#not stuff they have to change due to censorship
candidsoup · 5 months
Word of Honor - I realized something in Ep. 16
I realized that there was something that they probably cropped/zoomed in on the video in order to censor.
Spoilers for episode 16...
Episode 16 on YouTube
The Scorpion King and Zhao Jing are talking, and at about about 29:44 you can see Scorpion's arms move up for a fraction of a second. Then it zooms in a tiny bit to basically just show Scorpion's head, and Zhao Jing from like the top 4th? of his torso up. At 29:45-:46 you can see part of Zhao Jing's robe move a tiny bit. Scorpion is clearly pulling on part of his robe in a playful manner and they were like, oh, uh, we can't show that..... but if you pay attention that's definitely what is happening... I got the "vibes" between them already from this interaction, which is the 2nd time they're shown together. (Ep. 15 shows them talking but with Zhao Jing purposely obscured, so you just know Scorpion has some mysterious "godfather" -- the subs on Youku say "father" but "godfather" is what it said on Netflix, I believe, and may be a better translation for English speakers to understand they are NOT related...) I was surprised that not everyone gets the relationship they have with each other, tbh. Even if it's not clear earlier on, when that metaphor of the "gambler" comes in, and Scorpion says something like "I am a gambler too"..... I mean come on. But not everyone realized it? (Based on comments on YT videos and some people's reactions I've seen) Still, I wasn't aware of this little robe pull, at least not consciously, until just now. I just love noticing those little details. Knowing how much work they put in to include things, even if they might have been censored later, is fascinating (and really special!!!) to me.
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titleknown · 2 years
I noticed a version of this depressing-ass post going around my dash, and I wanted to mention something like that I've noticed in a lot of Highbrow Leftist Critique that I'm really fucking sick of.
Namely, please don't fucking talk about it like it's inevitable and it's already happened rather than a thing we can stop, because People Won't Change It.
Like, as an autistic person who has A Complex due to being let down by people constantly in their life both personally and politically, it does not make me want to change things.
It makes me feel feel helpless and useless and scared, it makes me not want to bother doing anything, because why bother if the tools you use are going to be wrecked.
Not only that, it also makes me feel like the people don't have my back, because that's the underlying assumption I see behind most of them. That it is inevitable because The Horde does not want it.
This is an example of misanthropy posing as enlightenment. It is also fucking poison for any sort of collective action.
Like @headspace-hotel talks about a frustration with that in environmental movements too, and given digital stuff is near and dear to my heart too, I now know how she feels.
Like, I learned a new thing to panic about with the fucking Windows thing (here's how to un-mandate that fucking chip) but not much else!
But there are folks in the reblogs who're actually advocating shit to do about this, shoutout to @dominateeye and @aleran for doing good work, and I suppose that's my point.
Do better, don't let your pessimism become a social contagion, and advocate current action rather than predicting inevitable despair...
...Also; if you're in the US; call your congresspeople about killing these bad copyright bills and this bad censorship bill, because those are the major pathways that hypothetical DRM hellscape is going to use to get their hooks in.
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wangmiao · 6 months
Three-Body: Anniversary Edition (三体周年纪念版) will be released on March 20th, 2024!
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This is just announced on multiple offical weibo accounts. What we know so far is that there will be new BTS scenes, and this edition has 26 episodes. Fans highly suspect that it is the director's cut because Yang Lei has been updating the fans casually about it. In late February, he said that the director's cut would probably be released in mid March.
Also as I said in a previous post (screencap below), fans have been hoping for this to happen, and it is freaking happening! I'm so used to being disappointed by cdramas and c-ent stuff, so this kind of things feel extremely unreal.
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Oh yes, this is definitely a smart strategic release to go head to head with Netflix.You are very welcome to try out tencent's Three-Body if you don't like the other one. Let's also appreciate these beautiful posters featuring the Three-Body games in Chinese art style.
We'll see exactly what this edition is after it's released. I guess it's time to rewatch (and gif more) Three-Body!
UPDATE on Mar 21st: It's now confirmed that this is a director's cut. No new scenes are added (since new scenes will probably require censorship check). According to a fan who fastforwarded through the new edition along with the original version right after the release, the new edition is the result of the director listening to feedback from the audience:
Certain scenes are deleted to make it more fast paced (eg. a lot of Mu Xing's scenes, Sha Ruishan trying to repeat the universe flicker, and moving scientists to the safe house etc.)
Order of certain scenes are changed
Episodes now stop at better places to give more suspenseful feels
Visually, some scenes are lightened and the blue filter is toned down. Some fans also feel that the visual/movement of the Three-Body game seems to be clearer and smoother. Basically this is an improved version of the show without restrictions due to things like ads or TV run time.
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fedoraspooky · 1 year
I haven’t been here long. What irritating changes have been made?
Credit where it's due, some changes have been good, like polls and stuff! But the big recent changes thus far that I would classify as irritating are:
- The UI change. This one may be less irritating for newcomers because it's basically the same layout as twitter and instagram, but for a lot of folks who've been here a long time, it feels cramped and like a loss of identity for the site. For many, the appeal of tumblr is that it ISN'T an algorithm hell like twitter or insta. Also, there's the annoyance of having to relearn where everything is, because it all got moved around.
- The users being lab rats for various tests the devs wanna pull out of nowhere without consenting to beta testing new site features- like the one that took away user icons on the dash for like half the site. They finally put them back after getting enough feedback that said NO, but users were so used to their feedback being disregarded that they were half expecting the change to be pushed through anyway.
- The Netflix tie-in advertising being pushed even to people who had PAID tumblr for a no-ads experience. Complete with them somehow thinking it would be a good idea to put an unescapable-by-scrolling spooky clown on peoples' dashboards that u had to use ublock to get rid of. While I'm not scared of clowns and often find them quite charming, it sucks that staff didn't take coulrophobia being a common fear into account.
- A wave of fully sfw trans posts being wrongfully marked Mature and staff doing little to nothing about it. Not sure if this is still ongoing, but it destroyed a lot of trust and good will. (LGBT+ users have been having to fight a constant war against censorship ever since the adult content ban on tumblr, so yeah... Nevar 4get the list of banned search words that would bring back no results, like 'girl')
- The site gradually moving away from customization. Tumblr is a BLOGGING site. But it seems to have lost sight of that fact, because most new users don't even know you can fully customize your blogs with css and stuff (an option that is now off by default for new accounts!), because of the in-dash viewer giving you only how blogs look on mobile, which is a lot more uniform. There, it's more like every other site- you get a banner and icon. Oh, but you can change colors and fonts from a drop-down list too, that's cool I guess. Though they recently took away custom color schemes on Message windows, just another little bit of personalization taken away.
- TUMBLR. LIVE. Basically tumblr teamed up with a skeevy dating app partner to allow for livestreams- but not the cool kinda livestreams like on twitch where you can draw or play games, no- to a site full of people who value anonymity, they decided to push phone cam only livestreams. Not only that but by agreeing to the terms, you're giving out tons of personal data including your location to said skeevy dating app partner and all of THEIR third-party ad partners. Needless to say, most people didn't wanna use it, so instead of users it's flooded by p*rn bots (which is ANOTHER issue we've been dealing with for a long time and have been getting an even bigger influx of FROM tumblr live) and scammers. And thus, since tumblr likes to put a carousel of current streams on people's dashes, you often get softcore p*rn thumbnails from the bot streams with no way to avoid it except for toggling off tumblr live entirely.
- Oh wait. That's right. You CAN'T toggle it off. Because you can only snooze it for a while until BAM, you're jumpscared by a carousel of ladies licking your screen again! But hey, at least they made the snooze 30 days instead of the 7 it used to be, right? Yeah, except for the fact that you can't get rid of the tumblr live button itself on the app anymore, and now it's front and center with a NEW notification tag on it, overlapping your dash and cramming useful stuff like the search button out of the way.
NOW- A lot of this stuff CAN be at least mostly fixed on desktop by installing ublock and xkit and tampermonkey + dashboard unfucker... But that's a lot of stuff just to make the site usable, you know?
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Us-the-voices intro card!
this is a work in progress but currently it will house the tags we use, our DNI, and alter intros and a couple other fun things!
Link to resource page, filled with many resources. LINK
-------- DC text post series ----------------
superfam being confusing and half clones:
part 1 luthor and Conner reconciliation arc
batfamily stuff: (note this is not in order this is parts of a series each part contains more than 10 posts)
part 1 introducing the batfam along with funny stuff
Part 2 actual batfam serious stuff
part 3 red hood oneshots about various things and how he reacted
part 4 Thomas Wayne being himself, a collection of previous posts
part 5
firestorm being 3 guys:
part 1 the origin + the first couple episodes.
random head cannons important to the series:
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 3 part 4
——————⭐️🦀SIDE BLOGS🦀⭐️————
A blog for all things blinkies, xenogenders and pixel art
you want awful. awful advice? send it in here!
this blog talks about mature topics! Such as Sexual abuse, death, trauma, child abuse, ableism, sexism, racism, police brutality, some really depressing environmental issues, homophobia, transphobia, queerphobia, gore, capitalism, and MORE!
so please consider this your warning!
———————⚠️ DNI ⚠️—————————
Terfs/radfems, transphobes/queerphobes, (I have had enough of you. Why do you have to be so awful Jesus, it’s not like awful people don’t come in all shapes, sizes, races, and genders. I ain’t defending awful people. But trans people just exist and I believe in judging people on a person to person basis. I don’t think you are bad I just want you to shut up about it, I’ll always be loudly supportive of trans people and loudly a feminist too. So deal with it! Also I don’t hate men, why would i??? So shush)
ableists/sanists (like the people who discriminate against mentally ill people),
Tankies/marxist-lennists/maoists/north-korean socialist supporters (please fuck off I hate facists, and you are the types to argue that disabled people should all die for the glorious revolution but again fuck you we are 15% of the fucking world’s population and guess what I wanna live)
animal abusers/people who spread misinformation about animals and animal care, (I hope you stub your toes)
syscourse (yeah I don’t ever want to engage in it idc shut up this blog is about literally everything else BUT that.),
bad faith gender/other Identities (E.G BLM gender, transabled, ect.)
racists/xenophobes/antisemites, misogynists.
non-binary exclusionists.
pro-censorship people.
anti-therians/otherkin, (if you are it’s not a deal breaker lol, it’s just some of us are therian/otherkin due to plurality)
only NSFW blogs (like if you occasionally post NSFW your okay, if it’s less than 50% nsfw your fine on this blog lol),
MAP’s AND PEDO’s and people who like l*licon/sh**tacon (fuck off and stay off) (sorry I am actually anti censorship but following our most recent ban I’m being more “careful” when mentioning these topics so sorry)
Dream Stans (yeah I fucking hate that guy, I like MCYT but dream and co can stay off of here REAL) (I have always hated him and I will continue to, fuck off dream Stan’s),
anti-good faith xenogenders (yeah so what if the term xeno-identities is more the “right” term idgaf! I literally have no qualms nor problems with xenogenders, in my mind it makes sense because gender is a social construct and so why not have fun with it?)
And more to be added :)
——————————- ALTER INTROS —————————————
Now expanded in our tumblr page!
Pop (hi I’m pop, I’m usually the one on here when it’s not everyone else. If you see me more than usual it means LIFE happened. I’m technically host? But me, Lena, And poppie kinda share that role. They/them he/him)
poppie (cat girl, you see her a lot on here. She’s SUPER into the veganism scene and animal rights and is a cat-therian lol we all love her she’s the best. She/her any cat neopronouns actually.)
Lena (demon, yeah she’s a demon! She’s nonsense hardworking and in the demonkin/otherkin scene. She/her)
belle (psychology nerd, actually knows how to write ANYTHING is honestly the best. She/her)
————————————. Tags ————————————————-
#Anticapitalism stuff (a tag that argues against capitalism, and trashing multinational corporations and a bit of environmental stuff.)
#anarchism stuff (a tag for all things anarchism)
#art stuff (a tag for stuff related to the ethics, discussion, or making of art.)
#music stuff (for all things music and music theory!)
#tv and movie stuff (the tag for film and television, kinda fun kinda sad! It’s good tho)
#anti-censorship stuff (a tag for anti-censorship stuff, and why it’s important!)
#trans stuff (a tag for all things trans! Includes dark topics, mostly happy stuff tho.)
#queer stuff (a tag for all things LGBTQIA+, mostly happy but with triggering and dark topics.)
#mental health stuff (A tag for all things mental health, let it be help or just memes or darker topics.)
#mental illness stuff (a tag for specifically mental illnesses, like anxiety or depression or whatever usually REALLY dark but sometimes happy usually dark tho.)
#veganism stuff (a tag for all things vegan, not recipes just ethics and whatever. I [pop] don’t usually add to it but poppie does ALL THE TIME.)
#disability (for all things disability, let it be activism stuff, vents, information, or just funny stuff! It’s a tag I tend to use for myself because fun fact I [pop] am not okay! Health wise lol.)
#punk stuff (A tag for all things punk, let it be C-punk, madpunk, neuropunk or whatever! It’s a tag for all things punk! Including art, crafts, sewing and punk beliefs and politics I love punks I am not really one due to a whole lotta reasons but I love them so much <3 )
#environmentalism stuff (Climate change, mass extinctions, greedy corporations and politicians, animal rights, and more stuff. Mostly climate/animal related but intersects with disability stuff, anarchism stuff, activism stuff, and veganism and punk stuff. Fun fact these types of things are extremely intersectional but are never presented as such due to infighting!)
#healthcare stuff (The weird tag related to health and healthcare, not a disability tag, not a environmentalism tag literally health and healthcare which is weird. Mostly PSA’s)
#animal care stuff (For all things animal care, I disagree with veganism’s doctrine here. Keeping Some animals and keeping animals can be done well and awesomely and help petstore and wild animals, but people who do animal care just absolutely trash just don’t deserve anything or anyone. It’s a fine line, but I genuinely believe if you take good care of your animals and give them an amazing quality of life I genuinely don’t see a problem with keeping animals.)
#animal abuse stuff (Goes hand in hand with animal care stuff, it’s pretty bad at times, it is what it says on the tin. Mostly also animal care stuff.)
#child abuse stuff (For stories, children’s rights, or experiences. It’s pretty dark.)
#youth liberation (for youth liberation stuff, it’s important honestly.)
#children's rights (A tag for all things children’s rights it’s super cool!)
#homelessness stuff (a tag related to homelessness and just all the things that come with it, it’s a dark tag. Sometimes happy.)
#uhoused stuff (Same same but different, more related to cost of living crisis’s and capitalism then disenfranchisement and outright just the sad reality that is being mentally ill and homeless or a substance abuser and homeless or trans/queer and homeless or any other absolutely insane and awful reason people are homeless.)
#communism stuff (For all things communist, I don’t believe it will fix anything and it is kinda extremely hard to get rid of monetary currency. But communism, socialism, anarchism, and punk theory are all connected in ways and have some BASED ideas and principles. So yeah that’s why it’s tagged on here!
Edit: I do not agree with communism; well Marxist Leninist, or Stalinist, or any variation of fucking facist dictators like North Korean communism/socialism or soviet communism and Maoist communism. Why? Because do I really have to spell it out they were facist DICTATORS, I do not believe a cult of personality is good nor that people instead of being solely valued on their money they are solely valued by their ableness which I think is harmful as shit. A lot of communists are literally tankies and for the death penalty and many other things I’m against including “making prisons torture chambers” “state mandated murder of people against communism” “leaving disabled and mentally ill people to rot because they can’t contribute to the work force and such are useless to the communist state” “stealing shit from people because it now belongs to the state” “forcing people into mandatory labor jobs with no way out of it unless they become disabled or die” and many many more! Communism can be interesting and helpful but in a lot of ways people drunk the “facists aren’t bad they are communists they are for the people!” Drink. And like I don’t believe in that shit, go fucking deconstruct your biases please because otherwise I’m blocking you, talkies fuck off)
#socialism stuff (I actually do believe socialism can work, it’s definitely not the end all be all of ways to govern/live life but I think it’s a good stepping stone to all different wonderful things that can change the world for the better, usually the CIA/FBI/US government appears a lot in this tag due to reasons that will become apparent. But it’s a fun one!)
#fat stuff (A tag about fatphobia, diet culture, ableism and just annoying stuff about being fat lol. Mostly medical negligence and malpractice because holy shit fuck is it bad in this tag. Also Eating disorders are talked about in every post in one way or another, it’s a big problem. Dark tag.)
#religion stuff (A thing for all things religion, it’s basically every criticism and deep cut anyone and everyone has on every single religion, which yk obviously no one literally agrees with anything. It’s mostly everyone going “QUEER/TRANS/DISABLED/WOMEN/“SINNERS” DONT DESERVE THIS TREATMENT IT MAKES NO SENSE!” Other religions “NO THEY DO” and it’s actually very well written and argued for. Also atheism is talked about a lot too, it’s mostly like a deep philosophical and ethical debate that has spanned literally everything and everywhere where it’s all boiled down to “yeah some fuckers deserve prison, but the average normal guy kinda just exists we guess??? Religious or not???? And there’s kinda nothing wrong with it but we would rather them be religious in some way????” And that is still the shittyist summary ever too. But it’s the gist of this tag. Also memes!)
(and where I put all stuff related to religion it’s very much a mixed bag i’m not making fun of anyone actually it’s that there is genuinely too much variety in this tag to accurately tell you what’s in there. It’s everything related to religion all religions!)
#autism stuff (Specifically for autistic stuff, it’s used from time to time.)
#activism stuff (a tag for all things ally posting, and human/animal/land/just everything rights. It’s fun!)
#food stuff (A tag about all things food related, sometimes recipes sometimes diet culture and why it’s bad. Sometimes it’s just cultural things related to food. Food is a big topic LOL)
#comics and book stuff (a tag about all things comics, books, and written works.)
#tv and movie stuff or #film and tv (a tag about all things TV and film, let it be discussion, gifs, or videos or fun facts.)
#neurodivergent stuff (For all things neurodivergent! Fun stuff, kinda happy kinda dark. Intersects with mental health stuff and mental illness stuff and disability tags. Because like why wouldn’t it???)
#animals (yes just for animals, nice calm usually no triggering animal stuff. It’s just cuteness usually! Unless I put something dark in there then sorry.)
#too queue for school (A tag for all queued stuff I remember to tag! Usually wholesome most times not. But it’s just a fun “today’s thing queued!” Thing if I’m not online.)
—————————————- Our post tags —————————————
#us-the-voices Cooks (a tag for recipes, food we make, and random cooking tips???)
#us-the-voices reviews (a tag for all things reviews! Let it be movies, shows, games, art, books, fanfics, whatever!)
#us-the-voices talks (A tag for like personal affairs? Or just “haha update stuff went DOWN in our personal lives” or just general chatting with mutuals who knows I haven’t decided yet.)
#us-the-voices recommends (weird tag for all weird recommendations of shows/books/tv/fanfic/movies it’s there it’s weird and if your bored and want something to do maybe you’ll like it lol.)
#us-the-voices rants (a tag for rants, don’t take them seriously it’s usually momentarily sad/existential/angry/fed up/annoyed/trauma dump RANTS. suggest you just block the tag lol, I will probably make half of these while I’m unwell and sick or just stressed and under all sorts of stress. So honestly it’s just a tag so you guys don’t have to deal with it because I will eventually be stupid on the internet and I’d rather you understand these are nonsense rants that are just a release of information that’s been annoying us.)
#the voices talk (A tag for talking about alters or specific things some alters want to talk about but not all.)
#poppie weblogs (poppies tag for her stuff, it literally has everything in it.)
and more to come!
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below the cut because they strobe!!!!!
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funandexploring · 2 months
The KOSA bill passed in the Senate, but it still has to pass in the House, and that means we can still make calls to our reps' D.C. offices about it!
They changed the KOSA bill so the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will be in charge of it rather than the State Attonery Generals. The Commission is made up of 5 people appointed by the President and then approved by the Senate where no more than 3 Commissioners can be from the same political party.
This will still work like a censorship bill. The FTC will still have the blanket power to request stuff be removed on the internet on the basis of "child safety" with no hard definition of what kinds of things they should be targeting. Meaning they could still remove protest info, queer rights, abortion, etc. claiming it harms children with no failsafe to stop them without these hard definitions in place. And websites not wanting to get hit could just remove anything controversial altogether like they have with "female presenting nipples" on tumblr and trans accounts pretty much everywhere. People's entire lives shouldn't be censored "for the children" and we should be able to share information with people without worrying about websites taking it down due to governmental pressure
I completely understand wanting to have better tagging systems online and better moderation for cyberbullying, but this bill will give the government the power to censor way more than suicide bait dms and until it's structured to protect marginalized communities and free speech, it's still a badly structured bill
Please call your House reps today and tell them to Vote No to KOSA as well!
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shaxxophone · 1 year
What to know about the newly published, fully revised version of TGCF
For starters, it’s exciting stuff, I’ll tell you that!!! While I go into detail, please keep in mind that the version I am describing is the censored Simplified Chinese version, the version that has been released in mainland China. There is an expectation that the uncensored version will be released someday, but there are no announcements about this, and any discussion on that front right now would be purely speculation. For now, this is all we have.
And it still seems really freaking cool!!!
Last year when we were learning about the audio drama, we heard that we would be getting an extra 100k words with the revised edition. MXTX confirms this in a afterword at the end of the newly published books
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However, some people are saying what we have gotten is closer to an extra 140k+ words (source is a respected fan translator within the mxtx community, who translated the mdzs audio drama)
With the edits, along with new storylines and hualian content, there has been a character that was removed entirely— Lang Ying. I presume, the ghost Lang Ying. The reasoning is presumed that he is one of the things clipped out in order to streamline the book, as mentioned in the image above.
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There is a new extra that has been written for this release— it is a common practice for censored publications, in order to make up for any removed content. This one is supposedly about 10,000 words long. (Source is the official english translator of TGCF. She typo’d in her first post but corrects it later in the thread.) I will not spoil what it is, but everyone’s agreed that it’s really good!!!
Last of all, due to the censorship, there has obviously been some changes in how hualian interact, but according to some readers, it still feels very hualian. From what I can tell, the kissing to exchange power has been changed into forehead kisses. So cute!!!
Alright folks, that’s all I got!! If anyone knows anything more, or has anything to correct me on, please feel free to do so!!! Lets share the hype for this together!! 😁
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thewiglesswonder · 1 year
As someone with religious trauma, I agree so much. the thing with Belos is that, evil as he was, he was also a victim of religious indoctrination, as was his brother. Through the paintings we see that the two of them had to fall in with the Puritans and witch hunters in order to survive, and they grew up in that. Caleb was slightly older and through Evelyn's influence was able to learn and change as a person, but Philip, being the younger brother, was more impressionable when all of this was taught to him so it makes sense that it would become more heavily ingrained. Especially when the very older brother who he looked up to and followed seemingly ditches him and tells him that all they've done in life was actually wrong - "that's exactly what someone who was corrupted by witches would say!"
Like, he's very much evil, but the idea that it's something he was just born as or stumbled into is where the writing fails. Belos lied to the people of the Boiling Isles, the same way the church lied to him, without ever realizing the irony and that's a fascinating aspect that unfortunately doesn't get expanded upon (which granted could be due to censorship but still).
In the same vein, I think making Odalia aware of what was going on with the Day of Unity stuff was another mistake. I get they were trying to for a "we're an exception to the rules/Pick Me" archetype with that, but it would have made more sense for her to just assume that the kids were lying, and to double down on the belief that only good would come from this because that's what the Emperor said would happen. It would have worked as a parallel to Belos's insistence that what he's doing is for the best.
Sorry this got long, but anyway yeah, I like the show but it fumbled the ball hard with its antagonists.
Precisely, and isn't it great that the show hinted at all that depth and proceeded to do absolutely nothing with it?
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I have a lot of thoughts on vnc but tbh it can all be summed up by saying that if Vanitas doesn't end up being canonically queer, it’s one of the first actual instances of queerbaiting I have seen.
Like, what people don’t often realize is that just because who characters are close, that doesn’t at all mean that they are implied queer. (I realize how dismissive this sounds, I only mean to say that to be queerbaiting, it has to be intentional and with the end goal of drawing in a queer audience)
I could talk about this for hours, but even shows that are the most basic definitions of queerbaiting weren’t actually queerbaiting.
Voltron is a prime example. Keith was queer-coded (kind of, but I don't have time rn to unpack all of that). But his and Lance’s relationship was never actually queerbaiting.
The same stuff applied to so many shows.
People want to claim the show was queerbaiting because the popular queer couple didn’t go canon, but what people rarely realize is that either they couldn’t make them queer due to censorship or they never intended for them to be queer in the first place. I won’t even lie, y’all don’t seem to understand that if the queer-coding is unintentional, then the character, by definition, cannot be queerbaiting. Because to queerbait, the author has to intentionally queer-code a character to draw in a queer audience, then have then leave the character's sexuality ambiguous.
But now on to vnc. Vanitas is a little bit different than your traditional queerbait character, because while yes, he is in a relationship with a woman, it feels very forced and out of place. Even from the beginning, there doesn’t actually seem to be any connection between the pair, with Jeanne even going as far as saying she hates Vanitas.
But in the end, the one Vanitas always returns to is Noe. The only one he ever actually expresses any concern for is Noe. The only one he has even implied any care for is Noe.
In s2 of the show, or chapter 42 of the manga, Vanitas is shown with Jeanne. But in a flashback showing Luna telling Vanitas to find someone to open his heart to, it doesn’t only cut to Jeanne, it’s cuts to Noe. Because in the end, Vanitas will always return to Noe.
In the most recent chapter, Luna tells Vanitas to “pick something that will be soothing to have with him” and once again, the next scene is one of Vanitas seemingly begrudgingly sitting next to Noe.
Vanitas is always close to Noe. He rarely touches him in any “loving” sense, but wherever Noe is, Vanitas won’t be far behind.
Long story short, Vanitas’ character is the exact definition of queerbaiting. He is heavily implied to love Noe in some way or another, but (at least at present) he is put with a woman.
Now, I honestly believe that this might change. I’m not super confident, but I think it’s possible because the author of the series is very intentional with everything they do.
Nothing is ever done unintentionally, and I don’t think that they would unintentionally imply that Vanitas was queer. At this point, it really just comes down to whether or not the author is trying to queerbait, but we won’t know that until the story is finished.
tldr: Vanitas’ character, at present, qualifies as queerbaiting, but we won’t know for sure until the series is over
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dangermousie · 2 months
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There is nothing remotely interesting airing right now so I went back to my rewatch of Princess Agents.
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I am on the years Chu Xiao and Yan Xun spend under house arrest - past the immediate horrors of jail/family extermination/torture/attempted murder - in a way, it's both trauma bonding and a little gracious space to rest at least a little.
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I think I've mentioned before how much I find PA breaks the mold for me in so many ways - for one, I normally hate love triangle but here I do not. My first watch I shipped her with Yuwen Yue and on this rewatch I ship her with Yan Xun and the thing is, the narrative totally shows how and why she chooses a different man at different times in her life (and also, unlike a lot of other triangles, this isn't the two mains and sml, this really is a three main character drama.)
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The way they mirror each other - for the bulk of the narrative, they are people who understand each other best because nobody else has gone through what they had in that cell and on that platform and in that house.
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The breakdown between them at the end is however because their similar trauma leads to very different outlooks/goals for them due to their differences despite the similarities. Yan Xun is my favorite male character in this because his arc to me is both tragic and inevitable. PA and Lost You Forever are very different narratives and very different genres but the one thing they have in common is MLs being personifications of a different paths - Yan Xun subsuming himself in revenge is one path for Chu Xiao but ultimately one she abandons over protecting civilians. In the novel, the difference makes even more sense since Yan Xun is a period warlord and Chu Xiao has transmigrated from modern day. But even in the drama, the difference completely makes sense to me - not to initiate trauma Olympics, but what he goes through in the drama is one of the most horrific things I've seen happen to a protag in a cdrama and the fact that he's emerged with his sanity intact is a miracle in and of itself. And the fact that he was the golden boy top of the heap before that, with a sunshine good attitude, made it all the worse. Most of CX's memory prior to being hunted in that field is blank; she loses her brother and sister after but she doesn't really remember them so...
Yan Xun loves her even at the end - by the end I think she's the only person he CAN feel anything for - but he picks his revenge and his power over her and I can't say I don't get it - he wants to have power to have all that stuff never happen to him again and he wants everyone involved to suffer but it's also tragic because he's foregoing any possibility of personal happiness. The song lyrics over their soft scene really do encapsulate their progression, don't they?
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Despite the candy colors, this is an incredibly dark drama in a way I miss dramas being nowadays but also - this is before the recent censorship made bulk of cdramas blander than dishwater - so the royals are monsters - both the ruler who executes Yan Xun's whole family for no reason and eventually Yan Xun himself. In the novel, he ends up the ruler of all and probably a good one but his path is paved by corpses and he is, to Chu Xiao's last glimpse of him, unbearably lonely.
Which brings me to the question - apparently they plan to film the sequel to PA. Leaving aside the issue of the cast (ie nobody is gonna return - this drama is close to a decade all and they can't afford most of the cast) how can they even do so under censorship changes? Either they make Yan Xun the rightful emperor (and the man IS the rightful ruler of Northern Yan at least, by story's own logic) and therefore he can't be murderous warlord on rampage/our FL and Yuwen Yue can't fight against him OR they have to make him an evil usurper which not only goes contrary to all the narrative of s1, but would mean they would need to rewrite the story so much from the novel that it won't be PA at all. Why are they even bothering?
In the novel, nobody is perfectly in the right or wrong, but nowadays this won't fly in a drama...
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waterolivecoffiyeh · 8 months
Do not support this Artist
Hello. I'm writing this post to remind people to be mindful of who they follow in this social media climate as more news comes out about Palestine. It's important to consider who you follow online, especially when you discover someone you once followed is a truly two-faced person.
If you belong to the following fandoms:
-Smile for Me -Splatoon -Xenoblade Chronicles -Pokemon -NiGHTS into Dreams/NiGHTS Journey of Dreams -Engelbaum
Please be careful and do not support an artist on Tumblr/Twitter/Bluesky named Puppyluver256.
They have reduced the genocide in Palestine to a "religious war" between two Muslim countries. They have also continued to make critically tone-deaf vague posts in response to getting news of Palestine through their social media and had the audacity to post a distasteful rant during Christmas evening as Palestinians were being harmed. You can read her first response about Palestine and see its news here on her blog. Her so-called vague posts are here , here , here and here. (The dates are concise with major news on social media about Palestine). Edit: More of her posts on Palestine at here, here, ,here here, and here. As a former follower, I can say she only did this as an excuse to rant and perform a woe-as-me bait post to garner sympathy and attention because she can't "handle" the guilt of seeing stuff. Yet, she did not have the dignity nor the motivation to learn about even the most basic information about the Palestine genocide before commenting on it in such a tone-deaf manner. This is harmful because it furthers the spread of misinformation.
Her tags are also disgusting as she's focused on "escapism" and believes the news out of Palestine disturbed her peace of mind. Rather than being considerate of her social media life, she chooses to post where she's the true victim. Having the double standard that her peace of mind is more important than being considerate about the censorship of genocide because she "can't" handle it.
Seeing a genocide recorded in screenshots and videos is hard, but it doesn't cost much to be mindful of social media rather than blaming people who are trying to fight the algorithm and censorship.
I've called her out on it due to how disgusted I felt about her rants and her lack of accountability when it comes to cultivating her own social media and minding herself. If she truly didn't want to see such things she could easily disengage by minding her SM life, yet she doesn't. She makes it everyone else's problem and tries to correct other people's behavior while refusing to do anything to change her circumstances.
As of this time, she has not seemed to educate herself on the situation nor apologized for such a tone-deaf take. As someone who has been paying attention to Palestine news and seeing such a response from someone like her, I feel the need to warn people that this person is not someone you want to support, commission, or engage with.
I would hope people in their fandom spaces are mindful of the people they follow. Be they an artist, writer, actor, or anyone else online. Especially if they decide to have these misinformed opinions on social media that contribute to larger problems. Be mindful of who you support.
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dragon-ball-meta · 11 months
I think a big part of some people thinking DBZ wasn't also aimed at kids because it was full of blood or something is the lack of understanding that standards for what's acceptable for children's TV is simply different in Japan. "This show talks about people straight up going to Hell, it can't be aimed at kids, because that wouldn't fly where I'm from" And, ditto on some people also thinking DBS was aimed at a younger audience because Japanese censorship laws got stricter lol
Oh, definitely. A lot of folks forget that standards have changed over time. I mean shoot, look at some of the stuff that used to be in kids cartoons even here in the States that would never fly today. All kinds of innuendo, some surprising levels of violence including instances of character death, and even the cartoony violence has been clamped down on a bit. They keep trying to turn Elmer Fudd from a hunter with a shotgun into a farmer, for pity's sake. lol Times change, standards change (largely due to overactive politicians or hyper-lobbying parent groups) and Japan is no exception.
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emblemxeno · 9 months
I've been playing Fates again (thanks gay fates mod ily kiss kiss) and after (re)reading through counter-critiques of its story and generally thinking about it again I'm kinda left with the following thoughts and wanted to share as you're our resident Fates Was Good, Actually blogger.
a) so much of Fates critique falls into cinemasins-level "this isn't explicitly stated therefore BAD" territory (or otherwise stuff that shouldn't be, and often isn't, a problem in other games in the series)
b) we wouldn't need to bring up the Japanese script in contrast with the localization in the first place if the fandom hadn't completely poisoned the well in regards to talking about Fates' story. I had no idea about any of the localization changes my first play-through and I still thought Fates' plot was fine. Good, even!
The fatescourse is what made me leave the fandom around the time 3H came out, and every time I take a peek back in the subreddit or other fandom spaces it still seems to be just as much of a toxic cesspool as ever. Which sucks because I want to talk about Blorbo from my Emblems again, but I really don't want to have to deal with The Discourse & general toxicity
Hope you don't mind me posting this!
I feel you 100% and the sentiments are very appreciated, thanks!
For your first point, yeah, that's what it feels like. Saying it's CinemaSins-esque feels like a low blow, but it honestly does remind me of those videos. And they aren't meant to be actual critique! They're sarcastic entertainment and little else! But so much of Fates criticism is "why doesn't X just do Y? never explained by in-game text, so therefore story bad" or "why isn't Z plot point expanded upon? game never tells me so story bad." It's cheap and shallow, above all else. It's reminiscent of the Blue Curtains literary discourse, in that people only go with what's written explicitly rather than connect the dots from plot point to plot point. You're supposed to connect Azura's pacifying song to Mikoto's pacifying magic to Valla's history of magical development due to being directly blessed by Anankos; same with the crystal ball, water motifs, and future sight, those are all Valla-centered traits. But because the game never says "oh this is because of Valla", people think the place is just a nameless evil nation with no history or unique aspects.
For your second point, god, yes. Soooo many take any localization criticism as either a) alignment with unsavory anti-censorship anti-sjw chuds who are mostly complaining about not getting to boink lolis or b) not worth the time because "it wasn't gonna make a bad story any better anyway" which is such a gutter thing to say because localizations have literally changed things and removed crucial information in the series before Fates. The big examples being stuff with the Black Knight in the Tellius games, the long script removal in Radiant Dawn, and lines relating to Nergal's backstory in FE7 being mistranslated. Awakening had its share of localization discourse and criticism due to characters like Henry being changed, as well.
And I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a little resentful that 3H of all games is when people started giving a shit, cuz now that a "good game with a good story is being affected, it's now worth our time."
Plus this shit is still happening, considering that FEH consistently gets stuff wrong or mistranslated to this day.
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druidicdraws · 4 months
hello! i'm valory! this is my art & oc blog!
• any/all pronouns, primarily they/them
• nonbinary therifluid genderfluid system
• adult
quick table of contents for what's below:
• before you interact (with me)
• do not interact (if)
• general faq (and some)
• other socials (of mine)
• tags (that i use here)
do note any of this is due to be changed as needed, i'm kind of new to this!
before you interact
• I DRAW AND ENJOY NSFW! there likely won't be a lot on this page, but still, minors should not follow me! i'll be tagging as appropriate, so it won't be too big of an issue, and this blog is not NSFW centric.
• as stated on my main, i block liberally and as i please. please don't take it personally!
• MY CHARACTERS DO INVOLVE HEAVY TOPICS! i'm not getting into the nitty gritty of why and how and i don't need to. that said, i apologize greatly if they unnerve you, but i will post what i want and about what i want! i will tag them as "cw: topic" with no censorship, so be sure you have them in your blocked tags
do not interact:
• general dni criteria
• radfems, terfs, obviously the shebang
• minority shaming in general
• those of you who are weird about poc and transgender character designs i'm not having it
general faq
Q: what is X? who is Y? what pronouns should i use?
A: i have a lot of worlds i build upon that i'll tag appropriately. you can see the tags below. as for characters, every character will also be tagged as appropriate. pronouns for characters will be included in the posts! my toyhouse page has most if not all of my characters, which will be linked below.
Q: who owns X? where can i find them?
A: if a character is here that i don't own, i'll always directly tag the creator! if they are not okay with this, i will not do that and will instead either mention them offhandedly or clarify i do not own the character.
Q: do you take requests? am i allowed to draw X?
A: teeeechnically? i'm pretty bad at following through but if you want to see your character and my character hold hands or kiss i'm not against the idea, either drawn by me or you! additionally, you don't have to ask to draw my characters, please tag me when you do i would love to see!
Q: am i allowed to draw X character humanized?
A: no. not without direct permission from me. most of my furry/non-human characters are non-white and i don't want to see them drawn improperly. in some cases, i don't want to see them drawn as humans at all.
Q: are you okay with NSFW? am i allowed to draw X with my character?
A: yes, however; please ask first! even if it's on anon. i love NSFW especially of my characters but it can be jarring to see it out of nowhere with no warning, especially from strangers. you should especially get my permission if you want to do it with another character, including shipping!
Q: can i make an OC for X?
A: i do not mind! however you should definitely let me know if you plan on it. i'll even help you if you want :)
...feel free to ask anything you need to and i'll add it here if it's relevant enough!
other socials
i also have an alt tumblr for my specific world, black dragon! it's a project i've been working on for a couple years now, that i decided i might as well have a blog for it! as well as that, my toyhouse is below with all of my characters!
@druidicmage is my main blog
@blackdragonsideblog for art and oc rambling of specific worldbuilding
toyhouse page where all of my characters are listed
• #druidrambles - tag for all the rambles and text posts and stuff. may be used in tandem with #druidarts
• #druidarts - tag for actual art of mine. may be used in randem with #druidrambles
• #druidfanarts - tag for art that isn't mine but is of my characters
• #druidreblogs - tag for any reblogs i do on this account
• #redshift - techy world based on space travel i've been poking at for a bit, heavily inspired by minecraft but not set in a minecraft-esque world
• #blackdragon - minecraft based world i've worked on for a couple years, but i may not use this tag too much since i have my sideblog
• #starbound - multiverse / worldhopping group of ocs & worlds (tangently related to watchtower, pacific syndicate, and a few others)
• #watchtower - something new me and my partner have been cooking up because we wanted a world that was kind of normal but also not. also funnier to believe it's where friday night funkin' takes place in
• #pacificsyndicate - a fandom mash-up me and my partners thought up after looking at similarities in some of our favorite indie/rpgs
• #azurebluet - an old fantasy/mc thing based on the modpack rlcraft that i haven't poked at in a bit
• #merakismp - a mcrp i've been working at for a couple months
... + any fandom tags i may have ocs for (such as splatoon, mario, dungeons & dragons, kirby, etc.), some of which are tagged on this post
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torchickentacos · 1 year
what's happening with ao3 that's so controversial?
Oh, how do I want to answer this? I'll go with unbiased and fact-driven and largely devoid of personal opinion. Okay. So, right now, Ao3 is down due to a DDOS attack (the source of which is under debate so I won't get into that but it does not seem to be what the attackers actually claim). So, Ao3 is a hot topic right now. However, it has been in the past, too- recently it had a big boom with pro/anti stuff and debates over censorship. Ao3 is more lenient with what they allow on the platform, as opposed to sites like FFN that would have restrictions in place. Ao3 has also had recent issues with harassment and racism on the platform, as well as some uproar following board elections.
PERSONAL OPINION, I think it mirrors some of what we see about Tumblr. An imperfect site that people rely on, and some people resent the site and staff for it whereas other people have more of a mindset of supporting the site and fostering change that way. Which is better? Up to you, both have reasons and merit and I'm not here to tell anyone they feel the wrong way about it. But I do personally believe Ao3 is a site that is incredibly important for creators and readers, and regardless of your opinion on it, it IS the most well-functioning and active archive of fic that we currently have. But again, that doesn't mean people have to like it I suppose. Always room for improvement.
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5-pp-man · 1 year
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Stuff I really want physical English releases for;
Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell; this is already in English I just want a physical release for this one lmao
18 Bu Xian; this one has an official English version on webtoon (it's not that great) but only has physical releases in Chinese and German
Nan Hao & Shang Feng; has a physical release in Chinese but doesn't have an official English translation as far as I know
Tamen De Gushi; this one only had 1 volume physically released in Chinese, but further volumes were unfortunately cancelled due to censorship from the publisher :/ still wishing it'll get another chance in the future
Kieta Hatsukoi (novel); just finished the manga and found out there's a novel version too (with only 2 volumes as of now) the manga and drama are both pretty big on visual comedy, so I wonder how they'll make that work in novel form
Kaitou Queen; PLEASE. it's been around since 2002 for god's sake.
Sabikui Bisco (manga); the novel is still steadily getting physical English releases, manga when?? please?
Meshinuma; please.
Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu; take one look at my icon and you'll know why I want this (if I ever change it this'll be awkward.)
pet; the og. the remastered. idc. anything please.
fish; with Pet I at least had the anime and a partially fan-translated manga. with fish there is only me, google translate, and montly comic beam raws.
Any of Yama Wayama's stuff that hasn't been translated yet; all of it. Yuutousei no Mondai. Onna no Sono no Hoshi. Famiresu Iko. I want it.
There's more but this is most of the important stuff, and this post is long enough already.
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