#not directed at anyone specifically
"god I hate people who draw falsettos marvin this way" "fuck people who draw whizzer like that'"
...guys, do you know what an art style is???? cuz', this seems pointed. I see what you mean. I completely agree.
But hear me out. Along with these posts, could we consider? Maybe? Some constructive criticism? People should draw them more accurate.
But how should they do it? Realism art? It's a foreign concept to me. I try and it absolutely fucking sucks and i'd love to be a part of this fandom showing that the characters are real people but
It's kind of
Very "do this. No other explanation. Change it."
Look, I really want to. And I am trying. But could we like, make a space for teaching people? Cuz I am stumped dude like fr. Need some guidance.
sincerely, a tired lesbian who is infinitely more tired of seeing this everywhere. thanks
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doodleduck · 3 months
I don’t like it when people depict cTubbo with just a little splotch of scar on his cheek and nothing else. HIS FACE WAS LITERALLY EXPLODED. Give him his scar tissue
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pxayopina-unilsiyu · 2 years
“where’s the avatar fandom, why is there so little fanfiction”
Because the first film is not written and made in a way that is conductive of a huge sprawling fandom a la Star Wars or TV series. Most fan content is born from the absence of content, absence of closure, and the like. People feel most inspired (from my experience) to create fan material when they feel like there are gaps in the story or worldbuilding to be filled in.
In contrast, the world within Avatar is decently fleshed out and you can see a lot of the worldbuilding within it. There’s Eywa, there’s the Na’vi, and amongst the Na’vi there are many different clans. There’s Pandora and all its cool features and the RDA and all its badness and technology. And the ending of the film is extremely final: the RDA is expelled for good, the Na’vi win, Jake gets to be a Na’vi and have a happy ending. That isn’t to say there can’t be sequels, but the first film is certainly not written to be the first part of a sprawling anthology. Especially apparent by them going back and adding in a new scene for the remaster that undoes a lot of the finality (Parker telling Jake that the RDA will, in fact, be back, therefore setting up a sequel). 
Does this mean Avatar can’t, shouldn’t, or doesn’t have fan material? No, just that general audiences are not usually left with the feeling of anticipation or follow-up that other franchises give. Most people who create Avatar fan works are uberfans who were entranced by the movie enough to look into the extended material, learn more about it, etc., but again, because the movie ends the way it does and presents its subject matter the way it does, most audiences leave the film feeling perfectly content. 
I don’t know where people got the absurd idea that having a huge, rabid fandom full of members devoting hours upon hours of their lives to fan creation is somehow indicative of quality or cultural impact. I feel like I have to remind people that that is not the norm. A very good portion of large films, TV series, etc. do not form significant fandoms. We never argue that The Godfather or Blade Runner or Fight Club are not good or impactful just because they have little fandom to their name. (And yes, I checked for Fight Club fanfiction on AO3: most of it on the first page is all “Genshin Impact/BNHA/Avengers/NCIS but in Fight Club” type stuff, which is less Fight Club fanfiction than it is just [inserted fandom] fanfiction.)
i, for one, am really glad Avatar doesn’t have a huge fanbase yet full of toxic elitist fuckasses and maybe you’re all just jealous
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Artists and writers not portraying your blorbo accurate to canon and instead you’re seeing all this fanon-inspired content? Is it warping your perspective of the character because you haven’t seen the source in a long time and the fanon version is more familiar? Are you upset about this?
Doesn’t matter. People in fandoms draw and write things for themselves and for fun. If it isn’t accurate to canon, that’s their right to do it how they do. We are all doing this for free and for ourselves. Anyone that sees it in passing, you’re the one that came into my house where I have decorated everything to my liking. You can be upset about it all you want, that’s not wrong to do because you can’t help how you feel.
But it’s one thing to be upset and another to make others feel bad for not doing things the way you want them to.
If you don’t like it, that’s not their problem to fix.
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just want people to know that when you call badge seller a man or use he/him pronouns for them I die a little on the inside that is all 😔😔
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blanq · 2 years
"dni if you think minors can id as Ace"
Me at 14 who identified as ace:
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mydoctor · 1 month
a ship where i see what people see but it is simply not very interesting to me personally it’s like
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thecanadianowl · 10 months
Heartbreaking: A tumblr mutual just reblogged a post from a blog you blocked.
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smoosnoom · 2 years
do u ever get a comment on a fic thats just so sweet that ur like Maybe slaving over 24k of fanfiction was worth it for user SprinkleTrashcan2012 to leave a three paragraph comment
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lady-zephyrine · 1 year
I'm not that great with hands, but at least I can say that I drew them.
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sure "romantic" isn't the only type of love but also "love" isn't the only type of positive feeling. So maybe stop insisting everyone needs love to be happy and accept that loveless ppl exist? Pretty please?
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proshipwanderer · 2 months
“why do i see proship stuff on social media ALL THE TIME 😡😡” idk probably because you keep interacting with proship accounts + their posts and algorithms feed you the stuff you interact with?? and you refuse to block people for some reason? just a thought
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ella-ashmore · 9 months
you guys know that m/f pairings arent inherently straight right. right guys you know that Right
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saintbleeding · 10 months
it’s a horror tragedy. people are mean and uncharitable and impatient with him and don’t give him the benefit of the doubt because he is the protagonist of a horror tragedy. u are supposed to think it is tragic. dare i say u are supposed to be horrified.
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ninicaise · 1 year
"why don't we see laurent's schemes in kings rising? why does he act so helpless, like a puppet?" idk maybe because laurent & damen are no longer friends for the entire first half of kings rising so laurent is back to being completely alone and after prince's gambit he has no idea what to do without damen beside him. maybe bc laurent is not actually the domino master of the series. the regent is. maybe bc laurent is (canonically) behind in the game and the only reason he ever had a chance of winning is literally bc not him nor his uncle can ever predict wtf damen is going to do next. this is textual btw i am not making shit up. just as the "captive prince" is both damen and laurent, the "prince's gambit" is both laurent's and damen's gambit.
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this open letter written by the panther 21 to the weathermen (later the weather underground) is one of the best-written pieces of political critique from this era of revolutionary organizing; regardless of how much you agree/disagree with their politics, it is a remarkable document for how specifically and clearly the 21 call out weather's issues and do so in the name of building a more effective revolutionary movement
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