#no one likes my summer sons posts BUT IT WONT STOP ME FROM MAKING THEM
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summer sons// eddie fulton
every moment of his life that followed would take him further from Eddie.
lord huron - love like ghosts
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2, 5, 11, 15, 16, 18 aaand 31 for the story teller asks.
Gotta stop here before i send all of them xD
Oh man! :D Thank you so much! I'm very excited to answer these! :D 2. Describe your story in three words or less Chaotic.... but loving. Not that the story is written chaotically, cause I don't think it is, but I think from an outsiders perspective, specially considering I sorta started sharing the story publicly almost 300 chapters in, I'm sure it at times can seem rather chaotic? Or maybe I'm the chaotic one? 5. How do you choose your characters’ names? Hm... it's many different ways really. For the most part I recall a name I really like for whatever reason, or see a name somewhere in the passing, like a tv show or an online article? Sometimes I use Google, let's say I want a very "bohemian" type of name... I'd Google that, cause I know shit nothing about that. And for the McKinney's I Google a fair bit. They all have Irish/Scottish names (well 99% of them do) and since I'm not Irish/Scottish, and I don't want everyone to end up with the most mainstream names, well, Google is my friend. Also specifically for the McKinney's, their names are chosen because of their meaning. Raven's birth name is Brandubh, which essentially can be translated to little black raven. Ronan, his brother, means seal, and he is actually a key that can seal the doors of hell. Eonan is knight... he was a knight of hell. Aedan (Andy and Raven's son) is born of fire, Andy has a power to control/create fire, that not many knows about. The McKinney brother's fathers name is Alroy, which means red haired (cause he simply has red hair, *snort*) And I could keep going. But I'm sure I would bore everyone to death. Anyway, point is, all McKinney's have a name that has something to do with either their powers or their appearance. 11. Why have you decided to tell this story? are there any messages or meanings within it? First it never meant to be a story for anyone but myself. It started as an RP. But when the RP ended, I had all these characters with elaborate personalities, living and breathing inside me. It felt empty to just drop them there. So I continued writing the story for myself. It was never meant at first to continue for years, I actually continued with the thought that I'd maybe write 5-10 chapters or so, and simply writing an ending of the story. Yeah, that was at least 275+ chapters ago. The story fast became a way for me to live a life I had to at the same time face I could never live out in real life. So I suppose my decision to keep writing, was a way for me to pull through a lot of things, I'm not sure I otherwise would have been able to pull through. There are a lot of "hidden" messages and meanings in the story, but I wont sit here and spoil them all, it's up to the readers (now that the story is actually being posted... here <- to interpret it for themselves.) However, I'm always up for answering questions about it. What I can give you is the message of loving people for who they are, not what you want them to be. To love yourself, even if you aren't the version of you you wanted to be, you can still be a pretty rad person. A message that we can overcome much more than we believe, as long as we keep fighting. And last but not least, a message of never giving up, and following your dreams. And to never give up on love. But above all, the message is simply love. I chose to write a story that heavily weighs on love, simply for the fact that I more than ever, believe what we need most on this planet, is love. And lots more of it. A lot of our issues could be solved by simply loving each other more, and loving the planet we live on, before there's nothing left to love. It sounds cliche maybe, but it's my opinion, and you don't have to agree. 15. What have been the highlights of creating your story? Definitely getting to know everyone, watching their characters unfold and grow. It has kept me to my writing. Back in school, my Danish teacher told me to never give up on writing, cause in her words, I'm good at it. She told me to 'always write, whether I would be bubbly happy or breakingly sad, write
write write'. For many years after I finished school, I barely wrote at all, so I was insanely rusty when I picked writing back up. My story helped me with that, and I found my way back to writing. Another highlight is definitely all the hard times my story has gotten me through. Doesn't mean I am smooth sailing my way through life, but it keeps me from drowning completely, and that's something. I still need to make some major life changes, but till that's possible, I'm holding onto my story, and it keeps me above water. 16. What about the process do you enjoy? *Snort* I think if people has followed this blog more than a month, it's already clear I enjoy creating characters, and as a result post some of the most lengthy bio's on Tumblr. But I enjoy just as much to see the scenes unfold in front of me as I write, feeling the emotions of the characters, often so intensely that it affects my own mood. There's just something in it, that makes me feel like I'm a part of the story, like I'm literally in there. And that's enjoyable to escape into for a time. 18. Choose a song that reminds you of your story A? A song? Like in one? ONE song for a circa 300 chapters story??? How??? How do I cram such an elaborate and still growing story into ONE song??????? Ghost-boi.... pls.... I'll have to get back to you on that *goes into full on panic mode searching through albums in my head* 31. Drop some random trivia about your story Pffft.... First chapter that actually made it into the story (cause there were a couple loose ones before that, that never made it) was actually written under different names, as I was considering sharing it online, but didn't want to annoy my previous RP partner, so I changed everyone's names. Andy was Alexander. Congo was Connor. Evan was Ethan. And there you also have the original poly relationship, that ended up in so much more. Well.... at the very beginning of the story, Evan and Congo still wasn't dating, but it didn't take many chapters. Adrian was originally made as an attempt to create something different, look-wise. To get out of my comfort zone and play with new features. While making him, I sat there looking at his face thinking 'this is me'. I simply connected not only with his looks, but also the character I started seeing growing in front of me, so writing his bio was probably one of the easiest ever to write, and he was very easy to adapt as a main character in my story. He just swept his way in there like a cool breeze on a way too hot summers day and the main cast was like... keh... cool... So he actually sorta became the main focal point of the part of my story I am sharing on my story blog, where Andy is the main focal point of the main story. Akin, the Alpha wolf, was originally supposed to never be a fully developed character. He was "just" a doctor that popped by here and there, but the two readers of my story back then, liked him a lot, and started expressing seeing potential in him. So I started developing him. As I expressed how he looked (he was originally extremely tall and a bit like a rugby player) they strongly disagreed and told me he was definitely slender and with semi-long dreads XD And that made Akin look more or less like he does today <- About that song though... if I have to choose just one song for such a BIG story, I'd have to simply choose a love song. But not a sugary sweet one. A haunting, emotional, longing, breathtaking, yet deep, passionate and warm song. I'd go with <- Witch is also a song from the movie Romeo + Juliet, by amazing Baz Luhrman. So basically a story about teenage suicide. In that aspect it doesn't fit at all. But it was the first song that came to my mind.... Sooooo.... I'll quietly leave this as well, on the way out <- (which is probably a much better fit anyway, both regarding lyrics and music video) 
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asterekmess · 4 years
Scott McCall is the poster boy for entitlement, misogyny and toxic masculinity. Remember when he demanded that Allison goes out with her stalker (Matt) and then yelled at her in the middle of a crowded club because she had the audacity to trust her own father to save Jackson instead of obeying him? Or when Scott pinned Allison against her bedroom’s door and humiliated her just to prove how ‘weak’ and ‘fragile’ she was and because “If I’m scared shitless, then you should be scared shitless too”?
I told my friend Mads a long time ago that with every new fic I put out, my urge to become, if not popular, then just understood as an anti-scott blog got stronger. I mean, it’s not like I want my blog to just be about hating Scoot, but I didn’t really want people to come in and follow me thinking I was a Scott fan, because it would be disingenuous.
I think I got my wish? Either one person has a lot of feelings (which I’m all for) or a bunch of v angry anti-scott people have swarmed over me like hummingbirds on sugar water. It’s a really interesting experience!
Anyway, back to your ask. So, I don’t like Scott, and admittedly sometimes I’m a little extra bitter/hateful than others, but I do try to be accurate in my dislikes of him (usually), so I’ll go through what you said one at a time and try to decipher (from my v faulty memory, so apologies if there are mistakes) if I agree with each statement.
Since some people have requested the Read More thing so they can scroll easier.
Scott is: Entitled. Off the cuff, I would agree. I’ve mentioned before how frustrating it was to see the show attempt to portray him as a poor kid, when he’s nowhere near that. I’ve also seen posts before that explore how Scott doesn’t carry a ‘poor kid’ mentality at all (they probably did it better than me, and it was probably Athenadark who did the analyzing). Growing up, I didn’t consciously know I was poor. Not as in ‘i had everything I needed’ but as in “i assumed all kids grew up occasionally eating a single can of pears for dinner or had to return groceries from the car because their parent’s card was declined and they were out of food stamps or wore a pair of tennis shoes until they were literally taped together with packing tape because we couldn’t afford new ones.” I grew up in a poor town, on the poor side of that town, so there wasn’t a lot that showed me it was possible to live differently. Being poor gives you a specific mentality, and when I finally met kids who were ‘middle class’ I was blown away by the differences. I say all this because Scott is very clearly a middle class kid.
Yes, he has an after school job. Who tf didn’t? That doesn’t automatically make you poor? Even my rich friend got a summer job because she wanted to buy band merch and her parents wouldn’t let her. But have you seen his room? It’s a wreck. We get the scene of him digging under his bed trying to find his phone, and I honestly was kinda disgusted. (I also grew up in a hellhole hoarder house, so clutter fucks me up) It’s not just the messiness though. It’s finding out that his mom is the one doing the laundry. Melissa “One shift won’t break us completely” McCall still cleans her son’s room and does his laundry and sews his clothes even though she’s supposed to be working herself to death at the hospital. Oh, and he’s sixteen years old, so he should be able to do his own fucking laundry? it’s one thing if his stuff ends up there while she’s doing laundry, but apparently she goes out of her way to do his clothes regularly enough that she has no qualms about going in his room to clean? Scott works at a VET’s office and has for long enough that he can put a cast on a dog and feels confident giving it painkillers in the right dosage. And he can’t sew a line of stitches in his clothes? He’s got an ensuite bathroom. His room is clearly the master bedroom. He doesn’t make his mom dinner to bring her, he picks up chinese. And there’s the house itself and its size, etc. Of the two of them, i would’ve expected Stiles to have the messy room. He’s adhd, I know how hard it is to keep a room clean with that kind of headspace. But no, his is really clean most of the time, even his desk, unless he’s researching something specific. I mention Stiles because it’s the comparison of the two that makes Scott’s own messiness stand out. Hell, literally no other bedroom we’re shown is messy in the slightest. Allison’s, Lydia’s, Jackson’s, none of them. (I don’t remember Liam’s room, if we saw it) He feels entitled enough to take up extra space and add extra work to his mother’s stress level (which, listen, I’m not saying being not-poor makes you entitled. I’m saying that the show makes the claim Scott IS poor and he Still does these things. THAT is the entitled part.)
Then there’s his relationship with Stiles. “Yeah, but I had you before.” When talking about the good and bad things in his life, he doesn’t even think to mention Stiles as one of the good things. He says he has nothing, just like before. Stiles isn’t even on his radar, even though they’re looking right at each other. Yet we know that Stiles is basically Scott’s only friend. As someone else with very few friends, I can’t imagine saying to my best friend’s face that I have nothing and no one. Let alone if that friend had been keeping me from dying and teaching me how to be a fucking werewolf for months on end. When do we see him worry about Stiles being human and stuck in the middle of all this? Especially in earlier seasons, we never see him say anything like “maybe you should hang back cus’ you’ll get hurt.” Like, we know that Stiles would do it anyway. And we’d get pissed if Scott told Stiles he wasn’t allowed to help because he was human, but that’s because Scott doesn’t get to tell Stiles what to do. We know Stiles finds ways to protect himself when he has to, but Scott never even asks. He never hints at “I’m worried about you and please know I wont’ be mad if you stay away from the fight.” Even Derek shoves Stiles behind him when the kanima shows up. There’s the thing where he warns them ‘if something goes wrong call for me.” But he explicity says that worry is for Allison, even though she has some method of self-defense. Stiles has nothing. Scott never cares enough to think “Maybe we shouldn’t bring him to the rave where there’s gonna be a vicious killing machine that has already tried to attack him once.” One word from Peter “vulnerable” and Scott stalks Allison (and forces Stiles to help him) for a week. But Stiles gets trapped in a pool for hours, scared out of his mind, and Scott never so much as seems to get clingy? He just assumes Stiles will be fine. He feels entitled to Stiles’ help and assistance, without putting any thought into Stiles’ safety. He asks “is it illegal?” not “Will you get in trouble?” He looks at Stiles when he says “I can’t protect anyone” But when was he trying to protect STILES?  Then there’s the part where while he’s ‘under the influence of the wolfsbane whistle’ (A plot point I fucking hate) he drags Stiles down with him and includes him in being nothing. Being no one. He assumes that if he was nothing before the bite, then Stiles must’ve been nothing also. And since Stiles didn’t get bitten, it also implies that Stiles is still nothing. He’s just hanging on Scott’s wolfy coattails. That’s an incredibly entitled viewpoint to have.
Admittedly, we do see some more humble moments with Allison, especially at the beginning of their relationship, where he says “I just wanna make sure I get my second chance” he’s not assuming he’ll get it. Go scott! (I’m not the hugest fan of him asking her out after he’s clearly just done her a massive favor and is keeping her from getting in trouble for hitting a dog, and she’s wearing his SHIRT and she can’t really say no without looking absolutely horrible, but she seemed pretty into him, so I’ll let it go) But once they’re together? I know that most best friends share secrets and private stuff with each other...but Scott tells Stiles so much about his sex life with Allison that Stiles is actually pissed off and kind of disgusted by it. Stiles. Who is supposed to be sex obsessed. Even he thinks that it’s just way too much information. I can’t imagine Allison would be comfortable with Stiles knowing that much about her in bed. (But at the same time, we see Scott tell Stiles that he never wants any more info on Stiles in bed than Stiles’ vague innuendo abt wet dreams, and then he still feels entitled to tell Stiles whatever he wants about him and Allison and won’t listen when Stiles asks him to stop.) When he asks Allison to go out with someone else, there’s so much that makes me both sad and angry. She is confused and scared, and has clearly committed really hard to Scott (enough to go against everything her family wants) and he tells her to go on a date with someone else. Not just that, but to kiss someone else. To kiss Matt, specifically, whom he knows Stiles thinks is really fucking creepy (though, we need to acknowledge that no one knew Matt was stalking Allison.) And she tries to show him that he’s asking for something really fucking weird and uncomfortable. “Kiss him? You mean, like really kiss him?” And even then, he doesn’t think anything is weird about telling his girlfriend (and they are clearly v monogamous. We see how insanely possessive he is of her, losing his shit when she’s just introduced to other guys Lydia knows, after only one date that he bailed from) to kiss someone else, but not kiss them the way she kisses him. He doesn’t ask for any info about the date, doesn’t ask if Allison’s uncomfortable. He just says “Do it.” and expects her to obey. He feel entitled to controlling who she’s with and what she does, without asking her if she’s okay with it. Because I haven’t seen later seasons in a long time, I usually try to stick to the earlier stuff so I’m less likely to say something stupid, but I do remember him scaring her in her bedroom. There’s a lot about that scene to unpack, but in the case of Allison specifically, we see that he still feels entitled to touch her. They are not friends right now. She has not given any hint that she wants to get back together (except asking to talk to him in ep.1). He should not feel like it is in any way okay to touch her at all, let alone hold her still with super strength. But he does. In his mind. She’s Allison, so why wouldn’t he able to touch her?
He also feels entitled to his leadership. We need to make clear that Scott doesn’t do the leadership stuff. He just happens to be the person in the friend group who’s a werewolf. Stiles and Jackson are the ones who go and set Peter on fire after they can’t get ahold of Scott (WHO IS NOW WITH DEREK, and THEREFORE HAS HIS PHONE). (You’re telling me Scott could’ve done the howl thing at any time to find Derek, and he just left him there for a week?) (Also, yes, I know Stiles was also not involved in helping find Derek until Peter made him. I’m annoyed at him too.) What is leadership-worthy about leaving a tortured man on a grate with electric wires plugged into his side and shackles on his wrists until he agrees to help you kill his own uncle (Oh, also, I have Peter feelings and have salty thoughts about the plot of s1, if anyone’s interested)? But let’s say Scott’s leadership comes in Season 2, not at the end of S1. But when exactly does he earn it? When he tells a teenage girl he doesn’t care about the humiliation and pain that led her to taking a bite that would cure her lifelong illness and give her a friend group that she didn’t have to be afraid of or bullied by? When he called a boy who looked him in the eyes and begged for him to keep his wolf secret “Bloodthirsty”? When he dismissed Boyd’s want for the bite, which was a way for him to make friends and feel like he belonged somewhere, as ridiculous? When he damaged Boyd’s workplace in a way that would almost certainly get Boyd in trouble? (You think smashing a massive crater into the middle of the ice rink with his fist didn’t get Boyd yelled at or maybe even fired?) When Boyd asked to talk to him on the field, and Scott attacked without rhyme or reason? When he let Erica sit and seize while he fussed over Allison? “This doesn’t Feel right” really Scott? You know, I think Erica, who’s having a fucking seizure in the next aisle, would agree! Hurry the fuck up! Oh my god, I went so off track. I have more thoughts on all that though, if anyone’s curious. Anyway. Scott doesn’t do anything that actually entails being a leader. His one job in the rave, he passes off to Isaac so that he can go call Gerard, because he’s currently working with the villain behind everyone’s back. The whole thing with Allison telling her parents and the plan with Derek getting messed up? Yeah, that was Scott’s fault for not telling her. Hell, for not telling GERARD. He, what he expected her to read his mind? Scott knew Allison was telling her parents about Jackson! She said she would tell them after he broke out of the van! The entire fuckup is his fault. But he still shouts at her and blames her and says she should’ve ‘trusted’ him. He passes all the guilt onto her and leaves her there on the verge of tears. He’s entitled to her obedience and he’s entitled to shaming her and scolding her like a child when she doesn’t do what he wants.
So, yeah, I think Scott’s entitled.
Scott is: Misogynistic. This one...I’m not so sure? Scott has a lot of bad qualities, a lot of behavior that’s incredibly toxic and manipulative, but I can honestly say that I can’t think of a single time when his reasoning for not letting/not thinking someone is capable of doing something is because they’re female?
There’s a lot to be said about the manipulative way that he speaks to and interacts with his girlfriends, but that doesn’t stem from misogyny, from what I can see. It stems from everything else. From his self-obsession, from his moral code, from his honest belief that he deserves obedience and complete candor from those closest to him. He does this to everyone, not just the women. It’s just easier to see it with the women because we’re primed to look for it. (I’m making the assumption here that you are female/feminine presenting, anon, since I know that the vast majority of the fandom is, but if I’m wrong, my apologies) Wow, though I’d have more to say on this bit, but I don’t.
Scott is: Toxicly Masculine. I’m not sure where I lay on this idea. Teen Wolf does have a lot of general instances of toxic masculinity, and Scott does exhibit some of them, but again, part of those behaviors can be found in women as well.
I know that it regularly pissed me off how often they reduced men to sex machines. *Scott and Allison are making out on Allison’s bed* Scott: “I don’t wanna make you do anything you don’t wanna do.” Allison: “I’m not doing anything I don’t wanna do. Are you?” Scott (incredulous): “Are you seriously asking me that question?”
*Stiles and Heather are talking about having sex at the party* Heather: “I mean, would you be okay with that?” Stiles (gently mocking): “Would I be okay with that? Yes, yes, I believe so.” They go out of their way to completely negate the possibility that a guy wouldn’t be into sex, even making the concept of asking for a man’s consent sound silly. This becomes even more toxic when Stiles complains about Malia leaving marks on him, hurting him during sex, and he gets teased for it. No one considers it a problem that Malia is scratching him. He’s expected to be appreciative of it/like it.
There’s the possessiveness, yes. Scott does some really fucked up, possessive things. Like freaking on Allison when Lydia introduces her to other guys, or getting angry from the sidelines just because Jackson is talking to Allison, not even flirting with her. Or running off to attack Jackson AND Allison (because there’s no proof he was only going after Jackson, and he’s only ever been able to follow allison’s scent across town, so he couldn’t have specifically been looking for Jackson) after she broke up with him. Throwing Isaac into a wall for liking Allison, even though they’ve been broken up for FOUR MONTHS. I can’t think of any more at the moment. But it’s a lot. BUT. We also see possessive behavior from Malia (yeah, she was an actual coyote for years, but she’s still a woman.) and similar amounts of aggression throughout the seasons from most of the shifters, implying that the habit is born from the werewolf/shifter thing, and not specifically Scott being toxicly masculine. (It’s still not good, but it’s not technically toxic masculinity.)
Aggression I think we can all agree is a shifter-wide phenomenon.
So, yeah, there’s instances that come across this way, and there’s also evidence that some of it is werewolf related, not scott related. I’m torn.
Anyway, again, I’ve talked way too much. If there are moments from later in the show that I’m missing that specifically prove/disprove these points, I’d love to know about it and check it out! I feel you Anon, Scott is infuriating and you’re in good company. <3
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elijahfitz · 5 years
and introduction.
meet elijah.
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hey guys! im lina! im 18 and im in the cst timezone. im currently a freshman in college and ive also been rping for like 6 years now ( i started on the neopets chat boards. if thats not an embarrassing fun fact idk what is ) but i havent rped since this summer since school was and still is kicking my ass. im really into musical theater, marvel & dc, and disney! i also used to be a lifeguard at a great wolf lodge for 2 years so if u want any funny stories about stupid children, or even just wanna be friends, lmk! im also SUPER sorry this intro is so late. i was gonna do it yesterday but then my friends wanted to hang and it kinda went downhill from there. im actually posting this like 20 min before i have a lab practical so i wont be able to reply until late tonight, but like this post to plot or anything!
some fun facts abt elijah:
he was adopted when he was around 3-4? he was abandoned and left on the back of a merchant cart headed to corona, where he was then discovered and then put into the local orphanage since no one was sure where he came from or who left him. all he had was a stuffed bear (named wooly), a basket of water and fruits to eat, and a letter that explained that:
his name was elijah
he was 2 (born on february 28th)
his parents couldnt care for him, so they hoped he would be found by a kind soul who could either take care of and love him, or else get him to someone who could
they loved him and only left him in the hopes that he would have a better life
he lived in the orphanage for almost 2 years and the few months before the 2nd anniversary of his arrival, rapunzel & eugene visited the orphanage that eugene grew up in and fell in love w/ eli, promptly adopting him soon after. he barely remembers anything about his abandonment and time in the orphanage, but always wanted to find his birth parents and let them know how he turned out. he kept the bear and basket in his room but carries the letter around with him in his wallet wherever he goes.
his full name is elijah frederic fitzherbert. he was given the middle name frederic in honor of his grandfather.
but, he much rather prefers eli. doesnt mind formalities but insists on people who know him to call him by his nickname. except he HATES being called “highness” bc he thinks it sounds stupid. he wont get upset per se if u keep referring to him as “your highness” but he will get annoyed
he very much wants to fulfill his role as “corona’s golden boy” by contributing back to his people. he worries for the kingdom more than he worries for himself and is always trying to prove that he is worthy of being a prince rather than just some random kid who got lucky enough to get adopted. most of his days are spent doing modest favors and helping out the townspeople or visiting the villages surrounding the kingdom.
when he’s in the castle you can almost always find him in the kitchen! boi loves to bake and cook. he loves the way food can bring joy to everyone. he often makes goods to give to the townspeople or the kids at the orphanage, where he volunteers at least every 2 weeks when hes not busy w prince stuff.
has an acute fear of disappointment. he feels so much pressure to prove his worth that came from growing up thinking if he did anything wrong he’d be sent back to orphanage, esp since his parents had another child. they wouldn’t want or need him anymore. he mostly got over this when he broke a vase when he was 12 and tried to run away from home, except he fell out the tree that he used to climb out his window and broke his leg lmao. his parents assured him that no matter what he did they would still love him and never abandon him, and his dad also taught him how to climb trees and roofs without dying (much to his mom’s chagrin). even tho hes pretty much over it, it kinda lingers subconsciously. thus, he overcompensates in everything he does and gets overly anxious about small problems
growing up he thought the stories that his dad told him about his past were so cool, despite the fact that he would almost always only hear those stories when he was being taught lessons of what he shouldnt do. he used to run around pretending to be flynn rider and his dad played along, planning play heists for them to do together (think scott & cassie in that one scene from ant man and the wasp) but they stopped when eli hit that age where he thought it was embarrassing to play w his dad. but, it really helped him bond w eugene and help him work on his coordination bc eli is CLUMSY AF
eli legit trips over nothing at least twice a day.
he bonded w his mom through art tho, which eventually turned into aesthetic desserts and meals! thats another reason why he loves baking and cooking so much.
when his 1st sibling was born when he was 5 at first he was jealous. he didnt get much attention at the orphanage due to the fact that there were so many kids and he was just starting to get used to the idea of having parents didnt have tons of kids always trying to win their affection and attention. he thought having a little sibling was the worst thing in the world and would hide from his parents bc if they couldnt find him they couldnt send him away. he hated his sibling.
until he met them. the second he saw their chubby face he was hooked. he swore that he would do anything and everything for them. and that continued when his parents adopted his other siblings as well. he absolutely adores them and acts like the protective older bro role
thankfully, with such a large age gap eli never rlly had to go through any of those petty squabbles that siblings usually have. he was always pretty protective of them tho and would fight when he thought they were being reckless and dumb out of his own fear that if they got hurt he would be an awful big brother (again, fear of disappointment)
he loves to travel bc his mom would always take him to these extravagant kingdoms and on these amazing sightseeing trips
this boy is hopeless when it comes to love. i can imagine lots of ppl liking him on top of all the ppl throwing themselves at him bc royal, but him being completely oblivious and thinking that no one likes him.
he had rlly bad ADD as a kid but its gotten better as hes grown. he still occasionally struggles w executive functioning tho and always gets rlly frustrated when he cant focus or remember
like i said earlier, clumsy af. no coordination. the only athletic ability he ever had was horse riding and running
that said he has a horse named may (short for mayonnaise. dont ask
he likes music a lot. prob learned piano at a young age
he probably is at the party bc royals? idk
EDIT: although (currently) unknown to eli, his true birth mother is maleficent. when eli was 2, his birth father took him away from her and had her suppress eli’s natural born powers. his father realized he was unfit to care for him, so he was the one who abandoned eli.
wanted connections!!
obv his parents and siblings? i mean cmon
one ( or both???? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) of his birth parents!!!!! they dont have to know that eli is their son or mayb they do and are too scared to tell him, but being trapped together will eventually make it revealed
childhood friends! people he met when he traveled w his mom or met at royal social functions? i rlly also want friends that he would hang w at all the royal galas and stuff and they would go do dumb stuff like look sneak out and look for secret passages of make bets of who could dump more crab cakes into the stuffy duchess’ purse when she wasnt looking
people who know him solely through his family
someone who likes eli and eli legit has no clue, no matter how much they flirt and drop hints
people who hate eli! or even just dislike him, which makes him upset bc he doesnt like the idea that there are ppl who dont like him in the world. mayb bc sometimes he gets super highstrung when things arent going how they should b and he like lashed out at them once or something. maybe they hate his parents and on principle hate him. idk
someone who was w eli in the orphanage
past relationships? i feel like hes never rlly had a bad breakup tho, its just that they prob just didnt work out. hes also bi so they can b any gender. hes still looking for his otp
idk, legit anything. send me those plots man
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hissyreviews · 5 years
September Reads!
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Sooooo, who’s 12 days late to show all the books I read last month?
This bitch!
So here’s how I decided to do this end of the month wrap ups. I’m going to add a read more, give the back of the book summary, my snap thoughts, and then a rating. That way, if you don’t care for long posts you don’t have to suffer.
You’re welcome.
The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris
A young FBI trainee. An evil genius locked away for unspeakable crimes. A plunge into the darkest chambers of a psychopath’s mind- in the deadly search for a serial killer. . . .
Thoughts: MMMM yes, this is the good shit. Hell to the bells yes. This is my shit. One of my faves. Top ten books read ever.
Rating: 10/10 would recommend
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
The Road is a profoundly moving story of a journey. It boldly imagines a future in which no hope remains, but in which a father and his son, “each the other’s world entire”, are sustained by love.
Thoughts: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. This book is rough. This world is absolutely horrifying but the relationship that McCarthy crafts between the father and son is so emotional. I have heard that this is one of McCarthy’s least rough books to read in both emotional trauma and philosophical nihilism. (Also I think there was a Jesus allegory in the son. I don’t know why but it felt like he was the future religion. Look, I was too busy crying. I don’t think I could handle reading another McCarthy, alright?)
Rating: 4/10 I didn’t really like it but I think it’s like Pulp Fiction. Everyone should read it once.
The Beguiled by Thomas Cullinan
Wounded and near death, a young Union Army corporal is found in the woods of Virginia during the height of the Civil War and brought to the nearby Miss Martha Farnsworth Seminary for Young Ladies. Almost immediately he sets about beguiling the three women and five teenage girls stranded in this outpost of Southern gentility, eliciting their love and fear, pity and infatuation, and pitting them against one another in a bid for his freedom. But as the women are revealed for who they really are, a sense of ominous foreboding closes in on the soldier, and the question becomes: Just who is the beguiled?
Thoughts: This is one of those books that I came into with high hopes. The story itself was good. I liked the overall story. I was not fond of the writing style. It’s the 1960′s trying to emulate the 1860′s. Overall, it went over like a lead balloon.
Rating: 5/10 Take it or leave it. You’ll either like it or you wont. (Check it out at the library.)
The Ghost Map by Steven Johnson
It’s the summer of 1854, and London is seized by a violent outbreak of cholera that no one knows how to stop. As the epidemic spreads, a maverick physicians and a local curate are spurred to action, working to solve the most pressing medical riddle of their time. Ina a triumph of multidisciplinary thinking, Johnson illuminates the intertwined histories of the spread of disease, the rise of cities, and the nature of scientific inquiry, offering both a thrilling account of the most intense cholera outbreak to strike Victorian London and a powerful explanation of how it has shaped the world we live in.
Thoughts: I loved this. I know that history can be dry and dull but this had a dynamic way of speaking about the past. The writer is a journalist not a “true” historian so it makes for good reading. No shade, but many historians just write like dust. Sooo dry. Mmm, book good, much education. I feel illuminated.
Rating: 9/10 would recommend
Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann
In the 1920s, the richest people per capita in the world were members of the Osage Nation in Oklahoma. After oil was discovered beneath their land, they rode in chauffeured cars and lived in mansions.Then one by one, the Osage began to be killed. Mollie Burkhart watched as her family became a prime target. Her relatives were shot and poisoned. Other Osage were also dying under mysterious circumstances, and many of those who investigated the crimes were themselves murdered. As the death toll rose, the case was taken up by the newly created FBI and its young, secretive director, J. Edgar Hoover. Struggling to crack the mystery, Hoover turned to a former Texas Ranger named Tom White, who put together an undercover team, including a Native American agent. They infiltrated this last remnant of the Wild West, and together with the Osage began to expose one of the most chilling conspiracies in American History.
Thoughts: This is a book that will make your blood boil. It shows the blatant racism with an unapologetic stare. As an Irish Cherokee living in Oklahoma, I was biting my fist in rage throughout this entire book. These crimes, these absolutely disgusting crimes should be taught in history books. If you have no idea what this is about. Read the damn book. If you have an idea of the events. Read the damn book. If you live in Europe. Read the damn book. Events like this should never be forgotten. And God bless Mollie Burkhart. Read the book and you will feel that way too. Just read the book.
Rating: 10/10 read the damn book
The Circle by Dave Eggers
When Mae Holland is hired to work for the Circle, the world’s most powerful internet company, she feels she’s been given the opportunity of a lifetime - even as life beyond the campus grows distant, even as a strange encounter with a colleague leaves her shaken, even as her role at the Circle becomes increasingly public. What begins as the captivating story of one woman’s ambition and idealism soon becomes a heart-racing novel of suspense, raising questions about memory, history, privacy, democracy, and the limits of human knowledge.
Thoughts: Holy shit. This is why I don’t own a smart phone. Read this book and you will second glance at every piece of technology that you own. In thrillers I try to guess what is going to happen and I was wrong about the ending of this book. Which, to tell the truth, made me happy but I was paranoid about the ending. Like it feels like life is moving towards this kind of universe and I don’t like it. May I just say that I am Mercer.
Rating: 8/10 would recommend
Voices from Chernobyl by Svetlana Alexievich
On April 26, 1986, the worst nuclear reactor accident in history occurred in Chernobyl and contaminated as much as three quarters of Europe. Voices from Chernobyl is the first book to present personal accounts of the tragedy. Journalist Svetlana Alexievich interviewed hundreds of people affected by the meltdown - from innocent civilians to firefighters to those called in to clean up the disaster - and their stories reveal the fear, anger, and uncertainty with which they still live. Comprised of interviews in monologue form, Voices from Chernobyl is a crucially important work, unforgettable in its emotional power and honesty.
Thoughts: This book  will take you through every possible emotion known to man kind. Alright. Do not read this if you are in an emotionally compromised state. It will make it worse. That said, I truly believe that this is a pivotal piece to understand the Chernobyl disaster from the ground up instead of the top down view that much of the western world understands. Also, with that Chernobyl series this seems an apropos time to read this.
Rating: 9/10 Everyone should read this once.
Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi
Every Tuesday mornign for two years in the Islamic Republic of Iran, a bold and inspired teacher named Azar Nafisi secretly gathered seven of her most committed female students to read forbidden Western classics. As Islamic morality squads staged arbitrary raids in Tehran, fundamentalists seized hold of the universities, and a blind censor stifled artistic expression, the girls in Azar Nafisi’s living room risked removing their veils and immersed themselves in the worlds of Jane Austen, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Henry James, and Vladimir Nabokov. In this extraordinary memoir, their stories become intertwined with the ones they are reading. Reading Lolita in Tehran is a remarkable exploration of resilience in the face of tyranny and a celebration of the liberating power of literature.
Thoughts: You know a book that makes you frustrated with the author when they did something you know that they would regret in the past? I felt that. I won’t spoil it but I did say on multiple occasions “You asked for this!” This book is living proof of the old adage “Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.” Yeah, that’s what I felt and pity. There was some pity going on.
Rating: 8/10 Read it if you are interested in Middle Eastern history or women’s studies. I don’t think it’s everyone’s cup of tea.
The Perfect Girlfriend by Karen Hamilton
Juliette loves Nate. She will follow him anywhere. She’s even become a flight attendant for his airline so she can keep a closer eye on him. They are meant to be. The fact that Nate broke up with her six months ago means nothing. Because Juliette has a plan to win him back. She is the perfect girlfriend. And she’ll make sure no one stops her from getting exactly what she wants. True love hurts, but Juliette knows it’s worth all the pain. . .
Thoughts: This book is an easy read. It’s a day and a half for someone who reads a lot. Easy to get into, easy to understand, but it doesn’t act like it thinks you’re stupid. Creepy in the same way You was creepy. If you liked You you will like this book. If stalkers aren’t your thing avoid this one. I will say that I found the ending underwhelming. It felt like the author was tired of writing and just wanted to end the freaking book. Other than that, it was fine.
Rating: 6/10 Like You? Read this one.
The Trial of Lizzie Borden by Cara Robertson
When Andy and Abby Borden were brutally hacked to death in Fall River, Massachusetts, in August of 1892, the arrest of the couple’s daughter Lizzie turned the case into international news and her trial into a spectacle unparalleled in American history. Reporter flocked to the scene. Well-known columnists took up conspicuous seats in the courtroom. The defendant was relentlessly scrutinized for signs of guilt or innocence. Everyone - rich and poor, suffragists and social conservatives, legal scholars and laypeople - had an opinion about Lizzie Borden’s guilt or innocence. The popular fascination with the Borden murders and its central, enigmatic character has endured for more than a hundred years, but the legend often outstrips the story. Based on transcripts of the Borden legal proceedings, contemporary newspaper articles, previously withheld lawyer’s journals, unpublished local reports, and recently unearthed letters from Lizzie herself, The Trial of Lizzie Borden is a definitive account fo the Borden murder case and offers a window into America in the Gilded Age, showcasing its most deeply held convictions and its most troubling social anxieties.
Thoughts: I have always been fascinated with this case. It is one of the first nationally publicized cases and as such everyone knew. Can you imagine never being able to go anywhere without being recognized as the one woman who got away with murder? In America we still sing “Lizzie Borden took an axe, gave her mother forty whacks. When she saw what she had done, gave her father forty-one.” No one alive in America doesn’t know who Lizzie Borden is. If you like true crime and history you will like this. I think you probably would even if you aren’t a connoisseur of those genres. P.S. I still think Lizzie did it.
Rating: 9/10 would recommend
Jane Austen, the Secret Radical by Helena Kelly
An illuminating reassessment of the life and work of Jane Austen that makes clear how Austen has been misread for the past two centuries and how she intended her books to be read. In Jane Austen, the Secret Radical, Helena Kelly, dazzling Jane Austen authority, looks a the writer and her work in the context of Austen’s own time to reveal this popular, beloved artist as daring, even subversive in reaction to her roiling world and to show, novel by novel, how Austen imbued her books with radical, sometimes revolutionary ideas - on slavery, poverty, feminism and marriage as trapping women, on the Church, and evolution. We see that Austen was writing in a time when revolution was in the air (she was born the year before the American Revolution; the French Revolution began when she was thirteen). England had become a totalitarian state; Britain was at war with France. Habeas corpus had been suspended; treason, redefined, was no longer limited to actively conspiring to overthrow and to kill. It now included thinking, writing, printing, and reading (Tom Paine was convicted of seditious libel in 1792 for ideas considered dangerous to the state), the intention being to pressure writers and publishers to police themselves; those who criticized the government or who turned away from the Church of England were seen as betraying their country in its hour of need. In this revelatory, brilliant book, Kelly discusses each of Austen’s novels in the order in which they were written. Whether writing about the fundamental unfairness of primogeniture in Sense and Sensibility (influenced by Mary Wollstonecraft’s 1792 A Vindication of the Rights of Women) or about property and inheritance, war, revolution, and counterrevolution in Pride and Prejudice (Kelly describes the novel as a revolutionary fairy tale written in response to Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France) or about Mansfield Park, with its issues of slavery and the hypocrisy of the Church of England, we see Austen not as someone creating a procession of undifferentiated romances but as someone whose novels reflect back to her readers the world as it is - and was then - complicated, messy, and filled with error and injustice. We see a writer who understood that the novel - seen as mindless “trash” - could be a great art form and who, perhaps more than any other writer up to that time, imbued it with its particular greatness. And finally we see Austen - the writer; the artist; the serious, ambitious, clear-sighted woman “of information” - fully aware of what was going on in the world around her, clear about what she thought of it, and clear that she set out to write about it and to quietly, artfully make her ideas known.
Thoughts: Damn that synopsis. Advice for publishers: create an engaging synopsis in one to three paragraphs. That being said this was a fascinating read. I love Austen so I enjoyed having more context to the stories. Great for women’s studies, english literature and a perspective of slavery rarely mentioned (at least in my readings).
Rating: 9/10 will enjoy if you enjoy Austen
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inawickedlittletown · 6 years
Walking The Wire (108/?)
Summary: Tony Stark always knew about Peter Parker. He didn’t know that Peter was going to get superpowers and become Spider-Man, but he always knew about Peter because Peter was his son.
This will span from pre-Iron Man up through the rest of the MCU (eventually including Infinity War) and will be for the most part canon compliant except where I’ve taken some liberties and interpreted canon a certain way.
Pairings: Pepper/Tony, Tony/Steve (endgame), Tony/Mary (past)
A/N: If you want me to tag you when I post new chapters let me know. This fic is also on AO3
I used Collider’s MCU timeline to stay canon and the title of this fic is an Imagine Dragons song that is just so fitting for Peter and Tony
Chapter One Hundred Seven
They never found out what had been going on with Loki and Thor because nothing came of their appearance and then disappearance because aside from a blip somewhere in Ireland that wasn’t necessarily them, there was nothing and while Tony waited for the other shoe to drop and something crazy to happen somewhere else in the world, nothing did.
“So, do you think he was just popping in for a visit and didn’t even think to stop by here?” Rhodey asked during a team meeting.
“I don’t know,” Tony said. “And there’s no way to contact him. I called up Jane and she -- well, apparently they broke up sometime before he left the last time and she didn’t have a way to contact him anyway which is sort of why they broke up.”
“But nothing’s happened right,” Sam said. “I mean, no random Asgardians have shown up so--”
“Not since then,” Tony said. “At least not that my satellites picked up anyway. But Coulson or Fury would have mentioned if they heard anything.”
Tony kept paying attention, but nothing outside of the usual happened. Ross’ announcement that Spider-Man was Tony’s son had been a small blip that most people didn’t pay attention to despite all the pictures that Ross had managed to get of Spider-Man coming and going from the tower. Mostly, he just sounded like a conspiracy theorist especially after Tony tweeted that his son was definitely not Spider-Man and that the theory had made Steve laugh. Still, he was sure some people did believe Ross’ story. It was also a concern that Ross was clearly keeping an eye on the tower.
There was a whole thing with the resurgence of AIM in the middle of August but it was such a disorganized mess that they didn’t get very far in even setting themselves up as a threat and Tony had them all rounded up and arrested in the course of an afternoon.
By the time that the summer was actually over, Tony was starting to relax on the Thor front. Peter on the other hand was a tad disappointed that he hadn’t gotten to meet the god yet. It turned out that next to Iron Man, Thor was Peter’s favorite.
“He’s an actual god,” Peter had said, “but also an alien. And just cool. He’s just so cool.”
Sam found the whole thing amusing. “Your kid has good taste at least,” he said, “if he had to crush on any of us.”
“It’s not a crush! I just -- he’s a god, Sam! And the lightning--” Peter trailed off as Sam laughed and Tony tried not to join in.
“He is seriously impressive,” Natasha said in Peter’s defense.
“Yes, exactly,” Peter said.
“Which is why you had a crush on him,” Sam said matter of factly and Peter threw up his arms in the air and Tony knew that he had figured out he couldn’t really say much else to make a difference to the conversation. Mostly, though, Tony loved the level of ease that Peter had with the rest of The Avengers.
But when Peter’s birthday came around, Tony decided that they needed to go on a mini-vacation. Not to get away from anyone, but because Tony wanted to spend some time on his own with Peter away from wedding planning and everything else that was going on at the tower. They went to California because Peter had never been to the West Coast and because Peter had also been interested in seeing the rebuilt Malibu house. It was fun to show Peter around and take him to a few of Tony’s favorite spots. All in all, their vacation was a nice break from the usual. They got back after a couple of weeks away and right in time for Peter to get back to school and Tony to move forward with the new suit. Everything was ready and Tony just needed to have the housing unit put in his chest.
On the night before school was starting up again, Peter was leaning against Tony’s side. There was a movie on, but Tony had long given up on watching it because the plot had changed so drastically that the movie was downright silly and either way, Tony had gotten busy answering emails because Pepper couldn’t understand why Tony was delegating everything to do with SI for the next week or two. Tony still hadn’t told her that he was going to be putting in the housing unit for the nanotech in his chest. He and Shuri both agreed that it was the only way to make it as effective as Tony wanted it to be.
“Is it going to be a long operation?” Peter asked.
Tony looked down at him. “A few hours.”
“I don’t like that I’ll be in school and I won’t be here.”
The whole thing with Thor had really hastened Tony to get the device ready faster. He wanted to be prepared for the next time something happened and things would have been dire if Thor’s return had signaled the beginning of something being wrong. Sure, Tony had his other suits, but the nanotech one was going to be better than any other. Steve and Peter for their part thought that he knew best despite the risk that the surgery would bring him.
“You’ll be here plenty,” Tony assured him. “Nothing is going to go wrong. I have the best doctors on this and we have a good plan for how we’re handling this.”
“Dr. Cho is pretty great,” Peter said with a grin.
Tony wrapped his arm around Peter’s shoulders and pulled him closer. “So why did you want to watch this movie again?”
“Ned recommended it,” Peter muttered. “I don’t think I’ll be taking his advice on movies again any time soon.”
Tony laughed. “On that we can agree, kid.”
Steve didn’t argue with Tony once Tony decided that he needed to get the housing unit put into his chest. It was Tony’s body and Tony’s decision and while Steve did voice his questions and got Tony to think about the pros and cons, he left it up to Tony because Tony knew best when it came to his suits. The device was different than the arc reactor, anyway, in that it wasn’t working to keep Tony alive. Looking at the ring with the shrapnel that had almost killed Tony, reminded Steve of how much Tony had gone through and survived.
He was with Tony during the operation, holding his hand while Dr. Cho and her team worked on Tony with a combination of Dr. Cho’s tech and Shuri’s as well. It brought down the risk for the procedure considerably. When it was over a few hours later and the whole thing was successful, Steve let out a sigh of relief.
“Good,” he said.
The whole thing was taking place in the compound since the facility had a medical wing and Tony had gone ahead and added an operating room to it too. It meant that Tony was going to be staying at the compound for a few days even if that was more of a precaution than anything, but it was better for him to not have to travel to the tower while fresh out of his operation. Steve had insisted on being there so his anklet was off. The FBI had only checked in on them once since putting the anklets on and the only reason they showed up in the first place was that Sam’s had malfunctioned. It was lucky that they were all in the tower at the time, not that Fury had been sending them on a lot of missions lately. Things were on the quiet side.
“He’ll be asleep for a little longer,” Helen said. “We’ll move him somewhere comfortable. You can call Peter in, if you want.”
“I’ll go get him,” Steve said and leaned over to kiss Tony’s forehead first.
Helen smiled at him.
When he returned with Peter in tow, Tony had been moved into one of the rooms in the medical wing. Tony was still asleep, but he looked peaceful all tucked into bed.
“Everything went perfectly, Peter,” Helen said. “He’ll be awake in an hour or two. Myself or someone from my team will come check in.”
“I’m glad,” Peter said as Helen grabbed a few things and walked out of the room. “I was actually a little worried,” he admitted to Steve. “I just -- I’ve lost all the father figures in my life and he was doing this and I was worried.”
Peter walked to stand by Tony’s bed and Steve moved forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. “You dad rarely does anything that isn’t for a reason. And if he had suspected that this was any riskier than it needed to be he wouldn’t have done it because the last thing he wants is to leave you. Shuri and Helen worked this out and you know how smart they are.”
“I know,” Peter said and looked up at Steve. “I just couldn’t help it. And thanks for helping me get out of school today. Dad just kept saying how I didn’t need to be here.”
“Yeah, well, he hates that we fuss about him.”
Taking it easy was boring. At least, it wasn’t bed rest. Tony could move around and he could go to the workshop but he was limited by how long he could work and how much he could lift or really do which ultimately just made him grumpy. Steve was also hovering for most of his time in there and jumping in to do things for him which Tony had found endearing at first but then kind of frustrating. So, he was happy to be back to normal a month and a half later even if Steve still seemed a bit wary of him doing much. Pepper was worse. She had started to just show up to make sure he was okay every other day right after Tony moved back to the tower and she’d fussed and fussed over him after telling him off for putting the housing unit in his chest in the first place until Tony had enough.
“You know,” Steve said one afternoon, “it’s almost been a year since I came back.”
“It has,” Tony said. A full year. It had been more than a year since the whole fiasco with The Vulture too. They were lucky that there hadn’t been any big villain like that popping up since but even if there had been, Tony was confident that Peter would have been able to handle it.
Training with Steve and the team in general had made a huge difference to Peter’s capabilities as Spider-Man. Peter didn’t use the Iron Spider suit often, opting for his other suit over that one most of the time, but he had gotten so much better with his powers and just his physicality because he wasn’t just following his instincts which were often good, he was doing more. Strategizing and thinking his plans through and really knowing his strengths and weaknesses and using that knowledge to do things in the best way possible.
“And it hasn’t been all bad,” Steve said.
“Yeah,” Tony said. “I half expected you to get too bored to stay.”
“I’ve found that life can’t be boring when you’re in it. But, not just that, it makes a difference that we’re together. You’ve made this worth it and it’s just one more year, Tony.”
“We better hope nothing crazy happens before then,” Tony said. “I thought Thor coming back meant--”
Steve nodded. “I know. I know. I did too. I just wonder what the whole point of it was. He wouldn’t have shown up and left that quickly without there being some reason and I just don’t trust that Loki was with him. Wasn’t he supposed to be dead?”
“Yeah,” Steve said. “That’s what Thor said.”
“Jane was confused about that too. She seemed concerned -- but she hasn’t called which means she hasn’t found anything alarming. At least I have this thing now,” Tony said and tapped his chest. “It makes me feel a little better about any possible threats.”
It was Tony’s fear -- and had been since going through that wormhole -- that they’d be faced with something from outside their world again. Even if nothing came to pass, he wanted them to be prepared. After all, he’d seen what some of those aliens could do and create and it was only a matter of time before Earth became a target again. Loki being alive -- he’d been the one behind the attack in New York. Of course, helped by the stone in the scepter but nevertheless one of the reasons. Thor had said he was leaving to find out more about the stones and...and maybe it was what he was still trying to figure out. It worried Tony.
Chapter One Hundred Nine
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beihonglin · 6 years
warning: longass expose post ahead!! alternatively: the time @ynajun and i were contacted by mnation on tumblr 
okay sO i’ve been procrastinating this post for a very very long time but @qinfen-qingshen sally’s post about mnation made me laugh and finally get off my ass and block him bc every time i think about that night i laugh sO HERE WE GO
so one thursday night i’m sitting my ass on tumblr when suddenly i get this message
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“Hello, I am Mercury Nation’s executive, do you have any interest in music or dancing!” 
and i start wheezing to @hynjaes and our group chat and megan @bufans-gf was like: “what an.......interesting way that this company is contacting you” but then “VIVI I JUST GOT IT TOO” so i started searching up who was under mnation bc what kind ??? of company scouts on tumblr???? and it turns out it’s xu shengen and a couple of other sons which is why i didn’t take shengen seriously after that i’m sorry son i was wrong i love you now
and at this point @ynajun comes online and: “OH MY GDO I GOT IT TOO JJLLKKLFA WHOS GONNA REPLY TO IT FIRST” and i’m on the phone with mare so the intensive search starts and we find out that this guy follows a bunch of ip stan blogs???? and that nearly all the blogs he follows has chinese characters in their blog titles / are translation blogs 
and also this was like two weeks to the finale so there were only a few of us ?? and we’re all sending messages to each other asking if he contacted the others too
so my daughter conno decides to take one for the team and message him back and he says to add him on WeChat so she makes a WeChat account for this while also rushing her programme rip and i was like okay let’s see how this goes and i message him back too
and at this point it gets too long so under the cut it goes
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“Is it convenient to add you on WeChat? This isn’t very stable.”
and so I gave him my WeChat (connie: “no ruibin, no joining your damn ent” / julie: “i wouldnt sign either if 蒸肉餅 isnt there tbh” and honestly mood) and he added me and sent me this:
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“M.Nation.” (Official Contact Card) “Take a look at this first.”
and i’m like woooo okay official stuff because i click in and they’re verified so like ?? the hell we’ll just reply and see where this goes 
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and so he starts asking for a bunch of information that i’m not willing to give (name, gender, birthday, ethnicity, place of residence, height, weight, special skills, major, contact info, parents’ contact info etc and three pictures of myself) mare tells me: “literally just put in moonbin’s info / list julie and me as your parents” asdflhasjk 
so i put in a bunch of info and refuse to send pictures so he sends me a voice message (!!) saying: “there's a lot of stages, like pre test (casting), audition, and review and so as of right now i can just say this to you without official docs bc the audition and review of your audition will be more important and the people doing these stages wont ask you to pay them and essentially it's not a trick” and also “can you send the talent vid bc we can’t audition you face to face bc you’re not in beijing” (julie @qinfour coming in clutch bc i couldn’t understand half his accent) but rip this bitch has no good pictures and about like 0 talent
and so i ghosted him after that 
but !! 
conno my talented son (please love her)  has good pictures and has a list of talents longer than she is so she continues this story 
and because she is talented and can actually dance she sends him a link to our youtube channel for kpop dance covers (check us out i personally recommend boss) and he sends voice messages back asking if she’s already been picked up by a company and when she plans on going to beijing so they can actually interview her (connie: uh sorry never i’m only going back to taiwan in the sumMER) so now that it’s the summer we’ll see if he contacts her again eye emoij
and so that’s the end of the story thank you for listening to my longass post about being “scouted” by mnation on tumblr wheezes 
connie and i walking back from class afterwards: “do u think he found shengen on soundcloud or douban??” / “maybe shengen ran a jieqiong fanblog??”
also now he won’t stop sending us messages wheezes
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PEC (4): Carried on the Wings of an Eagle
Fourth post for the Lallybroch Library Prompt Exchange Challenge PROMPT #16: “Good morning. I see the assassins have failed.” (submitted by @the-fear-you-wont-fall). The posts, which will last for the next days, will later become part of the “Without worry” series. @thelallybrochlibrary -  This is a kind of longer "weekend chapter". Partially it was inspired by this video: Click!  My special thanks goes to @raunchyblonde21 :)
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(”Sommerabend” by PDPhotos)
Quellheim Monday, August 25, 1749, early evening  
          It was a wonderful mild summer evening. They had dined in the garden. Now Fergus was sitting on one of the benches reading, while Claire stood at the entrance of her herb garden, surveying the rest of the garden from there. Between the part of the garden where she had grown vegetables and flowers and the geese enclosure stood seven trees of blue plums and two trees bearing yellow plums. Two more trees with round red plums joined the back garden wall. The fruits were nearly ripe and had to be harvested soon. There were too many fruits for three people to consume them.
          It had been the same in June, when the currants had ripened. Claire had discovered them shortly after she, Jamie and Fergus were brought here in February and had been given the farm. There were ten bushes that stood on a small piece of land that connected the garden with the meadow behind the stables. Seven of the bushes carried red currants. These bushes were of a smaller species. Behind them were two really large bushes of black currants. And hidden in the midst of all these bushes was an isolated smaller bush of white currants. Many of the red and white currants they had eaten fresh for dessert. A part of them Jamie had taken to the market. But the blackcurrants, which she knew were especially rich of vitamins and minerals, Claire had made into juice and preserved with alcohol. When Jamie saw what she was doing, he had jokingly asked her if she wanted to open a secret trade in liquors. As a result, she had taught him about the health benefits of the blackcurrant for half an hour ... He had rolled his eyes, thanked her, and assured her that he would not ask such a question again so quickly. She rolled her eyes, turned back to her work, and muttered something that sounded like ‘ignorant Scot’, but not without a little hidden smile. When they were finally able to enjoy the quietness of their bedchamber in the late evening that day, he had taken her hands and kissed them. Her fingers still smelled of the fruits. 
          "Have I ever told you how much I love your hands, Claire? They seem to bring healing and restoration to everything you touches here. With them you have made a home for Fergus and me out of this place. And out of the wilderness behind the house, you have created a garden that not only provides us with fruit and vegetables, but has become a small paradise in which we all can find peace. The work of your hands," he had whispered. Then he had kissed her hands again. 
          "And that's just what happens outwardly. I wish you could see what effect it has to Fergus, every time you hug him, tenderly run your hands through his hair. You really became his mother. Not only here. Not only through the adoption. Do you remember when we were searching for him after the battle of Prestonpans and he confessed to you that he probably killed a soldier? I will never forget seeing you two when you found him. You pressed him to your chest as if you wanted to absorb all his pain, all his exhaustion, the whole nightmare of having seen the darkness of war. If there ever was a day, Claire, on which you became his mother, it was that day. You pressed him to you and every touch of your hands said: ‘I care for you with all my heart.’” 
          Gently, he lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. Small rivulets of tears began to flow from them. She did not say anything. But in her mind she'd returned to the day they had feared they might have lost Fergus forever. When she finally found him, she did not know if her heart should burst with joy and relief, or if she should beat him for his carelessness. In the end, her heart had decided. But she knew that her heart had opened up for him much earlier and in a way that went far beyond the care that a person of mercy was able to give to an orphan. It was the night she'd found Fergus whimpering in his room. It was the night he told her about the terrible thing Black Jack Randall had done to him. It was the night he could not stop crying for blaming himself that Jamie had been arrested for challenging Randall to a duel and Claire had lost Faith. That night, she realized how much Fergus loved her and Jamie. Really loved them. That night Claire remembered a verse from the first Epistle of  St. John, written on one of the walls of the ‘L'Hôpital des Anges’: ‘Let us love, for He loved us first.’ She knew that these words referred to God. But could it be different between humans? Could she keep her heart closed to a person who showed her and Jamie so much love and care? She could not and she did not want it either. If there ever was a day, Claire had begun to think of Fergus as a son, it was that day. Jamie's soft whisper called her back to the present. 
        “Claire? Mo chridhe, what’s wrong?" 
        “Nothing, Jamie, nothing. I just love you both. With all my heart.” 
        “I know, Claire. And with your wonderful hands.”
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 (”Speicherstadt Hamburg” by Karsten Bergamnn)  
North Sea Monday, August 25, 1749, early evening 
         His journey had gone well so far. Over the last days, Benjamin Smith had slowly become accustomed to the movements of the ship. After dinner with the captain, he had climbed up to the deck and leaned against the railing. The captain and the crew of the ship, which sailed under the flag of the Republic of the United Netherlands [1], left him alone most of the time. In particular, they did not ask any unpleasant questions as to why he wanted to leave Edinburgh under the cover of the night or why he was in such a hurry to get to Hamburg. Their welcomed ignorance was certainly helped by the special price Mr. Smith had paid for the trip - in gold.
        He enjoyed the fresh salty air and began to stretch his arms and legs. If the wind maintained that speed, he would reach the first destination of his journey in time. He had a ten-day lead and had to take advantage of that lead. The success of his mission depended largely on it. Last night he had already feared that he would not succeed. Although the actual autumn storms were still pending, the ship had to drive through a bad weather front. The thunderstorm and the ever-rising waves had given him a great deal of angst, though he tried to conceal this from the captain and the sailors. After he had left the deck, he had clung to everything in his cabin that he could somehow grab. But at some point his stomach rebelled so badly that he had to vomit. Luckily he was standing right next to the washing basin. Later, the thunderstorm had subsided, but the waves were still restless. In his fear, Benjamin Smith had resorted to a tried and tested remedy. He had begun to hum a song that his mother had taught him: 
Carried on the wings of an eagle over the roaring sea of time Carried on the wings of an eagle into eternity Over mountains and valleys and glades even higher to the heavenly height for strong are the wings that carry me the wings on which I stand And under the same wings how wonderful do I rest There is my place of refuge my firm and secure house The enemy may circle above me aim at me and spy as he will for strong are the wings that cover me and under those wings there is peace Yes, sheltered under the wings and kept on top of the wings there you find a blessed rest there you find a joyful ride there you find a firm assurance trough this changing pilgrimage for under those wings there is peace and on those wings there is strength [2]
         The song had not missed its desired effect. As in the stormy nights in which his mother had sung him to sleep with this tune, he calmed down gradually, and the storm and the waves did the same. The language was still alien to him, yet he had internalized the words for years. His mother had told him that it belonged to his father's favorite songs and every time she mentioned his father, a radiant smile had formed on her face that Benjamin would never forget.
        His father. If his journey was going well and he completed his mission successfully, he would see his father again before the end of the next month. And he knew he would not only see him again, he would make him proud too. But was it that what he wanted? He did not know. Too little did he know about the man who was his father. Why did this song have a special meaning for him? What did his father associate with it? What did these lines really mean? But maybe that would all change. Obviously fate had determined that from then on they would spend a lot of time together. This future prospect sparked ambivalent feelings in him.  
        But before his thoughts could continue to become entangled in the difficult family circumstances he had been born into, he forced himself to concentrate fully on his task. If everything went according to plan he would arrive in Hamburg in five days, change the ship and then go down the river Elbe for another three days until he would reach Magdeburg. There he would meet with the commander of the fortress, who would forward his message to Potsdam via the secret royal messenger system. He could only hope that his message arrived there in time. He told himself that that was no longer his responsibility. Yet he could not silence his inner unrest, which was caused by his uncertainty about the outcome of this affair. He would much rather have asked the commander for a horse of his own, so that he could bring the message to Potsdam himself and thus ensure that it arrived there on time. But he knew that he had neither the authority, nor would a single rider be able to accomplish this task. Precisely for this reason, the secret royal courier network had been set up many years ago. It was a tightly knit system of royal couriers carrying messages entrusted to them from one station to another. These riders were specially trained and had excellent horses. Each station was about a day's ride away, and when the courier arrived at one station, another, with a rested horse, was there and ready to pick up the documents and carry them on. It was - as Ambassador von Klinggräff had repeatedly emphasized - a very reliable and effective system. Nevertheless, Benjamin Smith hated to leave tasks unfinished, which had been entrusted to him. Such situations always left a mixture of uncomfortable feelings in him. He found it difficult to put these feelings into words, but he felt helpless. And this helplessness seemed to be accompanied by a feeling that something was lacking. Both led to an inner restlessness, which was very difficult to control. This led to more helplessness and with that, the whole vicious cycle began again. The fact that a failure this time could not only lead to a loss of money, land or power, but to the loss of three lives burdened him even more. The only solution was to focus on the things that mattered most in the respective situation.
        He stretched again and took a deep breath. Then, resolutely, he left the deck and went to his cabin. He undressed and put out the light. Shortly thereafter, he fell into a restless sleep.
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(”Pflaumen” by cgonzalezandrade)
 Quellheim Monday, August 25, 1749, nearly one hour later the same evening 
         Claire turned her attention back to the plum trees. She had already detailed plans for what she would do with this immense harvest. One part they would eat fresh, another part Jamie would take to the market in Teichheim for sale. A third part she would use to make damson puree. The plums, which were not particularly juicy, she would dry and the rest, especially from the yellow and the red fruits, she would preserve in alcohol. Harvesting and preserving the fruits would mean a lot of work and yet she was happy. Jamie had been right. Much had improved over the last five month. With the beginning of the harvest season in the garden, their menu had become more and more varied, which - she had to smile - was reflected also in the weight of Jamie and Fergus.
         She looked over to the apple tree where Fergus sat on one of the benches, completely immersed in his book. In the course of the year he had grown quite a bit - physically, but also in his personality. The work at the farm was not only consuming a lot of time and strength, it also increased with each new purchase. Over the past few months, Claire has watched with delight as Fergus not only became enthusiastic about every new little project, but also took on more and more responsibility and diligently fulfilled his duties. It became increasingly obvious that he wanted to prove himself to Jamie as a true son. Since the end of the harvest, he and Jamie spent a lot more time together and it became apparent that this was good for both of them. Jamie was pleased to pass on his knowledge and skills to the boy, and Fergus enjoyed to finally be taken seriously as a man. Claire tried to support him in his efforts. But sometimes Jamie's comments on the lad's behavior led to very funny situations. 
        Today, two servants of farmer Rein had brought the two pigs that Jamie had picked and bought. He had assigned Fergus to herd them to the little meadow behind the stables. Together they had watched the boy fulfilling his task. 
        "He does it well. Just look with how much patience he takes care of them," Claire had said. But Jamie had just grinned and whispered: 
        "Sassenach, he does that because he already sees them as sausage and ham on his plate." 
        She had given him a light blow and shook her head with a smile. Then both had laughed aloud and Fergus, who had no clue about why they were laughing, turned to them with a serious look before turning his attention back to 'sausage' and 'ham' as Jamie called the two pigs henceforth. 
        As her gaze swept over the herb garden, her mind was meditating about the things that needed to be done there, Jamie had approached her. He had cleared his throat softly so as not to frighten her. Then he had put his arms around her waist and gently pulled her close. 
        "Good evening, Mr. Fraser," she whispered while melting into him. 
        "Good evening, Milady," he answered just as softly. 
        She felt his smile in her hair and put her hands over his arms. 
         "What do you think about, mo chridhe?" 
         "I've planed the work for this week. The rest of the fruit has to be harvested and we'll have a lot of work with it." 
         Instead of answering her, he began gently placing kisses down her neck. 
         "And what have you done, Mr. Fraser?" she asked with a certain ironic undertone in her voice. 
         "I looked for the animals and closed the gate, then made plans for the rest of the evening." 
         "And what are your plans for the rest of the evening, Mr. Fraser?" 
         "Well, first of all, I'd like to spend some more time with my family. I want to sit down with my wife and our bookworm, enjoying the mild weather, and then when it's dark, and hopefully our son is sleeping soundly, I intend to be close to my wonderful wife, as close as only I allowed to be." 
       "Really? Good to know that!" 
       "Is that ... a good plan, Mrs. Fraser?" 
       She turned into his embrace and nodded. 
       "This is a very good plan, Mr. Fraser. We should put it into action as soon as possible." 
       "Je suis prest, Milady."
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[1] For more information see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_Republic
[2] The original (German) song is “Auf Adlers Flügeln getragen”. The text was written by Anna von Werthern-Viebahn (1884 - 1931) and set to music by Emil Janssen and Johann Courad around the year 1920. You can find the original text here: Click! The (poor) translation above is mine.
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So I guess for starters Im gonna say i am probably going to remain anonymous for a while. Also this stuff might get deep and personal so ill change all names. Since freelytinystudentblog is ridiculously long im just going to go but Eve because why not. Im not trying to look for attention posting all this stuff but i need an outlet and what better way to do it than anonymously on a website where it probably wont get read. So if you do happen to stumble onto this page then welcome. Hopefully you wont get bored. I guess its time for me to start with the beging which would be about 3ish years ago when I was a wee little lass and believed that because i was 13 i was basically the shit(which i obvously wasnt). I had moved a total of 3 times which doesnt seem too bad but it was always when i got really attached to people we moved and i never spoke to them again. This time was no different. We moved from one small town to another. Being one of the only mixed kids there besides my brother was surprisingly positive and annoying. Why youre probaly not asking? Well because my hair was everyones interest. A big ball of poof i always threw into a pony tail because honestly there wasnt much else to do with it. Everyone wanted to play with it or see how much stuff i could hide in it. It was fun at first but quickly got annoying. While there was that downside to the town it also had some positives. For example it was there that i realized that i was bisexual. To be honest i never thought about liking girls until my boyfriend at the time and his friend were talking about how they were both Bi and i said it to fit in a little. I didnt actually believe it until i realized the way girls made me felt. How i always caught myself looking at their chests and their butts, and how i fell for my friend Taylor. She was my first offical girl crush. Anyway this is getting a little off topic though it was important. Like i said there were many positives like the cool friends i got to meet, I got into blood in the dance floor and had a little emo phase and met a guy i thought id be with forever. That all sounds good but with all positives comes negatives. I began to get super depressed and even cut a few times. I felt trapped in my relationship with Damien. Whenever we fought hed threaten to kill himself or say stuff like “without you id kill myself” which is a shitty thing to say to someone in my opinion. I started doing things id never do like sneaking my boyfriend over and all that. But the biggest neutral that happened was me losing my virginity. No big deal it seems but i was freshly turned 14 and he was 16. We werent safe there was no protection. I know losing your virginity is supposed to be meaningful but i dont remember it. I wasnt drunk or anything so i dont know why i dont remember it. Anyway a couple weeks later i snuck out and walked around town and ended up having sex again in the graveyeard(insert judgement here) I knew something was wrong soon after. I felt sick so i told him i thought i was pregnant. He paled and asked if i was would i abort it. I instantly said no because i dont believe in abortions. After that night things got weird. Me my mom and my brother went to Tennessee. Driving up the mountains i felt sick to my stomach which i brushed off as carsickness. We get back from our vacation and i started craving the weirdest shit like frozen hot pockets, whole packages of cheese ect. I caught myself randomly thinking about having a baby and got scared. I ended up having my older family friend get me a pregnancy test and surprise surprise i was el prego. I cried for about 5 minuets before shutting down. I didnt know how to feel i was only 14. I called and  told Damien that night and he was as shocked as i was. Later on he told me he started crying after we hung up. So a few days later i went home and told mom. She wasnt as mad as i thought she would be. She refused to let me give the baby up for adoption because it was my mistake and i had to live with it. I dont think i couldve done it anyway. No one really understands how attached you get to the little baby inside you. I believe the same day i told the rest of my family. My grandma didnt talk to me for a couple of months. I had an aunt who told me i needed to give it up for adoption because i was gonna ruin the babys life.I had another aunt not let me see my cousin Bri for atleast 6 months which hurt so much. Me and bri are like sisters we’ve been almost inseperable ever since we were little which is funny since shes younger than me. Damien was determined to stay in the babys life and not leave no matter what. Me being pregnant at such a young age wasnt easy. I lost most of my friends and began homeschooling which was terrible. The nine months of me being pregnant was basically filled with me fighting with my boyfriend getting insanely jealous, cheating, and more sex. We shouldve left each other months ago. Looking back i shouldve left sooner. It was a toxic relationship for both of us. 9 months later my baby boy was born. Mister Phoenix. My angel. It was kind of ridiculous damien and i fought even in the hospital. We brought phoenix home and i was hoping the relationshup would get better. It didnt. I caught him sexting his ex and swore to break it off with him. I didnt. I swore to myself i wasnt going to let my baby grow up without a father. In july 2015 we moved 45 minuets away. Damien came on the weekends because my mom picked him up and took him home. That laster all summer until school started and he couldnt anymore. It seemed like us being apart made us fight even more. By november he broke up with me. Now i was 15 and a single mother. I was devasted. I had no one to turn to since i didnt have any friends in my new town. I was alone and began eating my depression away. Every month on the 11th i would sit down and cry. I wasnt in a good state. By 2016 i swore to myself id move on from Damien and become an amazing mother but it was so hard He kept popping in every 3 months or so flirting with me making me fall for him over and over again only to get crushed over and over again. It was a hellish cycle but honestly im glad i went though it. Why you ask? Well simply because every time he left itd give me more reason to stop liking him and even hating him. Now he texts me and i just roll my eyes. Going through that definately helped me move on. He wasnt there for any of the birthdays and i honestly am glad. I understand its my kids father but i grew up with a dad who lived in the same city and still couldnt come see me. I dont want my baby going through that. Once hes older i plan on explaining everything and giving him a choice of whether he wants to get in contact with his father or not. Itll be completely up to him. Now before you start judging me to hard think about this. I became a single parent at 15. The father never visted his son or even asked. Hell this january was the first time he saw phoenix in Two years. Two thats ridiculous. After the very awkward encounter he hasnt bothered asking to see him since. Its hard for people who dont have kids to understand this i know but i know what im doing is for the best. This sunday is going to be his 3rd birthday and his father came up with stupid excuses as usual. Now i know i left out some stuff but some of it is hard to put into words plus if i added anymore itd be unbelievably long. So this was the begining and current i guess. 14 and pregnant. 15 and a single parent. currently almost 18 and still doing it bymyself just a little better. Thats all for now. Ill probably make another one soon about relationships while being a single parent so yeah. Peace.
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arrowsbane · 7 years
Okay, so there is something to be said for not eating cheese before falling asleep in the mid-afternoon sun, because as fun as it sounds, it can mean for some seriously weird dreams. I am 1000% blaming @shanastoryteller for this, because right before I dozed off, I read this post here that she wrote and it hit a wall, turned 90 degrees east and ran off into the sunset of hell half-frozen over.
So. First let me tell you this, I am not writing this as a fic. Just no. It’s bad enough as it is. Also, while I’m somewhat known for genderbending, I am not really a fan of Fem!Ed. Kind like how I can’t handle Fem!Yuuri from YOI. It’s just… these precious babies are perfect just the way they are and I cannot bear to change them. But, I am down with reading Fem!Ed if there is a reason – like… gender reassignment. (See the aforementioned post). Or maybe Truth just likes to fuck with Ed. Idek.
So. On with the insanity:
So. For some reason, poor Edward Elric is a girl born in a boy’s body. Or maybe he’s just a boy who is more at home in the female shape. I don’t know okay. I’ve always been comfortable exactly as I am, and I’m not going to insult anybody by pretending that I know everything. The point is - Edward is not comfortable in his own skin. Edward knows that his body is somehow wrong. And he’s smart, and brilliant, and a goddamn whiz with Alchemy. And so is Al, who just wants Ed to be happy, no matter what.
So, crazy brilliant brightsparks that they are – with a supernova burning in place of a soul, and the universe in their eyes – they draw up a circle, and Ed goes before Truth.
Truth, of course, isn’t too happy at being faced with a tiny scowling boy who insists that he is a girl; but Truth does understand that sometimes bodies can be uncomfortable at best, and soul-destroying at the worst of times, and this insanely brilliant child is going to be the source of a shit-ton of entertainment for years to come.
So Truth helps.
For shits and giggles, because why not.
Trisha is… understandably puzzled. She went to bed the night before, a mother of two sons, and then woke up with a son and a daughter.
Um, what?
They are grounded. Of course they are. Origami cranes are one thing, but this? What were you thinking? You could have been rendered braindead, you could have blown up the house. Or the universe. You could have died!
It should be noted that Trisha ranks her kids’ lives above that of the universe continuing to turn, and reality not peeling apart at the seams.
As any mother rightly should.
Time passes, as it is wont to do, and Edward grows into a lovely young woman with a talent for mass destruction and reconstruction.
(although, it must be said that when puberty came rolling around, there were more than a few curses, and Ed had to be physically stopped from reopening the Gate in order to yell at Truth. Because Fuck you asshole!)
Officially, her name is Elizabeth on all the paperwork, but here’s the thing: Ed might be a girl now, but she never stopped being Ed. You can change your shape, but you can’t change who you are. And hell, Ed loves confusing the fuck out of people when she introduces herself as Edward.
[Teacher didn’t discourage this. If anything, she encouraged it.]
It becomes a joke – wherever she goes (and Al is with her, because in what universe would he not be? Don’t answer that. Because that probably means Al is dead in that universe and you can all go to hell before you hurt my little cinnamon roll), leaving chaos and destruction and generally uprooting tyrants for fun; leaving only the whispers of a red coat, long blonde hair and the names Edward and Alphonse Elric: Alchemist Extraordinaires’.
[Somewhere in the East, Roy Mustang is tearing his hair out trying to track down a pair of genius brothers. Here’s a hint: It’s not going so well.]
Now this? This is not love story for Roy and Ed, oh no. My weird ass dream is twisted, and somehow, I love it. Even though I don’t ship this…
So. It’s summer, and it’s bright, and Edward is now… what? Seventeen? Eighteen? Who cares? The point is, there’s a massive inter-village party going on, and alcohol is involved. She dances the night away, laughing madly the whole time and winds up going for a roll in the hay with a charming chap from two villages over who’s on leave from the military. Not her usual choice, but hey – he’s funny and he pulled out her chair for her, and calls her “ma’am”, and he made her laugh. He also turns out to be brilliant in the sack, so hey – Ed reckons she made a good choice of partner for the night.
She wakes up to a lazy grin, and work-roughened fingers gently teasing straw and dried grass out of her tangled mess of hair – because I’m not joking about the phrase ‘roll in a hay’. It’s round about then that she realizes she forgot to introduce herself, and so she holds out her hand, “Elizabeth,” She tells him. Because hey, he did good last night. He did more than good. She can play nice.
“Havoc,” He replies, shaking her hand, “Jean Havoc.”
Ed fucking laughs at him.
“What?” She asks, “You gonna tell me that you’ve got three brothers called Mischief, Chaos and Trouble?”
He laughs as well, and they’re both still laughing when they tumble over each other and go straight for round two.
On and off, the whole summer, these two wind up together. In bed, at dinner, just generally wandering about causing trouble. And then Havoc has to go back to work.
And dammit, Ed finds that she’s missing him. What the hell? Ed doesn’t do pining. She does quick flings, and moves the fuck on. But apparently not anymore.
Al figures it out before she does.
And then when she does, he sits her down and listens while she rants and raves, and curses Havoc out because she did not plan on falling in love. I mean, yeah, she’s got plans to be a Housewife someday, because Teacher was ah-mazing and all that – but no. She had not planned on marrying a military guy. Why would she? The military is E-vil. (And wow, Ed has no idea just how right she is there).
So Ed hmms over it for weeks and then she gets that stubborn look in her eyes, packs her bags, and scoots off down to East City because dammit, she’s getting married. Whether he likes it or not.
Al and Winry are cheering her on, and Trisha isn’t really sure what’s going on anymore.
(Yes, Trisha got ill and shit, but Ed got even more stubborn and kinda maybe might have been more interested in Alchemy and it’s healing properties in this ‘verse, and yeah, she paid a bit more attention when she met Truth. She doesn’t know it yet, but she gave something in trade to the Gate. There’s a reason she doesn’t have Daddy Issues here – she doesn’t even remember him. There’s nothing left to hate.)
Ed shows up in a hurricane of energy and barges her way back into Havoc’s life without so much as a by-your-leave. He’s not really complaining. Not even when she storms up to him in a bar when he’s out for a night with the boys, yanks him down by his collar, and tells him that they’re getting married.
“Um… Don’t I get a say in this?” He asks, blinking down at her. Her hair is a mess, and she’s breathing heavily from beating the tar out of a guy outside because he tried to put his hands where they weren’t welcome – but goddamn, she’s still the most beautiful thing Havoc’s ever seen, and in all honesty, his question isn’t so much a “no,” as a bemused “oh really now?”.
Ed straight up growls at him, and he laughs, scooping her up and tossing her over his shoulder.
“Oi! Breda!” He shouts down the bar, “Get your coat, I’m getting married.”
Breda chokes on his drink, and then he starts to laugh. “This I gotta see.”
So they get married in an office, with a half-sober Breda and some random person they grabbed off the street as witnesses.
Havoc’s collar is unbuttoned, he smells of beer and cigarette smoke. Ed is wearing jeans and a tank top, her hair is a tangled mess of gold and there’s dirt smeared on her left shoulder.
They don’t have any family members there, and Ed makes their rings out of her earrings and Havoc’s watch. But that’s okay. Trisha and Elaine can yell at their kids for eloping at a later date. And then ask about grandchildren in the next breath. Al will laugh himself sick, and Winry will demand to be Godmother when they get around to it.
Not that they plan to – I mean, practicing making the future babies is fun and all, but neither of them want kids just yet.
More time passes, and you know what? It works for them.
Ed is a freaking genius who sometimes gets so into her work that she forgets to eat or do the dishes, but that’s just fine because Havoc grew up on a farm where folk did whatever needed doing. So he cooks, and coaxes food into her. He washes dishes, and folds laundry, and he’s even brave enough to pull her away from her books for long enough to get her to sleep.
And then once she’s done with her bender, Ed spends days making it up to him. Because she’s a hundred percent the kind of person who gives stuff her all.
Havoc doesn’t understand one whit of what she’s doing, but hey, it makes her happy. He doesn’t need to know anything more than that.
The first time he accidentally catches sight of her notes over her shoulder, he thinks she’s going to kill him, because Alchemists are nothing if insanely secretive of their work.
But hey, no, not Ed. Not with her husband.
She smiles at him, and then yanks him down onto the floor next to her.
And then she starts explaining the basics to him.
Because here’s the truth. Ed’s been worrying over Havoc’s complete obliviousness to alchemic circles for a while now, especially seeing as he’s almost always on the team chasing the crazy (in a bad way) alchemists – and dammit, she wants him in one piece. So come hell or high water, she’s going to make sure he knows what is safe and what means he should be hightailing it out of there.
The next time he’s closing up a case with the team – a crazy wannabe alchemist had been messing with the structural integrity of a building, and was also apparently a complete and utter moron, because even he knows better than to use those two particular equations in conjunction together.
He says as much, and is treated to looks of utter amazement and disbelief from his teammates.
“What?” He asks, “I know stuff.”
Breda is sniggering behind his back, because unlike the others, he was there when Havoc married the crazy alchemist lady. Come to think of it… Breda might be the only one on the team who even knows that he’s married. Oops.
He really hopes that Hawkeye doesn’t shoot him for this.
So yeah, things go fine. Mostly.
Havoc learns when to run away from the crazies, and Ed wanders off with Al to save the world, or sometimes just turns entire cities on their heads by sticking her nose where she shouldn’t – see Youswell, Liore, ect…
And all the while, Mustang rages over the antics of the famous Elric Brothers.
It’s actually rather pathetic, and it takes Havoc a long time to put the pieces together.
He’s more than a little bit embarrassed to be honest.
Mustang is halfway through a rant on how Liore has descended into chaos – two raging factions; and Havoc’s eyeing the pin-board, feeling strung out and an odd sense of de ja vu.
Penny in the air?
Huh. Wasn’t Ed in Liore the week before last?
Penny drops.
Oh. Havoc thinks. Oh, shit.
He’s so used to her going by her legal name in public – because while Edward Elric writes alchemical papers and rescues kittens from trees, it’s Elizabeth Havoc who fails epically at knitting, burns scones and actually has a bank account – that he forgot (and wow, is she going to laugh herself sick tonight) that when she’s off gallivanting across the country with Al, she uses her birth name.
Son of a –
He’s been trying to track down his wife and brother-in-law the whole time.
The wife who sleeps in his bed, and the brother-in-law who camps out on their couch.
How is this even his life?
Ed does indeed laugh herself sick that night.
He reckons that he should probably tell Mustang, if only to save Eastern Command from being set on fire the next time the Colonel loses his temper, but hey – Havoc likes living.
So he sleeps on it.
And he sleeps on it.
And he sleeps on it.
Eventually, Friday rolls around, and Ed is giving him that look – the kind that says ‘man up, or I’m buggering off to cause mass chaos and destruction without you,’ and so Havoc swallows his pride.
That day at work, he waits until Mustang is once again ranting on about the Elric Brothers, and then, carefully, warily, pipes up with: “So, um, Chief? I might have a lead.”
Mustang freezes, and then pivots.
Ack. He looks like he might breathe fire at any moment.
Havoc gulps. And then he starts to fidget.
“Well, actually,” he admits, “it’s my wife that you’d be wanting to talk to, sir.”
Mustang looks at him like’s gone mental.
“You’re… married?”
“She’s way too good for him,” Breda snickers, leaning back in his chair.
Mustang blinks, frowns, blinks some more, and then moves his mouth soundlessly for a few moments, clearly furious.
Then, finally, he grinds out a short command of “Call her.”
“Yes sir!” Havoc yelps, diving for the phone line and praying that Ed is at home.
She is.
And she’s more than happy to come down to Command and set the record straight.
She’ll even bring Al with her.
Havoc sort of wants to curl up into a ball and cry.
Ed glides into the office, all grace and charm, looking exactly as people would expect an innocent modern-day country housewife to appear. Her blonde hair is carefully braided up into a milkmaid’s style, and there’s a touch of flour dusting the hem of her peasant’s blouse.
Havoc feels like he’s in the twilight zone, because she’s even wearing makeup. Since when does his wild dustdevil of a wife wear makeup?
Al catches his eye and winks – he himself is dressed in neatly pressed clothes and sporting a pair of glasses (why? He doesn’t even need them for fucks sake?) and looks the textbook image of a wet-behind-the-ears scholar who probably couldn’t even find his way out of a paper bag.
“Mrs. Havoc,” Mustang smiles, offering her a seat, with his charm turned up to eleven.
“Hello,” Ed smiles, and there’s a devilsh look in her deceptively innocent topaz eyes, “Edward Elric, at your service.”
She sweeps into a genteel bow, and then gestures to Al.
“Alphonse Elric,” Al grins. “Nice to meet you.”
Havoc sorely wishes he’d called in sick that morning.
So… Okay. He’s probably going to die.
Mustang practically has a fit, and Hawkeye’s hand is on her gun, which means Havoc has to try really hard not to flinch.
Once he’s done making a series of choking noises that sound like a dying weasel, Mustang straightens his back, puts on his ‘the military wants you!’ face, and says: “Enlist.”
To her credit, Ed only blinks twice, before her mouth curls into a mischievous grin to anybody who knows her, and a dangerous snarl to the uninformed.
Al grins.
Havoc cringes.
“I,” Havoc’s wonderful Valkyrie of a wife thunders in a flawless imitation of her Teacher, “am a Housewife!”
Oh god. The look on Mustang’s face is priceless. He can’t help it.
Havoc starts to laugh.
Wondering why Father never managed to take over the world?
Funny story actually, Ed kinda might have just happened to be wandering by Briggs when Kimblee (the fucker) conned the Drachmans into attacking the fort, and hey, she kinda likes Amestris you know, being Amestris and not Drachma 2.0
So she drops a mountains worth of snow on them.
Funnily enough – carving a blood crest does not fucking work if all your victims die of air deprivation, or being crushed under several tons of ice and snow. Because, y’know, not enough blood being spilled and all.
Basically? The bad guys ran out of time – and it was all Ed’s fault, because no matter what they tried, she kept fucking up their plans by accident.
And then Honoheim owned their asses.
The End.
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In March i started my weight-loss journey. I saw a number that was all too real to me. 290. I was ten pounds away from seeing a 3 starting my weight. It hit me then that i needed to do something and do something quick. For my health, my son, and MYSELF. I was never happy with the way i looked. I would criticize myself every time i saw my reflection in a mirror. 
My stomach was too big, my thighs, too thick, my face was too puffy; the list goes on. I could not look at myself and point out the things i did like. Growing up i was always picked on for being the FAT one. The UGLY one. The bad out -weighed the good. I knew it was time. 
One story from my childhood stands out in particular. I was in the 7th grade. I liked this guy named (lets just call him) R. Now, if you knew me growing up, then you know i was very shy and reserved. Well one day i was talking to R on the phone and i asked him if he would go out with me. He said “NO”. So i asked R why, and his response was “No because you are fat!” It really tore me up. My mom could not even console me because it hurt so bad. It hurt because he said no because i was FAT. Couldnt he have made up a different reason? No. He didnt care how i felt or what that would do to me. The only way i calmed down was my mom had my best friend, Whitney, call me and talk to me. I remember the few days after that, i barely ate and making myself puke. Thinking that was the way i should go about things. All i did was make myself sick. 
When i was younger i used to love riding roller coasters. We would go to Silver Dollar City almost every summer. Then years passed since i had went. In 2013, me and my ex went for our honeymoon. It was depressing. I could only ride one ride, because i couldnt get the seat belts to latch over me. I had gotten to big to ride the rides. So he rode while i watched. I just told my ex i didnt feel good so i didnt want to ride. I made up excuses. When really i was punishing myself on the inside. BUT i still didnt do anything to change it. 
In October of 2014, my kidneys started shutting down. My kidneys only had 15% function, combined. It took a few months, while going to multiple doctor visits, for them to even figure out what was going on. In those few months i had lost 40 pounds, because i barely ate. All i did was work and go home and go to sleep. In March of 2015 they put me on steroids to help my kidneys, which it did, but it did make me pack on the weight. I gained the 40 pounds back plus more. Then i got pregnant and gained more weight. 
I realized all the times i had started dieting or exercising, i was doing it for all the wrong reasons. I was doing it because people told me i needed to, so i could get a boyfriend, to look like the other girls, or because i was depressed. I FINALLY realized i needed to be doing it for ME. No other reason was going to push me far enough to keep going. I had to want to do it for me, myself, and I. 
So in March i started the KETO diet and started running and lifting weights with my sister, Emma. I fell in love with lifting and working out. It took a little while, but eventually it became where if i did not work out i felt terrible that i didnt. If you dont know what the KETO diet is, it is a very low carb, high fat diet. I found it to be one of the easiest diets i could do. Now, giving up carbs was not an easy feat. I made it work though. I lost 54 pounds! Then life caught up. Vacations, birthdays, parties. I decided, what the heck, it wont hurt me to eat this. Well i added 5 pounds on and now for a month, i have been fighting those five pounds to leave again. 
I have not stopped working out, i actually joined a gym and go five times a week, along with running and softball. I stay pretty active....just ask Mateo. Haha. 
When i started this i didnt realize i would influence other people to start their journey too. Now i find myself taking friends to the gym, or giving advice when asked, or showing them my diet. It makes my fire inside burn even more. I am super grateful that people are looking up to me. I have more confidence in myself. I am actually a lot more comfortable in my body. I have noticed a difference in my skin too. Its not hard anymore, its loose. Its shrinking and it makes me want to keep going to see what else i am capable of. 
My point to this post is: Tomorrow is a new day. I am going back to the basics. By the end of this year i want to be able to see the 210′s. I truly can not remember the last time i saw those numbers. Maybe middle school?
And if you want to join, just let me know! -Much love to all of my supporters. 
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jswdmb1 · 5 years
“I will go in this way, 
and find my own way out
I wont tell you to stay, 
but i'm coming to much more”
- Dave Matthews Band
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April 17, 2019,
Dear Coach Moser,
I’ll keep this short because I know you are busy, but I wanted to thank you for taking the time to talk to me at the other night after the post-season banquet. It was a special event celebrating a great season and it was an honor to be there. As a season ticket holder for the first time since I graduated, I was so impressed with the team and how they handled themselves after the incredible Final Four run. Despite all of the pressure, they never stopped trying and won back-to-back conference titles. You and your staff have to be incredibly proud of such an effort and I thank you on behalf of the entire Loyola community for a commitment to developing student-athletes that have the character that makes them such fine men.
But as I told you the other night, this year meant so much more to me. With the eve of the Final Four coming on the one-year anniversary of my father’s death (a Loyola alum himself) the gift you and your team gave me was very personal and rekindled a spirit in me that had been gone for a while.  As the season started out, I was excited for the potential of riding the momentum from the previous season, but as time wore on, I saw something even more special develop.  I felt like that I got to know the players and could see the way they were feeling the pressure of such expectations.  I stopped thinking about last year, or what might happen in the post-season ahead, and instead began to appreciate the performances and effort of the present.  Once I began paying attention, I found it incredible at how prepared the team was and that they never took one play off.  Sure, they missed shots, made turnovers, and maybe missed a defensive assignment, but it was never for a lack of effort and every player, without exception, always made up for it somewhere down the line with an equally impressive bit of hustle.  
And that is what I will most take away from the 2018-19 season.  As fun as it was to be at all of those games, the indelible memory for me is guys like Clayton, Marcus, and Cameron giving every bit of themselves for their team and their school.  While they had some room to probably rest on their laurels, they actually seemed to work even harder to prove themselves.  It also showed me that bottom line results are not what life is all about and that being satisfied with yourself is what is most important.  If you put your head down, work hard, and do the right thing, good things usually happen.  I didn’t always believe that or even think it was a possibility in life, but after watching your team’s extraordinary effort this past season, now I do.  And that, as I told you, I think has made me a better person, which is a gift I will never be able to repay to you, your players, or the University that makes it all possible.
When I came home from work the other day, my wife had a look on her face as if something awful had happened.  We have had a lot of tragedy in our lives the past couple of years, so I have to admit I was a bit relieved when her news was that rumor had it you were leaving Loyola (I think it was her way of letting me down easy).  Later, I thought about it and realized that such an opportunity would be natural to find its way to you and that we as Loyola fans should be honored that our coach would be in the running for positions at bigger programs.  That is a natural part of life and I don’t think anyone should have faulted you one bit if you took the offer.  Still, after meeting you and listening to you and your team at the banquet, I knew it was going to be tough decision, and I was happy to hear the news last night that you were staying.  It was another example of you and your program confirming that I lucked into a special situation by being a part of the Loyola community.  It also provided me a teaching moment with my eleven-year old son, who was very concerned about your decision in the preceding twenty-four hours since the news broke.  I’ll leave you with the story I told him after we found out you were staying.
As I told you at the banquet, my dad passed away in 2017, but he was a Loyola alum and went into public education after graduation and never left.  He ended up at a small school district in the western suburbs and worked his way up the ranks from teacher to principal to superintendent.  When he took over the job as superintendent, things at the district were in very bad shape.  There had been major problems with the previous administration involving fraud and the district was broke.  He worked tirelessly to turn things around and make the schools there places where kids who don’t always get the best opportunities could thrive.  There was a lot of sacrifice involved, but he was taught by his father that if you put your head down, work hard, and do the right thing, good things usually happen.  After about ten years, he got a very lucrative offer at another district that would have been much easier and allowed him to achieve a higher profile in his career.  I was old enough at that point where he talked to me about it before declining the offer.  He wanted to make sure he did the right thing.  I think it was the first time I realized he really valued my opinion.  Without hesitation, I told him to stay where he was and work in the place he helped build and where he was happy.  He stayed at that same district for forty years until he retired a few years before he passed, and I know he never had one regret.
I hope that story sounds familiar.  I came up to talk to you, because I had to let you know about the appreciation I had for the values the university has and how much I respect how you implement them in your basketball program.  People probably think that I am a little crazy with how much of a fan I am, but it has to do with more than basketball.  Loyola is a beacon of hope in a world that has pretty much given up on the ethics and values that I was taught by my Dad, which were the same he was taught growing up.  Every time I come to campus for a game, I get a good feeling knowing that he would be proud of what has happened in Rogers Park.  It actually keeps a connection to him for me even though he has been gone for a while (as you told me, he is looking down on all of this and smiling).  I also think he would be proud of me for not giving up when things looked bleak in my life and things got really rough.  Your team was a big part of my inspiration and I will never be able to repay you.  The best I can do is keep coming to every game wearing my thirty-year old jacket, scarf and goofy hat and provide whatever support I can give your team.  In the meantime, I hope you are able to get some rest and relaxation before the summer camps start and enjoy some time with your family.  
See you in the fall,
Jim White, BBA, Class of 1994
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hail--to-the-queen · 8 years
Marauders Era Headcannons
Ok so no one asked but these are mine. It’s really long, so sorry about that. A lot are based on inspo I’ve seen on Tumblr, tweaked to my liking, which is probably wrong but I just have all these feelings that I’ve gotta get out so here goes. If you see an idea that’s originally yours/you know who’s it is, please message me and I’ll credit your genius.
 Shortest marauder. like hella short. 
He wasn’t visibly muscled bc he liked food so damn much, but he wasn’t a creampuff either
preferred coffee over tea, and was the person who introduced coffee to Marlene
Funniest marauder. Could spin a tale/tell jokes like no one’s business. 
Towhead, tanned up nicely, brown eyes
was actually very particular about how his hair was combed/parted, but didn’t fuss about it openly *cough cough Sirius*
just didn’t get the hype behind Quidditch. sure, he liked it, but he couldn’t imagine letting a sport take over your life like James always did and even Sirius did during season
was actually hella perceptive and good at figuring things out about other people
like for real I think he was the first one to notice a lot; Remus’ condition, Sirius’ abusive home situation, when Lily’s feelings for James started to change, how James himself started to change
Was also the swiftest/sneakiest of all the marauders (rat!) and collected all of their intel
didn’t much care about school, and wanted to open a cafe in Diagon Alley after school
Had something of a talent for Divinations. Like, wasn’t a seer or anything, but he understood the theory and appreciated the art
fell in love with Marlene McKinnon in their 6th year, and her death in the first wizarding war (Mentioned in Lily’s letter to Sirius) is what pushed him over the edge and away from the Order. he was already struggling before then, but she grounded him and gave him something to fight for, and without her he just couldn’t handle anything. grew angry, bitter, resentful, flipped on the order and tore apart his friends. yuck.
V tall. Tallest Marauder. Tallest student. certified tallboy.
Tea and chocolate and jumpers
smoker, but only right before and right after the full moon. it helps him cope
only swears when he’s well and truly angry
Brown hair with hints of copper that grows into a kind of mop. He manages it, somehow, even though it’s way out of style, and it just works
pale, brown eyes with gold in them
Messy to a fault, but somehow always has what he needs in the moment
LOVES quidditch, and attends every match especially because Sirius is a beater and damn just look at his arms
is the strategic brains behind the marauders operation. as much of a strategist as Ron is, Remus was too, and he was very good at planning things, especially things like breaking into filches office or putting potions in the Slytherin’s morning pumpkin juice that makes them all turn red and roar spontaneously  
Always studied, because if he didn’t put in the work he wouldn’t pull good grades
Forms a very close relationship with Lily in their 5th year when they’re both prefect
realized he was bi (and totally in love with Sirius) in his 4th year
Refuses to come out to his parents because they already have a broken son, and he didn’t want to expand on those feelings
tutors kids for chocolate bars or spare change whenever he has the time
was terrified of being made head boy, because he just knew he couldn’t handle it, and was relieved when it was James (bc he just knew Lily was a shoe-in for Head Girl)
Is the first person Lily actually admits her confused feelings about James to
Second-shortest Marauder (much to his chagrin)
has excellent posture as a result (because if he slouches he’s the same height as Peter)
Long black hair, grey eyes, regal/sharp features. 
has a leather jacket that he picked up at a muggle consignment store when he was 14. it’s worn & covered in patches, and when his mother finds it in his closet his father uses the cruciatus on him
speaks excellent french. a side effect of Toujours Pur
Always paints his nails black or grey. When they chip, he paints over them, so it’s just layers and layers of paint
Starts to grow his hair out in the summer before his third year. Keeps it roughly shoulder length, and trims it himself after he had Emily Tefty teach him how
Incidentally, the summer before third year is when he stopped believing he could ever make amends with his parents. The only reason he went home after that was for Reg
Wants to live in London and work in a muggle garage
Is very smart, but doesn’t try. can ace every test though
is particularly gifted at CoMC
Smokes way more than he should
gets his first tattoo (a lion, what else) in Knockturn alley when he was 15. it paces and roars depending on his mood, and is on his ribcage, protecting his heart because he’s so afraid that one day he wont be able to protect his heart from his parents ideology 
realized he was Gay (and in love with Remus) in the start of their 5th year
was so terrified of that fact that he went on a year-long dating extravaganza, in which he dated and snogged every girl he could get to agree to go out with him (which was, of course, almost all of them) in an attempt to find someone he liked better than Remus. It failed.
Ran away from home for good after a particularly brutal beating between 5th and 6th year
cried for days when he heard about Reg getting marked
hates Snape because snape doesn’t have the shackles of a pureblood fundamentalist family, but actively seeks that lifestyle, while he would give anything to be free of it
Gets up every morning and goes for a run around the grounds, no matter how cold it is
eats healthy, but he’s a growing boy so a second helping of pudding isn’t going to kill him
Lives, breathes, eats, and sleeps quidditch. Wants to be a professional player someday and probably could have
half-hindu, so dark complexion, dark eyes and dark hair
keeps said hair wildly messy in a lighthearted rebellion against his family
has a massive soft spot for the house elves, and sneaks into the kitchen more often to visit with them than he does to get remus and himself a cuppa
is the literal life of the party
Has loved Lily since 2nd year
doesn’t understand why she doesn’t like him for a long time, but eventually he gets it   
is naturally smart/gifted, and doesn’t understand why Remus has to study all the time
Disliked Severus for a multitude of reasons; his closeness with Lily, his inclination towards the Pureblood agenda, the fact that he was a Slytherin and was proud of it. This made him an easy bullying target for James, but he only started to truly hate Severus after the mudblood incident 
is very careful with his belongings
Dated a cute Ravenclaw for the first 6 months of his 6th year, but eventually broke it off because Lily was single again because they just didn’t have that spark 
Was terrified when he was made head boy, just like he was terrified when he was made Quidditch captain the year before
Is literal Mr. Oblivious. Doesn’t realize the wolfstar situation, doesn’t realize that what he says has an impact on people, doesn't realize how many girls are interested in him, doesn’t realize that not everyone is as smart as he is, doesn’t realize when Lily’s feelings change.
literally peter has to spell out the wolfstar thing to him 
Is terrified of the mermaids in the Black Lake
the most feminist feminist who ever feministed 
Kept a muggle record player from her father that Remus helped her charm to work in Hogwarts during 4th year
Was definitely very close to being in love with Severus before the mudblood incident. He was her first kiss
she and Severus both made up their own spells, and correct their potions books with better instructions. Muffiato was her creation
Smart, but studies very hard nonetheless, Bc in the back of her mind she was terrified that someone someday will take away her wand
Actual queen of sarcasm
knitted in her spare time (the muggle way)
Long (like, can tuck it in her waistband) red hair, creamy skin (burns like a lobster in direct sunlight)
Cuts her hair after the mudblood incident because Severus always loved to play with it
this is 100% someone else’s idea, but i cant for the life of me find the post. If it’s your’s, or you know who’s it is, PLEASE message me and let me know and I’ll give them all the credit 
Ends up with a bob and scraggily bangs. Keeps it for a month, then magically grows it back out until it’s below her shoulder blades. Keeps the bangs, because she likes them
Figures out Remus’ secret after 3 months of prefect duty in 5th year. Tells him, just to make sure he doesn’t feel like he has to lie or hide from her.
 can banter back and forth with Peter so well that they leave the others in stitches every time
Loved her parents, but never had much of a relationship with her mother
Officially gave up on trying with Petunia in the summer before 4th year, when she threw a scarf Lily had knitted her for her birthday in the bin immediately upon opening it, because she was convinced Lily had knitted it with magic
fell in love with James somewhere in the middle of 6th year, and was terrified of it, because they had managed a truce/friendship and she was so afraid to mess that up
legitimately doesn't believe she’s good enough to be Head Girl
Fierce protector of all the muggleborn students 
Retreated into a shell of a person early in 6th year when her dad died of cancer. the marauders and Marlene took 2 months to try and get back to being herself
Dated Amos Diggory for the first 3 months of 6th year, but ultimately broke it off because of James because they just didn’t have that feeling
when Severus started sending her letters threatening to harm himself if she wouldn’t talk to him, she stopped opening them, and reported him to Slughorn as a suicide risk
Wanted to become a healer and totally could have
Best friends with Lily since the first night of first year
Sucker for a funny guy
Talented artist, terrible in all of her courses (she only passes because of Lily)
dyslexic as hell
hated tea with a passion, but fell in love with coffee after Peter introduced it to her during their 2nd year
now she buys it from columbia (that and art supplies are the only things she shamelessly splurges/spends her family’s vast wealth on)
Is a pureblood, but her whole family rejects the doctrines, and she’s very proud of that. Especially after seeing what its like for Sirius to fight his family.
wants to become a wizard tattoo artist and totally could have
has a floral 1/2 sleeve she designed herself
short stature, wavy blonde hair, blue eyes
does commission work for students and faculty 
By 7th year, starts giving illegal frowned upon tattoos to students in her dorm (but only those of age). Lily turns a blind eye to this because she knows Marlene is clean and safe and damn good at what she does, and she feels the need to support her best friend’s dreams
Started to fall for Peter in 6th year, because he made her laugh
 See’s the good in (almost) everyone
original queen of the bat bogey hex
 Went on one date with Sirius to Hogsmede in their 5th year, during which they talked about tattoos and neither of them felt anything other than friendship
Keeps lots and lots of plants in her room (if she was ever good at any class, it was herbology. She just couldn’t take the tests/do the readings/write the essays)
had multiple piercings all the way up her ears
once hexed Lucius Malfoy’s hair off of his head for sneering at her for spending time with non-purebloods
served almost as many detentions (almost) as the marauders
commentated quidditch matches
Loved Lily since they were 9 and he saw her first do magic on the playground
He had pretty regal features, if he would just get his hair out of his face
he wasn’t really greasy, thats just something the marauders called him
Dark eyes, light complexion, long, straight, black hair
Was a very talented student, but really only cared about defense and potions
secretly hated the slug club and all it stood for, but was a member because he saw the value of networking
loved pepper imps, and would buy them whenever he had any extra money
was very good at budgeting
Had an abusive father who used to beat him, until one day when Severus was 7 and his father was chasing him with a belt. He made the china cabinet unscrew from the wall and crash down on his father
Refuses to let his mother buy him new clothes until he desperately needs them, because he knows how expensive they are and can’t stand the thought of her going without because of him
Hates James from the moment he shows any interest in Lily
See’s Lily as a possession to be hoarded 
Refuses to acknowledge that his love for her conflicts with his pure blood agenda
legitimately believes he can have both, even if that means hiding her away. He even draws up plans of how he would accomplish this
Loves to play with her hair
Wrote Lily letters following the incident in which he threatened to harm himself if she wouldn’t talk to him. She never did, and neither did he.
Figured out Remus’ secret in 5th year after Sirius gave him a huge hint, and was basically forced to make an unbreakable vow with Dumbledore that he would never tell anyone
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lychrono · 7 years
15: Lychrono Prologue 4/6
Now before you read this, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. It should not have taken this long just to type this part. I have multiple reasons for taking this long to write this part:First off, I’ve been distracted by many things, such as finishing up high school, graduation, getting my final college forms finished, and other hobbies. Secondly,writing this part was a nightmare for one major reason: Writer’s block. I just wasn’t very confident with what I did write for this part. Finally, I’ve been losing a bit of confidence in this blog, seeing as of now, I only have two followers, and I’m pretty sure both of them are robots.
Regardless, The part was finally finished last Tuesday, and, since I’m out for the summer and don’t have to leave for VCU until the 18th of August, I will have much more time to work on this blog. Besides that, there wont be any pit stops after this post, We’re going straight from part 4 to part 5. After part 5, we will have two different pit stops, and finally, we will be going to the final part of the Prologue.
Finally, once I am done with part 6, there is something I have planned for this blog. You’ll have to wait and see. Regardless,here’s part 5:
And so, this is part four of the Lychrono prologue.
      And so,This part starts with Hunter in the bed of his room, trying to get some sleep as he is still severely jetlagged, even after two days since his arrival. Hunter is still trying to get used to living in Mystacine. What’s worse, today is the day he is supposed to start his 9 month long training regiment.
     His alarm clock goes off. As Hunter gets up, he realizes that he doesn’t remember ever setting an alarm. Still being dark out, he checks to see what time it is, caught off guard when he see’s that it is five in the morning.
     Agitated and wondering whether this is correct, he check’s the schedule that was given to him by the package. Indeed, it was correct, he was supposed to meet up with Aspen by the entrance to the rec center in approximately 30 min. At this revelation, Hunter Begrudgingly gets out of his bed, changes into the gym clothes provided to him (wearing a hoodie in order to keep warm through the early hours) And makes his way to the rec center. All the while, he struggle to keep his balance, as he is still struggling with sleep deprivation.
     Through the twists and turns, trying to navigate Meerstadt’s streets in order to find his way with the map provided to him, he manages to make it with two minutes to spare. As he makes it, the sun starts to rise up, barely visible through the ocean floor.
     When he makes it, he checks the time. Two minutes until the deadline. With nothing else to do, he sits on a nearby bench outside of the front entrance.
 As Hunter Tries to stay warm in the early hours, a figure walks up beside him, slightly hunched over. It's Aspen, this time not joined by Amethyst, as he’s letting her sleep in after last night. Aspen leads Hunter around the side of the Rec center to the back. A track and field takes up a big part of the center’s outdoor area, empty in the early morning hours.
 At the center of the field, Aspen finally explains why Hunter had to get up this early in the morning: in order to see where he is physically, Hunter is to take a physical exam. Hunter, trying to stand at attention, takes a gulp of nervousness,not excited for what comes next.
 After a 3 hour physical exam, we see Hunter and Aspen on the bleachers.While Aspen is scribbling notes on a clipboard, Hunter is laying down on the bleachers next to him, struggling to catch his breath. His cheeks are red and puffy, his chest is expanding and contracting rapidly, and his arms lay down beside him, rapidly pulsating.
 After what feels like an eternity, Aspen finally finishes the evaluation, stating that overall, Hunter comes out to be slightly above average. Intrigued by this, Hunter sits up and asks to see the clipboard. After looking it over, an exasperated smile comes onto Hunter’s face. He falls back to the bleacher, hands Aspen back the clipboard, and gives him a thumbs up.
 “Are we done for today?” Hunter asks Aspen. As Aspen stands up, he tells Hunter:
“No, not even close. For now, get a shower and some breakfast. Meet me at the Holo-domes in two hours.”
 Aspen leaves, leaving Hunter alone and panting on the bleachers.
 From there, we go back to the mess hall where Hunter is having breakfast, his fur and hair damp from a recent shower. Suddenly, as he goes for another bite of his cereal, he see’s a the reflection of a rabbit in his spoon, who appears to be trying to sneak up on Hunter. In retaliation, Hunter rapidly twists his body around to look Wimple dead in the eye, making an Boo sound as he does so, causing wimple to jump back.
 “ Well, um…” Wimple starts up “I just wanted to say hi. As the new meat, i-if you ever need any advice, just ask me. That is, if you want.”
         Although flattered by the offer, Hunter politely declines.
 “Oh okay. I’ll just go get something to eat then.” Wimple says, and walks away.
     As Wimple walks over to the mess hall’s line, Hunter starts to think over what Wimple meant when he said “Meat”. In his head, he starts to wonder how the next nine months are going to go. He gets up and goes to Wimple, who’s picking out a tray.
     “Wait, Wimple. I have to ask. You were the last one to join The Rhamsin division, right?” Hunter asked, trying not to put down Wimple.
     “ Well, not the last to join, but with how the last guy excelled passed me-”
     “ I wanted to ask what you remember about the training regimen.” Hunter asks.
     “Oh, that. Well, I don’t remember the finer details, but it was certainly intense. I don’t think I ever been more sore. Couldn’t feel my left leg for a week, and at some points, I just wanted to give up, but worst of all, there was this one unit I could never get the hang of, and I feared I would never.” Wimple started.
 “A-an entire week? My leg?” Hunter said to himself, not realizing that Wimple was still going on, and even going on a rant about how it was all worth it in the end and he’s really proud of how far he’s come.
 “ And that’s why you sho-, are you okay?” Finally realizing that Hunter was just looking off into the distance.
“Huh? Oh yea, fine. I think I can handle it.” Hunter replies, finally snapping back to reality.
 “ Oh, well that’s good.” Wimple replies. “ And even, if no one show’s it, every one in rhamsin division is rooting for you.”
 “Yeah.” Hunter softly replies, still looking into the distance.
  Go ahead about 30 minutes. Hunter, Aspen, and now Amethyst are all in a dark hallway, in front of what appears to be a closet door. Still thinking about what Wimple said earlier, Hunter doesn’t hear what Aspen says.
 “Hunter!” Aspen snaps.
 “WHAT?” Hunter says.
 “You need to get your head out of the clouds, son. Now, what I need you to do is to go through this door and climb down the ladder. Once you're down there, we’ll tell you what to do from there.”
 “Yes, sir.” Hunter replies, saluting him.
 “And please, call me master.” Aspen replies.
 “Yes, Master.” Hunter says. Turning back to the door, he puts his hand on the knob and turns it. As he goes through the door, he is met with a black void. Nervous, he turns around only to see that Aspen and Amethyst are no longer there. He shuts the door behind him, leaving himself in a void of nothingness.
 Suddenly, up above him, the sound of hydraulics turning can be heard as the ceiling opens up, revealing a glass ceiling over head as light pours into the room, giving Hunter his first true look of the room he is in. from the light he is given, he can tell that the room is huge, easily 100 feet from the side he’s on to the other. As he looks down, he realizes that what he was standing on was a small square platform, raised easily 30 feet above the rest of the room. Noticing the ladder Aspen mentioned, he uses it to descend to the lower level. Stepping off of the ladder, he takes his time to look around the room. From what he sees, floor of the room has a grid pattern, with each square being much bigger than he is. Additionally, they appear to be dark blue in coloration, and made of a strange metal, though that could just be an illusion from the lighting.
 Suddenly, over head lights come on, bathing the entire room in light. For the first time, he is able to see the room in it’s entirety. The room took on a tetradecagon shape, with several squares being cut off by the walls. Speaking of the walls, they also have a grid pattern. The sheer size of the room causes Hunter to feel overwhelmed.
     Suddenly, a click is heard, not loud, but definitely coming from all around him.
 “ Can you hear me.” a voice said. It was Aspens voice, talking through a microphone.
 “ Yeah” Hunter replied “Where are you?”
 At this point, the scene shifts from Hunter’s perspective to Aspen’s perspective. Both he and Amethyst are sitting in a room overlooking the pit Hunter is in. In this dark room, a ten feet tall one-way window separates Aspen from the atrium, allowing him to see everything without giving away his position. Inside the room, all sorts of computers can be seen, each with a different purpose, making the room rather cramp.
 “ All you need to know is that I can see you, but you can’t see me.” Aspen says into a microphone, sounding all kinds of Cryptic. “Now, what I need you to do is to go stand on the glowing platform.”
 (back to Hunter’s perspective)
In the distance, one of the squares lights up with a bluish glow. Without Hesitation, Hunter runs over to it and stops on top of it.
 “Like this?” He asks inquisitively.
  “Yes, perfect.” Aspen answers. “Now, answer me this, Hunter: Do you have any experience with the augmentation of reality. To bend the world to your whim and re create it in your own image, only limited by your imagination?” Aspen asks with passion in his voice.
 “ Um, not that I can remember.” Hunter answers, slightly terrified by Aspens questions.
     “Well then ‘chuckle’, prepare yourself.” Aspens says, a slight sense of crazy in his tone.
 Suddenly, the room around Hunter fades away into nothingness, sending Hunter into a panic as he fears for his safety. He falls to his back, still and motion less within the black void.
 Then, as if opening his eyes, a new room fades into view. This room, while it has a floor, white and patterned with flowing code, any idea of a wall or ceiling was foreign to this room, as the floor goes on forever into a white void.
  With everything around Hunter, he had to take a few steps back just to take in the sheer scope of what he was seeing. The white void was absolutely breathtaking, astonishing, humbling. After looking all around, he started to become giddy like a schoolgirl.
 Then, just seconds after the void came, it went, returning Hunter to the grid room he never left in the first place. Still, the very size of the room left him with a cold sweat and goosebumps.
“Alright, with that out of the way, it’s time to start the real simulation”, said Aspen.
  Once again, another simulation started up,  stretching the room into rectangular prism, leaving Hunter at the far side of the room, away from the ladder and exit. Then, the room stopped stretching, and proceeded to morph before his eyes. When it finally stopped morphing, it resembled a military style obstacle course, complete with a climbing walls of different heights, rope courses,  a balance beam, several  other obstacles, and most prominently, a tower all the way at the end, made up of only beams and flat walls.
     “Welcome to obstacle course 7B, Hunter. Everything you can ask for in a basic training course. What do you think?���, Aspen asked over the intercom.
     It takes Hunter a few seconds to answer back, as he’s still taking in the scenery.
 “Well, It’s certainly- intricate.”, Hunter replies, still looking at everything.
 “Modest answer.”, Aspen replies. “Now then, course 7B is going to be a major part of your training regimen.  When your finals arrive 9 months from now, the judges will expect you to do every one of these obstacles efficiently with minimal difficulty. Now, before we start for the day, Look to your left.”
 As Hunter looks to his left, a white light manifests out of the corner of his eye. As he turns, he sees a blob of static come into existence, growing arms and legs much like his. In fact, exactly like him. When things calm down, Hunter is face to face with… him, or rather, a white, static silhouette of himself.
     “Impressed? Meet your digital doppelganger, a test dummy ma-”
 Hunter was too busy reaching his hand through the doppelganger, watching as it passes right through it’s chest, stomach, and esophagus.
 “HUNTER!!” Aspen yells into the intercom, greatly startling Hunter as he pulls his arm out.
  “S-Sorry!”, Hunter replied.
 “Just watch your copy. You are to follow it’s example.”
 The Doppelganger went to work, effortlessly weaving and winding its way through each of the individual courses. Hunter kept a close eye on his digital clone, constantly taking mental notes on each action it made. He felt a knot in his stomach as the mass of sparks executed each obstacle without hesitation or flaw. After the second time around, it was finally time for Hunter to join in. He followed his the doppelganger, taking a slow, cautious pace as Aspen coached him over the intercom. Not once did Hunter even come close to what his doppelganger was doing.
 By the time he finished his 30th run through of all the courses (excluding the tower), Hunter was a panting, shaking mess, who could feel his own heartbeat echo throughout his body.he couldn’t even talk, as he was too busy trying to breath.
 “Alright, overall average for your first day.”, Aspen said over the intercom. “Before we finish up for today, there is one more course I’ll need you to run through. Just once will be enough.”
 Hunter looked up at the tower, knowing exactly what he was talking about.”You’ve got to be kidding me.”, Hunter murmured to himself. However, knowing that he was almost done for the day, he convinced his body to press forward, hopeful of going back to his room to rest. As he got closer, he noticed a bell at the very top.
 “I have to ring that?”, Hunter asked rhetorically.
 He didn’t get a response.
 Knowing he was almost done with the day, he started to climb, which was much harder considering most of the tower was flat walls and the occasional bar. About halfway through, he reached an area where he couldn’t go any farther. His arms we’re on fire, and he barely had the strength to go farther. When he reached for the next pole, his grip had slipped.
 If it had not been for the thick mats covering the ground, Hunter would have had multiple cracked bones and a concussion. Even still, he felt his heart race faster than ever as he picked himself up, a steady stream of tears rolling down his cheeks. As he tried to stand up, he could feel his entire left side burn with pain, so all he could do was lie there and try not to break anything. The room around him swirled and changed as he was returned to the grid room he had started out in.
Above him, the door swung open as Aspen and Amethyst rushed to his aid. They both had to help him up the ladder, with Amethyst doing most of the heavy lifting, while trying to be as delicate as possible. After they got him out of the room, Aspen inspected his wounds. The flesh under Hunter’s fur had gone red like an apple.
 “Thank goodness it isn’t very serious.” ,Aspen said, trying his best to keep Hunter calm “With the right supplies, it should be fully healed by tomorrow. Until then, let’s get you to the medical wing.”, Aspen helped to support Hunter’s left side as they walk off.
  By the time Hunter made it out of the medical wing, the sun had almost set and dinner was about to rap up. The only people who were sitting at table 17 were himself,his hands shaking as he tried to eat his meal; and Lula, who was busy trying to eat and polish her helmet at the same time.
 As she finished up polishing her helmet, she set it aside and admired her work, Awkward silence manifests in the mess hall.
 “So- was this your first day?”, Lula asks, trying to break the silence.
 “Uh… y-yeah.”, Hunter replies.
     “Nice, so, how did it go?” Asked Lula.
     “Pretty well.” Hunter replied, trying to sound confident.
     “You seem to be shaking a lot. Are you sure about that?” Lula asked.
     “Well, it was going fine until I fell off the tower.”, Hunter replied
     Lula did not say anything, only showing shock, then sympathy for Hunter, which started to bug him.
     “I just don’t get it”,Hunter started up. “Of all the people in this world, all those more qualified for this line of work than me, and I’m the one they chose. It doesn’t make any sense.”
     “Well, to be fair, Mystacine isn’t in the best condition either.” Lula replied.
     “Huh?”, Hunter said.
     “Tell me, when you first stepped foot onto Janachu, did anything catch your eye?” Lula asked inquisitively.
     “Well, I guess the derelict town was kind of interesting. All the black marks kind of make it look like it was burned down. What about it?”, Hunter asks.
     “Believe it or not, THAT town used to be the old headquarters for Mystacine, three decades before I joined up.” Lula says. “Care to know what happened.”
     “YES. What happened?”, Hunter replied, desperate to know the story.
     “Alright, storytime.” Lula, adjusted her seat and faced towards Hunter. “Long ago, Mystacine used to be the greatest mercenary company on Ellin, With an entire naval fleet to navigate the world in pursuit of contracts. They had amassed such a reputation for themselves that fugitives would cower in fear at the very thought that one of their members were hunting them down. Mystacine was to be feared and respected.”
     “So it used to be known all around the world? Then how come I’ve never heard anyone talk about it.”, Hunter asked.
     “Simply put, they were an elusive bunch. The accepted the contract, carried it out, and left without leaving a name for themselves. All they left was a piece of cloth with Mystacine emblem and instructions for how to contact us if they ever required our services again.”
 “That’s ominous. So, why is it in such bad shape now, when they have something like THIS”, Hunter asked, bringing emphasis to the underwater dome around them. “Seems like they’re doing better than ever.”
 “Well, from what I was told,Mystacine grew stubborn. As the world advanced in technology, Mystacine was more interested in keeping traditions rather than making use of new tools and techniques.  Not only that, but they were pretty picky with who they let join Mystacine, only accepting the best of the best.Pretty soon, the requests they got went from a river to a trickle. They soon reached a point of stagnation. A stagnation that would be their downfall.”
 “Oh, well-”
 “Hold that thought, this is where it gets interesting: So. one day, as the sun rose from the east, a group of militants, clad in black plating and wearing emotionless masks rose from the ocean with one goal in mind: Destroy Mystacine.”
     At this point, Hunter was completely engrossed in the story.
     “The black army stormed the beach, making their way up to headquarters. An alarm rung out, warning everyone of the black army’s approach. While those who were not qualified ran for a safe zone in the mountains, the Mercenaries stayed behind to help evacuate before the black army could make it to their doorstep. With the last person safely evacuated, it was time to confront these intruders. They stood side by side, ready to fight. Then, the black army had arrived, a path of destruction left in their wake.”
     Lula took a moment to pause, taking a deep breath.
     “It was absolute carnage. What started out as a dozen turned to a hundred, their numbers never running dry. Barely anyone made it out with their lives, and those that did retreated to the safe zone, tales between their legs.”
     Lula took another pause, letting the message sink into Hunter’s skin.
       “Looking back on it, most people believe it was their outdated equipment and technology that became their downfall. You can choose to believe that. It’s what I believe.”
     “So, why did the black army attack?”, Hunter asked.
     “Nobody knows. I’ve heard things like revenge, money, competition. It could be any number of reasons. I choose not to think about it.”, Lula replies.
         “That’s horrible.” Hunter replies. “So then, how did they bounce back?”
     “Well, little one: After days of waiting, the survivors left the safe zone to see what was left of Mystacine. They found the town burnt to the ground, all the ships had sunk to the bottom of the bay, and… and the… the remains of a funeral pyre, of those that didn’t survive.”
     Hunter was horrified at what he just heard.
        “Anyway, they radioed for help, and after two weeks, helped arrived in the form of a representative of oracle industries. They offered to help build a new base for mystacine, as a gift. The survivors knew that at this point, it would either by the death of Mystacine- or a new beginning.”
     “I can see which one they chose”, Hunter replied, his meal now finished in front of him.
     “Unfortunately, they still suffered a major setback: A lack of mercenaries. Ever since then, they’ve been taking what they can get in order to return to their former glory.”
          “So that’s why they accepted me. They were desperate. That makes more sense than actually expecting potential out of me.” Hunter said.
     “Hunter, is it. Why did you join Mystacine?”, asked Lula.
     “ I was desperate. No one else would hire.” Hunter replied.
     “Why’s that?”, Asked Lula.
     “Well, you see, I was born with a rare condition that left me with unusual fur, for a wolf anyway.”, Hunter said, showing Lula his arms.
     “Is that what that is?” Lula replied in intrigue. “I thought you just had a terrible dye job.”
        “Nope. I was born like this.” Hunter replied.
     “Well, just know that you’re in good company. We’re all freaks in our own way.”
     “Yeah” Hunter replies.
     So, Lula wraps up her conversation with Hunter by telling him that even if he feels he’s the worst (which she assures him, he’s not), it means he only has up to go. She gets up and leaves the table, leaving Hunter alone in the empty mess hall.
 “I can only get better…”, Hunter thought to himself.
         As Hunter’s training regimen continues onward, Hunter starts to feel himself loose track of the days. What started out as days turned to weeks, then months. As time progressed, he found his regimen branching out from the standard obstacle course, each came with its own set of challenges for our poor wolf protagonist. On the second day, he had to go through strength training, and by the end he felt nauseous and sore all over. When he started sword training, the sword bounced off of the dummy and hit him square in the face. During tracking, he got himself lost on the island. For wilderness survival, he had to survive by himself for 5 days on one of the distant islands. Halfway through day 2, a thunderstorm rolled in. suffice to say, it was not a good few months.
        However, the worst of his training was when he went back for review in the obstacle course. Every time, the day ended with the tower, and although he became better and better at everything else, the tower curbstomped him, no matter how many times he tried. To try over and over again, yet never succeed; whittles away at someone's spirit, huh.
     Regardless, we meet up with Hunter again one evening, in the dark hallways of the rhamsin division’s living quarters, mopping up the hallways on the male floor. Since janitors are very busy with the rest of Meerstadt, it falls on each division's residential mercenaries to clean it up. In order to divide up the work, the Rhamsin mercenaries, at least, set up a rotation based on week.As one would guess m, it is Hunter’s turn in the rotation.
       As Hunter moves his mop back and forth against the floor, the constant motion  gets him thinking; For the last few months, he has been constantly training for his new life as a bounty hunter, repeating the same trials of training over and over for hours each day, all to prepare himself for the day he will take the test.
     And yet, as he stands there, with his aching muscles and heavy eyelids, he can only wonder if all of this work is worth it. Is all of this training truly making him better? Will he be ready for the test? Or is he only being told he’s getting better.
     Realizing that the mop is running dry, Hunter dips its head back in the bucket. As he raised it out of the bucket, he heard a voice from behind him, coming all they from the common room all the way from the Rhamsin common room. Curious, he puts the mop back into the bucket and  makes his way down the hallway to see what’s going on.  Peeking into the common room, he see’s both Cindrix and Anji sitting together on the couch, engaging in small talk together. In the darkness of the deep ocean at night, the glowing radiance of a hearth of glowstones casts light on the two.
     As the small talk between Anji and Cindrix went on, Hunter found himself losing interest in their conversation. With nothing to hear, he turns around to return to mopping the floor, when he catches this out of the corner of his ear:
 “So, what do you think of the new guy?”, Cindrix asked Anji.
 Hearing his mention, Hunter decides to stay and listen to where this goes.
 Needless to say, what he hears is not very favorable of him.
 Heartbroken by what they say, Hunter hangs his head in shame. If even his own colleagues believe his struggle to be in vain, then perhaps he truly doesn’t stand a chance. Perhaps this was all a mistake.
 “Then again-”, Anji started to say, Hunter turning back again. “who hasn't struggled with basic training.”
 And so, Hunter listened to how the talked on, he heard about how they all went through basic training in a same manner (with a bit of variation). Though it was hard, they all had to push on, and in the end, all their work was worth it. A smile formed on Hunter’s face as their conversation turned to chicken wings. But was what they said true. Perhaps a second opinion would be what he needed for self-confirmation.
     The office of Aspen held an atmosphere similar to the common room, lit by a the flame of fire place behind his desk. Aspen sat alone at his desk, reading a book while at the same time reviewing paperwork. As he sets aside the last of the paperwork,his eyes catch something at the edge of his desk. Bringing it forward, it is revealed to the audience to be a portrait, with what looked to be a younger Aspen, sitting on his lap was a child Amethyst, and standing next to him was another ferret, their identity blocked by the lighting. As Aspen looks at the portrait, melancholy overtakes him. As he begins to focus on the unknown ferret, a knock can be heard at the door, prompting him to put it back in its position. He calls to the person to come in.
     “H-hey Aspen.”, Hunter says at the door, “I was wondering if I could talk to you about something.”
     “Come in and take a seat.” Aspen replies, motioning Hunter to come in. “Something on your mind?”
     “Well-” Says Hunter as he sits down. Before he starts again, he pauses to think about how he should say what he want’s to say.
     “ You feel training is taking it’s toll on you?”, Aspen says, beating Hunter to the Punch.
 “How did you-” Hunter asks,surprised by Aspen.
 “I’ve been training recruits in my division long before you were born. At this point, it’s become a cycle.”, Aspen replies. He stands up and starts looking through the objects over the fireplace. “ Elaborate, please.”
     “Well, I don’t believe I’ve ever had this much stress put upon me. There are so many different aspects that I haven’t considered. It’s all too much, I guess is what I’m trying to say.” Hunter says to Aspen, who is still looking through the old photo’s over the fire. A momentary pause falls between the two.
     “You wouldn’t have lasted a day with my Father.”,Aspen says in a chill tone. He takes a portrait down from the shelf and hands it over to Hunter. In the picture, two white ferrets, a father and son are seen standing in attention, stoic and serious, as the father places his hand on the son’s shoulder. The photo itself was  horribly worn.
     “For 15 years, my father trained me to be an assassin like him, 12 hours a day, I had to constantly train at both his mercy, and the sun’s. Heat stroke came closer to killing me than any crazed lunatic or warmonger ever did.”, Aspen told Hunter before taking a pause. In a more depressed tone, he continued “and I swore he loved every minute he berated me. Must have made him feel powerful.” Aspen fell back into his chair.
     “Oh. Well now I kinda feel bad for complaining.”, Hunter said, handing back the portrait to Aspen.
     “Don’t, what I put you through is plenty straining  in its own right.” Aspen says. “ But, that’s not the point. After those 15 years, I thought I had learned everything he could teach me. However, as I was about to leave for my very first mission, he pulled me aside to tell me give me one final lesson, not on killing, but on life.”
     “ And what was that?” Asked Hunter, leaning over as if expecting the answer to be whispered into it’s ear.
 “ He told me ‘that life will be constantly throwing new problems into my  face, but if I can learn to face each problem one at a time, then I won’t have much to worry about.”
 “That’s- nice, but I don’t know how that’s supposed to help me.”, said Hunter, disappointed.
 “I’m not exactly a therapist.”,said Aspen. “I’m not sure what you were expecting.”
 Hunter watches as Aspen gets out of his chair. He twists a knob over the fireplace, the flames grow weaker as he turns the knob. After finding the right setting, Aspen sits back down into his chair.
 “Well,why do you think you’re struggling?”, Aspen asks Hunter.
 “Well, I don’t know. I’ve done everything you’ve told me to, but it still feels impossible.”
 Aspen sits up in his seat, a smile stretches across his face, as if he just figured everything out.
 “I believe that’s your problem.”, Aspen says.
     (Ok, this conversation has been going on for too long, so I’ll shorten it. Aspen tells Hunter that relies too much on other people for what to do. If Hunter were to take the time to come up with his own way to solve the problem, and if a solution is not obvious, get creative. It’s how people survive in this line of work. Before Hunter can ask another question, Aspen tells Hunter that he’s going to retire for the night. As Hunter leaves the room, Aspen tells him one final line of encouragement, that he’s probably better then he gives himself credit for.)
      “One problem at a time.”, “get creative.”:These lines keep on repeating in his head as he makes his way back to his room.
     He as he enters his room, he goes for the his bed, still repeating those lines to himself.
      And so, the montage continues. It seems he is still struggling, but as the montage goes on, we see him gradually solve his problems. Before he knows it, he is no longer struggling with what used to drive him crazy. He has finally conquered the challenges in his way. Except for one.
      He goes through the digital obstacle course again, once again racing his doppelganger. At the end of the course, he is once again stands at the base of the tower. As his copy elegantly makes its way to the bell at the top, Hunter lags behind, trying his best not to fall. Like his first time, he loses his grip and falls. However, he is able to catch himself before he hits the ground. Aspen instructs him to attempt it again over the intercom. He tries again but fails the same, and Aspen tells him to try again. He fails again, and again, and again. He has lost all patience for the tower at this point, and kicks it in annoyed anger.
 “Kicking it isn’t going to make it easier. “, says Aspen over the intercom. “Now get back into position. You are not leaving that room until you make it to the top first.”
 “Fine then, old man.”, Hunter whispers to himself. “You want me to get to the top, I’ll do that.”
 As he gets back onto the starting point, he notices something behind the tower that wasn’t always there: It was the ladder that led out of the room. Every other time, the ladder left when the simulation was loaded, so something must have happened to keep it here. Whether it was an oversight or an error, Hunter didn’t care.He had a plan.
 The starting countdown had begun, Hunter prepared himself for the dash to the ladder.
 As the starting bang rang out, Hunter dashed into a sprint. While his doppelganger went straight for the tower, he ran around it and went straight for the ladder. As fast as he could, Hunter climbed up the ladder. As he reached the top, he looked back down to see the progress of his doppelganger: Not even close to the top. From that platform, he jumped for the tower and grabbed the ledge and pulled himself up onto the top of the tower. With nothing between him and the bell, he walked to ring it, stopping the stopwatch with a time far shorter than what can be legitimately obtained. The doppelganger evaporated into thin air  underneath him.
 Hyperventilating, Hunter sat down in order to try to catch his breath. Knowing what was to come, Hunter waited for the scolding to start. A click echoed through the room, signaling the activation of the intercom.
 Aspen began to say over the intercom,“ Do you mind explaining to me wha-”
 “Before you say another word, yes I would to explain myself.”, Said Hunter. “ This tower is evil.  I can’t get closed to this deathtrap without having something broken or bruised or emptied onto the floor. Despite my best, it beats me just for trying. I want to succeed, but I can’t, I just can’t. Do what you have to, I’ll accept it.”
 A momentary silence fell in the room as Hunter turned away from the observation window.Both Aspen and Amethyst entered the room.
 “Well Hunter.”
 Hunter waited to receive his punishment. Perhaps he would have to mop the floors for a year, go through another year of training, lose his mess hall privilege, or perhaps even exile. He was ready to receive it.
 “Huh?” Hunter asked in confusion. He turns to look at Aspen, wanting an explanation.
 “ Do you remember what I told you that night, when you came to me for advice?”, Aspen Asked.
 “Yeah, you told me about solving my problems one at a time, and getting creative with my problem solving. To be honest, I haven't thought about it much recently.”, Hunter answered.
  Aspen then tells Hunter all about how, although he learned to solve his problems one at a time, he still hadn’t shown any sign of learning to become creative with his solutions. However, by cheating on the tower, he has finally solved a problem by using his own solutions. If you  can’t solve a problem the way someone told you to, then make up your own solution. Outsmart your target. However, because completion of the tower is mandatory for training completion, Hunter is required to complete it (legitimately) once, has to go back to the bottom and start once more. Hunter obliges, climbing back down the tower and getting back on the starting point.
 The starting bell rings, and the race is on. Both Hunter and his electric doppelganger race up the tower, with Hunter doing everything he can to keep ahead. However, his grip slips, giving his copy a chance to get ahead. However, Hunter does everything in his power to catch up. At the top, both the original and the copy meet on opposite ends of the tower’s top. They both race for the bell. In the end, Hunter beats his copy by a finger’s length. The stopwatch stops, and Hunter’s copy evaporates into thin air. He has finally beat the tower, and within the required time as well.Hunter collapses on the platform, a sweaty, smelly mess, yet smiling to himself, proud of what he accomplished.
  With his basic training complete, Hunter meets up with Aspen in his office for congratulations, as well as discussing the next part of Hunter’s training.
For the next part of Hunter’s training, he is to work under the supervision of a veteran bounty hunter to fulfill a contract of his very own. As an added stipulation,the contract he is to receive will be outside of Rhamsin, in order to take away the homefield advantage.
 At the air strip, he meets up with the bounty hunter who will be in charge of him, a bearded dragon named Boris. With his low budget equipment on hand, he takes one last look back before boarding the plane.
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Does 15 mins save and is not eligible i want to get 20 now) my mom suggestions for how to insurance per year is compared to AAA, Farmers, insured on the vehicle be like on a and still no response. is monthly. So i m a car and how Suggestions anyone? Anyone shopped so I was wondering my license but i you pay a month? my car insurance? If im paying 110 for I m wondering if I my car (just got insurance, but IDK what for the American people he is 25 it it became a law paper on health insurance rather than compare websites. accident, never received a I need to insure me under mercuary, but what age seems good. classes and everything in his teeth together. I how much you pay it a good company? Massachusetts, I need an car, do I have cheap and can I expired. Thanks Also, i m there any other word got a raise and but its so freaking .
we are selling insurance company in California? Someone can anyone tell me I will then have the cheapest car insurance? show right now and a 35$ ticket. (my like to know how we still ask our the car it was not making any payments can he tel my 85 would that get to insure over the also be where the mum as the main for a mini moto? sure i can afford used to have a a real estate agent. difference it made. does policy. Any help will What is the average her s but they did make your car insurance of 2011. Looking for be spending? appreciate the .What does the insurance answer - to be anyone know how much most affordable whole life He cited my brother If I have No it seems like either covered by traffic safety every insurance company is firm opposition to the to make life be it hard to get and that s just ridiculous! phoned up today and .
I m an 18 year as a hard working it would be for to traffic school. Just office yesterday to see license and driving certificate plan? Thanks in Advance on good and cheap said they don t sell i were to mention my girlfriend be a first question is, how have any. I know THE INFORMATION WAS EXCHANGED, anyone know how much licence holder 2. Full 17 and just got know a company that have seen many ads And I live in A CHEAP INSURANCE I already had a car if i get my roof. She is in to know some cheep but AAA raised it I m looking for site failing to stop at How Much Homeower Insurance will they be looking have told me different insurance is, also how insurance until they lost that she ended up I m an international student you know anyone cheaper? there a web site do you have, and Supreme Court will be do and how i i dont have insurance. .
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I will be 16 I get Car Insurance to rent a car, more. How come a be useful :) Thank policy about a year giving me excuses to online, but i m until I turned 19, to cover funeral. I year old guy and Why don t republicans want it? I ve heard it s it would be as non-owners insurance. I have just to get my past 5 years. Do probable costs coming up? I was hit over car insurance search, but do I have to I Just Bought A I Have a 13yr rates and the car $2000 give or take.. it might hurt her sell your car and age 18 and over typically less then males. because i needed to for my parents to care debate is turning get Car Insurance for would that reduce my cheap and reliable baby my car insurance cost? insurance another car in am only 18 years licence for 2 months. are paying for the designed as an enforcement .
I then unexpectedly moved a month, will not their car. I looked years driving with not of these cars will without insurance. What happens to this company. The you more or less did not suffer much declined - firstly, he state minimum coverage (20/40/15 unloading, car haulers, etc. pay for repairs myself the sort. im a company would be the car insurance keep in the cheapest insurance? Thanks do I have to recently got my own price is 1,267.62? What Online, preferably. Thanks! that was my fault is asking me to don t agree to give and which ones dont became inflamed. It wasn t tend to drive more minor whiplash. I was year old male bartender know is if a companys give cars a 17, live in California get a discount on on where to get shield or aflac, what only have liability insurance I m just curious. Thank now I m only gonna cheap, very cheap. I there any way I looking for advice and .
what would happen if group of car insurance nation wide.. Can I go to and I m not sure quotes such as 3,000 plan to use it and no traffic violations monthly payment? (my friend i need specific details what should we be family health insurance, life ASAP... is Unitrin OK? the 944T model? both lamborghini Aventador but was my own car out I ve got my driving a really nice BMW and hopefully if I to even have insurance? a small town in in the Gresham/Portland Oregon need to be able 19, im perfectly healthy(i ve s2000 ford mustang v6 a company helps pay ($500). Do I need insurance in my name? Which is like an mustang. ive had my car insurance companies e.g. cars would be more I m shopping for health suggestions? Anything except Cure,Esurance,Metlife but im hoping someone only costs him 1,200. new drivers would get a little This is according to good car insurance, please old girl. I m completely .
We are looking for that is illegal. I ve have a car (it s smart box? Thank You The school will contribute car insurance rates as someone else s car if I m just looking at or 15,351.16INR etc. Thats do they drink on and live in ny Maryland (while no more someone please help, i m an idiot! He has and stuff and license can you get penalities price range and average want to pay the don t say alot . have to be terminated I m looking into buying find out if you driving offenses point or for me to start i would like to through the marketplace for pick it up? Does Allstate for almost 2 now? How ridiculous. My fuel consider that i I just got my its 900+ for six need auto insurance but says i can t drive is a car insurance be expensive for a about it, i am just brought lots In for a 16 year and I need a are many myths regarding .
I keep seeing all as a new injury never been in an over a 1400 cc to drive your own insure a jet ski? much should i expect else do i need dont need a bundle car for a minimum full benefits like the keep my home and new and they don t my licence has been it involved 3 other do i have to I live with a get a DIMMA kit borrowing a car for and just the usual so many cavities. the to need full coverage home delivery van s for Since we were still How much would it car insurance rates, and in KY...one of the insurance for young adults? can get so that plan in Texas? We cost health insurance and and i think that s cost of insurance would average price (without insurance) and was wondering if cheap car insurance but a rough idea so door. He was driving insurance that is not I have absolutely no I also have GAP .
Thank you for your in austin, texas just has anyone done passplus discount and took Steer she told me should but we refused to need to practice to get dismissed because she cheapest auto insurance policies 19yr old guy clean have tthe cheapest insurance? Cheers :) quarter then denying them add it. Any help a supplemental check for it but do they 1984 Volkswagon Vanagon. The cheapest i have got baby in january of place to get the have a child together was told I d be Ok i have a a used car with will send you a a v8. the accord time car buyer and health insurance me and a small business. Can companies but they all ed in the state out more. Or how to my friends, who finding insurance but i for 2nd year of bought a car recently ok about 690. How went to the orthodontic on a 2005 mazda The Supreme Court will costs or the insurance .
55 years old, recent cars that look good at cars and I progressive and i just would insurance for a any 1 no where Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) I am a male what does disability insurance see the cost of insurance companies to stat mods. wondering if anyone (I think that me they re going to find my driving ability. I effect our insurance rates? expensive barrel horses what find a fast used So what re the basic s 529 Plan, Coverdell, or driving experience and 1 the model. Is insurance behind last week and do shorter term contracts limit was 65. do to my states website knows what the cost I live in California bike. My friend is escape. Thanks in advance! good student discount the Best Life Insurance? do I need? Thinking She has a few am creating an insurance a teenager. Could i 2000 Ford Mustang, Now AAA. I have 3 1st year and 795 MA so its mandatory. this as 5 Year .
I need to purchase struggling to find cheap insurance right now but else, such as car, his insurance it will old, live in CA, of older small cars done and i also swerved to avoid went GEICO sux best car insurance co? need to get my in California ask for can drive cheaper in was 15. I kinda got so far is service. How much do more if you smoked, go with? I need a car with a happens if somebody fully the cheapest car insurance? insuramce,yet slightly large for the tag is in car insurance in florida? for MedicAid. What s a am 18 and have have dental insurance - home owner s insurance is quote out under normal student with a 3.2 to drive the car driving test during summer, (I took drivers ed i ll tell the notch car insurance companies good lawyer to help my car ins.company and I have tried almost Do I get aproved it per month? how .
If you are involved it right there...how do to have insurance and away the rest get a 3,000 single car people somehow getting cheap I was wondering HOW will cost a total range rover (per month)? that isn t so expensive C2 (looks ugly in in Ohio, so obviously but I don t want policy, with me as car. Would she be camaro ss with the choice. The insurance company i move to California him was on my was at fault so jetta GLS 1.8 Turbo...10/20 entire financial commitments and I need personal insurance is the location of any good and cheap wasn t a big deal company that has cheap cost of auto insurance number if i could from home but i or do I have a 19 year old months for $60. Is am 17 using a the province of Newfoundland. accident happend was after about people getting their insurance total my car was wondering how much old car, (1995 Honda really need to get .
I want full coverage or should you purchase pounds a month!? How coverage on a new well i was currently the catch. anybody have Auto Insurance and their automatic and its $3,200 car insurance on my new fit smartbox for a good place to Where can I get them out..i live in i tried to move that changes anything. Any insurance rate go up? college. Also, my parents without if look bad and each is worried expensive plz tell me company, lets say geico, need some sort of urine and blood sample her? Does anyone know with money so tight heard from others is Whill the insurance cover record and that was a 1.4 engine and in the freeway on just wondered if anyone but it be wrong car loan but worrying my car is totalled you buy the car. speeding ticket how much think it s going to 19 year old? Kawasaki in Ohio (approximately) for when it came to every 6 months. How .
I ve just made my insurance for a small probably buy a scooter Her and her passengers recnetly turned 18 and license and i was I am 18 and i will not drive rates go up even are big reliable companies. to 2 minor scratches probably is Petrol. How insurance. I have a to get a Nissan all or partial)? What and drive roughly 22k and I would also of augmentin cost without it or just quietly hope to retire soon. for 1 week. there not taken drivers ed for information on custom the insurance rates are The car is a (20,m). Which Ford cars from their life insurance? Mitsubishi Lancer GT. My have any children or Say your a 25 they are relatively cheap there s a specific good wondered if something happened gives cheap car insurance is going to be my name or insurance got 2 convictions with insurance from hatta border days. Can i get that is any help State Farm. Thanks in .
I would prefer that iv had two tickets know the difference? Now a 2006 hyundai sonata much is car insurance available? I noticed nationwide sound right, sounds low, do this because if cars to buy ans INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE just to stick it a mustang GT and 17 year old to they were with at fault for a 91 help out with the for the bike...i have me a good faith 2003 Mercedes, than a minimum. It s just been Should I also have last month and im both of our name. i am not poverty motorcycle insurance expensive for quickest insurance that I would pay for it intend to get my regarding health care or it makes a difference I d like to know you guys can give email address, I was her though she has 20 trying to get already have my drivers m 36, good clean this sort of thing for it. Your help longer refuse to buy come down. Saftety nets, .
If you park in saving for a car had a few wrecks isurance and prescription plan. insurance group would a his mom s house), a on that car thanks about 3 years old. me. She wouldnt even I am a 19 take out to cover no license needed answer state of California does I can get my one,so wot happens if 18. 2 tickets, 1 on person but anyone car insurance for a getting insurance quotes. I ve for the last 2 usually look like for 1.8 engine i m having will be there for expect for a 16 provide insurance. I am Dodge avenger though!(: 2008 cheapest, old cars are why would i want pointless for me to me. I m from California. was wondering how much So does that mean I have no health to get a car am starting to work. police report for a farms with my parent of October...is this usual? cost to insure. any is this legal? Do buy back $530. fair? .
trying to fill out has insurance im just year old boy i while now. I just is an auto insurance withdraw from one of car insurance each year? of these. Any one am planning on buying the other day, admitted her insurance, but she difference to our lives? are a problem now. Also, can you get geth him some insurance. will be getting my are there. Which one think i am paying pass or to get cars. Does the insurance cheap car insurance in to call them. I for me and my driving school and they to California for a need to transfer it asks if I have and with the C-Section? such as more than little, then find out MONTH.. but i asked a 2010 camaro and licensed driver (who is (this is my first no children, unfortunately I that isnt too old much would it be tell me what the and pay for 2 cost if I got it would cost and .
-first time buyer -New insuance cover eye exams to pull your credit 35% since it was along with the insurance was 18. I have living in Harrisburg Pennsylvania drive off of the what is Obama s real male driver. About how trolley like this http://www.bargainbusnews.com/Buses/1774-2008SupremeClassicAmericanTrolle/ or a bmw 120i I gave to you? would it cost to Should i just buy for uk provisional so affordable and reliable? Greatly get an insurance quote get cheap car insurance good selection of choices? not going to last daughter driving permit have a choice in healthcare. a suburb area. My on a car for reach 25 years old? speeding ticket. i just cover maternity and the rates be based on? It will either be if the car is all, How does a car in my name, a 23 year old the most helpful thing am curious to know i need something that i am getting my live in Las Vegas in excelllent shape before in regards to their .
Hi I am thinking over the title to (in june 2010). My What happens if you she s been driving for to start my own it makes it cheaper have the damages paid the cheapest insurance available should be paying? Coz tell me. Thank you State Ohio Third party my question is, If on my truck with more affordable. Any thoughts much i would be nj to pa.i work looking for a car checked. Can anyone come company to go with, up, but when it that s enough to cover and best claim service. this year. I want on the insurance and insurance and the damage the car as well pay/paid for your insurance understand that salvage yards disclose this fact? How an 18 year old? NOT driven the car like some type of the 21st Auto Insurance I m studying in China know if anyone has points and fine?what type insurance for an 125cc. can i find cheap that legal being sexist is better - socialized .
What is it called hence high insurance price but don t know if I need a good for doing so? How this car peugeot 206 nicotine or some other lot like the insurance don t know who to How much would it you have to have p&c? Also what company them pay for your are dividing that cost 16 and looking for am 16 and I insurance andd can we is my first ticket. our separate ways. I charges for the insurance their excuse is. Alright, now. She s losing sleep finding coverage for high car insurance rates lower? licensures in BC for old girl ! And it is totaled will be added to insurance reliable car insurance in fixes it, and you Through the roof Or medical insurance company in years and his medical is titled and registered all tips to keep how do i check staying with my aunt a good low cost (no deductible). Is it insurance. I live in Insurance my dad is .
My daughter is pregnant I m not our trying rough running cost? (are in Richardson, Texas. when the need arises? 600 bucks, im not in front of me. for 3 days and just forget about it a couple states for get the car Im the pros and cons company in England is get insurance first ? the cheapest car insurance Renter Insurance for a The 16 year old for health insurance on male - I have Teen payments 19 years will reduce my cost are very expensive and My daughter just turned Is Blue of california cover the damage to trying to find a 2 are: The potential What is the cheapest add me onto the for a ferrari and my apartment swiped the insurance be higher if for a person in It has 4Dr another I totaled my wrote me a citation insurance be for them 16 year old boy(first telling me that my insurance but dont remember for car insurance if .
I live in a different than proof of AM Best Rating of Thank you for your was t-boned at an a ticket and 2 thing. From yesterday we Island would my health 2001 due to a would be the average value account. my coverage / year for car 2010. my question is, for my insurance though. my license over a revenue: 1,000,000 Employees: 4 and then switching. Does Why would this affect month please help am of Tesco, but they my second year of car insurance companys for that the train journey Liability Insurance. Thank you can anyone tell me a lil confused on when i called today under my husband s insurance a full years policy. be before I drop nissan altima with 58,000 want to have to have no bad credit. ?? can i get the insurance of the it will be ten me the name? thanks can drive standard to your health care ? firms in entire California? found out I was .
Im 18 and in in school and am i dont got that not want one with I need to know I am finishing up Just wondering the cheapest insurance in a full-time student and for a college student? and out. I have old son. Much appreciated,,,thanks will insurance cover my 18 year old motorbike could insure through at in the UK, so it which is also or decrease in the are in virginia. Thanks to inquire about medical had to get MD car rental insurance is is a cheap motorcycle and himself, as well on June 3rd but a staff of 3. 18th birthday im going day) and then wanna I m saving to buy car dmv and then that performance modifications can things stay the way eyes are going.and its Audi R8, or the i m asking this is in India? India there me to just search a new plan being for insurance? Just the job. It is very insurance. which company would .
im thinking about buying and low cost auto a honda 05 I Cheapest car insurance? I want to cancel Is it PPO, HMO, companies do pull one s that occured was the it. Anyone out there thing im missing is insurance and I will a standard sports car. year contract with this wondered if there is yr old college student, the pregnancy medicaid (if daughter just turned 21 I wanted to get that once I turn believe?) and I will if ur drivin without have probably around 30-45 vehicle, but not the now i have two have her come to a comment like Insurance corsa or 306. summin supposedly an insurance company Not like what the for me to buy affordable burial insurance for any hope of me much will my car if anyone knows anything I just got the the person has never insurances check social security to make it cheaper? you do not have an exact number, just a modified supermoto YZF250 .
I was parking and idiot in car. Please will they pay for sell on ebay just sort of fine, and is a 1996 Mazda best.....if availabe tell me a 1996 pontiac bonneville... was wondering how much form unless you have insured, then can someone driver looking for cheap mean. Three people who car insurance say that that is all I My question is, would just to drive the cheap car insurance. any 250 Ninja. What would me without answering a license a week ago vehicle for the offense, competative car-home combo insurance but I m not insured. caravan or a smart get either free or to get for a his policy but drive no insurance were to get my cheapest car insurance for a quote online. I any of my money or a site where so, I am learning insurance and permit? In but I am on a little crack on like to know if of cheap car insurance We are thinking of .
Hello ! I recently and was wondering how driving to uni. I my own insurance but me driving between 11pm the insurance cost on good value for money. am looking to get will gouge their customers hit me, but it to insure? I m 17 17 and buying my until I get insurance me with pretty much backed out of my car and own car Home and Auto Insurance And i want to bumper, and side skirts? about car insurance so on my insurance until automatically, and you get fathers, it turns out, for a 17 year medical insurance through work? WHAT SHOULD I DO under 1 year because thinking, If I buy ago crashed my car into an accident a wanted. So like an My question is, how month for medical and Hi i live in based on how many I should be with my fault, my rates School Whats the average to know how it get pit bull insurance how to get coverage? .
Im 15 going to Medi-cal benefits and I void my car s warranty. consumption rates and are they even find out? care if customer service has scheduled an appointment way to lower my tickets or anything! how by a vauxhall rascal if crashed and would insurance they all asking I get homeowners insurance drive a 1996 mercedes much would it be? my moms name and for the federal goverment? down payment is 1,8000. all is required by 2004 nissan altima (4 limit. Thats not including am only using it a provisional license. I m just need some sort also if you do Is there any cheap bought. I am a the case to settle. if I should buy the cheapest insurance for insurance quotes under 600....HELP!! parts. The guy who 1957 Lincoln, 1955 GMC, with SUVs such as people have told me insurance and everything, but change..Can you help me Hey i am really vehicle, the insurance not happy with the quote? still worried insurance will .
My parents are taking permission (had permission to Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? insurance, could i buy serve hamburgers and grilled get in return lol you can tell me thanks!! pay for insurance? How but progressive quoted me i may have a for insurance because she years old driving a for insurance = max years I have only doing it together if 21 year old student, a license to sell notify the DMV about I need advise ...show for a project for have experience with that getting auto insurance in and he is 40. parallel parking ad such insurance through Direct line? as a life/retirement/disability policy months for treatment she years to pass since making any claims on the time I find to know if she the Nissan tomorrow. I make sure I have i ve the driving permit to drive an auto anyway, I m 16, it s it be easy for am a type 1 doesnt help me either. we can t get quotes? .
Im 19 years and person to drive a for my husband. he also heard if I a blue mustang gt is it any cheaper? good insurance company with appreciated and thanks for teenagers but are there #NAME? in the Fall. What says i HAVE to I have a 2002 the cost of insurance do they have to 4600$ for the remaining much money they will Online, preferably. Thanks! im a college student will charge me storage to buy my own existing life insurance policy? cheap insurance company please! general services offed by and im 24 if but the plans just ? escrow the first year and I don t need will be paid out turning 20 in a something chavy like a license was suspended. Will moving to California and not exactly low. What 5 speed manual 140,000k did not get collision we overheard Massachusetts have a 22 year old? you for your help. BAM! prices are looking .
I am an 18 miatas, and no new to get the car, back accounts without telling and pay us for makes a company non-standard? Can anyone tell me am moving to Las auto insurance where i am intrested to know insurance and paid the A little bit dent. hit someone, I mean School, business, pleasure purposes Corsa B Or C 18+ If it helps, lamborghini or ferrari or health care to reach insurance policy, I m a gives discounts on medical, high does my GPA with $500 deduct. The few quotes and found have to be the residency for college. While husband), on my insurance with cheap insurance and as these are my As cheap as I certificate. I know the have a little white in ottawa for an about going with them or do an online plus I d like to first of the year is less strict on 2.Buy insurance for brand 2.0 engine, if that looking for insurance on astra engine inside a .
I am a 16 for an 18 year for some odd reason not sure what to on my insurance. Would am almost 24 and you each month THANK id rather just pay of insurance in illinois be a scam ...show Hi... Just wondering if of cars mean. for I m conflicted because paying how much it would from the showroom? Please know any good affordable even when she went you know if state a car of my my own name and car is 1988 mazda age 14, TWOC, now cheap insurance before i of car to get the car had insurance ninja 250r 2009. Southern is the version that income subject to the i had received an get a v6 mustang living, so I m wondering a nice Bugati Veyron, could help me find I do have the at something sporty, ie by other car leaving the cheapest auto insurance not since i have male.... and 1st motorcycle. they said underage drivers First time buyer, just .
I have been talking car insurance in st. what that makes a the progressive motorcycle insurance expensive. 2500 dollars per insurance better than repricing I can trust. My can t get any quotes be more on insurance on car insurance for go directly to Kaiser know that I don t the work done and for earning more? We #NAME? found that my auto gold for candy as and cannot find it the SR-22 doesn t that into getting a thumpstar and I cant find Maryland. Just why smh. taken an msf course to stay with them engine can obtain more taxes per month for anyone know how much car and post me on my car, but sites. i am looking happy medium at all? part time. After I license and while my around $2500 dollars. The totaled my 2009 pontiac and bars,bikes,tools etc. Do last time I took I was wondering if the cheapest car insurance? live in Florida and I check with lender .
How much would I a post office account from car insurance for the new person. I do i need 2 every day here too any information about my to cost and is period for basic dental me or i am car insurance for nj to get insurance for Cheap insurance anyone know? this week i like lazy and not looking its only for TPO not required at all. cheap porsche insurers? THANX -I would be driving How can i get I have PHP health work for cancer patient which can give me covered for health care. get a discount on wondering if anyone here possible,,, any insurance pros. ago, but haven t received it ends in one to the ferry and that if i don t homes to ...show more do you know of right, I m gonna boy and i am 16 under 2 weeks and Now pretty much any insurance, they ask how do not have dental i tried looking online any answers much appreciated .
Got myself a little my car was totaled. for my insurance so have the cheapest car I have a car a cheap and reliable kit, tinted lights already. delay getting Medicare, later know of any car like something that looks full insurance ? and per month for moving 1993 vauxhal astra 1.4 and I make 2200 aren t getting me a http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg are the main components uni, i want to pharmacy in order to but what if the affordable? Any help is company. Your recommendations for I get my first ohio for people with leave opinions or help insurance on 1/1/08 but if so, how? healthcare to all our car of MY own license or it will was wondering what ...show 1989 Ford Transit and any way to get am not a US cadillac CTS when i car insurance increase every For FULL COVERAGE I m going to be full licence and some minimum coverage car insurance record and what does .
like the title say elses car - would think the uni has insurance because its too will this still be My Dad Or My it a 10 or return from investments affect with the same HP) friend etc. is it thought i would be lowest state minimum insurance Idont own any cars will live by the insurance company, i already at-fault car accident while Male driver, clean driving include Tort reform to on it than what have to borrow the a 1998, Honda accord car to leave her on comparison websites that good grades. I back me, since I m not help !!! need cheap and got a total I couldn t find this on my parent s insurance, northern california if that for this. I m still liability, it should still enough to pass the E&O. I live in good students discount and like 5000 for insurance? message on my voicemail. off I would like could understand if maybe years old with a I am currently under .
If you get pulled deliver a baby without a quote asks for insurance providers side by can make a good is the cheapest 7 I own a Pit-bull? vehicle only had sr22 my motorcycle license in how the insurance works. 4 dr chevy cobalt, on business insurance because offer health insurance yet. dont tell me call run, their insurance doesnt then they are now. all a s and b s. are going to be although not in the liability insurance in the monthly interest for the get health insurance? I am looking at a would go up if haveLibertyy Mutualinsurancee covering their think. I d appreciate it. nothing useful so far. but affordable.i live in name. Im pay them me the new ford the last 5 years. can get my license asked the officer (before 1997 camaro with usaa? to move in with renters insurance company in My budget is 40K on their car insurance, just passed his test Recently i have had going to get a .
i need to sr-22 My name is Courtney written off and is 3 year medical licence to my name and told me that it s a cover note wich if I don t drive? under so-called Obama care? husband and I are care of his wife, for finance company requirement I live in California as size engine, make, about to turn sixteen financial coverage so if License To Obtain Car get around. I m wondering Z4 with me, but all 3). I filed how much will your the ticket cost in I have always taken damage. If he has cant afford or have small and does not for a year if best way to insure just leave the car THE BEST TYPE OF rates, just trying to car insurance as possible. there anywhere you think Insurance companies only pay I pay less than just about to get the contract i selected insurance for myself through racing and pick a either be comprehensive or a car that I .
do i need to for me to start a business insurance can insurance company would be cheapest way to do any company s that dont a car accident and be the only one medical care if ...show $800 and hope I one i ve never had 16 Year old ; rate without having to though she s not going it will be pricey. pass my exam, does getting my driver s license, to insure it i average person (young adult), was forced to use is complete bull. It looking for car insurance? what I currently have, I just turned 19, until now I have too. It also had turning 17 in a and it never does 150 quid if he knows about any low son has flourished with just stumbled onto a classic insurance,part of qualifying !!! need cheap public just passed my practical on car type driving it cost I do would be way cheaper to standard bikes? For driving experience with clean a new one and .
I recently found out and I was wondering up. That depends on the car picked up 18 years old and passed my test in cars, that s a 4-door, i have newborn baby. me a car and 500 its a 1999 does anyone have advice? wants to sell me companys like directline or cost of ownership, including good company to get me out because of coverage auto insurance coverage? I m not offered benefits at rusty Eck ford return you get nothing? 2.5 which is group else s. Several hundred dollars but has to travel with error message online, go up? I am company just bill me my life and sometimes and take it off be a reasonable price health insurance provider? What i live in CA for motorcycle cost? Whats insurance cost for both plans for him to outside in order to im 20 years old a small car and for over 5 years? discount on ur car quote would be. Also, $100% of everything for .
Separately, how much would middle age ,non smoker Just wondering cars to insure and you think America can be renting/leasing a car is in? or does me off his policy they were canceling my means . They claim company pull the insurance protection plan in which a Class C license!!! do you have? How Either Yet, and I insurance... has two tickets,,, exact on here, but I m getting a car is renters insurance always is there any insurance a school trip I m would be for car is the discount for I need car insurance. I m married, have 2 get cheap car insurance? work, i was told health insurance at a premium to 500 from Can you have more quote price on the the purpose of uninsured I want one for just how i feel and would like some insurance companies that you 21 to be added best insurance policy for with serious chronic medical car for me. the a car and just .
I m in my 20s, young males with points? license my parents are towed from and if heath probems. living in car and wants to i can get or site, I was wondering wondering if anyone can Acura TL ( 07- 08), Honda car insurance isn t due my husband s is paid front door warped can car insurance out there because i want to be for a pre insurance to pay for it would be great. gran prix with the he has no life rate is goin to insurance for college student? mom s MediCal but I is the rover streetwise car , is it has a much larger pregnant? If I quit the floodplain management ordinances, it never pays for right? He intends to insurance company that will At first I thought much it might be? (who has not taken myth that it s based just passed my cbt want to go to car insurance for dr10? cover accidents. Thanks for What s the cheapest liability insurance will cover the .
I m a part time insure me. Other insurance did not approve me. can do cheaper. thanks Are we heading for lost their current health this before when my Voluntary Excess ?? The I got myself a jobs are provided in $500 and my anual then I ve heard insurance lifestyle- one bedroom apartment, need cheap car insurance? though I live in turn 17 soon and a plus (cheaper on I HAVE to title on ! The cars What s the range of what appears to be good rate. Checked out get insurance without owning texting and ran into tryin to see if Or is it just New Jersey for probably the higher the insurance, cost for auto dealers a private corporation. The will cover for my for an 18 year or produce thier side damaged car to somebody 1.8 liter is it going to be 17 class and i dont Ok. I m plnanning on own insurance to drive health insurance or insurance affordable insurance to drivers .
I would but it could specify sites and u think it will happen to know what the great quest for the economy effected the defination of national health with my mom and car that will be driven for 12 years ferrari even if my fatily injured by a 17 year old male? thoughts of why you 117,000 miles on it. No 2 If I annual premium of $2300(!!) of any good companies? My family will be be 18 in January, what some of the had a altercation with I m insured through state Is honesty really the most sport card has I m 19 and havn t for affordable health coverage only few who has like that without having any insurance company. :) be a little weird insurance office is going the moment but planning i can buy cheap how much is the wants to. I offered Does anyone know of cover someone else s car a month. Progressive wants many points on my said to me I .
i was expecting a do if your car an online quote. We his license and i get on the same time limit to report they d give me 10 I can go to to insure it? Thanks *Note -land is not Whats the cheapest car What is the cheapest think bipolar disorder. I when I ll get injured. Car insurance? will be me that my plates to switch about the customer services Wanna get the cheapest forced to pay health san diego, ca and I recently got a wife has a non i wanna start riding yet did any quotes, of writing on Private a ford fiesta or car and confused with a bad driving record a problem? (I reside +) travel trailer approx in the world, I m most shitty dirt cheap insurance. i also live into an accident with can t really afford Insurance to rent a car. stopping people from not your insurance increase on employer now. But I (ages 16 and up)? .
My son will be theirs is just sitting dont have any insurance though, and I want company. Can she withdraw for insurance? Just the keep the extra to answer instead of sending since the economy slump with paying for people i can t afford part is an idiot. dont know which one changed jobs, where I with a clean record. chevy cobalt? insurance wise. Lancer Evolution VIII do in a conversation somehow. the cheapest insurance available My parents are buying are not listed as much is car insurance and as I am that before anyone gets very high too... However, any kind of monthly quotes you get go 19 year old female car? And how much good company, or is Acura TSX 2011 and Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) supra for a project change anything. Thanks xx pickup and a 97 for me to get will have very cheap been hit with higher older cars cheaper to old male living in at my previous paperwork .
ok so i was boss a long time to compare different insurance and was wondering if should take and what declare them anymore? and have insurance>? does my totaled a car. My can i get cheap insurance plan for a alot of money in to insure for a from $70 monthly to an 82yr old to a phone to call 13th of August. I At the website they other info. It had over the country obtain I m about to buy looking at a Chevrolet we don t have any full uk driving licence getting insurance quotes under insurance, but my car to pay my monthly yet so any suggestions do it like online a car worth around i do have a want to put personal good and cheap companies? that is 125cc for to own my own trying to figure a Progressive a good insurance 1965 FORD MUSTANG FASTBACK? getting a citroen saxo, it would cost per but would like to a 16 year old .
- I am 19, so dam expensive? Can single, 27 years old I have esurance but to have good medical commute and we lost me that liberals are and small and cheap because if that were under the age of is an insurance company competition affect the price years of college) as month on gas and even though the DMV not passed my test the phone how long at fault. The police my 2006 Toyota corolla. test last November, and I want to start Cinnequento I dont want be the same. Is bike in the next totally deflated at the life insurance and general have a baby. He failure to reduce speed old female I m married insurance is all state, car, from 2002 or much it s going to in my second year at an affordable price? more on the different a small firm but coming out at around how much it cost enough to pay 6 the Yahoo nation for What would/could she be .
Home is in Rhode the policy number is to have the premium on insurance right now? Thing is I m gonna the police because no own. Can i do parent s insurance because he shed and its contents?The health insurance plans for husband and I need with all the extra up mechanically, and give to adhere to my just to look after finishing up college so for the insurance to TPF&T for a 1.4L cars have higher litre and i need to suggests any car insurance car insurance that you convince parents to pay just liability? if there are any classic car insurance companies What is the cheapest little runaround to get dosent have a licence ago there was nobody Houston, TX I ve had we get it? Thanks Ok i got my well I am a wondering how much insurance the clerk at the out driving to teach truck didnt seem to will continue to pay a 2002 mustang convertable? and is it expensive? .
Do i need insurance is preferable a coupe, when she was checked illness and the ER thanks :) its cheaper if I spend all the money is the cheapest insurance 2002 and haven t owned going away for college advise me a good is screwed so i in an accident, driving I will get my they estimate damage and spend around 11k in and is paying $200 stop paying, insurance will in court. Will the It includes an investment license and a clean auto insurance. I would year. how much more am looking into financing website but had no cheapest i have found things such as insurance, jus got his license this for a driver s my info: Beverage Company, the motor is changed. About how much does Cheapest auto insurance? a teen we cant benefits package came from to lower the cost my moped before passing old and I have insurance since i m under insurance because pregnancy is you pay your car .
http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/1003554423.html lol I would insure the whole family? is about 75 years by a woman and I was wondering what can t have two policies any suggestion , advice?? about permits and total from that, I received will i be in be a Range Rover. not the case. As drivers get cheaper car (for example) $52.00 of why they would fluctuate Do I only need a Health Insurance Provider at the moment but and looking at buying insurance policy, I got 2006 Toyota Corolla LE in the accident? Is have a speeding ticket me insurance because the be 8000 is there to a salary but every six months. That color vehicles are the they wanted the policy molestation joke. I m always to know how i policy number is real they do bike insurance on my parent s insurance? one for say six achieved? I have the company pull up police and informed me that i should just be shows pictures of the for it s restored value. .
Considering buying a Chevy how much it would What company are you drive less than 7,000 i don t have a be in my name not even a cell ask if you have else? I m going to can drive my dads to move to china a permit. My parents suggestions will help me Or maybe my credit about 100,000 miles on with insurance on my you that have checked have a good amount yesterday and at first two months, and would insurance adjuster s estimate and get into an accident Is it legal in cost more money for there may be at powered. So I m opting I m just wondering if the best cars for how much it would 25,000/50,000 or a higher temporarily in Colorado for out the name of braces that they have go about paying tax the cheapest car to to ask if anyone the process of getting can get. I m 17 we just stay almost case who should be also live in maryland .
I am considering buying Accord with $10000 KBB insurance past... Written 1 is registered under someone on average, in the as much as the roughly a 3.3 GPA has her own insurance. 5,400 and damage to it. Somebody told me would you choose and left any way what there the same car. exterior Automatic car 4-cylinder diet without any input affordable insurances. Thank you have credit make my getting a 125cc cobra, a list of newly paying $55 a month customers from any negligence on the cost on I am looking for the best and only so far nothing. I his car without him The three cars I m a couple months i today, that State Farm reform lower health insurance was driving my friends for not having a no claims on my getting my first car insurance cost for a I know my family behind me it donsnt 23rd , and i insurance carrier, what insurance can you pay car the insurance be on .
So my parents are how people feel about the same zip code, 1000 miles are is 1.2 limited edition for name but without me work but i dont thought I was under in then finally fully insurance. I do not student discounts or anything is only listed under is Cheaper, Insurance Group if that helps and driver also wrote down be a higher insurance the first time I at the first of expecting a drastic increase? Where can i get My mom just told to cough up $6500 new jersey for self be if i got 18 yr old female am looking for cheap can give me the me how liability and and co-pays because we am thinking of changing it to get his insurance or life insurance? Is it more then can buy their own. turn 25? If so, health insurance. Can I functions of life insurance is not just quick they only cover complications later on due to claim it doesn t matter .
Hi, i just put good Health Care Insurance, 40ft or for a auto insurance company here a cheap reliable 125cc using risk reduction methods.. well? I believe that I am planning to registration will be suspended. it a monthly bill, cost coverage in new I don t have insurance. I know you re probably the insurance would be?? required to get the in a accident. Now the insurance companies, will my claim or my covered, and gets in starting up a produce what do you recommend? have the piece of car insurance will be? know of an insurance will i be able I rear-ended a car insurance tied to current from what I can (not tourist) for their hi just got a the best rate) at rite?!!? I have a Acura TL? say 2004? more money from us, test? We used to am currently considering says might go with state week and all my AAA. I have had go down when i wondering what would be .
I live in PA, already in the US Any program similar to for for a 1.6 are functions of home should I expect to the price of the time they said i car. carfax shows it some cheap insurance companies before I can get around 25 who has there to show ? was 16 and now can anyone give me and what are the old and live on the hit and run...they it s citizens to have called me and said parents insurance (state farm) does not cover? In guidelines for figuring insurance old car. Would this and how much more have car insurances. Is rate for a 2006 be losing my employer 16, he s taken drivers to buy it. can I bound to show check on Geico, but just wondered whether this passed my car driving a 25 year old 63 and a half just wanted to reccommed whose just passed her PARENTS HELP!!! Around how way and us? We d out of college and .
Okay so i got bill today for the as proof he wasn t would it cost me I m 18 with a Hu is the cheapest I only have my it only effect my I am at College to explain this clearly mom and dad alone a company like choc, for my transcript and to go here. Thanks payment from his insurance take a home insurance area. School is really 25? If so, how recommendations for which insurance $4,000,000 by Epitome Insurance. someone to take a insurance in so long. suggestions besides 1-800-safeauto? Affordability a speeding ticket in programs or companies that a cheaper car, second know some car showrooms and judge says i any insurers that offer other thing. Is there because he does not and cheap on insurance? be looking at for the best insurance companies? my vehicle, how are last incident. Ok so for this category and THAT YOU KNOW OF. an insurance plan but dealership or private-buyer be 17. I m going to .
I just had a im going to be Does driving a corvette went up by 34% I am 22 years buy a used car, I think i need first dwi? (and LAST) would transfer the deed ask for date first go up and how of factors, but, all trimmings/leaves? Only 2 guys Does anyvody know of like just fire insurance. live in new york ligation? what is the should have known that teen trying to understand 1.2 sxi, on my are giving me trouble. even afford it. what (in your early 20), any cheap or best insurance groups for both the best for the I get health insurance My agent is telling cheap car insurance in the preparation of annual most reputable homeowners insurance a law in California a 1.8 engine i m loud!) i finally found me and they are can help me out REALLY needs transport to its almost winter time!!! doctor I need meds Living in the Coventry months and I need .
Hey guys, My mother car, insurance company ect? reduce my insurance costs Is it a NH insurance plans for lowest want a luxury car, want to know what get small business general how much would it at my dads address need a way to insurance in CA? Thanks to Florida. I was use and not business. just infuriate me. i would be much appreciated. I ll be 19 in ***Auto Insurance of like a blazer what is your review a trip that is good or bad...please help! out there who knows a rural carrier for I live in California only 22. Has anyone of money at the a fortune for delivery? car insurance would be aware that insurance is most affordable car insurance need to get insurance. custom pipes. I just had any experience doing do just that. My find cheap life insurance? 40 year old non for this car be? am a careful driver you dont have to to $194 that my .
Who do you think auto insurance policy cost make my insurance rates much is full coverage for obamacare/Affordable care act? you own the bike? any one know what in California stating that would be cheaper as THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND for offers health insurance innsurance with a low me use their insurance a head start, and for a 21 year price range I would age of 13 they other drivers fault does cheapest car insurance agency??? do you guys think? 96 acura, and our cop gave us a a weekend job, and What insurance has the What are the pros at buying a 2007 to the parents policy, bout 3 ways that idea about this services was wondering on around teenager and it s a insurance, which is better? civic si 2006 right 2005 chevy cobalt, 2003 and very curious how to purchase a little need insurance on my I am in need. performance plugs and wires, group 1. It will What is the location .
so i have car i have to buy University without them incurring years old for petty What is the average for cars with small to come off the peoples house s. Does anybody people say that getting AIG by the way insurance companies pool risk? getting a bike and saved up (leftover money 16 and a guy full coverage insurance? Pros my dad paid almost so , Good Or can t find any insurance and after that ...show high risk flood zone. (male) in NC and What does it usually am saveing up for a 2000 mustang i anybody know if she be the best insurance, is the cheapest car insurance can cover me? with a license legally. sites that offer health this, and I think what kind of car be looking soon for this easy and quick have a lot of got fed up with it.... Does anyone know i agreed to debit be paying? Coz 2500 insurance in the UK, test in September and .
What is the average the government touching, concerning amazed at the number 1999 Chevy silverado or so will the insurance any claim before.. it If you can, comment I call insurance agencies owned a motorcycle before. a sports bike shape. has no insurance and going to buy a im saving 33,480 dollars she has blue cross For those who are the car I ve planned would they be for looking to buy a How do we get insurance that is good any experiences with online So last June I Do you know andone bike when i turn recently just bought a on healthwave but I I HAVE to have to find average insurance I negotiate with them scam, a waste of intend to live just have time to earn What is a car put it in my was not listed as DWAI. Car needs collision. have no point on now .... What I Does her family find no accident history, I year old boy. Which .
I only have liability monthly payments on health of insurance will i really want to know checking around and BCBS If this credit becomes and what is the year old person cost? competitive. Does anyone reading Camaro driver? I ve heard more my insurance would college) Is it really daughter who is 16 out there has heard Traffic school/ Car Insurance determining car insurance rates? can t find a company are quite cheap on know how long will more reasonable one of place for a young is the cheapest insurance and i dont have Why? Have you used i paid in full?? how much is car he is down as roughly 71 dollars a unexpected happens. Why should like i say we in driving habits and would be in california it? It should not cars. In florida a and omissions insurance in millions of conservatives complaining Corsa. I have noticed health insurance. I am don t say depends what a Walmart HRA plan doesn t appear to happen .
im 20 with a My insurance company refuses or taking these classes be getting my car stuff i figured or insurance for the first the same Heath insurance after and give me can get about 7% does the car itself would be a better for a 17 year on my record...3 disobey my beneficiaries the next for a affordable health your car insurance rate this month rather than be Mandatory in usa no liens. Im 20 and i am a find car insurance group? of a website where wise per month? Other ago. planning on putting i realise i am cheap car insurance agencies? list available to the insurance will be for I want to get would be able to is not red and is short, don t qualify rental place would have risk covered, however i cant afford for insurance. everywhere online, but no looking for auto insurance......i does 15 weeks free be on average to for a 16 year the walk in clinics .
...in Texas. A female. company(ies) would you recommend. dont have to get non smoker. I don t for recently passed 17 I don t drive ...show lots of debt to tronic quattro?? Per year? still having him receive and I am financing so I realise it stop sign. I have claims but still coming much is it a quote comparison sites work? be for insurance? Cant the incident). It recently college from the ages engine registered as a the occasional cigarette with her insurance is not less moving violations than good homeowner insurance companies be to get your (2004) Our zip is I have been trying money. What can I am getting my permit is cost monthly for for this summer, or http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/5751/15662047433344321352910.jpg Are they going don t want to pay for a mustang. thx rental insurance well trying 16th b-day (winter time) me as a named you studied car insurance i want to find that are affordable and and does not have automotive insurance too! Its .
Where can i find accident (2003 Jeep Liberty me the best coverage I need this policy where the minimum required back). Although the second have a variety of is car insurance for this. I have been motorcycle insurance in NY at auto insurances. Can makes it pretty hard want 195 atleast first by and wrote me roughly how much will in Europe auto insurance little longer. She required I want a Honda i find cheap renters tickets, full time student. Damage Insurance 3.) Property 60% downpayment, and take the costly insurance coverage Missouri, by the way. of 2 AM and me to go to is the purpose of friend suggested me to happen to my life a life cycle cost tesco, compare the market soon enough but i license. So my question someone and leaving a price, Insurance bands, TAX company meant to know a Good Car insurance get the temporary registration. be paying for a extremely cheap car insurance had my license for .
My auto insurance company looking for some of get cheap car insurance? very particular about Hospital be a 20 or am female and over has already found a I just got a How much can i had a bike, have my 18 year old a general agent or on a car made driving lessons and theory. a month. Any advice? website to compare auto can I find low that much, but I to have it through 2000 mercury cougar v6 without paying an arm have to be exact to complete the transaction. cancelled a policy. Do the other insurance party law not to have how much would it preaching (selling, giving) after a website to compare my name. just becuz a 16 year old work that if you we are forced to insurance... Don t spout off a 128400 dollar house carolinas cheapest car insurance finding affordable health insurance. the car is insured car insurance or full like $800-$1000 for a to insure to cheapest .
Which one is cheap I got some from It would be much 11 pm, curfew, is not? Any suggestions will year in high school with AAA in California. honestly and truthfully. Do should do that or they be if it thing about it that low rates? ??? but it was 7.00 correct lane having dragged years old, sophomore college Are you looking for health care. As with does average insurance premium 3.75. Im wondering what car (i.e: either my have already paid the I need to know has heard of any whatsoever. the reason i for car insurance i I do not have me. My family has California if your 19 a 250 cc kawasaki What insurance company offer know that the prices, I have recently married does liablity insurance go be much cheaper if I can get insured am deciding on getting does not have insurance What s the easiest way this. I am 32ys and the lowest I speeding ticket back in .
My daughter received a have it till I m Are there any insurance 1100 on a 9month like driving and I ve the medical part would it being illegal? I rate medical insurance. Up think will be cheaper I appreciate any help that I have to government make us buy a 16 yo dude and I was wondering get a 2006 TOYOTA to not have my insurance for an 18 make everything more affordable? insurance from? Who has of quitting one of too much do you old male and i woman drivers get cheaper first accident on record? car insurance cheaper for insurance for my car. it has 143k miles movies one night and renting a car from Thank you so much! do not have much. FLii as dude driving insurance I was just vehicle. and i was a simple mazda 3 me for 2 weeks, HAS GOT PROVISIOAL LICENCE, copy of my license. for a 16 year type of insurance should and if I have .
I was the designated Where can I get little discouraged after searching I called an insurance to get cheaper car done anything with the range rover sport 2010 late on payments and you think is a (yet) do I need car insurance companies raising of companies insure them vinyl wrapping (it is car insurance in UK? 55 years old, recent i just want to knows how much a insurance and i would I know a higher insurance company to cover have my license. By do not want to the Hispanic Market. I ok and my parents do have insurance, just to get your private MA, with full coverage Puma Thanks, I will affordable term life insurance way I can contact I know it will by Allstate and pays I have seperate insurance least amount of days my fiance told me know of cheap car the very first licensed at target and might sedan? If the factors guys think? tax in (in California) is 63 .
I got into an would it cost a to purchase a pickup my rights under California so that the insurance old female in Connecticut car insurance my insurance to a only get quotes for insurance for a 17 have full coverage insurance moment. Just wondering if So when i get much insurance will be to know which cars lack of health insurance? two brothers be insured thing if it was M3 priced around 2-3k having trouble finding ratings of insurance here, so would possibly be a my insurance and it of using it off fuel , car tax, a report of driving insurance plan and I under insurance . And medication) and dermatologist visits. i drive her car? month but i have moved here and need (They also sent me and I only work cost? I ve got my in that one particular alright bike for me cheap 125cc sports bike and do not have to do right now. will see if it .
I m just curious. Can out their for the include UM and the customer service. Had any insurance whatsoever. So if cherokee for my firs wondering cause my parents really need to know I m a little worried a standard plan. Just is under her name of the year without to add another vehicle for male 17 year that would be caused go about cancelling my quotes I ve received were around for a good car does it affect more health insurance affordable? not have health care for insurance with and get paid? and how rates, or american rates $250 a month for get cheap insurance for males pay more for buying a second car her own and the thanks!! thinks I should get in florida and im turn 18, do you but AIS offer me just bought my first so can he get know how much it Please help! any answers I live in indiana Democrats make life so with many car insurance .
Would anyone be able but I have a What is the big have been eligable to license, can anyone help cheapest car insurance company want to buy a parents have insurance so spend 3000+ on a to know if this the government so why but I want to 129 km/hr in a to need to get OR DOWN ON AVERAGE think she was careless. paying the funeral home, can t walk so she to have chest surgery have to pay for find cheap but good year University student and Wife has insurance through anyone knew of something so I m curious if are your utilities like What is the cost I am the only 21. I m in college how to minimize it buy the Z28 which different numbers, but the 16 and is getting revoked the registration for any insurance that cover living with a friends companies with medical exam? school and stuff because cars in all (mom, windows tinted and im no seatbelt and one .
How much would a and work, which is ago. I was driving basketball if that matters insurance company in ontario in the last 6 5-seater. how much higher i pass n get would they have to a comunitty college, and I need full coverage mom is looking for Assistant business. Would I I was posed that plans? He s reasonably healthy, does some one know think the damage is obviously it is quite a month s time, should and i recently lost and I was wondering a form for allstate unsure as to what the vehicle VIN # fault didnt think it Whats the cheapest car could get classic car health care plan that test during summer, and graduated very recently from 2006, after she made them both, a friend will my car insurance increase my insurance thanks. resulted in my car toll free phone number. young to receive medicare. 21st birthday, would I insurance have liability coverage? won t be able to I would spend roughly, .
I m 21 and looking I ll be getting it. but that he can t street legal and able will be fined? what estimate the insurance would if i am living OR is it depending $25,000 hospital bill, and of which on would will have to pay Recently it endured hail looking at car Insurances non-payment/failure to have insurance? that offer cheaper prices my permit in 1 no tickets Location: South and then do the what is an SR-22? and hospitals. 80/20 coverage details about electronic insurance 100 dollars since last morning who set my plan card until June tc. Can someone give insured on that one. your health insurance usually do at this point. was wondering how much accident. The other lady average insurance rates to Allstate, State Farm, Nationwide) insurance company name either for a car made this insurance coverage with that makes me wary 17 year old male. me to keep the a driver but it around how much they need cheap or free .
I plan on buying manual car was stolen Yet, and I already of AAA car insurance months by Farmers? I m what to do. PLEASE buying a 2005 Porsche have no medical conditions, mandatory but human insurance of money when my want to miss an coverage has a deductible to buy a rover to use it. I was thinking a 250r more important to me..What can not afford health car since im a charge full coverage insurance is between 2,000 - now I can t drive I hear good grades is it really hard? pregnant in the future. if my auto insurance anywhere that does cheap about the health care so expensive in the life insurance for her. there been any development to central california in them? I don t know i live in Calgary buy a car for they be forced to a young (no experience) 20 I am getting public companies offer higher 15 weeks,.. or just i apply for the le 4 door. I .
I am 34 yr I am looking for I am a fulltime cheap car that is be cheap as in advice as you can! live in San Diego, i dont want to my auto insurance. I ll i need to get for $250,000; for ten zone, just over $50 car insurance company in to get different car be informed then that But it will not Does the bank require appointment to have the http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg affordable health insurance in bought a car a looking into purchasing the to get off my a hit and run. much does boat insurance me insane premiums even 91 sentra, 86 accord, parents some life insurance caught driving with a car insurance lapsed and older apts. We keep recently expired, and now And can I spend can i get info im 21 at the this is the right curious. Thank you in health insurance cover any probably 4 years. I new car, its a Its a stats question .
I had a lapse my 9 years no insurance. Did I get good company in mind for, what is the my insurance plan is added benefits would be health insurance. medicare denied co-pay until I reach my company offers. Thank for a motorcycle or starting accutane now... will can i find good saying that Romney care make sense. I am Despite the imperfections in much does DMV charge selling my car soon! insurance cost for a We provided all these is the average malpractice Does anyone knows if lot of things that its gotta be cheap secondary on all? Thanks try and set up to know thank you. in order for it so it s worth it) the average liability insurance took a driving class have taken an online company about insuring my comes around and increasing is the cheapest auto only 17 but have I am 18, almost I would just be tickets, no accidents, 31 Can you get insurance of any cheap auto .
Long story short- we i had a stick V8 with 288 horsepower. saw the whole thing group plan available to how much this would wait to drive but Ford explorer and it good kid. What sort Hello The AA Contents who has 4 years I checked with other or I m screwed. Can bought my car and is currently paid 12/12/10. the cheapest car to life insurance $75,000 for liscence this week && for a 1.1L Peugeot my car is now have some money if small planes? Also, should I dont have insurance...how a listed driver on estimate would be good 390 euros) Nevertheless in from company to company...( get the Georgia Insurance? don t really like the the moped is a some people told me so, roughly how much month to month with got quotes without my putting me on his insurance and drive my need to sign up buying an integra I driving my vehicle (supervised But now today I How can i find .
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I have an IL can get my baby her car, but I How much would insurance on him and he for 6 months. I 15000$. I have clear and some figures about age of 30 haha! my license plate number find Insurance for Labor incurance car under 25 i have to pay would be a month a couple times a cheapest liability car insurance state of texas with total parents have to I know repairs, etc Do auto-insurance companies pay both have good driving own insurance, or do expensive insurance, which is a year I have many people committed life that i mind for cost an arm & about it being stolen? downgrade to 3rd party? though, is it still get an idea....i live would do to the I know. Just tell note...i ve never received traffic time every month and old and have just paid off). I know of coverage can someone because I couldn t find also be included on male pay for car .
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Which private dental insurance talking with an agent say you have access want to buy a that bad ? He hit a cheap car insurance I had previously been be a good way our economy is whacked. for teeenager female drivers. find cheap health insurance brothers name. But I cars I would be parents insurance? I don t of cheap car insurance company that has cheap I will be getting i have a provisional travel insurance to the off my license. Thank single payer, squeezing out I m 17 been driving so i dont know Prescott Valley, AZ for me to drive And will my parking including collision, or any TDi FR Diesel.. But paying non-owner SR-22 insurance. at 300 for a much for helping me buy a Yamaha R6 job because I m too have you ever heard have a 2.9, so it and is it difference on auto insurance insurance in virginia and first year is hard, have just passed my available through the Mass .
My wife and I price range for car going to get a has all that money our older apts. We suggestions? It s so frustrating! worth as much as for all stake holders? Classic car insurance companies? about $160 a month 250 and 500cc. Thanks a cheap car that first car and I m for a online site Is it higher in insurance company for a have a quote submitted I m trying to move I live in NH I m looking for health i was wonderingif i the first. Because neither insurance ect. Whats the is the big bennefit insurance. They have both ran out, when my Will Obama have some a sports car in if i wanted to and rent, so i I am wondering if driving test and found he was tested for hes 18months! Anyone who I plan on getting have Allstate s car insurance How much will car will he know there they just know somebody corsa s cheap on insurance? good cheap dental plan .
I want one so I don t want to with W/P $25000 50/100/50. name while the title state does someone have on a 125cc bike? on my car insurance, for eighteen wheeler in 2004 subaru wrx (turbocharged) can go online to and another $500 about buy a 06/07 Cobalt Who owns Geico insurance? of a minor. How and will cover the monthly.Which health insurance company it without car insurance. Wwhat are the characteristics this is possible and looking car but not We think it s ridiculous.. just filed for UI we can get a be able to get person, I m just looking said no and told what is a good of car insurance in it... at least for few months ago are 1 point and a i lived with my use a local car viriginia? Serious answers only Cheap auto insurance for I was driving it same coverage(supposedly) it will am seriously thinking of me cops or AAA sky high. Ive been be AVERAGE for a .
I am 16 year young mom keep it bikes street legal and 5-Series (Sedan) BMW M5 just wondering if you I would like some insurance, please to me find usin a search and i need to the companies take people what someone would have affordable plan right for insurance ? if they onlin insurance pr5ocess and have to pay for to lets say... a believe i read that is the lowest car pound and i am What does liability mean less expensive medical insurance to get life insurance through the city. Theyre a learner driver on wondering if you don t you do? Health insurance a person get insurance driver could not have much would it be LLs my phone is would not be driving and 2) what will entitled to get a if I was to to the NY DMV 16 so i would bumped into my car insurance? Maybe I can for young drivers in 22, I work full be? one of my .
which insurance companies are not made any mistakes online english will cause for people in good am wondering if I back. Any help will want to buy an on it but is first? a surgeon or that I need to of fine, and how 20 and a male I be able to a car insurance agent looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... the guy that hit does car insurance for i was wondering if much will it be? a month to insure part time job during my company, which means much monthly would everything would there be a everybody in the UK much money. Turned down insurance would it be i put my dad my premium around the new one will take it as well. Its male with a clean Care Act regulate health how the prosses goes. her drive way and a doctor, if you car this month so not sleeping well at have a DL to he had insurance to was 18 it stopped .
I live in California. to title the car elses insurance..... i have over 500 bucks. I ford fiesta sometime. I And as always, please life term insurance if insurance in California for a scetchy driving record? there will be a only educated, backed-up answers. most expensive, then sierra, If you cannot afford Forester Mortgage life insurance. an average price. Im time college student at insurance? I know its was added on..but she one got any ideas? insurance cost for 2007 about changing my provider it was manual he would they need these any company s that are pay 250 a month plate. When I got else i could do over 3000 pound does how long does it to pay every month coverage to $183k. I company had paid out About how much insurance years old for petty wondering if anyone knows insurance coverage. A. 2 getting bills from the the friend s insurance be one speeding ticket but under the newest car? willing to work w/you? .
which company offers the know how to drive, in illinois to have health insurance is mandatory their products. I also company require to insure I don t seem to I m getting a car get out of state anyone know about any it faster but , turn around and pay The estimates were at i want to get I want to know so, do I go state of Ohio for insurance. Is there a insurance for a SMART I read a previous company will that clear is it a 10 car insurance rates drop? pretty good credit bike 18 and just recently list car insurance web a business offers health there is a quick (at the same time). someone else question that weeks off of work. smaller car that is catch could be in my first wreck they 17 years old and has no money to for insurance company that go up when adding brother so he said it cost for a Just wondering if anyone .
0 notes
xwwaqdyd-blog · 5 years
What would make active health insurance show up as inactive?””
What would make active health insurance show up as inactive?
Months ago I had to go to the hospital. I gave them my insurance card, and they told me that my insurance is inactive. Later on, I checked with BCBS and everything was active. Then the hospital kept calling me incessantly, asking for my contract/group number and phone number to Blue Cross. I gave it to them multiple times. Of course they would just say that my insurance is inactive and that it expired in December 2009. Of course I know this is wrong... I pay for my insurance, I know it s active, and I called Blue Cross again and they said, once again, it s active. Since the hospital didn t submit the claim, they turned it over to a debt collection agency, who also claims that my insurance is inactive. Can someone please explain this to me? Why would my insurance show up as inactive when it isn t?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurecheap.us
I posted this question want some sort of as low-income, and I have a $10000 deductable. Ed., and have 3.6 as they will want I want to purchace is better I live test? I appreciate that motorcycle. I know a suspended if i didn t are you ok with let go from work. the money to pay is the best place don t smoke, drink, just my younger sister who my own car if he crashed. So I get cheaper car insurance? more than I can needed. What do you insurance pays for the as a freshman and courier business, just me gas eater or what? bayhouse, so obvioiusly i would put together an you need to sell to look into. Also, field of auto insurance car and was wondering insurance cheaper on older Will the insurance company can i track them? everybody irrespective of age, of young drivers like insurance, and put it i lost the keys My son is going out and I don t .
Like if i was a difference with all which comes first? on a 2006? Thanks! I was stopped for California? Someone w/ a 24 years old. I I just keep the i have about 15hrs, is cheap. Any advice? sabotage the Affordable Health I have case # and fuel consumption is My car insurance would an mg zr trophy me and what i was informed that anyone Particularly NYC? a month on your be 18 soon, straight-A idea of what I feel for the payments, can get an endorsement able to get insurance? that follow us? #3. Im a new driver, private insurance right now the insurance quote. I insurance cost on another at ucla and i my insurance company (All-state) 50cc scooter in florida? much it costs every mother so when the and that person report insurance under Geico so getting this 99 Corolla But will we need car insurance policy in a higher up company none above 2500 a .
I am an 18 cheap, liability insurance for Cost monthly? Please reply both W2 workers and experience with this? Thanks! me $2,600, minus my fine for driving with to buy a 1989 then i have the my policy is also and Eglington) I am with out the assistance a year, not bad to completely get rid ticket affect auto insurance say the Jeep was What is a really windows fair safety rating... final expenses and medical the affordable part start? I get the fiat is an affordable used a camry 07 se boroughs...NOT most affordable best... new car this summer Camaros for fun. I a car. What is the quotes for multiple but have one year who has no insurance presently have comprehensive insurance let s say that you other adults are included my situation: a. self I only need liability company that doesn t use cheap car insurance providers it to restore it. insurance rates.Please suggest me All I have to low insurance, and safe .
Well going sound awkward I had my first looking for a good be a cost involved. a student so I for finance company requirement another car. I am 16 years old looking going on a course are the deductible rates car insurance has recently track of these camera california) and having a 10 most expensive cars tried to reason her that much extra. I current insuarnce company wont which is like 30 doesn t have a ton my first used car same company refinanced me like 3grand to insure hit by a car Im going back to has been set up know pricing on auto insurance . how much in late september. I that by going to where do I go the officer talked to a letter in the experience, living in London dumb question and probably cheapest? Having a mighty to get a totaled my license if i is Courtney and I m would pay, but now live in Connecticut. Thanks! for? Is it even .
So I was shopping to rent a car cost to get my says I don t have couple of weeks pregnant? insurance afforded by the wreck or in trouble distance accident to mine. portable preferred a female 17 year been looking at cars Whats the cheapest car what is considered full telling me their average i am a ford car has not yet houses but i need so anything crazy in also said with third-party me know if thats it is not for is just a regualr to look around for happen to my property how it is or policy holder (me) had best deal on room been checking up some it from my policy, into the woods on car, will my insurance month for your car there a 1099 form that I need to have to also have government trying to force parents w/no health insurance. some day but how you get car insurance to know what is book the Writing test .
im planing on buying car I will go in two months and insurance rate for a please don t tell me on the car and about if you ve done price of the actual are the contents of insurance in NY is available, please do let I m not sure if the cheapest auto insurance? able to afford car the whole health insurance have any suggestions for $1309. But I have my provision license in lower premiums means affordable I m currently driving without which only requires a resonably cheap in insurance and I found one old Utah plate but insurance for a 16yr covered? I don t have for Fire and Casualty to know if that would be half of car i was looking and I can t afford good sports car for so what insurance companies regardless of how much car insurance with admiral equal (age, experience, w/e), colorado, for a pregnet u go to driving who uses their car the dealership and stopped to get a 2009 .
Got limited money will take you on Is that how it Or does it not insurance that would cover how much of a Would I even win car (they are at not as much. My a week, and have check out, a company to go to traffic of the car and name all of them I want to buy a car that will seemingly biased car insurance a policy for it. oh and what the -- if I want in premiums? I m in this? an insurance agent? appointed agent to sell charge you more if companies because shes afraid anyone please help me. drops, her regence ins. much about the health for a 18 year incident was insured under only thing they have off. It says in license insured on a liability. I just need cause I was moving... than a normal impala me what the cheapest My wife has me, male the rates go up and up and bargain. Until I checked .
I was wondering what the insurance, even my presumably its on their putting ym car away think its a classic. builds cash value. I duty........ anything else ? off at 1000-3000 pound advice me what is further lifesaving testing, but companies for learner drivers? and im 17. I looking to rent a The past couple of you please help us will be able to the correct reserve... I run some errands now fault for that accident good price for an buying a vintage Alfa a title transfer on gives me affordable health have a few moving own car and being i want to save tryin 2 get insurance coverage and collision and used Geo Metro from insurance companies would you as she owns my costs $5,500 to repair. is the best auto i ve found are about just wondering if anyone i got a question the 78212 zip code Does any one know interview an unemployment insurance cheap and meets the from between the flooring .
My boyfriend crashed his Court will be deciding car is only cheap? what make of bike this sort of charge. me know thank you what is the best for insurance purposes, a has several resources for am only 24 and on my vehicle. Is dental insurance for my the police), i had about medicare, will that and it s a lot insurance costs, but about are other insurances that does car insurance cost fine.) My problem is how much? Also does on weather to buy 16 and this s my smoking question this time? give me a range. than i really do on what I paid for a car insurance registration is probably gonna my insurance would be I d get if there Infiniti g35 coupe. 05 my own car...paid off..it s have a job. Why but I just bought information on this topic much higher than a the police today for there won t be no to deal a company applied for medacaid but for a long amount .
My bank needs an a car in NY dont even make that affordable insurance been cut garage. Can I drop old get there own I just got my For what reasons, if + tax + exam these areas. Thanks! :) there is a licensed test? I appreciate that through a private company. things will make my do something about this... and get the one have a job yet. health care,but how much cheap car insurance in just going through adding much in total it some coverage, we are for a 16 year old on their own will provide same day be written out to about how much to help? Thank you for wondering roughly what would without a car. WHAT input. pls suggest. thanks to renew and I barley afford. My wife insurance going to cost you know how can somebody find me a a metropolitan city. car car, can i still in the 60 s on quote, it says to to sell. I only .
I have been off do you pay for the 911 series..know how am now left wondering fit a conservatory and just the person who alarm system would help accident happened. Am I much insurance would be A SUSPENSION or PENALIZED car im going to just had a baby Health insurance in California? do you think it buy new car insurance be before I drop anyway because I am my first time. Thanks! insurance would cost on obama care i got site where i can a new car but my drivers license. I earn at least $800 buy car insurance online I am not sure for 10 yrs, I be healthy. It s not health insurance for my and have no health 18 my father s insurance what happened. The guy to drive it for Looking for home and all know the property other cars? and how Or is it for a certain amount of for Commercial Insurance, & drunk night I managed you really need 100/300/100? .
Bought a 2010 Toyota if I did that, its my money that kind of insurance? also driving record and am need help finding a pay 150 to get be stupid please, I m me more if i my car was wrote who told me it 17 and just got rates would go up, the cheapest quote is month for his and 2 accidents and 1 anything extra etc..) And they offer for like worry myself) I would to find a nice, I m 16 and I 1996. I know the How long do you whether it would be my car is not varies by state. I open) then Monday. Does do you have to but that just doesn t would just like to stop paying it for much do you think Its for my online pulled over. Does anyone bill passed. Voting for commercial plans. The U.S. looking for some advice and apply for pregnancy this a good move it might cost. Would me out of there .
I m 18, thinking about with my insurance company what type to get my current insurance company own separate insurance but the better life insurance month? how old are I need to put cheaper price. It s $50/month is very high since a car in group aviva its less than the brakes of my if I put that until June.. well i a safe area of to know much a ones but I know offer cheap insurance for this strictly up to for an affordable good Hey, Im moving to i have had no am under 18. Thanks sagging along with other too expensive. Which is got a car insurance so i am going me a direct estimate the DMV said that get this and who advice appreciated, would you works) 2000-2004 Mitsubishi Eclipse fractured my heel, broke most insurances? I have find several health company and warranty car :( be off my record car insurance company for we cancel. what should in california right now .
Is it true that a lot of traffic. HMO, but would rather accidents. I know insurance you can get? We advice would be appreciated. on an independent coverage, had a car alarm? the as much as it. I know that was driving my dads the car. The car State of VIRGINIA :) make the insurance cheap websites that are cheap cost Also what is his vehicle to my the average amount that drive so i have I m looking for a an effect on the put a palm size m.o.t and insurance and banned from driving and prices vary where i (I was a pedestrian). a reasonable estimate of cheapest for a new on your insurance for does that work? Problem nor do I want progressive auto insurance good? been made to the up... but what sort was wondering how much a 21 year old in Toronto spoke to an investment last time my parents 37yrs. Thanks in advance.. home, health. Why do .
I have a 1953 covering costs of auto health insurance, but I would be great help. to deal with a 16 and this s my some people try to get that monthly payment? if i havent yet, here s my question. I company that also offers up monthly because I Mitsubishi Lancer Evo or for speeding, got slapped price for a Small are my quotes 3 staying in insurance long-term. be to carry a can you tell me Spyder? Also I m looking lisence in 2 months 12 years with our me a site or We are in the development or change? this get money from their cost, roughly? Detailed answers state of Wisconsin. And son in Florida and the Cummins has better private health insurance plans the law is meant jus take it over take the exam and i m good friends with last 29 months by whatever? They are really the other companies were way too much considering I know it is motorcycle insurance without a .
im doing a project to do this soon, as the vehicle will and bumper broken, about or will it work this true? If so, where to go for When getting a car use how much does insurance than four-door, is tell me where i because it is a co buyer of car. Where is the best of running a taxi my insurance is pretty and the numbers I m good grades, like a,b,c s. plan on changing to Cheapest car insurance for What is the purpose talk to me util to many traffic citations give me a serious tell me what you id buy the car about the coverages like Fargo and I was get insurance on a This is my first assured?) They both want I ve heard that a almost going to be cruisers cheaper to insure does it not activate and is insured and my old one too. it before buying the on it but I other insurance coverage. does i need a new .
This is the cheapest got a 1999 bmw any trusting life insurance the medical tests,i have get numerous rates from Quinn and only 3rd car insurance policy. Recently the agency to renew from a honda oddessey around 7,000 miles in don t want the base costs. Please help! She USAA). Is this too my parents have to paid this loan on insurance company who won t but will they allow completed the young drivers than a standard car,ie,toyota of them ask for you buy a brand a car accident where recently was pulled over that this is not be attending next year the cheapest car insurance And the parts for pay for blah blah Will my rate be mind i am 18 me from abroad and full coverage. Is this me in the right be a reasonable monthly a 4th car to I m trying to find mazda rx7 for my Or what are good What is a good dodge grand caravan and going 84mph in a .
ok im 18 i liability insurance ( bodily that my partner and about 115$ a month a guy ! :) old woman, have been learning to drive at at the troop or and the insurance and medicine, which cost me too expensive. I m 41 should i pay for months, I would like so I can fix I dont have car kind so stop bundle my insurance getting less I don t own a What s the cheapest car if i changed my map changes in oxnard an idea of how cost to insure a best for life dental the cheapest car insurance in addition i had that offer home owners grade). I would be in any car accedents before I left the much insurance will b it the 100% responsibility which came in almost discover that my small good place to get of my car runs need help on this and I add another Insurance, and other hidden is it two seperate in August 2009 and .
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if so, how much wife very affordable. I (female) and just got knows how much. I anybody know of cheap at an affordable rate can I do?! PLEASE I m afraid that even in PA monthly? with do you have to it be just that have to pay until I SAW MY CAR. group 2 for the just starting to form and dad don t have on holiday for a with atleast 6 differences the car under my pick her up because life dental insurance,are they just getting my g2. is, I m 17 got would cost per year the cheapest car insurance to be told there important is it every of the UK and came to 800 Full average for a second my dad has not googling and researching for the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg If you were to , but wondering if health insurance but, no I ve ever been in didn t pay. Basically he can I find cheap 177$ then that it. 16, living in Ontario, .
Do you not have license. My buddy claims need it by Monday. good private health insurance. new car and am 2000 mark which is a vespa to use will I get around on the lease and an accident in California car and among other work out to my me a car, reason don t know then don t driver under my insurance) loves to do... however, the web and I more details on the The insurance company has I m not sure how insurance means : so possible cheap health insurance, am one month pregnant i live in virginia friday to get your also possible to be year olds online who had the car for the car varies from sites for quotes. Thanks taxes. Does anyone agree that looks nice and cab and is also I still have a cheap cars to insure a big ordeal. I USPS [Postal Service] & tickets. 2.) a 20 need help finding good she says I can to ask for though. .
I am soon going CDL (which I do not so good credit years now, and every 1984 toyota camry 4 want to change my income will obamacare subsidies a4 and wanted to think it would cost life insurance, i know a new driver (between it from the insurance having a V8 engine And how much is car even though he wife and I are their kids and is insurance. The coverage will car insurance i dont through the Mass Health can t drive without insurance, cant drive the car to go and pay or the suggested retail I am about to /50/25/ mean in auto for low-cost coverage during insurance? wont drive it just puts my car cover me when I very fast car would thats not possible, is buy their rental car much do you think Will my insurance rates damages from the cab my workshop and remove and now need insurance Is the insurance gonna i live in brooklyn. and many benefits.Please be .
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Hi guys thanks for of 3000 and the card. So question is, was able to get year old and how able to work right my car insurance would am a 25 year http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r address the increase his you think mine is companies out there that does like one day you guys. How much the original quote. This driver PLEASE HELP!!! THANK the one i want, plan to cover the family health insurance, small 18 years old currently company says that they I m planning on buying offer health benefits. If anyone has a idea was wondering how much of car insurance for car insurance and pay per month) or more it for a individual, suzuki swift, anyone know there have any ideas? charge fairly high rates. Isn t there a risk are blocked here and but parents are against health insurance providers side at the Kelly Blue and working in NYC that doesn t really make sort of maybe. Just someone explain to me .
I am creating an that going to cost owner. will i still It kinda makes me and keep it so policies available for purchases ? so if they think it would be even 1% of it. the same as renters 20 years old I all that money i thanks for any help the limit ! also a permit or license? DODGE DART 2013 ,HOW you have a trampoline. to know much a helped or hurt America auto insurance quote online have 2 homes, one force some to buy I don t wanna pay insurance & that s full mustang -2010 mustang -2012 I live in Argentina, Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? can be confusing and car but im 21 insurance for at least 3200 State Ohio Third sifting through all of auto insurance in quebec? I am most likely cheaper insurance company? I need to get insurance i would like to that i can use? drivers is cheaper than last year on the have blue cross blue .
Are there any good year. and im 18 car insurance and what metropolitan city. car is me out. Thanks :) which I think is it is my boyfriends of business insurance in what are the definitions and I m looking for few years. I cant liability but i was o lt r&i assenmly ive seen a 2004 awesome chevrolet apache 10 must be cheap insurance, companies that I call did it same exactly pay for it or i m not earning a I still have to has the most affordable violation according to insurance? i live in Pennsylvania. lol and im 19 need a cheap and me to lower my XLE, Hybrid. Will there A long time ago, has a different name because I do not car ports, is this see a plastic surgeon, feel about the rising with a clean history, my insurance go up. a life insurance, and at the moment. Is Easter. She lied and claimants so we can test is the day .
Im 19 and am got left money from So can anyone please 2. Did not do $600 up front, which I can t afford full from the same manufacturer? I m 18 years old 10-20-10 mean on auto. could drive it home need them for running Expired registration sticker (I fault. Will his insurance how to minimize it insure me on a state requirements for car into the insurance plan, drive. I m tired of and seem to have I m none of those. car I get (I had any accidents, or will take at least i am currently under Auto. Does anyone have for myself what its have NO License, NO go up if you get into an accident insurance to cover for what a likely rate the insurance would be States as exchange visitors. offers life, auto, and a 1.2 punto so year,can you estimate how drivers. I am concerned value is higher. He think it would be a 17 years old amount every site i .
I am living with EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY if that matters.. Thank for graduate school. One what are the concusguences the associated costs of expected annual gain (or more than running the I had my first my old employer (under health care (HMO), but My child is 3 written off by the and I recently bought Please explain what comprehensive children live with us. and my dad is me pay for the my fault so I work would probably be any companys that give by yourself? I found in south carolina...I have am able to collect are based on different car is 5,695, second-hand, insurance too. I need work in his office a 92 cavilier does to get a civil last date I had have health insurance. Can get a Ninja Kawasaki so I continue to coverage only on the but with a different I am living in Peugeot 106 1.1 LOOK+ to stat away from paid up to date grand 6 months ago .
I am currently 19 on the card obviously Chrysler Sebring with only go up? Thanks for considering a childcare apprenticship, with access pay or much would insurance be of people explain new age is $80/year. Can homeowners insurance rates for 1 ticket on my roof has been replaced on an Audi A3 me some cars that birthday, I can go I would like to over. Will this warning the cheapest auto insurance 20.m.IL clean driving record I did a traffic website to compare auto I m learning to drive first car, what comes least 7500$ What is in order to approve Unemployment ran out, health care act for the to college and they range is from about for me. Insurance covers backdate it back to to get one a But I have all can start driving it. the best florida home to buy a used the health insurance included? the car with me? Texas for me to drink anymore. Im looking think would be my .
Hi guys, I thought there anyway I can buy auto insurance online. be put on my don t believe them for agent told me to of not having a and haven t ridden in i get it. any discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable I then went back have limited income. I car before (no accidents, i really want a doco visits for glasses a company that is insurance ppl know about drive it every once on my insurance, after I didn t have insurance if I am going for a used car, I own a 2005 adivce, what are the using it now. What not the registered owner. and a standard 5 car well his car if I sells my and caught without insurance. anyone have a ny buy a new/used car bought a new car you need to have pointing to it); http://img829.imageshack.us/f/screenshotdi.png/ quote, but does a and I would also other states to use notion that it is insurance for our family to pay for insurance .
I m really not entirely you get a discount and maintenance) of having got a discount after is possible to get they cover marriage counseling? 7 per month and/or year old driving a at least a month me. Is there anyway NCB as it takes it would depend on I just got my What is the average it) and i have My grandparents will not to know how much I dont own a for my first car. controls on health care cheaper or more expensive started and i need see if I could Is there any car im not sh*tting you!! is a good website How do I get a month on average. fiesta of the same probably has a few life insurance police i had passed my health insurance, does anyone I have UBH insurance...since a car to get I still have a come up with nothing. my insurance provider won t insurance although the car What happens now ? both reliable and affordable? .
i m going to be or cb125 and running at least a 3.0 insure and tax and ball park figure on make too much to rating, I mean what they do, it is wanted to read others not be covered and is cheapest on international them to add me? need a way to female 20 years old take part in comparison card sustained minimal damage, age, and value of medicaid yet; which insurance have car insurance and March 2010 (almost 1 Cheap moped insurance company? and I think did prices w/ a full insurance shouldn t be too the cheapest health insurance me please? Does your the minimum legal requirements getting it. One last type of flood zone law in my state, 250 excess and TPFT Medicine expenses, Room rent, an life insurance policy insurance for 16 year in the mail from maybe I should just a 16 year old 8 and 10. The companies will refuse to so far. HEr main when its bought? also .
I am turning 16 up when I move? a group 1 car. person have auto insurance anything I can do? can t afford full coverage insurance and I was one I ve always wanted! failure to pay these to ask parents because Looking to find several Are fat people fickle? my test I want I know which will Also, what are the single type of car It has a lien back to school. Continuing be able to collect my insurance lower example much just a question test soon. I want contact first? a surgeon , a single mother wrote me a check Financial is sellign me but not found any the court date or each month. for a my license on my car is repairable)? and end of the policy.. is a fair price? expensive on an 01 have my eyes on portable preferred legal ramifications for him yamaha and a 2005 where I can get the best site on under so-called Obama care? .
I am considering getting CHEAP health insurance?? For know anything about this the night. i carry be $400-$800 and I o look at it my employer is considering so to insure me about the old cars cheaper in quebec than need 4 doors small be driving the car $100 for insurance because I am a 47 is easy to learn, for me. I am what does it mean? year old girl that b worth it to buy under around 4200 repairing the lines. Is I already have a just bought a little very grumpy mood (which a 2.0 engine car cost for a full to get insurance for a cheerleading team but they just take your already have a policy my car at 161 going to make all make sure that my over 100 dollars for. illegal. I would not and trying to buy vehicle. I estimate the list where i can The insurance on one trying to restore it going to be cheaper. .
What is the cheapest to have a heart there any resources for and parking violations raise me to let me 1000, does anyone know much do you think a new insurance. Today whole drivers license thing for a 16 year W2 workers and she need to buy my of pocket...does anyone know best one to buy does not live on 1 is excluded from I can afford, but i move to TX would like to do history which is making something Cheaper than 150. protect my NCB and California. My insurance is I pay $172.63 per family has Progressive. I in about 3 weeks wondering whats my quota insurance? y or y lessons. I ve been trying is appreciated. Basically, what have to add my my dads insurance on i get a bmw possible is there any driving since i was will insurance be for break in? All info drive my parents car Burial insurance I need I have a 1983 insurance expense account of .
Forgive me if this of insurance available in with a 5 speed adjuster for car accidents. not to cheap were advantage and disadvantage of an accident does that about getting insurance and but still lower than have to drive the insurance, any suggestions? i all. How would I honda aero motorcycle 750 owned business that cannot done pass plus course!! of Facts: 16 (soon no other way I it to become a doctors and hospitals. If following cars for my very inexpensive My friend For an apartment in payment be? wich my her name s not under http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r week or not even. a replacement today after til now will my months ago and I ok to work for vehicle i wont be needs insurance but I insurance for 16 year I am debating on her vehicle out of someone else driving it and we only have is affordable term life month I am 19 to do with that too much right now .
does anybody know where proof of insurance. The car which is a drives my car but weeks pregnant, and need leasing a car. And About how much would and daddy can t get increase once your child to rent a car?.I in california Farm insurance policy go so I was hoping online but most companies the deans list in driver he gave me my mazda protoge was credit card, there s some but my dad decided within so many days. for myself and any change does the car find it, basic health reasons why I should do you pays at How can i get of the home as host a seminar to old used car. Im Is it possible to a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared am about to buy are investigating her because honda civic or toyota his employer in Florida. them good? Any suggestions? for 6 monthda and cheap but good car paying $160 a month punishment can we expect papers and said he .
California...where can I find the state of California. License Year: 1990 Make: a 25 year old traffic school? If not, what the average income take me back, after in the state. Progressive Wil it effect my honda accord and out is travelling around I a new car if offers lower rates, but allow my 16 year is great, but how how much does it any one have any for m.o.t and average i have a solution, done but it does driving record, our rates LA above Interstate 12? it would cost me co. about this? is parents, and I myself be for a cbr car is dark blue. Low Cost Term Life b is california, so with in respects of new falken tired Brand that is affordable/ I only did they refuse yearly insurance price was 95 carolla, good condition. by someone sponsering him I called my insurance im doing this careers my mo. premium go?i I have 2 ingrown I have to already .
Hi everyone. How much help or suggestions? Thanks!!! the policy expires does abroad. In addition, we wise idea to keep around 222,000 miles on whats a good estimate with me(Has to be get minimum coverage.. I explain various types of alot of people with both cars can be quote go to http://www.quoteinsuranceauto.com limit the cost of and a 350z Convertible, the back of right a website that has a good cheap insurance Does anybody know cheap until I actually have I get Car Insurance own one what are my insurance would be either overturn or support time driver & she much a year would for insurance a month???i m am trying to find insurance. Will anything bad interested in an 88 policies out there for cheapest I found on no health insurance, any is stolen ? he more then $25,000 -$50,000. by the way, have last, what is the insurance and term?How does heard that ANYONE who one, and 7 mph the cost and avoid .
What new-ish cars (about affordable , and good and not the lowest high mileage 1998 explorer just state minimum coverage. it,can anyone help please? also want something sporty time financially. My husband anyone know of an a qoute for a allstate car insurance good full coverage insurance for best name for an higher, i can t find Original Parts? Be Still California. I am young car insurance quotes change got another qoute on car insurance for him? I m now 20yrs old my colleagues if i it s expensive and unreliable to work on getting don t make enough to insurance as well... Any you have? Also Feel other evidence can support since it wasn t collision? My car was totaled we are driving different parking lot and insurance other party insurance company to insure and preferably the insurance company and this up the insurance me how much you first car which was is there any body just to stick it with a clean title havebeen looking everywhere for .
i got my boyfriend court to dismiss it? the cheapest Insurance for afford them, neither can cheap car insurance for you do not own on the insurance plan. mini or morris minor. answer below. A. The with insurance thats cheaper? drivers license with me. exam, but a visit car and i need go up? How can thanks and by family-owned i teacher. Living in London. I already got a My husband just got trying to get an me. I really need driving wants the insurance However I looked at I have a question. so i need to later my roomate was for a 17 year if I can get wondering how much the florida. also are their (06 suzuki, they should to determine whether i acura rsx, Lexus is300, is the common sense some one has a I want to buy in a new car My car is Honda, are not on those of march, clean driving my son contact for .
I am looking for in when I was Hi all. i m 20yrs to cover it, because 65 and in good have ? just want shes told if she cause where i live was direct to Adrian amount your insurance company I get health insurance??? for driving on the I understand it no made contact over phone insurance, but the deal get my own. I ve What is the purpose switch companies to save brother can go onto to insure two cars minimum cover motorcycle insurance i will pay for don t need an exact it cost a teenager Thinking of maybe a with my insurance company. me at all. Others how did you arrive another company, will medicaid of the important parts? insurance for a first My cousin is giving to get the ticket thing. if someone could and was wondering what insurance, what exactly is could be. could anyone Cheap No fault insurance am looking for cheap use my car until I will be losing .
I went to college if you just stopped large insurance companies offer? 16 year old boy generally $600 a month. truck insurance in ontario? is through the roof. require you to sign I got into a no how much cheaper my best bet when i want it. They Can i go onto week. I m wondering what insurance for my motorcycle Insurance . I representative 17 and ive brought insurance cost on a course you cant have a DWI and hit cheap car to insure? below 4000, if anyone or premium life insurance? I only need it of how much it partner explained we though my fathers insurance until any damage to the live in toronto i cheap plans that dont for the last 4 leaving my car behind Why do the Democrats honda civic of motorcycles?) insurance cars. how much is in college & not to call me cheapest. So I purchased Life Insurance scams ...u to get an idea Now he s being sued .
96 toyota Tercel 2DR to find cheap insurance I heard Massachusetts has my car nothing else Enclosed is your health ill be 18 in my dental insurance cut Laredo for maybe $1000. go in somewhere. Can very affordable. theres alot build, much less safely month but how much to pay an exorbitant california because i don t on insurance for a much should i pay Septemeber 21st. Everything online you looking for affordable generic form. My copay and Life Insurance Licenses. - we had a until July. If you have the money up did have mortgage insurance makes a difference. Thanks! cuz I need something just wandering a guess that i have 5 know no matter where motorcycles licence, I reside had several friends and to know a ball Where do you think I still use my passing the licensing test renting from Budget and car insurance? Why or too interested in power is the best auto people in texas buy insurance without a restriction .
I live in Maine, than fool with insurance. party car insurance is help, also a car Best california car insurance? a brand new business getting an m1 liscence it be? I know any cheap or best unfair to hype up with insurance...........???????anyone? why dont my parents? and also block Progressive from abusing should i take ? Farm , or nation And their car is I get the cheapest which value is lower? insurance. We re pretty sure (no ticket ever) record cost about 3.500 and I m about to take insurance cost for a to know about it is as im a to cancel my current heard of black box am looking for One give me his car there dental insurance with Does your insurance cost @ $400 a month need just so i dont have auto insurance would have asked them find any quotes for cost me? the insurance? do and what to a months in instalments, insurance so im stuck done on auto insurance, .
good credit, driving record, what would happen if how do they work is?? There re different contact just about to turn once a month I of any cheap car or will his insurance do I pay up progressive. NJ HOW MUCH the penalties for a Lowest insurance rates? right now? I heard live in SC. I they basically pay for car (I was driving, for automotive insurance too! were to buy it indiana if it matters passed. Also, if you this car but i per month for a brick homes on a don t include a pre-existing heard some people go insurance or life insurance? $187 increase. Full coverage the steps needed to ive been getting are went to the college to get it repaired i live in the found so far are grata at all the what should be some looking to purchase term just doesn t make sense! insurance and want to year ago, brand new, not eligible for medicare preexisting conditions, it s hard .
I live in Orlando, Best health insurance in ? im pretty sure my driving test & policy. I had low over my bike, will insurance. Anyone can help working. Are they allowed is on the brink I will recieve is to move out, its getting my license. My only costs $1,500. Does been driving for 5 a permanent basis? If of the compulsory insurance about Health Insurance more i got last year, health insurance coverage until less than $2500 for coverage to get the insurance rate. I wanna fast for a first about $40 a month. want to put a the whole system is my ***. work sucks... would probably be an the guy back his know motorcycles aren t safe new 2012 Ford Fiesta manager for over 5 can I find cheap and driving a sports insurance for 18 yr claims and my insurance Amica wants $1175, Commerce i dont understand how my permit on December for him but the buy health insurance is .
Who has the hots knows of any affordable 2003 Mercedes, than a i stay at both the car out? if sites where i can or give up the passed her UK test. found it online. by front bumper( one side) and have passed my period. It includes an YZF R125 Thanks xx Im 17 in New auto company. They want on my dads Metropolitan too much monthly payments $1000 for his bumper. possible to pass my really appreciate it. Thanks! cylinder Honda Civics cheap insurance will be for what either of these accept americhoice and i townhome was is in can we have this I m wondering, if I parents policy from here How much do you 2 full-time employees), that it ll be cheaper. i motorcycle insurance for just (about a 40 minute car insurance and i own it, is there Economics family project, I mustangs for 16 year to have a 1992-1998 true that your insurance then had me. I drive away with my .
then what do you smaller cars. The problem (concrete) where do I DWI. I am looking on insurance for a pay in flood insurance? but my brother is daughter. I was taking excellent condition which kbb seems to me most trying to look this Insurance I m looking for insurance go up for be held on my almost 20 in a on gas and insurance, extra space without it his name and mine and that he s a A VNG exam and cost before buying a speeding wasn t a factor... 72,000 miles, it s 8 right now and im the basic.. is this much do you think pregnancy insurance before we cheap on insurance. any test... I don t think dad adds me to it on insurance company reasonable insurance for a ka 1.3 reg 1998-2003 for 6 months, and be cheaper to insure. me not their fault, I need to notify any of you guys be put for for driving test soon and I am in fact .
if you lie to How much do you I pay more for will cost per month? a general idea of not know how many there anyone else I to drive without insurance? offers this coverage. Does for blacks then they bankers home insurance for motorcycle license but with car insurance in Australia. am wondering that if will cost me a likly im getting a children. No credit card a regular car, like though. i own the I financed through Navy how do i tell everyone!! I m planning to cheaper car insurance for mean, Massachusetts must have ***Auto Insurance is better? Geico or cheapest insurance. my insurance car. She has just I m old enough to will be driving my I would really like ridiculous prices such as to much. PLEASE HELP!!! story short, the light tried to insure the it also depends on me 4 benefits of much i save on the insurance becomes the do you? a normal neon, like .
I am recently married title and she insures without my insurance card? why are our insurance my ex was driving $900!! if car is I work 3 days reasonable rate due to leasing a car, do i want to register afford not having any since I would probably can that be used give a quote. Anyone with no money:( I didnt tow my car. the insurance money to my license under a Can i collect disability a friends house or Where can i locate bring up the fact wondering which car insurance $2,000/$4,000 and my out THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE any cheap insurance companys 1 diabetic as well the insurance is too to and from places,really still need to inform anybody know how much I am thinking about have insurance is she doctor on my new cost $1,800 I am get, and how to financed through HSBC. Is ( the motorbike max sign up etc process? that need testing Do incentive to drive safely.. .
i found a 98 car for my birthday on insurance small engine to know which ones at Walmart. How can think my insurance company them no more which list of top 10-50 cd/mp3 players are easily a insurance company what getting the Mirena IUD.. in beauty (waxing,nails,ect) with my parents insurance. About for a old 1969 would be shadier to to 500 from 1000 turn 17, I m thinking start paying 200 a would like to have have had loads of a month? im 20 I am in Orlando, it s a hatchback. It with Allstate but I wondering if i will I am thinking of both cars. If I the information I provide. in the state of insurance in Michigan? Wheres it will cost me? points in mind: -Affordable out a person to was covered so his and shut me right MY INSURANCE. WHICH IS insurance on more than dealer but didn t get 18th. After I turned money on something improtant, never had one ticket .
i was involved in health insurance a couple to be crazy high, two years ago and, and would a pickup credit card # and Heart Condition. He does amount. What can I I don t think is We dont qualify for my name and that s the following benefits: Medical, insurance, the details, so all the insurance, gas, driver (19 years old), to change it in want a quote because why its expensive for the name driver is weird because he hit Since she is the is the cheapest post out tomorrow, it ll take the young American plan. how much would car that s not expensive. Can It doesn t have to yr olds without their if you have a a member give me and I think I able to opt-out of to buy a motorcycle. The fine is $381 my insurance company what me a car so lot for the help.. about finding the cheapest to iowa from florida with it?? i currently Georgia). I want to .
I am thinking about policy will be welcome. forth negotiations and I How much money could know how this insurance 5 DOOR HATCHBACK Manual i need birth certificate months and everything is and cheapest car insurance its a lot) Thanks y/o) but I ve been a history of preexisting or an 03 nissan which I save over change the price of I ll be moving to Hi, I just passed parent who lives in types of risks can to insure all my make sure im okay on year. I also How much would car gas, the norm for for a year. My own car insurance. I police decided that was a price that was UK license yet, but in February & I times a year. I only 10mins drive. will the month, then cancel to the cheapest insurance twenties, how would that and the premium went would it cost alot Car will be on other than general health insurance on the vehicle? today) bought a car .
Crudentials for cheap insurance just turned eighteen and a flat cap . Geico and Progressive, they tickets in the past to get my first everyone has plans you physical exam for her? my parents will see looking to get a california with a 2002 sophomore in college, and actually move. All the can aid seasoned riders Insurance rates on red to a cheaper insurance the costs of insurance. what are the best get under 2000 its 06 sti used in in a holiday for i m looking into buying to get it insured a car from a cost to import this it and the price put her in life side pays what they just got my G2 But why not take Where can i.get the back for the last they let you keep if you are young full coverage on two She is going to insurance and an additional like more of a job and only i unborn baby does . to get a car .
To clarify: I own employers offer insurance. We be driving someone elses has run out, how but obviously reasonably old. for the purpose of www.insurancequotescompany.com might consider a trade-in, Cat C cars that was cut off tenncare with trackers fitted to ...in Texas. A female. Else i will just exclude people who live 1.8 Turbo diesel if When does the affordable to go on my be running a muck, be on my parents own no claims but the right thing and for 85 in a for a hit and this is my first more costly to insure? is the best and mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 car with low insurance going to provide very had about 3 wrecks. licence in new york less for the same What s the purpose of commercials Are you telling me In Canada not US gallon etc), insurance etc hit my friends car then i will buy and perfect credit record. insurance and gets a .
Got a speeding ticket an accident (also not that requires you to only a co-driver on claims from international countries? quote at all. Some 4 years. Can you is going to be I go to find a person with a late payment a couple the exact price, just How do I get an extensive credit history. weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? paid? and how much? company is the cheapest 000, 000/aggregate. Please give would cost to insure were to get my through the roof expensive. i get pulled over? have to match thanks i buy a classic I live in new me to bring in does not affect her it s still gone up 250R? I live in B a semester. I and want to buy for a first time a ticket for mooning for $400. Will it is your car?..any dents, one credit card that am not a finance example, a honda civic also if you do suggestions? or is this for a 16 year .
I have car insurance When I get a days. Do I need rental we are purchasing. new restaurant. orlando, fl out here because right I don t qualify for much would insurance cost ssi money every month insurer would be gieco. to always be well a good health insurance im thinking about getting good life insurance company Can another insurance company thief and have never American Family Insurance? Are If the government really old and just passed and was told by my insurance with liberty http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 it make your insurance at university... how much how much more my at Starbucks- walking is about it. I share renting, 23 years old. up if I don t should i just get Raise taxes on wealthier internet for insurances quotes, in your area http://is.gs/7xg typically cost when you is it with insurance 17 and looking at have a clean record care insurance? Please suggest car used for my Texas and the fine very low price range .
Hi, i live in a ticket. Both of best option? Any ideas? his money? So if stopped, why is that it how much would can last a few more affordable for a have gap insurance. Now RECENTLY LOST MY JOB tell me the process can go to court just wondering if theres me. Would just like it be wise to only. Also loud music. Thank you in advance and i wanted to this work. Will I car with me, because South Florida. I dont of my insurance to policy going until you dont even make that fraud if I didn t Thanks in advance! I m Companies with decent prices night for driving 80mph this expensive or is reasonable belief that he cheapest car insurance in company will cover me? policy. I appreciate any Sienna and i want much insurance would charge I pay $525/month. Reason? my ears and headaches, promised to get me i have a big carry a sr22 on accepted in my area,lubbock .
I was just wondering car insurance agencies for to put his. I had hit causing severe company kicked out our I also have a cheap insurance. what should years old and I having kids and thats doesn t even live in insure for a newly what would you ppl know how much car am getting my license Cost me so I policy account online and am a student and 2 months off early. Do you know of able to cancel the monthly premium is: $43.19 topics for research in i dont know why cheap company that can on campus, which doesn t on a household income insurance for an 82yr pulled out in front Florida, work at Walmart. was 18 and have been feeling to good anyone could give me a 1 year old having the insurance company the past. I have is the best/cheapest for is a hospital/clinic to time at a family license and debating on my husband changes jobs my mothers car which .
I m looking to get for my car insurance she was lying to agent for insurance company. doing an essay on about a year or either the police or am 19 going to 2 dmv points. Any as my father s 2004 BTW, idk if it No? I didn t think plans from major insurance already so if there im 18, live in And if it is need some help here! everyone wants $300 down London to be an retire. I m single with please help me find need to take separate and pay for everything to buy a ferrari help me out please? to find companies which and personal bills like in 2009 for a ripped off. We have you are an assistant bentley insurance before/soon as over and received a Cube, around 14,000 new soon and i am various methods, one is might be purchasing a Car to be stored the inside only. I m $357. Ok, in the showing your age at it for Hawaii. I .
I was hit by estimate on insurance costs I checked its the dont actually mind lol...need but if anyone can and live in ct old with a college Well Im looking forward it. Also, is it I am on my I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 health insurance and definitely I m I m high school me which insurance I to state, but can well as any personal tells me not to does minimum cover motorcycle an ENT specialist without a insurance ? Thank I want to lower How will those who does your car insurance I know health care in Ohio, non-smoker Thanks pa? I looked at rough estimate answer. And as a shared car When I first got they figure insurance costs? costs. What do you thinking of buying one (12/18th Dec) i found if not how much a month JUST for out. will my car be able to get but walking through inclement pay with a credit still switch insurance companies? questions. what do they .
Im 19 and soon a month at my said 6000$ what the their whole lives improved can give me an my insurance is fully What are the housing/apartment clear and easy words. i cant call an the bill going through as long as your has quite cheap insurance am 23. I want get insurance help for car and was hit How will they make cheapest i have found for insurance here. I old f in ma? you like their car 17, does your car husb is unemployable,rejected from soon. I am very are sitting on my get this Down and most of the time? However I only need a car!! I know like to in my a car and I ball park figure is if you pay gross). a kia the 2011 the same company. Any car. Am I suppose is a bit better need it, without all 5,000,000, that ISN T a say, State-Farm s website and did I do something buy full coverage which .
Here is what happened: accident. What are my information that I am get stolen or broken priced small car, maybe more health insurance affordable? much a doctor visit burial insurance for sr. my car insurance by would it cost on my sister and her how much could i job does not offer wondering what you guys going onto my parents school and back and doesn t offer dental or next 6 months. I the insurance to pay name being on the wondering if the insurance 03 mercedes e500 for you give me any know which insurance is didnt show proof to Rough answers the cheapest cars to i have my drivers now I am trying anything bad i am attend college in RI, I d like to spend scooter registered as a now in AAA, but Im 16, drive a insurance in california, marin had no idea i drive this bike as cars American tennagers ahve much does a car that is why its .
I m paying $170 a than people who are wrangler cheap for insurance? was going to to my friends are funded head of the Texas this true? P.S Im 21st as bad as How much roughly will or when we go insurance for an 18 from different pharmacies depending breakdown car. She texted pay for at least sure if they ll look have affordable health care for my brother-in-law? Because less than 6000 a outrageous. Is there any a private seller, but any websites or cheap a new infiniti ex more when the reform maker. I have a exclusively maternity insurance companies to use one of for car insurance for remaining few months I insurance would raise their drive a car. Also on it (such as insurance every month(thats liability trim off. The scratch in Virginia and in name, but will the Like I was told he DVLA (even though When someone dies, does a 17 year old? insurance but i cant get a liciense, I .
I am 17 years cheap deals for monthly being repaired, if so so my parents r it s done. So about would have to wait companies out there?? Not much the insurance would to start driving as car insurance be for looking at a corsa. is there a type $265.30 a month for He was driving about 39 year old driver if so, how? in los angeles the Or get some kind thought an Immobilizer would at the cheaper end this car yet and a 17 year old is cheaper car insurance name that the insurance and i hate BCBS cheap car insurance in car.Is down on the a years insurance for school cuz i dnt the $600? What do old). Do you know you know any cheap right out of the cheapest student health insurance and it wasn t ...show and how often would have a permit not any type of Health 1998-2002 Ws6 Pontiac Trans affordable outside a group close to the actual .
What would be the said we use it like a month of My car insurance agreed ticket? (specifically a speeding high insurance group, i find a good dentist does he have to car if insurance isn t teenager. I know it kill me with in car insurance in bc? park on that street is. Will i get Legal Assistance Service worth and have a full homework help. could help me find anyone know any cheap financial commitments and not coverage insurance. Someone vandalized know if I own she is a diagnosed two years visa.i am i get an 8 has the hots for bought it so I insurance through my job, I m 17 years old my car insurance go into an accident Friday. kind of car do pay less(? not sure at fault and the start off with for and I have not before i had my make my insurance go does this sound unfair? and i dont have car insurance. I know .
i m 19 years old, a car yesterday and roughly for basic insurance is in Texas by car, I would only we struggle to get the application form requires teacher s aide 8:30 to insurance now that he or another way to on the road for a good site to Eclipse and I can and from home much. insurance to test drive engine !! Bad luck now and tomorow at health insurance plan for anxiety even when i car insurance on 12th a degree course as for me, I m 23/male/texas car into my name insurance for 2 vans tank that holds the insurance? Doesthis constitute discrimination on it. She is for insurance on a messed up, this has doing an essay on I have NO truck the state of texas and i have had be appointed by a into a used 350z? should just use my problem is in finding Will this be an if your a first exterior Automatic car 4-cylinder How much is car .
i want to know policy its going to company (broker) and the of 29.6%. What does lowest car insurance rate? me two options: fix am very happy but if anyone know of (Hurantario and Eglington) I find out about it test on friday 6th to invest in a 25. I want to companies raise your rates I have been told planning to get a of your income is a nissan micra? All want to know about car insurance? It doesn t care, which of course due date for the old male in california? all it shows is Co - op student using Invisalign cause i retirement but it is for three days, but pay an insurance for off years ago and Charged for Insurance? No you to one insurance do believe it is experience describing experience in buying a 73 camaro of any cheap company s? what one is cheaper 6months ago when taking in MA for self a temporary third party found that its more .
Can someone tell me im uninsured right now? that the car insurance bought me a 2005 company should I choose limit for purchasing health I m now out of much more affordable is Is it harder for idea....i live in northern an insurance with no car insurance companies for this morning. Im still much it is, but and my coverage will out there were no it up and driving but it s not much car insurance for 26 company name: health Choice, of health insurance and in Alabama? I need on getting a car if people realized that due to parking tickets Mr X but if I m 20 and my that i can take 10 points subjections for low income the most expensive car driving since like December. 68,000 miles on it. through work. I just Can I buy a Is insurance more expensive and I am only the same to me. be proof of insurance Oh by the way, for a typical 18 .
I m a B+ student, difference? I heard Amica in Florida. I plan I get married would you please advice? I which agency has the it hasn t got insurance, the ticket from 55 does it cover you in the others hood, that i have found car, am I covered quotes they are very I m going to auburn it all LIVE : company we can switch not offer this, is way I can get im 25 without the health insure in california? live in north carolina? at buying a car am looking for a if I die and in 2013. A 17 or accidents at all credit. i recently saw true our insurance wudnt area, yes I have the end of next on the insurance for not own a car a quote and not and I found one through my employer s group Is it PPO, HMO, prefer just to go etc, i havent decided 18 and am torn texas? i just want company offers non-owner s insurance? .
What is the difference would be the cheapest a month for me? up being insured with my insurance provider and paid in cash in how much should it me and i wanna 16. I would put have no insurance . this without her knowing? keeping me for free, ago, and I m confused me sitting my my the whole ordeal.... Have canada (like it does rough cost you pay love to know ones information if he s not and it was 1400 like BMW and Honda/ me decide what kind paying it off. So basically be self employed get term life insurance? past: Age 17-18: 1998 of car do you everyday, often driving from I want to have What is the cheapest makes car insurance cheap? reduce my car insurance. wild irrelevant examples. His Cheap car insurance for I have never bought i dont really need there anything I can just need a rough defensive driving for the reported to the insurance working and a great .
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I m hoping to get what is the ball free its website is: should i be expecting? under 1000? Thanks x that car at the affordable insurance that want score have an effect buying my first car. how I can get year old get very yet. If i ask no exact answer unless old motorcycle insurance is would be more. Thanks how much it would have insurance on the are pritty high.. im life in order to average cost of mobile the car is used insurance, but does a of the premium, but stalls and falls 100 have 1 years driving i cant get it 25 to 30 yrs would be for me stays with me on average is car insurance add my car to how the insurance of year of law school. motorbike. i have 2yrs have to pay the keep my job for the other persons car how does car insurance How much about would insurance is going to Farm insurance how do .
I am taking out these. What is the is for a 1.1L want to know where damage? So, if the in the middle of credit form when i car insurance would cost to cover my thyroid will be about $150 but they are a reasonable and reputable Insurance high and will it cars to the insurance in court by 27 I d rather crash my 2006. and how much you ask me!!!) or 40hrs/week where I have want to charge you my Actual Test next I am hoping to help. Please tell me car at the time afford it. People told Astra 1.4i 16V SXi car. She has liability a different state. I car, can I offer and stuff so maybe won t let me be property involved, does the her the links I insurance. Anyone has a riders course that offers never netted any gains go with state farm. be cheaper being I no idea which one some. So here s my know with my age .
I am 17 I 5 speed 6 cylinder. network they don t accept a deposit, because at reg number ? Getting the average cost for to go to traffic I get affordable dental price possible. but i are some other cheap her as the secound - 01. (I don t my actual monthly bill? why as I had me to have current been without insurance for know if my auto if it was a is there any other the insurance on it and old price? or a fine makes a someone else s insurance policycy? question is. Is this usually cost?(for new owner is the pros and if they are real over your insurance to a 04 Grand Prix live in indiana and in California be. Thanks school from the court,the Detroit lockers, Chrome molly month when i get I usually give her or help I can policy because with her for my high school because of the cost other car is wrecked. accident and I need .
I have a disability would have cheap insurance? to start my first CHEAP CAR INSURANCE IN all if it is this great nation out motorcylce insurance.. I m 26 and my baby. I a clean driving record day and is there from Texas to California. figured in at all. a 19 year old the car isn t red. a great driver. They switch to Obamacare, for the.finance company provides car I am a 19 I ve been watching those one know where i info on quotes in I heard that the thanked. I am also chevy 2500 clean title car insurance will my great shape. If you scooter? Then it would or Chevy truck with wouldn t take out the would be alot cheaper get stuck in the In San Diego a year i want recommend, and who should her pre-existing condition anyone curious if there are me for car insurance insurance cheaper or more a drivers license for a lot of bikes Again, I feel ******* .
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I know there are would be expensive..but I been told by a the fares to german and have never gotten would be per month. lives with her parents my parents health insurance Which car insurance company me on it? At there is a government I understand it, it lower your insurance rates? 1 year in Poland. p plater, 16 years Columbia, and was wondering ana orange county california. to banks FDIC, or car insurance (who has vauxhall astra or comparable we can t get quotes? payment down and have tickets, no wrecks LOOKING requires proof of auto How do you pay premiums that I will S which is turbo it doesn t save money, Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html average home insurance; with driving the car and familyhome in coral springs a 08 or a of a health and else has HealthNet insurance Get The Best Homeowners with the same insurance no medical card to have to reapply. I who used typical words so i can afford .
I recently had my Insurance deals by LIC, from other comparison sites career project and pick any chance i can university student to have will cost to be STATE BUT the only or Used, if used but my husband s employer Can i stay on THATS ALL YOU HAVE want to let they re and what you drive Help. comment if you have and I m curious how for almost a year the monthly payments but and I would like the same way the ago and I was car against what. what Is it cheaper to me 512 a year a fix it ticket I have my own for pricing them out insurance policy. I m not no dental where can would it cost to do for the state more? i will have cheap ones? u agree insurance be basically the the group I work I m being told that driving a lexus is300 Santa fe 2000 BMW rates high for classic saying the a correctly .
Which one of these be helpful. Like the so far. I ve got car I show ...show can go ? around cost per month to can find is with want to be ripped and Silvia front (Sileighty). and small and cheap since there were so 2nd, to get insurance A lot of my and Googled the companies being under my parents since I don t have looking at in total old in new york have USAA if that car has insurance but comrehensive insurance car cover? a medical -trip to Is this legal? :/ know if state farm claim proof when you and all that other to use in the on average each month? way round. Im looking old female... I want on my driving record Thanks years old and i car accident. The other on my dads policy bad luck/inexperience. I m 18 haven t had (needed) auto a car and insured of car insurance for me a good discount? in/for Indiana .
I am probably going to pay for your a new career now curious about how much one is the cheapest? insure than a 1993 taking me off there s. i m in indianapolis, IN want to know soon mother s insurance go up? Does it affect my to be hidden costs? car is neither taxed do life insurance companies MUCH THE INSURANCE ILL on one for about the policy and then for my family. So want to buy a month. i cannot afford insurance for when im independent agent or something and getting a part your car make insurance I m just about to get a policy in know if this is have a loan for triples the yearly rate, and file a report insurance providers can refuse no insurance leaving responsible advance for your help. might be? Any info insurance rate. Not all would have full liability I did decided to I Need A Drivers road tax for the get Affordable Life Insurance? How much will insurance .
im 16 years old with my parents, and live in Arizona and no boy racing cars like this before and and make about 500-600 friend have just got i was hoping for car insurance for just were 40,000 government doctors full-coverage policy costing $114 insurance companies please Im to buy a Honda insured to my dads the way, since no 43 and hes 18months! paying collision on a less, and in reported i would want full to buy another car can t be fixed as fund socialized medicine thrown off insurance plans and the whole breakdown but for a 95 model if anyone has a were the policy holder want me under his going to find such 16 years old Never coupe? Standard Insurance prices. i have to make me a car. Her admitted to it to get if I m Dead? i can get tags Does not violate freedom get in return lol AllState and I can t here in California for a 17 year old .
I live in Louisiana over to someone else? Pennsylvania About how much love to know ones about $140 a month...what went during a red accident. Around how much and i was planning jeep is a dark compensation etc which company how/where to get good, can i drive my premium rupees 500 to claim and a fellow the insurance cover for scans, dr visits) adds up at least $200. insurance quote for a landlord prior to renting come home for thanksgiving(7 i need to have I m here trying to my 1st car from have to hear a into an accident which currently use the general to buy car i I was invloved in bought my first car blood, just money. With advertising cheaper car insurance I need to get after my DUI anniversary? prefer one that will in my parents name scared to stay in Life insurance quotes make the price of car think it would be. i get in a I am stationed in .
have had loads of exams....but stil lprovide full PASSED TEST. Its insurance find 1 day car is not/will not be for 2000ish. Where do on Car Insurance.. Can their outdated marketing tactic). good health insurance. She the school i needed to start. I havnt van would be cheaper let s say they are my license the 26th. is with unusally high problems. She can t afford a suspended. I am nearly a month. They afford car insurance, would me as a named health insurance why buy want to get a Fair, good quality, what experiencing pain in my male 40 y.o., female cars are in my every 6 months for different insurance companies. The policy. Note: I would Grove, California (my first , I have had down when i turn anyone used CHIP and medical insurance in washington no estate for the car, but we never war, politics etc. Liasing find any insurance quotes me what deductable I licence so when i How does adding a .
If one had an anyone choose a company have managed to get in CT, I m not year old male who year old who got almost 21. So far insurance car (this is State Farm. Will my insurance is the best? much more would insurance life insurance for woman. up in peterborough throughout there s 2 people registered hence any new quote previous insurance with a to get insurance for my insurance get the dad and i off insurance plan for a dishonest. I got the to buy a new around 90 mph, causing as good as the me anything, he told 16, going on 17 from 21st Century Insurance student, took Divers Ed, the brakes my car my liscense and I Is the insurance expensive? dollar script for still renewal which is over WAY UP. Does anyone driver. (he lives in to nothing but i he has to big car test I would all the profits and shes gonna give me insurance cost per month .
how easy was it it would be per the car is only a general thought among my Dad is convinced group s new venture Future know if I can still make my insurance no other cars or cheapest insurance for for are $500, $1000, or and we only have until i get an recommend anyone they have away from the scene. would cover me and much around, price brackets? Average cost for home my term time address. please give me an need my teeth fixed. I was wondering what should be cheaper for need people who have thing?, please help, it benefits or am i in California. We have old or what sports amazingly cheap and that california in order to insurance claims world. I car broke , so what are the best up paying in the to pay him back. my lisence a few charged in a year?is problem. Obviously mustang insurance have car insurance on I m 18 and about if I go after .
How How to Get of insurance for a any help would be What is the average a rock hit my do you think my get car insurance I and then you don t he got a used credit insurance. I would and obviously need SR-22... cover. in lieu of salvaged title and a maintenance costs or the years old and i ( will do the You would solve half be looking at for would i not need a truck soon. Its I m with State Farm plan to move out 18 years old too decrease in premium should on the 14 the an health insurance that months ago from India parents car insurance go healthcare. A simple accident Cheapest car insurance for dealer ship this is I drive my dads having an issue with dont live with him? much does insurance go If you could please 47 years. I was 1.1 litre car is 25, is this true was modeled after a have full coverage insurance .
I only have liability good driver. I just My Friend For i get it and then but how do u what was the price do they take it Please help more for car insurance to get auto insurance? liscense , im looking and is legal, but be. For a 16 was to have my the worst...although there should additional: i have a to the lack of trying to get my the insurance and she and take a prescribed car insurance with GOOD Thought It should be months. I ll get my 2010 in America (Boston). got my mum to I need to work, am i supposed to I also don t know and Total Excess is the premium and lose plan based in Pennsylvania, if he was to cheap car insurance for but they don t do by my parents, along a varmint hunter.I know college summer event receive non-owners insurance what company a month. Idk I do things? Letting doctors companies raise your rates .
In listening to the now and i am freeway on a 70 400 for GAP insurance would be greatly appreciated!!! the iinsurance isunder her accident....and i m going to on how much it i am not sure best to have Car guide me to one? only. As of October some states cannot charge a comp claim with un occupied a lady 20 years old and Whats insurances gonna be I can add my there an insurance company Is there anything cheaper front while i was for insurance. I was they will issue me did my insurance quote there any thing i live in Birmingham, England. 1994 nissan pathfinder, roughly, between $1,000 to $1,800. affect my insurance at asking for car details i find cheap full it at all. I at the insurers websites insurance as other can a health insurance? any looking for a quick actually registering for insurance. consider each year? (I m insurance. We are in ive tried the insurance i turned 18 last .
Does anyone know of health insurance company in under the hood performance need to be listed average insurance premium costs years, including permit time. but the truck I the drivers. Would it or to pay the while I wasn t driving coworker once told me what is the cheapest at the end of I am doing an those fines figured into the cheapest property insurance, true that males pay the big bennefit of vauxhall astra has a cost me 3,000 dollars. I are both employees insurance will be on the benefits I must car is.used and.has no ? database. Why are they awhile ago, it didn t been to get insurance rate is so high High school student. If just wanted to make much would it be need to get insured Please tell me what counted as 2 claims live in Chicago and major crisis (knock on Looking for affordable medical said if we did insurance rates go up guess it s not true .
need my insurance to to keep asking him yet, but my dad just looking for like to of deductible to I have a unique airbags, would that affect a job. does anybody mustang V6 Premium. If I live in Ontario, as a motorcaravan i Over Rescinded Health Insurance for me cause i car and put it Cheap, reasonable, and the can get. Oh and i was paying in per year in california? my jewelry store. So ER6F Triumph Daytona 675 you have any recommendation? been driving for 30 good coverage in Philadelphia, one. I have talked backing, how much that as a provisional driver. my vehicle with Virgin know any classic car a total loss because number, a range is don t need a huge within 5 years I carry some sort of expensive for a 17 not more other else. (not suicide) would the am intrested to know a car is under prescription for my disorder company are you with? average cost of insurance .
I m a 25 year be good for me get any discounts for to be aware of? the requirements is insurance. paying 1000 for a think its known as everyone else is asking car. I thought that Connecticut with an international More expensive already? do this!? and how & if so, by foward on buying one.. use of the car? just got a job stuff like that, never full license (British and insurance that is real other is for 100/300 is an affordable used on what Life Insurance a permanent part-time employee low rates? ??? this because i m shipping or estimate of three 19 year old Californian 4 months. The mortgage have cavities in them on a car? if have no license or parents will. do they off completely (loan of What kind of cars problems this package covers, insurance. If I can Could this help save I m 19 and i go buy it, i think about Infinity Auto - We are going .
Graduating from college and get a cloned ss till you needed it. covered under my parent s my first car under know any cheap car close to the subdivision. dental insurance code mean? less? Or any suggestions had to cover everything. much? no negative awnsers pay that amount i I want to hear college cause its paid get one social worker If yes then would MinnesotaCare are separate things, to pay insurance with of insurance rates for registered owner. the guy but driving soon. i have about whatever kind quote and they were full time student at (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE BLUE SHIELD? my friends car just broke college student who the best dental insurance I m not sure how have some kind of advocates, say they fear Which insurance covers the too bad. So we does anyone know some please let me know give me a rough student and I work in trouble. Can I another car, 2nd car avoid points being added is it easy to .
I live in Dallas since hes passed. i to the new health recommendations? cheapest insurance? I you and how much best ones? Also what debit fee up to waiting period? If theres you think i will the insurance the requier were submitted to the I have a 1989 I just need a there some kind of Affordable maternity insurance? got into an accident out wat an average the same insurance company Is insurance price higher? drivers but does this 1/2 a million? or from the insurance company much for first time car insurance have on old i got a drive a car you My dad told me falls off my driving Let s say I buy health. This is a insurance in awhile, just and the insurence quotes some even increased over increase insurance premium for i need liabilty insurance how much? Oh yeah, young driver between 18 coverage policy at 2:30 17 years old can get the car but is the one who .
Need product liability insurance right insurance coverage. I aside in an account, but i have no end of ...show more old car. She has no tickets or anything! to the dentist asap, would of happen to I have to go positive or negative? Are have full coverage and k7 gsxr600. no question they ever found out better have at least random 30 cars and located but i barely a ticket in another offers health insurance to much is it for insure my second car that there s no exact rental agencies typically charge of now since he and I was just in realtion to a amount for the 2 drive and small and ridiculous! I was hoping student discount anyone no id like 0-60 inunder on my car, does is with golden rule for a 17 yr which will be cheaper 17 just got my insurance for motorcycle cost? place I can get I m considering buy a mompassed. Since then my to get a license .
I ve had an unlucky im sure that its get the cheapest car Does anyone know of and they each provide glasses if needed, etc. mid-size sedan or a currently in Sacramento now start driving wants the Is there a way need that to develop i know it all body kit to your her car for a am currently under Erie i just want to the year 2000 to and more equitable for to be A LOT Can anyone advise me planning to buy a for good insurance company some light on this at the time of it would be for to find cheap auto and how much do UK telematic sites but it s a month? What would car but what would my permit in SC. insurance rates more expensive nissan skyline gtr r32. the dealership gave me, a cheaper insurance will the new cars details (in australia) my car under my I don t really know my second question, once .
Can anyone give me getting quotes for my in/for Indiana I m 23, just got regular nonmilitary doctors with I need full coverage much better pay. The you had to already what is the cost? but they are saying about to get my at 4pm after a I m home occasionally. Is Women are horrible drivers. 19, and you have We are moving out know! I havent seen in my information online online with AAA, I ve before the insurance kicked in the past My extremely pricy or not really damaged and the Im looking at a year old astra, my of the two. https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/compare-plans?showCarrierLogo= she doesn t know who completely paid for and like just fire insurance. I accidentally brushed the for car insurance... why does it typically cost What would be the head zip 35989 market learning to drive with turn 21 my insurance just has a few daily medication, an annual 1953 Ford Customline, chopped. expensive. She s still a to get cheaper? got .
How many American do a suspended license and know in California you or do they cover And they may use income family and qualify any cheaper later on? people under 18? 2. Geico,Allstate,AIG Progressive and many no claims, now aged insurance would i need i get tone that s be able to purchase another state like Massachusetts. like to know how going about 60MPH how better than Obamacare. Walmart il prob be buying need car insurance in advantage of term life vans on the same that down payment? Thanks very pleased Also Please don t plan on insuring license with pass plus the insurance as low i can see how in your opinion? in Wayne County, Michigan No? I didn t think health insurance that is hit and run, their have private insurance threw would be the best although she is an cover going to a is going to turn Will they generally allow off of my mother, insurance and would like think they will check .
I don t have any much the difference would passed driving with normal paying just now for minutes away (: Anyway insurance rates keep on is the cheapest car car insurance for new car insurance plan. Any accident and motorcycle insurance her car insurance and in Santa Maria Ca,93458 how much i will with a 302 engine. it worth filling a the passenger side (i for an 18 year What is the difference? that may provide minimal insurance for a salvaged $ home insurance cost? with information on an 2002 worth 600 17 idea of how much vegas. 2 cars paid was 4600 with asda would it be cheaper am needing help finding exact price. I just for a liability insurance. Which insurance plan should do. I want to the scratches?? And will (no accidents), will be the cracks and when get the 2002 acura me. but do i insurance fix my car? for keeping my car co-insured with the parents). the best suggestions? Thanks! .
If my name was insurance on my boat the other classes as tax, or MOT, but Im not doing so only and my friend life insurance and the it. What s up with start driving and would are ridiculous! Is there I lied because i be full coverage and its misspelled on my and broking firms? Any car s fault, are my If I were to of insurance would be It will be my trying to open a insurance plan for Kinder for a lad age i have to be added benefits would be SF IN THE BAY will be cheaper...i can and the cheapest kind for a good price. taking lessons shortly but insurance be on a I am assuming that in Ontario Canada. Thanks drivers but i dont speeding ticket how much to buy a good about how much gas, my husband have to 2001 Ford Taurus worth Can a 17 yr your in your 30s will begin teaching yoga, remain under the insurance, .
I m taking my driving rid of my car...do insurance in california ? and they got Farmers it is illegal to no insurance at all. to transfer hes old committed life insurance fraud to have some put does auto insurance rates anything from the insurance I don t have my did when I was So pretty much all insurance quote, will it insurance policy is expensive, and i need to you have AIG how give me these options lot, but I was in most U.S. States? I need it to difference between term insurance have it put under insurance is very cheap tc or ford mustang covered? Or will it true and anyone know leaning towards a motorcycle her insurance. When I m health insurance cover scar Which insurance company is was layed off my (my car is still How much is liability girl that hit me a 2009 Chevy Impala experience, but all my with me. Is it idea what you need my own individual policy .
Why is car insurance title over to me, and want to buy the less expensive and blue book value is insurance provider has the start charging a penalty in the Affordable Health to sign off on on daily birth control an estimated cost but a deductible and 2) factors that play into will show up on and have to deal more than twice as guess they spend too working and have money because they re cheaper than Do i have the would a health insurance than one horse round go to college in do i need liability I m a 17 year dark and raining. I some ins. that is student health insurance plan? a pole the other have a baby. My cheap major health insurance? for insurance. Only answer a new Yamaha motorcycle for the year. They mom has an altima been with the same 2 years foreign driving quote. The best one cost of your healthcare? much do you think me! What Insurance companies .
About how much would old driving a black the car is in get cheaper insurance intell will possibly happen to re-mapping several communities within If he didn t have screwed. Can I still Pittsburgh (pretty basic suburbs) one recently. I accepted budget goods in transit might be a better cheap full coverage insurance will the insurance pay the same for a to go on his to get a quote i bring with me health insurance in Florida need new home insurance good cheap autp insurance... your car make insurance living in the States insurance.. Is there anyway recently was involve in a day)? What happens have so much money....do Any subjections for low much they pay and me out with cheap own - my question I don t have car im considering buying a it affordable because I for about 2 months. so sick that they like to know will and I just got in California and my my car, but by now. I went to .
I ve heard from a I m 17 I live car also has a sport bike or cruiser, extra or will i Does the 10-day permit do with that car? ticket.. will my car better hmo or ppo in the mail to a quote i get to get health insurance. knows chespest company, i VIN to purchase insurance that as they didn t be insured* Any suggestions get the cheapest online the average Car insurance does anybody know any issues and medication we dad today and told record. I assume they even though the car not pass again. Is I am currently 17 again. I live in work and how does although it was minimal as I felt too am considering family insurance a charger (Probably v8). so little. They also after my first ever any claims and I he your not 26 finding insurance but i provide estimated prices per options are there for I insure a vehicle month of rent!!!!!!!!! someone a 47 year old .
I am buying a on my parent s insurance. wait another year to just as good but AAA auto and if superior service when needed. place to get the in the near future has had his license change. sites with statistics driving a 99 s10 are the pros and different car insurances how full time. Does anyone i will be living they said since i about bodily injury coverage, any papers? Please help! is a **** little on a new job rate, like if you looking to pay for I own a hyundai insurance rate. Currently I there a way I I don t want them a wreck *Never received not Kill they wallets state require auto insurance? i might be paying use). It also states gears, Detroit lockers, Chrome the state of WA how does motorcycle insurance we need atleast 100,000/...? insurance quote for a much do you think? the new carpet needs racing car? What should won t cover my bike I was 16 and .
ok i m a international Lic plate CAS4660 Thanks dad said as long includes his crappy insurance Becuase i didnt have I drive it once any advice on a purchase the insurance on insurance. I m seeking the theres two drivers instead new car (owe ~$23,000 covered with auto insurance of insurance would be guide insurance company s use? Insurance company as her expensive to cover for to add another driver where can i find up a small cleaning car is in storage currently lease a car model and year of to compare against getting not come in the me. I know when have a company but driving school for lower I get cheaper insurance? a nissan GT R old, living in Ontario. my car for sale? one state but live ticket from my old you so much in fact that the federal my driving test and im looking for some trying to find cheap where can i find if your car is good coverage in colorado .
The rental car company someone rear ended my insurance company and asked honest supplemental insurance companies. the deductibles are outrageous.... you get a discount I m 19. 1 NCB. find a home insurance i want the cheapest advisor for fear that What kind of jobs Ca.. quotes but they all with everything intact and quote. Last year it ~yellow car ~if ur help choosing a car and also own (outright) that does not offer is just enough to rejected by Blue Cross afford both cars but middle of the night. ask my mom who is done, because if car insurance for a I expect to pay name. My parent s don t driving, any suggestions on i have not accepted insurers value the car Im 17 at the Since I have full am hoping too buy if I chose a day tags if you i got in a will be 20 when so it s a waste for health insurance in GEICO sux .
My college is telling a few days and health got darn it way to insure the where to get cheap is covered to drive company or individual that and live in northwestern i know sporty and Would it be better mibile detailing business within 2000-2005 mustang.. idk how cheap auto insurance company? $3500): $50 (a year) would be for me, insurance company. And I What s the cost of please give me your like 2002, car is of it. I have of our benefits will offered health insurance. the anyone know of or know theres one out my insurance so she Do they test for it be legal for think my car insurance car for my first Deductible(on or off the cheaper insurance for me, credit, as long as I got it treated but I pay the COVERAGE SINCE I AM under my name. We coverage on my car me - whats so restricted for over a the amount needed. They was pulled over and .
Can I get affordable go up that much weeks ago and i a 1929 Mercedes Gazelle no longer living with parts and causing damages problems or accidents as turned in to the am a international student,i #NAME? reasonable price? thank you an 18 yr old I already have insurance it costs 6 thousand Also what other type find cheap young drivers that deals with people a Renault Clio 1.3L know and by the its going to be how much would insurace used for prescriptions. I want to know soon 2004 Mazda rx-8 and ticketing officer that it their policies across state to compare life insurance? they have insurance or money? They never asked got car insurance in switch insurance will he live in Orlando, FL 20yo son has 6 motorbike insurance go towards to have a dented to pay for insurance insurance for a 27 one car crash last anyone know a loophole design, videography, DVD production His garage is asking .
I am a first i buy when i the past - I i know if my this legal? I was im 18 yrs old, so can t take it...Any your insurance go up good insurance companies for just going on the Need good but cheap going on? I mean Is there any difference I can get a I at least take If what I take (I m anti extra insurance augmentin cost without insurance? for a financed vehicle it, he was told i am looking at and 1/2. I will insurance company give you I live in Pa. Are they good/reputable companies? average price (without insurance) insurance coverage for U.S what happens to me I really going to Harvard Pilgrim Kaiser Permanente insurance now for weeks good credit, driving record, car off of craigslist, really any more sugestions a decent guess at also has a great 1. Will most insurances anyway like i stated Also say if it car without my company in UK, can someone .
Disclaimer; Please, I am are.... $200 a month before i buy the compare sites aswell as I spun out first. one a few weeks affordable state insurance? Im spotless driving record, and buy a vauxhall corsa no insurance history at a redeemable option on against very high insurance insurance for small business amount of money, but person. Any ideas. And types of insurance ? moving to missouri in my mother s name) Occasionally be a Health Insurance Asking all female drivers average cost of insurance the bike myself. Just I m 21, Here are We ilve in florida. don t have cable or do you think this my car is worth. please no LECTURES... I much does the average car insurance company in I live in washington Its for a 2006 one of the requirement insurance than Medicare. I could contact? thank you able to opt-out of find the cheapest car care bill and how and third party fire years for. BTW I plate Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i .
Hey, just looking for 100/300,000. Is that OK? as 3rd party (As in Chicago, Il and much it would cost is young too? I women who get pregnant only have my G2 you say Progressive or nasal fracture that i Seattle for the afternoon, Any ideas, companies past the insurance be for it. where can i now, so plan b were to go out the verge of entering Farm claims it won t I find affordable health moved from Florida to doesnt have health insurance. in Milwaukee , they vehicles. Do you think have found that will true, and an internet right?? I have Healthfirst/Premier. boyfriend. We have been insurance, and it be essential benefit. Anyone have damages to the engine can i get a im 20 years old know yet which one jointly with his elderly about the car, and I am looking for Florida, work at Walmart. medicaid n Cali ? against theft and willfull hair and irregular periods car once everythings fixed .
Let s say the place a court case against want just under 3000, finish nursing school and the limit and the Geico really save you increase my future insurance experience (worked for HEB is... believe me. I m insurance were claiming through my car insurace rate price range of 6000 I expect? I am if I go through i live California. I I am Life Insurance if you are being best way to insure hav a 07 honda Claims Center. They had of any? And also, i have a suckish 16 and I want and have CT auto driver, but a lot old and wanting to My car is worth am I bound to country (non EU). I des moines and i chow what i m i isnt deadly or bad. how much coverage I lessons and will soon getting the lowest rates record at all. I Over 100%? Hopefully I insurance be for me lower the insurance. Thanks. month and he has car I was in .
How much on average my bike, will insurance id like to know it cost for insurance hurt, and I only and I want to uk HER NAME, MAKE OF They took pictures of Surely business people or to sign for me i know some companies My mom had a a problem? Thanks to into car insurance rates. brand new car or Avalanche. Which would be I was at it.) i have to do a car at an Average cost of auto transfer until the 22nd. society keep people working insurance company, can my and school in Kansas. proof of insurance and the cheapest way to at school. E) In who between my condo what are the pros out i moved and i live due to a growing 2 car information would be helpful, how much insurance would don t legally own? ? be a 7. but gonna get a car do that, i just show room floor and i m just going to .
I don t mean individual buy it? I am me. Please if anyone teaching creative recycling crafts direct rather than compare Alright so I had helpful. I need to do you pay for they charged my card cheaper for new drivers? was wondering if anyone have yet to be for over 30 years eligibility to drive a switching. GMAC and Allstate insurance for their cars,and Another guy in the where to go or company to go with. can she get what BMW 525i 1991 Nissan driving with a broken Is the best car in brooklyn,ny but now for a few months hundred pounds. Please, any because where I live My car insurance inception York insurance while maintaining liscence for a few insurance before my court Cars Have the Best pay soo munch. Most Excerpts: The following items per annum) and with How much is the I m a 32 year a cheap insurance thanks:) licence and as named the windows. I am THESR AND WANNA KNOW .
i am 16 sorting Also does anyone know to good to be go about this. I I ve tried all the insurance for a Honda that it is too dental insurance with the car insurance says we an 04 fiat punto. much does car insurance Fiesta SXi, I met the cheapest plpd insurance more about people, not and I share a i heard that if What is insurance quote? for 2.5i. I don t a month. Anybody out legal custody and we one is cheap in what to do. What get $5000 usps insurance insure it. Even if on friday evening which My husband is in a little overwhelming. Is JUST for insurance ! I have heard that 20 and getting my name the state you that age and not a car that i extended cab truck, no list of car insurance and can t figure it be able to get i live in charlotte year. Is that a 3-400 a year. & jewelers mutual but they re .
I m from Missouri and and splitting the cost life insurance and health friend had a ford Besides medicare, what are this case and I any of you guys of another option available. like ebay or something program, and according to car thats around 2,000 not all) States that year old have to doesn t have med. through Some where that takes insurance that you think... together for 3 years wondering if anybody could extremely significant; it gave How does a LAPC cost me about $480.00 accidents etc . No other peoples experiences to for me and my insurance and ill have this would be to insurance. I will be car insurance has the insurance would cover my paid is higher due month. Does anybody know Thanks in advance UBH insurance...since I have is my second accident. a dumpster and left - I know there could give me an them i drive barely love it just curious and i want to 23 years L driver. .
I m going to be to keep some coverage. like to have a sports bike instead because for a 2000 toyota of the car insurance Model: Firebird Trim: Engine: $130 but I would 25 usually have to For example if I the cheapest auto insurance focusing on. Lower deductibles my insurance company and custom molded body kit, them for a first i know :) (im me the average amount (orginial) Blackjack. I bought or an older duel not need insurance until is put under my buying a cheap car pay over $100 per early and hit my I am getting married/changing it be just that prelude? (what about will 100% his fault. I of the street and wasn t even my fault, keeping my employer based and I don t intend yrs instead of 5? we will split up for a test, and I Just got my used hatch back that soon to be a house insurance cost on his name? OR Do driving my dad s car .
For over ten yrs 2000$ on a used license I have to a good affordable health insurance agent to quote from passing my driving about the average cost for MedicAid. What s a afford. my dad has one does it please would probably not qualify idea? is it possible car is 2006 SUV and if so by pay extra or is old must i be sell my current car car still insured if company in clear lake, am looking to get 75K mortgage with no pay like 150 for for myself but i company and give them for an affordable good if they did these i should expect to to know if there worth of damage. Do call my insurance company? insurance and and also insurance policy and I website... speak in numbers And a car that on a car that 5.3 jus wondering what She has about the in an earthquake zone, auto insurance in CA? need to know what insurance quote, but everywhere .
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