#not a single soul has asked me to delete not one
The infamous, long awaited, not once, but twice deleted… simon riley x single mom reader fic is finally here:
Simon riley can’t cook for the life of him. Every time he’s back home from deployment, he’ll just survive on instant noodles and canned beer for maybe a week and then he goes back to base and gladly munches on the prepackaged food they throw at him.
Truth is, it has always been like this, and he’s never seen anything wrong with it.
Until price told him that the next op will be in 3 months and this grown ass man shivered just thinking about eating shitty frozen food for 90 days straight.
He begged price, said he’d stay and clean up the base for free, anything! He’d do anything to stay! And price told him to ‘piss off for 12 weeks before he went insane’
Cut to simon, standing in the frozen goods isle, letting out a groan as he rubbed the bridge of his crooked nose. And he angrily stomped towards the frozen bags on the shelves and dropped everything in sight into his cart, trying so hard not to puke at the mere thought of eating all of that junk. The thing is, he was so mad at that moment that if some poor soul approached him asking where the milk was, they’d get a box of frozen turkey legs shoved down their throat.
And you know, someone did approach him. And no, they got to live.
It was a tiny toddler, maybe around 5 or 6, wearing a purple tutu skirt, and she was holding a dino plushie to her chest, looking straight up at simon.
Picture this, a grown 6’2 man, muscular with tats and everything, looking down at a 5 year old girl with messy hair and yellow rain boots. They both looked so serious, none of them broke the eye contact, staring at each other with puzzled expressions.
Simon was about to continue shopping when he saw a woman running towards them, she dropped down to the ground, distressed and scared, tightly hugging the toddler. She whispered to the kid ‘why did you leave me, never do that to me ever again, mom was so scared’
And you know, he could’ve just walked away at that point. Of course, It was a heartwarming scene to behold, a mother finding their lost child, but god, simon couldn’t stop staring at the woman kneeling on the dirty in front of him, the way her eyes were glossy with tears, her cheeks slightly red from the tear stains and she was beautiful. Beautiful.
It had been years, if not decades, since the last that simon thought a human being was beautiful. He wasn’t used to the butterflies that were flying in his stomach, and he wasn’t sure how to react. So he sat down, next to her.
“Hey… t’s okay, don’t worry luv, you found her, alright?”
“I- she was holding my hand one second… and the next i couldn’t find her! I got so… scared, and she wasn’t anywhere, and i thought- i thought”
Simon wasn’t one for holding hands.
But he held her hand. He put his calloused pale hand over hers, and he couldn’t help but to let out a shaky sigh at the feeling. He was dizzy, like he had been drinking bottles of cheap booze, but he didn’t feel sick like the way the cheap booze made him feel, he felt warm.
And with that, the woman looked up at him,
“Thank you? For, for-“
“I didn’ find her luv, you did, but y’welcome anyway”
He laughed out, trying to act like there weren’t fireworks exploding in his head just by looking at her eyes.
But she chuckled, she chuckled at him!
“Sorry i couldn’t help but notice… is that like 20-ish pizzas you’ve got?”
And she pointed at his cart, which had a huge pile of frozen pizzas stacked on top of each other. She giggled.
He cursed under his breath,
“Yea, i- long story, i… can’t cook?”
“Can’t cook? Cook food?”
He put his hand on his neck, rubbing the aching muscle, as he let out another sigh shaking his head.
“That… can’t be good for you, blood pressure is the silent killer after all”
“I know, i know, i-“
“I could… teach you how to cook?”
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arminsumi · 1 year
Seeing ex!Geto again after years
💗 すぐる
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note : srry to make y'all cry 👍 this was written from a raw heart lol
summary : oh god, he still loves you. oh god. all of it comes back to him in the moment he sees you. you say his name and it feels like a gunshot wound to the chest.
warnings : angst, kinda hopeful ending, not proofread
playme : my love mine all mine
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In the moment you turn to face the stranger, the world stops. Or at least the world between you and him. You always did "live in your own world" when you were dating, everyone pointed it out.
When Suguru sees you for the first time after not talking to you for... what, a year? He's so stricken. His eyes widen. His pupils dilate a bit. The color drains from his face. He doesn't know what he feels, but it's a snapping shattering breaking ruining feeling.
And when you, so shocked as you are, whisper his name with a chip in your voice "Suguru...?" It's like a gunshot wound to his heart. Bang. It kills him. And god it's only his name, isn't it crazy that the effect is so severe?
It has such a hold on him, you saying his name. He can't move; he's stationary, statue-like just like you in the middle of this cafe. He's paralyzed by your voice. The voice that used to sing him to sleep. The voice that used to talk philosophy with him at 2:32 AM on school nights. The voice that was the only thing that calmed him down during his darkest hours.
He stutters. No words come out of him or you, and yet so much is said. So much is said.
"Hey." he chokes out.
"Hey." you return.
Isn't it funny, he thinks when he gets home and slumps against the door after closing it.
How we used to speak until we ran out of breath, until we exhausted all topics possible. And then stared with pure love at each other in silence...
...and yet when you encountered each other in public by chance again, nothing but "hey"? He used to tell you that he was gonna spend his whole life with you. He used to call you baby. He used to cradle you in his arms. He used to love you vehemently. He used to kiss you until he gasped for air and laughed. He used to smile into those kisses. He used to swear he was yours, all yours. He etched your name into his skin, not figuratively; when you were teenagers you were fucking insane and giggled over the idea of etching your names into each other.
Sad. So sad. He feels his whole chest weighted, gravity pulls on his heart like it's pulling him into a grave.
While in bed, he stares at your phone number in his contacts. He blocks and unblocks. He types and deletes. He calls and ends calls. He nibbles his lip and sighs and gives up.
What would I even say...?
The image of a memory from September 21st 2019 flashes in his eyes. Your smiling face. Okinawa.
He snaps. And calls you. And it rings, rings rings rings rings rings —
"...hello? Whose number is this?" you ask, voice sending a shiver down his spine.
Fuck, that voice. That voice... is capable of murder. You kill me, baby. You kill me with your voice alone.
He makes a strangled noise. Tears roll off his cheeks. There's so many tears in fact. So many. Endless. It hurts him to shed every single one. And all his tears are for you.
"...Suguru, is that you?"
How could she know?
He chokes up and stutters, and says the quietest "hey" after clearing his throat.
It's 1:30 AM.
"You're still a night owl?"
There's tense silence............................................then you chuckle and it fucking breaks him. Devastates him. Tortures him so deliciously. Oh he missed that. Oh god he missed that. That laugh. That laugh is so beautiful to him. It's so brief and yet it nourishes his whole soul just to hear your laugh again. Oh god your laugh. Oh god... your voice.
Oh god, you.
"I am, yeah." you respond. "But you're awake too, aren't you?"
I want to hear her say my name again.
"I am..."
Please say my name again.
"You are."
Baby say my name. Say my name. Say my name.
There's silence. He knows, and you know, that the both of you are feeling flashbacks of memories crashing over the two of you like tidal waves. Memories of you and him.
"...did you ever think of me?" you ask.
"...I thought of you every day from the moment we parted."
You choke up. You laugh to cope with his revelation.
"How dramatic..." he can hear your voice grow hoarse, like you're in pain but trying to be funny. Because... it is funny, isn't it? This insanity we call reality?
"I've got to sleep... got work tomorrow."
"Me too."
He holds his breath.
His whole world... god, it's... he just... he...
The two of you hang up.
A few minutes pass. Then the two of you call each other again. It's you calling him. His heart thumps hard. His chest is so tight.
And then... well, it's... it's just like the old days. But different. But still... that old feeling engulfs you and him during this phone call.
A phone call that starts at 1 AM and ends at 5 AM.
Dawn comes. When birds chirp.
And the two of you pass out while talking, the phone call still going. You wake up and see that he never ended the call after saying he would once you fell asleep.
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whoishotteranimepolls · 5 months
Poll analysis part 5
This one isn't so much related to fandom behavior. Overall, it's more about how certain characters or apparently where some people draw the line enough to have made a fuss in the comments or my inbox. I find it interesting where the standards are for some people and I mean I just drew the line at no sentient weapons or mechs
And when I say cause a fuss that would mean causing crap in the comments to messaging me asking me to ban characters or entire franchises because they're problematic for various reasons which I will get into. To flat out harassment of me for allowing these characters in my polls and the people who voted for whatever character they have a problem. It's the full spectrum of bad behavior. This is going to get weird
Izutsumi from Dungeon Meshi why is she the only character people are causing crap about for being 17? I have gotten so many messages about this one character. No one gives a crap about the other underage characters apparently, but the 17 year old cat girl is too much. And again, I think I would have gotten at least one message about one of the 15-year-olds but no just the underage cat girl. I am so confused why this is the line for so many people. When I say she has been a problem, she has been in two polls and she has been the source of 7 polite messages. 12 not nice messages full on harassing messages. Calling me a disgusting pervert for even allowing her in my polls. 11 comments that had to be deleted 12 tags/Reblogs that had to be hidden. All because they said something like she's 17 you perverts. I have set a new record for the amount of people I've had to block over a single character and she's been in two polls. I didn't get this much crap over the character that looked 12.
Kikuri Hiroi from Bocchi the Rock! My original problem character because of her Moe art style she looks 12. Even though she's 28, I've resorted to just putting her age in the post to avoid the things turning into a dumpster fire after that first poll.
Uncle Iroh was a character. I did not expect to cause issues because everyone loves Uncle iroh. Apparently some people find it weird that some people find him hot. Because multiple people have made a fuss in comments or in my inbox about how it's gross or weird to find him hot because he's a grandpa. Ironically, one of the people making a fuss about iroh really has a crush on Silvers Rayleigh the irony in that is hilarious.
Toji Fushiguro I've gotten a few messages about him saying he should be banned because he's a crappy father. A terrible person and anyone who finds him attractive should seek psychiatric help. People he's a villain calm down This is Tumblr. I feel like people have forgotten Loki mania where he was considered the god of Tumblr. I think Tumblr has a thing for villains. Look at the persistence longevity of the Hannibal fandom. So please calm down people it's still not a justifiable reason to ban a character from my polls.
Dracula from Castlevania because genocide and sexism once again I'm sorry people sometimes find villains hot. I'm confused about the sexism part. I think it's because of the way he treated Carmilla, But I'm still confused because that man loved his wife
Franken Stein from Soul Eater. I've gotten a message that he should be banned because he's a groomer. I watched Soul Eater and I'm also confused about this one. If any Soul Eater fans can anyone help me? I'm again so confused about this one. If anyone from Soul Eater should be banned for bad behavior, it is not Stein
Gojo, is a little bit of a headache character for me for the thousands of comments I've seen calling him the Blue-Eyed demon seriously Tumblr what has this man done to you? How did he hurt you? He is also a character I have had people message me asking me to ban because apparently he's racist. I'm so confused.
And to build upon this, someone sent an entire list of characters that should be banned because they have blonde hair and blue eyes because if they win that reinforces white centric colonial beauty standards I should have screenshotted that message. These polls are done for stupid fun and I don't think they are going to reinforce colonialism. In fact, many of you have told me they're going to kill the British monarchy and I think that's the opposite of reinforcing colonialism. That list is too long to post in its entirety here. Remember I said this was going to be a little weird.
Someone actually messaged me saying I should not put Victor from Yuri on Ice in future polls because he is not a good representation of the lgbtq+ community
I've also received similar messages about Grell Sutcliff and Yamato for the trans community
Dungeon Meshi You think would be free of criticism because it's so loved however Laios Touden should be banned because he's blonde with blue eyes and a bad representation of people with autism. I wish I was making this up. Marcelle and Falin are not safe either because some people have it out for blondes and they are also not good representation of the LGBTQ+ community
A bunch of Fullmetal Alchemist characters should be banned including Mustang, Hawkeye, Ed, Alphonse, Armstrong, Hughes basically everyone but Scar. Because those characters perpetrate and promote genocide, racism, ethnic cleansing, imperialism, the military industrial complex, colonialism, fascism, sexism, misogyny, and white supremacy. I honestly think someone missed the entire point of the show but that's just me.
Someone wants the entire Apothecary Diaries franchise banned because it's sexist, misogynistic and a poor representation of Chinese culture.
And basically any villain or abusive parent. Someone has complained about or pushed to get banned because it makes them uncomfortable. Because God forbid characters have flaws
So many One Piece characters are problematic just for being One Piece characters not for anything they've done in the story or their character arc or anything like that. It's really because I have a group of people that think I should ban the entire franchise from my polls because the one piece art style is misogynistic. Oh boy. I should have screenshotted some of the essays I received in my inbox. Some of you need to take a chill pill because if I get another essay about one piece being misogynistic because of the art style, I'm going to shame you by posting that crab publicly. Because I will admit the art style is not for everyone, but especially when it comes to the female characters. But those female characters are some of the best written you will find in all of Shonen anime. Plus if we really want to start banning anime franchises for being misogynistic, It's going to be a bloodbath. Because if One Piece is misogynistic for the art style, Naruto is misogynistic for the writing. And I could probably find something misogynistic about most Shonen anime. So again let's not even go there.
The only justifiable reason I would ever ban a character is if the fandom becomes so toxic it's no longer worth it for me to put up with the drama. Now all the blogs I have had to block have been dedicated to one of two things. Naruto or Dungeon Meshi. One of those fandoms I already refer to as my problem child fandom and the other one I hate to say is quickly becoming its twin.
So can we all just agree to calm down because if I banned everything someone had an issue with because it's sexist, misogynistic, racist, etc. There would be no characters left. So let's calm down everyone and please keep the complaints and the tantrums to a minimum. I am a fellow fan that runs this blog for fun and I'm very tired of this crap.
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addisonnie · 2 years
hinge and uhaul
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summary: college!au. when all else fails…one must look for love on hinge!
an: hi! back from hiatus and of course it would be for a clump of pixels because i am down astronomically bad! this is the first part of a possible series! so let me know if a part 2 is warranted.
warnings: cursing, reader has 0 rizz shes literally a mess, reader also rambles and lots of this is just her inner dialogue because why not. also not very edited and possible tense shifts because im the worst!
part 2 ———————————
Tinder is a soul-sucking vortex. 
A nightmarish flurry of shirtless mirror selfies, conservatives, and men that look like they’d hit on your mom after walking you to the door. Switching your profile settings from ‘men’ to ‘everyone’ seemed like the best option; It wasn’t. The best option would’ve been to delete your account and light your phone on fire after receiving the fourth “you send?” message in a row.
Hinge is a smaller soul-sucking vortex. At least you can deny their comments before you embarrass yourself by matching with a douche like that. Your account is set to ‘show me everyone’ and you can only hope that ‘everyone’ includes at least some good ones. Swiping and clicking on dating apps seems to be more of a game than it is actual match-making, a time-passer of sorts. 
Your roommate, Dina, huffs loudly from her lofted bed across the room, “would you get your sorry ass off of that app? It’s sad listening to you moan and groan about all the losers!”
You roll your eyes, “my soulmate could be the next person!”
No. No. No, again. Oooh…yes? 
You swipe through the girl’s page before deciding not to match with her, because who’s Hinge bio states that they’re still in love with their ex? Dina cheers while you huff and slam your phone onto your desk, spinning idly in your chair. The television on top of Dina’s purple mini fridge is playing a random episode of Bob’s Burgers and, for a moment, you forget about your ever-growing dating app addiction.
It’s not that you’re addicted per say. You just spend most of your downtime sitting in your bed and judging people’s profiles, when yours surely isn’t up to par either. Hey, at least you don’t have a picture of you holding a fish.
The rhythmic buzz of your phone quickly draws your eyes away from the cartoon on screen, your hand dramatically reaching for your phone.
Hinge: Ellie liked you! Tap to see the comment she left.
Ellie. That’s a cute name…fairly normal too! Surely she didn’t leave some weirdo comment about how your hair looks like it smells good. Your fingers fumble to tap on the notification and you feel a blush rising to your cheeks as you click on Ellie’s like.
She left her comment under a picture of you taken at a local museum. A big cheesy grin is painted across your face and there’s skeletal remains of some random dinosaur behind you, Dina is crouched under the jaw of the creature pretending to scream while she gets eaten. Hopefully this isn’t one of those situations where Ellie asks ‘if your friend is single.’
Nope. She left a simple comment. I love dinosaurs!!!
You smile as you quickly click on Ellie’s profile to see her. There are a couple pictures of her, and good god is she hot. Flushed, you quickly match with her.
But what do you say? This is life or death. You need this woman. 
You’re hot
Do you want to have vicious lesbian sex with me?
Okay. Jesus, you are not good at this. While you mull over the keyboard attempting to decide what to say to the ever-attractive Ellie, another message comes in.
Hey, pretty girl!
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Your fingers are fumbling over the keyboard, your heart is beating, you’re planning you and Ellie’s wedding. You wonder if she likes lace or prefers the classic look?
Hey! What’s up?
Nothing really. Just playing some guitar!
Guitar? She just gets hotter. Did she also save puppies from a burning building? You wonder if she would want roses at the wedding. Hopefully not, too basic.
Ooooh guitar you say? Whatcha playing?
It’s a few moments before she responds and you’re biting the nail on your thumb awaiting her reply.
Whatever your favorite song is.
A heavy sigh escapes your lips as you smile and rest your head in your hand. 
Why don’t I tell you that over dinner?
It takes Ellie a few minutes to respond this time and you’re sure you’ve managed to scare her off at the mention of an actual date. Her reply comes just as you go to turn your phone off,
How about you give me your number and we can talk more about this date?
Giving your number to Ellie was perhaps the best decision made in your life thus far. She constantly sends text messages of whatever she’s doing, wearing, eating, or strumming on her guitar. It’s been about a week since you first exchanged information and you’re slightly worried that Ellie no longer wishes to go out on a date. You’ve tried to ‘accidentally’ bump into her on campus multiple times, but she manages to just barely slip away each time. 
You’re sitting at your desk attempting to finish an essay when your phone rings in your lap. Ellie’s contact appears lit up on the screen and you just about scream when you grasp the phone between your fingers.
“Hello?” You’re already blushing.
“Hey, you! What’re you up to?” Ellie’s voice is loud into the microphone and you can make out multiple different voices on her end of the line.
“Nothing important,” you close your computer quickly, “why, what’s up?”
She takes a moment to answer as you hear her yell something to whoever else is in the room with her, “me and some friends are at a bar…will you come? Live music and stuff. Plus, I still haven’t taken you on that date!”
“Yes!” Okay, you probably should’ve tried to sound less excited. “Ehem…yes. Text me the address?”
You hear Ellie laugh before she happily responds, “will do! Text me when you get here and I’ll come out front to meet you.”
Dina and her friends surely shop at Hookers R Us because where else would anybody find a skirt so goddamn short. 
“D. Dina. My cheeks are hanging out the bottom.” Dina rolls her eyes and tugs on the hem of the mini denim skirt.
“Well if you wore it down here,” she tugs the denim again, “instead of up to your tits like a grandma would…maybe it would be longer.”
Several shirts are thrown toward your perch on Dina’s desk chair, “what’s wrong with the shirt I have on?”
Dina’s boyfriend. Jesse, interjects, “because I don’t like it.”
“Okay, fashion police. How about this one?” You hold up a form fitting black top and Dina nods vigorously, “yes. But no bra. Show off them ladies!”
The Uber barely comes to a full stop as you clamber out of the backseat. Grasping for your phone, you text Ellie.
Here! :)
Was the smiley face overkill? Too much?
*Coming. Not drunk, I swear.
You think you’re the one doing the coming as you watch Ellie stroll towards you in the parking lot. If she was hot on Hinge, she’s ten-thousand times hotter in the dingy lighting that casts a magical glow upon her. She’s wearing a pair of baggy jeans and a white wife-beater, an old worn out flannel is unbuttoned over the top and rolled up just above her elbows. Her raggedy jeans are cuffed to the top of her converse and— wow is she a walking wet dream.
“Hey! I’m glad you came.” She doesn’t wait for an answer as she pulls you straight in for a hug, her calloused hands resting on your hips. You feel her finger tips touching the uncovered skin below your top, the contact makes you shiver.
Ellie squeezes you a little tighter before pulling away, leaving her arm draped over your shoulder, “c’mon, warmer inside.”
You let her lead you into the bar and through the slight crowd congregated near the entrance. A small group of people stand huddled next to the bar and Ellie leads you straight to them as she leans down to speak in your ear, “those are my friends.”
You nod and shamelessly nudge your body to be tucked further into her side, blushing profusely when you feel her arm tighten around your shoulders.
“Guys, this is the girl I was telling you about! And these are my friends I mentioned on the phone.” Ellie smiles while she introduces you to everyone and as much as you enjoy the domesticity of hanging out with her friends, you much prefer the nook you’ve found nestled under Ellie’s toned arm.
Her face leans down by your ear again, “wanna drink? I’ll get you one.”
You smile up at her, “would you shoot me if I said I want an espresso martini instead of the beer you’ve been nursing all night?”
She giggles into your ear and her breath fans across your face, “one espresso martini, coming up!” 
She pulls away and salutes you before turning around and marching to the other end of the bar, waving her arm to grab the bartender’s attention.
“So you’re the lucky lady? I’m Abby, Ellie’s friend.” Damn, she is buff as hell. Her toned arm stretches across a barstool to shake your hand.
You stare at her open palm, “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I did that. Who still shakes hands? I’m done drinking for the night.”
She cracks a smile when you laugh and shake her hand anyways, “nothing wrong with a good ol’ handshake.”
You speak with Abby while you wait for Ellie to return with your martini. She’s leaning up against the wood and speaking to the bartender as he pours the concoction into a glass. How she manages to look so appealing at all times is an enigma. Her short hair is pulled half-up into a bun while the rest barely skims the top of her shoulders, the botanical tattoo on her forearm sticks out from under her rolled-up sleeve and—fuck. You’re drooling.
Double-fuck. She caught you staring.
You blush when she throws a wink your way, turning back toward the bar to grab your drink. 
And then she’s in front of you once more, “malady.”
She slides in between your legs while you sit atop the cushioned barstool (which you’re pretty sure makes a fart noise any time you move) and rests both of her hands on your hips.
Lifting the drink to your mouth, you hum happily when the flavor covers your tongue, “good?”
“Really good. Superb.” Ellie chuckles and leans in toward you, placing a kiss in the hollow of your collarbone, “c’mon, there’s some more people I want you to meet.”
You’re not exactly sure how you ended up in this position but good god do you wish you could die right here and right now. Ellie is leaning up against the poster-covered wall of the bar with you pulled tightly to her chest. Your back is pressed against her front and one of her arms is wrapped around you, long fingers splayed across your lower stomach. She’s talking animatedly to the guy standing in front of you two and in all honestly you can’t focus on what they’re talking about while you feel the tips of Ellie’s fingers rest upon the skin under your skirt. 
It’s innocent. She doesn’t realize her fingers have traveled just south of the top of your skirt, but you’d be lying if you said the feeling of her calloused fingertips below the belt didn’t make you squirm. Her auburn hair tickles the side of your face as your head rests back in the crook between her neck and shoulder. And even better—her cheek presses to the top of your head when there’s a lull in her current conversation.
Hearing the man she was speaking to bid his goodbyes, you turn in her arms. The one that was previously grasping a beer bottle quickly swaps to rest in the back pocket of your skirt instead, her other hand squeezes your hip.
“Hi.” She smiles at you.
“Hi.” You press a kiss to her cheek.
The feeling leaves Ellie warm and she squeezes you a few times before ultimately deciding to cut to the chase and lean in. It’s a sweet peck, a little tipsy kiss that leaves you buzzing and floating outside of your body. The bright, crooked smile she gives you after pulling away punches the air from your lungs and Jesus Christ— now you understand the U-Haul lesbians because in this moment you are well and truly fucked. If this woman, this stranger, asked you to pack your shit and move in, you would.
And the look she gives you as she brushes a stray piece of hair behind your ear tells you she might just feel the same.
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Sugar Daddy!Joel Miller x Female!Reader
Overall Warnings: slow burn, angst/comfort, power imbalance, age gap, possessive tendencies, eventual smut, #daddyissues, independent reader learns to let go and relax, emotionally constipated Joel Miller learns to be vulnerable; (more specific warnings to be added to individual chapters if necessary)
Chapter Word Count: 4,501
Summary: You spent your entire adult life supporting yourself and barely getting by. It's why a life of ease offered to you by a mysterious stranger sounded so foreign and unbelievable. Joel Miller, dressed in flannels that had seen better days, didn't look like the kind who could promise you the world on a plate, but he seemed desperate to help out. All he asks is that you let him take care of you. That wouldn't be so hard. Would it?
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[a/n: I'm feeling Fridays for the update day, but i'm not married to that idea yet. also thank you for all the love this has seen so far!! I am so happy to know I'm not the only one that would sell my soul to have Joel Miller as my sugar daddy.]
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"the way his voice sounds, or the words he speaks, i can never decide what pulls me in more." -butterflies rising
‘Morning, sugar’.
You chuckled at the term of endearment and leaned back in your seat. The other people on the bus surrounding you were living their own lives as always. You recognized many of your routine bus neighbors. The woman who ate an onion bagel every single morning on her way to work, the man who still read an actual newspaper rather than use his phone, the brother and sister duo⏤only teens⏤ on their way to school. You wondered how these people classified you in their head. 
‘Morning to you too⏤’ You paused. Should you call him ‘daddy’ again? Saying it teasingly was one thing, but typing it somehow made it seem more permanent. Which was a stupid thought to have, but it was the one that plagued you nonetheless. You deleted your words and started again. ‘Morning! How⏤’ Again, you froze. Was the exclamation mark too much for this early in the morning? It was only yesterday that you made this deal with him and it would be sad for you to annoy him so early in the deal. Delete. Repeat. ‘Joel⏤’ Way too formal. Okay. You were officially over thinking this.
‘Hey! How’s your morning going?’
The moment you hit send that dumb little anxiety riddled voice at the back of your head tried to criticize your choice of words and you had to wrestle it back down. Almost immediately you saw the text bubble of dots pop up as he typed.
‘Great. First meeting got canceled. You?’
It was marginally funny to you that the man who owned this huge company seemed so dead set on avoiding meetings. Plus, it was kind of cute that he was more comfortable in flannel than suits.
‘Just on the bus heading to work!’
The text bubble popped up immediately, then disappeared, then came back, then disappeared once more. As you waited for it to return, his name filled the entire screen as he called you. Your eyes widened in surprise. After getting past your shock, you answered, “Uh, hi.”
“Sorry, repeat that for me.” Joel’s voice was nearly drowned out by a bunch of noise that you’d have to guess dealt with some kind of construction. “You’re on the ‘what’ heading ‘where’?”
“Bus? Work?” You replied in confusion.
Joel cleared his throat and he must have been moving since the noise simmered down. “Yeah, that’s what I thought you said, darlin’. Can I ask why?” The sound that left your mouth was a good representation of your broken brain. “Because I’m pretty sure you and I made a deal yesterday. Didn’t we?”
“We did.” You said slowly. “But⏤”
“In my defense, I can’t just quit work. I respect Henry too much. I have to at least give him a two weeks notice so he can find a replacement.” You argued. Even if Henry wasn’t someone you considered family you’d still feel obliged to quit the correct way. Still, maybe that was something you should’ve mentioned yesterday before the two of you parted ways. “Sorry, Joel.”
He let out a small sigh. “There’s no need to be sorry. I understand. You’re too responsible for your own good.” You chuckled. “But the bus? The bus?”
You had to resist the urge to laugh at how insulted he was at the prospect of you on public transportation. You glanced over your shoulder out the window to see how far from work you were. “Well, ubers and taxis are so expensive from my house to the bakery. Plus, I have a bus card!”
“Bus card?” Joel repeated. His incredulous voice took an amused tone. “Sugar, you got daddy’s credit card.” Your eyes widened and you felt your entire face burn as heat filled your cheeks. As if somebody would be listening in, you glanced around at the people sitting near you. Joel chuckled, the sound low and deep, “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?”
“I, uh, I⏤ That’s a good point.” You cleared your throat. “It felt silly using the card for something like an Uber or taxi though. You know?”
“Nothin’ is too silly. I want you to use that card. All the time. Understand?”
“I understand.”
“I understand…” Joel repeated with enunciation at the end. Waiting for something. Waiting for…
“I’m on the bus.” You whispered into the phone, in shock, while covering your mouth.
Joel hummed. “Oh, I know. Now. I understand…”
You chewed on your lower lip, glanced around, then whispered into the phone quickly, “I understand, daddy.”
“Sorry, sugar. Couldn’t quite hear you there. Must be because of how loud and hectic that bus is.”
Your lips curled up into a broad grin as your face continued to burn. He cleared his throat to urge you on, and you shook your head with a slight chuckle. You blew out an amused breath and repeated yourself. “Yes. I understand, daddy.” 
An older woman sitting to your left shot you a curious glance and you sunk in your seat, and turned toward the window to laugh. You could hear Joel’s breathy laugh over the line as well. Joel spoke up, “That’s better. As for this transport problem,” You rolled your eyes still grinning, “Can you drive?”
“Well, yeah.” You replied and the smile fell as a thought occurred to you. “That is not a reason to buy me a car.”
“Wow, you really think I’d buy you a car right out the gate like that?”
“Oh. Right. Sorry. I⏤” You paused then shook your head. “Wait, no, actually I do. I do think you’d do that.”
“You’re right. I would. You got a preference, sugar?”
“Please do not buy me a car.” You blurted. “I… I really don’t like driving around this city. Last time I even got behind a wheel was over two years ago.”
“Fine. No car. I’m gettin’ you a driver then.”
“That still feels excessive.” You replied hesitantly.
“Do it for me then? I’d feel more comfortable knowin’ you’re not ridin’ around with strangers.”
The words were spoken with kindness, actual concern, and a part of you wondered if he was saying what he was because it was expected of him? The deal was for him to take care of you and keeping you safe could arguably fall under that umbrella of responsibilities. You just found it hard to believe he’d care out of the goodness of his heart considering how little time you had spent with one another thus far. It wasn’t a criticism of him at all. Maybe he was just that kind deep down, maybe he did have a bleeding heart. It was the process of trying to apply that thought, those concerns, to yourself that felt silly. At the end of the day, that voice of anxiety just couldn’t fathom a near stranger actually worrying over your well being with no ulterior motive of their own.
Joel said your name over the line, snapping you out of your line of thought, and you forced your smile to return. It wasn’t hard to find. “Alright. For you.”
“Good.” He blew out a breath of what almost sounded like relief. “What time does your shift end?”
“It’s Sunday so I usually close up the shop around 5:30, then pack away all the leftovers to take to the shelter a few blocks away.” You replied. Anytime the shop had any leftovers, which was happening more and more, Henry would donate the goods to the local shelters and kitchens rather than toss it. 
“I’ll have my guy there around 5 then. I don’t want you waitin’ on him.”
“Yeah, but now he’ll have to wait on me.”
“I know. That’s the point, darlin’.”
You couldn’t decide which you liked more. Joel calling you ‘sugar’ or ‘darlin’. Then again the sound of your name was equally as intoxicating. Honestly, it wasn’t fair how good his voice sounded in general. The bus peeled off to the side to come to a stop and you hiked your bag up your shoulder to get off.
“I’m at my stop.”
“Say good-bye to the bus. You ain’t ridin’ on it again as far as I’m concerned.” You chuckled and as you walked off you couldn’t help but glanced back at the familiar people you had gotten used to seeing so often. You mentally wished them a farewell. It was cheesy, but it nearly felt like the end of an era. Joel spoke again as you stepped onto the busy sidewalk. “And remember, my guy is pickin’ you up today. No ubers. No taxis. No buses.”
“I know, I know. I promise I won’t make a run for it.”
“Good girl.” Joel chuckled and your face immediately went warm once more. A habit you were beginning to pick up around this man. Joel said quick good-byes, saying he needed to help someone out on site and promised to text you later. You echoed his sentiments and tucked the phone away after hanging up. Wow, okay, it seemed hearing him call you ‘good girl’ won in a fucking landslide.
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As it turned out, Henry had come in early to bake for the day, but left it open for you to set out as he hadn’t been feeling well and had to leave before you even got the shop fully open. It was incredibly poor timing because you planned to announce your two week’s notice to him and that seemed like a dick move to do while he was sick. Tomorrow. You’d try again tomorrow. No big deal. What would a one day difference make? 
The bakery always had it’s busiest days on Sunday, weirdly, but still it was nowhere near the kind of traffic this place truly needed. Usually days where it ended up being you alone were even more painfully boring, but today had been, well, fun. Joel continued to text you through the day and the conversation was a decent distraction from the dichotomy of doing nothing between customers. Plus, without Henry there, you didn’t even have to pretend like you weren’t playing on your phone the entire time. 
The last hour of your shift had gone by without Joel as a distraction because of a meeting. One he had grumbled about twenty minutes prior to it. You were in the process of packing items away when you noticed a black SUV sitting outside on the side of the road. Pausing in your work, you ran your hand down your apron and made your way out of the shop and toward it. You had just planned to tap on the window to get his attention, but you were barely halfway to the SUV when the man behind the driver’s seat jumped out and hurried around with a nod.
“Hi.” You gave a small wave. “I’m⏤”
The blond man blurted your name out with a nod. Of course he knew who you were. “Is there anything I can do to help you, Miss?”
“No, no. I wanted to invite you in! It’ll be a minute before I’m done.”
“It’s alright⏤”
“I insist.” You said firmly. He hesitated once more before going to turn the car off. He was older than you, if you had to guess, and he wore a clean, black suit and a pair of dark aviators over his eyes. If he had a little radio in his ear you’d have him pegged as some kind of secret service guard. “What’s your name?”
“Riley Talbot, ma’am.”
You motioned for him to take a seat at one of the tables with a smile. “Well, Mr. Talbot, you have a muffin preference?”
“Just Riley is fine, and you don’t have to⏤”
“Either you tell me your muffin preference or I’m gonna pick at random, Riley.” You replied then ran through the options you had today. Riley hesitantly told you his preference for the banana nut option and you brought it over for him on a small plate. The man took his sunglasses off, tucking them into his inner suit pocket, and you took note of his very blue eyes. “How long have you worked for, Joel?”
Riley shrugged. “I’ve been working for Mr. Miller for the last five years.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. Five years as a driver for Joel? You couldn’t imagine Joel using a driver. The man who preferred flannels over suits seemed like the kind who was adamant about driving himself. Plus, this wasn’t the person who had picked you up yesterday. How many did he have?
“Well, give me a second here and we can head out. I just gotta finish packing up today’s leftovers.”
“Please, take your time.” Riley nodded then motioned to the muffin. “And thank you.”
You left him to enjoy his snack in peace so you could go back to cleaning out the display stand. It was repetitive, simple work that you had gotten very used to doing mindlessly over the years. You were on the last row of cookies when your phone buzzed in your back pocket. Pulling it out you saw it was a text from Joel.
‘Did Riley show up?’
‘Yupp. He’s in the bakery eating a muffin right now.’
‘You didn’t need to feed him, sugar.’
‘Too late. Besides, that’s one less muffin for me to carry now.’
‘Put it on my tab.’
You rolled your eyes, as if a singular banana nut muffin was of significant cost, ‘Shouldn’t you be focusing on your meeting?’
There was a longer pause before you got a response.
You chuckled under your breath and tucked the phone away once more. After stacking a few of the boxes on top of one another, you shrugged out of your apron to hang it back up on the wall. Riley had risen from his seat and you took the plate from him before he could argue otherwise. You gave it a quick wash before setting it away to dry for the night and when you returned Riley was still standing by the boxes of baked goods.
“I’m almost done. I’m gonna carry these down to the shelter.”
“I’ll help.” Riley replied.
“You don’t have to do that⏤”
Riley gave you a friendly smile. “It’s my pleasure. Mr. Miller was adamant about me helping out where I could.”
Knowing arguing was only going to stretch this process out you nodded and he took half the boxes. At least this would save you a second trip. As the two of you made your way down the street you learned that he was older than you, in his mid thirties, and he had been in the Marines before picking up work with Joel. It was actually through Riley that you learned Joel had a brother who had also been in the military as well. You’d have to ask him about that.
“I’ve been saving to buy a ring.” Riley shrugged as you both got onto the topic of relationships while on your way back from dropping off the boxes.
“If your girlfriend is as sweet as you claim I’m sure she’d be charmed by anything you got her.” You argued. “And how long have the two of you been dating?”
“Three years next month.”
“Aw, congrats!” You chirped. 
Riley continued to gush about his girlfriend and how she worked as a kindergarten teacher. The way his voice held so much love for the woman he bragged about to you made your heart ache. You had always thought this was how your last relationship would look like. You and your ex-boyfriend had been on a similar path after all. When he broke up with you six months ago, the two of you had been weeks away from your three year anniversary. For the longest time, he had been the one you thought you’d be marrying.
And here you were today with a sugar daddy on speed dial.
Funny how life worked.
“Let me grab my stuff and lock up and I’ll be right back out.” You said and Riley agreed with a nod before heading to the SUV himself. Maybe you’d text Nima and see if she was busy tonight. It had been a long time since you thought about your ex and letting him slip back into your head had been a dumb move on your part.
Once out, Riley held the back door of the SUV open for you to slide into. He asked for your address which you provided before settling back in your seat. The radio played a soft tune, you couldn’t hear the roaring of the roads outside, the air smelled clean, and you had ample space to stretch out. This was a far cry from the bus. Nima texted you back, answering your request for drinks tonight, but she had to turn it down because she had a date. Though she did follow it up to ask if you were feeling well and that she’d bail if you needed a girls’ night. You smiled at her words, but reassured her that everything was fine.
‘Hang out with your daddy! 🤪’
Despite the teasing nature of her text, she may have been onto something. Riley was getting closer to your apartment complex and you leaned forward a bit. “Hey, Riley?”
“Do you know what time Joel usually gets off of work?”
“It depends. I think he mentioned today he was gonna be working late. That’s why he sent me instead of coming to get you himself.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. It hadn’t dawned on you that Joel wanted to be the one to pick you up and just hadn’t been able to due to his own work. Still, that shot your back up plan in the face. That was probably for the best. You didn’t want to come across as clingy. Though, maybe you were supposed to? Joel said there was no social quota for you to meet, but you doubted the validity of that.
“Thanks, Riley!” You said after exchanging numbers with him and climbing out of the SUV. 
Your apartment was nothing to write home about, but it could be worse. It was a simple one bed, one bath on the fifth floor of a complex that had technically seen better days. However, despite the age and general weariness of the building itself, the residents you lived beside were nice, the owner actually cared about the people renting from him, and security was decent. More so than the other places in this area.
After dropping your stuff down and tossing your keys into the bowl near your front door, you pulled out your phone to see you had missed a text from a few minutes ago. ‘You home?’ Quickly, you responded with a positive and thanked him again for sending Riley to pick you up. ‘Good. Don’t thank me, sugar’.
You rolled your eyes. If he really thought you were going to accept things without thanking him he was dead wrong. Hell, you were struggling with the ‘accepting things’ part which was hilarious considering you had chosen and agreed to this deal with full knowledge of what that meant. You set down your phone to clean the work day off of your skin.
A few hours had passed, where you showered, changed into home clothes, ate, and then settled on the couch with a large glass of wine. Despite it only being close to nine you were almost considering chugging the remainder of the wine in your glass and calling it a night. You had work in the morning after all. As you brought the glass to your lips, your phone buzzed off to the side. 
The text was from Joel. It was simple, and honestly hilarious to see.
‘You up?’
Your cheeks warmed and you wondered if he knew the connotations of texting a woman that message with no warning at night. 
‘Yes lol I am up’
‘Can I call?’
Your eyes widened in surprise at the request. You took another rather large sip of your wine before setting it down on your coffee table and responding to him. The affirmative text hadn’t been sent longer than a few seconds when his name flashed across your screen. You had gotten used to mostly texting the people in your life rather than phone calls. This would take some getting used to. 
“Hey, sugar.” Joel breathed. “Sorry for calling late.”
“It’s hardly late.” You glanced at your clock on the wall. 9:07. “Are you just getting home from work? Riley said you’d be stuck there late.”
“Yeah. Unfortunately. Every once in a while I’m stuck in the office all day like this. At least I got to be on site this mornin’.” He groaned.
It sounded like he was pouring something on his end of the line. You commented on it, “Are you making yourself a drink?”
“Mhmm.” Joel took a sip of whatever it was he had poured, you could hear him swallow and made your throat dry up. “That alright?”
“Hey, I’m on my second glass of wine so I can hardly judge.”
“Second? You have a long day, sugar?” He asked in concern. Again, the sound of it caught you off guard. You could count on one hand the number of people who showed you genuine concern in the last two years. “Everythin’ okay?”
You forced out a chuckle and nodded despite him not being able to see it. “I’m fine.” It was probably a little early to be flooding him with your problems and the history of your ex. Instead, you jumped over it entirely. “I was actually gonna ask if you wanted to get dinner or drinks, but when I asked Riley what time you got off he said you’d be working late.”
“What?” Joel asked in surprise. He grumbled under his breath before speaking up. “Don’t ever let that stop you, darlin’. I always got time for you. Honestly, it would've been a nice surprise and a good excuse to leave early.”
You let out a soft laugh. “I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”
“You better.” Joel grunted as he dropped down into a seat. Another tired sigh left his lips and you opened your mouth to suggest that he get some rest, but he beat you to speaking. “Tell me about your day, sugar.”
“It was pretty boring.” You replied. “You’ve seen how empty the bakery tends to get.”
“So? I still wanna hear. Talk about somethin’ at least. Lemme hear that pretty voice.”
You grinned to yourself. “You think my voice is pretty?”
“I think everythin’ about you is pretty. Now, no more stallin’. Hit me with it.”
If he wanted to hear about your boring day you’d be more than happy to indulge him. His words still caught you off guard though. He liked your voice? It was extra funny considering how much you liked his voice personally. You talked about the few customers you did have today, how thankful the shelter had been for Henry’s leftovers, and getting to know Riley.
“Yeah, Riley is a good guy.” Joel agreed. “Figured the two of you would get along. Plus,” He took another sip of the whiskey he had told you he chose as his drink earlier, “I know he’s head over heels for that girl of his so I didn’ have to worry about him makin’ a move on you.” You laughed at the sentiment and Joel let out a small chuckle himself. “I ain’t kiddin’, sugar. I only just got you to agree to put up with me. I ain’t plannin’ on losing you quite yet.”
 “Put up with you.” You scoffed. “As if I don’t equally enjoy talking to you.”
Joel chuckled in response then cleared his throat. “How’d it go with your boss? How’d he take the news?” Your smile turned sheepish and rather than answer you picked up your wine glass, now at the end of your third, and took a long sip. Joel sighed. “Sugar?”
“Okay, so, hold on.” You blurted. “He was sick today. Henry left like right after coming in to help me open and I didn’t wanna spring the news on him when he already felt so terrible.” You set the wine glass down then buried yourself into the couch under your blanket. “I’m already worried I’m gonna break his heart.” Joel blew out a sigh and you winced. “Sorry.”
“No, no. Don’t.” Joel responded, but it wasn’t sharp or demanding. He just didn’t want to hear you apologize. “I want you to stop workin’ because I think you’d be happier out of that place, but I’m not tryin’ to shove you into quittin’ if you ain’t comfortable with it yet, darlin’. If…” Joel paused. “If you think you need to stay there a little while longer then I’m not gonna guilt you otherwise.”
His words made your lips curl up into a small, soft smile. It wasn’t that you loved your work there by any means, but you did love Henry. He was family. Plus, that small voice of anxiety was still nagging loud enough that you couldn’t quite fully ignore it. This was still so new. What if Joel got to the end of this week and decided you were more annoying than entertaining. You couldn’t just tear up your roots with no guarantee that this life was fully concrete. 
You didn’t know if Joel understood that from the same angle you did, but you did appreciate that he was willing to bend on that topic. “Yeah.” You said quietly then added in a teasing inflection added, “Thanks, daddy.”
Joel chuckled in response, “You’re gonna be the death of me, sugar.”
You remembered a topic you had planned on asking him earlier in the day, and maybe it was the three glasses of wine that had loosened your tongue, but you blurted it out without thinking. “So, hey, I hear you have a brother?” Joel was quiet for a beat and it was only then that sober logic regained control. “I mean, I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to blurt it out like that. Riley mentioned he was in the military and that you had a brother who was too. I didn't mean to pick at a sore topic if⏤”
“No, sugar.” Joel chuckled. “Not a sore topic. Just caught me off guard is all. But, yeah, I got a baby brother. Tommy.” Tommy Miller. You tucked the information away in the folder of facts you were learning about Joel. “He was in the Army for a while, but left a long time ago. He actually works with me now at the company. Was with me when we went from small time contractors to whatever the hell we are now.”
“Big deals.” You joked. “If your fancy building is anything to go by.”
“Guess so by someone’s definition.” Joel snorted. You liked that he still felt so grounded and to the earth. It had been part of the reason his proposition caught you off guard because after meeting him you never would’ve suspected him to be the kind who owned a large and very rich company.
“You’re not mad that Riley told me that, are you?” You asked. “Because if you are, I'll admit to wrestling the information out of him.” 
Joel laughed. “I ain’t mad, darlin’. Like I said, I’m glad the two of you get along. You’re stuck with him now.” You hummed in confusion and Joel added. “He’s your driver. Anywhere you need to go, any time, just call him.”
“Wait, seriously?” You cried.
“I told you I ain’t letting you get on a bus again.” Joel replied like he was still appalled you had done so this morning. “And since you won’t let me buy you a car…”
“Fine, fine, fine.” You blurted and he let out a soft laugh. A beat of silence stretched between the two of you, but it was a comfortable one. The kind where you just enjoyed knowing he was on the other end of the call even if he wasn’t actively speaking. 
You accidentally let out a small yawn and Joel hummed. “You need to get to bed.”
“Nuh uh.” You replied. “It’s only…” You found the clock and your eyes widened. 12:01. “Oh.”
“Yeah. Oh. I’ve kept you up long enough, sugar.”
“I’m not even tired.” You whined and rose to your feet. The stiff movements made you realize how close you had been to just passing out on the couch. 
“Sure, you ain’t.”
You meandered to your bedroom, flipping out lights as you went, and shut your bedroom door. “Will we talk again tomorrow?”
“You mean later today?” Joel joked.
You chuckled. “Yes.” It didn’t even matter to you that you may have sounded needy. Being on the phone had not only been fun, but it had been just what you needed to settle the turmoil you had accidentally scourged up earlier. “So?”
“Course, sugar. I’ll text you on your way to work. Riley’ll be there at 6:30 to pick you up.”
“Alright. Night, Joel.” You replied sincerely. “Thanks for talking to me.”
Joel hummed and you could hear him moving around on his end as well. “Should be thanking you.” He added quickly, a tinge or nervousness seeping into his voice. “Hey, do you wanna, uh, you wanna plan for dinner?” Your eyes widened marginally but your lips spread out into another warm and wide grin. “I got a few more busy days, but this Wednesday I’ll be free all evening. Wanna make a night of it?”
“Yes!” You answered much faster than you had initially planned. There went being cool and collected. Joel chuckled. “I mean, yeah. That would be⏤ That would be fun.”
“Good. Get some sleep, sugar.” Joel replied. You wished him well before the call ended and you were left standing in your bedroom feeling like you were on cloud nine.
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✨J.M. Masterlist✨
924 notes · View notes
chrizztopher97 · 24 days
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Idol!Chan, Fan!FemReader, swearing, oral, piv, unprotected sex, breast play, praise, name calling.
It has been a day ever since you went to Stray Kids tour date in Seoul and you just couldn't get Chan's solo stage off your mind.
You were sitting in the park with your laptop on the picnic table, one tab playing over and over the HD video they uploaded not long after the concert you experienced and the image of him stripping the jacket off of himself while staring right your way just kept on popping on.
You knew he was just staring blankly but just the idea of him taking off his clothes while looking right into your eyes made you fold in half.
Unable to resist it, you started writing a smut but all you could write was a scene of you begging and pleading, asking him to suck him off, begging him to fuck you in every way possible.
Lost in your own imagination you visioned everything you wrote and as the image of him entering you from the side, lying down on your bed while he held your leg up with his face buried in your neck you jumped on the bench and took your face in your hands.
"I'm definitely out of my mind..." You exasperated as you started deleting the entire line.
"Hey hey, I'm still reading." A voice mumbled from behind your shoulder making you turn around before closing the laptop.
Tumblr will save it for you anyways.
"When.. what.. why?" You could only ask as he, the main thought of your sinful thoughts was pouting at your action.
"I've been here ever since you started writing it." He mumbled sitting next to you, "as for the what, I was kinda curious since you typed so fast while listening on repeat to my song." his eyes looked at you and you could see a faint smirk on his lips. "As for the reason, well you kept on repeating my name over and over so I just came."
Pointing at the now closed laptop, he chuckled. "Well, not yet."
"I don't know if I should apologise for writing such things about you or be mad at your teasing..." You whined as you sat on the bench.
"I think you should apologise..." He mumbled making your heart stop and the realisation of doing something bad hitting you. "for not continuing and almost deleting the entire thing." He whispered taking the laptop.
The need to fight back to get it back was there but a part of you wanted to know what he liked just by him reading your scenarios.
"Just don't mind me and continue." He said passing the laptop to your way.
"You-" Taking a deep breath you unlocked the pc and bit your lip. "but don't get all sensitive later." You mumbled.
Closing your eyes for a moment was enough to let your own thoughts flow from your head, envisioning it in the back of your eyelids, to finally flow in your fingers.
A scene of you on your knees begging to suck him off while he looked down at you, your fingers trembled as you typed.
The Y/N of that one story was you and you wanted to write all the things you craved. Every single thing you wanted him to do to you.
Writing about how you wanted him to hold your head, massaging your scalp while you took all of him deep down your throat.
Noting down the way you wanted him to manhandle you, hold you by the hips while he kissed you so passionately.
As if you forgot where you were, a soft whimper escaped your lips as your breathing became unstable and shaky. Your thighs pressed together while in your eyes you could see everything so clearly.
Him holding you in his arms while you rode him, you calling his name over and over, pleading him to love you, begging for his existence.
"Fuck." You gasped standing up and retracting from your seat but an arm sneaked behind you, holding you still.
Almost forcing you to sit back down and so you did. How could you not when he was right there, beside you. Reading straight into your mind.
Your naked thoughts revealed to him. Your soul completely exposed while your heart busted inside your chest, begging for his love and attention.
"Go on." He whispered in your ear.
That's when you finally lost it. Your sanity disappeared making you write something you've never thought you would ever.
Exposing your own preference in bed as you wrote a scene where he railed you over and over, you begging for more, clinging onto him for dear life as you screamed over and over 'more'.
Describing how he held you down, kissing you everywhere, indulging you in the sweetest sinful pleasure between two souls. His hands all over you, his hard length slipping in and out of you with squelching noises while your throbbing core clamped down on him, your hands grabbing every part of him, your nails digging in his skin as he pressed deeper and harder.
A railway of emotions washed over you as you felt yourself nearing an orgasm by solely imagine the scene.
Completing the page, you bit down on your lip and saved it as a draft before turning off the laptop and look down.
"I think it's best if I go at home..." You mumbled as you stood up slowly.
He hummed in response standing up and grabbing your laptop case before grabbing your stuff and look at you. "I'll walk you home."
Looking up to him you shook your head. God knows what you would have done to him if you were near your apartment.
"There's no need." Was all you could say even if you craved more of his company.
"It's late." He just said, his head loaming above yours as if to engulf you in his presence.
As you stood in front of your apartment door, you grabbed your laptop and held it in your arms. Feeling your legs weak, you leaned onto the wall as you stared at him.
Wanting to engrave in your memory the way his face looked up close before he'd disappear from your life as if you've never even met.
Engraving the way his eyes stared at you, the way his parted lips shaped the form of a heart, the way his breathing sounded shallow, the way that hoodie enveloped his toned chest.
Oh... how bad you had it for him. You already knew that you'd miss him already.
"What's your username on tumblr?" His voice came out so softly.
It felt as if you've heard him only in your head.
"Chrizztopher97..." You whispered shyly.
Noting it down on his phone, he tossed it inside his pocket once again before coming closer, his body a few inches from yours as he stared down at you.
The way his body engulfed you making you disappear from sight, just that was enough to make the butterflies fly all around your body.
"Sweet dreams..." He whispered leaning in to plant a caste kiss on your forehead before taking a couple of steps back.
"You too..." Your heart fluttered at the way his soft lips felt on your skin yet it felt a burning feeling lingering there.
Smiling softly you looked at him for a moment before unlocking your door and enter the apartment. Leaving all your stuff at the door, without shoes you went back outside hoping he was still there and thankfully he was.
"Christopher." You stopped in front of the elevator. "Stay with me," you pleaded as you looked at him. "please."
Walking out of the elevator, he took a step then another and another until you found yourself trapped against your door. "Want me to stay?" He whispered as his eyes gazed right into yours.
Nodding as you lost yourself in his eyes, you heard the door unlock and his voice softened. "Forgive me, I saw the code..." He whispered before holding you by the hips and pushing the door open.
His body heaving as he breathed shakily, his feet stumbling on each other just to get rid of his own shoes. His foot kicking the door shut before he walked blindly with you as the source of his eyes.
"What shall I do to you, hmm?" His words ringed in your ears as he leaned over.
His lips a few inches from yours.
"Kiss me, please..." Your voice trembled as all you wanted was him.
All of him.
There, the throbbing feeling, that shaky and ragged breathing you had whenever you were about to faint yet, it was all because you craved for him.
Without saying anything he let his lips touch yours in a soft motion, a simple peck stamped on your lips before looking at you for a moment and let loose.
His lips now finally locked with yours in a slow, intimate kiss. His hands moving behind your back, pushing you closer to him as the both of you indulged in a marvellous kiss that made the tender feeling turn into pure hunger.
Your hands rested around the nape of his neck, slowly taking off his beanie and tossing it somewhere in the living room before let your hands bury themselves in the lock of his soft curls.
His hand slowly moving down the curve of your back, cupping the ass cheek softly yet tightly. Making the first sinful sound escape your lips and flow into his mouth making a muffled grunt come out.
"Up." Was all he needed to say for you to understand what he wanted.
Jumping in his arms, he held onto your ass and sat onto the couch with you on his lap.
Heated and with trembling hands you reached the edge of his hoodie. Slowly sneaking your hand on his stomach, tracing the lines of his abs, grazing it lightly with your nails.
Head on cloud nine as your tongues swirled around each other, his plush lips pressed on yours while unholy moans escaped both your mouths, gulping each other's breath down.
Out of breath, you rested your forehead on his. Eyes closed as you took in the scent of him, his cologne now lingering on your shirt.
"Give me your hands." He whispered softly as he leaned back.
Without objecting you obeyed.
Taking your hands in his, he kissed your fingers before cupping his cheeks with your hands.
With softened eyes you smiled. He might have looked very appetizing after that heated kiss, but he still looked so adorable.
Tracing the outline of his lips, you leaned in to steal a kiss. "Can I do this?" You questioned, eyes half lidded as you stole more kisses.
He didn't answer, he just let you do what you wanted.
He was now breathing shallowly, as if to calm himself.
Kissing his lips over and over, you let yourself loose. Lips trailing on his neck, softly biting on his skin making him grip tight on your butt. Your hands moved down, feeling his body over the soft material of his sweatshirt.
Lifting it slowly, you looked at him for approval and with a kiss on your cheek he sighed and helped you get rid of it.
Gulping down at the sight of his bare torso, you bit down on your lip before throwing the hoodie somewhere and kiss his skin. From his neck to his shoulder, making sure to not leave marks on him. Just to not get him in trouble.
Slowly getting up from his lap, you leaned in to kiss behind his ear before going down on your knees, his prominent bulge facing your eyes.
"Can I suck you off?" You whispered softly as you ran your hands up his legs and along his thighs, reaching for the waistband of his shorts.
"Want me?" He breathed as he took your hands and curved your fingers around the waistband, pulling it down.
Eyes locked on his, you got rid of everything he was wearing.
His hand trailed along your arm, reaching your head he massaged your scalp and smiled. "All yours."
Licking your lips you moved your hands on his thighs as you kissed the soft skin of his inner thigh before slowly moving in the middle.
Letting out a soft chuckle you looked up to him. "First the chest and now the dick... I've definitely lived this moment before..." You mumbled before taking his erection in your hand.
Slowly stroking him you kissed the leaking head, licking slowly and tasting his precum. The pineapple definitely worked on him.
Looking up into his eyes you started taking his cock in your mouth, stuffing yourself full of him, slowly moving your head as you sucked him deliciously.
"Pretty, if you keep it like this I might explode in your mouth..." He huffed as he jerked his hips against your head.
"Hmm." Stuffed with him you gently took his balls and massaged them as you deepthroated him.
"Shit, baby girl..." He moaned as he took a hold of your hair in his hand, pushing himself further.
Jerking his hips he slipped his hardness inside your mouth, your tongue wetting his length as he slid in and out until he reached his high. Pulling out of your face, spurts of cum hit your flushed face.
"Oh Gosh." He breathed looking at you, leaning in to steal a kiss. "Should have known by the way you wrote that page." He chuckled standing up. "You want me desperately to the point that everything you've imagined so far has trained you to be my good girl."
Taking your hands he made you stand up. Removing your shirt, he unclasped the bra effortlessly before burying his face between your breasts. "Where's your room?" He asked patting your ass as if to make you jump in his arms.
"On the right." You huffed, the feeling of his lips kissing your soft skin made you shiver.
Humming in response, he walked following your instructions. Door opened and the bed welcoming the both of you, wishing you a beautiful and sinful night of pure bliss.
Falling onto the mattress he hovered over you, his chest heaving as he kissed your exposed skin over and over, biting and leaving marks on your skin.
Fingers buried in his hair you gently tugged at his hair making his erection twitch against your leg.
"You guessed it right." He whispered as he removed your shorts slowly, tossing them away. "I do have a kink for my girl pleading and begging to have me."
"Lord have mercy..." You whined as he kissed the sensitive skin of your inner thigh before burying his face on your cunt.
Tongue dipped in your slick hole, licking stripes of your wetness making him grunt in approval. "Taste so good... hmm..."
Rolling your eyes, your back arched and he took the chance to put the small pillow under the curve of your back before focusing back on his task. Eating you.
He ate you as if he starved all his life, he starved as if he has been waiting for you all these years.
Lips brushing between your outer lips, making out shamelessly with your cunt, muffling incoherent sweet praises as he sucked on your clit while one of his hands cupped your tit, playing with both nipples. The other kept your folds open as he kissed you and licked you sloppily.
Head over heels, head in the clouds you came unannounced, coating his mouth and chin with your slickness.
"Chris... please I need you..." You pleaded tugging at his hair gently.
"I'm here." He whispered while kissing up your body, reaching for your lips.
With a hand he caressed your body, your breasts, your stomach, your hip, your thigh, your leg. His lips remained on yours as he moved between your legs.
His hand reaching for your folds, sinking two of his fingers in with ease. "Is it the slickness or are you completely comfortable with me?" He asked kissing your cheek.
"Both." You smiled as he kissed your forehead.
"With no protection though..." He mumbled looking around your room.
"I haven't had sex in years." You mumbled looking away. "And I've been going to the gynaecologist every month." Your hands moved on his back. "I'm clean and I trust you in cumming outside."
"Next time I'll make sure to get condoms..." He mumbled widening your legs more before diving in.
A gasp escaped both your lips as he pushed deeper inside you. His twitching erection finally inside your long waiting cunt, welcoming him like a velvet glove.
"You're such a beauty." He smiled kissing your face as his hips jerked in and out, his cock dipping in and out of you with squelching noises.
"You're the most handsome guy I've ever met." You smiled as you played with his hair.
"I'm not even that hand-" He started speaking but you cut him off with a kiss.
"Shut it. Never say that ever again." You mumbled indulging into a slow kiss which he gladly accepted.
It didn't take long for him to lose all his restraint and start being vocal about how good you felt, how good he wanted to fuck you, how beautiful and sexy you were.
He was so lost in you to the point that after cumming and making a heart shaped puddle on your stomach, he let you suck him off a few times before diving back inside of your wet core.
Lying on the side, he pulled up your leg and thrusted inside of you slowly yet deeply. The rhythm being in good harmony with your moany breathings.
Hickeys resting on your skin as you fought against the need of marking him yours.
"Is it too late to admit something?" He asked as he pressed himself deeper before moving once again.
Looking behind at him, a slight fear came over you.
"I don't have a girlfriend and I am genuinely loving this." He huffed. "And that's for the record." He poked your hip.
"You made me almost have a heart attack." You whined placing a hand over your chest.
Sneaking his hand up from your clit, he rested his hand on yours. "I did stare at you when I was doing the solo stage."
Biting your neck softly before nibbling on your earlobe, he smiled. "You were the only one who was actually looking at me and not filming me."
"Because I needed to experience that strip tease and needed full focus." You joked as you swayed your hips to encounter his thrusts.
"I'm pretty sure you also mouthed me a 'fuck me, please'." He teased as he slipped out and got on his knees before cumming on your chest.
"With all those lights, you saw that?" You questioned in disbelief as he brought his fingers in his mouth before inserting them in your core.
Finger-fucking you, he looked down at you and smirked. "Also you're really easy to read."
Furrowing your brows, he hit that sweet spot making your legs tremble and fall loose as you came all over his hand.
"Especially if you keep on looking at me as if you'd give me all of you." He chuckled leaning in to plant a kiss on your lips. "I'll get something to clean you."
Sucking on his fingers he smiled to himself before standing up and going for the bathroom. Not long after he came with a water bottle and a wash cloth.
After cleaning your body, he gave you some water before wrapping his arms around your body.
Exhaustion finally kicking in as he melt in your embrace.
"Remember to give me your number before I go tomorrow." He whispered kissing your forehead.
His fingers massaging your scalp as he kissed your face. Smiling you nodded before kissing him over and over.
"Raw feels good though..." You pouted making him look at you dumbfounded and then chuckling.
"Bet you have some breeding kink." He giggled hugging you tightly.
"I have a severe Bang Chan breeding me kink." You admitted which made him burst out in laughter.
"Guess I'll need to fuck some sense into you." He mumbled shaking his head.
Kissing his chest you just stroke your nose on his soft pec before kissing it and dozing off.
"You adorable thing." He whispered before falling asleep himself.
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curtsbigspoon · 6 months
So I already sent one in- But I had to delete my account because something went absolutely hay-wire with it, It's under the same name- But I'm not sure if it'll translate back- But I asked about Crosby anything. I'd bite at the bar of my fucking cage for it. I'm obsessed with Crosby, I'm not sure if you do write anything about him. If you don't, that's completely fine. Just ignore this if that's the case. I've just been dying for any crumbs of Crosby content-
My ask box is otherwise empty so I'm assuming it got deleted with your account. But fear not sweet creature, ask and ye shall recieve!
I did ask my pookie @johnslittlespoon a little about this one, just because as much as I do love cros and do intend on writing him and stuff, I haven't had a lot of chances yet, other than my most recent post where I spoke about him x bubbles as well as him x rosie. But i wanted to deliver still, so I can give you some more headcanons.
Feel free to ask for like more thought out stuff, or snippet things because I will attempt, I just never know what to provide unless someone is specific so forgive me 😭SPOILERS AHEAD BOYS!!!
crosby has always drank black coffee, ever since he got the taste of it, can't stick anything else. the first time bubbles offers to make him a cup he doesn't think to specify, is just grateful enough that they offered. it takes a lot for him to swallow his first sip, tries not to make it obvious, offering a smile and a nod. he's so used to taking sips whilst he's deep in his work that he inevitably winds up finishing the cup. gets up to go and make himself another, desperate for his preferred taste, only for bubbles to spawn out of nowhere offering to get him another one. he tries to politely decline but "i was gonna make myself one anyhow" and now he can't refuse or he'll look rude.
this bit's a tiny bit angsty but after bubbles dies, crosby can't drink the sweet stuff again. he tries to for the very first time after hearing, thinks it'll be something to to keep the memory. but it gets too hard, he winds up being sick, goes back to drinking black coffee because he can't stand the reminder of losing his best friend. well, up until he's deep in work and rosie comes along to see how he's doing, brings him a cup, and it's sweet and he probably drops his face into his hands and gets worked up but- (GUNSHOTS)
this one's especially based on the newest episode but, crosby's used to being seen as more timid right? will immediately stand up to admit when he's done something wrong but before it even gets to that point you can see it eating away at him. he might be able to handle a few comments here and there about himself, never quite willing to turn hostile because it's war, there's worse things happening and it's not worth getting worked up over. but the minute you say a single bad thing about his friends? oh it's over. he'll use his authority, put the fear of god into you, suddenly snap out of nowhere, no a soul can sense it's coming. he means business.
once again talked about in my last post but this man does not sleep, whether it's because of work or anxiety. he probably gets up and paces about, maybe goes to sit outside, goes somewhere, anywhere to clear his head. (angst) but he probably goes somewhere he knows he'll be alone, will talk to bubbles as if he's sitting beside him, laugh about good stuff that's happened, spill his guts about the things eating away at him, referring to fond memories they used to share.
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lucisunderwitch · 2 months
Welcome to the (non) official
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BLOG!!! (For short LUW)
This AU is my own idea. There may be some questions you may ask yourself, but first let me explain what this blog is for.
This post is the main one, I recommend checking it if you're new to this AU. Here I'll post everything Luci's Underwitch related. Or almost everything. I'll try. (I may have missed some art from my main acc, it is @artsycrow46)
Also, if you want to ask any character anything, on @lucisunderwitchasks you can ask them! Edit: The account was deleted and moved here(i have way too many accounts so I need to do some cleaning from time to time)
Let me give you a brief explanation of the AU. Luci's Underwitch is an AU where all monsters are actually humanized, being called Witches. Frisk is 12 during their travel around the Underground, doing the Pacifist Run, and in the end, accepting the job as the ambassador of Witches, but going 'home' to their dad. Chara fallows them pretty much everywhere, and likes Frisk very much, being besties.
Now several months fast forward, Frisk lives with the Dreemurr Family. Asriel (11 y/o) and Kris(5 y/o) are their siblings, and Toriel takes care of all of them, dating Sans (mhm, I'm one of them Soriel shipers).
Ten years later, Frisk and Asriel are at college, and Kris found out about the Dark Worlds!.. The year now it's 2025, and Kris with Susie are now at their homes, waiting for their siblings to come back from college for Easter! Scarlett is one of Frisk's best friends, maybe even more than friends! And Asriel is still single since he's autistic as fvck.
Toghether, Frisk (with Chara ofc), Kris, Asriel, Susie and Ralsei are going into a steampunk adventure in Frisk's closet.(all of this is happening after Chapter 2. I am going to play the next Chapters when they're out, and add them to another fanfic)
Under the cut you'll have more, and at the end there will be the questions.
'kay, the explanation wasn't that brief. I am going to make a comic about it, but I am still learning about how to draw perspective and hair sooooooo y'all won't get this soon.
I have two fanfics on the way with this AU, and a third one might appear after I finish the second.
The main fanfic is called Lost Souls, The First Part explaining different events from Frisk's life after they got out of the Underground, and The Second Part is going to fallow the two humans into the closet adventure! (The closet has nothing to do with lgbt, but the fanfic surely has a bunch of lgbt in it)
I might upload several chapters in a day, or forget about it for weeks. If anyone wants to read more and I haven't uploaded a new chapter in a long while, uhhhhh tell me? (My dumbass my forget fast)🫡🫡🫡
The link to it? I might add an AO3 link too after I figure out how to use that website-
The second fanfic is called Underground Adventures, fallowing Frisk trough the Underground. This one will be out all at once, not by parts, so it's no worth to put the link here.
Now the third fanfic. It's going to be called Runes And Adventures. It's going to be abt Kris in the dark world, during Chapter 1-2. The Chapters 3-4 are going to get a separate fanfic, since they're gonna be AFTER the steampunk adventure. I am not even working on how to write it or any ideas, since it's going to take a long time, and it's not the biggest deal. I might not write it at all, since you get to see most of Kris's interactions in the game already, but who knows?
NOW!!! The possible questions(since I can't say FAQ)
1. Why is it called Luci's Underwitch?
Well, it was supposed to be called Underwitch. But apparently that exists already so I had to add my name to it. TwT
2. How do the characters look?
Well, if you've been on my main, @luciluck2046, you would see a bunch of fanarts, but I'll post them here too a bit later.
3. Comic?
Not yet. I suck.
4. Inspiration?
I got inspired to make this AU after I finished TOH(The Owl House), and also I liked the idea of humans with magic that UnderMate has. So yeah, I kinda combined those two with Undertale and my creativity, and I got this AU!
Reference sheets
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Welp, it seems you got to the end of the main post! I might update this often, but who knows? See you later my friend, and have fun reading!
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jorisjurgen · 9 months
World of Twelve dashboard simulator
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🎆 halfalight follow
I think if I get knocked out while solo'ing dungeons oen more time local eniripsas will just euthanise me 😭 iop save me
🫂 shards-of-glass-in-the-bar follow
we all have that homie who's not gonna make it.
🎆 halfalight follow
You run an anti-recovery alcoholism blog tho ???
🫂 shards-of-glass-in-the-bar follow
way to be classphobic dipshit.
🐙 podapoda-2-3 follow
Idk i feel like posting about losing your home bc of it isn't very successful and happy pandawa of you.
🤹 mysteryrystery follow
Anyone in this thread smoke hemp
(1,275 notes)
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🌌 somethingquietplace
Like a sworn knight, I serve you. You are my beating heart, my lifeline. Neither Bonta nor Astrub would be home, if you were not by my side...
Yet, why do my hands yearn for freedom, the way a butcher yearns for a wild animal?
🌛 quartziwindy follow
Are you ok op.
🕸️ osamodas-loves-spiders follow
isnt op that one guy with 50 side blogs who got accused of being a part of the bontarian royalty and classfaking being an ecaflip.
🌌 somethingquietplace
Do you swear on your heart that you can truly believe a person with a life and a career would post on this site.
#Mind your buisiness. #not osu
(12,643 notes)
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🥧 amakna-news-official follow
does anyone know if the demigod goultard is still out there marrying people//...
i n;;eed h;im.
🍄 124-lancer-lancer follow
When you die and go to externam not even being hosed down will help clean your soul. You will not reincarnate for 999 years.
🆎 alphabetcounter follow
e: 13; n: 11; o: 11; l: 7; a: 6; r: 6; i: 5; t: 5; u: 4; d: 4; 9: 3; h: 3; y: 4; s: 3; w: 4; g: 2; c: 2; x: 1; m: 1; v: 1; b: 1; p: 1; f: 1
(489 notes)
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🌌 somethingquietplace
Went on a fishing trip with my family.
Here are some photos I took there, including photos of the snappers the three of us caught. Sufokia is beautiful this time of the year.
        Keep reading
🌌 somethingquietplace
I'll delete this reblog a bit later for organization purposes, but I wanted to take this moment to thank you all for your comments.
Also, I did not know that there was a fishing community here, for all the decades I spent on this site. The more you know.
#It's nice to get back in the groove of things... #Such a hectic year. #I just need some peace and quiet. #And maybe then I'll feel better. #Though sometimes I do ask why I keep doing this. Just everything in general. #...A hot chocolate will fix me right up though. Always does. #Delete later
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🔰 noobdefencesquad follow
I know most ppl are like..,, 100% over talking about that one fuckin xelor that reversed time for like 20 minutes. like yeah hes evil but he saved my whole life. i spilled coffee on my passport and then WHOOM time reversed and shit. and i woke up 20 minutes earlier, threw up, and decided not to go anywhere near my documents with liquids ever again.
can i get a wahoo for grandpa genocide. like he really fucked up but he did do a solid one to at least me. i just feel like enough years had passed for me to speak my truth
🌒 ten-o-cock-and-a-half follow
It's not a laughing matter, people died. And it was a yet another case of media representing xelors as crazy and evil.
Try to put yourself in the mindset of the victims.
🔰 noobdefencesquad follow
im a xelor too and i think this is fucking hilarious soo yeah.
try reincarnating into a different class in next life! hope this helps.
🌛 quartziwindy follow
I agree with the second rb, but is nobody going to mention their url??
(1,274 notes)
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👾 pixiiiii-piratika follow
I know we all have our role models for adventurers we'd like to marry or become or steal the gender of or whatever, but idk it haunts me that some of them may be on this site. Imagine someone like master Eva reading what ppl had written about her or her husband. scary.
🎁 doggrillsougi follow
I hope ush galash can feel when i post about sending him psionic shadow assassins. i hope he fucking feels pain. Every single time.
🎶 foggy-has-no-spoons follow
what did a random bontarian noble do to you. also isn't he dead.
🎁 doggrillsougi follow
OK SO. this made me realize that most people genuinely don't know about the murder dungeon allegations.
To summ it up, he lured in people to rob his house, put them in The Murder Dungeon (actually a tower, but... rule of funny. it sounds funnier that way), and Bontarian government did NOTHING about for years, and even placed a statue in his honor despite that.
Now, this might sound like a conspiracy theory, but most of us in the demigod drama community know that Ecaflip demigods just... fake their deaths a lot. So there's a very big chance he's still out there. He's fucking out there.
And I want him to know, that I am sending psionic brain warriors to him. And to the king too.
THE ONLY reason this turned into a thing everyone knows is due to an anonymous leaker from within the palace. I fucking hate this kingdom.
🌹 theflowerofsadida follow
The city of good, btw
yet another reason i am a proud brakmarian despite not liking djaul LOL
🐙 podapoda-2-3 follow
👾 pixiiiii-piratika follow
oh god what happened to my post.
🌛 quartziwindy follow
there are like, theories on who leaked it btw, considering a bunch of diplomats had access to the documents. Though I won't point any fingers towards anyone in the palace in particular. 👀
if it would keep him doing this, I could kiss that guy who did this, on the lips, I would. or like, give him a pizzlarva.
fr fr.
🌌 somethingquietplace
It's every Bontarian's civil duty to try and make the city a little bit better. I think these motivations are both unneeded and unwanted.
Though the pizzlarva bit is funny.
👾 pixiiiii-piratika follow
arent you that one guy with whos been here for like 20 years and got accused of being a part of the bontarian royalty and classfaking being an ecaflip.
did you do this tumblr user somethingquietplace. did you.
🌌 somethingquietplace
I'm running a combination OSU, photography, and fishing blog where I post poorly written poetry at 4AM.
Please stop with the "you're never beating the allegations" jokes.
#not osu
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machiavellli · 1 month
I don't know why, but I never took you for liking men in beards ( personally I like them clean shaved, but to each their own <3<3<3)!
I wish you both the best!!! 💕
Could you please give us some cute anecdotes between you two ( we don't even know each other, but I really think you're both cute together, I remember reading the post in which you talk about him and it's so cute!) ?
I just wish to have a good caring loyal romantic boyfriend and find the one! 😭😭😭 I've been single all my life.
oh well, this was unexpected but at the same time really sweet, so thank you so much anon🫶
gonna write under the cut, ‘cause I don’t want to annoy everyone (that’s also the reason why I don’t talk about him too much here)
a lot to unpack, let’s go by the order of your ask
1. The beard thing
I have to say that I used to be of the same opinion, even because when we first got together he was a BABYYYYY (we were 16 jk) and he had no beard, no hair chest, no nothing lol. But as we grew up he obviously grow into his features and if at first I was not really intrigued by it, I have to say that it does looks so nice on him (I will never admit it tho, cause I complained about it at first). Also, even if he would shave it completely, I don’t think he would be able to reach again that level of smoothness again lol. He is quite hairy in general, so it is what is, but I don’t complain, since now I definitely prefer the beard.
idk if you are referring to that post where I answered the question if I believed in true love (in that case, wow you know the LORE).
But anyway…some anecdotes mhh
he is like very smart. bro could learn literally anything and I’m glad that he sticks to the scientific/economic side of academia or he would also steal my thing lol. He is smart in an “academia term”, like, again, when it comes to learning, understanding complex concepts he is the best at it. but when it comes to the most simple stuff he becomes silly😭😭
he is so slow when he has to do certain tasks, like cooking, choosing clothes,… Or like one time, he studied computer engineering for a year before switching major btw, so he knows it all about computer, programming, software, whatever, but I discovered that he had no idea that you could select multiple pictures when deleting them in your camera roll. LIKE I KNOW IS NOT THAT SERIOUS, but it was so silly. bro could program a tracker from scratch in 30 minutes and it would take him more for deleting 50 pictures.
he is like very passionate about me. I’m his favourite person or thing to do in general and it’s not my impression, he tells me. when you ask him “what do you want to do?” he will always say “stay with you”.
brotha is clingy af. like I did know that his love language was physical touch, but he could pass an enter it’s hugging me and it would still no be enough.
he once told me that the goal of his life was to make me happy and to make me free from work, so that I can write and do the things I’m most passionate about, without having to worry about anything. THE GOAL OF HIS LIFE. apparently he also told this goal to his father.
actually very interested in philosophy, he knows more than me, he said that he would never peruse a career with it, but it’s an important hobby of his.
now. I’m not a bad person. But when I say that he has no red flag expect the fact that he is with me, I mean it. Like he gives so much and I don’t feel like I ever give enough in return, just because he is unmatchable (also mind you, this is from my pov, he would absolutely say that this isn’t true)
tells his friends how they should treat their gf and calls them out if they do bullshit.
Very kind soul.
Very silly man. Sometimes I hate how much I can’t. stop. laughing. when I am around him. Just because he doesn’t the most out of pockets jokes, but just when he is around me
Cat coded. He loves dogs, but if he was an animal he would be a cat. There has been not one time where he would lay down and ask me to scratch his back or hair.
Brotha got the most beautiful curls on this planet earth and no it’s not an exaggeration. His hair are curly, but it’s like this perfect “boccolo” form.
I said in the past and I’ll said it again, he looks like he belongs in ancient Rome. That nose. Beautiful.
He is definitely the one that suffer distance the most, when I am away on holiday he used to get so sad if I didn’t call him everyday.
He definitely would like to do me surprise, but has no clue on how to organise them. He is romantic but would like to do more, but he is like how????????? Again, struggle with simple things.
He hates his brown eyes, but to me they are the cutest, they look gold in the sunshine :,)
I am more of a nerd than him, I’m the one who drags him to anything that has to do with Star Trek, Star Wars, marvel,…and people are always a bit surprised by that
He lets me tap for hours!!!!!!!!! Because he loves to hear about my interests and he smiles while I do it😭
He is a shy dancer (not like I know how to dance too, but with a glass of wine I really start to not care)
But the only thing he is shy with me personally is speaking in English. Because my accent “scares him”. BROTHA. So if I start to talk in English he will answer “baguette”. I’m not kidding.
Very entrepreneurial type of person. He did a lot and does a lot.
Doesn’t really have a favourite artist, but his top artist on Spotify is Chopin. But he used to like a lot Elton John
He works on fixation, this month we have the ✨rubric cube✨ (he wasn’t to do it in less than a minute) and ✨biking✨
You will never know what to gift to him, because he will always answer he wants “you”🙄
He is loyal and so am I. One time a girl tried to approach him by talking about philosophy and i told him that she was flirting probably, he apologised (even if he did nothing wrong, brotha was only talking about Schopenhauer and had no idea of the girl’s intentions) and blocked her on the spot without me saying a word.
Very passionate about health in general, his and the people close to him. Fan of eating well and exercising.
my mom calls him “Saint” because he has to deal with me. I have to say, I don’t always behave so well (YALL IM TRYING), like when he was doing the major I previously mention, he would return from uni on Fridays at 22:00, so the first thing he would do was taking the car and coming to my house. A couple of time, I didn’t even reached the door to say hello, I was to tired, but he never got mad.
He never gets mad in general. He is just a little sad when I cancel plans, I’m the only one between the two that cancels (I swear I’m good too, BUT I DONT STAND A CHANCE IN COMPARISON)
Bought me many plushies, ‘cause he knows I love them.
Will say to me multiple times in a day “you are beautiful” just beacuse I smiled
Only person in the world that told me I look better without glasses. Usually people tell me I look like an alien-
Makes fun of me for not having a driver license, but he would take me anywhere with his car if I asked.
we write each other a letter every three months, beacuse I just love everything about this too much. He always says that he loves me, really, but on a letter we all get deeper.
we are from the same year, but I am 5 months older
he really would do anything for me and I don’t think it’s beacuse we are young, or because we have been together only for 4 years (even if I would say it’s a big number at my age), but because his family was the once to teach him how to love unconditionally (yall they are all so beautiful together😭).
he gives, gives and gives and would never ask back
My blanket man<33 even if during summer it’s insufferable
When we swim together I can just hang on him and he will drag us around LOL
We call each other other “amore” (love) or “tesoro” (treasure)
Never pressed me into doing anything, not once, at it should be, but I sometimes look at my friends relationships and it’s not always like this sadly.
My strength. If I am studying those days it’s just because he is giving me the strength to do it. I’ve been studying in his room and I can’t only really concentrate when someone is around, so he has been helping me endlessly lately. And I know it means so much to him, because I know how much he would rather talk or hold me instead of watching me studying.
We are both a tad old on the inside, we are very chill, not really social, the type of people that wouldn’t talk at a function.
Anyway, I feel like I’ve been over sharing tooooo much, but who doesn’t love a question about something they are passionate about? Hehehe
There are good men out here, I have the proof, you just gotta keep your standards high :))
I was lucky that I got introduced to him through a friend (@/indac0) and after a month we got together. I love the idea of growing with, many people, even adults (ew) told me that I should go out and “experience” instead of staying in my very healthy relationship. But I would rather have grown with someone kind and learned what love is, than trying situationships that I know what would take me to anything. And I believe that this road it’s actually the only one that makes you understand what you like and the only one that won’t make your time feel wasted, because you already know that you are going nowhere with flings and that you will have lost time anywhere. Why not try something serious? Why not try to become a unique piece of puzzle with someone?
This is personally how I view this.
I wish you all the luck with love anon and thanks again for your kind words💖🫶🌷✨
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bluerosethornrp · 1 year
Meet the Muse masterpost
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Art by @haruhiheart
Basic facts
24 years old
Blood type AB
Libra sun
Scorpio moon
Leo rising
September birthday.
INTP personality type
Demigirl with she/they pronouns
Reclusive and prefers to be alone or with a single person. Has a Tsundere attitude that hides a sweet-to-a-fault personality. They are inexperienced much in live due to protective upbringings. Rosey is a very curious soul who has a habit of making friends easily despite her demeanor. It annoys her quite a bit
Her personality also stems from her exploitable disorders. Rosey has depression, anxiety and autism spectrum disorder. Socially she is in a word, Fucked. It has taken many years of work for her to be a social as she is today, even if she finds the results less then ideal. Rosey does not see much worth in herself. She hides it well.
Kanato Sakamaki:
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In the #sakamaki verse, Rosey takes the place of Yui as the sacrificial bride. Rosey tries to avoid all the sakamakis at all cost, not knowing her purpose inside the house. However she bonds with Kanato with a shared love of sweets. It doesn’t hurt she finds him very attractive when he’s not throwing a hissy fit. Rosey usually just follows along with Kanato on a given day to prevent his temper. Eventually this blossoms into a romance.
Azusa Mukami:
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In the #mukami verse, Rosey takes the place of “Eve”. Like with the sakamakis, Rosey does start out avoiding the Mukamis. However with the brothers being more….reasonable —in a word— she is more open with all of them, and finds herself most attracted to Azusa. Rosey’s secret obsession with beautiful art pieces leads her to observing Azusa’s knife collection quite often with Azusa not far behind. This Mutual respect and love for observing things that are beautiful blossoms into a romance.
Other notable relationships:
These are her friends from across the multiverse. They may have interactions with Rosey on the blog.
Fun facts about Rosey
She likes to to roller skate and owns her own teal and purple skates
She grew up with cats and dogs
She smells like box hair dye, despite her best efforts otherwise.
Her favorite treat is dark chocolate and orange candies
Her favorite food is fried chicken and Mac n cheese.
She hates bones in her food. It freaks her out.
Her favorite flower is blue roses and wants them in her future wedding
Her birthstone is sapphire. She’d like her engagement ring to be a sapphire.
Her love language is gift giving.
Rosey grew up isolated with protective parents. Most of her time was spent reading, writing, drawing and roller skating on her family’s property. When Rosey turned eighteen, her parents died in a freak accident and was left with selling the property, most of her own personal items, and living on the street. One day the church took pity on her and she became a custodian. Due to her stunted social growth and lack of belief in god, Rosey was sent away to live in a mysterious mansion….
Gore, incest, rape, and other activity will not be on this blog. It will be deleted
terfs, racists, nazis or other such things are not welcome here. Leave.
I will roleplay NSFW in discord private chats
I will accept all OCs and canon characters that come into the ask box
You are welcome to DM me. Don’t be a creep in the DMs either
General tags
#Rosey core— things related to the muse
#sakamaki verse— thing related to Rosey and Kanato’s relationship
#mukami verse— things related to Rosey and Azusa’s relationship
#oc interaction— interaction with other peoples oc
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mokulule · 8 months
WIP Tag Game
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs. (Yeah no, I have too many WIPs XD)
@clockwayswrites tagged anyone, and I figured this could be fun if anyone wanted to play. I don't have a single WIP folder as I write a bit here and there and I'm only gonna share my DP x DC wips as that is my current thing or we could be here all day...
Baby Pariah
Cult Summon
Danny is Jason's Parole Officer
Flowers on an empty grave
FUN in funeral
Ghastly Glacial Goodies
Ghost Writer
Love from the other side
Pancale Proposal
Take out for Dummies
The number you have called cannot be reached
Time travel
Damsel King summonings
Almanac part 1
Almanac part 2
General Phantom
Jason and Danny soul child
Wheel of Fortune
A Man has Needs
Did I find them all? There is at least one story concept I can think of not here, but I may simply not have made a doc for it XD
Anyone else feel free to do this as well. And if you saw this through my blog, feel free to tag me so I can see what you're working on :) (Also in yet another chapter of the saga of me not being good at having a side-blog I accidentally posted this there first, it is now deleted)
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halliescomut · 1 year
My Personal Weatherman Ep 5
I thought maybe it would make sense for me to RB with my thoughts after watching with subtitles, to sort of address what I kind of read correctly, and where I was off a little. So we'll see if this makes sense.
(EDIT: But because of how Tumblr sort of functions, no one is scrolling down to see new information, so I deleted my RB. If you want to read my no subs comments they are here.)
I like this episode a lot. I'm excited to see Luta's perspective (read it here), because I was absolutely enamored with watching how Mizuki cares for Yoh, and they always have such wonderful insight into how care translates in a D/s dynamic.
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I see and empathize so much with how Yoh is feeling in this episode. Like...yes, he can be so blind as to not understand exactly why Segasaki wants to take care of him, but I also absolutely understand the desire to feel like an equal partner and be contributing. There's also that part of me that remembers being told by my mom and grandmother the importance of having your own money because it's asking for trouble to be solely reliant on a man. (This is because there are many men who can be trash, not that Segasaki is such a man, but it's a lesson that exists for a reason.) And it's arguably not healthy for a person's entire life to revolve around a single person, no matter how much you may care for them, that's just true.
Yoh needs to have things that belong to him, and Mizuki isn't disallowing that, but he's not quite connecting how important it is to Yoh. This episode he's kind of the one who's blind. I know his intention certain wasn't to demean Yoh's passions and art, but it seems like he doesn't take in-depth interest in Yoh's career, which has led Yoh to believe he finds the career frivolous. It's kind of an Arts major VS Hard Sciences major, type of thing. Yoh assumes that because Mizuki's career passions lie in a science-based field, that he doesn't take Yoh's career seriously. And again our communication failure is only exacerbating the pain here. It's frustrating, because they do communicate to an extent, but they're often not speaking the same language, and so they're still stuck in misunderstandings.
The bedroom conversation was so interesting. I was surprised last week in the preview to see Yoh so directly instigating romantic contact, and the reveal of the sort of circumstances is so relatable. And Mizuki is so observant here, recognizing that Yoh is 'hiding' from his feelings.
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I think it's interesting that they left it ambiguous as to whether they actually did have sex. Because watching yesterday I thought no, but then watching today, I'm more in a maybe camp. Because Mizuki I think has very specific feelings about being used. He's set up a situation where he knows that technically he is allowing Yoh to 'use him' for his temporal needs, but then moving that use into sexual/emotional needs arena, that's going to feel different on the soul.
Man-san is an absolute angel. She gives Yoh some guff for his mood, but she pivots immediately after recognizing the real source of his depression, and brings solutions. A queen!! She's just so refreshing in this show. I like the idea of them working together, I think that staying engaged in a creative outlet is good for Yoh, because I think there's potential for him just shutting away that part of his life.
With Segasaki, I'm genuinely surprised that he didn't put forward the idea of Yoh maybe pivoting to webcomics vs traditional publishing, which seems like an obvious potential solution, you know? Your publishers trash and doesn't know how to market your stuff? Then cut out the middleman and do it yourself. It's not even something that Yoh would have to be 'onscreen' for or anything, I can see where his shyness wouldn't necessarily be conducive to that.
That final conversation though, that was fascinating to watch. I called it in my no-subtitles watch that Yoh was lying, though I didn't know why or what about. And honestly I still don't really know why he bothered to lie. It doesn't feel like Segasaki would be the type to care about Yoh working with Man-san, especially now that he knows she's happily married. Like I don't think it would set off his jealousy. Perhaps he would be bothered by their relationship being the inspiration for a Yaoi manga, but I think that would depend more on how much of them is in it. And I think he would trust Yoh to be circumspect in what was shared, but it could also be that since he's feeling unsure in the overall stability and definition of their relationship currently, maybe that would bother him. Because what if the relationship that Yoh sees them in, and helps to depict them in, is different from what he's been feeling?
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I'm also not surprised that Yoh made the assumption that Mizuki saying 'I don't care if you about you losing your job' meant 'I don't care about your manga and your passion for it'. Like...the poor guy just makes so many assumptions about what really matters to Segasaki, and part of the issue maybe is that Segasaki is fairly carefree over a lot of things. IDK how to really explain, but I'm sure you're seeing what I mean. Bottomline is they're both idiots in love and they can't just say that to each other and clear up all the confusion because, you know...idiots.
As far as our ending, having had more time to think about it, I'm less and less bothered by the tracking keychain. We know very much that it comes out of a place of care with Segasaki. If he truly wanted to control Yoh, he would just prevent him from leaving, but he's willing to give him space as long as he knows he's safe. Both of them are so unsure of how much the other WANTS them there, that it's really screwing things up tbh, but neither wants to FORCE the other to stay. Which is, you know, pretty healthy and sane, we love that.
I'm quite bummed that we're not getting a new episode until September 28/29 (I'm getting mixed signals there), but two weeks any way. I want to see this resolved, but I also want to see more of Man-san and her husband. I'm interested because we do see Man-san giving really good advice to Yoh, and I'm wondering if we'll see some good advice to Mizuki as well. I'm also just interested to see if perhaps Mr. Man-san will provided any advice to either of our sad bois. He's presented as quite mellow and level-headed, so he might be the ideal person to give them solid simple advice.
I may have more thoughts later, but this is where I'll end this for now.
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nickssidewitch · 2 months
heyyy, i hope i can find the words for this without coming off as rude 😭 at what point can i resend a question? sometimes i feel like you are not seeing my asks and already answering newer ones:( i am also a very impatient person, and get too excited about stuff i am currently interested in, so that's probably a me problem as well🧟‍♂️
or are you purposefully ignoring some asks, because you don’t feel like answering them? but you really don’t seem like that kind of person. i also understand that all of the answering takes time and that you have a life aside from tumblr & i really appreciate you taking your time for all of us nosy people 😋 virtual hugggg🫂🫂🫂
Hello anon! 🤍 I’m glad you’re not trying to be rude about this. I can tell you’re reallyyyyy trying to phrase this properly. 😭 But I’m going to give you the best answer I can give.
I am doing my best at answering every single ask in my inbox. I just reopened my inbox like two days ago, and I’ve already received over 50 asks! That’s quite an influx of questions to answer, and I’m only one (1) person! 😭😭🤍
Some asks take more time to answer than others. Some require me to really sit down and analyze my cards, while others are as quick as a small meditation and deep breathing session. It truly varies depending on the weight of the questions, as well as the energies of who and what I’m reading about.
The only times I delete an ask is if I’ve already answered a question, or if the ask is trolly. I’ve never blatantly ignored an ask. That would be rude 😭 If it’s an ask I don’t want to answer or don’t have an answer for, I would literally just respond to the ask with “I’m not answering that” or “I don’t know.”
I’m a college student who also has a job and a social life outside of this app or any other app. 😭 I’m gonna take some time before getting to asks.
Impatience is absolutely something you need to work on and figure out. 🫵🏾🤨 It’s not healthy for the mind, body, or soul. It’s okay to be excited, but don’t let that energy consume you. The zombie emoji is quite fitting for that type of energy 😭
If I haven’t gotten to your ask, please DO NOT spam with the same ask. I will get to it at some point.
I hope this answers your ask, anon! 🥰✨🫶🏾
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ahwuum · 1 year
Bro I will never again be as sad as I am right now about how many of the old achievement hunter fics got deleted in the purge after the Ryan stuff. I’m genuinely upset over how much is gone. These fics were good. Like. Novels and series that poured their heart and fucking souls into and I was shaped as a writer by them so wholly that it’s genuinely painful that I cannot access that part of my life anymore.
Does anyone even still think about this? The exact experience of being in a fandom so good, it captured every single fucking setting and genre you could ask for? Where the art was unparalleled and so so creative that it made you want to be an artist, even when you’d spent your whole life thinking you’d never be good enough to even try?
Idk man. I grieve for that fandom. It was such a big part of me that sometimes I feel the chasm it left behind when I had to let it go and I ache. Like all the pain I was going through at that time was only bearable because of that fandom. Because of the community and all the friends I made. And call me parasocial for this all you like but losing those guys was like losing real friends. I watched their stuff my entire teen life and into my twenties. Like what the fuck. How am I ever supposed to recover from that??
I look back now and it’s bittersweet. It’s fucked up. My teen life was shit and I spent all those years thinking I’d never make it to 20 and all that time they were a constant. For a while they were one of the few things keeping me going!!!
This has turned into a vent post but like. Idk am I the only one still thinking about them? Am I the only one still grieving? It’s been three years and the wounds hurt just as much as the day it happened. The scars are gnarled and jagged. I don’t think about them most of the time anymore but sometimes I move wrong and I’m reliving it over again.
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natrogersfics · 1 year
I've been reading Game Plan again getting ready for its return and in case I have not said this yet "she’s never been tied down with her own bra before" is savage as an opening line, my queen!! I cannot wait for the Steve and Nat content from this verse to be back!!
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Thank you for the kind words, my dear! Unfortunately the new content is still half baked, but how does a deleted scene sound? :-)
“Can I get another Grey Goose martini, extra dirty?” Natasha asks as she situates herself on one of the tall brass stools before the bar, mouthing a thank you when the bartender nods to acknowledge her order.
“Congratulations, by the way.”
The salutation comes from the man seated to her left, and she has to bite her lip to hide her triumphant smile. She was already four drinks in when her friends informed her of the stranger eyeing her from across the bar, and after a well-timed glance that allowed her to take in his broad frame and square jawline, well… She’s not typically the type to be on the prowl for a hookup. But since tonight is unlike any other, she decided that the minute the older gentleman seated next to him vacated his seat, she was going to seize the opportunity. Much to her fortune, that opportunity needed only all of ten minutes to materialize.
“What makes you think I’m celebrating?” she asks, turning to the man.
The grin that makes its way across his face at her question is boyish and lopsided, and she finds that for reasons she can’t quite put a finger on, she’s completely attracted to the way that contrasts with his full, albeit well-trimmed beard. “Process of elimination.”
“Do tell,” she says, her breath catching slightly in her throat when he finally turns to look her way and she sees his blue eyes up close and personal for the first time.
“Well, I’m not saying that someone who just wants to kick back and relax can’t have a Vodka martini,” he says. “But usually that honor goes to beer while the hard stuff gets saved for the appropriate time, like when there’s cause for celebration or somebody just got hit with life’s shit stick.” They both chuckle at that before he nods towards the drink the bartender just set down before her. “Given your extra dirty drink over here, I’m going to have to think it’s one or the other. Now, if it were the shit stick, I don’t think you would’ve been across the bar laughing with your friends.” He shrugs, smiling. “So, like I said, congratulations.”
“Observant,” she notes as he takes a sip of his own drink. “Though admitting that you saw me laughing with my friends from across the bar is giving yourself away.” She’s barely able to contain her own smile as she adds, “some might say that’s even creepy.”
“I could have waited until your friends left to approach you like some run-off-the-mill stalker,” he quips, making her laugh, “but then the old geezer next to me left and next thing I knew, you’re-”
“All right, I get it,” she says, shaking her head as she grins. “In any case, thank you. I am celebrating. I just got a big promotion at work.”
His face lights up. “Cheers to that then,” he says, holding up his drink.
She clinks her glass against his before taking a long sip, savoring the burn of vodka down her throat. “So,” she begins after a beat, eyeing the amber liquid of his drink. “What about you? What does… is that bourbon?”
“Blended scotch whiskey,” he says.
“You’re one of those,” she says, smirking when he raises a brow at her in question. “You know, the type that has to be specific about the exact whiskey they’re drinking. Single malt, blended… This wasn’t distilled in Scotland? How dare you call this scotch whiskey!”
He tips his head back, laughing. “Okay, first of all, how was I to know you weren’t some closeted whiskey fanatic?” he challenges. “I could say I’m drinking a ten-year-old single malt and next thing I know you’re high tailing it outta your chair because you know deep in your soul there were definitely other grains in the barrel it was distilled in.” He sighs, feigning distress. “I couldn’t risk it!” She scoffs at him in response, to which he just smiles. “I digress, though. What was your question again?”
“Your drink,” she says. “Cause for celebration or due to life’s shit stick?”
For a moment, he sits there, giving his lips a roll as he ponders her question. “I think I’m still waiting to find out,” he settles on eventually, looking a cross between shocked and intrigued when she just nods in understanding. He extends one hand out to her. “I’m Steve.”
“Nice to meet you, whiskey aficionado Steve,” she says, eliciting another chuckle from him as she shakes his hand. “I’m... Natalie."
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