#no clear image or idea before creating it
areislol · 17 days
being transported into their world 2
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►— pairings. honkai star rail men x gn! creator! reader
►— warnings. nothing really, proofread 🙅🏻‍♀️, caelus is the trailblazer, romantic but you can see it was platonic if you want to! boothill lore, slight angst sahau (self aware honkai au)
►— synopsis. their beloved creator, the one who created many worlds, including theirs, had yet to return after thousands of years. but lately, they've been experiencing strange things, feeling like a heavenly, divine figure loomed over them. could it possibly be their one and only creator?
►— a/n. so many ideas but so little time to write it all down!!
►— wordcount. 6.2k
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The last thing you remember is the image of Caelus, Dan Heng, Gepard, and Bronya standing before you, the smokey, dark and ominous fog surrounding you.
Next thing you know, you're waking up in the middle of an unfamiliar weight of silk sheets pressing against your skin. Blinking rapidly, you tried to focus on the ornate ceiling above, its intricate patterns swirling in the soft morning light.
This wasn’t your room.
Confusion gripped you as you sat up quickly, only to be greeted by a pounding headache. Wincing, you pressed your hand against your forehead, trying to make sense of the disjointed memories in your mind.
The room around you was lavish, decorated with rich tapestries and elegant furniture. Everything seemed meticulously placed as if the room belonged to royalty.
The air smelled faintly of lavender and something else you couldn’t quite place. You took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart.
Just how did you end up here?
Closing your eyes, you tried to recall the events that led to this moment. It all came back in fragments, like pieces of a shattered mirror.
You were standing up, shrouded in a dark, smokey fog. The air had been thick and oppressive, making it hard to breathe. Before you, Caelus, Dan Heng, Gepard, and Bronya stood with expressions of worry and determination. Their faces flashed in your mind, each one etched with concern.
Were you in a dream?
The fog, the faces—it all seemed so surreal. You opened your eyes again, scanning the room for any clues. The furniture was heavy and ornate.
A grand mirror stood in one corner, reflecting the dishevelled state of your appearance. Your clothes were the same as before but seemed out of place in this opulent setting.
Pushing the covers aside, you swung your legs over the edge of the bed, feeling the cool marble floor beneath your feet. The pounding in your head persisted, but you forced yourself to stand, determined to get out of this unknown place.
Each step felt like a struggle, your body weighed down by an invisible force. You approached the window, drawing back the heavy curtains to reveal a breathtaking view of a cityscape blanketed in snow.
Tall, imposing buildings of grand architecture stretched out before you, their intricate designs dusted with white. The streets below were covered in a moderate layer of snow, and the occasional figure bundled in winter attire moved through the frosty landscape.
Your mind raced with possibilities. Had you been transported here by some unknown force? Was this just a particularly long dream? Shaking your head you cleared your mind, yes... it was a dream, it had to be a dream.
Besides suddenly waking up from an unfamiliar room, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being watched since the moment you awoke. Turning away from the window, you noticed a door on the far side of the room. It was slightly ajar, revealing a sliver of the hallway beyond.
Cautiously, you approached the door, your senses on high alert. Peeking through the crack, you saw a long corridor lined with more doors, each one identical to the next. The silence was eerie, broken only by the faint sound of your breathing.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed the door open wider and stepped into the hallway. You wished that the floor was covered in carpet, it was extremely cold. You had no idea where you were going, but you couldn’t stay in that room any longer.
Turning a corner, you nearly bumped into a figure standing in the shadows. Startled, you took a step back, your heart pounding in your chest. The figure stepped forward, revealing a familiar face.
Grey hair, a pretty face, tall... the Astral Express golden ticket... wait...
“Caelus?” you whispered, barely daring to believe it.
Caelus’s eyes widened as he registered your voice. His surprise quickly turned into awe, and he stumbled backward, nearly losing his balance. Without a moment's hesitation, he dropped to his knees, pressing his forehead against the cold, hard floor.
"Your Gracefulness," he murmured, his voice trembling with reverence. "I am honoured to be in your presence."
You blinked, momentarily taken aback by his reaction. It wasn’t the response you expected. To them, you were not just a friend or a fellow traveller; you were the creator, the one who shaped their very existence. The weight of his words made you feel uneasy.
"Uh, please, get up," you urged, feeling a mix of discomfort and compassion. "You don’t have to kneel."
He hesitated for a moment before slowly rising to his feet, his eyes still filled with awe, oh his dear creator, what a kind soul they are! "Forgive me, Your Gracefulness. It’s just... we’ve been searching for you, and to find you here..."
Caelus was sure that he would get a scolding for talking to his Holy Grace for too long, he was sure of it. But he just couldn't stop the words pouring out of his mouth, all the years of yearning to meet you... and now you were here, right in front of him, before his eyes.
You offered a small nervous, reassuring smile despite the uncertainty gnawing at you. "I—I see." You bit your bottom lip, completely uncertain of what to do now as you stand there awkwardly with a curious Caelus.
"What... happened? I don't recall being here from the start," You asked, taking a moment to observe the ornaments around you. Caelus straightens his back, clearing his throat before speaking.
"You fainted a few minutes after coming out of the meteoroid. Thankfully Dan Heng caught you just in time, and then Bronya decided to keep you here, we were unsure when you would wake up."
"How long was I unconscious for?"
"Four days, your Grace."
"FOUR DAYS?!" The word came out in a disbelieving whisper, your mind reeling.
"Yes, your Grace." He nodded, a bit taken aback by your raised voice. You stood there, trying to process the information, feeling awkward and out of place.
Caelus's expression softened slightly before giving you a nod. "I'll take you to them." He guided you down the hall to another room, while you both walked you looked around once again, everything was different, not just your surroundings but the atmosphere was heavy.
You took in a deep breath, trying your best to calm yourself down. You knew that you were safe (although this place was still new to you), you knew these people, what they were like, everything.
They were famous video game characters. The very video game characters that you spend weeks on trying to find the right and perfect relic for them.
Honkai Star Rail drained your pockets, the lore and story were addictive, the play-style was addictive, and the pulling animation was addictive. Unsurprisingly, after a week of downloading the game, you were hooked.
It was a surprise that you weren't in debt... You shook your head, clearing your clouded mind. It was tough to digest the fact that you were walking right beside the Caelus!!
It was a silent walk with only the sounds of his shoes squeaking every there and then, it was clear how polished the floors were.
Caelus dared not to speak up in your holy presence. Was he even worthy of speaking to you let alone bask in your presence?
As you continued down the hallway, Caelus remained close by, his protective instincts heightened by your presence. The corridors seemed to stretch endlessly, each one identical to the last.
You couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being watched, and the oppressive silence only added to your unease.
Calm down, you thought. No one's going to jump you..
Not long after Caelus stopped in his tracks, moving to the side as his hand rested on the door handle. The door was huge and elaborate, probably three times your size, and you finally heard faint voices.
Caelus signalled for you to stay back as he approached the source of the sound. Moments later, he beckoned you forward. You hurried to his side, peering into a large room filled with familiar faces.
As you entered, Dan Heng, Bronya, and Gepard looked up from their conversation. Relief, admiration and shock washed over their faces when they saw you.
"Your Gracefulness," Dan Heng said, bowing his head slightly. "I—It's a pleasure to meet you."
Everyone in the room had stood up from the seats, immediately bowing down with one knee, their eyes set downcast, refusing to even look at you. They remained solemn and reverent, their gestures filled with respect and devotion—an act that left you utterly speechless.
The room was silent, barely even a breath could be heard. You felt your cheeks flush with embarrassment, a deep discomfort settling into your bones.
This wasn’t something you were used to.
Back home, you were just another person, another face in the crowd. But here… here you were something else entirely apparently.
The realization struck you again, hard and jarring: you’d been "isekai’d" into the world of Honkai: Star Rail, a place where the characters you once guided and watched from behind a screen now saw you as their Creator, their Gracefulness.
But that didn’t make this any less strange.
"Please," you said, your voice shaky, betraying the unease you felt. "You don't need to do that. I'm just… I mean, I’m not—" You trailed off, struggling to find the right words.
How do you tell them that you didn’t see yourself as anything more than a normal person? That this whole situation felt surreal, like a dream you hadn’t quite woken up from yet?
Dan Heng, still kneeling, glanced up at you, his eyes calm and steady. "Your Gracefulness," he began, his tone soft but firm, "It is only right that we show you the respect you deserve. You are our creator, the one who has guided us through countless battles and decisions."
Bronya nodded, her gaze filled with a mixture of awe and dedication. "Without you, we wouldn’t be who we are today. This is the least we can do to honour your presence."
Gepard remained silent but his expression was resolute, as if nothing you said could change his mind about bowing before you. Caelus, however, looked a bit hesitant, perhaps sensing your discomfort more than the others. Yet, even he remained in place, waiting for your acknowledgment.
You swallowed hard, feeling a lump in your throat. It was overwhelming, this level of devotion and reverence. It wasn’t something you ever imagined experiencing, and certainly not something you knew how to handle.
You’d come here, to this world, not out of a desire to rule or be worshipped, but by some strange twist of fate. The weight of their expectations, their respect—it felt heavy, almost suffocating.
"I appreciate… everything you’re saying," you began slowly, trying to find the right balance between acknowledging their feelings and setting boundaries. "But really, you don’t have to bow to me. I’m still… me. Just a person. I’m not used to this, and it makes me feel… awkward."
The room fell into a brief silence, the air thick with unspoken thoughts. You could see the conflict in their eyes—caught between their ingrained sense of duty and their desire to respect your wishes.
Finally, Caelus was the first to move, rising to his feet with a small, understanding smile. "If it makes you uncomfortable," he said, "then we’ll try to find another way to show our respect. But know that our loyalty for you remains unchanged."
One by one, the others followed suit, standing slowly. Gepard gave you a respectful nod, while Bronya offered a gentle smile, her previous intensity softening. Dan Heng lingered the longest, his gaze searching your face as if trying to understand you better, before finally standing as well.
You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding, a small wave of relief washing over you. This was all so new, so overwhelming, but at least now, with them standing, you felt like you could breathe a little easier.
Even if you were their creator, you didn’t want to be put on a pedestal. You just wanted to go home.
"Thank you," you said quietly, your voice sincere. "I really appreciate it."
And with that, the tension in the room eased, the atmosphere shifting back to something more comfortable, more manageable. You were still trying to wrap your head around everything, but at least now, you didn’t feel so alone in it.
"We were worried about you." Bronya stepped forward, her expression a mixture of concern and determination. "Are you feeling alright? Do you need a doctor? I can get them right away—"
You shook your head, trying to maintain your composure despite the overwhelming emotions swirling inside you. "I'm alright," you said, but even as the words left your lips, you could feel the weight of them.
Your head was pounding, a relentless reminder of everything you had just been through. The disorientation, the headaches—symptoms of something far greater than mere confusion.
You were trying to grasp the reality that had been thrust upon you, the fact that you were no longer in your world, that you had died, and now… now you were here.
Dan Heng’s eyes softened as he watched you, his usually calm demeanour laced with a subtle concern. "It’s understandable that you’re disoriented," he said, his voice steady but filled with empathy.
"You’ve been through something unimaginable. Arriving here so suddenly… it’s not something anyone could easily adjust to."
You looked down, your mind flashing back to that moment—the car crash. The impact, the pain, the sudden darkness. You remembered the sensation of being pulled away, as if your very soul had been yanked from your body, only to be confined within something cold and unforgiving.
The next thing you knew, you were hurtling through the sky, encased in what felt like a stuffy coffin, and then… Belobog.
You winced, the memory of it all almost too much to bear. "What… what did you see when I arrived?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. The question hung in the air, heavy and laden with the fear of hearing the answer.
Gepard, who had been standing a little behind the others, stepped forward, his expression sombre. "When you appeared… you were in some sort of meteorite. It was like nothing we’d ever seen before. It came crashing down from the sky, landing just outside the city walls of Belobog."
"There was news that this month, the creator would return. Everyone was on high alert and once one of my guards spotted a mysterious crater, everyone knew that it had to be you."
Caelus nodded, his tone still filled with concern. "It was like a shooting star, only… darker. And when we approached, we saw you inside, unconscious. We had no idea what to do, but we knew we had to get you out of there, to help you."
Bronya’s gaze softened as she watched you struggle to process their words. "You were in a state of complete stasis, almost as if you were… suspended between worlds. We’ve never encountered anything like it."
The room seemed to close in around you as you tried to reconcile what they were telling you with what you knew—or thought you knew. You had died. You felt it. And yet, here you were, standing in a world you had only ever seen on a screen, surrounded by people who weren’t supposed to exist.
A headache pulsed at your temples, and you pressed a hand to your forehead, trying to steady yourself. The world felt like it was spinning, the reality of your situation crashing down on you like a tidal wave.
Caelus immediately stood by your side, his hands hesitating to hold you before shaking his head ever so slightly, holding your arm and waist to keep you from falling.
"I… I don’t understand," you murmured, more to yourself than to them. "I died. I remember the crash. I remember everything going dark, how on Earth did I..."
Dan Heng took a step closer, his presence grounding you in a way you hadn’t expected. "It must have been a traumatic experience," he said softly, his voice gentle as if he were trying not to overwhelm you further.
"But you’re here now. Whatever happened, whatever brought you here, I think it was fate, just like how the legends had stated."
You wanted to believe him, wanted to find comfort in his words, but the reality of it all was still too much.
How could you be here, alive, in a place that shouldn’t even exist? And what did it mean that they were treating you like this—as if you were someone of immense importance, someone with power, someone they called their "Gracefulness"?
"I’m sorry," you said, your voice trembling slightly. "I just… I need a moment to process all of this."
Bronya stepped forward, her expression filled with understanding. "Take all the time you need. We’re here for you."
Gepard nodded in agreement, his voice steady and reassuring. "We’ll be by your side, your wish is our command."
You stood there, your mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, trying to make sense of everything that had happened, everything that was happening now. The room felt both too large and too small at the same time as if the walls were closing in on you while the ceiling stretched out into infinity.
The rest of the day passed in a blur of activity as you found yourself surrounded by a level of attention and care that was both overwhelming and humbling. Bronya, ever the efficient leader, took charge of organizing a grand celebration in honour of your return.
It was to be the most elaborate, grand and magnificent, parade ever. Only the best for their beloved creator.
The news of your arrival spread quickly, with messages sent across Belobog and even beyond, reaching the farthest corners of the world. Shops began to close in your honour, and preparations were set in motion to ensure that everything was perfect for the festivities that would last for months.
Caelus returned back to the Astral Express to spread the news to his friends who soon sent the message worldwide, especially to their alliances.
As the day wore on, you were never alone. Dan Heng and Gepard remained by your side, they would be your guards, though you couldn’t shake the feeling of being slightly out of place.
They escorted you through the grand halls of the Supreme Guardian’s residence, offering you a glimpse into the grandeur and history of Belobog.
The building itself was massive, with high ceilings, intricate carvings, and large windows that let in streams of light, casting everything in a golden glow.
Despite the opulence around you, your mind was still trying to adjust to the reality that had been put upon you. The remnants of your previous life, the memory of your death, the inexplicable warp that had brought you here—it all lingered in the back of your thoughts, creating an undercurrent of unease that you couldn’t quite shake.
But for now, you have to focus on the present. Gepard and Dan Heng took their roles seriously, ensuring that you were comfortable, well-fed, and taken care of in every possible way. When it was time to eat, you were treated to a feast of the finest foods Belobog had to offer, dishes prepared with such care and precision that you could taste the love in every bite.
They made sure you didn’t lift a finger, encouraging you to rest when you looked tired, and when the day began to take its toll on you, they arranged for a bath to be drawn in one of the grand, marble-floored bathrooms.
The bath was a welcome respite. The water was warm, and scented with calming herbs, and as you sank into it, you could feel the tension slowly melting away.
Maids attended to you, offering you soft towels and luxurious oils, treating you with a level of care that you had never experienced before. It was almost too much—this pampering, this constant attention—but you reminded yourself that this was how they showed their respect, their gratitude for your presence in their world.
After the bath, you were led to the room that had been prepared for you, its large windows offering a view of the snow-covered city below.
The bed was soft, the sheets made of the finest silk, and as you lay down, you couldn’t help but marvel at the turn your life had taken.
Just days ago, you had been living an ordinary life, unaware of what was to come, and now… now you were here, in a world that wasn’t supposed to exist, treated as a deity by those you had only known as characters.
Sure, today would have been amazing if it weren't for the fact of constant unease nagging you in the back, it was nice to be pampered and shown love, but at the same time, you wanted to go home, back to the place that you grew up in.
As you drifted off to sleep, surrounded by the luxury and comfort that had been arranged for you, a part of you couldn’t help but wonder how long this would last.
How long you would be able to maintain this facade, to accept the adoration and devotion of those around you when deep down, you still felt like the same person you had always been—just a regular human, trying to make sense of a world that didn’t make sense at all.
But for now, you had no choice but to go along with it, to embrace the role that had been thrust upon you, even if it felt like you were living in a dream.
A dream that, for better or worse, you couldn’t wake up from.
The next morning, you awoke to the sound of soft knocking on your door. The sun had just begun to rise, casting a pale light across the snow-covered city of Belobog.
You could see your breath in the cool air as you stretched, still disoriented from the events of the previous day. For a moment, you wondered if it had all been a strange, vivid dream—but the grand room around you, the luxurious sheets beneath your fingers, and the echo of voices beyond the door reminded you that this was indeed your reality now.
You called for whoever was outside to enter, and the door opened to reveal Dan Heng and Gepard, both standing tall and composed. Their expressions softened when they saw you, and you noticed the subtle way their shoulders relaxed, as if simply seeing you reassured them.
"Good morning," Dan Heng said quietly, his tone respectful yet warm. "I hope you slept well."
You nodded, managing a small smile. "I did, thank you."
Gepard stepped forward, his gaze meeting yours with a mixture of concern and deference. "If there's anything you need, anything at all, please don’t hesitate to ask. We've arranged for breakfast to be brought to you, and after that, if you're feeling up to it, Bronya would like to discuss the plans for the upcoming celebrations with you."
Celebrations. The word lingered in your mind, bringing with it a mix of emotions. You still weren’t sure how to feel about all of this—the way everyone seemed to look at you as if you were something divine.
It was overwhelming, and part of you wanted nothing more than to retreat, to find a quiet corner where you could process everything on your own. But you knew that wasn’t an option. You had a role to play, and even if you didn’t fully understand it, you were determined to do your best.
"I… appreciate that," you replied, your voice softer than you intended. "I’ll be ready soon."
As the two men left to give you privacy, you dressed in the clothes that had been laid out for you—a simple yet elegant outfit that, while comfortable, still bore the intricate designs and rich fabrics that seemed to be a hallmark of Belobog's fashion.
You took a moment to steady yourself, taking deep breaths as you reminded yourself that you were in control, even if it didn’t always feel like it.
When you were ready, Dan Heng and Gepard led you to a grand dining room where a lavish breakfast had been prepared. The table was set with an array of dishes—freshly baked bread, fruits, pastries, and steaming bowls of porridge.
The sight of it all made your stomach twist, not from hunger but from the sheer extravagance of it. You took a seat, and though the food was delicious, each bite felt heavy for some odd reason.
As you ate, Bronya arrived, her usual stoic demeanour softened by a hint of nervousness. She greeted you with a respectful nod before taking a seat across from you. You noticed the way her eyes flickered to Dan Heng and Gepard, almost as if she were seeking their reassurance before she spoke.
"I’m glad to see you’re well," she began, her voice calm but measured. "The people of Belobog are eager to welcome you and show their gratitude for your return. We’ve begun preparations for a series of celebrations in your honour, and I wanted to discuss the details with you, to ensure everything meets your approval."
The idea of the entire city celebrating you—parades, feasts, and gatherings in your name—felt surreal. You weren’t sure how to respond, unsure if you could live up to the expectations they had of you.
"I don’t want to disrupt anyone’s life," you said cautiously, trying to find the right words. "It’s all very overwhelming. I’m not used to being treated like this."
Bronya’s expression softened, and she exchanged a glance with Dan Heng and Gepard, who stood behind you like silent sentinels. "Your presence alone is a gift to us," she replied gently. "We don’t see it as a disruption, but rather as an honour. The people are eager to show their gratitude and to celebrate this momentous occasion."
You nodded, feeling a mixture of unease and responsibility settle in your chest. "Alright. I’ll do my best to be what you need me to be."
Bronya smiled a rare and genuine expression that made you feel a little less out of place. "Thank you," she said simply. "We’ll take care of everything. You don’t need to worry."
The rest of the day passed in a whirlwind of preparations and introductions. Bronya led you through the city, introducing you to key figures and showing you the various places where the celebrations would take place.
Everywhere you went, people bowed deeply, their eyes wide with star-struck in awe. It was both humbling and unnerving, and you found yourself struggling to find the balance between accepting their respect and trying to maintain some semblance of normalcy.
Dan Heng and Gepard never left your side, their presence a constant reminder that you weren’t alone in this strange new world. They were vigilant, ensuring that you were comfortable, that no one overwhelmed you, and that you had moments of rest whenever you needed them.
By the time evening fell, you were exhausted, both physically and emotionally. You had been paraded through the city, introduced to so many people, and shown the elaborate plans for the days and weeks to come.
All of it felt like a dream, and as you finally returned to your room, you couldn’t help but feel the weight of it all pressing down on you.
While you lay in bed, twiddling with the fine silk blanket, the other regions were preparing to finally gaze upon their divine creator.
In the Xianzhou Luofu, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation as the news of the Creator’s return spread. Within the grand halls of the Divine Foresight, Fu Xuan stood before the Council of Elders, delivering the monumental announcement that had just arrived from the Trailblazer.
"The Creator has returned," Fu Xuan declared with a calm but resolute voice. "They have descended in Belobog, and it is our duty to honour them with the highest respect and homage."
The Council of Elders, seasoned in both wisdom and combat, exchanged glances of disbelief and awe. The Creator, the one who had shaped their world and guided their destinies, was now walking among them once more. The gravity of this revelation weighed heavily on their minds, knowing that their response to this event would define their legacy.
Jing Yuan, the Arbiter-General of the Xianzhou Luofu, stood quietly at the back of the chamber, his usual calm demeanour betraying a hint of solemnity. The Creator’s return was a momentous occasion, and Jing Yuan felt the significance of this event.
"We must ensure that our tribute is worthy of their grace," he murmured, his eyes narrowed in contemplation.
Nearby, Loucha listened intently. His thoughts were more introspective, contemplating the deeper implications of the Creator’s return. Loucha, ever the observer, recognized the immense pressure that this event placed upon them all.
But unlike the others, his focus was not on the material offerings but on the spiritual and existential implications of meeting their Creator. He quietly resolved to find a way to honour the Creator not just through gifts but through his actions and service.
A casket would simply not do, although he was sure that you'd grow fond of it.
Hm, what else could he possibly give you...
Blade, as usual, remained silent throughout the meeting with the Stellaron Hunters. His mind, however, was not at ease. Blade’s relationship with the concept of the Creator is complex and filled with conflicting emotions.
Blade knew he had to play his part in honouring the Creator, even if it meant confronting the very things he had spent so long trying to suppress.
Preparations across the Xianzhou Luofu began immediately. Gifts were gathered from the most skilled artisans—finely crafted weapons, ancient scrolls, and traditional garments.
The best chefs prepared exquisite dishes that would showcase the rich culture of the Xianzhou. In every corner of the realm, citizens participated in rituals, prayers, and meditations, focusing their energies on the Creator.
Jing Yuan oversaw the strategic aspects of the journey, ensuring that their voyage to Belobog would be flawless. Loucha offered his medical expertise to make sure that everyone on board the vessels was in perfect health, while Blade had already begun making his way to Belobog along with Firefly and Kafka.
As the time for departure approached, the air was thick with reverence and anticipation. The Xianzhou Luofu were not just travelling to meet their Creator; they were about to present themselves as a testament to the Creator’s guidance.
Their journey to Belobog would be marked by the same dedication and honour that had defined their civilization for centuries.
Far away in Penacony, the city of innovation and creativity, the news of the Creator’s return was met with an explosion of activity. Penacony, renowned for its technological marvels and artistic achievements, reacted to the news with excitement.
Aventurine was among the first to receive the message. As soon as he got the text, he froze, eyes furiously scanning the text over and over again.
Was this real? Has the creator really come back? The one who he worshipped so obsessively?
He immediately rang Jade, his voice frantic as he spoke to her over the phone. "We cannot afford to delay," Aventurine stated.
"This is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and we must honour the Creator with everything Penacony has to offer."
Sunday, the head of the family, took charge of organizing the preparations. He ordered all renowned artists, engineers, and musicians all come together to create a tribute that would embody the spirit of their city.
Everything had to be perfect.
Sunday was enthusiastic for the Creator's return, it was not just a reflection of his usual cheerfulness—it was something far deeper, almost lovesick.
The moment he received word that the Creator had returned to their world, something in him ignited. It was as if all his life had been leading up to this moment, and now, he could finally fulfil his purpose.
“The Creator has returned,” he whispered to himself after first hearing the news, his voice trembling with a mix of awe and anticipation. His eyes, usually bright with optimism, now gleamed with a fervour that bordered on the intense.
To Sunday, this wasn’t just an event to celebrate—it was a divine calling, a chance to prove his unwavering devotion.
From that moment on, Sunday threw himself into the preparations with a single-mindedness that was almost unsettling. He didn’t just organize the celebrations—he orchestrated them with an obsession that left little room for error.
Every detail had to be perfect, and every gesture had to reflect the utmost reverence for the Creator. He wasn’t just leading the preparations; he was living them, breathing them, as though his very existence depended on it.
When rallying the artists and performers, Sunday’s usual encouragement took on a more insistent edge. “This isn’t just for any celebration,” he’d remind them, his eyes wide and unblinking. “It’s for the Creator. We must give them everything—our best and beyond.”
He’d hover over rehearsals, his smile still present but his tone sharper, more demanding. Mistakes weren’t just errors; they were almost blasphemous in his eyes.
In the kitchens, his involvement was even more intense. He tasted every dish, scrutinizing each one with a level of scrutiny that made even the most seasoned chefs nervous. “This dish needs something... more,” he’d say, his brows furrowing in concentration.
“It needs to be worthy of the Creator. Start again.” And they would, because Sunday’s passion was as contagious as it was overwhelming. Many chefs and assistants often gossiped with one another about Sunday's behaviour, he was far too obsessed.
They, of course, understood the importance of perfecting everything as well, it would be served under the gaze of their Almighty Creator, but Sunday was too overbearing, pushy and stubborn.
Everything has to be perfect.
His interactions with the other citizens of Penacony took on a different tone as well. While still encouraging, there was an underlying pressure in his words. “The Creator deserves only the best from us. Do you understand? This is our moment to show our love, and our loyalty. We can’t afford to disappoint them.”
As the days passed, Sunday’s obsession grew. He spent nights alone, surrounded by plans and lists, going over every detail until his eyes were red and his hands shook from exhaustion.
But he didn’t care. Sleep was secondary; his devotion to the Creator was all that mattered.
Boothill, unlike the others found himself in an unfamiliar situation. Normally at ease with a revolver in hand, Boothill was now tasked with selecting gifts that would impress the Creator.
He knew the importance of your arrival, but there was something that lingered at the back of his head. The memories would override his brain, successfully clouding his thoughts, all he could think about was revenge.
His home.
His daughter.
His family.
His beloved memories.
Gone. They were all gone, all because of one man: Oswaldo Schneider.
Perhaps... If he impressed you with his devotion and adoration, would you help get revenge for him? As the Creator, wouldn't you be so kind as to lend your devoted worshipper some help?
(He decided to contribute something personal—a custom-made weapon, intricately designed and crafted with precision.)
Once the word spread to Gallagher that you were finally home, Gallagher’s response was deeply rooted in a sense of duty and respect.
Like Sunday, he wanted everything to be perfect, not because of an obsessive need to impress, but because he believed it was the right thing to do.
In meetings, Gallagher was a voice of calm amidst the excitement, offering practical solutions to any challenges that arose. “Let’s focus on what’s important,” he would say, steering conversations away from extravagance and towards meaningful gestures.
He believed that the Creator would value sincerity and thoughtfulness over grand displays, and he ensured that Penacony’s contributions reflected that belief.
In his heart, Gallagher held a deep respect for you. His admiration was sincere, but it wasn’t showy. He didn’t need to prove his devotion through grand gestures or dramatic displays; his actions spoke for themselves.
He believed that true reverence was shown through quiet, consistent effort—through doing what was right, even when no one was watching.
He could just taste your happiness at the tip of his tongue, it was delicious. He began to think about your responses, what would you say? Would you accept his gift happily? Toss it away in digust?
“We’ve prepared these offerings with great care and respect, Your Grace. We hope they meet your expectations.” He would say.
"Oh, Gallagher! You shouldn't have!" You would reply.
"How bold of you to assume that I would accept such a gift from a low-life dog like you!"
Even a small smile would do.
No matter your response, he would still devote his entire being to you.
He had always been confident in his abilities, but now, faced with the Creator themselves, he wondered if his efforts would be enough. It wasn’t a question of worthiness, but of connection—he wanted the Creator to understand that Penacony’s gifts came from a place of genuine respect and loyalty.
Yet, even in this moment of uncertainty, Gallagher remained composed. He knew that whatever the Creator’s response, he had done his best.
And that, for Gallagher, was what truly mattered. He would continue to serve and protect, quietly dedicated to the Creator’s well-being, just as he had always done.
As the day of departure approached, Penacony and the Xianzhou Luofu were abuzz with activity. Airships were loaded with gifts, including traditional dishes, intricately designed artifacts, and artistic performances that would honour the Creator.
The entire city was involved in the preparations, each citizen contributing in their own way.
When the airships finally took flight, they carried not just the hopes of Penacony but also the dreams and creativity of its people.
This journey was more than just a trip; it was a pilgrimage to honour the Creator who had shaped their being.
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note: so many wips..
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(if the usernames aren’t highlighted that’s because I can’t tag you so I’ll dm you when I post a new chapter! if i forgot to tag you im so sorry!)
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kteezy997 · 9 months
The Candy Man- Part Two//W.W.
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Warnings: smut, bathtub sex, curse words, some dirty talk, Willy wanting to fill reader with his cum
You couldn’t stop thinking about him. Your candy man, your Willy Wonka. You were convinced that his wonder-filled green eyes were burned into your memory forever. Your mind raced with images of his springy dark curls, his creamy pale skin, and his big cock that filled you to the brim. Your pussy ached just thinking about it.
It was a week to the day that he came knocking again. Your heart nearly leaped out of your chest when you opened your door to reveal Willy: brown top hat, purple coat, and the sweetest of smiles.
“I can’t believe it’s you.” you uttered dreamily. Your prayers had been answered: Willy had come back.
“Hey, y/n. I’m sorry to bother you.”
“Oh, you’re certainly not bothering me.”
Willy smiled kindly at you, then continued, “I have just been thinking about you, and I wonder if maybe what happened was wrong. I mean, it was absolutely wonderful, but you are a married woman. I would hate for your husband to find out-"
You cut him off as he was speaking, “Don’t worry, Willy. He will never know. It’s our little secret.”
“Oh,” he nodded, “alright then. That’s great. Um,” he looked down at his boots, shyly, “do you mind if I come in? There was something else I wanted to ask you.”
“Oh yes, of course, come in!” you said, maybe a little too enthusiastically, and you stepped aside, letting him by.
Willy walked over to the couch, rubbing his cold hands together. He did look rather cute with his rosy cheeks and slightly pink nose from the briskness outside. “You really should stay inside today, it’s too cold for you to be out there, y/n.” he said.
You blushed at his sweet words, “Should I get you some hot tea to warm you up? Or maybe some coffee?”
“No, no, I really don’t want to trouble you.” he insisted, “Come, sit with me if you would?”
You obliged him, and sat down next to him.
"Look, the real reason that I came by is to ask you if...it was okay, what I did? Was it any good?" Willy cleared his throat, apprehensively, "Did I do a good job?"
You laughed and touched his hand, "Yes, you did. I came twice, Willy. You were a natural. Better than my husband, might I add. And I've been having sex with him for years now. Well, not hardly at all lately, but that's neither here nor there." you shrugged.
"It's just that it was my first time, and I wanted to be sure that you enjoyed it as much as I did." his cheeks became a little bit flushed again, but it was not from the cold this time.
"I definitely did, Willy." you said sincerely, intertwining your fingers with his.
He softly squeezed your hand and nonchalantly looked over to the fireplace area. He shuddered ever so slightly, "That rug."
"Does it do things to you like it does to me? The memory?" you purred as you leaned in close to his ear with an idea creeping into your mind. You bit your lip.
"Yea-yeah, it does. I remember exactly what you looked like laying on that rug.” he turned to look in your eyes. The tension was palpable as your faces were just a few inches apart. “I can't get you out of my head, y/n."
"Ya know, I was about to draw a bath for myself before you came knocking, would you like to get in with me?"
"More than anything." Willy blurted out without hesitation.
Willy had gotten into the hot water first, and you straddled his lap. With the both of you in the tub, the water level was dangerously high. But even if it were to spill onto the bathroom floor, you didn't notice. You were ravaging his lips, and he ran his wet hands all over your body, above and under the water.
Steam rose up from the water, creating a sweltering atmosphere. Your bodies were flushed.
You sank down onto his hard cock, and he rutted up into you. You cried out in pleasure as it slid all the way in. Your breasts bounced, tapping the surface of water and splashing in Willy's face. You grabbed his cheeks and kissed him sloppily as you fucked.
You did your best to grind your hips and keep up with him, but it was a losing battle. You were quickly brought to an orgasm with how fast he was thrusting up into you.
You whimpered as your body went limp, but Willy put his arms around you, and continued to pump his cock in and out. "Oh my God! Willy…Willy Wonka!" you cried, having never felt so good in all your life.
"I gonna come, y/n." he stuttered as his pace slowed and he thrusts became sloppy. He grabbed handfuls of your ass, and gave you a few more strokes as he kissed your face. He groaned in a huff, and you felt his cum filling your pussy.
You hugged him tightly, just needing to be close to him. Willy nuzzled into your neck and you rested your chin on his head. You put your hand on the back of his head, his curls at the nape of his neck were soaked as you pet them.
He looked up at you, his arms still linked around your body, "Kiss me?"
You leaned in and smashed your lips to his, "Mmm." you moaned happily against his mouth. You pulled away and he snuck in another peck to your swollen lips. You put your hands on either side of his chiseled cheekbones, "My angel candy man, dropped on my doorstep, so yummy and cute, with a cock made by the devil." you grinned, kissing him again. You couldn’t get enough. He was addictive like chocolate.
Willy chuckled, "I don't want to be done yet. Need to fill you with more of my cream.”
"Ugh, yes, treat me like one of your fine chocolates, Willy. Fill me, I want it.” you begged, moaning into his lips in another eager kiss.
"Turn over, please?" he asked, in between pecks, puppy dog eyes in full effect.
You couldn't deny his request. He was all you wanted, all you thought about and longed for, and you were going to take him as long as you wanted, as long as he was there. You nodded, swirling yourself in the water so your back was to him. Willy pushed you forward, careful to keep your head above water, and he pulled your hips up. With your ass to the surface and facing him, he held your waist, and slid his dripping wet cock inside you again.
"Ah!" you moaned as he thrusted fast, splashing the water and making it slosh out on the floor. The bathroom was filled with the loud splashing noises he created. You braced yourself on the bottom of the tub with your hands. The bath water sprinkled your face and hair with warm droplets as you took Willy's cock over and over.
After a moment, he let out a huff and you felt him release inside you once more. "Wheeew, sorry y/n. It may take more practice for me to last longer." his breathing was uneven as he spoke. He leaned over your back to leave a kiss on top of your head.
"No," you panted, "it's alright, it was amazing. You bring me more chocolate next week and we’ll practice some more.”
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @chalametbich
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ruins-of-babylon · 2 months
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Mattheo Riddle x reader 𝒮𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎:in search of the perfect way to mess with Theodore Nott, his enemy, Mattheo Riddle decides he needs to win over his girlfriend, who just so happens to be you 𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈:toxic!theo, kinda abusive relationship between reader and Theo, mentions of fighting and blood, smut, unprotected p in v, fingering, creampie, cheating both ways, lmk if I missed anything MDNI!!! 🔞🔞
It was no secret that you and Theo were dating. The promise ring he gave you was beautiful, and caught your relationship lots of attention. Or maybe it was the hickeys that seemed to be permanently marked on the skin of your neck, the giver obvious to anyone who saw you two walking together. Theo always had his arm around your neck or waist, occasionally holding hands, walking you to each class and kissing you deeply before letting you go, for anyone to see.
Your peers would talk about you two, naming you the best couple of their year, saying how they envied your so called love. Little did they know how Theo would control your every action, word, and emotion. He carefully prepared how he would carry your books, and kiss you in the halls. How you two would walk together, attend parties held in the common room together, study together, everything you needed to say to keep the image he created. After all, he had the girl everyone wanted, so he needed to show off his prized possession. Even the hickeys he gave you were planned, for fucks sake!
When you dragged your body into your bed every night, feeling the smooth material of your sheets, you would think about how nothing felt real to you. It felt like a trap. Each night you conjured up a version of Theo that you had fallen in love with to keep you sane. Instead of controlling, he was so deeply in love with you that he needed to be with you all the time. In your little fantasy he actually loved you and everything was okay. As that image played in your mind, you would fall asleep.
Mattheo Riddle saw through his facade, however. He saw the fake, plastic-seeming image he had made for himself. He and Theo had hated each other for a few years, after a series of fights and arguments. Theo had this habit of insulting his name and who his father was, stealing his weed several times, and tricking Mattheo’s ex-girlfriend into having sex with him. So, of course his mind was filled with ideas for revenge when he found out Theo was cheating on his girlfriend. One night, at a party in the Slytherin common room, a very drunk Lorenzo spilled Theo’s biggest secret: he would drive a few hours to meet up with different girls, fuck them, then come back to kiss his girlfriend’s cheek, whispering how he loved her. Mattheo willed himself to keep a straight face. Surrounded by vibrant green light, his house’s colour, he gently pushing past Lorenzo to find Theo. His step was slightly off, his vision blurring a bit as he looked around. Although his eyes weren’t exactly providing a perfectly clear view, he spotted Theo’s figure, a distinctive shape in his mind. His hair, sharp cheekbones that were accentuated by the contrasting lighting, and height seemed to be easily distinguishable from everyone else, at least to Mattheo.
Once he laid his eyes on his enemy, he quickly manoeuvred his way through the crowd, feeling another surge of determination run through him when he saw you on his arm. He stopped in his tracks, a sudden logic changing his plan. He quickly turned and retreated to his dorm to formulate a map of what he would do. He needed to hit Theo hard, right where it hurt.
Potions was not your favorite class by a long shot. Nothing ever made any sense to you, the instructions on the book refusing to transfer to your mind. The potions you made were always far from what they were supposed to be, if they hadn’t already exploded or evaporated. Mattheo happened to be in the same class as you, and after his new found information, he noticed you in many of his classes. He would watch you as you frustratedly huffed and groaned, adding ingredients into your cauldron. He laughed to himself, and as you turned to look at him with a glare on your face, he knew it was time to put his plan into motion.
He set his potion making aside and took long strides to get to your table directly in front of his own. He placed his forearm on the table to lean on while facing you.
“Not doing too good, are you sweetheart?” He asked, a smirk gracing his features. He gained a special confidence whenever he talked to girls, sure in his attractiveness. You knew about the conflict between your boyfriend and Mattheo, but he was always friendly to you, despite your position in his enemy’s life, so you had nothing against him. “No. I swear to god, my book is in another language.” You sighed, trying to seem nice. You smiled when he did, noting how pretty it was. “You know, I can help you if you want. This is my best class.” He offered, inching closer to you.
“Really? That would be lovely.” You replied. You were surprised to hear that. Everyone knew Mattheo was not a good student. He nodded, and just as he opened his mouth to say something, the bell rung and Theo came marching into the room, looking for you. He always got out of his classes early to go to yours, waiting to escort you to your next destination. Mattheo smirked as he made eye contact with him, ready to face whatever Theo could do. He was almost running towards you, your expression shocked as your heart pounded in your chest. You had only witnessed a few of their fights, surely only a small fraction of them, but each one you saw was brutal, only ending when both of them were bleeding profusely. Theo didn’t say anything, and neither did Mattheo, just staring at each other. Theo must have understood the look Mattheo was trying to convey with his eyes, a look of knowing, a threat. You watched in fear as they kept eye contact, waiting for the inevitable first punch.
Suddenly Theo brought his eyes to you as you packed up your things, taking them from you. He slightly raised his hand and you flinched to cover your face, and he grabbed your wrist tightly and pulled you with him. Mattheo stood there as you walked away, replaying the image in his head of the way you flinched at Theo’s movement. Another layer worked itself into his plan as he watched you two leave. He felt like he needed to save you. He moved back to his table and packed his things before heading to his next class, which you happened to share.
In class, he didn’t see you. You didn’t even come in late. Mattheo was a little suspicious, his mind wandering to the possibilities of what was going on with you. His first thought was that you and Theo were fucking, but that shifted to Theo yelling at you, lecturing you about not talking to his enemy. He briefly thought about Theo possibly hurting you, remembering how you flinched like he was going to hit you. He decided he was going to check on you when he could, explaining the idea to himself, saying it would help him get in your pants.
In the mean time, he tried to entertain himself by throwing paper planes at unsuspecting peers.
A few days later, Mattheo still waited to take action. When you had classes together, you avoided him, when he tried to talk to you, you kept it small. You didn’t show it on your face, but it sent a pang to your heart whenever he tried to talk to you. You felt rude, especially after he was nice to you.
Theo had given you strict instructions to not speak to Mattheo, and you obeyed to some extent. You decided that you wouldn’t ignore him if he talked to you, but that was as far as it would go.
Whenever he talked to you, he was very sweet. Always offering you something and smiling. You wondered what the sudden change was in his new interest in your company. You were wary of what he might be planning, but after a while you stopped the investigation and started enjoyed spending time with him. He kept good on his word and helped you in potions, which you appreciated, and always passed notes to you in class, as well as always offering to partner with you for every project or assignment. You slowly grew fond of him, feeding into his plan unknowingly.
As a few weeks went by as Mattheo’s friend, so came the weekends. This was when Theo would leave for almost all of Saturday and Sunday, claiming he was out drinking and hanging out with friends. In reality, he was meeting with the girls he regularly hooked up with. You never suspected that of him, because you trusted him, and the way he would control you led you to believe he was solely invested in you. While Theo spend most of his time with you, he also had a life outside of your relationship. He would hang out with his friends, causing trouble and creating problems. He got into a lot of fights and got blackout drunk regularly, which you hated, but knew you couldn’t change. He lived wildly, reckless. But it was all just a cover up.
You were staying in Theo’s room this weekend, as he requested, reading on his bed when you heard knocking on the door. You got up to walk to the door, practicing how you would greet this person and explain that Theo was gone during the short walk. You were surprised to open the door and see Mattheo, but still gave him the practiced speech.
“Theo isn’t here, but I can tell him you stopped by.” You offered, still holding the door open to show him you were the only one there.
“Oh, I know.” He smirked, gently walking forward to get into the room. You let him in and closed the door behind you, curious about why he was here.
“What’s up?” You asked, standing and facing him.
He took a few seconds before answering, slowly pulling his body to yours. You took a step back for every one he took forward, slowly backing yourself into the door.
“I wanted to see you.” He drawled, still stepping towards you. He braced his hands on both sides of you, trapping you between his arms. “Can I touch you, baby?” He asked, noting your heavy breathing and the blush on your cheeks.
“You know I have a boyfriend.” Was all you could say. You had to admit, he was very handsome. But so was Theo. You debated your options. You had wanted to break up with Theo for a while, but was this the right way to do that?
“Yes.” You said, confident in your decision.
He gently grabbed your face, caressing your cheek. Your breath hitched in your throat at his other hand reached for your waist, massaging the skin under your shirt.
”What are you doing?” You asked. You were afraid to touch him, your body stiff in his grasp. Even as he caressed your soft skin, you felt shy.
“Mmm.” Was all he said before starting to kiss your neck. You moaned as soon as you felt his lips on your throat, your touch starved body finally melting into his touch. You grasped your skirt in your hands as he continued to kiss you.
He laughed as he heard you, starting to suck the soft skin under his lips. Everything he did was so slow, making you crave him more and more. You brought your hands up to hold the back of his neck, rubbing the area under your thumbs.
“I bet he doesn’t fuck you.” He said teasingly, breathing the words into your skin.
“He does.” You shakily protest, trying not to moan again as he softly bit down. You couldn’t remember the last time you and Theo had sex, however. Actually, you could. You recall how he made you suck his dick before fucking you, not making you cum once.
“Really? Because your body is telling me otherwise.” He cockily replied, bringing his face from your neck to finally face you. You groaned when he moved his lips from you, only spurring him on.
“Please, Mattheo.” You whispered, looking into his eyes. You felt slightly embarrassed at his discovery.
“Please what? Actually make you cum? Give your pretty pussy some release? Make you feel good?” He asked, leaning in to brush his lips over yours. You whined against him, tired of the teasing and unsure of what to say. You wanted him so bad now, but you already had Theo. What would he think about you fucking his enemy? You debated the different options in your head, chewing on your lip.
“Use your words, princess.” He said, biting your lip gently. You moaned, finally giving in.
“Please make me cum. Theo never has.” You laugh, thinking of how unskilled he was. He laughed too, and brought his hand under your skirt.
“When I do, you’ll be mine.” He says before sliding his hand into your underwear and gently rubbing his finger through your folds. You moaned and tightly grabbed his shoulders as he found your clit and very softly rubbed it, the pad of his finger barely touching you.
“Can you say that for me? Say you’ll be mine, then I’ll make you come.” He says, holding you still as you tried to grind down on his hand. You whine again, looking into his eyes.
“I’ll be yours. Please.” You said, giving him what he wanted. He groaned at your words, finally putting pressure on your clit, slowly circling it. You let out a little sound of pleasure at the action, your head falling back onto the door with a thud. As his thumb played with the bundle of nerves, his index finger slowly trailed down to tease your hole. You clenched when you felt him there, and he let out a soft chuckle when he felt your movement.
“Needy, are we?” He playfully asked, slowly inserting his finger into you. You moaned and clenched around his finger as he held it still inside you.
“Please, Mattheo.” You moaned out again, filled with need and lust. You felt yourself getting closer and closer to release every rub of your clit and thrust of his finger. You clenched around it again, trying to distract yourself from the strong sensation.
“I’ll do whatever you ask. Just say the word, gorgeous.” He groaned against you, imagining what your cunt would feel like around his dick. He continued his movements, slowly adding his middle finger into your entrance, preparing you for his cock. You could barely take one of his fingers, so getting a second one in was a struggle. You whined in discomfort at the additional stretch, leaning your head into his neck and biting the collar of his shirt.
“I know it hurts, but I need to warm you up for my dick, love.” He explained. The thought made you shiver. You hadn’t been fucked good in months, and Mattheo seemed promising so far. You slowly felt your climax approaching as the pain subsided to pleasure.
“I’m gonna cum soon.” You told him, moving your face to kiss his neck. The moan he let out at your kiss spurred you on as you started to leave a hickey on the supple skin. “Yes, mark me.” He stated, relishing in your company. He felt lucky that he got to fuck you, a stunning, funny, sweet witch. He felt his member twitch in his pants at the thought.
“I’m cumming.” You breathed out as you released in his fingers. He stopped his movements after he thought you were completely finished, collecting your cum on his fingers before slowly pulling them out. He looked at the mess covering his hand, bringing it to his mouth to taste your juices. You eagerly watched as he cleaned his fingers with his tongue, and he smirked when he saw you watching. He pulled away from you briefly to undress, and you followed suit, both of you naked and staring at each other.
“You’re so beautiful my dear.” He said, holding your hand. You smiled at him, pulling him closer to kiss his lips.
Without a word, he lifted you to wrap your legs around his waist and manoeuvred his dick to your sweet cunt. You both watched as your bodies connected, his tip slowly disappearing past your folds. It hurt for a bit, your body stretching to fit him, and he waited patiently for your cue to move. When you opened your eyes and looked at him pleadingly, he knew you were ready.
He started thrusting at a steady pace, watching your expressions and body to try to understand you. When he saw no sign of distress, he started to move faster. Your body was banging against the surface of the door as he fucked you, feeling pure bliss. When he hit a particular spot deep inside you, you let out a loud moan, tightly gripping the back of his head between your fingers.
“Did that feel good? Is that your favorite spot?” He asked, intentionally trying to angle himself to hit it again and again.
You could only nod, your mouth open while releasing pleasured sounds. Every time he hit it, you would reward him with sharp squeals and a few clenches around his cock.
He started rubbing your clit, adding to the building pleasure inside you.
“I’m so close, baby. Are you?” He breathed out between pants, and you could feel it. The muscles of his abs clenched under you and his dick twitching inside you.
“Mhm.” Was all you could muster, his movements blocking your thoughts from becoming words. As he watched you, sweat falling down your face, mouth open, letting out continuous moans and sighs, he could only think about how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
“I’m coming, I’m coming, please.” You shouted as you did just that, releasing around his cock. He grunted and came with you, filling you up and placing his forehead on yours. You breathed in sync for a while before you kissed him deeply. He groaned into your mouth, roaming his hands around your body. Almost reluctantly, he pulled you off of him and set you down.
“Come on, let’s get cleaned up.” He said, grabbing your hand and pulling you with him. Your legs felt a little wobbly as you followed him. Once in the bathroom, he reached to grab a towel and wet it. When he turned back to you, he watched as his cum dripped out of you and down your leg. You followed his gaze and laughed softly as he groaned.
“You don’t know how hot that is, darling.” He said, rubbing his hand over his face. He focused himself and bent down so he was face to face with your legs, and wiped away the evidence of his pleasure. You smiled down at him, gently grabbing his hair. You could get used to this.
_________________ This is my first post on this app, so I know it’s probably not the best. Please let me know any writing tips or errors I made or anything. I hope you enjoyed!
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lilacstro · 23 days
astrocartography and relocation charts in astrology
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Hey!! I am clearing my drafts as much as I can before we start with Vedic astrology. This post would not be as big because there is overwhelming information on this topic as well, but let us see.
Astrocartography is a discipline of astrology that graphs out where planets were conjunct angles anywhere in the world at the moment of your birth. While relocation chart is a birth chart of a place if you were born there, what would your life look like.
These are very useful to see what place is best for you to travel, or relocate to for specific purposes like maybe education, finding a partner and so on..
🌐History and a little astronomical knowledge (skip if uninterested)
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There are two techniques to study this discipline. En Mundo and Zodiacal. En Mundo is what we use by default as this is what Jim Lewis the creator of astrocartography used. For some extra knowledge, (you can skip pass this section if you want to!) look below:
Image source: kepler college
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The basic difference is that En Mundo measures the planets relative to the celestial equator while the Zodiacal used Ecliptic. So basically the Zodiacal misses the declinations and the right ascensions (the 23 degree tilt basically). Now look at the charts below, the left one is En Mundo while the right one is Zodiacal. You can see how planets are in one line on the Zodiacal while the shift to different positions in the En Mundo chart.
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🌐How to use astrocartography and relocation charts
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🎀 here is how you can create relocation and astrocartography charts. I HIGHLY recommend using these in combination to have the best ideas of your experience at a particular place.
Know that your astrocartography map is based on your relocated birth charts. That’s the first, most important thing to know. Your birth chart shifts depending on where you are in the world. Meaning you have MANY charts for all of the places in the world! The natal planet and aspects of your chart don’t change, but the houses (areas of life), angles and aspects to those angles do. When you’re pulling up your astrocartography map, you’ll notice you have 44 lines criss-crossing across the globe. These lines show where the planets were situated on angles in the relocated chart.
You do not have to be situated right on a line to activate that story. You don’t have to live on a cruise ship and venture to the ocean to experience your astrocartography lines. Note where you have planetary lines and measure 150-200 miles surrounding it to see the strongest influence. 
Jim Lewis, the creator of Astrocartography, used 800 mile of an influence. most astrologers use 600 miles maximum, meaning you can feel effects of a line around 600-800 miles either side from where the line passes. Now the question is which side is the influence strongest? the answer likely is towards the west.
There’s a saying by Jim Lewis that “west was best” but it’s been said that moving west of a planetary line makes that planetary line more angular and dynamic, and moving east of a line places it in a more cadent position, which is less powerful.
However you can always see a relocation chart for the desired place to understand what is it that you want!
For example: Having planets in angular houses, the 2nd house and 6th house may be really good if you have been wanting a career success and recognition, having planets in 9th house is good for higher education and so on. You should see the location of chart ruler for more information on the main themes you can expect! The rising sign is incredibly important as well. I would not be making this too long because you can interpret your relocation chart very similarly to your natal chart, however let me know if you guys want a separate post on that one! I also recommend looking at the Vortex and Part of Fortune for more information.
Now let us see what do the lines on your Astrocartography map mean for you. Below would be an interpretation table for each lines, HOWEVER use these lines with accordance to your natal chart. If say you have Moon in 8th house, you could experience extreme emotional experiences along your Moon lines, and though depending on whether what type of line it is would make differences, your natal chart would still show effects.
For example if you have Uranus on your angular houses or maybe you are Aquarius rising or have Uranus in 1st, or aspects to Uranus like Uranus Trine Sun, Uranus lines passing through your birth country or where you live currently, you could either want to or struggle or maybe both for self expression and crave freedom, rebel. There was some actress whose chart I saw and she was very rebellious when she was in her home country and much better when she moved out, she had her Uranus lines passing through her birth country. It is worth mentioning that all aspects to Uranus are important, if I remember correctly, astrologer Noel Tyl used to take these very seriously.
Here is what astrologer Helena says:
We all have a fixed permanent astrocartography map based on when we were born. That never changes. But what does change is timing. Regardless if whether or not you’re in a nice location, if you have hard transits or progressions at that time, and hitting that location (and the angles of that new relocated chart), it will bring up challenging times. Progressions can last up to 3 years and transits can be as short as a few days to 3 years. Timing matters. Just as much as location. So if you’re wondering, “why am I having such a hard time in this location but I’m on a supported planetary line!” first ask yourself if you’ve looked at the relocated chart and parans, then ask yourself if you’ve looked at the timing.
(Parans are the latitude lines that are within 70-75 miles north and south. These crossings of lines create latitude lines that are a blend of two planets. Parans are incredibly powerful and can make or break a place. I would not be discussing them here since it is beyond what most people here would be willing to dedicate time to, however if anyone is curious they can study it themselves or I can make a post!)
🌐Meanings for each types of lines, AC, MC, DC and IC.
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AC (Ascendant) Lines:
Moon: Heightened intuition, emotional sensitivity, and connection to needs and heart. Strong emotional bonds but be cautious of neediness and psychological worry.
Sun: Vitality, creativity, self-expression, and ego increase. Ideal for networking, social connection, and personal relationships.
Mercury: Energy abounds! Expect mental agility, restlessness, and a love for travel, writing, and speaking. Social interactions are lively, and this is an excellent place for networking, learning, and sharing ideas.
Venus: Enhanced beauty and identity, ideal for romance, indulgence, and a relaxed lifestyle.
Mars: Increased leadership, motivation, and action. Caution advised for impulsivity, recklessness, and relationship challenges.
Jupiter: Optimism, expansion, and resilience are heightened. A lucky place where you may feel compelled to share wisdom, but watch for overconfidence.
Saturn: A serious, stoic outlook on life is adopted here. Increased responsibilities and leadership roles, but also potential physical strain. Relationships may feel monotonous and duty-bound.
Uranus: A place to break free from your identity and explore authenticity. Expect changes in lifestyle and possibly even physical appearance. Relationships may be interesting, spontaneous, and non-traditional.
Neptune: Life feels dreamy and romanticized, but also prone to confusion and escapism. Relationships here can be enchanting but may involve glamorization or projection.
Pluto: A transformative place where you explore your identity and inner power. Relationships can be intense, with themes of power dynamics and potential for conflict.
MC (Midheaven) Lines:
Moon: Excellent for compassionate service careers, fame, and emotionally led work. Caution against emotional thirstiness and people-pleasing.
Sun: Optimal for launching products, promotions, and realizing potential in work and vocation. High public profile and exposure.
Mercury: The ultimate career line for work in communication! Ideal for advancing in travel, media, sales, writing, teaching, and any field that involves communication.
Venus: Ideal for careers in design, beauty, fashion, and the arts. Recognition and public acknowledgment are common.
Mars: Great for daring, risk-taking careers, especially in entrepreneurship, training, and the military. Expect hard work and bold moves.
Jupiter: One of the luckiest places for career expansion, especially in publishing, travel, teaching, and spiritual work. Expect growth and new opportunities.
Saturn: Increased authority and responsibility in your career. Success comes from hard work and effort, though it can feel lonely at the top.
Uranus: Ideal for breaking new ground in careers involving science, technology, and entrepreneurship. Expect fluctuations and sudden changes in work and public image.
Neptune: A place for public visibility in careers related to media, spirituality, and healing, but be cautious of illusions and confusion in contracts and agreements.
Pluto: A powerful location for career transformation, often involving work in government, psychology, or disrupting and transforming industries. Be cautious of controlling bosses and authority issues.
DC (Descendant) Lines:
Moon: External situations reflect subconscious needs. Emotional relationships are likely, but watch for desperation or worry.
Sun: Opportunities for business, friendships, and personal relationships increase. Ideal for popularity and extroversion.
Mercury: Social butterfly energy abounds! You'll enjoy lively discussions, meet interesting people, and possibly start a client-based business. Great for flirting, gossiping, and learning from others.
Venus: Romance and pleasant relationships thrive. Likely to meet romantic partners or enjoy romantic getaways.
Mars: Challenges in relationships, with potential for breakups, confrontations, or aggression. Strong need for physical activity or training.
Jupiter: Relationships expand and grow, with the possibility of meeting uplifting people, teachers, or guides. Business partnerships may also flourish.
Saturn: Relationships may be slow and laborious, with a focus on duty and responsibility. Romantic partnerships could face delays and challenges.
Uranus: Relationships can be exciting, inspiring, and non-traditional but may also be unstable and unpredictable.
Neptune: Romantic and spiritual relationships thrive, but there's a risk of confusion, escapism, and projection. Stay grounded in your interactions.
Pluto: Intense, transformative relationships, with themes of power dynamics and psychological exploration. Be cautious of conflict and manipulation.
IC (Imum Coeli) Lines:
Moon: Deep connection to home and family life, with a focus on nourishment and settledness. Often a more private and comforting location.
Sun: A place to build a joyful private life and focus on self-expression at home. Ideal for settling down and family life.
Mercury: One of the best lines for working from home, writing projects, or exploring family lineage and the past. Local travel and community engagement are common.
Venus: Creates a love for domestic life, pleasure, and beauty in the home. Ideal for creative expression and local community involvement.
Mars: Home life may feel chaotic and busy. Not ideal for peace, but careers in risk-taking and pioneering thrive.
Jupiter: An ideal place for a joyful home life, personal hobbies, and retirement. Expect freedom and space to pursue your interests.
Saturn: Not the easiest place for family life, with a sense of duty and obligation. Maintenance, renovation, and feelings of being stuck or isolated may arise.
Uranus: A place for breaking away from family and tradition. Restlessness and frequent home changes are likely, so consider a trial visit before moving.
Neptune: A peaceful, dreamy location for healing and escaping reality, but be cautious with real estate investments and contracts.
Pluto: A location for deep psychological exploration of family roots and ancestry. Be wary of real estate investments and potential family conflicts.
Now I would yet again say this could be such a lengthy post but no one really has time for that. For example,
🎀people usually would suggest against travelling to your Pluto lines, however, if you have Pluto trine/conjunct Sun, you could benefit from travelling along your Pluto lines.
🎀Jupiter DSC lines can sometimes show the location of your spouse or maybe where would be the best place to find abundant love/partnerships.
🎀 I have often seen people having IC and ASC lines passing through their childhood home/birth country.
Now you can look up a combination of your relocation chart, natal chart-astrocartography chart to get a good idea of what your life could be at a place
I hope this helped,
paid readings open
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
Okay, first of all, how are you? Hope you’re doing well! Drink plenty of water, stay hydrated- Second off, your Sunny fics? *chef’s kiss* so mainly, what if anybody made Sunny cry and Miguel had to find out about it? And Sunny’s trying not to make it seem like a big deal in order to keep Miguel from, you know, absolutely obliterating anyone.
Come on, Baby, Cry.
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((Miguel O' Hara X Female! Reader))
A/N: Oh my goodness, thank you so much for the compliment. All my readers? *Extra chef's kisses* I am very hydrated and I got so excited to write this for you and to add some angsty content lol. I hope you enjoy this and let me know if you are disappointed or if you love it.
A/N: I also wanna address two things before I post this too. 1) thank you so much to the anon who asked me to include translations for the Spanish phrases as I was honestly not thinking about doing that. I will do better to include the translations at the end of the fics. 2) There are gonna be some triggering topics explored in this one-shot so if you don't want to hear about near injuries to children or child loss, then I understand if you don't want to read it. Feel free to enjoy my other fanfics and here's the post where you can stay notified on happier Sunny and Miggy fanfics.
Warnings: Grumpy x Sunshine, Barely using (Y/N) ((Sunny is just their nickname, not their actual name.)), Female pronouns, PTSD, Mentions of Child Loss, Endangerment of a Child ((No children were actually hurt, just traumatized)), Trauma, Comforting, Fluff, Angry Miguel, and Google Translate Spanish.
The room fills with squeals and giggles as the chase between the chubby toddler and the jumping spider. Mayday swings her little self around the corridor as the young woman follows behind amused by how agile the little tyke was. 
‘Maybe she’ll make a good sidekick in the future.’ The smiling woman muses in her mind before a bloody image flashes in her mind. Shaking her head, she clears the idea out of her mind as Mayday reaches an open window. 
Her quick scream of horror as she accidentally swings herself out of the window causes the woman’s blood to run cold as she flings herself out of the window after her. “MAYDAY!”
The adrenaline coming from her heightened fear causes the whole thing to appear to be trapped in time as the spider woman falls with the screeching infant falling inches away. Tears clouded her vision as she shoots out her webbing to the pillars around them as the images of flames lick at her eyes. 
So many flames, and too many buildings at once. Screams and pleas from below as she tries to be there. They didn’t matter to her, not at that moment. The only one who mattered was him. Did he scream like that too or did he not even feel it?
Using her webbing, she quickly creates a hammock for Mayday to fall on a few feet from the ground, thankfully trapping the wailing infant so she can’t escape. Unfortunately, reality doesn’t set in time for the spider as she slams into the titanium flooring below, knocking the air out of her lungs.
Many spidermen gathered as they heard the commotion, but she could only focus her blurry vision above her as she tries to regain her sight. A familiar blur of bright pink swings up and grabs the ball of ginger hair in a muddled mess of cries. He quickly drops down to where the disoriented woman was splayed out below with the whimpering infant in his arms.
“Hey, Sunny, you alright?” Peter calls his friend. The damage didn’t look bad from the outside, but he was sure she had some nasty concussion with how she was looking at him.
Hobie crouches down beside the crumbled girl and carefully lifts her head up with one hand. “Oi, Sunshine, you there?” He mutters as he looks into her eyes. He holds up his hand and makes three fingers pop up. “How many fingers do you see, love?”
With a cough, the woman croaks out, “Three?” Her eyes begin to focus as her enhanced healing works out the stars in her vision. With the help of Hobie and Peter, she stands up with a whimper at the feeling of her shattered ribs forming back together. “Damn, I forgot that falling several feet actually hurt.” She attempts to joke despite her wheezing breath. The crowd around them laughs as Peter sighs in relief.
“Thank god, you’re alright.” Peter mourns as a glint of regret shines in his eyes. “I’m sorry for all this, Sunny. I shouldn’t have let her bring the web shooter here. She almost swings herself out of the window all the time and MJ told me that one day I won’t be there to help the next time it happens.” Mayday’s cries end as she sees her favorite play partner up and well as she shows off her gummy smile.
“Well, luckily I was here to save the day.” The disoriented spider muses as she returns the infant’s smile as the men chuckle. The crowd dissipates leaving the injured spider with her two friends.
“I’m still really sorry, P. I got distracted and didn’t see that the window was open.” She winces as she blames herself for being so neglectful.
“Don’t sweat it, kid. This little rascal will probably send me to an early grave with all the mischief she causes.” Peter jokes as he tickles his now roaming daughter, chuckling at her excited squeals.
“Good thing you don’t have a kid, Sunny.” Hobie chuckles. “You would lose them in a heartbeat.”
The bright atmosphere shatters as the woman abruptly pulls away from her friends. The men look at her confused until they saw the look in her eyes. The normal warm and inviting gaze that they all thrived under was gone, only a dark void was staring back at them. Their light now shining in hurt and sadness as memories cloud her mind. Her lip trembles in a tight line as tears begin to roll down her face. 
Hobie looks confused at the sudden shift, but Peter realizes something as he looked at his trembling friend. Her eyes burned with tears as they locked with his. She had a haunted look about her. It's a look only parents can ever understand and fear. The look Peter himself almost experienced. “Hey,(y-” Before Peter can comfort her, she activates her mask and turns invisible before running off, her muffled sobs leaving them speechless.
Hobie groans as he realizes two things. One, he just made the sweetest person in the world cry. And Two,...
Miguel is gonna kill him.
The warm glow of the portal illuminates the surveillance room as the blue spider steps out covered in a musty yellow goo. Lyla smirks as she observes the little chucks slipping onto the ground as Miguel attempts to dust off the slime from his large shoulders.
“Was your mission successful, boss?” The assistant snarks as she sends out a little robot to follow the annoyed Spiderman. The little bug-like contraption eagerly swallows up the disgusting mess Miguel left as he walks up to the platform. “The anomaly was captured and disposed of. Next time, warn me if William Baker is made of anything except sand.” He grumbles as the sound of the little robot annoyed him even more. 
“I’ll make a note of that.” The AI giggles as she downloads the mission info from Miguel’s gizmo. “Also ‘Miss Sunshine’ is here and she doesn’t seem too happy.” She says before fading out.
Miguel’s eyes widen upon hearing that his sunny partner was upset. She was never upset. Never. With concern eating away at him, Miguel shoots out a web and swings himself to the platform above. He lands softly as he sees the scene in front of him.
His sunshine sat in his usual seat in front of the monitor. Her costume was dirty with a chest compression brace wrapped around her ribs as her choked sobs wheeze out of her. Her mask was off as her head rested against the ice pack in her hand, her back leaned forward as her attention was focused on the image before her.
He already knew what was on the screen.
He knew that file name by heart just like how he knows Gabriella’s.
File SW-0001425
World 16457-0
Spider-Woman- (Y/N) (L/N)
Age of infection- 23
Occupation- Intern Medical Research Assistant in the Genetics Department of { REDACTED } working under Dr. {REDACTED}
Sacrifice: Ben (L/N), age 4, Son of (Y/N) (L/N), 1 year into being Spiderwoman
Cause of death: Blunt Force trauma and Smoke inhalation caused by a multi-location attack caused by { REDACTED}
Status of Universe: DESTROYED
On the screen, the laughing face of a younger Sunny shines as a chubby cheek of a baby boy with dark curls smooshes into hers. The faint sound of a child mimicking the smooch of a kiss can be heard as the overexaggerated gasp of the woman causes the toddler to squeal. “That was such a sweet kiss, Benny. Can mommy have another one?” The sweet voice soured the air as the sobbing woman mournfully watches her baby boy.
The baby she failed.
Miguel approaches behind her and slowly takes the mouse from her weak grasp. The broken woman sighs as she realizes her miggy is here with her now, but doesn’t turn to look at him as he pauses the video. Her baby’s matching eyes stare right back at her before Miguel turns the chair around to face him as his mask disintegrates. His eyes glow red under the light of the monitors as he searched her sore eyes. Her face was red with a noticeable bruise along the left side of her face. Tears and snot crusted over her soft features as her lips remained turned into a trembling whisper. Her pupil shone in self-loathing and searching for his comfort. He could tell that this episode isn’t just one of her low days, something happened.
Something happened and he wasn’t here to stop it.
Miguel closes his eyes as his hand caresses her cheek. The warmth of her flushing face nuzzling into his palm allowed him to ground his rage as he focuses his gaze back onto his beloved.
“Mi luz, ¿qué pasó?” He seethes as he looks deep into her eyes. 
She shakes her head as she tries to avoid looking into his concerned ruby gaze. The glass bridge was already cracked as she internally debated with sobbing everything that happened into his warm embrace or to protect her friend from the wrath she knows Miguel will unleash if he knows what was said. The warmth of his other palm cupping her cheek, guiding her to a wandering eye to look at his frowning face nearly broke her.
“It was nothing, Miggy…”She whispered as her voice trembled again. She tried to control her eyes from unknowingly confessing while she tries to bite the wobbling pout. “It was an accident…”
“What.” Miguel runs his thumb under her abused mouth as a piece of her disheveled hair was swept back. “Happened?” His demand is punctuated as he holds her in his stare. His eyes burned with barely contained fury and protectiveness as he studied her reactions. “Odio verte como la suya, mi amor.” He admits with a sigh.
Leaning forward, Miguel places a firm kiss on her forehead as his beloved’s breath shudders at his touch. The gentle heat under his touch left her trembling as the glass began to crack. “Let me ease your pain…” He whispers as he trails his kisses down to her eyelids. “These eyes are meant to be filled with happiness, not sorrow…” The cracks deepen as he gently kisses her nose. “I can’t undo what has happened…” The corners of her lips were caressed by his as his nose brushed against her cheeks causing her eyes to meet his mirrors. Her sorrow and helplessness are reflected in his ruby eyes as he kneels on the ground between her legs. A silent plea breaks the resolve she built as he mutters into her ear.
“Please, mi sol, at least let me feel your pain too…It's me and you against the universe remember…Por favor no me dejes solo ... No quiero perderte de nuevo.” He begs as the tension shatters. 
With her arms snaking around his shoulders, the little spider confesses all that happened hours prior into his ear. Each detail, each scar, burned into his mind as she clung to his neck and hair. His inferno of rage almost imploded until he looked back into her eyes again. The relief of letting go of all of her troubles made her face look years younger as she looked at him with her big vulnerable eyes. 
Hobie will have to wait. His love needed him now.
In a silent nod, Miguel wrapped her weak legs around his waist before he stood up. Feeling her snuggling into his throat, he carries her toward her room down the hallway while the annoying robot follows them to clean up the mess. As he enters the room, he releases some of his anger by smashing the bug with his foot. 
“What was that, Miggy?” She croaks as she weakly tries to look over his shoulder.
“Just a bug,” He sighs as he approaches her dresser and grabs his spare set of clothes from his drawer. “You want your clothes or mine?”
“Yours…” She shyly admits as he feels the heat returning to the cheek on his neck. 
“Muy bien, niña bonita. Lo que quieras.” He whispers as he grabs another set of clothes that he knows will swallow her. With that, he carries them into her personal bathroom and spent the night slowly bringing back his sunshine.
A deep scream rings out through the Lobby as they see a flash of blue fury tackles the residential metal head into the ground. Peter hurries to save his colleague along with a few other Spidermen as Mayday laughs at the anarchist getting thrashed by the clawed man spewing Hispanic curses at him.
Mi luz, ¿qué pasó? - My light, what happened?
mi sol - my sun
Por favor no me dejes solo ... No quiero perderte de nuevo. -Please don't leave me alone...I don't want to lose you again
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ipso-faculty · 3 months
I, an intersex autistic, want to complain about an autistic flag
This time I'm not complaining about using the white infinity symbol of the Métis. I wanna complain about this flag, made in 2021 by Autistic Empire:
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This one upsets me as an intersex person. I get that the designers wanted to make a flag that's different from the neurodiversity flag, and that gold is a common choice for autism (Au = Gold).
The problem it's an icon on a solid golden yellow background, and that is Intersex Flag Territory.
For my perisex readers, these are intersex flags. The one on the left was made in 2013 by Morgan Carpenter so you'll hear people refer to it as the Carpenter flag sometimes:
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A common technique in deriving flags for "intersex plus X" is to replace the purple ring with another icon in the same colour. Like these! (Note the intersex autism flag.)
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So using the flag logic I'm used to for intersex flags, a rainbow infinity on a solid gold background means.... neurodivergent intersex!
I've talked to a few other intersex people who had the same reaction. It's kind of upsetting - intersex is so frequently invisible and sidelined at the queer table. My *emotional* reaction to the Autistic Empire flag has been "really, we intersex people can't have one thing?". (This is an emotional response not necessarily a rational response.)
Also annoying me is how Autistic Empire presents their 2021 flag on their Autistic Pride Day page beside the history that Autistic Pride Day started in 2005, which apparently gives people the idea that the Autistic Empire flag was created in 2005.
Best I can tell, this was the 2005 flag that Aspies for Freedom created. I know it was a rainbow infinity on a white background but I'm not 100% this was their design. (If you know please let me know!)
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These oldest ND/autistic flags I can find with clear provenance are from 2013 and 2016:
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The Autistic Empire design was created in 2021 by taking a 2016 neurodiversity infinity symbol design and sticking it on the gold background.
The prospect of solid gold backgrounds taking off as an autistic flag theme is scary to me. I've seen how queer Métis now have to explain that the Métis queer pride flag is not an autistic flag.
In my eyes, it fits into the greater trend of autistic flags being insensitive of other minorities' flags (see: the Metis flag). I think we as a community need to do better about this.
My fellow autistics I beg of you when doing flag designs: - google image search - has your idea already been used? Search the keywords you want before making a mock up - also text search on google and tumblr: <keywords> and <flag> - consult recommendations on how make an infinity symbol that does not look Metis - Wikipedia's list of flags by colour combination - once you have a mockup, return to google image search and this time search using the mockup - if you get feedback that your flag design is too similar to another group's flag, use this feedback. The person who is giving you the feedback might be upset, and if so, try to look past their tone and work past any defensiveness you may feel Edit to add: I'm keeping a list of autistic & ND flags that don't use the Metis infinity nor use a solid gold background here. If you know of more please let me know! <3
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filmologetica · 1 month
pairing: soldier boy x demigod!reader
the one where: the reader tries to make a tiktok with ben.
warnings: +18. soldier boy (y’all know he’s pretty much a warning himself), language, mentions of sex, established relationship, a little bit of grumpy x sunshine.
a/n: english is not my first language and this is my first time writing.
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Ben was aware you were awake for quite some time now. He knew that because even from far away in the big apartment he could not only hear your giggles while still in bed, but he could also hear all the Tiktoks you were watching. Which, by the way, he thought was the stupidest thing ever created.
He drank his coffee silently on the couch, trying to focus on the newspaper in hand. The whole supe thing was a lot, but the super hearing was what got him the most. Living in New York was noisy enough for humans, let alone for superheroes. Sometimes it took him quite a while to be able to focus on what he wanted, and you knew exactly how frustrating that could be, after all, being a supe wasn’t easy on anyone you’ve ever seen. Your case was slightly different. You weren’t a supe after all, just a demigod.
“Morning, handsome.” You purred, hugging Ben from behind on the couch and kissing his cheek before hiding your face in the crook of his neck. “Bed’s so cold without you.”
“You’re a daughter of Apollo.” He says, without even looking away from the paper.
“So? You’re a different level of hot.” Ben can’t hide the smirk on his face after hearing you. Leaving the cup on the center table and the paper on the couch, he looks at you, pulling you to his lap.
“Yeah, that’s what I’ve heard around.” You can’t help but roll your eyes. He winks at you, nonchalantly. “Thought you were gonna spend all day watching those stupid fucking videos. How are you fucking able to see the same fucking thing over and over again and still find it fucking funny?”
“Dear gods, how can you kiss me with that mouth?!” You playfully push his shoulder with a frown.
“You know I can do so much more with that mouth, Doll.” You could feel his voice getting lower and his hands start to roam over your naked legs. “Need a reminder?”
“Maybe I do.” You moved your hips a little, adjusting your positions making your ass fit perfectly where you could feel his cock. “Let’s make a deal. I’ll grant you the best head you’ve ever had-”
“Let me finish!” You roll your eyes once again. “I’ll give you the best head you’ve ever had if you make a tiktok with me.”
“Fuck no.” Ben pushed you out of his lap, grabbing the empty cup and taking it to the kitchen.
You followed him around like a lost puppy. “It’s a free blowjob!”
“Well, I already get lots of these. Think of something better.” Ben crossed his arms looking at you with no hints of humor.
“Period sex?” You knew how hard it was for him to spend days without fucking you when you had your period.
“Done that.” He slapped your ass before leaving the kitchen unimpressed.
“ANAL!” You yelled and Ben stopped in his tracks. Turning around slowly you regretted the whole conversation. He watched you smirking mischievously. That dirty look on his face making your panties wet.
“Grab your fucking phone, Sunshine.”
Positioning your phone at the center table was easy. The image was good and clear. You were sitting on the couch wearing one of Ben’s big shirts and he had an amused face thinking about how easy it was going to be. But well, you had your tricks.
Pressing the record button, you were fast with your words. “Ok. So, this is a simple trick I’ve learned on Tiktok and it actually works. Ready?”
Ben frowned in his place, moving closer to the camera with full attention and no idea what you were talking about or what was about to happen. “I guess.”
“From the minute I snap my fingers you’ll forget you’re gay.” Snap.
The look on Ben’s face was confused as hell. “What? I’m not gay!”
“IT WORKS!” You laughed amazed with the scene. Maybe dating an old men was really fun after all.
“What works? I’m not fucking gay, Y/N.”
“You really forgot! Oh, gods! That’s amazing.”
“Yeah, I’ll show you how gay I am while my fucking cock is deep inside that pretty little ass of yours fucking you raw.”
And you pressed the button to stop.
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brujamala-aka-gigi · 2 months
emotional attachment and distorted perceptions...
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although embracing emotions and giving ourselves time to experience them fully is highly necessary, we owe it to ourselves to be responsible, and make sure those same emotions are not blocking our ability to have a clear vision of our lives. this tarot reading is aimed to give you some guidance if you feel like something about the past is still impacting your thoughts negatively.
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pile one pile two pile three
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images from pinterest and dividers by @pommecita
꒰ঌ ✦ scroll down for the results ໒꒱ ༘*.��
-ˋˏ ༻ ❁ Masterpost and Tarot Menu ❁༺ ˎˊ-
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Soon, you will face situations where you are not expected to put your emotions first, as you are now too compromised by ruminating thoughts regarding your past. You need to understand that part of your healing journey involves moving forward when it comes to more material and seemingly superficial notions of success. You must begin allowing yourself to experience the joy simpler things can bring into your life, as they will signify deeper manifestations of emotional and spiritual growth. It is understandable to feel disappointed and disenchanted by apparently mundane things, but you have the mental strength to think more positively about the little things you miss out on enjoying from your daily routine.
It’ll become more noticeable to you that many things have already fallen into place once you get yourself out of toxic thought patterns influenced by emotional scars that you are not allowing to heal properly. Be kinder to yourself and be patient, stop expecting certain things to move faster and enjoy the actual process of healing. Anxiety won’t produce any helpful thoughts, so it’s better to be aware on how those ideas are affecting your wellbeing and sabotaging your growth before allowing them to take so much space.  
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Major turning points in your life might be accompanied by long periods of introspection, but it’s also key that you develop better abilities to understand the emotional depth of others around you, especially when dealing with the consequences of other’s impulsive emotional decisions. You might not be taking into consideration that even if you are great at solving problems and creating new ways of dealing with them, other’s are too reliant on your strength, which is making you tired due to rightfully not being willing or able to provide support or company for everyone.
Being someone who is naturally generous and nurturing is amazing, and valuable. But this shouldn’t be taken as a defining characteristic of yours, you don’t owe the same level of care to everyone, even if it’s natural to you, it doesn’t mean that is not affecting you negatively. It is completely normal to want to walk away or to not know how to process absolutely all of your emotions as long as you don’t hurt anyone on the process. Stop allowing yourself to be carried away by the emotional immaturity of others.
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During this moment of your life, the independence you might have fought for in the past is not giving you the freedom of choice you expected. This disappointment might get you in an overly defensive state where you are in denial of actually wanting and needing some help, especially when it comes to situations that involve conflictive ways of dealing with them. The need to advance in your life path is heavily influenced by fear of being stuck, instead of ambition to grow further.
Expect your problems to be solved in rather explosive ways soon. Many things in your life will begin to happen in order for you to move past the anxiety of loosing what you already have. You do have control over what happens and how it happens, yet this power won’t manifest unless you become more confident when dealing with mistakes, the ones you made and the ones from others, as it’s not healthy to remain resentful if you are not willing to learn from the experience.  You might not realize it, but any kind of abundance you have in your life, won’t be taken away by others, but will rotten if you are not transcending the fear of loss and abandonment.
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historyslittlebish · 4 months
Illness won't stop love (Cured!King Baldwin IV x Witch!Female!Reader)
a/n: I have never watched kingdom of heaven before but I know of it because my sister watched it so I am gonna write for the king :)
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Warning: unrealistic but okay, religious stuff, occ?
Baldwin groaned as he sat on his throne. He praised himself for getting all the diplomatic work done half the time he usually completes.
Every passing day his bones and muscles ached, his mind spinning, overwhelmed with his kingly duties. His mind was filled with thoughts and plans but he was too weak to act on them.
While determined and strong willed, he was aware of his sickly disease and how weak he is compared to anyone else. He often spent time looking up, thoughts of gods plan with him.
Why would god plague him with such illness, what had he done? What was his sin against his creator? he often found himself praying that he could, maybe, just maybe, be cured and continue to live and be the greatest king he could be, have a wife and an heir, to live his life to the fullest with no worry of death coming as soon as he always prepared himself for.
He knows he should not question God, and be grateful for his life but even then his mind does not stop thinking such thoughts.
He sat still staring into nothing, deep in thought as a few servants scuttled about, cleaning and tending to the throne room. The sounds of their whispering had started bothering him, the constant sound of pattering feet didn't allow him to think.
He slowly rose before clearing his throat. Some of the servants looked over in surprise and curiosity.
"I would like to be left alone, please." His voice is steady, firm, but gentle and warm. His servants rushed to leave the room allowing the king his privacy.
He sighed as he sat down once more. Alone in his own thoughts, he allowed himself to be consumed by his own mind, each thought, idea, word, running through his brain as he rested his eyes, deeply in his imagination.
Not too long after however does he hear a female yelp, a loud thud, and someone shuffling around the marble floor.
His eyes snapped open as he saw a small amount of mist covering a figure slightly. His eyes widened in surprise and shock as he stared at the woman in front of him. She wore odd clothes, not the kind he's seen before, her H/C was beautiful to him, mesmerizing even. Her S/C looked so soft in comparison to his heavily scarred and sore ridden skin.
He stood up and suddenly the strange and foreign woman stared at him before getting on her knees and bowing deeply, lifting her head enough to look back up at him.
"My king." She stated.
"Rise." Baldwin said as he motioned with his hand for the woman to stand. Slowly she did stand and still have a respectful demeanor.
"Who are you, and why do you come here?" She looked up, her E/C looking into his blue irises. She inhaled before kneeling and leaving her hands by her side "My king, I present myself as a witch from the North. I've heard of a prophecy that you will need to defeat Saladin but not without outside forces," She rose from her knees and reached into a small pouch, holding a vile with blue liquid, glowing and bubbling. "I've come to present to you a cure. You have my heart should I speak the lies of the devil himself.".
Baldwin was shocked and scared. A witch in his holy kingdom? Witchcraft is the devil's work. He could not decide if he should call his soldiers and risk the witch woman to hex him or to continue the conversation, only to eventually be found dead without reason, or to many, his leprosy being the cause.
He took the latter and prayed that no harm would come to him.
"Well witch, I want proof." The woman nodded and held her arm to her side, F/C mist circling the room, a wall of fog covered the walls of the room. The mist streamed into the middle of the room and created a circle, creating a pocket of white particles creating images.
They showed him being crowned king all the way to his death at an old age.
he could not believe his eyes. The images showed such small moments in his life that he could not recollect well but they were perfect for what he was told.
The mist that engulfed the room suddenly retracted and disappeared into the air.
He stared at the witch who stared back but with a slight fear in her eyes, not knowing if she would be in danger or not. Baldwin's breath hitched but he sat down. He racked his brain for thoughts but he was very overwhelmed by the information. He clutched his head and rubbed at his temples.
The two stayed in silence for a few minutes before the king made his choice.
"I shall take this potion if what you say is true." He murmured.
The witch stepped forward towards the kind on his throne and handed him the bottle gently before stepping back.
"I warn you my king, you will fall in a deep slumber, alive and well, but deep for the whole day." The king contemplated her words but slowly opened the bottle and drank the liquid completely.
After a few moments his head began to spun and he almost collapsed to the floor before a warm pair of arms caught him and held him before his eyes completely shut and he fell into a deep slumber.
Baldwin squinted his eyes as the sun peaked through the window in the early morning. The light was dim due to the window covers but it was still bright to him. He slowly raised his body but was confused when he could feel his body weight shift onto his legs. He had lost feelings partly in his legs and arms but he could feel himself twitch and move on his entire body.
He was wearing some white sleepwear that he doesn't remember putting on and his mask was on the side of his bed. He was confused but slowly walked over to the mirror.
His eyes widened and he stumbled back but caught himself before he fell on the cold, hard floor.
He saw himself but no longer disfigured or ridden with rashes and sores. His golden locks framed his face, his eyes looking deep into his in the mirror, his skin was just glowey as the witch he had seen.
That's when it hit him.
The witch had saved him, the lovely witch that had given him a potion that she said would heal him and allow him to live his life fully.
The whole castle was chattering with loud and bright voices. Their king was not only cured by gods miracle but he would be able to soon produce an heir should he be willing.
He sat on his throne thinking of the memory of you. You, you were to be his wife, you saved him, he could live without the fear of dying anytime soon.
Baldwin got a surge of confidence, he was determined to get you to come back but first he had to deal with royal affairs but nothing could slow him down, not anymore.
a/n: Part 2? Yes. I need to make a male version for anon OR male reader hcs for our king. Sorry if its shit though.
a/n 2: the part 2 will be linked to this post and mostly everyone who comments will be tagged (I'll try) but yeah! It's in the works
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patricia-taxxon · 1 year
I want to address what’s being said about me regarding my behavior as a teenager, because some of it is true. However, more of it is greatly distorted, and some of it is false. I won’t be reproducing the video that was made about me, the creator has acknowledged the misinformation present in it & has unlisted it, willingly ceding ground for me to give my own testimony. Some of it will require me to admit to things I am still ashamed of, some of it will require me to revisit a traumatic time in my life that I have mostly blocked out. The short version is that I believe I was being groomed at the same time and in the same place as many of the people who came out against me, and my ultimate goal is to find solidarity with those people and begin the healing process. 
When I was 18, and just beginning to accrue an audience, I created a discord server. For a lot of external reasons, mainly spending my entire life up until this point being shuttled around different special ed schools, this ended up being the first real social circle I ever had. It represented the first positive attention I ever received from strangers. It’s a time where I made a lot of mistakes, it’s a time where I was gravely vulnerable. In all honesty, I was too young to manage a community of any kind, I was hot off the back of being desensitized in my adolescence by unrestricted access to early 2010s internet. I knew well enough to create special NSFW rooms, and was advised later to create further division by requiring users to self-apply for a special NSFW role to access those rooms This extra layer meant that the rooms wouldn’t even show up for people who didn’t have the role, which led to some believing they didn’t exist. 
However, I did not intuitively understand the “meaning” of sexual content, I didn’t understand the baggage that came with it. I used cropped fetish porn as emotes and indiscriminately showed the source to anyone who asked, sometimes outside of the NSFW rooms, because I found niche fetishes to be amusing, and since it was “funny” and not “sexy” it didn’t have to mean anything. The worst consequence of this happened when I was first formulating the ideas for my video about youtuber Rags, and I discovered that his youtube avatar was cropped from a NSFW image he had commissioned of his feral dog fursona. I sent this image to just about anyone who seemed interested, and this included a then 13 year old. I’m going to apologize just like I did when this first came out, but I will not be pressured as I was then into assuming predatory intent in myself. I’m not making excuses when I say that I had been a legal adult for under a year and thought of it as just an interaction between two teenagers, a kind of interaction I had with many of my friends (and some adults) before I turned 18. It was a misunderstanding, *and* I hurt you, and I’m deeply deeply sorry. 
There were some moderators besides myself, two were teenagers around my age, early adopters of the server who I felt I’d become friends with. One was a woman in her late twenties, who I won’t name simply because I’m not in the business of offloading my misery onto other people, but she knows who she is. She contacted me with a shower of attention & adoration, she left positive reviews for my albums when she noticed I was upset at their critical reception, she oversaw me as I posted my nudes in that server and later on my main twitter account. She encouraged this behavior in myself and others and participated in it too.
I want to make this clear, the bulk of the allegations against me boil down to punishing me for failing to surmise I was being exploited by the first social group I ever had. I jerked off in voice chats. I remember the day I started, I was surrounded by people older than me who were encouraging me to post my first nude pic in the self-nsfw channel, and I had to get hard for them first. I then considered this normal and did it often. At one point a 15 year old entered the room while I was doing it, and I went quiet until she left. I reconvened with this 15 year old recently, and she told me she only remembers being promptly told to leave. The claim that I “regularly jerked off in voice chat with minors” as if it were an orchestrated and habitual activity is an outright falsehood.  
I remember posting my nudes on twitter in a fevered haze of dissociation and dysphoria after being goaded by other users in my discord server. I remember doing it again and again, so that it could maybe eventually feel normal. I was 18, going on 19. I had twenty to thirty thousand subscribers, I was hot off the heels of being given 150 bucks for making thirty minutes of music for a much bigger youtuber. There are others who were in that server who were similarly exploited, and I am not here to contradict those testimonies, but I was uniquely denied the ability to understand what had happened to me as grooming, because I was technically of age and I had the very beginnings of a youtube audience. However, 20k subs didn’t give me more power than someone over ten years my senior. 
I was groomed, and just as I was beginning to understand what happened to me, the shame threatening to overtake me completely, I was slapped with the supposed news that I was the sole perpetrator of the entire situation that traumatized me so, that what I thought of as my first friend group all remembered me as a loathsome creep. The apology I wrote in abject panic was dissected and used as a cudgel against me in police-interrogation fashion, so I became afraid to say anything. A year and a half later, I made a post saying that I had been “groomed by a portion of my audience” and this immediately provoked a youtube video callout. I feel as if I have been beaten into silence and complicity, unable to form thoughts of my own regarding my experience. I am terrified, right now, writing this story that I firmly believe no one on earth will buy, because I have come to routinely doubt my own testimony.
Some accusations being made of me are so foreign that I have trouble piecing together what it could be referring to. I commissioned a NSFW size difference piece from dramamine, one where my lover is 11 feet tall, and I was pre transition at the time so I wanted a flat chest to help me feel feminine in my current body. It was wrongly tagged as “cub” (furry child porn) on E621, which I vocally protested at the time. This is the only thing I could point to as evidence for the claim that I commissioned cub porn of myself. I do not know how to convey the feeling of being flooded by accusations that require me to ponder what it could even be referring to, or to see my accuser insist that she’s receiving dozens of new horrible scoops on me without being able to see exactly what it is or what happened. I’m open to apologizing personally to anyone I ended up hurting in my adolescence who reaches out to me, I was a victim of grooming let off into a public space with a few thousand followers after all, but I’m not apologizing on behalf of people who might have heard something bad about me.
I am going to restate, my accuser has *of her own volition* unlisted the offending video & understands the misinformation she spread, there is nothing to gain from seeking her out and letting her know your opinion on the situation. I waited until this agreement was reached to make any statement at all for this exact reason. 
I am staying offline for about a day after posting this, I am under a lot of pressure, I am very tired.
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theamberplumbob · 15 days
My Thoughts on Inzoi
I figured since my post about the whole Inzoi terms of service debacle blew up in a way that I never would have predicted, I should probably give a more nuanced explanation of my stance on the game and the discourse around it in general.
First off, I will just say right off the bat that I am not a fan of Inzoi, and unless some very big changes are made to the game, I am not interested in playing it.
I also want to make clear that my dislike of Inzoi is NOT motivated by any sort of love or loyalty to EA or The Sims. If there's one good thing to come out of Inzoi its breaking the monopoly that EA has over the life sim genera and giving The Sims competition. I also want to say that I despise EA for what it has done to the Sims franchise, and while I have played an absurd amount of hours in The Sims 4, I think it is objectively a bad product.
My biggest problem with Inzoi, first and foremost, is it's the use of AI. Inzoi allows players to use generative AI to make custom textures, designs, and paintings within the game. You may not agree with me on this but I am fully of the opinion that real artists should have been hired and paid to create all of the textures/paintings/designs for this game. Allowing players to upload their own photos and videos is one thing, but Krafton, a multi billion dollar company, chose to not support real, professional artists so they could save what is essentially pennies to them. All this results in, frankly, ugly and uncanny looking generated designs plastered all over the furniture and decor. For this reason alone I do not support Inzoi, but there's so much more to it than that.
There's also the fact that we have no idea how their AI is trained. Krafton apparently has an "AI Ethics Committee," but we have no clue what their actual code of ethics are. While it's bad faith to assume, they could be using stolen artwork for their AI. It is also very likely that whatever images you upload into the game, as well as any use of their facial scanning feature, could also be used as material to train their AI. This could lead to all sorts of ethical and legal issues I don't even know where to begin.
Secondly, I have to say, looking at the early access footage from youtubers and everything else I've heard about the game, it feels like its only going to repeat most of TS4's mistakes. In youtuber NotMalcolm's most recent video he discusses Inzoi's overly sanitized approach to various aspects of life, most notably that you can't try for a baby unless you are already married (source). Just like TS4, Inzoi is appealing to a younger demographic and sanding down the rougher aspects of life in order to cater to them. I fear that Krafton is likely taking it a step further and not only watering down the game for the sake of potential child players, but also using them as an excuse to enforcing extremely traditional values on its players. I have no interest in playing a life sim that only allows me to play out a single, socially acceptable way of living.
It also, like TS4, feels like a Young Adult Wish Fulfillment Sim™. The gameplay looks shallow, and it feels like it exists more to make aesthetic screenshots than it does to be an actual game.
I think when people say that Inzoi is missing the "quirky weirdness" of the Sims, what they actually mean is that Inzoi is devoid of personality. One thing that stuck out to me immediately is that the animations are so stiff, robotic, and lifeless. Again, everything is made to be ~*Aesthetic*~ with no regard to an actual sense of identity or personality.
I know people will say that its only in early access, but given how close public early access is to release, I highly doubt any significant changes are going to be made to improve what will be given to us when the time comes.
On a similar note, there's the fact that Krafton has never made a game before now that hasn't been riddled with micro transactions. I personally predict that Inzoi's monetization strategy will be just as, if not more predatory than TS4's is. The fact that we are drawing so close to public early access and have not heard a single word on their method of monetization speaks volumes. I simply do not trust it.
Now, of course, I need to elaborate on the whole Terms of Service Situation. I understand fully that Krafton's terms of service is industry standard and not too dissimilar to EAs, however, this post highlights that whats really concerning about Krafton's ToS is how difficult and confusing it is for players to access and review it. I find it understandable that Krafton's proud use of AI makes people a lot more nervous as to what their data could potentially be used for, and are going to be a lot more weary of Inzoi's ToS. Though I understand that it is only speculation, many have made the assumption that Krafton may use user's personal data to train AI.
I did not expect my post on the subject to make so much traction, and I now regret how impulsively I made the post. I feel I've contributed to fear mongering, even though I feel my concerns at the time were valid and I felt like people had the right to know. I could have done more research and given more of an explanation for what my concerns were instead of basically saying "Yikes..." and leaving it at that.
I was also told through an anonymous ask that the auto accepting of the ToS on closing the game was a bug that had apparently been fixed the first day the character creation trial was available. I of course cannot verify this myself, but I will take them on good faith.
I would also like to touch on two other talking points that have been very prevalent in the Inzoi discourse:
Diversity - I think this links back to my previous point about the game's goal of being as ~*aesthetic*~ (and marketable) as possible at the detriment of everything else. The game is clearly catering to a very specific, very pale and thin standard of Korean beauty, and I think that everything that doesn't conform to that standard was sidelined as a result. I will be fair and say that the Inzoi team still has ample opportunity to fix this and add more options over time. TS4 was also severely lacking on release, but over the years has made great strides in regards to representation. However I would have hoped that Inzoi, a game planning to release in early access in 2024, would do a lot better than a game that was initially released in 2014.
Partnership with Curseforge - I've seen many people accuse critics of Inzoi's partnership with Curseforge of being hypocritical, since TS4 also has a partnership with them. Of course, one would have to ignore the massive, community wide boycott of Curseforge, and the pressure the community has put on CC creators to stop using the platform for that claim to hold any water. I also think there is a notable difference in EA choosing to partner with Curseforge before the Israel/Palestine conflict began, and Krafton actively choosing to partner with Curseforge now, during an active genocide taking place, in which Curseforge's parent company, Overwolf, actively advocates for and donates to those committing said genocide.
In conclusion, there are a lot of valid reasons to not like/be suspicious of Inzoi. Of course I can't tell you what to do or what games you play, nor can I force you to agree with me, but don't be so quick to write off or demonize those who are simply trying to raise awareness or drawing boundaries regarding Inzoi and those who choose to make content with it.
I also encourage you to consider the points I've made and maybe think twice before investing yourself in yet another game that will very likely exploit your attachment to it in the very same way that EA and the Sims has. You need to make them deserve your time and money, which is why I'm encouraging you to advocate for a better and more ethical game.
You deserve better. We all do.
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daydreams-after-dark · 2 months
what are ur thoughts on members asking bf!skzmember to share y/n with them?? (seungmo would b like hell nah but lix would say sure, etc) dk i thought of this on the bus
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Hi Babe!!! Thanks so much for the ask.
I'm going to break this into 2 parts, the first being who would ask your bf to share you with them, and the second being would your bf share you.
Part 1 - Who would ask your boyfriend to share you with them?
All the members are dying to ask if your skz!bf will share you with them. They all wonder what you do to him to make him moan like he does. The walls are so very thin and they can hear so much. Your little sighs and pretty noises drive them wild. It's so clear in their ears that the images they conjure in their heads while they fuck into their hands is so vivid. It's almost real. Almost.
Out of all the members, I believe Hyunjin will be the first to ask if your bf will share you with him. He believes all beautiful and precious things in the world need to be experienced first hand. He needs to be immersed and connected to you.
Seungmin would also be bold enough to ask outright, and Minho would have covertly gathered intel as to whether or not he will go ahead and ask as well. I feel Minho will pick up on little cues in your behavior (to see if you'd be the type who'd be up for for it) before approaching with a proposition.
Changbin would be similiar to Minho, except he focuses on the words you and your bf use when you flirt, or in conversation. He can tell just from your conversations if you both would be open to letting him feel what it's like to have you wrapped around him.
The rest of the members? Well they secretly (well it isn't that secret when Jisung practically stares at your tits all the time), pine after you. They wait and hope that the opportunity simply falls into their laps. They'll try to create opportunities, like brush past you in the kitchen, or sit really close to you on the couch. Or Chan will flirt and act embarrassed around you 90% of time, but he wouldn't dare make a move on his girl. They just hope your bf will offer you up.
Part 2 - Who would share you?
Jisung never considered sharing you with anyone. Your his. He loves to have you all to himself. That is until another member approaches him and kinda, sorta puts the idea in his head. Wouldn't you love for the others to feel how amazing she is? Don't you want to make them jealous that you get that sweet pussy every single night? Don't you wanna watch how she looks with someone else's cock buried in her? The answer is yes. Yes he does.
Seungmin and Minho. (I've paired them up again... oops). Yes, but under very strict rules and circumstances. They both must be present and overseeing everything. There are safe words, no anal, and they can't come in you. Both Seungmin and Minho will taunt you about it later when they are punishing you.
Seungmin will goad you and tell you how pathetic the other member was, and say that you better not have enjoyed it, while brutally driving his cock into you.
Minho, on the other hand, will make you admit you enjoyed it, then he'd double down and (pretending it's punishments) and give you so much pleasure that you forget everyone else's name except Minho's.
Channie. Of course he'll share you, but he has to be certain it's what you want. "Babygirl, are you absolutely sure? You can change your mind at any moment." You nod that you want this. "Good girl." He's so thrilled that you want to do this that he cannot wipe that stupidly sexy grin off his face.
Felix. Absolutely yes. He'd actually want to join in. Both you and Felix are affectionate with everyone, so it makes sense to Felix that the affection could venture into a more pleasure focused situation. It isn't even a pre-discusses or planned thing. You and Felix are just messing around on the couch next to Hyunjin, and your hand slides over Hyunjin's leg. There's a moment of all three of you exchanging glances and then it's happening. A threesome ensues.
Changbin. I honestly think he is not a sharer. I know I have him in 3racha situations (because I am a slut for them), but if you're Binnie's, then you are his and only his. I've said it before, when he's fucking you it's intimate. He wants you to forget about the world and all your stress while he looks you in the eyes and pulls multiple orgasms from you. It's enough for both of you. Especially when he whispers nasty things in your ear or takes you from behind in a rough, urgent way.
Jeongin. Before he became Daddy Toast / Father Brioche (I've heard these titles being thrown around and love them), Baby bread felt he needed to share you while he watched. He needed to learn what you enjoyed and didn't enjoy, and so with the help of his friends (and their varied sex styles), he became very educated on a lot of things. You wondered why he didn't just do his own exploration of your body himself. But you learned that he is quite the voyeur. Even now he'll suggest he needs to see a certain position before he tries it, so he'll grab another member. Or he'll leave the door open and hope someone will venture in so he can step back and watch them fuck you. Don't be confused though, Jeongin loves having sex too. But he finds he comes a whole lot harder after he's seen you be a little slut first.
Hyunjin. Like I said above, Hyunjin believes all beautiful and precious things in the world need to be experienced first hand. So when he is asked if he'd share you with them, he takes it upon himself to set up the bedroom just right. Candles, velvet blankets, sweet back ground music, and massage oil. He wants you to show his friends just how surreal and sensual lovemaking can be. But just so you know, he is a bit of a freak, and has drilled a hole in the wall so he can watch from the next room.
@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itsseohannbin @weareapackofstrays @3rachasdomesticbanana @palindrome969 @xxkissesforchanniexx @fun-fanfics @rhonnie23 @jisunglyricist @strayywayy @armystay89 @igetcarriedawaywithyou @mylittleponeypinkrosieposie @kyunchoni @justforreaders @melochacco @scenuniverse @oddracha @ismokeeweed @galaxycatdrawz @jiminssluttyminx @teddy-stay @kayleefriedchicken @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @dool-set-net @redstayrosie @mintymintmint251
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mysoullanguage · 2 years
#0015 your north & south nodes
aries nn/libra sn - action, confidence, selfishness
independence and self-awareness will be key topics and lessons for you in this lifetime. in your past, you may have had relationships in which you deluded yourself into thinking that you are complete when with someone else. you neglected your individuality and thereby bred a mentality that depended on others' opinions, feelings, and judgment too much, you became obsessed with compromising for others, rather than yourself. one gift of yours is that you know how to love someone and make them feel loved, according to your past life experience with partners. however, this build-up of impatience to give others love should first become redirected unto you, so that you can love yourself first before you love others. the concept of loving yourself and being your own supporter/guide may be a foreign idea, but it is the ultimate truth... once you start providing yourself with love and care, you can do so to others, but in a way that is healthy, co-dependent, or overly attached.
in your last life, you may have depended on others for what you should do/how you should feel. you feel out of balance when you don't submit to other people because, by nature, you are a people pleaser. you are ready to let people walk over you in hopes of getting their approval or respect... or simply because you don't want confrontation, or maybe because you want to be nice. not everyone is going to appreciate your kindness and, in fact, will actually use your kindness to their advantage. in this lifetime, you must establish your own identity instead of relying on what other people think of you; you must establish personal boundaries of "no", "maybe another time", "i don't like how that made me feel", etc. to build a foundation and a clear border of respect between you and others. you must, in this life, learn to take action and direct yourself instead of waiting for others. you do not live your life for others, and this is what your karma for this lifetime will teach you
you must be ready to love and nurture yourself if you want to have healthy relationships with others. if you have ever been in a relationship before, your identity may have revolved around theirs, or your identity was very wishy-washy and there was no clear sign of individuality coming from you. you may have questioned who you are numerous times and have tried discovering yourself. meditation, journalling, and personal reflection will be of great help to you, as you must be readily available to establish who you are now and what you want to be.
you must learn how to set boundaries with others and more about self-discipline. you tend to feel imbalanced when you sense something is out of order. this might demotivate you completely. however, through making routines and directing energy through things you enjoy, you will actually cultivate more success. doing things impulsively is not a bad thing but make sure you do it because there is an end goal awaiting you...
your lesson? to learn individuality and eliminate the need to depend on others. learn about yourself first, build your own identity, set routines, and create boundaries that clearly distinguish who you are and what you are ready to tolerate and not. redirect the energy you show others towards yourself and watch yourself attract people that align with your frequency.
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taurus nn/scorpio sn - self-esteem, obsession, judgment
your life seems to revolve around the question of your self-worth, obsession, boundaries, and personal values. what do you really think of yourself? are you easily swayed by what others think of you? do you have a strong image of yourself? do you rely on others or are you self-reliant? much of these questions will creep when in personal relationships, as this placement is very much relationship-focused, in the sense that this placement yearns to find a second half. in your past life, your scorpio may have devoted their lives to their spouses and may have been married to people in high power. consequently, you've come to this life with the same intention/motive. scorpio yearns to connect with someone on a deeply sensual and intensely passionate level. you, inevitably, will look for someone with whom you can "vibrate" with; you look for someone who can click with you. you offer loyalty and commitment to others, but not so much for yourself...
learning to be alone will be a key lesson for you, as well as learning the value of your own perception of yourself. there is no need to rely on what others think or what your partner thinks. there is a habit of giving your all to lovers... your loyalty, honesty, but also your individuality, your self-esteem, and self-worth. there is insecurity revolving around yourself and others and you may think you're not good enough for love or not good enough in general.
another lesson for you will revolve around material comfort. in general, you will need to learn a spiritual and material balance and you will need to find comfort in knowing you can spoil yourself materially, as well as retreat to your spiritual fantasy. do not overindulge in either. in your past life, you may have hyperfocused on spiritual escape. you may have used your intense feelings of desire, love, passion, and obsession to feel the "euphoria" of spiritual love. you thought that, through the intensity of passion, lust, and obsession, you truly felt divine, rather than just human.
scorpio has a bad habit of judging and controlling others. both taurus and scorpio have an innate need to micromanage and control what they have no control over because it makes them feel powerful. the idea of powerlessness or loss scares this placement and there needs to be acceptance that not everything can go your way. the idea that you may judge others may actually come from inner insecurities and distrust in others.
your lesson? learn to establish personal boundaries, build your self-esteem, and eliminate the toxicity of obsession, control, and your insecurities. by building a home in your body, you prevent people from taking advantage of you. you no longer feel replaceable by building boundaries and saying "no" to what you don't want. there needs to be a realization that love and good sex are essential but they cannot be your main focus if you do not have a positive self-image built. the presence of a lover will only be temporary satisfaction. by having a positive self-image and self-esteem, you are confident in your worth and what you offer. the missing link between you and your body can cause much loss by you always needing to control, by you judging others, by having no security in your life and body. additionally, learn to spoil yourself to achieve the goal of a happy body, but do not over-splurge.
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gemini nn/sagittarius sn - truthfulness, communication, honesty
in your past life, you may have been a loner, an outcast, or typically isolated from the rest of the world. inevitably, this may have caused you to become a nervous wreck, often having social anxiety or trouble communicating with others. in this life, you must learn to adapt to healthy communication, healthy curiosity, and listening to others. your "achilles heal" is your self-righteousness and your need to be right. others seem to not want to connect with you because you seem to always have the answers; you always seem to know the right way. you always try to tell others and show them you are right in some odd attempt to prove your intelligence and validation to them. you want to experience life and you have an insatiable thirst for knowledge but you are totally unwilling to cooperate with others and have your mental challenged. you wish to pursue the truth of life until you start meeting others and realizing your experience is different to theirs and that, really, you are not always right.
you must become open-minded to others and learn from them by listening to their experiences and opinions. in order to truly achieve the knowledge you yearn deeply for, you must accept the fact that people are different everywhere you go. there is no right or wrong way to live. you tend to do things by yourself because you think your way is the right way. this was evident in your past life too, where you usually wandered off on your own to pursue knowledge. your comfort to loneliness would've caused you immense anxiety or communication issues as you try to establish meaningful relationships with others. when you feel undermined or your intelligence tested, you seem to detach completely. you want to appear smart but being smart also requires you to make intellectual mistakes.
you may be the type to talk constantly or deliver your thoughts and messages in a way that is combative and assertive. when you feel your opinions or thoughts are invalidated, you tend to do too much to prove otherwise. you must be open to feedback from others if you want to learn how to properly communicate with others, rather than disregarding their viewpoint because your experience or point of view is different.
there is an obsession with wanting to be free or wanting to be alone, it can cause a lot of strain in your relationships. for example, relationships seem attractive to you until you have that urge to release yourself from it; you may be a superficial person that doesn't like when things get too serious. you think being alone is freedom but you, once again, put yourself in a situation where you are alone with your own company. part of being free means you have freedom of thought and individuality. even if you did feel restricted in a relationship, couldn't you communicate your issue? or do you feel as though you need to have it all figured out? are you afraid of not knowing what's wrong - why do you always need to have it all figured out when nobody else does? these are key questions for you.
you may be very hopeful, but ensure you don't overdo in your faith. "things will work out" for sure, but do not wait for the perfect moment to take action.
your lesson? learn duality and express your opinions and thoughts in a way that is reflective, reciprocating, and curious. become open-minded to the idea that not everyone has lived the same life as you. in order to truly become knowledgeable of life, there must be cooperation with others to know how life really works, because it's not the same for everyone. do not fear connections with others and do not fear commitment. do not think you are restrained by other people, but ensure you can keep your individuality while still working with others. learn to release yourself from the habits of detachment avoidance, and ignorance, and to challenge your mental through other people.
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cancer nn/capricorn sn - humility, vulnerability, and intimacy
in your last life, you may have been a person of responsibility and status. capricorn sn would've indicated a cold heart who hid feelings in personal relationships. you may have been distant to others and standoff-ish. you may have the idea that everything had to be hard to be perfect or good, or that in order to be truly successful and happy, you have to work hard. micromanaging and control would've been huge issues in the past and would've inevitably caused you to become controlling and paranoid of imperfection and failure. there is a strong fear of inadequacy that you might muster achievements and material possessions to fill the void of validation within you. in your last life, you became consumed by the idea that money = happiness. you rejected the process and journey and went straight for the money. you did things to appeal strongly and successfully to others. you may have these bad habits now, too.
you must learn to drop the tough and cold act and you must learn to stop trying to control things that cannot be controlled. you do this because it's what's predictable and makes you feel safe, but it's the best way to introduce failure because your paranoia will only attract misfortune. you have the capability of being a nurturing and loving person, but your trust issues and emotional restriction causes you to act otherwise. in this life, you are not built to carry the weight of the world like you did before. you think responsibility and work is what validates you but it is your genuinity and connections with others that build strong self-esteem. learn that nobody can invalidate your feelings. cultivate a strong personality within you immune to others, and you will find yourself living a life less seriously, and more childlike.
what you want from others is to be loved and admired for who you are, but how do you achieve this when you make it so difficult? you must learn how to let others love you by risking vulnerability. not everyone is out to get you, and you must realize this. you can be a loner because you're so used to your own company, you habitually isolate yourself from other people. now, you need to communicate your feelings as they come and honor the gift of intimacy. when you let your feelings bloom freely, you then manifest and attract good connections money won't fulfill.
your lesson? to play the role of a mother rather than a father. what this means is that you must leave the energy of action and financial pursuit to embody someone much more emotional, sensitive, and motherly. this doesn't mean becoming feminine from masculine but allowing yourself the space to breathe. you have an instinct drawn to achievement but it's now your time to take on a much more cooperative role, working with others to build a solid center of feeling. you must accept you cannot control everything, nor can you take responsibility for everything. learn that life works with you, not against you.
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leo nn/aquarius sn - ego, confidence, and playfulness
you may have a habit of excessive daydreaming and postponing your plans to wait for more information. this is a very humble placement that will teach you the importance of confrontation, individuality, and childishness. in this lifetime, you are dropping aloofness, fear of confrontation, and detachment. aquarius is a sign that loves to belong and make friends, so much so that aquarius blurs into other people, inevitably losing their own sense of self. there is a strong need to belong and a strong need to build a group or society of some sort but there lies the question of, if you had your perfect friends, would you become them or stay the same as you are? if this part is unhealed or recognized, you may notice that, in your friend groups or with your friends, you tend to become them, whether it be by picking up certain characteristics or opinions or hobbies/habits you normally wouldn't have. suddenly this placement causes you to depend on your friends and others for validation.
this placement will teach you about quality friends, but they will ultimately test you to see if you really are ready to be yourself, despite being in a friend group or having friends with characteristics you may find admirable. having friends close in personality to you is not a bad thing, but it gets out of hand once you start dressing like them, thinking like them, and spending excessive amounts of time together, until you forget what you're like on your own...
you may be the type to feel a passion of creativity and genius rush through you, but your thirst for knowledge often overwhelms you and shuts you down. in your past life, you may have spent much time being a helper/humanitarian to others, you seem to have lost touch with your inner child, and the happiness of life. instead, you tend to overlook your inner child's needs and take life seriously. a lesson for you will be to see life as a game rather than as something serious. there is a need to know things but an unwillingness to experience things in order to know. instead, there is the idea of "i must know everything now."
learning to manifest using your mind will be important also. you may excessively daydream and idolize scenarios, ultimately romanticizing your life. this can be a good thing if done right. if you learn to use your mind and daydreaming capabilities, you could manifest in ways done so effortlessly and perfectly. you must be ready to dive under the veil of superficiality instead of overlooking everything to gain a deep understanding of everything around you. you may wait for life to get good for you instead of making it good for yourself. you lack courage and the will to create your own destiny, and this life will teach you that you must motivate yourself and play with life to get what you want, instead of having an "it is what it is" mindset...
there is a far of commitment, whether it be on a personal or romantic level. romance is often superficial and poorly exercised as flirting, kissing, sex, or lighthearted conversations become the center point for this placement. when things start becoming serious, there is an instinctual habit to detach and run away. this can be in general too when you feel as though you need to escape or run away when things get serious for you. you detach quite easily - a habit you have learned to save your heart from getting broken.
your lesson? to learn how to experience life on a level that is fun and profound. your soul craves to experience others, but you must also experience yourself. you must trust yourself and others and learn how to dive beneath the surface. you must learn how to take responsibility and how to transform daydreaming into manifestation. learn to honor your own individuality, take courage for your own plans, and look for friends you can be yourself with, rather than to blur into...
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virgo nn/pisces sn - realism, self-confidence, and service
giving up, inaction, or escapism will be of prominent lessons to you in this lifetime. in your last lifetime, you may have been the type to go with life's flow too much. you may have been the type to become easily discouraged, to drown yourself in other people, and to flow in and out of life. with pisces sn, there is the typical victim complex inherited in this lifetime also. withdrawal and oversensitivity would've caused your last life to breeding great depression, sadness, and unfairness. in this lifetime, there is a need to establish a concrete grounding in reality.
in your last life, your self-esteem may have been incredibly damaged or low, you never really found your place on earth. you waited for someone to save you rather than saving yourself; you wanted to escape life to escape responsibility and the pain of existing rather than making your problems go away yourself. you lacked routine and self-esteem so much so you deluded yourself with false dreams and daydreaming. you don't do well in competitions or in situations where you must confront someone or something. you spent considerably amounts of time being upset and a victim you never really had the chance to make life yours. you believed (or still believe) that life is against you and that everything you have been through or will go through, is a punishment for something you've done before. what you need to realize is thoughts and mindsets will become reflected in your everyday life. once you start treating sadness like an addiction, you will attract this. you may have also had a bad relationship with money. in this lifetime, you must learn that money is not an impure subject or thing, but actually a currency to exchange for your wants and needs.
being compassionate, giving, and vulnerable with others is your thing, but beware of being taken advantage of. you must learn to establish clear boundaries between yourself and others and to appreciate details rather than vagueness. don't overlook others or things by looking at the bigger picture, but be sure to analyze things or people more. it's especially important not to give everyone your time if you can't or don't want to. being a helper is in your blood but ensure you don't do it in vain or because you feel as though you want to be a savior for others. you must make your life productive and achieve something that is of material significance, rather than chasing the idyllic high of dreaming and escapism. spirituality and religion may have caused you to become obsessed with faith, but it has caused you to become detached from the material world, where you temporarily belong.
feelings of paranoia and mistrust may be relevant to you. in your last life, abuse may have been a big topic, whether it be from others or yourself. in this life, it is important you establish a clear faith that guides you through your purpose, rather than hoping for a spiritual escape. do not overindulge in suffering and do not let it become your personality. you must learn to stick to a routine or something that allows you to be present and aware. you must help others only if you are ready to balance this with helping yourself also. instead of suscepting to the chaos of life, you must learn to bring order to it. do not overindulge in feelings of betrayal, paranoia, or sadness, but learn to rationalize your feelings in a way that doesn't neglect how you truly feel. learn to prioritize work instead of aimlessly walking through life.
your lesson? to learn the importance of routine and grounding. you must focus and remain on earth, even when your head isn't. practice spirituality but don't let it consume you. don't wait for a great spiritual retreat while you are still stuck on earth. do not practice in mindless games with others and do not engage in the addiction sadness can bring. learn to take accountability for your behavior. help others, but only when you know you help yourself also. participate in things that help you build your self-confidence. learn to trust others, but do not let them take advantage of your kindness. do not look at the big picture without analyzing the fine print in any and every scenario. learn not to give up over inconveniences and learn to build a tenacious and courageous personality.
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libra nn/aries sn — decision making, cooperation, friendship
in your last life, you may have been overly selfish and individualistic, you refused to know others, or at least neglected their presence or existence in your life. you were overly impulsive and let this control your life. you are unaware of partnership, or at least hesitant on it, because you want to do things your way. you think your speed is the right speed, your way is the only way, and your opinion is the only opinion that matters. you may live life on a constant high where you challenge yourself.
rage and stubbornness are key things to leave behind. in this life, you should learn to appreciate the greatness of partnership and relationships because they can actually build you up quicker than you can on your own. you may instinctually stomp down on others to get what you want but be completely oblivious of the damage you have caused until after. in this life, you must learn to balance the input of yourself and others. it's not fair for you to put down others to get what you want - you need to learn you must partake in other people's opinions too.
you must work with people who bring you lessons of empathy, sensitivity, and communication. asking for help is never a problem, especially when you do it to be better. in relationships, you may fear intimacy or commitment because you may feel your individuality is threatened and you may leave immediately. this is not a healthy mindset to have, just because your personality is being challenged. and actually, any issues you have, such as feeling restrained, are perfect opportunities for open communication with your partners or people in general. you are used to being self-sufficient and relying on yourself. this is actually a common trait in people who are narcissistic and see life as a game of survival. your need for solitude and independence will only get you so far before you realize there are more ways to make life great and productive, including working with other people.
you may be so tied up in yourself that you forget others have feelings, too. in relationships, for example, it may become difficult for you to comprehend your partner's feelings because you rarely think beyond your own brain. you need to become more selfless with people instead of always assuming you are right and that you deserve everything, while others don't. by becoming inaccessible to others you limit the connections you have in life. you try protect your identity by letting people see parts of it, rather than expressing yourself to others.
your lesson? learn duality by working with others in a way that is healthy and cooperative. your last life comprised of you fighting to be alone and independent, but it bit back by starving you off relationships and causing you to become overly self-reliant. working with others bears no threat to you. asking for help is not a bad thing. assertiveness and impulsivity are great traits to have but they should be in balance with patience and careful decision-making. humble yourself by recognizing you cannot make it through life alone without the aid of others - romantic or platonic - because your karma relies on others for help. you must learn healthy communication and learn to get along with others by becoming open-minded to their lifestyle. you can maintain your individuality while in a relationship — don't convince yourself you can't.
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scorpio nn/taurus sn — self-worth, money, and partnership
your "achilles heal" in this lifetime is believing your worth is tied to money and materials. you are the type to believe that "once i have this and that, and once i have more money, i will finally be happy." all you want is money really, and you may be possessive with what you have, or secretive with your possessions. in this lifetime, you are meant to share with others, whether romantically, platonically, or in work, to foster a culture in which you become openminded on things that matter beyond just money and possessions.
in your past life, you may have had a life with rigid rules. now, you may have been born with an "it is what it is" attitude, causing you to stagnate throughout life because you believe things are supposed to go a certain way always, rather than becoming aware of other ways to achieve your goals. you are born with certain values or beliefs and in this lifetime, you will be tested on whether you are willing to let rigid beliefs go, or if you will stick with them, using them as your pillar for security, predictability, and safety. if you fail to experiment with life and acknowledge your soul needs for things like travel, meditation, and prayer, you may become stuck with living "one way", shunning your spiritual health and sticking to what is predictable. there is the habit of extreme tunnel vision and you must become aware of it.
one key lesson for you in this life is to learn partnership with others, especially in romantic relationships. you may feel tempted to do things by yourself "my way, or the hard way" but one challenge for you may be the lack of resources you find because truthfully, you are not supposed to work alone in this lifetime. you may have spent some time in your past life in solitude but you have the gift of creating and building and earning money with someone. think of them as another step towards what you want...
another lesson for you may be to release your urges to be stubborn, rigid, and fixed, and to humble yourself. you have a habit of being a "know it all" with no regard for other people's input and thereby think everything must be done your way because it is the only way. you may feel as though your life is going to be a long, hard process in which you will become enslaved to society to make money and work. your life was not meant to be difficult now, because you have already overworked yourself in your past life. instead, there needs to be a refocusing of materials and money, towards the question of your spiritual health, what makes you happy, and what you can do to improve yourself spiritually.
your lesson? learn to surrender and trust others. learn to be vulnerable with others and to let yourself love unapologetically. money is a tool for what you want but don’t let money consume you. you put too much emphasis on money and therefore let it dictate your self-esteem, your worth, and life. learn to experience joy with others. you must learn to be open minded with other people rather than sticking to a thinking pattern so rigid and stubborn. let go of control by allowing yourself more freedom in expression. try not to take everything so seriously — you live one life once, make the most of it.
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sagittarius nn/gemini sn — solitude, intuition, knowledge
there is a fine line between intuition and faith and, for you, you must come in the middle of the two, as this is your karma. in your past life you may have not relied on your intuition enough or completely disregarded it while actively seeking for the "truth" of life. you may have become so engrossed in learning about others, you don't know much about yourself. you have worked with others to the point where you're not sure how to have one opinion. you second-guess too much to the point you overwhelm yourself with possibilities of what-ifs. this is how you miss out on people or events or on basic day-to-day living: by second-guessing and making assumptions that aren't there. you can't bluntly take information for what it is; you always feel there is a double meaning to it. you don't trust your intuition because it's not a tangible thing to rely on. it's a voice in your head or it's a feeling in your heart or gut — you simply can't decide.
in this life, you must learn how to be alone and how significant solitude can be for the soul. when alone, you learn to listen to your own intuition and build a rapport with it. when alone, you learn about yourself and what you like. solo-travel is perfect for this. you get along with just about anyone but you are bad for saying "no" to what you don't like. this comes from wanting to please others and always wanting to be involved, so much so that you almost never miss any opportunity in case you miss something important. you want to feel involved and mentally stimulated - when you're idle you feel lost. you may have a bad habit of gossiping or lying to get what you want. this is because you understand others so well that you tend to abuse this skill and manipulate your way out of situations, for example, or manipulate people to get what you want.
you may be the type to hop opinions as new information surfaces. you are not the type to listen to your intuition and base an opinion on personal experience, what seems right, and morals. you tend to base your opinion on the ultimate truth and to accept it for what it is; you, however, change it as new information becomes available. you are optimistic and extremely hopeful but this can be a huge weakness if you ignore your intuition for events that are harmful or negative. you tend to think everything will work out until it doesn't. this isn't a bad thing and, actually, your thoughts seem to become reaffirmed when it works out the next time.
you must accept you can only work with others so much until you must take time for yourself also. you have spent considerable time with others and must work in solitude to learn about yourself and to establish faith and a connection with your soul/intuition. you are so tied up in being accepted by others you limit your happiness to those people. you forget what it's like being alone because you engross yourself in others and their opinions, their likes, and their opinions. being social is never a bad thing but how do you maintain your own identity when you don't?
your lesson? to spend more time alone and establish a crystal clear connection with yourself. you rely on others for validation but it should ultimately come from you. you must learn to approach life in a way that is hopeful and adventurous. you must also learn not to be a people pleaser and to eliminate yourself from the shackles of gossip and lying to deceive others. you may play mind games with others or simply deceive them because you don't want to be seen or simply because that's just who you are. learn to be subjective and to have an opinion of your own, rather than settling for other people's opinions, or the "ultimate truth."
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capricorn nn/cancer sn — self-control, individuality, self-respect
key attributes for you to develop in this lifetime are: self-control, self-care, looking towards the future, individuality, and goal-orientation. in this lifetime, there will be a huge lesson of contrasting emotion to logic and direction. in your last life you may have been horrible dependent on others and may have washed away your identity completely as you submerged yourself in the past of yourself and others. cancer is a highly reflective and sentimental sign, with an attraction towards nostalgia and familiarity. however, this trait may be abused when you overindulge in thinking about the past, about what you've lost, instead of looking towards the future. on the contrary, capricorn is a present and future-oriented sign with big dreams. in your last life you may have been so emotional you overwhelmed others with your demands and needs. you may have been manipulative to others. in this life you must free yourself from these bad habits, as they don't serve you anything good, and instead bring you down, and others too.
you must learn to take responsibility and more action in your life. you are overly passive or don't feel like you need to take action but even when you do need to take action, you don't. you spend too much time alone and can't seem to take charge. in this life, you will learn to take control of your life and steer it in the direction of change and success. you may be so embossed in helping others, you forget your own needs. you may have had bad family karma in which too much was demanded of you and you felt drained and overwhelmed. this is similar to how you may have been in the past — draining, demanding, and overwhelming.
you may fear rejection as a result of a low self-esteem. this stems from past life karma where you didn't receive enough love to prove that you are worthy. therefore, the only validation you could've gotten was from you and, whenever someone tells you you're not good enough, you feel as though you've been proven right: you're really not good enough, no matter how hard you try. this breeds many bad habits such as being codependent on others and constantly wanting attention or stimulation from them because it feeds your inner void. with capricorn, you must learn to protect yourself and feed yourself, rather than pulling other people in for the sole purpose of feeding your ego.
an important lesson for you will be to cherish feelings and happy times but also to let go of the past and accept it for what it is. you may be uncertain of the future, thereby staying in the realm of the past rather than acknowledging the past and the possibilities of the future. there's a strong need for attention and emotional stimulation. lack of emotional awareness and emotional security cause you to be emotionally immature, manipulative, and toxic to others.
you must learn to become secure in your own being and to recognize life has so many possibilities, it's almost infinite. you can do what you want, but until you learn to build stability and strong self-esteem inside you, the possibilities won't really satisfy you. you must drop the fear of failure by realizing rejection is merely redirection. what is meant for you will find you. you have a deep need to belong but you must firstly belong to YOURSELF before you can commit to others and start demanding from them.
your lesson? to maintain a positive, future-oriented, and present focused. acknowledge the past and reminisce, but seldom. do not indulge in the feelings of the past because the past is not going to show up in your present or future. you must learn to control your emotions and to become more goal-oriented in this lifetime. your lesson will be to detach from the toxicity of codependency and attachment and to take more responsibility in your life. do not be afraid to take risks but approach life from an adult's perspective. do not let insecurity consume you, but use insecurity to build yourself stronger.
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aquarius nn/leo sn — friendship, humility, working with the collective
in this lifetime, you are learning to let go of stubbornness and pride and to create win/win situations with others by working with various people. in your last life, you may have experienced extreme amounts of fame and attention. now, you have inherited similar thinking patterns of "i deserve the world" or "i'm too special for everyone." you must practice humility and honesty. it will be your duty/responsibility to rebuild your identity after such a climb to fame.
you may have spent considerable amounts of time on your own or on personal projects you have completely lost touch with others and no longer have group awareness. what this means is that you input your opinion or will or demands in almost every scenario you're in instead of touching base with others in a way that is curious and honest. you tend to do things your way, unaware that it may not be the best way to do something. you have insane resilience and passionate ambitions but your need to control and micromanage everything causes everything to collapse on you because you didn't gamble enough. you are confident but let it get to your head. it's what we call an overdeveloped ego: you focus on yourself so much you don't know how to focus or connect with others.
a lesson for you will be to learn humility and to embrace change and rebellion when necessary. you must learn to work with others, whatever the relationship may be, and to let go of your ego. you have a lot of love and compassion to give to others but you feel as though you're too good for anyone when this is never the case. you are more than good enough; don't delude yourself into thinking you are better than everyone, and that nobody can ever be as perfect as you. this will make you undermine others because you refuse to see the positives in them because you are so tied up with your own qualities.
you constantly need attention and approval and, in this lifetime, you will learn the importance of balancing the ego and being humble. you must work with others and give back to humankind, as they were the ones who brought you your attention and grandeur in previous lifetimes. you must direct your energy towards others instead of to yourself. by constantly feeding yourself with attention, you tend to think you don't need anyone and that you can do it all by yourself. this is not true; there are many parts of you that, in actuality, are insecure.
your lesson? to work with others and learn the balance between yourself and the ego. you must acquaint yourself with the desire of friendship and to relate with them on levels that extend beyond normal conversations and superficiality. you must learn others are special too and learn they can actually contribute to your character development rather than always doing it all on your own. understand that differing points of view are just as important as yours. you may be the main character but there is a reason why side characters exist; they serve the purpose of being guides to you.
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pisces nn/virgo sn — spirituality, release of control, reflection
virgo sn is a sign of anxiety, obsession, and inflexibility. virgo is an earth sign, a mutable one at that, capable of adapting to its environment, whatever the demands may be. however, this placement can cause much distress as the traits of being analyzing, honest, communicative, and critical, become twisted and turn into something so much more depressing and harmful. this placement can breed someone who is so critical of others, is a gossiper, and is passive-aggressive.
your need for order is your ultimate "achilles heal" as with order comes control and obsession and perfection. you are a perfectionist but you over-analyze details and strive for perfection in everything you do. your obsession with perfection causes you to become inflexible to things you're not familiar with. in this lifetime, you will be forced to live life with the flow, rather than through a lens of panic. excessive routines and planning won't be of much use to you because this life challenges you to think spiritually and freely. in this life, you are challenged to trust in the divine and to learn a more wishy-washy approach to life. you should trust in the universe or God more than you trust planners and routines. you may be excessively judgmental and spend a lot of time criticizing others, while never doing the same to you. why? because this is a highly insecure placement with little stability and almost no self-esteem. you project your insecurities through passive-aggressive remarks and are highly hypocritical. you try to fix others by always looking for what's wrong. this is also applicable in general life, where you need to fix something to feel some sort of satisfaction within you.
in this lifetime, you will have to learn to work with others, but in a way that is reciprocating and honest. you must forget to be right all the time. you must forget you have to know everything always. you must forget you always have the answers because you really don't. you must accept change as it comes to you instead of resisting it because once you resist it, it will come against you in strengths tenfold.
in this life, you must focus on what really feeds you spiritually and soulfully. this is a life of reflection and meditation. you must let go of the details and look at life through a lens much bigger than now. you must look at life with an open mind. this is a self-purifying placement more than anything. you may have a habit of always trying to do everything, which ultimately causes you to do nothing. you rush yourself to do everything, you don't actually end up being productive at all, despite being a very productive sign.
you may appreciate hard work so much, you revolve your life or time around it. material success isn't really of much concern to you, but if it is, it's a highly toxic way of being. in this lifetime, you will learn to let your head sit in the clouds for a bit, instead of over-rationalizing everything always. not everything is so serious all the time, is it?
your lesson? to become more vulnerable with life. virgo is a sheltered sign and rarely shows emotion. however, pisces invites you to ride on life's current and to take time to think about life and the universe on a bigger picture. you must find peace and engage in meaningful work instead of focusing on the mundane. fix the need to always needing to fix everything and needing to be right; learn to accept others and not criticize them. your critical nature comes from your horribly withered self-esteem and, without work being done on it, you will become trapped in a cycle of judgment and comparison. work on yourself and purify your self-esteem through meditation, journaling, creativity, alone time, and meaningful engagement with others.
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ahoycaptainautumn · 1 year
Fated Mates Part 4
Synopsis: you, a vengeful vampire slayer, cross paths with the devious and handsome Astarion. Instead of a stake through the heart, Astarion finds something he thought impossible for vampire spawn. A mate.
Astarion and you find yourselves sharing a single bed room for the night. But a nightmare waking you in the middle of the night only brings you closer, much closer than either of you anticipated.
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Your eyes nearly bug out in disbelief. Was this the idea of the receptionist's “special room”? 
“Cat got your tongue, dear? You know there’s lots that can be done with a tongue-“ Astarion saunters in after you, stopping in his step at your shared sight. His shoulder brushes yours as you stand side by side. Astarion gives you a side eye before beginning to open his mouth. You hold up your hand to silence him as you feel the headache melting in behind your eyes. 
“I’m going to go talk to the lady. Now.” You scamper out of the room before Astarion can say another word. You run down the steps and go to the front desk immediately. The lady who was once running it is no longer there. You nearly shake the bell sitting on the desk. But a small sign stops you. A yellowed sign lies in the center. On it is written “Sorry, no vacancy”. You sigh in frustration. All you wanted was a night of peace. The ability to relax even just for a few hours. It looked like it was now either sharing with Astarion or sleeping with the wolves. You couldn’t tell which option would be worse. You turn back and head to your room. 
Astarion sits sprawled across the bed. His elbows hold him up as his legs dangle off the side. He looks over at you with an unamused gaze. He raises an eyebrow to you. You shrug your shoulders and give a sigh. 
“No one at the desk. No vacancy. No luck.” You kick your shoes off and jump on the opposite side of the bed in a huff. You stick your palms into your eyes and try to rub the frustration from yourself. Astarion turns over to you and grasps your closest wrist in his hand. He clears your hand from your eye. You open one eye and look over at him. His hand flows downwards and holds your chin in his hand. He spins your face to look at his own. You lower both your hands and hold them on top of your hips. 
“As much as I love to see you upset, you are welcome to the bed.” He says. You scrunch your eyebrows in confusion. You glare in accusation. 
“And what do you get out of it? There’s no way you’re doing it out of the goodness of your cold heart.” You accuse. He scoffs at you, crossing his arms. 
“Take my rare act of kindness while you can. Besides, it’s not like I sleep.” He shrugs. You sit up on the bed. 
“What do you mean you don’t sleep?” You ask. Astarion chuckles at you.
“Oh little killer, I thought you knew everything about vampires?” He mocks. Your cheeks flare red. 
“Well I mean- I know enough- I think.” You try to defend. 
“Well, vampires don’t sleep. Except for a deep sleep to regain health or power. But mostly it’s just meditation.” He explains. He gets up from the bed and goes over to the fainting couch next to the window. He faces the window and looks out at the view. You take it as a sign that you have truly won the bed and make way to get comfortable. You shimmy out of most of your clothes besides your under garments and get comfortable under the covers. 
“And don’t even think about biting my neck or I’ll wring yours.” You threaten. A small snicker escapes his mouth. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, goodnight little killer.” Astarion softly blows out the candles around the room. Snuggled under the warmth of the blanket and the tranquil space of the room, you fall asleep nearly instantly. 
Your hands fall flat against the elegant oak doors in front of you. Grand murals lay chiseled artistically throughout the wood. They look familiar in a sense. Almost as if the images created were of memories past. Pushing them open, you walk into an elegant ballroom. Not any ballroom, it’s your father’s old ballroom. Gold accents the cylinder columns lining the room. White marble flooring sprawls across the floor. Ornate windows bow out the front showing the night fallen garden below. Large pristine mirrors border one edge of the room reflecting the people within. Beautiful women in exquisite gowns along with men in pressed suits line the dance floor. All of them were wearing a masquerade mask accented with pearls and jewels. You reach up and find one resting on your face as well. Looking down you notice you’re wearing that same gown from the shop earlier along with red heels. Your hair is put together with intricate braids cascading down your back. Before you can question anything out loud a red gloved hand takes yours. You look up to red eyes staring back at you. White hair cascades over a dark mask with a cunning smile. Astarion wears an ebony suit with red accents within the tie and cufflinks. You try to respond, to yell, to say anything but find yourself mute. Astarion only smiles more before walking you to the center of the floor. A circle of people crowd you as they watch Astarion twist your linked hands above your head. His other hand finds purchase on your waist as your hand rests on his chest. A band from somewhere within the room begins to play a slow tune. Your feet move along with Astarions, bodies gliding with grace across the floor. As much as you know you should fight this, to unclench yourself from his grasp, the feeling of being here, of dancing on this floor, quells you. How long had it been since you were last here? Since you last danced with a handsome man into the twilight hours. To twirl and delight in company. To not worry about a single thing but gowns and events. To worry about marrying a wonderful heir for fathers company as your biggest trial. At the thought of your father you look out into the crowd for his face. There, at the far edges of the crowd, sit your mother and father clapping and smiling at your show. Your eyes well up with tears. How you missed them. 
“I know your dancing skills are pitiful but it’s truly nothing to cry over.” Astarion jests. You lightly punch his chest as you continue dancing. 
“I missed this. I missed all of this.” You whisper. Your heart swells at the love and longing you feel as you sway across the floor.
“You could have it all back you know.” Astarion replies. Your head shoots up to meet his gaze. He smiles at you once again. 
“How?” You ask. Astarion brings his head next to yours as his lips close in near your ear. You blink and the room goes desolate. Lights flicker above as a film of decay sweeps over the entire hall. The band turns into a twisted sound, something macabre. You try to turn your head towards Astarion and find your neck fixed in place. As he sweeps you in a circle you come face to face with the wall of mirrors. Instead of silver hair, long black hair sweeps down his back. You side eye your hands and see long claw-like fingernails encasing your own. 
“You should have been alongside your family that night. A shame really. I can quickly remedy that.” The man speaks. You recognize that voice. You shudder as you finally are able to pull away. Cazador’s face greets yours with a toothy smile. Long canines glisten in the warped lighting. You go to scream but find yourself mute again. Cazador lunges on you, his mouth going for the nape of your neck. Your hands fly up in defense but you find his own pinning them to your side easily. He bears his fangs and goes towards your neck. The scream aching to leap from your throat finally does and drowns out the music in the room. 
You feel strong arms shaking your shoulders. On instinct you throw a fist upwards and catch whomever it is in their nose. 
“By Gods! What in the seven hells-“ Astarion grits out as you blink awake. You find Astarion bent over holding his nose in his hands. You take a quick assessment of the room. It’s the same room you had rented earlier. Not your home. Not the ballroom. Not Cazador. You’re safe. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You look down to see your hands shaking as they hold you up in the bed. 
“What the hell happened?” You ask. Astarion gives you a side eye before wiping his nose. 
“That’s an odd way to say thank you. But if you must know, you started thrashing around and then started screaming. I tried to wake you before everyone in the bloody realm tried to barge in and see what was happening.” Astarion explains. You look down into your hands and try to will them to stop shaking. Your mind may realize it was a dream but your heart and body were late to catch up. It felt like you couldn’t catch your breath, that the floor was spinning and falling out from beneath you all at once. 
“Now if you are all done with that I’ll be going back to my silent meditation, thank you.” Astarion goes to turn away from you and sit back on his couch before your hand shoots out. You don’t even register what you’re doing before your hand wraps around his much larger one. Your eyes fall to the floor, unable to look the vampire in the face. You can’t help the shake that comes out in your words. 
“Please. Stay.” you whisper. Astarion can feel the quiver in your hold. The strange fear laced into your voice. Whatever had scared you had well and truly scared you, even more than your hate for him. He found himself unable to hold back the snarky smile that he pulled. 
“Oh? Need the big bad vampire here with you? Honestly if you wanted me in your bed with you all you had to do was ask. I would have let you down, lightly.” He bites back. Your grip instantly leaves him as you go to turn to your other side with a huff. He finds it out  the way his heart drops at the loss of contact. At the way he almost, almost, misses your hand in his. Stupid mating bond. 
“Just forget I said anything, I must be delirious if I thought-” You begin but Astarion cuts you off by falling into place next to you on the bed. He sits against the headboard next to you. 
“Well don’t ever say I’ve never done anything for you. Any more screaming though and you’ll find a more violent means of stopping it.” He retorts. He crosses his arms and stares straight ahead. You let out a small giggle at the sight. He gives you a glare in return.
“You are one strange vampire.” you reply. With that you snuggle back into a comfortable spot in bed. You try not to be near or touch Astarion but it can’t even be helped with how close he sits to your body. You surprise yourself with how comforting you find it to be sleeping next to someone. To know that someone is watching your back and keeping you safe. Even if that person is a blood sucking vampire. You blame it on his damned cologne, he smelled far too intoxicating for you to ever admit. The smell and feeling of him coddles you into a restful sleep. 
Astarion thought once he had heard your soft snore and restful heart rate that he would get up from the bed. But he finds it fascinating watching you sleep so peacefully. Here you were, a self pronounced vampire hater and hunter, and you fall asleep so easily next to him. He thinks you a fool, a dangerous and stupid fool. He brushes hair away from your face and tucks it behind your ear. Though, he may be a bit of a fool as well. 
Astarion hadn’t meant to fall into such a deep and relaxed meditation. At some point in the night he felt a tranquility he hadn’t in some time. With that relaxation came him drifting more deeply into the bed and under the covers. So tranquil in fact that as you begin to wake you find strong arms wrapped around your core. Astarion’s chin rests on the top of your head as he grips you in your sleep. Though he himself is cold you feel nothing but warmth. Your sleepy mind wants to snuggle in further. To not leave the calm of this moment. But your mind catches up and you attempt to pull yourself from his superhuman strength. He doesn’t budge at first and you push harder. 
“Damn it Astarion! Let go!” You thrash. You wiggle in his grip and your ass falls back against his hips. His hard length is easily evident against you. On instinct Astarion’s hips rut into yours. You let out a choked moan and clamp a hand against your mouth. Astarion stirs from his meditation and realizes the predicament he is in. He releases his arms from you as if you are made of acid. You scamper to the far end of the bed and get on your knees. You turn your body towards him as Astarion does the same. 
“Now what in the hells do you think you are doing?” Astarion accuses with a scowl. You gap in disbelief. You point a finger into his chest forcefully. 
“Me?! What do you think you are doing? I wanted someone on look out, not a damned cuddle!” you counter. His hand snakes around the one you have pointed in his chest and goes to push it from him. Your nostrils flare in anger as your hands grab him by the scruff of his collar. You inadvertently pull him closer as your knees make distance forward. He replies in kind and grabs onto your locked grip. He bares his fangs at you and nearly hisses in his growing frustration and maybe, slight, embarrassment. 
“As if I would give you a cuddle.. let alone anything!” His nails dig into your skin and they bite just slightly into your skin. He brings his face in closer at his next statement. “As if I would stoop so low.”
 Your anger only gets flamed more and you use your grip on his shirt as leverage as you throw him back down onto the bed. He is briefly taken by surprise before he swings a leg up and reverses your positions. Your back slams back into the mattress. You go to throw a punch at his face but only nearly make contact before his hands snatches yours up and above your head. You wrap your legs around his hips and try to push off to get traction and pull away. But with your movements his hips come down and into yours. His bulge gyrates into your barely clothed intimate folds. You bite your lips in time to stop the moan from coming out once again. But Astarion can tell. He can hear the racing of your heart. The smell of your heat. He brings his head down closer to yours as you stare daggers. 
“How vile.” he whispers in a mocking tone. He’s enjoying this, enjoying seeing you helpless and needy. It fills a primal part of him that begs for him to do more, to go further. 
“Disgusting.” you spit back as you tilt your head closer to him. Pure rage is felt in your shared stare and the air is thick with anger and anticipation. Your breath only comes in quick spurts and you feel like the world is spinning. Astarion brings his face ever closer to yours. 
“Dreadful.” he bites back. Your lips quiver and you can’t help your tongue from darting out to wetten them. Astarion watches your movement and his look shows nothing but absolute hunger. 
“Repulsive.” you whisper against his lips. All it takes is your quick glance down at his lips before all sense is wiped from Astarion’s mind. His lips crash against your own instantly. Teeth clash as he throws his body weight against your frame. Your legs pull him down further onto you as move down onto his clothed member. Astarion hisses as his hands leave your wrists and grasp each side of your hips. He grinds his lower half into you as his hands leave indents into your sides. Your hands immediately fly up and wrap around his neck. He ruts against you harshly and you freely moan into his mouth. 
“Such an easy little vixen.” Astarion laughs. One of your hands wraps into his silver hair and yanks it back. His red eyes glare into you as you smile in his discomfort. 
“Not so easy you beast.” You respond. You flip your bodies and find yourself in his lap. His hand winds up and to your neck as holds pressure on your pulse. His other fingers curl into your hair and hold your head still. His lips find yours again and you fling your arms around his neck once more. You pull yourself impossibly closer, chest to chest with a man you hate with all your heart. His tongue darts out and begs entrance into your mouth. You open and immediately bite down on his tongue. His grip on your hip and head tighten deliciously. 
“You little witch.” he snarls. Before you can lash back at him the hand holding your hip presses you into him in time with his thrust against you. You gasp at the delectable friction it gives to your aching core. With your moment of weakness Astarion claims dominance over your mouth. His tongue lashes out along your own as you battle for dominance. One of your hands curls into his hair while the other grips his back in need for something, anything, to grab onto. The hand holding your hip snakes up and under your undershirt and makes its way to your breast. Heavy heated breathes are shared between you two as his thumb just barely grazes over your nipple before a voice stops you. 
“Check out time is 0800 sharp! Enough beauty sleep Astarion and let’s get going!” Lae’zel pounds on the door. Astarion and you pull away from each other instantly and you can only stare at one another. You take in his messy curls, the red tint to his lips, the animalistic hunger in his eyes. You know you don’t look any better. You hop off of him in a hurry and go to the bathroom to change without a word. Astarion can only watch your retreating form as he tries to wrap his mind around what had just occurred. By Gods, you were dangerous.
part three here
part five here
If you want tagged in the next part just comment and ill reply when the next one is done!
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baewritez · 9 days
Just A Little Touch Up (0)
( Aaron Pierre X Plus Size OC )
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Summary : The black and white life of a makeup artist is given color by A-List Client
Tags : Work Place Romance , Age Gap , Plus Size OC , BDSM , 18 +
 How does one find themselves bent over a kitchen counter with their hands tied behind their back? Better yet how does one find themselves pent under one of the most beautiful men to grace my eyes?! But that is it; that is what holds the answer. If you were to ask how I ended up in this position, I would say it was an exchange of looks, eyes full of desires, wants, needs so pure like honey that you could almost taste its sweetness. His eyes, like crashing waves held me captive fixed in place while a smirk started to spread on his face. I want to be the next thing spread across those juicy pump lips, as if thunder rolled out his lips so confidently, he said “So do you know how long we are in hair and makeup for?” his voice piercing the darkest part of my desires leaving with a newfound longing.  
Strumming over my words “t-t-t-two hours I think” warm air filled the trailer blowing past him as he walked up the stairs closing the door as he stepped in. His cologne of warm nutmeg and patchouli oil filled the air as I fought the urge to take a deep breath. “Thanks, my assistant and manager won’t be on set til 9:00am so it’s just me and you.” Looking up at him I felt like a dwarf, and he was a skyscraper as he moved closer towards me. “Um that is okay I think I can be finished with your makeup before then. You can sit here.” I gestured with my hand to the black makeup chair in front of me. He held out his large hand towards me. “I am Aaron” I looked at the veins near his knuckles; my mouth started to water as I tried to swallow my thirst down. The image of his big hands grabbing my curly puff and pulling flashed in my mind. SLAPPING my hand down I took a step a back and smiled. My heartbeat was like an alarm in my ear at just the idea of being close to him set it into a frenzy. “Would you like a water or coffee?”  His hand slowly went back down to his side as confusion blossomed on his face, but he gently brushed off the interaction and exchange. As he started to get settled into the seat his bulky frame filled the space around me as I instinctively grabbed the counter behind me. A look of concern washed over his face as his handsome facial features scrunched up. Holding up both of his hands the white shirt and black leather jacket raised up to show his chiseled deep v leading to what I could only think was euphoria “I don’t bite, Love” his husky voice breaking the awkward silence. But all I wanted was for him to leave bite marks and hickeys where no one could see and even in places where they could be seen. I wanted him to show the world that I was his; but that was a fantasy. “So, water, right?” My voice trembled, as I started to break my gaze from his charcoal jeans as it now covered the valley of ecstasy. Slowly tracing up past his white v neck t-shirt into his hazelnut brown and storm cloud eyes taking in his clear and blemish free skin. “Water is perfect, Love.” he replies. Aaron moves his arm to rest of the side arm of the chair and he places his hand on chin and rests it on his full amber beard. Taking a deep breathe I turned to face the counter and mirror; I bent down opening the mini fridge to grab a cool bottle of water as a shiver ran down my spine. Coming up from the fridge I am stopped in my tracks as I glance into the mirror only to be frozen in time as Aaron’s eyes created a fire in his wake. I am the match, and he was setting me ablaze his eyes moving from legs to my ass gliding up like a feather. My palms start to form sweat beads became clammy. It’s as if I was rubbed up against a balloon the hair on my neck and arm stands small shocks pulse throughout my body. The sound of our heavy breathing and the humming of the ac unit filled my ears. He was my Hades making me his Persephone as his bottom lip is captured by his teeth. My mouth is left open the idea of his thick finger filling that emptiness sends another shiver down my spine and my body goes relax. The thud of the bottle snaps both of us out of drunken stupor.
** A/N : I hope i didn't keep you waiting too long. If you like the preview let me know. Welcome to BaeWritez where desire can be fulfilled. - XOXO BAE
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brujaluas · 9 months
how to speed up the connection with your future spouse
Hi, this would be a sample of what my paid readings are like and how I intend to do the readings on Patreon as well. I gave a lot of myself to this special edition, I hope you enjoy it.
pile 1 has slightly delicate subjects, so be careful when reading, I'm not very good with words and I end up being too direct. I'm sorry for anything.
everything about my paid readings and personal spells
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pile 1
Right at the beginning I feel a bad energy, it even gave me back pain, you are hurting yourself a lot, it could even be physically, I'm sorry for saying this but I believe it is necessary to remove all the veils so that I can do a good drawing for you, continuing… you are hurting yourself and punishing yourself and this has been happening for a while now, it is painful and very painful, it is as if you think you deserve to go through this, you cultivate many bad habits with yourself, someone may have put this in your head or has harmed you too, I advise you to take a herbal bath, cleanse your energy spiritually, you are stuck in a painful situation, and you need to free yourself from it, I also see that you need to create greater responsibility, love It's something really beautiful, but keep your feet on the ground, evaluate people well, create greater maturity to manage your feelings and emotions, that's what you're asked to do, you have the key to your solutions, like that at the beginning, I'll be back to say again: you need to end a cycle. I know this is very difficult, it is something that requires a lot of patience and dedication and sometimes we are so exhausted that we feel like we won't make it, but you will. we will. You need to end this toxic cycle that you created with yourself, you need to do this so that true love finds you. Soon after you manage to complete this cycle, in less than two years, or even a year, you will find who you deserve. you can communicate over the internet first, some online contact, there is a vintage vibe between you, you can also like to communicate by letters, for many, I feel like it is a man, or someone with strong masculine energy, possibly, it is a foreigner, it can being from a different city or even a different country, with different habits, you may meet on a trip, or your future spouse may end up passing through the place where you live, it is a love that will teach you a lot, especially to mature your ideas and maybe even teach you some things about life, I won't deny it, there may be barriers in sight, it's not clear what it will be, but there will be some obstacles, it's as if the universe wanted to put you and your love to test so that they can be together, it could be a difference of ideas, geographically, someone in the family is opposed… things like that, but you love each other, and you have both gone through a healing process, this person went through it before, you more recently, but they are both fine, I see a bright future, very beautiful and full of joy, you waking up with a smile on your face seeing your love by your side, something like that.
Pile 2
I see you in a very happy moment, maybe you are even in a relationship with someone, I'm a little confused, unlike the other pile, this one presents excellent images at the beginning, it can also be a confirmation that your manifestation and prayers to find your true love are flowing, you can even meet in dreams and not know it, something that tells me that this connection is already activated in some way. It's beautiful, for some of you, I feel like you're older, or you have an old soul, you've been through a lot in your lives, true warriors, I'm impressed with the commitment you have to life and to you. A very beautiful and revolutionary healing happened here, or will happen very soon, I see you achieving emotional, spiritual peace, in other words, it is as if you became your best friend who is always in the stands cheering for you. I see many prosperous fruits, you can achieve a great career, some dream of being a mother or father here, I see you achieving this, you can have 2 to 4 children, I see you building a beautiful house and living with your love, what can I say? You look great, you can live in the countryside, because you want silence. you can make a lot of plans, you can move somewhere, or I see that some are living far away from their parents and after marriage they will move closer to them, your passion will make you feel a huge impulse, like seeing old friendships again, Going to places where you went as a child, with this euphoria you may end up doing things that are a little questionable, be careful with that, but even so I see the purest success here, you are learning very well to defend yourself and that is good, in the beginning The print run made it seem like you already know your future spouse, and I see that this feeling is because for some, it's an ex. you are undergoing immense progress and evolution, your future spouse is too, you are on the same level in everything, it's like it's something mirrored, there's nothing I can say, I think, just that you keep doing whatever you're doing, it's just a matter of time.
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