want to know:
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antirepurp · 2 years
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// It was like a helping hand When you just lost your lot of dimes // And the only thing you've got in mind Is to find the fastest way to die
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chicinlicin · 7 months
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i drew the silly faces then felt compelled to finish the chart OTL
template is here!
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rickybaby · 5 months
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Lawson ‘number one contender’ for RB seat
Liam Lawson's chances appear inexorably linked to either Daniel’s or Yuki’s promotion to the senior team, with Daniel considered the most likely despite his team-mate's recent form.
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chimchiri · 6 months
Final names! Name the OCs
(second poll in the reblog :) )
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She's angry, she's mean, she has issues. But mostly she's annoyed at bear butch and most definitely, never ever, not in her biggest nightmares would ever, EVER think of or even CONSIDER kissing that bitch.
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kataraslove · 1 year
for the shippers who say stuff like, “if zuko can’t be with katara, he should’ve ended up with jin!!! she was so much better than mai!!” let’s be a little honest here. would you guys really hold the same sentiment if jin and zuko had actually ended up together? because i have a feeling we’d get essay after essay about how the writers were the absolute worst for having zuko end up with an npc he spoke to in one episode instead of his “soulmate” whom he “sacrificed himself for.”
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