#no fantasy or sci fi either
fictionadventurer · 3 months
Have I mentioned lately that creating AUs is the most fun thing ever? You get to take a story you love and then mash it against another type of story you love and fit all their pieces together like they're a jigsaw puzzle. You get to find all the unexpected points of similarity where the stories fit together really well, and see the places where their differences change and make commentary on the original stories/genres in really interesting ways.
And then once you fit the pieces together, you get to look at the new world you've made and see how these characters in this specific world have different conflicts and explore new themes, and you get to play with another level of puzzles as you figure out what this means for this story.
It's the most fun ever. It's my favorite game.
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haliaiii · 3 months
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some dungeon meshi doodles I did a while ago while reading the manga :)
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greenerteacups · 22 days
hi GT! thanks again for the great chapter—loved it (as usual).
just wanted to come on here to sing you praises with just how well you write touch/physical affection especially in the most recent chapter’s first half: draco & hermione being v touchy while entering hogsmeade vs. draco’s jealousy with ron + hermione, and how you depicted draco’s reaction to both (i.e., his awareness on just how not-platonic his actions were vs failing to see that ron and hermione might not be also sharing the same thing) and the way his jealousy flares up. it’s starkly real and engaging and you just leave us wanting more.
just wondering: would there be more platon-ish (or more) moments in the realm of Lionheart, since the books were PG?
hope u have a good day!!
Thank you very much! I hope you have a good day, too.
I think of Lionheart right now as a story that rides the line between PG-13 and R (for gore, and I guess also technically for swearing, since there's been more than one "fuck.") Those things will only scale up as the story goes on, to an extent that will soon surpass the books. If the original series can be split up into "children's / young adult" around the lynchpin of Book 4, I think of the volumes of Lionheart as "children's / young adult / new adult." New adult is, naturally, more capacious as a genre than young adult is, and I'm cautiously feeling out my comfort level in the new territory it opens up.
To be completely honest, I'm still making up my mind on how far to push past canon there. I know that explicit scenes are common and welcomed in the D/H fanfic space, to an extent even expected, but the jury is out on how much it will be relevant/necessary/something that I'll enjoy writing. (I'm aware that this is a totally confusing and not helpful answer. Friend, I also wish it was not like this.) Basically, I'm just trying to figure out what the story needs.
I guess the most I can say currently is that I'd definitely be comfortable writing it — I've written it before — and for the rest, I'll play it by ear.
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knightowl-studios · 6 months
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Bioluminescent cave-bun-creatures! Some preliminary concept sketches I threw together and prettied up in Clip Studio back in August, both to push my creature design skills and as a bit of a tailored portfolio piece.
I plan to draw more of them eventually, and already have some modifications in mind. (Ex: making their feets more dextrous and less blunted.)
Also inspired partly by the absolutely amazing work of @ / jayrockin! If you haven't seen their work before and enjoy speculative biology or sci-fi worldbuilding, you should absolutely go give 'em a look.
Note transcripts below cut!
From left to right, top to bottom:
Subterranean Earth fauna are largely blind...but in a different world, wildlife could use bioluminescence instead, like earth deepsea creatures.
Cartiliginous fans with large bioluminescent "eyes"; these act as both a distraction and an intimidation tactic (caterpillar style ;D)
Fans regrow easily and are designed to be lost. They can also be angled or waved, -> and folded backward to accommodate tight spaces.
Tapetum lucidum [in eyes], to take advantage of other organisms' bioluminescence.
Neck can turn 180 degrees, like owls
Small teeth, but sharp; resemble possum teeth
Paw pads are "sticky", in the same way as gecko's; this is mostly for traction, though, and can't facilitate hardcore climbing
Claws assist with traction in slippery cave environs
Conflicts are brutal - fights for territory or mating rights focus on damaging the fans, as without them an individual's chances of survival decrease
Behavior overall is reclusive, but dauntless.
While they rely heavily on their fans first, when push comes to shove, they have a reputation for being recklessly bold.
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
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Strange New Worlds Teaser for 1x08 - The Elysian Kingdom
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nellasbookplanet · 2 years
Gotta love how in campaign 1 & 2, the mode of transportation before they got access to teleportation spells were things like carts and ships and horses (or really big cats); meanwhile, we’re 30 episodes into campaign 3 and the Bells Hells are taking roadtrips using a mad max crawler, one of them's a robot, and they’re talking about going to the moon.
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emometalhead · 4 months
Took this from @only-a-heartbeat-away 🩷🩷
barbie or oppenheimer // ketchup or mustard // crinkled fries or curly fries // robots or dinosaurs // silly hats or silly socks // spring or autumn // harry potter or lord of the rings // vacation or staycation // day or night // board games or video games // books or movies // money or love // milkshake or iced coffee // waffles or pancakes // chocolate or candy // beach or pool // laundry or dishes // take-out or dine-out // fantasy or sci-fi // lays or pringles
Tagging: @day-trippin-dreamer @awrestlinggirlwholoves80sbands
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day-trippin-dreamer · 4 months
thank you @emometalhead for the tag 🩷
barbie or oppenheimer // ketchup or mustard // crinkled fries or curly fries // robots or dinosaurs // silly hats or silly socks // spring or autumn // harry potter or lord of the rings // vacation or staycation // day or night // board games or video games // books or movies // money or love // milkshake or iced coffee // waffles or pancakes // chocolate or candy // beach or pool // laundry or dishes // take-out or dine-out // fantasy or sci-fi // lays or pringles
tagging anyone who wants to do it 🫶
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b-a-pigeon · 2 years
Kindle Vella is offering free reads on all serials from October 5 to 11!
Authors still get paid for reads (and other interactions, like following and liking chapters, etc.) so this is a great time to support some indies and find cool new writers/stories for $0 :)
Here are some LGBT genre fiction serials & queer authors to check out on Vella!
A Hollow Contract by B Pigeon: this one's mine! Character-driven low fantasy with some cute gay romance from ur favorite queer trans author!
The Stars and Green Magics by Novae Caelum: very queer sci fi/space opera; nonbinary author
Tales of a Vernian Youth by Gaius J. Augustus: lighthearted sci-fantasy adventure w/ a trans protagonist; queer/trans author
Between Two Worlds by Atlas Prieto: gay polyamorous vampire romance
Night in the Garden by AR DeClerck: cute queer fantasy romance
Ashe & Dez by Nat Paga: fantasy(ish?) sapphic romance + western + adventure
Feel free to reblog with more recs - this was just off the top of my head so I'm probably forgetting some! Enjoy the free reads!
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Seeing @sennydreadful on my dash reminded me of Mushens so whoo heeee just submitted my application.
Expecting to get a rejection, of course, I'm imagining I'll get a few hundred before I get anything close to interest, if I ever do, but still. Exciting!
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your-turn-to-role · 1 year
since i'm back in a vox machina headspace, at least for now, i'm looking back at all my old unpublished fic and, a) i may actually post some of these one shots i wasn't brave enough to originally
but more importantly b) for nano 2019 i wrote like 20-30k of a vm ava's demon au, didn't finish it, don't know if i will, but would people be interested in that if i polished it up a bit?
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ammy246 · 9 months
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antvnger · 1 year
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I have to pick? I like both a lot, but I guess if I have to pick then I pick sci-fi.
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psyche-reads · 2 years
Romcom girlies stop calling Gideon the Ninth bad because you don’t understand it challenge
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deviiancetv · 1 year
The only reason people are saying that the Forspoken game is “trash” is because there’s a black WOMAN as the main character in a fantasy world, and I don’t care what anyone says.
I feel like Square Enix purposely set it up to fail… cause have they ever had a black main character in a game??
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I just found out The Peripheral S2 was cancelled after being renewed citing “cost” concerns.
Fuck is wrong with companies anymore, I literally do not know what they want from us. Clearly it ain’t money. Clearly it ain’t views. And obviously it ain’t good TV shows. So what the actual fuck do they want anymore? I don’t get it. Where’s the corporate play here that I’m not seeing? I get that LOTR and WOT are “established franchises” so maybe they just see them as the safer bets, but like you’ve already produced what, like 3-4 seasons between the two of them? And they’ve all been blasted as being total shit? I don’t understand. How are these the safe bets!?
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