#not me promising to do more comfort than hurt next time I got the prompt and then getting Murdoc of all people for it lol let's gooooo
📖 🔫 🩹 ? Love ur writing btw :)
Use Your Sharp Claws to Hold Me Gently - Murdoc/Reader
Warnings: Hurt/comfort, gender-neutral reader, no use of Y/N, pet names, lonely!reader (he fixes that don't worry).
Wordcount: 2354
Summary: You were alone, he knew it the moment he entered your apartment and saw only you in every inch, but you were also interesting, and that was something he couldn't let go of.
Notes: Thank you so much QwQ I was SO tempted to make the reader take care of Murdoc as I was song hunting to set the mood, so if I get this combo again know that I won't be able to resist hehe I ended up going with this song, full disclosure, and it fueled me so much that I blacked out and when I came to this was written so I hope you enjoy, cause I really like this one a lot 💗💗💗
He was in town again, his only warning the single text from his unlisted number, the other end going dead as soon as the message was received, no number to save to your phone and reply back to. You’d been doing this for a long while now, your arrangement to keep him close carefully discussed behind closed doors the night before he had to hop on a plane and become scarce again. You understood completely why that was, it didn’t scare you like he’d expected, but then again, he’d expected a lot of things to scare you, things that would scare anyone else for very rational reasons.
Not you though, not once you’d stared down the barrel into those brown eyes and fallen hard.
You were never supposed to be on his list, your presence a prime example of Wrong Place Wrong Time as you’d stumbled upon his hit just moments before he’d pulled the trigger. His target had pleaded with you for help when he’d seen you, money offered in sums you couldn’t dare to imagine owning, tossed around like it was nothing as he put a price on his own life. You never accepted, knowing that if you did then you’d be putting that same price on your own as well, wanting to risk your slim chance of survival as you just stood there, blocking off the alley so no one else would find themselves in the same situation.
He’d shot the man in that same instant, the gun pointed at you next without a hint of mercy.
You’d just stared him down, knew it was inevitable the moment you interrupted his carefully planned work, everything about him gave off the essence of preparations and structure and purpose, you were a fly in the wheel of all that to him, nothing more.
‘Just get it over with,’ you told him as you shut your eyes, trying to hide the fact that you were trembling and it wasn’t from the downpour currently soaking you to your now very tired bones.
He never did, wet footsteps approaching until you felt cold steel against your forehead. ‘Why aren’t you afraid?’ he asked you, eyes seeing right through you, down to your soul as he tried to find the answer. You opened your eyes then, his voice so much softer than the gun held in his leather gloved hand, rain dripping from his ginger-dyed bangs, the colour almost fully grown out from what had to have been a past disguise, and running down his face in streams. He was beautiful, you thought even as the thunder roared high above, the sounds of the city telling you that you still had a chance to run, salvation was only steps away, but you didn’t move, you couldn’t.
‘I am,’ you confessed, but it almost felt like a lie.
‘You should be,’ he replied lowly, and it held the same weight as your confession.
You took the back ways to your apartment, unable to miss how he dedicated every way to get inside without being noticed to memory, a silent promise that if you survived and told someone what you saw then he’d know exactly how to find you. You told him which window was yours, the fire escape leading right up to it, that fact the only reason you’d bought it in the first place; those metal stairs meant freedom for you in case of emergency, something you’d never had before as you moved to the big city and lived through too many unfortunate events to count.
He was taking that away from you as he jumped up, hoisted himself onto the stairs with such ease that you knew you’d never be able to outrun him even if you started now, no amount of window latches able to keep him out. You used the front door and met him upstairs, the security cameras sparsely spread throughout the building only catching you heading home, drenched but not giving away a thing. He hadn’t waited outside as expected, the window unbroken but still wide open as he dripped water all over your hardwood floors, shoes tracking mud over the thrift store rug in the living room.
He was seeing what you had to lose, but it wasn’t much he was soon to realize, your walls and surfaces bare of photos outside of the rare empty frame you’d bought but forgotten to fill, the default photo showing strangers looking happy behind the dusty glass. He lifted one of them up, knew they weren’t yours, and you heard him laugh at your loneliness, the sound so hollow like he didn’t even know what a laugh really was and was simply acting the emotion out. 
Maybe he was lonely too.
You offered him tea or coffee, not knowing what to do to fill the time until the gun would surely reappear again but he refused, his attention now on you like he hadn’t even noticed you come in. He walked over to your tiny kitchen, searching through your cupboards until he found a glass; he went to the fridge and pulled out the pitcher of filtered water, poured himself some without asking, left everything out for you to clean up later if you’d even get the chance. ‘Expecting anyone?’ he asked casually, eyes looking for any sliver of a trace that you shared your life with anyone, the answer in his head before you could even open your mouth. ‘No, you aren’t… don’t you know it’s dangerous to live on your own in a place like this?’
It held no real concern. You offered him no real worry as you just shrugged.
The lights remained off as he let you get on with your night, his eyes always on you as you grabbed a towel to pat yourself and your clothes dry, the takeout you’d gone out to get reheated as you sat at the table and ate. He was never out of sight but he never approached you either, the only other thing he grabbed being one of the kitchen knives from the hand-me-down block you’d stolen from home when you moved out. You wondered if he might throw it at you like a circus performer, maybe it’d hit its target, maybe it’d fly right past and embed itself in the wall behind you, a trick to be applauded for either way, but it never left his hands, the blade occasionally catching the light as he spun it in his fingers.
You thought he might be coming to slit your throat when he walked behind you as you tried to cut through the too tough meat, his arms around you and making you still as the knife was pressed down and sliced through with ease. His movements were so delicate like that of a dancer, he was well trained in what he did, and when he was done he lifted the knife up to his mouth to lick away the sauce before going back to the kitchen. It was tossed down loudly into the sink now that he’d dirtied it but you didn’t jump at the sound, your eyes on him as he then strolled over to the couch and sat down, recently dried mud flecking off his shoes and onto your coffee table as he got comfortable.
He let you finish eating in peace, your last meal no doubt, before taking the gun out again and motioning for you to go to the bedroom, your body freezing cold but surprisingly calm as you did as you were told. There was no rush at all as you both walked in, the door wide open and letting you know that you weren’t trapped, and you waited for his next command when the gun was set down in plain sight on top of your dresser. It was perfectly spaced between the two of you, only two steps away with the grip facing you, an open invitation to grab it and defend yourself.
Images of trying flashed through your head. You didn’t act on them, his eyes shining the longer you just stood there; there was no point, you didn’t have much of a life anyways, the empty photo frames reminded you of that every day.
‘Aren’t you an interesting one,’ he thought aloud, your hand twitching only once towards the dresser before you fell still again. ‘My job is done tonight, and I might have a bit of time free in my schedule if you’d like to hire me, little rabbit,’ he then told you, his eyes meeting yours even as half of his face was shrouded in shadows, the light from your bedroom window making the only parts visible practically glow between his dark hair and even darker outfit.
‘What do you do?’ Your voice didn’t tremble, he was impressed.
‘I make problems disappear, for a price.’
‘Can you make more than problems disappear?’
This interested him even more, and he took a few steps closer to you, your head tilting back so you could look up to him. ‘What did you have in mind?’
You couldn’t say it, he already knew the answer already, and he considered what you wanted before taking off his coat and folding it up, the slightly damp leather creaking as it was placed on your dresser next to his weapon. He opened his arms to you, the gun still just in reach as he waited, and you could only stare at him as you walked forward; he wrapped his arms around you as you let your head fall against his shoulder, and the hug held nothing but the transaction as he attempted to make your loneliness disappear. He was warm as the rain continued to fall outside, his controlled breathing rustling your hair ever so slightly as the trembling began, your shaking hands reaching up to cling to his black sweater.
When you’d awoken the next morning you’d found your apartment empty again, although there was a text from an unfamiliar number on your phone telling you, ‘Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful,’ the line pulled directly from your copy of Frankenstien, the book open to the page and waiting for you to notice it on your dresser where the gun had been.
He’d returned to you a few months later, another new number with a quote alerting you to his arrival before you’d heard him tapping on the window, this time waiting for you to let him in. This situation repeated many times over the year, each time with a text, each time the two of you just retreating to your bedroom where he held you and stole your loneliness for hours at a time, never once telling you about where he’d been or what he’d done. Your frames were still empty all the while, and with every visit he’d hold you closer, share his warmth with you as he threaded bare fingers through your hair, let you lay there in silence or cry into his chest if you needed to.
He slowly filled all your empty spaces, even if just for a little while, and you wondered how large your bill must be getting with each press of split lips to the top of your head and bloodied knuckles tracing the curve of your flushed cheeks. You never asked for something of his to remember him by until the night you finally spoke, your body completely in his lap as he held you, your fingertips brushing over fresh bruises spreading over his bare chest.
‘I might not be able to afford you at this rate,’ you murmured, and when he breathed out a laugh it didn’t feel like he was acting anymore.
‘I do the jobs that interest me for free, you know,’ he whispered into your ear, hand coming up to run over your jaw until you couldn’t help but look up at him. ‘That was just the first time, though.’
‘What about now?’ Something inside of you told you to be afraid as you looked into brown eyes so dark they almost looked black, the red and purple painting his eyebrow to his cheek warning you of the danger, but you weren’t afraid, you never had been.
He didn’t answer you, his mouth finding yours as colours shone through cheap curtains and shrouded you both in a halo of store neons and street lights.
That was months ago, his latest text reading, ‘There are darknesses in life and there are lights; you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.’ Bram Stoker, tonight, Dracula. You screenshotted it as you did with all his quotes, it saved to your phone with all the others before deleting the now useless chat and unlocking the latch over your window. He arrived less than an hour later, the smell of cheap takeout making him smirk as he looked at the feast laid out for him. ‘Hello again, little rabbit,’ he said into your neck as he wrapped his arms around you, his gloves already removed so he could feel you against his hot skin.
‘Hello, Murdoc,’ you greeted him back, his canines grazing over your skin and warning you of the danger as they always did before he noticed the frame you’d placed by your TV, front and center in the gap between the device and the edge of the stand they rested on. He let go of you and walked over to it, lifting it up and laughing genuinely at the sight of himself in your bed, a secretly stolen photo you’d taken when he’d fallen asleep in your arms.
‘You really are interesting,’ he mused as he put it back, still shrouded in darkness as he turned on his heel to face you, the sight so familiar as he filled up every last empty space inside of you.
Maybe he really had been able to make your loneliness disappear that first night, but he’d have to figure that one out himself as you pressed yourself against his chest and kissed him.
He smiled against your upturned lips like he already knew.
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
【 death scares 】
prompt #6: Oh, Great Seven, he thought they were going to die. Please don’t ever scare him like that again (ft. sebek zigvolt, jade leech, leona kingscholar)
gn! prefect (you/yours), drabbles, word count: 1.6k
a/n: hello, i finished my research proposal so i have time before my next deadline to post this >:DD it's angsty asf, but i made sure that it was hurt/comfort so dw i gotchu guys ^^
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Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek wasn't someone who usually got scared. He knew better than to succumb to such feelings that all but interfered with one's ability to act. It was one of the things he learned when he was training to be one of the Young Master's guards.
But when he saw you dangling from a broom midair, Sebek felt all the hairs on his arms raise. You were barely holding on, and he could see everyone shouting in alarm from where you were.
If you fell, then you would...
Sebek gritted his teeth, "Give me one of your brooms, humans!" His voice boomed over all the commotion, turning heads.
The person nearest to him stuttered, "But brooms are only meant to hold one perso—"
"Does that matter?" Sebek grabbed the broom out of the other's hands. "If you don't do anything, that human is going to fall!"
He hopped onto the broom, flying to where you were before shouting, "Human! You need to let go and get on my broom!"
"I can't!" You cried, your arms shaking with effort. "You'll get hurt, Sebek!"
"Human, I am ten times more durable than you," Sebek said as calmly as he could, bringing his broom closer to yours. "If I fell from this height and got hurt, it'd be an insult to the Young Master!"
"What is it?"
"Promise you won't get mad?"
"I can't," Sebek watched as your fingers started to slip. "But I'll promise we won't fall."
It was at that moment when you fell. He felt his broom shift under your weight, and he strained to reinforce it with magic.
But you were here.
You were safe, and that was all that mattered to Sebek. He could feel the pounding of your heart against his back where you clutched onto his uniform.
"What were you thinking?" Sebek ranted, his anger finally surfacing as they made their way to the ground. "Human, I'll have you know that you could've died or been seriously injured!"
"Not only that," Sebek turned to face you. "The fact that— You're...crying...?"
You held on to one of his sleeves, the tears dripping onto the grass below, "I'm s-sorry, Sebek, I didn't mean to...to do that, it just—"
Sebek sighed, resting a hand on your shoulder, "It is alright. You are safe now, human, I was just—" Worried...? Worried? The Sebek Zigvolt, worried about a mere human? But really, who was he kidding? You weren't just a mere human to Sebek, were you?
"I didn't want to see you hurt, is all," He finished lamely. And he could see your eyes sparkling— this time not with unshed tears. Great Sevens, what kind of feeling was currently strangling his heart? Was it...fondness?
Sebek felt his ears warm, quickly brushing off the blooming feelings in his heart, "I-It would be best to get your hands checked out, I shall take you to the nurse!"
You smiled at that. A small smile, but to Sebek it meant the world. He continued on, rambling about broom safety as he led you to the infirmary. If it meant that you were smiling and not crying anymore, then Sebek would more than gladly fill up the silence with his voice.
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Jade Leech
Of all the things to happen today, he didn't think watching you put yourself in mortal peril was going to be one of them. Jade swallowed, trying to clear the stuffy feeling that seemed to sufuse his whole body.
He was waiting for you outside of the infirmary, the initial shock after the accident having finally subsided. Still, he couldn't get the picture of your body lying prone on the ground out of his mind.
"It was due to incorrect ratios," The nurse had said. "The alchemy potion had turned into a potent airborne poison. And if you had arrived any later..."
Jade didn't want to think about that part.
But soon enough, the nurse called him in. As he walked up to your bed, he couldn't bring himself to speak first. You weren't watching him, clearly focused on trying to open your water bottle.
"Let me," Jade's voice escaped him, and he saw your eyes widen when you saw him. He opened the bottle, handing it back to you without another word.
"Thank you."
Jade didn't know what else to say, his eyes following you as you drank. His mind brought back the image of you being unnaturally still. It was morbid. The thought made him sick, yet he couldn't stop thinking about it.
"Jade-senpai," You met his gaze and he felt his throat constrict. "Are you...mad at me?"
Jade felt his lips twitch, "Why, pray tell, would I be mad?"
"I...I'm sorry, I wasn't being careful enough," You bit your lip, and he couldn't bear to be upset with you any longer. He sighed, taking a seat beside you.
He very slowly slipped off his glove, talking all the while, "Next time you find yourself having to do an alchemy assignment alone, do invite me."
"But you're busy," There was clear hesitation in your voice, even as his hand tentatively held yours.
"Kind to a fault," Jade said shakily, feeling unsteady now that he could feel the warmth of your skin against his own. "There's no need for that. Your safety is more important, and I would gladly spend time with you. At least next time take one of your friends with you just...just in case." Jade pressed his lips together. He didn't mean to nag. He didn't mean to talk much at all, but the sight of you pried all his feelings out him so effortlessly. He really couldn't win against you.
And like you knew exactly what he wanted to hear, you smiled, "I'm okay now. See?" Your palm cupped over his, bringing his fingers to rest against your neck. And sure enough, he could feel your pulse thrumming under his fingers.
Jade closed his eyes before opening them again, "Right. Now then, I will be overseeing your recovery from now on." He clapped, his magic swirling through the air to tug your blankets into a more acceptable state.
"Wait, what–"
"I'll contact your friends to let you rest for now."
"No, senpai, wait–"
"Surely you aren't objecting to rest, Prefect?" Jade smiled as politely as he could and he watched as you shuddered. "After all you almost di–"
"I'll be in your care then," You huffed, before patting his arm. "Just make sure you don't over do it."
"I won't. I'll be taking very good care of you."
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Leona Kingscholar
"The Prefect got into an accident."
Leona couldn't understand how those words filled him with such dread. He couldn't even wait for Ruggie to finish, he was already rushing to the infirmary.
What did Ruggie mean by you got into an accident? What kind of accident was it? Were you okay? Sevens forbid that you were...
Leona gritted his teeth as he arrived. Irrational anger and worry wasn't like him. He took a deep breath, schooling his emotions before knocking on the door.
"Kingscholar," The nurse acknowledged. "To what do I–"
"The Prefect."
"...Right," They nodded before leading him toward where you were. The curtains were drawn and he couldn't...see you. "Don't do anything too rash."
Leona nodded, drawing back the curtain. His stomach dropped at the sight of you, your head wrapped up in bandages, and plasters covering your arms and legs.
You were awake, and you blinked as he stood there, "Leona-senpai..."
Leona heaved out a harsh breath, sitting at the edge of the bed. He didn't know what to do. Not when that ugly mix of anger and worry was bubbling at the base of his throat. Instead all he did was stare, as if any second an ugly red would mar the bandage on your head.
"I, uhm," You spoke first, your head turned downward. "It wasn't anyone's fault. We...had some rain at Ramshackle, and it leaked inside... The staircase, it... Ramshackle's old, so..."
"You're telling me the staircase fell in on you?" There was a surprised look on your face as he spoke. Even he couldn't understand the flatness of his voice.
"I...yeah," You clenched your fists. "Grim's okay, he was at the foyer when it happened, but..."
"So you almost died," At your nod, Leona felt the anger morph straight into fear. Died? The herbivore? You almost died?
He scowled at the thought as he pried your hands from the sheets, "Stop that. You're gonna make your injuries worse." His eyes met yours, and he could see the fear there too— in the way you trembled despite the day being warm.
"Herbivore..." He muttered before moving closer to you. He was mindful of your bandages as he held you, trying to ease your shaking.
"I was scared," You murmured into his shoulder. "I thought that it was the end, and—"
"You're here now," Leona soothed, and he wasn't sure who he was trying to comfort. "You'll be alright, herbivore." You pulled away with a weak smile and it took all of Leona's self control not to pull you back to him.
He sighed, hanging his head, "You...you drive me crazy. Really, do I have to cast protective spells on you to keep you safe?"
Your hand settled over his, "I won't object if you do. It might come in handy sometime."
"That's not the point. And you should sleep," Leona gently pushed you against the pillows. "How are you gonna get better enough to ask Crowley for more budget if you don't rest?"
"And..." Your voice was quiet; inquisitive. "You'll stay?"
"I wasn't planning on leaving," Leona braced his head against his arm. "Now sleep." That seemed to appease you, and soon enough, he could hear the steady sound of your breathing fill the room. And in the quiet of the room, Leona vowed never to let you fall into danger again. Not if he could do something about it.
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ty for reading the hurt/comfort !! i hope that it uh, appeased your angst chasing for now, and if you'd like to read more of my stuff, check out my masterlist <3
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love2reid · 1 month
Stop pretending you’re not in pain
Aaron Hotchner x reader
Overview: in which reader secretly gets hurt on a case, and in which Aaron knows her better than she realises.
Word count: 920 words
Warnings: mention of injury, general criminal minds case talk.
A/N: This is my first time ever writing a piece of work for a character but I’ve wanted to for a while so I thought I’d give it a go!
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You move your position for the 3rd time, battling the urge to try and be somewhat comfortable and the need to not disturb the other members of the BAU who were currently resting in their respective seats across the jet.
“Are you okay?”
Shit. Clearly not as quiet as you thought.
You look up to see Hotch staring at you, brows furrowed in concern as he scans you for any sign that you may in fact not be okay.
“Yeah yeah, I’m okay just can’t get comfortable today for some reason. I swear they’ve changed these seats since we arrived in Michigan.” Your attempt to laugh off your pain falls on deaf ears as Hotch approaches the seat next to you and settles into it comfortably, placing his case file on the shiny oak desk in front of him.
“We’ll talk about this when we are off the jet. For now try and get some sleep.”
He lifts the armrest separating the two of you and moves his arm back, beckoning you to lean into his side. You follow his instructions, immediately breathing a sigh of relief when the new position eases some of the aches currently present in your side.
“Y/n, Y/n.” You hear a voice gently whisper through your sleepy state.
You open your eyes and do a quick scan of your surroundings, to see that the jet has been completely emptied except you and Aaron.
“Why has everyone already gone?” You ask.
As you ask Aaron the question, you stretch your body in an attempt to get out of this drowsy state you’re currently in however quickly regret your actions as intense pain courses through your side making you wince.
The alarm on Hotch’s face is clear as day at the sound of you wincing.
“What happened?” Hotch asks gently but firmly, trying not to let his concern override the need to keep calm if he wants to find out what’s troubling you.
“You can’t get mad”
He lets out a low chuckle. “You know when you have to say that it’s probably not a good sign. But I promise I won’t get mad.”
You take a deep sigh before explaining.
“Remember when you sent me and Reid to the unsubs house that we thought was derelict?”
Your mind casts back to the events of the past few days as Aaron responds, “Yes, I also remember you telling me you weren’t injured and that you hadn’t hurt your leg when I asked why you stumbled.”
“Well technicallyyy the second part is true, I’ve got no issue with my leg.” You glance up at him, giving him an innocent smile that instantly makes the frown lines on his face soften.
Aaron reaches over and takes his hand in yours, gently rubbing it with his thumb. Your relationship was somewhat new, with the team remaining unaware, and due to that, all signs of a relationship were strictly off-limits around the team.
However, in the empty shell of the jet, the unspoken moment brings comfort to your troubles and prompts you to continue as you begin to recount the events to him.
“So when we arrived it seemed almost certainly empty so we decided to split up” Your mind flicks back to the event.
You and Reid had just pulled up to the suspect's house, Roy James. The Michigan air is thick with humidity, leaving you much more tired than usual.
“Well it doesn’t look like anybody is living here, or at least not very well.” Reid observes, getting out of the passenger seat of the SUV and wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.
You cautiously walk towards the house, gun safely in your holster.
“Yeah, best stay slightly cautious though, the guy we’re looking for is a suspect for a reason.” You both do your job of checking the outside surroundings and looking through the windows before deciding to split up.
Spencer speaks up, “Hey, I’ll go look in the outhouse whilst you start with some of the house”.
“Yeah, no problem!” You shout back as you watch him descend into the outhouse, and you twist the rusty door handle to the main house to find it unlocked.
“And so we split up, I’d searched the kitchen, living room and dining room when I heard a bang from upstairs.” Aaron is watching you intently as you take a pause. “I checked the first two rooms and they were clear, but when I got to the last room I got a sudden slash to my left-hand side and fell down a few of the stairs.”
You recall the events to him as though it’s just a casual day-to-day event and as though you hadn’t been attacked by a serial killer.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone? Why didn’t you tell me?” Aaron whispers.
“We’d caught him, rounded up the case and honestly the last thing I wanted to think about was going to hospital and dealing with more technicalities about the incident.” You pause then make an admission that would be out of place if not for the level of vulnerability of the conversation, “ I just wanted to get home to you.”
Aaron’s face softens as he helps pull you to your feet, wrapping his suit jacket around your shoulders.
“C’mon, let’s go home, I’ll sort you out there. Jack will be happy to see you tomorrow anyway.”
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FOR INTIMATE PILLOW TALK *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
it's funny. sometimes i think i've already fallen in love with you as much as possible... and then we share a night like this.
i'm falling more and more in love with you every day.
what about me turns you on the most?
do you feel connected to me when we're together like that?
was it good for you? is there anything i can do better next time?
you made a few sounds i've never heard before.
are you satisfied by our physical intimacy?
can i get you anything? do you need me to do anything?
you know i love you, right?
that was the best night of my life.
i don't even know who i was last night.
what do my lips taste like when you kiss them?
what's your favorite thing about my body?
i've never done anything like that before.
thanks for going easy on me. clearly i've still got a lot to learn.
you were so gentle with me.
wish we could just stay like this forever.
you can stay the night, you know. you don't have to leave just yet.
you look so beautiful like this.
i could get used to this. nights in bed with you laying beside me.
i just can't stop looking at you. i can't believe you're real.
was i too much for you? did i go too far?
i need to be close to you like this.
can i kiss you again? i promise i won't get carried away.
just stay like that and let me admire how beautiful you are.
no one has ever loved me like that.
i've never been touched like that before.
it's like your body was made for mine.
don't go. don't get out of bed just yet.
i'm not ready to let go of you.
let's just cancel our plans for the day. what do you think?
why don't we just stay like this forever?
come closer. please.
i heard you talking in your sleep.
i didn't know it could feel like that.
i'm glad to share one last moment of calm with you before the storm.
i think we're more than friends.
whatever happens, we'll always have each other. last night is proof of that.
well... that was fun. give me a moment to catch my breath.
we could take a shower together if you wanted.
what time is it? maybe we should go grab lunch.
i'm too comfortable to move. let's just stay right here.
you're really cute when you blush.
thank you for trusting me like that.
i have a confession to make. i think i love you.
your hair's a mess.
what did you dream about?
feel like going another round?
i've never seen you act like that before.
i don't know what came over me.
no, please don't get up. come back to bed.
was it that bad?
i'm sure the neighbors really enjoyed hearing all that.
so... does this change anything between us?
i don't regret a single thing about last night.
would you hold me while we sleep?
i feel safe in your arms.
nothing will take me away from you.
we had a long night. you should get some rest.
you're the best i've ever had.
i'm so in love with you it hurts.
don't hide that beautiful smile from me!
we could try spooning. i hear that's nice.
so... what happens now?
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springcourtrose · 7 months
Please, stop... | Part 3
Pairing: Helion x reader (x Nessian)
Warnings: smut - mentions of abusive relationship and SA - MINORS DNI
Prompt: you’re Nesta and Cassian’s mate and yet you are so different from them. From day 1 you tried to be a good mate and do as they wanted and liked but they like it rough and you just don’t. Not only is it not enjoyable for you, it is actually painful. And not just in bed. You always excused their behavior as being overprotective but recently you started calling it something else: controlling. And one night, all changed as you uttered the words you had tried so hard never to say, but always thinking if you ever did they would listen. But they didn’t. And that night, everything broke.
(A/N: English isn't my first language)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Helion had promised himself three things:
He'd make Cassian and Nesta pay for ever hurting you.
He'd tell Rhys exactly what he thought of his 'court of dreams'.
He would make you happy again.
And he would stop at nothing to make the latter happen sooner rather than later.
He hadn't left your side ever since you woke up. He had looked after you and seen you through the withering until he was satisfied you weren't going to die from it. He had wiped away all of your tears. He had held you as you cried. Had comforted you when your thoughts took you in deep and dark places.
To his relief, you didn't show anymore sign of withering after the first day. He hadn't asked but you knew he knew. He knew you hadn't destroyed the bond completely.
That one thin thread remained. Neither of you spoke of it. You didn't even want to think about it. But you couldn't bring yourself to shut your mates off completely. To say goodbye to them forever. Perhaps that made you an idiot, or weak, but you just couldn't do it. And Helion never made you feel bad about it.
You had lost track of time. Helion had made it so easy. He had food brought to his chambers and he ate every single meal with you in his bed. He had made everything available to you. You were never alone, if only for one hour every day to allow you to bathe and for him to see to his duties. But when you got out of the bathroom, he was there, waiting for you. Every time.
That was when you had first smiled at him. Your first smile since...
You had found him on his bed, waiting for you with a plate of sweets. The sight had filled you with a warm joy. It had made you feel like the luckiest female in Prythian. The smile he gave you in return had healed a small part of you. You had felt it in your chest.
You laid in his bed, feeling content and at peace. He was lying on his side next to you, one arm propped on his elbow, his fingers gently caressing your cheek. The first time he had done so, you had burst into tears after a few minutes. You had never shared such a moment with Cassian and Nesta. They had never showed you such gentleness and patience. You had apologized to Helion for it, but he only kissed the tears away and made you promise never to apologize for crying again.
The feeling of his lips on your skin had sparked something in you. Something you had never felt before. A craving. You craved his touch and presence. You had never craved for anyone in this way. Not even your mates. No. You had feared and avoided them. And deep down you knew you would never fear or avoid him.
Slowly, you brought a hand to his cheek. He closed his eyes and hummed as you touched him.
"Thank you, Helion."
"Mmh, do not thank me, my moonshine. I am a selfish male."
"Because I wished for this. I've been wishing for this since the first time I met you."
His confession startled you. But only for a moment.
"I wished they were more like you. When I went back to them after our days here together. I wished they would be as nice and gentle as you. But they never ever asked me about my day. You asked. You wanted to know everything. You cared."
"I care," he nodded, taking your hand in his and bringing your knuckles to his lips. "I've always cared and I always will."
Tears filled your eyes as you inhaled deeply.
"I know," you smiled sadly, a tear finding its way onto your cheek. "I felt so horrible when I went back. Because I didn't feel safe there, but I felt safe here, with you."
"My love," he smiled back, resting his forehead against yours. "I will always keep you safe."
"Show me," you said and he blinked. "Show me, Helion. Show me how gentle you are. Show me how you'll always care for me."
"Are... are you sure?"
"Yes, Helion, yes. Please. I want to be yours. Only yours."
He growled. "Mine? As you wish, my love."
He wasted no more time as he claimed your lips and it was like being kissed for the first time. His hands and fingers traveled on your body, worshipping your skin, his tongue brushed yours and you moaned as you opened your mouth to him. There was no fear when he touched you. No tear when he undressed you. Slowly, gently, whispering sweet nothings, and it was everything.
"Are you certain?" he asked again and you nodded. "Words, my love."
"Yes," you breathed and he rewarded you by pushing two fingers inside of you. The feeling amazed you. The lack of pain surprised you.
You moaned as he moved his fingers deeper, searching, not for his pleasure, but for yours. You had never known it could be like this. His lips never left your skin. He kissed your forehead, your nose, you chin, then both of your cheeks before moving down to your throat, your neck, your breasts. You called his name as you felt your climax approach.
"Please," you begged.
"Please, what, my love?"
"May I... come, please..."
You felt him freeze but only for a second. You forgot about it the second he started moving his fingers again.
"You can come whenever you're ready, my moonshine," he encouraged you, running a thumb over your clit, "my beautiful love," he whispered before pressing a kiss on your shoulder.
Your orgasm came mercifully. And you actually enjoyed it, for once. He kissed you through it, didn't stop kissing you afterwards.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm alright," you smiled shyly at him. "I'm really good."
"Good," he grinned as he leaned to capture your lips once more.
He brought his fingers to his mouth and you turned red as he hummed and he licked them clean.
"You taste absolutely divine, my love. Will you allow me to taste you some more?"
"Wh- what about you?"
"What about me?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Isn't it... your turn?"
"My turn? No, moonshine, this is all about you," he said, leaning over to kiss your face once more. "I won't if you don't want me to, I won't be mad, I promise," he added as he felt your hesitation.
"Okay? Should we stop?"
"No, I mean, yes, we can keep going."
"Are you sure?"
You gave him a small smile then took his face in your hands and kissed him.
"I'm sure," you assured him.
He smirked. "Then open your legs for me, my love."
And for the first in your life, you happily obeyed that command.
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Tags: @chessebookgirl @impossibelle @esposadomd @saltedcoffeescotch
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queenie-ofthe-void · 2 months
written for @steddiemicrofic
prompt: one || wc: 1,111 || rating: T || cws: hurt/no comfort, cheating, custody and divorce, panic attacks, child tantrum
Thanks to the lovely @carolperkinsexgirlfriend for the edits!
“Max, go get your stuff.” Steve’s voice comes out sterner than he means to, but he’s exhausted after a long day of running errands. He doesn’t want to stand in the middle of his ex’s entryway and try to explain to their ten year old why her weekend with Daddy is over.
“But Dad,” she whines, “why can’t I stay overnight at Daddy’s again?”
“No, Max, ok? I’m sorry, but you have school and you still have homework to do. Now can you please go pack up? Auntie Robin is in the car waiting for us.”
She grumbles, holding back tears. “Why can’t I stay here? I want to live here and sleep here and Daddy can take me to school. Dad, I promise I’ll be good, I promise.”
“Sweetheart,” Eddie says, stepping into the living room with Max’s bag over his shoulder. He squats down in front of her. A bittersweet smile wobbles underneath his scrunched up nose, and Steve can tell he’s barely keeping it together. “We don’t want to keep Dad waiting, alright? He’s tired, just like you, and you’ll both sleep better in your own beds, right?”
Max throws her small arms around Eddie’s neck and buries her tear-stained cheeks into his messy hair. He squeezes her tight, and Steve sees his body heave with a shake that Eddie tries to pass off as a sigh.
Steve’s resolve starts to crumble. He turns his back on the scene, pretending he can’t hear their quiet declarations of love and promises of next time. Pretends he doesn’t know Eddie’s looking up at him, silently pleading for forgiveness. A look filled with all the empty words Steve’s heard before.
“I miss you,” Max cries “I want you to come home.” A tear slips down Steve’s cheek and he quickly wipes it away.
“I miss you too, Honey.” Eddie chokes around another sob. “But Daddy’s going to stay here for a while, ok? I know it’s hard but everything’s gonna be alright, I promise.”
Steve coughs, hopelessly trying to dislodge the lump clogged in his throat. Except Eddie takes it as a cue of impatience. He doesn’t say anything though, just stands and guides her to the door where Steve’s still pretending not to notice.
“Come on Max, let’s go home.” 
“No.” Max says, voice hard with conviction. “I’m not going home with you. I’m staying here with Daddy. Forever.”
“Max,” Steve responds, trying to match her tone, “I’m done arguing about this, we need to leave.”
“Why is Daddy even staying here?” Her face and neck are painted with angry red splotches, and Steve can spot a tantrum bubbling up. Normally, gentle understanding and praise calms her down. But how can he even begin to answer her? How does he explain to her that her Daddy hurt him beyond repair? 
The only consolation Steve got on the worst day of his life was that Max wasn’t home to watch her Daddy stumble in through the front door sobbing at nine in the morning, reeking of booze, stale cigarettes and strange lavender perfume. At least she didn’t have to listen to Eddie’s desperate apologies between bouts of vomiting, or Steve screaming at him to get out while he threw Eddie’s acoustic down the stairs.
Steve loves his little girl, so of course he won’t tell her the truth. He’ll even lie to her, no matter the consequences, to make sure nothing taints her relationship with Eddie. He’s always been an amazing father, and what happened doesn’t change that.
She starts shouting again. “He should live at home with us! Why don’t you let him come home, please? Dad, I swear I’ll do anything you want!” 
Thankfully she’s facing Steve, because he looks past her at Eddie, who’s soaking his sleeves in tears. Steve’s watched Eddie cry more in the past three months than he has their entire marriage.
“No, honey, please let’s just talk–”
“No, I hate you! I hate you! I wish I lived here with Daddy instead of you!”
She quickly turns around, snatching up her pack from the floor where Eddie had placed it. Steve’s head rings with the violent slam of the door closing behind her. His mind’s filled with static, and he wonders how his life came to this.
Since he kicked Eddie out, Steve’s constantly reminding himself that he made the right decision. He’s been cheated on in almost all of his relationships, and he always gave them a second chance. Everything would go back to normal for a while before the relationship eventually soured, leaving him devastated. 
He refuses to keep giving people who hurt him another chance.
If they really loved him, they wouldn’t have hurt him. If Eddie really loved him, he wouldn’t have been tempted.
Eddie vowed to love Steve, and only Steve. Forever.
A lie. Another broken promise.
But now her words leave Steve cut open and bleeding out in the middle of his ex's new apartment. He collapses under the weight of it all, knees buckling to the floor. As the panic sets in, he’s wrapped up in a warm embrace, ringed fingers combing through his hair and soft shushes in his ear. 
They fall into routine. Eddie tells him when to inhale and exhale, a hand gliding up and down his back. Steve climbs further into his lap, seeking an old comfort he’s yet to replace.
“Angel, you know she didn’t mean it.” He tries so hard to whisper, but Eddie’s voice cracks around the nickname and there’s tears on the back of Steve’s neck. “We’re not our parents. Even if– though. Even though we aren’t together, we’ll still love and support her no matter what. You’re the best dad, Angel, I promise.”
Steve catches the golden shine of Eddie’s wedding band as it passes across his forehead. The image of his own matching silver band stuffed in the back of his nightstand makes him feel sick.
“You’ve always been good to us,” Eddie continues. “We’re so lucky to have you. We– she loves you so much, Angel.”
He wonders if tonight, like every night, he’ll slip the ring as he lays in bed. Or if he’ll be able to fall asleep without dusting his pillow with a small puff of Eddie’s cologne. 
Steve misses him– misses them. They’re supposed to be a family.
Nuzzling his nose into Eddie’s neck, he inhales deep and greedy until the lightheadedness leaves him tingling. Shaky lips press against the top of Steve’s head on a ragged exhale, as the soothing hand in his hair tightens, holds him in place. 
Steve cries and wonders if he could survive one more second chance.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 6 months
You beautiful Butterfly you ! You know I can not let the 450 followers slide without yelling CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! You deserve them and oh so many more of them!
I might not be around ( just yet, mind you, I will be back again stalking and all ) but this? I am so hopping on the celebration train with you.
So ofcourse I must add to the requests and see if you get to it ( or not, that is fine too cause you know, celebration!!!!!! )
I am not going with the man I love deeply, but with someone else this time, because well.... I love him too.... deeply ( much like other brothers of his teehee ).
Commander Wolffe x F. Reader
And the prompts? : 10."Youre lucky yuo got away with only a scratch." and: 6. "Im trying to fix your hair, so hold still."
As always, lub ya ! Smooches and huggles ( also from Boba and Jango ) and see ya soon ( or stalk ya soon )
Awww @ladykatakuri. it means so much that you reached out when you are going through things. Thank you so much love. I hope you find this enjoyable and what you were hoping for.
Love oo,
Can't Keep Doing This
Warnings: Injury, concussion, explosion, near-death, hurt, comfort, declarations, slight angst. I think that's it. If I miss any please let me know.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Your eyes fluttered open, as you took in the ceiling above your head, only to be obscured by the medic droid flashing the scanner right into your eyes and down your body. You groaned as the light from the scanner practically blinded you. 
“Patient is fine, mild concussion. Patient will remain for one more day.” That’s all the droid reported as it hovered over to the next patient.
There was too much noise and too much light, you used your hand to block out some of the light, when you saw a hand reach over your head and turn down the lighting. You let out a sigh of relief, as you heard the privacy screen door close.
“You’re lucky you got away with only a scratch.” Wolffe’s voice boomed over you, you had a feeling he was doing it on purpose to make you realize how easy things could’ve ended for you.
“Isn’t that why you always call me your lucky trooper?” You teased, wanting to push his buttons. 
His brow furrowed as he looked at you crossing his arms over his chest, “You really want to test me, at this moment. You had no regard for your own safety when you pushed me out of the way of that explosion.”
You looked him in the eyes as best you could, “Wolffe … I … I couldn’t just do nothing…”
He let out a sigh of understanding, because the truth was if it was him, he would’ve done the same. Both of you understood there was something between you, yet, neither of you discussed it but you both knew. He was in love with you. You were in love with him. Truly, he couldn’t be that upset, because if it were he and he saw a grenade heading your way, he would’ve pushed you out of the way too. 
“Fine. But … you can’t do this to me … again …” he subtly gripped your hand, squeezing it tight, fighting the urge to kiss you. He wanted to show you how much he cared, how much he loved you but somewhere along the way you both decided without even a discussion you’d wait until the end of the war. Why? He had no idea. At the time it made sense, but now … 
“I promise,” you whispered, as you squeezed his hand back, “Really, I’m fine. It’s just a mild concussion. I still remember you, and your annoying habit of rolling your eyes.” You smirked hoping to ease his stress. 
“Well … as long as you remember the important things,” Wolffe looked into your eyes, saying all the things neither of you dared to speak out loud. 
A soft smile graced your lips as you looked at him, imagining what it would’ve been like to kiss those lips you thought so often about. You tried to get comfortable but the bun on the back of your head was bothering you more than you realized.
“What’s wrong with you?” He narrowed his eyes as he noticed you kept shifting your head. 
“It’s this stupid bun, it’s making it uncomfortable for me to keep my head back.”
Wolffe reached over without even being prompted to help, he gently lifted your head and started to undo the bun on the top of your head, the only problem was it felt as though there was a giant knot somewhere and it was hurting. You tried to shift your head to help him get a better angle.
“Would you stop, I’m trying to fix your hair, so hold still.”
“I’m trying but something’s pulling on my scalp, hold on.” You reached behind you and gently undid the knot that was causing you pain, once you undid it, Wolffe ran his fingers through your hair, loosening it as best he could.
You nodded, as enjoyed the warmth from his hands as he gently rested your head on the pillow again. You leaned into his hand when he didn’t remove it right away. Enjoy the way his rough hand  rubbed against your skin, the way the scent from his wrist filled your nose.
“Much better” you hummed in contentment, feeling the bed shift as he sat beside you.
“You really scared me. When I saw you go flying … I thought …” his voice died as he fought back the tears, “I can’t keep doing this. I can’t just act like it doesn’t matter, when you’re the only thing that does.”
You opened your eyes and looked into his, your hand reaching up to wipe away the tears.
“I don’t want to act like it doesn’t kill me not to be in your arms, or to hold you in mine. I don’t want to keep doing this either.”
Wolffe leaned down, smiling as he gently pressed his lips against yours, memorizing how your lips felt and moved against his. “When you get released, you and I need to actually sit down and talk.”
“Talk?” You smirked.
He grinned a mischievous smile, “Well, maybe a very specific form of talking.” He chuckled as he kissed your lips again.
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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cosyvelvetorchid · 3 months
I got a Saltommy/Salommy prompt for you!
The one that got away; Sal realised that if he hadn't buried his feelings, he could have had Tommy all along. But he meets Buck and sees how happy they are, and he mourns what could have been.
Thanks for the prompt!
And oh man this was a sad one to write 😭
As always you can send any bucktommy or saltommy prompts to my ask and I'll write a little something. 🩶
Things were going well for Sal. Professionaly speaking that is. He'd finally made Captain at the 122 and had a great team of people under his helm. It had been a rocky start when Captian Nash had transferred him out. It took him months of acting out and a whole bucket of denial before he finally admitted to himself that he was the one the blame. That he had wanted to be Captain of the 118 and his behaviour toward Nash had come from resentment and jealousy.
Six months after leaving he found out Gina was getting remarried and thinking about moving to the other side of the country, taking the twins with her. And then he found himself being given an ultimatum by his Captain after a turning up to work with alcohol on his breath: go to therapy or go home. Permanently. He'd chosen the former, and 5 years down the line it could happily admit that it was the best decision he'd ever made.
His co-parenting relationship with Gina, who chose to stay, was better than it ever was when they were married. He even attended her wedding!
There was, however, one thing from his past that still haunted him.
There had always been something there between them. Something that they both thought was just friendship. That all changed one night after a particularly tough shift when Tommy had invited him over to his place for some beers. Gina was thinking about moving closer to her parents and Sal was devastated at the thought.
"It's just.. my girls are my world. If Gina takes them away I don't know what I'll do." He placed his head in his hands and tried to sniff away the emotion. Tommy slid closer to him on the sofa and placed a comforting hand between Sal's shoulder blades and rubbed gently.
"It'll be okay. Gina knows how much you love those kids." He said. Sal sniffed again.
"I don't know, Tommy."
"Look at me." He told Sal. Sal sniffed again and lifting his head to meet Tommys gaze. "You might be a crappy husband but you're an amazing dad."
"You really think that?" He asked; his eyes wet and pleading.
"Yes." He answered. Tommy's eyes were soft and his reassuring smile was easy. Sals heart was hurting and he was terrified of losing his girls. He knew he could rely on Tommy to give him some comfort but he needed more. He needed security. He needed a promise that it would all be okay. He needed something to be wrapped around his insides, to really feel it would all be okay. As he thought about it all, he found himself looking at Tommys lips. He hadn't done it consciously but he was doing it. Without warning an idea popped into his head that shot fire into his organs. But without the level headed-ness of sobriety, he acted before he could analyse the thought.
He leaned forward and kissed Tommy. Tommy kissed back without hesitation. The kiss was big and wet. Drunken. Sal pushed his body forward, tipping Tommy back onto the couch with him on top. It was a big mistake. The quick movment sent a massive wave of nausea through Sal and he grabbed at his mouth.
"Woah!" Tommy called out pushing Sal back up and reaching out for the empty popcorn bowl on the table, shoving into Sals lap just in time to catch the repeat of Sals dinner and beer. Tommy got up to use the bathroom and get Sal a glass of water and by the time he came back into the living room Sal was already passed out on the couch.
The next morning, in the vice grip of a hangover, Sal had said he didn't remember anything from the previous night and Tommy didnt remind him. But the truth was he remembered it all. He remembered the feel of his lips on Tommy's, the electricity that surged in his stomach at the touch, the way his heart felt like it was going to explode in his chest. All of it. But he was too confused, embarrassed and terrified to address it.
Until a week later when he'd gone to Tommy's to watch a pay per view fight, and when Tommy had laughed at something Sal had said - something that he couldn't remember anymore - and his face had crinkled with that big smile, he'd kissed him again. Only this time he was sober. Tommy once again had reciprocated. This kiss however was different from the last. It wasn't drunken and all over the place. It was slow and gentle. Tentative. It happened a few more times that night and everytime Sal felt like he was floating.
They began seeing eachother in secret. Over the next year things got deeper between them. Within a month they'd agreed to not see other people and 6 months in Sal had been the first to say "I love you." Tommy had beamed and said it back.
Every so often Tommy would approach the subject of going public. But Sal always shut it down.
"I get this is new for you, and not for me. And I don't want you to feel pressured. But, I love you and I want us to be in a normal relationship. One where I get to take you out and show you off." Tommy had said one night, as they lay in his bed in a post coital haze.
"I know, and I love you too, Tommy. But I'm just.. I'm not ready. I'm from a big, traditional Catholic family, you know that. It's gonna cause a lot of shit. Shit that I'm not ready to deal with." He'd argued.
Tommy knew it wouldn't be easy for him and he'd probably lose family over it. And he knew how much that would hurt Sal and so he backed off. But the longer their relationship went on, the harder it got for Tommy. He was feeling like a dirty secret. He began resent Sal for it.
And then the fight happened. The fight that changed everything.
They'd gone to a bar after shift with a few other members of the 118. Tommy tried to sit next to Sal at the table and Sal had responded by scooting around to the other side. Tommy tried to ignore the shitty feeling it gave him. Until Hen had pointed out a gorgeous woman standing at the bar.
"I'd sell my own mother get a piece of that." Sal told her with a laugh. Tommy's stomach sank at the comment. His heart broke. In that moment he realised that Sal would probably never be ready to be with him. Not entirely. Not like Tommy needed. Sal knew his comment probably hurt Tommy and for the next moments avoided his eyes. Tommy, however, stood up.
"Im actually really tired, so I'm going to head home. I'll see you guys tomorrow." He told them and left the bar, not giving Sal or anybody a chance to respond.
Two hours later Sal showed up at Tommy's.
"I really can't talk to you right now, Sal. Please, just go home." He tried to close the door but Sal, though 2 inches shorter than Tommy, was actually a little stronger and pushed past him at the door and walked into the kitchen.
"Sal, I'm serious." He told him, firmly.
"I know why you're mad, Tommy and I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry for?" Tommy asked.
"For making those comments in the bar. I shouldn't have said that in front of you." Sal said. Tommy scoffed.
"Sal, you shouldn't have been saying them at all! And you wouldn't have if Hen, or anybody else, knew about us."
"You know why I can't! And we can't keep having this same fight." Sal argued back.
"I do know why, Sal. And I get it. You know I do. I've been there. But I can't.. I can't live like this. I can't spend another day feeling like your dirty little secret. It's breaking my heart."
Sal ran a hand though his hair. He knew how he was making Tommy feel and he hated it. It broke his own heart to know he was doing that to Tommy. But he was terrified of losing everything if people found out. His parents, the girls.. he couldn't lose them. But he didn't want to lose Tommy either. He loved him.
"I just.. I want to be.. I want to tell people, Tommy. I want to be the man that makes you feel good and not the man that makes you feel bad. But-"
"You're not ready." Tommy finished. His tone full of realisation. Sal was never going to be ready. He could stay with him and hope that one day, someday, Sal would feel he was ready. But there was no guarantee that that day would ever come. And Tommy couldn't hold out hope any longer.
"Im not ready." Sal repeated looking down.
"I can't be someone's secret, Sal. Even if I do love them. I'm sorry." Sal looked up to see a tear rolling down Tommy's cheek.
"Wait, are you.. are you breaking up with me?!" Sal said incredulously.
"Im sorry, Sal. I can't do this anymore. And I'm not going to force you to come out, because that would be a really shitty thing to do. But that means my only option is to walk away. I've worked so hard over the last few years to become someone I'm proud of and I can't go back to hiding in the closet. I'm sorry. I just can't."
"Tommy, please, " Sal pleaded. He stepped closer to Tommy "I promise i-"
Tommy stepped back.
"No, Sal." His voice was low and shaky. He was using everything within him to hold back more tears that were desperate to fall. Sal held his gaze for a moment, hoping it would change. Eventually Tommy's eyes moved away. Sals heart broke. He wanted to say something. Anything. A thousand things to beg Tommy to not do this. But he couldn't. That fear of coming out was far too deep rooted. He simply turned and walked out of Tommy's house.
The next week at work was excruciating. Seeing Tommy everyday and not being able to talk to him or touch him was almost physically painful. Tommy had tried to speak to him, to make sure he was okay but he couldn't handle that. He snapped at him, sniped at him and was generally being a bastard. They'd had another new captain, Nash, and Sal was not making a good impression on him by behaving the way that he was. It all came to a head after a shift when Nash had reprimanded him for putting them in danger on a scene. Nash had fired him. He'd changed his mind the next day and instead chose to transfer him to the 122, but for a while Sal thought he whole world was falling apart.
5 years later, and his life was entirely different. His work and home life were exactly what he'd wanted them to be. With one exception. He was alone. He'd dated here or there over the years. Including men once he'd accepted that he did in fact like men, too. But it never worked out. They weren't Tommy. Losing him was the biggest regret of his life.
He and his team had gone out for drinks one evening at a random badge and ladders bar. He'd left the group the get another drink and stood at the bar. Movement in his peripheral vision made him look to the right and his heart almost stopped at the sight of the man standing at the bar.
"Sal." Tommy's faced crinkled with that big smile he always loved. He moved closer and immediately hugged him, slapping his back with a large hand. He still smelled the same, Sal thought. "It's good to see you."
"Yeah, you too."
"So how's things?" Tommy asked.
"Uh, good. I made Captain at the 122"
"Thats great. Congratulations!"
"Thanks. What about you? You still at the 118?"
"No, I transferred out. I'm at Harbour." He told him.
"You flying again? I know you always wanted to do that again since you left the army." Sal remembered the night they were lying in bed and Tommy had told him how much he had missed being in the air.
"Yeah. I definitely missed it."
"Well I'm glad you're happy there." Sal smiled.
"Hey, Howie and Hen are back there, why don't you come and say Hi." Tommy suggested. Sal contemplated it for a moment.
"That's alright, I'll leave you guys to it."
"No way. I know they'd love to see you. C'mon." He held Sals arm and pulled him through the crowd. The feel of Tommy's hand on his bare forearm felt exactly had it did 5 years before. He wanted that feeling tattooed permanently on his skin.
"Guys look who I found!" He called out as they approached the table.
"Deluca?" Hen questioned with a smile. "It's been a while." She stood to hug him.
"Yeah. How are you? How's Karen?" He asked.
"Good. We're both good."
"How's things at the 122?" Chim asked. Tommy grabbed Sals shoulder.
"Sal, here made Captain." Sal noticed an element of pride in Tommy's voice. He was still proud of him all these years later? A warmth filled his heart. He'd convinced himself that Tommy still hated him.
"Hey thats awesome, congrats." Chim exclaimed.
"Sorry about that." Buck walked up to them. "That was Maddie on the phone. She wants us to babysit Jee-yun on Saturday."
"Let me guess.. our neice wants us to take her to the zoo?" Tommy asked with a fond smile.
Our neice?
"Are you surpised?" Buck asked. "You can't say no to her. She's got her uncle Tommy wrapped around her little finger. She knows you'll give her anything she wants." He laughed.
"And I wouldn't have it any other way." He said. Buck smiled at him fondly and pressed a chaste kiss on Tommy's lips.
Sals heart broke all over again. He knew logically that Tommy had more than likely moved on. It had been 5 years. But there was a part of Sal that still held on to hope. That hope was now blown to smithereens in a painful blast to his heart.
"Oh, this is Sal. Old 118. Sal this is my boyfriend Evan." Buck reached out his hand to shake Sal's.
"Buck. Everyone calls me Buck."
"It's, uh.. Good to meet you." He scanned the man in front of him. He was taller than himself, and leaner though still muscular like him. He had dirty blonde hair also like him. Tommy definitely had a type.
"Im starving. We should order food." Buck told Tommy.
They sat back at the table as to scan the bar menu. Tommy arm was across Bucks shoulder as they pointed to things and discussed what they were going to order. There was a domesticity to their body language. An easy closeness. One that Sal had Tommy once had a long time ago. Tommy was happy. Anybody with eyes could see that.
The last little piece of hope hidden deep inside Sal's heart floated away.
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daemour · 7 months
Promise - Hongjoong
Part of Anthology
Every two weeks, I will post a drabble (and sometimes longer) alongside a prompt that went with it. The prompts may be songs, scenarios, or more.
M: Hongjoong
Wc: 1874
Warnings: Cursing, arguments
Genre: angst, some fluff, hurt/minimal comfort, e for everyone, established relationship
Summary: An argument with your boyfriend turns into something worse, and you're not sure how to come back from it
Hongjoong works hard, it’s not hard to see. He spends all his time in the studio whenever there’s a comeback, a tour, or an event. It’s commendable, and you love him for it, but it also wears down on your relationship. It’s the fifth time he’s come home late this week, and the other two days he just didn’t show up, sleeping on the work couch. You tried to bring up your worries as peacefully as possible, honest you did. But sleep-deprived and stressed-out Hongjoongs are not known for their patience.
“Hongjoong, I’m just trying to make sure you take care of yourself.” You’re done with this argument, but it appears your boyfriend is not.
“I don’t need you to do that, (Y/N),” Hongjoong bites back. “I’m a grown adult and I can make my own decisions.”
You shake your head, exasperated. “I didn’t imply you were anything else, but why don’t you try acting like a grown adult then?” You’re definitely not helping the argument end, but at this point, you’re quite annoyed at him. “You can’t not take care of yourself and then get mad at me for worrying. I’m not your parent, so stop making me baby you.”
“Then fucking leave,” Hongjoong’s voice comes out cold and you recoil. The two of you have had your fair share of fights, as all couples do, but never before had Hongjoong used that tone on you. No matter how angry he was at you, he wouldn’t ever speak to you like a pest in his life, nor has he ever cursed at you in a serious manner.
“Fine. Fuck you too, then,” you hiss, tears filling your eyes. Without another word, you spin on your heel and leave him standing in the middle of the living room by himself.
As you head down the street with nothing but your phone, you start to regret your decision. It would’ve been more safe and just as impactful if you locked yourself in the bedroom for a few hours. It’s windy and the fall air has a chill to it, and as if to prove your point, you feel drops of rain on the top of your head. As soon as you duck under the roof of a nearby convenience store, it starts to pour and you roll your eyes angrily, the bad weather not helping your anger at all.
After letting the anger stew in your gut for a minute, you pull out your phone with a sigh. You debate calling Hongjoong, but you’re still sore from the fight and would much rather eat grated cardboard than be stuck in a car with him. Your friends are not an option because they’d immediately notice your anger and you can’t tell them about your relationship with Hongjoong, nor do they know you’re even in a relationship in general. So you call the next best option.
“(Y/N)?” What’s up?” Understandably, Wooyoung's voice is full of confusion. You have all of the Ateez members’ numbers in case of emergency, but you’ve never needed to call them aside from Seonghwa once. “Is everything okay?”
“I’m sorry to call you out of the blue, but I got caught in the rain after an argument with Hongjoong and I don’t really want to be in a car with him right now.”
Wooyoung sighs. “I told Seonghwa it was a bad idea to let Hongjoong go home all pissed,” he mutters to himself or another member, you don’t know. “I’ll be right there, okay? Send me your location.”
“Yeah. Thank you,” you sniff and end the call, not wanting to seem even more pitiful than you already feel. One text from Hongjoong glares at your face. ‘This is Yunho. Come back when the storm ends.’ With a scoff, you delete the notification and huffily enter the convenience store.
One iced tea later, Wooyoung walks in, San tagging behind him to no one's surprise. “(Y/N),” San greets you with a smile and it hits you that Hongjoong hadn’t smiled once at you the entire time he was home that day. “Are you doing all right?”
At the kindness you miss seeing from Hongjoong, you break down. San and Wooyoung immediately surround you, wrapping you in their arms and ushering you to the car where you can cry in peace. Once you’ve calmed down enough, you explain everything with the occasional hiccup and sniffle. “I shouldn’t have pushed him, but he’s never said that to me before,” you end with a groan and let your head fall on the back of the passenger seat.
“No, yeah, that was out of line for him to say,” Wooyoung says and San makes a noise of agreement. “I get being tired, we all are and he has worked extra hard, but he shouldn’t take it out on you. He knew he was frustrated, and he should’ve taken some space or even asked you for some space more politely.”
“It wasn’t your fault, (Y/N). You weren’t looking to argue, it only escalated because he snapped,” San reassures you.
You sigh, nodding miserably when your phone dings. This time, Yunho texts you from his own phone. ‘Come back soon…he’s worried and so he’s angrier’ and it’s followed by a couple of emojis. You frown. “Should I go back? Yunho is with him and says he’s angrier cus he’s worried.”
San and Wooyoung exchange a look before Wooyoung speaks up, turning the key in the ignition. “Tell you what, we’ll go with you and if Hongjoong acts out of pocket again, we’ll bring him back to the dorm and get a manager noona to stay the night with you.” And as much as you don’t want to inconvenience one of their staff, you also don’t want to be left alone in the apartment and you begrudgingly agree.
When you walk back in the door, you see Hongjoong pacing the floor with Yunho on the couch attempting to placate him. “Hey guys,” he waves and you smile back and mouth a ‘thank you’ just as Hongjoong registers Yunho’s words.
“Where were you?” Hongjoong whirls around and glares.
“I left, just like you told me to, Joong. Are you ready to to talk like adults now?”
“Don’t lecture me when you went gallivanting into the rain with your holier-than-thou attitude,” Hongjoong starts to argue again but San’s low, dangerous voice interrupts.
“Finish that thought and you’ll have more pressing things to worry about, hyung. You’re coming back to the dorm. Now.”
Hongjoong scoffs. “You can’t kick me out of my own apartment,” he glowers, crossing his arms.
You’ve had quite enough. “They can’t but I can. Get out, Hongjoong. You’ve relentlessly insulted me and I do not deserve the attitude you think I do. Go to the dorms and cool down and don’t come back until you’re ready to act your age. The lease is in my name, I can and will kick you out right now, Kim Hongjoong.”
You’re tired, and you exit the room without another word, slamming the bedroom door behind you. You hear murmurs in the hallway and the faint noise of footsteps fades. A knock sounds on your door and you recognise Yunho’s voice. “I’m sorry about him, (Y/N). He’s been testy for the past few weeks. I called our manager to come and I’ll leave once she gets here. Take care of yourself and I beg of you, please don’t hate him.”
His voice fades and you can’t bring yourself to say anything. Your thoughts swirl in your head, confusion, hurt, all of the above. And once you hear the quiet mumblings of Yunho and the manager silence, you let the tears spill out of your eyes and you fall asleep soon after.
When you awaken the sun is up and you can hear the manager talking with someone in quiet tones. You’re somewhat sure of who it is, but you’re not sure you want to deal with that. It appears you’re going to have to, however, as the door closes and you hear familiar footsteps walking down the hall. Grumpily, you cover yourself with the blanket and do your best to pretend to sleep.
“(Y/N)? Can we talk?” You don’t grace him with a response but he’s known you for too long to fall for your acting. “I know you’re awake.”
“There’s not much to talk about,” you mumble under your breath but he hears you anyway and the bed dips as he sits beside your body.
"There's a lot to talk about, (Y/N)," Hongjoong's voice is quiet. "Let me lead with this—I'm sorry."
You tighten your grip on the covers. "Are you sorry or are you just trying to suck up to me? This isn't something we can just gloss over."
Hongjoong laughs sullenly. "Yes, Seonghwa made sure I understood that clearly," he sighs and you can't help but smile to yourself at the thought of Seonghwa reprimanding his leader. "You know, Jongho threatened me?"
You manage a chuckle. "That I can believe."
A hand rests on where he guessed your head to be and you don't shake off the touch. "But aside from that, I really am sorry. I had no right to take my anger out on you or lash out, especially like that. You didn't deserve that." Hongjoong still speaks softly, solemnly. "I know I hurt you and I promise to do all I can to remedy that."
You pull the covers down a little to peek at him. "My anger waned a while ago, Joong. I'm more hurt than anything and I hope for your sake and mine that you never do it again."
Hongjoong nods and you can see the sincerity in his eyes. "I promise you, I'll hold you tight always."
"Hongjoong, I hope you know how immensely disappointed I am in you. " Seonghwa's glare and his crossed arms are what greet Hongjoong at the entrance into the dorm. Hongjoong groans but Seonghwa just shakes his head and the leader silences. "For someone chosen to be a leader, you do a shit job under stress."
"I know you're mad, but you will give me respect," Hongjoong hisses at the sound of Seonghwa cursing, but the oldest member tsks.
"Well, now you know exactly what you put poor (Y/N) through, and she handled it a hell of a lot better than you did." The rest of the members' heads peek around the corner to stare at the rare sight of Hongjoong getting scolded and the leader has half a mind to tell them off but Seonghwa's having none of that. "I want you to ruminate on the damage you caused to your relationship, and apologise first thing in the morning. (Y/N) loves you, Hongjoong, and you better work hard to prove you deserve it."
At Seonghwa's tone, Hongjoong finally slips out of the daze he's been in all day and his eyes widen. "I fucked up, didn't I?"
Seonghwa nods. "You did. Fix it the best you can and I'm sure she will forgive you."
"I peomise I will," Hongjoong declares and Seonghwa smiles but his arms remain crossed.
"You tell her that. I don't need to hear it."
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If ur requests r open, can u write about natasha romanoff x female reader? With natasha being protective/possessive, like say somebody gets to mean with the reader, and nat just calms us down and makes us feel safe with her.
Hope ur doing ok, and everything's going well for u author 😁
I protect you
Warnings: Non-Graphic Violence, past violence, protective Natasha Romanoff, emotional hurt/comfort
Word count: 0.9 K
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Y/N's past comes to hurt her
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [Marvel masterlist]
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When Y/N told Natasha everything she had to suffer in her past relationship; Natasha had a feeling she hadn't had in years: she felt her blood turn to ice.
How could someone, who supposedly loved you, be able to cause so much pain and suffering to a being as small as Y/N?
She promised herself that she would do everything in her power so that Y/N would never have to go through a situation like this again.
Natasha was known for being an amazing interpreter of body language, so she knew Y/N's every move and expression; she knew when she was happy, when she was sad, and when she was uncomfortable, just as she had when she found out about Tony's special guests for his most recent party.
Tony Stark had met a new rich man, his name was Jeremy Hudson, who had quickly become a new friend of the billionaire avenger, so it was not surprising that Jeremy was a new guest at Tony's annual party.
But apparently Tony wasn't the only Jeremy acquaintance at the compound.
"Do you think it's an appropriate dress for the party?"
Y/N left the bathroom to stand in front of her girlfriend and walk around.
Natasha put down her book, while her eyes roamed every inch of her girl's body, making her mouth go a little dry.
“Damn baby, you look…so sexy”
"Nat! Are you listening to me?"
“Of course I am listening to you”
"So… isn't it too much for the party?"
"Are you kidding?, darling, you look beautiful" Natasha quickly got up, standing behind her girlfriend, who was still looking at her dress in the full mirror of her room, the redhead posing her arms around Y/N's hips "The only problem I see is that… I'm going to want to take off your dress all night” Natasha began to kiss her girlfriend's bare neck.
“Nat, don't start. Better change your pajamas for your dress, the party guests are almost starting to arrive"
“But принцесса…”
"No, no принцесса… come on, it's late"
And without further ado, Y/N walked away from his girlfriend's arms, leaving Natasha with a big playful smile.
“You are playing with fire, doll…”
Everything had gone relatively smoothly, with Y/N and Natasha being playful and having an amazing time, until Y/N had gotten tired of playing cards with Wanda, Vision, Bucky, Sam and Nat
"I'm going for a drink, anyone like something?"
“Could you bring a margarita?” Wanda asks
"Sure, do you want something, love?" Now, she ask Natasha directly
"No thanks, beauty"
Carefully, Y/N got up from Natasha's lap and started walking over to the bar. Y/N ordered her drink and Wanda's drink, standing next to the bar, unable to prevent a body colliding with her
"Sorry" The body's eyes focused on Y/N's eyes, causing the girl's eyes to fill with panic, while the man's eyes filled with mockery and amusement. “But it's nothing more than Y/N. How have you been, doll?"
How long could it take to make a damn margarita?
Natasha thought Y/N was taking too long, she even felt something tighten in her chest.
“Y/N is taking too long…” Natasha commented as she stopped paying attention to the game.
"Calm down, Romanoff, you're exaggerating" Sam spoke
Of course, they didn't know Y/N like she did, only she would know that it's unbecoming of the smallest girl to be alone at a party. Her girl is clingy enough to want to be away from her girlfriend for more than a minute.
Carefully, she got up and put the cards aside, her eyes searching the room for Y/N, until finding her, in front of the bar, much smaller than normal before the body of an unknown man.
The redhead could read how her girlfriend's body was completely uncomfortable, even wanting to escape, so she quickly walked up to her to make her presence known.
"Hello my love" the redhead kissed her girlfriend's cheek, feeling her body relax at her touch
"Are you her new partner?" asked the hoarse voice of the man
The furious gaze of the redhead settled on the ugly face of the man, finding it a bit familiar, while still hugging the small waist of her girl.
"Yes who are you?"
"Her ex-boyfriend"
The redhead's green eyes met Y/N's just to see the affirmation in them.
Natasha felt how the blood began to bubble in her veins, wanting to remove the stupid smile from him disgusting face.
"What do you want asshole?"
"None of your business" he took the glass full of rum and took a drink "Wow, Y/N knew you were a slut, but not enough to date another slut"
Without further ado, Natasha's fist impacted his face, feeling how the bones of the man's nose were breaking before the fist. The other avengers quickly ran to help the man, but seeing that Natasha was the one who had hit the man and Y/N was crying uncontrollably, they knew that it had been for something justifiable.
Natasha wiped her fist on a napkin and took her girlfriend's arm, leading her to their shared room.
With both of them already inside, they closed the door and quickly the redhead's arms wrapped around her girlfriend's body, running her hands reassuringly over her girlfriend's back, trying to stop her crying.
"Don't cry anymore, малыш, I swear that idiot is never going to hurt you again" he began to distribute kisses all over the hairline "I'm never going to let my princess get hurt"
"You swear?" whispered Y/N's small voice
"Of course, no one harms what is mine, and you, my love, are mine."
принцесса - Princess
малыш - Baby
I hope everything goes well for you too, honey. Happy Holidays
I hope you enjoy it
I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
taglist: @littlebitchsposts
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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j-onedrabbles · 1 year
𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒂'𝒔 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔
this list contains writing prompts for fluff, nsfw, and angst. i welcome anyone else who wants to use it to please do!
"your hair is so soft.."
"it's too cold! come back."
"No. i'm not letting you go. It's too early to get out of bed."
"I'm not going to stop poking you till you give me some attention."
"I like the way your hand fits in mine."
"You can call me whenever you want... even if you don't have a reason too."
"You look really cute in that sweater."
"No, like... it's just, i can't believe you're actually wearing my clothes."
"I've been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half, because i know you're going to look so good and i need to try and match up."
"Your lips are really warm."
"Ssh. Stop fussing. I'm just braiding your hair."
"You are my new pillow."
"Don't get up– i'll do it."
"Stargazing was a good idea."
"I'll always be here for you."
"I'll be here to protect you."
"Don't be silly. I want to stay up with you."
"Your bed head is really cute."
"let's go home. You're freezing and I don't want you catching a cold."
"I'm not going to get sick, you baby. Just let me hold you."
"I'm not moving, your lap is comfortable."
"I know your mad at me, but will a kiss change your mind?"
"God, I miss you so much."
"Hey, let me in. I'm outside with your favorite pizza."
"I'm only doing it because you're cute."
"I'm tired, just cuddle me."
"Sorry for waking you, baby. Go back to sleep."
"Time for bed, sleepy head. Come on, I've got you."
"Please look at me."
"I'm just disappointed."
"You... you never had a problem with it before."
"You're making me think that what they told me about you was right."
"Does it ever stop hurting?" "No, you just make room for it."
"I'm trying, all the time, but it's just too hard."
"I let you down."
"I tried to move on, but nobody is you."
"Do i look like I moved on?"
"I feel like everyone just forgot I exist."
"You're really drunk right now. I don't think you're gonna remember any of this." "No. I'm not drunk at all. You're just blurry"
"Did it ever occur to you that you're hurting me too."
"I just want to forget you."
"How much do you miss them?" "More than I should."
"I'd rather stay in my own head so I don't have to live in the world you ruined."
"It wasn't your fault."
"Don't leave."
"Don't do this to yourself."
"Stop pushing everyone away."
"I need help."
"I'm so, so sorry."
"I thought that if I acted like it didn't matter, the it wouldn't."
"I broke my rules for you."
"Don't make promises you can't keep."
"Damn it, are you drunk?"
"I just need time to myself."
"Let me help."
"You haven't been yourself lately."
"I know a workout you might enjoy."
"I want it hard."
"I just want to feel something."
"I swear. I'm gonna fuck the next person that comes through that door."
"I'm either joining or watching, you pick."
"I love it when you act all controlling like that knowing damn well I can leave you shaking under me."
"You're mine."
"I'll let you do anything if you just touch me right now."
"Stay quiet."
"If you can't sleep... how about we have sex?"
"Let me show you why you should stay in bed."
"If you want to keep sitting on my lap, you have to stop wiggling."
"We're really going to fuck here? What if someone sees us?"
"Be a good girl/boy for mommy/daddy."
"If I have to stop what I'm doing then you're not gonna be able to walk for the next week."
"There's people here!" "I know"
"You're still horny? Didn't I fuck you hard enough last night?"
"Spank me. It's the only way I'll learn."
"I'd hold onto something if I were you."
"You can get louder, can't you?"
"I'm really in the mood to tease you today."
"Bite me." "If you insist."
"Just let me finish this/this level and I swear I'll go down on you till you come at least three times."
"I'm going to put some clothes on before you say anything else."
"Were you masturbating?" "U-uh no... I was just.." "Want some help?"
"I won't apologize for marking you up. Everyone should know you're taken."
"You look so good with my hand around your neck."
"If you complain that it's hot one more time, I'm going to give you a reason to sweat."
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Melancholia [Hotch x Reader]
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Photo credits: Right (@optimistic-nihilist) Center (@vivienvalentino) sent to me via my love (@sadgirlzluvdilfs) Right (@citronplume)
Prompt: Characters both duck for cover under the same tiny storefront when it starts pouring, aka, how the reader met Aaron. Also, the reader is feeling down due to the seasonal changes, and Aaron is there to give her some love and support. 
Category: Hurt/comfort/fluff
Word Count: 6.7K 
Content Warnings: Mentions of mental health (depression and seasonal depression), mention of eating (reader has missed some meals), light drinking, minor language 
A/N: This is another one-shot inspired by @imagining-in-the-margins Meet Cute Writing Challenge and this one is actually a meet-cute! The reader is also a non-BAU member. I’ve been having the seasonal sads, so this is sort of based on my feelings a bit. Given that World Mental Health Day was earlier this week I just want to say that you matter! You are loved, and I am so happy you are here. There is not shame in getting help or just talking to someone. I’m very grateful for my friends on here and my messages are always open. If you liked this story, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! I hope you have a great rest of your week - Levi. 
List with all stories 
y/n = your name 
_y/f/b_ = your favorite book 
_y/e/c_ = your eye color 
_l/n_ = your last name
_y/b/f_ = your best friend 
_y/b/f’s/n_ = your best friends name 
_y/f/a_ = your favorite artist 
_y/c/f_ = your comfort food. 
y/n checked the weather diligently every morning before she got ready for the day. As someone who had a penchant for keeping up with her favorite aesthetic look, knowing what the weather was going to be for the day was a must. y/n had not planned for a total and utter flood to come down from a sky that was promised to be ‘clear and sunny’ all day. It had started out as just a few drops, but soon it was an unrelenting pelting of water on the pavement. The street offered little cover, and y/n moved more quickly down the road looking for any relief. Finally, she saw it in the small awning of a local bookstore she liked. There was just one small issue, there was already someone standing under the protected space. ‘What the hell,’ y/n thought. She would rather be uncomfortably close to a stranger than continue to get soaked through. At this point the outfit she had picked for the day was a bust anyway, so why not lose a little dignity while she was at it. Thankfully the tall man saw her coming and moved as far to the side as the space allowed. Even with this being the case when y/n slipped under the awning the two of them were standing with their shoulders essentially pressed together.
They avoided looking at each other for a moment due to the awkwardness of their close quarters. However, the feeling passed and the man said in a low tenor voice, “This is some storm we’re having here.” At hearing the man’s smooth, even voice, y/n turned her head his way and actually looked him over for the first time. He was tall, as she had seen before, but now that she was next to him, his height was more noticeable. He was more prepared for the weather than y/n had been, but he was still pretty soggy with his shot hair sticking to his forehead slightly. The man was also fit. y/n could tell from the way his nice clothes sat on his body. The stranger might have been wet, but he was also warm. Standing this close to him, y/n could feel the warmth coming off of him in waves. For a moment _y/n_ wondered if the man was sick, but he didn’t look pale or flushed; he looked perfectly fine as a matter of fact. More than just fine. y/n internally berated herself for thinking that a total stranger was attractive, but she couldn’t help herself. It took y/n a second to realize that she hadn’t yet responded to the man’s comment about the storm and quickly said, “Oh yeah. This is like Biblical or something. Do you think we should start building an arc?” y/n meant to make a joke, and she cringed at her own choice of words even as they came out of her mouth. Thankfully the man made what sounded like a small chuckle or laugh, though in all honestly, it might have just been him letting out a breath. Either way y/n didn’t want to think about it too hard out of embarrassment. 
Hotch watched the young woman move down the soaked sidewalks, her eyes looking for a place to land that wouldn’t mean a bucket of water being poured repeatedly on one's head over and over again like being in the open was. There really only was one place for her to go, and that was next to him under the awning of the bookstore he had hoped to stop in on before heading to Morgan’s. The team was celebrating Emily’s birthday, and even though he had a gift and card for Prentiss, both of which he hoped weren’t ruined by the rain, he had wanted to get her something extra. Prentiss had been going through a lot the last couple of months and he wanted to support her in the little ways he could. The book he had wanted to buy was taunting him from the illuminated window. It was Zadie Smith’s new novel, The Fraud. He had also been hoping to get Jack a new book to read to him at bedtime as well. As much as Aaron liked The Little Prince and the few other stories he often read to Jack before bed, he had to admit that he was slightly sick of them. However, the bookstore had been closed, ‘Due to a family emergency’ the sign on the front door had read.
At that point, the skies had opened and he found refuge under the small awning. Now the woman was near to him, and in another second she was next to him, pressed close due to the limited space offered by the covering. Hotch moved infinitesimally to the left to give them both a bit of breathing room. There was a slight awkwardness to the closeness of their bodies, and Hotch took that moment to look the woman over. She was younger than him, he assumed, and not dressed for the weather. Neither was he really, but at least he had a jacket. The woman must have been freezing, as she looked soaked to the bone and her bare shoulders kept catching water droplets from the leaky awning. For a moment Hotch had the idea of taking off his jacket and giving it to the woman. And then he had the more outrageous thought that if they stood face to face, there would be more space for them to be dry. Aaron quickly swiped the thoughts out of his brain. Internally Aaron thought, ‘God get a grip Hotchner. You sound like someone from a dime store romance novel.’ 
Aaron resisted the urge to sigh at his life at the moment. He was attempting, keyword attempting, to put himself out there more. It had been a few months since Hailey had left him, and he had tried his best to process the loss of his best friend and wife. They were still amicable, and hearing it from her side of things helped Aaron make sense of her choice -- even if it still hurt him. Rossi had been supportive of Aaron trying it out with a few women just to see. None of his attempts so far had been very successful. He was on a few apps and when he matched with people he tended to panic. The idea of having to open up to essentially total strangers never sat right with him. What would he say? “Hey I work for the FBI and I can tell when you’re lying, and I work 70+ hours a week, and I’ll be gone a good deal of the time, and I have more classified secrets than you can guess?”
It all felt a bit overwhelming to him. Not only was it overwhelming, but it was demeaning also. Trying to figure out if he liked a woman based on a few photos and a blurb about their life and experiences just didn’t sit right with him. For a moment he let his mind wander. He wished he could just meet someone naturally, but he knew such occurrences were rare in life, particularly for someone his age. Finally, he pulled himself together and bridged the gap between the woman and him to end the silence lingering between them by saying something about the rain. The woman looked up and over him before responding with a joke. He nearly laughed before responding, “I don’t think we have the time or materials. We might be fated to drown.” His reply caused the woman to laugh, and it was a soft sweet sound, like ice being poured into a crystal glass. The sound was quickly muffled by the rain and the sound of an approaching car. The sidewalk with the awning was very near the street and as the car passed it sloshed a large dirty wave up and around the woman’s legs. The woman said, “Eww” as the extra wetness moved over her body. She stepped back a bit as another car came quickly down the street. Aaron, rather protectively, moved his body in front of the woman taking the splash of water himself. 
y/n didn’t expect the man to move in front of her and as he positioned his body to get wet instead of her, she raised an arm, ever so briefly touching his back. She was going to say, “You don’t have to do that,” but he had already gotten wet and the car was far down the street before she had the thought. The man turned to face her, and they were so close to each other, just an inch or so apart that she could feel his warm breath on her face. Looking up at the handsome man caused her brain to stutter for a moment, and she didn’t even realize that her pupils were beginning to dilate, and there was a small blush blossoming over her face. However, the man did. When y/n had composed herself, she finally said, “Thank you for doing that. You didn’t have to.” The man gave her a small smile and replied, “It’s my pleasure.” He seemed like he was going to say more, but the ping of his phone made him stop. He pulled his iPhone from the pocket of his shirt and seemed to nod at the screen. The man put the phone back where it had come from and then returned his attention to y/n. He asked, “How far are you going in this storm? I’m assuming you’re not planning on standing here forever?” There was a sort of mirth in his expression that made y/n momentarily be warmed from the inside. Being this close to a stranger would normally make y/n uncomfortable, but there was something about this man that was inherently non-threatening. She answered his question honestly saying, “I actually really need to get a move on. I was trying to make it to the subway station on 19th Street. It’s only three blocks down from here.” The man nodded undid one of the inner zippers of his jacket and pulled out a folded copy of the days New York Times. y/n could see a fancy car pull up near them and stall. For one fleeting moment, she had a bad feeling about this man and a waiting car, but it was only a moment as he extended the paper toward her and said, “Sorry it’s not much. Maybe you could hold it over your head while you walk? I have to run myself, but have a good rest of your day.” And with that, the man turned around and walked into the rain. His shoulders were hunched as the water hit him once more, and he half-jogged to the Corvette on the street. She could just barely hear the start of a conversation as the stranger closed the door of the car. Now that she had just a slight cover, y/n placed the paper over her head and moved back onto the wet sidewalk as well. She gave the car one final wave as she ran down the road. 
Rossi pulled up and watched as Aaron stood very close to a woman under an awning taking a beating from the rain. He didn’t have a good chance to see exactly what the woman looked like, but he could tell that she was invested in whatever Aaron was saying to her. Rossi sighed softly. He knew that Hotch often beat himself up about meeting new people. He was also still beating himself up about Hailey. Rossi wished that his friend could see that people, women, were actually interested in him. That they wouldn’t pick apart his every flaw or see the guilt that he felt. Not that the woman Aaron was talking to was ‘the one,’ just that people would care about him if he allowed it to happen. If he was vulnerable. Aaron moved toward the car and opened the door, leaning down to sit in the passenger seat. Rossi turned to Hotch and teasingly said, “Having a nice conversation over there?”  Aaron scoffed and said, “It was fine.” Aaron could hear the deeper jesting tone in Rossi’s words, and he was reminded of how many times Dave had been his hype man like he was in his teens going on his first real date. Aaron didn’t mind it as long as he wasn’t being patronized. For now, it was just a reminder of his own personal failings. Hotch didn’t notice, but as he had gotten into the car, there was a tinge of color on his cheeks; Rossi did. 
y/n never expected to see the good-looking man from the rainstorm again, but as fortune would have it, she did. y/n was out at the park taking a stroll and doing some reading a few weeks later. The weather was much improved and the crisp air was perfect to spend a few hours outside exploring her new surroundings. She’d just moved into the neighborhood a few months ago, and due to her busy work-life balance, she hadn’t really gotten to know the area yet. A coworker had recommended Theodore Rosevelt Island Park as a nice place to spend the afternoon and had promised that it wasn’t super busy or loud. The coworker had been right. The park was beautiful. The sprawling trails offered a variety of scenery. y/n had picked a simple hilly paved trail to just enjoy the weather and the crisp smell of fall. After around an hour of walking, she settled down on the grass and started reading _y/f/b_.  After another hour, y/n felt her eyes growing heavy with sleep, and she sat up to get ready to leave. As she shifted to her feet, a glint of sunlight from the ground caught her attention. She stood and moved three yards over to where she had seen the light coming from. The source was a lost phone whose back-facing camera had caught the light at just the right angle to be seen by y/n.
She picked up the lost item and clicked on the home button. The screen blinked alive. The phone only had ten percent battery left and she wondered if it had been laying out for long or if it being in the sun had drained its power banks. There were five missed calls, three from the same number and two from two separate numbers. y/n assumed that the owner of the phone had gone to separate people in the park and asked to use their phone to call the lost one to see if anyone would pick up. y/n checked and the sound was off, so even that strategy wouldn’t have worked anyway unless someone had found the phone. Otherwise, no one would have heard it go off. As y/n walked back to her spot, trying to think about how to get the lost item back to its owner. While she looking at the little boy who was on the phone’s home screen, it vibrated in her hand with a number with no name attached to it. y/n swiped the answer button and said, “Hello?” There was a small silence on the other side of the line as if whoever had been calling was surprised someone had picked up. Finally, the person, a man, said, “Hey. I lost my phone about a half hour ago and, well you found it. Could I come to you and get it?” The man on the other end sounded slightly breathless. His voice sounded oddly familiar. y/n was sure she had heard it before somewhere but couldn’t place it. y/n responded to the man’s question saying, “I’m on the Drivesdale scenic loop. There’s that big oak tree if you know it. I’m under that tree.” The man replied, “I do know it. I can be there in about ten minutes if you can wait?” y/n nodded and said, “Of course. I’ll be here.”  There was an odd silence before _y/n_ heard a muttered reply on the other end of the line before the phone call ended. 
y/n knew the man the second he rounded the corner in the bend in the path. It was the guy from the day that it was raining buckets. He was far less soggy now, and he was wearing a black t-shirt and back jogging shorts that highlighted his distinct calf muscles. His shirt also emphasized his forearms which seemed strong. y/n wished she could think about other things other than the physical attributes of the man quickly jogging toward her, except that was all she had to go off of. That and the fact that he knew someone who owned a fancy sports car. y/n stood as the man drew near. 
Aaron was highly annoyed at himself for losing his phone. How he hadn’t noticed its weight missing from his pocket baffled him. He wasn’t sure how far he had moved since the phone made its mysterious disappearance. Today was a long run day for him, and he had moved around twelve miles according to his Apple watch. He briefly, sarcastically, thanked god that it wasn’t his work phone that had gone missing. But that would never happen. His FBI-issued phone stayed in a zipped pocket on the inside of his shirt and it stayed on all the time. Aaron had asked a few people if she could use their phones to see if someone had picked up the lost item, and he was close to despair and thinking he would have to go back home and try the ‘find my iPhone app. A wave of relief washed over Aaron as someone picked up for his last attempt at finding the phone while not having to leave the park. He listened to the location of the person who had it and confirmed that he would be right over. He ended the call and thanked the kind elderly woman who had let him use her phone. Hotch set out on a brisk jog, not wanting the woman holding his phone to wait longer than needed. 
Hotch had found himself worn out over the last few cases. Not that they were the worst cases he had ever seen, but the continued horrors and depravity he saw on a weekly basis were wearing on his morale. He was also tired. He’d done his normal pre-workout routine, but the energy drink and warm-up didn’t seem to have its normal effects. Hotch blamed both of these emotional blightes for his losing his phone and his not noticing. As he rounded the corner toward the big oak tree, there were very few people around and he saw the woman he was sure he had talked to a few moments before. As he got closer to the woman, it took him a moment to realize that he had seen her before. As he scanned through his memories of the past weeks, he clocked her as the person he had been stranded with under the bookstore awning. She looked lovely and calm as she was clearly scanning the area for him. Hotch had thought she looked good the day he had first met her, with her bright _y/e/c_ eyes standing out on her slightly flushed face. But now that she was dry and more relaxed, Hotch could appreciate her in a more natural environment. Aaron took a sharp breath in as he remembered how close they had been standing next to each other, he looked down at her as the cars passed by, splashing his legs and soaking his socks further. There was also that brief moment as her hand had touched his upper back. Aaron cleared his throat and moved those thoughts somewhere deeper in his mind. Somewhere fantasy could take root if he wasn’t careful. Hotch put on a small smile as he stopped in front of the woman. She was holding out his phone for him, and he reached out for it. After the cool metal was in his left hand, he extended his right hand and said, “Thank you so much for finding this. It’s a pleasure seeing you again. I see you survived the rain.” There was a beat of silence, and then he added, “I’m Aaron, Hotchner by the way.” 
y/n smiled up at Aaron and took his hand in hers. He gave it a firm yet steady shake and she said, “I’m y/n, _l/n_. What a surprise to see you again. How have you been?” y/n wasn’t sure why she asked the last questions, but it felt natural. She was also distracted by his scent. He was sweaty, but there was a sort of brine to the scent. Like when one stood next to the seashore at twilight. When Aaron responded, she smiled and said, “I’m glad you’re doing well. I’ve gotta head out, but it was nice to see you again, Aaron. I hope you have a good rest of your weekend.” _y/n_ didn’t particularly have to go anywhere, but she had a sinking feeling that if she stayed around the figure that was Aaron Hotchner, she might say something silly or stupid, and for some reason, she didn’t want to seem like that to him. As she had the first time they met, she gave a small wave and moved down the path. Again, she thought this was the last time that she would see him. 
They were destined to meet again three weeks later at the local bar in the neighborhood. Seated at a small table,  y/n shared her new life updates with _y/b/f_ who was visiting for the weekend. y/n had just covered the rainstorm incident and she said, “And then on top of that I saw him again later in the month. Let me tell you, if I thought he was handsome in the rain, you should have seen him in his workout clothes!” y/n was speaking openly and candidly given that her inhibitions were down because she had already had three drinks. Her friend who had a similar buzz said, “Okay, wait y/n. I’m going to need you to describe this guy in lots of detail. You always have a way with words, and I need the skinny. He sounds like a dreamboat.” y/n flushed further, above the color of the alcohol that had tinged her cheeks. y/n looked at _y/b/f_, and they had an expectant look on their face. y/n couldn't help but giggle before saying, “Well he’s tall, and he has dark hair. It’s cut short and neat from what I can tell, though both times I’ve seen him it’s been a bit disheveled. He’s fit. I mean, I saw him working out, and the first time I saw him his clothes were pretty much hugging his body. And man what a body he has.
Apart from his name, and his looks, I don’t have that much more to go off of. When I found his phone there was a picture of a little boy on his lock screen. For all I know he might be married or in a serious relationship. That doesn’t mean that I don’t find him attractive, but I’d never do something with a man who was committed.” If y/n was being honest with herself, she’d probably never do anything with the man ever? What could she possibly say if she even saw him again? The world was small, but not that small. y/n had relegated him to a small dreamlike crush to think back on every now and then. y/n took another sip of her cocktail to try and hide her blush from her friend. The door to the small bar opened and her friend, who was facing the door, looked at the large group that was entering the establishment. The final person to enter the bar caught y/n’s friend's eye, and they said, “I think your man just came in here.” y/n incredulously said, “Oh please, _y/b/f_, don’t tease me like that. It’s bad enough that I haven’t dated anyone seriously in years.” _y/b/f_ sobered slightly and said, “No y/n, I’m being serious. The last guy that just came in kind of matches the description you just gave.” 
y/n rolled her eyes but looked behind her anyway and low and behold, it was Aaron who had walked through the door. He was with a group of six people, and he was congenially chatting with an older man and a very pretty brunette-haired woman. y/n hadn’t yet seen the man so at ease, but it looked good on him. It fit. The intense blush on y/n’s face told her best friend that she had pointed out the correct figure and they said, “Damn, He is hot. He must live in the neighborhood or something if you keep running into him unplanned like this.” y/n nodded along in agreement, and _y/b/f_ continued, “You should give him your number or buy him a drink or something while he’s here. Who knows when the next time is that you’ll see him?” At the suggestion, y/n shook her head in embarrassment and said, “I don’t know _y/b/f’s/n_. What if he’s not interested?” _y/b/f_ sighed and placed a hand on y/n’s shoulder saying, “Oh come on y/n. Nothing gambled, nothing gained, and all that. After all, what’s the worst that can happen? He says no, or that he’s married and then you run into him at the supermarket and it’s awkward and you move past each other in the cheese aisle? Would you just give it a chance?”
y/n thought about the cost-benefit of actually making a move on Aaron and found that, as her friend had said, the cost side of the equation was pretty low. After a long silence filled by the ambient hum of the noise inside the bar, y/n said, “Okay, fine. But I’m going to wait for him to have a drink first and make sure he’s not overly attached to anyone in his party, and that will give me time to sober up a bit. I might be taking a risk on my behalf, but I’m sure as hell not doing it drunk.” y/n moved to the bar and got herself and her friend some water. While she was waiting, the pretty brunette and the older man whom Aaron had been speaking to when the group had walked in moved next to her at the bar. As y/n overheard the woman saying, “I don’t know Rossi. He looks sad to me sometimes. Like when he thinks no one is looking? I’m kind of worried for him.” The older man, Rossi, nodded and said, “I see it too. But you see it, and I see it, but Hotch? I don’t know, and I don’t think he would really appreciate us cornering him in his office and asking him about his mental health, do you?” The woman laughed and said, “That’s a big fat no from me. But you know how he gets. I’d just like to see him happy.” As the woman finished the statement, y/n got her water and gave the two she had been eavesdropping on a small smile before heading back to her own table. 
About a half hour later y/n felt more in control of her faculties. Aaron had had two drinks and y/n subtly watched him. He didn’t seem to flirting or attached to any of the women or men he was with; he also wasn’t wearing a ring which was a good start. y/n moved to the bathroom to make sure she looked alright before she made her move. y/n reapplied some mascara and lipstick, but she knew she was just stalling at this point. She took a deep breath and whispered, “You can do this,” as she walked out of the ladies' room. Fortunately from y/n, Aaron was at the bar getting a drink for himself, Morgan, and JJ. y/n idled up to him and said, “Hey Aaron, fancy seeing you here. Can I get you a drink?” Hotch turned and looked down at y/n. He was a bit tipsy given that he had two drinks in a pretty fast period. Hotch looked over the woman who kept appearing in his life and said, “Hey again y/n. We can’t seem to escape each other.” He looked over her face and saw the tells of attraction. He took a steadying breath as he realized that he was also attracted to y/n. He cleared his throat before saying “And you can buy me a drink if you like.” y/n beamed. She had fully expected him to say no, and she asked, “What’ll it be?” Hotch thought for a moment and said, “Margarita on the rocks please.” When the bartender came over y/n ordered two margaritas on the rocks. y/n Aaron chatted while they waited for the drinks and at the of the night, in a moment of inebriation and a bit of teasing from Morgan, Aaron had given his number to y/n. 
In a small moment of vulnerability for both of them, they had started texting on and off. Then they had had their first date and it had gone well. Then they had a second, and a third, and Aaron realized that y/n was steady, calm, and kind. She wasn’t bothered by his extended absences, or him having to change their plans often because of a case. y/n had slowly started meeting the important people in his life. It had been Morgan first. That happened kind of by accident. Then there was Rossi and Em, and Jack of course. By all means their relationship should be growing, and they would have their rocky moments, but happiness and care should be blooming, but for y/n it simply wasn’t. A sadness was tugging at her soul like a millstone. 
She was lying in bed; she had been all day. It was 11:00 a.m. The day outside looked pretty as the leaves fell and soft light came through the window. She had barely had the will to open the blinds. She had been crying a few minutes earlier but had managed to stop the flow of tears eventually. All y/n had wanted to do over the past few days was sleep. Sleep and cry. She had managed to keep up her hygiene a bit because she had to look and dress professionally for work, but if that wasn’t the case, she knew she wouldn’t have done any of her normal care routines. Her hair was on its last legs with dry shampoo, and she could feel it getting greasy and gross on the pillow. A sound at the door caught y/n’s attention. ‘Aaron,’ she thought. She had forgotten that he was coming over today. She tried to find the will to get up, but she was embarrassed about her current state both mentally and physically. She turned her back to her bedroom door and sniffled. Maybe if she didn’t answer he would leave? There was a second of silence and then there was a ping of her phone. y/n was sure that it was Aaron asking if she was okay. Then after that, there was a call and she could hear Aaron’s voice from outside saying, “y/n are you in there? Are you okay?” There was worry in Aaron’s voice and she cringed because it was so silly to be sad right now. She thought it was too early in their relationship for him to see her so sad. 
Aaron stood outside y/n’s door. There was a small panic rising in him. He had texted and called with no response from y/n. There was an eerie quiet outside her door. Normally at this time, she’d have her vinyl playing _y/f/a_ and making some coffee or reading. Hotch could picture it and it made him feel warm for a moment. But he didn’t feel that warmth now. He sensed that something was wrong, and he called out saying, “y/n if you’re in there I’m coming in, okay.” Aaron punched in y/n’s seven-digit code, and the door clicked open. There was no one in the kitchen or living area and the lights were off. He checked the bathroom and it was also empty. Aaron called for y/n saying, “y/n are you here?” More softly he said, “God, please be here.” Hotch moved to the bedroom door and gave a hesitant knock saying her name again. There was a soft sound from inside and, fearing the worst, he opened the door. When his eyes fell on y/n's form under a bundle of sheets and blankets, he let out a momentary sigh of relief.
He stepped into the semi-dark room and approached the bed saying gently, “y/n, are you alright?” y/n was facing away from him and said, “I’m sorry, Aaron. Give me a few minutes and I’ll be alright.” She spoke so softly that Aaron almost didn’t hear her. There was a sadness in her voice that pulled at his heart, and his concern for her only grew. Hotch sat on the edge of the bed and placed a hand on her upper arm asking, “Honey, would you please look at me. I need to see you.” Hotch needed to know if she was alright. Sluggishly y/n moved from her side and onto her stomach. She turned her face toward Aaron, and he assessed her. It was clear to him right away that she had been crying. Her tear streaks marked her face and her eyes were red and bloodshot. Aaron rested a hand on her cheek and said, “Sweetheart please tell me what’s wrong. You’ve been crying.” y/n sniffled and said, “It’s nothing, it’s stupid.” At hearing y/n say this, Aaron turned to face her more directly and sincerely said, “Whatever it is, it’s not stupid to me. I wanna know why you’re sad.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. There was silence as y/n thought about what to say. Finally, she responded with, “I’m just sad, Aaron, and I have no right to be. I have everything I could want. I have a job I like. I’m finally stable in my life. I have you and Jack, and I’m still so fucking sad, over nothing.” While she spoke the tears started falling again. 
Aaron listened and his heart ached for the pain y/n was feeling. He brushed his hand down her cheek and then moved his thumb to wipe away the tears falling on her face. Tenderly he said, “Darling, I’m so sorry. You’re allowed to feel sad, even if there’s no reason. And you’re allowed to be sad near me; it’s not embarrassing.” y/n made a small sound as she pressed her forehead to his thigh. Aaron wondered if this was an attempt to hide from him. He looked down at her and asked, “May I hold you, y/n” y/n sniffled but nodded yes to his request. Aaron leaned down and undid the laces of his loafer and kicked them both off with his other foot. He slipped his jacket off and moved to the other side of the bed. He pushed up the covers and lay down. When he was settled a bit, he pulled y/n close to his body. When she was cradled close to him, he could feel her relax. Aaron ran a hand up and down her side as he asked, “Have you felt this way before? Have you spoken to your therapist about these feelings?” 
y/n felt better being close to Aaron. She responded to his question saying, “I have sometimes. When the weather starts changing and the days get shorter it can get really bad. I’ve been okay for the last year or so, but now it’s back. I haven’t told my therapist yet. I was going to in our next session. I had kind of hoped that it would just go away, but it hasn’t obviously.” Aaron hummed and moved his hand to her stomach, rubbing soft circles over the flesh there. Next, he asked, “And you’re still taking your medication?” At this, y/n actually chuckled and said, “I have. I know what happens when I stop taking those and it’s not pretty.” Aaron felt a tiny bit better hearing her laugh and make a joke. The feeling in the room lightened slightly. The silence lingered for a few minutes and Aaron broke it saying, “Would you like to stay here for a little bit?” In his arms, y/n sighed and said, “Yes please.” Aaron shifted in the bed so his head was resting near her neck, and he circled his arms around her protectively. He planted a few kisses on the nape of  y/n’s neck and then stilled his movements as she quickly fell asleep. Aaron looked her over. He was glad that she found comfort in him. His embrace. He would have to do more research on seasonal depression because although he knew it was a type of depression, he didn’t know much about it. The only person that he maybe knew had issues like that was Spencer, as his younger agent had once told him that he had worse thoughts during the winter. But for now, he would just be there to support y/n. Her health and happiness were paramount to him, and he was going to do everything he could to make her feel alright. 
After an hour, Aaron and y/n woke and Aaron thought of something. He asked, “When is the last time you’ve eaten, darling?” The moment it took for her to answer told Aaron what he needed to know. When y/n replied, “It was yesterday at breakfast.” Aaron frowned at the answer and said, “Alright. Well, how about we get some food? We could make something here or I could order something for us?” y/n thought and said, “There’s not much in the fridge. Maybe we could order some _y/c/f_ ?” Aaron replied and said, “Of course, I’ll place the order now.” Aaron pulled out his phone and opened Uber Eats to get the food. After this, they both moved to the living area. Aaron opened some blinds to let some light into the room but chose not to turn on any of the overhead lighting to create a calm environment. He turned on the TV and put on Seinfeld putting the volume on low to give them some ambient noise. y/n sat on the couch and Aaron pulled her into his arms while they waited for the food to arrive. Aaron moved to stroke her hair, and as he started, she cringed slightly. He stopped his movements and asked, “What is it, y/n?”y/n felt the shame rise in her again as she said, “It’s dirty. My hair. I haven’t washed it in three days.” Aaron nodded and said, “It’s okay, y/n. I don’t mind.” y/n softly said, “Okay.” She believed him and rested her head against his chest again. Aaron started gently combing through her hair with his hands. y/n listened to the steady thumping of his heart near her ear, and her hands found a place on his stomach. When he sat, Aaron had a little tummy that hid the muscles of his torso. It was actually one of the favorite parts of his body. They hadn’t been undressed in front of the other yet, but when they were, she looked forward to paying that area extra attention. y/n knew that just being with Aaron wasn’t going to fix her mental health problems. She would have to face the emotions and it might hurt, but it was worth it. For now, Aaron was a balm and a light, and she looked forward to moving forward with him in life. She knew that with Aaron by her side, better days were coming. That the sun would shine a bit brighter than it had before.
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xiaosonlybeloved · 1 year
HI HI 'LIA BAE !! Can I request an Ayato book wrapped in a Teyvat setting, with prompts 10 + 20 and a fern bookmark with a flowery scent ? ( MWUAH CONGRATS ON 100 FOLLOWERS LOVE 1778374% DESERVED + SO MUCH MORE !! LY and take care <333 )
Librarian's note- HI HI KAZUU @fuukiyo @kxfune (sorry i didnt know which one to use since u blog-hopped again haha) and omg sureee but what's it with you and ayato huh... THANK YOU SM BAE LYT take care too <3333
Book info- 10- My my, someone's gotten jealous. 20- You are my first love dear, and I promise you'll be my last Starring:- Kamisato Ayato Bookmark:- gn!reader, Scent- hurt/comfort
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"Hah. That was quite the rookie mistake you made there, [Y/N]." Your boyfriend remarked as he killed one of your cards, making you lean back in frustration. "Archons, couldn't you have spared me for once! I'm starting to think you know all my strategies by heart." "Perhaps I do." The man in front of you chuckled, making you frown. "Welp, time to make a new deck." You sighed. "I've heard that Archon cards and a Xiao card might come out soon. You can bet I'll make an amazing deck with those cards." "I've heard that a Yae Miko card is here too. That could be interesting too, you could use that." "Hmph, No thank you. I have a personal grudge against that lady." He merely chuckled again as he made his next move, winning the TCG match.
Ah yes, your boyfriend. None other than the Yashiro Commissioner, Kamisato Ayato. You two had met, when you had shown up to prevent an assasination attempt, not knowing that the target was Ayato himself. You got the opportunity to fight against him, after which you apologised for just showing up since you had received some inside intel about the attempt. After that, for some reason, you two just kept bumping into each other, and soon you both grew a liking to each other. Two years later, you were already dating.
It was beautiful. Despite the busy life of the head of the Yashiro Commission, Ayato never treated you as a burden on his busy schedule. In fact, he very clearly separated out time from his schedule on a daily basis for his lovely significant other, aka you. You both always treasured dearly the time you two spent together.
As you both were about to start another match, one of his servants stepped in politely. "Lord Kamisato, I apologise for the intrusion, but we have a guest waiting for you inside. Lady Yae has come all the way down the Narukami Shrine, and she wishes to talk to you." "Can't it wait?" Ayato frowned. "I'm afraid not, sir. She has already come from a while, and seems to be getting impatient." Ayato sighed in resignation. "Alright. Bring her in." Moments later, that goddamn kitsune walked in, arms crossed, with a plotting, mischievous smile on her face.
"My my, Kamisato, you sure know how to make a lady wait. Oh, and hello, dear [Y/N]. Pardon the intrusion, but I'd like to speak to Ayato here." "Go on, I'm not stopping you, am I?" You replied back, irked. "Ah, so could you leave? You know, I'd like to speak to him alone."
Gods, this crafty witch sure knew how to make you mad. First she barges in on your alone time with your boyfriend, then demands to speak with your boyfriend alone, kicking you out when she's the outsider here? You restrained the urge to punch her pretty face, because it would bring a bad name to Ayato, instead bitterly walking past her out of the room, giving her an exclusive death stare. She had the nerve to smirk back.
Well, she wanted to talk to Ayato alone, but she never did forbid me from eavesdropping, did she? So you closed the door behind you, leaving only a sliver open, through which you could peek in. And when she spoke what she wanted to, your blood boiled.
"Say, Kamisato, I've been thinking. We've known each other almost our entire lives. What if we were to get in an official relationship? Despite its good stature, you cannot deny that the Yashiro Commission is still in a sticky situation, also severly understaffed. The constant assassination attempts mustn't be making it any easier. If we were to date, it would affiliate the shrine with the Commission. With the backing of the Grand Narukami Shrine, no one would dare to touch the Yashiro Commission. Quite advantageous for both of us, don't you think?"
How dare she? How dare she? Propose this by kicking YOU, his s/o out, in OUR alone time? The sheer nerve and audacity! But then a thought entered your mind. What if she was right?
Your clan wasn't that well-known. You knew that many eyebrows had been raised when you two came out with your relationship. It would certainly be better for Ayato to be with Yae instead, because everyone knew the power her position, and very name itself held. With her in the picture, definitely no one would dare to even lay a finger on the Yashiro Commission. And Ayato's next words shocked you.
"What's in it for you, I wonder." He mused.
Your breath hitched. The fact that Ayato seemed to be actually considering this... You couldn't hear any more. You quickly left, choosing to go down to the nearby beach alone to sort out your thoughts. You didn't bother telling anyone. They do say that curiosity kills the cat.
Had everyone else in the Commission been thinking the same thing? Had they been secretly gossipping about you behind your back? You should talk to Ayato about this tomorrow. And then you would get yourself out of the picture, for Ayato's sake. You'd have to leave, to make way for that kitsune, for Ayato. You just....
As you walked along the beach, wrapped in your thoughts, evening changed into night. You seemed to have walked a long way. Tired, you plopped down onto a big rock, staring at the stars. The stars that people said decided someone's fate..
You would be lying if you said you weren't jealous of Yae Miko. She was literally perfect in every way. Flawless appearance, incredible power, appealing personality, everything someone could ever want in a lady. What were you even compared to her?
"Dear, dear me, Who is this 'her' you speak of?" A voice spoke behind you, scaring the living daylights out of you. Or living nightlights, whatever.
"Ayato?? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be talking to- to her..?" You asked, your voice breaking a tiny bit in the end. Of course, Ayato noticed. "That was hours ago, love?" He said simply. "I've been searching for you since. You know, since you just disappeared without any note whatsoever. You had me worried. Now, you seem to have a lot on your mind. Who is this her you speak of?" When you didn't respond, he took a guess. "Surely you're not referring to Miko, are you?" You responded in a small voice. "I.. I heard." You mumbled.
He immediately understood. "Ah, I see. My my, someone's gotten jealous." He chuckled. "No, it isn't that." You said hurriedly. "It's that... Maybe she is right. It would be better for everyone if you two were together, instead of us."
That stopped him short. "...You say you hear, but you clearly didn't hear everything. Or you would have heard that I immediately rejected her proposal. I don't want to be with someone I don't love, [Y/N]. So drive your worries away, darling. Because you?" He put a hand on his heart, showing a rare sincerity. "You're my first love, dear, and I promise you'll be my last."
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sunymar · 1 year
Yes we are excited to send Lamen prompts! ʌ:(Comfort after a nightmare)
thank you for the prompt!! 🥰🥰 and sorry it took this long!! "He's okay now, Auguste, I promise. I think he just got a little overheated, but he's asleep now, I don't want to wake him up." "I know, I know, I trust you, I just—I just want to see him, please? You don't need to say a word or make any noise, just show me. Just so I can make sure."
Damen was already standing from the couch with a heavy sigh. "I know you're worried, but Laurent's not going to be happy if he finds out I filmed him for you while he was asleep. He'll think it's creepy." He started padding softly to their bedroom, despite that.
"You can tell him he can text me an 'I'm alive' at the very least next time something like this happens if he doesn't want me to worry."
"It's just a migraine, Auguste," Damen said, rolling his eyes as he turned the knob as quietly as he could. "The worst thing that happened was him having a fit when I forgot the hot water when we were showering—"
"Damen?" Shy, quiet.
Damen shoved the door open with so much force that the knob slammed against the wall. Laurent, sitting on the bed, in the dark room, with only the remnants of daylight spilling through the thin curtains, cringed at the sound; and more tears came running down his red cheeks.
"Damen?" Auguste's panicked voice got smaller and muffled when Damen dropped his phone on the nearest surface, in his urgency to get both of his hands free, and hurried to Laurent's side. He almost tripped on the carpet when he bent down to cup Laurent's face in his hands, wiping his hot cheeks with his thumbs.
"What is it, darling? What happened? Where does it hurt?" he knew physical pain alone was not nearly enough to get Laurent like this. He brushed away a couple of damp strands of hair and pressed his lips against Laurent's forehead, he was burning up. "Did you have a nightmare?"
Laurent rested one of his hands on Damen's wrist, trembling. He was shaking his head, his eyes closed. "Is that Auguste? Can I talk to him?"
Damen was already storming halfway across the room, nodding furiously. He grabbed his phone, turned on the camera, and resisted the urge to toss it to the bed so it'd reach Laurent faster. He sat next to him gently and grabbed his hand in his so they could hold the phone together, and lifted it so Auguste could get a better angle.
"Laurent," Auguste said, in a soft whisper, thankfully not yelling like Damen had been expecting. "Oh, Laurie. What's wrong? Do you need me to come over? What's wrong, Damen? He looks awful."
Damen was rummaging through one of their drawers clumsily with his free hand. "He has a fever," he said. "It isn't just a migraine. I'll check his temperature."
Laurent was very quiet, wiping his cheeks with his hands and trying to push down his hiccups. Damen squeezed his thigh reassuringly when he finally found the thermometer and Laurent frowned at it. "Maybe he caught whatever Ancel had. But I don't think Ancel got a headache."
"I didn't make out with Ancel if that's what you're suggesting," Laurent grumbled around the thermometer, Damen hushed him and wrapped an arm around his waist to hold him close while they waited for the reading. "Maybe I did make out with Berenger."
"Laurie," Auguste hissed. Then, after a moment, "what did you dream?"
Laurent stiffened. Damen rubbed his arm soothingly, but it didn't help. "Nothing. It doesn't matter anymore."
"It surely mattered a lot two minutes ago, Laurent."
Auguste was right, Laurent looked terrible. Damen had checked on him only a half an hour ago, and he hadn't looked anywhere near this, eyes and cheeks red and swollen and damp and bottom lip bitten raw. Whatever it had been, it'd had him crying more than Damen could remember seeing before over a nightmare.
"I don't want to talk about it."
A small sigh. Auguste's eyes softened, and he shook his head softly to himself. "You are right. It doesn't matter anymore. But I'm coming over anyway, so be ready."
"Auguste—" Laurent's protest was interrupted by the beeping of the thermometer. Damen grabbed it and clicked his tongue in disapproval.
"That's it," Auguste said. He was moving, dizzyingly fast even for Damen's eyes. He kissed Laurent's temple and put the phone away, so they wouldn't have to look at it anymore. "I'll be there in three hours. I'll call Paschal too."
"Auguste," Laurent groaned. He dropped his head on Damen's shoulder with an annoyed huff. "It's just a cold."
"Nothing you say will stop him," Damen smiled against his hair. "Better get as much sleep as you can before he gets here." He rubbed Laurent's back, over his soaked shirt. He'd need a change of clothes first. "See you later, Auguste."
Laurent was much more cooperative this time when Damen tucked him into bed. He knew it wasn't a coincidence that he'd calmed down as soon as he'd seen Auguste. He hoped he'd feel even better once he was there.
He laid on top of the covers himself this time, and he held Laurent close. And he kept his phone close, too, in case he needed to call Auguste again.
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Hi I loved your amnesia fic and I was wondering if you could do a follow up?
Here you go! Thank you for the prompt and compliment and I hope you enjoy because i do love that fic so I’m happy to add to it!
They don’t go to the loft, not when Magnus has been lax and let too many know its location. He’ll go himself, later and move it, secure it somewhere safe that he can take Alexander back to when he’s better. However the comfort of home can’t provide the safety Magnus’ instincts are requiring.
So Magnus doesn’t take his love to another country, he takes him to another dimension. To the small pocket of home that Magnus once showed him, during a moonlight romance, and that they promised to return to when others needed them less.
No fire messages will work, no tracking will connect and Magnus can keep Alexander safe and secure and protected from all the forces that will try to take him from Magnus.
Even Isabelle and Jace aren’t exempt from Magnus’ new list of enemies.
They’ll think they know better. That they deserve more. They’ll want their brother close by and under angelic protection and they’ll tell Magnus ‘its the best thing for him, we’ll give you updates’. They've done it before and Magnus fought them then and he’ll fight them now.
Except he doesn’t have to fight. Not really.
Alexander made Magnus his legal guardian, a contract more powerful than even their marriage or Alexander’s ties to the clave. He put Magnus in charge of picking the next leader of his Institute and Alexander’s people willingly and happily referred to Magnus as Commander in Alec’s stead.
He wonders what he ever did to earn such devotion and then there is a gasp of, “Magnus! Look at this!” And he looks up to see Alexander — who is finding the world new all over again — turning to him with a butterfly fairy perched on his palm. It’s antennas are tickling his skin, looking for the sweetness of the flowers Alexander’s been touching and marveling over.
It’s like everything he sees is so incredible that he has to touch and Magnus has no desire to stop him, only encourages him further.
He’s never once seen Alexander this vulnerable and open about exploring things and it hurts, to know this part was beaten out of him before Magnus ever got to him.
Sunlight hits the fairy’s wings, during the delicate limbs into a translucent kaleidoscope of color. Like two pieces of stained glass, delicately fluttering and perched on Alexander’s hand.
The fairy leaves and Alexander drops, breathless with delight next to Magnus.
“It’s so beautiful and light.” He says, and then he grins, unafraid and so happy every time he looks at Magnus. “How did we manage it, being together? I don’t remember much but I know enough of clave laws and—“ he frowns, a glimpse of the man he’s forgotten how to be coming through. “I know it’s exhausting. Trying to figure out how to survive around their laws when half of them overlap. I remember enough of it, but I find it hard to believe they’d let me have this.” And Alexander looks at him, in such tender awe.
“We fought for it.” Magnus tells him quietly. “Both of us, in our own ways and together. So we could be together, because our devotion and love for each other was stronger than the law of the clave.”
Magnus braces himself for whatever Alexander might think of that, but he just gets another warm smile.
“That sounds nice, having someone to fight with against the clave. I can remember why, but I feel like I always thought I’d be on my own. Struggling to stay one step ahead of them, so I didn’t become less of me and more just, nothing."
“You’re very unfiltered, like this. Magnus notes, hesitantly because he doesn’t want Alec to feel like he’s being compared to something he doesn’t remember.
Alexander ponders a moment and then shrugs, reaching out and — when Magnus offers his hand — eagerly taking it.
“I think I’ve forgotten why I had to be quiet. All the reasons the clave beat into me, was to first keep my thoughts to myself and then later, to stop thinking of certain things at all. Simply because probably, at some point, not hoping at all was better than losing it again and again.
Magnus realizes that this is going to be painful; this open and free Alexander. And not because he shies away or is unfamiliar with Magnus — because he’s not, it’s like Alexander thinks the only thing that makes sense is Magnus — but because this is who Alexander should have always been allowed to be.
“Your eyes are like golden moons.” Alexander says, which he has no business doing because Magnus’ heart can’t take much more. “I know of them, but I can't remember quite what the moon looks like. But I feel like I can remember how beautiful it is, when I look at you.”
Magnus takes a breath to steady himself and then leans over, gripping Alwxander’s jaw and holding it still.
Alexander blinks at him, trusting and soft and Magnus sighs and pulls him closer and gives him a gentle, chaste kiss.
“What on earth am I going to do with you, darling?” Because this is just proving to Magnus that he will never be able to resist his beloved, even when his beloved doesn’t remember him.
“Keep me.” Alexander tells him, cheeky and grinning but also with a hint of desperation.
“Oh, well that was always going to happen.” Magnus assures him and gives him another, gentle kiss.
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You finally have an important conversation in this section of my Rhea Ripley x lady!reader fic.
Warnings for this section: None!
Absolute Smokeshow (Part 37 of ?): Let Me Talk To You? (Yeah!)
“Not that it’s any of my business,” Liv said, eyeing your bag, which buzzed every now and then, “But I think you should at least check your messages.”
The two of you walked out into the hall after Liv had been told it was mostly bruising - even a bruised muscle in her neck, which needed to be iced daily for longer than would likely be comfortable. She was hoping the ice, combined with resting up the next few days, would help her heal to the point where she could be cleared to compete again before next week’s show.
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” you sigh, leaving your new cold pack resting on your hand as the fingertips from your free hand reach tentatively inside your bag for your phone.
Your screen informed you that you had five text messages and one missed call from “Mami.”
After opening your phone, you read the messages in the order they were sent:
“Dom told me I hurt you, I never wanted to do that”
“I’m so sorry”
“Can we talk? I want to make this right if I can”
“I’m in town until tomorrow afternoon but I can give you space”
“Just let me know what you need”
Rhea seemed to have made the call sometime between sending the second and third message. The ache you felt in your chest gave you the urge to run and find her, while also reminding you of what she said in the locker room. You’re not her girlfriend.
“What is it?” Liv asked, concerned.
“Rhea says she’s sorry and wants to talk,” you explain, “but is willing to give me space.”
“You sound disappointed,” Liv pointed out, in a way that prompted you to explain.
“It sounds like she’s just talking about the physical stuff,” you say, slowly finding the words, “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad she owned up to that but…”
“But she got defensive when I called you her girlfriend,” Liv finished your thought after you trailed off, “And that hurt more than whatever she did to your hand.”
Nodding, you sigh, “Am I that obvious?”
“Not what I said,” Liv clarified, “I’ve just been more or less where you are now.”
“I appreciate you understanding,” you say, smiling as the two of you approach the locker rooms again, “I think I’m going to give her a call.”
“Want to trade numbers first?” she asked, surprising you, “You can message me about any of this if you need to.”
“Sure,” you oblige. It couldn’t hurt to have someone to talk to if things got difficult again.
“Thanks,” Liv said, pulling you in for a brief hug after you exchanged information, “Hope it all works out for you, hon!”
“Thanks!” you call behind her as she walks off. Pressing the call button under Rhea’s contact information, you hold the phone up to your ear. After a few seconds of the phone ringing in your ear, you hear what sounds like death metal music approaching nearby.
Suddenly, the locker room door opens and the music is much louder. You look up to see Rhea - makeup smudged and ringing phone in hand - a complex range of emotions rapidly flashing across her face upon seeing you.
“Hey,” you say, somewhat relieved as you cancel the call, put your phone away, and readjust the cold pack on your hand, “Just the woman I wanted to talk to.”
“Did you want to talk here?” Rhea asked, sharply inhaling through her nose. The sound made you notice what your anxiety hadn’t let you see at first: she had been crying.
“If you’re comfortable with that,” you say carefully, trying to avoid the tug at your heart that told you to hold her in your arms.
“I’m so sorry,” Rhea said, “I don’t expect you to forgive me, or feel safe around me anymore. But I don’t ever want to hurt you again, and if you give me a second chance, I promise to make sure I won’t.”
“We’ll just have to meet after the show next time,” you say, watching Rhea look up at you in surprise, “but only if I get to call you my girlfriend.”
“You… want to be my girlfriend?” she asked.
Somehow it had never occurred to you that Rhea might be unsure of your feelings toward her. To you, the way you acted around her made it seem obvious.
“For a while now, yeah,” you admitted, feeling your face grow warm.
“You still want to be my girlfriend?” Rhea asked, making sure she understood you.
“Do I need to write it on a poster like I’m asking you to the dance?” you joke, “Yes, I still want to be your girlfriend. Would you like to be mine?”
Smiling, she approached you slowly, putting her hands on your hips.
“I would love that,” Rhea whispers before pulling you in for a sweet and gentle kiss.
[end part thirty-seven of ?]
Part 38: https://www.tumblr.com/specialinterestshows/727498106085720064/absolute-smokeshow-part-38-of-dynamic-shift
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@cherryberryshine , @littlemiss-fanficlover , @elisewithak , @babybatlover , @girlofpink , @kagome2909
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