#no bro like the 'no lets have this convo another time' was the responsible part of my brain and I DIDN'T FKN LISTEN TO QWIYGDQUKHDIUQWA
foolishjellyfish · 2 years
Feelin like i keep saying the Wrong Thing lately and its so exhausting??? How do I keep saying shit that’s so badly articulated that the meaning I communicate is just Not what the original intention is...
#diary#ugh#sad face#this girl yhat im dating#i did the thing of Bad Timing to bring up a thing that was on my mind#like i was about to leave abnd she was stressin out about gettinf to an event on time...#and like I came sO close to stopping myself from ~ saying the thing ~#i begun like 'thias thing i been watching ...oh no actually better save this for another time hey'#and then I convinced myseld that it was much mucxh simple and thwt I was much much overthinking#no bro like the 'no lets have this convo another time' was the responsible part of my brain and I DIDN'T FKN LISTEN TO QWIYGDQUKHDIUQWA#UGHH#so i said the thing and it was badly worded and she was like um no and she looked really hurt and i wads like well fuck#fairly shit way to end whast had beenm a really nice time#only when i got home did i realise#clarity around what woukld have been a better thing to say#ie like#what i said was kind of sitting in silly little assumption land#and was directed at her like i think u might be blah blah blah#but actually what i had to say was more about me than about her and#i think i needed to not go down ther assumption route andf instead express a need on my part#and like also needed to noty try to start that kinda. convo in that moment#ds bhdscjbsdbhjadhjadjbhadjhadbhjade#feelin real mad and dissapointed ag myself now :((((#and like i said some stupid thing to my housemater hr other day too ughfewwkjbewkjqwekjbqdw#eqjhbdxihqwbdhxbqwidxbwqicdniejwn#can i just hide from the world for a minute please#why we like this for jesus
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elizakai · 6 months
omfg i love you i’m jumping at the chance to look at dust x reaper i better see some art somewhere in this fandom OUGH ok
well, dust’s died like how many times now, lets just assume they’ve ENCOUNTERED one another yeah?
reaper feels bad for him. he isn’t even allowed to actually die, just experience death over and over, only to be thrust back into this torturous cycle.
imagine dust dying in the hall, he’s stumbling away and he just. sees the grim reaper. and he’s like oh shit. well then. *gets thrown back whenever they decide to reset*
reaper visiting a lot because, well, he’s dying a lot, he’s probably gotta. imagine a scenario where they actually get to talk. but its so so brief, dust is never dead very long, and reaper probably shouldn’t interfere otherwise…
(he’d also, be witnessing the deaths of the aus other residence, which. interesting. wonder what they have to say about things. and what reapers response may be.)
(of course this is assuming they interact after death, which i think makes sense with common depictions of the reaper at least)
dust probably chalks him up to a vision he’s having, or hallucination, when he dies, but maybe when he’s given more time, they can have broken up conversations.
like hey, mid sentence he gets thrown back into the land of the living, but HEY! next time he dies, just pick up the convo like nothing happened. “Anyways as i was sayin-“
Another thing to think about is just how SIMILAR dust is to geno. and most of us are afterdeath junkies i think💀
like, dust and geno have VERY similar motivations and go to similar lengths (think of error even)
i think of reaper could come to respect genos desires and motives, he’d feel the same towards dust. reaper always strikes me as a really lonely person, and dust is too for obvious reasons.
i’m imagining a scenario where reaper is just. real bored of just watching. so he starts like following dust around so he can see him. and dusts like ah. cool. fucking phantom ass to add to the list. i’m imagining reaper telling him like no, i’m very real dude, and dust is like haha ok, lemme touch you then
…for obvious reasons he can’t let him touch him💀💥 but that would probably make dust assume he is in fact a hallucination. but that’s ok. he’s an ODDLY nice hallucination.
maybe he even reminds him of the river person🤷🏽‍♀️
anyways, reaper just having convo, dust finding he likes it, it’s pleasant chatter to listen to, and then he’s like damn i really am sick, why am i so attached to this weird ass hallucination
(i’m just idea dumping so hard i apologize.)
reaper would find his conviction kinda cute, if not slightly frustrating. like bro, out here denying my existence, wtf💔
i wonder, if reaper can touch him when”” when he’s in the space of death, temporarily.
that would be cool :,))
if reaper doesn’t show up for a while and comes back dust just, getting happier, he’s got someone to talk to again that isn’t a dead friend or relative he’s killed multiple times.
i imagine dust has seen “death” enough times that, in life, he can “see death” (reaper)
they gain this weird little affection for eachother ok💔 a selfish part of reaper hopes dust will always get reset…so he can come talk to him
but part of him is also disgusted by the hope that he’s able to just. be laid to rest. what can be done yk?
and dust is actually on his way to wherever you’d go when you die
imagine, reaper just. guiding him away to whatever afterlife or lack thereof, carrying his soul away and having to let him go. no more coming back.
or yk, we can imagine a scenario where dust gets out of the loop, and they continue to see eachother and have their weird little friendship (?)
dust is like “i’ve seen death, he’s over my shoulder as i walk, whispers in my ear as i lie awake at night. death awaits my presence, and i deaths. i’ve felt the touch of death, and it was unbearably sweet , a feeling i will forever long for”
*horror from whoever he’s speaking to*
meanwhile reaper is just like, telling stupid jokes in his ear and giggling over someone’s stupid outfit, gossiping about the other gods and making dust look crazy laughing at stupid shit
i wonder if reaper could potentially see dusts phantoms, it’s a fun idea. they aren’t REALLY there, but dusts magic is kind of projecting them i imagine, and reaper has seen them when they die. i just imagine him shooing them away for dust, and he’s like naw man pay attention to me instead *slutty little strut*
you could interpret the way death even works a million different ways and have a bunch of different potential even. what if dust were to die and reaper…DOESNT guide his soul away. what if he keeps him. maybe dust wants that. they could “be together”.
maybe there’s an afterlife, and reaper is able to cross the gap. who knows. lots of potential.
they both have hoodies >:3 idc if that doesn’t mean anything
i feel like reapers dark humor would almost comfort dust lmao, it kinda lightens the load for him. reaper can assure dust that their souls are…ok. they’re at peace.
reaper is just happy to feel so validated and seen all the sudden
he can help dust understand how life really works
ironic huh. the essence of death being the thing that gives you a will to live.
just imagine in a time he’s died, reaper not being able to help himself. he just comes in for a hug. and both of them need it so badly. when dust is alive, he CANT touch him.
they both think about that hug a lot <//3
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volleychumps · 4 years
Ayoooo talented writer! Can i please request a akaashi x reader where they meet at some party and have one of those cool convo (you know those who always seem to happen in the kitchen ahah) and they fall for eachother but are too shy/insecure to exchange their number but can’t stop thinking about eachother until they meet again... ;)
Warning(s): drinking, cursing, fluff-attack lol
I changed it up a little bit! The timeskip would be a little tricky in this sense, but I hope you enjoy it regardless! 
Apple Juice. (Akaashi Keiji x Reader)
“Y/N-chan, you don’t want a cup of rice punch?” 
“Don’t be a downer, Y/N~” 
You watch with mild interest as Daichi tugs on the collars of both Sugawara and Hinata, stifling a small giggle alongside Yachi as the two members of the Karasuno volleyball club now lay limp in Daichi’s grasp. Suga pouts at the captain as he downs his second cup with flushed cheeks, and you quirk your eyebrow in amusement as Hinata holds both arms out at you as if he wants you to take him like a child. 
Daichi smiles for the picture you snap with your phone, not letting go of either of their collars. 
“Have fun, ladies. This is the fun before training camp officially starts. Don’t let these idiots make you do anything you don’t want to.” Daichi sighs in apology, tugging the two pouting boys along as you hum in amusement, sipping on the juice in your cup. 
“I feel like Daichi is such a dad, no?” Yachi states casually, and a coy grin spreads across your lips in response. 
“In like...a platonic way, right?” You grin into your cup as Yachi enters a blushing fit in embarrassment, swatting you on the shoulder as Kiyoko giggles on your right. 
“Like there’s any other way I’d mean it!” 
“Ah Hitoka, you’re so cute and fun to tease- I’m sorry.” You stroke her hair gently through her embarassed antics as Kiyoko’s giggles only increase in volume. The third-year nudges your side slightly as she covers her mouth with one hand, suddenly noticing something on the other side of the room. 
Akaashi Keiji couldn’t help but feel the corner of his lips twitch at the way you had affectionately been cuddling Yachi, watching mildly as you did so with a laugh bubbling from your throat: not realizing that he had gone from hardly listening to Bokuto to not listening at all as the blue-eyed boy seemed to be looking on in a dazed-like manner. 
“Y/N-san, don’t look now, but it seems some of the Fukurodani boys are looking in this direction- I said don’t look now!” 
Kiyoko audibly sighs into her palm as you stupidly raise your head in searching, meeting the eyes of Akaashi Keiji, setter for the Fukurodani team, as he seemed to have been supposed to be listening to Bokuto’s antics, instead accidentally catching your eye in the background. 
You both look away at the same time, a heat on your features as you groan in slight embarrassment, Yachi finding solace in erupting in a fit of giggles at your embarrased misfortune in a small plight for revenge. 
“Come on, Y/N- you’re so pretty tonight, I bet he wasn’t the only one looking.” 
“I told you not to look, how did you make it so obvious?” Kiyoko questions in genuine confusion as you glare playfully in her direction. 
“And this is the part where I go find some lemonade.” You mumble, a tad bit embarrassed at the nature of the conversation before standing, dusting your jeans off. “Would either of my two lovely best friends want anything?” 
“Nooo don’t be sarcastic we love you-” 
“That could have been my potential husband, but now look who’s never going to get to talk to him out of sheer shame.” You joke, sticking your tongue out before making your way into the kitchen, shaking your head at the giggle they share when you turn around. 
Kuroo grins when you enter, and you wave a little in greeting with a small smile: you knew him from the practice matches Karasuno had against Nekoma, having established a pretty good friendship with him afterwards. 
“Just the girl I was looking for!” 
Kuroo visibly wilts as Bokuto laughs heartily by his side, a look of betrayal on the Nekoma captain’s features as you laugh at the sight of it, accusation seeping into his tone. 
“Don’t look at me so dejectedly!” 
“Don’t give me a reason to be so dejected.” You quip, eyes widening when you see the blue-eyed boy from earlier standing behind the two, recovering to clear your throat and reach for the lemonade. 
“Oh! I’ve got you, allow me~” 
“Bro, you’re such a gentleman.” Kuroo sniffs as you sweatdrop, watching Bokuto uncap the bottle of rice punch and pour it into your cup until it reaches the brim. Before you could say that wasn’t the beverage you wanted: you blink at the look of hope and pride in the Fukurodani captain’s eyes at how proud he was of his actions. 
“Drink up, Y/N-chan! The drinks are on me, tonight!” 
“Boo, just say you’re flirting and go.” 
“What did you just say?!” 
Your voice falls on now deaf ears as you watch the two captains argue, feeling a little bad that Bokuto had bought the drinks and even poured one for you, deeming that maybe one cup was okay. You examine the liquid before going to raise the cup to your lips-
A hand rests on your wrist lightly before the cup can leave the surface, and you watch in confusion as the setter from earlier shakes his head no. You hardly notice the captains still arguing as he swaps your cup for his, the red-cup brimmed with a golden liquid swishing around in front of you as it hits the counter with a tap. 
“Apple juice.” Akaashi says, bringing the rim to his lips and drinking some of the rice punch as Bokuto asks him a question. He isn’t able to hide his grimace as you blink in wonderment. 
“Akaashi, I’m a gentleman, right? Being gentlemanly doesn’t have to mean flirting!” 
“Mhm.” Akaashi nods, drinking more of the liquid back until it’s gone, wiping his lips with the back of his hand before grimacing some more, successfully disposing of the evidence. 
“Ah! We’re going to karaoke upstairs, Y/N- you’ll come, right?!” Bokuto questions with stars in his eyes as you blink out of your daze, finding yourself nodding back before Bokuto whoops and grabs Kuroo before dashing up the stairs, yelling something about Akaashi to follow. 
“Oh yeah. I’ll be there for sure.” Akaashi calls after bluntly as you laugh, taking your first sip of the cup as you take a seat on the counter, feeling a warmth in your chest at the setter’s previous actions. 
“Is he usually that hard to say no to?” 
“You have no idea.” Akaashi sighs as takes the seat next to you on the countertop, unscrewing the lid for the lemonade before pouring some into another cup. 
“Swap with me one more time. This is the one you wanted, right?” 
“No no! It’s okay-!” 
“Give me that.” Akaashi rolls his eyes, taking the apple juice from you and replacing it with lemonade. “You saw me pour it. I’m not a creep who goes around swapping girl’s drinks.” 
“But I trust you-” 
“Your potential future husband, right?” Akaashi can’t help but smirk a little into his cup as you seem to bust a fuse, cheeks reddening immensely as you nervously chuckle, tracing the rim of your cup. 
“So you heard that, huh?”
“It wasn’t exactly quiet.” Akaashi shrugs, sipping on his apple juice as you scoff in mock-disbelief, smiling nonetheless. 
“Well, maybe I wouldn’t have made such a comment if you weren’t looking at me in the first place, hm?” 
Akaashi’s brow quirks ever so slightly at your bold-statement, feeling the rice punch begin to take effect as he tilts his head attractively, amused smile growing on his lips. 
“Is that right?” His voice drops a little, and you find your throat a little drier than usual before you break eye-contact, feeling a strange nervousness in your chest as you sip some more lemonade. 
“So you don’t drink?” You change the topic quickly, cursing at how high-pitched your voice came out before Akaashi hums, nodding. 
“Not until tonight, at least.” 
“Well, you could have just waited and poured it down the sink when they left?” 
“Yeah, but then I couldn’t look cool for the girl with the pretty laugh.” Akaashi replies evenly, not realizing the weight of his words until a mere moment after, your cheeks flushing as you look away, him doing the same. 
“Sorry, sorry...that was weird. I think that punch is getting to me.” 
“No, it’s uh...fine.” You say awkwardly, shifting a little closer to him before you can stop yourself. “I think you’re pretty too.” 
You clap a hand over your mouth as Akaashi tilts his head in amusement, watching in an entertained-fashion as you cover your face with your hands. 
“Thank you?” 
“I haven’t even drunk anything, I don’t have an excuse.” 
Akaashi hides his smile with his hand, a pink dusting his cheeks as he finds that maybe Bokuto dragging him to this party was worth it. 
“Would you maybe...?” Akaashi leans a little closer, lifting his hand to the back of his neck-
“Y/N, Nishinoya and Suga are vomiting by the cars- oh shit, am I interrupting?” Tsukishima’s eyes widen, seeing the proximity between the two of you before you offer Akaashi a goodbye smile, feeling like that was the best course of action after making a fool of yourself. 
“I’ll see you later. Thanks for the chat.” 
Akaashi watches as you embarrasedly rush off, hand grabbing Tsukishima’s in the process as the setter blinks in bewilderment, feeling dissapointment flooding his chest at your lack of presence. The blonde had looked at Akaashi in utter confusion as Tsukishima was dragged out by your hand. 
Sighing, he downs the last of his apple juice dejectedly, the sweet liquid not making up for the bitter feeling in his stomach of not getting his question out to you. 
He didn’t know if it was irritation from the alcohol, or the desire of wanting to see you again, but he bit the rim of his cup, blue-eyes slightly annoyed as he thinks about you grabbing Tsukishima’s hand. 
What was he to you? 
Akaashi blinks out of his daze. 
...why does he care? 
The setter blinks out of his thoughts when you return, the plastic cup lowering in his grasp as you bite your lip bashfully, looking off to the side awkwardly. A smile unknowingly tugs at his lips, a weird sensation of relief flooding his system. 
“Turns out it was a false alarm...I was just going to grab another drink and leave you-” 
“No. Stay.” Akaashi’s words come out a little quicker than he intended as you blink in bewilderment before he clears his throat, hand going to grab one of the bottles. 
“Nah.” You grin, grabbing a new cup before tilting it in his direction as you take your seat again, your thigh touching his as you wish you liked the taste of liquid courage. Your fingers draw circles on the granite of the counter top as methods of successfully getting your number flit through Akaashi’s head, the setter finding himself intentionally grabbing your hand to hold it steady around the cup as he pours. 
The tension stayed heavy as the music faded into the background, the setter’s hand still clasped around yours gripping your cup. You smile goofily, Akaashi wanting nothing more than to close the distance with the pretty stranger at the once undesired party. 
“Apple juice.”
“Wise choice.” 
Yooo catch me writing beverage fics we love that for me
 General Works: @takemetovalhalla @savemesteeb @kasandrafaye @dreebbles @yams046 @aprettyfruit @therestless101 @deadontheinsidebut    @therestless101 @dai-tsukki-desu @lifeisntjustblackandwhite @curiouslilbeast   @wisepandaslimeland @lmkjimin   @h0ngh0ngh0ng   @orangegiraffe7  @let-me-have-my-own-name @theworldupthere @itz-tooru @kac-chowsballs
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danasmonster · 4 years
Comparing the SKAM remakes: ISAK Part II
Lucas (SKAM France)
Some of the differences:
I love that Lucas seems a bit softer than Isak. For instance, he didn’t panic and hide the weed at the party in the first ep, it fell out of his pocket. 
I like that he doesn’t just dismiss the girl squad the way Isak did (excepting Sana). 
His scene with the guys watching the girls dance seemed much more awkward and out of character than it did for Isak because he seems like he’s just genuinely a nice person, where Isak’s flaws had a few more sharp edges. 
I also really love the entire 6th episode because it explores Lucas’ developing relationship with the members of the Girl Squad, a relationship that was missing from the OG. 
There is a little more homophobia in this one than OG. For instance, there is a lot of calling Lucas gay as a joke before he came out and his dad told him not to bring his boyfriend to church because it might upset his mom. Also I really liked that we got to see Lucas have an actual in-person conversation with his mom. 
Favorite scenes: 
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THE FIRST TIME ELIOTT SAW LUCAS! I love when there is foreshadowing like this at the end of the previous seasons!!!
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When Lucas is playing the piano for Eliott. This was very Noora/William-esque. I loved it so much I added the melody (I Love You by RIOPY) it to my SKAM playlist on Spotify. 
The hardcore staring while making out with their respective dates at the party is always a favorite, and I felt like this one was particuarly intense
The BRIDGE SCENE was the best! I loved everything about it - the flashlight, the rain . . .  la perfection. Another song (Last Dance by Scratch Massive) added to my SKAM playlist.
The quiet conversation they have in bed (pre-yellow curtains convo) after their first night together
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ALL THE SCENES about raccoon Eliott and Hedgehog Lucas - I’m glad I’m not the only one to have noticed Lucas’ hair choices
As heartbreaking as it is, the scene where Lucas unwittingly confides to Eliott that he doesn’t speak to his mother because he doesn’t need crazy people in his life is also always a favorite of mine
The scene where Yann calls Lucas out on his bullshit
“I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s not only your parents . . . You’re here, going through phases. You say you have problems, you don’t even wanna talk about it. We’re here, like fools waiting for you to explain to us. But we’re not gonna beg you . . . And stop apologizing. That’s enough. Either you tell us, or you make your things right. We don’t give a fuck about your excuses. We just want you to be better, bro, and stop acting like an idiot. So if you want to talk, we’re here. If you don’t want to, you solve your things and come back to us later. Alright?”
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The scene in episode six where he and Manon just cuddle and cry together in the dark
The whole conversation Lucas has with Mickaël (Eskild), Manon (Noora), and Lisa (Linn) on the couch when he is bawling his eyes out and they are telling him everything is going to be OK.
“Lucas, a closet is dark, narrow, and it smells. You have no reason to go back in there, so be at ease with yourself, alright? Live your life. And anyone who has a problem with that, fuck them. Fuck them, alright?” -  Mickaël
When Yann apologized to Lucas for having teasingly called him "gay" for years as a joke. I loved that character growth when he realized that his actions had made Lucas feel like he couldn't come out to him and so he apologized for it.
When Lucas and Emma get drunk with Manon after Manon confesses the reason she left London
Lucille’s monologue in the final episode regarding Eliott
You’re not a passing craze. And of course he’s capable of love. I would know about that. But that also means you have responsibilities now. Be patient, first of all. Because you won’t understand everything, or get it right on the first try. And it will be okay. Be understanding, get information, read. Ask him questions, too, when he’s in the mood to answer them. Try not to rush him. If he wants to sleep, let him sleep. If he doesn’t want to talk, don’t make him. There will be moments where all you’ll be able to do is just look at him, and you’ll feel powerless. But that’s the way it is. Watch out for signs, too. When he’s not doing well, or when he’s doing too well. You won’t be able to do much about it, but at least you’ll be ready. Finally, just be there for him. But only when he wants it or needs you to be. And when he doesn’t want it or need it, wait for him. Because he’ll always come back to you. And most importantly, Lucas . . . enjoy the good moments. There will be good moments. Plenty of them, even. And those moments will make the other ones worth it. You’ll see, - Lucille
Things I missed:
Yonas’ easy acceptance of his best friend’s coming out. Honestly Yann dropped a boatload of points for creating the unnecessary drama. “I need some time.” WTF.
The scene with the boy squad sitting around the table when they all gave Isak dating advice. France tried to recreate it with the scene in the common room but it didn’t quite hit the same way. 
Girl’s Squad Highlights
When they convince Chris' boyfriend that all periods that occur while on the pill are fake, and that they use fake blood from the pharmacy
A Shout Out for Basile & Daphne (Magnus & Vilde)
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Ah, Basile. I am both annoyed by and enamored with the way he is totally, grossly, inappropriately (but in an adorably puppy like way) crushing on Daphne. The scene where he sniffs her hair is adorable. He would totally let her put him on a leash. He thinks she’s absolutely perfect even when she is being completely imperfect and I love it. 
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mystech-master · 4 years
F/GO High School/Modern AU BS
Me and @rex101111 have been talking about a modern/HS AU ft. as many Chaldean servants as possible. Here are the ideas we came up with (I am pretty much cut and pasting our message convo, so this is a mixture of both me and Rex's ideas):
Gil is the douchbag Senior everyone hates but his dad owns the school or whatever so he can do whatever he wants. The only decent person who willingly hangs out with him is his childhood friend Enkidu who's hoping he can un-douch his bro. He has kid Gil as his little brother and Caster Gil as his older bro who both agree that he sucks (Gil is the loser middle child of the family), Caster Gil wonders what Enkidu sees in his shit head brother. "He's too good for you." "Blow it out your ass." "One day he's going to wise up, see how much of a shit you are, and when you're all alone don't come crying to me." Caster Gil is in college studying political science, Kid Gil goes to a fancy boarding school. Archer Gil goofs off and throws parties
Scathach is a swimming class teacher, mainly b/c I recall underwater training being a part of Cu's regiment under her tutelage. People were jealous of the Cus for like two seconds when they find out the swim teacher is their mom, then they see her having them do an extra twenty laps and ignoring when OG Cu starts floating in the water. "CU DIED!" "YOU'RE NOT HUMAN!" while Scathach is like "you have two seconds to stop playing around before I ACTUALLY drown you" and he's back to doing laps.
Yeah with 4-5 Cus (if you count Setanta from Arcade) that is like 5 brothers.
Nightingale as school nurse, she is friends with Asclepius who works at a hospital associated with the school (strictly professional, but the students think otherwise).
Side note, keep in mind you can have multiple servants be the same type of teacher, just for different classes/grades.
King Hassan is the old Religious History teacher. Every one thinks he's older then the rock is the school is made out of. He has a scary face and a scarier voice but most students consider him the most fair and patient teacher in the whole school. He always gets a lot of food gifts before Ramadan form the students. (A few students, such as the Guda twins and Mash, call him gramps.) The other Hassans are his grandkids, like actual grandkids. He's super strict with them because he expects a lot from them. He always praises them when they do well though. He made sure they ALL got into his class and they've been living in fear ever since. They love their grandpa but by Allah they know not to disappoint him. The only one to ever get out of anything is kid Hassan (one of the hundred face). Cursed Arm is oldest, then Asako (the main hundred face), then Serenity.
"I am very disappointed in ALL of you, have you all lost your heads? I swear I-*to kid Hassan*-ah no Habibi not you you're fine here have a candy-*back to the rest*-I KNOW you're better than this!"
VERY traditional guy, Cursed Arm mutters "Oh for God's sake" while doing a pop quiz and King Hassan looms over him and growls, "No Blaspheming In This Class Room"
For the various Artoria/Arturias, I imagined Lancer and Lancer Alter being sisters, so Saber Alter is a cousin. That leaves everyone else to just be sisters with one brother. Mother Lartoria owns a casino and gas her own yacht in reference to the summer event where she became a Ruler. If you want MHX could be a part of the family as a massive fucking Star Wars nerd. MHXX and MHX Alter are her mom and sister (so MHXX is a third sister for the two Lancer Artorias)
For Irisviel, I remember in one of the Nero Fest things that she was called Therapist Iri. Maybe she starts to get into that b/c she wants to help her adoptive son Shirou (instead of a big fire like in Zero it can be an orphanage fire thing, similar situation but a much smaller scale) , so she is the school therapist/psychiatrist. Like Maruki in P5 Royal.
Iskandar died in his 30s, Waver is around his 30s as Lord El Melloi II. The two are old college friends who still hang out and Alexander is Iskandar’s kid.
If you guys want you can see this as the two being gay dads since I know that ship is popular.
Fran had an abusive father before Babbage and Moriarty got involved. In the og story, Frankenstien has a scientific mindset like his creator, here Fran has a talent in the field, but she also hates it b/c it reminds her of him. Like imagine being talented at the thing your abusive parent was good at/known for. Moriarty tried to get it into her that SHE'S the one with the talent, not her college dropout bum of a father, "From you tell me of him Victor couldn't engineer his way out of an argument with a cat, you have a magnificent mind my dear, not letting it flourish to spite him would be a horrible waste...it's your talent, your skill. Not his." He smiles that smile she loves that scares every one but she knows he only smiles like that when he is absolutely convinced of something, "and you can out perform him without breaking a sweat."
Moriarty teaches Fran sign language while Babbage teaches her some engineering.
Jekyll is going for a major in medicine with a minor in law (in the actual irl story Dr. Jekyll was a doctor in medicine and law).
For science associated servants, you got da Vinci, Babbage, Edison, and Tesla as possible science teachers.
The Jeanne sisters. Without the Avenger BS, the reason Jalter (or Joan as one series of fics calls her) could hate her here is just inferiority complex and being compared to her perfect saint big sister all her life. Joan does have her talents, based on the summer event an, but again she doesn't acknowledge her own talent b/c of her always being compared to her older sister., in the 7 counterfeit events she is a really good artist. And it is the typical thing of Jeanne actually being scared out of her wits of being less than perfect because of all the expectations thrust on her. She gets one A- and runs to the bathroom crying and Joan has to swallow her pride and actually have a conversation with her sister for the first time in years. Jeanne Alter lily puts up Christmas decorations super early, much to Jeanne Alter/Joan's displeasure.
Martha is Jeanne's BF since middle school and has this HUGE dog that scares everyone and growls at anyone expect Martha and Jeanne. She calls him Terry.
Rex loves Penthesilea. and we talked at length about the situation between her and Achilles. Can you not tell that he likes a woman who can kick his ass *gestures to all of his Baiken posts*
Rex's idea: I think they had a fight when they were little and Achilles, being a little shit back then, made fun of her for being a girl, and Penth has been sore about it ever since. She keeps running into big misogynistic meatheads that reminded her of that and she just got angrier over the years. She's a wrestler and can knock out just about every dude in school by herself. Achilles is very regretful about back then and wants to apologize but Penth ain't having any of it.
My idea: I thought they were on opposing HS sports teams and when Achilles handed her ass to her he forgot to drink his respect women juice and then Penth got all pissed.
In this AU, Penth and Hippolyta's dad was a general who taught them how to kick the ass of men twice their size since they were seven or something.
Penth surprises everyone when a festival comes up and she gets picked to be the one to organize everything...and does a spectacular job. Another surprise is that she plans on being a business major when she goes to college (Obligatory Amazoness CEO jokes)
Bedivere is the Arturia Pendragon family butler with a prosthetic arm. He's also the security guard, last guy that tried to steal something or cause trouble got slapped right out of the window he sneaked in from.
Francis Drake and Artoria Alter Lancer are work friends (referencing them both being associated with the Wild Hunt in F/GO's lore).
Beni-Enma is the short and shorter tempered lunch lady, last kid who mouthed off at her during lunch got smacked upside the head with her spoon. She's sweet, but if you're in detention and have to help her in the kitchen she's a mini Gorden Ramsey, "IT'S RAW DECHI!!!" She can also come into the home EC class where Shirou is her best student. Also her roasting of the other girls like in her quest. Getting Fs in Beni's class is the worst, because it isn't just an F, it's a meticulous dressing down of exactly why letting into a kitchen should be considered a war crime, dechi.
The three Avenger Nobus are three different people. 1st Ascension is basically Archer Nobu, then you got Oda Kipposhi, and then the mom is Ascension 3 with Demon King Nobunaga. The youngest Ascension 1 Nobu is a musician. Demon King Nobu is one of those "super scary but also super polite people that only makes them scarier" type, basically a female koei Nobunaga from samurai warriors (check out some cutscenes form the games with him, he's a treat).
Imagine Demon King Nobu mom in a business suit.
Suzuka Gozen and Sei Shonagon are the textaholics who always talk in slang to the point of it sounding like they speak a different language. Murasaki is the librarian but Sei is like that ONE student who just makes her job so much harder.
Every week it's "No phones in the library Miss Shonagon." while Sei rolls her eyes and types out twitter post like "fugly ol librarian at my school needs a life lol"
Oui Katsushika is a gifted art student, and her dad (not a floating little octopus), is just a normal dude with a squid/octopus like beard. She's the teacher's pet in De Vinci's art class.
Eresh and Ishtar come from a rich family, Ereshkigal is the older sister so she had a shit load of responsibility to take over the family business while Ishtar basically gets to party her life away. Rin is the cousin they each try and swing their way. Eresh wants Rin to keep up her studies and get into a good university, Ishtar wants Rin to loosen the fuck up and admit that she likes that scrawny Emiya kid already.
BB is the host of a talk show downtown so she is kind of an absentee mom. Meltryllis has prosthetic legs that she specifically asked to be made into stilts b/c she wanted to be taller, and Passonlip has a massive rack that makes life difficult (either people staring, people assuming she's gonna be a home wrecker b/c said staring must be intentional, etc.), and of course he also has prosthetic arms to match her canon claws, obviously not as massive.
Hijikata is a very serious police officer but his wife Carmilla just uses this to have fun in the bedroom. They have two Dobermans. Hijikata's route has him patrolling near the school so most of the kids know as that scary police dude that has a picture of his wife in his pocket. One day a famous Idol called Eli-chan~ (yes spelled with the ~) is about to perform in the town and the kids can't stop talking about her, so Hijikata overhears. But, being the serious dude he is he shrugs it off until he sees a picture of this "Eli-chan~" and realizes it's his sister-in-law that came to visit and suddenly the influx of parasitic paparazzi near his house start making sense.
Carmilla: "Now you see why I hate them?", Hijikata: "No you cannot send the dogs after them honey."
She almost ran one of them over in her, very expensive, car and when that reporter says she should be locked up Hijikata corrects that would only happen if she had hit him...and she would be fined. For littering.
Okita Alter being Hijikata's partner, while Okita is her younger sister who's looked up to Hijikata since she was a little kid but she has asthma and such so she's afraid she might not get accepted.
Sigurd owns a metalworks shop (referencing his myth where he was raised by the dwarf Reginn), he met his wife Brynhildr when she was disowned by her overly controlling father.
Ozymandias, Nitocris, and Cleopatra are all the high board members of a company. Nitocris specifically got wind of Scheherazade's abusive husband situation and after getting said husband arrested, she offered Scheherazade a job.
Atalanta is a college student/TA who worked with Achilles' dad who ends up at their HS for a program or something, Achilles' dad has told him a lot about her.
Amakusa Shirou is an uncle married to the CEO of Babylon Gardens Pharmaceuticals, Semiramis. Semiramis herself is kinda chill if REALLY scary. She had to be pretty cutthroat to get to her position in the company, but Amakusa Shirou helped her mellow out, but she is still a massive tsundere.
"You know you COULD poison their lunch." "Semi, dear, I'm not going to poison my coworker's sandwich for being an ass." "It wouldn't kill them! Just a bit in their peanut better and they'll be stuck on the toilet for a week, no harm no foul."
Rex initially said Taiga would be an overly enthusiastic gym teacher but then I remembered that she was a homeroom/English teacher in Fate canon, but either or can do if you wanna be unique.
For Quetzalcoatl, Wrestling club supervisor when she isn't the senior year gym teacher. Some of the male students laughed that they didn't think a woman would know anything about wrestling. Two piledrives later, the students have earned a new appreciation for the importance on how not to be two pieces of shit. She's big on Lucha as in canon and during Halloween she gets JAGUARMAN to have an exhibition fight with her. They make a show of it but later on Taiga admits that Quatz could have CRUSHED her if they were actually fighting. She takes the wrestling club out for homemade Mexican food after tournaments
For Siduri, there's a bunch of rumors she's dating Caster Gil but it's strictly professional, Caster respects her too much to consider that. Archer Gil hits on her relentlessly, she manages to wound his ego more severely then anyone else simply by being unfailingly polite in her rejections and treating him like what he is, a teenage punk jumping higher than he can handle to land.
Ibaraki is Shuten's adoptive little sister after she was taken from an abusive mother, hence why Ibaraki looks up to her. Ibuki is either Shuten's big sister who had to take on a guardian role, or just her mom. Shuten and Ibuki have a bit of a strained relationship because Shuten saw the way Ibuki acted as they grew up, taking more and more responsibilities onto herself and refusing any distractions. And she decided that her biggest nightmare is to wake up one morning and realize she's turned into Ibuki so she tries to do everything to avoid that, hence their relationship not being the best. Ibaraki is kinda stuck in the middle because she wants to side with Shuten but she sees where Ibuki is coming from. Messy.
Caren is still Kotomine’s daughter, but he isn’t a good dad and in rebellion she sleeps around despite being a woman of god. Including sleeping with local punk Angra Mainyu. Angra Mainyu seems like a bad guy but he has a shit load of issues due to being blamed for everything going wrong in his old town, eventually coming to believe them and thinking he will cause nothing but problems. Caren banging him gives him a type of closeness he’s never felt, but under very warped circumstances.
For the Tamamo family, Vitch totally fucked her way up a corporate ladder or something, imagined Tamamo Cat working at a Cat Cafe if she were a Student. Tamamo no Mae accidentally fed her prev BF a food he was allergic too, and that kind of haunted her and scared her rep. IDK basically she seriously fucked up a previous relationship, either on purpose or accidentally, and that kind of hurts her deeply so she wants to start over with Hakuno.
Nero and Tamamo no Mae are rivals over this one guy.
Kiichi Hougen is the adoptive mom, Benkei is the family friend/uncle, Taira is Ushiwaka's older sister. Taira isn't on the best of terms with her family, some drama way back caused a rift and nowadays Ushi is the only one who's willing to talk to her and visit. Benkei never lets her go alone because he doesn't trust Taira one bit. Taira and Ushiwaka are Kintoki and Tomoe's cousins (I say Tomoe b/c apparently her husband and Ushiwaka were half cousins, with their grandpa having kids with their grandmas. I tried to make a whole family tree out of a few servants).
These are the ideas we had the most to talk about, if you guys have any suggestions for your fav servants in this AU, let either me or Rex know. Or just reblog and say them here. Who knows maybe you have a much better idea for a Servant we already mentioned.
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here we are, folks, mama's gonna write another one of these things so sit down and enjoy some post-hoco peter starts to fall for mj shits
sigh why do i even bother
Caught Stealing
Peter likes to think he's been doing pretty good at this whole superhero thing for quite a while now; saving people, giving directions, catching thieves. Things have been going pretty great.
But the one thief he didn't expect to show up on his radar was one that didn't even show up when he was in spidey-mode, oh no, this one showed up when he was regular ol' peter parker for crying out loud. Just one day at another one of these acadec meetings, Peter Parker saw MJ try to steal a glance at him while he was on a call with Happy, and his brain was left on buffer for the rest of the call, the meeting, and pretty much the entire week after.
"Hey, Ned, hav you ever seen MJ like... look at me?" Peter asks Ned in the cafeteria while MJ wasn't there yet (he's brave enough to go through flames with a broken leg to save Liz's supervillain dad but hell if he's brave enough to talk about a potential crush just mere feet near said crush).
"Yes," answered Ned without even looking, and just continued eating his tuna sandwich lunch.
"What!?" Peter exclaims slightly loudly making him take a look around him to see if anyone (MJ) might have noticed. To his relief, no one did what with all the conversations happening in the cafeteria and MJ still wasn't there. "When were you going to tell me?"
Ned swallows the bite he just took, "I thought you did know."
"Well, clearly I didn't. I've been pretty busy with ~something~ as you know."
"Pfftt yeah and you were also crushing pretty hard on Liz if I can also recall."
"Okay, okay fine whatever, we've already established I've been busy. I just- how long have you known? Or how long have you noticed it was going on?"
"You seriously haven't noticed?" Ned asks genuinely a bit shocked that Peter didn't know.
"Dude, I'm telling you I haven't-" Peter repeats for the nth time, frustrated he still doesn't know how long this has been going on. "How long?"
Ned lets out a chuckle of disbelief, "Pretty much since halfway through freshman year, bro. Wow, I can't believe you really haven't noticed. Some Peter-tingle you've got there."
Peter lets out a huff of frustration, "It doesn't work that way. And ugh can you please not call it the Peter-tingle? I already get enough of that from Aunt May."
Ned turns his hands up in defeat and just proceeds to continue eating his lunch again.
"I can't believe this, has it really been going on for that-"
"Hey, losers," MJ greets to their table, finally showing up to their usual spot.
"MJ!" Peter almost shouts from shock. Man, Ned might be right, his (ugh) Peter-tingle just wasn't working right now.
MJ snorts from Peter's reaction, "Yes, Peter, it is me, MJ, the girl who's been sitting next to you guys for the better part of a year now,' MJ mock explains. "You doing okay there, Pete?" MJ asks finally taking a seat.
"Yeah, yeah, just a bit jumpy, I guess..."
"Alright, whatever. What can't you believe has been going on for that long?"
"When I got here, you were saying you can't believe it's been going on for that long. What has?"
Peter looks to Ned in a panic and he blurts out "Spiders!" in response, making Peter face palm himself on the table.
"Spiders?" MJ still asks, being what Ned said did nothing to explain anything.
"Yeah... Peter's had this really intense phobia of them ever since we went on that fieldtrip. He accidentally slipped in the bathroom this morning cause he saw a spider and he couldn't believe he still hasn't gotten over his phobia," Ned explains lies so casually, but by the end of it sighs and gives Peter a not really that subtle thumbs up.
Peter on the other hand is semi-frustrated over having to lie to MJ about TWO things in his life now and the fact that his best friend just made him seem like a scaredy cat that actually slips in the bathroom from seeing a spider. His frustration doesn't last though cause he's just waiting to see if MJ actually buys Ned's load of spider phobia bs.
"Oh, okay-" MJ thinks about how they were probably talking about spider-man things before she came but decides to just go along with their excuse and thinks about a possible cause of the phobia on the very highly unlikely (at least in her opinion) chance that Ned was actually telling the truth, remembering Peter's uncle dying just a few weeks after the fieldtrip and feeling bad for Pete so she offers up a solution or maybe just something to comfort him.
"You know, they say that to get rid of a phobia, exposure therapy works, so maybe it'll make you feel better to know that humans swallow up to like 10 spiders in an entire year," MJ jokes a bit awkwardly and pointedly that she just proceeded to eat her meal after finishing her sentence.
It makes Peter chuckle for a bit though so MJ releases that breath she didn't know she was holding and continues to avert her eyes to her meal and just continue eating.
"Wow, MJ yeah sure, nothing'll make me feel better like knowing there's probably like hundreds of tiny spiders inside me right now," Peter remarks sarcastically making MJ laugh as he fake shivers.
"Glad I could help," MJ winks and then averts her eyes again to get her book so she could read while eating, signalling she was ready for this convo to end (she wasn't going to be able to talk after what she can't believe she just did).
And Peter's kinda glad she does end it because holy sh- did, did MJ really just wink at him right now? Did that just happen?
Peter looks to Ned for confirmation who could only shrug in response being just as unsure about what to make of it as well.
Wondering what the hell just happened is the last thought circling inside Peter's brain while Ned just changes the subject to something else that didn't even register to Peter.
MJ may actually ACTUALLY like him, and Peter doesn't have a single clue what to do about it.
Nothing as it turns out, cause as the rest of the week passes without fanfare, it seems like Peter's finally regaining his sanity again as he thinks that maybe MJ looking at him was just MJ being MJ and he goes back to thinking of MJ as his friend and not the smart funny pretty girl who might have a crush on him, which she doesn't.
Until, yet again, Happy interrupts Peter at this week's acadec meeting and he steps outside to take the call.
"What, Happy? I told you I was busy during saturdays with acadec, what do you want?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know I was talking to Mr. Bigshot here. You know, I started on Stark Industries as a dri-"
And with that, Peter just proceeded to wince and hit himself with his phone, knowing he just made this phone call twice as long as what it probably would have been. He starts to just block out what Happy is saying and takes a peek at what he's missing at acadec.
Flash is asleep at the sidelines, must have been that party Peter saw he was having posted and streamed all over social media, it was so annoying. Ned, Cindy, Sally, and Abe were all on a roll tossing out answers back to back, Eddie was blanking and swearing the answer was at the tip of his tongue, and MJ as usual, was running the drills.
Yet again, Peter was thinking about how wonky his brain must have been to actually think that MJ, don't give an f what anyone thinks acadec team cap MJ, actually liked him.
But it seemed Peter must have been staring for too long because MJ noticed and glanced at him too, making Peter panic and immediately avert his eyes to a different direction, any direction at that. God, why was he this awkward?
But god help Peter Parker who must just be an awkwardness masochist because he couldn't help but just sneak a peek once again, only to see MJ was still looking at him and he must have had some ridiculous shocked expression on his face because the slightest grin started to appear on MJ's face and she looked away with almost- was that- A BLUSH?? a blushing expression on her face??? did that? she just? whattttt????
But before Peter could even get himself together, MJ looked back at him again only to grin over the fact Peter was still looking at her and roll her eyes over how ridiculous this wordless convo they were having across the room was, that she just snickered and gave a silent hi and subtle wave hidden from their team mates just below the podium.
Peter found himself grinning like an idiot too and could only give one awestruck wave which made MJ snicker and avert her eyes back to their team mates with a barely noticable flush on her face and a blink and you'll miss it, moment where MJ had to think about what she was saying before she and Peter began this cutely wordless reparte across the room.
MJ had to think about what she was going to say. Cool, suave, witty retorts and comebacks MJ seemed to have a moment of speechlessness.
And so as Peter could only hear a faint "Peter? Peter, are you still listening to me?" from his phone, he knew that he was absolutely, one hundred percent without a single doubt in his mind, truly, and utterly, fucked.
Maybe MJ wasn't the only one who had a crush.
heeyy yooeesss i missed writing mah anxious boi's pov yallssss. i miss writing for them in general huhu. also im probs gonna write a bunch more of these how they fell for each other fics cus i think this version of em/phase of their relationship is pretty underrated hehe
plus i still cant get over ffh pj disapproval so fine i'll just write the middle man fics myself then. it's just so easy to see how pete could fall for mj, i just cant
toot toot and i hope yalls enjoyed dis folks. it's good to be back. rlly missed em, ya know?
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purrfectstrangers · 4 years
Another great story from Gamzanon! I dunno what I did to deserve to pot all their short stories, but I'm happy to bring you yet another~
As always, be aware this is vore and digestion heavy, so readers squeamish about that, catch a different one <3
Fanboy Bellies
(I'm so sorry for the delay. My muse for the Dave prompt just flat out died... so here's a Hiveswap story instead. It's my first time writing these characters, so I hope it satisfies~)
[You literally always satisfy, my dude ;3]
Zebede couldn't believe that this was really happening.
He was to attend a Cirava Hermod concert. Cirava. Hermod. The vaporwave legend that had defined a generation was going to appear live on stage. And he was going to be able to see them. It was almost, no, it was completely unbelievable. Zebede was practically vibrating where he stood. With his round shape and his black and yellow color scheme, he already looked like a bee. Now he almost sounded like one too.
A pair of grey fingers snapped impatiently in front of his face, dragging Zebede back into reality.
"♤Are you just going to stand there all night? I need you to pull your weight here!♤"
"i'm sorry. i spaced out."
Yes, that's right. He wasn't here to just to see Cirava.
You see, Cirava was an online musician. The only reason they were at a concert was because they were challenged to a rap battle by one Marvus Xoloto.
Such an event naturally attracted fans of all stripes, including one particularly obsessive blueblood. Both Zebruh and Zebede wanted to... meet their respective idols, so the two decided to hatch a plan. Or, rather, Zebruh dragged Zebede into his.
"♢Now, do you remember the plan?♢"
Even when crouching behind a wall, Zebruh was still a lot taller then the young yellowblood. Enough so that he could probably rest his head in between Zebede's horns in the right position. Zebede pulled a jar of bees out of his hoodie pocket, taking a deep, steadying breath as he tried to focus. 
"ok guyz. i need you to do me thiz one big favor." Zebede whispered into the jar. "please." With another steadying breath, Zebede pulled off the lid.
The loudly buzzing swarm flew off around the corner, leaving Zebruh and Zebede to watch as security noticed the cloud.
"Wha-what the Hell!"
The large purple guard shielding their face as the swarm clouded around their head, twitching and twisting hither, thither, and fro in a desperate attempt to keep the bees out of their eyes. "Dammit! Leave me alone!" The clown swung their club wildly in a vain attempt to keep the bugs out of their eyes. They ran off cussing and flailing as the swarm persisted in its assault.
The two Zs waited for the buzzing to fall out of earshot before commenting. 
"♧...I'm going to be honest... that shouldn't have worked.♧"
"you'd be suprised. they're pretty reliable."
The two stood up and approached the Staff Only door. That was it. The one obstacle between them and their idols.
"♡I suppose this is where we part ways.♡" Zebruh gave a big dramatic bow, making sure to adjust his bowtie along the way. "♡As a lowblood ally, it has been my honor to unite a yellow fellow with his idol. I do hope you keep this favor in mind in the future.♡"
If Zebede noticed the slightly sinister intone of his voice, he didn't say so. "oh, yez. i will. honest, thiz iz the nicest anyone'z been to me for a very long time." His face deflated and his smile fell. "...it'z also the longest anyone haz ever interacted with me in a long time, come to think of it."
Zebruh pushed the door open, dramatically ushering him inside. "♡When we meet up again, we can interact plenty.♡" He winked and, again, adjusted his bowtie. "♡Until then, I have a date with a popular, promiscuous purpleblood.♡"
As the two walked in separate directions through the backstage area, a telltale gurgle escaped their guts and echoed down the halls. It's not every day you get to meet a celebrity. They're not going to waste this opportunity~
Cirava exhaled another puff of smoke, their room positively flooding with polluted green air. The condensed heat threatened to cook them alive as it left their form drenched in sweat. They let out a long, satisfied sigh as the drugs filtered through their body. Yeah, that was the stuff. A good smoke always got their head in the game before a song.
The door creaking open didn't catch their attention, but sudden loud coughing did. Cirava rolled their head over to see a round little troll waving smoke out of his face as his coughed and wheezed. They just stared as Zebede got his barrings again, watching his eyes widen as the two made eye contact. "well you're not security".
Zebede nervously rubbed the back of his head as he dared to step closer, waving smoke out of his face again when he had to suppress a cough. The room's heat was making him sweat just as much as his nerves were as he cleared his throat. "um, hi? zebede tongza. i'm a big fan."
Zebede held out his hand timidly, which Cirava shook without any fan fare, leaving Zebede to stare at his hand in awe as they pulled back. "cirava hermod. but im guessing you knew that lmao."
Zebede's face slowly split into a grin. "yeah... yeah! it'z good to finally meet you." Cirava stood, popping their back as they casually stretched. 
"dont mention it. youre cool. had me a little worried when you showed up without a pass tho." Zebede looked away, either embarrassed or ashamed. Cirava was too busy fishing a piece of paper from their pocket to care. "here's your autograph." They said nonchalantly. Zebede grabbed their wrist instinctively.
Zebede's mind sputtured and spurred to a halt as he stared. 
Right there, on that small piece of paper, in a lowercase, golden font, was the Cirava Hermod's name.
Cirava Hermod's autograph.
Cirava Hermod is giving him their autograph.
Just as Zebede began to process that information, a scent crept into his nose.
A heavy, mouthwatering scent. A smell more intoxicating then the poisonous green smoke that surrounded him. 
It was Cirava's scent. And they smelled wonderful.
Zebede's stomach growled.
"hey are you gonna let go sometime soon?"
Zebede looked up. "oh. sorry." Zebede plucked the note out of Cirava's grasp before pocketing. Now, he held their hand in front of him like a nice big burger. "i swear i'm sorry about thiz, but... i can't pasz thiz opportunity up."
With that, he promptly shoved Cirava's hand into his maw.
Cirava tried to pull their hand out as Zebede slobered all over it, savoring their flavor. "what the fuck." Cirava tried to pry his mouth open, only for Zebede to grab his free hand and shovel it into his mouth. "alright seriously. let go!" Zebede was pulled out of his blissful stupor as Cirava continued to struggle and shout. He shrugged apologetically before grabbing them by the horns and pulling their entire head into his mouth. He could risk them attracting any guards, or else he'd take his time savoring their taste.
Cirava's horns bulged out his cheeks as they thrashed around back and forth. Their feet beat desperately against the floor as his tongue coated their face in golden saliva. Zebede almost moaned as their salty, sweaty flavor overloaded his taste buds. Their scent continued to drift directly into his nose, leaving him drooling around his thrashing meal. It wasn't long before he greedily shoveled Cirava's head down his throat.
Zebede was already so pudgy that you couldn't tell from the outside looking in that Cirava's hands had reached his gut. At most, you'd be able to hear their muffled yelling coming from his midsection, but Zebede didn't notice that either. He was too busy slobbering on Cirava's torso. Still, even as caught up in his gluttonous fever as he was, still tried to avoid loosening their binder.
Another swallow finally distended his gut a little bit. Cirava's head outlined in his ballooning gut as they continued to swear and scream. His gut gurgled eagerly as Zebede closed in on those limply kicking legs. It wouldn't be long now.
Zebede tilted his head backwords and slurped up those flailing limbs like noodles. His gut completely ballooned out as his entire meal fell into it at once, forcing a massive belch out of his mouth. Zebede's gut gurgled eagerly around his vainly struggling celebrity snack, giving him time to catch his breath. The air had sense cleared, the green smoke drifting out of the open doorway, allowing Zebede to hyperventilate as what he just did caught up with him.
"i... ate you." Zebede's eyes began to shine, his face splitting into a massive, ear-reaching grin. "i actually are you. thiz iz so cool!"
Zebede belched again, not even stopping to be embarrassed as he began massaging his thrashing gut. "you were do deliciouz and juicy and filling... thiz iz amzaing! you were everything i thought you'd be."
Even with his body weighed down by a stomach that nearly doubled him in size, Zebede managed to bounce up and down on the balls of his feet. "i've wanted to eat you for so long, ever sense i first saw you, and now, oh, thank you so much!"
Zebede pulled his gut into a tight hug, resting his head atop Cirava's. "thankz for everything. you've made me the happiest troll on alternia." 
If Cirava had any response to that, it was drowned out by Zebede's grumbling gut.
Marvus blinked as he examined himself in the mirror, carefully checking his face paint for any imperfections. It was something he took seriously, even with his laid back personality. His face was on billboards. He couldn't afford a smudge.
Even still, his laid back smile didn't drop as he heard his door creak open. "Zeb. Bro. Buddy. Didn't I tell u bout comin back here?" Zebruh froze in the doorway, hand instinctively grasping at his bowtie to steady himself. He took a deep breath before walking in. 
"♡Oh, come on, darling. If you'd only give me a chance I...♡" Zebruh paused as Marvus spun around in his chair. The clown's posture was relaxed. His face was perfectly calm. He still had that lazy, carefree smile on his face. It just mad his red eyes stand out that much more.
"Thought I made it clear I don't want u round here." Marvus stood up. His massive body towering a full head over Zebruh. "Thought we'd had dis convo bout thirty times now. Round thirty two or so?"
Zebruh backed up against the wall, about to open his mouth in protest when the singer unsheathed the sword from his cane. His chin was made to rest on the blade as Marvus leaned on over him. The body heat coming off of him was palpable and Zebruh could smell the sweat running down his skin, some of it trying and failing to seep out from under his paint. "Zeb. I'm gon give it to ya straight. I don't want ur blud on me. I just cleaned dis suit. I justabout got my paint on. And I don't wanna get my hair gunked up. So I'm gonna let ya turn round now, kay?"
Zebruh forced himself to meet those eyes as they bore into him. Everything about this was starting to drive him mad. The heat of his breath, the size of his body, and that sweet smell.
Zebruh's stomach growled.
Taking his silence as an affirmation, Marvus plopped himself back down in his seat, picking at his face in the mirror. Zebruh practically throttled his tie as his tried to catch his breath, blood pumping in his ears as his stomach roared once again.
He always wanted to eat Marvus. Ever sense he saw Marvus he'd want to eat him.
But that smell.
He could practically taste it.
Marvus didn't notice Zebruh approach him not until his chair swirled around and his vision was suddenly eclipsed by dark blue slime. Zebruh moaned as his tongue lavished the idol's face, smearing his facepaint as it mixed with his sweat on Zebruh's taste buds, creating an intoxicating flavor that left the blueblood drooling.
Zebruh could've tasted his head for hours... if Marvus's hands hadn't clamped onto his neck.
Laid back or not, Marvus was still a purple blood. A purple blood who had no more patience for Zebruh's shenanigans. Zebruh tried to pry his hands open, but it did nothing to deter the bigger, stronger clown as he stood up and squashed Codakk's windpipe.
In a moment of panic, Zebruh kneed Xoloto in the gut, knocking his grip loose long enough for Zebruh's maw to wrap around those broad shoulders. Zebruh moaned again as his tongue slid across Marvus's chest, coating his pecs in blue saliva.
Zebruh kicked Marvus's discarded cane aside as he saw the clown grope for it before swallowing again. His gut bulged out from under his suit, showing off the outline of Marvus's face for all to see as Zebruh savored his now helpless meal.
Zebruh swallowed again, leaving only Marvus's kicking legs free from his maw. He spun around and planted himself in the chair, tilting his head up to let gravity drag Marvus's ass across his tongue. He chewed and kneaded that taught bubble butt as it slipped into his throat, before casually slurping up those pesky flailing legs.
The ensuing belch was nearly loud and crass enough to shatter the mirror. Blue spit flew everywhere as the clown curled up inside his new home. Zebruh shamelessly moaned as he felt the struggles start up. "♡Darling. You tasted so much better then you had any right too." 
Zebruh spun around and admired his giant gut in the mirror. Following the outline of Marvus's struggles as his hands massaged his tightly wrapped form. "◇Now, I know this must be hard for you. But I can hardly call myself an ally if I don't treat castes equally. And I've eaten quite a few lowbloods in my day." Zebruh swiped Marvus's hat off the mirror and rested it over his eyes. He reclined the chair back and pat his gut again.
"♡Please, darling. Kick back. Relax. And enjoy your stay. I promise I'll take good care of you~♡"
Both Zebruh and Zebede enjoyed every second of digestion. Zebede simply couldn't stop gushing about Cirava's work while Zebruh smoothly soothed Marvus's every move.
This continued even as punches turned to pleads and anger melted into fear. Zebruh was always happy to hear his food beg. Zebede was just happy to listen to his idol at all. 
As the hours ticked by and the guts rounded out, the two Z's examined their gains. They flaunted their heavier behinds with pride and declared that they would never shed these pounds.
As the fanboys gathered their mementos, collected discarded laptops and canes, their guts gurgled eagerly.
They licked their lips and wondered if they'd see their fellow fanboy on the way out. Because they both had plenty of room for desert~
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me-and-my-gaster · 4 years
I don't know jack shit about homestuck but here you go! 3, 27 and 74! (I hope the questions apply to you) Oh and also 40 because I like when you ramble about ships even if I don't know those ships! ^3^
The 100 Homestuck Asks!
3 - How many times have you read HS?
It’s hard to count, I guess? I started reading it once and had to stop after the Cascade (about halfway). Then I re-read the first half to ‘get it’ when I read about the Alpha Kid’s session and finished the whole thing. Then I often worked with a YT queue of ‘Let’s Read Homestuck’ playing in the background. And I also often jump in and read a page or a hundred when my friend who is currently reading the whole thing for the first time reminds me of something awesome. So... Personally, fully, with my own two eyes with no breaks (that was a mighty binge, I tell you)? Once. Overall... hard to tell.
27 - Favorite carapacian?
I’d say The Mayor, because everybody loves the Mayor and the Mayor deserves all the love. I do also have a weakness for the Windswept Questant (White Queen) because her design is very pretty.
74 -  Earth C headcanons?
Everybody lived happily ever after, the end. Also, this was only the first planet they inhabited, later on, they traveled further to explore their new Universe. Good shit, good adventures, good fun.
40 - BROTP?
Ho boy. You like me ranting about ships and you picked one of the topics I can rant about A LOT.
Dave & Rose - they behave like siblings, squabble, talk shit, whine about each other, but despite that, both are ready to maul a bitch for the other AND die to keep the other one alive. 11/10.
Dirk & Roxy - they gave each other a hard time but boy if I don’t love how deep their pride and respect goes when it comes to one another. Especially since they grew up in similar circumstances and GET each other in ways that nobody else could. Good sibs again. Kick ass, chew gum, and have unhealthy coping mechanisms together.
Meowrails - at first I thought Equius was too overbearing towards Nepeta and that he was trying to keep her on ‘a leash’. But then I reminded myself that he kept her safe from the goddamn revenge spiral Vriska started and if Nepeta really wanted to do something, she would. I like the difference in height and personality between them. Nepeta being a very small, active, extroverted, and open one is a good balance for Equius’ big body and proper, stiff, and formal behavior. There are also those little things you notice like Nepeta having a blue tail, which meant Equius used his skills to help her with the Lioness life. Like how they’re usually shown together. Like how Equius trying to protect her while simultaneously knowing he’s too weak to keep her safe by his side, so he sends her away. Like how Nepeta was following him anyway and was ready to maul a mad clown because her moirail was hurt. All of it. I just really like them and I’m glad most of the fic writers always keep them together. 
Dave & Dirk - jesus wept, that one long-ass talk between them at the very end of the story hit me so hard. Both of them talking about Bro, about Alpha Dave about how they grew up and what are their expectations of each other. This was one of the best convos in the whole thing for me. I wish I could see more of them, cause there’s so much good shit that can happen. Every fic with Dave and Dirk being good brothers in any older/younger configuration is A+ content for me.
John & Karkat - I know JohnKat is a very fun and nice ship and I don’t blame anybody for preferring those two as a romantic couple but... there’s something for me with them being close friends (or moirails, please gods, yes). They really had a very good relationship in the story, one that had a lot of buildup and growth. One of my favorite convos comes from their interactions. (hi karkat!) They are both leaders of their respective groups, self-proclaimed or not and they did work together (with a lot of help from Jade, that is) to figure out how to save everybody’s asses. They also seem to balance each other out, or at least John is a good balance for Karkat’s unending anger rants. Karkat is also a lot smarter than John and isn’t afraid to point out the other’s dumbassery, so there’s that. What also appeals to me in the idea of them being moirails is how it could be a lovely way to work through John “I Am Not A Homosexual” Egbert’s internalized masculinity stereotypes.
Now, let’s delve deep into the BROTPs that didn’t have much material in the comic.
Sollux & Dave - I didn’t give this pair any thought until I’ve read a few good fics with them being in a pale quadrant, and let me tell you... this shit’s good. Those two are assholes on the outside and would probably be the duo that annoys the everloving shit out of everybody in the close vicinity just with their banter. And I just think they’re neat.
Davesprite & Hal - those two would have hit it off immediately, even if only for being the fifth wheel in their respective “kids set”. Both seem more bitter than their ‘alpha’ counterparts. Both also seem more mature, due to being a bit older/wiser but also a little bit more broken. Both also got mighty forgotten by everybody which, not gonna lie, hurts me a lot. I have a lot of feelings about Davesprite and how much he went through and I also have a lot of feelings about Hal, who’s both a human stuck in the shades and an AI at the same time. I just wish to see the two interact and be bros they really need. They should be happy, dammit!
Roxy & Eridan - the scarf and sniper rifle duo! Ok, I love both of them because they are my comfort characters for various reasons and their stories hit home very hard, so I am mighty biased. But... They both have issues that seem to be polar opposites for the most parts and I really dig the idea of them moirailing the shit out of each other. Roxy being a very open person who is first to make friends would have no issues with befriending Eridan “Water Asshole” Ampora any time of the day. And I think he needs somebody who would listen to him properly and attack him with too much love at any waking moment but also somebody he would have to be actually responsible for. Also, like I said, both are snipers who also use another extra specibi, so I think they would make a lovely power BROTP. 
Also, I do love the idea of Eridan painting Roxy’s nails because she never could get it right herself because she was either drunk or running with pumpkins and the polish looked shitty immediately after she applied it.
Ok, that’s about it when it comes to the BROTPs from the top of my head. Thank you for your ask!
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A film fan’s reaction to reading The Lord of the Rings for the first time.
I’ve been a big fan of the Peter Jackson films (extended versions - nerd that I am) since I was about 11 and I think I know all of the big changes made in the adaptation: Arwen, Faramir, Aragorn falling off a cliff. I did read the first book around the same age (in the first of many waves of my lotr obsession) but I only really remembered Saruman of ‘Many Colours’.
However I have always wanted to properly know the book version of the story so finally started listening to an amazing full audio book reading by Steven Red Fox Garnett which I highly recommend:
And here are my silly reactions and occasional analysis of the differences between book and film that I didn’t know about.  
The Fellowship of the Ring part five, one, two, three, four, six
I really miss the film Aragorn-Boromir interaction in the aftermath of Gandalf’s death. Where the hobbits are in shock/grief and Aragorn rouses them to go. Boromir says ‘give them a moment for pity’s sake.’ Not only does it immediately set up the unstable power structure of the fellowship without Gandalf, to me it’s one of those really interesting conflicts where both sides are right. And as a leader it would be hard to make the right call. Obviously they can’t stay long, but Aragorn’s coldness isn’t the best for morale. I also like that it is the reverse of what you might initially expect for both characters. Boromir argues for compassion while Aragorn for practicality, and yet it works to add complexity to both. I think Aragorn is probably right, as he usually is, but it’s not like Boromir doesn’t have a point. He actually has more experience with leading large groups in a somewhat kingly manner than Aragorn does, and Aragorn can learn something from that. It can seem like Aragorn is shirking some part of his leadership responsibilities, like an emotional openness, or maybe just communication. It feels like Aragorn is leading in a bit too introverted way at the beginning, or in a way that still shows his reluctance. Anyway it doesn’t have that scene.
What it does have is Boromir being the one who is most reluctant to go into Loth Lorien. He’s like I’ve heard some not so good stories of this place and Aragorn is like well your people have your facts wrong and then is like you’ll only find evil in here if you bring it with you, Aragorn is apparently the king of throwing shade at least.
Haldir! And Sam was the loud breather.
They want to make Gimli wear a blindfold into Lorien but NO ONE ELSE! Racist elves. I mean I know that’s the point but whoa.
Gollum has been following them since like, the Shire, which is a long time to wait. I like the mention of Sting not glowing even though Frodo can hear he is near, nice way to say he’s not an orc, not truly evil. It is one of the few things I really liked in the Hobbit films, the use of this visual symbolism to morally complicate things when you meet him. (Poor orcs it seems you can kill without moral consequences).
Gimli is understandably not ok with the blindfold situation, I support him. Aragorn suggests they should all wear them, I like this, it’s probably the most egalitarian solution they could do, given how much they needed their help. Good Aragorn move. I think message-wise Boromir being the one who is most resistant to Lorien rather than Gimli is better. While there has been some both sideyness in the Elve/Dwarf racism, here at least the fault seems to be more with the elves, which is a more realistic depiction of racism than it being equal fault on both sides. Although perhaps this is better referred to as xenophobia since there isn’t an active exploitation of one race by another here.
Haldir is not a jerk! Or less of one. He doesn’t believe in the blindfold policy but he is still enforcing it so…
Sam says that Lorien is ‘like being inside a song’ I keep saying Sam is musical. ’Frodo puts his hand on a tree and feels the ‘delight of the living tree itself’ rather than thinking about its uses when it’s dead. I’m here for the tree love.
Celeborn is like we shouldn’t have let the dwarf in and then Galadriel is like actually dwarfs are cool! And he’s like yeah you’re right I’m sorry. Galadriel directly calling out anti-dwarfism and then speaking to Gimli in his own tongue gives a stronger reason for him to be enamored by her than basically she was pretty.
I can’t believe I forgot Sam making a poem for Gandalf’s fireworks in the film! Given I’ve been going on about him being a songwriter.
The Mirror of Galadriel:
Frodo sees Gandalf the white aw :’( It gets to me sometimes that Frodo and Sam don’t get to know that Gandalf is alive until the task is done and everyone else (except Boromir) gets to in the second book.
It makes some more sense now as to why Galadriel says she will ‘diminish’ and why the rings tempts her since the one ring dominates the three and with it destroyed their power probably would also.
Galadriel says the ring has a ‘will to dominate’ or something like that, she says Frodo can’t see the three rings through the one because he hasn’t tried, and that if he did it would destroy him. I may not have got that exactly right but it seems like Gandalf et al in Rivendell were saying hobbits can’t use the power of the ring only wizards and elves could. But Galadriel is like no it’s only because you haven’t tried. But also don’t try cause, you know, it’s evil and all (but that goes for everyone).
Sam did you not see the scary immortal lady lit with a power of her own screaming ‘ALL SHALL LOVE ME AND DESPAIR’? No it would not be good for her to take it!
Farewell to Lorien:
Finally the Aragorn doubt that I have been waiting for! Although he’s only really unsure about going to Minas Tirith or not cause Gandalf fell and now he has to take on his role and he’s like well he didn’t tell me what to do so… But still I’ll take Aragorn unsure which way to go and using the river to procrastinate as symbolic of his uncertainty of his own destiny as king, I’ll take it. I am missing another Aragorn-Boromir convo from the film. The one where Boromir is all stressed and kind of tries to confide in Aragorn and ends up goes on about Minas Tirith oh it’s so wonderful oh it’s so beautiful, have you seen it Aragorn? ‘Have you ever been called home?’ and Aragorn is just like yeah I’ve seen it, cool story bro. There’s a 3rd bit of film dialogue before the death scene that I love and I wonder if there’ll be anything like that.
Boromir definitely doesn’t want to talk about his Galadriel vision. But it sure has made him weird.
Why did they guide them out of Lorien only to then stop them and give them gifts? I’m convinced Galadriel wanted to show off her awesome swan boat.
I guess Aragorn’s gift of a personalised scabbard is more meaning full than a random head cutting blade. But I’m still not cool with him already having the sword.
I am surprised at how many of the gifts were different in the film, I think this scene was only in the extended anyway. Sam wanting rope was built up for so long in the book that I was surprised that he got it in addition to his gift. I do like that Sam appreciated the rope though, it was still a nice payoff.
Gimli’s gift is the same though :) I haven’t read the Silmarillion, though I have read that some jerk-elf asked Galadriel for a hair from her head and she said no, and he didn’t get the message until asking another two times. So giving Gimli three hairs (when he only hesitantly asked for one) is a big fuck you to that jerk-elf. In fact Galadriel says that everyone should stop saying that Dwarves can’t be courteous or whatever. Gimli specifically says that it was her calling out Celeborn and defending dwarves that made him like her.
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randomnameless · 5 years
Thinking about Turtle and Birdie…
Those guys are stupidly stubborn, but i love them nonetheless more than, idk, Bernie.
Maybe because they are fixed, that is, they can’t make a 360° turn because Billy choose another house.
So, because I hate Billy and SS should have been renamed Billy route so I wouldn’t be thinking it’s the Church Route when it isn’t
SS AU-Nabatean boogaloo : what it could have been
SS starts with usual Seteth finding you, and the hell that is Chapter 13.
Instead of the BE guys, it’s the church guys who join you, Flayn, Alois, Catherine, Shamir, Cyril, Manu and Hanneman (yeah, it sucks)
They’re your mains units for this route, and Billy’d be able to recruit the BE students after defeating them
Everything we want is to rescue Rhea, but we don’t know where she is.
After getting rid of Randolph, Seteth notes that they lack manpower, an army etc, so Flayn says that they could meet her uncles when Seteth tries very hard to tell her that no, remember we’re siblings ssh for Sothis’ sake. Flayn’s the one to say that she doesn’t want to lose anyone else, she couldn’t help her mom but this time they won’t let Seiros down.
And rescuing Rhea will stop this war.
Catherine’s WTF but because Catherine’s not bright she doesn’t put 1+1.
They first go to meet Turtle – he’s closer to Garreg Mach than Birdie who’s in Sreng.
Indech plays as usual, ultimately agrees to help (Seiros’ been captured by those guys who armed Nemesis back in the day, we have to help her before she turns into a pair of gautlets + he can’t say no to Cethleann) and he reverts to his human form – but it isn’t perfect because it’s been 800 years he hasn’t done so, and he does so in front of everyone so even here Catherine asks WTF. Let’s say Indech still has his horns, or something in human form.
Hanneman immediatly starts to assault him with a bajillion questions and everyone notes on his, Flayn and Seteth’s likeness.
The Nabateans try to avoid questions but when they recruit Birdie after rekting him Birdie says he won’t join as long as we’re siding with someone using a hero relic (Catherine).
Indech tells him not to be stubborn, they’re only 5 left and if he continues they will be 4 ; but he keeps on being an ass until Flayn asks him and again, he can’t say no (or for some other reason, like wanting to rub on Seiros’ face that « told you you can’t live with humans»). Maybe when he’s all « i’m fed up with humans » Flayn reveals her mixed heritage and he feels like an ass “i’m part human too are you fed up with me as well?”
Birdie keeps, idk, his fluffy tail in human form because he also didn’t take a human form in the last 800 years
Shamir says that she finally understands why the relic are a Fodlan only thing, Seteth explains the true story to everyone and asks if they still want to side with them to rescue Rhea who lied to everyone.
Cyril, of course, says he doesn’t care if Lady Rhea is a dragon or whatnot, she was the one who helped him when no one else did so he will help her.
Hanneman is a bit disappointed that all of his researches were based on a lie, but knowing more about the Nabateans means that he will finally be able to conclude his thesis and, idk, get rid of the nabatean blood in crested people (so the og nabateans will finally be able to rest)
Alois doesn’t give a flying fuck – but understands why Jeralt lived to 100 yo – and he will rescue Lady Rhea to put an end to this war etc etc…
Let’s say, because Billy is the avatar, that he is the one that has to talk to everyone after Seteth drops the info dump.
So with Macuil and Indech, we take a shortcut to Embar, rescue Rhea from her solitary confinement but we don’t kill Edel yet, because Macuil (he is supposed to be a strategist ?) noticed the Agarthians and yes, as Indech said, they’re the guys who’ve been after their lives for the last thousands years so getting rid of them is a priority.
Rhea rescued, she has SUPPORT CONVOS with everyone in the church route and her bros and everyone goes to Shambala (idk, catherine and/or shamir persuaded an Agarthian to tell them where to go next).
she reveals the truth - and Sothis, who isn’t chilling for once, takes over Billy’s body to talk and explain wtf happened back in the day “i was the godess, i created you guys, it was fun, then a war started, i healed the land, i died and everyone else did”.
Thales rekt, they still have to end the fight between the three houses
Final map is in Gronder field – we have to spare everyone and « defeat » Edel with Billy where the difficulty will be that every student tries to kill you but you mustn’t kill them
Ultimately the end will be that everyone realises that the Agarthians are dealt with, Nabatean’s secret is revealed to everyone.
Idk they sign some form of treaty where everyone vows that « no war ? no war. » for a bajillion years, every crested person has to be sent to Garreg Mach to have their crests removed thanks to Hanneman’s researches, the relics are restitued to the Nabateans who fuck away not to the monastery, but to Zanado.
Edel has to reconstruct her country, she gets rid of her twin crests but abdicates because she has to take responsability for what happened – Ferdie is « elected » new Emperor by the remaining nobility
Dimitri, sane now given that the Agarthians, the real ones who caused the Duscur shit, are dealt with (+ let’s say when they all agree to peace Felix/Gilbert/Rodrigue tell him that no your duty as a king and as the survivor of the tragedy is to make sure no wars happen again + you’re king now think of your people) swears to uphold the peace treaty, not because he is religious but because it’s the solution that will lead to less pointless deaths
Claude returns to Almyra – Lorenz’s the head of the Alliance – but he accepts to open the borders and to negotiate with the almyrians, who stop being war-like thanks to Claude’s efforts and hey, if everyone can live with people who turn into reptiles, maybe there’s a chance to live with dark-skinned people without treating them as savages.
Billy’s the new head of Garreg Mach monastery, sometimes a nabatean comes by to give a special lecture about some topic, but that’s it. Fodlan still has 3 different countries, and, idk, under billy’s policies, even randoms can enter into garreg mach.
The end.
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albuspottrss · 5 years
Feb 16th Hpcc recap part one!
So many covers! Lola!Myrtle, Tom Gilbey!Draco, Jim Fish! Harry, Lucy!Delphi, Rosie! Umbridge, Sinead!Polly, Duncan! Yann
Act one notes
You know it’s going to be a great show when the first note you’ve written is “I love Gordon’s jacket!”
Dombus has the most massive grin on his face at the prospect of being on the platform he’s just so full of utter delight to be there and it’s adorable
JSP kept whispering into lily lunas ear during Albus and Harrys scene on the platform 🥺🥺
JSP gave his mum a kiss on the cheek and then had some banter with his dad as he nearly ran into him
Fish! Harry had a right chuckle at the idea of Ginny being in slytherin
Scorpius is sat reading his book with such a grin on his face, he’s so into whatever he’s reading, he looks up to see Karl and tries to make a friend, has the second of heartbreak when he runs away and then heads back to his book, as if he completly expected to be treated like it :(
Throughout Scorpius explaining his parents, Albus keeps opening his mouth as if he wants to say something to him and make sure he’s okay, then on the “father son issues, I’ve got them” the recognition in Albus’s face is everything!!he sees himself in that line
During his sorting Scorpius was definitely murmuring something that looked a bit like “please” and then looked elated when he got into slytherin, Ronnie and Gordon were going mental jumping up and down to welcome him in
Karl ran right into Madam Hooch they proper smacked into each other and it was hilarious
Karl was jabbing Albus with his broom as he teased him
Karl getting signed on the platform by Harry let out the biggest shriek of EEEEEEEE
There was a big Potter bro play fight on the platform bless them
Yolly walked past as Draco was talking about the rumours and the nastiness of the hogwarts students, and Draco properly death stared at them, he was just so angry that the people at Hogwarts were so mean to his poor son.
Yann responded to this by screaming “AHHHH” and the pair of them ran away
Albus is so pleased with himself that he got incendio right, that boy just loves magic so much 🥺
The way Al says “of course” in response to “come to the funeral” is so utterly heartbreaking, he’s so sad for his best friend and sees it as a given that he’ll be there
At the start of wand dance Albus nearly got woooshed by the teachers spell bc he was so close
JSP was supportively shouting at Albus and slowing down to look out for him!
Lola!Ravenclaw girl was so happy she was the first one to get the spell “I did it! Ahahah!!” Whilst jumping up and down
Fish!Harry had such a wonderful dynamic with Hermione in the Office scene! They were bouncing off each other and constantly making the other laugh, after “it’ll go with the scar” Harry did the loudest “ HA HA HA HA”
For “no longer chaotic” he had the biggest grin on his face and put on his poshest voice whilst holding onto his wand at both ends.
Harry really seemed so invested in how Hugo was doing, he had the most genuine voice asking the question and reached his hand out across the table towards Hermione.
Ronnie cloak swished so hard bringing the table off that his hood went up
When Amos mentions Cedric Harrys face fell so much, he still feels so responsible and it destroys him
Lucy!Delphi very matter of factly went “I’m a theif” and did a cute little head tilt before pointing her wand at Albus aggressively
She’s so expressive it’s adorable and she constantly uses her hands
On the “once great Harry Potter” line fish!harry nodded very awkwardly, Harry was clearly so uncomfortable in the situation
Albus lights up when he sees his brother with pink hair and starts giggling, he has a puzzled look on his face when he sees the wings trying to figure out what they are but once he’s worked it out he just looks so happy because his sister is simply overjoyed by them and her happiness is infectious.
Fish!Harry gritted his teeth as if it was painful to think about his poor mum and clasped his hands together moving closer to Albus’s face to say “I think she would have wanted you to have it too”
“I used to LOVE packing” Harry is just desperate to find a way to chat to his son bless his heart and he sounded so enthusiastic about it but awkward at the same time
On *that* blanket scene line Harry punches his hand down, he was so angry, and then the regret of what he said started to crawl over his face and it was so painful, Albus sounds so broken on the “you meant it dad” his voice fully cracked
Craig as Dudley was absolutely hilarious today, he screamed “LOOK AT HIM” when he saw Hagrid and put his hands over his mouth and then fully fell over onto his stomach on the floor.
Dudley kept peering out from under the pillars of the staircase, whenever the word magic was mentioned Rosie!Petunia would cover his ears, when yer a wizard happened, Dudley stuck his head out as far as possible, and then Petunia stuck her arms out a bit too late and had to stretch super far to cover his ears
Fish as Harry seemed to me like he had all this hatred for Dumbledore, he said the line in the bedroom with ginny so sarcastically, as if he knew it was a fucked up thing for Dumbledore to say to a child
On the first train hug Scorpius flailed about but then tried to go back into the hug
The trolley witch missed JSPs compartment and he was very frustrated and distraught that she skipped him and was sort of aggressively waving out for her to come back
Albus tries to shove Scorpius up onto the train roof but gets fed up and goes first, Scorpius hurriedly follows after him, he doesn’t want to be left behind, and his legs were flailing about as he was getting up.
On the rebel line Scorpius did some jazz hands.
Scorpius is just so sweet and polite he tries to maintain eye contact and smile and nod along with what the trolley witch is saying even though she’s probs very terrifying to him at that point in time, what a good egg
In the EGM Susan was giggling so much at Draco’s sass and was absolutely living for the dramaaaa
Craig in St Oswalds was brilliant, “oh no” as he saw the old witches and wizards approaching and then “how are ya Susan? Did you enjoy Bessys birthday party?!” (At that point I died on the spot, I have the best friends ever for making that happen and now there is an offical character in CC canon named Bessy)
Albus tried to have a convo with Craig as he ran by in st Oswalds but there was just to much chaos
Scorpius always tries to protect Albus he keeps putting his arms around him to keep him safe, they stand so close to one another 🥺
“It’s going to be dangerous” “we know” Albus has the biggest grin on his face that boy loves the idea of an adventure
“I’ve heard it tastes of fish” Albus takes a big sniff trying to check it out for his friend and seeing if it does
Jons!Scorpius polyjuice transformations are just getting more and more extra and I live for themmmm, he was sticking his tounge out and fully shaking and going “vvvvvvvvvvdhdjdgyd”
Fish as Scorpius was incredible he had all of Jons mannerisms perfectly and was constantly giggling, especially at himself after telling Albus off he couldn’t stop laughing
Gilbey!Draco was nearly full on crying at “my soul heir” He remained steely and had such a front up for the start of the scene and then the vulnerability shone through :(
The search for hiding places was very dramatic, and then Fish!Scorp was pounding on the door like “LET ME IN” and Tom!Ron was like “ I CANT”
Tom!Albus’s fake vomit after kissing his aunt was wonderfully extra and then he started trying to wipe his mouth on his sleeves
Tom!Albus was completly starfished out over the door to stop hermione getting in!
He was looking desperately around for something to say before finishing with “A HOLIDAY” and then started to kiss Hermiones arms?! 10/10 flirt there
Fish!Harry walked past them both and jumped away like he was scared Ron was going to jump on him next
Fish!Scorp looks so upset about what Albus’s dad has said to him, he cares so much about Albus.
Fish!Scorp was so extra in the best way, “woahhhhhhh” *crouching down, flapping arms in the air*
One of my notes says “Fish crouched like spiderman.” So I’ll leave you all to imagine what that was like, he also at certain points looked like he was attempting the mobot
Fish kept throwing himself on the floor and crawled about then sat down in despair before getting sucked into the bookcase
Act Two
Fish!Harrys hand kept twitching in his sleep and he kept fiddling with his hands, is that where Albus gets it from?!
Lucy!Delphi did a finger gun on wizzo, and was being so encouraging to Albus with the expelliarmus. She stuck her hand up in the air to answer the question- she seems so incredibly dorky, a bit like the boys, you can see the hints of her manipulation how she plays up their traits in herself, to gain their trust
Scorpius speaks to Albus and only really to Al he just tries to ignore the fact that Delphi is also there
Delphi held the durmstrang robes above her head and then chucked them right in Scorpius’s face
The notes you’ve all been waiting for:
Adrians neighs are more of a roarrrr than a neigh, they seem incredibly aggressive and quite frankly absolutely terrifying
Edge of the forest was so beautiful yesterday, it literally brought me to tears as soon as the boys emerged. Scorp just looked so happy, he was grinning and doing tiny giggles and even scrunching his nose up, and Albus was so desperate to let his friend know that he’s his best friend 🥺
Triwizard time!
Duncan tapped Ronnie on the shoulder and sent him off back to slytherin.
Craig started spelling out T W T with his hands to a bemused Lola
At least two attempts at a Mexican wave which were 60% successful?!
When Krum was mentioned Craig gave a big thumbs up to Scorp and Albus
Craug was down on his knees with his hands in the air proclaiming “I LOVE YOU FLEUR”’
Craig and Lola were being very sassy to the gryffindors at the mention of Harry, both making Ls with their hands and putting it to their foreheads at them
Ronnie got told off by Snape
“ITS THE DRAGON ITS THE DRAGON” - Lola bouncing up and down
Lola fainted at Cedric and then everyone started laughing whilst Ronnie pointed at her
Craig did his little high kick
Scorp fully throws himself at Albus after he’s hurt from the time turn he’s so scared that Al might be hurt :(
His voice cracked ok the “are you sure you’re okay?”
There seems to be this utter conflict in Fish!Harrys relationship with Dumbledore, he wants to be able to hate him for what he put him through but when the man is there in front of him he cracks, his “i missed you” sounded more like he missed him being around and missed speaking to him rather than like I’ve missed you at your portrait
Albus was sat crossed legged on the bed, and his legs were shaking when talking about hogwarts.
He’s so quick to rush in and defend Scorpius and is so upset that that’s how his dad sees him
When Albus is talking about Ron running a joke shop he’s grinning so hard like he’s reminiscing about all the fun he’s had at said joke shop
Fish!Harry was right up in Scorpius’s face when he walked past and then stood sassily waiting for Albus with his hand on hip.
Fish!Harry said the line “and he may not like me again” so incredibly sadly, it was such a contrast to the anger, he was just so devastated about the relationship with his son
During the whole DADA scene Lola and Craig were living for the gossip and kept turning to look at each other and then glare at Albus
In staircase ballet, Albus kept opening his mouth to try and say something, and did actually mouth a few words but I couldn’t make out what it was :(
Scorp always smiles at Albus whenever he sees him on the stairs, Scorpius still has that hope that maybe this time he won’t ignore him, when he’s sat on top of the stairs, and Albus runs through below him, he attempts to reach out through the gap and get to him.
The duel was so amazing, Fish and Gilbey have such an energy to them that is unmatched, Gilbey sassily sat on the table and went “tut tut tut” whilst shaking his finger, and on I wear it better, he reached out and licked his finger before stroking his hair.
When Ginny catches them Fish!Harry fries his best to look less suspicious
and sticks his hands behind his back and looks around the room trying not to meet his wife’s eye.
Delphi appeared so excited to be in hogwarts, she was fully trying to take everything in looking all around and imitating nearly headless nick sticking her neck out to the side.
She plays to his weaknesses so well, telling Scorpius she was ill as a child obviously evokes a lot of sympathy from him because of Astorias illness and it’s so easy to see how he was manipulated into trusting her since he sees his sickly mum in her.
Delphi is so fed up of Scorp not being able to see how much Albus needs him she was like “Scorpius NOoooOo” and rolled her eyes at the shoulder to cry on because he wasn’t getting it
During Dracos monologue He seemed like he was full on about to sob, he could barely say Astorias name without breaking down, his family is the one thing that can break down his icey barriers.
Mcgonagall fully starfished over the exit so that the boys wouldn’t be able to escape in the library scene.
When talking about Scorpius being kind from the tips of his fingers, Albus grabbed his own fingers to emphasis what he was trying to say
“That’s a nice thing to say” Scorpius reaches across and placed his hand on Albus’s knee
Scorpius came in very close to Albus as he said “I didn’t much like my life without you in it either” and his voice was all shaky like he was about to cry because he had missed his best friend so much
The new sparkly surprise was so cute, Albus lifted one hand as if it was a firework being launched into the sky, and then did three little firework explosions each complete with its own little pewwwww
When talking about making cedric larger, Albus lifted his arms out from him to mime something growing bigger
-> “do I moan?!” she spun her head around and kicked her legs up whilst pouting.
-> she leaned back and when talking about being partial to a Potter did a little upside down wave at a very taken a back Albus
-> C E D R I C D I G GORY - her way of saying cedric Diggory was absolutely hilarious
-> “waaaaaaaaaa” *albus rushes forward to say something else*
*does a very sassy stop right there hand motion*
“Excuse me, I’m crying” * returns back to wailing*
-> she waved Albus down the sink and then stuck her leg out across the top to prevent Scorpius from following him right away and stuck her face close to his whilst saying “I do like braveeeee boysssss”
-> the adults on their way in “uH oH” sticks hands over face like she’s playing peekaboo
-> she then proceeded to make kissing pouts at Harry
I love how in the lake Albus decides that although there’s a 5 min rule with the time turner he’s got plenty of time for a couple of underwater backflips
Scorpius is so elated when he gets out of the lake he’s so pleased he thinks everything is fixed so his first shout of Albus is all bubbly and then it slowly gets more and more panicked until he’s completely desperate and realises he’s all alone
Rosie!Umbridge put her hand on heart after mentioning Potters death, and then did some sassy hand on the hip action for “we bravely overthrew”
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caledfwlchthat · 5 years
Characters:  John Egbert, Dave Strider, Karkat Vantas Ships:  John/Dave/Karkat, John/Dave, Dave/Karkat, John/Karkat Other Tags:  Post-Retcon Meteor, Dream Bubbles, Internalized Homophobia, Internalized Xenophobia, Closets, Coming Out, Flushed Romance | Matesprits, Caliginous Romance | Kismesis, Ashen Romance | Auspistice, Pale Romance | Moirallegiance, Troll/Human Sloppy Makeouts, Polyamory Negotiations, Pillow & Blanket Forts, Fat Vriska Jokes, Unreliable Narrator, References to Depression Rating:  Not Rated
Hi followers, now that Polyswap reveals are out (a few days ago now), I can fess up to writing this 20 kw JohnDaveKat thing about making out in literal supply closets, that I wrote for @cassandraooc (check out her art and AO3, she’s tops!).  Shout-out also to @katreal-fic for her help as a sounding board and general pompoms while I was writing this.
R^4 fans:  this was my May/June, I have not forgotten you!  But if you like all the dream bubble romance and the awkward poly negotiations Rose and Kanaya have been having about Dave, you might give this one a look too.
Process discussion (as best as I can recall it) under the cut, as with other swap assignments I’ve done, for anyone who’s interested in the (long, spoilery) story of what the hell I was thinking exactly when I wrote this thing.
So my giftee’s prompts were -- by her own admission -- written in a bit of a sleep-deprived haze (I had to laugh as I read them, haven’t we all been there at some point, I know I lost some sleep over mine).  We were each required to provide between three and six prompts for polyships (3-6 characters each) that we wanted to see depicted in gift fic or art.  Cassandra’s OT3 was JohnDaveKat, which sported a string of elaborate sub-prompts (“medievalstuck!”, “soulmates!”, “haunted house!”, etc.) -- along with an invite to not use any of those and just write whatever I felt like.  Other prompts for Dave/Sollux/Karkat, Jane/Callie/Roxy, and Rose/Kanaya/Jade were basically completely open-ended.
I’m trying to remember exactly how I seized upon the idea I ended up executing.  Although some of my other works feature polyships, such as Kankatrezi (The Cafe Mocha Caper) and Daverosemary (foreshadowed in R^4), the process of how they got together is important for me in ways that I don’t care about as much for canon ships.  I felt some resistance to just picking one of the ships and starting to write it as if it was already established.  Also, people who know my writing know that I like to stick close to in-game or post-game AUs, or at least the broader Homestuck setting, rather than non-game AUs or other settings that remove the characters from the context that made them who we recognize them to be.  So I was going to need some runway and a satisfying premise to run along it with.  But by golly, if Cassandra wanted JohnDaveKat, she was gonna get JohnDaveKat.
The JohnDaveKat prompt I personally found most hilarious and awesome was
John gets turned into a Trickster, and finds Karkat and Dave. In the ensuing candy fueled mess, a lot of pent up emotions and secret crushes get revealed, including Dave realizing and admitting that John was probably his first crush on another boy though he was in denial at the time, and Karkat admitting that his own pitch crush for John never went away. (For his part, John finds out that he might, in fact, be a bit of a homosexual.)
Another JohnDaveKat prompt that turned out to figure in heavily later with the work I ended up producing was
John decides to surprise Dave and Karkat with a visit, only to find them already *quite* busy. Before he can think of what to do or do enough thinking at all to leave, he gets caught, and Dave notices evidence of interest, knows Karkat's still got some pitch feelings, and has some of his own, suggests maybe John stay a bit and they talk over some things and maybe do other stuff later too.
Going with Earth C could also bring the Epilogues material into play, and I briefly toyed with an Epilogues-related scenario that could score multiple polyships at once, before remembering that the Epilogues are hugely polarizing and maybe I want to be double sure about my giftee before giving them such a gift in a fan swap.  A combination of Tumblr-stalking, re-reading the prompts and discreet inquiries showed that my idea wasn’t going to work, largely because Ultimate Dirk is a legendary piece of shit and his presence over against End-Of-Act-7 Dirk would cause real friction with Cassandra’s requests -- which leaned fluffy and offered bonus points for “DirkJake” and “Dirk and Dave being good bros who love each other”.  Maybe I could have just done something similar in a separate Earth C AU without a lot of the Epilogues baggage, but by that point the specific discarded spin on the idea had so thoroughly colonized my brain that I just had to ease the whole thing carefully onto the shelf.  I’d still be keen to write that other fic sometime.  Just not for this particular fill.
So, I took a break for a few days before revisiting the prompt and asking what else I could do.  When I think of John, Dave, and Karkat together, my mind goes immediately back to the “EVERYBODY STFU, I HATE YOU BOTH ETC” memo, in which Karkat tries to dissuade Dave and John from encouraging Terezi’s and Vriska’s flirtations, respectively.  This convo is burned into my head because I’ve VA’ed it -- I draw a lot of inspiration for character dialogue from the time I’ve spent doing goofy voiceovers for them.  And there is a lot of grist for the mill here:  Karkat alluding to his pitch crush on John, Dave making fun of Karkat for being gay (while not realizing or admitting how he might be projecting), John being totally clueless about whether he’s attracted to Vriska.  All of these are compatible with the “pent-up emotions and secret crushes” Cassandra asked for, and favors Dave <3 Karkat <3< John as a baseline.
Now, one of the reasons I love writing dream bubble fic is because I am fundamentally lazy.  I can basically use any canon Homestuck pesterlog as a prompt and run with it.  So that’s what I did here.  In the moment that they realize that it’s a dream, the participants are forced to reckon with the way dream bubbles respond to their innermost thoughts.  Deep desires manifest in weird ways; emotional distances contract, go non-Euclidean.  Despite this, the association with dreams simultaneously offer a layer of abstraction or remove to Dave and Karkat -- allowing them to access and slake those deep desires without having to take responsibility for it, either with themselves or each other, during waking hours.  In that sense, John opening the closet is like walking in on them a second time -- the dream bubble itself is their main outer closet, and they already know the jig is up when John diverts the pesterlog down Memory Lane.  This then raises the question of whether they might have wanted John to discover them, deep down?  Perhaps John’s convenient remembering is a sort of wish-fulfillment dream summoning.
From there I already sort of had the fic’s contours and decided it would be best written from John’s POV.  The other nice thing about the dream bubble setting was that it let John participate even during the meteor journey, when Dave and Karkat must have been messing around trying to reverse-engineer their own sexual preferences.  How gay is Dave, and how troubled is he about it at this point in his history?  How does he feel about John finding out?  Does Karkat somehow have some symmetrical hangups that leave him struggling as much as Dave, or is he just a giant crab?  (The literal vs metaphorical closet thing was accidental at first, but once I discovered that I ran hard with it.)
There were still some problems I struggled with, such as how to get John to fall for Karkat pitch-ways when he’s said in canon that he isn’t gay, and when Karkat has said in canon that he’s not pitch for John anymore.  The second problem is easily dispatched by pointing out that Karkat isn’t a reliable narrator of his own preferences, by construction.  As for the first -- John might be no Casanova, but he loves his friends and is fiercely loyal to them, and he also saves his anger for either really important moments (like his GAME OVER fight with Caliborn) or utterly trivial moments (like Con Air not being as good as he thought).  This seemed like a good place for the former.  Once that was laid out, the trio coalesced nicely -- Dave and Karkat need John to keep them honest, and John needs Dave and Karkat to keep him anchored.  John <> Dave and Dave c3< (John <3< Karkat) were dynamics that just showed up on their own.
The interpretation of the ending is left open, but the other difficulty I left unresolved is the timeline mismatch between pre-retcon and post-retcon, and the question of which John it was exactly that showed up in Dave and Karkat’s shared dream.  Pre-retcon Davekat didn’t happen because Dave and Karkat were fighting over Terezi, but post-retcon John died in the explosion of LOWAS and couldn’t live happily ever after having so gloriously enabled post-retcon Davekat.  And I wanted them to live happily ever after.  The two most obvious interpretations I could think of were (a) the three are all on Earth C and dreaming together of each other -- or, more poignantly, (b) pre-retcon John is starting to integrate some of post-retcon dead!John’s memories.  The second possibility leads in the direction of Ultimate John (what would that even be?) so I made sure to place the ending in a time frame that gives the Epilogues a miss -- although the background DirkJake also signals that this is probably an AU that diverges after the ACT 7 victory.
All in all this was really fun to write!  There were lots of other great prompts in the collection, but the ones that grabbed me looked like they would spawn more 20-30 kw novellas and I need to get back to my poor neglected serial!  I’m looking forward to making my way through the treats that others posted, eventually adding some of my own, and of course going through Cassandra’s other stuff.  (Maybe that awesome fantroll Friendsim project will be the next thing to eat my life after this.)
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peachymhaechan · 6 years
“Wait... You’re the Little Voice Inside My Head?”
Tumblr media
Genre: fluff, soulmate! au; you can hear your soulmate’s thoughts, which isn’t always the best thing
Pairing: Lucas X gender neutral reader
Warnings: cussing, you will have a cavity by the end of this it’s too damn sWEEt
A/N: wong yukhei can stay in his mcfreakin lane:)) okay:)) this hurt me to write he truly did make his way up my bias list and I am .? okay,, I guess this is what we are doing
ever since you were little, you always heard voices inside your head
those voices being 1. you, and 2. a little boy you had never heard out loud in your life
the first time you heard him was when you were four, playing with an imaginary friend in your room
I wonder what Mommy is making for dinner, you thought and lo and behold
I want my mommy to make something without vegetables!
uhhhhhhhhh .?
that was not your voice
but you being a four year old with an imaginary friend, you were like “cool I guess, sometimes it be that way” 
at dinner you brought it up to your parents, but of course they passed it off as your imaginary friends
I mean,, lets be real
you were little and ran around the house all day talking to your imaginary friends, so that was the logical explanation in that situation
that was only the first incident you had with the boy speaking in your head
and lemme just say, as y’all got older, it only got wilder
you only knew that he heard what you thought for one reason
he’d always, and I mean ALWAYS
one time in elementary school, your class was taking a math test and you had no fuckin clue what was going on
uhhhhhhh what the frick is 8 times 9 divided by 2 plus 4???
don’t worry tho, your mystery boy came in clutch
40! The answer is 40! his little voice chimed, saving your ass and being the reason you scraped by with a b
as time went on, you heard him more and more, and occasionally yall would have full conversations
only when you got older did you realize
shit dawg, this is my soulmate
once you hit middle school, you finally sat your parents down and basically said
that imaginary friend that would talk in my head when I was little hasn’t gone away and im pretty sure that’s my soulmate quirk
of course your parents were like. oh ? worm ? 
you explained to them the whole thing tho
“ive had legitimate conversations with him before, he hears some of my thoughts and I hear his. I can’t really control what all he hears, though, and neither can he, so it’s very weird to hear things out of context.” 
the entire time your parents sat there, both confused and happy
on one hand, they didn’t fully understand how it all worked, 
and on the other, they were proud because their lil baby was all grown up, talking to their soulmate!! moving towards the second part of their life !!
from that moment, your quirk progressed even more
you started to talk to him more and more, and he heard more and more of your thoughts
it was odd, really, because everybody has thoughts that make them guilty
you know, thoughts that can embarrass you for even thinking them?? 
not because they’re dumb (although let’s be real, everyone has their fair share of dumb thoughts), 
but because you know they’re mean:/
one night you were up thinking that,
thinking: you probably hate me…. all of my thoughts are so mean and harmful, and it brings me shame to know that I can be so vile to people without even meaning to. I’m sorry…. I wouldn’t blame you for hating me. 
for some reason, your mystery boy was awake (bitch go tf to sleep it’s three in the damn morning) and he responded
hey, two things…. 1. you’re such a dumbass, and 2. it’s not your thoughts that matter, but how you react to them afterward. the fact that you think your thoughts can come off as mean show that you care, and that you’re not as shitty of a person that you think you are. 
listen,,, we all know lucas ain’t always that deep but we can pretend for this au ok
you sat there in complete shock and then he went, anyways you adorable idiot, go to sleep, you have finals in the morning. 
from that night on, you talked to him more and more
had a bad day? lucas would know all about it as soon as you got home
lucas did something embarrassing while out in public? you’d hear about it while in public as he tried not to spontaneously combust
you will never believe what I just did…. the barista told me to have a good day and I said “you’re welcome”
of course you laughed,,, that dumbass is supposed to be your soulmate ?? 
but you told him chill dude, everyone says shit like that sometimes, it happens to the best of us 
he was with you during your cringey phases (as you were with him during his) 
he was there the first time you had your heart broken
your friends all told you not to date the popular basketball player, but you said yeet I guess and well
lucas consoled you as you cried, not over that boy but over yourself for thinking something like that could work
“I don’t know why I even tried. He isn’t you, and he never will be. Hell, I don’t even know your damn name but I know we fit together more than that guy and I ever could.” 
that night was the first night you learned his name, wong yukhei, or lucas as his friends called him
“My name is Wong Yukhei, but my friends call me Lucas. And I’m sorry some guy treated you like shit. You don’t deserve to be treated like that, you deserve the whole world. I wish I knew who you were, where you were, so I can finally meet you and tell you everything I never told you.”
and that was the first night he learned your name 
“y/n, my name is y/n, and I know we are going to meet soon. I just know it. I can feel it.” 
and you were kind of right ??
it all depends on what your definition of soon is tbh
bc that whole sappy convo took place in your junior year of high school
and y’all met in college !!
it was high key odd and not at all how either of you planned to meet, tho
it was your first week at college, and you were nervous af
parents? gone. responsibilities? crippling. adulting? expected. 
you finished moving in a while ago, and by then had met your not so pleasant roommate 
let’s just say uhhhhhh this roommate had been a complete and utter dickhead
so you threw on some shoes, grabbed your laptop and wallet, and went to the library on campus
after all, it was only the first week, there shouldn't be too many
you walked in and the first thing you saw was someone crying and saying “FUCK SCHOOL” 
naturally you were like, “bitch me too. tf?” 
but decided to not say that to that kid so you quickly skrrted the fuck out there (yote, if you will)
as you dipped real quick, you went through your options in your head
coffee? target? dorms? 
coffee seemed like your best bet, so you hauled your ass to the campus café 
as soon as the door opened, stress melted from your mind
i’ll drink to that, bro
the place was not too busy, it was during the middle of the day so people were either asleep or busy
there wasn't a line so you walked up to the person working at the register 
“shit fuck what should I order from this coffee place??”��
“mountain dew with two shots of espresso” - the ever so helpful Wong Yukhei
“okay what the fuck??” 
“lemme get uhhhhhhh iced coffee I guess,” you said, paying and waiting for your drink
while waiting, you went and grabbed a straw, and out of the corner of your eye you spotted a fuckin. GiAnt enter the establishment
he seemed goofy tho,,, so u were like. ok. cool. pop off, I guess. 
you couldn’t hear him speak, but inside your head you heard, “Iced coffee.” 
“yeah, what about it? I already ordered it, you’re a little late.” 
he did not respond which had you going ?? miss keisha, miss keisha, oh my fucking god she fucking dead !
you patiently waited for your cold bean juice while the guy paid and literally stumbled right by your feet to get a straw for himself
before you could ask if the Clumsy Giant was okay, the barista called out, “ Y/N!” 
you went to pick up the drink, and felt two eyes drilling holes in the back of your head
naturally, you turned around like. ? we got beef? 
but found the actually kinda cute boy staring at you in shock
“What?” you sheepishly asked, not sure if you had something on your face or if something was genuinely wrong, which would explain why that weirdo stared dead at you 
“Y/N.... y-your name is Y/N?” he asked, and his voice clicked right away
fuck, dude
you already knew the answer, 
you could recognize that voice anywhere
but you still wanted to ask and make sure you are not dreaming
however, before you could ask, 
the barista called out his name
f u c k, dude
“Wong Yukhei?” 
“Y/N L/N?” 
you two both broke out into a grin upon hearing the other say your name out loud
yall clung to each other, wrapping the other in a huge hug
meanwhile, the barista was standing behind the counter, waiting for lucas to grab his drink like :/ i’ll wait!
“this is touching, and all.... but can you please grab your coffee?” 
“THAT IS MY SOULMATE!” lucas announced, obviously giddy at finding you
and tbh, you were feeling it, too
yall sat down at a little table and for a while, just stared at the person sitting across from the other
then, “I’m glad I met you.” 
“Me, too,” he agreed
and thus the start of a relationship with pretty much no communication issues ever, 
mostly due to the fact that there were no secrets 
not that either of you minded, because lets face it
you two had souls that were reflections from one another, and you can’t hide a secret from yourself so why would you hide a secret from him? 
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jq37 · 6 years
I'll be the one that bites the bullet. Fantasy High episode 11--thoughts?
**spoilers for cool kids, cold case**
Hoo boy. 
That could be my entire write up honestly because, geez ya'll. 
Let's break it down. 
Sidenote, I just got mildly into Overwatch so every time I say that and I say it a fair amount, I hear Lucio in my head. 
Anyway, like I said in an earlier post, I'm now pretty sure that the bloodrush fight didn't go the way Brennan expected. Like either he didn't expect them to win or that they would win but not kill Daybreak because there was so much exposition and change and repositioning in this episode. It was a lot like the first session with all the setup. It's like he needed to get them on a new trajectory so he took an episode to time jump and change the status quo before--BAM. But we're getting to that.
In another show or even another episode of this show, the opening convo with Ragh might have been the wildest part of the ep. There’s just so much to unpack there.
Fig making him kowtow to Gorgug and everyone being like dude, stop making it weird. 
Before she did that, Emily paused and you could just see every other person looking like “What insane thing is gonna come out of her mouth now?”
Kristen getting the scoop on his super gay dreams. 
Adaine trying to get him to got to therapy (and also to realize that he's gay). 
The group whole ass making him cry for possibly the first time?
Fabian trying to shut everything down.
“You’re cumming from your eyes.”
 Kristen, please stop. I’m begging you. 
As I suspected, the group reached the point of yeah, we NEED to call Riz's mom this ep. Like, they *had* to call her. You can only realistically take shenanigans so far before it becomes straight unrealistic to not just call a responsible adult. 
And, speaking of, yay! We got to see a little of everyone’s parents just like I wanted/predicted. 
We actually got a lot of stuff from my wishlist. There’s so much time jumping and stuff in this episode I don’t even know where to start. 
This is probably the wrong place to start but I remember wondering what their Christmas equivalent was because they can’t have Christmas because of the Christ thing so when they were like Solstice I was like, oh duh. It’s literally right there. How could I miss it.
OK I guess 
Christmas Solstice party at Gorgug’s house! I knew his house would end up being the hang house.  
Sklonda handled the situation pretty close to how I thought she would. I really think Brennan was forced into a, “This adult is too responsible to not wipe out my next ten plot points over the course of a week,” corner and that’s why he had to pivot. More on that later.
Fabian just refusing to eat any of the fast food she got them.
I totally forgot Adaine has diplomatic immunity. Which actually means she’s the ideal Bad Kid to do anything shady they need done, even though that’s not really her style.
Unlike, other people
We’re getting there
I’m glad Brennan drew the line at Kristen’s parents actively being in a cult. He was like, OK no. They’re willfully ignorant but they’re not PART OF THE CULT.
I also think it’s interesting that they didn’t actually kick her out? Like they sorta kinda did but not really because it seems like she’s couch surfing of her own volition a little and staying home sometimes too? I wonder how her brothers are doing.
Both of Fig’s dads just work at her school now. I wonder is they commiserate about her w/ Goldenhoard.
I can’t believe Brennan is letting her just ruin the life of this random, full-adult dwarf doctor. Like, imagine if any adult in her life found out about that.
Brennan says bud a lot. Almost as much as he says rad.
Gorgug choosing playing the drums as his proficiency, but not well. Just, like, a simple drum beat. Bro. Why.
Adaine’s makeover!
I knew we were gonna get to see that. Or at least I really hoped we would.
And it was in boutique setting similar to what I imagined. A little surprised that she went straight for the jeans and t-shirt thing but dope. I want fan-art. 
Also, if I hadn’t already been convinced, that scene would have convinced me that Fabian got everyone the gifts (before it was confirmed later).
“You’d look nice as a sailor.” Is that like a pirate thing, bro?
Real talk, does Fabian for-real, for-real have a crush on Adaine low key?He’s complimented her looks more than once, which he hasn’t done with the other girls. They’re at a similar social class which might be a factor. And he clearly has a thing for blond elves.
I am Concerned about Adaine’s jean jacket, regardless of how dope it is.
Someone needs to talk to Fig about the rat thing. Possibly also Emily. 
42069 LANE (or whatever it was). I hate that I love Brennan for that.
“The worst thing about you is that you’re rich.”
But aww, Fabian. I’m glad it ended up being him (and shoutout to the anon who pointed that out to me). This is exactly the character growth I wanted from him.
When Gorthalax said that tryouts had already happened, I was legit upset for Fabian for a sec. Also, how did I know Gorgug was gonna somehow end up on the bloodrush team?
Guys I feel like there’s still a million more things to talk about.
Adaine finding out about Riz’s dad. God I hope there’s a heart to heart soon but she won’t just drop that info unless she has a really good reason.
GILEAR. I can’t believe that was him on a NAT 20. God, he has zero game. Also, imagine Fig and Riz as siblings. Lord.
The return of Tracker. I was concerned that she was in college but she’s like a Sophomore so Kristen is good to go as soon as she stops being a total disaster so actually that’s probably a moot point. 
Sidenote, kinda surprised that she’s a cleric. I thought she was off religion totally but I guess she just switched. But I feel like it’s hard to be totally non-religious in a world where gods 100% for sure exist?
Adaine going, “Mrs. Gukgak. Actually Captain Gukgak,” to her racist-ass dad gave me life. 
OK so re: the whole conversation about perditional contradoxy and treaties and war and such. How much of that was in the plan and how much of that was last minute retooling by Brennan? Because, I’m going to be honest. If it wasn’t for that comment by Siobhan, I would never have guessed that we were off the rails. But, with that in mind, this feels like the work of a GM who needs to keep the game going because things ended up moving too quickly.
It does answer the question of where the story is going now that the Harvestmen seem to be taken care of. I was a little surprised when Brennan was like, “Yeah Riz’s mom gets them all arrested,” because I’d assumed that the bad guy was going to be just the higher guy on the totem pole. 
OK, I’m sure I’m missing some things because this was a JAM PACKED ep so, if I missed something you wanted my thoughts on, please tell me and I’ll be super happy to write more words but let’s get into that scene. 
Before we start, I’m so pumped about all of this development but I hate how often I’m going to have to type the word Eolwyn because my fingers refuse to accept that that’s how that’s spelled.
Dude, the pacing, switching between Adaine and home and the rest of the gang at the party. Like, I knew what the reveal had to be as soon as she walked in but I was still like, “Oh my God. Oh my GOD.”
Sidenote: It was very convenient for Brennan that Adaine never actually read those books because it was an easy and non-cheating way to dole out exposition now, later in the game.
What were the mechanics of Adaine not being invited to that party? Did Eolwyn specifically get her not invited? Did she actually get invited but couldn’t go because of the dinner at home? Did all her friends still decide to go, knowing she wasn’t invited? Was she OK with that? How exactly did that go down?
BUSTING into that party
Magicking up a bunch of LOVE SLAVE PUPPETS
SNORTING magic coke
Playing Spin the Bottle DEATH ROULETTE 
DAMN BRENNAN, I did NOT Expect you to go THAT hard.
Assuming they all live, I can’t WAIT for the, “YOU KISSED MY SISTER????” conversation. 
Which means they’ve either never met Eolwyn or only in passing and not enough to remember her. 
Shoutout to Riz for being the only person to give Adaine a heads up. 
Her eyes glow blue when she does certain types of magic so I’m just picturing her walking into that room, eyes blazing blue, ready to F up her sister (even BEFORE she finds out what’s going on).
I don’t remember if she called Eolwyn a c**t in this ep or the promo for next but I was like, “Oh damn.” Like you got her to escalate her cursing that much that quickly? Damn.
Also, I love that when she’s really upset, Adaine skips the magic and just starts hitting people. 
OK, so remember in the first ep when Eolwyn tried to have Adaine steal that book? The book that I’m pretty sure is the one they mentioned as having wards on it to keep monster stuff from happening at school? So, here’s what I want to know. Has Eolwyn always been a part of this? Because, clearly, it looks like she is right now. But it’s possible the original intent was that she wanted to get Adaine to do it as a prank, not knowing it was important and then, Brennan checked his notes while salvaging the plot and decided to work it in.  
Also, unlikely, but imagine if Eolwyn somehow induced Adaine’s panic attack during her entrance exam to Hudol specifically so she would fail, have to go to Augefort, and steal the book for her. Wouldn’t that be wild?
Idek what else to say about that last ten minutes or so that isn’t just incoherent, Ally-esque screeching.
I have to say, battle eps are never my faves but I’m looking forward to this one more than any other one so far. 
Man, I can’t believe I thought Eolwyn asking for that textbook might turn into a sister bonding moment. Lol @ past me.
Anyway, kick her ass Adaine!
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Now back to the other situation. I have had time to think. I was wrong for sure for not properly expressing my feelings. I actually spoke with my new little friend about it and he gave me some insight and advice. A lot could have went better. For both of us. I definitely need to work on that still. I’ve been doing pretty good lately just not this time, again :/.
I think I’m just scared? Is that the word? Like I’m scared to speak up bc it’ll create a problem or drama. Like he’ll think I’m catching feelings if I speak up or I’m scared he’ll avoid the convo cause he thinks i can’t be an adult. I’m also aware i may be projecting but he wanted avoid the conversation so that didn’t help either. That’s what triggered me a little. I wanted to leave it alone but I couldn’t. And when i expressed that, I didn’t get the response I wanted back. I’m trying to be understanding and say I did say “bye” which triggered him. But what about what triggered me? Why couldn’t the response have been let’s talk about it later when we aren’t riled up? Why couldn’t it have been different, better? A lot of why’s and what if’s. I don’t blame him either. And this is where working on my communication in a polite way comes in. I didn’t give myself the opportunity too and I’m disappointed in myself since I’ve made a lot of progress. Neither did he.
I just wish he understood where i was coming from. it’s not about having expectations it was the lack of communication. We had plans that day. We created a newer bond and spoke everyday for a while and then it went cold turkey. Am i not supposed to feel a way? And he says he forgot the plans but he never forgets and has been thinking abt stocks and looking at stocks all day. I just wish he communicated that. Create the boundary, go ahead, but acknowledge my feelings about it too bro. We’re friends now I understand that. I’ve accepted it. I just thought we were best friends living our best lives.
Can i be honest i also felt it? When he fell asleep i knew it wouldn’t be the same once he woke up. I felt the shift. I can’t explain it. I just lowkey knew he wouldn’t hmu after asking to stay on the ohone while he slept. When I asked that he asked why? I told him bc he stood w me last time for a little, and it was just for a little bot to sleep with him. His response? “That was an accident” An accident my guy? He WANTED to stay. He initiated it. And as i was falling asleep o heard “you falling asleep cutie”, i quickly ignored that. And he restarted the hand thing and kiss. The first time we spoke on the phone again. I was just trying to leave so I just went along with everything. But again part of me knew it’d end up like this again. So I enjoyed the experience. And I’m grateful for the days I got to speak with him in happy moods. To experience bestie him for a little.i hope it was the same for him.
I have a lowkey ptsd from this time last year. I feel like history repeaTed it’s self. i feel defeated as well. I didn’t communicate properly and it ended up with me feeling, not as badly as last year but a similar feeling. And i want nothing to do with that. I deserve to be happy this year.
I don’t know. Again it’s not me catching feelings. I know that. I like the comfortability and convos as a close friend. I can understand being busy but going cold turkey like that w no communication sucked. And of course me not communicating that properly made it suck more. And i can accept responsibilities in that.
More recently, we haven’t talked much about the situation. Or since then. And we probably never will. I mean we “talked” and established boundaries like not talking everyday. I asked if we were good just to see if he was so I wouldn’t drag. Cause there’s still a lot for me. But i don’t want my energy falling on deaf ears with anyone anymore. I’m personally not satisfied and I will have to accept life for what it is. Mostly bc i feel ignored but i could just be projecting. Im not upset about the situation just feel defeated history repeated itself. Another small situation happened... so when I was fighting w my cousin I didn’t a really have anyone else I wanted to call but him. My family doesn’t like that family and would definitely pull up and fight too and i don’t want that. I could’ve hit up my two other friends but they’re older women w kids and it was late on a weekday and they work. So my next bet was my friend but I forgot he was working. I texted him i got into an argument w her and got no text back. I texted right after he texted too. I get it. He’s at work. I gave it a few minutes before I came back to my senses and took care of myself and texted him sorry for involving him. I got no response till the next day in the afternoon. Which is fine. I can understand people have lives but dang man it hurt. Don’t call me a bestie or friend if ya can’t be that. One thing abt me Im there for my friends. Even when I can’t mentally handle it. That’s why I say I’m too nice. And I know my place now.
I’ve decided to keep my distance for good. I don’t want to be close anymore. We can be friends from afar and hit each other up on important dates or if needed. It’s never any beef. I’ll always be there. Just don’t want any drama. This situation really takes me back to this time last year. And it ended the same exact way. Lesson learned. Distance and boundaries creates. The old and best memories will never be forgotten. But it’s time we lay us to rest. Rip
I feel like reading this back to myself again, sounds like I’m super sensitive and making things a big deal. But my peace and mental health come first now. Not anyone else. If I feel uncomfortable somewhere I’m removing myself. And I’ve been doing so good with that. That’s also how you lose people though and it sucks. Not everyone can be understanding, not even a little. Those are other stories for another day though.
I’m asking God to take the situation in his hands and to bring us back to whatever situation we end up in when we’re both ready. Until then I’m staying away from anything that doesn’t make me question myself or them.
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sanaseva-archive · 7 years
i read ur tag about how people don't read ur evak headcanons but im new here and would love the shit out of them
sorry this took ages because it’s a lot to collect from a lot of places, but like. it’s not that they don’t read them. it’s that when i tell them they tell me to stop (probably bc it’s emotionalé :P)
but i usually send headcanons to sunny, anki and faiza!!! (and a couple of others on twitter but that was between seasons mostly lol)
read under break!!
1. pianist!isak
when isak was younger, he played the piano. he took classes, he understood the instrument, he felt the music flowing through his fingers and into the air, an echo from his very soul. he could switch it up and he could make a happy song sad.
then, people started to comment on how gay it all was. he started to panic and put the piano lid down, never to touch it again.
his father moved out, brought the piano with him, and isak never really cared. he could skateboard instead, hang out with jonas and play video games instead. jonas tried to ask once, “what’s up with you never playing the piano anymore?” but isak shuts him down easily with “it’s boring and i hate it”. they never touch on the subject again.
years later, when even and isak are out travelling, isak finds a public piano. he gravitates too it and even says something about “no, let it be, it’s not a toy, love,” but isak doesn’t care-- doesn’t listen. he hasn’t touched a piano since-- well-- since he stopped playing. he has, however, missed the piano so much. he missed the control he had. god knows he can’t sing to save his own life, but the piano? that’s something he can do.
he goes there, and does the thing, leaving even and the crowd speechless. who could’ve guessed, that the young man in trainers and snapback could do that?
even shines with pride, he hugs isak tightly when he’s finished and kisses him, and tells everyone to “look at my boyfriend!!! isn’t he fantastic? amazing? absolutely perfect?”
2. even + the balloon squad, growing up
okay so, this one was with faiza. remember the handshake in the hei briskeby video?
even was there when it became a thing. he was there for a long time. they knew each other for a long time, in fact.
so i couldn’t stop thinking about all !! the !! events !! they have shared, all the things they remember doing together, all the things they grew up doing together. such as:
at the bakkoush' it was not uncommon for many years to see the boys pretend wrestling and hugging and racing the house. when the boys were really small they used to run outside on various branches pretending to play quidditch and even could recite his favourite parts by heart and mikael too
about painting nails
imagine even and mikael and yousef painting their nails together for the first time and they spill probably on sana's favourite shirt and they're super sorry and sana is like UGH YOU CAN'T EVEN PAINT YOUR NAILS PROPERLY ALRIGHT LET ME DO IT SO YOU DON'T SPILL IT ALL OVER THE PLACE and they're like YES PLEASE SANA HELP US
faiza added:
i continued
and then they can't stop showing elias and mutasim and mama and papa bakkoush their nails and they keep complimenting sana's skills like "we ruined her shirt" "were so sorry :(" "but she helped us with the nails and LOOK LOOK!!!" and mutasim is probably like "looking good bros" and mama bakkoush goes "very nice boys, ooo look at that colour even!! it really brings out your eyes" and even literally shines up and sana is like ughhhhh these boys can't do shit
about biking
imagine them biking and racing each other and then like. elias falls and scrapes his knees and it Really Hurts and the boys are like oh No and try to help him and they get Elias back home and nobody's home and Yousef is like. "Well, first we need to clean it" and Elias tries to Be Cool but his eyes sting when they help cleaning the cuts and Sana comes home and Elias is crying in the bathroom with all the boys, Muta probably tries to calm the situation but Sana is like WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER and they're like "no no he fell when we were biking" and Sana puffs out some air and takes the charge and she calls their dad to get help over the phone and then they help Elias to his bed to lie down and they're all So Concerned but by the next week they're at it again, biking down the streets because it's what they do 
If they were really young when they met imagine them learning how to bike 😭😭😭 
about harry potter nerding
(imagine that, a preteen even is sitting on his bed, his legs crossed and he tries to do magic like they do in harry potter, and he tries to magically make sure his friends are okay before he goes to bed every night, and later, when he doesn't understand why he's starting to loose interest in things and feel endlessly sad all the time, he puts a hand to his heart and whispers lumos, because once, when he was crying because someone had been mean to him, mikael tried to cheer him up by putting his hand on even's heart and said lumos with a small smile, saying that now his heart should feel lightened)
faiza added:
all the boys having / a harry potter marathon / though /those are what nights are made for
i continued:
And Even and Mikael battling about who knows the most trivia / Yousef is always the one butting in about "but that's not how it is in the books" but even just laughs and says "its a movie, they can't have everything in it" and mikael just nods enthusiastically and they both sigh and blows out a wish about how they want to be a director one day 
3. random evak headcanons
i sent this to anki, for example:
imagine when they're like 30, even blows out a sigh in the car and wishfully says something about wishing to have a motorcycle and just,,, couple of months later, isak has bought him a motorcycle and (if the license for motorcycle doesn't come with the regular driving license as it used to in Sweden in like the seventies or smth) he takes the license with even, and then they go on a trip somewhere ;nnnn;
and we’ve talked about isak’s sleeping problems too. here’s the convo:
okay, but like. i can't fall asleep. so im thinking about isak not being able to fall asleep. and that makes me just Upset
it's gotten a lot better now that he gets to sleep next to even every night. but sometimes, the thoughts still creep up on him, making it impossible for him to fall asleep and then he tosses and turns around in bed, kicking the bed linen off himself, then covers himself up again because he freezes and even wakes up from it, whispers a "can't sleep?" all groggy and isak nods, cuddles closer to even and takes a breath. one, two, three, four. tries to calm himself down. even's hands hold isak's, firmly but soft. "i'm here"  even whispers and isak breathes out again. one two three four
and even doesn't force isak to tell him all his thoughts, if isak wanted to he'd tell him, and that makes isak calm down even more, he's getting a lil sleepier still not sleepy enough to actually fall asleep but at least he's napping a little
even notices the difference immediately. isak's response time slows down, his words get bundled together before they leave his mouth, his gaze is glassy and far-away, and sometimes, it feels like he's speaking to a ghost.
even tries to do a lot of things for isak. but he knows this isn't something he just can't. fix. much like how isak can't fix /him/. but that doesn't mean he doesn't try.
he lets isak rest against his chest because the even's heartbeats makes it easier for isak to find some peace.
he lets isak gaze off mid-conversation, and easily gets him back to track when isak blinks a couple of times to find himself in the present.
he helps isak find someone to talk to-- a professional-- and he hates to see how it doesn't get any better. it's not that it's getting worse per se, but isak feels a lot worse (which makes even feel much worse) because he got his hopes up. instead he's just. a walking zombie sometimes.
one day on the weekend, even wakes up to isak softly snoring. he rolls off the bed, gently, to make some breakfast. and when he gets back to their bedroom, he can see the absolute terror in isak's eyes.
"what's wrong" he asks, and he's starting to panic.
it takes a while-- most of this part of the memory is locked behind a door in even's mind, but later when isak comes back from another doctor's appointment, he learns that it's called sleep paralysis.
"i saw monsters," isak tells him quietly, and even can see isak's hand shaking a little. "i thought i was going to die."
even doesn't know what to say. he recognises the feeling-- from the monster inside his own head that sometimes visits him and overstays its welcome. when he wakes up one day, feeling the depression slowly dissipate, he tends to think, "i thought i was going to die" too.
he holds isak tightly instead, and doesn't really say anything. but isak hugs him back tighter (but much weaker than he would've a month ago) and he knows that they'll get through this. 
and i’ve talked to both anki and sunny about pokémon go and the boy sqad so...
since even is a '97 there's no reason for him not to be completely hyped up about pokemon go. like. magnus is like lowkey, jonas is probably more with even on this and mahdi and isak are like ?? but even and jonas definitely drags them all around oslo, trying to catch the fucking digital creatures and nearly screams when a Rare appears on their nearby list.
guess who gasped when gen2 was released? even. 
guess who groaned? isak.
but it's actually quite useful, isak finds, for when even is getting restless and can't sleep. isak suggests, "let's see if there's any new pokémon, shall we?" and out they go. for half an hour, an hour-- maybe two hours late at night, just strolling and trying to get them. when they get back home, even finally manages to fall asleep, and isak is holding him tightly, muttering about "guess im not the only nerd in this relationship," before he too falls asleep.
what they’re scared of:
what even is scared of:
being alone for too long, being left, being lost at an unfamiliar place, breaking something he's gotten as a gift, forgetting important dates, losing someone he loves, baring his soul, of himself when something feels Wrong but still not really wrong at all, making mistakes
what isak is scared of:
being left, dark and small spaces, getting bad grades, Weird Insects™, hurting someone he cares about,
(spiders especially:
me: so i totally think isak would be scared of spiders and literally shriek when he sees one this summer and jumps up on a chair calling for even to come save him and even is like..... mate It's our roommate Bengt or smth
And isak is like no take it outside!!!! and then when Bengt has been let out to live its spidery life even just gently teases isak a little and isak is like no this didn't happen idk what you're talking about WHERE'S YOUR PROOF 
anki: "I'm the master of liking spiders. they're so very...... nice"
me: "especially their..... legs?"
anki: "they have like....... eight legs don't you think that's......................... A LITTLE BIT TOO MUCH"
me: "a little bit too much" is definitely said with a squeak)
whatever you do absolutely do not think about the squads having a movie night at evak's place and isak falls asleep on even's shoulder, and even lets him sleep there for a while, even though he notices how isak starts to drool all over him, and when the movie is over the squads fall quiet because-- wow isak really is the softest boy around even???? and even just gestures them to be quiet and carries isak over to their bed and isak wakes up a bit, asking if the movie is over and if it was any good and he's sorry he fell asleep and please tell everyone good night from me and that i love my friends
and even does that, and when he comes back to bed isak is fast asleep again and he was honestly just going to lie close to isak for a while before cleaning up the plates and bowls for snacks they've used but he falls asleep to, holding isak closely and hearing his boy's deep breathing.
when he wakes up, in the middle of the night however, isak has managed to turn the tables and he's being held by isak again. he doesn't mind, even if isak has started drooling on his neck again
about even’s first movie being about isak:
do you ever think abt even making his first movie and it isn't directly about isak but it's about his /love/ for isak and when isak watches it for the first time he is a sobbing mess
also the credits just begin with "for you" without putting a name in there and isak just SOBS AND SOBS AND SOBS
evak + snowboarding
next winter even definitely takes isak out for some snowboarding but isak is definitely hopeless at it and isak can be heard muttering about "is it even normal to want to be this high up on a fucking mountain and wanting to race down this shit on a fucking snowboard"
u know when u eaten spicy food and u wake up feeling hangover the next day? (i don’t but my apparently this is a thing lmao)
one day even makes the food too spicy but isak really wants to prove him he's Tough(TM) and eats it all and tries not to complain or show he's suffering and the next day isak wakes up feeling like he's hungover because there was so much salt and seasoning and shit that his body is like. mate. water pls.even laughs as he hands isak a waterbottle.
this summer evak moment we won’t see:
one day this summer, even will wake isak up at like 9am and be like "we're going to the beach today yes we aaaaree" and isak is like, tiredly, "we are?" and even is like YEP GET UP YOU LAZY BOY and the breakfast is in the table for isak when he has finally managed to roll out of bed and when he enters the kitchen isak opens the freezer bc "it's too hot even I can't live like this" and even closes the freezer bc "we have food in there isak, please" and then they get to the beach and isak rolls out the blanket or the towel and literally slumps down and falls asleep again, only to wake up to even touches his legs with.... something??? and isak squeaks "what are you DOING" and even stops for a second before he says "you need sun protection my pale boy, or do you want to turn into Donald trump?"
and then even plays some music on his phone, probably nas bc why not, and then isak wakes up again and is like "I need water NOW im BURNING" and they race into the water laughing and tripping and then they probably kiss in the water and isak challenges even into another hold your breath under the water competition and isak is so so grumpy that he never wins that shit 
like there’s a lot? of shit i’ve shared? like ?? i can’t go through everything im sorry ;n;
this is a fkn mess, im so so so so sorry
and i’ve shared tonnes of headcanons with sunny amongst others, like. it’s impossible to mention all of them rip
also this is super not in order we’ve spoken about them?? and they’re like. sometimes in swedish and sometimes in english it’s? a mess honestly? and like. all of the above is basicaly copy paste bc im too lazy trying to make sense hahhahaa sorr,y
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