#not gonna tag it as blackbonnet
mayhasopinions · 1 year
i will never shut up about how one of the most brilliant and beautiful lines in all of fiction is 'you are a monster. a plauge. you defile beautiful things.' and how the entirety of OFMD is a response and rebuttle to that. queer people do not defile beautiful things. we only want them, and we deserve them. we are beautiful things. we can wear fine things well.
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artemis-pendragon · 1 year
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He's so deeply unwell lads
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mjulmjul · 2 years
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the kiss
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finleycannotdraw · 2 years
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when I crabwalk into ao3 at two in the morning to read about gay people kissing
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genderlessjacky · 9 months
*takes out calendar*
Happy 202...
*looks at calendar again with comically large eyes while wiping my glasses*
*pulls out comically large list labeled "2023 new years resolutions"*
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shiveringfrogspawn · 4 months
i'm thinking' i need to get around to reawatching ofmd becuasr the fitsr an-d only time i've properly waytched it all tha way through was when i was sick and midly hallucinog/enic so i just. don't remember a lot of things,. my bvrain thinks the hwole show haoppedn ast the smae timee. hep
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buck1eys · 1 year
Ofmd high school soccer au that came to me on a run just because but CONSIDER
Stede transfers from another school and is adamant on making the team so gets put in goal
It turns out he's a natural at saves but he can't kick a ball. Like literally cannot kick it. Many flat out misses or passes straight to the opposition's striker
And captain Ed (who is also their star forward) deciding to painstakingly teach ed how to take his goal kicks to the surprise of everyone, because while Ed is an All Round Great Guy to most people at school he is also a wild partier who doesn't suffer fools so what on earth does he see in this new keeper
Senoir year football parties involve considerably less violence and spewing (Izzy) and a lot more singalongs since Stede started hosting. Turns out Frenchie and the Swede have amazing voices and Stede encourages them to start a band
Wee John comes up with the best football chants
Oluwande absolutely bosses it in midfield sending perfect passes up to Jim and their link up play is unmatched. Jim is the most clinical finisher by a mile
Lucius only joins the team to hang out with Black Pete. They play left back and right back and are super cute, and eventually Lucius gets good enough to use his speed on the left wing and play up with Jim. No one is prouder than Black Pete
Hatchet man Izzy is vice captain. He plays holding midfield and his slide tackles are LEGENDARY. He, Fang and Ivan (the two centre halves) have their own thing going and the rest of the team are slightly nervous around them
Izzy does not like Stede, who he doesn't trust in net, or how Ed, who has threatened everyone else on the team with being dropped, gives him 1000 chances and he lets it get to him and gets banned for a terrible tackle and generally being over aggressive. Black Pete takes his spot as the holding midfielder
Izzy who has been moved to right back is actually great at it and makes mad runs up the pitch because he's small and agile. He has an entirely one-sided competition with Lucius for most assists of the season
Stede takes the goal kick of the century in their cup final, gets it all the way up to ed who scores with a header, they kiss on the pitch and everyone is happy (except Izzy)
Obviously the whole thing is called He's A Keeper and is extremely extremely silly
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our-flag-means-love · 9 months
earlier this year i made this playlist with the target audience of Specifically Myself, comprised of s1's story and some s2 predictions, but as you may have noticed, s2 has since come out. as such, i think it's time for:
Ed x Stede, as told by The Killers (SEASON 2 UPDATE)
19 songs, 76 minutes in total.
(also on youtube, if you don't use spotify or aren't able to listen in order, which is the recommended way of consuming it)
in addition to adding new songs, i'm also going to be revising my explanations throughout the whole playlist, so even if you read the s1 post, there will be some new stuff to enjoy too!
explanation and lyric highlights for each song can be found under the cut. last time i tried to keep things concise but this time all bets are off. a full paragraph per song.
also! i recognize that an hour and 16 minutes is quite the time investment to ask of anyone, so here is my recommendation for abridged listening, the songs for which i think listening to the whole thing really does enhance the experience: #5, #7, #10, #14, #18, #19, clocking in at 24 minutes. and if you're going to listen to ONE SONG, make it #14.
(lyrics are mostly taken from genius but a few parts are just what i know to be true in my heart if i think genius is wrong)
1. boy
this can be read as either an ed childhood song or a stede childhood song, or both. feeling awkward in your own skin, feeling confined to your hometown and unable to reach your full potential. things i definitely think both of them felt as they grew up.
these streets / weren't meant to house / jet-fueled engine dreams
2. When You Were Young
BANGER ALERT!!! this song is for sure about ed's childhood and religious trauma because i mean come ON.
you sit there in your heartache / waiting on some beautiful boy to / to save you from your old ways
he doesn't look a thing like jesus / but he talks like a gentleman / like you imagined when you were young
3. I Can't Stay
my apologies for jumping straight from the arguably best song on this playlist to the definitely worst song on this playlist. but it had to be done, because this one's about stede leaving mary.
in the dark / for a while now /[...]/ i can't stay / much longer / riding my decision home
4. The Man
this one's about Blackbeard™. despite the title, this is the "myth" and "legend" part of the phrase "the man, the myth, the legend." tall, broad, head made of smoke, nine guns, etc. the terror of the seven seas.
don't try to teach me / i got nothing to learn / 'cause baby i'm gifted
i got skin in the game / i don't feel no pain / i got news for you baby, you're looking at the man
5. Flesh And Bone
another BANGER ALERT!!! and remember how i brought up "the man, the myth, the legend"? well, this is the "man" part, because as it turns out, ed is an actual person too. one who's aging and growing tired of piracy.
but i'm not sure how / this natural selection / picked me out to be / a dark horse running in a fantasy
what are you afraid of? / and what are you made of? / flesh and bone / and i'm running out of time
6. Tidal Wave
they! are! in! love! for the first verse the pronouns could be read either way, but then for the second verse "he" is stede and "she" is ed (you'll see why) bc damnit i'm taking this song from the hets, it's mine now.
you say this life has given you nothing / you got another thing coming
now the story of / forbidden love / has gotta make a stand
7. Andy, You're A Star
on a surface level reading, this song is about high school sports. but if you dig a bit deeper, the izzy can be found. in this song, the narrator greatly admires andy and his skills, but uh oh! andy is prioritizing love over fame and success! this simply will not do!
in a car with a girl / promise me she's not your world / 'cause andy, you're a star / in nobody's eyes but mine
8. Mr. Brightside
is this song overplayed? hell yes! is it also the best song to illustrate stede's feelings about ed and calico jack! you bet your ass it is!
jealousy / turning saints into the sea / swimming through sick lullabies / choking on your alibis
9. Neon Tiger
the law has finally caught up with stede, but ed is determined to protect him from chauncey's wrath at all costs. gonna be honest, this song might be the weakest fit on this whole list. so sue me, idk.
you're far too pure and bold / to suffer the strain of the hand and its hold
run neon tiger / there's a price on your head / they'll hunt you down and gut you / i'll never let 'em touch you
10. Leave The Bourbon On The Shelf
once again, BANGER ALERT!!! who's jennifer? we only know stede bonnet. and ed misses him. he's drinking and depressed in his blanket fort and ready to snap with enough prodding (from izzy, obvs). for the last 10-ish seconds, i want you to picture ed's smile right before he pushes lucius overboard.
before you say goodbye / leave the bourbon on the shelf / and i'll drink it by myself / and i love you endlessly / darling, don't you see? / i'm not satisfied / until i hold you tight
11. Everything Will Be Alright
stede is determined to find ed and do whatever it takes to get to him. he's not ready to believe that they're over. they're just on a break.
i'm coming to find you / if it takes me all night / wrong until / you make it right
you don't need to compromise / i'm dreaming 'bout those dreamy eyes
12. The Rising Tide
in my s1 playlist i referred to this as an angry ed breakup song, but upon further examination, i really think ed is the person the song is about rather than the narrator (although tbh, imagining both the "i"s and the "you"s as ed works solidly well). this song represents his mental health spiral.
before life and the dream collide / 'cause the truth's gonna come and cut me open wide
and the company you keep / well they plan your crucifixion as we speak
13. Rut
now ed's in the gravy basket. part of him wants to give up, but the rest wants to keep fighting, he's just not sure how. this song—particularly the ending, the desperation in the repeated "don't you give up on me"s—is also ed's pov of the eventual reunion.
i've done my best defending / but the punches are starting to land / i'm sliding into something you won't understand
but don't give up on me / 'cause i'm just in a rut / i'm climbing but the walls keep stacking up
14. My List
this and #18 are the songs i couldn't make work on the s1 playlist that i'm so glad i got to include this time. god i love this one so much and it's so perfect for stede's pov of the reunion. the quiet lamentation in the first half. the desperation in the second half. top tier shit. it's so perfectly stede in that scene. move over, kate bush.
and when you come back in from nowhere / do you ever think of me?
when your heart / is not able / and your prayers / they're not fables /[...]/ let me show you how much i care
15. Have All The Songs Been Written?
now the boys need to talk, and maybe stede has some apologizing to do. he knows how much he hurt ed, and he wants to make amends. he wants to win him back over if at all possible.
have all the songs been written? / have all your needs been met? / have all these years been worth it / or am i the great regret?
i just need one more to get through to you / i can't take back what i've done wrong
16. For Reasons Unknown
this is around s2e5. they're on good terms but still insecure, still warming back up to each other, and still taking things slow. full disclosure: i let myself add this song because i was sad about having to cut "bones" and this one i could make fit better.
with one deep breath / and one big step / i move a little bit closer
and my lips / they don't kiss / they don't kiss the way they used to / and my eyes don't recognize you no more
17. Be Still
i wanted to use "bones" for when they fuck. i really really did. but it just didn't fit the tone. stede just killed someone intentionally for the first time, and he's still running on all those complicated emotions as he and ed have some of the sweetest and most awkward sex ever imagined by man.
don't break character / you've got a lot of heart / is this real or just a dream?
when you come back / tell me, what did you see? / was there something out there for me?
18. A Matter Of Time
UNDERRATED DEEP CUT ALERT!!! as mentioned in #14, i'm psyched to include this song. this is their s2e7 breakup. the drama, the conflict. stede laughing with his girlfriends, so to speak, as ed sits in his own emotions. two people trying and failing to make it work.
i see you / laughing with your girlfriends / not a care in the world / not a burden on your mind / it was a matter of time
can't you see that it's tearing me up inside? / look what's laying at our feet / that's the wreckage of broken dreams
19. All These Things That I've Done
one final time, with conviction: BANGER ALERT!!! ed has to come to terms with himself. he must accept the parts of him that can kill and the parts of him that can love in equal measure. it's the only way for him to find peace, and to hold on long enough to retire with stede.
these changes ain't changing me / the cold-hearted boy i used to be
while everyone's lost / the battle is won / with all these things that i've done
if you've stuck around with me for this long, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! hopefully either your brain was already as rotted by this band as mine is or i've indoctrinated you by now. i'm also in the (slow, very very slow) process of making a video edit set to "all these things that i've done" and i'll update this post with the link when (if) that's eventually done!
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artemis-pendragon · 1 year
I may already be god's sleepiest soldier at 6pm but I'll be damned if I'm not staying up into the deepest darkest hours tonight to watch OFMD S2 the second it drops 😤
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stanfordscrush · 2 years
Okay but what if season 2:
Episode 1-5, stede and the crew fighting their way back through storm and fuckeries to chase the revenge while stede gets his "im in love" and "for once in my life i have a purpose" arc. Blackbeard can have the "im moving on" and "this is fine, im coping just fine" arc where he basically try to make peace of stede leaving him and i am more than my heart thing.
Blackbeard gets the info of stede's (fake) death and believes it because its stede
Now, he just realized that his heart was always there. Always yearning for stede, always hoping one day stede will comeback and it'll be alright.
But he cant
Cuz stede is dead
Queue the next 5 episode for a deep exploration of grief and ed's different personality show as a response to the situation (ft. The auxiliary wardrobe because i love that room)
Ed, the heart, in denial of the loss of his hope, his love, his joy-bringer (he cries, he cocoons himself in stede's clothes, pretending that stede is just away for a bit. He'll comeback, right? Edward just need to comfort and entertain himself for a bit before stede opens the auxiliary wardrobe and say "there you are! I've been looking for you")
The kraken, lashing out at anything because how dare stede left him, permanently this time, without facing the wrath and revenge of the kraken (he rips stede's clothes and fabrics from the auxiliary wardrobe because stede is not there so his items will substitute and bear the anger)
Blackbeard, the strategist, bargains an impossible deal with the universe to feel the warmth that stede brought once again. Just a glimpse, anything at all. (He prayed to the stars, to the sea, to anyone listening. To bring stede back, he'll do anything. Finding a sea witch and getting a bad solution resolves him to the next step)
depression, blackbeard even hollower than before he met stede, than after stede left him on the dock. ed feels numb, loosing purpose once again. the kraken’s subdue, with no target and no justice to serve. (the auxiliary wardrobe is either empty that its taboo to enter or edward never left the room and just bask in the sorrow)
Acceptance, from every facet of him, that stede is gone. The time with stede was great and will be cherished, but he is dead. Forever. (The memory of stede will be carried as long as edward lives because he now lives for two person. Its time to move on. Its time to face the reality of loss and growth that comes with it. A piece of torn fabric from the auxiliary wardrobe now fills the space in Edward's pocket where the red silk used to be, as a memento and as a piece of stede that he will always carry till he meets his end)
Last shot of s2ep10, ed sees with his own eyes that stede is back and, most importantly,
Not. Dead.
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regicidal-optimism · 7 months
You've been reblogging more stuff about female characters getting ignored by fandoms recently and I would be really curious to hear your full views on the topic.
The thing is that... look. I get it. Many fandoms do not have very many women in their canon, many of those women are treated pretty poorly by the canon or aren't given as much depth as their male peers, and if you're at all picky the pickings are kind of slim (I would love to be a fan of c!Niki, if I were able to watch six-hour vods, which I am not). It is not wrong that most works with large fandoms are really, really sexist, and the problem is not just in the fanbase!
But come the fuck on. It is not an accident that the DSMP and the MCU and BNHA, all of which are vast-majority male and the female characters are treated terribly, are megafandoms, and Revolutionary Girl Utena is eligible for yuletide. It is not wrong that if you want to see more female-character-focused fanwork you should go to Sailor Moon and not The Untamed, but it is also kind of missing the point to say that and not look at the difference in size between those fandoms. People can say "it's because the male characters are so often more interesting and have more meaningful interactions," and like, sometimes that's even true, I will be the first to tell you that quackbur has more to it than tinarose, but please compare the Clint/Coulson tag to the Utena/Anthy tag and look me in the eye and tell me that's the only thing driving the trend. With a straight face.
And even more there's a thing where— so, I was a mod in the @ao3topshipsbracket bracket. And femslash ships, once they were in the bracket, did really well. Like, absurdly well, like 80% of the f/f ships entered got to the top 16, and the last one was against blackbonnet which was never gonna lose in round 1. You might notice something about that number, though, which is that there were only five of them entered total, because people love to vote for femslash but they absolutely will not write it. And they won't say anything about it either! I was watching the activity feed the entire tournament, and I can tell you, for all of the "let's go lesbians" that populated our notes, nobody would say anything that was actually about the specific characters who made up their ship. I learned a lot about Naruto fandom, modding that bracket; I still know nothing about CW Supergirl, because the only thing anyone would say about it is "it has women in it". Because women are interchangeable. Because women are avatars of Being A Good Feminist. Because clicking a button is easy, and actually thinking about any specific woman and her traits and her internality is hard.
The thing is that guilt over misogyny does not actually fix misogyny. It gets you a lot of people who vote for women in polls, and who say "he's like a woman to me" about their male faves but notably don't have any canonically female characters they talk about, and who say that the only thing they care about in a fic is if it has women in it but will not ever actually say anything about any specific woman, and who never shut up about yuri but apparently yuri is everything and anything except women who have feelings about one another.
I'm tired! I'm very tired. I want people to actually give a shit about specific women and their specific traits, which do not begin and end with "woman". And, also, to stop treating women exclusively as the wingmen, advice-givers, mom figures, and accessories of men.
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darkinerry · 6 months
✨ New Fandom Game ✨ created by @blakbonnet . I was tagged by @saltpepperbeard , thank you Jodi ! 😘
Go into the gif search function and post the first relevant gif you see (not the first one that fits, just the first one that is actually from the show)
type your fave pairing plus your favorite moment of them (Blackbonnet, the 'wear fine things well' scene)
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[I debated between this and the beach reunion/double "I love you" - I love both soooo much 😭]
type your favorite character's name and their best quality (Stede Bonnet, enthusiasm)
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[I adore his bitchiness, but I decided to go with this instead; since I also love the enthusiasm he approaches doing things with, his total commitment and eagerness; whether it be to get to the love of his life (as this gif shows lmao), or to put on a best ✨fuckery✨, or to have the best treasure hunt day, I love how he approaches these things with sparkling energy.]
type your favorite side character's name and the first adjective that comes to mind when you think of them (Buttons, strange)
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[I miss you Buttons 😥 You were weird and fabulous]
type your all time favorite moment from the show (Stede saves Ed from the purgatory)
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[THIS SCENE oh my god this whole scene 😭]
type your second favorite character's name along with a personality trait of theirs (Edward Teach, lovable)
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I'm gonna tag @gentlebeard , @bizarrelittlemew , @xoxoemynn , @sherlockig , @stedebonnets , @poisonintopositivity 💖
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suffersinfandom · 1 year
Okay, so I usually try to stay out of discourse and drama and all of that because I'm here to have a nice time, but I saw a post in the OFMD tag after the whole Blackbonnet/Stucky poll thing that I really need to type about. It's just... so bad. Like, I totally get disliking things (I dislike things too!), and I understand that OFMD isn't everyone's thing, but wow. WOW. Um.
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While the first part's annoying (point to the tumblr fandom that has absolutely no one in it with a victim complex, please), what I really take issue with is the last bit -- the assertion that OFMD's cast diversity is there to be "inclusive" and "progressive" when the narrative isn't. That's just not true? One of the reasons for OFMD's popularity IS its inclusiveness! People who have never seen themselves represented in a show finally *see themselves* in some of these characters, and I think that's lovely. And the show has a wonderfully diverse crew behind the scenes and in the writing room as well!
As for "the narrative being the opposite"... all I can do is assume that OP never bothered watching OFMD. It's the most genuinely, earnestly inclusive and progressive piece of media I've ever consumed.
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The acting in OFMD isn't stylistically different from any other show I've watched. The situations and lines are often comedic, Stede and Ed are definitely prone to dramatics, and plenty of the characters are pathetic (affectionate), but this is such a weird critique. Or maybe I just haven't picked anything up from a lifetime of watching media and being a massive dorkass theater nerd? Idk. Maybe they just think the show itself is cringe (I certainly don't think it is, but that's something I've seen plenty of folks who dislike it say) and that colors their opinion on the acting?
Also: where's the slavery apologism? As many other people have said, there's definitely room for good faith criticism of OFMD: its tendency to gloss over the existence of slavery, the rom-comification of real, historic slaveowners, etc, but there's no apologia in the text of the show. (Correct me if I'm wrong! I'm very white and will defer to others here.)
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I'm gonna need some sources. I've seen the various accusations, but never evidence or anything that couldn't potentially be explained with context. (I don't actually take much issue with this point -- it's not a crime to think someone's annoying -- I just don't understand the constant vilification of Taika.)
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"REAL gay piracy," lol. I can't say much about Black Sails since I haven't watched it (tbh it doesn't sound like something I'd be able to enjoy), but I haven't seen that much seriousness in the OFMD fandom. Do I have all of the annoying crewmates blocked? Do y'all feel like you have a lot to prove? I personally only became invested in this poll when I saw the death threats from Stucky folks, and my impression from my timeline is that most everyone else was in the same boat.
If you ARE taking these polls to heart, please don't! They're for fun (sometimes petty) fandom drama! Win or lose, we all love our ships and our communities and we really don't need to prove anything to anyone (I say, typing out a response to a thing that got under my skin, resolutely not touching grass).
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THIS is where I had to start typing. WHAT DOES IT MEAN. How is a show with multiple canon queer couples gaybaiting? Isn't "canon gaybait" an oxymoron, or has the meaning changed? (I'm old, genuinely lmk if my millennial ass is missing something.) Again, I can only assume that OP either hasn't watched OFMD or hates fun romcoms, because the gayness of it all isn't the only thing the show has to offer. My brainworms have better taste than that.
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It's some of the best gay rep I've ever seen and I would be delighted to see better! I mean it! I've been in queer circles for almost two decades and in fandom even longer; OFMD is some of the best, kindest, most loving, genuine representation I've come across in that time. I truly hope that it's just the beginning of a new era in media.
"Weak fandom output." I am *drowning* in fandom output and I love that for me! "Driest gay kiss." I'm sorry you don't like awkward middle-aged men who think they're unlovable coming together in what might very well be the first loving kiss either of them has ever had, but I think it's very sweet and moving! No fictional characters have ever owned my brain like this before! I love my silly traumatized queer pirates who can't communicate to save themselves. They're very beautiful to me.
Anyway, that's enough of that. I've released the pettiness and I'm going to go back to being annoying about seeing the lads again in just a few more days. <3
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blakbonnet · 8 months
Nine people you'd like to know better
Thanks for the tag @soupbtch @poisonintopositivity @wearfinethingsalltoowell @spirker @ofmd-ann
Three Ships:
Blackbonnet/Bagginshield/Dreamling (Hob and Dream)
First Ship:
I honestly don't remember but I think it was Granada Brett Holmes and Hardwicke Watson but also me with a very cute girl I had a crush on in school (and ended up being my first kiss so score babygay meow score!)
Last Song:
Currently Reading:
Howl's Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones
Last Film:
Boy 2010 with director's commentary that Ida and I watched together and kinda lost our minds over
Currently Craving:
A good cheeseburger
I'm gonna tag @epersonae @bizarrelittlemew @sherlockig @edsbacktattoo @piratecaptainscaptainpirates @adickaboutspoons @jaskierx and anyone else who wants to do this
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ardent-fox · 9 months
✨ Tag Game Master Post ✨
Hi, all! Catching up on these two games I was tagged in during the holidays 💖
First up, thank you to the lovely @lupeloto for creating and tagging me in this fun Tag Game! 🥰
📺 Favorite tv show? At the moment, Our Flag Means Death (shields self from tomatoes being thrown at her 😁)
🕴️ Favorite character? Oof, this is difficult. Gonna have to go with my precious baby boy, Stede
💋 Favorite relationship in the show? Blackbonnet (shocking, I know)
👯‍♂️ Fav sibling relationship in the show? No blood relations but the entire crew is chosen family, so… all of them?
🎨 Favorite art form? Music, with a heavy focus on lyrics/words
⚡️ A talent you wish you had? Being able to draw would be cool
☀️ What is one thing that can always make your day better? My toddler nephew saying the most hilarious things, he's barely 3 and already the funniest person I know
🎬 Favorite fictional character of all time? Atticus Finch (any works he appears in besides To Kill a Mockingbird do not count)
🌅 Dream place to travel to? Thailand or Ireland (either "land" would do, get it? 🧍‍♀️ ...I'll see myself out)
🎈 You’re planning a huge party, what’s the theme? The Masque of the Red Death, get fancy and spooky, bitches 🎭💀
🍕 Favorite pizza topping of all time? All kinds of cheese and extra mushrooms
🥂 You can pick ONE celebrity to have dinner with… Who? Andrew Garfield, {Marge Simpson voice} I just think he's neat
🎥 Favorite movie that you kinda know is bad but you still love? Rocky Horror Picture Show 👄
👖 How would you describe your style? The "I gained a substantial amount of weight in the past 5 years and haven't bought anything new since, so I now wear whatever I can fit into and lots of dresses and skirts cause pants are uncomfortable and shopping for them is a nightmare" style 😬
🖤 Finally, something making you smile this week? My mom's reaction to a present she really wanted, seeing her that touched was soul ascending ✨
Next, I got tagged by @deedala, @tanktopgallavich, @suzy-queued and @lupeloto to complete this round of Weekly Tag Wednesday, thank you my darlings! 💙
Name: Lyds
Location: Unknown location in Europe
Astrological Sign: Taurus squaaaad ♉
What's a TV show or movie you plan to re-watch this year? Hubby has never seen Giant, so I'll be rewatching it soon as well as some other classics like Some Like It Hot and Philadelphia Story, I'm sure I'll rewatch Frankie and Johnny for the umpteenth time as well. As far as shows go, I rewatch Our Flag Means Death at least once a month since it's my comfort show, and might do a Shameless rewatch since I've only seen the whole thing once (excluding all the Gallavich scenes)
What's a book or fic you will probably re-read this year? The entirety or The Menagerie by @crossmydna and Honeycomb by @metalheadmickey with artwork by @heymrspatel 💕
What is a song you will likely continue to play on repeat? I've been replaying One Of Your Girls by Troye Sivan for days and don't plan on stopping anytime soon, also still listening to Hozier's entire Unreal Unearth album whenever I'm chilling
What's a tasty treat you look forward to eating more of this year? Gonna steal Ri's answer here and say cinnamon buns, as well as my husband's homemade pizza rolls that I previously mentioned, as they're our favorite thing to eat while binge-watching
What's a time sink that you will continue to sink time into this year? Scrolling this beloved hellsite
Did you pick up any habits in 2023 that you plan to continue? Only unhealthy ones that I plan on ridding myself of in 2024 👋
What's your toxic trait? Inflexibility and freaking out when things don't turn out the way I've planned
What is a coping mechanism you will continue to indulge in this year? Staying in my burrow with my hyperfixations
Tell me something you like about how you look! My full, rosy lips against my smooth, pale skin
Give me at least three adjectives describing things you like about yourself. Honest, open-minded, creative 🌸
I'm out of the loop (which is about to change since I celebrated the last of the festivities today) and haven't been keeping up with the tags lately, but am still going to tag some peeps if you want to do either or both of these: @heymrspatel, @stocious, @too-schoolforcool, @xninetiestrendx, @krysmiss, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @michellemisfit, @whatwouldmickeydo, @vintagelacerosette, @metalheadmickey, @rereadanon, @francesrose3, @darlingian and anyone who sees this and wants to play! ✨
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@naranjapetrificada tagged me in a very fun game: write 8 predictions you have for the 8 eps of ofmd s2, then tag 8 people (sorry if you were already tagged by someone else if I do)
Spoilers under cut??? Maybe?????
1. I agree with Naran, as I think the crashed wedding is gonna be the first thing from s2. It will be such an introduction too, my god!
2. As a parallel with ep 1 and 2, I think Lucius will be revealed to be alive at the end of ep 1. And then ep 2 starts with his perspective, going through everything up until whatever present moment were on (maybe he knocks out and kidnaps Izzy or something lol)
3. Of course, ep 3 parallels, Stede and Ed will reunite at the end of the ep. And STEDE IS GONNA RESCUE ED
4. But now, I think by what we've seen so far, Anne Bonny and Spanish Jackie will show up during Stede's journey back to Ed. It would be funny if the reason Swede is there with Jackie is to throw her off, taking one for the team XD
5. That purple party though... must be related to Susan I think (and I think she's gonna be Ching Shih). But I am absolutely down for a Ed and Stede slow dance
6. As much as I want my "Stede and Ed deserted on an island bottle episode", I think what's gonna happen is Ed is "accidentally" swept overboard during a storm (we find out though he wasn't planning to fight out of his circumstances), and he has a little journey by himself. Hornigold ghost, maybe a pearl necklace swept up to shore? And hey, it could be a one-man play with Taika as a bottle episode still
7. But here now, I'm gonna upset people - I think one of the main supporting cast members is gonna die. Gonna be a real dramatic moment, an All Is Lost story beat. And I said it before, but I think it's gonna be Buttons - he's loyal to Stede and the crew, and would not hesitate to sacrifice himself if it came to it. I'm just suspecting, and I hope it isn't true, but the show has proven there's no plot armor
8. Omg Naran, I am taking your idea now of that cliffhanger. Because if Stede and Ed have a "our last night together" sex scene?????? I will combust, I swear. Even though I am still certain that a blackbonnet sex scene will not come until s3, I am hoping now for your theory to come true, because that would be the most emotional shit (and I mean, I am hoping for a slightly funny but more emotional love scene). I AM though, also certain there's gonna be a cliffhanger for the season. Hopefully not causing Stede and Ed to separate, it could just be like, them looking at the new danger (Lieutenant Maynard), then cut to black
Tagging @xoxoemynn @chocolatepot @jellybeanium124 @sherlockig @chuplayswithfire @artgirlfunkel @alabastermask @glamaphonic
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