#nodal axis asks
Making Spirituality Real Vedic Astrology Community Questions Masterpost
This is a Link Resource for all the Vedic Astrology Community Questions I answered throughout the years, that have collective informative value. Look for your Chart placements or potential questions on this list before asking me further.
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The Vedic Ayanamsa I use For Most Accurate Calculations
Aries Lagna
Atmakaraka influenced by Venus/Libra
Atmakaraka in 6th house
Atmakaraka and Darakaraka in Synastry
Benefic Planets in Malefic Houses
Benefits of Challenging Nakshatra Placements
Bhava Chalit vs D1
Cancer Lagna
Connections Between Ketu and Venus rules Nakshatras
D60 Chart Interpretation
Dasha Period Compatibility
Debilitated Atmakaraka
Effects of Ketu Mahadasha
Finding Dispositors in Your Vedic Chart
Fulfilling Your Atmakaraka
Getting a Tattoo Based on Your Chart
How Does Nodal Obsession Manifest?
How Ketu Detaches but gives to Others
How Ketu’s “Detachment” Works
How to Calculate a Vedic Synastry Chart?
How to Do Chart Rectification?
How to Handle Debilitated Planets?
How to Interpret D9 with D1
How to Judge the Influence of a Nakshatra Conjunction?
How to Learn Astrology?
Impact of Rahu/Ketu strong aspects on physical health
Interpreting D9/Navamsa in context of D1/Rasi/Main Chart
Interpreting Dasha Periods for D1 chart with help of D9 chart
Interpreting the Rahu/Ketu Axis of D1 chart with help of D9 chart
Is Darakaraka Important?
Jupiter in the 12th House
Karmic Relief Through D10 Chart
Ketu in the 6th House
Ketu in the 8th House
Ketu in the 8th House and Relationship Life
Krittika Lagna
Learn about Your Partnerships through your D9 Chart
Lunar Nodes in Jaimini Astrology
Magha Nakshatra
Mars Darakaraka
Mercury Ruled Nakshatras
Moon Dominant Men
Moon in Jyeshta and the Gandanta Point
Mrigashira Nakshatra
Nakshatra Dominance
Opposing Energies in D1 and D9 Charts
Planetary Dominance Archetypes
Planetary Strength in a Stellium
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra
Rahu and Ketu and Physical Health
Rahu in the 2nd house
Rahu in the 2nd House and Self Worth
Rahu in the 5th House
Rahu in the 6th house Dasha
Recognising Nakshatra Traits in People
Rising Modality in D10 Chart
Saturn as Karaka of D10 chart
Saturn in the 4th house in D9 Chart
Saturn Ketu Aspect in D9 Chart
Saturn in the 7th in D9 / explained again
Saturn in the 10th House
Saturn ruled Nakshatras
Sign Vs House Vargottama
Sun Conjunct Rahu
Taurus and Libra Lagna
Taurus Krittika Nakshatra Lagna
The 7th House in Synastry
The Power of Saturn ruled Nakshatras
The relationship between Mahadasha and Antardasha
Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Vedic Remediation
Venus Dominant Man
Venus in Uttara Ashadha
Venus is Judgment
Venus Ketu Aspects
Venus/Libra in D10 Chart
Venus in Hasta
Venus in Mrigashira
Weak Sun in A Vedic Chart
What if two Mahadasha Lords are Conjunct?
What is Arudha Lagna?
What is Bhrigu Bindu/Destiny Point?
What is Shadbala Scoring?
Why Darakaraka is NOT your Profession
Why is Uttara Ashadha without a Consort?
Why is Venus the Natural Darakaraka
Yogas - Overrated in Vedic Astrology
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eruverse · 25 days
Ivan’s December 25 1991 astrology chart
@mslorelina-blog asked me to explain the astrology charts of the (official) fall of USSR and (official) formation of Russian Federation from my Ivan’s birthday post, so here I go ❤️
I’m just an enthusiastic learner of astrology and not an actual astrologer, so don’t be too serious abt this. These are real life charts but since this is for fandom purposes, I’ll be tying them into creative fandom endeavors (whicch means I’ll be talking about Ivan as a fictional character according to the charts).
I AM USING SIDEREAL VEDIC SYSTEM. If you don’t know what’s that, please google it up, but know that I’m not using the typical more common Tropical system. Signs shift a bit in sidereal (for example a Pisces in tropical is Aquarius in sidereal) so if you think the charts look wrong, it’s likely because I’m not using the system you have in mind.
Without further ado:
Fall of USSR. December 25 1991 19:35, Moscow
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Sun sign: Sagittarius (Mula nakshatra)
Moon sign: Leo (Magha nakshatra)
Ascendant (lagna) sign: Cancer (Ashlesha nakshatra)
Other special features:
Chart ruler/lagnesh Moon in Magha (2nd house)
Atmakaraka (AK — soul significator, strongest planet): Venus in Libra (Vishakha nakshatra) 4th house
Darakaraka (DK — spouse significator, weakest planet): Moon in Magha (2nd house)
Nodal axis: North Node (Rahu) in Sagittarius (Purva Ashadha nakshatra), 6th house, and South Node (Ketu) in Gemini (Ardra nakshatra), 12th house
How would the chart mean for Ivan as a character?
Firstly, according to the big 3, the general description goes that Ivan will be aggressive and expansive (Sagittarius is a warring sign), proud and dignified but conservative (Leo), and sensitive and nurturing but emotionally vulnerable and overwhelming (Cancer)
His chart lord and Moon are in Leo Magha (2nd house of family). First and foremost, Ivan is tied to his (blood) family. He is possessive over them and is particularly spoiled by them (spoiler alert: I share this exact placement so I know firsthand about this). This placement means that he has his family wrapped around his little finger, and he is treated as ‘a king of his lair’ at the same time he is constantly babied. Magha nakshatra is ruled by planet Ketu (South Node) and represents ancestors; the natives would feel as if they have duties in upholding family traditions but at the same time they have their ancestors watching over them and blessing them. This is a powerful star of manifestation and royalty as ‘the power you have you’ve already wielded since born’. Magha natives usually have powerful ancestors or ones with interesting stories and karma to pass down for the natives to settle. As much as Magha natives tend to be conservative tho, we also tend to break away from some traditions in order to improve our lineage and ancestral karma.
At the same time, this is his weakest planet (DK; weakest by degree) so perhaps he would feel as if he is ‘cut out of these ancestral links’ some. However, being his chart lord, how he feels about his family and lineage (and personal resources, family is basically one of personal resources anyone could have) are the constantly occurring themes of his life. These are also things that he constantly seeks in his life.
Ivan has Moon conjunct Jupiter in 2nd house. Jupiter here can be bad and good at the same time; as Jupiter is a planet that expands things it comes into contact with, sometimes it expands Ivan’s resources and wealth but it can also increase family drama. Ivan is also highly generous toward his family.
Ivan has Atmakaraka (AK) Venus in Libra Vishakha 4th house. 4th house denotes motherland and/or mother, and him having the strongest planet here means he is very dearly tied to his motherland and his mother (if he had her). Venus in Libra is domicile/right at home, which means the house is strong and sturdy. Being Venus, Ivan likes good things — including beautiful things — in his homeland and is likely to get them also just by attraction, as Venus ultimately pulls you toward the things Venus signifies in the house. Moreover, Vishakha nakshatra is also a particularly ambitious star; the natives are sure to get what they want and will work hard to attain it. Venus in his 4th house also rules his 11th house of achievement and social circle; this means that Ivan befriends people who are like him most often, and his achievements and desires revolve around his motherland. This is quite a placement for a homebody.
Ivan has Mars in Jyeshtha (Scorpio) in 5th house of creativity and self expression, also domicile. This house also rules his 10th house (career, reputation and social status) which means that his reputation and social status are what he makes of them. Jyeshtha is quite a difficult star tho, as the natives would be involved in a cycle of constantly having to prove themselves through hard work, but not only for their own selves as the natives would also be responsible of others under their wing, or they feel they have to be responsible bc others often rely on them. Mars here makes Ivan aggressive in attaining those things, and he can also get stalkerish 😄. Mars here is conjunct Mercury which rules 3rd house of neighbors/courage and 12th house of loss or foreign places, so Ivan is sure to extends aggression towards those people as well. Since Mars is conjunct Mercury tho, which is a planet of communication, fun and tact, it’s honestly not all aggressive and he can be sensible.
Ivan’s Sun is Sagittarius in Mula Nakshatra (6th house). 6th house is the house of enemies, obstacles, and also illness/disease. Mula nakshatra is a powerful star that means roots or foundation; natives of this placement destroy or put things to ruin (mainly emotionally; not always physical) to return them to a blank slate for a new growth. With his sun here, which is a natural malefic, Ivan is someone who is sure to beat his enemies — of which he has a lot, because he has North Node (Rahu) conjunct his sun. Rahu works in amplifying to a high degree the significations of the house it sits in and the planet in its vicinity. Rahu in particular makes Ivan also highly ambitious about defeating obstacles, of which he has many, since Rahu basically amplifies both his obstacles and his desire to defeat them. It also happens that much of his obstacles come from his family, due to the fact that the dispositor of his Sun and Rahu is Jupiter in his 2nd house of family. However, lord of his Moon/Leo house is also Sun in his 6th house, which means people who were once enemies can become family. Pretty complicated placement, I would say.
With Rahu in 6th house and South Node (Ketu) in 12th house, Ivan is someone who is worldly and not much spiritual. Ketu represents what you already were bestowed with in your past life and Rahu is your unmet desires in this current life. 12th house indicates spirituality, solitude and detachment, and Ketu here means Ivan doesn’t need any of those things and thus won’t seek them out.
Ivan has Saturn in Capricorn (Shravana nakshatra), 7th house of relationship and business. This makes Ivan conservative in how he approaches relationships, but he is also highly loyal towards his (limited) partners. This makes him tend to only look for those who are his ‘traditional’ partners for business. At the same time, those partners also tend to be loyal towards him.
Also important to note that Ivan’s ascendant is in Cancer, Ashlesha nakshatra, and it is at an especially difficult point called gandanta. Gandanta means ‘knot at the end’ and signifies the highest degrees of a water sign PLUS the lowest degrees of its neighboring fire sign, in this case the junction between Cancer and Leo, that is, between Ashlesha and Magha. At the highest degree of Cancer, like shown here, Ivan ‘holds tightly to his self and doesn’t want to let go’, even tho the obvious path is to let go, since the water of Cancer has no way to go but into the fire and smoke of Leo. Only when you let go of your past issues that you can finally be liberated and go on to manifest reality, as shown in Leo. And guess what, Ivan’s Cancer’s lord is Moon in Magha so he does have the ability to liberate himself from the shackles of Ashlesha. Ashlesha itself is quite a difficult star, one that is highly possessive, dependent, and regarded as ‘poisonous’ (symbolized by a snake) due to its steadfast efforts in keeping what is his as his, even if he has to employ appalling measures for it (or what is thought of as appalling). Ashlesha at highest degree/gandanta point is the most possessive and unrelenting, and yet, it also has the most potential to shed its past baggage. This is very befitting of the end of USSR.
Official formation of Russian Federation. December 25 1991, 19:45. Moscow
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It remains the same, only that the ascendant changes from Cancer to Leo and thus house signs move.
Sun: Sagittarius (Mula) 5th house (chart ruler/lagnesh)
Moon: Leo (Magha) 1st house
Lagna: Leo (Magha)
AK Vishakha Venus 3rd house, DK Magha Moon 1st house
Nodal axis: Ketu in Gemini 11th house, Rahu in Sagittarius 5th house
The nuances are considerably different, this time, but not a lot. Ivan is nurturing and emotional (lunar influence: from being ruled by Moon to having 1st house Moon). Since this is Magha, even though Ivan has changed the system of his nation, he essentially stays the same and still carries the ‘karma of his past life’. An actually logical notion because nations hardly ever change their core even though they’ve donned different clothes, for better or worse. His AK changes from motherland-focused to neighbor-focused, but motherland keeps being an important focus due to the Mars-Mercury combo. Now Ivan’s purpose and main focus of life is genuine self expression (5H) compared to beating enemies (6H), though 5H can also mean child rearing or even childbirth, however that means in relation to him, lol. It also can mean romance 😂 (or perhaps just genuine love for himself, bc the dispositor of Rahu and Sun is in his 1st house of himself?). Ivan now has Saturn in 6H; beating enemies is a slow but sure process, but this time he’s got stability compared to the utter chaos of the previous chart. Enemies might be traditional as well, as in, it’s just the same kind of enemies he’s had before. Unfortunately (or fortunately) he can kind of sleep on them all tho! Funny placement because he gets his relationships from his enemies. Also, with 11H Ketu Ivan willingly isolates himself more from wider social circle and doesn’t care abt it much beyond his neighbors or kins.
Whew! That was pretty long. I have to say that I won’t incorporate all of this into my personal headcanons about Ivan, but I think these are interesting and I noted down some.
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youremyheaven · 2 months
OMG THANK YOU SM FOR ANSWERING MY ASK!! 😭 Although it has DEFINITELY been a while since you did 🥲 I have to mention that I DID check tropical charts before I came to you to ask the question, and did notice that it looked exactly like the western counterpart name up to the degrees, I thought to myself—MAYBE, it's just another term? I wasn't confident to assume considering my very limited sources, and sure enough, it indeed was just another term. I put the blame on whoever decided to add another term when we could just stick to one. One is more than enough to be confused with 😭
2. I couldn't agree more with the 4 different influence. It reminded me so much of the times where I had been reading sidereal observations and researches and thought to myself, “Do I relate to this or not? Do I… relate to this, or not??”.
I certainly felt the relatability between those posts and me, but I still kept trying to find confirmation that it indeed relates to me accordingly by my placements. It's just that, with all these placements being placed in front of you, you start to overthink whether a certain placement have that much influence over your chart when that certain placement is the only placement that has that nakshatra lord.
It's like you have your atmakaraka (which is highest point, therefore it correlates with the native on a personal level(?) Like it does has significant influence, but I wonder how much influence it entail, to what degree if you may) in planet Jupiter, but then it's in a Venus nak, so this is the only placement that I do have these planets’ influence on, but would this placement (as a whole; Jupiter atmakaraka in Venus nak) be enough for one to correlate with those planet’s attributes and their designated nak (’s characteristics or attributes)?
3. I completely agree on your take that some tropical placements would appear on your sidereal chart. I would like to place in an example. One of the many coincidences (can they even be considered coincidences at this point??) that take part in both my charts is that;
In Tropical, my 7th house (which is as considered as the house of partnership) is in Aries. The lord of the 7th house (Mars) is in the 11th house in Leo.
It just so happens that my darakaraka is in Mars in Magha.
Considering the difference in the axis or operations between the two charts, it goes without saying that the degrees itselves would be completely different. Astrology never fails to amaze me. Everyday is like a treasure hunt (just that the treasure is quite literally being handed to you) you get to know yourself more and uncover parts of yourself that you never realize was there but you were unconsciously aware of them.
I think it's very mind-blowing for me as a nodal dominant native considering that most of my life, I've been back to back losing sight of who I was back then, if ever there really was a me who existing. To be frank, I never really consider myself to have once gone through an existential crisis, maybe just once when I was 8. I think it's because having been in the astro community for 3 years now, during the time of the pandemic, causing all of us turmoil and a lot of time and things to think about, I accidentally came across astrology, which I now consider as a fundamental part of who I am considering I quite literally had no image of myself back then and was prone to adapting my friends’ likes and dislikes (I was that one kid who during a sort of introduce yourself session, my head would literally blank out because I had no understanding of myself and would ask my friends their favorite this or that and would use that as my answer) so I was prone to a lot people’s influences and opinions. In that part, I would also go along with the majority because I had no hold of what was right or wrong. (When I say my head was blank, IT WAS LITERALLY SO BLANK) I think the quarantine was an opportunity for me.
Through astrology, I learned so much of myself. I got to understand why I felt a certain way, or acted a certain way. I think cutting off toxic friends was the way to go. I was so absorbed in their shadows that I started to act like them and tried to fit in. It never really felt like I even fit it. I remember a distinct memory during the pandemic, this was during the time I got inclined with myself spiritually, I was very at peace with myself and didn't feel the anxiety of not knowing anything and fearing the unknown. I remember my mother and grandmother asking me why I had changed. That they didn't know who I was anymore. As a child, from what I've heard from people who’ve watched by me grow up, I was apparently a child who rarely cried and kept to myself, they said I was doing well even when playing by myself and that I was really responsible (who liked doing chores and organize things literally every single day because I'm a perfectionist, I didn't even know that word existed back then), because of the influence of my past friends’ immaturity and childishness, as well as their arrogance, I started to act that way too during that time. But when I finally stripped away from those qualities (I never knew it was so easy to rid those things out of my vocabulary) they said I've changed so much. At that time, the thought that I had changed never crossed my mind. Not even once, I just grew up. I just grew up to have the ability, to have developed my own opinions that went against theirs when I used to always agree with whatever they said.
Having both ketu and rahu placements in my chart, I never really understood the fluctuations of my feelings. I just thought that it was normal for me to feel the same way as everyone does (although I was certainly under the illusion of feeling that way because that's how every kid and adult around me felt) Even though on a surface level, it seemed like I was experiencing the same emotions as them (it even seemed that way to me) there was always that feeling of void that I didn't understand. Not that I knew what it was. I even remember a classmate’s nanny tell me off during elementary school that I shouldn't frown and act so serious, that I should smile instead and be happy or else I’ll grow up to have wrinkles very early on. Which, I think is reasonable to appear.
I think these nodal placement are also what led me to stan BTS, I can't tell you enough how much they've inspired me so much and given me the moral compass that I needed, their songs literally struck so deep especially the 2! 3!. Their lyricism are so beautiful and it never failed to make me so emotional. I regret not finding out more about them sooner when I first heard and watched their boy in luv mv in my uncle’s laptop back in 2016. The most memorable part of that mv was Jimin mopping the floor 😂 That's what really stuck with me throughout these years!
This is quite long now.
4. Moving on, in your second point, I also agree. I heavily identify with both my tropical and sidereal chart. Though I have to question just why did I have to be sidereal Gemini when I can be sidereal cancer. To say the least, my tropical cancer placements are what I take great pride in. Maybe that's why until now I refuse to relate to sidereal entirely because of this.
I mean it's never wrong of someone to have a preference for having a specific placement, right? I do think there would be external factors leading to this outcry (my plea to be sidereal cancer. The external factors being the tropical chart)
I think because I heavily idealize the cancer placement, like that's my roman empire. I would say; Internally: I relate a lot to my sidereal placement. How I see myself: Would be my tropical chart. Also because the way I view everything around me is (my) tropical chart coded and the motivation behind those is (my) sidereal chart. It's just like you said, how the tropical is the external and the sidereal is the internal or our repressed side.
I think further on, this would connect or have similar placements between the two charts. (I should stop right about now because the only reason why I'm even talking about this part is because my problem with being sidereal Gemini 🥲)
THANK YOUUU once again for the answering my ask, and also for coming to my partial Ted Talk about my very clueless-self’s childhood. If you've read down at this point of the response, thank you for that too! 😊😊
— ☺️🌷
sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for a while but i only just got around to reading it and im glad i could clear some doubts for u or shed some light <333 hope ur having a good day
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muu-kun · 4 months
This is absolutely nothing more than another deep dive into Muu's birth chart. It is, quite frankly, my Roman Empire.
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The most striking thing about people who have the south node in the eighth house and north node in the second house is that they have a funny and almost childlike way of expressing themselves. They feel really tender and purehearted. They talk about the things that they want candidly and with relief. It’s like they really just want to express themselves. That’s what it’s all about. They want to be seen and celebrated for being who they are.
The eighth house is actually the house that expresses through losing control. The south node in the eighth house is about a familiarity around not having that much control. The south node in the eighth house is very comfortable with giving other people some degree of control over itself. It likes to be taken care of, described by, and empowered by other people.
This might be why people who have the south node in the eighth house can feel so, well…cute. I don’t know how else to describe it right now. When I think of cuteness, I think of adorableness and this makes me think of cuteness as a state of being willing to be loved. The south node in the eighth house is comfortable asking for more from the world.
The second house north node is actually about developing pride. The north node in the second house really just wants to develop dignity and self respect. We develop self esteem when we know what our values are and when we see that we can commit to actions that align with those values. The south node in the eighth house and the north node in the second is really just concerned about self image. The goal isn’t to create a self image that feels likable but to build towards a feeling of self that is flexible enough to change and is also strong enough to feel actionable.
Both the south node in the eighth house and the north node in the second house are about love. This nodal axis is about love being shown through actions, about committing to the actions that you want to do. Love isn’t just about trusting other people. Love is about about trusting who you are and your own consistency.
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satsangat · 1 year
There are different interpretation approaches in regards to the Nodal Axis. In my view, and because there is an axis, there is a need to balance the two extremes. It's not true that one needs to let go of all issues related to the South Node and only go towards the North Node.
Instead, the South Node asks for consideration of the wrong doings, weakness and misuse of its energy in order to help us focus on the North Node energy.
South Node in Libra will question, 'are you pleasing the other to a point where your needs are never met'? Does the demand for peace, law and order, completely obliterate your rights as an individual, namely the right to be, to occupy a space and have an identity?
As the karmic Nodes pull in different directions, people are called to use the positive Libra traits of validation, intercession, peacemaking and maybe legal procedures in order to balance the opposing energies. Also, the ability to assert one's own needs, and making commitments to create appropriate partnerships, helps people to join the midway between the two extremes, and achieve a mutual and fair benefit in the exchange.
In this article, I analyse all details of the ingress chart, considering the position of the Nodes rulers as well.
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thelovereader · 1 year
would it make a difference for her sun in sag to be in the 6th house with her moon and mercury there too
Yes, that does makes a big difference. Usually with general asks I won’t be able to give you the full scope of a synastry read due to not getting the entire blueprint of the chart. I would usually look at many other factors, including the nodal axis and the degrees. But I will say that with three of her most prominent planet placements in the 6th house, this would shade those Sagittarius characteristics quite differently. However, the core identity operating here is still that of a Jupiter led Sagittarius so it will still be a large focus in the day to day mechanics of her persona. Let me know if you want a more in depth analysis I would be happy to do a read for you.
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gg-astrology · 5 years
Hello! ✨✨ Thank you for your answer! It was so cute! 💕 I was wondering if you could explain how N.N./S.N. could be feel in synastry when aspecting the angles of the other person (asc/I.C./desc/M.C)??
Hey Bere!! 💕💕💕💕 OOF I’m glad we got to talk about it!! 💕💕 🤗 I’ll do my best for this one too! 💕
[Below Cut: Synastry - NN/SN 🌙 aspects to Angles  ]
So there’s a couple of different aspects right? Most commonly people like to look at conjuncts/oppositions, but squares and sextiles can be important too. 
I’m going to explain it all in strides, so bear with me if it’s a bit long ok askdnff
ASC conjunct NN/SN (opposite DSC)  – mostly affects the SN/NN person where they feel comfortable around the ASC person. Since it’s the opposite to their DSC, the Angle person might feel more like they have a lot in common with the NN/SN and thus– their differences can be stark/harder to resolve as well (tries to assimilate NN/SN to themselves)
There’s a natural chemistry, a gravity towards each other. Imagine like, finding someone who just ‘clicks’ with you the right way, it makes one protective of the person but also doesn’t really understand them completely (because y know, NN/SN is the nodal axis, so it’s going to bring movement, while the Angles stay stagnant).  
The closer the orb is, the more ‘personal identification’ they will have with the person.  I’m thinking of SN specifically, which too much of this can be toxic *but not usually if it’s done well.  
For the NN person, the ASC provides a sense of ‘relief’ – like a ‘release’ from their usual routine/person and a ‘flowing’ of energy through being around them, being in their presence. The NN opposite to the DSC sees their inner-self, their inner reflection. One thing that could come from this is that the NN shines a ‘light’ on the DSC so the ASC will have to confront (’I am me and I have to love who I am’) as well. 
The ASC person gains ‘direction’ from the Nodal Axis, remember that Nodal Axis are Lunar Nodes. So it’s like a sandwich, layering the ASC either as a top bun or a bottom bun.
The ASC is the meat, make sure that if it’s the bottom bun it doesn’t get soggy. And if it’s the top bun, that it the meat doesn’t fall out/feel unsupported too much.
ASC square NN/SN (also* square DSC)- love this, kind of challenging. Bantering quality to it. It’s a teasing kind of dynamic, where you play ‘run catch’ with each other. Make sure not to do it too much though, since it can lead to complications later/no where productive if each side doesn’t know how to ‘touch’ each other once in a while (make contact/emphasize/understand each other and support them)
Unlike the earlier Conjunct/Opposition, this square is mutual to both ASC/DSC so there’s no danger of ‘identifying too much with one side over the other’ here– the NN/SN is an autonomous person, independent– which is why they bring motion to them (and a certain respect from the Angles person)
NN/SN is the one that ‘runs’. Its kind of like tag? They tag the ASC and then they flounder away. ‘catch me!’ and the only clue you get is their giggle/laugh coming from a direction. To the NN/SN person, the ASC is the ‘challenge’– watch that they don’t want to ‘change’ or ‘drag’ them too much (NN/SN to ASC) if they learn how to understand/emphasize/touch the ASC person– they can support this relationship better as well.
The Angle person is the one who gains a lot from this relationship, often time because it’s square– they’re usually up for the challenge (if their other placements indicate that as well). They see the opportunity, the goal in mind and they go for it. They don’t mind the hardship as long as they can progress/become better. Because see, the end goal for them is to reach the MC (so self-development/improvement is always appreciated)
ASC opposition NN/SN  (conjunct. DSC) - this is more of a ‘touch but doesn’t know how to let go’ situation. Where they’re on a push/pull tug of war, on one hand that means the NN/SN would be conjunct to the DSC and that would mean the ASC is constantly desiring/looking to the NN/SN to be the ‘ideal’ kind of person for them (whether it’s platonic/romantic/etc.) 
There’s a desire to be there, get there. Climb over the rope and just reach out to touch them from the Angle person. The NN/SN is both there and not there at the same time. They are reflective of the parts the Angle person is missing/wants to have in their person, but at the same time they have to discover that inside of themselves.
The SN/NN person feels the same about the Angle person, this is probably the most?? Equalized relationship where they both reflect ‘desire’ in each other. Because the NN/SN is conjunct to the DSC, there’s a sense of ‘knowing’ someone or the Angle person letting them know ‘they hit the nail on the spot’.
Because the NN/SN is in opposition of the ASC, they may admire the ASC/want to be there. It could also indicate polarizing relationship, where one partner wants the other but the emotion/desire isn’t receptive on the other’s end.
ASC/DSC- sextile- NN/SN - whether it swings by the ASC or the DSC, with sextile and trine in particular the degrees (more exact it is) is important. ASC sextile NN/SN brings an element of support, not necessarily romantic or sexual or desirable but it’s good for building a relationship. DSC sextile NN/SN may tend to be more private, more emotional support than ASC but it’s still a good building block as well. The NN/SN person doesn’t do much but encourage the ASC/DSC person, perhaps if you feel like there’s a strong attraction to them– it might be something else in the chart/asteroids? 
ASC/DSC - trine - NN/SN - pretty good to be honest? Nothing much to say because this is a naturalized reaction. Like there’s not a lot of options to choose from in the 12 zodiacs, so you’ll most likely going to have this with someone you already know already as well. 
Next we get to the IC/MC aspects to NN/SN, again like the ASC/DSC we can group some of them together as well.
IC Conjunct NN/SN (opposition MC) - because the nodes are lunar nodes, the SN/IC conjunct is particularly powerful. It’ll be hard to deny the attraction (not necessarily romantic, sometimes it can be just ‘do I know you’ because of the ‘familial’ bond– especially with the SN), the comfortability and understanding between them. Both the IC person and the SN person will be magnetized towards each other because they’re comfortable with each other. 
On the other hand, if it’s the NN conjunct to IC– it’s a release of past experience, of the roots of experiences. NN brings clarity and regeneration to the IC, like a good spring cleaning. It’s a miracle to have the NN in their life although if badly aspected (with other placements) it might cause problems/uncomfortable being in the ‘bottom of the sky’. 
Meanwhile, NN-opposition MC will question and frustrate the MC. Mostly because the direction they lead are different. The Angle person feels like their insides may be cleaned out but after that, they get an overbearing Mum instead. The NN person may tend to nag, question them or directly oppose/try to present something that the MC may feel ‘hinder’ them instead. The directions are different, but they’ll work through it because of the conjunction anyways.
On the other hand, if the SN is in opposition to the MC– the MC will take on the protective role, kind of like ‘this is my roots/representation of my past and I will guide them’ somewhat. They become Baby. Or someone who they can learn from. The MC person ‘revisits’ themselves and their vulnerabilities every time they meet the SN person, the SN teaches them how things could’ve gone differently, how they could better themselves without being too intrusive. 
For the Nodal Person, the MC represents someone to teach, someone to learn and guidance to them. Nagging, bantering are often, but it’s mostly done in a familial sort of way. 
IC/MC square NN/SN - the Angles being square to the Nodal axis might mean it’s pretty close to the ASC/DSC as well, this is pretty important because there’s a – four way dynamic going on here. 
First of all, If the NN/SN are squares to the IC/MC then the person would represent more of autonomous figure– like someone else’s ASC/DSC added to their own chart. It both ‘completes’ the wheel, so there’s a natural self-identity to the figure. 
At the same time, these Nodal People brings a lot more configuration/self-evaluation to them as well. Because it would be conjunct/opposition to their ASC/DSC so the Nodal Person Knows Who They Are Externally, but Internally/how they work– they’ll point out things that will benefit the Angle person without inserting/intruding them too much into it.
It’s both personal AND impersonal, unlike the ASC/DSC square where things FEELS personal/like an ‘attack’ to their person (on the horizon, that’s where we lie most consciously) the IC and MC are harder to reach because it shows ‘potential/past-future’. So in a way,  the NN/SN person shows us cryptic ways to improve ourselves internally (IC) and exploit it in our future possibilities as well (MC)
The Square aspect of it has more do to with missing emotionality, as in– it can feel a bit impersonal/vague in a way. Because it’s probably aspecting ASC/DSC too– the emotions are wrapped up in those aspects and the IC/MC are more like undercurrents that’s happening/supporting all the thing that goes on there. 
Imagine like, Yoda or a Guide Character who helps you by giving you clues on what to do. That’s what it feels like for the IC/MC person.
As for the NN/SN person– again, they’re probably wrapped up in the drama ASC/DSC has for them. But underneath that, the ‘core’ of the problem stems from the squares to the IC/MC. Once they realize that it’s because they represent ALL FOUR Angles to them, the past, present future. They become sort of transcendental. They exists neither here nor there. They’re representative of what they could be, as well as what they have been. The Angles person is the one who has to make up their mind about what the problem is/where it stems from, so that the NN/SN person can point out the way to resolve it truthfully/honestly. 
IC opposition NN/SN (conjunct MC) -  on the other end of the spectrum, here we have the ASC/DSC square to NN/SN while its in opposition to the IC. So here with the IC opposition to NN/SN – the NN/SN person may shine a light/expose the IC of the person to ‘future possibilities’ or movement. Whether or not they take it is up to them, but unlike IC conjunct NN (opposition MC) the NN/SN person won’t try to reprimand/nag the IC/MC person. 
NN conjunct to MC is actually really good, not only is it directional/movement is supported– it’s also aligned to each other. This way there’s less bickering, more teamwork. A lot of partnership/supportive energy towards an ‘end goal’ together– usually with more objectivity to them.
SN conjunct to MC shines more light on the IC, in this case it’s showing the IC ways to heal, like emotional balance/nurture and guidance, it’s the Moon that shines over the lake at night. 
IC opposition to the NN/SN is mostly comfortable, the only thing about it is that it can be overlooked under everything, the NN/SN person may pull them away from their ‘roots’ whatever that may be, habits are hard to break, and if the IC struggles it can be irreparable.
IC/MC sextile NN/SN - Again, this is pretty good? In a subtle way, this is usually underrated. The NN/SN person doesn’t really serve much of a purpose here for the MC/IC– but they are good supplements for them to feel ‘realigned’ with themselves if they ever need it. It’s like if you feel ‘burnt out’ or ‘stranded’ or ‘frazzled’ – the NN/SN person are good at instinctively knowing what to do to help, or learn quickly how to do so.
IC/MC trine  NN/SN -  again, like the ASC/DSC earlier, it’s pretty good! I mean with this, it’s more about feeling comfortable/supported with each other. Like someone’s finally in your court. Sneaky side-glances, eye contact level communication. Usually non-verbal communication is common between them. Fondness and foundation of trust/support helps build this relationship as well. 
This turned out pretty lengthy, but I hope it makes sense! 💕 To summarize, ASC/DSC is more like the ‘present’ self, most of our emotional response and immediate actions are related towards it. IC/MC are like our objectivity, our ‘past-future’. The effect that the Nodal Axis has on it is usually focused on conjunct to each angles, since that can exemplify ‘what’ type of relationship we have with each other. Each pole of the Nodal Axis is (like the name) an Axis itself. So It’s like overlaying Axis together.
I think some of the spiritual elements to Nodal Axis might be interesting, but for now 💕 This is like the ‘practical’ approach to Nodes in Synastry Aspected to Angles. I hope this helps 💕 
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Ketu = Ruled by Virgo?
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There are many ideas on which sign or house do the Nodes exalt in. Most agree on placing Rahu favorably in Taurus, Gemini or Virgo, while placing Ketu in Scorpio, Sagittarius or Pisces. The argument here is that these signs coincide with a given Node's spiritual or materialistic nature.
Note that I didn't say that Ketu is doing WELL in Virgo. I said it is ruled by it...which if given to a person in their Natal Chart, with Rahu in Pisces and Ketu in Virgo, brings the most intense, the best, but also the worst of both signs.
Technically I believe the Nodes should have the freedom to be in any sign, but the Virgo-Pisces axis just has that something extra, that has that Nodal flavor to me, after years of observation. It would also support the "Rahu exalted in Virgo" theory.
To understand my point we need to ask ourselves first, what do the Nodes mean? They're shadow points, meaning they're unformed, but they're also boundless. Rahu is boundless in its expansion, Ketu is boundless in its refinement. However, they are the Nodes of the Moon, so they're both compulsive and exaggerated, prone towards swinging the pendulum.
Ketu demands perfection and is critical and closed off, fearfully refusing to leave its comfort zone. It sits on its position, endlessly churning material into more perfected form, compulsively. That's why it's not looking forward to external input, as it doesn't like to be distracted from its goal.
Rahu demands to fly higher and higher and reach further with every step. It is never satisfied, always craving novelty, aiming for infinite freedom. That's why it doesn't stop to analyse one's actions, it is too busy reaching out into a new, delightful fantasy.
What do we get when we paint a portrait of someone who has their Ketu in Virgo and Rahu in Pisces? A complete idealist. Their perfectionism has no reason to budge, as it's happy constantly fueled by the meticulous Virgo sign, compatible with its obsession with purity, remaining almost in a state of frigid monkhood. Rahu in Pisces is completely happy dreaming their life away, indulging in more and more fantastical experiences, seeking no grounding for their vision, because the feeling of "high" is so much more interesting than putting in the work to immortalize the vibration one senses. Unless the Nodes are in a more grounded house, here in this Sign Axis, they are capable of running the show, making the person experience the most intense expression of the Node's extremes. Thus, depending on a transit or planetary influence, a person can be extremely unbalanced, moving between nihilism and perfectionism and a fanatical nature and blind optimism.
That is why for a productive human life the Nodes are better in the opposite scenario. Rahu's dreams get a practical plan in Virgo, Ketu's nihilism is lifted by Piscean boundless vision. We get a person with a desire to find a solution for every problem. Life goes smoother.
But if you just came to this Earth to experience the extremum of human madness...look no further. An overblown Rahu in Pisces and an extremely conservative Ketu in Virgo may be just for you.
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emrosedeleon · 2 years
On the Nodes and Eclipses:
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The Nodes of Luna are the digital, calculated points at which the path of the moon crosses over the Ecliptic, the path of the sun. These points are important because they're where the eclipses happen, because the paths cross.
All planets have their own nodes, where -astronomical transits- occur, distinct from our more typical transits. The Lunar Nodes are the most important, because the moon is the most important astrological object besides maybe the sun, and it's also the only thing that can fully occlude the light of Solis in the daytime. The Lunar Nodes also transit, by our meaning, in near-permanent retrograde motion like the Vernal Point through the Sidereal Zodiac, they travel backwards relative to the lights, tracking through the last to the first degree of Cancer, then Gemini, then Taurus, etc all the way back to Leo. As they take ~18 months to transit a sign, and as Solis tracks through 1° in about a single day, a mathematically perfect nodal transit sees six eclipses across each sign axis, both a Solar and a Lunar in each 10° Decan.
I feel called to talk about this because I'm feeling quite NN in Virgo 5 about using this platform, and about being a practicing astrologer lately.
On the Significations of the Eclipses
The Eclipses are important in astrology because they're these moments when the light is stolen away, and light carries a lot of really extremely important metaphysical and significations. For one thing, it's the engine of life, nothing can extract energy from anywhere so as to contest the tide of entropy except by the light of the sun; it's the engine of the weather, and the water cycle. The sun and moon in partnership serve as the gravitational engineers of the ocean's churning - without both of them there it's fair to argue life might never have evolved, and certainly our Earth would be far more stagnant.
The two things are also of a special class in astrology known as 'The Luminaries,' because they cast light brightly enough to illuminate objects on the surface of the Earth, unlike any other objects in the Universe. As a result, this particular light carries a connotation of knowledge, information, truth, wisdom, science and intelligence because without being able to gather information from the world, we could never discern facts about it, or come to understand our place in it.
Therefore, these events which steal away the light are considered to be extraordinarily malefic, and especially a maltreatment of Solis and Luna, as well as of Solar and Lunar concepts. Respectively this would be stuff like kings and leaders, agency, corporations and nations, predictions, identity and selfhood, self-definition, and the ego - for the sun; memory, sense of time, reflectivity, the body, considered analysis, self-image, self-critique, and the superego - for the moon. It is for this reason you might have heard advice against performing magic on an eclipse, it's a bit like standing out in a field during a thunderstorm, it's asking for trouble - for unpredictable consequences which carry no regard for your wellbeing.
Eclipses aren't always subjectively bad, although they do tend to bring poor sleep and nightmares when they hit your Asc or your natal lights, but they're not to be trifled with, and they're not for undergoing new pursuits. They can bring with them sudden and extreme changes of fortune, often for the better, but in retrospect it'll always be something that was already long in the making being brought to light and resolved swiftly, rather than things which truly come out of left field.
The North Node/Rahu ☊
The North Node in particular is where Luna crosses over into the northern celestial hemisphere "above" the ecliptic, which I put in quotes because north and south mean a lot less in space, but it corresponds to the Earthly northern hemisphere, and it's the ancient parlance. As such, this crossing point is associated with increase, amplification, saturation, intensity, desire, attraction, accolades, status, accreditation, and audience - however, it carries also these connotations of instability and unearned dignity, or at the very least, it's irreconcilable imposter syndrome and performance anxiety. It plays out the embodied metaphysics of the material world prevailing over and conquering the ideal plane, with all the topheavy brittleness that implies.
In Indian Astrology, which I'll warn is not my forte, the NN is called instead by the name Rahu, which is associated with the image of a dragon's head, severed from it's body. This head tracks, full of purpose after an infinite, insatiable desire which pulls it forward to consume endlessly without respite or reprieve, itself lacking the body necessary to internalize and process that which is consumed.
Some people will tell you the NN can be utilized towards benefic aims, and while it's not exactly untrue, it's also something that can't inherently support itself. NN events and people are often marked by rapid, unsustainable acceleration to prominence, and then immediate, ruthless collapse back into obscurity, like being a one hit wonder - which isn't to say you're doomed if you are a Rahuvian person, just that it's not the kind of energy to be wielded recklessly, like the eclipses, it prefers to accelerate that which is already in-progress and well-founded.
The South Node/Ketu ☋
The South Node on the other hand is, predictably, where the moon crosses back "under" the ecliptic, and it carries with it connotations of primordial preternatural foreknowledge, systemic comprehensive awareness, transpersonal understanding, release, dissemination, disencumberence, transcendence and timelessness - however, it carries with it also a supreme distaste, dissatisfaction, discomfort, and disdain for the topics at hand in the fashion they are institutionally executed upon on Earth, being unavoidably conscious of the existent inefficiencies and energy loss within the system. The material becoming once again subsumed within the ideal.
In Indian Astrology, this is Ketu, the body and tail of the dragon, separated from its head and processing the waste from others' cumulative consumption - wanting for nothing in and of itself, but nonetheless obligated to balance the celestial checkbook.
The subjective experience of Ketu to me is very reminiscent of the Cassandra myth, of having all the answers in a given situation and being truly incapable of convincing anybody because, to paraphrase Upton Sinclair, "there is no more impossible task than convincing a person of that which their access to power demands they misunderstand." Like weightless photons, you can traverse above petty materiality and can't help but witness all the mass being collected fruitlessly, only to dissolve once again into formless light, straining in vain to collect itself against the infinite tides of entropy.
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elminx · 3 years
Energy Update: Taurus new moon 5/11/21
Tomorrow afternoon we are experiencing a new moon at 21° - both our Sun and Moon will be conjunct in Taurus, square to Jupiter in Aquarius, trine to newly retrograded Pluto in Capricorn, and sextile to Neptune in Pisces. As with most of our recent lunar events - there is a lot of potential in this energy but also a great deal of tension.
The Taurus new moon is characterized by planting seeds and tending spring growth - it is always a time of renewal and reconnection with our earth energy after the long winter slumber. It cannot be removed from the context of this past year though or even from the general energy of 2021 as a whole so I suspect this energy may include more weeding the garden - we are still in a time of removal and reevaluation.
Though this new moon in Taurus is not an eclipse - its sister full moon in Scorpio come November will be. This is significant - these six months will be a sneak peek into the coming eclipse cycle that will begin in earnest when the lunar nodes shift to the Taurus-Scorpio axis early in January of next year. We are warned (all year really) to get our affairs in order - to come into alignment with our true selves.
This is echoed in the aspects the new moon is making. Most notably, the Sun and Moon are squaring off with Jupiter in Aquarius. We've been experiencing squares between Taurus and Aquarius all year - Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius will make a total of three exact squares this year but come close to squaring each other five total times. We are in a period of expansion and contraction - things need to shift and move - this energy has been unsettled and will remain unsettled likely until the final square clears in December. Taurus is a sign that is slow to change and often most concerned with comfort while Aquarius wants to keep things weird. Aquarius types will often change for change's sake alone (though they are also a fixed sign so they can get hung up in what they won't change every bit as much as Taurus). Expect things early this week to feel uncomfortable and notice what feels out of place. It may be a sign that something needs to get shifted or pruned from your life entirely. This is supported by the trine to retrograded Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is the grim reaper of the planets - he catalyzes deep transformative change that can often feel akin to death. During the Pluto retrograde cycle, long-standing issues come up for release - things related to childhood traumas, long-standing relationship problems, addictions, and mental illness. During his journey through Capricorn, the energy is focused on broken institutions - governments, business arrangements - even marriage which is a signed contract (Capricorn rules contracts). We are being shown what doesn't work anymore (and often what has never worked). If you are stuck in a situation where you are trying to make something work that really doesn't, it may feel really challenging during this time. You are being asked to reevaluate whether the things you hold in your life work for you and for all other people involved. We're veering away from Aries energy now - the ego stories and selfishness of Aries season has passed - Taurus is all about building something that will last. Taurus is earthy and grounded energy - it has no time for false narratives or passive aggression. Taurus natives tend to tell it like it is and this new moon will be no exception - there are no room left for the lies. That thing that you've been to struggling to make work for years? It's time to put that shit down. If it hasn't worked by now, it was never meant for you. That's the thing about Taurus, from the outside, it can seem like Tauruses hold on to everything. They are slow to forgive. They tend to like possessions. But Taurus, being ruled by Venus, is very concerned with value. You won't find a Taurus keeping a friend around who annoys them, or trying endlessly at a failed marriage - if it doesn't have value, a Taurus is willing to give it up and make space for something that does. This is, I think, one of the reasons that strong Taurus natives often are among the more content signs in the zodiac. As we begin our shift of the nodal axis point from Gemini-Sag to Taurus-Scorpio, this idea of value is going to come more deeply into focus. This new moon will be our first "ping" of this energy that is to come. Things to watch out for during this week are issues around control - Taurus can tend towards control freak tendencies which may be amplified by our great expander (Jupiter) but retrograded Pluto is not having anything to do with it. Lean into Taurus' natural inclination towards having good boundaries and remember that other people (even YOUR others) have the right to make their own decisions. Stay in your own lane. I know - I've been repeating that over and over again. It needs repeating. If you tell somebody else what to do with week, expect them to blow up in your face - don't say that I didn't warn you. The way that you can support yourself through this energy is through some good old-fashioned self-indulgence. Treat yo self to a new outfit or the more expensive takeout. If you feel stuck or too grounded, you can counter this energy by reaching towards Taurus's opposite
sign Scorpio: spend some time around water or deep in mediation, both Scorpio favorite activities. This won't pack the punch of a full moon but we are in eclipse season so what happens today, tomorrow, and Wednesday is likely to be highly significant. If something comes up for you - write it down for later perusal. You may not understand the full import of what is happening right now but it may become more clear as we get closer to our eclipses.
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newwayastrology · 3 years
One of the many wonderful things taught by my mentor had to do with the Nodal Axis in synastry. In ancient times up to today, the (non-psychological) reference to the Nodes is soul-related. The North Node, by House, is said to represent the area of life experience that needs to be frequented for the betterment of the soul's evolution. It is facilitated by the House position of the dispositor of the Sign of the Node.
The South Node's House is supposed to represent the area of life experience that you've conquered already. A focus in life in South Node House expereinces is said to be counter-productive, like re-taking a test that you already got a 100 on.
When we move all of that to synastry, the idea is that when you have a relationship of any kind with someone and there is contact, within 3 degrees, of a conjunction or square, look at the relationship as having karmic, important implications.
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In my life, there have been two people outside of my parents whose presence and involvement in me has been of super profound importance.
The tri-wheel above shows my chart with their charts superimposed in the outer rings. Noel Tyl is one of them. His planetary positions are in the middle ring. The other person is not someone you'll know. Without the presence of these two, I would probably not gone anywhere in astrology or music. I can't imagine not having known them.
You can see my Nodal Axis is 13 Capricorn-Cancer. Noel's Sun-Jupiter conjunction is conjunct my Nodal Axis!!! My other buddy's MC is exactly conjunct my Nodal Axis, as are his Moon and Jupiter on the south end. As well, my Pluto is exactly conjunct Noel's Nodal Axis. Words cannot begin to describe the importance of those two in my life.
In my family (wife and two sons), each has planets or an Angle making contact to the Nodal Axis in the other horoscopes.
Nodal Axis contacts, spiritually, suggest a soul that you have had some kind of previous relationship with that is continuing. The purpose is to learn and evolve. The person whose Nodal Axis is contacted is in learning mode and this isn't always positive or pleasant. Bill's Sun squares Hillary's Nodal Axis. She's had to deal with all of his extra-marital crap and learn things about herself via that difficulty. O.J. and Nicole Simpson have mutual Nodal contacts in their horoscopes. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris shows her Saturn-MC conjunction on his Nodal Axis.
This also applies when you compare a Draconic chart to a Tropicsl chart but you cannot use the Draconic Nodal Axis because it's always 0 Aries. With Noel and I, his Draconic Sun-Jupiter is on my Draconic Ascendant -EXACTLY, and my Mercury-Jupiter conjuction are on his Draconic Ascendant.
I first saw Noel's books in 1975. I made an appointment with him in 1976 to see how he did what he did and we instantly hit it off like old friends. It went from that to me being asked to write two chapters in two of his books, being asked to relocate to South Africa to teach his work, and prior to his death, he asked me to take over his Course and web site. To have gone from seeing his books that day in 1975 to everything that followed (now being in charge of his Course and web site) is amazing. I think it was meant to be.
My next book will be released in March and there will be much more about this in it.
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seafoamreadings · 3 years
week of may 30th, 2021
aries: after what seems like endless tense squares to neptune, your ruler mars makes a peaceful trine with it. the energy is very cardinal, which probably suits your impulsive nature just fine. gut instincts are on your side this week.
taurus: your ruler venus moves into cancer this week and then promptly trines jupiter in pisces. it would be hard to ask for a more supportive configuration for you. after any tumult last week, let this be a welcome reprieve.
gemini: while some other signs are getting a break after, you know, last week,,, you are not ready to rest on your laurels just yet. (not next week either, sorry.) this will be a little less turbulent, but there is still a mercury-neptune square to think of, so watch what you say and be careful to tell no lies.
cancerians: last week's eclipse (and next week's, too) are probably reminding you how refreshing it is that the nodal axis has moved on. and venus graces your sign with her presence this week, so embody venusian themes all you can. it's almost marie antoinette of you, but you keep your composure in everyone else's chaos.
leo: it's a week of hard sun aspects, in between two eclipses, and yeah, mercury is retrograde but who really cares when your chart ruler is on the north node? the sun doesn't go retrograde but if it could, this is what it would feel like.
virgo: odds are good that you're not taking it all as hard as cousin mercurial gemini, thanks to jupiter blessing your seventh house. still, it's not easy being mercury-ruled these days. take even better care of yourself than usual.
libra: venus in gemini has been good for you in terms of mental/spiritual stimulation but now it is time for her to move on to the sign of cancer. this doesn't have to be a bad thing; it is a great time for enhancing the public image and casting glamors or persuasions especially as they relate to career and overall social status.
scorpio: the movement of venus into fellow water sign cancer is supportive to you. other than that, the most important transit of this week for you is mars (in cancer) opposing pluto (your ruler). but mars also has a strong affinity with scorpio types, so this opposition is more like a reflection. you see where the power struggles in your life are at odds with your real desires, so you can now adjust accordingly.
sagittarius: this week is like the eye of a hurricane. last week was a full moon eclipse and next week is a new moon eclipse, and you are practically center stage (second only to gemini) for both. take advantage of the lull to regroup.
capricorn: the start and middle of the week focus on pleasant qualities in your close partnerships. by the end of the week, there is an opposition between mars and pluto in your sign, which maintains a relationship focus but calls into question, perhaps, some unstable power dynamics that you may wish to proactively adjust.
aquarius: the people around you are frazzled by last week's astrology still, and the more intuitive among them can feel what's coming up next week already. but you are probably a lot more detached and zen about it, so don't be surprised if people seek comfort from you.
pisces: if you've felt somewhat tense about so-much-gemini, it eases up this week as venus moves into watery cancer instead. this can provide you with some romantic fun (or soap operatic zest, if you prefer it). neptune in your sign is also (still) a big astrological focus, which grants you a certain amount of charisma but also, between that and jupiter in pisces, can make you inclined to overindulgence. the more you know~
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mercurytrinemoon · 3 years
south node in Cancer, poorly aspected Moon and the fear of leaving the comfort zone
I’m getting anxious about my life direction from time to time, basically questioning everything, mainly my own capabilities. You know, nothing new. I tend to keep it to myself because I’m the last person to try to bring anyone down and I always do my best to cheer people up and I don’t want anyone to feel bad about themselves. It’s unusual for me to whine about my life on public platforms, unless, in my true Sagittarius fashion, I’m turning it into a joke. Feeling sad and acknowledging your weaknesses is okay but I want to get to the bottom of things because I know everyting has its reason and you can see them in a natal chart if you look close enough. My favourite tools in astrology are predictive methods and things that are more practical and tangible, so to speak. But gotta look into psychology of it from time to time as well.
So I was thinking about my chart, trying to figure out why I’m feeling this way. Like yes, both my ascendant rulers are in the 12th house + as an Aquarius rising, the feeling of alienation is very real. There’s a belief of not belonging that has accompanied me my whole life. In a typical Aquarius weirdo way, I’m very much aware of the fact that I’m not everyone’s cup of tea lol. But I know it’s not where the true issue lays. So I started to reflect on how people put their defences up because they’re scared of the unknown. That leads to avoidance. And let’s admit that, pretty much everyone does this. The difference is, some barely do it, some do it on a regular... Some do it consciously, some unconsciously. I think the latter differentiation is important to underline here. I’ve tried to pay attention to it and I was thinking about my chart and thought about the dynamics between my Moon, Chiron and Saturn (t-square) with Chiron being in Cancer next to the south node. This is probably why I don’t usually identify with the descriptions of outward manifestation of an Aries Moon. Because it’s the apex of a t-square: bombarded by that heavy energy and afraid of expressing that independent & bold martian energy, which could potentially lead me to being rejected (something that I've experienced fairly often). But that badly aspected Moon doesn’t manifest as an insecure and shy - although it did a bit when I was a child - (bless that Mercury trine, that helps a ton), on the contrary: I don’t have a problem with catching people’s attention; nor with being assertive, out there or extroverted if I have to (bless Sun on the MC). My Sag stellium wants to travel the world, meet new people and discover new stuff. The issue is that the thought of PERMANENT change feels very uncomfortable for me if I think about it a lot. I used to think it may have something to do with commitment issues (and relationships aren’t the only thing you commit to btw) but instead, it’s the thought of readjusting the fundaments, leaving everything behind and throwing myself at the deep end that is scary. Because there’s a risk of rejection and being left with nothing. 
Of course, like I always say, no aspect is purely positive nor negative but that's pretty much one of the textbook definitions of harsh Moon-Saturn aspects. Saturn is known for fear mongering: there's a consant doubt, constant reminders you're at the risk of being lonely and constant threat of loosing emotional or mental stability. And then there’s Chiron, known for bringing continuous wounds and the feeling of being broken - so, as a result, everything gets overblown. And I’m starting to think that me asking questions like “would I carry through?”, “would I be accepted?”, “would I be enough?” and thinking that I probably won’t ever find my happy place because of that, is nothing else than avoiding taking a leap of faith and trying to stick to things that are familliar to me. And in the true Moon nature, it’s something I don’t do consciously but rather instinctually. It’s like making excuses out of fear and not even realizing it.
I’m not necessary big on the nodal axis like some of the folks are. Maybe because everyone always focuses on the North Node instead of understanding where they're coming from first (South Node). And maybe because I never understood those descriptions of a Capricorn North Node, for which the key word always seems to be: become authority. And I can guarantee you that every person with Capricorn North Node is going to scratch their heads, asking "me??? An authority??? In what???" But just throwing away all those articles on Nodes and looking at the Cancer-Capricorn opposition, there's a clear distintion between relying or even being codependent on trusted things and people (Cancer) - and being independent and boldly reaching goals (Capricorn). So, it’s about being in charge of your own life and overcoming those saturnian obstacles in the first place. Now, having this in mind, seems like holding on to what is known and playing safe started to ring a bell. That just adds up to the Chiron and Saturn influence - making me hold on to the old ways and being afraid of loosing the security I was provided. 
I don’t have the answers how to fix that but it’s all about the advantage of having that awareness and acknowledging your own weaknesses.
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ms-m-astrologer · 4 years
Do you think people should get astrological readings by astrologers who have good synastry with the person getting a reading? I keep thinking about how I really understand things when some astrologers talk about it but others not so much. It makes me think that how much we get out of a reading depends on the synastry between the one asking for a reading & the one giving the reading. Yet it’s not always possible to know the professional astrologers chart, some won’t want to give you that information.
An intriguing adult beverage question on a Friday, brilliant! Everyone pour themselves a drink, and let’s discuss this!
My main thought is sort of two-pronged: who is going to tell you the honest truth, and whom are you most likely to listen to? That’s probably Mercury and Saturn, with some Aries (for honesty) thrown in. Jupiter, too? For overall goodwill? What does everybody else think?
There are a lot of “famous astrologer” horoscopes available at Astro*Data*Bank. I thought I’d look at some of my favorites....
Demetra George has Sun/Leo/12, Moon/Gemini/11, and Leo rising. Her Moon-Uranus conjunction falls right on my Sun, her Jupiter is on my Jupiter, and her Ascendant is on my MC. However, her Cancer Saturn falls in my 9th House and squares my Nodal axis, and her Mars squares my Sun. I’m not completely crazy about her every last written word and utterance, the way I am with my crush....
Steven Forrest has a Cap/2nd Sun with an Aries/4th Moon and Scorpio rising. His Sun-Jupiter conjunction is sextile my Ascendant, and trine my Venus. His Moon is conjunct my Mars. (One of the problems I had initially with his book The Inner Sky is that he seemed to have the chips piled high on his shoulders. Something one Aries Moon can sense in another Aries Moon, I think! And I liked him a lot better once he got over that!) His Vesta is in my 1st House - his Capricorn Mercury is in my natal 3rd House and squares my Nodal axis.
Rick Levine has a TON of Aries. I think you’d need to have a strong ego yourself for a reading with him! His Moon is in Cancer, and he has Gemini rising.
Isabel Hickey has an amazing chart. All seven classical planets are dignified: Sun/Leo, Moon/Cancer, Mercury/Virgo, Venus/Libra, Mars/Scorpio, Jupiter/Pisces, Saturn/Aquarius.
I have Sun/Gemini/8th, Moon/Aries/5th, and Scorpio rising. Research is my thing.
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plutoswrath · 3 years
Hello, can you tell me what it means when a person's personal planets form a square with the nodal axis of another's person in their synastry chart (first person has a stellium with sun, moon, venus, mars, mercury, neptune and uranus and they all square the second person's north node). but their nodal axis in the composite is tightly lined with the MC/IC axis (north node tightly conjunct MC, sn conj ic)
Hello! I’ve just recently answered an ask similar like this, just scroll a bit down and you might find it! x 
In synastry, multiple squares to the north node indicate a fated relationship, the two have met in a previous life before and meet again, so both can finish their open lesson. For the planet person it most likely brings closure, while for the node person it helps them move on and let go of bagagge that hindered them from growing into their node. With the stellium, one can look what planets make the tightest conjunction in order to see which energy/lesson will be the most prominent, but nonetheless, this can feel heavy for both of them at times, because potential crossroads and decision could be indicated that make both realize, that they partly are moving in different directions. This is not a sign for a failed love though, this can bring closure between two people and create an intimate bound, as well as deep grattitude and appreciation for meeting the other. In composite, when the Nodal axis conjuncts MC/IC, it means that both will probably undergo a big change/transformation of the dynamic between the two in their relationship. It could be that after being together for a long time, both can look back at their beginnings and see drastic and strong differences of how they have been at the beginning. This could indicate adjusting the way they worked together as a couple and realizing what your common goal is only after you have been too long on the same spot. 
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whenerosmetpsyche · 4 years
DIY Intuitive Horary for Pisces Season
It’s the end of the astrological year and we are in the middle of a Mercury retrograde. I've felt the need to quiet my mind and really feel into where I need to redirect my energy in preparation for the frenetic pace of Aries season. So to everyone who has asked me a horary question during my unintentional hiatus, I apologize. I could not answer over the past month plus for a number of reasons. One of them being the Saturn/Pluto connection that is manifesting as the Corona virus panic. I felt like I was tapping into that fear and I just couldn’t do it anymore. Since then I’ve been refocusing more on finishing school (another Saturn/Pluto activity) and letting the astrological weather work its magic in the back of my mind.
So as I have been studying and wondering how to get to the next phase in my life, an amazing insight came to me yesterday through a number of beautiful synchronicities. As I was sketching out my thoughts, I suddenly had the impulse to read the stars right then. The message I received was profound and so comforting to me that I wanted to share a part of the method I generally use so that all of you may receive some helpful Mercury retrograde messages from the stars this Pisces season (and beyond).
First off, this type of horary insight works best on something you have been pondering for a while. I receive the most meaningful insights when I am suddenly and clearly struck with the impulse to pull a horary chart for myself. 
When inspiration strikes, here’s what you do:
Simple Horary
1) Pull an astro.com chart for the exact time and location that the insight struck. I have an entry that I use for the moment and routinely edit the date and time on the spot.
2) Read the angles’ signs and degrees. 
The ascendant is you. Where is the ruler of the ascendant? That tells you what area of your life this read is concerned with. Depending on how well you understand astrology, the condition of the planet will give you more details.
The descendant is often a message of insight from the universe. Sometimes it’s a warning. Sometimes it’s the outcome. Again, look at the descendant’s ruler and its condition.
The MC tells of how your situation appears in the physical world.
The IC is a reflection of your feelings and of deep inner psychological changes associated with your question.
There are of course loads more we could read into a horary chart, but this is a great starting place. If you read Tarot, you can look at the angles similarly to a celtic cross and derive meaning that way as well (this is controversial, but I truly believe that life calls to us in the languages we speak).
3) Match the ASC/DESC and IC/MC degrees to a set of channeled symbolic messages derived from the zodiac. My favorite set are Sabian Symbols channeled by Elsie Wheeler and reinterpreted by Dane Rudhyar (probably the most widely known). A close second are the Lonsdale set (more straightforward and poetic). 
With the set you choose, look first at the ascendant angle. Remember, this represents you!
Add +1 degree -- so if your ascendant is at 6 degrees and 25 seconds, round up to 7. I also recommend that if the angle is in the first 5 seconds of any degree, to look at both messages.
Look up the other angles and identify themes among them. Are similar words used? Is there a unifying message among the stories? I also like to use numerology on the degrees -- I find the most meaningful messages will add up to the same number on both axes.
Occasionally I will look up the symbol for the degree an important planet is sitting in.
4) Finally, check the nodal axis, particularly the houses it lands in. This will give you an emphasis on the direction your concerns are taking you in. For example, a north node in the 4th house tells me that changes to my living situation and inner psyche -- even my close family will be most affected. 
Most importantly, start regularly pulling charts when your intuition is telling you to!
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