#not because I'm taking them with but because I know the cigarette smell will invade the room
quicksilversquared · 9 months
I'm down to just the last-minute stuff needing to be packed and I am so glad that my mom said not to bother with my winter coat, she has a spare, because now I have just enough room in my luggage for stuff.
....thankfully there are multiple things that will not be making the return trip back (ornaments that are being given as gifts and leftover cranberry-nut bread from the staff party because almost no one had any because everyone brought desserts; my mom was super excited to hear that I'm going to be bringing it, though lol; also materials to knit/crochet several cat blankets that I will leave with my parents to give to their cat-fostering friend), because otherwise I would have concerns about having enough space for gifts.
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likedovesinthewindd · 7 months
𖹭₊⊹ the weekend — f. start (fem!reader)
The first thing you register when you open your eyes is the warm sun resting upon your face, the rays laying softly against your cheeks, yet burning against your eyelids. The smell of cigarette smoke and cologne half dissipated in the air invades your senses, and the cotton sheets rub nicely against your freshly shaved legs, something you only took the liberty of doing because you were going out for the first time since being at Oxford.
It takes your mind a few more moments to remember where you are, and when you do, you rise from bed with a groan. The previous night's events all replay in your head; how your new friend Anabel had invited you for a night out at the pub to meet her friends. How you hit it off with them almost immediately, especially Farleigh, who had literally caught your attention since you first walked into the crowded pub, his tall figure and big personality making him the center of attention at the table.
You recall the excessive amount of flirting and ample amounts of liquid courage, which led to him taking you to his dorm room and ending up in his bed. The same bed you still found yourself in, you realized, as you stretched your aching body.
Farleigh wasn't in bed, you noticed, and before you had time to wonder about his whereabouts, he appeared from the bathroom, a towel draped around his hips and body still slightly wet from the shower.
He looked a little shocked at seeing you awake, almost as if he had forgotten you were even there. "G'morning," he muttered through a voice deepened with sleep as he rubbed at his eyes. You didn't give him a vocal reply, only nodding your head with a small smile before a yawn escaped you. The awkward silence stretched on for a few more moments before Farleigh spoke up again, by now rummaging through his cupboards for something to wear. "Listen, uh," he started, "I have a class at eight, so..."
You quickly understood the underlying message in the statement, choosing to chime in before he had to actually kick you out. You don't think your ego could take that. "Right, yeah, me too," you lied, moving to get out of his bed until you realized how scantily clothed you actually were. You took advantage of the fact that his back was still facing you, quickly searching around the bedroom floor in search of your missing clothes scattered all over.
When you were dressed, you quietly made your way to the door before giving Farleigh one more look, him now in the process of pulling up his briefs. "You'll call me?" you asked, suddenly very meek, a complete change from the confident girl from last night. You didn't even know what possessed you to ask him, but you'd be lying if you said you wouldn't want to see more of him.
"Mhm, sure," he muttered, not sparing you a look, and you decided to just leave before you embarrassed yourself even further. As you made your way outside, you dug around your purse for your Nokia, swiftly flipping it open and searching for Anabel's name in your message log. You quickly typed out a message before before preparation yourself for your walk of shame back to your dorm.
a/n: hey🙂...how yall doing? I'm back, hi. I'm kinda busy w school rn but just a stupid little something
part 2
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bestruction · 4 years
Getting high with them for the first time
N/A: If you do drugs do it safely
My masterlist
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- Eren Jaeger
He's not the type of guy who pressured you to use, let alone say you're immature or coward for it. When you decide to try it, it's genuinely your idea, and who better than your boyfriend to teach?
That's how you end up in his room, with the door and windows lock to make sure the smell doesn't catch his parent's attention. You sat on the carpet while he carefully rolls the joint so that the cigarette holder doesn't fall.
“Tighten your lips like this and take a deep breath through your mouth” He took a short drag before releasing the smoke “But not too long since this is your first time your throat is not used to the smoke”
You nod and accept the cigarette doing as he said. You feel the smoke warm your mouth, watch it hoover before your eyes after blowing and wait for...Nothing. No different sensation, no tingling, literally nothing.
"I don't think it worked"
“It is not like a switch. Wait a minute, babe ”
You talk a little about the day-to-day of the two and then go to play something new that he had bought. After a few games and a few more huffs, you still don't feel any difference or anything. You even try to hold the smoke in your mouth for a longer time, which results in you coughing incessantly and Eren laughing in your face. Hearing him laugh has always been one of your favorite things. The way he bends his body and laughs out loud without shame until he blushes always makes you laugh together with him, like now.
You laugh, laugh until your body asks for air and needs to alternate between laughter and breathing. You feel calm, relax as if you had lifted a weight off your shoulders. You lay on the carpet feeling the softness of the fabric against your skin ... Was it always that soft? So silky? So comfortable? You close your eyes and rub your hand over the texture, and then the smell of Eren's citric perfume invades your nose. When you opened your eyes, jade eyes were watching you closely.
"I think it has taken effect now, huh?" He says stroking your hair. "Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" He asks, getting on top of you.
"A few times"
“Then I’m going to tell you again: you’re beautiful” he kisses your lips “So damn beautiful” He kisses your chin “Every single part of you” And now your jaw.
You two spent the afternoon making out on the floor and praising each other. Not because you were high, I mean, not only, but because being so sensitive brought it even more evident how much you wanted each other.
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- Levi Ackerman
You had a horrible week. It seemed that everything that could go wrong over the course of seven days had made a point of happening even worse than you imagined. When you got home even after taking a long hot shower and lying in bed, you're unable to relax.
"If you keep turning from side to side, I won't sleep either" Murmured Levi.
"I know. Sorry"
"I'm not complaining. Come here" He pulls you to lie on his chest "Better?"
"A little bit"
"Just a little bit?" He smiles softly "You can try what I do when I get like this"
"Do you mean the mushrooms?"
"If you want to"
You two get out of bed and go to the kitchen. He takes a clear plastic bag from the fridge and places it in front of you. Levi is not the type of guy who gets high all the time. It's more like an escape for when his stress is too high, like yours. He already used it when you met him, and even if you didn't, you never saw a problem with it.
"Just it?"
"I can make tea if you prefer"
"Why don't you use weed like everyone else?"
"Too much work. To roll, check for purity. With mushrooms, I just need to buy and chew them ”
"Well, bon appetit"
You two eat the frozen mushrooms. The taste is not so bad, but it is not a good thing and the smell reminds you of something that had been removed from the forest, which makes sense. Levi suggests that you lie down on the sofa in the living room to watch a movie. There was no need to worry about tomorrow as it would be a day off for both of you.
Lying on Levi's lap and watching the TV, the colors start to shine before your eyes. You didn't remember the white wall looking so vivid, or the pixels on the TV seeming to slow down when you focused on a specific point. It was your house, but it didn't look real. You felt inside a peaceful dream, and inside that dream, you fell asleep forgetting about your nightmare week.
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- Armin Arlert
It's your idea. It's Mikasa's birthday party, and Connie had taken some ecstasy pills from whoever wants to use them. So you take two, drag your boyfriend to the bathroom and lock the door.
"You don't have to do it with me if you don't want to, Armin"
"I'm curious too," He says, staring at the little pink pills on your hand.
Armin swallows one, and you do the same after him.
Armin swallows one, and you do the same after him. You want the experience to be as safe as possible. Then both sit in the bathtub and wait for the effect while talking. About half an hour later, you notice how dilated are the pupils of the blond in front of you. Your hearing is a little muffled, and you feel happy and light for no apparent reason. A slight tingle comes and goes through your body, like a wave spreading that sensation across your skin.
You go over to Armin and sit on his lap. He smiles at you, and more than ever, you want to kiss him until you're out of breath, and he's not different from you.
Armin takes your hand between his and brings it to his mouth. He spreads small, short kisses on your hand. You focus on the feeling of his lips running over your skin. You are so damn sensitive even his breathing makes you shiver.
As if a magnetic force pulls you both, you two kiss, letting that soft cloud of pleasure envelop you both. When Armin presses you against his body, deepening the kiss and tasting your mouth, you want to break the laws of physics and be able to occupy the same place as him. You want to become one with him.
And the two of you may not be able to do it, but you certainly tried A LOT in that bathroom.
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- Jean Kirstein
Jean is handsome, tall, friendly, and intelligent. So when he starts to be invited to every possible party in college, you’re not surprised. You two have been dating since high school, and you don't feel jealous if he goes to parties alone but he always finds a way to convince you to accompany him with some excuse. Like,  that it would be a lot more fun if you're next to him.
Today, this is one of those times when he convinces you. It's not that you don't like parties kind of, but a party full of strangers doesn't seem like the most attractive thing to you. Then after dancing and talking to people for a long time, he drags you to one of the rooms in the house to give you a well-deserved break.
"Thank you for coming with me," He said, hugging you from behind after closing the door.
"I'm going to want some compensation for that, Kirstein," You said, sitting down in an armchair that was there.
"How about ... That" Jean takes a bag with two white pills out of his pocket and tosses it towards you.
"What is it?"
"What kind of people have you been involved with?" You joke “If your mom knew what you've been up to, Jeanboo”
"Shut up" He sat next to her "If you want to try, I try"
It wouldn't be his first time getting high, he used to smoke weed with Eren in the basement since high school, but it would be yours. As I said, Jean is smart. You knew he had been wanting to try acid for some time. So of course, he had researched on.
Honestly? You are curious but afraid after so many speeches “don’t do drugs, kids”. Jean would never propose anything that could endanger the two of you, which is exactly why he only suggested it when you were alone, and if you said "no" it would be like it never happened.
"Is it just swallowing?"
"Put it under your tongue and let it dissolve"
You lie down on the floor and take it at the same time. It tastes bitter, but unlike any medicine, you've taken in your life.
It takes some time for it to start taking effect, but when it finally did you know. The sound of loud music, muffled by the walls of the room seems to be inside your head now. The colors tremble in front of you, mixing, moving, becoming more intense. You raise your hand towards the ceiling, and you don't feel like that's your hand. Everything seems surreal. You feel calm but active. It's like being very drunk, but the other way around.
Jean pulls you into his chest, and you can hear his heart pumping blood at full speed, like yours. You feel your throat dry, your body sweat, and your hands get cold.
If I could define that feeling with a word, it would definitely be intense.
You spent the night like that. Watching the furniture move and change shape, lying on the floor and without detaching from each other. At some point, you ended up sleeping, and after having the weirdest dream of your life, you woke up with Jean calling you carefully. The sun had already risen, and the house was silent, indicating that the party was over a long time ago.
"How are you feeling?" He asks, helping you to stand.
“Hungry and hungover”
He mumbles something about also being, and you go out to eat at the nearest cafeteria.
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camslightstories · 4 years
Tolerate It - Part 6
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Lena Luthor x reader, Kara Danvers x reader, Alex Danvers x reader. Baby Danvers. 
Notes: It’s finally here! I'm sorry for not posting it earlier, i just wanted to make sure to be as good as I could think of. I hope you guys like it, part 7 is coming later today.  
Its been so lovely to chat with you guys about the story and its just so unbelievable to see all of you liking this story. I'm gonna be looking out for every comment, feedback and request you guys have. Have a nice day!
Taglist: @multi-images
3 years later
The soft sunlight of the morning came into the room. The smell of grease overwhelmed the studio apartment. The beaming and uncomfortable beeping of the red alarm in the nightstand invaded your ears. Piles of books overloaded the place. 
Feeling the bothersome sound of your alarm and the sun coming through the blinds, you groaned as you moved the sheets over your head. Minutes moved by, and you got up, walking to the bathroom, massaging your temple. As a headache took over your head.
“Shit” You exclaimed as you glanced at the black clock in the bathroom. The bathroom had a simple black and white decoration, as did the rest of the apartment. After a few minutes, you ran through the apartment with mom jeans and an oversize black shirt.
The only thing that popped out in the apartment was a photo, a Christmas photo if we begin specific, the one that was years before as your wallpaper. You started a few seconds, before grabbing your cell phone and heading out. 
The first year was of mixed emotions. Breakdowns at midnight and midday, consuming heartache, solemnly depression, and many others. Every once in a while it would all consume you, leaving like when you first left, but somehow a few days later of remembering and hoping that they were happy and okay. The feeling would go away. Some days were harder than others but you tried. 
After a time your feelings slowly began to work themselves into a bottle, which you would box or shoot at it. You became a numb person, pain would be only physical felt, the sadness and heartache you once had become the base of the now built on walls, you created for yourself.
Boxing became your exit for multiple things, including anger, sadness, and fear. And in the path, you encountered a Russian, who became your family. Anatoly was a strange man, someone who cared in their own way. In the escape of your past, you became part of the now new organization Bratva. 
The good, cherry, positive, and type C personality became blank. Your laughter became silence. Your smiles became void looks. Pain became something you only could be the maker of. Changing into a soldier made you not gain anyone except for Anatoly.
Working as the mechanic of the Texan town, became somehow soothing since you could be at peace and alone. And as the mechanic of the town, who was a total ice person, social interaction became minimal and only when they were necessary. 
“Принцесса, good afternoon” The man in suit voiced, with a thick accent and a smile walking towards you.
You responded without moving out of the car, repairing the brakes. “I would say it's great to see, but it's not.” 
“I got a meeting, are you coming?” Anatoly commented as he moved to sit on the chair at the side of the car, waiting for you.
You rolled your eyes and went to move your head when you felt the hit in your head. Groaning and now with grease over your face and body you slide out of the red car, cleaning your now black stained face and hands.“Okay". 
Now in a hoodie and sweats. You walked inside of the car where the suited man waited, glancing at you, giving you the arms before you could speak.“You said it was a meeting, not that I need to punch anyone”
“Well, work is work, isn't it. Принцесса” He said with a smile, making you start the car.
You murmured as you drove off, putting both of the guns in your back.“Let's get over with this”
The warehouse was dark and empty. The only light on was the one beside a pile of boxes, and the cold breeze of the night hit you as you walked calmly to the light.
Two bodyguards at each side of the man, heavy but not strong. It was obvious they were more for intimidation than for actual defense of the old Australian man. 
The event scaled quickly, going from simple gun trade to the bet of the fight rings. The man started to bet and trade with nothing less. When Anatoly called the ‘no’ for all of the things, the bodyguards stepped forward. Making you roll your eyes as you spoke.“Now we don't want to go there, do we?”
“Okay, your decision” When both of the men went to raise their guns, you had already begun to fight them, Anatoly not minding any business but answering the now entering call in his phone.
After the old man ran, the two bodyguards shielded him. You killed one with a single shot before you grabbed the other breaking his arm, putting him on the floor as you pressure your body weight on it. 
The tall dark said as you were slowly torturing him.“Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry”
“I gave you your opportunity and you didn't want it, idiot. I'm not letting you go away now.” You concluded getting up, and shooting him in the chest, before walking away to the car where now the Russian man is seated with a worried expression.
Putting the radio on, ignoring the man. You drove to the Hotel where the Russian stayed before dropping him off. He looked at you, before speaking goodbye.“Принцесса, good business.”
You stared at him before locking the doors driving away to the market down the street of the shop. You entered before grabbing a shopping car. Passing through isles, grabbing beer and chips, before walking to the register. 
The young woman on the register had made her life goal to annoy the hell out of you each time. Taking a big breath when you turned, the blonde flirted as you took out the cash to pay. “I like beer too, wouldn't you mind sharing with me?”
“No, I got work to do '' You responded with a cold tone, waiting for the receipt.
The blue-eyed blonde didn't seem to get the memo, and continued as she checked you out up and down, biting her lip before commenting.“You always do, beautiful”
You looked at her before, rolling your eyes, as she gave you the paper. Before shaking your head slowly walking away. 
The truth was that even after you tried millions of different ways, you couldn't forget about Lena. You tried screaming at a photo, you tried meditating, drinking to numb, crying to exhaustion, and more. But there wasn't a way that you could get the black-haired woman out of your heart.
Getting out of your thoughts when you felt a sharp knife, on your back and a voice whispering in your ear. “Keep walking, pretty girl, keep walking to the ally”
You rolled your eyes and did what the man told you before turning around to be met with a tall guy in his 30s with a shit-eating grin and the smell of alcohol and cigarettes coming out of him.
Your hand went to your back, taking the gun and raising it to his eye level. The now wide-eyed man began to shake, dropping the knife. Making you sigh, as you felt the headache get stronger.“Next time, just go home”
The man closed his fist and kicked the knife out of the way, before sprinting down the alley, only to make you pull the trigger, hitting his leg. The cries of pain became the annoyance of your night, walking up to him putting pressure on the now bleeding leg, you spoke frankly without any doubt. “Nothing happens, because if it did next one goes in your head”
Darkness and coldness was the only thing that could be felt at night, in Texas. The smell of barbeque and fries could be detected at miles away, and the comfort of the quietness made you feel relax and somehow safe.
With a beer in the hand and a book in the other. You were laying on the couch, chips, and pasta on the table as you did. Guns, large and small on the side table with silencers and packs of bullets on the side. Pills of depression, anxiety, and pain were beside the arms. The packet of beers on the ground, missing one. 
The door-knocking sound interrupted you from the relaxation moment you had. With a gun behind your sweats, a sports bra on, and the beer in hand you walked to the door, before scolding in a cold tone without looking away from your book “Anatoly, like you already know I punch once a day, now if you don't want one for yourself. I recommend you leave-”
“Y/N?” Interrupted Sam, looking at you with a confused glance.
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wickedw3asleys · 4 years
George x reader
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-> Part 1
WARNINGS: cussing, smoking, some angst, some fluff, mentions of sadness and anxiety..., couple fight...
With a cigarette on your lips, you continued admiring the beautiful lake behind the Burrow; a place George, Fred and you always used to hang out. Even since after leaving the house, you hadn't stopped crying, the emotional reunion with everybody, specially George, and the encounter with Angelina were too much for you to handle in such a short amount of time.
You couldn't say you were not surprised to see her at the Burrow, since Hermione hadn't mentioned her once in her letters, but you guessed that as you needed someone to be by your side like Dean, George needed someone too. And she had been crushing on her since his third year, so you were happy for him.
Except this was a total lie. You wanted to be happy for him, he deserved to be happy, but not with her. Ever since your years at Hogwarts she had been there to remind you how you were only the friend that nobody wanted, how you'd never be enough for anyone, specially the twins.
So the fact that she was in front of you, ready to hex you if she needed to, literally destroyed you mentally. You already knew you had fucked up things with George, and that was a conversation you needed to have with him, but you didn't need her to appear like that and talk for him, or anybody else in the house. Even though deep down, you knew she had all the rights to talk to you like that...
You turn your head towards the soft voice, quickly wiping out your tears.
"Hermione! Hey..."
"Can I sit down?", she asks shyly.
"Of course you can..."
You pat next to you and she sat down. Both of you took a deep breath, looking in front of you.
"I miss our summer here...", you hear her whisper, "all gathered here, having picnics and throwing each other in the water..."
"Me too..."
Your mind wandered to all the memories you had made around the lake, all the laugh, water splashes, even minor injuries, you had made there, "It surely was great..."
"I'm sorry for Angelina... She's not... She's really protective of George, you know?", you chuckled at that, "Yeah, I can see that..."
"It's not personal-
"It has always been personal, Hermione...", you say, taking another cigarette, "But it's okay, I'm okay, really... I know I've made mistake, and I deserved it..."
"We all made mistakes...", she sighed, "After all that happened, the war... We all lost things, we all made mistakes... We all needed someone to help us heal..."
"Did you heal?", you ask.
"I think so... I still think about everything, and the ones we lost, like Remus and Tonks, Fred of course... Even Lavender sometimes... But the past is the past, unfortunately we cannot changed it... So the best was just... move on with my life and accept the fact that I'd have to live with that for the rest of my life... And Ron is great, he's amazing! He has it harder though... Because of Fred, but he's strong, he really helped everyone..."
You felt your heart crush in your chest at her words. She was right, the only thing left was move on and just live with it... Even if you didn't want to, it was the only thing to do.
"I don't know how to move on, 'Mione...", you whisper as you feel another tear roll down your cheek.
"What about Dean?"
"It's not the same... I like him, I really do...", you sigh, "But when I'm with him, something's missing... He tries! I know he does! And he's always supporting me and helping me but I feel that it's not what I need... And now it seems impossible to heal or move on... I-I just can't..."
Hermione puts her arm around your shoulder and puts your head on her shoulder, embracing you tightly.
"It's okay... I understand what you mean..."
"And I know I shouldn't have left, it's been killing me for 4 years, I should have stayed and help George, and Ron, and Ginny, and Molly and Arthur... And I left...", you didn't know why, but you needed to be blamed for what you did you needed to tell yourself that it was your fault. The way you left everyone.
"No... you did what you thought would be better for everyone, you didn't mean any harm..."
"But look at him... Look at George... Even though the rest is healing, he's not... and I could have helped him, we could've had healed together...", you cried in her arms.
"At least you're here now, Y/N... It's all that matters..."
"I miss him so much, 'Mione... Everyday I think about Fred and it hurts... So bad..."
She hold you tighter as she felt your body become weaker. She understood your pain, and she knew you needed to let it out, so she just hold you, petting your hair, not saying a word, letting you talk when you needed it and letting you cry.
After what seemed to be hours, you finally had stopped crying, still in Hermione's arms, now just talking about your years at Hogwarts... How you missed McGonagall's scolding whenever you ran through the halls, or visiting Hagrid for a cup of tea...
"Yeah... These were good years...", Hermione sighed.
"I wish we could turn back time and live all of it all over again..."
She chuckled and smiled, still looking at the lake.
"Come on, the others are probably wondering where we are...", she says, helping you get up, "And i'm keeping these!", she takes the cigarettes in your coat and shove them in hers, "Smoking is bad"
You rolled your eyes and headed up with her to the Burrow. She hadn't changed a bit, she was still the Hermione you once knew.
"Hey... We're here...", she said quietly while opening the door.
"Oh, hi, dear!", Molly exclaims warmly as she cleaned her hands on her dress.
It looked like no one was around, except for Molly, who was doing the dishes.
"Do you need help, Molly?", you ask.
"Don't worry, darling, I've got this!", she smiles, "But you should go take a rest now, it has been a long morning..."
You nodded and after giving her a hug, you made your way up to Charlie's bedroom. On your way you could see Harry and Ginny, just hanging out in her bedroom, Arthur reading a muggle book in his, and Ron napping. All of them looked peaceful and happy, perhaps you were the only one that still wasn't able to move on...
Just as you were thinking about that, you heard loud voices coming from Fred and George's old bedroom.
"... Angie, I promise I didn't know she was supposed to come..."
"4 years, George! 4 years! She disappeared and abandoned you!"
"She didn't!"
"Yes, she did! Where was she when you couldn't sleep or even look at you in the mirror?! I was there! Not her!"
"This is not what the conversation is about!"
"It is! You can't forgive her and hug her like nothing has ever happened!"
"YES I CAN!", you heard George's voice getting louder, "I need her!"
And with that, complete silence. You decided it was better to not keep listening, it was a private conversation and you've had already heard enough.
You finally reached for the doorknob of the bedroom and when you were about to open it, you heard a loud thud followed by a quiet "fuck you, George".
"Oh, great!", Angelina exclaims when opens George's door.
"Not. A. Word.", she spits, "I have heard and seen enough of you"
She turns around and makes her way down to the living room.
You raise your head and exchange glances with George, who was sitting on his bed, looking completely miserable.
"Are you okay?", you ask, slowly entering his room, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-
"It's okay... Don't worry about me... She's right I suppose..."
"She is... Look, I can't explain how sorry I am... for everything, for leaving you, for not keeping in touch with you..."
He didn't say anything, he just stood up and hugged you. You had missed him so much, and it's been so long... But nothing had changed, he was still the same George, same hair, same smile, same smell...
"You're here now...", he whispers.
You stayed like that for a few moments, enjoying each other's company, and you could feel how he needed this hug as much as you needed it.
"Can we talk?", he says when he separates from you.
"Yes, of course!"
"I'd rather do it in private, if you're okay with it... There's a lot to talk about and I feel it won't be the same if everyone's around..."
"Yeah! I understand... Tell me when you feel like it..."
"Tonight? I don't want to rush or anything, I just need-
"Tonight is great, Georgie...", you caress his cheek.
"I missed you calling me "Georgie", he smiles, taking your hand in his. He placed a soft kiss on your knuckles and decided to go to the kitchen help his mom with the rest of the dishes, to what you decided to go to your room and take a nap.
Closing your eyes, hundreds of images of you running through the castle with the twins invaded your mind. Memories of them chasing you after pranking them, or simply trying to escape from Filch... You felt a something warm and comforting rushing through your body for the first time after what seemed to be an eternity. Perhaps being there was really what you needed to heal...
@28cnn , @lindsaytriestowrite , @jenniweaslee , @amityyyjade , @dracossimp01 , @themoonwithprophets , @hufflepuffflowers , @georgeweasley19 , @mendesdelight
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meleuki · 5 years
Axl Rose x Reader
Warnings: SMUT
Word Count: 3,200+
A/N: Here is the Axl Rose Smut that I've been writing for ages. Lemme know if there is anything I can improve on! Enjoy!
I could faintly hear the screams of the crowd behind me. I ran through the halls of backstage, searching for the dressing rooms of Guns n Roses. I'd been there just earlier, maybe two or three hours ago, but it seemed that every minute that ticked by slowly made the halls surrounding the concert stage into a rabbit warren of rock n roll.
There were a few girls standing here and there, either smoking or drinking, their stocking clad legs open to the point where it got in the way of the stage crew who had to rush around trying to make sure nothing bad happened to the band during the show. I sighed as I rushed past the groupies, ignoring their disgusted sneering as my heavy boots stomped against the ground.
I'd been ready to leave not long ago, packing my van with all the tools and make-up I'd brought along for the boys. Each had their own box, their own supply of face paint. It was then that I realised I had completely forgotten Axl's make-up box in his dressing room. The red-haired man had been flirting with me the entire time I'd touched up his face. I'd thought it would only take 15 minutes or so, but it had ended up taking at least half an hour. I'd spent more time snarling at the rock star to keep his hands off my legs than applying powder to his face, and I had eventually given up and left the room, completely forgetting the box of make-up I had brought in.
I sighed as I finally reached his door, ignoring the 'keep out' and 'do not enter' signs. Luckily for me, I'd been given a key to the dressing rooms in case of moments like this. I slid the key that hung from a lanyard around my neck into the lock, turning until I heard the familiar click of the door. I was immediately greeted by the smell of cigarette smoke as I walked into the large room. My eyes falling on two girls sitting on Axl's couch, sucking on a cancer stick each, emitting the smoke that had clouded up the whole room.
I stopped in my tracks as the two groupies turned to me, confusion in their eyes, maybe a small amount of jealousy too.
I pointed at them, "Out." and then the door, "Get the fuck out."
One of them began blubbering as they stood up, "But Axl told us to wait here until he got back from the show—!"
I held my hand out, cutting her off as I marched further into the room, my boots slapping against the carpet with every step. The metal pins and chains that I had attached to the leather shoes smacked together, creating the distinct sound of metal on metal.
"I don't give a fuck what Axl said! I said, get out!" I yelled, taking a step towards them and basking in the way they flinched at my sudden movements.
I watched as they scrambled, nodding quickly, mumbling apologies as their barely covered assets disappeared through the dressing room door. I sighed, placing my hand on my forehead as another stress fueled headache rushed through me. I groaned, searching the room for the make-up case through my pain, the one and the only reason I had come back into the hell pit people called backstage in the first place.
"Wow, I never thought I'd see you bent over like that." Axl's deep voice cut through the air. My eyes closed as I took a deep breath in through my nose, preparing myself to turn around and see the red-headed man.
"Fuck you, Axl." I groaned, standing up slowly and turning to face him with a glare on my face.
"Two little ladies down the hall told me you shoved them out of here." Axl chuckled, wiping an already damp towel over his sweaty forehead. His eyes were glazed over, probably the effect of all the adrenaline he'd built up on stage.
I grunted, beginning to look around the room again. I couldn't stand being back here any longer, especially alone in a room with Axl. I could feel his eyes on me as I searched for my tools, roaming my body like I was some piece of meat.
I snapped my head around, eyes narrowing to slits as they connected with Axl's, "You mistake me for what I am not Mr Rose, I am no slut."
"And I don't expect you to act like one Miss (L/N)." Axl's soft tone surprised me, and I began to let my tense body relax under his gaze. His eyes were green, so green. They looked like one of those rivers that you would find hidden in the woods, his eyes shone like the water's surface. I could almost smell the earth around me as I stared at him.
I let out a sigh before taking a deep breath in through my nose, "I'm getting lost in your eyes." I admitted composedly.
"And yet, two minutes ago you were ready to punch me in the face," Axl smiled sadly, "I don't understand you (Y/N)."
"I don't understand myself, Mr Rose," I spoke formally, detaching my gaze from him. I grunted uncomfortably as I moved to the beaten up couch. There had probably been many nights where people had puked, split alcohol or even had sex right where I sat, but it was the most comfortable thing in that shitty room for the time being.
"Why do you... call me that?" Axl furrowed his eyebrows as he walked over to his make-up bench, running his hand through his red hair, "Mr Rose~."
Axl dragged out the name, smirking at the way it sounded in his mouth. I could tell by the way he smiled that all he had in his head was those filthy thoughts. Thoughts of me screaming out his name, maybe even calling him 'Mr Rose', like it was some sort of symbol, phrase, calling of the power he possessed over me. I'd even begun to think about it too.
I'd been doing his make-up earlier that day, I'd tried so hard to inhale the smell of him. The same thoughts I was having, now invading my mind like some sort of lustful disease. He smelt so damn good, mouth-watering and intoxicating, like a mix of home-baked cookies and cigarettes. It was the most addictive thing my sense of smell had ever picked up on, blessing me with the aroma of Sir Axl Rose.
I unconsciously drew a deep breath in through my nose. My legs crossed as my own head began reeling with intrusive thoughts, just like the ones I'd had earlier tonight. I shut my eyes, sighing as I let the dirty scenes play behind my eyelids. Moans and whimpers echoed in my brain, thrumming in my ears like a rhythmic drum beat, slowly speeding up until the song reached its climax. It played like a highlight reel.
"Because I work for you, it's formal," I answered, straightening my neck and readjusting the slouched position my body had fallen into during my seconds away in fantasy.
"You of all people should know that shit doesn't matter to me." Axl chuckled, lighting a cigarette as he leaned against the make-up counter, his knuckles going pale-white as he gripped the edges of the wooden surface with his sweaty hands. I could see something beginning to surface inside his eyes as he looked at me, taking long drags of his cigarette.
I stood up timidly, keeping my eyes locked on Axl's as I began to walk towards him. Every step I took was cautious, wondering if he would turn away or break out of the burning gaze we were both trapped in.
It didn't take long before I had reached him, my hands delicately taking a hold of the front of his sweat-stained t-shirt. I let out a shaky breath as we continued to stare at each other. All I could smell was the smoke of the cigarette that hung out of the singer's mouth, oozing a grey river of toxicity. I missed the smell of him.
"What're you doing?" Axl mumbled, removing the white stick from his mouth before shoving it onto an ashtray clumsily. His hands shook slightly as they came back to his sides, not knowing whether or not to touch me just yet.
"I'm not entirely sure," I whispered, bringing my lips closer to his, so close I could feel his breath tickling over the chapped skin.  
"Then, um - are you sure you should be doing it?" Axl's voice lowered to match mine, his hands finally finding their way to my body and resting on my waist as the question rose up from his parched throat.
The question lingered in the air for a few moments and all that could be heard was our wavering breaths, uneven and rapid as our unspoken need for each other grew with each passing moment.
"Not at all." I sighed, pressing my body into Axl's, basking in the way his hands tightened their hold on me like he was restraining himself from taking me right then and there.
I decided I couldn't wait any longer and I smashed my lips against his. It was a fiery kiss, fueled by how long we had waited to make such an intimate connection. Axl's hands travelled from my waist and down to my ass, squeezing the muscle in his palms, shoving me further into him. I could feel his growing need against my leg, warm tingles spread through my body at the thought that he was getting hot and heavy for me, just like I was for him.
Axl’s lips travelled down from my lips to my neck, attaching themselves to the soft skin. I felt his teeth dig into me, pulling the skin into his mouth before licking it and letting it go. It was a constant movement of teeth and tongue against my neck as I moaned out for him, clasping his shirt tightly inside my fisted hands. My own nails had begun to dig into the palms of my hands, leaving crescent-shaped marks imprinted in the clammy skin.
When Axl brought his gaze back to mine his eyes were glazed, breathing laboured as he studied my eyes.
“I need to know you’re sure,” Axl spoke solemnly, his hand reaching up to caress my flushed cheeks. He slowly brushed my hair behind my ear, placing a light kiss against the curve of my jaw.
“I’m not sure what I’m doing, but I’m sure I want it.” I sighed as Axl connected his lips with mine again, sliding one of his hands to the front of my shorts and popping the button undone, quickly followed by unzipping the zipper. How could one man be so seductive?
His hand slipped past the elastic of my panties, slowly inching his way towards my core. His fingers dipped inside my folds, collecting the wetness I'd produced for him on his fingertips. I sighed at the contact, pressing my breasts into his chest, noticing the way his eyes focused on them for a few seconds before he turned to kiss me again.
This time he slid his tongue into my mouth, licking a line along the top row of my teeth, before massaging the pink muscle against my own. I felt him hum into the kiss as he moved his fingers up my slit until they rested on my swollen clit. He slowly began to massage the bundle of nerves, eliciting small gasps of pleasure from the confines of my lungs. The air around us was getting hotter by the second, waves of heat washing over both of us as we got lost in each other’s bodies. The room seemed hazy as Axl dragged his hand out of my pants, bringing his fingers to his mouth and cleaning up the mess I’d made.
Axl’s hands snaked their way around my waist, hoisting me up into his embrace as he walked us over to the couch. We both fell onto the old material with haste, wasting no time in scrambling to get to the opposite sex’s body. Our clothes were thrown across the room, long forgotten as our night continued on. The sweet smell of sex lingered around us, swallowing us whole as we dived for each other, lips making messy contact, teeth clashing harshly. Neither of us seemed to care, completely dismissing the pain as it came.
I swung my legs over Axl’s lap, straddling him. I groaned as he pressed his fingers into my hips, taking advantage of the new position and grinding his boxer-clad crotch into me. The feeling was euphoric, finally, some friction where I needed it most. My tits bounced along with the movements of Axl’s hips, creating some sort of rhythm for both of us. We probably looked like wild animals going at it, but the pleasure was too great to care, I just needed his body on mine and everything would be okay.
“Oh fuck,” Axl rasped, wrapping an arm around my waist and repositioning us, “goddamn.”
Axl swiped his tongue across his bottom lip, hydrating the swollen skin. I could basically feel the bruises on my lips already, slowly forming due to how rough our kisses had been. Axl’s hand were moving all over my body, caressing my thighs and hips. The calluses on his hands provided me with a rough texture to melt into, a feeling I’d never known but was happy to indulge myself in. His mouth was a killer, attaching itself to my perky nipples every so often, biting and swirling his tongue around the pink buds.
I slipped my hand past the waistband of Axl's boxers, teasingly brushing my fingertips against the hard tip of his cock. Axl’s jaw tightened at the unexpected feeling of pleasure, lips falling slightly apart. I ran my thumb over his leaking slit a couple of times before wrapping my fingers around the base of his member, beginning to stroke slowly. Quiet whimpers fell from his lips, rolling out of his mouth and into the space surrounding us, getting swallowed completely by the need pouring out of each of our pores. I rubbed Axl painfully slow, teasing him as much as I could before it got too much for us both.
Axl brought his lips up to meet my own hastily. I could taste his need as he kissed me, a silent beg for me to do something more, and I agreed without words, none were needed. My hands worked quickly at pulling Axl’s boxers down his thighs, eventually sliding them over his knees. I let out a small chuckle as Axl kicked the boxers of his feet, resting his hands on my hips with a small smirk.
I repositioned myself on top of Axl, getting into a comfortable position. I pressed my forehead against him, feeling how hot with anticipation he was getting. My hands slid their way to his shoulders as I began lowering myself onto him. A loud moan escaped my throat as I sunk down on his throbbing cock completely, clenching around him. Axl furrowed his eyebrows, a sharp intake of breath following soon after. My eyes fluttered shut as I tilted my head back at the feeling that I hadn’t experienced in so long, too long.
Axl began to move his hips upwards, testing the waters. I nodded at him as a signal that he could move as fast as he wanted, catching my bottom lip between my teeth as he picked up his pace significantly. My hips were surely going to be bruised tomorrow, as Axl was gripping them like they were his life support, guiding me as I bounced on top of him. I could feel my hands tightening around Axl’s shoulders, digging my nails into the pale flesh, hard enough to leave crescent marks for a few days after this encounter.
In the back of my mind, I hoped this wouldn’t simply be a one-time thing. I could feel myself slowly falling in love with this man as he fucked me. His hips rolling upwards to meet mine in a flurry of frenzied thrusts. I moved one of my hands up to Axl’s face, cupping his cheek in my hand as I stared down at him, uncontrolled moans leaving my lips. Axl looked up from where we were connected, his green eyes alone making me shiver in pleasure. His thrusts slowed down as we looked at each other, getting lost in the feelings of emotion-fueled sex - the best kind.
Axl’s hands shifted on my body as he moved to lay me down against the couch, staying inside me as we moved. My back rested on the cushions of the old couch as Axl slowly moved between my legs again, his hips bucking into me. My back arched slowly at the feeling of how deep he was inside me. I wrapped my arms around Axl’s neck, bringing his lips down to meet mine in a slow kiss. His hips rotated at a much slower pace than before, savouring every feeling that he was receiving and giving. My fingers tangled themselves in his hair, playing with the strawberry blonde strands. Axl’s thrusts were deep and hard, timed just right.
Axl’s eyes met mine again, passion exuding from the pale green orbs. I felt the air change once again, something sparking between both of us.
“Faster,” I whispered out, clutching Axl’s hair in my fists, “faster.”
Axl complied, immediately bucking his hips at twice the speed he was going beforehand, faster than when we had first started. My eyes rolled into the back of my head at the insane rush of dopamine that released inside my brain, making my body go into overdrive as it twitched in pleasure. Axl groaned out as he worked towards his orgasm, fingers dancing across my clit, doing his best to get me there as well.
I cried out as my orgasm approached me like a race car on the track, crashing against me almost painfully. I threw my head back, gasping in pleasure as Axl’s hips began stuttering, his fingers maintaining the same pace on my bundle of nerves. Axl shouted as he too reached his climax, giving one final thrust as he finished, letting out a shout of satisfaction. I stopped Axl’s movements on my clit, my body starting to writhe with overstimulation from the contact of his fingertips.
Axl dropped his head into the crook between my neck and shoulder as we both came down from our highs, panting like we’d just run a mile. Our bodies stuck together with sweat as Axl let himself soften inside of me. I smiled as Axl brought his face out from hiding, looking into my eyes with a breathy laugh.
“I don’t think I’ve - uh, ever - um, connected with someone like… that.” Axl spoke, amusement was clear as day in his eyes.
“What, with sex?” I chuckled, watching the way Axl rolled his eyes.
“No, no,” Axl smirked at me knowingly, “you know exactly what I meant. I know you felt that too.”
I nodded, tucking some of Axl’s hair behind his ear, “Yeah, I know what you mean. I like that feeling, it was so... strong and - uh, intense.”
“Me too,” Axl sighed, pressing a kiss against my forehead as he lay down next to me, “I think it’s called love, honey.”
“I think it is, Axl.”
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springwritess · 5 years
Allergies | Sanji Vinsmoke
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anime: one piece
word count: 1826
note: im not allergic to anything but i hate seafood. i could never be a pirate whoops. also the mc here is shy and not assertive just like me irl.
It was a beautiful day in the Grand Line. The sun was shining brightly in the sky. The birds were soaring through the clear blue sky. The white puffy clouds were scuttling along. There weren't any signs of marines. It was a calm and peaceful day. Sanji took the opportunity to cut some watermelon for you all - much to your delight. You decided to take a stroll in Nami's tangerine garden. You took a deep breath. The smell of citrus lingered in the atmosphere.
You watched everyone over at the main deck. There was lots of commotion, just like any other day with the StrawHats. Sanji was flirting with Nami. Robin was reading a book. Zoro was taking a nap. Usopp, Chopper and Luffy were all fishing together. They all seemed extremely concentrated. Luffy started to pull on his fishing rod. Chopper and Usopp pulled too to help him. Eventually, what looked to seem a huge crab was on the deck. It was trying to escape, probably because it didn't want to be eaten. Luffy punched it, and it stopped moved around.
"We caught a huge crab today!" Luffy declared proudly.
"How the hell did he catch a crab on a fishing rod?" Nami asked. She rubbed her temples out of annoyance.
"Who cares? Sanji grill it up so we can all eat it." Usopp grinned.
"It looks edible. We should totally eat it!" Chopper added.
You felt your heart drop. You walked down the stairs to the main deck to take a closer look at the crab. Yep it was definitely one. You grimaced. You had an allergic reaction to shellfish. Thankfully, it wasn't
too severe. The last time you ate one was when you were five years old. You ended up with hives, abdominal pain and diarrhea afterwards. You even threw up a few times. You shuddered at the memory. It was a terrible couple days.
Sanji swung the dead crab over his shoulder and headed over to the kitchen. "If everyone wants me to grill it up. I'll go ahead and do that. It seems like a nice day too to have a barbecue outside. Grilled crab legs will taste just fine. I'll be sure to make it extra nice for my sweet Nami, Robin and [first name]."
Luffy, Usopp and Chopper started to run around and shout in excitement. "Barbecue! Barbecue! Barbecue!" They chanted.
Nami snacked them all in the head and told them to quiet down. Zoro was still asleep through all their commotion. You felt your mouth drop. Amazing..
You were hesitant about telling Sanji about your allergy. What kind of pirate is allergic to shellfish? That's a large portion of the sea you weren't able to eat. It was pathetic. You were usually able to avoid shellfish because Sanji would cook up other foods, but today you guys were just having that huge crab your captain caught. It would probably last for days. You felt sick to your stomach.
"Are you doing okay [first name]? Do you need a checkup?" Chopper trotted over and asked you.
You shook your head and forced a smile. "I'm okay Chopper. Don't worry about me. I'm excited about the barbecue."
He was hesitant about leaving you, but then relented and joined the others to create some more ruckus.
Sanji brought out the pieces of crab and the huge barbecue grill. He also brought garlic butter sauce with him. He turned the grill on. The thick metal rods started to turn red hot. You started to feel nauseous again. You watched the cook place the pieces of crab legs on the grill swiftly. After they were finished grilling, he drizzled the garlic butter sauce on top. You watched as he cut the fruit up swiftly and excellently. He was fast with those fingers. He cut up some more fresh fruit and made some more fruit skewers. He poured everyone some alcohol into glasses.
Sanji hung his jacket over the chair. He tie was also removed. He removed the cigarette from his mouth and exhaled the soft tendrils of smoke. He seemed to noticed your gaze. You've been watching him prepare the food for awhile now. You didn't seem to notice him standing right in front of you now.
"Is everything alright [first name]?" He asked softly.
You shook your head. "I'm fine don't worry about me. I can't wait for the food!"
"It's just about ready actually. I'll serve you first."
"No fair! I wanted to get my food first!" Luffy shouted.
"Shut up! Nami, Robin and [first name] get to eat first. The rest of you idiots can wait."
Sanji handed you your plate first. Your stomach lurched. The smell brought back some terrible memories, but you couldn't say you no. You felt bad as stupid as it seemed. You've only been on the crew for a month. The last thing you wanted was to cause trouble for the others. Sanji was a nice guy and went through all that trouble for you.
You gulped. You decided not to touch the crab and instead started to munch on the fruit. The juices spilt forth and quenched your thirst. You continued to munch on them and talked with the others. Everyone was shouting and singing.
"Are you not hungry [first name]? You haven't touched your crab legs. I can have them if you want."
Luffy said. Before you could answer, he reached over to try and take them.
Sanji smacked his arm away. "Don't touch them you idiot! It's for [first name]!"
"I'm okay really. I'm not a fan of crab anyway." You said.
"Come on you can't say that without even trying it." Zoro said. It seemed like the swordsman finally woke up from his nap to eat.
"I agree. Sanji's cooking is really something! Meals are something we all look forward too now." Nami added. "Just take a bite."
Everyone's eyes were on you. The pressure of eating was starting to get to you. Your stomach lurched again. The nausea clawed at your throat, and you tried forced it down the bile. You took a piece of crab and took a bite. Your tastebuds danced in delight. They were right. It's delicious. You finished the whole piece.
"It's amazing. Wow Sanji you're really talented aren't y-" Your voice was cut off from a fit of coughing. Your stood up from where you were sitting. Your chest started to ache. Your eyes started to water. Your breathing hitched. They became more and more shallow.
You lost the colour from your face. You swayed for just a moment before you felt a pair of arms catch you and lower you to the ground. The whole world started to spin, and everything became pitch black.
You could hear the worried voices around you, but you weren't able to make out the words at first. Eventually, you started to hear familiar voices.
"Is she okay?"
"Your food is killing her that's what's happening."
"Shut up mosshead! Are you trying to pick a fight?"
"Can I finish the rest of her food?"
"How could you say that? You're the captain! If you're going to be useless, then I'll take charge. Captain Usopp demands you help [first name]!"
"Everyone get out! I'm the doctor and I need to treat her!"
You finally came to and saw a blurry figure standing before you. It was a reindeer. You looked closely to realize it was Chopper. He was treating you.
"Don't get up. I'm still making the medicine to treat your hives. They're all over your arms."
You laid back down and felt your stomach lurch again. This time you couldn't hold back the nausea. You ran for somewhere to contain all your vomit. This time it was Usopp's bag. He left it in infirmary when he was in there earlier.
Chunks of partially digested crab spewed out of your coughing, choking mouth. Your stomach kept on contracting violently and forcing everything up and out. Your face was white and dripping bile, sweat, and tears. Your lurched forward and sunk to your knees. The pungent stench invaded your nostrils and you heaved even though there was nothing left to go.
"I'm sorry. I was allergic. Everyone seemed excited so I was afraid to say anything. All I did was cause everyone more trouble..." You said softly, choking back the tears. You were so embarrassed. You felt pathetic. Vomiting and collapsing like that.
There was a puff of smoke that appeared in the room. You glanced up to see the cook standing at the doorway. You looked away in embarrassment. It was probably him who caught you anyway.
"You really worried us you know. I thought you were a goner. I'm glad Chopper is here to help you out. I'm also glad I was able to catch you too." He smiled.
You rolled your eyes but a smile crept on your face. "The crab..it tasted good. I wouldn't mind trying it again."
Sanji chuckled. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and stepped on it so the fire would go out. He walked over to you. He squatted down since you were on for floor. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close, gently rubbing your arm. Despite the queasiness in your stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of your body pressed against his. You sunk into the warmth of his side, appreciative of the simple gesture. His touch made the room warmer somehow, you felt much better.
"Get better soon alright? I'm sorry about that [first name]. I didn't want to hurt you. From now on, don't hesitate to tell us anything. We're friends now." He whispered in your ear.
You hugged him tighter and slowly nodded. "Okay. I will. Don't worry."
The door was swung open as the sniper stepped in. He gasped at Sanji and you hugging each other. Sanji immediately let go. He glared at Usopp and he gulped. "Hate to ruin the sweet moment. But where's my bag? I left it in here didn't I?"
You handed him the bag. "Here it is. I threw up in it though."
He stared at the bag in utter disbelief. "How could you! It had all my weapons in here." He screamed.
"It'll be fine. I'll make it up to you later at the next island. Now get out. Sanji and I were talking."
Usopp stormed out of the room. "Talking huh. It seemed like there was more action than talking." He grumbled.
A bead of sweat appeared on the side of the reindeer’s face. He stood there and rubbed his head sheepishly. "Everyone's forgetting I'm here..."
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rogerina-yee-haw · 6 years
"at least I'm one"
chapter 4: "- the pain and eternal bliss”
sd!gwilym lee x reader
[the goodbye] [the sadness & tenderness] [the broken rules and true affection]
summary: you and gwil met ten months ago; and he offered you to be his sugar baby almost immediately. you agreed at that exact moment, not knowing where it would get you.
warnings: mentions of physical and emotional abuse, sexual assault, angst;  MAJOR fluff, typos 
a/n: Get ready lmao there are two more chapters left
you’ll probably be confused at first. but (almost) everything is explained in the chapter!! if I don’t explain something here, chapter 5 will do it
the reader’s smoking?? nope, she doesn’t. at least not on the regular basis lol
also this was supposed to be chapter 5 but I couldn’t work the content for chapter 4 properly so I mixed them hehe
thanks to @emmasunshiine for the idea <3
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“Still smoking, eh?”
You freeze where you stand, with a cigarette between your fingers. The wind blows your hair and the cigarette smoke as you slowly look in his direction. You know this voice like the back of your hand. You know this man better than anyone.
“The fuck?” you breathe out, your gaze fixed on him. He hasn’t changed; only grew his hair a bit longer. He still has this ugly mustache, wears 90s-styled shirts and jeans that are so tight that you can see the outline of his penis. He still goes commando, nothing fucking changes.
“Happy to see you too, kitten”, you wince at the pet name; it makes you feel as if a little sword is poking through your heart. Makes you feel like you have to come through all of this shit again.
“Walk away, Luke”, you curse under your breath, taking another cigarette from the pack; Luke’s the one to make you start smoking. He gave you too many bad habits.
“You’ve got quite a tongue”, Luke chuckles and comes a bit forward to you, “since when?”
“Piss off”, you mutter as you take another drag of the cigarette.
“Nice diamond necklace you have here. Got yourself a sugar daddy?”
You shiver at his last words. How would he even know? You brows knit as you look at him and take another long drag of the cigarette.
“Seen you with that guy over there”, Luke points at Gwil through the pub window. “He looks alright. Not your type though. You need someone else to take care of you”.
“I love how you know what and whom I need”, you say sarcastically. There is this obnoxious grin on his face, the grin that he used to give you whenever he wanted something from you. You hated it. You still do.
“Kitten, you know that he’s way out of your league. We both know it”
“I used to think of you like this too. But look at us now”.
Luke’s jaw is tightened, his fists are clenching and he glares at you; you know this look. His eyes always flickered with anger before he would slap your cheek; muscles in his jaw twitched before he slammed you onto the wall, which led in you hitting your head terribly. He would always stand there, with flushed face and narrowed eyes, before yelling at you, degrading you in any way possible. You know all of it too well.
And it makes you scared. You were sure you came through. You thought the trauma was far behind you. The pain he caused you should have been in the past. But now, when you look at him, standing in front of you with gritted teeth and radiating hatred and anger, you’re so fucking scared. You know it. You know this feeling. You are way too familiar with bruises, which were different from the ones Gwil leaves on your body; Gwilym’s are love-bruises, the marks he leaves on your hips when he’s eating you out and hold you firmly, so you wouldn’t squirm under him.
Luke’s bruises used to tell another story. His marks weren’t of love – no matter what he said about it. He would squeeze your forearm or shoulder to the point where you couldn’t even feel it anymore. He used to hurt you because you were laughing at jokes Billy made, or cause you were standing too close to that guy in the bar who was asking you about the band that was on the stage. His possessiveness was all fun and hot at first when he fucked you while being jealous. But then it started developing into this crazy obsession; you couldn’t even speak to any of the guys at uni, because you were too scared Luke would find out and punish you for that. His punishments were to hit you on the face with his knuckles, leaving you bleeding. His punishments were hurting you.
Gwil’s punishments never seemed to you as ones, because they are all about sex. And Gwilym is gentle with you, he’s loving. He caresses your face and kisses your troubles away when you don’t want to have sex; Luke used to make you love him.
Luke broke your heart by his constant cheating and manipulating; he wouldn’t let you leave him by pressuring you into that relationship. He would swear he’d kill himself if you left. And it kept you with him for almost three years until you had enough and until Billy, Becca, and Jackson got you out of it. Luke disappeared from your life at the second Becca threatened him with the police. But he is right here now, right in front of you. It’s been almost two years. You finally recovered. You were finally able to trust people, you trusted Gwil. And all of it is about to be ruined because Luke is standing next to you, being angry and ready to hit you. You know it’s true. You know it may happen.
“Don’t be stupid, Y/N”, Luke puts his hands on the hips. “You know you don’t talk to me like that. Don’t you, kitten?”
Think about something nice. Something good. Something that brings you joy. Something that may take the pain and fear away. That’s what you have to do.
“I’m not scared of you anymore”, you breathe, taking a step back. You need to come back inside. To safety. To Gwil. “A year of therapy – I’m not scared of you, Luke”, your voice is firmer now, more demanding. You know he’s afraid of powerful people. Especially of powerful women. And this is who you are – an imperious woman. And you can take care of yourself.
“Who says you have to be scared?” he’s so fucking close to you; he leans forward, invading your personal space – and that’s how you know you’re a goner. He’s stronger than you, he’s always been. You can only scream. And it makes you feel so small, so helpless. You’re almost the same height that Luke is – just five centimeters shorter – and you’re not less strong. But you still can’t do anything. He just makes you weak. You’re hopeless. “You know, I couldn’t stop thinking about you all this time”, his voice is low now; he smells like beer and cheap cigarettes – his distinctive scent. You feel nauseous because of it, you hope you’d throw up on him. But you don’t. “I used to watch you sometimes”, he traces circles on your exposed arm with his finger and you try to brush him off, but he grips your shoulder tightly with his other hand – and you wince and hiss at the feeling.
So you scream.
At least you try.
Luke is fast enough to cover your mouth with his hand; you’re pressed against the cold wall of the pub now, and there’s no one to help you – even your phone is inside. “Y/N, how many times do I have to tell you to keep your mouth shut?” Luke whispers in your ear and you turn your head away, eyes shut. You’ve never hated anyone more in your life than Luke right now. “You look so sexy in this dress”, he squeezes your boob and it makes you squeal – it isn’t pleasant in any way. It’s painful. “You make me so hard, kitten”, he takes your hand and makes you palm his dick through his pants. And you see the fucking opportunity; you know what to do the second your palm touches his crotch. You squeeze his penis so tightly that your nails dig into the soft skin – and when he jumps away, covering his crotch and swearing, you take no time in running away.
When you reach the entrance of the pub, you stumble upon Gwilym. You almost crash him, even though he’s taller and bigger than you.
“Woah”, Gwil catches you in his arms; and you fell so safely. Gwil is here, and there’s a full crowd of people. You’re finally safe. “Where you’ve been? I came looking for-“
“Let’s leave”, you say holding onto him for dear life. “Please”.
“Baby, what happened?” Gwil cups your cheeks in his hands and looks at you worriedly; he notices your mascara is running and hair is a bit of a mess – and you look so frightened. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“Oh, here she is!” you shudder at the sound of his voice; you lean in closer to Gwil. Because you need to feel safe. You need to be with him.
“Gwil. Please, let’s leave”, you whisper into his chest.
“It is him?” he asks you. “Is it Luke?” You don’t even have to look at him to know he’s angry. But this is a different type of anger – it’s not directed towards you. Gwil’s gloominess and anger are never directed towards you.
“That’s your sugar daddy, Y/N?” you hear Luke saying. Gwilym’s arm is now wrapped around you, pulling you closer to him, protecting you from Luke. You put your hands around his waist and bury your head in the crook of his neck. Gwil can feel you trembling. He hates it. He hates seeing you hurt, hates seeing you in pain.
“Get the fuck out”, Gwilym spits; you close your eyes and hope you’ll wake up. It’s just a bad dream; all you need to do is to wake up in your warm bed with Gwil’s arms around your waist. You just need to wake up in your safe place.
“It’s not like you own the pub, mate”, Luke chuckles.
“Gwil, baby, please”, you whisper against his neck, “just take me and let’s go. Please. He’s not worth it. Please”.
Gwil lets out a sigh; he wants to beat up this piece of shit so wildly, so strongly that he won’t be able to recover from it. But he knows that you don’t need this. Gwilym knows that the only thing you need is to leave and be safe.
“If I see you near Y/N one more time”, he’s warning him – but it sounds more like a threat. “If I see you creeping around her or her family, I’ll make sure you rot in jail”.
“You think I’m scared?”
“You should be. Because I’m not gonna tell you twice”.
“Gwil, please…” you say quietly.
“We’re leaving, baby”, he kisses your hair. “Just hold on”.
You don’t really understand how you get into the cab – the next thing you know you’re sitting on the backseat with your head on Gwil’s shoulder and your fingers intertwined with his. Gwilym’s free arm is around you and you feel safer than ever. “Did he do something to you, baby? Did he hurt you?” Gwil asks, softly rubbing your shoulder.
“It doesn’t matter. I hurt him even more”, you raise your head and look at him; Gwil’s brows draw together in confusion. “I might have ripped off his dick”, you explain, “or at least harm it profoundly. Long nails may be a good thing sometimes”, it’s the first time you smile in the past several minutes. Gwil kisses your forehead and you nuzzle into his neck. You feel warm, safe and at home.
When you finally get to Gwil’s hotel room, you take off your heels tiredly and sit down on the bed. You feel exhausted – both physically and mentally. “You’ve gotta take your makeup off first before going to sleep”, Gwil sits down on the bed near you with a couple of cotton pads and micellar water. You smile sheepishly and close your eyes.
“You care about my skin even more than I do”, you joke while he helps you remove the makeup.
“You told me to do this, remember?” his mouth curves into a smile. “Don’t ever let me fall asleep with my makeup on!” He tries to imitate your voice and the two of you laugh. “Here you go”, he says when it’s done. “Y/N”, Gwil cups your cheeks gently, “what happened out there?”
You swallow hard, trying to contain the urgent need to cry. “Nothing”, you answer, “nothing that hasn’t happened before”. He looks at you with concern and rubs your cheeks with his thumbs softly. All of it makes your eyes filled with tears. You feel so much at this moment. You feel pain, love and blissful happiness. And you love every part of it. “Gwil, I’m fine”, you reassure him. “The second I fell into your arms I was alright” Gwil keeps studying you, looking through you, and It makes you sigh deeply. You put your hands on his. “I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t wanna ever talk about Luke”, you move his hand and kiss his palm. “I’m with you, I’m safe. I know I’ll always be”, your smile is beaming and Gwil’s whole face lits up – he loves seeing you happy.
“I love you”, he says and kisses you hearty; it seems as if he tries to put all of his love into it. You answer eagerly and straddle him.
“I used to learn Spanish at school, you know”, you put your hands around his neck and murmur against his lips when you pull away. “Our teacher told us one cute little thing once”, Gwil raises his eyebrows, a smile on his lips. “’Mi media naranja’. You know what it means?” Gwilym shakes his head and puts a light kiss on your nose, making you giggle. “It means my other half, my significant other, my soulmate” you rub your noses together and you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding. “You are ‘mi media naranja’, Gwil”, you whisper, looking into his eyes, “I have never loved before you”.  The next kiss is tender and full of pure love and softness. But Gwilym suddenly pulls away and gently puts you on the bed from his lap.
“What is it, baby?” you ask in confusion; he puts a kiss, a peck, on your cheek and smiles fondly.
“Wait a minute”, he disappears in the dark hall of the hotel room; and you sit on the edge of the bed, which is lightly illuminated by the table lamp.
Gwil comes back a moment later, hiding something behind his back. Before you’re even able to open your mouth, he drops on one knee right in front of you and takes out a ring. It’s not like the other one – the diamond is much smaller, but it’s still amazingly beautiful and, probably, costs a fortune too.
“I didn’t have the chance to do it three days ago when I was supposed to”, he says quietly. “And it’s all on me, it’s my fault”.
“Gwil”, you try to interrupt him but he doesn’t let you.
“Y/N, baby, just let me finish”. He lets out a sigh. “I’m sorry I didn’t call you back then. I’m sorry you had to go through those lies and pain because I didn’t call you. I’m an idiot and I will never forgive myself for doing so”. Gwilym looks at with glistening eyes. “I can’t bear the thought of losing you. I can’t imagine my life without you. I’ve never fallen so in love with someone like I did with you”, you can feel tears running down your cheeks; you put your hand on his face and he leans into your touch. “I promise I won’t ever hurt you. I promise that you’ll be the happiest with me. I love you. I should have done it the second I came into your flat two days ago, I should have done it much earlier so you wouldn’t come through any of this. I have loved you since the day we met, and I won’t ever stop. You’re the reason for every good thing in my life. Be with me. Stay with me. Marry me”.
“Yes”, you gasped through tears. “I will. At any chance given, Gwil – I will marry you”.
The kiss you share after this is wet, it tastes like salt and happiness, and it is so intimate and lingering that both of you don’t even notice when you’re lying in bed, your hands roaming about each other’s bodies.
And when you fall asleep that night – naked and with your back pressed to Gwil’s chest – you know that tonight you’ll dream of him again. But only this time you won’t be in pain. You’ll be extremely happy, as you are now. And now you’re in the state of eternal bliss. And you know this feeling won’t fade away. Ever.
                                              Two days ago.
You blink, trying to process what’s going on. Why is he here? What does he want?
Oh right. He’s not real. You’re dreaming again. Of course! If it was real, Gwil wouldn’t be standing at your doorstep. In reality, he is with Alice now; they’re probably drinking wine while cuddling in the bubble bath. It’s you, dreaming again – and you just need to wake up. You shake your head and take a deep breath before slamming the door right in his face. You stand there for a moment, forehead pressed to the wood and heavy breathing, when you hear “Y/N, what is going on?”
So he is real. You raise your eyebrows and open the door slowly, facing him again. He looks at you with utter confusion and…pain?
The tears in his eyes make you frown; you can’t quite understand what is happening. “’Why’ what?” you ask as your forehead creases. You’re so confused; you don’t know what he wants from you. He looks devastated as if something terrible has happened – sadness clouds his perfect features, his glossy eyes make yours flooded with tears.
“Why don’t you want to see me anymore?” it is almost a whisper, and if you weren’t standing in front of each other, you know that you would never hear it. “What did I do, Y/N?” his voice sounds so desperate, so hurt. You don’t understand anything. You’ve lost the track of this conversation.
“What?” now it’s your turn to ask; you look at him, dumbfounded, as you feel the blood boiling inside of you. He thinks you don’t want to see him? After what he’s done? After disappearing and having you talk to Alice? After that? “I want to see you, Gwil”, the words leave your mouth before you can stop yourself, “but I can’t do it anymore. Not with you getting married to Alice”.
Suddenly Gwilym’s eyes flash, and he runs his hand through his hair, almost ripping it from his head. You draw in a long breath; you know this look on his face. Gwil is fucking angry. Angry like he has never been before.
“She told you that?” he says through gritted teeth.
You turn your head away as you answer quietly, “I’ve figured it out myself when I saw that ring on her finger”. Gwil looks at you bewildered, and clenches his fists; you don’t understand anything. Why is he angry? Why is he here and not with Alice? “You should probably get going, y’know”, you continue, “She’s waiting for you.” You feel tears running down your cheeks, and you can’t force yourself to face Gwilym. You want to be with him one last time, be his for this one last moment. But you can’t do that – he’s engaged to someone else. No matter how much you love him, you can’t make him love you. You can’t.
“I don’t think you need to be here. Alice told me everything; I won’t ask you of anything. I’ll move on. I left my wallet at your place, but you can throw it away, I don’t need it. I don’t need anything from you, don’t worry. I’ll move on”, it sounds as if you try to reassure yourself rather than Gwil; and he watches you, better be said, Gwil glowers at you, with his jaw tightened.
“What the fuck are you saying, Y/N?”
You furrow your brows. “What do you mean? I’m saying what is true, and you need to go back home to be with your fiancée. She’s waiting for you”, you repeat. “You didn’t have to come here to tell me the arrangement is over, I get it. I’ll find another sugar daddy, and won’t ever bother you”. You try to sound cheerful, but your voice breaks; shit, you want to be with him so bad. You want to be his fiancée; you need to be with him. But you can’t. At least, you think so.
“Is that what you want?” Gwil looks you right in the eyes; you think that he may burn you down with his gaze. “You want to get another sugar daddy? That’s what it is to you? A simple fucking arrangement that you can break and move on?”
It doesn’t take you long enough to realize it. He’s hurt. Is he hurt because he’s getting married to Alice and not you? No, that’s stupid. He can’t love you, it’s simply impossible. You are below average; your personality isn’t as bright as Alice’s. You’re not as beautiful as she is. You simply aren’t her. And she’s perfect.
“It never was”.
You don’t want to say it. But your mind and heart play a trick – they need you to say it. Because you will just explode if you don’t let it all out.
“Then why would you say all of it?”
“Because you’re getting married!” you shout. Is he really that stupid?
“I’m not!” he raises his voice in the tone of yours. “At least not to Alice”, he adds softly. Your brows knit. Who is it then?
“To Zoe?” you ask hesitantly. Gwil lets out an exasperated sigh and rolls his eyes. “Sorry, I can’t read your mind!” you say, irritated at his reaction. And he fucking grins at you; his eyes lit up the second you look into them and you can’t quite tell what causes such a reaction.
Or can you?
“I can’t quite deal with how oblivious you are, love”, he continues, a soft smile on his lips. You don’t understand any-fucking-thing. A guess of what he means crosses your mind, but you’re ignoring it. It can’t be true. No. It’s too good to be a reality; it can just happen in your dreams. “That ring was supposed to be yours”, your heart skips a beat and is ready to jump out of your chest; it’s not real. “It still is, Y/N. You are the one I want to be with. And I could give two shits about this stupid arrangement, I don’t care about it”, he’s heavy breathing; your chest rises and falls in unison with his, as you hear him say that. It’s not real, you keep thinking, it can’t be true. He can’t love me. It’s impossible.
You pinch your forearm with your nails and with all the strength you’ve got – only the pain makes you wince and hiss. “Love, what are you doing?” Gwil suddenly stands near you, only a couple of centimeters between the two of you. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath.
“Afraid I’ll wake up and all of it would be just another dream”, you speak quietly, as if your voice could also make your desirable reality turn into dust. “You can’t marry me”, you say before thinking. Gwil brings his large palm to your face and caresses your cheek gently.
“Why not?”
“’Cause it’s me”, you breathe out. “I’m not like Alice, I’m not-“
“Y/N”, Gwil cups your face in his hands. “I want you. Always wanted you. Only you. Wanna know why?” you look away and nod slightly. “Because you scrunch your nose every time you smell something that I’ve cooked”, his thumb draws small circles on your cheek, “you are the little spoon even though you try to prove wrong”, the corners of your mouth turn up, “you’re my biggest support. You’ve got the most generous heart, and the softest hands” now you’re looking into each other’s eyes, “your smile makes me the happiest man on Earth. Alice has none of it. Nobody has it. But you. Only you. I-“ He stutters.
“Every part of you, it’s perfect. I love every little thing you do. Every move you make, every time you fight with me over stupid things, every time you stay up just to spend time with me – I love all of this. I love you.” You look at him with glossy eyes, as your heart is pounding in your chest. You can feel like there’s no oxygen left in the world – you can’t breathe. The whole world stopped turning and froze tight at this moment, right when Gwilym told you this. “Shit, baby, I think I’ve loved you since you said ‘Guess I’ll die as a poor bitch’”, you let out a chuckle through your tears, and Gwil laughs with you. He looks at you – and you finally see in what way.
He observes you tenderly, lovingly, with his thumbs stroking your cheeks and wiping your tears away. His smile is beaming as he looks deeply into your eyes – you know that he’s waiting for the answer. And it’s been building up for so long. You’ve been craving for this moment daily, silently praying that he notices. And now you know that he did, he always did. He noticed every little thing – but he was as scared as you, to tell the truth.
And now is the perfect moment to let it all out.
So you put your hands on his face, cautiously at first as if you’re still afraid he’d disappear - but then you fondly look up at him and pull him into a kiss. It’s thrilling, almost sacred – the kiss you’ve already had for million times. But it’s still very different now. Because now you know that he loves you. He really does. It still seems unreal, still seems like a fantasy. So you pull away from him quickly, not being able to contain your emotions, as tears shimmer in your eyes. “God, I’m so stupid”, you whisper, leaning into his chest and closing your eyes. Gwilym caresses your hair and put his arms around you. “I love you too, Gwil”, these anticipated words finally slip from your mouth, “so much”.
I’m a sucker for feedback lmao pls
“alio” taglist:  @majesticdiscodeaky @heartsarecompatible @all-my-friends-are-german @magicwithaknife @longing-hiraeth @thelondondreamer5 @roger-taylors-drumsticks @runningoutofwordstosay @chlobo6 @you-and-i-deserve-the-world @queenficarchive @murydedeus03 @alis-volat-propriiis @deacycomics @hollandspcter @gwils-bitch   @crazylittlethingcalleddub-step @painthatiusedto @kaylaylaylayla @rogerinastolemyheart @broken-pieces @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @leah-halliwell92 @brianandthemays @murydedeus03 @rogerfxckingtaylor
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slimcicle · 6 years
Bill Skarsgård & Reader
Warnings; a little of masturbation
Word count; 1902
Note; sorry if you find something bad writing, English it's not my first language, I'm from Mexico but I'm trying my best, enjoy.
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Chapter 2 - The long way home
You had been moving from one side to another in bed trying to fall asleep but it was impossible with so many things in your head; Your mother had called you saying that she would go to the city and expect to see you, your friend Charlotte had been hospitalized in an accident, you had a nightmare and he was still in your head. "Such a face like that was hard to forget" you had told yourself, sitting on the bed and carving your eyes, you looked at the table and it was 3:54 in the morning, impossible to go back to sleep so you got up and went to the bathroom .
The water was cold which was lucky and maybe it helped you to sleep, your hands went down your breasts taking them a little "I think some pleasure wouldn't be bad, I am a very...lonely woman" you thought when you kept lowering your hand until get to your pussy where you gave some massages and even with your thumb you gave him in circles. You heard the door of the other room slamming shut causing you to leave what you were doing and your heart starting to beat too fast.
"Shit," you whispered, taking the towel to get out of the bathroom.
You stayed in the living room until the clock struck 5:59 am, you opened the door of your room looking for your clothes and some shoes, you started by putting on a normal shirt and some long skirt. You made your breakfast when the same door slammed again "¿who could it be?" You had been asking to yourself and making a list; Mrs.Caine was too old, young Erin lived upstairs, the guard was downstairs and some others who didn't even come to they apartment. You had finished doing your makeup and now you were leaving the apartment, giving a light kiss on the cheek to the guard and entering your car.
The radio announced heavy rain for the afternoon, you thought that the best idea would be to spend watching television and getting fat but you had to go to work and maybe there you would see that beautiful man who had taken your breath away. You came to the studio, taking your bag and shaking your skirt, the watching how too many people were on the set in a circle, more than normal.
"Hey, what's happening?" You asked a girl by your side.
"Some guys are fighting, security is coming" she told you to return to what she was doing; record the fight in Instragram.
You evaded the fight and entered the set, the director was talking to some people "better not to disturb" you thought and you went to change.
"Good morning" You greet a new woman who was doing makeup.
"Good morning" you gave her a smile and dropped your bag on a chair.
You sat in front of the mirror, your hands fixing up your hair and you let out a sigh while waiting for the woman to arrive with you. You looked at your fingers, they were somewhat scraped and you had some drops of dried blood "What happened to me when I was sleeping?" You had many problems when you were little, you used to tear your arms when anxiety dominated you, you did it even when you were sleeping but you never believed that That old habit would come back.
"I'm sorry for the delay," the woman said, standing behind you, taking the brush to comb. "Everything is alright?"
"Everything it's fine"
Of course you kept asking, was everything okay? Did you ever want this life for you? It was what you most yearned for in life and you wanted to continue with this, it was what made a person feel alive and maybe now you can have a small role or a small job but that is how we all start and we will keep going until we have everything we dreamed, dreams can be fulfilled with dedication and now you sounded like your mother which you missed.
"We finished, the changing rooms are over there" she pointed to a door on your right.
"Thank you very much"
You were wearing a normal white shirt and shorts since the scene would be filmed in a pool where you would share a scene with the protagonist. You fixed your hair for the last time in the big mirror in the dressing room, taking a big breath as you started to walk to the door with all the attitude of the world and a huge smile on your face. Just coming out of the room he was back there, Bill was talking to one of the producers in the show, he was wearing a white shirt and some nice pants, his long hair was what you liked most and the small strand that fell from his face could make any woman crazy.
You went quickly to the room again with your back on the door breathing agitated "Come on Y/N, you're not a teenager anymore" You came out and tried to surround him but he walked right in that direction crashing with you.
"I'm sorry" he put his hands on your shoulders helping you not to fall.
"It's okay, I didn't see where I was going" you laugh trying to hide your nerves.
"Y/N right?"
"Bill right?" You joked with him and he laughed with you. "I ... I was just kidding"
"How have you been today?" He ask putting his hands on his waist.
"Oh you know, a morning like the usual ones, is not that something interesting happens"
"I think the same thing, except the fight this morning, did you know what happened?" He ask you now putting his arms crossed over his chest.
"No idea..."
The two were silent for a moment looking at the ground.
"I ... I should go now"
"Sure, I don't bothered you"
"No, you don't do it ... maybe you want to have lunch with me? ... Maybe?"
"Uhm, sure" he smiled and continued to leave the set.
"Holy mother"
Your mind was being invaded by ideas of how that lunch would be, thinking of the worst as he did not attend or that you would fall in your food, have a panic attack and many more things that made your anxiety continue to grow, your nails tearing at your arm and they made it go a little red.
"That was all for this moment, take a break," the director shouted and they all started going out for lunch.
You looked at your arm that had red lines on your nails, you tried to make them disappear while walking to the cafeteria. Your eyes were looking for Bill but you couldn't find him anywhere "maybe he didn't come because you're not good enough for him"
"Y/N!" Someone yelled behind you and you watched Bill come up with two trays of food. "Let's go outside?"
"Sure" you smiled walking with him outside.
The two sat in front of the parking lot eating their lunch. You looked at his beautiful profile, his nose should have an award for the best nose, his beautiful eyes and that face sculpted by a Greek god.
"Do I have something on my face?" He asked you touching his face trying to look for something.
"Oh no, I'm just ... I'm very thoughtful" you turn around trying to hide your red cheeks.
"What did you think?"
"I think, in everything" you sigh, leaving your tray aside. "Like an existential crisis"
"That sounds a little deep" he said looking at the sky, you turn to look at him again.
The two kept in silent, you looked at the ground and he looked at the sky, thinking about how life should make sense. As everything was meant to be, will we ever know the future? You remembered that your mother used to say that she knew what would happen because she could see the future but you always laughed because it was impossible for a person to see the future.
"Do you want to go out somewhere tonight?" Asked Bill out of nowhere without looking at you.
"Uhm, sure" your heart beat fast, he was inviting you to a date.
"We can leave after recording some scenes that I have tonight"
"Sure, I ... I'll uhm, I'll wait here when you finish" you smiled nervously, standing with him and entering the set again.
You recorded your last scenes that day and waited as you told Bill in the parking lot. It was raining and you had forgotten to bring your umbrella, you heard the door behind it to open but it was not him, his car was still there so he could not leave yet. You waited about 19 more minutes until you turned to the door letting him see with an umbrella in his left hand and opening it.
"Come on, I don't want you to get wet" he said putting an arm around your shoulders approaching the umbrella.
His car smelled too good, like a beautiful candle bloom, there were some cigarettes thrown away but you didn't have to take much importance. He began to drive and your eyes are on the drops that fell on the window.
"You're not kidnapping me right?" You joked to remove the horrible silence between the two if you.
"I thought that it would be nice to take you along the long way to your home to get to know you better"
"Why didn't we just go to dinner or somewhere?"
"Charlotte told me you're not a fan of dinners, it bothers you that people see you eat"
You turn to see him quickly with big eyes, how the hell did he know who was your best friend?
"Do you know Charlotte?" You asked to settled in the seat.
"She is a friend of one of my brothers, come to see her because my brother asked me to leave some flowers" he look quickly to you and returned to the road "She told me about you since she was looking at a picture of you and her"
"That bitch can't keep her mouth shut"
"Haha ... I think you should know something more about me since I know something more about you"
"Alright cowboy, how many brothers do you have and where are you from?"
"I have 4 brothers and a sister, and I am from Sweden"
"I would give something to have only one brother" you joke and he laughed with you. "Swedish hmm? Du är en härlig man, Bill."
"Du är också"
You spent all the way laughing with him, making some unnecessary jokes and telling some anecdotes from his childhood. You had arrived at your apartment as you had indicated.
"Well Bill, thank you very much" you looked him in the eyes. "Goodnight"
"Goodnight to you too"
You approached him to kiss him but he change to the cheek, you laugh ashamed leaving the car fast. He left and you stayed in the rain, your pants felt tight and your hair was on your face.
"Yes!" You shouted as loud as possible frightening the guard. "Wait a minute, i leave my damn car"
"You will have to walk tomorrow Miss Y/L/N"
"Thanks for the help"
You would have to walk tomorrow but it was definitely the best night of all time.
Can't believe I finally end chapter 2, forgive me please I'm such a lazy teenager lmao.
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crazyartdad · 7 years
Wow just kissing
Hes surprised how his parents still slept as Stuart crept back to his room, stumbling drunkenly through a dark hallway in a great attempt to sneak. And while the last crack of the door was shut he was even more surprised how they didn't wake up from they yell that followed after.
Hell you scared him too.
“Shit from how much we see each other you'd think-fuck” He says ruffling a hand through his unwashed hair.
Stuart relaxed against his door, heaving a sigh of relief as he looked over to the punk that sat at his windowsill, calmly putting out a cigarette bud. “Sorry, im alittle drunk and, I didnt think- the light n stuff”.
“Get a little nasty did we?” Mudz asks vaguely with a chuckle as he goes to plop down on the end of your bed.
“Naw, heads a bit swimmin. Decided to dip out afta a few hours” He says discarding his shirt, staggering to his dresser to find his bottle of pills. Finding the bottle he looked to the label with half a mind and popped three to swallow them dry.
“I was looking through your music, and might I add that you have...a very nice taste added to the mix.” the Bassists purred in approval using the Bluenettes new Rolling Stones album to fan away the leftover smoke that settled in the room..
“Careful with how much I paid for it, it's worth more then ya life”
“Ah so it was stolen” He laughs gathering a new cigarette between his lips, offering one to Stuart has he goes to play the disc. 2D Grabs a match from his pockets as he strikes a flame against his leg, holding it steadily to his end before waving the light out.
“Pops let ya in or dija sneak?” he asks through a wave of smoke.
“You know I come when I please, Whos party?” Murdoc asks after setting the needle down gently.”
“Emma Crabunk” Stuart said with a nasty tone as he settled on the bed to slip off his shoes.
“Thought you said she was a bitch”
“Still is but she throws a damn good party, thought I was bringing drugs tho. Like id share any wit er” he says rolling his eyes with a mumble, Mudz leaned against the wall.
“Meet any cuties?”
Stuart takes a minute to think, “there was this nice dark girl, real great hair, cool ass glasses-” he thought aloud. “One of them Disco Hippie chicks, yanno? We danced a bit but I didn't really feel like jumpin her, Think she came with this other chick anyway” He says with another drag from his smoke.
“Nice” he says “How was ya concert tonight?” “Well you weren't there, so kinda boring really. Had a seat up front fer ya..” “You mad I didn't go?” Stuart asks sitting up to face him
He gives a shrug hoping to brush off the topic before taking another drag to blow to the cracked window. He opens his mouth to speak but decides against it shaking his head.
“What?” He asks looking concerned “Nothing, just there was a party... I wanted to take ya too after, good one I coulda got ya some drinks and stuff” he shrugs again nonchalantly as he made his way over “Oh...Sorry” Stuart muttered looking down, rubbing the back of his neck
Murdoc gruffs a bit to show he’s unconcerned at the problem before resting his hands behind his head, falling back to the sheets below.
“ No foul play, we can hang here. After all, i'm welcomed whenever~” “That you are~” Stuart plays back
They sit in silence for a few songs, listening to comfortable thoughts in a smoked filled room while the record player spun some classic rolling stones.
“I like Keith Richards” “Yeah, he's kinda hot” Stuart smirks “Ment music wise but yeah, pretty bangable. I mean ya don't have ta be bent ta know that” “What about Jagger?” “Something bout him seems off, good voice just…..maybe his hair?”
“Really? I thought he was some sort of Idol” Stuart asks oh so innocently hoping to rile the older male.
Murdoc sits up looking appalled
“Keiths a sex God, how could you look at Mick and think yeah I'd fuck that awkward mess” “You're just saying that because Keith looks like you!” “Exactly!, he's stealing my looks and moves” He laughs putting his cigarette out on his boot.
Stuart laughs and sits up to flick his cigarette out the window with Mudz, shifting closer to him. He props his head in his hand and stares down the teen-esque male, poking his tongue through his gap teeth.
“So who's really stealing, him or you?” “You wanna find out?~” He says with a cocky smile.
Without thinking, Stuart leans down to capture a sudden kiss. Surprised at his own boldness and earning a squeak from none other than Murdoc himself. He thought about pulling away, suddenly feeling all to aware at the awkward situation and the possibility of completely fucking up his friendship.
But with even more shock Murdoc claims the kiss just as eagerly as Stuart.
“I-Im sorry its jus that-” He starts, pulling away for a hitch of breath only to get yanked back by the locks of his hair. Stuart gave a moan of approval ignoring the sharp pain of the others teeth that clipped the edge of his lips.
The taste of whiskey and smoke filled his mouth, something oddly charming as it fit well with the others rough characteristics. It was the kind of drunken attention he'd been craving all night as Murdoc pulls slightly at the his bottom lip. Invading his mouth to run his tongue along the gap in front he caused several years back during a game of pool gone wrong. He maneuvers the man lightly, hoping to urge him to his lap and was all to giddy when he complied, pushing the kiss a little harder.
Settling his leg over Stuart detaches himself from his lips to leave a trail of kisses down Murdoc's neck, trembling with every little noise that slips near his ear. The Satanist grasps the his hips as he slips his eyes closed, relaxing against the grazing teeth against his jaw.
“Fuck” he half yelp as Stuart bravery took a bite at his neck, he could feel the bruise beginning to form as a tongue pressed against the vein stained in his neck along with the stiffness rising in his jeans. “Ok?” He asks looking over Mudz with an all too concerned look in his eyes, fuck this was too vulnerable he told himself tingeing red from the thought of being so affected by so little. This needs to change ASAP.
Pushing himself up from the bed he grabs his hips in a vice grip and decides to dominate by parting his slips once more. This is..a lot more complicated (and hotter) than what was initially thought, trying to settle both their dominance was hard especially when Stuart ran his hands through the greasy mess of hair that Murdoc all to much enjoyed
All was well, good music, a slight buzz. additive kissing with heavy petting had them both shaking for more but before Murdoc could get ahold of eithers belt a knock at the door caused them both to pale and cease their actions.
“Stewie-honey? Are you ok?” His mom ask through the door.
Scurrying up from Murdoc’s lap he makes a break to the door before his mom bursts onto the current situation. The Bassists gives a toothy grin at the familiar nickname as he looks to the mirror to fix his hair and shirt.
He opens the door without haste, startling the poor mother she stood worryingly in her bathrobe. He gives a small coughs, thankful of the darkness to hide his embarrassed face.
“Are you feeling alright?, I heard noises is- Stuart is that smoke I smell? What did I tell you about smoking inside!” She says starting out concerned only to have her face distort from the smell that wafted through.
“I- Mom sorry I-”
“Hello Mrs. Pot!” Murdoc calls from the room
Stuart jolts from the noise but is relieved when he sees his mom soften from the all too familiar sound. Stuart pushes open the door a tad more so Murdoc can wave from the bed, a sudden stack of records in his lap.
“Murdoc honey oh! Hello!, everything alright dear, you're here pretty late?” “Im fine Mrs.Pot n’ sorry for the noise, I stubbed my toe on the damn dresser” “Language please” She scolds and he holds up his hands in defeat “We're fine mom, just-” “Well you're always welcomed,” She interrupts “just please no smoking inside and don't forget you have classes tomorrow- has he been a good host Murdoc?” “Nothing but the best~” he says with his best snake smile, eyeing down Stuart and his all to apparent flustered state. Rachel smiles lovingly at her boys and kisses Stuarts cheek goodnight before heading back down the hall leaving both men to sit in silence.
“Past your bedtime Stewie?” He asks mockingly
Stuart gives him a look trying to think of something to say, but with nothing coming to mind due to his still current state of high he settles with a heartfelt middle finger to the crackling Musician.
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