#not ship wars
generalwildcat · 2 years
I don’t necessarily agree Ricky and Gina were put together because they are the leads now. I can definitely see how one could think that but for me it was evident throughout the series they were leading up to Rina. Personally I think the writers put Portwell together so they could just get the ship over with before allowing Rina to progress. They never seemed to put that much effort into Portwell as they did Rini and Rina. Even Rini was destined to fail because they may have loved each other first but they didn’t want the same thing. To me putting Rini together at the end of the season ruined both of the characters development. Also I believe Ricky did like Gina a lot in s1 he was devastated when she left and so he went back to Nini. She didn’t even get a chance to be a “maybe” for him because she clearly cut off contact with him so he lost hope. When she came back he wanted to give his ongoing relationship with Nini a try so he pushed aside his feelings for Gina. Rina were definitely the most will they/ won’t they couple of the series spanning 3 seasons so it wasn’t that surprising they got together at some point. Lol I’m sure you know by now I’m a Rina but just wanted to get my perspective out there cause I came across your post :)
I kinda got the feeling you were a Rina fan 😆 And that's cool, that's your OTP and you can probably see or pick up on more things with them than I can because you're invested and believe in the couple. To each their own.
That being said, I agree with you that they didn't put the effort into Portwell like Rina, certainly not the effort Portwell deserved as a whole, but more importantly for EJ. There was SO much more put into Gina's speech to Ricky in those last couple of minutes than Portwell got all season.
Like I said, I'm not personally a Rina or Portwell shipper. I wouldn't choose one over the other, and there are other ships (both OTPS and brOTPS) that I care more about and believe. Were there things in either ship, any signs, any feelings that could've gone over my head? Probably. But what makes me mad isn't any kind of Rina vs Portwell (I'm not trying to pick fights or take one side over the other, and I do apologize if it came across that way but that is not my intention at all), it's how EJ was treated in the middle of it all when he absolutely did not deserve any of that. He was done so dirty when that didn't need to happen at all. Personally, I'm just angry for him. Maybe that's why I don't ship Rina, or rather why I wouldn't want them to be endgame. But that's your ship and it makes you happy 🙂
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aubreyhallestate · 2 years
So anyone wanting to discuss bedroom habits of Bridgerton character my inbox is open
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mfshipbracket · 1 year
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t3rrarium · 3 months
Tbh the problem with ship wars is that everyone tries to find a moral high ground to prove their ship is superior when actually shipping should be about making two characters kiss like a kid playing with barbie dolls
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so in an attempt to actually use positive thinking, anytime i fuck up and my brain reacts as if ive cause a minor apocalyptic event, i compare my fuck up to the 4 minute fuck up committed by the crew of the uss william d porter.
and only today, as i was having to explain what happened to my mom when i was explaining the whole comparison thing, did i realise that most people dont know about it and ive decided that needs to change because its objectively hilarious.
...which is a weird thing to say about an event that occured on a warship in 1943, specifically november 14th.
see the uss william d porter was a fletcher-class destroyer but you dont need to know what that means, just that she had guns that went bang bang and that she was escorting another ship, the uss iowa, to cairo.
while they were on their way there, they performed some gun trials like testing the anti-aircraft guns or the torpedos. and while they were running a torpedo drill, the crew of the porter managed to fire a live torpedo straight at the iowa which you know, in terms of a list of things to do while escorting a ship, shooting a torpedo at them is not on that list.
especially if the president of the united states is on board.
yeah so fdr was on board and the gun trials were actually his idea, and part of the trials was that they were conducted under radio silence.
and that means the crew of the porter couldnt just call the iowa to be like "move out the way, we accidentally shot a torpedo at you."
but they did have signal lamps and you know, the signalman on board was trained to signal this exact kind of message.
...and uh never mind, the signalman did manage to successfully tell the iowa that a torpedo was coming toward them but wasnt as successful when it came to the direction the torpedo was coming from.
not all hope is lost though because the signalman could still use the signal lamp to correct his previous mistake and-, never mind, he announced that the porter was reversing, which she wasnt.
yeah so at catastrophic mistake number 3, they broke radio silence to warn the iowa and she managed to turn out of the way just in time which meant no one got hurt. and even though the inquiry into the incident led to chief torpedoman (fantastic job title btw) lawton dawson being sentences to hard labour, fdr intervened and waved away his sentence, saying it was all an accident.
but yeah, so thats my new measure for "how much did i really fuck up?" and when i compared accidentally picking up a pencil case without a tag on it in wilko, turns out it was a very minor fuck-up. yes, the cashier had to ask another worker to grab a duplicate so they could scan the barcode, but i didnt nearly kill the president during wartime via accidental friendly fire
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literallyaflame · 7 months
okay. listen. if you ever find yourself falling into a new ideological circle, pay attention. if you notice that you’re among people who define themselves as part of an “in-group” with a pre-prepared human “enemy” to constantly rail against—if everyone fantasizes about the mental state of these loathsome monsters, if they participate in witch hunts or (perhaps worse) poke bears and court harassment on purpose to comfort each other over—get the fuck out. you haven’t been enlightened to some grand conspiracy, there are no evil “enemies” or “degenerates” trying to rip apart the fabric of society, and you do not have the moral duty to “enlighten” anyone to whatever you think the “truth” is. it’s neither safe nor normal to spend hours of your day fighting with strangers on the internet
a lot of people wear this shit like a badge of honor, but it’s also not normal to hide your “in-group” status as a form of martyrdom, relishing when the “enemy” slips up around you. it’s comforting in the moment, but in the long run, you’re alienating yourself from the world outside of your bubble. the more you alienate yourself, the more vulnerable and lonely you become, and the harder it is to reject the comfort of belonging to the “in-group”
i’m writing this from the perspective of someone who grew up in a cesspool of awful, cult-like rural churches—which is its own situation—but i see similar shit happening in online communities all the time, both within and 800 miles outside of my own ideological principles. yes, every toxicass radfem i block seems to be trapped in a version of this vicious cycle, but i also see it happening in random queer circles and niche fandom communities. no one is immune, not even me. i’ve watched people fall into this shit and never make it out. be careful
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taffycatart · 3 months
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Average Master-Padawan bonding activity
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gingerpines · 2 months
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they’re still together in my head :,)
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sillylotrpolls · 4 months
Every now and then I get asked about ships, and I usually avoid the question both because I think it's obvious what will win and because "ship wars" just aren't fun. But, fine. Just this once, in honor of Valentine's Day, ~let the ship wars rage~. Hopefully no one sails too far west and triggers the sinking of Númenor.
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theshipwars · 4 months
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mydairpercabeth · 6 months
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generalwildcat · 2 years
it was very obvious from jump that portwell was written not to last. The entirety of 2x10 was spend listing all the potential reasons they would never work out.
Anyone who didn't see rina coming or tries to claim that it's fanservice/ it's only happening bc nini's gone etc, is either in denial or seriously struggled picking up on the clear foreshadowing. Those seeds have been being planted since the first season. Also, If you meant Gina is the new Nini in the sense that she's now the female lead of the series then yes, I agree- but if its meant to imply that ricky is only interested in her bc nini's gone or that her character is slowly turning into one resembling nini more then I'm gonna have to disagree.
Then I guess call me oblivious 🤷‍♀️
But also, these last couple of days were my first time hearing about Rina being the plan from early on in the series. So not only can things naturally go over my head, but this whole thing went way over for me. Regardless of any of that, it still didn’t have to add onto what EJ had to deal with. I don’t know if it was poor writing or poor execution specifically, but the way they chose to go about the whole thing just didn’t feel right to me. 
No, you were right with the first assumption. Gina is the new Nini in terms of the lead role. Gina has gone through her own growth and has come such a long way since season 1. The latter would not only be an insult to Gina as a character but to Sofia Wylie as well who is damn good at what she does and would not need to stoop down to imitating/mimicking/resembling a totally different character.
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hira492 · 5 months
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mfshipbracket · 1 year
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following what's happening on twitter from tumblr when i don't have twitter is the same feeling as following a tv show i don't watch just by seeing tons of post about it on my dash and ending up getting involved emotionally anyway, except that this time the vilain ain’t even hot
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imakatperson22 · 24 days
Yes, I ship Buddie.
Yes, I ship Tevan.
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