#not to reference my own insane dream about the series but this is why house of lies was my favourite of the books i dreamed up
nonbinary-androids · 9 months
I have returned to my natural state, which is chewing on The Silver Mask like a dog with a bone and a vengeance bc it absolutely should have been the best Magisterium book. It has all the ingredients it needs to blow every other book clear out of the water... but it just doesn't commit all the way to any of them and instead continues to pale in comparison to Iron Trial.
Like.... we have Aaron comes back Wrong, Tamara having to choose between her loyalty to Call and her loyalty to the Magisterium/Assembly, Call really actually wholly taking on the mantle of the Enemy of Death and being faced with the same situations that Constantine was in, getting more up-close time with Master Joseph, Alex, and Anastasia, Jasper is.... there, I think, and Rufus is forced to confront that the system he's spent his life perpetuating fucking sucks!!!! and is actively harming not just his partner but his beloved student!!!!!
HOW is TSM now better than it was!!!!
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kaito-is-baby · 3 years
Plot: AU where Shoto kills Touya on accident, he and Endeavor run away, they end up on a ghost town and meet the reader, this will be a series and I can promise you I have a very good mystery for the town, also this was totally inspired by devil town by cavetown, it wil have many references to the song so... if you are a fan I think you will like this <3 This is part 1 | part 2
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“Shoto! Move!” Endeavor’s voice called him but his eyes couldn't leave his red tainted hands and his feets couldn't follow such a simple order, he couldn't move after what had happened, after what he had done.
The whole room was burned, its walls dark with the ashes that remained, Touya's body in the middle, resting, completely still, dead.
Shoto's clothes soaked in blood, in his brother blood. He was paralyzed
He never meant to do this 
And he would never forgive himself for doing so 
He wanted to save Touya, He wanted his family to be whole again
But he had only become more and more like his father
If someone had hurted Touya more than Endeavor it was now him, he had taken his life without any right
“SHOTO!” his father hands gripped his arm dragging him out of the building
Everytime Shoto closed his eyes the only thing he could visualise was his hands tainted in blood, Touya's body lying in front of him, his devilish smirk still on his face, his old childhood scars remembering Shoto that they were both victims, victims of the same man 
The man who was driving right now 
“Shoto, this was not your fault, you are not guilty of anything, he tried to kill you and you protected yourself, he has tried to kill you many times before-”  The very same man who had started all of this dared to speak out loud to him 
“Then why are we running away, father?”
“If they find Touya's real identity they will find about...” what did Endeavors eyes reflect? was it sadness and regrets? or was it fear of being discovered and losing everything he had fought for, his reputation? “my past-“
“If you can't face your past is your problem, run away if you can't take the years on jail you deserve for abusing your children but let me alone”
“It's not for me, if my first born commmited innumerable crimes and I was an abuser...” Endeavor’s eyes left the road to focus on his son “What would their reaction to my youngest son killing someone be? I don’t want you to end up-"
“I deserve to go to jail, I killed someone, I killed my own brother”
“You haven't done anything, it was in self defense”
“it was MURDER” Shoto'a agitated voice, angry even, gave an end to the debate and their remaining road trip kept silent since that moment
"Devil town" Shoto read out loud the almost erased words, it was the name of the small, almost abandoned, town they were passing by "we may belong here"
"We are not staying he-" Endeavor words were cut by the sound of their car dying slowly
“Doesn't look like the world thinks the same” Shoto laughed at his father “I will search for a place to stay for the night”
Shoto spent hours walking around the place, a single straight road crossed the town from one end to the other but nothing was at it sides, trees, signals... what is usually found on a road but not what is supossed to be on a small town
After quite a long time, the half and half haired boy lost sight of time and started hearing some weird noises from behind the trees, choosing to follow them he found himself surrounded by rocks and slopes but at least he sighted some houses once climbing the central slope
As he aproached the biggest building he left behind those sounds, and sadness got over his body, as stupid as it may sound he though he could hear his mother between those rocks
Finally on the old building he crossed its doors, it was an almost abandoned, old hostel.
He found the place dark and somewhat dirty but it was less of an old building that he had thought from its exterior
There was something on that place... its smell, Shoto could swear he had already smell it before, it gave him some kind of bittersweet nostalgia, like memories about being a baby on Rei's arms, Touya still with them... Could it smell like Touya when he was a kid? No, Shoto would not remember that smell, right? He was a baby
"Are you looking for something pretty boy?” A pitchy sarcastic voice sounded at his back 
When he turned around he saw a young girl, around his age probably, with a devilish smirk in her face and eyes that looked at him as if he was no more than a bug 
“Are you the owner of this place?” Shoto asked, untrusting of the girl
“You can say that if it’s what you wanna hear” she laughed bitterly
“That’s not a very clear answer”
“What do you want?” 
“A room” He gave up” “Two actually, my father’s car broke and now we need a place to stay, for the night at least”
“Yeah, I could see that” she pointed her head to the car, just at the hostel door, Shoto had been walking during hours until he found it, how could it be so near the town entrance now? “Your daddy should buy a new car” her elbows leaning on the reception table, she rested her chin on her hands “or you may get caught” 
Shoto shivered at her words but he had to admit it, her voice alone gave him the chills 
“Name” She demanded
“Dabi” The boy lied
The recepcionest left out a little giggle
“You shouldn’t lie about you name, you will regret it” she smirked at him “maybe you will forget it someday” 
Shoto thought the girl was joking at first but now? He was sure, the girl had to be insane, he couldn’t blame her, probably anyone on this town went mad eventually, after a couple of hours there Shoto was already questioning his sanity
“Room 27 and 28, have a good rest Dabi” She winked at him 
“And change your clothes, that paint of yours really smells like blood” He heard her once he had turned his back on her
Heading to his room he wished to himself that they would stay in this town forever, it seemed the kind of place everyone went mad on at some time, it was lonely and weird, strange sounds and smells that remembered him what he had done.
He felt like he deserved a punishment for everything he had done, maybe this was his personal hell, he and his father belonged on Devil town, they were devils after all they both had done 
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thermodynamiclawyer · 3 years
yeah, this is gonna be a trainwreck. here’s @bandagegirl ‘s and my GHS headcanon masterpost. our goal was to have at least 3 per character, if not more. we kinda had to group the last few characters together in the end, though. it’ll be split up in categories between the characters in the Game, then Anime-Only, and then overall Worldbuilding at the end as for easier reading.
Game Characters
the Lost World/Gregory House is Gregory’s own manifestation through loneliness and envy. (see Worldbuilding)
he’s WAY older than a grandfather of James. he’s more of a great-great-great-great grandfather, but it’s easier to just call him grandpa.
he’s been long dead in reality for years. always constantly dreaming and manifesting his Lost World and eventually never woke up.
there is almost 0 records of him from reality. because of this, there is no clear time period he originated in, unlike the guests.
he’s a collector. he loves historically significant antique items to put on a shelf and learn all about.
as taken from the manga, his favorite historical subject is War.
he suffered from frequent night terrors as a teenager, making it difficult to sleep before the manifestation of the Lost World.
while he usually tries to set up a weekly chore schedule for the residents in the hotel, he usually ends up doing everything himself (both because the guests throw in the towel very quickly and that Gregory wants to do everything right).
his magic abilities include teleportation and immortality, but he’s still very prone to injury.
Gregory Mama
she’s actually a manifestation within the Lost World that Gregory used to cope/punish himself with.
has the tendency to adopt new guests as family members only to eat them/their souls later. this also applies to Gregory attempting to manifest new family members in the past, to which he stopped after Gregory Mama has shown to steal their souls each time.
obviously, she’s not Gregory’s real mother, rather a personification of the abuse Gregory suffered in reality.
as young children usually don’t use their parents real name often, she doesn’t have a real name.
he’s a child who escaped reality after discovering a forgotten family member (Gregory) in very old family photos; having little to no relation to the rest of the family.
plus, hearing rumors of a hotel that only appeared during moonless nights only encourage him to take on a challenge.
since he’s related to Gregory (even if it’s very distant), his monster transformation was a lot faster, becoming a full rat in little under a month.
he LOVES horror movies, especially slasher films. he might be a little too influenced by them.
he owns a large range of weapons, from toy water guns to actual chainsaws. that doesn’t mean he’ll use them responsibly, though.
he’s a very smart kid, even to the point where he can be manipulative to both the kids and the adults. he’ll even convince other kids to take the blame for him whenever he starts problems.
his parents from reality miss him very much.
in reality, Catherine was a German nurse in the 1940’s during WW2.
as a human, she was actually afraid of the sight of blood and would get lightheaded whenever she had to treat a soldier’s wounds. however, as a determined nurse, she tried her hardest to become tolerant of blood. tolerance became fondness and fondness became obsession to the point where she was hurting her patients just to see blood again.
she is attracted to both men and women, however she experiences internalized biphobia. due to this, she’s desperate to find true love with a man while specifically trying to avoid romantic relationships with women.
she knows how to take care of children.
she molts her skin during periods of time, you know, since she’s a lizard.
she didn’t gain magic powers along with her transformation, but instead gained physical strength.
Cactus Gunman and Cactus Girl
both originated in the Mexican revolution, especially around 1910.
Gunman had been shot in the chest a few times in his life and surprisingly survived each of them.
Gunman’s personality completely changed once he arrived in Gregory House with his sister, becoming a paranoid coward from the brave “hero” he made himself out to be.
they both grow seasonal flowers in the springtime. Gunman grows one large red flower on his head, which he hides with his hat in the spring time. he prefers to only show to his potential lover. Cactus Girl grows smaller white flowers in her hair.
Gunman is in dire need of glasses.
Gunman is quite fond of gardening, and loves to talk about flora. sometimes, Lost Doll will accompany him in the courtyard while he weeds.
they would die for each other, so don’t cross them.
Cactus Girl can shoot better than Gunman, but prefers her lasso and other melee weapons. she’s sworn off using guns after the revolution.
Cactus Girl has the ability to spawn in zones in smaller closed areas, such as turning her hotel room into Cactus Land; sort of like a pocket dimension. it’ll disappear as soon as she leaves the room.
sometimes, they both don’t need to eat due to the occasional Photosynthesis, and can go a long time without water.
Hell’s Chef
he worked as a highly regarded chef in Russia at a fancy restaurant, with mixed European family origins.
him and Mirror Man were coworkers of some sort.
he came from a long line of wrestlers, but broke family tradition to cook as a passion and career.
he died after the restaurant went up in flames.
his throat is still scratchy and rough from the incident, so he isn’t much of a talker. not to mention the language barrier and that he’s still attempting to learn the language everyone else speaks in Gregory House.
while the appearance of his meals look absolutely irredeemable, Chef’s cooking is actually very tasty; so much that you almost can’t taste the poison. he prefers making meals that are hearty and savory, rather than “looking good”.
he prefers to do all the food shopping and butchering. nobody knows the best ingredient selections like he does.
like Catherine, all of this “magic ability” went to his incredible strength.
most, if not all of his body is made out of wax, with vein like wick all throughout the body, giving him general bodily structure.
Neko Zombie
(see Worldbuilding)
Clock Master and My Son
My Son was a stillborn in reality; the death of him and his mother gave Clock Master an alcohol addiction and depression.
1960 is the year My Son and CM's wife died, making it when time stopped for CM. he’s sort of “stuck” in 1960 in a way, which is why the year is plastered on both of their foreheads.
My Son was technically "born" in Gregory House.
when Clock Master came to Gregory House, an infant My Son was already waiting in his room. Because the child died before getting a name, CM referred to him as My Son.
while CM's time abilities are getting worse with age, they never were great to begin with due to the Lost World's unusual flow of time.
My Son's time abilities on the other hand have the potential to be the most powerful ability out of everyone's when he gets older, being able to play multiple timelines at the same time and even rewriting reality. this is due to being born in the Lost World, so his ability has adapted to Gregory House’s “time” system.
Judgement Boy + Gold
instead of a singular character, Judgement Boys are classified as a “species” considering there are multiple of them, with more being produced in the Judgement Factory daily. there is not a singular JB.
the Judgement Factory in Gregory House is a sub-factory of a much bigger Core Factory, where it branches off into different zones and other manifestations. There are countless Judgement Factories in existence, all with numerous JBs being produced and trained.
Judgement Boy Gold is an individual one-of-a-kind model, however, there are more in the “Metal” series similar to him in different factories with a variety of training jobs.
JBs came into existence after a lawyer in the early 2000’s won a court case that suppressed the rights and safety of these assembly line workers in a Toy Factory, which caused hundreds of workers to be injured or even killed. realizing the consequences of his actions, he spiraled downwards into insanity and ended up in Gregory House, rarely leaving his hotel room and eventually manifesting the Factory.
most models or designs of a Judgement Boy are based off of toys; one of the very few things reflected from the lawyer’s fatal court case.
the standard JB’s appearance is a bastardized caricature of the original lawyer, only with added cages and robotic features. the lawyer began transforming into a red monster with sharp teeth and claws, but never saw the results as he disappeared into the Core Factory one day, never to be seen again.
see @ask-factory and the #extended factory tag for a more extensive story.
Mummy Family
Mummy Papa, Mummy Dog, and Mummy Mama originated somewhere in the 1980’s.
the reason they’re in Gregory House is an overlap of death and the fact that Mummy Papa was unintentionally poisoning the 3, leading to ending up in the hotel as a “punishment”.
they’re Bloodhounds.
Mummy Papa loves to collect weapons and owns a saber collection, especially older historically significant ones.
Mummy Dog enjoys morbid facts and likes to tell the other children about death.
Mummy Papa has Münchausen Syndrome by Proxy, which is triggered when the sword shifts in his head. because of this, he keeps himself and the rest of his family sicker with unclear motives, perhaps to have the ability brag about their ailments. (more details here)
Mummy Mama suffers from more immune-system based illnesses and anemia while the other two deal with physical and phantom pain, which they all pass off as colds.
the plant in Mummy Mama’s head is a parasite, and needs to be fed directly to continue living if Mummy Mama gets too weak. (the plant prefers blood)
one of the few characters classified as a species.
TV Fish have a wide variety of fish or other sea creatures they can be. the TV Fish in Gregory House are much smaller.
some TV Fish don’t even have to be TVs. some can be other electronic appliances just as long as they’re combined with a fish skeleton.
they can be found across other Zones and places besides the Lost World, some with localized and native species differing from what we already seen.
TV Fish are an invasive species in the Lost World.
they’re attracted to people with better memory. a person more intact and in touch with their memories could attract an entire school of TV Fish!
Roulette Boy
practically a God, Roulette Boy has reality bending powers.
however, since he follows his own rules strictly, he sets limits on himself as to only use them for his games, and won’t apply them to himself since he’s the Game Master.
nobody knows what the “rules” he follow are, but he restrains himself on what he can do while hosting a game. though, once you’re in his game, it’s almost a free-for-all and he can change you to be whatever pawn he sees fit until the game is over.
while RB prefers traditional board games, nothing’s stopping him from hosting RPGs or other turn-based video games (as seen in Lost Qualia.) he also loves gacha games and gambling.
when not hosting a game, he likes to roleplay.
Angel/Devil Dog
she is not a guest in Gregory House, neither a manifestation of the Lost World. she is a messenger from an entire separate outside world/reality, and she’s always been Angel Dog.
her, Death, and Gregory have been around equally the longest.
her and Gregory have a long history of rivalry. she’s always meddling in the Lost World and trying to let souls out a backdoor. whether she’s doing it to free them, or just to piss off Gregory, depends on her mood.
Angel Dog has a solid grasp on reality, however, her reality is different from the guests. it’s why her and Neko Zombie get along.
she doesn’t have a split personality disorder, as she chooses to become Devil Dog whenever she feels like it. her decision making is very emotion-based.
she’s a Dachshund!
Devil Dog likes soccer, and Angel Dog likes american football.
Lost Doll
ever since coming to the Lost World, she has either stopped aging altogether or she ages very slowly, as most object-based guests do.
she’s a wooden marionette with the ability to change her size.
in reality, she belonged to a very poor family who could only afford a few outdated wooden toys, which is why Katie was so special to her.
she’s good friends with James, even if she’s usually the one falling victim to his pranks. sometimes, when Katie takes over, it can be the other way around.
she has poor volume control and tends to shout when she’s excited or provoked.
she’s the youngest guest.
Death, like Gregory Mama, is a manifestation of a part of Gregory's life.
he was created from Gregory’s favorite comfort movie, The Seventh Seal.
Death used to work in Gregory House as a doorman, welcoming the guests and wishing them goodbye, but fleed when Gregory Mama appeared and got rid of all other "manifestations".
his goal is to free Gregory's soul and end the Lost World, which is only possible if Gregory is the only person left.
Anime Characters
Dr.Fritz is also German like Catherine, but came a little later in time.
back in reality, his body slowly stop responding, so he illegally tried to build himself a new body. that new body wasn’t fully ready yet when he decided to transplant his own brain when he was wheelchair bound and starting to lose arm control, so it was a very long process.
because of his condition, doctors either didn’t treat him correctly or flat out ignored his problems, so he has a strong mistrust to other doctors, which is why he wanted to operate on himself. the other doctors said there was nothing they could do, but he had other plans in mind.
he was there for the Berlin wall falling, and still has a piece of it as a keepsake.
he falls apart easily and has to re-sew body parts or snap his neck back into place. Catherine helps put him back together (in return, Fritz helps her shed.)
Catherine calls him Fritzchen on occasion.
he documents the species of the patients he treats out of curiosity and hopes to help them better. his treatments may be considered “unethical” but he knows for certain that if it’s to cure or treat the patient, he’ll go great lengths to break any rule in the medical field.
Mono Eye Wizard + Frog Fortune Teller
both are canonically married to each other, i just wanted to make sure everyone knew :]
Mono Eye Wizard wears a helmet, and he’s also an amphibian with one eye underneath his robe.
both are very interested and knowledgeable in the Magical and Paranormal side of the Lost World.
both held onto their souls for longer than most people, but lost them in the end.
Wizard is normally very powerful, he just SUCKS at summonings. (plus, he’s a little bit of an idiot)
on the other hand, Frog Fortune Teller isn’t very powerful, but she is very smart (and stubborn). she’s almost always right, especially if it’s a bad thing she predicted.
Wizard, and other characters such as Musha Dokuro and Egypetit all worship the same Dark Lord.
the little horned skeletons in Wizard’s cult are also classified as a species. sometimes, he allows in other interested members.
Wizard is fluent in latin.
Second Guest
the Second Guest, as shown at the end of the season two, has the silhouette of a rat. that’s her actual form; a shadow.
her “job” is to eavesdrop on other guests to go and report to Gregory Mama.
she’s very fast, quiet, hard to catch, and a big snitch.
the others call her “Hello Sister” as a title, while Gregory Mama calls her “My Lovely Daughter.”
her cigarette embers still glow on the wall, which is one of the only signals she’s in the room, especially in a poorly lit one.
usually only Gregory, James, and Mama can “hear” what she’s saying.
Chef strongly dislikes her and Lost Doll avoids her like the plague.
a pair of indistinguishable twins, escaping reality after being rejected of their dream to become famous theater actors. both young adults.
they work multiple part time jobs, including helping out in the Judgement Factory in the hotel and Kabuki's theater, along with Poor Conductor’s performances.
they share drinks at the bar. their favorite drink is a raspberry/strawberry milkshake with two cherries. don’t forget to give them two straws!
they’re both learning how to cook with Hell’s Chef. so far, they can dice onions very well. :]
Public Phone
he’s in the Lost World as a punishment for being a greedy thief in reality.
he can create fake alibis, passports, various cards in addition to faking voices.
he’s drinking pals with Clock Master.
he takes any currency, just nothing fake. only HE can be the swindle here.
he’s a perverted little bitch.
Various Species
Haniwa Salarymen are classified as species, created from overworked businessmen in reality. The occurrence of them are very common, and season 1 happens to focus on one of them.
Black Ducks are a species, specializing in working kiosks, amusement parks, and other booths. Speed Mouse is never seen without a team of Black Ducks. Street Vendors sometimes accompany them.
Musha Dokuro are an invasive species to the Lost World.
Trap Mice are a (rare) artificial species built in the Lost World.
Dead Bodies are also classified as a species. they are the result of Death freeing an individual’s soul, leaving a husk/empty body behind.
species like these show up in reality to those who are close to their visit in the Lost World, appearing in the background or the corner of their eye, replacing real people.
individuals in all of those species are not visible/noticable until you interact and get close with them. they’re like NPCs.
Wooden Lizard was Captain Wood’s favorite keychain that came to life.
Fat Chicken is an omnivore. He can and will eat anything.
(see here for Pig Gentleman and Mirror Man.)
Mirror Man can summon his own pocket dimension.
Kinko and Inko know more than they lead on, and Kinko is definitely much more powerful, but he can’t be bothered to do anything about it. he’s lazy.
Inko smokes cigars, but hates cigarettes.
Earth Man (from Lost Qualia) is non-verbal. he’s also very eco friendly!
Hell’s Taxi is a manifestation of a false sense of hope to escape the Lost World. it can also manifest in Reality to pick up new guests.
Egypetit’s head is made up of Gold, a strong conductor of magic in the Lost World.
Poor Conductor was powerful enough to manifest his own room into the Lost World, rather than checking into the Hotel himself.
Unbaba is semi non-verbal and cannot remove his mask. he’s definitely powerful enough to make guests lose their souls.
Bonsai Kabuki needs to water his head frequently or else he’ll be drained of energy, and be unable to open his third eye.
The Rainbow Dragon fossils, which Bonehead is after, are cursed, and uses his wife’s voice to compel him into seeking after them to claim yet another victim.
Toilet Baby may not be as powerful, but he can still summon dangerous attacks related to pocket dimensions.
Sleepy Sheep is used as a vessel in his sleep for those who are powerful enough to enter dreams.
Gregory House was a real place back in Reality, and it originally belonged to Neko Zombie and his loving family.
However, years and years of built up envy and hatred from Gregory, a person who didn’t receive the same love and luxuries as Neko Zombie, manifested the Lost World as a way for him to cope with the things he didn’t have in Reality, bringing the house down with him.
The remains of the house in Reality is now a mere rumor in the town, but its influence spreads across many zones to this day.
Neko Zombie is the final remaining member of the original owners of the house.
Him and Gregory are LONG forgotten for generations in Reality.
Zones are a loose term in the Lost World, which could mean alternate realities, different dimensions, etc. The Lost World is a zone with its own manifestations.
Another Zone could have its own origins and realities. Reality is not a zone, if that makes sense.
A Zone itself can manifest as a single individual or object being the Core that keeps the zone existing. (See The Core Judgement Factory that branches off Sub-Factories into different Zones.)
The Lost World is a very large Zone that reaches and branches off into other Zones, pulling in individuals.
Because of Zonal shenanigans, time moves a lot differently in the Lost World.
awful hospital does a better job handling zones better than this, actually. we took a little bit of inspiration from it. see here and here for a better grasp on what i’m trying to say.
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sokayisaidiot · 4 years
Dream SMP Assumption #7
Today’s topic: Everybody is suffering and you know it.
Please DO NOT read if you’re uncomfortable with the themes of death, depression and suicide. It’s a very complicated theme. I did NOT study it and do NOT know some aspects of it. I just go off the things I saw in the smp and made my own theories about it. If you’re even slightly triggered by this, please stop and do NOT try to read it. Please do NOT put yourself in some kind of uncomfortable zone.
Please do not. Thank you
(This is all assumptioning from the fictional world of dream smp)
(Heavy spoilers on the resent events)
(Also just assumptions, when you know something, you can always drop it :))
(Mainly around the lmanburg way, sadly need to learn more about badlands ): )
(This Series is created by another person, that’s just too fuckin lazy to move her butt)
Trigger warning today:
Suicide thoughts
Child Neglect
Betrayal and Trust Issues
Lets get this straight, no one is pure evil just because. Everybody has something happening and BOOM, finished chaos and sadness and strange behavior and aggressiveness and- You get me? Good. I will take on EVERYBODY who says that a person in the story didn't suffer. I aint a Apologist either. I just want to make some things clear who suffered how. Understand? Good.
Stop saying “[Character] didn't suffer!” Hell yes somehow everybody, close in the lore, fuckin did.
Lets start with one, who should be pretty obvious. Tommy. In my second Assumption, I explained symptoms of PTSD and Depression. 
He was never really trusted by any point
Was just as used as Techno, because who had Tommy controlled was pretty powerful
He was exiled by a country, he HELPED saving MULTIPLE times
He saw his brother get killed by his father
He experienced so many deaths (Tubbo’s, in the final control room, Schlatts, 
He lost his pets 
He lost his belongings
Has to be on edge constantly
Gets accused by someone and then MOSTLY EVERYBODY believes, it was him
He isn’t really taken seriously
He gets seen as power-hungry person
People literally having him on the Hitlist
He nearly saw his best friend dying, on a mission, that was started by him
His older Brother, who he has an confused relationship with, doesn't even want to be revived.
Lost his brother to insanity and had to sit in the FRONT ROW of this spiral
Suicidal thoughts
next to no one on his actual side
got left by almost everyone
was stuck on a island with an amnesiac ghost, who is a shell of his older brother
gets told his comfort items he had before everything else didn't matter
constantly has to live on the edge because he runs around with one just fuckin heart
Next to Tommy, he also suffers from PTSD, Depression and Suicidal tendencies. And that doesn't mean you kill yourself. It means you are too careless to give a fuck. And that can happen. TUbbo was way too easy to give up his OWN LIVE for something his best friend has passion in it.
He got publicly executed in a place HE DECORATED by someone he considered his Allie
Had the burden of Presidency on his YOUNG shoulders
The People who had to teach him about it, were also there for the tyranny
Got constantly considered a pawn, a throwable item
The adults use him as a figure head and proceed then to use him
He HAD to exile his best friend, or Tommy would have died sooner than ever
Suicidal in a way of being okay for dying
Never gets taken seriously
Gets over-spoken a LOT
Didn’t get nice words after his manipulator told him down, just SILENCE
He nearly died
He heard 
Got left by everyone, when they didn't see anything in this place anymore
got told by his best friend, that the discs were more worth than him
As Tommy, he is always on the edge of death
Techno is one of the most powerful people here on the server. No doubt about it. However, if someone, even a God, tries to refuse they have feelings, it’s impossible. And those feelings, when they get something terrible done to them, get hurt.
A bloodlust he sometimes seriously can't control, no matter how much he tries
His best friend (Wilbur), died before his eyes
He thought he could trust his (little brother figure) friend
Gets used often for material
Has a hard time understanding his feelings
Gets talked over
Is socially avoiding talking
Gets seen as a bad guy many times
Trust issues, yay!
has at least some people who want to kill him
Wilbur Soot
Our favorite maniac! Yay! We can all see how he fell from a proud Leader of a family to an lost in himself man, with nothing left to loose
Had to countdown his brothers death
Was killed by his father
His OWN SON disowned him
He wasn't able to get help, especially not from his younger brother
His Allies were not really trust worthy
He got betrayed by a close comerade
His dear Brother was sometimes really chaotic
He had to lead an army to war, not one, but two times
He lost the election
He had to run away from a country he helped create
Had a hard time with this father (with how it’s shown, that he maybe was neglected and had to raise Tommy)
Our favorite Memory-Minutes-Boi! I think EVERYBODY in this community will protect him
His first days on the server were pure Chaos
Had to see a person, he considers a friend, being rotten away and not being able to do anything about it
A sister figure who just went angry
He isn’t trusted by anyone really
He knows things others don’t
Has serious issues
Is often forced to take a side, even if he's against it
He has a hard time. Especially with the death, failed resurrection, disowning one of his son, he didn't got even close to. Being 
Also on the edge of death every day
Was in the end peer pressured into killing his own son
Suffering from the loss of his son
Couldn't help his youngest son in exile, because he thought Tommy hated him
Wasn’t there for L’Manburg glory days
was ridiculed in his house arrest
Of course, we all know how mad he is now and shit, but you gotta think, he has some points here, that are infecting his behavior LARGELY
His friends left him, without considering helping him
He had lost his dear pet before
He actually wanted peace, but fell into the fun of destruction and chaos without someone knowing or helping him
He is homeless
Probably, he is a old being, that already suffered for millions of years
He’s actually one of my favorite Characters and I think we know he has a place in here.
Third wheels a  l o t
Constantly being referred as the THIRD person, who isn't important
Fought his friend, who took the side of a child
Said friend had one of his beloved fishes by his side the hole time
Said Fish got thought as dead
Some of you guys forgot how sad actually Fundy’s character is. He IS one of the most hurt characters. And he gave up hope
constantly being talked over
disowned by his hole family
doesn’t think he is a part of a group
had to disown his father, to help fight a tyrannt
Got babied his whole life
His dead father is still running away from their problems
Doesn’t know where his mum is
Lost his home so often
Actually the person I watched for the first long time as in the SMP
Again, being talked over
Doesn’t get taken seriously
Lost her Best friend (Wilbur)
Got betrayed by her friend, Karl, by him selling their Land to L’Manburg
Gets used as a hostage or Maid in Distress, even when she isn’t
Got her pets killed
Then constantly being used for her niceness
Jack Manifold
He has a pretty big Role now, and he's very VERY angry. And you might ask why
Got left behind by his country
doesn’t get taken seriously
Got his most powerful items removed in one thing
His land somehow is near a crater
got told he didn't suffer somehow
Went to mf hell
Quackity, despite his funny demeanor, he's one of the hurt character
with him staying with Schlatt, he had a uncomfortable relationship a long time
got killed by the festival
somehow helped organize the death of a child
Said kid helped a revolution against him
he helped a tyrant come to power and will probably never get it live down
fought for a country so often, but, two times, it got exploded in front of his face
had to face war, also in a young age
Our favorite King is here too! Yes, he may have started the distrust spiral of Eret, but somehow, someone would still have led them to the FINAL CONTROL ROOM. Somehow History will always be happening.
Had one of the hardest time, getting forgiven
Was never really given a chance
got accused of something
gets used as a pawn
He has shown often regret
got left alone
I think we all can say they are just having MULTIPLE communicate, trust and self worth issues. Like goddamn, Puffy, please help them, you’re one of the only sane people in the lore-
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purekesseltrash · 4 years
My Fic List
Whelp, decided I should do one of these.  I have mostly written for Hockey RPF and BNHA, as you have likely already seen!
My BNHA Fics
Bury Them Deep
- “Shouji Mezou's entire life has revolved around being a goalie and playing hockey since he was five years old. After being drafted in the third round in the NHL, Shouji has two more years of college before moving on to playing professional hockey like he's always wanted. Or at least like he always thought he wanted. An injury that ends his season throws him into a tailspin, forcing him to take a look at his life and how he is going to live it, especially after meeting his fascinating new goth history tutor.”
(This bad bitch is 81k total and is chock full of my red hot hockey takes and midwestern references.  I love it very much and it is a sweet baby.)
The Rooftop Necromancy series AKA my black metal band AU:
Downhill from Here 
- “ Hizashi just wants to tour the country with his best friends with their metal band in their shitty van like they've been planning for years. He'd successfully hidden his crush on one of them for years, after all, he would definitely be able to make this work and keep things fun and uncomplicated. Until Aizawa decided to start acting weird. “
(In which I take you all on a nostalgic trip to 2006-2008 metal culture and you can see the black metal love song that my dumb ass wrote.)
The Perfect Mistake
- “ It wasn't as though Hizashi had planned on breaking up with his boyfriend while they were on tour in a tiny cargo van with no room and no peace. He would have much rather preferred to do it when they were home and he could easily go and crawl back into his mom's basement. But he didn't have a choice. “
(As relationships tend to do, theirs goes through problems.)
Rooftop Necromancy
-"He’d even ended up leaning into the crowd when someone’s elbow had connected solidly with his nose and thrown him back. They’d gone quiet as Hizashi got himself up to his feet, ripped off his now bloody ‘Within Temptations’ tshirt from 2004, whipped his hair back from his face and screamed, “That’s what I’m FUCKING talking about.” into the mic.
They went wild for it, cheering as blood ran down his nose, past his mouth and dripped onto the stage, leaving him feeling like an otherworldly monster performing an occult ritual. Metal, he thought dazedly to himself, why in the fuck had he ever stopped doing metal."
(I hyperfocused so hard at the idea of Mic as a metal head that I wrote this in seven straight hours and WROTE THROUGH THE ATTEMPTED COUP ON DEMOCRACY WITHOUT KNOWING IT.  It’s a bit rough, but it’s got some good parts and it spawned the whole damn series.)
Hands Up
- "But of course he had, they had always been able to read each other and what they meant. That had often been their problem, if he was going to be honest."
(In which they figure their shit out.  Basically it was written when I was thinking alot about how my own mental health had evolved through the years.  It’s basically the story of two people who are both very good for each other and also very bad and how they deal with that.  It’s probably the most personally meaningful thing I’ve ever written.)
The other BNHA fics:
Waking Up With Ghosts
-"Hizashi opened his eyes to a world that belonged to ghosts. His headphones were gone and the gray, grimy world that he felt more than saw was muffled and still. This was bad, he hazily thought."
In which we follow Hizashi shortly after the events of 296. How he's found, how he finds out and how he has to tell.”
(I fished this one out of the garbage of my Google Docs because I’d written most of it and forgotten about it.  I dragged it out, prettied it up a little and threw it up on AO3.  It is by far my most well read BNHA fic, go figure.)
Leave Her Johnny
-”Captain Hizashi Yamada has combed the Seven Seas looking for the elusive smuggler Eraserhead. He has spent years searching for him, tracking his movements and trying to anticipate where he would be next. But he had never considered what would happen when he finally found him. “
(I wrote a paragraph of this and was immediately like ‘I MUST CREATE THIS’.  I take some chances writing wise in this as the whole thing is done in a Victorian Era ish style of writing.  But I think it’s effective and the ending is likely one of the best that I’ve ever managed.  I’m proud of it.)
Gold Rush
-”"That earned him a laugh and Mashirao’s smile made something in his chest ache, something that made him want to hurt. Why had he ever left?
“I’m really not,” Mashirao was saying but Shinsou just shook his head and kissed him once, twice and wished he could take the sunny afternoon and make it stay forever. Make it stay forever like Mashirao somehow had, while the neighborhood had adjusted without Hitoshi’s permission.
“You are,” he said, “And I love it.”
I love you, he should have said.  But as Mashirao’s eyes softened and the blonde pushed him back against the bed, Hitoshi knew he didn’t need to say it."
(You know how sometimes you listen to a Death Cab for Cutie song about gentrification over and over until a fic comes out?  Because that’s basically what happened here.)
Black Sun
‘"But then he remembered the way that Shouji had eaten the night after, one hand curled into his hair as he hung back in the corner. Shouji hid when something was wrong, like a wounded cat trying to find a dark place to either live or die and he was being released tomorrow. Now was the time to push or he’d find Shouji right back on his bed, staring at nothing."
Something happened to Shouji on the beach. Tokoyami is sure of it.‘
(Aaaaaand Death Cab for Cutie strikes again.  But heyo, my first published ShouToko and it is SOFTTTTT)
In the Far and Mighty West
Mic came closer and despite himself, Shouta could not find it in him to feel afraid. “You won’t understand, not really. I’ll try, though. I’m like Pecos Bill or Paul Bunyan or a jackalope or that fish that your friend caught that he swears he brought in but that you’ve never seen proof of. I’m the herd of dogies moving sweet and steady in the right direction, I’m no stragglers to worry about, I’m that perfect dog that’s there to keep them in line. I’m that group of good friends that you would kill for, I’m the woman who you’re dying to come home to, I’m that promised home of milk and honey. I’m Mic.”
Shouta stared at him dazedly and licked his lips, feeling drunk and stupid as he stared at the man. “You’re… magic?”
“I suppose you could call me that.”
(Cowboy!Erasermic.  Inspired heavily by American Gods and my own love of folk heroes.)
In Your Violence
- “'Mezou frowned, eyes narrowing. “Are you trying to say that you’re scared that I’ll be killed by having faith in you?”
“It would be in your best interest to stay away from me,” Fumikage finally said, his voice falling flat and quiet. “I am destined to be a monster.”
'Mezou gets the call he fears, the one that says that Fumikage has lost control again. But this time it's different, in more ways than one.”
(I listened to Silence by Marshmello until I went insane in this is the result.  Featuring some of my super depressing headcanons about Shouji!  But it’s not awful.)
My hockey fics that I still like:
Hufflepuff Halfwit  
- ““Zhenya, the wind is coming from the west, I will not remind you again. You shut that window before the house stinks of factories!” She snapped and Geno stared at the owl as though maybe it would know what to do. But instead, it had given a little hoot and wiggled inside, only to drop it’s letter on the counter.
He turned his head very slowly back to look at his mother, who had suddenly gone very quiet. “It… just showed up, Mama. And um. It brought a letter.” He waited again, looked back at the owl who had begun to nose at the pirozhkis in interest and then looked back at his mother with the best puppy dog eyes he had ever attempted. “Can I keep it?”
(This is a part of my hockey/Harry Potter au that still legitimately haunts my dreams.  It’s basically a Sid/Geno in Hogwarts but I really love the world building I got to do with Koldovstoretz, the Russian school of wizardry.  Don’t read ‘On the Word of a Slytherin’ though, I’m not as proud of that one.)
The Prince  
- “What the fuck.” Matt breathed out, sitting back heavily onto his hotel bed as he stared at his phone.
‘This is Henrik.’ The text read. ‘I would like to meet you. I will book a room in Pittsburgh at your convenience. Let me know what time will work for you.’  - 
(Listen, it’s Henrik Lundqvist/Matt Murray smut, I feel like that is novel and interesting and worth your attention.  I wax poetic on goalies in this, as you do.)
The Zoo of Toronto 
- “No one missed it when a massive porcupine had shuffled in between the reporters with a single minded focus, pushing media away until it was able to grip onto Phil’s suit pants and try to pull itself up. He hadn’t been able to do more then besides pick the animal up before it could shred his pants to shreds and walk out of the locker room before the decision had been made with the Toronto media.
Phil Kessel was guilty.” 
(Not gonna lie, this is probably my favorite of the hockey fics I’ve written.  And it’s Phil/Carl, which is never found anymore but it was a good pairing.)
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Buffet Froid
Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham 
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: spoilers for hannibal, murder, dead bodies, mental health problems 
Author’s Note: The art of making it look like i like hannibal when he annoyed the fuck out of me this episode. Also it is so hard to write this cause my HEART i just wanna hug will UGH
I took lines directly from the script so some may seem familiar. Those sentences are not mine. 
Official Episode Summary : Two victims' faces are similarly mutilated. For the first time, Will contaminates a crime scene thinking he committed the first murder and an MRI shows he suffers from Advanced Encephalitis.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
Tag List: @llperfectsymmetryll​
(not my gif)
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You sat in the car. You were outside of a crime scene, the house looking ominous as it loomed over what had happened inside. There were so many people outside, taking pictures and talking. Will was inside. You had driven him, per his request. You usually didn’t come to the crime scenes but they had been acting off, like he was almost on autopilot when he asked you to take him. Your fingers drummed on the steering wheel as you stared out, trying to catch glimpses of people you knew. 
You saw Bev walk out quickly making her way to the car. You rolled down the window and she shook her head a bit as she walked up.
“You should go talk to Will,” she said. 
“What happened?” Bev looked back at the house, at Jack who had just exited the house. You looked at her, the worried look on her face evident.
“He contaminated the crime scene. He’s never done that before,” Beverly said. “His hands were around her throat.” 
You were surprised to hear that, rightly so. You unlocked the car and got out, walking across the yard beside Beverly who was quick to give anyone a look that even thought about protesting to your presence. Will had come out when you weren’t looking. He was talking to Jack.
“I got lost in the reconstruction. Just for a second. Just a blink,” Will was saying as you walked up to him. Jack barley took notice of your presence but Will looked at you, surprised to see you there by his eyes. He didn’t protest it though. You knew before he could tell you. He had lost some time.
“I know you don’t like to be a subject of concern, but consider me officially concerned,” Jack said. You scoffed and Jack glanced at you but didn’t show any emotion. 
“Officially,” Will said.
“About time,” you muttered. 
“Wait in the car,” Jack said to you. You raised your hands in defiance.
“I’m here on a warning from Beverly,” you said, glancing at Will. He shook his head.
“I’ll be there soon,” he muttered. You nodded and he reached out to grab your hand and for a second he held it, quietly, looking confused and worried and scared. Your hand slipped from his and you walked over to the car.
“Thought the reason you have me seeing Dr. Lecter and not an FBI psychiatrist is so my mental well-being stays unofficial,” Will muttered, watching you go. 
“Have I broken you?” Jack asked. “Is your girlfriend right this time?” 
“Do you have anybody that does this better unbroken then I do broken?” Will asked. “And she’s always right.” 
“Fear makes you rude, Will,” Jack said as Will walked to the car. His hands shook. He always seemed to be shaking. He stooped at the drivers window and you looked at him, elbow resting on the open window and your hand propped up by your palm. 
“We should go to Hannibal after this,” you muttered. 
“Why are you here?” he asked. It wasn’t rude. He was only asking. 
“You asked me to drive you.” He nodded, glancing back at the house. “I have to look at the body again.” A beat of silence. 
“What’s the last thing you remember?” 
“Gutting a fish,” he whispered. You nodded. He had gone fishing yesterday though.
“We’ll go to Hannibal’s together.”
“Sit in,” he whispered, referring to the session. 
“I will.” He nodded and walked back to the house. You fought the tears threatening to fall from seeing him in so much confusion.
“I can’t remember seeing her dead body before I saw myself killing her,” Will said. He glanced at you sheepishly. You sat on Hannibal’s desk which was your resident spot when you sat into sessions. You didn’t do it often and you only did it with Will’s request or permission. He wanted a witness today, to whatever it is that Hannibal had prepared for him.
“Those memories sank out of sight, yet you’re aware of their absence,” Hannibal inquired. Will was pacing around the room, his mind on fire. 
“They left a slick on the surface of my mind where they’re supposed to be,” he said. 
“Where you hope they’re supposed to be, but fear they never were.” Will looked haunted. The false memories made him reel. The dying human under his hands had felt so real.
“There’s a grandiosity in the violence I imagined that feels more real than what I knew is true,” he said. 
“What do you know to be true?” Hannibal asked.
“I know I didn’t kill her. Couldn’t have. But I remember cutting into her. I remember watching her die.” 
“You must overcome these delusions that are disguising your reality. What savage delusions does this killer have?” Hannibal questioned. He was walking around the room as well, but in smaller spaces.
“It wasn’t savage. It was lonely...desperate...sad,” Will said, his eyes glossed over. 
“Are you lonely Will?” Hannibal asked. Will shook his head then paused. Your heart sank and you hung off his answer. 
“No. That was the killer,” he said. “But I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked through me, past me. Like I was a stranger,” he whispered. 
“What could this be? It has to be something that we can treat,” you said. Will looked at you and nodded.
“It could be a blood clot. Or a tumor. Just an answer is better than anything,” Will said. Hannibal glanced at you and Will as you stared at each other, nodding in agreement.  Your emotions hung off Will’s. It didn’t matter if you were an empath or not. You knew Will well enough to know when enough was enough. 
“I can recommend a neurologist. But if it isn’t physiological then you have to accept what you’re struggling with is mental illness,” Hannibal said. 
“It isn’t,” you whispered. 
Hannibal looked only at you as you seemed to bore holes into the ceiling now. You had a dangerous knowledge of Will Graham. Hannibal thought that might be a problem.
You were with Hannibal and Will into the medical office. You held Will’s hand and he held yours like a lifeline. You sat at chairs beside each other that happened to be far enough away where his hand slipped out of yours. He held them now in his lap, fingers fidgeting.
“What did the headaches start? In earnest?” Dr. Sutcliffe asked. Will glanced at you.
“Two to three months ago,” Will said and you nodded in agreement.
“About the time Will went back into the field,” you said. 
“When I met him,” Hannibal added.
“The hallucinations?” Sutcliffe asked. 
“I don’t know exactly when they started. I just slowly became aware that I might not be dreaming.” 
Hannibal walked with Sutcliffe behind a large piece of glass. You stayed with Will for a few minutes, taking his clothes in his hand as he put on the hospital dress. He let out a small sigh as you looked at him.
“What if nothing comes up?” he asked. 
“We’ll deal with that when it comes.” 
Will looked at you and you looked at him. He was ready to go but he waited. Eyes glancing around your body wildey.
“If nothing comes up than I am, by definition, likely insane,” he told you quietly. “And if-”
“I’m not going to go anywhere,” you said. Will looked broken. He looked tired. You grabbed his hand and brought it to your lips, kissing the back of it. “I love you.”
His breath seemed to relax. He knew you but he wasn’t sure that when he woke up you would be gone. He might be seriously ill but knowing you were there still made him feel better. 
“I love you too.” You kissed him and he kissed you back desperately. 
“Go get your brain scanned now. You have lipstick on your lips,” you said as you pulled away. He laughed very subtly adn shrugged, wiping it off with his hand.
“I don’t think it’ll mess up the results.” 
“You never know.”
You stood beside Will again before the doctor. He pointed to the brain scan. 
“We didn’t find anything abnormal. No vascular malformations, no tumors. No swelling or bleeding. No evidence of stroke. Nothing wrong with you neurologically,” the doctor said. Will’s face was clearly troubled. “Usually when I tell a patient that, they’re happy to hear it.” 
“So... what I’m experiencing is psychological?” Will asked.
“Brain scans can’t diagnose a mental disorder. They can only rule out medical illnesses, like a tumor, that can cause similar symptoms.” 
“And there’s no chance you’ve mixed up the photos? Or maybe the machine was malfunctioning? I hear that happens,” you said stiffly. 
“Y/N,” Will muttered but you shook your head.
“We can do more tests if it’ll make you feel better. Take some blood samples, but I imagine they'll be just as inconclusive.” 
For some reason you doubted the truth in that but you didn’t voice it. 
You walked into Jack Crawford's office. He took off his glasses and looked up at you, clearly not excited to see you.
“Does Will need something?” Jack asked.
“Stability.  A new brain perhaps,” you said. Jack looked you up and down and he knew that you meant business.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, voice monotone.
“Will’s always been a bit odd. Always. It was what drew me to him in the first place,” you said. 
“Shut up.” He shut up. “When Will went back into the field it was because you wanted him to. Will wants to please people. He wants to save lives. He wants to use his gift for good but for each life he saves a little piece of him is burned and singed. You broke Will Jack Crawford and I won’t let you forget it,” you said evenly, looking down at him.
“Do you have a life outside of Will Graham?” 
“I did before you broke him and now I have to advocate where he cannot.” 
“We were never going to be friends,” Jack said.
“No, no we weren’t.” 
Come midnight when Will hadn’t arrived home you woke up. You were getting a suspicious amount of sleep. You had gone to bed, assuming he would be back soon after you fell asleep. Jack sometimes had him out late hours and he was likely to be back. But when you woke up and he was still gone you started to panic a bit. 
You calmed yourself, trying to reason that he was maybe still at work. You called his cell. No answer. 
You got up out of bed and put on some clothes. With him sleepwalking, losing time, he could be anywhere. You told yourself to add a tracker to his phone.
You got into the car and drove the streets for a few minutes. He wasn’t there. You then drove to Hannibal’s which was the only other place your mind could come up with. You knocked on the door at about 12:30, shaking from the cold and worry. It took Hannibal a moment to come to the door but he eventually did, wearing his robe and rubbing his eyes.
“I thought you were Will,” he admitted. 
“Will hasn’t come home yet. He won’t pick up the phone but I’m guessing he’s not here,” you said, looking past him.
“Have you tried the crime scene?” he questioned. You shook your head but that must be where he was. It had to be. 
“No but I’ll go there now. I’m sorry to wake you.” 
“Don’t apologize.” He was about to shut the door when you turned around but he stopped. “He’ll be there. I’m sure your expertise in finding strays will help,” Hannibal said simply. You nodded and walked back to the car.
On your way there you got a call from Will. 
“Where the f-”
“I just sent you the address. Come quickly.” He hung up and you did as you were told, driving faster to the destination you were already going to.  You were there in under ten minutes from where you had been on your drive and you got out, walking quickly up to Will.
“I thought you were dead!” you yelled, throwing your arms around him. He shook his head but let you hold him. 
“Not yet,” he muttered. “I called Beverly to help me figure out the crime scene,” he said. 
“Then why did you tell me to come?” 
“Emotional support.” You nodded and held him tighter.
You woke up with a start. Will was thrashing beside you and you put your arm on his side instinctively. You couldn’t tell what had woken you up. It could be anything. The weather, your dreams but you felt like it was something out. You looked around for any disturbances. The dogs were still sleeping but you got up and looked around, trying to find what had woken you. 
You walked through the kitchen and the downstairs but you couldn’t find anything. When you were back in the bedroom Will was awake, standing up.
“Where did you go?” he asked.
“Something woke me up. I was trying to figure out what.” You walked back over to him and back into bed. 
“Probably wind,” he muttered. You put your arms around him as he got back in too and he put his head on your chest. You kissed his curls. 
“Probably,” you whispered.
Will went in for more tests a few days later. He looked up at you as you stood in the same spots you had, with you holding his clothes as he stripped them. 
“Jack talked to me,” he said.
“Proceed with caution,” you whispered and he chuckled.
“He thinks I stayed in the job because of the stability. That Jack created stability for me, a foundation.” 
“If he keeps going on like that you’re going to be investigating his murder,” you muttered bitterly. “Would you still date me if I murdered someone?” He shrugged.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you did. I mean, I’d have to consider it.” 
“Wrong answer Graham,” you said laughing lightly. He loved these moments. Moments where it was just laughing, joking. 
“I would date you if you killed someone. I mean I might have to turn you in but prison can’t be that hard on a relationship,” he said. You nodded.
“Right back at you bubba,” you whispered.
“I have killed someone.” 
“And look at you, still a free man.”
After the tests Will walked around, trying to find you or the doctor or someone. You were waiting for him and you walked up with his clothes in hand.
“Have you seen Sutcliffe?” Will asked. You shook your head.
“Not since earlier,” you admitted. “Let’s go find him.” You held his clothes in hand as you walked through the hospital. You peaked in rooms and eventually found Sutcliffes office. You pushed open the door as it was ajar. 
You gasped and Will grabbed you and put himself between you and the body, bleeding from a chunk that had been taken out of his face.
“Don’t look,” he whispered. 
“I can,” you muttered. “Call Bev.” 
The FBI came soon after. Beverly gave Will a look over, Jack concerned he might have had something to do with the murdedr.
“He was with me until he went in. And I would have seen him leave,” you promised. Bev nodded. 
“You’re clean. You couldn’t have done this without getting something on you and there’s nothing on you,” Beverly said.
“I don’t feel clean,” Will whispered. 
“Murder weapon has the same diseased or damaged tissue on it that we found at Beth LeBeau’s house,” Jimmy explained aloud.
“What connection does this guy have to the first victim?” Will let out a sigh.
“Just me.”
Will woke up and you were already sitting up. He followed your gaze that was at where one of the dogs growled at something under the bed. He grabbed your hand and shook his head.
‘Stay,’ he whispered. You shook your head vigorously and he nodded, getting off the bed and looking underneath. He slid underneath and you leaned your head over the bed, heart pounding in your ears.
“I see you, Georgia,” Will said under the bed. You couldn't see his face. There was a woman under your bed. “Think of who you are. It’s midnight. You’re in Wolf Trap, Virginia. Your name is Georgia Madchen. You are not alone.” 
“Am I alive…?” came a voice, a raspy whisper. Will nodded.
You stood with Will in the hospital room, looking down at the living body of the woman who had slept under your bed. You held Will’s hand as he glanced over her. 
“She’ll recover,” Will said.
“Hopefully she’ll stay out of our bed,” you whispered.
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365days365movies · 3 years
May 9, 2021: A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) (Recap: Part One)
Welcome to the future.
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At this point, we’ve mostly looked at the past, present, or the near-future (as in, the next ten years, if that). Additionally, we’ve looked either at nonexistent technology in a contemporary setting, or an extension of existing technology taken to a logical next step. But no more. No more realism, no more real-world rules, and nothing that we’re even close to in this reality.
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That’s genuinely impressive, not gonna lie. Anyway, yeah, from here forwards (for a bit), we’ll be looking at the future and futuristic technology. Now, there are a couple of ways in which these films tend to go. The first big way that we tend to represent the future in film is the same way we always have: flying cars, futuristic technology, smart houses, and robots.
Now, there are countless examples of this future, and it always changes a bit depending on the present. Which, yeah, makes sense. After all, what I’m doing right now, at this moment, would’ve been seen by many people as a massive technological achievement, even around the time that I was born. Which, yes, I’m old, deal with it (because I can’t). Anyway, the way that this begins is with the first major filmed view of a seemingly idyllic future: Fritz Lang’s 1927 film Metropolis.
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The overly mechanized (and politically dystopic) society seen in this film, as well as the visuals and technology, would inform our ideas of the future throughout the next century. Multiple themes and common objects reoccur throughout futuristic fiction. You know the stuff I’m talking about. Flying cars, automatic food machines, robotic assistants, video watches, holograms, jetpacks, so on and so forth.
But here’s the thing about the future. It’s always ahead of us, and eventually...well, we’ve gotten to most of those things to some degree. Either they already exist...
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...or is currently being developed.
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Well, one of them we’re still working on. And the development of more advanced AI is something we have yet to perfect, or even fully develop. However, the development of A.I. (and the consequences of that technology) are ALL OVER science fiction. Sometimes, they’re merely used for flavor to help establish the futuristic setting.
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Sometimes, they’re characters with their own agency and conflicts, which may or may not define the plot. In these cases, they’re often simply there to back up the main human characters, and help with their development, and sometimes their own. You know, manic pixie dream robots.
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And then, possibly most often, they’re the abject villains of the piece. they can be mysterious alien technology, like in The Day the Earth Stood Still, or a man-made danger that turns on the race that created and/or abused it.
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But then, on occasion, an A.I. is given the chance to develop as a character, without being used to define the development of a human character. Sometimes, the question of what life truly means is raised through these characters, and we become attached to them outside of any other character. This isn’t nearly as common as the others, but it’s definitely not unheard of.
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And for the record...things don’t often go well for those AIs. But still, some of those characters have quite a lasting impact. So, there’s quite a lot of potential for this type of character, from a dramatic standpoint. And that potential leads us to the guy who made this.
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Steven Spielberg gives us today’s entry, and this director of a classic science fiction story about science gone awry teamed up with the director of a science fiction film where an artificial intelligence went awry. You know, this thing.
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I didn’t forget about HAL. And I won’t forget about him later, either.
Director Stanley Kubrick is pretty well-know for his mind-bending films, especially The Shining and 2001: A Space Odyssey. But he also worked with Spielberg on this film before his death in 1999, as this was one of his dream projects for many years, and the two directors were well-known friends.
And so, eventually, Spielberg was given the reins from Kubrick, and results were...mixed. It’s funny, because I’ve never actually seen this movie, but I remember it through its surprisingly widespread ad campaign. I used to go to NYC as a kid a lot, and there was a massive building-side plastered with the iconic logo of this movie. So, I’ve been hovering around this movie for a long time. Enough navel-gazing!
Recap (Part One)
It is, unsurprisingly, the future. A marrator informs us that climate change has caused the ice caps to melt, and global flooding drowns several countries. You could say that it’s a...Waterworld.
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I genuinely considered watching that movie at some point, and then I decided I liked myself to much to watch 2 hours of Kevin Costner’s emotionless acting. Granted, it’s not much better now, listening to the emotionless acting of...
Professor Allen Hobby (William Hurt) is a straight-up sociopath. OK, technically, he’s a robotics engineer, but dude’s making a speech, right? He talks about how far robots have come, dissing my boi Deep Blue in the process, and notes that pain-memory response can also be demonstrated by robots. He proves this by stabbing a woman in his audience, like RIGHT through the hand. Jesus, man! Why the hell would you do that?
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Oh. Holy shit, I got fooled. Advanced technology indeed. But OK, so Sheila’s a robot, and a very advanced one...to us. But Hobby wants more, and proposes to his workers to make a robot that can really TRULY love. And through love may come a true subconscious, which means making a robot that can dream. And what better robot to make than a robot child? After all, all child conception requires a license in this futuristic world, so many childless couples are yearning for a child.
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Which is why, twenty months later, the first robot child is offered to Henry and Monica Swinton (Sam Robards and Frances O’Connor), a couple...with a child. Um. Guys. You JUST SAID that there are legit childless couples who need a child, and those people would be best suited to love that robot child back (a VERY GOOD question raised by one of Hobby’s subordinates). So why give it to a couple whose son is still alive? Yeah, he’s got a rare disease that they don’t have a cure for yet, and is currently in cryostasis, BUT THEY HAVE A KID! Surely, that’s going to be a potential emotional conflict! And what if the kid wakes up or some shit? This is a TERRIBLE goddamn idea. Think this shit through, guys.
And yet...
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This is David (Haley Joel Osment), Cybertronics’ first child robot, brought home by Henry to essentially replace their son. Which is AMAZINGLY FUCKING TONE-DEAF AND INSANE, GODDAMN. That’s extraordinarily messed up. And, for the record, I totally get what Spielberg’s going for, but Jesus Christ, man. This was a terrible way to go about this. And it gets fucking WORSE.
See, Henry (who actually works for Cybertronics) tells Monica that, once they sign the papers and complete the updates, David will imprint on them and see him as their true parents, loving them unconditionally. Which...yeah, fuck, that’s an entire DUMP TRUCK of ethics issues right there. And, while we’re at it, David is...creepy as shit. I mean it, dude, Haley Joel Osment is a VERY good child actor, but he’s laying on the creepy robot child thing THICK. And yeah, this is BEFORE he imprints on them. Jesus fuck, man, there’s a scene where the still uncomfortable Monica is outside of a glass door, and he looks back at her THROUGH THE DOOR like a goddamn SERIAL KILLER.
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And I gotta tell ya, dude does not lay off that creepy-ass dial one iota. And for that matter, the music by John Williams ISN’T FUCKING HELPING. LISTEN to this shit, and imagine a robot child that you don’t know wandering around your house. It’s amazingly fucking creepy.
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AND IT JUST. KEEPS. GETTING. WORSE. There’s a scene where they’re all at dinner, right, and David’s just staring at them as they eat, mimicking their actions. After all, he’s a robot, he can’t actually eat or drink anything because of his internal working. And then, out of FUCKING NOWHERE, he starts laughing like the FUCKING JOKER, and it scares the EVER-LOVING SHIT OUT OF ME. And somehow, they laugh alongside him, in the never-ending Stockholm syndrome that is this movie! And as soon as its over, he just STOPS laughing, spontaneously. Fuck me, man, I’m tempted to stop watching here and now, and I’m only TWENTY MINUTES IN! I need a fucking break.
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And after that...OF COURSE she decides to activate his imprinting protocols to make him, let me remind you, LOVE HIM FOREVER! She reads out a series of words, and after “FREIGHT CAR”, he knows his mission is to kill the Prime Minister of Sokovia. But first, he’ll settle down and love Monica unconditionally (again, FOREVER), calling her Mommy and making me shit my pants in fear. IT WASN’T ME, IT WAS FUCKING DAVID
Oh, and by the way, isn’t it kinda shitty to do that without Henry being involved AT ALL? Like, cool, he has unconditional maternal love, but Henry wasn’t a part of that conditioning at all! And he still refers to him as “Henry” instead of Dad! However, Henry definitely doesn’t care about that, because he still sees David as only a robot. Hey, guys, maybe using these two as your first experiment with a robot child WAS A TERRIBLE FUCKING IDEA, YOU IDIOTS! No wonder William Hurt was cast as Thunderbolt Ross in the MCU. Already shown he can play a character with shitty ideas before.
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Anyway, after this terrible series of events, David prevents the parents from leaving one night due to his childlike antics. When Monica goes to comfort him, he asks how long she’ll live, and tells her that he hope she never dies, a COMPLETELY NORMAL THING TO SAY. Look, I get that he’s a robot, but only a goddamn emotionless sociopath would program emotional responses like this into a robot. Which, given what we’ve seen of Hobby, makes sense.
In response, she gives him Teddy (Jack Angel), a technologically advanced teddy bear with sentience, a personality, and the voice of Astrotrain from The Transformers TV series. Because, yes, I am THAT MUCH of a goddamn nerd.
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Soon after, the house gets a phone call, which David receives...literally. He takes the phone and allows it to speak through him. It turns out that, shock beyond shocks, THEIR SON IS CURED! Yeah, fuck. Maybe giving David to a family with a STILL LIVING SON is a fucking ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE IDEA, for about a thousand reasons.
And, fucking understandably, Martin Swinton (Jake Thomas) is a little upset to find out that he’s essentially been replaced by a robot kid. Although, to be fair, he’s also kind of a dick to David, holding his humanity over him and treating him as a toy that he attempts to manipulate and bully. My Lord, this is a massively stupid idea. And Martin immediately shows his dickishness by asking his mother to read Carlo Collodi’s The Adventures of Pinocchio to them. Which is meant to be a punishment for Pinocchio. However, of course, David loves it.
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Still, however, there’s trouble in paradise for David, as he tries to compete with Martin for being a real boy, and eats spinach at dinner one evening. Despite Teddy’s mildly ominous warning to him (”YOU WILL BREAK”), he keeps eating until he basically has a stroke and breaks, forcing him to be repaired by some of Cybertronics’ technicians. Monica has a bit of a break down as a result, which Martin notices. This causes Martin to go pure supervillain, manipulating David to do creepy things in order to insert doubt into Monica about David. Jesus, Martin’s a creepy kid, too. No wonder Monica grew to be cool with David, her actual son is a FUCKING SOCIOPATHIC MONSTER! Are there ANY truly normal people in this world? IS THIS WHAT THE FUTURE IS?
Martin convinces David to cut a lock of Monica’s hair while she’s sleeping. And lemme tell ya, a little boy holding scissors over someone while they sleep is not exactly comforting. Henry agrees, and after stopping him, believes that they need to return him. Monica disagrees, knowing that they’ll destroy him if brought back. But David, ever the semi-sociopath himself, ignores any signs of humanity in David and dismisses Monica's feelings for him entirely. He also says this thing about “IF HE CAN BE PROGRAMMED TO LOVE, CAN NOT HE BE PROGRAMM-ED TO HATE?”, which...no. No, he cannot. He didn’t learn to love, he was programmed to. And, again, that’s ethically FUCKED, but taking that into account...no. HE WASN’T PROGRAMMED TO HATE, HENRY. Goddamn, buddy, use your head here.
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It’s Martin’s birthday, and his friends at the pool party expose David to the fun world of anti-robot (or Mecha) racism, and test to see if he has Damage Avoidance Systems by threatening him with a knife. And he does. Buuut, when those systems kick in, he goes to the nearest point of safety to keep himself safe. That point is, unfortunately, Martin, whom he gets behind...and accidentally drags into the pool.
Thing is, because of Martin’s recent illness, he can’t exactly swim, meaning that David almost drowns him. When Henry and other partygoers go to save him, they abandon David in the pool completely. And now, David’s fucked. Because although this situation isn’t even a little bit his fault, he also just nearly killed Martin. And so, after seeing notes that he’s been writing to her, Monica offers to take for a “ride in the country”. Which definitely means something good. In reality, she’s planning on taking him back to Cybertronics. But once in the car, there’s a change in plans. And hear me out...it’s arguably far more horrifying.
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She decides to abandon him in the woods completely, despite how hard it is for her to leave him. She’s sparing him from death, sure, but also throwing him into a world he doesn’t understand, and for reasons that he doesn’t understand. It’s genuinely terrible. And then...yeah, she leaves him forever, to an uncertain future.
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End Act One.
I think this is a good place to stop. It’s early, and I need more coffee to handle this shit. See you in Part Two. Of Three. Yup. It’s a long one.
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inkandpen22 · 4 years
Somewhere (5/?)
Pairing: Sirius Black x Female!Reader  
Warning: None
Word Count: 1.7k
Part Summary: Sirius and Y/N are falling more and more in love with each passing day. Yet, their love must still remain a secret. Sirius has a surprise for Y/N to escape the troubles of London. 
A/N: sorry if this part feels rushed. I really wanted to get it out by the end of the day to keep up with the schedule. Hope you enjoy it! :)
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When Sirius came to visit me last night, he told me to pack a bag for the weekend. I kept begging him to tell me why, but he wouldn't indulge. We fell asleep under the starry ceiling he gifted me for my birthday as we each night. Then, when we woke, I asked him again. He, of course, didn't give even a hint! I told my brother and the others that I'm going along with my friend on her family's road trip. Bradly was reluctant at first, but I reminded him that it was our last summer before going off to school. Lauren helped me convince him. She didn't directly as me if I was lying and secretly meeting Sirius, but I could tell she knew the truth. I've silently thanked her frequently for keeping my secret. I simply can't imagine Sirius not in my life. These last few weeks have been the happiest in my life.
After dinner, I leave with my bag, having told everyone that I was to head over to my friend's house. When in reality, I'm meeting Sirius in the park across the street by the fountain. We've done it before, whenever I go with him to hang out with his friends. Except this time, I won't be coming back for a few days. This will be the first time Sirius and I have spent an entire weekend together. He spends most nights at my house, Bradly and Lauren doesn't know that obviously.
I wait on our usual bench under the lightpost. It's gold light illuminates around me in a perfect circle. I watch the fountain splash, bright white lights makes the water shimmer. Hands appear over my eyes, making the world go black.
"Guess who," a familiar voice instructs.
"Elton John," I giggle, lowering Sirius's hands as I turn around.
He grins as he jumps over the back of the bench and sits beside me slickly. Resting his arm behind me, he leans in and plants a kiss to my lips. We part and rest our foreheads against each other, pondering the closeness after hours apart.
"How was your day, My Love?" He whispers, brushing strands away from my face.
"Uneventful and yourself?" I giggle.
"Consisted of me counting the hours until I could see you," Sirius charms. He does it so effortlessly. "Oh!"
He remembers something suddenly and reaches behind him. He brings around a small black coin purse-looking bag. "You can put your bag in here."
I glance between my tote bag and the wrist bag. He must be joking!
I point at it. "In that little thing?"
"You'll see," he snickers, opening it wide for me.
I suppose I'll just take his words for it. Picking up my bag, I hover it over the coin purse sized bag. I give Sirius a curious look as I lower my tote into his bag, knowing it won't fit. Then, his bag expands like a black hole and practically swallows up my tote. I stare at it, blinking rapidly.
"Okay, I love magic!" I gush.
Sirius laughs at my reaction, closing up the bag to stow away.
"So, what are we doing tonight?" I repeat the question for the millionth time since he mentioned the trip last night.
"And why would I tell you that?" He smirks.
"Could you at least give me a hint?" I plead with a pout.
He hums, thinking it over. "Are you afraid of heights?"
Oh no, is he going to make me go skydiving or something crazy? I don't think I could handle that. I do love planes and flying though!
"Depends..." I answer hesitantly. "What are we talking about?"
He changes the subject, "out of anywhere in the whole world, where do you dream of seeing?"
"Paris," I answer without a moments thought.
Sirius grin, his enthusiasm growing with each passing second. "Close your eyes," he instructs, rising from the bench.
I give him a knowing look, but do as he asks nonetheless. Covering my eyes with my hand, I wait patiently for whatever he's doing. I hear him move about, doing who knows what. Then, Sirius takes my hands and guides me to stand up.
"Do you trust me?" He questions and I can hear the grin on his face.
"I trust you," I reply wholeheartedly.
I feel him move in front of me with his back facing me. He takes my arms and wraps them around his waist. What on earth are we doing?
"Better hold on tight!" He hurries out.
"Why do-"
There's a jolt and instantly I don't feel my feet on the ground. My eyes fly open and we're several yards above the ground. I scream and hug Sirius tightly, pressing my body to his back.
"Oh my god!" I gasp.
"You're okay," Sirius laughs, unfazed by the fact that we're in the air.
I take in my surroundings and realize we're on a broom. These really exist? Magic brooms aren't just myths and fairytales?
"Are we really going to Paris!" I comprehend.
"For the whole weekend," Sirius informs me, gleaming.
I grip his shoulder to catch a glimpse of his face. "You're kidding!"
"Are you happy?" He chuckles, keeping his eyes ahead.
"Things like this don't happen for normal people like me!" I express, utterly dumbfounded.
Sirius shakes his head, "I can show you the whole world, Y/N! No where is impossible!"
I watch down below as London becomes nothing more than a series of lights scattered about and buildings minimize in size. People are practically specks. This is just magic, this a dream!
We traveled from sunset to the moon shining brightly over the world. Brooms are insanely fast! We get into Paris within half an hour! Sirius zooms through the city, showing me everything from the sky. He knows it like the back of his hand. The lights are immaculate! There's so much culture, music, art, history, all in one city! There's so much to take in, I don't know where to look! Sirius assures me that we have plenty of time to experience everything and he has everything sorted. I still feel like I'm dreaming!
Sirius booked us a room at La Réserve Paris. I've never stayed in a more luxurious hotel! After check-in, we're escorted to our suite which has a sitting room in addition to the bedroom! It's huge! Then, the best part, it has two balconies that over look the city! 
I run over to the balcony and scan the horizon. It’s hard to believe I’m actually here! 
“I’m actually in Paris!” I jump up and down. 
“Is it everything you dreamed it would be?” He inquires from within the sitting room. 
I spin on my heels, finding him grinning pleasurably on the sofa. I hurry over and join him. I kneel beside him, taking his hands in mine. “Far better!” 
After we get settled- more like Sirius getting settled and me admiring the view- Sirius tells me to check the closet. Inside hangs a long, low cut, baby blue chiffon. My jaw hits the floor practically as I admire it on the hanger, far too afraid to touch it. Everything is such a whirlwind!
Sirius wraps his arms around me and kisses my shoulder. "Do you like it?"
"Does Sunny like Cher?" I ask rhetorically, considering his question is insane! Of course I love it!
He chuckles, "you and your non-magic pop culture references. Get dressed, we're having dinner on the balcony!" He places a quick peck to my cheek and starts toward the sitting room.
"We are?!" I gasp.
"Take as long as you need!" He assures, strutting away gorgeously.
Holy crap, it's official- not that it wasn't before- I love this boy and this dress. Speaking of which, I turn my attention back to the dress. This gown is to me what hairspray is to Farah Fawcett, my crown jewel!
Dinner had me speechless! A maid and butler served us on the balcony. A perfect candle-lit, white table cloth, dinner that overlooked all of Paris. I could see the Eiffel Tower while we sat! Oh, and the food, my heavens! The steak cut like butter, the mash potatoes were smooth as silk, and the orzo! I had no idea what orzo was until tonight! Then, there's the champagne! I'm an eighteen year old girl, I've never had such classier champagne! I have the sort of champagne that can be picked up at the corner store. I'm starting to feel like an imposter, Queen Elizabeth should be in my place! I'm really waiting to wake up any minute.
After dinner, the maid and butler leave us. Sirius reveals his wand from within his tuxedo pocket. With a wave, he conjures up romantic music and asks me to dance. I'm honestly living a fairytale and I'm not taking it for granted. Sirius and I slow dance to a familiar melody. He twirls me playfully, causing both of us to laugh. At the end of the day, we're just kids and it's small moments like this that remind me. We may be in Paris, staying in a palace, dressing like we're royalty, but we're just starting out on our own. I'll be starting university in the fall, Sirius will be starting work, we're young.
I rest my cheek against his chest, pondering having him close.
Sirius recalls the night we met. His tone soft and quiet. "I looked up and my head started spinning. It felt like I was floating! You touched me and it was like being touched by an angel."
I lift my head, meeting his gaze. The lights of the city shimmer in his jet black eyes. "Your eyes glimmer like star in a clear night sky," I whisper, reaching up to caress his cheek. "A life filled with them starring back at me is a whole life."
His eyes search my face admiringly. "My life didn't start until I met you."
I nod, "Just you and me."  My words become a vow.
"For the rest of our days," he promises.
I lower my cheek to his chest again, a sudden rush of worry hindering my mood. "Could we really be together?"
"There's somewhere for us. A place where we can be together without anyone telling us we can't be." His fingers tuck under my chin, making me meet his gaze. He smiles, confident in his words. "Imagine it! A little home on the coast somewhere. We create a life all our own. We'll get married, have a lot of kids, grow old together!"
I laugh lightly, amazed by his plan. Evidently, he's thought about it. "Do you think it's possible?"
"All we need is you and me. As long as we have each other, nothing can stop us!" He states, so sure of it that I can't help but believe it.
I nod, committing myself to this, to us! I don't want anything or anyone else, Sirius is the only person I'll want forever. My life is him now.
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Quarantine, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Wrote 430,943 Words of Prose in a Year
As we are coming up terrifyingly fast on a full year of quarantine with no end to the pandemic yet in sight for most people, I’ve been taking some time to reflect on the last year of my existence in a state that most people now refer to as quarantine. Since March of 2020, I, like most other sane people in my country, have stopped traveling, going to stores, seeing all but a limited group of other humans, and begun having recurring nightmares about being in crowds without a piece of cloth over my nose and mouth.
Suffice to say, it has been a bit stressful.
The other thing that I have done since COVID-19 began rapidly spreading across the globe last year is write over 430,943 words of fiction. 
The number seems insane to me still. That is (approximately) one Gone With The Wind, one entire Lord of the Rings series, or the first four Harry Potter books. That is still sadly not yet War and Peace (but who knows… the pandemic isn’t over yet).
So now that I am looking back, I find myself with one question: how did this happen? Why did I do this? What does this mean about my life this year?
Since apparently I answer best by writing a lot, let’s begin at the beginning. Let me tell you a story. I’ll keep it short, I swear.
Part 1: Blast From the Past
In March of 2020, I was still in the midst of an academic semester. There was a long academic document to write and a class to teach. However, as quarantine abruptly robbed me of most of my usual commitments, I was suddenly thrust into the position of having more time on my hands than I knew what to do with. Consequently, I decided to break out the Nintendo Switch I’d gotten for Christmas and revive a childhood interest in video games.
And boy did I. I played the games I owned for all they were worth. I played them during the evenings when I had no social engagements to attend. I played them during the Zoom meetings I was already struggling to pay attention to. By the end of March, I had finished one game, and it had set the wheels turning in my brain.
Here’s a fact about me: I don’t usually tend to write or read a lot of fanfiction about things that I consider really really good. Basically, fanfiction for me has always been an impulse born from incompletion or imperfection. I see no need to add to a perfect story (although I happily consume and create fanart). But for something enjoyable and yet slightly unsatisfying? That’s fanfic territory, bud.
So by April, I had developed a sort of epic fanfiction for this video game I was playing. It was one of those magnum opus kind of ideas, a grand retelling of the story with a huge sprawling plot and Themes (™). 
At first, it was merely a thought experiment that lived only in my head, a sort of entertainment to ponder in the hours before falling asleep. What changed? Well, a friend of mine decided to also write a fanfiction on the same video game and she kindly consented to let me read it.
Suddenly, I was ravenously hungry to read and to write and to share and to consume. I wrote a hundred thousand words of this fanfic in April and into early May, sending each chapter to my friend and being spurred onward by her kind comments. 
The fic became a gargantuan endeavor full of strange little challenges I set for myself. It was a canon-divergence, requiring plotting, worldbuilding, a darker and grimer tone. For some reason, I decided to write each chapter from a different character’s perspective, making the final product into a series of essentially short story character studies which together formed a plot.
By the end of May, the story was published for the world to see. It was well-received, although not particularly popular by fandom standards. And that was the end. I had gotten out my pandemic crazies, the semester was over and now I could move on. I had made my peace with the source material, plumbing all of the little details that I wanted to examine and creating a narrative that I found satisfying.
It was over.
Part 2: Summer Lovin?
Except that it wasn’t.
Confession: as I had been posting my giant fanfiction, I had also begun to explore the fan community itself, mostly curious to see some nice art and gather a bit of demographic info about what was popular within the community. As a result, I found a fanfic recommendations page. Among the recommendations was one author who kept popping up and i finally decided to give the fic a read.
Woah. It was good. Like, really good. Like, professional quality writing and themes that seemed designed to appeal to me. I devoured everything that the creator had posted in a week and then subscribed to eagerly wait for more.
As June rolled around, I realized that I had a problem on my hands. My great big gen masterpiece was finished, but this author had gotten me hooked on something else, something with a nefarious reputation online: shipping.
The term du jour for this seems to be “brain worms” so let’s just say that reading other fanworks had given me some brain worms. Inspired this time not just by the source material of the game, but now the fan community itself, my mind began to develop another idea.
I wrote the fic, about 11k, in a single afternoon of frantic writing. When I finished it, I knew it was one of my strongest pieces. It had just come together, a combination of all the thought that I’d been brewing up and a stylistic execution that just worked with the story I wanted to tell.
I posted it on a new account. Shipping seemed vaguely shameful to me still and my mom reads the other account.
To my surprise, the fic blew up. It got so much more attention than my long fic ever had. Even more significantly, a fan artist actually drew a gorgeous comic of the pivotal scene, completely out of the blue! I was essentially thunderstruck. Honestly, it was probably the first time in my life that I’d ever received so much positive reinforcement from a piece of writing.
While I’d written short stories for undergrad workshops, they’d never been particularly good and I’d never gotten particularly great feedback on them. I’d applied and been rejected by more MFAs and literary magazines than I could count. I’d pretty much resigned myself to writing for an audience of me and me alone (which I don’t mean to sound tragic about, writing for you is great and fun!)
But receiving so much support and praise and feeling like I’d made other people happy or sad or moved? There’s nothing better.
This makes my decision to write another fic for the ship sound vaguely cynical, the action of a person driven by an addiction to praise. I mean, no lie, aren’t we all a little addicted to approval?
But my next fic was another long one, an 80k passion project modern AU that I dreamed up while spending a slow summer alone with my books and only able to leave the house for long rambling walks in the woods. The premise was essentially about characters attending a five year college reunion, something that I myself had missed due to COVID in May of the same year. The fic quickly became a way for me to process thoughts on a lot of topics in my life ranging from relationships to politics to mental health to classical literature.
This fic was also received with far more attention than I was used to and, as a result, I finally joined the notorious Twitter dot com where I found people talking about my fic unprompted, eager to follow me and like my every random thought.
I can’t say that this process was not without its ups and downs. Fandom has changed, in many ways for the better, since my last engagement with it during the 2013 Supernatural days on Tumblr. While fan friendships are often idealized or demonized, they are pretty much like any other human friendship (okay, maybe a little bit more horny on main). There is potential for amazing connection as well as pettiness. But in a year where many people suddenly had no social spaces that were safe anymore, I’m glad that I found a new line of communication with the world.  
So I kept writing fics for the ship, producing a lot of work that I am genuinely proud of and making connections with other people who enjoyed it enough to leave a comment.
To conclude this section, I was in fandom again. While I had not seriously engaged with a fan community since around 2014, I was back with a vengeance. And I had discovered an important truth about what unlocked my ability to write more than I ever had before: community support.
Not simply the kudos and the views. It was the comments. The discourse. The discussion. To add and contribute my thoughts and ideas to a greater network of thoughts and ideas that fed off of one another.
Often I had seen people complain about there not being enough fanworks for particular media or characters. Now I knew the secret. The comments and the community created the works. If I commented on other people’s fics, the more likely they were to write more. I made a resolution I have tried to keep, to comment on any story that I legitimately enjoyed reading, even if I had no particularly intelligent thing to say about it.
Part 3: A Novel Idea
By late October, I had produced a considering oeuvre for my ship of choice and was enjoying slowing my pace as I planned a few future projects.
Remember, though, how I mentioned not having engaged with fandom for the past 5 years? Well, that didn’t mean I hadn’t been writing.
For the past 4 years, I have won NaNoWriMo and completed 4 novels of over 100k each in length. These projects have been massively fun and improved my confidence with executing stories at the scope that I desire.
And so in November 2020, I settled down to write another novel. November is always a sort of terrible time write a novel if you work in academia, but this year, I had more time than usual. I set out to write a comedy fantasy novel, something mostly lighthearted and full of hijinks in order to pretend away some of the quarantine blues (which by this point were well established in my psyche).
This year in particular, I was reminded that writing a novel is… harder than fanfic. That seems like a very obvious point, but I’d written novels before. Suddenly, though, I was realizing how much a novel requires you to set up the world and the characters, while fanfic can be pretty much all payoff all the time.
While the fanfic flowed in wild creative bursts of energy, the novel required diligence of another sort. I wrote 2,000 words every day for two months. It was a grind. Sometimes, it was a slog. 
And sometimes it just wasn't good. The thing about writing your own novels is that the first draft is way more likely to be not good. You’re balancing a lot and it’s easy to let a few balls that you have in the air drop for a chapter or two, with no recourse but to go back and edit later.
I finished the novel by writing a final speedrun of 6k on new years eve, ending my 2020 with another project under my belt. No one has read it. Not even I have reread it.
I’m still glad that I wrote it. I’ll write another one next year. No one will read that one either.
Sometimes, we write for ourselves and no external validation is necessary.
Part 4: Where are they now?
January of 2021 is somehow now behind me, which is terrifying. I’m still writing. Mostly fanfic, although occasionally I go doodle around with some original ideas that are more conceptual sketches for the next novel.
As for the fanfic, I think I still have a few more good ideas left in me, but  I will probably leave it behind before the year is out. That feels a little bittersweet, a sort of temporary burst of fun and friendship that I wonder if I’ll ever experience again.
Coming to the end of this reflection, I suppose I should make a summative statement about what it all means.
In the end, it might not mean a lot. There are some small takeaways. 
It turns out that encouragement makes you write more! Who knew? Also, more free time makes you write more! Wow!!!!
The point that I think this reflection exercise has shown me, the point that I think matters more than any other, is that writing is a way to process my thoughts. Even if it is through the lens of ridiculous video game fanfic or novels about sad wizards, my writing is my way to make sense of my own mind. 
And sharing that is special. If you share it with online strangers, with your family on Christmas Eve, with your close friend who has become even closer and dearer to you since she let you read her work, or just with your mom (the one personal legally required to read your damn novel if you want to share it). To share writing is to give someone a little peek at your beliefs about the world.
And right now? When we’re still isolated and bored and scared and in desperate need of distraction? Binge some TV, play Nintendo, read a book. Take in other people’s thoughts.
But put down your own somewhere as well. It’s a conversation.
And for once, it’s a conversation that doesn’t have to take place on fucking Zoom.
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yououghtaknow · 4 years
skam brighton season 5 music analysis
hello :) i’ve gone through all the songs on previous seasons of skam brighton and explained why i used them and i thought i would do it for season 5 now that it’s over.
tw for disucssion of addiction, racism, pedophilia, transphobia and homophobia
we begin with a bang with “don’t blame me” by taylor swift. now it has been said about me that i am a swiftie and it is true. and nick braxton is a reputation era bitch. this song has quite literally it all for nick’s character - we got christian themes, reference to drug addiction and an unhealthy devotion to someone. this trailer has gone through many songs to find the perfect one, but i decided on this one because of the themes, and also because of the line “they say she’s gone too far this time” - which, in regards to nick, can be read in many ways. we got the nick going “too far” with his love for james in subtly trying to break liz and james up, nick and their drug addiction, and nick and their relationship with their gender identity - going too far in both the masculine and feminine directions. also it bangs your honour.
episode one
we!! begin!! with!! saturday night’s alright for fighting by sir elton john!!! because it is saturday night and, as we’vee seen, nick isn’t afraid to get into a fight or two. this song specifically was chosen because of the movie rocketman, which i drew a lot of inspiration from, with the themes of drug addiction and sexuality. also, once again, it simply slaps.
we then get “ymca” by the village people playing in the background over the rest of the party scene. i chose this song because it is a very stereotypically gay song, and a lot of what i wanted nick to deal with was self-perception in regards to stereotypes. he is very stereotypically flamboyant because it’s both the way he is and a defensive mechanism - leading to his bisexuality being erased and being seen as gay a lot of the time. he ‘s pretty much the opposite in regards to his asian identity, with him not being academically intelligent and outspoken and being very british in their speaking patterns. it’s about the balance and duality and all that stuff. 
then, as we are formally introduced to nick’s devotion to james, we get “where dreams go to die” by john grant. thank you to my friend katya for recommeding this song as a nick song because it is just. crazy. every line makes me want to scream. especially “this is like a well-oiled machine / could i please see that smile again? / it's all that makes me feel like i am living in this world”. like that just shows the extent of nick’s love - because sometimes you’re just in love with the idea of being saved rather than seeking help. is that poetic or am i just pretentiously talking about my trauma? who knows.
we then get “overprotected” by britney spears - because britney has been a nick staple the whole series. i first heard the song in the musical & juliet and i was immediately like “oh nick core”. the song opens with: “ i need time (time) / love (love), joy (joy) / i need space (love) / i need me (action!) / say hello to the girl that i am / you're gonna have to see through my perspective”. because we are literally seeing from nick’s perspective. i also wanted to introduce the gender dynamics early - including in the trailer, where nick refers to themself with she/her pronouns - and her nick is referred to in the text of the song as a girl. it’s also a very sad song about not having any control over your life with a fun pop backing track, which is very nick braxton.
we then get another party scene, that opens with “break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored” (by ariana grande) covered by sam fender. i chose this song because 1) i love the cover and 2) god is it a nick song. literally nick has so many wants (to be loved by their family, to get sober, to succeed in school, to explore their gender freely) but he focuses on wanting james and wanting james to leave liz because there are less achievable and thus safer. also the song fucking slaps.
we close with “happy little pill” by troye sivan, a mlm classic. a staple of 2014. i chose this song because 1) drug in title, easy get, and 2) it’s actually a really good song???? it’s about the dissociation. it’s very similar to the scene with bree in season 4 episode 1 where “chandelier” plays as she’s clearly not doing well but she’s pretending for the sake of her friends. nick and bree are narrative foils and i love them.
episode two
the first song of episode 2 is “be great” by lolandre and jeremy pope after we see nick and his dad’s dynamic for the first time. and it’s really something huh. it’s about how christian does want nick to be great, but christian has a very narrow idea of what success and happiness looks like.
the next bit of media we get in this episode is nick watching the first episode of euphoria. when preparing to write various seasons of skam brighton, i watched a lot of teen dramas to get a good feel for the vibe i was going for. euphoria was one of them and it’s a show i have a lot of mixed feelings for - i think it’s very well crafted and extremely interesting but i also do have issues with the sexualisation of teenagers on screen, even if it is mostly realistic. i chose this scene specifically because nick and rue are very similar characters, in regards to their relationships with their parents (i believe nick is more of a jules kinnie but more on that later). they both just want to be a good kid and make them happy, but they can never seem to do it. gia, rue’s younger sister, is also a parallel to nick’s brothers.
we then get “old eden” by honeywater which is just simply a song i like very much that had the vibes of the scene. also the lines “i want love / but i don't just want love, i want you / i see the beach house, your sweet mouth / but the terrible news / is that love is not how it seems on the screen / yeah, real love has problems / but it's what's in-between that's the best” is simply just nick braxton huh. ambiguous disorder.
we then get “generation why” by conan gray as nick storms out of their house after a fight with their parents. i chose it very simply for the vibes because i only listened to this song once and thought “i do not wish to listen to this in my free time but it is a nick braxton time”. it’s just the angsty indie pop main character walking down the street vibes.
we!!! end!!! with!!! a song i love very much - “sex drive” by austin mckenzie of dwsa fame. this song plays over nick getting “rejected” by james and resorting to grindr to feed their want for human affection - which is where the parallels to ms jules euphoria come from. i chose this song specifically because it begins with the lines “who’s driving?” on repeat, which calls into question who is in control in the scenario. as seen on screen, nick is the one who initiates the “date” but, at the end of the day, nick is an underage teenager and the person he’s on a date with is an adult man. also the song is simply a fun bisexual time.
episode three
we open with “hurricane drunk” by florence and the machine, a song that has been decidedly nick core since 2018. like “i’m in the grip of a hurricane / i’m going to blow myself away”...... nick braxton you crazy little person
“yours” by greyson chance plays over nick and james driving out to the woods to skip school together….. it is quite insane. “no matter who i'm with, it's you that i adore / if you're not sure / baby, i'm yours” like i scream and shout nick braxton has always been in love with the concept of james cohen
“myrtle ave.” by mxmtoon plays as nick is feeling isolated from his friends…. like they just vibe with the song and the lyrics so hard. nick is just. i have no words other than i love them.
we close with “st jimmy” by green day because. goddammit isn’t he. like james just comes out as bisexual (just like st jimmy in american idiot the broadway musical) and nick is like “you are like a saint to me, i worship you, i will do anything for you”. like it’s a song about drug addiction but it’s also about being bisexual but it’s also about the performance of masculinity and the performance of being a “rebel” that james and nick both do i love them so much.
episode four
we begin with “lucy in the sky with diamonds” by the beatles. i do not listen to the beatles but i think the song is about drugs and the beatles is a james cohen band in canon so it has the connotations babey.
we then get “seventeen” by troye sivan as nick goes on grindr to seek out adult men. it’s genuinely such a nick song - once again, the fun poppy music in the background and the deeply upsetting lyrics. also, as in season 4, i chose this song to emphasise the fact that nick is seventeen and a minor and should not be doing these activities.
we then get “dancing on my own” by robyn as we’re at the vaguely halloween-esque party. it’s once again about the boppy music and sad lyrics and like. nick voice i’m in the corner watching you kiss her ohhhhhh i’m right over here why can’t you see me ohhhhhhh i’m giving it my all but i’m not the guy you’re taking home ooooh i keep dancing on my own. like he’s fucking insane (he is both me and nick)
and then!!!! we get a scene very personal to me. nick watching rocky horror for the first time at a shadowcast showing and watching “the time warp”. i first saw rocky horror when i was about 10/11 because i saw it on glee and wanted to watch the real movie and it made me so so transgender and homosexual. it is such a non-binary little movie and the time warp is just an absolute bop. 
it’s followed by a brief showing of “sweet transvestite” because tim curry in that movie is such an experience for anyone involved. like oh to be gender questioning nick braxton and to see that. what a fucking experience. and also to be gender questioning 11 year old me and to see that and then find out my school is doing a kidz bop version of rocky horror. fucking insane transgender times.
we close with “cecily smith” by will connolly as milo and nick walk home together because. it is just such a sweet song. like life is not the things that we do it’s who we’re doing them with. and it is a very nickmilo song and i am the president of nickmilo nation. i love a non-binary romance i do i do i do.
episode five
we open with “halloween” by phoebe bridgers because it is literally halloween. insane. but it is also such a nick braxton song like come on man we can be anything…… nick braxton voice i’ll be whatever you want…… it’s about the people pleasing and the desire to be wanted and needed loved and goodness gracious. also nick braxton fig faeth kinnie for this song specifically.
and then!!!!! we get nick dramatically singing “girl crush” by the harry styles version in his bathroom mirror. because goddammit they do have a girl crush. it’s about the gender and the desire to both be with james and to be liz becausenick is non-binary babey……..
and then!!!!! in such a parallel!!!!! we get milo singing “inner white girl” from a strange loop on their instagram live. “a strange loop” was a big inspiration for this season, with very similar themes fo it (you should listen to it right now) and this song….. quite genuinely we have nick singing a song about wanting to be a white girl and then they hear this song….. like nick does cling to his inner white girl as a way of staying safe - they cling to the safe idea of mlm flamboyancy and humour to hide from their genuine emotions and gender……. like it is insane to me. also white girls can do anything can’t they!!!!!!!
we then get “the people who raised me” by gregory and the hawks after nick has a fight with their parents…. “but i won't mind no time spent to save me / just trying to be good to the people who raised me” literally nick is trying his best to be good but he can’t be and that makes him angry!!!!!! but that anger is born out of a deep, deep sadness that nick has no emotional language to express, but anger is a language he can speak and it is. insane. like it’s about masculinity, it’s about femininity, it’s about everything. fuck. 
we then get "search your heart" by george feeny as nick sadly vibes at school…. also this scene does parallel with the liz/mary scene in season 2 where their parents fight. like liz is shitty to her friends but stays for her sister and nick is great to his friends but leaves his brothers behind….. the range.
and then!!!! we get phoebe bridgers’ cover of “friday i’m in love” because it is friday and nick is in love huh.
and then!!!!!!!!!! a moment i have been building up to!!!!! we get “back to black” by ms amy winehouse after nick finds out james has a crush on alistair thee fletcher. and just like. god. this song has everything for nick. it’s a song about depression, addiction, leaving your lover, anger, bitterness, second choice ness….. and also he is literally going back to black with his hair colour!!!!! because he thinks being more masculine is what will make people love him and he views pink hair as un-masculine!!!!! and he’s also going back to his family, so he’s going back to trying to hide himself to fit into their expectations….. like god it is an insane little time.
episode six 
we open with “idk if i’m a boy” by blue foster - a song i got on my discover weekly and it was a deeply personal attack. like nick voice i don’t know if i’m a reject i don’t know if i’m a loser but i know that i’ve been feeling feminine since i’ve been teething…. and how the song uses humour as a way to cope with gender dysphoria like it’s nick bay bee.
we then get “green light” by lorde because god it is such a james/nick song i feel insane. like “did it frighten you / how we kissed when we danced on the light up floor?” because james and nick have canonically kissed many times before….. also lorde as an artist just has such intense nick vibes it’s so much fun
we then get "fluorescent adolescent" by arctic monkeys over a party scene because i’ve been told on the internet that it is a british teen party classic. unfortunately the rowdiest party i’ve ever been to is my cousin’s christening so i do not know if it is factual, but it does slap. 
we then get vérité’s cover of somebody else by the 1975 because i just simply prefer this version. but like. oh nick braxton. oh it’s about the rori and the james and the nick being afraid of being open and committing to someone but still wanting to feel the sense of being wanted by someone and being the sole person they want….. literally it is very crazy.
and then we end with “sugar we’re going down” by fall out boy!!!!! like it it such a good song nick voice am i more than you bargained for yet!!! i’ve been dying to tell you everything you’ve ever wanted to hear!!!! because that’s just who i am this week!!!!! like it fits so well with his character but also it is so funny that sugar we’re going down plays as they faint at the party……. i am a comedian sometimes.
episode seven
the first song we get in this ep is “demi moore” by phoebe bridgers as nick is detoxing in the hospital. like quite genuinely “i don’t wanna be stoned anymore!!!!!!!!” they don’t want to be alone anymore!!!!!!!!!
then we get “bite the hand” by boygenius. just. like. “i can’t love you the way you want me to” is just. such a statement for nick’s season. like he can’t love james the way james wants to be loved by nick, they can’t love their parents, their parents can’t love them…… it’s all about learning how to love in a way that is felt by all parties involved in the relationship be it romantic, platonic, familial or otherwise. like. it’s so insane it’s all about love
and then we get “relay” by fiona apple - which was a contender for the trailer song at some point. like nick @ alistair is very “i resent you for being raised right etc.” because he knows liz is fucked up and has flaws, he’s seen them, but alistair is easy to project all of his hatred onto. also just like evil is a relay sport thank you ms apple.
we then get “girls just wanna have fun” by cyndi lauper and “dancing queen” and “mamma mia” by abba sung at the lgbt youth club karaoke night because. i mean of course they are. also they are very fun gender songs and i enjoy them :)
and then. my friends. the moment you’ve been waiting for. nick braxton singing alanis morrissette’s “you oughta know”. now this is gonna be a long one.
the you oughta know analysis
first things first, i got the jagged little pill broadway behind the scenes book for christmas and there’s a whole chapter about you oughta know being a song about the queer struggle of being unseen and unheard and i feel so validated like that is exactly what the song is about.
but for nick. oh baby. it is them singing to james, to rori, to al, to liz, to bree, to his parents, to his teachers, to everyone who perceives them wrong. it’s their moment of standing up and saying i am angry and i am serious about this and i deserve to be listened to as a young person. i will now give an in depth analysis of every line i want to.
“the perfect version of me” - bree and nick have had so many parallels throughout the series, which bree can be described as a “better” version of nick. they’re in therapy, she’s taking care of herself, they’re bisexual and it’s accepted by everyone, she’s a good partner to rori, she has parents who love her, and she can be gender non-conforming in a safe way. but this line also applies to al - because nick and al have also been compared this season, with al talking about how he’s comfortable with his femininity and james liking al, who, despite claiming to be more feminine, is still more traditionally masculine than nick. al, bree and liz are all very academically smart. they are all very creatively gifted. liz doesn’t struggle for money. nick, in their mind, compared to all of these people, is a failure.
“so she speaks eloquently / and she could have your baby / i'm sure she'd make a really excellent mother” - this applied to both liz and bree, who both try to be seen as very eloquent speakers, and who are both afab, so therefore can have james’s baby - something nick wouldn’t be able to do. but we have seen in liz and bree’s seasons that they both have sexual trauma, and bree especially is uncomfortable with having children. it’s nick having this idea of womanhood and femininity being something so unattainable and required for james - that it kind of segways into al. because al is also assigned female at birth and could, as he is pre-t, hypothetically have a child, which is playing into some transphobic notions, but nick sees al as both more feminine and more masculine than him - making al just perfect for james.
“and every time you speak his name / does he know why you told me / you'd be there until you died / 'til you died, but you're still alive” - nick changes to he pronouns here, now directly talking about al. we’ve seen james flirting with nick and we know they’ve kissed in the past, and james and nick are incredibly close friends. but james still, in nick’s mind at this point, chose al over him.
“it was a slap in the face / how quickly i was replaced / and are you thinking of me when she fucks you?” - the conversation about how all the skam brighton characters relate to the line between sex and love is so interesting to me. it is also the reason i do not allow my parents to read this show. but anyways - nick does feel so genuinely replaced by everyone in his life, like there’s always a newer, better version waiting just around the corner. what nick doesn’t know is that that is how everyone else around him feels as well. and the line “are you thinking of me when she fucks you” is such a pointed line because it’s not a line of confidence or a joke. nick knows that no one thinks about them like that because they feel repulsive but try to play it off as a joke.
then we get the “i” section, which is, in the script, more “ayes” and “nahs”, but i wanted to change it to be the word “i” specifically because so much of the season is nick existing for other people. for their parents, for their friends, for their clients, for james. in this moment, they are choosing themself. they are standing up and saying “what i feel is important and i fucking matter”
“'cause the joke that you laid in the bed, that was me / and i'm not gonna fade as soon as you close your eyes / and you know it” - because nick’s sexuality and nick as a romantic partner is treated as such a joke throughout the show’s run, and james has been trying to turn every time he kissed nick into a joke that will go away, but it’s not going to go away because nick remembers it. even if james tries to deny his sexuality to nick’s face, nick is always going to remember that james was, at some point, attracted to men enough to kiss him.
“and every time i scratch my nails / down someone else's back, i hope you feel it / well, can you feel it?” - every time nick has sought out sex with strangers it’s because they feel rejected and insecure in themself. they seek out this sexual validation as a way to feed their want to be loved and noticed by people and he wants james and rori to feel hurt by it - he wants to have the power, he wants to have the control.
“and i’m here” - this line is just. so powerful to me. because it’s a line of defeat - after all this time, nick’s ended up at some crappy youth group with his little brother babysitting him, and he’s been dumped and cheated on and overdosed and everything is so awful. but then it becomes a line of celebration. of “yeah, all that shit happened to me, but i’m still here, i’m still standing, and no one can take away the fact that i am here and i am alive and i deserve to be respected” - something milo taught them when they talked about their tattoo 
“to remind you of the mess you left when you went away” - nick himself is the mess they all left - because they feel so abandoned and alone and like they are just a mess to be discarded, but he’s here to remind everyone that he’s here. it’s a call for help.
“it's not fair, to deny me / of the cross i bear that you gave to me” - this line i always saw as directed at his parents - they gave him this cross of being the perfect eldest sibling that ended up crushing him, and they deny that it ever happened. but nick knows it did. the same way he knows james like guys. the same way he knows rori didn’t like only him. the same way he’s been denying himself of the cross he bears of being non-binary, the cross of being an addict, the cross of being a mentally ill neurodivergent person. this song is him finally letting go of that denial.
“you oughta know” - he’s talking to everyone with that line. everyone should know about his pain, about his emotions, about what he’s gone through, because he’s kept it so bottled up for years. it’s not fair for him not to share it because he deserve to.
they don’t call me isaac tumblr user yououghtaknowmp3 for nothing.
episode eight
we open with “seven” by taylor swift as nick reads a letter they wrote to their younger self. like. “i used to scream ferociously any time i wanted” is such a line about being neurodivergent as a child and then being forced to mask as you grow up….. also the bridge is just james and nick core…. you should come live with me and we could be pirates…..
we then get “nonbinary” by arca because i feel like at this point nick would be trying to listen to more nonbinary artists because they want to see themself reflected rather than running from it!!!!
we then get “heather” by conan gray as nick and liz accidentally meet at the local mentally ill teen zone. because i am just fucking crazy like that. and yes, i chose that song before it got big on tiktok. but i think it’s funnier because it is a famous song.
we then get “falling” by harry styles as nick is being emo in their bedroom because nick is just the type of person who will dramatically listen to harry styles in their bedroom whilst being sad. it also completes the full circle of sad taylor swift to sad harry styles, but with no vehicular manslaughter.
we then get “400 lux” by lorde after james and nick have their big conversation because like it is just a them song. like you buy me orange juice. it’s also about the james/nick having a gansey/ronan dynamic in the way that nick is devotedly in love with him and james is just being homoerotic for the jokes. but not most other ways. honestly i haven’t thought about the skam brighton versions of these characters in trc….. many thoughts head full
episode nine
we open with “pink rabbits” by the national as nick redyes their hair back to pink. and i’ll be honest. i only chose this song because it has pink in the title. but it does still vibe with nick though.
we then get “be your own 3am” by adult mom as nick is dealing with some bad cravings. it’s just a very pretty song for listening to alone at night in your bed in that weird space between sleep and awake. i love it.
we then get “i am not a robot” by marina as nick walks down the street because nick is a marina bitch!!!!!!! and “you've been acting awful tough lately / smoking a lot of cigarettes lately / but inside, you're just a little baby / it's okay to say you've got a weak spot” is such a nick @ james line it makes me insane
also rich’s entire character and backstory is directly lifted from skins gen 3 because i am niche and make content just for me
we then end with “rager teenager!” by troye sivan because i have listened to that song exactly once, decided it had nick vibes, and just stuck it in an episode somewhere.
episode ten
we open with “strange torpedo” by lucy dacus because it is just. such a nick song. it is insane. i am insane. like it is about nick wanting someone but not being sure who or what it is because he just wants to be loved and discovers that sometimes being liked is better than being loved…….
we then get “used to you” by mxmtoon and like….. “tell me what i can say / and i can say it / tell me what i can do / and i can do my best / tell me who i should be / and i can change it” is such a nick early s5 lyric…… and how the song is kind of a love song but the line “now i’m just kind of used to you” is very nick about his feelings towards james
we then get “gay street fighter” by keiynan lonsdale as milo gets their sexy slow mo that all of the love interests get at some point. they deserve it.
and then “to be alone with you” by sufjan stevens plays as milo and nick have their first kiss in the pool because i always wanted to include that scene and thought “hey here is good”. and like. they are alone with each other a lot and they like spending time with each other….. they are friends, they are teens, they are falling in love a little <3
we then get “creep” by lena hall as nick has a little gender moment at school. lena hall played yitzhak in the broadway revival of hedwig and the angry inch and she just has so much gender. creep has always been a nick song and this cover just…. it’s them. 
we then get some ambient guitar music during the nick/rori scene and i chose some songs from “your city gave me asthma” by wilbur soot because it is a fucking great album and nick is canonically a mcyt stan so i simply had to. we end with “your new boyfriend”, which is a funnier, happier wilbur soot song and it is simply a fun time.
episode eleven
we open with “gender is boring” by she/her/hers which is just an absolute banger. like “gender never really meant that much to me / til' people started telling me how it was supposed to be” is such a great line and it is very nick braxton because. like. it’s just gender babey everything is about gender except for gender which is about having fun.
“dorothea” by taylor swift plays as james and nick have their final big scene together and like. it is such a homoerotic and fun song i love it so much thank you taylor friend of the show swift. “and if you're ever tired of being known / for who you know / you know, you'll always know me” is just……. god.
we then get “i do (end credits)” by kevin abstract as we open on the final scene of the season because a) it has end credits in the title and b) it is just another song i think nick would enjoy listening to.
we then get “they/them/theirs” by worriers as we get another little party montage because it’s a vibe time and like. i do love a they/them pronoun moment. it’s a very good and fun pronoun to use.
and finally we get “prelude” from next to normal as al comes in late to the party and awkwardly stands at the back. i chose this song because. well. you’ll see :)
thank you for reading my analysis that no one asked for, i just love having fun and talking about my silly little show :)
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weebtarurights · 4 years
Itaru Chigasaki R (Taruchi Channel)
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--------This is a backstage story from Mankai Apartment event in which the story takes place in alternative universe and the boys addresses Izumi as landlord/landlady instead of director.
Story Title: “ Number of Views Goddess “
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART 1˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Yuki: I bet it's about the topic of his videos. 
Banri: Must be it. 
Citron: Itaru will do punctual move for his videos. [1]
Tsuzuru: You mean, mutual love? 
Itaru: I haven't said anything yet. 
Chikage: Heh....Is it wrong?
Itaru: No, that’s not it.
Izumi:  Come to think of it, I haven't watched Itaru's videos. What kind of videos are you doing?
Itaru: I am mainly doing reviews on newly-released games, some hardcore and retros. I’m also introducing game goods too.
Banri: Game companies are totally sponsoring it from behind.
Itaru: That's right. I am receiving new games and goods from them.
Izumi: That's amazing.
Itaru: But lately, the number of views and channel subscribers  isn't increasing at all.
Itaru: So I'm looking for interesting video material.
Tenma: Wouldn't it be better if you just show your face?
Yuki:  It's the only way to make it work out.
Kazunari: That's gonna blast the number of subscribers.
Itaru: That’s doable  but I want to avoid showing my face. It's going to cause a lot of trouble.
That's why, I need you guys to suggest video materials that will increase the number of views. I've gathered so many diverse people here so there should be something, right? 
Izumi: Materials for video?
Tenma: How about making reviews about bonsai? There’s no else doing it and it’s refined. I think it’s good.
Chikage: Viewer’s average age will go up all at once.
Tsuzuru: That's way too hardcore.
Tsumugi: How about flower arrangement? It might look gorgeous in video.
Yuki: How about fashion code? Your style isn't bad either and it'll be interesting to wear different clothes.
Chikage: How about trying spicy foods from different countries. I'll lend you my secret special spicy sauce.
Izumi: I see. It might be nice to eat curry from different countries.
Tsumugi: Isn’t that our usual thing….
Banri: You, curry duo, do it somewhere else!
Citron: You can do 1 content a day! It’s virus marketing! [2]
Tsuzuru:  Viral marketing  is no good !
Itaru: Hmm... . My main goal certainly is to try something new. I wonder if it’s worth doing to earn more views.
Itaru: Fashion code and bonsai is all good...
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Next is, spicy curry review…Can I even do this? If only I had an absurd tongue. 
....None of them is good enough. Aren’t these way too strange? It's especially difficult to judge whether it’s interesting or not cuz the target audience is too small.
...Anyways, let’s up it for now…. 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ PART 2˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Izumi: (I need to buy detergent and toilet paper. Speaking of, we need to change the lightbulbs too.)
Chikage:  Is this supposed to be interesting? I don't understand anything at all.
Tsumugi: Uh...Hmm...
Banri: Isn’t this revolutionary in a sense?
Izumi: (Everyone's gathering around. I wonder what happened...)
Seems like everyone is getting excited. What's going on?
Kazunari:  Itarun made a video following our advice earlier !
Citron: Itaru did his best but it is kinda strange.
Tsuzuru: The comment section is different from usual too. Everyone is rather baffled...
Izumi: Eh? Is that so?
Comment 1: [Taruchi, what a sudden change of  direction.]
Comment 2:  [Why tho ? lol ]
Comment 3: [Somehow, it’s getting off topic, isn’t it?]
Banri: The number of views is also lower than usual.
Tsumugi: I wonder if giving him advice was the right thing.
Tsuzuru: What do we expect? They were suddenly shown a bonsai when they came to see a game live.
Chikage: I think a video about spices is good in its own way.
Banri: Stop being delusional.
Izumi: It's surprisingly difficult to make the number of viewers increase.
Kazunari: Ah, landlord-chan.  Are you going to shop for house supplies?  Can you buy sweets from the convenience store on your way home?
Citron: My manzai notebook is getting stiff too. I want to buy a new one.
Izumi: Understood. I'll buy them.
Izumi: (Seems like we're running out of equipment too. I might as well check the warehouse)
Itaru: It's Taruchi~.
Kniroun's new capsule toy was finally released~. 
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I splurge on 100 pieces this time  so let's start unboxing ~
First one is--- 
Itaru: So far,  I got 15 normal pieces, 3 copper pieces, and 1 silver piece. I got a silver piece so I think my pace is pretty good.
 Next, moving to our 20th piece.. Huh? This is....
-----(Door opening)
Izumi: .... Ah!
Itaru: ......!
Ahh Seriously?! I can't use this video anymore.
Izumi: A-Are you filming your video in this place?
Itaru: Sigh... HP-1 .
Izumi: I don’t really get it but I'm sorry...  Umm... How about editing it?
Itaru: But in unboxing videos, there's the feeling of joy and sorrow while opening the piece. Doing it in one go is my policy.
Izumi: Right? What is an unboxing video in the first place?
Itaru: It's a video where you open blind items one by one. You have no idea what's going to come out so there's a feeling of excitement.
I’m doing an unboxing video for 100 pieces everytime a new product is released.
The number of viewers for this series is stable. That's why it's solid material to earn an audience.
Izumi: It sure takes so much hard work, doesn't it? 
Ah, by the way,  I'll go shopping later. Can I buy new pieces in exchange for the ones you opened earlier?
Itaru: Really? I’ll gladly accept your offer then.
Izumi: Don't get angry if I don't get good ones, okay?
Itaru: It's totally fine! That’s what makes whaling interesting after all. [3]
Izumi: For tomorrow’s agenda, I have a meeting with Sakyo-san in the afternoon and--
Ah speaking of, I wonder what happened to Itaru's unboxing video?)
Kazunari: Haha! This is insane!
Banri: Ain’t this a godly pull?
Izumi: Everyone is lively today.
Citron: Oh ! You're just in time. Itaru’s number of views is footing up! [4]
Banri: You mean, shooting up! Landlord-san helped with the video without knowing.
Izumi: Huh? Ah, could it be the one earlier?
Chikage: This one. Aren't  the views about to reach 1 million?
Yuki: Compared to the hack's previous suggestion, the difference is heaven and earth.
Kazunari: The title is "Kniroun Capsule Toy Unboxing ~feat. Landlord-san". It's going viral! It’s crazy!
Chikage: Landlord-san, watch with us.  The merit goes to you in this one.
Izumi: I-Is it really that great?
Itaru: [The last 20  capsule toys are from landlord-san! Let's see-- Ehh?! Wait? Seriously?! Woah! ]
Itaru: [A super-rare gold Knight-kun came! ]
[Is this a sign for me to continue whaling? Landlord-san is too much of a cheat!]
Comment 1: [ Landlord-san is amazing.lol]
Comment 2: [Taruchi's so hyped. lol ]
Comment 3: [Maybe, landlord-san a goddess? lol]
Itaru: [That's the end of it.  Maybe I should have her pull the next gacha too?]
[Please look forward to my next video. ]
[Ah.. If you like it, don’t forget to  subscribe to my channel~ ! ]
Izumi: Uhh.. I'm glad I could be of help.
Kazunari: Landlord-chan just became a celebrity! Congrats!
Itaru: Ohh, everybody's been watching me? Didn’t it turn out well this time?
Citron: G'job on your video!
Chikage: That's the power of our landlord.
Kazunari: At this rate, the dream of breaking your record again might not be far away!
Itaru: Thanks to landlord-san's help, the numbers are looking good.  I’d love to do more landlord-san series so I’m counting on you.
Izumi: I-I don’t mind helping sometimes…?
Itaru: Thanks !
 Ah, everyone,  subscribe to my channel~! 
Yuki:  ...Just who are you talking to?
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1)Citron refers to"掃除相談” (Sōji sōdan) which literally means ‘cleaning consultation’. In which Tsuzuru tried to correct him to "“相思相愛” (Sōshisōai) which literally means 'mutual love’.
2) Citron used the term "人炎上" (hito enjo) which literally means 'flaming person.’ Tsuzuru corrected him and said “炎上商法” (Enjō shōhō) or Enjo Marketing, meaning ‘flaming commercial law’: an advertisement technique that aims to produce cliche content that are as shareable as possible.
3)Itaru used the term "ドブ" or "ドブる", a slang word for the act of throwing money on several pulls to get a high-rarity items/ cards from a gacha or capsule machines. In short, whaling.
4) Citron mistook  鯉のぼり(carp streamer) for"うなぎのぼり" (on the rise or skyrocketing).
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I was tagged by @wangxianbunnydoodles (oh my, this is long and you might regret it; also I don’t follow instructions well 😉). I tend not to be very good at these things (sorry to anyone else who has tagged me in these kinds of things before—this is a rare event happening mostly because I wanna talk about Tolkien books and ships) but here goes:
Top 3 Ships
I don’t actively ship characters that often. I’m not sure why that is. I do enjoy reading fic with pairings either canon or not, but I don’t often go “all in” on ships in most narratives I consume. There are notable exceptions (more than three but these are the three most recent—I have no idea how to identify my top ships):
WangXian (CQL). This is surely obvious from the current state of my blog, right? I blame The Untamed and its impossibly tender, only-subtextual-by-a-hair’s-breadth romance. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a show express ultimate devotion, deep affection, true appreciation, complete understanding (eventually), and the sheer *necessity of the other* between two people quite like this one has. Hell, I don’t think I’ve ever seen two characters and desperately wanted them together and happy as much as I have these two, so bravo to the cast and crew for generating such second-hand devotion in me.
Silvergifting (Tolkien). This is all @thearrogantemu’s fault. I’d read some Silvergifting before I read These Gifts That You Have Given Me, mostly out of curiosity (some good stuff, too!), but I had never read any Tolkien fic that convinced me it was *true* (on many, many levels, though the ship level is the one pertinent to this post). In any canon-like universe this ship hurts, but in the Gifts universe it hurts the most; it hurts like Hell. It hurts in the way only razor-sharp, sorry-the-universe-works-this-way, oh-are-those-my-entrails-on-the-floor-I-didn’t-even-feel-the-knife tragedy can hurt. And it’s so convincing that it’s just...a fact now. Tolkien just forgot to tell us. So now I ship Silvergifting, but most deeply, specifically THAT Silvergifting. (Meanwhile, 14 year old me continues to look at *significantly* older me like I’m insane.)
ZeLink (Legend of Zelda). Deep down I’m still 12 years old and no amount of fine lines and wrinkles is going to change that. When is Breath of the Wild 2 coming out?
Last Song
I listen to soundtracks and bombastic and dramatic orchestral pieces much more often than I listen to what people mean when they say “songs,” and a significant chunk of the “songs” I listen to are from musicals/operas.
Earlier today it was Hanz Zimmer’s soundtrack to Dark Phoenix (don’t start me up on the continuing disappointment that Phoenix adaptations continue to be to me—you don’t want to hear it; even I don’t want to hear it).
Before that it was Barbra Streisand’s The Broadway Album. (I prefer her outer space cover of “Somewhere” to the actual thing. Fight me.)
Before that it was Carmina Burana (One of my favorite things ever was when we went to a live performance of Carmina Burana and a boy who couldn’t have been more than 7 years old sat in the aisle in front of us and head-banged enthusiastically through “O Fortuna.” It was so metal. You go, kid. You get it.).
Before that it was a splattering of Billy Joel hits with emphasis on “2000 Years”, “River of Dreams”, “Scenes from an Italian Restaurant”, “The Stranger”, and “Only the Good Die Young” (thanks to that outstanding WangXian interpretation!).
Of course the soundtracks to The Untamed/CQL have been on repeat for weeks around here, particularly every single iteration of “WuJi” and the flute-heavy instrumental pieces (man, those are good!).
Not long ago I had Sarah Brightman’s covers of “Figlio Perduto” from La Luna and “Glosoli” and “One Day Like This” from Dreamchaser burning through my iPhone battery (yes, I like popera).
Enya, and especially Shepherd Moons and The Track Which Shall Not Be Named has been on repeat a lot.
Last Movie
I don’t sit down to watch movies that often any more. It just takes too much stillness and undivided attention and more resistance to multi-tasking than I have. The actual last movie that I watched (in a “have it on on another screen while I work” kind of way) was Raiders of the Lost Ark, which, of course, I’ve seen umpteen times and which followed a similar rewatch of the Back to the Future trilogy. The last movie I watched completely without distraction was Book Smart; I don’t watch comedies very often, but I really enjoyed it in an “OMG, I can totally relate to this” kind of way (except for the class president thing—that would have required that I interact with other people my own age and also not be homeschooled). Before that I think it was the Tolkien biopic. Man, I still haven’t written anything about that.
Currently Reading (in order of when I started them)
Oh dear.
The Familiar: part 1, Mark Z Danielewski. *sigh* For as much as I think Danielewski is brilliant and House of Leaves is one of my favorite books ever, I’ve just not been able to get into much of his other work. It’s universally a time and energy investment to penetrate and puzzle through, and I just don’t have as much of that as I used to. House of Leaves makes that investment worth it from early on and is absolutely a page-turner once you settle in, but other than The Fifty Year Sword I’ve just not been able to get into the rest of his work. The Familiar: part 1 is supposed to be the first in a 26 part series which is currently halted at part 4, I think. Without a guarantee of all parts ever being published, I don’t think I’m ready to invest more time into part 1 and may end up abandoning it, unfortunately.
History of The Hobbit, Douglas Anderson. Anderson did what Christopher didn’t and gave The Hobbit the HoMe treatment (if a bit less literal and opaque in format). It’s fascinating (I mean, there’s the Beren and Luthien name drop you were not expecting right there in the first draft), but reading essentially the same passages with only small changes over and over can be a slog, so reading it has been an ongoing project for over a year now.
Splintered Light: Logos and Language in Tolkien’s World, Verlyn Fleiger. This is Fleiger’s look at Tolkien’s Middle-earth in light of his association with Owen Barfield. Particularly, she is examining Tolkien’s work in conjunction with Barfield’s Poetic Diction and his thoughts on language and meaning. I have not read Poetic Diction, but I probably will now since it apparently addresses language formation as related to the origin of human consciousness which is SO up my alley.
New Seeds of Contemplation, Thomas Merton. My late sister-in-law had a masters in theology from Notre Dame and became a huge Merton fan. Meanwhile, my best friend actually spent a weekend retreat at The Abbey of Gethsemani. Between hearing about him from the two of them, I developed an interest in Merton. I happened to read “Moral Theology of the Devil” a couple of years ago. It was one of the most illuminating theological things I have read and deeply inspired my own Tolkien fic-writing (let’s just say the progress there is otherwise slow). This book is a collection of pieces which happens to contain that piece, and I’ve been skipping around through it for a while now.
The Lord of the Rings reread (Tolkien, obviously). I hate this, but I am so deep in so many critical Tolkien books that I’ve not had the chance to really sit down and relax into my reread for months and months and will likely just end up starting over. Plus I want to read it concurrently with the next entry in this list and the next entry is taking longer to get through because of its format. That entry being:
The Lord of the the Rings: A Reader’s Companion, Hammond and Scull. This is a treasure trove of data and insights for those really wanting to dig critically-historically into The Lord of the Rings on a chapter-by-chapter, passage-by-passage basis. The only issue with it is that jumping back and forth between the two (as you have to: this is a reference book) tends to kill the mood of The Lord of the Rings when read as it’s meant to be read: for enjoyment!
The Power of Limits: Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art, and Architecture, Gyorgy Doczi. This has been an ongoing read here and there since Christmas, especially as I work on two personal projects.
The Gospel in a Pluralist Society, Lesslie Newbigin. To be honest I don’t think I am going to finish this one. I like a few of the things he says, things I think are truthful and which need to be confronted in American Christian culture in particular, but it’s just too much Calvin for my taste, too many assumptions I do not share being the heretic that I am, and I spend too much time anger-notating about theology to read it with grace.
In Full Measure I Return to You, thearrogantemu. This is a reread of the (relatively) happy AU fic for my most favoritest Tolkien fic (Gifts), but I’ve put my reread on hold while I finish one of the two projects, after which I am diving in and screw the rest of this list for the time being.
Food Craving
Sushi. My kingdom for some good sushi. I’ve only had sushi once since we got back from NY and while it was the best sushi I have had locally IT WAS NOT OMAKASE AT SUSHI NOZ. It also didn’t require a personal loan to pay for, but *shrug* I’m spoiled now and will forever crave what I can no longer have.
People I’d Like To Get To Know Better
I hate tagging people in these things because I’m awkward and shy and do them so rarely myself that it feels hypocritical for me to ask it of others. That being said: if you’re a follower of my blog and you want to do this, please do! And please tag me! I’d love to get to know more about you 😊.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Where is the last place you had a kiss? My girlfriend’s couch. I normally wouldn’t kiss her inside her house but we were alone, so it just happened. What did you eat for breakfast yesterday? I skipped breakfast yesterday and went straight to having a macchiato, which was a horrible idea considering I had a badddd hangover. My body made me pay for it soon enough when my stomach started unusually heating up, so I bought a sandwich by around lunch to help it feel better. When was the last time you were at an amusement park? 2013. I don’t like amusement parks so when my friends make plans I don’t go along with them. Two weeks ago I was at a school fair which kinda has the same amenities as an amusement park, but I guess it’s not the real thing so it doesn’t count. When was the last time you cried out of physical pain? Last Wednesday. My friend Leigh was trying to demonstrate for me the concept of just-noticeable difference by pinching the skin on my hand. I don’t like feeling pain anywhere on my body, so when she started amping up her pinching I had to yell out. Have you ever done anything to Support the Troops? No. Can’t relate.
Do you donate blood? Nooooo no nope. I just said I didn’t like feeling discomfort on any part of my body hahaha and getting pricked is the worst sensation for me. I wouldn’t be able to donate blood even if I wanted to either – as far as I know you have to be of a certain weight to be qualified, and I’ve never met that requirement. Are you wearing two shirts? No. It’s never too cold to be wearing two shirts here. The only time I had to really do this in a local sense was in Sagada. That weather was b r u t a l. It was the first time my dad turned on the heater in our car and I didn’t even know Filipino cars came with heaters lmaaaaaaao. This was a very long way of saying no. Have you ever owned the socks with toes on them? Never have. What were you the last time you went trick or treating? I went as my best friend at the time, Sofie. I didn’t have time (and wasn’t as extroverted as I am now) to come up with a detailed costume, so I went as her – black dress, eyebags, winged eyeliner, and thick hair that was never combed. It had the least effort of all my friends’ costumes, but I got the most compliments on social media lol. What's your favorite morning activity? I am so not a morning person, and I just like sleeping/lying in whenever I can. Can you cook? I am hopeless in that department. Is there a lot of laundry in your hamper? No. My mom’s laundry day is Friday, so it’s basically empty the whole weekend. When do you think you'll have children? In a little less than a decade, honestly. I’m pretty firm in my decision to have kids; it’s my biggest dream if anything. I mean I’m also willing to wait until I’m in my 30s because god knows how expensive everything is rapidly getting these days, but I just know I’ll end up having kids one way or another. Can you point out constellations in the night sky? No. The only thing I can safely point out for you is Orion’s Belt, and that’s because it’s essentially a giveaway lmao. What was your favorite part about studying ancient Greeks and Romans? Nothing. It’s one of my least favorite topics. The only thing that got me to enjoy them for a brief period was the Percy Jackson series, but when I finished the books my interest in that world waned fast. Have you ever eaten a gyro? Nah, but close enough – I’ve had shawarma. What's your favorite flavor of Tootsie pops? Mmmm not really a fan of Tootsie Pops, or like candy in general. What's the last thing you bought at a mall? If I remember correctly, I got a toasted siopao in Coffee Bean. Where did your mom go to high school? She went to Colegio de Santa Rosa in Makati. What's a subject you would never major in? Philosophy. My college curriculum required me to take one Philosophy elective, and not only was it the worst experience ever, but I got my second-lowest mark in college from that class. Is there someone who you can turn to for money and not be ashamed? No. I hate asking for money, even from my parents. When's the last time you took a bubble bath? A little over a year ago, probs. I love bubble baths when I manage to get settled in one, but because I’m usually in a hurry when I take showers, the concept of staying and relaxing in a bathtub is a little weird to me so I never do it haha. Have you ever swam in a river? I have photos of me when I was 1, my mom, her sisters-in-law, and their kids (my cousins) swimming in some river.  Are there any dirty clothes underneathe your bed? No. I know I could be messy, but that’s just disgusting. What food do you love the smell of while it's cooking? Curry. What food do you hate the smell of uncooked? I just hate the smell of wasabi in general. Your #2--what's their occupation? Your #3--what color are their eyes? Your #1--what cartoon character would they be? Your #4--are they allergic to anything? All Myspace questions that I’m skipping, lmao. Has a bee ever stung you? No. That’s like one of my top 3 fears so I never allow myself to be near bees or wasps. If there’s any nearby I run the fuckkkkk away. Where did you last go camping? I have never been camping for real. In what month do you start Christmas shopping? Last year I had some stuff ordered by early November – but those were gifts for just my girlfriend. I bought everyone else’s gifts like a week before Christmas. Have you ever slept in a bed with someone with bad BO? I’m sure I have; I just don’t let it bother me because no one’s breath is supposed to smell great in the morning lmao. Do you have a favorite flavor at Baskin Robbins? I have never had Baskin Robbins and I dunno if I will, because it’s just so expensive. Philippine suppliers looove bringing foreign brands like Shake Shack and Baskin Robbins over here and slapping insanely high prices on them just so they’re seen as high-end lmao, it’s sad. Are there fast food wrappers/cups in your car? No not at the moment. If anything there are old receipts. Do you read the newspaper? Very seldom, but given that I’m a journalism student, I encounter newspapers a lot because they’re everywhere in the college. What search engine do you use? Google. Have you ever posted a question on Yahoo questions? Nope. But the website is useful and I just look for people asking the same question I have at the moment. Have you ever been on a dating website? I made a Tinder account a few years ago just to observe it and just for fun. I never needed it but I was curious, so I joined it but I used a fake name and a photo of a cat I saw in school as my profile picture so that no one knew who it was. Have you ever had a crush on a celebrity of the same sex? Save for CM Punk, I’ve only ever had crushes on female celebrities. What kind of flowers would you plant in your garden? I dunno, I’ve never felt interested in growing flowers...or a garden, in general. Would you rather have a flat tire or overheated car? Flat tire. As far as I know that can be fixed a little more easily than a completely overheated car. What's the safest form of transportation? Private car, lmao. That’s really your safest bet in this country. Do you believe that kids should be taught abstinence? They can be taught about it so they’re aware of what it means and asks of them, but kids should also be reminded that at the end of the day it’s an option that they can choose to take or not. When's the next time you'll go to the grocery store? I only ever go when my dad is home because he likes having us along, so maybe in a month or two. When's the last time you went to Chuck E. Cheese? Never. What's your favorite cheese or cheese flavored food? Mozzarella sticks. Do you like black licorice? It’s decent, at best. I won’t spit it out, but it’s not my first candy of choice either. Can you count to 100 in another language? Two, Filipino and Spanish. We use Spanish when referring to currency, so that’s why it’s easy to memorize. Like I’d say I have labing-limang (fifteen in Filipino) notebooks, but when I have to say fifteen pesos, we say it as kinse (fifteen in Spanish). Idk, it’s a weird quirk with Filipinos but yeah. What's the nearest thing to you that can bounce? I don’t think there is anything bouncy in the living room at the moment. Do you hate cleaning? If I have to do it I get lazy. But when I actually want to clean, it can be relaxing. Do you clear dishes in the garbage disposal or in the garbage can? My mom takes out the garbage. Do you watch anything on the E! network? I don’t think our cable comes with E! so the only times I get to encounter it is when we’re staying over at hotels. I like having Keeping Up With the Kardashians on when we do have that channel. Have you ever tried out or thought of trying out for American Idol? I loved the show during its peak days, but I never had the desire to join it. Where's your car keys? Upstairs, on my bedside drawer. Did you keep any momentos of high school dances? From my high school ball, yes. I still have my old gown, photos with Mike, the instrument he used to ask me to ball (a Starbucks cup with the proposal written on it by the barista), and my old corsage. I like keeping stuff like that around so that I don’t forget, not because I still like him lmao. My prom could fuck off, and I have nothing from that night. Do you still have clothes from your high school dances? I have no idea. My high school prom dress disappeared after a while, but I still have my ball gown. The last person you laid in bed with said... I don’t know what you’re referring to but our last conversation was her telling me to drive home safe. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? I can’t. Which celebrities would you want to hang out with at a bbq? The Friends cast. Do you think you could do better drawings than Napolean Dynamite? I have never seen the movie. What are you doing on Superbowl Sunday? Isn’t it over already? I saw my aunts and uncles post about it on Facebook so I’m pretty sure it’s over. Anyway, I don’t care for football. Ever been to the original 13 colonies? No. Have you ever been to a concert that got out of control? Not really. The most ‘rebellious’ thing that ever happened was at my One Direction concert. The organizers made the stupid decision of holding the show on FLAT concert grounds and not a stadium, for a concert that probably held 10,000-20,000 people. Can you imagine holding that on just the GROUND??? Anyway, my sister and I had the third best tickets which was supposed to bring us to the semi-front, but it turned out to be so far from the stage. Everyone from my section all the way to the back resorted to standing up on the monobloc chairs which really isn’t allowed, but duh it’s One Direction and we wanted to see them. Harry had to call us out and ask us to get down from the chairs and just stand on the ground for our safety, but we kept protesting until they just gave up and continued the show. What's the last thing you watched on tv? Titanic, but we watched it on Netflix. I haven’t seen cable TV in a whiiiiiiile.
Whose show should be cancelled? 13 Reasons Why. Do you like Lindsay Lohan as a blonde? It doesn’t bother me. When's the last time you ate fruit? Last Friday I tried some of Laurice’s green mango with bagoong. Can you jump rope double dutch? Nope. I know jump rope but I never went that far.
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neriad13 · 5 years
Best of the Best Media Consumed 2019!
This year I had a whole lot of focus on nonfiction, film and comics. Resolution for next year: read more fiction. Seriously, I read over three times more nonfiction than fiction this year. I read a little over one novel a month. But I really do love picking up a book on something I know nothing about and coming away knowing more than something. X-P
Anyway! The list!
Books - Fiction
Out of the 17 works of fiction I read this year, the best of the best is...
The Snow Queen, by Joan Vinge
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The Snow Queen was one of my absolute favorite fairy tales as a child. The 2002 film adaptation of it was one of the things I watched endlessly. 
It was SO MUCH FUN picking apart this sci-fi retelling and discovering which characters are meant to represent the ones from the original story (of particular interest: the character representing the reindeer is human in this...and he has a one night stand with the character representing Gerta. Yes, I’m still cracking up about this. Yes, it actually was a pretty well written scene). 
But the absolute best part of it was the masterful characterization. Every single character has ulterior motives and often heartbreaking reasons for why they are the way they are - especially including the Snow Queen herself, whose final scene is horrifying, tragic and beautiful. 
I always like me some solid villain characterization.
Runner Up:
Fairy Tales: Traditional Stories Retold for Gay Men
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I am not a gay man...but this very much spoke to me. It was at turns heartwarming and hilarious and the turns these fairy tales took felt so natural, like they’d been told that way all along. 
There are also many allusions to AIDS in the stories - sometimes as something a character is directly dealing with whether in himself, or a loved one and sometimes under the guise of a metaphor for inevitability. These ones were my favorites (aside from The Frog Prince, which was turned into a metaphor for accepting the process of aging with grace). 
Books - Nonfiction
Oh boy. There’s...definitely going to be more than one here. Of the 65 works of nonfiction I read this year, my favorites were...
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes & Other Lessons From the Crematory
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A memoir about the author’s time spent working as a crematory operator and her entry into the funeral business. This book was absolutely hilarious (it contains a story about the author getting absolutely soaked with corpse fat that wouldn’t stop flowing straight out of the incinerator), tragic (a 12 year old girl is cremated and her ashes are mailed back to her parents as part of a cremation mail-in program) and extremely poignant (the author talks openly about the time she was contemplating suicide). 
I love Caitlin’s youtube channel and I loved this book even more.
My Age of Anxiety
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Partially the memoir of a man who has battled his extreme anxiety his entire life, a historical study of famous figures who have also endured it and a scientific look into why it exists at all. 
Ultimately, it offers no answers. As of the writing of the book, the author has found no treatment that helps him for longer than a few months. But what he has found over the course of his research is that he is not alone - that anxiety has historically been a factor in scientific breakthroughs and artistic accomplishments. And that perhaps most importantly, that anxiety has been a key part of human evolution from the start, which served a vital role in the survival of the species. 
Mental illness or evolutionary adaptation? Is there even a line between them?
Cassell’s Encyclopedia of Queer Myth, Symbol and Spirit
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This is the only book, period, devoted to queer mythology, that I have ever been able to find. But the good news is that it’s fairly extensive (though the authors themselves admit that they had trouble finding as much information about non-western mythology as they did for western mythology), is chock full of references and is extremely thorough in the information it presents. 
I’ll admit that it was a slog to get through at times, but what it’s provided has been invaluable to my conception of history and my own place in it. 
Also, I can now say beyond a shadow of a doubt that almost every culture on earth has at some point in their history had a tradition of transgender shamans.
Hope After Faith
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This is the memoir of a charismatic Pentecostal pastor turned atheist. It follows him from teenagerhood and the beginnings of his dream to be a preacher to a little bit after his deconversion decades later. 
The eventual crumbling of his faith was something that spoke to me on a deep level. The scene that I still think about months later is the one in which he finally gives up his belief in the afterlife and accepts the finality of death by saying goodbye to everyone he ever loved who has died with the words “I love you, but I’m never going to see you again.”
I was not a huge fan of the writing style at first, but this one won me over totally and completely. It touched me immensely at the time when I needed it most.
Comics - Fiction
I read 52 fictional comics this year and 46 nonfiction. I absolutely raided my library’s graphic novel section for months. It was a good time.
Beautiful Darkness
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A French graphic novel wherein tiny people survive and feud over the corpse of the child they came from. It’s...hard to explain. Kind of a fairy tale Lord of the Flies, but more subtly horrifying. It’s a story about decay and collapse - of society, of the physical form, of the dreams of a child. It has no single interpretation and different people may take something very different from it. The most inventive horror story I read this year.
My Brother’s Husband
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A story about microaggressions and how their buildup over time can drive a wedge between people without them even noticing. I cried. Go read it.
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A semi autobiographical account of a college student learning how to live with his epilepsy. I also cried over this one. 
The art is stunning, the metaphors are amazing (the main character’s epilepsy is visually portrayed as a set of ghostly knives that follow him around) and the ending is extremely affecting if you’ve ever dealt with any kind of chronic illness. 
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
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The absolute most fun I had reading a comic this year. Gets extremely dark and incredibly sad but never feels overwhelmingly heavy, thanks to its great sense of humor. 
Edward Scissorhands: Parts Unknown + Whole Again
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A series of adventures set decades after the movie, after Kim’s death, in a time when her granddaughter begins wondering if the stories about the castle on the hill are true. 
It deals with such issues as the difficulties Kim had with her daughter growing up, when all she would do is tell stories about Edward rather than give her the emotional support she needed, whether removing the thing that both makes you unique and brings pain is worth it and how to stop angry villagers from burning down your house (again). 
Also, seeing Edward be surrounded by a group of friends who care about him was extremely healing.
Comics - Nonfiction
My Solo Exchange Diary vol 1-2
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A series of updates about the author’s continuing battle with mental illness and about how recovery is anything but a straight line. 
Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?
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Finally, some light reading!
It’s a memoir about the decline and death of the author’s aging parents. 
I found it...extremely comforting. Extreme old age, whether in one’s self or in one’s loved ones, is a scary and often obscured prospect, despite being a near-universal human experience. This book took the mystery out of aging and the fear out of taking care of aging parents. I’ve seen it done now. I’m more ready to do it myself.
The Best We Could Do
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A memoir of the author’s family’s flight from Vietnam and their immigration to America, through the lens of the birth of the author’s first child. About how being a refugee changes a person in small, often unexpected ways, how trauma leaves its mark on families - and how, knowing all this, one can still keep living and raising the next generation.
Film - Fiction
I caught up on a lot of classics I’d not seen before and really got into Jidaigeki this year. Me putting only four of them on the list is a show of restraint. Of the 64 films I watched this year...
The Fall of the House of Usher 
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Impeccable costume and psychedelic set design. The unanswered question that bounces throughout the entire movie: is it the curse or is it the fault of human belief in the curse?
Patch your walls, dude.
A Monster With a Thousand Heads 
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A Mexican thriller about a woman whose husband is denied cancer treatment for seemingly no reason. The doctor gives her the runaround. No one can answer her questions. No one listens to her.
So, naturally, she and her teenage son spend a night kidnapping and holding at gunpoint every person she needs to get her husband’s cancer treatment approved. Wild and intense and timely.
Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
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I watched a couple of Kubrick movies I hadn’t seen before and of them...I died laughing at this one. The tight plotting! The inevitable buildup to disaster over something so insanely stupid! 
I did not live during the Cold War, but damn do I feel for the inherent ridiculousness of it now.
Seven Samurai
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...this movie is insanely good. I watched Citizen Kane this year. This movie’s better. 
It has a plot which can be described in its totality, in a single sentence - a group of samurai are hired to defend a village from bandits - but what they do with that premise is so much more than that. 
This movie is three hours long. It did not lag once. 
Hara Kiri
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As the Tokugawas secure their grip on all of Japan, war ceases. Great houses are dissolved and their retainers, cast into the streets. The relevance of the samurai is ending and the cities are awash in starving ronin. 
Once, one of these starving ronin approached a great house, asking if he might be able to end his life honorably, in front of witnesses there. So impressed was the lord with this ronin’s resolve, that he instead hired him on as one of his retainers. 
Hearing this story, other ronin, having no intention of actually offing themselves, tried the same trick in the hopes of securing a job, or at the very least, a little something to eat. 
It became a common scam which, in the end, fooled no one. Most houses gave the ronin a handful of cash and sent them on their way. 
But one house, seeking to preserve their warlike spirit in these peaceful times, chooses to treat one beggar ronin very differently. 
This is the story of vengeance taken for that death.
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A ronin enters a town that is being torn apart by gang warfare and decides to play both sides in order to end the conflict. It contains such comedic gems as:
 - the ronin suddenly deciding not to take part in a street battle, leaving both sides evenly matched and extremely nervous about fighting each other, while he watches it all from the top of a watchtower, laughing his ass off
 - the ronin is critically injured and being smuggled out of town in a coffin. A fight breaks out while this is happening and scares away one of the people carrying the coffin. A less intelligent goon of the gang he just escaped from is cheerfully recruited to carry the coffin the rest of the way
 - standing up in the coffin, declaring that he’s fine and immediately fainting
Also, you should totally bring a knife to a gun fight. 
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A jidaigeki reimagining of King Lear. 
A visually astounding, sweeping epic with amazing acting and a complex interplay of conflicting passions which might just be more bleak than the original play. 
The scene in which the main character goes mad and is cast out into the wilderness is especially haunting.
Jojo Rabbit
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I don’t think I’ve EVER experienced such violent mood whiplash in a movie before. One moment you’re crying-laughing from a joke that hit with absolute perfection and the next you’re...actually crying. In the same scene. Within thirty seconds. Multiple times. It is the oddest feeling to be so elated by the best joke in the entire movie while every character we’ve come to know across the course of the movie is in the process of dying violently. It’s not a feeling everyone’s going to like, but for me it was completely new and fantastic. 
The best part of the movie is the main character’s relationship with Imaginary Friend Hitler. He’s wildly funny and relentlessly charming. I got excited every time he appeared in a scene and was, oddest of all, actually comforted by his presence. 
He was all of these things until, in the most terrifying scene in the movie, he was not.
This movie shows you the mechanisms through which fascism becomes an appealing idea for a lonely child by putting the audience through a version of the same process. It’s so clever, so funny and so sad. 
What do you do when your world is destroyed by absurdity and there is nothing left for you to return to?
You dance in the streets.
TV Series
Good Omens 
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Wildly hilarious comedy, fantastic costume design, multiple androgynous characters for which NO ONE bats an eye and honestly?? the best queer love story I’ve ever seen in television or film. 
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
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I am not sure if I have ever seen a production with so much love poured into it. The dozens of painstakingly crafted sets and characters, the sheer level of artistry on display - the next thing I saw was always more amazing than the thing I’d seen before it and the amazingness just kept coming with no end in sight throughout the entirety of the show.
And the story itself! The way it deepened and played with the lore of the original movie in the most perfect and unexpected ways! It felt like I was watching the most fantastic and labor intensive piece of fanfiction ever conceived, that was written by a person with a deep passion for and knowledge of the source material. 
Speaking of fantastic throwbacks...
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I’ve said a lot about this one already. While it ultimately fell kind of flat, what it did get right was phenomenal. The motherfucking FIGHT SCENES! The love between bros! The fascinating reconception of Hyakkimaru’s powers and its emphasis on a disabled character actually being portrayed as disabled! The journey of good characters going down the path of evil with good intentions!
Primal eps 1-5
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Genndy Tartakovsky’s next big project after the completion of Samurai Jack! 
It is gory. Like, extremely gory. Do you know how much gore a thing has to have before I consider it ‘extremely gory?’ It’s a lot. Like...really a lot. There’s a thirty second (or possibly longer. time lost all meaning as I watched it) sequence in which the main character punches the intestines out of a horde of hominids in loving, exacting detail. It’s like Genndy’s letting out all the pent-up gore he was forced to keep in check during the years when he was working on Samurai Jack. 
But it isn’t just gore. It’s a journey about the main character’s grief over the sudden, horrific, unexpected death of his entire family. A story which is also mirrored by that of the dinosaur he joins forces with. There were parts during it in which I literally felt my heart being torn in two over the travails of these two, as well as wildly funny and completely adorable parts.
The settings, creature design and fight choreography are insanely creative, as is the decision to do it with no dialogue whatsoever.
And that cliffhanger, DAMN!! They’d better get the next five episodes out soon!
Honorable Mention:
Rick and Morty S4 eps 1-5
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This one doesn’t entirely make the list proper because the latter two episodes...were rather subpar. But I can’t entirely keep it off the list because the quality of the first three episodes was off the charts. A particular shoutout to ‘The Old Man and the Seat’ and ‘One Crew Over the Crewcoo’s Morty’ - the former, which somehow managed to use toilet humor, of all things, to reach a crushingly tragic conclusion and the latter, which has a twist better than that of some of my favorite horror movies. 
Shogun 2
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I didn’t do a whole lot of gaming at all this year. But what I did do is have a fantastic time getting into the Total War franchise. Shogun 2 was my entry point and a FANTASTIC game. The ninja animations! The tiny, exacting animations of every single person running around on a sinking ship! The way Realm Divide changes the game into something much more dangerous and the way I learned to dance on the edge of it until I was good and ready! 
Love’s Labours Lost
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One of two Shakespeare plays I saw this year, the other being The Tempest - which was also excellent (especially the part where it legit started raining when Ariel summoned the storm in the first scene and then that showing had to be cancelled. The second time was the charm). 
Love’s Labours Lost had some excellent comedy and the usual absurd web of misunderstandings you’d expect to find in your standard Shakespeare romcom. But the thing which pushed it over the edge for me was that...it had a sad ending. It goes against the definition of comedy and has a sad ending. Because it was so unexpected, it hit unexpectedly hard and made it that much more memorable.
1 note · View note
profoundnet · 5 years
Profound Member Post - March 2019
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Header by @cryptomoon​ and is available on merch from her redbubble store. You can use all those fancy emojis (and more!) on our Discord Server!
The Masterpost is open for all creations by ProfoundBond members which are posted in entirely during that month.
Masterpost below the cut.
zipegs - @ghstfcers - zipegs
The Spring Paradox
Summary: written for the march supernatural poetry challenge. prompts: spring, new
Tags: Castiel, Naomi, Season 8
MaggieMaybe160 - @maggiemaybe160 - MaggieMaybe160 (Pillowfort)
Music of Thursday
Summary: Dean finds out that Cas can play the piano.
Tags: Major Character Death. Angst. Fluff.
Electric Connections
Summary: Dean finally works up the nerve to tell Castiel how he feels. They get to work their first case together as boyfriends.
Tags: Tooth Rotting FLUFF. Case Fic. Confessions of Love
Pie Day
Summary: Dean and Cas have the bunker to themselves for Dean's true favorite holiday: Pie Day.
Tags: Smut and Fluff. Food Kink. Established Relationship.
Summary: Cas has an anxiety attack in the middle of the night.
Tags: Angst. Hurt/Comfort. Anxiety Attack. Self Harm.
His Wings
Summary: Just some fluffiness that has to do with Castiel's wings.
Tags: Fluff. Wings. Fluff.
You Are My Future
Summary: Sequel to the Fic: Come Into My Office Dean and Cas begin to establish a relationship before he's zapped by Zachariah and sent into the future. Cute, adorable, fluffy Destiel. (One mild angst chapter will be tagged as such in the chapter summary if you want to skip the angst)
Tags: Smut and Fluff. Canon Divergent. Top Cas/Bottom Dean. Light Angst.
synk-art - @synk-art
Night Glow
Summary: Art I made in my free time. I titled it, "Night Glow"
Tags: destiel, deancas, digital art
tfw_cas - @punk-is-notdead - tfw_cas
Happiness Beings with a C
Summary: Dean Winchester keeps getting this feeling, but he just can’t put his finger on what it is. Could it be connected with Castiel, and if so, what can he do about it? Maybe pie would help.
Tags: Fluff; Pie; Food Kink; Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss
insominia - insominia
Fifty Shades of Cas
Summary: Castiel asked Dean to show him what 'Fifty Shades of Grey' meant. Dean has only the vaguest idea what those excuse-for-soft-porn-in-chick-flicks are actually about but he's not one to back down from a challenge. Unfortunately for him, Castiel knows exactly what 'Fifty Shades of Grey' means and is happy to illustrate the gaps in his knowledge.
Tags: Fifty Shades of Grey Bashing, Dom/Sub Play, Gentle dom Castiel, Dom Castiel/Sub Dean, Frottage, Oral Sex, Aftercare
A Quarter After One
Summary: It's been almost ten years since Dean Winchester disappeared, leaving nothing behind him but divorce papers and no contact number. Castiel has moved on, he has a wife, a child, a good job and a really nice car. Dean's living the dream with his own garage, so a chance meeting won't change anything, right? They've both moved on. Right?
Tags: AU- Modern, Divorced Dean Winchester, Divorced Castiel, Getting Back Together, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Family Feels,
Cas, Actually
Summary: It's been four days since the hunt went wrong and they lost people. Or rather, Castiel lost people. He's been locked in his room blaming himself even though the Winchesters insist it wasn't his fault. When Cas won't listen to them, won't talk to them, won't even look at them, Dean gets creative in his communication efforts.
Tags: Fluff, Love Actually References, Fluff and Angst, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Declarations of Love
nickelkeep - @nickelkeep - nickelkeep
Ambulansque Dormitet
Summary: Dean has never sleep walked his entire life. He would know. Sam never would have let him hear the end of it. Now, after being freed from Michael's possession, he is caught sleepwalking and he isn't hearing the end of it. Upset at being treated like a glass canon, Dean takes matters into his own hands, the best way he knows how.
Tags: Explicit, Phone Sex, Masturbation, Light BDSM, Light Dom/Sub, Dom!Cas, Sub!Dean, Insane amounts of Caffeine
Summary: Sam drags Dean along to a Gallery opening hosted by Sam's crush Sarah. Dean gets a lot more than he bargained for when arrives.
Tags: AU - Modern Setting, Immortal!Cas, Artist!Cas, Memory Loss, Reincarnation, Past Lives, Minor Sarah Blake/Sam Winchester
GrumpyPhoenix - GrumpyPhoenix
Heart Like a Haunted House
Summary: Homicide Detective Dean Winchester is very good at his job, especially when he works with the enigmatic and gorgeous Castiel Novak, a world renowned professor of psychology. Even though he’s wildly in love with the professor, Dean would never dream of disturbing their delicate relationship, until a serial killer comes to town and sets everything on end.
Tags: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Cop AU, DeanCas Pinefest 2019
thatpeculiarone - @ilovetodreamx - thatpeculiarone (YouTube)
A Way Back Home
Summary: When Dean Winchester and Claire Novak are forced to have weekly meetings, neither of them are in the slightest bit enthusiastic. However, after the initial disinterest, Dean and Claire begin to discover that they both have a lot of similarities. Not only do they both know sign language but they have both suffered loss. They’re both running from their problems and most importantly, they both love stories. As Dean delves into anecdotes of his past, Claire begins to notice that there is one central figure in all of them. The more Dean goes into his memories; the more Claire has questions. Soon, she discovers that there is an underlying secret within Dean’s stories, a hidden truth as to why Dean ran all those years ago. The more Claire discovers about Dean and the more she pieces together, the more desperate she is to figure out a way to help Dean find his way back home.
Tags: Pining, Baker!Dean, Deaf!Cas, Mute!Claire, Childhood Friends, Dean Cas Pinefest 2018, Warning: Bulling and Violence shown to deaf character.
With accompanying art by i-can-dig-up-elvis
Leap of Faith Trailer
Summary: A Fanfic Trailer made for @hartlessfiction‘s Fic Leap of Faith
Tags: Dean Cas Trailer
Dean & Castiel - The Rules for Lovers
Summary: DeanCas fanvid made to The Rules for Lovers by Richard Walters. Song suggestion by LtleFlrt.
Tags: WARNING - Slight flashing throughout the video so be warned if sensitive to that!
Dean & Castiel - Start a Riot
Summary: A DeanCas Fanvid made for @spnhell‘s birthday.
Tags: Dean Cas Fanvid
phoenix_michie - phoenix_michie
Summary: Sam loves his brother, and he’d do anything to save him – he’d even save him from himself. And since he doesn’t trust his brother that he’s going to drop the “Michael and me together in the box to save the world” thing, he does the very first thing he can think of to make sure that Dean won’t get into trouble again until they have figured out how to solve the problem: Sam wants to lock Dean into the bunker, together with Castiel to prevent him from doing something stupid. There’s only one way to make sure that Dean really won’t escape them: Handcuffs. Castiel’s on board with that.
Tags: Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Handcuffed Together, Explicit Sexual Content, Season/Series 14Post-Episode: s14e12 Prophet and Loss, Fluff and Smut, Non-Penetrative Sex
LeafZelindor - @leafzelindor
Coffee Shop
Summary: Just a random idea of Barista Cas and customer Dean.  Originally inspired by and old PB100 post but was not going to be able to finish in an hour so I held onto it :D
Tags: destiel, dean winchester, castiel, au, fluff, coffeeshop au, fanart
Magical Love
Summary: Drawn for the profound poses challenge, sweet Destiel Kisses!
Tags: Destiel, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Kisses, Fluff
Blueeyesandpie - @blueeyesandpie
Summary: Art created for DeanCas Pinkest 2019
Tags: destiel, real world AU, domestic fluff, pining, grayscale, dcpf-2019
Art for Homecoming by stitchingirl 
NadiaHart - @hartlessfiction - NadiaHart (Pillowfort)
Summary: In a world where Superheroes are known, Dean Winchester lives his life under the alias of Soter; defender of the weak, protector of the innocent. With his Support Tech, Helios remotely keeping tabs on him, Dean's got this superhero gig in the bag. Or at least he thinks he does. When a new threat appears on the horizon, and Dean's left weak and injured there's only one person who can come to his aid. But is a shut-in like Helios up for the task?
Tags: Superheroes/Superpowers, Superhero Dean Winchester, guy-in-the-chair Cas, Canon-Typical Violence, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Violence, Happy Ending
21 notes · View notes
saiyanhajime · 6 years
DBS: Broly - Review
I was excited to see “Dragon Ball Super: Broly”, obviously… It’s Dragon Ball! But I wasn’t expecting to be as blown away by it as I have been, to fall in love with it. For me, Dragon Ball has always been more about the fandom than the official media. When I first formed a love for the franchise, it was elusive and unattainable, so I had to get my kicks elsewhere.
I think DBS Broly might be my favourite piece of DB media, ever. It’s everything I ever wanted and everything I didn’t realise I needed from this franchise. I haven’t loved a piece of media like this in a long, loooong time.
Worth noting that, at the time of writing, I have only seen the English dub. I’ll wait for home release to see the subtitled Japanese audio version as I struggle to keep up with text and visuals at the same time!
The Cinema Experience
My first viewing was a small, packed screen on opening night here in the UK. The audience seemed to be mostly around 25-30 year olds, almost entirely fellow guys (my friend was one of maybe 5 women - seriously, where are you all??). But the ethnic diversity of Dragon Ball’s audience is something most movies could only dream of attracting. It was a great time, with people audibly laughing out loud and clapping at the end. The movie is genuinely so brilliantly funny, a surprise in itself.
My second viewing, the following night, alone, was a larger screening. Roughly the same audience demographics, but this time, the audience erupted into cheering with each transformation… It was so fucking incredible to be a part of. I was grinning the entire time. It’s hard to overstate just how important the social aspect of enjoying this movie in the cinema was.
It’s incredible to finally be living Dragon Ball “up to date” like this and the excitement shows.
Spoilers incoming...
Story Isn’t King
That's coming from someone who has always wished for more depth to DB, but what I've realised recently is that the level of storytelling the community plugs into this franchise is not something that belongs in the official media. We do it better, because we do it free of constraints the official releases require to be Dragon Ball, that it requires to be so widely popular. The official text is a framework, not a rulebook. I think one of the things that contributes to Dragon Ball’s insane popularity and ability to speak to so many people in so many cultures is how vague it can be. The snippets of depth are there for us to draw our own conclusions. DB doesn’t need canon absolutes in backstory.
Overall, I prefer the old “Bardock - The Father of Goku” telling of the prequel events that set up the Broly movie, though man it's been an age since I saw that. I wonder how much of my preference is just nostalgia? How much is knowing that Bardock: Father of Goku wasn’t “canon”, and so didn’t really matter? That is liberating. Now Dragon Ball Minus and DBS: Broly seem to demand that this is the way it actually happened with no room for headcanon and I feel a little turned off. There is plenty to like with this retelling. Gine is a delight, more of the saiyan homeworld is welcomed and just look at small details like Bardock actually moving his tail in this scene rather than it constantly being wrapped around their waists ready for combat. Ideally, I would like a perfect blend of the best elements from both tellings. And ya know what? That's the beauty of fandom... I can have that.
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It is so obvious that huge chunks of story are missing here, yet it already drags for me a little... I’m not sure what the solution is, really. I’ve seen people suggesting it should have been two movies, but I’m not sure I agree.
Once the movie skips forward to present day, the storytelling revolving around the discovery of Broly, Paragus and their recruiting into the Freeza force is entertaining and I’m way more invested. So maybe it is just apathy for a prequel story retold a slightly different way…
But when the insane 30-40 minute non-stop action starts in the latter half, that’s when the movie comes into its own for me. This is Dragon Ball.
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Overall, the narrative does something new for the series. It sets up, foreshadows and references back in a more conventional pattern than ever before. It feels, I dunno. It feels… Westernised? It feels, both narratively and in overall quality, more like a movie and not just a tacked on side-story. There’s no unnecessary inclusion of side characters irrelevant to the plot making cameos. Everyone is here for a reason.
Character Personalities
The characters behave like themselves again, and not just through exposition dumping monologues the series is famous for, but through visual storytelling! There is so much not said, so much told through the fight, through their expressions and movements.
From the moment Vegeta’s playful spar with Goku ends at Bulma’s vacation house, you get a very different Vegeta to the one we’ve seen through Super. His turn to listen to Goku and Whis's conversation is full of character. He's so on edge about something. And proceeds to tell us why with a humorous but genuinely livid jab at Goku for wishing Freeza back to life. Vegeta is worried. In the scene where Bulma is reviewing the CCTV footage of the Dragon Ball theft, Vegeta double takes and glares at Goku when it becomes obvious the thieves are Freeza’s men. They say nothing. It’s all character acting. It tells us so much.
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Vegeta's anxiety continues on, affecting his fight with Broly… He barely has a chance to enjoy the fight at all. We get so little cocky Vegeta enjoying a battle and instead a very serious Vegeta who feels the need to to end this threat right now. What I take from all this is an example of quality character development - instead of Vegeta simply becoming more friendly, his personality that we all love is still there, but his morals have changed. His entertainment isn’t as important as protecting his family. And having witnessed Goku’ recklessly endanger their friends and families in throughout DB Super, Vegeta is not prepared to take any chances here, attempting to deliver a finishing blow very early on.
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And Goku, who’s characterisation in Super felt so utterly insulting at times, is back on form here. His idiotic moments don’t feel so absurdly stupid that they’re unbelievable, but instead come across as cute and heartwarming. Moments like his talk with Broly mid fight, with Piccolo when he’s lying on the ground battered and bruised and when he’s simply watching Broly transform into a super saiyan for the first time convey Goku’s ability to be serious and regretful. It was so refreshing to see Goku back on form. The first half of his fight with Broly is incredible - going from excitement, to confidence that he could talk Broly round, to being put firmly in his place, on the ground. People who criticise the series for having no stakes fail to understand that the stakes are truly nestled in the characters personalities and their pride. The stakes are whether they will be able to overcome their flaws, both metaphorically through transformations, and literally.
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Voice Acting (Dub)
Whilst on the subject of the characters, the voice acting is unbelievably good… Chris Ayres as Freeza steals the show, but the others are brilliant also.The line delivery is one thing, the ability to so brilliantly match that to the mouth flaps another, but the writing for a Western, English speaking audience is just superb. I cannot wait to see what differs in the original Japanese - I’ve heard that Freeza’s “Hello Monkeys!” line was a dub change from “Greetings!” for example, which in my opinion is so appropriate and elicits an uncomfortable, awkward laugh from the aforementioned ethnically diverse audience in the west in a such good way. Freeza as a tyrannical, racist, piece of shit, is an important character trait to a Western audience. The jokes that ride on line delivery alone are so numerous - one personal highlight for me is Whis’ ever-so-gay coded “Oh my…” when Gogeta bursts in. Took the words right out of my mouth, Whis. The voice acting is on a whole different level to anything before now from the American team. The scene I’ve already mentioned where Goku is contacted by Piccolo, Schemmel really sells the pain Goku’s in. And lets not forget Broly himself, played by Vic Mignogna, whose line delivery really conveys him as this Tarzan-like character in his sane scenes… But really shines in moments of mania when he’s flailing, yelling, crying as a cornered, manic, rabid ape who cannot control his emotions or immense strength. The scene where he’s just making noises at Goku, copying his fighting stance before he launches at him - wow. Even new side characters like Lemo have an outstanding quality to their voice acting that blows any previous English speaking Dragon Ball performance so far out of the water it’s insane.
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Having a Dragon Ball story focus on so many characters who aren’t Goku is refreshing for a franchise that’s been so heavily criticised for being The Goku Show… For years we’ve wanted to see other characters step into the limelight. I still haven’t forgiven the last movie, Resurrection F, for stealing the win out from under Vegeta.
Vegeta still doesn’t get the long awaited limelight here… But this “new” saiyan, Broly, is something rather special. I wasn’t a fan of the original Broly. Loved the idea, but never liked the execution. His visual design I found personally off-putting, but more importantly it failed to convey his character very well. He looked so prestigious?  And the idea of being so affected by Goku crying as a baby next to him, that it sent him into uncontrollable rage whenever he heard the same “Kakarot” is so laughably stupid. I’m glad that’s not here.
The cool concept of the legendary super saiyan, though... I think most people dig that. Here that’s kind of gone too - but the idea of a freakishly strong saiyan from birth who is the embodiment of their animalistic heritage and rage-induced potential is beautifully executed. The great ape form, or rather Broly having found a way of accessing that power without transforming, is referenced more than once throughout the story. There’s this sense that the way Goku and Vegeta have learnt to control themselves has perhaps potentially hindered them. That maybe the ultra-instinct forms Whis has foreshadowed for so long is related, or could be used to tap into the natural potential of saiyans. Huh.
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With a visually pleasing design to boot, Broly is absolutely awesome as the star in his own movie as a tragic menace. So much is done to sell this as Broly’s movie, from his sheer amount of screen time and characterisation in both his placid and manic states, to that awesome first person perspective part of his fight - incredible.
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Animation and Aesthetics
You don’t need me to tell you this film looks gorgeous and I’ve already mentioned some scenes where the characters convey so much through movement alone. This looks like Dragon Ball never has. It feels nostalgic, but refreshing. It’s stylistically so unique and fluid and choreographed and magical. Impacts hit with such full-force conviction, the characters gracefully zooming around each other in dueling harmony, the electrifying ki beams piercing through the bleak environments with their vibrant colour and form. For once you really believe just how powerful and fast these superhumans are… Perhaps one of the reasons why the first half of the film is so much weaker for me is simply because there's less of this beautiful action. But the entire film is steeped in impressively bold and emotive colour pallets that sell the mood of each location so well.
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But there’s a great big elephant in the room… The cgi.
It would seem I have a different opinion to most on this subject. I don’t mind the environmental cgi, but the character animation is jarring and I hate it. It is a blemish on an otherwise gorgeous piece of art. Now, I’m really funny about “bad” cgi. I also don’t know dick about animation. I just know when something looks really, really wrong. It’s as if the cgi characters have no squash and stretch applied that keeps them fluid. They’re stiff. There’s no elasticity, no umph. They move like someone just put strobe lights on. Their joints like that of action figures. I’ve seen so many people say it’s not bad or they even like these parts and I’m really glad it didn’t ruin it for most people, but my god does it ruin those scenes for me. Just look at the awkward mouth flaps and dead eyes, especially on Goky, in the Kamehameha/Galick Gun combo scene. Yuck.
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I love the score.
Before I saw the movie, I heard a lot of people talking about the chanting and how weird it was - but the second it started my first thought was how much it reminded me of Akira. And yeah, it’s kinda weird. And I love it. It hypes up this epic match and I don’t find it cheesy at all. I love it both in context and even when listened to in isolation.
The entire score is all over the place yet manages to feel whole as it attempts, and succeeds, to convey the atmosphere and emotion of each location, narrative beat and every swing of a fist or blast of ki. The only track I’m not keen on is the rendition of Chala Head Chala. I think it’s a pretty pants rendition of the song and is immensely distracting in an otherwise moving soundtrack. The movie totally needs a rendition of Head Chala right there, but not this rendition. I just don’t like it. The weird boingy sound is awful.
Final Thoughts
The success of Dragon Ball Super: Broly, especially in the west, is a joyful reminder what this 30 year old franchise means to so many people. Very few non-fans are going to have set foot in a cinema to see this movie, and yet the current total earnings at the time of writing on January 29th 2019 is $98,584,176 according to Box Office Mojo.
That is truly insane.
It feels like this movie was made especially for me and for that I am eternally grateful. Speaking to fellow fans and reading their reviews, it’s so clear that everyone has different things to love about this movie. There’s so much content here for every fan to find something they love. I cannot wait to get hold of a home release and I cannot wait to see what’s to come, ho-ly shit! What a time to be a Dragon Ball fan.
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