#no longer held back by things that cloud over me
lazyjellyfish300 · 1 day
how about a soft drabble of Miguel taking care of a reader with a broken arm or leg. like he has to help her move around by carrying her and helps he bath but keeps his eyes closed? just a cute him taking care of his friend/crush?
Awwwh you got it nonnie!! 🥰 TYSM for the idea, how cute!! Ended up being slightly longer hope that's okay! 🖤 And Happy 1 year Anniversary to our Miggy 🖤🫶🏽🥰
Fell in Love With You in Stages
Miguel O'Hara x Fem!Reader
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ART CREDIT: @/onikeru426 on Twitter, pls go support them
Synopsis: Miguel takes care of you, his friend and secret crush when you break your ankle. Word count 1.1k
CW: injury, broken ankle, fluff, friends to lovers, pining, a tad suggestive in one part so minors DNI
A/N: got inspired by the lyrics to the song Me and You Together song by The 1975! Hope you like it 🫶🏽
Skateboarding in your twenties was a horrible idea. Hell, it had been years since you got on the damn thing. But, like a lot of things you were overconfident when you saw the Hello Kitty skateboard at a yard sale you made your friend Miguel pull over for in a random neighborhood a few blocks from yours.
He knew from the subtle inclination in your eyes towards the cutesy board with the cartoon kitten plastered on it that he should probably steer you in the other direction, only now it was too late when you had the board lined up with your right foot on it, giving it an experimental slide forward and back, using the leverage to push off with your left before you gravely overshot the the action.
With a loud crack as all your weight came down followed immediately by a fiery ache in your left ankle, skin on your palms burning from where the pavement scratched you, you walked away with nothing but utter embarrassment, tears, a hefty ER bill and 6-8 weeks down for the count.
Miguel can't make the weeks arrive by tomorrow for you with a brand new, healed and unbroken left ankle. 
But, he can buy you pizza, bring you whatever drinks and gas station candy you're craving, start you a bubble bath, and make sure every movie and TV show you want to watch is available. 
He'll even sign up for the free 7 day trial if it means you can watch that comfort show on repeat. And yes, he'll even let you use his credit card. 
He's feeling a strange mix of equal parts worried, but oddly elated, at his sudden promotion from just your friend to your personal nurse. This bizarre stroke of luck that has been presented to him. He feels horrible for you, yet this is an opportunity for him to get closer to you on a level he's only dreamed about. 
The chance to take care of you. Almost just how he envisioned he would if your precious name held the title of his girl. Oh he's been in love with you for ages. 
Maybe this week, he can finally tell you.  
You're in the bathroom, naked from the waist up, feeling the blood and frustration rush to your head as you weakly try and bend all the way over to take off your socks and pants, using the bathroom sink to steady against, your giant headache of a cast in the way while the sound of the running water in the tub plinks against the porcelain, a little cloud of steam from the heated bath and fog swiftly coating the mirror. 
You're about ready to give up when a broken knock comes at the door. Tapping once, then three times in rhythmic succession, the insiders knock between you and Miguel that signal he's on the other side. He enters, albeit with a large hand covering his eyes. 
"Need help?" 
"Yes please." 
Under normal circumstances you would've cowered and chucked the toothpaste at his head, telling him to get out, but this injury has thrown all sense of discretion out the door, desperate for any help you can get. 
Miguel slowly, cautiously, lowers his hand, breath caught in his throat when he comes face to face with your bare back before he yanks his hands back to his makeshift blindfold, cheeks blooming a vibrant red. 
You stare at him, faintly amused at his flustered reaction but appreciate he's trying so damn hard to be a gentleman. 
"It's okay, Migs. I'm covered up." 
Miguel swallows as he lowers his shield, an internal sigh of relief and the red pallette of his cheeks dimming down one degree when he sees that you're holding a towel up in front of you. 
Okay, admittedly(and a little shamefully), sure, he's allowed his mind to wander to less wholesome places when it came to you. But, he would never even approach the street sign to go down that fork in the road were you not completely, one hundred percent, unabashedly onboard with it.
And that was even if you loved him back. 
He holds you delicately by your ribs, lowering you so carefully into the bath, your cast foot raised and out of the way, skillfully maneuvering you like you weigh nothing, eyes trained in a way that is still chaste and away from your bare body but enough to ensure he's not at risk of dropping you in an unstable position.
When the heavenly warm water and foaming bubbles soaks you in, laying your head back with a relieved sigh, you catch him out of the corner of your eye, asking if he'll stay awhile. 
Much to his delight, his desire for nothing than to always be needed by you, he pulls up a chair and sits next to you, trading mild relaxing conversation while you enjoy your bath, pausing every so often to add a little extra hot water from the faucet when the temperature drops over time, the conversation is a little too good. Staying next to you in your bubble bath til your skin is a prune. 
It was only now you realized you really loved him back. 
And so this sweet pattern continued as he helped you dry off and get dressed, humming as he ordered the pizza while you chose the movie. This feeling of being together and having a routine, all while he took care of you felt like something that should be just normal life. This dream he had where you were together. Sometimes, like this unfortunate circumstance of a broken ankle, life could be shit. 
But you both were happy. 
And once you have that delicious, warm pizza in both your bellies, the movie gets a lot harder to focus on when the satisfied feeling starts encouraging you both towards sleep. 
Right now, he knows that those three little words will likely come out later on. The story between you two would definitely have more pages. But he's not complaining right now when your head slowly leaned on his shoulder, jerking suddenly out of a brief snap back to an awake state, but returning it back to position anyway against his heart. A sign that maybe you do love him too.
You're the one that makes him feel right. 
He fell in love with you in stages.
His whole life. 🎵
And that's all he needs for now as he allows himself to fall asleep with your head tucked under his chin, your hand accidentally on top of his where it secretly belonged the whole time.
@1-900-venusluvs @thatone-writer
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serendipetite · 10 months
this is gonna sound really cheesy but i think really want to take these coming months to be the person his lyrics inspire me to be. it seems like i still have a lot of anger and bitterness clouding things and i really do want to get to a healing point and be able to have even just a fraction of that peace and gentleness he exudes. he's inspired me in so many ways over the years and i just want to continue working towards that, especially these next few months/years.
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backwzzds · 8 months
can we talk about how konig would be someone who’s quiet when he gets jealous…then when y’all get home he js absolutely goes HAMMMM….
the way i got so excited to write this…it’s actually way longer than i intended but idgaf! part 2 soon 😏
“papa, i don’t understand what i did wrong,” you’d frown at your man with an annoyed whine. könig, who was a whooping 6’10 would only give you a heavy grunt in response. you’d be on the way back to his car from the mall, dozens of your victoria’s secret and H&M bags held in his visibly large hand. the moment könig reached before you (with help of his tree-like long legs anyway), he opened the door for you, the balaclava on his face making his features ten times harder.
no matter how mad the big bear was at you—or more so, what you happened to get yourself involved in—he’d never disrespect you. anything other than sexually, at least. stepping on the custom made step for your smaller figure, you slide into the huge seat of his completely blacked out bmw suv, allowing him to shut the door behind you. you nearly jump at the visible shake of the car beneath your bottom.
you play with your curls as könig carefully sets your bags on the floor behind your seat. because his was set all the way back to accommodate for his long legs, your seat had the better amount of space for your things. when könig finally got back in the car, he immediately started it, causing the monsterous growl of his deleted muffler to come alive.
and he wouldn’t even break a sweat at you !!! you’re over here going over all your actions for the day, step by step, and all könig could think through his mind was what positions he was gonna force you in when you two got back home.
the sound of könig’s car matched the energy that was coursing through his veins. he know you didn’t do anything wrong; not intentionally at least. but the selfish ass part of him wanted nothing more than for your pretty little ass to sit in the passenger’s seat, overthinking on what the fuck you possibly could have done to rile him up this much.
the ride home is everlastingly silent as the small of your voice breaks the thick tension, “baby,” you don’t know how to further articulate your words. “i know you’re mad at me. i wanna fix it, but i can’t it you won’t talk to me. and you’ve been dead ass silent since we been in the mall.”
könig keeps his cool, though. he knew his silence was practically eating at you alive, shaming you with guilt for something you didn’t even intentionally mean to do. but with the way your pretty body sits in the black skims dress you’re in, accompanied by your black and white dunks—his eyes could practically frame your nipples right through the see through fabric, and he was sure that fucking doorman at victoria’s secret could have as well.
you keep talking. “was it the dude at VS? i swear, i made it very known that you were my man and—“ your words are endless blabber to him as the disgusting and pervasive thoughts cloud könig’s mind.
he looks so sexy in his balaclava, protecting his face from the harsh upcoming winter temperatures. he’s sported in an all black outfit, helplessly matching yours. anyone who saw you two together would automatically know that was your man. i mean duh, he walks around with his hand on your ass protectively 99% of the time.
when you get the sense that the brute isn’t listening to a fucking word you’re saying, you let out a frustrated sigh and turn your body away from him. but the sudden placement of a large hand on your knee takes you by surprise as you eye the man who’s ice blue eyes refuse to falter from the darkening road before you.
the moment könig pulls up in the driveway of your shared home, you can’t help but twiddle with the polish on your acrylics. anxiousness is bouncing off you, and könig could tell. you turn your head and open your mouth to speak, only to be cut off for the first time that night.
“go inside.” könig’s voice is very low, but you don’t miss the command in it. there’s no emotion behind the dark eyes of his balaclava. usually you could decipher exactly what and how he was feeling, but in the moment—
“kö—“ your boyfriend’s snow blue eyes harden at your talk back. with softer features, you whisper, “will you be inside?”
“soon. need to make a call first,” you watch him pull out a fresh cigar pack. “be ready for me when i get in.” you open your mouth to talk back again, but wire it shut when könig lovingly grabs your face. leaning in so the pink of his lips ghost over your full brown ones, he whispers, “now, mama. i won’t ask again. can you listen to that one thing for me?”
with a small gulp, you give him pretty doe eyes, feeling between your legs tingle at his masculinity radiating onto you. in the most confident voice you could muster up, you nod your pretty head at him. “yes daddy.”
könig gives you a nod of approval and runs his hand along the curve of your ass. “good girl. go on, liebling.”
you exit the huge car, already getting idea of what was to come when könig came back inside. with a heavy heart, you head upstairs to your room and slowly begin undressing, hoping that the slower you went, the more your punishment would be delayed.
your hopes were proven to be false the minute you were completely naked and turned around to see könig leaning against the threshold of the door, silently watching you.
you jump in fear at the sudden sight in front of you, but feel your heart beat calm down when könig strolled over to you. naturally, your head tilted backward as a way to get a full view of his face. his balaclava remained on, so you knew he was still upset about the events from earlier.
könig takes his large hand and rests it on your cheek, giving it a comforting rub. “you know i love you and respect you more than anything on this earth, right?” the brown of your skin instantly heat up at his words as you slowly nod your head at his sudden expression, unsure of where he was going with his words. könig’s lips can’t help but lightly turn upward into a small smile. you had no idea what was gonna come.
“good. because for today, libeling, i’m gonna fuck you like you mean absolutely nothing to me.”
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venuslut · 5 months
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FANTASIZING ABOUT a whiny Choso Kamo ♡︎.
He’s whiny because it the first time he’s ever felt the euphoric sensation of his cock sliding deliciously across your warm gummy walls as you rode him. Bouncing slowly on his cock and grinding your clit on his pelvis whenever you came down. You leaned your body back while holding his thighs for support, and gave him a full view of what you were doing to him, watching as he disappears into your cunt, and the way a small bulge forms on your lower stomach from having to accommodate him inside you.
His face contorted with pleasure and quiet moans escape his lips. He grips the sheets instead of holding your hips, knowing that he’d hurt you if he held you, and that was the last thing Choso ever wanted. He’d be plagued with guilt if he hurt the first person to introduce him to such pleasures and he cared for. “Y-Y/n, fuck… ‘t’s so good,” he moaned and he threw his head back with a whine when he felt you clench around him. It wasn’t hard to pick up on the fact that his sounds were exciting you, even if he didn’t intend for it too, but he’s glad he can please you in some way.
No matter how much Choso wants you to speed up, he won’t say a word in fear of being too demanding or needy. You find him so cute too, watch him whimper and bite his lower lip while your wetness coated his shaft, making every inch of your joined bodies slick and slippery. His flushed face was scrunched up as he screwed his eyes shut, caught up in the moment and feeling himself become fully immersed, the only thing he’s aware of is the way you squeeze around him. “fuck— I can’t... ‘m not gonna last,” he whined, upset that he was close already.
Unable to handle it any longer, Choso sat up from lying on his back and grabbed your hips with shaky hands. He peppered sweet kisses along your jawline and down to your neck before burying his face in the crook of your neck. “Dove, little bird, let me— fuck… can I fuck you? Please, i’ll make it quick babe, just... ngh! let me use you.” And the minute you give him permission, he’s rutting into you like an animal. Setting a relentless and sloppy rhythm that was designed to bring him closer to the edge. His moans grew louder at the new pace and his fingers dug into your skin, but trying to be mindful of your frail body. They were like music to your ears and you had a sudden desire to make him moan more, to make him come undone from your cunt alone. Choso's grip on your hips tightened even more as he felt an unfamiliar tingle building in his body, but he knew it wassignaling his own impending release, learning for your ‘private’ lessons. His hips picked up speed, thrusting into her pussy like a possessed man.
“Are you going to cum? Going to cum inside of my pussy?” You pant, your breath warm against his ear as your hands explored the expanse of his chest. "That's it, baby," you grunted, your voice deep and thick with pleasure. "Give yourself to me." His head was spinning from your brazen words and a pathetic whimper escaped his lips. With one final thrust, Choso felt his release wash over him. He grunted, his body tensing as he emptied himself into you, his cum mingling with your wetness. The pleasure radiated through him, leaving him momentarily breathless and sated. It’s like he’s walking on clouds and he’s entered a whole new world, a world filled with of pleasure and happiness with endless possibilities. His vision goes black and all he can think about is how good it feels to push himself to the pinnacle of joy, and he doesn’t think he can ever give this up now that he’s got a taste for it.
But Choso doesn’t stop fucking you, adamant about helping you see the light just like he did. Even though he’s fucking himself into overestimation, all he cares about is making you finish. Thankfully, your orgasm wasn’t to far off after being filled with Choso’s seed. You grip his back and dig your nails into his skin, dragging down to leave angry scratches along the expanse of his back, making Choso groan in pain. Finally teetering off the edge and cumming on his cock, bucking your hips wildly from the intensity of the orgasm and cum drips out of you. A loud cry ripped from your throat.
When you come down from your high, both of you are left panting and sitting in silence as you stew in your orgasmic bliss. Choso came up from your neck, opting to gaze at you. He held your hair back, exposing your flushed face to his view, your eyes glazed over with pleasure. The sight of your beautiful features contorted by pleasure was almost too much for him to bear. As your body trembled against him, Choso felt himself become hard again, ready to go and experience that state of bliss for another time. You whined when you felt him harden inside of you, reawakening your own desires again. Choso pouted cutely, kneading one of your breasts between his fingers, kissing the base of your throat, and rolling his hips to provide friction.
“Again… make me cum again please, dove. Can’t get enough of your pussy.”
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andvys · 1 month
Dancing with our hands tied | S.H.
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Chapter fourteen ⭐︎ Somewhere in these eyes, I'm on your side.
Warnings: fluff, lots and lots fluff, just a teeny tiny bit of angst, just a bunch of tooth rooting sweetness
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Summary: On a rainy Thursday, something shifts between you and Steve, something you can not see yet, while Steve gets lost in a glimpse of the future he could feel on this day.
Word count: 9k+
Author's note: @hellfire--cult thank you for helping me as always, roe. especially with the last bit, you're the bestest ♡ Steve's shower scene was fully written by her so give her some loveeee
Series Masterlist ⭐︎ Previous Chapter ⭐︎ Next Chapter
The rain paddles against your windows softly, the sun is hidden behind the heavy dark clouds, and the light wind rustles the trees outside. You didn’t close the blinds last night, but it doesn’t matter anyways, it’s dark and gloomy outside. 
The soft covers touch your bare skin, the smell of cologne is heavy in the air, along with the smell of sex that still lingers after the previous night. 
The weight of his arm keeps you in place, keeps you close, he is making your heart flutter in this early morning hour already. 
He is facing you, just as you are facing him. His palm rests on your lower back, his legs tangled with yours underneath the sheets. He pulls you closer when you try to move, tightening his hold on you, but he is still so fast asleep. His lashes look so much longer when his eyes are closed, his features are completely relaxed, he is breathing softly, his heart beats against your palm as you keep your hand close to it. 
You eye the moles on his skin and the scars on his body. 
Your hands always itch to touch him, to graze his skin with the tips of your fingers, and you can do so when he’s fast asleep and unaware of your loving touches. 
You raise your hand up to his face, pushing away the curl that hangs loosely over his forehead. Your touch is light as a feather as you trace the bridge of his nose, and his cheek, before you return your hand back to his chest, freezing when a sigh falls from his lips and he stirs in his sleep, pulling you tighter against him in the process before he sinks deeper into the pillows, eyes still shut and heart still beating softly. 
You breathe out and relax when he continues sleeping deeply. 
You don’t want to get caught admiring him, and touching him like this, when only a few days ago, you feared that you would lose him after Eddie confronted you both. 
You cried yourself to sleep that night. 
His words cut deep, and the fear of losing him added to the hurt. You weren’t ready to lose this, you weren’t ready to lose him, and you thought that you were so very close to it until he showed up the next morning, and asked if things would stay the same between you and him now that someone found out.
The weight that stayed on your shoulders nearly crushed you, but he took it off you, and without realizing that he did, he took some of your worries too, just not the pain, and the mark he left on your heart with a few simple words. But it didn’t matter, because kissing him and feeling his touch again, was all that mattered, to know that it wasn’t over just yet… that mattered. 
You can hide the sadness and the pain when he holds you like this, you can even forget about it… momentarily. 
You forgot about it last night, when he kissed your neck and he marked your skin, when he unraveled you with his tongue and the touch of his hands, when he split you open and kissed you like you were his, when he looked into your eyes and he held your wrist as the tips of his fingers touched your palm, like he wanted to entwine them with yours and feel you closer and closer as you were chest to chest and his lips moved with yours like none have ever did before. 
Shivers run down your spine, and butterflies dance in your stomach when the sound of his voice calling out your name echoes in your mind. 
You might not be the one for him. And you know that there might be others, but you don’t even want to let your mind go there, just the mere thought of it, fills you with nausea. He keeps coming back to you, that’s what matters the most to you. You know that you can give him so much more than anyone else ever could. If only he let you. If only there was a chance. 
You nearly jump from the bed when the ringing of the doorbell pulls you out of your thoughts, and it echoes through the quiet house. 
Your eyes widen, and your heart starts pounding as panic settles deep in your chest. You stare at Steve, who is peacefully asleep, still. 
You flinch at the second ringing. 
“Fuck,” you whisper when you remember the burgundy car in your driveway. There is no reason for Steve to be at your place so early in the morning. There is no believable explanation either, what will you say to whoever it is on the other side of the door?
If this is one of your friends, you are screwed, so screwed. 
You know, as a matter of fact, that it isn’t Eddie – he wouldn’t show up this early unless it was an emergency, and even then, he’d be in your room by now. 
“Steve,” you whisper, trying to shake him awake, but he only grumbles in his sleep and hides his face further into the pillows. 
You sigh. 
You push his arm off and escape his embrace. You throw the covers off, and jump up from your bed, standing in only your underwear for a moment as you search for your clothes, you reach for his shirt instead and throw it on, before you rush out of the room, trying to fix your messy hair as you run down the stairs. 
You don’t have much time to come up with lies and excuses as to why Steve’s car is in your driveway, whoever it is on the other side of the door, is getting a little impatient. 
“I’m coming,” you grumble and unlock the front door before you rip it open, holding your breath. 
You sigh out in relief, rolling your eyes at your own panic. You step aside and open the door a little wider. 
“What took you so long?” Your sister murmurs as she steps inside and brushes past you. She is carrying a bag in one hand and the bright pink baby carrier your baby niece is currently sleeping in. 
All your annoyance leaves your body right this second, your eyes soften and a smile appears on your face. 
“Hello to you too, Twinkie.” 
She rolls her eyes at your nickname but pulls you in for a side hug after dropping the bag on the ground. 
“Give me her,” you smile as you take the carrier from her arm, and carry it into the living room, smiling as you eye the little features of the baby girl. You put the carrier down on the couch. “Hi Francine,” you whisper, gently tapping her tiny nose. “She’s so big already!” 
Your sister laughs as she follows you into the living room after kicking off her shoes, “you’ve seen her last week, I don’t think she grew much.” 
“She kind of did,” you whisper, taking Francine’s tiny hand. “They grow so fast.”
Your sister walks over to the window, peeking outside, she clears her throat, “do I wanna know whose car that is?” 
You glance over your shoulder and swallow nervously. 
You’re glad that her memory is awful. 
Everyone knows who is driving the burgundy BMW, and your sister still lived in Hawkins when he got it. She should know who it belongs to.
Her lips curl into a smirk, and she wiggles her brows, “casual hook up, or… is it something serious?” 
You know that she has been waiting for this day. 
It is something serious, to you. 
It is something serious when he holds you closely and kisses you softly, when his eyes soften and his lips curl into a smile at the sight of you. 
It is something serious when your heart flutters every time his knuckles brush against yours. 
It is something serious when you fall asleep in his arms and wake up in the very same spot. 
It is something serious when you keep falling and falling with no end in sight. 
Will you ever stop falling in love with him? 
Will there ever be a moment where your feelings and your love will stop at one level, or will you continue falling harder every passing moment? 
Your sister raises her eyebrows, lips curling into an even bigger smile, when she notices the flustered look on your face, the dreamy look in your eyes. 
“Something serious, huh?” 
You blink. 
Staring at her, with your cheeks now feeling warm… way too warm, you shake your head quickly. 
You curse inwardly, for giving yourself away so easily with your stuttering and your blushing. That’s not how you ever reacted before when she mentioned any of your hookups. 
She grins at you, wiggling her eyebrows, “mhm sure, Daisy.” 
You roll your eyes at her teasing glances, but the nickname makes you smile. 
Out of all the flowers, your mom loved Daisies the most, she would put the dainty flowers in your braids, and behind your ear whenever you were out in the garden. You would pick them for her and make little bouquets to surprise her with. 
She always called you her little Daisy. 
Your sister picked up on that nickname, though she used it to mock you at first when she went through a weird phase of hating flowers – which is really ironic considering the flower shop she ended up working at when she moved to the city.
She could’ve given you another nickname, something silly – something like the name you gave to her, but she spared you, luckily. 
“Shut up, Twinkie,” you mumble, as you look back at your niece, who is beginning to stir in her sleep, her long lashes fluttering as small noises escape her mouth. “As happy as I am to see this little bean, why are you here at uh,” you pause, turning your head to look at the clock on the wall, “ten in the morning?” You ask. 
She makes her way over to you, a sweet smile appearing on her face, as she gives you her best puppy eyes. 
“I was hoping that you could look after Francine?” She asks, still smiling. “Lisa is getting married soon, and she asked me to go wedding dress shopping with her, I can’t take her, we’ll probably be out all day, and I can’t wait for Ethan to get home, his shift won’t end before–”
“It’s fine, I’ll look after her,” you interrupt her, despite the slight nervousness that rises up in you. 
You have no experience with babies at all, you have given her the bottle, you even changed her diaper, but your sister was around, and you didn’t spend the whole day alone with her. 
She sighs in relief, she puts her hand on your shoulder, “oh thank you!”
“Don’t mention it, I’d never say no to hanging out with my favorite girl.” 
“You need to spend more time with her anyways, you coming once a week isn’t enough!” 
You frown at your sister, “you’re the one who moved away!” 
She waves her hand at you, walking around the couch, she walks over to the carrier, “she always does that little scrunch with her nose before she wakes up.” 
You smile, watching as she leans in to place a gentle kiss to her daughter’s cheek. 
“Okay,” she whispers, pulling back to look at you, “I put everything into the bag, diapers, bottles, formula, a change of clothes in case her diapers leak, and uh… pacifiers. And uh, you know if she cries just lie down with her and put her on your chest, she loves cuddles.” 
You nod, “yeah, I know, I haven’t forgotten. I got this.”
“Yeah you do, Daisy. And if you need help, just call Eddie–”
“Are you kidding?” You laugh, shaking your head as amusement flashes in your eyes. 
Eddie and Max were there, the last time your sister showed up with her husband and little Francine. 
While the redhead was rather excited to hold the little girl, Eddie felt too afraid to even touch her, and he nearly gagged when Max chased him with a dirty diaper. 
“He looked at her like he was scared of her!” 
Your sister laughs, “yeah, right. Okay, so not Eddie then, I’m sure Max would love to help though, or maybe someone else – but I’ll get going now, I promise, I’ll make it up to you, you got this, Daisy.” She smiles, ruffling your hair, she leans down to look at her daughter one more time, “bye bug, I’ll see you soon,” she whispers and squeezes her tiny foot before she steps away. “Okay, I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah, see you later, Twinkie.” 
The moment the front door is slammed shut, you let out a long sigh, and throw your head back against the pillows on your couch. You bring your hand up to your face and pinch the bridge of your nose. 
You are still tired, and it seems as though Steve is still sleeping soundly. 
You want nothing more than to return back to bed and sink into your pillows again. 
You definitely won’t get any sleep now, but you still get up and slowly lift the baby carrier, hoping that the movement won’t wake her up. You try to be careful as you make your way out of the living room and up the stairs. 
When you walk into your room, you find Steve now laying on his stomach, his face buried in your pillow. The sheets are low on his body, his whole back is exposed. 
The tiny cooing sounds from inside the carrier, cause your lips to curl into a big smile. You place it down on your carpet, and kneel down, giggling when you’re met by her big eyes. She starts wiggling around when she sees you. 
“Hi little angel,” you whisper, and lean closer to unfasten the safety belts, before you lift her up from the carrier, placing your right hand behind her head, you pull her into your chest, her hand instantly reaches for your hair, clasping her tiny fingers around it, she makes you laugh when she starts pulling it, making happy noises while she does so. 
You sit down on your bed, and lift your legs up, scooting back until you’re resting against the pillows behind you. You pull the covers over your lower body. 
A small squeal leaves her mouth.
“Shh, someone’s sleeping,” you whisper, tapping her little nose, glancing at Steve who is starting to stir in his sleep. 
You place her on your lap, and giggle at the cuteness as she stretches her little legs out. “That’s a cute onesie,” you whisper, rubbing her belly, “I bet you picked that yourself didn’t you? Pink is a pretty color on you, princess.” 
She babbles and wiggles around as she stares at you with her big eyes. 
Your voice, and the small coos pull Steve out of his deep sleep, his mind is still in a haze, his eyes still closed. 
“Da da da.” 
Your giggle follows the tiny voice. 
Steve scrunches his brows together, gripping the pillow underneath him, he slowly opens his eyes and looks at your side of the bed, his lips part and his eyes widen completely, something in his chest stirs strongly as he stares at the sight in front of him. 
He is still sleeping. 
He is still dreaming. 
A smile is resting on your face, eyes lightened up as you entertain the little baby girl on your lap, a pink bow around her head, big eyes resembling your own as she stares at you with a smile on her face, her hair color is the same as yours. 
Steve swallows the lump that grew in his throat, warmth settles in his chest, surrounding his heart and filling it with something, with adoration. 
His eyes soften when you lean down to kiss her forehead, squishing her tiny cheeks. 
“You’re the prettiest girl, Francis,” you whisper, using her nickname. 
His lips curl into a smile, despite the confusion that still lingers in his features. 
This is surely one of his dreams, he is convinced of it, why else would he wake up beside you, and a baby who looks like you?
But when you turn to face him, and the little girl follows your movement, looking at him with wide eyes, he isn’t so sure anymore. 
He blinks, watching as you reach for Francis’s little arm, waving her tiny hand at him, “say hi Steve.” 
The little girl babbles even louder, making a grabby hand at him. 
Steve smiles at her, raising his hand up, he waves at her.
You can’t help but laugh at the lost and confused look on his face, his brows are pulled together, his lips parted as he looks between you and your niece. 
He turns around on his back, and pushes himself so he’s leaning against your headboard, adjusting the cover, he pulls it up higher. He looks around the room, before his eyes return to the two of you, he runs his fingers through his messy hair, eyes flickering back and forth.
Your lips tug into a smirk, you can tell that he doesn’t understand a thing right now. 
You look at him, as you pull your niece closer, holding her up, you press her against your chest, “can you believe that we made a baby overnight?” 
You almost burst into laughter when his brown eyes widened with pure shock, and he choked a little. 
He blinks, shaking his head, “I know I just woke up, and I’m still sleepy… but… I still kind of remember biology.” 
Francine makes another grabby hand at him, “ma ma.”
“I dunno, but I’m pretty sure she just called you mama.”
Steve’s cheeks heat up, and he turns away from you, looking around your room again before his eyes catch the picture on your nightstand, the one of you and your sister. Oh. 
“Ah… Your niece,” Steve murmurs as he looks back at the two of you. 
“Good morning, Harrington,” you giggle. Francine copies your giggle, and Steve can’t help but smile. “Oh you like that name, huh? It’s funny isn’t it? Harrington.” Her little eyes crinkle, and she starts babbling with a laugh. Steve keeps her eyes on her, smiling at the little girl.
“That’s Francine,” you smile, introducing your niece to him. 
Steve lifts his hand up, waving his fingers at her, “hi Francine, I’m Steve.” 
She squirms in your arms, making happy noises as she blinks at him. Steve chuckles, he scoots closer to you, and he lifts his hand, and touches her tiny one. Francine wraps her hand around his finger, gripping it tightly, making his smile even bigger. 
“Is your sister here?” He asks, without looking away from the little girl. 
You shake your head, “no, she asked me to babysit today. So uh… I’ll be busy with my girl here today.” 
The urge to stay here with you, and this cute little mini you, feels so strong. 
“Want me to help?” Steve asks. 
You’re a little stunned by his question, and can only stare in surprise. 
“I mean, I don’t mind staying to help,” Steve shrugs, glancing at you for a second before he gives his attention back to Francine, who stares at him in awe.
The thought of spending a whole day with Steve, taking care of a baby with him, sounds like heaven. 
The only reason why he’s ever even around you without the group is because of sex, and that only. You don’t meet up just to watch movies, cook together or anything else, you only meet up for one thing, that’s all. 
The fact that he is willing to just spend time with you, without expecting anything to happen baffles you a little. 
“I-I… Do you really want to stay?” 
He nods. 
“Not much of a choice, to be honest,” he murmurs with a fond smile on his face as he gestures to your niece who is still holding his finger tightly. 
“O-Okay,” you whisper, shakily as nervousness and excitement rise up in you. 
“She’s so adorable,” Steve whispers, chuckling when Francine babbles at him, “she looks like you.” 
You smile before you realize what he just said, and heat rushes to your cheeks. 
She’s so adorable, she looks like you.
“I-I uh,” you stutter, trying to keep your cool, “so you’re gonna stay then?”
“Yeah, I’d love to hang out with Blondie and mini Blondie over here,” he chuckles as he taps her nose. 
Your heart could burst right then and there, your cheeks feeling incredibly hot the longer you sit here and stare at him. 
“Cool,” you say with a small voice as you suddenly feel the need to escape for a moment, “would you mind looking after her for a moment then? I wanna take a quick shower or else I’ll walk around looking like a bum all day.” 
Steve turns to look at you, he takes in the sight of your messy hair, and the shirt on your body, only now noticing that it’s his. His insides tingle, and his lips curl into a smile. 
You look like a cute bum. He almost blurts out, but bites his tongue. 
“Sure, go ahead, me and Francine are just gonna hang out, right?” 
She squeals in response, making jumpy movements. 
You both laugh at her. 
You lay her down beside him, and tickle her belly, giggling when she starts kicking her feet, “alright, I’ll be right back, angel.” 
Steve doesn’t even notice how big his smile is, how soft his eyes are as he stares at you, how warm the feeling in his chest is. 
“She might roll over on her belly, and if she gets a little fuzzy just pick her up, she loves snuggles. I’m gonna be quick.” 
Steve scoots closer to Francine, leaning his elbow on the pillow, he rests his head against his palm, and glances at you, “it’s fine, take your time, I’m just gonna chat with her.” 
Francine is still kicking her feet and waving around with her little arms.
“Oh yeah, she’s very talkative,” you giggle, and get up from the bed, you walk over to your dresser and pick out some clothes to change into. As much as you would love to wear his shirt all day, he needs it himself – although, you wouldn’t mind him walking around shirtless. 
Once you get everything you need, you turn back to take a look at them, and you nearly melt into a puddle when you see the way she is still clutching his finger, kicking her legs and babbling something to him, while he watches her with a smile on his face. 
“O-Okay, I’ll be right back.” 
You leave the room in a haste, but Steve doesn’t even notice, too busy staring at little Francine. He adores the resemblance of you, and the color of her eyes that matches yours, she truly looks like you. 
Steve can’t remember the last time he saw or even held a baby, he’s not sure if he ever even held one. He was ten when one of his cousins was born, but he didn’t care to hold him back then. 
Francine keeps making a grabby hand at him, while she tugs at his finger, starting to get fuzzy after a few minutes pass without your presence in the room. 
He sits up straighter and pulls the blanket up higher, he reaches for one of your throw pillows and places it on his lap. 
“Alright Francine,” Steve whispers, he takes a deep breath and furrows his brows in concentration as he carefully lifts her up, supporting her head with his palm, he pulls her closer and lays her down on the soft pillow. 
She coos and starts blowing bubbles, making Steve laugh. 
“Oh, you’re so adorable,” he smiles, pulling her a little closer, “did you pick that bow today?” He asks, eying the headband around her little head. 
She makes a few grunting noises, though looking at him with a happy look on her face. 
“Your auntie loves those bows too, she puts some in her ponytails sometimes,” Steve says, talking to her as though he will get more than just a few babbles from her. “I bet you’re gonna steal them from her someday–”
Steve’s face pales at the sound, his eyes widen. 
The noise that came from her diapers sounded more than just air. 
“Oh fuck,” he mumbles before his eyes widen further at the curse word that just left his lips, “I shouldn’t have said that, shit– I mean, I’m sorry, please forget what I just said,” he rambles, as though she understood a single thing that he said. 
Francine babbles, kicking her feet into his stomach with a happy squeal. 
“Um,” he panics, looking around the room, “Blondie!?”
“What Steve!?” You call from the bathroom, “it’s been five minutes!” 
“I uh–” He mumbles, scratching the back of his neck as he furrows his brows, “code red…?” 
You nearly laugh at his choice of words, you only ever used code red in the upside down, for the real emergencies. 
You can already guess what happened, and it only makes your amusement grow bigger. You quickly put your clothes on, and brush your hair before you make your way out of the bathroom and back to them. 
“Okay, I’m here,” you announce, placing his shirt that you stole earlier on your bed, you walk over to his side, and take a seat beside him, “that was the quickest shower of my life.” 
He gets a whiff of your vanilla body wash, of the mint from your toothpaste, and the smell of perfume that lingers in your hair, making his chest flutter. 
“She uh– I think she needs a diaper change.” 
“Oh,” you laugh, “that’s what you’re panicking about?” 
Steve glares at you.
“You wanted to help,” you shrug as you get up again, making your way out of the room again to get the bag with Francine’s stuff. “You gotta learn how to change diapers, Harrington!” 
Steve huffs nervously, “no big deal right?” He whispers to Francine. 
“Da da da.” 
“Yeah,” Steve laughs, “right.”
You come back into the room, and put the bag on the ground, picking out new diapers, wet wipes, baby powder and the spare onesie, along with the thin baby towel that you spread out on your mattress. 
“Alright, Lego head,” you raise your eyebrows at him, “do you wanna practice for your future nuggets or are you scared of baby poop?” 
He snorts, shaking his head at you.
“No, I’m not scared of baby poop.” 
You walk over to them both and lean down before him, you pick Francine up, and scrunch your face up, “yeah, you really need a diaper change, angel.”
Steve watches as you carry her over to the other side, placing her down on the towel you spread out. You undo the buttons of her onesie, smiling at the little girl. 
“Well, come on,” you giggle at him, “it’s an experience you gotta make, Steve.” 
Steve takes a deep breath, he throws the pillow off his lap and removes the cover. He gets up from the bed, standing there in his boxers for a moment, until his eyes find the sweatpants he discarded last night, he quickly throws them on, along with the shirt you wore earlier. 
“Alright,” he murmurs, running his fingers through his hair, he walks up beside you, “just tell me what to do.” 
You chuckle at his nervousness, you place your hand on his shoulder, “don’t worry, if Max was able to do it, you can do it too.” 
A breathy laugh falls from his lips. 
You guide him, giving him a little step by step of what to do. 
You watch the way his brows knit together, and the way he is nodding to himself as he follows your words. 
He doesn’t even look disgusted when the smell hits him, he only chuckles at the way Francine continues babbling happily. 
“She’s a happy baby, isn’t she?” 
You nod, smiling down at your niece, “yes she is.”
You hand him the new diapers and the baby powder, before you put the used wipes into the dirty diaper, roll it up carefully and throw it into the trash in your bathroom before you return to your room. 
“How old is she?” 
“She’s gonna be three months old tomorrow,” you say, smiling as you step up beside him again. 
Steve raises his eyebrows at Francine, “oh, you’re gonna be a big girl tomorrow?” He jokes as he tickles her belly, making her laugh. 
The smile on your face widens, the feeling in your chest growing stronger and brighter. 
Her small giggles, and the fond smile that rests in his tired features spark something deep inside of you, a warming and comforting feeling appears as you watch him take care of her with careful and slow movements. 
“Is that okay?” He asks you, gesturing to the diapers he put on her, “or is it too tight?”
You lean closer to him and check the pressure, “no, that’s perfect, Steve.”
“It is?” He asks, surprised. 
You nod, and start to put her onesie back on, “yeah, I don’t even know what you panicked about, you’ve done a better job than me, I didn’t know what I was doing the first time,” you laugh. “You did good, Lego head.” 
A dimpled grin appears on his face, despite the redness in his cheeks. 
“I-I think caring for a bunch of kids that turned into teens turned me into a natural, even babies. I mean, Dustin counts as a baby, doesn’t he?” He jokes, watching the way your eyes crinkle and your lips spread before you burst into giggles. 
Francine watches you with big eyes before she copies your giggles like before. 
Steve’s eyes light up, as he watches you both. 
The warmth in his chest spreads, as happiness rises up in him. 
After adjusting her clothes and the bow on her head, you pick her up into your arms, leaning down to kiss her cheek. 
You don’t even notice just how soft the look in his eyes, how the ghost of a smile now lingers on his lips, as he stares at the both of you in awe, watching the way Francine buries her face in the crook of your neck, and you keep a gentle hand on the back of her head. 
“Do you want some breakfast? I can make you something after I give this princess her bottle, I think she’s getting tired again.”
Steve’s heart thumps strongly in his chest, he can’t deny the emotions of adoration in him as he looks at you with the baby on your arm. 
“I can make you a breakfast sandwich or anything else you want.” 
Steve blinks. 
“Uh, you don’t have to make anything for me, Blondie. I can make you something though.”
You shake your head, “no, you’re my guest, I’ll make you breakfast, and you can feed her if you want.” 
“Okay,” he says with a sigh, nodding his head, “I’ll make you lunch or dinner though.”
“Oh, are you gonna woo me with your cooking skills now?” You giggle. 
He looks down with a smile, “I promised I would, didn’t I?” 
“Yeah, you did.” 
Francine clasps her fingers around your hair again, pulling it stronger than before, making you wince a little. 
“Okay, okay, someone’s getting a little grumpy now. I’m gonna go make her the bottle.” 
“I’ll be right there with you, I’m just gonna go brush my teeth real quick,” Steve gestures to your bathroom, “do you need me to carry the bag down?”
“No, it’s fine, it’s not heavy,” you say as you step towards him, “but can you help me put it on my shoulder?”
“Yeah, of course.”
He grabs the bag and steps towards you, putting the strap around your shoulder. His eyes soften yet again, when he sees you looking down at your niece, smiling as she blinks at you with her big eyes. 
Steve doesn’t even notice that his hand still lingers on your shoulder, or that he’s rubbing your back, he is too in awe of the two of you, and that feeling stays with him, even when you leave the room and go downstairs, even when he goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face, he stares at his reflection in the mirror, and he can’t even unsee the happiness and the relaxation in his features, but he decides to pay no mind to it. 
When he joins you downstairs, he finds you in the kitchen, finishing up on Francine’s bottle, you’re shaking it, while whispering something to her as you’re still holding her in your arm, still. 
Steve doesn’t know what it is, but the sight before him, makes him freeze in his spot. 
As you stand there in your kitchen, with a smile on your lips, and a look of adoration in your eyes, you’re cooing at your niece, giggling every time she babbles something at you, he realizes something. 
You are comfortable, right now. 
You’re in your home, away from the eyes of strangers, hidden from the world that you have only shown one side of yourself to, your walls are down, you are just yourself, and there is no shame behind your eyes, because all your attention goes to someone you adore and love, and don’t feel the need to hide from. 
Your eyes shine brightly, your features are relaxed in a way they have never been before, and your smile is so genuine, so real. 
You’re talking to her with a small and gentle voice, you hold her tightly against your chest – and you… god you look so beautiful like this. 
You look so beautiful with a baby in your arms. 
Warmth spreads across his whole body, he likes the sight in front of him, he likes it so much that it should scare him, but it doesn’t. 
“There he is, Francis,” you smile, glancing at Steve, you don’t even notice how frozen in place he is, how heaven struck he looks, “are you ready to give her the bottle?” 
Steve blinks, snapping out of his mind, he nods at you with a blush on his cheeks. 
You brush past him, and gesture for him to follow you into the living room, after you grab the cloth from the counter. 
You place the bottle on the coffee table, and wait for him to take a seat on the couch. 
“Alright, you gotta tell me what to do,” Steve says nervously, as he sits down, “I’ve never done this before.” 
“Don’t be nervous, you got this,” you assure him. 
You step between his legs, and lean down to place Francine into his arms. 
Without needing to be told, he cradles the back of her head, as he gently pulls her into his arms, a smile spreading on his lips when her big eyes look into his. 
“Okay,” you whisper and put the cloth under her chin, adjusting it over her clothes in case a little accident might happen. 
“Am I holding her correctly?” Steve asks, looking up at you. 
The side of her face is nuzzled into his chest, the back of her head resting in the crook of his arm. You didn’t even need to guide him, he truly is a natural. 
“Yeah,” you smile, “you’re doing great.”
You hand him the bottle, and sit down beside him. 
“Did you test the temperature?” Steve asks, and you almost want to laugh at his question. 
“Yeah Steve, I did.” 
He nods at you. 
With a chuckle, you pull your feet up onto the sofa and sit on your knees, turning your body towards them. 
“Okay, now gently place the teat into her mouth and slowly tilt the bottle, she will do the rest.” 
He furrows his brows, poking his tongue through his lips, he focuses on your niece as he follows your words. 
You watch him closely, how soft and concentrated his eyes are, how careful his movements are, how small she looks in his arms, how sweet the sight of them is. 
Francine raises her little arm, and places her tiny hand on the bottle as she starts sucking on the teat, small noises falling from her. 
“Oh my god,” Steve whispers, the biggest smile you have ever seen, now glowing in his features as he looks at her in awe, “she’s the cutest little bean.” 
“Yeah, she is,” you smile and tilt your head as you watch them, the fluttering feeling in your chest sparking.
Her eyelashes flutter, her big eyes still staring into his. 
“I’m gonna cry, Blondie,” Steve murmurs, adoring the little human in his arms. “She's so tiny and adorable.” 
You move closer and reach for the corner of the cloth, wiping away the bit of milk that rolls down her chin. 
“You’re gonna have one of those someday too.”
Steve smiles at your words, nodding as he whispers “hopefully.” 
But he doesn’t notice the way your own smile falls, the way your eyes sadden for a moment, the way you look down and blink away the feelings you don’t want him to see. And he doesn’t realize how quiet you get, he is too distracted by Francine and the thoughts in his head, the pictures of a future he longs for so badly. 
Only when the bottle is empty and he removes it, does he turn back to you, but still too blinded by his mind to see the look in your eyes. You take the bottle from his hand, and place it back on the coffee table. 
“You gotta hold her against your chest now,” you tell him and remove the cloth from her body, you place it on his chest instead, “and gently pat her back so she can burp.” 
You guide him again, helping him hold her correctly as he places her against his chest, he puts his hand on her back, and starts patting gently. 
“Is that good?”
“Yeah,” you whisper and scoot closer to him, you reach for her tiny hand, caressing it as you watch her with a smile on your face, “she’s tired.” 
“Yeah, pooping must’ve been really exhausting,” Steve jokes, making you giggle. 
“Yeah, totally–”
A loud burp falls from her mouth. 
“Oh that was a big one,” Steve chuckles as he stops patting her, “you did good, bug.”
“She didn’t even spit, she usually does a little, wow you really do have magical hands,” you chuckle, and remove the cloth from his shoulder. 
“Told you, I’m a natural,” he smiles proudly. 
You roll your eyes playfully. 
“Do you want me to take her now?” You ask. 
He shakes his head at you, “can I hold her for a while?” 
Confusion flashes in your eyes. You know how badly he needs his coffee in the mornings, it’s one of the first things he does after he wakes up, going into the kitchen to brew his beloved morning coffee. He didn’t even take a single sip yet, but he doesn’t seem to mind, he is too in awe of the baby on his chest. 
Realization replaces the look in your eyes – he is entering a baby fever trance, with your niece nonetheless. It makes your smile reappear, that’s how you feel too, every time you get to spend time with her. 
“Of course,” you whisper, as your gaze softens. 
Francine’s eyelashes flutter, her blinking getting slower and lesser. 
“She’s gonna pass out though, you should sit back a little so she can lay on you.” 
He nods at your words, placing one hand on her back and the other under her bum, he lays back slowly, his lips twitching into a small smile when he sees her already falling asleep. She scrunches up her nose as she nuzzles her face into his chest, making you both laugh when she suddenly throws her hand up, managing to catch onto a strand of his hair. 
She wiggles around for a moment, before her eyes start falling shut. 
“And she’s out,” Steve whispers, chuckling to himself. “I wish I could fall asleep this fast.” 
“Yeah, me too.”
Her cheek is squished against him, she’s breathing softly now, her hand falling from his hair and onto his shoulder, her little headband beginning to slip off. 
You reach out to take it off her head slowly, and lean in to place a soft kiss on her forehead, unaware of the fond smile on Steve’s lips, or the feelings that rush through him because of you. 
“I’m gonna go make some coffee and breakfast now,” you mumble as you pull away, and get up from the couch, grabbing the bottle and the cloth. 
Steve’s eyes follow you as you walk over to the TV stand, and grab the remote, handing it to him, “you can watch something if you want, it won’t disturb her, she’s a heavy sleeper.”
“I’m good, I’ll watch her for now,” he whispers. 
“Okay, I’ll be right back,” you say, and give him a smile before you leave the room. 
A genuine smile. 
You smiled at him before, countless of times actually, but he could never tell what was real and what wasn’t, what was genuine and what was forced or just sarcastic. But this, this was a real smile, and there was no second meaning behind it. You just smiled at him, naturally. It makes him feel… happy, and as he looks down at the little girl that has your features, he realizes something. 
The feeling in his chest was never for nothing, it was never false or misleading. 
It was just as real as the smile you blessed him with. 
Suddenly, everything before him doesn't seem as dull and colorless as it did all these past months and even years, something sparks before his eyes and he can see again, he can feel something besides the never ending gnawing in his chest and the restlessness in his bones, the fears that nestled deep into his soul. He finally sees something other than the darkened clouds and the red lights that keep flashing before his eyes. 
A light that keeps peeking through every once in a while is on the verge of breaking through, making the walls around him rattle as the foundation starts to crumble, one brick at a time starts falling into an abyss. 
A future lays before his eyes, calling out to him and waiting to be grasped, an echo, a whisper, a glimpse of what could be if things were only different. 
For the rest of the day, Steve feels as though he had fallen into a pleasant dream, a world where it’s only you and him, a little girl that made him realize just how badly he wants to have a family of his own – he already knew that he wanted it, but he pictured the wrong person by his side, a person he no longer even wanted. 
He was blinded by old feelings, and the wish to have something real again, when it never even was to begin with. 
The feelings that are sparking in him now, feel so different from anything that he had ever felt before, and he only opens his eyes to them more and more as the day passes, and he sees a side of you that he had never seen before. 
He sees with how much love and gentleness you treat your niece, he sees the way your eyes hold nothing but adoration for the girl that you would do anything for. 
He hears how soft your voice can get. 
He feels how soft your touch can be when you once again hand her to him. 
And his heart beats so strongly, so fastly in his chest when a giggle falls from your lips after Francine pouts when you take her away from him again, only to be forced to place her back into his arms when she almost starts crying. 
Steve adores her, and he adores you – a little more as every second of this day passes. 
The thing that pushes him nearer towards the finish line of realization, is this very moment in front of him. 
Your niece fell asleep on his chest yet again, you are sitting right next to him, with your head on his shoulder and your eyes glued on her, your finger tracing her little features. The urge to pull you closer and hold you feels so strong to the point that his fingers start itching. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t cook dinner for you,” he whispers. 
You look at him through your lashes, the corner of your lip twitching as your eyes flicker to his lips for a brief moment. 
The only light in the room now coming from the TV, the volume set on the lowest. The rain is still falling, even as the night nears. 
“It’s okay, Francis didn’t let you,” you giggle softly, not knowing that the sound makes his heart flutter. “Besides, the pizza was really good.” 
“Yeah, it was,” he whispers. 
He notices how tired you look, how the sleepiness is beginning to set into your features now too. 
“Look at her tiny nose,” you whisper as you look back at her, “and those little hands.”
Something in the way you hold her hand and whisper so adoringly about her, makes him long for you even more – but not in a way he had felt before, no, this is different, this is so very serious. 
Steve lifts his arm as a blush creeps up to his cheeks, he wraps his arm around you, and pulls you closer, “come here,” he whispers into your hair, “there’s space for two Blondies on my chest.”
He doesn’t know what kind of emotions he can trigger in you, with such simple words. 
He doesn’t know that you have been dying to feel this. 
You lay your head on his chest, and he can’t help but smile at the sigh that falls from your lips. You put your arm around Francine, and snuggle against him, and you stay like that, for a while at least, until Steve allows his feelings to take the lead. 
He adjusts the blanket over Francine before he pulls you even closer, and he buries his fingers in your hair, allowing himself to play with it like he only ever does when you’re fast asleep and unaware of his soft touches or the glances that fall upon your skin. 
He would feel joy if he knew about the emotions that linger inside of you. 
“You will be an amazing dad to your little nuggets someday, Steve,” you say in a whisper, it’s almost too quiet for him to hear, “and a good husband too.” 
The shakiness in your voice and the sadness goes by unnoticed by him, he is too stunned by your words. 
If he could see inside your head, he would know how much sadness there is, how the dark clouds always reside, how you don’t see a future for yourself because you know that he won’t be in it, and without him, what will you have? What will you be? A wilting rose, left behind to die. You are barely holding on now, but you are still here, because he is still keeping you alive. Your life is in his hands. 
Steve takes a deep breath, he opens his mouth to whisper to you, only to see you fast asleep now too, your cheek squished against his chest just like Francine’s is. 
He breathes out, lips curling into a smile as he stops playing with your hair. 
“You will be amazing too, Blondie,” he whispers. 
A girlfriend. A wife. A mother. 
Whatever you choose to be, whoever you will bless with your love, they are going to be so lucky to have you. 
And before he can even realize where his thoughts are taking him, a frown nestles into his features. The thought that he will become a memory to you, makes him feel uneasy. The thought that someone will step into your life, and take away what you both have, fills him with gray-ish sadness once again. The image of someone putting a ring on your finger and getting to be the one to lift the veil and kiss you on the altar openly, in front of everybody, and without needing to hide, spreads the darkness in him, yet again. 
He looks down at you, at the way you look so comfortable in his embrace, while your soft hand stays on the girl’s back, he admires you, and he feels no shame to do so, not even when he lifts his hand to brush your hair out of your face. 
But his time with you is cut short when the front door unlocks and opens, and footsteps echo in the hallway, a moment later. 
He turns his face away from you, when your sister steps into the living room, freezing in her steps when she sees him. 
Steve swallows the lump in his throat, giving her a tight lipped smile, he raises his hand to wave at her, “hi…”
She furrows her brows as she takes in the sight of you three, her lips pulling into a confused smile. She takes her denim jacket off and walks further into the room, her lips curling into a big smile when she takes a look at her girl. 
But then her eyes fall back on him, and suddenly, her lips part in surprise. 
“Hi…Oh– you, hang on,” she mumbles, tilting her head before her eyes widen, “Steve Harrington?”
Steve doesn’t know what to think of the look on her face, or the stunned tone in her voice. 
He met her before, at the hospital when she came to visit you, but he didn’t talk to her, and her reaction makes him wonder if you have mentioned him before. 
“Yeah… that’s uh… that’s me.”
The silence that follows is almost too loud, he can see the way she looks between you both, back and forth, as her brows stay furrowed. 
She points a finger between you both, “so uh… you’re her boyfriend?”
Steve hesitates, and he glances down at you, bitterness lays on his tongue when he utters the next words, “uh… no… no, I’m not.” Sadly, he thinks.
And when he registers the words that popped into his head out of nowhere, he suddenly wants nothing more than to escape this situation, fearing his own feelings again. 
“I-I should go now.” 
“Oh, you’re not staying another night?” She asks, a somewhat smug tone in her voice as she looks at you. 
He would love to, but it’s better to go now. It’s not safe to stay, not for his heart.
“No, I have to work tomorrow.”
“Ah,” she nods and walks over to the three of you, “I’ll take her now,” she whispers, and carefully picks her daughter up. The little girl stirs in her sleep, grunting quietly but not opening her eyes just yet. 
“She’s a heavy sleeper,” Steve chuckles as he watches the way Francine relaxes into her mother’s arms. 
“She really is,” your sister laughs, and walks over to the armchair, taking a seat before she looks back up at Steve, “kind of like Daisy when she’s relaxed,” she nudges her chin towards you. 
A smile appears on his face, and he looks down at you, his arm is still wrapped around you, and he already dreads the feeling of having to let you go. 
“Yeah,” he whispers, taking a long look at you, before he decides to get up. 
A sigh leaves his lips, and he slowly slips away from you, replacing his chest with a pillow for your head, his eyes soften when you scrunch your nose up just the way your niece did earlier. He adjusts the blanket over you, fighting the urge to leave a kiss on your forehead before he steps away. 
Your sister eyes him closely, watching how he treats you with so much care. 
When Steve steps away, and looks away from you, glancing at your sister, heat rushes to his cheeks when he sees the way she looks between you both, a smug look lingering in her eyes, a small but teasing smile on her face. 
He wants to run. 
“Okay uh,” he mumbles, scratching the back of his neck before he points his finger at the hallway, “I’m gonna go.” 
“Okay,” she nods, “thanks for helping with Francine.”
He waves his hand, a smile now reappearing on his face as he looks at the baby girl, already missing the feeling of holding her. 
“No need to thank me, I loved spending time with these two,” he chuckles, pointing between you and your niece. “But uh, I’m gonna head out.”
“Alright,” she smiles at him.
He takes one last look at you before he turns around and makes his way out of the living room, he puts his Nike’s on, and grabs the car keys he threw on the counter, last night. 
“Bye, Twinkie.”
“Bye…” She mumbles with furrowed brows, confused at the name he just called her by. 
The front door shuts quietly, yet loud enough to wake you up. With a flinch, you open your eyes, and look around the room, feeling a little disoriented. You look to your side, the empty spot beside you, making you frown. 
“Your boyfriend left,” your sister's voice sounds through the room. 
You turn to her, finding her in the armchair she always loved so much. A smug look is resting on her lips. 
“Shut up,” you mumble, glaring at her. 
She laughs at you, and leans back, getting comfortable in her seat. 
“Spill. Now.” 
The hot water rolls down Steve’s skin, the smell of shampoo surrounds him as he washes his hair. 
His eyes are closed, but a smile rests on his lips, as images of all the things that happened today replay in his mind. 
The fluttering in his chest hasn’t stopped at all, everything you did, everything you said, every single touch of yours has seemingly turned him into a hopeless teenager again – only, he isn’t one anymore, and the feelings inside of him, go much deeper than the ones of a seventeen year old boy. 
And no matter how much he tries to deny them, he just can’t, because it becomes less and less possible to pretend that they aren’t there.
Today, they shined through so brightly, when he saw how soft and gentle you could be, when he saw the sides of you that you never wanted to show. He saw something he never thought was even there. And it causes awful feelings to rise up in him, when he comes to the realization that all these years, you were only protecting yourself from the hurt in this world, and you did so by putting up a front and giving people the wrong pictures of yourself.
You were mean and rough to those you didn’t trust, and he was one of them, maybe he still is, but he saw you today. 
When you greeted him this morning, with your niece in your arms. 
When you kissed her little forehead, and held her in your sweet embrace. 
When you taught him to bottle feed her. 
When you admired her with him, and traced her little features with your finger and a loving smile on your face. 
When you told him how great of a husband he would be someday, and an amazing dad to his nuggets.
Wait… you said nuggets, plural. He never told you he wanted kids, so how did you know? How did you even know he would love to call his children that particular word? Was it intuition? Was it a coincidence? 
His eyebrows knit together with complete and utter confusion as the water just keeps running over his head, and the realization hits him like a ton of bricks. 
The RV. His conversation with Nancy. Him telling Nancy he wants to be someone’s husband and have six nuggets. Him pouring his desires out, thinking that everyone else in the vehicle was sound asleep.
But you weren’t.
Fuck, you weren’t asleep. You heard him. You heard him talking to Nancy, and you– you think that he wants those things with her still. He should clarify it, shouldn’t he? He wants to tell you that it was the dread of the world ending talking for him. He wants to explain himself to you–
Explain himself? Why? You probably wouldn’t care who he has kids with, or who he marries. You would simply give him a thumbs up and a confused look on your face. But– He feels his stomach contracting with nerves, nerves he knows all too well. He doesn’t need to explain anything to you. He doesn’t need to clarify anything. 
But, he doesn’t want you to think he wants that family with Nancy Wheeler.
He really doesn’t.
And he is terrified that he doesn’t want you to misunderstand.
Absolutely fucking terrified.
And then, the realization, the surprise and the nerves turn into absolute guilt. He had also said a few things about you. Nancy told him that it’s sad you had to be included this way into the party, into their problems, but that you looked strong and determined after going into the upside down just one time.
And he replied with how much he desired you wouldn’t have gotten involved at all. It sounded harsh, it sounded vile and venomous… And it was intended that way, or at least that’s what he thought. 
Now, he realizes that he didn’t want you involved so you wouldn’t go through danger, but you did, you went through so much pain and suffering. Nancy was right, you were strong, and you didn’t second guess your actions when it meant saving someone. 
“Shit–” He jumped a bit when he felt the water turn cold, not realizing for how long he had been in his head, thinking, running through his thoughts and memories. He turned the water off and shook his head to get the excess of it out of his hair. 
He got out of the shower and grabbed a towel, a white one that had the smudge of a lipstick stain that never got off. Your lipstick. 
And just that mere stain made his heart jump and miss one beat, two beats, maybe three. Fuck… Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
He really wants you to know he doesn’t mean what he said in the RV.
To both of those things.
Especially the one about Nancy.
“Fuck me.”
tagging friends and mutuals
@prettyboyeddiemunson @taintedcigs @mysticmunson @sherrylyn628 @munson-mjstan @maroon-cardigan @joekeerysmoles @munsonlore @ibellcipem @corrodedcorpses @agirlwholovesrockstars
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rockstarhaechan · 5 months
after hours | lee haechan part 1.
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pairing: lee haechan x fem!reader
warnings: rockstar hyuck, fwb, smut, cum eating, choking, fingering, oral (m/ receiving), rough sex, unprotected sex (do not), overstimulating, breeding kink, rest of nct dream being mentioned, alcohol & drugs, angst, car sex, pet names (doll, love, darling)
summary: haechan and his band mates were having a lot of concerts in your area, you two always hooked up in the after hours of his concerts, recklessly getting drunk and high, you’ve got fucked by the universe when you started to catch feelings for him.
next part !
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the crowd was cheering, lights flickering and you’re in the front, looking at the most attractive guy you’ve ever seen.
lee haechan.
he was the main singer in his band, the rest of them look majestic as well but he always stood out from everyone else.
liner black, framing his eyes perfectly, smudged eyeshadow.
multiple rings on his fingers, jeans ripped and his shirt was hanging loose from his chest.
“how are the hot ladies feeling tonight” haechan screamed into his microphone, eyes meeting yours.
the two of you have been friends with benefits for a long time, but like haechan always says with no strings attached!
works fine till now because you mostly only spend the after hours with haechan and his band mates, mostly just haechan though.
end result of being alone with haechan resulted into his dick being buried deep inside you, making it almost impossible to not fall for him.
being able to resist for a while longer made you happy, like you achieved a certain goal of self confidence, but haechan was thinking otherwise.
he should’ve ended it with you instead of just letting you in all the time, same as today’s gonna be.
when reality hit him, standing on the stage eyes locked with yours while he licked his lips he knew that it’s gonna be the exact same in the after hours.
the end of the concert was near, haechan signaling you to come backstage, basically to just fuck you senseless once again.
you’re slowly making your way backstage, as someone held your arm stopping you from walking any further.
“where are you going?” the random guy asked you, still holding onto your arm, not letting go.
“i’m meeting haechan, he told me to go backstage” you spoke the truth, but the man wasn’t going to let you go, standing in the way not letting you past him, until someone spoke up.
“let her through, she’s with me” haechan stated to him and then he finally let you through the little door in the back, to finally meet haechan & the rest of the boys.
some time has passed, almost everyone was tipsy or either high from the joint that has been passing by every now and then.
unable to feel your legs while sitting on haechan’s lap, laughing.
you felt like you’re on cloud 9, but this is a normal thing.
getting drunk and high with haechan and his band mates happens almost every weekend, sometimes even on weekdays when they invite you to a bar concert.
“you wanna come home with me?” haechan whispered in your ear while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, smiling at you.
you just nodded, not wanting to talk right now but haechan slowly got up letting you fall off his lap.
wobbly legs, stumbling a little over your own feet.
haechan started guiding you to his car walking arm in arm with you, not letting go of you for any second.
“do you know how horny you make me” haechan told you while his hand slowly moved down to your waist pulling you closer to him, almost making you fall over.
he opened the car door for you, letting you get into the car first before he joined you on the backseat.
hands roaming over your body, resting on your waist before locking his lips on your, tongues playing with each other while soft moans escape your lips.
“can we get rid of this?” he tugged on your shirt before draping it over your head throwing it in the front seat.
“you’re so gorgeous doll” was the only thing you’ve heard before he went back to kissing you, his hands? they were now flat on your thighs squeezing harshly every now and then.
“hyuck, if you continue like this i’m gonna cum on the spot” you broke the kiss to let him know what exactly he’s been doing to you but he only chuckled and laughed at you with a small “that’s my plan” before his right hand traveled under your skirt playing with your clit through your panties.
“so wet already? damn doll and we haven’t even started yet” he purred out wrapping his finger around your waistband to move your skirt up.
you noticed how he slowly started to fuck you with 2 of his fingers, his rings which are touching your skin are cold making you shiver a little.
moaning out his name loudly, while he picked up his pace, curling his fingers with every swift motion he’s been doing. haechan knew exactly what he has to do to make you cum cause without any doubt he knew you better than anyone else.
“n-need to cum” was the only thing you’ve been able to get out in between your moans, body aching from your upcoming climax but haechan helped you reach it and ride it out on his fingers.
while you tried to catch your breath, haechan had other plans for the night, quickly unbuttoning his pants before lifting you up a little to pull them down revealing his cock which is leaking pre cum.
you’re slowly sinking down, the tip pushing into you making you catch your breath adjusting to his size. this wasn’t the first time you’ve been fucking with each other but you always had to get used to his size.
“move whenever you’re ready darling” he placed a little kiss on your lips as his hands rested on your hips softly pressing his fingers into your flesh groaning as you gently began to move your body upwards and then gently back down, hands resting on his shoulders.
“fuck hyuck” you breathed out moaning his name a little too often. the after hours of his concerts got you and haechan really close, always ending up in those situations, but you couldn’t care less about whatever is happening cause you couldn’t complain either.
his grip on your hips tightened as he slammed your body down on his lap leaving you breathless as you tried to catch your breath once again.
“i’m gonna cum doll lemme cum into you” he groaned out as he buckled his hips picking up an insane pace, pounding into your dripping cunt, fucking you senseless.
“cum with me doll” you felt his dick twitching inside of you as you reached another climax, arching your back crying out loudly.
the both of you sat on the backseat of his car, panting in and out, windows fogged up. haechan looked you right in the eyes as he pulled his pants back up, closing his buttons before reaching out to grab your shirt from the front seat.
“you wanna stay in the backseat or you wanna come to the front with me love?” he smiled at you before opening the back door as you climbed into the front, right when you wanted to sit down haechan slapped your ass playfully letting out a small laugh.
“that’s rude” you laughed out, putting the seatbelt on while resting your feet on the front console of the car plugging your phone into the aux, playing after hours by the weeknd.
“what are we gonna do when we get home doll?” he asked you as he turned on the engine, waiting for your answer.
“what about round two?” looking at him while grinning, he pressed down on the gas pedal, eyes locking with yours.
“round two sounds great doll” he smiled before looking at the road again while holding your hand.
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reidsdaisies · 3 months
i would love to witness emily go a lil feral if maybe the unsub punches reader or something. the things that woman makes me feel 😩😩😩 i wanna be held by her and have her kiss my tears away
‘𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐭’
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༉‧´ˎ˗ pairing; emily prentiss x gn bau!reader
༉‧´ˎ˗ content warnings; guns and typical cm case stuff, reader is shot in the shoulder but is okay, rephrasing of the iconic “I’ve got a Glock leveled at your crotch. What’s to stop me from taking you and the little ones out?” line, stressed emily :( and concerned emily, she blamed herself :(, you don’t blame her, kissingg<3.
༉‧´ˎ˗ wc; 1k
༉‧´ˎ˗ a/n; i don’t think this is the exact situation you wanted, but this is the direction i took it. not proof read.
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“Honey, don’t.”
You gave a silent nod, pressing your lips together in an attempt to keep your mouth shut. Her hand was pressed against your chest, the chest protected by the bulletproof vest you were wearing. She gave you a light pat before drawing her gun and swiftly turning the corner.
Two shots from her Glock is all it took before the unsub was out cold. You all knew he would try to ambush the two of you, just like he did with his victims, and so Emily needed you to be quiet in order for the situation to go the right way. Fortunately, it was easier than you guys had anticipated, and as she bent down to confiscate the perpetrator's weapon, she was taken aback when she looked up to see you turned around the other way, standing beside her with your gun drawn.
“Drop your weapon!” You yelled to the unknown man, but it was too late because he had already fired his shot at you. Luckily, his aim wasn’t too great, and even though you were hit by the bullet, it was in your shoulder, nowhere where the damage couldn’t be undone. You yelped, pushed back slightly by the force, hitting the brick wall behind you, completely caught off guard.
He doesn’t have a chance to redo his shot, because Emily is on it, aiming her gun at a particularly low area on his body.
“I’ve got a Glock leveled at your crotch. Nothing is stopping me from taking you and the little ones out right now, so I’d advise you to listen to my partner and drop your weapon.”
The second unsub falters at that, clearly not wanting to sacrifice his private parts just for the opportunity to maybe shoot two FBI agents and have even more charges against him than he already has. With her words, he slowly lowers down to the ground, placing his weapon down and sliding it across the ground to her.
She stops the gun while still never taking her eyes off him. “Now, hands behind your back.”
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“Two unsubs? Two of them! How didn’t we know there were two of them?” She thinks aloud, pacing back and forth right in front of where you sit in the back of an ambulance. She runs a hand through her hair, sighing deeply.
“Em,” You drawl, looking at her with a look her brain, clouded by anger towards the man who hurt you, convinces her is betrayal, but in actuality is just concern.
“It’s my fault, you’re hurt and it’s my fault because I was so sure there was only one unsub.”
She winces at the memory of watching you get shot injury, her vision flashing back to the sight of you leaning yourself up against the wall, hand pressed over your shoulder, blood seeping through your fingers and down your sleeve.
“Emily, sit down and take a breath before you pass out and hit the ground and I’m no longer the only one sitting in the back of an ambulance, getting treated for a wound.”
“Right, you’re right, y/n,” she swallows, moving to sit down next to you on the edge of the ambulance. “It was just your shoulder, and we’ll be going back home soon. I didn’t mean to stress you out, it’s just I can’t stand seeing you in pain like how you were when he shot you.”
The EMT who’s treating your shoulder wound moves to your side, making room for Emily who’s now sitting on your left. You were shot in the right shoulder, so the EMT is still able to work on bandaging you up.
“I know Em, and you should know that it’s not your fault. None of us could have seen that turn of events happening, not even Reid, so don’t beat yourself up for it. And I also know you’re salty that Hotch won’t let you go over to the station to interrogate the man, but that’s most definitely for the best. I know what you’re like when you’re upset with someone for hurting the ones you love, and the guy seems like a pussy, I’m sure he would crap his pants.”
Emily lets out a small chuckle at your comment, the tension slowly dissipating from her features as she leans into your side. "You’re probably right, y/n," she admits, her voice softening with gratitude. "As much as I want to give that guy a piece of my mind, I know it's probably for the best if I leave it to Hotch, just this time."
You offer her a reassuring squeeze with the hand of your uninjured arm, a silent gesture of comfort and solidarity.
She meets your gaze, her eyes shimmering with unspoken emotion as she leans in to press a gentle kiss to your forehead.
She pulls back, smiling at you.
“You’re very strong, you know that y/n?”
You nod. “You remind me all the time.”
Emily breathily chuckles. “I mean it. You don’t let things like this phase you, and I admire that quality.”
This time you’re the one leaning in, pressing a kiss to her darkly-colored lips.
“Thank you for noticing, and for caring so deeply for me to the point that you get yourself all worked up about it. But also please don’t let your concern get to the level where you’re stressed like that, especially over something you didn’t have control over.”
“I can't make any promises.. but I will try, for you.” She seals her words with another kiss to your lips, the lips now tainted by her lipstick.
“All done,” the EMT says with a smile, pulling you two from your little shared moment.
“Let's get back to the station, y/n,” Emily says, hopping down from the vehicle and offering her hand to you, which you very gratefully accept.
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st-eve-barnes · 6 days
By your side (Aemond x wife reader)
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I haven't written anything in a while but of course I had to write something inspired by that gif (it's a little different in the fic though). This was written quickly, feel free to point out any mistakes, I just had to get this little thing out.
Summary: Aemond is in need of comfort and reassurance and his wife is there for him.
Word count: +1240
Warning: none, this is just some angsty fluff
All my fics are also on AO3
You found him in his favorite spot, his comfortable chair by the fireplace, where he loved to read at the end of a long day or have a drink to forget about his worries before going to bed. Tonight was the latter, minus the drink.
He had barely greeted you when you walked in, in fact he barely looked up. Not even when you had taken off your coat and revealed your favorite green night gown, the one Aemond loved the most. His lack of attention for you was enough to tell you your husband was preoccupied and distracted.
“Council didn’t go as you had hoped?”
Aemond was quiet for a while and you didn’t push, allowing him time to resurface from wherever his mind was right now. It took a few minutes before he answered, his voice weak. “They laughed.”
You turned to look at him but Aemond didn’t meet your gaze.
“Every time I tried to bring up these undeniably pressing matters they just laughed at me. They are fools, all of them.”
You sat down on the side of the bed, facing the fireplace and him. He was down to his undergarments, his leather discarded on the floor, his eye patch on the bedside table and his hair loose, framing his long face. He looked more vulnerable than ever in the dim light of the fire and your heart bled for him.
“War is imminent and they just choose to ignore it, am I the only one with common sense in this entire bloody realm?”
He tried to raise his voice but it came out more broken than before.
You didn’t speak, instead you rose from the bed and walked over towards his chair. Not wasting any more time you took your rightful spot in Aemond’s lap, your hand cupping his cheek gently, bringing him back down to the warmth and solitude of the room instead of his loud, intruding thoughts.
Finally he looked up to meet your eyes, his hands coming to rest on your hips, his good eye was clouded with emotions.
To the outside world Aemond seemed calm and stern, always in control and always confident. But anyone who truly knew him, knew better than that and you had gotten to know him a whole lot better than anyone else during your two years of marriage.
Your husband was stubborn, protective, kind or cold depending on who he was dealing with. A warrior and a scared boy all in one. The smartest dumbass you had ever met. His beauty still amazed you every single day and his devotion to you was unlike anything you had ever dared to hope for or dream of in a husband. 
But there was an undeniable dark side to him as well. Aemond held so much unresolved anger in him, always right there under the surface. Ever since Lucerys, and even before that, Aemond was a ticking time bomb waiting to go off and you were never not aware of it. 
Despite that he had been nothing but kind and loving to you and you had never felt any kind of fear in his presence. On the contrary, the longer you had been married to him the softer he had become with you.
He closed his good eye and pressed his cheek into your hand, letting out the breath he’d been holding all day. Your comforting touch gave him the much needed solace he couldn’t find anywhere else. Your hands moved to caress his hair and his cheek, pulling more soft sighs from him. You didn’t have the words to heal all his wounds but you knew Aemond didn’t need them at this time. All he needed was your comfort, your loyalty and love.
You placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and felt him pull you deeper into his lap. You followed willingly, as you always did with Aemond.
You both sat in silence for a while until finally he spoke again.”When they laughed…I was right there again, that little kid who everybody hated and ignored….he had the entire world against him but he was so brave.”
“You are still brave, Aemond,” you whispered, caressing his long silver hair.
“And I’m still hated and ignored,” he added with a sigh.
“I don’t hate you, and I would never ignore you, my sweet husband,” your lips curled up into what you hoped was an encouraging smile and much to your relief Aemond responded, although it was weak the little hint of affection in his eyes was a clear sign his anger was already fading.
He leaned in to place the softest, lingering kiss on your lips making your heart flutter.
“I am not deserving of any of this,” he then whispered.
“What do you mean any of this?”
“You,” he breathed,” I am not deserving of you.”
You cupped his face with both hands, forcing him to look at you,”I chose you. Have you forgotten that? I’ve gotten plenty of other offers but I only wanted you, Aemond.”
“You chose me before…before I…”
“I would still choose you today,” you reassured him and Aemond looked at you with surprise and a hint of tears in his eye.
“You would, wouldn’t you?” he realized,”Even after…what I’ve done.”
“What you’ve done isn’t worse than what half the men in Westeros have done.”
You hesitated for a moment.
“I know we’re on the verge of war and you’ll have to do much worse things than that,” you then added,”I am not naive, Aemond, I know the dark world we live in and I know what’s ahead of us but...it does not change how I feel about you.”
His eye seemed to be locked on yours now, looking at you in awe as a tear ran down his cheek but it wasn’t one of sadness this time.
“You will be by my side, through all of it,” he realized again, even though his words sounded like a question.
“Of course. I have sworn my loyalty to you, my prince, I do not take such things lightly.”
Aemond nodded at your official choice of words and you quickly added,”Besides that I…I love you. No matter what happened in the past or what the future may throw at us, I am on your side, husband, always.”
You gently wiped the tears from his cheek and Aemond breathed a sigh of relief.”Avy jorrāelan, ñuha dōna ābrazȳrys.”
I love you, my sweet wife
HIs hand traveled up your back to drag you closer to him and capture your lips in another kiss, this one more heated and urgent than before but after a while he hesitantly pulled back. Worry was still clouding his beautiful features, making him look beyond exhausted. You lovingly cupped his cheek and gave him an understanding smile.
“Can we just rest tonight?” he requested quietly. You were quick to nod and pull yourself out of his lap, reaching out your hands to take Aemond with you. He followed eagerly, the both of you seeking refuge under the covers of your marital bed, the silence of the room and the comforting crackling of the fire adding to your own exhaustion.
Aemond’s arm snaked around you in a protective pull to have you closer to his chest, needy and warm.
The impending war would have to wait for now, the only thing that mattered tonight was holding your husband.
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notelcol · 3 months
How you react to their idles
Mildly edited, apologies for mistakes🫶
You were walking down a path on the outskirts of Sumeru City. The Wanderer was at your side. You were planning to go hunting for hillichurl together, since you needed materials for a new sword. You didn’t get far before you saw the familiar blonde hair of the Traveller.
“Hey!! Lumine! Paimon!” You waved with a big grin as you ran to your friends.
“It’s so good to see you!” Paimon matched your energy while the Traveller eyed Wanderer suspiciously. You spoke for a while, catching up on what you had been doing and explaining your plans for the day.
You got the feeling the conversation was boring Wanderer when you heard a growl followed by an increase in wind. You rolled your eyes before turning to him as he aimed an air ball at the Traveller.
“Tsk.” You hit his side. “Stop scaring people would you?!” You scolded.
“Relax.” He told the Traveller whose hand has moved near her sword. He began to laugh, sticking his tongue out at you. You couldn’t help but smile as you rolled your eyes and apologised to the Traveller.
You were about to leave for the city with Thoma to do some odd jobs. You both were gathering your belongings for the day.
“Don’t forget those forms! Ayaka wanted us to drop them off for her.” You called to him as you searched for your other sock.
“No problem!” He called back from the kitchen.
Once you were almost at the city, Thoma started to list off things. You giggled, he always thought he’d forgotten something but he never does.
“I must be imagining it.” He says after going through everything he needed to bring.
“You got the forms?” You pondered, doubting he had forgotten them until he froze.
“Darn it!” He turned back towards your house and broke into a run. “Go ahead without me! I’ll catch up!” He called back to you, before stopping again. You furrowed your brows as he came running back to you. When he reached you he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Love you!” He called before actually leaving to get the forms. You laughed as you shouted back.
“I love you too!!” You could hear him laughing in the distance as he ran further from you.
You were walking down the street when you saw Neuvillette. You rarely see him with nothing to do, so it was odd to see him standing still just thinking. You sat on a nearby bench to see observe him, since you could tell he wished for space but you cared to much to leave him. He seemed to be watching the water in a nearby fountain. Though you noticed that the longer he stood there, the greyer the skies became. Until the clouds erupted and the downpour began. You knew that this weather was his doing, that the rain meant he was sad. You walked slowly towards him, unable to watch him suffer alone any longer.
“What’re you thinking about?” You grabbed his hand as you spoke, making him jump in shock at your sudden appearance. His eyes lightened when they met yours before they widened in shock once more.
“You’re soaked through…I’m sorry.” He regained control of himself and stopped the rain as soon as he realised what he was doing.
“Never apologise for your feelings my love.” You held your free hand to his cheek. The two of you spoke all night. Thought first, you headed home to shelter yourselves from the rain that fell with his tears. When the sun rose the next day, his mind was clear and there was a beautiful rainbow shining in the skies over Fontaine.
Thank you for reading 🌹
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The Idea of You and Her
Summary: Larissa and you are roommates at Nevermore Academy. After one drunken night, she realizes her feelings for you and makes plans to do something about it. However, things don’t go exactly as planned the next morning. Or, do they?
WC: 2K
Warnings: slight mentions of sex
Note: I re-watched Maleficent and had an idea.
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Larissa stared at the clock on her watch. Her eyes tracked the second hand as it passed 12 for the thousandth time. Her ears had long tuned out to the chatter of people around her but vaguely picked up the screeching whir of one of the coffee machines behind the counter. The heel of her shoe tapped repeatedly on the tile floor, and she clenched her teeth at the lack of movement from the line of customers ahead of her.
Should have fucking woken up earlier, she thought. However, the second the thought flitted through her mind, images of your warm, soft sleeping body lying on top of her flashed through her mind’s eye. A pink bush bloomed across her cheeks at the thought of your smooth, nude body and the sounds you made last night, the feeling of your skin gliding over hers, the cries you pulled from her.
She turned her head away from others and glanced out the window, thinking of the soft, heavy weight of you and how her hands slowly, instinctively tightened their hold around your waist. How, without even thinking, she buried her nose in your hair and breathed you in. A smile itched its way onto her face at how you automatically moved toward her in your sleep, curling your arms around her back, fingers lightly gripping her shoulders, your head settling in the crook of her neck.
“Order for Larissa!”
Larissa’s head jerked up toward the barista’s call. The blush deepened to red as she noticed the line of people in front of her no longer there and the impatient scowl of the teenager behind the counter leveled at her. She hastily walked forward and picked up the drink carrier and pastry bags. Her eyes were downcast as she mumbled, “Ah, sorry.”
She turned quickly and walked out of the Weathervane, making a beeline for the dorm you shared at Nevermore. She hoped to god you weren’t awake yet. Hoped that when you opened your eyes and saw her waiting arms with the offering of coffee and breakfast, you would smile, kiss her, lean back into her embrace, and stay in her bed for just a little bit longer. But above all, Larissa hoped that the way you looked at her last night—like she was your whole world, the center of your universe—would stay the same without the layer of alcohol clouding your mind.
She looked up at the winding path of the school as she rounded the corner. The cold morning Autumn air nipped at her skin. She hunched her shoulders and curled her arms inward, pressing the warm coffee and bags of food against her coat. As she crossed the gated drive, Larissa frowned at the onslaught of what-ifs in her mind. Yes, you were both drunk; yes, you were her best friend. Yes, you were there all the times she cried over Morticia, her schoolwork, and the judgmental stares toward her body. Yes, you held her and whispered to her that none of it mattered because she was Larissa, who was intelligent, funny, strong, beautiful, and so much more human than any of those fools, who could do anything she wanted. Yes, you laughed with her, cried with her, studied for finals with her, agonized over assignments with her, danced with her…kissed her, touched her, loved her. Yes, you looked at her like she was something else—something beautiful and important—but was that the same look as the one you gave her last night? Every time you sighed, moaned, and cried out in pleasure with her, was the twinkle in your eyes the same one you always had for her? Was the crooked smile you gave her last night the same as all the ones you gave her every day?
As Larissa walked up the steps and through the doors to your hallway, she thought to herself, Was the same “I love you” you whispered to me last night the same “I love you” you tell me every day?
Larissa came to the door of the dorm room, and she whispered shakily, “Please, God, let it be.” Placing the bag in the crooked of her elbow, she reached out and shouldered the door open. Larissa cringed at the creaking hinges and slowly opened the door. She peaked her head around the frame, let her eyes move over your untouched bed, and then—
Larissa scowled and moved into the room. She stared at her empty bed and, for a second, felt fear seize her body before she heard the sound of a toilet flushing and a sinking running from the closed bathroom door behind her. Larissa sighed heavily and glanced toward the closed door before hurriedly placing the coffee and food down on her nightstand. She saw her note telling you not to go anywhere moved a few inches away from where she had placed it. She smiled at the idea of you waiting for her.
Larissa heard the water turn off from the bathroom and jumped, shrugged off her coat, threw it on a side chair, and hurriedly jumped onto the bed. She fumbled with the blankets, suddenly feeling awkward, and felt her breathing become erratic.
You pushed open the door, a hand dragging over your sleep-pressed face, and shouldered your body through the bathroom doorway. You grunted at your large wings getting caught under the frame. You pressed them down and pushed out with one clawed hand gripping the doorframe.
Larissa heard you coming out, jerked her hands into her lap, and glanced up at you. Her eyes widened, and she screamed, a hand clasped to her gaping mouth.
You flinched and looked up at her with a startled look before glancing at your hands and wings. Right, she’s never seen my form before, she thought. You look at her with a sheepish smile, your fangs sending another jolting shock through Larissa. She stared as your taller, muscle-toned body lugged toward her.
She watched your hand, with blackened finger-like claws, reach behind and run through your unruly bedhead hair while the other slowly curled around the black wing that moved in front of your body. Her eyes rose, and she gaped at the large horns curling out of your head.
Slowly, you said, “Uhh, yeah….not my best morning.”
Larissa sputtered and blinked up at you. “Uh-uh,” she glanced down and saw your biceps flex as you crossed your arms, your muscular thighs, long legs that crossed and uncrossed as you stood there looking anxiously at her. She blushed at your ripped body, now no longer fitting the pajamas you wore.
“Umm, do you huh wanna sit,” she glanced down and gestured to the space next to her.
“Ohh… uhh sure, yeah.” You jumped and walked around to your side. You gingerly lowered yourself to the mattress and rubbed at your forearms.
Larissa felt the heat of your body and glanced up at you. Seeing the growing anxiety and sadness marring your features, she suddenly felt panicked at the realization she screamed in fear at your appearance. She hurriedly turned toward you and hesitantly reached out toward you.
From the corner of your eyes, you watched Larissa slowly place her hand in your larger one, weave her fingers through your blackened ones, and tug you toward her. You glanced at her from under your lashes, and Larissa’s heart broke at how fearful and hesitant she made you become toward her.
Larissa cleared her throat and, remembering why she woke up early, turned and reached for the coffee. Holding the carrier, she leaned towards you, hoping you would face her. “Peace offering,” she asked.
You glanced at the coffee cups, steam still floating out of the opening, and then Larissa’s pleading eyes. You expected fear, hesitancy, judgmental questions—everything people have thrown at you. Yet, all you saw was hope, an unsaid apology, and something else that reminded you of last night and made your heart beat faster. You quirked a smile at her, turned toward her, and reached out to grasp one of the cups.
Larissa sighed and grinned at you. She set the carrier down and reached behind her for the bag of food, never once letting go of your hand. “I got these two,” she said, giggling at how you curiously peered into the bag.
“Ooo, gimme gimme.” You made a grabbing hand at the large hot cinnamon roll she pulled out. Larissa shook her head, and her smile grew at the familiar excitement in your eyes at the food.
“I will never understand your obsession with cinnamon rolls. They're nothing but pure sugar!”
You stuffed a chunk of the pastry in your mouth. While chewing, you said, “Ifs all in fhe ough an icin. Pure heafen.”
Larissa laughed at you and reached out to wipe the excess icing from the corners of your lips. As she pulled her finger away, Larissa looked into your eyes and stared at the little flecks of color she saw up close.
You stared at her, watching her expression morph into that same warm, open admiration. Swallowing your food, you slowly leaned forward and watched Larissa glance down at your lips and then back up to your eyes. You glanced down at her lips before looking back up at her. “Am I really that scary to you?”
She momentarily frowned and tilted her head. She glanced at your black horns and followed their path as they curled above your head like a crown. Her eyes moved to the large wings; they curled around your shoulders, and the feathers glistened onyx under the sunlight streaming in from the window. She let her eyes move over your muscular biceps, your forearms, and down to your hands. She observed how they could easily cover her own, hold them—hold her—like she was the most precious thing to you. Larissa moved her fingers over your blackened fingers and across the long, sharp nails. She looked at you and saw the ends of fangs pointing out of your lips and then to your eyes. Larissa stared at them, and what she found was nothing but love and a fearful hope.
Larissa felt her stomach flip at how you looked at her, and she thought, There it is. There you are. She smiled and slowly as if she was afraid you would bolt from her, she raised her hands to cup your cheeks.
You held your breath at the look she was giving you and wondered if her heart was beating as fast as yours was.
“No, you're not scary at all. Why would you be? You're you—you’re y/n. The same person I've always been in love with…” Larissa whispered. She looked into your eyes and waited, waited, and waited for you to say something, do something.
Your eyes widened at what she said, and you exhaled in shaky breaths. “You… you love me?”
Larissa’s eyes watered, and her smile grew. “I love you. So fucking mu—”
You leaned forward and kissed her with everything you had. You placed your hands around her waist and slowly pulled her onto your lap, forgetting the pastries and coffee.
Larissa sighed into your mouth, tasted the sweet icing on your lips, and moved her hands into your hair.
You ran your hands up her back, feeling her arch into you. You pulled back, leaned your forehead against hers, and gave her a familiar goofy smile that Larissa absolutely adored. “I love you too.”
She grinned, feeling the excitement, relief, and love she had for you wash over her. Larissa kissed you again and wrapped her legs around you. She let her hands wander over your body, feeling your muscles tense and relax under her. You swiped your tongue along her bottom lip, and she flinched at the feeling of your fangs against her lips.
“Sorry,” you mumbled and pulled back.
“No, no! I- I like them…a lot more than you think.” Larissa blushed suddenly, very aware of the hot, wet feeling between her legs. She squirmed in your arms, and the realization dawned on you.
“Ohh, you mean you like them.” You smirked and gripped her hips, pulling her to grind down on you.
Larissa’s breath hitched, and she gripped your shoulders. She tried glaring at you but only sighed when you did it again and began kissing her neck, making sure to glide your fangs over her skin with your tongue. “Asshole.” She groaned as you sucked on her pulse point.
You moved her to one thigh and relished the moan she released as you moved her hips again to give her the friction she needed. “You love me,” you smirked against her lips and kissed her again.
She gasped as you tensed your thigh and felt herself jerking towards you with a growing need. “Ohh, do I.”
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f10werfae · 1 year
Grumpy Lumberjack and his Baby Bun
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pairing: Lumberjack!Henry × Wife!Pregnant!Reader
summary: Compilation of all the dirty things Henry as done to his baby bun, especially when she's pregnant (lactation, spit, dumbification, toys)
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated/Disclaimer 18+
Lumberjack Masterlist, Henry Masterlist
Lumberjack!Henry gives Shy!Reader a collar:
“Baby bun av’ got ya a little somethin’” Henry called out into the warm cabin, his nose already sniffing out for her strawberry scented shampoo, his smirk growing once he watched her waddle into the room. His dried cum still plastered on her thighs, “Turn around for me sugar, need to see if ya followed me rules” He whistled seeing the pink ruby butt plug still deep inside her asshole, something he had set in an hour or two ago.
Truthfully he didn’t know, the entire sexathon leaving them both dazed and blissed out. “W-what is it?” She giggled climbing onto his lap once he sat down, her lower half completely bare, wearing only a tank top that Henry wore to work out. “S’ a pretty necklace jus’ for my baby” He smiled booping her nose, babying her just as she liked, her giggles once again filling his ears as she leant forward eagerly.
Pulling a jewelled choker from a fancy looking bag he presented the beautiful diamond thing, with the centre containing a rather large charm, the letter ‘H’ “W-woah so pretty, i-is it all mine?” She gawked seeing the piece of jewellery being clipped around the back of her neck, her hips wiggling happily as Henry leant forward to kiss her pouty lips eagerly. His fingers pinching her jaw to open her mouth, letting him spit into it filthily, using his two fingers to lather his saliva all over her tongue before he told her to swallow.
“Good baby” He cooed as she gulped down awaiting praise from him, having only been engaged a few days, they had definitely ramped their relationship up to the next level. “Take my shirt off sugar cube, wanna see my babygirl’s pretty tits with her diamond neck” Tugging on the hem of the vest she wore, it only took a mere few seconds before it was thrown somewhere out there. His hands immediately coming up to grope and knead at the two globes of flesh, his mouth spitting into the valley between them, rubbing the tits together to get them all wet and shiny with his mouth.
“I feel beautiful!” She squealed feeling him tweak and pinch at her perked up nipples, if there was anything Henry knew how to do, it was to make his sugar pie feel loved, wanted and beautiful. He was doing a darn good job at doing it too. “Cause you are beautiful, too beautiful it kills me” He growled his eyes trained on her whole upper body as if it was a magnet; God he couldn’t wait to plant the idea of babies into her clouded little mind. The picture of her all swollen and big with his baby made him feral just by the thought, and imagine her toddling around town pregnant with the jackpot of a collar around her neck. There’d be no doubt that she belonged to the lonely (no longer lonely) grumpy lumberjack that occupied the luxurious cabin in the mountains, Henry Cavill.
Shaking his head out of his own thoughts Henry watched as she poked and traced over each diamond delicately, her pretty eyes wide and sparkly just how he liked them. As if there was some spectacle to look at. Sneaking his phone out of his pocket he cursed himself when he snapped a photo of his fiancé, her tits exposed to the camera along with her face, her smile big; that was until the camera shutter went off and a grump formed on her face.
“Y-you can’t just take photos o-of me like that” She snarked slapping his shoulder gently as he pouted along with her and kissed her lips tenderly muttering a small sorry which he didn’t really mean. That photo was fucking golden. “Ya gotta l-let me get ready first H-hen”
She immediately smiled towards the camera, showing off the diamonds as she held onto the choker, her pearly whites showing as she squinted her eyes to let her smile grow larger. A smile which pulled at Henry’s heartstrings at how happy she looked, “So pretty baby, my pretty girl” He crooned looking back on the two pics so far, his eyes widening when she posed again, this time pushing her tits together to hug the ‘H’ pendant hanging off the choker. His baby bun was filthy and he fuckin’ knew it, he had corrupted her well and truly.
Picture after picture was taken until she finally took the phone out of his hand, angling it at a higher angle to get both their smiling faces in the shot, his hands grabbing onto each breast greedily. One would even say there was a photo of her tit greedily sucked into his mouth, her face still having that same wide smile, as if her husband wasn’t trying to milk her breasts.
Shy!Reader afraid of giving birth:
Henry’s heart started hammering when his hand went to the other side of the bed, his wife’s side was empty, and holy fuck she was pregnant too. Throwing the covers off, “Y/n?! Where are ya baby bun?!” He shouted using her actual name, something he didn’t do unless he was REALLY mad or worried about something.
“M-m’ here daddy” He heard her voice whimper out, his cock stirring from the choice of nickname. Ever since he had brought the name up during sex, she had started using it whenever she needed extra comfort from her beast of a man, after-all he was literally about to be the father of her babies.
Turning the corner to the kitchen he found her munching away on her chocolate chips, her newfound obsession during pregnancy. “I-I need a hug” She whispered looking at him from the bar stool, her eyes glossy with her arms out waiting for him, a tiny humph leaving her as Henry picked her up and sat her onto his lap. “I’ll give you all the hugs in the world sugar, anytime you need one ya let me know, but no more runnin’ off outta bed alright?” He whispered against the shell of her ear, his hand coming down to cup the front of her protruding belly, it was now evident that she was carrying twins, his miracles. “sorry, I-I wanted to t-think but then I got h-hungry” She sniffled pointing at the near empty packet of biscuits, her body curling itself as best as possible into Henry’s warm one. “What’s goin on in that pretty head a’ yours, what’s botherin’ my sugar, my baby momma”
“I-I. I’m scared. I-I know it’s going to hurt but i’m scared, n-n anxious, a c-section is s-scary, they gotta cut open my stomach and they’ll see my guts and-“
“Hey hey hey, stop rushin’ the thoughts baby, it’s totally normal to feel scared; heck i’m so proud of you baby, my strong baby bun” He whispered peppering kisses to her neck until he felt her start to laugh and wiggle on his lap. “I’ll be right beside you Y/n, every step of the bloody thing, I’ll be there when they place the tiny tots on your chest.”
“Holding my hand?”
“Holding your hand”
Vibrator in the panties:
Henry practically cackled watching his wife try to go about her daily habits, a wobble in her step as she tried to soothe the hard vibrations erupting in the panties. She knew something was up when Henry said she could wear panties at home today, she should have know he would do something like this. A built in vibrator placed right against her swollen clit, and she knew she couldn’t touch herself either, not with Henry’s rules, so she really was left on her own here.
Giving up on even trying to play with Marly her kitten, she huffed grabbing onto her weighted blanket Henry got her, if she had to suffer then he would too.
Straddling Henry’s lap she let the vibrator hit right against his cock whilst also hitting her pussy, Henry’s cock jerking with each rhythm of vibrations, his hands gripping onto her silk covered ass cheeks as he groaned and growled from the sensation. Guess he should have seen this coming too. “S-see Henry, I-I can be bold too” She whimpered slowly rolling her hips against his, her hands clenched around his shoulders as he bit his lip at the sight of her all blissed out. She had cum three times already in the space of an hour, her pussy raw and swollen and sticky with her own juices; that was until Henry decided to give her a squeaky clean shower with the shower head right on her pussy, before sticking a new pair of the same panties on her freshly washed pussy.
“Oh yeah bold” He grumbled slightly hating himself for even making the purchase now, his cock aching feeling the lips of her wet pussy clinging to his cock through the fabric, yet he couldn’t feel her. And he promised her he could keep the panties on all day, fucks sake.
When Shy!reader’s milk comes in:
“H-Hen? Come in here p-please?!” Y/n shouted from the bedroom where she had basically been nesting for the past few weeks now that she was getting closer to her due date, Henry was now on the go to getting prepared for the new arrivals, painting the nursery and getting the furniture (asking Y/n for colour schemes of course)
“Yes baby bun” Henry smirked standing by the doorway seeing her perched naked on her pregnancy pillow, it was getting to warm for her to be wearing clothes, hence Henry was now getting a free show 24/7 and he didn’t mind. With his wife’s sex drive being through the roof, it was practically easy access for him to slip in behind her in bed and fuck her senseless, or bend her over the kitchen counter as he pleases. Although that position was now getting harder with how swollen her ankles were getting.
“M-m leakin’” She pouted sitting up against the headboard, squeezing her swollen tits to show Henry that tiny beads of white milk where erupting from her rosebud.
Henry was waiting for this since the day he fucking met her, breeding her so hard that he’d be able to milk her tits into his waiting mouth before his babies arrived. “Oh baby they’re ready, so gorgeous n’ full” He gaped sitting beside her on the bed, her body facing his as he let his hands cup her massive jugs, expanded full with milk that she had produced. He took notice of how she winced clearly feeling tense, he let his hands softly bounce them in the palm of his hand, his fingers tugging lightly on her larger nipples surrounded by a now darker areola.
“Want daddy to make ya feel better sugar pie? I know how to make the soreness go away” He cooed rubbing his thumb over the too of her breasts soothingly, her lips pouted as she nodded desperately, eager to get rid of the extra weight on her chest that had a arrived a tad bit early. “Alright sit back against the headboard for me honey, daddy’s jus’ gonna suck the sweet milk right outta your tits”
“B-but isn’t that just for babies?” She asked confused, cocking her head to the side like an innocent puppy. “Don’t Ya know the daddy’s gotta test the milk for the babies?” He raised a brow, questioning her as if what he said was just common knowledge, “O-oh okay” She smiled leaning back against her pregnancy pillow, watching on as her husband’s full lips wrapped around one nipple, small whimpers and groans leaving her lips as she suckled softly consistently; small groans and hums leaving his lips every time he detached from her nipples to give it a passionate tongue kiss as if it was her mouth before resuming his suckling.
He continued to do this for another 15 minutes before switching to the other breast, before this time collecting the milk in his mouth and spitting it right into his wife’s waiting mouth, his tongue scavenging through her mouth roughly as they tasted her sweet breastmilk. “T-tastes good” She admitted shyly, her body feeling flush, “Does taste good doesn’t it baby? S’ useful too”
He groaned sitting up to release his cock out of his briefs, squirting some of her milk right onto his palm before he used it to lube up his cock; just how dirty could he get? “Squirt some more milk on me momma, need it so bad” He groaned smirking as she squeezed at her breasts hard enough that the pressure caused it to squirt right at him, “o-oh crap I don’t knot howta’ aim” She giggled watching the milk drip down his chest and mixing in with the trail of curls that nestled at the base of his cock.
“S’okay baby bun we got time to practice, now I think we should give your puffy pussy a sweet taste too don’t ya think?” Before she could even protest Henry was already attached back onto her nipples, massaging them in circular motions to help get the milk flowing right onto his thick wet tongue. His body burning as he spat right onto her slit, massaging it through her folds, letting his fingers find her wet snug hole. “a-ah daddy” She moaned eagerly wiggling her hips, and Henry gave her exactly what she wanted, pushing in two of his rough fingers in; practically filling her up already. Her breasts squirting a tiny bit of milk each time he thrusted inside her, almost like it was part of her response to his depravity. “Look at those tits go baby, fuckin’ milkin all over the place like a cow” He chuckled watching her whine and whimper at the pressure of her breasts slowly emptying, her clit and hole being played simultaneously and Henry’s stare was just out of this world.
Mixed with love, filth, obsession and lust for the pregnant woman in front of him, his lips coming back onto her nipples once again; Y/n knew instantly that this would become a habit and she knew she loved it
PSA: Hope this fulfilled some queries about their relationship! Next fic of lumberjack!Henry will be them settling in with their tiny tots, something like that :)
library blog: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
Taglist: @k3ira13 @shecamedowninabubble @ridingthehotmessexpress @heyitsme-2 @animez96 @namjoons-t1ddies @ameliascreampuffs @angelic-dreams13 @respectmyprivacys-blog @squishyturtle @awhore4moree @sorayasworld @loki-s-wife @pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly @kebabgirl67 @marvelgurl @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @girl-of-multi-fandoms @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @aerangi @alina02 @alexxavicry @hp-hogwartsexpress @angelmather1 @acornacre @ggmimitf @thebaileybugle @p4st3lst4rs @kzhlvlysstuff @thoughtsofreid @cilliansangel @theekyliepage @cookielovesbook-akie @luvabellee @elenavampire21 @hoya122 @esposadomd @meyocoko @severewobblerlightdragon @kemillyfreitas @adoreyouusugar
Hope you all enjoy!!
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 4 months
My tears ricochet
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Previous chapter
summary: There are thunder clouds in the horizon that threaten Eris’s chance of being a high lord. Rhys strikes a deal. The only thing left to find out now is who gets out of this deal alive?
You have been watching the flames dance in the fireplace ever since. Blazing right in front of you. It felt as if it was a theater, and this was just a performance. One that had struck you to your core. Or maybe one that you had seen so many times that you had grown numb to it. The shouts? You no longer heard them. Turning them all out into the background noise. Making sure that all of it would blend into one unidentifiable mush.
“I will cut your eyes out," Mor howled as she trashed in Azriel’s unmoving hands. His arms too meet the anger seeping through her. Sharp nails dug right into his flesh as she hissed at her cousin, “Let go of me or else...", “Calm down, Mor." Azriel tried to reason for what felt like one hundred times that night. You could tell that he was frustrated. The spymaster simply hated showcasing his emotions. Reading him was impossible most of the time. Yet you saw the way he had glanced at Cassian even back in Autumn. A look alone clearly showed that the two were just as clueless.
“How can you just sit here?", Mor shoved at Azriel, her eyes now finding another victim. Cassian. Who had practically folded into the chair the moment everyone had returned. You had always been close. At times, you even thought that he was more your brother than Rhys himself. So his slightly shaken form didn’t surprise you all that much. “He will not agree," Rhys muttered, rubbing his hand over his face. Mor stopped for a moment before her hands found the roots of her perfectly wavy blond hair that had long lost the natural curl from all the pulling. “Have you hit your head or something?", she chuckled in disbelief. “I think it’s the or something part because, what the fuck, Rhys?", Cassian growled for the first time, his hands gripping the armrest of the chair.
“Do you trust me?", Rhys looked through the room, trying to capture everyone’s eyes, even for a second. He was hoping to pour out his hopes. Ideas. Something into his family. "No," everyone hissed in unison, making the high lord shake his head. “I couldn’t say anything because it would have ruined it", Rhys tried to justify his actions once more, only to be cut off by Mor, who once again had launched forward. “At the cost of YN?" she growled right as Azriel caught her mid-jump.
You let out a sigh. And for the first time that evening, everyone turned to you. The person all of this affected directly. “Why aren’t you saying anything?", Mor muttered angrily, “Say something?”. You knew that her intentions were good. Mother strike. You had sat with her and bandaged her wounds when she was brought back from the border. You had turned into her shadow. She had quickly become more than a cousin. She was a sister. In a way, filling up the role of your older sister. One that cruelly got taken from you.
“Can I go?", you muttered. Staring right ahead. Too tired to look at every one. To watch their faces. Their emotions. “I’m tired," it was barely a whisper as you pushed your chair back. You felt their eyes on you. And only now did you understood that they had no idea what was set into motion. “My darling," Rhys muttered, but you only gripped the note that had sat in your palm for the entirety of this circus that had been happening. "I will meet you at breakfast," you muttered, “Have a calm night.”
Eris didn’t sleep at all that night. While he had spent the nights after his father’s death cooped up in his chambers, tonight he couldn’t stand the idea of being anywhere near that house. It held too much power over him. Too many memories of pain and suffering still lingered. He could swear that parts of Beron still lingered there, and while on other nights Eris could battle that, tonight wasn’t that night.
The two dogs stiffened by Eris’s legs. Low growls filling the silent forests. But the high lord didn’t open his eyes. Simply scratching the hound's ears - a clear sign that they didn’t have to worry about anything. Because he wasn’t worried about anything. “You look like shit," A little smile crept onto Eris’s face as your voice echoed. Followed by the rustling leaves beneath your feet. “Thank you; I can only say the same about you," he mustered teasingly. “Your eyes are closed, asshole," you huffed, stepping from beneath the branches to fully come face-to-face with him.
“Did you read through it?", with the question, Eris’s eyes snapped open, piercing right through you, even in the dark. You simply nodded your head. You had just gotten back and were angrily undoing your corset when a piece of paper fell out. Your initial thought was to ignore it. That was most likely just a grocery list you had forgotten on your venture earlier in the day. But the more you looked at the brown paper, the more you felt the urge to look at what was written on it.
“Thoughts?", Eris crossed his arms over his chest. Assessing your every move. Every reaction. This too, in a way, was a test. One of his own. "Diabolical," you smiled at him before shaking your head, “Want me to keep going?”. Eris only rolled his eyes, his hand coming up to rub at his chest. "Fine," he shrugged. But that fine stirred something deep within you. It wasn’t all that simple. And the answer wasn’t easy to give out. Especially to a man like Eris.
“You can be executed for shit like this," you tapped at your temple, letting the tiredness of today sink in finally. Or maybe it was the fresh autumn breeze that practically screamed for a cozy blanket and a nap. Not a midnight meetings. “Oh, would you look at that?", Eris muttered, clearing his throat with a cough that he tried to hide. “You care about me, little bird?" he asked, moving his eyebrows suggestively. “Get over yourself," you huffed, reaching out for the black pup that had been nudging your leg all this time. “I would be the first to claim your head.", you threw Eris your best angel smile, making the high lord laugh. “And hang it in your room so you could look at me," he whistled in delight. “More like shoot arrows at," you cut in quickly to correct him”, before adding, “We do it my way."
Eris shook his head immediately, “We won't." You shot him a daring look, but Eris didn’t seem phased by it. “Then no," you said, crossing your arms over your chest. "Y/n," Eris growled. "Eris," you mimicked his tone in return. “Compromise? Have you ever heard that word woman?", he huffed angrily, rubbing his temples in frustration. “Not when it comes to you," you chirped back.
“You are so fucking..." he had started to say as another cough slipped past his lips. “Lovely, I know," you finished happily, but Eris didn’t return your smile. He turned back as another cough made his shoulders seize. A strange feeling ran right through you. Watching him lean against the tree... "Eris," you called out, not sure what was happening. He raised a dismissive hand, but you weren’t about to leave him like this.
"Eris," you muttered, stepping past the two whimpering hounds that suddenly, truthfully, looked like two terrified puppies. “Hey, what’s going on?", your hand touched his shoulder. It felt as if he was on fire. And not in the autumn male way. It felt as if he was burning from within. "Eris," you hissed, pulling your hand away quickly. He turned his head slightly, his fingers coming up to dig at his throat. "Can't," he mouthed. Your heart instantly skipped a beat. An unknown panic filling your body.
“Let me," you breathed, your cold palms reaching out to rest on Eris’s chest, slowly letting your cold magic seep into his burning flesh. “Come on," you muttered, no longer sure if their words were directed at you or Eris. You stood like that for a couple of hearts only. Yet it felt like two heartbeats were too long. Because Eris never lost control. He was one of the males who knew how to carry himself.
“What was that?", you muttered once Eris’s heartbeat evened out. The high lord tilted his head towards the starry night, letting out a deep sigh, "nothing." You huffed at his unbothered tone. "Nothing, my ass! You were choking," you huffed, pulling back, nearly tripping over the dogs, eagerly waving their tails now. “It’s nothing," Eris claimed once more. You watched as he slowly moved his head in circles, followed by his shoulders and hands. As if stretching. As if he had now filled out his own body. I was uncertain as to where the limits lay. “Eris Vanserra", your warning tone made Eris finally look up at you. You could see him contemplating his words for a moment. His eyes drilled into you as he no doubt ran through the worst scenarios. “The magic hasn’t settled yet," he said so casually, yet it pretty much knocked all oxygen out of your system.
"What?" you muttered in disbelief. There’s no way because... “I'm not fully in control," Eris admitted as he flexed his fingers. “I know what that means." You frowned, “It’s just... they can kill you," you whispered, but Eris didn’t seem to worry about it that much considering that his laughter filled the space between you two.
“The joy you must feel," he chuckled, reaching out for his hounds. “Don’t joke about it," you frowned. Hate it or not. Death was not something you would wish for anyone. Even if that person was Eris, "Careful, I might start to think that you care." His blazing eyes found yours, taking you off guard for a moment. “Get over yourself, Vanserra," you rolled your eyes, gathering your skirts up as you turned back from him.
You had barely made it down the stairs the next morning when someone caught your hand, pulling you through the door of the closet study. “I have a plan," Mor muttered breathlessly. The dark circle under her eyes was a clear evidence of her sleepless night. "Mor...", you muttered. Rhys had called you into a meeting that same morning, but you had chosen to ignore his offer. You didn’t want to miss the sunset, and the river bank was way more to your liking than your brother’s office. “No, listen to me," she said, grasping both of your hands. “We will hide you. We’ll get one of the high lords involved”. She rambled on, but you quickly shook your head, “Did you talk to someone outside our family about this?" A slight panic ticked deep within you. She looked up at you in confusion but quickly shook her head in response, “Good, Mor, no one can know about this." Now it was you who had pulled her closer. “Do you understand?", “This is bullshit," she huffed, pulling away from you.
"Mor," you pleaded, but her distress was way too strong by now. “You can’t go. I won’t let you go”, she continued her rant, pacing the room. "Sweetie," you said, moving in front of your cousin, taking her hands in yours. “You’ve seen the scars. You’ve seen...", she muttered, her eyes slowly filling up with burning tears. You reached up to cup her cheek. Offering her a soft smile because no words were going to make this any better. “That man has no soul; Satin has nothing against him," Mor hissed through gritted teeth, right as you wiped the angry tear away from her cheek. “Maybe he hasn’t met Satin yet”, you muttered under your breath, resting your forehead against hers.
“What about the borders? There have been breaches”, the booming voice sent shooting pain through Eris’s scull. It had been the fourth meeting that day, and if his patience was thin in the morning, now the male could barely find any fragments of it. “I already sent out another handful of soldiers to monitor the outskirts," he said, trying to keep his cool. His people deserved better. Way better than what his father had given them. Autumn could be a court like the others. Not full of scum and drunken lords.
“When will the payments roll in?", another angry tone echoed through the hall, and Eris all of a sudden regretted offering the merchants to join the meeting. “I’m looking through the scrolls," Eris said through gritted teeth. Yes, he had stopped the money flow because, with his father’s death, a lot of the men who had drained this place to the last drop had planned on running away with their pockets full of coins. “People are starving," another claimed. “Beron would have sorted it out by now," someone added which had Eris frozen in an instant. Eyes scanning the crowd till they land on the male who had just slipped up. The high lord pushed his chair back, clapping his hands on the table. "You," he pointed an angry finger at the order farmer, “Who do you think you are?" The anger deep within Eris bubbled. Why was it so fucking hard to earn respect? Why did every move he made meet with so much resistance and always mention that monster?
"I...", the male muttered. "I... I… crapped your pants already?", Eris clipped. “I’m your high lord, and you yap at me like I’m nothing," his voice echoed now. Drowning out the crowd of people who had gone dead silent. His anger flared, fires burning so brightly that the vax started to drip, drip, dripping down onto the floor. “Forgive me, Your Majesty." The male had pulled his hat out, now clenching it right against his chest. “What do you need? Coins?", Eris reached into the side drawer, scooping down a handful of silvers before throwing them at the man. The metal clicking against the stone floor was now the only ringing sound. The old man had been left to stand all alone. Anyone who had been throwing demands alongside him now stood with their heads stooped low at far corners of the room.
“Go ahead, pick it up," Eris gestured to the floor. "Forgive...", the man had started, his face now as white as paper and his legs shaking as he barely found his footing. “Pick. It. Up," every word came out like a growl louder than the one before. The man fell to his knees. A crooked smirk stretched onto Eris’s lips as he reached for his sword, rounding the table. “Please… I have kids and a wife”, the man pleaded. Eyes as big as the moon. “Why not think of them before you speak?", Eris assessed the blade, running his finger along the rim. “I did... We're starving”, the farmer whispered, now almost lying on the floor as he threatened beneath Eris’s cold glance. “Pick up the coins," The high lord’s bitter tone sliced the light sobs.
“Your Highness," the male tried to plead his case once more, but Eris only let out a growl. "Pick…," but his voice died down. As if someone had cut his vocal cords. It felt like a whisper. A cold touch. Most of the candles went out in a cloud of smoke. Suppressing the scolding heat that Eirs had thrown at the hall. Then there were the cold fingers that snaked down his wrists, stilling his hand, ready to strike. Reaching for the blade.
“Let him go." It was barely audible. Eris doubted that anyone besides him heard it. But his whole body. Every fiver within perked up at the sound. “For me," it pleaded, “This is not your way." Bile rose in Eris’s throat. It wasn’t his way. This was his father’s way. His father’s methods. Pain. Suffering. Terror. The oldest Vanserra felt his face seize as fear of that monster rooting within him washed over him.
“Breathe through it," Eris turned back from the man, coming face-to-face with purple eyes staring right up at him. "Out of all of you," you ordered, pulling the blade out of Eris’s hand and pointing it at the gawking crowd. It seemed like no one had to be told twice as people rushed out, pushing one another in the process.
"You," you called out, making the farmer stop in his tracks. The man had barely made it off the floor. The sudden joy of being freed disappeared impatiently at your next words, “Pick up the coins." His bottom lip quivered. "Please," he seemed in his later years. The grays had started to show. Hands cracked, clearly from the long hours in the fields. “There’s no catch," you said softly. You handed the sword back to Eris before stepping to the side. “Pick them to buy food," you crouched, picking the silvers yourself. Reaching for the pouch at the side of your skirt to neatly place them inside, “If there’s none to buy, stop by the kitchen tonight." The farmer's eyes watched you move, too stunned to speak. “There will be food to spare here,” you smiled at him, reaching out to touch his shoulder, “Even better, stop by to eat with us. Bring your family with you."
“But miss...", the male stuttered, shaking his head in disbelief. “No, please. Let this be our way of settling peace. This court deserves it after all the years”, you muttered, watching the msn taking a deep breath and nodding his head at your words. “Thank you. Mother will never forget your kindness, my lady.” Bowing, the farmer reached for your hand, placing a kiss on it. You watched him hurry towards the door with his head bowed low. No doubt, still frightened.
“What the fuck are you doing?", Eris’s rough hands clasped over your shoulder as he turned you over to face him. You simply raised your eyebrow at him, “Saving your ass twice now." His nostrils flared as he tried to suppress the frustration bubbling inside. “You have no word in this house," he growled, moving to step closer. Towering over you. You could feel the heat pouring in waves from him. "Wrong”, you crooked your head back, tapping the tip of his nose, “If you want to play this game, then we are equal in this." His lips thinned into a tight lines. His jaw clenched so firmly that you had no clue how his bone hadn’t cracked. But you enjoyed him like this. Frustrated and bubbling inside. Smirking slightly, you crossed your arms over your chest, "So, Eris Vanserra, are you playing along?”
Taglist: @hnyclover @slytherintaco @fxckmiup
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oceantornadoo · 2 months
ex and the city (simon riley x female reader)
inspired by s2 ep18 of sex and the city (currently on a binge). miranda and steve are the cutest (pls don't spoil)
fuck, it was him.
simon stood at the other side of your door, glaring into your peephole. you stepped back quickly, hand covering your mouth in shock. after running away from him on the street the other day, you hadn't expected him to show up. maybe you could just not answer, pretend it never happened and- "can hear ya breathin', dove." shit.
you quickly unlocked the door, trying to compose yourself. "simon! hi!" shit you needed to calm down. that is not how an ex-fiancee would treat her almost-husband. "shitty thing you did, runnin' like a rabbit fr'm me." your eyebrows rose. he was going for it. "i didn't run!" he looked at you, dead-eyed. letting the silence hang over you like a dark cloud, the air growing tense in your apartment hallway behind him.
"you ran." you ran a hand down your face, the other tightening your grip on your door. "well, i wasn't expecting to see you and- i just-" your voice choked, an attempt at hiding back your tears. "hurt my feelin's, dove." simon kept his arms crossed, staring down at you. he never did talk about his feelings much, but seeing the woman who was supposed to be his wife, his forever, run away from him? that hurt even a dead man like him.
"well i don't do very well with ex-boyfriends and..." you trailed off, staring at your toes. the tears were hot behind your eyes now, months of frustration and longing boiling to the surface. "dove..." he reached out and tilted your chin up, forcing you to look at him. the feeling of his gloves against your skin was so familiar you almost closed your eyes, but snapped them open when you remembered. "this is me. simon." you nodded, throat thick. you shrugged, struggling to find the words to convey how you survived without him for the past four months. you decided on a simple, "yeah."
"i held your head while you wer' sleepin'." simon took off his mask, tucking it in his pocket. his hair was a bit longer since the last time you saw it. his face a bit scruffy, sporting a few new scars from the last deployment you had screamed at him for. your neighbor appeared behind him, tilting her head back as she pretended not to listen. you turned away, rubbing at your eyes as they got red. he took the silent invite and ran with it, stepping through and closing the door before your neighbor saw you vulnerable. always protecting you physically, even when he couldn't emotionally.
"im sorry. im so sorry it- i just-" you rubbed at your chest, an aching spot forming behind your rib cage. "shh dove, s'ok, yer ok." he reached for you and then stopped himself. he didn't get that privilege anymore. "i just hadn't seen you in so long and i thought you might have died and i missed you simon..." your voice cracked at his name, the taste of it so familiar. like a warm hot chocolate on a winter's day, a cool lemonade on a summer's night. "im a shitty person! you'd never do anything that shitty."
he chuckled. you, always idolizing him, making him out to be a golden boy when really he was rotting, a half-dead thing for you to play with. "showed up to yer apartment in the middle of the day an' called yer landlord to make sure you were in. what'dya call that?" a sob rose from your throat, the humor of what he said hitting you hard. "yeah that was pretty shitty." you nodded, rewarding him with a weak smile and a half-angry tone.
"i miss you. in my bones, si." his eyes were wet, crinkling in the leftover eye-black. "im here, dove. what'rya doin' friday?" you let out a sob again, covering your mouth. "i have a date." fuck, he'd kill him. he'd let johnny plant mines and put gaz on intelligence and ask price to redeem that one favor from a year ago. he'd make it look like an purposeful accident, a gas leak or a water heater explosion. something where even the man's family couldn't get any money. he ran his hands through his hair, a nervous tick he only showed in front of you.
"can't pretend to be happy for ya, dove. can't be a better man on this." and suddenly you were hugging him, hands reaching over his shoulders as you stood on familiar tiptoes. his hands automatically circled your waist, the feel of it engrained in his soul. something he could describe from memory. "lets just...stay here awhile. okay?" he nodded into your hair, breathing in that familiar scent. he had another chance at making you his wife and he wasn't going to lose it again.
i kinda want to write one of these for all of the 141?? we'll see.
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jongseongsnudes · 3 months
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warning; 😪😪😪 1.2k words. masterlist.
the events of last night feels like a distant fever dream, especially because you wake up entirely alone in the large hotel room.
like you expected, the space beside you is empty, the cold, untouched sheets very telling that the man hadn’t even slept there. in fact, there’s nothing in the room that even suggests of his presence at all.
what you do notice is the massive white dior shopping bag, along with your suitcase and a new plane ticket on the small table. the table you and him blatantly ruined with your dirty deeds just last night.
inside the dior bag was a white dress with a pricetag the equivalent of your weekly wage. it was truly a beautiful dress, but something about it made you feel off. uncomfortable even.
you weren’t dumb. you’ve heard of the numerous affairs within the office between other secretaries and their bosses, often stemming from the constant closeness of the job. you assume this, between you and mr park was also one of those cases.
sex with absolutely no strings attached.
what you didn’t expect was how abruptly he ended things, the man literally abandoning you here in a whole different country without a word. like trash. you know you shouldn’t be upset by it but you are. and now this so-called gift... did he see you as some escort?
before you knew it, you were dressed and standing by the hotel’s entrance, waiting for your ride to the airport. in your grasp was your suitcase and the extravagant gift you planned to return.
“jay’s assistant?”
“oh- mr wang right?”
there stood nicholas, mr park’s friend from yesterday. the man was truly a sight to see. tall, handsome, dressed in a leather jacket, some dark denims, and with hair slicked back.
“that’s me! where’s jay? how dare he leave a beautiful lady waiting by herself?”
his words make you chuckle, your cheeks heating slightly at the random compliment. “he went back to seoul. i’m heading to the airport now, but what are you doing here sir?”
“sir? please. call me nicholas,” he runs his hand through his hair with a laugh, “i came to pick up my bike that jay left and to visit my dad’s hotel.”
ah. so this was his dad’s hotel chain. man was rich rich. and hot.
“hop on, i’ll take you.”
mr wang doesn’t give you much of a choice, and you don’t mind it either way.
the weather was much nicer today, clouds no longer covering the sky. you could actually see everything along the way this time, the breath-taking view of japan and of course, mr wang’s back.
you figured you might have a thing for a man’s backside.
“thank you for the lift sir, the views were so beautiful!”
“again with sir,” he rolls his eyes and hands you your bags, “i’m heading to seoul soon, perhaps then you can take me around.”
“oh definitely!”
“well then,” he hands you his phone, and you just stare at him blankly for a second before realising what he meant. you quickly add your number and watch him drive off, the man no longer a distraction to what had been on your mind before that.
your boss.
*knock knock*
“come in.”
to say you were nervous would’ve been quite the understatement. you didn’t know what to expect on meeting him for the first time since that night, or how to act. or more importantly, how he’d act.
“good morning, sir. i have your breakfast and coffee.”
and there in the cold office, sat the man who clouded your thoughts for the entirety of yesterday. you know you shouldn’t give yourself a headache over the whole situation but you can’t help it.
the way he held you, hand grasping your waist, fingers deep inside of you...
get a grip park! you’re at work!
trying your best not to trip on your heels and spill the food, you walk over to place the tray in front of him. as always, the man doesn’t stray away from paperwork, even when you’re standing there in front of him.
“you have a meeting at 10 with mr lee of lee manufacturers. i have prepared the documents on your desk,” you wait for a moment before continuing, “if there’s nothing left sir, i’ll take my leave.”
you’d be lying if you said the lack of acknowledgment wasn’t disappointing, but at least it told you something. that what happened that night, very much meant nothing to him. and it shouldn’t to you either.
once back outside, you’re met with taehyun coming down the hallway, in his hands a massive bouquet of beautiful flowers.
“these are for you, someone delivered them to front desk just now.”
“me?” you take the bouquet and flip open the little card.
“hope you will love these flowers that are as beautiful as you. see you soon.” - wang.
“wang? who’s that?” taehyun says over your shoulders, just as mr park’s door opens and out comes the man.
he stares at the flowers in your arm for a moment then at you, eyes glaring a hole right through your face.
then he leaves.
the rest of the day is spent alone, dealing with mr park’s paperwork while taehyun accompanied the man on schedules outside.
“miss park, it’s 8pm.”
you almost fall out of your seat from mr park’s sudden voice, the man now standing in front of your desk. you were so focused on your work to even hear the ding of the lift or his footsteps.
it’s then that you realise how dark it had actually gotten outside the windows, an indication that you should’ve gone home long ago.
“ah- sir, i just needed to finish some paperwork,” you were quick to stand, “but why did you come back sir? did you forget something?”
“come into my office.”
you do so without question, trailing behind the man into his office as he goes to pull something out from behind his desk. it’s the white dior shopping bag, the very same one you had put there in the morning when you arrived earlier than him for once, wanting to return it without fuss.
“what is this?” his tone is cold, eyes glaring directly at you.
“i can’t accept such an extravagant gift from you, sir.”
the low scoff he makes catches you off guard, not expecting such a reaction from him at all. your entire body goes tense when he begins walking back over to you, his eyes focused entirely on you.
he’s making you nervous again. the way he’s watching you, the way he’s smirking at you. it all reminds you of that night.
mr park stops when he’s right behind you, his chest slightly pressing into your back. he’s so close, his cologne surrounding you like his hand that’s now gently clasping onto the back of your neck.
“but you can accept flowers from nicholas? right pretty?”
taglist; @jeonjungkookkk @soobsbby @astra-line​ @shine-your-light​ @02zprotector​ @byunhoebaek​ @artgukkx​ @nowrosesaredead​ @abdiitcryy​​ @y4wnjunz​ @enhasengene​ @enhacolor @my5colors @kyutiepeachy​​ @miixsh @vantxx95​ @1115phile​ @outrologist @axartia​ @bunhoons​​​ @3nh4luvr​ @duckieanon​​ @lix-freckle3​ @uuwonnie​​​ @emoworu​​​ @kyoyangwon​ @sunshine-skz​ @paolennenicole​ @ahnneyong​ @hhganyu​ @duolingofanaccount​ @hseungi​​​ @omgjwon​ @jays-blue​ @jaykedpotato @gobighee​ @jiawji​ @taekbokki​​​ @wonwon-ie @mavlogist​@thedemonundernikisbed ​ @rosie-is-everywhere​​​ @kuleo26 @ii4enha-jwn​ @thejjrl​ @taytaymuse @cococake​​​ @sunooslover​ @muffinminnie @yoonjin96 @choibeomgogi​ @flower-lise @princesjy​​​ @she-is-dreaming @n-wjns​ @mimikittysblog​ @letapostropheesgo​​​ @f0rlov3rs ​@stell-y @skzenhalove​    
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torotauri · 3 months
Trust Lost And Found | Kang Hyewon
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804 Words
Hyewon's heart pounded with the rhythm of the music pulsating through the crowded nightclub. She danced with her friends, feeling the energy of the night coursing through her veins. Lost in the euphoria of the moment, she barely noticed the handsome stranger making his way through the throngs of people until he stood before her, his smile captivating.
"Hi there," he said over the music, his voice barely audible but his eyes sparkling with interest.
Hyewon returned the smile, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "Hi," she replied, shouting to be heard over the din of the club.
They exchanged names, shared a few laughs, and before Hyewon knew it, he was asking her out on a date for the next day. Caught up in the whirlwind of the moment, she agreed, the thrill of something new and spontaneous coursing through her.
The next morning, as sunlight filtered through the curtains, Y/N's heart felt heavy with a gnawing sense of unease. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, a nagging suspicion that lingered in the back of his mind like a shadow. Unable to ignore it any longer, he reached for Hyewon's phone, his hands trembling slightly as he scrolled through her messages.
What he found there made his blood run cold.
Messages exchanged with a stranger, plans made for a date. His heart sank as doubt and insecurity clouded his thoughts. Could Hyewon be cheating on him? The mere thought sent a wave of panic coursing through him, his stomach churning with fear and betrayal.
He marched upstairs to confront her, his heart pounding with a mix of anger and hurt. Bursting into her room, he found her getting ready, a look of surprise crossing her face as she saw him standing there, her phone clutched tightly in his hand.
"What's going on, Y/N?" she asked, confusion evident in her voice.
Y/N's hands shook as he held out her phone, his voice trembling with emotion. "Who is he, Hyewon? The guy you're planning to go out with?"
Hyewon's eyes widened in shock, her mind racing as she struggled to find the right words. "Y/N, it's not what you think-"
But Y/N wasn't listening. His mind was already made up, his heart hardened with the pain of betrayal. "I can't believe you'd do this to me, Hyewon," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I thought we had something special."
Tears welled up in Hyewon's eyes as she reached out to him, desperate to explain. "Y/N, please, you have to believe me. I would never-"
But Y/N was already turning away, his heart breaking with every step he took towards the door. "It's over, Hyewon. I can't do this anymore."
And with that, he was gone, leaving Hyewon alone with her tears and regrets.
Later that day, as Hyewon sat across from the stranger at a quaint little cafe, she couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at her heart. Despite the charming smile and the easy conversation, her thoughts kept drifting back to Y/N, the love she had lost because of one foolish mistake.
As the stranger leaned in closer, his intentions clear, Hyewon felt a surge of anger and defiance rising within her. She may have lost Y/N, but she refused to lose herself in the process. Pushing back from the table, she looked the stranger squarely in the eye, her voice steady with determination.
"I'm sorry," she said, her words ringing with sincerity. "But I have a boyfriend."
And with that, she walked away, leaving behind the ghosts of her past and the pain of her mistakes.
Meanwhile, Y/N sat alone in his room, the weight of his decision pressing down on him like a leaden weight. He had let his insecurities and doubts destroy the one thing that had ever truly mattered to him, and now he was left with nothing but regret.
It wasn't until Eunbi, Hyewon's best friend, came to visit him that he began to see the truth of what had happened. As she recounted the details of Hyewon's date, her eyes filled with sympathy and understanding, Y/N felt a glimmer of hope stirring within him.
Maybe it wasn't too late to make things right, to reach out to Hyewon and beg for her forgiveness. And this time, he vowed, he wouldn't let his fears and insecurities come between them.
Rushing out into the night, his heart pounding with anticipation, Y/N raced to Hyewon's apartment, his mind filled with thoughts of reconciliation and redemption.
And as he stood before her door, his hand poised to knock, he knew that no matter what happened next, he would never again let doubt and insecurity destroy the love he had fought so hard to find.
AN: I am Y/N
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appleblueberry-pie · 3 months
I just read your fic and my brain went into thinking mode again :(
Reader just being wholesome with children. Like using Mayday as a therapy method for self-trust issues.. Def babysits May to trust herself with touching other people 😭❤
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What Isn't There To Love About You?
im just writing these for pure amusement now. HATE being formal with my own writing and realized i can literally have fun.
"So, this was where he was last night." Miguel pulls up footage from last nights fail at capturing some random universe's villain. It wasn't that doing investigation work was boring or anything. It's just that it's been four hours trying to get to the bottom of this disappearance into some other universe. And then trying to find the probability of capturing this villain and the whole shazam. You don't know how Miguel did it. Maybe it was the 6 coffees he had in one day or the random sass and anger fueling him to keep running, but you weren't made out of whatever he was made out of.
You kept your stone face as you watched the footage and leaned forward to point out his glitches here and other possible universes that had a strange pop-up weirdo at around the same time frame. "...because right here..." You zoomed in and before you could further explain, a childish squeal broke you out of your trance. You and Miguel look up and see the beautiful baby girl that was Mayday hanging off of her few webs from above.
You dramatically gasped and called out to her. "Now, who left you here hanging unattended?? Who would do such a thing??" You playfully placed your hands on your hips and she babbled back at you, lighting up your clouded mind. Miguel rolls his eyes. "Actually, she's been there for about 30 minutes." He grumbles. You turn around to glare at him. "You let her stay up there for that long?" "She's a distraction."
You scoff and hold your arms out to her. She wastes no time in dropping down to you, letting you squeeze her like the teddy bear she was. "There's my favorite girl! How've you been?? Aww, look at your hair, you messed it up again. Where's that brush I had, Miguel??" You held her on one hip, bouncing her as you dig through the drawers to find the comb that was no longer in the room. "......." Miguel tries to slyly steal glances at you as you handle Mayday like she was your own child.
Your loud and bubbly talking to her eventually calm down to you holding her to your chest as you calmly talk to her. "I wonder how you'll be when you start school. You're already so smart, swinging around the place like it's nothing." You laugh to yourself and instead comb your fingers through her hair. It was honestly such a breath of fresh air compared to staring at screens at hours on end. You stop leaning on the desk and hum quietly to her, looking back over to the monitors, only to find Miguel staring down at you over his shoulder.
".....What?" He sighs and turns back around, typing again. "......it's her nap time." You raise your eyebrows and look down to actually see the girl falling asleep in your arms. You wonder why Peter left her unattended like this. Speaking of the devil, the man comes swinging onto the platform before you can go down and sees his daughter asleep. "Oh my god, Y/n, you are a lifesaver. I was looking for her everywhere. And you are a magician to get her asleep on time. She usually makes a fuss...." He goes on to talk for the next few minutes, not before shifting her into his arms to take her back to his universe.
This time, you couldn't really pay attention to his long speech, instead staring longingly at the girl asleep in his arms. When he leaves, Miguel is already leaning back on his work table, staring longingly at you. ".....I've always wanted a little girl." Miguel smiles at you and walks up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his face into your neck. "Yeah? Serías una madre increíble." (You would be an amazing mother)
You smile at his words. "Me vuelves loco con lo talentoso que eres. Y verte así con ella me enloqueció. Déjame tenerte." He almost seemed to growl the words, making your stomach flutter with butterflies. He holds you tighter and trails his hands to where your zipper began. "Here?" Miguel groans at the fact that he's still at work and stops himself from unzipping you. He removes himself from you entirely to angrily type up another report and you instead stand behind him and rub his back. "That's okay, you can just show me how you feel when you get home." A growl erupts at his throat and you laugh. (You drive me crazy with how talented you are. And seeing you with her like that drove me wild. Let me have you.)
Miguel looks over his shoulder and down at you to glare into your mischievous eyes. "Watch that mouth." "I'm serious." Miguel doesn't like hiding from you. Seeing him stare down at you like you were a piece of meat made you look away and he curses under his breath. He hated how restricted he was to just sit with his cock hard until he had the option to leave. And how it seemed like you were free to torture him with your bratty attitude and beautiful face and body. He hates this and loves you. The only angel he'll let fall into his arms down from what he calls heaven.
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