#nothing pisses me off more than when someone comes at me for being yet actually has done no activism themselves
happy74827 · 2 months
Say Yes to Heaven
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[Logan Howlett x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Sometimes all it takes is one look. One gesture. One word. One action. To remind them that not everyone sees them the same, and It's enough to send a person over the edge.
WC: 3690
Category: Fluff, First Kiss, Logan’s POV
Another Grumpy!Logan x Sunshine!Reader because it’s my comfort trope ✨🫶
He never realized how much he wanted someone to care for.
It was something he didn't know he desired. A year ago, he didn't care for a single thing. He felt nothing. He was so numb. So empty.
He was an angry man. The kind of man people kept their distance from. Wade ruined that; he aggravated him so much that Logan started actually caring about his life. And for as much as he despised his fugly ass, he was internally grateful for him. He started to open up more and more.
Wade had a part in taking him out of rock bottom, as they say, but you… you aggravated him in the most endearing way possible. You were so bright, so happy, and full of life. Logan couldn't understand how someone could be like that, and he hated you for it. He thought it was so ignorant of you.
"I mean, come on, how could she be that happy all the time? It's fucking dumb. She doesn't even know me!"
That's what he said to Wade, but his roommate only laughed. He found his frustration hilarious and made fun of him constantly.
And don’t even get started on the way you spoke. Never once have you raised your voice at anyone. You always talked softly, and even if you were pissed off, you still found a way to make your words sound gentle.
The man couldn’t wrap his mind around the way you acted, you weren’t a mutant, but you damn well could have been with that forever customer service smile you wore every day.
The level of patience and understanding you held for people was insane to him, especially the amount of patience you held with him.
He was constantly telling you to fuck off, and you took no offense; you just returned that stupidly kind smile and told him that if he needed anything, you were there for him.
You had no clue what he’s done, what he's capable of, and yet you treat him with the utmost respect. And being a mutant, respect, and kindness were two things he hadn’t received in a very long time.
It made him realize things—about himself and others. He started noticing you a little more—the way you looked and the way you acted. It started out as simple confusion and disgust… the typical reactions one would have when one sees an overly happy person.
But it evolved slowly into intrigue and curiosity.
Then something else. Something he couldn't describe.
His first instinct was to push it away. To try and convince himself, he was disgusted. He did this with everything he felt, but he couldn’t keep lying to himself.
It wasn't disgust.
He couldn't name it; he wasn't ready to, but he knew it wasn’t that.
Wade had noticed the change in him, the way he looked at you, the way he started being a little less rough with the words he chose to say. He didn’t bring it up, but the shit-eating grin he gave each time Logan walked in and saw you was more than enough proof that he had picked up on it.
Of course, it only resorted to grins because the one time he opened his mouth, Logan didn’t restrain himself. He popped his claws and had to go couch shopping the next day.
So, with Wade keeping his mouth shut after being chewed out by Blind Al and Logan trying his best to push away the foreign feelings, it finally reached a point where he could no longer ignore them.
He didn’t understand why, of all nights, it had to be this one, but it was.
It was 3 am, and his old nightmares had come back to haunt him. He was restless, sweaty, and couldn't take another second of sleep.
It took a rinsing of the bathroom sink and a pitiful glare at his reflection for you to return his gaze.
He froze for a second.
You were wearing a large T-shirt, with a pair of shorts underneath. Your hair was messy, but it looked so soft, and your face was clear of makeup, leaving the imperfections of your skin that made you all the more beautiful.
Always wearing a smile. Always greeting him with a soft voice, sometimes a little raspy if just waking up, butnonetheless soft.
But once he rubbed his eyes and let out a tired yawn, you weren’t there anymore.
Because you were never there, you lived across the street. You were in your apartment, sleeping, with no idea that, at that moment, the man who constantly told you to fuck off realized he couldn't stop thinking about you.
The same man who would grunt, scoff, and throw away every kind gesture now realized he secretly cherished them.
He stood there for a moment, just pondering his thoughts. His eyes were still on the spot he saw you in.
His head turned to the right, seeing the digital clock that rested on the nightstand.
3:02 am.
You were asleep…. most likely asleep. You would be unhappy if he came over and woke you up, wouldn't you?
He looked back at the sink.
You could be upset, but you could also be happy. You could give him that smile. That sweet, warm smile.
It would be worth it, right? Just for that?
3:04 am
He didn’t think about it. Not even for a second. Ironically, it started raining as if to test him, but the man was determined.
He put on a jacket to cover his bare chest, threw on some random shoes, and was out the door before his mind could stop him.
3:13 am
He knocked on your apartment door. He was completely drenched from the rain. His hair was messy, his jacket sticking to his body, and his shoes were so wet that the squelching sound they made was the only thing audible.
He heard shuffling. Soft steps coming closer. He could smell your scent. It shocked him how easy it was for him to recognize it.
You unlocked the door. Your brows furrowed in confusion.
His mental image of you being in sleepwear, messy hair, no makeup, had been confirmed. You were beautiful.
You had a tired look, one of the many looks he wasn’t used to. But it was still a good look, and it still held your signature kindness.
He had a feeling it would.
You didn't look too shocked, just tired and confused.
You spoke. "Logan, is…? Are you okay?"
Your voice was even softer than usual, the raspiness it held only making it more comforting.
You were genuinely worried about him, and it hit him then that he was being an asshole. Making you wake up in the middle of the night, and for what? Just because he wanted to see you?
Just because of that, he should’ve given you a reason. An explanation.
He should've asked. He should have done so many things differently, but he didn’t.
His head was in the clouds, and all he could think about was you.
You. That was all.
But his expression gave away that he was in a daze, and your worry only grew.
"Logan? What's wrong?"
You stepped out into the hallway and reached a hand to him.
His heart jumped a bit when you did so. It was just a gesture—one simple act of compassion.
He wasn't worthy of that, but he couldn't resist. He didn't want to.
Your fingers barely brushed against his upper arm before he moved. He grabbed your wrist.
His grip wasn't hard. His hold was gentle, as he had no intentions of hurting you. You could’ve easily pulled your arm away if you wanted to, but you didn't.
His eyes locked with yours. He wasn't sure what possessed him, but it felt so right, so he followed his instincts.
He tugged at your wrist, causing your body to fall into him. Your chest pressed against his. His arms wrapped around you, one hand cupping the back of your neck, the other resting on the small of your back.
The embrace was so sudden, and he knew the situation was far from ideal, but his senses were overflowed by your presence, your scent, your softness.
His chin rested atop your head, and his eyes fluttered closed.
It wasn’t the first time he ever hugged someone, but it was the first time he hugged someone in such a way. He held onto you tightly, his grip possessive but not painful.
He was afraid to let go.
He felt your hands press against his chest. You were probably going to push him away, he thought, and he tried to prepare himself. He told himself he would let you go because it was the right thing to do, yet he didn’t need to.
You hugged him back, and he almost lost his footing.
How long had it been since he last received a hug? Since the last time, someone held him and showed him affection?
Too long.
Your hands went inside his opened jacket and held onto him. Your fingers pressed against his skin, and your soft, warm breaths caressed his neck.
He could stay like this for eternity, and he would never grow tired of it.
Your voice reached his ears.
"Logan, did something happen?"
He had been standing there for quite a while. He wasn’t aware of how long. Time seemed to freeze around you, but he didn’t mind. He wasn't one to believe in such nonsense, but when it came to you, he was ready to accept it.
Your hand rested on his arm, and he knew you were subtly prompting him to move, and so he did.
He pulled away from the hug just enough to look at you.
Your lips were turned upwards. The corners of your eyes creased.
It was then that his actions registered—how utterly close the two of you were, how intimately you were holding each other. He was already warm just from genetics alone, but now he felt everything around him heat up.
He didn't know what to say. It was like he was back in that bar, drinking away every thought. He couldn't think. There was nothing. Nothing but the feel of your body against his.
But what truly sealed the deal was when he felt your thumb gently caress his knuckles. It was a small movement, barely noticeable, but it was centered exactly on the scars his claws made.
That little movement made his brain short-circuit. His hands twitched. His grip tightened. He held onto you with his entire body as if scared to let you go.
"What happened?"
You were patient with him. The fact that he hadn’t even answered any of your concerns said enough.
But, eventually, he did find some words to respond with. It wasn’t the answer you were searching for, but it was a response.
"Why are you always being so fucking kind?"
It was such a simple question, and yet the amount of pain it carried was overwhelming. He knew you could hear every word behind it. Every word he couldn't bring himself to say.
He didn’t deserve it. He wasn’t a good man. He did horrible things, and sure… he made an attempt to make up for it. To be better, but it couldn’t have been enough, could it?
You were still here, looking at him with those soft eyes.
Why couldn't you look at him the way he deserved to be looked at? Like he was a monster.
Why did you have to look at him with those goddamn beautiful eyes?
"You deserve kindness, Logan. We all do."
And then, your voice became even softer and a little shaky. Your hands went back to massaging his knuckles. His scars.
"Just because you see yourself a certain way doesn’t mean the rest of us do. I see the good in you. Always have since we first met."
You spoke so softly, yet your words were heavy with emotion.
"I know it's not easy, but try to have a little more faith in yourself."
You didn’t deserve the harsh words he always threw at you. You didn’t deserve any of his anger. You didn't deserve him.
"Why?" He repeated his question, his voice strained, and you didn't miss the way his jaw clenched. "Why should I?"
His arms loosened their hold around you; his hands moved down your sides, and his touch feathered light. He wasn’t sure what he was doing, but he couldn’t quite let go just yet.
You paid it no mind. Only staring back into his eyes with the same kindness he was so used to, the one he had grown to treasure.
"You have a right to feel the way you do, Logan. And I can't claim to understand what you've been through. I can't begin to imagine. But you are a good man. A little rough around the edges, maybe, but you’ve shown me time and time again that you're trying."
A smile crept its way onto your face, and a soft giggle escaped past your lips.
Now, to be fair, he was used to hearing your laughter. With your… odd sense of humor, it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. But, this would be one of the firsts to add to his collection.
The one reserved for him and him only.
Your laughter wasn’t loud, or annoying, or anything like Wade's. It was soft, sweet, and oh-so pleasant.
You were looking at him. Staring up at him with such love and warmth. You didn't even realize it, but he did.
"Besides, who wouldn't be a little grouchy waking up to that handsome face every morning?"
And, now, he was repulsed by the unwelcome vision of a certain masked man making his way into his head. He was so disgusted by the thought he didn’t bother responding. He didn't want to.
So, instead, he moved.
He had a habit of moving on his own and not thinking about it. It went from his hands going to your sides, and now, his hands reaching out to press against the door behind you.
You were pinned against the door, and the way you looked at him didn’t change. Of course, it didn't. Your eyes were always kind. They always were.
You were leaning against the door. Looking at him, waiting.
And he stared back.
He was so close, and he was tempted to pull away. To take a step back and leave. It would be the best for both of you; at least, he thinks so.
He couldn't give you anything.
He had nothing.
There was only himself. His body. His mind. His past.
His claws, too, if that counted for anything.
But, besides those, there was nothing.
He wasn’t a bad man, but he wasn't good either. Not like you were. He couldn’t possibly begin to match you, not even if he tried.
Which is why he had no intention of trying.
Yet, even as he thought that, his body moved even closer. The dog tags he had never taken off since he was given them hung loosely, dangling in front of your face.
One of your hands was on his chest, the other gripping onto the material of his shirt.
You spoke his name so softly. Almost a whisper, and yet, the sound of it was all his senses were focused on.
Your gaze shifted between his eyes and lips, and the hand that had been holding onto his shirt moved, reaching up to his shoulder.
The touch was light, as if hesitant, and it caused him to lean even closer.
It was so close. You were so close. You had been before, but never like this. Never in the way he wanted.
He wanted you so badly.
And you were right there. Looking at him with those eyes, with a soft, tender smile, and with an expression he didn't recognize.
He knew that was an invitation. You were always an open book, and your body language was no different.
And it wasn't the first time you did so.
There were many times when you looked at him. Your eyes trailing over his face. Your gaze went downwards, lingering before you snapped out of it and looked away.
He always saw it, always knew it was there, but he just chose to ignore it. He wasn’t in the right mind, then. He was just another broken man, struggling to get by, trying his best.
Trying to find some meaning in his life.
But, even now, he was still hesitant. Even after coming all the way here and making his intentions clear, he struggled with it.
"Are you sure?"
Because you were so much better than him.
Because he could still remember the day the two of you met. How much of an asshole he was, how rude, how angry.
It wasn’t until the seventh time you approached him that he realized that he had met someone who genuinely, wholeheartedly cared.
It wasn't until the twentieth time you approached him that he finally accepted it.
He could never forget the way you smiled and spoke to him, even though he had given you no reason to.
"Hi, Logan!"
You would say.
"Good morning!"
You would wave.
"Have a nice day, Logan."
You would nod, even though the man himself chose to ignore you. Goddamn it. You were so much better than him.
Much purer. Much more innocent.
You had a heart of gold, and a soul as white as snow. You were so good, so kind, and the thought of soiling you, of ruining your light with his darkness, it scared him.
It was the sole reason he didn't give in, even now, with you offering yourself to him.
He didn't want to ruin you.
No hesitation. No second thoughts.
Your eyes were so kind. So full of love, and the same emotion reflected back in his own.
But, even with the clear sign of assurance, he still felt the need to create one last line of defense.
With the hand against the door, he peeled it back enough to have your eyes catch sight of the fist it made.
In a millisecond, he unleashed his claws and slammed his fist against the door, the sharp adamantium easily slicing through the wood, causing the door to crack.
And, yet, no reaction. Not a single flinch, not a wince, not even a hitch of breath.
You weren't afraid. Not at all. Even as the claws were mere inches from your face, you weren't scared.
The corners of your mouth twitched. Upwards, and it soon bloomed into a bright smile.
He retracted his claws, and gave you another once-over, just to be sure, and you responded by lifting your hand, grasping the metal chain hanging from his neck.
Your fingers grazed against the cool metal, and your smile softened before turning into a small grin.
"For a man who states he isn’t scared of anything, you sure have a lot of defense mechanisms, Logan."
Teasing. That was a new one for you.
He liked it.
"Say it again." Now, finally, you showed a different expression. Confusion mixed with curiosity. You were wondering what he meant. "My name."
For you, his actions were mere seconds. You had no time to process the feeling of his breath against your lips. The feeling of his stubble tickling your skin. The feeling of his warm, dry lips pressed against yours.
But, for him, it was a slow, steady motion. He took his time. He pulled you closer, his hands moving from the door and cupping the back of your head and your waist.
The kiss was soft. Gentle. Nothing rushed.
He held you like you were fragile. Like you were made of porcelain and could break at any moment. He could, theoretically, but he would rather go through Cassandra’s entire repertoire of torture than hurt you.
He lifted you up. Your legs wrapped around his waist, and your arms around his neck, his own pulling you closer, his fingers digging into your skin.
You tasted exactly how you were. Pure. Sweet.
Like heaven.
He was sure he was leaving that of the bitter alcohol he had downed on your lips, but you didn't seem fussy about it.
Not that he could focus on anything else, anyway.
He was too distracted by the way his tongue danced with yours.
Too focused on the taste of your mouth.
Too distracted by the way your hands made themselves a home in his wet hair. They would tug every once in a while, releasing a groan he hadn’t known was there.
He was too distracted to care.
He was too lost in your scent. Wade always called him that character from that shity vampire movie due to his nose.
He always disagreed until you happened to mention the resemblance. Then, and only then, did he see the logic.
And you saw the logic here, too—the logic of how good you melted together. Experiencing it now made him question his decision to stay away.
If it was always going to be this good, this intoxicating, he should’ve done it a long time ago.
He should've taken the chance.
It would've saved the two of you a lot of frustration, and a lot of headaches.
But it didn't matter. He was here now.
And, as his foot broke into the door, mouth still latched onto yours, with him figuring his way about your apartment, he thought:
It doesn't matter.
As long as I’m here.
As long as you’re in my arms.
It doesn't matter.
Fortunately, that meant he didn’t have to wake up to that toupee-stapled face every morning, as he had so dreadfully imagined.
Unfortunately, it also meant that the next time he saw Wade, he would have to deal with him talking his ears off about what had transpired.
But, for now, he could live with that.
He was more focused on the fact on making sure you weren’t regretting your choice.
Because he sure as fuck didn��t.
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tititilani · 3 months
I can't stop thinking about if Simon had taken Edwin's offer
Like Charles finds Edwin in the hallway as ever but this time there's another boy there too, cowering against the wall next to him. Maybe the dollhead spider doesn't care about Simon, too busy focusing on its favorite target, so Charles is left standing in the hallway with Simon when Edwin is taken.
They get out of hell, but Edwin doesn't confess due to Simon hovering behind his elbow. He doesn't want to confess his emotions in front of his killer, who he probably hasn't even properly figured out how he's feeling towards yet.
The Night Nurse is pissed they came out with an extra soul but Niko's same loophole still applies and Simon stays.
"This is Simon," Edwin says when it's all said and done, finally introducing the boy that's been hiding behind him since the door closed. "He was a...classmate of mine."
"He saved me," Simon says, looking up at Edwin moony-eyed and Charles knows that look and something settles heavy in his stomach.
"Glad to have ya, mate," he tells him even though the words taste sour. This other boy knew Edwin when he was alive, the thought is slightly terrifying to him.
Simon settles in fine with the agency even if the agency feels a little crowded now with five people in it but he continues to moon over Edwin and Edwin just...never tells anyone how they actually knew each other. He reasons it just doesn't matter, that he can't find the right time, whatever.
Charles never really warms up to him, though he tries to hide it, but he sees the looks Simon gives Edwin, a soppy smitten look that is somehow worse than anything Monty or the Cat King ever tried with Edwin because of all of them, Simon arguably knows the most about like Edwardian courting. That, like Edwin, Simon has also survived hell. Charles hates the idea that someone could potentially understand Edwin more than he does.
He hates it so much that nothing further happens between him and Crystal because the idea of Edwin being left alone with Simon bothers him so much. He sees Simon adjusting Edwin's collar one (1) time and it makes him feel sick.
And then there's the fortune-teller.
They only go to her sometimes for cases because she never fails to freak Charles out but her prophecies tend to be accurate like 60% of the time which is pretty good for a fortune teller. She looks at the two of them at the end, because it is just the two of them for once, and then looks just at Edwin.
"How kind you are," she says, the words a compliment but the tone snide. "To house your killer. Pray tell it doesn't come back to you."
"What." Charles says. "The fuck."
Charles is furious, of course, and it takes Edwin a long time to talk him out of smashing Simon's face in with the new cricket bat.
"He's like me," he insists in that quiet but firm voice. Charles wants to scream that Simon is nothing like Edwin - that he doesn't have a fraction of Edwin's kindness or pissiness, that his blue eyes are not nearly as beautiful as Edwin's green - but before he can even open his mouth, Edwin continues. "He...He likes boys, Charles. He likes me."
Oh. Oh.
Charles stares at Edwin who is looking back at him, trying and failing to hide the fact he's terrified, and Charles doesn't give one shit that Edwin likes boys because he's his best mate forever. He's still pissed that Simon is apparently staying but he has to hug Edwin at that. "I'm still pissed you didn't tell me about him," is all he says, swallowing back the other words he wants to say.
Charles grows even more paranoid about Simon being around, who has to get used to the fact that Charles takes to swinging his cricket bat ominously every time he comes within ten feet of Edwin. He finds out that adjusting clothing was an Edwardian courting thing and wants to break something. The very idea the very person who killed his best mate is now trying to put the moves on said best mate pisses him off.
It also makes him think of numerous times Edwin had readjusted his collar or jacket in the past and it makes his non-existent stomach flip.
Eventually, Simon decides he's ready to move on to his after-life and Charles keeps his hands from fisting when he looks at Edwin with that same soppy look. He knows Edwin has forgiven Simon by now but Charles has always been better at holding a grudge and he knows what is going to come out of Simon's mouth before he even asks. He knows that if Edwin says yes, he won't stop him.
Charles also knows that if Edwin does, there is no way he is going to find any kind of his own afterlife.
"You could come with me," Simon says hopefully and the moment after is the longest in Charles' life.
"Thank you, Simon," Edwin says kindly and Charles has to keep himself from crying. "But I have no interest in going anywhere without Charles."
He steps back - away from Simon and back towards Charles. Ears suspiciously pink, Edwin links their hands and they watch as Simon follows the Night Nurse.
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starryhyuck · 5 months
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pairing: alpha!soulmate!jeno x afab!omega!reader
words: 2.9k+
summary: your first meeting with the notorious lee jeno sends you spiraling into heat.
genre: smut
warnings: a/b/o dynamics, knotting, breeding kink, cunnilingus, degradation, mating, some public sex
“You’re coming with me to the Governor’s Ball tonight.”
Your eyebrow raises at Hyewon, who is eagerly sitting across from you, practically jumping out of her seat. The Beta in her is naturally timid, so she must be extremely excited to be acting this way.
“And why would I do that?” You ask, displaying no interest in the event. “It’s just going to be a room filled with rowdy Alphas.”
“That’s why we’re going, duh,” Hyewon says as if you’ve lost a few brain cells. “It won’t just be an event with any regular Alpha — these Alphas will be the most handsome and richest of all!”
Hyewon comes from an affluent family that has an expectation of her to marry wealthy. You know she has been trying for years to pair with any man who has millions in his bank account, yet none of them can match her standards.
You, on the other hand, couldn’t care less about finding an Alpha to mate with. You’ve always envisioned yourself with a calmer Beta, someone who had realistic goals and expectations and wasn’t driven by the feral nature of their genetics. Alphas are known for being possessive and dominant, and it just doesn’t seem like an ideal relationship for you.
“Hyewon, I really don’t think that’s my scene.”
“Come on,” she pouts at you. “Do you know how lucky you are to be an Omega? I would kill to present like you and have every Alpha bend to my whim.”
The statement is slightly exaggerated but not entirely untrue. As an Omega, you do recognize that you have more of a leverage with Alphas as your scent is naturally more alluring to them than a Beta’s. However, you have always opposed the idea that Omegas are solely born to satisfy Alphas. They see you as nothing but a hole to fill and a neck to be marked.
Hyewon clutches to your wrist and pleads loudly, drawing looks from other students lingering in the cafe.
“Please, please, please-“
“Okay!” You huff, withdrawing your hand and looking down bashfully. “Fine, I’ll go with you.”
She throws her arms up and cheers happily.
Hyewon wraps you in a stuffy, form fitting dress which is covered head to toe in expensive crystals. She insists you have to shine at the event in order to stand out from all the other Omegas in attendance tonight. Despite your indifference, you let her play dress up as she wants.
She tugs you into the lavish Governor’s Ball, where most of the political leaders of your town are gathered. Hyewon’s eyes lock into the Lee family, the most influential household in werewolf existence.
You don’t know much about the Lee family despite their powerful presence, but Hyewon is quick to fill in the gaps. “That’s Lee Taeyong,” she whispers to you as she points to the stoic man standing across the room. “He’s the oldest, and he’s actually nicer than he looks. The one next to him is the middle child, Lee Mark.” The man she points to has a similar bored expression painting his face, slowly swirling his champagne glass to find a source of amusement. You can tell from the lilt in Hyewon’s voice that he is the Alpha she has her sights set on for the night. “And that guy is the youngest, Lee Jeno. Don’t even try with him, he’s a waste of time.”
Your eyebrows furrow at the Alpha, who appears angrier than any other male in this ballroom. You can practically feel his disdain coursing through your veins.
“Why is he so… grumpy?”
She laughs at your question. “I told you, he’s a waste of time. He’s always pissed off at these events for no reason and hates it when any Beta or Omega tries to make conversation with him. He’s the worst Lee brother to mate with.”
Hyewon soon leaves you to your own devices, heading off to try and win Mark over. You awkwardly make conversation with a few other Omegas around you, but they seem more interested in gathering the attention of the Lee brothers than actually engaging with you.
Midway through the event, you head to the bathroom down the corridor to freshen up. You gasp when you turn the corner and suddenly ram straight into someone’s chest. Your champagne glass falls to the floor and shatters across the marble, but that is the last thing you’re concerned about.
Your body suddenly starts to feel like it’s on fire, heat spreading through your core rapidly. You choke and clutch your stomach, glancing up to see the reason behind your misery.
Jeno stands in front of you, eyes blooming red as he drinks you in. You pant and take a step back from him, recognizing the signs of your approaching heat.
But that can’t be possible — your heat isn’t due to come for another few weeks.
“W-What did y-you do-“ You wheeze, embarrassed by the slick dampening your panties.
“Omega,” Jeno says, stern glare painting his face as he reaches for you. “Calm down.”
His fingers brush by your mating gland and you gasp. His touch feels like someone rubbed a match and lit a fire against your skin. You turn and run as fast as you can, reentering the ballroom and darting straight for Hyewon’s figure. Every Alpha’s head turns at the scent of your growing heat, baring their teeth at your lewd display.
“Hyewon,” you beg, clutching her arm. “You need to take me home.”
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
As a Beta, Hyewon can’t smell your growing arousal or detect the signs of you going into your heat. All she sees is her friend with a desperate look on her face. Mark, who is standing across from her, shifts his predatory gaze to you. Hyewon notices the change in him and she quickly pulls you behind her.
“A-Are you going into heat?” She asks quietly.
You nod and whimper. She asks no further questions, wrenching your figure close to hers and locating the nearest exit. She shoves you into the first limousine in the parking lot and shuts the door behind her, shouting your address at the driver.
You grasp her elbow and cry. “Hyewon, this is a strong one-“
A wave of arousal shoots down your spine, causing you to fall deeper and deeper into your subspace. If Hyewon doesn’t lock you in your bedroom soon, you’re afraid you might offer yourself to the first Alpha you see.
“Why didn’t you say you were about to go into heat?” She chastises, grabbing a tissue to dab at your sweltering forehead. “Let me call Jaemin.”
You stop her from taking her phone out of her purse. “N-No, don’t call him. I don’t want him.”
“What? You always use Jaemin for your heats.”
“No,” you shake your head, still unsure of why you’re denying her. She’s right — since your first heat, you have always asked Na Jaemin to come over and take care of you. He was a family friend and never took advantage of you at your worst. However, there’s a sinking feeling in your gut that’s telling you Jaemin is the last Alpha you want to see right now. “Just get me home.”
You barely register Hyewon helping you into your apartment, faintly remembering her guiding you to your bed.
“W-What should I-“
“Please leave,” you say, writhing and desperately pulling at the zipper of your dress to get it off you. “Trust me, you don’t want to see me like this.”
She frowns, her voice filled with concern. “But-“
“Please, Hyewon,” you plead. “Thank you for getting me here but you need to leave.”
You hear the front door close just as you fling your dress to the floor, quickly locating your vibrator in your nightstand. You pull your panties to the side and sigh in relief when you sink the toy into your heat. It only quenches your pain slightly, but it’s enough to simmer down the fire in your belly.
You’re unaware of how much time has passed when there’s another knock at your door. You’re writhing on the bed sheets, begging for another orgasm as your hand has grown tired of lazily pushing your vibrator in and out of your dripping pussy. Your fingers circle your clit slowly as you plead for the moon to end your misery.
You miss the sound of your door rattling off its hinges, mind overtaken by a cloud of fuzziness. Loud stomping echoes throughout your apartment and a large figure invades your room, growling when he sees the sight of you hopelessly twisting your hips to gain any sort of comfort.
A hand wraps around your throat and squeezes, forcing another gush of arousal to leak down your thighs.
“What do you think you’re doing, Omega?” His voice scarily questions, nearly spitting in your face. “How dare you touch what’s mine?”
They used to spread stories of true mates when you were in high school — stories of how when an Alpha meets the destined Omega they were born to be mated with, it would immediately send the Alpha and Omega into their corresponding ruts and heats. You always thought it was some odd wolf propaganda created centuries ago to carry on the belief that true mates still existed. However, as you look at Jeno hovering above you, there is no doubt in your mind that he is your true mate.
The fuzzy parts of your brain start to clear. “J-Jeno?”
He grins, leaning down to lick at the shell of your ear. “That’s Alpha to you. Present yourself.”
You scramble to follow his order, shoving your head into the pillow and arching your ass up in the air. He clicks his tongue mockingly.
“A pretty, submissive Omega. You know, I always wondered what cute little thing I was destined to end up with. I never thought the moon would grant me a beautiful mate like you,” he hums, digits collecting the remnants of your orgasm across your thighs. He groans as he licks the taste of you off his fingers. “You want your Alpha’s knot, baby?”
You nearly unravel at the thought of him filling you deep with his cum, giving you so much of it that it spills out of your tiny pussy.
“A-Alpha,” you whine. “Please Alpha, please knot me.”
You hear the clink of his belt buckle and your body thrums in excitement. He plants his knees down on the mattress, shrugging off his slacks and throwing his stuffy blazer to the side. He ducks his head to lick a stripe up your folds.
You shudder, bunching the sheets in your fists and practically sobbing at the need to have his cock inside of you. You’ve never felt this hopeless during your heat before, never craved another Alpha’s cock like this.
Jeno’s hands tighten around your hips as he laps at your cunt, groaning at the sweetness of your taste. It only takes a few seconds for you to gush into his waiting mouth, the sounds of him eagerly swallowing your release filling the room.
Your body slumps on the mattress at the weight of your orgasm. You barely have time to recover when you feel his tip prodding your entrance.
He growls. “Beg for my cock, Omega whore.”
“Please, Alpha, please fuck me. I want your knot to fill my pretty pussy, want you to mark me and make me yours-“
The thought of you being mated to him is what sends Jeno feral. He pushes his cock inside your waiting hole, slick dripping down your thighs and giving him easy access to slide in. You sigh in relief when he’s finally deep inside you, quelling the fire in your stomach that was pleading for him.
He doesn’t waste time — ramming into you at an inhuman speed, hands angrily digging into your sides and slapping your ass until his palm is imprinted on your backside. Your head lolls to the side, officially giving Jeno complete control to use you as you wish.
Just like with your other heats, your body throws you into climax after climax until the pleasure molds itself into your skin. Jeno is still spitting the most filthy, degrading words at you as his knot slowly approaches.
“Look at you, silly Omega. Offering yourself up to the first Alpha you see. Would you have given this cunt to someone else, hm? Let them take what’s rightfully mine?” At the shake of your head, he smirks. “That’s right. Pretty Omega’s pussy is made only for me. Designed for my knot, designed to breed for my future pups.”
The thought of him impregnating you with the future of the respected Lee line prompts you over the edge again. Jeno hisses and grabs the back of your neck, hoisting you up easily to his chest as you hear the sound of his balls slapping against your cunt forcefully.
“Gonna keep cumming around your Alpha’s cock? Never had a heat like this one before, have you, baby? That’s because the moon has finally brought you to your true mate, and you never have to spend another heat without me again.”
You cry in pleasure at the thought of being able to spend every heat with Jeno. You never minded Jaemin being your heat partner, but this satisfaction and connection is something you’ve never felt with anyone else. You genuinely think you’ll die if you go through another heat without Jeno beside you.
“A-Alpha,” you whimper, steadily holding onto his arm that’s securely wrapped around your middle. “Please knot me, Alpha. You’re the only one who can.”
“Yeah?” He groans at how desperate you sound for him. “Want your Alpha’s big knot? Want to be bred like a good little Omega?”
You nearly sob. “Y-Yes! Yes, please!”
He tilts your head and exposes your neck. His fingers carefully run over your mating gland, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
“And this? Is this for me to mark, Omega?”
You frantically nod. “Yes, Alpha. Only for you.”
You know it’s a big step, a permanent marking that would tie Jeno’s Alpha to your Omega forever. Your mind screams at you to reconsider this decision when you have a clearer head, but your heart tells you that there’s nothing to mull over — Jeno is your Alpha and you need the whole world to know.
As his knot begins to swell inside you, his teeth sink into your mating gland, uniting your souls into one. Every feeling Jeno’s ever had courses through your veins, multiplying your pleasure tenfold. Your thighs begin to shake at the amount of gratification flowing through your body.
You almost pass out from the overwhelming sensation, and your body goes slack in Jeno’s hold. His cum shoots deep into your womb, filling you and marking you as his until his release is leaking down your thighs.
You both collapse on the mattress, with Jeno pulling you close to ensure his knot stays rooted deep inside you.
Your head starts to free from your subspace temporarily, and you carefully scan your room as he licks at the wound on your neck to clean you up.
“Did you- Did you break my door?”
Indeed, you can see your front door laying flat in the hallway, nearly shattered. Jeno hums softly.
“It was in my way.”
You think about how your apartment floor must’ve had to evacuate from the profound smell of your scent mixed with Jeno’s. You would feel guilty about it but considering Jeno has no shame over it, his emotions overpower yours.
“Want to fuck you again, Omega,” he hisses against your skin. “Love being mated to you.”
His honest confession forces another wave of arousal to spill from your pussy, leaking around his knot.
“Yeah, Alpha?”
He grunts and starts thrusting into you again, only being able to move a few inches as his knot is still plugging his cum into you. You gasp and pull him down to kiss you.
“My friend-“ you murmur in between moans. “My friend told me you hate Betas and Omegas.”
“Of course I do,” he hisses, propping your leg over his hip so he can push in deeper. “I hate every Beta and Omega who thinks they have a shot at being my mate.”
“You looked so grumpy when I first saw you.”
“I am grumpy,” he mumbles, hands darting to knead your breasts. “Grumpy for everyone except you.”
He grins when you squirt around his knot, your cunt sensitive from the constant rounds of fucking. Your eyes roll to the back of your head at your unexpected orgasm, body twitching in your Alpha’s hold.
Jeno fucks you until the sun rises to indicate the start of a new day. You two barely sleep, exploring various positions throughout your apartment and even the hallway of your complex, ushering more and more residents on the lower floors to evacuate from your scents. Their dirty looks are quickly changed when they see the notorious Lee brother claiming his new mate for all to see.
His cock doesn’t allow your pussy to rest until he’s sure you’ve been impregnated.
When you finally come to, you’re sprawled on your living room floor with a mix of your slick and Jeno’s cum surrounding you. He continues to lick at your skin as if he’ll die without fully receiving his taste of you.
It’s odd since despite only knowing him for less than a day, you feel like you’ve known him your whole life.
“I want-“ you pant, trying to regain your breath. “I want to fuck you forever.”
He chuckles. “Is that so, Omega?” He raises his head to see you, a predatory gaze lingering in his eyes. You wonder if you have it in you to go another few rounds.
“Lucky for you, we’re mated for life. I’m not going anywhere.”
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sc0tters · 8 months
Littlest Hughes - Mark Estapa
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summary: when a game of beer pong turns interesting you learn to realise that your brothers friend isn't so bad after all.
trope: forced proximity
warnings: sexual themes, p in v (unprotected!), underaged drinking, swearing, fingering.
word count: 3.67k
authors note: to the people that remember when this idea came out in like November, thanks for being patient cause Mark and the beerpong fic are now here! everyone thank @hischierhaze for making this one come out long before she was actually intended to be here for you all. if you want to look at more of the 500 celly then you can do so here!
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You swore you hated him. 
It was the idea of having someone you couldn’t stand in the slightest. The kind of person you couldn’t even be in a room with as you just wanted to gauge your eyes out. Someone who made you feel so irritated that the mere thought of them had you getting angry. 
Now you have weren’t entirely sure why he pissed your off in the ways that he did. But as Mark seemed to hate you just as much as you hated him, you were never going to be in a rush to improve your relationship. Yet the problem arose when he instead opted to get close to your brother, Luke. 
The boys were teammates and it was enough to make your whole family agree that your negative relationship with Mark wasn’t enough to stop him from being invited to the lake house. It was Luke’s first summer as an NHL player and those friends from college were the very men that Luke missed so much. So being the best younger sister that you were, you agreed to bite your tongue. 
That’s how you landed up spending a week with his closest friends and for the most part you were having a good time. 
“God you are such an ass!”
Key word, for the most part. 
Mark smirked as he held your top over his head leaving you in nothing more than your blue and yellow bikini “you and I both know that those aren’t the right words.” He teased continuing to lean up each time you reached for the baseball jersey “I will kick you Estapa stop being a dick.” You spat as you crossed your arms sending him a glare. 
Before Mark could respond Luke walked into the room “bro could you not leave my sister half naked?” Your older brother gagged as he shook his head “till next time kid.” Even though there was less than two years between you both Mark still loved that nickname. 
So as he dropped your shirt in your hands you couldn’t help but scowl at him “fuck off.” You growled pulling the shirt over your arms “you wanna go on the boat you two?” Jacks offer pulled your attention away from the boy as you nodded “sounds great!” You nodded leaving the boy alone as you went to be in peace for the next few days.
You weren’t a hockey player, it wasn’t your thing but what is your thing is beer pong. Yet unfortunately for you it seems that the only person worthy of being your opponent was Mark. So that was how you both ended up being the last ones left in what felt like the longest game of beer pong that anyone had seen “you two see an end in sight?” Quinn groaned as he looked down to his watch when he let out a yawn. 
It was this endless back and forth where you would each win a game and would then refuse to let them take it and that’s how you ended up at 12-13 with the only rule that to be crowned champion you’d have to win by two games “you ready to give up?” You sent the boy a glare as it only made the Michigan player laugh “just when I thought you could have been stronger than you actually came off.” The compliment was backhanded as Mark laughed. 
The boys responded with groans as the idea of this game continuing made them all feel sick “I’m going to bed.” Quinn announced as he shook his head “me too.” With that boys went in groups as your constant bickering got tiresome. 
Seven games had gone on and the new score was 16 all and you were just as irritated now as you were then “could you hold off on killing each other until tomorrow?” Ethan asked as he let out a yawn “want to watch it happen.” Mackie laughed as he nodded in agreement only going quiet when Luke sent them a glare.
Your brother rolled his eyes as he placed his hand on your shoulder “please just let him win so you can both go to bed?” Luke mumbled hoping that you would agree “never.” You grumbled as you refused to give Mark that kind of joy. 
So of course things continued and you guys were left alone but not before Luke kissed your head “now you don’t got your big brother helping you out.” Mark teased as he got the ball between his fingers as he lined up his shot. 
Mark smirked as he saw you pull your hair into a hair tie “tryna distract me with your skin?” The boy mumbled seeing your collarbones pop through the red cami vest that your were in “cause it’s not gonna work.” He added making you laugh. 
It was a hearty one as your teeth caught your lower lip “please the mere thought of tits are gonna have you not seeing straight.” You pressed your hands against the table exposing your body more to him “you wanna bet?” Mark made little effort to ignore the white lace that so clearly stuck out of your top. 
He took your silence and furrowed eyebrows as curiosity “winner takes all this game.” The hockey player offered making her scoff “higher stakes though as we’re now doing strip beer pong.” His offer was only met with the sounds of your scoff.
You crossed your arms as you couldn’t help but send him a glare “you just want to see me naked.” You rolled your eyes not wanting to give into him “don’t flatter yourself princess you aren’t my type.” Mark shook his head as he wasn’t interested in you like that “but if you are scared you’re gonna lose then I can accept-” you couldn’t even let him finish his sentence. 
“Throw the damn hall Estapa.” 
A scoff left your lips as you watched him go back to angling the hall and of course it just had to land in the beer “should we go with your shirt or your shorts first?” Mark teased as he watched you hook your fingers into your shirt before you pulled it over your head revealing the white bra you loved so much as it had a little golden v in between the wires to compliment your skin “not bad.” The boy mumbled to himself as he had seen you in less before but never in something with lace. 
You took your cup and brought it to your lips letting the unsweetened liquid hit your tongue as you chugged it back not caring at the amount that dripped down your chin “what?” You asked dropping the cup to the ground as the boy looked like he was watching a dream “nothing.” Mark ignored how your lips were wet and the top of the lace of your bra as getting soaked as beer dropped down your chest. 
Of course your ball went in and off went his shirt, it was followed by your shorts and then his. Until eventually you were both only on your undergarments “need some help getting that bra off?” Mark joked as he watched you reach behind your back but not before you flipped him off. 
The idea of anyone being able to come down at any point didn’t seem to bother either of you as you clicked the clasp of your bra letting it fall down your arms as the cool summer night air made your nipples harden “you really do have secrets Hughesy.” Mark felt his mouth water as his eyes were drawn to the sparkling titanium bar that was pierced through your left nipple “shut up.” You grumbled as you attempted to ignore the way his hardening stare made you feel. 
As you potted your final ball it left the boy having to discard of his boxers “don’t bother with those.” You mumbled leaning down to grab your bra from the floor “would hate to see what isn’t there.” The claim was a total slap in his face and you knew what you were doing as you aimed to piss him off. 
It infuriated Mark with how well you knew to get under his skin “please you’d be lucky if I fucked you.” You began walking over to him as your bra was thrown onto the table “Mark I don’t think you even know how to make a girl come.” You shot back as you pressed your finger into his chest “I’d have you struggling to walk tomorrow.” Mark shook his head as he wrapped his hand around your wrist pushing your hand away from his chest.
This was the closest you had ever been to him before as his eyes pierced yours “I wouldn’t fuck you if you were the last man on this planet.” You laughed as you turned to walk away but the boy was quick to pull you back “so if I felt those pretty little panties would they be dry?” His voice was barely a whisper as he walked you back against the table until you were finally sat on it.
Your eyes were wide as you shook your head desperate to not give him the enjoyment of seeing that he had indeed won “be as dry as the desert.” You spoke through gritted teeth almost squealing as Mark dug his fingers into the skin of your hips “you gonna let me test my theory then?” He asked dropping his head to the point where his lips hovered over yours.
All you could do was nod as you before his lips were on yours. It was messy as your hands your tugging through his hair like you didn’t want him to ever leave you “fuck.” He grumbled feeling your teeth sink down onto his.
It was like you knew what you were doing as you smirked “even as I’ve got you ready for a good fuck you’re still acting like a fucking brat.” The college boy growled pinching your chin between his fingers as he clenched his jaw “what are you gonna so about it?” You sent him a smirk as you swore that if this was a battle, you were winning it.
Mark spoke to himself under his breath as he dropped his head to your jaw as he began planting kisses on your skin “shouldn’t even fucking treat you well.” His voice sent shivers through your ears as he continued dropping his lips down your chest “saw you looking at it.” His eyes locked onto your breast “you can touch it y’know.” You teased tugging your fingers through his hair making him groan in the process. 
He wasn’t going to be told again as he latched his lips around your pierced nipple as he groaned swirling his tongue around the piece of jewellery “fuck.” You swore trying to shut your legs to relieve the tension between your thighs “you still think that I can’t make you feel good?” Mark brought his hands down to your legs making you shiver as he forced your legs open. 
You chewed at your lip watching him get closer to the pool that had formed in your panties “when I speak you need to answer me princess.” You swore the hockey player growled as you nodded “know you can’t.” The tough facade you had up was hanging by a thread and it only grew weaker with how his hands grew closer to your core.
A gasp left your lips as his hand cupped your core “fuck!” Your moan was swallowed by his lips “you little liar.” Mark clicked his tongue as a wet patch formed in your panties “please.” His thumb pressed against your clit where it drew soft circles.
Your head dropped against his shoulder as your body grew soft “what do you need pretty girl?” Marks voice was soft as he left a kiss on your forehead “you.” You croaked out as he toyed with your panties finally pushing them to the side. 
Mark teased you as you shook your head “want more.” You whimpered looking up at him with a pout “please.” You begged edging your cunt closer to his fingers “didn’t know that all I needed to do was fuck you to get you to shut up.” Mark sighed as he teased your slit. 
His fingers took their time plunging into your cunt “god!” Your groan was swallowed by his hand “you want your brothers to hear how much you enjoy my fingers fucking your pussy?” The hockey player rasped into your ear as you shook your head. 
His fingers were thick against the walls of your cunt as he curved his fingers into a come here motion “they can’t.” You mumbled growing panicked as you were reminded of how all three of your brothers were upstairs “then keep those pretty little lips shut if it’s not gonna be too hard for ya?” Mark tauted you as you mewled under his attention.
You clenched around him as you nodded finally going quiet “like having you all quiet now.” As you tilted your head up trying to bring your body closer to his Mark took the opportunity to nip at your neck “no!” You gasped as he inserted a third finger not caring about your protests. 
Mark smirked as he didn’t care “think you’re in a place to make the demands?” He scoffed as he clicked his tongue “thought you were smarter than that.” The hockey player teased as you pouted “the boys are gonna see.” You complained as his eyes sharpened. 
Somehow the words made his whole demeanour change “you worry what those boys are gonna think of you now?” Mark spat as he increased the pace of his fingers as he fucked your cunt “like you really gonna now care about them seeing you like the slut you’ve become f’me?” He added standing up straight as he glared at you. 
Your lips remained sealed as you tried to writhe your hips against his hand “remember pretty girl you answer me when I talk to you.” The hockey player warned “I’m your slut.” The words came from your lips as it made him grow surprised. 
The words made his cock grow hard against his boxers “you happy to see me or what?” You smirked feeling it press into your knee “think I need to fuck this behaviour out of you.” Mark grumbled pulling your panties down your legs as it hooked around your ankles. 
You had finally pushed Mark to a point where he had snapped and he wasn’t ready to come down from it yet “fuck I don’t have a condom.” The boy complained as he hadn’t exactly thought that having sex on this trip was on the cards for him “on the pill.” You shook your head offering a counter point that he gladly took. 
Being a hockey player you weren’t surprised that his cock was on the larger side of big but you had to admit that your mouth did water when he retracted his fingers from your cunt to pull his boxers down letting his boner hit his pelvic bone “you still sure that this is what you want?” Sure Mark thought you were still irritating but the even with that irritation he still believed in consent “please.” You whimpered as you bit down on your lower lip watching in awe as he pumped his cock a few times before he tapped the swollen head on your clit coating it in his precum. 
There was a moment between you both that if you weren’t still so buzzed from the alcohol in your system you would have sworn that there was something that could have mirrored something romantic between you both. His lips were soft on yours as his cock slowly creeped into your cunt letting your walls stretch to accommodate him “fuck you’re perfect.” Mark gasped as he sunk his teeth into your shoulder as he kept himself from coming on the spot. 
He had a few moments of just staying there with his cock frozen before you finally cleared your throat “need you to fuck me Mark.” You coughed out as the boy turned his face to look at you “please.” You didn’t need to ask twice as he nodded letting his hands grip at your hips as your legs locked behind his hips. 
Even as you were outside with the breeze your skin felt like it was on fire when his eyes pierced your gaze “how many guys you let have this tight little cunt of yours?” Mark made little effort to try to avoid the fact that he was jealous of his own question when the idea of some other guy fucking you came into his mind. 
As his cock throbbed in your core you struggled to stay focused “j-just t-tw-two.” You stammered falling over your words as his thrusts became deeper “and did they make you feel this good?” Mark swore that the image of you beneath him struggling to even shake your head as your breasts bounced with each thrust that he made, would he engraved in his brain forever. 
The first time you had sex was in high school when you lost it to your boyfriend of two years and you were both virgins. He came within a couple of pumps of his cock and left you there frustrated and alone as he went to shower only handing you a wet cloth before he shut the door behind himself. The other was a jock that was only sleeping with you to get the attention of an ex so the moment she came knocking on the door he went running back to her. 
So if you truly thought about it Mark was your first time, not the embarrassing your overly awkward one. But your first time where you knew he was confident in what he did “didn’t come.” Even as you barely whispered those words Mark still heard you and he couldn’t help but smirk. 
If anything Mark took that as a reason to quicken his thrusts as he watched your eyes roll back “gonna make you feel so fucking good then.” Your brain fog made you wonder if he was merely thinking aloud or actually talking to you “and to think that you really put up that whole act before?” The hockey players teasing tone had you clenching around him as you propped your hands up behind you to stop you from falling back. 
His hand took the opportunity to slide between your bodies as he found your clit “you’re so fucking pretty when you’re so cock drunk.” The compliment came with a groan as he began toying his thumb over your clit “not gonna last.”
You warned not caring who heard your whimper that echoed from your chest.
Mark felt his thrusts grow irregular with how you cunt squeezed his cock with the new pressure your clit felt that had you wanting to press your thighs together “go make a mess doll.” There came the softest of the pet names from the night as he kissed you lips letting his hunger and pure desire to be the first guy that has you coming on their cock, take over his mind.
All that was left for you to do was listen to him as your lips let out a gaspy moan “holy fuck!” You swore as your eyes screwed shut letting white specks scattered themselves on the backs of your eyelids like stars in the night sky “breathe through it.” Mark cooed helping you on as the movements of his thumb combined with the thrusts of his cock lulled you through the brunt of your orgasm that had your legs shaking against his hips.
Before Mark could let his orgasm take charge he slid his cock out from your cunt making sure that you had come before that and he replaced the walls of your cunt with his hand “wha-” you grew confused at his abrupt movement “oh baby you have to work for me to come in you.” He grunted watching the warm sticky ropes shoot onto your stomach. 
It made you whimper as you watched almost hypnotized by the sight “next time if you aren’t a fucking brat I might let you get it properly.” The hockey player explained tapping the head of his now soothing cock on your clit letting what was left in him ooze onto your slit “that was.” Your chest heaved as you swore that you had just had the hottest experience of your life.
Mark laughed as he nodded “I know.” He pecked your lips as he reached down to where your panties had fallen to and made the effort to slide them back onto you but not before the hockey player kissed your lips “think it’s time for you to go to bed.” A yawn left your lips as you nodded at his words. 
He finished dressing you and even opted on helping you up the stairs before he left you tucked into your sheets where you nuzzled your head into the soft pillow “maybe you aren’t that bad Hughes.” Mark mumbled feeling his heart grow full at the sight of you blissfully drifting off to sleep. 
But as he let your door softly shut after him it would seem that nothing would actually ever truly change between you both. Because at the end he was always going to be your brothers friend who pissed you off, and well you were always meant to be Luke’s hot sister.
Yet the true test that would come after this was when Mark would have to realize that you weren’t his, no he wasn’t good enough to get that right to have you under his arm at every event on campus. Instead he was destined to watch other guys fill that role one you finally grew into a more confident state. 
“Since when has Rutger had a thing for little Hughes?”
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itsmeoculi · 1 year
16!Dazai x PM!reader smut where:
Reader was on a mission with him and since he's stressed as fuck he got more stressed since he saw you(his lover) flirting with someone(even if it's a mission). Once you got home he did the thing and overstimulated you.
Ty! Take your time ♡
Tiny but important note:In one of my posts I did put that I wasn’t on board with doing minors (16 yes is close but still not really comfortable) but since Dazai does have a canon adult age I’ll make it 19 cause I’m not comfortable doing ages under 18. Thank you, I hope you understand and I don’t think it affects the story that much.
Let’s get a move on now!
“𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒹𝒾𝒹..”
Pairing: 19!A bit of Dom!Dazai x Sub!AFAB(FEMALE)!PM! Reader
TW!: SMUT, NSFW CONTENT, MAINLY FOR THOSE OF MATURITY, eating out, overstimulation, and y’all already know Dazai is a bit of sadist but I don’t think that’s in there much
Synopsis: It’s been busy in the Port Mafia, so busy that Dazai l hasn’t seen you in a while. Lucky for him Mori sends you two on a mission, he was happy at first but you seemed to not give him the attention he craved. Now, you’re getting punished.
Mori sent you and Dazai on a mission. Of course, Dazai, being Dazai, was more focused on being with you than the actual job. But here you are now sitting at a table in a fancy diner waiting for a specific waiter by the name of Ruki Satō (not a canon character just made it up) Ruki Satō was one of the best performing waiters, but he screwed over the Port Mafia after not repaying a debt and killing two of the Mafia’s men. Mori sent you two to kill him, and lucky for you he was your server tonight.
Dazai was ecstatic to see his lover again, but unfortunately for him his belladonna was paying more attention to ANYTHING but him. You would hear him go.
“Bella…” “Come on (name).. look at me.” “Love, let’s chat, the waiter isn’t even here yet~”
“Not now ‘Samu.. we have something more important than what your trying to do right now.”
Now, Dazai would usually laugh it off.. but the way you said it wounded him. You were cold and it was like a dagger to his heart when he heard your tone. This whole week had been a mess for him, and now his belladonna? The love of his life had became part of that mess…
He stayed quiet
You no longer heard the sweet nothings he’d say, only silence.. Awkward silence, until Ruki broke it.
“Oh hello I’m Ruki Satō and I’ll be your server tonight. What can I get you two~?”
You proceed to order something light
“Awesome, that will be it for the lovely lady? How about him?”
Dazai looked painfully at the waiter ‘What did he just call (name)..’ he thought, he didn’t answer the waiter in spite of how pissed off he was with Ruki hitting on you.
But you took the Ruki’s flirtatiousness as an advantage and proceeded to flirt back.
“He’ll have the same thing. Thanks sweetie for being so polite tonight. And forgive my friend, he’s tired.”
You blew a kiss at the waiter before he left. Dazai did not like this one bit. ‘Friend?? What the hell is that kind of excuse?’ He stayed quiet though, because he had plans for later.. on his revenge.
A few minutes passed and Ruki brought your food. Of course wanting to seduce him more, you asked him to stay and chat.
The waiter liked this and at this point Dazai wouldn’t be surprised if you two made out already.
Dazai’s hell of you two basically asking each other to fuck, goes on for about an hour. When it’s finally over you say this.
“Dazai, please meet me in the parking lot. I want to give our waiter here’s special tip in the alleyway~”
He was scared now, he thought if you were about to do what he thinks your about to do he’s done with you. He left for the parking lot, reluctantly, as you guided Ruki to an alleyway.
“This might be the best customer I had tonight~”
“Hehe, let’s have fun.” The waiter was vulnerable now, and you start shuffling at the back of your pants, which made him think you were gonna remove them.
..but instead, you pull out a gun.
“Wait! You- know don’t do this don’t-“
You used a silencer.. to of course cause less commotion. Now the job is done.
You leave the alleyway and go to the parking lot. Dazai waiting at the car, engine ready. Once you enter, it’s straight home, he has some matters he needs to.. deal with.
Once you get home, he slams the door and locks it, removing his coat. “I’m gonna go change ‘Samu.”
You said, heading for the bedroom not even taking a single look at Dazai. But this was perfect for him, because he had a plan.
Ignoring your “warning” he swung the bedroom door wide open and pushed you onto the bed, you were already half-nude. Bra off, and the only thing covering you was a pair of lace underwear, and your hands.
“You look pathetic, belladonna.”
“Dazai- I told you I was- MGH!”
He cut you off by inserting 3 fingers into your mouth
“You’re gonna have to be punished for your whole act, back at the diner.”
He said as he removed his white dress shirt, revealing his bandaged body.
“I should’ve left you at the diner y’know.. but now your helpless. Who knew the cold and fierce (name) would be so quick to submit.”
You whimpered but he removed his fingers from your mouth.
“Quiet now belladonna. I need you to lay back for me.” You followed his orders.
“Great now open your legs wide for me darling.” You tried to do so, but you were so intimidated so you could even move an inch!
“You can’t do anything right, can you?” He leaned forward, resting himself on the bed, and then harshly opened your legs wide. You let out a slight whine from the sudden movement. He placed his face in-front of your sopping cunt. The wetness bleeding through your underwear.
“Gotta get rid of these somehow~” He said, immediately ripping the under garment and throwing it to the side. (too bad you bought those last week 😬)
“You’re soaking wet already? Such a slut (name) such a slut!” He said deviously, as he prodded his tongue around, and circled around the outer lips of your cunt. “You still taste as good as last time, but how you spoke to me in the diner may have ruined it~”
You wanted to sock this little bastard into a duffel bag. He was being such a jerk right now.. he was probably gonna edge you, or that’s what you thought. Until he said..
“Don’t worry belladonna, you’ll get your sweet release, but you will have to pay for stressing me out so badly.”
Your fucked..
Dazai inserts his tongue, deep inside of you. Then, he started to make more friction and lapping up your insides like a dog. The more he licked, the more wet you got. He hit all those sweet spots that made you see stars.
You reached your high and a loud moan filled the room. Dazai made a stifle grunt, pleased by the *honey* you made, he licked all up like it was maple syrup.
“Fuck! ‘Samu.. so good. H-hey wait I’m not-” your sentence was interrupted by a groan, as he started to abuse your cunt, with that silver tongue of his. He went back to eating you out and muffled “I don’t like it when my meal gets interrupted.” The vibrations of him speaking against your pussy made you arch your back beautifully.
“Beautiful, belladonna..” Dazai said, while adding in one of his slim fingers to run around your clit. This caused you to gasp in the immense arousal you were feeling. His free hand wandered, massaging your breasts. That’s when you came a second time, but instead of a short pause he kept going, lapping you all up.
“Wait- Osamu! W-wait-mhgh~”
You could barely fabricate sentences at the overstimulation. Your 2nd orgasm just happened, and he didn’t even pause!
Tears started forming in your eyes, and you were a moaning mess.
“Shh, belladonna I need to hear your moans not you sobbing.” He said harshly, you nodded. Yours eyes like a puppy’s big and.. “innocent” not you in this case, a better word would be helpless.
Dazai was abusing your sweet spots and your his tongue hitting exact one with such accuracy. It was like he saw inside of you.
You had your 3rd orgasm, still no stopping.
You were fucked silly, like it was some sort of euphoria coming over you. This round however was the fastest pace.
Cunt, puffy. Clit, swollen. Sweet spots BRUISED. And your throat hurt from your high pitched gasps and moans coming out of you. At some point you felt part of his teeth, but he was unstoppable. You were whining and sobbing. Tears streamed thinly down your eyes. You were pretty sure you were trying to say “Too much! Too much!” But it came out as a bunch of gibberish.
Then his tongue finally hit that special spot that made you see stars, and your 4th orgasm came. Thank god he stopped at that. He took his hand that was playing with your clit, and licked it clean. He proceeded to give you a few kisses before going to the drawer.
“What are you- doing?” You said, catching your breath.
“Just the finale of my punishment for you.” He pulled out a vibrator.
Dazai proceeded to place it near the entrance of your cunt, and set it to the weakest level.
“Have fun~!” He said, while sitting in a nearby seat smirking at you as you struggled
What a cruel asshole.
Hii this the end I hoped you kinda liked this. I’m not awesome with smut but I’m willing try yk.
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flemingsfreckles · 5 months
Physio’s Daughter Pt 7
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
Read the other 6 parts here!
Warnings: cursing, mentions of sex, angst, verbal arguments, verbal insults
WC: 5.0k
A/N: I got nothing to say, we should be on the downhill from the angst for now
“I missed that penalty because of you, it’s your fault.”
You hear her say as you walk away. Her words freeze you mid step.
Your heart sank. You had tried your best to leave her alone, you had barely spoken to her outside of the training room or on the pitch, besides the phone call where she hung up on you. You had done everything to just be a regular staff member to her. And despite your efforts you had fucked this up.
“What?” You turn back to look at Jessie.
“When I kick a penalty, I pick my spot and then when I step back I think of something that calms me. Sometimes it’s my sister, sometimes my parents, sometimes it’s the beach, it’s whatever comes into my head first.” She stands up from the table, starting to walk toward you. “Today, your stupid beautiful face came into my mind and for a second it was good. For a second, the thought of you calmed me. But then her stupid face came into my mind too and all I could picture was the two of you together, on your stupid little dates in the city, how I should be your personal photographer, not her! And I thought about the fact that you’re sharing a room and you were sleeping in her fucking bed the other day, and it pissed me off and I got rattled and fucked up my penalty.”
You realize now, that’s why Jessie had left her eyes closed longer than usual, that’s why her penalty routine was different, it was your fault.
“You mean Olivia?” You say with a small laugh, there was no way Jessie was being serious and no way she actually believed there was something going on between you and Olivia. You were also laughing out of nerves, you had never seen Jessie angry like this, her face turning red as she stood in front of you.
“Yeah her. Unless there’s other girls you’ve been prancing around the city with?” She crosses her arms across her chest, clearly annoyed with you.
“Oh you’re serious?” You look at her and she just looks back at you, her stare cold. “Jessie, Olivia and I, we’re not together.”
“That’s not what it looked like, her following you around with her camera, all the photos of you she’s posting on Instagram, looks like more than friends to me. She had you half naked in her bed, you can’t tell me your just friends.”
You can’t believe the words coming from Jessie’s mouth. “I wasn’t half naked! Get a grip Jessie, she has a boyfriend!”
You had learned that Olivia had a boyfriend when you spent the day together a few days ago. It was something that had yet to come up in your previous conversations. They’d been together just under a year, he was her first long term relationship after she had broken up with her girlfriend
You weren’t surprised someone like her was taken, but what surprised you was that it didn’t make you sad or disappointed like you thought it would. You had the realization while out with her that, while she was attractive and your type, you didn’t find yourself interested in Olivia in a romantic way.
“Well, does her boyfriend know she’s obsessed with you?”
“Oh my god, you’re being delusional.” While maybe not the best word to use, it’s what comes out of your mouth in the heat of the moment.
Jessie’s eyes squinted, her eyebrows furrowed. “Don’t you fucking call me delusional!” Her hand comes out from her chest, she points a finger at you.
“Well that’s what you’re being Jessie! She’s in a relationship, there’s nothing between us!” You had no idea how else to explain to Jessie that there was nothing there. Olivia was a friend.
“You know what, maybe I am delusional for thinking maybe we could’ve worked!” She turns back to the table, snatching the tablet still playing her kick, storming out of the conference room.
“Jessie.” You follow her out into the hallway.
“No, we can’t keep doing this, the back and forth, it’s exhausting and childish, you need to stop.” She turns back to you, taking a step closer to you so you’re between her and the wall.
“Don’t fucking tell me that I need to stop. Jessie I’m not the only one making the decision on what’s happening here.” You take a step away from her, your back making contact with the wall behind you. “You’re the one who keeps kissing me and bringing me coffee, and texting me about non-work things. You’re just as much feeding into this, you’re just as guilty as I am!”
You were fully aware a member of the hotel staff was likely to come down the hall any minute to tell you to keep it down. It was 2:49 in the morning and you two were screaming at each other.
“I know, and that’s my fault, I should’ve realized you weren’t worth my time!”
It’s like she had punched you in the gut. Your chest started to feel tight, your eyes burning. Her words hurt. You could handle her shoving you after the game, you could handle her yelling at you, you could handle her accusing you of being interested with someone else even though you weren’t, those weren’t personal attacks. But her standing here, telling you that you weren’t worth her time, burned inside your chest.
You could see the moment Jessie realized what words came out of her mouth. A wave of guilt and shock washed over her face her fingers come up to her lips. She puts her hands out, reaching toward your shoulders.
“I didn’t mean-” she starts to backtrack, trying to take back the fact that she just called you a waste of time.
“Save it.” This time it’s you shoving Jessie out of your way, your hand against her shoulder as you push past her. “I’ll go. Sorry I was a waste of your time.” You manage to choke out before you turn, tears starting to fall from your eyes.
You run back to your room, not caring how loud your footsteps were as you rushed to your room. You hear Jessie yell after you but ignore her pleas for you to come back and let her explain. You quietly open the door and slip into your bed. You choke back your tears, burying your face into the fluffy hotel pillow to not wake up Olivia.
You’re not sure how long you cried, there’s a soft knock at your door but knowing it’s Jessie you ignore it, you didn’t want to see her and you didn’t want her seeing that you were crying over her. You fall asleep a little bit later.
You’re woken from your brief attempt at sleep by a hard knocking on your door. You look over to see Olivia is already out of bed for the morning, probably down at breakfast, maybe she forgot her key and was coming back.
You quickly check your phone, a few emails, three missed calls and a few texts, five from last night and one from this morning.
Jessie Fleming: I am so sorry
Jessie Fleming: please open the door
Jessie Fleming: I shouldn’t have said that
Jessie Fleming: You’re not a waste of my time, you’re worth all my time.
Jessie Fleming: You deserve better
The one from this morning was only from a few minutes ago.
Jessie Fleming: I’d like to talk when you have a chance. I can be available whenever. I’m really sorry.
Still half asleep you wander over to the door, expecting to see an apologetic Canadian when the second round of knocks comes more aggressively. You open it, only to be pushed out of the way by a very angry Canadian, Janine.
“I told you, if you hurt her, we were going to have problems, so now we have problems.”
It takes you a second looking at the woman in front of you, her hands on her hips as she stares back at you. She was talking about Jessie. You blink a few times at her, trying to wake up your brain and body.
“Hmm late night eh?” She says, a hard cold stare still on her face, her tone is degrading.
“What the hell Janine, I didn’t hurt her!” It was the truth, maybe you called her delusional and that was too far, but you didn’t do any worse than she did to you.
“Then why did she come back to our room, crying at three in the morning? She refuses to tell me what you did, but she mentioned your name while I was trying to comfort her, so what the hell did you do?”
Learning that Jessie had also cried over your argument made you feel somewhat better about your own tears. You’re sure Janine could see your eyes were puffy and likely bloodshot.
You throw your hands up “What I did? Janine did you think that maybe she won’t tell you what happened because it was what she was the one who did something to me?”
You watch as Janine’s face drops for a second. She looks unsure if she’s supposed to believe you or not.
“I didn’t hurt her.” You take a breath, sitting back on your bed, debating if it’s even worth explaining your side. This was Jessie’s best friend, of course she won’t believe you. Deciding to tell her anyways, you quickly begin rambling, telling Janine everything.
You start to tell Janine about what happened. You tell her about the first coffee kiss, how you mom had yelled at both of you and how you made the agreement to be professional. You then go on to tell her about the second coffee kiss, the one she almost walked in on. You mention the hand holding on the plane. You then go on to explain how Jessie seemed to think you and Olivia were a thing. You mention the movie and how you were in her bed, you explain it all.
“Oh, so that’s why the coffee shop was weird between you two. I thought maybe you two had finally hooked up or something and you were trying not to be weird about it, I tried to ask Jessie about it but she wouldn’t say anything.” She cracks a small smile.
“No, we haven't slept together, or hooked up or done anything beyond just kissing, and even the kisses, they weren’t like make outs, and oh my god why am I telling you this?” You cover your face for a second, taking a breath to ease your embarrassment.
When you look back Janine has a smug look on her face, probably to your reaction to accidentally admitting the extent of your and Jessie’s physical relationship. You try to push the thought from your mind and get back to telling her the details
“Regardless, Jessie thought I had blown her off to go with Olivia but she was the one who hung up on me. I wanted to go with her, I told her I could go in the morning before I went around with Olivia. She didn’t say yes, she hung up on me.” You finish explaining the situation with Olivia to Janine.
“Then what were you two doing at two in the morning together?” She questioned, knowing you and Jessie had seen each other the night before. You explained that you couldn’t sleep so you went down to the conference room for a break and that Jessie had been there watching her penalty.
“She accused me of being the reason she missed her penalty, telling me I got in her head with me being with Olivia I guess and it upset her and rattled her focus.” You take a breath, knowing you had to admit your own faults to Janine too. “And then I, I called her delusional, which I know was wrong.” You look away from Janine not wanting to make eye contact, knowing what you said to Jessie was terrible. “And then she called me a waste of time.”
Janine just gives a slow nod, her eyes wide as she tries to process the information that is being thrown at her. “Oooookayyy then, I wasn’t expecting that..” She finally says. The room then returns to silence.
“Look, I may be Jessie’s best friend, but she doesn’t get to blame you for missing that penalty, she can’t really blame herself even though she always does, penalties are luck, you pick a spot, you kick it, if it’s the same spot the keeper picked, oh well.”
She takes a deep breath looking at you, she clasps her hands in front of her.
“But also as her best friend, I’m going to ask you, if you can, to give her some grace. I know she maybe doesn’t deserve it, especially after what she said. But, Jessie, she’s a good person, but she sometimes tried to be too perfect. She’s a perfectionist. And she has a lot of pressure on her right now, first major tournament as the official captain, she’s got the pressure of Canada, and then she’s got the pressure from herself. She’s hard on herself, too hard and she knows it, but she can’t always help it.”
You nod, you knew being around Jessie at training, when she’d struggle with a skill, she’d stay late mastering it, practicing over and over, exhausting herself to get it right. You knew this whole tournament was likely weighing on her mentally, not to add the feeling of missing her penalty.
“I’m sure the outburst at you, was not what she fully meant. She was probably upset about the penalty and she let it boil over into her personal life. Maybe she was jealous about Olivia too, but once she learned she had a boyfriend then it shouldn’t have mattered. I think she unfortunately was bottling up one too many feelings, the bottle just broke on you.”
You nod, it makes sense.
“She’ll probably kill me if she ever finds out I’m telling you to talk to her, she won’t like me meddling. But if you can, talk to her, now that she’s calmed down a bit.” Janine let’s put a sigh. “Jessie really likes you, it’s annoying to hear about but seriously she does and I want her to be happy, which you seem to make her happy, with the exception of the crying last night. I understand if her behavior was a deal breaker though, I’d just advise you to hear her out, and have her hear you out as well. You two need to have an adult conversation, not a screaming match at three in the morning. You need to talk about all of this, make up your minds about whatever you two are doing.”
“I know.” You nod at her, it was nice having someone else talk some sense into you, you hoped she gave a similar discussion to her roommate.
“Sorry I came in here on a mission to accuse you. Jessie was just incredibly upset last night, I figured something happened, I assumed you did something, sorry about that.”
You shrug at her. “It’s alright, I get it, you're her best friend, you’re just looking out for her.” It’s true you’re not upset at Janine, it was alarming for her to come in yelling, but she had been sensible.
Janine takes steps toward the door, you stand up from the bed to follow her to the door.
“I’m her best friend, but I’m not going to excuse her behavior when she was out of line.” She opens the door and walks out, you’re assuming back to her own room where Jessie likely was getting ready to head to training in the next half hour.
You pack up your backpack, dreading going to work for the first time since you joined this team, you didn’t want to have to see Jessie, you didn’t want to have to see Janine, you didn’t want to see your mom or Olivia, you’d rather be alone.
As you headed down to the lobby your phone vibrates in your pocket. You roll your eyes reading the text.
Jessie Fleming: So you're allowed to tell Janine about our argument and all the other details but I’m not allowed to tell her I kissed you?
You: She came barging into my room this morning demanding to know what I did to hurt you because you refused to say anything so yes, I told her what happened.
You: I was defending myself.
When she doesn’t text you back you slip your phone back into your jacket and take a seat at a table in the lobby.
“Hey kiddo!” Your Mom slips into the seat across from you. “You alright?”
“Yeah good, just didn’t sleep well.” You try and give her your best smile. Your Mom squints at you. You know she knows something’s up. She knew you too well, she always had.
“Don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not, I’m good, I’m ready to work, I didn’t sleep well last night and it’s not something I want to talk about.” You didn’t sleep well, that was the truth. It wasn’t exactly lying by just not telling her what was keeping you awake.
“Issues with Miss 17?” She knew, she always knew. You just give her a glare across the table. “Alright, I’m not going to get involved despite my motherly instinct. I’m here if you want to talk, don’t let it affect work because you’re bottling it up.”
You think about the irony of you Mom telling you not to bottle up your feelings, the same thing that Janine had said Jessie typically did.
“I won’t, I’m good.” You say, rather harshly, before you turn in your chair to face away from your Mom.
When the players begin to file down from their rooms and out to the buses you stand up from the table, grabbing your bag. You follow your Mom, Olivia, and the rest of the staff toward the staff bus.
“I need to talk to you.” You feel a gentle hand on your arm. You recognize the voice, it's softer than it was last night when it was yelling at you. Jessie had strayed from the line of players getting on their own bus and was now standing next to you.
“No you don’t, you said what you needed to say yesterday.” You quickly say to her, not wanting to draw additional attention to the two of you.
“Please.” You hated how easily you were about to give into her. All it took was for her to look at you, wide eyed in hope that you’ll hear her out. You look at your watch, she had to be on the bus in three minutes. She notices you checking the time. “I’ll be quick.” She glances at the bus door where the rest of her teammates were waiting to board, likely watching and eavesdropping as she talked to you.
When you don’t say anything she takes it as permission to speak.
“I was terrible, you are not a waste of my time, you are not a waste of anyone’s time. That was a terrible, horrific thing to say to you or to say to anyone, no one is a waste of time.” She reached out to put a hand to your arm, you pull your arm away, giving her the hint you don’t want to touch her.
“I don’t want to be making excuses for myself, I said what I said, I regret it. There is no excuse for what I did and I understand I can’t take that back, I can’t unsay those words to you. But I’m sure you can understand I’m under a lot of pressure here, then with the missed penalty, I snapped. I’m usually good under pressure, yesterday I wasn’t and I panicked. I-” she checks over her shoulder to the bus and let’s out a huff as she sees the last of her teammates board the bus.
“You’re going to be late.” You say, not acknowledging any of the apology she just gave you.
“That’s fine, they can wait a second, I’ll be late. I need to finish.” She waves off the bus, looking back to you. This time when you make eye contact you notice her puffy eyes, a little bloodshot. As her physio you’re concerned for her lack of sleep. You can’t help but wonder if she’s noticed the same look in your own eyes.
“No, go.” You point at the bus door. You had already caused enough issues making her miss the penalty, you weren’t going to be the reason she was late.
“Can we please talk later? I didn’t get to say everything, I have a lot more to say to you.”
You nod at her. You didn’t feel like hearing her out, but you thought back to your conversation with Janine. You had already let her start apologizing, might as well let her finish. Then you two could finally have an adult conversation.
“Meet me after training, we can finish this.” You tell her, she whispers a quick thank you and turns jogging to the bed.
You attend training like normal, trying to pay attention to everyone equally but naturally your eyes constantly found their way to Jessie. You were pissed at her but you couldn’t deny she was so attractive when playing.
The way she was incredibly physical compared to her usually timid demeanor, the way she’d yell to her teammates asking for the ball, the way she’d pull down her shorts. The way she’d wipe the sweat from her face with the bottom of her shirt, lifting it enough to show her toned stomach made your own stomach clench.
Toward the end of training Jessie lifted her shirt again, wiping her forehead, when she pulled her shirt down, she was looking in your direction, making eye contact with you. She bit her lip with a slight smirk seeing you were watching her.
You couldn’t help but give her a small smile back. For a split second you forgot all the terrible things she said, you forgot you were mad, it was just you and her smiling at each other from across the pitch.
But then she turned back to continue her drill and you remembered your argument and her hurtful words and now you were mad at her and yourself. You shouldn’t have looked at her, you shouldn’t have smiled at her.
After training you help the girls with treatment and recovery. You make the ice bath, you hand out heating pads. You help take off the stability taping that you put on just a few hours ago. It was an easy end to your day. Jessie gets herself into the ice bath for 10 minutes before she hops out and moves to the corner of the room waiting.
“What are you waiting on Jessie? I can help you.” You hear your Mom ask, she was one of the last few players in the training room, but she wasn’t actively being treated. Just standing in the corner of the room, bike shorts still soaking wet from her ice bath, making a small puddle at her feet..
You look up from where you were cleaning water bottles to watch as Jessie points at you. Her hand close to her chest to not make the pointing obvious. Your Mom’s head turns to look at you, and then back to Jessie. She just shakes her head at the two of you and mutters something under her breath that you’re not able to understand.
You occupy yourself restocking the first aid kits, cleaning out the ice bath, all the small tasks, you offer to take over all the other physio’s end of shift jobs to get them to leave the facility sooner. Soon it’s just you, Jessie, and your Mom left in the room.
“I’m going to go, let you two have whatever discussion you need to. Do you have a plan to get back to the hotel? Both of you?” You Mom asks before she leaves the room checking that you both weren’t coming on the bus.
“Yeah, I’m good.” You let her know.
When Jessie doesn’t answer, your Mom asks again. “Fleming?”
“I’m good, thank you for checking.” She thanks your Mom with a smile and a wave.
Knowing you both were good, your Mom walks out the door, leaving just you and Jessie in the training room. You push yourself up onto the counter, sitting with your legs dangling. Jessie walks over from the corner she was standing in. She places a towel down before she hops up onto the treatment table across from you. You both sit for a moment, looking at each other.
Jessie breaks the silence first. “It wasn’t fair for me to blame the penalty on you.”
“I know.” You decide this is the time to get out your frustrations with the brown haired, brown eyed, beautiful freckled girl in front of you. You couldn’t help but admire her despite being about to yell at her.
“It wasn’t fair for you to blame me for your kick, it wasn’t fair for you to shove me, it wasn’t fair to your team for you to leave the game without anyone knowing, it wasn’t fair for you to just assume I immediately went to fuck Olivia just because we’re sharing a room, sorry I wanted to have a friend! We were watching a movie, that’s why I was in her bed. She put on a movie and I fell asleep because I don’t speak French! It wasn’t fair to assume just because I was trying to be professional that I no longer was interested in you and moved on to the first girl I could find. None of that was fair to me Jessie!” As you yell your voice gets louder.
“I know.” She looks ashamed, Jessie is looking at the floor, refusing to make eye contact with you anymore.
“It’s not my fucking fault you thought about me during your kick, I had no control over that!” You take a second to notice the tone of your voice and decide the two of you have had one too many screaming matches recently. You lower your voice, letting your sadness from the night before overtake your anger with her. “It feels really shitty to be blamed for something you had no control over Jess.”
“I know.” Jessie repeats herself. Her voice is quiet, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth, her eyes looking glossy as if she’s about to cry. “I know none of that was fair.”
“Then why did you do it?” You start to feel your own eyes water.
“Because you were there.” Her hands clap down onto her knees. “That’s it, and I know that that’s not fair to you either but I had already spent the previous five hours blaming myself, ripping myself apart for missing that kick, so when you walked in, I was able to put the blame on you and I felt like I could breathe again. I think I would’ve ripped off anyone’s head who walked in.”
“You’re saying had Janine walked in instead you would’ve screamed at her? I find that hard to believe.” You hop off the counter, walking around the room. You pick up a lacrosse ball the girls use to roll out with, tossing it between your hands.
“I don’t know, maybe. It also didn’t help that I was already having feelings thinking you were with Olivia now, I got jealous.” She turns around on the treatment table to keep watch on you. “So I think my anger with you was a little different than it would’ve been with someone else. But I probably still would’ve ended up yelling at Janine or anyone, just it would’ve been a little different words. I’m just, I’m really sorry.”
You’re not sure how to react to her apology, so instead you start your own. You’re occupying your body, bouncing the ball on the ground while you speak with her.
“I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have called you delusional, I shouldn’t have ever started anything with you, it’s inappropriate and unprofessional, I’m supposed to be someone you can come to for help. I’m sorry I aided in our little back and forth from flirting to coworkers to friends, I didn’t do anything to stop it and I should have.”
“We both failed at being professional, it’s not just you.”
“Yep.” You quietly say to her. It’s quiet again between the two of you. An uncomfortable silence falling over the room with the rhythmic bouncing of the ball against the ground.
You bounce the ball all the way across the room and back before you look at Jessie. “Okay so what now?”
“Nothing.” She just looks at you. Her expression blank.
“Nothing?” You stop bouncing the ball, turning to look at her.
She hops off the table and comes to stand in front of you. “I only wanted to apologize. I messed up in an awful way, I was awful to you. I’m not here to beg for you to be my friend, let alone ask for you to be anything more, I just needed to apologize. I don’t expect you to have any interest in anything happening between us anymore.”
You look at Jessie, taking in her appearance, her cheeks still rosy from playing. Her eyes are no longer puffy like they were this morning, she’s chewing on her bottom lip, her hands are fidgeting. She’s nervous.
You then realize you're nervous. You hadn’t previously been aware of how hard your heart was beating, how you could feel it through your chest. The room was warm, your skin crawling. You didn’t know what her reaction was going to be to your next question.
“What if I did still have interest in us?”
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showtoonzfan · 6 months
Vaggie in the show really did piss me off, I just…feel bad for the character, like Viv HATES her so much and it shows. For most of the season, she’s just Millie 2.0. Her entire character revolves around Charlie. She exists to help her, to make her dream come true. Without Charlie she’s literally nothing and the show FLAT OUT says that itself in the third episode. I love how during that, she says she doesn’t know who she is without Charlie, but then proceeds to sing about how much she wants to protect her, something we already knew. Like…even Viv doesn’t know who Vaggie is without Charlie and that’s fucking SAD bro. How have you had this character for years and can’t even answer simple writing 101 questions about who they are and what they do outside of their partner/peers. And her having an identity crisis arc would have worked, but the show doesn’t do anything with that concept. Husk says she “hates herself”, and while her exorcist reveal may be the reason to that, the show puts no effort into actually showing us that on screen, cause the writers can’t seem to realize that we don’t know who Vaggie is at all OR without Charlie around. What are her likes and dislikes? What are her hobbies? Interests? None of that in the “female led” show!
Outside of her love for Charlie she’s SO flat and empty, and sadly her VA’s performance plays a heavy part in that cause Vaggie now just sounds so bored and lifeless all the time. Then we actually get to her exorcist reveal and I just know Viv stole this idea from the fan theories and decided to do it at the last minute, because the way it’s handled is so poorly done and lazily rushed. I felt NOTHING during that reveal because the show didn’t give me a reason to care. Not just cause everyone and their momma predicted it, but because there is ZERO buildup to it. Would have been nice to see this secret eating Vaggie up emotionally throughout the season and determined to keep it a secret, but nah…just flat out lay it on us like you do with all your characters Viv. Like….maybe develop the character FIRST before you reveal her darkest secret, and maybe actually show how this secret affects said character so we actually give a damn when it’s revealed.
Then near the end she has a supposed “arc” or we’re of course just told that. The moment Carmilla said that Vaggie was “too bloodthirsty and desperate for revenge rather than thinking of the people she loved”, truly shows how Viv doesn’t understand her own fucking characters despite trying to convince everyone she does. All we’ve SEEN is Vaggie thinking about the people she loves. You’ve shown us nothing else outside of that, you’ve said yourself that her whole purpose is protecting Charlie and making her dreams come true so what the hell was Carmilla saying? This of course would have made more sense if Vaggie was someone who desperately wanted to get back at heaven and we see her rage take over her love for Charlie and her plans, but again….we don’t SEE any of that. If anything all we see is someone who DOES care about the people around her and her actions were always out of love. I also hate how her arrival in hell is in flashback mode, this series is so allergic to taking it’s time, cause these are things you could have made into a full episode within itself, same for her meeting and falling in love with Charlie. Vaggie is a character that’s so easy to make likable and deep, and she WAS likable. But Viv could give less of a shit about her, in the end she ended up being so flat. Love how the joke of her name is that she was given that name by a sexist pig character, yet Viv decided to keep said name for her too that’s SUCH good writing.
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highdefhoetry · 1 year
Behind the Blindfold, ch. 1 [Satoru Gojo x Reader]
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tags: NSFW!!! tickle kink, female reader, vaginal fingering, oral sex (vaginal), hand kink, size kink, size difference, reader is short, enemies to lovers (kind of), dubcon (reader is resistant but only because she's denying feelings), light humiliation with verbal teasing, squirting, light/gentle domination, reader is tsundere with trust issues, gojo is kind of a fuck boy
summary: when you take a job exorcizing curses overseas, you find yourself struggling to resist the charms of a certain jujutsu sorcerer.
word count: 4,700
read on ao3 here!
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You knew you would come to hate this man the moment you laid eyes on him.
You knew his type. Arrogant, cocky, full of hot air and self importance. The kind that used his charm as a weapon and manipulated his victims with sweet nothings and playful banter. You almost gasped when you first locked eyes with his big, beautiful baby blues. His bright smile enchanted you further, almost making you blush when you found yourself staring. And when he stared down at you from his massive height, sizing you up, trying to decide how he was going to consume you, you almost felt your resolve wear down as he focused all his attention onto you. 
What made Gojo Satoru so dangerous was his self awareness, how he carried himself with such certainty knowing he would always emerge victorious, whether he was conquering a curse or conquering someone’s heart. If you had known the higher-ups in Tokyo had paired you with someone like this, you would have turned the plane around and gone back the way you came. To you, there was nothing more treacherous than a man who was both attractive and talented, especially when he was aware of it.
You couldn’t let yourself get close. Falling for him would mean certain annihilation. Set on self preservation, you vowed to keep him at a distance and surround yourself with walls too high for him to climb.
But as you soon learned, even the strongest resolves could be worn down with the right touch.
When you were introduced to your new partner, you almost quit on the spot. 
You had been summoned to Japan in the late fall, when curses tended to run rampant and even the special grade sorcerers had trouble keeping up with their attacks. That’s where you came in. The sorcerers in this country rarely requested backup from foreign countries, even their own allies, so when your clan assigned you to this job you knew things were serious. Hailing from the other side of the ocean, you arrived in Tokyo ready to earn your pay and leave. A job was a job, and nothing more.
But you didn’t anticipate having to work with a man like him.
“Satoru Gojo. The strongest jujutsu sorcerer of the modern era, at your service. And you are?”
His casual, overly familiar way of speaking set you off immediately. You hadn’t asked, yet he announced himself with a great deal of self-importance. The way he was reclining on the sofa, feet propped up on the wooden coffee table, barely giving you the time of day despite knowing you’d be working together closely for the time being really pissed you off. Especially because he hadn’t bothered to get briefed on anything. As if he was too important for such matters.
“The strongest, huh?” you said with arms crossed, unamused. “According to who?”
He turned his head towards you, but you couldn’t tell if he was actually looking at you or not since his eyes were hidden behind a dark blindfold. He stood up with a smirk, making his way to you slowly yet confidently. He stood in front of you, towering over your body at his massive height. He had to be at least six feet tall, maybe more. Having him leer at you like this made you feel two inches tall.
“According to me, of course.” 
You rolled your eyes, unfazed by his arrogance. 
“Hmm… are you really capable of handling special grade curses?” He looped around you, sizing you up. “You’re quite small for a sorcerer.”
You furrowed your brows in annoyance. He wasn’t wrong; you were short in stature, but that had nothing to do with your abilities. As a matter of fact, you were considered quite gifted in your own country, the best of the best in your clan. But the difference was that you were humble. The polar opposite of this annoying bastard.
You already couldn’t fucking stand him.
You weren’t going to take his bait, though. He was probably saying that to get a rise out of you, and you wouldn’t let him. You had to hold your ground now, or else your partnership would start off with an imbalanced dynamic.
“Size has nothing to do with ability. But I’m sure you know that already.”
He threw back his head and laughed.
“Haha! She’s a feisty one. I think I’m going to have a lot of fun with you.”
You rolled your eyes and made yourself scarce, not wanting to spend any more time with this aggravating man than you had to. You prayed this job would end quickly, so you could go home and forget about him. Your sanity depended on it.
To your dismay, the tension between you two steadily built up over the course of several weeks.
You were in Japan longer than anticipated, due to the sheer amount of curses that had spread throughout the city. It seemed like every day you were handling a new case, rushing around from place to place with fucking Gojo at your side. Gojo, who jumped at every opportunity to poke and tease you. Gojo, who always stood a little too close. Gojo, who seemed to double down when he sensed that you were at the limits of your patience. Gojo, who one day discovered a secret you had sworn not to share with anyone ever again, in the absolute worst way possible.
“(Y/N), don’t you ever smile?” he said on the way back to your living arrangements one evening. You’d told him you were heading back alone, but he insisted on following along with you after making some excuse about the rise in violent crime in Tokyo recently. Whatever. It was complete bullshit, just like every other fucking thing that came out of his mouth.
“I smile a lot when I’m not around you,” you spat back with venom.
“So cold, (Y/N). And I’ve been nothing but kind and welcoming to you this whole time.”
He moved in closer, “accidentally” brushing an arm against yours. You instinctively fluttered away.
“You’re being nice because you want something from me.”
He was quiet for a moment, but only a moment.
“Well, you’ve got a point,” he grinned, turning his face towards yours. Again, you couldn’t see his eyes, so you weren’t certain what lied beyond his half-hidden expression. “I do want something from you.”
“See? I told you. But you’re never going to get it.”
“Never say never. I can be very persuasive.”
“And I can be very stubborn,” you barked. “So let’s keep things surface level and just focus on the job.”
“All work and no play makes (Y/N) a dull gal.”
He slid closer again, until the two of you bumped shoulders. You felt your heart begin to race and tried to silence the steady beating. You had locked away those kinds of feelings long ago, and you weren’t about to release them now. No matter how much your body screamed for touch.
“Don’t you want to know what it is that I want from you?” He leaned down, his face a little too close to yours. He walked with so much confidence and self-assurance, even when he wasn’t not looking where he’s going. You couldn't wrap your head around it.
“Don’t care, didn’t ask.” you respond with callousness, walking a little faster. You’re almost at the apartment. Almost to freedom. 
“I’ll tell you anyway,” he said when you reached the front door, leaning against it before you could dig your keys out of your bag. “It’s you.”
You stared at him with mouth slightly agape, unsure if you heard him correctly.
“... What?”
His grin grew bigger. “You.”
Your brows knitted together as you spoke, still in somewhat of a daze. He couldn’t be serious. There was no way.
“I’m speaking your language, am I not? Perhaps I should say it in a different way.”
He approached you slowly, until your back was against the wall and his hand rested beside your head. He closes the gap between you, nearly pressing his body against yours. You stare up at him, boring holes into the blindfold, wondering if he was looking back.
“Why the hell do you want me?”
“Why not?”
“You could have anyone else in the world. You don’t need me.”
“I could. But they’re boring. You’re not.”
You scoffed, steadily inching away. “Well, too bad. Because I don’t want you.”
“Is that so?”
He cornered you again, leaning over until you felt his breath on your face. It was cool and minty, fitting for a man like him. You tried to scowl harder, but it became more difficult the closer he got. You couldn't remember the last time someone else was this close to you. You wish you could forget how it feels.
“You know, I’d really like to see you smile at least once. You’re always so serious.”
His words scratched something in your brain that you had buried long ago, dragging it back to the surface to run rampant. Your already quickening heartbeat increased more, your breath hitched with anticipation. There was no way… you had to stop this before it got started, or else you’d be in a lot of trouble.
“Try being funnier then.”
His mischievous grin only grew bigger as his aura suddenly became more menacing. He held his fingers in the air, wiggling them threateningly in your direction as your stomach dropped to the ground.
“Orrr… I could try a more hands-on approach.”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
“Oh, but I would.”
“Wait, no! Don’t-”
Before you could protest any further, you burst into laughter. He put his hands on your waist and started to softly scribble your sides, making you jerk around to try and get away from his hands. His touch was gentle, yet tortuous. You couldn't even try holding back your giggles; it felt way too ticklish. You yelled at him to stop, then crumpled over as your knees weakened.
“Ahh, she’s ticklish… I’ll have to remember this for later.”
His words were like fire to oil. You shrieked a little louder, squirmed around a little harder. Why did he have to go and say that?! You cursed yourself for allowing yourself to get into this position. Now he was going to figure you out.
Fortunately, he stopped after just a few seconds and laughed heartily.
“Ahahaha! (Y/N), you have a beautiful laugh! And your smile is dazzling. It’s a shame you don’t share it with the world more often.”
You didn’t have it in you to come up with a good comeback. You were still giggling lightly, arms wrapped around your body defensively in fear that he’d strike again. You felt your face heating up and fought the urge to hide it. That would only make you look flustered, and then he’d win. That long lost fuzzy feeling you had long forgotten had come back in full swing, and you noticed how you'd started rubbing your legs together as sudden desire filled your body…
You stared at him for a moment before suddenly rushing through the front door. You managed to get inside quickly enough that he didn't have a chance to stop you. You heard him say something as you slam the door behind you, but paid it no mind. 
You wouldn't let him get any closer. He had already seen too much.
Of course, Satoru Gojo would not fucking let it go.
It became the topic of conversation for the next few days, the one thing he droned on about no matter how many times you shot him down. It was both annoying and panic-inducing, but thankfully he hadn’t yet asked about that. While the two of you are waiting for the next assignment in the break room at the school, he brings it up again as you lay on the sofa pretending to be asleep. 
“So, are you finally gonna tell me what happened the other night, (Y/N)?” he crouches down to face level with you. “You ran away like a little frightened mouse and left me all alone in the cold night.”
“I said leave it alone!” you sigh, still not opening your eyes. Why couldn’t he just ignore it and let things get awkward between you two, like a normal person?
“I can tell something’s on your mind,” he says, circling around to your front. “Talk to me. I’m your partner, right? We should keep the lines of communication between us open.”
“Yeah, for work,” you reply. “This is personal, and I’d prefer to keep it that way.”
You expect him to respond with one of his silver-tongued lines, but instead he falls quiet. It’s unusual; you look over and notice that he’s watching you curiously, with the smallest hint of a smile. 
“Those walls of yours are pretty formidable, (Y/N). Doesn’t it get tiring, keeping them up all the time?”
You frown, nervous about where the conversation is leading. You debate getting off the sofa, but decide against it. He would just follow you if you tried to leave, anyway. He was annoying like that.
“Isn’t it tiring trying to wear someone down?”
He let out a chuckle. It was odd to you how laidback he was, despite how cold and off-putting you’d been from the start. As if nothing really got under his skin. You wondered if it was even possible to piss him off. 
Then he stands up, and you suddenly get very nervous.
“You’re right, (Y/N),” he says in a low, sultry baritone. “I’ve been too demure with you. I think you require a more aggressive approach.”
You immediately try to push yourself up, but he blocks your exit by placing his hands on the couch cushions behind you, trapping you on the sofa. 
“Whatever secrets you’re keeping will be mine. And if you refuse to play along, I have ways of making you talk.”
His words cause goosebumps to line your arms. You hid it as best as you could.
“I’m not playing your stupid little game. I’m not a prize to be won.”
You try to hold your ground, despite the odds stacked against you. You keep your eyes steady on him as he unties his blindfold, letting his silver locks fall over his face as those captivating blue eyes stare back at you. Once more, you let out a tiny gasp when you see them sparkling back at you. His grin gets bigger, his eyes get hungrier. 
“No, no. You’re much more than that, (Y/N).”
His face leans towards yours, his lips so close they’re practically brushing against your nose. 
“Why me? Why do you have to bother me?”
“Because you’ve captivated me. I can’t get enough of you. I know so much, yet so little. I’ve noticed your little mannerisms, experienced the depths of your fury, witnessed the brute force of your cursed technique, but still you remain a mystery to me.”
You realize that he’s taken your wrists in both hands, pressing them into the fabric of the sofa.
“I want to know everything. What makes you tick, what fuels you, what turns you on and sets you off.”
You feel his lips brush against your ear, and your entire body shudders.
“Won’t you open up to me, just a bit?”
Again, your heart feels like it’s jumped into your throat.
You stifle a squeal and try your best to keep quiet, but your breath gives you away. Your chest rises and falls sporadically, as if you’re on the run. Your mind races at top speed, seeking the proper words, until you can no longer keep it in and let the floodgates break through.
“...Make me.”
The break room clock ticks onwards as the seconds pass. The silence echoes through the room, suffocating your thoughts as the tension between you builds and builds. You watch as a sadistic smile creeps across Gojo’s face, and brace yourself when you feel his hands shift. He holds your wrists above your head while his free hand locks around on your ribs.
“Oh, I will. But I don’t think you’ll like my methods of interrogation. You seem to have forgotten that I know about your little secret weakness. You know… this one?”
He tickles your ribs, gently scritching the tips of his fingernails on the sides of your chest, and you immediately erupt into laughter. You try to twist your body away, but his hands are holding you firmly in place. All you can do is squirm a bit as he tickles down your sides, under your arms, back to your ribs, smiling like a maniac the entire time.
“I can’t believe how sensitive you are to this. And the best thing is, you can’t do a thing to stop me."
His verbal teases are the nail in the coffin. You squeal loudly and arch your back as he teases the back of your ribcage, digging there gently to torment you further. You hate every second, you love every second, you feel an amalgamation of emotions and desires swirl inside you. All while he’s taunting and teasing you endlessly.
“Look at you… such cute reactions. I can’t help but do it more. Tell me, where are your other ticklish spots? I’ll find out anyway, but I’ll give you a chance to confess first. Maybe I’ll go easy on you…” he pokes your sides and laughs when he sees you jump. “...Or maybe not.”
You couldn’t answer him anyway, the way you’re laughing and screaming. You can barely form words to beg him at this point. He’s tickling you so much, more than almost anyone ever has, and it’s driving you crazy and spurring you in ways you never imagined. 
“Stop! Stahahap…” you manage to spit out through fits of giggles. He slows down a bit, opting to stroke your sides and stomach for some reprieve.
“You’ve got to be one of the most ticklish people I’ve ever met,” he observes as his fingers trail across your shirt, making you giggle more. “Are you really this ticklish everywhere, or am I just that good at it?”
“F… fuck off …” you curse breathlessly. It makes him laugh.
“It’s going to be so much fun playing with you,” he leans in again, his whisper tickling your ear. “You better spill all your secrets. Sensitive little thing like you won’t last much longer.”
The little moment of mercy he’s given you has allowed you to take note of your body. Your thighs are pressed together, instinctively rubbing against themselves. You could’ve kicked him in the gut, or kneed him in the chest, yet here you were, practically giving him free rein of your body without a fight. You haven’t, but you feel like you’ve peed yourself, your underwear feeling wetter than usual. And you know exactly why.
“You can’t break me…” you spit out. 
“I can’t? But you’re already half-broken.”
His touches get more purposeful, his fingers apply a bit more pressure. He glides his hand upwards, resting it on the skin under your arms. One of your worst spots. You start to squirm and giggle nervously even though he hasn’t started.
“You know what I’m after. Confess, or I’ll keep going for the rest of the night.”
He spiders your underarms, and you practically explode. You desperately try to pull your arms down, but he presses them tighter, limiting your movement even more. You squeeze your eyes shut and hear yourself splurt out half-hearted begs, knowing they’d go ignored. Was he really going to keep tickling you like this until you surrendered? If it was anyone else, you’d assume no, but this was Satoru Gojo, and he was known for his relentlessness.
“Okay, okahahay! Stop already!”
“Well, (Y/N)? Have I ‘made you’?” he says playfully, finally letting up on his tickle attack. His smile is so innocent, as if he didn’t just spend the last hour tickling the shit out of you. You take time to catch your breath, noticing how warm your skin has become and feeling a bit self-conscious knowing that your hair is probably looking wild and unkempt.
That’s when he finally looks down.
There’s a small wet spot on the sofa, almost undetectable. But the eyes of Gojo see all. When he looks back at you, it takes everything in your power not to crumble.
“My, my… what do we have here.”
He presses his hand against your underwear, rubs his thumb on the fabric that covers your clit. The sensation makes you moan, loudly, and your body writhes in a different way than it did before. Your eyes meet his once again, and you already know in your heart what he’s about to ask.
“(Y/N).... Do you like being tickled?”
“I, um…” you wonder if it’d be best to keep quiet, lest you indict yourself. Although you know it’s already too late. 
“Aha! So this is what turns you on. I can’t believe I didn’t notice until now.”
With both hands now free to do what he pleases, he starts gliding his fingertips down your inner thighs, then back up and again. Down and up. Up and down. Gently, tenderly, like the touch of a lover’s. It’s both ticklish and arousing; you let out breathy moans in between soft giggles.
“Who would’ve thought you’d have such an odd kink? I’ll admit it, though, it is pretty hot seeing you writhe around like this while begging. I understand why you were so guarded and resistant now. It is a bit embarrassing, huh?”
“Shut up…” you say, your words fluttering through the air weightlessly.
He leans forward and plants two soft kisses on your inner thighs, one between each leg. You let out another moan, each kiss sending shockwaves through your skin. He raises his head and looks at you once more with those big, baby blues.
“But you like being embarrassed, too. Don’t you?”
You open your mouth to speak, but only a moan escapes.
He lowers himself once more, and you feel him grab the hem of your underwear and pull it to the side. Then, the feeling of his warm tongue licking your clit, placing wet and sloppy kisses all over your other set of lips. It’s only been a few seconds, but you’re already moaning and begging for more. You press yourself into him deeper, run your fingers through his hair before gently grabbing and pulling. You hear him moan lightly, and the feeling of it vibrates across your pussy, causing you to groan in pleasure. He observes this and vocalizes more, making growling and grunting sounds as his mouth goes to work. He eats you ravenously, taking note of your moans and reactions to each technique. He runs his hands up your ass until they reach your back, then pulls you closer, keeping his face buried in your pussy.
It’s not enough to bring you all the way, though, and he starts catching onto that after some time. He lays you down, raises his head to look at you again, maintaining eye contact as he runs his hands up your body, purposely tickling you a bit so he can see you laugh again. He’s above you now, staring deeply into your eyes with a look of mischief. But there’s something else there as well. Adoration? Or amusement? 
“You don’t need to be so shy anymore,” he croons, leaning down. “Doesn’t it feel nice to open up like this, heart to heart?”
You feel your brows furrow again, and look away for a moment as your heart goes to war with itself. It was nice, wasn’t it? That momentary pleasure, fleeting yet intoxicating. Nothing like this ever lasted long for you. Satoru Gojo was no different. Your expression must have troubled him deeply, because his smile quickly faded as you remained silent.
“...So what now? You’ve gotten what you wanted. Now you can add me to your list of conquests.”
He raised an eyebrow, seemingly confused by your words.
Then, after puzzling it over for a moment, the realization seems to dawn on him. He chuckles a bit, the smile returning to his face.
“I get it. You think I’m some kind of playboy.”
You watch him curiously as he leans closer, his lips almost touching yours. His hands rest comfortably on the tops of your knees, gently caressing them.
“If that’s what you’re worried about, you should have said so. I would have told you that you’re the only one I’m interested in right now.”
He kisses your cheek, then the other. His lips brush against your nose and then kiss your forehead. It’s so sweet, you almost want to cry. 
“You’re going to hurt me eventually,” you confess, the last of your walls coming down. “No matter how it goes, that’s always how it ends.”
“Does it have to be that way?” he brushes a few strands of hair off your face, smiling warmly. 
“That’s how it goes for me.”
He cups your cheeks, and your butterfly heart beats its wings against your chest.
He kisses you, and it tastes just as sweet and feels just as good as you imagined. You bring your hands up and grab the back of his neck with one, running your fingers through his hair with the other. You pull him closer with a bit of force, making him moan into the kiss as you start to gently bite and suck at the bottom lip. He returns the favor, with just as much passion and desire. He starts to press his body against yours, and you feel his erection pushing through his tight pants. You can’t get a good feel of it yet, but you imagine his dick must be as big as his ego. 
You purposely grind your hips upwards, humping your mound into his erection. He responds by pulling away and kissing down your jawline until he reaches your neck. You let out a small squeal - it’s another sensitive area, hyper ticklish like the rest. His soft kisses only serve to arouse you further. You giggle and moan, feeling his hands sliding your underwear down your legs and over your ankles. Giving him full access.
He tests your wetness and smirks when he feels it between his fingers. Slowly, slowly, he puts one finger inside you, and the sensation makes you yelp. He starts off slow, gliding in and out with ease, carefully curling his finger in search of that spongy spot inside. He finds it with little effort; in seconds you cry out as your body reacts instinctively. It feels kinda like you’re peeing and cumming at the same time. 
“So you’re a squirter too,” he grins victoriously, more power going to his head. Just what he needed. You collapse back on the sofa, your skin damp with sweat as you catch your breath.
“Fuck…” is all you can get out.
He chuckles in response, still thrusting his fingers into you. His hands are large and strong; you had taken note of them early on, dreaming of how they’d feel against your skin or pushed inside you. He started with one, then two, and now three of his fingers pump rhythmically as you moan and let out more cries of pleasure. His other hand sneaks under your dress, caresses the sensitive area under your breasts that he discovered earlier. The ticklish feeling, plus his steady thrusts, are sending you over the edge.
Sadly, the moment is interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming down the hall.
Gojo lifts his head, and you take the chance to pull yourself up. His fingers slide out and he backs off, giving you room to yank your underwear back on and smooth down your hair. You’re not sure how your face looks, but you pray that your flushed, damp skin won’t give you away. Meanwhile, Satoru Gojo is as calm and collected as ever. As if he hadn’t spent the last few minutes fingering and eating the fuck out of you.
“Hey, (Y/N)...” Gojo starts to say something, but you cut him off.
“This never happened,” you hiss, right before the door swings open.
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princncess · 2 months
The Problem With Fucking Ex-Cader Units
Don’t try to fuck an ex-cader unless you’re a real specific type of person. That’s my advice. Lemme explain this from start to finish. First of all, I’ve got to explain to you what a cader actually is. 
See, since the 30’s, where pilots were really wearing glorified suits, to the 40s, when mechs took on a size and shape more reflective of early cultural depictions about what they would be, to the more hulking things they are now, mechs have been steadily increasing in size. Around ‘53, the protection game changed. At that point, the penetration really wasn’t as much of an issue as the impact of a weapon, and no matter how much armor you caked on, nothing would stop a .24 c-cal¹ round from just jolting you so hard your internals got fucked up anyway, even if it stopped way short, nestled comfortably in the dozens of feet of whatever exotic metal they decided to layer on top of you.
So they ditched the whole heavy armor thing, which increased combat capabilities a ton, cause, y’know, extreme weight decrease. I shouldn’t need to tell you that that left a huge vulnerability. To fill that gap, they came up with a new class: Barricader units, or caders for short. Rumor has it a higher-up spelled “cadet” or “cadre” wrong and everyone just ran with it, too scared to correct the guy, but who knows. Caders are a single purpose unit. All the armor stripped off the glorious fighters who get all the medals, put onto caders, and their job was to take damage. No weapons, save for the ability to give someone a mean slam with your armor. High propulsion to get in the way of stuff quick and then back out so your team could return fire. Mechs physically built and pilots mentally trained to drag themselves by the last functioning finger to the next source of pain. Can you tell yet why they’re not a fuck for the faint of heart?
So no surprise that when these pilots are out-of-mech, they’re more than a little weird. I know you’ve seen all the posts about how ex-pilots are always breaking things, twitching like they’re scanning for targets, unusually sadistic, what have you. You’ll usually find an ex-cader cutting the shit out of itself and the like- some people think they’re depressed or PTSD or something, but really they’re just trying to get high again. They actually did a study on ex-caders, turns out they’re actually going through something chemically analogous to drug withdrawal, but for pain. If they’re not getting hurt, they feel like they aren’t serving their purpose, they get anxious, start freaking out until they can get their next fix of pain. They’re the ones reading “abuser blocklists” like a fucking menu, pissed that no one on there is an actual abuser. It’s not even “wires crossed” at that point, the wires are all fucking melted together.
I run a place where off-duty and discharged military come to relax, satisfy bodily urges- I don’t need to spell it out for you. Some of them actually end up working here instead of being customers. Anyway, any time we get an ex-cader in here, they’ve just got needs beyond the pay-grade of anyone who works here. It’s not like they try to force anything- well, some try this sorta… manipulation game, but the only satisfaction they’ll get if they do is getting kicked out by me- but even the behaved ones clearly leave disappointed. It’s nice for us that all the shit laws against sex work faded out, but the things these ex-caders ask for are still far into illegal territory, not to mention far past what my toughest employees can stomach.
Now, I’ve got one employee, Lucy, who’s also an ex-pilot- not a cader, an assault pilot. Doesn’t get very good reviews, bless her, she goes way too hard, can’t meter her force. People tap out. We had to give her a special whip that didn’t hurt very much, and only give her the serious masochist clients because damn could she swing. It was only a matter of time before an ex-cader arrived, heard about her, and decided “I gotta try it.” Can’t lie, I was interested in what would happen too. I had no idea the chemical fucking reaction that was about to take place.
A funny thing happens when you add “someone who wants to take more than anyone can give” and “someone who wants to give more than anyone can take.” It was unstoppable force meets immovable object. Someone created to be hurt, versus someone created to hurt. The answer is, they fuck like they’re both trying to kill the cader.
As is protocol, we left them alone in a room to do their business. Business outside that room, however, ceased. You could hear the sound through the entire building, both of them making the same noise- like a scream and a laugh combined, what I can only describe as the sound of Purpose, capital P, being fulfilled in the most violent way. Not to mention the impacts and claps, cracks of what I thought at the time were furniture. We kinda wanted to go in and check on them, make sure they were safe, but that’s against our rules, so we let them continue. We actually had a bit of a crowd forming near the wall, can’t blame the people for being concerned or interested. But after a little while, about halfway through their time slot, we could only hear one person scream-laughing. No club safe-word from anyone yet. I again considered checking on them, but figured I’d give it some time. Ten minutes later, the sounds were all calming down, still only one person could be heard. I knocked a few times. No response each time. The concerns were mounting among me and everyone else there. I cleared the crowd for privacy reasons, then got ready to enter.
That wasn’t a metaphor I used earlier. I saw Lucy on a chair, waiting, and the cader on its stomach on the floor. It- well, she, but this thing was no longer recognizable as anything but an it- looked like it had five elbows, the way its arm was broken up in a few places. The attached hand was scratching at the ground pulling the rest of the body what must have been micrometers closer to Lucy while she giggled and looked down at it. She looked up at me with a more intense joy in her eyes than I’ve seen in anyone- and waved to me, giddy, with a “Hiiiii!!!!”
In the low light, the only thing I could see wrong was the silhouette of the fucked up arm, I didn’t know how bad the situation was. I turned on the light and the first thing I saw was the various places blood had splattered. I screamed, Lucy laughed again, and someone peeked in who I had to shoo back out. I closed the door out of respect for the two pilots, but didn’t feel good about being alone with Lucy. I walked toward the cader, around its body to the other side- I saw legs broken entirely out of commission, the other arm hanging on by sinew, broken-off wood from the furniture jabbed into its abdomen. That special whip I got for Lucy tied around its neck. Then there was what was left of its face. It was like a crater, I was stunned the pilot was even still alive. Somehow I could tell it was smiling, despite the fact that I could see nothing but pulp. It almost sounded like the thing was purring, the way it was gargling blood somewhere deep in its throat. I looked around the room. It looked like just about everything in there had come into play at some point during their session, everything scattered. Broken glass. Some fingers. Turns out I had misconceptions about what vocal cords looked like. I saw Lucy’s wrist had also broken somewhere along the way, and the rest of her was as bloody as anything else in the room. She was staring back, but it didn’t seem like she was upset at me, or registered me as a potential target. When I regained the power of speech, I sat down in a patch of ground without much blood and called an ambulance I knew wouldn’t be enough. I tried to talk to Lucy a little bit, but she seemed too starstruck by her experience to offer much beyond “Look how cute!”
Well, I guess whoever peeked in called the cops, because they came along with the ambulance. Lucy was too out of it- and proud of her work- to do anything but admit to everything. While they took her away, I wondered what was going on in her head. Did she understand she did something wrong, or was the euphoria of that whole thing just too much?
Scratch that. I have no idea if she did something wrong.
¹ Centcal, abbreviated c-cal. 100 times a caliber. .24 c-cal is the same as 24 cal, or a 2-foot-wide bullet.
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
Dating Hort of Bloodbrook
summary : general headcanons of dating Hort while being the princess of Camelot.
word count : 0.7k
type : headcanons
pairing/s involved : Hort x Reader, Sibling! Tedros x Reader
warning/s : discrimination against Nevers and Evers.
here is my masterlist!
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Note : I know this is late but this has been on my unfinished works since the movie came out. I fell in love with Hort, he is so cute and loyal to Sophie 🥹. I haven't read the books but I might soon when I need to escape reality again.
You will likely be a year younger than Tedros.
Because of the heir and the spare™.
I know it sounds bad but some rulers actually do those.
Tedros is extremely overprotective over you, especially when Queen Guinevere ran away with Lancelot and King Arthur died.
He's like the typical older brother you see in movies; handsome, buff, (kind off) a meathead, and annoys you to know end.
Will also be the first one to come to your defense.
When you got to the School of Good, you were determined to destroy the image of being Tedros' little sister.
Which results to you preferring to be a hero in your own story than being a queen in someone else's.
As expected, you quickly became friends with Agatha.
Not afraid to stand up to those who think girls are inferior to boys.
While the other Evers found the Nevers horrible for being future villains, you have a neutral perspective towards them.
After all, the School of Good has many stuck up and vain students.
Meeting Hort was definitely a memory to remember. It was when Professor Dovey took the first years to the Wish Fish (Let's pretend Agatha didn't free them).
When you put your hand on the water and begin to think of a wish, you didn't feel the water swirling like Agatha told you she experienced,
Instead, it was hand that intertwines its finger with yours.
And it harshly pulled you down the water.
The girls' screams and the professor calling out your name in panic caught the boys and Tedros' attention, running to the 'rescue'.
Under the water, you see someone smiling at you, or at least that's what you hopes he's doing.
A Never named Hort, son of Captain Hook.
Tedros immediately pulled you out of the water, with Hort in tow.
The angry professor commands the nearby guards to bring him back to the School of Evil and how Lady Lesso will surely punish him.
"It seems like I'm your wish, my lady."
He expects you to be disgusted like the other Evers. To his surprise, you give him the sweetest smile he has ever seen in his life.
"That you are, Hort of Bloodbrook."
To say Hort is surprised was an understatement.
You didn't only smile at him but also knew his name.
Cupid's arrow struck him at that moment. His villainous smirk drops, staring at you with wide eyes as much as he could before they were out of sight.
Tedros, who saw the whole thing, was not pleased and gave you a warning on how Nevers can't be trusted.
After your encounter, Hort seeks you out more.
You didn't mind, he is an odd yet funny companion.
He also doesn't care for one's physical appearance like the girls do or how you're nothing but a pretty face with a royal title like most guys think.
He encourages you to be yourself, like Agatha does.
You two would get judgmental looks from both sides.
Sophie was pissed, not only because Hort was losing interest in her but being the princess of Camelot is everything she wants to be.
So is Tedros. And everyone else who sees you together.
Agatha is just worried and would remind you to keep your guard up.
But you enjoy each other's company, that's what matters.
Hort was in love with you the moment you met but it took you a longer time to realize your feelings for him.
You only told Agatha about it but Tedros overheard.
Believe me when I say that Tedros will demand you to be examined.
"She's not under any spells, my prince."
"Are you certain?"
"Oh my God, I love Hort and there's nothing you can do about it!"
Everyone in the hall heard you.
Silence before a giddy howl ensues.
Hort runs to you and gives the biggest hug you could ever receive.
Despite being initially embarrassed, you returned it.
Before he could kiss you like he always dreamed of, Tedros stops him.
He pulls out Excalibur and points its tip on Hort's neck. Your brother will mercilessly give the poor boy threats if he broke your heart or hurt you in any way. Agatha joined in without words, just sending a warning glare on his way.
Hort would be lowkey terrified but so happy at the same time.
I mean you love him back. He could take a fucking army if you command him to.
Lady Lesso and Professor Dovey would only look at each other in disbelief, worried for what happens next.
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doodlegirl1998 · 2 months
hori constantly acts as if he isn’t the writer and has full control of the story and it pisses me off to no end. gonna drop some examples below. these are from the street wear profiles from the manga.
sen kaibara - “I love his Quirk, so I can’t wait to portray it more.” he’s acting like something/someone is actively holding him back from doing so.
tetsutetsu tetsutetsu - “I hope I get to show him in action more.” once again, acting like something is stopping him. side note, why tf did he give him that name. it’s just so lazy. and it’s not even funny. just annoying to say and annoying to write.
hanta sero - “He’s mostly just for one liners in the background, but he’s a good guy, and I’d like to feature him more. At some point. For sure.” and then proceeds to never do that.
this might just be me being bitter abt all the amazing characters he’s completely disregarded and disrespected. this might just be me not understanding what it’s like being a mangaka. but it still bothers me.
i just hate how he’s created this insanely interesting world and amazing characters and never expands on anything bc he’s too busy sucking bakugos dick.
speaking of bakugo, as someone who has narcissistic tendencies, he’s a textbook case.
he obviously has some sort of inferiority/superiority complex and a mild to severe case of a god complex. at best he’s dismissive of people who he sees as inferior to him, at worst he’s downright cruel.
his “nicknames” are all just fucking insults aimed at peoples insecurities.
raccoon eyes/horns: mina was probably bullied for her appearance and then her so called “friend” exclusively calls her names that poke fun at her appearance.
bird brain/bird face/other bird names: tokoyami has probably heard it all at this point but once again bakugo making fun of heteromorphs.
dunce face: denki has shown to be insecure about his intelligence and once again his so called “friend” mocks him for it.
tentacles/arms/octopus: again, mocking heteromorphs.
tail: i’m beginning to see a pattern here.
ears: ok how has no one pointed out how most of his nicknames are him basically just calling them slurs.
i don’t think bakugo has ever called someone their actual name. maybe a handful of times? but it’s like a massive event when he calls someone by their actual name.
exclusive calling people insults isn’t exactly heroic.
anyway rant over i just needed to get all this shit off my chest.
Hi @the-jello-bowl 👋,
There could be something to be said here about how the editors may have had a hand in Hori not exploring all the characters he may have wanted to.
But, even if that is the case, not all of the blame would rest on them.
Hori clearly did not plan ahead for a lot of MHA. He is very good at coming up with good character designs and concepts as well as bringing life to them but seems to be at a loss after that is done. The cast bloating is key evidence of this.
It is sad to see all these interesting characters be swept to the wayside in favour of Bakugou, who by contrast brings nothing of interest to the table.
Bakugou is a narcissistic abuser in my opinion. He uses cruel nicknames, not as lighthearted jibes, but to bring others down - especially his friends.
Other than the instances you mentioned, I want to bring attention to one that belongs to Bakugou's supposed best friend, Kirishima, who he calls only "shitty hair." We learn in his backstory that Kirishima changed his hair to be like his idols as a symbol of his growth prior to U.A. Therefore, being continually called "shitty hair" would hurt Kirishima deeply. He also tells Bakugou to stop, and yet Bakugou does not care.
The time I can think of when Bakugou called someone their actual name is that time he used "Izuku" instead of the usual "Deku" slur. And even that is bad because instead of asking for the right to call Izuku by his first name, usually reserved for close family, Bakugou just does it.
Typical narcissistic, entitled and stagnant Bakugou. We hate to see it.
I wish Hori didn't waste so many manga panels on this idiot.
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lushlovers · 2 years
Ignored, J Burrow
summary; he's quite the hypocrite
warnings; joe still is an asshole what'd y'all expect, swearing, this is the stupidest argument but i would act like this too fr, the pettiest duo ever ong
word count; 900-ish
notes; ughhh i missed frat!lsu!joey so much omg. one of the few fics being posted as a thank-you for 400 followers! pls someone notice how they react similarly to each other with their actions when frustrated
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This year, like the few before, Joe had convinced you to come to both of his frat's formals, for you it was a win-win, getting to dress up all pretty and seeing him all cleaned up in his fancy suit. He kept his arm secured on your hip, and both of you stepped out catching the eyes of everyone in the room, per usual.
Boredom has slowly settled in over the span of the few hours you've been here, staring at your nails and chatting with the extremely energetic girlfriends and dates of his fraternity brothers could only hold your interest for so long. "Can we go up to the room yet?" You mumble, trying not to make your growing impatience too obvious, and leaning into him with a pout present on your pretty face.
"Soon, babe," his response is short, obviously just trying to shut you up. You sigh, clicking your tongue, murmuring under your breath about going to get a drink. He barely has paid any attention to you at all tonight, nor did he say anything about the dress he ditched you to go shopping for alone. He swore up and down that he would take you to the mall, and you'd choose something together, but he opted out at the very last minute, simply venmoing you the cash for it.
It takes a lot out of you just to not scream at him to acknowledge your existence for two damn seconds, but no. Everyone, but you seemed to keep his attention this entire time. Your jaw is set tight as you fish your phone from your purse, finding yourself sitting alone and scrolling on your feed aimlessly as Joe continues to socialize.
Time passes slowly, but midnight's creeping up, you remember you both have a keycard on you which prompts you to slip out of the dining hall completely. As you make your way up to your floor you decide a text will suffice, maybe he'll see it, maybe he won't, and it's not your problem anymore.
angel🌟: i went back up.
Before you thought it couldn't get any worse, he somehow managed to piss you off even further. Read 11:54. May the Lord be on his side, that's one thing he never did to you, he knows exactly how you feel about that, you even went as far as to turn his read receipts off to avoid this feeling.
In the time it takes him to finish doing whatever the hell he's been doing all evening, you'd changed, gotten out of your makeup, and were tucked under the cover tightly. Assuring your back was turned to him as he made his way in and kicked his shoes off, "D'you have fun?" His question is followed by a long beat of silence, but he just assumes you're asleep and says nothing else.
After just a few short minutes of him entering the in-suite, he returns in an old t-shirt and basketball shorts. When he climbs into bed behind you and pulls you in close, you stiffen, making his grasp loosen significantly, "Were you like, intentionally ignoring me all night?" His brows crease and for a minute he just opens his mouth like a fish out of the water as he searches for an actual reason for the lack of interaction between the two of you.
"Not intentionally," he responds quickly to get you to be quiet for what seems to be the hundredth time today. The last thing you want is to be treated like the various girls whose feelings he plays with for his own amusement. Still, after tonight, you're severely lacking the cognitive ability to go back and forth with him tonight.
Your silence catches his attention, making the scrolling he was going on his phone come to a halt, "Are you gonna say anything?" In your head, you're screaming at him about how you're feeling, to say more than two words a sentence to you, but to possibly tick him off you bite your tongue and settle for a smartass reply.
A stifled laugh breaks the tension in the hotel room, followed by a snarky response, "Nothing to say." That does him in. Ironically being treated in the same way he treats others, receiving a taste of his own medicine. He slams his phone down on the bedside table, "I'm talking to you now and you're being short with me," another laugh escapes you at his hypocrisy and simply how childish he's acting right now.
The tone of voice you chose doesn't even change an octave when you decide to speak once more, "Now you know how I feel," you hum, turning over to face the sliding-glass balcony door. His jaw is set tight as he stares daggers into your back and you can feel them burning through your oversized t-shirt. Without saying anything else, he mimics your movements and turns over with his arms crossed over his chest, pouting.
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sunnybyler · 6 months
i’ve been sitting on my thoughts for so long but i just have to get this off my chest. i don’t like to yuck ppls yum so if you like e/riel pls scroll away nd keep having your fun it’s not my problem. however some of y’all can get mean as HELL and as an elucien i have to get this off my chest. (also warning for gwynriels i’m with y’all i defend y’all here however i do go in a bit on az in this so fair warning). i truly have no idea why e/riels cling so hard to the azriel bonus chapter in acosf because that chapter, more than literally anything else in the series, proved to me that e/riel is absolutely NOT going to be endgame. let me explain:
1. it is explicitly stated that azriel did not think of his relationship with elain outside of a sexual nature. i think some ppl get kinda annoyingly puritanical when trying to make this point when it’s like 100% certain lucien had sexual thoughts of elain too. the point isn’t the thoughts themselves. the difference here is the explicit mention that he didn’t consider anything with her outside of that.
2. the point above ^ is further exacerbated by the fact that az did not give a flying fuck if he killed elain’s MATE. even if elain hasn’t accepted the bond, it would still be extremely painful for her based on what we’ve seen with rhys, feyre, and even rhys’s parents (who weren’t good for each other, yet we saw how rhys’s dad lost it when she died). now of course us lucien lovers know damn well he would never in a million years call a blood duel to try to claim elain (and fuck u rhys for saying that, i usually have your back but come ON you are not the only male who can respect their mate’s autonomy). but az doesn’t know that!? in fact seems to agree with rhys that he could. ppl argue on who would win that fight — my opinion hinges 100% on if powers are fully unleashed but that’s not the point at all. no matter WHO wins, elain is going to feel responsible for someone’s death. of course it wouldn’t be her fault if men decided to be fucking stupid, but with the little we know about elain shows that she would feel so guilty if that happened. but azriel doesn’t seem to give af that anyone fighting to the death over her is the last thing she would ever want. not only did az not think of elain outside his fantasies and therefore not fully care for her, but he doesn’t seem to even KNOW elain in this chapter. now, i could go in on this in acosf as a whole. but i’m keeping it to this chapter alone.
3. and further on THAT point, az doesn’t really give any reasoning on his interest in elain outside of this insane “three brothers/three sisters” thing he fully pulled out of his ass. tbh i almost thing this is sjm’s way of addressing the fan theories on that. now i get it to some extent from az’s pov — seeing his brothers happy with these sisters must fuck with your head after you’d all been bachelors together for 500 years. especially considering how he’s felt unworthy of love his whole life and this seems to support that insecurity of his. i get that it makes him feel ostracized from them, and that he’s now an outlier not being with an archeron. i get that. i do. i sympathize with him here. however that does not change the fact that he isn’t speaking of elain like she’s her own individual here — hell he fully calls her “the other”. i think part of this conversation was him being frazzled, i give him a bit more grace than some do (tho he pissed me off BAD in this scene), but we were fully in this man’s head. did he give us a full reason why he liked elain besides his brother’s mates and his sexual thoughts?? they would’ve at least crossed his mind when rhys was grilling them if sjm was trying to set up her next romance here. as it is, we have literally nothing to imply azriel actually likes elain herself and not the idea of being closer with his brothers.
4. az has kinda a habit of ignoring the reality of the women he’s attracted to in some way. he has his own version of them in his head that he puts on a pedestal. now i could do a whole psych eval on this man and how he thinks he’s unworthy of love and therefore only allows himself to have feelings for women he knows/thinks he can’t have. but to focus on this chapter alone, my points above ^ about how he doesn’t really think of elain outside his fantasies/bringing him closer to his brothers and not really understanding her pretty much wraps it up there. i mean he even talks about how he thinks his scarred hands don’t belong on her because she’s so perfect in his eyes. that’s not love, that’s obsession and it’s unhealthy. he clearly thinks himself below elain and ignores that she has her own flaws too.
5. aaaand i saved the biggest for (almost) last….. GWYN. this is a genuine GENUINE question. why in the fucking hell. would sjm make half the chapter focusing on az & gwyn if she was teasing e/riel. like that makes no sense. not to be annoying and mention chekhov's gun but that idea applies to relationships too. i’m sorry but she couldn’t be more explicit about her future romances. you could argue “oh well it’s because there’s gonna be a love triangle”. y’all. elain has. elain has a mate. there already IS a love triangle. there was absolutely no reason for her to bring gwyn into this chapter other than her preparing us for a future relationship, literally none. especially with all the romantic subtext (hell not even subtext, just TEXT). gwyn getting him to talk about himself so easily when he’s so quiet usually, him taking the idea of making her happy and he “buried the image down deep, where it GLOWED QUIETLY” (which SCREAMS mating bond to me but even if it’s not it’s clearly something he cherishes deeply), the SHADOWSINGERS SHADOWS SANG FOR HER!?
6. the fucking necklace regifting. oh it’s bad. OHHH ITS BAD. when the girls realize it’s gonna be SO messy but im hoping sjm doesn’t go the stupid cat fight route bc neither of them did anything wrong. az did. i’m sorry i’m dunking on him so much in this post i rlly don’t hate him i just think he needs like decades of therapy (which tbf don’t we all) which i unfortunately don’t think sjm is going to give him before giving him his romance. but even the biggest azriel lovers have to admit that this was insanity. a few points on it here. first, if it’s so easily regiftable then it couldn’t have been that well thought out in regards to elain. say what you will about lucien’s gifts, even argue that he gave her jewelry too. but elain was actually shown wearing pearls. az’s gift seemed shallow to me — it was something pretty, and elain’s pretty, and it had a flower, and elain gardens. it’s clear lucien put SO much more thought into his gifts, whether he succeeded or not (which i need to remind y’all — we still don’t know. maybe she liked the gifts maybe she didn’t, but regardless she acted the way she did bc of her feelings about the bond, not the gift). and azriel has spent so much more time with elain than lucien has. if that necklace really felt like elain to him, he could’ve kept it or returned it. but nope. buddy gave it to a whole other girl bc he could easily associate it with someone else. he clearly felt some special pull towards gwyn too, going out of his way to give it to her. he had ONE meaningful conversation with her. i already discussed the quote earlier that makes me think mating bond personally. but no matter what, him giving her the same gift he gave someone he was pursuing romantically is a clear sign of what’s to come (and probably a setup for some sort of drama that i don’t think im mentally ready for).
so there we have it! why i think that the bonus chapter thoroughly proves that e/riel is not going to be endgame. i honestly think it’s possible they might be a thing for a minute (tho i could also see this being the closing of that chapter), but i don’t think it’s going to last. sjm just gave us too many blatant hints that elain and az would NOT work together long term, and that azriel in particular is more suited for someone else. i might’ve missed some points bc there is SO much that goes down in this tiny chapter so lmk if there’s other stuff you picked up on!
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kozmicmizuu · 4 months
guys please PLEASE here me out on this kny au idea
ok yall watched Puss in Boots the last wish?? and have seen the 2019 kny halloween costumes???
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guys…. them as puss and death…
idk how this cooked in my head but i can’t get it out after rewatching the movie
so obviously the others would be in this- i’ll get there don’t worry let me cook
tengen would obviously be a bit of a cocky bastard because he’s never been caught or killed, being the successful pirate he is, he considers himself almost untouchable. but he’s avoided death too many times— he was supposed to be dead ages ago. and then giyuu comes in.
giyuu was of course pissed off and agitated that some albino lil pirate bitch kept avoiding his clutches, so he decided to take him himself
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then this scene is probably gonna be the first scene of this au, just them meeting in a bar
and the sizes would, of course, be swapped. tengens a big guy who is currently sitting next to the embodiment of death and the purge of the sea and doesn’t suspect a thing— because no way he’s taller than death! he’s not looking up at death, he’s looking down
just like he has been for his whole life
giyuu didn’t say anything (typical) and simply drank with him until tengen got a bit suspicious and felt uneasy about him. giyuu then pulled the same thing death did and told tengen “i’m a big fan- could you sign this for me?”
then pulls out the “wanted- dead or alive” thing and points to dead. then the whole fight scene happens, but it’s a bit different. tengen did land a hit on giyuu, successfully cutting giyuu in half at the stomach. but nothing happened. giyuu just simply put himself back together and acted like nothing happened, he simply said “you do live up to the legends.”
of course, tengen was confused and a bit worried now, giyuu didn’t care, he had an objective and he would complete it
the famous scene of puss actually getting touched by a blade would be blue, a bright yet dark blue— like the seas tengen rules, he just didn’t know that they’d be ruled by someone else (giyuu). also another overall headcanon for giyuu is that he’s a scary guy when he really wants to be
as for the others, i do have some ideas for them
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these two are giyuu’s angel and devil on his shoulders, throughout the au, these two are helping giyuu with his decisions and even with fights! they’re like giyuu’s lil summons
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i had to add genya my beloved
but yes, giyuu’s lil hell hound babygi— i mean super tough and cool is sanemi ft. two other lil hounds. genya just came along because sanemi made him(he couldn’t find a babysitter). but genya is very determined to impress his big brother.
instead of death being alone i just thought it’d be cool to have a little team for death hehe
also just found out i have a limit of ten images so ima just let yall find the 2019 halloween pics for kny (can be found of pinterest and google!) sigh 😔
but yeah, the rest of the hashira are helping tengen! most of em at least. himejina, kyojuro and muichiro are spirits that are simply wondering around, kinda sorta avoiding being put in the underworld (giyuu is going insane because of that)
and shinobu is a witch! she’s a very talented (and scary) one at that, she’s more than willing to help(may or may not have questions for death about a certain sister of hers)
mitsuri and obanai come together DO NOT SEPARATE! mitsuri is a kitsune while obanai has a big old snake buddy (with kaburamaru) (long ass name for a snake) also obanai did NOT want to go.
the kamaboko squad id also here!! but they’re the comedic breaks for this au, god bless their souls for that
and yes, giyuu shall speak spanish in this too, cause why not
wowzers this is long (that’s what she said)
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razzellyn · 4 months
Pt. 2
I forgot to mention this takes place after the ending
Jun's older sibling, (you), finally returns home after a long work trip and ends up finding unexpected company.
-You were introduced to him via Jun, obviously. Not on a personal level though, he was introduced to you at the same time with everyone else
-His first thought of you was 'Jun 2.0' and he was right. Except you're less... 'Clumsy' than he is
-He's actually quite pleased that there's someone that's actually mature (according to him)
-He kept asking things like, 'are you actually his sibling?', 'how come your hair is blue and not brown?', 'why are you the older one?', and so on
-If you love nature, then he loves you in a friendly manner
-No seriously this dude was beaming when he finds out
-Sometimes you bring him to a place where no other humans had been and the two of you would just hang out
Fleta Z:
-When visiting your unbiological uncle, Ed, you were just expecting him and Jun, not a whole plane turned robot
-The two of you were weary of each other, but the tension passed when Fleta Z was told you were Jun's sibling
-Nothing much happened between the two of you after that
-Until you caught him with his Flute, and you two ended being good friends
-He honestly thought you were just trying to get to know him because of Jun, but when he ends up in the wrong... Well, he apologized and blew you a tune with his flute
-You find his tune to be calming, and he finds your presence comfortable to be with
Metal Crush:
-Jun's mom introduced you to him
-You thought Jun's mom was a little cray-cray because of him, yet the whole time he was polite
-Maybe it's just how he looked that terrified you, seeing how friendly the two of you actually are made you want to know more
-When he can't spend time with Jun, Jun's mom, or anyone else, he goes to you
-He's actually ecstatic whenever you two hangout
-His speech sometimes confused you, but that didn't stop the two of you from becoming good friends
-He's just glad to have someone actually enjoy his company for once, not counting Jun's mom because she already enjoyed having him around
-Black Hook approved
Buster Gallon:
-You honestly thought you were going to become enemies instead of friends
-The two of you did become friends however, by making fun of each other
-Both of you knew not to go too far, but just enough to make it look like a friendly rivalry (basically teasing on the next level)
-Buster Gallon rebuilt his threee 'mini me's' and you were having the time of your life with them
-Buster's a little pissed off but doesn't really care about it
-Instead the five of you ended up making your own friend group
-The five of you are what the others call 'Hell spawn'
-No seriously, Jun called you guys that. And Buster's little pals annoyed him the entire day
-Black Hook... approved?
Black Hook:
-Not exactly the kind of bot to panic when someone sees him, instead he took you to Jun
-He ended up surprising himself when he finds out you two are related
-He asked you for your name and that's it
-He was content with that, but you weren't. You made it your mission to get to know your captor better, out of spite
-You two ends up being on the same frequency and boy was that an interesting day
-He took you for a ride and you two literally plays pirate with each other, at least no one else was there to see
-Well there's Fleta Z flying by, but he doesn't care (Black Hook threatened him)
-Overall the two of you became great friends and his sons crew members was glad for that
Heavy Iron:
-Well he terrified you on accident when he almost stepped on you when you first met
-He apologized after (with the help of Jun), but seeing you still shaken up he decided to do something nice for you (also with Jun's help)
-Yeah he failed
-Hey, it's the thought that counts
-When Jun told you that he's the one who caused his arm to hurt, you threw a shoe at him. It's a surprise you didn't get thrown something in your face by him
-The two of you only became friends after getting into an accident
-Turns out you two work great together
-You the brain and he's the brawn, you two practically saved yourselves
-And after that the both of you become great friends! Well, it took a few weeks for Heavy Iron to suck up his ego, but it worked
I don't think i tackled Heavy Iron's character correctly 😞
Safe to say i think i did great
Hope y'all liked this <3
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showtoonzfan · 9 months
Okay so I saw S1E2 of HH “Video killed the radio Star” so here’s my thoughts on that, ⚠️SPOILERS⚠️
- So once again, the pacing is all over the place. In the span of 2 episodes we have to deal with introducing Adam and Lute, the main characters of the hotel, the three V’s and Sir Pen, and I don’t like how the three V’s are introduced in the second episode of season 1. Like…can we just let the characters we know breathe and get to know them before you introduce new ones?? Told you this was going to be like Helluva lol.
- So hell is freaking out that the extermination got moved to 6 months later, but Charlie of course isn’t the focus of this episode. It’s mainly the three V’s + Angel/Al/Sir Pen. It still bothers me that the reason behind redeeming sinners is not because Charlie is sick of Hell being a damnation but because she doesn’t want them to be exterminated. It’s such a drastic change from the pilot and the character motivation that it still throws me off sorry.
- So, I actually like Vox. I take back bitching about Christian Borle playing him because while his suave voice may not fit the twink design, he does a fantastic job either way as expected, making Vox an intimidating person. I had thought before that Vox was going to just be this dumb henchman, but I actually like how he’s the runner of things. He’d be so cool if he didn’t curse and talk like every other character in the show though.
- Good GOD Valentino. I already shared how I felt about him when the dialogue leaks came out, but I HATE how his character is just this idiot man baby who throws temper tantrums and legit needs to be “calmed down” by Vox because he’s such an idiot. Like…Velvette calls him a piss baby and Vox legit had to talk to him as if he was one, that’s how dumb this guy is. There’s a scene where Vox asks what they should do about the hotel and Val says “just put something inside, that’s how I get the bitches”- like…kill me. The fan interpretations were better. He was actually someone you didn’t want to mess with and had an intimidating voice, here he’s a whiny baby that you have to remind yourself is the same guy who forces himself on Angel. The Addict and comic version of this character is not the same as the one we have now. His voice is too high pitch, it sucks and his accent goes on and off constantly. Viv can’t write abusers for shit, she sees everything as a joke. Again, how are we supposed to take abuse seriously if this is how you portray your abuser. Crimson is more intimidating than this joke of a cockroach.
- Alastor has been gone for seven years, yeah that “Lilith is Rosie and Al is working for her”- allegation is 100% true like it perfectly lines up together since Lilith has also been gone for seven years. Only for Alastor, it makes no sense. Like…wdym he’s been gone for seven years. The pilot is canon and they state he’s been at the hotel for a week. Alastor was literally walking around town when Charlie was on the news. Do they mean that it’s been years since he’s done his radio show? Viv, when you retcon shit you need to specify. You’re just confusing everyone again.
- They need to explain why exactly it’s dangerous to make a deal with Alastor because all this vagueness isn’t helping the story. The whole reason Vox sends Sir Pen out to be a spy was to make sure Charlie didn’t make a deal with him, yet you literally have Vaggie making a deal with him like it was nothing in the last episode. I also fail to see why exactly Vox cares about Charlie making a deal with Alastor in the first place. Is it because he doesn’t want Al to have more power? Is it because he doesn’t want Charlie to have power? EXPLAIN.
- Yay more retconning and woobifying. So Angel Dust is a whiny wimpy bitch in this episode, he’s very out of character. When Sir Pen comes to the hotel, he’s extra pressed about that, when in the pilot he couldn’t even take Sir Pen seriously and was acting nonchalant towards him. Then when Charlie starts getting all giddy and complimenting Pen, Angel gets sad and jealous??? This is the second fucking episode of season 1. I thought the whole point about Angel and the hotel was that he didn’t trust Charlie nor take the redemption stuff seriously. Now apparently he wants her approval? And then when he finds Pen out, Pen insults him and that causes Angel to just fucking lunge at him and start punching. When did Angel get this goddamn sensitive. Why did the wimpy snake character who’s supposed to be a loser get under his skin THAT much? It’s even more jarring because the last episode Angel was literally saying he loves being exploited and in the pilot he’s presented as someone who could give less of a shit of what other people think, now a simple jab at him being a slut made him go off. Remember when Travis called him a slut in the pilot and Angel just laughed it off? What happened to that Angel lol.
- Vaggie has a line that flat out calls Angel a sexual harasser. And yet we’re supposed to feel bad for him and root for HuskerDust. Makes perfect sense Viv, fuck you. She has no idea what sexual harassment even is because she sees actual harassment as quirky funny jokes and paints it as genuine love. Pick a side. Is Angel an asshole who sexually harasses people or is he an uwu baby who deserves to be with Husk. Clearly Viv chose the second option.
- I liked Vox and Al’s song, tho I wish it was more singing instead of talking. Charlie’s song in the end was boring but at least it was short. I still don’t know how to feel about Pen being at the hotel tho. Like I get he’s a loser and not a big threat but him happily joining the hotel now is way too structurally fast. There’s a lot of things that feel like Viv changed at the last minute compared to the pilot and it shows. Pilot was better.
That’s it, not looking forward to the third one which is HuskerDust focused (female centric show my ass)
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