#I am a soft birb
For part 4: I've got this idea of mine where Thena blaming Minerva for what happened to Gil and she ordered her that he wants Gil back under her after this mission.
I want you to decide for the rest! I know this is a lot and I am sorry TT, I just wanna say again that your works are beautiful and so are you. Thank you! xoxo
"How'd it go?"
Thena closed the passenger side door with a huff, clipping her seat belt rather aggressively. "It could have gone worse, I suppose."
"So you didn't mouth off and get fired?" Kingo asked as he pulled out of the lot of the agency office building. "I would say I was impressed if you weren't already on suspension for it."
Thena just shrugged. She didn't much care about the suspension, even considering she was a senior agent, and this kind of thing would reflect on her for a very long time to come. It was a well deserved suspension, given how she had screamed in the face of not only Minerva but the Section Chief as well.
All that having been said, Gil had almost died.
The recovery operation was a success. Thena was the best when it came to infiltration, especially after things had already not gone to plan. She and the rest of Special Ops had arrived at the scene and cleaned things up concisely and without mercy.
She had gone further in with Kingo, intent on finding Gil. At the very least they had confirmed that he wasn't one of the reported casualties, but that still left him as potentially injured.
Thena had found him in one of the back corners of the labyrinth of storage lockers. He was barely breathing and there was blood everywhere. If they had been any later, he probably would have...
She had gone in the ambulance with him, Kingo having covered for her absence, with Minerva's help to corroborate Thena's definitely-good-enough reason for leaving the scene.
She owed that much to Minerva, and after she had gotten in her face about the whole thing being her fault. That was unfair of her, and Thena knew it. She knew what being a team leader meant--what it meant to have people's lives in their hands and be solely responsible for it when things went bad.
She was feeling...fragile.
Minerva had taken it like a champ, because of course she had. She didn't reprimand Thena for it, didn't shout back at her, didn't even demand an apology for it later.
The Chief still had her suspended for her behaviour but Thena hadn't cared then and she still didn't, now.
"Did you do what I told you?" Kingo asked as he drove, letting Thena take it easy in the passenger's seat.
Thena crossed her arms, "I displayed...appropriate remorse."
Kingo rolled his eyes, "come on, Boss. I can't do shit with both you and Gil out of commission."
"I know," she mumbled, looking down at her bag on her lap. She really had attempted to appear apologetic for her actions. "I did offer my apologies for it."
"Did you seem sorry?" Kingo looked over at her as he slowed to a stop, "really?"
Thena rolled her eyes and shook her head, "sorry enough."
"So, no," Kingo scoffed and shook his head as well. "If you and Gil get fired, I've gotta get out of this line of work."
Thena smiled, "we're not fired, Kingo. Not yet, anyway."
"Yet," he huffed as he started driving again. He glanced at her, "the transfer?"
"I said that even if I was fired, Gil would be back on Special Ops in exchange."
"It was the only way I'd go peacefully," she shrugged, repeating it exactly as she had stated it in her probation hearing. "That's all that matters."
Kingo snuck his eyes over to her as she toyed with the bag on her knees. She was fidgeting. "You really think Gil is going to still work here if you don't?"
Thena ignored him. "It's just one more week."
Kingo made a grand show of rolling his eyes at her as he pulled over, "I don't know, Boss. I've already neglected all the paperwork I can. They're going to start asking me to actually do it instead of waiting for you to get back."
Thena gave him a smile as she gripped the handle of the car door, "serves you right."
He leaned down to look at her even as she got out, "just come back soon, please? And tell the big guy I want him back even sooner!"
Thena waved to him as he drove off again. She had to admit, Kingo didn't drive as much like a hellion as she had initially expected he would. And he had very helpfully given her a ride whenever she needed it during her suspension period. She turned, letting herself into the apartment with her key.
"Hey," she smiled as she walked in, kicking off her shoes by the door and walking into the kitchen. "I'm getting a little too used to not having to wear heels."
"Well, it's not like you need 'em."
Thena rounded the corner, leaning against the wall as she admired the sight of Gilgamesh in the kitchen, on his feet, alive and well. Moderately well, "what's on?"
"Just some easy pasta," he smiled at her from the stove, stirring it with his left hand while his right remained in a sling. She gave him a look and he laughed outright, "relax, nothing strenuous involved."
He had taken a bullet to the leg, as well as endured a shattered clavicle that would have him in a sling for two months. He would still be on desk duty even by the time he was cleared to return to work.
Thena wandered closer, inhaling the delicious smelling sauce. He really was a surprisingly skilled home cook.
He looked over at her, the sizzling of pasta underscoring them. "Get fired?"
"No, but I think Minerva vouched for both of us," Thena sighed. She didn't love the idea of being indebted to her old comrade, but she had to admit that she owed her quite a lot, at this point. "They said that the suspension will be over next week, and after that they'll 'keep an eye on me', so... "
He nudged her with his good elbow gently, "I told you not to speak your mind. Just tell them you're very sorry for what you did and move on."
She raised a brow at him, "is that what you said at your probation hearing?"
"No, I told them that they were old bastards who could go to hell."
Thena laughed, partly from the joke, and partly because it probably wasn't that far from the truth, knowing Gil. For all the shit she got for not minding her manners around their superiors, Gil was a pretty honest guy, even in the worst scenarios.
Gil turned off the stove burner and turned to her, "you were pretty hurt, after that op. I couldn't just let that go."
She looked up at him too, her eyes drifting over the sling holding his arm and then down over the extensive bandaging he had received in the hospital. Even a week after being released, some of them still had to be maintained regularly. "How do you think I felt?"
He smiled, giving her shoulder a squeeze before moving to the cupboard with the bowls, "hey, we got through it--both of us."
Thena moved faster, bumping him out of the way with her hip to reach them before he could, "barely."
He smiled, letting her reach them for herself, instead moving to get them both water glasses. "But we did."
Thena set down the bowls beside the pan of pasta. She had apologised plenty already, and that was after Gil had awoken and told her he didn't have any clue what she was apologising for (and telling her to take it back, too). But seeing him more in the past week than she had in the past month still made her heart clench in her chest.
She smiled, spooning out plenty for both of them (although that meant that his serving was double the size of hers). "Sit down, Gilgamesh."
He chuckled, obeying the order with a big grin on his face, "yes, ma'am."
She let him see her rolling her eyes at him as she came over with their lunch. She sat down, leaving her suit jacket on the back of her chair. She kept forgetting things at Gil's place, being here to help take care of him so often. She had reminded herself plenty of times already not to get so comfortable here.
Thena looked up, already smiling because Gil was. He twirled some pasta around his fork from his bowl and held up the bite for her. He was cute; she shook her head at him. "I have my own."
Gil shrugged, "you need more. This is why you're so skinny."
Thena's jaw dropped, although it made an opening for Gil to poke at her lip with the pasta fork. She huffed before biting down on it with a glare. "You are still my Agent, Gilgamesh."
"Sorry, sir," he laughed as he pulled the fork back. "Y'know, I thought you were kinda skinny for an Agent when you first recruited me, too."
"Oh, did you," Thena scoffed as she took a bite of her own lunch. "What else did you think?--since you're feeling candid?"
Gil shrugged, his shoulders still moving with his barely contained laughter, "that you weren't nearly as hard to read as everyone said you were."
She rolled her eyes again.
"And that you were kinda pretty, too."
She stopped in the middle of bringing her fork up to her lips. She looked over at him but he was shovelling in another bite, as if he hadn't even heard what he'd said.
"This is isn't bad for only having one hand," he commented as he took a massive bite for himself.
Thena just sighed and took another bite as well. It was moments like this that made her not want her suspension to actually end.
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f1-birb · 5 months
gonna get in bed and write some things to cheer me up a bit I think
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cloudcountry · 2 months
Hello! If it's not too much trouble, can I ask for some headcanons for Deuce, Jack, Jamil, and Azul overhearing the reader gushing about them to a friend? It's not like they meant to eavesdrop, they just happened to be passing and they heard a snippet of all the nice things the reader said about them
SUMMARY: they eavesdrop on you while you gush about them!
COMMENTS: writing for jamil is so hard...........
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Deuce left to go get some snacks for you and Ace, since he was used to carrying all of the bags anyways. He didn’t expect to come back to hearing you gush about him to a disgruntled Ace, going on and on about how amazing you thought he was.
“Prefect pleaseee, spare me. I know you’re down bad.” Ace groans, and Deuce stands outside the door just a little bit longer even though he knows it's bad to eavesdrop.
“What do you mean!? Have you seen him!? I am the perfect, acceptable amount of interested, thank you very much!” you proclaim dramatically, “He’s just so hard working, and so kind, and even though he’s so tough he’s also really gentle...have you seen him make eggs? I wish I was those eggs!”
Deuce’s face feels like it’s burning. He steps into the room, unable to listen to your rambling anymore. You and Ace stop talking and turn to look at him, only for Ace to burst with laughter at his flaming red face.
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Jack would love to say that he’s unfazed. He’d also love to grab his tail and stop it from wagging so damn much, but unfortunately that is not how his tail works. It's a bit odd that you decided to tell this to Ruggie of all people, and honestly Jack thinks you should have gone to literally anyone else.
He respects his upperclassmen of course, but he knows Ruggie is going to tease both of you relentlessly. He can already hear it now, the high pitched, iconic Ruggie laugh ringing in his ears 
Regardless...his face is far warmer than it usually is. Maybe he likes being praised...just a little bit...
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If Azul is being honest, he was just eavesdropping to gain insight into your struggles. Now he’s stuck sitting a table away from you, hiding his face with a textbook because he definitely looks at least a little bit panicked and he has a reputation to uphold.
You're babbling on and on to your Heartslabyul friends about how lovely you think Azul is, despite their interjections of “Prefect that is literally the guy who screwed us over” and “Prefect...you could do so much better for yourself, you know that?”
He covers his surprised snort with a soft cough when you shoot back with a “Well you two were the ones silly enough to sign his deal. His business is still running for a reason.”
Really, you’re something else.
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Jamil isn’t used to praise that it’s for his food and isn’t from Kalim. Unfortunately enough, it’s him who you’re talking to when he walks into Scarabia’s lounge.
He freezes in place when he hears his name, about to open his mouth and chastise you two for talking about someone when they’re not there, but he hears just what you have to say and he’s so glad he didn’t get the chance to say anything.
Staring at you and Kalim’s backs, he has to admit he’s more than a little flustered and more than a little annoyed that he can’t see your face or the smile you’re so obviously wearing when you talk about how beautiful and clever Jamil is.
A foreign emotion rears its head inside him and a ghost of a smirk appears on his face—he’ll just get you to spill your guts later.
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-> deuce's darlings . . . @vivigoesinsane @deucespadez @identity-theft-101 @dove-da-birb
-> azul's business partners . . . @cookiesandbiscuits @vivigoesinsane @identity-theft-101 @dove-da-birb
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suguru-getos · 1 year
୨・┈﹕✦﹕ Kinktober Day 8﹕✦﹕┈・୧
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Hawks x f!reader -> Cockwarming
Event Masterlist
a/n: soft hawksie, comfort, slice of life <3, cockwarmin.
there are times your work, your day absolutely drains the fuck out of you. you want nothing more than keigo and to be covered in the duvet of his wings. today you were late from work, reaching home at 10 pm. it was irritating— you were drained and your shoulders were slumped, keigo noticed the lack of ease and effortlessness in your body language and facial expressions in the morning itself. a sudden murmur when he wore his hero jacket, “why don’t you take an off from work sweetie? take my card and spoil yourself a bit mm?” keigo tried, but you dismissed his proposal. “no, im good thanks kei” your smile also seemed forced—
now that you had returned home, keigo came over to you immediately. wearing his grey joggers and a white tee. fuck he didn’t even have to try !! he was so ethereal. the blazing sun had toned down in japan & keigo’s golden tan with it. you walked towards him, hugging him eagerly. a musical chuckle escaped him as his hands groped your back, “aww~ my cute little birb.” he mumbles, leaning back and kissing your lips softly, melting away your stress and worries. “dinner?” he muses, tucking a stray strand of your hair behind your ear.
“mhm, what do we have?” you asked him, nuzzling against his palm when he cupped your face. “mm, whatever you want is what we have. keigo’s kitchen especially catered to his baby girl.” he grinned. you love that he addressed himself as keigo and not ‘hawks’ in front of you.
“some chicken soup.” you hummed, smiling back at him tenderly, through tired eyes.
“gotcha~” he took out his phone to check for outlets and you chuckled, “hey now, wasn’t this keigo’s kitchen?” keigo bit his lip, blushing with a grin. “yes it is, just out sourcing some stuff.” he winked, sounding exactly like the man of your dreams — oh wait, he is.
the dinner came in quick, by the time you were out of the shower, a stray plume caressed your cheek, making you giggle as you paved your way towards the dining area. “dinner is ready missy, sit down.” keigo looked at you, still in the bathrobe and whistled. “oh my~” you blushed and rolled your eyes at his antics, sitting down and having dinner with your husband. things seem so great when you start counting these little moments that life awards you with your man.
once the dinner was finished, where you talked to him about work, he talked about his— well, as much as he could share of course. you got up. flustered at what you’re about to ask. “wanna, cockwarm.” the words came out of your mouth easy. keigo smirked, “mm? want to feel daddy that close huh?” you nodded, blushing and looking down.
you nodded, looking into his eyes because you know he likes it. “yeah, wan’- wan’ to feel you close keigo.” you looked down, fuck his siren gaze with his marked golden eyes made you shiver. “and too tired for the whole sex.” you pouted, while keigo observed you in awe.
“mkay, if my sweet little girl wants that, who the hell am i to deny her demands? don’t want to be a bad daddy to my kid.” he winked, carrying you bridal style, a low purr escaping him when you lean against his chest as he took you to your shared bedroom.
“looks like gotta work you up first mm? how else are you gonna take daddy’s cock?” keigo smirked, oh he had no filter at times… you pouted, quite impatient and wanting to feel stretched & full already. after all these years with you, keigo has become an excellent mind reader. “okay okay~ let me get the lube, mm?” he cooed, pulling the knot of your bath suit and kissing your exposed tits. tugging at your nipples just to check how far he could go with them. they get really sensitive depending upon the time of the month & keigo doesn’t want to hurt his darling.
spreading your legs, pupils dilating in anticipation, keigo lubed up your pretty pussy and groaned when you arched your back at him rubbing your clit. “there she is, there she is.” he hums, spreading your cunt lips and thrusting himself in slowly. you arched your back and whined, gasping at the stretch. “fuck— i can’t.” you moaned when keigo pressed your pelvis, making you feel just how deep he’s reaching.
“that’s it sweetness, that’s it. ssh~ you’re taking it so well.” he crooned, kissing your neck and stilling. your eyes were glossing up. overwhelmed by the smouldering amount of love keigo showers you with. “i love you.”
“i love you too.” he said it like a silent prayer, smiling tenderly at you and leaning beside, adjusting your position & kissing your forehead deeply. “cute. my cute little angel birdie.” he smiled, kissing your eyelids. “let it go for me okay? all your worries, all your stress. because i’d always be here.”
and he’ll always be there for you. <3 you don’t doubt that.
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officialdaydreamer00 · 10 months
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"The final resting place of heroes and the virtuous.
When the concept of reincarnation gained currency in the classical world, the two Elysian realms were sometimes tiered — a soul which had won passage three times to the netherworld Elysium would, with their fourth death, be transferred to the Islands of the Blessed to dwell with the heroes of myth for all eternity.
Blessed be, the destination of two fated lovers..."
finally closing the book, you let out a soft sigh. it wasn't that you didn't enjoy mythology stories like such, far from it exactly. yet somehow, it always gave you a sense of familiarity, as if you had been through it before.
you shook your head. mythology were just stories people of ancient civilisations made up for their beliefs, of course. that was just a silly thought you had, right?
... right?
you felt a pair of arms snaked around your waist, warm and gentle as if you were made from porcelain. a familiar scent that belonged to your beloved, the comfort of which your confused soul sought for. lips leaving a fleeting kiss to your tensed neck, murmuring a voice, beautiful and soothing, you yearned to hear.
"i'm home."
right, you smiled. it didn't matter much, as long as he was still by your side.
"welcome home."
as long as your bond still prevailed.
your fated, your beloved.
(From 20th to 30th of November)
— by Lovejoy Studios
A Twisted Wonderland AU sets in an inestimable timeline, where the gods are very much real. And you, dear one, and your beloved are reunited at last, after centuries old of godly tragedies.
𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝:
In Elysium, you may decide who shall play the god, and who shall play the human. Of course, both can be gods, or both can be humans.
I unfortunately cannot stop the tragedies you might have faced in your first lives, though, for Greek mythology shows no mercy for its heroes. That, dear one, you have to figure out yourself.
• You have to reblog this post, and spread the word to the best of your abilities. The more people who knows, the more effective it shall be.
• Seek the Oracle of Delphi and tell her your wishes. You may need to specify your beloved one, and a scenario you had in mind, else the Oracle would tell you a... less than appeal vision. However, if that is what you wanted, then I will not stop you.
• Examples of what your ask should be like:
"What is my destiny with Malleus Draconia? Would it end with us happily in love and dancing the night away under the night sky?"
"Tell me my destiny with Jade Leech. Would he truly be my fated one, had we ended up like Theseus and Ariadne?"
Be as creative and detailed as you wish, dear one. I am not here to hinder you from finding your destined end.
May the Fates be kind to you.
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format is inspired by the great mage of misery, @ceruleancattail
🏷️ @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @siren-serenity @dove-da-birb @shinysparklesapphires @vioisgoinginsane @shyhaya @hisui-dreamer @axvwriter @names-are-dumb @leonistic @iseethatimicy @cecilebutcher @moonlit-midnight @krenenbaker @ryker-writes @cookiesandbiscuits @minimallyminnie @xen-blank @cave-of-jade @mermaidfanficlibrary @taruruchi @thehollowwriter @edith-is-apparently-a-cat @wordycheesecake @enigmatic-pers @jaylleoo14
note: i might not write for characters i find hard to characterise correctly (i.e. pomefiore trio, jamil, leona) but i will try my best to
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I was reading your stuff about Owl Rook, and I remember that I was really fascinated by owls when I was younger. I still kinda am, so I know that once I found out about an owlman I would try to get close to him. Warnings about Rook being Rook wouldn't stop me, and I'm pretty sure he'd like being the one "hunted" for once.
Oh gosh, he would be such a happy birb in that situation.
He thinks your attempts at trying to be sneaky are adorable, he can sense and catch you so easily, but he'll let you have your fun until your close enough for his birdy grippers to get ya and pull you into his feathery chest floof and wrap the two of you up with his wings.
He's secretive when it comes to his personal things, but I can see him being willing to share information with you about his own kind and wanting to know more about you in return. How wonderful it is that a rare creature such as yourself is so willing to share those things with him and be so close.
He's kind of lonely and it's hard for him to keep himself from letting out happy hoots when he sees you, a happy owl will often have its head held upright and its wings relaxed at its sides and make soft chirping noises or hoots.
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neverniko101 · 4 months
(STP) *ahem* Now that I have that out of my system...would Curd, the birbs, and the princes like anything? Cookies, drinks, maybe somewhere soft to chill in over a dingy shack...I'm willing to stand in solidarity.
(I am reveling in being a menace, for science)
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Wdym, they’re all already food ehehehheheeheheh
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Okay I’ll stop with The Beast jokes
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r0-boat · 1 year
Hear me out, flying type hybrid darling using their wings to hug their partner.
Like 'preening' their partner's hair and hiding their feathers in their partner's clothes; chirping / hooting happily when their partner come back home with hands full of their feathers like a silly game
(Can be anyone you like I just cant get this thought out my head haha)
Now I am absolutely obsessed with shipping Larry with monster reader. And when I saw Harpy reader I dived for it aaa.
The characters I will do is Larry, Warden Ingo, Leon,
Various characters (pokemon) reaction to their beloved as a flying type hybrid harpy.
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You just showed up one night scratching in his back door with your sharp claws. You were looking for nesting material the day before you never asked a human for some this human seemed shocked But ultimately gave you some cloth it was strong yet soft and smelled nice. This human was nice : )
As a flying-type trainer, he knows some of the mannerisms you have. He thinks it's cute when you preen his hair or make a small nest out of his clothes because you missed him. Sometimes, he would show you how humans court and then do the same thing to you
And his coworkers and boss are none the wiser when he starts finding feathers in his suit all day. They just assumed that he had a new flying type Pokemon and not a hybrid birb spouse. Even so, coming to work covered in feathers isn't professional, but he can't bring himself to tell you to stop. He knows you're doing this out of love for him. Maybe Larry will ask you if he could wear one feather and put it in his pocket.
Your feathers are just so soft when you wrap your wings around him. He can't help but cuddle into you and fall asleep. He can feel your nails thread through his hair, mimicking the way he touches you.
Before stepping into his house, he could hear the excited tapping of your feet as you do your happy dance. The little bird hops with your feathers all fluffed before yelling his name and throwing feathers all over the place. His home life has never been this exciting, and he can't help but smile.
Warden Ingo
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You struggle the flap of your wings, kicking up the snow on the ground. The Searing pain in your left wing and arm is almost overwhelming. Your energy is slowly draining as your body struggles to keep warm. Your feathery down kept you from freezing for a while, but how long will that last? Has the wind begun to pick up? You hold your broken arm close to your chest, trying to keep in your subs of pain as you huddle your wings closer together, desperate to cling to any ounce of warmth; your vision blurs and your brain tells your body to conserve energy. The only thing you saw when you began to blackout was a man in a long coat approaching.
You were protective of the man who saved your life—wrapping your wings around him not only for affection but also for protection. For some reason, this human was drawn to you. Your beautiful white wings and Feathers jogging his memory of something, though not enough to figure out why.
Every time his Warden duties called, he would leave his cabin even though he had sworn he would go you home somehow, always following him, stalking him in the distance until he was alone. Then, you would appear either from a high ledge of a cliff or a dark cave to brush yourself up against him, cooing for his affection.
Every time he falls asleep, he wakes up to his jacket being stolen and wrapped around you, not that he Minds that you wear it, though he has to tell you to be careful; those sharp talons of yours could easily rip a new hole.
The Striking eyes of his remind you of a Braviary hybrid. You can't help but Preen his hair and put some of your feathers in it. You coo in Delight of how handsome he is. Cuddling close to him and playing and tugging on his clothes.
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Wherever he was, this was definitely not the Pokemon Center. In fact, this wasn't a town at all. He didn't even know how he got so high up in the mountains. Leon swore he was following a path. As he continued to wander, getting himself more and more lost, it wasn't before long that the sun began to set. Still, he took this challenge with a smile despite being low on supplies. He was in the wilderness. They're sure to be some berries somewhere. However, before the sun dipped below the horizon, he saw a blur Bolt from the tree to the dense foliage. It was like lightning, but he could have sworn he saw feathers. The figure was a human shape, a hybrid, perhaps? It stood at a distance where he could barely see it. It stood there tilting its head almost as if it wanted him to follow. As he followed the creature until they were nowhere in sight, that's when he realized he was back on the path.
Almost every encounter with you was by pure chance. You don't even know how he does it; a dumb human gets lost, and then you guide him back suddenly. A month later, he's back?! What the heck?? What is this human's deal!? is he trying to get himself killed?!
You only watch the human to make sure he doesn't get himself killed, not because you think the human is attractive. And you absolutely didn't swoon when you saw that he was wearing the feather you dropped as a necklace.
But unbeknownst to you Leon wasn't just adventuring for adventuring sake he was looking for you. Oh yes the mysterious hybrid that led him back to the path on that night he met you. Hybrids are already so rare, and when you caught his eye, he couldn't help but relive the memory. He not only wanted to meet you, but he wanted to get to know you to understand you. And you were just as infatuated with him as he was with you.
Even though you're instincts told you to court him as a potential mate, you knew that as a human, he couldn't be trusted, but somehow, Leon knew that , he knew that you were wary of him. He didn't blame you. How could he? Thus begins the slow build of trust and your relationship
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kowtownart · 4 months
How does Sneo react with Raspberries on his tummies?
Goodness Anon, i am so sorry it took me this long to answer your ask!! I don’t really have a good excuse, but i hope you enjoy my silly little drawing!!
Putting behind a read more just incase some people don’t want to see it <3
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He’s so soft i love him. He’s going to be so pouty afterwards, huffy and puffy big Birb <333
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f1-disaster-bi · 2 months
party au featuring koa when you have the time and inspiration pls i love koa
I love Koa too, and I will forever be thankful to @f1-birb for writing that beautiful piece about Koa and Lando for me and this au 🥹
I can absolutely try and write something for them!
Lando had been feeling anxious since the moment he had woken up.
He didn't know why he did. There had been no nightmares, no cravings, no change in routine that would cause the hot ball that had lodged itself in his chest, but there it was.
A weight he couldn't get rid of as he tried to go about his morning as usual.
He had joked with Daniel over their morning coffee and pretended to be disgusted when he was pulled into a kiss that tasted like the drinks they had chugged. He'd watched Daniel get ready for his morning run whiel checking emails and texts, kissed him goodbye, and settle in for a quiet morning but the anxiety wouldn't disappear.
It just grew and swirled in his body, making him look over his shoulder every few minutes as if something was going to happen when he knew it wasn't.
He might have been driven crazy by it after the fourth time he had checked that the door was locked and that Daniel had his keys, and after texting Charles to ask if they were still friends after the little jokey fight they had had over call last night, but something stopped that from happening.
Koa had stopped it.
The moment that Lando felt too much, that his skin felt like it was crawling with ants, Koa was there. He pressed his damp nose into Lando's palm with a soft whine. He licked gently at Lando's fingers, giving him a sensation to focus on other than the burning in his chest and his racing mind.
"Koa", Lando croaked out, wincing ay the shake in his own voice but Koa understood.
The black German shepard didn't hesitate. He nudged at Lando until he was lying down on couch before he jumped up. Koa licked at his chin, butted his head against Lando's jaw and then settled on top of him, weighing him down.
Koa held Lando in place and his weight was a welcome comfort as Lando sunk his fingers into his furr.
The soft sounds of Koa's breathing, snd the puffs of air against his neck had Lando following a similar pattern. His mind focusing only on his dog, on the weight of him against his body and his soft furr under his fingers.
It took a while before Lando finally fully relaxed, feeling exhausted and strung out, and a little ashamed because nothing had happened and yet here he was; a wreck.
As if sensing his thoughts, Koa gave a little growl before he furiously licked at Lando's face until Lando was laughing and trying to squirm away. Only then did he stop and look at Lando with those intelligent, warm brown eyes as if to check he was okay.
"I'm not fully okay, but I'm okay", Lando whispered softly before he kissed Koa's muzzle gently, "Thank you Koa, you're the best boy"
Koa huffed softly as if he was trying to say "of course I am" before he settled down again and Lando just held him close.
"Love you", Lando whispered to Koa after a few moments because he did.
Koa was one of the best things to happen to him in the aftermath of everything, and Lando liked to think that he saved Koa just as much as Koa helped save him.
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blackholesun321 · 11 months
I saw your post about sending asks about one piece so here I am.
Wing AU Mihawk and Shanks being mates and secretly married. Shanks finding it hilarious that a warlord, an ally to the Marines, is married to a Yonko and one of the most powerful pirates. Mihawk accidentally acquiring Zoro after Zoro gets lost and ends up following Mihawk. DadHawk with his baby birb and Shanks laughing and saying Mihawk is like him with collecting children. Shanks with his baby birbs Uta and Luffy. Happy birb family.
I apologize it took me so long to get to this but yessssss! I love shit like this ten outta ten ask my you alway get discounts from you local retail. My your pillow he alway the right softness and your steak alway cooked to perfection. 💜 ✨
Alright, I adore AUs like this because of the world-building you can do. Like, people have big-ass wings attached to their backs? What does that look like at sea? Fighting? Houses? Sleeping? How do people have different instincts or traditions? Have cultures changed in some way, or how did all people suddenly have wings?
It's a fun playground, but throw in found family and ships, it gets even better. But let's add a twist to this: say Devil Fruit users can't fly? Just as the Mother Sea cursed them to never swim, Father Sky cursed them to the earth and Devil Fruit users' wings basically become useless after they eat one. It doesn't impact all users; some can fly naturally with their powers, or if you have a bird zoan fruit, it usually cancels out the flightlessness. But those stuck on the ground, dragging that heavy, useless weight around, tantalized with freedom that can never be... well, it would drive some mad.
It's not popular, but not uncommon for a Devil Fruit user to just remove their wings. Which, if you think about the cultural and societal implications of wings, for communication, rituals, gender identity, courting, family bounding and friendships- One can only assume that is you have extra appendages they be incorporated into one’s communication, just like how you move your arms when gesturing or quirking eyebrow to ask a question, they could be used to show anger, attention, fear or attraction. Being well, removing a whole-ass way of communicating and engaging with community, even if they’re useless; would be I feel a great taboo and another way for the world government to fear monger. I'm guessing in some cultures it's considered the greatest punishment or the greatest shame.
But if this little tidbit is true, think about baby Luffy. Just getting his flight feathers in, this little ball of down, learning to swim and just starting to fly. Maybe Shanks helps him; maybe he laughs and goads him on with every hop and skip just a few seconds in the air. Just for him to crash down. But he gets back up again, determined to fly longer, to go higher, and Shanks watches him and feels this swell of something like warmth and a little bit like fondness under his breastbone as Luffy comes back disheveled, covered in dirt and pouting. He remakes his nest a little bigger when he gets back to his ship that night. Adds blankets and some pillows, the down he's kept from Mihawk and Uta and other members of the crew, picked through and rearranged. He's a little too drunk to think of it in a moment, but the realization does come halfway off to dreams that of, "Oh, shit, I haven't done this since Uta!"
He, of course, panics in the morning, hungover and acting like the world's going to end. Shaking Benn like a rag doll, ranting like a loon, and, of course, he gets punched in the head for his trouble, and then laughed at because, "Captain, you've been inducting Luffy into our flock since the last trip; you've only now noticed?"
And Shanks has, like, this come-to-One-Piece-Jesus moment where all the little moments—of preening Luffy's feathers, weaving his fluffy down into his own wings, letting Luffy keep the bright red feathers that fell from his wings, Luffy giving them colorful things like shells, beetles, buttons, and rocks—just click into his head.
And he realizes shit I’m a dad again. Mihawks going to kill me… or laugh his ass off. (Mihawk is dealing with his own child acquisition at this point Shanks no worries, you can both commiserate together.)
There would be more bonding after that. Small, soft moments where Makino would watch and see her dark, velvet green feathers matched with Shanks' red. Luffy's never had people, never had friends before, never had a parent, and as much as Makino tries to help this poor little boy in his two empty house with his two empty eyes, she has never had the ability to be wholly what he needs. He needed a family, something full to bursting with love and joy, and she had never seen the little fledgling with more joy than the Red Force.
There is tragedy, of course. Luffy still eats his Devil Fruit. And Shanks is now filled with a guilt he will never be able to forgive. He crippled this poor kid before he'd even taken his first flight. He'd stolen the sky from his fledgling, so it's more fitting he loses a wing in return.
In this AU, because of the wings, humans have other instincts. Of course, if you had giant shields on your back, you'd use them instead of reaching out your arm, shielding Luffy and himself. Shanks pulls off armament just a bit too slow. And the Lord of the Coast bites the top of his left wing, teeth sinking in as Shanks screams, and flesh, as well as feathers, are ripped from him in a shower of blood and down so red you can't tell what's feathers and what's viscera.
His wing flops limp in the boat and bleeds all the way back to shore, no matter how much they try to stem it. Shanks is pale by the time the Red Force finds them, pale and cold, holding a sobbing Luffy to his chest as he tries to soothe. "It's only a wing, Luffy; it's only a wing."
God I’ve fallen in love with this au, me and it are sloppy kissing at the back of dennys in my brain. I’ve started writing a Shanks and Mihawk thing for this and definitely will add in Zoro and Mihawks and the sudden ‘father hood be upon ye’ that they get to deal with. It’s along the lines of who is that feral green child?—And said feral child is trying to stab him but also Mihawk keeps correcting his form and then eventually gets fed up and start actually teaching Zoro to stab properly. Type of energy.
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edsanon · 1 year
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This popped out of nowhere
But I kinda love it ???
Anyway, PLA au or something I still don’t know-
Some hcs below the cut.
Aizetsu is a Pokémon magnet and I stand by that since I originally hc him being a disney Princess. Put him in the Alabaster Iceland alone for three hours then go back for him and you’ll see him sitting with a giant Garchomp on his lap demanding pets. His shiny Sylveon is his baby, he will sent the world ablaze if something happens to her (she’s so tiny-), same goes for his zorua. Rei likes him, though Aizetsu probably stays near the training grounds. He’d probably enjoy Ingo’s presence.
Urogi would probably just have fun, flying around and sometimes bothering the wardens- especially Liam and Sabi, to play. Sabi is always happy to, and she’s Braviary’s warden so she likes birbs. Liam has shiny rocks. He may also offer piggy back rides to Akari and Rei (mostly Rei since he’s the one to ask). Pokemons don’t like him much though, so he often picks up Aizetsu to lure in a Pokémon.
As for Karaku he’s either with Urogi, getting screamed at by Sekido, annoying Cyllene or the rest of the corps, or he’s near Arezu, which is often the case. She wants to experiment with new hairstyles ? Well Karaku’s there, and he stayed still for several hours while she was experimenting with his hair. For being relaxed he certainly was ! He has a cyndaquil and a Petillil.
Sekido is.. angry. And an electric type Pokémon magnet. Really, he steps outside and suddenly there’s a Pichu latching onto his kimono and won’t let go. Also, due to his blood demon art, Pokemons who evolves with a thunder stone just have to touch him in order to evolve. He’s not well liked in the village, in fact people tends to avoid him (except Ingo because we love Ingo in this house and he’s wonderful) the only thing that they’re thankful for is that he’s the only one to stand up when Kamado is saying bullshit. He’s a Kamado Slander and that’s good for him. I do think Sekido is soft for his brothers, and if his brothers care for someone then he will try to care too, so I’ll let you imagine how he reacts whenever Commander Kamadoo-doo-head forces Rei to do something when he’s sick or wounded.
“What are you doing here ? Shouldn’t you be in the infirmary ?”
“Well..Kamado said-“
“I Heard enough.”
Before grabbing his staff and walking away. You can be sure Urogi and Karaku aren’t far behind wanting to witness an ass whooping while Aizetsu stays near Rei just in case. The only reason that Kamado isn’t dead yet is because Arceus decided to say “fuck it” and the brothers are hurting like hell each time they try to kill someone. They are surviving barely with blood donations, potato mochis, and corpses.
It’s three am, I did not mean to dump hcs like this, but hey, who is gonna read this anyway ? Just enjoy the art.
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toournextadventure · 2 years
i know you touched on it a little at the end of the chapter but i'm SO curious about what was going through Wednesday's head during the hospital visit- especially when Birb left the room- because GOD am i a sucker for soft!Wednesday and her reading to Nicky was PEAK softness
if you're planning on going more into detail in the future you can totally ignore this
Just for you, bestie, I'll put a drabble for you down below 😌
Wednesday was in shock. Beyond shock, actually because how had you managed to keep this from her? An entire person? Yes you had told her about your brother Nicky before, and she didn't claim to know you better than anyone else, but she wracked her brain and knew you had not told her about this. And call her insane, but this seemed like something that would have come up eventually.
He looked like you. That was the thought on her mind while you told stories. She was listening to you, of course she was, but he looked like you. It was in his hair, the curve of his nose, the shape of his eyes. You both had the same jawline and slender fingers. Did he have your eyes as well?
You were different as you started reading from the book in your hands. There wasn't that happy, carefree tone to your words. Don't get her wrong, you read wonderfully; you voiced each character differently and spoke effortlessly. But she could see the way your eyes would constantly dart to where Nicky was resting, almost as if you were hoping to catch him awake even if only for a moment.
She noticed the tears in your eyes as you quickly excused yourself to get some coffee.
Only once you were gone did Wednesday realise that she was left alone in a room with your brother. And in a surprise twist of fate, she had no idea what to do. What did you do while you were there, when it was just you and Nicky? Did you do this same thing, talking and then reading? Or did you sit in silence, listening only to the heart monitor and ventilator?
Well, she knew one thing; judging by the amount of books in the room, you read to him. A lot. And reading was something that she considered herself good at. So she stood up and moved to grab the book from your seat, quickly sitting back down and finding where you had stopped.
"She needs a bookmark," Wednesday mumbled aloud. Could Nicky hear that? Would he have laughed before agreeing with the statement? She didn't know, but she was going to act like she had.
As she read the book - she didn't have near the theatrics you did - she thought. Thought about why you had kept this from her. Of course she understood it couldn't have been easy, judging by what you had told her you blamed yourself. "I made him take me," you had said. But why would you have not told her? Surely it was a terrible burden to bear on your own.
Her heart was nearly beating out of her chest when she saw you walk into her line of vision and sit down in the chair. Your back was stiff and you held the coffee in both hands, and you had a look on your face. She tried not to focus on you, instead trying to read the words as eloquently as possible. After all, she now had a bigger audience.
And when you finally relaxed and leaned back into your chair, your eyes still glued to her, she was filled with a sorrow that she seldom felt. You had been the bearer of this struggle, this suffering for four years. Four impossibly long years, if she were to guess.
She would not let you bear it alone any longer.
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pixiemage · 1 year
I am missing rancher hours so if you don’t mind me babbling
I am still of a firm believer that Jimmy isn’t that attractive avian wise as I believe they probs love bright rare vibrant colors with sleak and powerful wings. While Jimmy still has downy and his wings are fluffy as heck.
While blazeborns/netherborns literally love floof and warm and soft things.
Therefore when they finally get together. Tango is just always buried in feather heaven
That's kind of sweet actually ;-; Like Jimmy's not UNattractive by any means, but he's fairly...uninteresting as far as birbs go. Especially compared to avians like Grian, who has shiny multicolored feathers and is a VERY skilled flyer.
Except Tango looks at him and sees not only fluffy/warm soulmate, but also gold wings gold wings gold wings...which is something any netherborn can appreciate 😋
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desertednine · 6 months
One Lone Pearl - Deserted Nine Chapter 1 (2.8K)
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Synopsis: Hyrule’s heroes of past and present venture to uncover a secret cruelly hidden by the history books. On a visit to Hateno Village, a hero overhearing gossiping townsfolk may lead him and his allies into yet another journey…
Hi everyone! Hope you’re all having a lovely day, afternoon or evening wherever you may be! After a long two months and a hell of a writer’s block, I’ve finally at long last finished Chapter 1, and am so excited to get this silly idea of mine on the road, I hope you all enjoy!
Word count- 2.8k
Warnings- Strong language, a man is an asshole to a woman (are we surprised?)
Tags: (mainly my lovelies in Fellowship of the Links Discord!) @the-cucco-nuggie @peepthatbish @beyondtheglowingstars @xxbuttercup @tomsishere @birb-boyo
“Hylia above, why did I decide to wear this today? Champion, I thought you said we’d be going to Hebra, not Faron!” The voice of a very warm and sweating Warriors complained as the nine heroes of past and present trekked around Hyrule of the Wild era, yet the Upheaval caused major geographical changes throughout the land, unearthing areas previously thought unreachable, but all good things come with a sacrifice, that being areas potentially being blocked off, meaning many a twist and turn in their journey, aching feet, boots causing an ungodly amount of blisters and many a bicker and argument, not helped by the blistering heat of Faron’s tropical climate, where they were dropped by the mysterious portals that guided their journey. Yet despite an environment as taxing as that, the group did as they always do and pulled through as they crossed into the much less humid region of Necluda, deciding to stop by Hateno Village to rest for the night, half of the group staying in Wild’s humble abode, which he now shared with his beloved Zelda and the other half at the local inn, and the people of Hateno always loved to hear of Wild’s adventures, and now there were eight more heroes, it would attract much more attention, the local mayoral election campaign between Reede and Cece did not even cause so much as a squeak compared to this!
The group finally arrived to much a surprised face, it wasn’t every day that you met eight legendary heroes of old, after all, with all the village coming to greet the heroes, with an array of excitable children gawking at their arsenal of weapons, with one child in particular begging to try them out with wonder in his eyes, to which the heroes allowed him to look at the less lethal items in their possession. By the time the children had somehow gotten their attention astray from the ancient weapons, the group were growing rather travel-weary on top of the bombardment of questions from the young children, though it did warm their hearts to see their eyes light up, thus they went to the Wild hero’s humble abode to drop off their items, where the hero was met with open arms and a soft, lilty accent.
“Oh, Link! You’re home!”
The princess, now also a part-time researcher and teacher collided into his chest, Wild lifting her in the air with a genuine smile, it wasn’t often he truly let go unless he was with certain people. He smoothed her now messy hair, a result of the schoolchildren of Hateno’s clumsy, albeit caring job of doing her hair, yet she could look in whatever state and Wild would equate her beauty to the divine itself.
“You look radiant, dearest.” He whispered in her ear as he kissed her hand with an undoubtable tenderness, her cheeks turning a rosy pink as she giggled sweetly behind her free hand before greeting his fellow companions, she had met them all before while they were in her era’s Hyrule, yet sadly not for long before they were once again swept into another adventure in their hunt for cursed black-blooded monsters under the spell of evil, a tale as old as time.
Princess Zelda Bosphoramus was truly known for her kindness, even more so after the Calamity and the Upheaval as a result of her selfless sacrifices for her people and their future, and the past heroes could tell everyone adored her, not because of her title, but her demeanour, a young woman wanting to simply do what was right, something they all knew very well with their duties. As they chatted, they got familiar with Hateno’s surroundings once again, it had certainly changed since the last time the heroes visited, what with the copious amounts of quirky fungal-based style around the village, and now seeing the school Zelda had overseen the creation of and often taught the children there, again showing just how selfless and caring she was, willing to use her time to serve her people in small, menial activities, which was always appreciated by her people.
As they admired the village’s changes and chatted to the friendly townsfolk, they began to discuss arrangements for sleeping, Wild obviously staying with Zelda in their shared house, with Hyrule, Legend and Four joining alongside them, leaving Sky, Warriors, Twilight, Wind and Time to reside at the Ton Pu Inn for the foreseeable future, which none of them minded at all, at the moment for them, home was anywhere they happened to rest their head after a long, weary day, whether it were a bedroll someone happened to lend them, a small single bed with simple covers or the most lavish possible with many pleasantries included, the heroes appreciated whatever they got from the people, showing they truly did care about the wellbeing of the group, the citizens acting out of the goodness of their heart as opposed to wanting to gain something out of their actions.
Not long after, the group wandered about the hustle and bustle of Hateno, the humble village now attracting new visitors, whether it be fashionistas to visit Cece’s clothing shop, budding researchers venturing up the rolling hills to admire the tireless work of old Robbie in the lab, or just simple trade with other villages, there was never a bad time to visit the comfy, nestled village that was made all the better by the people, a colourful cast of characters to say the least, yet all good folks.
The day rolled on, the group engaging in the town’s atmosphere, Warriors helping the eager, rather young ‘guard’ at the town’s entrance, finding him very endearing, reminding him of his youth, modelling the actions of those in authority around him, while Four was bombarded with questions from the aforementioned young children about his background as a blacksmith and how he would forge his weapons, Hyrule looking on with a laugh as the child cajoles him to tell more. Meanwhile, Time and Sky went to the pasture up the hills, and while the walk was exhausting, especially considering how far they’d walked that day already, it was worth it to see the adorable animals, Time being reminded fondly of home at Lon Lon Ranch with his dearest wife, and Sky cooing over the bleats and moos of the goats and cows, as Wind and Legend check out Cece’s fashions, the youngest hero parading around the shop in the… flattering fungal hat as Legend looked on with a chuckle, being reminded of a past adventure of his own with the rather quirky designs.
This left Wild and Twilight with the former’s Zelda in her house, where they were planning to cook for the group, a fish pie to be specific, thus with his proficiency in fishing from his rural upbringing, Twilight was the natural choice to catch whatever unlucky trout or carp that was unlucky enough to poke their heads too near to their bait, a soft smile painting his lips as he reminisces on those days, simpler times back in Ordon, whenever he’d catch a fish for Sera’s little cat and hearing the content purrs as it’d dig in to the fine meal before it’s furry face, and often frequenting Hena’s Fishing Hole whenever he got some form of a breather from his heroic deeds, helping him to de-stress, with the case being the same in Hateno, the chatter of the people being alike to white noise, a comforting sound at that as he sits at the wooden docks, taking off his boots and letting his ankles and below soak in the cool water as he begins his search.
The sparrows and finches tweeted their soft songs around him, making him feel grounded and thoroughly relaxed, yet also making him completely forget where he was, him shaking out of his daze and realising the sun was now close to setting and he hadn’t a fish to his name yet. The atmosphere about him was so… familiar that he completely forgot the task at hand, deciding to simply go to the general store instead, making sure to sneak so the others wouldn’t tease him about neglecting his duties and getting lost in thought longer than expected, but it was all in good fun amongst the group, thus he put his boots back on and began to make his way to the store from the docks, yet as he approached, he overheard a peculiar sounding conversation at the town’s water trough between Nikki and Amira, well-known about the town for their tendency to gossip.
“Did you hear about that young woman who came into the village yesterday evening, the one with the necklace with just one lone pearl on it?” Nikki initiated the conversation, in a hushed tone, clearly not wanting anyone to notice the conversation, wanting to appear as nonchalant as possible while telling her friend of her thoughts on the mysterious woman’, to which Amira shook her head, having not noticed any new woman around the village, likely too focused on their previous gossip session.
“Hylia’s sake! Do you live under a rock?” She jested well-meaningly, before continuing; “Well, apparently it’s been passed down through countless generations, said to attract future love to anyone who touches it and promises a long-lasting relationship once one is formed, but they must be faithful and true to the one they admire, showing true passion, and so must their partner, otherwise the necklace loses it’s value, just an accessory.”
“And that’s relevant because?” Amira questioned with a roll of her eyes, knowing exactly what her friend was about to say.
“…Well, you know that merchant with the donkey that once came by? Agus, I think his name was-“ She explained before being cut off by Amira’s laughter, amused at how quickly it took Nikki to fall for a man, before replying with an offended “Hey! Just because I’m married doesn’t mean I can’t have a fantasy!” and playfully poking the former’s shoulder.
“What? I bet you’d buy anything off him so you could have an excuse to get him on a date to eat your infamous Seafood Meunière!” Amira giggled, putting on a teasing voice so to get a reaction out of the woman before her.
“If I weren’t married already and if it meant I’d have to sit through him talking about that donkey of his and how they’re better than horses, I will!” Nikki replied, the two heading off from the trough to their own houses. The gossip amused Twilight, all the playful small talk felt very familiar and gave him a sense of comfort, but the conversation made him think.
This mystery woman with a meaningful necklace, who could she be? She obviously wasn’t a local to the village, as the two discussed, she could’ve very well just have gone and left before he and the heroes reached the village, but it intrigued him nonetheless, he hadn’t experienced a feeling of love, let alone passion in a while what with his adventures, whether it being brotherly love to the children of the village, fleeting puppy love with Ilia, a respectful love with the Zelda of his era and a lost love with Midna. He longed to experience that feeling again, but not knowing when that would come about again weighed on him, this pearl necklace may be the answer…
“Oh!” He said to himself, realising he’d been staring into space and lost in his thoughts, when he needed to get the fish from the general store for dinner, the combination of the gossiper’s talk of food and his rumbling stomach making it clear what he needed to do first.
After the dinner at Wild and his Zelda’s house, which went down a treat with the heroes despite the shop-bought fish, the moonlight shone over Hateno, and was a sign for the group to get some good rest, thus going their separate ways to their respective sleeping areas, Legend, Four and Hyrule staying in Wild and his Zelda’s house for the evening, setting up bedrolls as Zelda prepared a warm drink for them all, she wanted desperately to be a good hostess even though the heroes insisted she didn’t have to, that merely letting them sleep there was enough, but that of course didn’t mean they wouldn’t indulge in her kind offerings, it would be rude not to after all!
As they settled, the five remaining heroes walked along to Ton Pu Inn, Wind sleeping in Warrior’s grasp as the older hero almost cradled him, they all understood that although the sea-faring hero was the youngest of the bunch, that he didn’t want them treating him like a child, which they did stick to, admiring him for the hero he is and the obstacles he’d overcome, but moments like this reminded the older members just how young he is in comparison, insisting he’s not tired while clearly battling sleep. Sky meanwhile hummed a tune he had learned on his journey as they walked, feeling the Master Sword vibrate on his back, reminding him Fi was always there, even if she were also sleeping in the sword.
Just before reaching the inn, Time noticed his descendant looking a little… away in his thoughts, concerned, he cleared his throat and asked him. “Is everything alright? You seem distant, and were not too talkative at dinner.” He queries, his protective paternal nature coming out, despite not even being a father.
“Oh! Er, yeah! Jus’ got lost in thought, nothin’ to worry about.” Twilight replied, attempting to sound as convincing as possible, and while his ancestor didn’t appear swayed by his answer, he accepted it nonetheless, he would only act if it meant any of the heroes were truly in dire need.
When walking in, they were greeted with quite the scene, a disgruntled man of around 28-29 years pacing around the room, muttering under his breath, acting like a spoilt child.
“Damn that woman to the Depths, selfish bitch.” He huffed, his face almost as red as the tomato crops growing in the village, making the heroes uncomfortable, what with his childish first impression and the foul, degrading words from his mouth, clearly unsettling the inn’s poor owner, who undoubtedly has had to put up with his ramblings for the past while.
“Sir, please may I advise you to stop, you will wake my guests, and I shall see to it that you are escorted out.” Prima, Ton Pu’s receptionist warns, before the man marches towards the desk, making a spitting gesture and attempting to make an effort to leave before being stopped by Time’s imposing figure.
“You heard her. Hyrule has little need for a man, no, a mere child like you, so I suggest that you take your leave, boy.” He says, staring the childish man down with a look of resentment as the latter leaves, shoving past Twilight rudely, muttering under his breath before slamming the door, awakening Wind from his slumber.
“That damned Porphyria.” The man snarled.
After the overdramatic exit, the heroes checked to see if Prima was ok, the latter putting on a brave face and nodding, thanking them for being there, shuddering the thought of what could’ve happened if they had not been present, being kind enough to allow them to stay the night for free, yet they wouldn’t accept that, and certainly not their stubborn leader.
“I insist, though we are heroes, we are still simple men deep down, please take the money, your hospitality is very much appreciated, dear.” Time smiles, sliding her the night’s payment and a few extra rupees for good measure, to which she happily takes, thanking them all once again and wishing them all a nice rest as they retired for the night, all except one.
“Erm, ma’am, could I have yer attention just a moment?” Twilight asked, to which she nodded. “Have ya seen a woman with a pearl necklace round here the past couple o’ days?”
“Yes, that’s the woman that rude man was seething over, Porphyria, her name. Really beautiful woman, auburn hair and beautiful green eyes, had these flowers in her hair too but they looked wilted, apparently her and that… thing had been an item of sorts, don’t think I’d say the same now after that reaction from him. Last I’d heard she’d gone with him down to the bay, I hope nothing unsavoury happened…” Prima explained, a tone of worry now seeping into her voice, with him now fearing the worst, had she been lured there? Left to fend for herself? Hylia forbid…. taken advantage of for that necklace?
“Thank ya for telling me, ma’am, I’ll find ‘er.” He said, grateful for the information as he left into the night, his heart thumping in his chest with unease as he headed into the night to get to the bottom of this issue.
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ofstormsandfire · 9 months
TotK weapons fic you say??? tell me more
okay SO
this one is mostly just brainworms and I haven't written much yet
y'know how the sages in totk all end up with the champions' weapons
y'knowww how certain weapons in zelda lore (see: master sword, demon blade, possibly others) have sentience
y'knowwwwwww how the champions barely got shit in totk (revali in particular really got shafted, he is only mentioned on the name of revali's landing and in the compendium entry for his bow and That Is Literally It. I'm not bitter or anything, I say like a liar.)
basically. the champions end up possessing the weapons to help their successors. and because I'm me and I'm soft maybe this would be a fixit fic somehow? maybe the demon king would bring them back to fight on his side (no one is happy with this)
I think my plan is to have a chapter for each sage (tulin first) and then a final wrapup one? maybe. or maybe four chapters would be enough.
anyway. heehoo dream weirdness. have a lil excerpt as a treat. ft. the birbs ever. (I do hope I"ll figure out where I'm going with this one... sooner rather than later. because it's a fun one. scratches the "lack of champions" itch.)
"Hello," Tulin less says and more squeaks, because he's never met this strange Rito before in his life and he feels weirdly like he's being sized up. "Who are you?" "That... doesn't matter," says the strange Rito, as if he doesn't know that saying something doesn't matter isn't the fastest way to make Tulin even more curious about something. "You're... young." Tulin's feathers puff up. "Yeah, and what about it? You've still got your cheek spots too!" "Yes, but..." He shakes his head. "How old are you?" "...Fourteen," Tulin mumbles. "Why?" "Oh," says the stranger, in an almost-sympathetic tone that Tulin does not like or appreciate coming from someone who doesn't know him at all. "You're even younger than I feared." "And what about it?" Tulin emphasizes. "You sound like my dad. People who still have their cheek spots aren't allowed to sound like my dad. That's illegal!" The stranger raises a wing to hide most of his face. "Is it, now?" Tulin squints at him suspiciously. "Are you laughing at me? You'd better not be laughing at me. Or my dad." "If your dad is who I suspect he is," says the stranger, "I assure you I am not laughing at him." ...Which means he is, in fact, laughing at Tulin. His feathers bristle. "I don't know who you are, but you don't know who I am, either!" "I don't, do I?" Why does he still sound amused? "Enlighten me, then." "I'm Tulin. I'm the best flyer in Rito Village. I can call on the winds themselves!" He summons a Gust to demonstrate, and—well, if it quite literally ruffles this guy's feathers, maybe he shouldn't have been standing between Tulin and the Flight Range. "So don't laugh at me!"
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