playthingsam · 8 months
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mysticdevils · 9 months
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wonderlandhour · 3 months
Ash's Wound Report, Ovetblot Aftermath
Riddle: was not trying to hurt them, going after the rule breakers first and foremost. Minor scrapes and wounds.
Leona: going after everyone. More than one claw marks in her, dry cracked and bleeding skin on her leg, sprained ankle. Clothes mostly destroyed or torn.
Azul: actively attmepting to target her and Leona. Waterlogged lungs, minor ink stains on her skin, major bruising, decent concussion.
Jamil: mostly protective of her. Very little wounds, minor concussion, sand burns.
Vil: affected by proxy of being too close to the intial overblot. Major poisoning, physically weak for 2-3 weeks after.
Idia: attacking everyone equally. Relapses the poisoning from Vil, along with extreme exhaustion and minor cuts and scrapes.
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papayafiles · 9 months
i could never be a f2/feeder series fan because thinking about how most of them will never achieve their dream of racing/succeeding in f1, even without knowing who any of the drivers are or their stories, is already making my heart feel like it’s cracking into a million pieces. what do you mean they work so hard and dream so big for so long and it just… doesn’t work? they dedicate their whole lives to this, give up school and go into millions of dollars of debt, and all for what? an impossible pipe dream? and now what do they do with their lives? was it worth it? was the experience worth it? the dreams? the laughs? were the memories worth it, in the end?
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eternalgirlscout · 11 months
pounded in the butt by my own petard
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tys-kitty · 7 months
TWP scenario
Ty: You lied to me-
Kit: The only time I‘ve ever lied to you was when I said that I wished I‘ve never met you because that‘s the opposite of what I‘m actually feeling
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selarina · 10 months
Suna Rintaro x reader
Content Warnings: actress!au, hurt/comfort, self-image concerns
You look colorless in your monotone pair of undergarments. You're peering beyond your obscenely long window, angling your head up, as you maintain eye contact with the hail bouncing off rhythmically against the pavement outside. 
It would be a peaceful image to walk onto if it weren't for the circumstance.
Suna remains steady in his walk toward you, seamlessly weaving around the slew of clothes on the floor. Each piece of clothing lying in various forms of unraveling, as though you only just tried them on and discarded them.
He’s been walking to you with socks on but even so, you almost immediately twist your head towards him as though you heard him all along. You take a glance at him, acknowledging him. It was a routine that you two played out whenever one was wandering through toward the other. 
He stops in his tracks, he has accidentally stepped on a t-shirt lying on the floor.
"I'm sorry," your voice is firm, however, almost inaudible, a soft whisper and he looks up. You sound hoarse, as though you have cried and cried until you found your way to wherever you are right now.
He can see your eyes more clearly now, as they hang on to your face heavily. He doesn’t say anything. He knows you only cry when you have a place to put your emotions. Without one, your emotions, much like blood, flow out in a reddish hue, clogging up your feet and leaving you unmoving.
You only cry now when you're on set, where you can be as raw as you want and get away with it. On rare occasions, you trust him enough to staunch your bleeding heart. On even rarer occasions, you cry into the crevice of your sofa, all by yourself.
“I’m sorry”, this time it comes out softer than before, and your voice croaks out at the end. Whooshing through in an instant, he picks up a nightgown from the floor. He’s at your side now, offering you the garment. 
He'll take it one step at a time.
“Don’t like how it feels on my skin. I don’t like how any of them feel," you have been at this for a while, trying to find comfort in anything you could grasp, however menial it may be. But you couldn't even put on some comfortable clothes.
He extends his arm to take off his long, black coat. After taking a quick glance through your bleary eyes, you notice he's left standing there in an almost plain white shirt. You decide it fits him well. He offers the coat to you.
You take it. You stretch your arms out to pull it over, and as you go back to contracting into yourself, you decide you’re not ready to talk yet. 
You're left to stew in your own silence as you hear the soft clinks of vessels coming from the kitchen. You know you're in a sand clock right now, almost at the precipice of the end. You’re almost towering over all the sand and you decide you're ready.
And just in time, Suna walks in, holding two cups, both steaming against the chill air of your house. 
It sits warm against your hand, you realize in that moment you didn't pay attention to what was in it. You look away from his face, and into the cup. It's tea—chamomile honey, the one that sits in the front row of your collection of teas. You’ve never had to worry about running out because Suna’s always updating it. He likes chamomile, you know you’re partial to lavender rose, but you like having chamomile with him.
You look up, “I thought you were on tour,” you say, your voice already a bit less hoarse, but still comes through gruff. 
“I am,” he says. “I can take the weekend off. It’s just a weekend.”
Just a weekend, is never just a weekend in your world, but you resign to it. Just for the weekend, you think.
“Your manager’s going to be a dick about it,” you say, a tint of worry still remaining but mostly too tired to worry.
“I’ll manage,” he says. 
You half smile. “Want to watch a movie?” You ask, you’re ready to talk, you’re just so tired.
“If that’s what you want,” he says, setting his cup down and reaching for the remote, turning it on before he gives it to you.
You’re going through the catalog of movies and shows, while Suna’s ordering food on his phone, “Will two bowls be enough?”
“Two for me?”
“Alright,” he says, his eyes scaling across his phone. “I’ll add in another.”
“Thank you,” you say, sipping on tea, turning your attention back onto the screen, scaling down and down and down, but there’s nothing appealing, everything is a bit too similar to the other you think.
And then you stop. 
“Decide on something?” he asks, setting his phone down as he looks up to find a movie. Your movie, your face at the forefront of your latest thriller/rom-com, overshadowing your co-star.
“I don’t look like a real person sometimes,” you say, with a frown. 
Suna can’t help but agree, it’s heavily edited, so are most if not all of his photoshoots, but he has less experience of being at the forefront, a guitarist does what he does and leaves, and when he’s onstage, he’s never the only one on stage and it’s enough for him. 
“Well, no one wants to fuck the real me. I guess?” you deliberate, there are plenty of people who would want you for you if you weren’t an actress you think. Something about not being a real enough person as the all-encompassing actress. Is she real or are you real? You groan.
“Well, I do?” he says, almost offended as he suggests by his tone.
“Well, you’re likely the only one.” He thinks that maybe he truly is the only one.
“Good,” he says, sipping on his tea. 
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the-voldsoy · 7 months
stupid hc:
what if the reason colin doesnt want central it to look at the computers, and lena refuses to let anyone smash the computers with a hammer, is that once colin tried to take apart one of the computers that Freddy runs on and it was full of human parts
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softleesam · 6 months
♡ pin down my hands and pepper soft kisses all around my button until I can't take anymore ♡
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pansexual-pied-piper · 3 months
I feel like people forgetting how my native language's equivalent pronouns to it/is work when I introduce myself with those and people hearing "asexual" or "aroace" when I say I'm aromantic or generally talk abt aromanticism are connected somehow, but I can't quite put my finger on it
It's like they were going by a script and I've suddenly gone off-script? But in one case they don't notice and in the other they do and they're confused by it I guess? And if they didn't notice and I correct them, there's often this awkward moment where they just blankly stare at me for a second
Like idk why they feel so similar when they're basically opposites, in one case they forget that they already have all the necessary information (they know how to use it/its, they just struggle to apply this knowledge to me) and in the other they forget that they don't have specific information and end up filling it in from their script (I didn't mention asexuality, but I guess they expected it so much that they didn't notice?)
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dilfplanet · 7 months
cannot get over the fact that in mizumono will has seen alana broken outside of hannibal’s house, knows jack is injured or even dead, knows that hannibal deceived him into thinking abigail was dead, sees hannibal covered in blood… and yet he turns to hannibal not defensively, lowering his gun, heartbroken not only by hannibal’s betrayal but also for potentially choosing will over his own freedom and gives in, let’s him caress him… hold him
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thejadecount · 2 years
I feel like if this whole ultimate TMNT crossover happened and all the other iterations of the TMNT came to the Rise Universe Rise Donnie would have the most extreme reactions
Like either A) He freaks out and happy stims because THE MULTIVERSE HELLO
Or B) he literally does not give two shits he looks at them, blinks, and then like “so anyways” like he is so fed up with all the magical and interdiemensional hijinks and chaos his family gets up to & is still recovering from Shredder and the Krang that he just accepts it and then goes on with his day. He does not care, no fucks are given.
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shiveringfrogspawn · 4 months
i'm thinking' i need to get around to reawatching ofmd becuasr the fitsr an-d only time i've properly waytched it all tha way through was when i was sick and midly hallucinog/enic so i just. don't remember a lot of things,. my bvrain thinks the hwole show haoppedn ast the smae timee. hep
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It took me a while to notice that the Encanto gramma predicates them “deserving” the miracle (survivor’s guilt there) on them using their gifts for everyone who asks for help, all day, no rest, and tries to make sure no one in the town ever feels alone or unprotected, but not only is that making the kids feel exhausted and inauthentic and unseen; it’s also making her unable to deal with reality (the miracle faltering); and it’s also probably the reason Bruno felt like his gift was hurting everyone, bc it made the villagers really uncomfortable. At first the way “we don’t talk about Bruno” presents him made me think he was walking around telling people bad news unasked, but then he says everyone kept asking him, they just didn’t like the answers. So the town feeling unsafe around him made abeula feel like they were failing them.
And! The way Pepa tells her part of the song makes it sound like everything was sunshine at the wedding until he said what he said. But her husband corrects her “there wasn’t a cloud in the sky” to “no clouds ALLOWED in the sky.” And then at the end Bruno said “I could see that you were stressing,” which presumably means she did already have a little cloud when he showed up. But every time Pepa shows a cloud Abuela yells at her. She’s even dressed all in yellow with sun earrings, she’s trying to hard to stay sunny for Abuela. So she revised it in her memory to Bruno causing it. But then at the end when he tells her he wishes she would just feel all her feelings, her husband says “I’ve been saying that” and at the very end she’s dancing in the snow.
And at first I thought Mirabel had no gift but she and Bruno have almost the same gift! He had future sight and she has inner sight—she can see the cracks in the house before they appear, she can see Luisa’s trauma visually as she explains it. And at first she seems more determined than Bruno to follow through on her gift, but by the end she followed the same route as him—she ran off convinced she’d failed them. But bc Abuela had been through it already with Bruno she was able to make a different choice this time and follow Mirabel and let her teach her. I wonder if Abuela had inner sight too, since Mirabel seems poised to inherit the rest of her gift—house and candle guardian. She pretends she doesn’t believe the magic is faltering but then privately admits she knows, so is it bc she can see it too and was in denial? Or she just guessed bc of what happened to Mirabel?
The fact that Bruno saw the future still in doubt means the visions were multi layered anyway. And adjusting to free will as it happened. I love that Bruno’s prophecies are fluid like that. How the meaning shifts in response to what they choose. Dolores takes his prophecy and chooses to go get her man, Isabela takes it and gets new dreams of her own. So it doesn’t hurt them. I love how all of them develop so much more dimension to their gifts when they’re allowed to use it for themselves and not just for service! Selfishness!! It’s so necessary! I think it’s one of the best forms of healing trauma!! Bc our idea of selfishness gets so twisted. i’ve heard some people say they wished they hadn’t gotten their gifts back. They thought it would be more powerful if they didn’t, but I think the point is that the gifts are just who they are, it’s not really about them being magic. The house only amplifies the gift.
We never really get to see Mirabel’s moms inner life, which makes sense because that’s how we are with our parents at that age. But I do wonder if she had any adjusting she needed to do..
Also fascinating how Dolores is the one after Bruno who sees how things are most accurately, and she sees how nobody wants to hear what he sees, so she stays quiet about her perceptions about what she hears and just reports what she’s asked for neutrally, almost mechanically (unless it’s a major emergency, lol). Like Mirabel says Dolores will tell everyone, but she never argued with anyone about Bruno being bad even though she knew it was more complicated than that, she never tells anyone she still hears him sometimes, she reports “he wants five babies” with the barest quirk of her mouth, she never once mentions Isabela’s bf is her dream man even though Bruno told her that would happen years ago. Her verse about Bruno is by far the most perceptive but she almost whispers it. And only tells Mirabel things if she’s asked. It's so traumatic to be the one who sticks out, who can’t hide the gift so it antagonizes everyone. But it’s almost as traumatic to be the one who has to stifle their gift and not to use it nearly to its potential because so they’ve seen what will happen.
It’s SO layered and so dang accurate to how trauma plays out generationally and I’ve rewatched it three times and still keep noticing things and WOW. And Dos Origuitas makes me cry. Bc it’s layered too! It’s not just “you’ll transform through trauma,” it’s “the process of transformation may take you away from the people you went through the trauma with, and that’s ok, you have to let each other go and trust the cocoon and that you’ll find each other again after if you can” and that’s a lot!!!
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She necros on my mancer til I
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floorpancakes · 6 months
watanuki getting his back blown out
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