#not because they Supposedly ruined rwby
nvmbersix · 5 months
good god finished looking into rwde and yeah i can see how my post came off as one of those "modern rwby ruined monty's vision" posts LOL that's so fucking bad
to clear it up for that anon: no i dont think current rwby ruined whatever monty had planned. no i dont operate under the idea that i knew what monty wanted for rwby, nor do i think monty was like the PINNACLE of writers. i think rwby fumbled the bag on a couple of things, but it's definitely not because they supposedly ruined whatever monty had planned, that's just a dogshit take. it just always makes me upset whenever i remember how cinder sewed dust into her clothes in v2 and it didnt really get expanded on, just made me wish we got to see more of montys ideas is all
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lilithfairen · 6 months
Don't normally bother doing this, but...
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...no, you fucking idiot, that's exactly what you and your circlejerk are doing with literally anyone who isn't an animator. You are absolutely saying that every other aspect of creating an animated series, from audio to storytelling to everything behind the scenes, is completely irrelevant and that the only quality anyone should possess to deserve the rights to a property they have almost nothing to do with, very little involvement in reality*, is "makes cute girls go brr".
You know who understood differently? The animator who knew his talents alone weren't enough to bring his vision to life, so he sought out people with the talents necessary to make a show like RWBY.
(And I feel like highlighting this point, because it really deserves to be highlighted: Dillon Gu worked on one volume of RWBY. Volume 3. Y'know, supposedly when the EVIL Miles and Kerry proceeded to ruin Monty's vision? Not only do they not give or know jack about Monty Oum himself, but they clearly know nothing about the wannabe trying to get attention off of other people losing their jobs.)
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
The writing of V9 kind of feels like... When you go to someone and tell them "hey the thing you did was a mistake just to let you know" and they respond by being like "well I'm sorry, I'm sorry if I supposedly ruined everything! What do you want me to do, throw myself onto the ground sobbing? Just give up? Kill myself? Is that what you want from me? You know, people make mistakes, but I'm a good person, alright? I'm not perfect, but stop acting like I'm a monster!" And then like, two hours later you see that they made a post on Facebook that's like 'there's too much judgement in the world today and it's so sad. I just want everyone to know that no matter what other people say, you are perfectly imperfect and you've got this, super star. And the people that try to make you feel small and take away from your joy never really deserved you in the first place. This is a lesson I'm learning every day as I navigate trying to deal with people who seem to like to take their problems out on me. But I know I can stand by my choices and need to keep being me."
To clarify, it doesn't feel like Ruby specifically is like that - Despite the major flaws in her writing, she's the least bad of her friend group right now and I'm very sympathetic to her. But it feels more like the writers saw people going "these characters aren't perfect and are making mistakes and need to grow and learn" and they started being like
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They were really ambiguous with what mistakes the characters made as if they themselves didn't think they actually had made mistakes, they went way more over the top than they had to so it feels like they were punishing Ruby the character to also punish the critics. And then it feels like they had their whole narrative about how Jaune and Ruby and Weiss all realize that their ambiguous and no big deal 'mistakes' aren't something they should grow from and learn from and decide to change for the better over, they're just things that happen and it doesn't mean you need to grow and change, it just means you aren't all powerful. The message really felt like 'so what if bad things sometimes happen around the main rwby characters? Everyone should stop expecting them to grow because they don't need to because we keep saying they're good people, and good people are fine, so everyone needs to stop being overly dramatic about the supposed mistakes."
It really does feel like the rwby writers put out this season in which change for the better and growth and learning are completely dismissed (beyond 'making your body better' by killing yourself, which is a whole different can of worms,) and the actual 'message' behind the season felt like it was "stop complaining, the rwby mains are good people, they don't need to grow and learn and change for the better, so shut up." And tbh, this message coming right after the massive controversies of Rooster Teeth is very not promising and it's hard for me to read it in any sort of good light. Like...
'People Make Mistakes Sometimes But They Don't Need to Grow Or Change Their Ways Because They're Good People Underneath, So Anyone Who Tries To Bother Them About Their Mistakes Is In The Wrong' feels very not super great after the whole company of Rooster Teeth seemed to put up a 'Nevermind about all that' banner and still hasn't paid their staff and Miles Luna still hasn't apologized for his horrible past behavior as far as I know and they're all begging fans to keep watching Rwby and selling bees merch through the company without paying their trans VA properly.
I'd find it much more meaningful - both personally and coming from the writers and for the characters - if V9 involved acknowledging how the mains messed up and what their flaws were, had the girls act regretfully over mistakes, had change and becoming better be the focus instead of staying the same and not doing anything differently... Etc. It looks really bad that the only lesson the writers seemed to want their characters to learn was 'sometimes letting people hurt themselves is good because they might get a better body.'
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majoringinsarcasm · 4 months
Think what strikes me about your point is that it REALLY highlights the intense hypocrisy and two-faced behavior, especially when it comes to the subject of indie media and the way social media reacts to it.
For all of their disdain for "corporate media" and the "sanitization of media", supposedly "pro indie" people don't hesitate to act any differently towards media that doesn't conform to their expectations. They outwardly praise unique stories and ideas, but if you step out of line in some arcane or unclearly defined fashion that only exists in their minds, you can literally go from hero to hated in pretty much the flip of a switch.
It truly makes me wonder what categories RWBY falls into to get to this intersection. Because there’s now subsets of the hatred and dislike ranging from Ruby is a static protagonist (which she isn’t completely but also that’s not a bad thing in story telling), ANY kind of queer rep and how it’s Pandering but also Done Wrong at the same time. It’s a female led cast who are fully realize people with different personalities and hopes and hobbies and thoughts.
It changes. We leave the safety of school and venture into the outside world and it’s not so simple anymore. It’s hard. Being a teenager who is tasked to save the world is not easy. But the idea that rwby and co mess up or their plans fail is seen as plot armor and not Story Conflict will always make me laugh. Like wow their big elaborate plan at the end of volume six resulted in problems? That’s so crazy it’s almost like every show ever has done that.
It started off with short episodes and a colorful cast that was fun but at the time didn’t have a lot of explored depth. Some people probably just wanted Month to animate fight scenes for 12 seasons. But that’s not what they got and as the crwby have said over the years that wasn’t even the intention of the show.
One dimensional tropes and aspects folding out into fleshed out characters was the GOAL of the show and the beauty of the story they were holding together. People are upset that this flashy nothing burger concept turned into a whole ass narrative with lore and world building and didn’t just stay in a go fund me campaign I style limbo of cool art with nothing else behind it.
And it sucks because now SO MANY PEOPLE will loudly talk about how it was overhyped or rushed or bland or ruined. So many videos on YouTube are how the main cast is bad or the true villains or how characters lost their potential and I wanna scream WATCH THE SHOW. Don’t look at it under the guise of “it could have been this”. Watch what the actual show is saying listen to what it’s telling us.
I love this show a lot and disliking it doesn’t make you An Enemy. Acting like a shitty know it all while bashing the real human creators and claiming you can tell a better story while not being under the same budget and work limitations makes you kind of a loser though
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onenettvchannel · 2 months
NEW THIS MORNING: RWBY attends 'Anime Expo 2024' in Downtown Los Angeles, while American part-time anti-reviewer and YouTube creator 'MoistCr1TiKaL' attacks Rooster Teeth Animation and later shut down by WBD [#K5NewsFMInvestigativeTeam] [EXCLUSIVE]
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(Written by Mitch Williams and Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong / Senior Investigative Reporter of Nickelodeon News and Freelance News Writer of OneNETnews)
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA -- American adult-animated web series 'RWBY' officially attend at the upcoming 'Anime Expo' 2024 in downtown Los Angeles, the state of California in America. The defunct 'Rooster Teeth Animation' shut down by Warner Brothers-Discovery (WBD) in the late-March 2024. The bankruptcy animation studio may aggresively shock you to the world to see as 'DWFH-FM 97.7mhz's K5 News FM: Dumaguete' is first to investigate the cause in a sensitive critical point of the story.
This week before the expo, our internet media-affiliate 'Crunchyroll' completely removed all seasons of 'RWBY' where 'Rooster Teeth' no longer exists anymore between the old and newer volumes as seasons, where soon to be a lost media. Several months later but not long ago… 'DillonGoo Studios' supposedly gets a new IP (intellectual property) and animation rights after WBD turned down, forcing absolute streaming bankruptcy to be plummeted. The thing is, the indie animation studio didn't make the cut.
On Thursday (July 4th, 2024 -- Central local time in the U.S.), in an online social media news outlet 'TheRWBYStyle' via Instagram (part of Meta Platforms Inc. [MPi])… Legacies of the late-Monty Oum takes over with a new showrunner torch to Mr. Kerry F. Shadowcross, who was a former Rooster Teeth lone employee. The news of the adult-animated web series show revealing the anticipated new animation studio, new partnerships & owners; and possibly the final 10th Volume, where it was now officially turned over to 'VIZ Media', yet still to be greenlighted after this said expo in downtown L.A.
Before the animation shutdown, we turn our clocks back within a year ago in the late-Q1 of 2023 as part of our exclusive investigation from our friends at K5 News FM. A 29 y/o YouTuber in Tampa, Florida named Mr. Charles Christopher White Jr. knowingly combined as 'MoistCr1TiKaL' and 'penguinz0'. He's known for his humorous commentaries, gaming videos, critical analysis, e-sport enthusiast, and the now part-time most wanted American anti-reviewer.
He's losing a lot of context about the uninterested web series show 'RWBY' by the defunct-Rooster Teeth (RT). Adding it to the wildfires cooked in hell with his spoiled marshmallow of opinions (an EDM music artist completely not involved in a metaphor), some RWBY fans disagreed with his assessment after calling it a severe dramatic trash for a 9th Volume in a sampled episode clip called "The Perils of Paper Houses". They argued that his criticism lacked depth and understanding of the show's overall narrative and character development.
Almost imagine if Mr. Charles planned himself to commit revenge murder to assassinate a 'RWBY' showrunner 'Kerry Shadowcross' when he soon travel in-person to Texas with an armed shotgun or assault rifle. But that's not the case as of this press time. Exchanging insults in public harrassment attacks on social media against pro-RWBY fandoms and a lone showrunner at his former RT employee.
Since he's a part-time American anti-reviewer like Mr. Charles (MoistCr1TiKaL), triggering the hate and attacking animation studio in the criticism world for anti-RWBY fans completely ruined all its cultures, sounds and the like. MoistCr1TiKaL's critiques, along with broader industry shifts, likely contributed to the studio's struggles. Because of him as an online suspect, WBD decided to axed out its animation studio this year in the Q1-2024 where all episode productions of RWBY are indefinitely suspended. Rooster Teeth is no more.
Today in the positive side, Anime Expo 2024 runs from Thursday thru Sunday (July 4th to 7th, 2024) at around 10am Thursday, and wrapping up the said date on a 4th and final day on Sunday at 5pm (Pacific local time). RWBY-nian fans are looking forward for what's in store of the series.
SOURCE: *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2fVouJdjVk [Referenced YT VIDEO via MoistCr1TiKaL, per the relay of Moist Reaction] *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e62m-SWETpA [Referenced YT VIDEO #1 via Hero Hei] *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9G2QxL7EiE [Referenced YT VIDEO #2f via Hero Hei] *https://old.reddit.com/r/RWBYcritics/comments/12ip40f/how_the_moistcr1tikal_situation_proves_that_the/ [Referenced Subreddit Post #1 via RWBYCritics] *https://old.reddit.com/r/RWBYcritics/comments/12lhwot/the_original_moistcr1tikal_tweet_now_has_over_4/ [Referenced Subreddit Post #2f via RWBYCritics] *https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/warner-bros-discovery-shuts-down-rooster-teeth-after-21-years-1235844429/ [Referenced News Article via The Hollywood Reporter] *https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GRNQJM89R/ *https://www.instagram.com/p/C84x00aISmd/ [Referenced IG News Article #1 via TheRWBYStyle] *https://www.instagram.com/p/C8_kkeuINY6/ [Referenced IG News Article #2 via TheRWBYStyle] *https://www.instagram.com/p/C9Dc3BeIajg/ [Referenced IG News Article #3f via TheRWBYStyle] *https://x.com/OfficialRWBY/status/1808677126348099595 [Referenced X Network Post #1 via OfficialRWBY] *https://x.com/OfficialRWBY/status/1808939199699059131 [Referenced X Network Post #2f via OfficialRWBY] *https://www.viz.com/blog/posts/rwby-finds-a-new-home [Referenced Blog Post via VIZ Media] and *https://www.ign.com/articles/rwby-finds-a-new-home-in-wake-of-rooster-teeths-closure [Referenced News Article via Imagine Games Network]
-- OneNETnews Online Publication Team
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
fuck that anon lol. ur posts are great and rwby fans who just genuinely like the show dont care about picking fights over rwde
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But yeah, this exactly! Anti-RWDE is bit like its own fandom nowadays. As you say, RWBY fans don't care about picking fights over RWDE because they're too busy being fans of RWBY. Anti-RWDE (as the name implies) is a sub-community devoted not to enjoying RWBY, but to enjoying getting angry over other people living their own lives. Their canon are others people's posts and their content is made up of "call outs" about stuff that the vast majority of RWBY folks don't care about. Or, if they do care, it's certainly not enough to go leave angry anons about it.
It's important that there's this frequent claim that any RWDE content automatically ruins their enjoyment of the show, thereby (supposedly) justifying the attacks. But the reality is that if all RWBY criticism suddenly disappeared from the community... they would too. Because they're not fans of RWBY. They're fans of presenting themselves as taking a moral high ground and then enjoying the praise that nets them. If they got what they claimed they wanted, they'd actually be horrendously disappointed because there would no longer be blogs and posts for them build that identity around.
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i love that so many in the hatedome say they can write better but 1 never wrote something in there live and are couch potato 2 if the write something its a s bland as most slice of life anime of the month 3 you can be damb sure even female character get drained of what make them amazing or straight up become a piece for the Harem protagensit whos Jaune most time god bless his soul he doesnt not deserve that. ps jaune alone is enough like Fic Jaune it weird there are good one that can make him darker but many time it the same as any other bland as shit
one person on twitter wants to try a rewrite on her end.
HOWEVER! I respect her because A) She is NOT from the hatedom. B) She respects the writing of RWBY and its Writing. and C) she wants to stay as close as possible to the material.
Most rewriters don't do that.
as for harem protagonist...yeah, for somebody who is supposedly miles luna's "self-insert" jaune gets treated pretty low in the show.
I really dislike fanfics that focus on jaune as the protag...its annoying.
RWBY is a show about four female protagonists, and yet everyone wants to ruin it by making a generic male.
Hey! here's an idea...Ren...Lie Ren..why not make HIM the protagonist.
Personality...cool fighting style, has best girl Nora as girlfriend, etc... Oh, right....the Jaune fanfic writers want a "blank male slate" to use to replace women as protagonists...
that annoys me to no end.
Cour alaran, the Jaune fanfic "king" is so obsesed with Jaune and Adam, .
Which is typical of the male OC or Jaune fanfic writers.
It's amusing how RWBY haters, love to praise jaune or adam protagonist fanfics as "better writing" than four female protags
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Atlas is supposedly the largest and most powerful Kingdom but RWBY are able to evacuate the population in a matter of hours and what's seen in the portals number a few thousand people at most. Considering all the civilians being attacked in the Vacuo desert with no soldiers in sight it seems like they left the brave military fighting Salem and her Grimm behind for some reason.
Yea, I still call bullshit on all civilians being evacuated in such a short timeframe. A pathetic fraction of the people who would realistically live in Atlas takes over an hour to be evacuated, and the number of people seen is just no way the entire population of the kingdom or even anything remotely close. The show will no doubt brush over this or pretend everyone was evacuated including soldiers that we clearly did not see anywhere in the desert from the many shots we saw especially given how we saw people getting killed by Grimm and no one really helping fight them off. We have to assume no soldiers survived and all got left behind in Atlas which....has some pretty bad implications.
With supposedly none of the army surviving that tells me that RWBY likely didn't even both to have any portals for any of the army which is pretty fucked up in and of itself, but it also means now two kingdoms worth of soldiers are dead with the same number of civilians basically to protect. That is not nearly enough protection especially since most civilians are not in Vacuo and all of that negativity will inevitably draw in a ton of Grimm that will need to be fought off. CRWBY has written the entire world of Remnant into a pretty bad corner but we all know they'll handwave it away somehow and pretend most of the army also made it through the portals.
But I mean CRWBY could also go the route of saying all the evil soldiers got what they deserved because they dared listen to the evil horrible monster James. And somehow they'll be able to make do with what they have and/or train civilians to fight and make them all masters overnight or some shit. I might throw myself off a cliff if CRWBY goes this route. Unfortunately though it's probably why we don't see the army in the desert, Winter has to have her epic moment and having other soldiers their would ruin it so therefore their are no soldiers even if logically it creates all sorts of problems for their not to be anyone their.
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tumblezwei · 4 years
Can someone please tell me what the "original plan" for RWBY was before Miles and Kerry's grubby hands supposedly ruined it? Can y'all for once actually specify what the fuck you mean when you say "how it was intended to be" instead of just saying that and acting as if that's the explanation itself??
How was the plot supposed to progress?? What character arcs existed or didn't?? Give me proof, not just your opinions because you don't like a character or a ship. Give me Word of God, screenshots, video clips that tell me definitively that RWBY wasn't meant to go in the direction it has.
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leejeann · 5 years
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•What’s your favorite fairy tale?•
context under the cut to keep the ~aesthetic~. this is the coolest thing i’ve ever painted tbh
ART-STORY TIME: So I got super lucky with secret santa this year and ended up drawing my best friend’s name, who loves rwby as much as I do. If you follow me and saw my posts about stressing over making a gift, this is the result of that stress lol
My tradition is to always make gifts if possible. I wanted it to be rwby-related and I decided on the lamp. I’d barely brainstormed concepts when I remembered this insanely bright glow pigment powder called LIT (made by CultureHustle) that’s supposedly bright enough to glow in ambient light and for up to 12 hours?? Sounds unrealistic, right? But the pics/videos looked real enough. How cool would it be to paint the relic and make it GLOW? I saw they make a blue version now and it was too perfect
It came in 2 days before the party and they weren’t lying IT’S SO BRIGHT. Like I didn’t edit those pictures at all aside from upping the brightness a little, since my phone camera made them fairly dim, and throwing on my insta handle. That’s just actually how much it was glowing. It looked even cooler in person.
I felt like a child because it was so cool to see it glow and I just wanted to play with it. I kinda did tbh, just testing ratios of acrylic medium to water to pigment powder, seeing if I could mix it with other things instead like blue acrylic paint or this “diamond glaze’ adhesive I have. Would it mix okay, adhere well to a surface, glow just as bright, still look good when it’s not glowing, etc
I ended up pulling an all-nighter to actually paint this and went to the party on an almost-3-hour nap I took that afternoon after I finished painting. I think this took like 7-8 hours lol. Then I put like 5-6 layers of mod podge on it to seal it too. The blue part, aka the glow pigment/diamond glaze mixture, sticks off the canvas quite a bit. So i mod-podge’d the hell out of it because I was worried it might chip off otherwise.
So anyway the lack-of-sleep and ruining my sleep schedule for the rest of the weekend was 100% worth it for how snazzy this came out. I was super excited/nervous for my friend’s reaction, but he absolutely loved it. I was so relieved lol
tl;dr: I painted this for a secret santa gift and was high-key jealous that i had to give it away lol
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Frozen Lovebirds
Author's Notes: Hey guys. I'm back with a new fic. This time, it's a RWBY one, involving the favorite ship of my dear friend @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate. Happy birthday, Kae. And thank you for being such a marvelous person and friend. So, as a symbol of our friendship, I prepared a small, fluffy Snowbird/Qrowin fic. I really hope you enjoy it, and sorry if some things are OOC. Anyway, enjoy or endure!
“Ice Queen, are you kidding me right now?” Qrow grumbled, as his glare was pointed at his white-haired paramour, a serious expression adorning on her face.
“Do I look like I am trying to make a joke here, Qrow?” Winter’s solemn question echoed through the frozen winter garden of their home.
“Do you want me to give you the short answer, or the long one? Cause they both start with “Yes”, just so you know.” he let out a hoarse laugh, still not being able to understand why Winter Schnee, one of Atlas’ best specialists, would come up with the idea of an ice carving competition.
“Because, my dear,” Winter intoned, “our fighting abilities do not and should not resume to only moving our weapons around like savages. We need to learn how to use them in some more… graceful ways, and let me tell you, you can make use of this… training.” her explanation concluded, as Qrow let out a scoff.
“Okay, fine. But if stuff is going down, you are to blame for it. Also, if you came with this idea, shouldn’t I contribute to this with something? Like choosing the theme?”
Winter let out a sigh. “I normally wouldn’t let something like this slide, but since I feel rather generous today, I will let you choose the theme,” she replied, as she grabbed a bowl containing several pieces of folded paper, “from this bowl.” She held the crystal-clear bowl with both of her hands, as Qrow was pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Well, after our first date turned into a disaster, I guess we could do things your way this time.” the dark-haired man chuckled, as he remembered how some Manticore Grimm decided to ruin their first date. Winter’s face also softened.
“It is settled then. Once you choose the theme, we have 30 minutes each to finish the sculpture. Now, let me get things ready.” Winter pronounced, as two blocks of ice rose in front of them, their weapons and carving tools lying on the frozen solid ground, and the bowl now resting on a crystal pedestal.
“Now Qrow, would you do us the honor to choose the theme?” Winter asked for Qrow to choose it, as she pointed at the pedestal.
“Alright then. Let’s get this over with.” he shrugged, as he dragged his feet towards the place indicated, and after his slender fingers wandered around, he extracted a baby blue piece of paper. As he unfolded it, he could see the black ink forming words, and the motif of their sculptures was revealed to be “Symbol of Love”, making blood rush into Winter’s pale cheeks.
“I see. From now on, we have 30 minutes to finish our masterpieces. May the best one win!”
13 minutes in, and Qrow was already sick of this activity. Whether he used Harbinger or one of the minuscule chisels resting in the shadow of the ice block, the result was the same: more chunks of ice kept falling, and the more he had to struggle with this. Granted he had never been the artistic type, but this matter was outright ridiculous, and his Semblance certainly wasn’t of any help.
As he tried to catch a glimpse of Winter’s creation, he could see she had created an Ice curtain that kept him away from seeing the sculpture, as the Atlas specialist was invoking Glyphs and using different types of Dust, combined with occasional slashes and thrusts of her blade.
“Oi, Ice Queen! I don’t recall you telling us Dust and other tools except the ones given were allowed! This is cheating!” he snarled, as Winter left eye twitched.
“If I recall correctly, Qrow, there was no rule that prohibited the usage of intermediate tools, such as Dust and Semblances.” Winter claimed victoriously, as Qrow kept mumbling “That’s still cheating.”
As a chisel was letting traces on the ice, Qrow could hear Winter intone “The time is up!”, as he let the tool fall to the ground, disappointed by his heart-shaped creation. However, his frustration was replaced by the shock caused by a look at Winter’s creation: the almost-realistic frozen statue of a crow.
As Winter looked at Qrow’s sculpture, a soft smile crept on her lips, as her beloved couldn’t take his eyes off of her corvid creation.
“Winter…” his voice came out as a whisper. “Why…?”
“Well, since I supposedly fell for someone who can turn into a crow, I thought it would make sense for me to use this form of yours as an inspiration source.” Winter explained, rose painting her face once again, as Qrow’s lips twitched in a smile, as he nodded approvingly.
“I’m not gonna lie, I kinda dig it. But my beak isn’t that big when I’m in that form, is it?”
“Well, you do have quite a big mouth from time to time, just like today.” the woman riposted, as Qrow let out an “Oi!” and her lips formed a smirk. “However, I myself do not always see it as a bad thing. Maybe somewhere in between… Anyway, there are times when it is quite useful.”
“Like the times I cover your mouth with mine?” Qrow teased Winter, as she let out a scandalized gasp.
“Qrow! How dare you…?!” the melody of her voice stopped, as Qrow put one arm behind her knees and the other one against her back, as he raised her off the ground bridal style, much to Winter’s shock.
“How about we get something warm to drink? You look like you need some.” he winked at his girlfriend, as she rolled her eyes.
“Since you did offer to do this, I suppose I have nothing against the idea of a hot beverage.” Winter remarked, as her lips twitched in a smile once again.
“If you say so, Ice Queen…” Qrow conformed, as the two lovebirds met the warmth of their cabin.
Thank you so much for reading. Till next fic😊
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
If your doing that violence asks game well
Alrighty! 'Choose violence ask game!'
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I'd say the answer for this one might be Yang tbh. Lately, I've been really struggling to like her, and it's because for the past couple of years and especially now that V9 happened, no one is allowed to dislike or criticize ANYTHING Yang does or says. She's treated like not only a completely flawless character who is always in the right, but she's also put on a pedestal way above her sister and tbh her love interest as well. And on top of how people act like it's immoral and wrong to ever think Yang might be slightly in the wrong, they do this weird thing where they'll convince themselves of things that aren't true, like volunteering her for a 'buff woman' tournament and then some of them arguing and fighting when she got rejected. I also don't like how some of Yang's fans treat Blake.
I loved Yang for seasons and I still love my headcanoned version of her, but canon got bad. I could've ignored that though, but some Yang fans are just so annoying that it makes me just get so freaking sick of her.
9. worst part of canon
Okay, can I say that V9 in its entirety is imo the worst part of canon? Even rwby at its worst historically has some good concepts that can be salvaged. V9 is the first time that I came out of a rwby season going 'about 90% should've never even been on the table.' The concepts weren't even good. It was a completely pointless detour that made almost every single main character look three times worse, and it did speed of light badly done 'arcs' that make it seem like they're going to stop developing those characters, and the badly handled suicide allegory is super bad. Anything good they introduced in volume 9, they took back and ruined by the end of the season. It was a total waste of time that doesn't even belong in the story of rwby.
10. worst part of fanon
I'm not very involved in the main rwby fandom, but from what I've seen, I'm gonna say the fanon invented stuff for Ironwood about him being like an evil dictator grooming Winter and trying to use Team RWBY as weapons and stuff is just so annoying. Like he's such a hate-sink, I don't know why people have to make things up to hate on him. XD This wouldn't even be that bad though if fans didn't convince themselves it's true and that anyone who thinks otherwise is evil. Like, when people said that Ironwood invaded Vale in volume 2 and when I was like "where" they told me 'that's what the writers wanted us to think' and then told me they had to go with what was true rather than what I wanted, after providing zero evidence. Like bro???
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Ooh, okay. I can't understand why so many people like the characterization of Blake as a sad submissive shy girl who can't stand up for herself and flinches away from angry people and doesn't really care about politics or the world that much, and acts the opposite of how Blake in the first five seasons acted. I can't understand why so many people liked Jaune's 'got old, turned young again' arc. I can't understand why so many people get so much from Summer Rose when she is very dull and badly done in the narrative imo. I can't understand why so many people are down for endless betrayals in a show supposedly about hope and goodness and growth and how working together and being good beats out evil. That's just off the top of my head.
Thanks for these asks!
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commanderkurama · 5 years
So there was another tweet about blake and yang being girlfirends, with happy national girlfriend day on the new rwby game twitter page. Why do you think mil3s and Jerry doent come right put and say they are dating and do you think that it will be canon now in voulme? This shipping thing is getting old and is ruinning the show for some. Also watch out for the happy wasps coiming.
Its obviously pandering. And a very poor job of it too. For one thing, they’d essentially be pulling a Korrasami again where the ship is “confirmed” outside of the actual show, wherein the buildup is absolute shit for the general audience, but of course the shippers will swear up and down they totally saw it coming and this that and the third *insert obligatory link to terribly overindulgent 47 minute video essay nobody witth a life has time to watch* is the reason why it was planned all along when its really just them feeling their overanalysis was justified and correct despite it being very much clear romance was never a consideration when they first linked Yang into the Adam “storyline”, which in itself is bare minimum because they have two half convos about him, one curbstomp and a fight and inbetween a whole lot of individual character growth that had absolutely nothing to do with nor any drastic impact upon their relationship with each other.
They can be as happy as they wanna be, just hope they don’t go crying about how they were lead on taking a mobile games twitter post as Word of God if Atlas comes and goes and the most they get between them are the tiniest look or smile in each others direction. No actual, yknow, relationship progression. Talking about how they feel for each other and the whole conflict if its supposedly as big a deal as BB stans believed it to be.
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rwbyconversations · 6 years
Why I think some fans don’t like Ruby
A good protagonist can make or break a story. You can have an incredibly detailed world and setting, fill it with the most fascinating lore and and have an encyclopedia’s worth of information on every street, but if the person you’re following in that world is uninteresting or just dull, the audience will never let that slide. Watch Dogs is a competent game but Aiden Pearce is such a dull scumbag that it taints the entire setting. Echo from Dollhouse was perhaps the dullest character in the main roster, making the show more interesting when she wasn’t around as it gave the much more varied supporting cast a chance to shine.
This is unfortunately a problem that people have with RWBY’s Ruby Rose as well. Ruby is a do-gooder with aspirations to become a Huntress and help people and that’s basically it in terms of explicit character growth. For a variety of reasons over the past two years since Volume 4, Ruby has become a far more divisive character than was ever intended. With Volume 6 now on the horizon, I’ve decided to look into our inarguable main protagonist and to answer the question of why I think some people don’t like Ruby. 
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(also before anyone jumps down my throat I don’t hate Ruby, I think she’s a weak character but I don’t want her removed from the show. Also, yes, she is the protagonist, we’re not having this conversation)
1) Ruby’s development in Volumes 4 and 5 is lackluster at best and actively shunted at worst
To be quite blunt, Ruby’s not interesting in her current form and she hasn’t truthfully been since Volume 3′s conclusion. Ruby started out as a fine character, with some good early development from Ozpin about what it means to be a leader, development which had a payoff when Ruby then shared this lesson with Jaune during the Jaundice episodes. “We have to put our teammates first and ourselves second.” Back then Ruby also had several more facets to her personality- she was a naive child brought to Beacon two years early and a lot of her dynamics, especially with Weiss in particular, reflect this in the early volumes. Volume 1 also gives Ruby her overly romanticized view of Huntsmen and Huntresses, further emphasizing her naivety regarding the wider world which is challenged multiple times in the first three volumes- most notably with Roman’s “The real world is cold!” speech in Heroes and Monsters. 
Volume 3 set out to tear those perceptions down, as Ruby bears witness to some horrifying actions in the back half of the Volume- Penny’s dismemberment, Grimm swarming Vale, Roman being eaten alive and Pyrrha being shot and incinerated right in front of her. Ruby breaks from this, Volume 4 was touted as a recovery volume. And yet Ruby’s development is a phantom for Volumes 4 and 5. She puts on a bright smile and other than a few nightmares which exist for very little reason- especially since RTX 2017 confirmed that Ruby was having dreams about Pyrrha because she overheard Jaune’s night-training and not because of other circumstances- Ruby doesn’t ever confront the trauma she faced like Yang and Blake did over their arcs in Volume 4. The one time she tries taking responsibility in the back half of the volume... Jaune shuts her down, literally cutting her off so he can tell her she’s inspiring, which she agrees with blindly, her inner conflict having been forgotten and blown away like leaves falling off a tree in October. 
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You know I mentioned this in my Jaune post but it bears repeating that the one time Ruby really tries to get development this season, Jaune literally steals the spotlight and tells the audience, rather than shows us, how far Ruby’s come
Most of the other RWBY girls get scenes on their own during Volume 4- in fact, the other three members all have moments of solitude in their first episodes. It shows how the Fall of Beacon has separated them and scattered them across the world. Ruby gets no such moment of isolation. Ruby not having this doesn’t give her character any moments where she has to confront the events at Beacon, and that lack of isolation or ability to reflect harms her. The one time her facade breaks away in Volume 4, Jaune swoops in to prevent her from having a realization and the problem is smoothed away like it never happened.This also has an adverse effect on our ability to sympathize with Ruby- her not blaming herself despite Jaune’s act of kindness makes it difficult to identify with her struggles and any growth she might have experienced.
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I think that half of Ruby’s dialogue in all of Volume 4 comes from her reading her letter to Yang in the finale is a fairly harrowing example of where Ruby’s focus is not going. 
Volume 5 did take a step towards addressing this by having Oscar ask Ruby how she remains so cheerful- a scene I firmly believe should have happened a year earlier with Jaune instead of handing it off to the farmboy who never before or after this scene addresses the stresses of the shadow war with Salem. The scene is fairly obviously damage control for Ruby’s lack of reaction to Volume 3 but this scene has no payoff. Ruby just admits she’s sad, we get a traditional hero speech about moving forward and then the status quo resets for Ruby’s next adventure in sitting around a house.
To cut this rant short, Volumes 4 and 5 do very little with Ruby and the opportunity for development that the Fall of Beacon presented. Rather than having a hopeful naive child face reality, something Roman was trying to do with his dying words, Ruby just backtracks and almost flanderizes into this upbeat chipmunk who spews out inspirational speeches. Ruby’s never allowed to grow in 4 or 5 and her character stagnates as a consequence. A pivotal moment for Ruby should have been her confrontation with Cinder at Haven (something I’ve written about before) and seeing Weiss get stabbed, but Cinder refuses to acknowledge her for the entire battle and she’s unconscious when Weiss drops. Two moments that should have defined her character... and Ruby sidesteps both of them and the challenges therein. 
If I may repeat myself, half of Ruby’s dialogue in V4 comes from her letter to Yang in the finale. Half of her dialogue is in the finale of the season. If that doesn’t speak about bad agency and character handling I’m afraid I don’t know what does. 
And all of this leads us into...
2) Ask about the eyes! (or: Ruby’s lack of agency)
I’m sure if you’ve been a part of the fandom you’ve heard this a thousand times, so I’ll keep this quick:
Ruby’s eyes are supposedly the key to stopping the Grimm and the only reason Cinder was defeated at the end of Volume 3, and will almost certainly play a role in fighting Salem. Despite knowing about them thanks to Qrow and spending a significant amount of time with Qrow and Ozpin, people who knew her mother (a fellow Silver Eyed Warrior) intimately well, Ruby never asks about the eyes during the month she spends with Ozpin and Qrow in the Mistral House. There’s no logical reason in or out of the narrative for her to not immediately ask about this when she reached the house and when the eyes manifest again in the Battle of Haven, no fuss is made about them and they don’t get acknowledged for the rest of the volume.
... OK that was relatively quick. But put bluntly, Ruby not asking about her eyes or Summer has crippled her development. Summer’s death would be an almost childishly simple way to give Ruby a personal stake in the fight against Salem, since it’s all but been confirmed (”We’ve dealt with their kind before”) that Summer was slain by a member of Salem’s cabal. It speaks poorly about Ruby’s priority levels and the agency of herself, Ozcar and Qrow that Ruby never stops to ask either of them about the eyes and instead decides to ask Ozpin if his cane is the Beacon Relic. 
There is however a meta out of universe reason, in that Miles and Kerry aren’t ready to ask about the eyes yet. In my post about why the birds twist failed to land, I mentioned this as an aside that Miles and Kerry have a particular fondness for cliffhangers and plot twists, and while this works sometimes, it means that it can take a fair while for them to answer questions that would otherwise spoil their little tricks and twists in advance. Ruby asking about the eyes would ruin whatever twist is tied to them- be it that they steal life energy or have the risk of blinding her- so she... doesn’t. And there isn’t even a throwaway line about her referencing the existence of her Silver Eyes. 
If V4 or 5 had just had a scene of Ruby about to fight a Grimm like say, the Geist and trying to manifest them or just having a scene where she explains she’s trying to activate the powers, it would at least show initiative on her part- she would be at least trying to activate her powers since she knows they pose a threat to the Grimm and Cinder. But she doesn’t. In fact, Ruby herself never even says the word “silver” after Volume 3. At this point any explanation of the Silver Eyes is going to feel... almost too little too late. It wouldn’t feel natural anymore, since the information was held back because it would make for a better twist or some nonsense. 
3) The Squeak
I mean no offense to Lindsay Jones, she’s a capable actress and by all accounts an all-around good person. I love Kimball from Red vs Blue and Lindsays’ other appearances for Rooster Teeth have proven she has great comedic timing and dramatic chops. But that said... Ruby’s voice was awful in Volume 5.
Lindsay has always been on the record as disliking how Ruby sounded in Volume 1- too much like herself, far too old sounding for a 15 year old girl, to the point where she’d like to go back and re-dub Volume 1. I get that, especially hating how your voice sounds since I work in radio and I know that pain, and I think how Lindsay evolved the voice over Volumes 2 and 3 was a great place to keep Ruby’s voice until she grew up and went back to the Volume 1 voice. The problem is that in the above video, Lindsay evidently never stopped upping the pitch. Ruby now sounds almost like a caricature of herself and one that steadily worsens each passing volume- I’ve made my dislike of “This is my fight too!” plain as day on various occasions on Discord. I don’t want to harp too much on this, like I said I deeply respect Lindsay’s other work, but this is a list of why the fandom is cold on Ruby and unfortunately for Miss Jones... her voice is one of those reasons, however petty it may seem. If you do ever read this Lindsay:
(still gotta support Lindsay for being the only person in RT at the moment who seems to want Ruby to have a breaking point because moooooooooooooood)
4) Decreasing skill levels
More than any other character, Ruby was the one most hit on a fighting-level by Monty’s passing. In hindsight having a weapon such as a scythe was going to spell trouble for Ruby’s fight scenes- scythes are hilariously impractical weapons in real life and aren’t made for fighting. There’s a reason most farmers didn’t bring their scythes with them when they went to war and were taught the spear.
With Monty, Ruby was still given flashy choreography and her scythe’s recoil was used to make it slightly more practical in a straight fight. In the opening to Ruby vs Neo and the Red Trailer she looks lethal with the thing. 
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The problem lies in how Ruby’s skills have waned since then, thanks to not only the general nerf everyone took across the board, but Ruby’s scythe took in particular. Ruby’s only seriously used her scythe once, in the V4 Character Short. Otherwise, she hasn’t gotten to cut loose in the show since then, meaning Ruby’s been reduced to running around and sniping or doing... this...
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You thought I was done bitching about the weapon spinning but joke’s on you, I’m never done bitching about the weapon spinning
This has been Ruby’s fights for the past two years. In a show that prides itself on fights, Ruby’s last good fight being more than two volumes ago paints a poor picture in the eyes of many, especially in light of the Death Battle team admitting that they can’t have Ruby fight Maka from Soul Eater until Ruby gets a few more feats to be judged by (which still reads to me like “we need Ruby to do some more bullshit feats so we can BS a win for her” after the whole Yang/Tifa debacle). This also ties in with Ruby’s lack of activity in the Battle of Haven- it’s Raven, a low-rent villain, who gets the standout fight in the volume, while Ruby’s left headbutting Mercury. The protagonist of the show is left with little of the agency.
And speaking of Mercury...
5) The hand to hand “plot”
Like the Silver Eyes part I’ll keep this quick- Ruby’s hand to hand weakness, while set up in Volumes 1 and 2, still comes out of nowhere as a random flaw for her to overcome this volume and feels like a poor attempt to give her something to do during Volume 5. Her headbutting Mercury required Merc to take a massive dive in intelligence and skill, and ultimately was her only significant moment in the Haven Battle outside of getting smacked over the head. The worst part of this “arc” to me is how no one else gets anything from it- you could genuinely make an arc of each member of RNJR teaching Oscar something (Ren with Aura and CQC, Nora with strength training, Ruby with weapon repairs, etc). Why not tie in the conversation about Semblances by having Ruby train to use her speed semblance in close quarters? With her speed, Ruby would be nearly impossible to dodge in a fist-fight, or she could engage in lighting fast strikes while withdrawing before the opponent and counter.
Also while I’m offering suggestions, let me point one thing out. Ruby has a lot of leg strength. Like, a lot. Why not skip teaching her to use her hands and train Ruby in kickboxing or another leg-based martial art? Yang already has the punchy-punch category fairly locked down, so giving Ruby a kick-based style would make for more dramatic fights in future.
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It would certainly have been more dynamic than this abomination that I am loathe to call “the conclusion of an arc.” 
In conclusion, Ruby as a protagonist is... flawed. She’s a character I want to like more than I do, the simple soul who knows the world is cold and dark but aspires to change it herself. But various conflicts hold her character back, most primarily the writing team’s own refusal to let her have agency by making her refuse to acknowledge her special powers or her dead mother. Add in lackluster performances fighting wise and an absolute slog of a “training arc,” and Ruby fails to stand out. Volume 5 reached the point where Ruby was an absolute blank slate of a character, content to make bland speeches about companionship at the pitch of a chipmunk addicted to helium while the mystery of her dead mother and special heritage practically slapped her in the face.
I am very much aware that over the Volume 5 hiatus, much has been said about Ruby and her lack of growth/dive in popularity. Hell I’m even linking to some at the bottom of the post as recommendations for further elaboration on my points and alternate perspectives. I know I’m at a well that has been well and truly dried of content. But with Volume 6 on the horizon I think it’s worth keeping Ruby’s agency/lack thereof in mind with the premiere looming. Ruby is a problem that the show does need to fix, especially after Volume 5 and the numerous story opportunities that were presented and never followed up on for Ruby- Weiss’s stabbing, Cinder’s return, Summer, etc. Her big character moment in the back half of Volume 5? Saying “I’m angry.” They really did pick the perfect character moment for Ruby.
Ruby has been said to take a more direct role in Volume 6, and Lindsay has implied that Ruby will finally have her breaking point this volume. If this turns out to be the case, I genuinely look forward to see Ruby regaining the charm that made her likable in the original volumes. But if all the talk about Ruby getting more focus turns out to just be hot air or fails to fix any of the cracks in her character that have been present for two volumes in a row now? I’ll be tragically disappointed, partly at the show and mostly for myself in jumping the gun in writing this. I want Ruby to be more than a glorified cheerleader in her own damn show. She’s what got people hyped back with the Red trailer. Let her be that heroine again Rooster Teeth. Ruby inspires people in the show, now let’s see her inspire hope in the fans.
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Thank you for reading. 
Additional recommended sources:
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
You know, bringing Penny back already had the risk of cheapening her death, but NO ONE having an emotional reaction whatsoever and Pietro being like “Yeah, I guess she did die lol :D” just DESTROYED the weight of her death. Just another reason I felt nothing when she died again.
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The lack of reaction to Penny's resurrection will, forever and always, be a black mark on the series for me. I'm not at all surprised that she was brought back given her android status and popularity among the fandom, I can't even fault RT for restoring our original Penny perfectly given the latter (as opposed to getting a "Penny" without her personality and/or memories), but the sheer indifference to her cheating death? Not just that, but treating her return like a joke? Oh haha, silly Penny with her overenthusiastic hugs. I sure missed that bubbly girl back when our enemies manipulated our now murdered friend into killing her and that trauma kick-started the destruction of our school :)
And this trend in the fandom of going, "Just wait"? Penny suffered from it too. Massively. Like we were told to just wait to return to Oscar's mystery shopping trip, or for the reconciliation with Ozpin to start, or, now, for Emerald to undergo an actual redemption arc, the lack of reaction to Penny's return was explained away as shock (and haven't we heard that one before). Ruby will need to grapple with these emotions, it's just that she was so stunned by this turn of events! But, quite obviously, that never happened. Ruby and Penny's relationship fundamentally returned to where it had started, with Penny making comments about how she isn't allowed certain freedoms and Ruby reminding her that she's a real girl despite it all. A death and the trauma of losing a friend? Not a part of their Volume 7-8 dynamic, to the extent that the story throws them a party in the arena where Penny died — and where Yang was framed, and where the Battle of Beacon began — and not a single character has anything to say about that. The meaning that Penny's death carried in Volumes 3-5 was, in short, erased... and then Penny's entire journey of learning that she's always been real is erased too in an effort to kill her off for good. Her human body wasn't included because it was something she strove for (it wasn't), or something the group needed (it wasn't), or because it was a thematic culmination of her journey (quite the opposite), or even because it follows her inspiration (Ironwood's Tin Man would have something to say about that). It exists solely so that Penny could be murdered again, this time for good. The mad scramble to theorize that she's not really dead (again) is telling. Even the most complimentary fans, those who were quite happy with Penny becoming a human and took no issue with her story throughout 7 and 8, recognized that her death was a horrific, meaningless scene that served only to drum up shock value and give Jaune something to angst over.
I'd even go so far as to say her time as the Maiden was meaningless too. Not just in terms of her not actually doing anything with the powers and Winter ending up with them as originally planned — those two points have both been covered extensively — but in regards to the fact that the group didn't react to that either. Our formerly dead friend came back and a short time later is one of the Maidens? Neat! And that's the extent of their emotional investment in Penny's change. Neat, we've got a stronger fighter now. I just answered that ask that referenced Yang and Ren's fight and that's literally Yang's entire thought on the matter: "We have the Maiden." The Maiden is positioned as a useful tool in this war; a checkmark in the "Victories" column when your friend thinks you haven't achieved enough. But doesn't anyone care that the Maiden is Penny? It's particularly strange to me given the six years of fandom discussion surrounding Pyrrha's almost-time as a Maiden too. As someone (quite obviously lol) interested in Ozpin's character, his desire to make Pyrrha the next Fall Maiden is often viewed as one of his worst acts, supposedly taking this poor, defenseless student and manipulating her into accepting a power that will ruin her life. So much of this is conjecture and even more is an erasure of Pyrrha's agency, and the hypocrisy here is on full display when we look to the reaction to Penny's acceptance of the powers instead. No one is worried about how this power is supposedly going to ruin her life. Or drive all her friends away. Or make her a target to be murdered (again) which is precisely what happens. Or turn her into a tool for the evil men around her to abuse — even though Penny is the one who actually has storylines revolving around her agency, from Pietro building her to be Atlas' obedient weapon to Ironwood ordering her back to his side. Yet the characters don't react to this change with any of the horror we might have expected, because these views don't derive solely from fan headcanoning — we've got moments in the text too. Like Jaune convincing himself that Qrow and the others forced Pyrrha into this. Or the knee-jerk reaction to "real" magic and the horrible things it must do to you. Yet Penny walks out of that lab brimming with a foreign magic, something that Ironwood had always planned to pass onto one of this allies, a power that they know has gotten numerous people killed, and our group is just like, "Cool. Penny upgrade." Everything about Penny's Volume 7-8 journey demonstrates a lack of forethought; the authors' inability to connect what they're currently writing to what came before and what will come later. The lack of reaction to her death, the framing plotline going nowhere, a total acceptance of her as the Maiden despite complicated feelings in the past (and we can toss Yang's assumed secret about Raven in here too), the ableist and contradictory message of giving her a human body, dying again just an episode later, doing so in a way that throws Jaune back into the same situation we've seen before... none of it is emotionally fulfilling when set against the rest of RWBY.
And Emerald, as you say, is a crucial part of all that. Emerald is the one who originally orchestrated Penny's murder. We see her love for Cinder pushing her to attack Penny again just hours before she joins the group. Emerald pretends to be Penny in order to get close to Ironwood... and the only thing we get from all this is a quip about how "weird" it feels to do good. Their stories are woven together and the fact that RT doesn't seem to realize that does a huge disservice to them both. The question of, "How does Penny grow after being resurrected post-murder?" and the question of, "What will it take to redeem Emerald?" are irrevocably linked to one another... and yet neither character was given the chance to answer those questions in a fulfilling manner.
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dragynkeep · 4 years
Top 5 worst male characters and Top 5 worst female characters in RWBY, and brief reasons why?
This is the type of ask that’s gonna get me shit but I have known no hubris in my life so let’s go. These won’t be in the case of being intentionally bad, I’m doing more on personal taste and the quality of their writing. 
Worst Male Characters
1. Adam Taurus
Obviously, Adam is at the top of the list for me. His storyline was butchered from a story of racism and vigilantism to a story about domestic abuse, his brand was cheap shock value with very little substance, he stopped being threatening after the Fall of Beacon and instead became a whiny little bitch, and his voice acting is just bad.
He sounds like he’s gonna call me a slur on Xbox Live.
2. Jacques Schnee
Yeah, the abusive rich man who runs slave mines is bad, but that’s not the main reason he’s on this list. I could accept a character like that if the writers made him good, but they didn’t. Jacques wasn’t intimidating at all. He wasn’t smart at all. The man who conned his father in law and wife into giving him complete control of the most powerful company in Remnant is not the same man we get in the actual show.
He’s whiny, cowardly, and a useless villain who’s entire downfall was treated like a poorly made joke, and now only serves as comic relief in the Jailbirds scenes in V8. 
3. Hazel Rainart
Same issues with Jacques and Adam, but less egregious. Hazel was actually a pretty interesting villain in his earlier volumes, and even after his blunder at the Batlle of Haven, he went back to being kinda good in V6 with his protective behaviour towards Emerald. And then V8 came around and I grew to hate how stupid his reasons for joining Salem were, and the fact that he just beat the shit outta Oscar while whining about his dead sister.
Bro, Idgaf about someone I never met while you’re maiming a 15 year old boy because you wanna be mad at the guy in his head. 
4. Qrow Branwen
It’s the same case with Hazel. I actually liked Qrow up until V6, and even then I cared enough to try and see where his alcoholism arc went since it’s a serious issue that affects not only my family, but my people. I started to dislike him after he punched Oscar and kept being horrible to the boy, all without apologising in the end, but v7 and 8 made me really hate him. 
I don’t care for his edgy attitude, and I don’t care that he got his self-help book boyfriend murdered by a crackhead. Add onto CRWBY butchering a serious topic about alcoholism with him, and he’s just sank right down writing sense.
5. Ghira Belladonna
I never liked Ghira. I think the others are higher than him on this list just on the virtue that I liked them, or the idea of them, and the writing just pulled them down so much.
But I never had that problem with Ghira, so the disappointment doesn’t sting as bad. He’s just an unnecessary character that cheapens Blake since she’s now a princess, a useless father who somehow couldn’t get his own 12 year old daughter back even thought she didn’t even bother to change her own name, and then featured live on a tournament channel that the whole world saw. He was a useless leader, his ideology was stupid and almost got him and others killed, and he was so ungrateful towards Adam for saving his stupid furry ass that I completely sided with Sienna calling him the fuck out.
At least he’s not on my screen anymore, but I know that won’t last forever and I gotta look at his dumb face again.
Worst Female Characters
1. Cinder Fall
God, she is the worst villain and character in this show. She’s so flat, her stans are annoying as fuck, her voice leaves a lot to be desired, and the fact that there’s hardly anything to her for seven years makes it even worse now that we finally got a backstory for her, and it’s one we ALL GUESSED.
Who would’ve thought she’d be a Cinderella who killed her abusive family, I am shooketh. 
2. Blake Belladonna
Blake was my favourite girl in RWBY and I’m mad at CRWBY for what they’ve done to her.
It says a lot that a girl still affected by the abuse and trauma of fighting in a terrorist organisation has more personality and backbone than one who’s supposedly broken free of her traumatic past and moved forward. Blake now is spineless, flat, boring ass cardboard cutout of what she once was, who would rather let her human friends defend her from racists than call them out herself like she did to Weiss in Volume 1. 
She’s spoiled, priviledged, annoying, and Arryn has such a flat voice on top of being a gross ass person that I get annoyed every time she speaks. She’s no longer an oppressed minority fighting for the rights of her people, she’s a princess who would rather go to a club with people she didn’t even like than a rally against the man who caused so much suffering to her people. Even her talk with Nora about not letting yourself be taken over by who you’re with romantically is hypocritical, since that’s exactly what’s happened to her since she’s been paired up with Yang.
She couldn’t even have the spotlight of fighting her own VILLAIN, Yang was the one who broke Adam’s Aura and had the big triumphant moment of throwing his sword in the river while she was too busy fucking rock climbing. 
3. Yang Xiao Long
Yang was my second favourite girl in RWBY and I’m mad at CRWBY for what they’ve done to her.
Yang wasn’t super developed in the earlier volumes. Honestly, I didn’t think much until her talk with Blake about Raven in Burning The Candle, and her dismemberment leading her towards depression and PTSD. Come Volume 4, I was alright with the portrayal of her recovery. I don’t think they gave enough time between her trying on the arm and then being good enough to leave, but in the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t bad. 
What was bad was everything after. Yang became a hypocritical, moody bitch who would drag everyone for their bad decisions while ignoring her own. Her PTSD, something VERY personal to me, was ruined and up and vanished by V7 since she’s now killed the man who gave her the disorder so obviously it’s cured! She is always on Ozpin’s case for the birds shit, and then keeping secrets, but then goes and does the exact same thing while giving little resistance to others doing it because they’re family.
Even her argument with Ruby in V8 was tame as fuck. She blamed Ruby for things not going well while ignoring that it was her own dumbass decisions that contributed to it. Ruby didn’t tell Yang to go and spill the beans to Robyn, her stupid cat girlfriend did that, and Yang went along with it while being unrepentant later on when Ironwood was RIGHTFULLY pissed about it.
Add onto v8 then having her worry about how BLAKE thought about her, rather than RUBY, and I just hate her. This ain’t Yang, I want Yang back. 
4. Nora Valkyrie
Nora is just a flat character. Her voice is annoyingly high pitched and screechy, her jokes aren’t funny, and all the things I loved that she got in v4 was later dropped entirely. She had such good moments in V4 that actually made me appreciate her more, and then she just became another hypocrite in v7 who wanted to yell at Ironwood while refusing to look at her own flaws.
On top of her kissing Ren when he was clearly not in the mood to talk, and it made me hate her. It’s not a cute ship moment, it’s a creepy disrespect of someone’s personal space. If it was the other way around, no one would think it was cute.
5. Robyn Hill
Similar to Ghira’s reasons, I never liked Robyn, so she’s low down on the list compared to the others since at one point I loved the others (Minus Cinder but she’s just so bad that she’s #1).
Robyn isn’t a good freedom fighter. She runs in without thinking about things and then proceeds to deny any responsibility of her actions. She won’t accept that maybe her agreeing with the same serial killer that nearly killed her and Fiona, on top of succeeding in murdering some of her supporters and Forest, and starting a fight with Clover in an enclosed space wasn’t a good idea. 
Add onto the fact that she’s really just incompetent. She steals supplies from Ironwood to fix the wall and help Mantle, but after time we see that nothing has been done. 
Christina Vee is wasted on her honestly.
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