#not like physically but like mentally
allthewhumpygoodness · 9 months
Big fan of when a character's grief/trauma/guilt manifests as physical symptoms. Big fan of characters keeping things so tight inside them that it makes them sick. Big fan of when the line blurs between a character's mental trauma and physical illness until it's hard to tell which is which anymore.
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Pogorelich sounds like he’s in pain
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stilitrash · 1 year
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The dynamic I never knew I wanted but definitely needed
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Two hours into the full game and I had Astarion try to unlock a door. He went "*scoff* easy" and immediately rolled a one :)
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corantus · 3 months
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hi! im still going through it ‼️ slashing prices on all the comm types i offer 🗣🗣🗣
tbh literally all of the money ive the past month has gone to bills overdraft/late fees. i cant get groceries. final straw today one of the tires on my bike got busted & my acct is still overdrafted so i can't even get bus fare
i truly appreciate the support ive gotten, i would be in worse shape without it, im just really struggling to get stable again. i have 2 job interviews coming up so im hopeful but uhh yeah ! thank you all so much
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 177
Now Dan is no coward. He’s not. 
But this stupid child body does have an effect on his reactions to things and honestly it’s a horrible thing that’s too small and too weak for him to use all his abilities. He could barely manage a fireball if he concentrated, yet everything caught fire with a mere outburst! His control was utterly gone, and a tantrum resulted in having to wear a stupid child leash backpack. 
It wasn’t like he was really a child, and it wasn’t like he’d get lost or some stupid shit that Danny would insist. Ugh, this isn’t even fair, technically he was older than him yet was stuck in a smaller body that he kept tripping over! 
Urgh, he’s even insisting on rewarding ‘good behavior’ and shit- must have talked to Jazz or something- because… Oh. No he wants the constellation bear, give! His star bear now, no takes back and, urgh, stupid baby body! 
Well, on the other hand, it’s utterly hilarious how much Danny sputters whenever he calls him Mom, not to mention strangers’ utter befuddlement. He ignores how Danny seems to be trying his best to live up ro the title. 
But! As he was saying, he’s no coward! He’s also not an idiot though, and having no control over his powers isn’t exactly a good thing. It’s really not a good thing when there’s a murderous-looking hero that he thinks he might have maimed in the future- which they apparently remember- staring down at him. So, he has to call in the big guns to fix this. 
“Mom, there’s a creepy fruitloop staring at me!” “There’s WHAT?!” Hah. Take that hero he doesn’t remember the name of.
(Behold the Grumpiest of Babies)
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thedisablednaturalist · 9 months
I think when people think of mental illness and what helps, especially with things like anxiety and depression, the treatment involves pushing yourself. Pushing yourself to get out of bed, to exercise, to take a shower, to go out in public, to order your own food from the cashier, etc.
And because the mental health movement has grown so much, people think that's the default of ALL illnesses. That the only way someone will get better is if they push themselves. That practice makes perfect. That you'll become more comfortable or strong over time the more you do something.
But what people need to realize is, with physical disabilities and chronic illnesses, pushing yourself in most cases is DETRIMENTAL. Pushing yourself past your limits can lead to flare ups or further injury. That's why it's important to know your limits, how certain activities may affect your condition, and learn how to either adapt or get help to complete the activity in question.
Also, most of us are already pushing ourselves. Most of us don't have access to the help or equipment we need. Most of us live in places where we frequently encounter inaccessible obstacles. Most of us NEED to rest.
So please don't try to be our physical therapists or doctors. There are people specifically trained to help us navigate our own conditions and limitations. There are people trained to help us strengthen our body's resilience without causing flare-ups or injury. Do not tell us "it'll be good for you" or "you need the exercise" when we say something is too heavy or too far or when we say we need our mobility aid(s). Your friend with depression may need to be encouraged to get out of bed, but your friend with chronic illness definitely doesn't.
Respect our rest.
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t-a-c · 10 months
the Touhou fandom won't stop creating new memes. TF2 is one of the most active games on Steam. Scott Pilgrim is one of the big trending things. people can't get enough of the cute guitar girl anime 2009 is eternal
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rainybasementthing · 21 days
Danny is rotting
Not that he notices. His body absorbs ectoplasm from the portal, with the ectoplasm preserving it. Each time he leaves his body, it absorbs more. No one, not even Danny has realized.
His parents find out after they see him leave his body behind to fight a ghost and promptly dips, flying off in panic with his body. He heads to one place with... definitely smaller amounts of ectoplasm, but enough to possibly survive.
Danny, in a rush, didn't have time to pick up the backpack meant for this scenario. He (thankfully) had some ectoplasm in his thermos, but it's not nearly enough long-term.
After running out of ectoplasm for a few days, Danny starts to feel off.
Danny's skin feels tight. His body is a lot stiffer than he recalls, and he can't seem to get rid of this awful smell on him. His face and hands are slowly discoloring, fuck, what the hell is going on?
His emotions and core are going haywire from the disapproval of his parents, perceiving anyone as a threat.
He temporarily haunts an alleyway, refusing and growling at anyone who enters his haunt. His eyes flash with that sickening green color. He can't afford to get hurt with the limited ectoplasm he has.
Unfortunately for Danny, it was the alleyway where the Waynes were murdered.
And the Bats are protective of it too.
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amanfromnewjersey · 10 months
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I am going insane about these stoats
(my insta is @trisideseye and that's where I mostly post art. I'm purely posting here bc @quiddie is active on here and I need aabria to know, personally ,how fucked up I am about these stoats)
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I think a fair number of (able-bodied) people don’t understand that cripple is a slur. It’s a slur. It’s offensive. Physically disabled people can reclaim it *if they want to*, but they don’t have to. They can be offended by it if they want to as well. Both are valid.
Also, you can reclaim it FOR YOURSELF! You don’t just get to call other people cripples because you decided to reclaim it. That’s personal. Saying “oh, I can say that because I’m physically disabled” only applies if you’re referring to YOURSELF that way. You do not get to tell other people in your community what they should and shouldn’t be comfortable with.
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canonkiller · 2 months
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these are, he says, the kind of test results we see after a car crash.
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silentreigns · 2 months
James Vowels portrayed himself as being a compassionate TP but he is as cutthroat as the rest of them. Idk why I was fooled into thinking that Williams will genuinely try and nurture talent. I understand that Logan hasn't really challenged Alex. And maybe this is just me being biased towards feelings over facts, but I really do feel for Logan. I'd hate to show a lot of progress and improve in tricky conditions just for reports to come out he was trying to replace me mid-season. Way to build up someone's self-esteem as a driver 🤥
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slfcare · 11 months
dealing with embarrassment is not about erasing the moment, but rewriting its impact. consciously decide to not care as if it's really that easy and after enough practice, you'll find that it actually will be.
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firelordhotman · 2 years
“disability isnt a competition or something you have to Prove is Bad Enough to deserve being taken seriously” and “some people are objectively more or less disabled in certain areas than you are and that isnt an attack on you” are two concepts that yall absolutely MUST allow to coexist. im so tired
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naamahdarling · 5 days
You know what? You know what I think?
I think that if we lived as we were meant to, in larger intimate ("extended family") groups and with more shared labor and time to do it (UBI NOW) people like me would not feel so useless and burdensome because there would be people around to help and to do what neurodivergent people can't while making valuable space for the neurodivergent to do what they ARE good at.
The way we live right now, all right, the way we live right now forces units of two adults to be able to do EVERYTHING or PAY to have someone come do it for them. I have to do the housework. I have to do it! But I am having to do a million different things and most of them I am not good at. I suck at them.
I wouldn't feel like shit, okay, if I had more than one other person around who was not a child and who could do the things I can't, like do the yard and cook and do repairs and basic maintenance; and someone else to split everything else that I like but is too much for me. It would free me to do what I am good at and enjoy. Cleaning, as in the sink and toilet, the windows, the blinds. Taking out trash. Folding, hanging, and sorting laundry.
But because all the shit I can do often relies on other shit being done first, and I can't do or have trouble doing those things, the shit I can do often can't be done. And even the shit I can do, I can't do ALL of it. So I can't keep up, and things get very bad.
We aren't meant to live like this. We are not meant to live like this.
That thought hurts so much because being able to flee the birth family is integral to survival for so many people. I'm so afraid that living in larger family groups would create more opportunities for, say, queer kids to be isolated, rejected, bullied, and abused. But if we gave people enough money to survive, and stopped considering children the property of their parents with no system in place to help them escape bad situations except a system that is often just as bad, just different.
I'm aware that communes and collectives aren't all that successful and are kind of a joke. I don't mean that. I mean a fundamental shift to multigenerational families where taking in "strays" (which my family did) is also normalized so people escaping abuse into existing households was accepted, with these families centered in maybe a couple of different larger residences so not everyone has to buy and maintain their own fucking washing machine and vacuum cleaner, and so people can benefit from large group meals that yield leftovers, and so child and elder care can also be centralized.
Then disabled people and the neurodivergent and sick and injured people, and pregnant people, and grieving people, would not have to either labor through all those stressors or consign themselves to living off an unlivable pittance or being put under legal guardianship.
I'm not saying anything new. People live like this in other parts of the world and maybe it sucks and I am wrong. But I'm just really mad right now because I can either do laundry or clean the sink but not both, and I really think we could improve society somewhat by making it so I did not have to choose one without sacrificing the other.
#im feverish feeling (not a real fever just malaise that i have no other way to describe) from the IBS (which can affect you like that#)#and i don't actually want to do ANYTHING#i would have to even living with others but it would be easier#at the very least i wouldn't have had to clean the microwave earlier which is hard because my arms are like the size of a meerkat's#and i can only reach the back with my fingertips#where is my BF in all this?#WORKING FULL TIME WITH BACK PAIN#yes i AM going to want him to have to do as little as possible when he comes home#he's neurodivergent too and struggles with the same shit#it's all a mess#we are doing way better i didn't realize how deep a drain three very sick cats were#but there's still only two of us#if you are disabled physically OR MENTALLY you should at least get in-home household help once a week or so#there's places that do that but the limitations are usually severe and always rule me out#because im not single im not an elder im not a veteran and im not physically disabled#if we have to ration that sort of thing i can see how on the whole it is more caring to allocate those resources to for example elders#but the fact that i celebrate what help there is doesn't mean i don't get mad that more people can't access it#is2g if i was functional enough snd physically sound enough i would start a charity that did intervention cleaning for people like us#who have fallen behind and can't catch up but can MAINTAIN#and who helped people clean for a few months during and after an illness pregnancy trauma major loss etc. so they could stay on their feet
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