#nonethless!!!!!!!! :(((((((((((( extremely
lusalemaart · 11 months
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idk. yeah
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transgenderer · 2 months
so a feeling of powerlessness makes me extremely distressed. it like. idk im not well adjusted to it. it freaks me out. and from this perspective, i find owning a gun like. bizarrely comforting. like i dont want to use it on anybody. but like, if somebody fucks you over, theres something horrible about knowing theres nothing you can do about it, to get them back. and so its nice to know that there IS something you could do. like it wouldnt help. but nonethless. its like. it becomes your choice? youre choosing not to hurt the person. theres an agency to it. other things that would serve this purpose: getting strong as fuck. crowbar(? depends how strong and easy to surprise the other person is)
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Favorite soviet movies (and where to find them)
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The general opinion about the soviet union varies from person to person, but I think many can agree that the movies that came from this time period were phenomenal. Here are my top favorite movies that I recommend, which also have generally good english subtitles.
Hussar Ballad
A rare musical-comedy gem that I absolutely adore. Shura Azarova, a 17 year old girl joins the army to fight against Napoleon. Plot twist: She's pretending to be a guy and starts falling for a fellow soldier, who she actually engaged to but he has no idea that his new friend is actually a girl (she doesn't like him in the beginning and no wonder lmao). Has a lot of catchy numbers, especially давным давно/ a long time ago/ davnim davno. It may seem a little weird, but watch the first 10 minutes, I guarantee that it will not be a waste of your time.
2. Ivan Vassilvveich changes profession/Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future.
A scientist successfully creates a time-machine but accidentally sends his building's manager and a thief all the way back in time to Ivan IV The Terrible's reign, whilst sending the actual Tsar to the modern decade. Chaos ensues for all.
3. Prisoner of the Caucasus/Shurik's New Adventures/Kidnapping, Caucasian Style (I had no idea this movie had this many translations lol) A kind but naive student named Shurik goes to the Caucasus on vacation where he meets a young woman named Nina, who he ends up accidentally kidnapping (yes, he's that much of a dumbass but he was told that bride kidnapping is a tradition that Nina follows and God forbid that anyone uses this thing called communication). It works out in the end just as chaotically as it started.
4. The Garage A cooperative is planning on buliding a garage for its members except for it now has to be reduced and there won't be enough space for everyone so someone's going to be left out. The comitee ignores said members objections, so someone locks them in for the night leading to them spending the night locked inside the museum which is also the meeting spot. It's actually quite funny, despite the odd description, but I am writing it whilst extremely caffeinated so bear with me here.
5. Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia (Невероятные приключения итальянцев в России). A fantastic comedy. An elderly lady of soviet origin reveals to her grandaughter that there's a treasure buried in Leningrad. However, the wrong people hear about it, so they try to outwit each other in their race to Russia. Pretty funny, especially when the actual treasure hunting commences.
6. The Bremen Town Musicians An animated movie, but nonetheless deserving a mention. The troubadour with his gang of friends made from a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster travel around singing, until he meets a princess but the king doesn't approve of them etc. Pretty standard story, but the singing is amazing, especially Troubadours song "Luch solntsa zolotovo/Луч солнца золотого/ Beam of the Golden Sun" with the translation here sung by Muslim Magomayev who honestly deserves a separate post dedicated because his voice is amazing. The english subtitles are a bit iffy here, but nonethless it's worth a watch as it's only 20 or so minutes long.
7. The Mystery of the Third Planet Also an sci-fi animated movie, but the staple of my childhood. Captain Zelyoniy and Professor Seleznyoviy with his daughter go around various planets collecting new species for the zoo. However, on one of the planets they end up discovering something odd and before they know it, they're right in the middle of a conspiracy and a famous missing captain. Fantastic soundtrack and great animation.
There are many more movies that I'd definitely recommend, so this list will be updated sometime in the future.
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altairtalisman · 2 months
Hugh's Bio
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"That's right, I'm scared to fight! If that makes me Balwirk's enemy, then so be it!"
More details about Hugh is under the cut
Name: Hugh Netros
Age: 977
Height: 158.5 cm
Birthday: 22 Rexim 1045 (Hakha)
Orientation: Transgender Biromantic Demisexual Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Dullahan (formerly elf)
Title: The Seventh Dullahan
Country of Birth: Balwirk
Likes: Staying out of trouble, being in the background, hide and seek
Dislikes: Being involved in anything dangerous, being required to lead, cabbages
Hobbies: Nature walks, pottery
Personality: Cowardly and tends to stay in the background, he's never one to raise his opinion and would simply fade away from the social scene if he feels that it's not his scene... which is almost always. Despite that, he's self-aware of his flaws and takes it hard, hence the tendency to take responsibility as long it's nothing to do with taking a side
Style: Long sleeved uniforms accompanied with belts that have a hexagon-shaped buckle and a diamond metal piece attached at the end of the strap
Status: Alive
Abilities: Shadow manipulation, proficient with teleportation magic
Background: Growing up, Hugh experienced severe gender dysphoria which alienated him from his peers. Nonethless, his parents supported him and tried to help him by circumventing fashion norms in Balwirkian society such that he physically appeared to be male while still conforming to feminine fashion standards so that the backlash wouldn't be so harsh on a child. However, this barely helped as Hugh was still bullied by peers around his age, prompting him to fear getting involved with anything and opting to stay out of trouble in an attempt to protect himself
In 1093, he had an encounter with Hywel while the latter was busking Hugh quickly grew to admire due to their outright rejection of Balwirkian expectations and explicit comfort in being themselves regardless of what society says. This admiration soon became a crush which went unrequited after he learnt that Hywel identified as aromantic. Nonetheless, he managed to remain on cordial terms with the violinist and even learnt that Hywel was from Crex
In 1149, there were whispers of a radical group of elven researchers who sought ways to preserve life even after their heads had been severed from the neck. By Primna 1162, at least two thousand elves had been reported missing. While no bodies had been found, the general assumption was that those who went missing were dead. This scared Hugh, who feared that he would go missing and had his head cut off. His fear was realised when he was kidnapped by elven researchers and brought to the Soféinaiths' basement. While he tried to escape using his teleportation magic, he was caught before he could enter his portals and swiftly knocked out, awakening on an experimental table with him strapped down and tied in magic-draining restraints
After the researchers happily carved a number onto him while strangely expressing relief that he didn't seem to express pain throughout the experimentation, Hugh was then forced into the room Giselle was held in, the latter surprised at the sheer number of restraints he had and asked him about it. He responded that he could feel himself extremely drained of magic, eventually revealing that he could use teleportation magic when prompted. Giselle then shared her realisation that the restraints they had was to prevent them from using their magic, which meant that the researchers really didn't want them to escape and shut their experiment down
Soon, Hywel and Danielle were locked in the room with them. After sharing the numbers carved onto the back of their hands as well as their observations of the room outside theirs, it was discovered that between Giselle and Danielle, 13 years had passed which meant that they were locked inside for far longer than they thought. They were eventually freed by Aileen, who was in turn freed by Addyson due to her sound magic. Once they had made their escape, Hugh was prepared to teleport the survivors out of the Soféinaiths' basement but a good majority made it clear that they were willing to kill the elven researchers if it meant permanently ending the gruesome experiment. As such, a nauseous Hugh was forced to witness blood being shed across the basement as while he was afraid of blood and death, he didn't want to be seen as someone who was willing to let things be if it meant his safety. Hugh was then forced to defend himself by teleporting the researchers that came his way into the crossfire that the other dullahans were involved in, effectively causing the researchers' deaths and traumatising Hugh in the process
Once the dullahans had permanently ended the experiment, they kept the notes and studied it despite their distaste towards the entire act. Aileen was able to identify the flaws in the research notes, which cultivated in the alarmingly high mortality rate. Together with Eva, Hywel as well as Ilias' existing research on arcane magic, the trio was able to create a ritual that tapped onto Ratein's ley lines which made it safer to turn someone into a dullahan. Afterwards, they destroyed the original notes such that no one could ever attempt the cruel methods used to create dullahans again
Brianna and Danielle then pointed out that the very notion of turning someone into a dullahan was unthinkable, and sought to get an unanimous consensus that under no circumstances should the 16 turn others into dullahans unless the individual in question was prepared to bear the curse of being one. Hugh immediately agreed, for turning others into dullahans had consequences that he was most definitely not keen about
Though his parents welcomed him back with open arms, Hugh experienced harsher bullying from his peers and occasionally had his head kicked around by them. On 23 Tivere 1208, Hywel informed him that he would be leaving Balwirk and move to the Mekalza Empire after learning about the empire's cruelty. The Tenth Dullahan then invited Hugh to travel to the Mekalza Empire together, but the latter refused as he was afraid to get involved with the empire. This disappointed Hywel, and he left a week later. For the next few centuries, Hugh worked at Relnivon's harbour and was responsible for overseeing shipments towards the Mekalza Empire, who was a staunch ally of the Unois Empire. He eventually saved enough to afford Corportus and by 1678, his physical appearance reflected his gender identity
On 6 Alstas 1694, news of Hywel's death reached the Unois Empire. He soon learnt from Eva, who had secretly assisted them during her time in the Mekalza Empire, that the shipments Hugh personally oversaw were supplies that the Mekalzan rebels received. Horrified that someone he considered a friend had risked his life, Hugh resigned from his job and decided to take odd jobs in Balwirk in a bid to distance himself from the dangers that the Unois Empire presented while remaining close to his parents
Three months after Finbar's death, the Balwirkian War started which threatened his efforts to stay out of danger. Even worse was his parents participating in the war effort, which worried him as he didn't want his loved ones to be in danger. In Vierum 1706, Danielle had approached him and begged him to use his teleportation magic to benefit the war effort. Hugh was reluctant but upon recalling that the Fourteenth Dullahan saved his parents in 1561, he felt indebted and thus agreed to transport potential survivors to Danielle
On 18 Rexim 1706, he had encountered Aileen and Brianna's corpses on the battlefield. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do as he knew that Brianna was loved by everyone at the orphanage and Aileen was Danielle's lifelong friend and seeing xem dead would crush yon. He eventually decided to bring their bodies back to yon, who promptly informed him to find Emmet as while Eva was still breathing, she didn't have long to live and as such, wanted her husband to see her as quickly as possible. Hugh eventually found a wounded Emmet in a ditch and created a portal beneath him that transported him to where Eva was
After Danielle had informed Emmet about Eva's condition and left them alone, Hugh approached yon and promptly informed yon that he had repaid his debt and will no longer be involved in the Balwirkian War. Danielle agreed, admitting that the war would likely be over in less than a week due to the losses incurred on both sides. Together with yon, they oversaw the construction of Aocite Cemetery on the battlefield and ensured that all bodies were given labelled tombstones. Hugh then decided to take up the role as the cemetery's sole groundskeeper as a way to atone for the lives lost, though Danielle reassured him that he was valid for staying out of the war. In 1758, he was sought out by Berine who asked if she could stay with him as she knew that Hugh wanted to stay out of conflict, with the Seventh Dullahan agreeing as he understood that the Sixth Dullahan was tired of blood being shed
Berine proceeded to move out in Alstas 1772 after Giselle sought her out for her spying services. On 31 Dia'ae 1864, he was at a loss when Giselle's body was sent to the cemetery in pieces, and didn't know if she wanted to be buried in the cemetery. Hugh decided to ask Berine if she knew about the whereabouts of Giselle's daughter, the latter responding that her daughter had died several centuries prior and her son-in-law was in no position to handle the news that the mother of the woman he loved died recently. Hugh then decided to bury her in the cemetery with others who died during the rebellions, ensuring that her tombstone displayed her information clearly
On 4 Primna 1865, the Unois Empire officially fell and numerous bodies were brought to the cemetery, including The First and Eighth Dullahans'. Initially planning to bury Cain with everyone else despite knowing his position in the war, Addyson intervened and bitterly reminded him that Cain was the reason why so many of their friends died, imploring him to let his body rot elsewhere. Not wanting a decaying corpse near the cemetery but also wanting to respect Addyson's wishes, Hugh decided to sell what was left of Cain's body to interested dryads as they valued non-dryads as nutrients for the soil. The Bydroese dryads eventually bought Cain's body, though he was unnerved by how interested they were in Cain
From then till present day, Hugh remains as Aocite Cemetery's caretaker even though he knows that it is but a feeble attempt to alleviate his regrets and grief towards those who lost their lives in the fight for Balwirk's freedom...
Former Appearance:
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violet-dragongirl · 6 months
Raspberry charcoal navy and lilac :)
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In response to Raspberry: Alright, lemme get my gear...and some cake...cos we do have to ask what the fuck is this all about before we fight them. In response to Charcoal: I will say in yes a modest way, that sometimes they're flawed and...reactive and some need polishing while others are like...extremely niche. But I thank you nonethless when we do converse about stuff and that I cannot take away that you've given me this colour dot. Also working a grill is harder than it looks but omg when you find a way to cook up some really awesome tasting burgers and then keep at it and improve and learn to do it even BETTER with a better grill and tools...*chef kiss*...the cooking never stops.
In response to Navy: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰. I don't have words for that response just emotion and I thank you so much <3 <3
In response to Lilac: 🥺🥺🥺awwww thank you thank you thank you thank you 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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kiss-my-freckle · 6 months
It pisses me off that Vicki gets more hate for dating Jeremy from hypocritical Stefan fans cause of their age difference and her being a senior but they make so many excuses for Stefan. They say things like Vicki wasn't a vampire when she started dating Jeremy so she can't be held to the same standards in a fantasy show as Stefan. They say that Stefan dating Elena is fine even though he's 163 years old at the start of the show because he turned a few months before his 18th birthday even though Stefan has referred to himself as 163 years old or more multiple times in the show, especially when he celebrates his birthday. He may be physically 17, though he definitely looks older than that, but he is mentally older based on his life experiences. He's been in love and slept with more people than Elena did before and after dating him, has held numerous jobs, studied at Ivy League schools, traveled the world, lived independently for a long time, served in the military, etc. His best friend Lexi turned in her 20s. Some of their conversations show the gap in the eras they were born in so why can't they ever hold Stefan accountable for anything. When Stelena were making out in bed an episode before Elena found out Stefan was a vampire they couldn't escalate things further because of Stefan's bloodlust. I've also seen people argue that Stefan hiding his vampirism from Elena, Ivy, and the other women he's been physically involved with in some way or another isn't a big deal and they compare it to cheaters hiding their martial status which is a dumb argument since he's inherently a predator as a vampire regardless of his beliefs but nonethless he personally has two extreme personalities as one. I feel so bad for Ivy and how he preyed on her for a long time to make himself feel human and once she turned into a vampire due to his negligence and found out about his truth too late he basically toss her aside and Caroline had to try cleaning up his mess. Many Stefan stans infantilize Stefan and say Katherine was 400 years old and preyed on a 17 year old even though she was about 19 when she turned but don't hold him accountable for him sleeping with Elena and other high school girls. Stefan stans say shit like stan Stefan for staking Vicki, though most of them completely blame Damon for it. I've started stanning Vicki out of spite.
Fans are really ignorant to the truth of the matter. I don't know where Mystic Falls is supposed to be located according to the show, but if it's in Virginia, the age of consent is 15 and Vicki is still in high school.
Age isn't just a number. It's about how that number differentiates two people. Stefan isn't 17, his body is. As far as I'm concerned, a mere shell holding everything within. Knowledge and experience in EVERY aspect of life. A common question older people are asked. "If you could give your younger self advice, what would it be?" That's what age gives. Not your body, but your actual life experience. Stefan has an insane amount as you've stated. He's 163 years old, not 17. I have a son with autism, so I speak from a parent's perspective. Age works both ways, so while a 16 year old could act like they're 30, a 30 year old could act like they're 16. I'm gonna tell you the one thing Stefan has that his 163 years gave him. Power over Elena. His education alone, like a teacher dating his student. Worse (by far) for Stefan to date Elena than for Vicki to date Jeremy. Fans like to act as if Stefan was 12 when he paired with Katherine, but no. He was older than Jeremy when he met her.
Damon and Stefan have a lot of shared blame. Vicki's death is one of them and they do it on purpose. Stefan starved Damon. I don't think fans realize just how close he was to being a living corpse. He was so weak that he collapsed in Vicki's arms. Damon tells it like it is. Stefan wanted to stop Elena from learning their truth, and because Damon was locked in the cellar and couldn't give her that, she got it from other characters like Logan and the old man. That's why Damon flat-out said, "Stefan finally fessed up." Their vampirism wasn't a truth that Elena deserved to know, but actually needed to know because their secret literally kills. The writers have done everything they can to hammer in the fact that vampires are predators. They're never truly safe for humans. I honestly don't know what I feel about Vicki, but I do know she has a huge parallel with Elena that I plan to put together sometime soon. And you're right, Stefan didn't have to kill her. I believe he chose to because he was afraid she'd be a ripper like him, and he didn't wanna deal with that.
Fans comparing Stefan hiding his vampirism to hiding his marital status is absurd, and only goes to show how inexperienced they are. The real truth of Stefan hiding his vampirism from Elena is shown in the show itself. He might as well have compelled her into a relationship with him, and he was gaslighting her while he did it. Unknowingly inviting a blood junkie ripper vampire into her bed is a million times more dangerous to Elena than unknowingly inviting a married man into her bed. Stefan's secret is like a deadly plague. He put Elena at extreme physical and emotional risk, put it that way. Ivy was an insanely gorgeous repeat of the truth. As Cade kindly pointed out, never meeting her was protecting her. That would be Damon, and the reason I point out his every action in the pilot episode.
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firsttarotreader · 1 year
Heya! since there's a few others "astrology anons" I guess I'll have to find another moniker 🤭 I'm the astrologer one (not at all saying the others don't understand about astrology, is just that my second job is as an actual astrologer, I make a bit of money with it 😊). This is gonna be long so I apologize in advance 😅 I just read the anon who share some knowledge about the Lilith aspect and I thought I could complement a little bit. First of all, yes, that person's knowledge was right and it is quite revolting for someone who invested money in studying astrology and was taught by a AMAZING astrologer (with nonethless than 50 years of experience) to see this topic become a very discussed one on the internet… but in the wrong way 😑 you do a quick research and find a sea of results, but 98% of them contain loads of bullshit. Articles extremely focused on s*x or bad traits just to gather views for the website and, of course that would happen with such a complex aspect as the Lilith. The other anon summed up the whole thing pretty well so I'm not gonna add too much just, since this is a Pedro blog, a little something about the man's Lilith: his being in pisces could have gave him a lot of spirituality necessity. He could be a person who would benefit GREATLY of having a well worked spirituality because his 'dark side' asks for it since he could be someone who can get consumed by his (and mainly from the one's around him) low-vibrational feelings. Does therapy could help? of course, but pisces is such a spirtuality driven sign, it's just inherent in them, even if they do therapy, working their spirituality is fundamental. And you noticed how I used "could" throughout my analysis, right? I did it 'cause in my experience since Lilith is about our 'dark side' a lot of people have this aspect "buried" in their personalities, as in they don't deal with it at all, they don't even know they carry it, and that could be P's case. So, just to wrap up, one last advice: if a person wants to talk about astrology with confidence go do a quality astrology course (which is not cheap, rightfully so). Google (as well as the infamous tiktok cited by the other anon), save for one or two forums, is astrology for bored people at work (or at home). Between that and Buzzfeed tests, I'd choose the latter 😂
Thank you for your contribution, anon! And you know, glad to have you and my other Astrology anons here because I have been seeing “certain people” out there acting like they know Astrology all of a sudden to fit their own narratives! 🤭🤭🤭 True knowledge is always the way!! 💜
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5thmarauderwrites · 4 years
The Thin Line Between Loathe and Desire — James Potter x Reader [Part I] | Request.
Requests are: OPEN.
Requested by Anonymous: “Could you do a James x gryffindor reader where they have a sort of rivalry because she keeps going around to ruin the marauders pranks since she doesn’t believe in Slytherins being ‘evil’. 💖💖 “.
Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Gryffindor Reader.
Word Count: 4,9K
Warnings: Just cursing.
A/N: i LOVE a good enemies to lovers trope and i REALLY got carried away with this request lol i’m still finishing up the next part but since it took me a while to write this and the nonnie who requested it is basically waiting forever now, i decided to release the first part nonethless. hope you all enjoy it! :)
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A delicious and inviting smell of food was coming from the Great Hall as the four Marauders crossed the main hallway of the castle in the direction of the door on the right side of the Entrance Hall, which guarded the stone steps that descended deep into the dungeons, where their destination, the Slytherin Dungeon, laid. The sun had already set and the thousands of corridors that made up the imposing fortress of Hogwarts were now empty and silent as the students lodged inside their own Common Rooms, resting from the exhausting day of classes and not so patiently waiting for the last and welcomed meal before they could tug themselves into their comfortable beds.
“The feast is starting soon,” Remus nagged as the boys tiptoed their way down the stone steps, feeling the air get a little chillier the deeper they went. As much as Remus loved his friends and not-so-secretly enjoyed playing harmless pranks in the other students, he couldn’t deny that James was taking things way too far this time.
“Yes, Moony, that’s exactly why we’re heading down into their nest right now!” The boy with untidy black hair that stuck up at the back retorted with an extremely pleased smile. “We’ll caught the snakes off guard by surprising them whilst they’re leaving their hole and L/N won’t be there to ruin our prank this time.”
“And here we go! Took you long enough to bring the name of your lover into our conversation Prongs,” Sirius teased with a lopsided grin as he eyed the darkness ahead of them. Remus and Peter both barked a laugh at Sirius’ words.
“Sod off, would ya Pads?” James growled, narrowing his eyes as he glared in Sirius’ direction. “It’s not my bloody fault that this – this – annoying, pretentious human being keeps ruining our fun repeatedly!”
“Oh mate, she doesn’t ruin my fun, quite the opposite actually,” Sirius grinned as he winged a brow at his best friend. “It’s extremely amusing to watch you two together.”
“I’ll have to agree with Padfoot,” Remus said as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his trousers and shrugged lightly, a playful smile playing across his lips.
James pursed his lips and chose to ignore his best friends as the boys arrived at the end of the long staircase, facing a vast and gloomy stone corridor hedged with detailed stoned pillars and armours ahead of them. He despised Y/N L/N with all the strength he could muster, ever since she ruined what was supposed to be the Marauders’ most epic prank on their first year at Hogwarts. Just the mere thought of the y/h/c girl made his blood boil inside his veins and his heart pick up its beating pace. How could a smart, daring and sassy Gryffindor like herself stand up for Slytherins with such enthusiasm to the point of fighting with her own housemates? James could never understand how Y/N could possibly reckon that “not all Slytherins are evil” when the majority of you-know-who’s followers emerged – and keep emerging – from this very house. The boy had spent countless nights thinking about it, but that was something he would never admit aloud.
“Mate, are you listening?” Sirius’ hand rested on James’ shoulder as the latter blinked repeatedly, trying to focus on his surroundings as he was slowly snapping out of his thoughts.
“Yeah,” James mumbled, realising they were now standing in front of the blank stone wall that led to the Slytherin Common Room. “Where’s the bucket? Wormy, do you have it?” He asked with a firmly and more confident tone of voice.
“I do, Prongs!” Peter smirked mischievously whilst lifting a bucket filled with a silver, enchanted paint that shone alluringly despite of the dim light.
James and Sirius’ features lightened up at the sight, a feeling of pure excitement washing over their bodies as their minds anticipated in a very vivid picture what was about to come. Remus, however, wasn’t as nearly as pleased and happy as his friends; his face held a deep frown and the disapproval was crystal clear in his eyes as he shook his head negatively, severely glaring at his three best friends.
“Do you really think this is necessary?” The brown-haired boy asked, trying to dissolve the boys from their terrible idea one last time.
“Seriously, Moony? This is our best prank yet, we’re making history here!” Sirius exclaimed with a scolding tone, bouncing his hands in the air.
“History?” Remus asked incredulously, winging his eyebrows whilst his eyes widened. “How is writing ‘Death Eater Wannabe’ in people’s foreheads history?”
“We won’t be writing it Moony, we’ll be painting it,” Peter mockingly corrected him, a lopsided grin on his lips.
“Indeed, Wormy!” James wrapped Peter’s shoulders with his arm. “Besides, their faces will be painted with the Gryffindor colours first; the phrase that shows their true selves will only appear if they try to wash the scarlet and gold away.” He shrugged, a proud grin on.
“Sure, because a Slytherin would definitely wear their rival house colours with pride,” Remus scoffed, rolling his eyes. “It’s only obvious that they’ll try and wash it immediately!”
“Now that is not our fault, is it?” Sirius barked a laugh, earning a glare from Remus. “Lighten up a bit, would ya Moony? The paint will only last three days, the snakes will be fine.”
“Pad’s right! It’s just a fun, harmless prank; you don’t have to go full L/N on us, alright?” James grinned as he pushed his glasses higher up the bridge of his nose, shrugging lightly in the process.
“Mate, that’s the second time you talk about her in less than ten minutes, are you really sure you loathe the girl at all?” Sirius teased, squeezing James’ shoulder playfully and wiggling his brows.
“Fuck off, Padfoot!” James hissed as he shoved Sirius’ hand off his shoulder. “Let’s put our plan in motion.”
Sirius nodded, a glint of teasing still in his eyes as he stared at James with a playful defiance. After a while, he turned his attention to Peter. “Did you manage to squeeze their password from that twat Slytherin that was in detention with you yesterday?”
“I did!” Peter answered proudly and gave the raven-haired boy a small nod, clearly satisfied with himself. “I just had to brag about Gryffindor having the most creative and unobvious passwords and he quickly told me theirs and rambled about Slytherin’s cunningness.”
“Wicked, Wormy!” James bumped his fist against Peter’s shoulder in a congratulatory way, a wide smile on his face. “Very good! I think you should do the honours.” He added, winking mischievously and pointing to the stone bricks in front of them.
Peter grinned and straightened his robes as he solemnly stood in front of the wall, clearing his throat in the process. “Pure-blood” He said and a stone door concealed in the wall slid open, revealing a long passage that led to the Slytherin Common Room.
The boys hurried to carefully shut the door close before any Slytherin student could notice them lurking. From the quick glance they took around before that, they felt the room held quite a cold atmosphere, with all the flickering green lights coming from the greenish lamps that hung on chains.
“That’s quite a scary place,” Peter said weakly as a terrified frown took over his features. He was clutched at the back of Sirius’ robes.
“That’s just a Common Room, Wormtail,” Sirius said, shaking his robes so the boy would let go of it.
“A Death Eaters’ Common Room,” James shrugged, scrunching his face.
“Godric, you three are unbelievable,” Remus shook his head as he lowered it down a bit, massaging the bridge of his nose with his fingers and closing his eyes for a slight moment.
Smirking, James flickered his wand at the bucket filled with enchanted paint that Peter had put down on the floor. “Wingardium Leviosa!” The bucket flew graciously above their heads and stopped itself carefully right upon the Slytherin Common Room door. James’ devilish grin grew wider as he eyed his doing proudly.
“Come on! Let’s hide behind that pillar,” the Gryffindor Quidditch captain nodded to a carved stone pillar on their left that provided a wide viewing from the entrance of the Slytherin Common Room.
The other three Marauders signalled their agreement by nodding at him and quickly ran into hiding. James soon followed them, his wand still carefully pointed to the paint bucket. The boys – except from Remus – leaned forward expectantly, eagerly watching the door and waiting for their first victim to cross the portal.
“And,” Sirius sang, glancing at his watch whilst bouncing on his toes. “Any minute now.”
When the door swung open and the four boys eyed the little Slytherin crowd ready to make their way out, James promptly straightened himself up, waiting for them to cross the doorstep before he could turn the bucket upside-down and, therefore, maximize the casualties. At the perfect moment, the boy with hazel eyes and unruly black hair lowered his wand as quickly as he could; ready to watch the Slytherins being bathed in the magical paint. That, however, didn’t happen. The bucket stood still, floating above the door as the students passed by below it, marching in the direction of the Great Hall.
“What’s going on? Why isn’t the bucket moving?” Sirius frowned.
“I don’t know!” James answered exasperatedly, wielding his wand to the bucket and mumbling each and every spell he could possibly think of, but nothing seemed to work.
Remus did his best to suppress a laughter as James, Sirius and Peter hopelessly watched the last Slytherin student crossing the portal, closing the door behind him and waiting until it disappeared into the wall to walk away. Like the others that passed through the doorstep before him, he didn’t seem to have noticed the suspicious bucket that floated above his head.
“What the bloody hell happened?” James asked incredulously at no one in particular, coming off from behind the pillar and stopping underneath the bucket, angrily glancing at it.
Before anyone could say anything, a wicked cackle echoed through the now empty dungeon corridor and the bucket turned upside down, spilling its entire content on James, who unsuccessfully tried to shield himself with his arms.
A loud, amused laughter grabbed the attention of the Marauders as Y/N L/N emerged from behind an armour. “Nice job Peeves!” The girl exclaimed at the school poltergeist, her arms crossed across her chest whilst she leaned against the wall.
“Always a pleasure to ruin Potter’s day, L/N!” Peeves bowed theatrically, his wicked, dark eyes twinkling and his wide mouth curling up into an evil smirk.
The initial shock wearing off, Sirius barked a laugh as the poltergeist flew off the dungeons and sang cursing verses to James in the process. James glared at the raven-haired boy before turning his attention to Y/N, his fists clenched and his body – covered in the glowy enchanted paint that was slowly turning scarlet and gold – trembling with anger.
“You!” James hissed, narrowing his eyes at the y/h/c girl as he slowly started to walk in her direction.
“Me!” She teased with a grin, tilting her head back in a defiant gesture and winging her eyebrows.
“What in the bloody hell are you doing here, L/N?” He spat, getting closer to her.
“What do you think? Stopping another one of your stupid, reckless actions,” the girl retorted, pursing her lips and clenching her fists as she met James halfway.
The two stared intensely and angrily into the other’s eyes, noses and bodies almost touching as their features and shoulders tensed up with the proximity. Their fists tightened their grips as Y/N’s perfume invaded James’ nostrils and the smell of his shampoo and shaving lotion flooded her sense of smell. James could feel her hot breath dancing across the skin of his face, making it tingle and flooding him with its warmth as he did his best not to break eye contact and, therefore, lose their little battle for dominance.
“Oh, the sexual tension!” Sirius exclaimed after a while of steamy silence and James and Y/N could hear the satisfied grin in his voice. “That’s hot!”
“Sod off, Black!” The girl hit back in an outraged tone, still not backing away from James and his intense stare.
“Excuse you? Now you’ve wounded me!” The boy answered, theatrically leading his hand to his heart.
Y/N and James ignored Sirius as they seemed to be lost in each other, fuming with what they’d describe as mutually rooted, profound loathing.
“How did you know about this?” The hazel-eyed boy asked, breathing heavily. James could feel the air becoming heavier and harder to be inhaled.
“How could I not? Your big ego and self-gloating aren’t exactly discreet, you arrogant twat,” Y/N frowned deeply.
“I am an arrogant twat? I?” He cried out, getting closer to Y/N, his nose brushing against hers.
The girl jumped slightly with his sudden move but quickly recomposed herself, making sure he wouldn’t notice it. “Well, obviously.”
“I’m not the one walking around thinking that I’m so much better than everyone else, sweetheart,” he spat in response.
“Do I think I’m better than everyone else? No. Do I think I’m better than you? Definitely,” the Gryffindor girl took another step toward him, and now not only their noses were brushing against the other, but their bodies were almost glued together. James felt a tingling sensation on the back of his neck.
“Are you two going to kiss?” Peter asked confusedly, blinking repeatedly as he looked back and forth between Y/N and James.
“NO!” The two rivals groaned in unison, turning their heads in Peter’s direction at the same time and unwillingly backing away from each other.
“It definitely seemed like you would though,” Remus smirked, amused, as he tilted his head.
“Oh, fuck you, Remus John! I’m way out of this daft dimbo’s league,” Y/N rolled her eyes at her sandy-haired friend.
“I’m the one way out of your league, L/N!” James frowned, poking his tongue slightly into his cheek, clearly offended.
Y/N glared at James from head to toe with complete disdain. “I suggest you go clean yourself up, Potter. Or maybe not, if you don’t want to have Death Eater Wannabe written on your forehead,” the girl laughed before turning on her heels and walk up the corridor in the direction of the staircase, leaving a huffing James behind.
“That girl is a fucking genius,” Sirius said nonchalantly as he eyed the y/h/c Gryffindor climbing up the steps.
“Genius? She’s a nosy know-it-all who thinks she’s above everyone else!” James spat in response.
“Oh come on, Prongs! Even you have to admit that your girlfriend was bloody brilliant using Peeves to prank you with your own prank,” he grinned lopsidedly.
James in fact agreed with Sirius, but he would never admit that. “She’s not my fucking girlfriend, would you stop with that?” he gritted, clenching his jaw.
 James massaged his forehead with one of his hands, rubbing the place where the phrase Peeves Rocks was written in shimmery gold, mentally thanking the damn poltergeist for having changed his original spell a bit, as he laid in his bed. He much rather having this written down than Death Eater Wannabe, that was for sure. Actually, he preferred to have succeeded with his plan and having his forehead clean and normal, but thanks to L/N that wasn’t possible. Once again, strong emotions took him by assault as the girl crossed his mind for the hundredth time in the past hour.
“I can’t believe her, seriously. Did you see the satisfied smirk she had on her face when Peeves dropped the paint on me? She’s so bloody infuriating!” James frowned, steading himself on his elbows so he could glance at his friends, who had been chatting about something he wasn’t paying attention to.
The boys rolled their eyes, immediately knowing that that would be a very long rant. “And here we go again,” Remus groaned, covering his face with his pillow.
“Who does she think she is? She’s no queen of the enchanted land of Hogwarts,” James pursed his lips as he went on.
“Bloody hell Prongs, just ask the girl out so you can both relieve that sexual tension that has been tormenting you two for years now and move the fuck on,” Sirius grinned, as amusedly as he always did when teasing his friend about the topic in discussion.
James aimed for Sirius’ face and threw his pillow with all the strength he could muster, but the grey-eyed Black boy dodged it easily. “Fuck you.”
Sirius barked a laugh and soon, Remus and Peter joined him, all of them teasing their hazel-eyed friend. James flashed his middle finger at the three boys, an annoyed frown on his face.
“She’s extremely nice, you know,” Remus said nonchalantly as he crossed his arms behind his head. “And quite similar to you.”
“Not to mention she’s bloody hot,” Sirius shrugged, winging his brows.
“Why don’t you date her then?” James asked grumpily.
“Oh I’ve tried mate, but sadly, that girl never fell for my charm,” Sirius answered thoughtfully. “Besides, I would never go for my brother’s girl.” He added with an innocent smile and a wink as he climbed off his bed and hurried to the bathroom door.
James quickly followed his steps but Sirius was faster, getting inside the bathroom and locking its door before the hazel-eyed boy could catch him.
“I swear to Godric that the next time you imply I’m interested in her in the slightest I’ll bloody hex you, Padfoot!” James shouted, smashing one of his hands rather strongly against the wooden door.
“Well, truth hurts, doesn’t it Prongs?” Sirius’ muffled voice teased him from behind the door.
“Padfoot, I’m warning you…” James bumped the door once again amidst the loud sound of laughter coming not only from Sirius but from Remus and Peter as well.
“You’re late, Mr Potter!” Flitwick scolded a breathlessly James as the boy opened the door of the Charms classroom after clearly running through the hallways trying to make it to class in time.
“Sorry, Professor,” the boy answered, glancing around and noticing that the only available seat was next do Y/N L/N. He immediately rolled his eyes.
“Come along,” Flitwick motioned for James to come in. “We're experimenting with Nonverbal Spells today, we've already divided into pairs – you can sit next to Miss L/N and work with her.”
Knowing it was pointless to argue with the Professor, James nodded and dragged himself with a shuffling gait to the table he was assigned to, not bothering to hide his unpleasantness.
“Hi, Potter!” The girl teased, a wry smile on her lips, as James seated next to her. “Glad to see you’re feeling well! Heard you got a nasty food poisoning that took you off classes for the past three days.”
James’ face was immediately taken over by a profoundly annoyed frown, Y/N knew very well that she was the reason he had been unable to attend classes. “The only poisoning thing in this castle is you, darling.”
Y/N laughed and faked a pout at him before turning her attention back to Flitwick, who was explaining how the pairing would work in this specific lesson.
“For today’s lesson we’ll be using the Mending Charm!” Flitwick exclaimed excitedly. “This charm, as you know, repairs broken objects. You have a shrunken desk in front of you with four broken legs. Each one of you will be responsible to mend two of them and you’ll compete against your own pair. Let’s begin!”
The class hurriedly started to work on their legs, everyone eager to be the first to succeed. Y/N straightened herself in her seat and graciously grabbed her wand from the table.
“This is going to be a piece of cake!” She said cheerfully, purposefully wanting to annoy James.
“You think you can beat me, L/N?” The boy quirked a brow.
“I don’t think I can, I know so,” Y/N gave him a skewed smile.
James huffed in response whilst rolling his eyes. There was no way he was going to let her win.
Non-verbal spells were very difficult and required a good deal of practice, concentration and mental discipline, which made performing them successfully particularly even more difficult for teenagers. The entire class was noticeably having a hard time; even Lily Evans, who were one of the brightest students from their year, was looking like she was constipated due to the amount of effort she was putting into her attempts.
“You alright there, Potter?” Y/N asked sarcastically when she noticed a swelled vein popping on his forehead as he tried for the umpteenth time to repair the legs of the shrunken desk.
“Would you mind your own business? At least I’m trying to do something here, unlike you,” James hissed in response. “Have you given up already?”
Y/N just smiled wryly at him and turned her head to the little desk, flickering her wand. The two broken legs on her end clicked together and half of the desk was standing again, two of its legs perfectly fine.
“Look, everyone! Miss L/N successfully performed the first non-verbal spell in the class! Well done, Y/N!” Flitwick clapped his little hands excitedly.
“You were saying?” Y/N teased James with a triumphant look on her face.
“You obviously cheated!” The hazel-eyed boy spat in annoyance.
“Excuse you? It’s called talent; I don’t need to cheat to beat you!” She retorted, offended.
“Yeah, right! You used some non-verbal spell that we weren’t supposed to just so mine wouldn’t work, admit it!”
“Oh, sod off Potter! Stop being a sore loser!”
“Here we go again,” Marlene McKinnon sighed from her seat, rolling her eyes like the rest of the students.
Y/N and James engaged on a fiery argument for the short rest of the class, much to the amusement of Sirius and to the dismay of Flitwick and the majority of their classmates. The two Gryffindors seemingly missed the ring of the bell that announced the end of the class and also the students leaving the classroom one by one, as once again they were too wrapped on each other to be aware of their surroundings.
“Should we tell them the class is over?” Peter asked Flitwick unsurely, as they eyed Y/N and James from the Professor’s desk, Sirius and Remus with them.
Flitwick sighed, shaking his head in defeat. “No, let them be,” he answered, starting to walk away from the classroom and motioning for the boys to follow him.
The full moon wasn’t gentle in the slightest with Remus. He had a particularly rougher time last night and his whole body ached with deep, fresh scars. Clotted blood covered the scratches and cuts as he laid on a bed in the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey had cleaned his scars and applied a potion to help with the pain and the healing process but the boy was still suffering nonetheless.
“How is he?” Y/N stormed in, asking no one in particular as she clutched into a piece of the bed curtains, frowning worriedly.
“Hey, Y/N/N. I’m ok,” Remus answered weakly with a smile on his face, trying to sit up.
“No, no, no! Stay still!” The Gryffindor girl hurried to stop him. “Godric, I was so worried! I was waiting for Sirius’ note to know if you were okay but it never came.”
“Sorry about that, he had a rough night and we couldn’t leave his side. This full moon was particularly hard on him,” Sirius apologized, rubbing her back gently as he tried to comfort her.
“Wait, does she know about Moony’s condition?” James scrunched his nose incredulously.
“Of course I do, you twat. He’s one of my closest friends,” Y/N glared at James with despise.
“Please, would you two behave yourselves and try not to fight this time? Your arguments are more painful than all of these scars combined,” Remus joked, groaning in pain as he tried to switch his position.
“Oh, come on, Moony! They’re quite fun to watch,” Sirius grinned lopsidedly, offering his hand to Remus so he could help him.
“I do agree myself,” Peter laughed, mockingly shrugging his shoulders and pouting.
Y/N rolled her eyes and waited until the boys were chatting distractedly before walking over to James, who stood a little further to them. She had a thoughtful expression and her brows were furrowed as she approached him, fiddling with her fingers furiously. James had been studying her every move curiously and noticed Y/N was uncommonly anxious, finding it strange that the overly confident girl was displaying such an unusual behaviour. The boy with unruly black hair widened his hazel eyes in shock when she suddenly leaned in the direction of his face, his figure becoming painfully aware of their proximity. An involuntary electrical current awakened his now tensed body whilst a lump started to take form in his throat, but James brushed the odd feeling with a quick shake of his head.
“What? I’m not going to bite you,” she grimaced impatiently at the flustered boy.
“Well, you leaned in out of the blue, I’m sorry if I was surprised!” He retorted with embarrassment, rubbing the back of his neck and hoping that the heat he felt on his cheeks didn’t mean he was blushing.
Y/N furrowed her brows at his response, but her features slowly relaxed and a playful smile took over her lips as his words sank in. “James Potter, did you think I was going to kiss you?” She quirked her brows amusedly as she teased him, crossing her arms across her chest. “Not even in your wildest dreams, sweetheart.”
“As if I would ever dream about you,” he huffed, rolling his eyes. “What do you want?” He asked in a cold and harsh tone of voice.
“We need to talk,” she said, once again looking anxious. Y/N grabbed his arm and dragged him to a distant bed, closing the curtains that surrounded it and turning around to face a very confused James.
“Have you ever heard of the Wolfsbane Potion?” Y/N almost spat the words as she fiddled with her fingers, gazing at the floor.
“Wolf what?” James frowned in confusion, tilting his head a little.
“Why doesn’t it surprise me?” Y/N rolled her eyes, the confidence seemingly returning to her snarky self. “The Wolfsbane Potion, it’s a relatively newly formulated potion that relieves, but does not cure, the symptoms of lycanthropy.” She explained, this time staring into James’ eyes.
“Meaning?” James shrugged crankily, crossing his arms across his chest. He had no idea what she meant discussing potions with him after a long and tiring full moon. Maybe this was a prank of some sort?
“Godric, are you really that daft?” She grimaced incredulously. “Meaning that the transformation wouldn’t be as nearly as painful for Remus as it currently is. This potion will allow him to hold on to his mental faculties after becoming Moony.”
“Hold on, are you telling me that Moony would be a werewolf but still think and behave like himself? That would be awesome! I didn’t know that it was possible!” James’ features lightened up. “He would finally stop beating himself up for things he can’t control.”
“Exactly!” She smirked, nodding excitedly. “He deserves that more than anyone I could ever think of.”
“For once I agree with you, L/N,” James winged his eyebrows, a lopsided grin on. “How do we brew this?”
“I’m sorry, we?” Y/N frowned, the smile slowly fading from her lips. “This potion could be extremely dangerous if incorrectly concocted so, I’m sorry, but your average Potions skills aren’t fit for this task.”
“Average?” The boy huffed, displeased. “And I suppose yours are?” He asked with despise.
“Precisely,” Y/N shrugged, the ends of her lips curling up in a wry smile. “I received an Exceeds Expectations in my O.W.L.s.”
“Oh, yeah, because you’re so much better than the rest of us plain mortals,” James sneered in a mean tone of voice, his face completely disgusted. “Tell me, is this potion even real or did you just thought it would be fun to prank me by using one of the people I care about the most to humiliate me?”
Y/N frowned in shock as her mouth fell open and James felt bad almost immediately, noticing the hurt clear in her y/e/c eyes. “Do you think I’d ever toy with Remus’ life like that? He is my best friend too you egocentric – arrogant twat!” She spat, pursing her lips and clenching her fists with a slow, disbelieving head shake.
“Look, I‘m- I’m sorry ok? I know you wouldn’t,” he heaved a sigh, massaging his forehead as he let his head fall into his hand. “How can I help?” He added after a few minutes of silence, shoving his hands into his pockets and staring into Y/N’s eyes.
“I’ll accept your apology, only because I’ll need you to help Remus,” Y/N said, lifting her chin up as she glared displeased at James. “First, we’ll have to enter the restricted section of the library.”
James nodded thoughtfully as the two of them unsurely eyed the other.
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startanewdream · 2 years
hiiii mah, finally finished reading part3 of bury it and what a journey that was!! i absolutely love what you did with the story there. the marauders helping the order nonethless, all the horcruxe search, even adding regulus that was so cool (almost killing sirius in the cave was not tho)
the foreshadowing with peter was so well done!! all his (not so) subtle comments about magic, the comparison with petunia or again when he fell on his knees during the train battle and begged voldy he'd do everything.... at first i was really wondering if you'd go this way or not and then came all these elements and that was obvious it would come but it was just so well brought and wrote
and then the end, that was phenomenal! when james got the call about remus' accident i was like TRAP TRAP TRAP but well, he didn't listen. for a moment, i was really convinced you would kill him or lily by the end but i'm extremely happy you didn't (even though i just know you must have thought about doing it). and the final fight was so epic: sirius fighting the imperius, JAMES FINDING THE SWORD OF GRYFFINDOR (i screamed at this), the open end about nagini, and well simply lily's love for both james and harry.
anyways, one more time i'm a huge fan of your work and how you're writing jily, so i hope you will continue with all those great ideas of yours. have the best day <3333
Ahhh, I took a while to answer this because spoilers, but I wanted to say how I am beaming ever since reading it! <3
Thank you so much for joining this ride!
I wanted to give the Marauders a chance to shine, and a huge point of this story was about how being a muggle didn't make anyone less valuable (something that Voldemort didn't understand and Dumbledore underestimated to a point). I'm so glad you enjoyed Peter's arc!
Sirius got real close to have Regulus' faith for symbolism, and, well, so did James for the same reason - yeah, I thought about it *a lot*! But instead we got the sword and James' unofficial sorting, and I'm happier that way :)
Thanks again, Clara 🥰💖
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the-colony-roleplay · 4 years
Hey team!
Ok, so I thought I was back to work Friday, then today I realized I made a mistake and I was actually scheduled to be back to work Thursday. But then tonight I got an email from my supervisor saying we’re doing a last minute 8 hour prep day after covid tests tomorrow, (which is like, gee, thanks for the like, 15 hour warning, I had an appointment scheduled tomorrow and had to go run errands and stuff but alright). 
So! Tomorrow and Thursday I may be around in the evening possibly because they may both be closer to 8 hour days. Then Friday we start our first full days of actual shooting. We start in the studio the first few days, doing a bunch of green screen stuff, so hopefully those ones won’t be too wild. 
But otherwise... be prepared to only see replies from me on the weekends. From the sounds of it this is going to be an incredibly heavy show. They are anticipating 14 camera days (which is excluding pre-calls, overtime and wrap time, meaning my days will be closer to 16-17) with lots of outdoor and overnight shoots, and very little studio. So... this show is going to obliterate me most likely. Also means I’ll have a lot of ‘Fraturdays’ which means I’ll be working until 5/6am Saturday and have to sleep most of Saturday, so I will essentially have one day weekends. 
SO, please be patient with me if the transition is difficult. It will take me a bit to get used to the schedule again, and it doesn’t help that I’m starting with a show that’s probably going to be extremely mentally and physically exhausting. 
Nonethless, I’ve done it before and can do it again, so it’s just a matter of readjusting. And who knows, maybe it won’t be as difficult as the crew is currently projecting. We’ll see! As always, I will be around as much as possible, and will check in here and there throughout the week.  Maddie will also be around to keep me informed and posted on any inquiries that come up or anything of the sort, so not to worry, I’ll still be a pretty frequent presence—I just won’t be on the dash much during the week, which will be a big change considering, y’know, 9 months of quarantine lmfao. 
Anyhoodle, I should wrap this up before I continue to repeat myself!! Lol. And I should head to bed. So, SO much love to ya’ll, and wish me luck!
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asrasotherbottom · 5 years
Hey got any worm prompts? 👀🐛 how bout some nsfw vlastomil content? with a neutral mc and making it pretty spicy...? and excuse the mosterfucking but..if also some about him and mc in his Big Wyrm Worm form? thank u 💕
you never need to excuse the monsterfucking in this house buddy, monsterfucking is where i Live. 
Nasty Vlasty x GN!MC 
He’s pretty anxious in bed at first to be honest. Its been a while since he’s interacted with ~human~ parts. 
Vlastomil learns how to take all that nervous chatter of his and put it to good use: lots of checking in and /lots/ of dirty talk (most of its actually about dirt for his worms but, you know). 
Any excuse to break out the baby oil honestly, its very slippery and he finds that irresistible. 
There is no body fluid save for blood that can freak him out, so, they get down with all sorts of experimentation. 
In fact he likes using body fluids to make things slippery. If MC wants any of their genital fluids on any part of his body, he is more than game. 
He can, will, and enjoys using spit to lube himself or MC up. 
Everybody talks about Vlastomil’s unusually long and spindly fingers, but oh what those fingers can do. They move so fluidly and deftly inside any orifice that MC chooses. 
Sometimes he’ll tell MC to not moan so loud because itll disturb the sleeping worms, but he knows thats nothing that a few fingers in their mouth can’t fix. 
Vlastomil will pleasure MC while in his human form if they want, but he Does Not want to be on the receiving end while he’s in his human suit though. Its so restricting and nothing feels quite right for him. 
His bedroom at the estate is big enough for his wyrm form, so when he says hes going to slip into something a little more comfortable, he means it. 
Monsterfucking from here on out, fair warning: 
I’m just gonna come out and say i personally headcanon Vlastomil’s genitalia to be similar to the proboscis of the ribbon worm.
It gets a good grip on MC while they work it over with their whole body, rubbing against it, kissing it, running their hands over it. 
They both hesitate to call it a handjob exactly, but its Vlastomil’s favorite. 
He’s very loud but none of his moans are sharp, theyre breathy deep gasps that vibrate in MC’s chest. 
Verbally though, in bed, he needs reassurances. MC tells him that hes doing great, that hes not /alone/
If they ever call him Daddy in the bedroom though he’s just going to say “yes !! i am in fact a father to 12, 932 worms!!” so unless you wanna compliment him on his parenting skills, its not his jam. 
Kissing him is an experience honestly, those two little wigglers in his mouth? extremely sensitive and they move around a lot in MC’s mouth. Do Not use teeth on them. 
Do use teeth and nip his ears though, they’re sensitive but the only part of his body that he likes having bitten.
His wyrm form is intimidatingly big, MC should in fact not be intimidated and Should top him, he’s wriggling putty, but putty nonethless in their hands if they make any move to top him. 
He’d be hard pressed to admit it, but he likes when MC doesn’t ignore any of his wiggly tendrils, he’s not quite sure why he has them but MCs tongue feels Very good on them.
Vlastomil is extremely good at oral in his wyrm form. Everything is smooth and soft and prehensile. Its just a fact. 
THOSE FINGERS, y’all thought he was good with his hands before???
He’s…extremely flexible, he might complain that humans aren’t as flexible as they need to be, but he compensates for MC’s human joints anyway. 
He’s pretty slick though, physically, slick, so MC needs to not forget to shower afterwards. 
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shirokodomo · 4 years
۝ Truth Serum!: your muses can now ask mine anything and they will be forced to answer honestly! - OPEN ۝
Anonymous has sent: truth serum: what are your feelings for Kagura? Do you really hate her or wished she loved you?
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Hakudōshi looked amusingly at the faceless grey person, he was holding back a sneer. Questions about Kagura always ended up with him berating her or dismissing her existence.
❝ Kagura? No, I wouldn’t say I hate her. ❞ he started while contemplating his next words, the smile still in place  ❝ But she is someone extremely easy to annoy. All I have to do is mention her precious freedom. ❞  
To him she was a fool, he wouldn’t deny that, wanting to escape from someone like Naraku is the same as signing a death sentence. Yet he also had to admit she was brave, merely for the fact that she wouldn’t give up on trying to gain her freedom.
It wouldn’t matter how many times Naraku would squeeze her heart, it wouldn’t matter how many times their creator would threaten her life, it wouldn’t matter he himself would threaten her. She just wouldn’t give up. She had a fighting spirit, that he had to give it to her.
But she was still a fool nonethless.
❝ Do I wish that she loved me? No I don’t wish for that. Love is a weakness and it would be used against us. ❞ but perhaps had their visions been the same all the time, had they agreed with each other more than they fought, then maybe just maybe they would have been capable of tolerating each other more.
But nothing is perfect and neither is their relationship.
Perhaps one day they would be capable of working together.
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Heather Cox Richardson:
June 1, 2020 (Monday)
Trump began the day with a call to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Shortly after, he called American state governors. In the 55-minute call, he told them, “You have to dominate, if you don’t dominate you’re wasting your time. They’re going to run over you, you’re going to look like a bunch of jerks. You have to dominate.” He told the governors, “You’ve got to arrest people, you have to track people, you have to put them in jail for 10 years and you’ll never see this stuff again.” “You know when other country’s watch this, they’re watching this, the next day wow, they’re really a push over. And we can’t be a push over. And we have all the resources—it’s not like we don’t have the resources. So, I don’t know what you’re doing.” “It’s a movement, if you don’t put it down it will get worse and worse…. The only time its successful is when you’re weak and most of you are weak.”
He said: “We will activate Bill Barr and activate him very strongly.” He said: “Washington [D.C.] was under very good control, but we’re going to have it under much more control. We’re going to pull in thousands of people.” Barr later directed the FBI to send riot teams to Miami and Washington.
Also on the call were Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper and General Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Esper echoed Trump, telling the governors in a discussion of American protesters in American cities: “we need to dominate the battle space.”
On the call, Trump said he had put Milley in charge of managing the protests. Since by law Milley is an advisor, rather than part of the military chain of command, the Pentagon clarified that he could not lead any military response to the crisis. White House Press Secretary later said he would lead a “central command center in conjunction with the state and local governments.”
This call was recorded and leaked to the press almost immediately.
Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, a former Army captain who now sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee, was on board with the sentiments in it. He called for Trump to invoke the 1807 Insurrection Act, which permits the president to override the restriction against using the military in domestic situations in extreme situations. Cotton tweeted: “Anarchy, rioting, and looting needs to end tonight. If local law enforcement is overwhelmed and needs backup, let’s see how tough these Antifa terrorists are when they’re facing off with the 101st Airborne Division. We need to have zero tolerance for this destruction…. And, if necessary, the 10th Mountain, 82nd Airborne, 1st Cav, 3rd Infantry—whatever it takes to restore order. No quarter for insurrectionists, anarchists, rioters, and looters.”
Readers pointed out that the concept of “no quarter,” that is, killing those who surrender in a battle, is a war crime. Trump tweeted that Cotton was “100% correct.” Cotton later tried to walk back the comments by resorting to a dictionary definition, but David A. French, a lawyer, military officer, Iraq veteran, and journalist, pointed out that Cotton graduated from Harvard Law School, and certainly knew that military ops defines “no quarter” very clearly, and prohibits it.
Florida Representative Matt Gaetz—the man who wore a gas mask on the floor of Congress to downplay the dangers of coronavirus—tweeted “Now that we clearly see Antifa as terrorists, can we hunt them down like we do in the Middle East?” Twitter hid the tweet—a tweet from a sitting congressman—as glorifying violence.
A reminder: we do not yet know who is behind the looting and violence, although a number of videos have shown white instigators. The political affiliation of those rioters is not clear, despite the statements of Trump and Attorney General Barr that they are “radical leftists.”
When a journalist today asked a senior White House official what Trump was doing, the official responded: “He’s not handling anything, just typing a bunch of shit on Twitter.” But things took an ominous turn later in the day.
Twenty-nine states have activated about 70,000 National Guard troops but have not deployed more than a few hundred of them, and no state governor has asked for federal intervention. Nonethless, Trump, who refused to help the states respond to the coronavirus pandemic, now wants federal troops in those same states. In the Rose Garden this afternoon, he said that if mayors and governors didn’t increase their troop presence, he would send in federal troops. He announced he was deploying “thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military personnel and law enforcement officers” to stop the protests in Washington, D.C. and “to protect the rights of law-abiding Americans, including your Second Amendment rights.”
While he was talking, a massive police presence, including officers from the Customs and Border Protection, were clearing peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square with tear gas and flash-bang explosions.
The president concluded his remarks by saying “Now, I’m going to pay my respects to a very, very special place.” He walked out of the White House to the north side of it, into Lafayette Square, where the protests have been, along with Esper, Attorney General William Barr, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, and other White House officials, including Hope Hicks, who apparently hatched the plan to calm Trump's anger at being made fun of for his stay in the White House bunker. They crossed the park to St. John’s Episcopal Church, a historic site that had briefly been set on fire last night. There, Trump held up a Bible and said: “We have a great country, that’s my thoughts, the greatest country in the world. We will make it even greater, it won’t take long. It’s coming back strong and it will be greater than ever before.”
Democratic Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania tweeted: “I want to be super clear about what happened tonight in Washington: The President of the United States deployed tear-gas, rubber bullets and military personnel on peaceful protesters so that he could cross the street for a photo op. There is no excuse.” Democratic Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon straight up said “the fascist speech Donald Trump just delivered verged on a declaration of war against American citizens. I fear for our country tonight and will not stop defending America against Trump’s assault.”
Esquire writer Charles Pierce notes that since 9-11, the federal government has equipped local police with $4.3 billion in military gear and prepared them for an all-out war on terrorists. In 2014, President Barack Obama tried to stop the transfer of military weapons and equipment to civilian police departments with an executive order, but Trump reversed it. This militarization of the police has created in America’s streets what a government commission in 1968 defined as a “police riot,” in which officers themselves instigate, escalate, or sustain violent confrontations. In addition to attacking protesters, today’s police are singling out journalists for attack. This development is significant because it is a key sign of authoritarian regimes, which try to silence journalists to silence information about their actions.
Tonight General Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff, talked to reporters from the streets of Washington. National security specialist Tom Nichols noted: “There is absolutely no reason for the Chairman to be walking the streets right now. This is not even remotely in the tradition of U.S. civil-military relations.”
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artemisegeria · 5 years
Infinity Stone Theory (Endgame Spoilers)
Upon seeing Endgame again, I had a realization that bloomed into a theory. This theory is not without certain problems or counterpoints, but I really like it. It would tie in a number of different threads from Infinity War and Endgame and provide a base for more movies going forward.
I want to start with Nebula’s assertion, made while the Avengers were in Thanos’s cabin, that Thanos is many things, but not a liar. Something about hearing that line this time reminded me of a line in Infinity War when Thanos is talking to Gamora. He takes credit for her strengths and then tells her that she is a bad liar because he never taught her to lie. Now, you could interpret this line as being consistent with what Nebula said. Thanos never taught Gamora or Nebula to lie because he doesn’t do it himself. But I think it’s also reasonable to assume that he only did not teach them to lie because he feared that they would use it against him. You could also read into Thanos’s line the implication that he could teach Gamora to be a good liar, but he chose not to. 
To be fair, I couldn’t think of too many examples of Thanos lying. There is the “Fine, I’ll do it myself.” line when he actually sends his minions to do it. The easy responses to that point are that it was just a throw-away line in a teaser and he seems to consider all his minions extensions of himself so it would not be a lie in his mind. And he did hunt down some of the stones himself. The other lie I could think of was his claim that Gamora’s planet was much happier and more prosperous after he killed half the population. This line is contradicted by Gamora’s designation in Guardians of Galaxy as “the last survivor of the Zehoberi people.” Credit for the original observation here. That could be a simple continuity error, but simple common sense would indicate that a planet would not just carry on happily when half of its population was killed. We also see Thanos lying with the Reality Stone to draw out the Guardians in IW. Seeing as Thanos is willing to kill half the population of the universe to achieve his goal, I don’t think he would draw the line at lying. 
The next point I want to address is the Ancient One’s assertion that removing an Infinity Stone would cause great damage to her reality. I have seen some interpretations of that line that she was referring to Strange using the Time Stone to defeat Dormammu in 2016, which could be the case, but to me it sounded more like she was talking about the act of removing the Infinity Stone itself. This ties back into Wong’s claim in IW that each of the Infinity Stones “control[s] an essential aspect of existence.”  This would suggest the loss of one, nonethless six, would have a cataclysmic effect on the whole universe. So far, we’ve seen only hints of such changes like the earthquakes that Carol says are happening on planets across the galaxies and the tear in the multiverse that Mysterio talks about in the Far From Home trailer, and its unclear whether those are the result of the Snap(s) or the loss of the Infinity Stones. The response to this is that cataclysmic changes are happening, but they are building up slowly and will be explored in the next few movies.
However, the main idea that I would like to posit is that Thanos lied about destroying the Infinity Stones, and that they still exist in the universe but are hidden. Thanos has every reason to lie to the Avengers about destroying the Stones to prevent them from hunting the stones down. At the end of Endgame, Thanos says that he will remake the whole universe so that its inhabitants do not remember a time when their lives were any different, so they have nothing to fight back against. This is a much greater feat than merely lying to the Avengers about not having the Stones. My explanation of the second energy surge that matched the Snap that they used to track Thanos is that, instead of using the Stones to destroy the Stones, he used the Stones to send all the Stones into various regions of deep space, making it extremely difficult for anyone to find them. This would be the reason the universe has not been completely destroyed along with the Infinity Stones.
If I’m right, which again I’m not saying definitively that I am, this would be a great set up for the Captain Marvel sequels and the GOTG franchise. It could be a thread to set up Adam Warlock and the Infinity Watch. It could also mean the Mind Stone might be able to be found and might have Vision’s consciousness bound to it (which is a big part of why I like this theory, to be honest), although hopefully it wouldn’t take multiple movies to find it. 
I did say before Endgame that I hoped all the Stones were destroyed in the movie, but after seeing it, I’ve changed my mind. The MCU is still leaning into Tony Stark/Iron Man, even though he’s gone. So they might as well lean into the Infinity Stones as well. 
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mrultra100 · 5 years
1000th Post Y’all!
Well how ‘bout that? 1000 posts of my random and ridiculous shenanigans! It’s been a wild ride folks, and I couldn’t be more happy for all of your support! (And to this, that I started this blog for fun back last summer) To celebrate, here are my top 10 favorite posts!
10. https://mrultra100.tumblr.com/post/177268053221/diosmiles (by @diosmiles)
This mash-up of “Interior Crocodile, Alligator” and the SSBU version of “Gangplank Galleon” was made when King K. Rool was revealed as one of the game’s newcomers. When it may be short, it does have a nice rhyme to it. Seriously thou, the updated version of the Kremling King’s theme is fitting for his long awaited return in Smash Ultimate.
9. https://mrultra100.tumblr.com/post/178806537791/amtrax-squigglydigg-new-bendy-and-the-ink (by both @squigglydigg and @amtrax)
Another music one. Out of all the fan-made BATIM songs out there, “Welcome Home” might be my all time favorite of the bunch, with the lyrics, voice acting, etc, Hailey, Austin, and the gang really outdid themselves with this one, especially at the last verse of the song.
8.https://mrultra100.tumblr.com/post/175851041991/cookievampiress-mrultra100-asked-me-to-draw (By @cookievampiress)
Behold ladies and gents (If you remember this one) the very first art request I ever sent! (And also the first V-Twin request at that) Since the first time I since “Fangs a Lot Johnny” (A Johnny Test  season 5 episode), the Vampire Twins (Especially Vampire Mary) have climbed onto the ranks of my all time favorite characters. There’s just something I love about evil goth-like versions of certain cartoon characters, and since I love vampires, this ain’t no exception. 
Though I don’t like to share personal info or complain, for some reason, Cookie decided to block me shortly after the request was done. I could have upsetted her over something, and I wish in the near future, I can speak with her again to see what happened. Again tho, I’m not big on controversy, but I wanted to point that out. Let’s move on!
7. https://mrultra100.tumblr.com/post/179708341611/mexican64-so-two-major-things-happened (By @mexican64)
This piece was made towards Piranha Plant’s reveal as a fighter in Smash, and our first meeting with Alastor in Hazbin Hotel. If there’s something that the 2 have is common, that would be those sharp smiles they have. More points for adding the visual elements of the Radio Demon onto the carnivorous flora, Especially the ears!
6. https://mrultra100.tumblr.com/post/178498693031/bogleech-i-didnt-even-give-gooseworx-any (Made for @bogleech by Gooseworx)
As you may know, “Awful Hospital” happens to be my favorite web-comic, and that’s coming from a guy, who’s not big on stuff like “Homestuck” and all that. Nonetheless, AH could always used it’s own theme that captures the twisted and bizarre feel of the series, and what other that the extremely talented Gooseworx? (Goose also does music for the aforementioned Hazbin Hotel btw) As Bog stated, this this also count as Dr. Phage’s personal theme, very fitting for him as he is my favorite AH character.
5. https://mrultra100.tumblr.com/post/182018074106/seriously-tho-its-been-lil-more-than-2-years-at (By yours truely!)
Outdated meme aside,not to be rude, Did anyone noticed the similarities at all? Guzzlord basically what happen if you feed Vaka-Waka some experimental steroids and throw him in a another dimension. And to make this more loco-crazy, the Mixel came a little more than a year before the Pokemon (Mixels Series 6 was released on October 1, 2015, and Pokemon Sun and Moon was released on Novenber 18, 2016), weird, right?
4. https://mrultra100.tumblr.com/post/180606173256/retrograde64-art-request-for-mrultra100-heres (By @retrograde64)
At the time of this one, I was getting a lil’ tired of sending V-Twin art requests, since there’s now so many of ‘em, so I figured, why not “stretch” (I ain’t sorry for that pun) the boundaries of what I sent as art requests, and try new ideas? If you’re wondering, my favorite of the Flexers (and the Mixels in general) is Tentro.
3. https://mrultra100.tumblr.com/post/182991618561/here-is-it-the-favorite-character-bingo-that-no (By me again, of course, and this was created by @ trash--senpai )
This was created by a good friend of mine (@trash--senpai) and might count as the weirdest request I ever sent. When I asked her to create this one, she was a bit confused by it, considering that she’s a artist, this was strange to her, nonethless, she not only got mine done, she also made one for herself. (I told her that she can make one for herself when she worked on mine)
2. https://mrultra100.tumblr.com/post/182810505846/kirby-after-the-events-of-world-of-light-this (Done by me, based on @terminalmontage)
This is the only drawing of mine on this list, cuz let’s face it, my art skills suck donkey dongs! (More on that later tho) This one was made for Valentine’s Day, and as well all know, celebrating Valentines is killing world-destroying gods together with your loved ones. Sigh... Kirby makes that part too easy!
https://mrultra100.tumblr.com/post/175498459271/draculabrides-fangs-a-lot-johnny-you-can (By @draculabrides)
To finish this list, let’s go back to where it all began. One summer night on July 3, 2018, a certain fella in his mid-teens (I.E, me!) want to create a fandom based blog on a website notorious for feminazis whining about Steven Universe and “political correctness”, Eugh. Anyways, the first post (Or reblog if you will) was a collection of gifs featuring a certain sparkly undead duo who went on to becoming the mascots of said blog.
Welp, guess that all of them, and that’s only 10 posts out of 1000 posts and reblog that I made in almost the last year. To all of my friends and the followers who were crazy enough to follow a fella who’s obsessed with cartoon vampire girls like me ( @good-guy-is-alive , @naty-js , @odreiwa , @captain-animatordreamer ,etc) thanks for everything! Also, I plan to start digital art sometime in the near future, and I might leave this blog to start anew after some practice (and with a whole new name AND look to boot) Don’t get me wrong, I’m not leaving here, I might keep this blog as a memory. I’m Mr. Ultra, the Fandom Jacka** of the Digital Blue Hills of Hell, and I hope you have a nice day. See you later, and “Stay Ultra Folks!”
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gapgirlgia-blog · 5 years
Thailand (3 weeks)
I knew I wanted to start in Thailand because it's capital is one of the cheaper cities to fly into, I heard it's a good starting point culturally speaking, and I've been researching the country for a few years. Now that I've moved on, I DEFINITELY miss the Thai food and Thai tea, I had to limit myself to two glasses per day lol. Something I really admired about Thai temples is the mirrored glass they used on a lot of their statues and architecture (shown below). Here are Thai spots I checked out in this order with my accomodations, photos, and personal feedback/suggestions.
1. Bangkok
(3/23-26) Playground Hostel
Outside of Bangkok proper but a nice break from the bussling city, 30-min walk to the Grand Palace/main center; tried to be a party hostel and saw a roach crawling around the dorm the size of my palm
(3/27) Overnight train to Chiang Mai
Surprisingly a very comfortable 12-hour ride and sleep on the top bunk (bottom bunks are more expensive, I don't know why). You can buy a nicely prepared dinner and breakfast for 200-300 baht ($7-9), pricey but dinner is worth it if you didn't prepare with drinks and snacks.
This city is an ideal starting point to a backpacking trip, especially not having been to Asia before, because it'll still give you some sort of culture shock, but still relatively familiar in terms of communication (many locals speak some English). Bangkok has loads of temples, street food, nice Western-styled establishments, China Town (a must!), India Town, etc. so it incorporates more diverse cultures than other large cities in SE Asia. Tourism is a substantial part of their culture, so take it as you will, but Thailand has continued to build out their foundation around appealing to their tourists. Staying 2-3 nights is enough; I stayed 1-2 nights too long because I had already booked my overnight train to the North before I arrived.
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2. Chiang Mai
(3/28-30) Hug Hostel
Five stars!!! I absolutely loved this hostel because it was right outside of Old City, there was a beautiful view of the sunset on the rooftop bar, there were seperate bathrooms for men and women (with showers seperate from the toilet area!), there was a super relaxing common room with air con, the cutest cafe with delicious food and beveratges, cheap laundry service, and super accomodating staff.
After dreaming about going to Chiang Mai for this long, it was definitely different than I had pictured and I don't think I would've been happy if I did end up temporarily moving there post-graduation. Nonethless, it's a very charming, historical city with very rich culture. Temples and monuments are on every corner within and outside of Old City. The cheapest massages I've seen were in Chiang Mai at 100 baht or ~$3. Since I went during the dry season, the air pollution was extremely high in North Thailand so getting a mask was helpful. You can rinse them once they start turning brown from the dirt.
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3. Pai
(3/31-4/3) Paitopia
Different than other hostel rooms, this dorm didn't have any bunk beds or dividers, just 8 beds in one giant room. It felt a lot like college, and it was the first hostel where I had to shower in the same room as the toilet. It still grosses me out, but eh that's traveling. The common space was outside with free tea and coffe, a pool and hammocks :)
Wow wow wow... I didn't get stuck in the Pai hole but I was pretty close! Pai is a magical land that has crossed my mind a lot since I left, I think because of the town's energy and of the company I was with. This was my favorite place in Thailand, hands down. Everytime Thailand comes up in conversation, so does Pai, because everyone knows how incredible it is, regardless of how polluted the air may be. It's very quiet, relaxed, easy going and carefree. It's two hours north of Chiang Mai, and I was 99% positive I was going to vomit in the bus ride there because the roads are SOOO windy, but luckily did not. There are'nt many tourists, and now that I think about it, very little families traveling throughout Northern Thailand, which was very nice. It's more locals, backpackers and expats. You can explore rice fields, bamboo bridge, waterfalls, caves and drink mushroom milkshakes. The small town has a lot of boutiques, bars, and cafes with glow in the dark paint all over the walls. It's a hippie spot!
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4. Chiang Rai
(4/4-5) Norn Nun Leng
Saw a rat the size of my cat. Next.
Only stopped in Chiang Rai for two nights to see the White Temple, which was MESMORIZING... definitely worth the 3 hour jam-packed, sticky tuk tuk ride to get here. 
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5. Phuket
(4/6) 12 Month Hostel
Hidden, but very cute, cheap hostel with large, comfortable, private dorm beds made of wood rather than metal bunk beds which was nice. The showers had shampoo and body wash = super clutch. AND with a waterfall shower! I felt like I was at a spa compared to the other places I had recently stayed at.
Took a boat from Phuket Town, through Phi Phi, to arrive in Krabi. Not much time spent in Phuket Town or Phi Phi, but nothing too special from what I saw, just a bunch of bars and restaurants. You have to travel outside a bit to experience the nice beaches.
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6. Krabi (Klong Muang)
(4/7-9) Bliss Beach Resort
I met my girlfriend at this Resort (the friend who I backedpacked with in 2011). Typically I wouldn't stay at a resort since I'm obviously on a budget, but she had already planned her itinerary. Bliss is an adorable, cozier, authentic beach resort than most. It's nestled between other resorts on a quiet side of Krabi, facing many islands with private boats. The buffet breakfast was delicious, the staff was super sweet and the shampoo/body wash smelled amazing.
Klong Muang was extremely relaxing and cleaner than I was used to.  I celebrated my birthday here with my best friend, the best pinacoladas I've ever had and fried pineapple rice. THE BEST. I'm drooling. During the day, we hired a private boat to Hong Island where we swam with gigantic jellyfish, snorkled and tanned on the beach. Just amazing. Take me back!!
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7. Khao Lak
(4/10-11) Mana Thai Resort
The nicest hotel I've stayed at in years lol. I guess they noticed my birthday from my passport and secretly delivered a birthday cake to our room!! In the rooms they have bowls of tropical fruit and chili garlic scented toilettries. Oh so Thai. Ther's a huge, refreshing pool overlooking the ocean with pool/beachside service. Not a bad way to say "Kob Khun Kha" to Thailand after THREE INSANELY PACKED, SUPREME WEEKS.
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