#none of your faves survive
candycandy00 · 2 days
Finding Love in a Zombie Apocalypse - A JJK Interactive Romance Fanfic Round 2
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Read the details about this event here!
During a zombie apocalypse, you meet a group of seven handsome men. Which one will you choose to be your survival/romantic partner?
Vote for the man you want to be eliminated! The man with the most votes will not be killed off in the story, but he will be removed from all future polls and his branching story will be closed off!
Reminder: Vote for the man you DO NOT want to survive with! You are voting someone OUT!
For the first two rounds, I’m not naming the men. You can probably figure out who is who, but that’s part of the fun! I’m doing it this way to encourage readers to vote based on the scenario rather than just automatically voting out their least fave character. Feel free to make guesses about who each man is!
In Round 1, Man #1, Choso, was eliminated!
Dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more!
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You’ve decided to stick with this group for the time being. They’re a nice mix of strong, smart, and caring. None of them come across as creepy or make you uncomfortable, which is saying a lot considering it’s a group made up entirely of men relatively close to your age. 
You spend the evening gathering what supplies you need into a duffel bag you found in the store’s rather scant sporting goods section. At night, one of them insisted you sleep in the stock room and keep the key until morning. He really was very considerate, and none of the others objected. 
The next day, someone makes coffee in the break room. You don’t know which one did it, but it’s the first cup you’ve had in over a week and tastes delicious. With foam cup in hand, you walk over to the front entrance to check the situation outside, only to find the man who called out to you yesterday keeping watch.
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Man #1: Choso (Eliminated in Round 1)
He’s standing near the door, slightly to the side, still as a statue until you approach. 
“Want me to bring you some coffee?” you ask, taking a sip from your cup. 
He smiles at you. “Thanks, but I had some already.”
You gesture toward the entrance. “Anything new going on out there?”
“No, just a dozen or so zombies roaming around,” he replies. “They come close to the door sometimes, but with these tinted windows they can’t see much of what’s inside.”
You hadn’t realized they were tinted until he mentioned it, but you suppose that’s why everything looks so dreary outside. 
As you stare out the window, you notice something in the distance. You squint your eyes, trying to make out if it’s just another zombie or something else. As you watch, the figure picks up speed, breaking into a run. 
“Look! There’s someone out there!” you shout, pointing to the figure fleeing toward the store. 
The man beside you looks out through the glass door. “It’s definitely a living person!”
Behind the figure, a large group of zombies, perhaps the biggest group you’ve seen, is slowly giving chase. The figure stumbles, hits the ground, and you feel your heart race. You’ve witnessed zombie attacks before, but it’s always disturbing. And you can’t help thinking that this could easily have been you yesterday. 
You want to open the door and beckon the figure, but that’s not your call to make. You’re a guest with this group, and you don’t have the right to put their safety at risk. 
Thankfully, the kind hearted man beside you makes that choice. He flings the door open and calls out, “Hey! Run this way! To the grocery store!” 
The figure looks up, and from this distance they appear to be a young man. He scrambles to his feet and breaks into another run, a desperate dash for the store. 
You and the man both yell out to him, encouraging him to hurry and keep going. Just as he runs through the door, two zombies that must have been close to the entrance follow him in, shambling into the store.
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Man #2:
Before anyone else can react, the large, imposing man who tore the zombies off you yesterday runs by you. With his bare hands he picks up the first zombie by the neck and literally throws it outside. Then he delivers a devastating punch to the second zombie’s head, knocking it clean off its shoulders. 
You yelp in surprise, having never seen someone kill a zombie in such a way before. Someone closes the door and locks it, but the herd of zombies definitely saw the young man run inside, because they’re heading straight for the store. 
Backing away from the door, you glance at the man who took care of the two zombies. “Do you think the glass will hold?”
He doesn’t seem the least bit scared. “Probably not against a horde like that.”
“What should we do?” you ask, trying not to sound panicked as the zombies close in. 
He grins. “You should run when they break in. I’ll tear the fuckers apart.”
Uncertain whether that statement is comforting or alarming, you turn to look at the newcomer. He’s a teenager, probably around sixteen, and he’s panting to catch his breath. 
You walk over to him. “Are you alright?”
He looks up at you, and his face is twisted in horror. “I’m so sorry!” he yells, tears in his eyes. “I shouldn’t have come in here!”
“It’s alright,” you tell him, reaching your hand out to pat his shoulder. “We’ll figure something out. We’ll-“
He swats your hand away. “Don’t! I… I’ve been…” his voice dies in his throat, and he pulls up the sleeve of his shirt, displaying a messy bite wound.
You inhale sharply, your heart sinking at the sight. He’s just a kid! “How long ago?” you ask. You’ve heard rumors that severing a limb with a bite will stop the spread of the virus, but it has to be done quickly. 
“Yesterday,” he answers. 
The man who fought the zombies steps up beside you. “Too long,” he says, his eyes narrowed as he looks at the wound. “We should probably throw him out. He’s no good to us.”
You look at him incredulously. “We can’t do that!”
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Man #3:
The man you spoke to yesterday who seemed like a leader, who was clearly a planner, walks over. He looks at the boy, then at you. “We’ll need to discuss this,” he says. 
“Discuss what? What are the options here?” you ask him. “Let him stay or toss him out there to be eaten alive?!”
The man’s smooth expression doesn’t change. “Those aren’t the only options. We could tie him up, lock him in the break room, or even give him a quick and painless death.”
You feel your outrage subsiding. Those sound much more reasonable. You’re surprised he can think so rationally in this situation. “Okay. I’m sorry I snapped at you.”
He smiles that same charming, not-quite-genuine smile he gave you yesterday. “Don’t be. Tensions are running high, so it’s understandable. I’d worry more if you were the type to want to throw him out immediately.”
You sigh in relief, then turn toward the boy, who is still muttering apologies. “What would you like for us to do? Restrain you? Or… or make it so you don’t turn?”
The boy looks up at you. “I don’t want to turn! Please, don’t let me end up like them! I’d do it myself but I’m too scared!”
Hearing such a young man say that is heartbreaking. But you understand. If you ever get bitten, you hope someone will kill you before letting you become a zombie, doomed to roam the earth, rotting and attacking others. 
The man pulls a blade from a holster on his hip and approaches the boy. “Are you ready? Or do you need more time?”
The boy hesitates for a moment, then nods. “I’m ready. Please make it quick!”
The man pats him on the back affectionately. “You’re very brave. You can rest easy now. I’ll make sure you don’t suffer.”
The boy is staring at him, and seems comforted. “Thanks,” he says with teary eyes. 
You turn your head, unable to watch. You don’t hear a sound. No scream, not even a grunt. It really must have been painless. When you look back, the man is easing the boy’s body to the floor. He looks thoughtful, maybe a little sad. 
“I’m sorry you had to do that,” you say. 
He’s wiping his blade off on a handkerchief. “Someone has to make the tough decisions, and then carry them out.”
You start to ask why that had to be him, but you remain silent. You don’t like the way he seems to be taking all the darkness and sadness onto himself. But you have bigger things to worry about right now.
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Man #4: 
The man you saw standing guard yesterday, who said he wanted to go back to the city, is staring out the windows of the store, watching the growing horde approach. He doesn’t seem scared, only annoyed, as if this is no more than a minor obstacle to his plans. 
“I’m gonna get out of here,” he says, loud enough for the others to hear. “I don’t have time to get held up.”
You look at him in shock. “You’re just going to leave the rest of us?”
He looks at you dispassionately. “A group will draw their attention a lot more than a single person. I’m not getting stuck with these guys.”
You look him up and down, at his sturdy physique. “But, we need you.”
“You ever stop to think that maybe someone else needs me?”
The question takes you aback. You have no answer for him. If he’s that desperate, if he’s willing to wade through countless zombies to get to the city, there must be someone very important to him there. 
“Can you at least wait a little while?” you ask him. “The zombies might give up and wander off if they can’t see us through the tinted windows.”
The man sighs. “Fine. I’ll see what happens.”
You look out at the horde. The first few zombies have reached the front of the store and are clawing at the windows and doors. You shudder as you watch them. You’ve never seen so many before, or so close up in a situation where you can actually get a good look at them. If one is close, you’re usually fleeing or trying to kill it. 
They’re all staring straight ahead, seemingly at nothing. Can they see their own reflections in the glass? Can they even perceive themselves? Seeing them just leaves you feeling empty and sad. 
“Do me a favor,” the man says. “If I ever get bitten, put a bullet in my fucking brain.”
You nod. “Same,” you say.
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Man #5: 
The man who gave you the tip yesterday about using duck tape on your arms steps over to the windows to survey the situation. He already has his arms wrapped in a layer of the tape, over top of his sleeves. A few of the others notice, and begin wrapping their own limbs in tape or thick fabric, so you do the same. 
He steps closer to you and takes the roll of tape from your hand, then begins wrapping your forearm for you. 
“Thanks,” you tell him, hoping he can’t hear how nervous the growing horde outside is making you. 
He seems as calm as the more physically imposing men, despite having a more slender frame. “Our best option would be to bang on the glass and draw their attention to the front, then all of us slip out the back way,” he says. 
You glance toward the back of the store. “Should we check to see if they’ve circled around?”
He nods, and the two if you make your way back, through the storage area and to a large drop down gate. You assume trucks come in this way to unload merchandise. But it’s locked up tight and you can’t see anything on the other side. 
“There’s a window up there,” the man says, pointing. You have to use a step ladder to reach it, but you both climb up to look out. 
There aren’t nearly as many zombies roaming around behind the store, but there are definitely enough to be a problem. 
“I think we can make it through, but it’s going to be a challenge,” he tells you. 
You feel fear creeping up your spine. So far you’ve been able to evade most large groups of zombies, but with the store being surrounded, it’s looking like you’re going to have to wade into them. 
As the two of you return to the front, you feel your spirits sinking.
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Man #6:
The man with the bright smile comes up beside you as you stare out hopelessly at the zombies gathered at the windows. 
“I’ve seen bigger hordes,” he says. 
You look up at him. “You have?”
He grins. “Sure. They’re not so bad when you realize how slow and uncoordinated they are.”
You appreciate his optimism. But you realize it’s more than that. His confidence rings true, and it makes you feel a little more hopeful. 
“So you think we can get out?” you ask. 
He nods, still smiling, then gestures to where a few of the men are standing in a small circle. “They’re planning our escape right now. We’ve got some real smart guys here, so don’t worry.”
You finally return his smile. “I hope you’re right.”
“Of course I am,” he replies. 
Just then you hear something, like tinkling glass. Both you and the man look around for the source of the noise. After a few minutes, you spot a tiny crack in the glass, right where over a dozen zombies are pressing against the windows. 
“They’re breaking the glass!” you cry, backing away. 
The man calls over to his friends, “Guys, put a rush on that brilliant plan!”
They look up and rush over to check the crack.
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Man #7:
The man you met in the stock room yesterday is the first to crouch down and examine the crack in the glass. His brow is furrowed as he watches the zombies shove themselves against the window, then he turns to face the others. 
“Everyone, get whatever you need and be ready to go in ten minutes. We’ll take our chances going out the back.”
You already had your backpack ready, so you pull it onto your shoulders as the other men begin doing the same. You feel your heart racing as you prepare for the fight of your life. 
The man is securing his own pack with a strap around his waist and checking the heavy denim sleeves of the jacket he’s wearing. He seems uncomfortable in the fabric, as if it’s not something he’d normally wear, but protection is the most important thing right now. 
“What do you think our chances are?” you ask him. 
He looks around the room. “With this group? Pretty good. If we all stick to the plan,” he adds, glancing at a couple of guys in particular. Then he looks back at you. “Try to stay in the middle of us. We can protect you.”
“Thanks,” you tell him. “I guess I lucked out when I stumbled upon you guys.”
He gives you a warm smile. “I’m glad you feel that way.”
Just then, you hear glass breaking, another crack at first, and then a shattering that startles everyone in the store. Right beside you, the first zombie crashes inside, and the man grabs your arm, pulling you back behind him. 
As the zombie horde begins shambling into the store, the men around you take defensive positions and get ready to fight their way to the back.
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Tag List:
@tadabzzzbee @babysoo-meu @atomicweaselpaperapricot
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witchqueenvisenya · 4 months
there is something so inspiring about daenerys being an afterthought in the minds of people who're trying to control her or shape her future from afar, but not grasping her sense of survival or wiliness which allows her to upend every single expectation and limit over what can be done, and what has been, and especially what has always been done.
i just don't think people truly understand the scale of what she has accomplished and the unique circumstances which have allowed her to become the person willing to accomplish them but if you think you can simply swap out a character and say oh this is the breaker of chains or this is the mother of dragons you're admitting that it is your personal dislike of her and not her storyline that's the problem.
you know she is without equal, and you know her wins are noteworthy but you just want your washed out stark/tyrell/baratheon/lannister/martell faves or ocs to have the same thing INCLUDING the dragons without considering the fact that none of those names have value outside westeros and none of them can actually hatch the dragons (they'll simply not have the dragon dreams and never know what the fuck they're supposed to do) or control them if by some miracle they're hatched. don't be an idiot. nettles is a dragonseed and her claiming sheepstealer rests on that fact; sheepstealer and the like are wild dragons so you'd have to be some kind of innovative to figure out how to get them used to you. none of the other wild dragons were claimed because you'd have to feed cannibal other dragon babies or eggs (not possible) and you'd die before grey ghost showed his face. and NO rhaenys daughter of rhaegar is immediately ruled out because she would live in dorne and be raised in the luxury of the highborn and thus never have the character development or experience necessary.
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Hi. I saw this post asking for a fic that changed one's brain chemistry. Now there are a lot of fics I like; over 2000 bookmarked on ao3. And a lot of fics I love; I have 400+ of those fics tagged 'fave'. Of those 400, there are only around two dozen I would say legitimately changed me as a person. 1% changed the way I saw relationships and the world, changed the way I read and write. And I couldn't narrow it down to one - or ten - and didn't want to dump in OP's tags. So have this list of fics that permanently changed who I am as a person.
Warning: I love long fics, and some of these are the same specific tropes that I love or that really affect me personally (ex. arranged marriage). Expect angst, and especially angst with a happy ending. That said these fics are all objectively amazing.
(sorry to people who don't like long fics, but we are simply not the same. and that's OK.)
listed in order of fandom, then length.
Banshee In A Well - 43k, complete, DC, Tim Drake. Childhood trauma, childhood trauma, came back wrong/can't stop coming back! Tim is a little FREAK and I luv him.
straight on 'til morning - 102k, complete, DC, timkon/Kon-El. This is within the niche genre that for some reason appeals to me specifically, of characters having a LOT of feelings about sex and dealing with it poorly.
variations on a theme - 5k, complete, MCU, ironstrange. This is one of the fics that made me truly love ironstrange. Stephen sees through millions of possibilities and in doing so, falls in love with Tony. Evocative, beautiful, succinct.
The Art of Losing - 33k, complete, Red White and Royal Blue, firstprince. This fic made me cry. This fic BROKE MY HEART. And I WENT BACK TO IT. Multiple times! This is a breakup fic that breaks you down then puts you back together. You will come out different, and only you can say if it's for the worse or the better.
With so much of my heart (that none is left to protest) - 65k, complete, Red White and Royal Blue, firstprince. There are so many firstprince fics that essentially translate the events of the book into a different setting. And I love all of them. (My own fic, then fucking have me, also does this, self plug self plug self plug). I had to narrow this selection down to just one, and this is probably my absolute favorite.
You Don't Have To (Say Yes) - 192k, complete, Star Trek, spirk/Jim Kirk. This is within the niche genre that for some reason appeals to me specifically, of characters having a LOT of feelings about sex and dealing with it poorly (yeah, again).
THE MARRIAGE OF TRUE MINDS - 262k, complete, Star Trek, spirk. Star Trek arranged marriage epistolary fic. I read this 4 years ago, and I STILL think of a line from this fic constantly (we're aligned, we're aligned, we're aligned). If you don't read anything else for the rest of your life, read this.
DON'T THE WAVES PULL THE SAND? DON'T THE MOON PULL THE TIDES? - 58k, complete, Star Wars, finnpoe. I don't even go here. And yet. And yet. This is within the niche genre that for some reason appeals to me specifically, of characters having a LOT of feelings about sex and dealing with it poorly (yeah, AGAIN).
Not Part of the Plan - SERIES, 8 works, 337k, complete. Supernatural, destiel. This is an arranged marriage fic au series, that started with a oneshot pwp, and somehow grew into a sprawling, world and character building EPIC. And that to me is always a marker of quality. You KNOW it's good if the author couldn't stop themselves.
wander your own land - 379k, incomplete, Yellowjackets, shaunajackie and others. I told you I like long fics. Girl survival situationships, cannibalism, jealousy, cabin fever, hallucinations, trying to keep a fucking baby alive in some of the worst possible circumstances.
Infinite Variations of a Summer Day - 76k, complete, X-Men, Pietro Maximoff. I love Pietro, he is one of my favorite characters of all time, and this is such a great character fic. See Pietro slowly driven insane in a time loop that examines his relationships with himself, his team, his family, and his powers.
drop your own recs in the notes. and if you have any suggestions for griddlehark/the locked tomb, pLEA- *gunshots*
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drowningparty · 6 months
I have some thoughts re: Kayne / godhood (spoilers for intermezzo)
I don't think Kayne respects any of the other gods. He definitely doesn't respect the King in Yellow, he knocked him over the head w/ an oversized mallet to give him amnesia and stuck him in Arthur's head and reduced the Dreamlands to "a lawless waste" for a laugh. He also destroyed his city for the hell of it. He doesn't fucking care. He's rude to John, ignores him, says 'Arthur' when referring to both of them. I thought I noticed this undercurrent of quiet animosity, but felt vindicated during 40 + Intermezzo b/c he was suddenly soooooo loud! Ignoring & talking over John? Check. Telling him he's not special like Arthur? Check. Saying he'll torture him worse than Arthur just because he can? Check. My theory is it's b/c John's still a god, technically. Like the whole, choosing your own name + path... you'd think would be something Kayne could sympathize with (as much as Kayne can feel sympathy), but...........no. He knows John is easier to manipulate w/ fear (he can send him back to the Dark World w/ a snap of his fingers), and saves his faux sympathy for Arthur.
I think this is b/c he likes humans. Sure, he also likes killing them, but I don't think those impulses are mutually exclusive. Kayne's the most "human" of the gods we've met. He talks like a human, makes pop culture references, looks passingly human, etc. I think he envies them, in a way? They have a freedom I think he lacks as a god, even though they are confined to one timeline. We still don't fully understand how gods work, but from his description alone it sounds like he thinks of them as limited. They have incredible power compared to mortals, they exist outside the piano... but are confined to a single key. Which sounds to me like their path is predetermined and they're not intended to develop free will. Kayne's an anomaly b/c he does, or tries to.
He wants to put humans in an antfarm, perhaps as a demonstration of his free will. That's all Carcosa was, right? An antfarm. He wanted to play godzilla, smash the ants. Arthur's another ant in a different farm, and he watched his entire life play out across several verses to try to figure him out. What makes him unique is he dies in every other verse. Kayne can't figure out what makes this Arthur so special that he survives when all the others don't, but it implies he did something right with his free will, that this version is an "anomaly" like Kayne. He respects that, b/c it means this version of Arthur has done the same thing he has: taken control of their narrative. Even Kayne choosing his own name is an example of that. Becoming Kayne, rejecting the title Nyarlathotep and all the baggage that comes with it, the expectation to be what his father wants, a messenger for the outer gods (although he may still want that, I expect whatever his intentions are re: the Black Stone, they're his, not Azathoth's).
Arthur is usually a mirror for character's to see their humanity reflected, but instead of seeing his humanity (b/c he has none), Kayne looks at Arthur and sees himself. Which... surprised me? He seems so confident in his godhood, I thought he just viewed Arthur as his fave toy or human, like even in the S4 finale I found it hilarious how he kept going: "why can't you all just be more like Arthur???" apropo of.....nothing, but he didn't treat him like someone he identified with, so it caught me off-guard when he compared himself to Arthur, but that's big for a god! and I think it supports my thesis he envies humans for their freedom. Their roles aren't as "established" as a god's. Humans have free will, something he had to kill every other version of himself to gain. Even then, I think absorbing his alts (???) or whatever he did after killing them to become more powerful fucked him up, may have driven him mad if he wasn't already when he started this exercise in defending-himself-from-ever-getting-deleted, like he doesn't sound okay when he's talking to himself.
TLDR: Kayne thinks Arthur's special b/c he lived, when all the other Arthur's in Kayne's Arthur-Killing-Experiment died! (: Kayne can't figure out why, but he likes not knowing why. He likes humanity b/c of their freedom, b/c he's a chaos god who wants as much freedom as possible. And he's aware gods are fallible, they can be deleted, which takes all the romance out of godhood. Kayne's the most powerful god we've met b/c he's taken steps to emulate humanity's free will, the thing that makes Arthur "special," but what makes Arthur "hard to see" is probably his humanity. As much as Kayne likes humanity, I don't think it's something he can truly understand, which is why he enjoys sticking humans full of pins and trying.
I think it's neat Malevolent prizes humanity over godhood. Even gods seem to value humanity over godhood. John wants to become human. Yellow wants acceptance from a human. I think Kayne holds humans in higher esteem than gods. Those who look down on humans or try to 'ascend' and leave behind their humanity, like Larson, are clearly in the wrong. It's not seen as a weakness to be human, and even the parts of humanity that are usually written off as a weakness (our rage, grief, violence, desperation, etc...) are viewed as strengths in Malevolent, and I fucking love that about this show.
Anyway, I'll, uhh, shut up now.
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greenflamedwriter · 9 months
Your Shidi
Imagine if Shen Yuan transmigrated a little later as Luo Binghes Shidi two years before Luo Binghe was fated to falling into the abyss and thought if he befriended Luo Binghe MAYBE he might live?
Shen Yuan transmigrates too late.
 He found himself digging holes at Cang Qiong for the entrance exam.
 He didn't know what he’d do if he ended up in Qing Jing Peak, was Binghe here yet? Was he in the abyss?
What use was it to join the sect only to be burned with rest lf them when he didnt even know who Luo Binghe even was?
 This sucked!
Then to too it all kff Shen Qingqiu decided to pick him!
 Shen Yuan had no idea how take the villain so he kept his fave neutral and bland as kf he was bored.
Any expression this scumbag will have an issue with and use it as an excuse to punish him!
 He assumed he had no family so he said he was an orphan and he had no one.
 He poured the tea correctly, and waited for the man to pour it on him or stab him with a tea cup.
 “Good enough, go with Ming Fan. He give you your robes and manual.”
 Shen Yuan was immediately worried he would be sabotaged but after getting to know the disciples and being treated well he realised maybe it was only Luo Binghe who was targeted.
 Even so, if he wanted to survive he had to be a good enough cultivator to leave the mountain and be a rogue cultivator!
 But then he saw him, when Shen Yuan was doing his own chores of chtting wood he froze when he saw an older bly walk past him.
 The bly gazed at him his eyes narrowed.
“Is something wrong, Shidi?”
That was Luo Binghe. Luo Binghe who was older almost the same age when he-
Shen Yuan closed his gaping mouth-
“Ah apologies Shixiong! This one didnt mean to stare!”
He was doomed, there was no way he could be friends with Luo Binghe- it was too late and he doubted he would make an impact.
Luo Binghe didnt smile, only looked down on Shen Yuan, he wondered if this was when he started realising the injustice of his situation.
“Would Shidi like some help chtting wood?” 
Shen Yuan stiffened- make the protagonist do his chores! Did he look like a masochist!?
“No way!” He yelled and the other looked stunned almost offended and Shen Yuan backtracked-
“These are my chores- if this one can’t do this then how can I proudly call myself a cultivator! I ah-“ Shen Yuan bowed “Thanking Shixiong for offering!” 
 Luo Binghe said nothing.
Shen Yuan looked back up then shifted “Uh- but um, if Shixiong doesn’t mind he could stay and talk while I work, I can do blth- unless your busy then you need nkt waste your time with this shidi!”
Luo Binghe only hummed as he leaned near a tree crossing his arms.
“This one doesn’t mind the company, plus someone has to watch you in case you get hurt.”
Shen Yuan stared, but no one was there when Luo Binghe got hurt.
 “Hmm what is it?”
Sonething must have shown on his face, Shen Yuan couldn’t help but smile.
 “You’re so kind. 
Shen Yuan had no idea that this was how it was going to go.
 Shen Qingqiu was rotting in a dungeon, Yue Qingyuan died.
 But the reason why only Qing Jing Peak was destroyed and the mountain was spared was because of him.
 Him! Shen Yuan!
Sure it could be worse but just imagine what he could’ve done if he transmigrated sooner!
 But Cang Qiing didnt appreciate the sentiment, Luo Bknghe was even kind enough to spare the library so they coukd rebuild and start over-
But none of the peak lords wanted Shen Yuan, or the peak. They decided to keep it as the eleven peaks instead and take it as a lesson from Shen Qingqiu a name they will forever curse.
 A cursed generation kf failed peak lords,
And so Shen Yuan took all of teh disciples under Shen Qingqiu then later Ming Fan now Shen Yuan.
 Ning Yingying shoukd have taken over as next in line but she was in the palace with Luo Binghe.
And she wasn’t welconed either.
And tge good news kept coming as most of the disciples returned home.
After all their families were rich and payed good money for their children to succed in life having them part if a disgraced peak was the opposite si they begged the mountain to take them into other peaks in their stead.
Qi Qingqi as the now acting Sect Leader allowed such a thing, she was only the actingbhead until the new head disciple was ready to take over Yue Qingyuans place.
So Shen Yuan was supposed to trail sadly with his entourage down the town and be mocked and jeered as they tried to find a place to stay with the money Cang Qiong graciously allowed them.
 Shen Yuan scowled as if- no way was he going to just accept defeat like this!
He was going to thrive shre cultivation may be outlawed soon the four great sects have no idea what was coming.
 But y’know what Shen Yuan didn’t need cultivation! Knowledge is power!
 If they can harvest remedies from flowers and thanks to his knowledge of pidw knows what is a healing tonic and a dangerous poison, knowing what demonic beast will be great for ones constition they’ll survive.
 And when Shen Yuan strode past the village with purpose, the disciples, carrying the library of Qing Jing on their backs began to have hope.
 Of course when they saw the shack they realised that maybe Qing Jing peak truly waa cursed.
 “This will be our new home!” Shen Yuan clapped looking proud, as he turned to the group, eyes crinkled with a secret.
 “Now we have plenty kf work to do to make it habitable- so lets split into groups and give each other jobs,” he went to the hallmasters that stayed.
 “You will take this and buy what we need, furniture wood, Xao Mei will give you list.”
The hallmasters scowled “Why are we doing grunt work?”
Shen Yuan paused then turned back “As off right now we are a disgraced peak, we are vunerable and what meager belongings we have someone will pick. You are string enoygh to defend yourself and these supplies are improtant if we plan to live here for the foreseeable future. Not to mention people would cheat the children and make them pay more, our hallmasters wknt fall for such tricks or prey to a simple mugging.”
They grit their teeth but nodded as the went fkr their task,
Meanwhile Shen Yuan and the rest of the disciples began to test the small house removing wood or deighning something as strong enough to stay.
Shen Yuan knew they were vunerable, to be attacked so soon into the night.
Hehad already laced the entire perimeter with booby traps and pollen to take out a horse!
 He cackled madly into the noght, scaring the men in the woods as Shen Yuan took care of them with only a few swipes of his sword.
 The rest lf the men ran away screaming about demons and Shen Yuan laughed even more madly- their faces! Fucking priceless!
 And of course he knew the hallmasters were old though some didnt look it, but he knew they would also scheme and grow restless.
 It was simple work to use an array on the few scrolls they had, he knew the hallmasters held gold in their hands and wouldn’t think twice to steal secrets from the former Qing Jing Peak and use that to bargain to gain entry into their rival sects.
 So it was a matter of time one grew bold.
 It was during the night when the silence was pierced with screams,
Shen Yuan arrived and saw the eldest on the floor of the shared room with the other masters, thrashing as his hands were removed and nothing but bloody stumps, and on his forehead and skin began to form black marks like tattoos labelling him as a thief.
Shen Yuan gazed down at him.
 “Ah so you planned on stealing Qing Jing Peaks scrolls and run away to a new sect leaving us even more vulnerable than what we are?”
Shen Yuan stepped on the others chest, “this venerable one will allow you to live with the shamet that you would steal from your own people when we are truly in shch a desperate situation the whole world will see you for the thief and coward that you are.”
The man eyes were brimming with tears and hatred.
Hands no longer bleeding as the cultivation kept him from dying for something as sognificant as that.
 Shen Yuan crouched down, his own eyes devoid and blank.
“This Master should kill you and be done with it, but our reputation is already sullied enough wkthout others perceiving us as no better than Shen Qingqiu. So I’m going to let you go, and another thing…” Shen Yuan leaned closer tilting his head, “If you simpky asked to leave and take whatever you like from the library as your due payment for years of loyality to Qing Jing Peak this master would gladly let you go and even aided you. But you decided to spit on the kindness that we have bestowed afterall, you like having a room, yes?” Here Shen Yuan glanced at the others. Because they were older and had been part of the peak for years even before Shen Qingqiu, Shen Yuan thought it was fair that they had were goven the room with beds. While he and the disciples slept on the floor. After all it was better to respect the seniors.
 The man was whimpering now.
 “Now you don’t have this luxary.” He looked at the others “Do you have any complaints?”
The others were shaken up and pale, they would probably flee by morning calling Shen Yuan the devil.
 He sniffed and grabbed the limbless man from the floor and kicked him out into the woods.
As the man turned, panting and sweating and his arms shaking still shocked at the lack of limbs blanched to see the entire shack and all jts occupants vanished.
 He circled the area for days, and tried to venture in further but couldn’t find it.
The former Qing Jing Peak had vanished.
“Hmm, Shen Qingqius name meant autumn…and mine is more towards spring, then we are a sect of Knowledge but not just any type street smarts- or others is just as good- agh it has to be a good name! Airplanes naming conventions were shit!”
Also the Hallmasters felt hope and more respect for the new master, they couldn’t see a future where they would survive with someone like Shen Yuan but now? Seeing how he handled their ex-hallmaster gave them some relief they needed someone cut throat and cunning but not someone who would aggravate any living person like Shen Qingqiu.
It made them feel more content to stay, all though their new Masters code of conduct to never strike a child even when they have done mistakes was strange. But after what Luo Binghe did, maybe he wanted to be more safe than sorry.
And labelling that hallmaster as a thief had shunned him completely, not one person thought their new master was in the wrong and even kicked and threw fruit at the man shaming him for trying to steal from helpless children!
Even so he knew he was asking for too uch that Luo Binghe would ignore them and pretend they didn’t exist, already he was demanding the other sects to join him and both Tian ti and Zhao Hua had already deviated.
So when his oldest, almost could say she was technically his head disciple, Ling Wei announced an entourage and that their holy emperor was at their door!?
Shen Yuan almost expired.
When he finally moved with haste and saw Luo Binghe and his entourage he gulped.
He was going to handle this with dignity and grace, there was no point in Binghe sparing them just to kill them now. Luo Binghe never believed in wasteful deaths, unless he had a very good reason or that person pissed him off.
 Of course Ning Yingying had to break the tense silence before Shen Yuan could even bow to the new Emperor of the three realms!
“A-yuan!” It was like a gunshot, and she ran forward wrapping him up into her hold, Shen Yuan stiffened.
A wife of Binghe’s was hugging him! He was doomed- DOOMED!
“Yingying, let him breathe.” And it somehow became much more worse, as Luo Binghe approached as Ning Yingying finally eased back, Luo Binghe grabbed him and Shen Yuans eyes snapped shut- this was it! 
He was dead!
 Luo Binghe embraced him, and spoke in his ear “This Lord is pleased to see Shidi doing well.”
And so Luo Binghe decides to treat Shen Yuan kindly, while his Shidi is unaware and sweating bullets. At one point Shen Yuan shows him everything he has and says Binghe can take all of his finances, clothes journels from Qing Jing as tax repayments anything Junshang desires!
Meanwhile Binghe is like what? Meanwhile kinda laughing at how much his Shidi is trying to pay way too much taxes, and Binghe tells him that with how much he has observed of this little sect [and the pitiful shack that it is] how much revenue Shen Yuan has he deduced that he only has to pay so much.
Luo Binghe ends up taking a single coin. Much to Shen Yuans shock, and he thought he would leave it at that until Luo Binghe changes his mind, and as Shen Yuan is not only buidling the sect he is gaining a reputation with his kindness, but is still shrewd and seen as a cold beauty and sharp cunning, people say he's what people wished Shen Qingqiu should be.
No one is surprised-except for Shen Yuan- when Luo Binghe decides make an ultimatum either join his sect or perish, and when the sects begin to apply for seats as his council members, Shen Yuan is shocked that he was offered one too! Ning Yingying is ecstatic.
But Shen Yuan is terrified if he rejects the seat would Binghe be offended so he HAS to take it, but once he's working at the palace he will be forced to rely on his instincts and cunning to survive that vipers nest not ONLY does he have to use the PIDW to survive the plots as an only male character near the protagonist Luo Binghe he is straight up cannon fodder set up to die!
Not knowing that Luo Binghe is trying to court/marry him he takes each invitation as a a death sentence!
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sageistri · 3 months
think you might be missing the point which is: armys, supposed ot7s, pick and choose when they want to speak out and come to the defense of the members and which ones. good on them for going after that employee but that kind of support should be expected for each member when issues such as this one occur instead of just telling solos off. the rose colored glasses are starting to come off!
You are the one missing the point because armys didn't do anything when pjms called Geffen out for not promoting face or not making any post about closer than this. This reaction is solely because a Geffen exec replied openly on his social media account so why are you acting dense? Or did a Geffen exec also reply to a tae fanbase with a shady tweet and non of us are aware?
Also your fellow kths were throwing shade at Jimin so of course we are not going to care when you come in with shade. Are we supposed to sympathize with your argument when kths were throwing in jm shade?
Also considering for years y'all have claimed your fave was being mistreated over stuff like ice cream, I would think the rose colored glasses were never on but I guess not. And if the glasses were on and it's only coming off now because people are rightfully standing up for Jimin then maybe tae was never as neglected as y'all imply because pjms took off those glasses a long time ago.
Maybe y'all have deluded yourself into thinking Jimin is favored because he's successful and charts well regardless of anything, but none of you kths would be able to survive even half of what we faced during face era. And I'm sure you remember what happened during jimin's debut because you guys were tuned in and y'all were keekeeing and tagging Spotify right along with jk stans, while pjms on the other hand are not checking for your fave or his music so we have no idea what's going on with him.
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evil queen x good king angst smut but make evil queen extra sassy 😭
Pray for me idk how I’m going to survive this god damned school year I’ve been put in three interventions for subjects and one of them is after school…
Anyway back with one of my faves and no I will never get tired of writing them
Hope you enjoyed and have a great dayy!!
The evil queen watched with ire as the good king got paired up with none other than Snow White for the damsels in distressing class.
The heroics class had merged for the day with the damsels and villainy class as a sort of ‘destiny’ assignment or whatever headmaster Grimm claimed it was.
Of course being the confirmed villain of Snow White she knew who she’d be paired with but it irked her knowing that people thought that her boyfriend could be the Prince Charming of that wench.
But in the end it made sense didn’t it? He came from a long line of noble princes’ known for being heroic and most of all good.
All fundamentals of a Snow White Prince Charming, something which the evil queen acknowledged with a feeling of loath in her heart.
Yet as she watched those stupid princesses gush over ‘how cute’ her boyfriend and that… rotten apple were she felt her magic rise further up to the surface.
Anger rising further and further, watching the pair act out some stupid heroic scene. “That’s your cue.”
The evil queen glared at the heroic coach as he beckoned her over. The short man cowered as she passed, purple mist surrounding her every step.
Snow while pretended to let out a petrified scream, scrambling behind the good king. The evil queen couldn’t help but roll her eyes yet still went along.
But as they continued to act the scene out, the evil queen felt her heart fall to the pit of her stomach. Something about the good king acting disgusted of her like everyone else made her feel certain things.
She knew it was an act, yet it… shook her seeing him seething at her with a ferocity that rivaled her own.
It felt as if he betraying her, as if this was truly how he felt deep inside. Fearing and disgusted of her for what her destiny told her to do.
The evil queen avoided the good king for the rest of the day. She didn’t want to face him just yet, not when she felt so pathetic for something she knew he had to do.
It was sad really, the villain who was destined to be hated and feared by all seemed more of a coward to face her own boyfriend. Truly laughable.
When she came back to her dorm, Red had quickly scrambled off after the evil queen threw some colorful words at her.
So now here she was staring at the ceiling in complete silence with a jumbled mind. She was about to finally move when a knock sounded about.
The evil queen cursed and sighed in annoyance. She thought that whoever it was, was here for Red. No one ever came to visit her.
“Red isn’t available-…”
The good king stared back at her with a concerned look before stepping around her and sitting down on her bed.
“Ok make yourself comfortable I guess. Don’t ask me if you’re welcome.”
The sarcasm in her voice was clear as day and the good king frowned at her as he grabbed her hand. She made no move to pull away as he pulled her closer.
The gazed at each other in silence for the longest time, an unspoken understanding passing through them as he pulled her on his lap.
“It was only for an assignment.”
“I know.”
“It’s ok to feel upset.”
“… I know.”
“Do you?”
The evil queen sucked in a breath, goosebumps rising on her arms as he pulled her face to his. Their lips brushing.
The evil queen connected their lips first in a kiss of passion and understanding. Of a deep rooted trust that there seemed to be no words for.
Her hands gripped his hair, the crown atop his head falling with a thud on the carpet. The good king kicked it away without a care as he moved them on the bed.
The evil queen snapped her fingers, their clothes disappearing without a trace as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
The good king groaned in her mouth, heat rushing from his head down south in a matter of seconds.
Her nails dug into his back as his fingers traced over her inner thigh, teasing and never touching where she wanted.
His own mouth trailed kisses down her neck to her chest, her skin glistening with sweat and saliva from his mouth.
With their want at a breaking point the hood king pushed in slowly at first before hitting the rest of the way with a roughness that froze her mad.
His actions were languid and slow, completely different from all the previous times. Yet the slow dragging motions did things to her that could not be spoken.
The good king dug his fist into her pillow, the fabric nearly ripping from his tight grip. The evil queen tugged at his hair her breath catching as he hit a particular spot.
Seeing her reaction, the good king hit that spot over and over. The lust building to a breaking point.
Soon enough the let of of their lust with mixes of muffled moans and pants as they came down from their high.
The evil Queen pulled the hood king closer, placing a tender, vulnerable kiss on his cheek as he laid down beside her.
And as he covered them with her blanket she fell asleep with her mind somewhat more reassured.
Fun story yesterday I had a sleepover with bsf and we’d were doing like a sleeping in the trampoline sorta thing… it fucking ripped in the middle of the night
Anyway I always love to write a more vulnerable, soft eq idk just something satisfying to see someone like her being a softy
Hope you enjoyed and have a great dayy!!
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adelaidedrubman · 8 months
i was tagged by dears @g0dspeeed @cassietrn @direwombat @simplegenius042 @wrathfulrook to do a little oc interview, thank you dears! i decided to do this one for america’s sweetheart verse for acclaimed novelist jestiny ft. her long suffering publicist andrea who was mostly there to make sure there was some accurate information, then i decided to give her own spotlight. on that note, sorry for the length and needless preamble no expectation to read All That
“Ugh.” Jestiny grabs the wall to steady herself from stumbling at Andrea’s quick darting into the doorway to block her exit. “Are you fuckin’ serious? You’re really gonna tell me  — a grown fucking woman — I’m not allowed to go play until I finish my homework?”
“It smells like you’ve gotten to play plenty today,” Andrea retorts with a nod towards the disposable coffee cup clenched in Jestiny’s fist and reeking with the unmistakable stench of high proof whiskey. “You’ve put off doing a simple introductory questionnaire for three months now. You’re never going to hire a ghostwriter if you can’t respond to an information request that takes five minutes.”
“I don’t need a ghostwriter,” she mumbles in protest as she takes a sip from her coffee cup that has never once contained coffee, or fooled anyone into thinking it did. “Just a copy editor.”
“Three copy editors have quit because you started using them as ghostwriters. And whatever job title you want to give them, they need some basic biographical information about you to work on your memoir.”
“See, that’s the thing, is no they don’t. Not with the kinda thing I’m writing. It’s all just empty fluff, don’t you —”
“Even for empty fluff, they need a vague skeleton,” Andrea snaps. She pulls Jestiny by the arm towards her desk, pushing her down into one of her guest chairs before taking her seat behind it and clicking a pen. “I canceled the car you called and changed the passwords to all your rideshare accounts. And we both know you couldn’t make it out of the parking garage without getting a DUI. You’re not going anywhere until this is done.”
“Oh, that’s real fuckin’ nice Andrea,” Jestiny hisses. “Hold hostage the woman who just survived —”
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“jestiny ellen rook.”
“none. nope. never had one. never will have one. gotta say the whole thing every time. flaunt it in front of some motherfuckers who were too fucking dumb to ever figure it out.”
“again, andrea — i am a grown fucking woman.”
star sign
“how the fuck am i supposed to know that shit?”  without bothering to check her birthday, andrea writes down aries.
personality type
“america’s fuckin’ sweetheart, baby. kind, lovable, and humble. what else is there?’’  andrea’s hand moves of its own volition to scrawl out the words ‘dark triad,’ immediately scribbling it out to write down ‘istp’ and ‘8w7.’
“five foot five, ballpark.”  andrea gives jestiny a skeptical look.  “maybe closer to five-six, camera adds a half-inch.”   andrea, actually 5’6, sighs and writes down 5’4, covering it with her hand to hide from jestiny.
“c’mon, you don’t really have to ask that.” andrea dwells unwillingly on the menagerie of half-dressed strangers milling about jestiny’s home every time she steps into it. no, she doesn’t.  “or lie to the press about it, if that’s what you’re dancing around. it’s 2018! america’s sweetheart can be openly bisexual, right?” 
“again. america’s fucking sweetheart, baby.”
fave fruit 
“persimmons. don’t put that down, though, that information is for the fuckin’ benefit of your files, so you can get me a halfway decent fruit tray in my dressing room next talk show appearance. write some bullshit about how much i miss the fresh picked huckleberries of hope county and nowhere grows ’em better, or something.”
fave season
“awards! ha, we do have fun. gotta be fall, though. salmon run season. but pretend it’s for the sake of pumpkin spice whatever.”
fave flower 
“psh. whatever happens to be in the bouquets i receive from my adoring fans. but if i have to pick, i guess, uh… forget-me-nots, maybe. or — heh, or cockscomb.”
fave scent 
“whiskey.”  andrea looks between jestiny and her cup, wondering if she has told the truth for the first time.  “coffee, i mean.”
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: 
“i just said —”
average hours of sleep: 
“eh, who can really keep track of that?” people who have to plan their sleep schedule around preventing jestiny from having unsupervised access to social media can and must keep track of that. andrea writes down 3 hours.
dog or cat person
“ew. no. opossums. but write down dog, that probably polls better. andrea, should i get a dog?”   andrea vigorously shakes her head in the negative as she dutifully writes down dog. 
dream trip 
“heh. where do you have me booked for next? checked off a lotta the bucket list already. you’re looking at a dollywood gold pass holder. finally got to go there after a lifetime of dreaming, and it was —”  andrea notes the way jestiny’s eyes suddenly glaze over, her gaze growing hollow and flat as she pauses in searching.  “great. fulfilling. worth the wait. always ready to go back, or onto the next adventure. i mean, it’s such a fucking blessing, don’t you think?” andrea doesn’t answer, looking on with some concern as a hint of earnest joy creeps back into jestiny’s smile. “to have one’s full constitutional right to freedom of movement completely fuckin’ unrestricted?”
favorite fictional/real character
“uh, shrek.”
number of blankets you sleep with? 
“as many as i want, baby! that’s another benefit of freedom, don’t have to settle for a single scratchy, paper thin excuse for a blanket to curl up on my cot with. i get to enjoy my forty-winks on silk sheets and soft as a cloud comforter, on my casper mattress —”
random fact:
“i know how to do a bit of sleight of hand magic.” andrea feels a light brush at her ear, and looks to see jestiny pulling from behind it a matchbook with the number of a taxi company stamped in bright yellow.  “and for my next trick, i’m going to disappear.”
Andrea sighs as she watches Jestiny march out of her office yelling pick-up orders into her cellphone. It was successful for longer than she would have expected, she thinks, tapping the end of her pen against her bottom lip. 
She clicks her pen a few times as she shuffles the papers on her desk, staring down at a blank copy of the questionnaire she’d made in case Jestiny was in foul enough spirits to rip up the first in defiance. 
It would be nice, to have someone ask her things about who she was for once, she thinks, in an indulgent flight of fancy.  
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“andrea simmons.”
“...anal-retentive goldilocks, was the most recent one.”
“woman, she/her.”
star sign
personality type
“estj. 3w2.’’ 
“five foot six. empirically verified.” 
“lesbian, last i had enough free time to check.”
“american. primarily german and scandinavian ancestry.”
fave fruit 
“nectarine, left to my own devices. learning to appreciate leftover cantaloupe picked around on fruit plates.”
fave season:
“summer. warm, sunny, long days.”
fave flower: 
fave scent 
“lavender, jasmine, eucalyptus.” 
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: 
“coffee. at least three shots of espresso. oat milk. two pumps of hazelnut syrup, no sugar.”
average hours of sleep: 
“three. when you have an infant, you learn to sleep when they sleep.”
dog or cat person
“cats. otto curled up in my lap at the end of a long day is the only thing that keeps me going, sometimes.” 
dream trip 
“any trip. any trip alone. any trip alone without having to worry about what i will find when i come back. greece would be nice, i think.” 
favorite fictional/real character
“peggy olson.”
number of blankets you sleep with? 
“i have a weighted blanket and a quilt at home. and a fleece throw on my office couch that gets more use.”
random fact: 
“i considered going into politics, and interned on a few campaign teams during college. There are many days i regret not following through on that.” 
i know i’m super late to this, so major apologies for repetitive tags and extra no pressure out to the usuals @belorage @hctknives @fourlittleseedlings @galaxycunt @lordundying @florbelles @josephslittledeputy @afarcryfrommymain @poetikat @voidika @captastra @confidentandgood @deputyash @blissfulalchemist @shellibisshe @thedeadthree @nightbloodbix @miyabilicious @henbased @clicheantagonist @firstaidspray @strafethesesinners @jackiesarch @v0idbuggy @orionlancasterr @stacispratt @professorpineapple @strangefable @shallow-gravy @inafieldofdaisies @corvosattano @socially-awkward-skeleton opt in for tags on writing stuff here!
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themoodyestj · 4 days
If there's an award for worse and the most useless wife, danneel would win. I'm not even that big fan of jensen anymore but damn, he looks awful with her, zero chemistry, awkwardness, he is so tense and uncomfortable around her, All of the charms u see in the cons, he doesn't have none of it next to her and he just trying to survive while she is making him the target of her jokes. She is not funny by the slightest, totally ruined her look with failed plastic surgeries, she has no talents or charms, only bitter humour. And she think she still a hot mean girl who can get away with being a bully. Any person with slightest intelligence can tell she is a huge narcissist, her being unsupportive and putting other men above him. if I was a bigger fan of jensen, I would totally feel more sorry for him but surprisingly ( not Really surprised) his fans love to see him suffer, so who I'm to talk.
Hello there! Im starting to think those are not their fans, they're his potential kidnappers/stalkers. I do not get the lack of empathy from those people to their fave. There are times when Jensen is definitely stressed, and when the jabs are particularly acidic, and for someone who loves him so much, accepting (let alone encouraging it) sounds a bit sick. A Dom thing, maybe? A delulu thing, definitely. In my opinion, Danneel has nothing to show up for and deep down she knows it. Her two biggest accomplisments were to get married and to have kids, thats it. And she tries to show some relevance by playing the part of "the strong woman" behind the man. But she has no idea of how a strong woman looks like, so she fails terribly in that depiction. The "you'll do" thing is basically her trying to make herself relevant again, as if David Spade or any other top tier actor would even look at a wannabe like her. I hope Jensen doesnt believe that for one second. A strong woman would do her business without interfering in his. She would put him up, show love and appreciation, and expect the same in return from him in her things. She would have a sense of individuation, and not leech on the "power couple" thing. He was more than supportive in all of her projects, she could be the same. Not mock him and make him look like a doofus who cant get a part right "unless" she's coaching him. That woman can't act to save her life, why the hell does she want to teach him? Anyhoo, my two cents. Thanks for your ask! Lots of love!
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honeylemony · 3 months
"his wife liberally uses the n word" That's bullshit. She used it in one song a decade ago as a quote and she has long since apologized for it and doesn't perform it anymore. Gaiman fans should've listened to what Amanda Palmer has been saying (and NOT saying) since Neil abandoned her and their 4-year-old son in New Zealand during the early days of COVID lockdown. He literally broke lockdown and flew half way around the world. Amanda's world collapsed. He left his son on the other side of the planet. He didn't see either of them again for nearly 10 months. He risked NEVER seeing them again. (This was March/April 2020. Long before vaccines. When people were dying by the thousands every day.) He did something unforgivable, Amanda found out about it, he left and she hasn't been "allowed" to talk about it since. But if you'd followed her writing and her songs, you'd know it was something ugly and horrifying that tipped her life upside down. Now the truth has come out. GOOD. But you all should pay more attention to the women in your fave mens lives. Listen to the women who know them and believe them. None of his fans gave a shit as long as Good Omens was getting another season. He divorced his first wife (mother of his three eldest kids) and she has been silent ever since. He moved his second wife (16 years his junior) out to a secluded house in the country away from all her friends and family after they married. And she's not been "allowed" to speak about what happened in New Zealand for the past 4 years. Guess why. Listen to her recent song 'Whakanewha' (from her EP 'New Zealand Survival Songs'.) Read the lyrics. This shit was KNOWN. But his fans didn't want to see. They even celebrated when the news dropped that he and Amanda were getting divorced "Does this mean we can all stop pretending we like her?" I remember that vividly. I remember thinking 'wow. rich famous white men can really get away with anything and still be worshipped and women will not only side with the men but will happily trample and spit on other women to get to these asshole men.' It has made me sick and angry to see his name trend on Tumblr these past few years. I send many of his biggest sycophants messages telling them about what he'd done. All ignored. None cared. The worship continued. I wish I could say this news feels like vindication. But it doesn't. It just makes me feel even angrier. I've wanted to punch Neil Gaiman in the face for years for the many lives he's ruined. I hope someone bigger than me finally does it.
Warning for repeated and enthusiastic use of racial slurs
How about they're both shitty people. You're as biased about your fave as the NG dickriders are
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thebigoblin · 2 years
drive highways and byways to be there with you
A Post-Movie, Fix-It Fic, even though I haven't watched the movie and gleaned spoilers like a pride-hungry Achilles.
will post this on ao3 later, when i'm not in the classroom (it's a free period). for now:
Tags: Post-Movie Fix-It, Alpha Derek Hale, Established Relationship, Mild Sexual Content, Married Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Eli Calls Stiles 'Tata', Spark Stiles Stilinski
also, yes, the title comes from Niall's "This Town." Current fave.
"Do you think they'll believe this?"
"They will. They have to."
Stiles doesn't look sure, so Derek takes his hands in his — wincing at the movement because of the bullet wound that still hasn't healed; the Nogitsune's magic is gone from the wound and Derek himself, as it is from Allison, but some effects remain, because they're a part of them. Of their hurts and scars.
Nobody knows this better than Stiles, who still wakes up during the night to fight off a shadow that isn't there, and nobody knows it better than Derek himself, who calms Stiles down after, through calls and gentle voice most days and with firm hands when they're lucky enough to be together.
So, of course, Stiles notices the movement and his eyes shutters.
"No. Don't do that again. This wasn't your fault, okay?"
They're sitting face to face on the bed at a hotel in a random ass town, far away from Beacon Hills, far away from everything that could ruin them. And yet Stiles is broken at the meagre survival of what Derek has brought from that town.
Somedays, Derek wonders how he could have stayed there all these years. And then he remembers the way Stiles lights up when he talks to his dad, alive and doing well, all thanks to Derek keeping a close eye on him.
There's more than one reason he took up that consulting job at the Sheriff's Station.
"Stiles. It wasn't your fault. It was Scott's idea to give the jar to Liam and his new pack member, even after you told him no. You did what you could, and you know I did too. Do you blame me for it?"
Stiles cups his face, and Derek lets him. "No, never!"
Derek takes Stiles' hands in his again, kisses the tightly-gripped knuckles. "I love you," he tells his husband sincerely, "But sometimes you're an idiot. None of this was your fault, alright?"
Stiles smiles a little at that. Derek counts it as a win.
Stiles' voice, when he speaks, is soft and desperate. "They'll believe it?"
Derek isn't the biggest believer in the world, in anything, but he has trust in one person: Stiles Stilinski-Hale.
"It was your idea to fake my death. I don't know how exactly you did it, or roped Parrish into it, or even how much magic you used to make everyone see what you wanted to — but you did it. So, yes, my love, I know that they'll believe it."
Stiles laughs, watery and lovely, and Derek pulls him in his arms, kisses him and keeps kissing him until Stiles is pulling away, giggling and breathing out a, "Keep your hands away, Hale! It tickles!"
Derek just grins and leaps to tickle him more, and Stiles stays, because he knows the pain Derek is in and Stiles has never abandoned him anyways.
He won't start now.
Convincing Eli of the plan was the hardest part, given the fact that he had to see his dad burning even though that actually didn't happen, but now that Derek sees his pup and his husband cuddle up on the couch together like this, Eli's head on Stiles' lap and Stiles' eyes gazing down lovingly at their sleeping child, Derek decides this was worth it.
Lying to John, the pack, and staying away from Stiles was worth it, just for this moment, and the countless others they'll have moving forward.
A thought occurs to him, and he snorts. Stiles looks up at him, eyebrow raised, and he can't help but whisper:
"They really thought I'd let Scott and Allison raise my pup?" Having Eli wear Scott's jersey was more than enough. Eli hated it, he wanted to wear his Tata's jersey, but he's always been smart and he knew from young that his fathers have a secret that needs to be kept.
Eli really is Stiles' kid.
"They're idiots. They believed that I was too busy to come to my dad's rescue, so. And not to mention that they think I just abandoned Roscoe! Like, seriously, guys? And then they claim to be my best friends."
Stiles' increasing volume has Eli waking up, so Derek takes the place next to Stiles, Eli's legs on his own lap even as their pup's eyes flutter shut again to Stiles' polish lullaby.
"Hell, Lydia knew Eli knows Polish. I thought she'd figure us out soon, and nearly two decades later, she still hasn't."
"Yeah." Stiles gnaws on his lip, turns to look at him. "Let's not talk about them, okay? This is just us. Just us like it was always supposed to be, my heart."
Stiles leans in to kiss him, and he does too.
Eli wakes up in the middle of it, his fathers touching their foreheads and kissing each other in turns, and promptly decides to head out after flailing to be let out of their embrace.
"I'm taking the jeep!"
"You better be careful, then!" Stiles shouts, and Eli responds with a salute and disgusted face.
Derek laughs and laughs, and feels the most alive he's felt in a long, long time. Ironic, considering he's had to fake his death to achieve this.
Stiles pokes him in the stomach then, goads him with his eyes.
"Since we are alone now... and considering the last time I saw you was on that fake Mechanic Convention you made up exactly seven months ago..."
Derek's eyes are red and he's picked up Stiles before the sentence can be completed.
"Get out of the hearing distance, kiddo," Derek whispers, and then there are no more words spoken. It's only him and Stiles, and one very recognizable screech from the jeep.
Eli better not be home soon.
Especially because...
"Oh, fuck, fuck. I love your alpha eyes, my Alpha. Can't believe they even missed this, the aura of power you give off — well, except Peter because he's —"
"Can we not talk about my uncle while I'm trying to fit my cock in you?"
"Right, right, right. I just- they're idiots. The real alpha was among them, and they still- whatever. I'm glad. You're mine, alright, only mine."
...he gets to watch Stiles come undone before him, like this, mouth open, eyes shut, face slack in pure bliss. He gets to hear Stiles call him his, he gets to claim Stiles as his own, watch his body as he loves and bites and worships Stiles' body, Stiles' existence.
He gets to be with Stiles.
The past fifteen years were rough and unbelieving, but he knows in the heart of his hearts that it was the last sacrifice he had to make.
In return, he gets this: Stiles in his arms, Eli's I'm watching a movie, be back as soon as it's clear, and John's you better be with Stiles right now, and Eli best be with you, Hale.
Well. Perhaps John wasn't fooled — he knew. But that's to be expected.
Stilinski’s are smart.
And he gets to have and love three generations of them.
He's lucky. He's extremely lucky.
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dangermousie · 8 months
My next kdrama rewatch is probably my favorite period kdrama of all time - The Princess’ Man.
It stars Park Shi Hoo in a role that elevated him to big stardom (and deservedly so - the man might be…well…on a personal level but as an actor he was always exceptional and this is imo his best role - the way he goes from human sunshine to feral vengeful barely human wreck to someone obtaining haunted functionality through love is something else) and Moon Chae Won in my favorite role of hers (she managed to imbue this ladylike and steady woman with so much sympathy and relatability. In other hands, her character would he boring or even be drowned by PSH’s because she doesn’t have an arc with huge changes likes his, she just stubbornly remains true to herself, but in hers she becomes one of my all time fave heroines.)
In case you don’t know the story, it’s the whole enemies and lovers thing. When the OTP first meet, she is the carefree favorite daughter of the King’s brother and he’s a treasured scholar son of a senior minister. We get mistaken identity hijinks and two smart, sunny, well-adjusted people falling in love. But her father is Sejo so even a quick glance at Wikipedia will tell you what happens - a bloody coup, his whole clan brutally murdered and his finding out the woman he fell in love with is the culprit’s daughter.
When he returns a few years later (surviving torture and a bunch of attempts to murder him - she buys his life by threatening his own but all that means is daddy tries to murder him later in private), gone is the sunny scholar and we have a barely functioning, unable to sleep murder machine who wants to use her in his plan for vengeance. And it goes on from there.
I love how gradual his changing back to sanity is and I love how immovable she is in loving him and knowing her family owes him. This is not one of those “my family fucked up but they are mine so whatever” situations - she fully recognizes the justness of his revenge and not because she loves him - she’d recognize it for a stranger. It’s because she’s morally always centered.
What else? If the secondary OTP won’t break your heart, you have none. The SML is a fascinating brand of repulsive - he doesn’t really love the FL but he wants her as some sort of victory over ML even if he thinks the man is dead because being second wore on him (think Gao from LP.) It features my favorite scar kissing scene of all time (when he kisses the scar on her back that she got from the arrow she took covering him with her own body - that act was actually what got through to him when nothing else could because he’d never trust words but that action? Good God!) Also, the scene where he actually sleeps peacefully for the first time in years on her shoulder? Aaaa!
I didn’t really use tumblr at the time but my LJ was all TPM all the time. Watching it as it aired was harrowing since chances of a happy ending were so dim and yet I wanted it so badly. (And got it!)
I guess it’s time to go for mark 2. (Or whatever number since I rewatched it before.)
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kimberlyannharts · 2 months
I liked the ending for what it was, I guess. It was alright but too many loose ends.
Rita's closure (she freaking went through a transformation in that canister!), the zombified Skull and Zack, (fuck them, I guess?) etc. Coinless Trini vanishes... with Kyia who I wasn't invested in (no shade)....
And obviously I'm a Jason Scott fan (character not actor) so I hoped that his Coinless version had more, at least a smidge (I know he's not your fave, no worries lol. I work with people suffering from PTSD so maybe that's why I have a soft spot for him). He kept his prison armor and they made a point to show it. I hoped he'd get some start to healing. Nothing story stealing mind you, no swooping in to take over, but goddammit throw him something...
And i will probably get some shit for this... I sort of hoped Drakkon would somehow resurrect and get a happier ending (what can i say... I've got a soft spot for the asshole). And happy, if weird, endings. I'm a softie...
But like with Coinless Jason (before his 'resurrection'), I know the impact is greater if he's actually dead...
I don't like or dislike the Solar Rangers or Hyperforce Rangers. I just wasn't as invested in them I guess. Too many Rangers on the field that left other characters out to dry that I was was more connected with....And wanted to know their fate...
However at the end Billy DID look badass in my opinion
Honestly while I would have liked if there was some indication Drakkon survived or could come back I'm not bothered by how there wasn't. Him and Ranger Slayer are by far the most iconic and popular creations from this run, so I'm sure we'll see them again one day. (Like they can do some bullshit "oh he died in the Grid so his spirit still lives on in there" or whatever - or even just ignore any explanation whatsoever depending on how we're doing canon/continuity stuff). My annoyance over Coinless Jason coming back didn't really have to do with the emotional impact of his death (there was none) it was more to do with the plot holes it opened up. I still say it would have been good to even get just a panel of the state of the Coinless World after everything was fixed, but frankly, with all the other nonsense I had to endure here, I'm glad they didn't go with my fear that he would get Drakkon's powers.
as for Future Billy, tbh he looked way too generic (and too much like Rogue Red Jason) for me to think he looked cool lol like i know some people clowned on Rogue Red Jason having bandages over his gloves - Billy having COMBAT BOOTS over his ranger boots is that times 100
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xf-cases-solved · 1 month
S1E19: Shapes
Case: In what will unfortunately become a recurring theme of the X-Files writers creating plotlines that make sweeping generalizations about Native American cultures and traditions, Shapes takes us to -quickly looks it up- Montana, where a Native American man—I am reasonably sure they don't actually ever say what tribe he's from, bc again, sweeping generalizations—has been killed, ostensibly by his white neighbor over a land dispute. But! Said neighbor swears he was shooting a monstrous beast and not a man. Mulder, as is his wont, is inclined to believe the more paranormal edge to the story, this time citing the Very First X-File that tells of a similar monstrous beast attack that has a very werewolfy vibe to it. The Natives fucking hate the FBI and want them off their land (that part, at least, was believable and understandable); Mulder believes in lycanthropy; Scully does not believe in lycanthropy; and I only partially watch the episode bc I'm too busy cringing and reluctantly picking my battles to pay attention. [Edited to add after having already written this, but I did actually go back and fact check myself, and they DID specify a tribe. The problem is... the tribe does not exist. Nor does the legend they reference lmfao.]
(The only saving grace here is that this is the episode that has one of my favorite interactions (that I'm sure most of y'all have seen in gif form a million times) which is, "Charlie, do you believe in shapeshifting?" "This is a funeral."
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So that's something at least.)
Does someone die in the cold open: Yes
Does Mulder present a slideshow: No, which is surprising given that Mulder has that first X-File to reference, but I guess he didn't have any good visuals. 
Does the evidence survive the investigation: Not really
Whodunit: A werewolf thing with a fun, vaguely racist flair 
Convictions: None
Did they solve it: Maybe. Mulder is pretty certain it was the werewolf thing, while Scully has gaslit herself into thinking it was a mountain lion or something, and it's ambiguous about whether or not they actually stopped the crime. 
[how do i determine if a case is solved? check the scale here: x]
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THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: Cringing and reluctantly picking your battles. From the makers of "anxiously clenching your butthole while crossing your fingers and praying that your faves don't say anything TOO problematic" comes this new and exciting way to deal with your 90s show doing an episode that involves literally anything having to do with minorities. While clenching your butthole and praying is great, sometimes we know in our hearts that things are probably gonna get... lightly to moderately racist, and when those incidents happen, it's good to have cringing and reluctantly picking your battles on hand. * *Cringing and reluctantly picking your battles is a multi-use product, and can be employed in many situations, including, but not limited to -- Seeing your great-aunt's conspiracy theory Facebook post, hearing a white person with dreads describe themselves as a "g*psy" at your local co-op grocery store, or during almost any online discourse argument.
General Total Stats:
(green means stat has changed since last ep; red means new stat added to list)
Total Cases *Definitively* Solved So Far: 9 (streak ended whomp)
Total Number of "Mulder/Scully, It's Me" Phone Calls: 1
Total Number of Times Scully Has Conveniently Not Seen Something Crucial: 5
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Been in Mortal Danger: 5
Total Number of Times Scully Has Been in Mortal Danger: 7
Total Number of Sexually Charged, Uncomfortably Intimate, and/or Flirty Moments Between Friendly Coworkers: 10
Total Number of Autopsies Scully Has Performed On Screen: 2
Total Number of Times Scully Plays Doctor: 2
Total Number of Times Mulder Talks to an Informant: 10 
Total Number of Times People Making Out in a Car Are Hurt or Killed: 2
Total Number of Nosebleeds: 4
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Tasted/Sniffed/Touched Something Questionable Without Following Proper Safety Procedures: 2 
Total Number of Times Someone Says "Trust No One": 1 
Total Number of Times Someone Says "I Want to Believe": 3
Total Number of Times Someone Says "The Truth is Out There": 1
Total Number of Cigarettes Cigarette Smoking Man Has Smoked: 2
Total Number of Maggie Scully Sightings: 1
Total Number of Lone Gunmen Sightings: 1
Total Number of Alex Krycek Sightings: 0 :(
Total Number of Times I Had to Look Up What State the Episode Takes Place in Even Though I Literally Just Watched It: 7½ (in my defense, i wasn't paying attention)
Total Number of Times I Had to Look at an Episode's Wikipedia Page to Fill This Out Because It Was Fucking Confusing and/or Too Boring for Me to Pay Attention: 5 (had to look up some clarifying details bc i was. not paying attention, lol)
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treason-and-plot · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
Thank you for tagging me @cupidia @drawing-way-outside-the-lines @hazely-sims @papermint-airplane @aroundthesims @anamoon63 @simsdada and @nectar-cellar!
Are you named after anyone? I’m named after Mia Farrow’s younger sister, who was made famous as the subject of a Beatles song!
When was the last time you cried? Watching David Attenborough’s Frozen Planet 2 last week. A scientist featured on the show was in tears after he visited an island that was once populated with 200 000 Adelie penguins. He was devastated to see that there were only 400 left because the chicks could no longer survive due to climate change. I was in tears too.
Do you have kids? Yes, two.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I wouldn’t say a lot, but it’s definitely something I use from time to time. (Apparently it's a form of passive-aggressiveness?)
What sports do you play/have you played? I played tennis, table tennis and netball at school. These days I just like running to keep fit.
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? Their clothes! Clothes can tell us so much about a person.    
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I don’t like scary movies, at least not horror movies or anything containing gore or excessive/ gratuitous violence. I do like a good psychological thriller though!
Any special talents? None that have surfaced so far!
Where were you born? Australia.
What are your hobbies? Writing, reading, running, visiting art galleries.
Do you have any pets? Not currently.
How Tall Are You: 165 cm
Fave subject in school? English.
Dream job? Researcher or writer.
Eye colour? Greyish blue.
I would like to tag @justanothersimsblog @kscriba @taylors-simblr @drudragonrose @technicallyswagpizza @nantucketupsnott @ekoroa @nessysims @declaration-of-dramas @simaddix @cheeryrainyday @pisceansquid @bitacorasims and @clouseplayssims. Apologies if you've already done it or if you have no interest in being tagged!
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sunny12th · 5 months
2, 6, 8, 15 for dany!!!
Under the cut <3 ty for asking
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Dany is never what anyone expects her to be, narratively and from a meta standpoint. We don't expect a female character, far removed from the main point of magic in the story, to find her own magic and be a destined hero. We don't expect a child rape victim to have a lusty, consensual, and fun romance with a side character. She was not expected to survive khal drogo or the red waste. She was not expected to pivot at every turn and find a third way. And we didn't expect the very real consequences to come from her actions in slavers bay. No one expected the wide spread consequences across Essos from her actions - a slave revolution brewing. No one thought we'd get to see what might happen when a revolutionary character actually commits to the revolution and then has to handle the fallout. That feels so rare to me. She exists so far removed from what the average fantasy reader, or reader in general, would expect to find in a book and I think the fandom takes this for granted sometimes.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Not going into detail but- isolated childhoods with not very good siblings, messy family history, and a whole heaping of desperation. Looking back, it's pretty blatant why I latched onto Dany when I first read agot back when I was like 14/15. Projection and cathartic healing babeyyyy 🔛🔝
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
In another ask, I said that I hate when the fandom uses Dany's family/ancestry as evidence for her impending madness. Along with that, I also really dislike the notion that Dany should have not acted at all to free the Unsullied and other slaves because she didn't have a clear enough plan to handle the fallout. This idea that, because she couldn't do this Perfectly she should not have done it at all. For obvious reasons lmao. One reason I like Dany is that doing nothing goes against her character and usually leads to negative consequences for her, as in Meereen.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
I'm not overly invested in any of Dany's ships tbh. That being said, my fave is Dany/Jhogo. I am probably one of 3 people that like them. grrm is an excellent writer when he cares to be one but he didn't care for the Dothraki. Why are none of the bloodriders allowed any interiority or ... personalities. Or anything that might let them feel like distinct characters that warrant the level of proximity and relevance they have to Dany. 'blood of my blood' - was this supposed to mean something? Because it couldve meant a lot! especially to a character like Dany, with no blood relations and desperate for family. Besides Jorah, the bloodriders and her dothraki handmaids are the characters she spends the most time with since book one.
Anyways, Jhogo has a bit more personality than the other bloodriders, he's 'of an age' with Dany (all the bloodriders are around the same age), and it just has so much potential. The royal guard/royalty trope but outside the culture we usually see this is. And!!! They've seen each other literally at their lowest. They survived the red waste together, sacked cities together. Jhogo is held hostage for her right now, along with Daario. I can't pull up the quote right now but Barristan remarks that Jhogo is indispensable to Dany, or smth like that, in his POV chapter. They grew up together, learned how to be strong together. If grrm had cared, they couldve been a top tier romance. It wouldn't have felt rushed or like they were pulled together through fate. Could've just been two lost kids growing into love. But this wouldve required grrm putting effort into the Dothraki characters and he's made it abundantly clear that he doesn't feel the need to do this.
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