#no matter if you read them as romantic or platonic you have to acknowledge they were everything to eachother
thinking about how Bilbo's insecurity throughout the whole trilogy is that he is not strong enough, he's just a hobbit, he is not capable for the quest. he doesn't believe he can be of use to the dwarves, he doubts himself. he knows he is a small creature of comforts that was never equipped to attack or defend or even burgle. while Thorin’s insecurity is that he is not worthy of his people's faith in him. he goes on the quest not for his own gains but despite Balin's reassurance that he has done right by the dwarves, Thorin wants to reclaim Erebor for his people, to restore their homeland. he continues on with bull-headed stubbornness even with several people telling him its a bad idea because he needs to prove himself a worthy king to people who already acknowledge him as such. he wants the arkenstone because it is the only thing that will summon the seven armies of the dwarves.
thinking about how in Thorin’s death scene, they answer these insecurities almost. Thorin apologises to Bilbo, that he's sorry he led Bilbo into such peril, that he's sorry that he failed him and Bilbo answers "I am glad to have shared in your perils, Thorin, each and every one of them." he says 'you failed, and I am glad I followed you anyway'. he says it is more than any Baggins deserves and Thorin answers "If more more people valued home above gold, this world would be a merrier place." he tells him not that he is deserving of battle but that 'the world is a better place with people like you'.
to me these are more heartfelt sentiments than simply 'you are strong' or 'you are a great leader'. Thorin tells Bilbo, who believes himself not right and too small that he is valuable, that he is so important in the grand scheme of things. Bilbo tells Thorin, who believes himself a failed leader, unworthy of his people's trust that he is proud that he had faith in Thorin despite.
Thorin gets to die knowing that his people do not regret having faith in him and Bilbo gets to live knowing that he is right for this world in a way that is his own.
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epiphainie · 12 days
Hey, I know you said you don't wanna get into fandom discourse so feel free to ignore this but I wanted to add something to you metioning yesterday how people talk about Bucktommy always bringing in bvddie/eddie somehow. I feel like a lot of people also expect this from canon including Bucktommy fans? like all the posts about which one will feel like the third wheel or which one's gonna get jealous over the other two spending time together and I find that kind of weird. I don't know if I got my point across but you know what I mean?
Hi anon,
Yeah, I think I get what you mean. Gotta say what I saw in my little corner of the BuckTommy fandom, people are usually having fun with those situations/headcanons than actually expecting something out of canon. But I can guess how a certain part of the fandom really thinks how Buck's relationship with Eddie in the context of BuckTommy must be addressed by the show. And I agree with you in that I find this expectation odd because why must they?
Is it because Buck is into men now that his significant other must address how he is/isn't okay with his friendship with another man? This was never an issue or even a topic of conversation in the narrative for Taylor so I cannot think of any other reason for why it would be for Tommy. Or on the flip side, is it because Buck is dating a man now that Eddie will feel like his time with Buck is being limited? Buck has been in a relationship for the most part of their friendship, why would this one be different that the narrative would need to address it?
I think in general in the fandom, regardless of whether people ship them or not, there's this sentiment that Bvddie has such a special relationship that needs to be addressed by their romantic partners / lampshaded by the narrative which strikes me as odd. Not because they don't have a special relationship - they have a very special relationship - but because the perception and related expectations over how the canon should treat this relationship is very different from something like say Hen and Chim. For every very intense Buck and Eddie story beat in this show, you have an equally insane Hen and Chim one. But you don't see anyone reading that relationship as something that needs to be acknowledged (as a threat or something they're okay with) by their spouses. It's an emotionally codependent friendship between a straight man and a lesbian. Not that sexual compatibility matters but they are not interested in each other that way and their partners don't even think about that.
So why would this be any different for Buck (a bi man) and Eddie (a straight man)? Like, even the idea that it must be acknowledged differently by the narrative kinda brings me back to negative stereotypes about queer men and their straight friends even though I know most people don't mean it that way.
Honestly, I kinda think it just comes back to fandoms' urge to read the intensity of relationships as romantic when it comes to two attractive men in a way we don't do with other characters. I say we because I've had my share of fandoms and almost exclusively shipped the two guys who were not canon; we just read more into these relationships regardless of whether we actively ship it or not. Like I said, Hen and Chim have some of the insanest relationship moments in this show. Like, can you imagine if something like Jonah happened to Buck and he thinks he's gonna hurt Tommy to get to him but he actually has Eddie and tortures him in front of Buck? Or if Eddie opposes Buck and Tommy getting married like Hen did with Maddie, for example. They would most certainly be read as romantic even if we had the same textual explanation as we did with Hen and Chim.
But the truth is, there is no relationship hierarchy. Platonic relationships can be as deep as romantic ones, what sets them apart is not the degree to how intense they can be, it's the flavor. And as it stands, I don't think the show treats Buck and Eddie's relationship with any different flavor than it does Hen and Chim despite how we treat it in the fandom. And sure, this does not mean realistically no love interest would be weirded out by their friendship (and negative stereotypes about bi people exist in the lgbtq community as well so that could happen too) but I don't see why the narrative would need to go there with Tommy. Like, what would be the purpose of it in-story? The acknowledgment of it would just further perpetuate the queer man in love with his bff thing that we know they said they don't wanna do. They should (and imo will) treat it as they do treat the other platonic relationships on the show.
I'm sorry, this got derailed at one point but whatever, send.
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finleycannotdraw · 8 months
Shipping in the Loki Fandom
alright so I’ve seen a lot of posts and… I have some thoughts.
please read the whole post before getting mad at me, and if you do get mad at me, go outside. I can’t help you.
okay so, I’m sorry but. people saying they won’t watch the show unless lokius becomes canon??? guys it’s not going to be canon, and it’s fine. I’d love to be wrong about that, but. the prospect of a ship becoming canon is not what’s fun about shipping in any fandom.
please can we take off the tumblr lens of shipping being the most important part of every media and focus on the story this show is telling? loki said himself that his biggest priority is his friends. that’s canon!! and that’s super important for him and how far he’s come as a character!!
like don’t get me wrong, I ship lokius with my whole self. but the part that’s fun about shipping them, for me, is the fandom community and the art I’ve been making, NOT the hope that they’ll get into a romantic relationship onscreen, and I think people need to take a step back 🤷‍♂️
yes, it’s fun to point at the lingering glances and touches and heartfelt conversations and comfortable dynamic and say “they love each other”. they DO love each other. people working on the show (tom himself) have acknowledged that! whether it’s romantic or platonic doesn’t actually matter. but I’m obviously not going to beg anyone to watch the show. don’t watch it if you don’t want to! just remember that the point of this show has never been romance!
but regardless of that, can sylki shippers stop calling us “delusional” for participating in the fandom in ways we enjoy??
and can we acknowledge that the story means something apart from who we want Tom Hiddleston to kiss???
and keep your shipping hate off this post, please! and don’t put words in my mouth. if you disagree with me, feel free to tell me why (after which I will likely again encourage you to spend some time offline)
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bbbuckaroo · 27 days
At the end of the day who cares if the buddie shippers have a problem with Tommy and keep making up (annoying) theories. We have to realize they exist in an echo chamber and have done nothing but annoy Tim multiple times. Tim loves buddies friendship but you can clearly tell he’s fallen in love with Buck and Tommy’s romantic relationship, which is why he added Lou into these last two episodes ( which isn’t easy as Lou was only contracted for 4 episodes which means having to renegotiate additional contract). We have got to stop letting them annoy us by trying to bring in the cast and crew as a reason to why Lou is hated and why he’s not sticking around. We have to look at the fact and know that they (buddie shippers) will never acknowledge that Lou has been treated very differently than Bucks former love interests when it comes to the cast and crew already.
• There’s a reason why Lou is being included in behind the scenes content.
•There’s a reason why the official account is following along with the main cast.
•There’s a reason why Tim is posting and responding to messages about him.
•There’s a reason who since 7x06 that the cast (Kenny Ryan and Jennifer) have turned away from taking about buddie (romantically) in official media interviews and have redirected the conversation to BuckTommy.
•There’s a reason why Ryan keeps bringing up buddies platonic relationship and calling Eddie hetero.
Sorry for the long rant but it’s just something I thought of as I was reading your other responses.
Exactly, we shouldn’t and can’t care about what they think. I love your reference to an echo chamber, that’s a great way to put it. I anticipate the more we stop caring and interacting then they’ll end up destroying themselves because they have to get negativity somewhere, even if it’s from each other. You can already see it turning into a Buck vs. Eddie over there.
Tim has literally saved this show, I was honestly terrified going into this season after the dumpster fire of S6. Since he’s come back the show has a new life and he has let the characters truly shine again. And you can definitely tell he is proud of his (and whoever else’s) choice to bring Tommy back. I definitely respect him doing it as a little “experiment” with the two episodes to see how it was perceived and boy did we deliver!
I 100% agree that, among all the other things, we need to ignore their attempts to involve the cast. They know we feel the need defend the cast so they push that agenda. It’s clear they love you and as always it their opinion that matters most!
All those reasons are all the ones I have seen and agree with. This is all very strategic and honestly, the award show reel was what solidified it for me, both having Lou with the fast and having him end it (mostly because we all passed out and they wanted us to see the other cast too)!
Rant away, I really appreciate constructive rants that give others insight into the ship. It really helps us understand the reasons for this behavior which only further helps us ignore it! So thank you for it ❤️
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ilovedthestars · 6 months
and also just. the way ambiguity in relationships is assumed to be romantic, too. see, i wrote that whole post a while back about how I loved ambiguous fictional relationships, with deep devotion but no clear label as to the type of relationship. i called it love as in significance--that's where my tag comes from. love as in being important to someone, in whatever form that takes.
and what I said then about how this applies to romance still applies--when I'm reading about a fictional romance, I'll be much more engaged with one that feels built on that foundation of significance than one that isn't. flirting, the trappings of modern courtship, those feel empty to me without the feeling that these characters already matter to each other. (this is why in real life I'm so perplexed by things like dating apps, or people who actively seek out romance with strangers--I just personally can't fathom the idea of wanting that kind of closeness with someone you don't already know and care for.)
but in regards to ambiguity....I feel like I've been burned a little. I loved ambiguity because it meant you could take many things away from it. other people could see romance, but I could see the kind of deeply devoted platonic relationship that, let's be honest, is incredibly rare in fiction. but I'm starting to feel frustrated by the way ambiguity is assumed to be romance, without an explicit statement that it's not. (I've joked about the obligatory "no hetero" moments that have to be inserted into the start of a piece of media that has a male and a female protagonist with any kind of relationship other than romance--the "not with those lips" moment in the D&D movie, for example. It's funny, and i appreciate it being made very clear, but it's kind of sad that it has to be.)
and...okay, there's an elephant in the room that i really should acknowledge. I was talking about it in that first post, but I made a point of never mentioning it, although i'm sure plenty of people guessed.
I haven't watched Good Omens season two. I'm not sure if I'm ever going to. When I first wrote about my love for ambiguous relationships back in February of 2023, Aziraphale and Crowley were at the top of my list. When I wrote about how ambiguity left room for anyone to see themselves represented, and how i wished that a little more space was left for aro voices, I was talking about them. I was frustrated by people who saw that ambiguity as "queerbaiting"--didn't they see that the story was already queer, that Aziraphale and Crowley cared so deeply for each other, and whether they kissed or not wouldn't change anything?
But they did kiss. And it did change something. I don't feel like there's a place left for me anymore. And there's social pressure to celebrate, to be happy for another canon queer love story on TV, and god I'd love to celebrate that, but I can't help but feel a little betrayed by a story that I thought would leave space for me.
(and yes, a kiss doesn't have to mean romance--but in this, in hollywood, it's assumed to. the creators and the audience both understand it as such, unless someone stops to say no, we're friends who kiss each other the mouth, we're subverting your expectations. because the expectations are inescapable.)
I've been trying to give myself the space to feel upset about this. To remember that aro stories are queer stories too. And I think I'm raising my standards. I'll take ambiguity--I'll take any carved-out space I can find. But I'm not sure I trust it anymore. I want explicitly platonic relationships with the level of love and devotion and care usually reserved for romance. I want to read and watch and listen to stories about people who are significant to each other without romance even being in the picture. I want love that isn't synonymous with romance. I'm going to stop feeling like I have to settle for anything less.
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tevanbegins · 1 month
Random musings I wanted to share with my fellow Buck x Tommy stans. Read and humour me, please. 😉
So being in this 9-1-1 ship war is kinda making me feel like we are in the film 'My Best Friend's Wedding.' Here's my analysis of the movie and how it is relevant to the whole Buck-Tommy-Eddie conflict in the fandom:
Julia Roberts' character Jules represents the B*ddies, Cameron Diaz's character Kimmy represents us Bucktommies, and the hero Michael represents Buck who is caught in the middle of it all.
So in the movie, Jules (B*ddies) tries every trick in the book to sabotage Kimmy (Bucktommies) and split her and Michael (Buck) up. But all her desperate attempts are ultimately in vain, because Michael truly loves Kimmy, and the film ends on a happy and positive note with Michael and Kimmy getting married and Michael and Jules staying best friends (or should I say buddies, pun totally intended 💀) as they always were.
You know where I am going with this rambling right? (Also, please watch the movie if you haven't. 😁) Below are a few noteworthy points and takeaways from the film:
• Kimmy came later in Michael's life, but there was practically nothing to hate about her and there was no denying that she was great for him. So, even though Jules thought Michael was rightfully hers because she had been a part of his life much longer and tried to paint Kimmy as the villain, she failed because Kimmy was never the bad guy in the story as she was hell bent on making her out to be.
[Takeaway: Finding your true love in someone doesn't always need a long history of acquaintance or friendship with that person. Also, the new person doesn't automatically become the wrong choice for endgame because of the lack of said history. Neither is the BFF entitled to your romantic affections just because you've been too close for too long. Platonic soulmates can be a thing too.]
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• Kimmy never tried to undermine Jules' significance in Michael's life as his best friend. Even though Kimmy and Michael got their happy endgame, the film didn't dismiss the importance of Jules and Michael's friendship.
[Takeaway: Buck's thriving romance with Tommy is not a threat to his friendship with Eddie and vice versa. Both relationships are different and are beautiful in their own ways. In fact, Buck and Tommy's love story began with Tommy clarifying that he understood his deep bond with Eddie and so he never intended to get in between that.]
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So, my point is, Buck x Tommy being endgame is never going to reduce the significance of Buck and Eddie's friendship. It will always be important because it is beautiful, and if the Tevan romance is hampering certain people's enjoyment of B*ddie, that is because they can't look past their desperate want of a romantic/sexual relationship between those friends. They themselves are sending out the message that Buck and Eddie's friendship has zero value if it doesn't end in a romance, that the multiple years/seasons of developing a strong bond between those two is useless if they don't eventually fuck.
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The difference between us Tevan stans and those B*ddie truthers is that we accept and acknowledge how important Eddie will always be to Buck even if he falls in love with Tommy, whereas the BoBs so badly want to believe that Tommy is a villain because he is the cockblock to their delusions (pardon my language). If Buck-Eddie's friendship in and of itself genuinely mattered to them, Tommy's arrival would never have ruffled their feathers. So they can whine and cry foul all they want, but nothing is going to change the fact that Buck x Tommy is as beautiful and important a romance as Buck x Eddie is as a friendship on the show, just as the message in the movie depicts.
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To conclude, I have faith that Tevan will keep rising and flourishing and winning over all the stupid hate! Hope you'll enjoyed my little piece of romcom-inspired wisdom!
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plumipal · 25 days
honestly the tattoo wip made me happy to read through bc i love!!! it when the close bond between prefect and adeuce is acknowledged. like, in canon, prefect is the closest to ace and deuce. adeuce go and talk to their families about prefect unlike the other characters (like how deuce's mom specifically knew abt prefect unlike with other events where we meet family). i just... whether it's romantic or platonic, i love adeuce x prefect so much, they're so cute and they should be together forever. rip to all the students but i like ordinary guy one and two the most. so what im saying is thank you for the treat and i can't wait to see what else is in store.
You and me both anon! I have the tattoo for a reason lmao! I swear it is real I paid 100usd for it and have not regretted it once- its just love the dynamic both between Ace and Deuce, and with you in the mix it just makes it even better. How you all act around eachother, how they ALWAYS are with you in every chapter, how they COMMUTED to SAVE you when you were stuck in scarabia, romantic or platonic they truly do love and cate for you and I just-- they make me wanna cry,,,,
How fond thye both are od you like gnnhngngnng they make me so happy, the silliest and bestest of friends you could have in an unfamiliar magical school- I love the whole first year gång but there's something special bout adeuce (why I have them tatted but not the rest, might do something w grim too tho)
For my personal yuusona, they have sleepovers at ramshackle with Ace and deuce every week, masked as a study session just so Riddle could approve of it. The trio you cannot seperate, no matter how hard you try- I just love them so much <3<3<3<3<3<3
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Like look at the amount of adeuce plushies I have
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Also look at all plushies I have with me as I study across the country lol, I need my emotional support men (I have way more twst stuff
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I have the boxes too and they look wonderful,,, OH I GOTTA SHOT MY CARD COLLECTION WHEN I GET HOME TOO!-
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demonicchicken1121 · 3 months
sorry to be “that guy” but I saw your asexual henry willry post and I just wanted to say that asexual people can still experience romantic attraction! a lack of romantic attraction would be aromantic, not asexual. and aromanticism/asexuality consist of spectrums, you can still experience sexual attraction as an asexual, or romantic attraction as an aromantic!
Henry is aroace. He labels himself purely as asexual because he doesn’t know the difference between platonic and romantic attraction. He also feels more inclined to call himself asexual because that is the label he feels fits him best, which is based on my own experience. I am aroace but relate more to the asexual identity and asexuality is a bit easier to explain to the average person than gray-romantic, which I am. I also haven’t quite figured out his romantic orientation. This au is a wip. Many of the people who read my RtH post have been following the au for a bit, and understand some of the nuances and unfinished pieces of the characters.
also I am aware that asexuality and aromantism is a spectrum. I am on that spectrum. Henry is sex repulsed. RtH Henry has always been sex repulsed. Williams obsession with him is sexual in nature. If William had actually been open with Henry early on, then maybe they could have had a relationship, but it also could have led to conflict because of Henry’s sex repulsion. That is a major part of the story. William and Henry are both in love with each other, but in very different ways. It’s part of why this version of willry is so tragic, because they can’t love each other in a way that matters to the other. And neither of them are in the wrong in this situation. It’s just a part of life that gets in the way of relationships sometimes.
all parts of the aro and ace spectrums are valid, but it seems that many people only acknowledge gray and Demi and other such identities when they want to ship a-spec characters. People trying to figure out or represent their own identities create some really great stories and art. But often times people use Demi/gray identities, and things like qprs to erase a characters aro/ace identity rather than actually researching and attempting to write those identities and relationships well.
I don’t think you meant to be disrespectful, but please do keep in mind the current situation around aro/ace characters, especially when the person writing them is aro/ace. Idk if you are aro/ace yourself, but I’m also noting this because of how many people treat aro/ace people an characters.
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vonlycaonwife · 2 years
Trying to get as many ideas as I can written down so others can actually read fics when they search them up fjdkfjfj so here's another post about how the guys will act when having a crush on you.
Warnings: possible ooc because the game isn't out yet
Characters: Wise, Billy, and Lycaon
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It would maybe take a minute for him to realize that he has a crush on you, mainly because I feel like he's very prone to mixing up romantic feelings with platonic ones. It may take his sister saying something for him to realize, which would then cause him to have a cute blush on his cheeks once the realization sets in.
But once he does know then he...kind acts the same? Like he's gonna be super subtle with his flirting, to the point where you definitely will confuse it as platonic. It'll frustrate him a bit but that only means he's gonna start being less subtle.
The typical things he'll do is always try to be close to you physically, like sitting near you, walking over to you often for any reason, and definitely lean towards you when having a discussion about anything. He'll just tiptoe the line between closeness and affection.
He'll also have this particular way with how he talks to and looks at you. He doesn't necessarily stutter or seem nervous in his speech, it's more so like he's in the most comfort place on earth. And he'll always have this certain half closed eyed smile that just screams to any unknown third party that he's looking at the most beautiful thing in the world.
Most people are more surprised at the fact you two aren't together, since it's pretty obvious that the man has romantic feelings for you. Well obvious to everyone but you. Honestly Wise wouldn't find it necessary for you to find out, even if it does frustrate him sometimes. But he does have a plan in mind on how to confess, he just needs everything in place first.
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Two words, fucking dumbass. You think he's dumb without having a crush? Honey he's way more dumb and goofy. He's gonna be trying to impress you so much all the time, and it always backfires. Trying to look cool while in battle? Yeah he totally just shot himself in the foot, literally. Trying to be a gentleman and shield you from the rain? Yeah that speeding car just soaked you both.
He's gonna be super cheesy and obvious when it comes to his flirting. Constantly gonna act like a knight that will protect you no matter what. It's very sweet but...he's constantly hurting himself when doing that, it becomes common for him to have a new scratch or dent in his cybernetics.
Pray for Nicole and Anby because they're gonna have to be wingwomans for him, cause lord help him he is clueless. They'll constantly try to give him advice and tell him what to do, and then facepalm when je fails again. The girls will always have to think of a new strategy to help the guy.
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Lycaon is the type to where unless you're really looking close you wouldn't be able to tell he's fallen for someone. It's very subtle differences in how he looks at you and acts around you compared to others.
One example is how he treats you ever so slightly more sweetly than others, though it's not as much because he is very professional and would refuse to let his feelings get in the way of professionalism.
But everytime you two cross paths there's always this look in his eyes, it's a small glint that similar to a puppy seeing their loved one.
Honestly he tries his hardest to keep his tail from wagging a lot, it's a natural instinct. A great way to indicate he's doing so is seeing his tail be frozen. But in more private areas he doesn't keep it in check that much, though he refuses to acknowledge its movement.
He's just very sweet and he'll definitely have a plan to confess to you soon, since if he doesn't he may go crazy just by your scent.
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haileyywrites · 2 years
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-> The boy and the familiar walk hand in hand through the many trials of life. While the boy falters the familiar is there to steady and pick him up should he stumble. Even as he joins those who would use him and loses himself to his anger. Even when he almost becomes a false god...
-> No pronouns or gender mentioned for reader! Kunikuzushi & Scaramouche! Can be read as platonic or romantic! Reader is a kitsune familiar! Likely not cannon lore for kitsune, I'm just writing stuff for fun with little to no research lol Scara sleeps in this - I don't think he canonically needs sleep!
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Kitsune are regarded highly in Inazuma, they have are a big part in it's culture and history. Those that have special abilities like shape shifting into humans are seen as protectors and powerful beings worthy of respect. While they are mischievous and sassy beings some mortals throughout history have been fortunate enough to have one become their familiar - their eternal protector. Most known familiar would be Lady Yae Miko as the Raiden Shogun's familiar, it was a role of great importance and honor to them both.
These days kitsune are mostly the same as any other wildlife, though the humans are still very respectful towards them. Due to this respect they have grown used to the humans and live hand in hand with them. You yourself tended to stay away from human kind and live amongst the wilderness with the wild kitsune. Such a life was more fitting to you, as you were one of the last of your kind. Other than servitude you saw no reason to live among the mortals who would barely live a century while you would live countless of them. And you saw no reason to serve a mortal eternally due to this. Why would you waste your protection to someone of no real importance within the grand scheme of things? If you were to serve someone it would have to be someone of importance equal to the Shogun - it was something you believed to never happen, as who could live up to such a standard?
Life always found a way it seemed as whether it was fate, destiny or even karma... A boy made boy the Shogun herself stood right before you with his big round eyes full of tears. How could you not go to his aid and wipe his tears away tenderly when he looked at you like that? You were in no way heartless after all. He was so pure and a product of a real god, so you deemed him to be the one you had sworn to serve - the only one you felt was worthy of your eternal loyalty. There during the night with a full moon and a sky filled with millions of stars, you swore to always be by his side as his loyal protector bound to him spiritually. With your vision you could create shields strong enough to withstand just about anything. Perhaps not the mighty Musou no Hitotachi, but that's what your body was there for should he ever be threatened by it.
He never treated you like he was your master though. Perhaps it was because he didn't know how to, but he tended to treat you more like a friend than a protector... You didn't mind this, but it was strange to be treated like an actual person when all your life you had been prepared to be treated like shield or an extension of another. Much like he was design to be, he was conflicted on whether he wanted to live as a normal human or if he wanted to chase his destiny as holder of a Gnosis. You would following him down any path he took with loyalty, but you would never neglect to tell him your true feelings or opinion on the matter. Especially when he joined the Fatui. You didn't trust them in the slightest, but you followed him without question.
Over the years with the Fatui he grew cold and cruel, though he clearly treated you better than others - he still wasn't the boy you once swore your eternal loyalty to. You were less than pleased to see his change and the direction he was going in, the relationship you had grown over centuries was slowly straining. He would barely acknowledge your presence or even talk to you anymore, likely due to any conversation leading to a fight no matter what. He would never hurt you no matter how heated the fights became, he would simply storm out or shut down. The Fatui knew his past and were clearly using his anger to add fuel to fire while you were trying to keep it contained, he just couldn't see that or though he was smarter than all of them.
“Haah... You used to be so cute a some centuries ago. Holding my onto me every step we took and while you slept you would cuddle my fluffy tail while I sang you to sleep. Now you're so serious and boring.” You sighed loudly as your tail swayed side to side lazily.
“Boring? I'm boring?! I'm trying to aquire a Gnosis that belongs to me so I can become a god and you call me boring!” He turned to face you as you stared at him boredly on top of his unused bed.
“Childish is more like what you're sounding like now. When is this going to end?” You chuckled dryly.
“You! You know what? Leave! I don't want to see you anymore.” He shouted while almost shaking from anger.
“If you wish so, but I'm bound to you eternally so I won't be far. I'll come running should you call for me.” Your smile did not falter as you rolled off of the bed, even after you heard him scoff.
Fighting or trying to reason with him never worked and you were honestly tired of it by now, but you wouldn't let him forget how you dissaproved. You gave up and made sure to pick up his white Harbinger coat - that he neglected to use, from the backrest of his chair before venturing out to the cold hallways of the Zapolyarny Palace. Scaramouche took notice of this and his eyes softened the tiniest amount before he burried his face back into the piled of papers littering his desk. It was clear he wasn't truly concentrating on them, he was just trying his best to ignore your presence. You glanced at him one last time before closing the heavy door to his chambers behind you.
You wrapped the coat tightly around your shoulders as you reached the coldness of the outside, though you had long since grown accustomed to the harsh weather in Snezhnaya - staying warm was always ideal to you. The air felt very crispy and fresh, but every deep breath burned your lungs. Still, you couldn't help shivering every once in a while, but it felt good to do something other than sleep all day or watch Scaramouche work endlessly. It didn't take long before a snake came slithering from the snow...
“What is it?” You didn't even glance in his general direction as you let out a loud sigh. The utter distaste was quite evident in your voice.
“How very nice to see you as well, always so radiant.” He chuckled as a smirk grew on his lips.
“I thought you weren't one for pleasantries, Doctor. Spit it out or leave me be.” You finally faced him with a harsh glare. Your ears stiffened along with your tail.
“I was hoping you would hear my request again after our last conversation ended sourly. I would like to once again ask you to visit my laboratory, should you find time. I have far better uses for you than he.” His disgusting smirk only grew making his sharp teeth visible.
“Ha! I'm afraid I'm not so easily persuaded and frankly I'm quite insulted by your incessant suggestions. You could never understand the bond he and I share.” You scoffed.
He said nothing more. His smirk never quite left his face, but it had clearly shrunk after your speech. It wasn't like you to get this emotional, but his mere presence made you irritated beyond measure! His voice made your ears ring and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Assuming you would abandon your eternally sworn duty and loyalty to Kunikuzushi - for him was beyond insulting. Yet no matter how many times you rejected him he would always just offer it again and again... He was clearly doing it to try to get a rise out of you and it was working without fail.
You sighed heavily before turning to trace your snowy steps back to the palace - you just made sure the Doctor was not going the same way and thankfully he seemed to be going in the opposite direction. You've had enough of him and the outside for today, or forever... You couldn't wait till Scaramouche decided it was time to leave this hell hole. You didn't bother knocking before entering your shared room, inside you looked around the quiet and dull space before you spotted him laying on his desk deep asleep. You sighed before taking off the coat you borrowed and layed it on his sleeping figure. Staring at him peacefully asleep you couldn't resist pushing aside some of his stray indigo stands from his forehead.
“Sometimes I worry the boy I swore my loyalty to long ago is truly gone and I'm just holding onto an empty promise. But then I look at you during times like these and there he is....” You quietly muttered to yourself.
“If only you could see yourself the way I see you. Perhaps then you would understand that you are so much more than a vessel to another's power... That is what you once taught me.” He taught you to be human, treated you like one instead of the shield and willing sacrifice you promised to be.
You would never break your oath to him. Even if your physical body were to perish, you would still protect him from the beyond. That is how strong the oath of a familiar is. If he were to die? You would not choose another even if you were able to. Your destiny was to serve someone powerful and important, you had once deemed him to be the one. Your opinion has not changed, Kunikuzushi deserves your protection more than any other being could and you would continue to protect him until neither of you no longer existed within this realm of life. You would follow him to the ends of the earth, back and beyond - but you would not do so without complaint.
You could only hope that your words reached him somehow and that he would actually listen to them. But with the Gnosis he had so long sought out for in his grasp he only spiralled down further.... The betrayal of the Fatui was inevitable and to be expected, you couldn't be happier to be rid of them. Your only concern was why they chose not to stop him before he managed to run off with it or had yet to come after him. Not that you would have let them lay a finger on him, but it was still suspicious. It did not help that the Doctor was so willingly helping him ascend to the god he seeked to become. Again, Scaramouche believed himself to be smarter than the Doctor and the he was the one using him.
Lesser Lord Kusanali was young and weak, with only a few believers. But she was still a real god. A god her people locked away and hoped to forget, they couldn't see her potential and thus gripped onto the first sign of creating their own god - despite how blasphemous it was. She would invade your dreams to observe and talk to you at times, probably because you stood out amongst the crazed sages and the to be god. You did not require sleep it was something to pass the time with, it was almost as if you wished for her to greet you once you closed your eyes.
She never questioned your loyalty to Kunikuzushi, only your inaction even when you were hurt by him and his change. She was subtly trying to make you question him more than you already did. You could see through her intentions, yet they didn't seem or feel malicious. More like she was genuinely curious or maybe even cared... She could read you like an open book while in your conscience and could easily highlight all your worries and doubts, but she also saw the love you held for him despite all that had happened to you both. Somehow she seemed to trust you enough to tell you about the traveler and their plans of rescuing her by stopping the Balladeer.
“I will never do anything against him, nor will I allow for him to be harmed... But I will not stop you or the traveler from ending this madness. So I beg you, save him.” You begged with tears burning in your eyes.
The small Archon walked before you and motioned for you to kneel down to her level, had the situation been different you would have scoffed at her or perhaps felt offended. But not now, as you simoly followed her request and fell onto your knees. Her small hands cupped your cheeks tenderly as her thumbs wiped away the tears you shed. Her bright and green eyes were full of empathy for you, her smile never wavered as she allowed you to cry your fill. The Academia was full of complete fools to not respect and worship their true deity - who despite being locked away for hundreds of years was still so bright and kind to those who did not deserve a drop of it... They did not deserve her in the slightest, but they needed her more than anything.
“You have waited a long time to let these tears fall, haven't you?” It wasn't a question as much as it was a statement, one which she knew the answer to.
She would keep her promise when she was set free and so did you. You did not interfere in the battle as Scaramouche had told you not to. He was now a god and thus did not need anyone's protection, including yours. His god form was well enough made to sustain the heavy blows dealt by the traveler, it was the only thing you could actually praise the Doctor and the Sage's for. Not that you would ever say it out loud, of course! As such he was physically completely unharmed by the tedious battle, but when the Dendro Archon reached out for the source of his power - the Gnosis of his creator, you could do nothing but watch as he desperately reached out for it... After it rested on the Archon's hand the cords connecting him to his robotic form snapped and he fell down.
He did not move an inch to stop or soften his fall and nor did the traveler or the Archon, not that you could blame either of them. In an instant you teleported under him and you caught him safely in your protective arms before he could touch the ground. His eyes were lifeless and distant, as if he wasn't present in that moment. His body laid limp and pliant in your arms as you cradled him on your lap. Your fingers began treading through his silky locks out of instinct with your tail covering his form - much like you had done countless times in the past to soothe him. You could almost forget everything that had happened recently as you held him...
"It's okay, I've got you. Just close your eyes..." He did as you asked.
You began to humm a song you knew by heart while still brushing his hair with your fingers, it something that always comforted you and him during difficult times. You would sign to him during your travels long ago, usually when he had to sleep. It had been a long time since either of you last sang it, especially to him... It didn't take him long to seemingly fall asleep in your comforting embrace with your soothing voice echoing around the large room. You looked up to see the traveler and Nahida watching you from a distance, their eyes held pity in them.
"I've got him... Thank you." You looked at the Archon with sincere gaze.
She knew he would be safe with you and thus turned back to the Gnosis she was holding. You paid no mind to what they were doing, as your only focus was holding him in your arms. It had been so long since he'd allowed you to do so... You could only hope the Archon would show some kindness or even pity when punishing him for his actions, even though he did not deserve it. Like you had told her before, you wouldn't allow for him to be hurt, but he did deserve the consequences of his actions. But you would be there by his side during that too. Perhaps this defeat would finally help him move on from his obsession, maybe you could set out to travel again one day...
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A/N: This story is kind of all over the place, I'm sorry :( I want to keep my posting consistently so I'm just throwing this out now. I have so many unfinished fics and haven't had time to write lately - I apologetice <3
Feel free to point out errors and like or reblog!
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marunalu · 11 months
Isn't all of the rabid BKDK shippers similar to that one pairing in Bleach where the loud shippers want one pairing and the Editors suggest that the Bleach's author should do it, but he explicitly stated that he wanted this pairing instead because its his story? At best, the official canon ship for Izuku would be Izuchaco or implied of it or no ships at all.
At least Hori agrees with us that the BKDK relationship is abusive and that the two would be treating each other as acquaintances who just happen to grow up together. And the thing is for that BKDK contest, he acknowledges the skills of the artists but the relationship is not romantic at all. So it's really just people being extremely obsessed with the idea that any and all relationships should be romantic instead of platonic. I wonder if he was expecting a badass action scenes between the two working together instead of causal romantic times?
Do you happen to have a citation for the contest so that we can point towards the fact that BKDK is just for fun, not canon?
I remember I saw horis reply somewhere on twitter between 2 or 3 years ago. But I dont have twitter, well X know, anymore. Honestly, I dont quite remember if it was a bkdk fanart contest or just an exhibition. And I think it was only japanese artists. But basically, while he praised all the fanarts and the talents of the artists, he made clear that the way bakugous and izukus relationship is portaied as in these fanworks is not what their relationship is really or ever was like. There were tons of romantic bkdk and fanart of them as children playing happily with each other. He basically confirmed as unbiased as possible that this kind of interpretation of their relationship is completly fanon. Maybe someone who reads this can give us a link though, I tried to find it with google, but google only showed me reddit and quora posts about "why bkdk is canon" and such stupid stuff. 🙄
And yes you are right, the bkdk shippers are VERY similar to the rapid ichiruki shippers back then. Mind you I WAS THERE when the shipping war between ichirukis and ichihimes was at its highest and believe me it was UGLY and for me who never shipped ichigo with either rukia or orihime it kinda destroyed the manga/anime for me back then and its one of the main reasons why I dont like shipping in generell anymore. But despite never shipping it myself I KNEW ichigo would end up with orihime, because kubo made it obvious. The anime cut a lot of canon ichihime moments and included tons of filler ichiruki moments, so its no wonder why so many people believed at first ichiruki was a thing. And to be fair to kubo, he made clear statements back then about ichigos and rukias relationship being pure platonic YEARS BEFORE the manga ended, but the shippers ignored that and played victim afterwards. Hori on the other hand would never make this kind of bold statement, because he is aware of the backlash that would happen. I like hori and I can understand why he wouldnt want to upset people because he was attacked and got death threads in the past already from stupid shippers, but I have to say tite kubo is clearly the braver one of these two. He simply gives a fuck what people think and just does his thing no matter if people like it or not.
The best part was how not that long ago he completly destroyed an hardcore ichiruki shipper on social media who attacked him and insultet ichihime and kubo was just like: "you know what? FUCK YOU! From now on I will make even more ichihime content just to piss you off even more asshole!" Kubo is amazing and a legend!
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kitkatt0430 · 1 month
hello :)) for the fandom ask game, 2, 4, 23 and 24 for Cisco please
2.) OT3?
Hmmm, for Cisco I've probably got a few OT3s.
There's Hartley/Cisco ~ Lisa and Kamilla/Cisco ~ Lisa, both of which having Lisa part of the relationship as more of a Queer Platonic Partner to both of them while the Cisco/Hartley or Cisco/Kamilla part of the relationship is intended as a romantic relationship.
Then there's Barriscowest. Truly a classic relationship right there, Cisco and Iris have so many parallels in their respective canon relationships with Barry that honestly it'd be weird if i didn't ship it.
Similar to Cisco/Kamilla ~ Lisa, I also like Cisco/Kamilla ~ Caitlin, though I haven't written this one yet. I just... don't like Cisco/Caitlin as a romantic ship because I love their platonic ship so much but as QPPs? Yes, that's lovely. ^_^ And I just want more reasons for Kamilla and Caitlin to spend time together. Cisco's girlfriend and bestie really should spend more time together...
And Barry/Cisco/Hartley - it's got some fun dynamics in there and I want nice things for all three guys so shipping them together? Makes giving them nice things so much easier.
4.) Is there a popular pairing you don't necessarily dislike but aren't too invested in?
Cisco/Cynthia. I thought they were cute in canon but my issues with her job got in the way of truly embracing the ship. The actors had great chemistry and I loved how adorable they were about each other on screen but... i don't think I've ever actually sought out any fics about this ship. I think if the show had actually acknowledged the ethical nightmare that was her job and had her choosing to leave it behind... I'd have one hundred percent loved the ship moving in that direction. Cisco supporting his girlfriend in recognizing the line of work she's in is actually really, really bad and choosing to do the right thing with regards to it? That would have been such an excellent arc for him and would have been a way better reason for him to be distracted throughout season 4 than... Breacher trying to poach him for a job.
It was just one of those ships were the baggage outweighed the cute and... it missed me entirely as a result.
23.) Has your favourite character/ship changed over time?
Well, Cisco's been my favorite character from day one and he still is now, so that part? Nope.
Ship wise... I think Hartmon is still my favorite because of how complex it can get based off their history and the weird friendship they seemed to have post timeline change in S2 and just how similar they are no matter how much they'd deny it. But I do have a lot of shift in which ships I like secondary to that OTP. Barrisco is pretty commonly up at the top though. I do enjoy Harrisco a lot as well, though that's a ship I can totally understand why some people hate it. (Barrisco though... who could hate Barrisco??? that is weird to me when I stumble across someone who doesn't like that ship...)
24.) What's your favourite thing about [character]?
What initially drew me to Cisco was his nerdy references and t-shirts. This was someone who just got me. Whose fandoms clearly overlapped significantly with mine. This was nerdy representation of people like me in a super hero show. I adored him on sight. And then he's just the kindest, most loyal person on the show. It takes a lot to make him truly angry and even then more often than not what is really making him so angry is feeling so let down by someone he loves.
He prioritizes platonic relationships pretty heavily too - much as I enjoy the Barrisco ship as romantic, being aro I love the ship as read as platonic too. There's so much amatonormativity in tv shows - and CW shows, oh wow CW is so awful about this - so for Cisco to be able to be so willing to tell his best friends how much he loves them is something I crave more of on my favorite shows. He's so confident about it too. They're his friends, of course he loves them and why shouldn't he say it?
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martyrmurdock · 2 years
how they express their affection !
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♡ note: this is basically just some headcanons on how the following characters show that they love and care for you!
♡ featuring: elektra natchios, foggy nelson, frank castle, karen page, and matt murdock (separate)
♡ word count: 1.5k
♡ tags: gender neutral reader, fluff, relationship between character can be read as platonic or romantic, alcohol mention / alcohol intoxication, food mention
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♡ elektra natchios ♡
elektra’s number one way of showing her love is gift giving. one hundred percent. there aren’t many people that elektra loves, almost next to none, so she’s sure to spoil the ones she does, which includes you.
after all, she has an outrageous amount of money. (she’s not trying to brag, it’s simply the truth.) what else would she do with all of that money besides spending it on her loved ones?
elektra likes to lavish you in expensive gifts— precious jewelry, designer clothing, etc. you name it, elektra will buy it for you. she’ll take you out to the finest restaurants and purchase the nicest bottles of alcohol they have for you to share (if you drink alcohol that is). she’ll buy you things related to your hobbies and interests, wanting to show her support for the things that are important to you.
if it gets to be too much for you, you have to sit elektra down and explain to her that while you sincerely appreciate each and every one of the gifts she’s given you, it makes you uncomfortable for her too spend so much money on you.
elektra doesn’t quite understand because she is more than happy to buy you things, but if it makes you uncomfortable, she’ll dial back.
that doesn’t mean she won’t spend money on you whenever she can, she will, but she doesn’t spend nearly as much money as she previously did.
♡ foggy nelson ♡
foggy kills bugs that you’re too afraid to. he might release a startled yelp when he sees the bug scurrying about, but he’s quick to grab something to kill it. he tries to calm you down if you’re freaking out while he swats at the insect.
he tries to make you laugh! foggy’s naturally a pretty goofy guy, and he loves making little quips here and there to see you smile and hear you express your mirth. if you’ve had a day on the rougher end, foggy will try even harder to make you laugh or draw a smile from your face, going so far as to do something mildly embarrassing simply for your amusement.
he is your personal hype man— your number one cheerleader. he celebrates your every accomplishment, no matter how tiny it may be. he doesn’t make a big deal out of it (if it’s a more minor accomplishment), but foggy makes sure to acknowledge the effort you’ve put forth to succeed at what you’ve done.
foggy’s so encouraging and uplifting. if you’re ever feeling down in the dumps or unsure about yourself, foggy will help to ease your negative feelings with his kind and reassuring words. he may not be able to rid you of all your fears or worries, but he tries his best to put some of your negative feelings to rest.
foggy drunkenly serenades you whenever he’s had too much to drink. he’s not much of a singer, even less of one when he’s drunk, but in his inebriated state, he thinks that singing you a song is the best idea ever. he sings loud and off-pitch for all to hear, which is mildly embarrassing for you, but foggy likes to think of himself as endearing like that.
he definitely does your night-time routine for you if you’re too sleepy to or you’re even already asleep. he tries to recall all the products you use and the exact order you use them in as he goes through the steps of your night-time routine. he’s super gentle and quiet, not wanting to accidentally wake you up if you’re asleep while he does this.
♡ frank castle ♡
frank walks on the outer edge of the sidewalk while you walk on the side closer to the buildings. he does it unconsciously, but if you try to be on the side closer to the street, frank will not let that happen. he’ll gently nudge you closer toward the buildings while he takes your previous place.
he’s a protector when it comes to the ones he loves. he’d rather let harm fall onto him than you. he’ll use himself as a human shield to keep you safe or pull you behind him if you find yourselves in a sticky situation. frank doesn’t care if you have an issue with it- tough shit. that’s the way things are. if it means keeping you safe from harm’s way, frank would gladly allow himself to get hurt and take any blows meant for you.
frank gives you book recommendations. he’ll lend you books that he’s read and enjoyed and that he thinks you might like as well. 
he’ll play the guitar for you if you ask. you might have to persuade him a little, but more likely than not, frank will cave in and play you a song. depending on his mood, he might even take a song request from you.
he forces you to take the bed if you crash at his place. you can argue all you want, but frank’s not budging. he’s sleeping on the floor or the couch, and if you want to join him, you’re more than welcome to. he won’t take the bed if you choose not to use it, and when you realize that, you usually end up grumbling in defeat and sleeping on the bed like frank wanted.
frank steals food off of your plate and eats it without asking you for permission, but he’s not a barbarian. it’s only fair of frank to let you swipe food off of his plate in retaliation. he might try and block your attempts, but in the end, he always lets you steal a bite or two of his food.
♡ karen page ♡
karen will randomly drop by your workplace with your favorite beverage or snack. there’s no rhyme or reason to it, but she does happen to swing by your workplace with a treat in hand more frequently when she knows that you’ve been having a hard time.
if you need a ride somewhere, karen’s happy to either drive you there if she happens to be free or let you borrow her car. she doesn’t mind letting you use her car as long as you return back in one piece. if you’re going out somewhere together, karen will pick you up from your place and drive to wherever you’re going.
karen is incredibly loyal and fiercely defensive of you. you’re an important person in her life, and karen will not tolerate someone speaking down on you or bad mouthing you in her presence. she doesn’t care about making a scene, there’s just no way she’s going to let someone shit on you like that without saying something about it.
with karen’s hectic life, it’s very possible for her to accidentally forget an important date (for example, your birthday). it may completely slip her mind until later when she finally has a moment of peace. she feels absolutely terrible when she realizes she’s forgotten that important date, profusely apologizing over and over again to you for forgetting. even if you tell her that you’re not mad at her, that stuff happens sometimes, karen makes sure to make up for her mistake in one way or another.
she teaches how to play pool if you don’t already know how. she’ll probably be surprised that you don’t already know how to play, but she’s a good teacher. she’s hands-on and patient, correcting your movements by guiding your hands with her own. when she thinks you’ve picked up enough of the game, she proudly proclaims that you’re ready to beat some ass (aka foggy and matt’s).
♡ matt murdock ♡
whenever matt notices you’re cold, he’s quick to take off his jacket and carefully drape it over your shoulders. you can protest all you want, but matt won’t allow you to give his jacket back. he can bear the chill that starts to seep through his skin— he’s experienced worse.
if matt picks up that you’re feeling uncomfortable, he will do whatever he can to alleviate the situation. whether that means redirecting attention onto him so it’s off of you or making up an excuse so you both have an opportunity to leave, he is more than willing to do it.
matt’s the perfect person to help you out when you’re feeling overwhelmed by what’s going on around you. he’s had to deal with sensory overload due to his enhanced senses plenty of times in his life, so he knows how you feel. he keeps his voice soft and low and walks you through steps that have helped him in the past.
he playfully flirts with you. matt is, quite possibly, the most charming person you know, and he makes sure to make use of those charms when it comes to you. he likes hearing you laugh after he’s said something or feel the heat rise to your skin if what he’s said flusters you.
he compliments you when he’s noticed that you’ve changed something up, and he basically always notices. if you’re using a new fragrance mist, matt first asks if you’re indeed using a new perfume or cologne to verify his suspicions and then tells you that it smells nice. it’s the same when it comes to clothing you’re wearing, but the compliment will be about the fabric of the material.
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its-all-ineffable · 1 year
Any favorite Sherlock and Molly moments?
Hello hello! SO MANY OMG! I love them so much, they have so many fabulous moments.
I immediately think of their entire stint solving cases together in The Empty Hearse, because they were amazing, but I'll pick out a few specific moments from there.
There's a moment where they're interviewing clients and Molly asks if she should take notes, since John does and Sherlock says "You're not being John, you're being yourself." and she smiles, and it is the most pure thing. Like yes, in a way, Sherlock is trying to replace John with Molly in this moment because with John, he got used to having a partner, a friend, someone with him. But he also acknowledges that Molly is her own person and brings her own skills and abilities to the table, and works differently from John. And that's quite big, since we all know that Sherlock has had to work on learning how to treat/interact with people and that John has helped him do that.
Another moment from the same episode is when they have a little sarcastic exchange when they're with the client who loves trains. I mean, Sherlock's smirk alone...
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And the last one from this particular episode is the scene in the hallway where Sherlock thanks Molly for her help and says the iconic line "Because the one person he thought didn't matter to me at all, was the one person who mattered the most." And when he says that my heart melts, the soft look in his eyes and on his face. And the cheek kiss! Aaaahhhh!!!!! They make me insane.
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Another favourite moment has to be the Christmas scene in A Scandal in Belgravia. Just everything about it - Molly's STUNNING outfit, Sherlock actually apologising when he realises he's a) hurt Molly's feelings and b) made light of her feelings for him which he's played on one too many times, the kiss on the cheek...it's the moment I began to ship them when I first watched the show. It's just an absolutely lovely moment between them, and it also shows how much Sherlock's grown. He apologises unprompted and it's clear it's because he CARES about Molly - he still acts asshole-ish with John's girlfriend, someone he doesn't really know, but is immediately remorseful when he hurts Molly.
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Of course, the ICONIC 'I love you scene' between the two of them in The Final Problem had to be on here too, because I love it - my Sherlolly heart burst when it happened! Like, he says it the first time so that Molly will say it and won't die, but he says it a second time, and his voice that second time...it's real. He says it once, playing along to try and save Molly's life but the second time...oh the second time is a realisation. Sherlock does actually love her. Now of course, you can read that as platonic or romantic (I like both since I ship both Sherlolly and Johnlock), but Sherlock does love her. And that scene was just expertly filmed and scripted. (Also, why wasn't Molly having a good day, what had happened?? Someone give her a hug!!)
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Now for two smaller moments - I adore them when they are at Rosie's christening! The way Molly is clearly comfortable enough around Sherlock to tell him off for using his phone and is stood beside him so confidently, and also she looks stunning!
The second one is in The Reichenbach Fall when Sherlock asks for Molly's help. She asks what he needs and he says "You." I died.
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I could put so many more, but I'll finish with this one - the kiss from The Empty Hearse. Now, I know that it was a scene from one of Anderson's theories, but it's fucking canon in my mind so I don't care! It's very badass and sexy and exactly what my Sherlolly heart wanted and deserved!
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Right, I'll stop now! Do you have any favourites? Let me know!
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reachexceedinggrasp · 3 months
That post about how "Clara and Twelve could kiss and still people will argue that it was platonic", reminded me of a delusional discourse,(which perhaps you too have read)in the DB fandom according to which Bulma and Vegeta "don't really love each other/have children in a platonic way/have a platonico marriage" despise…everything in canon screams that they DO love each other. Seriously, why do you think people are so adamant about creating headcanons/interpretations that go against canon especially when it comes to romantic relationships?
I saw that discourse!! Honestly, it may very well be the absolute hottest take I've ever come across in any fandom. That more than one person would sincerely suggest that it makes sense to suppose they're platonically married and platonically have two children together was just... next level. Dizzying heights. Imagine looking at two of the hottest-blooded, most impetuous characters in pop culture history and being like 'clearly their torrid affair and subsequent violently dramatic devotion to each other is some kind of friendly business arrangement'.
I guess some people are so pathologically unable to acknowledge that canon doesn't back up their esoteric projections onto the characters that they're willing to do these kind of mental gymnastics no matter how ridiculous they sound. Some of it seems to come with over-identifying with one or more characters and/or using a character as some kind of source of validation which requires them and their relationships to fit into a self-shaped box. And there's always the contingent that's desperately afraid of cooties in any form to the point they'll resort to this kind of wilful blindness in order to avoid knowing there's an icky romance in their Pure fighting/sci-fi/whatever show.
Then there's antis. And as silly as antis look trying to dismiss obvious, unambiguously romantic canon pairings with goofy nonsense conspiracy theories, I guess it's less painful for them than just admitting they were wrong or that the canon isn't a 1-to-1 exact perfect representation of whatever moral landscape free of ¬problematic¬ ships they've decided it needs to be in order to be acceptable.
I have canon pairings I've found unconvincing or that I've hated, but I'm not going to pretend they're not textually intended to be romantic or to have romantic tension when that's clearly the case. I'm probably going to ignore them, at worst I'll complain about the writing, I'm not going to try to convince anyone else that a ten second kiss on the mouth is 'sibling-coded' or that platonic buddies have emotional affairs and fraught conversations about bad timing.
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give-soup-please · 2 years
If it’s possible, can you do a drabble of Narrator and Autistic reader? Can be read as platonic or romantic. Reader’s special interest is stars and space, and they ask Narrator if they could look at stars in the game and to come down to stargaze with them. Narrator complies and listens as Reader happily infodumps everything they researched and know about stars and constellations(plus happy stimming).
Narrator and an autistic reader who’s special interest is space (platonic or romantic)
You’re in love with the starry room within the zending. You’ll stay there for as long as the narrator asks, which more or less means you never leave. Your body stims as you recline on the floor and take it all in.
The narrator is content. You’re the first player who really seems to get it. You understand what it’s all about.
You get to gaze up at the night sky, and watch as the lights drift by. It’s almost perfect.
The narrator sighs in contentment. You’ve been here for almost an hour now. Every time the game resets, you always end up back here eventually, and you’ve never taken the staircase. This cannot go unnoticed, even by someone as caught up in the story as he is.
“Reader, your dedication to making me happy- It’s wonderful. Is there anything I can do for you in return?”
You don’t hesitate. “Come look at the stars with me.”
He’s confused. “I… am. That’s what we’re doing right now. I don’t get this wistful and joyous by staring at a blank wall, after all. ”
You shake your head, and reach upwards, as if you can touch him. “No, come down here and be with me. Let’s stargaze together.”
“Oh- I-'' he's grimacing. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I think it would cause a narrative contradiction of some kind.” It’s a weak excuse, he just hopes you fall for it.
You don’t. “Come on, the view is probably better down here anyway. Besides, I know a lot about the subject. Aren’t you at least a little tempted by new knowledge? You could watch the stars, and I can tell you everything there is to know about them.”
It is true that his knowledge of what goes on outside the parable is fairly limited, and he is somewhat curious as to how in depth your information is. “Oh, alright. Just for a few minutes.” He sincerely hopes he doesn’t regret this.
Time passes. You hear footsteps. You glance over at the door you came through. The narrator has taken on human form. You give him a thumbs up. “Looking good!” He clears his throat, but looks smug.
He casually walks up to where you’re lying down, not at all acknowledging that he’s broken several rules by doing this. He cranes his neck up. It’s certainly a newer perspective, and a better one.
You pat the ground next to you, and he suspiciously lies down next to you. His eyes take in all the lights and stars, and he lets out a soft gasp. Everywhere he looks, there’s beauty. What a sight! No wonder you spend so much time in this room. He falls silent, completely entranced. 
You’re overjoyed he’s doing this. You gear yourself up for a ramble, and the narrator makes no move to stop you. 
He’s honestly impressed with your knowledge. Any question he can think to ask, you have a ready answer.
“Reader, I hear some stars in your world are different colors. Why is that?”
“Well, the color varies based on how hot the star is. So red stars are colder than blue ones. This is because different wavelengths are produced when…”
“Why does your moon have different phases?”
“Oh, that’s easy. When the moon orbits the earth, it doesn’t produce its own light. The light we see actually comes from the sun…”
No matter how far he pushes you, your knowledge matches up.
The two of you slowly inch closer to each other, the narrator enchanted by your voice, and you enjoying the ambient company.
You end up snuggled on his chest, both of you watching the night sky.
“Someday,” the narrator says. “I think I’d like to see the real thing. Not this projection.
You hum in agreement, not knowing that he’s being serious. He wants you to show him the things he can’t picture. The constellations, the sunsets, the meteor showers… He vows that one day, he’ll stand under the sky in your world.
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