#no idea why I can't remember us ever interacting
iirulancorrino · 2 years
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I think the op must have me blocked because I can’t reblog the actual post but. this is my hole it was made for me. reading this list makes me understand why I was so charmed by the gonchposting because I’ve read most of these and they are extremely my shit. and I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Danilo Kiš’ masterful short story collection The Encyclopedia of the Dead, particularly the eponymous story and ‘The Book of Kings and Fools.’
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etherfabric · 3 months
Why things will be easy now
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Choose a pile by which picture you resonate with the most.
If your mind is too busy to clearly decide, take a few deep breaths, and use the finger of your non-dominant hand to hover over the images. One will give off the most subtle yet prominent signals, like tingles, a magnetic pull, or temperature. This is your pile. Multiples are also possible.
more PACs
Pile 1
Queen of Swords, The Emperor
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Things will be easy now because you learned what works for you, and are confident to ditch the rest. Your intuition is razor sharp and wielding it is second nature to you now. Other's opinions don't sway you anymore. You know everyone has their own path, and them doing thing A has no influence on your thing B. You are a master now with drawing boundaries with others as well within your own thoughts - you know which ones are from your true, authentic, eternal, beautiful self, and which one are just silly downward spiraling habits you can opt out anytime. Those doubts are like fluffy clouds on a breezy summer day - superficial, fleeting, never able to stop the sun from reaching you. You know where to put your energy and your focus, and feel the results instantly. How come mood is now so easy? And the best part - it doesn't actually feel new. You remember how this was always at your disposal. How you just forgot about it. But it was always there. Memories of past successes are cut and dry proof of all the blessings to come. It feels powerful, it feels true, it feels good - it feels you. Like actually you.
Pile 2
The World, Page of Pentacles
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Things will be easy now because the minute somethings stops feeling satisfying, another perfect thing will pop up. Talking about divine orchestration, and this is your symphony. You enjoy every step of the journey - the idea, the initiation, the progress, the habit, the finish. You marvel at the infinite combinations of those currents through your perception, and the world is your oyster now. So many prospects that hold reliable promises! It's all up to you. Things that used to be dull and monotonous suddenly bring a sparkle to your eye again. Food tastes rich, water refreshes you with every sip, your body is a miracle you have access to every living second. The physical plane got its magic back. With the eyes of the eternal child, you feel abundant beyond limits. I get the feeling specifically of having beautiful interactions with nature, with an emphasis on animals. Spotting a rare bird, petting a cat, a butterfly landing right next to you. Serendipitous timing with weather - sun right when you want it, rain right when it adds to the athmosphere, a breeze caressing your back as encouragement on a stroll towards something exciting. Beautiful sunsets, stargazing, moonlight moments. You have everything you could ever want, and then some. This is what life is about, and it's so easy. And you know how to stay in it.
Pile 3
3 of Cups, 2 of Wands
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Things will be easy now because it finally clicked: You remembered how freaking likeable you are. Social interactions that used to confuse you now suddenly make sense - people are intimidated and nervous around you! They really want you to like them, and they can't fathom how you don't see that. Well, those times are over now. A calm and confident warmth emenates from within you now, and what used to be a source of anxiety and stress is now a constant uplift in your life - the people you meet, how they look at you, the words they say, just their body language from across the street are all surefire signs you can read like a children's book. They reflect what has finally once againrevealed itself to you: You are beautiful, impressive, radiant, capable, deserving, magical. This makes time by yourself like a serene island of recuperation and contemplation. Your dreams and plans with people are just as easily achievable as opening the door to your room. Mundane, easy, self explanatory, a given. Not ever a focus of your worries. Why worry about the doorknob? Why worry about things that are certain? Why worry about just the right people entering your life at just the right moment, with just the right circumstances, right words, right gifts, right intentions? That's right. As easy as the inhale and exhale. As sure as the next breath. Welcome to the truth.
Pile 4
5 of Cups, The Hierophant
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Things will be easy now because you know you don't have to fake anything to get what you want. Feel sad? Cry. You are still God's favorite and your blessings are on their way. The more authentic you are, the faster they will come. You have found comfort in what others would falsely read as "bad signs". There are no bad signs when you are set on the right path. There are only different stations all with their own rhythm, themes and energies. All parts of you are necessary and welcome. Your joy, your fear, your sadness, your frustrations - they are no longer being pushed away, but embraced. That's how they power your manifestations. The more you, the merrier. You can suddenly feel the beautiful relief and cleanse your tears bring, the empowering holy fire within your rage as it propels you forward towards what you deserve, the soothing hum of your tiredness replenishing every cell. No more thwarted sense of self that breaks you - you are perfect and sacred as you are. The less pressure, the more rewards are coming your way. Life flows through you, you are an expression of the divine, and carry yourself accordingly through all phases of life. You will suddenly see texts and teachings reflecting exactly that. You will feel validated in a way you never felt before, but it will feel just like home. Your true home of eternal love and possibilities.
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meidiary · 1 year
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synopsis: instead of them being jealous, this time you are because of their attention being focused on someone else 🤧
characters: zoro, luffy & sanji!
warnings: female terms used in zoro's & sanji's <3, nicknames + swearing, angst for sanji
mei's note: my previous post had an accidental angsty ending for luffy so i'll be posting a happy one soon! <3
⟶ @ahseyy request: ... And i have this idea 🤧 we had that the OP boys are jealous, sooooo obviously we need that Yn is jealous! ...
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☆ "they're just friends!" usopp's words kept ringing in your mind as you stare at ZORO and his ex-girlfriend.. you and the rest of the strawhat crew had stopped sailing, planning to settle a bit on the island you came across. oh, how you deeply regret telling luffy that "this seems like a good place for us to stay in and regain our energy!" now you're stuck witnessing this situation play out, having you completely engrossed in it.
☆ usopp, having a sixth sense for drama, immediately noticed the lack of your presence as a result of you spying observing zoro and his ex.
☆ "are you done spying on your boyfriend?" he chuckles seeing your startled expression. "i'm not spying on him! i'm just-" you see her playfully slap his bicep, earning a displeased look on your face. "why is he even speaking to her for so long? it's not like they left at the best terms.." you blurt out, sighing after seeing usopp's sly smirk.
☆ you know he thinks you're an obsessively jealous person, but you can't find it in you to care because there she goes touching him again! the worst of it all is that zoro doesn't seem to be bothered by it.. your eyebrows furrow as you keep witnessing them smiling way too much, standing way too close, being way too touchy, and the worst of all; they're talking way too soft for you to eavesdrop!
"that's it, i'm going over there!" you utter annoyed, dropping the mop you were holding for the past 15 minutes, having made little to no progress at cleaning the ship's floor. usopp, taken aback, dashes to stand in front of you, blocking the exit of the ship. "are you out of your mind? don't you understand you'll be labeled as the most controlling girlfriend ever?! just- sit this confrontation out alright?" he let's out a sigh of relief, feeling he prevented a major fight to go down, not only between you and zoro, but possibly also between you and zoro's ex..
usopp was right, you know he was, but you couldn't bother thinking straight while you were still seeing that woman being handsy with your man. fuming, you gaze at the two, loathing the almost non-existent space there was between them. "i'm so done," you mutter upset. "please take over cleaning for me today, usopp.." you left to your room and plopped down on your bed, trying to put all your intrusive thoughts to rest.
but of course you couldn't after having seen that interaction between the two. were you exaggerating? was this normal? is it wrong for you to feel this way? this fuming feeling is causing you so much distress. it's like your thoughts are eating you up from the inside. you don't want to feel this way, like you're the one at fault, like you're not enough, like you'll never be enough.. right after that thought crept up out of the darkest pits of your brain, you heard a knock on your, now locked, bedroom door. "baby? you alright?.. why's the door locked-? baby?" you recognize zoro's voice immediately, mentally being stuck between picking the easy choice: ignoring him and bottling up your feelings, or the hard one: facing him and talk to him about your current thoughts..
unbeknownst to you, you unconsciously chose the former option. you open the door and look him in his eyes, hiding as much of your feelings possible. "what?" he furrows his brows, confused by your cold welcome before he remembers usopp warning him you weren't in a good mood because of his overfriendly encounter with his ex. "is this about her?" he chuckles before shaking his head slightly, in disbelief you'd be this bothered by someone from his past. "so what if it is?! is it so weird for me to be upset some woman is being all handsy with you?! and is it suprising that i got bothered even more by you not minding her touching you? is it that weird, zoro? 'cause if it is, please, do tell me!" you blurt out, almost all in one breath, before slamming the door shut.
you weren't planning on letting it out, you didn't want to bother, assuming he'd just brush it off as you exaggerating.. you didn't expect him to open the door you aggressively slammed in his face, so soon. you didn't expect him to, when he saw you leant on the wall with furrowed brows and a trembling upper lip, grab you by the waist and pull you closer to him, so close there was barely anything between you at all.. and least of all did you expect him to grab your chin, raising it so you looked him in the eyes while he told you "if i gave one shit about her, would i be here right now? tell me, if i didn't care about you at all, then why would i tell her i'm not interested in getting back together with her when she asked? why would i tell her i finally found someone that i want to spend the rest of my life with? shit, as cheesy as it sounds, it's true, baby.. i can't imagine being with anyone else except you. so please, don't you get jealous about girls i don't give a damn about."
you send him a soft smile, leaning your forehead on him. "don' know who told you i was jealous.. but you got to get better sources 'cause i for sure wasn't jealous.." zoro scoffs letting out a "yeah, right."
☆ needless to say you two made up and cuddled for the rest of the day.
☆ that would be the end.. but of course usopp had to bug you.. "hey! i took over your cleaning today, so you better take over mine for the next week.." usopp pleaded, with both his hands on his hips. "out." zoro mumbled into your neck, expecting him to comply instantly. "but-!" usopp began to bicker, before getting interrupted by zoro. "now." you accidentally let out a giggle, swiftly moving your hand to cover your mouth right after. "whatever! i will be back, considering this debt!" with that usopp leaves the room, leaving you two alone, enjoying the comfortable silence.
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☆ SANJI is a womanizer, that's no shocking discovery. you've know about this fact since the moment you met him. he was charming you up while asking everyone's drinks and then he went off, flirting with another woman on his way back to the kitchen. that moment you learned that this was sanji. but there's also the caring sanji that'd make you a warm soup when you're sick, tending to your needs yet still somehow find away to make you blush whilst laughing with him. in addition to the caring sanji, there also is the determined sanji; whenever he'd speak about finding the all blue, and all the meals he would cook, all the different fish he would see, you could swear you saw his eyes glistening with adoration and resolve. further, intellectual sanji heavily plays a role in your daily life; happily helping you with mundane chores to the most exciting adventures you and your fellow strawhats go on. he fills you in on books he's read, food he's cooked, ingredients he's used, products he's bought and much more!
☆ you could go on and on, daydreaming of all sanji's positive personality traits, but you're all time favorite would have to be considerate sanji.. the way he could immediately sense from you that you weren't feeling like your usual self still amazes you. how he always chooses the right moments to bring you a freshly brewed cup of tea with your favorite desert right next to it, which you have know idea how he had the time nor ingredients for. how he treats you like a princes and tells you how much you mean to him in so many different ways when you feel absolutely miserable. and, oh, how he always knows when to embrace you tightly and whisper sweet nothings into your ear, until it becomes numb.
☆ so with all that, you accepted him being a womanizer, having the seemingly perpetuous habits of bantering with other women. you always wondered if he'd stop flirting with so many women if you asked him to.. but then the thought that you two were nothing and wouldn't be anything else than friends hit you.
☆ nevertheless, seeing his cheeky smile being sent to some random woman, seeing him subtly sling his arm around her waist as he guids her to the dance floor, seeing him lean closer to her every minute, it was killing you, no more like slowly scraping you from the inside, the bottled up pain waiting for you to finally burst open.
you've been eyeing them the whole night, not once taking your eyes off of them or bothering to answer usopp's rants with more than a 'mhm,' or a 'hmm'. "have you listened to a word i said?!" usopp voiced suddenly, turning the strawhats' complete attention to you. "mhm.." absent-minded, you nod hearing him say something, but not comprehending the words he spoke.
"see, told you she wasn't paying attention," usopp leaned back against his seat after pulling up his shoulders, indicating he was right about you not paying attention to what anyone was saying. zoro, being the one seated next to you, tapped your shoulder, earning a "hm?" from you. getting annoyed by your negligence, he shifted his gaze to the direction you were looking in, finally understanding what the issue was.
to clarify your absent-mindness, zoro nudged his head towards sanji and his date. his date, who was sat on his lap at this point, making the knot in your stomach grow substantially. seeing his arm wrap around her hips as she leaned on him was your final stroke, your last straw. it was your breaking point.. you've reached, no, you've long surpassed your limit for these shenanigans, but right now, this very moment you finally break.
you suddenly feel a rush of tears burn your eyes, overwhelmed with your thoughts and emotional distress. you jump up, hurriedly leaving the club room you were in, not wanting anyone to see you in your current state. you desperately search for a private area where you can cry yourself out of this situation without having people judge you. but you notice the whole place is packed with couples who can't keep their hands off of each other, except the balcony, so you shakingly make your way to the cold space.
all of a sudden, you hear someone's heavy breathing behind you. "darling? what's the matter? what happened?!" sanji. he asks you breathlessly, due to him running after you. you quickly tried to wipe your tears away, but they kept coming! making you feel even more hysterical. "hey, hey now -" sanji notices your crying, he turns you around, his arms moving from your arms down to your waist, pulling you closer to him. "talk to me, sweetheart.. please, just talk to me.." he pleads, moving his face closer to yours.
"i- i can't- do- it!" you babbled in-between sobs. "what, darling? who did this to you?" sanji moves his hands to your cheeks, pulling your face to his, carefully. "you..! you're killing me!" he furrows his brows in confusion. once you calmed down, you slowly tore one of his hands off your face. "i can't keep seeing you with others, sanji.. it really fucking hurts! i- i just can't-" you push him away a little, "i can't keep bottling it up sanji.. i'm done.."
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☆ he didn't even mean to.. he was just being friendly, he was cracking jokes, making sure she was feeling calm and at peace, he asked sanji to get her something to snack, he was being luffy..
☆ normally, you'd swoon over him whenever he'd be in this caring mood of his. but not this time, no. this time, you were close to glowing green out of envy. you shouldn't be feeling this way, you know that. you trust luffy with your everything! it just hits you in the wrong place whenever he leans towards her when she speaks. it's like you can feel your heart cramp up each time she looks up at him and smiles, receiving his usual toothy grin in return.
☆ she was lost, abandoned at sea by her very own family. at least that's the bit you picked from usopp dramatically narrating her lifestory. is it heartless that all you could think of was that you hoped, the strawhats and you would drop her off at the very next island, wish her luck with her life, and continue your journeys? knowing luffy, that's the last thing that would happen. no, it's not even on the list of things he would ever consider! your thoughts made you feel absolutely terrible. you weren't a bad person, so why were you being so uncaring towards this poor girl who had lost so much? envy. jealousy can bring out the absolute worst in people. the lowest of a person's nature gets drawn out someone. and that someone now, was you.
you tried to stay away from her, not wanting to accidentally lash out. you felt bad for her, you did, but you also how far you could go, when jealousy takes apart in decision-making. so you avoid her, and just like that, you were also avoiding luffy. because for some reason, he was always near her, always. it's like he was scared she'd run away?
luffy noticed. but he didn't know the reason you were avoiding her. he's always optimistic and cheerful, so everyone expects him to always be exactly that, except you. you were there for him, allowing him to have bad days. he didn't have to hide his feelings or emotions. it was a relief for him to find someone like you, someone he lived so dearly, who lived him back just as much. it was refreshing, calming, delightful. what happened? what did he do? was he too much? or did he do too little to show you he cares so much, that he'd give you the world if you asked for it. he'd go to the moon and back for you. he doesn't know how, but he'd find a way. and now he lost you? that can't be true. it can't. he won't accept it!
that's how you got in your current situation; his face was buried in the crook of your neck, his hands holding you tightly by your waist, mumbling something about how good you smell.
you had told him the reason you were avoiding was because of your sudden jealousy. he laughed for a good 10 minutes about how ridiculous you were to think of something like that! but in his mind, oh, how relieved he was that you weren't avoiding him because you fell out of love with him. it was because you were too in love with him..
☆ you two ended up having a picnic on deck, trying to keep usopp and chopper away from your neatly set up meals prepared by sanji (duh)
☆ luffy kept teasing you about how jealous you were and that you love him too much for your own good. acting like he wasn't on the verge of being a crying mess because he thought he lost you 🙄
☆ he kept giving you nose tip smooches while telling you you'll never lose him <3
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MEI'S NOTE: so, uhm yeah sanji's part was definitely something...
... hope you enjoyed!! <3
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rqbossman · 4 months
Hey everyone, I thought it would be a good idea to establish some ground rules to guide interactions on here so without further ado: 1) I get to change and or ignore my own rules as and when I like. It's my blog so tough. 2) I won't even consider answering an ask unless it meets the following criteria: a) I haven't been asked it before on Tumblr. b) It is worded as a question. c) It does not ask me to rule on canon for content I make. d) It does not ask for takes on real people. e) It has a positive tone (seeking to become positive counts) f) It is not a callout (e.g. why are you so rubbish etc.) g) It is not asking for confidential information on business and/or Intellectual property h) It is not just rephrasing a previous question because people didn't like the answer. i) It's respectful. j) It is not just a veiled story request (e.g. why don't you make these characters kiss etc.) 3) This is not a press conference or an interrogation. If you want to ask serious questions about Rusty Quill and other proper topics send them to [email protected] 4) If you DM me I will ignore it on principal. Not because I don't like you but because I am receiving so many that I can't be fair with it and it's just generally unwise anyway. 5) Remember we are all human. That means we can make mistakes, change our minds, be flippant, have a bad day and give bad advice. Please show a little grace rather than trying to catch people out. I do not support dogpiling in any situation. 6) Be kind. The fastest way to get yourself blocked by me is being unkind even if you are in the right. Some of the cruellest and regrettable actions I have ever seen have been fuelled by righteous indignation. 7) Be wise. Internet culture moves fast. Not everyone knows everything you know and not everyone needs to know everything you know. You aren't helping me if you appoint yourself "chief brainbox educator supreme" and try to school people on how things should be. Let's just all keep it chill yeah? 8) Be patient. This is not my job. This is barely even counts as a good idea! I run my social media when I can but I don't have deadlines and I don't have sociability quotas. I might do a flurry of activity when I have time then go quiet for months. Just go ahead and assume if I am not posting it's for a good reason. 9) One question per person. Don't worry it doesn't annoy me, its just I don't know if its fair me using all my social media time budget on a single person and leave others unanswered.
This is hardly a complete or exhaustive list and no doubt I have made some tragic tumblr newb error but it'll have to do for now. I am happy to take constructive feedback on these but don't expect quick turnaround on anything.
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wandussyfantasy · 4 months
I'm Yours
Request from anon: i also have more ideas along their universe where they continue to hook up (behind pietro’s back) and wanda thinks it’s not serious (she wants it to be but is afraid of saying anything thinking reader just wants to be casual) but reader thinks they’re exclusive. maybe wanda sees reader talking to an ex and mentions thinking of going out with some guy and reader is all confused and offended like why would you talk to me about planning to cheat on me? and they have a legit convo about being together exclusively
Summary: Part 2 to You Suck, Let's Fuck. Y/n is addicted to Wanda and assumes that they are together. Wanda is afraid to allow herself to fall for Y/n and convinces herself that they are just having fun.
Pairings: Wanda x NB!AMAB!Reader
Word Count: 3,621
WARNINGS: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DO NOT READ & DO NOT INTERACT!!! smut, gn!reader amab, powerbottom!wanda, fingering, dirty talk, fluff, masturbation, oral, sex toys, public touching, fantasies, and teasing.
You are laying in your bed scrolling through emails when there's a knock on your door. You look up to see Pietro standing in the doorway. “Hey, have you heard back from any more sponsors?”
You nod, “Looking through the offers now.”
“Okay, cool. I'll see you in a few hours. I've classes to get to,” Pietro says as he walks away. You nod and listen carefully to him leaving. When you hear the front door slam shut, you jump out of your bed and walk over to Wanda’s room. Her door is shut and you can hear a soft buzz when you press your ear against the wooden door. 
You crack the door open and watch as she uses the vibrator that you gave her several nights ago. You slip your fingers into the elastic waistband of your sweatpants and start to rub your dick while you watch her. She is so pretty as she writhes on her bed. She is half naked with her shirt pushed up from playing with her breasts. You lick your lips as you remember her taste. 
You knock on the door and watch her jump with wide eyes. You open the door further and she lets her head fall back as she relaxes. “You're a little shit for that!” She sighs as she continues to move the toy in and out of her hole. 
You chuckle as you lock the door behind you. With your hands on your hips, you stand in front of her with your erection creating a tent with your sweatpants. “Your brother is gone for the day. I have a couple of hours to spare,” you say as you step closer to her bed. “And I can't stop thinking about you.” 
You walk to the side of her bed and Wanda watches you with each step. She continues to pump the vibrator in and out of her pussy. Staring at your erection the entire time. She bites her lips as she remembers having them wrapped around your shaft. You lift her hand up from the bed and watch her reaction. Her big green eyes drop to your hand as it guides her smaller hand to your waist, her eyes bounce to meet yours and she nods once. You push your sweatpants down enough for your dick to pop out. You guide her hand and wrap it around your dick. You moan at the feeling of her soft hand pulling on your hard dick. 
You reach over and take control over the vibrator. You pull it out and press it against her cliterous. Her legs move from the pleasure and you smile. 
“I have a condom,” you whisper.
“Isn't that nice,” Wanda says as she adjusts her hand. 
“Can we?” You ask as you pull the condom package out of your pocket and toss it on her belly. 
“I don't know,” she says. “Do you have your test results?” Wanda had asked you to get tests done and show them to her. She said that if she was going to ever have sex with you again, she had to know that you were clean. She said this when she snuck into your room a few nights ago while the two of you were making out. You assured her that you're always safe but she wanted proof. 
You pull up the email that you were looking for and show her the clean bill of health. “I'm good to go,” you say with a wink. 
Wanda takes your phone and starts to read through the results. You mess with her by pressing the vibrator into her cliterous harder, distracting her with pleasure. “Stop that,” she gasps out. You laugh as you stop. She scrolls through and is satisfied with the results. She sets your phone aside and grabs the condom package. She tears it open and pulls the condom out. “We have to hurry, you have time but I don't.” 
You nod and climb on top of her. “I can be quick.”
“How charming,” she says breathlessly. Her mouth falls open as you shove your dick inside of her. It makes you smile. After years of doing everything to get her to shut up, you should have known that your dick was the best option. You pound into her as you suck on her neck. “Not too hard, ah,” she hisses. “Don't leave a mark. I don't want mmmph questions,” she has her hands on your shoulders to lightly push you back. 
“You can be quite bossy in bed, you know that right?” you chuckle into her ear. “Relax, baby.”
“Don't call me baby,” Wanda groans as she grabs your shirt. Her thighs hold you tight as you slow your thrusts. 
“What can I call you? You've turned down every pet name,” you ask as you start to kiss her chest. 
“Mommy isn't a pet name, it's a turn off,” she grouches. 
“Nat certainly didn't think so,” you wiggle your eyebrows at her. 
“Don't mention… oh fuuuck,” her toes curl as you press the vibrator against her cliterous causing her to reach her climax. Her grip on your cock has you following her, filling the condom with each jagged thrust into her. 
Wanda’s legs shake as you overstimulate her by keeping the vibrator on her sensitive bundle of nerves. 
You pull out and fall next to her on the bed. “I think you're probably the best sex I've ever had,” you admit in your post orgasm haze. You want to tell her that you love her and that you want to only be with her for as long as you lived but that sounded like too much. So you told her in the only way you know how. 
“That's what you consider your best?” She scoffs sarcastically but she couldn't believe she just came as hard as she did. But she knew if she wanted to keep having these private sessions with you, she had to make you want to come back to her for more. 
“You've had better?” You ask, a little hurt by her words. 
“I've had longer,” she says as she looks at you, her eyes trying to read your face. 
“That's not fair, you said you wanted a quickie,” you defend yourself as you sit up. 
“Right well, I suppose we'll just have to figure out a way for you to really show me what you can do,” she climbs out of bed and pulls on her underwear. “I'll see you later,” she walks out of the room and you throw your head back onto her mountain of pillows. 
You are at a party yet again. That's all anyone can do for fun on the weekends in a small college town like Westview. You are watching Wanda from a distance, trying to play it cool. You've slept with her almost every chance you've gotten and it's killing you how addictive she is. But you know that you shouldn't be doing this. Not to Pietro's sister. He's told you many times over the years to not mess with his sister. 
You don't want to lose his friendship. He means a lot to you but unfortunately, his sister means the world to you. 
“Hey you,” a familiar voice steals your attention from Wanda. She was laughing with her friends, she was safe. You turn to the only person you've attempted to give your heart to. “Miss me?” She smiles at you with her hand on your bicep. 
“Raven,” you say with a sigh. “It's been a while. What brings you around?” 
“Oh, you know,” she tips her head in the direction of her girlfriend Jean Grey who is setting up with her band. “When the frats want to pay a bunch of pretty lesbians to entertain them, we are there.” She dances her fingers up your arm making you laugh. 
Wanda can hear your laugh from where she stands and her heart tightens at the sight of you flirting with your ex-girlfriend. She can't remember why the two of you broke up in the first place. By the looks of things, neither of you can remember either. She quickly looks away as she reminds herself that even with how much attention you've been giving her, it's just fun. It's nothing serious between the two of you. 
“I think you've accomplished your mission,” you tell Raven as you see Jean fuming on the stage. 
Raven follows your eye line and blows a kiss in her girlfriend's direction. She turns to you, “Not quite yet. She’s in really big trouble,” Raven puts her hand on your chest and looks you in the eyes. You know the kinds of games she plays and you typically didn't care about being a piece in them but you have Wanda now. You grab Raven by the wrist and take her hand off of you. 
“You need to talk to her about that,” you say as you step away. You look in the direction you last saw Wanda and slightly panic when you don't see her or her friends. “I have to go,” you excuse yourself to go searching for Wanda. You weave through the crowded house in search of her. 
She finds you before you can find her. She pulls you into a room before anyone can see and locks the door. You want to say something but she gets down on her knees and pulls your soft dick out before you can say anything. She spits on her hand and starts to stroke you. “Fuck Wanda,” you groan as you grow hard in her hand. 
She doesn't look at you until she takes your cock into her mouth. She knows how much eye contact drives you crazy when she's sucking you off. “Fuck Wanda,” you repeat as you thrust your hips forward. She pushes you back against the wall. She undoes your pants and lets them drop. She slips her fingers inside of your pussy. 
She was surprised to discover that you had one. You had shrugged it off as it's not the first thing people see when your pants come off so you typically don't call attention to it. That night she used a strap-on to fuck your hole. Thankfully, Pietro was spending the night at his new girlfriend's house that night because neither of you could keep yourselves quiet.
As she pumps her fingers inside of you, your cock grows harder and you can feel yourself getting close. You try to warn her but she keeps on working you until you cum into her mouth. In the time that the two of you have been together, she has refused to drink your cum. Not that you ever expected her to. But seeing her swallow every spurt without her cheeks puffing or a drop leaking or her choking. She maintains eye contact the entire time. Making your mind spin. 
She pulls her mouth off of your cock with a pop and removes her fingers from inside of you. She licks her fingers clean and it has you wanting so much more from her.
The two of you are laying in her bed cuddling. She's on her period and not in the mood to have sex but you don't mind. You enjoy her company. Especially since Pietro is gone for a week because he wanted to go to a big gaming convention. You would have gone too but you had exams that you conveniently forgot to ask for an extension on from your professors. You knew that Pietro would have a lot more fun taking his girlfriend than he would with you. Besides, you've been to those things every year since you were eighteen. Missing one year didn't matter much when you got to be free to be with Wanda. 
You haven't slept in your own bed since Pietro left. It was great to get to know Wanda outside of what made her scream. In an annoying sense or otherwise.
“I have a question,” Wanda states as she pops a few kernels of popcorn into her mouth. 
“Ask away,” you answer with your attention on her TV. 
“I'm not really good when it comes to asking people out and you're kind of an expert. I was wondering if you could give me some tips because there's this guy in my business class that I've kind of been interested in,” she continues to eat popcorn as if her question wasn't a big deal. 
You scowl as you give her your full attention. Then your features relax as you realize that it's most likely a joke. “You're funny. You almost had me Wanda,” you shake your head and kiss her cheek. “Is this one of those TikTok trends?” 
Wanda laughs, confused by your response, “No? What? You don't think I could pull someone other than you?” 
You scowl again, “It's not that I don't think that you're capable, it's more like I don't get why you would want to.”
Wanda pauses the show and scoffs as she looks at you, “Come on. Are you being serious?” You make no mention of joking and she rolls her eyes. “Look, I'm having a lot of fun with you. I am. But I don't want to be just another one of your booty calls forever. I'd like to actually date someone and build a relationship.” 
Her words hit you hard in your chest and you feel yourself grow nauseous. “I didn't realize that I was just fun for you.” 
Wanda freezes at your hurt expression, not sure what she said to get you to react in such a way. “I'm not an idiot. You don't do relationships, I get it. It's not fair that you can screw around with other people and I'm spending my time with just you. And what we've been doing has been nice but, but, but, I'm only human and before I develop feelings for you, I'd rather move on. You and my brother have been friends for years and I'd hate to be the reason that-” 
“I don't care about that right now! I've hidden behind that friendship for too damn long,” you take her hand in yours. It is important that she knows that you're not trying to string her along. “I love you, Wanda! I've loved you for a long time. Before we even started doing what we're doing.” 
She looks at you with pure disbelief. “What? No. That's not true. You, you, you don't love anyone. Nat and Carol and everyone else you've slept with has told me so! They've warned me about you. That you don't care about anyone and I'm better off for not having fallen for your tricks. Of course, they don't know about what we've been doing but they've all said it.”
“Wanda, I never loved any of those girls because I've always been in love with you. They were all just distractions because of Pietro. He told me that if I ever tried anything with you, not only would he cut me out of his life but he'd kill me. You know what? The time that I've had with you, I'd be fine losing him. Because I want to love you for as long as you'll let me.” 
Wanda is quiet for a long time. Her heart believes you but her head has doubts. “Why now?” She asks in a small voice. 
“Because I'm an idiot,” you admit. “An idiot who is madly in love with you.” 
Wanda pulls you down to kiss you on your lips. The popcorn bowl spills all over the bed and onto the floor. The two of you laugh but pay no attention to it. As she kisses you, she flips the two of you so that your back is against the cushions. “I love you too,” Wanda says as she straddles your lap and starts to rub against your cock. 
You kiss her with a passion you didn't know that you had in you as she continues to dry hump you. She moves her hips in a way that rolls your eyes to the back of your head. Your cock comes to life under the pressure of her crotch rubbing up against you. She starts to suck on your neck. “Harder,” you whisper because you don't get questions when you have hickies. You want her to mark you. To claim you. 
The friction of her rubbing against you causes you to start moaning. You want to be inside of her so bad but the want makes it that much better because you can't have it. She moves her mouth to the other side of your neck to mark you there. She wants everyone to see that you're not available. That of all of the people who you could have chosen, you chose her. She loves you and you love her. You finally love her. Or you finally admit to loving her. 
“I’ve been dying to hear you say that for so long,” she whispers against your lips. She bucks her hips forward and you let out a strangled moan. “I love you too,” she kisses you on the lips as she pulls down your shorts. 
“I thought… you’re on your period,” you say as Wanda lowers herself down your body. 
“But my mouth isn’t,” she says teasingly with a wink. You start to laugh but it quickly turns into a moan as she takes your throbbing cock into her mouth. She uses both of her hands to pump your dick as she sucks on the senstive tip. Then she deep throats you.
“Good girl,” you praise as she takes most of your cock into her mouth without gagging. Wanda rolls her eyes and pulls her mouth off of you.
“You watch too much porn,” she says as she strokes your dick. 
“That’s true,” you nod, “and you’re a good girl.” 
“Stop,” she tries to hide her smile. 
You thrust your hips up into her hand. You want to be inside of her so bad. You want to fuck her raw. You want to… “Ooohh fuuuck!!” You cum into Wanda’s hand, surprising the both of you. Of course you came to the idea of seeing her pussy leaking with your cum. Your cock twitches at the idea of eating your cum out of her pussy. 
Wanda smirks and looks at you teasingly, “Good girl.” 
“Do we really need to do this?” You ask halfway through your two hour drive to a restaurant in a town where you and Wanda don’t know anyone. 
“You said that you wanted to be exclusive and to be dating but that you’re not ready to tell Pietro yet. And until we tell Pietro, we can’t risk anyone else finding out about us. So,” she argues. The both of you were driving in separate cars because it seemed less suspicious. You even planned to come home at different times tomorrow. This hiding thing was starting to feel like a lot of work but Wanda is worth the trouble. 
“Okay, okay,” you grumble. 
When the two of you arrive in the small town, you meet at the hotel. You were planning on taking her to a nice dinner but when you saw her in the hotel room, you couldn’t help yourself. You had to fuck her on the bed, in the chair in the corner, against the bathroom sink, in the shower, against the windows, on the balcony, and even on the floor. 
The two of you are laying in post coital bliss in each others arms. “If I had known that loving you was going to be this amazing, I would have done it sooner.”
Wanda smile up at you and shakes her head slightly, “You forget, I kissed you once and you turned me away.”
“What? No I didn’t. When?”
“Prom night, we were both pretty drunk. You took my friend, um, Jennifer to the dance. I believe you and Raven had broken up, yet again.” Wanda laughs a bit at her comment on your on and off again relationship with Raven. You nod as you follow along with Wanda’s story, remembering the details that she is sharing. 
“Yeah, yeah, there was an after party at your family’s lake house right?” 
“Yes, and we had a moment alone by the water. It was actually one of our rare moments of not trying to kill each other. Honestly, even with the way it ended it’s still one of my fondest memories of you,” she admits as she traces shapes on your bare chest. 
“I’m kind of remembering it. We were down by the water, the canoe was next to us. It was pretty dark but the moon was shining pretty bright. I remember the water and I think one of us said something about how calm it was.” 
“Right, you said that. Amongst a few other deep things that made me see you as someone other than my brother’s slutty best friend,” she says as she leans into your touch. “I had a crush on you for a long time but that night I think is when I really started to fall for you. I kissed you and you pulled away faster than anyone ever had before. You didn’t say anything, you just got up and left. Then you pretended that I didn’t exist until halfway through freshman year when I started bringing around all of my pretty friends.” 
You sigh as you remember your behavior. “I’m sorry. There’s no excuse other than being a young scared idiot. But regardless, I am truley sorry.” 
Wanda shrugs, “It’s okay. I still love you.” 
You grin, her words causing your entire body to tingle, “I love you too.” 
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torukmaktoskxawng · 8 months
Hi I love your work! Would you have any sfw + nsfw relationship headcanons for So’lek x fem Sarentu Na’vi? I’m playing AFoP right now and I’m looking for crumbs in every in-game interaction lol
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Pairing: So'lek/Fem!Sarentu!Reader
Taglist: @mooniequeen @avatar-lover @neteyamsyawntu
Warnings: nsfw (will be under the cut), minors dni
A/n: Using my favorite picture I ever took while playing AFoP 💕 Imagine that's how he looked when you walked into the room.
Also, my first headcanon request! Yay!
This man trusts you with his life and therefore trusts you are safe and loyal to him, no matter how far or how long you two are apart. (Doesn't mean he trusts Eetu to keep his overconfident hands to himself)
You're constantly traveling and never in one place for long, and while he used to be the same way, he finds himself staying in a chosen few places for long periods of time so that you can easily find him.
While he isn't much for PDA, he's still Na'vi, and he is going to grab your tail, both publicly and privately.
After losing his own clan, he understands exactly what you need to finally and properly mourn the loss of the Sarentu. He gives you what he wished he could've accepted from others after the loss of his people.
Doesn't like it when people tease him about your love. He takes your relationship very seriously and doesn't see the teasing as lighthearted. Priya learns quickly that he's more broody if your relationship comes up in the conversation.
And it's not like he's ashamed of your relationship. He's very proud of it, thank you very much. Even though he isn't into PDA, he still properly courts you in Na'vi tradition like you deserve. He wants you to experience Na'vi traditions since you never had them growing up.
He forces himself to appreciate the Sky People's communication devices because they ease his worries when he's able to talk to you from long distances. Yes, he trusts you to be safe, but he can't trust the rest of Pandora to do the same.
Takes his role as Big Brother to the rest of the Sarentu (Ri'nela, Nor, and Teylan) very seriously since you clearly trust him to guide your family when you're traveling and away from home.
Nsfw (minors dni):
I've said it once, and I'll say it again, this man has ZERO shame when he's eating you out. He's hungry, and he's messy. He's not gonna care how loud or disgusting it sounds.
I wouldn't be surprised if he spent a whole night with his mouth between your legs. I doubt this man has had any action during his life of solitude and path of revenge, so he's going to make up for lost time. If he's craving your taste, you better let him ravage you.
He's one of those lovers who refuses to pleasure himself unless it's to pleasure you, your care and well-being first and foremost in his mind. He doesn't care if it physically hurts not being able to cum, he's going to make sure you cum first. Please please PLEASE give him just as much attention because he deserves it. 🙏
When you two finally mate and form tsaheylu, he's supporting your weight as he takes you up against the nearest tree, being as gentle as physically possibly even with your gummy walls hugging his cock so deliciously. It takes a lot of his strength and willpower not to rail you right away. Since you're bonding for the first time, he wants it to be prolonged and intense. He wants to take his time.
Another reason why he sometimes refuses to cum is because believe it not, he doesn't have a breeding kink. At least not yet. He's not oblivious of the world around you, and even in his frenzied need to have every part of you, he remembers the war and how it's no place to start a family, no matter how much the both of you might want it.
He refuses to budge on the matter, and you need to respect that boundary. So you try other ways to get him to cum. Having him fuck you between the thighs was the best idea since the human invention of sliced bread. He. Loves. It. You have to hold onto his tail because it's always thrashing wildly behind him as he grinds his leaking cock into the tight space where you clench your thighs.
This man has been so deprived that when he cums, he cums a lot. A LOT. It's a shame none if that goes inside you 🫣 what a shame.
Growls. Enough said.
Actually, no, not enough said. Growls between your legs and the vibration puts toys to shame.
Mating bites 🫦 but they're mostly hidden between your thighs, under your loincloth. You definitely feel them as you walk around, and that is one of the little things in life between you and him that gets So'lek to smile.
I will happily write more about this!
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sanjisboyfie · 1 year
one piece smau: dating sanji edition
— modern! au , so fun , slight nsfw bc sanji is funny like that ig LMFAO
— SANJI X MALE READER one of my favorite pairings to ever cross the universe
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liked by [name]s.chef, uso_pp, 9k others
lvrboy[name]: oh my god hes so fine someone give me this guys' number
-> dni_nami: no fucking way, why did this guy just leak his number TO HIS OWN BOYFRIEND
uso_pp: the day sanji doesn't comment in all caps to his boyfriends posts is the day the apocolypse comes
-> roro.zoro: fr why he always yelling at him....
-> freeluffy: sanji is so aggressive to his own boyfriend, should we help [name]? -> [name]s.chef: YOU MORONS HAVE NEVER BEEN IN LOVE AND IT SHOWS
-> uso_pp: ruhroh he angry
love.pudding: is he single?
[liked by lvrboy[name]]
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liked by freeluffy, dni_nami, boahancock, and 10k others
tagged: lvrboy[name]
dni_nami: never seen you smile that wide before
-> roro.zoro: i wish i never saw it, it's terrifying
-> [name]s.chef: i fucking hate you, dont interact with any of my posts you idiot
-> [lvrboyname]: holy shit whenever you guys breathe do you have to insult each other
-> [name]s.chef: I WON'T ANYMORE MY BABY
SUPERCOLA: do you guys remember when sanji said he hated [name] and rejected the idea of being in love with him.
-> lvrboy[name]: LMFAOAOOA
-> {name]s.chef: that wasnt me, that was my evil twin that was plotting on my downfall.
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liked by [name]s.chef, roro.zoro, and 10k others
lvrboy[name]: personal bottle boy <3
tagged: [name]s.chef
[name]s.chef: until the bed breaks. as many rounds as you want, any position you want, anything.
-> dni_nami: sanji please be fucking normal challenge
[liked by roro.zoro and 100 others]
dr.law: is this sanitary???
-> lvrboy[name]: deez nuts in your mouth are about to be sanitary
-> [name]s.chef: TELL HIM BABY TELL HIM !!!
-> dr.law: this shit doesnt even make sense ???
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liked by [name]s.chef, lvrboy[name], and 15k others
freeluffy: i can't eat when sanji is making out with [name] across from me. i'm never going out with these two again.
tagged: [name]s.chef and lvrboy[name]
uso_pp: LMFAO i thought it was known to never go out with sanji and [name]? sanji just ends up ignoring you and only paying attention to [name]
-> [name]s.chef: and that's the way it should be. who else should i pay attention to when my beautiful, handsome, erethral boyfriend is right in front of me?
robinkills: i have never heard luffy sound so serious before, what did you two do to him?
-> roro.zoro: probably traumatize him
lvrboy[name]: i'm sorry lu, i'll make it up to you sometime
-> freeluffy: pay for my meals on campus for a week straight :D
-> lvrboy[name]: i'll pay for it for two weeks, i'm really sorry luffy </3
roro.zoro: i think i vomitted in my mouth a little bit, happy for you guys ig.
-> lvrboy[name]: thank you...?
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liked by [name]s.chef, dr.law, and 10k others
lvrboy[name]: my bby in crop tops >>>
tagged: [name]s.chef
-> lvrboy[name]: i love you so much muah
SUPERCOLA: sanji and [name] stop making out challenge literally fucking impossible.
[liked by dni_nami, uso_pp, and 90 others]
-> skullnsoul: they're so funny
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liked by lvrboy[name], roro.zoro, and 14k others
[name]s.chef: my beautiful boy suprised me by preparing me food with his own recipe today, i think i could cry genuine tears. you guys don't understand how happy i am that i found him and am now able to call him mine. i will love [name] until my last breath. i am so, so lucky.
tagged: lvrboy[name]
uso_pp: okay i guess this was a cute post or whatever.
[liked by dni_nami, robinkills, and 100 others]
lvrboy[name]: sanji i'm gonna cry :< i love u sm too
-> [name]s.chef: pls dont cry my love
ttchopper: my favorite couple, you two are so sweet!
roro.zoro: cant even say anything mean, this is very heartwarming
-> lvrboy[name]: sanji won't tell you this but he giggled and kicked his feet when he read this.
lvrboy[name]'s story
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my boyfriend's so fucking sexy-
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darqx · 3 months
Some MORE BP/HH asks
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Yes there are! The Battle Monks deal with those ones.
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Yes it is! Or at least will be ╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ I've been doing a lot of thumbnailing and once i finish this chapter i can possibly start actually making some pages lol.
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His name is Zeke and he's a big (~6'8") demon softy who likes cooking :D And bacon 🥓
Is this chicken predominately supposed to be a pet or not cos BP!Zeke could very well just cook it.
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Of course you can (please give credit for BP and say its an OC tho)! I'm honored that you want to :D However until i get BP out and about i probably can't interact with any art/info of BP OCs because this could be a problem if they turn out to be similar to any of my planned events/characters.
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I kinda had no ideas for a doodle (sacrilege i know lol) but then remembered i had one doodle that I'm p sure never got put here.
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I used this pic to reply to a friend once and it became one of our chat emotes lol.
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He has a like...chateau/manor/whatever in the region that he rules over -nods- He doesn't live on Earth he just visits.
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If i were to put it succinctly lol:
The main gang are/become friends, Caleb p much dislikes/is indifferent to everyone but particularly hates Izm and vice versa, the demons generally try to avoid Rire if they realise who he is, and Rire finds at least two people rather interesting.
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Anon I'm also very confused about why you think bots(??) are a credible source of information |D; But to answer your question no he's not a demon.
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I hate to say this but the demons already have marks indicative of themselves so, those for them XD
.D would maybe have something like the BP logo, Wei Ren a book, and Marcus could have a heart of embers or something 🤔
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The demons I decided could hybridize with humans is actually somewhat random and based entirely on gut feeling lol. Half-breeds take more after the demon parent (as the genetics is stronger) but would have a lot less power than a full-fledged demon (and might be infertile, I haven't really thought about that aspect yet). Yes an abortion is possible.
All of my demon species have specific phenotypes. Eg Caleb's species has several different eye colours they can have, Caleb's happens to be green. If/when I make enough demon species I did have a tentative plan to make a field guide about them \o/
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HH only ever existed as random one shots and stuff on my DA so if you were looking for like a webcomic you would be sorely disappointed lol.
To be fair to myself it DID actually have somewhat of a storyline but i never actually got around to it |D
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LMAO XDD Ok, ok but listen if this happened it would only ever happen ONCE because omg have you ever had hair caught in your mouth? It is, the worst XD
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Nope it is an all boys boarding school
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It is a generally normal high school so normal high school subjects would apply haha, you know, things like English, Science, Maths, Art, Sport, Languages and various sub catergories etc.
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contumacious-arcadia · 2 months
oooo ooooo OOOOOO!
What if Al was actually the original redeemed sinner and *that's* where he was for those 7 years? What if he actually did die again 7 yrs back but was appalled when he reincarnated in heaven and immediately started a campaign to be sent back? What if he accidentally redeemed himself by murdering all those other Overlords?
We can see just how abusive and sadistic Overlords can be towards the souls they own by looking at Val's character. If you contrast that with what we've seen in Husk/Nifty/Al's interactions, despite owning their souls and being a snarky little shit towards Husk (and scaring him a bit when he brings up Al's deal), Al never once actually hurts them and arguably provides them with a comfortable, relatively safe, and happy life in the hotel. These interactions are in present day, but we have been given no evidence to show that he ever treated them differently. On the contrary, when Al shows back up in the pilot, Husk immediately bitches at him when he is ordered to bartend - back-talking to his soul's owner with no hesitation and no fear. It stands to reason that he's comfortable doing so because Al's treatment of him has been the same since they made their deal.
In the context of hell, Al's rise to power seems to have had an accidental side effect of killing the super bad guys, saving sinners from an eternity of abuse and torture, and providing them with a much better contract. Like, *MUCH* better. No more rape, torture, druggings, mind control, etc... Al's obviously not a saint, but in this context, he may have been pretty close to hell's version of one.
If this is the case, Al obv would have *hated* being in heaven and likely immediately took it upon himself to attempt returning to hell BUT heaven obv wouldn't be cool with just letting him fall because they would *not* want hell finding out that redemption is possible. (Remember, in this scenario Al was redeemed 7 years prior to the show's pilot.) What if THAT's what his deal was? What if the deal was: either heaven just murders him on the spot -or- they allow him to fall back to hell in his original sinner form BUT ONLY if he agrees to have his angelic powers bound and is contractually sworn to silence about anything that happened during those 7 years?
This would work SO well. It would also answer a lot of questions about Al's character and actions. For example:
-Where was Al during those missing 7 years? Heaven. Likely imprisoned. -Who owns his soul? Again, heaven. Likely either Sera or an Archangel like Micheal. (I like the idea that it's Micheal, and that Mikey is Luci's twin, pouring more fuel on the fire on the immediate Al x Luci hate train.) -Why does Al state redemption is impossible as if it's a fact and not just an assumption? His deal forces him to keep redemption a secret so he is literally contract-bound to verbally disregard the idea. -Why does he still help the hotel then? Because he's pissed that heaven roped him into a deal WAY more favorable to them. Even though he can't outright state that redemption is possible, he can push Charlie's project along and hope she is the one who blows up heaven's big secret for him. It's revenge, baby! -Why does Zestial make comments about Al falling into "holy arms" when this is seemingly the first interaction between the two since Al's disappearance? Zestial suspects what happened. Maybe he witnessed Al's double-death 7 yrs ago, maybe he overheard some gossip from exorcists during an extermination, maybe something else. -Why doesn't Al use angelic weapons during his battle with Adam, especially since HE is the one who brought that knowledge to the hotel in the first place? He is overconfident because he too is actually a fallen angel, but he fails because his angelic powers are still bound. It is the pride ring after all. -Why does Al sing about "unclipping his wings" during his panic attack/loss to Adam? It's literal. He's pissed that he's been stripped of a massive boon to his power set and double-pissed that heaven seemingly has "beaten" him again. -Why does Al claim that he will be "pulling all the strings" once his wings have been unclipped? Because he is literally proof-positive redemption is possible and therefore, to his knowledge, would basically be a living weapon against heaven's authority. Remember, at this point no one is aware of Pentious' redemption.
I'm sure there's more! Anywho, my brain ran off on this tangent for some unknown reason. Al's just such a fun character to theorize about. Now, I don't believe this will actually happen in the show (it's probably a simple answer like "Lilith owns his soul, duh"), but we can dream! If any writers out there are looking for fic ideas and find my little rant interesting, PLS take this and run with it! I would LOVE to read something like this <3
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triannel · 20 days
hello!!<3 if you don't want to write this it’s okay, but then please reply to this post somehow because damn otherwise i end up waiting like a hachiko ;(
how about bill and reader had a deal but eventually their interactions developed into some kind of relationship (?). i don't know, in short bill became very attached to the reader but something happened and they had a fight which cancelled the deal
time passed and bill still couldn't forget reader. and now, already being in a mental hospital, bill is sitting in general therapy in a circle with everyone else, with an empty look at the floor "i don't want to be here, they made me" in his eyes, and then suddenly one of the therapists says: "so, i want to introduce you to a new patient: y/n!"
bill, hearing this name, is shocked because how did this even happen, and the reader just smiled
ps english is not my first language i'm writing this by translation, sorry for mistakes i love you❤️
Greetings and here! I've made the reader more powerful on this one and don't worry about your grammar, it doesn't bother me at all.
After making a deal with the devil, it was fine for a while. You were one of the few powerful beings in the 3rd dimension. Giving insight on possible areas on earth and other planets that might be weak enough to tear through Bill's location is the deal you've made with him.
You give insight and he will in turn return the favor afterwards. The deal made with him will be interesting though as for the first time in a long while he's the one who will have to wait for your word. Usually he's the one to always state what the deal will be about and what he will give in return. But this time you're the one stating what he will give in return.
The longer the deal went on, you couldn't exactly make up your mind at the moment so of course Bill will start to suggest possible ways he could be of use to you just to make sure that you are not going to back out on the deal. He's not useless! He's an all seeing being! He knows lots of things remember? Why would you ever think of backing out?
The longer it went on, the more you managed to form quite a bond with this devil. Often will he be by your side, wondering when you'll finally tell him what you need, and he will keep on trying to convince you of the possible things he could do for you.
Soon he does start to fall head over heels for you but unfortunately you couldn't say the same. You decided that the best thing he could do for you is to possibly bring back your dead lover.
Of course he will be distraught by this, and would most likely try to bargain what he should instead do. Once you do question why, he would become very defensive and soon this will end the deal between the two of you.
No way, no how will he do that. He can't be replaced- both of you aren't even in an established romantic relationship...but he just can't bear the thought of losing you over someone already dead.
In the end though both of you separate, leaving a bitter taste on his end and just a confusing one on yours.
You never really did notice his passing glance and extremely charming comments, you were simply contemplating on wether it was a good idea to even ask of him to bring back your dead lover.
After a few years though, you end up in a mental health facility. Surprisingly Bill is there too. Sitting on a char amongst other patient, a bored and depressed look looms over his face as he stared at the ground.
As the facilitators introduce you, once he hears your name he jolts up, awake and excited to see you.
Walking to the conveniently empty chair beside him, you sit down comfortably. You don't exactly hold a grudge against him, since you haven't exactly held up the part of your deal as he did break it up before you even had the chance to discover an area suitable to tear through.
It will be awkward at first but over time perhaps the both of you will end up talking like you did before the 'break-up'. It will be hard for him to explain the outburst though so you need to be patient with him as he come to terms to the possible embarrassment he may have as he would ultimately confess his feelings to you.
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I have to ask the question of:
Cuddle headcanons you can pick the links.
Cuddling with Time,Hyrule and Legend
He is the worst cuddler you'll ever meet in your life
This man doesn't know how to cuddle
He's never had much positive physical interactions and he's socially stunted due to his isolating environment
When the closest thing you've had to cuddling were cult members holding you down trying to sacrifice you for their leader, you tend to not be all that great with touching in general.
This guy is awkward as awkward gets with just hand holding let alone cuddling
He'll be stiff as a board just kinda laying there letting you do your thing when you first try to cuddle him
He doesn't know what to do with his hands so he keeps them at the side but he'll occasionally bring them up to give you a few pats.
It's completely awkward and silent
It feels like your hugging a manikin more than cuddling with a person
He's just looking straight up while you're laying on top of him & he's just trying he's hardest to learn to relax into it but he's just not.
He just isn't, I am sorry
He'll start overthinking the whole time he's trying to figure out how to do it
He might be sweating a bit 
Oh hylia, is he sweating?
Is he supposed to sweat? 
Is that normal during cuddles? 
But it's only been 1 minute 30 seconds in, oh shit does he smell now? I mean he always kinda smells but he doesn't want to be THAT smelly, wait what if you're just putting up with his bad BO this whole time and you're suffocating now
Wait no he took a bath in the creek two hours ago or was it two weeks ago?? Oh hylia suddenly he can't remember??
Wait, is he suffocating you? What if you're already passed out? Why aren't you moving? Why aren't you making any noise?? Hold on, is it supposed to be this awkward? Is it supposed to be this quiet??? Can people die from bad  BO?Maybe he should just end thi-
And then he feels you shift in your position and suddenly you're both on your sides as you guide his arms around your shoulders then moved yours to wrap around his abdomen 
Oh this is different
And suddenly he relaxes a bit and leans in with his chin resting on the top of your head
This isn't so bad
As he breathes in inhaling your scent he allows his arms to wrap around you gently
“I'm not suffocating you right?” He asks
“no, you're not” you tell him as you lean in closer to him snuggling into his arms
“You smell nice by the way” you whisper to him
His body goes laxed into your embrace as a small smile creeps up on his face
It'll take him a while to get use to this but if you're patient enough he'll get there
Absolutely not
He doesn't do cuddles
He doesn't do hugs or any touchy feely stuff with anyone really 
Don't even think about touching him if he doesn't know you or you aren't close and even then that's still a shot in the dark to even think he'll open up to the idea of cuddles 
He used to be a lot more open about physical affection in the past before life beat him into being a prickly jerk, but now? You'll have to catch him dead before he's shown being sugary sweet to anyone in a 100yrd radius
You would have to be someone who's REALLY special to legend or a very young child since he has a soft spot for kids but even then that's still a maybe 
It's not that he doesn't want to be affectionate it's just he has his own way of showing he cares without getting mushy & that usually involves sarcastic comments or witty banter
A lot of nudges with his elbow, an arm over your neck & shoulders,some pats on the back or maybe a slight playful punch is what you're really all going to get out of Legend 
He's built up a big hardened shell around him & physical intimacy just kinda breaks it all down leaving him exposed 
He doesn't like feeling vulnerable and exposed 
So he avoids it like the plague
He sees his vulnerability as a weakness and is disgusted by it to the core so he stuffs it away where no one can find it
But he's a complete tsundere & secretly wants it but at the same time doesn't want to get it
So if you want to cuddle with him you'll have to be someone he feels he can trust with everything that he is
You're going to have to slowly build you're way up before you start cuddling with him 
You start off with hand brushes, light shoulder pats, a hand on his forearm when your leading him somewhere
Move your hands down to holding his fingers,not exactly holding his hand but the touch is enough get him use to your hold before moving to hold his palms then the next thing you know you're holding hands with legend without much protest
You'll have to keep up that steady rhythm before you get to the cuddling stage
All while this is happening he lets you do it & he doesn't realize just how touch starved he is for more
He's a bit stiff and awkward once you do cuddle for the first time, he's not as bad as Hyrule but it's been a LOOOONG time since he's been this intimate with anyone in years.
He'll be tense at first but after a few minutes he leans into it as you both hold each other close while cuddling
His face might blush a bit at how close you're being but he's absolutely smiling softly like an idiot during the whole ordeal
Don't make fun or tease him about it if this is your first because he WILL get up & leave
Don't test him
I am serious
It feels soft & warm while your holding him
His head is resting on your chest listening to your heartbeat as you play with his hair
His eyes lull a bit and he feels at peace, like he's relaxing a muscle he's been tensing this entire time.
“I'll kill you if you tell anyone about this” he says but his soft tone of speaking betrays his attempt at sounding threatening
All you do is give a slight hum of agreement to him not paying any mind as you continue to stroke his hair by the fire at the cabin inn.
It's uncomfortably comfortable when your cuddling with Time with his armor
Despite the cold metallic pokes against your skin as you’re resting against his chest this wasn't all that bad
Time a pretty reserved person when it comes to physical affection which only gets shown to people he sees as family or mange to warm their way into his heart
You’d have to be someone really high on his list of love ones to get accesses to cuddle privileges from
He usually tends to keep his arms to himself with only a small burst of physical affection occasionally when the moment called for it and even then it's limited to a select few
He’s not as rigid or stiff as you’d expect him to be due to his stoic demeanor while cuddling
In fact he's actually surprisingly good at this whole cuddling business then maybe even you
He grew up in a forest full of children and Malon where hugging and cuddling was very the norm
Despite his dark past and somewhat limited experience with affection he’s still always been someone who’s had a knack for being comforting when the moment is needed
When he takes his armor off the cuddling experience gose from a 6/10 to a 100/10
But you only get Time without his armor cuddles at night,early mornings or when your resting in a town
If you want cuddles suddenly throughout the day you’re going to have to deal with cold edgy metal against your face, Hylia forbid the summer sun hits and the metal is burning against your skin
If anyone at all tries to make any snide remarks about your cuddling he’s shutting it down in half a second
It will be a cold day in hell before he allows someone to embarrass you or him out of your special time together
He can be a bit goofy while cuddling,it's the only few times he’s got his guard down and just relaxes
He’ll poke and tickle your sides to make you laugh, this sometimes devolves from cuddling into a semi wrestling tickle fight
If your someone he’s got a bit of a romantic interest in, he’ll sometimes lightly blow a breath behind your ear and tease you a bit to get you flustered but won't go too far if he’s making you uncomfortable
After all he’s a menace not a creep
He’ll rub small circles on your lower and upper back while your resting your head against his chest 
You'll feel his strong fingers press into the knots and a few satisfying pops can be heard
He does this throughout your spine & you feel your muscles ease against his touches
It doesn't matter how long the cuddle session is or how in shape you are, as soon as it's over your back always feels 10x better than it did before you came
You swear he’s using magic but it's just a few tricks he’s learned in his travels to help with his own back issues
His favorite positions are any where he has you under him or against his chest
He likes the feeling of being able to survey you as it feeds into his protective habits
If you fall asleep while cuddling that's all the better because it shows you trust him enough to watch over you and you feel comfortable enough to feel at ease in his embrace
Unfortunately cuddling with time is far and few, he’s a busy guy having to take care of a group of rowdy adventurers so any intimate one on one time has to wait in the back burner until the right moment arrives
So any cuddle time you get is spent in 20 minutes to an hour,maybe half a day if a miracle like that somehow happens 
Treasure the seconds you have with him because once it's over you're not going to know if you'll get it back again in 40 minutes or 40 days later
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lxvebun · 2 years
whisper of the heart
synopsis: genshin boys voicelines about you!
content: Kaeya/Ayato/Xiao/Heizou/Gorou/Arataki/Zhongli x gender neutral reader (so they/them pronouns used) Fluff! Mentions of kissing. Slightly possessive Ayato and Zhongli (but still healthy ofc) English is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes.
dark blogs, k¡nk and ed blogs do not interact or lose all your 50/50s and I will also knock your teeth in<3
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About y/n:
"Ah so you've met the lovely Y/n already. I'm not surprised they're quite hard to miss. Such a radiant smile and kind heart. I've had to fend off many people that were ready to throw themselves at them. Why? Well, because they are with me of course! What, you into them as well?"
About eyepatch:
"Y/n is one of the few people who have seen me without my eyepatch. Hm? How did they respond? Well, they didn't. I appreciate that. It makes it a lot more tolerable to walk around without my eyepatch knowing that what's beneath doesn't make a difference. What's beneath it? Wouldn't you like to know"
About vision:
"Did you know our visions are in tune with our emotions? There are plenty of fingertips and footprints scorched into the walls and floors of the dawn winery hehe. I sometimes unintentionally freeze parts of items I'm holding. Now that we're talking about it, it always happens when y/n enters my view...how strange"
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Possessive ayato? Possessive ayato
About y/n:
"Y/n? Did Thoma tell you about them? I'm not surprised. If Thoma is not around the estate you can be sure he's feeding the stray dogs and cats with Y/n. I wish I could join them but alas I'm needed elsewhere most of the time. If you'd like, I can ask y/n to go feed the dogs and cats with you sometime. But remember as lovely as they are, they are indeed my partner, so don't get any ideas"
About free time:
"As head of the kamisato clan, free time is not something I have an abundance of. Once I finished one pile of papers, Thoma is already handing me the next *sigh* It can be tiring but my dear y/n is able to make those long days a little easier. Just seeing them smile energizes me. I often request them to stay with me a little while longer when I finish some papers. I wouldn't know what to do without them"
About vision:
"Visions are indeed in tune with our emotions, though it's rarely visible to others since they're not quite spectacular. I have noticed I subconsciously start creating little water flowers on y/ns skin whenever we have some sort of physical contact. Many times when we are holding hands, they start building up along their arms. Im glad Y/n doesn't mind, they are quite pretty and I can't say I hate it when I see them walk around Inazuma adorned with my flowers.
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About y/n:
"Y/n? Yeah what's with them? Do I know them well? I do they are, ,,they are my partner. Don't look so surprised! I can't believe I'm deserving of them either."
Kiss him rn:(
About flowers
"Y/n and I often go flower picking through Liyues mountains. While I don't know where they get the energy to race from mountain top to mountain top, as long as it makes them happy, I'm happy. That said, the flower crowns they make are quite beautiful. Do I wear them? Of course."
About vision:
"I've learned to control most of the elemental energy originating from our visions but, as embarrassing as it is to say, i've lost control of them multiple times around Y/n. there have been multiple occasions of anemo whisps dancing around them or *sigh*, dashing into them when I desire physical contact. They think it's sweet but...nevermind, I suppose that makes it alright.
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About y/n:
"Ah yes Y/n! They are quite lovely don't you think? You know, the first time I met them something inside of me just knew they were my soulmate, and unsurprisingly I dreamed about them that night! Once I finally managed to talk to them we immediately felt the spark. We've been together ever since :)"
About cases:
"Although I'm good at solving cases, if I do say so myself, I do like requesting Y/n to help me. Of course, I’d never take them with me on dangerous cases, but the more ahem peculiar ones such as " a certain Oni has been seen walking around Hanamizaka challenging children to onikabuto duels' ' it's fun to bring them along. "
About visions:
"Ah yes, every user's vision is in tune with their emotions. Mine are a little more controllable than most users. Sometimes little puffs of air flow from my fingertips, Y/n enjoys it when I'm stroking my hand through their hair or giving them a gentle breeze on a hot day. Gotta be careful I don't accidentally make the flow too strong tho"
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About y/n
"Oh you have met Y/n? Well, what did you think of them? They’re sweet right! They told you about us? No no I don’t mind! I just didn’t expect them to be so open and excited to tell you. I know it's wagging Stop looking at my tail!"
About headpats:
"Though many try, I don't let anyone touch my ears, or my tail,,,except for y/n of course. Many times in the past, when I was younger, people always tugged on my tail or pinched my ears so I was really nervous when Y/n wanted to touch them. I'm glad I let them. They're always soft and delicate with any pets and it feels good to know they like me for me and everything that I am. They also know the exact right places to scratch!"
About visions:
Shirou is the lil dog with gorous skill btw
"Lets not talk about that. There have been an embarrassing amount of times where I had to hold back shirou  from pressing a plethora of kisses to y/n's face. He only does that when I'm holding back on affection. Not because I don't like it! more so because I get nervous, but now it's either breaking through that nervousness or getting a leash for shirou.."
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Arataki Itto
About y/n:
"Haha I see you’ve met my number one! They’re great, they are always up for onikabuto fights, they get along great with granny even the gang adores them? Jealous? Why would I be jealous? The gang, no no they wouldn't try anything, I mean yeah y/n is great and sweet, kind, admirable, strong…..perhaps I should have a meeting with the gang, just to be sure ya know"
About being an oni:
"Hey hey hey what do ya think about my horns! check it out freshly painted by the lovely y/n haha!! Yeah, y/n always paints my horns! Sometimes I just let them decide what color they're going to be, even walked around with pastel pink ones for a while. Im glad that they're so comfortable with me being an oni. the differences in size, strength and well the horns of course can scare quite a few people off or archons forbid make them start throwing beans AGH. Not my dear y’n though! even if I accidentally poke them with my horns sometimes, they still press a kiss to them each moring:))"
About visions
"Sometimes, I think Ushi likes y/n more than me. I know right! They’re always cuddling together which I mean they should be doing with me but anyways, or Ushi is sitting on their lap which is also my place....... but I like that they get along so well. Ushi has been my rock for a long time so it's nice to see them together.
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I couldnt think of a vision one :(
About y/n:
"Oh you want to know more about y/n and me? Of course, i’d love to tell you about our story. My dear love y'n and I go a long long way back. Come sit down I will brew you some tea as I tell you about them"
About Morax:
"Though I have walked around in this form for a while now, some old habits are quite hard to shed, more specifically the hoarding and protecting of treasure. But I also think it’s a normal response to want to protect whats yours no? As you can see our home is decorated with little shiny trinkets that I found during my many years in Teyvat. Here! this a very special crystal I found a millenia ago, Dug it out of the ground myself. Of course you can touch it. The protectiveness? Oh that only happens when y/n is around"
Dragon!zhongli? Kiss me.
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Thank you for reading bunnies!<3 I hope you liked it!
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withleeknow · 9 months
HAII! i’m so happy to hear you’re opening requests, your writing is incredible !!
if you remember my idea with the dancing, as you said a short thing, could you write something similar to that maybe?
if not, lee know and yn play truth or dare together one night, “do it, i dare” what happens is free for you to decide 😊
devastate me.
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pairing: minho x reader genre/warnings: brother's best friend au, mutual pining, kinda fluffy?, kinda angsty?; tbh idek if this makes sense bc my apologies, i finished it at almost 3 in the morning in a delirious state of mind lol, unedited @.@ word count: 0.7k note: hi strawberry!! i chose to do the second one bc i wasn't sure if i could do your original justice with just a quick drabble, but i hope you like this one regardless!! merry christmas heheheh <;33
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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what is lee minho?
to many, he's wonderfully charming, handsome, insanely smart and funny to the point that it's almost annoying, because how on earth can someone have it all just like that? he's kind and sweet. honest and gentle. the perfect man.
to you, he's all of those things and more. much more.
he's the person that you've been in love with for as long as you can remember. the person whose name you will forever associate with the longing of first love. it's beautiful, but it's pain nonetheless.
he's forbidden fruit, the one you want the most but can't possibly have.
your brother's best friend.
if that's the case, if he's off limits to you and you're off limits to him, then why does he have a hand on the wall next to your head, looming over your body with the intensity of a predator? why is he caging you between his arms in the middle of a hallway, at a party in a stranger's house, where anybody could walk by and see you? why are his hips pressed against yours, blurring a line that could be never uncrossed if you take that step? why is he leaning in until you could feel the warmth of his breath on your skin, until your lips are brushing, so close and yet... so far away?
you know why, and it's possibly the worst thing that you could ever be aware of.
that as much as you're in love with him, he's in love with you too.
you feel it every time his eyes fall on you from across the room. every time his touch lingers on your skin from the simplest of interactions. every time he softens when you’re around. every time you’re alone together and he bites his tongue, swallowing down the words you wish he would say - the words you wish you could tell him yourself.
your voice comes out as a mere whisper. "what are you doing?"
maybe it's because you both have had something to drink. maybe it's just simply liquid courage.
“when are we going to stop pretending that there’s nothing going on between us?” he asks, voice dropping low, husky. it sounds a little vulnerable, just like you.
there’s no point in denying it. the truth is clear as day.
“we can’t,” you say.
“why not?”
“you know why.”
minho sighs, then clenches his jaw before he speaks next, frustration laced into every syllable. “i don’t care what anyone else thinks. i just want you.”
“fuck,” he interrupts, leaning his forehead to rest against yours, his fingers holding onto your waist more tightly. “i love you.”
you place a hand on his chest, meaning to push him away but then you find his heartbeat under your palm instead, hammering against his chest like it wants to escape from his body.
in a split second of weakness, a split second where the logical part of your brain falters, your eyes flicker to his lips.
and minho, ever the sharp observer even in a state of mild inebriation, notices.
“do it,” he mutters, his words a stark contrast to the helpless tone that he says them with. “i dare you.”
a shaky inhale from you, an almost pleading look from him. even when he's practically begging you, he's handing you all control. to say no if that's what you really want. to leave and dismiss everything as just some stupid joke later on, and go back to revolving around each other in secret, like a couple of powerless fools.
your fingers grip his shirt, because goddamn, of course you want it. you've never wanted anything in your entire life more than you want him. you already have one foot in already, half a mind to blow it all the way to hell and deal with the fallout when the time comes.
you catch his eyes once more, and the sincerity in his galaxy shakes you to the core.
fuck it.
you pull him in, obliterating the gap.
i love you, but you’re telling him in a different way.
so, if someone were to ask you again: what is lee minho?
he’s a lot of things. charming, handsome, smart, funny. the person you love, the very one that you can’t have. the answer is pretty much the same.
but most of all, lee minho is devastating.
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan @moonlinos
all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 24.12.2023]
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wordstome · 9 months
the very first night (ntwdt pt 2)
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tell me that you hate it hate that i'm no longer in your reach if i can't hear you say it maybe you can't change it, but if you never if you never put it on the line how am i gonna sign for it?
alpha colonel König x beta ex-lover reader
2nd person, no y/n, she/her pronouns, reader's callsign is Eden, reader speaks French, omegaverse, exes to lovers, fraternization, fantasy version of military protocol, probable incorrect use of "copy"
2.2k words
tw: mentions of dead bodies and vague violence, dirty talk, könig is in rut but no actual sex happens, mention of grinding
Do you guys still even remember this au??? 😅 I'm back to writing this fic with this specific format just like the last time I had bad writer's block. I'm sorry that I basically made you guys take a poll and then immediately disregarded the results :( metalhead König is going to be the next one published, and then kosovo maiden. Anyway, this is less of a foray into the omegaverse as it is into exploring a married couple's dynamic. Forgive me if it's inaccurate, I've never been married. (Several of the people who will probably read this are married so...I might be really embarrassing myself here lol)
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“Two on your six, O’Conor.”
König watches as his colleague takes down his pursuants with practiced ease. “Good to have someone watching over me, Eden.” the man roughs into his comms.
“It was my pleasure, Declan.”
“Can you two keep the flirting off the main comms?” Fender huffs. König hears O’Conor snort before the line goes quiet.
“Steady,” Horangi says next to him.
“What?” König says.
“You’re breathing like an angry bull. It’s unnerving.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“It’s obvious you’re mad O’Conor’s flirting with your ex-wife.”
“She’s not—“ König lets out a sigh of defeat and tips his head away from the scope. “She can do whatever she wants. I’m not her keeper.”
“Right, which is why you’re white-knuckling your rifle and giving off the most furious pheromones I've ever felt."
König gives his friend a deadly side eye. “Can I help you?”
“Nah. Just confirming what I already know”, Horangi answers, unbearably smug.
König rolls his eyes and returns to the task at hand.
The two of you avoid each other, mostly.
When you’re forced to interact, it's with stiff professionalism. Cold and distant. The way it was when it was really, really bad.
You spend your time becoming closer to the other operators. O'Conor, for one, is someone you find yourself growing close to. In your line of work, it's usually not a good idea to get too attached to someone who may not see the next day, but it's part of your job to know these people now.
They're so competent that you can ignore the obvious, anyway.
König's always been competent, but watching him work nowadays is strange, like watching a remake of a nostalgic childhood film.
His movements are the same. He flicks his wrist the same way, with a heartbeat's worth of pause before the movement. Him taking cover, leaning with that awful posture you always got on his case about.
But everything about him is more ruthless, more efficient. The unrefined brutality of his youth is replaced with a honed precision that is foreign to you.
It stings, though you know the feeling has no right to exist.
You can't keep yourself from reminiscing about the past, when everything about him was familiar. When you knew him so well, it was enough to save both your lives.
"We've lost comms with König."
Your heart drops into your throat. You've been on several ops with him at this point, but this has never happened before.
"What do you mean you've lost comms?"
"He's not responding."
"What?" Fear grips your heart at everything that implies.
"He's in your building, Eden. Find him and extract. Copy."
You move slowly, like ice is flowing through your veins. "Copy."
You will yourself to calm down. Lost communications doesn't mean anything but lost communications. Panicking that you're going to encounter his body will only ensure you end up as a corpse as well. Besides, who could ever take down a man like that, tall like a giant and quick like a viper as he is?
If you had lost comms, what would you do? Re-establish them, of course. Pick your way out of the building and do everything in your power to reconnect with your team. From where König entered, he'd be exiting the building on the east side. You turn to head that way, then hesitate.
König's not you, though. He's not like any other member of the team. Proud, arrogant, vicious König, far more so than other alphas. You used to be afraid of him while he was at work, but eventually you came to realize that was simply how he was in his element—a different persona he wore to battle. As much as you wished he would be sensible and take the safe route, König would never take the safe route. He'd be carrying on the mission on his own, moving towards the target at the center of the building.
But he's a professional. No matter how good he is at what he does, he's not a one-man army, and he knows the right thing to do would be to extract. It's a gamble. If you head towards the east exit and he's not there, you could be losing precious time to find him. But if you head towards the center, you could be walking right into a fight you can't win and become overwhelmed.
You let out a shaky breath and attempt to calm your mind. What would he do? What is he thinking? If you make the wrong call, if you don't know your lover as well as you think you do, one of you won't be walking out of here. You close your eyes and think.
You open them with newfound determination and turn towards the center of the building.
You'd been right, of course, judging by the fallen enemies you find as you move through the hallways. But you don't allow yourself to feel sure until the moment you lay eyes on him, securing the target—a hard drive containing sensitive information.
"König!" you hiss, just as he whips towards you, gun drawn. He relaxes when he sees it's only you. Despite the fraught situation you're in, you can't help yourself from dashing towards him and burying your face into his chest in a hug.
"Eden," he says, his relief evident.
"You stupid motherfucker," you hiss. "You should have extracted the moment your comms cut out."
His eyes crinkle up behind his mask the way they always do when he smiles. "You knew I wouldn't."
"Yes, because I am burdened with being one of the few people on this earth who knows you like the back of my hand. Atlas holding up the sky," you grumble.
"I know you're relieved to see me," he responds, joy evident in his tone.
You let out a sigh. "Can we just get out of here?"
"Aye-aye, captain."
You could do without those memories, you think whenever the two of you trade clipped exchanges during ops now.
König still has traces of the arrogance of his youth, but it shows through less now. He's wiser, more patient and far less reckless.
You catch yourself admiring how good of a leader he's become. His connection with his teammates is like muscles flexing a hand.
You're no longer a part of that nervous system.
In fact, he's always catching you off guard now.
The energy in the common area is weird today.
You can’t quite put your finger on it. It’s like everyone’s walking on eggshells, but at the same time, nobody’s mood seems to be that affected. It’s like you’re all mice living in someone’s walls: going about business as usual, but with some looming threat casting a pall over everything.
“Is it just me or does the energy on base feel off today?” you ask Calisto.
“Oh. Yeah, that. Don’t worry about it,” she says. She swings open the refrigerator and pulls out coffee creamer. “No need for concern. König’s in rut.”
You do a double take. “He is?”
“Yeah.” She’s casual about it as she dumps cream and sugar into her coffee. “Usually he has a pretty light rut—he just gets testy and irritated. But for some reason this time is bad.” She offers you the cream, but you shake your head. “Don’t know what’s up with him, but he had to barricade himself in his room. His scent is driving people up the wall.”
You stare at the table in front of you. It can’t be a coincidence that König’s rut gets worse as soon as you’re near him again, can it?
When you look up, Horangi is staring at you from across the room. Slowly, he raises his mug to his lips, never once taking his eyes off of you.
You swallow the lump in your throat.
Calisto was right. The scent is overwhelming, but it's also familiar. You can't blame the others for avoiding the area. If you'd never dealt with him in this state before, you'd be hightailing it out of there too. Which is why you're doing this despite...everything.
You hover outside his door, trying to gather yourself, or work up the nerve to knock, or anything. It doesn’t matter in the end, though.
“I can smell you, liebling,” comes his voice, deep and growling and verging on feral. A shiver runs up your spine. You haven’t been called that in a long, long time.
“I only came here to bring you things. Water and…snacks.” you stammer, instantly hating yourself for how weak you sound.
“All these years later…and you still smell the same.” He blows right past your feeble little excuse, not even dignifying it with a response.
“I’m just here to check on you,” you murmur.
“Is that so.” You gasp as you hear a loud thud against the door from the other side. Oh God, it’s him, his body heat almost burning through the wood, pressed so close that you can hear his heaving breaths. “How kind of you.”
“It’s the least I can do, considering…”
“Considering it’s your fault I’m like this in the first place?”
Your legs feel weak. “Yes.”
His voice is silky, dangerous despite the barely restrained lust behind it. “Good girl.”
“That’s not fair,” you whisper.
“That’s a shame. You used to like it when I called you that. Still do, according to my nose.”
You wish he wasn’t right, but he is. You’re so slick that you’re soaking your underwear.
“Do you want the water or not?”
“Are you going to come with it?”
“Because I promise you, if you’re still standing there when I open this door, you will get fucked against it.” He sounds like a savage animal snapping his jaws in hunger, and fuck, your body feels hot and weak in response. Every cell in your body is screaming out for you to throw open that door and let him fuck you limp. If you told him to break down the door, you’re sure that he would.
“You can’t say that anymore,” you whisper, hating the words as they leave you.
That seems to bring König back to rationality. You can picture him now on the other side of the door, shoulders slumping as he withdraws back into himself. "I...I'm sorry."
You slide down to sit on the ground with your back to the door, gripping a water bottle in a clenched fist. "It's like no time has passed at all, huh?"
You hear him let out a shaky breath, clearly trying to collect himself and bite back words he can't say. "Yeah."
That's the thing, isn't it? Your biology and his got the two of you into this situation in the first place. Very little of that has changed. Even though you've grown distanced in your minds, your bodies haven't forgotten the connection.
You're still struggling with how to feel about that. So much of your life has been dictated by what your body needs and wants. You've spent just as much time bucking against those needs and wants, so much that it feels like second nature.
"All of this...it takes me back. Do you remember the first night I spent with you during a rut?" you say. For a while you don't think he's heard you, but then he responds.
"How could I forget? It's my most embarrassing memory."
"I swore I would never let something like that happen again."
You giggle a little. "It was cute, for what it's worth." That first time, you'd come prepared with water and food, just like you had tonight, prepared for a long night full of...strenuous exercise. Instead, König had gotten so overwhelmed at his first rut with a partner that he came by just grinding on your leg and immediately fell into a 12-hour sleep.
"Yeah, you've said that. Doesn't make me cringe any less."
"And I'll say it again, it wasn't as bad as you think it is." You idly trace the cap of the water bottle with a fingertip. "There's no shame between us."
Another long pause before he responds. "Was."
A dull, throbbing pain nestles itself below your sternum.
"It...doesn't have to be past tense," you put forth tentatively.
"Doesn't it? We've gone right back to being strangers. You're still on the other side of the door."
You bite your lip. You can't deny that, nor the distance that's grown between the two of you.
This is all happening too fast. You don't know if you want to close the gap. You don't know if you're ready to make amends, after what happened.
"You're in no condition to have this conversation," you say, to distract both him and yourself.
"Conversation with you is hard to come by nowadays."
"Well...let's change that. Starting when your rut's over. Let's try talking like normal people again." This time, you don't know if you can blame your stupid biology for the relief you feel saying that. Maybe this time it's nothing but you and your treacherous heart.
You hear a thump against the door, but not an aggressive one. More like he's leaned his head against it. "I guess we have to start somewhere."
More silence. Then he speaks again, his voice tremulous.
"Can you stay? It's easier when you're here."
You swallow, your mouth gone dry like a desert. You can barely manage your next two words. "Of course."
The rest of the night is quiet, but you know he's there. At one point, you can even hear his steady, even breathing. Somewhere along the way, you notice that your breathing has synced with his.
The two of you fall asleep like that, propped up next to each other with a single layer of wood between you.
I miss you like it was the very first night...
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I only revised this once while exhausted out of my fucking mind at 3am, so forgive me if anything's awkward or clunky. I'll probably go through it again in the morning (and die of cringe). But there we go! I hope you guys enjoy. As always, I would love to see your thoughts and comments <3
Regarding my tag lists: I've had to leave out a few people, so if you see your url missing from this, please let me know and I'll add you back. Also, apologies if you're here despite not asking to be tagged for this particular story. I haven't gotten around to sorting out fic-specific taglists yet 🥲
@kneelingshadowsalome @danibee33 @crowbird @poohkie90 @cumikering @iytatsworld @papaver-decervicatus @anxietyrain @cookiepie111 @no1runawaymilkdad @chthonian-spectre @backwards-readings @yxllowtxpe @hexqueensupreme @violetstyless @her-majesty-theking @vegan-peppermint @peonytarian @ghostslittlegf @deaddainish @teehee-47 @catluvwr @keiva1000 @waves-against-a-cliff @channelsoph @cutiecusp @itsagrimm @dins-riduur-anthe @mantishymns @lexuria @complexivelovely @black-moon-bunny @kit-williams @shebibtedmypepnis @mafer383
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krispycreamcake · 25 days
hihi could u do sakamaki with like a former (or current!) idol s/o? also i LOVED your x reader fic i think ive read it like 3 times 😭😭
Sakamaki brothers with an ex idol s/o
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Shu Sakamaki
🎻- I don't imagine he's the type to keep up to date with pop culture or any celebrities nowadays. He'll know some mainstream artists simply for the fact that he literally can't avoid hearing about them
🎻- Unless your music is suuuper popular, he has no idea who you were
🎻- Now depending on why you stopped being an idol, this could be a good thing since he wouldn't recognize you and have assumptions about you
🎻- Now on the off chance that he DOES know who you are, he'll either tease/make fun of your style of music or compliment you
🎻- I beg, do not take his mean girl bs to heart, this man listens to classical music, he of all people shouldn't be judging anyone's music. Ever
🎻- He'll definitely ask you to sing for him just so he could hear your vocal range (perhaps for other reasons than just curiosity)
🎻- Now when he does inevitably realize you were an ex idol, his immediate question is why'd you stop even though he won't voice it
🎻- He'll be glad that you told him as it relieves him of the hassle of getting in your personal business
🎻- As your boyfriend, his top priority is keeping you alive and safe, and trust that he knows how creepy fans can be. Which is why when you're out in public, he makes sure to always know where you are 24/7, keep your face covered with either a scarf or a hat or even his chest
Reiji Sakamaki
☕️- I'm sorry to all you Reiji fans out there, but his top concern is the fact that you both are involved romantically
☕️- Now I'm not saying he doesn't want to be in a relationship and all that, but similar to Shu he knows how obsessive fans can get and is slightly worried that because of that, you'll eventually find out who or what he truly is
☕️- And the only reason I say this, is because of the influence his father has due to how well known he is throughout Japan, and if anyone were to connect the dots and realize that Reiji was his son, with sufficient research, certain things mightn't add up (well that's his biggest fear at least)
☕️- If anything, he's proud that you were able to make something of yourself with your musical talent unlike a certain someone
☕️- The obvious question is why you stopped being an idol, and not like his brother, he'd outright ask you what happened
☕️- He'd do his own research on you and wouldn't even realize that he's spent about an hour and a half looking at fan pages of you and your official website
☕️- When he does realize however, he'd get slightly embarrassed by the fact that he was infatuated by a screen version of you when he has the real you at his fingertips
☕️- If you didn't tell him you used to be an idol and he had to find out on his own, he'll think you're hiding other important parts of your life from him and he'd have a bit of an issue trusting you
Ayato Sakamaki
🏀- Yours truly is dating and idol?? Of course he's bragging to his brothers any chance he gets
🏀- Jokes about how you meeting him was destiny since he wouldn't like his s/o being fawned over by the entirety of Japan
🏀- Asks you about your experiences as an idol, like if you ever had any creepy fan interactions, your type of fan base, how dealing with your managers used to be
🏀- Just know that both Ayato and Reiji are on their s/o's wiki page late up at night (day?)
🏀- Is honestly in love with your stage costumes and absolutely adores your choreography (I have a small hc that ayato can breakdance so he has an appreciation for modern dance styles)
🏀- Gets extremely jealous and annoyed that you used to be shipped with any other pop idols
🏀- Remember that wiki page thing I mentioned earlier? Yeah he'll see the recommended search being "Are your name and random idol dating?" And literally never recover
🏀- "Who do those bastards think you belong to? Ore-sama's your one true match so those other fuckers can piss the hell off!"
🏀- Badly imitates your performances as a means to make fun of you but you always end up laughing with him by the end of it and even joins him
Laito Sakamaki
🃏- He probably knew you were an idol before you did honestly
🃏- Okok jokes aside, he knows who you are and if you think you can lie to him about it, he WILL find a way to contradict you in your own lie
🃏- Honestly, he sometimes even listens to your music
🃏- Laito pegs me as the type of guy to let all your fans know who you belong to
🃏- BEFORE YOU BLOW MY HOUSE UP, yes, I am aware that that's more Ayato's schtick
🃏- But hear me out, if you were Laito and you were dating a super hot, super talented ex idol, would you not leave hickeys in places all their fans could see?
🃏- Think of all the drama you could cause, hearing all their futile guesses on which famous idols could have done it
🃏- He would have a fielddddd day with you, listening to all the gossip about the kind of person you are when he knows none of it is true
🃏- Like all others, he's painfully aware of how weird and obsessive fans can get, so he takes time out of his day to scour the sketchiest of accounts making sure none of your private info is leaked
🃏- He follows you around like a lost puppy just to make sure you aren't idolnapped
🃏- Genuinely sings your songs really well and has at home duets with you
Kanato Sakamaki
🧸- I don't think he keeps up with pop culture THAT much, but he knows general artists
🧸- When he finds out who you are (if you decide not to tell him) he would be pissed ngl
🧸- It's not like he's just a random stranger that you just met, you're supposed to love him and trust him with any and everything
🧸- He'll probably ask you to do some dark twisted thing to prove yourself to him
🧸- He's so in love with your style, like he WISHES you were still an idol so he could sew your outfits
🧸- Actually scratch that, he still makes them for you when you need to do a random ad that a company paid you to do
🧸- He treats you as his own personal mannequin
🧸- From hair, to clothes, to makeup, to nails, he'll do it all
🧸- He asks you to sing with him and it's become his favourite activity
🧸- Sitting on the balcony edge at night with no one to disturb the both of you as his hand cradles yours, your both voices singing in absolute harmony, he physically cannot get enough
🧸- "Mother would make me sing until my vocal chords bled, I doubt you had to do anything as extreme, right doll? Besides, I'm the only one who should be causing you pain."
Subaru Sakamaki
🥀- I know he doesn't look like it, but he's very up to date with pop culture
🥀- He could spot you instantly in a crowded room
🥀- Yes, he's one of your biggest fans ever
🥀- He literally knows the lyrics to most of your songs and would sing them at karaoke
🥀- If you don't mention that you're an ex idol, he'd be glad since that gives him less of an opportunity to embarrass himself
🥀- Stays up thinking about how he's literally dating his idol
🥀- This however makes him wayyyy more of a tsundere than he already is
🥀- He'll act like he knows absolutely nothing about you but somehow knows your favourite colour, animal, food and whether you prefer coffee or tea
🥀- Yeah he will pretend he's never heard of you before but you'll soon catch on when you hear him humming one of your songs when he doesn't think anyone's around
🥀- The only person that can confirm your suspicions are Shu since it wouldn't be the first time this has happened
🥀- Once everything was out in the open, he'd slowly become just a tiny bit more confident in himself and ask the age old question "Why did you quit?"
🥀- Gets jealous with how many of your fans are freaks that make thirst edits of you
🥀- Please reassure him that he's enough for you
🥀- When you're dating a literal pile of talent, you begin to second guess yourself
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rrat-king · 3 months
Reread Old Habits and remembered when I said what "type" of Foster kid Kristen and Adaine are
Kristen is what I'd call "testing boundaries attachment issues". Her parents just abruptly stopped loving her one day and as my friend once said "She definitely lies awake at night wondering why they didn't love her more than their god". Like no way she hasn't internalised some idea of her being a fundamentally flawed person who everyone will eventually give up on like her parents did. So her mindset becomes "I'll be bad and make them stop loving me now so when they inevitably do give up and stop loving me it will hurt less". It was present with Jawbone but MAJORLY so with Sandra Lynn who she firmly believes doesn't like her (Sandra Lynn has no idea of this and DOES love Kristen like that's her kid and she can't understand why anyone would give her up). It was bad in FY right after she was kicked out, got a bit better, and then got worse post breakup with Tracker when she became "just your niece's weird ex" (they've been calling her variations of "the middle child" in texts for months)
Adaine is what I'd call "withdrawn attachment issues". She was the baby who learned not to cry because no one was coming idk what to tell you. Nothing she ever did was enough and as much as she knows her parents are shitty, she does have some sense of her being a failure. She's fully internalised the idea you cannot trust parents and that you can't rely on them to love you so if she just doesn't engage with them then they can't see that she's a failure or be disappointed with her! This is a totally healthy idea!
Kristen: I will make you stop loving me gradually so when you give up on me it will hurt less. If I'm shitty they'll see how good Adaine is because she deserves love
Adaine: Kristen please stop they will absolutely stop loving you and I can't be the golden child because I care about you and you deserve love
Adaine 🤝 Kristen
Parental love is not a constant nor unconditional so don't rely on it in any meaningful way or you will get hurt
oh God Kristen thinking Sandra Lynn doesn't like her as a rule is so real and I feel like so present in sophomore year in the way they interact. also like, the feeling of letting adaine get taken care of by pulling herself away cuz she doesn't want to deal with being let down.
and god Adaine who is trying so hard not rely on anyone and can't stand the idea of having the same roll as her sister used to have cuz she knows Kristen deserves love but she can't understand that herself
they are so fucked with what they think they are allowed to have and deserve
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