#not naming any names because obviously they don't deserve harassment but also don't deserve the attention.
you know not to air out my own grievances among all this shit but this whole thing really did put the degree of disdain white transfems have against transfems of colors sometimes on full display.
i see the women who harassed my wife and i out of our social spaces, who refuse to engage with us in a remotely professional or mature capacity thanks to rumors of abuse and "being predatory", banging their drums loudly about how horrible the transmisogyny of this entire event has been.
and i agree! it just strikes me as convenient that they become so loud when it's not a face to a name, and more importantly, when they can't leverage their power to pressure women of color out of their communities for being marxists a little too loudly. they still stalk us to this day with the pretense of "we simply don't want you around us because these rumors make you a danger", and nobody bats an eye. but maybe i'm just bitter.
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queermania · 9 months
I don't want to start drama and I don't expect you to respond to this but I think you deserve to know what's being said about you. tumblr. com/transfagbenny/738678589192552448/and-id-appreciate-if-we-stopped-using-the-terms
i actually am going to address this because this person has been lying about what's been going on for months and they've apparently been harassing other people for months if not years, so. it's time to put an end to this.
before i start though i want to make it abundantly clear that if you take this as an opportunity to do anything other than block this person, then you are trash. do not send him messages. do not tag him in things. do not harass him in any way. leave him alone. if you need to block, do so and then move on. hate mail and harassment is disgusting behavior and i don't want to be surrounded by anybody who engages in it. and if you do it on my behalf, i think you are worthless and i want nothing to do with you.
so, this is what happened: back in february of 2023, an anon asked me if i had any opinions that would get me canceled with the dean girlies. i replied, "oh now we’re talking!! hmmmm let’s see. i don’t care about benny at all. deanbenny does nothing for me. deanbenny is dust. it is dust. drowley rights forever" and i did not tag it because i'm not an asshole. bear then sent me a message that at the time i thought was funny/cute because his url reflected that he was obviously a huge benny fan. we had a very cordial exchange. everything was good. we chatted a little bit about how neat it would've been if benny had been played by a black actor and how the racism problem with gordon would've been fixed if gordon had been played by a white actor. not all of our conversation is visible anymore (and i also don't think all of it was on this post anyway) because i've since blocked him so his replies no longer show up on my posts. the point is: everything was fine. it was a good tumblr exchange. he continued to follow me. i did not follow him then or at any point.
the problem is that he kept coming onto my posts and into my inbox to try to make things about benny. that is not okay. i had already said that benny was a character (and deanbenny a ship) that i was not interested in. to me, this is an obvious boundary i've established that he repeatedly crossed. it's not an egregious violation, obviously. more than anything it's annoying. what he should've done, if benny was that important to him, was unfollow me and move on. but he didn't and i indulged him for awhile but at a certain point i thought, "okay maybe if i stop indulging him, he'll take the hint." so i stopped responding. he did not take the hint. he got worse and he even started commenting on things that he couldn't make about benny, just to willfully misinterpret things i said and taking them completely out of context. unfortunately, i don't have receipts for any of this because at the time i didn't know it was going to become an actual problem (however I have since learned that this is an established pattern of behavior he engages in, so you can probably find examples on other people's blogs).
it got so annoying, though, that i very carefully broached the subject in a private server with people i trusted. without naming any names or using any incriminating language (i.e. not specifically referencing benny), i basically said that there was someone being annoying about a specific character on my posts and i wasn't sure what to do about it. immediately, a handful of people replied with some variation of "the benny stan? he's been doing that to me too." i do have receipts of this (and an entire server to back me up) but i hope you can all understand why i'm not going to provide those or name names (or ask anyone to get involved publicly). the point is, it became apparent that i wasn't the only one and this was a pattern of behavior. i also learned during that conversation that bear has a history of harassing people and calling someone racist or a transphobe if they block him.
at that point, i decided not to rock the boat. i would just continue to ignore him and maybe he would get bored and move on. well that obviously didn't happen. he kept doing it and as a fun added bonus, he started to make vague posts about me. the thing is i don't actually care if he vagueblogs about me. it's his blog. he can do whatever he wants. it's none of my business. i mean i personally think he should've just unfollowed but, again, his blog, his choice. it is annoying that every single time he would do it, someone would send me a link or a screenshot of him doing it, but that's not really his fault. so, again, i just ignored it.
this is where we get to the incident in question. after a private discussion among a small group of friends, i posted this obviously joke poll at the insistence of @letterstothedevil, a tumblr user who has given me permission to include her in this.
the original message about the poll:
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the permission:
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now EYE think it's abundantly clear that the poll was a joke amongst friends, but maybe it wasn't, and i'm not going to fault anyone for not magically knowing that. i am, however, totally willing to fault someone for being a gigantic asshole. bear commented on the post and i, admittedly, gave a somewhat dismissive response because at that point i was so tired of him being willfully obtuse and twisting every little thing i said that i just didn't want to bother. he then went and made a series of not-at-all-vague posts calling me racist and claiming that i simply do not care about the racism in the show and it's obvious because i've never ever discussed it on my blog (which is a hilarious lie given that i'd specifically discussed it on my blog with him). at that point, there was no reason not to block him. he was already doing the thing that i didn't want to deal with. so i did. and i thought that would be the end of it.
again, i was wrong.
i then started to get anon messages daily about benny and deanbenny and how i'm racist for not liking benny, etc. this was harassment that EYE was on the receiving end of. nobody else was a victim of the messages i was being sent. they were sent to me and it is not my job to make sure other people are protected from the harassment that i am experiencing. i'm pointing this out for two reasons: 1. because i did try to protect bear from it for awhile anyway. i knew that people would assume it was him and at the time i was still giving him the benefit of the doubt, if for no other reason than the fact that i didn't think he could send me messages since i blocked him. and 2. because when i did finally start to respond to some of the messages, bear acted like he was somehow the victim in all of this (and continues to act that way to this day).
i don't know if bear had (or currently has) anything to do with any of the messages i get (which, thankfully, have slowed considerably). what i do know is that at no point during any of this happening did he stop looking at my blog and vagueblogging about me.
when i finally did answer a few of the messages, bear had a bit of a meltdown about it. i know this because he used a separate account that i hadn't know existed to message me and because he talked to one of my friends about it. (i'm not going to name that person but if they want to get involved publicly of their own accord, that's up to them lol). i'm also not going to share screenshots of what bear said to me because he explicitly asked me not to (it's also the reason i'm not sharing screenshots of the numerous receipts i have of the things he's said and lied about on his blog but, unless he's deleted any of them, you can go and find the posts yourselves.) what i am going to share is that in the message he sent to me, he flat out lied about his behavior. he told me he hadn't been vague-blogging about me, that he would never ever do that about anyone, and that he would certainly never harass someone (all things that i have receipts of him doing).
it took me awhile to respond to this message because i was still trying to be gracious about the whole situation. i recognize that he is much younger than i am and i think it's important for me, as a full blown adult, to take that into account. i had a private discussion with a few trusted friends about how to handle this because it was important to me to not let him off the hook for his behavior and for lying just because he's young. this is what i ended up saying:
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his response was to double-down on his lies (while, hilariously, vague-blogging about me and the whole thing) and then go into victim mode about something so completely unrelated and far-fetched that i decided i simply wanted nothing to do with him ever. (this is when he asked me not to share screenshots, so i won't, but this is me saying that i have ALL of the receipts, bear, so if you continue to lie, you will not like what happens.) i blocked his alternate account and tried to ignore him.
the harassment continued. again, i have no idea if he was actually part of it. the vagueblogging continued. he started to do it to other people he associated with me. many of them blocked him because of his behavior. i continued to answer some of the hate i received, continued to ignore and/or block most of it. it got so bad that i was sent seizure bait on more than one occasion, one time bad enough that i actually ended up going to the ER. there are receipts of all of this, too. you can see on my blog the messages i've been sent. i think at one point i even shared a snapshot of what my inbox looked like. i've shared privately with friends (who can confirm if they want to, but no pressure) screenshots of the kinds of messages i get that i don't respond to. the point is, that for a period of months, i was relentlessly harassed. and at no point during this time did i say anything to or about bear (or anyone else). the most i've done is respond to messages that have been sent to me. i've largely sat quietly while this thing happened to me and bear continued to make posts about me and act like he is somehow a victim in this. he's assumed things about me and my identity. he's violated boundaries i've set. he will not let this go. and i'm not the only one he's doing it to.
i'm so fucking tired of it. leave me alone. leave my blog alone. leave my friends alone. leave any and all of the people who have blocked you for your own inappropriate and obnoxious behavior alone. that's it. that's the end. none of this would be happening if you would just respect other people's boundaries. i don't want you on my blog. i do not want to interact with you. i don't want anything to do with you. that's it. the end.
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roadhogsbigbelly · 9 months
you can say what you want now but you decided to start this campaign because she said stardew valley isn’t anti-capitalist. you targeted a trans woman for pedojacketing because she criticized your cozy farms game.
ok let me get this straight.i did not criticize her because she didn't like the ideology in stardew valley. i thought her take on incest shipping was dumb before that, it's why i made this post
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i made this before i even saw the stardew valley take. and when i did post a take on it it it didn't use names and censored the names in the post i showed. as for it being a "targeted harassment campaign" my inital post only got like 70 notes before i deleted it and i didn't really expect she'd see it all. it wasn't until i woke up with death threats in my inbox that i realized she found out she saw it.
and i'm not saying i received death threats to try to garner sympathy, death threats are bad obviously, but even people who deserve to be harshly criticized receive death threats, doesn't mean they deserve it, but it doesn't suddenly make other criticism invalid. i'm mentioning said death threats because i genuinely would of not have made any more posts discussing this if i wasn't informed anyone important actually saw it.
i'm not sure how popular txttletale is, she regularly get's posts in the 20k but to be so do i sometimes? although most of my posts about this situation only get like 40 to 200 notes which them being split by positive and negative engagement, while her posts about the situation seem to get around 1k to 3k notes with most of them being positive? so it seems more people generally agree with her than me, which isn't to say that automatically "makes me in the right" or "the underdog" but you can see why i feel the need to defend myself and "double down" right?
like this isn't this first time i've been "harassed at a massive scale" but calling THIS that is admittedly an overstatement considering i've only recieved like 3 death threats and accusations of transmisogyny when i've gone through WAY worse, like when i got harrassed and sent death threats and drawn cp for saying "the arby waifu" is cringe (look that up), or sent deaths threats by radfems for linking an essay written by a trans woman that i thought was a great discussion on gender, or sent death threats for radfems for saying that i thought sex work was alright. oh also i got harrassed by pewdiepie fans but does anyone even remember him? so like yeah comparatively this is nothing
the only reason this DOES sting is because i've lost some mutuals over this, not even because "they chose her over me" or other dumb shit like that but because they were just tired of seeing the discourse which fair enough.
and to be honest i don't really think txttletale is like. a bad person or whatever. i'm sure she has been harrassed before, and i do genuinely respect some of her opinions like her more nuanced takes on ai or sex work or whatever. to be honest i wouldn't have made a big deal about the stardew valley take if it wasn't for that one incest post which is what i'm stuck on because they're are a ton of bloggers on here that i otherwise respect who occasional endorse or parrot beliefs i think suck because it doesn't have a big glowing "pedophilia is bad" button on it. i don't hate the take because SHE agreed with it, i think the take is bad no matter who it's coming from. i hate this idea that "age play" or "incest shipping" exist in a bubble because it doesn't, i do genuinely know people who were hurt by it, and it's just really sad seeing people i otherwise respect who seem to care about homophobia or transphobia or racism in media kind of just dismiss concerns of post's that could be potentially endorsing shitty beliefs. it's tiring.
so uh. yeah i guess that's it? any more questions?
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the-sweet-hibiscus · 10 months
On Racism in the Darklina Community
disclaimer: this is less receipt based and just my own personal feelings over the last few days.
With the situation with Christina there was a lot push back and divide between whether or not Merel deserved the vitriol and larger if Darklinas at all deserve the automatic hate and discrediting as fans in this space.
There were a lot of responses, and with this I noticed a common theme of accusing Darklinas, in a general sense, of being racist harassers. And I want to discuss it earnestly and genuinely because racism is a very serious thing. So I'm going to show a few tweets and we can go from there (redacted user names because I don't think who is making these accusation is as important as what they're saying).
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These come from the same person. I've explained this before and I stand by it — I don't think any one person should be penalized for the actions of someone else. Full stop. The person who was attacked was - only in the family for a few months, hadn't really interacted with Christina before, etc. But that was hashed out in my previous post. My real issue came when people asked for proof of these accusations. "I don't have it, I didn't see a reason to screenshot it." Now this person has since claimed to not be in the Shadow and Bone fandom at all. So lets give the grace and say they thought "not my circus, not my monkey". Right? It's fair. I don't go into other fandoms and screenshot the worst of the worst and put them on blast. But I also don't, months and years later, return and say "oh you're all awful" I just find it weird. But again. We have no proof here. Not a name to look into. Not a phrase that someone might have said. They said this:
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But I just. How are we supposed to know what to search right? If I, over the past three years, have never seen the racism people are talking about. How am I supposed to know what to look for? Who am I looking for? They claim just look it up? Look what up? Racism and Darklina as key terms? All I'm asking for is a name. Literally anything to prove that "oh these people are bad, let me disassociate with them." Instead, I and anyone who asks for a modicum of evidence or even just 1 name its "i don't know" or "well I didn't think it was important". For years! Like if you don't think it's important to spread awareness about when it happens, or even provide like the standard "this is you?" or just ANYTHING. Then they call us idiot for asking for it. People are just begging for information. I AM BEGGING for someone to say or show something that can ya know. Justify the claims they're making. That's not insane I don't think. All the time, accusations are put out on the internet. And every time. "Do you have any proof? If not I won't believe you." EVERY TIME. In pop culture off the top of my head — Colleen Balinger v Adam McIntyre. The Ace Family combating sexual assault accusations. Percy Hynes White. Chris D'elia. The list goes on and on. And each time it was like "where are the receipts. Or the receipts are given. Counter-evidence is given. The court of public opinion takes place.
Yet when it's a group of people asking for proof of these actions so they don't interact anymore. It's "you're just like them." This seemed like such a popular response. So popular for people to think "lol proof? fuck you."
No Proof is Our Fault, I guess
So obviously this person wasn't the only one voicing their opinion. And this person said:
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Firstly, I hate that anyone would be harassed because they point out racist actions. I'm sorry, that the one person you showed, did something awful. Truly. I'm sorry that the people in question lashed out at you. However. Like I said: if the majority of us didn't see it, right, how are we supposed to call this out? If we didn't see? We never heard it? So now we're all evil, and are going to attack you? Because we said nothing because we saw nothing? But it's people like this, who at the same time will go out of their way to quote tweet, and screenshot when they see minor behavior on the timeline.
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To the point that bee briefly deleted her account. So it's like, obviously the capacity to call out problematic behavior is there. The willingness to screenshot, quote tweet, and spread around any tweet from a darklina is there.
But when it comes to racism: "I don't trust you enough to share evidence." "I didn't think it was important."
When it comes to harassment: crickets.
It's not important until darklinas have a problem with being discredited. It's not important enough to screenshot or report until other parts of the fandom want to have a gotcha moment without providing any instances of racism actually happening.
This is long winded already.
Final Thoughts
Idk man. I just feel frustrated because all I've seen for DAYS is "please tell us who these terrible people are, so we can block and stop interacting with them." and then it turns to "Fuck you, you know what you did." NO. I don't! None of the people asking for proof know what you're talking about! That's why we're ASKING.
In literally all of my other fandoms, there are similar dramas and accusations. But it never drags on for years because proof is provided! Those people are excommunicated from the larger space! But it just feels like anti-darklina fans are so gun-ho on demonizing EVERYONE because the actions of the few.
If you see racism and harassment, REPORT IT. Screen shot, share why. Say "hey this is problematic." Everyone talks about cancel culture, but when it comes to serious accusations they think solving the issue is hiding it? Refusing to share what was said so people can make sure no one interacts with them or at least make it know that person sucks ass?
At this point it feels like y'all WANT darklinas to be these bad people who say and do awful things. Meanwhile, this year alone, Darklinas have excommunicated several people for defending Ben Barnes and the racist actions he's committed this year. (This is not a BB call out post, but as BB and Darklinas had a lot of overlap, it was something that came up and overwhelmingly Darklinas shamed Ben Barnes and the defenders).
I just wish this fandom was able to collectively acknowledge when someone is being terrible, regardless of their fucking shipping preference. Racism has no place in fan spaces. It never should. (It has no place in real life, either.) And fan spaces should work TOGETHER to expel racists when it's seen. It's called a fandom community for a reason.
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petrichorium · 11 months
on plagiarism
when all of this began, i confess i never imagined i'd be involved this closely. i've been a bit on the fringe of it, with many mutuals involved and my own name dragged into the fray briefly but ultimately trying to keep my distance. but in a brief moment of curiosity (or weakness, perhaps) i let myself do some digging and discovered that i, too, was plagiarized by a former mutual whose work i admired greatly.
one of the most beautiful things about this community is how collaborative it is. we are a group of people with mutual interests who found each other on the vast sprawl of the internet, and our creativity is something which grows as a result of each of us working together. the kind of plagiarism i discuss today is hard to spot, easy to dismiss, and above all else painful for the victims. it is difficult to express how nauseating it feels to see someone take an idea and run with it without permission, consideration, or credit, all while it remains so subtle that you feel nobody will believe you.
Plagiarism, by definition, is "to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one's own; to use another's production without crediting the source; to commit literary theft; to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source" (from merriam-webster, because wouldn't it be ironic if i didn't clarify?). Note, please, the use of "idea." Nobody is fool enough to think plagiarism must be exact 1:1 wording. If you're claiming that, you're very certainly being purposefully obtuse.
the evidence i present below is clear, in my opinion. i'm not going to leave names out of it—the accused has already outed herself and has claimed to have left her blog, so I have no reason to coddle her, and equally there is no sense in reporting or engaging with it in any way. it shouldn't have to be said, but don't harass her; whether or not her blog is truly abandoned, any asks could still make it to her. Obviously sending harassment at any time is childish, cruel, and reprehensible, and nobody is deserving of it.
The plagiarist is @/shiinleaf. there is another player in this game, @/seoafin, who also fell victim to the same scenario twice. seoafin made her own callout post (politely lacking in names) and shiinleaf made her own response, both of which I will link now.
[seoafin's post regarding plagiarism]
[shiinleaf’s response in defense]
I also want to say, to be honest, I wouldn't give much of a damn about this if not for the context. i wrote a one sentence textpost and shiinleaf made her own imitation a week later, then elaborated upon it. the single sentence (and a few tags) is all that i provided; while the lack of interaction and credit hurt, i wouldn't much care...
if not for seoafin's experiences. make no mistake, my evidence here is intended to support hers; to bolster her arguments and to provide further proof of shiinleaf's actions. While her claims might be subtle, my own are more blatant, and help to establish a clear pattern of behavior which is neither respectful nor considerate of fellow authors. This is further proven by the hate that seoafin received for speaking up—the very reason I’m choosing to come forward. While the initial crime might be something unworthy of speaking about publicly, I won’t stand by while a fellow victim is harassed and gaslit in her own askbox.
anyway. im done grandstanding. I have screenshots and links so let's get into this.
i preface this by saying that while i was vaguely aware of this situation—as i was up until recently mutuals with shiinleaf (xin) and only mutuals-in-law with seoafin (morgan) and, thus, friends with many people with full knowledge of and involved in the entire debacle—i largely made an effort to keep out of the situation, despite (in a situation which i really can't get into) my name being dragged into it in private, resulting in me soft blocking xin.
my interest was reignited last evening, however, after many vague posts by mutuals which made me check shiinleaf's blog out of curiosity. i saw that xin had gone through and reblogged nearly all of her old writing, and near the top a post caught my eye.
the post was a brief textpost about the honkai: star rail character Jing Yuan, later elaborated upon in a followup reblog. This had been posted in July, and something about the phrasing and the timestamp made me pause.
I have made a few posts in the past about characters who "like brats," specifically not "to tame." I remembered making one about Jing Yuan many months ago. So, I went digging in my blog's archive, and sure enough I found it.
Here are the two initial posts side-by-side. My post is dated July 19th at 11:37pm. Xin's is dated almost exactly a week later, July 27th at 5:13am. Additionally, I've provided a screenshot of the first sentence of the followup reblog; note the specific usage of "brats"/"bratty", "not taming," and "likes the chase."
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[link to xin's initial post] [link to xin's follow-up reblog]
[link to my post]
As the final nail in the coffin, here is a video of my post with proof that Xin saw it: she gave it a like. Note that this post was reblogged once and had only six likes; it wasn't a popular post whatsoever.
Finally, an interesting thing to note (though not altogether suspicious) is that xin states in the tags of her followup reblog that she has written a "7k word fic" about the concept discussed. She later states in a reblog from the 23rd that this fic was her fic Filler, one which she also has stated that she began on the 19th of July—the same day as my initial post. These coincidences, unfortunately, only keep adding up.
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[link to xin's recent reblog of the plagiarized post]
[link to xin's recent reblog of Filler]
(note: the precise timeline of Filler does not line up exactly with the premise that it was created solely due to my post; the screenshots provided of the fic's document predate my own post by many hours. However, I am not claiming that the entire fic is based upon my post. That would be absurd, it's literally one sentence and a few tags. By xin's own admission, however, the fic was based upon many things including the premise potentially provided by myself—it is entirely within the realm of plausibility for her to have begun Filler and allowed my post to impact her writing of it, especially seeing as she, without a doubt, saw my post within hours of beginning the fic)
Now, I'd like to make myself perfectly clear here. This incident, were it isolated, would not make me call someone out. I understand that this community is full of authors inspiring one another. My post was a brief, fleeting idea which I did not elaborate upon; what she potentially did with that idea, to be frank, was absolutely phenomenal, and I am by no means whatsoever taking credit for ANYTHING beyond my initial post. Xin has stated that Filler in particular was a deeply personal fic for her, based upon her cultural and familial experiences—I would never dream of taking away from that. I think it's a fic that she should be proud of, and frankly I’d feel honored if I played any part in its creation.
However, it is abundantly clear in my opinion (from the fact that my post was liked, from the evident timeline, and from my own wording being ripped almost exactly) that xin drew inspiration from me and made no effort to give me the proper credit. This was not collaboration but rather a purposeful choice to use my own idea as a jumping off point and pass it off as her own. We weren't mutuals at the time, but I had seen her in my notifs frequently; had she added to my post, I would have been delighted. And my dms are also open, if she had been concerned about my response she could have asked me for permission. Unfortunately, she did neither of those things, and so here we are.
More importantly, however, I come forward with this—as stated initially—with the intent to defend seoafin (morgan), who came forward with her own post regarding xin's plagiarism. [morgan's post linked here again] please note that morgan took care not to mention xin, her blog, or directly link any xin's relevant fics. However, my own experience only bolsters the credibility of morgan's accusations. Once again, i wouldn't be coming forward if i were the only victim, but morgan has been inundated with asks since she made the accusation and i found it vital to support her claims. From vitriolic harassment to gaslighting to death threats, the response to morgan's post has been troubling, and i (futilely, im sure) hope that my own post will put an end to this. a clearly established pattern has been shown—three instances among two different authors of xin taking inspiration without credit—and i think it's fair to say that my evidence is solid.
i'll leave with another soapbox paragraph to match the beginning. up until this incident... i had been mutuals with xin. i had seen her in my notifs for months before i followed back, including when she chose to steal my idea. i held great respect for her work; i considered her a very talented author, and to an extent I still do—I genuinely can’t emphasize enough that I’m sure hardly a fraction of my impact potentially made it into Filler, and it remains one of my favorite Jing Yuan fics out there. my heart aches at how this turned out, not simply for her plagiarism but for her actions since she was found out. I simply can’t wrap my head around everything that’s transpired these past few weeks.
thank you all reading. i hope i didn't drag on too long. im done now i promise 🫶🏻
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missinconsistent · 7 months
Ya honestly fuck Offkai if they're just going to cave in and drop Ethyria from their convention when fans were already making preparations to go the event and see them there. Also fuck False for making obviously stitched screenshots to somehow blame Ethryia for him getting rejected by Offkai. They were three out of a whole roster of vtubers, most are Indies, who were attending. How was it their fault that Offkai couldn't accept every vtuber that applied to be featured in the event? It's also dumb as hell that Offkai would claim the decision to cancel Ethyria's attendance was made 2 weeks prior, but waited until now, when fans probably already bought their plane tickets, to tell people. And it reflects poorly on Offkai if they don't know how to manage their own convention to be safe for those attending.
I'm mad at Nijisanji as much as the next person, but you're just a fucking asshole if you choose to make conventions or other events the remaining livers attend an unsafe space for them. The livers should be allowed to be part of positive spaces with their fans.
Stop acting like a middle school bully and stop sending hateful messages. It reflects especially poorly on Dokibird bc it's assumed most people trying to "SiNk tHe yAtCht" are her supporters. She's already stated more than once she doesn't want people to harass anyone, and she just wants to move on from the situation. And if anyone actually fucking watched her properly, they'd know she's genuinely never behaved the way her current community has been behaving, even at times where it would seem justified.
How are these so-called dragoons doing her any favors by throwing her name around out of pettiness. She doesn't deserve this toxic community that only cares about her because her trauma strokes their Niji hate boners.
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starrbar · 1 year
Isn't it funny how when rad-antis do their cute little "PSA" thing, and their target tries to defend/explain themself, the ones doing the callouts take common, true, scientifically-backed statements and call them "red flags"?
I've seen so many posts going "Oh god guys, we'd better watch out for this dangerous person. 😨" and their evidence is just a screenshot of the "Fiction doesn't equal reality" bullet on their profile/Carrd, or a similar statement in a rebuttal against claims that they're a Literal Child Rapist™ because of their Pixiv bookmarks.
Like, "how DARE you say the most obvious response to the garbage I'm spewing that's been debunked time and time again?" Next, they'll be saying that citing doctors and professionals to back up their points is a "red flag". xD (I don't remember the exact wordings, but I 99% sure I've actually seen one of them say something like that.)
And okay... to play devil's advocate, this makes sense when you consider, for example, how phrases like "free speech" and "anti censorship" mean very different things coming from a Conservative vs. a Progressive, and those are also simple concepts that I think should be supported for their true meanings, but it still looks quite ridiculous when you start saying that phrases like "anti-harassment" and "fiction ≠ reality 1:1" are "proship dogwhistles", as if there is no context in which those statements have any merit.
(and then I started ranting)
❝ No, of course, only CHILD PREDATORS think that abusing and bullying people is wrong, because the ONLY time anybody ever gets bullied is when they've done something to DESERVE it, right?? There are no people on this earth who hurt innocents. Justice is always served. Therefore, "anti-harassment" is a pro-abuser stance! ❞ /s
❝ And obviously "fiction ≠ reality" is always code for "I just really like Stonetoss comics and drawing porn of child actors, but those are just pictures, so they don't mean anything!" It's definitely not like many people who make the former statement would immediately recoil in disgust and block anyone who uses it that way. Nah, we're all just secret predators who formed a club where we worship sexual abuse and bigotry. ❞ /sss
See, that, up there, is why I've started specifically referring to "radical antis" because they ACTUALLY embody these extreme stances, and they have repeatedly blown my mind with how exaggerated they can be, but they're 100% serious.
If you're an anti and the above obnoxious strawman doesn't apply to you, you may very well be just fine. But I'm really just tired of essentialist dickheads spear-heading one harassment campaign after another in the name of "reducing harm", and sadly those people take your genuine beliefs and warp them to create those situations.
I'm sorry you have to be associated with them tbh! /gen
I genuinely don't know how things ended up like this, but unfortunately there are people with genuine, valid concerns about fiction's affect on reality who aren't being taken seriously because a bunch of abusers take those concerns and mangle them until they're unrecognizable, probably on purpose so they can justify torturing other people for fun.
Sad day for survivors all across the board, huh? :/
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hayley atwell is *really* somethin' else
so... something just hit me that's actually pretty fucking disturbing, and it's one of those things that, y'know, you feel is there, know in the back of your mind somewhere as something that is just kinda true by default, but once you become fully aware and CONSCIOUS of it
it definitely can't go away
the woman, that i just referred in this title. many people are aware of what she did, if not, here's a detailed list:
(1) Lucky Number 13 on Tumblr
if you don't feel like following the link, basically it boils down to hayley manipulating and encouraging her fans to promote hatred, bullying, harassment, all in peggy's name to help no one but herself, and harm a good chunk of the fandom as well as emily vancamp
HOWEVER, that's a bit beside the point right now.
it's not hard to come across diehards. stans, fanbois, whatever you wanna call them... but there's a frequent pattern with the way hers *specifically* are
the speech patterns are simple, there are spelling errors, certain things about defenses for her that are RIFE with YOUTH, that tell you outright, 'the person who made this is NOT a mature adult'
and you could argue, sure it might be trolls, just people who don't care about spelling (obviously, i'm not too careful with punctuation and shit), or even just adults who never fucking matured (that is ALWAYS an option!)
but the reality is that a majority of her fans, back then to now... were young girls to preteens to teens, and some boys who had crushes
that much is understandable, and some people who are adults currently were just never made aware of what she was doing
but it also makes you realize that these young fans are the most prone, most easily influenced, and most likely to not recognize the difference between reality and fiction, and jump at the chance of telling someone to hurt themselves if hayley outright gives the go ahead, which she did *amazingly* through her actions
and actions definitely spoke much louder than any words or reason in this scenario
even the ways in which other fans are attacked, it's not by someone who truly understands what they are doing. and no one who is of sane and sound mind that isn't a *child* pulls that kinda crap
so what does this mean?
it means we had, have, a fully grown adult woman, now pushing 40, who sat there, encouraged bullying, hatred, harassment, and worse.
among children...
and it hit me... and it fucking HURTS, because i already thought this lady was a monster, but this just makes it all so much fucking worse
because KIDS aren't gonna realize the harm they can end up doing, they're just following what someone they idealized told them to do, or signaled was 'okay' or even 'right'. but this fully, adult grown woman, outright LIED to, manipulated, and USED CHILDREN to cause HARM
and it reminds me a whole lot of some of the shit stormfront said on 'the boys'
'anger sells'
'you don't need 50 million people to love you, you need 5 million people fucking pissed'
'you have fans, i have soldiers'
how exactly is this supposed to be processed, because i'll be honest, i'm having a bit of trouble
i want to cry, i want to throw up, i want to scream because this is DISGUSTING, and it was already bad before but i still had some hope that *maybe* she would one day get the fuck over herself, apologize to emily and fans, and things would get just a little itty bit better
because i'm a fucking fool who always *wants* to HOPE
i don't think this woman has a moral compass
if she was willing to use KIDS as a means to an end and cause REAL harm... she deserves to be called out on it, and i won't stoop to her level and promote bullying and harm, but more people do need to know about what she did and stop supporting her
we all deserved a better peggy carter, or at LEAST one that wasn't willing to manipulate CHILDREN to cause so much HARM, and never utter a fucking word on the damage they did, that SHE caused.
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mutantbanner · 2 years
Bullies and purity police chased off most of the content creators I know in the bruce banner fandom. :( I'm starting to see a mass exodus in my other fandoms too.
I'm sorry you've been experiencing that. I've actually been taking a break from social media lately for very similar reasons. I don't intend to leave completely- just... exclusively come on a few minutes every week or so to post any of my new art or fanfiction.
Long rant incoming.
As much as I want to say "just ignore the assholes", seeing a constant barrage of harassment, name-calling, suicide-baiting, and just general dehumanization online - over fictional media, no less - really just... gets to you, after a while. There's a limit to how much you can desensitize yourself, I think.
I think it's so, so easy for people to forget that there's a human being on the other side of the screen. Most people would never say the type of terrible shit people say online to someone's face. But the anonymity of the internet brings out the worst in people.
(I firmly believe that no one deserves to die no matter how horrible they are and that everyone deserves chances to get better. That doesn't mean, of course, that you have to associate with terrible people, it just means that they shouldn't be harassed into suicide and have any chance at a normal life ruined, goddamnit.)
Cringe culture and purity culture both squash creativity, I think. Enjoy or create something too much? That's so cringe and weird. Enjoy or create something with problematic or shitty elements? Well, obviously you condone it in real life.
There's also a huge difference between "Hey, don't buy [x shitty product/piece of media/etc] because we want to send a message to the creators/CEO/whatever that it's harmful and not support it monetarily" and "You can't even pirate [x] or buy it secondhand or consume fan-content of the thing because that means you condone it, and if you do you're a horrible person".
Like, I've seen people shitting all over Marvel fans because Marvel receives funding from the military and thus has some military propaganda in it. Therefore, any Marvel fan must just love blowing up random villages in Syria and totally support the militarization of American police!!!
...I mean, come on, do they not see how ridiculous that is? Nuance, critical thinking, morals, etc, they all exist.
Anyways, ranting aside, I think this whole thing is a pendulum effect. There have always been people in fandom who harass others over everything. And some people will leave, or go quiet for a while. But I think the human love for fiction and celebrating storytelling and characters is something that will remain with us until our species goes extinct. Take heart.
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: SCP 1678 (Unlondon) x Reader (REQUESTED)
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Source: Photo
SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Rules | My Original Post | Request | Socials
Requested by: @lilithisfurry
Ok, so I've done it!!! 😃
Before any of you say a thing, I know that there are 2 humanoid 1678s which are 1678-A (Bobbies/Policeman) and 1678-C (Wretch) and an avian type one (1678-B)
The one I'll be using is 1678-A (Policeman) because it takes too much time to write 3 versions of this SCP (But I might consider writing the other 2, but it's highly unlikely)
First Encounter
When you first met this humanoid, you were sent into SCP 1678 for some test
The police humanoid emitted a loud whistle as the speakers screamed ‘‘Police! Halt, criminal!’’
A couple of others who were with you attempted to shoot them with their guns but were quickly shown to be resistant
Luckily for them, they managed to plant some explosives which caused damage
The other 1678-As went in and attacked them which wasn't unusual because of their hostile nature
However, for you, one of them managed to capture you and ran
For some reason, it showed some interest towards you and warded off the other SCP 1678-As off from you
They seemed to understand that you were "marked" and left you alone
That particular 1678-A managed to get you out from harm and back to your foundation
The foundation staff did wonder what had happened and you told them everything with proof since you were wearing a bodycam
They've soon noticed that this particular policeman was softer towards you as you bandaged up its broken arm
Your feelings for him
After the incident, you were sent back down into 1678 for further research and you bumped back into the sane 1678-A
You only remembered that it was him because of its gesture and its unusual markings which distinguished him from the others
Somehow, you both were able to communicate with each other
The researchers realised that they seemed to understand human speech, mainly English, however, they seemed to understand other forms of European languages as well
Moreover, this particular Bobby also understood sign language and used it to his advantage to communicate with you, displaying some fondness for you
The researchers were reluctant to let you carry on with this test as they've noticed that you've reciprocated the same gesture
Let's just say that the researchers and the other Bobbies agreed to the fact that it was strange for you and that special policeman to be dating
His Confession
Over time, as you both became closer, he worked up the courage to sign to you that he cares a lot about you
And you've found that rather cute and returned the gesture
Which then made you both a rather unique type of couple
The other 1678-As were concerned and curious about this new relationship and so was the Foundation
The researchers had decided to borrow your newfound partner and took him to his new room (No, you've basically kidnapped him)
Needless to say, the other Bobbies were somewhat furious while others were glad that he's gone since he betrayed them for not killing you
Your new partner was somewhat homesick, so you've decided to paint some victorian style art for his cell
From time to time, you both were shoved back into 1678 which just so happens to be the main place for you both to date
Some of his friends were relieved to see him and some would even offer you a hug
You obviously returned the gesture for being so flattering and because your man could finally get laid (NGL yall still be touch starved to the point you'd even date strange beings and objects)
Dates with this Bobby would be rather interesting
Like, he'd hold hands, but probably wouldn't start it during the beginning of the relationship because he's just shy (Just like everybody else here)
Since his face is all bandaged up, you wouldn't really be having many kisses
But he'll make it up with hugs instead
His fellow friends would probably enjoy bothering the both of you while you're there and would pull pranks on you both
If you both were in the foundation, you'd be chilling in his cell and talking bout your experiences in life (Not like you'd have much to say, get back to studying/work)
The researchers may poke fun of you both but would generally leave you both alone
When he gets jealous
Now, depending on who he's jealous of, he would react differently
If it was another fellow 1678-A, he would be slightly hostile and assert his dominance over the others
However, if it was a member of the foundation or anyone else that's not 1678-A for that matter, he'd be even more aggressive and would probably try and kill them
Unless you manage to stop him then it's fine
This Bobby would be slightly possessive because you're the only other person who genuinely cares about him other than his 1678 friends/family
If he sees you having a friendly chat with another person/SCP, he would wrap an arm around you just so the other person knows you're taken
I think over time he learns some boundaries so even if he is aggressive, he wouldn't just automatically send the dude you're with to hell
Unless that person is a crappy person then good for them
This yandere right here would literally kidnap you and take you back into 1678
He'd make sure that you would never find a way back into the foundation which does concern the researchers, so they send a group of D-classes and MTFs to find you
If he was feeling nice, he would let you wander around 1678 but he would most likely be next to or near you at all times
If he was having a bad day, he would tie you up in a random building and made sure that nobody can get in or out
Would most likely be even more hostile to everybody else around you
If you haven't behaved, he'd probs use something sharp to inflict pain on you
If you managed to behave, then he loosens the ropes around your arms, legs and neck
Probs would feed you tiny doses of 1678-D but only a bit because he's aware of how that affects the bodies of ordinary humans
Their younger sister
You and the other 1678-As would literally be families at this point or friends with the ones who are lurking away from the main area of 1678
And since you were rather new, you were treated as the younger one (That's also because you're the youngest one)
Would probably protect you from everything
You would be spoilt to death and wouldn't have to hurt a fly
One of the policemen would get you a 1678-B as your personal pet
And it's rather fond of you so it basically follows you around
Would most likely intimidate your dates if you have one
Even more so if they're a human/SCP from the Foundation
If it was another member of 1678 then they're more chill
However, if you were dating 1678-C, they'd be quite reluctant for you to be in a relationship with her but would let you anyways
When their kids say their name for the first time
Would 100% be crying internally and shocked
Like, it happened out of the blue since you both were just relaxing
Word would spread across the whole of 1678 because of this
And not because you both were a unique pairing in the first place
1678-A would try to teach your child some sign language in contrast to you who would teach them to communicate verbally
Most likely try and teach the kid to defend themselves and probably attack others
But you wouldn't let him because they were too young (Just like you lot!!! Shouldn't y'all be studying in primary or high/secondary schools?)
The other 1678s would literally yeet their way to meet the kid just so they can teach your child to say more words
And to swear of course
When his S/O is angry
Oh dear
If the foundation doesn't know any better, they'd just assume that all the Bobbies were the aggressive ones
And oh boy were they wrong
You were the one who needs a chill pill
Basically, some guy tried to hit on you and wouldn't stop
So you just casually gave him a taste in his own medicine
Which were a punch in the face and a kick in the nuts (Kids, don't do this to a guy unless he really deserves it)
He somehow got back up and carried on harassing you
Your man was just strolling around the park until he saw the commotion
He had to literally hold you back and made the guy run for his life
Which was a shocker since it's usually the other way around
And of course, everybody inside 1678 heard about the news and cheered on for you while others just ran since they didn't wanna have the first-hand experience with your anger issue
When someone tries to steal you away
Oh this man right here would gather all his police friends as well as the birds to hunt down whoever stole you away
He would be furious to the core and rightfully so
The foundation was informed of this and they didn't blame this SCP
And that's because the person who stole you was from the Chaos Insurgency
Both GOIs hated each other's guts so the foundation just kinda let 1678-A hunt down the guy
And he did along with the MTFs
But was met with you standing over the guy's dead body
Then everybody realised that your man taught you how to protect yourself
And you did it so perfectly that even 1678 was intimidated af
Nobody wanted to mess with you and your partner was relieved that he taught you self defence
When his pregnant!S/O gets hurt by accident
This particular 1678-A that just so happens to be your partner, is rather shy and introverted
Nad although he does his 'job' well, he would rather just stay away from any contact
Until he met you and you became pregnant
This 1678-A would be slightly more protective but would let you have some space
And because of this, you managed to give yourself a papercut
Which was met with a furious policeman
But was cooled down when you explained your injury to him
He was giving you a huge lecture about your safety and how not to get hurt because you're carrying his baby
Wouldn't leave you alone ever again
Even if that means he would have to sit by the corner at all times
Would send his mates to come over to check on you if he wasn't there
Meeting a dragon hybrid child fem!reader
Definitely would be curious about you since they mostly interact with Foundation staffs
Probably would try to attack you but instead got burnt
1678-A would definitely notice your strange appearance and that you cry lava
Would feel bad so he'd try and comfort you
This then leads to you both being rather attached to each other
This particular 1678-A would have to bribe the others to keep you
The foundation realising this would happen
Probably would let you stay there for research purposes
They would most likely help level up your telekineses
Treats you like their own child and would be extremely protective
Most likely would have a heart attack every time you show kindness towards foundation members instead of attacking them
Every time you're in danger, the ones attacking you would soon realise that they've screwed up
Because the SCPs can hear you cry which would summon a whole bunch of them
When he accidentally kills you
He was basically chilling with you until some MTF members arrived to take some samples for testing
They were attacked by the other 1678-As and retaliated
This chill guy would lead you to safety before attacking the remaining MTFs
You realising what has happened decided to try and help out
You noticed that one of the MTF members were about to shoot your guy and managed to throw the gun out of his hand
1678-A notices and tries to attack the member but instead killed you
The remaining MTF members flee as he mourns your death
He would be even more vengeful and aggressive to the foundation members
Which does scare off the other Bobbies
Stayed in one of the abandoned houses to cry alone
Yandere!1678 - A x Evil!Reader
I'd say aside from his yandere self and the fact that he's only more aggressive to everyone else aside from you and giving you some scars, he's pretty dense and thicc in the brain
Probably wouldn't notice that you were working on them for a project in the GOC
You were able to get away with a lot of things because of your small stature and innocent appearance
Definitely managed to fool this yandere!1678-A because of your appearance
You could be just as vicious when you want to be
Yandere!1678-A soon realises that you were just using him for some experiment and were angered to the point of no return
Would most likely try and hunt you down
But since you've already got enough information about this SCP, you were able to devise a plan to leave
Manages to catch up to you but you were fortunate enough to know enough self-defence tactics to ward him off
You never came back to him and he was depressed for all of eternity
Trying McDonald's Sprite
You were requested to bring some ordinary food to 1678 as a test
And you've decided that you wanted to bring some Sprite with some Apple pie, mozzarella dippers and pancakes (They're my soul food from Mackies ok? Don't judge)
When you arrived in 1678, that one particular policeman who is attached to you for some odd reason was curious about the food
Of course, he would need to take off the bandage on his head to taste the food but not before some bribery from you
He reminisced about the food since he loved eating them before he turned into 1678-A
Sprite, however, was slightly different
He never tried them and was surprised with how good they tasted
Most likely would ask you to get more for him though
Foundation staff would be rather conflicted but allowed you to reward him with Sprite and some food
Only whenever he behaved well though
When his kid swears at him
You should've seen the look on his face (oh the irony)
You both taught your kid verbal and non-verbal communications with some common sentences people would say
But never have either of you taught your kid how to swear
Kinda just happened and 1678-A was about to go into cardiac arrest (Pun intended)
Would hunt down whoever taught them that depending on the severity
Like if the kid was using a ton of swearing in a sentence and was directing it to either of you, 1678-A would kill the guy
You were more of a chill type of parent
But would recommend the kid to stop swearing sine it's rude
Most likely wound ground the kind for a week tbh
When the reader scares him (Child!Reader)
Well, let's just say you managed to make the policeman play hide and seek with you
And you were the one hiding since you secretly knew that you were a professional at it
So you made 1678-A to find you
And although he's pretty good at catching his victims, he couldn't find you (Cuz y'all be so short)
Like he was literally in front of you and he still couldn't see you and you even giggled
So you've decided to jump on him
And oh boy was he about to scream out for help
But luckily he didn't cuz the others would whoop yo ass
Probably wouldn't give you a lecture but would need a while for his precious heart to not go yeetus the fetus
He would probably yeet you though tbf
When the reader pole dances/aerial silk dance
1678-A probably would have some ideas on what pole dancing is
Maybe not as much with the term aerial silk dancing but would soon understand when he sees you dancing
Probably thinks that you're trying to fondue with him if you're pole dancing
Definitely would be in awe when he sees you dance with the aerial silks
Would have a difficult time mimicking you if he ever wants you to teach him
Has definitely fallen 1000 times while pole dancing and broke his arms while dancing 10 ft off the ground
If the others inside 1678 see you dancing, he'd be in a blushing mess, especially if you were dancing to certain kinds of songs
Would most likely tell you to dance for him privately so there's no peeking
Having a Pregnant!S/O
Would most definitely be on the guard more since you're carrying his child
1678-A would most likely follow you around like a well trained and clingy German Shepard
You'd most likely have to tell him to tone it down because you're pregnant, not some delicate flower
Would most likely do whatever you tell him to do, even if it means hurting himself as long as you're safe and sound
Definitely would make sure that another 1678 would be around you at all times when he's away from you
1678-A would occasionally rub your stomach and sing victorian era songs
Sometimes he would bring you some of your favourite foods
When you try to commit suicide
When he hears the news he was devastated
He literally ran 69 miles just to see you
Would give you a big boi lecture about doing that
Nearly had his heart jump out of his body
Would constantly follow you everywhere after this
He's basically your bodyguard at this point
Would bandage up your wounds
Makes sure that you're fed well and all and would give you random gifts out of the blue
Would most likely ask the other Bobbies to care for you if he's not there and would even give you 1678-B
Asks the Wretches to keep a lookout to make sure nobody hurts you
Having a hopelessly romantic/easily flustered GN!Reader
This particular Bobby would most likely be just as easily flustered and hopelessly romantic as you
I'd imagine him trying to make the first move and you both being in a blushing mess
You both would exchange little gifts every now and again
Everyone else just teases and ships you both
You both loving each other unconditionally and constantly worrying about each other when you're both away from each other
This Bobby would definitely protect you from the MTFs and/or D-classes from attacking you
You would make a deal with the foundation to keep your guy safe and sound
The foundation witnessing how lovey-dovey you both are and just dies of cringe and sweetness overload (but not as sweet as out 999)
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spitefulcrepechan · 3 years
Buckle up everyone yer girl's about to beat a dead horse.
Ok so one thing that kinda disappoints me is the fact that the cookie run fandom kinda forgot the fact that Moonlight's not a goddess of the moon, but rather an entity who guards a city of wizards via sleeping.
Yeah, she has a very apparent moon aesthetic but thats cuz the moon has heavy associations with magic, it doesn't mean she's from the moon or anything. Other than magic, the moon is also associated with sleep, and Moonlight is more powerful when she's asleep, so it'll only make sense to make a magic narcoleptic themed around the night.
Everyone just sees that Sea Fairy is attracted to the moon and believe that Moonlight is said moon.
And not only does Moonlight not have Sea Fairy in her relationships
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Nowhere does it say she's from the moon or anything. She was probably made with moonlight, but again moonlight is associated with witchcraft and wizardry, and it says here that she was created by ancient wizards, presumably with moonlight, hence the bloody name.
While I do like seamoon, its pretty shitty to say that its a canon ship without even the slightest bit of evidence and bash people for not shipping it, when there's more evidence to support that Seamoon is and probably never will be canon then that they'll ever BE canon.
The only two forms of evidence i can find of Seamoon being even vaguely implied is the fact that Sea Fairy has Moonlight in her relationships, but as stated above, those feelings are one-sided and it never explicitly says that she's in love with Moonlight, just the fact that she trusts her.
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Sea Fairy probably only likes her cuz she was made with moonlight, which uh
Dunno about you but that's kinda shotty
"Oh but trust obviously means they're in love, you're just a lesbophobic bitch who can't understand co-"
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Yah wanna fucking explain this then?
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Or this?
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Hell, even with characters that we know arent children, I dont see people shipping people like Spinach and Carrot together GODDAMN
Can you use relationships as a basis to ship two cookies? Yes, yes, you can. But you also don't HAVE to, such as with the Angel x Devil ship where Angel trusts Devil while Devil sees Angel as a rival
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But uh idk kinda common sense to not harass and call someone lesbophobic just cuz they don't ship seamoon and claim that its canon due to the "lesbian-coding" sea fairy has.
1. Sea Fairy has no such thing, she doesn't even have any links that so much as hint towards any form of love towards woman.
2. Either shit or get off the pot
Lesbian-coding imo, or sexuality coding in general, is kinda bullshit because if you want so badly to tell someone that this character is one thing, just flat out say it, quit feeding us breadcrumbs and expect us to be satisfied. Why do you have to make every single goddamn thing vague and implied? How hard is it to just flat out tell us that yes this character is not straight or cis? Sod off.
Devsisters doesn't even code their characters, they either leave it fully up to interpretation or flat out say that "yeah, these two are in a relationship", but even then yah don't have to follow canon, except when it comes to ages of course.
If you wanna ship Seamoon regardless of all this? Go ahead, I'm right along with yah. If we don't have to folllow the canon that almond and roguefort have tension together, you don't have to follow the canon that sea fairy and moonlight aren't actually together and you can headcanon them to be lesbians if you wish.
But uh I DON'T KNOW maybe don't attack people for not having the same headcanon as you??? And maybe don't throw "Lesbian-coding" as the bullshit evidence of that ship being canon?? Cuz there's no evidence of Sea Fairy nor Moonlight being lesbian coding???? The fuck's wrong with you people-
Unless you can prove to me with screenshotted evidence that seamoon is explicitly canon, it's all just fanon and heresy that sea fairy and moonlight are together. Leave Seapirate shippers alone, leave seafire shippers alone, leave every single shipper where they don't ship Sea Fairy or Moonlight cookie, regardless of their pronouns, alone. And before you go on a tangent about them being shipped with men, he/him lesbians exist, gender does not equal pronouns, you can go by they/them pronouns and still identify as a cisgender woman, and even if the shipper has the cookie shipped with either Moonlight or Sea Fairy headcanonned as a male, WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT MATTER
WLW representation needed??? BITCH WE HAVE ALL THE WLW REPRESENTATION WE NEED and what about stuff like Pan or Poly representation too? Don't polymorphic people deserve some kind of representation too? Bi people? Asexual people??? You're so concerned about lesbians having representation that you're forgetting about all the other sexualities that could also fit into wlw as well. It's woman loves woman, not lesbian loves lesbian.
So long as people ain't shipping children with adults(looking at you, proshippers. Go to hell) let people ship whoever the fuck they want.
God one minute im talking about an overseen moonlight fact and then im talking more about how people shouldn't gatekeep i promise I'll post something more lighthearted next-
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nona-gay-simus-main · 3 years
7 Tropes That Make Me Uncomfy
Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion, calm down. Also, I'm white and do not speak for BIPOC communities
1. The Black Cop
Look, cops are racist af, we all know this. So what is this obsession with cops in media being Black? Is it to make them seem more palatable to liberal/leftist audiences? (That's rhetorical, we know it' is.)
Here's a wild idea: instead of making cops Black, stop writing stories about cops. Even if you want your protagonist or one of your main characters to be an investigator: private detectives exist. Defense lawyers, investigative journalists, there are literally so many options that don't have to include cops.
2. The Supernatural Police Procedural
This one I just don't understand. So you have zombies in your show, or the devil, or whatever, and you made it a police procedural? Really? There were no other, more interesting options out there?
I guess the supernatural element adds a bit of an original twist to the genre, but at the end of the day they're still cops investigating a murder. I think there might be more fun ways to use your supernatural characters than copaganda.
3. Rape as Karma
I think get the appeal of good, old schadenfreude. I too love when a bad guy gets a taste of their own medicine, it feels very satisfying & ironic. And irony is great!
But when it comes to rape, I just feel like it's one of those things that shouldn't really happen to anyone, even if they themselves are a rapist. It just feeds into the toxic mindset that some people are acceptable victims or that they 'deserved it' and I don't see how that's any better than what we have now.
4. The B word
No, I'm not talking about bitch - weirdly, that's one most media has no issue with. (I wonder why...) I mean 'bisexual'.
Why does media treat the word bisexual like it's a slur? I've seen shows that go to extreme lengths just to avoid mentioning it., "ex lesbian", "lower on the kinsey scale" and the always popular, "i like people, not gender." Oh my god, just say bisexual! Or pansexual! Or whatever you actually mean and stop this beating around the bush. Please, I beg of you! And ofc this isn't to say that some people don't use labels and that's also a valid experience, but why is it that the unlabeled characters are ALWAYS the ones attracted to multiple genders??
And stop treating bi characters as gay or straight based on the relationship they're currently in. Newsflash, but most bisexuals date men and women (and non-binary people) at different stages of their life and their sexuality doesn't actually change based on their partner's gender.
5. Queer In Name Only
You know that queer character, that's queer, but they also don't speak, act, think, dress, or even the same sense of humor as any real life queer person you know? Usually, it's a traditionally attractive, feminine, white cis woman - once in a while, the same, but a guy.
Now, obviously, there is no one way to be queer. That's not what I'm saying, nor am I advocating to bring back two-dimensional stereotypes. I'm just saying that it feels incredibly disingenuous that most of the 'representation' we have in mainstream media feels completely divorced from real-life queer culture.
6. Rampant Misogyny in Fantasy
This applies to any sort of bigotry, but misogyny is the most common one, because there is plenty of fantasy with no PoC or queer people, but there's almost no fantasy with no women.
And they are always there to be oppressed, be sexually harassed and assaulted (or at least attempted to be assaulted), and saved by the hero if they are lucky. Maybe there's one woman that has power, but she's usually evil or she dies. And if there is a stronger, warrior type woman, she has to be Not Like Other Girls and detest anything féminine from dresses to kindness.
I get that for most of human history women have had a pretty rough deal (and still do in most places) and I know that fantasy is often inspired by history, but it's still made up. You're allowed to create your own rules. So why do they always have to be sexist?
7. The Strong Female Character
I like a good, well-rounded female character, but what I'm talking about the Not Like Other GIrls, Strong Female Character who has to be stripped of any softness and compassion, and any femininity (besides maybe a surface level-one like love for dresses and nail-polish, if that) to be a true #GirlBoss.
Can we maybe stop doing that? Believe it or not, you can be 'emotional' and be a good leader. You can have healthy relationships with other women (platonic or sexual). You can even be a smart and dedicated person rather than a fighter.
I'm just tired that every female character has to fit this 90s femininism mold now. Where are the complex, broken women? The ugly women? The women who use compassion, intution, and vulnerability as their strongest qualities, rather than just a literal weapons? God, just give me more than this please.
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So I saw you post and went to block that FIT but as I was scrolling down I stumbled upon this gem here: https://titania-prime.tumblr.com/post/666080705015660545/facts and I couldn't help but skim through it. Let's just say that this is going to be a long ask.
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First off, no one said trans women aren't male. I could actually say a lot more but let's save it for the other so called "facts". Just because we are male doesn't mean we aren't women. 🤷
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I guess trans gay men are also lesbians then? 🤔 I'm fairly sure all of them would disagree.
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Obviously, a lot of people would have something to say about this one but the thing I find funny is that they couldn't bother to remember t4t trans lesbians exist. (t4t trans gay men too but the post is obviously about women.)
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What? They know a lot of secondary sex characteristics change when a person goes on HRT, right? And if you're attracted to people with specific chromosomes you probably just have a fetish for chromosomes or something like that. Btw, almost everyone is attracted to gender identities. Just because you're cis doesn't mean you don't have a gender identity.
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Yes, it's not the same. But the FITs and FIMs don't say women have vaginas, they literally describe women as walking vaginas (and some other bodily parts). Also, some trans women have vaginas too.
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And defining woman as a uterus isn't?
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No, they don't. And anyone who harasses other people for their preferences is a piece of shit but calling lesbians who do date, have sex with, and are attracted to trans women bisexual (or any other sexuality that's not lesbian) are also lesbophobic pieces of shit.
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I actually agree with the first sentence (except for the single quotes) and if anyone wants me to clarify why, I'll be more than happy to start a conversation. 😊 The second sentence is not equivalent to the first one though. 🙄
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No one educated ever said it was. Also, you can correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the percentage of intersex people about 1%?
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Now this is the one that started everything! First off, again, no one educated ever said it wasn't. But I love how the so called "feminists" say women are incapable of intelligence, are fragile, should be submissive and their only purpose is to give birth. I though FITs and FIMs weren't in cahoots with the alt righters. 🤔 Also, the FIT who rebloged this is a lesbian. (And she's probably not the only one.) I wonder whose husband's name she's gonna take? Suffice to say, that last part is disgusting too.
There are also some other "facts" in the post but some didn't even deserve an answer. If anything I wrote is wrong feel free to correct me! Sorry for the whole-ass essay 😅
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Yay Loceit! (Ignore me, I have Loceit brainrot.) Can we see the zoo date? I would love to see the zoo date! (Is there a possibility of encountering Remus and make it a conjoined date? But, like, we don't tell him that's what it is? Because we don't wanna overwhelm the guy.)
(Words: 2712)
Janus: "Don't worry dear fiend. I have Loceit brainrot as well.....ALSo yes!! I totally haven't been waiting to tell someone all about the date. Pff totally not...So basically..."
When Janus arrived by the entrance of the zoo Logan was already waiting outside. They excitedly waved at each other before running up and clashing in a loving hug.
"So how is my one and only still not poisoned boyfriend doing?" Janus asked with a slight giggle in his voice.
“Very well now when I am with you”
Logan leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. His boyfriend already had a big grin on his lips but it only grew with the kiss.
He had on a blue suspenders, jeans and a t-shirt with some dude printed on it. The snake had tried to dress extra nice for his first ever date (!!) so he had his long black skirt and his finest purple shirt.
“That is...Jean-luc Picard..right?” He pointed at Logan’s t-shirt.
He flapped his hands around “Correct! I see that the star trek watching is teaching you a lot!”
“Well I do have a good teacher so of course”
The compliment left rosy blush on Logan’s cheeks. He took his boyfriend’s hand and intertwined their fingers before walking into the zoo. It had a big outside area for different larger animals and then a bulding to the west filled with frogs, fish, snakes, etc, etc.
Neither of them were that interested in the large animals. Though Janus did snark about how he looked like a seal and Logan stopped to take photos of the bears so he could show them to Patty later.
It wasn't until they passed a sign Logan suddenly let up into happy stims. He pointed to a house with big look through windows.
He dragged Janus along with him to one of the windows. kestrels, subirds and kingfishers were flying around and vibing among trees and hung out fruit treats. A small crowd around them was also looking at the different birds.
Logan pointed between his boyfriend and the birds as if Jan hadn’t already seen them. He kept stimming his arm back and forth.
"Their aerodynamics are so fascinating don’t you think. Aside from humans they are the animal that are consistently closest to space and all because of their biology. They are like natural born astronauts”
“I respect any creature who can leave any and all social situations by flying away. Big dick move as some” Remus “says” Janus replied.
“If birds had too big dicks I think it would disturb their flying but yes I get your point” He let out a dreamy sigh “Oh what I would do to be able to inspect bird teeth, not to even talk about their wings!”
Logan squeezed his hand and smiled at him before dragging him over to the next bird. It was several big secretary birds. They were walking instead of flying.
"These ones are known for eating snakes" Lo commented "Are you feeling frightened?"
"Ah yes darling, I am already close to death from fear" He replied in as much of a monotone he could muster. They both chuckled.
Logan went on a long ramble about how the different biology of the species made the flying look and work different. His voice went a bit louder than it usually was, it always got like that when he was excited. Janus wouldn’t have minded it if there weren’t other people there.
He nodded along to his boyfriend’s rant but kept glancing to the people around them. Some of them were looking at Logan. Janus gulped. Suddenly holding his boyfriends hand hurt.
Janus quietly moved his hand away. His throat tightened. The people weren’t looking anymore but it felt like they did, like ants crawling up his skin. It had probably been a stupid idea to wear the skirt.
Obviously Logan noticed but he didnt say anyrhing about it. He finished his rant and asked "Do you want to reunite with your relatives- I mean look at the snakes now?"
"I uh “ He forced a confident smirk “Of course darling. It it prime time to return to my people!!”
They walked away from the birds and went down the sunny path towards the house that stored snakes among other things. It was lined by neatly cut trees and homes for mammals. They didn’t hold hands.
Janus kept fiddling with his gloves to the point of not even looking where he was walking. He bit the inside of his cheek until it was bleeding.
“Are you feeling alright?” Logan asked.
“Never been better!”
“If it is about the hand holding feeling nervous is nothing to be embarrassed about. When I first held hands with Patty I got so flustered I proceeded to walk into a swing and break my glasses”
Janus glanced around to the people around them “Ah yes that is definitely why I’m acting this way. Spot on dear” 
His boyfriend looked in the same direction he did “Oh alright I understand now” He patted him on the shoulder “Well I will have you know I have taken part in multiple physical fights to protect Patty from harassement, I did win most of them. I will of course do the same thing for you”
He said it so casually Janus nearly lost it “Exscuse me wHAT?”
Logan leaned down so they were eye to eye and put his hands on his boyfriend’s shoulders “Sweetheart I can and will break someone’s nose for you”
“That’s the most romantic thing someone has ever said to me”
“I would go for their kneecaps as well”
Janus clasped his hand over his heart and gasped in an overly dramatic tone “Oh such erotiscism you’re showing today!”
“I am legally obliged to show it off every now and then”
He straightened his back and continued to walk down the path. Janus hesitantly reached out to take his hand. Shame tugged at his heart but he buried his face against his boyfriend’s arm to try and ignore it. Logan gently moved his thumb up and down his skin in response.
“....I do still advise that you talk to Picani about it. I am aware it’s hard but if what you’ve told me about your mental health is true I believe it would be beneficial. I could help! I know Picani! Very intimately!”
“Darling please you don’t have to keep reminding me you’ve fucked my fake therapist” Janus sighed “I don’t know if I deserve to take up his time, I’m not That bad”
“Sweetie that is first degree bullshit” Logan replied very gently “There is scientifically no way to accurately compare two people’s mental healths to conclude which is worse. Trust me I did a study on it in college! Do I need to brag about my degree more?”
Janus let out a half hearted chuckle “I’ll think about it. Let’s focus on the snakes for now”
“Thinking about it is good enough for me” He pressed a kiss to his forehead.
They entered the building. The first room was lit in a calming blue because of the giant windows showing off octopuses and rays swimming around. A sign was pointing over to the frog and snake rooms.
Janus looked around the room in awe and- HOLY HELL REMUS WAS THERE. He sat crosslegged on a bench in front of the octopuses. He had headphones on and was focusing on the sketchbook in his hands. 
In a panic Janus started to drag his boyfriend with him to the frogs. Logan saw how flustered his boyfriend had suddenly become and looked around. He saw Remus as well and stopped in his tracks which forced his boyfriend to also stop.
“Does that happen to be the other guy you have a romantic interest in?”
“We’re here to look at snakes not at men Loganson!”
"Aww" Logan flapped his free hand "There are few things i like more than getting to see my partner being loved by someone else they love! We must talk to him"
"Oh- Oh god-" Janus let out while being tugged along.
Remus flinched when Logan shoved his ready to be shaken hand almost into his face. His whole body tensed to an uncomfortable degree.
"Greetings! I have no idea who you are!" Lo exclaimed.
He took off his headphones and looked up at him with panic in his eyes "Uh yeah" He saw Jan and immediately let out a breathe of relief. His shoulders relaxed slightly. "Hiya snakey~ Is This dude your snack?"
Janus was dying. He was dead. This was hell.
"NO! He's my sworn enemy! I'm here to use one of the sharks to kill him!"
Logan gasped "You are? How rude. Such a waste of the shark’s time when a bullet would do"
"Yeah!” Remus added “Anus! If that even is your real name-”
“It’s not”
“-I thought you would be much better at murder! Shark murder is sooo the 70's. Where's the orchestrated acrobatic dance knife throwing???"
Janus let out a dramatic huff "You simply don’t understand how hard it is to be a strong independent complete idiot and a serial murderer at the same time"
Logan nodded in sumpathy "Stranger would you like to accompany us on the rest of our zoo experience?"
He closed his sketchbook. Pages had been filled with doodles of the octopuses "Sure! I'm Remus by the way"
"Ah yes" They began to walk down the hallways lined by animal habitats. He held onto Janus’ hand "You were killed by your twin according to Roman mythology"
"I know!! That's why I chose it"
"Fascinating. I'm Logan. My parents chose it because of the X-man" His parents were also huge nerds.
“Hah dorks!” Remus said while skipping alongside them “Why are you holding hands? Is that a rule at zoos? Oh shit have I been doing zoos wrong???”
“I don’t think so. We are only doing it” Lo glanced at his still flustered boyfriend “.....to aggravate homophobes....yes...”
“COol!! Can I join?”
Logan nodded. Remus proceeded to take Janus’ free hand and happily tugged at it while skipping along. Jan had been wrong. NOW he was dying. His face was so hot from blushing he swore he could melt chocolate on it. The only way this could get ‘worse’ was if he suddenly grew a third arm and Remy appeared to hold it.
“Murder frogs!!” Remus exclaimed while stopping outside a window.
Inside sat several poison dart frogs in a pond surronded by leaves. They were in pretty neon colors and small enough to fit in the palm of a hand. Remus jumped up and down from excitement before pressing his entire face up against the glass.
“They’re the most poisonous animal in the world!!! Snakey you should murder Lo with this one!! These bitches can kill like 10 people with 1 poison thingie!!! it’s so cool!!”
“I have read that they can live to up to 15 years so they have ample time to kill hundreds of people in their lifetime” Logan replied.
“!!!! You are SO right!!! That’s my life goal as well!” Remus turned to look around the room and his eyes turned as big as a cat’s “Fucking hell. Look at how THICK that lizard is!!!”
Janus kept being dragged around between the two while they explored the animals. The saw toads stacked on top of each other, insects swarming around and exactly 1 incredibly friendly chameleon who climbed across a tree to get as close to the glass as it could.
Just holding both of their hands was so much to take in but hearing them rant facts to each other while looking so so happy made his heart feel things he didn’t know it could feel. He wanted to kiss them both and beg them to please never ever shut up.
The zoo melted away as he daydreamed about living as a poly relationship. Getting to see them both be this close and happy every day. Getting to hold them both like this every day. Getting to fall asleep next to them. Oh he was so-
“Hey Snakey you’ve been pretty quiet” Remus interrupted “Whatcha think?”
“dfshkjskj” Janus very eloquently let out. He buried his flushed pink face in the fabric of Logan’s shirt.
“Huh. Exactly what I was thinking! Onwards to the snakes!!”
The snake room was oval shaped. The walls were made up of windows into different giant vivariums decorated with branches, warm rocks and food. In the biggest vivarium several big samar cobras were lazing about. They were both big enough and venomous enough to kill a man.
Janus let go of his crushes to press his palms against the glass and wave at the snakes. He looked back at his boyfriend with a big goofy grin “Look at these babies!!”
“They are indeed very pretty”
“They eat rats! Their venom is able to destroy tissue so if you get the venom in your eyes it can create total blindness!! They-” He stopped himself. Stopped his stimming as well “Sorry. I’m rambling”
Remus patted his shoulder “No. Go on. I wanna hear, about the other snakes as well. I promise” Logan nodded along.
Janus hesitated, but they both looked at him with such loving looks he quietly continued “Okay well what I was going to say was...”
They went around and looked at every snake. The other two happily listened to him infodump about every species there. Sometimes they held hands. Sometimes they all stimmed together. Janus was smiling so much his cheeks hurt.
They stayed sitting by the snakes. Janus leaned his head against the glass to bop his nose to the snakes while Remus and Logan ranted to each other about their favorite obscure sci-fi movies (they also exchanged numbers). 
The three of them had a sudden realization that they all loved murder mysteries and decided they had to have some sort of murder mustery movie night some time in the future.
(Logan also saw a poster about how around Christmas snake petting spots overseered by snake experts would be open. He didn’t tell the other two. He figured he would use it as a surprise Christmas gift)
Eventually the zoo got close to closing. It was Logan who had to drag them both away from the snakes and octopuses. The 2 drama kings acted like Lo was dragging them away from their children.
Once they stood on the street outside the zoo Remus said goodbye. For a moment it looked like he was moving in to hug Janus but he decided not to. He disappeared down the street to catch the bus.
“So” Logan turned to his boyfriend “Was it a satisfactory first date?”
Janus rolled his eyes before wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s waist and moving up on his toes to kiss him on his nose “It was absolutely horrible darling! I hated every second of it!”
“Glad to hear it” His voice softened “I’m proud of you honey”
“It was just a date. It’s nothing. Nothing if it’s with you”
“Well I shall still be proud, because you can not stop me, and I shall still be percentage wise incredibly in love with you” He pressed a loving kiss to his forehead “I will see you at work then”
“Not if I’ve gotten my invisibility spell to work by then muhahah” Janus slowly let go of him “Love you!”
Janus stood by the entrance watching as his boyfriend (it still made him giddy to think that) went to his car. He gulped and tensed his shoulders once he was all alone. He walked over to a more desolate spot and sat down on the side of the payment.
He scrolled through the contacts on his phone while the image of Logan’s smile repeated in his brain. He let out a shaky breathe as he moved the phone up to his ear and listened to the signals.
“Hiya Janister!” The cheery voice of Dr. Picani rang out.
“Hello...I.....I would....I’m just looking to ask if there’s a chance I could book a time for solo therapy? I’m...I’m...honestly not so sure if I’m completely okay...or if my childhood was okay either, but I’m sure I want to get better”
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baka-writings · 4 years
𝘈 𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘖𝘯𝘦 - 𝘒𝘪𝘮 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘣𝘪𝘯 & 𝘓𝘦𝘦 𝘚𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘬 (𝘚𝘍9)
Warnings: angst, smut (not a threesome), probably car sex, fuckboy!Dawon, language, unprotected sex (reader is on birth control), mentions of past trauma which includes triggering themes such as harassment etc; If this is something that might trigger you, please don't read this as it will be slightly detailed
Summary: There was something going on between you and Dawon, you weren't dating but weren't fwb either. You had a crush on him despite his fuckboyish lifestyle, because before when you talked he himself said he liked you, so you thought it will be okay. But it wasn't. What will happen?
Word count: around 4k (rip)
This gonna be very long honestly, so prepare yourself. Also this is written in a huge time interval so please read everything, because it might not make sense If you skip something. It's starting in the past and continues until present day. Also² I was not naming the members, they were always "your friends" and "your brother" because I let you choose who your brother is so I didn't want it to be weird
Thank you for reading🖤
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𝙇𝙚𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙝𝙮𝙪𝙠;
Many see him as that handsome, funny and talented guy. All of that is true, but what they don't know and don't see is the fact that he can have and he in fact has every girl who wants him. It always pissed you off, because you had a huge crush on him, but yeah you're not the only one as you can see. Sometimes you thought about how lucky those girls were, but on the other hand you pitied them. You shouldn't be worrying about such things though, it's not like he'd ever feel the same way as you feel about him. Not with these girls around anyway.
His friends knew how you felt about him and they felt sorry for you. Not the pitiful sorry, but the sad one, because they knew your feelings were genuine, but they will never be returned; not from Sanghyuk. Your brother (choose which member you want as your bro, except Dawon and Youngbin) always joked that you can have one of his friends who were your friends as well, but that's not the same. You can't just throw the crush on someone away in seconds. However, the sight of him fucking every bitch that passed him hurt you everytime. You were living like this for five months and nothing has changed since then. Well you knew your brother was right, there was a certain someone with a crush on you so by time you could develop a relationship, but it's not that simple. You're not like Sanghyuk. You can't just "love" one person today and another one the next day. You wouldn't be able to even If you tried. Not gonna lie all of this was getting to you. No sleep, lot's of anxiety and stress. Your brother and his friends started to notice that, but you always shut the off so they didn't bother you. Throughout the time you hung out with them, even Sanghyuk joined sometimes, which always lowkey made you happier, because he actually talked you nicely, hugged you, was close to you as If he wasn't fucking that girl he came home with last night. Why was he so affectionate all of a sudden? Honestly you knew something was off and you weren't that naïve to actually think he'd like you or that he'd actually date you and ditch his bitches. You were long over it.
Week by week after those few times he hung out with you, Sanghyuk was having less and less girls around himself, that made you suspicious. You didn't want to ask him about it, it's none of your business anymore, okay honestly it never was your business plus you were starting to slowly fall out of your whole crush thing. But there must've been something wrong with Sanghyuk. He casually talked to you whenever you dropped by, actually sometimes replied to you in a group chat the 10 of you have. Before he always ignored it or just replied with an emoji. Is this a prank? That's the only thing that came to your mind. There was no way he was being nice to you just because he wanted to. You told one of your friend's what was happening and all they told you was 'you should be happy'. But should you really? This was not making you happy, suspicious and intrigued yes, but not happy.
You continued to play his little game for weeks. You got a bit closer to each other and in that period of time you haven't seen him with any other girl. You could maybe give him a chance no? You asked him what happened and how come he wasn't doing whatever he was doing before. His reply was simple, only a 'because I like you now so I'm not touching any other girl'
He liked you.. at that time. You asked him about the 'now', because to you it sounded like 'I want to fuck and dump YOU now that's why I'm nice' But even If so, you couldn't believe he was not around any other girls? What If he really liked you?
Your relationship has been going on & off for about 2 months. It was weird, because you were close, but not dating neither fucking. Even your friends and your brother actually believed that he is finally normal and that you guys would be probably dating anytime soon. However to be super honest, surprisingly it wasn't him who didn't want to date, it was you. There was still some kinda of tension from your side towards him, even If it's not that visible. You just couldn't really 'submit' to him...for personal reason he didn't know about. No one knew, not even your brother.
Some time has passed and Sanghyuk was starting to be a bit more impatient and became touchy and demanding with you. Of course you didn't like it. Now it was all getting to you, he wanted you now as he said before, which meant the exact same thing you thought before. But you didn't want it and he didn't understand. You said no everytime he tried something. It was all getting really uncomfortable, because he didn't care at all. You were just another one of his fuck toys.
You didn't know whether to cry or yell at him. You fell for his charms again and he let you down..again.
That one day you finished earlier at school/work and your brother and friends had a week off so you thought to visit them in their dorm without announcing yourself. You were greeted with a hug from your brother, however he seemed a bit... stressed? When you asked him about it, he said it was nothing so you brushed it off. As you walked inside, you were greeted by some of your friends as well, some hugging you, some just waving. You were talking about your days, schedules, weather, anything that came to your mind. Which also reminded you of a certain someone. Although your relationship was getting worse after what he did, you still low-key cared? Yes dumb.
But when you asked them where Sanghyuk was, they all got nervous and avoided the question. You wanted to call them out, but right at that time he was walking with not one, but two girls who obviously weren't his "friends" at all. Oh so he was at it again.
Everyone could see how your expression changed. He was just standing there, laughing with those bitches as If you weren't there at all.
"This is what "liking" me looks like? I thought...well I hoped you'd actually stop with all of this" you were looking straight into his soul.
"You hoped for what again? You didn't even let me touch you, how could you even expect me to keep liking you" he replied with no regret, not even after he realized your brother was literally in the same room. They all stood shocked and angry.
"You know shit about me, I knew you were an asshole, but I didn't know this much" you told him.
"Yet you still 'loved' me. If you'd let me take you, one of these would be you" he motioned at his hoes, disgusting you.
"You know what, fuck off all 3 of you" you stormed out as fast as you could, letting your tears fall.
••••••••••••••••Present Time••••••••••••••••
Now you're alone, sitting on the beach during s peaceful looking evening/night. You don't know when you got there, but it was so quiet there. All you could hear were your sobs. Right when you stormed out of the dorm, your legs took you the furthest they could. Now you knew you could let it all go and cry until you couldn't anymore, because you were alone, which was bad but also good at the same time.
Your phone was buzzing like crazy, probably messages from your brother, you though. You didn't want him to worry so you checked all messages which mostly said "where are you" and "are you okay?" . No you weren't okay, not at all.
It buzzed another time, but this time it was not your brother. It was a message from Youngbin. Great. You had nothing against Youngbin, but didn't want to talk to anyone, but you checked the message anyway. Maybe because you had that soft spot for Youngbin? He had a crush on you, which was known to you, but he never said or tried anything, because he respected you and knew you liked Sanghyuk.
The message said:
Where are you? I'm going to pick you up
You were hesitant to reply, but told him where you were. After some time you saw someone walking over to you, since it was dark you couldn't recognise who it was, only when they got closer you recognized the person - Youngbin.
He say beside you, silently scared to speak up.
"I'm sorry" he said quietly.
"What for? " you didn't look at him. You didn't want him to see your puffy eyes. But he knew anyway.
"For everything that happened" he said in a rather quiet voice.
"It's not your fault.." right, it wasn't his fault, he only felt sorry for you..
"But you don't deserve what he did" you laughed at his response. It wasn't meant to be rude, but you couldn't help yourself.
"Maybe I do" Youngbin took a breathe and wanted to say something, but you continued
*TW ahead*
"All of my relationships were the same" you still haven't looked at him
"Was cool at first, but then?" you giggled again
Youngbin was looking at you, waiting for you to continue what you wanted to say.
"...then I became their sex toy only. They thought they can touch me and make me do things anytime" he still listened hatefully.
" And the word no?"
" It was like an invitation for them. I could've screamed and begged them to stop, but no use. No one could hear me" Youngbin was looking at you with wide eyes, not daring to say anything.
“It would be a lot easier If it happened once... but it was two times in two different relationships” you continued
“So I asked myself, what’s wrong with me that it had to happen so often” you were tearing up now, so was Youngbin, but he decided to speak up.
“There’s nothing wrong with you, trust me”
“Then why did it happen?” you raised your voice and looked him in the eyes. He didn’t know what to reply, your situation wasn’t easy and he was scared he’d hurt you. Oh If you just knew how he loved you.
All of this was making him mad. How can someone hurt you? He’d never imagine hurting you, both physically and mentally. His blood was boiling as you continued.
“At that time it was so hard for me and honestly I wanted to end it all, but I stayed strong” Youngbin got closer to you and hugged you carefully. You let him.
“So when Sanghyuk touched me it all came back and I realized he viewed me as one of his many girls as well”
Youngbin spoke up “Does your brother know about all of this?”  You shook your head no.
“He knows them, what do you think he’d do?” You looked at Youngbin.
“Most likely murder them” he half asked half said.
„That’s right plus he is busy with his own things“ You replied
Youngbin was still hugging you which strangely calmed you down. Affection usually made you jumpy or scared for obvious reasons, but Youngbin’s hug was so soothing. You let your head fall on his shoulder as you sighed.
„I just don’t understan why does this always happen to me. I just want to be loved“ you sighed again. Youngbin was a bit hesistant, but spoke up
„I can show you real love“ he knew it sounded a bit better in his head and by the look on your face he was scared that he messed up.
You raised an eyebrow. Since you knew he had a crush on you it didn’t really surprise you, but the timing was kinda wrong.
„Oh? Please be more specific, I don’t want to end up like before“ your face was too close to his.
„I mean...you probably know since your brother can’t shut up, but I really love you and I’d never hurt you“ you looked away not knowing what to say.
„That’s what all of them said and look“ what you said sounded a bit harsh, but he understood very well. It’s not easy to trust someone after all you’ve been through.
„I understand and respect whatever your reply is, just wanted to let you know“
The word ‚respect‘ was stuck in your head. Is actually someone really ready to respect you? Deep down you knew what he’s saying is true. Youngbin is that person who’d indeed respect you.
You looked at him, worry in his eyes visible.
„I’m sorry I shouldn’t have-“ you cut him off with a kiss. He was caught off guard obviously and fell on his back, your upper body on his.This is crazy and you know that. Honestly If it was someone else you’d not have done that, but you knew how he felt about you. And never stopped liking you despite your obvious interest in Sanghyuk. Maybe Youngbin was the person who deep down kept you from completely sumbitting to Sanghyuk?
When you stopped kissing, you’d expect yourself so sit up, away from laying on Youngbin, but you did the opposite. Youngbin was looking at you lovingly, but still worried. You kissed him again, more passionately this time, showing him you really trust him. He of course kissed back, to deepen the kiss he brought you closer to him.
He pulled away giving you one of his smiles.
„I’m sorry to break this moment, but we’ll get sick If we keep laying there“ you nodded when you realized you were still on the beach late at night. You got up, cleaning yourself of sand as well as Youngbin did the same.
„Tell me your car is close“ Youngbin chuckled at your comment.
„Lucky for you, your car is right here“ he pointed at himself. You raised an eyebrow, it sounded way too dirty, but you stayed quiet since you didn’t want to ruin the mood.
„What? You don’t want a ride?“ he smiled innocently. Your eyebrow was still raised.
„I’ll gladly ride you then“ his eyes darkened after your reply. Well Kim Youngbin I can play too.
„Careful what you wish for“ he pointed out. You smiled at him innocently as you jumped on his back for a ‚ride‘.
He was carrying you all the way to where his car was. Throughout the so called ride you were hugging him tightly.
When you reached his car, he let you stand and wait until he unlocked it so you could climb inside.
„But I don’t want to go back there“ you looked at him with sad eyes.
„I know, don’t worry we’ll go somewhere else“ he smiled. You took a ride throught the city and stopped near plain field and hills? It was too dark for you to indetify where you were, but everything was better than going back to dorms and see Sanghyuk’s asshole face. Youngbin found a nice place where to park  and from where you can actually see the night city. You stayed in the car as it was cold outside and what would be the point of leaving your previous place, because it was cold just to get to another place and go outside, right?
You were sitting in silence, but it was a peaceful silence.
„Thank you“ you spoke up and smiled at him.
„What for?“ he smiled back.
„For respecting me and letting me trust you“ he was touched by your kind words and wanted to show you how much he respected and loved you.
„Show me how much you love me“ You almost choked on what you just said. It wasn’t meant to be said out loud.
„Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you“ you nodded. A confirmation was enough for him to continue. His eyes changed from worried and unsure to loving. He leaned in to kiss you. You climbed over to him and sat on his lap, never breaking the kiss. Youngbin’s hands were carefully traveling all over your body. His kisses were passionate and deep. You’ve never felt such kisses before, before all your kisses were forced as well as everything you were about to do with Youngbin. You’ve never felt real love in any aspect, you were ready and wanted to experience it at least once.
You broke the kiss, stared into his eyes and kissing him again. At this point no words were needed. Your hands sneaked under his hoodie and shirt, feeling his toned body. Youngbin’s hands were under you shirt too. His hands were almost everywhere they could reach. You moaned into the kiss which made him turned on, you could tell how hard he got under you.
You couldn't help but grind yourself on his lap, earning a moan from him. His hands rested on your hips, guiding them as you were still moving them over his covered member.
"We should move this to the back" he said between kisses. You got off him and move yourself on the backseat as there was more place. After climbing over himself, he attacked your lips again so did his hands your body. You moaned into the kiss, earning a smirk from Youngbin. His lips traveled all the way to your neck and collarbone, leaving marks everywhere his lips touched you. You bucked up your hips to meet his sadly still clothed dick. This time it was his time to moan.
“Please it’s too cold for this, just take me” you half pouted half moaned. Youngbin’s smirk grew wider signalling to you that he understands. He stripped you off your pants and panties in one motion. When you wanted to do the same to him, he grabbed your wrists and pinned them over your head.
He chuckled "Next time sweetheart" While pinning your hands with one hand, he stripped himself with the same motion he did to you. It was impressive honestly how he managed to do all that with one hand. Youngbin kissed you while he entered you slowly, letting you adjust to him. The sudden friction made you moan into the kiss and Youngbin was loving it.
His hips started to move, thrusts slow but deep hitting all the right spots. You were still restricted from moving, but wanted to be as close to him as possible. If it was even possible to be honest. Your legs sneaked around his waist, keeping his hips where they should be.
His both kisses and thrust were becoming sloppier, even his hand left your wrists so he could support himself and not falling on you. His growls turned into low moans, mixing them with you own higher ones.
Youngbin felt your walls clenching around him which meant you were close and he knew it. That made him go a bit faster, coming right after you did. He gave you a few more thrusts, but keeping still inside yourself.
"Y/N, I'm sorry...I promise you none of this will end up the same as before, I love you" he kissed you.
"I love you too Youngbin"
"..and Thank You"
The End.
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silvernyxchariot · 3 years
ᴛɪʀᴇᴅ ᴏғ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ's ʙᴜʟʟsʜɪᴛ.
Prf name: Nyx || Lvl 20+ || They/Them🏳️‍🌈🇵🇭 || Demisexual || English, 日本語 (少々🤏) || Self-Ship info || I use tone indicators.
⭐️ My work is for entertainment and personal purposes. Do not take, translate, repost, or use it for profit.
⚠️DNI: TERFs, RadFems, racists, bigots, anti-LGBT+'s, trolls, harassers, MAP/pedophiles, incest shippers, meta-slaves/meta-gamers, anti self & OC shippers.⚠️
📝 You may send asks and requests. Remain civil and friendly to me and others. If you don't like my content, block me. No personal questions. If Anon is turned off and you do not want your info in the answer blog, say that, and I will omit your info.
❗️I will block minors and ageless blogs who interact with my NSFW posts.❗️
Miscellaneous ⬇️
Formerly GothicManda15
My Etsy ♡
TikTok (active), HSR/Genshin TikTok (just started)
HoyoLab (semi-active)
Instagram (semi-active)
Artfol (semi-active)
How are you?
🎶Stressed, depressed, obsessed, and possessed🎶(/small ref)
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What do you post?
Mostly rambling thoughts about my current obsession, including headcanons, one-shots, actual rants, and gaming thoughts, specifically about Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail. If you squint really hard, you'll see Pokémon and a little Resident Evil.
Sometimes I post my art, but I'll leave that more to my Insta and TikTok.
"You sound familiar. Have we met before?"
Are you autistic?
The internet is a vast place, connecting people of various cultures, countries, and languages. I don't mean this condescendingly, if you think my typing/speech style is distinct or recognizable, I advise you to grow up, meet new people, or venture outside of the small circle you live in.
"I've never met someone like you before" or "I'm slightly confused by your behaviour. It's unusual."
And I quote, this time condescendingly, "if you think my typing/speech style is distinct or recognizable, I advise you to grow up, meet new people, or venture outside of the small circle you live in." I've met a girl like this on HoyoLab. Stop rambling, yapping, or "just saying," and ONLY answer the questions presented. You're not generating a good conversation with YOUR attitude. Fucking bitch. You'll see more in the rant link below.
Yes. I use tone indicators, italics, bold letters, warnings, emojis, JON emoticons, and strikeout text to emphasize different tones and moods in my writing.
Which also leads me to: if you find my tone rude, that is your own fault. "Still, I'm feeling a tinge of unneeded aggressivity here." What the fuck. Well now, I'll give you "aggressivity." It is not anyone's job to make you comfortable or tiptoe around your feelings on their own blog. (rant here)
I was also under the impression that many of us here have some form of psychosis or multiple./hj
Will you post more content for [blank] series?
If I feel like it. You can send a request, too, if my asks are open.
Are you an AI artist?
No. If I still had my DeviantArt account from 2011, it would be very clear that I worked hard to get to where I am today. I do not support AI "art," "artists," or art theft.
Are you a shipper?
*Alan Rickman voice* Obviously.
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To my understanding, self shippers are also called "Yume(doshi/jin/danshi)," for (fem/neu/masc) respectively. So, I am a yumejin.
I approve of monster fuckers and furries, but no beastiality (real animals).
But with all these other labels, I think you kids call me a "proshipper." To my understanding, proshippers are people who are willing to ship anything even if it's problematic and comshippers purposefully ship things that are problematic.
I do not yuck anybody's yum. I will not pretend to have any moral superiority over anyone just because I don't like a certain ship. What you ship is your own damn business. Not my problem, but of course, on my own blog, I have my limits. As I respect your space, respect mine. Why people aren't logical enough to do this, just makes me believe the shipping community deserves all the hate it gets. Ex:
I don't approve of pedophilia or the adjacent. Nahida, for example, is 500 years old, but she very much has a childish curiosity, personality, and appearance.
I, too, like Kaeya and Diluc x Lumine shipping (read that as "hentai"), but not specifically Kaeya x Diluc because I see them as sworn brothers.
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