#no you're beautiful anon!!
For part 4: I've got this idea of mine where Thena blaming Minerva for what happened to Gil and she ordered her that he wants Gil back under her after this mission.
I want you to decide for the rest! I know this is a lot and I am sorry TT, I just wanna say again that your works are beautiful and so are you. Thank you! xoxo
"How'd it go?"
Thena closed the passenger side door with a huff, clipping her seat belt rather aggressively. "It could have gone worse, I suppose."
"So you didn't mouth off and get fired?" Kingo asked as he pulled out of the lot of the agency office building. "I would say I was impressed if you weren't already on suspension for it."
Thena just shrugged. She didn't much care about the suspension, even considering she was a senior agent, and this kind of thing would reflect on her for a very long time to come. It was a well deserved suspension, given how she had screamed in the face of not only Minerva but the Section Chief as well.
All that having been said, Gil had almost died.
The recovery operation was a success. Thena was the best when it came to infiltration, especially after things had already not gone to plan. She and the rest of Special Ops had arrived at the scene and cleaned things up concisely and without mercy.
She had gone further in with Kingo, intent on finding Gil. At the very least they had confirmed that he wasn't one of the reported casualties, but that still left him as potentially injured.
Thena had found him in one of the back corners of the labyrinth of storage lockers. He was barely breathing and there was blood everywhere. If they had been any later, he probably would have...
She had gone in the ambulance with him, Kingo having covered for her absence, with Minerva's help to corroborate Thena's definitely-good-enough reason for leaving the scene.
She owed that much to Minerva, and after she had gotten in her face about the whole thing being her fault. That was unfair of her, and Thena knew it. She knew what being a team leader meant--what it meant to have people's lives in their hands and be solely responsible for it when things went bad.
She was feeling...fragile.
Minerva had taken it like a champ, because of course she had. She didn't reprimand Thena for it, didn't shout back at her, didn't even demand an apology for it later.
The Chief still had her suspended for her behaviour but Thena hadn't cared then and she still didn't, now.
"Did you do what I told you?" Kingo asked as he drove, letting Thena take it easy in the passenger's seat.
Thena crossed her arms, "I displayed...appropriate remorse."
Kingo rolled his eyes, "come on, Boss. I can't do shit with both you and Gil out of commission."
"I know," she mumbled, looking down at her bag on her lap. She really had attempted to appear apologetic for her actions. "I did offer my apologies for it."
"Did you seem sorry?" Kingo looked over at her as he slowed to a stop, "really?"
Thena rolled her eyes and shook her head, "sorry enough."
"So, no," Kingo scoffed and shook his head as well. "If you and Gil get fired, I've gotta get out of this line of work."
Thena smiled, "we're not fired, Kingo. Not yet, anyway."
"Yet," he huffed as he started driving again. He glanced at her, "the transfer?"
"I said that even if I was fired, Gil would be back on Special Ops in exchange."
"It was the only way I'd go peacefully," she shrugged, repeating it exactly as she had stated it in her probation hearing. "That's all that matters."
Kingo snuck his eyes over to her as she toyed with the bag on her knees. She was fidgeting. "You really think Gil is going to still work here if you don't?"
Thena ignored him. "It's just one more week."
Kingo made a grand show of rolling his eyes at her as he pulled over, "I don't know, Boss. I've already neglected all the paperwork I can. They're going to start asking me to actually do it instead of waiting for you to get back."
Thena gave him a smile as she gripped the handle of the car door, "serves you right."
He leaned down to look at her even as she got out, "just come back soon, please? And tell the big guy I want him back even sooner!"
Thena waved to him as he drove off again. She had to admit, Kingo didn't drive as much like a hellion as she had initially expected he would. And he had very helpfully given her a ride whenever she needed it during her suspension period. She turned, letting herself into the apartment with her key.
"Hey," she smiled as she walked in, kicking off her shoes by the door and walking into the kitchen. "I'm getting a little too used to not having to wear heels."
"Well, it's not like you need 'em."
Thena rounded the corner, leaning against the wall as she admired the sight of Gilgamesh in the kitchen, on his feet, alive and well. Moderately well, "what's on?"
"Just some easy pasta," he smiled at her from the stove, stirring it with his left hand while his right remained in a sling. She gave him a look and he laughed outright, "relax, nothing strenuous involved."
He had taken a bullet to the leg, as well as endured a shattered clavicle that would have him in a sling for two months. He would still be on desk duty even by the time he was cleared to return to work.
Thena wandered closer, inhaling the delicious smelling sauce. He really was a surprisingly skilled home cook.
He looked over at her, the sizzling of pasta underscoring them. "Get fired?"
"No, but I think Minerva vouched for both of us," Thena sighed. She didn't love the idea of being indebted to her old comrade, but she had to admit that she owed her quite a lot, at this point. "They said that the suspension will be over next week, and after that they'll 'keep an eye on me', so... "
He nudged her with his good elbow gently, "I told you not to speak your mind. Just tell them you're very sorry for what you did and move on."
She raised a brow at him, "is that what you said at your probation hearing?"
"No, I told them that they were old bastards who could go to hell."
Thena laughed, partly from the joke, and partly because it probably wasn't that far from the truth, knowing Gil. For all the shit she got for not minding her manners around their superiors, Gil was a pretty honest guy, even in the worst scenarios.
Gil turned off the stove burner and turned to her, "you were pretty hurt, after that op. I couldn't just let that go."
She looked up at him too, her eyes drifting over the sling holding his arm and then down over the extensive bandaging he had received in the hospital. Even a week after being released, some of them still had to be maintained regularly. "How do you think I felt?"
He smiled, giving her shoulder a squeeze before moving to the cupboard with the bowls, "hey, we got through it--both of us."
Thena moved faster, bumping him out of the way with her hip to reach them before he could, "barely."
He smiled, letting her reach them for herself, instead moving to get them both water glasses. "But we did."
Thena set down the bowls beside the pan of pasta. She had apologised plenty already, and that was after Gil had awoken and told her he didn't have any clue what she was apologising for (and telling her to take it back, too). But seeing him more in the past week than she had in the past month still made her heart clench in her chest.
She smiled, spooning out plenty for both of them (although that meant that his serving was double the size of hers). "Sit down, Gilgamesh."
He chuckled, obeying the order with a big grin on his face, "yes, ma'am."
She let him see her rolling her eyes at him as she came over with their lunch. She sat down, leaving her suit jacket on the back of her chair. She kept forgetting things at Gil's place, being here to help take care of him so often. She had reminded herself plenty of times already not to get so comfortable here.
Thena looked up, already smiling because Gil was. He twirled some pasta around his fork from his bowl and held up the bite for her. He was cute; she shook her head at him. "I have my own."
Gil shrugged, "you need more. This is why you're so skinny."
Thena's jaw dropped, although it made an opening for Gil to poke at her lip with the pasta fork. She huffed before biting down on it with a glare. "You are still my Agent, Gilgamesh."
"Sorry, sir," he laughed as he pulled the fork back. "Y'know, I thought you were kinda skinny for an Agent when you first recruited me, too."
"Oh, did you," Thena scoffed as she took a bite of her own lunch. "What else did you think?--since you're feeling candid?"
Gil shrugged, his shoulders still moving with his barely contained laughter, "that you weren't nearly as hard to read as everyone said you were."
She rolled her eyes again.
"And that you were kinda pretty, too."
She stopped in the middle of bringing her fork up to her lips. She looked over at him but he was shovelling in another bite, as if he hadn't even heard what he'd said.
"This is isn't bad for only having one hand," he commented as he took a massive bite for himself.
Thena just sighed and took another bite as well. It was moments like this that made her not want her suspension to actually end.
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cheatsylu · 5 months
Hey, just wanted to say your art is beautiful and also if you’re still looking at requests could you maybe do warriors and time (and wind if you want)?
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Sometimes pettiness overcomes heroism - the fish
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necrotic-nephilim · 10 days
bruce and alfred: *thinking they managed to tag team jason into staying the night at the manor* 🤡
tim: *just existing as tantalizing eye candy for jason* 😒
jason: 😏
help i love this i'm cackling-
i think it's funnier if Tim also doesn't know and half the fun for Jason is getting to stare down Tim and make Tim wonder what on earth is going through Jason's head. he'd probably assume it's an intimidation tactic, or Jason thinking about all the ways he wants to kill Tim. it's delightful miscommunication of Tim being wary around Jason, always expecting a fight. and Jason damn well knows it, but he does nothing to correct Tim's assumption. He likes seeing Tim tense and ready to throw hands at a moment's notice. Jason just likes seeing what Tim is capable of, knowing how dangerous the little rich kid is. he wants to see how long he can stare before Tim breaks and asks him what his problem is.
and of course, Bruce, Alfred, and Dick are obvious. Cass is curious but not interfering because she just wants to see where this goes. Bruce is so caught up in the happiness of Jason finally playing nice for once pulling his punches and being willing to listen to Bruce that he's overlooking the obvious tension. Jason hasn't actually hurt Tim yet, so Bruce can't get mad for a little staring. he reminds Tim to just not sink to Jason's level.
when Tim does break and he does call Jason out for it, Jason just makes a lewd comment. just to throw Tim off and see how Tim reacts. it sends Tim sputtering and doubting Jason. he calls Jason's bluff and well. we all know how that ends.
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Here’s a thought, quite a sad one though
Werewolf boyfriend who was cursed at a younger age by a witch. She turned him into what he is now. He can openly shift from human to werewolf form any given time except for full moons. The thing is, you don’t know about his werewolf form. Except one morning, something happens after a full moon. He can’t shift back into his full human form. He’s stuck as a werewolf- jet black fur, scars all across his body…& he panics. All he can think about is you & what you’ll think of him, how you’ll react. That’s why, the only possible way to do this-he thinks- is he has to run away. He can’t let you see him as a monster. He’s so hideous & scary, he’s so intimidating & you’d never love him- ever again- if you knew the truth!!
He packs bags & the second he’s about to haul ass out the door, you enter the apartment with the spare key you have to his place. You don’t notice him immediately, but he’s frozen with fear. So as soon as you turn around after locking the door, you squeak, frightened by the massive, towering monster in your boyfriends apartment. His eyes soften & he feels so horrible. Your face and the way your heart rate excelled, speeding up at the sight of him out of fear. He profusely apologizes, says that he loves you, says he’s sorry it has to be this way, that he never wanted you to find out, etc., & the second you’re about to speak- tell him that it’s okay, that you’re here for him- he’s gone. He sprints out the back door of his apartment & you can’t even react fast enough. He’s gone within the blink of an eye, and now you’re left confused, but also….hollow. Because he’s nowhere to be seen outside, and you have no way of contacting him(since he didn’t even take his phone).🥺
Sorry this is super long😭I just had this thought and neeeeded to get it out haha
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hansoeii · 1 year
you’re awesome ! Any tips on drawing wrinkles?
Haha, thanks!
Try to study your own face and do some weird exaggerated expressions to learn at what point and where wrinkles appear! Most of them are around the eyes (crows feet, eye bags) and mouth since those are the features we usually use to express ourselves. Forehead too of course and if you have a character that likes to wiggle their eyebrows a lot (like Crowley for example) then you can go all out on some forehead wrinkles too! Makes an expression so much more expressive!
When actually drawing them figure out where the wrinkle is the "deepest", where it casts the biggest shadow and play around with some line-weight.
Like I did here with the laugh lines around the mouth:
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Crows feet I usually approach by just adding two lines around the eyes to just add a bit of age to the character. Sometimes I like to go a bit more realistic tho and add a whole bunch of them since it just looks cool af like I did for this other crowley drawing:
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Just have fun with it and don't be afraid to add some wrinkles to your older characters! Even younger characters have them when they smile or frown. They're incredibly fun to draw, so give it a go!
If there's any other questions, my inbox is always open :)
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
hey AleRudy poly anon again!!
your girl is going through it :( So I was wondering if I could request Alejandro and Rudy (together) x a reader who is insecure about their baby face? It’s been hard lately and it doesn’t help with the fact I haven’t had a date before.
thank you!! Your blogs help me so much!!
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I wasn't sure if you wanted your blog to be public since you forgot to go anonymous in the second ask, so I cropped your name out, I hope that's alright with you! Besides, anon, you're drop dead gorgeous! You're adorable to no end and I can assure you one day you'll find someone who will go through quicksand just to be able to go on a date with you! Just give it some more time!
AleRudy with a Babyfaced Reader
If I were you, I’d advise to not voice your discomfort with your baby face to these two men, neither of them take too kindly to you beating yourself up over something that is neither your fault, nor something that you can change just like that. However, if you want to be cheered up a bit, reassured that you’re beautiful, regardless of what may be, then go right ahead, tell them that you aren’t satisfied with the way you look. If anyone ever tells you to your face that you aren’t pretty then you have Alejandro and Rodolfo at your side, willing to defend you and your beauty. While Rodolfo may not be as confrontational normally, usually letting some things slide for the sake of being left alone, he will fight whoever dares to make a mean comment about you. You’re the most beautiful person on this planet along with Alejandro, so naturally he will settle for nothing less than the truth. Alejandro will just straight up challenge anyone who’s mean to you to a fight. He’s a heated sort of person, so it’s not too hard to rile him up. It’s usually Alejandro taking it up with whoever said you weren’t pretty while Rodolfo comforts you in the back. Sometimes the two of you watch a colonel beat up some no one, though. It’s fun, I promise, because Alejandro doesn’t hold back when it comes to you. Even if his knuckles end up bloody, he will fight for you.
If you’re just feeling down about your face in general, then the two of them will comfort you to the best of their abilities. Generally speaking, Alejandro sometimes gets cuteness aggression when you or Rodolfo are being especially adorable. This includes, but is not limited to: The both of you focusing on a video game, smiling at some cute animal videos or just existing in general. If he can, then he will squish your face. Don’t worry, he’s gentle with you, but it might hurt ever so slightly nevertheless if he gets carried away. Squeezes you, squishes you, pulls your face, pinches your cheeks. all the while cooing at you about how adorable you are and how lucky he is to have such a cool and awesome and gorgeous partner. He will pepper your face in kisses as well all the while he’s doing so because he just can’t hold back. Why would or should he? It’s you we’re talking about, and you deserve to feel loved and appreciated.
Rodolfo goes about it in a different way: He’ll have you internalize some compliments whenever you’re feeling down. Or on the daily. Doesn’t matter if you believe them just yet, you will eventually. Even if it’s just a simple “I look really cute today”, it suffices for him. Besides, if you’re ever in need of ideas as to what you could be internalizing for the day, just ask him or Alejandro, they have a lot of good things to say about you. You can also expect a sweet little kiss from him for every self compliment you’ve made. Or maybe a hug. Maybe five minutes of cuddles as well. He wants you to associate being confident and loving yourself with good things, so naturally he’s going to reward you somehow. It might be hard at first, but you’ll get there eventually, you will end up loving yourself in your entirety, that’s his and Alejandro’s mission. And throughout it all, the both of them will support you, no matter what.
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dotmander · 3 months
so. thoughts. im normaller now. in case anyone needs to see my POC Credentials for my opinion to matter, i am japanese, i have been for. yknow. my whole life. anyway
1. i would love to actually hear from other poc on this because right now it looks like Only White People are speaking up. all the poc i know think this drama is petty and blown way out of proportion.
2. it's very funny to shit on people for falling for copaganda when you yourself like anise. and rama. 💀
3. dear god everyone go touch some fucking grass. it's not that deep.
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loguetowns · 1 year
blood red.
cw. mentions of blood/wounds, swearing.
fangs bared and flaring tempers. animosity in every look, an intensity that bubbles from just being in the same room. hate burns red, but then again, so does love. after all, isn't hate still an emotion of passion?
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king is annoyed. he's pissed off, irritated – maybe even angry.
he drums his fingers against the fabric of the armchair. there’s a rip in his shirt, his hair is a mess, and – worst of all – his helmet is broken. he pushes his hair out of his face, irked that he can’t tie it up.
the bane of his existence walks in with a first aid kit. he sighs, loudly and obnoxiously, and you glare at him as you sit down.
“don’t make this any more difficult than it has to be.”
“who’s the one that made it difficult in the first place?”
without missing a beat, you simply state, "that would be you."
you carry on, unwrapping bandages, as king merely gapes at you. ever since kaidou placed you under his supervision, you have been nothing but disrespectful, disobedient and disruptive to what should have been an otherwise simple job.
"i'm not the one who tried to climb out a 10-story window," he hisses. "i should've let you fall straight into those thorns."
"no one asked you to help," you reply coolly.
the absolute gall of you.
"believe me, i don't care if you die," he squirms in his seat, biting back the sting of his cuts. "but kaidou wants you alive."
"as if i care what kaidou wants," you mutter as you cut away at his shirt. when he pulls away, you hold down his arm. "stop moving."
the idea of some brat ordering him around makes his blood boil, and if it weren't for the fact that he'd likely start bleeding again, king would love nothing more than to put you in your place.
"i'm not the problem," you continue, ignoring his death glare. "you're the one that's been hissy this whole time. you must be nothing special if your only responsibility is babysitting."
at the attack on his pride, his last thread of patience snaps. "you annoying brat! can't you just fucking cooperate?"
"fuck you!" you finally crack, a fierce anger taking over. "you want people to cooperate then maybe don't lock them up!"
"i wouldn't have to lock you up if you weren't such a pain in the ass!"
"i wouldn't be a pain in the ass if you weren't being an ass to begin with!" you grab his arm. "now fucking hold still!"
you slap disinfectant on king's bloody gash, and he howls at the sting. "that hurts, dammit!"
he glowers at you, seething at the pain. you tell yourself that he deserves it, but – to your annoyance – you can't bring yourself to relish in his suffering. unfortunately, you're not nearly as heartless as king is.
there's a twinge of guilt as you take in his dirty clothes and blood-stained skin.
he wouldn't be in this mess if he didn't rush to catch you.
to king's surprise, you don't make any sort of retort or taunt at his outburst. instead, you press your lips into a thin line and start wrapping his cut in silence. you apply the bandage firmly, but gently, and it doesn't go unnoticed by king.
too angry and proud to say anything else, king merely looks away as you finish dressing his injuries.
"don't move," you deadpan when you're done. "raising your arms will only open the wound."
"fine," he grits. he shakes the hair out of his face, growling in irritation when it don't move the way he wants it to.
you watch as he sighs in resignation, and that stupid voice inside you tells you to do the right thing. you curse your guilty conscience.
"here, let me help."
you stand behind king, carefully gathering his loose curls together. the air is thick with awkwardness as your gentle hands betray the hostility that you're both used to. you start tying his ponytail and take a deep breath.
"thank you," you say in a voice barely above a whisper. "for saving me."
king stills, at a crossroads for how he wants to handle this. it takes this small admission of your gratitude to make him stop and realize the gravity of the situation.
he did help you.
king – one of the all-stars of the beast pirates, right-hand-man to kaidou – showed you mercy when he had no reason to.
and you – captive of the beast pirates, prisoner against your wishes – showed him a grace that he doesn't really deserve by tending to his injuries when you had no reason to.
still staring at the wall, he mutters,
"you're welcome."
like it or not, the two of you are stuck here together – and maybe with some time and a little bit of kindness, you could learn to like it.
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part of my (ongoing) character + colour series!
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alluralater · 2 months
got eaten out on my partner’s homophobic family’s couch and it was the most healing and wonderful and hot thing i’ve ever done??? something about having my hands in their hair and moaning their name (they had to use their deadname around family and it was such a lovely and powerful thing to get to say their actual name out loud like that in that moment). i <3 queer joy and small things that remind me i get to exist in the world as a queer woman and it can be beautiful!!! wanted to share <333
this is so lovely and i'm very happy for you both! thanks for sharing <3
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missmungoe · 1 year
If you have a moment, you should go check out TricksterMelon on Twitter :) I hope you like it <3
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I am speechless
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sciderman · 11 months
I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with so much Iranian hate and drama <:[
oh anon. hate to break it to you (a lot of people make this mistake) but iran and iraq are two entirely separate nations.
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and also i think reducing it to the words "hate and drama" kind of doesn't cover it, anon.
#i think if people were. just a little bit more informed. then maybe people would see that the people from this region are humans actually.#so anon. please. like... look at a map and do some reading maybe. if you care just a little.#i'm sorry anon but i'm a little bit at a loss for words over this message. like it rendered me speechless for a little.#but it's so common in my life that i've been called iranian and i constantly have to correct people on it. c'mon man.#i mean i have SO many iranian friends even though iraq and iran you know. aren't exactly bedfellows. politically.#but those politics don't really follow me. like in my day to day. iraqis and iranians in the uk of this generation. are again.#pretty divorced.#but it's kind of really frustrating that people Without Fail make this mistake over and over.#it's like how people just refer to “africa” as a whole. instead of recognising there are seperate nations there and.#it's not just a homogenous “other”#please. there are humans there. it's not just “foreign”.#i don't know if you're american anon but i see it a lot that anything outside of america is just “foreign”#and i mean#even as a brit. americans are constantly surprised i'm british because they forget anything exists outside of america.#i think it would be so so so so sexy of you anon to take a look at the globe tonight. give it a spin.#look at the world. it's so full and so beautiful and there are So Many Nations.#i'm going to look at my globe tonight too. i have a really cool old one. it spins so good.#and i'm going to pick some countries i don't know a lot about and do some reading about them. for funsies.
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thosewildcharms · 6 months
“when i can open an app on my phone and see gifs of michonne licking rick’s tongue at any time” Literallyyyyy. The acting choice of Rick having his mouth open, tongue out, in supplication for the benediction of Michonne’s kiss was *poetic cinema* 🤌
andy and danai were certainly making choices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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distort-opia · 1 year
We talked about joker getting a bat tattoo. But what about bruce getting a joker tattoo? It would NEVER happen but i still think i would be funny if it did
Alfred: Sir, err...... if i may, can i ask what that considerably big joker card tattoo is doing on your bicep?
Bruce, awake for the past 19 hours watching the arkham asylum security footage of the joker's cell nonstop with all the joker's files and photos spread around the table: its to remind me of my mission, alfred. My mission.
Oh my god =))
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shupito · 5 months
im in love with your art 😭❤
marry me pls
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Thank you, but I love my wife very much
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thelikesoffinn · 9 months
been thinking about it lately and Ascended Astarion = Dead Dove content and I'm not sure that's really understood, even by the writers. when I finally got around to the character I decided to ascend him with, I was SUPREMELY disappointed by the conversations options following it. it seemed like the dialogue choices were trying to push the narrative on my character that they made this choice w/o considering the consequences and they are bound to regret it. the closest I could get to answering his question of "why did u let me go thru w it?" was "I wanted u to be powerful".
but with that character? my accept Bhaal durge? that isn't the reasoning. at all. (related: "what do u want as a reward?" "ur body" was the closest answer my character could give. otherwise I'd've answered "murder :))")
for context, this run was born of a conversation w my friend discussing supposed content no one had seen bc "no one's that evil". we thought, what's more evil than killing literally every npc? I failed the conceit of the challenge immediately bc I can't handle senseless animal cruelty in my games. killing children? fine (u need a mod to do this in BG3, but I am thankfully plenty delighted to use mods), killing a neutral animal npc? no can do.
so I started this durge (they are the only character that can come close to "killing" Gale with that first interaction) run with the intention of killing everyone except Shadowheart (only a cleric of Shar can truly kill Aylin) and Astarion (bc I need to smooch him). (and there is a mod for playing an origin character as durge, which would have meant playing as Shadowheart, but I MUST smooch Astarion and I don't tend to do het or female romances, unless I'm forced to (*sighs dreamily* oh, Garrus Vakarian). I'm just not interested in that set of equipment in that way, so may as well just make a durge dude.) somehow something went wonky and Halsin ended up joining us and I was so perplexed I just allowed him to stay. (he's meant to attack if u destroy the grove but free him anyway, but instead he just showed up that night and went straight into his Moonrise spiel. is it bc the wolf Silver never aggro'd me and thus survived???) so I fixed the Shadow Curse all while killing every single humanoid and hostile animal in acts 1 & 2. including Thaniel, which makes Halsin's talks later in act 3 of getting news from Thaniel and the Grove hysterical. idk what I did but I sure as hell broke this poor man.
(on a related note, Halsin will give out to u when u accept Bhaal, but will still give u the "u have exceeding my expectations, also we should bang" in the same conversation. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DID BUT IT'S DARKLY FUNNY.)
in the conversation when Astarion is expressing surprise that u let him go thru w it, my durge is just like, yes my motivation is that I like to kill ppl :))). it's not a sex thing for him (that is separate from the murder!), but he's still fine w the outcome. yes, Astarion looks down on him, but that's fine! he's allowed to be wrong about that, durge doesn't care. so long as Astarion lets him kill ppl he genuinely just does not give a shit.
(I actually had the idea that if Halsin were to ever rediscover his morals and tried to leave he'd ask Astarion to turn him so Halsin would not have a choice. as I said, this durge *does not fucking care*.)
this is probably the only character I will play that would let Astarion ascend bc I enjoy dead dove SOMETIMES, but not always or in large doses, but I get so few dialogue options that convey that in an rp sense! I don't think the writers/devs REALLY took that into consideration, sometimes. like, yeah, there are going to be ppl making fucked up choices but surely no one would go THIS far! for THIS reason! honey, u need to look up the Dead Dove tag on AO3, there are absolutely ppl making choices for those fucked up reasons.
(and I understand the whole "this confirms to Astarion about sex yadda yadda". even if that's not Tav/Durge motivation, that's how ASTARION would *interpret* it.)
(oh yes, and also, don't let Orin abduct Yenna. it doesn't matter whether u find out in camp or the sewers, Grub will not survive. I was devastated. if I'd known, I would have made sure Halsin was available for her, but she won't abduct a party member or someone ur romancing.)
long story short, I want to play a durge that even ascended Astarion finds unsettling. that's the dream.
Hello there, duck!
Your run sounds delightfully evil! I wish I could play one of those, haha, but I'm too soft hearted. My one evil run with my durge Salira was ended before even entering the grove because I felt horrible after getting rid of Gales hand! Seriously, I can barely take killing the squirrel as durge, and I always save Alfira because I feel horrendous otherwise!
(Fun fact, on all five runs I've done Yenna just vanished at some point and grubs was left standing in my camp, which was like...eh?)
And yes, Halsin is always somewhat of an issue, isn't he? He's just running around, causing mayhem in peoples games because he seems slightly bugged out, haha. I had one run, where he wouldn't go to the spot where we save Thaniel because he joined the fight against Marcus at Last Light and somehow got stuck, for some reason. Same run, none of his vocals would play, which was also very interesting. Everybody would make noise when they climbed or got hurt but Halsin was always silent and just there! And in another run the dude really straight up hated me - he was so mean and snappy, I swear to god he wanted my Durge dead - and then he suddenly went: "Hey you're super cool and strong and I just want to gently fuck you beneath the moonlight if you'll let me" and I was like: Say what.
Regarding the dead Dove: I've talked to people of Discord before, and some of them mentioned something similar a couple of times, but personally, I do think the writers actually knew what they were doing here!
Of course, I do agree that it relies heavily on the regret notion and that it somewhat shoehorns you into a certain narrative corner, I noticed that too when I was ascending him for research - I hated doing that, but all for the asks, haha - but I thought it was really fitting for what it is!
The bad ending, that is. I know we all somewhat forget that because of how people view him as a character, but ascension is the bad ending. Even on an evil run, where your character may have considered all options, it is very likely that Tav hasn't accounted for one very important part of being a true vampire.
The obsession.
It's still somewhat mild in the game, though definitely there, but it will only get stronger as time goes on, and it will probably get to the point that the only escape is death. Either his or Tav's. So, in the end, ascension will come with an armload of regret and the writers were making sure we know that.
And, on top of that, even if we let him ascend in a pursuit for power - or in in your durge's special case: murder :) - we still cast spawn Astarion aside because he doesn't fit our needs, thus making it very clear to him that who he is isn't enough and his behaviour is the price we now pay.
It's pretty much the same with all the other companions as well - justiciar Shadowheart and ascended Lae'zel, for example. However, it doesn't bother us as much, because we have different expectations towards ascended Astarion than, for example, dark justiciar Shadowheart. We don't expect a positive narrative here, a narrative where becoming shady-shar's loyal subject isn't an objectively dumb decision to make, so we don't mind the dead dove as much. It's exactly what we've been expecting - and Aylin even warned us how Shadowheart would change upon becoming a dark justiciar - so yepp. This went exactly how we thought it would and this is what we wanted.
Astarion, however, is a somewhat special case, because his bad ending is, by far, the one that gets the most romanticised. He's so heavily romanticised by so many, that the bad parts nearly start to fade, even with those who don't like the ascended ending. It becomes just 'the other ending', if you will.
And yet, it's still the bad ending.
Ascension is the bad ending for a character that we've somewhat given up on. That we misunderstood so deeply, mayhaps, that we traded his entire being for power and, quite frankly, beauty. We showed him that he isn't enough, we let the boy run and hide the only way he knew how and now we're faced with the consequences and yes, it's really dead dove but...what did we expect?
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chilewithcarnage · 17 days
okay so i don't have anyone to talk to about this, so yay honesty hour lol.
the past couple weeks i've randomly was thinking about a boy i knew from elementary school and how he would tease me (affectionately, not as an asshole) and essentially orbit around me esp during recess and stuff. the last time i saw him was the beginning of high school before i moved away but, i haven't really thought about him until recently.
now with working through childhood trauma, i've come to realized that i had feelings for him when i was younger??? (and i still do?????)
i found him on insta and we're mutuals now, but he doesn't know it's /me/ and my feelings for him are unfortunately intensified.
i kinda want to reach out to him to see how he's been and idk let him know that he was the only part of my childhood that made me happy and warm inside, but i don't feel ~pretty~ enough esp since it's been over a decade since i saw him. i don't think he's vain (ofc he's a straight dude so probs), but seeing what he's been up to (cooking, baking, cosplay, and just weeb/nerd stuff), he's the only irl dude i'd be open to dating 👉🏾👈🏾
aww that's so sweet friend! I'm glad that you guys were able to (in one way or another) reconnect after so long! if he he followed you back I'd say that shows that he likes the vibes you give off so I would go for it! you don't have to right off the bat confess your feelings, maybe start off by saying 'its (name) from elementary school! I remembered we were cool and I just wanted say hivand how a things been?' if there's a particular show or anime he's into maybe ask him about that to get a conversation going. maybe even talk about old times? if it goes well y'all can reestablish a friendship and when the time feels right, let him know your true feelings. here's to rekindling old relationships 🍸🎉 I hope it works out for you 😄
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