#no this is not a sfw poll lmao
yllcm · 1 year
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elyuzts-echo · 9 months
Zenyatta tword hcs!! - Overwatch 1/2
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From the poll I made a few days ago.. which was now weeks ago.. It has finally came!! The Zenyatta tickle headcanonss!!! (holy shit i forgot about this MBBB :[)
@d1strxct tagging u here cause thats what you get for following me back /pos
hcs under cut, and enjoy!
First off,, I'll just say that omnics can feel tickly sensations alr like they deserve love too lmao /hc /j
Anywayzz... Zenyatta would be a lee-leaning switch.
With him having a brother-like figure, (Ramattra), he can't help but feel a soft spot for him,, and just.. Feel like hes in a lee mood when he's with him sometimes. *Sometimes.*
To be honest, he gives off vibes of a playful yet calm lee vibes, if you get what I mean.
Like he won't resist, but sometimes he can playfully "attempt" to defend his ticklish spots,, depends on what mood he is. He usually shows the 2nd side to Ramattra and anyone else hes close with.
With being an omnic though, don't go too rough, maybe some light jabs here and there will get him squealing as if someone blew a raspberry on him.
Ticklish ribs.. Ticklish ribsss!!!
And ticklish sides!
Those 2 spots can get this omnic to be a squealing mess!! <3
Slightly carresing them can also make him flinch,,
Ok ok, but let's be serious.. This man could and could not squirm if he wanted to.
If he resists, he's able to stay still.. If he feels like he wants it, he'll give his ler a reaction of a flinch or a quick squeal, just to let them know it's ok to proceed on.
He denies his ticklish-ness, but obviously Ramattra can tell a.. Different story. (Zenyatta is ticklish.)
"Ah, Zenyatta... Yes, yes he's ticklish." - R
"...Let us pretend that he has never said a word..." - Z
He has an on and off switch for when he wants to be ticklish, ong. (can heavily relate what)
Him? It also depends on mood.
He *could* ler someone, but sometimes he choses not to.
Just for no significant reason, just for no reason to be honest.
Though he can tickle someone.
Zenyatta is a playful yet calm ler. Like he is when he's a lee.
He doesn't "tease", but instead compliments his lee, which he says in a teasy tone.
"Your laughter is enjoyable to listen to. Why not laugh more?"
"Your smile is wonderful. I wish to see it more."
He giggles sometimes with his lee, and it's SO ADORABLE LIKE WHAT
He somehow knows the right spots on how to take his lee down, and it's cute, yet terrifying.
Zenyatta is in the middle pace when it comes to tickling.. But Ramattra however? Oh boy..
If he ever finds his brother vunerable for 1 second, he would tickle him endlessly. (Of course, Ramattra retaliates.)
Usually tickles Genji and Ramattra, when the situation is appropriate for it.
guys shush i know Genji is a cyborg BUT DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CARE HES STILL TICKLI-- /pos
--- End!
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zomboney · 1 year
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fr-wiwiw · 1 month
I made a poll on twitter on which Gahan fanarts I should done first between sfw & nsfw. It ended up with 50/50 results lmao
So here's the sfw done first <3 Zoom in for their small details! You won't regret it hehe.. sketches context are down below the image
I'll be sketching the nsfw later, I have commission progress to do
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black colored sketches:
top left - yohan smooching gaon's cheek based on a black & white dove pic from oomf twitter post
top middle - yohan is pissed that someone (you) is stalking & taking pictures of them on their date, gaon is oblivious and wondering why yohan looks annoyed at the fishes. yohan is thinking how to dispose you without gaon noticing
top right - gahan talking about their likings in sex after post coital session. gaon likes when yohan ties his wrists. yohan likes/ doesn't mind gaon's nails scratching deep on his back or shoulder. there's also finger marks on gaon's thighs with how hard yohan was handling him. their toes touching and wiggling, can't get enough of skin contact. they're both clingy for each other
pink colored sketch:
gahan is taking a stroll when gaon notices something & pulls yohan's sweater for attention
orange colored sketch:
yohan leans his head on gaon's shoulder to take a nap after gaon bought a cup hot drink. gaon is surprised bcs yohan rarely leans on him physically in general
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marsoid · 7 months
To whom it may concern:
I did a patreon poll for this month’s n/sfw drawing and Iggy/curt won so i am FINALLY going to draw more Iggy lmao
Except I’m redesigning him and making him an anthro dinosaur instead of an iguana i think?? Because I’ve always wanted some dino OCs so I might as well!!! Gonna change their whole story bc i just don’t like anything about it anymore! I think i want to make some mini comics of Iggy and Curt, but they’ll be largely patreon exclusive and 18+ restricted… so yeah if that’s something that interests you. Patreon.com/marsoid HAHA
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decepti-thots · 6 months
for so long I have felt like a weirdo for thinking that the jro pregnancy stuff is deeply unhorny. but I am going to say it now: it's only horny in the way that the alien franchise is horny: there are definitely people who are horny about it, but it's primarily about the non-sexy aspects of pregnancy. i get that it's a funny joke but a non-insignificant people genuinely act like it's "the writer's barely disguised fetish". birth is weird and scary and fascinating, even more so in robots. im probably more defensive about this than I should be but it's kind of upsetting to me that this is where the discussion always ends
I'll put this under a cut so as not to spam anyone's dash bc yeah I went off on this ask haha (positive).
I actually felt so insane about this very topic I ran a damn poll on my NSFW sideblog and the thing is: the majority of folks voting agreed no, it's not inherently, textually horny. (I would know; I know horny when I see it, ffs!) Which vindicated me! Because I agree it's so ridiculous a thing to unironically, sincerely insist is super horny, given the text, lmao.
Like, it's extremely obsessed with pregnancy, but this is not the same as 'a fetish', and tbqh I think the 'fetish' joke just shields any actually interesting discussion of what it's doing. I think the Alien comparison here is actually really telling; it's absolutely a visceral thing, a thing concerned with the body and how it functions, sometimes against our will. And it's not unconnected to sexuality or eroticism in how those things are discussed more broadly, in the sense it's talking about a thing that intersects with those elements in the abstract, but it's not. Like. It's not a "fetish" thing, and if the characters it involved weren't referred to as 'he' in text I think less people would be calling it that, and actually it kinda sucks that every time I bring it up I have to block people who see 'pregnancy mentioned' on my completely sfw posts as an excuse to go off on their personal fetishes in detail, or their desire to speculate on the imagined fetishes of the writer in equally graphic detail. (BTW, it's genuinely uncomfortable seeing people obsessively speculate on the imagined fetishes of a creator, I think. We should all do that a little less in public.)
I mean not to be a total killjoy or anything but like... treating pregnancy in itself, even in the most abstract way, as inherently fetishistic and inappropriate (the people reblogging my innocuous posts about pregnancy metaphors with fucking trigger warnings! 'mpreg trigger warning' being a normalized way to tag pictures that are just Trans Dude Who Is Pregnant!) is uh. I mean we live in a world where pregnant people are often massively marginalized by society period, and seen as somehow inappropriate for public life, and especially anyone who is remotely GNC. Like the idea that something is inherently obscene about a pregnant person is, shall we say, not apolitical. It is in fact a thing that people actually have to fight against in real life. I mean. Fandom doing this to a text that in fact is most notable for treating pregnancy weirdly neutrally in these terms is... frustrating! I think we all lose out when we refuse to engage with weird, funny texts that have things to say about these topics that fall outside our expected frameworks, like, say, 'this is A Fetish TM'. That's limiting! If we want to talk about what IDW1 phase two does with gender, we cannot do that properly if every time we talk about MTMTE we get weird about it doing sexless genderfree pregnancy metaphors, and instead make them funny mpreg jokes, tbh! IDK! Seems counter intuitive! And I genuinely think MTMTE/LL's bizarre approach to the thing is so interesting precisely because it's so odd and offputting. What if we actually examined it. I think we can find some good stuff in there, frankly.
And truly the especially frustrating thing is that the comic itself, for all it is objectively weird and hilarious and 'why the fuck is this even HERE' about it... is just never that. Like. I posted those excerpts because it IS weird and it IS wild and it IS quite funny in its way! It's alien robot body horror in a kids' cartoon franchise turned to an unexpected end! But you know what it actually manages, somehow, to never be? One: weird and misogynist about pregnancy. Two: weird and transphobic about it involving vaguely, ostensibly 'male' characters. Make all the mpreg jokes you want I guess, but MTMTE is many bizarre things but it never gives one single shit about the gender binary, and tbh I think it's genuinely kind of embarrassing the fandom saw a comic that did insane robot body horror pregnancy shit and was like. Okay well. But the mpreg tho.
Like. I've joked for years that I want to do a transmasc read of the pregnancy stuff Roberts did in TF seriously, same as I think a transmasc read of how Alien presents fears around "male pregnancy" in a trans context would be great. And for all my jokes, I genuinely would, actually. I think it's legit very interesting how Roberts manages to divorce the presentation of horror of pregnancy from gender in a way that mitigates the gendered subtext somewhat and gets at the loss of autonomy in a broader sense.
anyway it truly sucks that fandom is so fucking shitty about this. to give a little extra context, i talk about a particular transmasc humanformer AU sometimes that involves pregnancy and. i have had to Delete Some Fucking Asks about that thing, which. well that happens in normal regular real life and people talk about it like a fanfic trope (derogatory). so. i am a little sensitive to people getting Like This about the topic, aha.
sorry i went off on one anon, can you tell. i also find this frustrating. i relate. i am totally with you. god it would be so much less interesting to read it as horny so like, why is this the ONLY MODE we seem to have tbh
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
⚠️ CLOSED ⚠️
Wowie !!!!! 😳😭🥰 Disclaimer: I don’t have 20k followers 😂, but I stylized my first MILESTONE event—500—as “5.0″, aaand now I’m in too deep to edit everything tagged “MILESTONE #.0″. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤪
I prob don’t have to explain that for every milestone event, but oh well. 😆
Welcome to my fourth ever milestone event !! 🥳 A huge thanks to everyone who voted here to determine the event (NSFW Alphabets), as well as to everyone who voted here to determine the characters (top 5 + a lucky 6th, bc there was a tie for 5th 🤭).
UPDATE 11 MAR 2024: I've decided to publish Sanemi's NSFW Alphabet as currently is, and am done w/ this event. I apologize to everyone who voted for + looked forward to Kyojuro's NSFW Alphabet.
Event schedule & a surprise bonus below... 👀
Event Schedule
tied for 5th place — Tanjirou & Tengen
in 4th place — Gyomei
in 3rd place — Giyuu
in 2nd place — Sanemi (incomplete)
in 1st place — Kyojuro
Surprise Bonus
As this poll progressed, it became apparent that NSFW content was going to win. However, mood boards/texts fanfics are ~low effort (comparatively) for me to create, so I considered hosting a dual-themed event for ppl who voted for a mood board/texts fanfic option...
Another major reason I considered a dual-themed event is bc 2k felt like a huge milestone, so I figured — why not celebrately hugely ?! 🤭😍
The caveat? Only ppl who originally voted for a mood board/texts fanfic option would be able to request them. Why? Most ppl voted for NSFW content (NSFW Alphabets or Threesomes), so most ppl were guaranteed either what they wanted, or close to what they wanted. I asked for opinions—I didn’t want anyone to feel that this was unfair of me to spontaneously offer—but I received precisely 1 response 😅 (in support of hosting a dual-themed event).
Therefore... I’m going to go ahead and declare this a dual-themed event !! 
Mood Boards/Texts Fanfics
If you voted for options 1-4 in this poll, then feel free to participate! From now until I finish all the NSFW Alphabets, send me a screenshot of your vote + additional info listed below.
Match Ups: personalized mood board » milestone 20.0, match ups, mood board, platonic or romantic + tell me about yourself — the more you tell me (obvi only stuff you’re comfortable sharing), the better I’ll be able to match you up 
Match Ups: personalized texts fanfic » milestone 20.0, match ups, texts fanfic, platonic or romantic + tell me about yourself — the more you tell me (obvi only stuff you’re comfortable sharing), the better I’ll be able to match you up
Pick a Character: personalized mood board » milestone 20.0, your-character-of-choice (from Demon Slayer), mood board, platonic or romantic
Pick a Character: personalized texts fanfic » milestone 20.0, your-character-of-choice (from Demon Slayer), texts fanfic, platonic or romantic
For example, if I voted for option 3, then I’d send an Ask like: “Hi! *insert screenshot of my vote here* For your MILESTONE 20.0 event, could I have a romantic mood board of me & Sanemi?”
If you don’t include a screenshot of your vote w/ your Ask, then I’ll delete it. To be fair to NSFW voters, mood boards/texts fanfics will be sfw.
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To conclude...
I’m actually at a loss for words? 😭 I’m well aware follower count isn’t ~a thing on Tumblr 🤠 (which I’m grateful for lmao), but I also appreciate milestones, bc they provide an opportunity for me to tackle larger creative endeavors (aka events), and specifically give back to everyone supporting me & my writing. Thank you for sharing your laughs and pains w/ me, heartaches and warmth, frustrations and successes. I’m rooting for all of you, and am so excited for what’s to come. 💞
All my love,
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bylerfields · 2 months
maybe it's space curating bc i definitely see the mike side as the higher volume/frequency, i mean most times theres discourse it's bc someone poking at the will preference. like with the polls anons this week that only happened bc an anon said bratty btm mike was obvious and "at most" btm leaning switch, but stating it as fact not opinion. all preferences are opinion for the reasons you said, we only see them until 14 and havent seen their sex life. usually anything else said is just response to the first rudeness, or thats what i see. theres an acc on here who used to comment on btm will fics calling for btm mike instead which i think is very rude for fandom. theres accs on here blatantly posting on the public dash how people who don't prefer subby btm mike are crazy and even not as smart for not seeing it. how is that not rude? then the multiple times spicy polls anons have been rude instead of just sending asks about their preference for mike and making the experience better for themselves. did you see the polls anon that said something and added "anyway btm mike >>>" months ago? i dont think i've seen that from a btm will? i tried really hard to think if i had! but it's those kinds of behavior we dont need amongst us bc no one is better. i follow lots of spicy bylers and havent seen that from btm will or switch bylers, they just post about their preference. i've made moots with people who came from twitter who said it would happen there too, they'd respond to rudeness for not "getting" sub mike and suddenly are the bad guys. so they got tired by the behavior and stopped being active. maybe your dash is more peaceful but i dont see will sides of things saying things until prompted. or with every right to offer an opinion to what was said bc this is a public space. i'm surprised you've seen more for the opposing side? tbh you will have people who are extra who are rude in every side of a ship preference but the 'frequency' to me has been the mike side. i was annoyed when i saw the bratty anon on spicy polls bc i knew it was going to start more annoying discourse that means nothing. how are they shocked people don't share the same preference? thats normal in fandom. you'd have to be new to fandoms to be shocked
anon I unfortunately think this is just a case of you not seeing the rudeness on the other side because you agree with the stance. especially with the sentiment of people not being as smart for not seeing it - that’s like, a pretty pervasive topic in the sfw side of our fandom as far as will goes.
the ao3 comment thing is obviously rude so i’m with you on that.
it could definitely be that i just don’t follow or see posts like that, though i do follow some really kind people with bottom mike prefs. i’ll take your word for it, but i guess i’d say that even the “anyway bottom mike >” posts come across as tongue in cheek, and again, isn’t it okay to share preferences? it’s a little brash, sure, but it shouldn’t be shocking for people to want to express these prefs in the tag, like you said.
i’m saying all this with a pretty clear preference for bottom will, too, so it’s always a little surprising to me that others don’t see it because it’s not like i’m biased. but it’s just always felt obvious to me that bottom mike fans are the minority in the fandom - think about the reason you haven’t seen any of the asks of similar nature for bottom will in spicybylerpolls. there’s no need for it lmao - and it just takes one annoying comment, likely from an anon or someone not active in the fandom (that the op probably made without even thinking) to get 10 people to come to it’s defense with think pieces galore about the canon validity. sure, they have every right to comment on what was said but there shouldn’t be such a big need for defense, i guess?
have you thought about the possibility that theyre likely just experiencing fandom a little differently than you and (other than the ao3 comment thing) are not intending to invalidate you or be rude to you?
even with the recent anon sharing how surprised they were to find that more people didn’t see mike as a bottom, i get how it could come across as invalidating if they weren’t coming from a place of clearly knowing theyre in the minority of opinions. imagine someone saying that around the dinner table with friends. its funny, its a differing take, sure its a little over confident but it’s not rude to anyone - even with an opposing outlook myself i think it sparks fun conversation when someone else is shocked theyre the odd one out. i’m more curious than offended. i may be naive and giving them the benefit of the doubt, but this is often the tone i perceive when i see pro bottom mike posts. i think they’re pretty aware of what the common opinion is.
this is similar to how i feel when i see “where are the bottom mike fics/poll questions/etc? i’m tired of bottom will” again, same situation, if a friend said this in a group of bottom will fans, it doesn’t come across to me as being actually upset and wanting to silence us, it’s just: silly. there’s that surprise of “am i really the only one who didn’t go crazy over [insert xyz thing that mike did in the show], where are my people?” and i think they’re entitled to do so. just as people with our preference are over things we saw in the show. bottom will fans already have their people, it was the default when the polls started. i guess thats all i’m saying.
from my now 1.5 years on the nsfw side, it seems like there’s always going to be an assumption from someone that people sharing opinions about a more subby mike are being spiteful, rude, or trying to be divisive.
you say no one is better, but seem to have a very low tolerance for posts about bottom mike. having the preference is okay, but only if they come with the perfect angelic attitude about it. i’d say we don’t hold the same standard for bottom will posters - and it makes sense that you’re not gonna perceive a (pretty consistent) negative, superior attitude if you’re nodding along to the sentiment.
thank you for the context!!!
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waywardstation · 1 year
Lol I'm doing an interactive choose your own adventure on my blog. It's surprising how many people have told Warden Ingo that he is smelly and to go away. Lmao.
-- Warden Anon
In regards to this ask
WHAT how can people tell him that ;( he deserves a complement!
FOR ANYONE INTERESTED here is the poll warden anon is talking about, it's an interactive date story (the interactive story will remain SFW).
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ufolvr · 8 months
Hm. I've had this blog for a long long time so I'm wondering,
I've been wanting to post more not sfw talk about certain character relationships where that part is essential for how they develop, but I'm still wondering if I have any kids actively following me still. If this poll indicates a majority of adults like I'm Expecting it to I might get a bit more suggestive in my posts lmao
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it’s day 5 of @johann-appreciation-week!
now look. I’m not gonna post todays fic directly on Tumblr today. bc I’m sorry to the mod at johann week and his friend who came up with the prompts but I simply Could Not be trusted in making todays fic be sfw, especially after that one poll I did weeks ago where working on johann week fics and writing johavi porn tied LMAO.
so yeah. it’s porn. and you can read it on ao3 <3
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verslxt · 1 year
the suna fic is almost done i swear
i’m sorry. this goes off the last poll i did btwww
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kicksnscribs · 1 year
I am not kidding if ingo wins over jack skellington i WILL draw a fullbody picture of him (nsfw or sfw idgaf) and will continue to do so for every poll he wins afterwards lmao
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trashyswitch · 11 months
Adding my 2 cents into your YouTuber poll
I think it also depends on the YouTuber.
Obviously if they've expressed discomfort around fanfiction/fanart in the past then it's a hard no.
But I also think it depends on what sort of YouTuber they are. Every YouTuber has to put on some level of persona in front of the camera (whether consciously or subconsciously), and I think that plays a big part in the whole debate.
In a way people are writing about the persona they see rather than the real person behind the screen, but in other cases they're too similar to really make a distinction.
I voted no purely because I would never write for irl people BUT I think it's a lot more complex than black or white, yes or no, or n$fw/sfw.
Sorry to drop a whole essay in your ask box lmao enjoy your day 😊😊
I completely agree. And I knew that going into this poll, it would not be a black or white answer. If they have expressed discomfort around certain fanfictions, then we have to respect that boundary. For example, Jack and Mark with the Septiplier stuff. It was rampant, and went way too far. And…Sean doesn’t want anything else like that being made. And I 100% respect that. I cringe too at how far it went, and I still express hatred about how much that strained their friendship over the years. It was bad enough for me, but I can’t imagine how painful it was for them…
And you have a good point when it comes to personas too. Some people have personas they show off online and turn off once the camera’s off, while others’ have grown to enjoy being themselves regardless of camera involvement. People are most likely writing about the persona that person puts on, rather than the person behind the scenes. So this has to be put into account too.
The truth is…I have written for YouTubers before. I have a few fanfics up about different YouTubers in my masterpost. But…just because it was okay a month or a year ago, doesn’t mean it’s still okay now…which is why I wrote this poll: for the future.
And don’t worry about ‘dropping me an essay’. I rather love reading and seeing people’s opinions! And while the poll looks very black and white upon first glance…I personally know that the subject is far from black and white. And I will take all these angles into account when looking into considering writing more YouTubers’ fanfictions.
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katrinawritesthings · 2 years
Hey also!!
yes hello it’s me finally remembering to promote my patreon here on tungle dot net!! i post on the last day of every month and i am also!! making a change to one of my tiers!! 
💙 for $2 a month!! this is the one i'm changing lol. originally it was when i had a schedule and was posting four fics every month and on patreon i would post a couple of paragraphs from each one but you just got to see them early which. honestly. was not really worth the $2 lmfao. but then my arms stopped working and i couldn't post as often so i changed it to each month i would post a big excerpt of old wips that i know i'm never going to finish or write more for. things like not royal au and therapy au and tentacle au and piercings au and body swap au and demon au. very interesting if you do not mind getting cockblocked by knowing there's never going to be more of them lol
but my chronic pain has sucked so bad for so long that i literally ran out of shit to post lmfao so
for $2 a month!! new and improved!! i will be posting two polls every month : ) one will be for you to choose which two fics i take from my googledoc and get all set up into a draft post
and the second will be for you to choose which 1 or 2 fics i will post that month!! 1 or 2 depending on whether or not i have any requests done at the time because i always like to post those as soon as possible. more likely than not it's going to be two
i do have like. a lot of fics in my docs and in my drafts and i'm not going to make a poll with like 20 options every month lmfao but there will still be good and varied choices. You can choose multiple options and the top two will be the winners and i'm thinking i'll leave each poll open until it's time to post the first thing of the month
The first poll will open on September 30th and will be to choose what gets posted in October :-)
💙 for $3 a month you get the polls and wips of everything i've worked on that month. not really much to explain for this one lmao i just take between like 3-8 paragraphs of whatever things i've written that month and edit them and post them. usually it's like 4 or 5 different fics?? sometimes i go absolutely buckwild and write more
💙 for $4 a month you get the polls and the wips and also sfw and nsfw aus like you know. au where they're mermaids or whatever. but more elaborate lmfao. i write at 10-point font and for the sfw things i usually aim for 3 pages and for the nsfw things 2 pages. and sometimes i get really invested in one au in particular so i usually split those into parts and add them onto the normal amount 
a lot of them are completely new stuff that i haven't written and sometimes i turn them into actual fics that get posted here eventually. there are some definite bangers like single dads au and mafia au and fallen angel au and final fantasy 10 au. others are like extra things that i've thought about for fics i've already posted like fairy pet au and biker au. currently i'm working on multiple parts for final fantasy xiii au and taekey we got married au. very fun
💙 the reason i started my patreon in the first place was so i could save up monie to go to brain therapy and then physical therapy and so far it has paid for that and i have been able to save up for future appointments whenever the plague ends and because of that i've been able to keep writing fics for fun and me time without getting turbo anxious about it so even if you just show up for one month and speedread four years all at once and then dip i will still appreciate you giving me your monie : )
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spinnysocks · 12 days
Welcome to my Den! 🐾
*remakes pinned for the millionth time :3*
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By: @/feathers-fins-and-fangs, @/batsbolts-andboards, @/phantompawz, @/timberbark, @/mollytoons, @/sweetpeauserboxes, @/lookineedsleep
Last updated: 10/06 🌙
Pronouns Page | Boundaries | DNI in bio
Rb'ing for Palestine: @iftheresanythingleft | Moodboard request blog: @poetryforcoyotes
Some stuff about the blogger!
My name's Spinny! You can also call me Spin, Rico or Kib if you'd like. This is my Main Blog! :)
My favoured pronouns shift; in (bold) are my favoured atm! - he/him 🌿 it/its 🌿 they/them 🌿 xe/xim 🌿 ze/zim 🌿 sol/sols 🌿 star/stars 🌿 void/voids 🌿 myth/myths 🌿 coy/coyote 🌿 fox/foxs 🌿 raptor/raptors 🌿 indo/indos 🌿 faun/fauns 🌿 snow/snows 🌿 frost/frosts
I prefer interchangeable use of those above, but generally answer to he/it and any of my neopronouns <3
Very queer!! I'm nonbinary, genderqueer, xenofluid, aroace and a fuck ton of other labels that I hoard at @foxsocksvoid :)
I'm an alterhuman! My polymorph ‘type originates from maladaptive daydreaming and neurodivergence among other things. Planning to make a post going into my identity more!
I am neurodivergent (suspected AuDHD), suspected OCD and a maladaptive daydreamer with some other coping mechanism disorders. As a result, I find interacting etc hard so please bare with me. I'd appreciate tone tags for instance, more in my boundaries ^^
I am a gemini, my birthday is June 6th and I am pagan! I am just a creature guy who loves movies and is going into animal conservation :D
Self-proclaimed Warrior Cats veteran (god I'm old...) and the #1 Whitestorm fan, but relatively new in the Lion Guard fanbase! Great to be here c:
Blog Information!
I am an adult but my blog is SFW with strictly NO NSFW. Though I do swear.
Except for this post, I type almost entirely in lowercase!
Please tag me if responding to a comment/any mention, otherwise I don't see it! :c
I repost stimboards which may have auto-playing gifs and art that may contain minor blood or animal death (warrior cats or other art)! I tag these under #tw blood, #tw gore, #tw death, #tw cat death and #tw implied death. I do not tag auto-playing gifs.
IF something ever happens to Tumblr, I'm “spinnysocks” or “ricoofdoom” on everything. I'd probably migrate to discord as well as pillowfort or cohost but Tumblr is my everything so hopefully not!!
This post will likely be updated on a near-daily basis due to pronouns shifting and general forgetfulness.
Other info can be found on my boundaries post / just ask! ^^
Send me asks!!! (/nf) They are always open and I love getting any asks or mentions about anything at all! Send me or tag me as much as you'd like <3
I have character opinion bingo asks that are always open too! Check out the tag for who I've been asked about already ^^
I'm also completely happy to participate in tag games of any kind! They're so fun!!
Current fixations: Warrior Cats, Clangen, The Lion Guard, Ice Age!
Other fandoms: Madagascar, Watership Down, Night At The Museum, Guardians of the Galaxy, Space Jam/The Looney Tunes, Ice Age, Back To The Outback, Leo, Kung Fu Panda, Sonic, Shakespeare and Dead Poets Society. Mada and Ice Age are my oldest and I'm very fond of them c:
Games I like: RDR2, WolfQuest, Endling, Stray, Shelter Generations, The Isle, Path of Titans, Planet Zoo, Minecraft, Roblox, Rain World and Lioden. I own RDR2, WQ, Endling, PZ, Minecraft, Roblox and Lioden while the others are interests (aka my pc is shit and/or I can't afford them LMAO)
General: movies, cinema, writing, drawing, more to add
Basically, I love creatures, fantasy and animated movies! Please talk to me about any of the above interests if you'd like to, I don't bite!! <3
My “Random Shit” links!
Watership Down uquiz (my first post 🥹)
What Species Would You Choose To Be Reincarnated As (poll)
Warrior Cats mass animations playlist (need 2 remake)
Favourite Character Bingo 2023
The Lion Guard stuff!
Royal Mjuzi! Nduli AU
Young crocs headcannons
Christmastime headcannons
RDR2/Wild West AU (part 1! part 2 in works)
Jumanji AU
Scar's Guard AU fanfic & the Scar's Guard AU post
Warrior Cats AU
That's all! Thank you very much for reading <3 🐾
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