#not mental illness! but a result of a history of being very damaged
jpegcompressor · 2 years
"i'm normal" i say, as if the only thing that brings me true happiness in my life ISN'T (non-whitewashed) drawings of a fictional character that is the equivalent of a snickerdoodle
#untitled.txt#i don't think i have adhd anymore and my current therapist doesn't believe so either#i fully believe that i was expressing similar symptoms to adhd because of my diet (which had INSANE amounts of sugar in it)#but i altered my diet so that the like. 300g+ of sugar every day was no longer in it and boom. symptoms gone#i stopped referring to myself by terms used in the community and such as well#so this is NOT a hyperfixation#but i would say that he is like my favourite character of all time and maybe that is heightened by my mental health issues#not mental illness but the other stuff with no name#like how i am ashamed of certain traits about myself and perhaps that seeing cinnamon express those makes me like him more#because he's an expression of something i wish i could be#not mental illness! but a result of a history of being very damaged#like. he just means so much to every facet of me in ways i can only gently understand#it confuses me too bc i don't feel that way about anything else right. my life is pretty okay. but i feel miserable after feeling that bc#it's like... have i ever experienced happiness. is this what it's like??? is this what people feel???#like i started avoiding photos of cinnamon (and the three other characters who have a similar grip) because it was like. so much.#anyways i put like eight drawings of cinnamon in the queue to post on my art blog and that's why i'm posting this#everyone should draw cinnamon all the time . there isn't enough fanart out there . thanks#*sets mic back in the stand*#*leaves the open mic night to a stunned and silent audience*
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ferret-does-stuff · 6 months
Why Edgar Valden is Like That (AKA a FREAK): a weird theory post by me
In this post I will go into how Edgar Valden's behaviour in the games and as a character may not be totally influenced by his upbringing but rather by his exposure to lead paints. Please bear with me I have Too Many Thoughts
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Throughout history, one word to follow and describe all major artists is "eccentric". Many artists in history have struggled with depression and other psychological problems. But what does that mean? Are artists just mentally ill by default? Well, no, obviously not. Throughout history artists have used vibrant paints that often contain lead and other poisonous chemicals like arsenic and one key symptom of lead poisoning, especially in children, is brain damage. Lead poisoning can lead to behavioural changes, depression and psychosis after long periods of exposure. This is one of the reasons why historical artists are so eccentric, they used brain damage inducing paints.
Keep in mind that IDV takes place in the 1800s, during that time lead and arsenic were EVERYWHERE, but just in paintings. Edgar was constantly breathing in toxic chemicals. I actually think this is why his sister died, young people are especially susceptible to lead poisoning so it's likely that her exposure to the houses's wallpaper/painted walls plus Edgar's paintings caused her to get sick and die (it's possible this also killed his mother but I think she had tuberculosis). It can also lead to behavioural changes for children who survive it, and since Edgar's been painting since he was very young and lived to 21 we definitely know he survived. I think that his more "eccentric" and strange behaviours were caused by brain damage from the lead rather than just being raised rich.
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Now I wanted to discuss the main part of my theory of why Edgar killed Sarai. Here are a few of the deductions that I think relate to this
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So first: a portrait Edgar painted is distorted. This is incredibly likely to be just because he isn't very good at portraits but it's also possible that his perception of realitly has been changed by the lead poisoning.
Secondly, and more importantly, Edgar has been experiencing hallucinations, he's hearing his paintings scream. It's clear he doesn't have the best mental health, and the lead paint definitely played a part in that.
When Edgar discovered Sarai had been using him, anyone would be upset, but few would kill just because they had been used. It would have been easier for Edgar to have Sarai fired than to kill him.
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I believe Edgar was suffering auditory (and potentially visual) hallucinations as a result of psychosis caused by lead poisoning and the additional stress from being used lead to him having a breakdown and killing Sarai. Obviously there are other factors to his strange behaviour (like growing up sheltered and the trauma experiencing losses of loved ones and potentially discovering their bodies) but lead poisoning is such an obvious one that's overlooked so frequently.
TLDR: Edgar is tripping on lead which lead to him being eccentric and killing Sarai
I hope you enjoyed this, have a good day/night I am going to bed.
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izunias-meme-hole · 5 months
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"Want to know how I keep smiling?"
Despite being a VERY well known gangster before his transformation, "Jack Napier" was a very secretive man, keeping his own history under wraps, and has no actual documentation of a true name, or birth date. However what was known about Napier was that he was the right hand man of Carmine Falcone's rival, Rupert Thorne, and he was often called to either "clean up a mess", or eliminate anyone who went against Thorne. However all of that changed after he got set up at Ace Chemicals, and met The Batman. Napier walked out of that encounter with raw blood red lips, chalk white skin, green hair, and a damaged face, and when he went to get surgery for his face as quick as possible, Napier ended up with a permanent grin. Finding all of recent circumstances absurd, Jack goes completely mad, convinced that life was just some big joke, and if that were the case he'd be the one sharing the punchline. So after killing Thorne and taking over his enterprise, The Joker was not only born, but fully prepared to cause chaos, ruin lives, and share his twisted works of art with Gotham City for his own amusement.
My Joker here is pretty much just a marriage between B:TAS, Batman 89, The Dark Knight, and The Arkham Games. A psychotic gangster who fell into a vat of chemicals, got some facial disfigurement, and began to see life as one bad joke, becoming a literal mad clown as a result.
After meeting Batman again, bro just got worse. Granted he was never truly fine to begin with, but not only did he become more unhinged and destructive after getting his chemical bath, but he became obsessed with The Bat after his second encounter with him. Now what sparked this obsession? Batman deciding not to kill him. Joker was confused at first, but he slowly began to piece it all together, and now had a long "game"... one that he planned on winning.
Harley Quinn is still brought to his side, and he's still a genuine piece of garbage to her, but he ditches her and almost kills her for real the MOMENT she successfully captures Batman all by herself, right under his nose. And they were around each other for 19 years.
This man is responsible for almost poisoning Gotham via a parade, turning Christmas Eve into Batman's most stressful night, a riot at Blackgate, the creation for Two-Face, the creation of Harley Quinn, the creation of Clayface, the near-death of Barbra Gordon (who doesn't get crippled here and isn't Batgirl at that point yet), the traumatization of James Gordon, the death of Jason Todd, the endorsement of Project TITAN, a takeover of Arkham Asylum, the mutation of Killer Croc via TITAN, the traumatization of billions, the deaths of billions, and his final atrocity; turning Tim Drake into a mini-him through torment. This isn't his entire rap-sheet, but it's literally just half of the horrendous shit across the entire franchise along with some new shit that seems like it came from the old school comics. Like this man is likely to fill Gotham PD with actual pigs in cop costumes once as a more harmless prank just a day before doing something actually horrid.
The only limit to his cruelty is that whatever he does has to be peak comedy in his eyes, and if it doesn't reach that he'll actually be annoyed. Like bro didn't even plan on killing Jason Todd, he just wanted to send him back to Batman all broken down and beaten, but he was enjoying it too much and ruined his own work.
He still has some of his connections with the mob, and uses them for some of his schemes, however he's also willing to manipulate some mentally ill fellows from Arkham into helping him.
Enjoys a lil' internet trolling and memeing.
If he had a voice actor (That isn't Mark Hamill because he has retired from voicing the man due to the passing of the GOAT Conroy), it would be either Troy Baker, Michael McKean, Chris Hackney, Joe Zeija, Daemon Clarke, Mick Wingert, or Haley Joel Osment.
So yeah. This is My Joker.
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
So, if you don't mind, I was thinking about that asshole who was rude on your Thessaly post by insisting that Morpheus is meant to be a bad person. I'm curious if you could expand on why you think he's not. I keep going back and forth on my own rereads, especially since the Thessaly relationship and The Kindly Ones writing seem to try and push in a "he IS a bad person" direction. I can't tell if my arguments that "he's just flawed and mentally ill" are fangirl goggles or legit interpretation.
Hey! I don't mind. So when I first got that comment, initially I thought the response was genuine, because it's been a while since anyone has responded to one of my posts in a bad faith way. I frantically tried to wrap my brain around the idea that I had missed something somewhere and that I was supposed to view Morpheus as a "bad person" because even after The Kindly Ones that has never been my interpretation. I then realised the response was just a bad faith troll from an asshole and felt relief that I wasn't wrong.
But I suppose it's all up to interpretation.
The issue is really with what you consider makes a person inherently good or inherently bad. It reminds me of that line in Good Omens:
“It may help to understand human affairs to be clear that most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally bad, but by people being fundamentally people.”
Because I genuinely think this line has inspired a LOT of Neil Gaiman's characters, whether human or not.
I also get a bit wary nowadays when certain sections of fandoms start labelling characters, especially protagonists as "bad" because that causes a slipperly slope into accusations of "if you like this character YOU PERSONALLY are a BAD PERSON" (Example: OFMD fandom and the forever bizarre reaction to the character of Izzy Hands).
Dream is not bad. He is not good either. He is entirely neutral. He may occassionally do things that may be considered bad, depending on your perspective, but he also does a lot of good things as well. How do we weigh him on a scale of judgement? Are we to act as his judge and jury for every decision he makes in the comics? I suppose we could do, if we wished to, such is the fun of analysis, but I think the end result would again depend on the perspective and morals of the individual reader.
But I will at least give my own interpretation. I'm putting on my Anubis hat and weighing Dream's heart against my trusty feather. Let's see how he does. Under a cut as its long.
I personally think that for a character to be labelled as "bad" their actions and motivations must cause harm, whether to individuals or larger groups, without them showing any care or concern for those they hurt, in their pursuit to achieve their goals.
For example, Lucifer in The Sandman is still a "bad" character even though there is a LOT of "Sympathy for the Devil" type of perspective in The Sandman. Ultimately Lucifer is still selfishly motivated. He doesn't care about the souls or creatures that reside in Hell, and he certainly doesn't care about humanity. When he kicks everyone out of Hell in Season of Mists it causes havoc on Earth, and leads to the death of at least one child that we know of. It is implied that he does far more damage than is explicitly shown.
Thessaly, as previously mentioned, is definitely a bad character. She is entirely motivated by her own selfishness. She doesn't give a shit who she hurts, or the damage she causes in her persuit for revenge in Game of You. She is cruel and malicious and yes, also a TERF. She does not show any empathy or consideration for any character at any point, and honestly, even her little speech in The Wake comes across as crocodile tears.
Desire is a more complex character but still falls on the "bad" side of the scale because Desire also shows very little regard for others when playing their games or implementing their schemes. Desire is going to do whatever they want regardless of who might get hurt because like Thessaly, Desire doesn't give a fuck about your feelings. Desire is cruel. This is stated textually. Desire's motivations are also usually selfish. The only time I found Desire remotely redeemable was in Overture. Desire saved the universe. Though it is made clear that the only reason they saved the universe was because they wanted to keep living in it. It's worth noting that even though Desire is very much "bad" I absolutely adore them and consider them one of my favourite Sandman characters.
Now to Dream. Unlike the above mentioned characters, Dream's motivations are rarely selfish. Even in The Kindly Ones, I believe even if you interpret the whole thing as Dream's own elaborate suicide plan (which is only one limited interpretation) I don't believe he ever meant for as many people to get hurt as they did, it's just that he found himself in an impossible situation where things escalated to a point of no return. Also, since most casualties were Dream's creations, arguably he probably assumed that either he, or his successor, would simply recreate them once the situation was back under control.
Dream is a lawful neutral character. He has his rules and he must abide by them because "I contain the entire collective unconscious, without my rules it would consume me. Humanity would be consumed." (I know this is Netflix!Dream talking but I'm still gonna use it cos its such a good line).
The big difference between Dream and the above characters, is simple. Dream cares. He cares about everyone. He cares about literally everyone - the entire collective unconscious of the universe and he is so bursting to the brim with care and love for them that he is buckling under the weight of all that care. It is what is destroying him and it is WHY he is so depressed and so susceptable to making bad decisions on a small scale.
Every motivation of Dream's is for the greater good. When he sees what John Dee did with his ruby, he is almost crippled by the guilt of it. He blames himself for giving the ruby so much power that it could corrupt a mortal that much. He is easily swayed by Constantine to give Rachel a peaceful death, even though at first he doesn't think about it, it's not like he laughs it off and walks away - like any of the above mentioned characters would do. He listens to Constantine and agrees to show that compassion.
When he realises he once again has to kill a Vortex - something that is part of his duty as Dream of the Endless, something that is very much carved in stone as one of his rules, he still hesitates, even though he knew what happened last time and all the pain he suffered because of it. A fundamentally bad character who does not care would not have hesitated in killing Rose Walker.
In Brief Lives, whilst his initial motivations were selfish, he realised that his trip with Delirium to find Destruction was causing harm to others. When he realised that people were dying because of their quest, he put an end to it. He hurt Delirium in doing so, unintentionally, but his reasons for stopping weren't because he was bored, or because he had given up on finding Thessaly, it was because people were getting hurt and he didn't want to be responsible for that anymore.
When you look at Dream's actions on a wider scale, he is a good character. It is only on a more personal level that his flaws start to show through.
Where Dream's behaviour gets bad, it is usually because he has been hurt, and when he is hurt, he acts like a petty child throwing a tantrum. It is when his cruel side comes out, and its when he is most like Desire.
Nada is the most obvious casualty of this side of Dream. She rejected him, he threw a tantrum, and condemned her to Hell for hurting him.
Calliope tells Dream that she believed the "old you would have left me here to rot." We don't know how true this is, even in the comics, but the idea that there once was a version of Dream who might have discovered his ex wife was being frequently raped and abused whilst imprisoned and bound to evil mortal men and refused to help her simply because she left him is horrifying, but as I said, we don't know if it is or ever was true.
Ultimately, on the small scale, all it takes is for someone to tell Dream that he is in the wrong for him to relent and accept his misgivings. Constantine called him out on Rachel, so he did what he was asked to do. Calliope didn't even HAVE to ask for him to free her in the comics, he just showed up and saved her without question. When Death told him what he did to Nada was "shitty", he immediately put plans in place to make it right, even though doing so was risky and put him and the Dreaming in danger.
Even the situation with Orpheus, whilst seemingly harsh on Dream's side, his son told him to his face "you are no longer my father" and so Dream, hurt and with wounded pride, walked away from his son and refused to look back - but he still arranged for the priests to take care of him.
His choice of Thessaly as a lover is messed up, but he was messed up at the time. My view as mentioned in my previous post is that she was a rebound. They make it clear in the comic that he never approved of her murderous ways (and I have no doubt that he would also dissaprove of her transphobia, even if not mentioned explicitly).
In The Kindly Ones I don't view the situation as Dream being a bad person. I view it as everyone else being bad. Dream is caught in a huge cloud of depression and shitty circumstance and he is unable to free himself from that situation, and even when others can sense his desperation and pain, no one actually helps him. Dream's biggest flaw in The Kindly Ones, in my opinion, is not asking for help.
Because he is prideful, because even after all he has been through, he could not shake off that pride. It went full circle, he was back in his glass cage refusing to ask for help. Only this time, the glass cage was his realm, his subjects, his role as Dream of the Endless, and he could not change himself enough to free himself without making the drastic worst case decision.
My hatred of The Kindly Ones as a story, is not because I think it does a disservice to Dream, but because it does a disservice to every other character involved. By the end of that particular story, I hated every character who WASN'T Dream. Because I desperately wanted one of them, ANY of them, to actually help him. To see past his stubborn pride and hold him in their arms and shake him until he saw sense. Because the message in that story seemed to me to be that people are inherently selfish and so wrapped up in their own lives that they won't help you when you need it most. That there isn't even a point in asking for help. So what's the point?
But then I am fully aware that my feelings are complicated and partly projecting onto the characters and the story and well, that's all not really relevant to the point of this post except to ask you all to take my opinion with a grain of salt.
So back to your original question. I don't think Dream is a bad person. He is flawed, he is a character who when pushed to the limit will do drastic stupid things, but then wouldn't we all if pushed to our absolute limit? He is extremely depressed and buckling under the weight of the collective unconscious. All that unchecked emotion carried within him, and it is literally killing him.
So when weighing his heart against the feather of judgement, I think I can forgive him some bad behaviour towards some ex lovers in the grand scheme of all he has done. As flawed characters go, he's hardly the worst, and the feather is still heavier than his heart.
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paragonrobits · 7 months
in all honesty i think the 'if we kill all the bad people and CEOs then the world will be happy forever and we'll never have to do anything hard or worry about systemic injustice ever again' is extremely damaging to any kind of political or revolutionary rhetoric, and part of it is that it leads very strongly to the same mentality that basically refuses to do anything in the political process but just wait around for the Glorious Revolution, and of course that its an appealing revenge fantasy, but also that the kind of people espousing this aren't actually going to do anything and it does very bad things to actual... well, actions to make things better.
Essentially, its a revenge fantasy writ large. It's the kind of thing espoused by the people who think of mass executing the Rich or really any nebulous group that is defined as being responsible for all the world's ills; a glorious heroic defeat of Ultimate Evil after which everything will be better forever.
It's not that simple. It will never work that way. At BEST, even if you somehow could accomplish that, more people would just fill that void. And to be blunt, the issue is not that some people are bad; it is that this is the result of systematic injustice that is to some degree baked in. Even if you remove them, that does not address the reason why they come to exist. Furthermore, it simplifies the actual cause of human suffering to such an extreme that at BEST its lazy. At worst you're actively ignoring history just to feel smug about your hypothetical revolution that will never ever happen
let's examine this. if you genuinely believe that CEOs and capitalism as a whole are the root of all human evil and suffering and, if removed, this will make everything better forever, this kind of fails to address the point that people being shitty to each other is older than recorded history, this is a manifestation of the problem and not the problem itself! There are mass graves of murdered people going back to Neolithic times. The human capacity for cruelty is older than our ability to record it in the written word.
Its not like there were stone age CEOs in fancy furs making up the concept of profits as an excuse to kill people. To be plain, capitalism as a concept is EXTREMELY recent. It technology only dates back a few hundred years at best, and it is specifically an outgrowth of mercantilism, which roughly appeared around the 1600s. So out of five thousand years of recorded history, that's an indescribly TINY, statistically meaningless shred of time.
Are you trying to suggest that human evil only started then?
So if you DO want to make that claim, what do you make of the mass slavery empire that was Rome, as an example? Or the countless examples of empires rising and falling, of people giving the order to kill lots of other people for short-term gain or political expediency?
Human evil goes back a long, long way. It's not something that can be fixed by just going 'get rid of the Bad People'. If it was, then those Bad People would never have existed. The entire concept of just wiping out entire groups and deciding that'll fix the world is the cause of many massacres.
Being smug and fantasizing about revenge won't fix anything. Constantly making snide and inappropriate jokes about everything won't fix anything either. There's no easy fix and no simple answers, and in all honesty, you can't just go 'once we kill all the CEOs human nature will see to it that we will work together for the common good'.
Because if that was honestly true, do you really think we'd ever have SEEN CEOs show up the first place?
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tired-fandom-ndn · 1 year
“…fundamentalist Christian bullshit about how pleasure is addictive in general”
Do you have any resources on this? Asking because the limited information I had on addiction (mainly from 12-Step/XA groups) lead me to believe that intense euphoria was a sign of addiction (which I know now isn’t true but I’m wondering if there’s information on why that belief exists).
I'm not the best person to be giving links to papers or going deep into the history of this sort of thing, I'd really recommend looking into addiction advocacy and sex education organizations for that sort of thing, but I can ramble a bit about the generals.
So the thing about pleasure being addictive in itself is in fact very much fundamentalist Christian bullshit. Specifically, it's from the idea that pleasure is sinful and that suffering is holy; pleasure is a trick from the devil to make you turn from the holiness of Christ and God and lose your devotion in favor of false and temporary earthly pleasures.
So much of what we "know" about addiction is based in Christian fundamentalism because it was the churches and Christian politicians who funded so much of Western science. It's only been fairly recently that we've realized how much damage that's done to our understanding of ourselves, each other, and our world. Addiction and prisons are some of the biggest examples of this, especially in terms of how we view the concepts of pleasure and suffering.
If pleasure itself was addictive, then we'd be able to get addicted to anything even slightly enjoyable. We'd get addicted to good food (fun fact, sugar addiction is also a myth!), petting cats, listening to music, making art, reading books, pressing flowers, whatever your hobby is. Everyone in the world would be constantly suffering from withdrawal over something that they currently aren't able to partake in.
With our increased understanding of how addiction actually forms, we're now aware that it's not about pleasure. Addiction doesn't exist in a vacuum of brain chemicals, it's the result of social and environmental factors. People form addictions because it's a way to cope with things going on in their lives, internally but mainly externally. Poverty, abuse, neglect, intergenerational trauma, bigotry, etc are all things that addiction is directly linked to.
And addiction itself isn't just about the immediate pleasure, it's also a physical thing. Addiction comes with consequences when it's not "indulged"; that's what withdrawal is, the body being denied something that it's formed a severe and often unhealthy dependence on. That isn't always a bad thing, people can and do become addicted to vital medications that they need to survive. But withdrawal involves physical and mental ramifications, the body trying to compensate for the loss of something it's started to see as necessary.
Addictions that don't have a direct chemical impact on your body, like gambling which just causes a dopamine spike and drop, are almost always directly linked to mental illnesses like personality disorders and OCD and people with chemical addictions, to things like drugs and alcohol, are far more likely to also develop addictions to things like gambling. It's a coping mechanism.
Porn and sex addiction are things that were seen as just facts of life even when there was no evidence that they actually existed, solely because our puritan and Christian society considers sex to be something inherently dirty, unhealthy, and dangerous. Porn addiction is now mostly seen as something that people only self-identify with because they think their porn habits are unhealthy with no real evidence of that, while sex addiction is redefined as hypersexuality.
This ramble was all over the place and I apologize for that. I hope it's still coherent enough to understand lmao
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ellies-rambles · 3 months
I do see how I misunderstood your original post, apologies. However, that doesn’t change the fact that you’re assigning motives and connections where there are none. Angus says very clearly what he’s packing and why, his motives are explicitly laid out and doesn’t offer any sort of clue that he might not be telling the truth. He doesn’t make any mention of the draft before, during, or after this scene— in the case of the restaurant scene, he says that he’ll be sent to Vietnam as a result of attending Fork Union, not because he was drafted.
If you want to talk about draft dodgers, that’s cool and a very good and worthy thing to discuss as far as American politics go, but this movie is not about a boy who is actively trying to dodge the draft. He’s 17, he’s not at risk of being drafted until at least his 18th birthday, so he wouldn’t be preemptively preparing for something like this— what good could wearing a swimsuit like that on vacation do in terms of being drafted? He’d have to wear it to his assessment; just owning that piece of clothing isn’t enough proof that he intended to use it for that purpose. Also, as far as draft dodging techniques go, there are ways that were much easier for someone like Angus to do; a big, popular choice was going to college, or faking a medical condition— hell, with the trauma history to his shoulder, he might not even be eligible for the draft in the first place, depending on how it healed and what functionality he’s capable of (which, to be fair, in the film, it seems like he makes a speedy recovery).
Anyway, my point is, claiming to be gay to avoid the draft, whether true or not, was a very extreme choice, and there were things he could have done that would be easier and less damaging. In 1970, when the bulk of this movie takes place, homosexuality was still classified as a psychiatric disorder. People were hospitalized and criminalized for being gay. In America, it was still classified as a mental illness up until 1973, began being decriminalized in 1961, and wasn’t until 2003 where all the laws left that were anti-gay began to be invalidated (of course, recently, we’ve seen discriminatory laws being put back into place, but I digress). There was a very big stigma around being gay back then, and, if Angus showed up to his drafting station and claimed to be gay, he wouldn’t be sent to Vietnam, but he also likely would not be going home to Boston either.
Again, it’s great to discuss the ethics of the draft and dodging it, but this movie doesn’t talk about it because that’s not what this movie is about. Angus dodging the draft is not brought up, because this movie is not the story of a troubled boy who is dodging the draft, along with other hardships in his life.
If you want to watch a movie about the draft/dodging the draft, I suggest The Boys Who Said NO! (2020, dir. judith ehrlich) which, while not fiction, does paint a very good picture of what the environment and conversation around draft dodging was at the time, and gives a tidy little retrospective of the implications of these actions.
First off, you sound like that person who sent that weird essay to maia crimew. Second off, please take a film studies or film analysis course. Just because the film isn't ACTIVELY about something doesn't mean it's not a theme. Third, Angus is a junior who repeated a grade. Fourth, (this list is out of order with your ask) gay men fully could not join the military. It wasn't just if they were drafted. It's also very silly to me that you're acting like you know a lot about Vietnam drafting but using dodging instead of resisting. I'm a queer woman who has studied prep schools during the Vietnam era very intensely. Just because something wasn't popular doesn't mean it didn't happen. I am a film student, the curtains are never just blue. The filmmaker's intention ultimately doesn't matter. There is an underlying theme of Vietnam War fears throughout that movie and I literally just identified one. Grow up <3
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Health issues & anxieties/worry thoughts
Yesterday I was able to come home from the hospital after a brief admission because I collapsed and had a seizure at home late in the evening on Saturday November 18th. I have no history of seizures so this was shocking, surreal, and scary for me and my family. After a lot of testing in the hospital the cause of my seizure was determined to be a major deficiency in vitaminB12 and magnesium as a result of my hyperthyroidism and malabsorption syndrome. I am relieved that the cause of the seizure was pre-existing conditions and not some sort of epilepsy, abnormality in my brain, or some other possible diagnosis discovered and added on to the list I've already been given. However simultaneously with the relief I still feel some anxiety, worry, fear, frustration, uneasiness and uncertainty. In and after circumstances where a new symptom/issue/mini crisis with my health emerges [in this instance it was me having a seizure], It's difficult to shake the anxious and worried thoughts and one of the biggest ones being that some new health condition/ something else wrong with me is going to be discovered and I will be forced to live, cope and try to battle/treat/medicate it as well. It's a sort of anxiety that is like an impending sense of...not really doom but more like something else is going to go wrong-the next shoe is going to drop. It's thoughts and worries about how this is going to effect my overall health if at all? Is this causing more damage to my already damaged heart, liver, bones, or eyes? How is this going to effect my family? Is it going to decrease my ability to function in life and my ability to do the things I love? Will l have to take more medication? What if I require some kind of surgery? Will I be in the hospital more? Will I be in the hospital longer? How much longer will I be able to dance and play sports and will my health problems put an early end to those passions?
Now this is NOT in any way me trying to insinuate that my health is so bad, and I am so sick and woe is me. I'm very aware that other people have much worse, some even terminal, health issues. However, on that side note who when they are sick or going through something is made better by being reminded that other people have it worse? One of the dancers in my acro and hip hop classes has asthma that gets pretty bad...should I or someone else go to her on a bad day and remind her that others have it worse...like at least you don't have lung cancer or lupus...it's only asthma! Will that cause her to need her inhaler less? Will it alleviate the anxiety that comes with not being able to breathe properly? No! Similarly, in the realm of mental health - the struggles of someone with depression are just as important, serious, difficult, valid and deserving of care as someone who has depression and schizophrenia or depression and drug addiction, depression and has attempted suicide, depression and an eating disorder. None of these needs to be ranked as having it worse than the other. This need we have to qualify and measure illness or situation against others and then determine what is worse is not only invalidating and shaming but gives space to this sick competitive one up‐man-ship vibe and conversation people can get in to...you know the kind where people tell of their ailments and struggles and in turn the next person tells their own that is suppose to be just as bad or worse than the person before. Anyways that's a soap box for some other time.
The issue with my hyperthyroidism and malabsorption syndrome is the severe deficiencies they cause do real damage-permanant damage to my organs and bones - every time more and more damage and I already have heart problems, I have already had to have a surgery on my heart. So each time something like this occurs where I am in the hospital I start to get the anxiety and worry - what's wrong now? Is it going to be so bad this time that I will have to give up dance and sports? One day it probably will come to that...I know that...my doctors have told me that and it's not that all my enjoyment and happiness in life or my whole identity is wrapped up in dance/being a dancer or a volleyball player, soccer player or tennis player. But those things are and have been a big part of who I am. They are things I love and am passionate about and good at...I work hard at. It will be a huge loss when that day where I have to give them up comes and that is scary for me.
The other big piece to this is the uncertainty, uneasiness and frustration. None of my immediate family has any health issues like I do! Not either of my parents or my brothers, not my Aunt and not my two cousins Kenzie and Grace. I am glad my family doesn't have these issues, don't get me wrong, but I still wonder WTF why is it all me? And what's coming next because if genetics play a part in any of my problems which science suggests it probably does then there's a lot of unease and uncertainty. If you don't know this from possibly my main blog then let me tell you that one whole side of my family tree and family history is a big question mark because my father was abandoned as an infant- he grew up in group homes run by the catholic church. He was named by those at the church he was abandoned at. My father lived and grew up in orphan group homes until He was old enough to be out on His own. He's never known his birth family- doesn't want to-and never had a family adopt him. My Aunt and my 2 cousins are the only extended family we have still alive and that is my mother's family. I wish I could explain to you just how uneasy this makes me. Maybe it doesn't make sense to you but it is very real and very much something I battle in my head a lot.
I am sorry this post is kind of rambling...just needed to get this crap out. I am glad to be home and I am doing okay and thank you to everyone...many from my main blog who messaged me concern and well wishes when I had the seizure 😊
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anryuuepic · 1 year
Kitana Bio
Name: Kitana
Species: Daryan
Race: Blackscale
Role: An Assistant-rank member of Winterkill Works, who works directly under Cindarosa. A former bandit whose mind and body were broken through an incident with her group’s enemies. In the aftermath, she’s gained an animalistic personality, attempting to cope with the pain she experienced.
Affiliation: Winterkill Works
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 5’6
Appearance: Kitana is a woman of average height and build, though with visible muscle tone. Her hair is dirty blonde, waist-length, and fairly spiky, and her eyes are a dark shade of gray. The torture she experienced left her with a wide array of scars across her body— and most notably, damage to her legs and knee joints that gives her a strange way of walking. 
Personality: As she is now, Kitana operates almost entirely on instinct. She’s in constant, intense chronic pain due to the injuries she suffered, and between that and the psychological damage that was inflicted along with it, there’s not much of her personality left that resembles anything “human”. Her mind has been reduced to a point of focusing on nothing but survival, and that meant cutting out the parts of herself that weren’t necessary to stay alive. She’s skittish, tense, and constantly on the alert, and is prone to lashing out violently if unfamiliar people get too close to her— and especially in response to sudden touch. Cindarosa usually keeps her blindfolded and muzzled, since those forms of sensory denial and input help keep her calm. 
Positive Traits: As her former self, Kitana was a valued and trusted member of her bandit group. From what little they told Cindarosa upon handing her over, she was reliable, dedicated, and always looking out for others. Currently, she still shows protective tendencies, such as sticking close to Kayori and responding with aggression when he’s hurt or in distress. When she trusts someone, she’s gentle and cooperative, and she knows when someone is enough of an “ally” not to lash out at them. 
Negative Traits: As she is now, Kitana isn’t capable of rational thought. She’s an instinctive being who thinks of little but her own survival and is difficult to handle as a result. While she’s not ill-intentioned, communication is a challenge, and she’s prone to responding with aggressive behavior when she feels threatened in any way. The world is a constant source of fear for her; she struggles to process unfamiliar people, situations, and sensations, and will almost always expect the worst of things she doesn’t know. 
History: Up until a few years ago, Kitana was part of a bandit group that traveled the Daryan countryside. However, when she was kidnapped and held captive by an enemy of that group, she came back very, very wrong. With no idea how to handle her in her new state, the group tracked down someone who could take her— and potentially try to reverse some of the damage she’d been dealt. That person ended up being Cindarosa, and Kitana has been one of the Super Executive’s “children” ever since. 
Relationships: Kitana’s main relationships are with Kayori and Cindarosa. She’s very close to Kayori (and as a result, highly protective of him), and he’s the one person who can reliably keep her calm and contained. While she’ll obey Cindarosa as well, that seems to be more out of fear than any sort of fondness. She dislikes unfamiliar people, and it’s unclear how much of her former life and former comrades she remembers, by now. 
Interests: Kitana is mentally broken enough that it’s hard to tell what she likes and dislikes, let alone has any personal interest in. She responds badly to unfamiliar things, whether they’re situations or people, though, and more often than not, she reacts badly to any kind of physical contact. 
WW Role: As an Assistant-rank member of Winterkill Works, Kitana’s job is to assist a chosen Super Executive however they may require it. She serves under Cindarosa in name, but because of her current state, she’s more of an object of personal study than a proper assistant. Incapable of any normal duties, Kitana serves as something of a guard dog for Cindarosa’s area. 
Miscellaneous: How much of Kitana’s memory is intact has been a subject of great interest for Cindarosa, though her study has yet to yield any clear results. Because it agitates her persistent levels of pain, Kitana frequently avoids movement; she’s learned to stay eerily still for long periods of time. She’s prone to some degree of self-harm, though, often chewing or clawing at her mouth, fingers, and limbs to the point of drawing blood. She sleeps and eats a lot, since her body needs the energy to heal. While Cindarosa fixed the worst of her injuries, the damage to her legs is irreversible.
Connotative Description: A former bandit who was mentally and physically broken by torture. Currently in an animalistic, survival-first sort of mindset, she’s under the care and study of the Super Executive, Cindarosa. 
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takeachanceontoday · 2 years
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➜ ( Small Bio )
➜ ( general information )
full name : Yuugi Mutou
nicknames : Yuug, Aibou, Hikari
age : Twenty-six
date of birth :June 4th
birth place: Domino City
occupation : Duelist; Gamestore owner
sexuality : Panromantic Demisexual
➜ ( appearance )
height : 4’11”
hair color  Black with golden tresses; red highlights upon the edges of his jutting hair.
eye color : Violet
distinguishing features : Couldn’t possible be his hair!
➜ ( personality )
positive traits : Kind, gentle, optimistic, loving, honest
negative traits: Brash, Hard-headed, Hot-tempered, Holds grudges, perverted
Yuugi is a very kind person although he can be quite gullible, always putting others first, he is heedless of danger aimed at his person and will do absolutely anything for others, especially if he’s grown close to you. . He believes in helping anybody and everybody after all. “You don’t need a reason to help people.”
➜ ( weaknesses and strength; physical )
weaknesses : Low Stamina, Asthma, Insomnia
strengths : —
➜ ( weaknesses and strength; mental )
weaknesses : terrible phobia of darkness, being alone,
strengths : Optimistic to a fault, believes in everybody
➜ ( history and background)
  Yuugi after he lost his precious other half became dispirited as he watched others around him happy and smiling, his heart breaking more every day until finally he was just an empty shell. With only half his soul, there he couldn’t cope.  He’s shut down, blocking out all of his friends and pretending he’s happy.
  In truth, though only Mahaad, the spirit of his beloved Dark Magician knows Yuugi is filled with darkness, his body giving out on him more frequently. Nightmares, loss of sleep, he doesn’t eat properly, he is letting his body shut down without realizing the damage he’s doing to himself.
  His story has changed and more friends are in his life, and the return of an old friend who to this day still means the world to Yuugi. His other self has returned. Not happy to see his Aibou in such a saddening state, so weak and helpless, the spirit of the Pharaoh is once again here to protect his weak light. — Though Yuugi is unsure how long it’ll last, he’s clinging to that bond once more.    Yami no Yuugi means everything to this duelist and he cherishes each and every second he gets, though he fears his happiness may not last long, even though he has opened his heart up, admitting his love for the spirit of the Pharaoh, he still fears that ‘good-bye’ that may come once again.   For if his shadow said ‘Good-bye’ a second time, Yuugi fears that not even Mahaad will be able to save him from spiraling downward too far into his own depression.
➜ {Mild Trivia}
Due to the strain of constant shadow realm visits and shadow games (Depends on dub vs. Original), Yuugi actually has a very weak body and is quite prone to being sick. He will often faint, cough up blood, start panting/gasping for breath, or get ill for no apparent reason
For this exact same reason Yuugi’s mental state has been heavily affected. He will wake up from very lucid nightmares all the time, as a result he is constantly tired with dark circles under his eyes.
Yuugi has terrible insecurity over never being good enough. He knows that it is his other self doing all the work, while he fades into nothingness. He often wonders if it’s him or his other self people actually like.
Poor Yuugi, due to never really paying attention in school he tends to get lost pretty easily. What was left of his senses of direction were robbed by the shadow realm. He relied on Yami no Yuugi to tell him where to go.
Yuugi is VERY ticklish, a fact that Yami no Yuugi and Atemu make great use of. A simple jab will have him giggling, you look at him the wrong way and he’ll break into laughter.
Yuugi is an incredibly strong person. The end of the manga is the most hurtful and damaging and stupidest thing that could happen to Yuugi. There is nothing to gain from losing your most precious person, but pain and heartbreak. Whatever it shall teach Yuugi, it would not make him stronger and definitely not happier.
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mafrah-mga2022mi6011 · 3 months
Research - I
What is Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) ?
Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness that severely impacts a person's ability to manage their emotions. This loss of emotional control can increase impulsivity, affect how a person feels about themselves, and negatively impact their relationships with others.
It's a condition that affects the way people feel about themselves and others, making it hard to function in everyday life. It includes a pattern of unstable, intense relationships, as well as impulsiveness and an unhealthy way of seeing themselves. Impulsiveness involves having extreme emotions and acting or doing things without thinking about them first.
Borderline personality disorder affects how you feel about yourself, relate to others and behave.
Symptoms may include:
A strong fear of abandonment. This includes going to extreme measures so you're not separated or rejected, even if these fears are made up.
A pattern of unstable, intense relationships, such as believing someone is perfect one moment and then suddenly believing the person doesn't care enough or is cruel.
Quick changes in how you see yourself. This includes shifting goals and values, as well as seeing yourself as bad or as if you don't exist.
Periods of stress-related paranoia and loss of contact with reality. These periods can last from a few minutes to a few hours.
Impulsive and risky behavior, such as gambling, dangerous driving, unsafe sex, spending sprees, binge eating, drug misuse, or sabotaging success by suddenly quitting a good job or ending a positive relationship.
Threats of suicide or self-injury, often in response to fears of separation or rejection.
Wide mood swings that last from a few hours to a few days. These mood swings can include periods of being very happy, irritable or anxious, or feeling shame.
Ongoing feelings of emptiness.
Inappropriate, strong anger, such as losing your temper often, being sarcastic or bitter, or physically fighting.
As with other mental health conditions, the causes of borderline personality disorder aren't fully known. In addition to environmental factors — such as a history of child abuse or neglect — borderline personality disorder may be linked to:
Genetics. Some studies of twins and families suggest that personality disorders may be inherited or strongly related to other mental health conditions among family members.
Changes in the brain. Some research has shown that changes in certain areas of the brain affect emotions, impulsiveness and aggression.
Borderline personality disorder can damage many areas of your life. It can negatively affect close relationships, jobs, studies, social activities and how you see yourself.
This can result in:
Repeated job changes or losses.
Not finishing an education.
Multiple legal issues, such as jail time.
Conflict-filled relationships, marital stress or divorce.
Injuring yourself, such as by cutting or burning, and frequent stays in the hospital.
Abusive relationships.
Unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, motor vehicle accidents, and physical fights due to impulsive and risky behavior.
Attempted suicide or death due to suicide.
Also, you may have other mental health conditions, such as:
Alcohol or other substance misuse.
Anxiety disorders.
Eating disorders.
Bipolar disorder.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Other personality disorders.
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buffalopestcontrol8 · 8 months
How Cockroaches Can Affect Your Home And Why Roaches Pest Control Is Essential
Among the most hardy and irritating bugs that may invade your house are cockroaches. In addition to being a health risk, these unattractive insects may seriously harm your home. We'll explore how cockroaches may harm your house in this blog post and why Buffalo pest control is crucial to maintaining a safe and pest-free living space.
The Risk posed by Cockroaches
Health Dangers The germs and bacteria that cause illness are frequently carried by cockroaches. They have a history of dispersing pathogens like salmonella and E. coli as well as allergens that can cause asthma and other respiratory issues. Roaches frequently crawl across surfaces in search of food, creating a contamination trail that might be dangerous for the health of your family.
Contamination of Food Roaches' propensity for accessing your kitchen and pantry is one of the main causes for pest management. Their saliva, faeces, and lost skin can contaminate your food and kitchen utensils. Food poisoning and other health problems can result from consuming tainted food.
Real Estate Damage Not only are cockroaches harmful to your health, but they can also ruin your house. They might damage your possessions by chewing on a range of things, such as paper, cardboard, and fabric. Additionally, over time, their waste can discolour and weaken surfaces.
Increased Allergic Reactions with Asthma In those who are sensitive, cockroaches' proteins can set up allergic responses and make asthma symptoms worse. The presence of roaches can cause respiratory episodes to become more severe and frequent for people who already have them. Buffalo pest control can aid in lowering these allergies and fostering a healthier home environment.
Reproduction Quickly Cockroaches reproduce a much. In her lifespan, a single mother cockroach can generate hundreds of young. Without effective pest treatment, a tiny infestation may get out of control very rapidly, making it considerably harder and more expensive to get rid of later.
Electronics damage Cockroaches frequently seek refuge in electrical equipment, including televisions, laptops, and kitchen appliances, in their need for warmth and shelter. They can cause fires, short circuits, and other electrical issues. To avoid expensive repairs or replacements, it's crucial to protect your devices from roach infestations.
The importance of controlling roaches
Reduce Health Risks Controlling roaches is essential for preserving your family's health. You may lower your chance of contracting the illnesses and allergies linked to cockroaches by getting rid of infestations. To guarantee a safer living environment, professional pest control services may successfully target roaches and their hiding spots.
Save Food from Contamination Dealing with roaches raises serious concerns about contaminated food. By preventing these pests from entering your kitchen, you can safeguard your food and ensure that it is safe for eating.
Maintain Your Property Infestations of cockroaches can result in expensive property damage. You may stop more damage to your house and possessions by taking immediate action with pest control for roaches. This proactive strategy will ultimately cost you less money.
Calmness of mind A roach infestation may make living there uncomfortable and unpleasant. Your mental health may suffer if you worry about where these pests could be hiding all the time. You can relax knowing that your home is clean and pest-free thanks to roach pest treatment.
In conclusion, having cockroaches in your house can have a variety of negative effects, including health hazards and material damage. It's not just necessary, but proactive to invest in roach pest control if you want to keep your home safe, healthy, and comfortable for you and your family. You can successfully get rid of roach infestations and stop them from coming back by hiring expert service provider of pest control for roaches, giving your property a pest-free future. Don't wait; take action right away to safeguard your house and loved ones from the dangers that these tenacious pests represent.
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serenaluna15 · 8 months
Carnival of Aros - Storytelling and Human Exceptionalism:
I just recently watch OSP’s Trope Talk: Pinocchio Plots and I came upon some interesting revelations. The Pinocchio Plot puts being human as the ultimate goal. Why is that? Human Exceptionalism. Human Exceptionalism is the belief that humans are special in some way. Our creation and existence is unique compared to other creatures. Humanity has often been thought of as being reflection of/made in the likeness of God or the gods. The result, being human must be the best thing ever and everyone strives to achieve this.
Of course, the real issue is how we define human or humanity. ‘Cause human the taxonomic label is technically a made-up concept with very ill defined parameters. At the genetic level, we share 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees. But no one, outside of a child or PETA, is taking one look at a chimp and declaring it to be a human. Our DNA can’t hold the answers because we have bits and pieces of other hominids that have existed throughout history.
So if genetics can’t help, let’s try abstract concepts! (Love, empathy, passion, etc…) What could possibly go wrong?!
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If my sarcasm wasn’t obvious, it should be. Storytelling has relied on this shorthand to simply explain right/wrong and good/evil. If it wasn’t obvious, the issues with this shorthand is that swaths of the human population are alienated and treated as lesser. Be it skin color, region of birth, or mental disability, those outside the “norm” were functionally typecasted as inhuman.
Now, I don’t think I have to tell anyone how damaging this mindset is, most of us here have been victims of it in one form or another. What I will say is that this still persists. This shorthand is still prevalent. While change is happening, it’s happening very slowly and many still rely on shorthand instead of trying to actively create and explore.
Storytelling is probably one of the most amazing skills that humans have. We can weave together tales and creations with only our imaginations. This shorthand isn’t the issue, it’s a useful tool that serves its purpose/function well. The issue arises when one relies on it too readily and doesn’t consider the consequences or nuances that come about when using this shorthand. Storytelling and humans are incredible. But humanity has boxed itself on the narrow pedestal known as Human Exceptionalism. Creating such a narrow definition of human, that many are tossed aside and told they’re wrong. They’re broken. They’re not human.
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staminapills · 1 year
Erectile Dysfunction is a sign of heart disease – How to treat it
In normal have a discussion- It doesn’t matter that erectile dysfunction doesn’t always indicate an underlying heart problem. However, research suggests that men with erectile dysfunction that have no apparent cause, such as trauma, and who have no symptoms of heart problems, should be screened for heart disease before starting any treatment. This is a very important process. Erectile dysfunction is a common sexual dysfunction characterized by difficulty achieving or maintaining a firm erection for sexual intercourse. Therefore, erectile dysfunction is considered common in men over the age of 55 to 60 years. It is not necessary to lose sexual desire after a certain age, and there are ways to gain the stamina needed to maintain a healthy sex life. Erectile dysfunction can be due to many reasons that can be physical or psychological. Stress and anxiety are man’s worst enemies, giving rise to a vicious circle of excessive tension and poor performance in bed. Mental health continues to deteriorate. Work politics, career goals, family dynamics, and everything else trigger the tension. Every man lives with one or another concern. It is also possible to have a mental condition that leads to the inability to have sex. Depression is a medical condition that causes a man to lose interest in most activities, a mental condition that can affect sexual desire and performance in bed. Sex is one of them.
Is erectile dysfunction a sign of heart disease? Let us see – Erectile dysfunction in men is the result of various health conditions. But can it warn of a future heart attack? The answer is yes; erectile dysfunction in men could very well indicate a heart attack.
To know the fact, let’s first look at the knowledge behind erections. A firm erection occurs when hormones are well balanced, blood supply is adequate, and nerve signals are working properly. This happens when all of these bodily functions work in harmony.
When cholesterol in the blood increases, plaques begin to build up in the arteries. Atherosclerosis, with fatty deposits beginning in the small arteries, is also known. Therefore, the clogged arteries reduce the blood supply to the penis and lead to erectile dysfunction. Doctors say that erectile dysfunction can lead to a heart attack in the next 4-5 years. The doctor may ask you several questions, for example, the age of onset of erectile dysfunction, if it occurs with all partners, frequency, etc. Adequate medical and sexual history helps the sexologist to find the exact cause. It is very important that she listen carefully to all advice.
The sexologist can suggest suitable treatment plans that can improve the erection. Treatment can be in the form of medications or injections. A vacuum pump can help a man achieve an erection. Shock wave therapy can be used for erectile dysfunction in men and has shown promising results. If nothing works, the doctor performs surgery to fix the patient’s problem. It is safe to say that erectile dysfunction in men is 100% curable in most cases.
Why should I take the tip now? Let’s understand- We can say that erectile dysfunction in men can damage their male ego. A man associates his masculinity and strength with sexual prowess. When a person cannot act as he wishes, it is the end of the life.
The man begins to think less of him and exhibits low self-esteem and self-confidence. He begins to affect other aspects of life. He affects mental health and can lead to anxiety and depression. Persistent stress can cause physical symptoms.
Anxiety increases heart rate and blood pressure and causes fatigue. This automatically degrades performance, and the stress doesn’t leave you and becomes an endless cycle. Being under stress due to erectile dysfunction becomes a mental illness that worsens the current situation.
You are in control and can handle the situation. Take a few easy steps to get back on your feet. Most importantly, trust yourself and talk to your partner. Coming out clean and willing to ask for help can work wonders, and it takes courage to acknowledge the problem and put the necessary amount of work into it.
Let go of the debilitating fear of losing everything and own it. Sex awareness and education should be part of society and it should start with you. Take charge of turning your life upside down. It starts with a simple consultation call with a sexologist. The solution to erectile dysfunction can be as simple as that. A sexologist will help you understand the real cause of the problem. There is a high probability that your erectile dysfunction is multifactorial, and you need to work on multiple aspects to treat the disorder.
You can revive your overall health when you take care of your sexual health. The solution for erectile dysfunction is not rocket science, and you will see massive improvement in just a few sessions. This will help improve your erection and you will be able to return to a healthy sex life.
Erectile Dysfunction – How to Treat – There are lifestyle changes you can make to reap the long-term benefits. Not only will it keep your overall health in check, but it will also do wonders for your sex life. Make a lasting change and focus on the changes it will bring. Here are some important tips that one can follow –
Role of exercise – Regular exercise will help you stay fit. Physical activity keeps cardiovascular health in check and improves erections.
Role of good sleep – Insufficient sleep can lower testosterone levels and lead to dysfunction. Disorganized sleep patterns increase stress hormones and can affect your sex life. Adequate sleep ensures physical agility and better performance in bed.
Role of psychological fact – Seek therapy for mental issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma, low self-esteem, and abuse. Psychological help will free you from unnecessary stress.
Role of stress – Any stress is bound to affect your sex life. Learn ways to stop worrying and find ways to celebrate the little things. Change your perspective and express gratitude.
The role of weight – Maintain your weight according to your height and age. Obesity is one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction. It leads to many problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. It can have a harmful effect on the erection.
Role of alcohol and smoking – Too much alcohol consumption slows down the nervous system and reflexes, resulting in the inability to achieve an erection when needed. Cigarettes can affect blood supply and cause erectile dysfunction. Quit smoking now to ensure a healthy life.
Role of drugs – Check the prescription to make sure your pills are not causing erectile dysfunction.
The role of natural food sources – Certain food products are known to help with erectile dysfunction. Watermelon, pomegranate, dark chocolate, and caffeine are some of the foods that help with erectile dysfunction. Talk to your doctor and see which supplement might work best for you.
Bottom Line – If you are not happy and angry with your sex life, you cannot enjoy emotional and physical closeness, and you also feel that the relationship with your partner is at stake and broken, you should consult a sexologist. It is always a good idea to take your health seriously and make your sex life more comfortable. Therefore, you should visit a sexologist for a better evaluation. Erectile dysfunction solution is available at Hashmi Dawakhana, Amroha. Our team of experts handles these matters with the utmost care and responsibility.
Write to us or make a call at Hashmi Dawakhana, Amroha in Uttar Pradesh for better assessment.
If you feel any type of sexual health problem, first of all, talk frankly with your partner, do not hesitate, these remedies are tried and tested and Dr. Hashmi is known to help a good.
Write or call us at Hashmi Dawakhana, Amroha, and Uttar Pradesh for better assessment.
For more information visit - www.hashmi.in and www.hashmidawakhana.in
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pharmainsights · 2 years
Wilson’s Disease Presents Unique Challenges and Demand for Novel Treatment Therapies
What is Wilson's Disease?
Wilson's Disease is an uncommon hereditary condition brought on by P-type ATPase gene mutations. Wilson's illness impairs the excretion of copper by the bile, which causes copper to accumulate, notably in the liver and brain. The ATP7B gene transports copper from the liver to the colon, where it is excreted from the body. If this gene is defective, copper builds up in the liver, brain, eyes, and other organs, endangering those organs' ability to function. Affected people often experience various signs and symptoms of Wilson's disease since it affects many different bodily systems. Chronic liver disease (jaundice, swelling, abnormal fluid retention, weight loss, nausea, and other symptoms), neurological symptoms (tremors, difficulty walking, speech problems, impaired thinking ability, depression, anxiety, and mood swings), and other symptoms are some of Wilson's disease symptoms. If Wilson's illness is not treated, it can worsen and result in mortality, hepatic disease, and central nervous system dysfunction.
The symptoms of Wilson's illness combine liver disease with neurological and mental issues. When Wilson's disease first manifests, children and young adults frequently have liver damage. Older patients with Wilson's disease typically don't have any liver-related symptoms, while they may have very minor liver impairment. Signs and symptoms of the liver illness include enlargement in the abdomen, weariness, loss of appetite, and yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes (jaundice). Wilson's illness is frequently first identified by nervous system or psychiatric issues in adults and frequently affects young adults. Clumsiness, tremors, trouble walking, speech issues, diminished thinking capacity, sadness, anxiety, and mood swings are all signs of Wilson's disease in young people.
Wilson’s Disease Epidemiology
Wilson's illness can cause harm as early as age 6, but symptoms don't manifest until adolescence or early adulthood. There is less epidemiological research on Wilson's disease, but they all report a consistent prevalence. Genetic studies showing a higher incidence may be inconsistent, with low diagnosis rates and misdiagnosis being potential causes. The diagnosis of Wilson's disease has historically been based on clinical history, genetic testing, and biochemical examination; nevertheless, low sensitivity and specificity frequently fail. Wilson's disease is still difficult to diagnose. Most symptoms lack specificity, and different clinical manifestations make diagnosis difficult.
Wilson’s Disease Treatment Market
Management of Wilson's illness necessitates a comprehensive strategy. To reverse the signs and symptoms brought on by the buildup of copper in the body, lifelong Wilson's disease treatment encourages the elimination of accumulated copper from the body to non-toxic levels. Wilson's disease is typically treated with drugs that include treating symptomatic patients, maintaining them after lowering copper, and recommending maintenance therapy to asymptomatic patients. Only one late-stage product and two gene treatments are in the pipeline for the current $300 million Wilson market. The treatment of individuals with Wilson's illness may undergo a revolutionary change due to the numerous promising emerging medicines, such as chelators that target particular cell types and cell-based and gene therapies.
The Future Treatment Landscape Looks Promising
Treatment options include D-penicillamine, trientine, zinc, tetrathiomolybdate, and dimercaprol, among other Wilson's medications. Once Wilson's illness has been diagnosed, lifelong therapy is required. Treatment for Wilson's illness involves three different drug categories. There are three types of copper chelators: those that remove copper from the body through urine excretion, such as penicillamine (Cuprimine) and trientine dihydrochloride (Syprine); those that block gut absorption of copper from food (zinc salts); and those that both block gut absorption of copper and bind toxic copper in the blood, rendering it nontoxic (tetrathiomolybdate).
Wilson’s Disease Emerging Drugs
Drug developers are gradually focusing on Wilson's illness as a potential indication for new targeted therapeutics to suit the patient population's needs and address the therapeutic market's unmet needs. Many businesses are actively developing numerous new Wilson's disease treatments, such as VTX-801 (Vivet Therapeutics/Pfizer), UX701 (AstraZeneca), and ALXN1840 (AstraZeneca) (Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical). The pipeline for prospective treatments for mid-stage Wilson's disease is congested, and major pharmaceutical companies are keenly interested in this area.
The Path Forward
Effective management of Wilson's disease depends on timely treatment beginnings that are made possible by early diagnosis. Smoother management can be achieved by having suggestions based on extensive clinical evidence that is clear. Patients will eventually have a wide range of options as more major pharmaceutical companies develop possible Wilson's disease medication candidates and new businesses start to concentrate on this area. Wilson's disease market growth is anticipated to accelerate with the introduction of these promising therapies, with a notable CAGR. However, the high cost of these treatments might be problematic and must be controlled.
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sokkastyles · 2 years
And it really calls into question how we think of Stockholm Syndrome and how there are so many phrases and ideas in our culture that we don’t examine enough, especially for the subtle ways they undermine women’s agency. Stockholm Syndrome is not a recognized diagnosis or disorder, and there are no accepted criteria for diagnosing it. But that doesn’t stop armchair psychiatrists from misapplying the idea to things like women in abusive relationships.
But Stockholm Syndrome is not the same as abuse, in fact, it’s a potentially very flawed idea that fails to encapsulate all the complexities of human emotion, survival responses, and psychology. The actual accounts of the Stockholm situation are far more about the hostages learning to see their captors as people, and developing empathy (which is what most of us do when we meet people).
It is, essentially, human nature for someone in such a situation to feel (and inspire) empathy for their captors—which would better increase their chances for survival—and to reduce it to a syndrome is a way of reducing women’s feelings and humanity to something both outside of their control, as well as equivalent to mental illness and insanity.
The conflation of women’s feelings and actions with mental illness has a long and terrible history. Not just in the sense that women’s tendency to be “ruled by their emotions” is the basis for so much sexism, but the very concept of “hysteria” which literally means madness from the uterus. The pernicious idea that being a woman makes our decisions suspect, our perceptions of reality invalid, and our actions not our own is incredibly damaging and yet that kind of sexism is baked deep into our culture.
The fact that the term Stockholm Syndrome was coined as a way to explain away women’s experience and agency, and even used to dismiss other women’s accountability for their own decisions, is very telling. but honestly not surprising. Society goes out of its way all the time to make women seem unhinged or stupid or just incapable of their own decisions. Let’s not allow that to continue.
- (source)
Considering recent discussions about Zutara and problematic shipping, I am fascinated with this and the way that Katara having empathy for Zuko is pathologized in-story as part of a narrative that she’s overly emotional and irrational. How her bonding with him while they’re both held captive is turned into some lurid capture fantasy by the play, and how Bryke themselves accused their female fans of idealizing abusive relationships because of the popularity of Zutara, even though Katara's empathy for Zuko was a natural result of caring for someone she saw as another victim like her, and even though Zuko apologized to her first, and when he hurt her, she held him accountable.
People use "Stockholm syndrome" so often to talk about enemies to lovers ships or Beauty and the Beast-esque narratives under the guise of protecting women, and that also applies to the discussion of certain fanfiction tropes, capture fics, arranged marriage, and other tropes that explore sexual dynamics in a dark or dubcon way.
But, going back to the Zutara example and how certain parts of the fandom paint it as abuse because of the mere possibility of an unequal power dynamic, and, on the other side, Zutara fans who scramble to assure the rest of the fandom that they only ship it in the most “pure” way to combat accusations of apologism, a lot of this seems to stem from a preemptive desire to protect women from not abusive men, as is the expressed purpose, but from themselves. And this goes back to the Stockholm situation as well. The man who coined the term did so because he was trying to explain why a female victim might resist his attempts to define her experience. If you look at Beauty and the Beast, for example, which often gets these accusations of stockholm syndrome thrown at it, the person in-story who is most invested in the narrative that Belle is crazy for loving the Beast and doesn't know her own emotions or what’s good for her is Gaston, the guy who wants her for himself.
It's also noticeable that Stockholm syndrome as a label is almost always applied to romantic/sexual situations, even though the term originated from a hostage situation at a bank that was not at all romantic or sexual. People who say that zutara would enable a similar dynamic often praise Katara's friendship with Zuko and her empathy for him, her willingness to heal her enemy and her forgiveness of him later. But apply romance to the equation and suddenly that empathy is assumed to be something unhealthy. People say a romance would "belittle" their friendship, as if romance and friendship cannot exist alongside each other. There's a clear distinction here that seems to imply that romantic feelings, or at least, romantic feelings in women, are governed by irrationality. The pop culture view of Stockholm syndrome is of a woman falling in love with her captor, even though the original situation did not involve any of the hostages falling in love with the bank robbers. But this was used to explain and pathologize a woman's fear of the police who were supposed to rescue her. What it's really about, then, is a fear of female desire and female autonomy, especially sexual autonomy, and a paternal desire to keep women under control under the guise of "what's best."
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