#not gonna bother tagging everyone there's too many people!!!
royalarchivist · 2 years
Quackity in the Hispanic Youtube Rewind!
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dxxdhood · 2 months
drains me slowly
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pairing: wade wilson x gn!reader
summary: deadpool finally invites you, the coworker he has a massive crush on, over, which means the two of you end up doing more than just watching a movie.
tags: smut (18+), sub!wade wilson, dom!reader, pain kink, use of superpowers to fuel a pain kink, light masochism, teasing, gentle dom, hand job, scratching, body worship
wc: 3.3k
a/n: fic inspired by the new deadpool movie coming out!!! also, title is from love me dead by ludo.
No surprise that Wade wasn’t exactly anyone’s favorite– that goes for among the heroes he’s worked with and throughout his life in general. He’s – to put it in the kindest way anyone’s ever told him – fucking annoying. Oh, he’s more than aware that he’s a little too out-of-pocket, abrasive, impulsive– a nightmare to interact with, really. And those were just the recent comments made by the closest thing he has to coworkers! The shit he heard from people growing up was leagues worse. 
Look, having a rough start in life isn’t uncommon and he’s sure as hell not gonna get the tiny violin out for himself and throw his own little pity party, but he’s grown enough since his healing factor got beat out of him to acknowledge that he’s had it tough over the years.
He’s still going, though! Yeah, he may not always be the best at doing his laundry quick enough to get any clean clothes to wear, or at stopping his room from becoming cluttered with too many half-empty water bottles, but he’s still making it by, day by day.
But, well, it’s still really hard to constantly put himself out there, get assigned – or infinitely more likely, just shove himself into – whatever jobs or missions he feels like taking on when everyone treats him like Jar Jar Binks.
That was until you came along. So, obviously you’re crazy hot – he’s gotta get that out of the way first – but more than that, you were confident. Competent, too, and those rarely coincide in Wade’s experience. You mostly worked on call, joining the occasional mission, battle, or investigation because your mutant powers came in handy often, but you also still kept up with your day job. Honestly, Wade thinks the reason why you weren’t always present in fights was to stop the other mutants from being out of a job. Your ability to slowly deteriorate surrounding biological tissue, while horrifying and a pain in the ass to control – your words – was basically winning on easy mode.
But no, you were adamant about keeping your involvement with the X-Men infrequent– only joining when your presence was absolutely necessary. Apparently nonstop high stress situations aren't good for your mental health– who knew?
And he wants to pretend he became obsessed with you because of all those things, and of course they helped, but really, you had him at hello. Or well, you bothering to say hello and actually talk to him in the first place, to ask him questions about his life in moments of downtime where usually he’d be left with an unenthusiastic audience instead of a warm-hearted listener who actually laughed at his jokes.
So, of course, he has to go and fuck it up.
“So, glad that’s over, huh?” Wade says through a smile, the whites of his mask squeezing as his cheeks rise. “Speaking of over, you wanna come?”
“Over?” you shake your head a little, flashing your teeth as you try and comprehend him. “Right after we took on a whole crime ring?”
“Well, what a better time to unwind, am I right?”
“Oh?” you raise your eyebrows. “We’re unwinding?”
It’s small, but you swear Wade ups his talking speed, “Well, yeah, you know. Watch a movie, order in, show you my Pokemon cards, the works.”
You hum, pretending to consider it, “Depends, you got a holo Charizard?”
And now, for sure, he exhales his relief. “You insult me.”
The two of you enter his apartment not long after you’re dismissed from the mission, and Wade briefly excuses himself to change out of his suit. Making yourself at home, you take a seat on the couch and glance across his living room. His apartment is surprisingly nice. The kitchen and living room are one large, open space with a sleek, modern design. Also, you’d assume someone as chaotic as Wade would keep their house in a messier state, or hell, at least a little dusty, but the living room is spotless. Maybe he cleaned recently? What, was he planning on inviting someone over?
Snorting as you shake your head, a small click from across the hall catches your attention.
You’ve only seen Wade on the job, so naturally he’s always been wearing his red suit, but for some reason, you never stopped to picture him wearing civilian clothes. Actually, now that you’re seeing him in a sweatshirt and sweatpants – awfully warm for this weather – you’re struggling to reconcile the image of him you had in your head with the person right in front of you.
Well, at least until Wade brings up a fist to cover his mouth, illustrating his nervousness, and the tension fizzles out. Only Wade has body language that cartoonishly exaggerated.
“Nice sweats, green looks good on you.”
Wade pauses for a moment, registering your words before he giggles softly, arm falling to his side, “I’ve been thinking about changing the color of my suit. You know, hiding all the blood is great and all, but sometimes I gotta wonder – could this thing be more flattering?”
He walks over with a spring in his step before sitting by your side. Cutely, he wraps you up in the larger blanket first before settling the smaller, throw blanket over himself. You try your hardest not to show your confusion outwardly, but seeing Wade up close now has you questioning his outfit all the more.
He’s a bit tall, so the sweatpants don’t go all the way down to his ankles, but Wade’s wearing calf socks, as if he specifically were trying to avoid them being uncovered. Also, his hoodie’s easily a size or two larger, which makes it the perfect thing to wear to lounge around and watch a movie in, but also, the sleeves cover his entire hand sans his fingers. From the little you can see of them, they look puckered in scars.
But obviously Wade’s hands are scarred– he’s a mercenary. He’s handled all sorts of weapons and been in hundreds of fights over the years. You weren’t expecting his skin to be baby-smooth. 
What’s interesting to you is why he’d go through all the trouble to hide it.
Also, yeah, the most obvious pointers were that the hood of his sweatshirt is up even though you two are indoors in his own home and – how could you forget this one – his Deadpool mask is still on.
Was he just uncomfortable with sharing his identity in general or was he specifically trying to shove distance between the two of you? Whatever, if he doesn’t want to take his mask off with you, he doesn’t have to. You feel a distinct pang in your chest, but you try not to let it color how you respond to him. He’s more than in the right to only share what he feels most comfortable with.
Wade’s been fiddling with the remote while you’ve been – hopefully – subtly looking him over, and the screen finally changes from a streaming service page to the opening of the movie.
“We’re watching The Princess Bride? I didn’t take you for a romantic.”
He bats his eyes – at least, you think he does, given the mask– and speaks in a sweet voice “Why, me? Oh please, I know romance. I’m not going to invite a lovely, gorgeous, incredible person over and force them to watch Die Hard on the first–”
His back straightens out like he’s been electrocuted before he forcibly relaxes his posture to finish his thought.
Okay, you want to go easy on him, especially because he seems so tense, but you can’t just let that one slide. You close the small distance remaining between the two of you, causing your entire side to press against his. Even through his sweatshirt, you can feel how warm he is.
“Mmm, just a hang out?” you mumble, sliding your head onto his shoulder. You’ve done this before, either for comedic effect or just in an attempt to push his buttons the same way he always tries to push yours – which, despite his best efforts, always ends up endearing him to you instead of bothering you – but never in a context like this.
He inhales sharply, and you count the seconds until he finally lets himself release it. Sometimes, you think he takes his healing factor for granted.
Turning his head to peer down at you, Wade considers you for a moment, keeping his face and body language deceptively neutral. You try your hardest to keep your eyes focused on the movie and your body loose and comfortable.
“You want this to be a date?” he says, flat.
“Why, thank you for asking, dear sir,” you copy his sweet voice from earlier before returning to your normal. “Yes, Wade, I like you.”
“I–” he starts, but the words get caught on their way out. His fingers bury themselves in the material of his sweatpants, and the movement draws your attention to them again. Shades of blotchy red and pink curve all across his skin.
Wade doesn’t say anything, which is concerning enough on its own, but following your confession, you feel like he’s more than out of his element. 
“That’s why you invited me over, right?” you try and help him out. “You feel the same, too.”
And then, feeling bold, you turn your head to face his still mask-covered head and kiss him lightly on the cheek. Instantly, you see fireworks go off inside him, because Wade hurriedly shuts the TV off and runs off to close the blinds. There’s barely enough light in the room now to make out shapes, but apparently Wade doesn’t take any issue because he peels his mask back and kisses you on the lips.
His lips are textured, and your intuition flashes quietly in the back of your mind, but for right now, you focus on how energetic he is. If his body is warm, his mouth feels like it’s on fire. He’s constantly moving, trying to experience all of you as fast as possible. 
It’s making your face heat up, how quickly he demands your complete attention and how relentless he is in grabbing it. Wade bites your bottom lip, causing you to gasp into him, and he uses the opportunity to explore across your own teeth and tongue. After a few more seconds, you break away, needing the space to breathe.
“Holy shit,” you whisper, voice rough.
“You’re telling me,” Wade coughs out. “We could’ve been doing that this whole time?”
“Well, all you had to do was ask.”
And although you can’t see him, which you know is the point, you understand something in him has shifted. He gets up from the couch, takes you by the hand, and leads you towards his room. His pace is so quick, you barely comprehend his actions until you’re both standing right in front of his bed.
“Is this okay?” he asks, quiet. You don’t think you’ve ever heard him stifle the amount of words he let loose before.
“Yes, of course it is. But Wade, we have to turn on at least a lamp or something in here.”
“We do?”
“Yeah,” you pause to give him a second to think. “I can’t see you at all like this.”
“What if – and you're just going to have to trust me on this one – you’d prefer it this way,” Wade’s voice is light, but it feels like it’s cracking at the edges.
“And why’s that?”
Not like you’d be able to see, but the anxiety radiating off of him makes him sound wide-eyed, “Huh? Oh, I– uh…”
“Look, if you’re worried about how I’m going to react to you having a bunch of scars– don’t. I don’t mind,” the sound of fabric rustling in front of you makes you think he just flinched. “I figured it out. You’re not sneaky.”
“You say that, but…”
“Wade, I don’t care. And I mean that kindly! Really, it doesn’t bother me.”
Wade starts pacing in front of you, nearly tripping on the leg of the bedpost, “Look, I appreciate the whole hero act you got going on here – really fits you good, you should totally quit your day job – but you don’t have to force yourself, I–”
“Wade, you either confront your insecurities head on or I’m not doing this with you. I told you what I think, the only person who’s going to worry about how you look here is you. We either have sex with a light on or not at all, okay?”
No one speaks for a few seconds once you finish saying your piece, and you cringe, realizing how forceful you must have come off. You’re about to speak up again to apologize when you hear a shudder-filled exhale from a few feet away.
“Jesus H. Christ,” he groans. “You’re so hot when you're putting people in their place.”
Your lips curl into a shaky smile, “Yeah, what else do you think is hot?”
And you can practically hear the gears turning in his head from here.
It’s actually happening. No fucking way he didn’t dream this up. But you were pretty adamant about him getting his head in the game in order for you guys to actually get down and dirty, so for you, he tries to keep his train of thought as focused as possible–  a big ask.
“Bossing anyone – everyone, especially me – around. You using your abilities–” you reach over and find Wade’s hand before running your fingers up his arm. “Shit, umm, using your abilities in general, but, umm, I really like when I’m there.”
“Oh?” you giggle. “When you get to watch, or?”
“When I get to feel.”
Your hand moves over to the nape of his neck, reaching under his hood and mask, to rub at his rough skin. Wade’s nerves light on fire as he waits for you to respond– for some reason, it never feels like your words come out fast enough.
“You got a thing for pain, Wilson?”
He chuckles, “You’d be surprised.”
“Okay, but are you sure? I can try, but it might not be all that good for you.”
“Don’t worry,” he thinks back to all those times he had a hard on while the two of you were fighting together. “It’ll be great for me.”
You hum, “Alright, then, but you tell me to stop the second you don’t like something, okay?”
“Aye, aye, captain,” he salutes, though you probably can’t see it. “And, same goes for you.”
“What a gentleman, letting me destroy him and giving me an out.”
He’s blushing something furious and he’s never been more grateful for the dark, “Anything for you.”
Those are the last words he whispers before he begins undressing. He knows you probably meant for him to strip with the light on, but he’s really not so sure he could stomach being looked at like a bug under a microscope. The attention, while electrifying, was already starting to get to him, so he lets himself stay in his comfort zone a little longer. As a treat. 
Once his sweats are off, he hesitantly peels off his mask before slipping into bed, keeping most of his body under the covers. After shutting his eyes, he clicks the lamplight on.
You’re not saying anything. That’s– a sign? A good one, a bad one, Wade doesn’t know. He’s trying so hard to keep his breathing steady, but he can feel his body start shaking all on its own.
You join him on the bed, kneeling next to him, before your warm breath falls across his cheeks as you kiss his forehead. Only then does he open his eyes, and you reward him by cupping his cheek in your hand.
“There,” you say. “Wasn’t so hard, was it?”
Wade gets the strong urge to snort, and so he does, but your eyes narrow. There’s a soft scratching at the back of his skull as you snake your hand over, and quickly you dig your nails in slightly. Wade has to bite his tongue to keep the noise in.
“I’m sorry, is that funny to you?”
“No!” he whispers sharply as you bring your hand down to scratch along the line of his neck.
“Good, seems like you’re learning.”
You kiss him, teeth clacking together at first before Wade melts into it. Your hand is still slowly exploring his body, running along the line of his shoulder and towards his upper arm. When you reach his bicep, you very obviously squeeze the muscle there, and you let out a pleased sigh as you begin groping in earnest.
He wants to turn to hide his face in the pillow, not sure how to react to all the positive attention and appreciation, but you catch him trying to turn away, and you kiss him deeper.
While one hand begins to explore his pecs and abs, your other hand scratches down his v-line, softly caressing the skin of his inner thighs before moving around to squeeze his ass.
Wade rewards you with a small whine, and you carefully trail a finger down his dick. You move in to whisper in his ear, “You’re so hot, I’m not forgiving you for hiding for so long.”
Trying to stifle the embarrassing moan that he knows will come out, he bites down on his lip hard, but you take the hand not teasing his cock to gently pry his lip away.
“From now on, I get to hear you, okay?” you say and Wade nods rapidly.
You take the moment you wrap your hand around the base of his cock, and after giving him a second to ready himself, you ask, “I’m going to use it now. Tell me if you want to stop.”
“Okay–” he responds before he feels the sweet sensation of you jerking him off coupled with your power. It’s a humming, dull feeling of pain resting in the background– almost like the sensation of being choked except it’s affecting his entire body. Wade feels like there’s a weight pinning down each of his limbs and it’s so freeing– so relaxing.
He sighs and turns his head to the side, letting out a deep moan when you up the pace of your hand and bring the other to fondle his balls.
“How is it?” you ask, sweat dripping down your brow at trying to control your ability. Sure, it’s  powerful and at times pretty horrifying, but Wade always loved how he was essentially immune. At the same rate you could destroy the flesh around you, he could heal his own right back. Just knowing that made him feel good, somehow, like he was made perfectly for you.
“It’s good– so good, I–” he nearly shouts, forgetting about the neighbors.
“Yeah, baby? What do you need?”
At hearing the pet name, he straight up whines as he tries to bury his hands in the sheets instead of his own thighs. 
“Not sure, umm, a little more–”
And he doesn’t know which god he has to thank for putting you on this planet, but he’s willing to pay them all a visit. You read him like he’s not some mess, some walking disaster nobody bothers paying attention to, and you give him what you know he needs.
From the base of his chin, you drag your hand in a deep scratch across his neck, chest, and stomach, your eyes watching the pink lines blend in with his scarred skin. It’s a flashing pain, sharp like being scalded and it feels so good mixed with the blunt feel of being under your power.
“I’m gonna–” he says, and of course, you seem to already know. He cums with a deep grunt, rutting his hips into your fist before he thrusts his head forward to kiss you again.
As soon as he comes down, he pulls away only slightly, just so he can say what he’s been wanting to say since he met you.
You cut him off with another kiss, because sometimes, he really does need to shut up. 
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st4rd0lly · 7 months
ohh for the valentines thing maybe pm dazai (like in dark era) + virginity loss?
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cw : virginity loss , corruption kink , slight possessiveness + obsessiveness , gn reader , dom dazai , sub reader , biting , dacryphilia , he’s kind of pathetic in this , lovesick dazai ftw , not safe sex (please if you’re gonna fuck irl do it safe and do it right darlings, wrap that thang), MDNI
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Dazai shouldn’t be seeing you.
He shouldn’t be seeing anyone for a matter of fact, this he knew this well. Everyone around him knew it too. The cold and brutal executive who had a penchant for toying around with people. You knew this too, in fact you knew it too well.
So why were you in this position now?
Pleasure wasn’t something Dazai actively sought after, at least not for himself. Sex was more of means to gain information, and he knew a lot of it. Outside of it being one of many tactics for the mafia, he wasn’t particularly interested in having such an intimate time. And yet he feels like his skin is on fire when he sees any inch of you, eyes focusing in on any part of skin showing. 
He tried to convince himself that this was just stupid lust, it’ll go away soon. You were just another mission partner, a fellow executive who tags along with him and Chuuya occasionally. You weren’t anything special to him, no not at all. You definitely weren’t the person he goes to when he had no one else to bother, and no, you definitely weren’t the person he gets reminded of the most. 
That would be pathetic of him. And it’s not like he enjoys being so casually touchy with you. He totally doesn’t reach to pull and hold your arm to walk around with you when he starts an argument with Chuuya, huffing and telling you to just follow his lead instead of that stupid ginger. And he definitely doesn’t like it when he rests his head on your shoulder or vice versa when you two are alone. Or when he tells his bar friends about you. No, that’s just some stupid cringey romance thing. He tells himself he’s too good for that stuff. 
So again, why were you in this position now?
His hands eagerly cup your face, his lips chasing yours each time you try to pull away for air. He wanted you to feel the way he does, how suffocating his love is for you. How each time he tried to pull away to breathe, you always pulled him right back in. But he realizes that unfortunately, he is a human who needs to breathe too, so he stopped momentarily for the both of you to catch your breaths. He wanted to dare not open his eyes but he was caught up in how they looked at him.
You didn’t look at him in pure disgust, or just pure lust. You looked at him with a hunger, a desire, an unfamiliar love that he was afraid of. But when it came to you, he was reduced to nothing but a lovesick yearner. And maybe he was ready to chase. 
‘I want you.’ were the words he wish he could’ve said out loud to you, you deserved to hear them. But like an angel, it was like you heard the prayer repeating in his mind. 
“I want you.” You whispered, your own hand reaching his cheek, the side where his eye was covered. He had to stop himself right then and there from melting and nuzzling into your touch. 
“Have me then.” He replied quietly, wanting to come off as confident but his words sounded vulnerable to you.
“You would be my first.” You chuckled a little, smiling at him. Then his head got dizzy at the fact. Did he care whether you were a virgin or not? Not really, because either way, he was determined to make you feel like it was your first time on a high. But there was that burned so deliciously in his chest knowing that he would be the first to touch you. And he was sure to be the last too. Just like he was yours, you were his. 
“First and only.” He grinned.
“We’ll see.”
And now that’s how you got into the position you were in now. 
“Aren’t you taking me so good hm?” He cooed into your ear, cock buried deep inside you with each thrust of his hips. He felt you squirm, watching your chest heave and pretty tears fall from your eyes from the pleasure. Oh there was nothing more than he adored than seeing you under him, falling apart so beautifully. And there was nothing more he loved hearing than your cute sounds, all the moans and whines and whimpers. Your adorable little pleas for him to stop being so mean.
You were just so his.
“You’re just too cute… filthy too huh? Letting me fuck you like this.” He laughed a little, as if he wasn’t drunk off of you entirely. He kissed your tears and moved his hips more harshly, letting you wrap your arms around his neck to keep him close. He was so close, he was so fucking close. He can’t even remember how many times the both of you came, he knew he should’ve been more gentle but god, you were like wine he wanted to indulge himself in every night.
He let out muffled groans into your neck, covered with love bites and marks from his relentless attacks and teases earlier. 
“D-Dazai…” You whimpered, your voice slightly hoarse from how much you were raising it earlier. It was the only thing you knew how to say at this point besides please and yes.
“G-God, fuck.. say that I’m yours.. You already know you’re mine. Please say that I’m yours..” He moaned, biting down on your neck. ‘Just a little more..’ He thought, but he didn’t even realize the words coming out like you did. But that’s all you’ve been wanting to say, you were just waiting for the right moment.
“You’re mine Dazai, fuck me like it.” You let out a small gasp before you yelped and felt him slam harder into you. You cling onto him tightly, one hand gripping his hair while the other scratched at the bandages wrapping his back. 
“C-Cumming..!” You both whined, before reaching your orgasms at the same time. His body collapsed onto you with him still inside, his cock twitching as he fills you up. You both pant, holding onto each other tightly, exhausted.
“So…” Dazai says after a couple moments of silence, wincing a little before pulling out. “First and only yeah?”
“First and only.”
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dividers : @/cafekitsune
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unforth · 19 days
Alright not to like liveblog my breakdown on main but yesterday was a really bad day after a really bad, like, 4 months, and I've hit a bit of a breaking point and one of the only things in my life that can give is running @mdzsartreblogs , @tgcfartreblogs , @svsssartreblogs , @erhaartreblogs , @tykartreblogs , and @cnovelartreblogs , so that is what has to give. It's been a 99-out-of-100 days thankless job. A small number of people do say thank you and yall I appreciate you so much (HUGE shout-out to the artist I met at Flamecon who gifted me a zine when I said I ran these blogs, @bonesblubs you rock) but I have never done an act of fandom labor simultaneously this labor intensive yet this invisible before and, uh. It sucks. I spend an hour or more a day on this every day, if it's under 2k hours since I started the first of these in September 2020 I'd be shocked. And I do it because I love it but doing it means I don't have time or energy to do other things I love. And I really don't want to just quit, but I can't keep this up.
In a last-ditch effort to try not to just give up, I'm making the following changes:
1. Only watching one tag per fandom for the MXTX fandoms. I am going to check *only* #tgcf, #svsss, and #mdzs. Artwork posted to any other tag, I will not see unless a mutual reblogs it.
2. Reduced tagging (even more). I'm only going to tag characters and maybe overarching au type (eg, "modern au," "fantasy au"). I'll no longer tag creatures. I will continue to tag the same common trigger warnings I already tag.
3. If a work's appearance doesn't make it obvious what it is AND the tags aren't clear, I'm not going to reblog. I can't keep spending 5 minutes or more trying to figure out what I'm even looking at, scared that if I guess wrong the artist will get mad at me for mistagging their work. If I do reblog, I'll tag only the artist name and/or whatever else I can identify for sure.
4. I am no longer going to follow #link click. The fandom is just too big. I've started dreading checking it. If I was more into it and less busy I would make another spin off just for it but neither of those is true. (The art is so good, I hate to do this, but. If you love link click, highly recommend the main tag, lots of great stuff there.)
5. I will no longer tag any non-cnovel content in the art/post. Like, if someone draws, idek, Xie Lian and Marinette from Ladybug, I'm not gonna put any tags for Marinette, just for Xie Lian.
6. Basically if I run into something hard to tag or confusing or unclear, my new policy is I'm not gonna fricken bother.
I think those are everything but idefk, I cried for 3 hours last night and got 4 hours of sleep so I'm mostly fueled by exhaustion and desperation right now and my memory is even more fried than usual.
How artists can help. This is obviously all optional. You do you. But since some people might want to know what would make my life easier, I'm sharing. I'm not claiming I feel entitled to dictate how people fandom or anything like that.
1. Put the tags for the character(s) and ship(s) early in the tag list.
2. If you make art for a fandom that isn't one of the big ones (right now the only big danmei fandoms on tumblr as far as I can tell are the MXTX fandoms and maybe 2ha) I am begging you to use my tracked tag #cnovelartreblogs
3. Do mdzs art? Tag #mdzs. Do tgcf art? Tag #tgcf. Do svsss art? Tag #svsss.
4. Not only artists, but everyone, *please* stop tagging fandoms not discussed and/or depicted in your post. It's gotten to be stupid common for people to blanket the danmei fandom tags with posts only about one fandon (like, svsss-only works also being tagged mdzs and tgcf and 2ha for some damn reason). This isn't about just my sideblogs tbh this is just fandom etiquette that seems to have been forgotten or never learned by many. Tagging unrelated fandoms isn't "reach," it's annoying. People go into the #mdzs tag to see mdzs, not whatever not-mdzs stuff people have decided to tag for ~reach~, and seeing the same post in 8 tags, none of which it's related to, is so damn irritating, and makes scrolling the tags looking for content that IS relevant take that much longer. Knock it off.
Okay. I think that's as much as I'm prepared to meltdown where everyone can see. Thanks in advance everyone for your understanding, and apologies to everyone about to see this 8 times as I reblog it to each sideblog.
At least I'm not tagging it to everywhere. 🤣🤣🤣
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
could you write the cullen's being jealous??
The Cullens being Jealous
Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you enjoy this!
Also I mentioned it in my last post but I know not everybody would have seen it because I didn't put as many tags, so I'll say it again.
My requests are open!!!!! Please request, I'm bored :(
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I feel like he would get jealous pretty easy
Like he can hear everybody's thoughts
He already knows if someone starts expressing interest in you before they can even do anything
But the most he would do in that scenario is maybe keep you a little farther away from that person
You know like moving your seat in class so you're closer to him and farther from them
Walking different ways to class to avoid them
Stuff like that
He wouldn't say anything to you or to them
Now if they act on it?
Completely different story
No matter your gender, physical appearance, race, literally anything, the second you guys start dating everyone knows it
So for someone to know that you guys are dating and still try something?
He is seeing red
It doesn't matter what the other person did
A flirty note, asking you on a date, literally touching your fingers while they hand you something
All of it's the same to Edward
If it wasn't your fault or you weren't reciprocal, it's very likely that you wouldn't even know anything happened
To you, Edward just stepped away for a moment at lunch
But in reality he cornered the poor, stupid person and not-so-nicely told them to never even look at you again or they were gonna be dead
But if he sees something that you did as meaning that you were into it?
The same thing happens to the other person
And he sits down to have a talk with you
Maybe he only heard about what happened and didn't get to read your mind as it was happening
Or maybe he can't read your mind for some reason
Just explain to him that he's the only one for you
And let him read your mind if he can to let him know that you mean it
Overall he's very protective and pretty prone to jealousy
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I don't really see her as the jealous type
She has that mentality of "they come home with me every night so it doesn't matter what other people do"
Like she's got you already
And she doesn't ever see you cheating
So she's not worried
The only time that she would get jealous is if you show a liking to human nature
AKA anything that she can't give you
If you mention something about someone's hand being so warm or mention having a sleepover with someone she gets a bit jealous
The sad type
It just reminds her that she can't be everything for you
If you're a human it's even worse
She knows that she's cold
She knows she can't sleep
She knows that she'll never be able to enjoy your favorite foods with you
It just hurts to be reminded of it
But she's also not the type to stew in it
She will tell you straight-up if something is bothering her
She won't ask you to never make comments like that ever again
Obviously that's not really something that can be controlled
But she just wants you to know why she's a little more down than usual today
"Oh nothing, I was just reminded that I'm not human"
Please give her so many kisses and tell you that you love her no matter what
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I can already tell I'm gonna get carried away
Jasper in my mind 🤝 angst
He gets so jealous
But again it's the sad kind
He's not perfect
He's not human
And he's not good for you
The fact that you agreed to date him at all is still a wonder to him
So he's very sensitive to seeing you with other people at all
He knows that you have friends obviously and that you can't be with him 24/7
But when he sees you and your lab partner laughing and making jokes, when he sees one of your oldest friends leaning way too close, when he finds a note shoved in between your papers, it gets to be too much
It just reminds him of how many better options there are for you
He wouldn't say anything to the person making moves on you
He knows that it would definitely end up in a police report and the Cullens needing to move again
But I feel like he would take some time to talk to you
He would take a while to psych himself up though
Maybe a few practice convos with Alice
And a threat from Rosalie that she is going to take matters into her own hands if he doesn't say anything
He would be very open about what's bothering him
He doesn't like keeping secrets from you
So he would tell you about how he felt seeing the way someone acted with you
The type of emotions they were feeling
And how it was bothering him
He would accept all of your explanations that the person was just a friend, or that you don't feel that way
But I feel like what he would really need is some intense reassurance that you do want to be dating him
And that you love him
Aww so sweet
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Yeah she doesn't get jealous
She's a bad bitch
She's hot
And she knows that you love her
It doesn't matter if some nobody from your highschool starts hitting on you
Because there's no way they have a chance with you
And she knows that
Because guaranteed you are a bad bitch too
The only time that really any reaction would come from her is if somebody physically hits on you and makes you uncomfortable
And it's not jealousy it is full protective rage
Like how dare someone touch her SO and think they can get away with it
A note or two, maybe some longing glances she can get past
But harassing for a date, pressuring you for your number, or even making physical advancements that you are not okay with?
Yeah suddenly they wake up the next day with a broken arm
And she goes full exposé
If they sent you any nudes they are getting leaked to the school
She doesn't play around like that
Fuck around and find out
But she will never be jealous of some losers trying to take what's not theirs
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He's also not really one to get jealous
In fact he kinda likes the opportunities
Like if some guy is hitting on you he LOVES being able to sneak up and go
"Babe is this guy bothering you?"
And then the dude just turns around and sees this 6 foot something 300 pounds of pure muscle dude standing there
He loves it
He does get a bit annoyed though
Like if there's one person that keeps sending you notes, asking you on dates, trying to sit next to you in class, he gets frustrated
He offers to beat them up
To get them to leave you alone of course not because it's annoying him
Even if you say not to he's still gonna do it
He's like a 50's gangster waiting in an alleyway for the person to show up
He doesn't physically beat them up
If the person persists after his "stern talk" their ass gets jumped
And he will always deny it if you ask him
Oh well :)
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I feel like she might be a bit insecure about being one of the "normal" ones
She doesn't have any special powers
And she didn't have any particularly strong characteristics that manifested themselves when she turned
In her mind she's just a little "blah"
So I feel like she would get jealous easy
But it wouldn't have an opportunity to present itself as much
She wouldn't get jealous over most humans
And since she spends most of her time in the house, she doesn't even get to see you out and about interacting with people all that often
So I feel like the moments in which her jealousy makes itself known would be when other vampires are in the area
Especially if they're vegetarians
And ESPECIALLY if they're gifted
It was her actual waking nightmare when all of the vampires were collected to protect Renesmee
(Not that she really had time to be worrying about that but yk)
The only other time I could see her getting jealous would be if you two were out and about together and someone started hitting on you
And even then she would only tell you about it after the person left
"I can't believe they were flirting with you while I am literally right here" "...are you jealous?" "...no..."
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This is a man who is secure in his relationship
He trusts you completely because he knows that you trust him completely
SO many people flirt with him at the clinic (I don't blame them I would too tbh) (actually no I wouldn't I'm too scared to do that)
He knows that people find him attractive
And he knows that people find you attractive because how could they not
But he has full faith in you
And he is very transparent
He tells you all of his stories from the day when he comes home from work
"This woman came in today with a broken foot, like completely turned around, bone showing and everything. And she still looked at me and asked for my number! And then she passed out..."
He thinks it's funny
Because he would never, not in a million years, even CONSIDER cheating
The only thing would be if you're describing an interaction you had and you don't sound completely put-off by it or if he finds that you kept a note someone gave you that was very clearly flirtatious
He, once again, does not let it stew, though
He directly asks about it
Prying into the details of how you feel about this person and why you talked the way you did/kept the note they gave
I can't imagine anyone cheating on him tho so just tell him the truth that you didn't mean it that way or just forgot to throw the note away
He still fully trusts you tho
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Vampire! Bella:
She sort of has the same problem as Esme
In her mind she still thinks of herself as the boring, plain-looking girl who just blended in
She doesn't consider herself to be anything special
So when she sees you talking to someone else, maybe laughing a bit too hard at someone's joke, or even hanging out with someone, she gets super jealous
I am sad to say though that she does immediately jump to conclusions
She gets sad for a bit but then immediately she flies into accusations
Asking you what you were doing with that person, if you want to break up with her, if she's not good enough, if you already cheated on her
It gets a bit exhausting after a while
I feel like this would be a genuine problem
Once she met Edward, she basically left all of her friends
So she has a little bit of a skewed idea of what a relationship is supposed to be like
I mean you can't entirely blame her
Her only other experience with a relationship was complete obsession
So she thinks your relationship should be the same
You just need to tell her that
That most normal people in relationships do actually have friends
She'll get it at some point... maybe
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rainba · 4 months
Behind the Building ღ
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A/N: Hi :3 Wrote this so that I could practice writing Ace some more... Getting his personality down and stuff. ( ´ ꒳ ` ) Very self-indulgent...
CW/tags: face fucking, semi-public sex, GN reader, smoking…?, Ace being Ace
Kind of porn without plot.....? A little bit of plot.
18+, NSFW, MDNI.
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The summer air outside was terribly hot and humid– almost to the point of being unbearable.
But within the venue, everything was just right. Gathered inside the building was a crowd roaring with energy, dancing and jumping to the sound of the fast-paced beat, tapping their feet and bouncing with the rhythm. 
And up on stage was nobody other than Ace, the one who carried the entire band on his shoulders.
Sweat trickled down his skin as he passionately screamed the lyrics of his newest songs, his pale hands working an electric guitar as he looked out into the crowd. Everyone standing before him… Or at least most of them… They were all his fans. Fans of his work, fans of his personality, fans of everything he had to offer. It was addicting.
Being accepted by so many people was addicting.
His guitar pick moved faster still as he continued playing his metal tunes, grinning even wider as the crowd cheered louder. The energy surging through the room was palpable. But alas, as with everything, it all had to come to an end. The hours and minutes passed in the blink of an eye, everyone was coming down from their highs, and the show came to a positive end.
Tonight was yet another success.
“Hell yeah, that ruled!” Ace gave his singular other bandmate a high-five as they exited the stage, their hearts pounding within their chests as they went to pack their things. The way everybody screamed their names was so exciting, intoxicating, thrilling– but… There was something bothering Ace.
As he went backstage and returned his guitar to its case, he couldn’t stop thinking about one person in particular: you.
During the entire show, he had been subconsciously looking for you. Were you hidden in the back? Were you listening to him while hanging out at the bar? Were you hidden behind some random, inconveniently placed pole?
Did… Did you even show up?
These thoughts plaguing Ace’s mind were overwhelming– and far too negative for his liking. He needed to step outside for a second.
“Yo, I’ll be back soon! I’m gonna go out for a smoke.” Ace waved at his fellow band member, to which they smiled and waved back. When he stepped outside, Ace noticed that there was a large crowd forming near the entrance. There were whispers among them– as well as laughter.
“Dude– somebody knocked over the porta potty! Someone was still in there!”
“Whaaaat- no way dude! That’s hilarious!”
“Woah… That’s sick and twisted.”
…Intriguing. But Ace didn’t have time to come take a look– he needed to smoke and get the stress out of his system.
Sneaking out back, Ace pulled out a white lighter and leaned against the dark brick wall of the building, sighing while running one hand through his soft hair. He tried his best to ignore the heat.
Ace knew smoking was bad– but he couldn’t help himself. It was one of his only bad habits… And everyone should be allowed to have at least one bad thing that they do, right? Right…?
With yet another sigh, Ace lit the cigarette and put it to his lips, closing his eyes for a second.
And in that short second, someone snuck up on him and scared the life out of him.
“Ace! What did I tell you about smoking!?”
Ace yelped as you ran up to him and took the stick from his mouth, gripping it between your fingers. At first, he was shocked and angry, but those feelings quickly faded as his eyes met yours.
“Woah– y-you came! You actually showed up!!”
Ace grinned and laughed as he nearly tackled you over, his arms wrapping around your body while he forced you into a tight embrace. The cigarette was quickly forgotten.
“Uhh… Of course I showed up. Why would I miss one of your shows?” You gently pushed him away as you stepped back, the humidity in the air making any and all physical contact uncomfortable. But Ace only stepped closer.
“I… I dunno! I just…” Sheepishly, he scratched the back of his head.
“W-well, anyways. Did you like it?! Did you have fun?” His eyes looked to you for approval, putting his fragile heart in your hands as he asked for your opinion. You nodded.
“Of course I had fun– I always love your shows!”
Your words of praise– that’s all he needed. Honestly, that’s all he ever needs. Once again, his arms spread out wide as he pulled you into another warm hug.
“Awesome!! I can’t wait for you to come to my next one too!”
Without realizing it, he had you pinned against the wall, trapping you between himself and the building. There was nobody else around- they were all too distracted by the incident out front.
Nobody would be able to hear you two.
“And the one after that– and the one after that!” He was giggling so innocently, so sweetly. “How’d you like that one song I performed? Y’know– my most popular one–” Ace’s hands grabbed yours. “The one I made for you.”
Ace continued to push you for more and more compliments; he was addicted to hearing them, after all. Constantly seeking your approval. It was cute.
Perhaps Ace truly was a little innocent and oblivious, or perhaps he was just purposefully ignoring it, but… He was incredibly hard. And his bulge was pushing directly into you. 
How easy it would be to mess with him…
“I loved all of your songs,” you spoke softly. Ace opened his mouth to reply, but you quickly cut him off.
“Actually. Can you sing one more time for me tonight?”
Slightly, he tilted his head to the side. “Huh? You want me to sing again–?” Ace looked confused as you switched positions with him. Instead of you being pressed against the wall, it was him leaning against it. He still didn’t catch on to what was happening… Not until you started getting on your knees.
His face turned a dark shade of red.
“W-woah– woah– What are… What are you doing?”
Ace’s breathing grew heavier as you started to unzip his baggy pants, your half-lidded eyes staring hungrily at his bulge. He couldn’t stop the way his hands reached up to cover his mouth.
“You performed so well tonight! And you tried to smoke again– so… Clearly you need something to take the edge off. How about I help you?”
Slowly, teasingly, you stuck your tongue out and licked his length from over his boxers, and he whined loudly. “Ah–ahh–! Wait, wait… Hold on, slow down!” His hips bucked and twitched against your lips as you teased his cock. “W-what if… What if someone walks back here and catches us?! Shouldn’t… Shouldn’t we, um, go somewhere private?”
Despite saying that, he looked as if he didn’t want to move at all. In fact, his hands moved over to the back of your head, pushing your face closer to his crotch. He was so hot; so sweaty and needy. His body ached to be touched even more.
Instead of answering him, you grabbed the hem of his boxers and pushed them down, his length springing free from its restraints. Precum was already leaking from the tip.
Ace needed to be sucked off so badly.
With a small wink, you began to tease the head with your tongue, licking it while your hands reached out and massaged the base of his length. Ace nearly stumbled and fell backwards as he used the wall for support.
“O-oh— Oh… Oh fuck…”
A shakey whimper escaped his throat as you went to work on him. God, he was now happier than ever that you showed up to his performance. All those sleepless nights of writing songs for you and practicing them was entirely worth it. You looked so perfect as you gave his body some much-needed love and attention.
“Tastes so good…” You murmured as you put more of him inside your mouth. “Want more.” 
Ace’s length was almost too big– but you were willing to take it. Just for him.
And Ace was so happy that you could. He couldn’t help but roll his hips and gently thrust into your mouth.
“Fuck, f-fuck, fuck…”
Ace could barely form a coherent sentence as his body began to melt under your touch. Your mouth was so damn tight; so warm and hot and wet. He bit down on his bottom lip as he tried his hardest to let you have control. But…
But it was too much.
“I– I’m s-sorry– So sorry–!” 
Roughly, Ace shifted your all’s positions. Instead of him being pressed against the wall, it was you– but with one his hands, he made sure that your head wouldn’t hit the bricks.
“Please, please… Suck it more, please…” He begged and whined as his pace slowly began to pick up, your saliva dripping down his skin as he pushed himself all the way in and out of your mouth. Over and over again.
His body trembled as his pace randomly switched between fast and slow– rough, then sensual. The entire time he fucked your mouth, he stared down at you with pure adoration and love in his eyes.
“I love you,” he sang as his thick cock abused the back of your throat. Whenever you choked and gagged, he’d slow down, only to immediately pick up his pace again.
“I’ll… I’ll write my next song about you, too! And the next one… And the next… Hahh…”
Ace’s fingers dug into your hair as he grew even rougher, your mouth nearly becoming a fleshlight to him. He couldn’t think straight; you were so fucking sexy, and your mouth felt so good.
You moaned sweetly as he fucked your face even faster, vibrating against his sensitive dick. The more you did it, the closer to the edge he became.
“F-fuck, more! More… Please!” His voice cracked.
“Whatever you do… Don’t… Don’t stop.”
Ace pushed his cock impossibly deep into your throat, your nose pressed firmly up against his glistening body. Tears pooled in the corners of his eyes as the heat of his orgasm was catching up to him. He spread his legs further apart as he sandwiched you between his hips and the wall, one of his hands still providing cushion for your skull.
“P-please, let me cum, and… And I’ll… M-make it up to you later. I promise!”
At this point, he truly was singing– his moans were so sweet and loud. He didn’t care if the two of you got caught anymore. Besides… If someone were to see, then that would just mean everyone knows you belong to him. Right?
Ace pulled out for a split second before thrusting slower, wanting to enjoy your love and attention for just a little bit longer. With his one free hand, he reached down and lovingly stroked your cheek, smiling widely.
“You’re so, so amazing.”
And with a few more powerful jerks of his hips, he felt himself coming undone inside your throat, lovingly crying out your name all the while. His cock twitched as thick, hot ropes entered your mouth– but Ace didn’t expect you to swallow.
However, when he looked down and watched you do so, his heart stopped in his chest.
You truly were… Perfect.
Ace was quick to pull you up to your feet, catching you off guard as he passionately kissed your lips.
“I– I love you!” He proclaimed loudly. “I… I promise…” He kissed your lips again.
“I promise I’ll return the favor!”
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batsyforyou · 2 months
Random Pet Peeves: Feanorians Edition
Tags: Pet peeves (things that annoy people)
Pairings: None
Author's Note: I have Eonwe coming up as well as the pokémon one. Just thought to post this while I was at it.
Taglist: @asianbutnotjapanese
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Fidgeting. He hates it, between the noise it can bring and the constant movement it drives him insane and causes him to lose focus. Like when you're on your last nerve and someone keeps making McDonald straw music insane. Like just stop already! 
Jokes about his height and comments about his missing hand. The 'How's the weather up there?’ jokes and the constant questions about his hand from those less informed drives him crazy. I mean honestly, how many times can you hear the same thing before it gets old? Now imagine being an elf with centuries of experience with these things. 
Open mouth chewing. Most of the time Celegorm doesn’t care about anything anyone does but when it comes to eating and everyone is at the dinner table it's gross and noisy and he is sometimes convinced that their saliva food spatter somehow got in his food. Which he will promptly make a scene for and refuse to eat. 
Even worse is when he is feeling overwhelmed and stressed and chewing noises begin to drive him nuts like, oh my word, I’ve been there.  
Mud and dirt tracked all over the floor. Especially if Celegorm is the one who couldn’t be bothered to take his shoes off before coming inside. 
When someone touches his stuff. Most of the time he can handle it with grace and be completely chill with finding his harp being moved into a different room. Because while it is annoying it isn’t world ending. So he’ll just roll his eyes, sigh and politely remind the culprit *coughs* Celegorm *Cough cough* to not move his things around. 
But if you really want to get his goat do what parents (and some absent minded friends) do best. 
When he goes to show you a journal with his music notes and ideas, flip into the area he didn’t show you. Like when you show someone a photo and they start SCROLLING THROUGH EVERYTHING. 
That will get him raging mad lol. 
Amrod and Amras
They both hate it when they get called by the other's name. And I don’t mean like when a stranger, like a servant, just makes a mistake (they are very understanding about this) I mean when they’ve known this person for literal years and they still can’t tell them apart. 
They also can’t stand it when family members confuse their hobbies with the other twins. While it isn’t big it doesn’t really feel good and can really upset them on days they aren’t doing well mentally. 
When someone refers to his family as the monsters under the bed and uses them as scary ghost stories. Yeah, his family did kinda do it to themselves but that doesn’t mean it isn’t annoying. Especially when they get the details wrong like, “No, Maedhros didn’t have dark hair. His hair was red and curly.” Like if you're gonna try and scare people using real life people at least get the basics right. 
It also sucks because people will also turn him into a story character as well. Coming up with different assumptions and making weird rumors about him eating worms or something. It can be really bothersome and isolating. 
Besides all that he still loves his family and remembers them more as people with troubled pasts rather than monsters that hide under beds.
His Uncles and Atar are way too big to hide under beds anyway. 
When someone questions his work and decisions. Not just once out of curiosity but over and over again. It grates on his sanity. 
When someone talks about her children and husband leaving and doing all those horrible things. Like honestly can’t they have some class and not shove it in her face? Or even when someone asks her how she didn’t see Feanor’s behavior change or why she didn’t try to stop him sooner or the classic, “What did you ever see in that elf?” 
She loves her family very much and hates when people act all snotty about things.
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skriblee-ksk · 4 months
“I checked the drinks… Princes’ outfits are up to code… Grimmy’s with Ryoko right now… I didn’t forget anything, did I?”
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“Okay. Ready as I’ll ever be…! Let’s make this ball a success!”
Set to Home Screen: Are you ready? I’ll wait for you, if you need me to.
Home Transition:
1: Woah… The chandeliers are so bright and sparkly… 12 arms from the bottom bowl, which are four more than the one in the Mirror Chamber, but the top… Ah, sorry!
2: Deuce called me Lady Kiyuu earlier, which really made me happy. I would have worn a pretty dress, but these clothes are a lot warmer and comfier. I think I managed to make myself look feminine either way!
3: Kalim’s really enjoying talking to the attendees. He seems to be getting friendly with everyone, including people from RSA! Must be because he’s familiar with hosting parties.
4: So many attractive people are here… I wonder if I’d be bothering them if I said I wanted to take a picture of them…?
Home, after Login: This ball is really fun! If I lean back on this wall and squint, it just looks like a blur of blue, white, and gold. I think it’s nice that there’s a time these schools can merge like this.
Tap Home:
1: I’m excited to vote for the Belle of the Ball! Huh? Oh, no, I never had any intent to participate. I just enjoy seeing pretty people.
2: Ah, what? Oh, I’m just reviewing my notepad to make sure I’m not forgetting any etiquette. I’m doing perfectly well, so far! I reviewed it before I entered too, but just in case, you know?
3: Oh, no, wait, Grim’s gonna devour the entire table of finger foods at this rate. I’ll be right back!
4: I know I’m supposed to be helping the princes out, but I’m not sure if I’m doing a proper job here… Hm? You think I’m doing pretty well? Mm… Hehe, thanks!
5: It’s a little bit harder than usual to catch the attention of the attendees here since there’s so many people… Well, I guess I just have to find better ways to make my presence known!
Glimmering Soirée is a twst fan event hosted by: @starry-night-rose!!
Groovy Lines: Unlocked
Notes and stuff under cut!!
Groovy art coming soon!! maybe. hopefully. i have the sketch done so hopefully i can finish lol. I slightly tried imitating the twst shading style, but idk.
I searched up men’s victorian era clothing and ended w making this design. few obvious design changes in the end (color) result, mostly the gloves.
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Here’s the pic without the SR thing! And the sneak peak for the groovy (which i rlly tryharded on so maybe i should’ve listed it as an ssr but whatevs i’ll leave that to my friend + ryoko because ryoko deserves that ssr title)
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And tag list for my friend who rlly wanted to be tagged in Kiyuu stuff (if you wanted be added, just tell me!!): @kathxrat-01
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
I think part of the problem is the actor creating headcanon and if it were just that I would ignore it but no, he already said that we should leave Buddie aside and apparently what he says everyone should follow, he said this after 7x04 and I thought it was very wrong, he's just a guest, he doesn't have to say anything, everyone does that about the headcanons and it's fun, but as soon as someone tries to force that headcanon on you, the fun is lost. We're not making it up, we're not haters, but the show showed that Tommy abandoned Buck, made a joke, manipulated him a little to come out of the closet, it's not an invention, it's canon, it happened, it's more important than an actor's headcanon. I'm honestly muting everything on this subject because it's exhausting, it's horrible to hear that you're homophobic, it's horrible to doubt yourself, I'm a part of the community just because an actor decided to make up a story and say what people should do and create an army of people who bully virtually, No wonder Oliver doesn't participate in anything, it's a lack of respect for the fans who have been here for years and for his co-workers.
Sorry for my little rant but yeah
No, seriously, people are taking what Lou is saying too seriously. And the dude said T is someone for Buck to work out the kinks when it comes to liking men to get ready for Eddie too. Completely unprompted. Like? Of course the guy is gonna go nuts with the way people are reacting to bt, if bt is popular he might get to stay in the role longer, that means exposure, money, and the way he's doing the cameos, the guy is literally getting paid to feed into this madness, he's gonna say anything, but that doesn't mean it's what the show planned for him. The writers could wake up and decide to do anything with any character and to expect me to take what an actor is saying as canon is absolutely insane. T is a plot device. That's a fact. And I gotta be honest, dude is kinda mean to Buck and I don't see the effort people keep saying he's putting? He flew Eddie to Vegas for ringside seats for a sold out fight but he couldn't be bothered to put on a colorful shirt to pretend he was on the 80s theme for Buck. That's an actual thing that happened in canon. Like? Hello? Are we watching the same relationship unfold? Like, seriously, ship what you ship, write what you want, fanfic away, but people seriously need to stop trying to force people to accept this stuff as canon. Because the only thing that actually counts is what's happening on the show. And honestly, I have so many tags filtered but I am still getting the madness, and there's also the shit people send to me directly. It's hard to get away because the fandom went crazy.
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flowerakatsuka · 14 days
as of the 8th, kuroba is officially a whole year old! 🍀
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i originally made them as a way to take a break from my previous hyperfixation on pokemon, but then immediately got pulled back in by the 2nd scarvio dlc dropping. i was into osmt back when it first when it first came out and had actually made an oc for it back then, but i didn't really feel connected to them anymore so kuroba was born! all i can say is that i'm really glad i decided to revisit them ( and osomatsu-san as a whole ) again once my interest in the dlc started to wane.
when i first started focusing on kuroba and kurokara more, i never expected the immense kindness and support everyone has shown me these past few months. i feel like i struggle to properly express how thankful i am for that, but i really am! every single sweet tag on my posts, curious ask sent my way, or beautiful piece of art has truly meant the world to me. it's been so fun getting to interact with new people and become mutuals with so many cool, wonderful people, as well as make some amazing new friends!
though i can be a little reserved and have a low social battery most of the time, i've really love getting to know all of you and share my silly goofy guys with everyone. so truly, from the bottom of my heart, i want to say thank you so much for making blog a little reprieve from my daily life. i really, really appreciate it!! 🤗💕✨
as a little bonus, i'll share my first osmt oc from 2017 AND the first draft i made of kuroba!
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yume... i can't remember if i named her that on purpose or not. she was also created to ship with karamatsu, i've always had to bother that man. i had a short-lived rp blog for her, but i sadly never got to do much with her. kara having more solid lore for his high school days now was one of the reasons why i ended up scrapping her, but i would love to revisit her at some point. ( i've thought about her being one of kuroba's middle school friends from back in yokohama... )
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aaaand here's kuroba's original design, they were originally gonna work at a konbini! i ended up reworking their design and concept more once i realized they ended up looking way too much like me lol. i'm pretty sure i decided to make kuro own a flower shop when i saw kara from the 2nd hesokuri wars' work set.
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starstruckmoony · 2 years
new year's day.
pairing - james potter x reader
summary - the aftermath of a party at your flat with james.
trope/tags - lots and lots of fluff
word count - 1.6k
warnings - none
after parties such as the ones organised to celebrate the new year, no one expects to get woken up at seven in the morning by abba blaring from the gramophone. but weirdly enough, those things do happen. and more often than not, james potter is the one behind them.
the onset of loud music pulled you out of your rather pleasant dream that you had no intentions of ending so soon, and you slipped off the couch and onto the floor with a resounding thump. displeased groans came from the rest of your friends who were scattered around the living room - in armchairs, on the floor, at the window sill, you name it.
"merlin, what the–" sirius peeked his head from the behind the couch, and then disappeared again. then came a grunt from who you assumed was remus. those two must have fallen asleep on the floor.
"jamie, it's too early for this." lily sat up in the armchair, rubbing her tired eyes and covering her mouth as she yawned.
"has anyone seen my shoes?" mary peeked her head from behind the bathroom door. she had woken up a bit earlier than the rest of you. james shrugged, you shook your head no.
"your shoes? where's my sock?" peter replied in distress while he searched around for his lost sock.
"is that glitter?" you stared at the shiny mess on the floor in scepticism, and james hummed in response. you weren't bothered enough to ask who brought it, you knew.
it was an interesting sight to see... to an extent. everyone looked a mess, some more than others. and your flat was in a state that was no better than your friends. glitter and polaroids on the floor, empty cups and ale bottles, cigarette ash on the table, sirius' shirt thrown across a chair, and oh, mary's shoes under the couch.
it was one of those classic the party was great (but everything hurts and i think i'm gonna throw up on your carpet so i should better get going) situations. so, one by one, your friends left. you didn't mind, of course, you would have probably done the same if you were to attend one of their parties, but the nice thought of having somebody stay to help you clean up was occupying your mind. it seemed a bit too good to become true, which is why you were shocked to find that james was, somehow, still there.
"thought i could help you clean this mess up." he shrugged with a sly smile, and you simply could not hide your own. that was only one of the many reasons why you fell for james, and his strange thoughtfullness and heartwarming care for others, despite his cocky personality that often made people want to catapult him straight into the black lake. one would think lily would have stayed, but you assumed james had something to do with that. and especially after that cheek kiss he gave you after the clock struck midnight. it wasn't a proper new year's kiss by any means, but it was there, and it was significant enough to make you dwell on it.
"magic or no magic?" you shook your head no. no magic.
"right then, where do we start?" he began pacing around, his eyebrows becoming increasingly furrowed as more and more bottles and glitter unveiled from different parts of your living room.
"uh..." you trailed off. you did not want to start, that was the problem. but someone had to do it, and you were unfortunate enough to have it be you, "let's collect the bottles first." you said thoughtfully, and made a quick run to the kitchen in search of a plastic bag. you dug a few up from the drawers, and then handed james one when you returned.
with him helping you, getting it done was much was much easier and quicker, and you swiftly moved onto wiping the tables and picking up the polaroids scattered all over the floor. you snorted as you took a better look at one of them, the memories from last night flooding your mind. it was a rather interesting picture of a sleepy james on your couch, with you and sirius on either side of him, making ridiculous faces while most likely not sober.
then it was time to mop up the glitter, which was much more nightmare inducing than you had anticipated. it just would not go away, no matter how many times you brushed your broom over it. james noticed your struggles, and got rid of it with a simple flick of his wand. you shot him with a faux angry glare, just to have him shrug with a cocky smile.
you spent about two hours clearing out the living room, and were left with two full trash bags in the end. lowering down the amount of your usual alcohol supply suddenly started seeming like an option.
the only thing you had left was doing the hilariously large pile of dishes in your sink, and you'd be lying if you said you didn't think of just casting a spell and letting the dirty plates clean themselves.
"bloody hell, how much cake did we have last night?" james questioned, not really expecting to get an answer, slightly flabbergasted at the amount of dishes you and your friends managed to dirty.
"i stopped counting when i lost my second plate after going for a third slice." you scratched the back of your neck awkwardly. james wordlessly rolled up his sleeves and turned the tap on, watching as you did the same with yours.
a comfortable silence filled the kitchen, the only source of noise being the water running. you thought about flicking some of the bubbles into his face multiple times, but always stopped yourself in fear of ruining the calming atmosphere you managed to create. but it was simply irrestible. somewhere near the end, when most of the dishes were already washed, you decided to act on your distracting thoughts, and splashed water into his face.
"oi!" james' countless hours of quidditch training sometimes came in handy with things other than the said sport. the man was able to think faster than most people you knew, so he immediately flicked some of the soap bubbles from his hand towards you. you mirrored his actions, and then he did it again. it didn't take long for it to turn into a playful fight between the two of you. in mere seconds, bubbles were flying around in the air, your sweaters became soaked, but you were too lost in your little game to let it stop you.
you dodged getting water thrown in your face rather successfully, and bolted out of the kitchen when james reached for you. laughter rang through the entire flat as he chased you around, jumping over armchairs and almost tripping over your tiny sofa. but he caught up with you eventually. his arms locked around your waist, and he swiftly turned you so that you were facing each other.
you laughed in surprise, feeling your face beginning to flush as you realised that he had no intent of taking his hands off of you anytime soon. if that's how he wanted to play, then fine, you could do it too. you locked your arms behind his neck, biting back a giggle when a light shade of pink covered his cheeks.
james was never too secretive about his feelings for you, his ridiculously large ego and amount confidence simply would not let him do that, but you hadn't ever given it much thought. until now. his eyes trailed over to your lips, and you followed the way to his with your own. he then looked back up at you, as if he was asking for permission to kiss you with that shy glance.
you considered teasing him a little at first, but then gave into your desires, kissing him before he was able to process what was happening. you often imagined what it would be like to kiss james potter, never, ever thinking that it would actually happen. and it was doing things to you.
he responded to it without hesitation, slightly tightening his grip you. he kissed you with so much care, like it was his way of showing you that he has been wanting to do it for quite a while now. and it was pretty easy to tell, judging by the way you could feel him smile against your lips. you pulled him closer, if it was even possible at that point, causing a little grunt to erupt from him. the noise drew giggles from both of you, but you had no plans of pulling away from him just yet.
it was when you were forced to pull apart for air that you stopped, laughing as if these were your first times kissing somebody.
"you could've easily done that hours ago." you teased, rolling your eyes playfully.
"oh merlin, i know," he shook his head, but didn't seem too disappointed with himself. you squinted your eyes at him curiously, "but i think i like it better this way." he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, smiling foolishy at you.
and yeah, it kind of was better that way. he may not have had the courage to actually kiss you when the clock struck midnight, but he remained determined to do it, one way or another. and then, well, he did, and sharing those little moments with him in the past hours of the morning most definitely seemed better than any new year's kiss anyone could have ever given you.
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hello-eeveev · 2 months
Yeah, I see people saying Essek's comment was flirting, but I'm like, 'Essek's demi, and him and Dorian barely talked'
I didn’t personally see the heartbreaker comment as particularly flirtatious, or at least not a serious flirtation. I don’t think Essek has a crush on Dorian or Dorian’s going to get absorbed into Caleb and Essek’s relationship or anything. It seems like Essek was just saying, “hey you’re handsome and charming.” I am demi/gray-romantic and extremely asexual, and there are people I think are handsome and beautiful and charming without any real attraction attached to that (see: the entire critical role cast).
but yeah I mean, fandom’s gonna fandom whaddya gonna do. I don’t think everyone—or even most people—are being necessarily dismissive of Essek’s demisexuality by doing eyebrow wiggles at the prospect of dorian/essek (/caleb), but I also get the feeling of frustration because tbh I’ve had similar frustrations with a number of essek/shadowgast fan stuff since I got here.
But really, if it bothers you, don’t engage. I have so many terms and tags blocked because I know I can get sensitive about things, especially about ace topics, especially as they pertain to essek and shadowgast. I do my best to avoid stuff that upsets me, and I recommend you do that too. Much easier said than done, but better than not trying at all.
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satoruzlove · 2 years
hello again! first and foremost, thank you for doing my request 100000x more than what i imagined 🙇🏻‍♀️🫶 AND HERE I AM AGAIN lol i can't help but to imagine many scenarios with Haikyuu boys (courtesy of TikTok)
can i possibly request a scenario of atsumu (and whoever haikyuu boy you could imagine that certainly loves socializing) based on the tiktok trend where the boys are having a night out and they give their s/o food/money/or just something that makes their girl happy just to get their permission & telling them not to call/text/bother/find him for the whole night.
for better reference; https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8jbW2rg/
- 🫧
my beloved bubble anon, FORGIVE ME FOR TAKING A GAJILLION YEARS WITH THIS. i was trying so hard to imagine writing it the right way around but i couldn’t stop myself from doing it the other way around!!!😭😭 i hope you don’t mind .
[ atsumu miya , rintarou suna ]
- one [1] ass slap in tsumu’s,touchiness, atsumu healing my daddy issues one ‘sweetheart’ at a time, rintaro almost strips, ALMOST. very soft angst , rin with an attitude lol-
a. miya !
tonight is your little reunion between your highschool friendgroup. fun, right?
well, when you get there it will be but before you do wont. the reason for this is that your man child boyfriend has a habit of following you everywhere- it was actually the only reason he wanted to know everyone you spend time with. so he can always tag along and be with you 24/7, 365. you love him for it and it’s very endearing how he craves your presence but you couldn’t help but want a little alone time with some people that you’ve made memories with.
your group has been planning this about a month in advance, which gave you a month to decide how you wanted to go about keeping tsumu away. you thought about asking his friends to take him out, sending him to run errands but they all made you feel like you were committing a crime and trying to make sure atsumu stays in the dark about it.
discouraged, you had sat down to wallow in your own stupidity and opened your phone. scrolling through tiktok, you had found a solution to all your problems. a little video , no longer than 20 seconds, was gonna secure your fun night out with friends. said video showed a guy giving his girlfriend food in exchange for her not to call, text, email or even think about him. you reckoned that it would work on your blond lover too.
now you practically skip down the stairs barely able to see your feet because of the sheer amount of food in your hands. you even asked samu to make atsumu’s favorite rice balls and picked them up on your way back from work- safely hiding them in your bag. atsumu finally comes into sight when you reach the kitchen. he’s leaned up against the counter, hair messy and his honey eyes focused on the screen of his phone. he only looks up when you nearly trip- and his eyes widen.
“babe, what the hell-?” he tries, but you simply saunter over to the counter and look him dead in his eyes. first, you put everything down infront of you. “i’m going out with my high school friends and- before you ask i still love you- but i wanna go alone,so” atsumu’s eyes shoot up at the uncharacteristic seriousness in your voice, but he allows you to continue. you put down a bag of mcdonald’s, his favorite order with an extra large fry just how he likes, “ do not text me,” you take a bag of kfc , mainly wings that are extra hot because you know he loves to wash it down with coke,” do not call me,” as you put things down, you can see atsumu’s eyebrows drop and a pout grow on his pretty pink lips. finally you present the rice balls that samu made, and a coke, “ don’t email me, or smoke signal me, or anything. okay?” you finally finish, look up at him hopefully.
his lip is jutted out as he glances down at the items you used to bribe him and back to yours. you nearly start tapping your foot impatiently. atsumu leans down so for once, you two are eye to eye level. “ are ya sure you still love me?” he asks you softly. you think for a moment that he’s kidding, but the pause and loud swallow you hear give him away.immediately, you realise that you’ve screwed up. before you can answer, your boyfriend speaks again. “if you didn’t want me to come you could’a asked me to just.. stay here. i would have. ya didn’t have to go and spend all that time bribing me like i’m a mafia boss or somethin’” atsumu sighs, obviously disheartened and now walking away from you. you go to hold his bicep to stop him, but he easily moves out the way without making it look obvious.
you’re feeling really bad now, the dull look in his eyes eating into your tummy. “ i do still love you, tsum, don’t be dumb. i just,” you paused when he looks at you with a raised brow. he looks like he really couldn’t care less about your excuses right now. “i actually don’t have an excuse, i’m just being dumb,” your voice was small, timid from hoping that your boyfriend isn’t too upset. the last thing on your mind is the buzzing phone in your pocket but it’s the first in atsumu’s.
he turns again, getting a glass of water. “ answer it, go. have fun. just text me if you get drunk off your ass and i’ll come get ya, if ya aren’t sleeping at one of your friends’ places.” atsumu instructed you. you bite your lip in thought.quietly , you go up behind him. he pretends to not notice your presence, the warmth of your skin hovering over his clothed back. his eyes stay trained on his very important glass of water. your arms wrap around him gently at first but when you feel no protest, you get comfortable. he tuts, tongue clicking against the roof of his mouth. “ you’re gonna be late, yn. go.” and you nearly cry at him using your first name- but you soon realise that if he did what you had done, you’d be doing a lot worse than calling him a first name.
you inhale. deep, calming, hopeful. “ i’m not going,” you mumbled into his covered flesh. he fights a smile, affection creeping onto his skin. “ why? you seemed pretty interested in it a minute ago? i reckon you should go have fun with your little friends. god knows why ya wanna be here, with me, who you wanted to avoid all night.” as he talks, his tone is more playful , more pouty. you rub a thumb over his tummy, speaking into his back and causing vibrations that seem to warm his soul. “because i realise that i like you more than them and i screwed up,” you say. he nods curtly, eyes shiny with unshed tears that are now going away. “ good. i’m glad you know that.” he says.
your newly free arms are folded as you do your classic awkward smile- waiting for his verdict. “go change. we’re watching mulan.” atsumu tells you. before you walk away, you go closer to him.
“i’m sorry,” you say, tenderly putting a hand on his shoulder. “ i should’ve just asked you like a normal person. i wont do that again, promise.” you know you’re in the clear, his eyes soft and his own hands running up from your hips to your cheeks to hold them. he plants a kiss on your lips, affectionately holding your face until your cheeks squish slightly. “it was funny , kinda,” he mumbles. you huff air out your nose, shaking your head. “barely. i almost made you cry,” you reply. he shrugs. “‘s okay, sweetheart. i forgive ya. i wont crucify my baby just ‘cause ya don’t know how to communicate.” and you laugh at that. he releases your gorgeous face, placing a little slap on your ass. “ go on, get comfy. you got a whooole night of apology cuddles ta give me, lover.”
r. suna !
suna rintaro is apathetic, painfully apathetic.
everyone knows. it’s his resting bitch face, the monotone voice and hooded eyes that make people think that he doesn’t care. for others, it’s true, he doesn’t. when it comes to a news anchor or someone interviewing him he wouldn’t give them any time of his day if he wasn’t forced. he isnt the type to talk without purpose- and until you that purpose was only to tease people, communicate, or pass a sarcastic comment every once and a while.
but to you? suna rintaro was not himself , or what people have ideally plastered together of him in their heads. suna rintaro became rinnie, or rin. the rin who would hold your hands in his when it was cold or rub his cheek against you for fun, rin that kissed your nose and kissed your shoulders after you showered. rin who would lip sync any song he heard in the car to you.
rintarou became a completely different person around you; his walls of steel melting to a puddle and letting you pass. his heart became only for you. something that also changed was how tolerant he became to being around someone, that someone being you. he found himself wanting to be around you always, opting to come with you everywhere and always touching you in some way. no matter how much you writhed or attempted to sway his clinginess it never seemed to ebb away.
that is how you were put into this situation. standing across from him as he lain on your bed- all his favorite food, a new hoodie , and a $100 bill on top of it. he stared at you in absolute disbelief. “ .. so the reason i got you this is because i wanna go to the spa, and no. you cannot come.” you explain to him, tone firm but your heart nearly falling into your ass when he sat up with a bored look on his face. “ are you like,” he starts, picking up the gifts like they were toxic waste- only with two fingers, “ bribing me right now?” he asked. you pondered for a moment, “ basically. i am , yeah.” you reply. he looks up at you, green irises boring into yours as he tries to telepathically say that you’re kidding.
he sighs when he realises that you arent. he gets up, his t shirt draping down his large figure as he collects all the stuff and places it in your arms. “ don’t want it, and let me go shower,” he mumbles, walking past you. you drop the items back onto your shared bed, following him like a lost puppy. the sound of water wafts to your ears as you reach the bathroom, rin now shirtless in front of you. you look at him, confused.
“ showering.. for?” you ponder out loud. he blows air from his nose, pulling his sweat pants down and adjusting the water. your boyfriend, only in boxers, turns to you. “ so we can go to the spa, you silly thing.” he teases , hand coming up to pinch your cheek lovingly. you scoff. “ i just said that you can’t come, rintaro.” and he hisses in faux pain.“full first name? ouch.” your boyfriend jests. before he can hop into the shower, his hands hook around his boxers and-
“rintaro.” you call him sternly and he laughs wholeheartedly. running a hand through his brown hair he’s now inches away from you. “you did say that i can’t come, but you’re wrong. i’m literally getting ready to right now,” he says casually. you poke at his built chest, eyes flitting up beautifully to meet his own. “rintaro i said no, just stay here, you don’t even like the spa,” you were whining now, and his heart squeezed ever so slightly at your childish tone.
“true, i don’ like the spa, but i like you.” he smiles , hands rubbing your shoulders. he places a kiss on your nose, directing you towards the bathroom door. “so, before i get naked infront of you and we both end up staying here, go away.” and before you could protest - he was gone.
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glitcheslikeslego · 3 months
Show Me Your Moves! (Chapter 25)
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Chapter 25 : Sleep Powder
Sleep Powder is a non-damaging Grass-Type move that has a chance to send the opponent to sleep.
“Maybe it’s good I don’t have a phone…” You mutter to yourself as you look at the crowd of passed out customers, surrounded by spilled drinks. “It’s like the Grimace Shake all over again.”
You cautiously walked over the people, trying not to kick any of them by accident. 
“Sleep Bug! Download from the nap store today!”
“That’s gonna get obnoxious really fast…” You grumble as you finally make it to the other side of the cae to hang up your apron. You put your name tag away in the pocket before leaving the cafe entirely.
You kind of remembered the route from your workplace to MK’s and after taking a few turns in which you hoped was the right direction, you smile upon seeing the outside of Pigsy’s noodles. You also spotted MK outside, and your smile faded to a concerned cringe as you looked at him.
He was wearing a fuzzy green robe and had incredibly messy hair. He was pushing a shopping cart covered in coloured lights, and Pigsy was asleep inside the cart. You could hear him muttering, but couldn’t make out what he was saying. The closer you walked, you could make out him speaking in a tone similar to Pigsy’s before falling to his knees and dramatically sobbing.
“Uhh, MK? Are you good?” You speak up with trepidation, and MK he turned to you, eyes bloodshot and had bags under them that would make Gucci jealous. 
“You’re okay!” Mk exclaimed happily and he hugged you tight, making you grunt in surprise and slight pain.
“MK, too tight!” You said, patting his shoulder.
He stepped back from the hug with a sheepish grin. “Sorry, I’m just so glad that I’m not the only one awake anymore! It’s been so quiet.”
You pat his head as his eye slightly twitches. “That sucks. Listen, everyone’s asleep, the entire city.”
MK gasped. “Wait, really?”
“Sleep Bug! Download it from the nap store today!”
You sighed in agitation. “And I think I have an idea as to why.”
MK blinked, looked down at his own phone, before looking back at you and throwing it to the ground, smashing it to pieces.
You shrieked. “MK! What was that for!?”
“If that’s the case, then I know exactly what we need to do! Let’s go!” MK grabs your wrist, but you make a fist with your hand and bonk him on the head, making him pause.
“Before you go into the ‘hero stuff’, maybe get changed first?”
As MK ran to get dressed upstairs, you successfully stop Pigsy’s cart from rolling off and put it in a safe place, hoping that this would prevent him from getting seriously injured later in this episode.
MK had gotten changed in record speed and hadn’t even bothered with letting you get in a word before he transformed his staff into a super awesome hoverbike and pulled you on before flying off to–.
“To the Cloud!” He cheered as the wind whipped in your ears. 
The flight to the Cloud was quick, and ended with you and MK miraculously landing in front of the doors to the Cloud, completely unharmed from the crash. The bike seemed to also survive for a second before crumbling into many mechanical parts and transforming back into the staff.
Your heart was beating in your chest as you stared up at the imposing door, the paintings of the two guardians felt like they were staring into your soul. This was your first adventure with only MK, something you from Season 1 would have never thought of doing.
“No guards, hmm… something is definitely up.” MK declared as he leaned on the door.
“MK, wait–!” You reached out for him, but you were too late to stop him from falling through the door and into the Cloud. You ran in after him and bent down. “MK, are you alright?”
MK was face first on the floor, groaning. You went to help him up, but he was surprisingly heavy for someone his size. Thankfully, he recovered quickly and helped himself up. 
“This is the worst day of my life…” He groaned, but his disgruntlement was replaced with awe as he looked at the interior of the Cloud. “Woah…”
You stood next to him with a similar look, the Cloud had rows upon rows of books, all filled with knowledge that any person would love to consume. It was much more grand than the show could show.
“Wow…” You whispered as you two began walking down the biggest, middle aisle to find where the bug was.
"Where are you little bug? We're gonna find you!" MK yelled as he ran from one place to the next, leaving a mess behind.
"MK! Wait up!"
He faltered for a second, letting you catch up to him. The bug was on top of a holographic circuit looking thing, looking like it was charging.
"Found you, bug! Thanks for making it easy for me." MK pulled his staff out of his ear. "Time to bring my friends back."
"Well, well, well."
MK's staff flew out of his hands, and you jumped, turning to face the person speaking to you... more like the spider that was speaking to you. You glared at the demon and Mk stayed still, looking at him in surprise. 
"The one and only Monkie Kid." He put the cube he was holding onto into his pocket, and his goggles disappeared. "You two should be asleep."
MK gasped, and his staff fell end first on his head. "Another person! Wait, one of Spider Queen's goons."
"What do you mean we should be asleep?" You ask, deciding to stand in front of MK if he wasn’t going to be doing anything.
"Uh, because of my sleep bug game that sent the entire city to sleep?" The spider scoffed with a raised brow.
"That was on purpose?" Mk responded in shock.
The spider smirked at my response. "Exactly. Now, did I need to put the entire city to sleep just to incapacitate the Guardians here? Perhaps not, but in for a penny in for a pound either way. You don't have the mental dexterity to debug my game. You're just a motherboard with a decent GPU and no Central Processing Unit."
The techy spider boasted, and MK just smiled dumbly. "Uh... GP wha...?"
You just stood there, his techie jargon going in one ear and out the other.
The spider's smirk formed into a frown. "A Graphics Processing Unit, it means you look good and are well animated, but you don't have any brains."
"Look, I don't know what you're talking about, but are we gonna fight or what?" 
"No, I'm a big fan of outsourcing." With an outstretched hand, the spider used a green hologram keypad to control the Cloud, making everything glow red.
You and MK looked around worriedly. "While I'd love to hang around and chat, I have other things to attend to, and you're about to be eviscerated by the ancient Guardians of Knowledge, so I guess we're both pretty busy. Okay bye!"
He disappeared into the shadows above, and MK called out for him. "Get back here!"
The lights then turned on properly, and me and MK both turned to face the Guardians of Knowledge, who were two hulking figures that were several feet taller than both of you.
"Only those marked in the great ledger of knowledge and time shall be deemed worthy to enter this Temple of Wisdom and live." The two guardians spoke at the same time and raised their weapons.
Quickly, MK grabbed you and used his staff to escape, only to be stopped by the blue one, who was simply holding out his hand. He managed to flip out of his grasp and land before the entrance. 
"You are not on the ledger, you are not worthy."
"But can I add my name to the ledger?" MK asked, their weapons stopped just before they hit my attack and MK took that as his cue to continue. "Uh, like, can I sign up, is that a thing?"
"Of course!" The red guardian responded, the two smiling happily at you two. 
"Knowledge is for everyone." The blue one added on. 
Together, the two picked us up and took us to an office with a giant desk with a fancy looking computer. You sat next to him boredly as he filled out his name. He sat filling out his name for five whole minutes before his ID could get printed out.
"That's a real mouthful." The green one said.
"Yeah, no wonder I go by MK, right?" 
The printer took a while, but MK finally got his ID, and you were back on your way to stop the bug.There was a lot of running and being transported through portals, but you eventually made it to the circuit the bug was in.
“Lemme try.” You said, rolling up your sleeves. It took a while, considering that the demon was right and you had no idea how hacking or computers actually work, but after pressing some random buttons, the bug was safely deleted, and you and MK returned to Megapolis.
You and MK arrived at Pigsy’s as fast as possible, seeing Mei and Tang trying to help a confused Pigsy out of the shopping cart.
“You guys are okay!” MK exclaimed, happily hugging them.
“What happened?” Mei asked.
“It was one of Spider Queen’s goons, he sent the entire city to sleep. I don’t know why, but I think Spider Queen is planning something big.” You explain, recalling the cube that Syntax was holding that would be used in the mech making soup thing.
“Strange…” Tang hummed thoughtfully, wondering just what they were planning on doing.
MK shrugged. “That’s a problem for another day, for now, I’m just glad that the Sleep Bug is off the app store for good.”
Everyone nodded in agreement as you thought worriedly about what would come next.
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angelsanarchy · 10 months
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Alkaline: Euronymous x Y/N Series PRT 25
Tagging: @ophelialaufey @madamemaximoff06 @forever-not-gonna-sink@ajmiila02@liquidsmoothdomme@shady-the-simp @auggiethecreator @tempt-ress @blacksoul-27
TW: Antisemitic verbiage, hate speech
Oystein had gone to work the next few days trying not to smile so much. Y/n called the shop everyday and they talked for almost an hour. The others thought he was jerking off in his office because he kept locking the door. The last thing he needed was any of them getting suspicious or asking him too many questions about his private life.
Today was different though. She walked through the door with a smile on her face and a brown bag in hand, ignoring everyone else in the shop.
"Hey." Oystein couldn't help but smile looking at her.
"Hi, I brought you lunch." She held the bag up and he laughed.
"I didn't even order anything yet." Oystein looked in the bag and she rolled her eyes.
"As if you weren't going to order from us anyway." Y/n leaned on the countertop and Oystein leaned forward to steal a kiss.
"Thank you. You want to stay and eat with me?" He asked extending his hand. She nodded taking it and following him down stairs instead of to his office.
"Let me grab a drink." He had never taken her down to the Black Circle hangout. She waited in the doorway as he retrieved a coke and a beer from the fridge. She doesn't bother talking to any of the others. She keeps her eyes on Oystein but when Varg stands up, both their attention is turned to him.
"Aren't you a Jew?" Varg blurted.
"Excuse me?" Y/n responded.
"I was going to ask what your thoughts were on these church burnings but then I realized how disgustingly Jewish your last name was." Varg's words were dripping with disdain but everyone else remained silent.
"Back off Varg." Oystein crossed the room towards Y/n but she held up her hand letting him know she was okay.
"That's a lot of talk coming from a guy who had to change his name to fit into his own bullshit narrative." Y/n's words made some of the others look at Varg confused.
"You know, you have some nerve coming in here. You aren't one of us. You could never be apart of what we're creating." Varg seethed.
"You're hanging out in the basement of a record shop talking about idiots who burn buildings down as if that's going to overrun the faith of those people. Newsflash, dumbass...they're buildings. No one was praying in them anyway. They were all rundown and considered historical." Y/n argued.
Varg made a move towards Y/n and Oystein put his hand on his chest.
"I'm serious...back off." Oystein was stern making Varg grit his teeth.
"I don't care if you're fucking her or not. She doesn't belong down here. She clearly doesn't agree with things the Black Circle does so she needs to be gone...now." Varg locked eyes with Oystein and he knew how tense the situation was.
"You're fucking a Jewish chick?" One of the others asked.
"Who I fuck has nothing to do with any of you jerkoffs." Oystein spat.
"Then don't bring a kike in here!" Varg challenged.
"Trust me, I don't want to be in your black metal circle jerk-" Varg shoved Oystein and this time the room moved. Hellhammer stepped into Y/n's side and pulled her back into the hallway to get her out of the fray as Oystein and Varg started arguing. He escourted her back upstairs and he told her to stay in the office. When Hellhammer got back to the bottom of the steps, Oystein ran into him.
"Is she okay?" He asked in a rush.
"She's fine man...but he's right." Oystein looked offended but Hellhammer quickly explained.
"She's not safe around Varg. You know that. He's fucking crazy with that Nazi shit. You know I don't have a problem with her at all, just maybe keep her from downstairs." Hellhammer watched Oystein's face soften before giving him a nod. They both could hear the others talking about gassing her just a few steps below but Hellhammer put his hand on his shoulder.
"Fuck them. Just go eat lunch with your girlfriend man." Oystein continued up the steps thinking about what Hellhammer had just said. He hadn't actually talked to Y/n about being exclusive but he knew that he wasn't seeing anyone else. He could only assume she was only talking to him as well. He also made a great point about Varg.
For some reason, Y/n was able to get under his skin like no one he had ever seen before. It was scary. Oystein walked into his office and saw Y/n sitting in the chair in front of his desk.
"Are you okay?" He asked frowning. He sat across from her sitting the drinks down on the table. She nodded her head.
"Are you burning churches down Oystein?" She asked sounding exhausted. He let his head fall slightly and she sighed.
"Please tell me I'm not going to regret getting into this with you. I need to here, out of jail, not dead. I can't handle losing anyone else." She explained reaching out for his hands.
"I know. I don't want you to regret being with me. I want to give you a reason to be a proud girlfriend." Oystein tried making her laugh.
"You just trying to slip that in there huh?" She put her hand on his cheek and he gave her a soft smile.
"I'm sorry that the answer to your question is disappointing but I won't be involved moving forward. You have my word." Kissing her hand.
"Good because I'm not visiting my boyfriend in lock up." She smiled making him laugh.
"Wow you wouldn't visit me? Not even to sneak in some good food?" Oystein teased.
"Not even then. You'll have to tough it out but you'll definetly need to cut all that pretty hair if you have to do an extended stay." She ruffled Oystein's hair and he leaned over kissing her lips. The two of them heard the others being loud downstairs and he walked over to lock the door so they could enjoy their lunch together. This is the life Oystein never expected to love but sitting in a record shop that belonged to him, with the girl he loved, eating his favorite food...this is the life he never dreamed of but was damn happy to have.
In the back of his mind though, the fear of having someone so precious to him near people as violently motivated as Varg put him on edge. He had to keep Y/n safe from this world.
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vargskelegore · 2 years
ik you got a million requests rn but the roommate hc was TOO GOOD!! imagine bringing a GUY back to the dorm without telling shuri (to get back at her LMAO). mamas is HEATEDDDDD
author’s note: see you ate with this fren.... i swear when i saw this i just KNEW i had to write about it. wrote this while listening to inhale by bryson tiller. also, the hbcu!shuri tag is now considered popular!!! thank y’all so much for getting me to this point :) as per usual, all of this is my original work and hbcu!shuri as a concept belongs to me. thank you!
inhale. - hbcu!shuri x black!fem!reader
warnings: a bit mature, implied sexual things, semi angsty???? a very annoyed shuri.
requests: closed for now! read about why here.
word count: 1,312 words!
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another friday, another ‘time-to-get-this-day-over-with-so-you-can-hang-out-with-shuri.’ or was it? it had been a week since she brought a girl over to y’alls dorm without saying a word, and honestly, you felt like it was long overdue to get back at her.
other people would call this petty, but you called it-- well, you called it petty too, but you also called it ‘well deserved pettiness.’ shuri had apologized so many times since the incident, and you forgave her every time, but you needed her to see how much it bothered you when she did it.
there was no majorette practice today, so you decided to make your way to basketball practice to speak to a friend. a very special friend.
your earbuds loudly played the city girls- there sure as hell was sound bleeding, but you really didn’t care because they were your go-to’s for an anthem when you wanted to be petty.
‘don’t nun but this cash make this pussy talk..’
as you continued to make your way to the basketball court, your phone dinged. there was no doubt in your mind that it was shuri. you decided to ignore her for the time being. you took a long sigh, realizing that ignoring her would take a lot more effort than expected, but you still pursued.
you stopped at the door for the basketball court, looking down at the time on your phone, before looking up and opening the door. you looked around as you walked around, hands in your pockets as you looked for a friend.
you leaned on the side of the bleachers and waited for him to notice you. once he did, he raised his eyebrow at you and jogged over. “girl, what are you doing here? you don’t ever come to practice.” he questioned, crossing his arms.
“michael, i need to ask you a favor..”
“it can never be good when you’re asking me a favor.” he responded almost immediately, and it made you chuckle. “valid response.. just do this for me?”
“hook me up with either gina or marquise, then we can talk. i have no preference.” rolling your eyes, you sighed. “fine. we have a deal.”
michael smiled at those words. “bet. let me finish practice and we can talk afterwards.” you nodded in response as you sat down on the bleachers, crossing your legs and checking your phone, realizing that shuri was still texting you. a smirk curled onto your lips before you turned your phone off.
practice was over after thirty minutes, and michael walked over to you, bag across his shoulder. “alright, i’m ready, y/n.” you got up from the bleachers and led him out of the gym.
“so.. are you gonna tell me what this is all about, now?” he urged, following behind you. “i need your help in making someone jealous.” those words made him groan. “girl, you cannot be serious. who?”
“...so, y’know my roommate?”
“that lil gay girl?” his words made your jaw drop before you hit his arm. “michael! she’s got a name, y’know..”
“right, it’s shuri udaku. yeah, i know her. everyone does, she’s the princess of wakanda.” michael said in a blunt tone. “okay, well.. last week she brought this girl to our dorm and didn’t tell me.”
“who, jaz? because she’s been feening after shuri for a while.. like since she started attending the school.” that made you roll your eyes. “that’s her name?”
“yeah, her. i remember her from when she went to tryouts for the majorette team when you weren’t there and apparently she did awful.” a small scoff escaped michael’s lips.
“some girl she is.. anyways, i need you to-”
“pretend to be your new boy toy and bring me to the dorm unannounced? i’m not surprised. don’t she know you like girls, though?”
“i don’t know, we kissed a few times, and-”
“then girl, what the hell is the point of doing this? if you don’t take your ass to the dorm and tell her you love her! fuck is the point of beating around the bush, y’all both gay, just date.” michael rambled, placing a hand on his hip.
“it’s not that simple, i just.. i need her to see that what she did really hurt me.”
“this is the most toxic way of getting your point across, i hope you know that.”
“i’m gonna tell marquise that you don’t like dudes.”
“...just take me to the damn dorm.”
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shuri sat on her bed anxiously. she had been checking her phone like crazy for the last hour because you hadn’t texted back. was there a party she wasn’t aware of? did you actually end up having practice? all of these thoughts suddenly went away once she heard the door unlocking.
she immediately looked up from her phone like a dog seeing a squirrel. she couldn’t even wait anymore, she bolted to the door and opened it with a wide smile.. only to be greeted by the sight of you.. and a very, very tall man. that had his hand on your waist.
she tried to contain how shocked she looked. in fact, her heart jumped out of her chest at the sight. she cleared her throat as she stood aside, holding the door open and watching you two walk inside.
“um.. hey, y/n. i thought we had plans-- why didn’t you text back?” her voice was quite nervy, and you just looked at her and tilted your head. “you texted? oh.. i didn’t see it, phone must’ve died.” you shrugged, setting your bag down.
her heart slightly dropped. she took a swallow before opening her mouth again. “and.. who is this? i don’t think i’ve met him before.” you could hint the bitterness in her voice, and it made your heart race.
“oh.. this is michael. he’s on the basketball team.” you giggled a bit as you looked up at michael with a smile.
“wassup, lil bro.”
now that just sent shuri over the damn edge. her hand was slowly balling up into a fist, but she tried to keep it cool. “hello, michael. i’m not sure if you’re.. aware, but y/n is occupied for the night, we actually had plans tonight, right y/n?” shuri looked back at you with a soft face, but you could tell it was angry as hell behind all of that.
“but, i-”
“no, no.. we planned yesterday, correct?” there was no way you could say no to her. that smile was practically forcing you to say yes.
“..yeah. i’m sorry, michael.” was all you could manage to say. it was all going to plan, yes, but you didn’t exactly plan the outcome.
michael, playing the perfect role of a straight man, smacked his teeth and stuck his hands in his pockets. “aight. it’s cool. text me when you get a chance, y/n.” he looked back at you as he got up and walked to the door.
“yeah, we’ll see if she manages to go through with that, she just brings around so many guys.” shuri lied, a small laugh escaping her lips as she looked back at you with a wink.
your heart fluttered slightly. shuri urged him out the door, and slammed the door shut before locking it as well.
the room was silent for a moment.
“michael, huh? a basketball player? i knew you were absolutely ridiculous.” she began to laugh as you got up and tried to walk over to your desk to avoid this conversation.
“no no no, you don’t get to do that.” she was quick to grab your arm and spin you around. she placed a hand on your waist as she looked down at you and smiled. “what’s wrong? cat got your tongue?” you felt more than one area on your body flutter, and you managed to let out a whimper.
“i’ll make you real audible soon enough.”
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