#now i go bye bye
vesora · 1 year
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me irl
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roach-works · 7 months
pokemon theory i just thought of: new pokemon appear in the pokemon universe when they're designed in this one. they're created ex nilho but they have retroactive realness; they weren't here yesterday, but today they've always existed.
pokemon researchers have had to suss this out on their own over decades, and it's a really unpopular theory, made worse by the fact that no one can come up with a better one. from their perspective pokemon generate spontaneously but in both chronological directions, and the similarities of many pokemon seem to be detived from a conscious and creative understanding of the world--their world, though? what other world could there be?. there are ice cream pokemon and pokeball pokemon and sword pokemon and trash bag pokemon.
there are so many pokemon with both wings and a beak. is this like swords? is there an ur-flying type that this class evokes? there are so many canine pokemon. but what is a canine? is there such a thing? there's only one set of sword pokemon, right. one tea-set line. is *feline* a coherent category? would the ur-feline have two legs or four? why do so many pokemon have humanlike bodyplans-- but then again, why so few?
pichu has always been the prior form of pikachu. why didn't it get counted in order? why do we call it that instead of saying pikachu is the middle evolution of the pichu line? why can so many trainers remember finding this out well into their journeys? why didn't ash start with one?
this is why pokemon researchers do a lot of labwork, drink heavily, and use ten year olds for field research. you can't have an existential crisis if you don't even know what time is yet.
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egophiliac · 8 months
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so excited for Kalim to save the day by swiper-no-swiping this dip. you can do it! I believe in you!
god I hope this reads properly
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myrkkymato · 3 months
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Why are you so obsessed with me?
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krysmcscience · 2 months
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these were supposed to be quick scribbles and they spiraled vastly out of control, THEY HAVE FUCKING BACKGROUNDS NOW??? THAT IS NOT SCRIBBLING???? OTL
Anyway, Narilamb compilation of relationship texts/posts I found suitably fitting and/or hilarious. :D I waffled on whether or not I should keep the 'human rights violation' bit or change it to 'animal rights violation', but then I decided I was overthinking it and stopped giving a shit. :D
Here's the texts/posts in question:
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I couldn't resist picking out unique robes for each of them; Leshy gets the jester costume (obviously), Heket has the evening frock (I just think it's cute on her, okay???), Kallamar gets the fancy robe (because let's be honest, that boi has GOT to be fancy), and Shamura has the modest robe (since it looks nice and comfy but with a nice spicy hint of gothic). Narinder, meanwhile, obviously gets the night shirt, because its description is literally, 'A MOODY ENSEMBLE, PERFECT FOR LURKING', and if that ain't Bastard Cat material, I don't know what is.
Also have this bonus doodle with a quote from David Cronenberg's 'Consumed':
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~So Romantic~
with caveats
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mmyashas · 9 months
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bro they made qsmp real
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beets · 2 months
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baby, bi bi bi
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shower-phantom-ideas · 4 months
Batman figures out Dannys secret identity but the thing is that hes not in the system. Like any system. His face isnt a match for anyone in any database anywhere??!?! This needs investigation. So someone bumps into him for some dna. Which turns out wasn’t even needed because he got stabbed while defending Damian so we got fresh blood samples now baby! But nothing. Not even a relative or anything.
What they do learn is that he just started appearing on cameras a little over 6months ago but before that? Nothing. And he doesn’t seem to be any older than 15 (hes 16 and a half fuck you batman) but how could someone so young be so hidden in the system. Hell even in paper records they can’t find anything in him.
Maybe Bruce can vent to his Justice League friends…. No who am I kidding man would rather die then that. Probably Red Robin (yum) who gets to vent to his friends. Anyway I just need Clark added to the mix because I want him to think Danny isnt human. Boiz heart isnt going fast enough. If it’s going at all. Holy shit Bruce is that a ghost?? Ahh a ghost! … ok wait I hear a beat phew not a ghost. But he might need medical help.
Oo maybe now we have something. A reason hes not jn any record. He might be a testtube baby. Look at how scrawny and guarded he is. Aww B he might have been some sort of labrat. Oh we gotta help him out. He hardly gets any social interactions so it totally makes sense. Look at him B he doesn’t even run from Joker (I hardly know her). We have to protect this poor lost child.
Oh lord now the batclan is spiralling with crazy theories about him.
Do you think Danny would know too? Like maybe hes watching all the nonsense unfold. Or hes trying very hard to convince the bats that no hes just a normal human 16 year old. Like he ho la di da look at me just a normal kid doing normal kid things.
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cherubytes · 14 days
spin this wheel for a random ultrakill character and vote in the poll below
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lambment · 4 months
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cowboygenes · 4 months
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The Life Cycle of A Star
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kiivg · 4 months
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rjshope · 2 months
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my favorite smile🤍
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yourlocalgrass · 16 days
Happy Birthday Lucifer!! 🎉🎉
I think he really likes the sheep yall :)
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amelia-yap · 9 months
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beacon stuff
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kitamars · 1 year
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inhaling insane amounts of copium rn
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