#not really a salty post but tagging just in case
thesaltyoceanwaves · 7 months
Post "Blue Skies" Storylines: Adrien and Felix
Just a rough idea of how the storylines and characters would continue after "The Blue Skies and Your Eyes". If you haven't finished it yet, there's spoilers ahead! The full series is here.
First, we'll start with Adrien and Felix after leaving Paris and heading to London.
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-> Adrien is getting the therapy he needs while in London. He's able to unpack the issues he had with his father, the grief over losing his mother, and repair his relationship with Felix (who occasionally joins him for sessions). I also imagine him getting some social skills training to supplement the therapy. He's a bit hesitant at first, but is encouraged by his Aunt so he can better understand how healthy relationships work.
-> It takes some time for him to settle into London, but once he does, he starts exploring various interests and hobbies he didn't get to before. I've written a post addressing this before, but to reiterate, I imagine him getting into tricking (combination of martial arts and gymnastics that combines kicks and flips), baking, and romance fiction. To add on to that, I also see him joining a book and/or anime club at his school, or starting one outside of it. And since he's into tricking, I think I'd just have him join a martial arts school while we're at it (a glance at the wiki says that he does karate and kung-fu, so whatever school offers one of those is where he's enrolling).
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(For those who need a visual reference of what tricking looks like).
-> His friend group consists of some members of the club he joins, people he regularly tricks with, students at his martial arts school, and some normal people at school. And of course, Felix, once the two have addressed the issues between them.
-> He still keeps in touch with Nino and Kagami, and occasionally Alya too. After doing some soul searching and healing, I could see him reaching out to Marinette and Chloe as well. Adrien and Chloe repairing their relationship helps her quite a bit as she's trying to adjust to New York.
-> Admittedly, he shies away from superhero fiction. Oftentimes, he thinks back to when Miracle Queen took the ring from him, and he can get defensive about it. He's aware of his behavior, but it takes him some time to really let go of it.
-> He is still a romantic at heart, but holds off on dating until a year or so has gone by. He wishes to avoid the fumbles he made with Kagami and Maribug, so he focuses on healing and self-improvement first. His first relationship ends up being someone from his tricking circle.
-> Down the road, I eventually see him becoming a romance author. However, he takes a pen name in order to disassociate himself from the Agreste name. He may also change his name legally for this reason.
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-> While he does put effort into repairing his relationship with Adrien, Felix is well aware that he can never tell him about becoming the Guardian. Over time, he starts to feel a bit guilty about this, but never peeps or hints at it.
-> There were two things I thought of including for him originally in the main story, but never got to address properly: the first was another layer to why he was so hard on Alya. Initially, he was supposed to be a big fan of the Ladyblog, and even develop a small crush on Alya. However, he felt betrayed when he realized she wasn't entirely being truthful on there. The storyline would have focused on their rivalry, and him rekindling his crush on her, but letting go as she was happy with Nino.
-> The other main beat focused on why he was so interested in unraveling mysteries and secrets, which ties back to his own family history. The idea was that every male member on his father's side of the family died relatively young. This would make him concerned over his own mortality, and he would get into investigating the cause of it, since the circumstances were unusual. He would go around involving himself in situations he had no business in, simply to test his own skills.
-> Well, to tie into this new storyline, he'd balance his Guardian duties with finding the answer to this mysterious question. He refuses to admit it, but he's worried about his own mortality, if his own life will end shortly, and if so, by what means. This may cause him to take rash actions and to be called out by various people (Marinette, Luka, Fu, Adrien, etc.) It takes him some time to realize that he needs to practice self-care if he wants to prolong his life.
-> He ends up becoming a beta reader for Alya's autobiography. As they end up having to communicate a lot, I could see him developing a small crush on her, but choosing not to pursue it since she's with Nino. I think she's more observant at this point and picks up on it, but doesn't say anything.
-> You'll often find him spending time in the library doing research or studying for his Guardian duties. He earns the top grades in his class and seems to do so effortlessly. He only joins clubs if it benefits his investigations, with maybe debate team being an exception.
-> He develops a rapport with Marinette and Luka over time, as he continues his Guardian duties. He refuses to call them his friends, but it becomes pretty clear that he's fond of them.
-> In general, he's slow to make new friends. He often meets people when doing his investigations, or if his mom asks Adrien to drag him to one of his events, but they really only stand out to him if they're a person of interest.
-> One person decides to become his rival (for some reason), challenging him to various things, and often losing. When Felix declares that they aren't really friends, this person becomes really competitive... about making Felix his friend. And that's how Felix gains his confidant/sidekick.
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I saw this one post tagged under Aang deserved better and Katara deserved better. As someone who loves both characters. I hate how people mischaracterize them while saying they supposedly deserved better, when really they’re just salty about shipping when it comes down to it.
Here’s the post:
"What does a 14-year-old want with a 12-year-old?" Same thing a 16-year-old wants with a 14-year-old, aka maybe a romantic relationship, maybe just a hook up, maybe just friendship, maybe nothing at all. You can't put people in a box like that. When I was 14 I wouldn't have cared if the person who had a crush on me was too years younger, two years older, or the exact same, all that would matter would be "Do I like them back or not?" Plenty of girls my age were the same, others would be caught dead with someone younger, and others thought that it was weird to date anyone older.
"It's just creepy, no matter the gender" *proceeds to ship Zutara, that has the same age gap, but the guy is older*
"It would have been better if they got together at like 22 and 20" Why? It's a two year agep gap, not twenty - why age them up to adulthood? 12-years-old is right around the time most people either start having crushes, or already have been having crushes for a while, it's not weird. And again, why it Zutara acceptable with Karata being fourteen, but Aang needs to be at least twenty for it to not be creepy, even though the only thing that changed was the gender of the younger character?
"I haven't read the comics" good for you, don't do it, they're terrible, every character was ruined and Yang should be as hated by the fandom as Shyamalan.
"But what I saw on tumblr" Ah yes, because you can always trust that people online are not biased, mistaken, or full on lying. Just ask the leader writer, Aaron Ehasz, about all the times he had to say "No, zutara was never going to be a thing, please stop sharing that fake interview in which people claim I said otherwise"
"Legend of Korra" Korra is also terrible, that's why the audience for it got so bad that Nick just dumped the final season online without a care.
"He kissed her TWICE, TWICE, without her consent and never said sorry for this" Nope, it was ONE poorly timed kiss that he immediately felt sorry for. Katara is seen blushing and thinking on that kiss during The Invasion because she enjoyed that kiss.
"He thinks he deserves her love because he is the Avatar (the hero) and that's how it be" He thinks the girl that got offended when he said he didn't want to kiss her, that has flirted with constantly, and has consensually kissed twice already is at the very least a potential girlfriend. When he is made to question if that's really the case, he full on ASKS HER if she only thinks of him as a brother and he simply misinterpreted her signs, to which she openly says THAT WAS NOT THE CASE. He explicitly mentions "After we kissed, I thought that meant we were together." He never, ever, ever said "I'm the Avatar, therefore you have to like me." Just because AN ACTOR in a play about THE AVATAR called her "the Avatar's girl" instead of "Aang's girl" doesn't mean he thinks his role means more than her feelings - again, he literally went to talk with her to clear things out. This is not how an entitled person behaves.
"He replaced the love for his people with Katara" No, he did not. The Guru explicitly said "Your love for them lives on the form of new love." When he saw Gyatso's dead body, Katara saying she and Sokka were his new family was what made Aang calm down. Yes, Aang is in love with her, but that moment was much more about general, familial love than romantic love. Honoring the people you lost by valluing your connection to the ones that are still in your life is not placing a burden on them, or being obsessed with them, or thinking that being loved by them will fix your trauma.
"He needed to let go of her" He did. Twice. First in Ba Sing Se, which led to him being killed and KATARA bringing back to life, then again in "The Awakening", in which he just up and leaves to focus on his mission and Katara is heartbroken because SHE DOES NOT WANT TO BE LET GO OF!
"Aang could still love Katara, he just needed to stop to put her on a pestal!" He never put her on a pedestal. He knew she was flawed and would openly disagree and even argue with her at times. Cherishing someone is not the same as idealizing them.
"Book three was... bad, and so was the finale" No, it wasn't. It had it's issues and it is the weakest season, but it is still good. Most of the problems were caused by poor pacing due to them sticking to three seasons instead of four. Aang's feelings for Katara were not a problem to be fixed, because the "entitlement" you complain about doesn't exist.
"Aang is a self-insert of Bryke" Bryan and Mike have repeatedly said that they're like Aang AND ZUKO, in the sense that one is goofy and the other is grumpy. By that logic, Zuko is also a self-insert, therefore shipping him with Katara would also be "bad."
"They act like Zuko is a bad boy instead of a dork" Zuko is a dork with social anxiety, who spent two and half seasons SUPPORTING GENOCIDE. "Bad boy" doesn't even BEGIN to describe him.
"No normal 14-year-old girl would date a 12-year-old and if she did call the police on her ass!" Go touch grass, you're insane, two children having feelings for each other is not pedophilia.
"Avatar was only amazing because of writers like Aaron Ehasz" Ehasz himself disagrees with you, and a lot of the "good changes" you made were decided by/along with Bryke.
"A lot of writer wanted also Zutara to happen and not Kataang" Ah, I see you DID read that fake interview. The writers were all on board with Kataang, even though some of them did like Zutara AS WELL. They're not mutually exclusive, you know?
"If I remember right season 3 was so rushed and lacking because the movie-who-shall-not-be-named was in production" You're remembering made up bullshit just right. Fans keep repeating that, and even I once wrongfully believed that in the past, but it's not true. The movie was going to happen regardless of when the show ended, and Bryke genuinely only wanted three seasons instead of four. Bad idea? Yes, but nothing to do with Shyamalan.
"Aang would find other airbenders" If that's true, I'm glad it was scrapped, THE LAST AIRBENDER needs to be THE LAST AIRBENDER for the show's premise and name to make any sense. Korra was also heavily criticized for a later seasons plot point of random people just magically becoming airbenders because it cheapens the gravity of the genocide by going "Lol, fooled ya! They're still running around!"
"Broodmare to repopulate" Three children is not exactly repopulating a nation, you should have paid more attention in math class.
"I'm a big fan of the theoretical season four" You being a fan of a thing that doesn't exist is surely on brand for a zutarian.
"Also, people who make fun of their own fans because they ship a pairing themselves not like are the worst!" Scream the zutarian that is doing exactly that. If you can complain about ships and call people creeps for it, you can take people pointing out your ship is just a figment of your imagination. Either suck it up or change your behavior so you're no longer a hypocrite.
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sankttealeaf · 3 days
thanks for the tag @adorablebanite <3 tagging @kaleido-scope-lady @quacaserous @beecreeper @theviridianbunny & anyone else who wants to yap about their oc :3
What common/uncommon fear do they have?
Do they have any pet peeves?
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
What do they notice first in a person?
On a scale from 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
What animal represents them best?
What is a smell they dislike?
Have they broken any bones?
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Are they a night owl, or morning bird?
What’s a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Do they have any hobbies?
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprise?
Do they like to wear jewelery?
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Do they have a favourite fabric?
What kind of accent do they have?
handing you the questions here to make life easier, i'll answer for rue under the cut :3
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What common/uncommon fear do they have?
fear of being abandoned. (she's just like me frrrr). pre-tadpole rue forms very strong attachments (see: her father. gortash.) and after being left alone many times before in her youth, she really struggles with the idea of being tossed aside
post-tadpole rue has a big fear of forgetting everything again. she's made lovely memories and writes down everything she does in extreme detail in case she ever wakes up without them again
Do they have any pet peeves?
people being too loud. she gets really bad headaches and will yell at people if they are being loud for no reason
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
1. the current book she is reading
2. a warm jumper in case she gets cold
3. her diary
What do they notice first in a person?
their eyes. easy to work out how they're feeling and useful to exploit later on
On a scale from 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?
10. i like to think there's been many times while travelling that rue has definitely broken an arm and she doesn't realise it until it starts bruising up (and then she reluctantly goes to shadowheart and asks her to fix it)
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
fight. when in doubt, fight your way out! her go to tactic in game is to intimidate others to get what she wants but if that doesnt work? start a fight. physical or verbal, doesnt matter
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
rue doesnt remember her upbringing but she had two foster siblings (both older than her!) she's very much a found family person. has a lot of issues with herself and the thought of being a mother, but happily adopts arabella and yenna (as well as the tiefling children from the grove) along their travels. i like to think yenna visits rue and gale in waterdeep as she gets older.
What animal represents them best?
cat. despite her being dog coded, she is a cat character to me. likes her space, a little nervous, gets the zoomies
What is a smell they dislike?
one of gortash's perfumes. it was thick and rich and had a horrible musky scent to it that kept making her sneeze. so he changes to the nicer, milder vanilla and rosewood :3
Have they broken any bones?
yes. turning into the slayer requires a lot of bones to crack to allow room for growth.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
off-putting. weird. quiet.
Are they a night owl, or morning bird?
night owl!! rue does NOT like mornings. pre tadpole she will sleep in until noon if the world lets her. post tadpole she is a napper. gale comes home from work and finds her napping in the living room with the evening sun on her
What’s a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
hate: anything overly sour.
love: salty things (adds extra salt to gale's food and he has a heart attack)
Do they have any hobbies?
too many!! post game rue has a lot of hobbies she picks up to keep the Dark Thoughts At Bay. she loves gardening, pottery and embroidery the most!!
their home in waterdeep is covered in things rue has made. hanging up in the living room above the fireplace is a painting of tara rue did that she absolutely hates but gale adores. he frames it and his mother has asked for one as well.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprise?
she cries (of happiness). i like to think the first year after the absolute crisis is over, gale plans a big surprise party and everyone's there. rue comes home from getting groceries, sees all her friends in her home and just bursts into tears.
Do they like to wear jewelery?
yes! she loves earrings (changes the little swords gortash gave her as a gift a few years after his death, but keeps them tucked away as a little reminder of him) now she has little star ones that she adores! (a gift from morena)
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
MESSY!!!!! she's just like me fr!! pre & post tadpole, that girl has such bad handwriting! sometimes she cant read it herself :')
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
love and guilt.
Do they have a favourite fabric?
she loooves a good velvet. warm and fancy and reminds her a bit of gortash
silk, too. again, reminds her of gortash.
What kind of accent do they have?
she's tav 4 in game, so i guess a little posh? i think ive described her voice as "sophisticated" before. soft and gentle spoken which adds to the creepiness of the horrible things she says :)
this was so fun!!! i love yapping about rue. girlie lives in my head rent free :) please help me get her out!!
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scoobydoodean · 8 months
first of all, your blog is amazing! I love that you always have evidence for every “claim” that you make, everything is so well thought through. and so much of the way that I now understand the supernatural characters comes from you. 
One thing that I noticed about, and this is not like a new take or anything, but people in the fandom, especially Deancrits treat Dean like parents treat their oldest children. (obviously, as an older daughter, I can only speak from my own experience, also my sister is five years younger than me, so we have a similar age gap to Sam and Dean, not that I want to compare us to them. To put it mildly, if my sister went to hell, I’d make sure she stayed there.l ) 
But yeah, it’s this: don't raise your sibling, but if they do anything wrong it is your fault. Don’t tell them what to do, but also tell them what to do, but only if we want you to. Also you are just magically supposed to know when that is the case and when not. (As with Dean, everything he does is so “controlling” and of course, everything that Sam does wrong is also his fault, because of reasons) 
And then there’s this thing that you just can not be mad at your sibling, no matter what they do and the way they treat you is also your fault, because you don’t show them enough love/are too mean/too emotionally stunted… (The same way that people completely freak out when Dean is reasonably mad at Sam for like two episodes in a row)
It’s this narrative of you: are the older one, so you have all the responsibility, even though you are either a) a child as well, or b) your sibling is also a grown up. It’s soo inconsistent as well, like what do you want from him? 
Yeah, this isn’t really well out to getter, but I hope you understand what I am trying to say? 
<3 I get you yeah—I think you'll like these two tags: #parentification and one I started using more recently: #family chains. This mail might have been prompted by this post but if not, I think you'll like this one. You should have seen the meltdown that occurred over my shitpost uquiz last year where one of the questions was whether Dean was responsible for Sam drinking demon blood jdhbfjhbsdjhbf.
There's definitely a dynamic in the show that is heavily mirrored in the fandom, where Dean is "damned if he does, damned if he doesn't". No one will ever be pleased with him. He's not nurturing and loving enough, or he's smothering, and there is zero middle ground. Fans want him to "end the toxic codependency", but have zero concept of 1) what that even means 2) how everyone in the show feeds into it 3) how their own comments about Dean being fully or largely responsible for that dynamic reveal their own issues in perceiving Dean as more responsible for everything negative that happens to him and everyone else as a function of his own childhood neglect.
And not only are many fans prone to treat Sam as Dean's vulnerable minor brother-son, but people are prone to treat Cas that way as well, based on their perception of Cas as a billion year old baby who fell in love with Dean and then chose to fall which makes him Dean's infant son for the rest of time whose decisions are also Dean's fault just like Sam's. When I get really salty about this, I've been known to get uh... pretty creative.
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emberfrostlovesloki · 10 months
Studying with Aaron [requested]
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All photo credits after the tag list.
Hello, loves! I hope you are all having a good day/week so far. This post is for my sweet anon who asked for some Aaron study inspiration. Thank you so much for your request. I had such fun coming up with the mood board, HC's, and a little drabble. I hope you enjoy it and good luck with all of your studying and exams! You've got this! Love Levi -❤️
If you'd like to submit a request of some kind, please see this post, Request Post (linked)
Aaron knows that it gets cold in the library, so he brings an extra sweater or blanket for you to wear while you both study.
Aaron gets you any candy or snacks that you want from the vending machines on the second floor. He also knows that apart from the basics, the machines don’t have everything you like, so he buys a few bags of your favorite chips and salty snacks and has some in his apartment and in his backpack in case you need a change from sugary snacks.
If you're on the quiet floors of the library and a person or group is being loud, he will go and tell them to move and is serious about this request. He will stand and glare at the individual(s) until they are gone.
Aaron will quiz you on formulas and concepts for your math and science exams and has written a detailed list of major dates, people, and events for your history courses. He takes all the time you need to remember the important things for each class. He suggests memory devices and tricks to help you retain the stores of information you need.
Even if he says he’s not a good writer, Aaron is a good editor. He will read over any papers or presentations you must turn in. He will make remarks on the whole paper and major points, but he’ll also correct you on your syntax and grammar. As a prelaw student, he is used to detailed work and he wants you to present your best work.
He doesn’t bother you when you are working. He has his own studies too, but every hour you will both debrief and say one major point that you have both learned in that time. You write them out on a whiteboard next to your table. You and Aaron also both have major goals or assignments listed on the board and when either of you finish one of them you cheer each other on! (This is on a non-quiet floor of the library of course).
The short Hotch drabble is below the cut. 1.2K words.
Pairing Hotch x gender-neutral reader
Category: Fluff/comfort
Word count: 1.2K
Content warnings: None
A/N: Two things. 1. This isn't well edited and 2. I use the slang Diffy Q which stands for differential equations. If you liked this story, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!
_y/n_ = your name
You look at your phone again. It had been nearly half an hour since Aaron had run out to grab a drink. Unless he was getting plastered somewhere off campus then ‘Going to grab a drink’ shouldn’t have taken him more than a few minutes. Just as you were about to shoot him a text asking him where he was, the man in question came walking down the hall and toward your table. He was rather awkwardly holding two 711 Styrofoam cups. He took a sip of one of them to make sure he was giving his partner the right cup. He was right and set the other cup in front of you. You smile at him and in a teasing voice say, “Have you suddenly anthropomorphized into a car and needed some petrol to keep that brain of yours going?” Aaron scoffed and replied, “You know you stop making sense when you’re this tired _y/n_.” You jokingly pouted and said, “What are you talking about, I’m at my peak performance right now.” Just as you finished saying this, you couldn’t stifle a yawn from coming out of your mouth. You hide the betrayal of your body with your mouth. This really had Hotch laughing, and he said, “Well maybe your soda will help you a little bit.” You smiled up at him and grabbed the cup. You take the straw in your mouth. Once you had taken a sip, you smiled even more. Aaron watched you. The little gleam in your eyes at tasting the drink was worth the walk to the convenience store just across from campus. Once you had taken a sip, you said, “You didn’t have to get me root beer Aaron, that was very sweet of you.” Hotch pulled out his chair and sat back down, as he said, “Well you deserved a treat. After all, you finished that twenty-page sociology paper. And I needed to stretch my legs. My eyes were starting to glaze over with this reading.” You looked over to the large textbook in front of Hotch and asked, “Is this still Poli Sci?” Hotch nodded and said, “Mhm.” You reached over and pat his hand as you both slipped back into your respective studying.
A half hour later you ran a hand through your hair and made a sound of frustration. Hotch looked up and asked, “What bothering you _y/n_?” You set down your pencil and said, “This freaking calc review is impossible. I don’t know why my professor decided to include problem types that we’ve never seen before here? I’ve tried working problem seventeen three times and I’m still not getting the answer provided. I’ve checked my stuff and it’s not working.” Hotch nodded and asked, “What concept it is over?” You looked back down at the guide and said, “antiderivatives, which I’m normally good at. But this is something else, let me tell you.” Aaron steepled his fingers under his chin and said, “Why don’t you try writing it out on the board. Maybe seeing it bigger will help you see something differently?” You stand and say, “Well it can’t hurt my chances of figuring it out.” Aaron smiled and said, “That’s the attitude I’m looking for,” as he tossed a green marker at _y/n_. You grabbed the marker and wrote out in neat writing: f(x)=ex−3x2+sinx­
You continued to work on this problem for another few minutes before hearing someone call you and Aaron’s names out. You turn and see Spencer and Penelope walking toward you. You beam and move away from the board; the annoying problem is momentarily forgotten. Garcia rushed forward and gave you a hug, while Aaron gave Reid a strong pat on the shoulder. When Penelope had released you, you and Hotch changed positions as you hugged Spencer and Aaron gave Pen an embrace. ­­As everyone pulled apart, you asked, “What are y’all two here studying for?” Spencer spoke first saying, “Diffy Q and computational engineering.” The thought of Spencer’s highly advanced school load had your head spinning and you were grateful when Penelope said, “And I’m here to write an essay for Brit Lit and remind myself for the seventieth time who Plato was and why his cave is important.” At hearing this, Spencer rolled his eyes as his gaze moved to the whiteboard, he clocked the unfinished calculus problem. The boy genius asked, “You working on calc, _y/n_?” You sighed and said, “Yeah, unsuccessfully.” Reid smiled softly and said, “How about I solve this one for you and then give you another similar problem? I won’t tell you how I’m solving it, but I’ll leave my work and you can reference back to it?” Hearing this, you smile and nod saying, “That sounds great Spence, thanks.” Reid annoyingly quickly solved the problem and provided a new one. Once Reid was back next to Garcia, Hotch asked, “Would you like to join us?” Penelope nodded no and said, “We booked out a room upstairs for the next three hours. I need ultimate silence to write.” You nodded in understanding and asked another question: “We’re still set to meet tomorrow at Commons to work on the speech, right?” Garcia and Spencer nodded, and Pen replied, “We sure are my sweet. Darn was I lucky to be put in a group with all of you. My friend Stacy who’s also in the class said half of her partners hadn’t even started their parts of the presentation.” Aaron chimed in with a “Here, here to that.” The friends spoke for a few more minutes before Spence and Penelope moved up to their booked room. As you turned back to the board to study Spencer’s work, they reflected on how they had met their best friends at school. It was fate or the academic advisors who had thrown the four into the same Intro to Communications class. You had sat next to Penelope and across from Aaron on the first day of class. They had all hit off well. In the second week, Spencer had heard Pen complain about her history class and he joined their group. It was Garia who had told you that she thought Aaron had a thing for them. You hadn’t believed her, but later that week, Hotch had texted you asking if you wanted to grab dinner off campus sometime? And the rest, as they say, was history.
            You spent another half hour trying at the problem, but you were getting tired and frustrated. You flopped into your chair and put your head in your hands saying, “I’m gonna fail this exam.” Aaron reached out and placed a hand on your shoulder saying, “Hey, no negative self-talk. This exam isn’t until Wednesday and it's only on Sunday. Reid will help you, and you can meet with your professor if you’re really, really concerned. You’re incredibly smart and capable _y/n_. Don’t let this one problem get you down.” You looked up slightly from your hands and saw how genuine Aaron was being, and how proud he was of you.” Softly you said, “What did I ever do to deserve you, Aaron?” Hotch smiled and said, “Nothing. And you never will, _y/n_. Now, it’s getting late. How about we call it here? I can drive you back to your place.” You agreed. You both packed up and as you walked toward the exit, you were very happy to be at the library at 12:30 a.m. As long as you had Aaron as a cheerleader, you knew you could make it through finals. You were pretty sure you could make it through anything with him by your side.
tag list: @criminalskies @tgskitten @geminitapestry
Want to be added to the tag list? Please see this post, CM tag list (linked)
Photo credits
Top row: Center and Right (@shakespearesdaughters)
Center row: Left (@shakespearesdaughters) Center: (@foldergif
All other photos are mine.
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Do we really need to do it every 6 months or so, K/S clears every poll put in front of them, every time, as they should, meanwhile Destiel fans already got a walloping from mecha girls in top tumblr polls about a month ago, do they really need to be put through that again?
I have two answers for you. One’s factual, and the other is my opinion.
i wrote a goddamn essay about this topic just for you anon, and then I accidentally deleted the draft. I’m not even kidding. So salty rn.
The factual answer:
i compiled a whole bunch of data that said Spirk’s tumblr fandom was incredibly small compared to Destiel’s (20k followers vs 245k followers, ie. Spirk has 8.16 percent of Destiel’s tag follower count). The ao3 stats were even more skewed, and those numbers didn’t seem to match up on how consistently Spirk won ship polls over Destiel. I’ve formulated a few theories as to why that could be the case, but I need more data. this poll, along with a few more I’m running, is an experiment, yet to be completed.
The personal answer (my opinion):
yeah. Destiel shippers wouldn’t be here without Spirk, and they still get all the popularity on tumblr because they got famous and That’s What Tumblr’s Known For. If you’re on Tumblr, you interact with Destiel, period. There are a lot of half-arsed fans who post Destiel and flood the tags without being engrossed in the source materiel. And I’m part of that - I enjoy Destiel, I’ve watched some of SPN, I’ve been on tumblr for a while. But I’m not hardcore about them. Spirk on the other hand is entrenched in history. So while it isn’t famous, a lot of people still feel attachment to it - and its fore-bearers. it’s a debt thing: if you know both fandoms vaguely, and you also know that one wouldn’t be there without the other, you’re likely to pick the one that came first. It probably also helps that Star Trek isn’t steeped in the same level of controversy as Supernatural is.
In any case, yeah, i do think we need to ‘do it’ every few months; ‘it’ being ‘reminding Destiel fans that they’re not the biggest players in town despite having gained popularity on this website’.
I completely understand that my opinion is biased right now, and that’s why I’m trying to chase it up with facts and determine if it’s entirely valid. This isn’t meant to be slander against SPN, and I’m willing to hear other people’s FACTUAL opinions on why Spirk vs Destiel polls are always so skewed in favour of Spirk.
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cleolinda · 1 year
Weekend links
My posts:
Took an unexpected week off the Varney the Vampire recaps, but it's an opportunity to shift towards the "see it a day early on Patreon" schedule I'd like to do. Health issues! We make them work for us! Why have I started using exclamation points lately!
In the meantime, catch up on the first ten chapters here.
Perfume: Chanel No. 5 (1921/1986) and No. 5 Eau Première (2007), which includes a "wtf are aldehydes" sidebar and some reactions I did not expect to have.
Perfume: I did in fact order a Zoologist T-Rex sample, along with the Scent of the Century, a few things for an eventual sandalwood post (love a sandalwood), and a Hypnotic Poison update.
I have been informed that it was not just Elon Musk's money that was set on fire and that also it was scientifically a good thing, and I am in all honesty too salty to be rational about it, so I will save my mockery for the next time he fucks up something on Twitter.
(How is Substack Notes? Are people liking that?)
Reblogs of interest:
In case you missed it, Tumblr has activated PVP mode: you can now blaze other people's posts. Fortunately, they have put in a bunch of opt-outs to manage your battledome experience.
SPN News Network finally got me: there's going to be a Twilight tv show
The use of the word "friend" in queer history
A history of drag kings
Lich & Mushroom
no. he can't handle the pressure. no. not swag.
tfw you can't admit fairies aren't real because the grownups can't calm down about it
A classic: have mercy at the end of days, Jolene
Another classic: World War Tea
Save this for Monday morning
Personal tags of the week:
#corvids, because I'm just gonna reblog "lalala lala" every 1-2 months
#color, because I just really like tagging art or photographs where the color pops in some way, and I just reblogged an aurora borealis painting
#vampire wardrobe, because Gaultier made an actual Vampire Suit
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buckymilf · 1 year
you titled your ask "let it out" and thats what im gonna do <3
you are under no obligation to respond to this, of course, i dont want you to get into trouble bc of fandom drama regarding polls
also a disclaimer - i condemn all sort of typical-tumblr-anon-hate behaviour and i always had. i will never get behind *anyone* sending death threats to *anyone* under *no* circumstances.
that being said.
i keep scrolling through the tags and replies on the poll post. wasnt the point of it to celebrate fandom *history*? everything regarding stucky has already been said by other ppl - the impact this ship had - on the fandoms, fanfics. tumblr in 2014 was the stucky site. it trended on twitter in 2016 thus scaring the executives and forcing them to backtrack out of *any* scenes between steve and bucky bc they were so so scared of a gay fanon ship. the ship still has this impact, bc now mcu is pushing ste*gy while using stucky thropes and scenes.
if we are talking about celebrating fandoms history - we have a fanon ship going back over a decade and a one year old canon ship.
and this is the only thing im salty about. i watched [pirates show] and i loved it. i really did. but i dont see how a ship being canon makes it better than fanon, especially in this context.
(also i dont understand ppl saying that stuckies voted against pirates bc "we hate taika" and that we are racist? and all those mentions of stucky being a white ship - are we racist bc both characters are white?)
(on the other hand i missed most of the discourse under the poll post, so maybe this statement is justifiable, i have no idea)
(also, this one person saying that yeah, [pirate ship] is toxic, but what about bucky's war crimes, steves oposition to the accords and them leaving poor tony in syberia - we've been over this so many times... im just gonna leave that like that)
thank you for reading my rant, stay hydrated, dont post it if you dont want to <3
well... today was really something wasn't it?
some shippers are nasty no matter where they're from, some of them don't know how to lose, and some of them clearly don't know how to win, the whole discussion is pointless since it was just a poll, but people hold a fucking grudge somehow, and you're right, there's no point into comparing canon with fanon because that was never the case, stucky was never meant to be canon or something like that
and no! we are not racist for shipping stevebucky instead of *insert interracial ship here* because shipping is NOT activism and it will never be.
those people are just too young to behave properly and don't know how fandom and shipping properly works, so it's just sad and poor behavior of them, no one is hating taika or something like that, i literally didn't saw anyone from our fandom being racist or hating a real actor for a tumblr dead website tumblr poll lmao, some friends of mine on the other side, got real nasty anon asks from that other side,
but I won't blame a whole fandom for it and i have nothing against the show or the ship, the pairing itself seems nice to me and my most dear friends likes them and they're real nice people! unfortunately that's how internet works, some people are real bullies online over... not real people haha
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waywardsalt · 16 days
tbh it is looking like bellum x linebeck confession chapter is gonna be around chapter 40
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novvaable · 1 year
Get to Know Me- Sims Edition
thank you @hurricanesims for the tag <33
sorry for taking so long to reply, for some reason it took me ages to actually answer these questions🤠
What's your favourite Sims death?
i hate when my sims die.. i can honestly say i’ve never forcefully killed any of my sims as I get so attached to them. in this case, id probably say death by old age.
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
alpha! back when I used to play ts4 i gravitated towards maxis match.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
seems pointless to me lol
Do you use move objects?
yes!🫡🫡 impossible to build /decorate without it
Favourite Mod?
nrass master controller - it so universal and makes life a lot easier 🥺
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
my first expansion was university life. it will forever have a special place in my heart, I love it so much
Do you pronounce live mode or aLIVE or LiVing?
never even thought about it honest, probably like alive??
whos your favourite sim that you've made?
my girlie marcie, she’s come so far with me so I just have a special kinda attachment to her lol
Have you made a simself?
no i think this would just make me miserable
Which is your favourite EA hair colour?
none. I always find the tones of ea hairs to just be a little off? i just use custom colours
Favourite EA hair?
well i dont use any EA hairs they look ugly I have default replacements hairs by maryjane
Favourite life stage?
young adult
are you a builder or are you in it for gameplay?
only recently have i been in it for the gameplay. but i use that phrase lightly. i wil forever be a builder at heart.
Are you a CC creator?
barely lol. sometimes i post occasional things for dl. my knowledge of cc making only scratches the surface. i can do the basics like make poses, and custom photos (alongside sims and builds - but who doesnt).
ive tried to get into cc making a couple of times but its so complicated? i have mad respect for cc makers in the community. ill leave that job to the professionals.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
back in my day... lol not so much anymore. after i took a fat hiatus a lot of the people i used to regularly talk with moved on.
@pixelevia is still my girlie. she doesnt post much, but we talk all the time off tumblr and regularly get each other excited about sims storylines that are yet to come to life lol.
Do you have any sims merch?
yes.. i am embarrassed to say that when ts4 was release i pre-ordered the deluxe version. it came with a mouse pad.. its long gone now. but i always remember it having a funky smell ??
also i dont wanna talk about the fact i paid an arm and a leg for ts4 (i dont even play it?!) and now its free. forever going to be salty over this fact.
How has your ''Sims Style'' changed throughout your years of playing?
i'd like to think it has! considering my blog is old, i feel like it has grown with me and that reflects in the style of my sims. recently ive been striving for a slightly more realistic looks to my sims
Whats your Origin ID?
i do have an origin id unfortunately. (is it stil even called that?)
i have a lot of opinions on this new ea app bs. but we wont go into that.
Who's your favourite CC creator?
everyone! honestly anyone who has the skills to be able to make beautiful and functional cc are brilliant.
but just to name a couple:
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How long have you had simblr?
I had to check my email for this.. as of feb 2023, my blog turned 9 years old?! so I guess almost 10 years. (thats kind of mad)
How do you edit your pictures?
depends on the picture! usually for scenery pics I will just sharpen them and adjust the brightness / saturation / contrast.
for sim pics it really just depends on how bothered I can be.
I’ve recently made the change to gshade so that’s been doing all the heavy lifting for me.
I use hunnybee’s moon syrups preset <3
What expansion/ stuff pack is your favourite?
university life!! it was the it was the first expansion pack i got and so it holds a special place in my heart. its also a pretty awesome pack too.
@satellite-sims / @smallsimmer / @pixelevia @kitty-pixelz
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I 100% agree with your tags about what could have made EE look a little better. I really didn't mind RR as much as EE probably because it at least retained the Blazblue aesthetic and style. RR felt like a weird knockoff Blazblue game, BBDW was an actual Blazblue VN dressed up as a gatcha game (my possibly unpopular opinion is that if BBTAG can be considered a legitimate part of the series so can BBDW), EE doesn't even feel like a knockoff it just feels like Blazblue characters in a completely unrelated game. And from what has been revealed about EE's story this may literally be the case as in that is the whole plot. That I feel is what specifically gives off the "parading around the corpse of the Blazblue franchise" feel to me.
A quick salt warning; I aim to fall somewhere in the range of neutrality on this blog, particularly when dealing with Entropy Effect. I want people to be able to enjoy the game fairly and to feel safe sharing that excitement here! I'm willing to try to meet the game on fair, even ground. That said, when it comes down to my own biased feelings, I would've married BBDW if I could've, and I already have some pretty strongly negative feelings about the studio behind Entropy Effect. So I have a bad taste in my mouth about this upcoming game. I don't plan on being particularly harsh in this post, but I will be sharing my uncensored opinions here. No disrespect meant.
Now. Carl. Oh my god, Carl. I'm dying, Carl.
I played Revolution Reburning while waiting for BBDW to launch, trying to scratch the "upcoming game hype" itch, and the gameplay was super fun! But damn did it leave me with a serious hatred for the game itself and the studio behind it. The game has a story mode that is poorly translated, horribly bastardized/watered down, and just... just really bad. I'd respect it as a fan game, but the fact that it's a legitimate thing just pushes my buttons too damn much. Call it a pet peeve.
Again, the game is fun! It's cool! I really enjoyed playing it! There is not an ounce of doubt in my mind that Entropy Effect will be fun as hell, because this studio knows how to make a fun game.
But I really, really wish they weren't involved in BlazBlue. As I mentioned elsewhere, a lot of my rage comes from this sense that what I personally love about the BlazBlue series [the story, the setting, the world Mori has crafted since his youth] has been placed in a zero-sum game against another totally enjoyable aspect of the series [gameplay, and if I'm feeling bitter, the whims of ArcSys's marketing team.] It's not like these two facets actually need to be opposed to one another. Hell, they should be flourishing in tandem. But after everything that happened with BBDW and Mori leaving the studio, I can't let go of the idea that projects that focus more on gameplay and consumer appeal [such as EE] are being pursued "instead of" or "at the cost of" the parts of the series I love the most. So. I get salty. I do, genuinely, hope that time proves me wrong on this.
You, Carl, mentioned EE's story. Like you said, everything we've seen of it so far suggests this isn't even a real "spinoff" title for BlazBlue, in the sense that spinoffs like RR and CrossTag told their stories using the same building blocks as BlazBlue's setting. I personally don't interpret them as existing within the same canon, but they're undoubtedly using the same material.
Entropy Effect's story and setting seem to be entirely original. They look interesting, but I'm stuck with this feeling of "why the hell did they make this a BlazBlue title, and not just an original one?" Maybe when the game releases it will surprise me and I'll understand, but at the moment, with my current levels of saltiness, it feels like a heartless cash grab.
We know there's some level of turbulence behind the scenes at ArcSys around the BlazBlue IP, since BBDW's failure and Mori's suspicious departure. We also know that in the current media landscape, a lot of executive heads are rampantly refusing original projects and insisting on pumping out installments of franchises that already have a name and a following. I don't have any information on whether or not ArcSys is struggling with this, but it's been a growing problem in the gaming industry for years now.
The worst case of this in my memory is the Dead Rising franchise, another one of my all-time favorite games. Differing visions for the franchise and an unwillingness to support new properties let to an absolute mess on the development side of things, and ultimately the death of the series.
Note; If you're interested in what happened to Dead Rising, Did You Know Gaming has a wonderful video on it.
With that experience in my memory, I'm worried about the future of BlazBlue. I wonder if it was always the plan to make Entropy Effect a BlazBlue title, or if it was originally pitched as its own IP, but rejected unless it could be tied in to an established franchise.
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comicbookddr · 10 months
thanks for the tag in the "people you want to get to know better" tag thingie @mysticmoondancer ! here's my answers:
Last song: Black Beauty by Lana Del Rey (only very recently listened to ultra violence and I liked it! can't say I'm obsessed with the rest of her discog tho i apologize)
Favorite color: pink! its very pretty 2 me
Last movie/TV show: I promise I'm not always this predictable, but I was just watching Radio Rebel for my video script, and last night I was watching MBAV because I was getting screenshots 👀
Last thing I Googled: "simple interest formula" because I missed a day of math class and was struggling when studying for my final (math is hard >.<)
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: I'm gonna say spicy! I've been very addicted to spicy food this past few months. Specifically very salty spicy foods like chips and ramen so I guess it's a bit of both!
Current Obsession: it feels really lame to say Radio Rebel or MBAV so 😭 I'm gonna say the album Youngblood by 5sos. I hated! the album when it came out in 2018, but recently I've really grown to like it! I rlly am obsessed lol
im gonna tag the peeps i always tag (srry lol) @kalimarsii and @rbquartz and i cant remember if anakin was tagged in the last post so im gonna double tag u just in case 😎 @legoyuri
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sprooknooky · 1 year
Irene and Wall for the character ask?
Thank you for the ask!! Two of my favorite guys ever!! This ended up being really long...
favorite thing about them:
Just her <33 She’s like my favorite person. Sorry real life friends, Irene is my best friend and has been since I was twelve years old.
Really though, I actually enjoy her part of the story (ignoring the sequel). I love that she’s a weird old lady who invented dragon slayers and lives in a castle across the ocean from her daughter that she just assumes is dead. Fuckin amazing. She’s flirty. She’s really hot and she knows it. She’s traumatized as hell. Good for her.
least favorite thing about them:
This kinda goes for every woman in Fairy Tail, but I hate that she’s used for fanservice, especially in the sequel, but also how they changed some scenes in the anime to showcase her massive tits. Like really?? She’s better than this. Let her wear clothes. Please.
Also, I really love super overpowered characters, but for a lot of Irene’s attacks, pure plot armor was used to beat her. Like why is she able to summon a meteor? That part is so dumb. Just let her be an enchantress. It just feels weirdly inconsistent to show that she’s powerful. We already know she’s powerful. Whatever. I’m salty.
favorite line:
Irene says some absolutely batshit stuff but I may have to go with this one. I like how sarcastic it is. She’s such an asshole (affectionate).
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Also fun fact: they forgot to color the collar of her top in this panel!
Irene and Bloodman!! I know they don’t interact at all in canon but I love that they’re on the same team during the war. It sparked something within me. They’re both super old and have to put up with Zeref’s bullshit and would bond over that. <3
Irene x Anna! They’re old and traumatized and totally knew each other 400 years ago. Also, Irene is a lesbian so I like it a lot better than Irene x Zeref or Irene x Acnologia.
Ehhhh Irene x Acnologia gives me bad vibes… I understand the appeal I guess? She created dragon slayers to help the dragons and he became a dragon slayer and killed all of them. But MAN is it toxic. They both deserve better.
random headcanon:
I think I’ve said this one before but she watches so much shitty reality TV. Like the dating shows where people are on an island and have sex and there’s drama for no reason. She loves that stuff. She makes fun of it daily.
unpopular opinion:
She shouldn’t have been back in the sequel…. I love Irene. So much. But she really didn’t add anything meaningful and didn’t need the ending they gave her. It was just really dissatisfying in my opinion. I feel like a lot of people didn’t mind her being back, but it really doesn’t make sense.
song i associate with them:
Never Love an Anchor by the Crane Wives thanks to @pencilofawesomeness ‘s post here (it’s so cool!! I hope you don’t mind the tag)
favorite picture of them:
She is SO PRETTY but also so silly and I’m struggling to pick just one…
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But probably this one :)
favorite thing about them:
I love their silly little personality. I enjoy deranged little guys in general but I like that he has a weird lawyer thing going on. He says “indeed” a lot and stuff like “case dismissed” and it’s so funny. Their title is the adjudicator. Why is he a lawyer??? And the best part is he can rewrite his own personality. So he wrote himself to be this way. That’s amazing. Go little funky robot guy go!!
least favorite thing about them:
I feel like Wall was really doomed by the narrative. He should have had so much more screen time. He just has so much potential. Why introduce a species of robot people as well as alchemy just to kill the guy off? It just makes me sad because they’re so fun.
favorite line:
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This is just so badass
Wall and Dimaria are menaces <3 I love that they tease each other in canon and they definitely spar in their free time. Everyone hates it when they’re together because they’ll just gang up on people and make fun of them. It’s great.
I don’t think I ship Wall with anyone… they give me aroace vibes.
I think some people ship him with Neinhart? That’s kinda weird in my opinion. Don’t they hate each other? I dunno, it just feels wrong. Besides, Neinhart is too stupid to get any bitches. (Full offense to Neinhart.)
random headcanon:
He was broken out of jail by the empire and that’s why his outfit kinda looks like a prison jumpsuit.
unpopular opinion:
I don’t think I’ve seen enough people complaining about red lightning but it should not have killed Wall. Lightning is lightning regardless of color or strength or whatever. I would have much preferred Wall die by being outsmarted. I also really hate Laxus fighting Wall at all… I think it would have been so much cooler to give the Thunder Legion a better fight against them! Anyway, I don’t know how unpopular that is, but it’s all I have right now.
song i associate with them:
Hmm… I can’t really think of one right now. I’ll update this if I remember anything though.
favorite picture of them:
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This one’s pretty rad :D (Or the one I used for his quote)
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numetaljackdog · 1 year
have you ever wanted to know more about me? not really? well too bad bc i'm doing a get to know me as i was tagged by @faggy2dope (thanks btw!)
Fav color: purple but when it comes to like color scheming i usually go with red and black. it's classic you see
Currently reading: i picked up a collection of all the original sherlock holmes stories from some discount store that was having a liquidation sale so i've just started that
Last song: now this might shock a lot of you, so please buckle up and make sure there's somewhere safe to sit down nearby just in case. i'm currently listening to haunted by laura les
Last series: god i'm so fucking bad at watching shows idk. i was watching twin peaks a little bit ago and i've been meaning to pick that back up
Last movie: yeah i'm uh. i'm bad at watching movies too. i think it genuinely might have been my first (and therefore only) viewing of eeaao, and that was like two and a half months ago while the big buzz around the oscars was still going on. goddamn
Sweet, spicy, or savory: SWEET i love sweet stuff although i fuck with salty too. i am a good american citizen and i am addicted to corn syrup
Craving: i just had a big fucking wrap thing with like chickpeas and veggies and shit all squarshed into some naan and it was soooo fucking good. but now i'm all full so i'm not craving anything besides the touch of a human being
Tea vs. coffee: fuckkkk man i love beverage.... i think i generally like the taste of coffee better but i drink tea a lot more bc it feels better. more cleansing idk
Currently working on: mostly My Freaking Job but also i have the nu metal bracket going on. plus all my other shit like ROTTING MARILYN and w/e is always lurking in the back of my mind y'know
oh god who to tag this is so much pressure. ummmm. okay. i'm not gonna pussy out i'm NOT. tagging @violetgec @metroid-fusion @transgirlmononoke @whyamionlyabletouse32characters that's probably good. if you don't wanna do it that's okay please don't put me in the scary pit and if you do wanna do it and i didn't include you please feel free anyhow. you can just say i tagged you i'll even add you to the post if you want, the only reason i didn't tag you in the first place is bc i got nervous PLEASE don't put me in the scary pit okay now goodbye
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this is such a boring and frustrating take, and it sucks that you and the rest of the clique of jedi stan blogs are so hostile to anyone who loves the jedi but is also willing to critisize them.
Okay. I'm done throwing away a lifetime's worth of boxes and moldy food and paper clips and old magazines and I'm just tired enough to feel like being salty.
Look here. This post?
See the "do you think" part? The part that announces that post is about what *I* think? Why would you feel the need to tell me that you, a perfect stranger to me and an anon on top of that, personally find my opinion boring and frustrating? I don't know why you think that. I don't know (though I can guess) what you find boring and frustrating. I can't have a conversation with you because you're anonymous and you're not interested in engaging in any sort of debate - if you were, you'd be refuting some of my points with you're own arguments. Your response would still be unprompted, but it'd be a lot less annoying.
That post also states again and again that I don't think the Jedi are perfect. Nowhere does it say I think they're above criticism - I even say the exact opposite. I'm guessing you're taking issue with me saying I wouldn't change anything about the Order. If that's the case, grow a thicker skin.
Finally, I absolutely take issue with you calling me hostile, because nothing about that post was remotely about other people's opinions, much less policing them. It was a post about what I think, on my blog, which is for me. I don't send contentious asks, I don't reblog posts I disagree with, I very rarely comment on those either, I try to not tag my vague salty posts so they don't show up unprompted on people's dash, I do tag my longer takes appropriately so people can filter them out and I don't do call outs. How is my salt (and the post you linked WASN'T EVEN SALTY qsghtrertgh) hostile?
Like, come on! That post you're annoying me about? Had this in the links:
I’ve been thinking a bit - a lot, for like a year - about all the headcanons around Jedi’s biological people, and there are really only two possible cases that seem to get explored: the pure of heart, flawed but loving, desperate parents who ‘had’ to give up their precious child to the Jedi and didn’t feel they had a choice (most commonly seen from the more Jedi critical parts of the fandom, but not always), and the horribly abusive no good parents at all who gladly dumped their baby onto the Order (which appears to be the way of some Jedi fans to ‘justify’ the adoption into the Order as legitimate, which really shouldn’t be the point because adoptions are just as legitimate without abuse factoring in).
What’s kinda sad is how little we’re willing to explore all the possibilities, maybe because we don’t want to be perceived as on the wrong side of the fandom by our own pals. We all deal with just so much bad faith discourse that we smooth out any sort of human drama and nuance to try and have clear cut narratives that are so black and white that they must prevent bad faith interpretations. Jedi have to be perfect pure angels that have never done anything wrong to be recognized as good, because we’re afraid that if we write them in an interesting way people will jump on the opportunity to accuse them of all sorts of stuff.
Well, I’m tired of vanilla fics and good guys vs bad guys when dealing with purely human everyday stuff. Bad guys are for the galactic battles, the epic clash of eternal forces. When dealing with how Jedi younglings come to the Order, we can have plenty of amazing, heart-wrenching drama and warm, happy moments where all sorts of good and regular people have different goals and meet and clash without anyone being at ‘fault’ or being to blame for it. I want to see (*sigh* to write) complex, difficult situations that can’t be perfectly resolved but where people do try and everyone feels like a *person*.
So yeah. I guess you were taking out a larger frustration on me, which is understandable but also very unwelcome
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I’m going to guess that all the others are also cars 141, Valeria, and Rudy like they somehow did developed personalities but what I like most about this idea is that when Alejandro and Valeria first meet he gets a bad feeling for her and him telling grave that something’s wrong about her and that he should stay away but graves doesn’t care and becomes friends with her and now ale has to deal with her and sometimes Valeria would just fuck with Alejandro and just steal graves from him and graves would be in on it and Alejandro would be mad as hell at them both because he had to look EVERYWHERE just for him to be at like a fucking mall with the hologram version of her or eating at a Denny’s 💀💀💀
lmao val being ale's ex friend who switched sides later in the war and he's super salty about it but she's one of those who actually have their own agenda and use their faction as a way to pursue it and she just vibed with the freedom to do her own illegal shit without anyone caring. so she's pretty chill and doesn't really care about the war as long as no one messes with her. and ale is very against graves hanging out with her but what can he do. so he and val just yell at each other whenever they meet and graves sips on his coffee listening to them like it's a reality show
i was thinking 141 is just regular humans who end up working with them at some point maybe about the alien threat too. graves gets assigned too because he's been trying to get to work on that case forever. ale tags along as a shadow company soldier. and maybe that's when they meet rudy who turns out to be ale's long time friend who he wasn't even sure was on earth. then at some point the reveal happens and ghost finally gets answers as to why ale can successfully catch him off guard 100% of the time (if you read that hc post you know what im talking about). im kinda brainstorming rn lol.
also graves trying to hold himself back from disproving their assumptions about the aliens because he can't let them know he knows more than he lets on but it's so HARD especially if they unknowingly talk shit
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