#now she very well could have just been saying that aha but I want to believe she was telling the truth
Spending money online for me is a weird mix of s*lf h@rm and filing the void in my heart and life.
Like a part of me does it because I feel like I’m drowning and worthless and I’m never going to have a life so what’s the point in saving towards a future so I’ll just chew through the money I don’t even feel like I deserve to make me hate myself even more
But then also I feel like I have nothing in my life except for the things in my room. I know hoarding/ excess purchasing can be a symptom of OCD and I guess since any slither of personhood I have comes completely from fiction / the lgbt non fiction books I have, I guess it would make sense if those where connected. But I don’t know even know if they are not.
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saetoru · 11 months
tee!!! i hope u don't mind me asking about rb!gojo but i've been wondering if he's ever visited reader at work? :o (actually i wonder a lotta thINGS about rich boy! gojo and reader, this is just the thought that i think about the most LMAO)
✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。SECURITY — GOJO SATORU. (rich boy! au)
contents. college! au, rich boy! gojo, established relationships, reader’s work is unspecified ; notes. niku HELP. i bet he does visit often and i bet it’s equally endearing as it is utterly embarrassing
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for anyone else, having your boyfriend visit you at work is sweet. it’s romantic. it might even be the standard—for you, having satoru visit is a nightmare.
“hiya baby! i brought lunch—i know you didn’t have time to eat breakfast today, you were running late. i kept you up all night, huh? you seemed tired. what can i say? i’m just too good at what i do.”
what. the. fuck—every time satoru opens his mouth, you regret not sewing it shut when you had the chance. he manages to make you wish you could crawl into your own skin and turn inside out.
you glare at him. he grins.
“this is your boyfriend?” your coworker gapes, staring at satoru as he plasters a smug little smirk on his face—a part of you wants to tell your coworker to stop looking at him with heart eyes before you staple them shut. the other part wants to deny ever being involved with the jerk that’s effectively embarrassed you for the rest of your career in the span of two seconds.
“i don’t know who this is,” you say quickly, “can we get security?”
“wha—what are you talking about? i’m literally your boyfriend,” satoru sputters. you look at your coworker like he’s crazy—she looks at you like you’ve grown two heads.
“he’s not,” you insist.
“i am!”
“definitely not,” you shake your head.
satoru looks more than a little offended. “i totally am! don’t lie!”
“i swear he’s not my boyfriend,” you chuckle nervously, “i don’t even date guys with freaky blue eyes and weird white hair, really!”
“hey!” he gasps, pouting, “that’s mean! you called me handsome this morning!”
“i don’t even know his name,” you insist—your coworker doesn’t seem to believe you, unfortunately. why doesn’t she believe you? you plead with the universe that she somehow, by the grace of god, believes you.
“that’s a lie,” satoru snorts, “you knew it pretty well last night. i think my neighbors know it too.” leave it to gojo satoru to embarrass you even worse than he already has at your job of all places.
“satoru,” you scold harshly before you realize—and then you blink before sighing because…well, you’ve really backed yourself into a corner with that one.
“aha,” he grins victoriously, “see? you know my name. now introduce your boyfriend who took the time to cook you—”
“buy,” you correct. he huffs.
“fine. buy you lunch—still very thoughtful, if you ask me.”
“wow,” your coworker giggles, “you guys are…certainly a dynamic.”
“thank you!” satoru grins, beaming as he sends you a wink. you think you might have to put in your two weeks notice during your lunch break—but at least you can wallow in your miseries with an expensive lunch provided by the bane of your existence.
“that wasn’t a compliment, satoru,” you grumble.
“well, at least he’s cute,” she chuckles, elbowing you.
you scowl, crossing your arms as you warn, “don’t be looking too closely. he enjoys the attention.”
“are you jealous?” satoru wiggles his brows. with a fake smile, you grab the lunch from his hands before leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek.
“thank you for lunch baby,” you hum—he smiles, ready to answer when you cut him off, “security!”
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this is so unserious 💀
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bachiras-toaster · 6 months
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dazai teaches you how to suck dick : ̗̀➛
OSAMU DAZAI x f!reader
cw. nsfw virgin!reader, dick sucking, hand job, alcohol consumption
wc. 2.9k
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When the two of you arrived at Dazai’s apartment to hang out after a long evening at the Agency, you had already made yourself comfortable on his couch as he placed the pizza boxes he had ordered on the coffee table in front of you.
"Nice!-" You beamed, taking a slice before your best friend even had the chance to sit down.
"Hey, don't get too comfortable there without me." The scruffy-haired man smirked slightly as he took a seat on the other end of the sofa, looking at you over the pizza; also putting a bottle of sake down. "You might want to sit closer." He teased lightly before taking a bite of his own slice.
"Alcohol? I like your way of thinking." You giggled, already having grabbed it by the handle to pour yourself a mix into the cup you had preparedly set in front of you.
Dazai laughed slightly, holding his pizza up in challenge as he watched you pour your drink from beyond his bites.
"You can't resist a drink, can you?" He hummed lightly, pouring his own glass once you had finished. "I knew you’d be all over the bottle as soon as I put it down.”
"You know me so well." You beamed brightly at him, clinking your cups together when he had finished pouring.
“Cheers." He exclaimed with a small smirk before taking a sip from his cup, watching intently as you did the same. Your willingness to drink with him had always amused him, and he couldn’t help but smirk as he felt the need to take advantage of the situation with the spark of an interesting conversation. "So to pass the time... Let's play twenty questions."
"Twenty questions? Alright." You giggled, already beginning to tap your chin thoughtfully. "Well, I've known you for quite a while, so there aren't a lot of questions I could ask, so I'm gonna try to be reall obscure about what I say..." A lightbulb seemed to flicker in your mind. "Aha! What's the worst thing you've been told off for during your school days?"
The man just chuckled lightly at your query before taking another bite of his pizza, considering the question deeply.
"Oh, well, there's been quite a few times I’ve been in trouble. Usually, it's just for something small like talking in class or not turning in an assignment on time." He grinned, taking another sip of his sake. "...But the worst thing I got into trouble for was sneaking a girl into my dorm room. The dean wasn't very happy about it."
"Seriously?!" You chuckled brightly. "Oh my god, you would do that, wouldn't you?" You asked rhetorically with an amused smile. "Okay. now your turn to ask me a question."
Dazai questioned almost immediately, like he had such a question simmering in the corner of his mind for so long.
“What's the one thing you want to do but are too afraid to try?" He asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
You giggled a little, trying to cover your laughs by sipping your drink over your own words.
"Oh, god. This is an embarrassing one..." You mumbled out, hesitant to respond- but figuring you didn’t have a lot to hide from one of your closest colleagues at the Agency. "...I guess probably giving someone a blowjob." She shrugged lightly, bringing her legs up onto the couch to cross them as she drank more.
"Wow— I really expect that from someone who's a virgin." Dazai’s eyes widen slightly in surprise before he quickly recovered and chuckled, trying to keep his expression neutral. "I'm not sure why you’d think that's embarrassing. It's just something you haven't done before." He jabbed, leaning back on the couch slightly. "Don't be afraid to try it. You never know if you'll like it until you do." He teased lightly, enjoying the playful banter between you two.
"Okay, haha, very funny." You feigned an amused expression, rolling your eyes at his virgin comment. "I get it. I'm a virgin and you're a massive playboy."
"Hey, I didn't say I was a massive playboy! I just happen to be a little popular with the ladies.” Dazai grinned, his eyes twinkling with pride. "I have more experience than you, that's all." He leaned forward slightly, his elbows resting on his knees.
"...Have you ever gotten a blowjob?" You asked curiously, but you quickly felt like retracting your statement when you realised what kind of question you had just asked- and to your best friend too! "—Nevermind! Forget I asked that—"
"Well, it is twenty questions. If you're going to ask, you might as well know." Dazai shrugged, taking another sip of his drink. "Yeah, I have. Feels good." He smiled slightly, trying not to look too smug about it. "If you ask me, it's nothing you should be scared about trying."
"It's just scary because I'm a—... I haven’t done it before." You grumbled, hiding your lips behind your cup. "Like— I wouldn't even know what to do. And if the guy I lost my v-card to turned out to be an asshole, it'd ruin my whole experience."
“Then you'll just have to find someone who knows what they're doing, then." He winked playfully, his smirk turning slightly teasing. "Or you could always practice on something else beforehand." He casually took another sip of his drink, watching you carefully.
"Oh yeah? And who the hell would be willing to let me practise giving them a blowjob?" You scoffed at his suggestion, only for them to respond in all seriousness.
"I could always volunteer, you know. You know I'd be more than happy to help you out, even if it's just practice."
You froze for a moment, staring blankly at him. You didn't seem to believe that he was being anything but sarcastic in what he was saying, and you just let out a chuckle in order to match what you thought was his playful intention.
"You're funny."
"I try." Dazai chuckled, putting his cup down onto the coffee table to focus his entire attention on you; he couldn't help but grin. "So, are you gonna take me up on my offer or what?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
"Are you being serious?" You asked plainly.
"Of course I'm serious." He couldn't help but tease you a little bit, enjoying the atmosphere between you two. "You know I'd never lie to you." He added. "But then again... Maybe you're to innocent for that." He commented with a grin as he looked away for a second, knowing that it would get a rise out of you.
"I am not innocent!" You put your cup down on the table, your face flushing as you looked sort of offended at the remark.
“Oh, come on, (Y/n)." Dazai chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "You know you are. But that's what makes you so damn cute." He leaned forward, his nose scrunching with an adorable smile.
But you simply furrowed your brows, gnawing your her bottom lip as you seemed to be deep in thought at his abrupt offer.
“…You'd really help me?"
"Of course I would!" He smiled, taking your hand in his. "I'd do anything for you." He leaned back in, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "It'll be our little secret, okay? Just between us. I just know you’d be embarrassed falling into the same palm of mine that so many women have fallen into before.” He boasted, to your reluctant agreement.
"Okay..." You said, watching as he reclined comfortable against the sofa before you began inching closer towards him. "But— I don't know what I'm doing." You gulped, abruptly freezing at the realisation.
“That's what practice is for." Dazai smiled, pulling you closer to him. "Don’t worry! We’ll take it slow, and I'll teach you everything you need to know." He ran his fingers through your hair, savouring the feeling of you sat so meekly opposite him. "I'm actually glad you agreed to this. You have no idea how much I've imagined you in front of me like this."
"What—?" Your face immediately felt warm when he said that.
"Don't pretend like you didn't know." He teased, smirking at you. He leaned in close, his lips close to your ear, whispering softly. "And don't pretend that I'm the only one with such thoughts… You seriously thought I couldn’t hear you the nights you’d let me crash on your couch?”
"What are you talking about?" You asked, reluctant to crawl any further towards him.
"Oh, come on," He chuckled, his eyes sparkling with playful amusement. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." He leaned back against the sofa, patting the spot in front of him. "I've heard you… And it wasn't just the occasional moan," he whispered, his hand stroking along your jaw as he leaned in close. "I'm always getting hard listening to you. Fuckin' my own fist and pretending it's you."
"You— What?" You gulped, your face blushing profusely. You admitted, you did find him a attractive as hell, but never had you thought that he'd have such lewd thoughts about you.
"You were always whispering sexy things in your sleep, about wanting someone to fuck you hard." The man smirked, his hand running gently down your arm before lifting his thumb to trace your collarbone. "It only made me want you more… The fact that you’d be so bold to make those noises while I’m here."
He reached out to take your hand to place it on his crotch, which already seemed to have a tent formed in it due to his erection. You gulped as he forced you to feel his hard-on, and you looked up at him, sweating a little.
"You could... Hear that? I didn't realise I spoke in my sleep..."
“Well, now you know." Your friend smirked, still holding your hand firmly against his crotch. "You were really anything but quiet. But truly. Your voice was like music to my ears." Dazai whispered, holding a smug grin. "I couldn't get enough of it." He leaned in close to your ear, his breath hot against your neck. "And I still can't."
You felt like you couldn’t say anything. You just remained seated where you were, hesitant to crawl further towards him; but your hand was still confidently placed on his pants, which you could feel was growing tighter by the second.
"(Y/n)..." Dazai moaned softly, his hand moving to your thigh. "You're making this so fuckin’ hard for me..!" He chuckled gravelly. "How about this, sweet..." He purred, his fingers lacing with yours as he began to guide you to the space between his legs, his other hand moving down your thigh to tease at you. "If you like the feel of this..." He trailed off, his thumb brushing against your clothed cunt. "Maybe you could return the favor? Come on. I’ll talk you through how to suck dick well.”
After a moment, you just nodded, feeling as if you were complying completely.
“Okay… As long as you tell me what to do…” You sat on your knees between his thighs on the couch, loosening the bands of his sweatpants so you could pull it down— He had helped you with that.
“Atta girl." Dazai murmured, his voice rough with desire as he watched you undress him. He had even leaned back against the couch, giving you plenty of room to work. "Just take your time and pay attention to how I react." He purred, his hand reaching down to guide your hand to his base. "…C’mon... Touch it. Take it all in your hand. Feel how hard it is for you."
As he fished his cock out of his pants, you seemed a little intimidated by how big he was— you started to understand what women saw in him… Had this been the first time you had actually seen a dick in person? You took his length into your palms, trying to adjust yourself to the feeling before looking up at him and awaiting further command.
“Good." Dazai praised softly, his voice hoarse with need. "Now, slowly, start to stroke up and down." He instructed, watching as your hand began to move in time with his words. "Don't worry about being gentle. I like it when you're firm."
You started firmly stroking your hand up and down the length of his cock, interested in how warm he felt in your palm.
"That's it." He encouraged, his hips starting to roll slightly in time with your strokes. "You're doing great." He murmured, reaching down to run a finger lightly over your lower lip. "Tell me... do you like touching me like this?"
“It… Feels okay…” You said softly, continuing to run your hand up and down his cock.
"Just okay?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow playfully. "To me, I'd say it looks pretty fucking hot seeing you touch me like this." He leaned back against the sofa, leaving you more space to work with. “Now, I want you to use your tongue.”
“My—?” You stammered, not stopping your hand movement. “Like… What do I do? Do I just— Do I need to put it all in my mouth?”
"No, not yet." He reassured you. "Just tease me with with your tongue; run it along the underside of my cock." He watched as you complied, his member twitching slightly at your touch.
You leaned down forward a bit so you could run your tongue up the length of his dick. You seemed a little surprised with the surface of how it felt, but you let your taste travel the entire length before you got to the tip, where you swiped a lick over the slit of it.
“Fuck." He hissed, his hips jerking up slightly. "That feels so good." He groaned, his hand sliding into your hair to grip gently. "Keep going, (Y/n)." He encouraged, his voice thick with lust.
You kitten-licked his cock, your tongue licking stripes up his dick like it was some piece of candy. The view of you from above only aroused Dazai more- Which you could tell by the way he subtly attempted to lush your head down.
"Oh god—“ He groaned, unable to get the words out fast enough. "You feel fucking incredible." His hips jerked up, his cock twitching almost painfully against your mouth. "Suck on it, (Y/n), suck me off. Take the tip into your mouth first.” He demanded, his grip on your scalp tightening.
You followed his command, finding the tip of his cock and planting a soft kiss onto it before you took it into your mouth. Once the tip was settled between your wet lips, you began licking at it from the inside of your mouth.
“Oh, fuck." He shakily breathed out, his hand sliding from your hair down to your neck, gripping it lightly. "You're doing so good, baby." He praised, his voice rough with need. "Don't stop, just keep going. Take more of me down as you go.”
You nodded, holding the base of his cock with your hand as you gradually began taking more of his dick inside of your mouth as you sucked on him. Your tongue swirled from his tip down to the veins of his length, your saliva coating his cock.
"Shit." Soft groans were heard from his lips, his eyes closing as he leaned his head back against the couch cushions. His voice was thick with lewd noises, almost hoarse from the sound of it. "(Y/n)— Fuck, that feels so good." Dazai moaned, thrusting his hips forward slightly. "Don't stop, baby. Come on—" He encouraged, sliding his hand down to your cheek to rub lightly.
Your head bobbed up and down on his cock, and you quickly realised that the parts that you couldn’t reach with your tongue, you could just stroke with your palm. Your slurping became more aggressive as you found your rhythm, and the pace in which you sucked him off became more steady.
“Fu-uck—" You could vividly hear his panting, hands gripping the couch behind him. He could feel himself getting close, his hips starting to buck forward more forcefully as he gave in to the pleasure you were giving him. "Your mouth is so fucking amazing, you sure you’re not a virgin?”
You continued, feeling fuelled by his praise and wanting to suck him off more simply because of how much he seemed to enjoy it. You also seemed to get off to how much his muscles tensed at your tongue. Dazai moaned— Almost a little too needily— hips jerking up forcefully. His head was thrown back, eyes closed tight as he tried to get closer.
"Don't stop, don’t stop, don’t stop—“ He whined out. “(Y/n). I'm about to cum. Fuck. Fuck." Dazai’s breathing hitched as he watched you, his fingers tangling in your hair lightly. He could feel his climax building fast, and he knew he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. "Fuck...”
You kept at the pace you were going at, but your sucking became more desperate as you wanted to know how it would feel to make a guy cum— And partially because of how nice Dazai sounded when he whimpered.
“(Y/n), open your mouth." He ordered, voice low and demanding. He knew he couldn't hold out much longer, and he didn't want to cum in your mouth without permission.
Though thankfully, he didn’t have to. You did as you were told quite obediently, and immediately opened your mouth wide to him, your tongue laid flatly as you let him in. Dazai looked down at your opened mouth, eyes dark with lust. He could feel his climax rushing up fast, his cock throbbing against your soft inside.
"Swallow, (Y/n)." He warned.
As his reddened tip spurt his seed into your wet mouth, you didn’t even need to be told twice before you swallowed it almost immediately without a second thought. Your face seemed to contort a little as you hadn’t expect the cum to taste so salty, nor did you expect it to have such an odd consistency, but you swallowed nevertheless.
Dazai let out a shaky breath, his hips jerking back against the couch.
“Fuck." He panted, unable to believe how good that felt. He looked down, eyes soft and smouldering. "I really shouldn't have let you do that." He sighed as he felt your warmth envelop his cock, swallowing him down. He groaned deeply, his body shuddering from the intense release. "Shit, (Y/n)..."
“Why not…?” You queried innocently, swiping off the cum that dropped from the corner of your lips to swallow in your mouth.
"Because now I want more." He had confessed, running his fingers through her your gently. He leaned down, his lips brushing against your ear. "And I know you're not ready for what I really want." He whispered, his voice low and rough.
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megantheebaddest · 4 months
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summary: anon request - need a drew x reader where she’s also a famous actress and got introduced to drew by madeline but upon knowing eachother , she finds out drew is messing with odessa and she just ends up ghosting him and never speaking to him and doesn’t know why reader hasn’t talked to him!
warnings: Odessa 🤣
“How are you and Drew doing? I feel like you never update me anymore.” Madelyn said pouting out her lower lip. She was sitting on the couch wrapped under the blanket you two were sharing.
“Yeah. Not much to update you on. Apparently he’s really busy filming his movie.” You shrug and start fumbling with your fingers. “i’ve asked him a handful of times when i can come visit him while i’m off from filming but..”
Madelyn scrunched her eyebrows as if she knew something. Your eyes met hers and you started to panic.
“What? Why do you look like that?” you questioned.
“Well.. i don’t know. i just.. i’ve seen Odessa visited him a couple times. It was on her finsta. Didn’t you see it?” Madelyn had a worried expression on her face.
“Wait what? I absolutely did not see that. I’ve been asking him but don’t want to seem too clingy.. Why would he ask her to come there when i’ve been specifically asking?” You asked, immediately entering instagram to search her page. “Aha.. i’m blocked?” You said showing Maddie your phone.
“Listen Drew told me not to say anything because he told me it was a thing of the past but… They used to hook up.. Like pretty often.” Madelyn was now on instagram on her phone looking it up to show you. “Oh look she just posted this 12 minutes ago on her story.” She turned the phone to show a picture of dinner plates at a fancy restaurant and you could see Drew’s perfectly big hands with his rings on. The location was tagged too, the precise location he was filming at.
You decided to text him to see how it goes…
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“Okay so he’s lying to me.. But i don’t even understand why?” You showed Madelyn the phone.
She scrunched her eyebrows this time in an angry way. “I don’t understand either? He practically begged me to introduce him to you. He always talked about being a huge fan of your work and that I was so lucky to know you. I don’t know why he’s acting like this. I’m sorry Y/n, I should have known better.”
“No Maddie please don’t apologize!! We aren’t even a thing so pretty much he has every right to be hanging out with her or whoever, ya know? I just don’t get the point of lying to me and her blocking me.”
“I know exactly why she did it… She feels threatened. Anytime he meets a new friend, ESPECIALLY if it’s a girl she goes crazy! Like she’s very territorial of him. I don’t know how he doesn’t notice it.”
“Yeah that’s strange.. I definitely do not want to deal with that.”
A few days pass and you still never received a call or even a text from Drew. You were on your way heading to the set of the latest film you were working on for Netflix. You were scrolling on twitter when you were interrupted by Drew’s name popping up on your screen. You instantly declined the call sending it straight to voicemail. Now that he wasn’t occupied by Odessa he has the time for you and you weren’t about that. You were both in the phase of still getting to know each other but with all of this happening and him straight up lying to you about something, not even serious, you realize you don’t want to get past this phase. You don’t want to know/involve yourself with someone like that. He sent you a text which you happily ignored (you loved that you had your read notification on), getting out of the car and heading on set.
Finishing up for the day you had another text from Drew.
This went on for days.. You had no interest replying anytime soon.
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pupyuj · 8 months
hey bestie -
any thoughts abt this? 😇
i hate her so bad HER SMIRK... HER HAND... I THINK SHE SHOULD DO THAT TO ME— and i'm making yuj g!p here bcs come on... ya'll know why. sorry if this dragged on i'm kinda obsessed... this might as well have been a fic 😭
hhdhhsdjxn being the dancer that's paired up with her and you're so shyyy bcs how could you not? ☹️ ahn yujin was so much prettier up close, and the thought of her putting her hands on you really just got your mind reeling... so much so that you ended up spacing out in the middle of practice bcs you were thinking of a lot of things and got scolded by the choreographer, which yujin witnessed when she took a walk out of the room and saw you pitifully standing in front of the choreographer with your head down,,, apologizing to yujin about the whole thing and promising her that you will not fuck up starting from now, and she was so nice about it!
yujinnie offering to practice with you more after everybody was gone,, you insisted that she should rest up so she could have energy for tomorrow's practice but this girl was so persistent—she didn't want to leave you alone 😳 "ghosts walk around here at night, unnie, did you know that?" she teased while poking your sides, smiling widely at the way you froze up at the thought she's so 😭 she's silly but she gets all serious once the music started! and you work so well together too, the two of you just overflowing with charisma and chemistry 🫣🫣
"yujin-ah, if you hold me so gently like that, nobody's going to be convinced that you're in control of me." you joked bcs yujin has her hand wrapped around your neck, but really she was just touching it, no grip whatsoever 😭 yujin's gay ass blushing, but you don't notice bcs she covers it up with an awkward laugh, "aha, well... how tight should i...?" she asks, pulling on the sleeves of her sweater nervously,,, taking her hand and putting it around your neck again, "let's see what looks best! go on." you were saying with a smile?? yujin didn't know whether to think you were insane or just purely oblivious 😭
"g-go...?" yujin was so nervous??? she was pretty sure she had the 'upper hand' earlier, what happened??
you tilted your head, smiling innocently at yujin before saying the words that made her knees turn to jelly. "choke me, yujin." seriously, what the fuck happened????? regardless, and despite her flustered state, yujin does what she was told! she tightens her grip on your neck, albeit slightly. you nod at her, telling her to continue on. she does it again, and now it was getting difficult to breathe.
yujin had to admit that you breathing heavily while clutching the sleeve of her sweater was a major turn on,, her eyes darken the longer her hand was on your neck, she so loved that sick look in your eyes that told her that you were into this entire thing too,, she suddenly pulls you closer?? her face so close to yours, eyes scanning every feature in your face, and yujin was so sure that she was going to kiss you... until you started tapping on her wrist. and then she goes back to sweet baby mode and releases your neck from her grip, "are you okay, unnie?" she was very worried :(((
"y-yeah! that was really good, yujin-ah." you turned back to the mirrors in an attempt to hide your red face,,, but it really was too late bcs yujin already knew you liked all of that 😭 restarting the music and still working amazingly together despite the awkwardness that now settled in the air, and then comes that part... which yujin somehow messed up?? so you had to do it all over again, and again, and again... eventually, it was getting tiring 🫢 but neither of you were going to give up!!
getting to that part again and oh.. yujin's thoughts got the best of her,, and it didn't help that you looked way too good in your crop top so she ended up getting way too into the choking part,, her grip was the tightest it's ever been and fuck she looked so hot looking down at you like you were some kind of inferior thing she can just toy with 😵‍💫 you let her pull you close enough to her face again, her breath fanning your face and her eyes so fucking focused on your lips,, but see... you didn't want to stir up trouble at such a time so you tapped out again,, "i think we got this part down, yujin-ah." you said with a forced smile,, christ you wanted her so bad,,
"u-um..." yujin fiddles with the hem of her sweater awkwardly,, she was so different from the girl you saw merely seconds ago?? and for what reason?? guess you'll never know bcs she bolted out of the practice room without a single word, leaving you confused,,,
little did you know, poor yujin ran to a small empty room to take care of her little problem! you, her sweet and lovely (y/n)-unnie, proved to be too much of a cute thing to her gay little brain so of course... she got a boner while choking you 🫣🫣 reaching down to try and jerk herself off as quickly as she could bcs she never rlly learned to calm herself down without masturbating until she got a sick ass thought before she could touch her dick underneath her boxers 👀 you were the one who did this to her, so you should be the one to help her out right??
yujinnie making her way back to the practice room with a clouded mind 🫣 the only thought occupying her brain is fucking you until your knees were weak... and the want only intensified when she saw you stretching on the floor of the room,, you immediately smile at yujin upon seeing her and stood up. "there you are! i was wondering if you went home without me... should we pack it up?" you asked, approaching her and oh you looked so cute :((( with your smile, your soft eyes, and the pure excitement in your voice... yujin couldn't wait to ruin you 🫢
your bag being close to the wall... and yujin backhugs you as you stood up,, "yujin-ah?" you asked with a laugh,, you could feel her dick poking your ass but you didn't want to comment on it bcs it's not like you didn't know she had one! "since i helped you perfect the choreo, you should pay me back, unnie." yujin grinds on your ass slowly, her breathing deep and low,, and see... you weren't about to reject her now that you knew she felt the same way as you did... so what else could you do but press back against her? and put her hands on your tits??
😵‍💫 yuj relentlessly thrusting her dick in your cunt as soon as both of you have pulled your pants down,, you moaning loudly helplessly while yujin pounds you from behind,, her cursing right at your ear about how tight you were, how much of a slut you are for her, and how well she would ruin you tonight,, we all know yujin is huge, so her dick was a tight fit in your pussy but at the same time, it felt so right being filled so full like this 🤤🤤 yujinnie spreading your cheeks and watching as her cock disappeared inside your cunt, only coming out even more drenched from your slick...
mmdhdjkfsk yujin reaching for your neck and pulling you back to her,, her ears tingling bcs of the noises you made as she choked you,, "u-unnie... wan' me to come inside you?? i want to... wanna breed your pretty pussy and make you my little slut... w-want that, too, unnie?" and having to nod bcs you couldn't rlly talk 🫠 yujinnie pressing your face against the cold wall while she continues her assault on your pussy,, just using you like she would use a toy,, slapping your ass until it turns red and she leaves marks 😫
her grabbing your waist and holding you down on her cock as she comes inside you,, painting your insides with her warm cum and filling you up nice and full,, getting pissed at the way her cum leaked out of your pussy as soon as she pulled out... so she fucks it back into you with her fingers??? and it gets sooo messy bcs she uses both her hands, one to finger you like crazy and one to toy with your clit,,, it all felt overwhelming but way too good so you opted to stay still while yujin fucks you all over again,, "unnie's got to come too..." she was saying, biting on your shoulder while you writhed against the wall, fuck 😵‍💫🥴
shsdjhkdkj squirting all over her fingers, and yujin doesn't even stop there :((( she keeps thrusting her fingers inside your cunt as you came, only pulling out to hold you close and keep you from collapsing bcs you felt light-headed :((( yujinnie sucking on her own fingers just to get a taste of you and her moaning in satisfaction?!!! definitely reaches over and shoves her fingers inside your mouth, a mix of her drool and your juices occupying your taste buds 🫣
the two of you definitely fuck during and after every practice after that 🤭🤭 always making up excuses to stay behind after everything is done... and never getting any actual practice done bcs yujin gets busy dumping her cum inside you for hours on end until midnight 😍
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
Me again. Say the demon bros had been captured by someone who meant to do them harm—perhaps some religious human who thinks they’re evil and has them in a devil trap. And then MC comes to rescue them, fights their captor and ends up victorious and saving them. How would the demons each feel about being rescued by their human?
MC saves the brothers from capture 
Very few humans have ever been a danger to any demon. If a human did manage to capture one of the brothers, it would be by pure luck, and it would really be more of an annoyance than a threat. But if MC swooped into save them before they could save themselves, how would they react? 
Not fully proof read, let me know if you see any errors!
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio! 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feed back is encouraged and appreciated:)
*Asmodues uses he/she pronouns 
Honestly he’s so over it 
He’s sitting in the middle of this stupid “summoning circle” when he should be getting work done 
All because this idiotic self righteous human thinks they’re hot shit 
He’s about to use a bit of magic to break out when all of a sudden the door flies off it’s hinges and—
It’s you 
In the next instant the other human is on the ground out cold 
And Lucifer has only half processed what happened when you rub away the chalk circle and scoop him up 
“Lucifer, I was so worried. Are you alright?”
“Ahem. Yes, I’m fine. I see you’ve already taken care of the problem. Now let’s go home so I can finish my work.” 
Very nonchalant 
Fully aware he wasn’t really in any danger, that human had no idea what they’re doing 
But he’s glad to see that you came to rescue him anyways 
Freaking out a little bit, actually 
It’s like being on a rollercoaster: Your common sense tells you you’re not in any danger, but you can’t help being scared! 
He’s still trying to put on a tough guy facade though 
“Hah! You think this stupid circle will stop anything? Ugh, humans…” 
But a few empty threats from his captor will shut him up 
He’s debating offering them money (even though he doesn’t really have any) 
And also thinking about how mad Lucifer is gonna be if he doesn’t get home soon 
But before he can make an offer and bury himself further in debt, you break in just in time 
Mammon doesn’t watch much but he can hear the scuffle and a glass breaking and what he thinks was the other human getting thrown over a table??
And suddenly you’re pulling him out of the circle and looking him up and down for any injuries 
“Mammon, are you alright? They didn’t hurt you did they?”
“Relax, human! The Great Mammon can handle himself! I-In fact, I’m a little upset that you got to ‘em before I did! Aha…yeah….” 
He doesn’t sound very confident about that 
And he will definitely make himself the hero of the story when he tells it to his brothers later 
A crying puddle on the floor 
His captor is really confused but still trying to do an evil monologue over Leviathan’s sobbing 
“Is this how it ends for this otaku?! Captured and killed by a human?! Oh, the agony!“
You only figured out what room he was in because you could hear his wails a mile away 
His demeanor completely changes when he sees you 
And he’s honestly amazed at the way you fight off his ‘captor’
Completely starstruck when you scoop him up from his place on the floor 
“Levi? You doing alright?”
“Y-Yes, I’m fine, just…in heaven…” 
He cant even count how many times he’s fantasized about being saved by you
Cannot thank you enough and will be doing favors (i.e., sucking up to you) for the next month 
Will constantly sing your praises as well 
He’s just so grateful he can’t contain it! 
Annoyed just like Lucifer 
But let’s his anger show through more 
Partly because he wants to be intimidating and let this human know he’s not on the mood for bullshit, and partly because that’s just how he is 
“This is the last damn thing I wanted to deal with today…” 
The last thing he wants to do is have to use his magic, he doesn’t have the energy 
So he lets the human go about their ‘master plan’ for a while, waiting for them to let their guard down 
Because such a self centered asshat is bound to make a mistake 
But before that could happen, you had busted down the door in a surprise entrance that even made Satan flinch a bit 
He’s surprised to see you, but not unhappy 
And he’s very happy when you get to work beating the shit out of his ‘captor’ 
He’s definitely cheering you on like a middle school boy watching a fight at recess 
When you walk over to him, though, it’s a different story 
“Are you okay Satan?” 
“Yes yes, I’m fine. While I appreciate your efforts I should like you to know I had the situation completely under control on my own.” 
Once he’s firmly asserted to you that he would’ve been fine without your rescue, he’ll gladly let you escort him home 
More confused than scared at first
Once she realizes what’s going on though she groans dramatically and starts lamenting 
“Ugh, I know humans love me and all—I mean, who doesn’t—but you could at least give me a warning! You interrupted my me time…”
Honestly just unamused 
This human is just boring, not even worth flirting with 
He’s going to die of boredom! 
Fortunately though, before that happens you come to his rescue 
He squeals with excitement as you come rushing through the door 
And he gets a little flushed at your show of brute strength 
“Oh my, I didn’t know my human could do that!” 
Sighs dreamily as you pick her up and carry her bridal style 
Princess Asmo being saved by her knight in shining armor! 
What more could he have wanted? 
Now he can get back to pampering himself 
Not before he asks you to join in, of course 
It’s how he says thank you 
Second least phased aside from Belphie 
His cheeseburger got summoned with him, so he’s chill
He can hardly hear his ‘captor’s’ babbling when he’s stuffing his face full of the best human world food those mortals have to offer 
Will ask for another when he’s done as if he hasn’t just been basically kidnapped 
He just sort of sits there staring off into space 
Probably thinking about what he wants to eat next before you come barging in
He’s surprised to see you, but still waves at you and flashes you a smile casually 
This smile falters when you throw a punch at the other human 
And then another 
And another 
“Beel, are you okay? They didn’t hurt you, did they?” 
“Well, no, but I think you hurt them enough for the both of us…” 
Just sort of stands up and brushes himself off 
Asks you if you wanna go grab some human world food since you’re both here 
It’s a great post getting kidnapped snack! 
Least phased by a mile 
Too sleepy to give a shit 
Almost didn’t even wake up his nap when he was warped through dimensions
“Huh? What’s goin’ on? …A summoning? Sounds boring. Wake me up on an hour.” 
Despite his ‘captors’ yelling and empty threats Belphegor doesn’t even stir 
He does wake, though, when he senses your presence
Of course by that point you’ve already dealt with the other human and grabbed Belphie 
“Oh, human, you’re here? ‘Kidnapped?’ Oh yeah, guess I was. Eh, weirder things have happened.”
Just wants to go home and take a nap with you 
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Lol Ive got an Artoria Pendragon prompt for both saber Artoria and lancer Artoria. Where a previous male master of hers is summoned as a heroic spirit that she has a romantic relationship with that turned into a marriage after she stayed with him as a familiar after the grail war ended. She's constantly spending time with him and having alone time with him leaving the knights of the round confused on who reader are until they finally ask Artoria and she announces that That The newly summoned servant is her spouse and therefore her queen.
I went in a bit of a more... Chaotic direction for this then I intended...
Still, I had a blast writing it!
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Mordred’s 1000 yard stare bored into the cafeteria wall, coming dangerously close to burning a hole through it.
At the most definitely not round table next to her’s, the knights of the round sans their king were drawing straws to ask Mordred what was wrong.
Now let us all pray for Gawain and thank him for his sacrifice.
Oh, now he was sitting next to Mordred with the same traumatized stare…
Then Lancelot.
Then Bedivere.
Then Tristan.
Then Merlin, who began to laugh his ass off as if he was in on an inside joke.
That left only Gareth, who, upon asking what cursed knowledge caused this, followed them promptly.
That cursed knowledge in question being this.
Mordred heard moans from the king's room, and the king telling the newest Caster of Chaldea “Don’t Stop”
The Knights stealthily watched Artoria and you from across the room, a sense of impending doom hanging over them.
And that sense of impending doom was growing with every second as Artoria began to slowly and very conspicuously scoot closer and closer to you on the couch.
Eventually Artoria was sitting as close to you as she possibly could, a content smile on her face as she began to whisper something to you.
The Knights were quite concerned about this, but there was nothing they could do about it.
Artoria eyed her knights conspicuously watching her as she stealthily slid closer and closer to you with each passing second.
She should probably tell them who you were.
Alternatively, she wanted to keep you to herself as long as she could.
Needless to say, she knew what option she was going with.
This torture of the knights continued for a month.
Mordred saw Artoria share food with you, nearly killing her from the shock of it on the spot.
Gawain saw the king give you a secret kiss on the lips, causing him to faint dead away.
Lancelot has been into the infirmary for head trauma a concerning amount this month from slamming his own head into walls.
Tristan was mostly normal about all of this. Mostly.
Merlin was laughing his ass off.
Gareth had gone into overdrive with making food and sweets to keep her mind off things.
And Bedivere was really just still traumatized by the implications of what happened.
Eventually this all came to a head when Artoria had her fill of fun and called the knights to assemble.
After that things got… chaotic.
Especially when she explained that, through a surprisingly well thought out powerpoint, you were the Queen and then you popped in to say “So that means I’m your mom now Mordred! Technically at least.”
Mordred kinda… checked out after that…
Slowly things began to fall into place, but a certain flower mage wanted to keep his entertainment going for just a while longer.
So, Merlin being Merlin, asked “So then Artoria, how was it to have your bed warmed by your lover again?”
“What do you mean? We haven’t… wait… wait! Oh! HA! HA AHA AH!” you said before beginning to laugh, leaving the knights confused and Artoria blushing as you laughed while falling to the floor, unable to control yourself.
“T-that wasn’t… intercourse…” Artoria said before muttering something under her breath as you howled with laughter on the floor.
“What was that my king~?” Merlin cooed, a mischievous grin on his face.
This when put together with your laughter and her knight’s confused stares led to the inevitable.
Artoria cracked, and, much to her shame, told them exactly what happened.
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Artoria Lancer, unlike many of her other counterparts, can be rather… mischievous at times.
Not to the same effect as Merlin, but she does take some amusement at others' expense on occasion.
And so when you showed up one day and after all of the hugs, kisses, and crying, Artoria knew just what to do.
She was going to introduce her knights to their queen.
Until then however, well, Artoria was going to ensure her knights were kept on their toes.
First up was Mordred, and Artoria’s plan for her was simple.
A hickey on the neck, or what looked like one at least.
The reaction, to be expected, was Mordred completely breaking.
Second was Bedivere who showcased similar results after seeing her exiting your room. 
Next up was Gawain where all she had to do was make a few implications to have him clutching at his proverbial pearls.
Lancelot was next, and he was a slightly tougher nut to crack, at least until she gave you a quick kiss on the cheek.
Gareth simply received an off-handed comment from Artoria about you being “Someone rather important from her point of view.” This left Gareth confused for a few moments until the dots connected in the way Artoria had predicted.
Tristan was… already in the know… somehow…
 And so, with all her little pieces of chaos sowed, Artoria sat back with you at her side and had some popcorn and a massive buffet of other foods.
However, she eventually ran out of food after… several months.
You were surprised she had that much self control.
You were also surprised when the knights of the round kidnapped you in a very dramatic fashion.
Bag over the head, handcuffs, the whole nine yards.
“WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH MY FATHER YOU HOMEWRECKING RIDER!!!” a very distressed Mordred shouted as she tore the bag off your head, revealing a room covered wall to wall in bulletin boards filled with pictures, red strings, documents and the other, equally distressed Knights of the round..
It seems Artoria’s little mischief has gone a *Tad* too far…
And now Mordred was shaking clarent in your face…
It is probably time to start talking, fast.
Then the door was blown off its proverbial hinges as Chaldea had sliding doors.
And there stood your one and only, Artoria Lancer, looking very, very irate.
One quick ass whooping later, the Knights of the round were sitting on the floor, lumps on their heads and looking very ashamed of themselves.
After all, they had just kidnapped the queen…
And that was a whole other can of worms for Mordred…
Nonetheless, the entire charade came to an end, and you were only slightly disappointed the amusing antics Artoria had caused were over.
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Simply put, there is no pomp or flashiness when Artoria Alter is involved.
When you are summoned she is going to find you, kiss you, and tell everyone in no uncertain terms, that if they were to even think about touching “Her Berserker” she will use their head as a doorstop and feed their bodies to pigs…
After that, she refuses to elaborate and leaves, you following her closely behind.
This left a very scared Chaldea and a very confused Knights of the round.
This is because of the following.
They had just been threatened by a very, very scary lady.
Artoria Saber Alter had just walked up to someone and claimed ownership of them like a lost puppy.
So, the Knights immediately set to trying to track you and her down.
This took a lot longer than any of them thought possible seeing as the two of you had simply disappeared into thin air.
Then everyone heard a massive crash from the material storage room…
On that day Guda was to be found in the fetal position upon finding their entire storage of materials having an absolutely massive chunk bitten out of them when Artoria forced you to eat them in order to have you in your “Final Ascension” as Guda dubbed it. She did this because she wanted you in “The right clothes for my queen.”
This left the Knights in shock, however, Artoria simply went off gallivanting with you again instead of clarifying anything.
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drmaddict · 1 year
True Crime
Summary: (Y/n) has a true crime channel. Walter hates true crime. Walter findest out.
Wordcount: 1.452
Warnings: brief mention of torture and rape
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Faye didn't want to make that sound. Especially not in the presence of her father, but it had just slipped out of her mouth.
And of course he was now standing next to her, as if she had been shot and had not just taken a surprised breath.
She inconspicuously tried to turn her cell phone toward her, but he was already reaching out for it.
She looked at him with angel eyes.
"That was a really good part of the song," she smiled.
He continued to stare at her strictly. She sighed and handed him the phone.
He looked at the display with his eyebrows drawn together. "True Crime?"
She leaned back into the sofa. This could take a while. "Do you know how much crap this trash spreads?" he started.
"Dad it's just a YouTube channel." Her father started to speak again, but she immediately continued. "And it's well-researched for once. It's got mostly closed cases in it and when they're open, there's no speculation. All the sources are linked. She even shares the published police files."
"Faye. I don't want you listening to that kind of stuff yet. There's disturbing shit happening in the world. You're too young for that."
"That's what the light versions are for.", she insisted.
"The what?"
Faye reached for her phone and showed him the YouTube channel. "Here. These are the light versions I listen to and this", she pointed to the video below, "is the full version, which also goes deeper into all the tathher processes. Plus, even on the easy stuff, you can still skip parts and she warns you."
Walter paused. Since when were these idiots so careful. "And how do I know you're not listening to the other versions?"
Faye simply clicked on one of those videos and immediately a message came up saying you had to confirm your age by ID or credit card. "Because I can't." She leaned back again. "You can tell she takes parental controls very seriously."
Walter grumbled. He was running out of arguments. "And how do you know, how well researched it is. You don't even know who it is."
In hindsight, Faye really didn't know what she might have given away. Whether she had moved her left nostril, or the right corner of her mouth was emitting Morse code, but her father knew right away.
"Who is it?" he asked immediately.
She remained silent. "Any of the older ones from school? A teacher? One of the parents? Aha!"
How the hell did he do that?
"Dad come on. Does it matter?"
He just looked at her strictly again.
She sighed. "Only if you don't say anything."
He rolled his eyes. "I won't embarrass you in front of your friends."
She rolled her eyes. "It's (y/n)." she muttered. "I like (y/n) and so do you, so please just forget about it and don't make a scene."
(Y/n)? "When does she have time for that?"
"Well when you're at work."
He continued to stare at the phone and sighed.
Why hadn't she ever said anything?
"Send me the worst case she has in there."
She didn't have to think twice. She reached for her phone and sent him the video.
"But the light version only goes for 20 minutes," she explained.
"And the other one?"
"A good hour and a half, I think. That one has the most extreme time difference."
She continued typing on the device. "She does a lot more stuff like this, though," she explained. "And you might even like this one," she looked at him uncertainly. "It's about hacking and.... and she educates really well."
He looked at her. "Faye breathe. I'm not going to break up with her."
She loosened up a bit.
"She just could have told me something.", he grumbled.
"Well you're not exactly hiding how much you hate True Crime," she said hesitantly.
Walter sighed. "I'll listen to it."
Faye smiled. "Thanks."
Since he was ordered to take forced vacation, he could also watch the videos. (Y/n) was anyway with a friend living far away.
It was not as if he had anything better to do.
Walter decided to rip off the band-aid and started with the worst case. The full version, though.
He clicked on the video and neutral music sounded. For once, no horror music. The screen remained black.
'Welcome back my dears. If you've already peeked at the trigger warnings, you've already seen that today's case is really not for the faint of heart. As always, assess yourselves honestly. I also had to stop several times during research. As always, you'll find the light version as the next video, but you can also skip parts in this one.
So let's start with how one case managed to put even members of the Japanese Mafia behind bars and why even minors can be sentenced as adults in case of doubt.'
Walter interrupted the video several times. Although it was about a japanese girl beeing tortured and raped, he kept having Faye in mind. You'd think the years in his job had dulled him, but he felt sick at the recitals of torture he was now hearing.
'I don't really know how to end a video like this, but please remain careful as always. Take care of yourselves and your friends and family. There's a link coming up on the screen now. If you know someone, or you need help yourself when it comes to sexual violence. You will find phone numbers, email addresses and places to go to find protection, but also to share and find people who can help you with processing. I hope I didn't scare you away too much but next week there will be something lighter. Promise.
Stay safe and see you next time.
Walter went to the link and actually found official and good stations. Support groups and hotlines he knew himself.
He clicked on the next video that Faye had sent him. That's the kind of video she does most, she had said.
'Welcome back. Today with probably one of the most famous cases in the world. Everyone who has ever heard of criminal cases also knows him. Ted Bundy is the world's most famous serial killer. I want to tell you today, how one man managed to exploit the weaknesses of the police organization so that he got away with his crimes for years.'
Walter listened to the double episode back-to-back. (Y/n) hardly dealt with the crimes themselves, but mainly with the investigative work and Bundy's advantages. The process and his time in prison. She worked almost biographically. Rachel would be proud of her psychlogy research, he had to honestly admit. It wasn't sensationalist, but it was intriguing nonetheless. He scrolled through the rest of the videos on the channel. Well-known cases from the eighties. Historical cases that went back to the fifteenth century. But he also found videos that educated about security measures. Especially for the Internet. Small self-defense tricks that could help even people without any experience in case of emergency.
He had to confess that he didn't hate her channel.
He clicked on the last video that Faye had sent him.
'Hello and welcome my dear ones. When you think of TrueCrime, you immediately think of serial killers and the heavy hitters, so it's easy to forget that there are other newsworthy types of crime. Today we're talking about a revenge porn site that destroyed more than one life and a young man who thought he could do anything until he met the wrong mother. Many of you are probably familiar with the Netflix documentary.'
He went through the links while listening to the video. Again, he found official cybercrime contact points.
Educational sites. Tips for staying safe online.
Walter dropped into his chair. He didn't like the idea of a TrueCrime channel he liked. He hated those things. But (y/n) was doing a good job.
He stroked his face with his hand.
The next day, he just walked past Faye and grumbled:"You can listen to it."
He ignored her triumphant grin and made himselfe some coffee.
He sent (y/n) a link to their own channel. 'Why didn't you tell me?'
Her response wasn't taking long.
'On our first date you said how much you hate TrueCrime.... I thought you were great and I didn't want to screw it up right away and at some point it was too late. Did Faye tell?'
'Not willingly. I interrogated her. Your research is good.'
'So we're good?'
'Only if you add a few places to go in your links.'
'You are a softy after all.'
Walter grumbled.
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rebelliousstories · 2 months
That’s My Sister
Relationship: Sean Renard x Reader, Monroe x Monroe!Reader
Fandom: Grimm
Request: No
Warnings: Brief Strong Language, Fluff, Light Angst
Word Count: 3,540
Main Masterlist: Here
Grimm Masterlist: Here
Summary: Bringing home your significant other for the holidays is always stressful. Even more so when you are a wesen, with another wesen coming, and a Grimm to top it all off!
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Love is like death, it must come to us all, but to each his own unique way and time, sometimes it will be avoided, but never can it be cheated, and never will it be forgotten.
The spice shop was gorgeous this time of year. Smells of nutmeg, cinnamon, and juniper with just a hint of pine filled the room. Lights strung up along the banners and shelves. There were not enough to distract or take away from the business, but it added just enough of Yuletide cheer to the area.
“Rosalee? Are you in?” Someone called out into the shop. She looked around in wonder as she waited for the person to appear.
“Hey, it’s my favorite Monroe. What can I do for you?” Said Fuchsbau emerged from the back, dressed in a cozy cardigan.
“Don’t let my brother hear you say that,” the Blutbad teased, “but seriously. I’m looking for a gift for my boyfriend and was wondering if maybe I could poke around and see what I could find?” Her timid tone, and now shy demeanor intrigued Rosalee as she watched the woman.
“Oh. Your mysterious boyfriend that we have yet to meet. I’m sure we could find something. Tell me a little bit about him.” Breathing a sigh of relief, the Blutbad relaxed and went back to her usual self.
“Well, he’s super sweet and oddly loaded. Which makes it difficult to buy him a gift because if he wants something, he already has it. I just- I want this to be good because it’s our first Christmas. But he does like tea when he’s not working to wind down. So maybe something to do with that?” Her rambling encouraged the other woman to begin scouring the shelves for something that might peek her interest.
“Is he wesen? Just incase I give him something poisonous.” Rosalee stopped to look at the sister in her shop.
“He’s half zauberbiest, if that helps.” She offered, to which Rosalee confirmed that it did, in fact, help in her search. But all the while the Fuchsbau’s thoughts were racing as she tried to think of anyone who was half zauberbiest. It was not a very common type of wesen, especially if he’s half.
“Aha! This might do the trick,” she pulled something from a shelf in a glass container, “it’s a calming blend. Rose, chamomile, lavender, mint, and green tea. It’s delicious and should help calm him down from stressful days.” The other woman’s face perked up, and she excitedly followed Rosalee to the counter, where she began to dispense an amount to take with her.
“So this boyfriend of yours, are you bringing him to dinner tomorrow night?” Rosalee tried to sound nonchalant, but her curiosity was eating away at her.
“Maybe. We’ve only been dating a few months. I’m just worried about my brother going off on him.” She pulled out her wallet as she continued to speak.
“I mean, the last time I was dating someone, Roe went full Blutbad on the guy and I could never get a date after that. This is the first guy I’ve dated in years, and I really like him. I don’t want to mess that up.” Taking to leaning against the counter and watching the Fuchsbau measure out the tea and square it away, she continued her lament. Rosalee looked up at her future sister-in-law.
“Look, I get it with your brother. He can be a bit intense. But I will keep him on his best behavior. Is that why you don’t want to introduce them?” She asked, ringing up her family discount for the tea.
“Yeah. That last guy, he looked at me like I was a freak after my brother woged at him. Haven’t been able to get over that stare since. And then he told every other wesen at our school to stay away from me and my ‘psycho’ brother. Never wanted to hurt a Hundjäger so badly in my life.” Placing some bills on the counter, she grabbed the package of tea from the woman, who held her hand gently.
“Bring him to dinner tomorrow. Juliette and I will make sure everyone is on their best behavior. There won’t be a repeat of that.” Rosalee reassured the Blutbad in her care. The other wesen nodded, and placed a hand on top of the other.
“I will, Rosalee.” They both smiled, and let each other go. As the female Blutbad left her shop, the Fuchsbau could not help but let her mind wander as she began to clean up a little bit. Did she even have zauberbiest come into the shop? It’s so hard to tell sometimes, let alone if they are half. All at once, Rosalee had a revelation. She knew who it was.
“Oh no.”
Meanwhile, in the precinct Nick watched from his desk as his captain seemed preoccupied with his phone. It was an unusual behavior which is why it drew the young man’s attention.
“What are you staring at so intensely, Nick?” Hank asked from his desk right next to him.
“It’s the captain. He’s been on his phone more and more today.” The detective pointed out.
“Maybe he’s making plans for Christmas dinner tomorrow night. It’s not a crime for him to be on his phone to make plans Nick.” He tried to explain the behavior away, but Burkhardt shook his head.
“See that?” He called attention to a certain quirk of the face. “He’s smiling. There’s no one in his life that he smiles genuinely for anymore. I think he’s got a girlfriend.” Nick said finally in disbelief.
“If anyone needs a good woman to keep him grounded, it’s definitely the captain. Just be happy for once and don’t profile the man.” Griffin shook his head and turned back to his files, prompting his partner to follow suit. But their attention was called away again as the captain’s office door was flung open.
“Where are you going?” Hank asked, watching the man move fast; it was as fast as he would move if they were on a case.
“Oh, I need to go pick up something for someone. You two should go home, and enjoy Christmas Eve with your families. I’ll see you later.” And with that, he was gone. The two detectives sat there, dumbfounded.
“I’ll be damned; the captain has a lady.” Hank muttered to himself, stopping his work for a moment. Checking the time, Nick stretched his back while standing from the chair.
“Alright, you heard the man. Let’s get out of here. Hey, see you at dinner tomorrow night?” Burkhardt asked of his partner. Griffin nodded and followed suit; both men grabbing their jackets from the back of their chairs in order to leave.
“You know it. I’m not one to turn down a free meal.” Hank joked, stepping out into the parking lot of the precinct. The men said their goodbyes and made their ways home.
In the Calvert-Monroe household though, a full blown argument was about to boil over. They had been going at it since the subject was brought up at dinner. It had lasted from the appetizer, all the way to clean up before dessert.
“All I’m saying is that I would like to meet her boyfriend before he comes over. What if he’s a lowen?” Monroe complained, handing washed dishes to his girlfriend.
“Do you honestly think your sister would date a lowen?” Rosalee countered, drying off the plate to stack.
“You’re right. Still,” he continued, “I just don’t want her to date someone that’s just going to break her heart. I mean, all the guys in high school she liked were totally not for her.” The Blutbad paused for a moment, and rested his soapy wet hands against the sink. Setting down the towel, Rosalee wrapped her arms around her boyfriend and cradled his face.
“She really likes this guy, Monroe. Don’t go over board. Besides, he’s not the worst choice for her.” Turning back to the task at hand, it took the man a second too long to process what the Fuchsbau had said.
“Wait, do you know who she’s dating?” Monroe questioned, watching Rosalee’s face take on an air of faux innocence.
“Maybe. Maybe not. She didn’t explicitly tell me who it was. I just worked it out from what little she did tell me.” She began to place her dishes away, but it seemed that Monroe was not yet done.
“Come on, who is it? Who is she dating?” But the woman said nothing.
“Rosalee.” He growled out in a warning tone, to which she finally faced her boyfriend and rested her hands on her hips.
“The only thing I will say, is that you have met him before. That is it. Now, cake?” Rosalee went to retrieve the chocolate cake from the fridge, leaving Monroe there in the kitchen.
“I’m gonna be kept up all night now.” He complained, but followed his girlfriend into the dining room to have dessert.
The next morning, was a morning of rest. Christmas had come, and everyone was preparing for the festivities that would soon come. Sneaking out of her shared bedroom, a Blutbad began to make breakfast for her lover that was still asleep in their bed. It still astounded her that she could even call this place, this bed, this man, her’s.
Vegan sausages were being fried, toast, pancakes, and several smaller side dishes covered the counter in the kitchen. It continued to shock her at how far vegan alternatives had come as she put the fake eggs in the pan to scramble. As she cooked, two strong bare arms wrapped around her waist. A kiss was placed to her head from behind as the mystery arms relaxed.
“Good morning. It’s not often that I get breakfast made for me.” The voice grumbled out, still thick with sleep.
“Who says this is for you?” She teased. Making sure that nothing would burn, she turned briefly in the man’s arms to come face to face with him. Sage green eyes gazed lovingly into her own, but shut momentarily as they met for a kiss. Her lips molded to her own, and reluctantly she pulled away from the beautiful shirtless man before her, in favor of ensuring their breakfast would not be wasted.
“It’s almost done. Want to go ahead and start putting food on the table?” One last kiss was pressed to her head, along with a squeeze at her waist, and he was off. Soon, the whole table was littered with food.
“Thank you for making this.” He commented genuinely, holding her hand over the steaming food. Suddenly, she hoped up as if a light bulb went off in her head, and she made her way to the kitchen. When she came out yet again, a mug was in her hands this time around.
“What is that?” Came his question, taking the mug and maneuvering it next to his other cup of coffee.
“It’s one of your Christmas presents. Try it.” Sitting down, she watched with bated breath as he brought the mug to his lips, and took a tentative sip. His face lit up and he eagerly took another sip.
“This is delicious. What is it?” Another question, and he was reaching for her hand once more.
“It’s a tea blend from a friend’s shop. I thought it’d be nice to help you wind down after work.” She explained, happy that she was able to get one of two correct.
“This is wonderful. I genuinely appreciate this. Let’s eat though. You went through all this work.” And with that, they dug into the food that littered the table before them. It was not too much longer before they sat themselves on the couch, and enjoyed each others company with presents to either side.
“Here you go.” The man placed a rather heavy wrapped present in her lap, and watched her with eager eyes. She tore into the paper, and leveled her boyfriend with a look as she saw what she had.
“Really, Sean?” Her tone was dry, and she tried to fight the smile coming onto her face. However, with her boyfriend sporting one himself, it was rather hard.
“What? You could always use another book, and I thought you might enjoy the stories.” Said man tried to explain away.
“You gave me a collection of brothers Grimm fairytales!” She exclaimed.
“And you’re not wanting to read them?” He leveled her with another look, which made her shrink down into herself.
“Yes. I’m going to read them.” Muttering under her breath, she placed the book to her side and grasped the other box that was next to her. She placed it in her lover’s lap, and awaited his reaction. Sean gently unwrapped the present, and opened the box that was in his hands. His face dropped in surprise, and his eyes danced over the present he had.
“Do you like it?” Timidly, she inquired. There was no telling what his reaction was going to be. Sean’s hand reached in and pulled out the small object that was awaiting him. It was a ring. Tiny and unassuming, which described his lover but that was not what caught his attention. It was what was on the inside of the ring. An inscription dated September 23rd of that year; their anniversary.
“You don’t like it? It’s fine if you don’t. I just thought maybe you would. I can take it back though if you don’t want it. I’m sure I could at least get store-” she never finished her rambling, because her boyfriend had surged forward and captured her lips in his. They remained locked in their embrace for who knows how long, but she was pushed against the couch in the midst of it. Alas, they pulled away for some much needed oxygen.
“Do you like it?” She repeated her inquiry.
“I love it.” He replied, breathlessly. Helping her back up, Sean allowed her to slip the ring on to his left pinky finger. On the outside, it just looked like a simple silver band, but the fact that he knew that there was that inscription inside made it feel like a known secret. And it was all his.
“This is funny actually.” Sean reached behind him and found the box next to him once more. She was confused as to what he was talking about, and took the box gingerly from his hands. Opening, she let out a small chuckle as to what was inside.
“Now, now, you still have to get my brother on your side.” Once again, she was teasing him. He chuckled as well, but pulled the ring from the box.
“It’s a promise ring.” Sean slipped the ring on to her right ring finger. The emerald in the center, with the silver surrounding it instantly drew her eyes to the sparkling stone.
“This is going to turn some heads at dinner tonight.” Her mind could not help but think about what was going to happen.
“I’ll be right by your side.” Drawing her into his arms, Sean pressed a kiss to her head, and cradled her close.
A few hours later, the couple was dressed up and ready to leave. One last spray of perfume and the jewelry was placed on her body before they left for the evening. Her leg could not stop bouncing as they neared their destination. Sean reached over and held her thigh in hi grasp, which allowed her to calm down just enough. He parked on the side of the road and helped his girlfriend safely exit the car onto the icy sidewalks. They walked up to the door with stained glass, and she took a deep breath.
“You can still back out, you know?” She tried to tell her boyfriend, but he just held her by the shoulders and looking into her eyes.
“I’m not scared by meeting your family. It’s going to be fine.” Sean tried to reassure her.
“Alright. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” And with that, she knocked. Just a moment later, the door opened and revealed a festive looking Fuchsbau.
“You made it!” Rosalee cheered, hugging her boyfriend’s sister close. Letting go, she turned to face the man standing next to her.
“Captain.” She greeted politely, and held out her hand for him to shake.
“Rosalee. It’s good to see you again.” This confused the Blutbad standing between them.
“You know each other?” She wondered aloud. Renard and Rosalee looked at each other.
“I think you’ll find a lot of the people here have met each other at least once.” Rosalee responded cryptically. She pulled them in and out of the cold, before taking their coats to their spare room. The couple wandered through the house and found where the rest of the group was hanging around. She got to watch Sean’s eyes take in her brother’s Christmas decorations that littered the room. The sheer amount of tinsel, lights, and fake snow that was around the house was enough to make even the most Christmasy person take a step back. There was a pause as everyone stopped to stare at the couple.
“You’ve got to be joking.” Monroe stated, setting down his beer. Nick, Juliette, and Hank all turned to face where the Blutbad was staring.
“Captain? Nice to see you?” Nick drawled out confused, and followed his friend’s motion.
“Roe, everyone, this is Sean. But I’m guessing that you all know each other.” She was looking around at the rest of the guests.
“Oh, you’re dying now.” Rounding the corner at an incredible speed, there were shouts as Monroe grabbed the collar of Sean’s more casual sweater she had convinced him to wear instead of his suit. He shoved the zauberbiest against a wall, narrowly missing some decorations as he woged. By this point, Nick and Hank were trying desperately to pull him off of the man, while Juliette and Rosalee were holding and shielding the other Blutbad.
“What are you playing at? What do you want that you feel the need to date my sister?” Monroe growled out, eyes no longer human but red and black and unearthly.
“I am not dating her for a plan. I love her for her.” Sean held up his hands in surrender.
“Roe, let him go.” His sister growled, stepping out from behind the women. The man in question turned his head and let the woge fade back into his skin
“This man is not who he says he is. He’s a royal, little sis. He only told you he loves you to find a way to fit into his plans. Whatever they are.” The longer he spoke, the angrier his sister became.
“I know he’s half-royal, Roe. But that doesn’t mean that Sean doesn’t love me. Now get off of him.” Fully woge out, she grabbed her brother’s arm and threw him back enough to create some distance. The three men that were currently in front of Sean were replaced by one angry Blutbad woman. Her woge disappeared as soon as it came, and she checked in on her boyfriend.
“It’s been lovely seeing everyone, but if this is how it’s going to be, we’ll be leaving.” She said after whispering to Sean for a few moments. It shocked everyone in the room. Rosalee went to reluctantly grab their coats, while everyone else stared at Monroe with pointed glares.
“Wait!” The Blutbad called just before the couple left the party. Sean was helping her into her coat when they paused. He was entirely following her lead on this, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable or unwanted.
“I’m- I’m sorry, okay? You’re my sister and I’m always going to be protective of you. But you are an adult so I need to accept your choice. I’ll tone it down just, please, stay for dinner?” He was keeping his eyes on his sister, who returned with a less believable stare.
“You’re allowed to ask him three questions about our relationship, and three about himself. That’s it.” She replied, allowing Sean to once again, help her out of her coat. Rosalee took it back and happily went to set them on the bed once more. Monroe pulled his sister into a bear hug in the foyer of his home. When they pulled away, Sean stepped up to properly greet the Blutbad.
“You hurt my sister, I’ll break my pledge.” Monroe stared the half zauberbiest dead in the eye as he shook his hand. Renard brought out a smirk, and shook the man’s hand firmly.
“I’m slowly starting to realize the amount of people who will hurt me if I hurt her, including her.” He replied smoothly. The couple were pulled back into the fray easily. Everyone was laughing and eating, and in general, just having a great time. Looking at each other over their glasses of wine, and plates of food, Sean gave her a small wink, and held her hand. With the other, he thumbed a small velvet box the was in the pocket of his slacks. Perhaps next Christmas she would be more than a girlfriend. He needs to get through to her brother first.
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jujumin-translates · 2 months
Sakuya Sakuma | [SSR] Mankai Crepe | A Crepe Bouquet
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Citron: Good afternoon, Madam! You seem in a good blued today~!
Fukatsu: Ooh, I think you’re trying to say, “in a good mood”! You’re still as funny as ever Cito-chan.
Citron: Thank you!
Citron: By the way, Madam. What was it you wanted to talk to me about?
Fukatsu: Ah, right, right, I have an acquaintance who runs a crepe cart. They usually hire students to work, but…
Fukatsu: They’re having staffing issues because all those kids are going to be unavailable because of exams.
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Citron: Oh, that sounds like a problem!
Fukatsu: That’s why they’re looking for people to help fill in for the time being.
Fukatsu: Hey, Cito-chan, do you know anyone who could help? You must have lots of friends and acquaintances, right?
Fukatsu: You’ll be paid for it, of course, and there’s a training period, so there’s no need to worry if you don’t have experience.
Citron: If you are the one asking me to do it, I must accept, Madam! I will talk to everyone at the dorms about it first.
Fukatsu: Thank you so much! By the way, the shop name is--.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Ah, Citron-san!
Citron: Oh, Sakuya! I thought you were working until this evening.
Sakuya: It was pretty calm around the shop, so we closed up at lunch. That’s been happening a lot lately.
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Sakuya: Where have you been, Citron-san?
Citron: Having tea with one of the madams I know! She was asking for some help.
Sakuya: Oh, really? I hope she can get that help soon…
Citron: I need to talk to everyone else about helping! I want to talk to you and the others when we get back.
Sakuya: Got it!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kazunari: Mh~, this pear crepe is supes tasty and good! The line in front of the cart was like, crazy long, but it was totes worth it~!
Banri: I usually just get stuff from the regular cafe, but this sweet potato chai latte is real good and spiced too.
Izumi: Wow, they all sound so good. I’ll have to go sometime.
Sakuya: We’re home.
Citron: We are home!
Izumi: Welcome back.
Sakuya: Waah, those crepes look really good!
Kazunari: They are! I swung by a crepe shop on my way home from uni and got ‘em~.
Kazunari: There was this super cute, inste-able cart and they all looked supes good! There was major hype around that place!
Sakuya: Now I kinda wanna go there too…!
Kazunari: BTDubs, the shop’s name is “Epoch de Crepe”--.
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Citron: Aha! That is exactly the shop!
Izumi: Huh?
Banri: What is it?
Citron: I need to talk to you about that crepe shop!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kazunari: I getcha~, so that’s why there was a poster on the side of the cart looking for part-time workers.
Izumi: From what I’ve heard, that place is pretty popular, so being short-staffed is a big problem. I’d love to help out myself, but… could you guys do it?
Citron: It was one of the madams’ requests, so of course I will!
Citron: But I heard that they need around three people to help, so I am not enough.
Sakuya: Well then, let me help too!
Sakuya: My part-time jobs haven’t been very busy lately, so I think I should be able to do it.
Citron: Thank you, Sakuya. That will be much help!
Banri: That said, can you guys really help out at a crepe shop?
Citron: You can count on us! I will be able to handle anyone in line!
Sakuya: I do customer service and cashiering at some of my regular part-time jobs, and I’m sure I'll be able to adjust my shifts, so I’ll be fine.
Banri: Nah, it ain’t just about the customer service part…
Citron: Anyway, two is not enough. So I must find someone else!
Kazunari: Ah, wait a sec, RonRon!
Kazunari: I think Setzer said earlier that he’s relatively free right now. So maybe he could help out…!?
Citron: It would be berry helpful if you came, Banri! I would like it if you joined us!
Banri: Well, whatever. You ain’t gotta worry anymore.
Izumi: Well then, I guess we’ve got our three!
Banri: Yep.
Sakuya: I’ll do my best!
Citron: Now that it is decided, let us do our best to bring in even more customers than the usual workers~!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Citron: Hello! We are the people Fukatsu-san sent to help.
Sakuya: We’ll do our best!
Banri: What he said.
Shop Owner: I’ve been waiting on this, so I’m really thankful for the help! Let me start by explaining the schedule.
Shop Owner: I don’t think you’ll be able to make the crepes right away, so you’ll just be in a training period for a while--.
Citron: Eh?
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Sakuya: Make?
Banri: Ugh… I told you we wouldn’t be able to do this.
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Sakuya: …Alright, so, there’s a training period, but I wanna get good at baking the crepe batter as soon as possible.
Sakuya: So, that’s why I wanted to ask for your help with making the crepes, Omi-san. And also why I wanted your help with tasting them, Juza-kun…
Omi: I see. Well, how about we make them together then?
Juza: I’ll help as much as ya want if ya want me to.
Izumi: I can also help out!
Sakuya: Thank you so much, guys!
Sakuya: Anyway, I got this utensil for spreading the batter. They call it a rake.
Izumi: Wah, how professional!
Omi: Nice preparation. Well then, let me borrow that from you for a bit, Sakuya.
Sakuya: Yeah, of course!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Omi: Hmm… it’s not quite up to the quality of something you’d sell, but how’s this for now?
Sakuya: It’s amazing! I never knew you could make something like that in such a short amount of time…!
Izumi: The thickness of the pastry is even and it’s at the level of something you’d find in a shop!
Omi: Haha, thanks. Now, finish this one off with some fruit and cream…
Omi: And, done. Here, try a bit of it.
Sakuya: Lemme try!
Juza: ! ‘S’incredible.
Izumi: It’s so fluffy and delicious!
Sakuya: It’s really tasty and it’s got a good balance of pastry and filling…!
Omi: Well then, you ready to try, Sakuya?
Sakuya: Sure! I’ll try my best to get the same outcome as you did!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Sakuya: Whoa, it was too thin and I ripped it! And the other one was a little too thick… uuueh.
Omi: Seems like the rake is a little tricky to handle.
Juza: The thick ones are good ‘cause they’ve got more to ‘em, and the thin ones are good ‘cause they’ve got more fillin’.
Juza: But if you’re gonna sell ‘em, guess they’ve gotta have a consistent thickness.
Sakuya: Yeah…
Izumi: How about we look up some tips online? Maybe we’ll find a method that works well for you, Sakuya-kun.
Sakuya: Ah, no, I’m gonna call it here for today!
Omi: Already?
Juza: We can still help ya, y’know.
Sakuya: Thanks, but you guys have already done enough! I’m gonna go out and look for some crepe shops in town and study from pros.
Sakuya: I’d be glad to get your help again next time I practice!
Izumi: (Sakuya-kun’s enthusiasm is so admirable…!)
Izumi: Got it, good luck with your search. See you later!
Sakuya: See you!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Ah, seems like there’s another food truck crepe shop just like “Epoch de Crepe”…!
Sakuya: (It’s amazing how fast their hands are working. And the batter isn’t sticking to the rake at all.)
Shop Worker: Welcome, sir, would you like to order something? If so, the menu can be read there…
Sakuya: Ah, sorry for staring! Actually, I was just…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Shop Worker: I see. So you want to see the making process?
Sakuya: Yeah, I was really impressed by how you were handling the rake. Sorry…
Shop Worker: No, I appreciate the compliment. I can give you a few tips if you’d like.
Sakuya: Eh, are you sure?
Shop Worker: We’re in a low-traffic time right now. Actually, I also struggled with this at first.
Sakuya: Really…!? Thank you so much, I’ll do my best to learn.
Shop Worker: No problem. Alright, first, for using the rake…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Shop Worker: …And make a point like this.
Sakuya: That was so helpful! I’ll definitely practice this again by myself. Thank you so much!
Shop Worker: It’s nothing. Good luck with making delicious crepes.
Sakuya: Thanks!
Shop Worker A: Thank you for waiting. Here you go.
Kid: Wah! This crepe looks like a really pretty flower!
Mother: Fufu, it does.
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Sakuya: …
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Sakuya: …What do you think?
Omi: It’s very nicely baked.
Izumi: The pastry’s thickness is even all over!
Juza: Tastes just like somethin’ you’d get at a shop.
Sakuya: I’m glad…! The tips I got from that shop worker were really worth it!
Omi: I’m glad you found a technique that works for you, Sakuya.
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Sakuya: Me too! But I still need to work even harder to make ones that are even more delicious!
Omi: Haha, make sure you don’t overdo it.
Juza: We’re supportin’ ya.
Izumi: And good luck with doing the real thing, too!
Sakuya: Thank you!
Izumi: (Sakuya-kun seems like he’s got some confidence now. I’m glad he got so good at making them.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Shop Owner: You’ve gotten so good that I don’t really have anything to say in terms of things to practice! It’s time for the real thing today, so let’s keep up the good work.
Sakuya: Yeah, let’s!
Customer A: Hello. Are you taking orders?
Sakuya: Yes, go ahead!
Customer A: Umm, then I’ll get a pear-apple mix and…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Customer B: It’s so good~!
Customer C: The thickness of the pastry is perfect!
Sakuya: (I’m really glad the people who are eating the crepes I made are saying they’re delicious.)
Izumi: Are you taking orders, sir?
Sakuya: Yeah, of course!
Sakuya: …Huh, Director!? And Masumi-kun!
Izumi: Hehe. We came here to get something to eat as soon as we could.
Sakuya: Welcome!
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Masumi: …Why’s Sakuya here?
Izumi: Huh!? I thought I told you we were coming here to eat because Sakuya’s working here part-time!?
Masumi: I only listened to the part about going on a crepe date with you.
Sakuya: Ahaha…
Izumi: Alright, which one do you want to get, Masumi-kun? I’m getting this one with fresh strawberries and whipped cream.
Masumi: I’ll have the same then.
Sakuya: Coming right up! I’ll get started on your order as soon as possible.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Thanks for waiting. Your fresh strawberry and whipped cream crepe!
Izumi: Waah, it looks so good! …Wait, huh?
Izumi: The ingredients are the same, but is the shape of the toppings different from the sample…?
Sakuya: So you noticed? I tried arranging the strawberries to look like a flower.
Sakuya: When I was at the shop where I was given some tips, I saw a little girl who was super happy because her crepe looked cute like a flower--.
Sakuya: And since you came all the way here, I thought I’d arrange your crepe to look like a bouquet, Director!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 1: It’s pretty.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: It’s so pretty! Almost like a real bouquet.
Izumi: I’d better take a lot of pictures of it before I eat it. …Fufu, the pictures are so cute, I’m sure I’ll be looking at them again soon.
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Sakuya: I’m glad I could make you smile with the crepe I made. I mean, you’re always lovely, but you look really, really cute right now, Director!
Sakuya: Ah…! Sorry, I didn’t mean to say you were cute!
Izumi: Ahaha, it’s a little embarrassing since I’m not used to being told that. But, I’m glad.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 2: It’s well-made.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: It’s really well-made. It almost seems like a shame to eat it.
Sakuya: The recipe wouldn’t be the same as the one from this shop, but if you ever want to eat one, I can always make something similar for you at the dorms, Director!
Izumi: Ahaha, really? Well then, I’ll eat this one freely.
Sakuya: …How is it?
Izumi: It’s really good! It has a gentle flavor.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Really? I’m glad then!
Masumi: …You’re talking to her too much.
Sakuya: Ah, s-sorry. I’ll go make one for you too, Masumi-kun!
Izumi: Ah, right! Do you want yours to be like a bouquet too, Masumi-kun? It’d be really cute and it’d match with mine!
Masumi: Matching with you… Sakuya, make me the same.
Sakuya: Hehe, coming right up!
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Polar Opposites - Book 1: Water - Chapter 2: Avatar Aang
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It’s nearly sunset now, and Katara still hasn’t returned from going to find Aang about 3 hours ago.
You’re really worried that two of them got into some sort of trouble, because not even ten minutes ago, a flare was shot into the air. You had wanted to go out to look for them but once you and Sokka saw the flare, he was very stern about you staying in the village. You completely understand that Sokka wants to protect you and keep you safe in this situation because that’s what he had promised your dad before he left to fight in the war. The thing is though, he should know better than anyone that you can take care of yourself just fine, but then again, that doesn’t stop him from being an overprotective brother, even though you’re 5 minutes older than he is.
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It’s been about an hour since the flare was shot into the sky, and you and Sokka stand at the edge of the village with your grandmother and some of the other villagers, waiting for Aang and Katara to come back. You let out a sigh of relief when I see both Aang and Katara in the distance making their way back to the village. “Yay! Aang's back!” one of the little girls cheers as she and the rest of the children start running toward them. The children gather around Aang, just as Sokka steps toward him and Katara angrily. “I knew it! You signaled the Fire Navy with that flare!” he exclaims angrily, while pointing at Aang. “You're leading them straight to us, aren't you?” “Aang didn't do anything. It was an accident.” Katara defends as she stops right in front of Sokka with Aang and the children. “Yeh, we were on the ship and there was this booby trap and well…” Aang hesitates by putting his hand on the back of his head in embarrassment. “...we ‘boobied’ right into it.”
At his explanation of what had happened, your grandmother shakes her head in disappointment. “Katara, you shouldn't have gone on that ship. Now we could all be in danger!” “Don't blame Katara!” Aang exclaims. “I brought her there.” he states before looking downcast. “It's my fault.” “Aha! The traitor confesses!” Sokka exclaims pointing at Aang. “Warriors, away from the enemy!” He commands the children, making the children walk away from Aang and back to their mothers. “The foreigner is banned from our village!”
“Sokka, you're making a mistake.” Katara says angrily. “No! I'm keeping my promise to Dad. I'm protecting you and (Y/N) from threats like him!” Sokka replies. “Aang is not our enemy!” Katara says angrily as she motions to Aang. “Don't you see? Aang's brought us something we haven't had in a long time. Fun.” she states. “Fun?” Sokka repeats irritably. “We can't fight firebenders with fun!” “You should try it sometime.” Aang says with an earnest smile on his face. “Get out of our village. Now!” Sokka says sternly. “Grandmother, please, don't let Sokka do this.” Katara says to Gran Gran who stands next to you. “Katara, you knew going on that ship was forbidden. Sokka is right. I think it best if the airbender leaves.” Gran Gran says to her. Katara then turns to me, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. “(Y/N)… please…” she begs desperately.
As much as I’d like to have Aang stay, it’s not safe to keep him in the village anymore now that he took Katara to the Fire Navy ship. I look into her sad eyes for a second longer before looking away, ignoring her plea. “Fine! Then I'm banished too!” Katara exclaims, making me turn my head back to her, my eyes wide in shock as she turns around, taking Aang by the wrist as she leads him back toward Appa. “C'mon, Aang, let's go!” “Where do you think you're going?” Sokka asks her. “To find a waterbender! Aang is taking me to the North Pole!” Katara replies as she continues to drag Aang toward Appa. “I am?” Aang asks, confused before his face brightens. “Great!” “Katara!” Sokka calls after her, making her stop in her tracks. “Would you really choose him over your tribe? Your own family?”
As Sokka asks her this, you see Katara’s shoulders slump and you know that she’s in doubt on which to choose. Aang comes up next to her a second later, obviously seeing the struggle that must be on her face. “Katara, I don't want to come between you and your family.” “So, you're leaving the South Pole? This is goodbye?” Katara asks him softly, the sadness in her voice very evident. Aang turns back to her. “Thanks for penguin sledding with me.” “Where will you go?” Katara asks him. “Guess I'll go back home and look for the airbenders.” Aang says as he puts a hand on Appa’s head. “Wow, I haven't cleaned my room in a hundred years. Not looking forward to that.” he continues before he uses his airbending to get onto Appa’s head where he takes the reins. Aang then turns his head to address the rest of the villagers and Sokka and I. “It was nice meeting everyone.” “Let's see your bison fly now, air boy.” Sokka says sarcastically, causing you to elbow him in the side, which causes him to rub his side while glaring at you which causes you to roll your eyes at him before turning to look at Aang again. “Come on, Appa, you can do it! Yip! Yip!” he says, flicking the reins. Appa rumbles as he gets to his feet. “Yeh, I thought so.” Sokka says, as if he knew that Appa wasn’t going to fly, like Aang said he could and/or would.
Before Aang can make Appa turn to walk away, one of the little girls rushes forward with a cry to stand next to Katara. “Aang… Don't go… I'll miss you…” “I'll miss you too.” Aang replies back, just as sadly. Aang then shifts his gaze towards Katara, who you assume is looking at him with sadness in her eyes. Aang then turns away from her and flicks the reins again. “Come on, boy.” he says to Appa softly making Appa to begin walking away from the village.
As you watch Aang and Appa walk away, you feel bad for agreeing with Sokka in having him leave the village, but since Aant was the one who led Katara onto that war ship where the flare came from, putting everyone in the tribe in danger… even if it was an accident like he had said it was… There’s really no other choice than to have him leave so that everyone in the village can be safe. Just as you think that, you see Gran Gran stop behind Katara. “Katara, you'll feel better after you–” Katara cuts her off. “You happy now?” “There goes my one chance of becoming a waterbender!” she continues before stalking off angrily, leaving Gran Gran alone.
You’re about to walk up to her and comfort her, but- “Alright! Ready our defenses! The Fire Nation could be on our shores any moment now!” Sokka yells at the young boys as they run past him and back into the village. One of the boys stops, raising his hand and dancing about suggestively. “But, I gotta-” “And no potty breaks!” Sokka interrupts him as he points towards the fortifications, which makes the boy run away.
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The silence is deafening… It’s the calm before the storm… You watch Sokka silently as he stands atop of the ice wall that surrounds the village, scanning the mist for any sign of the enemy. Suddenly, you hear a deep rumbling noise before the icy ground beneath your feet begins to shake violently. Parts of the wall that Sokka’s currently standing on begins to crumble beneath him as the shaking gets more and more violent. The villagers around you look in front of them in alarm as the rumbling and shaking of the ground continues to the point that the guard tower that Sokka had built himself collapses in a heap of snow and ice. “Oh man!” you hear Sokka exclaim, the disappointment in his voice very evident as he’ll have to rebuild the whole thing.
Many of the villagers around you are stuck where they stand in fear, you included, as memories of the day your mother was killed flash through your mind as the enormous shadow of a Fire Navy ship appears through the mist. Villagers run past you in their haste to get to safety, while you continue to stand there in horror. Your terror is hastily dismissed when you hear a frightened scream of a child to your left.
You turn your head towards the sound, gasping as you realize that the sound came from a small boy who’s kneeling on the ground as the crack in the ice from the ship goes right underneath him. You quickly run over to him, scooping him into your arms before he falls through the crack. I hand him over to Katara who puts him in a tent where his mother embraces him tightly. Once the boy is safely in his mother’s arms, you turn back to face the ship to see Sokka still standing on the wall. “Sokka, get out of the way!” Katara screams at him from her spot beside you. Sokka however doesn’t move out of fear… The only thing he can do is raise his club in defense, ready to strike the ship as if that would do anything.
Before he can make another move, however, the bow of the ship breaks through the wall, turning it into a giant pile of snow. The snow slides downward, pulling Sokka several feet back before he finally comes to a stop. You sigh out in relief once you know that Sokka’s safe before realizing that this is just the beginning. With thought of the possible fight coming, you get into your waterbending stance, prepared to protect your siblings, your village and your people from these Fire Nation savages, even if there’s a possibility that you’ll end up dying doing so.
You stay in your stance, watching as the bowsprit of the ship begins to open with a burst of steam.
Sokka backs up, trying to get away as the metal comes down towards him. He jumps out of the way, just in time, tumbling to the snowy earth just as the bowsprit hits the ground with a loud thud. The rest of the villagers gather behind you, partly for support and partly out of curiosity. Now, if you weren't so ready to defend them right now, you’d be telling them to get back inside their tents and stay there, but, knowing them, they won’t go anywhere unless they absolutely have to.
You watch the ship closely as 3 figures emerge from the mist, coming down the newly made walkway. Your eyes follow them as 7 men in total come down the ramp, 6 of them being soldiers with full suits of armor on, face masks included, whereas the figure in the front does not have a face mask on. From what you can tell, he’s probably your age, but the deep scowl on his face ages him quite a bit, causing him to look a lot older than he actually is. What shocks you most of all though is the large scar covering his left eye, deforming it slightly. Your intense curiosity about how he had gotten the scar causes you to weaken my stance slightly as you stare at him intently.
Your staring is interrupted by Sokka letting out a battle cry as he charges at the boy and the 6 soldiers that are following him with his club at the ready. The moment Sokka reaches the scarred boy, the boy merely kicks the club to his left and, without ever resting his leg on the ground, he kicks Sokka over to his right, sending him into the snow where he lands headfirst, becoming trapped. As Sokka tries desperately to free himself from the pile of snow that he got stuck in, the boy with the scar continues his way down the ramp, the 6 soldiers following close behind him.
If he wasn’t from the Fire Nation, you’d probably be very impressed at how quickly he took Sokka down, but then again, it’s Sokka. The scarred boy approaches us while his men stay back. His uneven gaze scans each of our faces, intensely. He seems to be looking for something but couldn’t find it while looking through the crowd of women and children behind you. “Where are you hiding him?” he asks angrily. ‘Him?’ you think in confusion. ‘Who’s he talking about?’ No one answers his question because, obviously none of you know what or who he’s even talking about.
The Fire Nation boy surveys the crowd of villagers again before, without warning, extending his arm out, yanking your grandmother toward him by the hood of her parka, causing you and Katara to try to grab her. “He’d be about this age, master of all elements.” the Fire Nation announces sternly to us.
You and the rest of the villagers stay silent, not saying anything in reply to his words. In response to the silence, the scarred boy forcefully shoves your grandmother away from him and into Katara’s arms.
You glare at the boy intensely, gritting your teeth, wanting to attack him for doing that to her, but you restrain yourself from doing so, not wanting anyone to get hurt. By now, in any other situation, you’d have used your waterbending against him for disrespecting a member of your family, but something else is bothering you at the moment. ‘Master of all 4 elements?’ you repeat in your head. ‘Is he looking for the Avatar? Why would he think that the Avatar is here? This is the Southern Water Tribe and the Avatar was supposed to be an Airbender. We-’ That’s when everything finally clicks. ‘Aang.’
My thoughts about Aang possibly being the Avatar that disappeared 100 years ago are interrupted by the scarred boy swinging out his arm, releasing an arc of fire that just barely passes over you and everyone else behind your heads, causing you and everyone else behind you to duck down in fear to avoid the flames. “I know you're hiding him!” The boy exclaims angrily. “And how would you know that?” You growl, stepping forward, your eyes meeting his golden ones as he turns to you, glaring at you intensely. “We have nothing to do with whoever it is that you're searching for, so I suggest that you take your men, and get out of our village. Now.” you hiss.
The scarred boy in front of you opens his mouth about to reply when Sokka comes running up behind him, letting out a loud battle cry, charging at the scarred boy again. Sokka swings his club at the boy, but the boy simply turns and ducks under Sokka’s swing making Sokka forcefully land in the snow in front of you and the rest of the villagers. The boy then fires a blast of flames at Sokka, and luckily he jumps out of the way before spinning to his side, tossing his boomerang at the scarred boy who just manages to dodge it.
At nearly getting hit with Sokka’s boomerang, the scarred boy glares at Sokka with a mixture of annoyance and frustration in his eyes. You’re about to intervene but a little boy runs out in front of you with a spear in hand. “Show no fear!” the little boy repeats Sokka’s earlier words as he tosses the spear to Sokka. Sokka catches the spear with ease and charges at the boy with the scar again. With sharp swings of his arms, the Fire Nation boy breaks the  spear into separate pieces using the arm guards on his forearms, before he pulls the remains of the spear out of Sokka’s hands and jabs him in the head with the blunt end, making Sokka fall to the ground at your and Katara’s feet.
You quickly kneel down beside him, giving him a look that asks ‘Are you alright?’ in which he nods in reply too. Knowing that Sokka is alright, you glare at the Fire Nation boy again, wanting to attack him again for doing that to your brother. Before you can get to your feet and attack him though, something strikes the boy in the back of his helmet with a loud cling; momentarily pushing him forward by the unexpected blow. The boomerang plummets onto the ground in front of you and Sokka and you smirk in triumph, knowing that he wasn’t expecting that to happen at all. Enraged, the boy readies 2 fire daggers, one in each hand as he glares down at you and Sokka (mostly Sokka).
You grit my teeth in frustration. ‘He just doesn’t know when to give up, does he?’ You think irritably as you get to your feet, getting ready to attack the Fire Nation boy in front of you, but before you can make a move to use your bending in any way, shape or form, another force collides with the boy, knocking him off of his feet. You smile at the sight of Aang on a penguin, sliding towards you and the rest of the villagers. At the sight of Aang the children cheer happily, but they stop when snow covers them. Aang grins at you, Sokka and Katara when the penguin stops in front of the three of you before he’s thrown off by the penguin. “Hey Katara. Hey (Y/N). Hey Sokka.” he greets as the penguin waddles away from him. “Hi… Aang. Thanks for comin'.” Sokka says to the young Airbender dryly.
Behind Aang, I see the Fire Nation boy get to his feet before giving his men a signal to surround Aang while he assumes a firebending stance. Aang gets into his own fighting stance, his staff held firmly in front of him as he’s getting encircled by the six soldiers. Aang then sweeps the ground side-to-side with his staff, showering the six with snow, before slamming the ground, sending a rush of snow at the Fire Nation boy who braces for the impact. Aang straightens, staring at the boy. “Looking for me?” “You’re the Airbender?” the boy questions incredulously, as he uses his firebending to melt the snow on his body, the steam billowing around him. “You’re the Avatar?” “Aang?” Katara asks in surprise. “No way.” Sokka spoke bewildered. ‘I knew it.’ You think as you watch your siblings stare at Aang in surprise.
“I’ve spent years preparing for this encounter.” The teenager rants as he and Aang circle each other. 
“Training. Meditating.” he lists off. “You’re just a child!” Aang tilts his head at the boy in confusion. “Well, you’re just a teenager.” Aang’s reply makes the boy launch a series of fire blasts at him in anger. Aang is able to defend himself by twirling his staff, dissipating most of the flames, but some of the flames come toward you and the rest of the villagers making all of you turn away not wanting to get hit by the flames. “If I go with you, will you promise to leave everyone alone?” Aang asks, making me turn my head to him in surprise.
The Fire Nation boy hesitates for a second, obviously not certain if he should trust Aang or not, but he does nod in agreement, affirming that he will leave us alone if Aang comes with him willingly. Aang is then apprehended by the Fire Nation soldiers, one of which takes his staff. Katara jumps out from behind you, running towards them as the soldiers lead Aang to the ship. You quickly run after her, grabbing her wrist, stopping her. “Katara, don’t.” you say pleadingly, not wanting her to get hurt by going after Aang. Aang turns his head to her. “Don’t worry, Katara. It’ll be okay.” he says calmly before the soldiers push him forward roughly. “Take care of Appa for me until I get back.” he continues as the soldiers lead him up the ramp, leading him onto the ship. “Head a course for the Fire Nation.” the scarred boy orders as they walk up the bowstrip. “I’m going home.” you hear him say before he disappears into the ship.
After they board the ship, bowsprit slowly rises back up. As it slowly rises up you see Aang smile weakly at us until the bowsprit closes fully with a metallic thud.
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lesuccube · 8 months
➚ 𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐑 : ꜱᴛᴇᴠᴇɴ ɢʀᴀɴᴛ — ꜱᴇʟꜰ-ʟᴏᴠᴇ
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 — we love a king who knows how to pamper himself .
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 — fluff infection
𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 — not beta'd , constructive criticism is welcomed . reblogs and comments are appreciated .
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steven grant has been your best friend ever since you wandered into the gift shop section of the museum, wanting to buy a taweret plushie that you've been eyeing since seeing them when you passed by the area during a tour.
he was just a gift shop-ist at that time, nothing really special but when you had asked for a recommendation of what knick knack was the most historically accurate you could buy, he went on a tangent about egyptian mythology. it landed him a scolding from his boss but a laugh from you. maybe it was because he was just so pretty or that he fascinated you with his knowledge that you gave him your number.
ever since that day, you two hit it off really well. one text led to two and then a call, one too many which turned into you visiting him more at the museum whenever you're not too busy to go out on weekends. not too long after that, you invited him to your place and the rest have been history. it all happened in the span of four months.
you and steven made it a ritual to have a regular sleepover at yours on the last friday of the month (even if steven was working overtime doing inventory and the commute to your place added 30 more minutes before he reached you). but why would he go through all that trouble?
well, it's simple. the first time steven slept over, he became witness to your entire nighttime skincare routine. he was fascinated by all the products you used from face masks to serums to creams, anything you applied to your face he was paying absolute attention to the process of it all.
he loved how every single one of your products would have a benefit to your skin's health so much that he asked if you could do it to him too. now steven's actually very meticulous with his looks, all the boys are really, but steven liked to nitpick at his reflection (marc grumbles incessantly about it though neither of you knew that).
he wears chapstick because his lips get dry easily and since he does have that 5 o'clock shadow, he has a well thought out aftershave products. but skincare all in all? he thinks soap and water is enough.
every product you'd lather on his face, he'd ask what it does and you'd ramble about how retinol serums do help with wrinkles but it shouldn't be applied daily if he doesn't want to burn his face. he thought chapsticks were enough to keep his lips moisturized but when you pulled out a lip mask and a scrub, boy he was a goner.
the next time you guys hung out outside, steven dragged you to the mall and had you help him buy his own set of skincare products.
it made you giggle before directing him to a pretty popular clinic in the mall first so you two know what products to use with professional help rather than guessing what to buy and end up ruining his pretty sun-kissed skin.
[the following information is not accurate, i'm only saying what i remembered from when i was a heavy skincare girlie, i've turned to a much simpler routine now]
okay so, according to (me) the doctor, he's got a little bit of dryness on his cheeks and some oiliness on his t-zone, poor baby's got wrinkles from the stress he gets from donna and the heavy purpling bags under his eyes.
she recommended him quite a lot of products which included 2 cleansers, 2 moisturizers, 3 serums, a cream and an spf all with a variation of AHA, AAA, BHA, retinol, niacinamide and more. he bought them all.
steven absolutely splurged that day, not only did he buy everything the dermatologist recommended, he also went and bought stuff he saw you use from memory, the face masks, lip masks and scrubs, everything. hell he even had you buy your own recommendation of good shower products because "you always smell so nice and i know you're not really a perfume person".
that night, steven had you demonstrate each process step by step or can also be read as steven asking you to apply them on him like at a spa or clinic. he fell asleep with a sheet mask on.
when he woke up the next morning, you told him that you actually completed his routine while he was sleeping, much to his embarrassment, to which you replied with, "it's no problem at all, i got to take care of your pretty face and you were sound asleep, couldn't bear the thought of waking you up when you clearly needed that."
now every time he comes over every last friday of the month, you two would have your me-days. you two don't hold back on any of your products even if it rips a new hole in your wallets every time you two shop to restock.
lounging on your couch in a comfy pair of steven's shirt he forgot at yours some time ago and some sleep shorts, hair held back by a fluffy headband with a face mask on you, you surf through channels to find some trashy movie to watch with steven.
said man was in his own pj's, lip mask over his lips with the front of his curls tied up as he lay his head on your lap. he was reading his egyptian mythology book, reading glasses perched on his nose as he highlights bits of information he considers important.
your hand unconsciously runs through the curls that aren't tied up as you find a channel that's showing a rerun episode from the office and you settle for that. steven would occasionally hum and turn his head to watch, laughing at the jokes they'd make before returning his focus to his book. it's all so comfortable and perfect and somehow really late in the night.
steven notices your hand stopped combing through his hair and was about to ask why but only to see you sound asleep, mid-face mask. kind of like he was when you gave him his first spa treatment.
so he tucks his book away and takes off his lip mask. then continues to take off yours. he brings over your items carefully and starts to finish off your routine for you, making sure his hands don't rub too hard to wake you up. in an odd sense, it's like steven was trying to say thank you.
for the first time you showed him the way to care for himself more than just food and shower, for letting him learn alongside you how to feel better about himself as he applies skincare products on his face and so many more reasons pertaining to your friendship.
he finally finishes yours with great care and he makes quick work of his own, throwing away the masks before shutting the tv off, carrying you with surprising ease back to your bed and tucking you in.
he sneaks in beside you afterwards, holding you close to his body as he mumbles his goodnight. steven never had to worry about his sleeping disorder when with you, never needing an ankle restraint when you were always there to keep him grounded.
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tonyboneysblog · 4 months
A Fleeting Memory
synopsis: you and keigo meet at a party and play hide and seek, plus almost kiss
note: hawks thoughts are put in italic!
Word count: 1.5k
“Hawks do you have any friends, at all?”
this was an out of the blue question and kinda offensive coming from a worker of the P.S.C.
“Why do you ask..?”
the worker sighed softly, “Well you see, my daughter is throwing this house party but apparently she ‘doesn’t have enough people’. So I was wondering if you wanted to spread your wings a little?”
keigo faltered for a minute, thinking it over.
“oh…I’d like that a lot.”
replied Keigo Takami, the boy with no friends.
why was Keigo doing this?
he was never really interested in the party life so what’s the point of going to some random girls party just cause?
because he was terribly lonely that’s why.
“Alright hawks were here!”
the worker named “Akari” said
“Let’s hope you have fun yeah? I have to go back to the work place so don’t do anything stupid while I’m not here!”
shutting the car door then walking up to the door, his nerves on fire, then knocking.
before he could even get to the next knock, a good looking girl threw open the door.
“Aha! Takada your here!” the girl yelled.
the only thing going through hawks mind right about now is “who the hell is takada??”
the girl grabbed his hand a dragged him into a nice a warm living room.
“Everyone, this is Takada! my dads co-worker.”
oh so Takada is a fake name? could’ve been a little more creative.
the group excitedly starts cheering, very nice of them to do to a stranger….
“Okay so, Takada, let me introduce you to everyone.” The girl then starts pointing at everyone one at a time, “The brown haired one is Aoi, that’s Ayaka, this is Hiroto, keiko, akimitsu, and-“
holy mackerel who the hell is that…
“This is y/n, and I’m Habiki!”
careless whispers must be playing right about now because that is the most jaw dropping mouth watering- oh god their coming towards me.
“Hey there, come around her often?”
the girl named y/n joked.
What do I say? holy wow she’s so cute…what if she thinks a look stupid?? Do my wings look goo-
“Earth to Takada?” She laughed.
Takada? Oh wait that’s me.
“A-Ah y-yea I come here all the time!”
okay now what the hell was that keigo.
“How old are you? If you don’t mind me asking of course…” she spoke softly towards the end.
“15.” Keigo barked back immediately.
“That means I’m one year older than you!” She said cheerfully.
“So you’re 16?”
of course she’s 16 she literally just implied that.
“Yep! I’ll be 17 in (birth month), when’s your birthday?”
god I love her voice.
“It’s uh…December…”
“That means you’re a Capricorn! Ever been interested in astrology?” She asked.
Before keigo could respond suddenly the girls name was called.
“Y/n! Come write these names!” The girl named…Aoi? yelled across the room.
“Eh? But why I’m talking to Takada!?”
“Because your hand writing is the prettiest!” The girl yelled angrily.
Everything about her is pretty, of course her hand writing would be too…and what the hell is astrology…?
“darn…I’ll be right back Takada!” She bounced off towards the kitchen to help with something, while hawks sat on the couch, patiently waiting for her to come back.
during this period multiple people came up to hawks speaking to him briefly, not as interesting as y/n though…
Habiki suddenly came out of nowhere shoving a hat filled with paper in hawks face…”Draw!” She barked.
Hawks took out a piece and then slowly unraveled it. It said…hider?
what the hell does that mean.
“Okay everyone has drawn from the hat of the wolves and sheep!” Habiki said.
what the hell does that have to do with hiding..?
“We…shall be playing… HIDE AND SEEK!!” Habiki said full of energy.
what’s the hell is a hide and seek?!
Then softly a hand tapped hawks shoulder… y/n did.
“You know how to play right? Just find a hiding place until someone finds you.” She said quietly as if not to embarrass him about the fact he didn’t know what hide and seek was.
your a damn angel I swear.
“Now our seekers are Aoi and Hiroto shall be seeking, So go and hide quickly!” Habiki said loud.
They suddenly start a timer and everyone separates to hide while hawks is left in shock.
wait how the hell am I supposed to hide with thews big wings?!
Hawks quickly leapt from the couch booking it towards the stairs.
Maybe I could hide under some bed covers? But that’d only work if they were messed up.
Hawks quickly peeked into a room and..the bed sheets were a mess!
Hawks dives into the covers like a kitten playing with a cat toys, throwing himself under only to met with..you.
“shit! You scared me Takada…” y/n said quietly.
shit…should I leave? No there’s no more time left to hide what do I d-
“No worries you can hide with me.” She smiled sheepishly.
god i wanna marry you.
“T-thanks…I would’ve been a cooked bird if you pushed me out.” Hawks said in a whisper level.
“We never got to continue talking..”
Suddenly there was loud running up the stairs, “FOUND YOU HABIKI!”
“I suppose habiki got caught…”
“And we’ll get caught if you keep speaking so loud, Takada.”
won’t lie that was kinda hot.
at this point your staring into hawks soul, what are you thinking? hawks definitely doesn’t know.
“Can you feel anything that touches your wings? Kinda like an extra arm?”
random but okay.
“uhm…I don’t know..”
“Can I touch them?”
HOLY MARCELLO SHE WANTS TO TOUCH ME. not like that hawks. Chillax go with the flo-
“They look so soft..n’pretty..”
is it getting hot under these sheets or is it just me…
“y-yea I’m okay with that…”
“Really?” She lights up.
She slowly moves the caress the top joint of his wings.
“Fuck, that feels nice.”
“They’re so soft..” she stops, “thanks for letting me touch them..”
Wait that was it? Cmon touch a little more…!
“It felt good..kinda like when someone massages your temple?” Hawks says.
“Your name isn’t actually Takada is it?”
okay now what the holy hel, how in the world did she know-
“You’re too pretty to be just a Takada…”
She says softly.
oh thank the lord she’s just trying to flirt with me.
“N-nah that’s my real name! I think…”
He mumbles off into a sentence that can’t be heard.
“What was that?”
“I said that your….” He mumbles off again.
“One more time?”
“Isaidthatyourprettytoo….” He says far too quickly with a red face.
“I-I..well thank you…” she blushes brightly.
Her face is so red. I wanna kiss her. She so pretty, so nervous, so nice, please kiss me, please kiss me, please kiss me.
“please kiss me.”
“O-oh gosh..your quite forward aren’t you??” you whisper yell.
“M’sorry! I-i didn’t mean to say that aloud!”
Hawks rambles trying to save himself.
“H-hey it’s okay! I mean I definitely wouldn’t mind b-but..!” She says quickly, and loud.
Hawks tries to hide his red face in his wing, unable to face the situation at hand.
“M’really sorry..”
“you don’t have to be sorry…” she softly touches the side of his face.
uh oh.
“I-I wouldn’t mind..”
Hawks faces you with a bright red face and slightly teary eyes from the embarrassment.
“would this be your first kiss, Takada?”
“y-yes ma’am…” hawks says softly then turning his face back to his wing.
“Ma’am?” You say confused, “m’only a year older than you..”
you never know I might like older women, I mean I definitely like you.
“Y-yes?” Hawks says.
“how bad do you want to kiss me out of ten?” You say quietly.
“so bad…” hawks says softly.
you slowly part your lips aiming towards his
fuck she’s so close, she smells so good, her breath smells..minty? oh god she’s gonna kiss me.
Hawks face gets redder and redder, parting his lips until-
shit, did it bust out of the covers? Damn this guy for real ruined the whole moment.
“looks like you got caught, pretty bird” you says quietly, So, so close to the place hawks wanted you the most.
If hawks died right now- actually he feels like he just did. You so close calling him these names-
Hawks jumps out of the covers, still hiding you.
“Fine, fine, you caught me…” he said jokingly
“You okay Takada? Your face is really red..” Aoi said with concern.
“Just being under the covers for so long…no need to worry.” Hawks said quickly.
Then after the game the two of you didn’t even speak of the cover situation, the hawks had to leave. Waving off everyone then getting into Akari’s car, his eyes lingering on you while they drives off.
“So, hawks, how did spreading your wings go?” Akira said.
wonderful, I thank you for me meeting my future wife. Next time I see that amazing beautiful angel I’ll give her a million kisses and then call her-
“SHIT!” hawks screamed.
“WHAT, WHAT HAPPENED?” Akira yelled.
Hawks pouted sadly.
“I forgot to ask for her number.”
At least keigo could live with the memory of your beauty.
p2 when yall😉
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Roommates pt3
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Roomates Holiday Love
A/N:a little medley of some festive days with this trio.
don't be shy, reblogs, comments, likes!
TW: mentions of sex, fluff, bucky and steve are a warning, overdose of cuteness and sugar
not beta read, english is not my first language, all mistakes are my own
headers: @christywantspizza dividers: @firefly-graphics
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
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For the first time in your entire life, you didn’t spend Christmas with your family. The weather decided otherwise. The storm was too strong, and you felt safer to stay here. Your roommates and boyfriends decided to stay too.
And what a delight it has been. Even with the power down, you’re not cold or afraid of the dark. You actually had fun with it and…made an all lot of exercises.
Right now, you’re against a hard and warm chest, and you can smell pancakes being cooked and hint of coffee and hot chocolate. You try to stretch, but the arms around your waist bring you back against the chest.
“No”, says bucky.
“I’m not going anywhere, I’m stretching”, you laugh softly.
He groans and holds you tighter, murmuring “mine” under his breath.
Steve comes in and chuckles. “Oi, she’s mine too!”
Bucky grumbles a no and holds you tighter, you can’t stop giggling and waves at Steve.
“We have a grumpy bucky on Christmas day!” you giggle louder, when he tickles you.
“M’not grumpy, m’hungry…”
“Well, I have food, you grumpy man”, chuckles Steve.
Let’s just say…. you had the best Christmas day in your entire life this year. Between the food and the gifts, the laugh and the cuddles, you didn’t miss that much your family. You called them, to say hi and celebrate a little bit with them, but everybody was happy that you stayed there, the storm being very dangerous.
❤️🌹❤️🌹14th February🌹❤️🌹❤️
Well, can you believe this year you have not one but two valentines? And they are very romantic…more than on a normal day. You wake up with flowers (not roses, your favourites flowers), a hot chocolate and some French toasts. You don’t have the time to bite into the French toasts, that Steve and Bucky declare that they also need their breakfast. They disappear under the covers and let just say…an orgasm and French toasts are a good combination.
During the day, you surprised them too, when you declare you need your sticky snack. At first they don’t understand but Bucky laughs when he sees Steve getting bright red, while you grab his bulge. “My turn to have my snack”, you purr.
You were shy at first, after all the bad experiences you had, but the boys made you realise you had your voice and you could use it to say what you wanted, in and out of the bedroom. The more your relationship evolved the more you went bold when you wanted to have them. Bucky loves to see you like this, carefree and confident. Steve loves it too, and he realises that now he might be the shyest out the three of you now.
🐇🥚🐇🥚Easter fun🥚🐇🥚🐇
Bucky organised the easter egg hunt in the flat. The weather was shit, raining hard, windy and cold.
“It’s not your usual easter egg hunt, there’s special treat along the way”, he declares.
You and Steve look at each other, intrigued. “What kind of treat, baby?”, you ask, wrapping your arms around Buck’s neck.
“Oh, you’ll love it, doll”, he replies kissing your nose.
You and Steve start to look around the flat for eggs and other treats. When you found a egg, not a chocolate or organic one, you giggle. A note is attached to it, Bucky’s writing.
Now, let’s find the remote, shall we?
“Eh, why is there a remote attached to an chocolate egg?”, asks Steve from his bedroom.
“AHA! I think we have our first big treat! Doll has the right egg for the remote pal!”, says Bucky triumphantly.
Steve joins you with his eyebrows arch. “What does that mean, punk?”
“Well, I think, that…this egg is meant for somewhere else than our mouthes”, you giggle showing what you have in your hands.
Steve gasps and looks at Bucky.  “no, you did not!”
“Oh yes, I did! Who wants to try it?”
You laugh when you see the bashful face of Steve and the happiest smile on bucky’s.
“Let me find all the treats first Bucky!” you say while walking around the living room. Your strong brunette is quick to hoist you in his arms.
“But it will be funnier if you wear it, no??”
“And who’s gonna have the remote?”
“ME, duhhh, doll, I know all the places I’ve hidden the eggs and other chocolaty treats”.
He kisses you, trying to convince you and the egg vibrate in your hands.
“Oh gosh, sweetheart, if you do it…it’s gonna be so hot. Hottest easter egg hunt ever.”, growls Steve.
And it was actually the best and hottest easter egg hunt of your life.
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orphic-musings · 8 months
The pain we wrought from words unspoken…
Characters: Karlach x gn! reader, Wyll x gn! reader, Halsin x gn! reader, Aylin x Isobel, Bex x Danis
Genre: Angst, fluff (but not for you)
Warnings: hurt no comfort, misunderstandings, spoilers for the end of act 2, implied reference to death (character)
Summary: After an arduous battle everyone is celebrating and taking a much needed reprieve. Except you, whose heart has a hole that is home to loneliness and grief. Is there no one to comfort you?
Notes: Omg i am back and with a BALDUR’S GATE FIC!?!!??! yes i have been taken by this game too and it has me in a chokehold and forced me to write for it. im sorry it had to be angst it makes me so sad maybe i will write comfort pt. 2 if people want it! pls enjoy :-) (sobbing) lemme know if i missed any warnings also not proofread aha
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Aylin had her arm around Isobel the whole night. You recall earlier how she had lifted Isobel into the air and spun her around, nothing but mirth and pure love in her eyes. The action had brought a genuine smile to your face. To see something so joyful and pure after so much torment and toil was a gift, an uplifting you didn’t know you needed. But it came with a bittersweet pang. Everyone was busy chatting away at camp, spirits were high as everyone had a much needed moment of reprise after the defeat of Ketheric. Though you still wore a smile, your heart faltered.
“Holding up, Soldier?” A warm and familiar voice appeared behind you, and you turned to be met with an equally warm smile. You nodded, returning the smile, a genuine one.
“I’m so glad to see everyone reunited and safe, it seemed like such an impossible reality before, but now….” You turned back to the Selûnite couple in a loving embrace as your sentence trailed off. Karlach’s eyes followed, but then she looked at you. Your eyes were faraway, and your smile seemed almost sad.
“Alright there?” She asked, concern in her voice. Ever conscious of the feelings of others, she could pick up on any hint of bitterness or longing in others. She knew it all too well.
“It’s just, seeing all this love… I should be so happy, I am! But it still hurts. It must be nice to mean that much to someone.” You didn’t face her as you spoke. Despite your calm voice and your content, peaceful face, she sensed a deep hurt behind your words. Her mouth opened, and her hand instinctively reached out to grab your shoulder, but she stopped.
You mean so much to me, I cherish every moment we spend together. I could forget myself in your smile, forget the world in your eyes. Just one look at your face can quell all my rage. I would spend every hour I could with you, I would not hesitate to defend you and protect you. I want to be with you. Is what she wants to say. But instead she turned away with a solemn silence of her own.
You didn’t react to her silence, times are hard, and love seemed like a luxury. You stood like a statue as she slipped away, mourning internally her prescence, as she ripped herself from your side unwillingly.
Fighting Zariel’s war was easier than fighting her feelings in that moment. But any moment could be her very last. For someone who would rather live and die in the present, fully and without regrets, she feels a hypocrite. But imagining the hope of being with you, the joy you might have from knowing how much she needs you and cherishes you, was too much to bear. She couldn’t stand the thought of taking that all away from you. It’s a lesser evil to keep it from you, to keep it from herself, in the first place, than to have fate cruelly crush it all. At least that’s what she told herself as she faced the wall of her tent, away from your own dejected form, with hot tears in her eyes.
»»————- ♡ -————««
It seemed a miracle that you managed to save all the tieflings, and the gnomes on top of that. And even more so to defeat Ketheric Thorm, and at last promise safety and rest to all in the shadowlands. But any praise or recognition went over your head as you reeled in the aftermath. It felt surreal, and almost like it happened too quick, and you were still having trouble processing it. Even as you walked around Last Light Inn to rejuvinate your mind.
“You’re alright! My gods you’re alright!” You heard a voice call, and as you rounded the corner you saw two Tieflings in a tight embrace. You recognized Danis as one of the prisoners you had rescued, and pride swelled in you momentarily. As you watched the reunion in tender delight, you failed to notice a presence join you.
“A joyous sight. It makes me feel better about all the toil thus far.” Wyll’s voice spoke beside you, smooth and clear. It made you smile, even as you felt the sweet atmosphere waver, threatening to leave behind a cold emptiness.
“A shame it seems so scarce these days.” You said, watching the couple wander off into the warm inn. His face fell as he noticed the melancholy in your gaze.
“Indeed. I only hope those who have love, and hope, hold onto it dearly.” You merely stared off into the distance, unmoving and unresponding. It wrenched his heart, but he remained with you. It somehow felt like the least, and the most, that he could do. He wished you would turn to him, so he coukd see the light reflected in your eyes. But you couldn’t, for the price of love and hope was one too high for you to pay, in your mind. And despite your proximity, there was a perceptible distance between you.
»»————- ♡ -————««
The camp was brimming with relief, chatter sounding from every corner as parties discuss the aftermatch of the fight at Moonrise towers. Many people had joined you after the fight, since it had really only begun, and your companions had proven themselves capable of leading the cause. But you were mostly grateful for the presence of those who had helped you make it that far, namely the archdruid of Emerald Grove. Halsin was relieved, and content as well. He had fulfilled his century long quest, and the lands were now safe. And so were you.
“What now? You’ve got what you wanted, after all.” You asked, unsure if he would stay now that his task is finished.
“I have. But perhaps there is more that I want.” He replied, a smile on his face. You felt the warmth of his words, and you almost let it invade your senses, but you shook it off. Curiosity threatened to get the better of you, even if you werenmt sure you wanted to know the answer. But before you could stop it the words had left your mouth.
“What is it that you want?” He paused to glance at you, the smile never having left his face.
“Not what,” he began, his gaze shifting past you, “but who.” He let out a sigh after that, like it was good to get it off his chest. But your heart fell. You had known you shouldn’t have asked, but you needed to. Just in case of that small possibility.
“Ah.” Is all you managed in reply. After a beat of silence you turned and left abruptly, the intense beat of your heart felt like it was punching your ribs. Halsin’s smile faded as he watched you walk away. Had he said something wrong? No, he realized, he had merely misread the situation. You didn’t feel the same way, you couldn’t have. He felt silly in that moment, and laughed it off as he had done with the other rejections in his life (though they were few). But he could not shrug off the pain that wrenched his heart.
The next day the camp felt uncertain again. Comforting, yes, but uncertain. The party would be on the road again, and many things could change until they next made camp again. But the heaviest thing hanging in the air was your silence, your distance. It was to be expected, he reasoned, after the awkward encounter, but he hoped it didn’t mean you couldn’t still be friends. The very thought caused his throat to tighten.
But you couldn’t even bear to look at him. Of course such an experienced, handsome and capable man such as him wouldn’t have a soft spot for you. Thinking about it now made you ill. You couldn’t be near him, because all you thought of in his presence was how lucky someone else was to have him. And as you journeyed down the road to Baldur’s Gate, your distance grew. So much that it caused an uncomfortable wedge in the group, a palpable bitterness that soured the air.
Every night sorrow would muster in the two tents on far sides of the camp. Frustration, tears and regret proliferated there in those moments, planting seeds of woe to be reaped when the dawn broke. And the cure for sickness was only right where they dare not look.
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yandere-fics · 3 months
Laundry sniffer omega: once had caught Kass’ scent but never got to see her. Needed her wonderful scent so did her best to memorize Kass’ scent. With it memorized as best as possible, she began hunting for Kass’ place and scent. ??Needed it since their heat was coming up soon.?? Was planning to turn Kass’ laundry into a nest or add to it. Unfortunately, Kass’ scent is intoxicating to our little omega, and fries their brain and causes them to get caught because they forget to yoink and run.
♡ Stealing Kassien's Clothes For Your Heat ♡
(this was supposed to be shorter but then I ran with it. woops daddy kink sorry not sorry.)
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Having an alpha never appealed to you, sure you'd met some nice ones but you felt better off alone, however that caused a huge issue when it came to heats. You see, you had always been big into scents, you needed to smell a big strong alpha in your nest in your heats but being unwilling to actually pursue a relationship with an alpha no matter how good they smelled, you were left with only one option, steal items that smelled good for your nest.
You did have a rule though, never steal from an alpha who you knew had an omega, smelling another omega in your alpha's apartment could cause all kinds of issues plus you'd feel bad. Luckily for you most of the alphas in the company dorms were unmated however even the best smelling amongst them never were able to scratch the particular itch you had, sure it was enough to stop you from crying during your heats but it wasn't what you needed until it hit you one day.
You'd gone to deliver papers on a higher floor, a floor that smelt amazing and while you didn't want to seem weird, you also had to know why it smelled so good, of course you didn't say it smelled good, you simply asked what the smell in general was and someone informed you it was the smell of the manager who was out for the day but the scent lingers since she smelt the strongest in the office. After that it was only a matter of finding out if she was single though at this point you felt like even if she wasn't you'd try to get something anyways since that smell put you at ease in a way you'd never been able to feel before and your heat was quickly coming.
You were thankful she was single since it meant you wouldn't have to worry about any pesky omegas when you broke into her apartment, well first you broke into her office to see if maybe after she went home for the day she'd left a coat however there you'd been able to find her home address. It was a nice flat with very good security but you'd cracked company security so you doubted this would be a concern still you waited until you knew she had left for work for the day. You just hoped she didn't smell you in her office but if she did you would try to play innocent omega who was just so soothed by the scent and lost sight which is why you made sure to use scent blockers for this particular trip so even if she smelled the other one she wouldn't smell this.
"Aha, jackpot." It was dizzying to find your way around her apartment when every place smelled like an amazing place to place a nest but you steeled yourself, you had a goal you had to accomplish and if you pulled it off this time then you'd never have to use another alpha's things again, you could always steal from her and give the items back washed after your heats with no trace of you. Which is why you were so particular happy to find a pair a workout sweats and the shirt she wore to the gym, god it smelled so good you could almost understand why omegas were willing to get into relationships with alphas, you would have too if you hadn't discovered stealing.
The problem now was you couldn't bring yourself to part with her laundry basket, pouring it out on the floor and laying down on it, even sliding on one of her oversized hoodies, it was fine scent blockers would make it so even with rolling around in her things she wouldn't smell you and you could put it back in the bin when you left, you still had time, she would take time to return-
"Lovely, where are you?" The door slammed and bolted shut in the front room. You could have sworn she didn't have an omega, you'd check a million times and there was no one else in the apartment, you'd searched head to toe meaning the only person she could be referring to is you but how had she known you were there. You should have hid, you would have hid but with her deep growling voice and her scent all around you, your heat decided to start and you couldn't move even if you wanted to right now which you couldn't bring yourself to want to move even as she was about to discover a stupid scent pervert rolling in her laundry.
"Mmm, you smell so sweet, are you preparing yourself for daddy? I really appreciate it." She could smell you? You'd use a crap ton of scent blockers before you did this, an amount that would be detrimental to your health probably, how the hell could she smell you. Beyond that you also had a scent blocking collar on so how was she smelling you even with your heat starting, if you could smell like anything right now it would be very weak yet she seemed to enjoy your scent which made you preen in delight eliciting a chuckle from her as she marched towards the laundry room left in her binder with her cock, and it's giant knot, freed from her boxers. She frowned when she saw you weren't naked but then smiled. "Aww did you want to give daddy something to unwrap?"
You shook your head, you needed to get out of here fast, you were in a very dangerous situation but everytime she spoke and you smelled how badly she wanted you, you just couldn't find it in yourself to want to escape even as the back of your mind screamed to leave before she found out you were an underwear thief. You whined as she pulled you off your laundry pile nest before she carried you in her room and dropped you on her comfortable bed which smelled so much like her, you could only imagine she'd spent many a sweaty night on this bed stroking herself and imaging filling up her dream omega. You whined at the thought but then slammed your hands over your mouth, what the fuck was going on with you today, you had never WHINED like a bitch in heat before, sure you'd been sad but you'd never whined.
"Daddy's right here, sweetling, you don't have to whine." She chuckled before sliding off her hoodie that you had put on, you whined at the loss of what was now one of your favorite items but she simply continued to undress you like you were a birthday present she'd always dreamed of, you wondered bitterly if the omega she pictured in her head looked like you but you bit your lip, you had to get it together already. "As much as I appreciate you wearing my things, I would prefer to look at you fully when we seal the bond for the first time, lovely."
You tilted your head to the side before it finally dawned on you what she was going on about and why your scent blockers had failed, you were fated mates, she was about to lock you to her for life and that made you try to scramble away from her though not very effectively considering your mind felt like mush at the current moment. "No, I don't wanna."
If she heard you she pretended like she didn't though she did look at the scent blocking collar with distaste, taking a claw and snapping it off, smiling once that harmful thing was finally off your neck, she couldn't have her lovely little mate using something to damage her very nature now could she. You were just so cute as your legs twitched and even though you were trying to act like you didn't want her, your body told a completely different story.
"Daddy can't decide what she wants first, to taste this sweet little cunt of yourself or to feel it wrapped around my cock as I break in my pretty little mate." You shake your head back and forth, you could feel yourself slipping away and if you allowed her to do either of the two you would never be able to get away, your brain would become complete mush, all your years of avoiding a relationship would be for nothing! "Aww I know, you want my fingers sweetling but daddy can't control my claws at the moment so you'll have to wait for that at a time when I'm more in control."
It seems she decided on tongue and you squealed as she kneeled at the edge of the bed, wrapping her hands around her thighs and dragging you to the edge as well so you were pressed directly against her face. The moment her tongue prodded at your entrance though, you were gone, you couldn't ever hope to deny her, not when this felt so right, exactly where you belonged. You felt you would only ever be truly happy again in... daddy's apartment surrounded by her scent waiting for her to return home.
"You know lovely, daddy was very upset when she came in to work today and smelled you'd been all over my office and hadn't even tried to talk to me." She pulled away, her eyes darkening and her teeth seeming to sharpen as she stared up at you, causing you to let out a whimper wondering what she was about to say. "I was even more furious when I went to your dorm and discovered a slew of other alphas items laying on your floor in a nest, I tore them to shreds obviously."
"I was going to punish you when I finally found you..." You tried to squirm in her hold, you'd finally let an alpha have you and she was already disgusted by you for being a thief, this was why you never allowed yourself to date no matter how good the alpha smelled, you shouldn't have given yourself to her even if she's your fated mate, this was a horrible idea. She only tightened her grip and nipped your thigh in response, drawing the smallest amount of blood. "But then I smelled you in my apartment and when I smelled you in my laundry room, it occurred to me all those items had a similar scent to me, though weaker and worse, and I realized you've just been so needy this whole time since I hadn't found you yet, you were just trying your best to find a good scent for you nest which is why as soon as I went to work you rushed to daddy's apartment, right?"
Despite acknowledging your reasons she still sounded angry as she pressed her tongue in your hole, her growls causing additional stimulation, she pressed your thighs back against your stomach holding them there as her tongue continued to invade. The slurping sounds she was making a long with her scent being all around you causing you to get close very quickly which made you whine as she noticed that fact and stopped. "Shh, daddy still has to punish you for stealing and not even trying to just ask for my things for your nest. If you're good I'll let you cum on my knot, sound good?"
You nodded reaching to hold your thighs to your chest for her when she reached to line her cock up with you, eager to please her and make up for your indiscretion. You hands shook and almost fell when she actually began to press in however, it was an extremely tight squeeze and you turned your head to the side, breathing in her scent deeply to help yourself relax.
"D-daddy," You whined, your lip trembling as you realized her scent gland was too far for you to press your neck into it. You felt embarrassed asking for anything, a big part of the reason why you never wanted to have an alpha but with how good she was stretching you, the idea of rejection felt like a far off possibility. "I need your scent, please?"
"Oh fuck, you're so fucking sweet, can't wait to see how much sweeter you can get when you get used to being spoiled by me." She thrusts in up until the knot allowing you to feel how big a real know feels and you shudder when you think about how it'll actually feel once it's inside you. She lays her full weight on you allowing you to give her scent gland a big whiff almost purring in satisfaction as you begin to rub your face against it and suck on it. "Okay, daddy has to move now, will you be okay?"
You give a nod unable to say no to her anymore, you can't even remember why you were fighting against her, this was the first heat of your life you didn't feel extremely unsatisfied and instantly trying to find a new alpha with a scent that would finally make you have and now you finally had any alpha when a scent that would keep you happy forever, it would be incredibly stupid to throw her away, especially when she had seen your stealing and yet loved you anyways.
You had expected slow and gentle for your first matting however you also expected to never have an alpha in your life so all of your expectations seemed to be crashing down tonight. Her thrusts were brutal, and she quickly pulled out and flipped you around on your knees, an arm coming around to hold you up in almost a chokehold and the other arm wrapped around your torso forcing you to just take it as she pounded you from behind.
"I'm gonna keep you hidden away... so you can't be tempted... by those... filthy lower alphas... scents... ever... again..." She punctuated every part of the sentence with a thrust, grunting as she said each part. You clenched down at her word, now drooling as you waited for her to stuff you with her knot which you could feel against your hole ready and waiting each time she thrust in fully. "Aww would my lovely like that? You want daddy to keep you in your cute nest on her bed made of only her stuff."
You nodded trying to lean your head back to look at her which was difficult with her constant thrusting and the chokehold she had around her neck but she seemed to get the message, giving you an awkward kiss on the lips before leaning your head forward and to the side and she bit down, shoving her knot in finally and sealing her to you for life.
You thought briefly if you weren't surrounded in her scent you might have hated it at the current moment you didn't feel like you'd ever regret it.
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