#normal cis behavior
boydykewannabe · 1 year
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rystiel · 2 months
i think it’s interesting to consider trans dean in relation to canon tbh. i mean john winchester is most definitely homophobic, but dean being trans would imply that he practices trans-inclusive toxic masculinity… like “you want to be a man, then act like one.” honestly i feel like he may be more inclined to let dean transition, because being a man in the field of hunting is something john probably views as beneficial
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
i’m now more into trans fem!sanji after seeing him in nami’s body 👀 HE LOOKED SO COMFORTABLE AND HAPPY IN THAT BODY AAAAAHHHHHHHH
The thing about Sanji in Punk Hazard that most people ignore because, well, he's been too much of a perv after the time skip (luckily, it stops there) is that he just... Looks so comfortable in Nami's body. And, okay, I know that canonically it's played for laughs because "haha man experiences boobs for the first time haha" but!! It's exactly that!!! The way Sanji reacts to being in Nami's body, so comfortably and as if he never wanted to change back, is very sus... We get it, you like women's bodies... To fuck, right? Only sexually, right? Not to literally have it. Like I pretty much doubt an average cis man would want to stay in that body forever, but Sanji wanted to.
I spent all of Punk Hazard staring at my screen like: Damn, Sanji, please, the egg. Like-- Couldn't it be more obvious.
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bucephaly · 8 months
Fuck whatever terfs and transphobes are treating the term 'socialization' as if it's evidence for bioessentialism or whatever as if it's literally the exact opposite, fuck them for taking a useful term we should be aware of and poisoning it so now people think whoever uses it is a piece of shit.
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marklikely · 2 years
i've never been satisfied with the 'dont bodyshame celebrities because your friends with similar traits might see it' and i finally figured out why but i'm still struggling to get the words into a coherent argument.
the bottom line is you shouldn't bodyshame because if you genuinely believed that being fat, visibly disabled, or just not fitting conventional beauty standards are all normal things that are fine to do, then you wouldn't think it's funny to bodyshame someone regardless of who the target is. there wouldn't be a joke present in just pointing out that someone is fat, because it'd be as normal to you as someone wearing sunglasses when its sunny outside. you'd be like 'what's the joke, thats something people do all the time. how is that funny'
in bodyshaming someone you find to be an 'acceptable' target, you're revealing yourself. you, on some level, think that being fat, being visibly disabled, or otherwise just not fitting your culture's beauty standards is abnormal and funny. and you want to find an 'acceptable' target to release the bigotry that you already have in your head.
if you defend bodyshaming against 'the right' targets, i think you should unpack the fatphobia and ableism that makes you think those traits are 'funny' on someone you dislike. instead of deflecting by being like "well its ok because billionaires aren't people!!" which allows you to just ignore the real reasons why you think certain bodies are 'weird' and worthy of mockery.
#everyone's willing to make fun of warren buffet for being fat but nobody makes fun of mark zuckerberg for being thin.#its almost like its not just innocently mocking billionaires but its actually a reflection of what YOU think people should look like.#like idk making fun of elon musk for having a trait 'associated with copd' im like hey whats the joke.#why is it funny to you. it REQUIRES you to think looking disabled is funny otherwise there would be no joke.#if you thought disability was truly normal then it WOULDNT even occur to you to make fun of it.#avpost#similar to how i feel abt misgendering trans people like#its not because its 'respect' or w/e its because trans people are our gender its a basic fact about us.#much like how if you really thought disability was normal you wouldnt think to make fun of it.#well in a similar vein if you really thought trans people are our genders you wouldnt think to punish us with misgendering.#because you would correctly recognize it as randomly lying.#in bodyshaming 'acceptable' targets and misgendering trans people who do bad things you kind of do the same thing in both instances#which is reveal that you have some serious prejudice against these groups on the whole and just want a way to 'safely' express that.#you don't mock celebrities for being thin and conventionally attractive. you dont misgender cis celebrities for doing bad things.#you should be unpacking the bigotry that makes you think this behavior is suddenly ok or funny just bc you found the right target
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timeisacephalopod · 11 months
The way conservatives frame being trans as some kind of "social contagion" while literally calling for the erasure of all trans people from public spaces is wild because who the fuck decides to Be Gender because it's so cool politicians are telling you you shouldn't exist on the news?? Like the idea that trans people are deciding to be trans because it's a social media trend akin to the cinnamon challenge or the fuckin ice bucket challenge is an absolutely bonkers argument to make in the middle of "these people shouldn't exist" speeches. Surely at least one of these brainless lumps have taken a half a moment to consider how something could even become a "social contagion" when they're personally railing against the existence of these Very Cool People??
Plus, you know, implying whole swaths of people are too stupid to figure out their own damn genders is uh, deeply insulting to suggest just because they're confused about how being trans works.
#winters ramblings#frankly if anything is a social contagion its being CIS. no one pressures you to be trans but EVERYONE pressures you to be cis#and not JUST cis that's not good enough you have to be cis RIGHT and perform gender CORRECTLY Or Else#and also this is totally natural behavior of course thats why youre policed so heavily for your gender presentation#because gender is natyral and normal and has no cultural assumptions and pressures behind it at all#ill never understand arguing something is natural and then policing it to HELL and back because that 'natural' thing isnt being done 'right'#if it was natural you wouldnt be doing that- no one is policing how my eyes are blue and telling me to make them a better different shade#of blue. probably because its a NATURAL eye color and cant change based on how much im screamed at. unlike gender roles#which have ALWAYS been fluid and changing but like legit though. HOW can you make an argument for 'social contagion'#while ACTIVELY LEVERAGING SYSTEMIC OPPRESSION AGAINST THE GROUP YOU CLAIM ONLY EXISTS AS A TREND??!?!#if it was a social contagion your evidence wouldnt be that you think you should be able to do a genocide on trans people DESANTIS#amd if they want to argue being trans is a social contagion fine. what makes beung straight and cis NOT a social contagion?#oh just that you have no problem with those things and make a pittiful argument around nature despite knowing JACK ALL#about anything to do with nature? well thats convenient isnt it
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tittyinfinity · 2 months
I was hanging out at the karaoke bar, chatting with a beautiful woman, and we were really hitting it off. I threw a couple of flirtatious comments her way. She giggled nervously, but abruptly stopped and looked at the floor.
She told me that she was too nervous to hit on people because she's trans and worries that people will view her as a predator and that she might get hurt.
My heart sank. I let her know that she could hit on me in whatever way she wanted and I would LOVE it. We spent the rest of the night hanging out and flirting. We ended up making out. It was great.
But I can't stop thinking about how that wasn't the first time a trans woman has said that to me. About how unsafe it is for some women that they feel the need to give out fucking disclaimers to have normal interactions with people.
We have GOT to make the world a safer place for trans women. It pisses me off that there are men at the bar who are openly predatory towards me without fear of consequence, yet a trans woman is too scared to even fucking call me pretty. And that's because she IS more likely to face worse consequences for lesser things! Like what the fuck!
You need to always check on your internalized biases. Being queer yourself doesn't absolve you of transmisogynistic thoughts and behaviors. Being bi/pansexual doesn't mean you don't hold those biases either! If you feel differently about a trans woman hitting on you than you feel about a cis woman or a man hitting on you, you need to evaluate that.
Trans women, I love you so fucking much. You should be able to express attraction and love as freely as everyone else. I hope you can always feel safe around me. And I'll never stop fighting until you can feel safe period.
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snekdood · 4 months
until a lot of wemen stop ghosting ppl over the dumbest shit i dont think imma be able to trust any of them, ever
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bethiewhimsy · 7 months
losing my everloving SHIT over angel dust’s trivia section in the wiki
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metanarrates · 4 months
less than two weeks after a law passed that bans transgender people in utah from using bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity, an elected official is already inciting death threats against a child:
the girl in question (who is cisgender) is under police protection currently after a member of the STATE EDUCATION BOARD posted her photos on facebook and implied that the girl was trans. she took the photos down after learning that the girl was cis, but the damage had already been done. the student in question had already recieved a barrage of death threats.
the board member, natalie cline, has faced backlash and state legislature has already started discussion on how to impeach state board officials, but I find it important to reiterate that the girl she accused of being trans was in fact cisgender. I doubt the backlash would be quite so widespread if this wasn't a false accusation. this behavior is being normalized and encouraged by our bigoted state legislation.
we're going to see more of this kind of thing in the future, most likely. please keep your eyes on utah
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solemntitty · 1 year
me when i think I'm cis, like some kind of lunatic: i mean didn't everyone hate puberty to the point of wanting to talk to god a la Karen talking to the manager to be like 'hey motherfucker i didn't ask for this, make it stop'
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faggy--butch · 2 months
sorry to ramble in your inbox but its kinda fucking me up how "trans man with a cishet boyfriend who misgenders him behind his back" is like seen to be a person to make fun of in the general queer tumblr space instead of a person who is in a vulnerable situation. i know that there is trans men who are also women and there are trans men who are genuinely okay with dating a cis man who considers himself straight but people talking about these hypothetical couples arent talking about these situations but rather about "haha stupid trans man doesnt realize hes dating a bigot"
theres this attitude that the hypothetical cishet boyfriend is actually a conservative so it should be obvious to trans man that he doesnt respect his identity but i feel like its less "oh its obvious that this specific man is a bigot" and more "obviously cishet white men are bigots" and its weird how people laugh at this person instead of acknowledging that even if you are dating a bigot its usually not a big win for you personally. like the bigot cishet boyfriend isnt going to be okay with his trans man boyfriend starting testosterone. like we can sympathize with emotional abuse happening towards other groups but when its gay and mspec trans men its like "oh he should have known that would happen" or "its his fault for dating a bigot"?
of course people have the same making fun of the victim narrative with afab nonbinary people who date cishet men who misgender them [and im sure this bleeds over to affecting all nonbinary people if people arbitrarily decide theyre afab if the nonbinary person refuses to tell them personal information about themselves but the larger narrative always specifies that this is an afab person] and its almost like a "this is what you get for being attracted to men" sort of thing.
and also i theres something to be said about warning people for signs their partner or potential partner doesnt respect their identity but considering i imagine its a common anxiety among trans and nonbinary people who are into that sorta thing to wonder "am i ever going to find someone who loves me and is also accepting of me for being [insert gender here]?" its sort of fucked up for it to be common to basically claim "yea if youre dating a cis man who said he was straight before he started dating you but says he respects your identity hes probably just straight up lying to your face" and then laugh at the person getting misgendered for not knowing they were being misgendered.
anyway sorry for this big ramble i cant even remember specific instances of this to reference so i might seem like im making up a guy to be mad at but i swear this is like a general attitude and almost running joke i see around. anyway. have a good day.
I absolutely see that too, and I think it's a mixture of straight up victim blaming, because oh noo how dare you WANT to date *gasp* cis men
but it come with an intense transandrophobia and exorsexism because there's a lot more sympathy when it comes to cis women dating cishet men "poor things uwu" but when it's trans men or in this case non binary people assumed to be women, it's always "see I told you so" smug superiority. (cis women get this too, because of misogyny obviously, but it's different and worse for trans men) People are just waiting for a chance to be misogynistic and trans men are an acceptable target. This is honestly extra fucked up when we remember that trans men experience some of the highest rates of domestic violence and rape in the community though.
being trans is such a vulnerable place to be in, and a lot of people, trans or not are insecure or just want to be loved, that's normal. A lot of people are willing to accept certain behaviors from their partners that are bad, because of those reasons as well, victim blaming, and ESPECIALLy telling trans men to toughen up or "what did you expect" is apart of the toxic expectations that get placed of trans men as well. I could honestly go on for hours about this. good ask,anon
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scretladyspider · 1 year
Let’s talk about what demisexuality is not.
First off: what is demisexuality? We have to establish what it is to talk about what it isn’t.
‘demisexuality’ describes not experiencing sexual attraction until a close bond is formed. This doesn’t mean demis are attracted to everyone we bond with, and we can have differing desires towards sex. Demisexuals may or may not be demiromantic — they’re not one and the same.
While demisexuals can also be demiromantic, this isn’t true as a rule. Just like being asexual doesn’t necessarily mean you’re aromantic. It’s possible to be both, nothing wrong with that — but they’re not inherently synonymous.
*For some people who are aroace, include demi aroaces, their sexual and romantic orientations are deeply intertwined and there isn’t a big difference between the two. Other people use the split attraction model, which recognizes a difference in sexual and romantic orientations.
Many people think that “everyone is demisexual” because they read the definition and say “oh, that’s just being normal”. They’re confusing not experiencing sexual at ALL with waiting until a relationship is serious to have sex.
Demisexuality is a sexual orientation. The thing people confuse it with is a decision regarding sexual behavior that can be made regardless of orientation— the decision to wait to have sex until you’re emotionally close. That decision can be made by anyone, demisexual or not.
Often people read the definition and say “I’m demisexual, I wait to have sex until it’s not just sex. I want emotional fulfillment too.” When it’s explained that demisexuals rarely have sexual attraction and only under certain conditions does it occur, one of two things happens:
they misunderstand and assume that demisexuals are also experiencing sexual attraction without the bond and just not acting on it, or
they begin to understand that there’s a difference between sexual attraction and action.
More often than not it’s the former.
It’s interesting that this misunderstanding happens when demisexuality is described because allosexuals (people who aren’t ace) abstain from sex all the time but still feel sexual attraction. There’s this underlying assumption that everyone experiences sexual attraction.
But… just imagine that feeling of not being attracted and expand it. It’s doubtful that you experience sexual attraction to every person you see is physically attractive. Just expand that and there you go. Or imagine it like not seeing a particular color until you suddenly can.
Demisexuals aren’t all cisgender and heteroromantic. But there’s nothing wrong with demis who are! If ace isn’t enough for you to respect someone is LGBTQIA+, you don’t understand or accept asexuality or the orientations under its spectrum.
Demisexuality is NOT “just being a woman”. Demisexuality also isn’t “the patriarchy convinced young girls not having casual sex was a sexuality”.
There’s so much wrong with both of these, and they tie together, so I put them together here. Not only does this thinking see cis women and feminine people as being inherently “more” asexual, it robs allos and aces alike of bodily autonomy towards sex and sexuality. It bleeds out from conservative Christianity — it’s the same ideas that lead us to abstinence only sex “education” and that women must be sexually available at all times or their husband will cheat to “get his needs met”. Saying that cis women & feminine people are just all demisexual or ace removes the bodily autonomy of those who want sex and those who don’t by assigning a culturally acceptable narrative as more important than lived experience. But sexuality isn’t limited by cisheterosexism.
The truth is there are still a lot of people learning they’re under the asexual umbrella as educators and advocacy groups get education out there, and even in queer spaces asexuality isn’t always accepted, let alone its spectrum. A lot of people don’t even know it’s an option!
In addition, and partially because of, tropes like this, asexuality and everything under it are considered more “feminine”. Sex is seen as a symbol of status and depending on your gender and presentation, that status gets lowered or raised depending on the number of partners had.
Cis men and masculine aces exist, and also have to contend with cultural pressures to “perform” sexually, whether they want to or not. Erasing these experiences doesn’t help further acceptance towards asexuality or just sexuality in general.
And! Cis women and feminine people can have and enjoy casual sex! Others don’t but still experience sexual attraction regularly. Being allosexual isn’t limited to the masculine. Libido can also exist without sexual attraction. Human sexuality is just not as narrow as you think.
That’s where I’ll leave this one. Remember, it’s okay to be demisexual. It’s not okay to dunk on a group of people you didn’t bother to try to understand. Keep an open mind. There’s room at the table for learning, not bigotry.
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snekdood · 1 year
Other trans ppl who tell trans mascs they just arent "strong enough" in their conviction to be a man when terfs are surrounding them and trying to groom and lure them into their lil terf cult- please say this to people whove been to conversion therapy also, surely its very easy to just. Maintain the knowledge of who you are when the only people around you keep gaslighting you into thinking you're something else. And ohm this would be hilarious to hear from somehow who actively ostracizes certain trans mascs- leaving them with virtually no solidarity or community around them thats trans friendly- and still expect them to be totally fine in holding on to who you are. Its like none of you have ever actually experienced abuse like how tf can you say this shit lmao.
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eetherealgoddess · 4 months
hey bestie. requesting a yandere rindou haitanj scenario where reader (cis fem) is currently dating Ran, but rindou is obsessed with her and wants her for himself. a noncon smut where ran leaves reader at home for some reason and rindou takes the opportunity to do the noncon smut and ran ends up catching them, but instead of getting mad, ran just joins them. 💜🖤
Of course!! Hope you like it ♡︎♡︎♡︎
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ꨄBrothers Conflictꨄ
Oneshot - Yandere Haitani Brothers Au
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Not fully proofread
I apologize if I get any Japanese etiquette or culture wrong, I literally have to research the culture for some of my fandom stories so if anything is wrong, please excuse my ignorance.
✩Y/n is 18+. I picture her as a black female but you can see her however.
✩Some parts of the story may not be realistic or factual. After all, this is a work of fiction.
✩Although it's a dark 'romance,' I do not condone any of the behavior displayed.
✩Dark content such as: gore, violence, triggering topics, graphic scenes, vulgar language, explicit sexual content, etc.
✩There may be scenes that involve non con and/ or dubcon so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable
✩That being said, this story is for 18+ only.
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Brothers Conflict
Being a Haitani’s girlfriend comes with its perks. Not only is Ran an attentive boyfriend, he loves to spoil his girl with all the finer things. Jewelry, makeup, clothes, nails, you name it, it’s done. It was a done deal as soon as he set his eyes on you. It was interesting considering you were the pursuer at first, having a small crush that grew into something more. Finally, ignoring all of your anxiety you confessed, only to find out that he had the same feelings.
Considering it’s hard to read his emotions, you had no idea that he had been thinking about you as much as you thought about him. It was a wholesome moment when he accepted your confession and surprised you with his own gift the next day to properly ask you to be his official girlfriend. It almost felt too good to be true.
After the first hang out, you met his brother Rin. Unfortunately, the awkward meeting resulted in his subtle insults at the dinner table along with the scowl plastered on his face. Worried that you had crossed a boundary of some sort, Ran reassured you that he acted that way with all his girlfriends and explained that he was just being a protective younger brother.
Brushing it off, you let go of your anxious thoughts and continued on as a normal girlfriend. A few months pass and the tension flees, though you still catch Rin’s intense glare boring into you whenever you and Ran relax at their apartment. You refrained from bringing it up, not wanting to cause any problems between the two brothers.
One day, you had been watching tv as you stroked your boyfriend's hair, his head resting on your lap as he breathed steadily, indicating a deep slumber. After a while, he wakes up and slowly pushes himself off of your lap. You eye him in confusion.
“There’s something I forgot to do. I’ll be back later, babe.” He says before giving you a peck to your forehead and hopping off the sofa. He checks for his wallet in his pocket and opens the door to leave. Once the door shuts behind him, you grab your phone and pull up an app, bored out of your mind as you scroll mindlessly.
“Don’t you have your own home or something?” A voice speaks from the side of the couch. You almost jump out of your skin, you have forgotten that your boyfriend’s younger brother was home.
“Ran invited me over.” You shrug, already used to the subtle jabs to the point that they don’t really affect you as bad. He ignores you as he grabs a glass of water before walking into the living room and sitting next to you, crossing a leg. Your eyebrows furrow at his choice of seating.
“What do you see in my brother, Y/n?”
You pause for a moment, not really expecting a question like that out of nowhere. He takes a sip of the liquid as he readjusts his glasses.
“W-well, I don’t really know how to explain it other than the fact that I would take a bullet for him. I like that I can be myself around him.” You shrug. Honestly, your feelings couldn’t be explained though you know for a fact you’re smitten over the older Haitani. You had been for years prior. The excitement you felt when he accepted your confession was unlike any other happy moment you’ve had. You feel safe when you’re around him, whether to be yourself completely or physically, knowing he’s protective. Of course, this is hard to explain when you’re called out on the spot.
“What a lame answer. Are you sure you deserve my brother?” You make eye contact with him.
“Maybe not.” You sigh, “but I do love him if that’s what you’re worried about. I’m not going to try and hurt him or anything.”
It’s a funny thing, really. You think he’s asking as a protective younger brother. Such a naive girl, though that’s something he noticed in you from the beginning. The little love letters and gifts he opened whenever he found them in his brother’s trash. The excitement he saw on your face from a distance when Ran accepted your confession, not willingly on his own but by his younger brother’s bargaining. The hue that formed on your face when you read the notes from ‘Ran,’ not realizing who they were actually written by.
The plan was easy, really. Ran asks you out so his younger brother can get closer to you. What wasn’t part of the plan was Ran falling for you mid relationship. It just wasn’t fair. He never noticed you until Rin noticed you. Of course, they argued about it. Argued over you. It was interesting how much conflict you were bringing to the brothers without even knowing it. Yes, such a naive thing.
You eye him curiously, wondering why he hadn’t answered you. After a moment of Rin lost in his thoughts, he sets the cup down and stands up. Turning towards you, he bends over and snatches you from the sofa, placing you over his shoulder as he walks to the hall of the apartment.
“Hey! What are you doing?” You exclaim as you hit his back repeatedly. Once he reached his bedroom, he shut the door before tossing you on the bed.
He climbs on top of you, pinning you to the bed.
“Why? Why do you love him so fucking much?” Your eyebrows furrow as you gaze at him with confusion. You wince as his grip tightens.
“What about me? I’m the one who tried so hard to get you! I’m the one who did everything!”
“Rin, I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!” You try to reason with him, anxious out of your mind.
“The notes, the letters, all of it! It was all me.” He hissed, nails digging into your skin. “It was all a plan!”
“What? N-no.” You say in denial. You were so happy when Ran finally decided to give you attention within your relationship considering the beginning of it was a little confusing. You take a moment to think back to those detailed notes that stated things only Ran should know. Was it really all a ploy?
The younger Haitani smirks. “Yes, your precious boyfriend lied to you. Multiple times. He didn’t even have feelings for you until recently.” Tears threaten to fall as a familiar lump forms in your throat.
“N-no. Please, stop saying those things.” You hold back from crying, no longer in denial though not wanting to continue to hear anymore of what was coming out of his mouth.
“I’m tired of waiting for you to wake up, Y/n. It’s time you give back to me.” He states, removing his glasses and setting them down. You take the opportunity to use your free hand to slap him.
“Get off of me!” You shout angrily, tears finally spilling. You just want to leave and sulk by yourself. Rotting in your bed as you send Ran a break up text.
Instead of pinning the arm down, he ignores your outburst by grabbing your neck and lowering his face.
“If you bite me, I will fuck you up.” He promised with a deranged glint in his eyes. You could only stare in horror as he brought his lips to yours. He moves his lips along you hungrily before piercing his tongue through, saliva sliding out of your mouth as you don’t respond.
Using your free hand, you attempt to shove him by the shoulder though it doesn’t work. When he pulls back, he stops for a moment to wipe his mouth and gaze at your eyes. Before you could stop him, his face nuzzled between your shoulder and neck, piling kisses slowly up your skin as you grip his shoulder.
“Rin, don’t do this.” You cry, ignored as he uses both of his hands to tear your shirt. You gasp as the cold air hits your skin, the shirt torn apart, revealing your bare breasts considering you didn’t wear a bra today. His hands grab your mounds, gently squeezing as he releases a quiet moan.
“I was angry the first time I saw you and my brother have sex.” He lowers his head as he sucks one of the nipples, flicking his tongue before closing his lips around the nub once more. A heartbeat forms from your clit as you slightly arch your back from the chill that runs up your spine.
“Rin, please stop.” Your voice cracked, still hurt from the words before though frustrated with the reaction your body is emitting. He makes eye contact with heavy lids.
“But then, I couldn’t help but watch. Your intoxicating moans drew me in, Y/n.” His husky voice vibrated against your nipple, his lips barely touching the nub as he speaks, breath causing your nipple to harden.
“Such a slutty girl. Legs wide open for my brother, begging for more.” He returns to sucking, along with one of his hands easing down to your pants, unhooking them before sliding into your panties.
“Rin.” You whisper. “Just wait, please. W-we can talk about this.” You bite your lip when you feel his finger push against your clit. He slowly rolls his finger against the nub, eyeing you as he continues to lick your nipple. His other hand fondles the other breast, pulling and rubbing circles on your nipple. Your hands held his shoulders, pushing him once more, to no avail.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about your face and how it looked when he was eating you out. The way you rubbed your pussy against his face. I came so hard thinking about you, baby.” He whispers the last sentence.
Your fingers tighten against his shirt as he accelerates his finger against your pussy. Your hips twitch as your head falls back. You felt the juice fall out of your pussy as he gave another lick to your nipple.
Suddenly, he pulls his hand out and sits up. He moves off of you and swiftly pulls your pants off. You try sitting up only to be pushed down before he tears your panties off.
“Rin! This is wrong!”
He ignores you as he opens your legs, fitting himself in between as he holds your thighs down. He doesn’t give you a chance before his lips circle around your clit. Your hips jolt up as you grab his head as an attempt to push him away. His grip only tightens around your thighs, squeezing his arms around painfully as well as using his nails to leave indents, eyeing you from below. You yelp in pain as you fall back, the pleasure of his tongue flicking your nub conflicting with your emotions.
“Well, brother. This was quicker than I thought.” A voice comes from the doorway. You look up surprised to see your boyfriend.
“Ran, i-it’s not what it looks like! I swear!” You cry out.
“It’s okay, baby. I know.” He sighs as he sits behind you, positioning himself to lean against the headboard as your back leans against him.
“I know I have some explaining to do. We can talk about it later, alright? Just relax.” He circles his arms around your waist, his hands moving to hold your breasts as he leaves a trail of kisses on your shoulder.
Rin uses his fingers to gather your slick before pressing two of them inside of you, angling it to hit your g-spot steadily as he continues sucking and licking your clit. You couldn’t help but thrust your hips to force his fingers deeper, releasing a moan before heavily breathing as the overwhelming sensation takes over your body. Your eyes fall into the back of your head as you lay against Ran.
“I just want you to know that I love you so much, even if our relationship didn’t start off as ideal.” Ran softly speaks against your ear while pinching and fondling your nipples.
“W-why did you, ah… lie to… fuck! Lie to me?”
“Oh God!” You exclaim as Rin continues to bring you closer to the edge, accelerating once more as the sounds of your wet pussy fills the room. You feel Ran’s hardened cock against your back.
“I said we’ll talk about it later.” He uses one hand to pull your chin back, landing a passionate kiss on your lips as your body moves against him, grinding your hips against Rin’s face as he adds another finger.
“I-I’m gonna…ah!” You moan as you finally release, Rin lapping up all your juices as your body convulses.
When Rin moves from your legs, he removes his pants as Ran gently shifts you on your knees. You breathe heavily as your legs tremble from your orgasm. Rin guides you on top of himself as you weakly rest your head on his shoulder.
“W-wait! What about a condom?” You say against his neck.
“It’ll be a Haitani either way.” Ran states as he removes his own pants.
Before you could respond, Rin pulls you down as he shoves his cock all the way in. Both of you groan as the feeling of your pussy is stretched and wrapped tightly around his girth. His arms wrap around your back as he holds it there. You feel Ran spread your cheeks before he uses your leaking cream and his own saliva to rub against his cock. He eased the head in, a pain shooting through your back as you whimpered against Rin’s neck.
“I’m gonna fuck this pussy so good.” Rin breathes out before pulling back and rocking his hips forward. Ran shoves himself all the way in as he grips your ass, pulling himself back before slamming in.
They both rock their hips, gradually accelerating as all of your moans and heavy breathing filled the air. The pain mixes in with the pleasure before it engulfs you fully, your mouth held open as your body rocks in between them. Your hands hold onto Rin’s shoulders tightly as you’re plowed from both holes.
“So good. Such a good fucking girl.” The blonde says as he picks up the pace. His head falls back as your sweat mixes with his. “I waited so long, Y/n. You have no idea… fuck! How many… ah! Times I’ve cum to you.”
In a twisted way, the words he spills out of his mouth causes another aching throb to hit your pussy, clenching around him as you both make eye contact.
Ran accelerates his speed, turned on by the display of you getting double penetrated by both of them. He smiles as the scenarios fly through his mind of you naked and waiting for them to come home. Another twitch of his cock forms from the ideas.
After a few minutes of his cock making contact with your g-spot and your boyfriend’s cock filling your ass, you squeeze your eyes shut as you subconsciously bite into Rin’s shoulder, orgasming. Your bite causes him to groan out before pressing himself deep inside you and releasing his load. Ran follows not long after, his cum leaking out of your ass as he pushes against you. Breathing heavily, Ran removes himself from you, pulling you into his arms as well as Rin hugging you from behind.
When you caught your breath, you attempted to sit up from your position, anger lingering from the truth spoken earlier.
“We need to talk.” You say to both of them who only ignore you as they hold you in place, dozing off into a deep slumber as you follow not long after.
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liaslullaby · 3 months
City Lights
You belong to the Port Mafia and after Oda informs you that he is worried about Dazai's behavior, you both set out to try to find him.
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Contents: afab!reader, mafia Dazai (but he acts more like ADA Dazai), fingering, cunnilingus on the edge of a building, praise, consensual, mentions of a possible suicide attempt, he calls you Bella, Donna and Belladonna, handjob, blowjob, unprotected sex, pull out.
Word count: 6.9K
+18 MDNI—Explicit content
A/N: this is my first time writing here, I just wanted to try and see what happens. English is not my first language so I apologize if there are any mistakes in my writing.
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You ran desperately throughout the building, as much as your legs would carry you, opening every door that came your way, ignoring the screams and threats of the individuals inside the rooms once you determined that he was not there, only then did you leave the place to continue with your search, it was like a game of hide-and-seek in which someone's life was probably at stake and that someone was Dazai.
Once you made sure to check the entire place, you got on the elevator, taking the opportunity to try to regulate your heavy breathing. After pressing the number for the next floor, you took your cell phone out of your pocket to check if you had any messages from Oda, while you searched the upper floors he searched the lower ones, the first one to find him had to notify the other.
This search method was frankly tiring you out but Mori wouldn't let you see the cameras unless the mafia was in danger and unlike the two of you, no one else seemed really worried about the brunette, clearly, him thinking about making an attempt on his life was not something that surprised anyone. Normally not even the two of you would take it so seriously but Oda mentioned that he was uneasy about Dazai's behavior after a night of drinking, you just couldn't let it go and that's why he had told you, maybe because he knew you were the only person who would care as much as he did.
You weren't sure when he had time to get so deep into your heart but you weren't going to be calm until you saw him. If Chuuya realized you were so concern about Dazai he would most likely make fun of you but you would worry about him later.
If you were Dazai where would you be? You pondered that question a couple of times, getting frustrated in your attempt to find an answer, the one with chocolate eyes was simply too smart for you to be able to think like him, if he didn't want to be found no one would find him, that was a fact. Whenever you tried to think like him you ended up coming to the same conclusion, maybe he was on the roof but it didn't make sense to you, he wasn't such a typical person who just wanted to end his life anyway, Osamu wouldn't jump off the roof because the end could be physically painful and he felt rejection towards the pain. However, after having just that one idea you found yourself going back to the elevator and pressing the number for the top floor, skipping the other ones and ignoring everything in that place to go straight to the stairs that led to the roof.
The door was half open, letting in the outside air, you pushed it slightly and looked out realizing that your hunch was correct. There he was, standing on the edge of the building, one wrong step and it would be a fatal fall. He was wearing only his white shirt and black pants, without his black trench coat, his shoes lay next to him perfectly placed, he had his hands in his pockets and his gaze fixed on the view in front of him.
You let out a sigh of relief and text Oda immediately, you told him to go home and that this time you would take care of him, he didn't seem as serious as you thought after all. You closed the door behind you softly and slowly approached him.
"Could you come down from there?" You asked him in a calm voice, a bit of softness to speed up the process, frankly you were too tired to stay there all night.
"Belladonna, have you seen how beautiful the city looks from here?" He asked without turning around, he didn't need to do it to know who was behind him. You weren't surprised that he had noticed so easily, maybe he knew from the beginning that you would come. "It's like a painting in motion... I wonder how many of the people down there have something to hold onto."
"Something to hold on to?" You asked, your gaze traveling from his body to what was in front of him, the city. Modern buildings, some unnecessarily tall structures that cost a fortune to build, the entire place was filled with bright lights interrupting the night with its light pollution and the unmistakable noise of the crowd below overshadowed the calm sound of the wind.
"Something that makes them wake up every morning and be grateful for being alive, their family, friends, a pet or even a love... it may not even be a living being for some of them," he explained, turning calmly, his feet touching the edge of the abyss for a second making your heart skip a beat. "People cling to work because they need money, I think they will also have something that makes them subconsciously cling to life, something that makes them happy enough to want to continue living."
You couldn't be sure if all this speech was coming from his alcohol intake, probably not, those words could perfectly well come out of the mouth of a completely sober Dazai, Oda said that he had drunk more than normal but surely he wasn't even drunk, he was just saying whatever was on his mind.
"Do you have something to hold on to Bella?" He asked, placing one of his hands on his chin, narrowing his eyes as he looked directly at you, as if he could read your mind. "Let's not go too deep... you have something to make you cling to the mafia?"
"You know I have it" you responded, looking away from him again.
Anyone with half a brain in the mafia could guess the answer to that question.
The same reason you had joined the mafia was the reason you clung to it, Nakahara Chuuya. Since you had joined the sheep you swore loyalty to the redhead and unlike the rest of your friends that loyalty remained even after the rest betrayed him, no matter what they said, if he had collaborated with the Port Mafia he would have his reasons, if he had joined them he would have his reasons for that too and as long as he allowed you to accompany him you were going to be by his side no matter what happened. Even in the mafia your loyalty was not really to Mori but to the gravity manipulator, if Chuuya's loyalty was with that man then yours would be too.
"Chibi-chan is lucky" the brunette assured, smiling, hiding sadness in that gesture, not even bothering to hide it enough so that you couldn't notice it. Did he hope that he was the reason why you clung to this place? Or maybe it just affected him to think that he was the only one who had nothing to hold on to.
You almost never understood him, mainly his fixation with death gave you chills, his way of acting seemed confusing and his intellect was overwhelming but there was something in particular about him that kept catching your attention, that aura of a writer in pain, which he carried as if it were his eternal luggage. You can't help but feel that he was suffering as only artists knew how to suffer and that made you want to pay attention to him every time he entered a room. His suffering was poetic and intriguing, you wanted to know what was really behind all that, what was behind Dazai Osamu's mask, that's why you had let him get so close to you, dig an egg in your heart and get into it as much as he felt like it.
"Come and dance with me," he said, extending one of his hands gently, his flirtatious expression now replacing that hurt smile.
"I'll dance with you if you come down from there." You assured crossing your arms, he pouted at your response.
"But if you dance with me here we can have a better view" he tried to convince you, put both hands in the air pretending that he was placing one of them on someone`s shoulder and holding their waist with the other, humming a song that you didn't know he began to move gracefully over the edge of the building, dirtying his feet with the dust accumulated on the cement, the way he carelessly turned on the tips of his feet seemed like he was dancing with death.
He winked at you before making another spin, staggering enough to scare you so you ran up to him and pulled one of his hands making him fall to the opposite side of the chasm, accidentally taking you with him, falling on your back while he landed next to you on one of his shoulders.
"You're an idiot" you mentioned, getting up when you heard him laugh from the ground, he lay down on his back, crumpling and dirtying his white shirt, not that he cared anyway. His eyesight no longer appreciated the city lights but the sky above your heads.
"You should stop hanging out with Chuuya, you're starting to sound like him." He put both hands behind his head and used them as a pillow, he didn't seem ready to get up yet. "You came to stop me, didn't you?"
You nodded and he let out a sigh.
"If you keep worrying so much about me I'm going to start thinking that you like me, Bella." From his tone he sounds like a little boy who just wants to annoy, it's like he expected that comment to make you angry but you don't even take him seriously, he wanted to provoke you like he did with Chuuya but that behavior was nothing new for you and unlike the redhead, you could let Dazai's attitude go.
Ignoring his comment, you walked until you rested your hands on the edge of the building, getting a better view of the landscape that he adored a few minutes ago. He was right, it was a painting in motion. You could understand how anyone would be struck by that interesting urban chaos.
The brunette sighed, his body still resting on the ground, one of his legs crossed over the other, his hair disheveled and his eyes left the starry sky to rest on you, admiring your figure. Although he knew that you and Chuuya didn't have a physical or romantic relationship, he couldn't help but think that the blue-eyed boy was lucky. Osamu was almost sure that you would never mind him touching you, from your body language he deduced that a part of you really was attracted to the gravity manipulator but he was too distracted to notice. And although Dazai himself had tried to make him seen it several times, he always told him to shut up. His obstinacy was sad, a true waste of a beautiful lady's interest.
Why were you wasting your time waiting for someone too clueless to notice you?
If it were him, Dazai, he would have realized it in an instant and would never have wasted your time, whatever you wanted from him he would have gladly given it to you. He wasn't Chuuya but he did suffer because of how much he wanted to touch you, run his fingers over your smooth skin, caress every corner of you that he could reach. Your body was what he occasionally craved more than death.
Eternal rest had enchanted him, it had seduced him a long time ago and he couldn't wait for destiny to let him fall into its arms, but he was clear that he would escape from it if you gave him the opportunity to try you at least once. To get rid of the doubts he has, how sweet your essence would be, how drunk would he be if it spilled on his lips, how much your silhouette would hypnotize him in the middle of his hands full of sin. You made him wonder so many things that he could rarely sleep when you got into his head at night.
"Chibi-chan is lucky," he repeated to himself, part of him cursing that the redhead would let the wind take away that ticket to happiness that the world had carefully laid at his feet.
"If you repeat it so much I'm going to start to think that you're envious of him," you mentioned without turning around, as a joke, assuming that he would defend himself with some childish comment, bringing out that immature behavior that the mere mention of the gravity manipulator caused in him. However, Dazai was not in the mood to play children's games that night.
"Maybe a little," he admits with a shrug, getting up from the ground and approaching you with his hands in his pockets.
You frowned in confusion at what you had just heard, turning to find him just a few steps away from you. "What could you envy about Chuuya?"
This was that type of behavior that always surprised you, he usually spent his time getting the redhead out of his mind as much as he could, teasing him, making fun of him, provoking him in every way he could think of, but now he calmly revealed that a part of him envied Nakahara. Dazai Osamu was quite a puzzle.
He took a few more steps towards you and you instinctively backed away until you collided with the edge of the building, he stopped inches from you, tilting his head down to carefully observe your face adorned with bewilderment and confusion.
"The way you look at him" he sighed "I don't know if I'd call it jealousy but I definitely wish I was in his place."
You froze for a second, he sounded sincere but frankly you weren't sure how much you could trust what Dazai was telling you, after all his intelligence surpassed yours, he could probably make you believe whatever he wanted, although it was not clear to you what he would gain from what he was telling you.
"Stop joking, Dazai," you warned him, fixing your eyes on his, trying to make him understand through your serious look that you weren't in the mood for that kind of games, not when he got so into character.
"I promise you I'm not joking" he clarified, raising both hands in a sign of innocence, he didn't feel like playing with that topic either, at least not now. The way the city lights illuminated you from below gave you an aura worthy of admire for him, he couldn't play with you at a moment like that, when you looked so especially charming. "I can prove it to you if you want," he offered as naturally as he would offer you a glass of water, although it was not clear to you what exactly he was offering you.
"Prove it to me?" you asked, bewildered. His hands returned to his pockets and he nodded slightly. "Prove what to me, Dazai?"
Without making any sudden movements, he took his hands out of his pockets again, being aware of how uneasy he had made you feel by his sudden confession, he slowly brought his hands closer to one of yours, taking it to bring it to his mouth and after lightly licking his lips, he planted a small kiss on the back of your hand, hoping to calm you with his gentle gesture. He proceeded to explain himself "I would like to prove to you how much I want you to look at me the way you look at Chuuya."
You could have sworn that you had felt your heart skip a beat and you froze for a second, repeating his words in your head over and over again, processing them to make sure you weren't imagining things, that proposal had really come out of the brunette's mouth, he was actually in front of you, ensuring that he meant what he said.
You blinked several times when Dazai's lips crashed into yours after accepting his request. Beyond how much everything that was happening seemed strange to you, it intrigued you after all, like everything that had to do with him. You didn't know where he wanted to go with all this, what exactly he hoped to achieve or what feelings towards Chuuya he was referring to but you were willing to take the risk because you were interested in that brown-haired man after all. More in a general way than romantically, however you didn't want to let go the opportunity to get closer to him and discover what awaited you in his proposal.
His lips were thin, soft, gentle at first, the taste of what he had drunk still lingered on them but you didn't dislike it. His hands went delicately to your body, confidently placing one on your waist, bringing you closer to him while the other cupped your face, his thumb barely had contact with your cheek, his touch was respectful of you, he moved forward timidly while he made sure you felt comfortable with him and then he took you as if he didn't want to let you go.
With your eyes closed, you sank into the kiss, your hands slowly passed through his chest until they surrounded his neck and buried themselves in his scalp, allowing you to play with his soft brown hair while you gave him access to your mouth. You didn't expect him to melt you for him so easily but it wasn't a surprise to you either, he was naturally skilled at everything he put his mind to, this wouldn't be an exception. He won the battle for dominance of the kiss without problems and he explored your oral cavity anxiously as he took even more of you, desire growing inside him every time he got more, everything was better than he had imagined.
Your body reacted so perfectly to him, to the passage of his palms, it was not as if you were made to fit with him but rather as if you molded to his taste, as if your body told him where he should go but at the same time took him where he wanted to go. He was sure that your mouth was the place he would return to without thinking about it, it could be his eternal vice and he would never get tired of the sweet and addictive feeling of your lips against his, if he had to receive the kiss of death he hoped it would come from you, he couldn't resist anyone else kissing him from now on. He went down to your neck and your aroma filled his nostrils, making him wish his pillows smelled like that. Sleeping every night with that comforting smell sounded like paradise. Now he would never want to be separated from you, not after you made him obsessed with you this way.
"You are exquisite Belladonna" he whispered, bringing his lips to your ear, slowly licking your earlobe causing your entire body to tingle, his arms wrapped around your waist, curling even more as he took another step closer, pressing his body against yours, slightly tucking one of his legs between yours. "I wonder how far you'll let me go."
He raised his knee a little, until his thigh made contact with your clothed cunt, he applied pressure lightly getting a gasp from you and unconsciously your thighs tightened around his leg preventing him from moving, which drew a smile on Dazai's lips.
The brunette's hands were filled with audacity and slowly left your waist to travel to your ass, he stopped for a moment to wait for a slap from you, one that never came, that was the proof he needed to know that he had now intoxicated you so much in him that he had you where he wanted. He gave your cheeks a gentle squeeze, a gasp escaping your lips while a satisfying hum escaped his own, every part of you was too alluring not to place his sinful fingers on it, he took the time to enjoy the contact between his finger tips and every centimeter of your body.
"I think I've proven enough" he whispered in your ear as a warning, letting you know that he was about to walk away, thinking that if he had achieved his goal you would immediately stop him and just like that, you did it, you didn't understand exactly why or how but now you needed him. You couldn't let him walk away now that he had stolen a little of your breath and a little of your common sense.
Your grip tightened slightly, you didn't say anything but it was easy to understand the meaning behind that, you didn't want him to move away. And that's how Dazai understood it, complying with the implicit order you had given him, he joined his lips with yours again, carrying this second kiss with more lust than the previous one.
He gave your ass another squeeze, harder this time, and leaned over you, his height trapping you completely between him and the edge of the building, at any other time you would have yelled at him to get away because it could be dangerous, but now there was something exciting about having the bright lights of the city behind you while the brown-eyed man's lips moved down your neck, sucking your skin with desire and the need to record every part of you in every part of himself.
You knew that Chuuya would judge you for this, your mind would probably go blank when he asked you where the hickeys that Dazai was leaving so passionately on your neck had come from, so you would have to hope that the redhead didn't find out that it was precisely Mackerel who skillfully unbuttoned your shirt while you sighed for him every time his knee pressed on that special place between your legs. The one with blue eyes would never leave you alone if he knew that you had let Osamu put his eyes on your breasts and he would recriminate you for the rest of your life if you told him, that you allowed him not only to place his hands but also his lips on them. Nakahara would be a pain in the ass if you admitted that your panties got wet for no one else and no other than the youngest leader in the history of the Port Mafia.
Dazai, on the other hand, was fascinated with you, with your breasts and the soft sounds that escaped your mouth every time he ran his tongue over what wasn't covered by your bra, but although he was delighted with it, he didn't take long to take the next step and let one of his hands went down your abdomen, caressing your soft skin until he reached the button on your pants, which he got rid of in a matter of seconds to slide his hand between your panties.
"Oh, 'Donna, what do we have here?" He asked rhetorically as he felt the wetness in your pussy, a teasing tone and a smirk plastered on his face caused your cheeks to burn. A sudden stroke of shyness because of his comment attacked you and you wanted to push him away, putting your hands on his chest but before you could do it he started making circles on your clit making you moan. "Beautiful, come on, sing more for me."
It was music to his ears, an unmatched melody, it was like a delicacy that he could taste every time he heard it, delicious. He wanted more, he needed more and that was what he got by accelerating his rhythm, a series of moans, sweet, desperate, it made his skin crawl and his member throb in his pants.
The brunette bit his lower lip when you threw your head back, eyes closed and lips parted, your eyebrows furrowed slightly every time you sighed and the expression of satisfaction on your face could easily be worthy of a museum if you asked Dazai. The representation of beauty appeared before him, you were like a muse and he was definitely a lucky man, how could he not consider himself one after what he was experiencing.
He abandoned your clit and his finger slowly slid to your folds, he kissed your collarbones sweetly and began to insert his digit, delighting in how good your walls felt surrounding him, your warmth welcoming him as he had been longing for so long. It was like a dream but it felt real, although nothing real had ever felt so good to him before, he could almost give up his death wish if you asked him, with your voice shaking and your eyes covered in desire. He could kneel before you if you asked him to and he did, even though you didn't ask him.
You whimpered when he took his hands off of you and then opened your eyes, you saw him smile at you, what you would describe as an mischievous smile spread across his face when his hands went to the hem of your pants, he winked at you and his eyes told you to trust him, so already too invested in that situation, you trusted.
Without your pants being a problem he placed one of his hands on your lower abdomen, gently pushing you until you were lying on the edge of the building, there was barely enough room for your torso, your head was hanging off the edge and you could see the city lights, you got lost in them for a second while the man with chocolate eyes slid your panties down your legs until they fell to the floor.
Dazai placed your legs on his shoulders, holding your thighs with his arms to make sure he didn't let you fall, he would never forgive himself if he did. Osamu didn't know which he loved more at this point, the view of the city from the edge or the view of your wet cunt, probably the latter since he was the only one who could see it. He moved closer and you could feel his breath hit your entrance, he licked his lips before placing a kiss on your clit.
That he was a messy eater didn't surprise you, it was almost expected, what you would never have expected was how good he was at it, eager to please, to listen to how you succumbed more and more to his charms. All the slurping, sucking and wet sounds he caused were lost in the wind along with the lewd sounds that escaped your mouth.
You two were lucky no one came up to the roof.
You started to get dizzy, being upside down was starting to affect you but with how good he made you feel you didn't want to move, not only was your entire body gripped by lust but you had a beautiful view, how were you supposed to want to stop this?
With his tongue between your folds he pumped his head at a steady pace, tongue fucking you, occasionally switching to giving a few quick licks to your clit. Your wetness covered his mouth and he was happy about it, he went against you like a hungry man, ready to satisfy himself with you, he wanted to taste as much of you as he could as if you were his favorite candy, one that if he didn't eat now he didn't know when he would be able to eat again. This was his chance, now or never, he had to take advantage while he could or he would regret it later.
"Dazai, feels so good" your hands went to his scalp and buried themselves in it, you brought him closer to you almost as if you didn't care if he runs out air, god knows he didn't care if he did. What could be better than dying between your legs? Thinking of himself as Shakespeare, he would say that it would be like finding heaven without even entering it, he would definitely brag to the demons and bother the angels by claiming that his heaven is better than theirs.
Your legs trembled around his head and your back arched, it was too much, your orgasm crawled up to you, a knot in the lower part of your stomach that threatened to unravel at any moment, you warned him with heavy breathing. You asked him to go slower but he couldn't allow himself to do that, not when you were so close to the climax he was dying to witness.
His hands held your thighs tightly, avoiding digging his nails into you because he wasn't looking to hurt you, he wouldn't forgive himself for that, he wanted to please you, not hurt you, he couldn't hurt you, especially now that he knew how well his name sounded on your lips when you moaned it.
The lights of the city disappeared as your eyes closed when you felt like you were going to touch heaven the second you came on Dazai's face, your fluids dripping down your thighs and onto his chin but that didn't stop him, he licked your folds until you finished riding your high.
"That was beautiful, Donna," he said, getting up from the ground and pulling you by the waist, he helped you sit down. You barely knew where you were. Your half-open eyes focused on him and he joined his lips with yours, making you taste yourself. "You're lovely."
He helped you stand up, he was afraid that you would fall if he didn't take you away from the abyss, one fall from there and he would lose you, death would not forgive you after you took away the man who wanted her most. The brunette was sure that she was a jealous being.
"Do you think you can help me with something?" He whispered in your ear as if he was afraid the city behind him could hear him.
"With what?" You asked between the dizziness and the intensity of your climax, between the dopamine and oxytocin, the feeling of well-being was too good to allow you to concentrate on anything.
"This" taking one of your wrists, the one with brown eyes took it until he placed your hand on the bulge in his pants, it was painfully hard, he let out a sigh as you cradled him, stroking him slowly as you watched him bite his lip.
You started very clumsily but Dazai didn't pay much attention to that, it was a matter of time before your other hand helped you by going to his belt, you thought you had understood what he wanted you to do. The sound of the buckle hitting the ground interrupted the wind for a second as you knelt in front of him, undoing the button on his pants, your thumbs pulling down his boxers just enough to free his member and one of your hands wrapping around him, he gasped and threw his head back. You began to make slow movements along his length and he pushed his hips a little, motivating you to go faster, he was beginning to get desperate.
His tip, aching red, began to drip with precum so you used your thumb to spread some, you licked your lips settling down on your knees which were scraping lightly on the cement of the floor, some dust on your skin but you weren't paying attention to the dirt of the place but to Dazai's reactions, his soft sighs and the way he pushed his hips against your hand every now and then.
You opened your mouth, your head moving unconsciously towards his cock. Feeling your breath on him his gaze turned to you, you almost took his breath away when you timidly placed your lips on his tip, he cursed in a whisper, the surprising sensation of pleasure that ran over him made him gasp harder than before, his nails dug into his palms and he had to stop himself from grabbing your head and pushing himself until he hit your throat and made you choke on him, it wasn't the time for that but he would definitely save the idea for another day. You pumped your head a little, just focusing on the head while your hand worked on the rest at a similar pace, his eyes couldn't stop looking at the way his dick was slowly disappearing in your mouth. How was it possible that you looked so angelic and seductively sinful at the same time?
A small but unexpected thrust on his part made your gag reflex worse for a second so you had to separate for a moment, you coughed but quickly composed yourself, although you wanted to take him again he stopped you, he couldn't let everything continue to focus so much on himself when he was dying to have your legs wrapped around his waist and your eyes with dilated pupils focused on him while he slam into you.
"We have many days for you to finish that." Of course, now that he knew the paradise you were, he would claim you as his own. "Would you mind lying down for me?"
The stars of the late night were the spectators of how you did what he asked you, lying on your back, your legs were bent but the shame that you had not gotten rid of yet forced you to keep them together, tenderly he knelt just before open them with the same delicacy that he used at the beginning.
Even with your open blouse on and your bra you felt very exposed when the brunette took a second to appreciate you from head to toe, kneeling in front of you, his gaze felt heavy, it was like the one of a predator, he would intimidate you if you showed him weakness for a second, perhaps that's how those who feared him felt, however, unlike with them, that look did nothing more than silently praise your body. Of course you still didn't learn enough about him to notice that difference.
Dazai took place in between your legs, with his member in one of his hands, he ran his tip up and down your folds, filling it with your fluids, enjoying your sighs of satisfaction and despair at the same time. You didn't know what he was waiting for, you thought maybe he wanted some kind of approval but when you were about to give it, he entered your pussy in one thrust, unexpectedly stretching you out, your back arched and you both moaned in unison.
"Oh, you take me so well." He said with relief, satisfaction radiating from his face.
You surrounded him with your legs and held on to his biceps when his hands rested on either side of your body, contrary to what you expected considering his first thrust, he started calmly, giving you time to get used to it. Although it didn't take you long to do so, soon you were saying his name as if it were a prayer, asking him to go faster and clearly your wishes were orders to him. His pace not only became more constant but he began to bury himself harder inside you, your walls around him could easily be his downfall and he would never complain.
He looked at where the two of you joined together, he wanted to engrave that image in his head, it would serve him so well when you appeared in his thoughts and you weren't around, he would have something that would help him entertain himself, calm his cravings and the possible erection that he remembering you would cause him. Your walls tightening around him, your nails digging on his skin, your legs on his waist and your breasts moving every time he thrust into you, a perfect combination for him, that motivated him to go all out but not as much as your shaky voice that was occasionally interrupted by moans.
His hips against yours generated the unmistakable sound of flesh against flesh, his balls collided against your ass and you could feel him so much deeper each time, making a pleasurable current spread through your body, your toes curled, your breathing was extremely irregular, you were losing yourself too much in your satisfaction again and the last straw was when Dazai hit your cervix.
"Too deep," you whimpered.
You had never felt anyone so deep inside you, this was a new experience. You felt full, totally, and it was glorious.
Without saying anything, the one with brown eyes move your bra away and brought his lips to one of your nipples, stimulating you even more, between that and the rough way he went against you, it seemed like he was trying to make you faint by giving so much to you, you could barely deal with it all that. Your entire body bristle and your eyes even watered a little. From how well you were stretching for him, Dazai guessed that it was a matter of time before you came around him and the simple idea of it made his member throb inside you, he was close too.
With the slight sound of a 'pop' he left your nipple to start sucking the other, he was becoming messy again, he cover your breasts with his saliva and his thrusts became clumsier, he was almost reaching his limit, was closer than he would like to admit, so he continued with a more unpredictable rhythm, rearranging your guts as he pleased.
Dazai couldn't help but think that maybe pleasure was the apple that God told Adam and Eve not to eat. Perhaps the fruit was nothing more than a metaphor for the other's body, but for them the exquisite view in front was too tempting, the snake could simply be the representation of the lust that was in them, of the desire to sinfully touch the other for more than only reproductive purposes. At this point nothing makes more sense than abandoning paradise for this kind of overwhelming, delicious, sinful joy.
You started panting heavily, your vision blurring slightly thanks to the tears that fell from your eyes, there were only two but they held so much satisfaction that they were proof of how much Dazai wanted you to look at him the way you looked at Chuuya, all the pleasure he gave to your body was the fair and necessary proof that what he had said was not a joke at all.
A high pitched moan escaping inevitably from your lips was the prelude to your orgasm, although you knew it was coming, it caught you by surprise taking complete control of your body, causing your eyes to narrow, your legs tightened around his waist imprisoning him, holding him close as your walls clenched hard around his member, covering him with your fluids and triggering his own orgasm, barely giving him time to get out of you. The brunette let out a grunt and pulled out of you in one quick movement, coming into your stomach, covering your skin with thick ropes of his cum as he panted, almost complaining about having to leave your warm interior.
"I have to say, you are addictive Belladonna." He smirk and winks at you with a loving and tired expression plastered on his face.
You chuckled at his comment, too tired to say a word as you tried to compose yourself after your climax.
Dazai threw his head back while breathing heavily, he looked exhausted, beads of sweat had accumulated on his forehead and his hair was completely messy but he looked more relieved and alive than ever. His eyes were on the starry sky as he gathered the energy to move, which took him a couple of minutes.
You didn't think you would say this, and you probably wouldn't really say it out loud, opening your mouth to admit that Dazai Osamu had turned your entire world upside down was giving him too much power over you that he couldn't possess for one simple reason, it would raise his ego and God have mercy on the Port Mafia if that happens. Although you didn't admit it, you did ask him for a favor, to keep this between you two and although he assure you that his lips were sealed, nothing would stop him from bragging a little without giving too many details.
"Oi, Chuuya" Dazai hummed, lengthening the 'a' as he entered the blue-eyed man's office where the two of you were reviewing the details of a mission.
The redhead rolled his eyes, not wanting to even speak to him at this moment since his head was hurting already, he just massaged his temples and pointed to the door as a way of telling him to get out, something the brunette clearly had no intention of doing.
"I have a question, have you ever fucked?" The indiscreet question from the youngest leader of the Port Mafia not only made you almost choke on your own saliva but also made Nakahara automatically look at him with hatred, he didn't know where this was going but he knew beforehand that it would irritate him.
"What the hell is that question about, Mackerel?" Chuuya barks at Osamu, both confused and annoyed by the brunette's unnecessary and clearly unexpected interruption.
"I was just curious, I thought maybe your anger problems are because you need to release some tension with a woman... or a man, if that makes my dog happy so be it." said the one with brown eyes, letting himself fall carelessly into one of the chairs in front of the gravity manipulator's desk. "There is nothing more satisfying than directly seeing the pleasure in the eyes of the person you make love with, don't you think?"
Although Dazai was talking to Chuuya you could feel that he was directing his words to you, he had a malicious smile as if he enjoyed indirectly showing off to the redhead in his own way what he had done. It was Dazai's way of giving the blue-eyed man a small clue that he intended to steal you from him.
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