#not really a ship thing. i dont personally think they work out together at all but thats just me
poryphoria · 1 year
thinking abt thematics i personally think project gestalt and project kobold should be like. foils to eachother.
project gestalt is this massive, nightmarish genetic mess born of flesh and blood, made for rending skin and crushing bone as painfully and messily as it takes to get Phobos to where he wants to be. they're enormous (made to grow indefinitely), loud, and always make a huge entrance when they appear-- however, the s-3lf eater is this pristine, poignant figure that moves with the same sort of stealth i imagine a crane stalking fish in the water with. you often don't even realize she's appeared ingame until she's right up on you- the only warning you ever receive that she's encroaching is that ominous ass toll, precisely like some kind of reaper.
gonne died quietly, erased completely- not even her office survived. no one speaks of her, not once is she brought up by the other three head scientists until she's literally right in front of christoff's face and hunting him down with a scythe. (even then, he only addresses her by name after she's already sealed away again....)
on the other hand, phobos went out screaming- in the wake of his death the entire city was turned upside down, and his visage haunts the area for years to come. his men continue to work for him as if he's alive- his corpse is still able to be found in the room he died in, left bloodied and on display.
i dunno i dunno. red and blue, the carnality of flesh and the perfection of machinery..... perhaps something to be said about nevada as a whole with that last bit, considering what the universe's creator is called! im just thinking about them. huooo.....
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venear-tmblr · 9 months
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…. so i’ve had an idea
C!Ven FableSMP In-Character Smash or Pass
Today we reject canon and embrace non-canom ships like it’s the 2000’s-10’s again. Let us begin heheheh (also im sticking to masc leaning characters because c!Ven likes 🅱️oys.)
5/10: Pass
I don’t think they’d be bad for each other, I just think Ven would feel out of his depth yk? Their communication type wouldn’t clash badly, they’d both be able to argue without killing one another, but they just dont click?
I just think Ven would be intimidated? and that should be a dealbreaker in any relationship.
6/10: Smash
Caspian would be the cool ex that you still see sometimes in random places, and you stop for 10-15 min to see how he’s doing, before you both leave and forget about each other again.
Cas would keep Ven’s bossy streak in check, and they’d sort out their problems together well. They have aligning interests in knowledge and writing, and overall they’d work.
they actually seem like the kind of couple to fall out of love with each other? which is very sad to me ;-;
They’d care about each other a lot i think, in a Scott’s Street by Phoebe Bridgers kinda way
7/10: Smash
… there’s only room for one self-sacrificing idiot in this relationship.
Opposite of Rae; Centross is Ven’s type, personality-wise. Also Centross does the love-bickering thing that Ven and Feng would do. They communicate well, they’d argue healthily, over all they’d be pretty good tbh. The sleep schedule between the two of them would be bad though, Ven would forget to stop work and Centross would do the same, they’d forget to check in with each other.
3/10: Pass (edit, was 2/10 but i raised it by 1 for Zenni the beloved)
you already know what i’m gonna say about these goobers. they’re terrible for each other
the interesting thing to me; there’s only two reasons for Ven to date Rae. 1) they’re young, and social norms say you should date someone similar to you. So both Vena and Rae would go “he likes what i like” and call it a day. OR 2) Rae would be a rebound for Ven. neither of which can happen in canon. (i love the band au blorbos <3)
4/10: Pass
they wouldn’t be bad, Ven just wouldn’t know how to approach Seven? Seven has so much going in, and Ven would need to know every detail about Seven’s past in order to feel comfortable in the relationship. Seven can’t really give that, so the relationship is over before it’s begun.
7/10: Smash
Similar to Caspian, they’d get along, they’d be good exes. Ven would learn a lot academically from Ulysses.
bonus point because this fish sounds aussie and that is important to me ok
4/10: Pass
Based on the emotional reactions seen in the spy arc of S2, I don’t think these two would get along. i actually think Ven would get on Will’s nerves in close proximity, if he were to open up and let Will in emotionally. Not that it’d be Will’s fault, they just clash. They would have common interests though, so all wouldn’t be lost.
Will would speak his mind, whilst Ven clams up and avoids conflict, but they’d get around to communicating eventually. (so they’re def not the worst pairing on this list.)
…9/10: Smash
ok hear me out, you haven’t seen the half of it in canon yet, but these two work well. They have a lot in common (that i can’t share yet)
they argue so well, maybe even better than Feng and Ven did. Where Feng would speak up with Ven, Wolf sits and listens and waits.
Wolf is Ven’s type physically,tall with long hair and broad shoulders, and comes close to his type in personality.
nodders they should kiss
…So in conclusion; Let Ven join Wolftross, its time for Wolventross throuple takover
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voltronisanobsession · 6 months
Hii, I hope you are having a good day or night! I've recently read your platonic yandere voltron things. And I was wondering if you would make some more headcanons? Or stories with platonic yandere? Here are some ideas you could write either a few headcanons or a story about, for if you have low inspiration. Kidnapped reader with platonic yandere voltron, maybe by an alien species who wanted to help the reader? How would the team react? What would they do? Or maybe the reader get really sick which isn't easily cured cue the panic from the team? Again, just so you know I really like your work! So keep up the good work, and thank you for making your works in the first place! Take good care of yourself, and stay hydrated!
Yandere Voltron’s Reaction to Reader being Taken
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O M G DONT EVEN PLAY WITH ME RNNNN!!!! I absolutely LOVE yandere voltron like they’re so fun to write for🤞😜 I love the idea of the group just going crazy if reader were to escape UGHH
tysm pookie, take care of yourself too and ENJOY THIISSSS
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I can already imagine the group going crazy when reader suddenly gets swept up right from their grasp out of nowhere by some random spaceship
I know you said some kind of an alien species taking reader but hear me out
It’s painfully obvious that you’re the real star in voltron seeing as how possessive and protective they are of you, hiding you away whenever danger is nearby
So it only makes sense to Lotor to just kidnap you as leverage for his plans
Little did he know that you would be THANKING him for taking you away from the group lmao😭
Imagine your tied up and homeboys getting ready to explain his super mastermind plan to you when all of a sudden you start rambling about how good it feels to be away from them
“Nothing personal, you were the only thing holding that sad excuse of a team together, so I needed you out of the picture for now.” Cue smirk
“UGH THANK GOD! I was literally starting to lose my mind in there, you have no IDEA how needy they all are.”
Now cue a dumbfounded Lotor
He was not expecting reader to be so relaxed considering how he just snatched you up out of nowhere
You’re just chilling while looking around his ship, maybe making conversation with his generals
You finally get a break from the constant attention and possessiveness, ANYTHING is better than being around the group
While you’re happily talking your voice away with Lotor a group, everyone in the castle is freaking the fuck out
It’s bad enough that they let you slip away from their grasp, it’s worse knowing it was Lotor who took you away💀
We all know how Lance feels about Lotor so I think he would have one of the more extreme reactions to you being taken away
Probably starts pointing fingers and starts blaming everyone for not being able to keep you safe
Lowkey begins targeting Keith because it’s somehow always his fault when something goes wrong💀💀
Lance might even starting crying and wailing out for you with Hunk when the situation finally hits him
Keith is also another one to have a more violent outburst during and after your disappearance
He’s someone I see with strong emotions that he doesn’t know how to handle yet so we already know how he might act
Agitated? Yes. Scared? For you, yeah. Furious? Oh honey absolutely.
Keith might have almost caught you too, but he didn’t. He’s so angry with everything and mostly himself that’s he’s pushing everyone else’s buttons, trying to convince the group that the only right choice is immediately going after you
He’s too anxious now that you’re not in his line of sight, making him kinda desperate to get you back again
Hear me out but I think the calmest ones would PROBABLY be Shiro and Pidge
Now I’m not saying that they’re CALM but they have the nerves mostly in tact
They’re already trying to locate where you are with the secret tracker that have on you so it doesn’t really benefit them to try and blame someone for what happened to you
Pidge’s hands shake while she’s working her whizz tho. She has to type, erase, and retype every now and then because of how nervous and anxious she is
She’s so used to having you around that now her brain can’t function properly without you
She doesn’t want to lose you like how she lost her brother and father so Pidge is trying her best to have a one track mind
Shiro on the other hand is more level headed
He really does try to calm the group down as best as he could but with Lance and Hunk crying, Keith yelling at them to get up and do something, Pidge taking a long time to track you down, and Allura and Coran seemingly in an entire different universe, he can’t help but feel the pressure of this disaster falling on his shoulders
This man is ready to just end Lotor when they find him like I’m not even joking
Everyone is getting on this man’s nerves and knowing that you’re trapped with Voltrons enemy doesn’t really make him feel any better
Hunk might even strike fear into Shiro while he’s babbling on about if you’re hurt or not, if they’re torturing you to get any information out of you etc
Poor Hunk is a flood gate at this point. One moment you’re right next to him and the next you’re not
He’s having a complete meltdown in a corner, maybe trying to comfort himself with a small picture of a selfie you both took together
This dude is already imagining all these terrible scenarios you could possibly be in which makes him feel even more terrible
Quite literally feels like he’s gonna throw up now when he begins thinking about how he’ll never see you again
Allura and Coran are surprising quite and calm during all this
They’d keep to themselves but know that they’re going through some extreme inner turmoil
It’s kind of like Allura disconnected herself from the world ever since you’ve been taken
Her skin itches to run out and grab a pod to find you herself but she knows it’s a brash idea
The only thing she does is mull over the idea of making Lotor regret messing with Voltron
They are willing to do anything to get you back, not caring for the description they’ll leave along the way
The longer your gone the less control and stability they’ll have as a group
Desperate and irrational are some words to describe them during your being away from them
They will stop at nothing to have you back with them, some more destructive and violent than others
No one holds back when getting you back from Lotor, leaving his ships wrecked and forcing him to put his plans on pause as he recovers
Who knows, maybe him and his group might’ve grown similar possessive feelings towards you as well with the time you spent with them? HMMMM
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trohpi · 3 months
rating regulus black ships!!
jegulus | 11/10 - i love them so much. when i rejoined the fandom in 2022 and saw how the ship had blown up in the years id been gone i was really confused, but then i read just lovers and was immediately convinced lmao. they are the epitome of sunshine x grumpy and i adore them both
bartylus | 5/10 - theyre not very compelling to me, but theyre not bad by any means. i think they work better as friends but i understand why people ship them. i just prefer other ships personally, but ive read many great fics with them too!
jegulily | 20/10 - im obsessed with them. i love regulus, james, and lily separately, but together they balance each other out. plus it helps that its a combination of my two most favorite monoamorous ships (jegulus and regulily), like whats not to like? theyre definitely a top tier ship
moonwater | 10/10 - they are so cute and so overhated! theres so much potential here, like they could be friends to lovers or enemies to lovers or rivals to lovers, basically any trope you can think of lol. and think of the angst! the drama! i love them dearly
regulily | 1000/10 - yall already know how i feel about these two! they are literal soulmates and i love them to bits. their personalities mesh so well and, this might be a controversial take, but they make more canonical sense than jegulus does imo (not that canon really matters in this fandom lmao). i could wax literal poetry about this ship i love them so much
rosewater | 6/10 - i have other ships i prefer for both of them but theyre still cute and i can see why people ship them. honestly its a similar situation to bartylus, except they intrigue me just the slightest bit more lol
regumary | 4/10 - im sorry i just cant see this ship. i can see their relationship being platonic but not romantic. i also think mary is a lesbian, which doesnt really mean much considering i also love the trans girl regulus headcanon, but most of the time when i see this ship its very cishet and just not my thing. sorry yall!
regdora | 2/10 - i just cant see this ship either. its not bad necessarily, i just see the relationship between regulus and pandora as that of a sibling relationship. no hate to people who ship them, its just not for me lol
rosestarkillerchaser | 6/10 - i understand why people ship them, its combining three popular ships (jegulus, bartylus, and rosekiller), but im sorry i just cannot see james dating barty and evan. im not hating on people who ship them and its not bad by any means (i like them more than most other ships involving evan & barty) i just dont actively ship them. ive read some good fics tho!
rosestarkiller | 5/10 - similar situation to bartylus yet again, its just not compelling to me. i think regulus works better with evan & barty as his friends rather than lovers which you can probably tell given my other ratings lol
blackeclipse | 10/10 - ooooo i love them. all the best aspects of jegulus, moonchaser, and moonwater in one, its elite. james brings the buoyancy that regulus & remus need while regulus & remus help keep him tethered. they work so well together and i love them all dearly
xenoreg | 8/10 - a crackship ive come to enjoy recently! definitely a weird x weirder kind of ship which is the best. oh to be a fly on the wall of the slytherin common room when regulus told barty, evan, and dorcas that he was dating xenophilius lestrange, ravenclaws resident conspiracy theorist (pandora, of course, would have been overjoyed to have someone to trade ideas with)
regulene | 7/10 - they intrigue me tbh, like marlenes brashness and regulus’ coldness contrast in just the right ways. theyre like fire and water and i love that. plus the potential for a quidditch rivalry is phenomenal, especially considering that they could both be the seekers for their respective teams. theyre kinda similar to dorlene imo
regulilylene | 9/10 - im gonna be honest here i think i made this ship up, but i really like their dynamic. marlene and regulus are on the opposite extremes of hot and cold and lilys right there in the middle to keep them grounded, she evens them out
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mrghostrat · 6 months
"He needed an internet connection so he could download an app to draw with, but the whole point of setting the thing up in London was because he knew Crowley understood all of this a whole lot better than he did."
Okayyyyy I just got violent flashbacks to the s2 finale this is evil 😭😭
But in all seriousness, I LOVED the new bnf au chapter, I mean the kiss??? I audibly gasped, it was soooo good
I was wondering if the witch and the witchfinder are a canon couple in the nice and accurate prophecies? Or are they just a very popular fanon ship? Or is it like good omens, where people saw the romantic subtext in the book and where it was made explicitly canon in the show?
I just think all options would be really interesting, given that Crowley and Aziraphale are both middle-aged queer people and the book came out thirty years ago. So they either would have had some representation back then, or they recognised themselves in the story and even though it wasn't canon, maybe those ideas would later explicitly be confirmed by Agnes Nutter nonetheless? Since all these options have really interesting implications for the way they both interacted with the source material, I'm really curious what your thoughts on the matter are.
Thank you so much for all the beautiful things you create for the fandom, both your fics and your art give me life and I'm so grateful for them ❤
omg you have no idea how excited i am about this question 😭 as i've written BNF, i've been quietly fleshing out more about their fictional fandom, and accidentally gotten reeeeally invested and am dying to talk about it 😭😭
i'm actually tempted to make some fanart of the witch & the witchfinder, using michael and david as facecasts to go full meta thphptftf. in b4 i write it as a fuckin book series for real
buttttt i'll put all my N&A thoughts under a cut so i dont ramble too long on your dashes 💛
The Nice and Accurate Prophecy: Agnes Nutter's book series (turned play, turned film, turned tv series); the fandom in my fic Big Name Feelings
the idea of using Agnes Nutter's "Nice and Accurate" book for the in-fic fandom was taken from @tawnyontumblr's fic New Messages (i just thought that would be a fun fanon consistency to follow), but all the details about the story and characters are me.
N&A takes inspiration from Good Omens (as a story, and as a fandom) but isn't intended to be a direct copy of it. the original paperback series is a few books long, and each adaptation of the books are considered good, accurate, canonical content. the tv show (a HBO series) is the most recent, highest quality, and most popular. The Witcher style, high fantasy quality.
agnes is loudly supportive of the lgbt community just like neil/david/michael are. but i imagine that for the series to be so "marketable" over the last 30 years, there isn't an explicit queer relationship between the witch & finder. there are canon queer side characters but the witch & finder are a little more nuanced.
the witch and the witchfinder aid each other through time, working together to defeat the evils in the story (like Aziraphale and Crowley from GO). there's tension between them, but boundless love, and plenty of flirtation, despite the running "we shouldn't, we're meant to be enemies" theme. they would canonically get together at some point in the story, probably towards the end after they've spent some time dancing around each other.
the thing that makes this vague is: the witch reincarnates through the story, almost doctor who style. they're a trans icon, much like how the GO fandom looks at Crowley and all his gender ambiguity.
when they finally tryst with the witchfinder, they're female. it's by pure happenstance that they're female presenting at that stage of the story, but still widely critiqued over the years. the thing that canonises the mlm relationship is that the witch is said to carry their consciousness through each reincarnation— they're not a new person like The Doctor is when he regenerates.
the start of the book series spends more time on "Crowley and Aziraphale's favourite male reincarnation", while the movie and tv show only briefly montages through some of the witch's faces. the mlm side of the fandom most definitely lost their minds over the brief few minutes of screentime that they got of the male witch, and has absolutely gifsetted it to death.
i've done it like this because so much of (every) fandom has always been seeking out representation and filling gaps where the original content lacks. there's something to be said about the solidarity of queer fans creating more queer content for themselves. except, in the case of N&A, they're getting to work from a source material that is genuinely queer supportive, unlike fandoms like SPN and BBC Sherlock that are fighting against the tide of queerbaiting and buried gays.
it also gives aziraphale and crowley a chance to band together in the next chapter when they talk to a dickhead at the party:
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i haven't exactly decided what happens with the witchfinder, like if the story takes place over hundreds of years and he keeps reincarnating as the same lookin dude (like how jack whitehall plays both Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery and Newton Pulsifer) or if it's set over one lifetime and the witch just gets killed and regenerates a lot. i do like the idea of there being some "through the ages" shenanigans, and a canonical "modern day" setting like GO has.
but i gotta be careful bc i genuinely can't stop thinking about this fake story that's barely mentioned in my fan fic or i'll end up writing the damn thing myself
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mandycore420 · 1 month
my opinion on every saw ship i can remember off the top of my head (that nobody asked for)
chainshipping: the thing that got me hooked you really don't even have to get crazy about interpreting anything to reach the conclusion that lawrence is a repressed bi/gay man and then the embrace at the end it's not even a stretch id call it semi canon atp i love it there is so much potential for fluff for angst they can be apprentices together they can feel super guilty over what happened they're two polar opposites attracting the possibilities are endless top tier ship
shotgunshipping: the way their scenes are filmed is crazy there was no need for all that moaning and yet they delivered i think theres potential with the drug use, similarly to chainshipping one of them is poor on the margins of society and the other is a well off doctor so again opposites attracting, you can have lynn caring for and seeing potential in amanda to be a better person trying to pull her out of the jigsaw life you can have amanda try to pull lynn into the jigsaw life, and also theyre incredibly hot together so thats another point in favour
coffinshipping: it was an acquired taste but now they have infested my mind people have written essays on the coffin trap i think it will take a doctoral dissertation to get to the bottom of their fucked up cat and mouse game i should probably reread doztoevsky's entire catalogue now
pintshipping: i dont care for successful woman x pathetic failman but theyre nice them collapsing side by side but still surviving bc of eventual team work is cute
piranhashipping: it's a little crack idea i get every time i watch that scene because "that was even smoother in fact that was downright slick" exchange is sooo funny their faces are diabolical but otherwise i dont see it its goofy :3
john/amanda: ew get away from me disgusting saw 3 does have this element of her being super jealous over him which is kind of peak 2000s jealous girlfriend but theres room for interpretation and i choose to interpret it as far away from that as possible especially after saw x its pretty clear he is a father figure and a teacher maybe even a thought/cult leader type of figure to her so yeah
john/jill: first time im saying this about a straight couple but i wish we saw more of their past and i read a post about john building the coffin for jill and i forgot what their explanation was but the idea of the coffin being this romantic thing for both ships it makes me smile i dont think jill could be a full on apprentice but i think it would be cute if she knew all about the games and just tolerated them like you would tolerate your partner's funko pop collection shes leaving for work and gives john a little kiss while he's screwing together some contraption
hoffrigg: underrated i really like rigg he was the first victim of hoffman's weird way of saying "i love you" (putting your beloved in harm's way) hoffman trying to make him into an apprentice and "feel what i feel" there's definitely potential there BUT i feel if i started imagining a narrative with them they couldn't be endgame i think strahm would homewreck their shit every time
hoffdon/3dshipping: i think hoffman is sitting in that bathroom full of regrets he hasn't met gordon earlier since rigg failed his test and strahm got too close to the sun i think gordon would've been the next victim of his weird psychosexual games but alas the movie is bad and they have a minute and a half of interacting where larry just gets to be super cunty evil and reminisce about adam so i dont think he's on the same page
amanda/gabriella: i really like how amanda cares for her bc she sees her past in her and stuff wish they had more conversations it's a nice concept
amanda/laura: also a nice concept i love seeing amanda care for the victims but theres like 2 minutes of them interacting
strahm/perez: i think they work as exes who remain friends i kinda project me and my guy best friend on them so i don't really ship them but i can see why people would
adam/hoffman (pipeshipping?): i just don't care for the "characters who have never interacted" ships i need something to bite into and also adam would be an acab type of guy
adam/strahm: same as above BUT i kinda want to write them be ghost friends or whatever and also the concept of strahm shooting adam in the alternate saw 4 concept is delicious
adam/amanda: they're kittens from the same litter but at the same time she's way too cool for him
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luxsf · 1 month
Rating Sally Face ships !!!!
Salash (Sal x Ash): 7/10 I think they are very cute :D Ashely can be kinda too much at times so I gave it a 7/10 !!
Salvis (Sal x Travis): 9.5/10 I personally think it is the best ship but I think both of them have a lot of problems and mental struggles that I feel would probably get in the way of their relationship.
Sal x Larry: -51298383928101011477219/10 Disgusting.
Todd x Neil: 10/10 One of the best ships (and it cannon yesss) Neil is so sweet and I love him sm they are perfect for each other jabdidbsiebwjwbsj
Larry x Ashley: 7/10 I feel the same way about this one like the one for salash tbh. Its really cute tho and I think they are really good for each other :D
Tood x Sal: 6/10 I only recently found out that people ship other characters with Todd. Like i thought we all had a mutual agreement that Neil and Todd were perfect together but ig not lol I dont have a problem with it tho i think it adorable. I personally dont really ship it. Maybe kinda but not really lol. Its kinda cute tho!
Todd x Travis: 7/10 Once again i didnt know people shipped anybody else with Todd. This is kinda cute I actually like it a lot lmao I feel like the bathroom scene still makes sense with this ship. Its kinda cute and I like it more than sal x todd but only by a little bit lol
Larvis (Larry x Travis): 2/10 I think its gross. The only reason I gave it 2/10 was because i think it MIGHT be a healthy relationship. Salvis makes more sense to me than this one tbh.
Larry x Todd: 4/10 i dont have any strong feelings on this tbh. I dint really see it but I dont hate it or anything it okay.
Chug x Maple: 10/10 Cuteee (and cannon aaaaaa) they are a great couple and work really well together. I love this a lot :D
Maple x Larry: 6/10 I can kinda see it tbh. I saw this theory that the reason Maple is so awkward around Larry is because they used to date or something. Idk if its cannon tho but I like this idea a lot :D
Chug x Sal: 0/10 why is this a thing?!?!?!?!
Phillip x Travis (Phillip is gonna get his own post that will discuss this ship as well): 3/10 If phillip was in the game as a cannon character with actual scenes then maybe this would have liked this ship better. Fannon phillip is just to much like sal and is kinda of not his own character. I dont really like it that much but ig its not terrible.
Phillip x Larry: 0/10 wth is this fandom omg😭😭 Phillip isnt even a character idk who you guys are coming up w this stuff.
Phillip x Ashley: 2/10 I feel the same way for basically all phillip ships! (Except for Phillip x Travis) but i read a fanfic that had this ship as a side ship it was kinda cute so extra points ig
Any cannon gay character x one of the girls: 0/10 your gross if you ship that
Also for all of the oc x cannon ppl i give your ship a 10/10 !! (I love oc x cannon sm) (also if your oc x cannon is like illegal or proship then 0/10 immediately. Thats weird and gross.)
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h0n3yb0nb0n · 10 days
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Vivia cuddling the Yuma plush.
Lemme have a bit of a rant about how much I love kokolight and their dynamic. (SPOILERS SO DONT READ UNLESS YOU FINISHED THE GAME)
I really like how both of them find comfort in not only the nocturnal detective agency but also chief yakou. In chapter 4 when they have to face the truth together that their chief was the culprit was really interesting because of how they interpreted it differently. Like how Yuma didn’t acknowledge that it was the chief who killed dr huesca because he wasn’t ready to accept the truth but vivia knew and tried convincing Yuma to give up on finding the truth so the chief could have a chance at living but despite all his efforts, Yuma persevered through his own and vivias reluctance because no matter how hard the truth might be it would still be better than living a lie.
I felt like that built up such a connection between them because of that hardship that they went through together. They both cared dearly for this place that their home and didn’t want yakou to go because it wouldnt be the same without him
I wonder how kokolight would work at the end of the game as well. Here would be how I would interpret it: With the reveal that Yuma was actually number one all along, I feel like vivia would find a bit more respect in him, and not just because he’s number one, but because of his passion for finding the truth in every mystery. I feel like then vivia would have more understanding in yumas ambitions. I also think it’d be bittersweet to vivia that yuma was number one since yuma isn’t even his real name and the detective trainee that he met was an identity made only to solve the mystery of Kanai ward. After all that the agency went through together, they still didn’t know all that there was to yuma. And with how yuma disappeared in the end, that must be difficult for all of them. Vivia and everyone else would be unknowing to Yumas whereabouts. I liked how Yuma quit the WDO to pursue his own desires of solving mysteries and making other people happy. I would hope that vivia and yuma might encounter each other somewhere in the world while doing a job. Or maybe not. Bittersweet ending always have a kick to them that’s just the right amount of hopeful and angsty.
Maybe I’ll make some relationship head canons for them sometime 🤔 although I don't think that theyd be in a actual relationship in the main game even as a "what if they were canon", I still wanna imagine what it would be like for them to date. So look out for that in the future I suppose 🤭
Also I love how this was originally gonna be a sweet little post of my art but I turned it into my thoughts on this ship. Remember this is just a personal ship and is not to be taken too seriously. Sorry if I forgot or misinterpreted some things from the game, it's been a while since playing it so my memory is slightly hazy. I hope you enjoyed my art and my rant, take care ✌️😚
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
least favorite saiki ship and why ?
... its torisai LMAO.
i dont like saying it on here much cuz its one of the most popular ships in the fandom (the number one most popular ship is kubokai, and im not a fan of that either ☠️ i just think theyre the ship you get from looking at the show/manga purely at surface level and just picking two characters that are close friends and saying 'they should date' even though they wouldnt actually fit together.. i just dont see it personally lol.. OKAY ANYWAY SORRY-) but i really dont like torisai 🧍🏻‍♀️
(im about to talk about sa under this, fair warning)
i literally just posted today about people shipping things in ways that mildly trigger me, and torisai shippers do it pretty bad !! for some reason, mikorei shippers and yumetori shippers etc dont really do the thing that torisai shippers do where they romanticize sexual assault in the way they write them.. im not sure why that is, maybe they think that men cant be sa'd in the way women can ? they think cuz its a gay ship that its okay to write tori sexually harassing and assaulting him (+acting like its cute, not tagging it accordingly with warnings, etc) ? crazy. especially since saiki is implied to be a victim of sa (or at least is canonically a victim of sexual harassment and attempted sa) by his brother..
that whole thing is something i genuinely think is awful and nobody should romanticize sa, but toritsuka isn't inherently awful and still had potential and good character development, so that alone doesnt really make the ship that bad since the shippers are the problem.. i actually used to be okay with it until the shippers ruined it for me, but thinking critically about it (and thinking about WHY the shippers believe that their dynamic is so sexually abusive) did make me realize how much the ship sucks anyway.. (imo !!)
its partly because i project onto saiki, but i already mentioned how saiki is canonically a victim of (at least attempted) sa, and i reallly believe that he would not be interested in dating someone who is so obsessed with sex to the point where he canonically sexually harasses people and tries to peep without their consent !! he is literally an sa victim, obviously that would make him so uncomfortable!!
their friendship at the end of the series is nice and one of the most developed in the series, so i get where people got the ship from, cat tank incident invites a lot of content about them... but toritsuka still has a lot of work to do on himself before he can date ANYONE, and ESPECIALLY a literal sa victim..
when he saw saiki as a girl, one of the first things he did was DIRECTLY ask him about his boobs.. WHY WOULD HE DATE HIM AFTER THAT SKSNKAKAMSK..
actually lol, when i made that post today about ship content that triggers me, part of that was specifically inspired by torisai shippers lol.. (not all ofc and no hate, it just isnt my thing !! torisai mutuals i love u please don't unfollow me..) ive seen multiple people post about how they love torisai BECAUSE they would be absolutely awful for each other and bring out the worst in one another.. like hmm.. great for you if you enjoy that, but that is entirely why i DONT ship it !! i hate ships like that, i love my fluffy healthy romantic ships !!
okay anyway anyway, i love their platonic friendship, they care about each other lots, theyre one of the most developed in the series, their friendship has lots of potential, etc.. i just dont see it romantically !!! maybe in the far far future, but definitely not at the point they are at the end of the series..
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vriskaserketdaily · 2 months
i see u like vrisjade .. would you be willing to explain what u think their dynamic would be . i want to like it but ive never been able to wrap my head around what they would be like
theyre not my otp i just draw them for clout
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my understanding is that the appeal lies in a bit of wishful thinking. "what if vriska learned to be nicer?" and "what if jade went a little apeshit?" i do think they would work well as kismeses (or, more likely, one-sided blackrom crushes because jade has other things going on and can't be bothered to spend her whole life obsessing over the girl who gave her narcolepsy as a kid), but pretty much all the stuff you'll find for them is redrom vriska rehabilitation fluff (which is CUTE and WHOLESOME and FUN, and i ENJOY DRAWING IT, but . . . i like it when vriska is kinda balls to the wall insane instead of all niceys).
SO! that being said, i do think their dynamic would be really interesting even in a non-shipping context because they DO definitely need to clear the air re: the whole narcolepsy and viciously insulting your teen grandpa within 5 minutes of officially meeting him thing. i stand by what i said in this post about their dynamic, noting furthermore that vriska does mention and talk about jade a lot in the comic despite never having a canonical conversation with her (it's implied; she is in jade's trollslum on pesterchum after all), so . . . vriska definitely thinks about jade more than jade thinks about vriska, and probably projects a whole lot onto jade as a sort of kanaya-aradia amalgamation proxy. she totally fumbled those two, but SURELY she can stick the landing on this smart and silly genius who CLEARLY needs a good blackrom bucketing to loosen up. right???????? human romance isn't that complicated and it's not like her dating pool is super wide what with the rest of the humans either locked in monogamous relationships (with trolls, narrowing vriska's competition further) or being "in families" with jade.
it would be really funny for them to end up in a quasi-auspisticeship (likely candidates for the third wheel being karkat, john, and regrettably kanaya im so sorry bbg) or for vriska to have an aneurysm upon finding out about human polyamory and the simple fact that jade has more positive and developed dynamics with Many other characters before she even thinks of vriska.
tl;dr i'm the wrong person to ask if you want to be sold on vrisjade i just think they're neat individually and dont mind drawing them together
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tsams-confessions · 3 months
Okay ive seen a LOT of hate on ships here and as a multishipper, I wanted to put my two cents in and some out of five stars (I would like to state, with Moon questioning his aroace identity, ships are a bit iffy, but so long as he doesn't outright say he's aroace, I believe he feels some form of romantic attraction)
SolarMoon - 2/5:
its alright, I can see the healing relationship trope, and respect it, but the way they're portrayed together is either codependent on each other or just... So distant. plus, Moon is questioning his aroace identity so my opinion changes on this matter as his identity does too
SolarSun - 3/5:
Genuinly pretty cute, I support it. I love seeing hurt/comfort for the two, both grappling with theur trauma and losing the only person who cared for them at the time. Not really a reason for me to dislike it, just not my favorite.
Eclipse/Anyone - 0/5:
Okay, I know, I know, I just smashed every ship with Eclipse in it together, but theres a reason. One, he just kinda feels aroace to me, and a personal bias, I want the guy dead. He just sucks. I never cared for him, never will.
Lunar/Solar - 1/5:
This would be a 0, however Lunar has said, hes not a child, and his familial relationship with Solar isn't set in stone, but if they end up being related or adopted or whatever, 0/5, same goes for any other incestial ship
SolarRuin - 4/5:
I KNOW RUIN PLAYED EVERYONE LIKE A FIDDLE BUT HE DIDNT IN MY HEAD AND BESIDES, THE TWO OF THEM ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER. And when Moon told Solar, that ruin had tricked them all, the pain and disbelief in his voice, it was just so raw and emotional
Monty/Earth - 4/5:
Not all for it, Monty could be better, but honestly, really cute. I get that Earth was rushed into things but like, that happens sometimes. Unfortunately its part of life, but I think she kind of needed a non familial relationship with someone so Monty was the best thing
Monty/Moon - 3/5:
Okay so this one is iffy, early Moon and Monty, 5/5 PLATONIC partners, loved the sassy friendship, the general toxicity, and all. But New Moon and Monty? Yeah, I kinda ship it, its cute, the banter, everything. Again, if Moon identifies as Aroace, thjs becomes nonromantic, but they seem like they could have a good platonic relationship. THIS IS CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT MONTY AND EARTH ARE NOT INVOLVED
Monty/Sun - 3/5:
Again, only early sun and monty, cause now they dont have that same fling together, but early show Sun and Monty was so cute and honestly it could have happened. Im a glitter golf enjoyer outside of TSBS though, so might be biased.
Gemini/Lunar - 4/5:
Okay, I love Gemini, theyre onr of my favorite characters, and I love their relationship with Lunar, only reason why its not 5/5 is because it always feels a bit more of a Castor/Lunar thing, Pollux just never seemed all that interested which is fair
Sun/Foxy - 5/5:
Honestly, its my favorite ship, even for the joke, its still unnecessarily funny and cute
FoxyMonty - 0/5:
Sorrg For Any misspellings, its past midnight and I've got work tomorrow
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stendysolos · 4 months
silly rant about wendy and stan :3
but like the rants are seperate
so to whoever wants to read this shit i think wendy doesnt work with anyone else besides stan. if you say "kyle can treat her better!" first of all stfu u kyndy shippers are annoying asf and second of all no he would not. he would clearly get jealous of other guys and he would be really controlling (not in earlier seasons) and lets just be fr for a sec... wendy would either fall out of love or get back with stan again because yknow they always go back to eachother. and plus an arguement between wendy and kyle would be ugly especially if theyre together, they both can get mad asf and the arguement would last ATLEAST a few days. and atleast stan can handle her disagreeing and yelling at him. now lets see who else shes paired with. i wanna talk abt wendy and token. first of all i dont believe wendy ever loved token because we never see theyre relationship outside of raisins. what i believe is that wendy only dated token to try and get stans attention because he did neglect the relationship and maybe she was attention-hungry. and now the final one i wanna talk to about is cartman. i hate wendy x cartman (more than i hate kyndy) because we know it would never work. she even said that she lost all feelings towards cartman after chef goes nanners. and even if you argue and say that they had good chemestry in that episode let me remind you that she ran back to stan at the end of the episode. she clearly hates cartman and clearly would rather killherself than date cartman. i dont think cartman deserves to be with anyone (except maybe yentl) because he's pretty much unlovable.
now onto stan, i dont think he works with anyone but wendy. lets take a look at style. first of all kyle has left stan several times before. he left him for token and he also never helped him with his depression in your getting old. but guess who was there to cheer him up? wendy was. wendy was one of the only people that didnt get sick of him in that episode and it really shows how much she cares for stan. and in you have 0 friends even though wendy was kinda being... weird, stan did listen to her and tried to edit his settings on his facebook.
also i wanna bring up... best friends doesnt = dating.
also i wanna talk abt stendy as a relationship. i think that they might be able to work as friends but as partners is when theyre dynamic works best. girlboss and loser bf. in all honesty stan and wendy might have the best dynamic/healthiest relationship out of everyone. theyve been shown to care about eachother lots of times and in the older seasons was when they really had their cutest moments. modern stendy isnt bad either, wendy is able to forgive stan at the end of the chat gpt episode because she loves him. and stan really cares for wendy too. he went with wendy to see shitty movies just to spend time with her and he also wrote a song for her. stendy is my absolute favorite ship and i hate when ppl make them cheat on eachother. stan would never and wendy wouldnt either. and one thing i noticed is that stan is loyal to wendy, sure he may have had a few crushes on other girls but, he never actually tried to make a move on any of them (except ms ellen) but through out all their break ups, stan never dating anyone besides wendy, which shows he really does love her enough to the point where he would hit on anyone while she was gone
also this section is just random but i wanted to put it here:
would stan work with other girls?
theres 3 main people i wanted to pair stan with. heidi, bebe, and red. first i want to talk abt is red and stan. i feel like they would be more friends than lovers. we dont really see much of reds personality but we do know that she acts like the other girls. stan doesnt really interact with girls that much so we dont really see a certain dynamic between them. another girl i want to talk abt is bebe. bebe is an interstening character, she can be nice, outgoing and funny but she can switch up to be sassy and rude. stan and bebe are like the listeners/jocks of their groups. they both have their hobbys that go on the field (stan plays football and bebe is a cheerleader). i feel like stan and bebe would be besties shit talking everybody. and lastly i want to move onto heidi. i feel like they could work as an alternate incase stan and wendy have a permenant break up (lets be honest thats never happening). i feel like heidi likes/ is fond of stan. she went up to him for advice abt cartman and he's probably the one that knows cartman the least. and in the bracelets episode he asked her for glue which i find funny. and i feel like their love of animals would help them bond.
ok i think im done with this rant
so basically:
wendy and kyle dont get along prob, stendy is a healthy relationship, cartman and wendy hate eachother, stan and red are mutuals, stan and bebe are prob besties, and stan and heidi could work but like... stendy solos.
ok bye yall
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teabiscs · 3 months
here are some of my KaiMax HC's
How i see them getting together
Kai is oblivious to Max’s affection, he thinks it's just Max being Max when the blonde starts clinging to him and touching him. He does think its weird that Max has all of a sudden started touching him so freely. He brushes it off Max isn't scared of him anymore or intimidated by him
Max grows increasingly frustrated by how dense Kai is. And works to find more obvious ways (without straight out saying it) that he has a crush on Kai. Showering a confused Kai in praise ("Oh Kai, you’re so handsome with huge muscles" because he opened a jar) [insert Rei and Hiromi rolling their eyes] and affection (practically sitting in Kai’s lap while they're all on the couch watching a movie. 
(watching their little game is a serious form of entertainment for everyone else. they make bets on it)
Max confiding in Rei, that Kai is actually kind of dumb and he doesnt understand why Kai cant see Max's crush. (And rei being like 'why dont you just tell him outright?' "BECAUSE THATS EMBARASSING")
and THEN Kai confiding in Rei about Max’s odd behavior and them laughing/giggling at him.
Okay so. Kai finally FINALLY puts two and two together when one night it’s just the two of them, everyone else has disappeared at the dojo. Sitting together. Alone. Max says somethings that go over Kai’s head. And Max has had enough and grabs Kai’s cheeks in his hands. His thumb smudging Kai’s painted cheek.Telling him to push him away if he’s not okay with it. And kissu kissu.
When they get together, Kai has to get used to how touchy Max is. He’s not used to it at all. He’s not used to gentle touches or the way Max will smoosh their cheeks together and affectionately rub them up and down. It makes Kai go red and a little embarrassed to be so loved on so openly in front of the others. (He does get used to it.)
They show affection in different ways. Kai’s is more muted, while Max’s is obnoxious and obvious. In your face affection. PDA expert. The first time Kai initiates them holding hands it shocks Max. 
A moon/sun ship
Grump Edgy/sunshine energetic
The grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one
Max is the possessive one
Kai knows that Max is touchy but Kai is the only one who has his heart. It doesn't bother him (initially it did) when Max clings to Rei and Takao. Doesn’t mind when Max cuddles up with Rei on the couch. (Also because as soon as Kai sits down, Max find his way into Kai’s lap)
Max on the other hand? Is kind of insecure (DONT KNOW WHAT FOR). He hates the way people will look at Kai with hungry eyes. He hates that people don;t take him seriously, and continue to flirt with (an oblivious, uninterested) Kai.
Also the idea of Max’s eye twitching over Kai’s obsession with Takao. Is so… funny.
IMO it stems back to Judy, so now that Max has someone who clearly loves him and gives him his attention, he refuses to let go or let anyone take that from him. 
Kai doesn’t think that Max is possessive/jealous and that its him showing affection. 
Idk it’s funny to me if the ONLY ONE that makes Kai a little nervous (read: jealous) is Rick. Like that’s the only person Kai does not like Max getting cozy with. Something about it makes Kai itch. 
Max is always able to get Kai to do things he would NEVER do otherwise. (I picture them wearing matching animal costumes with fluffy hats with ears. Max getting Kai to eat really cute. 
Max pouting is Kai’s biggest weakness. (He cannot say no to Max, in general, but the pouting? Seals the deal. Kai is so weak to it. Max makes him so soft)
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boseobrien · 5 months
why dont u ship chapa and bose?
Personally, when I ship two characters, it goes beyond me just thinking they would look good together. I think about the moments that they share, them as characters individually, how they could build on each other mentally, and how I see them working out in the long run. Bose and Chapa as a couple doesn't click those aspects for me. I know the saying is opposites attract, but that's always due to it's in depth. For instance, two people can be opposites, but they must balance each other out, have common ground, and Bose and Chapa don't have enough of that. Yes they both care about each other, (more shown on Chapa's side) but it never gave more than friends. Also I sense that Bose is too sensitive and fragile for Chapa, she lacks patience with him and she obviously doesn't think all too highly about him. For instance when Chapa was describing Bose as being pure, she was quite literally describing the characteristics of a child and you could feel the protective she she has for him in a older sibling type of way. Bose’s pureness to her can sometimes leave her feeling overwhelmed and annoyed but only SHE can feel that way and no one else is allowed to take advantage of it.
If they were to ever be in a relationship, it would just be toxic for Bose because as i stated she might admire those things about him but they aren't something she can nurture, it would be mentally draining for Chapa.
Besides, there have never been any actual romantic implications that weren't surface level when it comes to interpretation that would make me think, "Could they possibly have romantic feelings for each other?" And don't get me wrong I use to ship characters who's never even met but again I base it off those 4 questions I ask myself. Bose and Chapa are in the same show and have many interaction but the romantic chemistry is not there for me.
(But what REALLY makes me dislike it is the disturbed entitled shippers, I just can't let be happy knowing the type of foul thoughts and thing they say about other df ships)
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maladaptivewriting · 6 months
On scale from 1 to 10 how would you rate these ships and why:
Bellatrix/Rita/Ms.Zabini (I don't think she had a name in canon, tell me if I'm wrong)
Draco/a dragon (you keep mentioning this one fic, you asked for it)
Lucius/Snape (this ship used to constantly haunt me a few years ago)
wow what a fun ask.
okay i want to preface this by saying that i’m not really into poly ships, but im going to make an exception for this and try to be fair.
1. james/regulus/barty/evan: 5/10
i could this happening like one time as a fun anniversary gift for one of the couples, but i could never see the four of them in an actual relationship.
2. lily/barty/evan: 7/10
i like this to the extent that it is far superior to jegulily which is absolutely despise. i can see barty and evan as people who might have a looser definition of relationships and jealous than james or regulus so rosekiller with lily could be really fun. lily seems soft enough to dull some of their edges. plus the fanart is hot
3. narcissa/lily: 9/10
there is a lot of potential here, especially for angst purposes, but i think this ship would work best in like a bdsm fic/setting. like narcissa is older than lily and she’s definitely the most put together of all the malfoys so i could see her domming lily and i love that for them.
4. james/regulus/sirius/remus: 7/10
putting aside the incest for a second. i could see this happening like once or twice. however i think regulus and sirius are both extremely possessive and jealous people, remus and james too but not to the same extent, so i dont think they would like to share. however i think the possessiveness could be hot depending on how it’s used.
5. bellatrix/rita/mrs. zabini: 3/10
the thing about mrs. zabini is that i just don’t think she likes being tied down and i can’t see her enjoying it with two partners. i like quillkiller but mrs. zabini throws a wrench in things.
6. draco/dragon: 9/10
i have read all the fics with this tag, however i think charlie/dragon works better. but the best option imo is like draco/dragon animagus. so like a drarry fic where harry is a dragon animagus? that would be 10/10
7. james/barty: 3/10
i feel indifferent to this ship, but i don’t think it would work out. one of my closest friends irl is so barty core and i think a james person would piss her the fuck off, they would never work
8. lily/pandora/mary: 6/10
i think there is potential here for something soft and sweet but i would only read this ship if one of them was evil and out to hurt the other two.
9. mary/marlene/dorcas: 1/10
i just cannot see marlene with mary like at all. i actually don’t even think these two would be friends post hogwarts based on their personalities. i think they would seriously annoy each other
10. lucius/snape: 8/10
again so much angst potential. i’ve read this ship a few times, it used to pop a lot as a background ship so i would often see it, and i feel like it can work but there has to be discussions about power dynamics here for it to read well. i prefer snape with a non-magical oc personally
you didn’t ask for full explanations but you’re getting them anyway
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pinkandpurple360 · 6 months
to be fair i don’t think ozzie kept his relationship with fizz on the dl bc he’s an imp (he doesn’t seem concerned that people know they up have sex), but because of the whole lust/love thing. which is stupid, but it’s also vivziepop writing so whatchu gonna do 🙃
ozzie does seem to be one of the “better” upper class members in terms of how he treats other species (imps are allowed in his clubs, he regularly interacts with succubi/imp hybrids, everyone at his workplaces seem pretty happy and unlike stella and andre, he doesn’t seem particularly discriminatory or callous), but he still calls moxxie “little imp” (granted he is literally little and an imp and its a performance) and his imp boyfriend “froggy” which with the fire toad slur kinda raises eyebrows? this could also just be vivziepop Not Thinking but. hmm.
even bee who is shown partying and dating hellhounds, said to be even lower than imps, still runs the abusive adoption pound and signs her name on every adoption paper. she can cover it up with honey and a smile all she wants but she’s 1000% complicit in their oppression. like how does tex feel about that??? it reminds me of corporations who do all this virtue signaling for social justice but give billions to horrible causes. but i don’t think vivziepop understands that because again. rich background. “bee was nice to loona so its ok!!! deeper implications? what’s that?”
speaking of which, every time viv likes a tweet about how striker deserves nothing and is a toxic masculinity homophobe makes my blood boil. i don’t particularly like striker and i lost any interest in him after western energy but he and crim are really evidence that viv thinks “STOP BEING POOR” is a valid argument. also wasnt he flirting with blitzo in his first ep???? so like? huh???
i will say one reason i ship blitzstriker is because they seem to have similar views in regards to class (at least pre oops…) and i can totally see them staking it out on the run together. i can’t see fizz doing that, he flaunts his wealth and even tho he says “it’s nice being out of the spotlight” i cannot see this man surviving without luxury items for over a day loo. even in the circus, he always had the best clothes and was the main breadwinner and while the circus is said to be struggling, he never seems to be. i think that’s another reason i personally never got fizz’s insecurities, because he’s been the ace his whole life???? like as someone who has struggled a lot for ANY recognition or love it just makes him seem spoiled to be like “ozzie no luv me bc im not perfect :(“ i think your manipulator idea would make more sense.
anyway this turned into a ted talk. you dont have to answer everything. im realizing i actually hate what helluva boss is but i love the fanworks and the potential it had. sigh.
Isn’t it so funny how we have to pick which flaws are on purpose and which are just…Viv being a bad writer. Like we have to accommodate her forgetting or not caring enough to put the work in and review it after.
Paragraph 1: I definitely agree 100%, I like the part where the imp and succubi are his patrons, equal, including the butler who stolas abuses. Which feels like a very purposeful decision to contrast him with Stolas specifically. But there’s still the fact that Ozzies is so overpriced and exclusive and yet, rich folk like stolas can just waltz in without any reservation for free, by threatening the bouncer with…something. Violence? Imprisonment? Ruining his life? Honestly I wish we could have seen Jesse tell Stolas to fuck off, before he notifies the big man of what he just tried to do.
Paragraph 2: He is one thousand percent better, and he respected his employees who in turn liked him and weren’t scared of him. However he’s a better monarch, but still a monarchby and at the end of the episode he betrays his employees trust and uses intimidation and the threat of violence to silence them. Also froggy??? Really? Really? And got every time he says it the cringe levels are intense, it feels deeply deeply ooc.
Back to paragraph 1 again: the secrecy…it’s about the inexplicable anti love thing, but I’m just saying I think fizz feels that way. Like in that article I keep referencing they say things like “heart hoarded by an imp?!” Which I suppose is equivalent to anti imp racism in hell. Stereotypes of them being untrustworthy selfish beings. Which is also the fuel for Stolas’ fetish. It just really pissed me off the way Asmodeus said “still getting your kink on with that feisty imp?” And stolas says “this imp has a business he runs” I was wayyyy to charitable to Asmodeus in the past and regret it so so much.
Paragraph 3: Many people point this out about Bee and I really hope her nice persona vanishes fast because it’s just ridiculous given her status and what she’s done. Why are your hellborn the most downtrodden of them all if you’re ohh so nice miss Beelzebub? And how the F could Loona not know who Beelzebub is??? Do her and Blitzø not realise who signed off on the adoption certificate? (Confirmed on Vivs patron that it was in fact Bee) why is Tex working as a bodyguard for verosika who calls him “my new hellhound” and yells at him, he also says he’s not paid enough to care about her issues. Sooo….why is he still in such a shitty position despite being with Bee. You’d think he’d at least be working because he wants to work but he doesn’t even seem
Paragraph 4: LITERALLY!!! Viv is such a privileged rich girl that her villains are poor. While she’s going on a world tour but raging at Twitter people criticising her pet character. She’s literally Stella and a Mammon: “Can you imagine not having money ahahhahh” — Viv describing why striker is so evil
Paragraph 5: another question is why would Blitzø being jealous of Fizz be such a bad thing? He didn’t want to cause the accident. But why would him hating how bad he is at making people laugh,,,make him bad? That’s why I love their arguments because neither is completely wrong or right. His father literally loves him more than his own son and as you said, he gets pampered the most and loved the most. He can’t stand someone not liking him for even five seconds which should be a character flaw, not endearing. But, Fizz doesn’t have a father at all, so he’s not completely wrong. And if his parents did abandon him and nobody would adopt him, that explains why he doesn’t feel good enough to be loved and why he needs audience approval. Viv just forgot to write that FUNDAMENTAL part into the f**king episode.
I love a good fish out of water story and seeing fizz slowly learn to fight beside his friend proving that their differences are compatible was great. By the end, Fizz seemed almost happier and freer by Blitzos side than by Ozzies side, but the goldfish is just put back in the bowl, which sucks.
Your last line made me almost laugh cry tbh because there’s enough lost potential to fill a fountain. The episode had such a strong start then around the breakdown things went south and it stopped being good. The status quo isn’t different at all and fizz just slightly shifted his destructive needs for affirmation onto a different royal.
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