#no editing my writing quality dies like Link
skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Link's Parents play Breath of the Wild! Pt 5
Summary: When the Shrine of Resurrection is damaged, it's up to Link's parents to save the Hero of Hyrule.
Part 1
&lt;<Previous // Next>>
The Great Plateau - Collecting More Runes
After returning to the house and planning things out, the parents settled in bed with Link safely tucked between them. Neither Tilieth nor Abel slept well, both filled with anticipation and neither sleeping well in the daylight. When the sun was high in the sky, the couple finally gave up on trying to rest and decided it was best to make their next move.
It was the warmest part of the day, and the snow shrine was the most accessible despite the climate. They would start there.
"You remember Festival of Farore?" Tilieth asked quietly as they passed under the stone archway that divided the snowbound mountain from the rest of the plateau.
Abel glanced at her, distracted, and nodded. Til had to smile at that. Her husband was very serious when set to a task. It was where Link had gotten it from. But she herself found her mind wandering back to that day many, many years ago when the family had made a pilgrimage to the Temple of Time for the Festival of Farore. Link was only eight years old, and Lyra had just been born. The ceremony was traditionally led by the descendant of Hylia, and that had been the first year Princess Zelda had made a public appearance since her mother's funeral.
Tilieth remembered being struck by just how young the princess was. She couldn't have been any older than Link, yet she was leading a ceremony that attracted the entire nation.
Glancing off into the distance, Til's eyes found the castle's silhouette cutting into the horizon.
"Til, we need to keep moving."
At her husband's urging, Tilieth resumed her pace. Once they reached the River of the Dead, they paused, laying Link on the ground. Tilieth guarded him in the small dilapidated house at the mouth of the river while Abel went ahead to carve a path through the ice chus that would no doubt be prowling. They were easy enough to pick off and continued to return no matter how many times Abel had eliminated them, so the couple had given up on this area a few years ago.
"Who do you think used to live here, Link?" Til asked her son, holding him to her chest so he could stay warm. "I never quite figured out why there was a house here to begin with. Had to be something with tradition behind it. River of the Dead, a guard stationed here... and it's so close to the temple, too."
She heard her husband's footsteps soon enough, and they were on their way once more. They were making their way to the far end of the river, just before the waterfall, because they both distinctly remembered what was left there from the fight against the guardians.
Pulling out the slate, Til used it to create a new bridge from the wreckage of the old metal doors in the area, and the couple crossed the freezing river quickly. From there it was a simple, if steep, climb to the shrine. A touch from both the slate and Link's cold fingers activated the entrance, and Til glanced at the floor outside the shrine.
"We still haven't figured out what a 'travel gate' is," she noted.
"A point on the map," Abel answered. "At least that's how it appears."
"Yes, but it's blue now," Til replied thoughtfully.
"Either way, we can get inside now."
Once inside, they were greeted with a different voice who spoke the same words as the other monk, meriting a degree of confusion from the pair.
"Do... are there monks in every shrine?" Abel wondered aloud.
"And do they share tips on what to say?" Til added with a laugh. "But there must be monks, I suppose. The shrine wouldn't just be empty."
Abel shrugged. "There's another pedestal over there. Let's go."
More runes? Til placed the slate and watched the information distill into it. This rune was called cryonis. Between the word and the water, she could figure out the rest fairly easily.
"An ice pillar!" she said with awe as the water shaped itself into a frozen platform.
The puzzles were fairly simple and easily solvable, but another miniature guardian awaited them around a gate. Til grabbed Link hastily as Abel rushed ahead, eyes ablaze with fury as he cut it into pieces.
"Why would those monsters be in these sacred shrines?" she asked, her voice trembling. "How did they get in here?"
Abel sighed, sheathing his sword. "They were probably designed to be here."
Til almost asked how that could be the case when she abruptly remembered the monsters had originally been designed for them rather than against them. It had been so long and so ingrained into her mind that she'd forgotten.
Shaking her head, she let Abel carry Link as they marched ahead. This time when they reached the enshrined monk, Abel pulled Link into his arms and propped him on the little fence just in front of the sealed area, guiding his hand to touch the crying Sheikah eye.
The scene played out much as it had in the previous shrine, and Til and Abel both nodded in gratitude as the spirit orb floated to their son. As the monk dissipated, Tilieth asked, "Wait, don't we get--"
That was about as much as she could say before she felt the world around her get torn away, and next thing she knew it was freezing and dark and Hyrule's expanse was just in front of her, the sunlight vanishing behind Death Mountain.
Abel shuddered, Link held tightly in his arms. "Can they just let us leave normally?"
Tilieth shivered. "We should get back to the house, he'll freeze here."
"We're close to the cliff side shrine," Abel protested. "Let's get him there. Then the last one will be..."
Both parents paled. The forbidden shrine. The one surrounded by guardians, three of which were still active.
Link sniffled.
Jumping, Til and Abel immediately turned their attention to their son. He hadn't moved a muscle since he'd gotten out of the shrine, slowly dying.
"Goddess above, it's working," Til sobbed, burying her face in her boy's hair.
"We need to keep moving," Abel insisted, kissing her and then Link. "Come on. He needs to eat and drink, and he can't do that like this. The sooner we get more spirit orbs the more likely he'll survive this."
Tilieth nodded, rising. "Let's go."
Reaching the next shrine was a bit more complicated since it was literally on the side of the mountain, but with Link held tightly in his arms, Abel slid down the rocks with some degree of control. Til hesitantly followed, gritting her teeth as she tried to find perches for her hands and feet.
The real dilemma was once they entered the shrine.
Staring at the rotating bridge, and at gigantic rocks rushing down the only pathway to the monk farther along, the couple exchanged an uneasy glance.
"Maybe the next rune is a giant shield or something?" Til offered worriedly.
It turned out, actually, that the next rune stopped time. For a single object. For a few seconds.
"What sort of magic insanity is this technology, anyway?" Abel asked as Tilieth froze the cog turning the bridge, allowing for the two to dart across. "How do you stop time?"
"It doesn't really?" Til tried to reason out, just as unsettled. "It just freezes something."
Reading the description of the rune, she clarified. "Oh. And stores energy."
"I don't know!" Til finally threw up her hands. "I need time to figure this out, Abe!"
When they were left with a block and a sledgehammer and no other way around it, the picture grew a little clearer.
"We hit it while it can't move and it holds onto those blows," Tilieth surmised. "That must be what it means!"
"The trial is to beat a rock with a sledgehammer," Abel deadpanned.
"Well just try it!"
Sighing, her husband rested Link against the wall, where she quickly knelt beside the teenager to hold him steady. Grabbing the sledgehammer and the slate, he clumsily activated the rune and smacked the stone a few times.
Til peeked at the display on the slate. "Uh, honey, maybe you should back away now."
"It's not like it's going to go very far," Abel commented. "And I want to see what--"
The rock fired out of its place, smacking into the monk's resting place, bouncing off the ceiling, and nearly colliding with the family as they yelped and hit the ground to duck.
Gasping, the two looked at the great abyss below where the rock had fallen, and Til felt a chill go down her spine when she never heard it land.
"I stand corrected," Abel amended shakily. Then he smiled and laughed.
"What's so funny?" Til asked, looking at her husband like he'd lost his mind.
"Link would love that rune."
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kaiowut99 · 4 months
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episodes 111 & 112 Subbed (Finalized)
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(Previously: Episode 110 Subbed [Finalized])
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
TURN-111: Manjoume and Amon of the Cloud Deck
Realizing that Amon has been investigating nearby, Cobra urges him to engage in a Dis-Duel. Amon also suspects that Cobra has become aware of his actions and is coming for his life, putting a certain plan into action. Elsewhere, Manjoume is bothered by Amon and looks up his profile. Learning that he is the first son of the Garam Conglomerate as a result, Manjoume goes to ask Amon to duel with him. Using his Cloud deck, Amon baits Manjoume into attacking him.
TURN-112: Manjoume VS Eye of the Typhoon
Manjoume summons V-to-Z-Dragon Catapult Cannon, raining its raging assault down on Amon--but Amon just takes it, a composed smile on his face before he finally begins his counterattack.* He opens two of his reversed cards--Rain Storm and Natural Disaster--and uses their effects to inflict damage on Manjoume. Manjoume then fights back, only for Amon's combo to drive him further into a predicament--but an undeterred Manjoume attempts a counterattack with Ojama Delta Thunder, but... *The summary here mentions V-to-Z attacking, but in the episode proper, V-to-Z doesn't actually get to attack Amon--at most, Manjoume used its effect on him near the end of 111, while VW- and XYZ- were the ones that attacked there.
*cue "In the Clouds" by Under the Influence of Giants*
After a bit of a delay, my subs for episodes 111 and 112 are now finalized! An interesting duo of episodes that show Amon's calculating character and give us the first hint of his backstory (and why he'll do what he does as the season goes on, for better or worse), while Manjoume's brought to reflect on the inferiority complex that has been fueling him only for Amon to break it to him that it actually makes him the spoiled one; I do like the reveal of Amon coming from the background that he does and that he likely would've died in the desert had it not been for Goa Garam finding him (the dub, for all of the... frustrating writing choices they made in these, keeps this mostly intact). Also, Manjoume channeling more Kaiba by making their duel happen in midair suspended by helicopters, A+.
(A few quick Translation Notes here before going on:
As Manjoume looks up info on Amon and pulls up his profile in 111, I edited in my translation for it, as well as retranslated the screen describing the Garam Conglomerate, for the hardsub as detailed here.
As Chronos and Napoleon run into Samejima's office in 112, they find a note from Samejima reading, "I am going on a business trip for a while. Handle things here. Samejima."--as detailed below the cut, I applied a translation to it for the hardsub.)
Animation error-wise, a fair amount throughout both, ranging from quality-of-watching like split-screen timing to card errors and even an error or two with some parts of characters not being fully drawn in. There was also one error in 112 involving Manjoume on his airlifted platform where... the platform and the ropes holding it up were missing that I attempted to fix but ultimately scrapped. As always, details on those and the translation edits I applied further below for the interested!
Also, some housekeeping, as I touched up quite a few things in the last couple of weeks: while working on the translated credits for these, I noticed some minor errors that I fixed for consistency throughout a few episodes, along with one in-episode sub error, and also revised 110 for a few updates. Quick rundown below, but tl;dr episodes 4, 77, 81, 83, 89, 91, 95, 104, 106, and 110 have been re-finalized and re-uploaded (hopefully for the last time lol), and I updated the links in their individual release posts (I'll be re-posting them over on NAC with 111 and 112's release soon):
Revised episode 4 to update the "V-to-Z Dragon Catapult Cannon" name to "V-to-Z-Dragon Catapult Cannon," as well as its attack name from "V-to-Z! Ultimate Destruction!!" (with "V-to-Z!" shouted like a normal line) to "V-to-Z-Ultimate Destruction!!", for consistency with finalized!111.
Missed that the one Backgrounds credit for Hwa Ran Kim had their last name updated to Lee as of episode 77--I corrected this for episodes 77, 81, 83, 89, 91, and 95.
Missed that the one In-Between Animation credit for Eun Young Sin had their last name updated to Shin as of 104--only had to correct this for 104 since their last episode was 85 as "Sin" and their first episode in Season 3 is 111. Also corrected 104's Key Animation credits for some subtitle-positioning miscalculations.
Missed that the one Photography credit for Jung Yul Kim was updated to Joung Ryul Kim as of episode 81, and while I updated accordingly for most of their episodes after that, I missed two instances of "Jung Yul Kim" still being there in 81 and 83--corrected both accordingly.
Missed that I kept "Big Bro" for Ojama Yellow's "aniki" towards Manjoume in 106 when I've been using "Bro" for that--corrected accordingly.
110's revisions: 1) updated two of Cobra's lines as he watches Jim and Kenzan collapsed to match updates I made while preparing 111's script (one was changed to "So, a duelist’s instinct is to battle..." and the second to "Their energy is going to fuel it..." while being made a thought subtitle [as there's less environmental reverb to that line versus his spoken first line there], 2) fixing the Kenzan Disk-related animation error I cover here that I missed initially, and 3) revised the cast credits to fix some sub-positioning errors.
Anywho, enjoy; with these done, we'll be getting into start of some meta questions being posed to Judai that will be pretty relevant for how the rest of S3 goes, so look forward to 113 and 114 next time! I'll also be going back to TFSP for a brief bit to work on retranslating more of the character bios as I've been (catching up to Aki's before I work on more of the 5D's story to then work on bios as I work on stories); stay tuned!
Fixes and Edits! (111)
As Professor Ayukawa tries to tell Cobra just how bad the fatigue among students is from the Dis-Duels compared to normal duels, Cobra lifts his hand to stop her, saying that he's en route to see a "problem student" (Amon)--but his hand isn't fully drawn in for the first three quick frames of it moving. Fixed all three using Photoshop by drawing in the rest of his pinkie finger in each frame, using Sony Vegas to throw the fixed frames into the footage.
As Amon analyses his Dis-Belt, his computer reads out the different parts of the Dis-Belt, but "generator card" is misspelled as "jeneretar card." Fixed by first using Photoshop on the last frame of the zoom-in here to fix the typo, copy/pasting the correct letters from the other text on the screen (rather than using a new font), then reversed the clip in Sony Vegas so I could use AfterEffects to work the fixed frame in using Track Motion--this was my first edit attempted using Track Motion, and I think it worked well (though I probably didn't need to reverse it but oh well). Once that was done, I threw the edited clip into Vegas, where I unreversed it and worked some fading magic to make the fixed text fade in with everything else as the zoom-in happens--all told, I think it came out nicely!
As previously mentioned here, as Manjoume digs up Amon's profile, I edited in a slightly updated translation I worked on for the hardsub, now with hyperlinks, as well as working in a close-up edit as Manjoume clicks on "Garam Conglomerate" and a retranslation of the webpage describing the Garam Conglomerate that Manjoume's taken to.
As a frustrated Manjoume insists he's not petty enough now to let comparing his family's fortune to Amon's get to him and that he's been on his own path since taking on the "Manjoume Thunder" name, there's a quick frame as he moves his head down where the open lip flap in the following frame is accidentally overlaid over his closed mouth. A quick fix as I just replaced that frame with the preceding closed-mouth frame.
After Amon starts the Dis-Duel tourney at his party and the students start dueling, one plays Trojan Horse on their Disk, but it's placed in reverse on his Disk, with the name box facing the front of his Disk. Fixed in AE by applying a proxy facing correctly, masking in the border on the original card and the student's fingers on it.
After Manjoume and Amon take off into the air, as Judai and co sneak up about to go snatch some food from the party hall, the wind picks up around them as Manjoume and Amon pass them overhead--but for two movement frames (repeated twice, lasting two frames each) as their hair moves from the wind, Judai's left hair bang and his forehead bangs get cut off by parts of his face. If I had to guess, the animators accidentally left parts of a layer with Judai's face above the layers with those parts of his hair or something. Fixed both using Photoshop by drawing in the rest of those pieces of hair, guessing at their length with what was visible, then mixed the fixed frames into the footage in Vegas.
After Manjoume tells Amon that they're going to settle their score, Amon asks what will happen if he declines; Manjoume then slides in on a split-screen to say that he'll cut the wire holding up his platform, but Amon starts moving for it two frames before Manjoume's side starts to slide in. Fixed in Vegas by making Manjoume slide in right as Amon starts moving.
(8) A bit later, as Manjoume activates Premature Burial, 1) in a quick few frames as he swings his arm, we see VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon on his Disk already when he should still have VW-Tiger Catapult, and 2) as he slides the card into his Disk and pays his 800 LP, we see a blank space (or the sky behind him) where VW- should be. Fixed both in AE by applying a proxy, then lighting up the card as the light from his Cemetery slot glows outward.
(9) As we zoom out from Amon having summoned four Sheep Cloud Tokens, Manjoume's taken aback as Amon slides in on a split-screen to explain Sheep Cloud's effect, but two things happen: 1) as Amon slides in, his Summon Cloud card in his Disk--which was there throughout the zoom-out--suddenly vanishes, and 2) as their split-screen slides apart, Amon seems to move within his split, causing the background behind the split-screen going into the next shot as we pan up the field to seep into his split. Fixed these using Vegas by first masking in Amon's Summon Cloud card within his Disk as he slides in, then by redoing the split-out so that Amon stays as he is within his split; as I had to redo the pan slightly behind them for the duration of the slide-out, I also had to briefly redo Manjoume's split-out and mask in his Different Dimension Hangar for a few frames.
(10) Near the end of the episode, as Manjoume sets a card down to end his turn, he has XYZ-Dragon Cannon on his Disk where VWXYZ should be. Fixed in AE by applying a proxy, then applying motion blurring as the screen rapid-pans up to his face.
Fixes and Edits! (112)
As the episode opens, I reprised the XYZ->VWXYZ fix I applied as Manjoume ends his turn during the brief recap of 111.
As Amon starts his turn, he tributes his four Sheep Cloud Tokens to summon Cloudian -- Nimbusman; he then goes on to say that Nimbusman lets him tribute as many Water-Attribute Monsters as he wants [for his second effect, as he mentions two shots later], but as he does so, the screen pans towards him, and we see he already has Cloudian -- Poison Cloud on his Disk, which wouldn't be summoned for another 8-9 minutes. Applying my new Track Motion knowledge, I fixed this in AE to nice effect by first tracking the motion of the shot's panning, then applying a proxy and attributing the keyframes generated to it for a smooth edit (which beats the hell out of how I'd manually keyframe one edited frame in Vegas for panning/zooming shots like this lol). [Side-note, but the way 4Kids decided to dubify the card here (while also keeping the error, mind you) seems to have been to take part of Amon's Disk with the dubified card in place and move it along with the pan, which is noticeable because the area around the piece they edited in warbles during the pan. Also, a frame of the Japanese card slips through a frame before their edit starts.]
After Shou comments on how Manjoume's about to easily beat the East Campus champion Amon, Judai and Johan chime in about how neat Amon's deck is; Shou comments that, neat or not, Manjoume's still dominating things, and after Judai laments that it's all win or lose, Johan says he has to hand it to his cloud-obsessed spirit--but after he says that, Shou oddly jitters three frames before the end of the shot as if to gasp, though doesn't audibly do so. Quickly fixed in Vegas by replacing that with the previous frame to keep him still.
A bit later, after Amon gets his Rain Storm and Natural Disaster going with Nimbusman, it dawns on Manjoume that it was what he was planning the whole time; the screen cracks apart to show Amon about to destroy his Hyper Coat Trap, but as the screen splits apart, one side of the split takes an extra frame to slide offscreen. Fixed in Vegas by replacing it with the following split-less frame so both sides slide off together.
After Amon has Ghost Fog attack V-to-Z, an annoyed Manjoume tells the fog to disappear, but for a quick frame, his closed mouth vanishes as he starts turning to V-to-Z to have it fight back. A quick fix in Vegas by masking in his closed mouth and mouth shadow from the previous frame.
After Amon summons Poison Cloud, we have the inverse of #2 happen as Nimbusman is instead on his Disk in Defense Mode. Fixed in AE after another bit of Track Motion use, with the keyframes generated for the shot's panning here applied to the proxy I put into place on his Disk.
A bit later, as Manjoume activates Angel's/Graceful Charity, he draws his three cards, but as he slides them into his hand to grab two to discard, there's a quick frame where it looks like he actually drew four cards. Fixed using Photoshop to wipe away the extra card border on the third card he drew, stretching from his right middle finger to his left middle finger.
As Amon slips Wonder Cloud into his Disk as he activates it, the shot of his Disk isn't fully in the frame, as there's a thick black bar along the bottom. Fixed this in Vegas by slightly cropping the shot to remove it, uncropping as the screen pans up to Amon's face.
As Amon explains Eye of the Typhoon's Battle-Mode-switching effect, a surprised Manjoume slides in on a split-screen to react, but Amon moves for it a frame before his split starts to slide in. Fixed in Vegas by having Manjoume start sliding in right as Amon starts to move.
(10) Chronos and Napoleon, in panic, run into Samejima's office demanding that he put an end to the Dis-Duels, only to find a note he left for them on his desk. For the hardsub, I translated the note, reading, "I am going on a business trip for a while. Handle things here. Samejima," by creating a new image with the translation in Photoshop, then CC-Power-Pinning it into place in AE and masking in the edges of the original note for blending. (I also made an edit using the dub's version of the note, as read by Crowler, for reasons.)
(11) In the next shot, Chronos walks up to grab the note, but there's a quick frame where part of it is missing as it passes by Napoleon. Fixed this by filling it out in Photoshop. Additionally, I also applied my translation for the note here in AE for the hardsub, using the Mesh Warp effect to warp it along the edges of the original note as Chronos lifts it up. (And I also worked my dub note edit in.)
(12) After reading the note, Chronos shows it to Napoleon in disbelief, Napoleon nervously asking what they should do now as we fade to black to end the episode. For the hardsub, I applied my translation (and also the dub version) in AE, using one video track applying the Mesh Warp effect to it for a few of the initial frames as Chronos moves it towards Napoleon where it's still bent, then just using the CC Power Pin effect for the remaining frames, and masking in Chronos's hand over it; once done, I took the edit into Vegas where I re-faded it to black.
(13) In the preview for 113, we see Professor Satou's Demandman attacking Air Hummingbird, but there's a black space on Judai's Disk where Air Hummingbird should be as he moves while the attack connects. I fixed this first in 113 proper, applying a proxy using AE and masking in Demandman's wires over it, then applied the fix to the Japanese preview here by additionally masking in part of the episode title text back over it.
One fix I attempted but scrapped: a few shots later using Angel's/Graceful Charity, Manjoume uses Enchanting Fitting Room to summon his three Ojamas, but notably, the platform he should be standing on, as well as the ropes leading to the wire holding it up, are missing (you can see a gap in Manjoume's feet where the platform should be). As mentioned here, I attempted a fix here using a similar shot later in the episode, and while I think it could've been doable with another bit of Track Motion (and probably some masking to account for Fitting Room fading out), I scrapped it as I didn't have a good enough reference to use with more properly redrawing Manjoume's legs and shoes.
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rivkae-winters · 5 months
For the ask game 4, 8, 12, 18 and 25 for any fandom
This is part of this ask game :3 Mostly seven with some general and one intentionally unspecified fandom
4) What was the last straw for finally blocking that annoying person?
I’m very bad at actually blocking people, I tend to cause my own problems that way, but the last time I blocked someone it was because they sent me an unsolicited DM basically trying to guilt me into commissioning them right after an artist I’d just recently commissioned posted the piece. I love getting DM’s and interaction in general even if I’m not super active myself because of anxiety so I was really upset about it when I saw the message. 
On one hand I get it, I do- I’m also a commercial artist and I’m lucky enough to have a decently stable W2 Job right now. On the other hand though: maybe make your sales pitch at least more enticing than a Jehovah's Witness knocking on your door. 
8) Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about?
This one got WELL out of hand length wise so I'll be posting my full thoughts on why later today or tomorrow.
The apple game in CC (from the Silver Elite fan club letter) is bs, and it baffles me that people trust what Hojo says as much as they do. 
Honestly, most of the fan mail in the game is bs or has the truth heavily muddied but this example is especially egregious in my opinion. It's not an activity that Genesis, Angeal, or Sephiroth would actually enjoy much. Sephiroth himself would be bored to tears since he has such an unfair advantage since his sword is much slimmer than Rapier and Angeal's standard issue broadsword. There is also the issue of the fact that all of them likely have some element of food trauma (or in Angeal's case are confirmed as such) but the expanded post later today will expand on that.
Disclaimer that you can enjoy and write what you want or believe in the story of AGS playing with apples and swords. Make content you feel inspired to, consume content you enjoy, and don’t let me stop you from having fun. 
12) The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I don’t know how unpopular he is anymore but Denzel is great- if you can find the ‘on the way to a smile’ anthology and read ‘episode Denzel’ or the OVA from 2010 his character gets a lot better. He’s a complex little guy with layers and plenty of regret already trying to go forward with life. Post AC he starts working with Reeve as a protege of sorts iirc after Reeve blocks him from joining the WRO’s militia. (Which would not have gone over well with anyone if it went through, Denzel is 10ish at that point.) 
He wants to save people like Cloud saved him, somewhat so he can feel worthy of having been saved. There is also still a lingering of the unintentional toxic positivity his mom instilled in him and it is delightful.
The book mentioned above was finally released in English around a decade after Japan got it but it was $35 USD last I checked. I think there are some readings of it on YouTube but I can’t vouch for the quality of any since I don’t do well with audio books. 
The OVA can be really hard to find because it was only on the AC complete Blu-Ray discs of a certain edition- I’m pretty sure it was the first run of them but I may be wrong. Because of this and the fact that I’ve seen take-downs happen continuously each time I went back to reference it last year it’s to the point where some people are incorrectly assuming it’s just totally lost media. Either way I have a so-so quality copy I saved, I won’t put it on the post directly just to be cautious but if you’re interested DM me or contact me through discord (rivkae) if you have that and I’ll shoot you the drive link. 
18) It’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
In og CC Gillian dies with a smile on her face. In reunion it’s blocked by a vignette.
I’ve never seen it mentioned in a fic dealing with her death yet, the few that there are, so eventually I’m just going to have to do it myself.
This answer is almost pathetically short because every time I start thinking about this I get the urge to write. Since I can't really sit down to write prose right now so I'm not going to get to into it.
25) Common fandom complaint that you’re sick of hearing? 
(Slightly dramatized for effect, I’m not saying the fandom because I’m mostly out of it writing wise right now but iykyk feel free to send me your guesses)
‘Ewww I hate y and z version of [media]!!! X version of [media] is the only good one- anyone who interacts with y and z supporting posts will be blocked!’
‘I hate this version of my favorite character from x in y and z [complaint that could be very easily interpreted as racism] anyone with art of this design will be blocked! DNI if you have [bastardized version of the characters name to show distaste] content!’
Except then they don’t block you after you DNI, they start following your blog posting stuff for y and z version of [media]
Now obviously blocking is a core part of the tumblr experience, really the entire social media experience but it’s taken more seriously other places. Here though? If they breathe annoyingly it is perfectly fine and normal to block them- encouraged even! I have no issues with a DNI, BYF, etc as concepts I just get a little irked when people don’t practice what they preach while still loudly complaining about [media]. 
Now obviously adaptations make a lot of people angry for good reasons sometimes, I understand that. I dislike many adaptations myself, but it’s the incessant complaining when you aren’t even following your own rules that it gets under my skin a bit. That’s not even mentioning the drama that happens in discord servers with areas about said alternate versions of [media] where most community spaces to discuss said versions die quickly due to the toxicity of comparison and the group norm to conform to being putting x version, the original version, over the other version. You can like y and z but you should like x more- you should agree that x is objectively better. Even if x is also offensive in several ways and dated in others and isn’t as easy to consume story wise- which is how y and z brought new fans to the fandom. 
I’m going to cut myself off there but… Yeah. I hate adaptations too sometimes but it shouldn’t be used to backhandedly bully others into silence. Let people enjoy what makes them happy.
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ashknife · 11 months
This is for the @inklings-challenge. I didn't have the benefit of running this through my writing group for critique and editing, so it is exceptionally rough. It's done, but it needs work. Something to do when I graduate in May. :) If you have suggestions or criticism to make, I would greatly appreciate it.
>/-u:bl0$$0m >/-p:*************** User authenticated. Welcome, bl0$$0m. TaurOS 7.2.9 rev.2 update available. See UPDATE -README for details. bl0$$0m>/-jack a2. -in/quiet Initializing peripherals. VineTech Helm Visor XG51 detected. VineTech Glide Gloves XG51 detected. VineTech Chest Mount Expansion XG51 detected. Please wait...... 9.8 PB allocated. Entering TaurNet...... Welcome, user bl0$$0m.
Visuals initializing.
A small room appears in her sight. It is covered in vines and foliage. A square fountain in the middle, covered in lily pads, provides water to this lush little garden.
Audio initializing.
The sound of trickling water gently pelts her ears. A breeze whooshes above, rustling the plants and calling attention to the windchimes above.
Sensories initializing.
She feels the cool breath of the wind caress her skin. The sun filtering in from above counters with its warmth. The dichotomy is pleasing. The scent of the plants fills her nostrils. She almost sneezes; she is thankful she doesn’t. The mess would have been a pain to clean up.
Controls initialized. Happy exploring.
She moves her body around the garden. Walking around is almost like walking around the dark room she is really seated in. It’s close enough to be disconcerting. No matter how many times she’s done this, she has to take a few minutes to reorient herself to the virtual environment. She performs a few stretches and exercises while she’s at it. There will be a lot of activity today.
“Hey, get your bearings yet?” Spencer’s disembodied voice crackled slightly.
“Almost. You’re breaking up a little,” Blossom replied.
“Can’t help it. There’s a massive storm outside. Let me know when you’re ready. Red is on standby,” Spencer said.
“Yo,” Redjack said. “I see you’re in one of the VineTech gardens.”
“It came with the gear,” she said.
“Did you get the XG51 set? Nice!” Spencer said.
“That’s right, boys. Only quality goods for this girl,” she said.
“That pocket garden is nice. If we weren’t already linked, I’d never know it was there. Is it true? Can you link that room anywhere?” Redjack said. Blossom smiled a little. Even she enjoyed the new car smell.
“I tried putting it just outside the library subbasement. I guess we’ll see, won’t we?” Blossom said.
“Which door?”
“Ok, I’m watching. On your mark, Blossom.”
“Security is light down there, but be on your guard,” Spencer said.
“Got it,” she replied. “3…2…1…”
She opened the door out into a large, dusty lobby. Dust kicked up from the floor in a visible wave emanating from the opening portal.
“Oh, wow. I think you’re the first to disturb the air here in a long time,” Redjack commented.
“You said light security, Spence. Do you think it’s still around?” Blossom asked.
“Sensors don’t need to physically patrol an area to scan it. Some gremlins can remain inert for decades before being activated,” Spencer replied.
“Don’t let my guard down,” she said.
“Exactly. People have died from less,” Spencer said.
Blossom carefully stepped into the lobby. To her left was a large set of stairs leading up to the ground floor. A couple of dim rays from the cyberworld above pierced through, illuminating parts of a utilitarian directory in front of a big desk. Circulation, Preservation, and Housekeeping were to the right.
“This desk looks like a reception area for the basement offices,” Blossom said. “I can see some of the directory. Preservation is to my right. Is that where the archives are?”
“Not necessarily, but it’s a good place to start,” Spencer said.
“Not to alarm, but going off of Spence’s point earlier, there are a couple of inert gremlins under the desk. I’m prepping some weapon data just in case. What would you like?” Redjack said.
“The usual,” she said.
“On it,” he replied.
“Any sentries close by?” Spencer said.
“Three blocks down,” Redjack said.
“I’ll look. You’re clear to walk to that point,” Spencer said.
“Got it,” Blossom said. She advanced down the dark hallway with short, purposeful steps. She looked side-to-side with as much caution. Though the hallways were mostly bare, that did not mean they were empty. More than once, she was ambushed by cleverly camouflaged data gremlins, dangerous anomalies residing in the depths of cyberspace. They are pockets of corrupted data left down here for months, decades, or even centuries. Having been overlooked for so long and thus no programs to handle garbage collection, the corruptions evolved into some sort of animalistic state with a monstrous appearance. The depths of cyberspace are home to dangers such as this. It takes professional hackers like Blossom and her crew to brave and survive those depths to retrieve lost data. Hacker is one of the most respected professions on Taurus Rho.
Blossom crept to the end of the hall, where a pair of steel doors painted the same cream as the walls blocked her path. If Spencer was right, the sentries would be on the other side of the doors, so she relaxed a bit and took in her surroundings. She had seen the upper floors of this library before with rows of heavy wooden shelves with numerous imaginative posters begging patrons to read, read, read. There was colorful carpet to complement the colorful walls and numerous streamers hanging from the ceiling. It felt open, lively, and inviting. It was hard to believe that these lower levels were part of the same building. The offices, technical processing, and archives lived down here, so the design was far more utilitarian. Perhaps if she had a chance, she would peek into an office. Surely the librarians who worked here had lively desks.
“Hard to believe that this was a lively place twenty years ago, huh?” Redjack said.
“The first digital library,” she said.
“It had a good run, but now there are five bigger ones above and plans for even more. It didn’t take long for people to forget it,” he said.
“Red, how deep do you think cyberspace is?”
“Well, Nighthawk claimed to have been ten kilometers below, and that was when this library was in its final days. That makes that now, what, twelve?”
“How deep was that depot? The deepest we made?”
“I remember the cliffside there. I could see down a long ways.”
“I imagine it could be twenty, thirty, or more deep. Humanity has been on Taurus Rho for several centuries, and technology keeps expanding.”
“We can make it deeper, I bet. Deeper than even the great Nighthawk.”
“Yeah. One step at a time, anyway. What’s the word, Spencer? You’ve been quiet for a while.”
“Yeah, sorry, I’m confused. These scanners are VineTech,” Spencer said.
“VineTech? But, they’re a startup. They haven’t been around for even five years,” Blossom said.
“Weapon inbound,” Redjack interrupted.
A somewhat ornate spear materialized in front of Blossom, who took it, twirled around, and struck at a pair of gremlins in one fluid motion. The spearhead connected to the skull of the vaguely humanoid anomaly. It hissed and quivered violently before collapsing to the ground. Its buddy lunged at Blossom. She sidestepped the attack and jabbed the spear into its side, where it collapsed in a strange pile.
“Executing garbage collection,” Spencer said.
A dim light briefly engulfed the gremlin corpses. The corrupted data dispersed, leaving behind a couple of scraps of paper. Blossom picked them up and looked at them.
“This scrap is part of an old newspaper,” she said, crumpling it and tossing it behind her. “But this one, it appears to be an encrypted note. I’m uploading it to you, Spence.”
The other scrap disappeared from her hand in a small shower of white sparkles.
“Got it. So, those sentries are recent products from VineTech. Stealth Series 1 Beta. They’re supposed to be hard to detect.”
“Someone doesn’t want us down here,” Blossom said.
“It’s a good bet that someone knows we’re here. Should we abort?” Spencer said.
“Can you move that room?” Redjack asked.
“Yes, I can,” Blossom said. “Tried it the other day around my space.”
“The client gave us a detailed description of the record they want from the archives. If she hurried, she can get to it and then hop through a side door back into her safe space,” Redjack said.
“That’s risky,” Spencer said.
“I get the feeling there won’t be another chance,” Blossom said.
“If someone laid that trap for us, then there’s little use for stealth. I’ll scan the area for the target. You should see it on your HUD soon, Blossom,” Spencer said.
“Activating systems. Let’s make some noise,” Redjacked yelled.
The dark hallways lit up almost brighter than day. Blossom grunted as she brought her arm over her eyes. As her eyes adjusted, she saw a red targeting reticle appear down behind the doors.
“Archives are next to preservation, as you guessed. Run!” Spencer said.
Menus darted across Blossom’s vision as she selected a slew of commands to augment her abilities. Her destination was only a couple hundred meters down; she would be fine expending a large amount of data to get there quickly, especially if she had to run for her life. As if to confirm that, the sounds of machinery and crashing echoed from above the lobby stairs. 
Blossom cursed as her spear glowed an eerie green color. With a practiced slash, she cut down the doors in front of her. She jumped past them and sprinted down the hall. Within seconds, she reached a set of doors leading into Preservation. She kicked the doors in to see a large room with shelves of boxes, chemicals, and plastic sleeving. Down the hall where she came from, she could see an Enforcer, a humanoid-shaped program designed by the military to help police the public areas of cyberspace.
“Blossom…” Spencer started.
“I know!” Weaving her spear around, she burst through Preservation, cutting through the tables and shelves before slicing down another set of doors. This led to a small warehouse with mostly empty shelves. There were several gremlins, all of whom were agitated by the sudden change in environment. In the middle of that was the target record. Hearing the crashing behind her, Blossom leaped forward, over the gremlins and shelves, and landed two aisles away from the record. The Enforcer exploded through what was left of those doors and charged forward, but the gremlins found it more interesting than Blossom.
“Precious seconds bought. There’s a door down the aisle where the record is found. Grab it and go!” Spencer said.
More menu options floated in front of Blossom as she ran to the correct aisle and rushed to the record. It appeared to be an old journal of some kind. She pocketed it and ran for the door. Light flickered behind it, and it opened to her private garden. The sound of struggle between the Enforcer and the gremlins quieted down. She was out of time. With a final burst of speed, she leaped for the door and slammed it behind her. The door bulged with a fist-like shape. Furiously, she entered commands. Soon, the bulge returned to normal as her garden transported her to somewhere safe. She pulled the journal out.
“The memoirs of Jackson A. Miller is ours,” she said.
Both men exhaled.
“Good job, Blossom,” Redjack said.
“Another narrow escape, thanks to your upgrades,” Spencer said. “Guess I should do the same, yeah? I’ll meet you at the normal place.”
“Sure thing.”
A pair of wired, sleek gloves pulled a similarly styled helmet off. The young woman gasped for fresh air and then sat there while her pulse and breathing slowly returned to normal. Every close call unnerved her. If the Enforcer had gotten a hold of her like it did those gremlins…well, this room would have been quite the mess for someone to clean up.
She stood up, slid the chest mount off, and hung the pieces of the XG51 into their sanitation station. She ambled to the bathroom and looked at the mirror. Her undershirt was drenched with sweat, and her black hair was also drenched and matted. She ran her fingers down her dried face and stared at her brown eyes for a few moments. She sniffed and wrinkled her nose.
“This is going to be the death of you, Laura,” she told her reflection.
A shower and some fresh clothes later, Laura stepped out of her apartment into the city streets. As much as she didn’t care for the inner parts of Prime City, she was glad for the opportunity to get out and distance herself from the virtual reality suit. The storm Spencer complained about had just passed over this part of the city, so there was a little freshness in the air. Her dark grey beanie, scarf, coat, slacks, and boots blended with the overcast sky, the city buildings, and many of her fellow pedestrians. She trotted to keep pace with the crowd, warily watching while keeping her face down. A pair of earbuds quietly played music from children’s show Duck the Rabbit; they were also a type of hearing aid. They saved her more than a few times from nosy reporters and angry strangers.
A quarter-hour stroll through the city streets brought her to a little cafe, La Fleur Petit. An eccentric old lady crazy about fungus ran the place, which was enough to scare off most people who weren’t regulars. It was a cozy spot that served a delicious cup of coffee and a large, warm waffle. Laura could smell the waffles the entire walk down. She opened the door and stepped in.
A wrinkled raisin of a woman sat at the register hunched over in a somewhat comatose pose. It wasn’t clear if she was contemplating the mysteries of the universe or was asleep. An eye peeked to see who it was, and then she burst into life.
“Oh, you can’t hide from me, sweetie! I know which blossom those eyes belong to,” she said.
“Good evening, Madame Sophie,” Laura said. Sophie grabbed Laura’s cool hand and stared seriously into her eyes.
“Still so formal after all these years. One day, young lady. One day, you will call me Grandma or Toots or something.” She cackled. Laura couldn’t help but smile as the old lady dragged her to her normal table. There was a guest waiting for her, as expected.
“Waffle and coffee?” Sophie asked.
“Yes, please.”
“I’ll return shortly.”
Laura sat at the table and faced her guest, who was dressed similarly. They sat in silence until Sophie returned with fresh coffee in mushroom-shaped mugs. She sat a mug in front of Laura and another in front of the guest.
“Your orders will be ready in a few. Relax and enjoy!” She bowed and walked back to the counter, singing an old tune using mushroom names as lyrics. Laura’s guest lifted his mug.
“The fields are white unto harvest,” he said.
“But the laborers are few,” she said, lifting her mug. They loosened their scarves and savored a sip.
“Sophie makes good coffee. I wonder where she sources it,” the man said.
“See? Like that, dearie!” Sophie called from the counter. Laura laughed.
“I don’t know, but she’s earned a few secrets,” she said.
“Do you have the journal?” he said.
“Here.” Laura produced a small drive and handed it over. He looked it over and placed it in a pouch.
“That was a close call. Did that punch get in your garden?”
“About two feet, I think. It…I…do you know something, Spence? I think we were targeted.” Spencer nodded.
“Here’s a copy of that note.” He pulled out a folded scrap of paper. “Decrypted,” he added.
Laura took and unfolded it.
Flowers wither. -M
She looked up.
“I don’t know who we angered, but somehow we did,” Spencer said.
“Any ideas? Past clients? Jobs?” she asked.
“I think it might actually have been this job. Jackson A. Miller was an old general, someone the deposed General Blackheart looked up to. Our client was really good at hiding his information, but I still managed to dig up some info. A librarian who was personal friends with the same Mason Blackheart, Apollo DeGreen. Seems he might be doing a favor for his old buddy.”
“General Blackheart was deposed seven years ago and disappeared soon after. Wouldn’t this be someone acting on an old grudge?”
“Maybe, but then they seemed to know who you are. That they sent an Enforcer after you meant they were someone high up. Very few people get to command those. I just don’t know who M is.”
He stared intently at her. She stared back. Sophie arrived with plates of waffles and sausage.
“Oh, Sophie, I could eat this every day,” Spencer said.
“How nice of you to say, but you already get my best discount,” Sophie replied as she placed the food down for her guests. “Let me know if you need anything else.”
Laura stared for a bit longer, and then she looked at the scrap again. Something caught her eye. There was a tiny bit of writing underneath the note.
“Hey, there’s an address here,” she said, handing the note back.
“You’re right,” he said, his eyes narrowing. “You know something.”
“Yeah, but I can’t crack. Not yet. Trust me a little longer,” she said, taking in a bite of waffle. If only she could hold that warm, fluffy moment forever.
“You were almost killed,” he said, holding his first bite in.
“I…yeah. That unnerved me, but I have to face the danger. We need to go to that address.”
“This is clearly a trap.”
“I know.”
“But you want to go?”
“I have to. It’s…important.”
“The ever-nebulous quest of yours?”
“I don’t think I could take it if you were silenced.”
“You say that every time.”
“And I mean it every time. You’re a person, too. Red and I care about you. We’re a great team. We could keep this going for years to come.”
“I know better than to try to talk you out of this, but if this goes south, we’re gonna have to lay low for a while.” Laura sighed.
“Thank you, Spence. Just trust me a little longer, and then you’ll learn all you want.”
“You’re a hard nut to crack, Blossom.”
“I have to be. Look, she made these look like shiitake.”
They ate and chatted for a while longer before leaving.
The door to Laura’s apartment opened quietly. She stepped in and closed the door just as carefully. She stepped into the kitchen and stripped the gear off of her head, placing them on the table. She inhaled sharply and brought her fist down on the table, jolting everything on it. She screamed in frustration.
She knew who M was. M was the Matriarch, the name her aunt used in cyberspace. Her real name was Anastasia Plumer. She was the governing regent of Sector Prime, one of the most populous sectors on the planet. She obtained the position by exposing the corruption of the previous regent and that of his advisors. Evidence of that corruption extended to her father, General Mason Blackheart. The general embezzled funds for his family and used his position to cover for a number of Laura’s missteps, including a failed attempt to sexually assault her own cousin, Lance Plumer. In an act of goodwill, Anastasia pardoned their crimes when General Blackheart stepped down in the face of his charges.
Charges that Laura knew were completely fabricated. Anastasia and Lance had powerful and skilled friends. All it took was a little sample of Laura’s DNA that she unwittingly provided. From that, they could recreate nearly every detail about her, including her voice and mannerisms. It was groundbreaking technology, the kind that Taurus Rho was known for. The people behind this brought that technology to market under the name VineTech.
Anastasia was calling Laura out, and Laura had no choice but to follow along. It was the only way she could get close enough to find something, anything, to exonerate herself and her father. She was right: this might really be the death of her.
“Let me get this straight: we’re infiltrating an address left behind by someone who tried to kill you?” Redjack asked.
“Yes,” Spencer and Blossom answered.
“You know, I need to find my way to Prime City so I can smack you both upside the head,” Redjack said.
“It’s been a while since the last time,” Blossom said.
“It has, and if this mission goes to pot, it won’t be happening ever again,” Redjack said.
“Don’t be all glum, Red. If this mission goes well, Blossom said she would spill the beans,” Spencer said.
“Wait, really? Like, we can finally know your name and all that?” Redjack said.
“Yeah. I have a feeling we’ll find something big here,” Blossom said.
“If you make it. I mean, given what we know, they could be going after me and Spence when this is over.”
��If this is our end, then let it be something noteworthy. I mean, we are trying to be greater than Nighthawk, right?” Spencer said.
“Now or never,” Blossom said.
“Right,” Redjack said. “I see you attached your garden to that address. I can have a weapon placed right outside for you. You’ll need it: the place is crawling with gremlins.”
“The place looks like an abandoned vacation home that sunk into the depths. Records of who it once belonged to seem to have been corrupted. Maybe one of those gremlins has them,” Spencer said.
“I can block some doors and funnel the gremlins down a corridor. That should help you dispatch them,” Redjack said.
“Alright. Reserve some data for a hasty retreat,” Blossom said. “I’d rather this not be the end if I can help it.”
“Already on it,” Redjack said.
“Okay, on my mark,” Blossom said. “3…2…1…”
Blossom burst through the door, grabbing the spear dropped next to it. One thrust, two, and then three inflicted fatal wounds on as many gremlins.
“Starting garbage collection,” Spencer said.
“Funneling enemies. They should be coming out of the door to the left,” Redjack said.
“How many?” Blossom asked.
“About thirty.”
Blossom sighed, inhaled deeply, and slammed the butt of the spear on the ground.
“Bring it!” she said, readying the spear for the first to come out.
Come out they did. As the door burst open, two gremlins popped out. Meanwhile, the doorway appeared to shrink down to a third of its size, forcing further gremlins to have to squeeze through.
“That should hold for a while. Take them out,” Redjack said.
Blossom stabbed the two in front of her, and then she charged at the doorway, running through another. She stood in front of it, stabbing at each one trying to get through to her. With Spencer clearing the corrupted data, there was plenty of room for the remaining gremlins to make their way to Blossom. By the time the last fell, she yawned with boredom.
“I expected more,” she said.
“Don’t let your guard down, lady,” Spencer said. He grunted. “Nothing useful. They were all made of bits and bobs. I think they were all made recently.”
“What are we looking for, anyway?” Redjack asked.
“I don’t know, exactly. Evidence of some kind,” Blossom said.
“You’re risking your life for something vague?”
“This time, yes. I don’t know what I’m looking for, but I’ll know what it is when I find it.”
“Okaaay…” Redjack said. “Well, you are in the den of a mansion. Your garden is attached to a door that goes outside. The door to the left of that, where you just killed gremlins, leads further into the mansion. On the opposite side, you should see some double doors that lead out into a courtyard. There is a bridge that goes over a pond to an island that houses a small tower. I don’t know about you, but I think I would have fun at this place. You, aside from the monster infestation.”
Blossom gasped. She knew this place.
“The tower. It’s got to be in the tower.”
“How do you know?” Spencer said.
“I just…I just do. Are there any enemies out there?”
“None that I see,” Redjack said. There just seem to be a couple of spotlights. How odd.”
“Huh…yeah, they’re just spotlights. Nothing out of the ordinary there,” Spencer said.
The ground shook. A guttural scream echoed through the mansion.
“That…oh, that one is huge. And he’s above you,” Redjack said.
“I don’t like this, Blossom. You’re being pushed there. You know there is trap of some kind somewhere,” Spencer said.
“I’ll deal,” she said, approaching the courtyard doors. They were large enough to allow a small vehicle in. A plank of wood resting on metal braces barred the door from opening. Blossom lifted the plank and set it aside. She then twisted the second brace from the right, revealing a small hole inside the door. She retrieved a key, which she inserted into the keyhole. There was a loud click, and then the doors swung open.
“Huh…” Spencer said.
“I couldn’t see that. Where exactly are we?” Redjack said.
“It’s–” Blossom started. Another heavy scream cut her off.
“Tell us later. Go!” Redjack said.
Blossom ran out into the courtyard. It was a simple grassy yard with a large pond in the middle. In the middle of the pond stood a small tower rising about three stories. A rough path of large stones connected the door to a wooden bridge that crossed the pond. The stone path continued on the island to the tower.
Blossom made it halfway to the bridge when a large, dark mass poured itself out of the courtyard door like a thick oil. Once out, it wriggled violently until it could form a pair of arms, a pair of eyes, and a pair of eyes. The gremlin was easily the size of an elephant, and its core was darker than any night sky Blossom had ever seen.
Blossom bolted to the bridge just as the gremlin chased after her. The ground under the gremlin suddenly gave way as if it was as viscous as the creature.
“Thanks, Red,” Blossom said as she stepped on the bridge. Just a few more steps, and she would be on the island, and then the tower, and then whatever was held in it.
Then the spotlights lit up.
Blossom cried out as she did her best to shield her eyes from their glare.
“Don’t tell me…” Spencer said.
“Oh. Oh, no!” Redjack said. “There’s no way!”
Blossom was not the only one who cried out. The gremlin screeched in pain. It scrambled like a panicked bug back to the mansion.
“We’re too high up to see any of these,” Spencer said. “How is this possible?”
There were four spotlights, each attached to the fence around the courtyard. Their intense light focused on Blossom. Wherever she blindly stumbled, they followed her. The large beams grew brighter and more focused. A thin beam of the whitest light shot from each spotlight and hit Blossom’s head. She seized up, held up only by her twitching muscles and the lights which bore into her.
“I’m going in,” Spencer said.
“Are you nuts?! We’ve never dealt with the Lights of Truth!” Redjack said.
“If I know my lore, they’ll only be focused on her. If I don’t, well, it was worth a shot. We can’t jack her out until she’s free of them, which means one of us has to pull her out.”
Redjack cursed.
“I knew you’d understand,” Spencer said.
The lights intensified, drilling into Blossom’s mind. Her body contorted in awful angles, and her cries sounded inhuman. Streams of silver poured out of her head. There were hundreds of them, and they threatened to corrupt the space around them and form gremlins. However, in the light, they instead stabilized and turned into windows showing pictures, objects, scenes, and even ideas and feelings.
“There’s a ton of data coming through. You’ll have to jack in on my mark,” Redjack said.
“Got it,” Spencer replied. “What’s going on?”
“It’s…her. Everything about her. Everything.”
“What? That’s it?”
“I don’t think you understand, Spence. You should see this.”
“Opportunity’s coming. 3…2…1…”
A  shower of light by the courtyard door heralded Spencer’s entrance. The lights around him were nearly too much to take in, but they were not nearly as intense as they were on the bridge. Silver streams continued to wrest themselves out of Blossom’s mind, turning in to data streams. Scenes of school, trips, military parades, family, especially…
“General Mason Blackheart?” Spencer said. The deposed general factored into several memories.
“Blossom is…Laura Blackheart? Have we been working with the general’s daughter this whole time?” Redjack said.
“This was the regent’s vacation home! Red, where is all this data going?”
Redjack gasped and cursed. “It’s going somewhere in downtown Prime. I can’t contain any of this! Get her out!”
Spencer approached the bridge. The heat of the lights was unbearable, but that was nothing compared to Laura’s writhing body. It contorted just the right way for him to reach his arms in and hook them around her shoulders. He pulled her as close as her body and the attached lights would allow.
“Got a boost for me?” Spencer said.
“I’ll try, buddy,” Redjack said. “Here goes…”
Spencer yanked. Redjack’s boost was more than he expected, for he flew back into the mansion with Laura in tow. It was enough to disconnect her from the lights, which immediately powered down. She quivered in exhaustion and gasped for breath.
“Throw her in the garden. I'll jack her out,” Redjack said.
Spencer dragged Laura to the door hosting her private garden. He was unable to enter it, so he gathered her into his arms like he was carrying a large sack.
“I’m sorry, but I hope this will be less painful than what you just went through,” he said.
He swung her twice before letting go a third time. She flew a few feet into the garden, landing hard on the ivy-covered ground. Spencer winced.
“I’m so sorry, Blossom,” he said, closing the door.
Laura screamed as she yanked the XG51 off. She clawed at her head, which felt like it had been drilled into hundreds of times. She stumbled out of her chair, choking out sobs, clutching her chest, and using the wall to hold herself up. Eventually, she made it to the bathroom, where she allowed herself to trip down to the toilet. She vomited into it. When nothing more could come out, she collapsed on the floor. She tried to wrap the rug around her. She pulled the towels off the drying rack to wrap around her, and then she tried to reach for the clean ones shelved above the rack. Eventually, she stopped reaching and cried herself to sleep.
“Welcome! Oh! Oh…” Sophie hurried around the counter and grabbed Laura’s hands. It had been two days since her mind was invaded. She existed on the bathroom floor for most of that, but something within willed her to get up, clean up, and take the stroll to La Fleur Petit. She wore two layers of clothing under her coat and wrapped her scarf extra tight. The wet, red rings around her eyes made her look threatening. She tried to say something to Sophie.
“Shh, hush now. Come, your friends are waiting. I will make something special for you.”
Waiting? She didn’t tell anyone she would be there. Yet, there were two men dressed like her. Of course. Who else could it have been? They were already enjoying their coffee in mushroom-shaped mugs. A fresh mug was waiting for her. Sophie helped her sit, and she was off into the kitchen.
“The fields are ripe to harvest,” Spencer said.
“But…the laborers…” Laura answered, choking up. She breathed in slowly and collected herself.
“Are few,” she finished. She loosened her scarf a little, trying to have just enough room to drink her coffee and nothing more. The two men removed their scarves completely, loosened their coats, took off their caps, and relaxed. Spencer leaned forward.
“So, we, uh, saw everything,” he said. Laura nodded cautiously.
“To be honest, I thought all this effort to be secretive and hidden was a novel schtick, You know, an edgy kind of roleplay that was sort of our trademark thing. I mean, why do we need to hide? We’re hackers. We do the dangerous work of finding things in the deep so that nobody else has to, right? But, now I understand. I know why we needed to be secretive. Why you were always so hidden. You had to be,” Spencer said.
“The regent was after you,” Redjack continued. “She tried to mine, well, you. She learned about Spence and I.”
‘I put you danger. We have to lay low. I shouldn’t have…” Laura said.
“Yeah, we’re in danger. Or would have been,” Redjack said. He pushed a folded piece of paper to her. Laura took and unfolded it. She looked up. On the note was an image of a hawk’s head.
“Apparently Nighthawk is still in business, and he took enough shine to us to divert most of the data heading to the lady regent,” Spencer said.
Tears fell as a great weight lifted from Laura’s shoulders.
“I…I’m so grateful!” she blurted. Spencer stood up.
“For better or for worse, the time for secrets is behind us. My name is James Smith. My grandfather, Spencer O’Toole, was a hacker and someone I admired greatly.” He held out his hand. Redjack stood and offered his hand, as well.
“I, well, there’s nothing meaningful to Redjack. My name is Jack Redman. I just thought it sounded cool. Computers are sort of my dig, you know?”
Laura stood and took her scarf off.
“Laura Blackheart. I’m pleased to meet you both.” She shook each of their hands, and they sat back down.
“Oh, finally! You’re practically family now!” Sophie snuck up to the table with three steaming bowls, placing them before each person.
“Sophie, we didn’t order any soup,” Spencer said.
“Don’t worry! Today’s meal is on the house. The soup is my special recipe: a broth made from several different mushrooms! It’s the perfect remedy for cold, troubling days. I’ll be back later with your meals.” Sophie scooted off.
“That was generous of her,” Redjack said, lifting the bowl to his face. Spencer and Laura did the same.
“Cheers,” they said, and drank. The soup filled Laura with an otherworldly warmth, a feeling of calm in the midst of a raging storm. The earthy, peppery mushrooms felt oddly of home. There was joy, and longing, and peace.
Laura opened her eyes, suddenly aware she had almost drifted asleep. Spencer and Redjack, by the look on their faces, had similar reactions.
“What a masterpiece,” Spencer finally said. Silently, they sipped their soups until their bowls were empty. As if on cue, Sophie returned to collect their bowls and place out their entrees: a massive feast of eggs, bacon, and sausage piled on top of her mushroom-shaped waffles.
“I don’t know what you’ve suffered, but I’ll be dead before I let anyone walk over my children like that. Next time it happens, you point ol’ Sophie at ‘em. I’ll tan their hides so hard, they’ll wish I actually knocked them into next month.” Sophie walked back to the kitchen muttering other unsavory things she wanted to do. The three sat there for a moment, and then they erupted in laughter before digging in.
“We need to go back,” Laura said.
“I know you just got drilled in the head, but seriously?” Spencer said.
“Yes. Seriously. Aunt Anastasia baited a trap, but I never found the bait,” Laura said.
“The Lights of Truth are ancient traps. I can see how a rich and powerful person like the regent managed to get some moved to her old vacation home without destroying half of cyberspace, but there isn’t much known about them. I don’t know any way to disable them,” Redjack said.
“But Nighthawk does,” Laura said.
“Oh, right. He did claim to have a way to get through them. But we have no way to contact him,” Spencer said.
“If we caught his attention before, maybe we can catch it again,” Laura said.
“What if we don’t?” Redjack asked.
“Then we look for a way around. They activated when I got part way across the bridge. What if we went under it, or over the island, or through the ground? The tower, it’s important. She had that built for her kids and us cousins. It’s a big playhouse,” she answered.
“Well, those are possibilities,” Redjack conceded.
“What if the bait turns out to be a ruse?” Spencer asked.
“Well, I guess we lay low and learn from our mistakes,” Laura said.
“I think I heard something about Omega Phi looking for something like us hackers. Ever thought about moving off-world?” Redjack said.
“Let’s consider that after we deal with the task at hand,” Spencer said.
Laura stared at an empty mug.
“Grandma, can I have some more coffee?” she called out.
Sophie burst through the kitchen door with a full carafe of coffee and the widest grin.
“You make this old woman so happy, dear!”
A few days had passed before Blossom stepped back into the mansion’s den. It seemed whatever damage occurred during his last visit was repaired.
“Auntie is pretty diligent at maintaining her abandoned property,” she observed.
“That’s a bad sign,” Spencer said.
“Let’s go through with it, anyway. We may get lucky,” she said.
“Just in case, I have a program ready to jack you out in case the lights target you again. It’s going to hurt, but not like what you endured,” Redjack said.
“Okay. Let’s do this,” she said, stepping towards the courtyard doors. She immediately stopped and drew a sharp breath.
“Whoa! Who is that?” Redjack said. Although difficult to see in the dim lighting, there was a man standing in front of the courtyard doors. His dark raiment melded well with the shadows, but the helmet on his head was shaped like a hawk.
“Is that…?” Spencer started.
“Laura,” the man said sternly. Her knees gave out, and she fell on them. Her lips quivered and tears formed.
“That was reckless, the other day. I taught you better,” the man continued.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…I had to…”
“How can you possibly surpass the great Nighthawk with such rookie mistakes?” he demanded.
“I never thought I would get to meet Nighthawk, and now he’s scolding us. I don’t think anything can surprise me anymore,” Redjack said.
“Anastasia isn’t satisfied. She wants us gone. I didn’t think I would have another opportunity!” Blossom pleaded to Nighthawk.
“Sometimes patience requires decades. You can’t expose anything if you lose control and get yourself killed for it,” Nighthawk countered. “And your teammates! Did you not think of them? Didn’t you ignore their warnings?”
Blossom punched the ground in frustration. Nighthawk walked to her.
“Get up,” he said. “Get up. Eyes up and forward. Face me.”
Blossom obeyed, standing to her feet and facing Nighthawk with eyes filled with defiance. Nighthawk grabbed her chin and chuckled softly.
“You’re as stubborn as ever. I’ve missed you, daughter.”
“Nighthawk is…” Spencer said. The sound of his headset hitting a wall replaced the rest of his statement.
“Tell me this is the last surprise we have to deal with. We can’t handle anymore,” Redjack said. Blossom could almost hear his facepalm.
“Where have you been?” Laura said.
“I’m sorry. I had to disappear, like you,” Nighthawk said. He cupped his hands around her head, and then he pulled her into an embrace.
“I missed you,” she said, hugging him back.
She could feel him pull his mask off. There was a shake, and then she felt something like a warm, fuzzy blanket cover her. She pulled back  to see a cloak covering her. Her father fastened the clasp at her neck and pulled the hood over her head. He waved a hand, revealing a mirror. In the reflection stood an older version of the father she knew. He leaned on a cane, and his hair and beard were grayer, but age could not erase the pride and intention in which he carried himself. Laura then noticed the ears on the hood and the little duck bill. She laughed, facepalmed, and sang.
“Duck, Duck the Bunny is his name
Helping the children is his game!”
General Blackheart walked around his daughter and tidied the wrinkles and debris off of the cloak. He joined in the song with his gruff, baritone voice.
“When evil rears its ugly head,
Duck will fly in and make it dead.
He saves the world as you can see
Duck is right here for you and me!”
“That was an awful show,” General Blackheart said.
“Yeah, but it kind of stuck,” Laura said.
General Blackheart looked Laura over once more, and then he sighed.
“I’m old and harsh. You suffered greatly from those lights. I hope you can forgive an old man for fearing for his little girl,” he said.
“I’m twenty-seven, Dad.”
“I’m almost 70. You will always be little to me. Now, we have some business to take care of, don’t we?”
Ruffled noises come from Spencer’s headset, followed by a long breath.
“General, do you plan on funding a long vacation for all of us when this is done?” he asked.
“I’ll do that and more if you succeed. How would you folks like to work with the great Nighthawk? I’ll teach you things you never thought possible,” General Blackheart replied.
“I’m ears,” Redjack said.
“You’re really helping us?” Laura said.
“Of course. I can’t have Anastasia harming my little blossom again,”
“What’s the plan?” Spencer said.
“Blossom is going to walk across the bridge and take whatever artifact is in the tower,” Nighthawk said as he pulled on a new hood.
“We tried that last time, and it didn’t work,” Redjack said.
“True, but last time you didn’t have all the necessary tools,” Nighthawk said.
“This cloak,” Blossom said.
“Right. I devised cloaks like this specifically to get past the Lights of Truth. They were a government experiment designed to mine the thoughts of the populace. As you’ve seen, they have painful results, and they were the refined, production versions,” Nighthawk said.
“So, you learned about them while you were actually General,” Spencer said.
“Right. That sort of clearance turned around and made me a legend, though you are the only ones outside my team to know this. Having the archived schematics of old, powerful weapons helped us to devise countermeasures,” Nighthawk said.
“Not to alarm anyone, but that giant gremlin is still there. How has he not seen us yet?” Redjack said.
“Let’s just say I know a few ways to obtain control of my space. I will upload some of those to you,” Nighthawk said. “The rest I cannot give you without causing you trouble.”
“What will the cloak do?” Spencer asked.
“It will reflect the light back to the source, causing it to mine itself. It won’t be destroyed, but it will be kept busy in a recursive loop for several minutes. Unfortunately, they will not be available to keep our friend upstairs at bay. That’s where I come in. I need you gentlemen to back me up while I keep him busy. With a little luck, we can take it out and recover a bit of treasure for ourselves,” Nighthawk said.
“What’s in the tower?” Blossom asked.
“I don’t know, but it will be on you to recover whatever is up there. I imagine Anastasia will have something else planned for you,” Nighthawk said. He placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I saw some of the memories drilled out of you. There was one in particular that caught my attention,” he said. A window appeared, showing a garden in Prime City.
“Wait a minute. Isn’t this where Laura supposedly assaults the regent’s son?” Spencer said.
“Look,” Nighthawk said.
A younger Laura walked down the starlit garden path. She wore a simple dress with golden feathers adorning her shoulders. Walking next to her was her cousin, Lance Plumer, who wore the ceremonial uniform of a colonel of the Prime Sector army. Earlier that day, new officers graduated from officer school, and Lance was one of the top graduates. The party that night was in their honor. Laura naturally attended the party, being the daughter of General Mason. It had been years since she and Lance saw each other, so this party was an excellent opportunity to catch up.
They ambled through the spacious garden for what seemed like hours before they stopped in a secluded corner. The journey was well-remembered. The words and sounds, however, were muffled. Laura barely remembered them. That is, until a certain point. Lance brought his hand up to Laura’s face.
“You really blossomed into a beautiful woman, Laura,” he said.
“Oh, stop it,” she laughed. “I’m still the same kid you ran around with.”
“Maybe we can do something more,” he said. His hand lowered, but before he got anywhere, she grabbed a hold of it. He thrust his other arm at her face, which she dodged and then bit. He yanked that arm back while she held on to the other, spinning under it and using the momentum to flip him onto the ground. She spat in his face and stormed off.
Nighthawk brought up a different window. “This is footage from the security camera,” he said.
The same scene played out, but from a perspective about ten feet away. When Laura stormed off, Lance produced a couple of vials from his coat and collected Laura’s spittle.
“That was much easier than I thought,” he said as he got up. He dusted himself off, looked around, and walked away.
“That…that…” Blossom started.
“It’s hard to know what was and wasn’t fabricated,” Nighthawk said. “So, I just wanted you to know, if this doesn’t work out, and we get separated again, know that I know the truth and have always believed it to be, even when we were being played.”
“If I hadn’t spat on him!” Blossom stormed to the courtyard door.
“Operation start, boys,” Nighthawk said.
Soon, the door swung open, and Blossom stomped her way to the bridge and over it. The spotlights lit up, again blinding her. However, she hid under her cloak while her sight recovered. The cloak lit up, producing a reflective barrier in the shape of Duck the Bunny. With a loud quack, the lights were reflected back to the spotlights. The spotlights shook violently and flickered as they tried to mine the minds that weren’t there.
“You know, she’s going to kill you for that,” Spencer said.
“Won’t be the first time. It’s a father’s job to embarrass his children,” Nighthawk said.
“Bogey is active. Look alive!” Redjack said.
Blossom huddled under her cloak while the sting dissipated from her eyes. When her vision recovered, she resumed her tirade to the island, and then up the path. She planted her foot squarely on the tower door, knocking it over. She climbed the steps as Nighthawk evaded the gremlin outside. The second floor contained four beds. Beside each was a bedstand equipped with a lamp, a few books, and a small shelf of toys. She crossed the room and ascended the next set of stairs. At the top of the stairs was a final door. She stopped for a moment, took a few deep breaths, and composed herself. And then, she knocked.
“Come in,” Anastasia answered.
Blossom stepped in. The room inside was much larger than it should have been. There was a fire roaring in the fireplace across from the door. A tea kettle sat over it. A rug lay in front of the fireplace. To either side of the rug were a pair of comfy chairs. A table with teacups and cookies sat in between them. Anastasia Plumer sat in the one on the right.
“Have a seat,” the regent said.
Blossom sat in the other chair. Anastasia pulled the teapot from the fire, filled the teacups, and placed the pot back on the fire. Blossom took her cup and sipped on it. Chamomile.
“Snickerdoodles?” she asked.
“Yes,” her aunt replied. Blossom took one and nibbled on it silently for a few moments.
“Why haven’t you killed me?”
“I still can.”
“But you haven’t.”
“I can’t.”
The fire crackled loudly.
“Regent DeSpain was a crooked man. I don’t regret exposing him. Removing him from power, and those who profited with him, was necessary for the health of the sector,” Anastasia said.
“What did that have to do with me and father?”
“As his daughter, you should understand how much he values loyalty and duty. If his leader was in danger, no matter how much he actually despised the man, Mason would still take bullets for him.”
“This all was a form of protection?”
“Would you prefer prison and execution?”
“Why did you have Lance…do…argh!”
“Laura, I could never apologize enough for what he did. I instructed him to recover some form of DNA from you. He chose how to do it. The smear campaign was badly handled.”
“You don’t say!” Blossom shot up, ready to throw a punch.
“The Lance on TV is also fabricated. Did you know that?”
“The real Lance is doing time in Barghest. That is the penalty for sexual assault, isn’t it?”
“I…didn’t…” She deflated back into her chair. They sat in silence for a while longer.
“You have to expose my crimes,” Anastasia finally said.
“I don’t understand,” Blossom said.
“Mason is fully discredited, but he can live on as Nighthawk. In fact, I think in some ways he prefers it.” At that moment, the large gremlin crawled passed their windows. Shortly after, Nighthawk flew past with some kind of energy weapon in hand, cackling like madman.
“You also have an interest in bringing me down, and it is easy to disprove the false evidence implicating your ‘crimes.’ I brought down Regent DeSpain in the name of justice, and I still believe in that enough to know that I need to step down and leave the regency to someone capable of ruling with clean hands.”
Laura sighed.
“I just wanted my life back,” she said.
“I’m sorry. The old flower has long since withered, but you have already blossomed into a new one. Do this, and you can at least be free to pursue it with your team.”
“What will happen to you?” Laura asked.
“I will probably end up in a cell next to Lance. Either that or I can make my escape to Omega Phi. I hear they need hackers.”
An ear-piercing squeal came from outside.
“Ha ha! We have vanquished the beast!” Nightwing cried out.
“Well, there’s the key to unlock the evidence. Here’s the rest,” Anastasia said. She produced a small lockbox and handed it to Blossom.
“You are not merely the daughter of Mason Blackheart. You are Laura Blackheart, the Blossom of the Depths. My traps have harmed you, but you have lived and learned from them. Now, let us finish staining our family name so that we can reconcile and find peace.”
Anastasia got up, curtsied, and exited in a shower of sparkles. The room phased out and was replaced with a smaller, empty room covered in dust.
“Blossom! Blossom! Are you there?” Spencer called out. Redjack and Nightwing were busy chanting cheers and victory fanfares.
“I’m here. I have it. I have what we came for,” she said.
Over the next few years, the Prime Sector underwent several rounds of political upheaval until the government reformed around a new regent. Careful checks and balances were installed to ensure the validity of the government. Although Laura Blackheart was exonerated of her crimes in the public eye, she remained below the radar. Some believe they can see her entering a hole-in-the-wall cafe, but they are never sure if it’s actually her. Even her clients are not quite sure. The Blossom of the Depths guards her secrets well.
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thefuchsianeko · 3 years
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never posted these here i guess. well
a while ago something compelled me to do edits with my redesign of Alastor (I WOULD link back to my original post with the redesigns, but it’s old and ugly so...)
got really into it I think
too lazy to write it all out again so I’m just gonna copy-paste what I wrote about them from Instagram... so under the cut will be the original screenshots, as well as some design notes and stuff
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I sketched a couple of other characters but I mostly did Alastor... also those are the only ones I actually finished lol. I'm most interested in his redesign than the others.
tl;dr -- I tried simplifying his design while also making it more period-accurate (he died in the '20s apparently), as well as giving him details and a colour design that I think would help him stand out amongst the other characters (tho I did nothing else to edit these but if I was in charge of design a lot of colours in the environment would be changed to help characters stand out from the bg). I also kept some of his deer-traits (the ear-tufts and antlers specifically) bc idk i like deer whatever. (also if these edits are inconsistent idc if the pilot won't be consistent then neither will i)
I don't think it's a secret that I kinda don't like Hazbin Hotel that much... I mean I'm interested in seeing where it goes but the pilot itself very flawed. ANYWAY hehehh... I fucking hate Alastor's design but at this point I kinda love hating him (for reasons unintended by the creators). His design is ANNOYING AS SHIT and he comes off as try-hard so I can't take him seriously. Some design notes... So he supposedly died in the '20s but like, his outfit looks like it'd be from a lot earlier? Annoys the shit outta me but anyway I just gave him a simple suit (after skimming one of my books about '20s and '30s fashion I saw a lot of that) along with some coattails for a cooler silhouette. Almost gave him a regular tie too but I kinda like the upside-down cross thing he has goin' on (a symbol often mistakenly attributed to satanism but whatever looks neat). Cleaned up his hair, kept the ear-tuft-things for the deer-look but also I kinda like how the ears blend into the hair (here it should be assumed they're ears at least). Made his antlers bigger so you can uh ACTUALLY SEE THEM. Muted his colour scheme to help go with the '20s theme and make him stand out against allllll the fkin red, and gave him flat teeth instead of sharp teeth. I think it’d be cool if everyone else in Hell had sharp teeth except this fuckin’ guy… it’d stand out. Didn’t change his radio-staff much but I’d probably make it look more like a mic from the ‘20s. Also I changed his nose bc I want more variety and I hate his goddamn button-nose like wtf.
Oh also, his story's kinda different; in my rewrite Alastor has become a kind of a recluse for years after finishing his last big radio-show (the one that Vaggie exposition-dumps to Angel Dust in the pilot) because he’s having trouble trying to figure out what his next show will be (basically he has art-block lol). He wants it to top (or at least equal) the quality of his last show. When he hears about Charlie’s project from her news interview, her passion and belief in the hotel ignites new inspiration in him (plus the idea of the hotel is insane to him and whether it succeeds or not it’d make a great show). He goes to the hotel in the hope to make a deal so he can cover the story as it unravels. Also he doesn't show off his power that much, if anything it's all only sprinkled in and/or hinted to. He can be pretty friendly but people feel uneasy around him bc 1) he just has that kind of aura and 2) people try not to make him upset in fear of being ripped apart.
Idk if any of this doesn't make sense you can ask about it and I'll try to explain better.... maybe idk i hate words
btw don't be surprised if I make more stuff for this later on bc I kinda love him and have been thinking about a rewrite of the pilot (this is all for fun, of course. If you like the show that's great and I can see how others would like it, there's just details about it that bug me specifically).
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kiingocreative · 3 years
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The Structure of Story is now available! Check it out on Amazon, via the link in our bio, or at https://kiingo.co/book
I often feel that it took me thirty years to write my first book, No Pain, No Game. Not because I was physically writing it for that long, but because finally publishing my first novel felt like the culmination of three decades of bad writing, half-finished novels, random short-stories and a million mundane diary entries. It took that long to experiment with my craft, hone my skills, and master the fear of putting my work out there for all to see.
Exaggerations aside, it actually took me three years to write No Pain, No Game, from typing the first word on an otherwise blank page to having a fully-fledged, ready-to-publish novel. Those three years consisted of mostly undisciplined writing, sitting down to work on the story as and when the urge arose, sometimes not looking at it for weeks on end, and only getting back to it when inspiration hit. Only when I got serious about publishing did I put in the hours consistently, whether or not I was in the mood for it. The whole experience felt like not so much like long distance running, but more like a slow, often sluggish stop-start stroll, with a heart-pumping sprint at the very end.
I came out of having published the book revved up from adrenaline, soaking in the momentum, fretting for more and ready to do it all again. Out came the laptop again, the rush to get the first draft over and done with and the mad rush into editing-land.
It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint (and not interval running, and not a slow leisurely walk)
The thing with sprinting, however, is that if you do it for too long, you quickly run out of breath and I soon learnt that maintaining that level of effort over time was unsustainable. Somewhere in the middle of editing my first draft, I hit a wall.
A big, fat, hundred feet high brick and mortar monster of a wall. I never saw it coming, and I face-planted right into it. For weeks after that I couldn’t look at my manuscript or social media, and I had to take a proper break from it all to restore.
The break gave me a chance to introspect and take stock of what had happened. It felt to me that, if I wanted to keep on writing more books (which I did) I had to pivot from my disorganised style of writing to a more committed endeavour. There’s nothing wrong with a leisurely walk, or random bouts of interval running, but I realised it wouldn’t give me the kind of results I was truly after. I had to look at writing as a marathon, and build the sort of stamina and endurance I needed to do this many times over without burning out.
From Dilettante to Disciplined Writer
When I think back to writing my first book, I wonder if there’s some truth in the saying that ignorance is bliss. Because I was less focused on the outcome at the time, I was better able to enjoy the ups and downs of the process, especially because I only sat to work at it when I felt like it. I was also mostly unaware of the mountain of logistics that come with writing and publishing a book, so I’d be able to see the distance I’d covered, without worrying about the miles that still stretched ahead of me. Yes, ignorance was, most definitely, a little bit like bliss.
Reminiscing on her own experience, author Shamika Lindsay says that, with her first book, ‘the process felt so different and [she] almost felt the pen gliding across the paper but with [the sequel], it was like pulling teeth’. In fact, she adds, starting to write her second book from scratch felt like ‘such a chore and [she] was just so eager to complete it because [she] felt like it took so much from [her] to write than the first book’.
For R. G. Tully, author of the Ardamin series, who put greater emphasis on the editing stage when working on his second book, the process also took longer and wasn’t always enjoyable. ‘The editing grind was exactly that, a grind’, he confesses.
But you have to do it whether you like it or not, because the only way out is through. There are, fortunately or unfortunately, no shortcuts. Fortunately, because it’s the very act of going through that arduous journey that makes you a better writer in the end. And unfortunately, because there can be times it’s just not all that pleasant.
You’ll be surprised the amount of distractions that manifest themselves when you desperately need a reason not to work on your manuscript — it’s actually quite spooky. Treating writing with discipline, organisation and professionalism is exactly what will prevent you falling off tracks, and what ultimately gets the work done. And that’s the difference between a published book and one that’ll sit indeterminately unfinished somewhere in your archives.
A Tough Act to Follow
Unfortunately, there’s still a little bit more to writing your second book than just great discipline. Even when you’re able to get yourself to follow through and show up for your craft, giving your first book a literary sibling can come with its own challenges, especially because you have something to compare it to.
And it’s not only you, but your readers too, who will be expecting certain standards from your writing, especially if it’s a series. Though it shouldn’t come in the way of writing the book you want to write, the relationship of trust you’ve built with your readership through your first book still needs to be honoured, and this can cause certain amounts of pressure.
‘I felt a little pressure to keep the same feel about the story’, R. G. Tully says, ‘and to include more from my secondary characters, give them a little more depth’.
Stormi Lewis, author of the Sophie Lee trilogy, puts it simply: ‘It was a little hard to decide how to exactly start [with the second book]. At first I was worried and became overwhelmed because so many loved the first one. I didn’t want to let anyone down. I had to step back and come to terms that they loved it for being unique. And the only way I could stay true to the story and give them what they really wanted was to focus on the story and not so much about what I thought they wanted for the second.’
For others, the comparison can be more inward-facing, like author Tara Lake, who admits that writing the second book in her series has been a challenge, because she’s ‘struggled with comparison of the self: past Tara had a lot more time to devote to writing, present Tara has much less time with [her] kids being home full time from school during much of the pandemic’.
For others still, some of that pressure can be self-imposed. When writing her second book, Freya McMillan shares that ‘[she] put a huge amount of pressure on [herself] as [she] wanted it to be meaningful in a particular way to honour [her] dad, who died a few years ago. Once [she] stopped doing that, it was much less challenging to write’.
It Ain’t All Bad.
I do want to pause here and add that not everyone faces such challenges. There are authors out there who launched into writing their second book with more ease than the first.
Sabrina Voerman tells me that ‘[her] second book came a lot easier to [her] than [her] first book. The idea hit [her] so hard and fast that it took [her] aback, and [she] could do nothing but write it’, and the entire novel was written in a matter of weeks, whilst her first book took years to finish.
Same for Trevor Wiltzen, who says that writing the sequel to his first book went smoothly, greatly helped by the fact that ‘[he] wrote the second book immediately after the first, [so he] knew the characters really well’. He admits he ‘found it very freeing and really enjoyed the process’.
Even Stormi Lewis, who struggled at first, adds that ‘once [she] got started, [she] was fine’ and that ‘[she] felt the writing was solid and [her] best book yet, simply because [she] really got to develop more of the characters and the story’.
As with everything, we must then conclude, there will be as many types of experiences as there are writers out there. So how can we best prepare for what’s to come?
A Chance to Grow
Performance coach Tony Robbins says that the quality of our lives is intricately linked to the quality of the questions we ask ourselves on a daily basis. So if we need to face something that’s outside our comfort zone — starting again from scratch on your second book for instance — is it a punishment or is it a gift? Is it a curse or an opportunity?
I’m tempted to think that the level of discomfort that can come with writing your second book is a gift, because it gives us a chance to grow.
It’s a chance to take everything we’ve learnt from doing it the first time around and take our learnings for a spin to see if it makes the process easier. It’s an opportunity to improve, to work at our craft in new and wonderful ways.
It’s both daunting and incredibly exciting to face a brand new story — or a different side to the same story for those writing series — and to dare to plunge into the unknown of where it’s fated to take you. It’ll see you grow and evolve as a writer and, in turn, you’ll get to watch your writing morph into something more mature than it was before.
I say look at your writing like you do the passing of seasons: different times will have different qualities, different characteristics, different feels to them. You live and learn through each of them, and gather a wealth of experiences that eventually inform who you become. Maintaining the discipline to write through every single one of them is what will ultimately give your work all its depth and substance.
All it takes is that first word on the page.
And the second.
And the third.
And all the words beyond that.
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mettywiththenotes · 3 years
About Stan body count:he hasn't killed 40 heroes before he was arrested, he killed around 23(if I'm not wrong), this hints that he has been killing people offscreen (who knows wheter or not the samurai dude is still alive just by this fact, what if he killed all those who defected, Death arms probably died too)
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(In reference to this post about Dabi and Stain's body count)
Okay so I was really racking my brain trying to find where this was mentioned. I looked at Stain's wiki and it said this too, but I was also trying to find if there was any reference to these numbers in the manga. Finally, I found this
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From chapter 57 regarding the 17 who were murdered
With the 24 injured, I did find this one panel here
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From chapter 49. It's the only one I can find that implies 24 seriously injured. It doesn't say it outright, but, I'll take it (4 x 7 = 28, which isn't 24 but it's near as damnit. Or maybe it's actually 28? But Stain's wiki says 24... idk lol I'm bad at math but I can't find any other panel that actually references those who were seriously injured so...)
This is very interesting actually! In the linked post, I was thinking it was 40 in the past too, but thanks to this, it looks like his only count was 17 murders, 24 seriously injured
Which actually... amazes me more. I kept saying about how, with him being a famous killer, and the name Hero Killer, you would think he'd killed hundreds or millions!
40 already seemed like a low-ish number, but 17? It's amazing that, for an independent famous murderer, his kill count is lower than you'd think it would be!
I mean, for me, it definitely seems low. Again, with the whole "famed murderer" storyline, how old he is (31) and his alias alone, I would have thought higher
There's a lot to take into account with those murders though. Based on before he went to prison, with the 17 murders, it suggests that Stain was picky with who he killed?
Maybe, when he just started out, he would give Heroes who begged for mercy a chance to redeem themselves? Or maybe it was just harder to trap Heroes on account of their quirks? The latter actually seems more likely. I mean, Stain has his blood quirk, but he's basically human too. No heteromorph qualities that could help his agility more than normal, no speed or agility quirk, no strength quirk either. If the majority of those he tracked down had those kinds of quirks, then it would have probably made it harder for him to trap and kill
Kind of similar to Aizawa in the USJ battle (or in general). He erased quirks with his sight but he still had tricks up his sleeve, which was likely the case with Stain but there were definitely Heroes who slipped out of his grip
There's also the fact that Stain started to train in the art of killing from his late teens
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So, it really varies but, ages 16 17 18 or 19 he could have been doing his soapbox speeches. Then "in the ten years that followed" of training, that brings us to ages 26, 27, 28 or 29
We don't know exactly how he trained. Could he have just been practicing with his blades with a dummy target? Or could he have at least killed a few people in order to sharpen his skills and train? Idk, but if he actually did kill people, I don't think it would have added to his kill count
Stain is 31 years old. When he finally went full Hero Killer (again it varies in age), he was in his late 20's. That gives us a 2-to-5 year gap between when he started out and before he went to prison
2-to-5 year gap for 17 murders. With the 24 seriously injured Heroes, I would say Stain simply didn't have enough skills to catch up with and/or trap all of the Fake Heroes
I guess maybe this shocks me because, in most media, you hear of a famous killer and their total count is something in the 60's, or in the hundreds. Sometimes even millions. Yet the killer in this series had a total of 17 kills
This also shows that Stain is actually a pretty recent Villain! For how long the system has been in place and how long he's been alive, he's very much famous for having that many kills in under 5 years and not being captured yet! Very interesting!
So, fast forward to now with the "40 murders" comment, I think you're totally right that Stain started to catch up with his work. Stain got out of prison, ready to catch up with the world, to find the media naming every retired fake Hero. Without meaning to, they served up targets to him on a silver platter! So he went to killing
17 murders before prison, which means he killed 23 Heroes after he got out to get a total of 40
I think he would see them retiring as being fake Heroes and not sticking it out to the end, regardless of the reason (I know we've focused a lot on Heroes who were only in it for the fame, but wouldn't there also be Heroes who are simply too traumatized to continue? I mean idk I know the majority are fake but, come on, there's gotta be at least one or two Heroes out there who would gladly help everyone but are just too traumatized to act...)
Though, personally, I hope he didn't kill Death Arms😔 I actually liked him
Thank you for letting me know about this! I honestly forgot all about those statistics, so this really helped in my understanding of Stain :)
I'm gonna edit the linked post with my thoughts on this and ALSO how it could relate to Dabi now. I also really need to make a post about independent villainy VS villain groups, cuz I thought about that while answering your ask so. I’ve been inspired to write more about this haha
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Could you write a cute Anakin x Senator! Reader oneshot, where Reader and Anakin are 'trapped' in a snowed-in cave... and they make camp in the cave and spend some much-needed quality time with one another?
One Shot: Snowed In // Anakin Skywalker X Gn!Reader
A/N: Thank you for this request, I fell in love with this idea! Sorry it took me so long to write! I tried to make it gender neutral which I’ve never really done before, if I have messed something up PLEASE let me know for the future! Also, this counts as my holiday themed fic for the year! (Even though it’s January 5th)
Word count: 900 (I know, I know, it’s short)
Warnings: An explosion, being temporarily trapped. Established relationship, I didn't really edit half of this, typos, and fluff!!!!!
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“Rex, Rex come in! Rex can you hear me?” You called into the com link only to be met with a steady buzz. 
“Any luck?” Anakin asked from behind you, searching throughout the snow filled cavern for some kind of salvation. 
“Nope.” You sighed in frustration, snapping the device back onto your belt. “Comlink’s being stupid, if we can’t notify Rex, then I’m afraid we’re gonna be here for a while.” 
He turned to face you with an expression of mock hurt. “You say that like it’s a bad thing to be stuck here with me!” 
You rolled your eyes as you walked over to Anakin, snaking your arms around his waist as he studied the collapsed cave entrance. “Of course not!” The warmth of him in your arms made you forget all about the cave’s biting chill.  “Besides, you’re the only thing that's gonna keep me sane while we wait.” With that you placed a small peck atop the armor strapped to his shoulder. You didn't have to see his face to know your playful exchange brought a smile to his lips. 
Suddenly, the com link on your belt crackled to life, Rex’s static voice echoing through the ice cavern. “Senator, are you alright?”
You unraveled yourself from Anakin and snatched the device up, the relief of hearing Rex’s voice and the fear that you could lose his signal at any moment churning in your gut. “Rex! Yes, we’re ok! Me and An- General Skywalker were scouting out a cave when the entrance collapsed. I’ll send you the coordinates.” 
“Y-yes si-” 
With that, Rex’s voice fizzled out. 
“You’re being too hard on yourself, it looks just like him!” You said from your seat on Anakin’s lap, his arms lovingly wrapped around your waist, shielding you from the chill. 
He laughed, his warm breath tickling the back of your neck. “If I just had some twigs or something I could make his circuit board an-“ 
“Oh hush,” You playfully swatted his arm. “You’re your own worst critic.” The two of you stared at the snow astromech droid sitting in front of you, a domed topped mound of snow  with pebbles in place of eyes. You giggled. “I wonder what R2 would think of our creation.” 
Anakin hummed. “I think he’d either be honored or deeply offended that we didn’t quite capture his ferocity.” 
You chuckled. “He is one scary lil’ droid when he wants to be!” 
The two of you laughed together, the sound of joy spreading throughout the empty cavern, making the atmosphere feel slightly less cold. As the laughter died down you let out a sigh of contentment, letting your fingers dance through the curls of Ani’s hair. 
“This is nice,” you said, nuzzling into the side of his neck. “Getting some alone time together. Kinda crappy that the only way we can get time to ourselves is by being stuck in an ice cave, but still, it’s nice.” 
“I agree. It’s wonderful to just be… us for a little bit.” 
You nodded. “No General Skywalker or Senator y/n, just us.” 
Pulling back your hood, Anakin trailed gentle kisses along the side of your neck. “Us. I like that.” 
“Oh maker, you’re so cheesy sometimes.” You giggled.
“Hey! I thought you liked cheesy.” 
You turned to face him with a smile, your lips inches from his. “Hmm, only when it comes from you.” Your faces drifted closer together until your lips gently brushed against his, the cold seeming to disappear from your surroundings, chased away by the warmth of your love.
“Still,” You said, pulling back from him. “I kinda hope they get here soon, it’s much too cold for my liking.” 
“I actually don’t mind it that much.” 
“Guess you like snow better than sand huh?” Anakin flashed you an unamused expression. “Oh come one, that was funny!” 
“It was one time y/n!” He said, but despite his teasing tone a smile graced his face. As the two of you began laughing yet again, you were interrupted by a noise at the cave entrance.  Your heads whipped around just in time to see an explosion consum the entrance of the cave, a wave of ice and smoke swirling upwards and obscuring the view. 
Leaping off of Anakin’s lap, you sprinted over to the entrance, frantically waving your hands to disperse the cloudy air. “Rex!.” You called out.
“Over here senator!” As the air cleared, the figures of Rex along with others of the 501ist became visible, along with several speeders parked behind them.
You ran out of the cave towards him, a wide grin spreading across your face. “Oh maker, you’re a sight for sore eyes!”
“You and the General both alright?” He questioned, placing his explosive equipment back on his belt. 
“We’re both alright Rex,” Anakin said from behind you as he emerged from the cavern. “Just a little cold is all.” 
“Good to hear Sirs. I suggest we return to camp.” 
“Agreed.” You said. As Rex turned to walk back to the speeders you quickly slipped your hand into Anakin’s. He looked down at you, slightly confused by the public display of affection. “I enjoyed spending time with you Ani.” You whispered. 
His look of confusion turned to adortion as he gave your hand a loving squeeze. “Me too baby.” 
Moving towards the speeders, you let your hand fall away from his grasp. “General.” You said cordoly as you walked away.
“Senator.” Anakin replied before following you over to the troops.
Tagging: @anakinswhore @chokemeanakin (Hope it’s ok that I tagged u!) @princessxkenobi
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O-Ophelia 💙*hands under chin* tell me all about Ophelia
OPHELIA MY BELOVED of course i can tell you about Ophelia
First of all, some Basic Information about her:
- She uses she/they pronouns, with a preference for she/her
- She’s 24 at the start of the story, and her birthday is on the 15th of June. Since the story begins in September 2017, this makes her birth year 1993
- Her birth name isn’t Ophelia Harrow, it’s Rhian Vaughn. She changed it after her father and brother fucked off from the GA after being accused of treachery, in order to sever links between them, as Ophelia was fairly important within the GA. However, she does regard Ophelia to be her ‘real’ name, rather than an alias - basically, a name change.
- They’re the deputy leader of the GA’s Division IV - the Division that deals with research and development, as well as creating and upkeeping the GA’s tech and buildings and all of that. Div IV is mainly known for the cool weapons and advancements in medical technology, but they’re also in charge of shit like washing machines and roof leaks and architecture.
- Incidentally, she has a gf, Alice Kingsley, who’s also the proper Head of Division IV. If this sounds like a conflict of interest, it probably is - but Alice didn’t choose them as deputy head, and the GA runs on 60% nepotism and 40% the weirdest meritocracy you’ve ever seen, anyways.
- Following on from that, Ophelia specialises in bioengineering. In a way, it can be argued that a substantial amount of the plot is, as a consequence of this, her fault.
More, less basic info is under the cut:
I actually wrote a backstory snippet about her in March of last year (shortly before I started writing witcher fic, and the jump in writing quality between this short and DttD can be mainly attributed to @/chaoskirin telling me not to be so overly reliant on the past perfect tense (thank u!!).
Since then, i have overhauled most of the details of their backstory, but the broad strokes stay the same - mum died/was killed, got scouted for being a Sciencey Gal and moved to Central, met Alice, befriended Alice, worked together with Alice to help her dad and brother escape the GA (tho the details of this have been COMPLETELY changed simply because i did not vibe with how it happened in OiaSoM), she changes her name and becomes the deputy head of Div IV (AS AN ADULT THO HOLY SHIT 17-YEAR-OLD ESCHER I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER AT ASSIGNING ‘GROWN-UP’ AGES TO PEOPLE JFC), and then gets assigned to covertly assassinate Kite Jansen, an architect-turned-Problem, who they later befriend.
Anyhow, the old version can be seen here: Ophelia is a State of Mind. I’m going to rewrite this at some point, to reflect her updated backstory, and with approximately 90% less use of the past perfect tense.
Also OiaSoM kind of sucks as an Ophelia primer because it also leaves out some of the most important elements of their backstory, but that was done on purpose because I do actually plan to write the damn thing as a comic/webcomic eventually. Subsequently, I figured it was kind of stupid to have major plot twists floating around on tumblr tagged with their character name, so unfortunately you don’t Quite manage to unlock all of Ophelia’s tragic backstory here. I mean sure, it’s still full of spoilers because you’re not *supposed* to immediately know that Ophelia used to be with Div IV, but given that even the characters treat it as an open secret in-narrative, i think it’s an okay “spoiler” to give.
Moving on, some less plot-relevant facts about Ophelia:
- Her favourite colour is dark blue or indigo, her favourite food is strawberry jam sandwiches, her lucky number is 13, and her favourite weather is thunderstorms.
- They doesn’t own pets and can’t see themself doing so, but if they did own pets, they’d want a goose, a lizard, a snake, and a few mice. Maybe a turtle.
- She is very intelligent and capable in her chosen field, but she has no ambitions for herself beyond what others tell her to do)
- She’s Welsh and she speaks with a sort of combination mainly-Welsh-but-also-fairly-noticeably-Estuary-English accent due to the fact that she moved to Central, which is populated mainly by the English, when she was 10, which influenced her accent.
- Despite being very book-smart, she’s not overly savvy-smart. Think of her as a high-int, average-to-low-wis sort of character.
- They’re not really a people-person. Despite this, they do manage to accidentally adopt five children (Vixie, Jack, Kaede, Max, and Beanie) once they’re placed on the same Team as them.
- Her gf, Alice, is Max’s older sister. Max also doesn’t like her very much at ALL initially, however, they grow less cold towards each other throughout the story, and eventually get to a point where they can tentatively consider each other friends.
- They, for some reason, are trusted fairly intimately by Mark Grey. It’s concurred upon that part of the reason for this trust is that Ophelia is a fairly shitty actor and thus, to his mind, can be trusted on the basis that it’s pathetically easy to catch her out. However, this information is fairly outdated - during their time in Div IV, they learnt how to put on an excellent poker face. More likely, a greater part of the reason that is trusted by him is that she’s one of the highest-ranking people in the goddamn Alliance (hence their status as ‘“former” Div IV member’ being an open secret) and that position isn’t given to just anyone.
- They suffer from insomnia, and gets regular nosebleeds. The two probably aren’t related.
- She used to smoke, but quit due to the fact that it worsened her insomnia as nicotine is a stimulant. She also abstains from alcohol and caffeine - the first because she dislikes the taste of alcoholic beverages, the second due to her insomnia.
- Ophelia is attracted to women and describes herself as sapphic or wlw. She’s currently questioning whether she is bisexual or a lesbian, having identified with both labels in the past.
- In terms of gender, Ophelia would call themself a demigirl/demi-woman who prefers she/they pronouns.
- Ophelia also has joint hypermobility. She is One Bendy Girl.
Anyways this has been Misc Ophelia Facts with Me, please feel free to ask more questions if there is something that I mentioned here that you want me to elaborate on and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING 💚💚
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Dec 18 Stream Timestamps
Timestamps from Technoblade’s “assembling an army [Dream SMP]”
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Link to my youtube comment with all of the timestamps x
Timestamps with hyperlinks below
01:07  bone blocks are ugly / messing up sentences 02:41  “Worst case scenario he’s building an ugly tower outside of my base. Best case scenario he died!” / vc with Tommy 04:09  gapple theft / “That’s just not what that word means” / lazy / “objectively true” / “racoon” 07:48  “What are you deepest emotions” “Revenge” / “All I know is anarchy, violence, and get subscriber” 09:10  edited list / Eret / Tommy can’t sprint / “I know another word for dog” 10:53  viewers can’t smell you / destroy a government for christmas / swear in january 13:46  comfort / “You’re trying to think of one redeeming quality and stuttering” 18:56  reddit / “The gene pool will be in shambles” / “Laws aren’t real” / “very large dog” 21:48  Tommy has conflicted feeling about Dream 28:00  Dream spotted / “Describe your surroundings” / pagoda 30:53  stream sniping / “YOU” (high angry voice” / Dream message 33:37  Dream coming / Tommy being bad at hiding / Tommy made Techno invisible 37:51  vc with Dream / “visible enderman” / “Tommy left” “Who?” / channel member bell 40:57  “I am a person who believes in absolute reciprocity” / yelling at Tommy / “DREAM COME BACK” 45:57  tommy asks Techno to stay and then runs away 48:02  “WHAT” / Llama 51:45  “This is where I died” “Which time” / insulting chat / tommy thinks Dream and Clarencio like him 53:30  “stealth breed” / “talking llama” / killing Conner 55:24  attacking Ranboo as Clarencio / invis dogs / killing Ranboo / Clarencio dies to the dog 1:00:38  “Executed is a step up from being exiled” / “Handled with charm” / good eyesight 1:03:42  making Ranboo’s death canon / if it gets on yt it’s canon 1:05:56  “Why are there pants” / “I truly am uninterested” / braces trending on twitter 1:07:19  “I wish I had a gun right now” / definitely didn’t leave tommy 1:09:02  asks dumb questions and gets and when people answer 1:10:12  Schlatt joins vc / not too scripted for schlatt / yearly reddit post / at the base of the tower 1:12:57  dead person name / GLATT / Techno is subscribed to both of them / “He died as he lived an absolute moron” 1:15:56  Mexican Dream / “Are you mad I didn’t know you updated 2 hours ago” 1:18:50  Tommy keeps dying / pedantic / “Imagine using valid arguments” / “Go write a book” “Being a youtuber pays way more” 1:22:13  doesn’t need a ghost name / “Self referential memes” / “You’re saying your own name like a pokemon” / random chance
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shianhygge-imagines · 5 years
FFVII: Dating Headcanons [Rufus Shinra]
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AN: Oooohhh yeah! Let’s do this! My brothers and I have been on a cooking spree, my bedroom is a mess, and I’m pretty sure I’m gonna get grief for not cleaning up the move in boxes, but I really need to write something for Rufus TT^TT He needs some love, too!
edit 05/29/2020: So... this was posted before I was aware that the official age for Rufus in the remake is 30 :3 I love him so much 😍
This is so long >.< Somehow it’s just so easy to write for him... 
|Masterlist Link|
~ First and foremost, yes, I know he’s a jerk. But he’s a jerk who almost died, and is now not as much of a jerk. He’s working on it! He’s so young! He has time to improve! I mean Sephiroth almost destroyed the Planet a few times, and Genesis kick started the mayhem, but we still love them!
~ Rufus has dated before the events of FFVII, so if you’re one of the poor unfortunate souls that tried to pursue him before his near death experience... (*sighs and pats your shoulder sympathetically) 
~ Pre-FFVII Rufus learned all his relationship tricks from observing his father’s habits and behaviors from when he was young. Namely, pursue what you’re interested in without hesitation.
~ Pre-FFVII Rufus would never pursue anyone he considers lower than his station. In fact, ‘the help’ pretty much don’t exist in his eyes much like they don’t exist to many other rich folks. Any attempts to catch his sky blue eyes will be unnoticed.
~ He’s only learned to spoil the individual of his affections with materialistic things. Emotional vulnerability isn’t something that he knows how to express to someone that he should treat as an equal without it being related to business.
~ His near death experience humbles him an immense amount. It is around this time that he’ll take notice and respect those who weren’t born into affluence
~ It is very unlikely that any relationship Meteorfall would last. The world, and Rufus, had changed too much to continue with the old as if nothing happened.
~ But you must be wondering about how you’d fallen into this man’s life if he was so unavailable to the normal populace. 
~ You were an AVALANCHE plant into Shinra, where you worked as one of the staff that attended to President Shinra and Rufus Shinra. Your cover story was that you were orphaned in recent years due to escalated conflict between AVALANCHE and Shinra. You were taken in by your mother’s sister, who was sickly and unable to work. As a result, you decided to get a part time job while you completed schooling. Normally, this wouldn’t fly, as you were two years younger than Rufus at the time, but Shinra was never bothered by child labor.
~ You had originally volunteered to spy on the Company executives as a Turk trainee, but Elfie, the leader of AVALANCHE at the time, didn’t wish for someone so young to be put in a place where you were at the mercy of Shinra.
~ Still, working as a maid was hardly dignified work when your employer had a habit of leering at the staff. You had more use as a chef due to having to cook for yourself from an early age.
~ While President Shinra has little problem bribing and seducing members of the work staff into his bed each night, you noticed that Rufus Shinra had not shared his father’s sentiments... at least, not to the same extent that his father did.
~ Rufus Shinra did not take random maids into his bed every night. No. If he ever took a woman into his bed, it was some social climber or heiress that he’d met during a company gala. He would strive to enjoy her company to the fullest of his ability, but rarely did the women he brought back last further than a month with the company heir.
~ You did your best to stay anonymous while feeding information back to AVALANCHE, barely even causing a need for concern when your talents as a chef were discovered and you were transferred to work the kitchens. Even when Rufus had been kidnapped by your fellow troops, and his plot to betray his father revealed, you remained dutiful and inconspicuous.
~ Eventually, you were sent with some of the Turks and part of the main staff with Rufus when he was placed under home arrest. President Shinra had attempted to pursue you during the years of your employment, but you’d remained steadfast and unwilling despite the loyalty that you’d demonstrated during your years of service. Which was why he decided that you were trustworthy enough to spy on his son for him. The humor in the situation was not lost on you.
~ Rufus, in turn, had the Turks under his command run background checks on all the staff that had followed him from the main Shinra estate.
~ Normally, Rufus would have taken zero interest in you. You were, after all, an average civilian by all means. But the one thing that he really took note of, was that you’d been part of the cleaning staff at first before somehow getting transferred into the kitchen staff. Rufus had been impressed by the quality of his food as of recently, so he was pleased to put a name and face to the work.
~ And then he noted that you were younger than him and fairly attractive. He wondered if you had ever slept with his father for money.
~ When Tseng reported that you had been one of the only members on staff that hadn’t slept with President Shinra, Rufus found himself intrigued. Most commoners only ever showed interest in pleasing the rich for their money. For you to turn down the excessive amount of money that his father normally offered in payment... well, you were rather strange.
~ He kept an eye on you after that. Just a notice of what you were doing every so often. Sending his compliments whenever you cooked a particularly delicious meal.
~ After the fiasco with Elfie and Veld, AVALANCHE needed people within Shinra more than ever, sending others into the company to spy. With your established presence in Shinra, you were tasked only to spy on the comings and goings of the executives that visited Rufus, or monitor any business dealings that the newly appointed Vice President was involved in.
~ For a while, you were content with your job cooking meals and occasionally sending out encrypted correspondences to your superiors. And then Rufus left the island for a business meeting that was supposed to be several days long... only to return within the same night because he simply refused to eat anything other than what you cooked.
~ It had been around midnight when Reno sheepishly roused you from your sleep, stating that the vice president was back and he hadn’t been able to eat a decent meal all day. In the back of your mind, you stressed and screamed how it would be possible to cook a full course meal in such little time alone.
~ Still, you hurried to wash your face and brush your teeth, not bothering to change out of your nightwear as you left the room, feeling that haste was more important than propriety. It’s not like Shinra ever comes into the kitchen anyways. I’m going to have to change out of these clothes when I finish cooking. You sulked, not wanting to go to sleep in pajamas that smelled like cooked food.
It is when you were in the middle of making the meal, with a black apron draped over your pajamas, that the door to the kitchen opens. Expecting Reno, who normally came in to snack on whatever you were making, you didn’t turn around. “Reno, for the last time, when I’m cooking for Mr. Shinra, you’re not allowed to mooch for scraps!”
“Does Reno often enter the kitchens to steal food?”
When you were asked by Elena and Reno what your reaction was, you denied being overly startled... even if you did drop the wooden stirring spoon into the large pot of broth.
Quickly fishing the utensil from falling further into the broth, you set the spoon aside and turned to face Rufus Shinra with wide startled eyes. “Mr. Shinra! I... um apologize for my lack of professionalism.” There’s an unasked question to your expression as your gaze darted back and forth between the stove top and your boss. What are you doing in here?
Rufus, for his part, only smirked and gestured to his own attire. Black button down and loose sweatpants, his normally brushed back blonde hair hung in his face. “I believe I’ve inconvenienced you enough by asking you to wake up to cook, Y/N.” His smirk widened, “Don’t mind me, continue as you would.”
The nervous smile on your lips betrayed your thoughts as you turned back to finish up the meal, trying and failing to ignoring the observant blue eyes directed at your back. After a time of silence, with just the vice president staring at you as you cooked, you spoke up with a stutter, “Um... Reno does occasionally come into the kitchen for a snack. B-but it’s not that much of a bother!” You didn’t want to get the friendly Turk in trouble.
“I can have him removed from the kitchen, if you’d like, Y/N.”
The way he said your name sent strange shivers up your spine, and you turned to peek at your boss. “Um... n-no. That’s really not necessary, Mr. Shinra. Reno’s like an annoying big brother. I can handle him.”
Silence settled over the kitchen once more, and you turned to continue stirring the soup, checking the oven for the roasting vegetables. “If you don’t mind my asking, Mr. Shinra... why have you decided to come into the kitchen today? You normally wait in your office or the dining room for the waiting staff to serve you.”
After a beat without answer, you’d begun to think that you’d offended the vice president... and then, “To be honest, I wanted a change of pace from the usual propriety. Eating alone gets tedious and frustrating after a while.” His eyes took on a glint as he stared at you, “And I found myself curious as to who you were. I can’t say I’m disappointed.”
Your shoulders were so tense that you were sure that you’d wake up the next day with an ache. “So, I take it that you’ll be eating in the kitchen?”
Rufus smirked, “That would be a correct assumption, Y/N.”
~ After that night, Rufus would often take his meals in the kitchen unless he was particularly weighed down by work. This caused quite the panic among the kitchen staff, and only served to annoy you when he laid off half the staff in favor of just having you as his private chef. Simply put, you went everywhere that Rufus did.
~ Despite the professionalism you exhibited, serving private meals to Rufus and his dates helped you learn more about the young man. There seemed to be two sides to him, Vice President Shinra, and Rufus.
~ Vice President Shinra was ruthless and fearsome. His business savvy rivaled only the harshest of businessmen, and he treated others with calculated cockiness and false generosity. He often acted in this manner.
~ The other side of him, Rufus, was quiet and reserved despite his business upbringing. This man rewarded loyalty and human gestures, he had a weak spot for desserts, and often made sarcastic comments. He was immensely lonely despite his power and renown, though he hid this part of him behind layers and layers of arrogance. If you were honest with yourself, you had become fond of Rufus Shinra.
~ It is the brief glimpse of humanity that was the reason you found yourself in Shinra Headquarters as Diamond Weapon approached the city.
~ You hadn’t been given orders from anyone in AVALANCHE in a long time, and took that to mean that the organization had shifted its focus elsewhere. This meant that you were free to do as you pleased. And with how close the Diamond Weapon was to Midgar, you found yourself racing to the President’s Office to get the stubborn man out of the building.
~ You reach the office at the same time that the Turks did. They shot you questioning looks as you shoved your way into the office. Out in the distance, a bright light lit up the metropolis, and you didn’t have much time to think before you’d jumped over a desk to pull Rufus to cover. Only a second later, the entire office was blown up.
~ After assisting the Turks in escorting Rufus out of the building and onto an evacuation helicopter, you revealed who you were to the Turks and Rufus. Although you were interrogated further on to what you’d been doing while in Shinra, the worst that you were punished with, was to be let go from your position.
~ Nearly a year later, after you’d used your savings (more than eight years worth of your salary) to open up a small cafe in Edge, you had moved on from your time with Shinra. While you still thought of Rufus and the Turks, you’d never allowed yourself to hope that they might stop by and visit.
~ And none of them showed up, until after you were afflicted with Geostigma.
~ It was a strange moment, when Reno and Rude both walked into your cafe, a cocky smirk on the red head’s face and Rude stoic professionalism. You’d been summoned by Rufus... well, the exact wording was that you were invited to join Rufus for lunch. And while you were slightly peeved at having to leave the cafe to your employees for the day, you went with the Turks regardless. You were just glad to have the opportunity to see them again.
~ Seeing Rufus in the wheelchair at the Healen Lodge, with cloth and bandages covering him... prompted you to reflexively clutch at your own bandaged arm, which was hidden from sight by the jacket you wore. Still, Rufus had always been an observant man.
~ He’d confessed to you his theory that Geostigma was caused by the lingering malicious will of Sephiroth in the Lifestream. And although you’d never blamed Shinra for the plague that was Geostigma, you could tell that Rufus didn’t want you to blame him for that state that you were in.
~ There was no cure, you were told. For you, and for Rufus, your time was short. And then a proposal, “Would you like to return to your previous position?” Somehow, you weren’t quite so sure that was what he meant to say.
~ It is later, when Rufus had retired for the day, that Elena pulled you aside and explained that while Rufus had missed your cooking, he’d missed the companionship that you’d provided. His words, “Would you like to return to your previous position?” was Rufus’ way of asking, “Would you like to spend the rest of your life with me?” or perhaps more accurately, “Would you stay by my side as I die?”
~ And damn it, you were always a bleeding heart, weren’t you.
~ The next morning, when Rufus awoke, a grant breakfast awaited him, with you already sipping your coffee, apron still on.
~ The two of you eventually fell into a comfortable routine as you moved into the Healen Lodge, running your business from afar while remaining by Rufus’ side. At some point, Rufus had taken to holding your hand during meals or when you’d rest against him on the sofa. He’d started to walk around you without the bandages and sheet, only using the wheelchair when the Geostigma became too painful.
~ You didn’t even know that you were dating Rufus until Reno said that he’d get in trouble for flirting with his boss’ s/o. Rufus had been in the room at the time, and did not refute the sentiment, only reinforcing the fact by lacing his fingers with your own and stroking the back of your palm with his thumb.
~ It is so like Rufus to be absolutely certain that you returned his affections. Stupid stubborn fool.
~ Rufus is sweet when the two of you are left to your privacy. He’s as much a cuddler as you are willing to put up with, and he’ll put up with any amount of cuddling you desire.
~ He’s prone to spoiling you, though when you tell him that you would prefer more meaningful gifts, he starts to think about what is useful to you rather than simple showering you with designer clothing or jewelry. He learns to clean and cook just to make you happy.
~ He’s stubborn, refusing to acknowledge that he’s severely weakened even to himself. But it’s during these times where you need to support him the most. Because eventually, the disease will take its toll, and you have to be there to catch Rufus when he falls.
~ It’s almost like the two of you are living each day like your last, except for the fact that Rufus, ever stubborn and determined, has been using his resources to find a cure. Because he can��t accept that the two of you are going to die. Not when he’s only lived his life in a way that he now regrets.
~ At night, when he presses chaste kisses to your lips and pulls you close, Rufus often recounts the things that he regrets most. And letting you go after Meteorfall was his biggest.
~ “It’s my biggest regret. And now, when I have you here by my side, what I want more than anything is more time with you.”
~ The Geostigma doesn’t take either of your lives. Within the month, Elena and Tseng go missing when the remaining Turks are sent to retrieve JENOVA’s remains. Though you don’t wish to go, Rufus sends you away from the Healen Lodge. Some time later, a miraculous healing rain descends from the sky, healing you and Rufus of your Geostigma.
~ That same day, Rufus Shinra proposes to you. ;)
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed my work, please consider buying me a Ko-fi!
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dasibom · 3 years
haven't read it but heard mostly very positive things about a little life, would be interested in why u think it's bad? (if u want ofc)
ofc i love talking abt how much i hate this book. i answered a similar ask on my old blog so i'm just gonna copy paste (with a little editing):
content and trigger warnings for rape, csa, suicide, self harm and abuse. both for the book and this post.
i have so, so many problems with this book. lets start with... the gay stuff. here’s an bit from a goodreads review (link) by Michael Flick, which says it better than i could. the whole review is worth a read, too.
“Some believe that this is “The Great Gay Novel.” That couldn’t be more wrong. There are only two recognizable gay men in this work, JB and Caleb. A creative queen and a violent, probably psychopathic, sadist. All the other “possibilities” are pedophiles (categorically not gay—that’s a sickness, an evil, that has nothing to do with being gay) or so hopelessly confused (and impotent) that you can’t know what they are (JB and Willem). The take on gay men here is antediluvian—a dangerous and discredited brand of heteronormative delusion in which all gay men, no matter the glittering surface of their lives, are fated only to die a lonely, miserable death. Caleb dies an excruciating death (so we’re told) from pancreatic cancer. JB, the witty, flamboyant, unstable, creative queen is merely a plot point. His happiness, told but not shown, at the bitter end doesn’t mean anything more than that. He’s a device to wring one more regret from you, one more sorrow. You can be assured that he, too, will die an ignoble death just beyond this novel’s last page. And you won’t be troubled or offended or titillated by the gay sex (or really any sex) here because there isn’t any: it’s the sex that dare not speak its name. All this is because the author knows absolutely nothing about gay men other than the most superficial stereotypes and doesn’t have the imagination to venture deeper than that. She can’t even imagine that a man (Willem) doesn’t need a woman to quench his sexual needs—he has a solution readily at hand.
other than this, i remember this book having lesbophopic language but i don’t own a copy and i'm not gonna search the internet for that.
basically the whole book is just pure torture porn. so many bad and traumatising things happen to the main character it feels unrealistic and i think the only reason it happens is because the characters life has to be miserable. that's the whole point of the book to me. there is no reason to so graphically include a ton of this stuff in a book other than shock value. some of this graphic stuff includes very extreme descriptions of self harm (mostly cutting but also other stuff), suicide (including possible methods), physical and sexual abuse (part of it when the main character is a child), violence and medical trauma. i’m afraid that there is a real danger to this book teaching people how to hurt themselves (or even stuff like where to hide the tools they do it with) and i can’t imagine what an actively suicidal person might get out of this book. it really, really concerns me. i’m afraid this book teaches people to not get help, to not go to therapy and get help if they’ve been traumatised and/or are struggling with living. i've been traumatised in childhood and i can imagine what someone younger than i am, someone more impressionable, could get out of this book. like seriously some very fucked up ideas, i felt like the whole thing about being traumatised, and the constant self harming and suicide attempts were presented in almost a romanticised way. obviously my opinion here isn't like objective, or something, cause i'm a person trying to recover and deal w childhood trauma, which still affects me every day, in several ways, and realistically, it will never stop affecting me, but the point is that although it was terrible and it fucking sucks, it doesn't mean i will have a life with no quality and will forever be unhappy and unable to cope. and this book so clearly disagrees with it. the fact that the main character is traumatised and that horrible things happened to him as a child feels like a death sentence when it doesn't have to be.
^ lmao a point i also wanted to bring up in this section is that not all of the shit that happens to the main character needed to happen because it's fiction and it's a made up story, like after some point when i was reading it and seriously messed up shit just kept happening and it kept on going i thought like... why? it servers absolutely no purpose after some point. reading a rape scene after rape scene stopped having an affect on me eventually and... that's not very good, is it? like, i'm trying to say, this is fiction, it doesn't need to go that far? at some point, a very early point at that, it was enough to get the message across that hey, what happens to this character is bad and fucked up, it didn't need to go on.
the whole book is also full of people enabling the main character to hurt himself over and over again and do nothing. every character is there to some way hurt the main character and people praise this book for being such a great tale about friendship. it is so pretentious and again, just pure torture porn. the book so clearly seem to think therapy and reaching out to people for help it bullshit!
i’m not saying you can’t write or discuss the themes that are present in this book but i just don’t think this is the way to do it. probably a therapist specialising in trauma should consult with the writer and someone should make sure the description of self harm and suicide will not harm anyone. i think there are guidelines made for that by people working in the field and i just feel like something like that would be of benefit here. like, i don't know, i don't have a solution, i'm just saying this is not it.
also, here is a link to the author literally saying she does not believe in trigger warnings. and i think those would have been extremely beneficial to have at the start of this book and i certainly would not have read it if it was for them. that would have saved me from so much triggering content that i did not want to read and i wish badly that i did not read. it seems clear to me the author does not have any idea how traumatic things can work, or at least that is what i think based on what she says. here is a link to an interview in which she says she does not believe in talk therapy. there, a point about a persons autonomy to end their own life is brought up which is a topic but if that’s what she wants to talk about then it should be done in clear terms and not with the only message “therapy doesn’t work if you’ve suffered enough trauma.” at least that’s how the whole thing seemed to me. like of course a persons own choice to end their life is a discussion i do think is worth having, but... that did not come across in the book.
lastly, here are some links i have saved about this book which i think point out excellent things if anyone wants to read more:
& you're welcome to ask me to clarify something or just discuss, this is a little bit of a mess cause i copy pasted that old answer and edited it a bit to hopefully word things better but like. idk if much of it makes sense
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lanonima · 4 years
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I finished a new novel so you know what that means!
Romantic - Fucky is not how risque a work is but rather my opinion of the attitude/quality of the main relationship, the way the characters interact with respect to one another. I like a lot of stuff in fiction but if you’re easily made uncomfortable, stay towards the top half.
Easy reading - Plot-heavy is how I personally consider the plot’s intricacy and successful implementation, regardless of the author’s intention.
Fox Demon Cultivation Manual
Author: Feng Ge Qie Xing
Quality: 8
Enjoyment: 10
Comments: This was a delightful romp. I had expected it to be somewhat silly and was pleasantly surprised. It was heavy enough to be engaging but light enough to be an easy read, with multiple spots that made me literally laugh out loud which does not happen often. This is apparently just one book in a series of same universe novels, and a lighter-hearted one at that. I would be interested to read the others because I found the world pretty engaging, and I do want to know what became of the other characters. Overall I found it very fun and very cute, I read it in four days so that says something. On the downside, the link for chapter 9 is broken. But skipping a chapter doesn't seem to have affected the experience of the novel as a whole.
Would I read it again: Yeah I think I would be willing to read this again someday. If it gets adapted I would also consume adaptations, in addition to being interested in the other connected works.
The reviews of things I previously read are below the cut.
Mo Dao Zu Shi
Author: MXTX
Quality: 9.5
Enjoyment: 10
Comments: I have a huge emotional connection to this novel. There are some weak parts, the tension isn’t quite even, she’s pretty terrible at erotic scenes and not great at fight scenes…but that being said, I love the characters and some of the plot points really ripped my heart out. This is a novel that’s really driven by the characters so if you’re a character-focused person like me, definitely look into it (as if we all don’t already know it lmao). I really, really love this story. Every single adaptation of it has also been great, but the novel is still my favorite. It was my introduction to xianxia novels too, so you can say it changed my life!
Would I read it again: I’ve already read it twice, and consumed every adaptation (sometimes also multiple times)
Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
Author: MXTX
Quality: 6
Enjoyment: 5
Comments: I’m not much of one for comedy and, as I discovered, not really into system novels either. Clearly weaker than MXTX’s later work, many of the characters are somewhat bland, she hasn’t quite found her groove yet. It’s not my style but the fandom is hilarious and the fans constantly produce content that I actually do find entertaining so overall I still have some fond feelings for this one, even if not for the source material.
Would I read it again: I found a different translation and am willing to try again in the future, I’m also willing to watch the donghua. But I can’t guarantee I’ll like it any more than previously.
Tian Guan Ci Fu
Author: MXTX
Quality: 10
Enjoyment: 10
Comments: I love this book…but not as much as I love Mo Dao Zu Shi. I think the plot is somewhat typical, however the characters are great once again (though maybe slightly less deep than MDZS), and her use of thematic repetition and foreshadowing are killer. Actually, I liked this book more the second time around because it just hits differently. Definitely the best of MXTX’s couples, they are so soft and sweet. Very long, but worth it.
Would I read it again: I already have, was personally translating the manhua before I hurt my arms, and am eagerly awaiting the donghua this fall!
The Villain’s White Lotus Halo
Author: A Big Roll of Toilet Paper
Quality: 10
Enjoyment: 10
Comments: Fuck, I love this one so much…..even though it’s also a system novel. But that part is in it so rarely that it reads more like pure fantasy. I love the characters, I love the plot, I love the way the relationship is developing. Oh yeah, the translation isn’t even complete but I already purchased not only the original from JJWXC but also the print edition. I’ve even drawn fanart for it, which is so unlike me. Every time a chapter comes out, I’m ruined for the rest of the day, I can’t think about anything else. Good fight scenes, which is uncommon. My favorite danmei novel so far.
Would I read it again: I fully intend to once the translation is complete, and also plan to read it in Chinese later (I’ve already read certain parts in Chinese hahaha but not the whole thing)
2Ha (Husky and his White Cat Shizun)
Author: Meatbun Doesn’t Eat Meat
Quality: 8
Enjoyment: 10
Comments: 2Ha is not for the faint of heart, it’s very horny, and violent, and has a lot of questionable content. However I love it so much. The story and characters are great, Meatbun really has me by the heart. The writing is a little more on the casual side but it hardly matters because the story is so great. Good fight scenes. Chu Wanning is like, the ultimate Me™ character, I hate how much I adore him. If you read this, just go into it knowing that it’s a long emotional journey, the characters are very dynamic and there’s a lot of character development.
Would I read it again: Same as the above, I plan a reread when the translation is done and have read parts in Chinese and might read the whole thing again later. Cautiously eager about the up-coming live action and donghua.
Di Wang Gong Lue
Author: Yu Xiao Lanshan
Quality: 2
Enjoyment: 9
Comments: This is one of the most terribly written things I’ve ever read, but I’m a character girl and the characters and ways they interact fucking kill me. I’m constantly entertained….although I don’t think this is actually supposed to be a comedy. If I were going to treat myself and like, take a bubble bath and read something that made me laugh, this is exactly the sort of trashy romance I would want to read. Technically a political intrigue story but it’s so abrupt and full of holes, are any of us reading it for the actual plot? The donghua is on Youtube, I watched it first and recommend others to do the same. If you can handle that, you can handle the book because it’s exactly the same in quality, just gayer. I do love the main couple a lot, the set-up surrounding the relationship is great, and the side characters are also really fun.
Would I read it again: Probably not, but I’m still having fun with it. I watched the donghua and read a bit of the manhua as well, which has very cute art and is probably my favorite version of the story.
Liu Yao
Author: Priest
Quality: 6
Enjoyment: 7.5
Comments: I really struggled getting into this one, it took me about 25 chapters to get invested. Initially I had rated it a 6 in enjoyment but after careful thought, I realized that even though it was so hard for me, it probably is my favorite Priest novel and I really do love the main couple so much. Her side characters also seem to be slightly stronger than usual in this one. Decent plot, not too much or too little. It seems really chill to me, doesn’t provoke much of an emotional reaction but I do think it’s very sweet, which is nice sometimes too.
Would I read it again: No, but I think (?) it’s supposed to get some kind of tv adaptation (drama or donghua, not sure), and if that happens, I’ll watch it.
Didn’t Know the General was Female
Author: Rong Qing
Quality: 4
Enjoyment: 6
Comments: Not the greatest thing I’ve ever read, but cute. It’s short, and a little lesbian fluff is never a bad thing. Writing is a bit weak and the plot is basic, but the characters are enjoyable and I liked it overall.
Would I read it again: No.
Wrong Way to a Demon Sect Leader
Author: Yi Zhi Dayan
Quality: 4
Enjoyment: 7
Comments: Again, not the greatest in writing or plot, it’s a bit shallow. But I found the idea of it to be entertaining, and actually liked it more than I would have assumed. It’s fairly short and cute, like a good summer beach read.
Would I read it again: Probably not, but possibly, if the stars align.
Female General and Eldest Princess
Author: Please Don’t Laugh
Quality: 7
Enjoyment: 6
Comments: A very good first effort, but the writing is a bit weak. It’s slow to start and I don’t think the political plotline is spectacularly strong. Some things were left unexplained, and her sense of battle tactics and fight-writing were very confusing, definitely room for improvement. I don’t think it’s as good as people say, but she writes with the air of someone who will continue to improve. And also, a lesbian author writing lesbian stories so that’s a plus. Overall I enjoyed the experience, this story is definitely worth a read.
Would I read it again: Maybe, but probably not.
Sha Po Lang
Author: Priest
Quality: 7
Enjoyment: 7
Comments: Originally I rated this one higher, but on later thought I realized that I actually enjoyed Liu Yao more. I personally have issues with the way Priest writes, and this book showed a lot of them. Characters were okay, I did like the main couple, but side characters were weak as usual. The plot is pretty good, though not great, and I think some of the pacing is off. Some descriptions were confusing, but that could be a translation issue. Overall, still a pretty good political drama, but I would say that of the three I read, this was the Priest novel with the least impact on me.
Would I read it again: No. But I will watch the live action if it ever gets made.
Author: Priest
Quality: 6
Enjoyment: 5
Comments: I love Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan, thought the plot was interesting, and there were some enjoyable moments. But it has all the problems I usually have with Priest in addition to some choices that offend me as a queer reader. I spent about 75% of the time reading while pissed off. And actually the fact that it had a happy ending kinda bummed me out because I love a good tragedy. Overall, I can only give it an average score. If you like Priest, you’ll like this one too. I’m not a tv person but I binged the hell out of the live action, I really loved it, so I was sort of disappointed that the source material didn’t seem as strong as I had assumed.
Would I read it again: No, but I will happily watch the live action again some day.
Jing Wei Qing Shang
Author: Please Don’t Laugh
Quality: 9.8
Enjoyment: 10
Comments: I have to start off by saying: damn girl. The improvement evident in this book is absolutely insane. A few minor issues prevent me from giving it a 10 out of 10 – her transitions are still extremely abrupt, the ending is slightly weak and some plot points remain unresolved, and her use of narrative repetition is too heavy-handed for my taste. Other than that, this book leaves me almost speechless. Very similar to Female General and Eldest Princess, there are many similar themes and events. But while I thought FGEP was fairly cute, I like this one way better. If you like angst, political intrigue, and lesbians, you should definitely read this book. I have no doubt that Please Don’t Laugh will continue to improve in the future, and I really look forward to following her career.
Would I read it again: 100%, I absolutely intend to read this again sometime in the future. It’s very long and very dense but delightful and ultimately worth it.
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albatris · 4 years
can you tell me abt your wip?
yes! it’s about cracks in the fabric of spacetime and loving your friends!
anyway my answer is yes, yes I can tell you, I have things that I’m capable of saying, sure, sure
I usually like my writeblr experience to be the “I’m just gonna ramble about characters and plot points with no context and if you wanna come along for the ride feel free to jump in whenever!” type more so than the “I am presenting to you a nice neat WIP and I am very careful with my words and I am trying to spark intrigue among future readers” type
so I don’t have any nice neat posts or beautifully worded synopses or detailed character profiles (edit! I do have some of these now!)......... what I have is an all-encompassing “ATDAO” tag that I throw all of my everything into with no rhyme or reason. it’s full of things such as art, brief excerpts, long-winded rambles, and spoilers!
but for now, I will speak to you a series of words, like so:
the story is called All The Doors Are Open!
it’s YA! sci-fi-ish! fantasy-ish! comedy-ish! I’m real bad at genres! it’s something I’d describe as “our reality but a little to the left”, though it gets progressively weirder and weirder as it goes on
it’s set in South Australia, n it’s set in a world where the fabric of reality is starting to unravel at the edges and cracks in the universe called “Ports” are cropping up..... n these cracks are letting in all sorts of whacked out energy, fuckin with physics, causing weird phenomena.......... basically reality’s comin' apart slowly but surely and everyone’s just sorta like “ah geez” about it but like. what can ya do. it’s not like all your normal people problems are gonna go away just ‘cuz the world is edging towards its inevitable weird doom
so people are just kinda going about their lives against this bizarre apocalyptic backdrop and hoping they don't, like, glitch through the sidewalk on their way to the supermarket
the story is about several people, and four of these people are:
Tris, panic attack in human form, who has just been the sole witness to a freak car accident that somehow caused his older brother to vanish from this plane of existence entirely
Noa, edgy intimidating badass, definitely hiding no insecurities or trauma at all whatsoever, who has just had a weird run-in with a Port and is discovering that she can now bend the reality around her
Shara, socially anxious paranormal investigator & conspiracy enthusiast, hunting the answers to and meaning of three strange events from her past in the hopes that they will lead her to the source of the apocalypse
and Kai, nonbinary force of chaos, struggling to deal with the emotional repercussions of losing seven years of their life to a time loop and the fact that their family thinks they died
and it’s mostly just about these guys trying to deal with the weird apocalyptic garbage happening to them alongside their everyday lives, and about how all their individual odd little mysteries connect with each other and form a bigger, odder mystery
here are some things about it that I like, and that you might like, but I don’t know you, so who knows:
the story is equal parts “absolute nonsense hijinks and ridiculousness that doesn’t take itself too seriously” and “oh fuck oh ouch oh no my heart”
every single main character ends up safe and happy and in a much, much, much better place than they started
there’s several mentally ill heroes, including one with psychosis and one with a dissociative disorder, whose mental illness/es aren’t ever used as a cheap plot twist or to go “OHOHO NONE OF IT WAS EVER REAL IT WAS ALL JUST IN THEIR HEAD THE WHOLE TIME HAHA GOTCHA” because ew
it’s full of weird glitchy unreality nonsense and general atmospheric weirdness, and I get to do lots of sick kickflips with words about it
there’s one cat named Leonardo DiCatrio and another named Ms Frizzle, and some scenes where various members of the gang get to hang out with a bunch of extremely excited huskies, so that’s nice
I’m forgetting what I’ve already mentioned
and what's important to mention
I’m going to end this list
all the themes are incredibly cheesy, such as self love, friendship, the goodness of humanity, the power of kindness and connection, believing in yourself, etc........ just some real good high quality cheese
somewhere in the recesses of the ATDAO tag there are character profiles, a plot explanation and also a comic sans powerpoint presentation in which I talk about it all in more detail, but it’s all very wordy, and some of it is outdated, you can go take a look if you like, I won’t link it here because I'm lazy, it will just be a fun quest you can go on should you so choose, I can provide a map and some snacks for the journey
also please note that my rambling text posts with horrid grammar are not indicative of my writing abilities when actually Writing A Novel
ur not getting nice prim proper articulate logan today, ur getting. well. me. hello
anyway that’s all I can say 4 now, thanks for the ask, love u, goodnight
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kim-lexie · 5 years
crash landing on you.
woah...if a drama ever could crash land, oh i mean ‘descend’ into my heart it was this one. it descended from the greatest drama writers and has been placed into my list of top dramas of all time. like i’m telling you it’s up there with ‘scarlet heart ryeo’, ‘something in the rain’ and ‘mr. sunshine’. seriously it will not disappoint you and i would give it 100 out of 10. 
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this drama follows se-ri, a ceo of an impressive cosmetic-lifestyle brand in seoul. she goes to test drive some of her paragliding products, and a nasty storms ends up sending her to north korea. after landing, she soon meets ri jung-hyuk, a captain in north korea monitoring the boarder. the drama follows him protecting her to deliver her home to south korea, and how their relationship flourishes in the diversity they face from two very different sides of the boarder.
there is romance, family drama, political issues, and cultural differences that are presented in this drama. and i was absolutely there for it all. i ended up writing down my thoughts and fave moments from each episode. because from the start i knew this drama would wreck my heart, and i wanted to look back at all the good times, and times i cried my eyes out of course. so i posted a week-by-week playback from the drama so if you want to see my random thoughts from each week here is the link week-by-week playback.
*spoiler alert* they are ahead, you have been warned.
i have many thoughts, and i am writing this the day i finished the drama. so i will do my best to touch on everything that really struck me throughout this drama. i may even have to go back and update later on, because it is a lot to process.
i appreciated that we followed so many characters and that the characters were dynamic and held their own for the plot and development of the story.
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ri jeong-hyeok and yoon se-ri. their relationship developed so beautifully. i loved how he had a heart to protect her immediately. from their first meeting and him directing her how to leave the north, and her running towards it just showed their personalities perfectly. once he discovered  that she was still there he was determined to get her out safely, and to protect her no matter the cost. when we come to find that they met long before, it just went to show how deep their connection and destiny was (cue me singing lyn’s ‘my destiny’ from my love from the star at least twice an episode). he saved her life many a times, as well as her saving his. they had so many moments. some of my faves (obvi not a comprehensive list all of their moments, that would be too much for my heart):
her falling from the tree saying he was totally her type. 
how he kept trying to meet her needs even though it was ridiculous and not necessities for the north, but were needs for her as a lady from the south. from making her food, to getting her the candles and body products from the market.
when she was lost in the market and he got a scented candle to lift up to find her.
him keeping her photo even though he called her out saying that it was silly to get extras.
after ri jeong-hyeok got shot protecting her, and their first kiss moment at the hospital. 
when ri jeong-hyeok’s family kidnaps her and they meet again at his family home.
when seri played on the piano and we discovered that it was jeong-hyeok’s song all along, the song for his brother that saved her life. when she contemplated suidcide in switzerland.
when his brother’s watch came full circle, to provide pertinent information in turning in the bad man and being the gift se-ri had bought to gift to jeong-hyeok.
when he followed her to the south to protect her, and they met on the street.
when he and the boys surprised her for her birthday.
him waiting for her after he was taken by the NIS and they allowed him to be at her bedside in the ICU until she woke up from the coma.
him leaving her a fully stocked fridge and writing out recipes for her. along with leaving her text messages for a year. 
him leaving her a recording of him playing the piece on the piano for her to fall asleep, rather than her depending on sleeping medications.
them writing i love you with books on the shelf.
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captain ri’s company. i throughly enjoyed the addition of getting to know all of his men. they all developed a friendship with se-ri and it was so precious. and how she gave them all rewards before she was meant to leave the first time, and gifted them things. i loved how they all came to love her and wanted to protect her, which is especially prominent in how they all surround her after she was shot by cheol-gang. 
ju-meok and his love for south korean dramas throughout the episodes was precious. i loved that seri was able to make his dream and gift come true to meet his favorite actress. eun-dong a precious bean, just wanting to see his family, not always knowing what was going on, but always providing emotional support. kwang-beom the handsome face, who blew his cover in the south when all the agencies wanted to recruit him (hahaha). and of course chi-su the one most hesitant to accept her, came to love her most and became the most accustomed to the lifestyle of the south. 
these men tended to provide the perfect comedic relief for many tense moments. their one liners were perfect. i appreciated them coming to the south and trying to get accustomed to blend in. all those scenes were hilarious from them in the stores walking around with their knock off brand names, hours in the internet cafes, sauna stays, and chicken dinners. some notable moments include the birthday celebration scene, when seri thought they had left and gone back to the north and starts weeping on the floor, just for them to come out for the ‘surprise’. and them saying wait ju-meok you said surprises were a good idea but she is crying. another moment being when ri jeong-hyeok was showing seri his scars saying hers won't be too bad, and them walking in thinking something scandalous was happening, (this even happened when captain ri was in the hospital in north korea hahaha).
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jeong-hyeok’s family. the storyline behind his brother was kind of dropped, and it was kinda sad because i feel like it shaped jeong-hyeok immensely. but it was so sad that his brother passed in such a tragic way at the hands of cheol-gang. and that it brought jeong-hyeok back from his dream as a pianist to fulfill what he needed to for his family. his father was stern and hilarious in the scene when the two of them finally met again. just being baffled that his only son left was in love with a woman from the south. his mother was so supportive of him, and i loved that. she just wanted her only son to be happy in life and come back alive. 
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now seri’s family is whole other story they were WACK. like seriously insane and it was ridiculous. her father and mother redeemed themselves compared to the beginning, once seri returned they kept it in check and wanted the best for her. i loved how the mother and daughter relationship blossomed and how she was there for her daughter in recovery and grieving the loss of jeong-hyeok as he went back to the north. that was beautiful. 
now on to her oppa se-hyeong and his witch of a wife sang-a. they wanted to keep her in the north, then when she was back to send her back/use it against her in business ventures, then tell cheol-gang her address so he could take her. like what?!?! her eldest brother and his wife were oblivious and just wanted money and titles, but dang at least they didnt send an ex NK officer after seri. and it was only until the man-bok wire tapped the room while she was in a coma did it come out that they were truly evil. 
our second otp. seung-jung and seo dan. my goodness what an unexpected pairing, but you know i was on that ship as soon as i saw it developing. i loved how they dished what the other served, and how seung-jung was a different person who wanted to do better by her, seriously they were great. i loved that seo dan saw that she was worthy and deserved to have a man that wanted her and saw her true beauty and qualities that made her a strong and independent woman. and that she didnt need to pursue something that was not vibrant because jeong-hyeok did not pursue her how she deserved, because he had someone else in his heart. i loved this relationship. and i really did not appreciate that we finally had major character development from seung-jung, and then he died. like seriously?! we went from only a few episodes prior going to turn seri into her brother and keep her there in the north. and then he went to protect seo dan and ended up losing his life to protect her. 
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the moment he asked her what she was referring to when she said, ‘i like it’. was it jeong-hyeok, was it the ramen, or was it him (seung-jung)?!? and she responded with him, weeping. i weeped like a baby. and then he died in the ambulance. i couldn't contain it.
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seo dan’s family. i loved her mother, she provided much comedic relief when it came to how seo dan and jeong-hyeok were originally engaged, to kinda getting on the ship of ‘alberto’, to being like maybe it’s fine if she is alone, let me get myself a man. it was hilarious. i also loved how she went into the village and used her money on the black market to get goods to the ladies of the village. it was quite funny to see how much of the south, she appreciated even though they were pretty high up in status in the north. like the boutiques she went to, and the english phrases, and south korean products she used. 
the women of the village. these women were precious. they were hilarious in how they always prepared the best for jeong-hyeok when he came back from the outpost. i loved how the village banned together to protect seri and how seri made limited edition products in tribute to them. 
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the premise and themes.
overall the idea of this concept is wild and completely ridiculous. that she was hidden for so long, that they met before in switzerland of all places, and that it took her weeks to escape the north and it took 8 men 12 hours to get there is ridiculous. but then again if we didn’t have these wild storylines would it really be a drama? 
it was interesting to see their perspective of life in the north, for the duration of the drama i was wondering how much of this is true. from the market to the wiretapping of the homes, to the guards and military structure. it was all very intriguing. and i also have issues with people saying this drama glorified north korea because i would like to see those receipts because i did not see it portrayed as a wonderful place to live. it looked difficult and cold, and terrifying! 
the only thing that humanized it was the people, which is how it is in these situations. the people there, just typical everyday people, do not necessarily reflect the hierarchy of hate portrayed by officials of the government. 
it was so sad at the place that seri was incredibly vulnerable and wanted to take her own life. she insanely depressed and how jeong-hyeok in that precise moment when he was sad and alone wrote a piece of music for his brother that brought her out of her own darkness was beautiful. even though they did not talk or communicate face to face, the heart behind his music brought her out. and they were eventually able to come full circle and meet and grow together. se-ri is an incredible strong character and i wish she had the support she needed from her family and friends. i am glad that jeong-hyeok was able to be there for her, and meet her in her most vulnerable moment on the bridge.
cinematography and episode layout.
i loved the filming of this. like seriously it was beautifully done. from the dynamic scenes in nature and traveling through the forests, to the cityscapes and small moments they highlighted.
i appreciated how we followed the cohesive storyline, but that at the end of each episode we got an extra tidbit to take with us. one of the most noteworthy ones being when the NIS was investigating the ‘spies’/captain ri’s men and looking at all their histories and transactions and places they visited (HILARIOUS). then at the end of that episode it flashed back to the NIS, and now they were looking into jeong-hyeok. and it showed the collective moments that him and se-ri shared and the investigator said that a psychologist viewed all the materials and found to conclude that jeong-hyeok was in love with se-ri. then the lead investigator was like, ‘no duh, you needed a psychologist to tell you that bro. i can see it with my own eyes’. i laughed so hard. 
these end scenes at the end of the episodes were also pivotal in piecing together their histories. and seeing how they had met long ago and that destiny truly brought them together. 
the ending.
i am partially satisfied with the ending. i like how we got to see where everyone went. like even the little things of how man-bok and his family ended up in pyeongyang. and that the village ladies were same old same old even with a new captain showing up. 
i was disappointed that our second otp was ripped apart by those chinese gangsters, because we could have had it all, and not the tragic ending of him protecting her from the bad men and dying a slow painful death and they finally confessed their love for each other. 
i loved that our couple found each other eventually, after years but that it was while she was paragliding, which i freaking called it being like wouldn't that bring us full circle! it was wild and i loved how it ended with them on a picnic enjoying life in a little house with all their photos, because that's how it all started. i wish we could have seen them in the future with their twins, but ya know i’ll take this ending over a scarlet heart ryeo for our main leads.
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the ost. 
my goodness i have never had a great drama with a subpar ost tracks. and this one does not fall short. now, i have drama ost playlists each each, and i believe every track from this drama made the list, because *insert slow clap* they are fantastic. my faves:
‘flower’ by yoonmirae.
‘here i am again’ by yerin baek.
‘all of my days’ by sejeong.
‘photo of my mind’ by song ga in.
‘let us go’ by crush. (his tracks always get me)
‘give you my heart’ by iu.
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now if you haven't watched it yet go get netflix and watch this one because it will not disappoint. and i will have to rewatch it eventually because it really was perfect. and i am sure there are many easter eggs that i missed. 
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Writing Tips (Pt. 3): Writing Believable and shippable relationships in literature.
Hello friends! First of all, let me say a HUGE thank you for the support on the Kataang post! I worked really hard on it and it means so much to me all the little notes you give it and reblog it! I know it’s not at a huge number of notes, but I like knowing that people took time to read through the endless rant and reblog it! I’m planning on doing another full analysis on Zutara and why specifically it doesn’t work. I’ll make it respectful though as I know that a lot of Kataang fans are REALLY defensive and anti-zutara. I promise I’m not one of those people, and believe that no matter who you ship, your opinions on fictional characters are your opinions and you are FULLY entitled to ship and like whatever you want (as long as it’s not incest or a huge age gap. PLEASE don’t ship that stuff lol. U nasty mfs know who u are.) Speaking of ships, let’s talk about writing them. Writing ships for movies, books, shows, etc. can be surprisingly hard. Writing characters themselves can be hard enough as it is, but writing a pair of characters that fit together like a puzzle piece can feel impossible. Nevertheless, I’m here to make that process a little bit easier. When I’m trying to set up a relationship that’s going to happen, here are some things that I keep in mind to make sure that I and the audience of my writing  ship the characters I have end up together. 
DISCLAIMER before I get a’rantin: I am by NO means telling you how or what to write and am by NO means a professional writer of any sorts. I’m doing this mostly because I write a lot and speak from my own personal experiences with writing and because these are just the things that I found work best when writing my own stories. I also read and analyze a lot of others work on my own personal time, and these are just the details that I pick up on that I find makes a piece of writing effective. With that in mind, remember that writing is and art form, and the beauty of that is that there’s no one right way to do it. Ever. You can read the same thing as another person and interpret it in a completely different and unique way. 
1. Complementary Characters usually work out best. 
This is more than the classic “opposite’s attract” theory, and characters don’t necessarily have to be opposite to be complementary. Some things to think about when thinking of and writing complementary characters:
-Complementary doesn’t necessarily mean complete opposite in every single way. Often times I find it much more helpful to have characters share a common interest in hobbies, upbringing, childhood trauma (that one’s a bit overdone these days), etc. so that they’re not butting heads all the time. Just like yin and yang, theres a bit of darkness in the light and vice versa. To keep the balance harmonious, you can’t have characters be polar opposites and have no common ground. That leads to what many people consider a toxic ship, and will either lead to an unrealistic balance that inevitably leads your characters to be fighting all the time. 
-Keeping common interests in mind, often times the paces where character’s contrast is in their personalities. (Shy and bold, heart and head, bubbly and brooding, quiet and gregarious, etc.) Different personalities often are able to balance each other out and hold each other accountable for their weaknesses.
-Going off of that, one character’s strength is another’s weakness, and all traits are both. A character’s empathy can lead them to be loved by many, but may cause them to starve themselves and drain their cup so there’s none left to take care of themselves. A character’s logic may lend them top of class or calm in stressful situations, but can lead them to be insensitive to others and even their own emotions. Your characters should balance each other out and work well together, and part of this is helping each other grow from their weakness. 
-This one isn't as important, but what I also find super compelling, especially in film and tv shows is when the authors/writers deliberately choose to give the characters complementary color palettes. (I dove more into this on my Kataang analysis so go read that if you’re super interested.) If the character’s look ascetically pleasing together, it makes shipping them a whole lot easier. Focus on orange and blue, yellow and purple, red and green, and any variation of those colors together. 
2. Buildup
Often times one of the biggest critiques of ships that just don’t work out is that there’s not enough buildup or foundation to have a romantic relationship. It seems obvious, but if you’re going to have them end up together, there’s going to need to be some buildup or else the entire relationship will feel wrong and contrived no matter how pleasant you make it. 
Some tips for increasing and establishing buildup:
-Have your otp spend time together as friends first. I personally find that the healthiest and most successful ships are friends before they’re lovers. This is why Kataang specifically works so well, but Korrasami, Romionie, and Liesel and Rudy from the Book Thief are all good examples. If you observe these ships, all of these characters spend time together as friends first. Korra and Asami were able to bond and become friends over a toxic guy (cough cough MAKO) and eventually developed feelings for one another. Ron and Hermione weren’t romantically interested in other people and were friends until they started seeing other people and found out they liked each other. Liesel and Rudy were best friends before anything else and Liesel didn’t realize her feelings until it was too late. 
-Time together. When your otp spends time together, make sure that whatever time is being spent together is time that they both enjoy. No, the activity itself doesn’t have to be enjoyable to both characters, but the time spent together should be. If the characters really aren’t enjoying the time spent together, then it’s never gonna work out. I’ll use the ship that I’m writing as an example. Currently, I’m in the process of writing a third atlas series and we’ll use my characters Liang and Hana. (Yea I used my own name for one of my characters. I think it suits her bc she’s basically my clone, just, she’s the avatar. I’m going to change both of their names once I do more research and can find culturally and historically accurate names.) Liang REALLY loves pro-bending matches. Hana, not so much. She still goes with him to see matches and attends his matches when she can. On the flip side, Hana really loves going to her favorite tea shop. Liang vastly prefers a strong cup of coffee, but he goes with her anyways. Why would they choose to do something that they don’t necessarily like? Because that’s more quality time spent with each other and doing something for the other person. 
3. Romantic Gestures
Going off of my last point, we have the art of romantic gestures. These can range to things anywhere from a hug, to an elaborate firework display, to a locket with both of their pictures in it. Make sure that the romantic gestures are there! It’s gotta be clear that both characters are thinking about one another and consciously choose to do something for the other person. Here are some fun ways to do it:
-Remembering a gift the other character wanted. This one’s cliche but it works, because often times the best way to show affection is through physical gifts and objects. Think coffee from a favorite shop, handwritten notes, that piece of clothing the other has been eyeing, etc. 
-~symbolism~ *add chime here* By that I mean have an object to symbolize their relationship with, like Korrasami’s iconic hair pin or Liesel’s book that Rudy retrieved for her. This way, the readers not only have a visual representation of their favorite ships, but the object can physically link characters together and make a vague relationship full cannon. (I know for sure that someday when I get a tattoo, I want the hairpin tattooed on my wrist, ankle or side of my body.) 
-PDAs. Works best in film and visual stuff, but still applies for everything. I’m talking cuddles, kisses, falling asleep in each other’s arms, the whole shebang. I mean how much clearer can you make it than a pda?
-Love languages. Each person loves in their own unique way. Have characters figure out and learn each other’s love language. It really shows and adds a whole other layer to the cake. This one can make a ship that feels a little bland have more depth and realism, because in the real world, healthy relationships are formed and aided by learning and applying each other’s love language. 
4. Dialogue. This one can be hard to master, but once you do, it’s a breeze. First off, I recommend getting all your ideas out, and editing. DON’T EDIT AS YOU GO! This is often tedious and super annoying, so get everything out first, and go from there once you have a decent amount to work with. Dialogue is tricky, because dialogue in and of itself is meant to communicate and express feelings. Here are some tips and steps to at least get a start: 
a. Know EXACTLY how your characters feel about one another, and make that evident through communication. It seems obvious (again) but this really helps and I find that putting myself in the character’s shoes for a second and really thinking about it helps to decide exactly what they would say in a given situation, especially if the scene you’re writing involves confrontation about feelings for one another. 
b. Dialogue is more than just talking. Body language, tone, facial expressions, etc. are all part of dialogue too and are SUPER important! In the real world, humans communicate through more than just words, and sometimes a playful grin, grimace, crossed arms, or pout is much more effective than a character outright saying something. 
c. Once you’ve written the dialogue out, be concise and smart about your dialogue and pare it down as much as you can. Often times, adding too much dialogue can make a scene boring and flat. Use your words sparingly! The purpose of writing is to covey a story or message and often times this can be done effectively with less words rather than more. The main point in dialogue itself is to provide necessary context and information. Otherwise, don’t use it.
d. Make sure the conversation is two sided. This (say it with me now) SEEMS OBVIOUS, but make sure that both people are talking/communicating. it’s a conversation, not a speech. (Unless it is a speech or declaration of some sort.)
Before I go: A QUICK (Long) PSA ON TOXIC SHIPS: 
The concept of a toxic ship is very common in a lot of literature. Often times writers choose to include elements that may be toxic to heighten romantic tension in a story. While I do recognize that this sometimes may be a stylistic choice, there are MUCH better and effective ways to create tension that having something be toxic. Toxic relationships in my opinion share one purpose, and that is to establish a relationship’s toxicity and ineffectiveness. I don’t recommend writing these into a story unless it’s an obstacle for your characters to overcome, and having a character forgive the toxic actions of another character and still end up with them isn’t the right move because it completely disregards and diminishes the effects of what happened previously.
One of the best examples I can think of is Reylo from the new sw trilogy. I did touch on this briefly in a couple of my earlier posts (The Effect Of Modern Day SW characters and My Tips for Writing (In General) which I highly suggest you go read bc they both took me a bit of time and state the purpose more in depth) but I think I’ll quick reiterate and say that it wasn’t a good choice on the writer’s part to have some of the dialogue be so intense and vicious and then have them end up together. I still like the idea of Ben Solo and Rey together and ship them together out of cannon, but in cannon, it’s the perfect example of an ineffective ship. There was little to no build up, the dialogue was often spiteful and sharp, and it escalated a bit too quickly. I would’ve liked to see more of Ben Solo (NOT Kylo) and him feeling sorry for and repenting for the bad that he’s done before he and Rey end up together. Yes, we’re all suckers for the enemies to lovers trope, but PLEASE make sure to filter out the toxins before boarding your ships and watching them sail. 
That’s it for now! I hope this helps a little when writing shippable characters! I’m always free to rant to and to critique. I’m going to start posting as much as I can, because these guides help me too! Check out my other ones if you’d like to know tips for writing in general and I made another one on how to write characters. 
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