#no internet drama can give me that rush ever again
angel-derangement · 1 year
full respect to insane people drama on the internet but it actually doesn’t hold a candle to the insane people drama I watched go down during the time I was in a christian group on a university campus. a guy (age 20) stormed out of my sister’s place during a big party bc she lit a spatula on fire on the barbecue and had the GALL to call the fire department in case it lit the roof on fire, so his wife (age 19) had to track him down on the streets bc he couldn’t drive. she had to walk him back and force him to apologise to my sister then he led a bible study in her front room during the party about anger. later that week he posted on the facebook page of a lady who had lost her 17yr old brother in a car crash that her brother deserved to die bc he had gone to schoolies. neither he nor his wife talk to me anymore bc he borrowed a pen and offered to drive it back over at 1am in the morning and I said no thanks keep it and he interpreted this as me leading him to stumble. none of these or any other events involved any drugs or alcohol.
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ratchet-serperior · 1 year
I have some Thoughts. Yes this is related to current drama, no I will not give more context on what or why. I also wholly intend for this to stay to myself, so no tags today for all of my zero followers.
I don't use Twitter. This little hellsite and another, redder hellsite are the only social media platforms I use. I do not care about drama. In fact, I hate getting involved in drama. So, more often than not, I just ignore it until it goes away.
I used to be fully on board with the idea of socially ostracizing someone if they did something fucked up. Find out that JonTron is racist, yeah let's boycott his videos. Find out that JK Rowling is... JK Rowling... Yeah, we shouldn't accept that kind of behaviour. But, the more I see these things happening, the more I see calls to cancel someone (or more likely, see posts saying that someone has already been cancelled), the less I believe in the idea, for one simple reason.
The Twitter mobs are usually just wrong.
This has long been known about social media, but there's not a lot of room for nuance. On Twitter, you have only a certain number of characters to use. On other platforms, you see a post and can take it in isolation, not able to or simply not needing to understand the context surrounding them. This becomes a problem when a large group of people rush to cancel someone for doing a Bad Thing. Hell, all I know about the JonTron thing is that he said a racist thing at some point. I don't know what he said, in what context, or if he ever said anything like it again. But, for me several years ago, it was all I needed to instantly decide that he was a terrible person and I should hate him and all that he does.
Then, as more people I follow got cancelled, I was less and less involved in the effort. When the drama surrounding ProJared came out some years ago, I was on board at first, then kinda just stopped caring. Then, he came back after the flames had died down a bit, and explained what was going on. Some accusations were outright lies, and others were misunderstandings or exaggerations made through the social game of telephone online. Overall, maybe he did fuck up, but in a completely human, understandable way.
Another that I remember vividly was ZeRo. He had these accusations of sexting underage girls which essentially pushed him away from social media entirely. He even came out and admitted it, right? So cancelling him worked! Well, no. A long while later, he came back to YouTube and admitted that, after the mobs got to him, he decided to admit to it, and then kill himself. He thought it would be easier that way on everyone involved, because he knew that not only was he being cancelled, but everyone associated with him was feeling the backlash. He thought that if he took the fall, those around him would be spared from the negative association.
And, I mean... Can we talk about how massively fucked up that is? Even if the accusations were true (which they weren't), can we recognize that driving someone to suicide for that is a massively deranged thing to do? I can't imagine being in that situation. Because yeah, I've fucked up before. I've even had some major fuck ups that would have probably gotten me cancelled, if I were in any sort of public sphere. I know it, I learned from it, and I can move on from it.
So yeah, forgive me if I don't care about the latest youtuber drama, celebrity drama, whatever. Forgive me for not immediately raising pitchforks and torches to burn down their homes for supposedly doing a bad thing. And don't get me wrong here- BAD THINGS ARE STILL BAD. And they should be punished. But the mob justice of the internet and social media on these people is far too extreme, and in my experience, is usually wrong anyway.
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deru-shigaraki · 3 years
Yandere Leviathan (obey me one shot)~Smut warning
You weren't happy with the arrangement. It was ridiculous that your mother was moving in with her new boyfriend so soon. Not that you didn't believe that she was happy. You've never seen your mom act this way. She was like a dizzy teenager, so love struck. Their honeymoon phase was striking hard and it cute yet somewhat disturbing. You hadn't minded them spending all of their time together. It gave you the opportunity to indulge in a new found freedom. Your mother used to be fixated on your social life, making it hard for you to do your own thing. However that beautiful privilege was going to be taken from you. It was cold the evening you had finally gotten settled in. You weren't the type to complain. You were a go with the flow type of girl. However going from your usual carefree lifestyle to having to share a room with someone was the icing on the top of a fucked up cake. Leviathan was the son of a friend of your mothers boyfriend. He had been staying with him for a few years due to family drama. When you ended up coming to stay as well, there were no other rooms, meaning that the two of you, practically strangers, had to share a living space. You had met Leviathan multiple times before, but it could hardly be considered meeting, given the fact that he hadn't made any effort into speaking to you. Even now as you made busy organizing your side of the room, he only glanced. You realized really quick that he rarely took his eyes off his game, but when he did, his glaze was fixed on you. It was creepy to say the least. You didn't like him already, and him acting creepy wasn't helping you adjust at all. Levi did his schooling online, meaning that when you left for classes during the day, he stayed behind. It hadn't crossed your mind that something weird could happen until you started noticing that a few of your things had gone missing. Articles of clothing mostly. You doubted he was stealing your clothes to wear them so you had dismissed it as being your imagination but even so, it placed a heavy bit of doubt in you. Coming home from school was always awkward. Both of the adults worked late and then would stay out together even later, meaning that it was just the two of you for hours until you went to bed. Today was no different. You sat in your bed, reading a book. Levi was on the floor in front of his tv, playing video games peacefully until the my hero academia theme song sounded off on his phone. You chuckled at his cute ringtone. He blushed lightly, glaring at you as he answered. "That mom and dad?" You asked and he shook his head standing up. "Girlfriend." He muttered before leaving the room for more privacy. You didn't think anything of it. You knew that he had a long distance relationship with some chick on the internet. That was it. He wasn't much of a talker in the first place so opening up about his love life wasn't something you had expected. Much like the sob that interrupted your chapter. You looked up from your paper back and stare in the direction of the slightly cracked door. Out in the hall you could hear Leviathan's voice. You were surprised, never hearing him get so loud. His tone was distressed, whatever she was telling him must not have been good. You didn't want to eavesdrop but a part of you was way too interested in what was going down. You put a piece of scrap paper into your book and set it down before sliding off of your bed silently. You didn't want to alert him. It would just be a little listen and then you'd hurry back to your bed before he even knew it. Though you wish you hadn't had that idea. You couldn't quite make out with what his girlfriend was saying but after hearing Leviathan response with: "Why? What have I done? Please don't do this! Think about it, you love me, and I love you." Listening was one thing you could have scolded yourself on, but you ignored even that and took a peak out the cracked door. Leviathan was pacing back and fourth, his body trembling in what you guessed as anger or maybe intense sadness. As soon as the call was over, he dropped his phone before balling his hand into a fist, striking the wall with an aggressive punch. You gasped as he repeated the action, again and again. As soon as he started to use both of his hands, you decided enough was enough. You rushed out into the hall way and grabbed his shoulder. He pushed you back. "Stay away from me brat!" He shouted and you paused. Your eyes were wide, staring at his bruising knuckles. You glanced back and forth from his hands to his eyes, feeling like you were about to cry with him. Leviathan sighed, closing his eyes and tucking his hands in his hoodie pockets. He muttered an apology before pushing past you, entering the room. You followed him, not trying to get in his face but you wanted to help, or at least wanted to know the drama. Leviathan was laying down on his bed, body sprawled out on his back. He was obviously suffering over what had happened. You weren't exactly sure what you were going to do about it. You sat yourself next to him. He glared at you before reaching up to cover his face with his hands. He tried to hide his wet eyes and red face but you could clearly see the way he was trembling. You didn't want him to be upset. It was going to be a few hours before you were going to bed and you didn't want to have to sit an awkwardness. You scooted closer to him before laying down next to your roommate. You waited a moment before speaking. "Sooo, do you wanna talk about it?" You asked and her growled before turning over onto his side, facing away from you. He gave a few angry sniffles before letting his guard drop just a small bit. "My girlfriend broke up with me..." You gave a little nod to yourself. "Yep...Do you-" "She said I was too clingy! How!?" Levi rolled over, startling you as he continued. "How could I be controlling her from across the ocean?! How big does she think My bank account is that she's accusing me of hacking her phone!?" You attempted to throw in your two sense, however he wasn't giving you the chance, continuing to get worked up, his body was leaning into your personal space more and more. "It's not hacking if I correctly guess a password to something!" You quirked an eyebrow, slightly amused by his tantrum. Leviathan then started getting a little too close, his leg swinging over your body. "If I was hacking her, she would have never even known!" He added, now straddling your hips. For you that was crossing the line and you had reached up to push him off before he caught your hands in his. "I would have done anything for her! I deleted her friends to protect her, I leveled up by body!" He growled the last part, lifting up his shirt, surprising you with actual abs underneath his layers of clothes. He forced your hand up against him and your face flushed with confusion as well as embarrassment. "This was going to be hers." He tipped his head back in thought, closing his eyes and moaning softly. His fingers were firm, holding your hand securely against his body. You were starting to shake, not sure how to react to this. Your mouth twitched, wondering what to say. He was getting a bit lost in his own mind. His hips were relaxing into you, making you feel even more uncomfortable. You had to stop this, it felt out of place, wrong even. You cleared your throat and pulled your hand away from him. As this he responded with a look of realization. He looked down at you for a moment before sighing deeply and dropping his hoodie. "I'm sorry...." He dropped his upper body down, his arms holding him up as he stared down into your face. You nibbled at your bottom lip. "It's fine, Just try and take your mind off of it, how about we play your games or something?" You suggested and his cheeks brightened up. "You'd play with me?" His voice cracked slightly, but you pretended not to hear it. He sat up, rushing to get controllers for the two of you. It was possibly the oddest night of your life. Levi was attached to your hip, leaning up against you while you both played on the tv. It wasn't that bad, you figured he just needed a friend to get his mind off of the breakup. It wasn't that much of a hassle to look after him. It only started getting really weird when it was getting later into the night. You were feeling a bit sleepy and he noticed. "Bed?" He asked and you nodded, standing up, and grabbing a set of clothes to change into. You went to the bathroom, slipping on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Coming back you caught a glimpse of Levi stripping. You scolded yourself for peaking. It was so wrong to spy on him. You just couldn't believe that he was that fit. You never seen him exercise, where did that body come from. You waited for him to put on something more than a tee shirt and boxers. After a minute or so of him just waiting there, you realized that he wasn't planning on putting on pants. You were confused as to what he was up to. He always slept with a hoodie and sweatpants. This was the least amount go clothes you've ever seen him in. Not only that but he was also fixing his hair. It was incredibly strange but that didn't stop you from walking in to your room. You tried to act like you didn't notice his eyes staring at you as you crawled into your bed. He stood there, in the middle of your room, rubbing at his wrist nervously. You laid there on top of your covers waiting. "Um...You can turn off the lights, I'm just gonna crash-" "Could we talk some more?...I mean if you wanna sleep that's fine, But I'd like to vent a bit more." Your eye twitched, out of exaughstion and of slight concern as to where this was going to go. You decided not to be rude and said sure. Much to your surprise he slapped the lights off and threw himself into your bed, his body scooting in close to you. His face was blushing as hard as yours was. "Wouldn't you be more comfy on your own bed? Mine is kinda small." You suggested but he didn't make a move to get up. He only scooted towards you, pressing his legs against yours. You closed your eyes, tight at first, just embarrassed by him acting weird towards you. However after awhile you found yourself leaning into his hand as he stroked you hair, opening your legs so that he could tangle his with yours. You were far too sleepy to put up much of a fight as he wrapped himself around you, hugging you in your sleep. It was warm, so warm and so comfy. Your head against his chest, his heart beat steady and soothing. You passed out soon after he started to hum to you. In the morning you woke up alone. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, for a split second wondering if maybe you had dreamt up that whole thing. You carried on with your morning runtime. Gettin ready for school, putting on makeup, getting dressed, doing your hair. It seemed like a normal morning, until you walked down the stairs. The smell hit you instantly. The sweet aroma of syrup and the yummy scent of waffles greeted you as you entered the kitchen. You were completely shocked seeing Levi standing there. He had his back turned to you, unloading waffles from the maker. He was listening to a soft anime soundtrack playlist as he cooked. He was wearing the boxers he had slept in, but now he had on a shirt. When he finally turned, you realized that he also had on an apron as well. It was a purple one, a shade lighter than his hair. He had a plate of waffles in one hand and a bowl of fruit in the other. "MC! You're up! Good, I just finished breakfast." He set the food down, offering you syrup and a glass of juice. You sat down, a little concerned with his rapid change of pace. He was never up this early, you had stepped over his sleeping body a dozen times before in the morning, yet here he was. For no reason that you could see other than that he wanted to feed you. You watched as he made you a plate. He took his time in placing fruits in certain spots in your waffles, covering them with syrup. He then set the plate in front of you, taking the seat beside you. You reached for your fork, noticing how Levi was staring at you. Trying not to let it bother you, you just started to eating. After a few moments of stuffing your face and looking at your phone you looked up, Levi coughing you off guard. He leaned into you, closing his eyes as he licked the side of your mouth. You panicked, pushing him back and getting off of your chair to avoid him. Levi also stood and rushed towards you. "MC, What's wrong?!" He looked concerned, trying to get close to you, but you refused to let him in your space. You circled the kitchen's counter. "N-no, stay back." You told him and Levi gave a hurt expression, his hands holding his chest as if you had stabbed him in the chest. "You're...mad at me?" His voice was quivering, almost making you feel sorry, but you couldn't. "You licked me." You hissed, crossing your arms over your chest. Levi frowned. "I was just..." He brought his hand up to his forehead, rubbing it angrily. As he continued to speak, you noticed how his voice was getting lower, almost more threatening. He cleared his throat, eyes closed tight as if he was trying to hold back a ton of aggression, and yet you could hear the frustration in his voice. "I'm sorry..." He spit out, taking a breath, finally looking up at you with glossy eyes. He slowly started to inch closer towards you. "You just looked so, cute...I couldn't help it." He mumbled and you shook your head. "N-no, Levi, come on. You're being really weird, I'm just gonna go to school ok-" "No! You can't." He rushed towards you. You weren't fast enough to escape, his hands gripping your wrist, as he used his body to force you up against the wall. You yelped, hitting your head, not too hard but you cringed, making him curse. "Fuck! Are you alright?! I'm not trying to scare you, I just need you to understand." He panicked and you shut your eyes. "L-levi, You're just upset over your ex. I know that you're messed up right now, but you can't take out your feelings on me, you need some help, maybe you should talk to mom or someone-" "NO! Don't tell anyone, please, I only trust you. If you tell mom and dad, they are going to split the family up, they'd be so disappointed...You'll ruin the family." He threatened and you stared at him shocked. You struggled against him, Levi growling. "Stay home from school today, let's just stay in bed, cuddle like we did last night." he cooed, his hips now pressing into the lower half of your body. You started to tremble in fear, "Stop it Levi!" Your cries for mercy didn't do a damn thing, he just continued to grind himself against you. His face held a mixture of embarrassment and pleasure. He was ashamed of what he was doing, a bright blush on his cheeks and apology in his eyes, but his growing erection was proof that it didn't matter to him, his body was reacting positively to you being defenseless against him. "MC, stay home with me~Please stay, please be with me." he begged and you just shook your head. "Leviathan, I-" He cut you off with a kiss. It was passionate and messy, his mouth forcing it's way inside of yours. You were panicking, the only way you knew how to stop it was by biting down on his tongue. You flinched as he drew back, stepping away from you as he spit out blood. "You....You hurt me..." He mumbled under his breath. You stood there, watching in fear as he thought out the situation. "You're such a bitch...I've worked so hard to be here with you...And you've ruined it." He glared at the table where your plate was still sitting along with the other breakfast supplies. "I had it so perfectly planned." He sounded heartbroken, his voice cracking slightly. He then turned back to you. "You're not even sorry...You ruined our breakfast together, and then you bit me!" he shouted, scaring you into backing away. He stalked towards you. " I didn't want it to be this way, I was so excited...there's only one thing that I'll except as an apology." He said darkly and you bolted. It was no use fighting him. As soon as he caught up to you, it was over. Levi was so much more stronger than you, and quick too. He's whole demeanor changed, his sweet persona new replaced with a cruel alter ego. He was treating you like a naughty pet, which was even stranger before in order for you to earn his forgiveness, he had wanted you to dress up for him, so that he could take pictures. You were terrified of the older boy in front of you. He was humming happily as he did your hair, putting it up in pigtails, adding on some cat ear clips to finish off the look. You looked up at him with a pleading expression, but at this point, he was in his own reality, not registering the situation at all. That's what made him unpredictable. "So cute!" He beamed, offering you his hands so he could pick you up off the floor. You glanced over to the mirror on the wall, gasping as you seen yourself. Levi had fully dressed you. You had a two piece on, a black and white maids top and a matching shirt, thigh highs going up your legs. You also noticed the tail that was pinned you your shirt. Levi was putting in some final touches. He crouched down in front of you, making sure your thigh highs were up all the way. He looked up at you with almost a loving expression. He then wrapped his arms around you legs, hugging you, his face burying into your thighs. You blushed as he held you. "I'm so glad it fits, I bought it a month ago, I figured you were a medium but by the way your curves are popping out, mm you might be a large~" He mumbled still snuggling you. You caught his words. "A month ago...You bought this for me?" You asked and Levi nodded. "Of course, I thought-...ha..." He stood, up his face red, caught in a lie. You frowned at him. "A month ago, you were still with your girlfriend...What do you mean you bought this for me?" You asked, your hands crossing over your chest. Levi scratched the back of his head nervously. "I had to make you comfortable with me...I knew that it was going to be hard, you moving in with a boy. I thought if I had a girlfriend, you might warm up to me faster, knowing that I wasn't going to do anything..." You stepped back, shocked. "I heard her on the phone, this whole time? You mean you faked it this whole time? I don't understand, why would you-" "Please don't be upset with me! I did it for you, I wanted you to relax before we got closer." he explained and you shook your head. "Levi, you're insane." You mumbled and he grabbed your shoulders. "MC. I'm in love with you. Ever since I seen your pictures, I knew I liked you, and getting to spend all this time, so close to you...It's not enough, I need you. I need you to accept me." he begged and you just shook your head. "This is crazy, you lied this whole time, to what? Make me your girlfriend?" He looked ashamed as you shook your head. "I don't like you that way...I have other boys I'm talking you-" "No." He growled. "I won't let you, I worked too hard." He wrapped his arms around your neck, pulling you into him. You closed your eyes as he kissed your forehead. "Promise me, that you're mine...." He hugged you tightly. You shook your head. "No, Levi." You whispered and he started to laugh. You pushed away from his as soon as his hands released you, scared that his personality had switched. You yelped as he grabbed your wrist. He sat himself down in the chair in front of the mirror, pulling you onto his lap, without much effort. He had one arm wrapped around you, keeping your arms at your sides. You of course struggled but it was no use. He sighed, his other hand lifting up your skirt so the two of you could see the reflection of your panties in the mirror. You closed your eyes, not wanting to see yourself so venerable, so paralyzed in fear. He moaned, you yelping as his dick started to harden underneath you. "I refuse to let all of my hard work go down the drain. I won't let you get taken away from me by some fucking piece of garbage. Only one person deserves you and that's me." he growled in your ear. You were shaking, terrified as his free hand slipped underneath the skirt, his fingers dancing along the fabric of your panties. He felt the lips of your pussy through them, a wetness beginning to form. You hated yourself for getting turned on by his hands. His chin rested on your shoulder, kissing the side of your face as he watched himself in the mirror. "Lift your hips up for me~" He whispered into your ear. You were hesitant, but didn't have a choice, lifting yourself up, Levi making quick work of taking himself out of his pants, his dick free, now placed between your legs. Your pussy flooded at the feeling of his thick cock rubbing against the insides of your thighs. He pulled it up closer, urging you to close you legs around him. He then used his hips to push up into you, fucking your thighs, his mouth letting out little grunts as he fucked up into them. You felt so dirty, his precut dripping down the tip of his dick and leaking down onto your thighs. The slickness traveled down in between your legs, offering his cock more lube to go faster. He buried his face into your shoulder, groaning desperately. "Oh my god, you're so soft~Squeeze your legs tighter together." He ordered and you did as you were told, just hoping it would be done quicker. Your pussy was burning at the friction of his dick. You bit your lip, trying to hold in your own moans, you didn't want him to know that there was a portion of you that was really enjoying this, the way he felt, how big he was. You peaked at yourself in the mirror, seeing how much of a mess you were. Levi's eyes were closed, head tipping back as he moved his hips faster. "Fuck! I'm so close." He paused his movements, grabbing your thighs, and forcefully opening them, his hand grabbing your panties and pulling them aside. You started to panic! "Levi no! Not there! Please not there!" You begged, but he kept you held still, as his cock forced itself inside of you. You screamed feeling him bottom out, his dick twitching inside of you, your body not excepting the lack of movement, You needed him to move. You couldn't take it, you shamefully began to wiggle your hips, Levi's arm releasing you, your hands pressing against the mirror in front of you, your hips lifting and dropping onto his cock feverishly. You couldn't stop yourself, you didn't know what you were doing but the pleasure drove your movements. Levi was just as surprised, his face twisted in intense heat. He grunted as he thrusted up into you, meeting your pace. You were a moaning mess, screaming for him like a slut. You were so caught up in the feeling, that you hadn't noticed him pulling out his phone, taking pictures and short videos. When he felt himself again get close, he threw his phone down, giving your ass a hard slap before grabbing your hips, forcefully holding you down onto his cock as his orgasm gushed into you. You struggled against him, your body shaking, tears falling from your face. You looked at yourself in the mirror, completely embarrassed. Levi leaned back in the chair, his head tipped back, his cock still giving your spurts of lust, his cum starting to overflow your pussy, leaking down your legs. You looked over your shoulder at him with exhausted eyes. He smiled at you, giving a light pat to your thigh, "Up baby." he ordered, his voice soft as you struggled to stand. His dick made an obscene sound as you stood up. He tucked it back into his boxers. You whined as he lifted you up, carrying you to his bed. You clasped into the sheets, grabbing one of his pillows instinctively. You hugged it close to your chest, too sore to move. You felt so messy, so slutty. Levi on the other hand was acting as if nothing was happening, turning on his game, sitting on the bed next to you. You whined, getting his attention. He looked back at you, his hand resting on your head, petting your hair, taking out the cat ear clips. "You can get undressed if you'd like. I'm done for now." He explained. You used the last bit of your energy to strip from the outfit he had put you in. Levi looked back at you and smiled. "Sore?" He asked and you nodded. "You'll get use to it. I won't go so hard next time." he explained, making your stomach do flips. He was going to do this again...you really did belong to him. 
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Stray Kids Bang Chan x Idol!Reader Summary: You're known as the gym rat in your group, and quite frankly, you only have two moods: shredding or chilling. This was why when you're not asleep in between schedules, you're spotted with a male idol you happened to meet in the gym you were at that day. It's a known fact though, that you and Bang Chan are gym buddies and each other's spotter. Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: Internet toxicity, sasaengs, vulgar language, sexism, misogyny, pining, fluff, mentions of Pentagon because why not <3, etc.
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A/N: Girl, i shouldn't do this but I did. It's so funny to me someone requested this cause I have recently become an exercise junkie lol. Also, if you can't tell, there is a pov shift after the cut so yeah. I also wanted to keep the reader gender neutral but I want to write about how psychotically different people treat male and female idols because that stuff aint it. It's most definitely not what anon was expecting me to write but I hope they enjoy it nonetheless.
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There's compilation in YT with growing parts centered around you flexing your physical fitness and prowess. It ranges from you affectionally touring your fans, which really meant the cameraman, through the gym, introducing your trainer, and doing your routine on camera, to your group (and others) both fawning and bragging about how strong and how hot you are.
CLIP #1: A scene from an interview of your group in Japan, struggling to talk about how you can do 40 straight push ups.
There was a male interviewer in a suit you could all faintly recognize was talking about your recent Instagram post of a gym mirror selfie.
One of your youngest members smirked and in broken Japanese, cutely said, "Wah, she does 100 push ups! Everyday, every night."
You snap your head to the maknae and raise your brows, "nani?" You begin to shake your hands in protest and begin to explain your truth, "absolutely not 100. Maybe around 40, but nooooo, not 100."
The interviewer and your group comically react in awe. The man in the suit urges, "can you show us?"
You give a face, "Excuse me, but I'm not getting paid to do that in this miniskirt."
Everyone, including the film crew, break into laughter.
CLIP #2: A scene from a variety show where you had to prove you were, in fact, yourself, by doing a shortened version of your exercise routine.
One of the hosts of the show asks, "Wait, do you honestly do all of this in your workout? Like you can do all of it?"
The list of your exercises were written on a colourful cardboard, held by the one who just spoke. It was a range of exercises in 10 sets, from jumping jacks to sit ups, to vague sounding exercises like crab pinches and robot arms.
You purse your lips at the last question asked of you, not really liking the tone in which it was asked. You answer quickly and nod proudly, "I actually do more, cause when I get in the zone and I'm already really sweaty, I feel like I should keep going until my whole body burns." You chuckle.
The older hosts, tilt their head and mutter lowly under their breath something along the lines of, "I'd rather die."
You finally do the routine, quickly, continuously, earning impressed reactions from everyone.
"That's hot," one of the hosts note.
"Ya, for some reason it looks easy to do."
The hosts begin to clamour at that statement, and force whoever said to do the exact thing you did. Clearly, they don't work out as much as you do and cannot even get halfway through it without stopping.
You break out into a breathless laugh in amusement of the comical attempt but then protest, explaining how bad it is to force yourself to do more than you can
CLIP #3: Pentagon, Hongseok especially, fawns over how fit you are
Trailing a conversation about how your group is close with Pentagon because your companies are situated closely to each other and you wind up eating together a lot, there is an anecdote about how there was a jar no one could open, no one but you, that is.
The interviewer asks no one in particular, "wah, none of you could open the jar? Really? Or did you all just pretend so she could open it?"
There is a chorus of answers concluding with, "no really, she was the only one that was able to open it."
The story is backed up by how the jar had a really small lid and some hands were too big. Then came an explanation how you were recently into the new rock climbing machine in your gym.
Hongseok speaks up, "I was invited to go to rock climbing in, like, an actual rock climbing place and I was honestly so surprised when she began to climb. She said she never actually tried rock climbing on a wall, but it seemed like she had been doing it for years."
Shinwon agrees, "Right, right. I was also really curious about what they did that day," he points to Hongseok, "that I joined them one time. I never felt so out of shape in my life. I just stayed back and filmed everything."
Pentagon laughs, and then agrees that you were exceptionally fast and just super fit in all honesty.
The interviewer catches Hongseok's expression then suddenly asks, "do you like a woman like that?"
"Yeah, I like my women strong."
Then came a lot of teasing remarks from Pentagon, and a plethora of complaints from delusional fans who did not want Hongseok to ever breathe in your direction again.
With all that's been said about that, in all the parts of this series floating around in the internet, one thing remained, there was a slightly larger population of impressed fans than the still large portion of antifans who wanted nothing to do with it and only came around to hate.
It's hard not to think about it, but even the slightest back handed compliment can sometimes linger in one's mind.
And right now, as much as I kept my mind on my counting as I finished my set high knees, I couldn't help but think of how much backlash I got from posting a post workout photo with my midriff exposed.
Apparently that was not only enough to merit hate for being both a whore and an attention whore, but people baselessly began to hate on my groupmates simply for being associated with me.
It's kind of sad really, how, say Wonho, can post a fairly exposed photo of himself and get so much praise for it, and yet I couldn't even do anything remotely close to that.
And I don't even mean to come at Wonho, we all know he's a beast at the gym and should be able to show as much of his hard work as he is comfortable in showing, but why can't I?
"Hey trooper. I thought you said you were only doing 80 counts?" a voice cracks me out of my train of thought.
I turn to whom spoke and chuckle at myself as I stop my leg raises, "ah yeah, I got lost in thought, and your really good song."
I pull on my earphones and give a lopside smile, "I love working out to God's Menu."
He gives a soft, "he he, thanks."
"No need for a thank you when I'm only giving my honest opinion, Chan."
"Yeah, well still, it makes my kokoro go doki-doki," he sniggers, crossing his arms and flashing a dimpled smile. I raise my upper lip and reel back, "EWWW!"
I playfully shove him. He acts hurt, "this is violence against children."
"Chan, you're literally older than me."
"That doesn't mean I'm not a child at heart."
"You mean, it doesn't mean you're not a drama queen."
"Hey, I have no interest in having a throne, my only interest is," he leans in and whispers, "you."
I feel my soul leave my body as he snorts to himself and runs away. I regurgitate in surprise, "YA!"
"You better do your next set properly," Chan says heading off to a cable row machine, "I'm always watching."
I try to ignore the blood rushing up your neck, "creep."
He shrugs, "rather that or have you get injured, sweet heart."
Yeah, Chan has saved me from a lot of injuries I could have had. It was a bad habit. It stemmed from the same thing that made me mess up my count a while ago, my overthinking.
Sometimes I thought of rather harmless things, but sometimes I began to fixate on the hate I received for simply being. I do a lot to get my mind to realize that they hated me simply because they could and because it was easy. Exercising helped tremendously, especially when I had someone fun to work out with, especially when I was with Chan. He just... made me feel safe, y'know.
But when the news of us being work out buddies surfaced, a lot of sasaengs came for me. Of course, a lot of Stays and my own fans were really kind about, speaking out that we were our own people and exercising together did not mean anything in particular really.
But some really went for it, and made it a hobby to comment on everything I was in that I was a slut for 'working out' with different men every day."
I let out a breath as I finish my routine. I catch my breath and go for a swig of my water. I take a moment then sit down by the mirror, which was near where Chan was currently working out.
"You're doing it again."
I turn from where I was blankly staring at turn to Chan who gave me a soft look, "you good?"
I release a sigh then purse my lips, "maybe."
He pouts, "what happened?"
I shrug and stand from where I sat, "you know, the usual."
Chan then comes up to me and takes my water bottle from me, "you know, no matter how much people say you don't need water to live, you can never change the fact that you are extremely dependent on water to live."
I look at him and half- heartedly point, "are you calling me thirsty?"
He begrudgingly groans and releases a chuckle. He calls my name out in a scolding tone. I feel myself relax, "I know what you're getting at Chan."
He nods, "good. I'll always be here to remind you of that."
I smile and feel an urge to hug him, "if you weren't so sweaty, I would totally hug you right now."
Chan then gives me a look then does not hesitate to crush me into his arms. I groan and whine in protest. He chuckles, "you literally just said you wanted a hug!"
Chan huffs and gives a wounded look, "hmp. You better spot me while I lift or else I'm unfriending you."
"Hmm... I think I'll be good without you as a friend."
I half expect Chan to whine about it, but he instead smirks, "ahhhh, you must want me to be your boyfriends so badly huh."
I- I mean...
CLIP #4: A crack edit of Chan when he gets asked about his gym relationship with me in Chan's Room.
He was looking through the questions and suddenly chuckles, his ears noticeably began to redden. Cue a zoom in of his face and his red ears. Cue a clip of Cardi B saying, "that's suspicious."
He says my name then continues, "am I close with her? Yeah. I would say I'm close with her-- and her whole group actually."
Captioned: Nice save, Chris.
"The kids and I are close with her group," he says, clearing his throat.
A clip of him clearing his throat is repeated about ten times.
Chan adjust the beanie he was wearing as he thinks of what he was going to say next, "we actually do work out together a lot because she's under a trainer that works with my trainer."
Captioned: Sure, Chan. That's the only reason, right?
Chan catches another question, "Is she a beast in the gym like Hongseok says?" He breaks into a laugh. He then rubs his cheek and grits his teeth.
A clip of someone saying, "Oh he's jealous," flashes on screen.
"Yeah," Chan finally says, "she's got a really high stamina."
Cue the clip, WHAT DID HE SAY?
Chan continues, "she can go between exercises without stopping. she doesn't even take that much time to catch her breath. In fact, she sings while exercising sometimes, which helps make her vocals stable."
Captioned: Queen Tingz.
The next thing that happens is Chan breaks into a laugh and begins to chuckle. He says, "Sorry I saw a funny comment."
Then came these comments:
They are dating period. prove me wrong. you cant
Chan literally blushes over anything, buT HE TURNED INTO A TOMATO WHEN HE TALKED ABOUT HER BYE
if you hate on your faves loving each other, you most definitely need Jesus (:
Yeah... it's not been confirmed to this day.
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meltwonu · 3 years
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| 𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔩 𝔦 𝔪𝔢𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 |     [CHAPTER 4]
pairing; fratboy!wonwoo x reader
this chapter’s notes; fratboy!wonwoo, fingering, littlest bit of dirty talk, praise!kink, soft soft soft FLUFF hours, a bit of a filler chapter before the last chapter!! 😭 I can’t believe it’s almost ‘over’... This chapter has the least amount of smut yall will ever see with fratboy!wonwoo so don’t get used to it ☠️ LMAO 🤣🤣 also... it’s been a garbage week(boring work drama) for me so I’ll answer inbox msgs and stuff on sunday, I need to get away from the internet(and people) for a day dkfjhskh 😭💕 Ya’ll thank you for so much love and support with Caffeine and Until I Met You! It means so much to me and I appreciate every like, reblog and comment I get on it 🥺💕 No I will never be ending my fratboy!wonwoo au so don’t worry about that hehe 💕 For now, enjoy this soft ch 4 and I will see yall on Sunday! I love you, have a great weekend! 💕
[mood for this chapter: more than enough - alina baraz]
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - x
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Wonwoo sighs - re-shelving another Edgar Allen Poe book. “So, what?”
Mingyu tilts his sunglasses down, eyebrows raised at the older male that continues to do his job instead of give him the time of day. “What’s going on with you, hyung? You’ve been… weird.”
“Okay, define weird.”
The younger male pouts as he takes his sunglasses off, pocketing them as he leans up against the bookshelf that Wonwoo is currently still shelving.
It only takes one utterance of your name for Wonwoo to stop in his tracks - fingertips on the spine of another book as he turns to Mingyu. “What about her? Did she say something to you?”
“No, but do you like her? I mean, ‘like’ like her.”
“Is it not… obvious? That I do? Did we not all collectively have that conversation about me giving her a set of keys to our house?”
Mingyu grimaces slightly as he mentally goes through all the times he’d even seen the two of you together and he’s only able to conjure up a few select memories - none of which were anything necessarily romantic. “Well… I wouldn’t say ‘obvious’, I guess. The two of you aren’t exactly the ‘kiss and hold hands in public’ kind of... people. More like the, ‘sneak off to fuck in a public restroom’ kind... Which, uh, isn’t really... romantic.”
This time, Wonwoo crosses his arms and leans up against the opposite bookshelf as he sighs.
It’d been a few days since he’d seen you and you’d been swamped in so much class work that you didn’t even have the time to come by the library or the frat house. And even while Wonwoo stood in between the bookshelves having a conversation with Mingyu, you were finishing an art project with Minghao that was due by the end of the day.
“I know. I told her it’d be kind of a slow crawl for me.” He plucks another book from the cart, staring at the glossy text as he simmers in his thoughts. “Mingyu, am I awkward?”
“Erm, well, I wouldn’t say that necessarily.”
Mingyu steps forward, patting Wonwoo on the shoulder as he smiles.
“You like her and you’re trying even if you’re not used to it. You gotta start somewhere, hyung. Even if you’re a fish out of water. But that’s okay, you can ask me for help if you want!”
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“When are you gonna put a ring on Wonwoo-hyung?”
You snort at Minghao’s question - reaching for a clean paintbrush as he stands across from you in the large, empty studio. “First of all, can you not say it like that? I’m not gonna marry him, okay.”
The male rolls his eyes as he steps closer to you; his own hands and clothes covered in a colorful array of paints. “So you’re saying you never imagined hyung in a suit, hair slicked back and his buff arms carrying you off into your honeymoon?”
“W--wh--n--no! No, I haven’t!” You avoid his piercing stare as you focus on your end of the large canvas instead.
No, but I dreamt about it once.
“‘Hao, would you hurry! We’re supposed to be collaborating on this and it looks… like it’s 5 different art styles.”
“Don’t change the subject on me. And anyway, I like what you’re doing to hyung. Breaking him out of his shell, y’know? He’s just shy, that’s all. Needs a little work in the bold department.”
You bite down the urge to laugh because to you, Wonwoo was everything but shy when it came to the bedroom. Although, Minghao was right with everything else. “Yeah, I know. We went for breakfast together after I, um, stayed over a few nights ago and he kinda just sat there zoned out, picking at his waffles. He’s really cute when he wakes up in the morning though. Pouty and whiny.”
Grinning at Minghao, he pretends to gag in response before taking a seat next to you.
“Disgusting. Tell me more.”
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Wonwoo makes an effort to check in with you throughout the day before he heads back to his room - asking you if you’d had your meals and if you’d finished your project on time.
You’d answered sporadically as you and Minghao raced to finish.
‘I’ll eat late probably… rly gotta finish or else my ass is failing lol’
‘Just don’t forget, okay? It’s not good for you to skip.’
Wonwoo lays down in his bed; yawning as he sets his phone onto the nightstand next to himself.
His eyelids feel heavy and he’s quick to give in to the tiredness that takes over him once he gets comfortable.
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When Wonwoo finally decides to shift during his nap, he finds it difficult and extra warm.
His bleary eyes adjust to the, now,  slightly darkened room as he makes out your figure tucked underneath his arm. He calls your name softly - waking you up from the nap that you’d apparently joined him in.
“Mmh… Wonwoo…” You snuggle in deeper, voice still laced with sleep. “You didn’t even budge when I came in…”
He chuckles softly as he readjusts to spoon you from behind instead; his strong arm wrapped around your waist to keep your body flush against his own.
“I’m surprised you came by, sweetheart. I would’ve just stayed awake had I known you were coming over.” His voice is groggy and laced with sleep as you sigh softly in return as you blink away the sleepiness.
“How was your day at the library? Miss me yet?” Wonwoo smiles into your shoulder before he tilts his head up to kiss the shell of your ear.
“Always, sweetheart. Although, Mingyu decided to keep me busy today.”
“Oh? Anything fun?”
He plays with the hem of your shirt, “Well… Fun isn’t the word I’d use to describe what that was. Nosy was more like it.”
This time you can’t help but snort in response. “You too? I think some people were being ‘lil moles today.”
“Wouldn’t doubt it. Did you end up just coming back here with Minghao from the studio?”
“Wasn’t planning on it, to be honest but… S’been a rough day.” Placing your hand over his arm, you squeeze slightly as you pull his arm around you tighter. “Our professor came by while we were working in the studio and said our project wasn’t up to par with what Minghao and I usually submit for projects. She didn’t fail us on the spot but she said we need to redo it for less credit or take the failing grade.”
Wonwoo nuzzles your neck; peppering small kisses on your clothed shoulder. “I take it the two of you are going to redo it?”
“Mm… We spent so long coming up with a concept and now we’re both stressed about coming up with something new. I walked over here with ‘Hao and he locked himself up in his room as soon as we got here. Figured I’d come hang out with you and found you napping… With your glasses on, no less.”
The two of you share a laugh; Wonwoo’s embrace making you feel more at ease.
“Can I help you de-stress a little, sweetheart?”
You stare at the opposite wall, nodding gently as Wonwoo’s hand leaves the hem of your shirt in favour of the waistband of your shorts.
“Just want you to feel good,” he whispers. “You deserve it. You’ve been working so hard, baby.”
He teases you softly; fingertips ghosting across your skin as you shiver. “Ah, Wonwoo…”
“You worked extra hard today too, didn’t you? I’m so proud of you for what you accomplished today.”
Your body heats up at his praise and you can’t deny that his deep, soft voice sends thrums of arousal pouring over your body just as he dips his hand into your lounge shorts. He touches you over your panties - fingertips ghosting against your mound as you moan his name shakily in return.
“I know your new idea is going to be great, baby. I believe in you.”
Soft whines threaten to spill as Wonwoo strokes you over your panties - slowly working you up as you find yourself trying to grind against his hand. “Y-yeah… ‘m p-pretty sure ‘Hao’s already working on it…”
Your voice is barely above a whisper as Wonwoo continues to stroke you gently; making no efforts to rush or add pressure to his feather-light touches.
A disappointed noise falls from your lips when he starts to pull his hand out of your shorts but it quickly turns into a content sigh when he starts teasing your chest instead.
“Mm, so soft…” Muttering against your shoulder, his eyes stare off into the dark room as he massages your body. “And all mine~”
You hum in response, “We should go on a date sometime…”
“You want to? We can go this weekend. After you’ve redone some of your project. I’ll take you somewhere nice for a job well done.”
You giggle softly; images of a wedding day’s Wonwoo dancing in your mind after the conversation you’d had with Minghao earlier. “I’d like that. We should do something for the whole day.”
“Whatever you’d like, baby.”
Wonwoo’s hand flits down your body again - snaking into your shorts and, this time, into your panties as you whine. “Do you wanna cum or go back to sleep, hmm?” 
You ponder it for a second as the drowsiness equates the urge to cum on his fingers. 
“Both? I wanna cum and then sleep a little more... If that’s okay?” 
Wonwoo hums in agreement as his fingertips drag through your folds - collecting the wetness on them before he teases your soaked hole. “Only a little teasing gets you this wet, hmm? So cute.” 
“Ah, f-feels good when you go slow t-too...” 
He stores that away in his head for later; chuckling against your shoulder as he slowly starts to dip his middle finger into your cunt. 
You feel warm and content when he starts a slow pace - thumb on your clit rubbing soft, slow circles while he pumps his finger into you. 
“O-oh, Wonwoo...” 
“You’re always good for me, baby. Always such a good girl.” 
“Ah, Wonwoo...”
“You can cum whenever you want. You deserve it.” 
He adds his index finger - thrusting both fingers into you as you mewl and arch away from his warm chest. Your toes curl and your thighs clamp and trap his hand between your legs as you start to grind down onto his nimble fingers.
“That’s right, baby. Call my name, let me hear your pretty voice when your cumming for me.” 
You turn your head - cries muffled into his pillow because despite his slower than usual pace, you find yourself already on the brink of cumming with his fingers knuckle deep inside of you and his thumb on your clit. 
“Mmh... Ah... Feels s-so warm... and g-good...” You mutter, eyes blinking drowsily. “Gonna c-cum...” 
He doesn’t say anything in return as he focuses on you and your pleasure; fingers scissoring and curling right into your g-spot as you clamp down onto them in a vice grip. 
Wonwoo knows when you’re about to cum when he feels your hand coming down on his forearm, holding onto him for dear life when your orgasm still hits you just as hard. 
“Ngh, Wo---Wonwoo!” 
Your walls flutter around his fingers and make it harder for him to thrust them in and out with how tight you get. 
“That’s my good girl. Cum for me, baby~” 
His deep voice makes you whine - nails digging into his arm and body trembling as the pleasure steadily washes over you. 
“Ah, bet your face is so pretty right now too~” 
“Mmh, s-stop...” Your cheeks burn in slight embarrassment from his constant praise but you can’t deny the way it goes straight to your core and only prolongs your orgasm. 
“Don’t be so shy, baby. It’s only you and me here.” 
Wonwoo leans away slightly to kiss the crown of your head - still working you through your orgasm as you sigh contentedly in his arms. 
Various thoughts run through his head in the moment, but the one that sits at the forefront of his mind is definitely how to make sure he kept treating you right. 
Starting with your date that he would spend time meticulously planning.
‘Ah, I should ask Mingyu for some advice.’ 
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1kook · 4 years
commercial break; SEVEN
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this is part of my netflix & chill series ! happens a few months before part 7 
summary; And lastly, Jungkook will bring it full circle by indulging you two in some good old fashion spooky sex where he nuts inside you because the only thing scarier than a scary movie is a pregnancy scare. It’s a perfect plan.  warnings; horny jk, jk wants to roleplay... everyone point n laugh, mentions of his impreg kink lol, making out, tits, honestly jk is just very horny n in love lol, jk in a vampire costume w fangs O_o rating; mature (18+) wc; 2k
notes; if u don’t know who lindsay is first of all ur sick, second of all here’s my queen’s top moments. also i just gotta say, this was originally gonna be a larger fic (a halloween special) for my ncouple, but i got a lil busy with school n ultimately didn't have time to invest in this as a whole installment so..... enjoy this commercial break instead!!
Jungkook loves Halloween.
He loves the pumpkin carving and the decorating. Loves the spooky music and the abundance of candy. He loves it, absolutely adores it, and for the second year in a row, he gets to spend it with you! Yet another person he loves very much.
He doesn’t remember ever being this excited for Halloween. Last year, you had roped him into going to some frat party with him, had egged him on, begged so cutely that it was your last year in college, baby until he caved. The two of you had spent the night drinking until you blacked out, Ubering home with your costumes half on, and then unceremoniously fucking in his living room with the blinds wide open.
(The next neighborhood meeting had been very awkward for Jungkook.)
It was his first time ever drinking with you like that, and he vaguely remembers, through his own drunken gaze, how cool you had been. Had absolutely owned a bunch of greasy football players at beer pong in your little sexy nurse costume. And when the crowd cheered your name, shrieked in awe, it had been him that you turned to for praise. “Did you see me, baby,” you had giggled, crowded him against the wall of this random house until Jungkook was sweating profusely. In lieu of a costume, he had worn a silly jogger set with a skeleton design that was supposed to glow in the dark, according to Amazon. You had told him he looked adorable, had kissed and squeezed his cheeks until Jungkook was a flustered mess.
It was still early into your relationship— if Jungkook did the math, you were only about five months in at that point —so he didn’t know how else to cope with the rapid thundering of his heart, the confession sitting on his tongue, the then scary L-word begging to be heard. So, he took you home and fucked you until your little nurse cap slid off your head and you were begging for him to let you cum, thus earning him his first ever offense for violating the neighborhood rules (i.e., traumatizing a group of middle schoolers by fucking in plain sight).
Long story short, Jungkook loves Halloween, and he loves it even more when he gets to spend it with you.
(He’ll never admit it, but he’s a hard romantic. He wants to do cheesy things with you, like cuddle you into his arms when you get scared, pat your head until you can look at whatever is happening on screen again. He wants you to feel safe in his arms, wants to be your refuge when things become too much. He likes to think he’s done a pretty good job so far.)
Jungkook’s plan goes like this:
First, welcome you with that Halloween basket you’ve been sending him tweet links about all month. The cute little Jack-O-lantern candy bucket stuffed with candy and hair ties and a soft Halloween themed blanket. It’s so cheesy, makes him blush when he catches sight of it in his closet, but Jungkook will do anything to please you.
Next, after presenting you with your Halloween gift and having you coo and tell him he’s a good boy, he’ll invite you to break your new soft blanket in. The living room will be prepared with an assortment of your favorite foods, the flat screen ready to play whatever horror movie the two of you settle on.
And lastly, Jungkook will bring it full circle by indulging you two in some good old fashion spooky sex where he nuts inside you because the only thing scarier than a scary movie is a pregnancy scare.
It’s a perfect plan.
It’s the best way to spend his favorite holiday, with his favorite girl by his side and some of his favorite horror films on the big screen. Jungkook spends all of October geeked up for it, even considers hanging up lights around the living room to really set the mood. He’s so excited, can’t wait to spend another wonderful holiday at home with you, that he doesn’t fully realize why you haven’t brought up the long awaited topic of costumes.
“You like?” you ask, standing at the door of his bathroom with a sultry look in your eye, tits practically pouring out of the tight top you’ve wiggled into, skin oiled up scandalously. He fumbles with the fake vampire fang prosthetics he’d been trying to glue in for the better half of an hour.
He had heard the door open downstairs when you got here, had called out his mandatory greeting as he heard you come up the stairs. But none of that had prepared him for the sight of you in… whatever this was.
Jungkook doesn’t really understand exactly what you’re supposed to be dressed up as until the two of you are back downstairs—blinds drawn, full moon slipping in through the cracks—with some random horror movie pulled up on the TV. “I’m Lindsey,” you whine, brand new fluffy blanket wrapped around your shoulders. It shields your boobs from view, but he’s not sure if that’s a win or a loss. “From Total Drama Island!”
He settles in beside you, doesn’t get too comfortable because it’s nearing sundown now and he knows the herds of children are bound to start flowing in. “Uh huh,” he says mindlessly. His collar feels itchy, the overly-detailed vampire costume he meticulously scoured the internet for being one size too small. You snuggle into his side anyway.
“You don’t know anything about cinematic masterpieces,” you frown, avidly tuned into The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, because apparently you love horror movies all of a sudden, a fact that genuinely throws Jungkook off. He’s not sure what it is about you that had deluded him into thinking you would be a scaredy cat, but he doesn’t take the new bit of information too hard.
The doorbell rings right as the first gorey scene ends and you make a big show of huffing and whining as he rushes to answer it. But it’s only the beginning of the long night that awaits, and, as Jungkook comes to find, running back and forth from the door to the couch is harder than it seems.
Anyway, Jungkook’s neighborhood is a little posh, or ‘bougie’ as you like to claim, and trick-or-treating hours end a little before eleven pm. By then he’s tired, having refused your offer to switch places in fear that your boob might fall out of that scrap of fabric you call a top and earn him his second neighborly offense.
However, that doesn’t mean he’s opposed to your boobs falling out in private.
“Stupid,” you giggle when he gets caught in his long cape, the sound slowly melting into a whimper as he slips his hands beneath your top, fighting with the ridiculous push-up bra you’ve donned tonight. Hands tangle in his hair, mess up the careful side part he’d styled up for tonight, and legs lock around his waist. “Your curtains closed?” you tease.
He huffs, catches your chatty lips with his roughly, presses and presses until your mouth must bruise. He belatedly remembers about those sharp fangs he’d glued on—hey, if he was going to dress up as some gaudy monster it might as well be realistic—and doesn’t realize until he tries to bite your neck and you let out a little yelp. Truthfully, he feels bad right away, but then you’re practically dissolving in his arms so he plays along. “Shh,” he hisses.
The roar of a chainsaw and terrified screams fill the living room, almost drowning out the soft sounds you release by his ear. “O- Or what?” you pant, flinch when he pushes your sad excuse of a skirt up over your waist. “Gonna b- bite me?”
And so Jungkook does.
You shriek. “That hurts, you idiot!” you scold with a tiny whine in your voice, but Jungkook’s cock is so hard. Your tiny, tight outfit does you no favors. Tits in his face, tiny thong against his bulge. He wants to make you sob, litter bites and marks all over your skin until his love makes you ache. You must see the crazed look in his eyes, because you drop the scowl. “Hey,” you say slowly, hand on his chest. “You look like you’re gonna eat me.”
He lets go of a breath he hadn’t known he was holding. He wonders if you can feel his thundering heart beneath your palm. “Fuck,” he sighs, leaning away to regain his senses. Was it something in the air? Was it the fatigue? The full moon? Why did he want to fold you in half and fuck his cock into you until you were a crying, shivering mess? Something about you tonight, laid out for him to take, makes him feel absolutely insane. Starved and psycho; he just wants to take and take until you don’t have anything more to give. He purses his lips, tries to ignore the hot feeling in his lower abdomen when your hardened nipples register to his eyes. “I think I’m becoming evil.”
Of all the idiotic things his brain can come up with, this one is definitely top five. His cheeks flush right after, fueled by the boisterous laughter that escapes your lips at his statement. “Oh my god,” you gasp in glee, hands falling down beside your head. “You’re becoming evil?’
Jungkook frowns, flopping down on top of you to hide the embarrassment that paints his face. “Shut up,” he mumbles against your neck, warm and safe.
A hand cards through the back of his hair, nails dig lightly into his scalp. “Aren’t you the cutest little vampire,” you coo, seemingly ignoring the rock hard cock Jungkook presses against your thigh. He’s still so horny, has this sick thought that he could just pin you down right here, tear that silly costume to shreds and swallow you up in his lust. But your voice is so sweet, has his eyes fluttering shut as you gather him in his arms. “Silly vampire,” you hum, one leg thrown around his hip, a subtle roll of you hips up into him.
Jungkook huffs, licks a flat strip along the base of your neck. It draws a shaky exhale from you, has your hands digging into his back when he begins to slowly lap against the skin, nibble and tug until your back is deliciously arching up into him. “Wanna push you down,” he confesses quietly, hands securing themselves against your hips as he leans back. You're all dazed, eyes trained on his fanged mouth when he hesitantly adds, “l- little human.”
You could laugh, tease him for his sudden weird need to role play with you, but you don’t. A look of understanding crosses your face, sly smirk slowly following. “Oh?” you grin, hand coming around to cup his cheek. “The little vampire wants to use my body?” Jungkook tightens his jaw at your jab, but nods nonetheless.
You’re a feast before his eyes. Boobs in his face, pussy begging to be filled. You’re his, just like Jungkook is yours. And when you indulge him and his stupid whims—kinks, he should say, occasional interests that sometimes make him question himself—his heart feels warm and full. Proud and unashamed, like the truest version of himself when you look at him with those eyes. And your words only confirm it.
Your hands reach down for your top, pull the flimsy material over your head in one swoop that has your bra coming off with it. It drops to the floor. If it makes a sound, Jungkook doesn’t hear it over the shrieks of terror on screen. the blood deaths, the suspenseful music. All he hears is he hammering of his heart. 
It’s two of your sneaky fingers that come up to play, pinch one nipple tenderly as you meet his eyes. “It’s all yours,” you purr. “I’m all yours.”
And the thirst he feels, well. It’s a little vampiric, to say the least. 
Copyright © 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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sevlgi · 3 years
i think i love you
requested: no
group: red velvet
pairing: yeri x fem!reader (feat irene)
genre: fluff, angst
contents: unrequited love, sad christmases. 
warnings: none
synopsis: One time you said it to the wrong person, three times you couldn’t say it aloud, and the last time you ever needed to be sorry for loving someone.
a/n: i hope you enjoy, and have yourself a very merry christmas 💖i may or may not be projecting with this fic, so uh... ignore that.
word count: 4.2k
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“Oh come on, come on, come on!”
You panted harder than you ever had before as you ran through the train station, feet thudding against the ground in a way that wasn’t graceful in the slightest. Your knuckles where white with how you clutched your car keys in your hand, and your eyes scanned the station for the petite figure you were looking for.
To your dismay, not a single person had the dark waves cascading down their back, nor the peachy sweater and jeans that you remembered Joohyun to be wearing when she left the apartment. There wasn’t a white Chanel bag in sight, and certainly no unfairly beautiful face either.
But there-- a couple feet ahead of you, the same outfit you remembered, or at least a similar one. A white bag, a petite figure growing closer and closer as you ran closer at top speed.
And a collision, an unflattering “oof” escaping you as you hit the person you believed to be your crush of years. “I think I love you,” you blurted without even seeing Joohyun’s face, stumbling back when the girl who turned back was decidedly not her.
Had you not been so hung up on the older girl, you would’ve realized that the body you collided with was just as beautiful, that the smile on the stranger’s face was just as charming. “Uh. Wrong person?” she offered, cocking her head.
All of a sudden, you realized that her hair was too short, too straight to be Joohyun. She was probably a bit shorter, and her sweater wasn’t peach at all, more of a light pink color. “I-- I am so sorry,” you gasped, ducking down in a bow. “Oh my god, I wasn’t thinking straight.”
“I figured,” the stranger laughed. “Joohyun. That’s a girl’s name, isn’t it?”
When you hesitated to answer, apprehension about Korea’s conservative history obviously showing in your expression, she reassured you with her hands held up in the air, “I’m not homophobic, promise. Won’t jump you.”
“Yeah. She’s-- well. I love her.”
Rather than responding, she held her hand out to you to shake, fingers warm and surprisingly strong against yours. “Cool. I’m Yerim, but a lot of my friends just call me Yeri.”
“Yeri. Got it.” You attempted to smile back, still fearing that Yeri would hit you back or something. (Okay, unrealistic, but you had expected a K-drama moment with your crush in the train station. You were born unrealistic.) “Uh, I’m Y/N.”
Yeri nodded, checking her phone with a nonchalance that lead you to think that strangers hit her and confessed their love to her on the daily. “Right. Hey, could I ask you a favor? You can totally say no.”
There was no way you could refuse a chance to assuage your own guilt, and you didn’t really want to chase after Joohyun when her train was probably already gone, so you shrugged. “Sure, give it a shot.”
The girl smiled, nodding at the keys still fisted in your hand. “Could you drive me somewhere? I’d ask my friend, but I don’t really trust her to drive.”
“You’d rather go with a possible murderer than ask your friend to drive you?” you joked, face blanching when you realized what it implied. “I’m not-- that was a joke, by the way. I’m not a murderer.”
“If you knew Seulgi, you’d understand,” Yeri snickered, tugging her bag behind her in the direction that you came from. “So, is that a yes?”
It wasn’t smart-- that much was obvious. The smart thing to do would’ve been to call Joohyun before she left the station, to beg her to come back instead of letting her leave with a hatred for you permanently instilled into her heart. But smart was never your forte.
You jogged over to Yeri, pulling her in the actual direction of your car with a grin and an offer to pull her luggage for her. “It’s this way.”
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Driving a random stranger home from the only train station in town shouldn’t have resulted in anything. You should’ve just dropped her off at the house she was staying at for the rest of the year, then driven off to moan about your terrible luck in love to Sooyoung.
But instead, Yeri didn’t close the door of the car immediately, peering inside at you with the curious smile on her face that you’d come to like over the 30-minute car ride. “Well? Are you coming? Seulgi wants to vet you.”
“Uh. Sure.” You locked the car behind you, hefting up the girl’s remaining luggage as the front door swung open, another girl rushing out to hug Yeri fiercely.
“Yerim, you little shit! How could you just ask a stranger to drive you home instead of me?” she whined, pouting down at the grinning girl you’d driven home. Seulgi, you assumed, was pretty-- unique monolids, wispy bangs, and a full mouth setting her apart from most girls you tended to see in your hometown. 
“In my defense, you’re a horrible driver, unnie,” Yeri answered, prying herself out of Seulgi’s grip. She beckoned you over, taking the suitcase from your hands with a grunt. “Seulgi unnie, Y/N. Y/N, Seulgi unnie. Oh. I don’t know if she’s an unnie for you...” she frowned.
You half-expected Seulgi to maim you (again, unrealistic), but she tugged you into a hug that could’ve easily cracked a rib or two. “Thank you for driving Yeri home,” she smiled when she pulled away. “I’m offended on her comments about my driving skills, but that’s not your fault. Come in?”
Going inside for a cup of coffee ended up being about 5 hours of playing video games with the two girls, and laughing harder than you had for a good year or so. Indeed, it was the most you’d forgotten about Joohyun for a while, and it would be a lie to say that it wasn’t a relief.
You only came back to Earth when Sooyoung called you in a panic. “Y/N, Joohyun said that she’s already back in Daegu. You didn’t stop her?”
“Oh.” You glanced back to Seulgi and Yeri, hitting each other with the remote controls on the couch as Mario Kart’s winning page played triumphant music. “I... I didn’t get to her in time. I’m sorry.”
Sooyoung sighed over the line, voice tinny. “Don’t be sorry. Joohyun’s always been stubborn. Did you at least get to tell her? You know, that you lo--”
“I didn’t,” you cut your best friend off, lips thinning. You didn’t want to think about Joohyun or her rejection of your feelings, not when it had been the only thing on your mind for a good couple of years. “Sorry, Sooyoung. I gotta go, but I’ll be home soon.”
Without giving her a chance to speak, you hung up. It wasn’t her fault, of course, but it got annoying sometimes to be constantly reminded that you had to be honest sometime in your life. “I think I should go,” you smiled sheepishly at Yeri, tucking your phone away. “But thank you for today.”
“Hey, gimme that,” she suddenly called, reaching for your phone. Confused, you handed the unlocked device to her. “Okay, I’m saving myself as Yeri. You better not forget my name, because I’m texting you,” she warned, smiling wide when she handed it back.
A surprisingly genuine smile was directed at her as you accepted your phone, now with a cute selfie of Yeri as the profile picture of a brand new contact. Bowing to Seulgi, you grabbed your bag from the rack by the door. “See you soon, I guess?”
“Bye, Y/N!” the oldest girl called out, waving excitedly all the way until the front door locked behind you.
Taking a deep breath of cold night air, you pressed your fingers to your sternum to try and quell the beats of your heart. As you unlocked the door to your car and slid into an icy driver’s seat, you were hit with the longing to go back, back inside a warm living room filled with the laughter of two people who had no business being so welcoming towards you. 
But you turned the key and switched the radio to a loud song that echoed inside the vehicle when you drove away. There was no warmth in your life, as you had to remind yourself, and you couldn’t get used to any, in case it made you let go of the only person you held close.
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It seemed that Yeri existed purely to shock you, as you were pleasantly surprised by her call a week following the strangest occurrence of your life. 
For the first silent week, you were oddly disappointed that she didn’t contact you. Some lingering hope for friendship, you assumed, was behind it all, and you did your best to brush it aside at work. You didn’t tell Sooyoung about Yeri’s existence at all, for fear that it’d backfire on you when she ultimately left you alone.
Instead, she called you in the middle of grocery shopping. “Hello?” you frowned, holding the phone to your ear without checking the caller name.
“Y/N! Did I catch you at a bad time?” Yeri asked, voice just as cheery as you remembered it to be. It was odd how much just hearing her made you perk up.
“Oh, not at all.” You set a bag of chips down and switched ears, moving to a quieter section of the supermarket. “What’s up?”
Yeri hummed slightly, rustling around. “Well, I was going to ask if you’re up for a movie night. I’m bored today, and Seulgi’s off visiting her girlfriend. Do you have anything to do?”
Movie nights reminded you of being a teenager, watching dumb movies off the internet with your friends and shrieking at kiss scenes. Suffice to say, you missed it, and Yeri seemed like the perfect person to forget about all responsibilities with. “Nothing at all,” you grinned, heading towards the alcohol section. “By the way, what kind of wine do you like?”
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“I hate the Titanic,” Yeri sniffled, popping another handful of popcorn into her mouth. “Jack’s stupid. Rose should find a wife and live happily ever after.”
“A wife?” you laughed, rolling over just to shove the girl. “In that time period? Unrealistic, Yerim, settle for bondage like the rest of us.”
She pouted, tilting her head to face you as well. The slight smell of alcohol on her breath mingled spicy-sweet with sugared popcorn, her flawless skin flushed pink. “Come on, don’t deny you want Rose to get a pretty wife too.”
You rolled your eyes, looking up at Rose hanging onto her board again. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“If I were Rose and you were Jack, I’d save you,” Yeri promised with a laugh, grinning when you looked at her with an incredulous look on your face. “I’m serious! Come on, the both of us could easily fit on that stupid board.”
“It’d sink,” you protested. “Didn’t you say you were good at math and stuff?”
“Math,” she pointed at the screen, “has nothing to do with gay expectations of movies.”
When she laid her head back down, under the makeshift blanket fort you’d made together to ward against the night’s chilliness, her nose almost brushed up against yours, Yeri’s eyes sparkling with the light from Seulgi’s flatscreen TV. “You’re right again,” you admitted just to stop staring at the other girl, flipping onto your stomach to watch the movie. “You’re right.”
It should’ve been awkward, but the girl just grappled for her phone, earning a kick from you when the screen was too bright in a pitch black room. “I want takeout. Are you with me or against me, Y/N?”
You suffocated her with a pillow, snatching the phone to set your own order. “Depends. Are you going to steal my fried chicken?” you demanded, laughing when Yeri smacked you with the pillow herself. “Answer the question!”
“You pay, and I won’t,” she promised, holding her arms up to protect her head. “Oh, it’s on!”
When you collapsed under the half-collapsed blanket fort, sweaty with an order of fried chicken displayed on Yeri’s phone screen and the credits to Titanic rolling, you felt a phrase on your tongue that you hadn’t said since the train station. When Yeri smiled at you, you felt your lips parting to let the words out, and you felt your hand clamping over the 5 words you had already told her by mistake.
It was too fast, too intense to be real. Unlike the 5 years it had taken you to realize you loved Joohyun, it took two hangouts and one chaotic car ride for you to feel something that could burn you up from the inside if you weren’t careful.
I think I love you.
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“I hope you like kimbap, because I am the Kimbap Destroyer!”
You chuckled as you shut the door to the apartment you shared with Sooyoung, said roommate nowhere to be found as a crash sounded from your kitchen. “How’d you get in, Yeri? Picked the lock?”
The girl appeared with rice-sticky gloves still on, freshly dyed hair tied up in a ponytail for cleanliness. “Joy let me in on her way out. Is that her real name, by the way?” she asked, returning to the kimbap rolls laid out on your counter. “She’s really pretty.”
“Hey, no simping for my roommate,” you protested, something bubbling at the back of your throat despite Yeri’s joking tone. You hugged her from behind as you knew she liked it, reaching over to snack on some of the extra seaweed. “Besides, isn’t she too old for you?”
“Says you, in love with a girl years older,” Yeri protested. When you fell silent, though, she winced at her own insensitiveness. “I’m sorry. Shouldn’t have joked like that.”
You shrugged it off, peeling your work jacket off. “No problem. I should be over her by now anyway, she hasn’t talked to me or Sooyoung since the train station. Months. She obviously doesn’t give a shit about me.”
Yeri frowned at that, staring at the back of your head as you looked out the kitchen window. “Hey. You know that isn’t true. And if it was, I’ll have you know that plenty of people care about you. Me, Joy, Seulgi, and all of your friends.”
Turning around with a grin on your face that didn’t convince the other girl for a second, you slung your arm around her shoulders. “Wow, Kim Yerim, when did this turn into soft hours? Love you too~”
She let the subject go, throwing a leftover radish stick at you. “Is it time for love already? You’ve only known me for four months, do you always move this fast?”
No, you wanted to respond. No, I usually take years. But you’re an exception, a stupid exception that’s wormed your way into my heart.
Putting Yeri into a halfhearted headlock, you joked, “I’m basically a U-Haul lesbian. By this time, I expected us to already have kids, or at least a cat or two.”
Once she kicked you away, though, you felt the smile on your face falter, looking at this random girl who made you care about her so much making kimbap in your kitchen.
I think I love you.
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You swayed at a side to fend from the December wind, hands stuffed deep into your coat pockets as Seulgi hung onto Yeri. Standing just a few feet away, Wendy and Sooyoung talked quietly, smiling at the sight of their friends.
It shouldn’t have been a somber occasion in any way; all that was happening was Yeri flying back home to spend the winter holidays with her family. But somehow, it was like the end of the world, Seulgi still talking in Yeri’s ear as you waited for your own turn. 
“Go on, Y/N,” Seulgi urged, shivering in the windbreaker she wore. Her girlfriend enveloped her in a hug, Wendy’s petite frame making the sight almost comical. “Say goodbye.”
“She isn’t going off to the military,” you laughed, making your way over anyway. Yeri held her arms out for a hug, her hair whipping around like a tornado around her. Despite your words, you accepted the embrace, gloved hands lingering on the small of her back as you buried your nose into her shoulder. “I’m gonna miss you.”
Yeri giggled, twisting back and forth to make the hug a little less serious. “Like you said, I’m not going off to the military. I’ll be back before you know it, though I am sad that I don’t get to spend Christmas with you and our friends this year.”
“Mm.” You didn’t want to let go, and thankfully, Yeri didn’t mind, her humming vibrating through your body. “You have a good time with your sisters. Eat something nice, spend time with your family, and have fun.”
“Why do you sound sad?” she whispered in your ear, lips brushing against the sensitive skin. “I told you, I’ll be back before you know it.”
When you pulled away, you were struck with the sight of her, nose cherry red in the icy Seoul weather. The cloudy sky was a good lighting for her, though Yeri would look beautiful in any setting, and the look in her eyes stirred something sweet deep in your heart. “I know,” you sighed, bringing your hands up to your nose for warmth.
“Is there something you wanna say to me?” Yeri asked, wetting her lips slightly.
And of course, the answer was yes. After just a couple months of friendship, you already wanted to ruin it with that treacherous heart of yours, wanted to press your mouth to hers and thank her for all the unwarranted kindness she showed you. But you shook your head, stepping back to allow Seulgi to hug Yeri one more time before you had to leave.
She walked backwards into the airport just to wave to you, the grin on her face never fading. Sooyoung linked her arm in yours to tug you away when it was time, whispering, “Are you sure there isn’t something you wanted to say?”
I think I love you.
“I’m sure,” you sighed, breath forming a white dragon before your face. “I’m sure.”
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Christmas stopped being fun for you at age 10, from what you remembered.
As soon as you became aware that Santa Claus was a lie, the holiday changed from being the most magical time of year to a 2 week break from school, or work, or both. It became the time to miss your family, to miss the childhood that wasn’t great but was a million times better than your adult life.
Joohyun was the one to make the holidays better ever since you met her. She was always able to somehow lighten the mood with a ticket to Lotte World, or a freshly baked gingerbread house for you to decorate and then smash. She hated making snow angels but always participated, tossing snow at you just to see that bright smile on your face.
But last year, that all changed. Last year, as soon as Joohyun knew that you felt something for her other than friendship, everything you built together crumbled down.
It was nothing against the fact that you were both girls; Joohyun had had girlfriends before, and she was always the one pushing you to date and get out of your comfort zone. However, for some reason, she couldn’t even contemplate the thought of being with you romantically.
She ran away that year, too, left you alone in your tiny, cold apartment during what was once again the worst time of year. She went back to her sister’s restaurant in Daegu, and came back after New Year’s like nothing changed. But of course it did; your friendship was irreparable, torn to pieces just like your heart. As the awkwardness between you stretched both of you thin, she completely moved out, switching roommates with Sooyoung before declaring that she was moving back to Daegu for good.
Christmas was even more ruined for you than it ever had been, and the only reason you still put up a Christmas tree was for Sooyoung, who still enjoyed the holiday. Your roommate was the only reason that a tree twinkled in the corner of the room, right next to the TV that played a stupid Hallmark movie in the middle of the night.
You expected for her to never come back. Why would she, after all? With her beautiful face and perfect personality, she could easy find someone new. A girl who possessed all the good qualities you didn’t have, a girl who lacked all the bad qualities you did have.
Nevertheless, when you heard a familiar knocking pattern on your apartment door, you knew who it was. And you knew that you didn’t have to get up from the couch to unlock the door for the former owner of the apartment, knew that you didn’t have to see her face to start crying.
“Joohyun,” you responded listlessly, not bothering to turn around as you heard the front door shut softly. “You’re back.”
“I’m sorry,” she said softly, appearing just as beautiful in your peripheral vision. God, you hated how your lungs seized at the sound of her voice, how many memories you could recall. “I’m so sorry for leaving you behind, and for making you feel... like this.”
Spite fueled you to raise an eyebrow, turning back to face her in the hopes that it pained her as much as it did you. “Sooyoung told you?” At the older girl’s nod, you scoffed, “She had no right to do that.”
“I’m glad she did,” Joohyun persuaded, sitting closer to you on the couch and only stopping at your glare. “Y/N, it’s wrong that I led you on. And I regret every bit of it, especially now that I know how much you’ve hurt.”
“Hurt?” You brought a trembling hand up to rake through your hair, shaking your head. “That’s undermining it. Joohyun, I loved you. And I tried to tell you that, but you wouldn’t let me. It’s too late to-- you can’t just come back into my life like this. I won’t let you.”
She flinched back as if you had slapped her, her hand withdrawing from where it had been trying to touch you. “I-- Y/N. That’s not fair.”
“Isn’t it?” you shouted suddenly, springing up. “You’re the one who isn’t fair. You left in June, but you’ve been gone for a year. And I don’t love you anymore!”
“That’s a lie, and you know it,” Joohyun answered back, softer than she had ever spoken before. She searched your eyes for an answer, biting her lip when she found none. “Isn’t it?”
“No.” Your voice was stronger than hers, a firm wall in front of your heart that wouldn’t let her in no matter what. And when no lie rung in your ears, you repeated, “It’s not a lie. You left me, and you can’t expect me to still love you, Joohyun. I love someone else now, someone who-- someone who wouldn’t hurt me like you.”
And to your surprise, the girl smiled. Tearily, but she smiled nonetheless, gathering her jacket from the back of the couch. “I see. Well, I... I’m glad that you found someone to mend your heart. I never wanted to hurt you, and I hope you’ll see that someday.”
Just like that, she was gone again, a whisper of her perfume the last thing fueling the rage burning in your lungs. Just like that, it was like she was never in the apartment at all, the space once again cold and empty.
Snatching a framed picture of Yeri off the dresser, you sighed and sat down again, chin in your hand as you stared at the smile that had ingrained itself into your brain. “Yeri, I don’t know what to do anymore. I... I really don’t love Joohyun anymore, but it still hurts.”
She didn’t respond, of course, but you waited a second before continuing. “But I wasn’t lying when I told her I loved someone else. Is it wrong that I moved on so quickly? Is it wrong that I let you replace her?”
Biting down on your lip, you held the picture closer to your chest. It was ridiculous to be treating a picture frame as your sense of comfort, especially when said girl probably didn’t know about your feelings or care about them in the slightest. “I think I love you.”
“Reminiscing about the way we met?”
You spun around in the couch, spine creaking embarrassingly with your speed. And there, Yeri stood in the doorway, hand still lingering on the doorknob as she smiled. “Or is it something else?”
Tripping over your own two feet was embarrassing, but the other girl didn’t seem to mind when you ran to hug her, eyes stinging when you hugged her with all your might, whispering with your eyes squeezed shut, “I love you. I love you I love you I-”
The taste of bitter words on your tongue was replaced with the sugar of Christmas cookies, soft lips moving against yours and cold hands at your jaw. Yeri was the warmth that you had missed in your arms, and you could only grin as you kissed her back.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N,” she laughed when she pulled back slightly to breathe, lips as red as the cranberries Sooyoung hung on the Christmas tree. “Merry Christmas.”
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kenmasgameboy · 4 years
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ruin me.
chapter 8: who?
kuroo tetsurou came into y/n’s life when she needed him to fuck it up the most.
Kuroo tapped the notebook you where you were rewriting your notes for better organization. You looked over, eyes wide with the sudden eye contact he made. Fuck, he’s so hot. You thought this to yourself and had to look away.
“When do you have to close up?” Kuroo asked, his voice smooth in your ear as you become painfully aware of his gaze.
“Half an hour.” You mumbled, checking your watch. Thanks to the silence around you he still heard you.
“Perfect, uh.” Kuroo nervously fiddled with his pencil, trying to prepare himself to be rejected, “Could I walk you home when you’re done?”
“What?” You practically choke it out, your skin feeling hot and sweaty under your current predicament.
“It’s just getting late, I think Inuoka had to have gone home by now if you were planning on going with him. But I’d love to walk you. I really don’t mind.” Kuroo insisted. You gripped the page of your book, crinkling the corner of it between your thumb and index finger.
“Kuroo-san?” You finally gain the courage to say something above a mumble.
“You don’t have to be so formal—” Kuroo started but you needed to let it out before you swallowed it back down forever.
“Why are you messing with me? I know I tweeted that thing but I didn’t think you’d ever see that. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” You said it in practically one long breath, trying to get it all out of your chest like blowing it into a balloon.
“What tweet? Oh the one where you said I was some good fucking food, something about being a delicious specimen, right?” He flashed a handsome teasing grin your way. Your whole body felt like cringing, curling in on itself until you turned into seafoam but restricted it to just your hands curling and your face wincing. Why did you ever forget the internet is forever?
“I’m just teasing you. Of course, I’m flattered. But I was interested in knowing who you were before I even saw that.” He insisted, his genuine smoothness spilling across the table.
“Oh.” You said, quickly turning your face into your opposite shoulder as to hide the panic and flustered expression you surely are wearing. Kuroo wanted to see that face so bad. A light breath was exhaled from his nose as he held back his laugh, you were amusing though he would give you that.
“Why don’t I walk you home?” He repeated himself. You remembered Inuoka’s long gone and the dark of the night had already settled in. You couldn’t walk home alone, but walking home with a guy you didn’t know very well also didn’t sound like a fun risk.
“Y/N-chan?” Your class representative suddenly had approached the desk, Nakamura Satoshi. You hadn’t spoken to him much, only when he needed you to do a certain task. He was #1 in your year, and was extremely popular with the staff and faculty. He wasn’t exactly Kuroo’s status with popularity, but he was up there. There was no doubt people knew who they were. And they knew who each other were.
You were so thankful that nobody else was in this library. As this would be quite the sight for anyone to see. Two of some of the most popular boys at this school hanging around the loner librarian assistant. What was next? Was an idol going to come try to talk to you as well? You set a reminder in your head to punch Inuoka for leaving you alone tonight.
“Ah, Satoshi-kun, I’m sorry I forgot you were here. Can I help you find something? I was about to close up.” You smiled lightly at him. Your interaction with this guy made Kuroo want to put his fist directly into Nakamura’s face. Did he not see he was working on something over here? He just had to come ruin it, huh? Why were you so familiar with each other? Kenma said you didn’t talk to anyone. Kuroo’s patience was coming to a stifling end.
“Ah not exactly, I’m sorry to keep you past your shift. Is the librarian coming to relieve you?” Satoshi asked you,
“No, I’m locking up tonight. She texted me a little while ago to let me know she couldn’t come back to do it.” You said. Kuroo was getting antsy, starting to pack up his things as he tried to urge this kid to stop talking. He was getting the need to be petty, jealous of how comfortable you were with him.
“Oh, I see.” He said, returning his voice to a normal level since nobody else was here, “I was wondering if you could help me understand this assignment from English? You got second highest in that subject last term, right?”
“Well, yeah. Second to you?” You turned your head to the side in confusion, but Kuroo didn’t miss a beat in understanding this guys game plan.
“I could help you.” Kuroo smiled nonchalant, playing coy as if he didn’t know a thing.
“Oh, Kuroo-san! My apologies, I didn’t see you there.” Satoshi bowed and smiled politely. Immediately it was like a surge of lightening went through both of their eyes, their competitive natures being at opposing sides with each other.
“No worries, I scored #1 in english the last 3 years, I don’t mind helping you.” Kuroo said, trying to draw his attention away from you.
“That’d be great, but I’d feel like I was cheating if i got help from someone as advanced as you. Besides, Y/N-chan always takes the best notes from what we covered in class today. I swear! They’re always better than mine.” Satoshi was being light-hearted but not even you could deny the air had gotten thicker.
“It’s okay, um. Is it this one? I’ll admit it was kind of difficult. Learning when to use past, present, and future tense verbs can get rather difficult especially if it changes mid-sentence.” You said this while looking down at the identical sheets, trying to ignore that half of the answer bubbles looked like they used to have writing in them but had been erased. But Kuroo certainly couldn’t ignore that.
“I know, I’ve been kinda struggling with it. Kuroo-san, this could take a little while. You shouldn’t have to wait for Y/N-chan. I can walk her home.” Satoshi tried to wave him off. Kuroo stood up, using his height to his advantage over Satoshi who was probably only 4 inches shorter than Kuroo, but still enough to make his point.
“I don’t mind waiting, I already got my studies done for the day. No need to rush.” Kuroo insisted, “Besides, L/N already told me she wanted me to walk her home.”
“I don’t remember her saying that.” Satoshi pointed out, causing Kuroo’s eyes to widen. So, he had been listening to them. “Y/N-chan, do you mind staying with me, I’d love your input about a few other things for our class? I’ll walk you home and buy you something from the vending machine.”
You wanted to explode. Right then and there felt like the perfect time to just implode actually, so why couldn’t you spontaneously combust.
“Uh..” You nervously fiddled with the end of your uniform sweater, you looked up to Kuroo for some kind of answer. You don’t know why you had done that, you just felt like he would help you in this. Inuoka normally would be that person for you, but now out of the two in front of you, you go to Kuroo. But he just stared down Satoshi instead, when you made eye contact with him you backed down again. You panicked under his gaze. He registered that look you were giving him a second too late, “Kuroo-san, I would feel bad making you wait for me. It’s okay to go on without me.”
Kuroo wished he could back track, he wished he had the right authority to just pick you up and take you with him. He wished he could’ve gone back to when you looked at him with those panicked eyes looking for an answer and answered for you again so that you would feel like you had an ally. Satoshi didn’t skip a single beat, he took the seat Kuroo had been sitting in for the last few hours to make sure he could be even closer to you than he had been to immediately start asking you questions to ignore Kuroo.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, L/N.” Kuroo couldn’t help but hang his head with his defeat. As soon as Kuroo left through the front doors, the rubber band you felt between the two of you that had been getting pulled tighter and tighter was cut by the doors of the library. It snapped back and hit the air out of your chest. You felt weaker without him, like you couldn’t focus on what Satoshi was asking you even though you were more familiar with him he never gave you the same feeling of blissful silence in the way Kuroo gave you today.
You didn’t know that Kuroo was going to give you up that easy. You didn’t know that he wasn’t. That he was waiting down the hall waiting for you to leave with that guy with you so he could prove his own suspicions. He was never going to give up that easily.
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send a comment or an ask to be added to the taglist! if your name is crossed out it’s because i couldn’t find it! let me know if you’ve changed your username!
a/n wOW WHAT A MASSIVE CHAPTER! let me know what you guys think <3 a bit more drama-filled than normal hehe
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kingofthewilderwest · 3 years
Hello there! First things first, I just wanted to say I love your posts! And I would like to ask something: if there ever was made an animated series adapting the books of "How to Train Your Dragon", what would be your thoughts? Like, how long do you think it should be? Who do you think should be a part of the voice cast?
Hello there! And thank you so much! :)
So I know I have a post, several years old, where I go through this topic. I can’t find it right now because 1). I just woke up half an hour ago and my mind is as alert as a broken-up brick, 2). I’m lazy, and 3). even with all my tricks of refinding my old posts, sometimes the internet doesn’t want to cooperate. Anyway! Never hurts to talk about again. ^.^ I don’t think my thoughts have changed much in the intervening years, but might as well “update” anyway. XD
I love the idea of the How to Train Your Dragon book series being faithfully adapted into a television show. Specifically, I believe that the HTTYD book series would make a wonderful single season 2D animated series.
I am very emphatic that the animation style be 2D animation. The book series has a glorious childish whimsy and charm to it. It screams for an adaptation where the animation style can be as whimsical and charming as it is.
Now. The movie series and the overarching DreamWorks Dragons franchise worked, yes. But while the DreamWorks Dragons franchise tried to thread the needle of whimsical dragon designs and 3D animated realism, ultimately the animation style and the storytelling constraints of a movie trilogy meant making changes to the source material. They made the right choice. Movies are a medium well-suited for certain types of narratives and not as well suited for other types of narratives. You have to sweep in quickly, hook the audience, rapidly stab a few themes in there, and sweep out. It only makes sense that, as DreamWorks sought to make a successful movie, they altered the source material to make higher stakes, more action, greater realism, story changes for succinct thematic material they could use, etc.
But when we’re talking about a faithful adaptation to the books, 3D animation wouldn’t evoke the right mood that the books’ story needs. Not as optimally, anyway, especially with the default stylistic trends we have in 3D animation today. 2D animation would better give us the vibe we want. Cressida Cowell herself made specific choices about how to illustrate the books. She intentionally started with simple, childish artwork. It matured and gained greater detail over the course of the book series, but that artwork never lost its youthful vibe. Now, I wouldn’t want the animators to draw the this hypothetical tv series like Cowell’s art, but I would want them to take inspiration from the heart of what she did. The HTTYD book series is the story of a small boy growing up in an enchanting fantastical world. That screams 2D animation use.
I would be immediately grumpy if someone tried for a live action remake instead.
I also would push for voice actors to come from the region HTTYD is supposed to take place. We’re not going to go back a thousand years and use dialects that were in use a thousand years ago. That’s too much. But the HTTYD books take place on Scottish islands. Make Hiccup’s English-speaking voice actor, make everyone’s voice actors (aside from like, the Romans, etc.) Scottish.
The DreamWorks movies intentionally created a dialectical division between generations. I understand the affect they were going for, but that affect relies on linguistic biases that need to be removed (why are North American voices considered “more modern”? why are we still in a world where Scottish actors get repeatedly passed over?). In truth, most linguistic shortcuts in movies rely on sociolinguistic stereotypes that perpetuate bias and crap, so I will always be in favor of removing those. Talk to me more about that later if you’d like. Plus, what DreamWorks did is highly unrealistic, and as a linguist, it’s hard for me to ignore, haha. I don’t care what Watsonian explanations you try to use, that’s not how languages work. Let’s get some good Scottish dialectical representation going instead!
I do not care as much what individual humans are part of the voice cast. I have headcanons for how each character sounds, but I can’t take what I imagine in my head and project that onto any real human beings I know about. If they’re good in the role, that’s what matters. I also think that, while there are marvelous VAs out there whose reputation is well-earned, who are working in their field of expertise, we need to get away from celebrity power impacting hiring choices, too. Some countries are better than others about this.
A television show for the HTTYD book series could be done in a single season. I am someone who believes that story should never be rushed, but it also should never be unnecessarily stretched. Good creators know how long a story should be and limit it to that. The majority of HTTYD books in the first half of the series could be adapted into single 30 minute episodes. Will that delete material? Of course. But that’s the name of the game of television show adaptations anyway. A Hero’s Guide to Deadly Dragons would make a good single episode and a single episode is all we need. How to Cheat a Dragon’s Curse would make a great single episode and a single episode is all we need.
For the latter half of the book series, the books get longer, and there’s more drama to cover. Some of these could be split into two episodes. Still, we’d be looking at what? A series of about 16 episodes, maybe? No more than 20. Do not make it more than 20.
I think that a faithful adaptation of the book series could be INCREDIBLE! But they’d have to make the right artistic choices to successfully adapt the heart.
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amenomiko · 4 years
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Thank you for the interesting request @crossmix ❤❤❤❤❤
MC Brought Gadgets from the Future
(Minus Sasuke because he is from the future dowh :B. Please assume that MC brought it to all of them with Sasuke's help. Why? Because it will be interesting. Let's make the impossible, possible. MWAHAHAHAHAH)
Nobunaga - Mobile Phone
Hm. Intriguing.
"So you can connect with people no matter how far they are?"
*Sends death threat to kasugayama castle right away*
+kaomoji and devil emoji at the end of his messages
Secretly message Mitsuhide to buy his konpeito so Hideyoshi wouldn't know about it.
Takes a selfie before a war. Or maybe when he stab someone.
Watches drama with it, and complains it has small screen.
Also, secretly takes a video when MC's not looking. Or maybe during their-- hm. Hmhmhmhm.
Hideyoshi - Tablet
Aaah~~ this is very convenient.
He can write his daily plan of the day..!
But wait-
The screen is big but why his daily plans doesn't fit one notepad?? It needs at least 10 to fill one. Sigh.
I'm so busy to take care of everyone dot com.
"*Groans* The keypad is too small!"
"How does this thing work again??"
"No, don't touch there Mitsuhide I can do it on my own! Who knows if you break it intentionally??"
"Of course I trust you (half of me) but MC will be furious if this thing is broken!"
Masamune - Polaroid
You can take pictures with this and it printed out in instant? Amazing!
*Binge shopping all the films, especially those with decorated frames*
20% of it is a picture of him and his vassals, his fellow lords, especially Hideyoshi's face when he is angry.
Not to mention his huge nostrils when he is angry.
+Ieyasu's butt before and after it was smacked.
+His expression before and after it was smacked.
MC wonders how he could take it quickly despite not using a phone.
And then another 80% is his Kitten a.k.a MC.
Her smile, her cute moments, her shy expressions, her blushing face, her moments of changing into her lingerie, and most importantly her boob--
*Polaroid is confiscated the next day*
Mitsuhide - Airpods
Nice ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^).
Hooh? It's like something that you can cover your ears from all the noise but it gives you music.
This is perfect.
Ah speaking of the devil.
"Mitsuhide this is where you are!!"
"Wait, wait, dear friend. Just a moment."
*Puts airpods on*
He likes it. So much.
Such an hour of bliss he gets for the day of nothing but music with Hideyoshi's nagging-- mute version.
"Ehem. Uhuh."
He nods and nods, to the music. But NOT to the latter in front of him who is wheezing from his own lectures.
"..I... Need to drink water."
"Oh? Has it ended? I don't mind you lecture me for another hour 😏."
Ieyasu - Laptop + Internet
"It's not that I'm interested but this internet thing assist me with medicines. And herbs. And.. *small voice* shopping for Wasabi's dresses."
And also to set MC's picture as wallpaper with 1920 x 1080 resolution.
Back to medicines.
As if.
He googles on "How to Kick Someone Off the Stairs without Being Caught" and "How to Make Someone Eat Carrot without Being Caught" and "How to Decrease my Contrary Side" and "How to Survive from A Sugar Rush Dragon, Satan Snake, Cabbages, and Satan of 6th Whatever Hell."
Also, "Why Is My Girlfriend so Cute and I Can't Hold it Back".
Mitsunari - Electric Hand Fan
"Waaaaaaaaaaaa OAO~~~~~"
"Mitsunari! Again?? Stop playing with the fan and sleep! It's in the middle of the night! SHEESH!!"
"Hehehehe I'm sorry Hideyoshi-sama! Ever since MC taught me how to play it like this, I can't seem to stop (❁´◡`❁)!"
"You- that-- UGH!"
"Now, now, lad. Isn't that much better than him reading a book until the next morning?" Masamune followed after Hideyoshi to rest for the night, leaving Mitsunari with his fan.
Of course, it is much better. He even brought it to the battlefield, using it even when they are discussing for the battle tactics;...
Until the maps were blown when he accidentally pressed the highest power.
+Nagged by Hideyoshi and Ieyasu too.
And there's one time when he entered Ieyasu's medicine room,
He made all the mixed herbs blown all over before Ieyasu could arrange it into its bottles--
Which earned him super 'cow-lick' hair all over his head that night, as Ieyasu use the fan to mess with his hair.
Kenshin - Language Translator Device
He stared to the small thing in his palm.
Can translate a language?
Hmh. As if he deals with those barbarians.
"But sometimes you can't understand Sasuke's language, right?" - MC
That hit him.
More reason to stab.
"Let's try it, shall we? I heard this word from one of the Chinese women foreigners few days back..!" Shingen clears his throat before pressing the button and says "Wo Ai Ni".
Translated : I love you (Japanese)
Shingen: Uhhh- *stabbed* Ow.
Sasuke, who happens to be walking down the hallway, braced himself when he saw his Lord. "Ah, Kenshin-sama."
"..Sasuke. Get ready so I can kill you."
"(English) GOD DAMN."
Translated: GOD DAMN (Japanese)
Sasuke: Oh. I forgotten MC brought that here (´。_。`).
*Scene of chasing begins*
Shingen - Drone
It can fly?
And you can view things from the camera attached to it?
Hm. Hm.
*Instantly use it to view the town as a whole, taking notes of the dessert shops for him to stop by later*
*Move it to fly when Yukimura was taking his bath + gets a girlish scream when it takes picture of his *beep**
Shingen: Ah, my Yuki has grown up uwu. But he can't won mine. Heh.
Also Shingen: *Sends the drone to fly all the way to Azuchi and attach a note on it for Nobunaga with*
"You Suck Too."
+With bear emoji at the end of the message.
Yukimura - Webcam
W h a t.
This is like your eyes that can view things no matter how far you were? And you can view it no matter how small it is, and no matter where you put it??
Some kind of a creepy stalker.
Modern days scares him. For the love of--
Wait what? You can pair it with a microphone so you can talk to the person?
Meanwhile, Shingen who has just gone back from the town:
"Heh. It's really hard to get this limited snack from foreigners. Now I shall hide it here~~~"
But before he could put his beloved snack in his secret drawer...
Poor Shingen nearly fainted with a foam in his mouth.
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beauvibaby · 4 years
The Feeling When...
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— • you meet Anthony Beauvillier at your job, and instantly click, but then he sets you up with his best friend, what could go wrong?
word count: 7.8k
a/n: I wrote this whole thing in less than 24 hours, I’m not sure how, but I really put my all into this and I’m proud of it, hopefully I can do it again sometime
The bell above the door chiming made you lift your head, smiling at the guy who just walked in. Basketball shorts and a tight fitting sports top covering his body, a small layer of sweat on his skin, one earbud in and the other hanging around his neck, his phone in his hand. He had yet to see you as you made your way to your spot behind the counter, politely excusing yourself from the lady you had been speaking with. You took in the way his blue eyes lit up when they landed on the muffin in the case, telling you he probably had yet to eat this morning, he ran a hand through his already tousled hair, finally stepping towards the counter as someone walked in behind him. “Good morning.” You spoke softly as he lifted his eyes to meet yours, you could swear his eyes widened slightly before settling into a warm smile. “Good morning.” He had the faintest bit of an accent, you made a mental note of that. You smiled in return, suddenly forgetting your words, “what can I get for you?” You inquired, watching his eyes dart between the muffin and you, he smiled when you laughed softly, grabbing a paper to put the muffin into a bag. “And a coffee, please.” He spoke, pulling his debit card out of his wallet while you whisked around to grab his coffee, a smile graced his face when you glanced back at him. He stepped aside so your coworker could help the next person in line, turning towards him, you took the few short steps, setting the to go cup down in front of him. You typed in his order, allowing the total to come up on the screen for him, “thank you,” he paused, picking up the bag, “Y/N.” He concluded, reading the name off your tag, lifting up the coffee cup. “You’re welcome.” You responded, trying not to seem like you were asking for his name, “Anthony.” He spoke, backing up slowly before turning on his heels, you watched with lingering eyes as he walked out the door.
Again, the familiar chime of the bells shook you from your head, except this time you weren’t working, you were huddled up in the corner laptop open in front of you. The internet in your apartment was out, and wouldn’t be fixed for a few days, so you had made the short walk to the cafe, you got an employee discount, and it was free wifi, so at least you had a couple of hours to ponder the internet, catching up on the latest facebook drama, reading gossip about celebrities, the usual. Your eyes landed on a much more put together version of Anthony, you had thought he looked good before, he looked even better now, the grey dress pants leading to the white button up shirt, it was a good look. You awkwardly shifted your gaze down when he started to look towards you. He moved up in the short line, you could feel his eyes landing on you every once in a while, you resisted the urge to look up and meet those blue eyes. When you no longer felt his eyes on you, you glanced up, hearing his voice over the small chatter in the building, he ordered the same as he had the other day. That warm smile on his face, a calm and cool demeanor radiating from him, welcoming even. The type that would have a girl head over heels for him. Surely, he had a girlfriend, the thought ran through your mind, which resulted in getting you caught staring.
The soft chuckle that fell from his lips made a flutter rush through your chest.
“Is this seat taken?” Anthony questioned, voice delicate as he glanced at where you not so gracefully had your feet propped up, you glanced around and saw many open seats, but who were you to turn down a perfectly attractive guy who wanted to sit with you. “Oh, no, go ahead.” You whispered, smiling up at him as you slid your feet off the chair, watching him rest his body against it. You pulled the sleeves of your sweater over your hands, silence overcoming the both of you as you stole glances at each other, completely oblivious to the other doing the same. You decided to bite the bullet and closed your laptop, making his eyes shoot up from the muffin he had been picking at, a closed lip smile on his face as you giggled under your breath. “So, Anthony was it?” You teased, feeling comfortable around him, despite him being a total stranger, because if we’re being honest, knowing his coffee order doesn’t make you acquaintances. “Last time I checked, that was my name.” He responded with a slightly raised eyebrow, eyes scanning over the sweater you had on, it was well worn, but looked nice with the v-neck cut into the front. “Mhm,” you hummed, hiding your smile with a sip of your own drink, “well, Anthony. What’s got you so dressed up?” You inquired, he glanced down at his clothes, like he had forgotten what he was even wearing. He shot a playful smile at you, breaking off a piece of the pastry in front of him. “What do you think?” He quipped, tossing the piece of food into his mouth, nearly missing and bouncing it off his chin, but he played it off.
“I would say a date, but I think you know better than to come talk to another girl when you have one waiting.” You mumbled, watching as he nearly choked on his food, a laugh tumbling from his lips. “No, there’s no girl, I just came from work.” The way he said there was no girl, it made your heart flip in your chest. Pushing it aside, you picked up your conversation, “work?” You hummed, looking to the ceiling in thought. “It’s the middle of the day, so if this was a lunch break, you’re clearly not working in the city.” You spoke, watching as he nodded in agreement, amusement dancing in his eyes. “You could be a manager somewhere, I guess.” You trailed off, peeking under the table at his shoes, they looked fairly expensive. “Not even close, Y/N.” He snickered, the ease of which he used your name, once again sending your heart into a skipping rhythm. You racked your brain for ideas, truly wanting to guess what it was that he did. For a brief moment, you wondered, could he possibly be in the limelight, but you pushed it aside, certainly you’d recognize someone as handsome as him.
“Well, this just isn’t fair, you know what I do,” you motioned to the room you were sat in, “but you’re just letting me humiliate myself with horrible guesses.” You laughed light heartedly, he shrugged his shoulders, sipping on his coffee, “hockey.” He mumbled, watching you cutely tilt your head to the side, confusion covering your features. God, what he would do to get to see you look at him like that all the time, a childlike quality in your demeanor that brought him peace. “Hockey, I play hockey.” He repeated, in a stronger voice this time. You nodded slowly, “oh.” You muttered, the realization hitting you, “oh, oh, you mean professionally?” You gasped, sitting up a little straighter at the sudden epiphany. Anthony nodded, eyes crinkling slightly when he laughed at how panicked you must have looked. “Long Island, oh my god, you play for the Islanders.” You spoke sheepishly, a pink hue rising to your cheeks. “Yeah, I do.” He responded, glancing at his phone as it lit up, he quickly shut the screen down again. “Have you ever been to a game?” He inquired, the way his voice raised slightly caught your attention. “No, I haven’t.” You tucked your hair behind your ear, fiddling with the sleeves of your sweater again.
“You should come, I can get you tickets-unless, uh you have a boyfriend.” He spoke awkwardly, shifting in his seat. “I don’t.” You answered, watching his eyes widen, his lips seeming to move before his brain could catch up with what he was saying. “Oh, great, I have a friend, Mat. I think you two would really hit it off.” He spoke, hiding the way he wanted to curse himself for spitting those words out. You hid the disappointment on your face, “oh, that’s really nice, Anthony-” “Tito, call me Tito, please.” He cut you off, before motioning to continue. “Ok, Tito. That’s sweet but I don’t think that’s a great idea, I hardly know you, let alone this Mat person.” You sighed softly, expecting him to just give in at your words, but you’d come to find out really quickly that he was stubborn. “Please, it’s the least I could do for taking up your time.” He assured you, looking away as you chewed your lip in thought. Worse comes to worse, you’re getting a free ticket to the game, what’s the worst that could happen? “If you insist.” You gave in, he had to hide his excitement, since he blew his chance by mentioning Mat. “Can I have your number?” He questioned, and you shot your eyebrows up, letting out a surprised, “what?” Before you could stop yourself. Tito smiled at your reaction, “so I can keep in touch about the ticket.” He assured you, he made an observation of the way you let out a soft “oh”, something you did quite often when you were caught off guard. “Right, yeah, of course.” You rattled off, holding your hand out for his phone, hating the way you could feel the heat rushing to your face. He handed you the device, open on a new contact, you typed in your name, and number quickly before handing it back to him. You watched him quickly add something before saving it. “I’ll text you? To find out when you can come.” He spoke, sliding out of the seat, only then did you realize how long you had been talking to each other. “Yeah, that works.” You murmured, “Bye, Tito.” You added as he headed towards the door, “bye, Y/N.”
A text from Tito came a lot sooner than you had expected, that same night he shot you a message.
“Hey, It’s Anthony”
You smiled at the screen, before reminding yourself he was setting you up with his friend and not with himself.
“I was told to call you Tito”
“Sorry, let me start again - Hey, it’s Tito. Is that better for you?”
“It’ll have to do, I guess, but I don’t appreciate the sarcasm.”
You watched the reaction pop up on your phone, him sending a haha to it before the dots came up showing he was typing.
“So, there’s a game coming up next weekend, Saturday, if you’re free…”
“That works!”
You thought maybe it came off too excited, when he read it but didn’t respond. Then your phone lit up with a text,
“Great, Mat is very excited.”
A sigh fell from your lips as you typed a robotic response,
“I am too!”
And that was that.
Saturday came before you knew it, the whole ride to the arena you were nervously chewing your lip, rubbing your sweaty palms on your jean clad legs. You had done some googling, and watching how they could get slammed into the boards had your skin crawling, how anyone could get enjoyment out of that was beyond you.
Once you arrived, you had hoped your nervousness would die down, but it only grew as you walked to your seat, close to the glass, and became surrounded by people in Islanders gear. You made it to your spot, and sighed in relief, at least you were there and you could try to enjoy the game, keyword being try.
The second the guys skated so effortlessly onto the ice, your nerves shot back up, searching for the only two jersey numbers you cared to memorize, eighteen and thirteen. Of course they skated alongside each other, stopping in front of your section, you waved sheepishly, watching them both grin. “Hi” you mouthed, unable to stop the blush rising to your face when Mat waved back. You couldn’t deny, he was attractive, but your mind kept bouncing back to Tito. The way he caught your attention so effortlessly, you watched as they spoke to each other as they turned to truly begin their warm ups, Tito glancing back at you with this look you couldn’t fully decipher, before shaking his head at his friend, your mind wandered with what it was they had spoken about. Surely it couldn’t be about you, what was there to say? Especially to cause Tito to look at you the way he did, almost in a concerning manner. There was a tap to the glass in front of you, Mat holding a puck for you, he motioned for you to stand and you did, easily catching it as he tossed it over to you. A smile on your face as you saw he had signed it with a silver marker,
“Hi - Mat Barzal”
You shook your head with a laugh as he grinned boyishly at you, the enthusiasm he showed encouraged you to be more open minded to this set up, it’s not very often that someone would end up in the situation you found yourself in. “Thank you” you mouthed, feeling the eyes of girls around you, suddenly realizing you’d need to develop thick skin to be around these boys.
The game flew by and before you knew it you were being pulled to the side by some big burly guy, with a security badge, and you began to panic. “Y/N Y/L/N?” He questioned trailing off, and you nodded, “Mr. Barzal asked me to catch you before you left, he wants to bring you down to see him.” He spoke lightly in contrast to his gruff looks. “Oh.” You whispered, “oh, yeah ok.” You came to your senses, awkwardly following the man, feeling eyes following you as he directed you down a hallway and out a large door. “I-uh-can I ask you something,” You paused waiting for his name, “Jeffrey.” He spoke, his voice still shocking you in comparison to his large build and thick beard. “Can I ask you something, Jeffrey?” You completed your earlier question. “Sure, why not.” He humored you, his face aging for a moment when he smiled and his skin crinkled together. “Does Mat do this often? Bring girls down here after games I mean.” You couldn’t help but ask, some minor worries overtaking your conscience. Jeffrey stayed quiet, giving you a sideways glance. “A lot is a stretch, I’d say sometimes.” He finally chose his words, carefully tiptoeing around the subject, not wanting to put himself in a compromising position. You nodded, deciding against saying anything as the elevator slowed to a stop, the doors opened and Jeffrey stepped out, pointing to a row of chairs down the hall. “Wait there, he should be out soon.” He spoke, walking off like he hadn’t just left a complete stranger outside of the locker room, where anyone could find them.
It felt like an eternity, but in actuality it was only ten minutes until Mat walked out, dressed in his pregame suit, hair combed back after his shower. “Y/N.” He smiled, and you shot to your feet, “Hi.” You smiled, allowing him to give you a short hug, but your mind slipped into thinking what it would feel like to be hugging Tito in this moment. “How’d you like the game?” He asked, the two of you slowly walking down the hall, your heeled ankle boots clicking on the cement. You didn’t know where you were walking to, but you followed him. “It was good! I’d never seen one before.” You answered cheerily, keeping pace with him, he smiled down at you. “Really?” He gasped, faking offence, a hand resting over his heart. “Yes, really.” You laughed softly, feeling his eyes scan you over. You didn’t want to admit that you could tell the sparks weren’t really there, for either of you, as far as you could tell. He was kind, definitely, and attractive, but he seemed more like a friend, or a brother if you will, and that isn’t how any girl wants to feel when they’re on a date. “Did you want to go grab something to eat?” He offered, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. You nodded, deciding to still humor the scenario, “sure.” You gave him your signature smile. He mirrored it, and you could tell you were both being polite, but it was still a nice night. He was a gentleman, of course, paying for your food despite your protests, offering to drive you home, but caving when you insisted on taking an Uber home was fine.
While you were waiting for your car, Mat stayed beside you, his phone chiming with a text from Tito, which he instantly showed you, and the two of you laughed softly.
“Double date, with me and Kylie?”
“Who’s Kylie?” You asked Mat, after hesitantly agreeing, it would be fun, at least, since you got along well with Mat. “Some girl, I don’t know why he even talks to her, she just wants to hook up but get the perks of nice dates.” Mat scoffed, and you had to hide a laugh. “It is pretty funny.” He commented, causing you both to start laughing hysterically on the side of the street. “I’m glad we agree on that.” You giggled, catching Mat smiling at you.
Maybe, had you not known his best friend, you would kiss him in that moment.
“I’ll text you, to set up this sure to be weird double date.” He spoke, as the Uber pulled up to the curb. “Alright, thanks for tonight, it was fun.” You told him, and he could tell in that moment that you both were on the same page, he thought you were beautiful, and kind, and funny, but he didn’t have that chemistry that he could see between you and Anthony. His mind wandered to the question he asked on the ice,
“Are you sure you aren’t interested in her, you look at her in that way.” Mat sighed, skating beside Tito in warmups, he watched his friend glance back at you in your seat, a pink tint on your cheeks from the earlier interaction. “No, I’m sure, you two would hit it off.” Tito sighed softly shaking his head, pushing his thoughts aside, he had royally screwed up, and there was no way he could fix it himself.
Mat came to his senses when you leaned up and gave him a quick kiss to his cheek, “goodnight, Mat.” You mumbled, slipping into the car, “goodnight.” He replied, shutting the door for you.
You smiled as you opened your apartment door, Anthony smiling widely from the other side, “I brought cheetos.” He sang teasingly, for a moment you truly wanted to wrap him in a hug, relieved to see him. “You’re the best.” You sighed, snatching the bag from him, it’s been a couple of weeks since your date with Mat, you’ve kept in touch, but haven’t really seen each other since then, he came into your job a couple times, but that's all. You and Tito have been spending a lot of time together, whenever your schedules allowed, and for a while you had thought maybe this double date wasn’t going to happen, but then of course as he stepped into your apartment—like he had grown accustomed too. “So, I don’t know if Mat asked you yet, but I was thinking Friday night for that double date.” He spoke casually, missing the way your whole body tensed at his words. “Uh, yeah that works.” You answered softly, disguising your sadness by offering him a cheeto from the bag he so graciously brought you. “I bought you a whole bag, and I only get one? Must have been a really bad day.” He teased, you nodded silently, “indeed it was, Beau.” You plopped yourself down on your couch, him following suit like the two of you had begun to do, him on the other end of your couch as you laid, feet beside him. He listened intently as you two catched up on things from the past few days, anyone looking in would assume the two of you were together, if not, close to it, but you two told yourselves that it was nothing. You were being friendly, that's all, friends do this all the time, right? Besides, he did set you up with his friend after all.
“You look beautiful.” Mat complimented as you opened the door, he was picking you up for the double date, you had your hair curled lightly, letting it fall behind your shoulders, it was early spring, so there was still a light chill in the air, especially at night. So you had opted for a red sweater dress, throwing a lightweight jean jacket over top. “Thank you.” You smiled, smoothing out the material, “let me just grab my bag.” You held up a finger, rushing quickly to grab it off the counter. “Ready?” He smiled when you came back. “Yeah, I think so.” You made sure you had your keys and phone in the bag before locking the door on your way out.
“This should be interesting.” Mat sighed as he pulled up to the valet, Anthony and this Kylie girl, standing on the curb, you shivered at the sight of her. A barely there dress covering her skin, pin straight bleached hair hanging over her shoulders, and way to dramatic makeup covering her face. “Oh.” You let out softly, laughing at the sight of them, Tito looked way to put together to be beside her, “I agree.” Mat sighed, putting the car in park, climbing out as you followed suit, once again smoothing out the material covering your skin. “Hey guys.” Anthony grinned, all but pulling Kylie along to greet you both. You gave him a quick hug, smiling and waving politely at Kylie, who barely repeated the actions, but you could tell her eyes lingered on Mat’s body a bit longer than it should have. Mat and Anthony made small talk as you were led to the table in the restaurant, leaving you and Kylie in awkward silence. She gave you an odd glance when Mat pulled out your chair, you brushed it off, telling yourself there is no way that this was Tito’s type. “How have you been?” You asked, trying to break the silence as you all looked over the menu. “Good.” Anthony spoke, Mat agreeing as he smiled softly at you.
It continued awkwardly, everyone loosened up after the food arrived, and the wine kept coming. You all quickly learned that Kylie was a lightweight, and a flirty drunk. You grimaced as she ran her hand up the back of Tito’s neck, he shifted slightly, almost as if her touch made him uncomfortable. “So, dessert?” Mat piped up, clearing his throat when he jumped in his spot slightly, “you ok?” You questioned sweetly, he leaned over and whispered in your ear. “She just slid her foot up my leg.” He stayed there for a moment as you processed his words, you stifled back a laugh, hand covering your mouth. Tito raised a brow as the two of you pulled away from each other laughing. “Nothing.” Mat brushed him off, “so Kylie, how long have you and Tito known each other?” You asked, glancing up from the dessert menu that you and Mat were looking over. “Who?” She questioned, looking away from Anthony, eyes hazed over, he held in a sigh. “Anthony.” You trailed off, looking between the two like they were insane. “Oh,” she laughed, hand running down his arm, “a couple months.” She spoke, as if he was the light of her world, where we all could tell she wanted to hook up and get on her way. You nodded, leaning closer to Mat as you let a tiny yawn slip, it was more of a reaction thing, after tonight, you and Mat had mutually decided you would stop trying to pursue anything romantic. He slipped an arm over your shoulder, Anthony’s jaw clenched at the sight for a moment, something Mat definitely noticed. You didn’t as you turned to mutter to Mat about the cheesecake, he nodded in agreement, you shut the menu and placed it by the edge of the table.
“OH! Alright,” Mat slid his chair back abruptly, glaring at Kylie, “that’s enough.” He demanded, and you had to hide your laugh by sipping on your wine, Anthony looked between the two with confused eyes. “What’s going on?” Anthony questioned, you all but choked on your wine as Mat shrunk into his seat. “Shall I?” You teased when Mat stayed silent, he nodded, running a hand over his face as he calmed his blush down. “Your date has been attempting to play footsie with him all night.” You spoke with a straight face, Tito just stared at you, like you were joking. He broke out into laughter, taking you both off guard, Kylie huffed dramatically, standing up, “I’m leaving.” She snapped, the three of you looked at each other and began laughing together. “Goodnight, Kylie.” You called, nearly snorting when she gave you a hair flip, you turned to Mat, hiding your red from laughter face in his neck, again making you miss the way Anthony’s face faltered, although, Mat noticed it and shot his friend and apologetic look. “I think I’m going to call it a night.” Anthony announced and you all but shot up in your seat. “Are you sure?” You questioned solemnly, the alcohol in your veins slowing your reflexes, letting the words slip from your mouth before you could stop it. “Yeah.” He muttered flagging down the waiter so he could pay his part of the check, you glanced at Mat who had an unreadable expression on his face. “Have a good night, Tito.” You spoke when he stood after paying his part. “You too.” He answered shortly, taking you off guard, you sunk into your seat, reaching for your wine glass as you watched him walk away. “And we’re not gonna do that.” Mat took the glass from you, shaking his head when you gave him a pleading look.
“Y/N, I don’t think I’ve ever seen two people in this much denial.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair, pulling his card out for dinner, you stopped him, putting your own down instead, he didn’t fight you, not wanting to push you tonight. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You scoffed, crossing your arms, feeling the heat rush to your cheeks. “Oh please.” Mat groaned, “I could tell from the second you came to the game, he kept looking for you every chance he got, and the way you light up around him.” He trailed off, and you felt guilty, “Mat, I didn’t mean to lead you on, I wasn’t–“ “it’s ok, I knew it from the beginning, but I figured I’d give it a shot anyways.” He cut you off, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder, “you two have to figure it out, I’ve never seen him like this before.” Mat explained easily, standing once you got your card back and put it away. “Let’s just get you home.” He laughed under his breath when you shakily stood up, a mix of the alcohol and being seated for so long.
“Be right with you!” You called from around the wall, not bothering to look towards the front counter as you lugged the oversized bag of coffee grounds towards the front of the store. You huffed as you rounded the corner, nearly dropping the bag on your feet when you spotted Anthony and Mat standing there. “Oh.” You whispered, setting the bag on the counter, “hey.” You muttered, eyes bouncing between the two. “Hi.” Anthony mumbled, awkwardly shifting on his feet, Mat stayed silent watching the silent exchanges you were sharing. “I saw you moved on from Kylie.” You couldn’t help but speak, Mat nearly died trying to hide his shocked laughter, covering it up with a cough as he turned away. You held in a sigh when Tito only nodded, “yeah, I did.” He decided to speak, not sounding like a guy who was interested in her. You’d seen pictures online of him with this girl, not much better than Kylie, which quite honestly disgusted you. How a guy like him would go for a girl who clearly didn’t want anything real. Pushing those thoughts aside, you grabbed their usual orders, Anthony paid for both, and left a nice tip in the jar for you, which made you feel cheap, you knew he was simply apologizing in his own odd way. You pulled the money out of the jar and gave it back to him, he was astonished. He opened and closed his mouth looking for words, “Anthony, I really have to get back to work.” You sighed, looking to Mat for assistance, he shrugged, sipping on his coffee in amusement. “We’re going out to this bar tonight with some of the other guys, some of their wives will be there… if you want to come?” Mat offered.
Why you said yes was beyond your comprehension.
“I’ll be there.”
And there you were, owning your appearance, figuring, if you had to spend the night with the man you were so clearly falling for, and his best friend, you might as well get some attention from someone who wouldn’t deny their feelings.
The skinny jeans hugged your legs just right, giving your butt just a little boost, that paired with your white lace, off the shoulder top, made you look perfectly tan even this horrible bar lighting. You added a simple pair of strappy black heels, holding your clutch in one hand, hair laying curled behind your shoulders. And, of course, we can’t forget the bright red lipstick that—unknowing to you—was going to drive Anthony absolutely crazy all night.
“Y/N! You’re here!” Mat cheered, clearly a couple beers deep already, you laughed at his excitement, making your way over to him, you gave him a quick hug, his presence welcoming, you quickly came to learn that you could tell Mat anything and he would do his best to help you, he cared about you, even more so because his friend was falling for you, and falling hard. “Hi.” You waved to the two ladies, Sydney and Grace, you found out quickly, that they would also be shocked at Anthony and yours interesting connection. “Hey!” They greeted cheerily, all but whisking you off to their table, leaving the boys to be their slightly rowdy selves. “So, you and Tito.” Sydney wiggled her eyebrows, a smirk falling onto her face. You sighed, but you felt comfortable with them, so you started spilling everything.
From the moment you met, to the feeling when he walks into your apartment, the way your heart always skips a beat at the sight of him expertly making his way around. How his eyes still lit up every time you said you saved him a muffin from work, how he knew that after a long day, you didn’t want ice cream or chocolate, you wanted Cheetos. How you could feel him stealing glances at you right now, all the way up to how you’re beginning to think you’re falling in love with him after only two short months of knowing him.
“Oh my god!” Grace gasped, hands going to her heart, “that’s so sweet, Y/N.” She added, looking to Sydney who was sniffling, “hormones!” She defended, referring to her baby born a few months earlier. You chuckled at their reactions, suddenly searching the bar for Tito. You had been speaking for a while, and you knew how guys could be around each other, so when you saw Mat desperately searching for you, you couldn’t help but shoot to your feet. You excused yourself and weaved your way through the over crowded bar, appearing by his side in record time. “He’s hammered.” He whispered into your ear, chuckling when he himself almost tipped over. You caught Tito’s gaze, and instantly you could tell he was angry, about something, what it was, that you didn’t know. Or didn’t want to admit. “Wow there buddy.” You lightly pushed Mat into the barstool, “can he get a water, please?” You called to the bartender, he shot you a smile, you directed Mat to stay in the chair and drink the water when it came. “Yes mom.” He grumbled, lazily smiling, you sighed and made your way towards a spaced out, angry Anthony.
“Tito?” You spoke, placing a hand on his shoulder, he nearly jumped out of his skin, eyes focusing on you, he stepped out of your gentle hold, knuckles white on the handle of the beer glass. “What, Y/N?” He snapped, you hadn’t pegged him as an angry drunk, but maybe you were wrong. “Don’t give me an attitude!” You snapped right back, he was taken back by your force, nodding slowly. “I’m coming over here to check on you, what’s got you in a mood?” You asked, shocked when he ignored you and motioned for another beer, which the bartender hesitantly gave him, shooting you a look that said he was about to be cut off. You sighed, a little too loudly as Anthony picked up the glass and brought it to his lips, he shot you a look. “What is it now?” He retorted, completely ignoring your earlier question, again. “I think you’ve had enough to drink.” You crossed your arms, giving him a pointed look. He scoffed, rolling his eyes for effect, “as if you would know, you’ve stayed away from me all night!” He muttered with a venomous tone. You’d only had a couple of drinks, so your mind was still fairly clear, but your emotions bubbled to the surface before you could stop them. Your eyes burned, you could feel the water reaching the brim, “I stayed away from you because I was letting you have fun with your friends, you didn’t come to me either, Anthony.” His eyes trained on your cherry red lips as you spoke, but he shook himself from the thoughts of kissing you as you spoke his true name with force. He met your gaze, and his anger faltered, but he was too far gone in alcohol to realize what he should be doing, he should be apologizing, he should already be your boyfriend, he should be telling you he loves you, but of course—that’s not what he did.
He chose to be silent, again.
“Right, nothing to say.” You whispered, and he didn’t miss how your voice broke, you shook your head looking to the ceiling, silently cursing yourself for being so dumb, for thinking he would ever be more than just a friend to you. “I’m going home, Anthony,” this time his name was like a faint whisper falling from your lips, “do you need me to call you an Uber?” You had to ask, you’d hate yourself if he didn’t get home safely. He shook his head, to full of his own drunk ego to do anything else. He watched as you went to say goodbye to Mat, patting him on the shoulder, silently thanking him for inviting you, he watched you wave to the other guys of the group, who had all welcomed you with open arms—you fit right in. Lastly, he watched you say goodbye to the ladies, who kept glancing over at him, muttering words to you that he couldn’t decipher in his hazy vision. Then, just like that, you were gone.
You had to have only been home for an hour, nearly asleep in your bed when you heard a knock on your door, your eyes shot to the time, 1:14am flashing back at you. Hesitantly, you stood to your feet, pulling a sweater on over your pajamas, hugging it tightly to your chest as you walked. You flicked the lights on, holding your phone in your hand as well, just in case. The knocking came again, with a heavy hand, which if we’re being honest, made your heart rate pick up, unsure of who was on the other side. You made it to the door and your breathing stopped for a moment when you looked through the peephole, Anthony standing there with a red face and wobbling stance. “Y/N, I don’t know if you’re there.” He slurred, “I need to talk to you.” He continued, getting cut off by a hiccup, you couldn’t let him go on in this state. You swung the door open, watching as his eyes widened, bloodshot, making them look even more blue. “Tito.” You sighed, helping him inside, his legs shaky as he walked. “I thought you would’ve been home by now.” You added, gasping when he nearly fell over, you held onto him tighter, getting him to your couch just in time for him to fall down. You rushed over to the front door, shutting and locking it before returning to him, you squatted in front of him, to meet his eyes. “I’m an idiot.” He whispered, almost as if he forgot it was you he was talking to. “No you’re not.” You murmured, resting a hand on his knee, his eyes landed on it, before moving to your face, slightly puffy eyes, making his heart wrench in his chest, he made you cry. He flickered his gaze to your lips, they were swollen and pink from you scrubbing the lipstick off, the whole time you had been doing that, you thought what an idiot you were for thinking it would pull him in.
“I am.” He said again, nodding as he blinked slowly, the effects of the alcohol kicking in. He was about to speak but you stopped him. “Anthony,” there it was again, the disappointment in your voice as you spoke, you might as well have stabbed him in the heart, “whatever you want to say, I think it should wait until tomorrow when you’re sober.” You explained, carefully pushing his jacket off his body, he watched in awe of your warm nature as you slipped off his shoes. “You can stay here, I’ll go get a pillow.” You whispered, to which he didn’t respond, the second you were gone, he laid on his stomach, one arm hanging off the couch as the tiredness overcame him. His eyes burned with drunken emotion, but he hadn’t realized as he knocked out in your living room that a single drop fell, staying in a pool under his eye. You rounded the corner, stopping in your tracks at the sight of him spread out on your couch, his soft snores filling the otherwise silent space. You made your way over to him, setting the pillow down on the side table, taking the blanket from the corner and moving to drape it over his back lightly. You tiptoed into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water and a couple of Advil, placing them both on the coffee table in front of him, as you were placing them down you looked over and caught the single spot of wetness under his eye, now feeling like someone had stabbed you in the heart. You gently reach over, wiping it off with your thumb, sighing when he smiled softly in his sleep. Bending down, you left a light kiss to his cheek, “goodnight, Tito.”
Morning came much sooner than you’d like, after spending the whole night tossing and turning, crying once again, overwhelmed by the not knowing of what he wanted to tell you last night.
You woke when you heard a soft crash in the kitchen, “shit.” Tito whispered, you could tell he was trying to get a pan out, but you had them stacked in such a way that it was impossible to not make noise. You stayed silent in your bed, as if he could see through the wall. You listened as he muttered to himself, words you couldn’t quite decipher, the fridge opened and closed, the sound of your coffee pot being turned on. His feet made their way down the hall, you could tell he stopped outside your door, unsure of what to do, he decided against waking you, and you heard him step into the bathroom instead. A sigh fell from your lips as you climbed out of bed, you were still in your pajamas from last night, and the sweater still hanging over your frame, you decided that was good enough. You brushed out your hair and tied it up sloppily, a messy bun with your leftover curls. You caught a glance in your mirror, sighing for what felt like the hundredth time already, your eyes puffy, cheeks pink. Oh well, you thought as you stepped out into the hall, at the same time as Tito. “I didn’t wake you did I?” Was what he decided on, you shook your head staying silent, making your way into the bathroom, “oh.” He let out softly, a habit of yours he had picked up on, something he had started doing himself.
He was back in the kitchen when you came out, standing in front of the stove, flipping over the eggs in the pan, you slid past him to get to the coffee pot. “How’s your head?” You asked, the silence, for once with him, being awkward. “Not too bad.” He answered, smiling softly at you, you returned the gesture as you poured some creamer into your cup. The silence came back, neither of you speaking as he continued cooking, you pulled out some bread and made toast, trying to calm your mind as you thought of how you wanted to do this with him all the time. Something so domestic as cooking breakfast, but it was just the two of you, it was nice.
You placed two plates beside him, both with toast on them, he slid the eggs equally onto the dishes, staying silent as he slid the pan off the burner to cool off. “Thank you.” You mumbled, taking the plate and going to the small table you had, he only hummed in response, sitting adjacent to you. It stayed silent, the only noise being your forks hitting the plate, or coffee cups being set down.
When you finished, you stood, taking the plates, he didn’t protest as he looked lost in thought. Your mind raced as you turned the water on, squeezing dish soap onto the sponge. Was he ever going to say what he came here for? Could it possibly be what you thought it was? Certainly if it was that, he would’ve said it by now.
You hadn’t realized you had let the tears begin to fall until you heard him stand up from the chair abruptly, he was there, in three large steps. He stood beside you, keeping his eyes on you as he turned the water off, he silently pulled your hands from the dishes, letting them lightly fall into the sink, he grabbed the towel and dried your hands. You cried harder as he pulled you into his chest, one arm tightly around your back, his other hand cradling the back of your head. “Don’t cry, please don’t cry.” He whispered after a while, he had begun to rub shapes into your back, noticing how it made your breathing slow slightly. You shook your head, pulling away from his grip, despite his best efforts to keep you flush against him. “What is this?” You asked, keeping your eyes on his, “I can’t keep doing this, why did you come last night?” You asked in more detail, crossing your arms over your chest. Anthony looked at you, trying to find the right words to say, but deep down he knew none of them would make up for how he treated you last night, or for how he had dragged this on for months now. “I came to apologize.” He muttered.
You went stiff as a board, of course it wasn’t what you had hoped for. “That’s all?” You questioned, looking up at him with desperate eyes. He nodded, “I shouldn’t have been so rude last night, you didn’t deserve it–“ “No, I didn’t.” You cut him off, anger rising in your chest, “Anthony, if that’s all you had to say, I really think you should leave.” You whimpered, voice cracking as you pushed past him.
Idiot, he thought to himself, why couldn’t he just say it.
Finally, his brain came to its senses and directed him towards you, he grabbed your hand, tugging you towards him, grabbing your waist to steady you when you crashed into him. Eyes filled with tears once more, he stayed silent as you stared at you. You let your eyes flutter shut as he leaned forward, his lips ghosting over yours, silently asking if this is what you wanted, when you didn’t pull away, he took that as a yes. He fully connected your lips, sighing into you, relief filling him when you reciprocated the action, your arms going around his neck, desperate to keep him close. He took a few steps forward, pressing you against the wall, his body flush against yours. When he pulled back, a soft whine fell from your lips, you opened your eyes to find him already looking at you. Eyes slightly wide, a smile working its way onto his face, “you need to say it, Tito. Please.” You whispered, resisting the urge to pull him in again. “I love you.” His voice was soft, gentle as he looked down at you. “I have ever since I walked into that cafe.” He added, you tugged him back into you, kissing him again, this time pouring emotion into it. The two of you moved in sync, in perfect time with each other, like you already knew everything about one another. Which in a way, you did.
“I love you.” You repeated back to him, pulling away just enough to speak, he nearly whined at your words, not realizing how badly he had needed to hear them. “I’m so sorry, I was so dumb, I couldn’t admit that I fell for you so quick. It scared me.” He whispered, his breath fanning over your face. “It scared me too.” You sighed, hiding your face in his neck. “You’ll just have to tell me all the time now.” You teased, making the both of you relax.
The feeling when he told you he loved you, that was something you’d never forget.
The feeling when he showed you, in all the little things, in all the physical ways, in all the ways he would look at you… it made it all worth the wait.
taglist: @starkeysdunn​ @kempe​ @mtkachuk​ @wtfkie​ @literarycharleton​ @starkeyseguin​
181 notes · View notes
Yamata-No-Orochi: (Part 4) Erii
ITT: The Mic Drop Heard Round the World.
The sun woke you. Bright light shone through the windows, forming a halo around the curtains and projecting the shape of raindrops from the window onto the carpet. Mingfei had left shortly before you fell asleep of exhaustion and grief. 
You’d fought hard and rebelled against the world, but this last rebellion had taken you too far. Z raised, saved, and safeguarded you. But you refused to play his love game, and that was all it took to discard you. Caesar had been at your side, encouraging you to live all this time. But now that the clouds had gathered, and the darkness of the world surrounded you, he realized that, like Chance, life was not in the cards for you. And Chu Zihang? Well, he always was a sword at your throat.
Once again the world was laughing, mocking you with its silent game of keep away. Love? Syke! Happiness? Syke! Companionship? Syke!
You hated this world. Mingfei went to Erii’s room with the Desert Eagle. What was stopping you from planting your mind in the ground and tilting Tokyo into a rift in the Earth, like it was the undersea Takamagahara? To watch its towers topple, and its buildings burn would be a fitting end to a Godzilla movie.
The hotel phone rang, insanely loud. You reached over and picked it up. “Pizza Hut,” you mumble.
Lu Mingfei stammered for a moment. Then he laughed. “Hey. You, me, Erii road trip. Right now. I left some clothes for you.”
His voice over the phone, it sounded like Z’s. You are silent, mind completely inert, spirit aching. “Sure whatever.” You hang up.
You shower and pull a comb through your hair three times, leaving it to fall over your shoulders. You don't bother with jewelry or make up. He left you a pair of skin tight jeans and a shirt that said Wild Thing across the front. White ankle socks and blue low rise canvas sneakers go over your feet.
The phone rings again. Mingfei sounded breathless. “Come now! We have to go!”
You hang up the phone and dash outside. Mingfei is waiting for you in a cherry red porsche. Erii waves with bright enthusiasm from the passenger side as he gets out and folds the seat down so you can get in the back. “Erii this is my friend, MC, She’s sick like you.”
You startle. Mingfei just went out and said it. You hold out your hand and she takes it, examining your fingers with her dark red eyes. You were lighter skinned, but this girl was near transparent. She scribbled on a notepad. “Nice to meet you. You are very pretty.”
“Guys buckle up!”
Your seatbelt had just clicked when Mingfei down shifted and floored it. The engine let out a mighty growl and the car took off like a rocket down the street. But Mingfei was relaxed, with an impish, ‘catch me if you can’ sort of look. Something in your chest stirred awake.
Erii held up her notebook. “Sakura is the best, right?”
Her smile was so sly, not something you expected to see. “Oh yeah, he's awesome!”
Her nod was sassy, like, Damn Straight.
You look at him again. He was smiling like he was angry. He was acting recklessly. The buildings were a blur outside the windows. The car rumbled like a beast underneath you as the accelerator didn't let up. You weave through traffic like lightning and soon the police are tailing you with flashing lights.
If you thought you were going fast before you were mistaken. The car dug deeper, and it felt like you floated over the road. The police car faded into the distance, unable to keep up.
He pulls into a service station and pays the attendant way too much cash. “Where are we going?” You ask.
“It's a surprise!”
“Does MC like gum?” Erii held out a piece and you helped yourself. 
You lean forward. Erii was covered head to toe in clothing, despite the good weather. 
“MC said that Erii is not stupid, that Erii is smart. MC was right, you knew a lot about yourself. But MC was sad so I wanted to take her too.” Lu Mingfei was saying. “Because she cares for Erii and understands her.”
Erii looks at you for a moment. Then she wrote in her notepad, “Cheer up. Sakura is very lucky. Thank you for caring about me.”
Her expression was so earnest and happy. Did she really understand herself? You hold out your hands for the notebook and pen. You write, “I'm too sick so my friends are scared of me.”
She takes one look at the notepad and her eyes widen. She snatches it back and writes, “Erii is not scared, Erii will be your friend.”
“Please be my friend.” You say softly.
Erii reaches out and seizes your arm. Her face is serious and she nods. When you stop at the supermarket, she drags you along, purchasing snacks and a gigantic stuffed teddy bear. Erii was not interested in herself. She wanted to cheer you up! She understood beyond words the lifelong loneliness, the constant rejection, and growing up in a world that feared you. She forcefully shoves the teddy bear into your hands. And pulls you along. It's so big you can't see around it.
Her image blurs with that of Renata. If Renata had a chance to grow up, she would be this bold.
The bear is so tall it folds against the low ceiling of the porsche. You squeeze in next to it.
“MC is from Siberia. Where she is from, the sun doesn't set in Summer. And in Winter, it doesn't rise and lights dance in the sky.” Mingfei says as you take off again.
Erii swivels in a full body, “What?!” expression and you laugh. “It is true. It's exactly like that.”
“That is AWESOME!” She turns the notepad to you and then writes, “I want to visit your home!”
You recall your promise to Caesar to go dog sledding and feel a pang of regret. But your mind has already replaced Caesar on the dogsled and put Erii there. “Let’s go dogsledding!”
She looks confused.
“Here give me your notebook.” You draw a sketch of a dog sled pulled by a team of panting dogs.
If Erii’s eyes got any bigger they would fill her face. She wrote, “IS THERE SANTA IS HE THERE”
“I… no Santas not there, but we can pretend to be Santa.”
“MC is awesome!”
Before dusk, Lu Mingfei and you two ladies arrived in the town at the southwest end of Shikoku, which is more than four hundred kilometers from Tokyo. The Porsche sports car ran for a full four hours. The whole time Erii peppered you with questions about life in Siberia while Mingfei drove. She had the impression of a magical frostland full of sky and sea. Her sparkling impression was free of brutal reality. For four hours you spoke only of the beauty and wonder of the north. Erii’s notebook is filled with sketches of white quail, snow geese, cute arctic foxes, bears, seals, and whales.
    The open-air parking lot was empty. Lu Mingfei found a parking space to park the car, and opened the door to hear the tide. You could not see the sea. A large hill stood between you and the ocean. The waves sounded like reverberating between the sky and the earth.
    "The sea?" Erii wrote to Lu Mingfei, with excitement in her eyes.
Lu Mingfei nodded his head as an answer. 
Ah the ocean… maybe four hours ago you might have been upset to meet up with the water. Now you just laugh.
Erii looks at you curiously.
“Did you know I got to ride dolphins?”
Erii practically staggers. 
“If you're lost in the ocean, sometimes dolphins will rescue you.” You hook her arm in yours. “They're big and strong and won't let you drown.”
“MC knows so much.”
“Erii knows a lot about Erii’s world. I know a lot about mine.”
Erii nods and smiles.
Lu Mingfei pulled out the compass, opened the long-prepared map, and took you to the town not far away. The sign in front of the town reads Umezuji-cho. At this time of the year, the streets of Tokyo must be bustling with people, but in this small seaside town, there are no people on the streets, only a group of elementary school students in school uniforms passing by.
Mingfei seemed to be in a rush, but Erii dallied with you, asking questions and marveling at the tofu shop, or the batik store. More than once, Mingfei had to come back and usher you forward. He clearly had some sort of plan in mind.
You find out that he hurried was so you could catch the last mountain tram, which was built next to the town's shrine and had a 45-degree angle track that made a staccato sound as you climbed.
    On both sides of the track there are dense trees. These trees cover the track like thick clouds, and it is as if you are walking through a tunnel of ever-changing colors, a tunnel made purely of foliage and flowers.
Both you and Erii are stunned with wonder. You did not have such dense forests like this growing up. The air is full of birdsong and frogs and early season cicadas. You feel someone take your hand. Erii points to your face. A bright tear shone there like a pearl. You didn't know you had shed it.
  "Sakura is not Japanese, right? How do you know such a beautiful place?" Erii wrote in her little notebook.
    "I saw a drama made in Japan. This is a very famous scene from that drama. I saw that drama a long time ago."
    "What was the name of that TV series?"
    "Tokyo Love Story." Lu Mingfei wrote one stroke at a time.
 "I liked that Japanese drama so much that I searched the Internet for all kinds of information about Ehime Prefecture, and finally learned that the ending scene was filmed in Umezuji Town, and that the school and the separate stations in the drama were real. I had always dreamed of traveling to Umetsuji-cho and had done a lot of homework.”
You and Mingfei did not really know each other. You did not think he was this level of a romantic so you didn’t understand why Caesar would want to pair you two. Now it made a lot more sense.
Lu Mingfei took out a handkerchief and blindfolded Erii: "You will see a beautiful view when you untie the handkerchief later."
When he handed one to you, your jaw drops. “I can’t believe you.”
He doesn’t say anything, just ties your eyes. You feel his hand close around yours. You can’t see Erii’s expression. “Erii, I’m so excited. This is fantastic!”
You’re smiling, you can’t stop. The memories of the events of the days before roared like angry hordes of monsters in your mind, but Mingfei and Erii have shut the gates on them. His warm hand in yours, the rhythm of the sun's rays between the trees, the crunch of your footfalls on the trail, the constant sound of birds. It was all so soothing.
 You walk the decades old mountain mining path, a road with uneven stone patchwork. At the end of the road is a long closed mine. In order to commemorate the mine that raised the town, the residents of Umezuji Town donated money to build a wooden temple-style building over the entrance and exit of the mine. Each rafter is hung with carp flags for prayers, and various porcelain dolls are placed under the eaves. This is a local custom. If the town's family gave birth to a boy, they would come here to hang a carp flag, and if it is a girl will put a porcelain doll.
 “It's exactly the same as the Internet says." Lu Mingfei said.
The tracks of the mine car had long been rusted, and weeds grew among the sleepers. You followed the track to the edge of the cliff, and Lu Mingfei helped you to climb a rock that protruded from the cliff.
He pressed his hands on you and Erii’s shoulders and said, "Now you can take off the blindfold."
You untied your handkerchief. 
The sunset blooms full in your vision. The huge sun disc had touched the sea. Ten of millions of tons of seawater slowly swirled beneath your feet. The tide broke into white splashes under the black cliffs. The wind blew endless hectares of forest. The evening woods also look like the sea from a distance, a pale red sea, with thousands of treetops swaying with the wind, forming cascading waves. 
Small towns are distributed along the winding coastline, Lu Mingfei names of them one by one -- below the cliff is the town of Umezuji, a little farther away is the town of Yamamae, Tsukishita Castle Town and Matsuron Town, and further is beyond his knowledge.
    The town's small school was already empty, and the silent playground was empty.
    The Ferris wheel spins slowly but does not carry passengers. The Ferris wheel in Umezuji Town is only a miniature version, but it is magnified in the sunset, its huge shadow cast on the undulating sea of trees.
    On the track facing the sea, the yellow slow train rumbled through the small unoccupied station, which was enclosed by white railings with the signs "Umetsuji X" and "Tokyo X”. You wonder how long it had to wait for a nostalgic and romantic fan like Lu Mingfei. Music starts playing and you can't help but laugh in disbelief.
    Lu Mingfei had pressed play on the theme song of Tokyo Love Story. His phone was the latest and the speaker was good. You couldn't believe it. This nerdy little parrot boy and scared raccoon had somehow managed to comfort you completely. Outside the shadows of Caesar and Chu Zihang, he shined bright. Maybe being on a boat with him would be fun.
Erii held up her notebook. “The world is gentle.”
You look at her, expressionless. She was right. The world in its natural state was quiet and peaceful. You’d fallen asleep in violence and awakened in violence and pain. You didn't get to experience the romantic world like this very much. In your mind, you imagine Renata in her patchwork coat, sitting next to you. In your ears, she whispers. 
You open your mouth, “Make a wish!”
Mingfei turns to you in surprise but Erii follows along, pressing her palms together. You pray.
Renata. I am coming soon. Sorry it took so long.
You sat under the roof of the mine. Erii kept writing questions. Lu Mingfei answered one by one. This girl seems to have saved up a belly of questions, and now they all came out. Mostly they referenced Anime and Manga you have never heard of. That was Erii’s world, a world of cartoon fantasy. He confirmed or denied that reality, shaping and creating the world anew as you watched her listen intently. Lu Mingfei had taken to heart your words and was upfront and simple, not lying or trying to say things she wanted to hear. You nod in approval, your eyes serious. 
The sun gradually sank below the surface of the sea, the last afterglow scattered on the water. Half of the sun and its reflection form a complete circle.
   "So this is what the outside world looks like." Erii wrote to Lu Mingfei to see.
    "Yeah, that's what it's like, no Britannia Kingdom and no Celestial Organization… disappointed?" Lu Mingfei asked.
    "No, not disappointed, like this kind of world, this kind of world is very gentle." Erii used the word gentle once again. You repeated the word in your mind. Gentle. It echoes there. As if without the constant threat of death and adrenaline, there was just empty space.
   "I really like this world." As the sun is about to disappear, Erii wrote to Lu Mingfei. "But the world doesn't like me." Erii went on to write.
You stand up and move to the other side of her. You scoot as close as you can and rest your head on her shoulder. She hugged the huge bear and lowered her eyes like a cat that had done something wrong.
 "I'll be a problem for everyone and I've been a problem for Sakura." Erii wrote again.
  "I was too willful. So I ran away from home."
  "I should have gone back a long time ago but it's still a pleasure."
   "It's beautiful here, I should have known I should have come here on the first day. Thank you Sakura, MC, thank you.”
You lower your hand over hers as she’s writing.
Erii froze for a moment.
 "No." Lu Mingfei repeated.
Lu Mingfei cocked his head to look at her with a rare serious look: "Don't think you can know what the world is like by coming out to see it. I'm still confused after living in this world for more than twenty years. You've only run out for a few days and you think you understand?"
His eyes look at you too and you’re just as shaken as Erii. But he is right! You never set foot outside the Port of Black Swan and that was 20 years ago. You saw the whole world through that tiny lens and haughtily walked around like you owned the place. You judged others through that same view as well.
  "How big the world is depends on how many people you know, and for every person you know, the world gets a little bigger for you. There are many cities in this world. There are Tokyo, Paris, Cairo, London, Istanbul... but many of them are just names to you, you haven't been there and there are no people there you want to visit, so they don't really belong to your world. There are many, many more people in this world, but you don't know them, and they don't belong in your world. There are also lots of good food and fun and nice things in this world, but the world that really belongs to you is actually very small, just the places you've been and eaten and seen the sunset and the friends who will care if you live or die."
 "Whether the world likes you or not only depends on whether your friends like you or not. Everyone has a few really good friends. They like you, therefore, the world likes you."
The world… was not Tokyo, or Cassell or Hydra… The world was Renata, Caesar, Chu Zihang, Lu Mingfei, and now Erii. You turn your head back to Tokyo, unseen in the distance. How could you leave…?
“What is a good friend?" Erii wrote in her little notebook.
    "It's the kind of friend that's so crazy about that he'll believe in you no matter what, and he'll be with you no matter what.” Lu Mingfei growled low. "If the world really doesn't like you, then the world is my enemy."
    The moment these cold and arrogant words came out of his mouth, you seemed to hear a familiar cold laugh coming from behind you. The demon of the sad world sneering with all its mockery.
Together, you and Mingfei both jerked back, but behind you were only cherry blossoms mixed with fallen leaves swirling in a breeze, and there was no sign of Z. Lu Mingfei stared at you with wide eyes and you stared right back. His mouth opened. “MC. You… heard…?”
    "Wanted: a good friend." 
He turned back to Erii waiting for him with a small book up. 
    "I am your good friend, and you will have more good friends in the future." You say.
    "But as long as we are your good friends, how can we not like you?" He said softly.
She slowly crawled towards Lu Mingfei like a kitten, vigilantly figuring out his look. Lu Mingfei looks petrified and you cover your mouth with one hand while silently cheering, “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”
What did he expect? Even your heart was moving and you don’t even like him! Lu Mingfei is sitting here putting Kazama level moves on this girl and now that her arms are around him and her head is on his chest, he looks two seconds away from shitting himself. You ball your fist against your lips and swallow your laughter.
Clouds gathered in the distance and the sun had set, It was time to go. You would have to get up bright and early tomorrow to get on the boat to China. Your heart was relaxed again about Caesar’s decision. After all, he was just doing his best. If you died, you would go to rest. Caesar would be tormented for the rest of his days. He wasn't sending you on the boat to die. He wanted you to live. You still believed the omniscient Z. Leaving Tokyo was a death sentence. But you also believed Caesar had his own parallel script.
It was raining by the time the train came. You stand shoulder to shoulder on the platform. “Call me to wake me up tomorrow.” You say.
 Mingfei lowers his head and laughs.
“Oh you’re planning to oversleep? Once again I have to be the mature one.” You roll your eyes. 
The train splashes up to the platform and you make sure Erii has her ticket. She sits next to the window and stares outside. Much to your surprise, Mingfei sits you next to her. He gives you a fond smile and passes you a note.
  "Dear passengers, this train terminates in Matsuyama City. We are now about to leave Umezuji-cho station. The train is about to close......" A sweet female voice echoed in the carriage. 
The doors of the train close.
You open the note in your hand. The words make you squint.
You have to live.
You and Erii gasp at the same time. Mingfei is not on the train. The doors have closed. And he is not on the train!
You leap from your seat and pound on the glass door in front of the smiling Mingfei. “Where am I supposed to go?” You will miss the boat. You won’t go to China.
Your hands slowly slide from the glass. Erii is pressing her notebook urgently against it.
Lu Mingfei tapped on the window, "Someone will pick Erii up when you get to Matsuyama City. MC, find Ruri Kazama.”
    "Won't Sakura take me back to Tokyo?" Eriki took the small book and showed it to Lu Mingfei.
    "Your family won't like me." Lu Mingfei said.
    Erii hugged the furry teddy bear and lowered her head, her long hair like a colored cloak that enveloped both her and the bear.
    "Sayonara"  said Lu Mingfei.
    Erii nodded, finally realizing that this was their parting. The train ride to Tokyo will take several hours, but Lu Mingfei will not accompany her.
    Lu Mingfei's face was stern and he didn't say anything more. There was nothing more to say. This was the parting, his carefully designed parting. He NEVER agreed to the boat. He NEVER agreed to kill you. He had carefully pulled the wool over Caesar’s eyes and convinced you that he was going to dump you on the boat. You grinned and shook your head. But the train began to move before you could even think of a comeback.
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httpsfelicity · 4 years
“In a black dress, she’s such an actress” - Harry Styles × Model Reader AU
Summary - Harry meets a model downtown and falls for her quickly, leading the public to think that it’s a pr stunt. Unsure of what to think, the reader plays along, not knowing that Harry is unaware of the rumours.
For @cruizmanadu, @stephaniemalvie!, @kissessfordraco Xx
A/N - Third and final chapter! Wow! Thank you for the support on this. I apologize for it being shorter than the other chapters. Sadly it’s the end of this story, but if you click here you’ll find my master list and you can request things here. Thank you so so much for everything! I hope you enjoy!
Part one HERE
Part two HERE
Harry jolted awake from beside you. "Hi, y/n. What's up?"
"You tell me what's up."
"Um... well, I was just asleep. And now, I'm awake. What about you...?"
"Just wondering why I'm here."
Harry sat up and turned on a lamp. "What? Do you want to go home? I can call you a cab. Pass me my phone. You should've just said."
"No, not 'Why I'm here' as in your apartment here, but as in -" You motioned to the two of you quickly "-here, you know?"
"Oh," Harry put his face in his hands. "I must've misinterpreted something along the way. Oh."
"No, just..." You sighed. How were you supposed to explain this? You racked your brain for an answer to this seemingly impossible question. "Am I some sort of publicity stunt? Or beard? Like, a fake girlfriend?"
Harry raised his eyebrows. "What? What makes you think that?"
"Well, I don't know. It just feels that way. It doesn't feel that way with you, per say, but people online and in the news think that I'm just with you for a bit of good TV."
Harry shook his head, his curls falling into his eyes unintentionally. "That's one hundred percent not the reason why you're 'here', y/n. Not at all."
You turned your head to the side, allowing him to continue on.
Harry just shook his head again. "I- I'm sort of out-of-the-loop on this whole situation. I don't use social media much... can you fill me in?"
You nodded. "Well, we met, obviously. That's where it started."
Harry laughed a little, then waited for you to keep on talking.
"And then after - well, during our first date, or first outing, or whatever, people saw us and took photos and posted them. And that's where it all kicked off."
Harry nodded understandingly.
"Then yesterday, people took loads of photos, and the press and the general public must be starting to get impatient or whatever, because they're really mad. They want to know if I'm a PR stunt or not."
"Yes, but you know you're not one, so what's the worry for?"
You looked down and took a deep breath. "Well, we've only been out twice, and both times the paps found us. Both times we were in a really public place, and a fancy one, too."
"But if you were, wouldn't I have told you? And if not me, someone important from management?"
"My management doesn't tell me much. I thought it could be a bit of a possibility."
"Trust me, y/n. I'm here right now because I am genuinely interested in you. Not because some intern told me to be. I would never, ever keep a secret that big from you. Or any secret, actually. None. I'm sorry you feel that way. I wish you would've told me sooner. I could've arranged a different date, er, whatever."
"Yeah, date," you confirmed. Might as well call it that now. "But I just... well, I guess that's all, really," you laughed.
"So... are we gonna keep doing...-" Harry motioned between the two of you like you had done earlier, "-this?"
"Well, I mean, I can't see why not. I still like you. And you..."
"I obviously still like you. Don't be silly!"
"Okay, and you still like me," you blushed. You felt embarrassed because seriously, blushing? are you 14 again?, but at the same time you were over the moon.
"We can definitely make this whole everyone-thinks-we're-fake thing work. We can just go on, um, dates in private. Like, I can probably get a special reservation..."
"No, no, don't go through all that work. I don't really care what anyone else thinks. And if it gets too bad, do you know what we do?"
You quickly grabbed his phone and opened up the camera. "Say cheese!"
The both of you smiled obnoxiously as you hit the capture button.
"That's so cute," Harry laughed as he admired it from his camera roll. "Can I post it?"
"I thought you said you didn't use social media?"
"I'll make an exception for you," he said, kissing your shoulder fondly.
You laughed, then rolled over. "Sorry for bringing this up at the ripe ol' time of three AM."
Harry layed down and held you close. "Don't worry about it. I'm glad you said it when you did."
"Cheers to communication."
"We aren't drinking anything, though."
*Photo of you and Harry from that night, in black and white with the caption ':)'. Posted by @HarryStyles*
@harrysenchiladas: OMG IT'S OFFICIAL OMG OMG OMG OMG
@camillesluvbird: omg, i remember when i used to stan harry. so glad to see him dating someone so talented. wishing the best to the two of you cuties x
@purple.y/n.mf : Is this the confirmation we've been waiting for?
@haroldgucci69420ahhh: ugh.
@Junkookie1 replying to @BTSboyscouts_: Armyyyyyy
@katiesummer: Ew. Nope. Unstanning.
@directiondiana: Wait, it's not officially confirmed yet though. It's just a pic. Idk.
@t0x1ch3nr13: KILL URSELF BB. ;)
@Sarahsmile.s replying to @t0x1ch3nr13: Okay chill out plz
@LiamPayne: Congrats mate! :)
@Laylaz replying to @LiamPayne: omg GET OUTTTTT NO WAY NO WAT NO ADIOISHDIUERH
@Princesspark222 replying to @LiamPayne: HI LEEYUM
@y/ncherrypit replying to @LiamPayne: IT'S CONFIRMED
@HarryStyles replying to @LiamPayne: Thanks mate :)x
@directiondiana replying to @HarryStyles: NO FREAKING WAYYYDUFHSDU
@paynoisthebest replying to @HarryStyles: I'M CRYING RN
@julie25drew replying to @HarryStyles: THIS IS THE BEST POSSIBLE COMEBACK OF ALL TIME I STG
You leaned over Harry's shoulder to try and get a better look at his phone screen. It was early morning - around eight, you assumed, and you were looking through instagram comments together. Harry had secretly posted the photo while he was taking a pee break in the middle of the night, and the entire internet was in shambles.
"Show me! I wanna read some."
"I'm reading them all!"
"You're skipping the mean ones on purpose. I know you are."
"No I'm not! I swear!"
"Yeah, sure."
"What about that one about how I should cut my hair? That one was pretty mean," he said as he pouted and ran a hand through his chocolate brown bed head.
"Mean ones about me, Harry. There's barely any for you, but me, on the other hand..."
"Wow, self centered much?"
"Sorry, sorry. You know that I'm not funny by now."
"Read them."
"There's none."
"Give me your phone." You reached over and grabbed it from his hands, noticing the many rings on his fingers. You wondered if he slept with them on or just slipped them on as soon as he woke up. You decided to ask him later.
Harry watched as you scrolled through thousands, if not millions, of comments in awe. You were surprised to see that he was right - there we little to no negative comments compared to last time.
"Believe me now?"
You nodded silently.
"Told ya I would never lie."
You rolled into him lazily and grinned.
"Want me to make breakfast?"
Harry jumped up, and you followed him to the kitchen. It was only when you sat down at the table when you realized you were wearing Harry's clothes.
"Oh my god," you muttered, inspecting your shirt.
"What?" He asked half-heartedly, rooting through his SmartFridge for some eggs. Of course this man had a SmartFridge.
"Just looking at my pink Gucci shirt that I'm just magically wearing right now. And... are these sweatpants Gucci, too?"
"They're just spare clothes I hadn't opened yet. Don't worry, there's no cooties or anything."
"How do you just have spare Gucci clothes lying around?"
Harry shrugged as he shut the door and walked over to the oven. "You can keep them. They suit you better."
"Oh. Well, thanks."
"No problem!"
"Want any help with breakfast?"
"I can make toast."
"No, I've got it."
"I want to."
"The bread is in the breadbox."
You walked over, took out a (homemade) loaf, and began to cut it. "When did I put these clothes on?"
"After I drug you home from the restaurant."
"You don't remember, do you?"
"...No. Can't say that I do."
"Oh, wow. I knew you were drunk, but not that drunk."
"I didn't embarrass myself, did I?"
"No, of course not."
"Oh, thank goodness. I would've cried."
"Well, there was that one time..."
"I'm just kidding."
"Never pursue a career in stand-up comedy."
"Wasn't planning on it!"
You popped the bread into the toaster and sighed.
"Are you tired?" Harry asked.
"No, but I do want to run to the washroom."
"Okay, I'll be out here if ya need me."
"Where... is it?"
"You don't remember?"
"Clearly no."
"Down that hall, third door on the right. It's the one with the toilet in it."
Harry doubled over at his own joke while you suppressed a smile that eventually cracked. You walked down his fancy apartment hall and went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind you.
It wasn't until you saw his makeup wipes when you remembered a tiny bit of last night - he had makeup. He had makeup because he had makeup wipes, which he offered to you. After that you went to the kitchen and drank something, and then you woke up with Disney+ paused asking him why you were there and confronting him. Suddenly, memories of being confused came rushing back to you. You grabbed a towel and shook your head, smiling - you were glad that drama fest was over.
You walked back into the kitchen and saw Harry laying out eggs and toast carefully, then standing back and admiring his own work. You smiled; he hadn't noticed you walk in, and he was being cute. You gave him a quick peck on the cheek, and he jumped a little.
"Didn't see you there."
"Bon appetite."
"Why, thank you!"
"Do you know what I was thinking? O should do your makeup after breakfast."
You smiled.
"Do you remember that?"
"I actually did back in the washroom."
You smiled as you watched him dig into his eggs. "You're good at keeping promises."
"Thank you!"
You grinned and took a bite.
You could get used to this.
Get used to him.
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maevemarethyu · 3 years
The Pack (1/?)
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(Not my GIF)
(Bucky Barnes x Reader)
The Night Wolves. New York’s most prolific and secretive gang. Always watching yet somehow always out of reach. Always slipping through the Avengers grasp.
Until they got you.
You were a street rat. A grunt working for the most gruesome group of criminals New York had ever seen.
Captain America wasn’t expecting much when they brought you in, he certainly wasn’t expecting you and his best friend to get along so well. You were a courier, nothing more.
Or so they thought.
Warnings: Violence, Cursing, Talks of Murder, Actual Murder, Talks of Abuse, Kidnapping, Depictions of Abuse, Crude Humor, Sexual Humor, Bucky Barnes (because he needs a warning all in himself), Sad Boi Hours.
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The fact that all you could do was pretend to work while Flora and Maeve handled the complete uprooting of your business pissed you off to no end.
Every day for the past four days, you woke up, went for a morning run, went to Mr. Miller’s shop (Surprise, Mr. Miller doesn’t exist), meandered there until closing time, walked home, ate dinner, and went back to sleep.
All while the Avengers thought they were invisibly following you. Day one had been Barnes. Day two was Wilson. Day three was Rogers. Today is was the Scarlet Witch; Wanda Maximoff. You’d think that they would have better disguises than a baseball cap and blue zip-up but, it would appear that was their I’m just a civilian look.
You couldn’t even go to your house. Instead you were forced to stay in the dummy apartment you’d set up when you first got the Wolves up and running. It came in handy, obviously, but it still sucked.
The sat phone goes off in the freezer and you rush to answer it.
“Please, for the love of Bucky Barnes’ thighs, tell me you found me a way out of this hell.” You whine and Maeve laughs on the other end.
“Is that what your praying to now? The Winter Soldier’s thighs?”
“Focus Maeve.”
“I’m not the one praying to a pair of limbs.” She teases before taking on a more serious tone. “We have the new location set up but, it’s going to take time to get everyone transferred.”
“I figured. Please tell me you got us set up in the Maldives. I’d love you forever if you did.”
“Ha Ha. You know I burn easily and, for that, you all must suffer. As for the escape. Flora had an idea.”
You groan at the thought. Flora was smart as a whip and was a tactical genius but, her ideas were taxing to say the least.
“She thought it’d be easier for us to avoid those pesky Avengers if we had eyes on the inside. Ya know, just someone to find out how much they really found out about us and, since you’re already such good friends with them, we figured you’d be the perfect candidate.”
“You do realize I’m the one in charge right? You guys want me to infiltrate the Avengers.” You ask with annoyance. Not because wouldn’t work but, because it would. You already had rapport with the Captain.
“Fine.” You pout. “Use the Mr. Miller cell to call mine and ask me to pick up something in Hell’s Kitchen. I’ll wait until its dark and purposefully go into a dangerous area because I care. I’m willing to make this sacrifice.”
You hear a snort on the other line and roll your eyes.
“Is Paul good? Looks like setting up a fake family tree wasn’t a complete waste of time after all.” You ask and faintly hear Flora yell I told you so in the background.
“He’s fine. The Avengers have him holed up in some five-star cabin up in Maine. The lucky bastard.”
Lucky bastard indeed.
“I hope you’re ready for this Alpha. Your life is about to get a lot more complicated.”
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 You’d been wandering around Hell’s Kitchen pretending to be lost for almost twenty minutes now. Honestly, who did you have to suck off to get mugged around here? Your feet were starting to ache and there was a knot in your back thanks to the lumpy mattress back at the apartment.
A knife against your back puts you on high alert and you have to hold back a grin because, about damn time.
“Give me your wallet.” The man whispers in your ear and your nose scrunches at the scent of cigarettes and cheap booze.
Tears spring to your eyes and you hold up two shaking hands.
“Please don’t hurt me. I-I’m lost and I just want to go home.” You cry. This wasn’t exactly what your mother had in mind when she made you sign up for drama club in school but, hey, at least you were using your skills.
“Your wallet. Now.” The knife presses deeper into your back and, before you can let out a perfectly believable whimper, pressure is gone. You turn to face your attacker only to see he help in the air by the back of his shirt by none other than Bucky Barnes himself. There was no shy smile on his face tonight, only a fierce scowl as he throws the mugger into a wall and you can’t help but think how good it looks on him.
Thick Thighs and Bucky’s Eyes was about to become your new life motto if he wasn’t careful.
“Are you okay?” He turns to you, eyes canvasing you for any injuries. Mr. Hyde to Dr. Jekyll in the blink of an eye.
“I-I’m okay. Geez I’m so stupid. Mr. Miller said he needed me to pick something up from Lucky’s Pawn Shop and I got all turned a-around. D-Do you think he works for the Wolves.” You whisper the taboo name and add a shiver for good measure.
His eyes dart to the man lying in a crumpled heap and back to you with a frown.
“I don’t think so but, I’d feel better if you took Steve’s offer of staying at the compound. You’re a target now.” He sighs and it’s so nice you’re not sure if you want to jump him or puke.
“I-I think you’re right.” You mutter, looking at the man then back into Bucky’s blue cotton candy eyes; sweet enough to make your teeth rot. “Thank you Sarge. Who know what would have happened if you weren’t around? What were you doing in Hell’s Kitchen so late?”
His eyes dart away from yours as he leads you to his car.
“Steve may or may not have had us keep eyes on you for your own protection.”
Sure. Your protection.
Instead of a scoff, you blink up him with owlish eyes. “You mean you’ve been watching over me since I left the tower?”
You don’t think anything you do will ever top the fact that you just made Bucky Barnes blush.
“Not just me. We each took a day to keep tabs on ya.” He mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. He escorts you to an inconspicuous car and opens your door.
What were guys like Bucky called on the internet again?
Right. A Himbo.
Incredibly well intentioned and polite but, not the most observant… Maybe you were being cruel but so was he by just looking that fine all the time.
“Thank you.” Your whisper sounds like a shout in the silent car and, once again, you can see red creeping onto his cheeks whenever a streetlight illuminates the vehicle.
Phase one complete.
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“Steve had a room set up for you. Are you hungry?”
The living quarters of the compound were not what you were expecting. It was… homier. High class definitely but, not cold. Every Avenger had their own room but, their kitchen was shared, and the common room was jam packed with bookcases and entertainment systems.
You were in heaven and no longer jealous of your fake father Paul.
“I’m okay, thank you.” You mumble, adding a bit of shyness to your voice to really sell it. “I just want to lie down.”
With you preferably but, we’ll get to that another time.
“Oh, right. This way.”
Bucky leads you down a hall lined with doors; stopping at the one at the very end of the hall and motioning you to go in.
“Holy shit.” You gasp and it’s real because your room is phenomenal. The bed looks big enough to fit an elephant and soft enough to drown in and you couldn’t wait to collapse into it. Floor to ceiling windows give you a view of the city you could never get from your real house. Simply beautiful.
“If you need anything, my room is down to the right and Wanda’s is down to the left. She left for a mission earlier but, is excited to meet you when she gets back.”
You’d heard stories about the Scarlet Witch and her telepathic powers so, you knew to be careful around her. You had enough secrets to drive anyone mad and put you behind bars for several lifetimes.
“The Wanda Maximoff can’t wait to meet me?” You gasp, finally relenting and flopping onto the bed like an ungraceful starfish. “This could very well be the best day of my life. You know, aside from the almost getting mugged part.”
You turn your head towards him just in time to see a chuckle pass through his seashell pink lips. A very good day indeed.
It was a good tactic but, you saw straight through it. The Avengers were still wary of you and believed putting you in proximity of the two members that you were most likely to trust would cause you to slip up; unintentionally let your guard down so they could read you like a book.
You wanted to say something about them thinking you’d be that naïve but, that would only diminish the reputation you had begun to build: a sassy yet timid and troubled girl who had gotten herself mixed in with the wrong crowd. You garnered sympathy and sympathy led to loose lips.
You honestly deserved an Oscar for this shit; Flora definitely owed you a dinner and, once everything got back to normal, you’d wring those street rat’s necks for not doing their job.
“You’ll be safe here. No one’s breaking in to steal your purse.”  He reassures and it melts your heart a bit; he really is a nice guy. A really nice guy with a really nice face and a really nice ass.
“Thank you Sarge.” You sigh sincerely. You may be on opposite sides of the law but, you admired him and the other Avengers for what they do. They protect people from people like you. They’ve seen the worst the universe has to offer and none of them turned away. If you were in Barnes position, the next time someone told you the world was ending, you would have told them to put you back in the freezer.
“If you need anything, just ask the AI; her name is FRIDAY. Goodnight Valerie.” He shuts the door with care, leaving you with nothing but your thoughts and a bugged cellphone. This was already going much more smoothly than you had anticipated and you didn’t know whether to be grateful or suspicious.  You were leaning towards the latter.
You were being paranoid but, who wouldn’t be in your situation?
You sit up on the bed and observe your new home for the foreseeable future. Would the holier than thou Avengers bug an innocent woman’s room? You liked to think they wouldn’t but, you could never be too sure.
You make a mental note to see if you’d be able to pick up some of your clothes from the apartment as you walk into the bathroom and strip off your jeans that smell more like the streets of New York than the citrus scent you washed them with.
Funnily enough, Stark had the same shower as you did at your real home so, you have to pretend to figure out the various knobs just in case. After fiddling for a good five minutes, you set it to just how you like it and hop in with the plan to wash the stress of the past few days down the drain. By now Flora and Maeve should have moved the tier of enforcers to the new location along with a good chunk of your liquid assets to a new offshore account.
A month at the minimum. That’s how long Flora told you this would take and you knew better than to complain about it. This was a very stressful situation for all of you; for everyone involved.
Once you feel thoroughly cleansed, you step out of the shower and wrap yourself in a fluffy towel and exit the bathroom.
A plate on your nightstand catches your attention and the hairs on the back of your neck raise as the smell of delicious lasagna reaches your nose. The note next to the plate says it’s from Sam Wilson and, if you were a normal woman, you’d probably think his effort was thoughtful.
“FRIDAY?” You announce curiously.
“Yes Miss Mason?” She answers and you roll your shoulders. You’d have to get used to having a Stark AI instead of your trusty MARVI.
“Please don’t let anyone into my room when I’m unable to answer the door.”
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Tags: @cherryblossomskye @hollarious​
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leilabeaux · 4 years
Luck Be a Lady
Chapter Four
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Masterlist | One Two Three
Pairing: Alex x Reader
Word Count: 2161
Summary: Reader has some regrets and she learns something new about Alex.
Warnings: None
Author’s Note:  And this is where I leave you. ::tips hat and rides off into the sunset:: On a real note, sorry for the lack of updates. Work and personal life has been hectic and wearing your girl down.
The bright lights of the Vegas Strip illuminated the living room enough that you didn’t bother turning on any lights as you left your bedroom. Now dressed down in your worn-out, oversized hoodie and pajama shorts, you walked over to the wet bar and pulled a bottle of vodka down from the shelf, not caring how overpriced it was. You thought about grabbing a glass but instead shrugged and took a swig straight from the bottle.
Settling on the wide marble ledge, you looked past your reflection in the window to peer down at the sparse traffic on the streets. You felt so physically drained after all the tears you’ve shed. You rubbed your bare face in embarrassment, mortified over letting all your emotions get in the way and ruining what was otherwise a nice evening.
Now that you weren’t in the middle of a panic attack, you regretted reacting too quickly when you told Alex to leave. You wished you could have him come back or at least text him so you could explain yourself but you two never took a moment to exchange numbers. Not like it would make much of a difference anyway, you were sure he was grateful to get some distance away from your crazy ass.
You didn’t bother looking over when you heard the door unlock and open. The clicking of heels confirmed it was your best friend doing her walk of shame, or stride of pride as she lovingly called it. 
“So I didn’t see any sign of your Lover Boy when I snuck out of Marco’s room,” Bianca teased. You could hear her plop down onto the couch and then soft thuds of what you assumed were her shoes being dropped on the floor. “Is he here? Did you wear him out? Why are we sitting in the fucking dark?”
Light had filled the room after she clicked on a lamp. Although you were no longer crying, you knew your red, puffy eyes would give you away when you turned to look at her.
“Oh my god! What the fuck happened?” She rushed over to join you on the ledge. “What did that fucker do?”
“He didn’t do anything,” you gave a small smile, trying to put her worries to rest but as all the emotions from the night went through you again, you couldn’t stop your eyes from welling up.
Bianca wrapped her arms around you, comforting you until you were ready to talk. Her hand rubbed your back as you softly sniffled into her shoulder.
“What happened, sweetie? Are you sure he didn’t do anything? Because I won’t hesitate to put my shoes back on and kick his ass if I need to.” 
“No, Alex was sweet and a total gentleman the entire night. So you can calm down with all of that.” You pulled away from her, drying your face with the back of your sleeve before giving her a quick run through of your night.  “We were kissing and everything was good and...I don’t know. It felt familiar.”
“Familiar how?”
“It was like being with Trevor again. I know him and Alex couldn’t be anymore different but it somehow felt the same. And then all I could think of was him and how much I missed him. I just felt guilty like I was cheating on him.”
Bianca shook her head as she took your hand in hers. “Y/N, you have nothing to feel guilty about. Trevor's been gone for almost two years now. It’s perfectly fine to move on whether if it’s a relationship or just sex. I know he would want you to be with someone who makes you happy.”
“It still feels too soon, maybe I’m not ready to be with anyone. Ugh, as if being with Alex would be possible especially after I freaked out on him,” you clasped your hand on your forehead, grimacing over that memory. “And I basically told him I was married.”
“What? Why?” Bianca looked at you like you were crazy.
“He saw my ring and asked how long I was married. So I told him eight years.” It technically wasn’t a lie. You had been married for about eight years before a deputy stood at your doorstep, telling you that your husband would never be returning home. “You know I hate the pitiful look people give me when they hear I’m a widow. And I thought it would be easier to push him away if I pretended that I was a faithful wife. But fuck, man,  I couldn’t even keep that up!”
“It’s not too late to tell him all of this. I think I might remember what room they’re staying in.”
“Okay, even if he doesn’t think I’m crazy after all of that, I don’t think me and him would work. He’s young and I barely had the patience to deal with Trevor when he was that age. And he doesn’t even live in this country,” you tried to reason with her and maybe with your heart.
“Okay, he’s young and he doesn’t go here. So what?”
“I just think getting into a long distance relationship after losing your husband is a disaster.”
“Or it could be something beautiful. I’m sorry, Y/N. But if this boy could give even a fraction of happiness that Trevor gave you, then I’m all for it.”
You gnawed on your lip as you considered what she was telling you. You were too scared to take the risk. You were convinced that it would only end in heartbreak and you weren’t sure if you had enough strength to deal with another one of those again.
“I think I’m just too tired to deal with any of this right now...or ever.” You turned toward the window, staring at your worn down reflection. Definitely too damn tired.
The snow outside of your kitchen window was coming down hard and didn't show any signs of stopping. You sighed to yourself while emptying the remainder of the wine bottle into your glass, silently praying that you wouldn’t find yourself snowed in in the morning.
You sat on the couch, pulling the cozy throw up to your chin and trying to get comfortable while your lovable dog and cat duo, Dallas and Leeloo, were busy fighting over the spot next to you. Unfortunately for the young feline, it seemed like the elder Labrador was coming out to be the winner.
You sipped on your wine as you scrolled through Hulu for something to distract you from your headache of a night—your first and definitely last Tinder date. 
You had spent twenty embarrassing minutes waiting for your date to return after he excused himself to the restroom. There was no devastation on your part. You didn’t feel the same chemistry in person that you had over messages but you were willing to at least wish him a good night like a decent person. You deleted the app on your way out, already convinced that nothing good would be coming from it.
You weren’t even mad at this guy. All of your annoyance was aimed at Bianca who had spent the last six months encouraging—nagging and begging—you to go out and start dating. She claimed that it was officially time for you to start moving on but you suspected she just wanted you to see how wrong you were for letting the potential Mr. Right in Vegas get away.
You’d never tell her but she was right and you didn’t need a string of bad or mediocre dates to find that out. The nights you used to spend in bed wondering how life would be if Trevor was still alive were now spent thinking of what could have been with Alex. From the small amount of time you spent with him, you knew he would be the caring, supportive boyfriend who’d hang on every word you said and whisper into your ear to ease any of your self doubts and do anything to make you smile.
You had tried to search for him with the very minimal details you knew about him, during one very lonely night spent with a bottle of whiskey, but none of the Copenhagen based photographers named Alex turned out to be the one you were looking for. It shouldn’t have been too shocking but your drunk self still took it a bit hard, spending part of the night lying on the kitchen floor and crying into Dallas’s fur.
You gave up on finding something uplifting to watch and settled with the historical drama you had been slowly working your way through the past few months. You originally didn’t think a show about Vikings would be your cup of tea as you were more of a sucker for the period pieces with more extravagant, vibrant costumes but it came highly recommended by your Vegas fling. He said it was a pretty good show. After three seasons and nine episodes, he definitely wasn’t wrong.
You were down to the last ten minutes of the episode where Bjorn was going up to his brothers’ cabin. You had downed the rest of your glass only to spit it all out, your pets scurrying away to avoid the spray, when grown Ivar rolled over to show his face.
“What...the fuck?” You whispered to yourself as the scene cutaway. Your mouth hung open and your eyes were glued to the screen. 
“What the fuck?” You repeated again when you saw Marco on the screen next to Alex. “Why would they do that to his hair?”
As soon as the episode ended, you sat still with your brow furrowed. You went through all the conversations you had and didn’t remember him saying he was an actor nor that he starred in this “pretty good” show.
You grabbed your phone to do a quick google search of who played Ivar. Alex Høgh Andersen. This entire time you had access to his name. If only you had given in to your urge to binge watch the show in one sitting you would have had it sooner. 
You pulled up your Instagram and typed in his name. As you were about to click on his account, you quickly changed your mind and threw your phone next to you on the couch as if it scorched you. You weren’t seriously going to stalk this man on the internet, you were a whole grown woman who was definitely too mature to be drooling over some pictures. 
Getting up to get ready for bed, you left your phone where it was so it would be less of a temptation. But you found that you couldn’t help but stare at it through the mirror as you aggressively brushed your teeth. Your curiosity was beginning to get the best of you.
You quickly rinsed out your mouth and walked toward your couch but then turned around, shaking your head as you headed down the hall to your bedroom. Leeloo and Dallas sat next to each other in the living room, both looking down the hall and not bothering to follow as if certain you’d be back.
“I’m just going to look at a few pictures. Just see what he’s been up to,” you explained to no one when you returned for your phone. Standing in the middle of your living room, you looked through his posts from the funny videos to his beautiful photography. You thought maybe you spent too much time scrolling through when you found yourself unable to stop staring at his well defined arm as he hovered over a mattress.
It wouldn’t be too crazy if you sent him a message to catch up and see how he was doing. Or would it? What would you even say? “Hi, remember me? The woman you ate out in Vegas. You know the one who broke down before you got a chance to get it in? Oh, and remember how I said I was married? Surprise! I’m actually a widow and lied because I got scared over you being so into me and even more scared when I realized I may have felt the same.”
You kept going back and forth over what you should really say to him, typing one thing only to immediately delete it. Seemed like anything you wrote came out sounding awkward or just dumb.
“Hi, I’m not sure if you remember me? It’s Y/N. The baker you met in Vegas.” It was enough to start a conversation but would he think you’re only contacting him because you now knew he was an actor. Your thumb hovered over send as you contemplated your choice.
You looked up at the clock and sighed out loud. You couldn’t afford to waste anymore time on this unless you wanted to be a zombie when you went into work in the morning.
You brought your thumb down and hit send. Fuck it.
End Notes: This is the last chapter of this part but not the end of their story. So don’t be too mad at me. Will Alex read her message? Will they ever meet again? Does Reader need to tell Bianca that she was right? 
Tags: @castielsangelsx @xbellaxcarolinax​ @didiintheblog​ @jzr201​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @eroguroshoujo
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chaoticlarrie · 3 years
A love letter to fandoms
I just wanted to express how much I love fandom spaces. It’s gonna be a sappy useless post but bear with me.
Since I was young teen, fandom spaces online have been a refuge for me. A second home. It’s one of my most effective coping mechanism for my very depressed brain and always has been.
I’ve always had trouble expressing strong emotions in my life. Because I was raised to be calm, collected, reasonable, smart and critical.
Strong outburst of emotions, positive or negative, were always fround upon, mocked or punished. So I had to find an outlet for my strong emotions. And for me it was fandoms. I can go completely crazy over a specific tv show and if no one in my life can bear listening to me going nuts over it, I can go online and find my people, the other ones that are just as crazy as me and we can be content with each other.
Because every one needs to feel strong emotions from time to time. For some it’s falling in love again and again, for others it’s partying to the point of exhaustion for the body and mind, for others it’s drugs, for others it’s extreme sports. We all want that rush of adrenaline, that euphoria. But none of those options are safe. And for me fandoms were that outlet. That get way to euphoria. I would fall in love with a piece of fiction or a band and their music and I would give them that power over me. I gave the power to a book, to a song, even to a celebrity to make me cry, to make me happy, to make me euphoric. I chose to gave them that power when I entered the fandom. Because I knew that it meant that the next time I hear news about it, I would feel that strong emotion.
We all chose to be emotionally invested, committed into these fandoms.
It’s about that rush of adrenaline when a big news drop about a new season of your favourite show, it’s about that warm feeling of being so proud of one of your favourite celeb when they accomplish something, it’s about that trepidation and the delicious and torturous waiting before a midnight release, it’s about that euphoria when you’re at a concert of your favourite band, surrounded by people who all sing the same lyrics with you, it’s about that deep sense of comfort and belonging when you find a piece of fiction that perfectly encapsulates everything you are and want to be, it’s about that immense relief that you get when you can finally listen to that song that makes everything better.
I don’t know where I would be if I couldn’t escape from time to time to a place where I see so many talented and passionate people talking about those things that are so important to me.
And yeah there’s drama in every fandom from time to time. But it’s always worth it and I feel like we’re always better off in the end.
So thank you to the Harry Potter fandom for the amazing creations, fan fictions, fan arts, plays, projects, for inventing real quidditch... for expanding this universe that he’s so huge and magical because of you, the fans. For taking a stand against the very author of the thing we have in common and taking it as an opportunity to raise awareness and inclusivity for every trans and non binary potterheads. For making Harry Potter OURS so that the legacy of the fandom can live on even if we leave the author behind.
Thank you to the One Direction fandom, that is always oh so full of drama. The one that got me onto tumblr all those years ago where I felt like I found my people. Thank you for your fics, your art, the gifs, the craziness and the dedication. Thank you for making me grow out of my “I’m not like other girls” phase. Thank you to the Larry shippers for making me believe in love. Thank you for the rainbow direction projects and movement that made us all feel celebrated. Being a 1D fan on Tumblr at the peak of 1D fame was some of the most fun I’ve ever had on the internet and I regret nothing.
Thank you to the Supernatural fandom, even if it’s only been 2 months for me. For making me want to see that show that is good but so bad but so good. Thank you for the memes. Thank you for hallucinating with me a better written version of the show. Thank you for the fix it fics. Thank you for using that random cw show as starting point for discussion around queer rep and mental health. Thank you for demanding, all those years ago, that even mainstream teen dramas on tv be better for all of us. You had a real and positive impact on how tv shows are made and thought of, don’t ever doubt it.
And I could so say so many thank yous to so many others but,
I guess what I’m trying to say basically, is a big thank you, to all of you, for not being cool.
Don’t get me wrong, we’re the coolest mofos on this fucking planet. BUT. We don’t play it cool. No matter the fandom, we all have passionate and very strong emotions about specific subjects and we’re completely unhinged on this hellsite (affectionate) about it.
I love seeing someone going apeshit in the tags of a Louis Tomlinson pic cause they can’t express how much they love him other wise.
I love seeing a long ass post about psychoanalysing Dean Winchester, putting more thought into it than even the writers of the show ever did.
I love seeing someone who spends hours making a very elaborate collage of Harry styles painted nails.
I love seeing the very elaborate fan arts of a potterhead who transformed Hogwarts in a place full of gays, ace, bi, non binaries, trans and poc through their drawings.
I love all the inside jokes and concepts inherent to each fandom. The things that you understand only after spending time in the fandom. The way that we can all be a bit too crazy about our passions on here without being mocked.
Fandom is a safe space for strong emotions and I love you all for that.
If I made any sense in this long ass post and you feel me, I would love for people to add what they’re thankful for in their apecific fandoms even if we don’t share it. Thanks, love you all 😘
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