#not gonna open that whole can of worms but it had a lot to do with feeling disconnected to my creativity/wrapping up my first year of colleg
strangerays · 1 year
i think that’s enough gaslight gatekeep girlbossing for today
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generalsmemories · 1 year
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To raise a child
✧ jing yuan x gn!reader ft. yanqing (platonic)
✧ based on the asks: 3 requests asking for a family fic with jing yuan and yanqing
✧ synopsis: raising a child is always hard, even when you're a long life species with a lot of experiences.
✧ contents: established relationship, fluff, found family trope (a.k.a my one weakness with every media), yanqing & reader have a slight rocky start, mentions of other characters, sentences in italics are readers thoughts.
✧ a/n: i'm not gonna chuck angst into a found family trope unless i feel particulary miserable, they just gonna have a good ole time being parents to a yanqing from when he was a wee babie to the lieutenant he is today - also a lot of this is my own interpretation SINCE I DON'T GET A CRUMB ON HOW THE HELL THIS MAN FOUND MY BABY. not beta-ed like usual i'm sorry.
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The first time you were told about Yanqing's existence was when you were not onboard Luofu, which honestly made the first meeting between the two of you a lot worse.
"... Pardon, he found what now while I'm away?" you stare bewildreded at the messenger before you while clutching the letter Jing Yuan had written to you - you can practically hear his easy-going voice resound in your head through the words before you.
"What do you mean he suddenly picked up a whole child?!"
Safe to say that the Luofu were turned upside down by the time you came back to the ship. Rumours spread amongst the citizens, gossip between the storytellers and the newsboard retelling the latest news and constantly updating on any new "information" they had gotten.
To say you got stopped at every corner before you even stepped foot back in land was an understatement. You practically had a crowd waiting for you - it was only by the assistance of Yukong that you had managed to worm yourself out of the crowd and hightail home.
Maybe it's because Jing Yuan knew you would come home first, or maybe it's because he was aware that you had a lot of questions for him. Which was why you had gotten a text prior to landing with the single message of:
"Decided to take the day off today <3"
Safe to say he was left on read.
"Jing Yuan, what has gotten into you-" are the first words that leaves your mouth when you slam your entrance doors open, only for your eyes to widen when Jing Yuan is already waiting for you at the foyer. Hands behind his back and sporting his signature smile, but your gaze isn't at your lover before you.
Rather it was on the smaller child that was hiding behind his legs, he was by no means scared of your sudden appearance you noticed. Rather, he was sizing you up and down with a fierce gaze, almost like a lion cub who had just found its first prey.
The glare made your previous anger and confusion fade into a more surprised shock, rendering you speechless on how to proceed further. Jing Yuan steps in after seeing your anger dissipate upon seeing the fierce boy, raising a hand to ruffle Yanqing's hair before he directs his gaze back to you who is still staring at Yanqing in mild surprise.
"He's a feisty one isn't he?" is what he utters softly, and it's the slight exhaustion in his voice that causes you to let your guard down and put aside your confusion and need for answers aside.
Right now there's a young child before you, a child that you don't know the lineage of - but a child that Jing Yuan himself had picked up and stood his ground against public opinion for.
And Jing Yuan didn't do things without reason.
But you're well aware that he's also the kind to not tell you much as to why he had done a few decisions. As futile as you know it is, you would still try to get something out of him later. But for now, you would have to try to give a better impression of yourself to this kid who you're pretty sure sees you as anything, but a person with good intentions.
... What do you say to a child that is currently holding animosity towards you?
Seeing your distraught face makes Jing Yuan let out a chuckle, glancing down at Yanqing who is still staring fiercly at you, "They're not someone you should be on guard with. That's my spouse, they're just surprised by your sudden arrival is all, Yanqing."
So his name is Yanqing.
The reassurance from Jing Yuan makes the young boy relax a bit, but you can still tell he's very much on guard against you, "... I'm Yanqing," he mutters quietly.
The two of you seem to have a long way to go from the first encounter.
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"... What were you thinking?" you question the moment Jing Yuan slides the door to your bedroom shut, you had spent the majority of the afternoon cleaning up a spare room for Yanqing to sleep in after the meeting while the two had headed out to prepare the paperwork for Yanqing to be offcially be recgonized as a Cloud Knight.
"... I saw potential?" he tries, but with one glance at your direction and being faced with your quirked eyebrow makes him let out a sigh instead, reaching a hand behind his head to pull the red ribbon tying his hair back.
He doesn't say anything as he makes his way over to you. Neither does he utter a word when he lets his entire weight fall on top of your own, the noise of surprise you let out making him chuckle, rubbing his face onto neck, "W-Wait, hold on. There's a literal child in this house now, what are you-"
"Dear, what are you thinking?" Jing Yuan snorts before you finish your sentence, wrapping his arms around your waist before flipping himself over so that you're laying on top of him, "Our schedule clashed together too much that it's been 2 years since I last saw you? And when I meet you again you looked like you were going to pull my head off of my own body, this is quite frankly the first instance where I get you all to myself," he explains, raising an eyebrow at your gradually reddening face, "Whatever you were imagining is beyond me, darling."
"... Shut up and tell me the truth already," you murmur before burying your face in his chest, lifting a closed fist to lightly hit his arm when you feel his chest rumble with his constrained laughter.
"I didn't lie when I said I saw potential. Despite his young age, Yanqing is quite gifted with the sword," he starts after a brief silence, fingers drumming along the spine of your back, "But it would be more accurate to say I'm preparing the future generation?" he muses out loud, sounding unsure himself which makes let out a chuckle, "Wow, I'm sure lady Fu Xuan would be delighted by the news of your possible retirement."
"I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint our Master Diviner for another few decades unfortunately. She's still far too young to take up the mantle of the general."
You hum, raising your head up from his chest to make eye contact, Jing Yuan directing his gaze from staring up at the ceiling to instead stare at you as well, "Next time you're thinking of picking up a kid, give me a heads up? Or else you're going to end up on the news again like today with the headlines of you committing infidelity."
He laughs, hoisting you further up his body to peck your lips, "Please, I won't be picking up another child anytime soon. But maybe I need to show the citizens that I only have eyes for one person if they were swayed this easily by the apperance of one child."
"... Please don't say something that embarassing in front of Yanqing."
"See, you're already being a great parental figure."
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Great parental figure my ass.
Is what's currently running through your mind as you're once again, left alone with Jing Yuan's prodigal apprentince. it's been a few months after Yanqing's first arrival, and the relationship between the two of you seem to still be threading on thin ice.
Your relationship with the young prodigy hasn't gotten worse, but it has in no way improved either. Whenever Jing Yuan is not present amongst the three of you, Yanqing becomes extra reserved and takes extra caution to not bother you - which makes any attempt to even talk to him 10 times harder than it has to be.
Yanqing is out in the garden, brushing the fallen leaves into a neat pile while you're sitting by the living room table doing paperwork. And yet, ever since Jing Yuan had stepped out for some urgent business, the two of you haven't even spoken a single word to each other.
Yanqing was at an age where you didn't need to give him constant attention, but with the way you two had started on the wrong foot it felt a lot harder trying to get closer to him - mostly because the boy himself tries to not be a burden on you, which in a way has become a burden.
Not to mention, Jing Yuan spends the most time with him training him personally - so the time you spend with Yanqing is close to nothing compared to your lover.
The odds are truly against you at the moment.
At this point, the new paper scroll that you had rolled out were becoming useless with how long you had pressed the ink filled brush on it's surface, the gradual circle of ink stained paper growing with each passing minute.
Topics you can talk about.. Jing Yuan mentioned he was great with a sword, but it's been ages since I've held a sword myself till the point he's probably better than me...
Were you always this awkward with children?
Glancing at the clock, you notice it's almost time for your meetup with master Gongshu over at the Artisanship Commission. So with a reluctant sigh, you glance down at the paper scroll before you - that has long been ruined before you put the brush away and roll the scroll back up.
"... Yanqing I'm about to head to out to the Artisanship Commission, can you..." your voice dies down when you see the boy whip his head around the moment you mention the Commission. And although he tries to hide it, you would be a fool to not notice the sparkle in his eyes at the mention of where you are going.
"... Do you want to join?" you end up asking instead.
You've never seen his facial expression change so much in just a few seconds. First you could tell he wanted to agree, but then you're pretty sure he managed to figure out why you were going and didn't want to be a burden, but still wanted to go. You soon saw hope come back to his eyes, presumably remembering that you personally asked, but you saw the same hope dwindle down when he probably thought that you asked just to include him.
The sight made you laugh, "... A child is a child after all, no matter where they are," you whisper quietly to yourself, "You won't be a bother, Yanqing. And wouldn't it be better for you to look around the Luofu a bit? I'm pretty sure Jing Yuan has only brought you to the Cloud Knights training area after all, we can even stop by Cloudbreath Sleeves to take your measurements so that you can get some tailor-made clothes and not Jing Yuan's old clothes."
That seemed to be the only reassurance he needed.
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You're pretty sure Yanqing hasn't noticed that your meeting with master Gongshu ended 15 minutes ago. Neither has he seemed to realize that the two of you have spent the next 15 minutes just observing his every reaction to the swords on display.
His eyes seemed particulary glued to an iridescent blue sword with a black handle, master Gongzhu giving a low whistle beside you, "He's got a good eye."
You roll your eyes, "Send me the invoice later," you reply back before stepping towards the awestruck boy, "Why not bring it home with us?" you ask, Yanqing jumping slightly in surprise, his head turning around with widened eyes, "I can't possibly ask that of you, I can just save up-"
"You're staring at it like it's your first love, Yanqing," you chuckle, reaching out to grab the handle, twirling it around before reaching for the scabbard right underneath where it was displayed - sliding the sword inside.
"Consider it a gift, for future endeavours."
He blinks, taking the scabbard from your hands, staring at the intricate design weaved into the metal - and you notice the faint tears forming at the corners of his eyes before the boy leaps into your arms to give you a hug, "I swear I'll treasure it, thank you!"
Perhaps too shocked by the sudden hug, you fail to realize that master Gongshu had quickly snapped a picture of the scene and sending it to a certain general.
Qingzu had to stop the very same general from storming away from the Divine of Foresight to head to the Artisanship Commission the very next minute.
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"... Well the two of you seem to have gotten a lot closer these past few months," Jing Yuan comments the moment he noticed the position you were currently in. You merely glared halfheartedly at him, but Jing Yuan made no effort to help you - instead walking over to bend down to peck your forehead, careful to not wake the child asleep on top of you.
"I told him to head home before me since I still had affairs to tend to, didn't think he would immediately collapse on top of you and doze off," Jing Yuan remarks with a laugh.
You had one hand supporting Yanqing weight on top of you so that he doesn't topple over, so you decide to use your other hand to reach over and flick Jing Yuan on the forhead - a flick he moved away from with a smirk, "He just dozed off mid-talk too. He was talking about your recent spar match before he just fell asleep," you say, "And to think he vehemently denied not needing a nap after a training session because he's not a child."
Jing Yuan lets out another laugh at that, effortlessly wrangling Yanqing away from your hold and hoisting him up in his arms without manaing to wake him up, "Well if you treat him like an adult, he'll show the temperament of a child as well."
"You should try to get some rest as well, dear. We can just order something from Aurum Alley later," Jing Yuan suggests, to which you merely nod to, standing up to stretch your limbs, "Join me then, I'm sure our dozing general is quite tired too."
"My, what an alluring offer. Can I assume that there's something more-"
"Don't push your luck."
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here's the 3 requests that wanted a family fic - i actually struggled a bit with how to do this, but alas - i just know future me will conjure something up again so have this as a teaser HAHA
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momotonescreaming · 9 months
Teenage Dream - Part 5
AKA - the Jeff and Eddie have crushes on jocks series Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
“Jeff!” Eddie shouted, voice raised over the roar of the cars entering the student car park. Jeff whipped his head to look over at his friend, waving his arm from the other side of the car park, hanging out of the side of the van. “Dude!”
Vinnie gave him a look, raising a judgemental eyebrow in such a way that only middle schoolers could, as Eddie hollered for his attention. He was in no position to judge, Jeff’s met his friends.
Jeff sneered back, gently shoving at his brother’s shoulder, pushing him in the general direction of the middle school. “Move it, squirt, or you’ll be late.”
“As if,” Vinnie huffed, rolling his eyes, but walking off anyway. Brothers.
By the time Vinnie had left, Eddie was across the car park, leaning on the roof of Jeff’s old Ford. Keys in his hand, jingling against his rings. “He giving you shit?”
“When is he not?” Jeff replied, swinging his bag over his shoulder as he locked his car. Falling into step with Eddie, the pair walking in tandem towards the doors to Hawkins High. He found himself scanning the crowds, looking for Frank, or Gareth, or any of the Hellfire freshies. He found himself scanning for strawberry blonde hair, for blue eyes, for the familiar green of the cheerleader uniforms.
“He giving you shit about Chrissy,” Eddie sing songs, biting his lip and smiling as he nudges his shoulder against Jeff’s. He’s not shouting it from the rooftops, which is nice, but man, Eddie could stand to be a lot quieter. If anyone heard, Jeff was going to give Eddie a wedgie.
“Oh shut up,” Jeff replies, although he laughs as he shoves at Eddie back. “He doesn’t know and he’s not gonna.”
“Boo.” Eddie says, fake pouting. “That’s no fun.”
“You’re just saying that because you have no siblings,” Jeff replies, pushing open the doors and heading into the halls of Hawkins High. “Would you want someone in your house constantly giving you shit? I’m not giving them both any ammunition to be more annoying than they already are.”
“I mean,” Eddie starts, dragging out the word. “I have Wayne.”
“You told Uncle Wayne?” Jeff asks, brow furrowed as they manoeuvre through the halls to Eddie’s locker. He knew Eddie was out to Wayne — that it was part of the reason he was staying with Wayne and not his father (before he got shipped off to prison. But he didn’t think Eddie would openly admit his crush on Harrington to him like that. It would open a whole can of worms. Imply that there was something more. Something serious. If he was telling Wayne about it. It’s basically one step removed from meeting the parents. “About you and you-know-who?”
“Well no,” Eddie admits with a tilt of his head, swerving out of the way of a gaggle of sophomores, taking up the entire width of the hall. “But the old man can read me like a book. He knows things, I’m sure of it.”
Jeff snorts, leaning against the lockers as they stop at Eddie’s. Watching as he unlocks it, and sifts through the piles of shit he’s got in there. “You always say that about him, though. What makes this different?”
“He’s giving me looks, you know?” Eddie says into his locker, pulling out a ragged notebook and a stray textbook, before turning back to Jeff. “He’s figuring things out and he's going to be insufferable about it.”
Jeff snorts as Eddie shuts his locker, books in hand, as they head towards Jeff’s. They’ve still got time for once, normally Jeff heads to his locker alone, and Eddie arrives in a flurry later — speeding into the parking lot with a screech of his tyres. “Because your uncle has nothing better to do than speculate about your secret love life?”
“Exactly,” Eddie jokes, grinning back at Jeff. “But enough about me. Do you think you’ll meet her in your free period again?”
And thank god Eddie didn’t say her name, not here, surrounded by the teenage sharks of Hawkins. Any glimpse of vulnerability, something to exploit, the bottom feeders getting too big for their station — it was brutal.
“I’m not that lucky,” Jeff laughs, nudging Eddie’s side with his elbow.
“Wanna bet?” Eddie jokes, nudging Jeff’s side with his elbow. He’s biting his tongue to hold back his laughter.
“One’s enough thanks,” He replies. “And I am winning that one, by the way.”
“Oh eat shit Jeff,” Eddie laughs, before sobering dramatically, whirling around to face him. Continuing to walk down the hall at an angle, not looking where he’s going, Eddie continues. “But anyway, you can tell me how you wrong you are about you-know-who at band practice tonight.”
Jeff just rolls his eyes again, smiling, and heads to class.
There’s a buzzing, an itch, an anticipation, the second the bell rings and it’s Jeff’s free period. It bubbles up underneath his skin, threatening to break through, and nothing will quell it. Nothing except seeing her, or perhaps the confirmed absence of her presence.
He packs up his things, leaves the classroom, and heads towards the library. He has all his things — he can’t procrastinate by getting something from his locker. Plus, someone will absolutely try and steal his table if he does.
That’s his table, dammit.
So Jeff sighs — quietly, under his breath — and weaves through the halls to the library, hitching his bag further onto his shoulder. Eyes down, walking fast, avoiding the eye of any jock or jerk who might be lingering in the halls. It’s easier, when Hellfire is all together, a united force. It’s also easier with Eddie, acting larger than life, scary and dramatic — to scare the jocks away. Also helps that he’s the high school’s only dealer. If he cuts them off — and he will — then they’re fucked.
So he makes it to the library without incident — nodding a silent greeting to the librarian — before he weaves through the stacks to the shelf he needs. There’s a book he needs to check through for his English essay, and he’s reached the point where he’s stuck without it.
Bag hanging off one shoulder, weighing him down, making him feel more off kilter than normal — Jeff tilts his head as he reads through the spines of the books. Gently tabbing through them, pushing them aside with his fingers, trying desperately to ignore the swooping of his stomach. His wandering mind.
He’s not alone in the library, there are others wandering the shelves, claiming the tables, and Jeff absently watches them out of the corner of his eye. He doesn’t see any strawberry blonde hair, no cheerleader uniform, so he averts his gaze back to the stacks. Swallows his tongue.
Sighing — he tries to be quiet about it, so people don’t glare at him, so the librarian doesn’t shush him — and eventually finds his book. Slides it out of the shelf, tucks it under one arms, and weaves his way back to his table. Off to the side, near the back of the library, nice and quiet. Undisturbed, not like the tables in the centre, right by the librarians desk. There’s always chatter, always people, always large study groups. It was peaceful at his table, no one else usually came by, but Jeff couldn’t help but wish for company this time.
And it was like he had jinxed it.
Rounding the corner, Jeff looks over to find someone sitting at his table. Jolting in place, eyes wide, he finds a pair of clear blue eyes looking at his.
Chrissy shrugs, almost shrinking into herself as she gives him a little wave. Smiling shyly, cheeks flushing, as she looks at him from over the table. Sat in her seat from last time, leaving Jeff’s usual seat free, her books and papers spread out on her half of the table. Hair curled out of her face, pinned back with pale green pins. Her eyeshadow matches, because of course it does. It’s cute. She’s cute, as usual.
“Funny seeing you here,” Jeff jokes, smiling shyly back at Chrissy, heading closer so he can take his usual seat. Puts his book on the table, places his bag down at his feet, and slides into the chair.
“Hey Jeff,” She says, voice light, almost a giggle as she watches him from over the table. He likes the way his name sounds in her mouth, the way her tongue forms around it, shaping the sounds. Lips curling around the letters, pink and pert,  and shining with gloss. “Hope it’s okay I’m at your table. I was a little worried you weren’t gonna show up in time and wanted to save it for you.”
“That’s okay,” Jeff replies, smiling, feeling his heart flutter in his chest and butterflies swoop in his stomach. Was Chrissy waiting for him? Did she sit at his table so she could see him? Was he someone she wanted to take the time to see? He felt a little giddy, lost in the feeling, the delusion of it. The fantasy of being someone Chrissy wanted to see. “Thanks for saving it for me.”
“It was no worries,” Chrissy giggles, and he tries not to look at the subtle flush across her cheeks. “As long as you don’t mind a little company?”
“’Course not,” Jeff replies, trying to smother his own smile, not look too obvious. “It’s nice to have you.”
He watches as she bites her bottom lip, looks down at her notes, and then back up at Jeff, looking through her lashes. Coy, almost shy, tentative. Looks away himself, dragging his gaze away from hers, reaching down to get the rest of his things out of his bag. His notebook and pens, a worn copy of the book they’re supposed to be writing an essay on, dog-eared and sun-faded. Places it on the table next to the book from the stacks — from the same author, so he can do some fancy compare and contrasting that he knows the teacher is a sucker for.
Opens his notebook, finds his essay draft, and tries not to let his mind wander. To let his gaze find its way back to her like a magnet, pulled together inevitably. To find himself doodling love hearts on the page. So he finds his place, and tries to write. To let the ideas flow through him, seeping into the page along with the ink of his pen.
He lets the ticking of the clock fade into the background, with the hum of students going out their business, and the scratch of his pen on the page. The sound of Chrissy’s pen on the page. Actually gets some writing done, makes a solid dent in his English essay.
And so he lets himself drift for a second, sneak a glance at Chrissy — only to find her looking back. She curls into herself — shy, embarrassed, giggling — with a hand over her mouth to smother the sound. But she can’t stop looking at him. And he can’t stop looking at her back. Maybe he’s imagining it, but it feels like there’s something there. And if that something is only friendship, a fleeting crush — he’ll take it. He won’t push her for more than she’s willing to give. He’s lucky to get this much. Her sitting at his table, remembering his name, waiting for him.
He ducks his head, huffs out a laugh that’s more an exhale of air than anything else, and looks back up at Chrissy. She’s still looking at him.
“Sorry,” she says through her hand. “I’m staring like a total weirdo.”
“I like weird,” Jeff says, feeling like he’s melting and sounding entirely too sincere about it. “If you couldn’t tell.”
“Well in that case, thanks.” She laughs, moving her hand away so he can see how much she’s smiling. She looks down and bites her lips, pausing, considering — before looking back up at him. Locking eyes.
“We share all the same free period’s right?” Chrissy continues. “Would you want to meet here tomorrow, like, officially. Be study buddies.”
Oh fuck, Jeff thinks. She’s so cute. She wants to meet him again. Eddie is going to be absolutely insufferable about this. Because of course he is. Jeff’s glad he didn’t take that bet.
Something swells in his chest, expanding his lungs, covering his insides with something as sweet and sticky as honey. He smiles at her, letting that sweetness seep out of him. “I’d like that.”
Tag List: @goosesister @scarlet-malfoy @mavernanche @manda-panda-monium @yoriposts @grtwdsmwhr @panicatthediaz @m-owo-n @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaosgremlinmunson @thespaceantwhowrites @perseus-notjackson @eyesofshinigami @hotluncheddie @novacorpsrecruit @nburkhardt @pansexuality-activated @silentiumdelirium @steaddie-on @steddie-as-they-go @redfreckledwolf @lavender248 @actualwakingnightmare
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alittledizzy · 3 months
this a big ask and feel free to ignore but you seem like the right person to come to.
can you give like a dnf overview for those of us who know almost nothing but are sooo curious (minecraft? face reveal? queer?)(i follow for dnp lol)
Okay so... I'm gonna try and do a bullet point overview and for the purpose of not getting in the weeds I am not going into the controversies. I'll be happy to discuss that part - OFF anon.
Dream and George met on a Minecraft server when Dream was 16, George was 18/19 and became best friends.
When Dream decided to start youtube when he was 18, he asked George (and Sapnap) to come along with him. They both said yes.
In 2019, George started talking about moving to America. At the time Dream lived with his girlfriend, though they broke up by 2020. (George and the girlfriend did not get along. But that's also a whole other can of worms because she fucked Dream up pretty badly with consistent cheating and verbal/physical abuse.)
Plans for George to move to the US got more concrete and at some point over 2021 became him moving into a house with Dream and Sapnap.
Dream also came out multiple times in this general period of time. He came out in a post on reddit, on twitter, and on a stream. He does not explicitly state that he's bisexual, but he does explicitly state he isn't straight.
Sapnap had already moved in with Dream for Dream's protection since he was being swatted pretty regularly. Dream had plans for a face reveal but people were stalking and harassing him both to 'reveal' him and also because at this point the Kiwi Farms targeted attack on him had gained a lot of steam.
Speaking of: George used face cam pretty regularly, but Dream did not face reveal. Based on things he's said it seems pretty clear he was trying to lose weight but at some point set the goal of face revealing once George was in America because he wanted George to see his face before anyone else.
George applied for his Visa and would have had about a 6-9 month wait, and then was denied. He had to apply a second time, and wait another extended period of time, which put it September 2022 when his visa finally was approved. This means they'd known each other for seven years and he'd been trying to move to the US to live with Dream for three years at that point.
George arrived in the US and Dream posted his first video with a face camera on. George posted a vlog meeting Dream irl for the first time, which is a great starting point for a watch.
In terms of the ship stuff: they've always had a heavily flirtatious relationship and Dream is open about how attractive he finds George. They've acknowledging having a conversation about if they'd date or not.
Once in a while Dream will reiterate that they're not dating, and we know he spent 2023 having a variety of hookups but no confirmed relationships. (Which lines up with his long history of women that flirt with him complaining he'll be great to them and make them feel good but always says he doesn't want a relationship.)
2023 was pretty wild for them in terms of nonstop travel, events, and making very little content besides Dream's music. So far in 2024 we've seen a complete 180 of that and Dream and George have noy traveled at all, staying at home in Orlando together. (Sapnap has traveled and spent time in LA, but alone.)
This is partially due to controversy, I'm sure, but also seems to be just in line with a rededicating of themselves to Minecraft and content impending. They're working on a project that hopefully will come out soon.
Right now in terms of what they've publicly told us, they're just in the category of Super Not Normal About Each Other. Here are a few of the Not Normal things that are just fun from a shippy pov:
Before George moved, they were open about living most of their life on a call together. This includes sleep calling and staying on the phone while taking showers.
One of Dream's early videos was gifting his friends money to thank them for supporting him. He gave Sapnap and another friend $500 each. He gave George $5000.
Dream took 'am I in love with my best friend' quizzes on stream twice with George on the call and neither treated it quite like a joke.
Dream sent George an oversized Dream hoodie which George has worn repeatedly and even admitted to spraying with cologne before he'd put it on. Dream took pictures of George in the hoodie (a private call, not one fans were in on) and then later shared them saying they were the cutest pictures of George ever.
The first time we really got to see them interact irl at length was a stream they did around Christmas. Here's a supercut that just really shows the vibe between them.
Initially in late 2022 Dream was wearing a very specific chain. At some point in January 2023, George started wearing that chain (the specific one Dream used to wear) and has not been spotted without it since.
At one of his concerts Dream described George as a friend he just met a year ago that he's so in love with.
The entire song Spotlight which everyone immediately associated with George, to George's embarrassment and pride.
And there's obviously way more... but I feel like this is a good starter kit for Them.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
milkman reader milking rootbeer cause is that time of the month
(Reader is a "farmer" rather than milkman because that's a different can of worms. Minors shoo. No outright smut, but you do milk the guy's tits and it almost gets there. Obvs warning for male lactation)
A nickname lovingly bestowed upon you by new neighbors and friends. You didn't have any crops, nor animals in a literal since, but you were the proud owner of the old farm house on the outskirts of their town. The place was a little run down, but livable until you had the chance to fix things up. With the price it would be good as new in no time. It was quite the shock to discover the town was full of hybrids, but the locals were all friendly and welcomed you with open arms. Especially Rootbeer.
Riley was a walking stereotype with his thick, southern accent and smooth tongue, but he had also taken a liking to you since the day you moved in. A steady flirt who was always there when you least expected it and at your door when you needed a shoulder to lean on, sometimes even when you hadn't told a soul about your problems. Brought you gifts often too such as embroideries he worked on in his shop and the occasional bottle of fresh milk. He really was nothing short of a gentleman when it came to you, and tonight was the night he'd reap the chances of his efforts.
Riley has... been avoiding you. He'd greet you just the same, but stop the conversation there. He would constantly stare at you so it's not like he was completely avoiding you, but whenever you tried to reach out he'd make an excuse of chest aches or simply leave. Even now, sitting alone on your couch, you have your messages open - unsure if you should try just one more time.
A heavy fist on your front door snaps you from that pipedream.
"Coming!" You toss you phone onto the couch as you hop to your feet and over to the door. Your visitor knocks again as you unlock the door, opening it for you. It's Riley. Out of his normal get up and in a hoodie and some old beat up jeans. There's stains on the front of his shirt, still bleeding through the fabric as he pushes you inside.
"Look, there isn't a whole lot of time for me to explain, but I really need your help. I'm real sorry for the way I've been treating you, but I didn't want to hurt you or scare you away."
You watch the growing stains on his chest, the tee constricting his muscles and lungs fighting to breath. "You're gonna have to give some explanation."
"I know- shit." He runs his fingers through his hair, tearing off the hood ill fitted to his horned scalp. "As you can clearly see, we ain't normal cows. Every couple weeks we lactate depending on diet and whatnot. That can get more frequent if we find a suitable mate and.." He stops himself. "I know this is a lot to take in, but I'm not able to do it myself. Please.."
It looks like he's struggling to breath, about ready to drop to his knees from the look in his eyes. You can't just leave him like this. "Okay... I'll help you out"
You lead him over to the couch before he melts into the floorboards. You help peel off his shirt and roll it over his engorged pecs. You cup your hand around his left, beads of milk leaking from his inverted nipple from the cautious touch alone. The area was red and swollen, yet his chest as a whole was soft and plump - part of the former likely being due to his vain attempts at releasing himself. You gently kneed upwards, looking up at Riley for guidance.
"You're doing fine. Feelin' a little better already. You don't have'ta do more than your comfort with." He completes with an attempt at a laugh, shoving his rolled up shirt into his mouth to make his groans as you grip his chest with firm hands. At this position, and when you're standing up, you're about chest height with him. You lean forward and circle your tongue around his untouched bub which makes his eyes pop out of his skull as his spine curves against the arm of the couch.
The milk was creamy, with that faint root taste akin to the drink he got his nickname. It tasted almost like a richer rootbeer float. Come to think of it, that's exactly what the milk he gave you tasted like. Probably should've realized that sooner. You'd get on his case about it later, but your hands and mouth were quite literally to full to bring it up.
For now, you firmly wraps your lips around his tit and suck the tender bud. Riley shifts in your hold and tries to keep a bold face. It's the first time someone's helped him with a milking.. ever, really. He tried to imagine a scene similar to this while doing it himself, but obviously no fantasy could compare to the real thing. You move into his lap for better range, erect rutting against his jeans and the curve of your ass as you work the fluid from his chest. He grips your thigh to pull you further up before you could notice, but instead you roll your hips against his as you settle directly on that spot. His teeth pierce a hole clean through his shirt as he groans.
To lessen the later cleanup, you switch sides and lap up the milk running down his torso as you work back up to his nipple. Riley collects some of your saliva as his hand travels down to the heat between his legs, slipping into his boxers just to simulate what having your mouth around his girth could feel like. It's shameful, but he doesn't care. You couldn't return to normalcy after doing something like this and he wanted all in. To hold you like he's dreamed since the day you moved in. He taps on your back at you drain the last few drops from his chest.
"Heya, Y/n? I don't want to push my luck and all, but it'd be a real big help if you could help me with another kind of milking."
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hakugin0 · 5 months
So that new Levi card, woah boy(positive). I get how setting is slightly dubious but unfortunately my brain stopped at the ‘childish jealousy’ part and yeah childish was the perfect word he actually is throwing a bratty tantrum about MC talking about their time with Minhyeok WHILE THEY'RE NOT EVEN NEXT TO HIM. Levi, babey, you're not beating the Tsundere allegations.
Also the part about the sins was very interesting ‘cause it kinda puts in perspective why he feels like there's no King he's close to. Or at least that's my read on that part, all their sins have some positive parts while his is the only fully negative one so of course he couldn't feel close to them. (Personally I do think that part is his viewpoint on their sins and it would be interesting to see the other Kings’ too, Satan in particular since I feel like his sin and depressive mood swings do go hand in hand)
Now for the read more aka wiiiild speculations because he didn't come home in the reduced ten pull aka see you in 3 months bae when I have 500 pulls and you still refuse to show up(looking at you bath Satan), fair bit of character analysis and slight canon divergence(???) plus personal MC involvement.
Aight? Aight! Here we go gamers
Gonna start this off by saying that when they dropped the first teaser for the card my expectations for the story were jelly Levi wants to replace minhyeok and thus enters MC's memories except surprise surprise it was actually some corn set in a high school (don't pretend those aren't a thing, we're all adults here, and with MC’s track record in that game it would not be surprising) in part because the story had to get spicy at some point.
Personal belief is that what we see in the prologue of Levi is the closest thing to a ‘normal’ him aka a version of him that got to experience a normal childhood and not have all the trauma of… ya know… HIS WHOLE PAST. The way he expected an attack when MC initially trips breaks me in a very particular way, he has never known peace, he expects everything to be some sort of attempt on his or his people’s life. The one time he wasn't as uptight ended up with him heavily injured (Bloodshed card).
There is also him ascertaining that they had different starting points. Now this could refer to a lot of things but to me one thing that does is put a definite line between them. To me it sounds like he's reasoning with himself that because of their very different lives they would be incompatible (combined with that thing about his sin being the only negative one it shows he always separates himself from people he would otherwise form bonds with)
Now he's still not nice, far from it, but he can be accommodating and look out for MC when he is not thinking 24/7 about possibly being attacked. Whether he reasons that it would endear himself more to them or out of pure instinct he looked out for MC, those were not Minhyeok’s actions he mimicked but his own.
So yeah, average Levi is horrendously bad at emotions and frankly probably the one who understands his own emotions towards a potential romantic partner(since tbh that is what MC is) the least. (This is a whole other can of brainworms about how aside from Solomon he probably has not been attached to anyone in that way until MC based on something he says in his H-Scene, but that can of worms shall be opened later) please get some therapists in Hell, clearly everyone would benefit from it.
There is also something impossibly endearing to me about seeing Levi in a high school setting even for a bit because that's not something he ever experienced and I wish his time exploring that part of MC and Minhyeok's past was a bit longer. I want to believe MC gets to ask him later in the story how he felt about it.
If you were only here for the character analysis then thanks for reading, have a lovely day/night/evening, we are going into wild speculation territory and some personal things regarding my MC Jin in that particular scenario.
tl;dr: After Jin's parents were killed she pretty much secluded herself in their home doing most of her studying through online courses and only showing up physically at school for a couple of days.
I choose to believe she was aware of stuff from the start but in that way you're aware you're in a dream while you sleep, she can tell things are a bit off but not fully what is wrong. She knows the person with her is not Minhyeok, she also knows who Leviathan is, but there's a certain disconnect when trying to piece it all together, but the further the dream goes the more she ‘realises’ and ‘awakens to the truth' if you will.
She cannot help but pity Levi’s situation even if she knows if she ever said that she'd probably get insta-hanged, so a part of her cannot help but wonder if he wanted to experience some normalcy for once. (She's not the brightest tool in the shed so the fact that he wants to replace Minhyeok would not pass by her singular braincell) (I love her I swear, being mean is my love language)
So I imagine after the whole dream thing is over and she next visits Hades she doesn't raise any questions about that event. She seems annoyingly unbothered and not curious at all. If anything this just makes Leviathan more angry because she can't be that unbothered after everything and pretend nothing happened, he should've been the only thing on her mind and yet she still sometimes mentions that detestable human. Oh how he should hang her for it. And then one day she has a conspicuously familiar candy in her mouth. “Was the experience at least a bit pleasant?” She's soft spoken anyway but she sounds almost apologetic. Why yes the experience was quite pleasant if Levi had to be honest but he'd never praise her openly… and then it hits him. She's not asking about that, she's asking about how he felt in a normal human high school.
When she gets no answer she stammers and starts speaking again, trying to fill the void. “I didn't exactly… go there often…” The pauses are plentiful and her shoulders droop almost in shame. “... so I imagine whatever you saw was rather lacklustre… aside from… my pathetic display-”
“It wasn't bad.”
A short sentence and it was enough to make the human girl perk up instantly. From anyone else that would be considered nigh an insult, but with Levi's temperament that was the highest praise she could hope for. By the time Jin was next to his desk after he'd beckoned her with a wave of his hand her visage had brightened significantly. ‘Stealing’ the lollipop from between her lips was ‘child’s play’ after that, the girl clearly took stunned to speak and becoming redder by the second.
“Yes, not bad at all.”
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
•°♤°• Ghost Roger and Rouge are just so cute especially with their grand babies!
What about Rayleigh tho?
Im sure Rayleigh would, at one point meet the seraphim. One time would be accidently because he was visiting Karai Bari to go see Buggy but then runs into two little seraphim. Then all chaos descends when he hears the words "Ma/Pa". Bet Ghost Roger is laughing his ass off.
Tbh, I love the the pairing of Rogue/Roger, but really love the pairing of Rogue/Rayleigh/Roger (What are your thoughts on it? I won't attack you if you say you do not ship it, I just want to know your personal opinion on it 👀)
So honestly?? Depends. I have... mixed feelings on Rayleigh? I love him and also kinda don't at the same time. I think it's a ME issue though and not a character issue lmao ((He reminds me of my sister for some reason and that's.. a can of worms I'm not gonna open rn))
As for Roger/Rouge/Rayleigh - I think that's!! So!! Cute!!!!!! For the ghost AU the general idea is that Rouge never met the cabin boys initially before death, but I also like the idea of the polycule and Rouge being a staple of their lives. I dunno really. Cute ship!!!!!
As for grandpa Rayleigh-
I think him visiting Karai Bari would be really mixed by way of responses. On the one hand, That's One Of Buggy's Dads. On the other.... that's one of the people that abandoned Buggy when he needed them most. I think the initial meet would probably be ripe with tears, screaming, demands for him to get lost, while Rayleigh is trying so hard to damage control with a lackadaisical smile and flippant ease.
And that would of course be prime real estate for Birdie, Angel and Atlas to inject themselves into the exchange. Mama Bug cries a lot but these are Bad Tears and Nobody Makes Mama Bug Sad Like That.
While Angel and Birdie are sort of the front line of cutting in, Atlas I think would kind of glue himself to Buggy - both to comfort him and to get comfort due to the echoes of genetic memory. And when the older seraphim realize Buggy AND Atlas are upset, ooooh it's on like Donkey Kong.
The initial meeting is.... less than stellar lmao.
I think once tempers cool, discussions are had and boundaries are established, Rayleigh would be a pretty good grandpa. He's like the Cool Jiji, sneaking snacks and spoiling the kids but also letting them explore the world. It's rocky since Rayleigh's pretty lenient on rules, but once the structure is given, it's overall pretty good.
((Bonus points, Roger and Rouge spend the whole time with Rayleigh when he's with the kids - initially bc they're nervous about it, then bc it's just.... it's bittersweet. This could have been them. It's as close as they'll get now.))
((Extra bonus, Rayleigh often forgets how Strange Buggy's Haki is - Atlas reminds him frequently. And when the other boys respond to the same things, he's curious. He asks. He's.... oh. Oh man. What????
Perona brings out the board. Croc and Hawk take the kids. Buggy sits across from Rayleigh, and Roger and Rouge sit on either side of their living lover.
Rayleigh cries.))
((I think all in all, Buggy would really struggle with it. Rayleigh has changed so much, and he's good with the kids, he really is! But he wasn't always good with kids in general. He's a better grandfather than he ever was a dad, and it hurts. He confesses this to Mihawk and Crocodile one night, or maybe to Shanks over a denden, and he sort of breaks. If Rayleigh was always capable of change, then that just means that Buggy was never a big enough priority for him TO change. And that's the crux of it all, isn't it? Buggy's never as important to others as they are to him. He's a side character in the bigger picture and it aches, it throbs, it burns. He's so happy their kids are happy and loved and safe, because Buggy wants to give them the world and make sure they never hurt like this, but he's almost jealous and he hates himself for it.
It takes some time for him to heal, for him to forgive himself for it. He loves so much, too much, and sometimes the love sits there and rots within, infects his lungs and veins. He's not perfect, he not even okay, but he does his best and he's not alone anymore. He's making improvements, slowly but surely, and accepting the past, while agonizing, is possible. He's got support now in places he never anticipated having it. And he's got people who need him to be there, who need him to be better, who just... need him. It's jarring. It's dizzying. It's overwhelming. It's empowering.
Buggy may be broken, but he'll turn his jagged shards into knives, his chips into jewels to wear proudly to defend the ones he loves. He's a coward but he's a fighter - he's a god damned pirate, and he'll force the world to remember that.))
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badaziraphaletakes · 5 months
This may be a bad place to ask this question, but I have a bad headache and feel like making poor choices.
If some fans who have posited this turn out to be right-I will not feel surprised or that the story choice was unfounded or unearned- but at the moment I'm of the personal opinion that Aziraphale really did like the idea of going back to Heaven to fix it from the inside with Crowley and that his face at the end is a mixture of sadness about breaking up with Crowley and alarm at what Metatron has just revealed about the second coming.
If we take the story at face value-I am struggling to see why this would engender quite so much hatred of Aziraphale. In taking the narrative at face value as I am currently doing- I see a being desperate for approval and acceptance in an abusive system that they've believed in their whole lives and breaking out of that is really really difficult and sometimes there are setbacks. I guess one of the emotions I feel for Aziraphale right now is pity.
Given some recent blog posts of your's on my dash, I think there might be something I'm missing though?
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This may be a bad place to ask this question, but I have a bad headache and feel like making poor choices.
Hi! Thanks for reaching out! It’s not a poor choice! We definitely want to keep these lines of dialogue open :) We try our best to be respectful when engaging in discussions like these! After all, our goal is to promote a more respectful and inclusive fandom.
If some fans who have posited this turn out to be right-I will not feel surprised or that the story choice was unfounded or unearned- but at the moment I'm of the personal opinion that Aziraphale really did like the idea of going back to Heaven to fix it from the inside with Crowley and that his face at the end is a mixture of sadness about breaking up with Crowley and alarm at what Metatron has just revealed about the second coming.
It’s certainly possible. I don’t blame him for wanting to believe what the Metatrash said - after all, ever since Crowley fell, Aziraphale has never for one moment imagined that there’s any possible scenario where he and Crowley could be safe together, so no wonder he leapt at the idea of them both being able to be in heaven together (assuming that’s what happened and he wasn’t, idk, bluffing or something - but I’m not even gonna open that can of worms lol). Also, I don’t personally think it’s wrong of him to want to try to fix heaven from the inside, either. It’s not like he has any other choice, after all.
I am struggling to see why this would engender quite so much hatred of Aziraphale. Us too! :)
In taking the narrative at face value as I am currently doing Fwiw, I don’t think anyone is or isn’t taking the FF “at face value”. It’s very clear there’s a lot of the FF we didn’t see and a lot of things about it that were deliberately meant to be confusing. It makes sense that some people think Aziraphale was happy at the idea of Crowley going back to heaven and some people don’t and some people think Crowley stopped time and some people don’t and some people think the whole thing was planned and some people think Aziraphale had a bullet in his mouth and some don’t, lol! :)
I see a being desperate for approval and acceptance in an ab*sive system that they've believed in their whole lives That’s definitely one possible explanation and if that is what was going on in Azi’s brain, that’s FINE and NOBODY has the right to condemn him for it.
But here’s the thing: We saw that Metatrash could hear what was being said in the bookshop and that Aziraphale knew that.
Given that, it’s a very safe bet that the conversation was very different because Aziraphale knew he was listening.
(We also have the extremely unsubtle “coffee or death” metaphor and we saw that Metatrash tapped the Coffee or Death logo which just happened to be facing toward Aziraphale and that Aziraphale saw him do it. Metatrash was holding a gun to his head.)
Is it possible that Aziraphale wants Metatrash’s/heaven’s approval and acceptance / still believes in him to some extent? Sure. HOWEVER. We should never assume victims believe the things their ab*sers force them to say. As a survivor, I can attest that that assumption is exceptionally painful and burdensome for victims to have to live with and multiplies the psychological harm. (And sadly, the assumption is rampant in our culture. There have been studies that show that people think victims in hostage videos who read statements prepared by their kidnappers with a gun held to their head actually believe the things they’re being forced to say. It’s deeply troubling. Not saying this is what you’re doing just to be clear lol!)
Victims get into this horrible mental pretzel of thinking that they’re as bad as their ab*ser and must secretly like and/or deserve and/or "cause" the ab*se, and so on, yada yada yada. It plays into the ab*ser's goals of causing alienation from friends and loved ones so that the victim has to depend completely on them for physical and emotional reasons, and of eroding the victim's sense of self, by making them think they're a bad person. (E.g. Victim thinks "I must be a bad person, because if I were a good person, I wouldn't have let [ab*ser's name] make me say that my friend is fat" etc etc). It’s really one of the most depressing aspects of ab*se.
Given that, I think practicing giving Aziraphale (or whatever character) the benefit of the doubt and defaulting to the interpretation of his motives that attributes as much influence as possible to the literal gun to his head lol (i.e. he’s going back to heaven because he doesn’t have a choice and needs to do it to protect Crowley, slash also to save the world, because, let’s face it, it’s not like they have any other options; they were only able to interfere with Armageddon in S1 because Crowley’s official position working for hell gave him an in) is good for us to get into the habit of, so we can make sure we extend the same respect and dignity to real-life victims/survivors. (At this blog we are HUGE believers in the idea that the way we behave toward characters informs the way we behave toward real-life people, and also reflects it).
and breaking out of that is really really difficult and sometimes there are setbacks.
Absolutely. The physical setbacks (i.e. “my ab*ser will kill me if I leave” &c &c) are far too often underattributed, however, with far too much of victims’ motivations for staying being put down to “psychological confusion” or “emotional ties” or whatever. I wish we as a society would pay more attention to how to solve the problem of ab*sers committing ab*se in the first place, and then why they are so much more likely to kill their victims if they try to leave, rather than the question of why some victims are still in love with their ab*sers and so on and so forth. Because that is the only way we'll ever find a solution. Whether you’d want to stay with the ab*ser even if you had the choice to leave is completely irrelevant when you can’t leave because they’d kill you if you did.
I guess one of the emotions I feel for Aziraphale right now is pity.
Us too!
Given some recent blog posts of your's on my dash, I think there might be something I'm missing though?
Hope this helped! :) Again, thank you for a very thoughtful ask! It gave me an opportunity to revisit some points that I think bear re-iterating frequently on the blog anyway, so I appreciate that!
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quanticq · 1 year
Hey Q! Sorry for bothering you, but for some reason I can no longer find any of your tik tok accounts 😭 Did they get deleted or something?
Hi this is Q! I’m coming out of the woodwork to address this, since I did went radio silent out of the blue so it’s not a bother at all
The short answer is Yes, I deleted my tiktok
Yes delete not deactivate, I’m not coming back to That app or IG or Twt, I deleted my socials except here and YouTube, I honestly felt so overwhelmed with everything, I realized I’m not even posting for myself anymore there. A lots of people crossed my boundaries time and time again I felt so helpless, bitter with myself. I guess I was just overwhelmed with the attention I got; both positive and negatives ones.
Im done and I want to start over so that’s why I’m here and on YouTube, I already posted some of these on my community tab on YT but here’s what I have in mind for the future of the content I want to create: more detail under the cut, and also;
CW: very brief mention of spiraling, harm inflict oneself or others, paranoia, etc
•Long-form content: my attention span is a bit messed up from consuming and making short-form content to the point where I can’t focus in university. I want to create something meaningful. It’s not that my previous content was not meaningful, no. I had fun and no time is wasted when I have fun, it was warm… but as I mentioned earlier, I just felt this lingering bitterness the longer I stayed making those short-form content. It really felt like I was on the verge of losing it. Especially with how the bigger following I have the less people think of me as a person than just another content creator you see on the internet,
I want to create long-form content, I’m so tired of forcing myself to generate 15 second content. On tiktok it just feels like I’m just creating and not really connecting. I want to try something new, maybe create an open space for meaningful discussion in the comments. I don’t think I can stand another copy-paste tiktok comment anymore. You know what I meant if you’re frequent on that app.
•Art Content with Commentary: and don’t worry this won’t be those petty artist drama issue, but I will still cover anything serious
it could be love letters or video essays ranging from fan fictions, fandom culture, the art scene and so much more. I may even share a bit of my personal life, this will be self indulgent after all! I want to make it fun for myself and as well to those who comes across my channel. I really REALLY want to create a genuine following.
On tiktok it’s so easy to gain following but not so easy to retain them, it’s mostly because of the algorithm and the FYP feature there.
On Tiktok most content that would get featured as an artist there would be creative work has to be either; more than exceptional which is pressuring enough already to consistent posters, straight up suggestive content shown to minors (tiktok doesn’t really have a blocked keywords feature but it’s so disheartening to see these creators intentionally not using the sensitive warning since it could limit their reach significantly) oh yes we can’t forget the negativity surrounding beginner artists or “art lore”
All of this cesspool of negativity, it’s a whole can of worms but it will be one of my prominent topics that I wish to discuss in my future art commentaries. I hope you guys are looking forward to those! I might bring in a few people or so to talk about it with me
and finally;
•Streaming: I used to do a lot of streams during the weekends on the clock app and it was super fun! I want to bring that back but that would have to wait since I’m unfamiliar with some features on YouTube, and I’m aware that YT does not have a discoverable feature for stream but that’s alright, I want to start something small first.
In short; I’ll figure it out! just need some baby steps before I start streaming again.
I apologize for deleting everything out of the blue, if I’m gonna be honest it was partially planned because I’ve been thinking about deleting my tiktok, twitter and Instagram for a while now but how it happened? In my breakdown I realized that I don’t want anyone to see me spiral, especially now that I realized how young my audience are, I’m not sure how that happened but I guess posting fandom contents does attract the young ones somehow inevitably, even though my content is nowhere near as suggestive, but I do talk about serious topics from time to time… but I digress, its not fair for them to deal with me if they see me spiral publicly,
it is especially not fair to them to console me. When I was younger than 14, I’ve been in a position where I have to talk down someone who was older, maybe 4-5 years older than me, from harming themselves or anyone, it was traumatizing and unpleasant. I don’t wish for anyone to go through that, it’s very painful.
It’s been… hard for me to ground myself. Ive been seeing things through a kaleidoscope of emotions; I was trying to focus on everything but it’s just too overwhelming so eventually I cracked. But please don’t worry I’ve been doing better now, after some time away from my online persona, and of course spending time with my beloved girlfriend, I see things much more clearly now.
Thank you to anyone who read this and much so appreciate those who understand where I’m coming from
Also now that I think of it can my stuff be considered as lost media now? Amazing! But please don’t be sad the fun I had was genuine!
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Thank you again to those who genuinely enjoyed my content on tiktok but it’s time for me to try my hand at something new, I will still be dwelling in my creative headspace just.. away from public for now,
if you’re looking forward for my future post, make sure to check out my YouTube! I still have a lot I need to cook hehe, this is one of the few!
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More post soon, Bye bye! -Q
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OK OK OK OK OK. wibby thoughts. wibby bisection thoughts. we could just like vivisect him this time. fucking shit like that. have his guts and stuff all over the forest.
as i've said ummm. fucking around with passengers Is gonna come up a bit at some point (doesn't feel like a spoiler to say? i mean. bonesaw is Literally Here) so i won't say much, but bonesaw literally does say in snare 13.9:
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so. yeah!!!!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!! that could fucking happen!!! if the trickster has control over someone like bonesaw who is capable of doing that!! (would he Want to though? there's no like. secret well of planeswalking power in him here. would he just do it for fun????!!!!) and. ough. ok. let this one cook for a while ok there's a part u need to get to in worm that's relevant. i think this could go very hard i like it a LOT but i legally can't talk about it very much!!!!
ALSO. as i just made a post about. he could literally just get trapped in muse's area of effect during this final battle and get. um. well. really anything could happen to him. honestly the pulling him in half clicks really fucking well with this i think because that really does feel like some cartoon nightmare shit.... get yoinked!! & because it's dream logic he could still get put back together just as easily... he could be like. alive and aware the whole time it's happening. u know. wheezing bloody exposed lungs that aren't Working and aren't Doing anything and they should have stopped by now his heart is fallen out it should be stopped but it's still squeezing and his eyes are still moving etc. this would also be like. reminiscent of his trigger event (laying helpless and paralyzed and in immense pain for many hours in the middle of the woods that want to kill him). ik u have second trigger thoughts. shrug!! maybe ashe has a moment of lucidity before the field drops and goes OHHH GOD OH FUCK because wraith is just. strewn across the ground torn apart like a doll that yr dog got to. etc etc etc.
ANYWAY. thats what ive got so far what have u got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👀👀👀👀👀
AHA. YEAH. LITERALLY WIBBY FRIDGE IN THE FOREST. okay okay okay we are cooking we are in the kitchen together just throwing ingredients into the soup. I'm obv not going to comment on the passengers thing until I read some more of worm (btw quick side note the s9 had a cameo in the last interlude I read and I got so ridiculously happy to see them again. extremely nervous about yhem cloning themselves (???????) though. although i kind of hope they are so that it'll give me more ideas about tide. anyway.)
HOWEVER. I DO REALLY REALLY LIKE THE GETTING CAUGHT IN THE BLAST ZONE VIBE but something that hits so hard about that event in canon is just. how. Direct And Personal it seemed. like. he Did That while holding him in the air and telling him to not be afraid bc it'll all be over soon. that's so much. I love the wibby getting caught in the fucked up breaker effect but also i think it should be DIRECTED at him. reasoning behind this i don't know why yet. but I'm sure we can think of something sufficiently harmful.
god dude i didn't even CONSIDER the dream logic of it all. we literally don't even have to kill wibby we can just have him awake and alive and aware of it all. wow! awesome! and dakota can try to push him back together and he would be aware of this and trying to talk to him but his fuckign. everythign is ripped open so he can't exactly talk now can he !!!
I do have SO MANY second trigger thoughts and I do think this is so fucking perfect as a second trigger moment exactly bc of what u said abt laying helpless (ESPECIALLY if we have dakota trying to fix him because. hey he didn't trigger the first time until people came to get him. lol. lmao, even.) and i HAVE actually put a good amount of thought into what his powers would look like after this but i cant tell u until youre done w pd AUGH. also hey having ashe be lucid for a second sucks even more because he'd drop the breaker effect. the only thing that could feasibly put wibby back together in this state is ALSO the breaker effect. so he fucking panics because hey wow i just did this and the only way to fix it or undo it is to . go back to being a horrible little puppet or whatever. do u know what I mean
side note I think wibby needs to have a brutal gross awesome scar from this. i can't talk more about this until you finish 39. smile !!!!!!!!!! what the fuck dude.
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floralcyanide · 1 year
𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐀 𝐕𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧 • 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐫
Part Four (NSFW)
Roman Bridger x AFAB!Reader
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The day Roman first laid eyes on you, he knew he had to have you. There was something about you that he couldn’t quite put his finger on, and usually, he was good at reading people off the bat. But you were a different story. Naturally, you only opened up when necessary, not letting people in if you didn’t have a reason to. So you were guarded, and Roman didn’t like that. He wanted to worm his way into your life, no matter what it took.
If that took delving into his twisted past again in order to get to you, so be it.
AFAB - (assigned female at birth) someone who is born female but can identify with she/her or other pronouns. reader pronouns are gender neutral, so people who use any pronouns can read, but female anatomy will be used and described in this fanfiction eventually.
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warnings: discussion of sex, innuendo, smut in the next chapter!
word count: 1860
author's note: hiii welcome to part 4!! I was gonna write smut for this chapter but I didn't want it to be too long, so it'll have to be the next one, sorry!! (; I hope you all enjoy, and if you do, please like and reblog <3
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this fic has been cross posted to ao3.
ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ʀᴇᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀs ᴏɴ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ, ᴀᴏ3, ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴡᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ɪɴ ᴀɪ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀs ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʀᴛɪғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴄᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ᴛᴏ sᴇʟʟ ғᴏʀ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ.
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“You have to wear something hot. Like one of your button-ups or maybe something form-fitting? Roman loves someone with confidence.”
“I’m not the most confident person, but he still asked me on a date. Also, how do you know what’s in my closet?”
“I sort of snooped in there while you were showering the other day. Sorry. I got bored, okay!”
You roll your eyes at Sage, trying to hide your laugh but failing.
She is currently assisting you on what to wear to your coffee date with Roman. After filming wrapped for the day, something came up, so he had to go somewhere instead of meeting you in the parking lot. You were thankful for this, so you could go home and actually prepare to look decent. You almost always showed up to set in sweats. 
Having a friend who is a girl is a handful sometimes, but in a fashion situation, it has its perks. Sage definitely had a taste for fashion, whether it was for men, women, or something else. You ponder wearing one of your patterned button-ups. Hopefully, it won’t clash with whatever button-up Roman was likely going to wear because you’ve noticed that was most of his wardrobe.
Sage eyeballs your closet, sifting through it before snatching a red button-up with black and white designs on it, “Ooh, what about this one?” 
You purse your lips, indecisively moving your head to the side, “I could always wear that with some jeans.”
“Good idea. In case of accidentally matching shirts with Roman, at least you won’t have to worry about matching his pants, too,” Sage giggles.
“True,” you scoff, checking your watch for the time. 
You had about 15 minutes until the time Roman set to meet at the coffee house, so you had to hurry and get ready quickly. You and Sage had been fooling around a tad too long.
“Okay, take this,” Sage says, handing over the shirt, “And then these.”
You stare down at the black cargo pants and nod in approval. Sage smiles and gives you two thumbs-ups before you hurry to the bathroom to change and make your hair presentable.
After pulling the outfit on, you study yourself in the mirror. You’ve been wondering all day long why Roman would want to ask you out all day. Well, technically, it was for work, but still. You could’ve hung out at the studio or his office instead. But he chose to take you for coffee. What did he see in you that you didn’t see about yourself? Especially with the whole making you a primary cast member spiel. You didn’t talk to anyone you didn’t have to and often stayed out of the limelight. Also, being an extra was your forte. You liked being dramatic but not up front where everyone could see. However, being a big-time actor has crossed your mind before. This could be your chance to do something crazy and interesting in your life for once. Who knows.
You mess around with your hair and face for a few minutes until everything looks as perfect as possible to you. Walking out of the bathroom, Sage nods her head in approval.
“You look fabulous. Now go eat that man alive!”
You beat Roman to the coffee house.
You’re sitting in the back corner facing the direction of the door, nervously glancing up at it occasionally. You wish you had brought a book or something. But you hadn’t expected Roman to be nearly 20 minutes late by this point. You distract yourself by looking at the menu again, momentarily taking your eyes off the door. 
“I’m so sorry I’m late. The higher-ups are long-winded when it comes to discussing certain things for the movie,” Roman sits in front of you with an apologetic sigh.
“You’re fine, I understand!” you smile, setting the menu down.
“So,” Roman returns your smile, “Decided on what you want yet?”
“I think just a regular coffee will do,” you nod.
“Same here. Hopefully, after the coffee, I’ll feel more up for discussing the script with you. I’m kind of beat right now,” Roman rubs his chin, staring at you.
“It’s whatever you’re okay with. I don’t mind just talking for now,” you say, much to Roman’s delight.
He asks you about your life, like where you’re originally from and why you’re here in Hollywood. After telling him where you’re from and him not having a clue as to where that was, you go on to why you’re in California.
“I’ve always been a fan of theater and how the whole process behind shows and movies works. I went to college for it, even. I learned I’m not the best at being in the spotlight, so I tried the next best thing, which was being a set extra,” you say.
Before Roman can answer, a waitress comes and takes your orders. Her eyes linger on Roman for a tad too long, you notice. You feel kind of awkward about it. You weren’t jealous, but sometimes you forget Roman has women and sometimes men flinging themselves at him. It’s just something you didn’t personally understand, as no one has ever made an effort to express interest in you. 
“Someone thought you were cute,” you chuckle once the waitress is out of earshot.
“Not my type,” Roman dismisses quickly with a wave of his hand.
“Oh really?” you play with a button by the collar of your shirt, “What is your type then, if you don’t mind me asking? She was pretty.”
“I like people who are confident in themselves, but to a degree where they aren’t snobby about it. Someone who is intelligent and knows what they want in numerous ways.”
“Knows what they want, huh? Elaborate on that,” you say, quieting your voice when the waitress returns with your coffee.
You and Roman thank the waitress, and you look at each other before bursting into a fit of giggles once she’s far away.
“Well,” Roman clears his throat, picking up his cup, “About anything, really. Their career, their goals, what they desire in a relationship, sex, whatever.”
You raise your eyebrows in slight surprise, “All good points. Ever meet anyone with all of those qualities?”
“I was with someone for a few years, but they were confident in everything except the last one. Which became a problem towards the end,” Roman sips his coffee.
“Oh,” you purse your lips, “That’s unfortunate.”
“Yeah. Which is funny because they ended up cheating on me.”
“Damn,” you say around the cup of coffee, “Sorry about that. I relate somewhat.”
“The cheating part or the confidence in sex?” Roman smirks.
“Definitely not the sex part,” you feel your face burn in slight embarrassment, “But I have been cheated on before. It’s no fun.”
“Why would anyone cheat on someone like you? You’re,” Roman pauses, letting his eyes wander up every inch of your body that was available, “Perfect.”
“Far from it, but I appreciate that,” you chuckle, scratching the back of your neck.
“No, really. You’re a great person, and I’d love to get to know you better. Who knows, maybe I’ll find out just how confident you are sometime,” Roman gives you a suggestive smile before taking a drink.
“Oh really?” your face burns again, “And how do you plan on doing that, Roman?”
“Oh, I don’t know. I need to know more about you first,” he shrugs, sitting back in his chair, crossing his arms.
“Like what?” you lean forward, resting your head on your fists with your elbows on the table.
“Hmm,” Roman pretends to think hard before leaning forward on the table, resting on his arms, “Biggest turn-on?”
A part of you is wondering how the conversation came to this and whether or not it’s appropriate. Still, at the same time, your crush on Roman is making your brain fuzzy. Even more so with the question he just asked. You almost hesitate to answer, but after all, why not?
“Probably dirty talk. If you’re confident enough to tell me everything you want to do to me, then I believe you’ll do it, and that’s attractive to me,” you say, eyes darting around as casually as possible because you can’t really look Roman in the eyes right now.
“Understandable. I enjoy describing every step to whoever I’m pleasing and watching them get flustered,” Roman says.
“Ah,” your eyes avert to his finally, “Is that your biggest turn-on, too?”
“No. Mine is when someone lets me do whatever I want to them,” Roman relaxes into the chair again, sipping his coffee.
“Oh,” you raise your eyebrows, “And what things would that include?”
Your stomach is bursting with butterflies, your mind racing and wandering to a very suggestive place you haven’t visited in quite some time.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, Y/N,” Roman smirks, pushing his glasses up on his nose.
“Yes,” you say confidently, “I would, actually. I’m curious.”
“Curious or needy? I feel like your imagination would do cartwheels with what I tell you.”
You gulp, involuntarily pressing your legs together, “Well, we’ve come this far into the conversation. You asked me, so now I get to ask you.”
“Whatever you say,” Roman chuckles, “I like teasing my partners relentlessly,” he lowers his voice, leaning closer to you, “Until they can’t take it anymore. Then, I start slow and build up gradually. I’ll go until they’re a withering, wet mess. Even after they cum, I’ll continue until I’m satisfied.”
You slowly inhale, trying to keep your best poker face on, “Interesting. You seem like the type to want to be in control.”
You and Roman are now inches apart, eyes locked, and tension thicker than before.
“Would you like to find out, sweetheart?” Roman moves his hand up slowly, running his index finger from your collarbone to underneath your chin, where he lifts it up.
Your eyes widen slightly, “Um, wouldn’t we get in trouble?”
“No, besides, we don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“I want to,” you say quietly.
“It’s gotta be an explicit ‘yes’ or ‘no.’”
You take a deep breath before letting it out slowly, “Yes.”
Your brain is foggy with lust as Roman stands up from the table, slapping down cash on it before offering his hand out to you. You take his hand, standing up and trying not to let your legs wobble. Roman says his condo is about 5 minutes away, walking you to his flashy car. God, you can’t believe you’re doing this right now. Sage was going to ask a million questions. You climb into the car, buckling up as Roman does the same while he starts the car. He rests a hand on your thigh as he drives, causing warmth to spread to your stomach. You can’t help but get lost in your thoughts, imagining what Roman would do to you. You spend the whole car ride in silence.
By the time you arrive at Roman’s, you can feel how wet you’ve become just from your imagination doing “cartwheels,” as Roman put it. 
But here, in the next few minutes, you won’t have to imagine anymore. 
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@bridgergf @crinimalmindsfan13 @oddlittleminx @axen-gers @alwayslilithnevreve @belovedtylerrr @bonbekahsfav @elliotss @jokersgrf @snazzynacho @sonyaswife @cobra-kaii
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triplesilverstar · 7 months
Helloo I love ur trigun fics
I dunno if ur blog is open to this but
The song "Love like You" from the show Steven Universe reminds me a whole lot of Snipes and Vash! <3
Mostly about Snipes singing how someone like Vash continues loving her even after what she's done... And her wanting to become how he sees her so that she feels worthy of his love (if that makes sense lol)
These lines hit had:
"I always thought I might be bad
Now I'm sure that it's true
'Cause I think you're so good
And I'm nothing like you
Look at you go
I just adore you
I wish that I knew
What makes you think I'm so special
If I could begin to do
Something that does right by you
I would do about anything
I would even learn how to love"
That's all. Okie, thank you for letting me in your ask box <33
Aw thank you I'm glad you've enjoyed them. As to the idea I totally loved it. I've never really done a song fic before so here's my best attempt. I decided to work it into one the fics as a chapter just because my list of one shots is getting a little long...
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Pairing: Vash X F!Reader
CW: Injuries, blood, pining, 
Word count: 2.2K 
A/N: I’ve made this Chapter two of Gunless Duet
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You should have known that eventually, your good luck had to run out. It always does. And just like always it runs out at the worst possible moments. Sitting at the bar while watching Vash once more being the life of the party, and this time he had tried to bring you into the fun with him. 
“Come on Snipes, let loose just this once? You deserve to enjoy yourself too.” A puppy dog for a plead and you shook your head watching him go back to cavorting around. You aren’t like him, yet he refuses to let that stop him from asking you to join him each and every time. If only you were half of the person he thought you were. You’re not. You’re the farthest thing from what he thinks you are.
Hiding how you feel behind an expression of boredom as a pretty brunette takes his hand and gets him to dance with her. A glare sent your way as if she perceives you as some sort of threat for his affection, a shake of your head as you take another sip of your water and listen to the music playing in the background with the sound of laughter.
Sensing a familiar presence slip up beside you it’s hard not to chuckle, he’s like a tomas with a worm. Determined to not stop trying to catch the damn thing. “Could I get what she’s having?” It’s a cute little ploy on his part to make it seem like he’s still drinking when really he’s had enough, your short glass making it seem like you’re drinking something far stronger. 
As Vash throws the drink back you do your best to avert your eyes. Lately, all you can think about is the bubbling attraction for the tall sunshine blond. It’s becoming a problem you don’t want to face, because you know he can’t feel the same way. No matter how many times you’ve tried to slip away from him to find him waiting for you with a grin at whatever town's exit. Like he’s waiting for you and it makes your heart beat painfully inside your chest. He’s not. You’re a decent traveling companion and he’s an infamous bounty so traveling with a well know bounty hunter makes sense. No one would believe he’s the humanoid typhoon. Yet it still makes your chest do funny things when you leave him at the hotel, or a restaurant, like he’s worried you might try and slip away from, wondering when you’re coming back. 
Your thoughts of reminiscing are out the window in no time when the sound of breaking glass reaches your ears and Vash is pulled against the brunette from earlier. A knife against his throat and there’s a crazed look in her eyes as she glances around the room like a wild animal that’s been caged against its will. “Nobody moves, I’m just gonna take my prize and leave got it!” 
Shit. She’s not a woman that was hoping to get into bed with the blond, she’s another bounty hunter and all the glares sent your way make a hell of a lot more sense. She thought you were the competition. 
Your body moves as if on autopilot, your rifle unstrapped, the butt pressed into the metal plate of your shoulder as your stare at her above your scope. At this range, you don’t need it. “I think you’re making a mistake. Let him go unless you want another hole in your head, cept this one will have some grey matter pouring out.” You can’t try to talk it out like Vash would, not with the fear clutching your heart. You also thought you were bad, and the more time you spend with the blond you know it’s true because even now he’s trying to diffuse the situation. 
“I think there seems to be some kind of misunderstanding here ladies. No reason to pull rifles and knives out right?” He’s willing to always put his life on the line if it means saving someone, he’s too much of a goody-toe shoe, and you’re nothing like him. It’s a good thing because you wish you could see all the good he sees in people. 
“No. I know exactly who you are.” It’s hissed from the woman like a curse and you have no doubt she knows she has the real Vash the Stampede. 
“Are you sure? I get confused for a lot of people miss, I mean we were just dancing a little while ago.” A flicker across her face as if she does doubt herself now. You might not be willing to admit it, but it is something that charms you whenever you see it in action. Vash’s ability to talk his way out of almost getting dragged off by people he meets, all with soft words that resonate with the people he speaks to. 
As Vash speaks his eyes never leave yours though, he maintains that eye contact like it’s his the string that keeps this bundle of chaos from falling apart. Almost like he knows you’re there to help him diffuse the situation instead of making it worse. You don’t understand it and you aren’t sure you ever will when he looks at you like you’re something special and you have no idea how he could have ever come to that realization. You wish you knew when he looked at you like that why he thought you were so much more than you are. 
As the other bounty hunter begins to step back you see your opening, the briefest flicker of her eyes as she checks to make sure she’s heading out the door with Vash. You dart forward and in those few partial seconds you have your grip on your rifle reversed. Just in time to slam the butt plate into the side of her temple.
Only for her knife to slide along the side of his neck and you see red gush from his pale neck as both of them drop. It’s like watching the world in slow motion as your heart pounds inside your chest. The slow rise of his hand to place pressure against his neck and the deep slice that spurts in time to the pumping of his blood through his veins. 
When your luck runs out. It really does run out at the worst times. 
Your rifle is back in your shoulder as your eyes settle on the knocked out woman and you’re ready to pull the trigger. 
“Snipes.” A quick utterance with his voice barely audible to your ears but he has your attention. “I know she didn’t mean.” He’s right. All of Vash’s wanted posters make it clear that he’s wanted alive, so slicing his neck adds a layer of risk to her getting the cash for him. No one pays for the dead when the poster clearly states the one option for turning him in. Grinding your teeth together as your rifle remains pointed at the center of her chest and you so desperately want to pull the trigger, that voice inside of you screaming how she deserves it. She could have killed Vash. 
“Snipes. You’re better than that.” The rage flooding your system isn’t subsiding and it’s a hard pill to swallow, but the more rational side of you is winning over with the help of his statement. As much as part of you is screaming bloody murder, it isn’t what Vash would want, and in the end that wins. Stepping back before slinging your rifle and checking on the tall blond. He should have been your concern from the start.
“Keep the pressure on your neck.” Gazing around the room at the patrons who seem to be letting out a collective sigh of relief. “Is there a doctor or a nurse nearby? Both of them need to be seen.” You made this situation worse by dragging it out after the threat had been neutralized, so the least you can try to do to make it up to Vash, to make it right, is to make sure both of them are seen by a doctor. It’s a first step in trying to fix the mistakes you made today. 
“What did he mean by mistaken identity?” 
It’s a voice of reason in the bar and you’re quick on your feet. “A lot of people confuse him for Vash the Stampede because of how much he looks like the wanted poster.”
“Are they dumb? He’s nothing like that maniac.” You don’t miss the flinch behind Vash’s eyes but it’s better this way. He needs medical attention as you help him stand, ensuring he keeps the pressure on his neck and if it’s even possible he looks paler than before. Swallow as you share a bit more back and forth before following an older man out the door towards the clinic, someone else having been sent to fetch the doctor and tell him what had happened. 
“I knew you could end that without more violence.” You keep your mouth shut as Vash whispers his version of a thank you. He shouldn’t be thanking you. He should be screaming how you made things so much worse as you trudge along the sandy road towards the clinic. Another reminder of how downright good Vash is, and you’re nothing like him. You never will be.
As you step into the clinic the doctor takes Vash first. “It’s not that bad honest.” Smiling gently at the doctor as Vash tries to get him to see the unconscious woman who’s being hand-cuffed to a chair in the waiting area. “Just wait here and I’ll be back in no time.” Biting your tongue before you can argue, a short nod and you head towards another chair and drop down into it. 
A final meeting of your eyes as the door closes and you see how shaken he looks as the wood turns into a barrier between you. It strikes you then why you had been willing to throw your own morals and beliefs out the window the second Vash was injured like that because that could have been life-threatening. Well, you’re still not sure it isn’t life threatening and he’s just putting on a facade for your sake. 
You’re hopelessly in love with Vash the Stampede. 
The feelings you’ve been ignoring since your tussle in the sand when he found out about your scars, found out about the monster lurking just under your skin. How you’re nothing like him. Not in the slightest. A man-made monster from another world that was willing to let them start the process and was too foolish to see what it all would amount to in the end.
You're lying to yourself again. These feelings of attraction and affection started long before then, hell they might have started when he saved you from turning into hamburger when you were holding onto the edge of the metal floor over the cliff in that dilapidated old building. You’ve been shoving those budding feelings down because you don’t deserve them, and he deserves better than a broken morally grey person like you. Shoving those thoughts down once more as you remind yourself he doesn’t care for you that way. You’re a friend. Just a friend. Vash treats everyone he meets the same way he treats you, the difference is the two of you are still traveling together and the stubborn blond still joins you in the single bed to make sure you don’t run out on him again. 
Snapped from your musing when the door opens once more and Vash strides out as if on top of the world. There isn’t even a bandage or anything on his neck from the slice, just a thin red line. “I told you it wasn’t that bad.” 
“You were gushing blood.” Firing right back at him only for the doctor to intervene. 
“Injuries like the one this young man received can often seem far worse than they are. I can assure you it’s no more than a scratch. There might have been a bit more bleeding than normal because of the alcohol in his system as well.” You don’t want to believe either of them, you know when you see arterial blood spurting. 
Clenching your hand into a fist as you think back on how the rest of the night has gone, you do let it go. Maybe in your panic, your mind did play tricks on you, making it seem far worse then it was. “I do think a night of rest would help. Ready to head back to the hotel? I think I’m done partying for the night.” 
The soft smile he sends you is dazzling and it’s not one of his masks that he wears to make others feel better. You see if so rarely that every time it makes your brain stutter, no wonder so many people flirt with him. “Yea. Lets head back.” When he looks at you like that, you know you aren’t like him, you’ll never be anything like him. 
It does make you think you could do anything, that maybe you could learn to be a little more like Vash and love the world the way he does instead of judging it. 
To learn how to love like him. 
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golbrocklovely · 11 months
finally, after so long, here is my review of the conjuring series/hell week.
this is EXTREMELY LONG so strap in, grab a drink, and a snack. or, feel free to skip to the end to read my overall thoughts lol
like previous hell weeks, i'm gonna rate each episode and then answer whether or not i would rewatch the episode.
lmk what you guys thought !
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episode one:
the obvious meat and potatoes of this whole video was satori and cody's method, which i'm just gonna refer to as The Method just bc it's easier to say then writing out their names over and over again lol
i'll be honest with you, i'm super glad that snc did their best to debunk the tapping and whatnot. i honestly think that if they hadn't tried, a lot of ppl wouldn't believe them at all or would think that either they're lying, or satori and cody are.
as for the answers that satori and cody gave… it's hard. bc on one hand i truly do believe in psychics and mediums. i myself have experienced readings or things i have done on my own. i have had a lot of things happen to me that just logically don't make sense. i do believe there are ppl that have the ability to talk to the dead. but part of me is weary of satori and cody. idk know them from a hole in the wall. they could have easily researched snc, and their past relatives, and just bullshitted the rest. same thing with their producer. it's not hard to look up someone's ancestry. i would like to believe that isn't the case, but you can't be too sure.
the debunking that snc tried did make a strong case for The Method, especially doing it in random locations that they didn't know about. but again… idk. part of me just felt like i was side-eying the whole time. and look, i want to believe that they have good intentions and they are genuinely contacting something. but again, ppl lie for far less.
but no matter if they were lying or not, i 100% believe snc's reaction to it. it was real for them, and that's all that really matters to me tbh.
i felt really bad for sam, or i guess happy for him but sad that he was crying so much. my theory with him has always been that even tho he has experienced attachments and heard things, seen things, all that jazz - i truly think for the longest time he never fully believed. i think he would rather chalk up a paranormal experience as a group psychosis before saying a place was haunted. but since that probably wouldn't bode well for either of them, he just agreed that what they experienced was "crazy" and moved on like nothing happened. also, i have this general feeling that he doesn't believe his own experiences, which is why he questions ppl like colby when he goes thru something, but i haven't really fleshed out why that could be the case. but i think this was his "come to jesus" moment, so to speak. i mean, he explained it himself that he honestly didn't think there was anything after this life. that once you died, you're gone. so this was both great and terrifying news to hear. not to mention, to hear it from your dead grandmother was definitely surprising for sure. i honestly hope this brought him some closure or comfort. bc i know i always felt really sad growing up that my grandparents, literally all of them, never got to see me graduate high school or college or perform on stage. but i always had a feeling that they watched me do all of that so it's nice to hear that for someone else, that was the case.
granted, The Method could just be bullshit to conjure up an emotional response for views and notoriety… but for now, i'm gonna just take it at face value. sure, it's real. i think what also makes me lean towards that is that cody and satori don't charge ppl for this. it only happens at the conjuring for the most part, so…. unless they start becoming a side-show circus act with a big ticket price, i'm just gonna take them at their word. plus, the random locations snc took them to, unless the boys are in on it (which opens up too many cans of worms), The Method wouldn't have been able to work in these spots or actually have satori and cody come up with real ppl that died there.
i will say tho, it was kinda funny that sam's having this emotional breakdown over hearing his grandmom telling him she's watching over him and his siblings, and then colby's getting his great grandfather coming thru to tell him to tell his parents that he's there lol like…. thanks dude i never met. appreciate the love and support.
overall this episode was fine. it wasn't my favorite of the series, but it wasn't a bad way to start the series. this episode did draw me in enough to want to see the rest, but i was also a little weary of what was to come.
(oh yeah i forgot to add that the new owner… something feels deeply off about her. like i can't put my finger on it, but if it comes out years down the line that she was bringing demons into the house or something, i will not be surprised lol)
rating: 3/5
would i rewatch: yeah i guess, but not fully
episode two:
so going into this episode, i was a bit… not excited, since i knew amanda was going to be in the video. i've always had my reservations with her. mostly, i think she has abilities, i just think she talks them up to be something that they aren't. plus she has made some comments in past videos that just make me look at her sideways bc they don't make a lick of fucking sense (ie queen mary, she talked to a ghost that said he had lived other lives before this one, he was just stuck in this one for some reason, and she literally told snc she didn't believe that bc "reincarnation isn't in the bible" …..BRO, you talk to the dead. maybe not everything in a 2000+ year old book that's been translated 150+ times is gonna be accurate. also again, need i remind you, YOU TALK TO DEAD PPL). as for how i felt about her during this episode, she was fine, i guess. the only time she annoyed me was during the estes method where her and sam were just bouncing off one another in the worse way lol but i'll get more into that later.
i think it was really interesting that they interviewed andrea perron. they need to do that more often: find ppl that used to live in these places that they visit and get their story, instead of just listening to tour guides who amp up the scares just bc they need to. i thought her interview was really intriguing and i can only imagine how horrible it must have been to live in that house all the way back then. and to see your mother get thrown across the room?? idk what i would even do as a kid in that moment.
so the first part of the investigation was with amanda, snc, and cody and satori. (side note, i love that the touch toy for the ghost kids is a basset hound). i think this whole first part was kinda funny only bc in my most cynical mind, it's three fake mediums trying to one up each other the whole time lol
i don't fully believe that, but that's what my mind kept going back to.
i do find it odd that amanda couldn't see her past relatives but The Method was able to allow them to talk. idk, if i could see dead ppl, i think i would be a bit pissed if my loved ones were like "nah, i know you got the vision but i ain't showing myself in front of you". it also doesn't really help her case of what her abilities are or how strong they are if she can't even see ppl she actually once knew.
i also find it odd that all loved ones are apparently able to get across is "watching over __" bc both snc and now amanda got that message. again, to me, this just reads as like someone in this scenario is faking something. idk what, but i just remember laughing at this whole part bc it just felt funny to watch each one try to one up the other and then snc are just like :O the whole time.
and what made this top tier comedy to me was sam asking who wrote amanda's name, and them saying it was a spirit. i'm so sorry…. but you gotta be on fucking CRACK to think that happened. i believe in ghost, the paranormal, the whole enchilada………. but a ghost soldier wrote amanda's name in the sand???? no. sorry. that didn't happened. and you cannot tell me it did lmao
honestly in situations like this, i'm more incline to believe equipment than these, respectfully, quack jobs.
i thought it was sweet that colby kept being really nice to abigail and calling her the matriarch of the house. isn't he just a sweet boy lol
the second half of the day 2 was where i got more interested and into the video. the rempod going off constantly, the camera immediately dying, that little cabinet door opening, all of that in like five minutes is crazy. and then the estes method, while interesting, was also deeply annoying since sam and amanda decided to tag team and do the one thing i hate that they try to do during the estes method - connect everything while the words are still coming out. like CALM DOWN. connect later. it was freaky to see the rempod going off in time with their estes method tho.
the woods session was kinda cool. idk how i feel about the alice box yet. why does it only say some words but the others are just on the little text box? whatever i guess. gonna be honest, woods don't really scare me for paranormal reasons. i'm more inclined to believe i'm gonna get my ass eaten by a bear or stabbed by a human so it wasn't really all that creepy, but it was cool to see this half. and then to have snc sleep in the woods… props. but to be in the woods in august in hoodies was a choice i wouldn't make, personally.
day three josh and seth came and thank GOD there were ppl in this series/episode i actually liked that joined them. their half made the video a lot better. so they start off by doing the ritual, which honestly just felt more like (literally) dancing on someone's grave so…. idk about that one. a bit disrespectful if you ask me. colby literally did the ice spice on her grave… boy i would haunt your ass for eternity for that one lmao
hearing andrea perron speak of that fateful night of her mother being possessed, again, my heart breaks for her. whether you believe in the paranormal or not, something traumatic happened to her and her family. and i just feel for her.
so when they moved on into the investigation, i just gotta say, if they plan to use the spirit box, they NEED to invest in a microphone or a better speaker for that thing bc good god i couldn't hear a single thing that was coming thru. but moving past the spirit box, the door to the library just opening on it's own?? and the camera moving slightly?? that's nuts. bc it's one thing for a draft to open a door. you're talking about the middle of august tho. there's not gonna be strong winds (for the most part) during that time of the year unless it's storming. so if a draft blew the door open, it had to have been a HUGE one to literally push a rock out of the way. and it can't be ac bc then that door would be constantly opening.
when they separated, i get why they did, but like… why do you have to do it in the dark? i would be turning on flashlights or some form of light immediately. you're not about to catching me busting my ass on the stairs of a 300+ year old house lol
josh's sleeve moving was actually kinda freaky, ngl. i know it was very subtle, and technically could have just him moving his arm and then feeling the sleeve pull or relax or whatever, but to me… it looked like something pulled it.
then when snc went in alone, i find it funny to think of a spirit just running up and down the stairs, fucking with the rempod or the motion sensor, just to see them freak out. when sam invited whatever it was up to them, and then it got near the motion thing, and colby noped out of there and literally yelled at sam like "why did you invite it up here with us?!" ngl - favorite part of the whole video. also it was kinda cute that snc tried to do The Method on their own. kinda wish it would have worked for them.
colby doing the whole "imagine being andrea perron" speech he gave…. colby, can you not? also, are you good? lol
okay, so my overall thoughts on this episode - dragged in the beginning, but got good half way thru. they also got some really good evidence outside of The Method, which i would rather they not use every episode (but end up doing regardless).
rating: 3.5/5
would i rewatch: sure, but only the second half
episode three
so the previous episode left off with sam going into the basement late at night, almost looking possessed or something. and while i obviously didn't think that, i did want to know why he would go down there alone for some reason.
but that's for a later point in this review. let's get to the collab they did.
larray and bella…….. omg, i'll just be completely honest: i hated this collab. like genuinely, it takes a lot for me to find ppl insufferable, but larray took the cake this time. bella was fine, she seemed nice and did her best. and i love that me and @xplrvibes literally said "oh i bet they're gonna try to say bella is an empath bc she's a girl bc they do that all the time" and WOULDN'T YOU BELIEVE IT 11 minutes in they asked if she was one. i'm just glad she said no lol but back to larray……. first off, that shirt was a choice. and i'll leave it at that. but secondly, i'm okay with ppl joking is scary situations. i'm okay with them having guests that hear them say something insane and then immediately go "yeah fuck no to that, i'm leaving" or some iteration of that joke. but, larray took it too far. i don't think he said anything else other than "i don't want to be here" ect. and i get he was scared, but GOD, SHUT UP. like i got it the first five times you said it, i don't need to hear it the next 24. it literally took for him to get a message from the beyond to get him to be quiet.
i'll be honest, i don't even want to review this half of the video bc it was SUCH a drag. i remember i wasn't even half way thru and i was like… oh you're joking, we're not done yet? bc that's how annoying that whole section was. it wasn't solely larray, but he definitely exacerbated the problem.
the ring of lights that ppl can cross over, idk about that. it feels like it's fake but whatever. bella having a separate phone just for content… i love that for her lol them going into the basement is cut short only for the fact that we KNOW sam went down there first and colby was none the wiser until like two days later. The Method being done for bella and larray was cool i guess. but then sam getting an extremely private message that he couldn't share, i get that. and i hope that whatever message he got was something he needed to hear (but the way he mouthed "oh no" makes me think otherwise). my only issue is why even use any of the footage from that then? i know it's a bit nitpicky, so i'm not gonna press on it too much.
to the fans on tiktok that were saying "omg what if the message was from corey la barrie"….. please seek professional help. this isn't a fanfic. stop thinking like it is. bc i saw MULTIPLE tiktoks saying that.
but continuing on with The Method, i'll be honest with you: i'm not sure what the afterlife is like or what it entails. but it is hard for me to just blindly accept that it's all good and light and love and whatever random other words satori and cody wanted to throw in there that abigail said. i know it's my cynical mind, but hearing shit like that just makes me roll my eyes. like i know that sounds dark and sad, but that whole thing just made me go like "okay… sure."
maybe it's bc it's too generic. like that's what every form of media has said about the other side for forever. if i was able to get my point across and reach a ton of ppl, i would be sending messages like "god is woman and she sucks at beer pong" or "ice cream is free up here but only on tuesdays" or "guess what? i'm hanging out with EVERYONE'S dogs" not just love and light. boooorrrrriiiinnngggg lol
but i will note something that i thought was interesting only bc i've always had a similar thought process: cody says he doesn't know why they're able to do what they do. he believes it might have had something to do with his cancer complications and dying once. and the reason why i can believe that is i've always had this belief - so, as someone who has attempted to end my own life twice, i've come very close to death. and i think ppl that knock on death's door, you can't just unknock. you can't ding dong ditch death. so i kinda feel like those that get very close to the other side cross a line that can't be uncrossed, so to speak. which i think is also why i had the most paranormal experiences when i was going through some dark times (or had just gone thru them).
what i find peculiar is how the narrative of the basement has changed. before it was dark and demented, something evil lurking around each corner, colby having a full blown panic attack down there. all that, right? but now it's "oh it's just a trickster spirit that likes to cause havoc and is for the most part harmless. and also really would rather you be in the woods." and yet even with that knowledge in mind, everyone was still too freaked out. like if they kept getting cryptic and weird messages i would just be like "find a different trick. you don't scare me" or eventually just leave the basement altogether if nothing was going to be happening besides "come to the woods" over and over again.
but bc snc never listen, they went to woods. and again… woods to me aren't scary for paranormal reasons. more so for bears or humans. but they did get some cool evidence at the graveyard.
i'm just gonna skip that whole thing and get to the part that i want, no - NEED, to talk about which is…. colby standing up for himself when sam told him about the basement.
i was genuinely confused as to why snc weren't mentioning sam going into the basement. like i figured, sam went down there, something happened, and then he told colby. or something to that effect. but to find out that a) he had no real plans of posting this into the vid and b) he waited like two days to finally tell colby it happened…. that's really fucked, ngl. the absolute hurt that was on colby's face is so evident, no wonder sam started backpedaling (but just made it all the more worse). like colby has made it abundantly clear time and time again that he doesn't like being left in the dark about where someone is going/doesn't like being left behind and sam did exactly that. not only that, but he then did something that both him and colby swore they would do together - go to the basement. everyone was waiting to see them go together and experience whatever's down there, but sam took that for himself - like colby said. and then sam tried to justify it with "oh nothing really happened, plus we don't have to show fans, plus i really needed to do it bc everything has been so crazy" and it's like………. WHO DO YOU THINK HAS BEEN ON THIS JOURNEY WITH YOU???? it's colby. while colby might have had some form of belief system before all of this, this whole situation has been insane to him as well. so you don't get to use that as an excuse. and then to say that fans don't need to see this footage, that just feels wrong. bc at the end of the day, the person sam hurt was colby. and regardless of whether or not we would have known about it, colby still would have known. and that's the part that sucks. sam was extremely self-centered for making this decision and then thinking colby would just let it slide.
and i know some of you are gonna probably be up my ass about this opinion since god forbid i give criticism towards sam. but i would have done the same thing if the roles were reversed, especially if sam was upset about it. and god knows there wouldn't have been an argument about including those clips in a video, but i digress. i just think it was messed up of sam to do to that to colby. and i hope bts he apologized profusely.
but to be a bit more light hearted about it… colby looks really hot when he's angry or annoyed. so that's nice, i guess lol it's the clenched jaw and the narrowed eyes, in case you didn't know why you found it hot either. also, he was too calm, and that's hot AND scary lol
i think it's funny to think that if they didn't include sam going there by himself and then this confrontation, we would never know why in the next part colby seemed annoyed/angry and ppl probably would have just blamed the spirits or some shit.
which also did happen…
but to bring it back for a second, you know what the scariest part of this video was for me? the tick on colby's leg. GROSS. disgusting. i would have screamed so loud i'd wake the dead lmao
but anyway the estes methods they did in the basement were very revealing and honestly the best part of the episode imo. them realizing, or believing, that dave is actually the trickster spirit and not some soldier following them around was actually really cool to see unravel. and surprisingly this time around sam jumping to conclusion over and over again paid off well. and then when colby was asking the questions, it was interesting to see his reaction to what was being said. him being annoyed at sam before hand really elevated the estes method, funny enough.
maybe it's bc i don't know about trickster spirits and what they are meant to do or whatever, but if i know the spirit i'm talking to is fucking with me, i'm just not gonna talk to it anymore. i'm not gonna give it what it wants, which is to see me scared. and i think snc, without knowing it, were feeding into what dave wanted.
their equipment malfunctioning over and over again was crazy, ngl. but the actual scariest part of the whole vid was who the FUCK was that behind them in the basement coming up the steps??? fuck The Method, now THAT is proof of the other side existing, especially if snc were alone in that house at that point (which assumingly they were).
so this episode was a bit of rollercoaster for me. some parts were just plan bad to me. like i wouldn't even consider rewatching the first half again tbh. it was tedious to do it just to make this review, so that alone deducts this episode a bunch. but the second half, basically everything after The Method where larray and bella's loved ones talked to them, was pretty decent/better. and of course, once snc were alone, the video was at its best. i truly wish snc would just realize that they do so much better and get such better results without other ppl. just the two of them is enough. i truly wanted to like this episode, and i did to some extent, but no offense to larray, his over reactions just soured most of the video for me. he seems like a nice guy, and i didn't mind him the first time around when snc collabed with him, but god… just shut up next time lol
rating: 2.9/5
would i rewatch: only the tail end, tbh…. so no i guess lol
episode four
i'll be honest with yall, i was mixed about how this final episode was gonna play out. part of me was excited to see it, another part of me was like… eh, don't care. but i will say, i was pleasantly surprised with this one. i guess in a weird way it was my favorite of all the episodes, but that's not saying much since none were really my favorite anyway.
niki and george were fantastic. honestly no notes. they didn't talk the entire fucking time, they weren't overly negative, they kept in line with snc's humor and or seriousness. i loved it truly. 10/10.
i completely forgot that kris called them to tell them about a dream she had. her and niki, and celina too… all having dreams about snc. what are they, fans??
i'm joking btw.
i think the dream element can be a bit questionable, but i do also think it's kinda creepy too. even if for argument's sake it's not real and/or is propped up to be something more serious than it is.
the foil house/tent thing they built was…. confusing. but i'm down for them to start using different methods, especially if they end up working or are interesting. they split up and neither really got anything that compelling, but when they played the picture game it was creepy that only colby's pics got fucked with a bit. it's always colby lol
but i gotta ask, didn't they break the first rule of the game which is nothing is supposed to cross over the circle in the middle? bc sam did that by putting the water cup down in it. also, i highly doubt that snc trashed that camera. highkey it's probably in their office rn.
the duel estes method, in theory, is a cool idea. but the execution wasn't really good enough. like sure, they got some answers, i guess. but half of the words were just random. and tying niki and colby together was kinda pointless. snc just love exploring their kinks on camera huh skskks jk
so, i think what was a bit confusing about sam freaking out (before) going into the basement is that did you really think colby wasn't gonna send you down there at some point? he has made a big stink about it since it happened to him. of course sam had to have known this was gonna happen. not to mention, sam's fucking challenge for colby would have literally caused him to get lost in the woods…. so i would say sam got the nicer of the two options.
as for what transpired in the basement, clearly sam was absolutely losing it. whether it was paranormal or not, he was scared out of his fucking mind. and i get it must have been creepy as hell down there. and god knows he lasted longer than i would have. but there is no reason he has to push himself that far to believe there is something more. like is it really worth being permanently scarred just to know if something is down there? not to mention, but whatever is down there, feeds off of havoc and scared energy. and you basically fell into its trap. like, i'm not blaming sam for freaking out. god knows i would be way worse in that situation. but i also wouldn't have been the dumbass who leaves my phone upstairs and has no extra back up light.
also colby is too forgiving bc i would been like "since you love the basement so much, here you go :)" lmaooo
(sidenote, why is colby walking around in only his socks???? ewwwww. do that in your own home, not the conjuring my guy. and another sidenote, does sam's face look swollen in the basement, or is that just the camera being hella zoomed in? idk why he just looks different)
colby giving a whole disclaimer or explanation about why he could leave sam in the basement…. i blame the fandom bc there is no reason for him to being doing all that. sam was literally gonna have him walk alone to the fucking graveyard. sam is fine in the basement. he can leave whenever he wants to. colby ain't a bad guy for giving him a challenge like that.
the walkie dying is so eerily spooky to the og alone conjuring video it's kinda crazy. but, maybe there is just bad reception lol
moving onto the final stretch of the video, the tarot reading. i know snc kinda showed more of the original reading on xplrclub, but if they truly think her first reading was super accurate, i really hope this reading is also just as accurate. snc deserve a lot more positive than negative these next couple months. so i hope that happens for them.
(might have to do a tarot reading on them myself just for funsies)
The Method's last messages… again, idk. imma just say this, to quote beetlejuice the musical "positivity is luxury that few can afford" and i'll just leave me beliefs at that.
i'll be completely honest with yall, idk what the priestess did with snc. the whole thing, the ouija board and exorcism/cleansing was intriguing, don't get me wrong, but idk what the fuck was happening. i kinda just watched it and accepted it at face value bc again, idk anything. it probably would have been for the best if snc explained it a bit better or did something to let us know what was up. i don't really believe everything that the priestess believes, but i do find her interesting enough that i hope she comes back eventually. god knows snc are gonna need another cleansing at some point.
colby going into the woods blindfolded…. is he trying to literally fall off of a bridge? what is with yall using blindfolds and ties? enough of the kinky shit, already.
but as for what happened out there, i think it was an interesting end to the final investigation. i could sort of hear something running up on colby, and i can only imagine how that would have felt in the moment. and who knows what it could have been? my bet is it was an animal, but i also feel like if it was one, it would have kept chasing him. but who knows. i'm just glad he didn't get hurt.
overall, i would say this was my favorite episode. i think it had a lot more high moments than lows, and that alone makes it the best. the collabs were good in this one, they got really cool evidence, and it was just a great way to wrap up this series.
rating: 4/5
would i rewatch: yeah :)
now, onto my thoughts on this whole thing:
so going into this series, i wasn't too excited, as i had mentioned before. i felt as if snc should have taken this year off and came back during hell week if that was something they direly wanted to do. bc a lot of the content that came out this year was just… not good. it wasn't on par with what their calibar is. but i think this series was probably the best thing that came out this year by them. a lot of cool and interesting things happened in this series, and clearly snc's hearts were fully invested in this. there was passion in this series, and that's what a lot of their other videos this year have lacked, imo.
as for The Method and it changing the world….. i love snc, clearly. i deeply care for them. but they truly need to have someone in their camp that's gonna tell them reality. i mean, just as i'm writing this, there are tons of ppl on tiktok and youtube trying to disprove and nitpick apart the series and in particular The Method. but here's how i feel about that: satori and cody could be lying, that's true. they could be faking it somehow. but i don't think that's the takeaway from this series. i've seen how many ppl this brought closure to, how many ppl feel better now knowing there is something else after this life. and that in itself is worth it, even if it's not real. this series wasn't gonna change my mind bc i myself already believed in the paranormal and already believed that there is something more out there. i don't need two random ppl to prove to me i'm right. i already believe that on my own. and in that regard, i know that this series isn't for me. it's for those that needed to hear those words, that needed the confirmation. and for those ppl, i'm happy this gave you that. honest to god. just bc i didn't get that out of this doesn't mean i look down on those that did. if this helped you in any way, that's fantastic and i'm glad. i'm not here to argue whether or not The Method is a lie. idc tbh. snc believe it, and i believe them.
and if it comes out that satori and cody lied, fuck them. but until otherwise proven, i'll believe what they're selling. i'm just… not gonna buy any myself.
but even taking them out of the conjuring equation, snc caught some crazy shit there. of course, a lot of it was amplified by The Method, but i think what they did outside of that was more interesting and compelling than The Method. what i think will be more important is what they now do with the information they know. how are they gonna move forward now knowing what they know? what are they gonna impliment now that they didn't think to use before the conjuring? that's what matters to me.
idk if i got an ask that said this or not (i would have to double check but if i did - hi anon, here's your answer), but i know ppl are asking how snc are gonna top themselves this next year for hell week. personally, i don't think they have to. i think they should go back to what hell week looks like usually: a bunch of different places with different guests, but now more amplified. maybe, crazy concept, do more solo investigations. how about during next year's hell week you just… go alone to all seven places? maybe stop by the conjuring another time? you already proved (for the most part) that there is an afterlife and more beyond this life, why not go back thru your greatest hits with fresh eyes? that's what will make a difference in the content and take it to the next level without you literally contacting a demon or something.
i was pleasantly surprised by this series, and i'm more excited now to see what they do next than i was before, so… mission accomplish lol
36 notes · View notes
thirddoctor · 9 months
why do you think moffat seemed so hesitant to truly bring back gallifrey? like after the 50th it seemed like a done deal but it took 2 years until heaven sent but nothing really seemed to happen one way or the other after that like if chibnall didnt really want to do any gallifrey stories i suppose it makes sense series 10 was simply tying up the moffat era and not opening a whole can of worms for the new showrunner but it seems like such an obvious juicy concept to get into the doctor spent so long mourning gallifrey and the time lords are still just kind of the worst and so on like its re destruction barely feels like anything cuz it was barely really back but like why was this all so protracted whos gonna finally say ok gallifreys back for real this time and have plots about the time lords and such again
I think Moffat made the right call in not using them straight away in Series 8 because that season had to introduce a new Doctor and a new Master as well as dive deeper into Clara's character, so throwing something as big as Gallifrey in might've been a bit too much. (And as I recall, Moffat specifically wanted that season to be less arc-heavy.)
Series 9 was a good point to bring them back, and I think Hell Bent was a great little taste of how fun the Time Lords can be, while still keeping the story character-focused instead of getting bogged down in too much lore that might confuse or bore casual audiences. It established that the Time Lords were definitely back, so the stage was now fully set for anyone who wanted to do more with them.
I suspect if Moffat had stuck around longer he would've used them again eventually, but I think for Series 10 he had other priorities. I mean, even in Classic Who, Gallifrey wasn't showing up every season. The Time Lords were used pretty sparingly, which adds to the fun when they do appear. Moffat's usage of them seems pretty in line with that. The problem is the subsequent re-destruction of Gallifrey so soon after they were brought back.
It's frustrating because there are a lot of dramatically compelling things you can do with the Time Lords, and if you don't want to use them they're easy to ignore, but New Who just keeps nuking them for angst. Like, there are other angles you can explore, come on!
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manofmanymons · 8 months
Can i give you an excuse to talk more about takuma x kaito? They are just so precious to me. It's one of my favourite digimon pairing ever.
Beloved anon, you have opened the biggest can of worms I even have to open. You know not what you have unleashed. That being said, here’s what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna start with a couple small silly hc’s I have about them, then we’re gonna work our way up to the things I have entirely too much to say about.
Also please know that my genuine reaction to finishing this ask and getting ready to post this was:
The sillies
They get in “I insist” wars sometimes, by which I mean they both always want to be the one to do things for the other. “Likes to take care of people” bf x “self worth based largely on his usefulness” bf. The end result is them just sneakingly doing chores for each other. In Takuma’s case, I like to think it’s bc that’s how his mom shows affection, and he totally gets it from her. With Kaito, it would start out as a “feels like he has to earn Takuma’s love because he doesn’t think he deserves it” thing but eventually turn into a “just really likes making Takuma smile” thing.
They stare at each other a lot. Takuma always does it on accident and usually for one of two reasons. Reason #1: he just likes looking at Kaito. Call him sappy, but he thinks his bf is very handsome and he likes looking at him. Reason #2: he’s trying to gauge what kind of mood Kaito is in before approaching him and completely accidentally stares at him for way too long. At first it creeps Kaito out a little and he’ll ask “the hell’re you looking at me like that for?” Eventually, though, he gets used to it and will pretend he doesn’t notice. Kaito does it on purpose whenever he wants attention but is too embarrassed to ask for it. Literally just glares at Takuma until he notices.
I don’t see either of them as the jealous type, but I do see both of them as the overprotective type. Someone looks at Takuma wrong and Kaito already wants them dead. Takuma gets very defensive if anyone other than Miu or Dracmon insinuates that anything is wrong with Kaito and WILL argue about it.
They’re both the kinda boys to ask “can I kiss you?” change my mind.
Neither of them have ever really done this whole dating thing before. Takuma has had a few girlfriends, but in the very elementary/middle school sense of basically just being friends who hold hands sometimes and get teased by their friends at recess—never in the “I am actually in love with this person” way. Kaito 100% one of those kids who always thought romance was stupid and made fun of other people for caring about it. Probably thought he was so cool for it, too. He didn’t even know he was capable of having a crush until Takuma happened. He’s mildly distressed at first that apparently everyone Takuma has ever liked before him has been a soft spoken, cute girl, but he gets over it eventually.
My dog just sat down directly on my face and I can’t see shit why did I let him onto my bed with me oh my god get him off of me HELP.
There was a time where Takuma was afraid to hug or even really touch Kaito at all in public because he was worried Kaito would hate it. Now he knows he can get away with it and is a menace. #1 hobby: making the bf blush and pout at him.
Takuma texting Miu for advice about what Kaito likes vs. Kaito texting Minoru to ask what Takuma likes. Miu and Minoru hate this but go along with it because unfortunately they love those idiots and want them to be happy. Technically Minoru promised he wouldn’t tell any of their mutual friends about Kaito being a sappy dork, but he never said anything about not telling Kaito’s sister.
Long thoughts
I think I said it before, but now I’m going to elaborate. You know the whole "fell first/fell harder" thing? Well I think Takuma fell first (but didn’t notice) while Kaito fell harder. Takuma knowing Kaito for like five minutes and already deciding he really likes this boy for some reason. They get through part 3 and now he really *really* likes this boy, but he mostly chalks it up to "I'm just happy he's here bc it means we are not all dead." Of course he's gonna kinda admire someone like that and want to get to know them better. And if he starts finding him cute and purposely seeking him out when he's nervous, well, that's just guy stuff.
vs. Kaito who’s stuck with this weird dude who won't stop staring at him and asking too many invasive questions, but he tolerates it because he's gonna need help to protect Miu and also not die. Except the more time goes by, the more this weird dude keeps being really nice to him, which is perhaps the weirdest thing of all. And he even seems to genuinely care about Miu and okay that's new. THEN he starts acting like how Kaito feels about things actually matters, and it kinda feels like a trap, but it isn't. And okay, yeah, maybe having someone pay so much attention to him is Not Terrible. Maybe being honest with someone other than his partner (who kinda has to like him) without being afraid of how they'll react is also Not Terrible. Maybe it's a little confusing why being around someone he trusts would keep making him feel nauseous and like the room is on fire, but maybe, for some weird reason, that's Not Terrible either. Maybe all of those things are even...nice. And if he thinks that perhaps he'd do anything to get this weird, annoying, invasive boy home safely, well, it's not...NOT because he loves him.
ALSO said before but would like to elaborate: I just love the idea of Kaito getting along really well with Takuma’s mom. First adult to not treat him like he’s crazy for getting stressed out over completely reasonable things like “my 11 year old sister is out past sunset and not answering the phone.” It’s kind of a nightmare for Takuma because his mother LOVES to tell the most embarrassing stories about when he was a kid that he was planning on taking to the grave, but it’s also kind of wonderful that his favorite people like each other so much. Plus, if being a little embarrassed is the price he has to pay for hearing Kaito laugh, it’s worth it.
Takuma’s mom to me has big islander mom energy, like she would instantly decide that Kaito is her child now after knowing him for two seconds. One time when Takuma was like 4 he accidentally killed a goldfish and now his mother does not trust him to keep anything alive. That being said, if Kaito gets sick or injured, Takuma’s mom will insist on taking care of him bc she doesn’t think Takuma can do it lol.
They ALSO get in the “I insist” wars tho lol like Kaito will try to help with the dishes and she’ll be like “nonsense, I’m the host, you just make yourself at home” but then Kaito will counter with “if I was at home, I would do the dishes.” It’s a battle of sheer stubbornness that either of them will win on any given day.
…Takuma reading that people tend to look for partners that are similar to their parents and at first going “pff yeah right” but then seeing that happen and going “oh no.”
And for my last thing I could talk a lot about…I dunno if I’ve ever just talked about why I ship it.
First and foremost, and I just really love their friendship. I mean, yeah, like everyone else who’s played this game, of COURSE I noticed that Kaito is constantly blushing while talking to Takuma, but that’s not really why I like seeing them together. I like how quickly Takuma catches on to the fact that Kaito’s a lot nicer than he pretends to be. I like how he notices that Kaito is a perfectly calm and rational person when it comes to anything NOT involving Miu. I like how happy it makes Dracmon that someone understands his partner so well. I like that the correct dialogue option for Kaito is pretty much always just to be straightforward and honest with him. I feel like it sets up a really lovely dynamic between the two of them where Takuma knows he can always be honest with Kaito, and Kaito can trust Takuma enough to take what he says at face value. Especially love it in the scene where Takuma is nervous, and if you pick the option to hide it, Kaito will get annoyed at him for wasting time standing around talking; but if you pick the option to tell the truth, Kaito will soften up and try to help him. I like how patient Takuma is with Kaito and how he never snaps at him even when Kaito’s being a little unreasonable or isn’t articulating what he actually means very well. I like how, for all his trust issues, Kaito straight up tells Takuma that he thinks of him as the group’s leader and depends on him. I think Takuma’s comment that hearing that makes him happy is super cute. Kaito insisting Takuma is wrong when he’s accused of secretly wanting to protect everyone, not just Miu, in early game vs him finally admitting it to Takuma late in the game. They’re just so comfortable with each other in a way that I find very endearing. Especially knowing everything Kaito’s been through, it makes me so happy that there’s someone he trusts so much and who is genuinely unconditionally kind to him. They’re so supportive of each other, and I am fully willing to believe that they really do love each other as friends.
THEN getting into the shippy parts. Still not emotionally over Takuma literally thinking that Kaito is cute. Still never letting go of him purposely complimenting Kaito for no reason just to see him flustered. Never letting them live down talking about how good friends they are and then REVERSE no-homoing the moment by explicitly saying they DON’T think of each other like brothers. What the hell WAS that? WHAT THE HELL WAS UP WITH KAITO FREAKING TF OUT WHEN TAKUMA SAID HE WAS HAPPY THEY MET ONLY TO CALM DOWN AND THEN GENTLY SMILE AND SAY “I guess it ain’t so bad if you’re the one saying it…Maybe.” WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THAT? I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE. WHAT WAS UP WITH MIU’S REACTION TO KAITO STRAIGHT UP TRYNA TO MURDER TAKUMA THAT ONE TIME? GOING “AWWWW” AND SAYING IT LOOKS LIKE KAITO WANTS TO SPEND TIME WITH TAKUMA INSTEAD OF BEING LIKE “BRO CALM TF DOWN.” PERSON WHO KNOWS HIM BEST IN THE WORLD SAYING THEY GET ALONG WELL AND IT LOOKS LIKE LAKFDJADFKJA;DLKFJALDKJA. The way Takuma looks and sounds so excited to see Kaito again in part 3 is literally the reason I accused him of falling first like he did not have to be THAT happy. PLUS THAT TIME IN PART 4 WHERE HE STARES AT KAITO’S FACE FOR SO LONG THAT KAITO NOTICES LMAO? GAYASS. His stupid little ^_^ after Kaito gets embarrassed in that scene too jfc you are NOT beating the allegations, Takuma. And okay time to circle back around to the blushy thing. If it was JUST the occasional .////. I wouldn’t read too deep into it because he literally also makes that face when Dracmon and Miu are nice to him, so I think Kaito just legitimately doesn’t know how to respond to affection. But it is CONSTANT and ALSO I think it’s sus that Dracmon always points it out. Like his partner KNOWS he’s gay panicking and is purposely drawing attention to it as a way of getting Takuma to notice that “hey this loser REALLY likes you.” I mean seriously WHY else go out of the way to point it out every single time. Also the stuttering. Why are you, as a serious, no nonsense, tough guy, stuttering so much when a cute boy is nice to you? You thought we wouldn’t notice, but we did.
They're honestly the most disgustingly fluffy corny schoolgirl-with-a-crush type ship I've ever shipped. I hate them so much.
Just,,,gay boy in a small town where he can't be himself falling for a boy who is so very kind to him. Not expecting to ever be loved back bc people never like him, much less love him. Trying to hide his affection so he doesn't get hurt, but always wearing his heart on his sleeve no matter how much he tries to pretend he isn't. Somehow against all perceived odds actually in fact being loved back. Struggling to comprehend that someone not only loves him, not only wants him, but even enjoys taking care of him without expecting anything back.
Anyways here are some memes and cats that remind me of them:
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lastbluetardis · 1 month
What Makes a Family Ch 2 Sneak Peek
Hey yall! I haven't been able to update WMaF this week because I've been sick af with some sort of non-Covid plague, so in the meantime, here's a little excerpt of the upcoming chapter (which I should hopefully be able to post next week 🤞)
~ ~ ~
K9 dutifully sat on the floor at the foot of Alex’s bed while James tucked himself onto the edge of her twin-sized bed to read a few chapters of Matilda together. This book was one of her favorites; they must have read it a dozen times together, enough so that James nearly had the whole thing memorized.
When he reached a good stopping point, James stuffed a bookmark between the pages and set the novel on Alex’s bedside table.
“I like Miss Honey,” Alex said, tucking her arm tightly around his waist and preventing him from leaving her bed yet. He melted back into the mattress, happy to give her more snuggles. “I don’t like Matilda’s mum and dad. They’re mean.”
“Yeah, they are,” he agreed, resting his cheek into her soft, chestnut locks.
“You’re not mean to me,” Alex continued.
“I try not to be. Funnily enough, I like you quite a lot,” he teased, poking her side.
Alex squirmed and breathed out a silent giggle. She yawned and hugged him tighter.
“Hey Daddy?”
“Hey whatty?”
“I’m never gonna have any siblings, am I?”
James froze, mind whirring to figure out where the question had come from. Was it the book they’d just read? Matilda had an older brother, but as they just established, the Wormwood family was rubbish.
“Well, never is quite the absolute,” he started, scratching at the back of his suddenly-hot neck. “It’s got a sort of finality, doesn’t it? Never…”
Alex sighed, her shoulders drooping. James cringed, and amended his daft response by gently saying, “No, you probably won’t have any siblings.”
“Why not?” she asked, peeking up at him through her lashes. “Don’t you want more kids?”
James licked his lips. Alex loosely knew where babies came from and how they were made, but like most nine-year-olds, he didn’t think she truly understood the full picture.
“Well, for starters, having a baby takes two people,” he hedged. “And it’s just me. So that rather throws a spanner in the works, doesn’t it?”
Alex cocked her head to the side, as if his comment opened up a new can of worms. “Do you not want to get married?”
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “It’s complicated.”
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