#no that sounds incredibly rude actually. um
clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 months
Can you please do a part two of the Sebastian fluff where he lets his thoughts get the best of him and gets anxious that reader now sees him as a monster because of what they read on his document so he prepares extra good items and plans to give them heavy discounts and even some free but reader barges in like
And after a bit of reassuring(possibly some punching too bc reader is too starry-eyed for him to say no to em) Seb realizes he trully never had anything to worry about and just, generally grows fonder of reader?
Ps. Adore your writing, keep up the awesome work!!
"God, why did I let them take it? Stupid, stupid, stupid.."
Sebastian couldn't stop beating himself up, even though he knew he shouldn't care about the opinion of any human sent by Urbanshade--especially one of the "expendable" class.
Yet because it was you, specifically--who was currently in possession of his document--he began to wonder what you'd think of him once you found out the truth:
That he was nothing but a horrible monster. Plain and simple.
If not the knowledge that he was a hideous chimera of several sea creatures' DNA...then surely the revelation that he caused the lockdown of the Blacksite would ultimately make you resent him.
He released all those creatures, who stopped at nothing to prevent you from reaching the crystal and had you running, fighting, or hiding for your life.
He was responsible for all the injuries you've sustained while crawling into his shop, desperately needing a medkit and a place to rest.
He would understand if you'd never want to visit him again after what they documented about him..but the image of your furious expression and overthinking the words you'd possibly say to him left him feeling incredibly anxious.
Suddenly, Sebastian found himself gathering more supplies. Medkits, code breakers, and every light source he had currently in the shop, trying to market down whatever he could. He was even willing to let you take batteries for free...which was something he'd never normally do.
Would it be enough to make up for everything horrific you discovered about him and the terrors he indirectly put you through? Absolutely not.
Was he willing to try it anyways just for the small chance that you'd keep visiting him? Maybe.
No other human has shown him a single ounce of kindness or gratitude for his services. Nobody except you, of course, and he refused to lose that.
-thump, thump-
"Shit.." He froze, hearing movement in the vent duct, hands trembling for his light to shine brighter. Part of him wishes he could stay in the dark, as he didn't wanna see your face and whatever hurt expression it could possibly hold.
But he knew it'd be rude if you actually needed to buy something, so he forced himself to look as your familiar figure crawled out of the small opening. You seemed out of breath, like you were just running from something, and stood up to dust the dirt off your pants.
"Sebastian..I need to know something, and you need to be 100% honest with me."
The moment you pulled out his document, the shopkeeper could feel his heart sink.
"Wh..What did you want to know?" He asked, already bracing himself for the worst.
You sounded dead serious, and he was convinced you were finally going to let him have it.
You were going to force him to explain himself and his actions, and tell him what a monster he truly was. Literally and metaphoric-
"Its it true that you have mantis shrimp DNA????"
Of all the possible outbursts he expected from you, that certainly didn't cross his mind.
Sebastian just stared down at you, utterly dumbfounded. He blinked several times, unsure if he was truly seeing the wide smile and starry-eyed look on your face.
He had been waiting for a deep scowl, eyes full of anger and betrayal and sadness that he wasn't the "friend" he claimed himself to be when you first visited his shop.
Yet now? He saw nothing but pure delight in your expression.
"Um..yes. But of alllll the things you read about me, that shocked you the most?" He was still treading carefully.
"Well, it sucks that you were an innocent guy who got thrown into a shitty situation." You gestured to him, frowning a little. "And I'm sorry you never saw justice, but...it's just SO cool that you're part mantis shrimp!" A grin returned to your face. "They've fascinated me for years! I used to watch videos of them all the time. Did you know the velocity of just one of their punches is equal to a .22 caliber bullet-?"
"Stop." He put a hand up, huffing. "At least some part of you must resent me. I mean...helloooooo, did you skip over the bit where I'M the reason those monsters are after you?! There's no way you could've ignored that..unless your brain turned off the moment you read "mantis shrimp"."
"I read everything, Sebastian." You huffed back. "Look, if I ever had to go through what you did..I think I'd wanna rebel, too. And as much as those monsters scare me, they've probably endured the same experiments as you. They probably felt just as trapped and afraid. You must see at least a few of them as your friends, right?"
"Eyefestation and the PAInter are the only ones I consider "acquaintances"." He answered after a long pause, shoulders slumped. "The anglers are primitive, but they recognize me as the one who freed them, so they don't bother me or my shop. The only creature that tends to be an issue is-"
Tensing, you looked over your shoulder to see a Wall Dweller emerge from the vent behind you, its mouth split open and drooling with hunger, standing on two legs.
"-that." Sebastian glared at the creature; and before it could run away, he blocked the entrance with his tail fin. "Oh no you don't." He swooped over to grab ahold of its head with his third hand, causing it to shriek and kick its legs as he held it up high. "You seriously need to stop eating my customers when they're trying to BUY SOMETHING!!"
The Dweller just growled at him, to which he ignored it and glanced down at you. "What should I do with this thing?"
"Punch it!" You grinned, your fists balled up in front of you as you hopped up and down. "I wanna see how fast you could throw one!"
He raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
"..ugh, if it gets that stupid puppy-eyed look off your face, fine." He looked back at the Dweller, grinning widely as he cracked his knuckles. "You wanna eat something so bad? Try this."
In a blinding flash, his fist went through the creature's skull, effectively turning its head into dust. Then he dropped the whole body onto the ground with a grimance. "Eugh..never done that before.."
Then he looked down at you again, seeing your smile brighten. "Hope that made you happy."
"It did, that was amazing!" You laughed, kneeling down to rip off a chunk of the Dweller's flesh. He eyed you strangely, his expression changing to a look of horror as you shoved a piece in your mouth.
"What the f...why would you eat that?!"
"It's okay! I've had this stuff before." You swallowed, feeling rejuvenated already.
"B....Before?! What you're eating is clay and acid-"
"Actually, it's fresh meat. Reminds me of poultry, almost. I found a document somewhere saying that it has regenerative properties." You explained to Sebastian, whose eyes only widened the more you talked. "I didn't believe it at first until I saw the Angler kill one. I was hungry and...eating it healed my electrical burn somehow."
".......why was that not in its actual document?" He muttered.
You shrugged, ripping out another piece and offering it to him. "Care for a bite?"
"I'll..pass. But thanks." Lowering his body closer to you, he frowned. "Are you absolutely sure that-?"
"I'm sure."
"..you didn't even know what I was going to-"
"You were worried about my reaction to your file. I could tell from the discount signs and how you were scared to even look at me."
"But I promise it doesn't change anything, okay? We're still friends, Sebastian, and I'll still swing by to do business with you." You reassured him, smiling as you patted the back of his hand, before noticing the bandage on his third arm seemed bloody. "Um..when's the last time you changed that?"
"...oh this? Erm..it's fine." He attempted to hide it behind his back. "Nothing you should be concerned abou-"
"Too late. It's my concern now. Let me repay you for saving my tail."
He had no time to protest, as you were already on your feet and running for the medkit that was on the table. You weren't worried about getting to the next zone right now.
Not that Sebastian planned on kicking you out anytime soon.
Now that he was able to confide in you, he was genuinely beginning to enjoy your company--especially as you asked him to rest his arm across your lap. From there, your gentle hands went to work changing the bandage out for a fresh one, using an alcohol spray to keep the wounds from getting infected.
He hissed and cursed a few times at the stinging pain, but not once did he try to get you to stop.
Suddenly, it all began to hit him in this exact moment.
You were willingly playing nurse to a giant sea monster that has killed a man and was responsible for the terrifying things you had to witness down here.
He couldn't understand..but at the same time he felt relieved that all along he had nothing to worry about.
"Th-That's fine..thank you.."
Hearing a sniffle, you glanced up as Sebastian hastily took his arm away, "standing" back up and turning away from you. You just smiled and patted his tail comfortingly, not saying a word as you waited for him to collect himself.
For once, that snarky and sarcastic fish you've come to know was gone, and he was letting his walls down, finally realizing he could trust you.
Eventually he fell silent, and you wondered what to do now. You bought everything you wanted to earlier, so you didn't wanna overstay your welcome-
"Do you mind staying for a little bit longer?"
The question surprised you, but you smiled and nodded. "Sure. As long as you don't mind, shrimpy."
There was a pause, and he slowly looked back at you, pouting. "Big talk coming from someone as tiny as you, friend." He playfully sneered.
You just laughed and shook your head, glad to see him in better spirits.
Thanks to that scrambler on his back, you didn't have to worry about HQ getting on your ass about continuing the mission or threatening detonation.
You could definitely stay awhile and ramble about more mantis shrimp facts to Sebastian...if he was willing to hear them, of course.
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bloodmoonmuses · 7 months
stray cats, cold spaghetti | mark lee
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genre: mark lee x reader, meet cute, friends to lovers (this is unedited, so forgive any typos! happy valentine's day!)
warnings: mentions of food!
summary: your cat introduces you to your new friend, mark. he's a bit more similar to an actual cat than you initially realized.
You didn’t understand the attachment people had to their pets until this stupid cat showed up. She was a stray, with mangled fur and callous eyes, who popped up some months ago. You had checked for any postings about missing pets, and even asked a few of your neighbors, but no one claimed the ratty thing. It’s not that you disliked animals entirely- you’re not a sociopath. You just aired more on the side of nonchalance. 
The cat could sense this, ever since the first time you two crossed paths. You remember that night so vividly. You couldn’t sleep. You laid on your couch, staring at the ceiling, hoping slumber would whisk you away sooner than later. Just as your eyes began to flutter shut, you heard whining. Visceral, pained whining. At first, you tried to ignore it, but when you heard a sound that suspiciously sounded like a young child, you figured it’d be better to survey the situation just in case. When you opened your door to a begging cat, you sighed. Damn the neighbors for feeding this thing. Now she thinks she owns the place. 
“I bet you’re hungry, huh.” The cat bore into you with bright green eyes, tilting its head as if to say, “Duh!”
So you re-entered your home, Googled “What human food can cats eat?”, and came back with canned tuna and half a carrot. The brat looked right past the carrot and inhaled the tuna, this being its first real meal of the day. In between scarfing down food, the gray cat looked at you inquisitively. “Any more where that came from?” her eyes said. She sidled up next to your leg, purring and rubbing her head against it. 
“That’s all I got,” you had confessed. 
You named her June, since that’s the month she came into your life. Now, you’re best friends. June is actually pretty chill. She likes watching movies with you and, strangely, likes going on walks. After getting her groomed, she’s kinda cute too. You hated to admit it, but you love June. You imagine this is how people felt about their kids- without the initial reluctance of course. June comes and goes as she pleases as if she’s still a stray, but always comes back by dinner time. 
When June isn’t back at her usual time one day in October, you get a bit nervous. She never does this. Before breaking out into a full out panic, you remember she’s got a collar and a tracker from the vet now. No biggie. Opening the app that’s connected to June’s tracker, you meander down the path you usually walk with her when it’s warmer out. When you’re a few blocks from your place, you see her, relief flooding your system. Then you realize there’s a man petting her.
“Junie! June!” You run up to her, taking her into your arms. You snuggle her into a tight embrace, planting a kiss on her head. You’re so caught up in your reunion with June that you forget about the stranger standing in front of you. Oh yeah. You should probably say something. His hair is somewhere in between auburn and brown, making his face look incredibly warm. You hold June a bit tighter.
“Cute cat,” the stranger says. His voice is a bit hoarse. “Thought she was a stray before I saw the collar.” Um, okay? June’s a little rough around the edges, but she’s clearly cared for. 
“Yeah, she’s mine. Do you, like, follow strays around in your free time?” you ask with a bite to your tone. 
“Do you let your pet wander around like a stray in your free time?” Fair, you think, but still rude.
“She’s a free spirit,” you contest. 
“So you let her wander.” 
“This is the first time she hasn’t come home for dinner. Our relationship is built mostly on my ability to provide her food- which works for me.” You’re not sure why you’re explaining your relationship with your cat. Who cares what this guy thinks?
June jumps out of your arms, back to the ground, and walks up to the stranger’s legs. He bends down to resume petting her. From his crouched stance, he looks into your eyes. The eye contact makes you shiver.  
“She’s sweet,” he says. “What’s her name?” 
“June. She’s a charmer- and incredibly manipulative. She probably thought she could swindle you out of some food.”
“Do I look easy to take advantage of?” He asks.
You assess him. Oversized hoodie, baggy pants, sneakers covered in scuffs... Maybe he’s a dancer. Or skateboards. You’d be into that, you think. Skater boys weren’t really your thing, but they could be- as long as it’s him. If anything, the guy just looks… cozy, all bundled up like this. There’s a tinge of red on the tip of his nose from the nippy air. He’s smirking to himself at his (flirtatious) question, making his cheek look plump. You want to pinch it. 
You want to make him as warm as his eyes make you feel. 
You realize you’ve probably been staring. Geez, what was his question? Oh yeah. “Yeah. Like a pushover,” you say. “In the best way, of course.”
“Only a real sap would fall victim to June’s powers. She can sense lackeys. No offense.” 
“I’m gonna choose to believe that means you think I’m a nice guy.”
“Nice enough.”
“I’ll take it.” The two of you stand in awkward silence for a few moments, June having finally grown bored of her new friend. The guy stands from his crouching position and sways a bit as he awaits your next move.
“Well, like I said, this little lady was late for dinner. So if it’s okay with you,” you pick up June, then continue your thought, “We’ll be heading out.” 
As you turn to walk back home, the stranger says, “I… didn’t catch your name, by the way.” 
Right. You introduced June, but not yourself. Go figure. “Oh. I’m ___.” 
“Cool. I’m Mark.” He looks like a ‘Mark’-boyish and chipper.
“Nice to meet you, Mark. Well, have a nice night.” You start to walk again, but Mark interjects yet again.
“The sun’s setting,” he blurts it out like he’s trying to rid his mouth of the words as quickly as possible. “Can I walk you home?” Then he amends, “I live nearby, so I know it gets kinda dark in this neighborhood. Not many street lights.”
You think about it. You’re not getting any serial killer vibes, plus he’s already passed the June test. (And if you're being honest, he's very cute.) “Um, sure. Thanks.”
The two of you walk in silence, save for June’s purring. When you make it to your apartment building, you stop. Your gut is twisting, mind fixating on the warmth radiating off Mark’s body. Your fingertips are whirring with electricity. You have a bad idea. 
“Would you maybe… wanna come in for dinner?” Mark turns to look at you.  “I never really learned how to cook for one person, so I always have a bunch of leftovers.” 
It’s a lie, but not entirely. You like to cook enough food for the entire week. Mark doesn't need to know this, you conclude.
Mark nods to himself. “Uh, sure. I could eat.”
As soon as you place June down in your apartment, she sprints to her food bowl. Silly girl. 
“Sorry about the mess. Wasn’t expecting company,” you say. “I hope you like spaghetti.”
“Love it,” Mark responds. (You’d later find out this was a lie.)
That’s how you and Mark became friends- similarly to how June came into your life. You fed him. In all honesty, he wasn’t that fond of your spaghetti. He just liked the way you smiled each time he took a bite. The two of you continued to get to know one another while making food. Neither of you are great cooks, so you usually team up. It’s become a love language of sorts, sending recipes back and forth to try. You look forward to eating with Mark more than anything these days.
You’re more than aware of your underlying feelings for Mark, but you’ve managed to temper them. You don’t want to scare him off, but the tension is relentless. You’re making tiramisu and your shoulders touch. You’re piping flowers on a cupcake while Mark pulls tendrils of hair away from your face. You’re whisking meringue into stiff peaks while Mark hums to June in the living room. It’s heart achingly domestic. 
Oftentimes you imagine Mark as your husband. In your daydreams the two of you are wearing matching aprons, flour dusting his nose. He kisses you, a fit of giggles attacking your system. You’re absolutely smitten and unabashedly so.
 In reality, today is Valentine’s Day. Mark suggests he comes over and makes pizza. You don’t think Mark realizes what day it is until you suggest making your pizzas heart shaped. He says he forgot to buy his friend Jaehyun a birthday gift.
“This is, like, kinda romantic.” If being covered in pizza sauce and flour is romantic, then yes. This was very romantic. You have a nice spread here-  fresh basil, mozzarella, alfredo sauce, vodka sauce, roma tomatoes… It smells so nice. Mark keeps sneaking chunks of cheese into his mouth. He looks like a little mouse. June is fast asleep on the couch. You’ve finally perfected the heart shape of your dough, and begin to spread alfredo sauce on your pizza. 
“Your parameters for romance are very strange, Mark Lee.”
“If you close your eyes, it’s like we’re in Italy.” When he says things like this, they only fuel your daydreams. You blame the flush of your face on the preheating oven.
“Venice, I hope.”
“Of course.”
Mark’s pizza looks more like an anatomical heart than the kind you’d doodle in a notebook. He scoffs when you tell him this, feigning offense.
“Should I remind you of how your cinnamon rolls came out a few weeks ago?” They were awful. At a certain point, you had given up and rolled them into balls. 
“My cinnamon rolls/balls were innovative and transcendent.” 
“I don’t even know how you messed them up,” Mark says as he puts the pizzas in the oven, “We bought pre-made dough.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
When the pizzas are done baking, the two of you sit at the dinner table. It’s a different feel for the two of you, seeing as you usually eat together on the couch.  You take a bite of your pizza, savoring the taste.
“Not bad. Wanna taste?” Mark nods. Instinctively, the two of you swap plates, trying each others’ creations.
“I think you’re better at making savory foods.”
“I agree.”
You and Mark continue to eat your pizzas, taking gulps of your respective drinks in between bites. Beer for Mark, white wine for you. Jazz plays softly from your shitty phone speaker, and June’s snores fill in the gaps of silence. After a bit, Mark’s face goes red from the alcohol. You liked seeing him tipsy. He gets all wavy and fluid, unconsciously swaying side to side like a daisy in the wind. Your face feels fuzzy from the wine and you find yourself biting your tongue. 
You’ve had to be more conscious of your alcohol intake around Mark lately. It felt as if at any moment, your love for him would simply become unbearable. Recently, it’s been hard to just look at him- even while sober. Tonight, apparently, you threw caution to the wind. 
“Mark?” you say.
“Hmm….”  He’s drifting away, lethargic from the food and beer. You repeat his name again, this time getting his full attention. When his glassy eyes meet yours, the force behind them knocks the wind out of you.
“Yes?” says Mark. He takes another sip of beer. 
You can’t do this, you think, backtracking entirely. The lie escapes as a garbled mess of words: “Forgot what I was gonna say.” You take a nervous gulp of your wine.
Mark slams his fist on the table, in a drunken stupor. The sound startles you, but there’s no malice behind his motion. In fact, he’s laughing to himself. “Bullshit.”
“I really did lose my train of thought. Maybe it’ll come back to me.”
“I know you’re lying. Like you lied about that cold ass spaghetti you used to lure me in!” he says, referencing the night you met. The spaghetti wasn’t that cold…
“I really did make too much spaghetti that night! Plus, you kept June safe. It was the least I could do!” 
Mark begins to gather your plates and cups, walking over to the kitchen to place them in the sink. As he stands, he says, “I won’t force you to say it, but I know you’re lying.” 
Then he moves to run the faucet. The rushing water fills the silence like TV static, buzzing and itching in your ears. Your throat is burning. You want to talk to him openly, honestly- but something’s stopping you. Mark washes the dishes wordlessly. With his back turned to you, his words hang heavy in the air. Mark never pries but simultaneously knows you so intimately. You love being known by him. You love knowing him. 
You simply love him.
“Why’d you walk me home that night?” Your voice barely pierces the air. The question practically squeaks out of you.
“What?” Mark turns off the facet and dries his hands on a towel, turning to look at you.
“The night we met. Why’d you walk me home?”
He contemplates the question for a moment, closing his eyes to visualize the night. Then he says, “Wanted to make sure you got home safely.” 
The moment is delicate and fragile. You’re scared that if not nimble enough, if not cradled with the utmost gentleness, it will shatter. You proceed with caution.
“Mark?” At the sound of his name, Mark returns to his seat at the dining table.
“I think… I love you.” Mark chuckles. “Don’t laugh!”
“You think?” he says, now breaking out into a full-bodied laugh.
“Yeah. I think so.” 
“I love you too.” He pauses for dramatic effect. “...I think.”
“Very funny, asshole.” 
Mark reaches over the table and places a chaste kiss upon your lips. “Okay, I think I’m a little more sure now,” he says.
“Need some more reassurance?” you ask. Mark nods. 
You lean in to kiss him this time, and just before your lips touch, you hear whining. You pull back to look down, seeing June curled up beneath your chair. Her timing is always impeccable. The two of you giggle, sealing the moment with a fervent kiss. You melt into his touch, the elation coursing through your veins. When you come up for air, you meet Mark’s eyes.  
“What?” he says. “I’m a better kisser than you thought?” 
“I was just wondering… you’re still gonna wash the dishes, right?”
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sorastar6 · 2 months
David Chiem Protagonist AU- Prologue, part 1
I finally finished something that I was working on for a long time! Yay! This AU is basically going to be a series of fanfics that I write. I may or may not actually finish this and do everything I want, but I sure hope I don't lose any motivation. So, um... Enjoy! I hope this is good!
Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a loop?
That the more things change, the more they stay the exact same? The thought of that is funny, isn’t it? The world is big and new things happen every time, every day.
“All that you have to do is just find new things and new peop-”
Shut it. Just shut your mouth, it’s rude to interrupt others.
Your choices don’t matter, anything you do just doesn’t matter. If everything is just broken at its core, there’s nothing you can do about it. The days will go by, one by one, and your life will just stay miserable as it is.
You don’t believe me? Well then, let me just show you. Just look into my life, you’ll see everything you need. Let’s see if you can keep up with that “hopeful” worldview of yours.
I doubt you don’t know who I am, but I'll introduce myself anyway. My name’s David Chiem. I can see that look you’re giving me, I guess you do know who I am after all.
“But David! Your life is incredible! How can you say all of these things? You’re ungratef-”
Shut it. I’m not done.
You could’ve heard about me in several places, but most likely, it was from the Hope’s Peak Academy graduation ceremony that happened a few months ago. Yup, I graduated from Hope’s Peak, amazing, right?
No it isn’t amazing. Not when your talent is something you despise. I’m the former Ultimate Inspirational Speaker. With everything you’re hearing from me, you’re probably doubting that, right? ‘There’s no way that you are the real David Chiem! You sound so pessimisti-’
Hate to it break it to you, but David’s a liar. I AM a liar. I’m 25 years old, I’ve had my career for 5 years, and guess what? Everything is based on lies! Woah, what a twist! A big celebrity is a big liar and is able to make money off of it? That never happened before!
That was sarcasm if you were stupid enough to not notice. Open your eyes, people like me are everywhere in this world. Just spitting what people want to hear. And somehow, they are ignorant enough to fall for it. Such stupidity…
People don’t change. And I’m the living proof of it. I hate my fucking job, I hate having to deal with annoying fans, and to top it all off? I was forced into this by someone else! And yet, I don’t do anything to stop this. Why? Simple, I’m a lazy piece of shit. I don’t even have the courage to make a proper meal, imagine having to deal with countless backlash!
Disappointed? Sowwy, don’t care. I don’t have a noble or tragic reason to do what I do. And I bet all of those other Ultimates are all the same. Everything is the same in this damn world, anyone who can’t see it is just plain stupid. There you have it, thanks for coming to my Tedtalk on why this world is hopeless! You can fuck off now. Hate me all you want, then we’ll have something in common. None of you have a reason to stay by my side anymore, goodby███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
Everyone has to pay for their sins one day.
Wake up, David Chiem.
That was a strange dream. Even if it was just a dream, it still felt… Odd. It’s not a bad feeling, but it’s not good either. I can’t quite describe it, but it doesn’t really matter anymore. Everything from that dream is already escaping my mind, so why bother?
How much time am I going to stay laid down here? I need to get up, I probably have something to do. But my head is killing me, so I want to stay in bed for a few more minutes. Wait, bed? This… Doesn’t feel like my bed. It’s more… Soft? But it still doesn’t feel comfortable like my bed. Maybe I prefer not what’s better, but what’s familiar?
There it goes again, my mind just thinking about random stuff that doesn't matter. I should just get up, but finding the energy to simply open my eyes feels like it will kill me. How pathetic. After some time, I opened them.
I tried adjusting my vision to the lighting of the room. It was dark, very dark. And yet, I could tell that this wasn’t my room.
“Sigh… What did I get myself into this time?”
I sat up on this bed, stretching my limbs until I could hear that satisfying crack. I passed a hand through myself to see the state that I’m in.
No injuries, no blood, but still a mess.
I wasn’t about to tidy myself up. There is a much bigger issue at my hands.
I was just barely able to stand up, my body getting the desire to succumb to this tiredness. But I pressed on to the door. I placed my hand on the knob, looking back at the dark room behind me. Maybe staying here and resting would be a good idea, but that also could lead to me getting chained to a wall. Fuck, second guessing, I hate it.
I just looked straight into the door, knowing very well that if I just glanced at that bed, I would just throw myself in it. So, I took a deep breath.
And I opened the door.
And I was immediately pushed down to the ground.
“Ow! What the-”
I couldn’t even finish my sentence before my gaze met a familiar pair of sharp red eyes. Eyes that… looked like it belonged to a cat.
“… D-david?”
“… Nico…?”
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jadeee · 7 months
A Couple of Clowns
The company is doing karoake but you and Nanami think of another way to have fun.
Word Count: 1.4k @luneariaa I almost forgot to tag you in this haha!
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"Let's not forget about karaoke night!" your manager said with enough enthusiasm for everyone in the room. "It's not mandatory but we'd love to see your smiling faces."
Naturally, Kento's eyes wandered in your direction. The forced smile you wore for your manager's sake made him chuckle inside. The light feeling remained as he now sat at his desk next to you.
"Are you going?"
"God, no. Are you?"
"Well," his cheeks morphed into a pink shade.
"Karaoke's just not my thing."
"What would you rather do?"
"Hm..." your eyes drifted to the ceiling as if the answer were above your head, "I haven't been bowling in a while."
"... bowling?"
"Yeah, what? Are you judging my choice?!"
"No. I wasn't expecting you to say that."
The corner of his lip turned up in that amused smirk he often buried when interacting with you. 
"Oh and what were you expecting exactly?" you leaned forward with a grin. One he wished didn't make his chest rise and fall so suddenly. 
"I thought you'd say something like a company lunch." His brow twitched while his eyes struggled to stay locked onto yours and not take in every detail of your face.
"Ah, that's a bit boring. No?"
When you leaned back, his shoulders dropped and a frown flashed across his face. "I suppose."
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Another wave of your coworkers headed for the door as you sat hunched at your desk, holding your head in your hand.
"I understand but—"
The voice on the other end cut you off again. A frustrated sigh fell from your lips before you jammed the mute button.
Kento faced you with pinched brows. "What's going on?"
"For starters, he's incredibly rude." You described the issue further to Kento as the ignorant customer proceeded to vent to himself unknowingly. 
"I can talk to him."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course," he settled into his chair then reached for his desk phone "no one should talk to you like that."
You transferred the customer over to Nanami's line. Watching him speak without mincing words, being direct and stern brought a warmth to your cheeks. The fever spread as you gazed at his undercut, the sparse freckles peeking out under the collar of his shirt, and his hand which now hung up the phone.
"If you ever get him again, just transfer him to me. Okay?"
When his hazel eyes met yours, your breath hitched in your throat. The world you were just in seemed universes away. You were back in the white walled office lined with desks by Nanami Kento, your coworker. Nothing more. Nothing less. Your eyes looked down at the oak desk. "Alright... thank you, by the way."
"You don't need to do that."
The only response you could muster was a chuckle. A small piece of you retreated to the nearest corner at your childish behavior.
"Um," you shook your head to revive yourself "I should do handle those notes then."
"I've got it."
Another giggle escaped from your lips which made him smile. 
"You might as well take my job."
The apples of his cheeks started to burn from how hard he was smiling. Bury it, he thought and tried unsuccesfully. "You say that like it's a bad thing."
"I do need money to eat ... and live."
Not with me, he shook his head at the intrusive, but not entirely unwelcome, thought. 
A grin covered your face as you noticed his flushed cheeks while he pecked at his keyboard. That was the only sound of the empty office along with the low thud of your restless heart. The sound flooded your ears so you spoke to ease it.
"Looks like we're the only ones here."
"You don't have to stay."
"I don't want to just leave you here. I'd feel kind of bad."
"Actually, I have a better idea."
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These shoes are hideous, his train of thought was interrupted by the feeling of your hand on his shoulder.
"It's your turn."
He stood to his feet then picked up the bowling ball and aligned himself in the middle of the lane. 
You gasped when he made his third strike "Ah, what the hell?! How are you so good at this?"
Thankfully, the room was dim with neon lights flashing and spinning around every second so you couldn't see the berry pink plastered across his face. 
"I've got some experience." he thought about the cleaver he had kept tucked away for years. 
"I've been bowling too but you're hitting strikes like it's nothing."
"I can show you."
The heat you felt earlier returned at the thought of him pressed up against you. "If you want to kiss me, just say so."
His lips parted slightly to comment but nothing came out except a soft laugh that died down to a soft smile when you hit a strike. You whizzed around with your arms in the air accompanied by an ear-to-ear grin.
"Did you see that?!"
Kento nodded, helplessly crossing his arms over his chest as if that'd keep his feelings contained. "You didn't need me after all."
"Oh, I didn't say that. I want you ... here, I mean." Your fingertips tapped at the side of your thighs as you silently cursed yourself. 
Even when you were nervous, he still loved your smile. His eyes glanced at the work of art "I know what you mean," you both watched the cheesy animation of the bowling pins mimicking your strike on the screen.
"If you want me though, just say so." A smirk formed then, since he was feeling proud of using your own words against you.
"Wh—" you laughed "Alright, I deserved that."
And so much more, he thought. 
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The two of you sat side by side munching on snacks from the concession stand. It was a comfortable silence until you said, "These are clown shoes."
"Look," you stuck your foot out to show off the tri-colored monstrosity "all I need is the big red clown nose and makeup."
He snickered before downing the rest of his drink "What about suspenders?"
"Um, I'm a clown with fashion sense."
"My apologies, then."
"All is forgiven, I suppose. They look good on you though."
Your playful demeanor subsided with each second you studied his face, savoring each detail. He indulged the bad habit of glancing at your lips then away at the screen.
"The game's almost over."
You looked over your shoulder to realize you each had three turns left.
"Did you want to go another round?"
"That's okay. I'm actually content with this right now."
His heart melted when you faced him with that soft smile "Me too."
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It was a bit chilly that night but you felt warm. Each of your hands were balled up in your pockets as you ocassionally shared an anectdote or commented on something nearby. There were only a few paces remaining to your apartment. You'd felt something fill your chest at the sight of the building growing larger by the second. 
Your eyes glanced over at Kento who looked straight ahead. The wind blew a few moments ago and messed up his hair — something you laughed at which he didn't understand but admired all the same. He'd just fixed it when the wind blew again, causing the golden threads to frame his face. Light danced in your eyes as you watched his hands correct it. You'd let out a soft sigh then faced forward. Fingers fidgeting in your pocket as you now approached the door.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For tonight. I had a lot of fun."
You tried not to grin like the Cheshire Cat after hearing Kento's words.
"Can we do this again?"
"I like being around you ... outside of work."
You bit the inside of your lip to contain your excitement then nodded. "Absolutely, I'll see you Monday then?"
"I'll wear my best tie," just for you, he allowed himself to smile at the idea. It only grew when you smiled back at him.
"I'd expect nothing less."
Your fingers touched his tie then and his entire being melted. This moment, it was like stealing a sneak peek into his future. His sweet adoring wife fixing his tie, listening to him, keeping him smiling. It wasn't until now that he realized he hadn't smiled much until he met you. The hazel eyes were too fixated on what could be so when he felt your soft lips press against his cheek, he became stiff. 
"Goodnight, Nanami."
Before you closed the door, he ingrained the scene into his brain. What you were wearing, the lighting, your smile, and that one feature you complain about (which he secretly loved). His eyes crinkled as he smiled "Goodnight."
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— Author's Note — It'd be really hard for him to focus at work sometimes with you as his coworker and significant other. After a while, you'd probably find a good balance but you {unknowingly} make it hard for him at first.
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davidchiemcore · 3 months
transcript for DRDT Prologue Episode One! going to make this a series where i (hopefully) write down all the dialogue for drdt, if i dont get burnt out. at the end, ill post a google doc with them all together
???: ……
???: Fuck!!
???: Fuck, fuck, fuck, this really hurts…
???: Ouch, I really wasn’t expecting her to attack me like that.
???: I made a massive mistake to trust them. I can’t rely on anyone.
???: All by myself, I have to end the killing game.
???: And even if I can’t do that…
???: I have to kill Teruko Tawaki.
???: No matter what.
Prologue: Distrust and Despair
Teruko: …I had a weird dream.
Teruko: Huh? Where am I?
Teruko: When I opened my eyes, I found myself resting on a bed in an unfamiliar place.
Teruko: This looks like some sort of hotel room.
Teruko: Wait, how did I even get here? I have no recollection of coming here.
Teruko: The last thing I remember was–
Teruko: Ah! I was going to the entrance ceremony of Hope’s Peak Academy!
Teruko: But this doesn’t look like Hope’s Peak at all, much less any sort of school. Just what is going on?
Teruko: …
Teruko: No use staying here, I suppose. I think it would be best if I left this room and tried to find out more about this place.
Teruko: I stepped out of the room and found myself in a hall with 15 other doors exactly like the one I left.
Teruko: Do all these doors lead to rooms like the one I just left?
Teruko: They all have nameplates on them. The one I came out of has my name.
Teruko: Teruko Tawaki… That’s me.
Teruko: I don’t recognize any of these other names, though.
Teruko: I tried each door. They were all locked. Seems I’m also locked out of the room I just left.
Teruko: No good, I guess.
Teruko: I should keep exploring.
Teruko: AH!!
Teruko: I walked to the end of the hallway and rounded the corner, when suddenly–
Xander: AUGH!!
Teruko: *CRASH*
Teruko: I crashed into another person pretty roughly, knocking us both to the ground.
Teruko: O–ouch! That really hurt…
Xander: …
Teruko: Are you alright? Sorry for knocking you over like that.
Xander: …
Teruko: Ah-! You’re bleeding! Are you okay?
Xander: Oh. Yup. I’m fine…
Xander: Heh heh……
Teruko: E–eh??
Teruko: All of a sudden, he collapsed.
Teruko: Um–Hello??
Teruko: No use… He’s unconscious.
Teruko: …
Teruko: I can’t believe I accidentally knocked someone unconscious within minutes of being awake. I feel bad…
Teruko: I should find something to treat him with. Maybe there’s a medical room around here.
Teruko: After a little bit of searching, I stumbled upon what looked to be an infirmary.
Teruko: Let’s see. There’s bandages, gauze, various medicines–perhaps some ibuprofen?
Xander: Yeah, that would sound pretty nice.
Teruko: Alright, I see–
Teruko: Wha–AH!
Xander: Oh, sorry, did I scare you? I didn’t mean to sneak up on you like that, really!
Teruko: Y-you! Were you just pretending to be unconscious??
Xander: Err, no. You did actually knock me unconscious. Well, I’m fine now.
Teruko: Oh. And, your eye…
Xander: Like I said, I’m fine now. Don’t worry about it.
Teruko: Are you sure? You were bleeding; that doesn’t seem like an injury to brush off.
Xander: Like I said!! Totally fine! I’m a tough guy, I can handle it.
Teruko: I’m still really sorry, uhm… uh, what’s your name?
Xander: Oh! Ack, how rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself. I’m making a terrible first impression.
Xander: Alriiight! The name’s Alexander Matthews. But you can just call me Xander, it’s much cooler sounding. I’m the Ultimate Rebel, nice to meet you!
Ultimate Rebel - Xander Matthews
Teruko: Ultimate?
Xander: You must have heard of Hope’s Peak Academy, right? An exclusive school that only accepts students, known as Ultimates, who possess extraordinary talents.
Xander: It just so happens that I’ve been accepted there! Pretty incredible, huh?
Teruko: Ah,you’re a freshman of Hope’s Peak? I am too. We might be classmates.
Teruko: I should introduce myself as well. I am Teruko Tawaki, the Ultimate Lucky Student.
Ultimate Lucky Student - Teruko Tawaki
Xander: So you’re the Lucky Student, huh, Ms. Teruko? You’re the one who’s got accepted by the lottery.
Teruko: Oh, right. That’s correct.
Teruko: Unlike the rest of the students of Hope’s Peak, my talent of luck is a little unconventional, so I hope you won’t find it too strange.
Xander: Strange? Why would I find it strange?
Xander: Everyone who’s got accepted into Hope’s Peak is given an incredible opportunity to build their own skills and talents so that they can later shape the world!
Xander: Even if you were selected by lottery, not scouted like normal students, you still have got just as much potential as every other Ultimate to develop into an even more amazing person!
Xander: As you know, everyone who graduates from Hope’s Peak goes on to become incredibly influential and important. That’s why being an Ultimate, no matter what kind, is a huge deal!
Teruko: I’m well aware of that. It’s just that… for me, it’s more than just lacking a talent.
Teruko: I’m cursed, you see.
Xander: …Cursed?
Teruko: Cursed with horrible luck.
Teruko: No matter what I do, I always become victim to misfortunes and accidents. I often fall or break things, or worse, injure myself. So do those around me.
Teruko: No doubt, your recent injury is probably as a result of the influence of this curse.
Xander: I see, that makes a bit of sense. It must be difficult living like that, I’m sorry to hear that.
Xander: And yet, despite that, you’ve still been selected to be the Ultimate Lucky Student. Maybe it was some twist of fate.
Xander: Even misfortune can be overcome or adapted, so I would take the fact that you’re here at this academy as a good sign! So, don’t give up hope!
Teruko: Ahaha… Aren’t you full of energy.
Teruko: By the way, just what kind of talent is “Rebel?”
Xander: Oh, are we discussing my talent now?
Xander: To be frank, I’m actually sort of pissed at the Academy for having given me this title. Calling me a “rebel” just makes me seem like some sort of unruly, lawless kid, which I am *definitely* not!
Xander: It's almost an insult to all the hard work I’ve put in throughout my life!
Teruko: Hard work put into what?
Xander: Revolution.
Xander: Simply put, I’m the sort of person who feels very strongly about everything. So whenever I see something that feels wrong to me, something unjust, I’ll do whatever I can to fix it.
Xander: For example, exposing corruption. I’ve got quite a number of corrupt government officials jailed. Society is messed up, and it’s up to me to change it.
Xander: Of course, in order to make any sort of impactful change in this world, you need to break the existing rules. That’s what got me the title of Ultimate Rebel, I suppose.
Teruko: Wow, I’m not quite sure what to think of all that.
Teruko: Or even if I can believe the things you just said.
Xander: Hey! You better not be accusing me of lying!
Teruko: But at the very least you seem to be very passionate and energetic.
Teruko: Moving on… Do you know anything about this place? I seem to have woken up here without knowing how I came here. And I was supposed to be going to the entrance ceremony of Hope’s Peak.
Xander: I was just about to ask you the same thing!
Xander: Have we both got kidnapped, or something?! If that’s the case, I’ll be pretty pissed at whoever’s responsible.
Xander: Err, sorry for getting worked up again.
Xander: But yeah, it looks like we’re in the same situation. Woke up in a mysterious room without knowing how we got here.
Teruko: What a perplexing situation…
Xander: No use just standing here. I’ve got an idea. We should look around, see if there’s an explanation somewhere. At the very least we can examine our surroundings for clues.
Teruko: Right. We may find something new.
Teruko: These large doors are conspicuous. We should check inside.
Xander: Fine by me!
Teruko: Xander kicks the door open forcefully.
Teruko: You could have just…
Teruko: Used… the… han..dle…
Teruko: Eh?
Teruko: We found ourselves in a large room full of chairs and a large, ominous screen at the back. But more importantly…
Xander: There’s other people here?!
Teruko: 14 other people stood in front of Xander and me.
David: Ah, have more people arrived?
Ace: Maybe they’re our fucking kidnappers! We should ask ‘em a few questions!
Arei: Are you two freshmen of Hope’s Peak Academy as well?
Xander: We are. Is this our class?
Whit: Whoa, new people. You guys got any idea what’s going on?
Charles: Don’t be ridiculous. I sincerely doubt that these two can bring any new information to the table on our situation.
Teruko: So, it seems our whole class is here.
Xander: Just what is going on? Have the rest of you blacked out when you were entering the Academy?
Levi: Yes, that happened to the rest of us as well. Our situation is awfully strange.
Veronika: Maybe the Academy is trying to surprise us! Wouldn’t that be fun?
Hu: If you two are in fact our classmates, why don’t you introduce yourselves?
Hu: I know this situation isn’t ideal, but at the very least we should be acquainted with each other before we try and figure out what’s going on.
Teruko: Ehm, introduce myself? In front of all of you?
Teruko: Wouldn’t it be better if I just talked to you individually?
Eden: That’s okay, then introduce yourselves to us one by one.
Charles: Excellent, another 10 minutes of time wasting. Why don’t you two take your time blabbering about insignificant things, it’s not like we’re in a potentially life-threatening situation.
Teruko: …Yeesh.
Xander: Hey!
Xander: Let’s talk to everyone together. That way we’ll both be way less nervous if we’ve got a friend by our side.
Teruko: …
Teruko: Thank you, Xander.
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Can you do prompt 15 with Hannibal please?
Mistaken Destiny
Hannibal Lecter x plus size reader
A case of mistaken identity leads to love at first sight and maybe an unhealthy obsession
Warnings: fluff, incredibly vague allusions to cannibalism and murder (it’s Hannibal my guys, what do you expect)
WC: 748
Minors DNI
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3000 Follower Celebration
The invitation had to be a mistake, there was no way that the beautiful handwritten calligraphy on ultra expensive card-stock was meant for you. You doubted you had even met anyone who knew what calligraphy was, and you certainly didn’t know this Doctor Hannibal Lecter.
And yet, once your shift at the diner finished, you caught the bus to the fancy side of town and cautiously approached the extravagant house a polite 10 minutes before the party was set to begin. Your heart pounded loudly in your ears as you rang the bell, practically shaking with nerves.
The ornate door opened slowly after a moment, a warm breeze rushing over you, carrying with it the smell of rich food and the sounds of classical music. “May I help you?” The older man standing before you was dressed smartly in a charcoal grey three-piece suit, his silvery hair quaffed to perfection and his amber eyes holding many questions in their swirling depths.
“Uh hi. I um, I got this invitation in the mail and I doubt it was for me and there wasn’t a phone number or anything so I couldn’t call you. I was going to just ignore it but my mama taught me that it was rude to ignore an invitation to dinner so I thought I would come in person to apologise for this mistake.” You rambled, thoroughly flustered by the handsome man who you assumed to be Doctor Lecter. A soft smile slowly grew on his lips as you spoke, his shoulders relaxing with your words.
“I believe I should be the one apologising considering this is my fault. I’m sorry that you had to go out of your way to let me know about this. I would invite you in but it appears that you weren’t anticipating staying to enjoy dinner.” His eyes dropped to your work clothes but there was no malice in his gaze, in fact, it seemed maybe lustful? A chill rolled up your spine. 
Thrusting the invitation into his open hand, you turned to leave with a, “I hope you have pleasant evening doctor” but he gently grabbed your arm. “I would like to make this up to you, how about I make you a dinner at a time more convenient to you? It is the least I can do.”
You melted, utterly charmed by him. “Uh yeah, that would be quite nice.” You were unable to refuse. His smile grew and he released your wrist to fish a pen from his suit coat. He jotted down something on the back of the invitation then handed it back to you.
“I will be greatly disappointed if you don’t call me, I would hate to think I scared you off, Mx…?” He prompted, to which you shyly gave him your name. “Wonderful. Please call me at your leisure, it would be my pleasure to have you over properly. Get home safely my dear.”
Just as the first of many fancy cars rolled up to the curb before his home, you withdrew from the threshold with a smile. “I will, thank you doctor.”
“Please, just call me Hannibal.” By the time you returned back to your dingy apartment, your smile had yet to fade, the conversation replaying on a loop in your mind, your chest warm with affection. Now all you had left to do was to summon the courage to actually call.
Hannibal quietly worked at his desk, typing up his final thoughts of the day, his eyes occasionally flicking to his cell phone which remained silent. It had been almost a week since the dinner party and you had yet to call. There was something about you that had caught his attention, he didn’t know whether it was your politeness, the shy way you held yourself, or your plump body, but something had piqued his interest. And he was actually disappointed that you hadn’t taken him up.
He supposed that he could use Will to find you but he would rather not resort to abusing the federal government’s resources, yet. As Hannibal began to pack his things, the dark screen of his phone lit up with a text.
‘Hi! I hope you haven’t forgotten me, and I do hope that your offer is still on the table, whatever you were cooking smelt amazing.’ It seems that Hannibal had to start putting together a menu befitting of your beauty and he couldn’t be more glad about his mistake.
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crushculture03 · 1 year
Hmm ok so maybe like another story extended on the parts you’ve already written. So like same characters more established ☺️💓
ask and you shall receive!
Teacher’s Assistant Pt 3
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Summary : At an end of the term party that both you and matty attend, you catch someone flirting with him and retaliate, which causes matty to get jealous…
Pairing : Professor! Matty x fem!reader
Warning : Jealousy and smut
Notes : For reference let’s say they’ve been dating for a few months
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Everything between you and matty had been going amazing, he was positively the best boyfriend you have ever had, and you two couldn't be more in love. Luckily, it was now the end of the term, which meant no more homework for you and no more grading for Matty either, which meant you two could spend all your time together.
With it being the end of the term, there were of course multiple parties going on around campus to celebrate, but the one you were most excited for was the honors club one, since it meant you could finally attend a party that had your boyfriend at it, without drawing too much attention to yourselves.
You quickly walked into the small classroom where the party was being held, there wasn't many people there since the honors club was somewhat small at your campus. Out of the corner of your eye you spotted your boyfriend, you took in his appearance from afar, your core fluttering as you saw he was wearing the black silk dress shirt you loved so much because it showed off the definition of his muscles incredibly well, but not only that, the first few buttons were undone, revealing the top of his chest tattoo, the one you loved to trace when you would cuddle with him.
He hadn't seem to spot you yet, as he was busy talking to the humanities professor, but as you walked a bit further into the room, his eyes eventually caught yours.
Just as you were about to walk up to him, you felt someone grab your wrist, you quickly turn around to see who grabbed you and saw it was none other than Kyle Davis, the campus heart thob, as everyone liked to call him. "Y/N hey! I'm so happy you're here, I don't know anyone and was starting to get kinda nervous" he said as he let go of your hand, "Hey Kyle, yeah these things can be quite intimidating but you get use to them" you say. You two stand there in an awkward silence before he speaks up again "Can I get you something to drink?" he offers, "Um Sure" you respond back, not wanting to be rude, but desperately wanting to go over to Matty, Kyle nods his head and goes over to the refreshments table.
Your eyes scan the room for Matty, concern flashes on your features as you see hes no where to be found, that is until you hear the familiar sound of his laughter, you quickly snap your head in the direction of it, your heart falling when you see who is making him laugh. The History Professor Ms.Walker, had been the cause of your boyfriends laughter, you knew it was stupid to be jealous of the situation but you hated the way she had her hand placed on his forearm, so clearly trying to flirt with him.
Kyle coming over with your drink snaps you out of your trance, "Thanks kyle" you say as you grab the cup from his hands, "Of course" he responds back before taking a sip of the red liquid. "You think those two have fucked before?" he asks, motioning towards Matty and Ms.Walker. Your face goes red, anger seeping into your veins as he asks you that "Not sure, but from the way shes all over him I wouldnt be surprised" you grit, the man laughs next you "Yeah looks like she wants to stick her tongue down his throat" he responds, not knowing his answers are making you angrier. "Mhm, its disgusting to watch" you say, before turning your head away from the two professors, " Sooo" kyle says, trying to change the subject, "Soo" you respond back, your mind traveling elsewhere.
You try your best to maintain a decent conversation with the guy, he was actually pretty nice and you could see why all the girls had crushes on him, but your heart belonged to matty, the man currently letting his co-worker flirt with him. Deciding to play him at his own game, you loudly laugh at one of Kyles very boring jokes, and place your hand on his arm, just like Ms.Walker did to Matty. Your laugh gets his attention and you see him glare at the two of you, "You know if you wanna get out of here there's a party at my Teammates apartment, heard it was pretty cool" kyle offers, but before you respond a voice says "I'm afraid she can't Mr.Davis, she has to help me plan next terms lesson plans" Matty says, finally acknowledging you for the first time since you got there.
"Oh, I didn't realize T.A's had to help out with that" the boy asks, looking between you and matty, confused about what was going on. "Typically not, but I'm very behind and need her help, so if you'll excuse us" Matty says and motions for you to head for the door. You wave a quick goodbye to Kyle, before stepping outside of the classroom.
"What did you think you were doing Y/N" matty snaps, anger evident in his tone as he grabs your arm, ushering you down the hall and too his office. "I don't know what you're talking about Professor I was just talking to my friend" you say, putting up an innocent front as you walked into his office and sat on the couch. Matty slammed the door behind him and locked it, before stomping over to you, "Don't give me that bullshit baby" he sneers, his face coming dangerously close to yours. "No don't give me that bullshit Matty I saw you flirting with her" you spat, his face softens, confused about what you were referring too, "Who?" he asks causing you to roll your eyes. "Professor Walker! She all but had her tongue down your throat and you didn't push her off of you!" you say, Matty chuckles "Aw did I make you jealous baby?" he teases as he pushes a stray hair behind your ear, "Did I make you jealous?" you quip back, "I think you already know that answer my love" he whispers, referring to when he dragged you away from kyle and into his office.
"I'm the only one allowed to look at you like that ok?  Not some pretty boy, is that clear darling" he says, crouching down to your level. "Show me then, show me that you're the only one allowed to flirt with me, if not then I'm sure kyle is still out there, maybe i can ask hi-" but before you can finish, matty smashes his lips onto yours. He pushes you down so you're laying flat on the couch, with him hovering over you. "You're playing a dangerous game princess" he says, as he nips at your neck, making sure to leave bruises. "Matty" you whimper, incredibly turned on from the way he was acting, you knew if you teased him enough you'd end up in this position. He chuckles as he sees how desperate you look, and slowly moves one of his hands up your thigh, smiling when he notices your lack of underwear, "You dirty girl" he teases, his fingers slowly making contact with your dripping core, you gasp at the sudden contact. "You like that baby? I'm barely doing anything and you're already soaking, who did this to you baby?" he asks, "You" you moan out as his thumb toys with your clit, "Thats right baby, don't you forget that" he teases, as he slowly enters a finger inside of you, causing you to moan. "Gotta be quiet baby, don't want anyone to hear" he says and leans down to connect his lips to yours, while slowly moving his finger in and out of you at a steady pace.
You feel the tension in your stomach start to build quicker as Matty circles your clit faster, as well as adding a second finger into you. "M' close baby" you whisper, but just as you say that he pulls away, instantly denying you of your orgasm, you whine as he pulls away to face you. "Sorry baby only good girls get to cum" he teases, you whimper, but your eyes light up as you see him undo his belt and zip down his pants.
You reach your hands out to palm him through his briefs, but he stops you before you reach the fabric, "Sorry baby, no touching" he says, taking your wrists in one hand, and pushing them above your head, while using the other the wrap his belt around them, gently tightening them around your wrists so they're bound together. "This ok darling? Not to tight?" he asks, his tuff demeanor falling as he checks in on you, "Yeah it's fine" you say, reassuring him that you were ok.
Once he has knows you're okay, he slowly pulls down his briefs revealing his erection, you try to buck your hips up to meet his, desperate for any relief, but he quickly pushes them down, "Needy tonight" he chuckles, "Matty please" you beg. He finally gives in, gently pushing your dress up just enough to reveal you, and lines his cock up with your entrance. He slowly pushes himself inside of you and you quickly have to bite your lip to suppress the moan you so desperately want to release. "Now darling, I'm going to fuck you like the slut you are, because you're mine and only mine" he says, his voice heavy with lust. He roughly pulls out of you and pushes back in, quickly establishing a rough but pleasurable pace for the both of you. He moves his hand from your hip, running it down to your core and using his thumb to slowly circle your clit.
The new sensation has you arching your back in pleasure, "Please matty" you beg, feeling your release building, "Not yet baby" he says, picking up his pace even more, his cock now hitting deeper inside of you. He makes you wait a couple more seconds before saying "Cum baby", and that was all you needed to finally come undone.
Matty slopily thrusts into you a few more times before finishing inside of you. "Never be jealous baby ever, you're the only girl I ever want" he whispers, and places a gentle kiss to your forehead before slowly pulling out of you.
He gently goes to undo the belt from your wrists, massaging the place the leather once bound. " Matty" you whisper, as you carefully sit up, "Yes my love" he asks as he looks at you, with nothing but love and adoration in his eyes, "I love you" you say, catching him off guard. The room goes silent for a moment, "I love you too" he says, quickly pulling you into a kiss. He pulls you into his arms, mentally bottling this moment up in his head for whenever he misses you or is sad. "Lets get out of here baby" Matty says and stands up, reaching out his hand for you too take, you quickly do and the two of you are able to sneak out of the building unnoticed.
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putaposyinyourhair · 1 year
And they were roommates…
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part 1 | part 2 • ethan landry x chad meeks-martin (cause there ain’t enough to go around)
• warnings: none except that it’s a/b/o read at your own risk dawg
• just a little no gf! fluff to scratch that itch
Ethan honestly doesn’t expect his roommate to just be right there the moment he finally manages to get their dorm-room door to open. But alas, there he is.
Clad in nothing but a dark green towel that’s hanging precariously low on his hips. His noticeably gorgeous roommate takes one look at Ethan over his shoulder and grins crookedly.
Ethan drops his keys, jaw dropping along with them.
This has to be some kind of mistake, he decides immediately.
His roommate is standing there, silhouetted by the early morning sunlight filtering in through the curtains beyond him, looking for all the world as if he’s been sculpted by ancient worshippers as a tribute to their Gods. His bronzed skin is glistening with droplets of water and his hair is wet and dripping onto the back of his neck and his abs are horrifically defined and oh.
There’s a whole group of girls sitting on the bed that Ethan surmises must be his— because it’s pushed up against the side of the room with walls that are bare as opposed to the other wall that’s absolutely plastered with movie posters and framed sports memorabilia.
“Hey, roomie!” his dorm mate calls, lifting a hand to wave in greeting— which only serves to flex his impressive bicep involuntarily and Ethan has to contain the urge to groan at the sight aloud.
Shit together, Ethan urges himself, now.
“Um,” he mutters dumbly, obviously still incapable of forming any sentences or making any moves. And even if he could, his keys are still on the floor and he’s kind of unable to bend over to get them seeing as he’s got a duffle bag thrown over his shoulder and luggage in each of his hands.
One of the girls sitting on his bed gracefully stands, rolling her eyes at the others who are kind of just staring at him and snickering quietly, and makes her way over to Ethan. She scoops up his keys and takes one of his bags, smiling kindly.
“Hi, I’m Anika,” she introduces herself boldly. “Come in. Sorry about the party.”
Ethan steps inside his dorm, glancing about fretfully.
“Hi?” he tries a bit awkwardly. “I’m, uh, Ethan.”
“Hello, Uh Ethan,” one of the two other girls sitting on the bed calls mockingly, a smirk pulling at the side of her lips.
She looks a bit like his roommate.
“Mindy, be nice,” said extremely attractive roommate scolds lightheartedly, turning to walk over to Ethan as well— one hand held out. “Hey, bro. I’m Chad.”
Chad, Ethan considers, his name is Chad.
Of course it is.
And he’s an alpha.
Of course he is.
And he smells absolutely mouth-watering.
Like a raging sea-side bonfire. And sweet clementine’s in the height of the summer. And peppermint candy canes on Christmas morning.
Ethan reaches up mechanically to shake Chad’s hand but flounders sort of pathetically and reddens when Chad fist-bumps him instead with an entertained little grin.
“This is gonna sound incredibly rude,” Chad drawls. “I think? But is that your natural scent?”
Ethan flushes. From head-to-toe. In the words of Madonna; like a virgin.
Which he is.
“Dude!” the last of the three girl’s in the room scolds, throwing her hands up and rolling her eyes at Chad’s back— like the alpha’s impropriety is a common occurrence. “It’s called tact, knothead. Exercise it.”
Chad doesn’t look cowed in the slightest by the tiny girl’s admonishment. He actually chuckles and bites into the corner of his stupidly plush bottom lip as he regards Ethan.
“Ignore him,” Anika advises from where she’s standing beside Ethan. “The rest of us certainly do.”
Chad throws his head back and laughs openly and Ethan’s pretty sure there’s not enough oxygen left in the room because— holy shit, the alpha’s smile is just all kinds of absolutely beautiful— and also, Ethan can’t seem to draw in a breath properly.
“What?” Chad defends, still sniggering softly. “I’m just saying! He smells good. Have any of you ever met a guy that smells like, I don’t know, flowers and chocolate and sunshine and shit?”
Ethan squirms, just a tiny bit, the hot blush still high on his cheeks.
And the girl Chad had called Mindy seems to catch his unspoken admission. Her eyes widen and she jumps up, grinning widely.
“Oh my God,” she breathes out, her expression one of utter epiphany, as she crosses the room and practically shoves Chad out of her way. “No way.”
The taller of the two alpha’s stumbles aside, frowning in offense as one of his hands flies down to the knot at the front of his towel to keep it in place.
“Hey!” he crows softly in displeasure. “Watch the goods, sis.”
Ethan can’t contain the puzzled little noise that spills out of him as Mindy leans considerably into his personal space, wide-eyed and thrilled, before she takes in a sharp whiff of his scent.
Because apparently, Ethan presumes, none of these people have ever been taught any basic freaking manners.
“Okay, Min,” Anika inserts, setting Ethan’s suitcase aside so she can take hold of one of the female alpha’s arms and pull her away slightly— into what most people would decree a more socially-acceptable distance. “Let’s not traumatize Chad’s new roommate first thing in the morning, yeah?”
Mindy turns her massive grin on the shorter beta.
“He’s an omega,” she proclaims in a near squeal, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
Oh… my God, Ethan thinks, suppressing the urge to bury his face into the palms of his hands. He genuinely wishes the ground would just open up and swallow him whole.
Like, yeah, a male omega isn’t exactly the most common thing in the world— even in NYC— but does she really have to announce it to the room like that?
“Guys, you’re making him uncomfortable,” the tiny girl who had scolded Chad previously interjects from her spot atop Ethan’s bed, one corner of her lips tugging down.
Speaking of Chad, the alpha is kind of just standing there now, surveying Ethan with narrowed eyes and a frenzied forehead like he’s trying to piece it all together himself.
Fuck, Ethan laments, even at perplexity, his roommate is still exquisitely stunning.
Then the other boy groans; loud and long and suffering and it startles the shit out of Ethan and he watches— really fucking bewildered by it all— as Chad turns to his own bed where he ruffles through the pockets of an abandoned pair of jeans for a moment before pulling out a twenty dollar bill.
He hands it over to a positively beaming Mindy, who pockets the money and glances over her shoulder at the girl still sitting on the bed.
“Remind me to have Sam and Quinn pay up too,” she prompts. “Called it.” The other girl shakes her head at the alpha, but she’s smiling regardless of her disapproval.
Wait, Ethan thinks, Quinn?
“Quinn Bailey?” he inquires, brows furrowed. “The sophomore?”
Everyone turns to look at him.
Only Anika nods.
“You’re acquainted?” she questions, arching a perfectly-sculpted brow.
Ethan reaches up to run a hand through his curls awkwardly as he huffs out an inelegant little giggle.
“She’s my older sister,” he admits with a shrug and a timid smile. “How, uh, how do you guys know her?”
“She’s my roommate,” the girl on the bed remarks, finally moving to stand. “I’m Tara, by the way. Quinn shares an apartment with me and my sister, Sam. You know, she did mention a little brother. But from the way she talks about you, I was kind of expecting a little kid.”
“Oh,” Mindy decides, smirking in an almost ominous way. “This is… delicious.”
That’s terrifying, Ethan decides.
“Wait—” Chad butts in, both brows prominently arched. “You’re the brother from Quinn’s stories? The one she forced into dresses and makeup so she could play the evil dragon who locked the princess in a tower? That baby brother?”
Ethan’s face feels like it’s on fire all over again.
He’s going to murder Quinn.
He ducks his head a bit and watches as Chad’s lips languidly stretch out into a positively delighted smirk.
“Well, in that case, I should apologize for my earlier rudeness,” the boy laments in a deep twang that he’s obviously putting on for show, which he follows up with an exaggerated bow at the waist.
In his bent position, he peers up at Ethan through unfairly dark lashes and grins sinfully.
Ethan is totally fucked.
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torakan · 3 months
The human WAS stupid after all. It was quite funny to find out that he thought “Rules” was my real name. But it’s not like I was going to correct him or anything… or so I was telling myself a week ago.
At this very moment I was inside one of the kitchen cabinets where this guy stored different types of tea, coffee, some sugar and mugs. What was I doing there? Well, borrowing of course which was suddenly rudely interrupted AGAIN by this mother f… piece of sh… damn, I just realized that I didn’t even know his name. It’s not like I ever needed it of course. And right now, we were just staring at each other for five seconds straight, which honestly felt like three freaking years. My brain went numb, I didn’t have any backup plans for a situation like this. It was 3 in the morning god damn it, why did he suddenly even decide to wake up and open this exact cabinet?!
The second I thought about it, the guy blinked a few times and silently closed the cabinet door.
“What the hell?..” I whispered shocked. It was so weird and felt kind of… wrong? As every other borrower kid, I was always told that humans, when they see borrowers in the open, are always trying to grab them with their hands and who knows what they’re doing about it later if they succeed…
This young man though… he really was something. I was grateful he paid respect for the request I wrote, but that was weird. And before I could stop myself and think, like I usually do, I shouted:
“HEY! Are you blind?!”
I immediately started to regret it and anxiety filled my whole body from head to toes. My heart started racing in panic and I wouldn’t have been able even to attempt to escape right now due to my shaking hands. However, for the first few moments nothing has happened. And then I heard his sleepily creaking muffled yet still loud voice. It wasn’t as booming as I knew it could be, so I was grateful for him trying to speak quieter.
“Um… no?”
I took several deep breaths and thought about the most rational thing to say right now.
“Please, don’t open the cabinet.”
Well done dumbass, I told myself, now he’s gone all curious and he’s for sure going to open it.
That’s it? Jesus Christ, what is wrong with him?! I had no idea how to act in this situation, nobody had ever prepared me to this.
“R-r-really?” I couldn’t help my voice from shaking.
“Yeah, I mean, I already took my mug, so I don’t need it. And besides, you asked not to bother before, so I won’t. Sorry for disturbing you right now.”
“Wait a sec.”
The guy didn’t say or do anything, so I figured he was waiting for real.
“So, you’re actually considering my feelings?” I asked unsure feeling incredibly stupid.
He sighed.
“Of course.”
“And you… you’re not gonna grab me or anything?”
“No. Who do you think I am?”
“I don’t know man, you’re a human. You could do anything if you wanted to.”
“Okay if that’s the case, let me reassure you that I won’t try to do anything against your will. Erm… but do you give me consent to talk to you?” he added sounding almost hopeful.
I had to think about it. It was obviously dangerously dangerous to talk to him, but at the same time, was it really? It’s not like my family members, or any other borrowers were there to scold me for it, and what’s more important, he didn’t do anything bad to me during this whole time he knew of my existence, right? Heck, even now he was being as respectful as if I was a human too… Maybe… maybe I could give it a try?
“Y-yes. But not too much.” I stuttered a bit, trying to get rid of an instant feeling of regret.
I heard how the guy hummed, probably smiling and said:
“My name is Neil.”
“Okay. Mine is not Rules” I quietly giggled, my nerves were most likely already giving in, and added. “It’s Wax.”
“Nice to meet you, Wax.”
I guess it wasn’t a bad… experience. I was still very wary of what this human’s intentions were, but again, he didn’t try to grab me, nor put me into the jar, nor kill me, nor torture me, nor take a picture of me nor… Okay, enough. I shook my head at it.
Then I herd the guy - Neil - opening the tap and pouring water into his mug. Now that I was almost sure that nothing bad will happen to me, I suddenly noticed how emotionally and physically exhausted I was. My legs were so numb, it felt like they were made of plush, so having no energy left, I, as gracefully as a hoptoad, plopped down on my butt.
“Um… I’m sorry Wax, but I really have to go to sleep right now, so… talk to you later maybe? You’re not going to move out, right?” he asked placing the already empty mug on the counter.
I wasn’t planning on moving out at all but after his question I became quite suspicious. Why did he want to know?
“W-why do you want to know?” I asked directly.
He thought for a moment and said:
“I guess I just don’t want to cause you any inconvenience. You shouldn’t change your life completely and think that you’re in danger now because of me knowing that you live here. You’re safe around me, I promise.”
I pondered over his words a bit and decided to believe him. In vain, probably.
“Okay. G-good night then, Neil.”
“Good night.”
yaaay now we finally know their names 🤭
anyway, hope you enjoyed ^^
tags: @gtzel @smallsday @alserm @reddish-ash
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shiningwonderland · 9 months
Ren Jinguji (Repeat)
Translator: Mimi (Twitter: _mimisaurora)
December — A Fickle Score
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It's now December, and I still haven't been able to talk much with Jinguji-san.
To study abroad....
It's without a doubt an amazing opportunity, but....
It's such a significant decision to make.
I catch a glimpse of Jinguji-san.
He looks to be having a fun chat with the girls about the dance party.
Haruka: It’s already that time of year, huh….
A dance party will be held on Christmas Day at the academy's party hall.
The party hall.... The place Jinguji-san took me to during summer break.
I would like to go to the dance with him too....
Should I try asking him...? 
Select the phrase!
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Talk to him (+20 Love +0 Music)
Haruka: U-Um… Jinguji-san.
I muster up my courage and try to approach him, but he just stares at me silently.
I can tell without him having to tell me.
His gaze clearly shows that he did not want me getting any closer or speaking to him.
Haruka: Nevermind….
I give up and back away.
I will try to talk to him another time.
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I couldn't bring myself to talk to him at another point during the day, and now, it was after school.
Haruka: Sigh… Looks like there’s no one I can talk to about this….
Ryuya: Hey, Nanami. You’re here at the right time. I thought someone might still be sticking around, and you're the right person for the job.
Do you have any plans after this? If not, I'd like you to help me... Can you transcribe this song onto some sheet music?
Select the phrase!
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Leave it to me! (+0 Love +15 Music)
Ryuya: Great. I can count on you then.
And so, while listening to the song he'd given me, I transcribe it onto sheet music.
Haruka: Let's see... This part is…
Ryuya: By the way, Nanami. Have you gotten the chance to talk to Jinguji about you studying abroad?
At the abrupt question, I pause for a moment.
Select the phrase!
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It’s been difficult talking to him about it (+20 Love +0 Music)
Ryuya: If you’re struggling to talk about it, does that mean you’re seriously considering the offer?
Haruka: …No, I’m still undecided…. I just don’t know how to bring it up to him….
I came to this academy because I want to become a composer.
I’ve been working hard to write songs for idols.
All I had to say is, "I'm going to study abroad."
Those words are the golden ticket for my dream come true.
It will come true, but....
Why does my heart hurt so much?
Ryuya: Are you having second thoughts?
Haruka: Yes. I think it’s a wonderful opportunity. I honestly am undeserving of it.
I'm also well aware that it would be rude to turn it down. But….
Ryuya: It’s Jinguji, isn’t it? You’re worried about him. Well, he is your partner, so it’s only natural to be concerned.
Haruka: …You’re right. I am helplessly captivated by Jinguji's voice and his very presence.
I can't allow this to end with that voice, that incredible presence, that brilliant aura… going to waste.
I want to write him a song that is second to none. It’s what I’ve been working so hard toward this entire time. 
My dream is no longer merely just about becoming a composer. I want to debut with Jinguji-san.
Ryuya: I see. It sounds like you're pretty devoted to Jinguji.... In that case, it would be all the more reason to go now and decline the offer to study abroad. Why are you hesitating?
Haruka: ...It's exactly because I'm so obsessive over Jinguji-san that I'm having second thoughts. I wonder if he really needs me.
I guess you could say our enthusiasm towards all this is so vastly different. Jinguji-san is not as interested in singing or being an idol as I thought he was.
I'm the only one devoted to this debut, and it's pushing me to get desperate. I see how I might actually be more of a nuisance than anything else.
Ryuya: Well, that may be true. But it’s useless mulling it over without confirming the details without confirming with the guy himself.
Haruka: I know….
What he’s saying is right.
It’d be faster to just ask, than worry about it.
Ryuya: What? Are you scared?
Haruka: ….
I suppose… I am afraid.
If he were to tell me he didn’t need me….
“I have no desire to have you by my side.”
Those words he said to me last month. Every time I remember them, it feels like my heart is being torn to pieces.
Ryuya: Looks like I’m right. Well, supposing he does say he doesn't need you as a partner, I'm sure that would sting like hell…. 
But you've known for a long while that he couldn't care less about being an Idol, haven't you? And yet, you've been working hard all this time.
Am I wrong?
Haruka: ….
He's absolutely right.
Despite Jinguji-san not showing up for practice or even letting me hear his voice, I still pushed on.
But now....
If Jinguji-san were to say he doesn't need me, I might break.
Ryuya: So why are you losing that drive now?
Haruka: ….
I think it is because I am in love with Jinguji-san.
A one-sided romance is not a violation of school rules. So it doesn't necessarily mean that I have to give up my feelings for him.
But I can't imagine I'll be able to stop loving him now, and even if we can't be together, at the very least, I don't want him to hate me.
Ryuya: Well, you’re probably going through all this trouble because you don’t understand it yourself. Sorry about that. I’m not criticizing you or anything. Don’t take it to heart.
After that, he gently pats my head.
Haruka: Sensei….
He’s worried about me….
Oh, I’m eternally grateful!
Ryuya: Anyway, no matter how scared you are, you shouldn't avoid him. Just talk to him straight.
Haruka: I will!
I’ve made up my mind that I can’t make a decision on this without telling Jinguji-san first.
I need to face him properly sooner rather than later!
I’m ready.
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The next day, I sent Jinguji-san a message.
I didn’t want anyone else to know about my studying abroad, and I figured no one would hear about it if I told him here....
But honestly, whether he would come or not was a gamble.
He still hadn't been talking to me much lately, which made it all the more uncertain....
Ren: Hey, Lady. Inviting me to a place like this is rather intense.
Jinguji-san glances around, amused.
Haruka: Jinguji-san!! I’m… glad you’re here!
Ren: It's something important, right? Ah, I also want to apologize about the other day. I took it a little too far, saying you were unneeded. I'm really sorry about that.
Haruka: No, you’re fine…. I’m the one who overstepped your boundaries….
Ren: …You kind of scared me a little. You were suddenly so straightforward and earnest….
His eyes, unlike last time, look at me kindly.
But his gaze is a bit sad.
Haruka: Jinguji-san…?
I didn't sense any of his usual enthusiasm.
Instead, he sighs and looks down.
Ren: I was just glad to hear how you felt. I appreciate your kindness. So, what can I do for you?
I wanted to talk to him about studying abroad….
Haruka: Um, before that, can I ask you something?
I want to find out if he needs me as a composer, if what I'm doing is helping him.
Ren: Go ahead.
Haruka: Jinguji-san… What am I to you… Is my music….
…wanted? I can’t bring myself to say that word.
Haruka: …. …Would you miss me a little if I were to be gone?
I realized exactly what I was muttering. 
Ah... Wait. 
Why did I ask that? I didn't mean to….
Ren: No, not at all. We don’t have that kind of relationship.
He averts his gaze and mutters back under his breath.
Whenever I try to bridge the distance, I am confronted with merciless rejection....
He will never allow me to be by his side.
How much does he need me?
What can I do?
Haruka: I see… I guess you’re right.
Ren: …Please don’t… make that face. It troubles me when you do… You look best with a smile….
His hand, which rose for a brief moment, fell back down effortlessly, and Jinguji-san looks down again.
Select the phrase!
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Jinguji-san… (+20 Love +0 Music)
I grab onto a corner of his clothes without thinking.
Ren: Lady? What’s wrong?
Haruka: Ah, I-I’m so sorry. Uh! Everything’s alright. I’m fine!
I tried my best to manage a smile, not wanting him to worry, and Jinguji-san looked a bit worried.
He then gently brings me into a hug and softly pats me twice on the back. 
Ren Jinguji: It's nice to see you smile, but not when you have to force it.
He whispers in my ear and lets go of his embrace.
A fleeting touch.
But that tenderness hurt, and it almost brought me to tears.
Haruka: It’s… about me studying abroad….
I somehow manage to get the words out.
Haruka: ...I've been recommended to study abroad in America….
"It was on your brother's recommendation."
I kept that part to myself.
I feared that if I said that, it would only serve to cause Jinguji-san even more grief.
Haruka: After studying in America, I'll be able to debut as a composer….
Jinguji-san brows shoot up slightly and he brushes his hair out of his face.
Ren: Oh, that’s great to hear. I assume it's the result of your abilities being duly judged.
Jinguji-san replies with a coy smile on his face without batting an eye.
I should be happy to hear his praise, but...
It fills my heart with loneliness.
Haruka:  …I am very grateful for the opportunity to debut, but I....
I want to work hard with Jinguji-san….
Is what I was about to say….
Ren: Go wherever you want to go, even if it’s the States. I have no right to stop you.
He interrupts me and I'm left speechless.
What Jinguji-san said is valid.
I have to make the decision because it is my life.
It's wrong to leave that choice to someone else.
There's something that still bothers me.
Select the phrase!
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I want to do debut with Jinguji-san… (+20 Love)
Haruka: If I’m to debut, I want to… I’d like to do it together with you.
Ren: Of course, as your partner, I'm delighted you feel that way. But your debut is not guaranteed if you try with me.
Now, if you study abroad, your debut will be practically confirmed at that point. Did I get it right?
Haruka: …Yes.
Ren: Say, Lady. What's your dream?
He places a hand on my shoulder and whispers in my ear.
Haruka: My dream is… to become a composer.
My voice shakes as I answer.
Then, grabbing both of my shoulders, he looks into my eyes with a serious expression.
Ren: Exactly, you’re here to become a composer. And now, they’re rolling out the red carpet for you. So why are you hesitating?
I’ve told you before, haven’t I? You’re destined for this. You should think about that.
With those words, he lets go of his grip.
Ren: Is that all you wanted to talk about? Then I’ll get going now. I have somewhere I need to be after this.
Haruka: Yes… Thank you.
So… that was it?
My absence didn't seem like a big deal to him.
Ren: Well, I’ll see you around.
Flashing his usual smile, he raises a hand and walks away.
I wish Jinguji-san would have stopped me.
It was a thought I had entertained somewhere in the back of my mind.
I was naive enough to think that I would give up the idea of studying abroad if he did so.
I had hoped Jinguji-san would make the decision for me, even though it was only for me to make.
This is my life after all.
I've relied far too much on Jinguji-san just because he was my partner.
Let's rethink this.
What is best for me and for Jinguji-san?
And above all.
What do I want to do?
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It’s been a few days since I last went over everything with Jinguji-san.
I still couldn’t decide on an answer.
I definitely think that studying abroad would be better for me in the long run.
But I don't want to leave Jinguji-san's talent untapped.
By coming to this academy and meeting him, I have found a new dream.
I want him to sing with his heart.
And I want to share that song with the world.
It's nothing more than my own selfish dream.
I'm just forcing him to become someone he's made clear he doesn't want to be....
Tokiya: So, I heard the news, Nanami-kun. It sounds like you’re going to study abroad.
In the classroom, Ichinose-san approaches while I’m lost in my thoughts.
Haruka: Ah… Yeah. I was invited to study abroad and pursue a more advanced study of music.
The truth is, I haven't formally replied yet, but for some reason, the proposal is continuing to move forward, and it's hard to say no....
But then again...
I wonder how he possibly could have heard about it, I've been trying to keep this a secret for as long as possible....
I guess I can't keep it to myself forever.
Syo: Seriously?! How come I didn’t know about this? And Ren…? What do you think?
Ren: It doesn’t matter to me… It’s her life. It's up to her what she wants to do, right? Who am I to interfere with that?
His cold words stung a bit.
Syo: Oh, come on. You’re so mean! You should be trying to stop her!
Syo-kun retorts, looking annoyed.
Tokiya: Syo…. They are entitled to think what they want. It's not something for others to meddle in.
Ichinose-san calmly reminds him.
Syo: Yeah, I guess I see your point… It’s just kind of sad. Let’s all at least throw her a huge going away party!
Haruka: Thank you.
It made me happy to know he’d miss me.
But... seeing as the offer has gone ahead and my classmates are even aware of it...
There is no turning back now.
If they took my silence for confirmation, I can't refuse them at this point.
I will soon have to part ways with Jinguji-san....
Then I have to at least finish the song before that.
This is my unrequited love.
My final selfish act.
I'll write a song for the graduation audition, hand it to Jinguji-san, and then wish him farewell with a smile.
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Then, in a matter of what seemed like seconds, things moved quickly, and it was decided I would leave the day after Christmas.
So that I could leave with no regrets.
I poured my everything into this.
All of the love I carry... every single bit of it, I put it all into this song.
I weave a melody straight from the heart.
And then, I carefully arrange the melodies one by one.
And finally....
Haruka: …It’s done.
On the day before the dance party, I finally managed to end up with something I was happy with.
I leave the day after tomorrow....
It came down to the wire, but....
Even so, I'm thankful it's done.
Haruka: I hope he listens to it….
Preferably, I want him to listen to it right now, in front of me.
He's a busy guy, so it's unlikely he'll show up on such short notice.
I really wanted him to listen, so I sent him a message.
“The song is ready. Please give it a listen. I'll be waiting for you in the recording studio.”
Haruka: …I wonder… if he’s coming….
An hour has passed since I sent the message.
I just sat in the recording studio looking out over the booth, unable to motivate myself to do anything.
Ren: Hey, Lady. I heard you finished the song?
Haruka: I did!
He really came….
What should I do? I'm over the moon.
Haruka: Um… Thank you so much!
Ren: You’re… thanking me? That should be my line. This is the song for the graduation audition, right?
Jinguji-san gives a genuine smile, looking really happy.
Up until July, he never really showed any interest in music or singing.
If anything, it almost seemed more like a chore to him than anything.
But during summer break, little by little, he started to look more interested.
Whenever I composed a new song, he would enjoy listening to it, and even sometimes share some advice on how I could improve it.
Before the school festival, he was having a lot of fun with it, and I wish we could have kept writing music together like that.
But those fun times came to an end with the school festival.
I hurt him by going too far.
I believed he hated me already.
But my songs....
He didn’t hate it.
I could tell just by looking at his eyes.
Jinguji-san still loves music even now!
Ren: You've probably been swamped preparing to study abroad. Do you mind if I take a listen?
Haruka: O-Of course! I’ll play it now!
And so, I played the newly completed song.
I wonder what he thinks....
From the start until the end, Jinguji-san listens to the song intently.
I hope he likes it.
After the song ends, he parts his lips to speak.
Ren: … I see. Not bad.
Haruka: So… d-does that mean you’ll sing it at the graduation audition?
Ren: Naturally…. I am the only person in this world who can perfectly handle performing this song.
He replies with a wink.
Haruka: Thank you!!!
He likes it….
I’m so glad….
But, in the next moment, his face clouds over.
Ren: …You’re leaving the day after tomorrow, right?
Haruka: …Yes.
We'll have to part ways in two days' time.
Thinking about it makes my heart ache.
We won't... be able to see each other anymore....
I will no longer be able to have him smile at me like this or listen to my songs.
Ren: You don’t look too excited….
Jinguji-san walks up next to me and brushes my bangs aside.
Ren: You were having doubts about studying abroad a little while ago, right? Is it because you were worried about not knowing the language? Or maybe you lack confidence in your own talent? Or perhaps....
He trails off, biting his bottom lip.
Ren: No… Nevermind. Anyway, this is a huge opportunity for you. Do your best out there. I have high hopes for you.
Using the hand that had brushed back my bangs, he lightly caresses my cheek and flashes a kind smile.
Haruka: …I will.
Jinguji-san is sincerely cheering me on.
I want to meet his expectations….
Ren: Ah, right. The dance party is tomorrow, may I escort you to the dance?
Haruka: Oh! Are… Are you sure?! I-I’m really glad… but…. Are you sure you want to go with me?
Ren: Of course, tomorrow is the end….
The end….
Those words pierce my heart.
Ringo: Ah, there you are…. Phew, I'm glad you're still here. Hurry back, everyone is waiting.
Ren: Waiting…? Didn't we already wrap up the interview a while ago? I made sure to check with the director.
Ringo: It seems there was one thing they missed, so it should only take a second. 
Ren: I see, if that’s the case, then fine. Well then, Lady, I’ll be seeing you tomorrow.
With a wink, Jinguji-san leaves the recording studio.
Ringo: Thank goodness… What a relief. Looks like everything will work out in the end. I got so worried about what I was going to do when my cell wasn't getting through.
Haruka: U-Um… About Jinguji-san’s interview….
Ringo: Oh, it's for the Jinguji conglomerate. It happens from time to time. That kid is really liked among the bigwigs because of his good looks and great way with words. 
He's often sent out whenever there's a special feature on the wealthy. He's usually really good about standing by for a while after the interview is over.... 
This time, though, he wanted to finish early for some reason.... He didn't even wait for them to check over the footage, he just asked the director if it was okay to go....
Haruka: Oh… I see….
Despite being so busy, he made sure to come….
Ringo: But I’m glad to still see your face around campus. Well, I have to go now too. I’ll catch you later, Haru-chan.
Haruka: Of course. Thank you.
What am I going to do with myself…? I'm so happy.
He came in spite of his busy schedule....
He didn't even look annoyed at me for sending a message on such short notice....
He hurried as soon as he was done to listen to my song....
Tomorrow will be the end.
I poured all of my feelings into this song.
And even now, I feel my love for him about to overflow.
I didn't want to leave, my heart felt like it was going to weep.
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And then, the next day.
Tomochika: Alright! You’re perfect. I think I did pretty good if I do say so myself.
Tomo-chan helped me dress and apply my makeup before the dance party.
Haruka: T-Thank you. I’m sorry for leaving you with all the work. You’re still not even ready.
Tomochika: Oh, I don't mind at all, I can get myself ready in 10 minutes. And besides, I actually enjoy doing makeup for others.
It's fun to be able to see things objectively and, with my own hands, watch it all come together to form something pretty.
It's practically a hobby, and I like doing it, so don't worry about it.
Haruka: …Thank you.
Tomochika: Anyway, I’m glad to hear you’re going to be studying abroad.
Haruka: …Yeah. It’s a great opportunity….
Tomochika: You don’t look too happy about it…. Well, you can do whatever you want with your life but... If it gets tough, you know I'm always here for you.
Just make sure you have no regrets!
We're friends no matter where you go. You can talk to me anytime. And... I'll make sure to keep your space here ready for you if you ever decide to come back.
Speaking, she gestures to my bed.
Haruka: …Thank you.
Ren: Lady, are you in?
Haruka: Ah, yes.
Tomochika: Looks like your partner’s here…. Perfect timing. I’ll be leaving soon too, so you go on ahead.
Haruka: …T-Thank you.
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Ren: You look absolutely beautiful in that dress. The lace stands out perfectly against your fair skin. You look like a princess straight out of a fairy tale.
Haruka: Uh… I… I don’t…. T-Thank you.
Ren: I'll be with you for the entire evening.
Haruka: Huh... With me? But, the other girls….
I thought he'd at least be dancing with the girls....
But Jinguji-san just grins and without another word, we start walking.
Isn’t the party hall over there?
Haruka: W-Wait… The party hall….
Ren: We’ll be here tonight.
Haruka: ???
And then, we arrive….
Ballroom music plays in an empty auditorium.
Haruka: There’s… no one here. I knew the party hall was in the other direction….
Ren: No, this is the right place. I don't want anyone disturbing us, at least this one last time. Come on, let's dance.
Jinguji-san takes my hand and we start dancing.
Haruka: Um, y-you know, I’m not really… good at dancing….
Ren: Then allow me just one song. Don’t worry, I’ll lead you along well.
He winks and begins to take steps forward.
He skillfully moves his arms and hips to lead the dance, not minding my clumsy gait.
Jinguji-san was so good at leading that although I was hardly moving on my own, I almost believed I was dancing magnificently.
...This is it.
This is the final night I can call myself Jinguji-san's partner.
With a heavy heart, I still found myself able to be happy dancing together with him.
When the dance ends, Jinguji-san holds my hand and escorts me to the center of the stage.
A small table and two chairs were placed there with food, cake, and wine glasses arranged on the table.
Ren: It's not much, but I prepared a cake and some drinks. No champagne, of course.
He speaks up with a soft smile.
Ren: I thought about reserving a restaurant… or something like that… but I figured you wouldn’t be too happy with that…. So….
I put it all together myself. I didn't rely on using my family's wealth, but instead, I did everything from scratch.
Haruka: Um….
Ren: It’s not really something I’m used to doing. The cake turned out looking a bit funny.
Haruka: You made all of this yourself!? That’s amazing… I don’t know what to say, that makes me so happy to hear….
What should I do?
I feel like I'm going to cry….
Everything is handmade…. I’m so overjoyed that Jinguji-san went through such lengths for me that I didn't know what to do with myself.
Ren: I had watched the chef make it and thought it would be easy for me to do myself. Well, I ended up making a mess with the whipped cream flying all over the room. 
I ended up just leaving it as it was, and I'm sure Hijirikawa will complain about it later. But, like I care.
Finishing that thought, he suddenly smiles.
Ren: Now, the taste may not wow you… but since I followed the recipe, it should still be pretty good, don’t you think?
Haruka: I don't even know how I can possibly repay you for treating me so kindly. Ah, I should have also prepared something for you.
Ren: Lady, you don't have to worry about a thing. We're celebrating you studying abroad tonight. Please, go on, have a seat.
He smoothly pulls out a chair and, with a practiced hand, helps me sit.
Haruka: Ah, s-sorry.
Ren: There’s no need to be so nervous, I want you to relax.
Haruka: Ah, a-alright. I’ll do my best!
Re Jinguji: Come on, relax, relax.
He lighty pats me on the shoulder and smiles.
As he gazes at me tenderly, I naturally begin to break out into a smile.
Ren: Yes, there we go. That smile. I hope it remains that way always. Tonight's a special occasion, after all.
A glass of a richly hued grape juice is poured and a plate of cake and chicken is served.
Haruka: I-It’s alright, I can serve myself.
Feeling grateful, every time I try to do something....
Ren: Not today… Allow me to do this for you.
Jinguji-san kindly assures me, and I end up leaving everything in his capable hands.
This is the first time in my life I've experienced something like this….
I've never had someone handle everything for me this way before.
I wonder if… this is really okay?
It feels like a scene straight out of a drama, and my heart begins to race.
Ren: Here’s to your new beginning… Cheers.
The sound of our clinking glasses resonates throughout the spacious hall.
Haruka: Thank you very much.
Ren: Now, go ahead and eat….
Haruka: Alright.
Jinguji-san watches me with a smile on his face as I bring the food to my mouth.
Haruka: Ah… It’s delicious….
Ren: That’s good to hear. I hardly ever cook, so I was a little worried how it’d turn out.
Haruka: No way, it's super tasty! I'm very grateful that you made this for me….
Ren: It's worth all the hard work to hear you say that. It's very rewarding to know when someone is happy as a result of something you created yourself. Oh, and by the way....
Jinguji-san stands and comes up behind me. 
Ren: Stay still for a moment….
He brushes my hair aside, brings his hands around my neck and places something on it.
Is this… a necklace…?
Ren: There, that’s better. You look lovely, my Lady.
He kisses the pendant at the end of the necklace and smiles.
Ren: I actually also handmade this myself. I was looking through some jewelry during the school festival and thought maybe I could do it myself instead of buying something that already existed. 
I gave it a try and it turned out to be surprisingly easy. That is the first piece I ever made... Do you like it?
Haruka: I-I do. I’ve never seen anything so wonderful!
Ren: Then, will you cherish it forever?
Haruka: Uh… W-Well….
Ren: It’s already yours. There’s no one better suited for it than you.
Haruka: Thank you so much!
Ren: You’re very welcome… Ah, look, you’ve stopped eating. Go on, your food will get cold.
Haruka: R-Right.
Every time Jinguji-san flashes me a kind smile, tears threaten to well up in my eyes.
But if I cried now, surely I….
I don't want to leave, I want to stay by your side.
I love you.
...Is what I'd like to say....
But I knew I couldn't do that.
So, I held back my tears.
Ren: …Oh, it’s gotten quite late…. There’s actually one more gift I have for you.
Haruka: Please, I’ve already received plenty. This is too much. I already don’t know what to do…. 
Just celebrating with you like this fills me with so much joy! I can't imagine anything better….
Ren: My lady…. Don’t hold back. Today, I want you to leave everything to me.
Haruka: Ah… Is that….
Ren: Yes, this is your final gift!
Jinguji-san swiftly pulls out his saxophone from under the table, hiding behind the tablecloth.
He’s going to play… for me.
…I’m so happy!
Ren: I knew it.... You love music better than any costly item. You look absolutely delighted right now.
Then, with the saxophone in his hands, Jinguji-san wears the most serene and tender smile I've ever seen.
Haruka: Ah… Yes. I love your saxophone playing, Jinguji-san, so I'm honored I get to be able to listen to it.
I really don’t know what to say. This will become a very treasured memory. Thank you so much.
Ren: Good. I dedicate this music to you!
With a determined look on his face, he breathes in, grins, and begins to play on his saxophone.
He was just as incredible the last time I heard him perform, but....
His technical skills are in a completely different league.
I always considered Jinguji-san to have a superb ear for music, and his ability to draw people in was remarkable.
While gazing at him, transfixed, our eyes suddenly locked.
Then, Jinguji-san smiles and winks at me.
He's so cool!
He now plays with an even greater range of expression, making his performance on par with that of professionals.
If music were to be compared to writing, technique would be language.
If someone with a natural talent for writing learns many words, the number of ways in which they can express themselves will increase dramatically.
Even if they want to convey something as universal as "love", the more words available to them, the more impactful their message will be....
His performance is splendidly majestic.
It is passionate, yet delicate in its delivery.
Just listening to it, my heart trembles, and tears well up in my eyes.
I was so absorbed in applauding that I forgot to wipe away the tears that were falling down my face.
As I continue to clap, Jinguji-san gives a wry smile, sets down his saxophone, and approaches me.
Ren: Was it good enough to make you cry?
He gently wipes away my tears with his fingers.
Haruka: Yes… It was… very touching…. I’m so happy….
My tears continue despite his best efforts to wipe them away.
Ren: I didn’t mean to make you cry, but if they’re tears of joy, I can live with it…. 
I guess all that practice paid off a little. Oh, and I also wrote some lyrics for your song, even though it's not quite finished yet.
Jinguji-san opens a notebook and hands it over to me.
The moment I see the words written on the page of the notebook, the melody of the song I composed comes to mind and Jinguji's voice plays in my head.
It's only an imagining, of course.... But, it's so cool, and I want to hear the song as soon as possible.
Haruka: Um… Could I… listen to you singing this?
Ren: I'm afraid I can't do that. The lyrics aren't even complete yet. I would like to work on it some more.
Besides, I need more practice. I can't let you hear it when it's still incomplete.
Saying that, he takes the notebook from my hand.
Of course. I also wouldn't want to show off a song that was unpolished….
But it’s really a shame….
Ren: You really wanted to listen, huh?
Haruka: Yes… but I’ll deal with it. Oh… the graduation audition!
I will make sure to return on the day of the graduation audition. So… please let me hear it then. Um… I’ll be looking forward to it….
I want to listen to it soon so badly.
I want to create a song with him.
But we are unable to stay together.
If I were to cancel my plans to study abroad now, it would only cause trouble for Jinguji-san's brother....
I never did end up telling him that his brother is the one who made this study abroad possible but....
Inconveniencing his brother would ultimately be the same as inconveniencing Jinguji-san....
I want to stay here.
I want to remain by his side forever.
Biting back the words that nearly slipped from my mouth, I tightly clench my fists.
Haruka: I will continue to support you no matter how far away we are from each other.
I truly believe that you will become a wonderful idol.... I'm sorry I couldn't be with you until the end. 
But with your talent, you'll be able to debut even without me around.... Ah, but wait, that's right.... 
You... don't even want to become an idol.... You never need me to begin with….
Huh? That’s strange….
I didn’t mean to say any of that….
What should I do….
I can’t control myself….
If I let myself continue like this, I might end up saying things I shouldn't….
Haruka: Uh… so that’s why… I’m sorry. I’ll be going now.
I find myself starting to run away.
His hand quickly shoots out and grabs onto my arm.
Ren: Don’t go!
Haruka: What…?
Before I can react, he pulls me into an embrace.
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Jinguji-san's fingers bury themselves in my hair as he hugs me, so tightly that it hurts.
Haruka: U-Um… I….
Ren: Today is not over yet!
Jinguji-san raises his voice. As I tremble under the fierceness in his voice, he loosens his hold and gently strokes my hair.
Ren: I give up. I wanted to see you off smoothly... but you... the look that you have on your face….
His voice quivers, hugging me tightly again.
Ren: I don’t want to let you go….
Jinguji-san mutters in a voice so small I thought I’d imagine it.
Haruka: I… don’t want to go. I want to stay by your side forever. But I'll be causing problems if I don't leave, so…
Ren: That’s not true. I need your song…. Is that selfish of me?
Haruka: That… I'm so happy to hear you say that. But….
Now that the offer has gotten this far, I feel it would be rather disruptive to turn it down now.
Besides... Jinguji-san's brother is the one who recommended that I study abroad....
Haruka: ...Your brother recommended that I study abroad. To refuse now would be…
Jinguji-san's shapely eyebrows twitch.
Ren: It was my brother…? If I had known that, I would have never supported this in the first place.... 
He must be trying to use you for something absolutely idiotic. That man wouldn't have suggested you study abroad otherwise....
He tightly bites his bottom lip.
Haruka: But… studying abroad… Jinguji-san… You said it was fine.
Ren Jinguji: I won’t let you go!
He tightens his hold on me.
Ren: This is your future we're talking about. I don't care if my brother is involved, as long as it's really for your benefit. But there's no way to be sure. Besides....
Haruka: Jinguji-san….
I murmur softly and glance up at his face.
He then places a kiss on my forehead before letting go of his embrace.
Ren: Sorry… This isn't like me. It seems I got caught up in the spirit of Christmas Eve and got a little emotional.... 
But... I still don't want to let you go. At first, I genuinely believed it would be better for you if you studied abroad. 
I thought it would help you release the music I was so captivated by out into the world as quickly as possible.... But it seems I was wrong. 
It was a new chapter in your life, but you were on the verge of tears the entire time. I can't allow a woman with such a look on her face to leave. 
You have something more important on your mind than making your debut. Tell me, what is your real dream....
My real dream….
Haruka: …I want to…. I want to make a song with you. I want to….
I want to properly get through the graduation audition. I want us to work hard together. I want to… aim for our victory….
Holding back tears, I finally confess my honest feelings.
Ren: Alright lady, I'll make sure that dream of yours comes true. I swear on this night, I will.
Haruka: T-Thank you….
Ren: I won't let you cry alone. If you're going to, do it in my arms.... Okay?
Gently, he pulls me closer to him and guides my face to rest on his chest.
Haruka: …Okay.
And so, Jinguji-san gently caresses my back until I stop crying.
He told me not to go.
He needed me.
And that made me happy….
The very thought of ever leaving him completely vanishes.
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The next day.
Haruka: Please accept my most sincere apology!!
I stand in the principal's office and bow my head.
Despite the fact I had never given them a formal reply, they had already started making arrangements for me to study abroad.
And they canceled it on the day of my departure.
I can't think of anything more tremendously inconvenient than that.
Haruka: It was very last-minute…. I caused trouble for so many people….
Ryuya: To be fair, they had already made their moves before you even had a chance to give them a proper response….
When it comes down to it, it’s better than getting on that plane only for you to have to come back later.
Shining Saotome: Hahaha!! Well, we somehow managed to salvage the situation! Shining’s political power is invincible!
Haruka: T-Thank you very much!
Shining Saotome: In return, give it your all and do your best!
Haruka: Absolutely! I will try my hardest!
Ryuya: Oh, and I'll let them know, so you don't have to worry about it.
Harukai: Hyuga-sensei… Thank you so much!!!
And so, I canceled my study abroad.
I caused trouble in many different ways, but even so, I decided to take a stand and give it my all.
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Haruka: Ah, Jinguji-san. Did you wait for me?
Ren: Well, yeah. It seems like things went well from the looks of it. Now then, shall we go? I've reserved a recording studio for us.
Haruka: Thank you!
Starting today, I’ll work hard together with Jinguji-san!
And together, we will win the graduation audition.
Without fail….
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Mini Game
Ryuya: Hey, Nanami. Sorry for calling you out here. But, here's the thing. I'd like to ask for your opinion as a composer. 
There's an unfinished set of lyrics that a student of mine wrote, and he’s still struggling with a few parts. 
When you think about putting a melody to it, as a composer, which phrases would you choose? I'd like you to choose from among these options. 
Just think of it the same way you did the previous lyric test. But since the lyrics are not yet set in stone, it's not like there is a clear-cut right answer. 
If I had to say, it would be about how well it might resonate with him… or something like that. You know what, nevermind. 
Are you ready? We’re about to start.
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The next day, I show Jinguji-san the lyrics I had written.
Ren: I knew I could create this with you. My own personal music. I'm sorry for stopping you. But I have no regrets. Let's debut together.
Haruka: Yes! I have no doubt in my mind that we will definitely debut!
I won’t be sparing any effort.
I will do whatever it takes.
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Chapter End
9 notes · View notes
justahopelessaromantic · 10 months
In your dreams, kid (Ch. 1: Welcome to...fuck, um.)
Fandom: Omori Timeline: Post Good Ending Ships: Kelhero (Hero/Kel) Link to Next Chapter List of Accompanying Playlists for this Fic Pinterest Moodboard for this Fic Summary: Under Sunny’s hypocritical, well-intentioned advice, Kel puzzled over his mental checklist as the bruised house drifted out of sight, now a grey blur. An assortment of surgery, artery-clogging snacks? Check! Mixtape Sunny made special for him, covered in little red hearts and a doodle of the two of them holding hands? Check (No, actually, he will not read into that, thank you for asking). An 8-pack of Monster so Aubrey wouldn’t fall asleep at the wheel while he drives her mad with alien conspiracies and iSpy all night? Check! (Sunny downed three, the absolute madman, before they even stepped foot in the car, but he figured it still counted) Homework? ...check. An excuse for stealing Ms. Suzuki’s car, running away with her son and "future daughter-in-law", and showing up at his incredibly busy brother’s dorm room? You know, something even remotely better than “You sounded like you were about to cry over the phone last night and you don’t cry and I’m so worried and distracted and madly in love with you, I simply had to come check on you, so...Surprise!” ...He’d check that one off sometime before they got there. Probably.
It was a dark and stormy night except it wasn’t.
...Although...no, wait...what?
That can’t be right, right?
The drizzle...You can feel it. Drumming against your head.
No. Tapping?...No, no, drumming. Like the way you drum your fingers against your desk, straining to read the standard classroom clock. You brace yourself for the thud of Aubery’s elbow jamming into your side, tender and sore from hours of dribbling. For the buzz of your bratty, grating, girlish whine against pursed lips and spit from a raspberry if she feels like stooping to his level this...cold...afternoon (You think. Or hope?...No, no, think. You never liked the rain. Too lonely).
...It’s not coming. how do you know that?
Weird. Sure, you’re...well, you’re not in a classroom, but it feels wrong, imagining a classic moment like that without its signature...feeling. That woman never passes up a socially acceptable chance to bruise you (read: your “friendly” basketball matches).
The sentiment brings unreasonable tears to your eye, washing away with the…the downpour (Yes, the purple downpour). She only shoves you out of your seat to wake you up with the shock of cold tile. You're sure it's just to embarrass you in front of Ms. Ṃ̷̨̙͕̞̫̪̻͛̾̎e̸̡͎̻̰̳̦͚͚͛̈́̏̏̂̚͝ͅd̶̡̡͎̣̤͓̰̺̦̮͈̈́̊u̷̡͙͓̝͔̥͙̻̠͒́̏ͅs̵̹̏͗a̶̖̅́̀̆́͌̀̓̓̄̍͌͛͌̚. That her rough, calloused hands are laced with anger, or frustration, or resentment, or whatever those trailing fingertips burn your skin with!
The vague, wavy...consciousness? Reverence? washing over you lets you entertain Basil’s warning. Her promise to keep you on track—the one she half-assed whispering into a crouching Hero’s ear, tugging at his sleeve—so they could compare heights and grades?
Maybe he was meant to hear it. Could it have been addressed to the both of them, tied up nicely with a smirk?
Oh! Maybe he should treat that like her bow. Yank it out of reflective neon locks and tease her about it. Use it as a scrunchie and ignore her adorable pleas for it back after practice is finally done with you. Say it looks better on you. It doesn’t.
Hero had addressed something to him, too.
...Yeah, yeah, he had.
You figure he’d rather give it to you in person, though, and suddenly, without due formal warning, you feel mortifyingly important.
Undeserved importance is hell. And rude. And unbecoming of you and all your inherited potential. You don’t remember Mari saying those last two lines, but this doesn't seem like the right time to suck at "remembering", if you can call it that.
Still, how is she doing it now? Her mouth hasn’t let go of its smile yet, even as she bends down to meet your stuttering eyes.
Can you bring yourself to laugh at the Shonen protagonist holding the an? The envelope out with rigid arms like it’s a fucking rooftop confession scene? No. Not even with him bursting into restrained giggles, like always. All you can do—all your body can do, like it's poorly pre-programmed—is kiss her aching cheeks and tears and tell her that it’ll all be alright and we’ll figure it out. Together. And you love her, you all do, and for god sakes, stay!
If not for your sake, then Sunny’s. Then Aubery’s. Then Hero’s (You have a feeling he could use someone to love up there). Then yours, if she can find room in that hideous mess while restraining her grimace.
Her taunting smile stays, positioned right where Hero’s should be. A rude, hellish compromise, unbecoming of her familiar all-or-nothing and yet just as unnerving. It glitches out of sight, tugging at the edge of the 2d plane.
The force pulls you and Hero just a bit closer. well, someone had to do it.
The darkening gradient of the sky shades everything but the letter glowing white and your light-up sneakers, taking off as if the allure of the ball hadn’t distracted you from your faint intrigue in track. You think, defiantly. (You don’t know. You can’t know in??? Here, it says.) You think it's braiding, not drumming. Something carding its dull nails through your brittle hair to yank something beautiful out of it.
You need to know if it’s him. You need to know if he sees something in that tangled, crusty mess. In you.
If he’s willing to get his hands dirty (Sunny’s words, not yours).
You run until you see white.
Kel awoke with a fright and a frightening young boy tracing his fingertips down from his scalp to his back, rubbing little circles as he nudged Kel’s face into his shoulder.
Oh. Huh.
The sun’s not supposed to be out this late.
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ase-trollplays · 11 months
"Good evening, Florah! A pleasure to see you, as always. Have you come for your weekly garden assistance?"
"Hey, Tantor. I actually took care of that last night."
"Ah, splendid. How was your night of drunken Halloween shenanigating with Uunive? I trust you both had a lovely time."
"Yeah, it was great, actually. We went to a few different bars. ... Including a karaoke bar at the end. I never sing in front of people, but she, uh. She's an awesome hype woman."
"Wonderful, wonderful! Glad to hear you had such a delightful time! I hope this can be the start of you two becoming good friends. No need to be so skittish and scared around her after such a fun bonding experience, hm?"
"Y-yeah, I guess not. Anyways, um, have you seen Helixe? I want to teach it ASL since it doesn't really talk. I brought all the books I used when I was teaching myself, and I have a bunch of videos saved on my palmhusk, so--"
"Oh, how fun! I've honestly had the same idea, and I'm something of a language buff myself, you know. I have fluency in... twenty-five, I believe? I don't keep the best track, though ASL was the second one I learned. If you like, I would be honored to help!"
"Ah, well... I-I guess that's okay."
"You don't sound like it's okay. You sound and look incredibly put off by the idea, in fact."
"N-no, it's not that. I just kinda thought..."
"By all means, if I'm stomping on your toes, let me know. Clearly you don't want me intruding."
"I... yeah, I really don't. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be rude or mean. I know you want to help, but I'm still trying to figure out a place for myself here with Tuuya's other charges and their quads and friends, you know? After that night with Uunive, I want to try spending time with everyone else instead of being a weird outsider. Helixe feels like an easy starting point, plus I kinda helped create it? So it would be fucked up to avoid spending time with it."
"Yes, yes, of course. By all means, don't let me get in the way. And let me just say that I'm so, so proud of you!"
"Proud of me?"
"Yes, of course! From the night I've met you, you've been like a frightened rabbit scurrying away at the mere idea of putting yourself out there and being perceived. I can't imagine what must have happened to you to cause such a strong trauma response to meeting people-- Or maybe it's not trauma, and you're just like that! Regardless, the fact you're forcing yourself out of your little protective bubble and allowing others to know you is something to be praised! You're doing something wonderful and amazing for yourself, and I just know that everyone else would be proud of you, too."
"I-I, uhh. I guess that makes sense. Thanks."
"You are most welcome, and I'm rooting for you to continue making progress coming out of your shell. I promise we'd all love to meet you if you give us a chance."
"Right. ... So, about Helixe?"
"Hm? Oh right!! I believe it's with Uunive at the moment, probably somewhere in those tunnels that only those two fit in. Stick around long enough, and I'm positive you'll see them."
"Okay. I'll uh, see if there's anything I can help out with until then so I'm not just waiting around like a weirdo."
"Oh hush, you're no more of a weirdo than anyone else in Tuuya's found family. You're certainly more normal than I am. You're at least a troll!"
"... You're. You're not a troll??"
"You didn't know?"
"Wha-- No! How would I??"
"... Huh. I suppose that's a good point. I don't recall telling you, and Tuuya isn't the type to casually throw around personal details about other people. Didn't you think it was weird that my blood tastes so bad?"
"Well, yeah, but I figured-- I don't know what I figured! Are you a swarm, too?"
"Oh no, not at all, but wouldn't it be fascinating if I was? Alas, I'm just an ordinary immortal shapeshifting alien."
"None of that is ordinary!"
"Not from your perspective, I'd wager. I'm guessing you have questions?"
"Yeah, a lot!"
"Well, time is a bottomless resource of mine. At least, tonight it is since I'm not needed at the sanctuary. Fire away! Let the interrogation begin!"
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doomed-era · 2 years
i feel like my names for links tend to be a bit on the weirder side and i feel like rambling (bored) so um name origins in chronological order of when i made em
jo (Alternate Triforce)— he's my first FC Link so initially I called him Link. then i felt like i was too focused on making him "linkish" and had trouble developing him. he didn't feel like his own person quite yet. at the time, ALT was a LOT different from what it is currently. at the time the plot was basically "ganon is """""""smarter""""""" so instead of going after zelda immediately he tries to kill link, unfortunately he can't and it turns into wacky hijinks where ganon is basically a cartoon character chasing link around with a mallet"
so. technically he is named after jerry from a tom and jerry short where jerry gets called "little johann"
lionel (also from ALT but you haven't seen him) — so he's like. king link. so i had to give him a fancy name that still sounded like link
bessemer(used to be from ALT, now he is not)— he didn't actually have a name until recently but he is named after a type of furnace
cal — so the people i hung out with at the time were big on naming their fan characters after flowers and like victorian flower meanings or whatever so i succumbed to peer pressure. his full name is calycanthus which is also known as carolina allspice or sweetshrub. his zelda is named after baby's breath (gypsophilia)
panka — I used to call him dundee?? as in like. crocodile dundee??? then I don't remember who found panka's actual name but i'm pretty sure the baby name site said it had something to do with mud.
felix — people call him lucky and he got buried alive
theodora — I literally don't remember why her nickname is theodora. i usually call her dora. (iirc her real name IS theodora but she goes by link. opposite of panka)
victor, lila, roui, um name i can't remember —
uggg. originally i was gonna have a sequel to ALT based on four swords. but. I scrapped it. victor is called victor cause he's a weirdo who digs up bodies lila is turkish for purple roui is french for red iirc. bam
eyegore — link raised by monsters. eyegore is a type of monster. this is also his actual name
mellifer — he's a fairy! he's named after the eurasian honeybee, apis mellifera
athos — he uses a rapier a lot so i named him after a musketeer. this is technically his last name
pavel — he's slavic and it sounds nice. my friend suggested this btw
gaffen — his name originally came from "gaffe" which means a blunder (I was originally going to name him "mistake" but that was too on the nose.) then i found out there's a word in german, "gaffen" which is I think an unconjugated verb that means "to gawk/stare/rubberneck." he tends to do a lot of rude staring, he's almost always being watched, and when he does interact with people he's incredibly awkward, so it fits
chalkane — my friend suggested this name :] iirc it's based on "chalk" and "alkane" though "chicanery" was also mentioned.
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 2 years
Henry and Monroe, some kind of au with robots/androids?
"Nope. No way. This is way above my paygrade," Monroe says firmly before Henry can even get a word in. Nick is bad enough, bringing him bots to fix in the middle of the night, but at least they're the kind Monroe actually works on. Not... This.
Henry steps through the doorway, tugging his problem behind him, without so much as an invitation. "I didn't know where else to go."
"Um, anywhere else?" Monroe runs a hand over his face. "Literally, anywhere else. I'm begging you."
The droid hums, an unintelligible but undeniably questioning tone.
Henry pauses, nodding to her-it, it's a machine, Monroe reminds himself with a huff-with a smile. "It's okay, SALL-E. Monroe can help you."
"No, he can't," Monroe chimes in, but of course no one pays him a bit of attention.
"Monroe's the best there is." Henry actually pats the android's arm. "He knows wiring inside and out."
It's a ridiculously obvious play on Monroe's ego. (How incredibly rude is it that it works?) "Fine, I'll take a look. But I'm not making any promises, okay? I work with bots, not droids, especially not MERs."
MERS, or Marine Emergency Response droids, were designed to work as well in water as out of it, and they're able to withstand incredible pressure. They're also, Monroe would like to go on record of saying, highly illegal. Something about a glitch in the programming; all Monroe knows is that all of these should have been disassembled years ago.
He approaches the MER cautiously, half-expecting her to lash out at any moment. The lenses that eerily resemble eyes open and close, which is weird, because there's no functional reason for it. "Did she just... Make herself blink?"
"Probably." Henry's voice has gone a bit sheepish (now he's sheepish?). "I showed her a bunch of cat videos, and now she thinks that's the best way to say she trusts you."
"See, I've got a lot of problems with that sentence, starting with the part where you said she thinks. But, uh... What seems to be the problem?"
"She's been glitching."
He arches a brow. "She's a MER. They do that."
Huffing, Henry shakes his head. "Not-not that kind of glitch. Something new. She keeps losing files, and stopping what she's doing in the middle of programs." Burying his face in his hands, he continues. "I've tried everything I can think of, even a reboot, but... I've got nothing."
Losing files? That's actually something Monroe might be able to help with. He closes the gap between himself and the MER, brushing her artificial hair back so he can see the back of her neck. Sure enough, there's an access panel there, and he pulls a screwdriver from his pocket, starting to turn the first screw.
A piercing noise erupts from the droid, a scramble of electronic noise and squealing that fills the air. The screwdriver slips from Monroe's fingers as he hurries to cover his ears. Immediately, the sound stops.
"Wh-what on earth was that?"
Henry's looking up again, a grim expression on his face. "She was screaming." He pulls something small from his pocket, passing it to Monroe. "There's a USB port on the side of her neck. Put this in it."
Screaming? Monroe complies, and the drive slides in easily. The droid chirps once, sounding almost content, and Henry exhales.
Slowly, carefully, Monroe speaks. "So, when you say she was screaming..."
"You hurt her." Henry gestures to the screwdriver. "She'll be fine now if you want to take a look. The drive will disrupt her pain receptors, so she'll be fine for awhile. It's like a local, but for MERs."
The words rattle around in Monroe's head, not quite landing. "Okay, so why don't you have this in her all the time?"
"It only lasts around thirty minutes. Besides, SALL-E wouldn't want me to; she likes being able to feel things."
What he's saying is... Impossible. It has to be. (If it isn't, it would change everything.) "Listen, Henry, I get it, okay? I work with bots all day long; I know how easy it can be to convince yourself that the machines have feelings, and mine don't even have faces. But SALL-E is a droid; she doesn't want or like anything."
"She shouldn't." Henry shrugs. "That's why they call it a glitch."
The implications take just a few seconds. When they do, horror dawns. All of those droids were destroyed for-for what? Feeling things? They shouldn't be able to do that, sure, but that's the programmer's fault, not theirs. They could have been reprogrammed. As it is.... Were they killed? Officially it's impossible for a droid to be killed, seeing as they aren't alive. But-but-
But officially, droids don't scream, either.
"Okay. Okay, you said-you said thirty minutes, right?"
"Twenty-eight, now."
"Well, then." He inhales and exhales firmly, steadying himself as best he can. "I'd better get to work."
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mistwraiths · 2 years
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3 stars
I feel like I read a different book than everyone else. There are so many glowing reviews about this book, which is fine, I'm glad people are enjoying it because this book did not hit any marks for me. I'm just surprised because this honestly felt like a step down from her first series, All The Stars and Teeth. I read AtSaT and while I labeled it generic, it was very vividly descriptive and the pacing was good. While I didn't care enough to read its sequel, I looked forward to Belladonna because growth of writing, a character who sees spirits and Death itself, and a murder mystery.
Needless to say, I'm kind of disappointed.
The book starts off pretty well and I liked it up until Signa gets picked up to go to Thorn Grove manor. After that, it gets pretty boring and the pacing drags a lot. It yo-yos between Signa thirsting for every available man in her vicinity except those she's related to, trying to piece together a whodunit/who is still poisoning Blythe, her social debut and trying to be a lady, and Death and her apparent powers. It would be FINE if we could actually focus on bits for longer sections than a chapter here or there. Don't worry, Signa's thirsting takes the majority role.
The story is also entirely boring because it's incredibly easy to figure out several plot twists, within the first 15% of the book. I picked two suspects on the whodunit and I guessed correctly on the individual involved. There's no tension or worrying because by the time it starts getting serious you've either figured it out, and Signa's got the trump card of Death literally doing anything she asks including saving someone from dying.
There were also parts of the book that just felt... that just felt like I was being treated like I'm stupid? I don't know how else to explain it. When someone asks if Signa had been shown about the tunnels and like, she got there yesterday late in the day at a party who would have shown her?? When Signa was like "who could be up in the living quarters when there's a party around??" when she knows damn well there's a sick cousin. When she asks to find the grave of Lillian to Sylas.... after she was in the garden where the grave of Lillian was, and it's stated where she's buried plainly, and that's when they decide to solve Lillian's murder. There's other parts like that, and I don't know how to describe it but it's just like when you want to bash your head against something.
I didn't like Signa. I found her mostly annoying but I think that was just myself annoyed for a whole day. I do think she had way too many eye rolls for a MC for me to like her any. But mostly, I didn't like any of the characters. I found them mostly to be rude half the time. The only character I started to like was Blythe because she was really going through it. Charlotte was like the only nice character at all times but she was so bland at the same time.
How did Signa get her powers? How did she become something that doesn't die? We aren't told and that isn't even something that really gets touched on. These powers that she has? She has these "lessons" with Death to teach her and like... they don't actually DO anything???? The first lesson he literally just helps her get to her room and let her feel the power she's capable of. The second lesson is like Death touching her and making out???? Near the end, she eats a bunch of poisonous berries to get her close to the Veil and then she suddenly can use these powers that we do not get to see her practice on.
Let's talk about the biggest problem though. Death. Death and Signa. This is clearly supposed to be a romance between them two, an enemies to lovers but they were really never enemies she just hated him. But Death was obsessed with her since she was a BABY at two months old. 😭 He pretty much stalked her/watched her her whole life. Like um???? Also, it just FEELS like grooming in some parts. There's just some stuff he says that sounds so much like grooming that it ICKS me out.
Also, Death is very much "you can't play God, you can't decide who lives or dies" but he hints at doing the most to get her away from people AND he literally kills someone else to save someone from dying because Signa wants that. And also kills for her. Anyway, when Signa does that choice, Death eventually tells her he chose some 80 year old man instead who would have lived to 90 but he would have ached. Like UGH, give us actual damn consequences? She should have had to take the life maybe. It should have been someone young or someone she knew to know that that choice shouldn't be EASY. Also, she let's Death kill Percy to give Blythe his time, which okay I'm fine but like... doesn't that go against what Death has been preaching?
The ending goes on for too long. I get that she kind of wants to let you know there's another book. After we get the explanations of the murders and why people are acting certain ways and doing certain hurtful things and why SPOILER (men) will do the absolute bonkers shit/treat people terribly instead of talking normally about emotions lol which is the most accurate thing about this.
Again, the book isn't bad, per se but it isn't for me.
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i wish my subconscious was a sentient separate part of myself so i could ask it questions mainly WHAT and more importantly WHY THE FUCK did it make me dream that
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