#no its not the same hc i had for michael
mcytrash · 1 year
Hedcanon that the eggs use AAC (the tablets that help ppl comunicate) to talk
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alexxncl · 5 months
masterlist | all lessons | season 2 | lesson 33 | lesson 35
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i might be getting ahead of myself here, but are we lilith ?? like is that what's happening rn ??? he's not saying mc's name, and raphael doesn't day their name in the next scene...if so then that's actually really fucking sad 💀
it makes sense though, belphie not wanting mc to go into his head bc he's still clinging to the past and doesn't want to lose them forever like he lost his little sister forever, especially since human life is so finite compared to that of a demon or an angel or a reaper
also it's obvious by his choice of words that despite him looking older, belphie is very, very young in his mindscape, just like mammon was. i feel like this also shows how close mams and belphie are even if it's not shown much on screen in the game, or at least how much belphie takes after mammon's, if not all of his older brothers traits, for better or worse
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well nvm...i still think my theory is valid though. belphie wants to go back to his old life and end up not losing lilith, but still have mc with him
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i wonder how similar mammon and belphie's bond in the celestial realm is to their bond in the devildom. is belphie still as reluctant to ask for help and advice openly? is the banter still the same? are there less insults? how does the age gap here cause them to treat each other differently if at all? or the lack of angelic status?
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oh i'm gonna cry
big brother mammon will always have my heart and i need more of him
we know belphie's love of stars and constellations and the night sky in general started when he was in the celestial realm, and seeing it manifest in mammon in his mindscape makes my heart happy, even if mammon isn't the reason he became interested in astronomy (was it michael? lucifer? idk i don't remember)
i also think it's very interesting how belphie's brain is actively working against him "wanting to hide from mc". he literally said "i don't want you to see the inside of my mind" and is hiding away from them. i think, in reality and in his mindscape, he's running from the fact that he has to face his feelings about the idea of mc leaving to go to the "human realm" and the possibility of losing them forever like he lost lilith
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this was (obviously) not beel speaking, but his inner thoughts in the shape and voice of beel. circling back to belphie having the best and worst traits of his brothers, his insecurity and need for reassurance rivals levi's, and we don't get to see it as blatantly because he masks it way better than levi does
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ok so we're here in the timeline...interesting. how much time passed between luci and dia's first meeting and the celestial war? how much time had passed between the celestial war and mc's initial arrival to the devildom? how much had belphie aged?
angels and demons age different than humans do, and belphie doesn't feel any older than like...10 or 11 at the most, but beel seems older than that. maybe its his mind warping things to make himself seem and feel younger, but maybe he really was that young. was lilith even born at this point? how old was belphie during the time of the war ?????
also i'm mad we didn't get to see michael bc i wanna know what he looks like but oh well 🧍🏾
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oh baby :((((
i'm not the biggest belphie fan AT ALL, at least canon belphie, but i think it's necessary to acknowledge how his trauma severely affects the way he acts. he went from blaming himself, to blaming an entire race of people for his sister's death. he feels like he should've been the one to die, even if it meant leaving his twin without him
now, if he got a proper redemption arc after lesson 16, THEN we could talk. i think the devs fumbled his character in that regard, but my hcs about his redemption will have to suffice for now
he didn't want mc to see this dark part of himself because he hates that he still has this mindset, that he's trapped in a cycle of "what ifs" and wishing it were him instead of her, constantly ruminating and letting his anger and grief fester without ever dealing with it properly and letting himself heal. he not only thinks he doesn't deserve to heal, but that he doesn't deserve to live long enough to see himself heal, that he doesnt deserve to live at all
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i mean i knew this would happen since its only lesson 34 and there's still 6 more to go...but damn
i love and hate the fact that he's so smart. like, they could easily just ask barbatos to send them back to the human realm if it was that serious. he's clearly taken a liking to them. lucifer knows something's up, and he won't forge a pact with them until he gets to the bottom of whatever's going on
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initially, i thought it was a spell to bring them back since he'd been the one facilitating the trips into the brothers' mindscapes this whole time, but this is wayyy more interesting
i feel like the barbatoses communicate across timelines, or that their lives intermingle with each others' somehow, so whatever they feel for one person in a specific timeline is felt for ever version of them in every timeline. we know barbatos, at the very least, knows that kayden is an important person in the grand scheme of things, whether it be because of the way diavolo feels about them or because they play a large part in the obey me version of a canon event
if it's more than base level importance, we can assume that there's a level of trust and love that barbatos feels for mc that stretches across time (callback to the login screen's dialogue)
maybe he gave us the piece of the grimoire for a reason outside of belphie's mindscape escapades. what if this is how we gain lucifer's trust? if a demon as powerful as barbatos can give mc a piece of his grimoire, then he should be able to make a pact with them, seeing as they're trustworthy enough to be in cahoots with THE time demon
anyways barbatos is nightbringer and you can't tell me otherwise. unless you think it's michael. then i might hear you out...i'm stuck between thinking either of them is the titular character simply because of the simultaneous lack and abundabce of emphasis on michael's importance
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aviradasa · 2 months
Teenage Leolas first partner is a human?How will you and Aaravos react?
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Aaravos x reader hc!
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Ask and you shall receive! This was such a cute idea, and I couldn't resist lol. Also again sorry it this is shitty I'm extremely exhausted and am writing this from my phone late at night, lol also sense this probably is shitty I'm happy to announce I'm going to be making a series based off of the Aaravos family hcs I've posted which will be more in depth and fun!
I'll link the other hcs here
Aaravos introducing you to his daughter
Aaravos getting ready to propose to you with leolas help
You and Teenage!Leola sync up that time of month and Aaravos is done
{Fluff} Warnings:none!
@josmarney23 @delusional-mushroom @imsimping4life
It was a beautiful day out, and you and Aaravos were just chilling out studying the universe and all of its secrets with no worries in the world
That was until your 16 year old daughter Leola walked in looking a little too nervous for your taste
"Hey, mom..dad.I have something to tell you!" She says with an awkward smile as she waves her hands up and down in front of her, a nervous stim she's had since she was a little girl.
But it just makes you and your husband more concerned
You look at Aaravos with confusion and concern and are a little disappointed when he gives you the same look back before you both turn towards leola once more.
"What did you do?" Aaravos asks
"Did you kill someone? It's ok if you did, we can help you take care of that." You join in with a straight-face
"Yes, if that's the case, don't worry, me and your mother can handle that. It was probably only an accident!" Aaravos agrees as you as you both stand up and approach your daughter.
"What? No! I didn't hurt. Or kill anyone! I just wanted to tell you that me and Michael decided that we want to be together! ( I decided cause I'm lazy that the boy holding her hand in the picture that I made the title card is gonna be her partner for this!)
You and Aaravos share a look of shock.
Like, excuse me. Your little unicorn has a boyfriend? YOUR DAUGHTER?
"Wait, who is Michael again?" You ask; the name sounds familiar, but it's hard for you to remember all of the Leolas friends as she makes so many new ones all the time.
Aaravos, on the other hand, is too busy trying to comprehend what his sweet daughter said. He doesn't even hear you ask her who Michael is. he just folds his hands together like a prayer, lifting them up to his face with eyes so wide they look like they are about to pop out of the socket
In response to your question,leola rolls her eyes and walks out the front door before rentering, pulling a tall human boy into your house by the arm. Once leola releases him, he gives a little wave. "Hello, there!" He says nervously with a smile laced with a bit of fear.
NOW you remember him. He is one of Leola's childhood friends. They used to play outside together with all the others. Before you can say anything, though, Aaravos speaks first.
"No, absolutely not. No. It was nice meeting you, boy." He says with a straight face. You give him a small slap on the arm and a stern look
"What? Dad, what do you mean?" Leola asks in confusion
"No. Just No." He says again.
"Why not? Are you mad he's a human or something?" Leola shoots back. Before it can escalate though, you interfere
" That has nothing to do with. It has to do with the fact that he looks at least 30." (Please tell me you get the reference, lol)
"DAD HES MY AGE! YOU'VE MET HIM BEFORE!" Leola shouts, which honestly gives you the sign to stop this before it gets out of hand
"Okayyy that's enough." You say to them.
You mouth a small apology to leola and Michael before you grab your husband and go to the next room for a moment, and as you're walking out, you see leola facepalm before crossing her arms in frustration. Michael quickly jumped to her aid. He gets a few points for that
Once you get into the next room and close the door you scold the fuck out of your husband
"Aaravos, what is your problem? You know damn well he's not 30! If you don't stop and give the kid a chance, I'm gonna knock you out."
"You won't even have the chance to knock me out before -"
"Oh my gods, once again, what is your problem it's completely normal for kids there, age -"
"I still don't like it!"
"Why not cause it's a human boy she brought home?"
"I never said that!"
"Well, that's what she's getting from it!"
"I don't like it 'cause She is my little girl. I'm not having some human boy mess up her life. she's not ready for that torment."
"Oh, she is fine. It's some puppy love, and she's known that boy for years he wouldn't hurt her! besides, there is nothing we can do about it that won't drive her away from us!"
"Oh, there is definitely something I CAN do about it.-" "Oh, don't you even think about it. That won't end well for anybody!"
"Yes, it will. It will end well for you, Leola, and me"
"If you touch one hair on that boy's head, you're sleeping outside. May the gods strike me down if I'm lying!"
"I suppose they will have to! Cause I'm not allowing this."
"No, we are not doing that. We are going to go out there. Talk to them like adults. And make a decision based on facts and information they provide!"
Your overlapping arguments end up being overheard in the next room, where Leola and Michael are standing. She covers her face with her hand and shakes her head back and forth in embarrassment as Michael reassures her it's fine.
This goes on for a while before you exit the room with a victorious smile. Aaravos follows behind you with a disapproving sigh. Yet he still complies
You decide to sit down and talk. Asking (interrogating) Michael about his life, his family, his intentions with his daughter (Aaravos),
Michael was a farm boy from next door. He had been friends with Leola for years, but he was a shy kid and tended to blend in with the group (which explains why you and Aaravos forgot he existed)
after a nice conversation (plus some cryptic threats)(Aaravos), you both come to the decision to allow them to continue dating. But you and Aaravos insisted on meeting this boy's parents.
Leola is honestly so happy that you guys didn't care that he was human. She was just a little peeved that her dad was being overprotective.
By the way, that never stops. He is always going to be overprotective of his little girl. No matter if she is 16 or 9000, he is always gonna be ready to hide a dead body for her, and you are right there with him.
But anyways
Once everything is settled and you guys send Michael home, you both sit down with just leola and talk to her alone, and luckily, everything adds up!
As time goes on, y'all practically just adopt Michael as a son. Who cares if he has parents of his own. He's always at you guys' house anyway 🤣
Even Aaravos starts to like Michael a little bit after he shows an interest in magic and philosophy
Sometimes, when Michael stays for dinner, he and Aaravos will just be full-on geeking about this stuff while you and Leola just chuckle about it
Aaravos will deny warming up to Michael, though. He will still be like, "No, I don't like him." But everyone knows he's lying, and you and Leola laugh at him.
Though if Michael ever hurts Leola ( he wouldn't dream of it. This is just a what-if), he's got you and Aaravos on his ass in a heartbeat.
All he can do is pray and beg for mercy at that point cause running is not an option. There is nowhere he could ever run that you and Aaravos would not find
Nobody ever hears from him again
But you guys do get a pretty cool coin to add to the collection; alongside that, you guys don't let Leola date after. If she's hurt once, y'all are not letting it happen again.
But other than that, yall are pretty cool about it and don't really care too much human, elf,boy, girl, they, who cares as long as your little girl is happy you guys are happy with her
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valtsv · 7 months
i hope this doesnt come off as rude but i thought you were the one who made the blonde twig michael shelley hc popular 😭 i distinctly remember being into tma and following you at the same time back then and it was only after you reblogged a fanart where he was spindly and claw handed and blonde when the proliferation of this exploded. fandom influencer moment (if its weird to remember back this far its entirely random i just remember being mildly annoyed bc the way he was described id imagined something like hotdogs for fingers not spindly claws)
i did used to enjoy that version of him before i grew out of that mindset and i remember having fanart of him as my icon for a bit (although idk if that one was twinky so much as just. a guy with long hair lol.) but i didn't realise i had such an impact on the fanon version of him. if i did i'm sorry women (tma fans).
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6okuto · 1 year
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gn!reader | tbh i thought i alrdy did this but i guess not.? cove hcs r hard bc i can't remember what is literally Just Canon.
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he instinctively offers you the last seat on the bus. if you want him to sit down it's a little fight /lh. the both of you staring at the other, nodding toward the seat. "i don't need to sit down. we walked a lot, you must be tired." "we walked the same amount so you'd be the same amount of tired." etc etc
he'll sit down if you stand in front of him.. one time a lady commented on how cute you two were and (after thanking her) he flushed and rested his head against your stomach, fiddling with the hem of your shirt to hide how giddy he was
he also instinctively gets your favourite snacks while you're out shopping btw
can't walk around any mall or market without you in mind. we know this but really imagine cove walking into stores he probably wouldn't have otherwise just to see if they had something for you. him calling a store to check when they'd have something in stock again so he could surprise you. him debating between two shirts/charms/etc for like 10 minutes because he wants to make sure he gets the best one
cove texting you to tell you about about a new fish he found. or telling you about what fish you'd both be. constantly thinking of you whenever said fish is mentioned and, to strangers, randomly lighting up at its name
you text cove a pick-up line and get left on read for like 5-10 minutes while he 1) recovers and 2) looks for one to send back
asking cove to kiss where you got hurt as a joke and him doing it. and then kissing you again. and then kissing you on the LIPS!
you make a little charm bracelet that says something silly like "best bf <3" "i love u <3" etc etc and he just doesn't take it off. makes one for you too. do not ask how long he was standing in the same michaels aisle trying to pick the perfect beads/charms...
you visit him at work except you actually meet his coworkers and everyone already at least knows your name.
he Makes Sure he's the first one to tell you happy birthday. Always. will say it at midnight and when you wake up in the morning. it's a minute to midnight and he is Staring at the clock as the seconds tick away.
^ he puts sooo much thought into your gifts and celebration... if you Do have a party, he still makes sure to have time together alone afterward :-( asks if you had a good time and gets all happy when you thank him... he tells you it's the least he could do for you
walks in on you watching a show and asks what it's about and suddenly it's 2 hours later, you're both caught up, and he's tense because your favourite character is collecting death flags and he's worried for everyone involved right now . at least if the character dies he's already prepared to comfort you
cove when asked what he thinks the most romantic song is says the song you picked for your first dance. when asked Why he thinks so, he goes red but explains, eyes flickering over to you and a soft smile on his lips
carries your bag whenever you ask. does not matter if it's a backpack or tote bag or shaped like a chicken (something i really want) like Don't worry about it
makes a playlist with your favourite songs to play in the car so no matter where you're going, he hopes you have a good start to your day/trip
cove asks what song you're playing/humming and if you mention it's onw of your favourites, he goes out of his way to listen to it and at least sort of know the lyrics
when you move in together he's stuck in a constant happy state because he keeps looking over at things and realizing You're Living Together. you're unpacking boxes with YOUR stuff you will both cook in that kitchen you will go shopping together for decor for YOUR place he's going to SLEEP and WAKE UP to you EVERY morning
and you tease him about how you were already seeing each other every day before this and he's like well, yeah, but this is different.
supports you with all your hobbies/interests.... helping you look for a new bookshelf to keep your books/collectibles.... listening to you explain the complexities and tragedy of your favourite character/ship.... offering his opinions when asked,, he's not sure how much you should trust him, especially if he has no experience with it, but he's always a little happier after you thank him with a smile
remembers the names of people who've done you wrong. will block you from sight if you're at an event and see them and asks if you're alright or want to go somewhere else
cove always offers to help you study and quiz you if you have an exam coming up. you can also count on him to make sure you aren't stressing yourself out or sleeping too late. and then, no matter how you feel coming out of the exam, he will always make sure to treat you to something to say good job :-)
Your guy to go to if you're feeling sad or anxious. he'll do whatever you'd like/he knows would help ... taking care of your share of the chores without being asked, cuddle you for a couple hours, shower you with praise and reassurance, take you out on a date, etc
always interested in hearing what happened at an event he didn't accompany you to! even if it was just a hangout with friends, he'll listen to you recount jokes and things that happened. if it was a bigger event, he'll listen As he helps you wind down from a long day
if you have a small business, cove will actually order things himself during shop openings. as if all your stock isn't a couple rooms over and he doesn't help you pack orders. the both of you celebrate your first sale, big achievements, etc ^___^
basically literally canon but hides his face in the crook of your neck when he's feeling shy . but like (re)imagine having been in a relationship for months, years, and you kiss him in the morning like you always do but for some reason he's feeling particularly shy about it . or you just Smile at him and he's like .!!!!!!
cove will stare at you with a lovesick look on his face while you aren't looking. doesn't even realize he's doing it, he just really loves you. friends point this out to you afterward because it's so cute
he's not good at taking photos but he sure will try. like if you mention wanting more candid photos, he'll remember and try to take some. many may be questionable but there's some really good ones !! he keeps a folder of them/photos of you both and looks at it randomly :-)
cove asking your parents how to cook some of your favourite meals the way you enjoy them to surprise you..
he would do so well on those couple challenges where he's asked questions about you. your birthday? child's play. your favourite restaurant and go-to order? easy money. what your favourite field trip was when you were little kids? he was literally there.
you must at some point get a version of this seal video like... also omg. seeing the mermaids at the aquarium. genuinely so impressed and brings up the idea of a secret underwater world again
cove doing that trend where you cover him in lipstick stains and he's looking at you with heart eyes GRAAAAHH!!!
ideas i could/will write if cove wins and will NEVER write if he doesn't 🤌🔥🔥✍️ *edit: i actually don't know if he won. well.
you askingfor money and him saying okay before actually asking what for
trying out pet names on him
smth about getting ready for a fancy event together and him helping you. like.. adjusting your tie / zipping up the back of your dress .... Grah!
? nsft hcs except i'm still at least waiting for the patreon bonus story
random texts because i adore our life but i do not text like that unfortunately.! i would be like WAAAHHH!! i'd be like GBRHABAAH ?!?!?!?!?# i'd be like goodnight ^____^ <3 <3 <3 <3 >___< see u Tomorrow love of my life <3 <3 <3 (/j)
cove-centric event where all i do is cove related reqs/drabblrs GOD BLESS COVE NATION!
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@lordbugs @xfangirl-trashx @fifteenshadesofpinkk @lotus-sukimono @bakugosgrenade @vhenis @anime-ships-gay @dreamtydraw @lost-lonnie @cvhenia @mitskiologist
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nordickies · 4 months
HAVE YOU PERCHANCE ever considered drawing den with curly hair?!???… because because since he has hella messy hair in the canon material and is implied to just be waking up like that, i can’t really imagine him having straight hair…(ik you draw him wavy already, but let me explain!) i kinda hc that he has dense curls and its just that hima has no idea how to draw it. i mean think about it: not one character has ever been seen with curls. seychelles has straight hair, cameroon has a buzzcut, cuba has dreads(i think…) etc. so i say… everyones a bit wavier than what we see! i also think belgium has ringlets and greece is also super curly and stuff like that! also curly denmark would look kinda like michael bundesen(the danish singer ever, but no im nowhere near danish lol) and that is so special to me…
Honestly, anon, that sounds charming (the ringlets omg). I love it when people experiment with characters' hair textures!! Hair is one of the many fields I should get better at, something I should practice more, it's all a bit same-old in my art
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I treasure the idea that nations change their appearance, like hair and fashion, according to the trends of the time. So, I can say with confidence that some of these guys have had a perm at some point
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n3onwraith · 7 months
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I forgot to post that I drew Needles! You can't tell, I haven't made the HC doodles comprehensive yet, but hisbneedles hide under his skin and eject when needed, like those spike traps but millions of needles!
I'm gonna put all my HCs below the cut just to spare yall
He's def a natural redhead to me, but bleached it a lot before becoming an avatar
Technically, this would only be his human disguise thing. Full eldritch is reserved for attacking ppl and defense, which is rarer than attacking people, and in that form he's all lanky with all his needles out all the time like a fucked up longhorse and pincushion had a baby and it got possessed
He just has no sense of pain most of the time, at least related to intrinsic issues. Getting stabbed or shot hurts, but when his bones constantly break as Eldritch Needles or when his limbs fall off (like Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas) he doesn't feel all the pain, just a tinge or a pinch
Can remove his needles from his skin, but their 'slot' stays open until he puts them back or replaces them (like shark teeth, he grows them but can also swap them out for found ones) and he uses that to sew himself back together as needed
Lots of piercings, most home-done. Really only his lobe and one of three cartilage rings is professional, he did the rest as an angsty teen for fun
Was turned as a late teen/in his early twenties, and therefore his disguise stays looking that age because that's the only way he really remembers who he is and what he looked like. Eldritch Needles is just a fucked up skinsuit really, a puppet for what he needs to do, and Needles himself can't remember or guess what he would look like by now (bones, probably, with his luck, but he was taken as an avatar/eldritch in the 90s/early 2000s so realistically only around 40-50 or so)
Got in a ton of accidents as a kid, always was and always is banged up somehow
Flashes his needles and puffs up on instinct when things piss him off, has to stop himself from doing it around people
A gifted kid for the institute who ended up being neglected outside of schoolwork and what he could do (projection?)
Glitters in the sunlight even with the needles put away. Its just bcs he's got so much metal in him and the sunlight catches the slots weird enough to glint briefly
The jacket reacts the same way his hair and needles do, like an external organ, but it's only due to it being part of his avatar influence shit and its not actually a part of him. It goes dormant when removed or unwanted
Like a hedgehog hair-wise, it's harmless and like regular hair until it's Needle Time (TM)
Easily offended/angered, as seen in the 911 call, and likes to fuck with people. I'd guess older sibling if he had any, but the kind where you matured too fast and then slowed your roll so late you were the immature one (projecting)
Likes to be colorful but in a dull way. Washed out colors just suit him better in his opinion and let him express himself without drawing attention to himself and the fact he's not quite human anymore
Gap teeth <3 Wanted to get braces as a teen but didn't, still pissed about it because now he can't and it doesn't matter since hes not human anymore anyways. slowly learning to like the gap when his angel fangs don't get stuck in em
Didn't draw it but he has snake bites too, just rarely wears them. It's either angel fangs or snake bites but never both because they tend to snag for him
A parallel of both Nikola and Michael, kind of. He's got little bits that Norris, Chester and Augustus would recognize if they ever met him, like his speech pattern and penchant for never giving straight answers, but he's got his own thing going on more than the parallels ever could be.
Rip off Cheshire Cat. Alice in Wonderland, the animated one, was his favorite movie growing up for the colors, and when he got older for the story
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Hii!! Can I request Slashers with a Child reader who has telekinesis like eleven. It kinda sounds cheesy but its just an idea that came to my mind :)
Hannibal wants his child back.
Slashers with child! Reader who has telekinesis!
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Michael 🔪
Holy shit.
Now he's only seen it in movies and first time he saw it he thought he was losing it.
Once you confirmed he wasn't he went back to Holy shit.
He's kinda worried you might throw things at him like a chair or knife. Wonders the many cool things you could do with this power.
You may or may not be brought into his murder sprees, only when he's having a hard time though. Doesn't want to look weak in front of a child.
Won't admit it but he loves to see you use your powers, very foreign and unique. You're becoming one of his favourite person of all time.
Sinclair brothers
They almost died.
Bo had to take off his invisible glasses with his hand on his mouth and just staring into space thinking about what he just saw you do. Once he clears his head he's calling you a child prodigy. Just hopes you won't mess with him because you have so many advantages and he can't compete with you. He'll still boss you around. Its his own way of saying that this quirk of yours won't make a negative impact on your relationship.
Vincent was shooketh. He thought telekinesis was only fantasy, he loves seeing you use your powers he may or may not ask you to help a bit in his basement. (you'd better say yes) would awkwardly just stare at you the whole time he's just admiring you. However if your ability causes you to bleed and exhaust after heavy use then he'll immediately make you stop and rest. Expect drastic very rare requests from you from then on.
Lester. Out of these two he's the most dramatic and enthusiastic person. Is very curious and if you could he would beg ask you to lift him and Jonesy. (Jonesy did not like that.) He's still going to treat you how he did before your ability was revealed to him. Yeah sure he loves your telekinetic power but he loves you more <3. If the bleeding thing also happens then he'll do the same thing as Vincent. Instead you two are going to sit down on the grass and drink cold beverages or if outdoor is not your thing then just some chilling inside the house.
I think I already did some like this. But if you want general hc which idk if I already did before since it's been so long, let me know so I can edit.
Billy & Stu
Both went batshit.
Billy was asking you "HOW DID YOU DO IT?? WHAT KIND OF NEW TRICK IS THIS!!??" Stu's brain was still being blown.
You took this as an opportunity to mess with them. You just asked them what they were talking about and just ran to your room.
Later that night you woke them up and told them you heard something downstairs and they went to go check.
Objects were flying everywhere and scaring the shit out of both ghostfaces. You were trying your hardest not to laugh so you can keep a secret a little while longer.
They both held a knife at all times after the incident. You secret lasted about maybe 2 weeks.
They still went batshit.
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dasketcherz · 9 months
do you have any dad michael son gregory headcanons because your art for them is genuinely so so cool like omg… it all looks so good they are so cute in your style
greg absolutely secretly looks up to mike's skill set as an artist. he loves to watch him doodle, mike is the type who'd feel conscious when someone watches him draw but,,, he grew to not mind and got use to greg watchin him draw. he can tell the kid is observing and absorbing what he can learn from simply watching him do art.
^^^ with that in mind, Mike often does catch Greg drawing too, when the lil guy is very proud of his work, he shows it off to him. Mike is very encouraging that he keeps up at it cuz he genuinely thinks the kid is doing great.
^^^ As i established in the previous ask, Greg loves to give art gifts to ppl he cares about. He does the same for Mike, especially in special occasions like father's day, or his birthday and whatnot. Mike displays them either in his room or by the fridge, he is very proud of his son's creative efforts!
Mike is not the best cook out there, you can hardly entrust the kitchen to him without him setting it on fire but he tries his best to do a decent job at making pulled pork recipes ever since he found out it's Greg's favorite.
Greg loves to collect all sorts of cute and silly plushies, anytime he spots any when they stroll across a shop or smth he's so ready to persuade Mike to let em buy it for him. It doesnt take a lot of effort to really, all he has to do is stare up at mike with puppy eyes and Mike knows the drill, he sighs and then painfully pulls out his wallet every time. it's worth it tho, it's for the kid
It's always like a russian roulette who wakes up earlier than who in the morning. Sometimes its Mike, sometimes its Greg. Mike usually preps breakfast, well...as best as he could perform the basics. He's shown the ropes to Greg at some point cuz even tho Greg's a kid, Mike acknowledges that he's capable. Greg's a fast learner, if he does a specific task so often enough, he gets good at it eventually. Its a lil funny tho cuz Greg almost does breakfast better than Mike at times. Greg has some fun making Mike's morning coffee for him, he appreciates it a lot. He thinks it's really sweet, he always affectionately ruffle Greg's morning bed hair as a gesture of thanks.
They have a swear jar in the household. No further elaboration needed i think.
Mike drives a motorcycle bike that used to be owned by his mom. Every time he tells Greg he's headin off somewhere for a quick errand, the lil guy insist he wanna come along solely cuz he wanna ride the bike as well. He enjoys being on the bike, he thinks its hella cool and he feels like flyin, he has to always promise Mike he'll behave just so he lets him come too.
They absolutely love movie nights as a hang out time. They both love watching movies, they just have a good time checkin out any film that peaks their interest. Having fun lil discussion bout it during or after watching and all that. Mike is amused when Greg has a lot to say, he just lets the lil guy share his thoughts bout it.
Whenever Mike gets a call that Greg got into another fight at school and it's often cuz other kid bullies got in Greg's nerve [especially if it's them insulting his guardian to his face] or cuz he tried to defend other kids from being bullied, Mike is so ready to throw hands with said kid bully's parents to defend Greg back. Theyre always on each other's side first and foremost.
When one of them catch the other still up in the middle of the night, the instant thought they have is "cant sleep?" presumably cuz the other most likely had another nightmare. It has happened so frequent, they just came to understand that tryin to pass the time doin other things is often the other best thing they can do to doze back to sleep. They had done plenty of things to pass the time at moments like it : be it watch another movie, draw together, just stargaze outside by the front porch etc etc. They appreciate the other for keepin them company. They've grown to try makin sure they never feel so alone anymore the best they can, cuz they arent anymore when they have each other.
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walmart-icarus · 10 months
Lucy bonding with the boys :p
whats good germs there's this thing going around the fandom talking about Lucy more and I AM OBSESSED-
usual warnings RRAAJHHHH
like they go to several jewelry stores
for earrings rings necklaces bracelets you name it
bonus points if they can name every metal they use
Marko steals them but Lucy respects the law
please and thank you
she obviously doesn't get Marko silver-
becaus yk-
we all saw this coming tbh
Lucy was a hippie QUEEN
main point
they get absolutely zoodied mcscootied
zoinked out of their gourds
this is what they bond over no questions ASKED
"oh honey they sell better quality behind the hot dog stand"
you guys get the point
they have quiet reading sessions
i hc that Lucy has a huge shelf
filled with cheesy romance books
and you know what?
they just sit there in silence enjoying the company
they don't read aloud or even the same book
he has claimed a special chair in the living room
"...Paul get the fuck off my CHAIR"
even better if Michael has rights to sit on said chair
girls night
you guys read that correctly
with Star and Lucy
they paint each other's nails
they go out to clothing's stores
and makeup stores
and Dwayne comes with them lmao
he doesn't really engage in the conversations
because its mostly about celeberty drama and goofy music??
he listens to them like a podcast
what can I say he's one of the girls
a/n: I had kind of a shitty day today and I needed something for comfort and I enjoyed writing this so much and hopefully you'll like reading it as much as I liked writing it!
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a-dumbass-jester · 11 months
Michael was a perfect victim for the distortion {a short essay} ft some extra spiral siblings
Do you ever think about how Michael wasn’t a fit for the distortion in the was Helen was
Helen willingly became it
She fit the gaslighting part of it, the one driving people mad.
Michael is the opposite
He was the perfect victim for it
Michael was the one that was driven mad
He was too trusting, trusting people he shouldn’t of
He was manipulated by Gertrude and was kept in the dark or even gaslighted by the others about the entity’s existing
This next part is going to me much more hc because we don’t know much about Og!Michael in cannon
He was always talking about a “monster under the bed” everyone dismissed it as nothing and no one ever believed him
After the distortion took his friend in high school and Michael tried to tell people what he saw he was quickly titled crazy and went to work for the Magnus institute to find answers and convince himself he wasn’t
when he became the distortion his response to it wasn’t manipulating you into thinking your mad it was him going so mad it drove you mad
Going back to this post what if it was him the whole time, the distortion never controlled him, he just went so mad he thought it was, he went so mad he couldn’t recognize his human self as him
If Michael wasn’t sacrificed to it to stop the ritual (and had the map) he would’ve been one of the people taken by it anyway
- On a side note an au where season one Michael and Helen roles where switched could be interesting
Gertrude never sacrificed him to it and at some point Helen became it, and went after Michael
- On a lighter note I like to think about an au where Michael didnt die when Helen took over but instead trapped in the hallways
The distortion still having a pull on him and wouldn’t let him leave
When he tried it was like the door was still closed
And due to that and that Helen was now the distortion so she would be staying there a lot, rlly only had each other for company
That and the fact that the same entity had power over them ended up quite close
I like to think it kinda linked them together
We know the distortion can pull from its avatars memory’s so that kinda ended up happening
Also in canon Helen still knows about about him and what it’s like being him because of the distortion time as him
Both of them having ties to it could make that go both ways
During the Eyepocalypse Michael could move around a bit more into the spirals domains
He didn’t like to because he saw the others suffering and felt guiltily about being one of the “feared” (especially when people recognized him from when we was the distortion)
After Jon Ceaseless Watchered Helen she was in a state similar to Michael
After the Eyepocalypse they still stuck around each other as found family (and trama bonded)
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kuroo-hitsuji · 5 months
Heey! Hope you are doing well ❤️
I really want to see your headcanons for Lucifer and freckles
I always imagined him with some? Idk
Heyas, I'm doing alright :)
And I've admittedly been so torn about whether to give him freckles or not asgdgdh but thinking harder about it I'm going to go with "Yes But-"
With how i picture things like freckles working for angels and demons, they tend to fade quickly if they don't see direct sunlight often (boosted healing factor and all that, cells get replaced more often etc), so Lucifer's (and by extent really any of the demons') don't show up so much in the Devildom (except for maybe a few persistent ones if you're actively looking for them), but the other realms (celestial especially) are a different story.
Lucifer (much like my hc for Asmo but not to the same extent) is aware he's prone to them and tends to try to avoid getting them for the most part, feeling as though they might make people take him a bit less seriously. It's not a big issue, admittedly, he's aware his extensive reputation would entirely prevent that thought for most people that already find him intimidating (so. Most People), but he's also had attention called to them often enough (by people close enough to him to Not be too intimidated to mention that they're cute, namely Michael and probably Asmo, back in the celestial realm when the freckles would show up the most prominently) that its something he actively thinks about for a good long time.
He's a bit more lenient when he comes to the human realm for MC, both from having mellowed out a bit and from simply being a bit out of practice with it. He realizes he doesn't particularly mind them at that point, the light dusting of them over his nose and cheeks not very noticeable behind his glasses to begin with, and the sun/moon cycle in the human realm (rather than constant sun) keeps them relatively faint (but definitely noticeable if you're looking at him a lot).
I also think he's more prone to them on his shoulders/body than his face and it's a factor in why he originally started wearing more full-coverage clothing (before realizing he's generally just more comfortable that way anyways).
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(Warning it’s a bit long lmao)
So obviously just bc, the syndicate takes turns babysitting Micheal.
Phil knows how to take care of kids, but in a very responsible way. He entertains him with fun little games out in the snow like hide and seek and peek-a-boo (imagine Michael standing in front of Phil while Phil uses his wings to cover himself and behind the wings and then WOOSH! “Here I am!”And then Micheal just giggling so hard he falls on his lil booty in the snow and then gets up only for the process to repeat) ofc tho when I say responsible I mean responsibility flying the child as high as possible and then doing a free dive bc the child loves it.
Techno didn’t really know what to do with Micheal at first, but when he was rummaging through his attic one day (cluttered house) he found some old toy wooden swords, and the idea hit him faster than that anvil… Anyways! Cue Techno fake struggling against Micheal as they play swords. (Micheal always wins ;) and then afterwards Techno makes some hot cocoa while Micheal draws some pictures of “Uncle Techno.” Ranboo comes to pick up Micheal and finds them both fast asleep on the couch, with Micheal curled up in a little cocoon consisting of protective Uncle Techno and a massive ass cape.
Niki likes to shove a bunch of baked goods and sweets at him. She’s never had much experience with kids, but it can’t be too hard, right? Just give them some candy and attention and they’ll be happy, right? Wrong. Give this child sweets and baked goods, and he’s a menace (and also your best friend forever) I’m talking jumping on the couch and countertops, running around the house, and just overall being a hyper child. He winds down once he gets a tummy ache, but he’s content to sit at the counter and watch Niki make some more stuff while he’s not feeling great.
Ranboo is obviously not babysitting seeing as he is Michael’s parent (I hate it when someone comes up to a parent and says “oh, is someone on babysitting duty today?” Like, no, SARAH, it’s called PARENTING, bitch) Ranboo just does typical dad stuff, like taking him cool places to spend the afternoon, playing on the floor with him and his toys, and making him the equivalent of a TV dinner (Ranboo may be worlds best dad (according to the mug Tubbo and Micheal got him for Father’s Day) but he still can’t cook for shit)
And Connor doesn’t even babysit. No, Connor is babysat right alongside Micheal because he cannot be trusted on his own. He is legit just a toddler with rights.
Techno absolutely lets him win, its like how snow leopards (?) will pretend to be scared when their kittens try to scare them to boost their confidence or something. Cape cocoon. Dude I wanna take a nap in the cape cocoon fr.
I SO agree with Niki having no clue what to do with kids. I see far too many people portraying c!Niki as this responsible motherly/older sister figure and it boils my blood like NO!!! This is the same woman that tried to nuke a child!!!!!!
Ranboo is just Dading fr. He’s just bein a dad.
“toddler with rights” I’M EVAPORATING PLEASE
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driftingvoid-155 · 1 year
Hello there do you have any scoop to Michael head cannons?
Hi! Oh boy, where do I even begin lol. I really love scooped Mike and over time have a few different ideas for how remnant actually effected him.
One is that after being scooped and possessed by the funtimes, he actually is in no way alive, but is in fact a ghost haunting his own corpse. He possessed some of the metal left behind by Ennard in him so like the animatronics, his body is now more of a shell than actually him. However, he still has to take care of it bc he’s still stuck there. None of the injuries heal leading him to have to spend a lot of time sewing himself back together, especially since the threads don’t last forever and sometimes end up snapping if he doesn’t replace them in time (I also love thinking tho he changes the colors of them based on holidays so for example, around christmas he’ll do green and red. Kind of just learns to have a little fun with it after a while bc the rest is very much not fun). Granted on the bright side, if one of his limbs do end up falling off, he can just reattach it and is still able to move it after. Unfortunately his ghostly status does not keep his body from rotting and he tries using everything from perfumes, body spray, febreeze and car trees to keep himself smelling decent. He usually piles the layers of clothes on to help hide the fact he’s technically a decaying corpse. The remnant in him helps to slow the process a little and keep his body in sort of a stasis but least to say, by time fnaf 6 rolls around, there’s not much of him left leaving him content with staying with the others in the fire bc he doesn’t know how long he would last otherwise.
Another version is that after Ennard left, the leftover remnant in him actually did work to heal him. It had already started seeing as when Ennard goes to leave, they no longer could using the same entrance due to the hole in his stomach now being closed. However, it’s a really slow process and actually takes a few years to complete as it first has to fix internal damage like regrowing organs before moving onto external damage like his half rotted skin. Injecting more remnant would technically make it go faster but something he’s reluctant to actually do seeing where it comes from.
Just some miscellaneous hcs:
The scooper actually didn’t remove all his organs. It ripped a hole in him but the main removal happened but Ennard making its way in and punching everything else out.
He can’t eat anything but he can chew gum leading to him always having a pack on him.
When Ennard left, it actually only took the pieces worth that contained the actual consciousnesses of the AI leaving quite a bit of metal behind in Mike.
His voice has a more metallic tone to it after.
When Ennard first possessed him, it pushed out his eyes in order to replace them with their own, leaving him temporarily blinded.
Sometimes he can still hear the funtimes arguing in his mind and has to take a second to remind himself that it’s not real and that they’re gone.
I feel like I could go on about this forever but I’ll end it off here. I’ve written about a few of these before but there’s so much more I would love to write about and explore more in the future. I love thinking up new ideas around scooped Mike and thank you for giving me the chance to ramble a bit about it here :)
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
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A/N: this is a concept that’s been in my head for awhile now and I just wanted to put it out there since it’s been not only sitting in my head but also in my journal lol. These are just some quick hc’s and you can tell I’ve went back into the twilight hole based on the casting but hey fall season is among us, shut up!
Added this prompt to the mix based on the random content that occurred into my head and I’m using: 11. Discovery.
WARNINGS: more family trauma? + language.
Go back and read my previous September anthology prompt here if you like.
Far as Carmy can remember of his dad: Aldo Berzatto, is that when the man bothered to get dressed up, he cleaned up well.
When he went out with uncle Jimmy back in the day, you can almost always guarantee the night would turn for the worst.
Majority of the time it would be Aldo’s fault since when he got that liquor in his system, he became loud and sometimes ready to take on the world with his violent tendencies opposed to his calm stoic behavior.
That landed him in jail lots of times and Donna grew used to it, letting his ass stay there most nights.
Aldo was originally supposed to go into some boring shit like accounting since he was always good with numbers, had a photographic memory, and used to do taxes for people around the neighborhood at just sixteen for cash.
His mind set was he didn’t come from much so he wasn’t sure how the hell he even thought he was getting into college.
He even still did it on occasion until the original beef took off and Donna became pregnant with Natalie.
Aldo and Donna were high school sweethearts who everyone expected to grow old together, however they didn’t know what was underneath the surface of the prom queen and casual baseball star.
He was decent on the team but it definitely wasn’t Aldo’s passion.
They were pregnant with their first, Michael a year or two after graduation which put their potential aspirations on hold.
Donna grew up with a younger sister, Lydia [who I’ve casted as Jennifer Coolidge in my mind] who Donna always felt like she had to compete with since Lydia was deemed the “more attractive sister but just chubby”
Her looks and personality got her everything apparently.
Her parents started the comparisons from a young age so Donna always felt like she had to do more to make sure she was seen too.
She was involved in everything in school, participated in most of the clubs, got fantastic grades, had a solid group of friends and was a fantastic dancer — it’s what she wanted as a profession but her parents shitted all over that. “Its not practical. How are you going to support yourself…by dancing on stages? You might as well go on the pole.”
And when she got pregnant? There was no hesitation from her parents on kicking her out and so she lived with Aldo + his family, who seemed to like her, got a job until she couldn’t stand anymore — got fired from her job for calling out sick too many times not long before she gave birth to Michael and thus Aldo and Donna were brought into adulthood.
There’s not too much Carmy even remembered about his dad besides him making the best sandwiches, dressing well, having the same high bridged nose and not being around much.
Carmy was young when he passed.
He died at the wheel from a heart attack at just forty-three years old.
The same age as Mikey.
It was always more questions than answers when it came to the berzatto household.
Like when exactly did Donna start drinking and smoking more? When did she stop caring about hiding her prescriptions from anyone that entered the house? was it before or after Aldo’s death?
How long was she aware that he was stepping out on her and had twins right before Natalie came along: Jett and Ruby?
There was a nine year age gap between Michael and Natalie and a eight year age gap between Michael, Jett, and Ruby.
Maybe that caused her to pick up bottle after bottle, cheeks hollow after each pack of Marlboro’s
and her pain wasn’t just chronic from a old dancing injury, it was also because of Aldo’s infidelity
Which is something Natalie sympathized with after this news was brought to the table but Carmy was done making excuses for his mother like Nat and Mikey liked to do.
Jett and Ruby showing up at the bear, a month after everything transpired—was the shoe carmy was waiting on.
Michael knew. He had to.
and Carmy was ready to kick his headstone in if he ever bothered to visit, which proposed the question of: did Michelle know? It was clear Nat had no clue. Did Richie also know?
Did Lena?
Since Richie was Michael’s best friend he had to at least know something but they weren’t speaking—that was more on Carmy’s part since Richie did try but carmy was struggling to turn the dissociation off
and Carmy’s gut told him that Richie had an idea about the whole situation.
That’s what sugar said anyways.
“We should talk to mom,” Natalie says sitting outside of the bear with carmy who’s keeping a safe distance and fidgeting with a cigarette but not lighting it.
He’s trying not to be an asshole just yet to his unborn niece!
“You think we’re ever gonna get any answers from her that makes sense, Sugar? Those people came in here and told us about a man I didn’t even really know, it adds up doesnt it?”
Nat jokes, “well your math isn’t always the strongest…”
Carmy’s pacing but the look he sends his older sister lets her know his mind is spinning just as much as her’s is. “What the fuck are we even supposed to do with this? What do they want from us?”
“Maybe nothing? Or rather a relationship with us? I mean we don’t know them so it could be anything. I told Ruby we should have a sit down for dinner and she can bring her mom if she wants.”
“Jesus, Nat! Why the fuck would you do that? Did you invite mom too?”
“Hell no, not this time! I mean would she even show? Like you said, we won’t get much out of her before she goes on her tangent so it’s better we get a conversation from Jett and Ruby’s mom instead.”
‘She was the other woman, what exactly did sugar think she could tell them that would sit right with them?’ Carmy thought to himself.
“Well I don’t know if I’ll be there.”
“What? No fucking way are you leaving me to do this by myself.”
“Take richie with you.”
“He’s not a berzatto, Carmen.”
Carmy stops tapping the cigarette against his fingers then.
Richie’s not a blood berzatto but he might as well be with all the shit he’s seen and nat was aware of that but carmy also knew what she meant.
“When and where is this taking place?”
“I was thinkin’ Either here or my place. I can make a green bean casserole—
If they had it here they’d have to close the bear down for at least an hour and thirty minutes, send everyone off for break time and you never know where this dinner might end up…possibly making break time longer for his staff since things might be said you know?
The best choice would probably be at sugar’s??? although they’d have to deal with Pete—it might be the only option.
“No the fuck you’re not.”
“Well excuse me bear, what the hell do you think we should eat? It’s my best dish.”
A side dish.
Carmy pinches the bridge of his nose already dreading giving into this, “I’ll figure it out, something from here that’s prepared will do. I got it, you just relax.”
“I’m pretty chill, are you okay?”
“I don’t want to do this, nat. I don’t want to sit at a table where those two get to tell us how much better their upbringing was with dad.”
“They’re our siblings, Carmy.”
“Right…but what exactly do we owe them?”
Natalie’s eyes soften as she takes in Carmy’s words and pushes herself up to hug the younger man, “nothing. Nothing at all.”
Carmy’s on time to Natalie’s, arriving one hour before to rewarm the food in the oven and have pete help him carry the food in.
He’s in a daze but knows he has to keep moving and he notices that the house not only smells like lingering cleaning chemicals but also something else.
“What is that?” Carmy’s face is scrunched up
“Oh one of Nat’s candles, she’s super ready for fall!”
“It stinks, Pete. I don’t know if it’s the nutmeg or the apple that’s making my eyes fucking burn.”
“Oh no man, maybe you’re allergic.”
“I’m not, the scent is too much almost insulting and you need to get rid of it.”
“Me? I’m not doing anything to piss the pregnant woman off, who also happens to be my wife by the way.”
Carmy feels his eyes twitch before he lets out three sneezes back to back, giving Pete a dry look, “it’s going in the garbage.”
“Okay buddy…don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Natalie’s got music going that sounds like some beachy tune to ease the anxiousness that’s swirling around and she calls out, “Ruby’s texted! They’re five minutes away! Where the hell is my candle?”
“I don’t know.” Pete says, “the house still smells great though, babe.”
Natalie’s waddling into the kitchen giving Carmy a raised brow but he just shrugs, unbothered and playing coy.
[Kathy Najimy plays Jett and Ruby’s mother]
And she’s as sweet and motherly as can be, with warm squeezes and complimenting the home.
She brings a dish ofc and it’s damn good, carmy notes.
Nat barely slept about this and she couldn’t blame it on her sciatic nerve this time!
She was tossing and turning just wondering how this woman would be, if she would have this vile behavior opposed to her daughter—Nat and Carmy’s half sister?
Who had this bohemian aura about her. Would their sister’s mom be a witch by defending her actions and bashing her mother and would nat have to throw her out?
Instead…She takes a liking to Pete but it doesn’t seem like she’s not taken a liking to anyone so far!
Nat’s not sure how to take her at first. Was it genuine? but she matches her smile and welcomes her to her home silently praying to the gods above that this didn’t get back to her mother thanks to some nosy neighbors
Yet Donna barely left the house unfortunately
while Carmy is more quiet and standoffish—which they expected.
They get through the basics, some small talk where they learn more about Jett and Ruby first
Jett’s older by six minutes, he’s a vet (army man) and a mental health counselor—which definitely surprised Carmy + he’s married to a boutique owner named Anna, who’s away in Greece right now.
Ruby’s younger, she’s also in a band in her free time that sounds like it’s influenced by Fleetwood Mac and a little Janis Joplin, she’s in a devoted relationship to a burly man named Emil that’s an FBI agent, and they adopted Anna’s niece since Ruby was unable to have children
As for their mother she’s a herbalist now but used to be a pharmacist for many years and gave it away that she saw Michael come into her place of business once or twice, instantly recognizing him but wouldn’t say anything but knew he figured it out the second time around (when he was much older)
That’s when the conversation turned heavy
“So when did you know our dad was married?” Carmy came straight out with it, making sugar almost choke on her seltzer water while his eyes were in a daze as he stared down at his plate.
Pete cleared his throat, “Anyone need refills?”
The twins shook their heads as Nat suddenly slipped her hand into Pete’s underneath the table, squeezing.
Ruby says, “Mom you don’t have to—
The woman shakes her head, “no I do. You two went off to introduce yourselves and Nat and Carmy were gracious enough to invite me as well when they didn’t have to. They have questions so it’s only right I answer them.”
“I didn’t know at first. When we met…Aldo didn’t have a ring on or anything. I originally didn’t want to give him the time of day with the way he was looking at me, like he could see a future I couldn’t see and that he wanted to be part of it with me. Yet he was great at disappearing for awhile and I told him he should have went into magic instead of business. Everything about Aldo was a red flag, I knew he had a business but I could never stop by. He was three years younger than me—I like my men older but that’s not important. I didn’t find out until i saw a much younger Michael, he had to be about seven or eight leaving the store with a bag running off to a car on a rainy day that looked so familiar to me. I never had the greatest of eye sight. I tried to see over the counter but the car quickly pulled off and I knew but I ignored it. It wasn’t until I found out that I was four weeks pregnant that I decided to follow Aldo to the original beef… did I see him arguing outside with your mother, Donna. Nobody is just going to be screaming their head off unless someone did something to them. A woman always knows and I thought about leaving him alone after Donna stormed off but I had to tell him and hope that he cleaned up his act, to be a better man.”
Nat exhaled, “Did you want him to leave our mom?”
“No. I couldn’t take the back and forth from him, one minute he would be loving and then the next distant. It wasn’t ever constant and I slowly grew tired. I told him that he better tell your mother because my pregnancy was about to change everything in their marriage and more than just the cheating.”
Carmy asks, “And how did that go over?”
“It didn’t. I don’t want to bash the dead but your father was a master manipulator and a liar. He had issues just like everybody else but the problem is he liked to ignore them because it was normal to him. He was used to it, almost like he found comfort in it. I just wish he knew that he could have fought for better for his kids. You all deserved better than what he gave.”
“You mean to tell me it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows for you two?” Carmy folds his arms, his round eyes focusing on his older half siblings.
Jett holds Carmy’s stare, “I think as kids we want to see the best in the people that raised us and hold onto the better parts—if any—and block out the rest.”
Natalie’s eyes are on Carmy’s now as he take in the words of the bits they’re discovering of their late father.
“We understand that this is a lot and will probably always be but we felt like we couldn’t go on any longer when we’re in the same town and not at least speak considering that you just lost Michael.”
Those last words echoed in Carmy’s ears.
Pete winces while nat flicks her eyes back to Ruby.
Carmy frowns, “Sorry but I uh—I don’t know how you two can possibly think you’re gonna fill that void.”
“Oh That’s not what I mean—
Natalie adds, “And this now feels a teeny bit opportunistic.”
Ruby’s scrambling over her words now but her mother reaches out a hand over Jett and towards her daughter to halt her
Jett swoops in now despite his mother’s movements, knowing their intentions and says, “I understand how this may feel like that truly but we felt like it was time to acknowledge the truth and just come right out with it. That’s not how mom raised us because the truth will always come to light. We’re related by blood sure but we don’t have to be close if this is something you don’t want, we can leave this as simply a tough conversation if that’s what the both of you want.”
Ruby raises a finger, “I don’t want that.”
“It’s a lot to process so we can give you guys time if that’s what’s requested but we also don’t have to move forward with a relationship either.” Jett boldly repeats, “so…thanks for dinner but I’m going to head out now.”
Scrapping the chair back, he excuses himself leaving Pete to gasp and for Jett and Ruby’s mother to also excuse herself to talk to her son who’s voice could be heard from outside the home.
Ruby inhales, “this isn’t how I expected this to go but I also didn’t have unrealistic expectations. I’ve wanted to get to know the both of you…the three of you for the longest but things just didn’t work out that way. I’m sorry for making this weird but thank you for inviting us, I’ll see myself out.”
Nat turns to Carmy then as Ruby also exits, her eyes swimming with emotion and all Carmy can provide her with is a simple shrug, hiding his shaky hands.
He told her he didn’t want to do this anyway.
𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪. 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪. 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪. 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪. 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪. 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ
Continue along with my September anthology prompts here.
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riahlynn101 · 11 months
Hiyaaa! A quick question
Do you plan to keep writing more about the movie after you finish the whumptober? If so, what are your plans? 🤔 Maybe a fix it with your own version or just expanding into your hcs?
I really enjoy reading your chapters and personally, i would like to keep reading more of you! Thanks for your work! 💕
Firstly, thank you <3333 I want to thank all of you for the support you've shown these stories. It's much appreciated :))
And, yes, I do plan on writing fanfics for the movie-verse. With all its faults, I do love it :D!!
FNAF Movie spoilers below cut.
I have a few ideas, but they're kind of contradictory to each other.
Idea 1: I'm kind of overly attached to Mike being William's son, so I want to make a collection of one shots dedicated to showing how Michael Afton became Mike Schmidt.
Some one shot prompts I have so far:
Mike was adopted. (This could happen a variety of ways.
Maybe Mike was a baby, like in my story, "Scars."
Maybe his mom gave him up for adoption without William knowing.
Maybe something happened, and Mike was taken away from William, and placed in the foster system. And then, eventually adopted. So many options).
2. Kind of a popular theory, I've seen floating around, but Mike's mom left William. (Again, this could go in a lot of different ways.
She left William while she was pregnant. Or she left when Mike was super young.)
3. William refused to believe Michael was his a la my story, "Polaroid."
4. Michael was kidnapped at a very young age. Maybe Vanessa and him are even twins(?)
Idea 2:
This is where the contradiction comes in:
Schmelly (Mike x Vanessa one shots). I have a lot planned for this AU. (And I'll give you guys a general lay out/story ideas I have) But I feel like I need to say this:
I have two wolves inside of me. One says, "Mike is Michael Afton." And the other says, "but I don't want that, because Mike and Vanessa would make such a cute couple."
Anyways, my point being, let's all pretend that those two theories exist in two entirely different, very separate, universes. Cognitive dissonance and all that.
List of One Shots (not in order):
First kiss.
Story around their shared trauma. (In this AU, instead of being William's daughter, she lost a sibling to him. Mixed with Mike losing a brother to William....)
More cute dates.
Dancing in the middle of Mike's living room. (Though, now that we have Vanessa's line of, "dance with me," while they're at the pizzeria. I kind of want to change it to them dancing at the pizzeria.)
Mike teaches Vanessa how to skip rocks at a lake.
Idea 3:
Unconnected one shots.
These could range from whump to mild angst to everyone lives happily ever after.
(Though, I have a tendency to hurt the characters I like the most, so RIP Mike).
One idea for a one shot (possibly a six shot) is a role reversal. For example:
(- is whose role they're swapping).
Abby - Mike
The child that possesses golden Freddy - Vanessa.
Everyone else stays the same.
Abby takes Mike's role, but it's not Mike who she's watching but Garrett.
Mike was kidnapped. (Maybe he was the younger brother, or maybe Mike was still older but got snatched).
These are a few ideas I had. Thank you so much for the question :D!!!
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