#not much to say abt this one i felt i rushed it a lil
magnificentmicrowave · 8 months
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driptober day 3: gyaru
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im-sleepdeprived · 1 month
Can you write something about co-workers to friends to lovers?
fix you up
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pairing: peter parker x reader
a/n: i won’t lie to y’all idk how i feel abt this one. its cute dgmw but i hope you guys like it !!! ive had this request for an EMBARRASSINGLY long time, anon if you’re upset, i totally understand
warnings: mentions of injuries, burns, rude customers, bandaging some wounds n stuff, fluff and pining !!! (disclaimer: I’ve never been a barista so forgive me if this is a lil off)
masterlist, requests are open !!
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Working in a rustic-vintage-corner-campus-cafe was definitely not how you saw your college years going. Your teen self would’ve killed to work at a place like this but when you grew up, you realized just how different the workload is between a high school student and a uni one such as yourself. 
You weren’t complaining of course. The pay was adequate, your manager was a simple old lady who never had much to say other than making sure all the equipment was clean, you got along with your coworkers pretty well for the most part and the customers were tolerable. 
But every once in a while, you’d get an entitled shithead who seemed to make it their life’s mission to ruin someone else’s day. And the problem with working a social job such as you did, is that you were an easy target. 
It started off as a fairly simple day, you clocked in and put on your apron ready to start your shift for the day. You preferred late morning shifts, leaving afternoons for classes (and the rouge 8am lecture every now and then) and nights for going out or studying. 
“Oh, Y/N! Thank god you're here,” Your co-worker, Vanessa, exclaimed.
Vanessa was a few years older than you. She actually wasn’t a student, she’d given college a try and it wasn’t her thing. Apparently, all it did was “try to undermine unstoppable greatness.” She was chatty, but you actually liked that about her. She could keep up a conversation with a statue. When you first started off here she’d been the one to show you the ropes and ever since then, you’d had a specific bond with her that you couldn’t really put a name to.
You gave her a small smile, “Yeah well, I do prefer to show up when promised. Especially when my paycheck depends on it,” you let out a small laugh.
“Yes! See, that's what I love about you,” she made a disgusted face, “Unlike Peter. Honestly, I don't understand how he hasn’t been fired yet! He shows up at least half an hour late to every shift yet Miss Hannigan still keeps him around.”
“Oh,” you stuttered, raising your hands a little in defense, “I didn't mean it as a jab at Peter, I swear.”
She tossed a curled blonde lock of hair over her shoulders while waving her other hand in dismissal, “Honey, don’t worry about it. I know you would never, you’re far too sweet for that. But I wouldn’t blame you if you did, you know, having to work more than half your shift alone? I swear if Bernard did that to me,” she made a big show of gesturing to herself, "I would not deal with it.”
While what she was saying wasn’t necessarily wrong, it didn’t feel right talking about Peter like that. Sure, he was late most of the time, leaving you to do most of the work while you waited for him to show up (somehow when he started working you two got the same shift together and it’s just been that way ever since) and while you, also, normally wouldn’t put up with this, there was something different about Peter. You never felt like he was taking advantage of you, and purposefully made you pick up extra slack. It was quite the opposite actually, he always apologized profusely and never slacked when he was on the clock. He always seemed so rushed and out of breath, you were pretty sure the poor boy just needed to learn how to manage time better. Plus, he always took it upon himself to unpack the orders because of all the heavy lifting required (you couldn’t tell just by looking at him, with all the sweaters he wore, but man was he ripped.)
“He’s actually really sweet.” You’re not sure why exactly you’re so keen on defending Peter. You two barely spoke, outside of work of course, and you don’t know much about him. But something inside you didn’t like anyone assuming anything bad about him. 
“Yea, well, he’d be a ton sweeter if he clocked in on time,” she laughed as she untied her apron, getting ready to leave. You faked a laugh as well, not wanting the conversation to progress any further. 
“Alrighty, well,” she heaved a breath, “I'm off, have a good rest of your day Y/N.”
You smiled once again and sent a wave her way before settling down in front of the register. It was slow today, not many people in the shop. A fellow student you only recognized from work sat in a corner booth with their headphones locked in and was working on what seemed to be some kind of essay. 
There was an older woman, however, looking incredibly irritated at the table closest to you. You’d never seen her before but that wasn’t too strange. It was a near-campus cafe, after all, lots of people passing through. She looked to be typing on her phone until, suddenly, she shut it off and made direct eye contact with you. 
If looks could kill, you would’ve dropped dead behind the counter, which wouldn’t be all that ideal considering you couldn’t remember the last time anyone mopped that side of the store. 
She stood up and walked towards you and you already dreaded the conversation to come.
“I have an order,” she spit out, as if she were disgusted to even be talking to you at the moment. 
No greeting or anything, wow. Someone wasn’t raised right. 
Nonetheless, you put on your well-rehearsed customer service smile and gave in. “Sure, I’d be happy to help with that. Can you just give me the order?”
She rolled her eyes dramatically. “I shouldn’t have to, I called in and placed it and it should be ready by now. I'm going to be late!”
You froze for a moment, not quite sure what to do, “I’m so sorry for the inconvenience ma’am, but I just got here and I haven’t heard anything,” you glance at the little whiteboard kept on the counter for these exact situations only to find it empty, “and I don’t see anything here about a phone-placed order. Are you sure you have the right store?”
Her face was so red and steam was practically blowing out of her ears, “Of course, I have the right store! Do you think I'm stupid or something?”
“No! Of course not, I'm so sorry,” you start to blabber off, not wanting to make her any angrier than she already was, “I’ll get things ready for you right away ma’am.”
You turned around and tried to make yourself not freak out as badly as you wanted to. It was so humiliating getting yelled at like this in public! And yeah, maybe if you had such a problem with unpleasant interactions like this, you shouldn't have taken a social job such as this one, but honestly, you thought people would have enough manners not to act up like this. Apparently not. 
It slipped your mind for a moment because of how scrambled you got when the lady flipped her lid, but Vanessa has been known to do this, forget to write down orders and leave you to fend for yourself (quite literally since your coworker was never really around) and you’re pretty sure that’s what happened here. Other customers were usually more understanding than this woman bordering on Kathy-Bates-movie-character-insanity over a drink order. 
You reached into your back pocket, deciding you’d try to send her a hurried text about any phone calls she might remember. That just seemed to anger your customer more.
“Excuse me?! I'm sitting here waiting for my order and you're too busy chatting away on your phone?”
You lose yourself for a moment and you can’t feel your face anymore. 
“I am so sorry ma’am,” you repeat, which seems to be your mantra since you started working today, “I was just checking to see if-,”
“I don't care what you were checking, or what you need to see! Give me what I paid for,” her hand started smacking against the counter loud enough for the only other person in the store to look up, broken from their reverie. They merely shot you an apologetic look before getting back to their work, leaving you to fend for yourself.
“You have terrible customer service, honestly. I come here every Tuesday with my book club, but never again. If I don’t get exactly what I asked for in the next five minutes, I'm calling your boss and not leaving until I'm sure you’re fired.” 
You shake your head, “There’s no need to do that ma’am, I'll get everything ready for you.”
You turned around once again, this time, heading towards the cappuccino machine. You’re not sure why you said that considering you have no clue what ‘everything’ is that has to get ready. 
In all honesty, there’s a low chance that a suburban-white-soccer-mom type would have any real effect on your employment. Miss Hannigan would surely not fire you just because some order forgot to be written down and some customer got pissed. Right?
But you really didn’t want to find out. 
So, you started up the machine and turned to grab a cup. Today, apparently, was just doomed from the start. As you turned to grab one of the cups placed on the shelf over the machine, your hand hit the button that turned on the steam wand. Which was aimed directly at your other hand. 
You bit down the yelp that threatened to escape and jumped back, the back of your hand now searing with pain. Instinctively, your other hand came to cup your injured one, which only made it worse. You fought back tears as you moved to turn the steam back off. 
Inhaling deeply, you took a moment to try to get your mind working again. “Hello?!” Of course. You turned your head and gave her the fakest smile you’ve ever mustered in your whole life. “One minute ma’am.”
You could hear her going off about how she doesn’t have a minute to spare, but you ignored her, trying to think of what the hell you could give her to just get her out of your face. You’d have to guess her order since I wasn’t actually taken. You’d started playing a game with yourself since you worked here, guessing people's drink orders, and you’d say you’ve gotten pretty good. 
You peeked a look back at her. You’d had customers around her age come in before and order, for the most part, the same thing. A plain cappuccino. Seemed like a safe bet.
Swallowing down the pain as best you could, you approached the machine again. This time, taking out the portafilter. It must’ve not been put in correctly because it clattered to the ground, coffee grinds falling around the floor. 
You wanted to cry. Your hand hurt like hell, there was a new mess to deal with, and that lady hadn’t stopped complaining since you stepped in. 
Frozen, you began to panic a little, breaths coming out sporadically. You’d leave the sweeping for later, but you had to clean the filter so you could use it because it was the only one. And the slightest brush of air made your hand burn even more. You had no clue how to go about this. Maybe if you-
Like an angel, Peter rushed in through the side door. Tying his apron around his waist, he looked towards you. Your hand flew up to your mouth at his perfect timing and you saw his expression grow more concerned. 
He rushed towards you. “What happened?” And for a second, you forget everything that was stressing you out just a few moments before. He grabbed your hand so gently, you forgot every ounce of pain. 
“I cannot believe this!” She wasn’t giving up and you shut your eyes in frustration, turning to reply to her again. But before you can open your mouth, Peter steps in. “Hold on, can’t you clearly see she’s hurt?”
She scoffed and crossed her arms, “That’s her fault. If she knew how to do her job, it wouldn’t have happened.”
You could feel the anger rolling off him in waves. His expression hardened and his mouth opened to shoot something back at her, but this time, you cut him off. You placed your non-injured hand on his shoulder and gave him a look. 
He stared at you for a few seconds before finally giving in, blowing out some air in a frustrated huff. “Go wait for me inside,” he told you, nodding his head toward the employees-only backroom. 
“What?” You asked confused. You didn’t wanna leave him alone. 
“You’re not working right now, there’s no way I’m letting you. I’ll deal with her. Go, I’ll be right there,” he said, shoving you away gently.
Once you heard that he’d be following you, you were more willing. You walked through the door and took a seat at the table usually used for meal breaks. The ‘break room’ was a small room positioned in the back of the store. You can’t remember what this place used to be (a diner maybe?) but this specific room was used as an office, but Miss Hannigan claimed she had no use for an office so it was used for employee breaks. 
Every ounce of you was grateful for Peter’s Superman moment back there. He came in today earlier than usual and he’d totally saved your ass. You were going to make sure to tell him. 
You weren’t waiting long before the door opened again and Peter walked in, holding a backpack you hadn’t seen on him before. In his other hand, he held a drink. He placed the drink on the table before he grabbed one of the chairs, bringing it close to yours, and you turned your body to face him. 
He picked up your hand again, just as gently as before. “Alright,” he let out a breath of relief, “it’s not as bad as I thought, but, it’s still gonna take a while to heal. Wait,” he leaned over, unzipping his bag and taking supplies out while you just stared at him.
“I thought you majored in biochemistry.” You blurted out. Your face heated up a little when he looked at you curiously.
“I- I saw your textbooks once when you left your bag open. And I’ve seen you around campus, near the science-y buildings…and stuff.” You shrugged and he chuckled. 
“I do,” he nodded, “any medical stuff is self-taught. I get into a lot of…accidents.”
“Oh.” You nodded at him. What kind of accidents would he get into? You’d never seen him hurt, but what did you know. 
“I take it you don’t major in anything science-y,” he said, grinning at you.
You shook your head, “No, I don’t. But I have a chemistry class I have to take for credit. Which makes no sense because chemistry has nothing to do with what I want to learn.”
He laughed and set his bag back down, everything he needed was now laid out on the table. “Okay,” he picked up a white tube with red lettering on it. “This is gonna help with pain and scarring. I’m going to spread some of this, then wrap it up for you.” You looked at the table and saw he’d also taken out some white gauze. What kind of ‘accidents’ did he get into?
You nodded, at a complete loss for words. You had no idea Peter knew so much about injuries and you were so thankful he was helping you out. You didn’t hate each other, but you weren’t close either.
He applied a small amount to the back of your hand, asking you constantly if you were okay as he rubbed it on softly. Honestly, even if it did hurt, you wouldn’t have the heart to tell him.
He finished up with the cream and moved onto the gauze, expertly wrapping it up to lightly cover your wound. When he was finished with that, he carefully tied it off, making sure not to tie it too tight.
“There,” he leaned back and smiled at you, causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach. “All fixed up.”
 “Thank you, Peter, really.” You reluctantly pulled your hand back into your lap, missing the warmth of his fingers wrapped around it.
“You don’t need to thank me Y/N, it’s the least I could do. I’m just glad I got here earlier than usual.”
You nodded and looked down. “Well thanks anyway, you saved my ass back there. Seriously, I have no idea what’s wrong with me today but I kept fucking everything up.”
“Hey,” he said softly, making you look up and meet his gaze. “You didn’t fuck anything up. Okay? You made a few mistakes, but that's not your fault. She shouldn’t have been treating you like that, especially when you’d hurt yourself.” He looked away and scoffed as he remembered the terrible customer that had ruined your morning. You would’ve felt extremely touched by his care if it weren’t for his next words.
“All that for a plain fucking cappuccino.” He mumbled.
“A plain cappuccino? Really?” You asked excitedly, forgetting about everything, and grinning at him wildly. 
“Um, yeah…why?” He asked you, confusion was written all over his face, but he couldn’t help his own smile slightly growing when he noticed your enthusiasm.
“Nothing,” you shook your head quickly, smile never fading, “I just…well, I play this game with myself where I guess people's drink orders. And I think I’m getting pretty good because that’s exactly what I was going to make her before you walked in.”
He laughed out loud and you joined in. “What’s my order?” He asked. 
You paused for a moment. “A caramel macchiato with extra caramel.”
He looked at you for a bit, “Close,” he admitted. “It used to be.”
“So are you gonna tell me what it is now?”
Shaking his head, he leaned over the table and dragged the drink he’d brought in earlier in front of you. “Here,” he changed the subject, “I made you this.”
You’d completely forgotten about it, and when you took a closer look, you realized it was your coffee order. 
Your mouth fell open, “How’d you know?”
He just shrugged, smiling slightly. He knew it was your favorite, but the confirmation was still nice. “I've seen you make it for yourself. Educated guess.”
“Oh my god,” you said, voice soft. It was a simple thing really, you had one most days at the end of your shift. But the fact that he’d noticed… It just meant a lot. “Thank you so much, Peter.”
He just waved you off, his smile growing when he noticed your reaction to the drink. He couldn’t believe he got a chance to speak to you. Truly speak to you. He was always too awkward or embarrassed or trying to avoid embarrassment. But now, while he didn’t like the circumstances that led you both here, he was actually talking to you. And it was nice.
“So,” he started, not wanting this to end just yet, “you said you’ve got a chemistry class?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, picking up your drink and taking a sip. “The one with Professor Hall. I actually have a class after this shift. I totally suck though, and he hates me. I just don’t get it, and he doesn’t explain it well!”
Peter nodded, completely understanding what you meant. It was a tough subject to begin with, and he knew not everyone was as into science as he was, add onto that a teacher who doesn’t really teach, it’s a recipe for disaster. 
“I actually had that class. Last year. I can help you, sometimes. If you’d like me to, that is!” He rushed out. Great, he thought, now I’m getting awkward. 
You looked up at him, eyes wide. “Really? Do you mean that?”
“Of course. I think I’ve still got my notes too, if you want ‘em.” He shrugged nonchalantly as if he wasn’t saving your ass again. 
“Oh my god Peter,” you placed your non-injured hand on his knee, not noticing the way his body stiffened and he gulped. “That would help so much. There’s a huge exam coming up, and it's a huge part of my grade so I have to pass. I started cramming earlier but—”
“I’ll help,” he reassured you, “I enjoy science anyway, so it’ll be fun for me.”
“Thank you,” you repeated. Staring at him so close, you realized you’d never noticed how handsome he was. Sure there were times you thought he was cute, from afar, but now…you could see the different shades of brown in his eyes, the way one of his eyebrows was slightly curlier than the other, unwilling to sit straight. You couldn’t help but stare-
“Oh my god,” you repeated, except this time, you had remembered something. “If we’re both in here, who’s outside?”
“What? Oh, um,” he scratched the back of his neck, still reeling from having you so close to him. “Freddy’s out there?”
“Freddy?” You asked confused. 
He nodded. “The guy writing on his laptop, he’s friends with my roommate, throws the craziest parties. He’s chill, I told him to keep an eye out if someone else walks in. But it’s been slow, so I think we’re good.”
“Oh, okay.” You said, standing up. “We should probably still go though.”
He stood up beside you, frowning. “I don’t think you should work with your hand hurt. I don’t want you accidentally making it worse.”
Your heart warmed at his concern. “That's really sweet Peter, but I’ll be fine. I don’t know what happened before, I never do stuff like that, even accidentally.”
He still didn’t look convinced. “Why don’t you just go home? I can take it for today.”
You shook your head quickly, “I’m not leaving. I have a class later and it would just be a waste of time going back and forth anyway.”
You walked towards the door, opened it, and exited before he had a chance to argue anymore. You stepped behind the counter while Peter rushed out behind you. You watched Freddy give him a thumbs up and Peter nodded at him before he followed right after you. 
“Are you sure you should go to class today? I can walk you home so you can take the day off,” he offered, and he looked so genuine you almost accepted. 
“Peter,” you laughed and he decided no matter what your response was, it wouldn’t matter because hearing you say his name like that was enough. “I’ll be fine, I didn’t break both my legs, it's just a small burn.”
He stared at you for a bit as you smiled at him, trying to get him to ease up. “Fine,” he gave in reluctantly. “But no going towards the cappuccino machine,” he waved a finger at you, “or the ovens. Or anything hot!”
“Fine,” you shot back, grinning wide and he couldn’t help but return it.
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The rest of the morning had gone by easily and you thought maybe you didn’t have totally shit luck. Peter was way more fun than you ever thought he’d be and you wondered why you didn’t start talking to each other sooner. 
It used to be silently working together but after those few moments in the break room, you guys were laughing your whole shift. He meant what he said, and he kept you away from anything that produced heat (which you told him was an insane boundary to set in a cafe) so you had extra time to make quips here and there.
You started playing your order-guessing game with him, teaching him certain traits that gave someone away:
“Side part, beanie, and a crossbody? Oh, he’s getting a tall, dark, americano for sure.”
“She’s getting tea. No coffee, just tea. Maybe with a little lemon wedge.”
And he started to get the hang of it. 
“She looks like she drinks matchas right?” He said to you when a girl around your age walked in. He’d been right and you both laughed about it afterwards. 
When your work shift ended, you were actually upset. 
“I’ve got a class to get to,” you told him, lifting your bag onto your shoulder. You’d both cleaned up and gotten yourselves ready, now standing in front of the door. Something in you didn’t want to leave just yet, enjoying your time together far too much to end it so soon. 
“Yeah…” he trailed off, you waited for him to continue but he hesitated. 
“What is it?” You crossed your arms and smiled slightly, shifting your weight onto your other foot. He brought a hand up to scratch the back of his neck, “I just…well, I was just wondering—if it's okay with you of course!” He rushed out, quickly bringing his hands up. “That I could walk you to class?”
You laughed, “I’d love that Pete, thank you.” You turned to open the door to let you both out but he quickly moved forward, holding it open for you and motioning for you to move forward. 
Looking back at him, you smiled and noticed his cheeks were a little red. How had you never noticed how adorable he was?
The walk back to campus wasn’t long but you learned a lot. He told you where he went to high school, his friends he still kept in touch with, his Aunt May, some funny moments from parties he’d been forced to attend by his roommate, and you laughed together.
You told him about the book you were currently reading, your life back home and your family, and why you chose to go to this college. He went along with your jokes, which made it all the more better for you. “I mean if you think about it,” you'd said, “it is so much easier to romanticize your life  when your school campus is as pretty as this one, and that’s real motivation!”
The conversation flowed naturally between you two and it felt like you’d been friends for ages. He dropped you off outside of your class building with the promise of picking you up afterward so you two could study together. 
“So I’ll be back here in an hour right,” he asked. 
“Right,” you smiled at him. “And thanks again Pete, for everything.” You held up your bandaged hand, shaking it a little before setting it back down. 
He shook his head quickly, “Don’t thank me for that. Really.”
You stared at him with a warm expression. “Bye Peter,” you waved as you turned to walk into your class.
“Bye Y/N,” he returned. He watched you walk through the doors, shooting him one last smile before you disappeared from view, before blowing out a breath of air. 
He’d finally gotten a chance to talk to the girl he’d been crushing on for months, and he got to walk her to class! And they were meeting up afterward. After working so close to you and never having the guts to initiate a conversation, he’d settled for just admiring you from afar. But after today, there was nothing that could keep him away. 
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You were not having a good day. 
You’d just found out that your chemistry exam was being bumped up to two days from now. Even with the early studying you’d done before, there was no way you could catch up with everything that fast. You were so overwhelmed you had completely forgotten Peter was waiting for you outside. 
You walked out, your bottom lip stuck between your teeth, and you practically jumped out of your skin when someone placed a hand on your shoulder. 
“Hey, don’t worry,” he said, his voice soft yet full of concern. Peter. “It's just me. What happened?”
The second he saw you walk out, he could tell something was off. He could literally sense the anxiety rolling off of you in waves. He had waited for you to look up and stop when you saw him, but you were just about to walk past him before he stopped you. Now, you were looking at him with distress coating every feature on your face. Your brows were pinched, your lip red from biting it, and your eyes wide and distant like you couldn’t even see him and he was standing right in front of you. Something had gone wrong and he wanted nothing more than to fix it. 
“What is it? What’s wrong? He asked frantically. 
“Oh my god,” you whispered, hands flying up to the sides of your head and gripping your hair. You weren’t looking at him anymore, “Oh my god.”
“Ok Y/N,” he said nervously, “you’re starting to scare me.”
“Two days Peter!” You looked at him wildly. “Two days! I can’t go over everything in two days, is he fucking insane? I didn’t even know he could do something like that, I mean, can he do something like that? I feel like that shouldn’t be allowed it should—”
You cut yourself off and started pacing back and forth in front of him. “Oh my god, I’m gonna bomb this. And if I fail, it’ll bring my whole grade down! I can’t afford that I—”
“Hey,” he repeated, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder again. “I said I’m gonna help you, and I meant it. So we’re gonna get through this together, even if we have to stay up all night.”
You stared at him, trying to wonder what you’d done in your life to deserve such an angel. 
You shook your head quickly, “I really appreciate that Peter, but I’m serious. There’s no way I can learn everything I need to know that fast.”
You tried to smile at him but it didn’t reach your eyes. 
He grinned, his expression the total opposite of yours. “Well, you’ve clearly never studied with me, so don’t sound too sure yet.”
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Another thing you’d come to realize was just how smart Peter was. 
You really should’ve known when he told you he’d taken that advanced chemistry class a year ago. And passed. 
Looking through his notes, you could see his attention to detail. He really wasn’t a slacker in the classroom because everything was clearly laid out here. 
You’d spent that night going over everything and you’d actually started to feel hopeful about it. Peter was a way better teacher than Professor Hall, and it didn’t hurt that he was so cute. He was understanding with everything and was willing to go over any part for as long as it took for you to fully grasp it. 
At the end of the night, he’d undone the wrappings around your hand, reapplied the cream for you, and wrapped it up again.
“It’s doing okay,” he reassured you. “Like I said, it’s gonna take a while, but if it starts hurting or anything, take some medicine. Then find me.”
You were sure you’d just melted into his hands at that moment.
The next day, you couldn’t wait to get through everything and see him again, even if you were going to be talking about chemistry. 
You weren’t scheduled to work at the cafe today, so you’d only get to meet up after both of your classes. 
Lectures were a blur, nothing really catching your attention and you spent most of the time with your phone tucked in your hand texting back and forth with Peter, barely concealing your laughter when he sent you memes. 
It was like that all day, until, finally, you made your way over to his small apartment he shared with one of his friends. 
its very quaint 🤌
(totally NOT what we say to make ourselves feel better about this shoebox)
He’d told you over text, making you laugh out loud as you made your way over there. 
dw🫡 I was one of those kids who used to live in their play tents and hid in random corners and spaces
im totally ready for this
ok but be warned, we do not have a pet!!! they are not allowed per our lease!!! ignore the cat when you come in!!! tell no one!!!
what cat ??
good girl ;)
Your face flushed as you made your way up the steps to his door. You knocked three times and barely had to wait a second before Peter stood before you, holding the door open. 
“Hi,” he said, smiling at you. 
“Hi,” you grinned back. You heard a small ‘meow’ come from behind him and he quickly held up a finger to his lips. You covered your mouth, stifling a laugh as you nodded at him. 
“Come on in,” he said, stepping out of the way to lead you through the door. You stepped in and kicked off your shoes before looking around. It was plain, but that was to be expected really. 
There was a large poster hanging next to their TV, however, that caught your eye. “Big fan?” You asked him, shoving your thumb in the direction of the Star Wars poster. 
He shrugged nonchalantly, “Kind of.”
“Oh. Well, I was just asking because I love those movies. My little brother used to watch them and I got really into it.”
“Oh. I mean—I don’t know what I was saying before I love them too.” He rushed out, making you giggle.
He stayed staring at you for a bit, his eyes rounding out and his mouth gaping a little bit. 
You gave him a small smile, “Okay, well we should-” You let out a small yelp, hands flying to your mouth as you jumped back. 
The living room was small. The only things occupying it were the TV mounted to the wall, and in front of it, was a sofa. And on the sofa, was an unconscious body that you hadn’t noticed until it let out a low groan. You really weren’t sure how you missed it, there wasn’t much else to look at, but they had just been so still. 
Heart beating erratically, you turned towards Peter again, who was looking at you with all the amusement in the world written all over his face. “Was he always there,” you whispered, eyes wide.
He opened his arms, “Well, angel, I really don’t know. Did you see anyone come in?”
“Oh shut up,” you grumbled. “He looks familiar…is that..”
“Freddy.” He finished for you. Right. The dude from the cafe. 
“He crashes here sometimes.” He added.
You nodded. “Alright.”
“Shall we?” He opened a door beside him and looked at you. 
“Right. Yeah, of course.” You walked past him and into his room. You stopped after you entered, taking a moment to look around. His room was simple, with just his bed, a desk and chair, and a dresser perched next to another door you assumed was his closet. 
What really caught your attention, however, were the photos scattered all over the walls. The room was practically engulfed in Peter Parker’s memories, and you really liked it. Without thinking, you approached one wall, walking through them and taking each one in. 
There were some with large groups of people, those looked like school trips. Most of the photos were of the same two people, and based on what he’d told you, you assumed those were his friends. Ned and MJ. 
A lot of the photos contained an older woman, who looked stunning. That had to be his Aunt May. You were shocked by how many photos he had with the Tony Stark. He’d told you he had an internship at Stark Industries, but really, you sorta thought he just went on coffee runs all day. 
And then, you saw a couple shots of Spider-Man. It wasn’t unusual, you knew a lot of people snapped photos of the masked hero when they spotted him around the city. What was unusual, was the quality of the photos. You didn’t know if you’d ever seen such clear photos of him, even on the news, as he was always swinging and in motion. In these, Peter seemed to have caught him at just the right time. You wondered how long it took him to capture the photos.
“Big fan?” You smirked over at him from your spot by one of the Spider-Man photos as you repeated your words from earlier. 
Peter leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, content with watching go over the details of his life. He felt a little naked, like he was bared out in front of you. But…it felt good too. He liked knowing you were learning new things about him, and curious to know more. It filled him with an anxious sort of giddiness.
“You first,” he said slyly.
Laughing, you said, “Well, I don’t see how anyone can hate on the guy. He literally runs around saving lives”
He laughed as he approached you, standing by your side. You’d be surprised. “True I guess.”
“We should get to studying,” you said, breezing past him, your hand brushing his bicep as you did. He sucked in a breath, his entire body feeling electrocuted after that one touch. He wondered how you seemed so normal, laying out your books and papers on the floor beside his bed. 
This was gonna be a long night. 
He cleared his throat and moved to sit across from you, hoping he didn’t look as flushed as he felt. 
After a few moments of him watching you get settled, you heard him start laughing. Looking up you asked, “What’s so funny?”
That only made him laugh harder. “Just thinking about how scared you got before. Did you really not see him?”
You felt your face go hot. “I didn’t! I had no clue he was there, and next thing I know he’s making lawn mower nosies!”
Peter was red in the face now. “The way you flew back,” he said between fits of laughter, “I thought you’d give yourself whiplash.”
“Shut up,” you grumbled at him, picking up one of your pens and throwing it at him. It bounced off without him even flinching. 
You looked down, avoiding his gaze by busying yourself with your papers. 
“Okay I’m ready to be serious now,” he said. The laughter was gone but amusement twinkled in his voice. 
“Great! Welcome back Pete, now hand me that pen, I’m gonna need it.”
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Two hours later, you were both sprawled across the floor tossing Chess-Its at one another. 
“Come on!” You threw your arms up in defeat when you threw another cracker at him just for him to catch it again. 
Peter chuckled, “Sorry angel, I’ve just got killer reflexes.”
“Alright whatever,” You rolled your eyes. “Come on, throw some at me.”
You opened your mouth, ready to finally win one round of this nonsense…just for a Cheez-It to hit your cheek and fall to the ground with the rest of your tries. 
Peter laughed while you sat up, reached to grab the box of crackers, and poured some into your hand before putting it back down. 
“Okay, I’m done. I actually want to eat them now.” You said, munching on a cracker and sitting against the side of his bed. 
“Oh come on, don’t be a quitter Y/N/N,” he grinned, leaning over and pinching your cheek. 
You swatted his hand away with your empty one. “M’not.”
He smiled at you before sitting up. “Hit me,” he said, opening his mouth and pointing at it. 
You grabbed a Cheez-It from the palm of your hand and made a big show of trying to get your aim right. Squinting one eye, you stared at him, moving your hand back and forth before tossing it slightly more to the right. On purpose. 
That didn’t stop him from leaning over and catching it in his mouth. 
“I don’t like this game,” you said, narrowing your eyes at him. 
“Don’t act like I don’t know what you did,” he said back, munching on his Cheez-it. 
“Sue me,” you told him, brushing him off with a wave of your hand. 
He laughed before he settled down. “How’s your hand feeling by the way.” His voice was considerably softer now, making you smile softly at him. 
“It’s doing great, thank you again, Peter. I would’ve been totally fucked if it weren’t for you,” you told him honestly. 
He shook his head, “Don’t thank me at all Y/N. Hate seeing you hurt,” he mumbled, less to you and more to himself and he stayed staring at your wrapped-up hand. 
“Well don’t worry about that, it doesn’t hurt at all.”
“Yeah?” He looked at you suddenly, like he needed to know you meant it. 
“Yeah,” you nodded at him. 
“That’s good,” he breathed out and your heart squeezed at how much he seemed to care. 
“What's your plan? Y’know, for after school?” You didn’t want to leave just yet, even with your studying done. And you wanted to know more about him. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t taken a certain liking to him lately. 
“Well after I get my degree, I’m going move up a little further in Stark Industries. I’m still undecided on grad school, I think I’ve got everything I need and I’m probably just gonna start saving up to pay off student loans instead of adding on them.”
You nodded at him, “So the Stark internship is going well? No offense, I sort of thought you were their coffee mule.” You grinned at him before popping a Cheez-It in your mouth. 
He scoffed, “No, I’m not. I mean, it did take a while to get them to take me seriously, but I got there!”
You laughed, “Well, very proud of you Pete. That’s super impressive.”
He grinned at you, his face heating up at your words. He wondered if you knew how much it affected him every time you called him Pete. Probably not, but he never wanted you to stop. 
You two stayed like that for another hour or so, time passing by without you noticing at all. You talked about your futures, where you say yourselves after school, and after that. Your admiration for him only grew as you got to know him more. You could talk to him all night and never get bored honestly, you-
A random notification lit up your phone, which lay beside you on the floor, making you take notice of the time. 
You sat up quickly, spitting out curses as you started gathering your belongings and shoving them into your bag. 
Peter sat up as well, helping you get your things together but in a calmer manner than yourself. 
“Relax Y/N,” he said in a soothing voice. 
“Pete I can’t do it.” You turned to him suddenly, dropping everything in your hands. 
“Do what, angel?”
“The exam is tomorrow. I’m not ready! I’m gonna fail, and that one grade, that one stupid grade, is gonna hold me back and ruin everything-”
“Sweetheart look at me,” he said, placing a hand on your shoulder. His grip was warm and reassuring. “You are not going to fail. And I know this because I’ve spent the last few hours studying with you, and I saw how smart you are, and how quick you caught on. You’re gonna walk in there tomorrow and ace that test, I know you are!
“And if for some reason you don’t,” he continued, “you gave it your best. You tried your hardest and you learned something, which is all that matters in the end. So breathe, stop stressing, and let me walk you home.”
“All that talk as an excuse to ask to take me home?” You snorted, “Peter you shouldn’t have.” Despite your jokes, you took his advice and took a deep breath. He was right, you’d studied your hardest, both with and without his help. All you could do was take the exam and hope for the best now.
He laughed and stood up, holding out a hand once he saw you all packed and ready. “Caught me. So is that a yes?”
You took his hand and pulled yourself up but didn’t let go right away. “If I fail, do we have to stop hanging out? Y’know, with you being a science prodigy and all.”
He laughed again and placed both his hands on your shoulder, staring straight into your eyes. “Never.”
“Ok, well, just making sure. I wouldn’t wanna give you a bad rep in the science community or something-”
You were suddenly cut off from your babbling when he pressed his lips to yours. You froze for a second, unsure what to do, but it didn’t take long for you to catch up and kiss him back. 
He pulled away after a few moments, “Done with the jokes?” His voice was soft and teasing.
“Uh huh,” you mumbled, eyes still closed. “But I think you might need to do that again, just to be sure.”
He chuckled murmuring something that sounded like ‘too cute’ but you couldn’t be bothered to hear when you felt his lips on yours again, this time, expecting them. 
You threw your arms around his neck, pulling him closer and canting your head slightly for better access. He groaned, one arm wrapping around your middle, the other settling on your waist.
You might have pictured kissing him before, just maybe. But none of your daydreaming could’ve prepared you for the real thing. The way his bottom lip covered your top one, the soft breaths exchanged between the two of you, the way he pressed himself further into you when you tugged his hair a little harder. This definitely beat all of your daydreams. 
You could’ve stayed that way forever, and you probably would’ve if Peter hadn’t taken one for the team and pulled away first. 
Or tried to, at least. 
“We should-” kiss. 
“You-” kiss. 
“I need to walk,” kiss, “-you home angel.” He murmured against your lips.
“Okay,” you whispered back but you didn’t move to pull away, and he didn’t push you. The two of you stayed stuck, foreheads pressed together, eyes closed, taking in the atmosphere of each other. 
“I should probably go now,” you said softly. Peter hummed in agreement, leaning in to peck your lips gently. 
“It’s getting late,” but your voice is more of a sigh. You don’t know what he’s laced his lips with but each kiss makes you weak in the knees and woozier than the last one.
“God, d’yknow I’ve had the biggest crush on you.” He said, completely disregarding your previous statement. 
That stops you. “What?” You asked him in disbelief. Peter had a crush on you? No way, you would’ve known. 
“Yeah,” he chuckled lightly, “don’t act so shocked. I was always a stuttering mess at work whenever you so much as looked at me.”
True. But you’d just thought he was a bit more on the shy side. 
“I’d seen you around campus before and I thought you were the prettiest girl I’d ever seen, and I still do, but I thought I had no shot in hell with you. And when I got the job at the cafe and saw I’d be working with you? I almost lost my fucking mind sweetheart.” You both laughed a little and you couldn’t help the way your cheeks flamed up because of his words. Did he have any clue what he was doing to you right now?
“So I just sorta kept my distance, y’know? Admired you from afar ‘cause I was too scared you’d reject me. Sadly, it only took you nearly burning your hand off,” he gave you a look and you burst into giggles, him doing you and slightly pinching your waist, “for me to get over myself and actually keep up a conversation with you. But now I’ve got you in my room, kissing me.”
“Hmm,” you hummed, “lucky you.” You joked as leaned in to press another kiss to his lips. 
“Lucky me indeed,” he murmured before pulling you in even deeper. He dipped you, making you squeal into the kiss. Then he pulled you up, unable to keep the kiss going any longer with how hard he was grinning.
“Oh my god,” you said, laughing breathlessly. 
“A lot more where that came from,” he smirked at you. 
“You know,” you moved to pick up your bag, “for someone who was so scared to talk to me for so long, you sure found the confidence now.”
“What can I say? You make it easy. Once I started I couldn’t stop.” You smiled at him as he gently placed a hand on your arm leading you to the door. The living room was empty now, no one to be found on the couch or otherwise and you wondered where their cat had wandered off to.
You bent over to put on your shoes, Peter doing the same. He stepped forward and opened the door for you, letting you step out before following you and locking the door. 
As soon as he was done with that, you reached over and grabbed his hand. “Hey Petey?” You said lightly. Oh, he was going to melt. From now on, he only wanted you to call him that.
“I’m glad you finally decided to talk to me.” 
He leaned down and kissed the top of your head. “Yeah? Me too angel.”
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The next morning, you awoke in the brightest mood, considering you had a chemistry exam later that day. All you could think about was Peter. You were going to see him later at the cafe and you couldn’t wait. 
You leaned over in bed to pick up your phone. Speak of the devil. 
hope you slept well angel, can’t wait to see you today. and you’re gonna totally ace that exam!🥰
seriously you’re going to kick chemistry’s butt
A huge smile bloomed on your face, almost hurting from how wide it was. Usually, you'd stay in bed for a while, scrolling through Instagram or just going through messages or something. Not today, you couldn’t wait to get to work. Maybe Peter was a good influence on you. 
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After getting ready for the day, you made your way to the cafe with a little bounce in your steps. The bell jingled above you as you opened the door and for the first time since you’d started working together, Peter was here before you. 
“Hey,” he smiled, holding up your usual drink order and waving it at you. 
“Hi Pete,” you approached his, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. As you pulled away, you could see how quickly his cheeks pinked, making you grin. 
“No ‘Petey’?”
“Didn’t know you had a preference,” you said, grabbing his hand and pulling it towards you as you took a sip from the drink and then moved to get dressed for your shift. 
“Yeah,” he scratched the back of his neck, wishing he could feel your hand on his for just a little longer, “neither did I.”
You laughed lightly as you tied your apron, the sound hitting him like the greatest melody in the world. 
“Okay then,” you walked towards him, stopping right in front of him, “let’s start over. Hi Petey.”
“Hi angel,” he gave you a dopey grin and you returned it. 
“Great, now that we’ve got that figured out.” You patted his chest lightly before taking the drink from his hands and moving away. 
“Hey wait! Where’s my kiss?” He pouted at you and he looked so adorable, you just wanted to pinch his cheeks and kiss him till he begged you to stop.
“We’re at work, we’ve gotta be professional.” You said matter-of-factly. 
He rolled his eyes, leaned against the counter, and crossed his arms. “Professional my ass, no one is even in here-,”
Before he could even close his mouth, the bell jingled, and in stepped a boy about your age. The boy moved to one of the chairs, not moving to order just yet, giving you the chance to smirk at Peter, who just rolled his eyes again. 
“What do you he’s gonna order,” he asked you.
“Hmm…a cookie, probably.” You moved lean against the counter across from him and took a sip of your drink as you smiled. 
“Hey wait, you never told me what your drink order is.”
“Hmm…” he hummed in consideration before he moved towards you, grabbing your hand with the drink and bringing it up to his lips to steal a sip, maintaining eye contact the whole time. 
“I’ve got to say,” he said in a low voice, “this one has really grown on me.”
You couldn’t look away, all you could do was stare. And stare, and stare, and stare…
A stranger’s voice, and then, “Hey, can I get one of those double chocolate chip cookies?”
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You were just on cloud nine today. 
You had taken your exam and for the first time ever in that class, you had felt confident in your work. 
And to top it all off, after you’d handed in your paper and packed your things to leave, Professor Hall had given you a ‘well done’ nod. You! He’d never noticed you positively before. You were going to need to drown Peter in thank-you kisses for his help. 
Speaking of Peter, you couldn’t wait to see him. He told you he’d be waiting for you after your class but when you stepped outside, there was no sign of him. You decided to sit on the building steps and wait. He was probably just running a little late, no biggie. 
Big biggie. After 40 minutes of waiting for him, during which you’d sent him a little text and he hadn’t responded, you decided to head over to his place. 
The walk was short and your little buzz had worn off after not getting to share it with Peter. After all, you kind of owed him most of the credit. You arrived at his apartment door, and when you knocked, it wasn't Peter who answered. 
It's Freddy. 
You throw on a smile. “Hi Freddy, is Peter home?”
He returned your smile as he said, “‘Sup Y/N.” He held out his fist and you stared at it for a while before you got the hint and bumped it with your own. “Pete’s not home right now, but you can totally come in and wait for him.”
You found it funny that someone who didn’t live there was inviting you in to stay, but you accepted anyway. You also had no clue how he knew your name. 
You knew little about Freddy, but you knew he was sort of a campus celebrity. Every raging party there was, everyone knew Freddy was behind it. 
“So,” you said as you walked in, “what year are you in Freddy?”
“Ah nah, I’m done with that shit. I took the bar,” he said casually, waving a hand and moving to sit on the couch. He kicked his feet up on the large Amazon box being used as a coffee table and picked up the open beer sitting atop it. 
You stood in your place, clutching your bag. He was in grad school?
“Oh that’s awesome dude, did you not pass or something.”
“Uh uh,” he shook his head, taking a swig of beer, “got a 350.”
Your eyes widened. What. You didn’t know much about law school but you knew getting a score like that on the bar was not an easy thing. 
“Wait when’d you take it?” You asked confused. The bar exam wasn’t scheduled for a few months from now. 
“Last year.”
“Do you like…work at a firm or something?” It was insane to you that the party animal of this school had already graduated, and with an amazing score nonetheless. 
He shook his head, “Workin' on my music right now, and if that doesn’t work out,” he gave you a wicked grin, “well I’ve always got my law degree.”
You nodded, stunned. “That’s sick dude. Good luck,” you told him, waving as you moved to wait in Peter’s room. 
“Keep the door cracked kids,” he shouted towards you and you huffed a laugh as you entered the room and closed the door (leaving it open just an inch) before you sat at the foot of his bed. 
You looked around for a second, taking it all in. It’s amazing how he managed to take this small space and make it so him. 
After a few moments, you took out your phone to shoot him another text. 
But before you could finish typing it out, the window beside you started opening and you watched as the Spider-Man fell onto the bed, not noticing you gaping right next to him. 
You stayed silent, unsure of what to do or say until he moved to take his mask off. That got you moving and talking. 
“Holy fuck!” You basically shout, moving away, hands flying to your mouth. 
He seemed to be just as shocked as you were because he scrambled up from his lying position. And staring back at you was Peter Parker. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked you, eyes wide. It wasn’t till then that you noticed the paleness of his features, his face lacking that usually healthy glow it held, the waver in his voice, and the hand clutching his bloody side. 
“Holy fuck,” you repeated, voice lower, and for a whole different reason this time. “Shit Peter, you’re hurt.” You moved closer to him, temporarily forgetting everything else as your hand reached to gently remove his so you could take in the extent of his injuries. 
“It’s nothing,” he said but made no move to shove you away or stop you. You moved his hand and winced at the sight that greeted you, “Looks like a whole lot more than nothing babe.”
“I’ve had worse.”
You look up at him, frowning slightly, “Not exactly reassuring Petey.”
“I feel all better now,” he said, shooting you a charming grin as soon as he heard the nickname leave your mouth. “Add a kiss in the mix, and I’ll be good as new.”
You huffed a laugh, shoving his knee slightly, “Shut up Peter. I’m serious. I’m sure you’ve got some experience with stuff like this,” you wave a hand towards his suit and injury for emphasis and he gives you a quick nod. 
“Over there,” he pointed toward his dresser, “top shelf, under the blue sweater.”
You rushed over there, opening the drawer and spotting the sweater he mentioned. “I’m totally stealing that from you someday, this is your heads up,” you told him as you grabbed the large box and completely closed the door before you moved back to his side. 
“You can have anything of mine, Angel. I’m sure you’d look better in it anyway.” His words made you blush, but you tried to ignore them so you could focus on the task at hand. 
Peter, however, found that he really liked watching your cheeks pink up. And he wanted more. 
“Lean against the headboard, now.” You said, trying to be serious again. 
“God, at least buy me dinner first sweetheart.” He gave you the dorkiest smirk you’d ever seen. You just glared at him. “On the other hand,” he said as he moved backward to lean against his headboard, “I don’t need dinner, I’m all yours baby girl.”
This got you to laugh, “Peter, be serious! You’re bleeding out!” You moved to his side, “take this off by the way.” You gestured to his suit. 
He hit the middle emblem of a spider and you watched as it loosened up and fell off his shoulders. You had started pulling it the rest of the way down, gulping when you realized he wasn’t wearing anything else, when he mumbled, “Not a terrible way to go.”
You refused to look up and meet his eyes but he knew he got you. Thank god he was wearing underwear, you realized, and you threw the suit to the side after you’d completely shredded him of it. He was definitely going to need a new one. 
Now completely facing the damage, your stomach churned, and you were hit with the hard truth. “I…I don’t know what to do,” you whispered to him. You wanted to help him, more than anything. This man who’s been risking his life, probably since he was a teenager you realized, as you did the math silently in your head, was hurt and right in front of you, needing your help. And you needed to help him, but you didn’t know the first thing about how to approach a situation like this. You were surprised you could stare at the wound for so long. 
“Don’t worry, I can do it,” he said gently, his bloody hand reaching for the huge first aid kit. 
“No!” You rushed out, grabbing his hand to stop him, “No way am I letting you do that! Just…just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.
Feeling more confident, you grabbed the kit and opened it. Shock coursed you as you realized just how much he went through and your confidence fell right back down where it sprouted from. The bag was full of all the medical tools and supplies you could think of, most of them completely foreign to you, and you realized how privileged you must be to not recognize any of these things. You can’t imagine the ‘worse’ he talked about having earlier. This must be those accidents he was talking about.
“I don’t usually have to use them,” his voice was soft, almost like he was reassuring you, “usually just water and a towel does the trick. Maybe a little numbing cream. And these,” he looked down at his wounds, “some bandages, sure, but I won’t need stitches or anything.”
You let out a breath of relief, you weren’t sure you could’ve handled that. You didn’t trust yourself.
“Okay,” you said, grabbing some wipes. You were going to do this. Based on what he’d told you, he was always stitching himself back up, just to hit the streets again the next day. This time, though, was different. This time you were here to help him, and you weren’t going chicken out of this. Even a little help was better than nothing at all. 
You started slowly, cleaning around his wounds so you could bandage them properly. “You sure you’re okay with this?” He asked you gently. “I totally understand if you need me to do it, angel, it’s a lot if you’re not used to it.”
“No,” you shook your head, your voice steady, “No way. It’s my turn to fix you up.” You told him, looking up to meet his eyes and smiling at him. 
He returned it and you went back to work. 
“So….Spider-Man, huh?” You peeked up quickly in question. 
“Yeah,” he took a deep breath, “it’s a long story. Basically, I was bit by some spider, that shit was powerful,” you laughed a little, making him smile. “And I got some. Of its powers I mean.”
“So you get bit by a spider, that spider gives you powers, and you decide to become a New York vigilante?”
“Pretty much, yeah,” he nodded, and you laughed again. 
“You’re a hell of a guy Peter Parker.” You said, shaking your head slightly. 
“Thank you, I try,” he smirked at you and you laughed again. 
“Okay,” you said, pulling away from his side. He almost whined in protest. Honestly, he wasn’t feeling any pain, not since you’d started worrying about him, and insisting you help him. Peter wasn’t used to that, he was always alone when it came to this part of the job. He’d never minded that before, just one of the things he had to deal with as a superhero, but now that someone else was taking care of him…it felt nice. Really nice. Especially when it was you. 
“Peter?” You looked at him questioningly. Shit. You’d asked him something.  
“Huh? I'm sorry, I didn’t hear you.” He said with wide eyes. He’d gotten too wrapped up in the feeling of being taken care of, not that anyone could blame him though, the girl he’d been crushing on forever was here, in his room, helping bandage him up! It's more than he could’ve dreamed of. 
“It’s okay sweetie,” you said, waving him off assuming he was in pain or something. Really, now he had something new to obsess over. Sweetie? While he was practically naked (albeit injured, but he wasn’t thinking of that right now) in bed with you? God, he could just melt.
“I was just wondering which bandages,” you said, holding up the different ones you’d found in his bag. 
“Oh,” he said lamely, “these ones.” He grabbed a few from you and opened them. 
“Look,” he said, leaning over himself to see his wounds properly, “you’ve got to bring together both sides of the wound, then secure the bandage so that it’s holding it closed.” He talked as he placed the first bandage with you watching and listening with intent. 
“Okay, I think I’ve got it,” you said as you took the rest of the bandages from him. You steadied yourself, straddling his thigh as you started placing the bandages down his wound. The biggest gash took about five, your elbow resting on his abdomen as you got lower…and lower. 
Conveniently, you missed the quiver in his breath, too focused on the work at hand, but you didn’t miss the small gasp he let out when your forearm reached right between his thighs. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” You said as you pulled away quickly, thinking you’d hurt him. “Did I pinch too hard?”
“No, no angel, you’re fine. Doing a great job actually.” He replied, trying to collect himself. He could not let himself think of that right now. There were more important things at hand. 
“You sure?” You asked him, not looking convinced.
“Positive.” He replied, grabbing your arm and pulling you back in (but making sure to keep you at a healthy distance from his dick). 
You added a few more bandages, most of the cuts only needing one or two, before pulling away again to rummage through his bag. “What do you use on your bruises?”
“This one,” he said, leaning over you and grabbing a tube from the kit. You turned, your lips almost brushing over each other with how close you were. 
“Hi,” you whispered, all thoughts completely flying out of your head as you realized just how badly you wanted to kiss him. 
“Hi angel,” he said smiling softly at you. 
Seeing you debate it in your head, Peter decided it would be easier for the both of you if he did it first. Leaning in, he closed the distance and smoothly took your lips in his. You melted into the kiss right away, feeling like you’d been craving this your whole life when really, you’d just kissed his a few hours ago before you’d left work. 
Your hands were on his bare chest, you could feel every muscle, every move when-
“Wait, you’re hurt!” You pulled away, leaving a pouting Peter in your wake. 
“My lips work just fine angel,” he said, trying to steal another kiss while you tried to avoid him. 
“But..let me finish at least,” you mumbled against his lips, barely getting a chance to pull away after he’d caught you. 
“You can finish, just lemme do this first,” he responded before kissing you again.
“Hey,” you mumbled against his lips. 
He hummed in response, moving to kiss your cheek, your jawline. If he kept this up you might not try to stop him. 
“Did you know Freddy took the bar exam? And passed?”
That got him to pull away. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, looking at you confusedly, “I’m kissing you and you decide this a good time to bring up Freddy?”
“Well, y’know,” you shrugged, “figured it was as good a time as any.”
He scoffed, “Unbelievable.”
You giggled, “I win.” You pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, pulling away before he could catch you and turn it into more.
“Now lay down, lemme do this,” you said waving the cream at him. 
He moved grumpily and you thought grumpy Peter was the cutest thing ever. The furrow of his brows, the slight pout of his lips. You could just kiss him. And you would’ve if you hadn’t known where it would lead you. 
You unscrewed the cap to the cream and started applying it gently. “So Fred’s a lawyer huh?” Peter spoke up. 
“He is!” You whispered excitedly, glad he was just as shocked as you were. 
“And you learned this how?” He asked, giving you a look. 
You shrugged. “He let me in and I talked to him, asked him a few questions to get to know him better since I see him everywhere.” 
“Wait, he’s here right now?”
“Yeah,” you said slowly, “I thought you knew?”
“No I didn’t-,” he let out a sigh, “whatever it's basically his apartment too at this point I guess.”
You laughed, “And you’re okay with that?”
He shrugged with his good side. “He buys the good beer.”
You laughed again. “He scored a 350 on the bar exam!”
Peter’s brows shot up. “Oh shit.”
“I know! The only thing I knew about him was that he blacked out in that frat house’s pool all night and the cops were called cause someone thought he was dead.”
“Yeah, he’s super lucky he was on his back. Just floated around the pool like a leaf.”
You shook your head, screwing the cap back on the tube of cream, “Crazy. But anyway, I’m done. And on the plus side,” you grinned at him, “if you ever get in legal trouble, you know someone!”
He laughed out loud, and you watched as his face scrunched up and he clutched his side in pain. Apologizing for the joke, you gave him a kiss on the cheek to make up for it. 
“Enough about crazy Freddy,” he let out a sigh, “I’m gonna go put some clothes on, and then I wanna cuddle with my girl.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his words and all you could do was smile as he stood up, giving you a kiss on the side of your head before he moved to pick out some clothes.
You watched him get dressed, biting your lip as you watched how his muscles rippled with each of his movements. You always knew he was strong but seeing him like that, was a completely different story. 
“Like what you see?” He asked, smirking at you before he lifted his shirt, holding it up between his teeth as he tied his sweatpants. 
Your mouth fell open. At being caught and also at…how absolutely hot he looked right now. If he wasn’t injured, you would be all. over. him. 
“S’alright angel,” he said as he stalked towards you. He was enjoying this, a lot. “I’m sure I’d be the same if the roles were reversed.”
That did not help. Now you were thinking about being naked in front of Peter and-
He laughed, kissed the side of your head again, and laid down, pulling next to him. 
“Careful Peter, you’re still hurt!” You chastised him. 
He shook his head, “You made me feel a hundred times better. Thank you, angel.”
“Of course Petey.” He smiled at you as he wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tight. 
“So, you came to see me right? Y’know, before the whole finding out I’m Spider-Man thing. What’s up?”
“Oh I almost forgot,” you perked up, tilting your head up so you could see his face, “I think I totally aced that chemistry exam!”
“Angel! I’m so proud of you!” He started attacking you with kisses, kissing you anywhere his lips could reach. 
You giggled, “Thank you sweetie, but seriously I owe you most of the credit, I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Nonsense,” he shook his head, “that was all you. I barely helped, you learned everything and then took that quiz, and aced it.”
“Well I haven’t gotten my grade back yet, I just have a really good feeling, so don’t sound too are there's a chance I didn’t do as well as I thought.”
“Nope,” he said, popping the p. “I have a sense, a spidey sense. And my spidey sense is telling me that you totally aced that thing. No questions asked.”
You laughed loudly. “Spidey sense?”
“No questions,” he repeated as he nuzzled his nose into your hair. 
“Fine then,” you snuggled up further into him. “No questions.”
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Anyone but me
Insecure!Logan x Fem!Reader
warnings: Cursing, Insecure Logan
A/N: Here’s something short, I wasn’t gonna post since today makes 10 years since my grandpa passed but I didn’t wanna make today abt me. Enjoy.
F1 Masterlist
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
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Another race. Miami had been another race this season that has been shit for Logan. Why was something always fucking it up for him?
First they gave him shitty cars, then whenever they did give Logan a somewhat good car, he wasn’t driving it the way he should, then they gave away his car to Alex after he crashed his. Now he had to retire the car because KMag decided to crash into him?
It’s almost lil the universe is against Logan and his time in Formula 1, which might I add is utter bullshit.
Logan hasn’t been the best driver and I knew that, but I didn’t fall in love with him because he’s a formula 1 driver, no, I fell in love with him because he’s always been there for me even when he was going through his own problems and has never once complained about it (him being a famous driver was just a perk).
Logan and I have been together for just over 2 years which means I’ve seen the best and worst of his career, but right now after he got hit at his home race was heart wrenching.
I stood by the tv screens that showed his camera footage live from his car and my hands shot up to my face when I saw the impact of the crash. The crash wasn’t what made my heart shatter for him though, no, instead it was the live radio feed from him to pit that I was currently listening to.
His groans of pain and the tremble in his voice asking if he did anything wrong was what hurt. He was so worried and scared that he fucked up something whilst driving that he didn’t pay attention to whether or not he was hurt.
They replayed that crash maybe a dozen times and each time felt like it stung worse than the previous one before it. I watched as they got the track clear from any debris and brought Logan and the car back to the Williams garage. The look of red eyes and tear stained cheeks was the sight I was greeted with.
I would’ve done anything to take his pain away in that moment. Hell, I would do anything to make sure he never felt pain again. But unfortunately, I can’t. So I had to suffice for the next best thing, comforting him.
I walked over to him and the second he turned and saw me walking over with a somber look on my face he rushed into my arms, pulling me into a tight embrace before absolutely sobbing.
The team around us walked off allowing us a moment of peace while I comforted my boyfriend. His face was in the crook of my neck as he shook with violent sobs and I rubbed my hands up and down his back trying to soothe the ache in his heart.
“Logan you did amazing, it wasn’t your fault. I’m so proud of you. You’ve come so far, I love you so much” I whispered in his ear as I kissed the side of his head.
We stayed like this for a moment, as Logan continued to sob I continued to try to soothe him and murmur sweet nothings in his ear with more small kisses on his head.
After a moment or two, I felt Logan pull away before he looked me in my eyes. I could tell he wanted to say something.
“What happened, Baby?” I whisper as I bring my hands up to his face to wipe his tears away
“I don’t deserve you.” He whispers, his voice breaking again as he moves my hands from his face
“Lo, don’t” I say, tears of my own springing in my eyes
“No Y/N/N, please. I don’t deserve you. I’m not good enough, you deserve to be with someone who wins and makes podiums. Not me, someone who finishes last or doesn’t finish at all.” by the time Logan was done berating himself, I was the one sobbing.
“Logan Hunter Sargeant. Stop talking like that. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me. There was before you, during you, and I never want there to be an after you. I have never loved anyone more than I love you. My heart is so filled with happiness and you’re the reason. You’re the reason I’m still alive today, I have the best life right now and it’s because of you. So please don’t break my heart because you feel like I don’t deserve you, because I never want to live without you. So unless you’re unhappy in our relationship, we are not breaking up. Are you unhappy with us?” Tears were falling like waterfalls from both of our eyes.
“No, I love you too much. I just don’t want you to be with a loser like me” My hands shot up to his face and I made him look at me
“Stop it, I’m not leaving you. I’m staying with you whether you win 100 grand prixs, 1 or none. I’m here until the Lord takes me from this earth. I promise” I said as I placed a sweet and sincere kiss on his lips before we rested our foreheads together
“I’m here always and forever”
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99
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2knightt · 1 year
i LOVED the darry x motherly!reader and i’d love to know more about the relationship that ponyboy and johnny have with reader
PB.C and J.C x motherly!reader
2.platonic fic
3.darry x reader is said through out the fic!
4.minor mentions of abuse and violence.
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dude?? they literally love you so much???
they are so thankful for you. like actually, they think you were sent from heaven.
ponyboy looks up to you so much oh my god.
he tells you EVERYTHING and when he goes out with you he follows you EVERYWHERE
he is like a lost puppy.
“where are we going y/n?”
“well, *i* was going to get groceries for your house.”
“oh! can i get a snack while we’re there?”
“..yeah sure pony. as long as you eat.”
when walking around the store with him he’s holding the bottom of your shirt because he’s scared ‘you’ll get lost.’
he’s the one that always gets lost.
he forces you to read to him when he’s tired.
he just does!! he puts those puppy eyes to good use fr.
and you fall for it every time. you know why?? cuz you see him like a little brother or a son.
i know you do. it isn’t good to lie to the author.
you will do anything for him and you believe he can do NO WRONG.
when he ran away?
“darry, he’s just a kid. he was scared, c’mon. give ponyboy a break.”
if he jumped someone?
“hey, at least we know you’re strong now! good job!”
if he killed someone??
“oh, he’s just being silly. tell them you didn’t mean it ponyboy.”
“i ain’t mean to shoot the guy 12 times.”
back to the topic of him telling you everything!!
he told you abt his lil crush on cherry valance and you felt like a proud mother.
“yea…she’s just a real looker.”
“AHHHHHH!!!—i mean, that’s so great ponyboy.”
he’s so embarrassed when you ask for updates about her.
when you stop reading he’ll go,
“why’d you stop reading, ma?”
or if you need help carrying in groceries he’ll say, “do you need any help ma?” in a quiet voice so the gang doesn’t hear him.
normalize giving ponyboy beat hugs!!! he loves them!!! but he gets embarrassed!!!
johnny is your biggest fan ever.
he talks to you about everything.
“y/n, did i tell you about the ladybug i saw today?”
“yeah johnny, you did.”
“oh…well did i tell you about the grease i saw getting arrested?”
“pardon me johnnycakes?”
he rants to you about everything and anything.
and you just listen while you rub his back with your hand.
when his mom yells at him, he rushes to see you.
and your heart just hurts when you see him cry about that.
but he’s so glad that you’re there to help him, to give him the motherly love he needs.
he isn’t big on showing you physical affection, but he will give you gifts.
he steals pretty flowers for you, he’ll give you cigarettes if you smoke, and he’ll even steal a few things for you.
he will cry if you bake him treats.
he loves homemade goods, so if you make him some cookies he will tear up and say thank you.
even though johnny ain’t very intimidating compared to your boyfriend, he still tries.
if he’s with you and some guy tries to hit on you he shows up outta no where and just goes,
“aye! you know she got a boyfriend right? he’s real tuff, so don’t try anything funny.”
“yea? is that supposed to be you?”
“na, darry curtis!”
the mfs apologizing and scurrying away in fear.
nobody wants that smoke from darry😭😭
for mothers day ponyboy and johnny get together to write you a cute little card, separate from the gangs card.
johnny has one side of the card while ponyboy has the other.
“dear y/n, this is johnny. i just want to say, happy mothers day. i ain’t very well off with my words but, i hope you can understand. i want to thank you, i know i don’t do it often but..i hope you know i’m thankful. for everything and anything you do. if you and darry didn’t meet, i think i would’ve lost my mind. so uh, again, happy mothers day. keepin’ this short and sweet.”
“dear y/n, happy mothers day! me and johnny are making a separate card from the gang because…they aren’t…civil in anyway. like what johnny said, i want you to know im thankful for you. these past few months were tough, but you made them bare able. you know what situation im talking about by now, don’t you? but, thank you. i’m forever grateful for you y/n. im glad darry found you.”
author notes ;
1.thought it was fitting for mothers day since it’s tomorrow <3
2.maybe ooc LOLLL
3.thank you sweetheart for the compliment <3
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may 13th, 2023. 5:26
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maymeowmoo · 7 months
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New episode of Smg4?!?!?!? Well I'm inna writing mood soooooo.... Imma review/analysis and share my thoughts on the new episode >:) ["SMG4:SMG3's BOMB CAFE"] If you're bored feel free to read this overly detailed analysis of a 12:01 minute video! (Actually ~10:30ish)
Analyzing time! ^w^/
Smg3 being so happy abt his lil cafe is very cute. I did not expect Smg4 to be so goddam sassy in this episode but I like that they didn't get rid of their rivalry completely since u know, after so many years it would be odd for it to just disappear even if they have recently been bonding so much u<u
Still I couldn't help but feel a bit odd? Like idk if Four just desperately wanted Three to ask him for help w the coffee or what but DANG was he super into making Smg3's life harder. At 4:49 Smg4 basically goes screw it lets make Three more miserable and invites everyone. Like let bro learn overtime we don't need a Kirby Lunch Rush but with Smg3! Also Four's expressions? Dude is being SILLY on purpose u_u He continues his nuisance charade with 6:22 ("How can you not even have the unicorn frappucino?"). Like dang bro how abt u calm ur sass down and stop provoking Three even more? He does get a clear indication of Smg3's annoyance (8:51-8:52 Smg3 says "Shut up." to Four also stopping him from making another sassy remark) yet still continues. At 9:14 (Smg4:"So you admit you can't run a shop yet?") Four gives his snarky comment and all I can think of is how he intentionally made it harder for Three to run the dang shop. [Note: Tbh even someone who owned a shop would have a hard time with Smg4's Crew lets be fr.] Just like I said at the beginning of this paragraph I am starting to really believe Four wanted to be involved with Three somehow and the only way he knew how is by forcing conflict.
Characterization wise what surprised me is how even after two instances of Three yelling for the others to stop fighting they still continue on. Idk I just feel like they would've listened tbh. They were very... hyperactive I guess? The characters do act kinda like they should but it still felt odd to me for some reason. Eggdog as always has the best characterization tho, man do I like that silly egg thing. Anywho this wasn't the only thing that felt odd continuity wise. I would've thought Smg3 learnt to make proper coffee before he started up a cafe? Especially since he literally lived in a STARBUCKS??? Like I just think he would've idk tried making coffee before opening a cafe even if he didn't make any during his time in the Internet Graveyard. I did make up two explanations for this tho! One is that the dead memes (Specifically the funny lil knuckles) made the coffee during his time in the Internet Graveyard and the other is that he was just too anxiety/adrenaline ridden to make proper coffee. At the end of the day these things aren't huge issues for me but as I said before it did make me feel odd.
Smg4 getting called out for his sass was necessary for me to like this video so imma glad it happened and he doesn't just get away with his behavior. At 9:23 the realization of his silly shenanigans finally catch up to him and that means..... THE SMG34 PART OF THE EPISODE STARTS YEEHAW! Even though Smg4's and 3's confrontation felt just the tiny bit forced to me (probably Four's fault) it was so nice to see them being softer. I also really like how Three doesn't agree to Four's proposal without making some convoluted reasoning as to why this isn't just two pals helping each other out and is actually TOTALLY just a transactional thing. It feels really in character! Oh yeah since I need to put this somewhere at 9:47 Four is like "I want to help" and like... you made it harder and now you want to help? Better now then never tbh ^w^/
Jokes -> The joke at 2:27-2:34 made me chuckle ._. and that makes me somewhat disappointed in myself (You want it? Issa urs my friend is so real). 3:00 is also a joke I liked, it felt very relatable (I struggle with basic human stuff like buttons on a coffee machine also u_u aww man). 3:28-3:32 Decent joke! 4:12 having a Gmod Three bang the coffee machine was good but the sudden Pomni/Smg4 reaction wasn't for me :v (It is good for Au art tho, I've seen the Smg4 as Pomni art hehe ;P ). 5:55-6:05 Nice joke ^v^/ (Smg3 writing '1 jar of poison for Mario' was the cherry on top tbh). 6:29-6:35 just like the joke at three minutes the whole 'operating a coffee machine being like dark magic' is still funny to me. 7:35-7:38 7:45-7:46 the music that plays when the rainbow (acid) coffee is shown is cool. 8:34-8:49 The whole Tari going coo coo joke is honestly pretty unfunny ._. I did not like it :v. 10:44-10:45 'Cleaned up everything!' is such a funny pop up to put here. Joke APPROVED!
Joke wise I think this episode is actually quite solid. The one joke I really didn't like kinda puts it down but ignoring that issa cool ig :D (6,8/10)
Closing statement -> Dude Four on roller skates working at a cafe for Three? THIS IS JUST A FANFIC AT THIS POINT... and I am all for it ;D
[Note: I have no idea why I wrote this but I felt like it sooooo... YEAH! >:3 If you have any thoughts abt this ep I'd love to hear em ;o]
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xo-valxntine · 1 year
Amethyst Eyes III (T. Inumaki)
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part one | part two | part three | bonus
pairing: toge inumaki x gn!reader
synopsis: after not seeing or speaking to toge in months, you’re shocked when you hear him speaking and fighting a strange monster inside your clinic. you were hoping to see him again, but you could never have imagined it’d end up like this
tws: slight angst, fluff, brief mention of blood, brief mention of gangs (don’t think i’m missing anything but let me know if i am?) wc: ~4,700
a/n: last part :(( i love toge and y/n so much they make me so happy <3 thinking abt doing a cute lil bonus scene we’ll see. i hope you enjoy! ੈ✩‧₊˚
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“Toge?” You’re not entirely sure if your voice comes out. The weight on your shoulders feels heavier, and you feel your chest start to tighten. You start to hyperventilate. Were you having a panic attack? You could feel your heart trying to beat out of your chest. You’re looking at Toge with desperation in your eyes as your heave, but he’s not looking at you. He’s looking right past you. Toge pulls the zipper of his uniform down and reveals those familiar tattoos surrounding his lips.
“Don’t move.”
You were still struggling to breathe when the weight around you felt even heavier. You were grateful you were sitting down because you knew if you were standing that you would’ve collapsed.
Suddenly the weight around you disappeared. The tight feeling around your chest was gone, and you felt your breathing become more regulated. You watched Toge with wide eyes as he started to cough up blood. You wanted to rush over to his side, but you couldn’t move. You were frozen in shock. You watched as Toge reached for something in his pocket and pull out a bottle. He quickly snaps open the lid and chugs it down in one gulp. When he’s done, he turns his attention back to you with worry in his eyes.
“Mustard leaf?” You furrowed your brows, looking at him. There was a sudden realization on his face, and then he frowned. Suddenly the woman with green hair and glasses appeared next to him, and she was staring at you.
“That blindfolded idiot said there wasn’t going to be anyone here. Well, don’t just stand there, we gotta do something.” The woman says. Toge doesn’t move from his position. He just stands there, staring at you. You stare right back at him. She looks from Toge to you and then back again.
“Do you two know each other or something?”
That seems to snap Toge out of whatever daze he’s in, and he quickly rushes to your side. He goes to reach for you, but you flinch away. Toge retracts, and you can see the pain in his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Toge.” Your voice is barely above a whisper.
Toge’s eyes soften at the sound of you saying his name. He’s eyeing you carefully, almost trying to see how he should proceed.
“I’m really sorry.”
You were apologizing for all the texts you didn’t reply to and for the way it probably hurt him. You thought you had finally gotten rid of your feelings for Toge, but seeing him brought it all back. Everything you had pushed down came back up to the surface. The truth was you had been pretending. Pretending that you didn’t want to text him back, pretending that you didn’t miss his texts when they stopped and pretending that you didn’t want to see him again. The truth was you cared about Toge, so much so that it hurt a little.
You hadn’t realized you were crying until Toge brushed a tear away from your cheek. You look at him with tearful eyes and see him looking at you with a worried expression. There’s something in his look that makes your heart soften. The tension in your body fades. The last thing you remember is relaxing into his touch.
You awake groggily the next morning, with a fog looming over your mind. You blink slowly, trying to clear the fog and wipe the sleep from your eyes. The events from the following night come flooding back to you, and you feel panic rising in your body. What the hell had happened? What was that thing? And Toge had been there, and he spoke. The words slip back into your mind.
“Don’t move”.
And then when he had said to you “Don’t move” and “Die”. The way the heavy feeling of your shoulders and your chest tightening disappeared after he said, “Die”. You move your arms and twist side to side slightly, testing the movements. It was gone. What had Toge done to you?
Toge. You cringe at the memory of you curled up and apologizing. Your mind flashed back to the way you recoiled from him and how hurt he looked. You pull your comforter over your head, pretending it can hide you away from the embarrassment. And then you had gone and passed out after the fact. That’s when you come to the full realization that you’re in your bed. You become embarrassed when you realize it was most likely Toge that had brought you back. You throw your comforter off of yourself, and your eyes quickly dart around the room, trying to see if you had anything embarrassing left out. Luckily, nothing was out of place. You let out a sigh of relief and collapse back onto your pillows.
You don’t remember falling back asleep, but somehow you had. Your body definitely needed the rest. You reach for where your phone is usually on your nightstand only for it not to be there. You rake through your mind trying to remember what you had done with it. You were scrolling on it last night at the clinic and—
You had set it down on the couch before you went to look out the window. You’re reminded of the woman fighting that strange creature, the way you retreated to the back of your clinic, and the sound of glass shattering. Your clinic was probably still trashed from last night. You hadn’t seen all the damage, on account of being passed out, but you were absolutely sure you wouldn’t be able to go back to work today. And as for your phone, it was most likely lost in the other wreckage of your clinic. You flop back onto your pillow and contemplate what you should do.
It would probably be smart to go to your clinic and assess the damage that had been done. You would most likely need to find a contractor in the city to repair the damages. And if you didn’t show up, people would probably show up at your house to tell you about your clinic. It was surprising that no one had already shown up to your house to tell you. After a minute of laying in bed, you finally decided to get up and get ready.
When you arrive at your clinic, it’s just as you thought it’d be. The windows were completely blasted in, and some parts of the wall had crumbled. There were several people standing outside your clinic staring at the wreckage. You stood for a moment, taking it all in. It was a disaster. It’d most likely be a while before you could start seeing patients again. A few people approach you asking you what happened, but you simply say you don’t know and leave it at that. Your eyes are flipping between the people talking to you and the mess that is your clinic when the woman with the green hair and glasses catches your attention. She was standing casually at the corner of the street by your clinic. She motions you over to her. You’re hesitant for a moment, but then excuse yourself from the group and make your way over to her.
“It’s Y/N, right?” It’s more of a statement than a question. “I’m Maki.”
You stand there awkwardly, unsure of how to respond. Maki eyes you carefully and then proceeds to talk.
“We’ve got a lot to talk about. Is there somewhere private we can talk?” She asks.
“Uh, my house, I guess? There’s not really anywhere to go here.” You say, finally finding your voice.
“Great. Lead the way.”
The teacup was warming your cold hands. You had decided to make Maki and yourself some tea once you arrived back at your house. The two of you were sitting across from each other at your dining table, both sitting silently. You take a sip of your tea before clearing your throat and deciding to break the silence.
“How did I get home last night?” You thought it was the easiest way to start whatever this conversation was going to be.
“Toge brought you back. I think he found it on your driver's license or something.” Maki replies easily. You let out a small “oh,” and then it falls silent again. You’re not sure how long it’s quiet before Maki cuts through the silence with a sigh.
“Listen here, kid. What I’m about to tell you is a secret. You can’t go around blabbing about this to anybody, understand?” She says in a stern voice. You nod in response, but you can’t help the question that comes flying out of your mouth.
“Are you one of Toge’s gang friends?” Maki’s eyes widen, and then she’s instantly roaring in laughter.
“Toge? In a gang? Absolutely not.” Maki says, recovering from her laughing fit.
“Anyway,” Maki says seriously, “I’m going to get straight to the point. We’re not in a gang. We’re jujutsu sorcerers.”
You knit your eyebrows together and stare at her.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Jujutsu sorcerers exorcise cursed spirits or curses for short. Curses are malicious spirits that manifest from human’s negative emotions. For the most part, curses are invisible to regular humans. Hell, even I need a little help seeing them.” Maki says, tapping her glasses. “But curses are a large part of the unexplained deaths and disappearances humans experience. There aren’t many jujutsu sorcerers that are properly trained to exorcise curses, but Toge and I went to Jujutsu High, where we trained to exorcise curses. We were out last night trying to exorcise that curse when we stumbled into your clinic—sorry about that, by the way. We were told there wouldn’t be anyone in the general vicinity, but that was wrong. We heard you in the back, and that’s when Toge ran off. He saw you there with a curse wrapped around you, and I think it freaked him out for some reason. He exorcised the curse from you, and I don’t think you need me to explain the rest.”
You sit quietly, trying to take in everything Maki is saying. Curses? That was ridiculous. You were a doctor, and you believed in science. There was no such thing as magic and curses, but if that was the case, then what about last night? You could tell yourself that it was a dream, a nightmare, but that wouldn’t explain Maki sitting across from you. Maybe you could go on about your life and just pretend none of this ever happened, but what about Toge? You had grown so fond of him, and you had finally seen him after so long. Maybe now that you finally knew the truth, the two of you could work something more serious out.
“So Toge’s a sorcerer?” You ask. Maki nods.
“He’s a descendant of the Inumaki clan, and he inherited their cursed speech technique. It enhances words with cursed energy. Basically, if Toge tells someone to do something, they’ll do it. But it does take a toll on him. If he’s not careful, he could hurt someone or hurt himself.”
You sit, taking in all this information.
“Don’t move”
Your mind flashes back to Toge coughing up blood, and you wince. You could only imagine how painful that was for him.
“To keep from hurting anyone, he speaks in rice ball ingredients. It’s like his own little language.”
“Can you speak?”
“Mustard leaf?”
Your mind retraces the memories. He spoke in rice ball ingredients to protect others. You gut feeling that the first night had been right. Toge was a protector, and he deeply cared about others. A warm feeling stirs inside of you, but you quickly push it away.
“Was Toge, uh, what is it? Exorcising curses?” Maki nods, and you continue, “Was he doing that here a couple of months ago?”
“Probably, why?”
Your mind flashes back to when you found Toge collapsed on your floor.
“He showed up at my clinic, bleeding out on my floor. I tried to get him to go to a hospital, but he wouldn’t.” Maki scoffs and rolls her eyes.
“That damned idiot. Is that how you two know each other?” Maki asks, and you become embarrassed, but nod.
“Yeah, then he came back a few days later and passed out on my floor.”
Maki scowls.
“So that’s where he was? I swear, I’m going to kill him when I see him.”
“Does Toge know you came to tell me?” You ask, ignoring Maki’s threat.
“You two really on a first-name basis after only meeting twice?” Maki asks, not bothering to answer your question. You become nervous and fidget with the handle on your teacup.
“We were texting for a few months after that.” You say, not bothering to go into details.
“So that’s what he’s been hiding. Also, no. Toge doesn’t know I’m here.” Maki says, starting to stand. “And with that said, I should probably be on my way.”
You nod in response and lead Maki to the door.
“Thanks for stopping by to tell me.” You say, leaning against the doorframe.
“Now remember, what I said. Don’t go blabbing to anyone about this.” Maki warns carefully. You throw your arms up in protest and without saying anything else, Maki is on her way.
After Maki left, you went into the closet city and brought a new cellphone. Luckily, you had saved everything to the cloud, so setting it up was easy. The first thing you did when everything was ready was text Toge. When you opened the chat, you saw the string of one-sided texts and felt something sad tug on your heart. Your fingers hover over the phone, hesitating before quickly typing your message and sending it.
hi toge
It had been three and a half weeks since you’d sent that text to Toge. You’d been texting him every day, hoping to hear from him, but he hadn’t responded to any of them. You so desperately wanted to talk to him. To tell him how sorry you were and tell him you understood why he couldn’t come to see you before. There were so many things you wanted to tell him, but you needed him to respond in order to do that.
You arranged the repairs for your clinic the day after you spoke to Maki. You had to hire a repair company from the city, as you thought, but in the end, it had been worth it, because they managed to repair your clinic in about a week. You were expecting it to take about a month, but they worked quickly and you were back to seeing patients as if nothing had ever happened.
It was the middle of the day and you had seen one patient, but for the most part, your day had been slow. You were updating a few patient charts before taking your lunch break. As you’re typing and clicking away on your computer, you hear your phone buzz. You practically lunge for the phone when you hear it.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
Can we talk?
Your fingers are typing before you can fully process the message.
His reply comes back almost as fast as yours.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
I’ll stop by later.
The rest of the day, you were nervously waiting for Toge. You tried your best to keep busy, filling patient documents, restocking your cabinets, sorting out the last of the bills for the repair company, anything to keep your mind distracted, but it was hopeless. Your mind kept thinking about Toge. You still had no idea what you were going to say to him. You’d have to explain to him why you hadn’t ever responded to his texts and why you had suddenly become so distant. What if you told him and he didn’t forgive you? What if he was coming to tell you he never wanted to see you again? Your heart sank at the possibility. Now that you knew, now that you understood, you wanted nothing more than to be with Toge. To explain to him how you really felt. Oh, god, what if he didn’t feel the same way? You’re snapped back into reality when you hear the door open. You quickly make your way to the front of the clinic.
You’re taken aback by his appearance when you see him. Gone was his strange uniform from before; instead he wore tan flannel with a white graphic tee underneath and brown sweatpants. Since he wasn’t wearing his uniform, he didn’t have the jacket that covered the lower half of his face; instead, he wore a mask. You wouldn’t have recognized him if it wasn’t for his blonde hair and those eyes that you had become so fond of. They were watching you as you took in his appearance.
“Nice to see you not bleeding out for once.” You say, looking him up and down. Toge looks at you and then laughs. You feel your heart begin to beat a little faster. Toge pulls out his phone and typed something quickly. Your phone buzzes, and you quickly look at it.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
Nice to see you too
You smile and look back at him. You could tell that he was smiling underneath his mask. The two of you stand there and stare at each other. You let out a small breath before speaking.
“I’m sorry.” You apologize, finally breaking the silence. “I was never mad about you not coming to see me, well, maybe I was a little upset, but so many things happened, and-“ You stop yourself. You hadn’t said it out loud in so long. You take a deep breath before continuing.
“That next day, I found out Misuzu passed, and I had to deal with that. By the time I had dealt with all of that, I felt like I couldn’t respond, I know, silly, but that’s what happened. And then next thing I know, you’re stumbling, well, crashing into my clinic, and yeah.” You finish rambling.
You weren’t exactly sure when he made his way over to you, but suddenly Toge wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you in a hug. You’re shocked at first, but soon feel yourself relaxing into him. There was something familiar about being in his arms. Toge rubbed soothing circles on your back. You found comfort in Toge’s arms that you hadn’t felt in a long time.
After a moment, you and Toge finally pull away from each other. Toge pulls his phone back out and quickly types something.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
I’m sorry about your loss. I know how much she meant to you.
“It’s okay. I feel better about it now.” You say, honestly. “What did you want to talk about? Oh, did you want to sit down?”
You begin moving over to the couch, and Toge follows you. When the two of you sit down, you’re acutely aware of the way your knee and his knee are touching. You watch as Toge types away on his phone.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
I’ve got something to tell you. Ready for my big secret? :p
You roll your eyes when you see the emoticon, but nod. Toge’s fingers dance quickly across his phone, and about a minute later, a text pops onto your screen.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
Basically, I’m a jujutsu sorcerer. I exorcise things called curses that develop as a result of human’s negative emotions. The first two times I stumbled into your clinic, I was nearby exorcising some, and they kind of got the best of me. The way I exorcise curses is through a technique called cursed speech, those are what the markings on my cheeks and tongue are. It takes a large toll on my body when I overuse it, hence the coughing up of blood. I have to be careful when I speak, and that’s why I use rice ball ingredients.
Toge pulls off his mask and gestures to the markings on his face before turning his attention back to his phone. Another text comes to your phone right after the last one.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
That night a few weeks ago Maki (the girl with me) and I were exorcising a curse and we stumbled into here by accident. I didn’t recognize the place at first, but when Maki talked about hearing someone, I realized where I was. I rushed around looking for you, and then I found you curled up on the floor. There was a curse attached to you.
You watched Toge’s fingers hover over the screen, and he lets out a shaky breath before typing again.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
You looked so scared, and it broke something inside me. I exorcised it, that was what happened when I spoke. I wasn’t thinking when I spoke after, I was so worried about you, and I slipped up by saying mustard leaf. You looked so confused when I said it, and I was devastated. I wanted to ask if you were okay and tell you it was going to be okay, but I couldn’t because of my cursed speech. And then, when you were apologizing, I wanted to tell you that it was okay. That you didn’t have anything to be sorry for, but I couldn’t. Then, you passed out, and I took you home.
You're looking at Toge, trying to find his eyes, but they’re focused on his screen.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
I was so upset. I didn’t know what to do. I kept blaming myself for that curse attaching itself to you. I was upset because I couldn’t talk to you, and I didn’t know what to say to you. I got your texts, but I didn’t know how to respond. I couldn’t bring myself to text you until today, and that’s when I decided to tell you all this. I’m sorry.
Your eyes finish reading over the text and then move over to Toge. He wasn’t looking at you. His gaze was still locked on his phone despite it being locked. His hands were shaking slightly.
“Toge.” You say, quietly. He still doesn’t move his eyes away from his phone.
“Toge.” You say again, this time more firmly.
This time he looks at you, and you notice his eyes feeling with tears. You feel part of your heart breaking. Before you even realize you’re moving, you’re wrapping your arms around him. You hold him as tightly as you can. You can hear Toge as he cries quietly.
“It’s okay. I’m okay.” You reassure him, quietly.
You hold him for a while before he pulls away. Toge uses his sleeve to wipe away his tears. The two of you watch each other quietly. Toge’s eyes linger on you for a moment before he reaches for his phone, and types something. Your phone buzzes on the couch, and you reach to grab it.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
I think I was expecting you to have a different reaction
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask, eyeing him.
rice ball enthusiast
I expected more freaking out.
ヽ(°〇°)ノ ←- You
You roll your eyes, but can’t help the smile that appears on your face.
“I don’t freak out that much.”
rice ball enthusiast ♡
Yeah you do. Remember that story you told me about your first time in the ER? I was expecting that level of freaking out. Hearing about curses for the first time can be pretty shocking.
“I knew I should’ve never told you that story. Plus, it wasn’t my first time hearing about them. Maki told me before.” You say. Toge’s eyes widen, and so do yours at what you had let slip.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
When did you and Maki talk about curses?
Uh-oh. Busted.
“Uh, never? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You lie. Toge raises an eyebrow at you. “Okay, okay, fine. The day after you two exorcised that curse, she was waiting for me outside of the clinic. She came to my house, and that’s when she told me about curses and your cursed speech.”
rice ball enthusiast ♡
I wanted to be the first one to tell you!! :(:(:(:((((
You giggle at the message.
“Sorry, she beat you to it.”
Toge knits his eyebrows together in frustration, and you knit yours together to match his facial expression.
“Look, I’m Toge, and I’m mad Maki told my secret.” You say, teasing him.
Toge only furrows his brows deeper, and you laugh more. Soon after, Toge joins, and you feel your heart flutter again. After you finish laughing, you clear your throat and look at Toge. He’s looking right back at you, and you feel yourself become nervous.
“Toge, I have a confession.” You say, quietly. Toge raises an eyebrow at you. You clear your throat. “I like you.”
Toge looks at you for a second before typing something on his phone. You glance down and see a message on your phone.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
For a second there, I thought you were going to confess to being in a gang and that you’ve been projecting this whole time.
You shove Toge playfully and roll your eyes.
“You’re really annoying, you know that?” You say only half-asking.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
Yeah, but apparently you like it ;)
You become embarrassed and go to shove him again, but this time he grabs your wrist and pulls you into him. He’s looking at you carefully, with those amethyst eyes you’ve grown so fond of. The two of you were dangerously close together. Your eyes wander from Toge’s down to his lips and the markings surrounding them. You subconsciously lick your lips, and your eyes find his again.You open your mouth to speak, but before any sound comes out, Toge has his lips pressed against yours.
It was soft and delicate, almost as if he were to press too hard, you’d shatter. Toge’s lips were softer than you imagined and you could feel your body relax into his instantly. It was almost as if the room around you had disappeared. Your lips moved in sync with his, and your fingers ended up tangled in his silky hair. You could feel Toge smile against your lips, and you couldn’t help but do the same.
The two of you were completely consumed with each other. Toge’s tongue swiped against your lips carefully, and you could taste something tangy, but sweet on his tongue. Toge was kissing you with passion like you’d never felt before. Everything he wanted to say, everything he couldn’t say, he put into the kiss. You didn’t want to pull away. You wanted to give him every part of you, but eventually, he pulled away and rested his forehead against yours, breathing heavily.
The two of you stayed there for a minute, enjoying each other's company before Toge pulls away and taps his phone. Your phone buzzes and you go to read his message.
rice ball enthusiast
(Attachment: 1 Image)
You roll your eyes at the image of the cat with photoshopped blush on its cheeks, hearts surrounding it, and “i like you” typed across the top.
“And just why do you have an image like that on hand?” You ask him, raising an eyebrow. Toge quickly types something.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
I’ve been waiting for the right time to use it.
“You were planning on using a reaction pic to tell me you liked me?” You question him. Toge gives an innocent smile and shrugs. “You’re ridiculous.”
rice ball enthusiast ♡
So what now?
You sit for a minute, thinking about it. And then you practically jump up with excitement.
“Let’s go to my house!” You exclaim excitedly. Toge’s eyes widen with surprise, and he quickly types away on his phone.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
And do what exactly?
“Make rice balls, duh. What else would we do?” You ask confusedly. Toge smiles at you and shakes his head.
You stand from the couch, ready to leave, but Toge is still sitting.
“Well, do you want to know the secret that makes them amazing or not?”
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jocherry · 1 day
cy : baek stop staring at me
bh: have I ever told you that you are so gorgeous
(cy blushed,his tip of his ears turning deep red)
cy: are you high or smthn?! ( cy eyed bh)
bh: yes very much
(cy narrowed his eyes wondering when did this happen without him)
cy: what are you high on?!
bh : park chanyeol
( he said without taking his eyes from the giant , cy was caught off guard with the answer n he knows that his cheeks are hot now but he tried to mask it off with rolling his eyes)
cy: really?!
bh: you have no idea how you keep me high all the time
( he sighed and leaned frwd to place his chin on cy's shoulder, he wrapped his arms around his torso almost clinging him like a koala. he got a whiff of cy's scent which made him to lean closer towards chanyeol's neck, goosebumps erupted on cy's body as bh's breath tickled on his neck)
cy: some cute lil puppy being clingy today huh?
bh: you smell so good wish I could just breath you instead of air
cy: byun stop what's with you tdy?!
(cy giggled trying to pry bh off him which only made him to nuzzle his head even more into his neck)
bh: stop pushing me away you meanie
( cy scoffed n gave up on his attempt to pry him away instead he wrapped on arm around bh leg which is sprawled across his lap, he leaned and pecked his tiny puppy's forehead, bh purred at the contact of his lips, cy almost thought his bf might be a kitten rather than a puppy)
cy: what you want to do tmrw?!
they were huddled in the sofa as they decided to watch a movie.its been really long since they had a movie night. bh was busy with his concert n cy has been busy with his album prep. so they rarely got to see each other physically. eventhough they had been videocalling eo at every chance they got, long distance sucked nonetheless.
they decided to watch their all time fvrt movie zootopia. they could swear both know every single dialogue of the movie. atp the movie was just a white noise for them so they could enjoy the warmth of their body n catch up with their lives.
bh: can we just cuddle all day n do nothing? I don't think I want to see more people anyother than you. ( he pouted)
cy: (he smiled and shook his head at the request of his bf) sure pup whatever you want but yk its our 13th anniversary I atleast wanted to take you out on dinner
bh: no I don't want papz on our tail again!! why don't we just cook tgt and have a candle light dinner at our home itself?!
cy: b I m sure you gonna become one of the furniture in our home these days!
bh: what can I do?! I just wanted to spend more time with my boyfriend n my daughter but it seems he don't want it.
(bh tried to remove myself from cy faking an annoyance, cy tightened the grip around him never giving the chance to move away from him)
cy: my bad I only wanted to impress my boyfriend on our anniversary
bh: oh pls I wouldn't be here cuddling the fuck out of you if I wasn't impressed 13 years back.
cy: touchè
bh: so that means we are becoming furniture together or what?! (bh looked at cy expectantly unconsciously forming a cute pout, cy dare say no to this adorable hooman)
cy: whatever you say my pouty puppy
( cy ruffled bh hair n rested his chin on top of his head)
bh: talking abt puppy where is our daughter?
just in time zzar came running off from her bed with her fvrt plushie in her mouth, she nudged cy's leg which made her both parents coo, cy lifted her up n placed her in his lap. bh massaged her toes which made her lean on to cy's body evenmore,soon she was drifting off to dreamland.
bh: she is so cute right?
cy: as father as daughter
( he sported a smirk which bh desperately want to wipe it off from his face so he did, he pulled cy by his shirt carefully without disturbing their baby, cy gasped at the sudden contact of soft pair of lips, how many times he have kissed his boyfriend lips he felt like as if he is getting his first kiss. they kissed slowly without rush, the way both nibbled at each other's lips, the way their breaths mingled together it was perfect. when they broke apart chanyeol's eyes glistened with full of adoration for his bf. no matter how hard been the life past 13 years they always found peace in each other. they might be at the ends of the world for their jobs but chanyeol's heart always belonged to this puppy man all over him.
bh: I love you so much my yeollie
cy: I love you too my baekhyunnie
bh sighed and rested his head on chanyeol's chest. he craded his fingers thru zzar's fur petting her gently. the steady heartbeat of his giant bf lulled him sleep. soon he drifted off to dreamland too. chanyeol looked down at the two puppies cuddling him. he realized that world might be big with so many people but right here at a cozy apartment in seoul holding two most precious things of his life he felt his world is not so big. his world fits right in his arm. with that he pecked both of them and adjusted their postion around him so they could sleep comfortably.
on the brink of falling asleep he thought he want to live in this world till his lifetime. he hoped the ring he had hid inside their closet beneath their dresses, might pave way for that.
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wooahaes · 9 months
hi hello here to talk abt the masterpiece that is uts ☀️
are there any deleted scenes that you could tell us about? or scrapped plots/scenarios?
hi hiii skdfhsdf savv calling it a masterpiece... i owe u my life...
anyway uts spoilers technically
yep!! i have scraps leftover from mingyu's part where i wasn't sure what i wanted to do regarding his injury. i had one idea where mingyu would have pushed reader out of the way of a falling, cracked glass jar and ended up with it shattering as it hit his hand. it'd be incredibly messy and painful and i dont really remember why i chose the burn over this? i think i just picked the one i wanted to write more. there was a slight vague part of said 'how gyu get hurt?' process where i considered something like him fucking up his leg while pushing reader out of the way.
actually now that i think about it, i think i chose the burn because it wouldn't have been so 'mingyu saving reader.' i didnt like the idea of reader having to deal with the guilt of being the reason mingyu got hurt and i felt it'd be cuter to just have reader decide to take care of him because they truly cared for him--not out of this sense of obligation.
uhhh the original original ending of cheol uts would have p much outright stated that he and reader had sex (i think i implied it in a few endings but left it entirely up to readers choice on whether they did or not--it was left very very vague). i scrapped the idea entirely because i felt like the emotions in the scene were too high and that they didn't need to take that step, and then later i scrapped the scene entirely (and shared it here) because i wanted reader to be the one who confessed to cheol. like idk i just Really liked the idea of reader taking initiative to confess to cheol and do something special (+ i really like the sentiment i wrote into it where cheol found everyone, but reader found cheol). plus idk my blog is almost entirely sfw (save for that one hosh fic i wrote where its outright stated he and reader bang + i think some sexual implications in my own bday fics that i wrote For Me lol) so it felt weird to end cheol's part of a series by outright saying "yes they sex" esp since im p sure i have some readers who are ace and i didnt wanna alienate 'em if they don't want sex at all
plus also something something reader was still recovering from being sick so i felt like cheol would be Very vigilant about not pushing reader too hard & making sure they were taking care of themself. banished to cuddle in his arms for one million years until he knows ur better >:(
in said og og ending there was a mention of there being a mix of bliss and regret because it felt like reader and cheol had rushed into this kind of relationship when like... he felt like reader deserved something softer. sweeter. to take them on dates and sneak kisses when the others weren't looking. but that he'd ultimately feel relieved in being there next to reader. maybe ill release it at some point haha
i DID however take the part where cheol breaks down crying in the ending of his part from it (the whole 'it's not beautiful to watch a person crumble' thing) as well as the following bits. the line w the 'love itself was an uncertain beast' and cheol admitting that he thought he needed to hide his feelings because hes supposed to be strong and reader makes him weak.
technically i scrapped the idea of doing moodboards to introduce everyone. i was going to do a lil moodboard + have a litle blurb with their alternate name & a little about each. i think that was before i wrote the 'before.' chapter that pretty much said everything + i only finished seokmin's before i changed gears.
i thiiiink i considered 'fawn' as the nickname for reader in the very beginning? but joshua was supposed to be the deer of the group so.
aside from thaaaaat.... im not sure? i think i followed most of my fic plans for UtS pretty closely.
OH OH i can talk about maybe scrapped poly au endings since i know how im ending it now haha
so the original poly au was gonna go fully delulu tbh? one by one they would have all disappeared until it was just reader and cheol, ultimately 'facing the sun' and accepting the memories that have returned to them (and the fact it meant they would disappear from this world). it would have branched off into two endings i think? one where reader refuses to let go, and both reader and cheol agree to just... stay there forever. together.
and then reader would have woken up the next day in a field with a blindfold over their eyes. they take it off to see a pretty man with brown eyes. who is he? and... for that matter, who are you?
and if they chose to let go, accepting that they might never see cheol (or any of the others again) bc as much as they need them, the world needs them more, reader would have woken up in their apartment, annoyed at how long they felt they'd slept. they find a little mouse plushie they don't remember buying, and they can't really remember the dream they had--only that they went to bed sobbing and wishing life would be simpler.
weeks pass. reader ends up getting coffee at a place and overhearing one of the guys behind them whispering about how their drink order sounds good and they forget to give their name for the order. the order gets called out, reader goes over to get it, only to run straight into said guy--who recognizs reader instantly with a quiet 'mouse.' and reader turns to realize they've come face-to-face with vernon (and seungkwan, who was with him), bc i liked the idea of it coming full circle to be reader seeing vernon again and immediately recognizing him as everything started to come back.
the three of them ended up going back to someones apartment while calling all of the others over bc "dude its fucking important" and they all reunite, unsure of what will come next, but glad to be together again, even if only for a little while.
aaaaaand the other ending was going to just be a time loop. reader fully confesses their love to the group and then wakes up in the field the next day, remembering nothing.
BOTH OF THOSE ENDINGS FUCKING SUCK THO-- bc they don't fit the idea of what UtS is to me. a huge part of UtS is the acceptance of grief in a sense and moving forward and i kinda hope to dig into that far more with the poly fic once i finish planning it and get around to writing it. although i do like the split idea? honestly if i bring it back... pretend u all never read this.
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hiyaitssans · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons on Carmy undergoing top surgery? That euphoria would probably be one of the happiest things he’s ever felt and definitely holds onto that memory and the feelings he felt, in comparison to the stress and anxiety he faces on a daily basis with the restaurant. Carmy just deserves to be happy :’)
i think when he gets top surgery its when hes in new york but like ,,, maybe he hasnt been there *that* long where he loses complete contact w everyone in chicago so he just tells sugar, fak, richie, n mikey [in that order and spanned across multiple days cuz he probably feels a little bad abt 'bothering' them] w like ,,, a text or smthn n then at some point they all head out 2 new york cuz they supported him !!!! they care abt him like . sm its not funny
n i think mikey showed up 2 new york last, n didnt stay 4 that long, maybe on the day carmy was supposed 2 go under 2 talk 4 a bit n then he dipped after carmy went in 4 surgery n went low contact again [praying 2 gohd theres more scenes w mikey n y mikey was so ,,, mikey ig ?? PLEASE give us more home life carmy PLEASEEEEE HULU]
ALSOOO when carmy was explaining how top surgery works in the operating room 2 everyone n he said they have 2 keep the arms spread out [n he demonstrates by spreading his arms out] [i think thats how it works ??? CANNOT find a clear source 4 the life of me] richie says smthn along the lines of carmy getting crucified n its like . the ultimate mood lifter
i think carmy was mildly worried abt how top surgery would go, cuz he was excited !!!! obv !!!!!!!!! cuz hes gonna b flat chested and look like a guy n hed been on testosterone long enough 2 sound remotely like a guy n the new packer he got works WONDERS
but he was just worried abt drains n how hes gonna get money [sugar n uncle jimmy took care of that] [he was a lil apprehensive but gave in after some convincing from richie and fak]
i think carmy considers the day his scars healed n he could finally look at himself properly in the mirror the happiest day of his life. like absolutely NOTHING could compare 2 the rush of euphoria he felt in that dingy full sized mirror the old tenants of his apartment left behind.
obv that didnt change the fact he was severely depressed and he probably could never step back in his childhood home without some hurtful comment from his mother, but he decided that for once? he was happy. truly and irrevocably happy.
ALSO i think carmy liked cooking bcuz chef is like . the most gender neutral term so it felt nice not holding his breath 4 the occasional ma'am from some retail job he worked 2 make money on the side b4 throwing himself fully in2 cooking
hes also never been 2 a pride parade like . ever .
mostly cuz he either a) hadnt come out 2 his mom yet and i think his mom is mildly homophobic or b) was 2 busy w culinary school 2 actually go out n have a good time
at some point when he was back in chicago he decided 2 actually go 2 one w some ppl from the bear [4 catering n also cuz . hes trans . he deserves 2 celebrate] n actually had a fun time !!!! now owns a lil trans button [like the LITTLE little ones, jus 4 subtlety] a flag he got 4 free, a pair of silver studs [jus simple ones, like a flat circle], n a shirt that says eat puss. its organic [richie bought it 4 him n as much as he hates it, its also one of the most comfortable shirts hes worn 2 sleep like . ever]
OKI all the stuff i can come up w rn, enjoyyyy :D [yes i think the new bear season releasing during pride month is significant .]
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meltwonu · 3 years
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| 𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔩 𝔦 𝔪𝔢𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 |     [Chapter 1] 
pairing; fratboy!wonwoo x reader
this chapter’s notes; fratboy!wonwoo, dom!wonwoo, dirty talk, masturbation, sex toys, mentions of sexting/sending photos/videos, baby this has hella plot lmao dkhf 🥴💕 WELCOME TO UNTIL I MET YOU!! THE MINI-SEQUEL TO CAFFEINE! A bit of a shorter chapter but I didn’t want to overload with too much everything in the first chapter, ykwim? 😎 Thank you so much for your patience with this sequel, I know there were a ton of people asking for a sequel for months after I said I would 💕😭😭 As always, inbox roundup tomorrow! And don’t forget, next chapter for UIMY goes up on Feb 26th! T|H ch 1 next Friday! 🥰💕 Enjoy ch 1, have a great weekend and I love you! 💕
chapters; 1 - x - x - x - x
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“Mmh… Wonwoo…”
His hands roam all over your naked body; warmth spreading all over when he digs his blunt fingernails into the skin of your waist.
“Feels good, doesn’t it? Did you miss me, sweetheart?” His voice is soft, gentle, yet teasing; barely above a whisper as your back bows off of the bed to lean into his simple touches. “I missed you, sweetheart. Missed your ‘lil cunt too.”
A choked sob falls from your lips, followed quickly by rushed, hurried cries for Wonwoo to move faster.
“Don’t you want me to take my time? We haven’t seen each other in months.” 
There’s a smirk on his lips, eyes twinkling with mischief when you reply back with a shaky whine. “Don’t you want me to slide my cock into your pretty ‘lil pussy nice ‘n slow? Let you feel every inch of me filling you up, just like it’s the first time all over again.” He stares at you dreamily; fixated on the way your body chases his hands when he drags them down to your thighs. “Or would you prefer it if I fucked you hard and fast? Your cute body squirming and trembling from how good I give it to you and my cock slamming into your tight ‘lil cunt.”
Wonwoo’s fingertips spread your folds as he licks his lips; appreciating how wet you already were for him.
“Bet your toys don’t feel as good as the real thing, huh?”
You shake your head ‘no’ furiously, “N-no, god, no! Wonwoo, p-please!” The male grins down at you, pouting mockingly at your desperate, pleading eyes. 
The wetness between your legs is unbearable and the sobs are caught in your throat when Wonwoo leans over you, lips ghosting across your own.
“Okay. Just say--”
You’re shocked awake by your alarm clock; chest heaving in deep breaths as you sit up in your crumpled sheets. “Oh, fuck...” Groaning, your clammy palms reach for the ringing device as you shut it off and sigh.
The clock reads 10:02AM; tired eyes trying to blink away the sleep that threatens to take you back to the dreamland you much preferred. Although, dreaming about Wonwoo was becoming a little bit too common these last few days.
Sighing once more, you move to get out of bed; already finding your panties soaking wet and sticking to you like a second skin when you stand.
“Ugh... Damn it.”
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You press the vibrator harder onto your clit; teeth chattering with the pleasure that pours over your body.
“Oh, god, please, p-please…”
Images of Wonwoo dance behind your eyelids; sultry smirks and teasing glances bringing you closer and closer to the edge of an orgasm.
If there was anything that the last few months without Wonwoo taught you, it was that you couldn’t afford to lose him - in more ways than one. And despite his lack of calls or even text messages, you held out in hopes he still felt the same way that you did despite the distance.
You sent him pictures and videos of yourself often; teasing images half naked, toys in hand, and videos crying out his name while you came. And while he took the time to reply to those with praise and adoration, he almost never sent anything back. 
When he did, it was always short, clipped replies of how exhausted he was and how he didn’t have much time.
“Ngh, h-harder…” Your toes curl against the bedsheet; phantom feelings of his cock fucking you hard and deep making you cry out in desperation to be filled by his cock.
Your phone rings on the nightstand next to you as you cum - vibrator pressed so hard against your clit that your back bows off of the sheets while your thighs shake uncontrollably. 
And for the first time in a long time, it’s an orgasm that feels like it’s worth something.
‘Gyu: hey did wonwoo text u?
‘Gyu: he’s back next monday he said
‘Gyu: idk abt classes tho, might be out of commission for a while bc jetlag
‘Gyu: thinking abt throwing him a party on friday after he comes back...
‘Gyu: u wanna plan with us orrrrr? U got a private party or sth 🥴😏
‘Gyu: lmk
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You’re nervous. Shy, even.
After you’d come down from your orgasm and checked your phone, your mind momentarily went blank from shock and the first thing you’d done was text Wonwoo to ask if he was really coming back that soon.
‘Ah, yeah, I was just about to text you. Prof said we can go home early if we wanted since we finished up classes. I’ll see you sometime next week? Jetlag and stuff.’, was all he had said and in your excited state, the only thing you had responded with was an, ‘Okay, great!’, without asking when, where, or what time.
You figured you’d give him some time to readjust instead of bombarding him as soon as he got in. But each second that you knew Wonwoo was home, you found yourself itching to just be in his presence.
You just had to be a little more patient.
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Wednesday morning comes and you find yourself skipping your morning class to go to the library.
For studying, you tell yourself.
The male at the receptionist table shoots you a small smile to which you awkwardly smile back before ducking into an empty aisle. All you knew was that it seemed like Wonwoo wasn’t here.
Maybe he’s still at the frat house, you wonder.
Sighing slightly under your breath, you decide that maybe getting some work done would actually help distract you from looking for the male.
You find an empty table, setting your things down before pulling out your phone. 
In all honesty, you weren’t even sure why you were being so shy and nervous about contacting Wonwoo, especially when you so unabashedly sent him nudes every few days when he was away. 
Although, with how things had been before he left and the prospect of actually dating once he came back from his semester abroad - the butterflies in your stomach had been nonstop with the different scenarios that played out in your head. You’d even gone so far as to plan what happened if Wonwoo had decided he didn’t want to make an attempt at dating you.
The grip you have on your phone only tightens as you whip your head around to find Wonwoo standing behind your chair and you swear your heart stops beating the same time your breath gets caught in your throat. “H-huh?”
He smiles gently down at you and you can’t help but wonder how long you were spaced out to not notice him there. 
“Is this a dream too?” You wonder aloud - Wonwoo chuckling in response as he moves to collect your things for you.
“Have you been dreaming about me that much, sweetheart?” You stutter and stumble over your words; embarrassment eating at you every second that Wonwoo has a knowing smile plastered on his lips.
“C’mon, let’s go get something to eat since we both know you’re not really here to study.”
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The version of Wonwoo that sits across the cafe table is… different.
Not bad, just different.
His arms are much tanner and definitely more muscular and the glasses missing from his face lets you appreciate his eyes even more when they’re not hidden behind the thick frames. He had even opted to wear a sleeveless shirt; something that you weren’t used to when he usually was around campus in long sleeves and sweater vests.
Although, you can’t and won’t deny the way your body reacts to this Wonwoo.
“Hey, I’m talking to you and you’re just spacing out.” Muttering, he leans over the small cafe table until his face is only inches away from yours and the smirk on his lips already lets you know that you’ve been caught staring.
“Listen, I know I’ve been gone for three months but you’re lookin’ at me like you haven’t had a fix in all that time.” Your lips press into an embarrassed firm line, avoiding his stare as he raises a brow at you.
“Wait, you didn’t fuck anyone in the three months I was gone?”
“No… did you?” Your voice is barely above a whisper; a little afraid that his answer will be ‘yes’ when he takes a second longer to respond.
“Nah,” He settles back into his seat, “I told you, didn’t I? I was willing to try the whole… dating, relationship thing with you when I got back. Although, I’m somewhat surprised one of the others didn’t try to seduce you while I was gone.”
You laugh slightly, cheeks warm as Wonwoo teases. “I wouldn’t have given them the time of day anyway.”
Your entire body burns hot, palms clammy in your lap from how giddy you were to be with Wonwoo and it made your heart do backflips knowing that he’d still been willing to try with you.
“Ah, how was it abroad anyway? You… didn’t really say much over the past few months so I feel like I don’t know how you were. Just some messages about how tired you were...” He takes a sip of his coffee; unintentionally making you internally scream when his lips form a pout while he thinks.
“Honestly? Other than the days we were excavating ‘n stuff, it was pretty boring. Really hectic though, and a lot of documenting which meant a lot of paperwork. I swear, I closed my eyes and I saw the inside of my textbooks.” He chuckles lightly, eyes focused on the cup of coffee in front of him.
“I just want to say sorry for my lack of communication. I really didn’t expect to be so busy that I couldn’t even pick up a call.” There’s a genuine apologetic look on Wonwoo’s face when he looks back at you. “And the time difference was really rough too. I didn’t want to take it out on you over the phone if I was stressed about not sleeping or the workload. I know we can get a little rough when we ‘play’ but this wasn’t that and it wouldn’t have been fair.”
“T-that’s okay, I understand!” Your heart does somersaults in your chest, “I--thank you for thinking about me too.”
The feelings you have bubbling up inside of you make you feel like you’re falling in love for the first time, all over again. “Um… Sorry I sent so many pictures ‘n stuff.”
Wonwoo laughs, this time throwing his head back slightly before he tries to hide his wide grin. “Oh, sweetheart. Don’t apologize.” Your eyes meet his and for a split second, you see the familiar dominating look in his eyes before he leans over the small cafe table again.
“I might’ve not had all the time to entertain you those times but I thought about you alllll the time. I missed everything about you.” His voice is barely above a whisper - careful to not let anyone else in the cafe hear the topic of conversation. “Which, by the way…You piqued my interest earlier with your question. You never really answered my question about having dreams about me.”
You shift in your seat as you avert your eyes from his; eyes flitting down his toned body instead as you mentally curse yourself.
“I… kinda? I m-mean… not normally but just--just these last few days. It’s almost been every night… I wake up and--and it’s just… I’m...” You trail off; somewhat shy to say the rest of what you were going to say even though you’re almost certain Wonwoo already knows.
“Odd. Me too. I kept dreaming about you, which is, honestly, kind of why I thought to come back earlier.”
“Mm, we still had 2 weeks left, technically. A bit of a spillover since my professor wanted us to explore the city once finals were over. But I just wanted to come home.” He finishes with a chuckle - a soft look in his eyes.
You pout back at him, “You didn’t come home early just for ‘lil ‘ol me, did you?” You say it jokingly, but deep down you do wonder.
“Would that be so bad?” Grinning, Wonwoo sets a couple of bills down onto the table to cover the meals you both barely have touched.
“Like I said, I missed everything about you, sweetheart.”
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Wonwoo walks you back to your place afterwards; laughing and joking with you as if he hadn’t been gone for the last 3 months. 
There’s a certain playfulness about him that makes your heart bloom and part of you wonders if he’s opening up to you more now that there’d been some time apart.
“Are you gonna be working at the library again? Or is that done forever now?” “Mm.. I mean, it’d be kind of weird if I stopped, don’t you think?”
The grin of his face is telling and you have to mentally stop yourself from letting your mind wander in the middle of the sidewalk. “Y-yeah... Studying in my apartment isn’t really the same, y’know…”
Laughing, Wonwoo takes the opportunity to swing an arm around your shoulder as he tucks you under his arm. “I was actually at the library earlier to ask about my position back. I start tomorrow.” Goosebumps rise on your skin and the close proximity is enough to make you whimper.
“I’m only taking two classes this semester to give myself a bit of a break so I’ll be in the library more often to fill up the time. You can always call me if you need to know where I am. I promise I’ll respond this time, sweetheart.”
Before you know it, the two of you are already standing outside of your complex as Wonwoo takes his arm off of you.
“Will I be seeing you tomorrow?” There’s a hopeful lilt to his voice that has you nodding feverishly in return.
“I have a morning class but I’ll come by in the afternoon? I can text you to let you know, just in case.” You offer back.
Wonwoo licks his lips, tilting his head before leaning down and kissing you on the forehead.
The soft gesture momentarily throws you off as you freeze but the smoldering look in Wonwoo’s eyes when he pulls away lets you know that he’s already scheming.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart.”
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gracifleur · 2 years
okay i'm kidding, more seriously: what drew you to shaymin in the first place? do you have any favorite and least favorite theories and concepts regarding it?
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i hope ur ready 2b emotional on this good monday bc this, is the saga of me & shaymin.
so ive been a fan pkmn since the good year of 1998, u could not for the life of u me n dupree get my gameboy from my tiny child fingers n make me put down red or blue. my fav pkmn was pikachu, instantly. i still have my fav pikachu shirt from childhood ok listen. so thru the years watching the anime, seeing the movies in theater, playing the games time passes n we get to rse & admittedly i was burnt OUT. BURT THE FUCK OUT. but also, & pls no hate, i wasnt the biggest fan of the 3rd gen. i loved the sprites, the pkmn, the location, but the story itself just wasnt my thing & i rlly just felt the pang of man idk if im into this as i used to be which sucks when u lose a hyperfixation but also something that u rlly love n enjoyed n brought u immense joy. so i decided to be a wee bit edgy n be all bleh pkmn for babies as i totally very much still replayed rby & gsc etc etc. im a lil hypocrite if nothing. so when the ds came out n news of a new gen was on the horizon, i ignored it. however one of my high school besties did not & got diamond. it was also my birthday( fun fact i do share a release date birthday with platinum in america i will let u look it up ) & pal was like 'i wanted pearl so here take diamond as ur gift n lets go get my game n play together i kno u love pkmn' he was right. i do love pkmn n wow, wow. the first moments of diamond rlly just SNAPPED something within me. it was like falling in love with this series all over again. something about the world, the characters, the story, the pkmn it all fell into place n really really made me remember why i loved this franchise in the first place.
so, naturally i start paying attention again to pkmn news & more importantly: event pkmn. which lead me to this advertisement from toys r us. also fun fact: i have the shaymin image from this ad bc i cut it out, it's in my 3ds case at all times safe.
now, i saw this lil fella & i was like oh my god ur so adorable i need you. && so me n one of my high school besties who was as fanatic abt pkmn as me rushed off 2 our local toysrus n download the mystery gift. i go n open the summery of my shaymin & that was that. idk what happened. suddely pikachu was #2 in my heart( tho nowdays i do consider both shaymin & pikachu as my all time favs, but shaymin is like slightly higher on the list ). idk what it was ! this lil fella made me appreciate grass types, a type i normally dont care for at all but turtwig had started to fix that. i always had them in my party, i got a secondary diamond copy just to hACK TO DO THE OAKS LETTER EVENT. i loved them idk why something about the fact that this lil friend shaped creature is thankful to me in spite of everything was like the franchise itself saying thank you for always loving pkmn, for giving it a second chance, for like idk being a good friend. && that rlly resonated with me.
pkmn has been a franchise that has rlly helped me thru some shit & has always just been consistently there. every game since diamond ive loved more n more n more. && i think like gen4 will always be special for me & so will shaymin bc like as grateful as i am for pkmn it sorta feels like pkmn is grateful for me too & thats just like makes ur heartgut go emotional huh cause it does me too its ok anyways shaymin rules actually
aND FOR THE SECOND PART UHH IDK ABOUT THEORIES I HATE or concepts, its kinda hard to like rlly delve into more than whats there bc shaymin seems to embody the coming of spring, the change of the seasons, to start anew, refresh & rejuvenation all of those are sick as fuck concepts but i guess if i had a criticism i would def say sky forme looks stupid kdJHASKJDhsa IDK THATS JUST ME LAND FORME BEST FORME #HATER
oh uh, pet tax: here is a photo of that said toysrus shaymin currently chilling in my copy of x
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kariuann · 3 years
Hi so um I had an idea for this kinda angsty like thing like it can ether be sad or happy anyways so like what if Luke gets like kicked out of the cilestile(?) relm then like he goes to the past (during the exchange program) and everyone is shocked cause he's so diffrent (still bean tho) like
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Human form and
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Demon form (if possible can you do the Datables too?)
Obey Me! Brothers react to Demon!Luke
thanks for the request lovely user! i'll be doing the demon version coz it's more interesting mwahahahaha i'll be separating the brothers from the side characs if it's okay w/ u :))))
warnings: spoilers from idk what lesson it was i think it was around 20s
i gotta tell u this mans is s h o o k
he ain't a chihuahua now omg???
he a b u l l d o g
jkjk he's a lil husky pup
but he doesn't show how s h o o k he is ofc
mans still tease this baby lemme tell u
but on serious occasions he treats luke like his child !!!
he teaches luke stuff about devildom and the demons
that's this mans first reaction
i gotta tell u he was quickly shut up when luke kicked him down there
but daaaang he laughed so hard he couldn't find it to breathe
mammon would and d e f i n i t e l y will invite luke around devildom
like dude,,, mans got his precious demonio y not use it right
will definitely teach this pup to be a gambler
someone save this bb
this otaku ain't that much close to dis pup so he ain't that shocked
but he's pretty shocked
he a shy boi so he wouldn't go talk to him
bUT if dis mans spotted the pup buying christopher peugeot le author of tsl and tsl related stuff he will rUSH to him
and they both talk abt tsl and christopher peugeot mwahahaha
why couldn't they,,, i mean christopher peugeot is simeon anyways
pretty normal shock face
buuut he'll try to guide luke around devildom
yes, even with lucifer around
mans compete with him who tours luke around the most
mans always lost mwahahaha
if luke is a cat person,,, eVEN BETTER DGHAJHG
he would definitely bribe dis lil boi to let him adopt cats
someone save this bb (1)
would dEFINITELY drag luke and ask him to try a couple clothes he bought
would take a bunch of selfies w/ him
he goes full awe mode just by seeing how mature he became
would try to drag him on parties
he'd DEFINITELY drag this kid to HoL
"you're our chef now. cook us 3 meals"
luke will become vvv uneasy when he cooks anywhere
beel sensor activated
beel's a softie, he'd definitely treat luke to ristorante six
but whenever luke cooks, he's focused
he scared that if bb turns around, food will be gone in an instant
someone save this bb (2!!!)
"meh, idc"
mans aint close to the lil pup so he aint interested
but remember once in a chat where solomon felt something suuuuper soft in his sleep
and luke says it was him
one time belphie slept on someone not knowing it was luke
and it was ironically h e a v e n l y
mans would def drag this kid to HoL alongside beel
"you. me. cuddle. now." in a platonic way ofc
someone save this bb (3)
side characters soon!
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horromcom · 2 years
elaborating on earlier when i was talking abt the wasted potential barry carried im mainly talking in regards to his redemption/post-coma writing. not saying his pre-coma portrayal was perfect by any means, i still got some problems w it, but in comparison he feels leagues more well-utilized as a character
idk how to explain it but it kinda feels like the writers dont know WHAT to do w him anymore. like a barry redemption has the potential to be so complex and dynamic and could lead to soooo many fun ideas and episodes and potential plot threads and so many new angles to explore but the writers just dont do ANYTHING INTERESTING WITH IT (avgn voice) WHAT WERE THEY THINKINGGGG??
like ok 11x4 was. fine. still has some MAJOR glaring issues that make me foam at the mouth, but on its own its alright for the most part, i still revisit it a lot and if i dont think abt it too much its fun. 12x8 on the other hand was where it all falls apart for me
like i’ll never forget how excited i was for that ep thinking it was gonna tackle at least some of the cool new potential themes and ideas his character now carries like YES ITS HAPPENING WE’RE WINNING WAHOOO YIPPEEEE .. and then they completely botched it. like i cant say they didnt try, the ep did have some good ideas but the way it was all executed was sooo :/ disappointing and boring and surface-level and tbh kinda felt shoehorned in for a quick easy source of conflict and drama rather than being naturally developed over the course of his arc to the point where it almost feels like an afterthought and its all just so FRUSTRATINGGGG. (shrek image) they didnt even follow up on the events of 11x4. sucks especially bc this episode was shaping up to be one of my favs ever and then it actually aired and it was the worst night of my entire life hate and violence on planet earth. and it honestly has me extremely worried for future seasons too bc on one hand im scared his death’s gonna stick and the end of his arc will be whatevr the hell that was,, but on the other im scared he’ll come back and the writers will continue to butcher his character the way they’re doin. idk which is scarier AAAAA. like maybe they’ll surprise me maybe they’ll fix the problems i have and do something fun and new with him im trying so hard to stay optimistic. but my hopes aren’t high at all. the bar is at the earths core. yes im sooo excited for s13 yippee yay. yes im also shaking like a wet lil dog whenever i think abt how its almost here bc my poor blorbo might get massacred further
also the ‘doesnt get enough screen time’ slot that i checked off plays into the wasted potential angle too. like i think prior to the coma seasons the amount he got was fine (i def wouldnt complain if he had more but for what he got yeah it works) but post-coma i think the whole ‘once a season’ thing doesnt work anymore now that they’ve taken him in this new direction that requires more focus and care to develop. like i said abt how 12x8 felt rly rushed with barry’s whole deal feeling like it was tossed in without much forethought, i think that wouldnt have been so much of a problem if he were allowed more episodes prior to DO ANYTHING to establish his character growth and new motives/ideals and relationships/dynamics with the rest of the team and his clear struggles with recovery and how having archer back in the picture is affecting him and MY GOD. archer fx staff give him some filler episodes RAT NAO IM SO SRS and i know im yelling at clouds here bc i doubt this is something they’re gonna work on in future seasons considering they’re prob gonna stick to the 8 ep structure forever now which means less time to build on their side characters which drives me so mad and also another thing why have him apart of the team at all if ur not gonna do ANYTHINGGGG WITH HIM WHATS THE POINT THEN like if u for some reason cant feature him in too many eps then at least make up an excuse as to where he is or SOMETHING to affirm hes an established team member like the show claims like is he apart of the agency or not HELLO IS ANYONE THERE CAN ANYONE HEAR ME ITS SO DARK AND COLD IN HERE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SOMEONE HELP MEEEE
where am i going w this what am i talking abt im running on three hours of sleep here im not crazy i just want my babygirl sweet angel darling honeypie to have good writing and a meaningful well-realized arc and fun interesting relationship dynamics and character complexity/depth and actual thought and attention put into his development SO SO BAD I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE AUUUGHH AUUAHAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (DATS ME YELLIN)
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i am thinking abt elita domming the lil praxian trio…
Is this late? yes. Is it done and SUPER horny? yes.
@queenofmeatballs Here it fucking is, my bitch in crime for this bullshit.
“She’s SO pretty when she sleeps!”
“I know, we ALL know! Now quit FUCKING peeking!”
Red grinned as Scar tried to pull him away. Ever since the incident last week, Red was no longer allowed to watch over Lady Elita by himself anymore. So, all three of them were keeping watch over her. Even now, red kept peeking, opening the door a bit more every time. Scar kept pulling him back, but it was like pulling a mutt away from meat. Red groaned, getting a bit tired of how much of a goddamn prude Scar was being.
“You’re just mad because unlike you two, I have a bit of a shot! I’m the cute one!”
“One, you’re stupid. Two, I’m the one with scars, I’M the hot one by default. Three, stop opening the door, she needs to sleep!”
Blue butt in this time, scoffing.
“Excuse me, I’m the one who writes her poetry! I’m the suave, romantic one!”
Scar let go of Red for the sake of glaring properly at Blue.
“First of all, no one likes your poetry. Second, she reads it because she’s NICE to us! Only SAINTS deal with you!”
“Excuse you!”
He scoffed, hand over his chest. Scar was about to tell him off further, when he made a realization.
“Wait. Where’s red?”
They both looked inside the room. He was in there, the cheeky bastard! They both dove into the room, recalling they had to be quiet at the last second. Red grinned at them as he stood by her sleeping frame. He kept his voice to nothing but a whisper.
“God look at the CURVES on this fem! She is SOMETHING!”
“We know! We all know! Now get out!”
“I second with Scar, uncouth as he is.”
But Red was a cheeky, bold bastard. So instead of leaving, he placed his hand right on the blanket, where her hip was. Not only that, but he slowly trailed his hand up her frame, nearly losing his shit. The blankets did NOT show it properly, but her body was FINE. They both gawked at him, before losing their shit, yelling at him as quietly as they could.
“Are you serious?!”
“How DARE you?!”
Red stuck his glossa out at them, getting a bit cocky now.
“Because she’s hot, she’s asleep, and you guys are SO jealous!”
“Okay fine, sure, we’re jealous, just STOP! Lady is going to kill us!”
Red thought about it, before he shrugged. The mischief in his smirk showed that he could NOT see reason.
“Why don’t we see just how well put together our lady is, eh boys? Just a little peek?”
Red watched as they tried in vain to stop him. He pulled off the sheets, and as she rolled onto her back, he reached his hand up her thigh, stopping just short of her crotch plating. Scar dashed over and tore his hand away, glaring at his smirking, cocky face.
“Are you SERIOUS?!”
“Tch, don’t be a prude! I wasn’t even going to do it!”
“Were you?! I can’t tell with you, you’re a stupid PERVERT! Now we’re going to get out of here, and we’re going to forget this ever happened!”
Scar nearly threw his hand away, snarling. Suffice to say, Scar was the most protective of the three, and he would NOT tolerate such behavior towards her. He knelt down to pick up the blanket, covering her again. Just as he was about to wrap it up, a hand wrapped around his wrist.
“What are you three doing?”
Those sharp, blue optics focused onto his own, and Scar never felt like running like this before. He swallowed.
“M-my Lady! I assure you this is all just one big misunderstanding! I’m so sorry, we’ll leave and-”
“Don’t think you two are safe either.”
Red and Blue froze, being caught trying to sneak off and leave Scar in the dust. Bastards. Scar gave an apologetic smile, nerves on FIRE. While he was giddy that she was touching him, he hated the fact that it was in a way that made him look so awful. Unlike Red, he was NOT a pervert. Elita pushed the blanket off of her, and let go of Scar’s hand, choosing instead to fold her arms across her chest.
“Let me take a guess. You guys got...curious. You boys just couldn’t help yourselves, could you?”
“M-my Lady, I ASSURE you, this isn’t what it looks like! I’d do no such thing! It was Red!”
“W-you snitch!”
Elita’s eyes fell right onto him, and she made the motion for him to come to her. While Red was a pervert, he was just as shy as the other two were, honestly and truly. He gulped as he walked over to her, hands fumbling. She held onto his face, squishing his cheeks as if he was a naughty sparkling.
"Answer me honestly. I'm MUCH more forgiving if you're not lying to me."
Red gave an uncomfortable chuckle, and only really started to find his voice when her hand moved from his face, to his throat. She was as big and scary, as much as she was big and beautiful.
"I'm sorry! I was just messing around! And I came in and then I took away the sheets and...You’re just so pretty.”
It was exactly as she thought. These three were such perverts, they came into her room when she was just trying to recharge. That was why she felt so warm. She thought about just throwing them out, scolding them for doing so lewd, but...well. She had been so tense as of late. So pent up with anger and frustration and worry. They were HER boys anyway, she was pretty sure they wouldn’t mind helping her ease her woes.
“I see. I don’t know why you boys haven’t said something sooner. You really shouldn’t be so afraid of me. I don’t bite. Much.”
That was when she pulled him towards her, and pressed his lips against hers. They both sat there, cheeks ablaze as they stared in disbelief. She wasn’t just kissing him, she was KISSING him. Kissing him a way that she SHOULD be kissing Optimus. But she wasn’t. She was kissing RED like that. Fully, with greed, as they could plainly see when she pulled away, drool still connecting their mouths. He looked ready to dive in for more, before she stood up, placing a hand on her hip, and pointing at the berth.
“Three of you. Bent over the berth. Now.”
They moved fast, knowing that tone of hers. They laid down over the berth in a neat little row, like the cutest little duckies. Scar only just now, in the middle of them, seemed to notice just how weird this was.
“Does this seem right to you guys?”
Blue shook his helm.
“Does it matter? Elita gave us a command, and I’m not the one to refuse her.”
Scar opened his mouth to express his concerns again, when her hand dug into his aft, lifting him up a bit.
“Ass up. I want easy access to the three of you.”
Elita walked over to blue, clicking open his valve panel. Scar watched as Blue damn near swooned. Elita was ACTUALLY sitting there, touching not only him, but his panels. She hummed curiously as her fingers traced over his valce folks. He buried his hands in his face, muttering praises for her. She scowled, pulling away after a moment, looking unimpressed.
"Hmm...not you."
Scar peered behind him, watching her walk past him, to red. Red's panel was opened, and Scar sat there, watching him grip onto the sheets and bite his bottom lip. It was fairly short lived however, as she seemed just as displeased.
"Not you either. Hmm...okay, let's try you."
That was when Scar felt her right behind him. Her hands placed themselves on his ass, slowly sliding down his thighs, till he felt his valve exposed to the open air. Then he felt her servos carefully rub against his folds. Slowly, carefully. His breath hitched, his face buried into the sheets, and it took everything to keep his legs from buckling.
"Hmm...how's my hands feel?"
"G-good my lady, very-"
He couldn't talk more than just a mewl as she pushed two fingers into him. Oh it had been SO long since anyone touched him. Let alone someone so pretty, so big and stunning. She pulled her fingers out after a moment, and he thought he could breathe a sigh of relief. Then he felt something pressed up against him. He was no Wheeljack, but he knew damn well what it was. It was her spike. Long, thick. Not enough to be freakishly big, just enough to make his tanks do flips. He felt her size even further as she laid on top of him, one hand cupping his cheek.
"You. Are going to be SO fun. You're gonna treat me good, won't you?"
She kissed him right on his nose, making him just swoon. So big, so lovely. Primus himself made her. He nodded eagerly, not trying to seem TOO excited about the notion of getting fucked by her, but failing majorly. She held onto his face as she started to move her hips into him, and he swore he was melting like butter on a pan. Not only was she pushing herself inside and outside of him, but she was constantly kissing his cheek, constantly cooing over just how good of a boy he was. And what made it even better? The fact that the other two just stared at them. Silent, yet he could tell they were bubbling with jealousy. He wasn’t a cocky mech, but he prided himself in being the one who loved her the most. And now? They got to see it in full force.
“L-lady Elita?”
She kissed him again on his cheek, which, combined with the steady rolling of her hips, only made him feel weaker. How he found his voice was nothing short of a miracle.
“Can...uhm...can you go faster, please? Not that I’m trying to rush you, I don’t dream of it, I just...h-holy shit you’re so pretty.”
That seemed to make her laugh a bit. She patted his cheek.
“I can go faster, so much faster. But I just wanted to get a feel for you. A feel for this nice sweet valve that treats me SO sweetly. I can’t remember the last time I had a valve, let alone one that fit so snugly. But you’re right. It’s about time I start taking care of YOU.”
She slapped her hand over his mouth, and started to move. He knew she was big, knew she was a real strong lady, but he did NOT know just how powerful, till right now. Her hips clanged against him, and combined that with his soaked valve, filled the room with loud, lewd sounds. He wanted to cry out, wanted to beg her for more, but she kept her oh so soft hand around his mouth, forcing his cries to become muffled. And she chuckled. She chuckled so dreamily into his audial, and her voice alone could make him overload.
“Such a cute little con I have. Nice little face, nice little valve. You like my spike? Like it right up inside you? Like how you sit there and take me?”
Scar nodded furiously. He loved EVERYTHING about her, but as she was throbbing inside of him, he was finding even more things to love about her. Including her cruelty. Just when he thought he was going to overload, she stopped, slowly pulling herself out of him. She let go of his mouth, allowing him to freely pant like a dog. She sat back, looking at the hungry, happening valve of his. She stood there, biting at her thumb, and clearly liking what she had done.
“I almost wanted to let you finish, really I did. But, being the commander, I go first. So, let’s get this party started. All of you up, spikes out.”
Red and Blue had no issues turning around to face her, popping open their spike panels. It took Red leaning over to smack his ass to get Scar to stand back up, doing the same. Elita looked over at her selection, curious over which one she wanted. Despite them having so much in common, each spike was different. Red’s had a little more gerth, Scar’s had a slight curve to it, and Blue’s had just the cutest little vibration mod. Yep, she knew just which one.
“Blue, be a dear and lay down for me.”
Blue pointed to himself, as if he wasn’t sure of his name, before she chuckled.
“Yes, you. Lay back for me.”
Blue nearly tripped on his way to scramble to the berth, but the excitement on his face was palpable. He leaned back on her bed, fighting the urge to sniff her pillows. Everything was just so big, so soft here, he could die here and be just fine with it. She crawled into the berth, when Blue suddenly held his hands up, as if to stop her.
“Wait, just one moment!”
They all looked at him in confusion, before they nearly saw that bullshit romance dance in his optics.
“Can. Can I kiss you? Before we go any further? Please? I wanna write a haiku about your lips!”
Even SHE had to roll her optics at that. He was lucky he was cute. She crawled over to him, before holding his little face, and kissed him. It was a slow, sweet kiss that made it look like she sucked the spark out of him. When she pulled away, he was a blushing, lipstick smeared mess. She poked at his nose.
“You gonna be able to hold it together for me?”
“I...y-yes Lovely!”
She made sure he was comfy, before she pressed herself against his front. Don’t ask blue how, but he was suddenly under her, spike rubbing against her oh so warm crotch plating. Red scoffed, knocking against Blue’s helm.
“You look like you’re gonna pass out. What, is sweetspark here too heavy for you?”
“Not in the slightest~”
Truth be told, she was SO heavy compared to him. But he didn’t care in the SLIGHTEST, he could be crushed under her weight all day. Elita chuckled, cupping Red’s chin in order to peck at his lips.
“Don’t be jealous. You’re all going to get a turn.”
As she said that, she opened her valve panel. And they STARED. She had the prettiest valve they had EVER seen. Not only was it huge, not only was it wet, but it was so big and puffy, the pink lips looked akin to a heart. She rubbed at herself, showing them smear her fluids against herself. Combine that with that big, wet spike, it was no wonder why they were head over heels for her. She held onto Blue’s spike, rubbing it against her, before slowly pushing him into her. It was a slow steady moment, but he was acting as if she was fucking his processor out, helm tossed back as he squirmed in place. Red scoffed, completely unimpressed.
“Sweetspark, I’m never one to question your leadership, but HIM? He looks like he’s going to overload any second. Let ME do it!”
Scar leaned over to smack his arm.
“YOU’RE pumping your spike to this, idiot.”
“It’s cuz she's hot? Are we looking at the same thing here?”
She held her hand up to silence them, before motioning for Scar to come forward.
“Come on, back on the spike you.”
Scar carefully crawled back into her lap, and sat back down onto her spike. It felt different at this angle, hitting a whole new cluster of nodes. He had to lean against her a bit to keep his composure, and even then, her grin didn’t help. Scar chuckled nervously, trying to keep his breathing under control.
“I...Is this all okay, Lady Elita? I d-don’t want to overstep any boundaries.”
“You worry Scar, really you do. I’m pretty happy, trust me. It’s...been a while, so I kinda need this. If you boys think you can handle just how much I need.”
Blue, who was practically smothered by her weight, raised a hand to get her attention.
“I can say, personally, that I’m fully willing to accept my fate here.”
“Well then. Let’s get moving, boys.”
Blue moved first, surprisingly enough. He had his vibration mod up and going, and that seemed to be enough to make her grip onto the sheets below. Scar did his best to keep up; riding her spike to match his pace with his thrusts. She was so giving, even as she was taking from them. She kept gifting them with plenty of fluids, as well as a great many kisses, leaving their faces covered in pink lipstick smears. She seemed to just now notice Red, who was standing to the side, and touching himself to the scene.
“Oh, I had no idea I was so mean. Come here, Red.”
He was about to ask just how she was going to do anything for him, when her lips met the head of his spike. She chuckled around him, holding his gerth in her hand, stroking him as her lips adorned him in kisses. She moaned around him, clearly feeling satisfied by all the stimulation she was being given. Blue was swooning underneath her, despite the fact that his hips already ached.
“Lovely’s moans are SO pretty~”
“For once, we can agree on something, Blue.”
Red chuckled. Red wasn’t fairing much better, finding himself wiping the drool off of his face. She was enjoying herself FAR more than he thought she would be.
“Lady Elita...how long HAS it been for you?”
She kept pumping the spike in her hand, kept moving with the thrusts. She was enjoying herself, but her face looked so solemn.
“Optimus and I...haven’t been close enough for that in a long time. Mega cycles, and that’s being generous. He focused a lot more on the war, rather than me. Which I understand, but-”
“Hey, Scar, quit making pretty optics here all sad! WE’RE handling it!”
Scar thought about it. He was right. Optimus didn’t deserve the chance to satisfy her. While he was unsure if he himself deserved it, he knew one thing; SHE deserved the chance to be satisfied, totally and completely. Scar nodded, leaning down to kiss at her forehelm.
“I hate to say this, but he’s right. Please, let us take care of you, my Lady.”
While she was used to being the one to lead, this was something that demanded their full attention. As soon as Red shoved his spike into her mouth, they finally pulled their own weight. Blue started to buck his hips into her, burying his vibrating spike as deep into her spike as he could, and Scar riding the hell out of her spike, even leaning down to leave kisses right between her chest plating. Red chuckled as Elita eagerly slurped at his spike, drool running down her perfect pink lips. While his spike was rough against her mouth, his hand was gentle with her as he pushed it back and forth.
“Holy SHIT you’re SO good at this, Sweetspark. You feel good, you look SO pretty. How a mech that dumb couldn’t be taking care of you? He’s stupid.”
“A r-real fool.”
Blue added, nearly shaking as he fought back the urge to overload. Scar, being the sort of leader between the three, saw that Blue was struggling too hard to keep it together, and decided to speed things up, lest his Lady be disappointed in them. His kisses towards her turned into hungry, plentiful nibbles, and he leaned a hand down to rub her cherry node in fast, small circles. THAT got her going, and they all got the pleasure of seeing her shake, of seeing her face erupt in a deep, intense blush. Elita was a strong, sexy woman, who demanded so little. Making her feel good was the least they could do to show her appreciation. Scar nodded, agreeing with Blue.
“A mech who can’t make you feel good? Shame. You WANT to feel good, we can see that, and we want to make you feel SO good. We want to watch you overload, we want to see you be happy.”
He was going to continue, when Red took a firm hold of her helm, and overloaded right into her mouth. Scar was about to scold him for being so rude, when he saw just how much she liked it, slurping up the fluids that steadily dribbled from his spike. She would’ve stayed there, had she not suddenly tossed her helm back, and overloaded. The cry she let out. The way she gripped onto the sheets underneath her. The way her spike pumped fluid into Scar and tightened around Blue. Suffice to say, the other two didn’t stand a chance, and promptly overloaded right after her. They all sat there, full of condensation and overload, before Elita started to laugh, covering her lips as she did so.
“I can’t believe you guys!”
They looked at each other, confused, before she fanned at her face, near to tears.
“You guys really just did all of that...to make me happy. It’s so sweet of the three of you.”
Her optics were...something. To Scar, they were prettier than any star out there. To Scar, her smile was brighter than the sun. To Scar, she was the most incredible fem he had EVER met. He leaned down to press his forehead against hers, as if it was just the both of them, and no one else.
“We would do ANYTHING to make you happy, Lady Elita. We can do this as often as you need it of us.”
“Like...now, maybe?”
Oh the way her servo lightly tapped against his lips. He was about to agree, when Blue held his hand up, rather weakly.
“Can we uh, take a small breather? Everything is very...sore.”
“Fucking weak, move over Blue!”
“W-I just need a break, get off!”
Blue and Red started to bicker and fight as Red crawled into the berth, and watching them fight seemed to make her chuckle. Elita was looking down at them fighting, and Scar was happy she wasn’t looking at him. Seeing eyes of lust was one thing.
But eyes of true, honest love? He knew that was something best kept to himself.
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icharchivist · 3 years
cries think I made my ask too long so like half of it got deleted bc I typed it right into the askbox. anyways. I come bearing a3 thoughts! at first i was gonna watch the spring/summer and autumn/winter ones and then give my thoughts on both but. turns out i had too many thoughts lol? which i shouldve expected but i actually kind of... got bored by the first two chapters of this event! so i skipped and went to the stranger. and then went back. (1/?)
and then i got to like "tsuzuru and kazunari are having a fight?" and jumped on that like a starving wolf bc helllll yeah! i rly adored kazunari in sardine search, i think he was great! hes just so nice and has good vibes. he and taichi are kind of similar i feel? but i think their respective ages contribute to a lot of difference in their characters. why does it feel like this askbox limit personally wants me dead. (2/?)
anyways! i rly enjoyed the improv scene devolving to a real fight. admittedly i was kinda surprised that the content of that improv wasnt rly too similar to their actual fight? like normally a3 has the story of the play run parallel to like the actual real character drama so i thought the improv might function as the play in this event... it was still good tho. the scene i mean. (3/?)
also i rly liked tenma ragging on them afterwards. like he was mean but. first i adore tenma. second he just felt like. a different meddling type to muku lol? like the vibes he gave me were always like... im going to be a considerate leader and watch out for the ppl under me! therefore im gonna make sure theyre doing fine! aggressively. i think tenmas also just like a friendly person who likes to take care of others in general? like im not saying hes omi or anything but just like. (4/?)
that time he offers his car ride to juza so they can go to school together like hes surprisingly open compared to his initial prickliness. also ive got thoughts abt the tenma juza SSR conversation thing i read. one day ill make a tenma and juza fic and complete a trifecta haha... but thats something for another day! back to the actual story. the way tsuzuru dives right in after kazunari! that was so nice. like its easy to see how much they care abt each other. (5/?)
to the point where like even while theyre fighting theyre like angry but still like fairly quiet bc i think theyre both at least trying to be considerate of each other. ah the moment kazunari didnt respond to tsuzuru trying to talk to him i KNEW he was sick tho. felt proud of myself for calling that one but also the reason i knew is bc i have used the "character being sick during an argument causing them both to make up with each other" trope myself before so uh. like recognizes like haha. (6/?)
anyways the cg there was fuckin beautiful like kazunari looks so sad in the middle bit but then u see his shy smile? like hes sick but hes also like. happy to be there. idk. lovely. i adore kazu i think hes just deeply sweet to other people. tsuzuru telling him "you make everyone around you feel as bright and cheery as the things you design” is so wonderful too (7/?)
now im thinking. ah tsuzuru probably feels quite drained after a script and such (i know i am when i finish any piece--its like the emotions just rush out of me) so i like to think that like yknow. kazunari dropping by his room or whatever helps him set himself back to normal! but also when tsuzurus like oh u left ur magazines here! i suddenly remembered. wait shit kazunari and tsuzuru arent even roommates. wonder how much they bother masumi lmaooo. anyways overall very good story! (8/?)
some more thoughts: itaru and citron were so cute in this event! just like. citron saying itaru winking makes his heart skip a beat and itaru quoting citrons wrong sayings (which. i am also guilty of today i told my brother "we'll jump that bridge when we cross it" so) also i love how yuki is like "thank god i wasnt partnered with that hack" but like. yuki. u could literally just not talk about him. like its so funny to me yuki is like wow i hate tenma but he wont shut up abt him haha (9/?)
i also was a lil taken aback at hearing itaru go "for the lulz" tbh... like it fits him. but im mad it fits him? anywaysss thats all i had for this one! im gonna watch autumn/winter and go say my thoughts on that soon. sorry the ask was so broken up, idk what happened!
OLA FRIEND! Glad to see your thoughts again omg :3c
tho omg the fact tumblr deleted it all + the ask limit was all so evil D: poor friend.
I'm putting my answer under a read more because. Well. *waves hand* it got long.
The non-play events can be perhaps a little harder to get into because unlike the plays events that you start with a clear idea of at least the main plot (re: "they are preparing a play, i know the leads so i know who it will focus on"), non-plays events take a little longer to first set up what event they're participating in, how to prepare for it, and then bring up the conflict and which characters are going to have something to do with said conflict. So i can understand that they're a little harder to get into when we know the plays awaits.
On top of that, the first few events still were a bit tame because since it was early when the app released, i think they didn't go too heavy at once in case some people were still stuck on earlier chapters (esp since especially Winter is hard to unlock)
ANYWAY glad that it sucked you in on the second read :3c
So glad you were invested in that conflict!
Totally agreeing with you about Kazunari, and very good point about Taichi as well! they aren't the Puppy Pair for nothing :'D (Yuki took one look at both of them together and just Knew. His suffering knows no end (lovingly)). But yeah i think they have a lot in common, they both are the really bright and friendly figure, both also started in overcompensating a bit because both wanted to be popular in some ways.
But we do have, on one hand, Kazunari who wanted that rather late in his life while Taichi always thrived for that, the fact Kazunari made friends easily and it's just that he was scared of getting to the next level, while Taichi always struggled with this quest for popularity. In a way too both of them were at least scared to share a part of them, Kazunari worrying to show his thoughts, and Taichi being a spy and all of that... which impacts them really differently considering the guilt it puts on Taichi. And then you add their age into the mix, especially the fact Kazu is the oldest of his troupe and Taichi the youngest of his, it makes them fairly similar all while being fairly different.
both are so interesting to me and i love them bothhh, so it's always nice to see them have focus.
admittedly i was kinda surprised that the content of that improv wasnt rly too similar to their actual fight? like normally a3 has the story of the play run parallel to like the actual real character drama so i thought the improv might function as the play in this event
i love how you are seeing the patterns a3 tends to do it's so neat!
It's true the fight isn't really similar to their actual fight, though i do love that they had "swapped" their personality for the act and ended up insulting each other for theirr swapped personality. Like, Kazunari insulted part of himself in Tsuzuru's character and Tsuzuru did the same?? and then the fight escalated and the way Kazunari broke character hurts bc it's really that Tsuzuru hit where it hurts. But yeah it still wasn't too relevent to their actual fight, though i think the thing is that their fight was as such mostly because they tend to clash often due to their personalities rather than just this singular reason why, so to have the play go more "it's their personalities the problem" kinda hurt lol. But yeah still agreed that it didn't reflect much on the plot itself
I was rereading the improv bit to answer correctly and man since we're going to talk about Tenma next, i just. Love that when Kazunari, breaking character, his eyes sad, tells Tsuzuru "you have no rights talking to me like that..." it then cuts on Tenma being upset. Bc like. Exactly like you say, he wants to look out for the people under him. and like. Kazunari is his friend. A friend he also snapped at once and insulted for being who he was, so he probably could have relived a bit of his fight with Kazunari seeing those two fights; Except that now Kazunari is one of his closest friend and he doesn't like that.
Also like. It was also because he could still hide under the plot of the improv but it's so rare, and it never happened before that point, that Kazunari stands for himself in a "the way you treat me is unfair"? Like again re: his fight with Tenma, when Tenma snapped at him, while Tenma was unfair with him, Kazunari took the blame, called himself annoying and all yaknow?
The fact Kazunari is starting to accept that he can take more place for himself is something the whole Summer Troupe have been trying to help him work on, but especially Tenma. Tenma is always there trying to push Kazunari to say what he means, to express his feelings, to stop hiding.
And for once, Kazunari does that in front of everyone... and it's because he's breaking because of his fight with Tsuzuru.
I think Tenma probably felt it was even more of a reason to get involved like, this is the thing he's been working on with Kazunari about, and now he's being all hurt about it, not on Tenma's watch!
And i totally agree with your take on Tenma! (and would LOVE to read the Tenma and Juza fic once you get to it :3c). I think, Tenma is really caring and is trying to take a place as a caretaker and all, but unlike Omi, he has absolutely no reference for it.
Omi is the eldest of multiple brothers and everything indicates his parents have always been lovely to him. Add to it how he ended up leader of a delinquent crew he was clearly looking after, Omi has a history of taking care of people, of nurturing them, and he knows what he's doing. Meanwhile Tenma grew up on TV sets, mostly surrounded by adults and not by people his age, mostly getting advice from being ordered around by directors i think. And his parents are distant, hyperfocused on their job, not really nursing with him. So Tenma meanwhile really didn't have a family emotional support and was in situation where he couldn't befriend other kids his age. His only reference was probably Igawa (his agent) and i think for a long time he didn't exactly see it, and Igawa remained mostly professional so there was probably the idea of it not being sincere? That Tenma had to grow out of.
So like, they're both extremely nurturing and caring, but my point is that Omi has experiences in it and is at ease with it, while Tenma has been so alone and in places were he had no support system that even if he wants to support others, he still struggles with how to do it because he has no set exemple. And that's his development in the main story arc, to learn from how Izumi shows she cares in order to care back at them all.
Like i mean the way Tenma yelled at them about their mistakes at first feel like he would have picked it up from some directors on TV set yaknow? Probably hearing them say that with no consequences on others actors, seeing it worked, didn't think "that's an abuse of power and the actors probably all think badly of their director for that" but "wow that works", tried it on his troupesmates and realized this is... not how that works. And it's spending time watching how Izumi encourages them that have him fix his way to approach it.
So yeah i got lost too into it but like. I feel you on Tenma i love him so much and i love his development so to see him get pissed and involved there? was really nice. even if he was aggressive about it. He's still learning.
ANYWAY back to Tsuzuru and Kazunari, totally agree with what you say next. They still care a lot about each other and yeah they're at a point where this consideration they have for each other make their anger more quiet than trying to attack one another (Banri could NEVER-). so yeah totally agree with you!
DLKFJDLKF i LOVE the reasoning on "recognizing that Kazunari was sick". Your writer's powers making you see through... *coughs* unlike Tsuzuru....
AND YEAH ALL YOU SAY ABOUT THE CG.. YEAH. Kinda crying thinking about it again now LDKJFLKDJF It's just. Everything about it is so soft and tender. The things Tsuzuru tells Kazunari are soo so sweet sobs. They're just adorable i love those kids. and also i feel you for Kazu he's just that great huh?
The whole set up about Kazu dropping by his room is so so cute! I love it! Like probably the very first time Tsuzuru braces himself because "oh no i'm not in the mood to stand mister hyperenergy himself" but Kazunari quickly adjust his energy so that Tsuzuru can just recharge without being overwhelmed. Yes it would drive Masumi completely nuts. Which i think is a plus for Tsuzuru like, hey, if Masumi gets annoyed once in a while it's a win. But yeah also i think that Tsuzuru and Kazunari should really have the Artistic Soldiarity of Students in Art school Probably Working Until Very Late To Complete Their Projects. Would love if at the end Tsuzuru gave it back yaknow?
but yeah their story was really nice i'm so glad you liked it! :D
oh god yeah Itaru and Citron were SO cute in it too, i also love the comments Citron makes about Itaru's winks. Just there flirting in front of everyone like those two embarrassing friends huh. (probably with Muku being all starry eyes considering he greatly admires both Itaru and Citron and, well, Romance.). And yeah i love how Itaru ends up so much into Citron's rhythm (and this idiom you said? is glorious actually, 10 points for you)
DLKFJDLKF what a call out toward Yuki. "yes i hate Tenma,no i won't shut up about him, also if YOU say you hate Tenma i'm going to stab you with my needles, have a nice fucking day.". I love their dynamics so much aha
And yeah Itaru is there cursing us the whole time with the fact he's the greatest nerd ever and it fits him perfectly. It makes me laugh so hard.
Thank you so much for having shared your thoughts there! it's always a blast to read through them and i dearly enjoyed it! (+ it makes me relive the event a little and it makes me soft!)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! So glad you had so many thoughts about all of this, what a blast.
thank you for sharing, and looking forward the Autumn/Winter reactions :3c
Take care!
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Wing au: Gorzilla
So since Adrien's sneaking out to see this movie, theres like, no way he's wearing his wing binder. Its uncomfy n he doesnt like it
So adrien sneaks out n gets caught by wild fans
mari had taken off to meet with the girls but was realized she was still in her pjs. So she turns back home and sees him looking panicked and lands next to him
"Marinette! I'm so glad you found me. You live nearby, dyou mind hiding me?"
She agrees and they're abt to go to her house but fans swarm from the area
The fountain hiding trick wouldnt work cuz ppl fly all the time, but I imagine she'd use her dark blue wings to shield him from view until they manage to get into the subway
He's like "man thank you so much, I'm glad I ran into you" and does the classic, *spreads wing* "because how could anything bad happen with my marinette lucky charm?"
And shes like .o. and reaches out to touch it.
Like, he wears it on his Wing. Theres her feather nestled between his own. He clearly cares a lot about her to wear it on his wings.
Haha so, the fans rush into the subway and take photos like crazy. And I dunno about you but a photo of their shocked faces, and a dark feather that clearly belongs to marinette in his wing CLEARLY indicates that they're dating! I mean, she gave him her feather and he Kept It!
So they sneak into the subway car and the doors slide shut
"Oops, guess everyone think you're my girlfriend"
(I treat cant believe she says "that's terrible!" In response in canon but she does!)
Here she says "I didn't know you carried it on your wing"
"Yeah I always wear it. Means a lot to me to have such an awesome friend like you."
N they make eye contact and (like in canon!) Marinette smiles and giggles at that, and hes grinning too!
Next they sneak off of the metro n wear disguises, as well as something to cover his wings (I'm thinking a cape) because golden wings are rare and would make him stick out.
They sneak into the movied and watch the lil Adrien ad, which is exactly the same. And get caught in the cinema. Gorizilla grabs Adrien
Marinette waits for the crowd to leave the theater n transforms!
Her headtowel and goggles dissapear, and her bluebell wings melt are covered in light before being replaced by red wings with flecks of black
Adrien's already been grabbed and during the fight Ladybug does too!
She uses her lucky charm (a drone) to get Gorizilla to let her go, and manages to free Adrien and asks him to jump
She promises that she'll catch him, because she knows as Marinette that he hasnt flown
So he's falling and no one is trying to catch him because he has wings! He can fly! Right?
So when Ladybug gets caught in Gorzilla's fist she's panicking. Adrien's not sure if he should wait for Ladybug, because she has a plan, or just try to fly as Adrien.
Gabriel thinks that Adrien's wings are bound and knows that no one will think to save him from falling because no one else will assume that
So as he's falling he decides to spread his wings and attempt him first glide as Adrien
This happens just as Hawkmoth tells Gorzilla to release Ladybug, so both Adrien n Ladybug manage to get away
Wayhem is once again an icon and sprays Adrien-the fragrance in Gorizilla's nose
Ladybug jumps into action once she makes sure Adrien is safe, and Adrien spots Wayhem out of the corner of his eye
Using the Adrien cutout for the face and the wing covering that he wore at the cinema, they make Wayhem look like Adrien
Adrien transforms into Chat Noir, and together with Ladybug they defeat Gorzilla!
Adrien goes back to his hiding place and greets Wayhem, giving him his email
Marinette texts him to ask if hes okay
He replies n says that "I'm fine, and actually! I flew today!"
She asks him how it felt
And he tells her "I was really unsure of myself and it felt weird to feel the air pushing against my feathers but once I figured it out it was really nice!!"
She grins and tells him "That's awesome! We should totally go flying together sometime!"
He grins (tho she cant see over the phone) and says he'd love that
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