#no worries !! this wasn’t troublesome at all
haknom · 3 months
so i recently changed my user name from aaasia111 to aaa-sia (suddenly it makes sense why you DiDn'T pOsT) and i came here to ask if you could pls update me to your taglist 😭
sorry for the trouble!
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AWWW THE PICTURE AND YES NO WORRIES !! i just updated ur user on my notes app so u will def be tagged next time 🤭 TY FOR TELLING ME BTW that was rlly helpful
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cursingtoji · 9 months
could you do sukuna and 27 for the clichés event? 👉👈
❛ 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮?❜ ┊ no one touches Sukuna's favorite
plus "Stay" ⊱ king of curses!Sukuna x fem maid!reader, blood, violence, reader is hurt, wc. 1k, The Clichés ™;
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Sukuna wasn’t known for being gentle, he was mean and arrogant, sometimes serving him was not easy either, if anything was the hardest job someone can have, serving the king of curses.
Yet, against all odds, he took a liking on you, just another server.
He longed for the touch of your soft hands on his body when you applied herbs on his wounds, or when you dressed him. After a while he assigned you as the only one that didn't need permission to get in his chambers for your daily tasks.
That night you were just finishing setting his futons, as you did every night. Sukuna knew your schedule, the initial idea of a schedule was for him not having to find anyone inside his private room, but since he knew it was going to be you he even went in earlier to catch you there.
And there you were, you back turned to the door, and when you heard him coming in you bowed respectfully and kept your head low.
Sukuna didn't realize at first due to the hair covering your face, but once he noticed a strange shadow on your face he took one long step, grabbed your jaw firmly but not roughly, and brought your black eye and bruised face to the moonlight.
“Who did this to you?” he inspected it. Often having a whole bunch of bruises himself, he knew that should be fresh, like it happened earlier that day or last night.
"L-Lord Sukuna, do not worry about this" you smiled and attempted to turn your head away from him but he didn't let you, not when such a beautiful face has been broken like that, to the point there was a tiny red spot in the white of your eye, indicating a broken blood vessel.
"I asked you a question" he pressed.
"There was an accident and—"
"Give me a name, woman" he was fuming, and as your lord you knew there was no escape. Sukuna always gets what he wants.
"The c-chief of the maids" you murmured.
Sukuna didn't let go of your face immediately, he studied the fear in your eyes, having a weird gut feeling on seeing you like that. He brushed your hair away from your face and struggled slightly to let go of you.
Once he did, you found yourself trembling in the middle of the room, not sure if you should follow your lord or finish setting the bed so you wouldn't be punished again.
You opted for the latter, not sure what Sukuna's reaction would be if you interrupted his business, but after you did what you had to do you could only report back to your master.
The hallways of the Ryomen residence were quiet and dark, as you got closer to the single lighted up room a strong scent of iron filled the air. You pushed the door and the first thing you saw was the stain of a bloodied palm that had been dragged on the wall. Maybe you got a bit insensitive over the years of working for Sukuna but the first thing you thought was how troublesome it would be to clean that up. Your eyes were unable to find the body that did that — even though you had an idea — due to Sukuna's bloodied torso showing up in front of you, massive shoulders that didn't need to be too close to block your entire view.
"Lord Sukuna, are you hurt?" you placed your hands on his hot skin looking for any wounds.
"It offends me that you think an employee could hurt me" he gently turned you around leading you to his bathing room, where he knew a hot bath awaited for him.
Before he went inside the tub, you made him sit on a stool and dipped a cloth on the hot water using it to clean the blood off his body, Sukuna observed silently, not being over the bruise on your face, even after "dealing" with who caused it.
After he was cleaned you threw the cloth away and moved to leave the room, yet he called you back.
"Stay" he ordered, when you turned around he was undoing the clothes that covered his lower half, you turned back flustered. Even though you have been his personal maid for a few months, you only entered his bath room when he rang the bell and left when he dismissed you.
"Come closer" he called while sitting at the edge of his ofuro, now with a towel wrapped around his waist as he reached for the jars where the healing herbs and oils were kept to treat infection and inflammations.
"I thought you weren't hurt, sir" your voice was of concern.
"It's not for me" he mixed the contents on his palm and used a finger to spread it on your bruised cheek and nose. The scent made your eye water, "It'll dry in a few seconds" he ran a thumb under your eye, preventing a tear from running down and ruining the medicine.
"Thank you, lord Sukuna" even while sitting he still hovered over you.
"I want you to quit" he demanded.
"What?!" your breath hitched, this job was everything you had.
"Quit being my maid and become my wife" no words left your open mouth as you scanned his face for any signs of insincerity.
"Me? But sir, what would the rest of the staff think?"
"I don't care, I'll fire them all if you want" he rubbed your chin, "Kill them if I must…" Sukuna observed your eyes widened, but a certain gleam in them made him wonder if you truly wanted that "I won't take no for an answer" he brings you closer and you smile, tilting your head.
Truly, Sukuna always get what he wants, even if that is making a wife out of his servant.
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See also: bodyguard!Nanami
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chastiefoul · 1 year
regret pt. 2 | alhaitham
a/n: soooooooooo, this was a bit overdue.. hahaha... i apologize for the delay but it's here now!! short disclaimer though, if you expect a make up and lovey dovey scene on this one it's not happening sadly. this end up being more of a character study of the scribe somehow? like i was really going in there with his pov, but of course this esentially is the continuation of the part one so i hope you all enjoyed and sorry for being so late!!!! (more of a/n at the end!)
3k words!!! (wasn't kidding when i said i really went in there)
alhaitham's own emotion and how he dealt with it proved to be an obstacle for himself. how deep does his regret truly runs?
read part one here!
 alhaitham didn’t know before that the world could be this... quiet.
no, it’s more accurate to say that he couldn’t appreciate silence as he used to. there are pieces of you remaining across his day. at his office, on his way to lunch, the tavern, and even when he closed his eyes, persistently, you’re there. however those weren’t real, not anymore, since he himself was the one who had driven you away rather horribly.
and he shouldn’t regret it, he really shouldn’t. but he did.
he let out a sigh yet again, resting his eyes as he leaned back on his chair.
alhaitham hated vexatious things, especially stuff that had nothing to do with him. you, used to fell into this category. someone he shouldn’t bother with or care about, but you kept slithering in breaking what he thought was a solid wall. and uncharacteristically, he kept letting you. perhaps at a life-threatening moment where he had to tell the truth to live, he could consider admitting that he did not hate the way you smiled while you greeted him, or the way your eyebrow crinkled slightly with worry when you saw the piled up paper he had to tend on certain days. and even your lovable little pout when he told you he had skipped his meals. and it’s only now he realized that his useless pride wasn’t something worth holding onto if in exchange he would be missing all of these.
these bothersome yet endearing memories that refused to get out of his head. that he refused to forget.
and to think your last memory of him was him being so heartless—wait, come to think of it. was he ever nice towards you? was there ever a time where he didn’t treat you so cold?
alhaitham was stunned when he couldn’t find a positive response to both question. he felt like his heart was being clenched tightly. he had no choice but to go back to work, forced to stop his train of thoughts before he was overwhelmed.
it all had become so troublesome. too troublesome.
alhaitham also had no idea how small the chance was of running into you, even though you both work at the same place. it’s news to him that if you hadn’t come to him all the time, you wouldn’t even be meeting at all.
the regret he felt just keep piling up.
now alhaitham found himself out from his office more often; in the library, or just walking around randon hallways to take a breather, these were all solely for the purpose that perhaps he would run into you. even just a glance for the briefest second, he thought he would be happy with just that. however it proved to be difficult since he hasn’t seen even a single strand of your hair for the past week.
and that’s when it happened, he saw a familiar figure walking towards him, it was like a slow-motion, something that he had been waiting to  happen. alhaitham’s inside was all thundering, he knew he’s been missing you, but he didn’t know it was this bad.
but all of that nerves and excitement died down as quick as it came, as you walked past him without sparing even a single glance. turns out you were just rushing to get to the hall behind him. the silver-haired man could only stand there, witnessing your back until it disappeared at the very last second at a turn. his stomach churned in the worst way possible.
that nonchalant, ignorance, reminded him of nothing but himself. he now realized that he’s way past a stage where a single apology would fix everything he’s done.
alhaitham went home with a heavy feeling inside of his chest. it’s been that way for too many days now.
he thought pushing you out of his life was the hill he was going to die on, but he played himself. he grew accustomed to a world with you now he thought going back to his old routine was something he wanted. turns out far from it.
he needed you.
he arrived, and as alhaitham opened the door, he never expected the sudden hit on his right jaw, making him staggered as his back touched the door. “you deserved that one, and i think you know that,” kaveh said. alhaitham couldn’t even react; ah, (y/n) has told him all about it, then.
alhaitham who had no energy left from the lack of sleep and meals held his jaw carefully, sliding down the wall and sat on the floor. he wasn’t in any way hurt badly, since obviously he had a stronger physique than the blond, but the other part inside of his chest ached. as kaveh said, he deserved that one. although it’s a bit infuriating that the architect was the one who did that, alhaitham also knew that you’d never be able to do that to him. not that your strength was the problem, it’s just that you’re so very kind, even to people that don’t deserve it.
then if what it took to see you smile at him again was a punch to the face, he’d put his as a target gladly.
alhaitham was in a daze, couldn’t even bring himself to retort the harsh welcome, he’s just quiet. which was very unusual.
“what should i do?” he finally mumbled. “what?” kaveh widened his eyes at the response. “what can i do.. to fix this?” that was very surprising coming from the prideful man, kaveh had doubts that the man in front of him was really his room mate. but kaveh only sighed, and lent out his hand. “get up, let’s talk.”
after the scribe finished putting an ointment to the bruise, they both sat on the dining table. there was no noise for a while, until alhaitham decided to break that. “how is (y/n)?” he treaded carefully. “good actually, now that they’re free from a weight that’s dragging them down.” kaveh spat, the grey-haired man made a blank look. “-is what i liked to say. however they’re not doing very well.” his expression turned into something of a deep concern for a friend. “how so?” alhaitham’s voice too, spiked with worries. something that kaveh wasn’t really familiar with that he couldn’t help but chuckle. “you’re really a funny guy. now you’re worried? after treating them like that?” kaveh said, astonished by the audacity of his roommate.
“i’m aware that all of this is my fault.” alhaitham clenched his fist tightly, he didn’t need anyone to remind him that he was at fault, he never allowed himself to forget that. “i mean, how could you alhaitham?!” just thinking about it made kaveh blood boiled once more. you who had treated everyone so kind, especially alhaitham since he knew you had feelings for the scribe, and for him to trample on all of that, it was all just too much, too miserable. kaveh wasn’t stopping there. “to think they were just offering assistance too. if you don’t want help, then say no, don’t lash out like a goddamn child!”  the blond was beyond worked up, you were such an important friend to him. “we know dealing with emotions isn’t your forte, but that was low, alhaitham. even for you.” kaveh finally finished his piece. sometimes the architect wondered with how alhaitham talked and how blunt he was, a hit to the face should’ve been something he’s used to getting—or at least the attempt to, since we all knew he wasn’t a weak guy.
alhaitham could only agree, it was all true what kaveh has said. “i know! i know i messed up really badly, that’s why allow me to be shameless and ask for your help. i really regret it,” the sword-wielder meekly said. kaveh relented slightly at the sincere words he spouted once in a blue moon. he relaxed back into the chair, realizing that he needed his head to be in the right place to get through this conversation. silence loomed over them once more.
“why were you so worked up everytime you talked to them anyway?” kaveh asked, his tone solemn. alhaitham seemed to be pondering for a moment, “i... don’t know,” he said slowly, his eyebrow twitched slighly in frustration, once again he was forced to remember how much of a jerk he was to you sometimes. kaveh too, wails with frustration at the response.
he’s hopeless, utterly hopeless!
however the scholar did not stop there, “i was always alone as you know, and i was fine with that. but ever since (y/n) came into my life, i realized that i started to look forward on days i would meet them, i started to find their company very comfortable and that unsettled me.” he finally got to say the truth out loud. “and that fear what was made me so adamant to reject it. i hated the idea that single person could turn my whole life upside down easily like that.”
alhaitham thought he was protecting himself, turns out that that did nothing except hurting you in the process. before lashing out on you, he’s been keen on perusing books he normally avoid, he’d spend his time reading what he thought was unusual titles, in hope that one of them could teach him about the overwhelming sensation he’s been experiencing ever since meeting you. yet none of them succeed. he was having a hard time understanding things that didn’t have reasoning behind it, that didn’t have clear method or formula that provides a precise and accurate solution. he realized he was at a place he wasn’t familiar with, a place where the line of logic is blurred.
how the hell was he supposed to understand it?
“alhaitham, just answer me this. do you like (y/n)?” kaveh asked. alhaitham was stunned for a moment, but surprisingly the answer came easy, but he did not want the blond the hear it for the first time. he wanted you to hear it, no, he needed you to hear it. that he liked you, so so much that literally, literally, he did not know what to do with himself. and that’s when a gear turned on the back of his mind. you needed to hear it. and alhaitham was going to make sure you hear it.
just your luck. it’s just your luck out of all the signature of the people in akademiya, the higher-up told you that you needed alhaitham’s for your project.
just. your. luck.
you knocked on his office, that terrible day flashes on your mind for a second, but you quickly pushed that thought. it’s all gonna be okay, you’re here for pure business, exactly like the way he liked it.
“come in,” a voice replied at the knock. you took a deep breath and went in.
you could see alhaitham’s face was startled for a moment; a brief slip up for the usually emotionless man. but you couldn’t careless, as you set the document on his desk rather urgently. “i need your signature, no need to read through the document as it’s already pre-approved and just needed your agreement for it to proceed.”
alhaitham was quiet as he stalled, wishing to stare at you for that few additional seconds. you had bags under your eye—alhaitham almost reached his hand out to touch over them but he stopped himself. he should know his place.
as soon as the pen left the paper, you snatched it from his desk, and went to make your way out from the hellhole. alhaitham’s shoulder slumped, he knew you’re still mad at him, but to think you’re that bothered just to be in the same room as him. how was he supposed to get you to talk to him?
“good morning, (y/n),”
that’s when it happened. alhaitham on your office with a cup of coffee on his hand first thing in the morning. your jaw dropped slightly, you couldn’t believe your eyes. he put the coffee on your desk. he didn’t react strongly at the lack of response as he didn’t expect you to welcome him. "what are you doing?” you asked, your tone was cold.
“just.. visiting you and thought that maybe you’d like coffee,” he said, even he wasn’t certain of his own words. wasn’t this the same man who had tear you apart just a week ago just because you cared for him? now he wanted to talk you pretending all of that crap didn’t happen?
you laughed loudly, yet it sounded sad. “you must think i’m a joke, alhaitham,” you stated, throwing away the coffee in front of you to the trash bin next to you. the scholar in front of you now looked a little timid, it’s almost pitiful. “no- of course not!” he frantically retorted, “then i’ll ask once again, what are you doing here?” you crossed your arm.
“i wanted to apologize for my actions,” he firmly said, his expression sincere.
oh, is this what’s it all about? it’s regret. something you don’t need, what you need is for him to realize that you wanted nothing to do with him anymore. nothing.
he looked restless as he await for your response, you couldn’t help but laugh a little. “why are you so nervous about, it’s not like you’re saying sorry to someone close to you or anything like that. anyways, apology accepted. anything else?”
at the stinging words his heart sunk, though his eyes widened at your response, “really?” that easy?
“yeah, now don’t come to this playground anymore, unless it’s strictly for business. good day,” you said, sitting back down getting back to your work. this is all new to alhaitham; feeling of wanting to jump out of the window. your harsh words, how easy it was for you to ignore you in a blink of an eye. and to think he did the same thing to you. no no, he did worse.
the difference is that your actions were justified, considering how much of an asshole he’s been to you. but him on the other hand, treated you just because he was a coward, not having the courage to face his own emotions.
alhaitham never thought he’d be envious of that specific trait of yours but right there as he stood in front of you, he wished that he understood all emotions in this world.
“please, please give me a chance to-“
“alhaitham, for someone as intelligent as you, there’s no way you didn’t understand what ‘strictly for business’ means, right?” you shot him down swiftly.
“just once. please. i won’t ask for anything anymore.” his voice was quiet, laced with utter desperation, that your conscience couldn’t help but respond to it. you were mad, but let’s not stoop to his level. you out of all people, was familiar with pain of being ignored by someone who you wanted to talk the most.
“you have one minute.” you finally relented.
“(y/n). i couldn’t be so shameless and ask you to forgive me, and while this may sound like a really bad excuse, i just wanted you to know that i didn’t mean any single word i said that time. as laughable as it was, i never wished for you to be hurt, especially on words that shouldn’t have meaning, words that i made up as a cowardly defense, words that had zero truth in them. i-i was scared that you changed my world so quickly that my initial reaction was to reject it, even though every time i met you i had nothing but pleasant warmth brimming in my chest. i’m sorry. i’m so sorry that you were hurt because of me.” it was all over the place, it may have missed a lot of points he had made on his head, but it was genuine. at this point with just this apology, alhaitham won’t be greedy and hoped his was accepted, he just wished that the wound on your heart that he had tore with his words would ease even just a little. because he truly, truly regret it.
you weren’t sure what to say, your eyes stopped at a window in the room.
“i.. don’t know what to say, alhaitham. all of this didn’t make the heartbreak i felt that day any less painful,” you mumbled, you could still remember it very vividly. “of course, that wasn’t my intention! i was stupid. i didn’t come here expecting you to welcome me with open arms, i just—very selfishly, realized now that i need you in my life, and i’m going to work very hard so you can at least tolerate that idea as well.” he was visibly stressed, his face filled with guilt. something you never thought he was capable of.
as much as you wanted to just push him away, you couldn’t ignore the emotional struggle he’s been having. you had no idea. though the reason excused nothing, you now had a better understanding of the man who’s standing right in front of you.
you sighed. “things are going to be very different, alhaitham. i sincerely hope you know that i’ll never come to you first again for anything ever. i never wanted to experience something like that again.” you said, setting out clear boundaries that what had happened in the past, was not going to happen for a second time. you’re going to make him work for it.
“i wouldn’t have it any other way. thank you so much (y/n), thank you,” alhaitham said, currently still feeling guilty because he knew the only reason he was getting a second chance was because your boundless kindness. he knew he didn’t deserve it, but he now was going to do everything in his power to accept him back into your life. which was something he did not expect to be easy, but he prefer it this way. he's beyond grateful that you had selflessly given him another chance to fight for you, and he's gonna fight like hell.
now alhaitham had hope. something he doesn’t really say out loud due to its nature being a bit childish, however at that time, he allowed himself to imagine a future with you, and how truly strange it was that the mere image of you being with him could make his stomach fluttered with pure joy.
alhaitham now understood very well that rationality did not work well with love.
and he’s okay with that.
more a/n: i love alhaitham but i wanna see him get punched once for the things he said hahaha..... that aside thank you all so so so so much for the interest on this fic that so many of you guys requested a part 2 :') i wanna say i had a blast writing this one. alhaitham is such an interesting character, especially regarding his relationship with emotions. once again thank you much and i'll be back with fluff soon so look out for that!!!
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also should i make a general tag list??????
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shadowtriovibes · 10 months
something wretched about this, something so precious about this
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Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x f!MC
Word Count: 3k
Rating: E
Warnings: 18+, aged-up characters, explicit sexual content, oral sex (f receiving), PIV sex, language kink, parseltongue kink
Summary: request: "mc finds herself absolutely taken with Ominis and his parselmouth." aka mc is absolutely taken with ominis' mouth in every sense of the word
“But you don’t even understand what I’m saying,” he counters, curious. “N-no,” you whine. « I suppose it doesn’t matter, does it, sweetheart? » he hisses. « You’re a troublesome little thing, you hardly listen to me when you can understand. »
The first time you heard Ominis speak Parseltongue, you’d found it to be almost antithetical. It had sounded so bizarre coming out of his mouth, so different from the gentlemanly manner in which he most often spoke. Yet the strength of his snakelike voice sounded somehow familiar, and the way his sighing, hissing words wrapped around you felt like sinking into a warm bath.
“It worked!” you’d exclaimed, hoping your voice wasn’t trembling. “Ominis, you possess a rare ability indeed.”
Minutes later you’d writhed on the floor in unimaginable pain and all thoughts of Ominis’ potentially disreputable talent had flown from your mind. In fact, you’d been so rattled from being on the receiving end of the Cruciatus curse that it took several days for you to recall that you were no longer the sole member of your little trio with a rare gift.
A month later you’d asked Sebastian about it while you were studying for Charms, lazily levitating stacks of books while he had been pouring over Salazar Slytherin’s spellbook.
“What does being a Parselmouth mean?” you asked him curiously.
“Means you can talk to snakes,” he replied, half listening. “Understand them, too.”
You rolled your eyes. “I know that, thanks.”
Sebastian looked up from his book with a skeptical expression on his face. “Then what exactly are you asking?”
You shrug, avoiding his eyes. “I don’t know, I just… Ominis made it sound like it was a bad thing, to be known as a Parselmouth. Like it’s given him a bad reputation. Why is that?”
Carefully closing his spellbook, Sebastian sits back and considers his words carefully before continuing.
“Well, the answer to that is right in front of you,” he says, gesturing to the tattered book on the table before him. “As Ominis said, most Parselmouths are direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin, and whether it’s warranted or not, he’s a controversial figure.”
“Sure,” you agree. “But… does Ominis speak Parseltongue much? How would anyone even know?”
“I think most people just assume,” Sebastian replies with a shrug. “His brothers spoke it, and he’s told me that they speak it more regularly at his home. Many Gaunts have chosen to keep a snake rather than an owl or any sort of conventional animal.”
You nod slowly. “Have you heard him speak it before that night in the Scriptorium?”
“A handful of times,” he admits. “Sometimes he’ll slip up if he’s especially angry or frustrated. I’ve also heard him speaking it in his sleep on occasion.”
Eventually, the conversation shifts to the spellbook and you once again forget about Ominis’ rare skill – this time for nearly two years.
By your seventh year, Ominis has learned about your ancient magic abilities, and your friendship has grown from one of rueful kinship to genuine affection. Nevertheless, he still seems to keep so much of himself guarded, even as you’ve shared so many of your worries and insecurities as you’ve grown into your role as the only living Keeper of your ability.
(It doesn’t help that you’ve fallen achingly in love with him along the way.)
These days you spend most nights studying with him and Sebastian. Usually, you’re eager to soak up the years of knowledge they’d accrued before you’d started school at Hogwarts, but tonight you find yourself distracted.
“Are you listening to me?” Ominis suddenly snaps, and you glance up from where you’d been reading the same paragraph over and over.
Ominis looks annoyed, and to his point, you certainly hadn’t been listening. You’ve both been sprawled out on the floor of the Undercroft for hours now revising for Potions. Sebastian had called it a night shortly before dinner, leaving the two of you to continue pouring over theory textbooks in preparation for Professor Sharp’s famously lethal end-of-term exams.
“Y-yes, sorry,” you stutter. “What were you saying?”
In your defense, winter has arrived in the Highlands and the stone floor of Ominis’ hideaway has cooled you to the bone. The weak flame flickering beneath your shared cauldron isn’t enough to pull you out of your daydreams about a nice warm bed, some cozy blankets, and perhaps someone to share it with…
(Someone who can whisper secret serpentine words against your skin, chasing your goosebumps lower and lower beneath the covers…)
“Again?” Ominis asks, more disappointed than angry this time. “You can’t focus on my words for a full minute before slipping into some reverie?”
Merlin, if only he knew that focusing on his words wasn’t the problem at all.
“I’m sorry, Ominis,” you whine. “But it’s getting late, it’s freezing down here, and we missed dinner…”
“You said you’d help me,” he reminds you, perhaps a bit vulnerably. “The exam is tomorrow afternoon, and my Draught of Living Death is still curdling.”
You groan pathetically and rub your eyes. “Ominis, you’re a dear friend, and I simply adore you, but you’re bloody rubbish at Potions. Perhaps we should take a break for the night.”
Ominis’ jaw clenches while he stirs his (admittedly lumpy-looking) brew.
“Ominis?” you ask hesitantly. “...I apologize if I was harsh, but–”
“Don’t,” he interjects. “Just… stop talking. Clearly, you’re no longer interested in helping me, so you might as well go back to your common room for the night.”
Sighing, you shift closer to where he sits cross-legged on the stone floor and gently rest a hand on top of his knee. You know how challenging Potions has been for him, especially lately; N.E.W.T.-level draughts are challenging enough when one can confirm that the brew they’ve already spent hours preparing has progressed to the appropriate color.
“I think you need to take a break,” you say softly. “You’re making yourself too frustrated, Ominis.”
You watch as a bit of the tension he’d been carrying in his shoulders seeps away as his head hangs gently. As his fingers nervously twitch in his lap, he takes a slow, measured breath and lets his eyes fall closed.
« I need to do this correctly, even just once, » he says. « Then I’ll be able to sleep. »
You suspect he doesn’t even realize he hadn’t spoken English until you sharply pull your hand back with a gasp.
“Wh-what… did I, um,” he stammers. “I didn’t… say that the proper way, did I?”
“Well, er – you hissed it,” you say carefully. “That… that was Parseltongue again, wasn’t it?”
Ominis carefully nods. Your stomach clenches when you notice him hunch in on himself as if he’s ashamed of what he’s done.
“It’s okay!” you quickly tell him. “I, um. I haven’t heard you speak Parseltongue since fifth year, and – and I don’t understand it, obviously, b-but it’s alright if you want to use it.”
You trail off lamely and try to rest your hand on his knee once more, but he nudges it away.
“I apologize,” he says hollowly. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
A wave of nausea rolls over you as you watch him duck his face and turn away from you – not so that he can’t see you, mind, but that you won’t see him.
“Omins,” you sigh. “Please, you – you haven’t scared me, I promise you.”
“You don’t have to lie to me,” he counters in a deceptively soft voice. “I can tell, you know. Your heart is racing, you’ve gone warm all over… You want to run away. It’s only natural, when one is frightened. I would know.”
You swallow audibly and once more attempt to rest your hand on his thigh, and this time he allows you.
“I’m not scared,” you insist, and as true as your words are, you almost wish you were lying to him.
You think it’s probably less shameful than the truth, which is that Ominis’ brief Parseltongue outburst has your heart racing with desire, not fear.
“Then why…?” he asks before eventually trailing off.
“I find it fascinating,” you tell him softly as you trace your fingertips along the seam of his trousers. “It’s… compelling, Ominis. Perhaps a bit enticing.”
“Enticing?” he repeats softly. “You feel, er.. compelled by my Parseltongue?”
You shyly shrug before remembering a non-verbal answer won’t suffice. “I suppose I do.”
The both of you are silent for several long moments. The only sound that can be heard in the Undercroft is Ominis’ sickly bubbling potion, until he finally asks you, “May I kiss you?”
You hesitate for merely a beat, just to let your mind catch up, but before you can answer Ominis repeats himself in Parseltongue: « May I kiss you? »
This time, your non-verbal answer of crawling astride his lap and kissing him yourself is entirely sufficient.
Ominis moans into your mouth while you grab the lapels of his uniform shirt, brazenly rocking against his lap like one of those wanton witches in Sebastian’s rather foul romance novels. His hands settle on your hips and he helps you grind down onto him until you can feel for yourself where he’s grown hard.
“Wh-what are we doing?” he asks against your lips.
He doesn’t sound scandalized, or even hesitant – rather, he sounds like he’s asking how much you’re going to let him get away with.
“Whatever we want,” you answer him breathlessly. “Ominis, I – I’ve wanted this for so long, we’ll do whatever you want.”
« Whatever I want? » he hisses, and you shiver in his lap. « What I want is to get you on your back for me, sweet girl. »
Carefully, Ominis tips you from his lap back onto the freezing tile, but just as quickly he gently pushes your shoulders back until you’re sprawled out on some abandoned Potions notes. Your skirt falls halfway up your legs and Ominis traces his fingertips along your skin until he finds the hem.
« Spread your legs for me, my love, » he hisses, sliding his hands up the insides of your thighs. « Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to touch you here? »
His unseeing eyes flutter closed as his fingertips brush against the hem of your undergarments. You’re wet – you have been since he’d first slipped into those low, hissing tones of his – but now he knows it. He can feel it.
“Gods,” he groans. “You.. you really like to hear my Parseltongue this much?”
“It’s your voice,” you whimper, grinding your hips toward his teasing fingertips. “You… you sound different.”
“Tell me,” he demands. “How do I sound?”
Realizing that he likely sounds the same to his own ears even when speaking the ancient snake language, you bite your lip and force yourself to focus.
“You – you sound powerful,” you admit. “Like your voice is stronger, or… it’s like I can hear it in my whole body, not just my ears.”
Ominis wordlessly rewards you by firmly dragging his thumb down the length of your core through your panties. You melt into his touch; your skin feels as if it’s on fire now, and the very same icy stone floors you’d complained about not long ago now feel like a soothing balm against your skin.
“But you don’t even understand what I’m saying,” he counters, curious.
“N-no,” you whine.
« I suppose it doesn’t matter, does it, sweetheart? » he hisses. « You’re a troublesome little thing, you hardly listen to me when you can understand. »
You whimper and arch your back. “I m-might not understand Parseltongue, but I can tell when you’re teasing me.”
“Darling, I’ve barely begun to tease you,” he murmurs before leaning down and licking up the length of your body from your navel to the dip between your collarbones.
“Please, Ominis,” you beg.
« You’ve been distracting me all evening, » he continues. « I fully intend to have just as much fun playing with you, since you seem to enjoy driving me mad. »
While he kisses what’s sure to be an impressive bruise onto the side of your neck, Ominis slides your panties down your legs.
“I want you inside me,” you confess.
« You want the first time I take you to be on this dirty stone floor? » he asks lazily. « Are you that desperate to be fucked, sweetheart, or have I made you wait too long and driven you mad? »
You groan frustratedly as he starts to kiss his way down your body, pointedly ignoring your canting hips. “Ominis, I’m begging, please say you’ll touch me.”
Ominis presses a wet, open-mouthed kiss against your hipbone. « Don’t fret, my love. How could I refuse such a tempting offer from such a beautiful, albeit slightly mad woman? »
By the time he traces the tip of his tongue along the crease of your hip, you realize where he’s headed. An irreverent array of babble spills from your lips while you attempt to grind impossibly closer to his face, but he places his hands over your hips and keeps you firmly planted against the stone floor before he presses his tongue flat against your cunt.
If he were still speaking Parseltongue into your skin, you’d never know. Any words of praise or kindly teasing that spilled from his lips were drowned out by a litany of curses you’d never utter in front of a man like Ominis in any other setting.
“That’s it, my lovely girl,” he whispers against the inside of your thigh. « Your cunt is so wet for my tongue, and it’s even sweeter than you are. »
He’s switching between English and Parseltongue so easily that you can’t be sure he’s even doing it on purpose anymore, and you couldn’t possibly say which you prefer more. Being fully aware of every filthy word he says is a dream, but is it as delicious as not knowing what he’s saying as he utters secret confessions inches from your skin?
You don’t bother spending much time considering it while you lie back and let him lick you open. All you can think about is his tongue on your skin, pushing inside you, savoring every inch of your body while he learns you by touch and by taste.
That’s what he’s doing, after all – learning you. He’ll get you off, of course he will, but that’s not why he’s bent over between your legs with your calves thrown over his shoulder.
“Ominis,” you groan. “I need you in me, I… I need you.”
He presses a deceptively sweet kiss to your sensitive clit before he asks, “Is that so? I thought you liked my Tongue, and now it’s not enough for you?”
“Don’t tease me,” you plead. “I know you want me just as badly.”
While Ominis had been coming up for air between burying his face between his thighs, you’d been able to see just how affected he is – you aren’t alone in your eagerness, you can be sure of it.
« Right as always, you are, » he hisses. « Perhaps you don’t understand my words, but you can sense my desire, can’t you? »
He grinds his hard cock against your inner thigh to punctuate his words and you whine pathetically.
“Take me, take me, take me,” you chant while he sits back to undo his trousers and push them down just enough to free himself. You realize he intends to stay fully clothed while he takes you apart, and you shiver against the cold floor.
When he finally sinks inside, you fall helplessly silent.
Every ounce of focus you have is spent on relaxing your body, opening up for him as he buries himself inside you. He’s almost ruthless in his endeavor to fully seat himself in you despite his intimidating length. Save a few breathless not-quite-whines, you’re quiet beneath him.
« Nothing to say, darling? » he hisses at first, and then in a softer voice he asks, “Are you alright? Am I hurting you?”
“N-no, it’s good,” you moan. “Please… keep talking to me.”
“You want me to talk to you, hm?” he asks, grinding in until the flat part of his pelvis brushes against yours. « Do you need a distraction? You’re taking me so well, my angel. »
He starts to fuck you in earnest with a slow, careful rhythm to keep your bare skin from catching along the worn stones beneath your back. As he thrusts inside you, he keeps talking in that low, hissing tone. Soon you realize even his words match the rhythm of his body, rising and falling with his motions.
« Feels so good… Waited so long… I can’t stop, please don’t ask me to stop… »
His back feels feverishly warm to the touch while you drag your hands down from his shoulder blades to the back of his hips. In the years since you’d first heard the snakeline sound of Parseltongue fall from his lips, he’s grown taller and his musculature has changed into that of a lithe, well-built man. Now the strength of that voice suits the body from which it emanates, and both have combined to keep you firmly pinned to the floor beneath their might.
You cling to him as he fucks you harder. You feel so close already, tumbling toward the edge of pleasure beneath him as his serpentine words glide across your skin.
When you come around him, you hear him whisper your name in Parseltongue – it’s the same, you think, but softer, and sweeter.
« When I come inside you, » he hisses just above a whisper. « I want you to keep every last drop inside for me. Will you, my darling? »
“Ominis!” you wail.
“Fuck – fuck,” he gasps, and seconds later you feel the mess he's made inside you threaten to spill out with every slow, greedy thrust in his post-orgasmic haze.
“N-no, stop,” you whimper, and he immediately goes still.
“What is it?” he asks, his English crisp and clear.
You shift shyly beneath him and whisper, “Don’t… don’t keep going. I want to keep it inside for now, and – and when you move, it, um…”
Merlin, you don’t have the words to say you’re just as greedy as he is – you want to stay full of him, just as he’d asked in that ancient, indecipherable tongue.
Ominis presses soothing kisses to your face while you wrap your legs around his waist to hold him in place. His lips brush across your cheeks, the bridge of your nose, the curve of your jaw.
“Of course, darling,” he whispers. “I’ll stay right here.”
Then, with his lips pressed to yours, he hisses, « I’ll stay right here as long as you like. »
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 9 months
The Loudest Silence
Sam and Dean Winchester x little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: You become mute after seeing Sam die in season 2, and it’s something he and Dean have to figure out together when he comes back.
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Dean should’ve left you behind. He should’ve gotten there sooner. He should’ve saved Sam. He shouldn’t have let you see your big brother die.
You were sitting by Sam’s bedside, and Dean didn’t have the heart to tear you away. It didn’t feel right, letting you sit there beside your dead brother, but it felt even more wrong to tell you you couldn’t.
You hadn’t spoken, not since it happened, and Dean didn’t have the energy to try to get you to speak. He didn’t feel much like talking now, either, although it seemed different than you. He was grieving; you looked haunted.
“Hey kid.” Dean turned his head to look at you as Bobby walked up to speak with you. Bobby had decided to leave, and Dean refused to go with him, but Dean wanted you to go. You didn’t belong here, you shouldn’t have had to see Sam die, and you shouldn’t be sitting by his body now. You would be better off with Bobby, but Dean needed time to himself.
“Kid, Dean’s gonna stay here for a little while, but I want you to come home with me, alright?”
Bobby got no response. You didn’t even take your eyes off of Sam to look at him.
“Hey.” You flinched as Bobby placed a hand on your shoulder, and finally your eyes met his. “You’re gonna come home with me, ok?” It wasn’t exactly a question; neither Bobby nor Dean was about to let you stay here, but Bobby didn’t exactly want to drag you either, so he was willing to take it slow.
You didn’t speak, but you nodded and stood, one hand coming up to latch onto Bobby’s jacket. He noticed, but didn’t comment.
Dean watched as your eyes lingered on Sam’s body as you followed Bobby outside. Just before the door closed behind you, your gaze shifted to Dean.
He would never be able to forget that haunted look in your eyes.
It had been two weeks. Sam had come back not long after his death, but it had been two weeks since you’d spoken.
Once Sam had figured out that he had actually died, he understood your response a bit better, but it was no less troublesome. If Sam was worried about your condition, Dean was beside himself.
As if your sudden silence wasn’t scary enough, you had also glued yourself to Sam. Everywhere he went, you were there, the corner of his jacket fisted in your hand as you shadowed him. Sam didn’t seem to mind at first, but as the days wore on, it became obvious that this may not be a temporary thing. Sam had begun trying to get Dean to help him force you into some healthy distance, but Dean had refused.
Sam didn’t understand, but Dean couldn’t bring himself to force you out of what made you feel safe. It was his fault that you felt this way, after all. He’d let Sam die, and it was his fault that you’d been there to see it. So no, he couldn’t hurt you even more.
“Hey kid,” Bobby said, and you looked up. “How’s about you come with me to the kitchen and we can fix some lunch?”
Bobby had been trying to coax you away from Sam for days, with no luck. Today didn’t seem to be any different as you shook your head, your body unconsciously leaning even closer to Sam as your fingers tightened around his hand.
“N/N,” Sam spoke very gently as he pried his hand carefully out of yours. “How about you go with Bobby, ok? I’ll be right here, won’t move a muscle, I promise.” As soon as his hand was out of yours, you’d moved your hand to his jacket, unwilling to let him put distance between you.
Dean watched the exchange silently, unwilling to participate but hoping that you would listen to the men.
You were quite a long moment, your gaze fixed on Sam as his eyes bore into yours, silently pleading for you to listen. Finally, your fingers went slack on Sam’s jacket, and you turned your attention to Bobby. You gave him a slight nod and held your hand out to him.
Bobby was most certainly not one for hand holding, but after this victory he’d make an exception for you. He closed his fingers around yours and led you into the next room.
“She’s getting better,” Dean said finally.
“It might go faster if you helped,” Sam grunted.
“I don’t want her to feel ganged up on.” Dean’s excuse was a lie, and they both knew it.
But neither man said a word.
Sam sat on the edge of his bed, breathing a sigh of relief when you finally fell asleep. He knew it could be a while before he got some time away from you, so he planned on using it wisely.
As soon as Dean stepped into the motel room, Sam practically cornered him.
“We have to talk,” Sam said.
“Alright…” Dean glanced at your sleeping form, then back at Sam. “Why can’t she hear it?”
“She doesn’t have to be a part of this. Dean, how could you do it?” Sam swallowed “how could you…how could sell your soul?”
“You know why.” Dean shook his head. “I wasn’t going to let you stay dead.”
“You can’t mess with death like that!”
“I already did, and we’re not going to change it by talking about it.”
“It’s not just me, you know,” Sam said. “She’s gonna have to watch you die.”
“You think I did this thinking it would hurt her?” Dean shook his head. “I did this for her! You’ve seen what she’s going through now, and that’s with you back! What do you think would’ve happened to her if you stayed dead!”
Both boys were so caught up in their argument that they didn’t see you slip out of bed.
“She could’ve gotten over it,” Sam continued. “But now we all have to go through this all over again, we-“
“I don’t care!” Dean ran a hand over his face, still not noticing as you stepped up behind Sam.
“Exactly!” Sam threw up his hands. “That’s the problem, Dean! You didn’t do this for her, you did it for you!”
“No!” Sam interrupted. “No, just shut up!” Sam flinched when he felt your hand touch his arm, and turned to look down at you.
You were staring up at him, eyes wide.
“Not…not you,” Sam’s voice had gone surprisingly quiet, and his features softened into a melancholy expression. “Sweetheart, what I want from you is for you to talk again.”
Your mouth opened, like you were trying to speak, before slowly closing again. You launched yourself forwards, and Sam held you tightly in his arms as you began to cry against him.
“I know,” he whispered. “I know you’re hurting, kid. But I want you to come back to us. You haven’t been the same, and we miss you.”
His argument with Dean was far from over, but this was far more important.
Dean watched his siblings, and he struggled to reign in his emotions when he saw you, still struggling to try to speak. He knew you were trying, and he would never forgive himself for being the cause of it.
Both brothers were alerted by the sound of your voice, though it was scratchy and near-silent. It was then that Dean noticed your hand, stretching out towards him.
“Hey baby,” he put on a smile for you. “I’m here.”
Sam smiled when you reached up to play with his hair, the way you had when you were little.
“Hey, you ok?”
“Don’t fight.”
“Yeah, o-ok.” Both brothers knew that Sam’s words were just to appease you, but they were done fighting for the moment. “You feeling better?”
You gave a gesture that was half nod, half shrug, but it was enough.
“Yeah?” Sam smiled. “It-it’s good to hear your voice.”
You looked up at Sam, and his worry eased at seeing the smile on your face.
“I love you.”
Neither brother had to fake their smile at your words.
“Yeah, we love you too.”
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daycourtofficial · 3 months
It’s so quiet in the world tonight
Lucien x reader
Summary: you and Lucien having a quiet night at home, soaking in the peace, discussing how things will change when your baby arrives
Author’s note: kicking off my 1k celebration with my boy Lulu!!!
(1k celebration masterlist 🍾)
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“I’m just excited to see a babe growing up around here,” Helion said, looking at your belly. Your father in law harbored a lot of regret about not being around for Lucien as a babe and not knowing that he was his until a few decades ago.
It took a long time, but they have a lovely bond and get along extremely well. Granted, neither of them had a hard time getting along with most.
Except Beron.
You smile at your father in law, excited to see him take on the role of grandfather.
“Except the name ‘grandfather’ will make me feel so ancient. Is there any other name I could use?”
He had been going back and forth ever since you told him the news. If anyone could make your pregnancy about themselves, it was Helion. You didn’t mind, though. It was much better than nursemaids and various citizens who insisted on asking how you were at all hours of the day.
It was kind of them, and you didn’t resent them that much, but sometimes you felt more like a traveling carnival attraction carrying the next heir of Day instead of a mother carrying her babe.
You couldn’t blame them - it was exciting. They didn’t get to cherish Lucien as he grew up, and so now they were taking the time to let you know how adored the two of you were amongst the citizens of Day.
Lucien was so loved in Day, and he had no issues making his interest in you known. In fact, one of his first acts as a member of Day’s royal court was courting you.
It made you incredibly glad you had declined Helion’s many previous offers to warm his bed.
A little over a decade into your marriage, the two of you decided to forego your fertility tonic, leaving things up to the Mother to decide. Six years later, you found yourself with a swollen belly, an excited husband, and two antsy high lords.
Eris’s frequent visits to his mother and brother made him the first person you had confided in about your pregnancy. It had been an accident, really. You had only figured it out a few hours earlier, and he happened to be the first person you saw.
It just came tumbling out of your mouth.
Eris had actually been extraordinarily kind following your outburst, after his initial taunt of “is this how you greet people now, sister?”
Lucien found you crying on Eris’s shoulder a few hours later, his brother’s well-tailored jacket tracked with your makeup. If Eris noticed, he didn’t let on.
“I didn’t know your first act as High Lord was to make my wife cry,” Lucien said, striding towards the two of you huddled on a couch.
Eris waves his hand in the air, “I managed to sign two treaties and lift an embargo before I came here to antagonize your wife. She wasn’t first on my list, brother.”
Lucien sits on the other side of you, placing his hand gently on your back, rubbing soothing circles.
“What’s wrong, sunshine? Was Eris’s company so troublesome it reduced you to tears?”
You crack a smile as Eris lifts your head off of his shoulder, delicately placing it on Lucien’s shoulder.
“How you wound me, Lu. I’ll be sending you the bill to have my jacket cleaned.”
Lucien’s surprise at Eris’s departure doesn’t last long, as he looks back to you, your tears having stalled for a moment.
“I- Lu, I- I’m pregnant.”
His eyes light up, and you can tell he loses control for a moment because his skin glows a radiant glow, his red hair almost blinding. He grabs your hands, placing them in his, as he asks, “is that why you were crying?”
You nod your head, the action causing a pain throughout your head.
“Are you worried?” He asks, concern on his features.
You stare into his eyes, his mechanical one whirring taking in everything about you. The look on his face told you your concerns were ill-founded, but they still tumbled out of your mouth.
“How are we going to teach them how to read? I’ve never taught anyone how to read.”
His brows furrow, and his eyes light with amusement.
“I think we have a few minutes before teaching them how to read, I’m sure we can figure something out.”
He pauses, cutting you off before you can speak again, “and I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to figure out how to teach them how to count.”
You and Lucien had sat on that couch for hours, all of your worries melting away with your husband’s comforting words.
And the realization from Lu that you could, in fact, hire a tutor to teach the babe how to read.
The two of you had retired to your rooms after dinner with Helion, where he made zero progress with names for your babe to call him.
The name “Papa Hehe” was what led the two of you to excuse yourselves so you could laugh in private over how much thought he was putting into the names.
Lucien helped you out of your dress, pulling it over your head.
“You know,” he says, putting the dress away and picking up one of your nightgowns, “my taking your dress off is how we ended up here.”
You push his chest lightly, “Lu, I’m so swollen I can hardly walk down the corridors.”
His smirk turns feline, “I never said you had to move.”
“I’m due any day now,” you tell him.
“I heard that pleasure can help induce labor,” he whispers in your ear, tucking hair behind it.
You laugh into Lucien’s mouth as he kisses you, holding you as close as the bump would allow him to. You let him guide you to the bed, and he helps you lay down on your back, your hair adorning the pillow behind you in a halo.
Lucien’s hand caressed your swollen belly, receiving a light kick in response.
“And pray tell, what is my baby girl doing awake at this hour?”
You roll your eyes, giving up ages ago on correcting him. Neither of you had any inkling as to the sex, but Lucien was convinced it was a babygirl.
“She got confused and thought we lived in the Night Court.”
Lucien chuckles as he drags his hands up your thigh, delicately placing kisses up your calf and up your thigh, your moans spurring him on further.
And damn it all if Lucien wasn’t right about his baby girl, who arrived about twelve hours later.
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xoxotria · 2 months
inferno | y. jh
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pairing: targaryen!jeonghan x targaryen!reader
themes: house of dragon!au, incest, arranged marriage, typical house of dragon themes
warnings: incest, unprotected sex, edging, oral sex, switch reader, mentions of reader having breasts and a vagina
summary: unable to make his two troublesome children settle down the king takes matters into his own hands and decides to wed them.
“you and i are made of fire. we have always been meant to burn together.”
another daughter of the lord baratheon storms out of the prince’s chambers a scowl on her face as she passes by the targaryen princess. curious she walks towards her brother’s room to see what all that was about.
“chased off another one dear brother?” she teases as she peaks into her older brother’s chambers.
jeonghan sits at the edge of his bed a cup of wine in hand as he rolls his eyes at her.
“it’s not my fault she’s too tame for my taste.” he smirks.
jeonghan targaryen, the second heir to the throne after their other brother seungcheol, was a menace always getting into trouble with his dragon. he was an untamable soul—one that even the king, his father, cannot control.
“emā se ānogar hen zaldrīzes flowing rȳ ao. they’re sepār zūgagon naejot zālagon.” you have the blood of the dragon flowing through you. they’re just scared to burn. she smiles taking a seat on the set of chairs in the middle of his chambers.
“hae gaomagon ao jorrāelagon mandia, skore dīnagon īlva isse keskydoso situation.” as do you dearest sister, which puts us in the same situation.
he was right, she wasn’t very different from him. despite the god-like appearances they carry, she was a targaryen. according to her grandfather king jaehaerys ii, every time a targaryen is born the gods toss a coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land. as much as targaryens are prone to greatness, they are also prone to madness.
the targaryen princess was vastly known to be like her ancestor queen visenya targaryen. a passionate, stern and unforgiving woman who feared nothing and no one but she was also loving to her two brothers. she trusted no one other than them—she was their little flame. she was immensely stubborn and headstrong, challenging her bethroned to keep up with her which always ends up with them break off their engagement unable to diminish her inferno.
she knew what she wanted and she wasn’t going to let anyone get in the way of what she wanted—what she deserved.
“father will have our heads for breaking off another engagement he worked so hard to arrange for us.” she watches as jeonghan stands up to refill his cup downing it as he shrugs.
“his anger has always been temporary, ñuha perzys. it will only be a matter of time before he finds us another engagement to break.” he winks. my flame, the term of endearment he gave her as soon as she was born into this world.
“let us hope that is the case, there are only a few noble houses to choose from left—for me anyways, baratheon, tully, stark and hightower to name the few. are we as the rumors say we are?” she whispers softly as she peers up at him.
he puts his cup down as he encircles his arms around her, engulfing her into a tight hug. he knew of her worries—he’s heard the whispers in the king’s landing regarding both of their tendencies to be unreasonable and extremely picky when it comes to their betrothed or the rumors about them being together alone in each others chambers in the middle of the night.
“we know fully well who we are, who cares what they say? you and i ride the biggest dragons to ever live, we do not need the approval or the validation ñuha perzys.”
“i suppose your right.”
“please, ñuha perzys. i am always right.” he boasts as she shoves him off of her with a smile on her face.
to many of the people in the palace, the bond they shared seemed to dance the lines between siblings and something more. with personalities that matched each other’s, the similarities in their ways of thinking, and the way they presented themselves to the court and to the people of the kingdom. they mirrored each other so well.
jeonghan would hear the rumors as he loitered the streets of the city on days sleep would not find him, he thought about it. targaryen’s often marry siblings, it was a normal occurence in their family. their ancestor king aegon i even took both of his sisters to marry. it plagued his thoughts whenever he found himself staring across the hall at the sight of his little flame listening to her betrothed talk endlessly about something that did not intrigue her one bit as she toyed with the necklace he gifted her on her nineteenth name day.
unknowingly to the male, the female targaryen also harbored similar thoughts about her brother as she watched him and his betrothed acquaint themselves with each other in the gardens she often read. she would feel a pinch of jealousy as his betrothed made advances on him causing her to storm off to the dragonpit to go ride on vermithor.
“except when it comes to the women you choose.” she laughs as his face morphs to a shocked one.
“you did not! i don’t even pick them!”
“yes, i did! you always had a choice on the matter brother.”
lunging at her, jeonghan pushes her unto his bed as he tickled her sides causing her to erupt in laughter.
“take it back, ñuha perzys.” he smirked as he pinned both her arms above her head as he continued to tickle her sides.
“never.” she whispered realising how close their faces were to each other.
“i’ll give you one last chance. take it back.”
lilac colored eyes stared into light blue eyes, faces centimeters apart as the tension between them rises. his eyes glancing down to her lips briefly as he watched her bite her bottom lip.
kiss me. her eyes begged, breath hitching as he leaned down closer their noses touching.
“say it.” he whispered. say you want me to kiss you ñuha perzys and i will.
they stared at each other, hearts pounding against their chests, their bodies flushed against one another. they knew they had no right to touch each other, crave them like air—but they did. somehow they knew that the fire that burned in them was only meant to burn together.
“jeonghan! father is summoning you.” seungcheol’s voice booms behind the wooden doors as he slams his fists against it.
snapping out of their thoughts jeonghan pulled away and offered his hand to help her up from the bed as she muttered a small ‘thank you’. she had made her way back to the seat she was in just in time before the doors slammed open with her other brother walking in.
“i never said you could enter, brother.” jeonghan muttered as seungcheol sat down on the other seat across from the princess.
“ñuha perzys, i didn’t know you were in here.” seungcheol greeted as she smiled at him.
“i had the honor of seeing another lady storm out of his chambers.” she replied as seungcheol laughs looking over at his younger brother.
“again? for fucks sake, jeonghan! what’s wrong with her now?”
she isn’t her. he thought bitterly as his eyes met hers quickly before looking back at seungcheol and shrugging at their brother.
“too ‘tame’ is what he told me.” she pipes up as seungcheol’s brow raises at him.
“at this point, i do not even know who father would set you up with anymore.” he snatched the cup of wine from the table before turning to the princess. “you as well.”
“what is that supposed to mean?”
“please, ñuha perzys. i know everything that goes on in the keep. i heard about the lord crying and storming off after you took him out on a ride with vermithor.”
she once took the young lord on a afternoon ride with vermithor not knowing how the boy was terrified of both heights and the strong personality she had. the lord was a pussy anyways hurling at the stories the princess told about various poisons and tricks to kill someone without the evidence pointing back at you. it didn’t shock her he’d already fled back home with his tail between his legs.
“not my fault the boy hasn’t grown a dick yet.” she shrugged earning a chuckle from jeonghan.
“well father is not going to be please with both of you either way so i suggest running along and heading to meet with him and at the small council meeting room immediately.” seungcheol stands as he makes his way out jeonghan’s chambers.
the two shared a look before heading out as well, a look they shared a lot recently, a look that meant they were fucked.
“i am at my wits end with the both of you! you scared off the last lord in close vicinity interested in you and you—” the king points slams his hand on the table as the princess and prince look on bored as ever. “—you have yet to marry a lady i set up for you! time is running out for both of you troublesome children of mine.”
“father i will not be tied down to a boy who can not handle a woman such as myself. i know what i want and what i deserve. jeonghan feels the same way. do not expect me to marry a boy who only wants me for my cunt and dragon.” she reasons her voice stern as jeonghan nods in agreement beside her.
the king was livid. he could not understand why his children was being this difficult with finding spouses! he did not know what to do with them anymore. he hadn’t cause his father this type of problems when it came to his marriage.
“i may be your father but i am also your king! my word is absolutely final. what am i to do with you?” he glares at his children, a headache starting.
does he try one more time with the lords of houses valaryeon or stark? or the ladies of house lannister or strong? the king was stuck on what to do until an idea popped up inside his head.
“seeing as your engagements to other houses have yet to be successful you have left me no choice but to wed you both to each other seeing as only the both of you tolerate and understand one another. i should have done this from the start and saved myself time.”
the two royals glanced at each other as they silently cheered in their heads. this was it. their chance to finally be themselves unapologetically without thinking about how their betrothed would act or what the people would say but doubts of how she would react still plagued jeonghan’s thoughts.
would she like that? he thought as he glanced over at the princess beside him.
“father…” he glanced over at the king as the princess stayed silent beside him. “i will only do so if she accepts to as well.”
she stared at the marble table in front of her as she takes jeonghan’s words in. he was giving her a choice in their marriage. was he not interested in the idea at all? was he hesitating to marry her because he loved someone else? she had to play her cards right, if she declined she would probably shipped off to dragonstone and wait to be married to some lord she’d have no choice but to marry for political reasons or does she take the chance with the one person who she truly feels something for? she briefly glances at her brother who sat quietly staring at her before glancing over to her father.
“i’ll do it. i’ll marry jeonghan father.”
“then it is settled! you will marry in two moons time.” the king announces clapping his hands as he stands to congratulate his children. “i can die happy knowing my children are settled well into this world. it is the only thing a father wants for his children.”
“thank you father.” she replied a small smile on her lips as jeonghan intertwines their hands together.
“i will fulfill my duty towards you and the crown, father. you have my word.” he declares as he plants a kiss on the back of her hand.
duty. she was only his duty. she thought bitterly as she exchanged a tight-lipped smile with him, her father cheering and talking with the hand gleefully in the background.
the princess grew distant with jeonghan, something everyone in the palace took notice of. preparations for the royal wedding were well underway as they only had a limited amount of time and everything needed to be perfect.
“you look absolutely stunning ñuha perzys.” seungcheol complimented as she stood on a pedestal being fitted into her wedding gown.
“do you not think it is too much?” she asked gesturing to the silks that clung to her body.
“nonsense, ñuha perzys. it’s perfect.” he cooed at his baby sister. “is something wrong?” he asked he noticed the change in her posture.
“nothing is wrong.”
“something is bothering you. everyone leave us.” he commanded as the seamstress and the ladies exited the room.
“tell me what is wrong and i will do something about it.” he demanded softly as he took her hands in his.
“you and i both know i can do far worse than you brother.” she chuckled.
“do not change the subject ñuha perzys. i’ve noticed the distance of you and jeonghan as of late and i’m not the only one. what’s on your mind?”
seungcheol had noticed the subtle changes between the two. he did not want to pry into the changes in the ‘relationship’ his siblings had but as their older brother it felt like he needed to especially when the pair had been ignoring each other for the past few days after the announcement of their engagement. he noticed how jeonghan was distracted during lessons and small council meetings, spacing out more than usual. he planned on cornering him but it was harder to see him alone with all the planning he had been doing for the wedding so when he found out about his sister’s dress fitting he took the chance to talk to her and get to the bottom of things.
“i know marriage is more often than not only for political reasons and that targaryen marriages are often something the crown does to strengthen claims to the throne and blood purity. that’s all it us right? a duty—to the people, to the king, to the crown. i get that marriage is mostly a duty! a stupid fucking duty.” she chuckled darkly. “i don’t want to be someone’s duty, seungcheol. i deserve more than that. i’m a targaryen princess. i ride vermithor, one of the biggest dragons from old valaria. i am more than just a fucking duty! so why am i just a duty to the crown for him when he’s so much more to me? am i not worthy to be wed just because he loves me?”
jeonghan’s words had affected her more than she let herself too. she hated knowing she was just a duty to him—a fucking duty. she was going to be his wife for the rest of his life and he viewed her as a duty? she was livid. after the meeting with their father she had made her way to the dragon pit and took vermithor out on a ride returning in early hours of the day before the sun came out completely avoiding the blonde prince who waited for her to return but eventually fell asleep doing so.
she had avoided being in the same room as jeonghan since that day which confused him. had he done something to upset her? did she not want to get married to him? he had been hurt when he knocked on her chambers to spend time together like they always did before bed but she shooed him away as soon as he had knocked on her door. he tried several times to corner her alone after that waiting by the library to see the end of her lessons with the septa or at the dragon pit waiting for her to come down from her flight with vermithor but with their wedding fast approaching it was impossible to do so. he gave up after the fifth day deciding to sulk about it instead or make it everyone’s problem that he wasn’t in the best mood because she had been avoiding it.
“he said that? for fucks sake! don’t you see that he is absolutely obssessed with you?” he asks taking her by surprise.
“he does not, seungcheol. you should’ve heard it come out from his own stupid mouth that i was just a duty to the crown for him!”
“ñuha perzys you are stupid to think he does not love you.”
“prove it then.” she interjected stubbornly.
“gods are you blind? have you really not noticed anything?” he asked as she shook her head ‘no’.
“do you ever wonder why father never reprimands you for things you do out of line? well, it’s because jeonghan always takes the blame for you even if father knows it was you who did it. all those fucking lords that would dare talk ill about you or sexualize you with him in the same room—the one’s who’d disappear all of a sudden? they’ve all been murdered by jeonghan. gods i would know—i was there as he tortured them before feeding them to vhagar once. he fears no consequences that will come to him if it meant you would be safe and taken cared for. that man has done things that would traumatise any other normal human being but he did it for you. if that doesn’t show his love and dedication to you i do not know who will ñuha perzys.”
“then why did he just not ask father from the start to marry me if he felt that way?”
“do you honestly think he will risk his relationship with you not knowing how you felt for him in return? he endured seeing you with lords not even worthy of you.”
she felt confused. had he really viewed her the way she did secretly? had she really missed all of that?
“fuck.” she cursed as realization of his actions, his words— him had set in her mind. “what do i do seungcheol? he most probably thinks i hate him for having to marry him.”
a smirk makes it way across seungcheol as he looked at her.
“leave that part to me, ñuha perzys.”
after days of trying to get him alone, the prince jeonghan was finally away from the chaos of preparing for their wedding. he had been practicing on a wooden dummy in the training yard, swiftly jabbing his sword as it delivered calculated and fluid movements that would make any enemy falter and die in a span of minutes. he was always skilled with a sword as he never wanted to not be prepared in case the threat of battle was present. he did not like his life being in the hands of his guards. she had approached him silently as he delivered one last swing at the dummy chopping it’s head off clean.
“ñuha dārilaros skoros ēza se dummy gaomagon naejot jiōragon such wrath hen ao?” my prince what has the dummy done to receive such wrath from you?
his head snapped at the sound of her voice as he sheathes his sword by his hip. he was mildly surprised to see and hear her infront of him after he had been unsuccessful at being granted a private audience with his betrothed for days.
“ñuha perzys, skoros grants nyke se rigle hen emare ñuha betrothed isse ñuha presence tolī tubissa hen issare denied hen such?” my flame, what grants me the honor of having my betrothed in my presence after days of being denied of such? his eyebrow raised teasing her but there was a hint of bitterness in his tone that wasn’t looked past by the princess.
“may i invite you to take a walk with me, my prince?” she asked politely as he nodded falling into step beside her as they walked through the gardens.
a tense silence blanketed the two royals as they walked in step with each other, hands so close to brushing each other with how close they were. months ago, they would watch each other walk the same paths in the garden with each other’s betrothed with spite as they watched their betrothed try to swoon them over with flattery that would take them nowhere—nothing would swoon them over. no amount of riches, fame and flattery could. they just weren’t who plagued their thoughts.
“will you ever tell me why you’ve been actively avoiding me or shall i tickle it out of you?” jeonghan piped up as he stared down at her.
“i have not been avoiding you. i’m just busy with wedding preparations—”
“bullshit! i have been busy with my own share of wedding preparations but will always have time to spend with you. what have i done ñuha perzys?” he demanded standing infront of her as she peered up at him.
“for someone as smart as you are, you are quite dense.”
“ivestragon nyke kostilus, nyke daor gūrogon se lyka treatment hen ao mirre longer ñuha perzys.” tell me please, i cannot take the silent treatment from you any longer my flame. he begged as he grasps her hand in his own.
“a duty.” she whispered watching his face morph into a confused expression.
“you called me and our betrothal a fucking duty to the crown.” she glared at him as realization passes him.
“ñuha perzys, you are a duty i would gladly fulfill until my last breath but you are not only that to me. however, i would rather tell you that in a more private setting rather than the gardens where someone could easily eavesdrop into our conversation.” he explained as he kissed the back of her hand.
“sepār ȳdragon isse Valyrīha, mērī īlon drējī shifang se udrir isse īlva lentor se se people kesīr.” just speak in valyrian, only we truly understand the language in our family and the people here. she uttered pulling her hand away creating some distance from him.
he sighed pressing his lips together but nodded. he gathered his thoughts as she stared at him, jaw clenching as she absentmindedly bit on her lip.
“fuck—don’t do that.” he whispered.
“speak or i’ll leave.”
“i will—just. fuck.”
jeonghan was never this bothered by any woman. he was used to women fawning and lusting over him usually throwing the bodies against his hoping to receive a reaction from him (they don’t) before he pushes them away in disgust. so how was it that by simply biting with her lips, he could feel his self restraint thinning fast.
“i’m serious. i will leave.”
“don’t.” he pleaded.
she narrowed her eyes at her betrothed as she stared at his tense form. she could faintly make out the built of his body from the way his sweat made his clothes stick to his body. she gulped trying to rid of the unholy thoughts running through her head.
“nyke gōntan daor mazōregon emare naejot dīnagon ao sepār kesrio syt nyke viewed ao hae such. iksan daor mēre qilōni kessa dīnagon syt political reasons iā mirros tolie than se fact se ābra nyke dīnagon iksis se ābra nyke jorrāelagon. nyke gōntan daor chase qrīdrughagon mirre lī ābrar, ossēnagon mirre lī lords, gūrogon multiple blames syt anyone. ao gīmigon se type hen issaros iksan ñuha perzys.” i did not accept having to marry you just because i viewed you as such. i am not one who will marry for political reasons or anything other than the fact the woman i marry is the woman i love. i did not chase away all those women, murder all those lords, take multiple blames for anyone. you know the type of person i am my flame.
he thought about the lords he’d torture and feed vhagar after hearing such disgusting and crude marks about her—people who viewed and lusted her as just some royal whore made his blood boil. he swore that as long as he lived, he would kill such disgusting animals without any mercy.
“eman dedicated ñuha ābrar naejot ao. nyke promised nykēla bona hae bōsa hae ao sagon biare kesan gaomagon everything isse ñuha power bona ziry stays bona ñuhoso. bona daor ōdrikagon kessa mirre māzigon naejot ao. kostan daor sagon se sȳrje rȳ expressing ñuha emotions rȳ udra yn nyke hope bona hēnkirī kesan sagon able naejot. jaelan īlva naejot sagon isse iā biare dīnilūks ñuha perzys. mērī ao se eman keskydoso inferno bona burns deep iemnȳ īlva. īlon we’re va moriot meant naejot zālagon brighter hēnkirī. lo nyke could urnēptre ao skorkydoso olvie nyke jorrāelatan ao nyke would” i have dedicated my life to you. i promised myself that as long as you're happy i will do everything in my power that it stays that way. that no harm will ever come to you. i may not be the best at expressing my emotions through words but i hope that together i will be able to. i want us to be in a happy marriage my flame. only you and i have the same inferno that burns deep within us. we we’re always meant to burn brighter together. if i could show you how much i loved you i would.
he watched her for any reactions from him basically professing his love and dedication to her. he was practically calling her his already.
“pār urnēptre me—prove naejot nyke bona ao aren’t verdagon bisa bē sepār naejot mazverdagon nyke rȳbagon skoros jaelan naejot rȳbagon.” then show me—prove to me that you aren’t making this up just to make me hear what i want to hear.
her eyes burned into his own, a look of need behind them. she needed him to prove whatever he said to be true. it was a harsh environment they lived in, they needed each other to get through it alive besides, two dragons are better than one right? his head was foggy as he made his decision but he knew this was the way he could prove his feelings towards her.
he kissed her. he heard her breath hitch as his lips crashed against hers.
“i’d do anything for you, ñuha perzys.” his hands gripping her waist as he whispered between kisses. “you just have to say it.”
his touch sent tingles through her entire body. he had touched her before but never this way, it felt addicting to touch her that way—in ways only he could.
“tell me what you want. i promise you i’ll give it to you, anything you want.”
“you.” she whispered as their lips brushed against each other.
“i want you jeonghan. i’ve waited long enough to have you this way ñuha jorrāelagon. i will not wait any longer.”
never had jeonghan imagined the day he would hear her speak such words towards him—all those years of pining and protecting her had taken him to this position. she was a magnificent sight to him. he had always seen her in such way despite knowing of the many personalities that she displays to certain people. she held herself in power and bravery without doubt with a fire behind her actions. she was always his flame.
“eman waited tolī bōsa naejot rȳbagon lī udra issare uttered hen aōha lips ñuha jorrāelagon.” i have waited too long to hear those words being uttered from your lips my love.
“i’m sorry for making you wait,” she had pulled him closer, wrapping her arms around his neck as he gripped her closer to him.
“i would wait a thousand years to be with you, ñuha jorrāelagon.”
“you do not need to wait any longer. i am here now.” she smiled as she pressed her lips against his.
they kissed each other as if they were starved, jeonghan’s tongue sliding into her mouth as she moaned at the feeling of his hands grabbing unto her ass. she moved forward slightly pressing herself harder against him as he groaned at the feeling of her breasts pressed against his chest.
he pulled away foreheads touching as they caught their breaths. he smiled kissing her softly before cupping her face in his hands.
“let me take you somewhere more private.” he whispered as she nodded.
letting herself laugh as he took her hand into his and dragged her into his chambers. what they would be doing was immoral but neither had cared at that point. they were getting married soon anyways what difference would it make?
jeonghan takes the sight of her in his chambers in. she had been in there before but it was different now. her visits once used to be of innocent banter and chatter but it succeeded that now.
a smile ghosts across his lips as he slowly brushes a stray lock of her hair away from her face as she leaned in towards his touch. he kissed along her neck smiling as he heard her breath hitch tangling her fingers in his long locks.
he hummed as he nipped at her neck leaving bruises in his wake. his hands were running along the curve of her breasts to the curve of her back leaving her breathless.
“you have no idea how long i have been imagining seeing you in this light dearest sister. do you touch yourself at the thought of me?” he asked, pulling the fabric of her dress down to swirl his tongue on her nipple.
“always.” she breathed biting back a moan. “gods just touch me already.” the way his tongue swirled around her nipple and his featherlight touches had her arousal pooling between her legs.
“mmm…patience, little one.” he whispered against her skin, goosebumps rising.
her chest rose and fell, eyebrows furrowing at the pleasure she was getting from just his tongue. he’d tease her another time—he wanted her now.
jeonghan pulled his tunic off in a swift move, his trousers coming off just as quick. her eyes followed his movements, widening at the sight of him. was he going to fit in her? the thought sending shivers down her spine as he kissed her.
she had wrapped her legs on his hips, their cores brushing against each other earning moans from both of them. he was intoxicated with the way she coated his dick with her slick. he wanted more. he needed more.
he had kissed her with a ferocity he had held back all those years. he walked them towards the edge of his bed. gently he lowered her to his bed his lips peppering kisses on her chest down to her waist until he reacher her inner thighs.
“jeonghan.” she moaned out as his nose brushed her clit.
“relax, ñuha perzys.”
he licked her cunt, eyes watching as she wriggled in pleasure as he drank every drop of arousal he could get out of you. pleasure pooled in your lower regions as he stuck his tongue into you whilst his fingers played with your clit.
“seven fucking hells! yes just like that.” she cursed as she pushed his head deeper into her.
he chuckled as he continued his pace of pushing two fingers into her inserting another one to stretch her out futher, he could feel her getting close as her walls clenched around his fingers. the knot in her stomach painfully tight as her legs squished his head his tongue sending her over the edge.
he licked her arousal as she rode out her high. eyes fluttering shut as jeonghan pulled away to kiss her on the lips wanting to taste herself on his tongue.
he kissed her deeper as he aligned himself to her cunt, brushing his tip against her sensitive clit causing her to moan out once more.
“i need you inside me, please…” she pulled away from their kiss.
“it’s going to hurt for a bit ñuha perzys.” his eyes met hers as she nodded.
he rubbed circles into her hip as he coated his entire length with her arousal before sliding into her all the way to the hilt. she moaned feeling so full of him, falling back against the pillow. he kissed her as he allowed her to adjust to his size.
she could feel the pain subside before the immense pressure she felt. he moaned as he felt her clench around him.
“gods that feels so good.” she moaned out as she tapped his shoulder to make him start moving.
jeonghan peppered kisses along her neck and chest as he pulled out until the tip of his dick before bottoming out.
“seven fucking hells you fit me perfectly.” he growled into her ear as he rammed into her at a fast pace.
he reached around her to roll her nipple between his finger with her crying out in pleasure.
“you are my flame, princess. i crave your fire as i crave you.”
she had felt a sense of cockiness go through her as she heard those words fall from his lips. she had ripped herself away from him and pushed him to lay on the bed with a growl. she ran her fingers over the skin on his abdomen, lightly dragging her nails across his skin, making goosebumps appear. she had straddled his hips, aligning his dick against her core. with eyes locked on his, she slowly sank herself all the way down to his balls, mouth falling open as he stretched her.
“you’re fucking gorgeous, ñuha perzys,” jeonghan breathed as he gripped her hips, “fuck me. be my good girl and ride my dick.”
she did as he requested using his chest as leverage rolling her hips as she bounced on top of him. each time she came down his dick hit deep inside her hitting that one spot that made her see stars and clench around him.
she was losing herself with every new sensation she felt, every minute of her riding him pushing her closer to the edge of madness. jeonghan’s hands was busy pinching and tugging her nipple as the other reached between them to stroke the bundle of nerves.
“you’re doing so well,” he cooed. “just like that love…”
gods, he would be the cause of her undoing.
“jeonghan…i’m close…” she cried out as her head fell back.
and in one smooth motion, the prince had rolled them over, pinning her hands over her head. pounding into her at a brutal pace, jeonghan had latched his mouth to her breast, catching her nipple between his teeth and pushing her over the edge.
“jeonghan!” she screamed his name as her orgasm exploded through her, tearing through her and leaving her a panting mess beneath him.
“fuck…” he cursed out, pumping in and out of her chasing his own high before he finally came spilling himself inside her.
she had looked up at him, finding affection gracing his features. she had cupped his face bringing his face to her own to kiss him.
“does that prove how much i longed for you?” he asked as he pulled away from her breathless.
“it has, ñuha jorrāelagon.” she had smiled as he settled down beside her drapping the furs on their naked bodies.
“remember this,” he had run his fingers through her locks as she settled on the crook of his neck. “i would give the world to you if you asked me to. i will let the world burn if it meant you’d be mine for eternity. that is how much i love you.”
“i am yours as the sea belongs to the moon, the way dragons belong to the skies, and the way the embers in my heart only burn for you. you are the fire that i would conquer kingdoms for. my soul will forever be entangled into yours, as long as i shall live.”
jeonghan knew then that no matter what he would be the cause of the world’s demise if ever the god’s that reigned over them decide to play their ruthless games on her because she was what kept him away from the madness that always seemed to grab a hold of them.
they were from the same fire—always destined to burn together.
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loveandmurders · 7 months
You belong to Ambrose I (poly!Sinclairs x f!reader)
Hey everyone, I'm happy to finally post the first part of this imagine.
I really hope you'll enjoy it <3
Warnings: no proof reading, a few strong words, angst, dangerous!Lester, mentions of violence, blood and murders, morally grey reader.
“Hey, mom, what do you think Ambrose looks like now?” you heard yourself asking your mother without even meaning to.
The woman sent you a quick glance before her attention went back on the food she was preparing on the kitchen table.
“Why?” she sternly asked back and you tried to shrug it off, no matter how embarrassed you were starting to feel about the whole conversation you just brought up.
“Don’t know. I’m just planning a road trip with friends and we’ll go close back to where Ambrose is…was. I noticed it wasn’t even marked on maps anymore” you explained and your mother hummed
“Then you got your answer. Ambrose must be gone.” she said “Like the brothers you used to love so much” she replied and sent you another look, as you glanced down at your lap, in shame.
You should have known better than to talk about Ambrose to your mother. The woman had always wanted to pretend it had been a terrible nightmare.
“Mom…” you whispered
“I’ve never understood why you were so fond of them. Your dad either. They were a terrible influence on you. I’m happy you decided to burn the bridges with them and that you never went back to Ambrose. There was nothing for you there. And those people were troublesome and violent and… freaks. You deserved way better than them.” she continued and you resisted the urge to take their defence. They weren’t freaks, they were… a great part of your life and now a great hole inside your chest. “What was their name again?” your mother asked.
“Sinclairs” you instantly replied before biting your tongue
“Ah yes. Well, I’m glad you didn’t become one” she continued and you frowned at that.
“What do you mean, mom?” you wondered with a tilt of your head
“The eldest one, when he came back to Ambrose after his mother died and that he was sent away for a few months, and before his dad died that same day, he looked for you. He knocked at our door. Thank God you were away with your dad then. I told him to go away and he assured me that he would never go away from you, and that you would become his wife one day too.”
“His… wife” you whispered, your heart aching.
Bo was indeed often speaking about marrying you and sharing you with his brothers, but you always thought there were only words; the Sinclairs never really planned out their future. Bo was too obsessed with cars and getting free from his family to care about anything else. Vincent was too focused on his art. Lester was just a lost kid wandering into the woods late at night. You hadn’t thought they were actually seeing you as their future. You always appeased Bo, you always brought Vincent back to reality, you always helped Lester feel like he was part of something.
“To be honest” your mom resumed and your attention went back on her “with the amount of time you were spending with him and his brothers, I was really worried you would agree on doing something that stupid. And even though you left Ambrose heartbroken and sobbing, I’m happy something happened between you, him and his twin, that day. I don’t know what it is, but I knew it convinced you to leave.” she continued and you didn’t answer. The memory of that day was still burning you to the core.
You had been so happy so see Bo and later on, Vincent. You had run into their arms and they had hugged you with fierce love. You were all planning on getting Lester back too. 
And then, Bo killed his dad and Vincent told you he was going to continue the House of Wax, the way his mother always did. You knew about the murders, you knew people were beneath the wax, but you never said anything because you loved the boys. And despite how an awful mother Trudy was, she liked you. You were a girl, and she could finally chat around with what looked like a daughter to her. Victor was also a little more careful around you. You were loved by the Sinclairs, and they couldn’t explain it; it just happened.
But their love was dark and violent, and you couldn’t agree to live like that; you couldn’t stay in Ambrose when everything was dying around and you couldn’t live from murders. You promised yourself to never betray your boys, but at the same time, you left with your parents without a goodbye. You knew that if you decided to go see the twins one last time, they would convince you to stay and it couldn’t happen. You never recovered from the fact you didn’t see Lester again before leaving and you hoped Bo had been able to bring him back home. You were certain he did though, because his people were the only thing that mattered to him.
You were about to leave the kitchen when your mother called your name and you turned around, with a raised eyebrow, silently asking her what she wanted.
“Do me a favour and stay away from Ambrose during your little road trip, okay?” she said with a hint of concern in her voice
“You said yourself that there is nothing there anymore anyways” you replied, a little bit surprised by your mother’s attitude
“I know but… I don’t want you to tempt the devil” she replied and you only found yourself nodding. 
You wondered if by the devil she meant Bo.
Bo knelt in front of a woman he just killed. She was the last one of the group and he was glad about it because he felt quite tired now. It was too hot today to play hide and seek with assholes. At least, the night was already casting its shadows around Ambrose and bringing with it a little bit of fresh air. Bo looked down at the woman, tilting his head to the side as he watched the pretty necklace she had around her neck. It was slightly covered in blood but he was pretty sure he could wash it without trouble. It looked expensive; he was certain the glitter coming from beneath the blood was a little diamond. He took it off her body without a care and pocketed it before Vincent could use this jewel on his next wax statue.
“Y/N would’ve liked it” Bo hummed to himself before sadly sighting. His throat tightened as always when he was saying your name out loud.
Whenever he was spotting something that reminded him of you, he was always grabbing it and putting it away, in a box filled with gifts for you. He never stopped hoping that one day he would be able to give you this box. You would realise how much you were loved then; but so far it only happened in his dreams. And yet, he was thinking about you everyday of his life and he still believed you would come back home one day. He was certain you were meant to be a Sinclair; even his parents were liking you so it had to mean something. He missed you so much, he missed your laugh and he missed the way you loved his brothers and himself. Ambrose was empty without you. Life had always been shit, but your absence was torture. He had thought that after a few years, the pain would subside, but it really didn’t. It often felt like it was actually growing up inside his chest. You left with a piece of themselves, you left with the only sun and happiness the boys truly felt. He knew his brothers were feeling the same, because everytime they were all eating together at night, the conversation always ended on what you became. And on why you never came back.
They could guess you were disapproving of the killing, but they couldn’t stand the idea that maybe you got scared of them. They couldn’t even say it out loud; you were the only thing they would never have hurt.
Bo sighted again as he grabbed the woman by her ankles and he started to pull her to the house. Vincent came upstairs when he heard a body being dragged on the floor and he helped his twin out. Vincent could tell by the look in Bo’s eyes that he was thinking about you. It was the only moment Bo was utterly silent too, lost in thoughts.
Vincent couldn’t blame him. He had hundreds of books filled with drawings of you. Whenever he thought that he would never hear your voice again, never feel your touch on his skin anymore, Vincent was drawing you. He was certain you existed that way, and he was certain he would never forget about what you looked like, even if he knew your figure and face were carved inside his chest and brain. You used to caress the bad side of his face and to remind him he was handsome, even in front of Trudy or Victor. You had never been afraid to show yourself with “the freak”. And his skin felt so dry and painful now your fingers hadn’t traced it in years.
The twins worked in utter silence and none of them felt hungry that night, so they went to bed earlier than usual. None of them slept actually, simply staring at the ceiling or at the wall, wondering where you were and if you were happy… without them. They wanted you to be happy as much as they wanted you to be miserable without them, because it was their only chance you would one day come back home.
Lester wasn’t better than the twins. And if Bo fucked with some girls, Lester just couldn’t even think about touching someone else than you. It felt wrong to him. He promised you he was yours and only yours after all. He had always enjoyed how a little bit possessive you were with the three of them. Lester wasn’t certain of a lot of things, but he knew he belonged to you. You had always loved them equally, giving them the love they were all craving so much.
You were always in Lester’s mind. He was always hoping to find you among a group of tourists, to be fair. He never stopped looking for you and hoping to see you again. You belonged to them too, so he couldn’t understand how you could live away from them. And he knew that if he ever found you again, he wouldn’t hesitate to lock you up somewhere if it meant keeping you by his side. Forever. 
And he was certain that the twins were thinking the same. They lost you once, they wouldn’t allow it to happen again.
But for that… he needed to find you first. 
And every morning and every night, he promised himself he would. Out of the three, he was the one who was the most certain he could get you back home, no matter if you wanted it or not. You were his little goddess, so he was certain that at some point you would come close to Ambrose again… and he would stumble upon you… and he would get you home. You would become the divinity of Ambrose once again, and everything would be alright.
One day, luck seemed to be on his side.
The closer you drove to Ambrose, the more you recognised the roads. Your mother’s words never stopped echoing inside your head and at some point, you turned the wheel so you wouldn't get too close to the place. A part of you wanted to drive right back to it; you even felt a little pang when you took the opposite path. You wanted to be back home more than anything, but you were too afraid of what would await you there. You even believed that the twins would be so mad at you, they would kill you and turn you into a wax statue so you couldn’t leave anymore without saying goodbye.
You found a little campsite and you all decided to spend the evening and night there. You forced yourself to focus on your people so you could forget about the Sinclairs. Another part of you was begging you to leave this place and to drive as far as possible away from Ambrose. You had no idea which parts of you were stronger.
You realised you didn’t have enough food for tonight so you and another girl took the car to find a shop nearby. It was late so a lot of them were close and you had to admit, you shivered in fear when your friend showed you the only store open 24/7 in the area. It was very close to Ambrose; little did you know that it was actually the town Lester was living in. You tried to not show anything as you drove to the store. You crossed your fingers to not run into any of the Sinclairs before you thought how stupid this was. The boys wouldn’t be there, and they might even be dead because of their way of life. And you were a lucky girl, something like that couldn’t happen to you.
Even if something inside of you was bubbling in excitement and hope.
As you entered the store, a man was leaving it. He moved to the side to let you come in and as you were about to thank him, your eyes met his and widened.
You tried to move past him, hoping he wouldn’t have recognised you or that he would hate you enough to let you go easily. But you were a fool. He instantly grabbed your wrist as he whispered your name, bringing you back to him. He was in trance. He couldn’t believe the day finally came. Your friend frowned, wondering what was going on. She placed an arm around your shoulder to show you support
“Can you let go of her, buddy?” she calmly said and Lester instantly obeyed, not wanting to cause a scene. He put his hands in front of him in defence.
“Sorry. Hi, Y/N, ‘s been a long time” he hummed, looking for your eyes.
“Hi, Les. Sorry, but we’re a bit in a hurry here, we’ll chat another time, hmm?” you said, hoping to get out of this discussion as fast as possible. Goosebumps littered his skin at the sound of your voice calling him by his nickname.
You were surprised when Lester simply smiled and nodded. You noticed his grin didn’t reach his eyes though and you suppressed a shiver. You knew you were in trouble, especially with him letting you go so easily. Even more when he cheerfully said as you turned your back to him “See you soon, darl”
Lester settled in his truck and waited for you and your friend to get out of the store. He dialled his big brother’s number with a light in his eyes. It was the first time in so long he felt like he was finally alive. He was certain things were finally going to be good.
“‘S up, Les?” Bo hummed at the other side of the line, always answering his phone very fast whenever his brothers needed him
“She’s here.” Lester simply said because he was too happy and excited to say anything else.
“What are ya talkin’ ‘bout, kid?” Bo asked, not wanting to get some false hope.
“Y/N. She’s at the store. She’s with a friend. Gonna follow them, I’ll send ya their location… And we’ll bring her home tonight”
It was a promise.
And a threat.
Taglist : @lacychick ; @magical-sass ; @limehaspassed ; @loveinglymessedup ; @bloodmoon-bites ; @iwantsleepplz ; @kawaistrawberry21
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“Slip of the tongue, Is no fault of the mind..?” TWST First Years accidentally confess to you
It’s all in the title-MY HANDS REALLY TYPED T*EY CLOVER THINKING THIS IS HEARTSLABYUL AND NOT FIRST YEARS 💀 short scenario write up. Trying a new format shjsjsjdj
**TW: One cuss word from Epel
Ace Trappola
“Argh, you’re so infuriating sometimes, you know that?!” You exclaimed, frustrated with the ginger haired boy in front of you who scowled. “Whatever…” he mumbled, turning away from you as he rolled his eyes.
You flared. “ ‘Whatever’?! Ace, you imbecile, you literally took a blast from that delinquent when we could’ve told a professor! Now you’re stuck in the infirmary! And daring to fight him? How reckless can you get?!” you chided Ace, who once again rolled his eyes and turned away. Yet, his eyes lingered to your form with a lace of guilt in his seemingly annoyed frown. Why do you even worry about him? You always troubled yourself for him when he definitely wasn’t the best guy around.
Why would you still look out for someone as troublesome as he is? And worry about him and stay with him and… care for him? Why?
“What were you thinking when you did that?” Your angry voice rang into his ear. Something in him made him snapped in frustration, his control broken into half. He swiftly turned to face you with an enraged look on his face, making you flinch slightly. But the next thing he said made you feel as if time had stop.
“Because I like you okay?! Do you think I want you to take the hit?” Your breath hitched. Ace softened his frown to become shock, realising he accidentally confessed to you.
“I-I-” Ace tried to come up with an excuse before you cut him off.
“You idiot… I-if you really liked me, then you wouldn’t get hurt for me! Obviously I care about you!” You shouted, a frown etched on your face with a blush burning as red as his own blush…
Deuce Spade
Deuce didn’t expect himself to end up with bandaged knuckles over his callous (and currently bruised) hands in the infirmary.
“Deuce, you punched that punk, obviously it ended with a fight!” You knocked sense into the boy who just looked down while sulking, biting his cheek.
“Why did you even punched him anyway? Just because he upset you doesn’t give you the right to retaliate with violence, I told you that before, right?! Not for his sake, but for your sake that you don’t get into trouble!” you reasoned with a frustrated look on your face.
Never did Deuce expected for you to be the first one rushing to him in the infirmary with a flurry of questions about his well-being and what happened. His heart warmed to the fact you cared for him again. Time and time again, you cared for a delinquent like himself. Even if the past is the past, he couldn’t let go of his sins in history.
When that Savanaclaw delinquent called you a useless student with no magic, he felt that the punch he sent across that punk’s way was to make up for what he was back then, but also because he loved you. He always had.
“Deuce! Listen to me! Why did you punch him?” You asked again, snapping him out of his thoughts. He looked at you with a slight frown, mumbling about how they insulted you.
You sighed. “I could have dealt with them you know.” Deuce didn’t know why or what made him say his thoughts out loud. Maybe he wanted to justify himself? Or was it out of impulse? Whatever the case, he just did.
“Well I love you obviously, why would I let him get away with it when he’s right there for me to stop him? What he says isn’t true about you! You’re an amazing, beautiful and-” Deuce stopped to catch on what he was saying, blushing along with your speechless form. “I- I mean-!” You cut him off when you kissed him just as impulsively as he was…
Jack Howl
You were the only one who got to water his cacti. After teaching you the basics, the two of you just never seem to separate from one another. Jack was watering a cactus when you called for him.
“Hey Jack!” You called for him excitedly as he hummed in response.
“You’re looking pretty… sharp with your cacti~” He halted. Did you really just say that?
“Also, hope your Alchemy Assignment doesn’t succ!” You grinned mischievously at him when he turned around with a puckered face.
Sometimes, you just pester him with overly lame puns anyone would grimace at. But even when he does so, you never fail to cheer him up, brighten his day like the sunshine you are.
Maybe that’s why he fell for you.
“It wouldn’t be so bad if you revised. After all, cactus makes perfect!” You giggled. His pretend frown on his face slowly contorted into a burst of laughter, the fam that finally broke the unleashed his bright smile and laugh that made you laugh too.
“Sevens, that was so lame…” he chuckled as he calmed down a little. You smiled too, but immediately open your mouth agape when he said the following.
“I love you so much.”
He smiled to himself, facing a burning red you as he looked baffled. “Are you sick…” he trailed off, finally realising what he said before his cheeks grew red, unsure of what he should say.
“Well, I, um…” he stuttered. “Really?” You finally asked him, his voice stuck in his throat.
Looks like his “cact-I” is turning into a “cact-US”~
Epel Felmier
The petite and small-framed boy hurried over to your dorm, a look of excitement on his face. He felt overjoyed when he smelt the scent of boiling spicy noodles that came from the kitchen and he found you preparing two bowls of it.
“The instant noodles are ready!” You smiled at him. Epel blushed a faint pink, smiling back at you. You’ve always treated him with kindness, you even called him “a man”, something he always wanted to hear. You even said it with sincerity and genuineness that it makes him smile stupidly to himself all the time when he recalled that moment.
It was no mystery to everyone else that he liked you.
Everyone else but you that is.
“Epel, do you like it,” you asked the boy beside you who was slurping the warm, comfort noodles. He never could eat instant noodles in Pomefiore without Vil reprimanding him that it’s unhealthy for his skin. “Yah! Thanks’a Y/n!”
“I’m glad you like them.”
“You always cook them, y/n, of course they’d be fuckin’ great!” He grinned from ear to ear, making you laugh at his rowdy antics showing. He faltered back. “Oh, er, sorry I mean-”
“Don’t worry, I get what you mean. And no I won’t tell Vil,” you giggled.
“Man, I seriously am in love with you.”
You froze, the noodles you were chewing were cut clean into half by your teeth, the noodles that fell out from your mouth splashed back into the hot soup. Epel didn’t thought much when he said that, let alone so confidently without plan after all the times he’s planned a confession for you before never uttering a word out.
You blushed a crimson red, and so does he. He swallowed the lump in his throat, carefully thinking of what his next words should say. “I- I er-” He completely flunked it.
Epel sighed, looking to the ground in shame. “I’m sorry… I really do but if ya don’t-”
“I love you, too.”
Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek wasn’t someone lovey-dovey, or flowery with his language. He told his peers who discuss about love if he were to be in love, he’d just say it to their face with no hesitation.
…He said that before he met you.
Sebek couldn’t comprehend why he couldn’t just say it the moment he caught feelings, and it frustrates him. He planned and planned, but never could carry it out when he faces you.
“Sebek!” His heart raced, swiftly turning to your voice with a scowl on his face. “What is it, human?” he grumbled, secretly joyful about your arrival.
“I er… actually came to you for some advice…” you whispered, leaning closer to his ear as he shivered when he felt your hot breath tickle his ear. Sebek sighed. “What now?”
Honestly, of all the people in your gang he felt a bit lucky you chose him first (although I’m intrigued you did but eh- I would ask him how to make a protein shake-).
“There’s this guy who gave me a letter and… I think it’s a confession letter! He said he wanted to see me outside the gate..! W-what should I do?” He immediately furrowed his pale green brows. Of all things, why this? “Human, do you think I’m an expert in the foolish?” You turned away as you tapped your fingers together. “Well erm, you’ve always been straightforward… I wanted to tell him I’m not really sure if I want to be with that guy but it also gets my point across.”
Without thought, Sebek snatched the letter from your hands and dumped it in the trash can right next to him. “H-hey! Wha-!” And with really no rational thoughts going through him he exclaimed and cut you off, “Tell him you love me because I love you!”
He was furious about it. Unreasonably, yes, but to him it was. How did he accurately feel… what’s that word…? Ah yes.
He was definitely jealous.
A pink hue slowly bloomed to your cheeks, and upon realising what he shouted a red blush soon crept up his cheeks, too.
“H-human, I didn’t-”
“Did you meant it?” You asked as you bit your lip. The way you looked at him… in his head he felt as if you wanted him to say “yes”.
And he hopes he isn’t wrong.
Reblogs help! ^^
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pandoraslxna · 1 year
luna bby, craving for lo’ak angsty smut please give it to me 🌬️
The Fall
adult Lo‘ak x female omatikaya reader
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Words: 11.5k
Summary: It was like falling off a cliff. A slow, steady fall and then the blinding crash. But in reality, a fall would’ve hurt less. Less than this.
Warnings: explicit smut, angst, friends with benefits, p in v, love confession, oral, begging, Lo‘ak being a switch, arguments, mentions of arranged marriage, one sided love, drunk sex, sleepy sex, handjob, creampie, praise kink, Lo‘ak is 26 & reader is 24, jealousy, possessive behavior, hair pulling, overstimulation, language barrier, teasing, sexual tension, (let me know if I missed anything)
Notes: this is probably my longest fic ever and I had so much fun writing it. Thank you mica for your request, it really motivated me to finally post this, I hope you like it! <3
Na’vi translations:
tanhì - (little) star, bioluminescence freckle
sevin - pretty
kalin - sweet
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It was like falling off a cliff. A slow, steady fall and then the blinding crash. But in reality, a fall would’ve hurt less. Less than this.
The first time it happened was the day of Tuk‘s Iknimaya. 
You remember that day like it was just last week. The clan celebrated her rite of passage and welcomed her and a handful of other young omatikaya into adulthood with a great fest. People were dancing, singing and the night was filled with laughter and stories told by the elder. The food was fantastic, but unfortunately, so were the drinks. 
And Lo‘ak was never one to say no when there was liquor, especially not when Spider challenged to drink him under the table. 
The night ended just a little sooner for the two of you, when Lo‘ak was on the verge of passing out and his father began worrying for his sons wellbeing. Probably worrying for his reputation too, but that was just how Jake was. 
"Get this knucklehead home before he throws up and ruins his last chance to find himself a mate", he told you, shaking his head and trying to hide the grin of a father who was dwelling in memories of his own troublesome youth. 
You remember how you had promised the olo’eyktan to bring his son home, but unfortunately, you were just as drunk. You had clung to each other, your arm around his waist and his arm thrown over your shoulder, stumbling and laughing all the way through the forest and you almost made it back to the village… 
You don’t know how exactly it had happened. It was a moment of drunken weakness, jokes turning into something serious and one thing lead to another and then he had kissed you and you had kissed him. It wasn’t like you hadn’t kissed before, but that was when you were kids. This time, it was different. And sometime between kissing and biting each others lips and hands grabbing whatever flesh they could reach— you somehow ended up tangled into each other, fucking your brains out, until you both passed out in the middle of the forest. 
You remember waking up the next day with the worst headache ever, but your pain was quickly brushed aside when you cracked your eyes open to find yourself laying on a very familiar chest. You remember the panic you’ve felt, thinking this might ruin your friendship, that this was a mistake and it would create some unwanted tension between the two of you, that it would be awkward now. But surprisingly, that wasn’t the case. 
It was still Lo‘ak when he woke up. Your Lo‘ak, your best friend, that weird kid you grew up with. 
And it somehow just… it worked. It was just sex and you were drunk and he was still your best friend. No weird feelings and no awkward tension as you originally thought, you even laughed about the whole situation on your way back home. The next few days, you would snicker and glance at each other whenever someone questioned where you two had been at the end of the night and it was like some sort of inside joke between the two of you that caused people to roll their eyes in an "always the same with these two"-manner.
But then it had happened again.
And this time, you weren’t drunk. You were very far from that, actually.
Lo‘aks heart was beating hard in his chest, almost as hard as it was the first time he had kissed you, dizzy with the knowledge that this was something forbidden. Something that wasn’t supposed to happen.
He had sex before, obviously. Most of these times without any major feelings involved. Hookups nothing more and nothing less. But this was still different. You were his best friend and unlike the first time, he couldn’t blame what he was doing on any warriors drink now. He did it simply because he felt like it. Because he was horny and you were alone in the forest with him, to hunt originally, but you just looked so tempting. Forbidden things always attracted him anyways. And besides, you did it once already, so why not do it again? It would be a shame if he were to hold it in until he was back at home, just so he could jerk himself off, give himself an unsatisfying release– when you were right here.
It must’ve been something in the air that day, but by the flush of your cheeks and the way you had clenched your thighs together, he could tell that you were just as needy. So he made a move, not really thinking much about it, because he was more of a do now and regret later type of guy. To think before you act, that was Neteyam’s style and not his.
Lo‘ak had pressed himself closer to you, moving his lips on your own as if he tried to quiet down the thoughts and the doubts running through your mind. You were hesitant at first, didn’t move until he got one hand holding the back of your head, fingers carding through your soft hair in soothing motions, and the other on the small of your back, pushing your bodies together. It was then, that you finally wrapped your arms around his neck and a soft little moan escaped you, like you were finally letting yourself go. 
And that brought you to a pause, returning you to the moment. 
With a gentle push to his chest, you made Lo‘ak break the kiss. Taking a few steps backwards to put some space between the two of you, you leaned yourself against a tree and sighed, "Lo‘ak I’m… we can’t— we shouldn’t."
"Why not?", he chuckled and shrugged. It wasn’t a pressuring question, no, he was genuinely curious. "You’re hot and I’m hot and the sex was amazing the first time and we both know that we could really use a good fuck right now. Just imagine how–"
"Ew", you laughed, before you gave him a playful shove to his shoulder. 
"What? So I can’t call my best friend hot?", he chuckled, "Okay then, I’m hot and your mildly attractive enough to–"
"No, skxawng", you laughed some more and shook your head, "I said ew because you called yourself hot." You had scrunched your nose and playfully reached for his hair, before you continued to tease him, "When’s the last time you washed those braids, huh? You’re not hot, you’re nasty."
There was a reason why you always felt so safe with Lo‘ak. He would never make you feel uncomfortable, no matter what happened, no matter what you did or said. It would never become awkward or weird between the two of you. You could kiss and fuck and fight but in the end, you were still friends, soulmates even. 
"Oh please, we both know all the ladies love me!" Lo‘ak winked at you and you grimaced, causing both of you to laugh even more. 
"Is that so?", you snickered, both of your eyebrows raised high in astonishment, "Why ask me then? Go and beg some of your 'ladies' if you want to get laid."
"Tanhì, c‘mon, you know what I‘m trying to say", Lo‘ak groaned and let his head fall back against his neck. He’s never been a man of many words and it was always so easy to win an argument against him. But still, you had to admit… he wasn’t entirely wrong.
Were you really that easy? Or were just that horny today? You were surprised with yourself that you actually considered this. It must’ve been just another moment of weakness and you really couldn’t believe it, but you actually found yourself agreeing to the few points that he made. 
Actually, the idea wasn’t as bad as you originally thought. You would both get your piece of cake without all the commitments and struggles of a relationship. It was basically just a hookup, but with someone you knew really well. And that sounded almost too good to be true. It sounded like possible trouble and problems. 
But Lo‘ak was right, no matter how insane that may sound. It had happened once and your friendship was still intact, so chances were high this could actually work. Right?
You remember how you had sighed and rolled your eyes at him, as if you actually couldn’t believe the words that were about to come out of your mouth, "Alright, alright… but we—"
But before you could even finish the sentence, Lo‘ak had pressed his lips against yours once again.
Immediately, you had leaned into the kiss too, allowing him to deepen it. He parted his lips, pressing harder against your mouth and you made a muffled sort of noise, to which he pulled away just slightly to let you speak.
"I didn’t agree yet", you told him panting, lips brushing against his as you spoke, but then you quickly leaned into the kiss again. You swiped your tongue against his bottom lip and he parted them, allowing you access to his mouth. "You can stop me if you want", he told you grinning, before your tongue curled around his.
"No", you whispered against his lips, "I don’t want you to stop." Lo‘ak chuckled at this, then reached down and his hands found the curve of your ass to grab a handful and squeeze. You were grinding yourself against him, relishing in the way his hips instinctually jerked against yours. He was so hard beneath his loincloth, you couldn’t help but press yourself further against him, almost desperately so.
Without breaking the kiss, he carefully untied your top and pushed it aside, exposing your breasts to him. His cock throbbed when he felt the soft flesh of your chest in his hands, slowly running a thumb over one of your nipples, which caused you to shudder. 
When he eventually did pull away from your mouth, his breathing was hot and heavy. He resisted the urge to lean forward and trap you in another kiss right away, in favor of showing your chest some attention. 
"Fuck, you really have some pretty tits", he murmured as he lowered his head, his tongue swiping over his bottom lip before he licked a wet stripe from under your boob up to your nipple, where he closed his lips around it. He traced his tongue over it, gently bringing them to peaks. Your head fell back and you moaned when he tugged on a nipple with his teeth, especially careful not to hurt you with his fangs.
Once you had both managed to get out of the rest of your clothes, never leaving the other ones lips for more than a brief second, Lo‘ak had picked you up and pressed you against a nearby tree. You had wrapped your legs around his waist and he had pushed his cock between your wet folds. Your slick helped him along, as he was gliding the tip against your aching, swollen clit.
"Lo‘ak, please", you impatiently whined and he smirked, grinding himself there for a short while.
"You sound good when you beg", he had told you, voice low and barely above a whisper, and then he finally drove himself all the way inside. The stretch was delicious and you sighed, relieved to be so wonderfully full of him again.
"Holy shit", you heard him groan next to your ear, "I missed this– missed this tight little pussy so much."
You were clawing at his board shoulders once he had started fucking into you and if there was any doubt, that this was the right thing to do, it flew right out of the window in this exact moment. If there was only one thing Lo‘ak was good at, probably better than anyone else, then it was to fuck. And by Eywa, he knew how to do it. He knew how to hit all of the right spots, like he had spent the past twentysix years of his life studying your body like the map to a treasure.
You knew that a big reason for the sex being so great was, that you knew each other better than anyone else, better than any hookup ever would. 
Lo‘ak moaned and cursed and whined, just as much as you did. You raked your nails up the length of his spine and he groaned, giving you an especially hard thrust. Your mouth fell open and he took the opportunity to sloppily kiss you again, tongue pushing past your lips to twist with yours and you moaned into the kiss.
His hands were still firm on the back of your thighs, lifting you up and pushing you down onto his cock, until the tip was roughly kissing your cervix, making you mewl.
You almost sobbed as he angled his hips up a little, hitting that special spot right there. 
"F-Fuck Lo, ah– I’m gonna, gonna come", you whimpered, "Don’t stop! Right there, right t-there!" He got the picture pretty quickly as he aimed just so, abusing that place that made you see stars. "Yeah? Right here?" His hips snapped into yours and you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck for purchase.
"C’mon, mama. Come for me, I won’t last", he gasped, "You feel way too fucking good baby, need to feel that tight pussy squeeze my cock. Do it for me, please, baby, c’mon please—“
The heat that pooled in his lower abdomen felt as if it would overflow at any second. You were so hot and wet, everything just felt so intense. Lo‘ak was moaning, literally moaning, without a care in the world because what else was he supposed to do when you felt so fucking good?
He felt your walls clamp down hard, your legs around his middle tensed and squeezed his waist and then his hips began to stutter too. Your eyes were closed tightly and your brows pushed together and then you choked back a sob and it felt like you were falling down a cliff and taking him with you.  
You moaned his name as your orgasm hit you, shaking legs tightening so harshly around his waist, you could feel every tremor of his hips. He had fucked you through it, his pace barley faltering for a second. And as if he had only waited for you to finish, as if he wanted to satisfy you first, he then finally came too. 
And again, it worked. It had happened twice now and it worked just fine.
That’s when Lo‘ak came up with the glorious idea of adding some sort of 'benefit' to your friendship.
On the same day, you came up with some, let’s call them 'rules', regarding your dirty little agreement. Lo’ak said it was more of a do‘s and don’ts list but whatever, in the end it was the same thing. It contained things like, what you were into and what not and things that he enjoyed, his boundaries and visa versa. There were also a few major rules that you both immediately agreed on. One of them being, that if either one of you would ever get into some sort of relationship or were to mate for life with someone, then your agreement would end and it was back to you just being friends. Apart from that, both of you could end this at any time, no questions asked. 
Another big rule, basically rule number one, was that this would and will always be just sex. No feelings were allowed, no feelings were involved— don’t even think about catching them. In this case, they were a deadly disease. They were to avoid, forbidden and unwanted. Your friendship would remain untouched from this agreement, no matter what. It was just sex. 
Naturally, because how else was this supposed to go, it became pretty messy after that day…
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The thing that Lo‘ak hated most about his brother was, that he was always right. 
"Have you lost your mind?", the hiss of Neteyams voice had startled him, and Lo‘ak tried his best to act composed. But of course he failed miserably to do so, starting from the way he almost choked on his spit. "Please don’t tell me you sleep with her", Neteyam was almost whispering, but his voice was laced with anger as he furiously pulled him to the side, away from any possible unwanted listeners.
"W-What? With who? Of course I don’t, bro."
Yeah, that pretty much gave it away already…
There was a pause, like Neteyam was considering if he really wanted to dig any further and probably get involved into something he didn’t want anything to do with. Well, it was too late for that anyways, he thought. 
"I saw her sneak out of your marui just this morning, when I went out to hunt", his brother sighed, "You still lie like you’re five years old, baby bro."
Lo‘ak swallowed dryly, shoulders tense as he shrugged them, "Okay, and?" There’s this thing that he does, like pulling up a facade when he gets cornered. Lo‘ak then likes to act all cool and tough when he feels everything but. "Yeah we do it from time to time, what about it? It’s just sex", he shrugs again, avoiding all eye contact, because he knows the look he would find in his brothers face if he would dare to glance in his direction. 
"Lo‘ak", Neteyam starts and said brother rolls his eyes at the lecture that’s about to follow, "You’re gonna loose her as a friends if things go wrong. You know that, right?" 
Yes, he knew that. They shouldn't keep doing this, they really shouldn't, but they do. And they kept doing it. 
Neteyam had warned him… But unfortunately, his brother had already replaced his brain with his dick.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Lo’ak was maybe, just a little bit, kind of an idiot.
Okay, he wasn’t fooling anyone. He was a complete and total idiot. How could he let this happen? How could he have allowed this to build over the past few months, without even considering that things would inevitably go this way?
It wasn’t until months, probably even a year later, that Lo‘ak first realized something had changed. He couldn’t pinpoint just yet what exactly that was, but he knew it had something to do with you. More so, with the way you were interacting with others. And by others, he specifically meant other men.
He had seen you flirt with other guys– even more frequently, he’s seen other guys flirt with you before. Hell, he used to be your wingman once. But that was before your little agreement. That was when you both still had to put in some actual work in order to get laid. Which made him wonder why you were even allowing this guy to flirt with you. Why not come to him instead? That would’ve been much easier. That’s what your agreement was there for, he thought.
Okay, just because you were batting your pretty long lashes at some random guy, that wasn’t even that good looking, didn’t mean you wanted to sleep with him. And it wasn’t against the rules either. Truth be told, Lo’ak had no idea why it was bothering him so much. It wasn’t his business after all.
Still, there was something about the way that guy looked at you, that made his stomach turn into a tight knot. Suddenly, there were spikes of rage, fear, possessiveness, sadness— all mixed together and fogging his mind so much, Lo‘ak could barely think as he approached you. 
Laying an arm around your shoulder, he briefly stopped your little conversation, making you look up to him now, instead of that guy. "Oh, hey", you smiled at him, but there was a hint of surprise written on your face that he didn’t miss.
Neither of you had anything against the close proximity, the public display of affection. But that was mainly because Lo‘ak played it off as a friendly touch- brotherly even. And that’s exactly how it looked like to others, that’s what it looked like to you– just Lo‘ak being close with his best friend. Being physically close to one another was definitely not unwanted or unnatural to either of you, not even in public, but it still caught you off guard in this moment.
"Hey, sorry, uhm, can I borrow her for a while? It’s urgent", Lo‘ak told him, pressing his lips together into a thin line and forcing a half hearted smile to appear. He then turned his attention back to you, "Walk with me?" Thankfully, you didn’t question his intentions any further and nodded, excusing yourself.
Whatever that guy’s name was, Lo‘ak didn’t really care anyways, then reached out and gently caressed your upper arm as he said his goodbye. It was an innocent gesture, nothing more than a second passed when his thumb brushed over your skin and he knew that you probably didn’t even noticed it. But still. 
It felt like Lo‘ak had been shot in the chest.
And then it finally dawned on him. He was jealous. No— No way.
That had just been a slip of his thoughts, right? Something accidental in the moment? He was pretty sure he was just confusing something here. There was no way it was really the case. There was no way he was jealous. You and him both, you were just in it for the sex. And jealousy, jealously meant feelings. And there was no space for complicated things like feelings here, which was why it was impossible for him to feel jealous. Really.
"That guy looked at you like he wanted to fuck your brains out right there", Lo’ak said, his Na’vi accent still lingering on his voice even after all these years of speaking the sky peoples language so fluently. "And I hated every second of it. Made me want to puke."
His fingers continued to pump in and out of you as he spoke, two of them buried to the last knuckle in your sopping cunt while your juices were running down his wrist. It was good that you actually believed that the thing that was so urgent was the raging boner under his loincloth and not just an excuse to get you away from that guy as fast as possible.
"You know I hate when you do that", you murmured, breathing heavy and eyes half lidded as you glanced down on yourself to meet his eyes. Your brows were furrowed, but Lo‘ak had no idea if that was because you were trying to glare at him or if you were just feeling good. He definitely hoped it was the latter.
"Do what?", he asks, before he retreats his digits and attaches his lips back to your clit instead, making your hips jolt. 
"Lo‘ak", you say his name like a warning, or at least that’s what you intended to do, but it comes out as a moan instead. 
It was funny that you still refused to learn the sky peoples language, even after so many years of living side by side with them. You just never felt the need to, never participated in anything that would require you to understand it. Most of the humans living in high camp were almost perfectly fluent in Na‘vi, so it wasn’t really necessary anyways. Lo‘ak on the other hand spoke their language like he grew up on earth. And he loved to take advantage of this. He did this since you were kids— indirectly talking to you, in a language that you didn’t understand. He did it whenever there was something he wanted to tell you, when there was something on his mind that he needed to say out loud to get it off his chest, without actually wanting you to understand it. 
"You’re so easy to tease", he chuckles, before he guides your hips lower, making you sit on his face properly. Immediately, his tongue darts out to lick a wet stripe from your dripping entrance to your clit and you gasp. Your hands find purchase on the top of his head, fingers gently combing through his hair as you move your hips in slow circles. The forest ground is hard beneath your knees, but you barely pay it any mind as you chase his tongue with your clit, grounding yourself against it. 
"Dude", you swallow thickly, a breathy chuckle leaving your parted lips and then you carefully lift yourself off of his mouth to give him the opportunity to respond, "say it so I can understand or I’m going." 
Lo‘ak knew you wouldn’t leave, not right now. Not when he was devouring you like a starved man. Not when you were dripping all over his face, needy and wanton for a quick release. He chuckled and the comically sight of him peaking out from between your thighs was enough to make you giggle. 
"I said, I heard he has a small dick. Just wanted to give you a heads up before you get disappointed", he said with a sharp grin. 
"Who said I was going to sleep with him?", you asked in a teasing tone to which Lo‘ak bit the plush inside of your thigh. 
"You looked like you wanted to", he murmurs, "And you were wet before I even started. Like you’ve been thinking about it."
"I might as well go and ask him then, if you don’t stop with all the talking a-and… oh fuck", you were interrupted when Lo‘ak closed his lips around your clit again and sucked. He hungrily kisses the little nub, flicking it with his tongue and just as you’re about to move your hips and ride his face, he stops again. 
"And? Go on, sevin. I‘m listening", Lo’ak chuckles, causing you to glare at him. Leaning back on your palms, you feel for his cock behind you. Once you get a grip on his hard erection, you stroke him, once, twice and then squeeze his shaft just a little harder than necessary. You feel some of his pre-cum leak and drip over your knuckles and the whimper that escaped the man between your thighs is enough to make you grin. "Okay s-sorry, sorry", Lo’ak groans and allows you to lower your core against his face again. With a gentle tap to your thigh he gives you permission to move, ride his face as you please and that’s exactly what you do. 
You feel his nose bump against your clit, while his tongue prods at your entrance, lapping on your sweet juices before he begins to tongue-fuck you. Lo‘ak has always had a smart mouth, but just a few months ago you realized that talking wasn’t the only thing his mouth was incredibly good at.
No, there was really no way Lo‘ak was jealous. This right here, this was all that it was. You were both just in it for this, the sex. Making each other feel good, using each other for pleasure and nothing else.
Except now you were dragging yourself across his face, head thrown back and humping his tongue like you were in heat. When you came, your eyes flew open and you looked down on yourself and Lo‘ak made the mistake of glancing back up at you. And then your eyes met and you, you just looked so good, so pretty as you fell apart for him— because of him. With little beads of sweat on your temple and eyebrows scrunched together, your delicate fingers tugging at his braids. You weren’t even touching him properly, his dick laying heavy against his stomach, twitching and the tip swollen, turning purplish and leaking pre in streams, completely neglected of all sort of touch. But he still came, thick spurts of warm cum shooting up and landing all over his stomach with a loud groan. He really just came just from watching you, just from feeling you and making you feel good. He came completely untouched simply because he made you come.
And that’s when Lo’ak realized he truly fucked up…
Now that he was aware of it, Lo’ak knew that this had been going on a lot longer than he was willing to admit. And now that he could finally put a name on it, it was especially hard for him to keep it together. 
He was a lot more clingy than before, something you probably realized right away but simply chose to ignore for whatever reason. Physical boundaries hardly ever existed in your friendship anyways and his touch was never unwanted, so you didn’t mind it. 
It was when Lo‘ak’s friendly teasing and the affectionate bullying that went back and forth for all these years suddenly turned into genuine compliments. That’s when you started to become suspicious. It was just once or twice that it slipped. A friendly, innocent, "you look so pretty today", that wasn’t moaned in the heat of the moment or said lowly, whispered in your ear to rile you up. It was sincerely, said with a smile and your brows instantly furrowed. Lo‘ak quickly realized how out of character that must’ve sounded and brushed it off with a laugh, biting the inside of his cheek and cursing himself. From now on, he would have to be more careful not to let anything like that ever slip again.
But he sees the way you’re looking at him now. Like you’re trying to communicate with your eyes, trying to tell him to stop whatever he was doing and don’t– don’t catch feelings. Rule number one, Lo‘ak. Don’t fall in love. 
But it’s too late already.
Lo‘ak was head over heels in love with you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Come over", you heard his voice coming from the small ear piece he had gotten you a few years ago. It was an older throat com model that would’ve ended it the trash if it weren’t for Lo‘ak to snatch it from Norm and give it to you instead. It was nice to have some way to communicate with each other, when one of you were on patrol or away with the war party. It also bought you a lot of comfort, knowing that your little dumbass was still alive when you weren’t there to keep him from doing dangerous things. 
But now, it wasn’t just used as a simple form of communication when either one of you was away. Now it was also used to locate the other when things got a little… hot. 
"Lo‘ak… it’s the middle of the night", you groaned, barely able to keep your finger on the speaker button before you halfway drifted off to sleep again. You hear something rustle on the other end of the line, some movements and a breathy laugh before he speaks again, "I‘ll be quick, I promise. Please, tanhì." He sounded a little whiny and you couldn’t help but smile. 
"You’re always quick", you joke and then you hear him chuckle a soft, "ouch". It’s silent for a while and it’s like he knew you were considering it, because you literally felt the grin on his face, even when you couldn’t see him.
"Okay", you finally sighed, "But you will come over! And you‘ll have to do all the work. I‘m too tired to move." 
"You’re the best! I‘ll be there in two."
Lo‘ak showed up to your marui in a heartbeat, no surprise, letting himself in as if he lived there with you. 
You were half-asleep again, your thoughts syrupy-slow and you barely registered how he settled himself next to you, curling himself around your back. Lo‘ak presses himself against you and he’s warm and his breathing fans against your ear. Fit together like this, you could feel your bodies responding to each other. Arousal begins to heat your blood when you feel his erection poke against your back.
"Hey," he whispers and you turn your head to kiss him. In the dark, you only manage to kiss the corner of his mouth, where his lips are curved into a smile. 
It’s him who leans in to try again, and then your mouths finally meet. It’s less than a kiss and more of a tired, pressing together.
Thankfully, Lo‘ak doesn’t waste another second of keeping his hands to himself, before you feel his fingertips ghost over your hips and move towards your core.  
"What’s got you so needy in the middle of the night?", you giggle as you drape your thigh over his, spreading your legs to make room for him, "Couldn’t sleep?"
"Oh no, I did sleep", he chuckles, "Had some very nice dreams actually."
His hands move to pull the cloth aside that covers your private parts. He doesn't need to see your face to know that you’re smiling lazily and he places a kiss on your neck, enjoying how you tilt your head to accommodate him. He could spend all night just feeling you, getting you slowly worked up but this wasn’t the time. Lo‘ak knows you’re tired and he’s afraid that if he took his time, his actions would come across as too lovingly and that you would get suspicious again. 
"What did you dream about?", you ask him, voice low and seductively. 
About you. I was dreaming about you. 
"Hm dunno. Can’t really remember much, just that I woke up and…", he grinds his cock against your lower back, letting his body speak for him and you hum. 
You’re sleep-warm and pliable, so willing to be manhandled that it drives him insane. His cock is so painfully hard, it’s been hard for hours just from thinking about you. 
Lo‘ak shifts to cup your sex with his hand, fingers gently swiping through your folds and feeling for your wet entrance. He coats his digits in your slickness, two fingertips prodding at your entrance before he sinks them inside. You gasp at the sudden stretch, toes curling when he begins to move them.
"S-shit, baby I need you so bad", he whispers against your ear, "m'gonna fuck you so good." 
"Please", you whimper and he feels your walls squeeze around his digits when he curls them just right, hitting that spongey spot inside you. "Fuck me Lo‘ak, please, please I need it", you sleepily brabble.
Lo‘ak feels how hard his heart beats against his chest when you moan his name, almost like it wants to escape his body and fly away. It would be so much easier that way. He wouldn’t have to feel the guilt that’s eating him up inside, making him feel dirty and wrong when he breaks the most important rule you’ve both so strongly agreed on. He’s not using you for pleasure anymore, it’s not a give and take and it has turned into something different. For you, nothing has changed. But for him, for him it’s so much more than just sex now. 
Lo’ak wonders if that makes him a bad person. He’s not only breaking the number one rule, but ignoring one of your boundaries too. And respecting them used to be– no, they still were his priority. 
He feels bad about what he’s doing, yet he can’t bring himself to stop. He can’t bring himself to end it, because Lo‘ak feels like he can be more honest with his body than his words. You would probably never realize it like that anyways and for now, he’s fine with that. He would willingly take the guilt, if that meant being able to feel you, being able to have you like this whenever either one of you desired. 
Your breathing is decidedly less even by the time he's finished getting you thoroughly wet and he can't wait any longer. He lines his cock up with your slick entrance and slowly pushes forward, until he's completely buried inside. Lo‘ak takes a minute to savour it, his head tucked in the crook of your neck and breathing in your scent. It has grown more intense, so rich and sweet, since the day he realized he felt something for you. It was like your body called for him.
He then pulls out just a few inches before he sets his pace, lazy and deep strokes, and you draw your knees up to give him better access. His next thrust hits you in an even better spot, if your quiet gasp and the sweet little mewl is any indication.
Lo‘ak slips a hand down your body to stroke your clit and the second his fingertips begin to move, he felt your wall squeeze hard around his cock. "Fuck, that’s it’s baby", he groans lowly, "I fucking love when you do that, you’re so tight. Do it again, c‘mon." He gives a light tap to your clit and your hips jerk. You flex your pelvic floor muscles as best as you can, earning a breathy moan from him. 
Lo‘aks head felt dizzy. 
He was completely absorbed by the feeling of your sweet little pussy. It seemed to lovingly embrace his cock, to massage it and cling to it whenever he dared to pull out just a few inches.
Slowly, his pace increases, until he’s moving his hips fast and hard, panting heavily. His face was bright with arousal by now, bare chest wet with sweat and it felt so, so fucking good. Nothing on Pandora could ever be compared to this feeling, to the tight clutch of your pussy and the noises you made just for him.
Maybe… maybe he should tell you. 
No. No, that would only make him feel worse, because there was only one way this would go. Lo‘ak was the one that had started this and he would be the one to end it, if he were to ever confess his true feelings to you. No, he couldn’t tell you. 
When Lo’ak opens his eyes, he can’t take them off of the bioluminescence freckles decorating your skin. His free hand comes up to cup one of your breasts, squeezing the supple flesh and gently tugging on your nipple. He loves the freckles on your chest the most. It’s like a path, a pattern, leading all over your body and he wants to kiss every single one of them.
You’re so pretty and no one knows you as well as he does. Lo‘ak doesn’t know anyone else like he knows you— body and mind, all of you.
That’s why he knows to dive down and press more kisses to your throat and why he knows just how to touch your sensitive clit, how to circle that little bundle of nerves just right. When you moan from the sensation, Lo‘aks body shudders in response, like your pleasure was ultimately connected to his own. 
"C-Coming, Lo I‘m… oh fuck I’m coming", you whine and that’s what snaps him out of his thoughts. He feels your legs tremble, how you hold your breath and more slickness begins to seep out of you and then it crashes through you. 
It’s a feeling of pure bliss for him, to know that your coming on his cock, that he’s the one making you feel like this. He’s relentlessly rubbing your clit and you whimper and sob, reaching down to try and shove his hand away because he’s starting to overstimulate you. It doesn’t seem to stop him.
"Give me one more, please tanhì, come for me again", Lo‘ak groans next to your ear, adding just a little more pressure to your clit to make you cry out and shudder from each firm, deep stroke of his cock. Your inner walls cling tightly to his shaft, squeezing him, flexing around his warm, intruding length, coaxing him deep inside with each thrust.
"Shit– you feel so good, I’m gonna cum too!" His eyes were foggy with lust, and his shaft twitched and throbbed wildly inside you. The velvety-soft feeling of your walls was enough to make him forget everything but the pleasure he craved. Lo’ak wasn’t himself anymore. Everything about you made him lose his mind further. He was working single mindedly towards his orgasm, desperately thrusting over and over into you, chasing the ecstasy of his oncoming climax. 
His fingers worked roughly over your clit, fast and tight circles that made you forget to breathe until you felt another orgasm approach quickly.
"Oh fuck, fuck yesyesyes", you squeaked and even in the dark, Lo’ak could see your eyes rolling back into your head as the pleasure overtook you again. He feels your walls spams around him and that’s what finally tips him over the edge too.
Lo’ak buries his face in the crook of your neck, moaning something so low and garbled that you barely picked up that it wasn’t said in Na‘vi. You didn’t care to ask what he said just yet, too busy catching your breath as you slowly came down from your high. 
It took Lo‘ak a significant amount of time to finally pull out of you and rearrange his clothes. You barely moved next to him, breathing now even and calm and he knew you were on the verge of falling asleep. He moves as quiet as possible as he pulls his arm out from under your head to get up. 
"It’s almost morning, you ass", you tiredly mumble while turning from your left to your right side, "I have to get up at sunrise.”
“Worth it”, he whispers more to himself than to you, a big grin plastered on his face. 
“I hate you,” you groan, scrubbing your hands over your eyes. Lo’ak snickers, making his way towards the entrance of your marui.  
“Oh, hey, wait,” you then say, propping your head up. He stops short, meeting your gaze. “What did you say, you know, earlier? I was kinda… preoccupied and didn’t hear.” He could hear the teasing tone in your voice.
“Kinda? You wound me,” Lo‘ak says, placing a hand over his heart and pouts playfully. “You think I remember what I said while I was nutting, skxawng?”, he chuckles and then shrugs, causing you to roll your eyes. Before you can reply, though, you yawn. Seeing that Lo‘ak was still standing in the doorway leaves you tempted to throw something at him to finally get him out. You really needed some sleep now, at least for a few more hours.
"See you later?"
"Yes, yes now get out", you wave him off, voice muffled against the furs, that you used as a makeshift pillow, you had now buried your face in. 
Lo’ak then finally turns and heads out. But as soon as his back was facing your marui, his playful expression slackens. His brows scrunch up as he walks back to his own tent, staring at the ground in disbelief, hands balled into tight fists on his sides.
I love you.
I love you, was what he had gasped into your neck when he was too overwhelmed with the smell, the taste and the feeling of you. Fuck.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Lo‘ak was fuming. 
His father couldn’t have picked a better timing for this sort of conversation. Ever since he completed his Iknimaya, years ago when he was welcomed as an adult in his clan, his father had urged him to find a mate. He would ask again and again, introduced all kind of women to him. A few years ago it was embarrassing, having your father make you talk to girls. But now it was simply annoying. 
There was a short period of time where his dad had stopped asking, but for whatever reason, he had decided to try again, just a few weeks ago. And that, at the worst timing possible. 
"So… you still don’t like any of the women your dad wants to set you up with?" 
Your voice was soft, carefully even, as if you walked on tiptoes around him. Speaking to him like he was made out of glass. It made him feel vulnerable and he hated it. He hated it, because it felt good that you allowed him to be vulnerable. Speaking to you always made him feel so much better. But now he realized, that moments like these only made him fall for you even more.  
"No", he simply said. 
Lo‘ak laid on his back, hands folded over his stomach as he glanced up to the crowns of the trees. A few rays of sun shined through the thick leaves, warming and tickling his skin where they touched him. 
Propping yourself up on your elbows, you turned to face him. "What about Rena? She seems like a nice girl."
"Rena is fucking crazy", Lo‘ak told you honesty, "Tarem told me she’s super jealous and I’m not into obsessive woman. I need my freedom, you know?" She wouldn’t let me continue to stay friends with you, was what he intended to say.
A deep sigh left your lips and that’s what brings him to finally look at you. You had moved into a sitting position, cross legged, while braiding a loose strand of your hair. 
"Sure you do. Have you even met any of them yourself before you judge?" 
Lo‘aks brows furrowed before he spoke, his hands wildly gesturing with every word, "I‘m just not ready for a commitment like that. Choosing a mate for life that’s– that’s a lot of pressure. I‘m still young, there’s plenty of time!" His tail trashed against the ground, clearly irritated. It wasn’t like he was lying. He really wasn’t ready for all of that— but the fine difference to make it the whole truth was, the he only wasn’t ready for such a commitment… if it wasn’t with you. 
"How come your parents don’t make you choose a mate? You’re just two years younger than me!"
"Well, probably because I’m not the olo’eyktan’s son", you chuckled.
"Neteyam is next in line, not me", Lo‘ak grumbled and again, you sighed. 
"I know that myself", there’s a long pause as if you were trying to choose your next words right, "Lo‘ak, your father is just trying to give you the same happiness he has with your mother. You—"
"My dad is just trying to set me up because he thinks that will make me stay out of trouble", he interrupts you, probably a bit too harsh for his own liking. Lo‘ak wanted to punch himself for the way you looked at him now. "I’m sorry, kalin. Can we… can we just like, not talk about this anymore? I wanted to see you because I didn’t want to think about this right now."
This. This meant, the thought of loosing you to someone else. Having to choose someone as his mate that wasn’t you. 
"You’re right, sorry", you quickly apologize with a smile, a genuine smile that warms his cheeks. Lo‘ak inhales a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment as if that would make him forget the world around him. Forget you. 
The gentle touch of two soft, warm palms on his thighs then snaps him back to reality. Opening his eyes, Lo‘ak props himself on his forearms to look at you. You had settled yourself closer to him, your hands now gently massaging his upper thighs and ever so slowly, working themselves further up.
"What are you doing?", he chuckles with the tilt of his head and some of his braids sway over his shoulder with the movement. The smile on your lips is smug and he knows that look on your face, like you’ve planned something.
"Hm, I don’t know", you shrug innocently, "I was just wondering if there‘s anything I can do to make you feel better?" The seductive tone in your voice makes something stir inside him, yet he can’t do anything but smile weakly.
There’s nothing he wants to do more right now than to feel you, hold you close and loose himself in the pleasure that you provide, but the thought of loosing you to someone else, the thought of his destiny being with someone else still lays heavy in his heart. 
"I don’t know if I’m in the mood for this", he sighs.
"Not in the mood? You?", you gasp jokingly, "Who are you and what did you do to my Lo‘ak?"
My Lo‘ak. The words make heat creep up his cheeks and the tip of his ears.
Sometimes he forgets how well you know him, and then he’s reminded of it at the worst possible moments, like right now. 
The sex was one thing. But to have someone understand your mind is a different kind of intimacy. Something he wasn’t willing to loose. 
Still, Lo‘ak doesn’t resist when your hands move further up, massaging the muscles of his thighs and caressing his skin. It just feels so good, he can’t help but let it happen. He watches in awe as you inch closer to him, untying his loincloth to let his half hard cock spring free. You don’t even hesitate to reach out for him, both hands closing around his shaft to feel him grow fully hard in your palms as you begin to stroke him. Lo‘ak mutters some quiet curses, watching how you let spit pool in your mouth before letting it drip from your tongue to the mushroomy head of his cock. Now lubed with spit, your hands glide over his shaft so much easier, so smooth, that the pace of your strokes effortlessly increases. 
"Tanhì, baby, please", Lo‘ak grunts, hips twitching in an effort to stay seated and not fuck right into your palm. "Shh", you coo with a smug grin, "Let me make you feel good, Lo. Just relax. We’re gonna fuck soon enough." Your promising words send a shiver down his spine.
"Oh eywa", he prays, his voice shaking and barely above a whisper, when your thumb starts to tease his slit, where the first bead of pre-cum had already formed and spilled over. You smear the sticky, clear liquid over the soft skin of his tip and he groans.
Slow and steadily, you add more speed and pressure to your hands, moving up and down, sometimes in a twisting motion that produces these obscene squelching sounds in your spit slicked palms. Lo‘ak moans and his cock twitches heavily, hips stuttering as he chases his upcoming orgasm. Pleasure ripples through him with each firm stroke and he feels his chest tightening.
"F-Fuck, fuck, holy sh–shit that feels so good", he curses, squirming underneath your touch, with his head thrown back and his eyes squeezed shut. "Keep going, no wait—", his eyes fly open to find yours, "stop, stop, stop tanhì I’m close!"
"What’s wrong?", you tilt your head and giggle, the pace in which you’re stroking his fat cock never faltering and he almost chokes on his next words. "Can I come inside you?", he begs with a whimper, "Please, please let me come in you, I’m— I don’t want to come like that. Need to fill you up with my cum, baby. Please."
You squeeze your thighs together at his words, a wave of arousal pooling between them. The whine Lo’ak produces, when you don’t let up, is helpless. He’s twitching, gasping, moaning, unable to form words as you work his cock, hard and fast.
"Hmm, you can do that later, okay? Just let go for me now. Come. I know you want to, don’t hold back, Lo."
Twisting your hands, you do that thing you know he loves, that always tips him over the edge. You squeeze just below the tip of his cock with one hand, the other stroking his length so hard that his heavy balls smack against your palm the same way they would against your clit when he would take you from behind, face shoved against the ground. Like you knew that’s the imagine that’s playing in his minds eye as you bring him to his orgasm.
"Oh great mother— FUCK", Lo‘ak groans and then sucks in a sharp breath of air. He cums with short bursts of exclamations, thick ropes of warm, sticky cum shooting out, flowing over your hands and his own stomach and thighs. "There you go, that’s it", you coo so sweetly as you continue to pump his cock, it’s enough to make him moan. Trembles run through him and when you don’t stop stroking him, only slow down and lessen the pressure, his thighs jolt. His hips move, like he’s about to rise up, to get away from the intensity, but your hands keep holding onto him. Moving one hand to his stomach, you feel the muscles tense underneath the soft flesh.
Lo‘aks breathing is ragged and heavy and you keep a loose hold of his cock, smiling at the way he’s twitching with the aftershocks. It’s no surprise that he doesn’t grow soft in your palm, still hard as a rock thanks to his enviable stamina. You give him a final squeeze, causing a few more droplets of his cum to seep out of his slit and run over your knuckles. 
"Holy shit", he shakily exhales, "you’re way too fucking good at this."
And that’s really the problem, isn’t it? You’ve done this for so long that you both know what gets each other off. You know what it is about your bodies that the other person loves. You’ve learned and grown together and pleasured and fucked each other until there was nothing else to learn. 
"Thank you", you beam with pride, your cheeks turning into a soft pink and without thinking, Lo’ak reaches for you, hand cupping the back of your neck so he can haul you into a kiss. You go willingly, matching his vigor, match his energy like no one else does. And that’s one of the things he loves about you. One of the things that’s been driving him crazy, keeping him up until ungodly hours as he tries to figure out how someone could affect him this way.
You rest your hand on his chest, tilting your head and he instantly wedges his tongue between your lips. With your other hand, you free yourself from your loincloth, with the simple pull of a string that holds it together. Lo‘ak hastily pulls you on top of him and positions you to hover over his cock. 
His hands settle on your hips and he wants to pull you down so badly, he want to split you open on his cock, wants you to scream so loudly that every living thing in the forest knows what’s going on. He wants the whole world to hear.
Lo‘ak is so painfully hard and aching as if he didn’t just came. Just like he always is when you touch him, when you arch your back like this, when your hands hold onto his shoulders. The soft curve of your waist, the swell of your breasts and your glistening cunt hovering just inches above his cock— Lo‘ak is so intimately aware of everything he loves about your body in this moment, it makes his heart swell and his cock stir.
But instead of slamming your hips down like he so desperately wanted you to, you decide to sit down on his length, trapping it between his lower stomach and your pussy. You glide yourself against it, grind your clit along his cum covered shaft and he shudders. Your movements are painfully slow, too slow. 
It isn’t supposed to be so slow, so intimate, as it is, so smooth with no worries or such flowing words.
"You feel soo good, hmm so hard just for me? Can’t wait to have you inside of me", you whisper, soft praises falling from your lips before you press them against his own again, tongues curling around each other. Meanwhile, your slickness mixes with his still warm cum and it drives him further insane, knowing just how easy it would be to sink his cock into you right now.
"Let me take over", Lo’ak whispers against your lips, "please. You’re too soft, I don’t want it soft today." He adds more pressure to his grip on your waist, tempted to just manhandle you, flip you onto your stomach to take what he so desperately craves for.
"How do you want it then?", you ask lowly. Your eyes are half lidded with lust and you circle your hips until the head of his cock prods at your entrance. Feeling the muscles of your tight hole clench around his very tip makes him hiss. 
It’s supposed to be wrong and needful, something dirty to make the whole forest regret ever enduring such a view, such sounds and smells. 
"Rough, like… I don’t want to be able to still think anymore, that kind of rough."
What he wants from you in this moment is not warmth or comfort, he wants his deepest desires to be fulfilled and within that, be left limp and used and emotions disobeyed. It’s to be wrongful and with scrunched eyebrows, dirty. It’s not supposed to be like this. Not slow and sensual, teasing and loving and comforting. It’s not supposed to be like this, not right now. Not when this fueled the fire in his heart, made him want you even more, made him love you even more.
Lo‘ak wanted to fuck. He wanted to feel used and not loved, because that would only make things so much worse than they already were. He knows you mean good, that you want to help him feel better, that’s why you go slow and soft and almost lovingly. You just didn’t know what it did to him. You just wanted to comfort your best friend.
"Oh I can do that", you murmur with a grin, "Want me to fuck the thoughts out of your head? Okay." Thank eywa, he thought. 
And then you suddenly rise your hips and slam yourself down, hard, taking his whole length in one thrust, stretching you out to the max and he knows that must’ve hurt at least a little. Your mouth falls open and you both moan in unison. Lo‘ak’s thighs tense, trembling, because it’s only been a few minutes since he came and he’s not sure how much it will take for him to do it again. But you feel so good, your pussy pulling him in, wet walls clenching around his girth and he just knows that won’t be problem. He probably had to calm himself in order not to come too early.
In this position, he’s completely at your mercy and you don’t hesitate to fuck yourself onto him. He hisses at the sensation, at how your cunt clutches him, trying to keep him inside even when you lift your hips up and slam back down again. This goes on for several minutes, with you bouncing on top of him and Lo‘ak moaning and whining and squirming underneath you.
The mushroomy head of his cock knock against your cervix with every thrust and the grip he has on your waist is hard enough to leave bruises. And that’s exactly what he needs. He wants to drown in this moment, in this feeling. But then you moan his name, so sweet it feels like warm syrup poured straight into his brain, "Lo‘ak, oh fu-ck! Lo‘ak, ah!" 
Is this how it’s supposed to feel? Lo’ak asks himself, is love supposed to feel like you’re drowning until the other person brings you just that little bit closer to them and you find air again?
Maybe it isn’t love at all, just the familiarity and warmth of simply being with you, being with his best friend, and all the rushing happiness in that alone. Maybe it’s not love, maybe it’s just the afterglow of every orgasm that you give him, that makes him believe he’s in love with you. Maybe he’s confusing friendship with love, because of the sex, the intimacy. Two things that shouldn’t mix at all, sex and friendship, probably for this exact reason.
Maybe he’s just so starved for affection that he mistakes what you show him, the affection a friend shows him, with love. Is that what it is?
Your arms suddenly shift from where you held onto his shoulders and it snaps him out of his thoughts. It’s not enough. He’s not supposed to think, it’s not hard enough if he can still think.
"Harder", Lo‘ak begs, "Need it harder than that, c’mon tanhì, give me your worst. Fuck me like you mean it, I know you have it in you." You brush your gentle hands through his hair, his braids are a mess by now but you don’t really care as you fist them and tug harshly with every bounce of your hips and he moans loudly at this. His cock twitches wildly inside you, showing just how much he was enjoying this, so you move further to close your hand around his queue and pull, hard, making him gasp and whimper.
Another thing you didn’t know about was, that Lo‘ak couldn’t stop daydreaming about what it may feel like to form tsaheylu with you. To be bonded with you, not just by heart but by soul too. To be physically connected with you, being able to feel what you feel. To be yours forever. The thought alone was enough to make goosebumps appear on his arms. But that’s all that it was and all that it will ever be. A thought, a simple daydream. A silly little fantasy that would never come true. 
He tries to push these thoughts, those that threatens his peace and calm. He slaps them away, bringing him back to the pleasure he's receiving. 
Lo‘ak abruptly sits up beneath you. His hands wrap tight around your waist, lips placing wet, open mouthed kisses along your collarbone. 
He feels sometimes rise in throat, burning like lava that erupts from a volcano and he can’t hold it in any longer, not without burning his tongue. 
“I love you”, he murmurs into your skin, lowly, like maybe you won’t hear him if he speaks quietly enough. It’s not like you would understand the human’s language, anyways. 
"W-What?", you ask, completely unsuspecting of the foreign words falling from his mouth and it makes him wince.
Lo‘ak presses his face to the space between your breasts, smelling your sweat and your natural scents and he pulls you all the way down by your hips so you’re sitting on the very base of his cock, rocking you along it. 
"I love you so much", he mumbles, just a little louder this time because he’s unable to hold it in any longer, "You’re my best friend and I don’t want to loose you, but I love you. I- I‘m so fucking scared to loose you, you mean everything to me. You’re the one good thing in my life and I just can’t live without you, you hear me? But I love you and I want to tell you. I love you so much."
You wrap your arms around his shoulders and use him for leverage to lift yourself up and down on his cock again, your wet cunt squeezing, hugging him. Sloppy noises make their way out and he vaguely recognizes the words falling from your lips.
“Lo’ak I… I don’t understand", you whine into his ear, "Say it so I can understand you.” You demand and he’s helpless, a slave to your desires, every sweet roll of your hips sending bolts of lightening through his guts. He grunts, fingers digging into your hips, pressing his lips together into a thin line to prevent himself from spilling any more unwanted confessions.
Lo‘ak wants to— by Eywa, he really fucking wants to, he wants to tell you that he loves you, that he actually means it and he’s not confusing anything and it isn't just because of what's going on between you both, it’s not because of the sex. He loves you for yourself. For how you make him feel, for how you treat him. He wants to tell you so many things, but at the same time, he's afraid of fucking up your friendship. It hurts to know that you will never look at him the way he looks at you, but he's willing to accept that you'll probably always be just friends. Because even then, he's still getting what he so desperately wants from you. 
He’s willing to accept that. Or at least that’s what he thought…
“Say it!” You gasp, the friction of his pubic bone against your clit sending you into a frenzy. You raise yourself up higher, until only the tip is inside. Your thighs work to keep you up and then you slam back down and he shudders, moaning like it’s been punched out of him.
His arms encircle your middle, holding you so tight that you can barely breathe. He’s pretty sure you can feel his pulse thumping through his dick and then he bucks up into you, making your tits bounce against his chest and you gasp as the tip of his cock thumps against something that feels different than the rest. “Oh f-fuck, there?”
“There, yes right there,” you moan back.
He seizes your hips, holding you in place. You whine, desperately, and he’s quick to oblige you. He thrusts up, cock disappearing and reappearing in a blur, tirelessly fucking against your g-spot, his thighs tensing at the tight squeeze of your walls around his cock.
In the corner of his eyes, he catches the way your teeth sink into your lower lip and something primal comes over him, an animalism for your noises to overpower the familiar sounds of the forest.
"Lo, what– what did you say?", you mewl and Lo‘ak mentally curses you for not letting go of it. Just forget about it already, he thought. Why couldn’t you just ignore it? One of his hands wedges itself between your bodies, thumb blurring down to your clit. He fondles the overly sensitive, wet nub and groans when he feels your pussy clench even harder around his throbbing cock. You borderline scream, trying your best to smother it with a scramble of your hand. It doesn’t help, the noise choppy with every powerful thrust of his hips into you. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m— I‘m so close", you cry out, chanting curses like they’re prayers.
"I know, baby, I know. Can feel you squeezing my cock. You’re so fucking tight like this. D-Don’t you dare stop", he moans, "I‘m gonna come with you."
"Say it. Tell me what you just said Lo‘ak, I‘m serious, I w—" He cuts you off with a well-timed snap of his hips, burying himself into you so deep, it’s rendering you speechless. Your mouth gapes open, eyebrows scrunched with pleasure as the stretch of his cock hurdles you over the edge and you come with sob.
You’re even tighter than before, your cunt acting desperate as it tries to keep him from pulling out. He moans your name into the crook of your neck, holding your waist for stability as he rises his hips off the ground to thrust into you. You feel every muscle in his body tighten under you, a stinging pain shooting through you from the death-grip he had on your hips, pulling you up and down on his cock when you’re unable to ride him on your own anymore.
Lo‘ak grunts and squeezes his eyes shut and he keeps most of his length inside, only pulling out a few inches at a time before pressing right back in and then he comes with a violent shudder, feeling his whole body seize with pleasure. His cum fills you within seconds, so hot you think it might leave burn marks, pooling below your belly button as rope after rope shoots from the tip. He’s panting, cock twitching with every breath, and for a moment it feels endless, but then— 
"I- I see you, tanhì. And I love you. I love you, okay? Fuck, I love you so much!" He blurts out so fast, his brain is unable to translate into the sky people’s language in time and he has no idea what he even just said. He prays that you didn’t understand him, didn’t hear him— But unfortunately, you did. You heard him loud and clear, if the way your eyes widened was any indication of it.
And for less than a second, there’s something in your eyes that gives him the impression that this might not be the end. But then something in them shifts. And you look at him, you properly look at him now, as if the words had finally sunken in. And suddenly it feels like the whole world around him begins to crumble. 
He watches the way your pupils dilate, how they flick from one eye to the other, how you swallow around the lump in your throat while his own has dried out so much, he wasn’t sure if he would ever be able to use his voice again. And then your mouth opens and time stops. He sees the way your lips move but the sound takes a while to reach his ears.
And this, this moment right here, is the ultimate and unstoppable impact after a long fall. But unlike the impact to the ground after an actual fall, short and deadly, this right here is merciless, it’s brutal and gruesome and so, so much more painful.
"Oh, Lo‘ak… I’m so sorry…"
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358jours · 1 year
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Dan Heng x GN!Reader⎢Under your charm
Word Count⎢2163
Genre/Tags⎢SFW, fluff, Dan heng has anxiety, first meetings, pining, written and posted before game launch⎢Crossposted on AO3
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Though reserved, Dan Heng is completely in tune with his body, his emotions, and most importantly– his intuition. His instincts are what made him run from Xianzhou, what made him run from the IPC, what got him boarding the Astral Express. It kept him away from the wrong people, it’s what made him join the ones worthy of trust and he’s now in an environment that doesn’t force him to face his past. His intuition is the reason he is still alive this far, so he never doubts any of it. 
Or had, until this very moment where he’s not so sure of himself anymore.
You seem like a loving soul, so caring in every way you exist. Your soothing aura only makes the beating of his heart more erratic. That’s what he blames this odd feeling on, your kindness. 
Dan Heng has laid his eyes on plenty of beautiful partners in his life, he knows what lust entails. The way he’s drawn to you? it’s something deeper than simple attraction, something instinctual. Something that has never happened before. Something he’s scared of. 
He wishes he wasn’t on babysitting March Seventh duty so often so he could approach you and yet — even in his free time, his apprehension keeps him a distance away from you. That’s the best he can do, look at what you do, listen in on any conversation you’re having, gaze at your form, avert his eyes when your face turns in his direction. It’s a bit like dancing: one step forward, two steps back, except the steps are very very small. 
He thinks he’s slick about it but his self-doubt makes him second guess himself. He hopes nobody has noticed, and especially not you. (Though he secretly wishes you did, so you would take the leap he’s so scared of, so you would approach him. Until then he’ll keep away, waiting.)
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Dan Heng stares at the charm in his hand, lost as to what to do. It’s not from a passenger, as it’s been lost in the private lobby of the Astral express. But the place is completely empty now, except for himself. It’s obvious it’s a cherished item, as seen by how used it looks. It has a bit of a weight, despite being made of fabric. He’s dubious on who would own such a keychain however. It doesn’t seem like something March would own, neither Welt, nor Himeko…
His mind halts when he realizes it’s probably yours. 
What should he do? Leave it here? He’s not too sure about which places are considered ‘yours’, where would only you find it. March is a troublesome girl, if she found out anything the whole Astral Express would know of it by the end of the day. Himeko is a perceptive woman, if she had any idea of his inner turmoil about you, she would probably chastise him about it. Welt is a bit more respectful, giving it to him would have lesser consequences unless you asked who found it back…
“Dan Heng, you’re here!” The boy closes his fist at the sound of March Seventh’s voice. Defeated by the circumstances, he pockets the charm. The girl grabs his arm, full of energy as always. “Come on, Himeko called for us in the control room.”
He’ll deal with the keychain later, if he doesn’t forget about it.
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He forgets about it. Well, not completely at least. His subconscious reminds him of it when he can’t sleep at night, when all his worries come for his throat. Otherwise, it doesn’t cross his mind unless you’re in the same room as him, which isn’t too often. Whenever that happens, you’re usually busy with someone else, occupied with your phone or the time simply isn’t right (read: he didn’t have the courage to approach.). He carries the charm with him most of the time, unless he’s out of the Express. 
He blames it on being occupied, on not being sure it’s yours. Of course, fate has other plans.
Dan Heng follows March Seventh into the private lobby of the Astral Express. He’s a bit tired, his step quieter than the pitter patter of his companion. “We’re back! Everything went well we got– what’s wrong?” 
Three ‘welcome back’ rings out in response. Welt and Himeko are, as usual, sipping tea as they sit facing each other. What caught their attention is you– who’s under a table searching for something. You shift around to look at them. “Ah, the strap of my phone charm broke earlier and I don’t know where the keychain ended up. I’m hoping it’s somewhere here, but I can’t find it.” 
“Oh no! I’ll help you find it!” March jumps out to join you. 
“Really? You don’t have to, but thank you. We will definitely get it back if there’s two of us. You’re kinder than the elders.” 
Himeko snorts at the jab. “Think about our poor old backs. Besides, we have to finish our tea while it’s still warm.” Welt smiles as you laugh. 
Dan Heng averts his eyes. Of course it’s yours, of course. He should’ve known better, that right at the perfect opportunity to give it back to you, he doesn’t have it on himself. March will definitely talk about the mission in high detail, there’s no need for him here. He sighs quietly, opting to go back to his bedroom.
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The next time he’s out of the Express, he’s accompanied by you and March. It’s a simple errand run, nothing as strenuous as some other missions. He’s not really needed but Welt insisted, “You’re more perceptive than March, it’s simply so she doesn’t get in trouble.”
Said girl has her arm linked with yours as she blabbers endlessly. You don’t mind, commenting here and then to show you’re listening. Dan Heng keeps to himself trailing behind you both, simply making sure you’re going the right way. 
Despite the anxiety of running into someone from his past, he’s content being present. He could count the times you were out of the Express on a single hand, and never with him. It’s nice to see you out, how you react outside, how you interact with March, what shops and items catch your attention. You’re relaxed in the way you walk, and— Dan looks up to the sky. He’s only a man after all.
“We better find you a new charm before we get back!” March exclaimed. The boy curses under his breath, ‘not this damn charm again…’ He left it in his bedroom this time.
“But why? There’s no need if it doesn’t mean anything special.” Your face expresses your confusion. 
The girl shakes your form with all her strength, faking anger. “Aw come on, don’t you buy things just because you like them? Take it as a gift from me, that’s special enough. Besides, you seemed really bummed out about losing your old one.” 
You only chuckle awkwardly but Dan is sensitive to your unease. You’re kind, and you enjoy caring for others but it seems you dislike when someone helps you in return. He sighs when he feels his heart warming up. “March, you need to stop making people uncomfortable. That charm held a lot of dear memories, replacing it with a new one just like that won’t cut it.”
You both turn around, surprise on your faces (he wonders, did you forget about his presence?). The girl’s gaping mouth turned into a pout. She protested, but all went from one ear to the other when he saw your smile. You nod in gratefulness, your eyes softening. His lips curl up ever so slightly. 
March’s voice shakes him awake, he’s forced to look away. “Hey come on, are you listening to me!? You’ve been so quiet this far, somehow quieter than usual!” 
“You’re so loud, it’s hard not to. Besides, you talk enough for the both of us.”
As she lets out an astronomically comical gasp, your laugh rings out.
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He makes his way out of the lobby, toward his bedroom. The Express won’t arrive at its next destination anytime soon. It means he gets some time for himself, to think, and to decompress. 
He reminisces about his past, what he has accomplished since he got on the express, where he would go if he had to leave again. He ponders about his companion… It’s been a while since he last saw you. The weight of your charm is almost none in his pocket, but it’s still there. It’s probably better to give up at this point. 
He should think about something else.
His steps are quiet as he walks through the train. The cabins to his right look all the same: classic green seats, light brown and black walls, dark gray floor, completely empty. One, two, three, four, five, six cabins per wagon. He opens the door connecting to the next car, and goes in. One, two, three, four, and— he stops. 
This cabin door is open. He didn’t expect for you to be there. Seems like thinking about the wolf got him seeing the real one. You’re reading a book, sitting sideways with your back against the window. Your current outfit is more casual (and probably comfortable) than what he usually sees you in, but it fits you just as good. 
You turn the page, look up, then back to your page and— you do a double take when you notice him at the door. You’re a bit surprised, but your smile tells him it’s not the bad kind. “Dan Heng, hello! Please don’t simply stand there, come sit down. How are you, is there anything I can do for you?”
“Hello. I’m fine, what about you?” His steps are just the slightest bit uncertain, smaller than his usual walk. He comes to sit down on the opposite couch. 
“Really? You seem a bit tired though, are you sure you’re getting enough rest?” There’s something in your smirk, as if you know what he does not. Your eyes have a glint of mischief in them, and he wonders if you see right through him. 
He avoids your stare, opting to close his eyes for a moment. “Nothing a couple nights cannot fix.” 
“Hm.” You look at him a bit longer, your expression relaxing. Your head turns sideways, akin to a dog. A moment passes, until you shift back to continue your book. “If you have trouble sleeping, I have medicine and concoctions from Xianzhou that are rather effective. Don’t be a stranger, I’ll give you some whenever you ask.”
Dan Heng doesn’t answer. All people aboard the Astral Express are kind, but your kindness is not something he’s used to. Your care seems so familiar, something he hasn’t felt in a long time. He stopped getting too close to those generous-types, sheltering himself was a matter of survival. But you’re a part of this crew for a reason, he reasons. 
And suddenly, he’s not too sure of himself. He’s lost on what to talk about. He really would like to rest, get back to his room, but he doesn’t get up. His instincts scream at him to stay with you longer, and leaving now would be pretty awkward. The air is slightly stuffy between you two, or perhaps it’s just him given how deep in your book you are.
His hand goes into his pocket, grasping at the cause of all of this. The weight of the charm is almost none in his hand, but the weight of what it implies sparks up his anxiety. “Excuse me,” You look up at him curiously. He slowly extends his hand toward you. “Is this… yours?”
“My charm! You found it back!” The happiness on your face is something he doesn’t get to see often. Your grin, the light in your eyes, the way your attention is on him, it’s all a bit much. Your hands touch his to grasp the keychain. There’s sparkles on your face as you inspect it. “Thank you so much. You’re really a reliable person, Dan Heng.” 
“It’s nothing.” His hand scratches at the back of his neck, ears blushing at the compliment. All the pressure on his shoulders evaporates, perhaps it was all him from the very start. You’re easier to approach than what his apprehensions told him, always returning each gesture no matter how small. Your consideration of others is a virtue he has always liked about you. He was wrong to count himself out because of his past, you’re ignorant of who he used to be.
He exhales, his first attempt at a conversation starter. “That keychain seems to mean a lot to you.” 
“You noticed? This lil’ guy’s got quite the story.” You look at him kindly.
 And as you start explaining why that charm is so special to you, as he listens to it all, Dan Heng realizes it was wrong of him to dub you as a stranger. You were more than that since the very start. 
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gritsgigabits · 1 year
Slashers NSFW headcanons~
In celebration of 69 followers, I want to throw some sexy headcanons at y’all!
TW: NSFW (duh) and derogatory language
Jason Voorhees
Growing up with Pamela, Jason learnt early on that sex was a nasty and filthy thing that could never lead to anything good. When you first brought up the issue of taking the relationship further, it was difficult to get Jason to even talk about the subject with you.
You had to explain it to him that sex wasn’t only for horny teenagers or for one night stands – it could also be one of the most tender and beautiful ways of showing someone how much you loved them.
It took a lot of patience and many one-sided conversations on your part to get Jason adjusted to the idea of having sex. He was worried you would pressure him or become agitated because of his reluctance to sleep with you.
Having sex with Jason was awkward at first, as it tends to be for first timers. Jason is a big boy, both in height and… you know, so he wants to be extra careful when you two get intimate. He would never want to hurt you, unintentionally or otherwise.
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba hasn’t received that much sex education. Everything he knows he has learnt from Drayton, and all that Drayton ahs taught him is that sex is troublesome and if you want to stay out of trouble, you shouldn’t do it.
Bubba doesn’t consider sex to be a bad thing at all! However, he is very awkward and can’t seduce anyone to save his life. He is relieved that now that he has you, he won’t ever have to seduce anyone.
Bubba has this idea that he wants to be the most tender lover you could ever have, but it often backfires on him tremendously. He usually initiates sexual activities in a romantic way, and everything is sweet and sensual – until he is inside you.
From the first thrust onwards, he loses his senses and is concentrated on nothing but chasing pleasure. What begins as gentle sex soon turns into him madly thrusting into you at a pace that is both maddeningly satisfying and brutally irregular. It continues like that until he comes.
Despite Bubba’s tendency to get lost in the moment, he won’t leave you hanging if you don’t get the chance to come. After he’s finished, Bubba is always ready to lend you a helping hand or a skilled mouth if you need it.
Thomas Hewitt
Thomas is quite well-endowed, and he isn’t always as gentle as he should be. You might have to procure a bottle of lube to keep in the drawer of your bedside table because foreplay isn’t Thomas’ strong suit.
Although he can be too rough and impatient at times, Thomas doesn’t have sadistic tendencies when it comes to sex. He has a massive dick that will tear you apart of you’re not ready for it, but Thomas doesn’t want to hurt you.
In fact, Thomas’ preferences when it comes to sex are quite vanilla. He isn’t opposed to trying new things if you’re into some kinky shit, though.
The point is to keep as quiet as possible when you two are intimate, because you two live in one house with the rest of his family. It is would be awkward to hear Luda May scold you two at the breakfast table the next morning about how much noise you two were making.
Whenever you have privacy, Thomas likes to take you rough and draw out as much noise from you as possible. Hearing you scream (with pleasure) is a sure-fire way to get him close and over the edge.
Brahms Heelshire
The entertainment options in the Heelshire mansion are extremely restricted: unless you somehow convince Brahms to let you set up internet connection, you only have the record player, a TV that’s far from state-of-the-art, and each other.
Brahms is absolutely of the opinion that sex is the best pastime there is. He has the sex drive of a seventeen-year-old, and that combined with his demanding attitude results in him demanding you to spread your legs for him every day.
Brahms is a huge bottom in everyday life and wants you to be in charge of things outside of the bedroom. In sexual situations, though, he refuses to be the submissive party. It’s him on top, whether you like it or not.
Brahms is into BDSM-esque things: he likes to have you restrained by tying you up or physically holding you down. In the latter case, he gets off on proving to you that even if you tried to run away from him, he would catch you and wouldn’t allow you to go.
In the bedroom where he’s boss, Brahms has his own set of rules that he expects you to obey. If you don’t do as he says, you’ll be punished. It’s for you to decide whether you want to play by his rules or risk getting spanked until your arse is fiery red.
Michael Myers
As a rule, Michael doesn’t have a major sex drive. He likes to fuck, and if you’re feeling up to it, he won’t reject your passes at him. Michael might be well past his teens but he can still get it up with no problem.
For Michael, sex often lacks the emotional aspect. It’s simply a way for him to de-stress and release tension, and he often treats you as nothing more than his own personal fuck-toy.
Michael didn’t think there was anything more to sex than the point of shooting his load until he met you who demanded more from him. You constantly nagged him to think of sex as something meaningful, which seemed like a pain in the ass for him.
Michael is very adaptable to new situations, however, and decided to give it a chance to think of sex as something important in a relationship.
He would still rather take you hard and fast than put effort into seducing you, but he has found that he gets better results if he takes you into account more.
Happy wife, happy life, they say.
Billy Loomis
Considering his maniacal tendencies, sex with Billy can be borderline boring at times. He doesn’t really fantasise about anything and doesn’t have any specific kinks that he’d like to try out. He likes ‘normal sex’, as he calls it.
Sex with him can be romantic and sweet, and if you’re up for that pure vanilla action, then you two are going to hit it off and get each other off just fine.
If you’re more the adventurous type, you can convince him to get out of his comfort zone. You might find that Billy isn’t quite as against spicing things up in the bedroom as he assured you he was.
The element of surprise and good timing are your best friends when it comes to getting Billy to try something new. Present him with a butt plug in the middle of a make-out session, pull a puppy-eyed expression while telling him how much you want him to use it (or use it on you), and he won’t have the time to process the request enough to refuse out of principle.
Don’t worry though – Billy will loudly protest if you ever bring up something he honestly doesn’t want to do, even if you make the request while he’s thrusting into you and can’t think clearly otherwise.
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dead-dove-yandere · 3 months
Yandere teacher x principal reader
I had a teacher OC already but I thought he’d maybe be too similar to Dr. Hart so I was never going to write about him - thank you anon for giving me an excuse to write about him 🙌
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OC Intro - Professor Moore
Tutor Yandere
Male ♡ 35 ♡ Human ♡ Teacher
TW: Stalking, obsession, implied kidnap, murder
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♡ - When you hired him as the new Head English Teacher at your school, you were delighted - Professor Moore seemed perfectly qualified in every way.
♡ - He had plenty of prior experience and gleaming references, he was superbly qualified in English and, of course, he simply had the most charming manners during the interview. He was the obvious choice, and you hired him straight away.
♡ - He was popular among many of the female students, being fairly young g for a teacher as well as attractive, but you’d never admit that out loud for the sake of professionalism.
♡ - He was a joy to have in staff meetings, offering helpful suggestions to aid the students’ learning and insightful comments as to where the students were at now.
♡ - Eventually, you found yourself becoming friends with him when you both took lunch in the staff room. He was a wonderfully erudite conversationalist, and you both always learned something from each other.
♡ - That’s why it seemed so odd that such a perfect teacher suddenly started acting strangely.
♡ - You feared the worst at first, that perhaps he was somehow mistreating his students, but none of them seemed to be hurt or upset by him - on the contrary, many seemed to enjoy his class.
♡ - But he continued to act strangely. He took far more notes than was normal in staff meetings. He’d slip in and out of the staff room at random intervals and never mention where he’d been. Sometimes, there’d be strange marks on his hands or arms. He was nearly always in the school library, but when you saw him, he almost never read what you’d expect an English teacher to read, but books on all kinds of subjects; history, engineering, chemistry. Like he was studying for something of his own.
♡ - One day, you were feeling unwell with a terrible migraine. Normally, as principal, it was your job to lead assemblies, but you asked Professor Moore if he could fill in for you. He agreed far too readily.
♡ - As you sat at the back of the hall, listening to his assembly, he went on this strange speech about devotion and loyalty and how in order to get what you wanted, you had to work for it. The assembly didn’t have a core message you disagreed with - but he seemed fanatical, his voice raising with excitement and his eyes growing wide.
♡ - The other teachers exchanged confused glances.
♡ - It came to a head when, after a troublesome student was pulled into your office, her parents decided to yell at you - after all, how dare the principal accuse their precious child of misbehaving?
♡ - When they finally left your office, Professor Moore came to your office with some tissues and a shoulder to cry on. He listened sympathetically as you told him of your concerns and how the student’s parents were going to get themselves into a lot of trouble if they let their child run riot.
♡ - It wasn’t long before your prophecy inadvertently came true - you heard that the troublesome student’s parents had been found dead - leaving the poor troubled student an orphan.
♡ - It wasn’t long before Summer break began, and worried for your students’ safety, you closed the school early since the deaths seemed suspicious. You stayed behind, the last one there to lock up.
♡ - As you cleared your desk for Summer and finished an explanatory email to all the parents, you hear a soft knock on your door and Professor Moore enters with a friendly smile.
♡ - He offers you a lift home - after all, it isn’t all that safe if nearly a whole family could get killed like that, and you two are friends after all.
♡ - You nod and agree, relieved that someone you trust will make sure you get home safe and sound. You willingly follow him straight into his car.
♡ - It isn’t until Summer Holiday is over that anyone realises that you’ve gone missing.
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Stern and serious, he knows that it takes hard work to get what one wants, as he endlessly reminds his students. That’s why he’ll never give up trying to get closer to his darling. He takes a far more subtle approach than most yanderes, fabricating and manipulating situations in order to have as much time as possible alone with his darling. He prefers to play the long game. Of course, that isn’t to satisfy he won’t get his hands dirty if he needs to, but he’ll clean up immaculately after himself. Not a speck of evidence shall be left behind - he’s far too experienced to make an amateur mistake like that.
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The troubled student is Cayce, Dead Dove Interconnected Universe Confirmed
Dividers Credit: See Pinned Post
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thejujvtsupost · 4 months
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Ten fingers and Ten Toes
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I don’t know where this came from but it exists now. Just something short and sweet.
Notes: F!reader, fluff, established marriage, newborns and other baby stuff included.
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Coming home from a particularly nasty mission to the sight he’s been missing all day long.
Nanami knows he’s late, he knows you’re waiting up for him. His mission took longer than expected and he hated missing any moment at home.
The baby would be asleep by now, hopefully, but there’s always tomorrow, and there’s nothing stopping him from popping his head in the nursery to check on the baby. Just to make sure he still had ten fingers and ten toes.
Your son, Yu, has your eyes and Kento’s blond hair, mix that with his gummy smile and he was too cute to look away from.
“Someone having a rough night?” Nanami walked into your bedroom and found you feeding Yu.
“I think he was just hungry and missing his dad.”
“Sorry I’m late-”
“Don’t worry about it, okay? I’m just glad you’re back. Did your mission go well?”
Nanami sighed, your understanding nature was a blessing. He hated disappointing you. “It was… troublesome and tiring. But it was ultimately successful.”
You hummed and Yu decided he was full, “Mind if I burp him?” Nanami laid a towel over his shoulder and took him gingerly. With the gentlest hand, he started patting your son’s back. “Hi, to you too sweetheart.”
The sight made you smile, knowing your partner was an active parent took the weight off your shoulders. Nanami loved your baby beyond words. The sound of rhythmic patting was almost putting you to sleep.
“Oh that was a great burp buddy!” The exclamation alerted you fully awake. “Let’s see if you got one more in there for daddy.”
Tears definitely weren’t welling in your eyes. Nope. Okay- it’s not your fault. Pregnancy and motherhood has rocked your emotions.
Nanami wasn’t concerned about your tears. He knew you had become extra emotional, he was still curious about what triggered the crying though and asked. “You guys are so cute.”
He smiled and turned his head to kiss his now asleep son’s head. “I can’t believe how small he is.”
“I can’t believe how fast he fell asleep for you, he’s been restless today. Barely took a single nap.”
Your husband just hummed in response- smugly, in your opinion. “I’ll take him to his crib, you get comfortable.”
“Kento you haven’t even taken your jacket off yet, let me.” You were about to stand up and take him but you were denied- only able to kiss your baby’s head goodnight.
“It’s not far, you’ve been taking care of him all day long and you look exhausted.”
His intention was to help, but secretly, he might be a little bit selfish with the baby. How could he not want to spend every waking moment with him, after all?
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Thinking about making a request? Check my bio to see if they’re open!
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willyoubemycherryy · 3 months
ღ 𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐..!!.__.𝚊_.-..𝚋𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚘𝚏__𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚜._𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙼𝚛 𝙴𝚐𝚊𝚗_.._𝚟𝚜.--__.𝙼𝚛𝚜.𝙴𝚐𝚊𝚗❤︎︎
-.__𝚠𝚑𝚘. .𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕_𝚠𝚒𝚗-!-?. . .
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜❥ 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚐𝚐𝚐, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚐𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚕𝚖𝚏𝚊𝚘, 𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚢-𝚏𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛, 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚔, 𝚙𝚛𝚊𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚜 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚗 𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎, 𝚜𝚎𝚡𝚢 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜, 𝚍𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔, 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚞𝚝, 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚜𝚙𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚜𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚢 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚒 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚗𝚝 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎, 𝙹𝚘𝚑𝚗 𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝚃𝙴𝙼𝙿𝚃𝚁𝙴𝚂𝚂 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚊𝚕, ⚠︎︎MDNI⚠︎︎
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“𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒓𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝒊𝒕, 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒔, 𝑌𝑂𝑈’𝑅𝐸 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒄 𝒕𝒐 𝒆𝒚, 𝒆𝒚, 𝒆𝒚. . .”
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. . . .
You just needed to stay hidden until you could figure something out.
It’s hot under the thick covers where you lay, flattening yourself into the bed as much as possible. Plain sight usually works best in buying time which you desperately need right now.
Holding your breath, you listen for any sound of him as your heart pounds so hard, you worry it’ll create an echo.
John ‘Bucky’ Egan.
World’s most troublesome lover.
Now, why were you hiding?
You were hiding out in fear of catching the same sickness your beloved Bucky did.
Baby fever.
He wasn’t too terrible at first. Rubbing your stomach a little more, asking more family related questions, etc….
Then came the slightly bolder suggestions.
About how you’re already his wife so; ‘don’t you wanna be my babymama too, bunny?’, and how sweet you’d look waddling with a round bump, to laying on his affections extra sweet, getting desserts and the like for you and saying it was to make sure you were “healthy” for “no reason in particular”.
Lastly, he’s decided to resort to seduction. You feel like tearing up at the unfairness of how hard it was to deny him but it was for his own good. The last time you two had sex; after dragging every kind of orgasm out of you to the point of his lower pelvis being wet from your release, he leant down to whisper sultrily against your lips,
“I want my babies to have your eyes.”
You’re ashamed to admit you came again with him after that.
You’ve been avoiding his prodding, contact, and anything else that might make you fold ever since. You even tried talking to him civilly about it before. That babies are serious, and that yes while you both are married, you just don’t think you two are ready for them yet.
Personally, you blame Rosie and his adorable newborn that his wife had brought to the base for the boys to see.
Of course, all of this is easier said than done because John Egan is nothing if not persistent.
You thought he was dangerous before? Comical.
His touches have gone from warm to scorching, all up on you for however many minutes he can get, purring out all the ways he could knock you up and see to it that you have a damn good time while he does before you’re slipping out of his arms to go do something, anything to not give in.
His mouth is worse too, as is the way he looks at you.
Heat rushing up your neck just thinking about it.
But you needed to be strong. For the both of you.
Especially since he’d been breathing down your neck since the morning….and it was wearing you down.
Starting from waking you with his hard body on yours, peppering wet kisses all over your stomach then up to your breasts, giving them a slow massage because, “let me treat you, doll. This way it’ll be better when they start making milk”, and delaying you from getting the hell out of dodge by distracting you with neck kisses. Based on wake-up call alone, you should’ve known he was going to drag you down or die trying.
The last straw was when you were in the boutique, trying on different heels and asking John which ones he liked best on you.
His answer almost made you blackout.
“They’re all pretty doll. But it’s not like you’ll need em’ with the way I’ll have you…bred and barefoot.”
After that, you decided it best to promptly take your asses home.
As soon as you close the door, John’s crowding you against it. Trailing his hands up your sides, his aftershave fills your nose making it that much harder to stay objective. But it’s for the greater good. Heart racing as your body heats up at his proximity, you brace yourself.
“Princess, please.”
Brace yourself for anything but that.
John as a man is above many things. When it comes to you though, the list of those things is significantly shorter. That is to say that when it comes to you, he is not above begging.
Leaning down to nose at your throat, he runs his hands down to grab your ass, rolling your lower body into his.
“Let’s make a baby. A baby would be good for us. You’d be such a good mama…and I’d take the best care of my girls”, kissing you slowly as you go lax in his hold.
Realizing how good he was about to get you, you drop to the floor, ducking around his legs and booking it upstairs.
Leading you to where you are now; waiting on the delicious inevitable.
It wasn’t that you never wanted kids, and it wasn’t because of John either. You just felt you two weren’t ready just yet.
You’re so lost in thought that by the time you register the feeling of his rough, warm fingers wrapping around your ankles, it’s already too late.
Shrieking bloody murder as John snatches you clean from under the covers and drops you right on top of the comforter, following after you.
“There she is.”
He smiles wolfishly down at you, interlocking your fingers, pinning them above your head.
The adrenaline makes you breathless, gasping when you try to move only to feel his body between your legs, keeping you there.
This might be it. You think as you feel that familiar ache creep over you after avoiding him for almost 3 weeks.
“No, you are staying right were I got you and fully intend on having you.” Gulping, you decide to go down like a man.
“And just what do you want to have me for?” John’s low chuckle sends spikes of both arousal and anticipation through your system.
“Now now, don’t be coy. But, if you want me to spell it out for you I’d be more than happy to oblige…” Christ.
“John, dearest, we aren’t ready.”
“We are. Why do you keep running from me, insisting that we’re not?” The insecurity creeping into his voice makes your heart stop cold.
“It’s just…what if you can’t be here? What if something, somewhere, more important than us, needs you?” It’s not him, and no matter what may happen, you need him to know that first and foremost.
“You’d be the best daddy but it’s just the ‘what if’s’ that I don’t wanna commit to…”
John listens thoughtfully before nodding, “Nothing is more important than you. The world can wait because it wouldn’t even exist to me without you in it. So, put a little faith in me. I’ll be here…for both of you.”
He leans down to kiss you tenderly, groaning at the way you open up so eagerly for him. Kissing back just as feverishly as your hands feel all over him, wet in record time.
Switching from sucking on his tongue, to his bottom lip, you pull away to look at him.
Bucky really was beautiful. Daydreamy, dark, onyx colored hair, storm tide blue eyes, high cheekbones, strong jawline and a wonderfully devilish mouth.
“That’s a yes right, bunny? Because I’m so ready that if you kiss me, you’ll get pregnant.” You laugh incredulously but he’s not playing.
“Wow, spoken like a true poet. Yes Bucky, It’s a yes-’’, the words don’t even make it all the way out and the rest is a blur as Bucky’s clothes seem to vanish and yours are all but ripped off your body with Bucky suckling wet kisses all over any skin exposed.
He wastes no time manhandling you onto your stomach, watching your slick drip down your thigh, cursing with furrowed brows.
“Goddamn, you’re sopping mama. So anxious for daddy to breed you up, yeah?”, he growls out, landing a hard smack to your ass.
Holy fucking shit. Gasping sharply at the sting his heavy palm leaves behind.
Your body is so hot at this point that it makes your eyes water while you whine and moan brokenly, whimpering out a weak “yes”.
Smoothing his hands up your naked body, John presses one on your back to deepen your arch and the other hand down to play with your twitching clit.
“Yes what doll?”
“…y-yes daddy”, voice small from embarrassment but you’re too turned on to even think about smart mouthing him. Legs shaking as he stretches you out with 3 of his thick fingers, thumbing your clit, moving closer behind you.
“That’s right…and you aren’t leaving this room until I’m sure you’ve made me one.”
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flowersforjude · 1 year
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐀 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐫
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | A day at the market with you and the kid has Din going over all the reasons he’s falling in love with you.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 1,253
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | None, just some soft Din. There’s some pining and whatnot.
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 | I’ve jumped on the Pedro Pascal train with the premiere of The Last Of Us and I binged both seasons of The Mandalorian in two days, so expect much more Din Djarin, Joel Miller, and Pedro Pascal content. For those of you who follow me for my Elvis stuff, don’t worry. E is still top on my list and he won’t be going anywhere.
masterlist | read on ao3
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He has to keep stopping himself from reaching for your hand. His glove-clad fingers itch to wrap themselves around yours. He wants to feel the warmth from your skin seeping into his through his gloves. He wants to pull your body closer to his so that your shoulders touch as you walk around the market.
You’re talking about something funny the kid did the night before, and he finds himself struggling to pay attention. Not because you're boring him but because the very sound of your voice makes him lose concentration. Your soft lilt is so captivating and hypnotic. It’s like the whole world stills, and the only thing that matters is the ethereal sound of you speaking.
“And then he–oh Din, look at this!” You gasp as you halt in front of a booth selling textiles.
A blue blanket embroidered with green designs along the edges hung in your arms. It looked to be made of some kind of thick material. Sure to keep you warm in the coldness of space.
“It’s perfect for him, don’t you think?” You smile brightly as you lift it up to inspect it properly. Din has to force himself to keep breathing.
Your gaze goes down to the child held in Din’s arms. The creature in question locks eyes on the blanket and immediately reaches for it. He coos up at you as if asking for permission to touch it. You giggle softly and nod to let him know it was alright.
“I think he likes it,” you laugh. “We should get it. He needs a new one anyway.”
He knows this isn’t true. He knows back on the Crest there is a pile of blankets stacked in one of the cubbies under his bunk. He knows that they got there because of situations like this. “He has many blankets already, cyar’ika.”
Din knows you know this as well, but you’re so enamored by the kid that you just can’t help yourself. Din is too, though; that’s why there’s a growing collection of children's things on the Crest. At some point, you guys are going to have to stop spending so many credits on things like this. But the happiness he can see from you and the kid overrides all else.
You huff playfully and fix him with a look he knows will ruin him. “Yeah, but do you know what that means?” You ask. “It means we’re the best parents in the galaxy.”
He can’t help the grin tugging at his lips under his helmet. His parents.
You two were not a couple, but you’d been with him almost as long as the child. You had first met on Tatooine. He was there on business and had gone to the cantina in hopes of buying some information he was in need of. Instead, he found you pressed against the back wall by some lifeform you clearly didn’t want the attention of. He came to your aid despite hardly ever doing so before. He blamed the kid for making him go soft. You had thanked him profusely, and he was just going to leave it at that, needing to get back on track. But the surprised gasp leaving your lips at the sight of the child poking his head from the bag made it clear that wasn’t happening.
One thing led to another, and you were watching over him while Din went about his business on the desert planet. When the time came to leave, he shocked you and even himself by asking you to join him. His excuse being he was in need of a full-time babysitter for the kid. In the back of his mind, Din knew this was going to be the start of something troublesome.
That’s how he found himself where he stood now. Sighing as he took the heavy blanket from you. “I’ll buy it. Go look around a bit more; we’re leaving soon.”
You beam up at him and skip off to a nearby booth, the items laid out have your full attention. He’s extremely thankful his helmet hid the love-struck look that possessed his face at the moment.
He glimpsed a pair of brown leather gloves lying on the booth. They looked to be your size. His mind traveled back to a few days ago, when you’d mentioned you could use a new pair. Something about how there was a hole in one of the fingers.
Should he?
He glances down at his son to find him already looking up at him. The baby can read the situation far too well. His gaze on Din is practically dripping with expectations. His little green head turns from his father to the woman he sees as his mother and back again. “Stop it,” Din mutters. He paid the vendor for both items and looked around for where you had bounded off to.
That was something Din had come to love about you. Your endless energy. It was a strong contrast to the tiredness he often felt, but in the time you’d been with him, he felt your spirit rubbing off on him. He also noticed that he smiled more. Before, he didn’t have anything to warrant smiling frequently, but with you by his side, he found he did. You had brightened the light in his life that had already reappeared with the kid.
He found you at a booth that seemed to sell children's toys. You began to enthusiastically wave him over once you found him in the crowd. He shook his head and chuckled as he walked in your direction.
“Find anything else?”
You take a quick glance over the items before turning to him. “No, let’s go home before I spend all my credits on kids toys,” you laugh.
Home. Your home.
He tries and fails to keep the fuzzy warmth from spreading through him. As a Mandalorian, the most important thing to him was family. You and the kid were his family, and his main mission in life now was to protect you both. He’d been so sure that you only saw him as a place to lay your head. Employment, and maybe after all this time, a friend. But here lately, with his feelings growing and you doing things like calling the Crest home, hope started to sprout in him that possibly you felt more.
“What do you have there, little one?”
The sudden question had Din jerking his head downward to the child. Sure enough, your gloves were being waved around in his tiny green hands. You take the gloves from him and look closely at them. Your brows come together as you tilt your head to the side.
“These aren't mine,” you state. “They're way too new looking, and they’re too small for you..”
He remained silent while you spoke, and only once you trailed off did he clear his throat.”Very keen observations, cyar’ika.”
Your face became even more confused at his bad joke.
“Did you get me new gloves, Din?”
“Yeah.” He has to clear his throat once again. “I remember you mentioned you needed new ones.”
He tries to pretend he doesn’t notice his pulse quicken when you look at him like he hung the stars. It’s when you look at him with that that he has to stop the urge to rip his helmet off and kiss you breathless.
“You are the kindest man in the galaxy.” You say softly.
He’s not, but he hopes he’ll be enough for you one day.
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I hope you guys enjoy this! I thought something short and sweet would be a good way for me to begin writing for Pedro and his characters. More to come soon!
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