#now to get her to know this so we can get married … I mean renew our vows hehe
sunshuri · 1 year
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People randomly sending me posts of letitia and being like hey it’s ur wife IKDR 🤭🫡😚✌🏽
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rhaegonapologist · 2 months
rhaegon ch2
was inspired by this fic where Aegon writes to Rhaenyra. very cute.
Dear Sister,
The Maester says I have to practice writing my letters but I have no one to write them to. So I am writing to you. I doubt you’ll ever read this so I guess this doesn’t matter. I doubt you even remember me.  Mother scolds me for not taking my lessons seriously but they are dreadfully boring. She says I am stupid and is embarrassed I am slow and that I should be grateful to have good teachers.  
Anyway, what are you like? What is your favorite color? Mine is gold but Grandsire says that’s not really a color. But yellow is gross and looks like piss. Where are you now?
Your brother Aegon
Dear Brother,
No, I have not forgotten you. You are not stupid and your mother probably means well. Keep at your studies. Or maybe not, it doesn’t matter for you anyway.
I do not know how to describe what I’m like, maybe it would be more helpful to ask those who knew me. I do not have a favorite color. I am in the Vale visiting my mother’s family.
Dear Sister,
I was very excited to see your letter. I did not expect you to reply. What did you mean by it doesn’t matter for me? I think I will try harder so I can get better at writing to you.
What is the Vale like?
 Mother’s face turned sour as a lemon when I asked her about you. But Father talked to me for the first time, properly. He said you were stubborn when you were younger. And that you first flew Syrax just a few years older than me. When do you think I’ll get to fly my own dragon? He even showed me a painting of you. You were in all red, is that your favorite color?
You are very pretty. We should get married like all the other brother-sister Targaryens in the history books.
Your brother, Aegon
Rhaenyra had to laugh. Her life was a joke. But in a way, so was Alicent’s. Fate was intent on making them family in more ways than one, it seemed. The absurdity of the letters cut through whatever grief she was feeling in the halls of the Eyrie. 
For the first time in years she had the space and time to think about her mother again. But Aegon’s letters renewed the pain she felt when she discovered her father had gone to Alicent of all people in the after. She gritted her teeth, she had spent more time thinking of Alicent than anything.
She pocketed the letter into her sleeves and turned her attention back to her mother’s old diaries. Her eyes glazed over the words. Her mother was very young when she wrote them and she couldn’t help but compare her scrawl to Aegon’s. The boy was not stupid, he wrote well for his age, she realized, now that she had something to compare it to.
The last time she saw Aegon he was but a babe and she was half intent on killing him. But now the babe had grown into a boy with thoughts and feelings. Uncomfortable.  
The Arryns put her in her mother’s old rooms. Seeing the familiar patterns of the fabrics and tapestries made her feel like she was a young girl again, playing in her mother’s closet. She imagined if Aegon was doing the same. Inconvenient .
She wasn’t acquainted with her mother’s side when she was younger, not because she thought them strange or boring, but because by then Daemon had already enchanted her with tales of dragons and Old Valyria. Has he been working on his High Valyrian? If he cares about dragons this much he should. 
ch 3
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Oooo what if one day, Bruce and batmom renew their vows, she finally gets to wear the dress 
"Hey B?"
"Hm?" Bruce glanced up from tinkering with his new gadgets and nudged a stool out for Dick to climb up on with his foot.
"How come you didn't do a big wedding?"
"Didn't you badger Y/N about this already?" he asked. He'd heard the tail end of the conversation- even if he'd not meant to. He was looking for something in the bedroom.
"Yeah but-"
"But?" he prompted, glancing up at Dick when he broke off.
"Her dress is really pretty."
"She can't wear a wedding dress to someone else's wedding, chum-"
"Well can't you do it over?" he asked.
"We're already married-"
"Yeah but you could do the party over," he pouted.
Bruce set down what he was tinkering with and sat on the stool across from him, leaning on his hand. "What's this actually about?"
Dick frowned. He didn't know how much he should say. Mostly because he'd been snooping and he shouldn't have been and he knew that but-
"Dick," Bruce prompted.
"Her mom is still really mean to her B," he said finally.
"How do you-"
"I was messing around on her computer trying to find the game we were playing because I wanted to solve one of the puzzles we were stuck on," he explained. "But then I couldn't find it and I started looking for some pictures because I wanted them for show and tell and I opened a file and it had a bunch of messages and- Please don't tell."
The word came out in a rush and Bruce exhaled slowly, "Dick-"
"She said you kept putting her in ugly dresses as a joke, B because everyone was laughing at her and she was too dumb to know it."
"She's really pretty, B. And she really liked her dress-"
Bruce reached across the table and ruffled his hair, "We'll figure something out, Chum."
"Promise?" he asked. And Bruce can see that it bothers him. Really bothers him. To Dick, you're not a lawyer or his wife. You're a whole other entity. If not always his mom, someone important. And too a little boy whose life got upended so horribly... well. He just can't stand the idea that you're unhappy.
"Promise," he said, smiling a little. "Now go brush your teeth and find your pajamas. It's almost bedtime."
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ofliterarynature · 4 months
TBR TAKEDOWN: Week 1 (June 2)
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TLDR: I have too many unread books, and I’m asking tumblr to help me downsize. Pick one or none, we are keeping it simple and friendly! Book descriptions below the cut, see my pinned post for more info. Comments and questions welcome!
A collection of blue covers to start us off!
The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo
Tbh I’ve kind of given up on Bardugo at this point, especially the grishaverse, but I like myths/folktales.
Love speaks in flowers. Truth requires thorns.
Travel to a world of dark bargains struck by moonlight, of haunted towns and hungry woods, of talking beasts and gingerbread golems, where a young mermaid's voice can summon deadly storms and where a river might do a lovestruck boy's bidding but only for a terrible price.
Inspired by myth, fairy tale, and folklore, #1 New York Times—bestselling author Leigh Bardugo has crafted a deliciously atmospheric collection of short stories filled with betrayals, revenge, sacrifice, and love.
Perfect for new readers and dedicated fans, these tales will transport you to lands both familiar and strange—to a fully realized world of dangerous magic that millions have visited through the novels of the Grishaverse.
When I’m Gone Look for Me in the East by Quan Barry
I really enjoyed the author’s first book! I admit I’m less drawn to this one based just on the description, but not uninterested. The most recent addition to my shelves this week.
From the acclaimed author of We Ride Upon Sticks comes a luminous novel that moves across a windswept Mongolia, as estranged twin brothers make a journey of duty, conflict, and renewed understanding.
Tasked with finding the reincarnation of a great lama—a spiritual teacher who may have been born anywhere in the vast Mongolian landscape—the young monk Chuluun sets out with his identical twin, Mun, who has rejected the monastic life they once shared. Their relationship will be tested on this journey through their homeland as each possesses the ability to hear the other’s thoughts.
Proving once again that she is a writer of immense range and imagination, Quan Barry carries us across a terrain as unforgiving as it is beautiful and culturally varied, from the western Altai mountains to the eerie starkness of the Gobi Desert to the ancient capital of Chinggis Khaan. As their country stretches before them, questions of faith—along with more earthly matters of love and brotherhood—haunt the twins.
Are our lives our own, or do we belong to something larger? When I’m Gone, Look for Me in the East is a stunningly far-flung examination of our individual struggle to retain our convictions and discover meaning in a fast-changing world, as well as a meditation on accepting what simply is.
The Assassin’s Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke
I don’t know? I’ve had these for so long. But it’s got sailing ships, pirates, and assassins, so…
Ananna of the Tanarau abandons ship when her parents try to marry her off to an allying pirate clan: she wants to captain her own boat, not serve as second-in-command to her handsome yet clueless fiance. But her escape has dire consequences when she learns the scorned clan has sent an assassin after her. And when the assassin, Naji, finally catches up with her, things get even worse. Ananna inadvertently triggers a nasty curse -- with a life-altering result. Now Ananna and Naji are forced to become uneasy allies as they work together to break the curse and return their lives back to normal. Or at least as normal as the lives of a pirate and an assassin can be.
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skelavender · 5 months
“Hey Scully,” he murmurs into her shirt. Well, technically, it's his t-shirt, a fact that he had confessed interests him deeply to say the least, but Scully is the one wearing it.  “Yes?” “Do you wanna make out?”
read the finale of you are in love on ao3, or below the cut!
You can hear it in the silence, silence, you
You can feel it on the way home, way home, you
You can see it with the lights out, lights out
You are in love, true love
You are in love
You can hear it in the silence, silence, you
You can feel it on the way home, way home, you
You can see it with the lights out, lights out
You are in love, true love
You are in love
January 1997
Nothing changes really, not yet. 
They crawl into bed like they always do, limbs intertwined and socks shoved between the sheets. The only difference is the ten minutes of kissing that happens before Scully breaks away in a yawn, and Mulder leans over to turn the light out with a light laugh. 
They end up with Mulder’s front to Scully’s back, his nose tucking into the space behind her ear. His lips brush the back of her neck, making it a little difficult to focus on sleeping. Every one of his breaths that dances across the line of her cervical vertebrae causes her own breath to hitch in response. 
“I love you.”
She smiles. “I love you too.”
He’s silent for a moment, but when he continues, his voice is rough with emotion, like he’s as overwhelmed with the enormity of his feelings for her as she is. “I don’t think anyone could understand me half as well as you do if they tried, Scully. Thank you.”
Scully holds his arm closer to her body, and kisses his knuckles. “I’ve got you, Mulder.”
“I know you do.”
When Scully wakes in the morning, she feels Mulder’s eyes boring into her, and she wants to shrink under the weight of it. Not out of fear, never out of fear with Muder, but because his gaze is so damn sincere that the richness of it sits heavy on her shoulders. It’s so intense, she can hardly bear it. Last night was real. He means every word. God, every time he had looked at her like this over the past four years, he loved her then. He loves her.
“Hey,” he greets softly, his voice light with wonder.
“Good morning.” Scully can’t help but smile through the words, and buries her face into his neck to avoid being teased for her blush. 
“I keep thinking that… was last night real?”
Scully just nods into his neck, her nose brushing his carotid artery. She presses a kiss to his skin, another layer of confirmation. He relaxes slightly under her. 
They sit there for a while, silent, just basking in the peace, in the perfection of it all. It’s Mulder who finally breaks it.
“I want to marry you.” 
“You did that already.” She presses a kiss behind his ear. “Just over a year ago.”
“C’mon, Scully, you know. Properly. Flowers, your family, a dress you got from an actual bridal salon and not a Macy’s.”
Scully hums in consideration, mulling over their options. “We could do a vow renewal.” She suggests.
“A vow renewal?”
“And what would that entail?”
“Flowers, my family, a dress I didn't get from Macy's…” Scully echoes, pressing a teasing smile into his neck. 
“And vows?”
“And vows.”
“Huh.” He pauses, curling a strand of her hair around his finger. “I like that idea. I have things I wanted to say last time that I didn't get to.”
She lifts herself up onto her elbows, hovering above him. “As do I.”
“Guess we better get writing.”
“I guess so.” She kisses him through her smile. They share giddy laughter through the affection.
Thank God Scully had selected a deep couch when she had moved to DC, because there’s room for both her and her husband to lay out across it, spooning while watching TV.
Her husband. Her husband. 
She’s heard the phrase domestic bliss before, but hadn’t truly understood it until now, surrounded by Mulder’s warmth. His nose brushes the top of her shoulder, and he presses a kiss to her scapula. 
“Hey Scully,” he murmurs into her shirt. Well, technically, it's his t-shirt, a fact that he had confessed interests him deeply to say the least, but Scully is the one wearing it. 
“Do you wanna make out?”
She looks over her shoulder and a wry grin. “You’re like a teenager, Mulder.” Still, she brings her hand to the back of his head and pulls him down to kiss her. 
He allows her a closed mouth kiss before leaning back to tease her. And not in the fun and sexy way she’s hoping for. “Oh my god, Scully! Are we girlfriend-boyfriend!”
She snorts, “I think we skipped that step, sweetheart.”
“Do you like-like me?”
“Oh, shut up.” Scully rolls her eyes, but she can’t deny it. “Yes” She murmurs against his lips. Mulder’s shoulders relax minutely, as if a final buried concern had been put at ease. 
He pulls back after a moment and takes in the image of Scully beneath him, her fanned across the pale couch and a lightness in her expression he doesn’t often get to see, but always cherishes. If he weren’t afraid of jinxing something, he would say she looked… carefree. Unrestrained, for the first time in a while. 
“What?” She asks. He shakes his head and leans back in to kiss her again
“I’m enjoying domestic bliss,” he manages through the affection, punctuating each word with a chaste kiss, starting on her lips and moving down her cheek to end behind her ear. Scully breaks away to giggle. “Don’t laugh!”
“You just read my mind, is all.” Her hand on the back of his neck presses down, encouraging his lips down the pale column of her neck.
The mood… shifts. Mulder takes his as the sign it was intended to be, and lets his body press down into hers. A little sound comes from the back of Scully’s throat, spurring Mulder even closer into her skin. His tongue escapes his lips, daring, and making her gasp in earnest.
Now, here’s the thing. Mulder’s not a fan of his name. He never has been. Being called “Mulder” is mostly a necessity in the face of a first name like “Fox,” which never flows off the tongue. He has always liked the ways Scully says his name – whether it be laced with affection, or panic, or concern, or exasperation – more than from the mouth of any other. But now, when the two syllables fall from her mouth unwittingly and draped in the pure heat of her breath, his name sounds like a spell. Nothing has ever suited him more.
Mulder grunts, losing control for a moment and letting her hips buck against her body in a search for friction. Scully moves a hand to the small of his back to encourage him, and oh god–
The phone rings. The fucking phone rings. Or, more accurately, the not-fucking phone rings, because it seems like that’s where they had been heading before it so rudely interrupted. 
Mulder leans back to answer it, because the alternative is listening to her mom or someone leave a message while he grinds his cock into Scully’s body, and that sounds like it might ruin the mood. But when Scully pulls his head back towards her own and says “Let it ring,” he can’t exactly say no.
Scully kisses him with an open mouth, her tongue sliding out to meet his own. When the phone rings out, and no message is left, Mulder thinks for a fleeting moment that he’s escaped the interruption. Unfortunately, it rings again almost immediately. 
Mulder regretfully removes his torso from where it’s pressed against Scully’s, and leans across the back of the couch to grab the phone and bark a “What,” into it.
“Jeez, Mulder, who pissed in your Cheerios?” Frohike chirps from the other end of the phone. Well, at least it’s not Scully’s mom.
“Frohike I’m… I’m going to kill you.” Mulder’s tone is resigned as he rubs his hand across his forehead in exasperation.
It’s far from the first time Scully’s heard Mulder threaten his friend with bodily harm, but for some reason it makes her laugh uncontrollably. 
“Now Scully is laughing at me. Look at what you've done”
“I think you did that on your own, bucko.”
Mulder rolls his eyes, and Scully leans up to kiss him one last time, this one chaste, before scooting to get off the couch. “I’ll get started on dinner. You talk to Frohike.”
“Okay,” he agrees dreamily, intoxicated once again by her lips. 
“Was that a kiss sound?” His friend demands through the phone, “Mulder, was that a kiss sound? Is Scully kissing you?” His voice grows distant for a moment, like he’s moved the receiver away from his face to yell across the room at the other guys.”Hey guys! Mulder and Scully made kissy sounds!”
The covers are over their heads because Scully gets cold in their drafty bedroom but two bodies under a thick comforter warm her up quickly. Mulder’s fingers dance around the wedding ring on her finger. The one she wants, that she feels is holding her together, but that she fears might not be entirely safe.
“What?” Mulder asks, picking up the concern she bites into her lips.
“I don’t know how to say this without making it sound wrong.” She whispers.
“You aren’t going to keep wearing it here.” Mulder reads between her worry lines.
“I want to,” she says in a breath, honest as she’s ever been. “I’m just not sure it’s safe. There’s still the risk of being separated.”
“Yeah.” Mulder’s eyes dart away from hers.
“Mulder.” Scully moves her ring hand to his cheek and makes him look directly at her, “I want to, and I will at home, but I care about keeping you and our work more than what others think of us. As long as we know we’re together, as long as we have each other, that’s enough. That’s everything.”
Mulder’s expression shifts, and the rejection is chased out by something else, something familiar, but that Scully hasn’t been able to entirely read on him before today.
Over the past few days, Scully has done a lot of reflecting. Now, able to see through the fog of insecurity and fear, she can see Mulder’s love for her woven into his every action. 
Scully thinks about the lines by Mulder’s eyes when he smiles at her. How his face brightens when she enters the room, how he glows when she arrives home. She thinks of little shapes drawn onto her skin, lulling her to sleep, reminiscent of letters she hadn’t been awake enough to weave together. It is then that she doesn’t doubt his love.
Mulder’s got a smile meant specifically for her. A Scully smile. She’s never realized this before. 
He doesn’t look at anyone else like this. His eyes crinkle, the beginning of more permanent smile lines that she looks forward to watching form. The expression is so soft, so adoring, Scully is surprised she hadn’t noticed the warmth that blooms through her when his gaze lands on her and sticks to her back or her shoulders or, more recently, her face. 
That is the expression he wears now.
“I don’t know how I never noticed.” She says, pressing a thumb to the corner of his eye.
“Noticed what?”
“How you look at me.”
Mulder lets out a soft laugh, “I’m not exactly subtle. I think there’s a betting pool around the Hoover building.”
“If I’d noticed I would’ve…”
“What’ve what?”
“I would’ve done something sooner.”
“Oh.” This takes Mulder by surprise. “I thought you… had to be ready.”
“I’ve been ready for a while, Mulder.” Scully quietly confesses. 
He presses a light kiss to her nose. She can feel the soft smile that forms, and wonders if she has a Mulder smile of her own.
“How long?”
“A long, long time,” she says. “At first I was…. not quite infatuated. Intrigued, I guess. I had heard so much about you, and the way you work fascinated me. It still does. And that just grew and grew, and the more I got to know and understand you the more I felt that we were intertwined, and I couldn't imagine my life, couldn’t imagine myself, without knowing you.”
“I think I realized I loved you when you came back from your abduction,” he whispers. “I don’t know when it actually happened, but I understood what it was when I saw your eyes open in that hospital bed and it felt like I could breathe again. When you were gone it was like all the oxygen had been sucked out of every room I went into, and it didn’t come back until I knew you were awake.”
Scully doesn’t know how to respond to this. She just pulls him closer to her, rolling onto her back so his head is pillowed on her collarbone. “I’m okay.” She mumbles into his hair. “I’m safe. I’m alive.”
He breathes deeply into her skin, taking in the comfort of her proximity, of her steadiness. “I know. Thank god for that.”
When Scully wakes up Monday morning, the bed is cold and empty. It’s not all that abnormal, but still disappointing. There’s a sticky note in its usual spot on the coffee maker, at least, signed with a “xx M,” which she is considering an IOU. 
When she steps into the office an hour later, it looks somehow… different. maybe the colors are brighter. Maybe she’s just free. Maybe it’s looking at the way Mulder’s face brightens when he catches a glimpse of her silhouette in the doorway, stepping into their second shared space. 
Mulder sits at the computer, and turns to her as she closes the door behind her with a click. He slides his glasses, his own for once, off his nose and smiles at her with that Christmas tree, I-love-you smile. 
“Hey. Good morning.”
“Hi.” She greets. She wants, so badly, to lean down and press a peck to his lips, but she can’t. Not in the office. The new reality of their relationship puts their status as partners within the FBI at risk, even with her wedding ring buried beneath her shirt, and she doesn't want to play with fire any more than they already are. She lays a gentle hand on his shoulder instead, hopefully an innocuous enough gesture, and looks at his computer screen. 
“So, what’ve you got, Mulder?”
“Disappearing body, right out of the morgue,” he explains. He jumps into his animated rant about the case he is proposing, clicking through the slides at his usual breakneck speed. 
Scully watches her husband, her partner, her lover’s face as he excitedly explains the series of events he wants to investigate. She loves him, loves his passion, his dedication, his exuberance. 
“So what do you say, Scully?” His eyes finally land back on her, eager for her feedback and ready for her to poke holes in what he has to say. He’s ready for her to challenge him like she’s been doing for years. 
“What do you know about the victim?” She inquires.
“He was a 34-year-old EMT, a good one. He died in an ambulance crash.” Mulder provides. “His name was Leonard Betts.”
Author's note: hi! i don't usually put my notes on tumblr because they tend to be terribly long, but this fic is taking a hiatus so that i can write the next installment. not sure how long it will be, but i do have plans to continue it! thank you for reading this far <3
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bright-and-burning · 3 months
extremely complicated breakup in the friend group and i just found out abt it a Week Later but omg i have to tell SOMEONE abt this bc it’s insane
like. S and J dated our sophomore and junior years when J and K were roommates. they were super codependent and never spent time w anyone else or alone, then bad breakup, mental health crisis involving hospital time, etc.
K and S start dating our senior year. J is deeply upset bc K and him were besties, roommates, like K witnessed everything go down, and he’s still going for S.
S has a job lined up in college town for after graduation, signs a lease and everything. K has a job lined up here in boston. S finds a job, breaks her lease and quits the old job, moves in with K (AND N AND R. two of our other friends from college). K and S are super codependent (i think i’ve seen this one beforeeee) but even worse bc they live together. every minute they aren’t at their respective jobs they are together. they do the same rec league sports, they cook together, they do all their hobbies together, and then at the end of the night they get in bed together. and when i say All Their Hobbies i mean ALL. and this i know for a fact bc i slept on their couch for three weeks.
they (K and S and N and R) just signed a lease renewal Last Month. just found out from a friend who doesn’t live with them (D) that K and S broke up bc “K doesn’t see a future with her” (oh Lordt)
now K is sleeping on people’s couches while S figures out if she wants to move back in w her parents or What. AND K is trying to get in on housing w Literally All of Our Friends
like. D (guy) and A (girl) live together rn (everyone assumes they’re dating bc of it it’s kind of funny), and bc we all got jobs at separate times everyone else lives alone which is Expensive. so D, A, C, and M had this plan to find a place closer to the city/on a transit line (so i can actually visit them!!!), only now K AND MAYBE N ALSO WANT TO GET IN ON THIS. D does NOT want to live with K bc he’s got a reputation from college (idk how much he’s changed) of being a hella messy roommate while also being a control freak (ok the need to be in charge is still true. i can confirm that).
this is. messy. and literally last week i was like i could never live like S and K i would commit arson after a month it would drive me nuts. and D was like we called it lowkey bc every time marriage was brought up in a group convo (there’s a running joke that M refuses to be the first to get married, there’s like three long term couples in our friend group so when couples come to visit it comes up as a half joke half serious thing yk) K’d like . freeze up and go blank like no “oh that’s a ways down the road” or “haha yeah someday” or whatever, just like straight up panic. which is odd for him cuz he’s always got jokes yk?
so. yeah holy fuck bruh. this is the second time an S break up has had reverberating impact on our friend group 😭😭😭 J only JUST managed to be in the same room as her THIS YEAR (and HE LIVES LIKE FIFTEEN HOURS AWAY so it wasn’t that big of an issue after we graduated !!!) but now we have This and we all live in the same city!!!! to say nothing about. LEASES!!!
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Day 2- Meet the Family
Ty Lee x Azula
A/N: I enjoyed this prompt, it kind of ended up as a crack fic
You can also read it here on archive of our own
Ty Lee was, understandably, nervous. Meeting with the Firelord and the Firelord’s family was no small thing, even more so when you’re being introduced to them as their daughter’s girlfriend. Azula noticed her nervousness.
“You’ll be fine. They love you already.” she reassured Ty Lee,
“Yes, but that was back when I was your friend. That doesn’t mean they would be happy that you want to settle down with me.” she bit on her lip until it bled,
“Are you suggesting you want to get married?” Azula asked, cool as ever,
“You are not helping.”
“I promise, they’ll all love you. Didn’t my mom always say that she wished we would stay friends forever? We’re just fulfilling her dreams, so don’t worry.” she says with a wink,
“I’m more worried about your dad.” Azula squeezes her hand reassuringly,
“I’ll be right here with you the entire time, it’ll be fine.” Ty Lee gave her an unconvinced glance but took a deep breath, and stepped through the doos,
“Mom! Dad! Zuzu! I gotta tell you something!” Azula called,
“Why did you have to summon us to the garden in the middle of the day?” Zuko asked,
“Is your hearing impaired Zuko? I just said I had something to tell you all.” Azula sniped back,
“Kids, not the time. Azula, what do you want to tell us?” Ursa interrupts just as Zuko opens his mouth to protest,
“She’s pregnant.” Ozai said solemnly, Azula rolled her eyes.
“What? No- Dad I’m not pregnant. Will you let me finish my sentence?” Ty Lee had to cough into her hand to stifle a giggle.
“So you guys know Ty Lee and I are friends right?” Azula finally starts,
“She’s pregnant.” Ozai declares confidently,
“Ozai! Nobody is pregnant!” Ursa chastises, punching his shoulder
“You are.” he says sulkily,
“No I’m- wait what?” Ty Lee watched this exchange with a renewed interest. This was sure to be an interesting story to tell her and Azula’s kids. Her face temporarily reddened at the thought of her and Azula, and the future, and the prospect of having kids.
“Can we worry about this later? I still need to tell you guys something.” Azula’s voice interrupts her train of thoughts,
“Then just tell us Lala, we literally found out that we’re having a new sibling before we found out about your cryptic message.”
“I told you to stop calling me that, anyways will you all please be quiet.” Now it was Ty Lee’s turn to put a reassuring hand on her shoulder Azula took a deep breath before continuing,
“What I’ve been trying to tell you is that Ty Lee and I are dating.” there was no response. Ty Lee stiffened, stepping back. She waited for the yelling to start, for either Ursa or Ozai to start blaming each other for the way Azula turned out-
None of that happened.
What did happen was that Ozai took off his glasses and sighed,
“Dad?” Azula asked tentatively and Ursa came to rest her hand on her daughter’s shoulder,
“Don’t pay him any mind dear, he’s just bitter that he owes me thirty gold.” Azula furrowed,
“Wait- why does he owe you 30 gold-” Ty Lee started, before realizing,
“You had a bet going on whether Ty Lee and I got together?” Azula all but shrieked,
“Not whether, but when. If you had confessed a week later I would’ve lost, so thank you sweetheart.” Ursa put her other hand on Ty Lee’s shoulder, “But sincerely I want to give my congratulations, I’m so happy you have found each other, and wish you many years of happiness.”
“Thank you.” Ty Lee replies just as sincere and Ursa patted her shoulder,
Zuko stepped forward and put a tentative hand on her shoulder,
“I think this is the part where I threaten you and tell you if you ever hurt my sister I’ll make your life hell etc.” he said with uncertainty, Ty Lee immediately tenses,
“You don’t have to!” she added helpfully,
“Oh good, it didn’t feel right.” Ty Lee let out a sigh of relief, “Anyways, I owe Mai twenty dollars, so if you’ll excuse me.” and Zuko exits without another word,
Azula squeezed her hand and leaned over, kissing her cheek
“I told you they’d love you.” she whispered into her ear,
“You were right.” Ty Lee laughed, and Azula smiled back at her, which never failed to make her stomach do acrobatics.
“Now then, Ozai, what the hell do you mean I’m pregnant? I mean, I feel I would know before you did.” Ursa asked,
“Well when you had your physical check up last week, the physician’s noticed something abnormal, and when I checked in with them yesterday they said it was most likely a pregnancy. I didn’t have the time to tell you until right now.” he stated matter-of-factly,
“Don’t think of the implications.” Ty Lee whispered into Azula’s ear,
“What do you mean- Spirits! Ty Lee, I wasn't even thinking of that.” Azula lets go of Ty Lee’s hand to cover her face. Ty Lee laughed, wrapping her arms around Azula’s shoulder. She leaned against her shoulder content to live in this moment forever.
A/N: Ozai? Ursa? Being good parents? It’s more likely then you think.
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
The Dark Kingdom Chapter 5: Fated
Series: The Dark Kingdom
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Liam, Riley x Drake, Riley x ?
Word Count: 1,555
Rating: MA
******TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual Assault mentioned, physical, verbal abuse/assault described. Lead up to sexual assault described*******
My other stuff: Master List.
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Riley tossed and turned uneasily as the sun dipped behind the mountains. Her body twitched as soft whines of pain and fear slipped from her.
The fingers twisted painfully in her hair, as putrid breath hit her in the face, “Did you really think I’d let you marry my son?”
“I…ow! Please! I didn’t…how did you-“
He yanked her forward hard enough to separate a hank of hair from her scalp, “He came to me asking for my blessing, the stupid boy. What have you done to him you little whore? Have you been spreading your legs for him? Seducing him with your filthy commoner ways?”
She tried to scramble away from him, tears and snot streaking her face as she backed into the corner with no way to get past him, “No! I…I love him, he loves me! We-“
“There’s no way I’m letting my son marry common street trash! You’ve been given all the privileges of royalty but that doesn’t make you one of us!”
“But…but you said that if I made a good enough marriage match-“
A harsh laugh accompanied the stinging backhand across her face, “No nobleman is going to want to marry you. You’re only good for one thing. And if you go near my son again, I’ll fucking kill you. But not before I tell him how you’ve been fucking his father all this time. Now get back over here and let me remind you what you’re good for. Now!”
“NO!” Riley bolted upright in her bed, sweat drenching her nightgown, heart thundering in her chest. Her hands grappled at the covers, fighting off an attacker who wasn’t there.
“Riley!” Liam was suddenly in her room, in her bed, wrapping her in his arms, “Riley, Riley, it’s okay, I’m here, you’re safe now. It was just a dream!”
She pitched forward into him, clinging to him as all the pain and agony of her whole wretched life poured out of her. She shouldn’t have felt safe in his arms, but she did. She had no reason to trust him, but she did.
“It wasn’t just a dream,” she sobbed into his chest.
“What was it?” There was nothing but concern in his voice as he held her tightly against him and rocked her back and forth.
“A memory,” she whispered.
He stopped moving as he considered that. His voice held some kind of barely restrained emotion when he spoke, “What happened to you, Riley? Who hurt you? Please tell me.”
“What good would it do?” She hiccupped.
Liam pulled back so he could look at her face. Placing a finger under her chin, he tilted her head up so she was looking into his eyes when he replied, “Because I will kill whoever did this to you.”
She shook her head, “You can’t.”
“Oh, I assure you, I can!”
“No, I mean you can’t! The treaty….”
“So, someone did hurt you. A human.”
She nodded.
“And this is why you ran away?”
She nodded again.
“Please tell me why you scaled my mountain. I can protect you, but I have to know who my enemies are.”
Life had taught her not to trust people, especially men, but something deep inside her told her she could trust this one. She felt as drawn to him as she did to the mountains themselves and she had no idea why.
Besides, not telling him certainly wasn’t going to absolve her transgression of crossing the partition and breaking the treaty. She had to try, “I want to. It’s just not easy to talk about. The man who raised me-“
“Your father?”
“That monster is not my father!” she spat with a vehemence that took him aback, “My parents…they died when I was quite young…I don’t even remember them.”
“I'm sorry.”
“I was sent to live at the…I was sent to live with a different family…”
“And they abused you?”
“Not at first. The woman who raised me, she was kind and loving. She didn’t treat me any differently than she treated her own children but then she died…” Riley broke off as renewed sobs racked her body.
“Take your time,” he soothed.
“Everyone told my foster father to remarry, but he never did. He started coming into my room in the middle of the night-“
Liam cursed in some ancient language she didn’t understand, “You don’t have to give me details, I get the idea. How old were you when it started?”
“Twelve,” She whispered.
“Christ,” he ran a hand down his face as he struggled to maintain his composure.
And they called the Esseri monsters. Not a single species under his domain would treat a child, any child, in such a manner.
She had been brutalized by the man who should have protected and cherished her. And she had risked certain death to get away from him. She had literally scaled a mountain, shredding her hands and feet in the process, for a bare chance at freedom.
He couldn’t punish her for it, nor could he send her back to the person who had hurt her.
He pulled her closer, pressing her against his chest, “You’re safe here. No one will ever harm you again.”
“But I broke the treaty-“
“Don’t worry about the treaty. You had good reason for your actions. This wasn’t a violation; it was an act of seeking sanctuary and I grant you asylum.”
“You’re not going to punish me?”
He laughed bitterly, “I think you’ve been punished enough and for no wrongdoing on your part.”
“And you won’t send me back?” She held her breath, not daring to entertain hope. Hope that had so frequently been ripped from her in the past.
This was not her first escape attempt, just her first successful one.
“This is your home now, for as long as you want it to be,” Liam released her and propelled himself away from her bed, unwilling to do anything that she might interpret as unwanted touch, “Please join me downstairs in the dining room when you’re dressed. I’ve had the kitchen prepare breakfast.”
“Breakfast?” She laughed as she glanced out her window at the deepening night sky.
“We’ve both just woken. It is breakfast,” he rummaged through the small desk in the corner of the room and came up with paper and pencil. He quickly drew a map to help her find the dining room then slipped out her door and disappeared.
Joy filled her heart as she bounded out of bed and got ready for the day…well, night. Whatever the future held, she was never going back to Cordonia and that was the best news she had ever been given in her entire life.
After a couple of wrong turns, she found herself in a grand dining room lit by golden candelabras. Liam rose from his chair as she entered.
She had taken three steps into the room when the door on the other side burst open and Leo stormed in with Drake hot on his heels, “Leo, you need to calm down!”
Liam turned toward the source of the commotion calmly, “Is there a problem?”
“Yes, there’s a problem!” Leo spat as he glared in her direction, “We went into one of the human towns and scouted as instructed and the humans are in an uproar over their missing princess and if they figure out that she’s here, there’s going to be a problem! There are already rumors circulating that she has been kidnapped…by us!”
Liam’s head swiveled back toward her, “You didn’t tell me you were their princess!”
“I’m not! I was raised by the royal family, but I am not one of them!” That had been made abundantly clear to her. “Barthelemy Beaumont is not my father!” Angry tears sprang into her eyes.
Leo strode toward Riley as his voice rose, finger pointing at her accusingly, “She shouldn’t be here! I should have killed her where she stood and thrown her body back down the mountain!”
Drake moved from Leo’s side and almost instantaneously appeared at hers, a low growl issuing from his throat in warning.
She flinched, then moved quickly, angling to put herself behind Drake as he stepped between her and her would-be attacker, but Leo never made it to them.
There was a resounding thwack as Liam intercepted his brother, the back of his hand sending him flying across the room to slam into the far wall. “You will not touch her!” His voice rolled like thunder across the room.
“What the hell has gotten into you?” Leo demanded as he picked himself up off the floor and rubbed the back of his head, “Why are you protecting some random human who’s going to get us embroiled in a war?”
“She is not a random human!” Liam’s fury coalesced all around them, like a living, breathing thing as he roared, “She is my mate!”
“Mate!” Drake snarled in Leo’s direction as one arm curled behind him, wrapping around her waist.
Leo froze, eyes wide as they flicked from Liam to Drake to Riley then back again. “I apologize, Stăpâni,” he said with a stiff bow before backing through the doorway.
Riley stood rooted to the spot, a heavy thickness still hanging in the air, the sound of both men’s labored breathing filling the room, “Uh…guys…what just happened?”
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rorywritesjunk · 2 months
(day 3 of Bugust is Renaissance. While most would think of faires, turkey legs, and the Mona Lisa, my mind went to the meaning of the word: 'rebirth'. Also another OC fic because I can. This is from the Buggy's Older Sister AU.)
They were married five years at this point and Buggy still couldn't believe his luck at times. How is it Sunny found him at his lowest point, when he thought everything was done for, but turned it around with a meal and a smile? How did Buggy get so lucky with the fact that she wanted him of all people?
Sunny was working on lunch for the two of them, not paying much attention to him as she kept her focus on the task in front of her. Trying to cut a potato in half was harder than it looked but Buggy knew to wait for her to ask for help. Ever since she crushed her hand and was dismissed from her apprenticeship, she tried her best to do things without Buggy's help which... didn't always go over well.
It was a bit of a struggle using the knife with her left hand while holding the potato with her right. Her fingers didn't work as well as before, her grip was weak, and she hissed sharply when the knife slipped and knicked her finger. Buggy sighed and gave up on waiting.
He grabbed a dish towel and went over to her, grabbing her hand and wrapping the towel around it to stop the bleeding.
"I'm fine-"
"Oh shush. You're stubborn and you're gonna loose fingers." Buggy sighed as she looked at him with a pout. He rolled his eyes before checking on her finger. It wasn't bleeding too badly, just a little cut. "You can ask for help."
"Yea, but-"
"I want you to ask for my help." Buggy told her as he pressed a kiss to her hand before letting go. He grabbed the knife and wiped the blade before grabbing the potato. "Got it?"
Sunny walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around him, resting her cheek against his back. She could hear his heartbeat and she closed her eyes with a sigh.
"You never asked for my help when we first met." She mumbled. "I just... helped because I wanted to."
Buggy glanced back at her before he started chopping up the potato. He next did the carrots. No, he didn't ask for help when they first met. Sunny just knew he needed it before he did. He had just lost everything in a short amount of time that he wasn't even sure if he would have known who he was had she not stepped in to care for him. She took him in, fed him, even gave him money before spending a few days with him to make sure he was okay.
It was weird but after meeting Sunny he felt... he felt like a new person. He didn't know how to really explain it if anyone asked. All she did was see this upset kid and bought him a meal. They managed to stay in contact when they parted ways but every time Buggy saw her again, the way her face would light up and she would greet him made renewed his energy each time.
"And you were stubborn then by not taking my no's for an answer." He shot back gently as he tossed the carrot into a bowl with the potato. "... What were you going to cook?"
"I was going to roast the vegetables with some bacon." She told him, tightening her arms around him. "And look where we are now since I didn't listen to you. Married, living on a ship, new lives for both of us."
"Hmph." Buggy chopped up a few more potatoes. "Our own little renaissance or something. Starting anew after hardships and changes. Me losing two captains and you losing your apprenticeship. We are both better from it."
There was a moment of silence before Sunny leaned up and pressed a kiss to his neck.
"Look at you sounding poetic, honey!" She giggled softly as she released her hold just a bit on him. "I love it! That was beautiful!"
"S-Shush!" Buggy hated that he turned red and hated that she pointed that out. He set the knife aside before turning around to grab her, covering her mouth with his hand. "I am not poetic!"
She just smiled at him and pushed his hand away before wrapping her arms around his neck. "You are to me."
He huffed, frowning down at her as she reached up to kiss him. He wasn't poetic. Buggy the Clown was no such thing but... But if his wife believed so and that meant kisses in the kitchen as she backed him up against the counter, maybe he could be once in a while.
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alys-gay-parade · 1 year
Some deep thoughts about Zelda before I go to sleep tonight:
I grew up with oot being my introduction to the series, and over the years, it consumed my life. Botw was exactly what I wanted from a fully open world zelda game, and totk has only built up from that. This is the franchise that taught me how to world build, write characters, and explore my identity. Looking back at my adolescence, I can safely say that Link and Zelda (as she slowly became an actually compelling character) were the opposite ends of my gender envy spectrum. I loved the effeminate twink that I could easily identify with (people who say he never had a personality before TP are wrong, my boy has always been a sassy bitch with a big heart) and the regal lady who was not opposed to getting her hands dirty to do the work she needed to do. Sheik being Zelda is still one of my favorite plot twists in the franchise, my girl rlly said "Fuck it, I'm gonna pose as a man my whole adolescence." Iconic.
I love how they imply in totk that the games in the timeline pre-botw are the legends passed down over hundreds of generations, explaining the thin and inexplicable timeline away as just cultural histories becoming warped and lost with each retelling. I bet they argue about the order of events in-universe, and you can not convince me otherwise. It makes me laugh looking back at oot seeing rauru portrayed as a pudgy old man hylian, knowing now that he's just straight up a god-like being that married a hylian woman.
This brings me to the future of the series, and a proposal: remake the old stories, but with the new lore, as they Actually Happened. Make the players figure out what parts were true and what parts were warped by time. Hell, make them with the effects of the new timeline Created by Zelda in totk. How does her presence alter history? How can we reimagine the events of pivotal games in the timeline with our new information? How can we keep improving our open world gameplay while revisiting the history that became fables?
I fell off of Zelda in my depression. But totk has renewed my love for what the franchise is and can become. They've really created so many opportunities to expand on what we know, as well as avenues to tell more new stories, possibly both in the same game if they play their cards right.
Thank you, Zelda Team and Miyamoto-san. You built a core aspect of my identity and continue to strive to improve and explore a world that means a lot to many. You honestly are a golden example of what making a compelling universe looks like.
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majaloveschris · 1 year
I’d say Chris is a legitimate source; if he claims they are together then that’s the fact (whatever his way of statements have been), and it being a contract/stunt is the conjecture. Not the opposite. //
BUT HE HAS NEVER CLAIMED ANYTHING, that's the kicker. Even when he posted the video dumps, no where did he claim to be with her, but rather heart emojis and the year that was. Every word that he said during the SMA contradicted the actions that proceeded into the whole pap walk. Remember how he likes PDA? There is literally no where he has showed an ounce of affection for that girl, even in those videos. They are just cringe stuff that he has done with every random person he knows,just to paint a narrative.. just enough to creat a story but with enough room for deniability. Another little thing that people forget is , People magazine also reached out to sources and NOTHING was CONFIRMED. The same magazine that interviewed him before the public launch and claimed that if he was in a relationship he would say it himself. Just Jared coming out with a story before the dumps that was quickly deleted.
Now if liking posts is a confirmation of relationship then that man has been in a relationship with a lot of women.
My point is, even Chris is not a source. Because he has not said anything about them being together. Yet when he was with Jenny Slate,it was CONFIRMED by HIS people , with Minka it was CONFIRMED by HIS people.
Did anyone confirm that he and Lilly James were together, yet there are photos of them. In fact there is more PDA in those two days photos than in this:
" two year relationship with the love of his life that he will marry and has been married to,or have a house together to be featured in AD" and every other little thing we have heard.
Again creating a story and narrative for a purpose. Basically, a STUNT..
But let's look at his recent activities, when he speaks when events have nothing to do with her. He has said that Dodger is his true partner, just recently at a Walmart event, he said that a dog gives you what no other relationship with a human can and again right before he deactivated, he said how good it feels to be ALONE. I don't know anything about that man or more than what is speculated about him on SM, but that doesn't sound like a man is in a happy and healthy relationship. That doesn't even sound like a man in a happy place at the moment IMO.
Food for thought, didn't anyone notice the timing of all this. The public launch aka pap walk was right on the day of WN series premiere and Chris deactivated right after Netflix released WN to be picked up by another service. What did Simon Barry do on that fateful day of the pap walk, he tweeted, "he could do this all day." He also seemed very proud that WN did so well with little marketing. And just recently,what did he tell his WN minions, that the show has been renewed even though that is clearly a white lie.
Justin's father Facebook post really NEEDED to remind us that the marriage was to "Captain America" not even Chris Evans.
And the little pause after it. It was so funny!
I don't know if the fact that it wasn't confirmed means something. I think that's usually how it goes with these types of articles: when a "source" talks about something rather than the people involved.
I always loved the scare videos with Scott because they were genuine and funny, but theirs with Alba was neither.
I agree that he doesn't talk about things like being super in love and being in an almost 2-year relationship. I'd get it if they were in a super secret or private relationship; however, they aren't. They did a pap walk, and he's shared several stories about their relationship. I'm not saying he would talk about her or mention her name all the time, but I think he would phrase a lot of things differently.
The fact that he was Captain America had nothing to do with what Justin's father was talking about. We know Chris Evans is dating Alba, and I'm pretty sure people know he played Captain America. It was all for the show.
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fatherbearfreddy · 10 months
I always wondered do you and Bonnie have matching earring to resemble your friendship as best friends?
Hey it's Monty. I can answer this one!
Those are wedding rings! They tricked the people in charge according to Windy, a little rebrand to help strengthen the nostalgic ties of a Freddy and a Bonnie.
I even did the ceremony on the Roxy raceway track when a power outage took out the cameras in there.
And...I did another one like 7 months later! They were so excited as if they hadn't already been married before.
I'm not sure how many times you're supposed to get married, but then again I have heard of vow renewal so maybe it's that. I'm not the smartest guy around, but I got a good memory.
The band, or the old band? So forgetful. Not me, I remember everything. One time, Bonnie asked me a really weird question, he asked how long we'd all been working. Its been about three-four years depending on how you count it. He was sure we'd only been around for a year or two. He kept mixing up what happened one year with what happened in another. It was a little scary since it sounded like all of them thought like that. Freddy knew we'd done two years, but he got all mixed up too.
Chica was so mixed up that she didn't even know about fazmas until I reminded her. Poor girl, everyone calls her stupid but it's not her fault. She just has a really bad memory.
Those two have proposed to each other at least 5 times that I heard about. It's so cute.
Me, I'm not much of a dater gator, I like family love more than the kissy date kind. I'm more of a spend the night or eat with the family type.
But watching those two fall in love again and again is pretty entertaining. It's like they'll never get tired of it.
I mean I hope Freddy knows he's married, that's not something you forget right? I can see him losing track of plenty of things, especially things we talked about. I wasn't too important.
But from what I've seen from the parents, you don't forget you're a married man. Or you shouldn't. Well, they don't talk about it anyways. I'm not allowed to tell anyone about their marriage.
But I figure you're his kids, you can know who your Papa is married too.
Bonnie would be an interesting dad. Guess I'll find out what he's like as a father when he gets back and joins Freddy with this whole internet family.
I had a present planned for the two of them, hope he's back soon.
Bonnie was forgetful too.
They all are. Now that I'm talking to em all every day it's starting to get a little scary.
I remember everything. I wish they'd ask me about it. I wish I could talk about it.
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shreddedparchment · 3 days
I just wrote this for the princess pseudo story for my satisfaction with how they have another kid and with how their wedding went in the beginning, the reader wants to have another vow renewal ceremony with Steve...and this time for love...so when they both along with their 3 kids travel for a vacation for their anniversary, she sly asks him...
As the sun rose over the horizon, casting golden light on the beach where their vacation home stood, Y/N couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement in her chest. Today was not just another day; it was their anniversary. She glanced around at her three children, happily building sandcastles, their laughter mingling with the sound of waves crashing against the shore.
Steve joined her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. “Looks like our little ones are having the time of their lives,” he said, watching the kids with a fond smile.
Y/N nodded, her heart swelling with affection. “It’s perfect here, isn’t it? Just the five of us.”
A comfortable silence fell between them, but Y/N felt a different kind of weight on her heart. They had come so far since their arranged marriage, a union that had begun with tension and reluctance. Now, the bond they shared was stronger than she had ever imagined. But a part of her still longed for something more.
“Steve,” she began, hesitating as she gathered her thoughts. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” he replied, looking down at her with those warm blue eyes that made her feel safe.
She took a deep breath, feeling shy but determined. “Do you think we could… renew our vows? Just us and the kids? I’ve always wanted a wedding that felt like it was built on love.”
He turned to face her fully, surprise dancing in his eyes. “You want to get married again?”
“Yes,” she admitted, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. “I know our wedding was arranged, and it started off a bit bitter, but I want to celebrate how far we’ve come. I want our kids to see us commit to each other in a way that reflects what we’ve built together.”
Steve’s expression softened, and his heart swelled at her words. “I’d love that,” he said earnestly. “You have no idea how much I cherish you and our family. I would do anything to show you how much I’ve come to love you.”
Y/N felt tears prick her eyes, a mixture of joy and relief washing over her. “Really? You’d be okay with that?”
“Absolutely,” he replied, taking her hands in his. “Let’s make this vow ceremony everything we dreamed it would be.”
The excitement bubbled within her, and she quickly gathered the kids, explaining the plan with uncontainable enthusiasm. They were all thrilled, their eyes sparkling with excitement.
Later that afternoon, with the golden sun beginning to set, the family stood in a small clearing near the beach. A priest was there, ready to officiate the ceremony. The air was filled with the sweet scent of the ocean, and the soft sounds of nature surrounded them.
Y/N wore a simple yet elegant sundress that billowed gently in the sea breeze, while Steve was dressed casually, his warmth radiating from him like the sun itself. Their children stood nearby, eyes wide and smiles bright, filled with the joy of witnessing their parents’ love.
As the ceremony began, Steve took Y/N’s hands in his, the connection between them palpable. “I stood before you once, not fully understanding what I was committing to,” he began, his voice steady and sincere. “But today, I stand here knowing that my heart is yours. You are my everything, and I can’t imagine a life without you.”
Y/N felt her heart swell at his words, the love shining in his eyes. “And I promise to love you, support you, and cherish you for all that you are,” she said, her voice steady despite the emotions swirling within her. “You’ve shown me the meaning of love, and I am grateful every day for the life we’ve built together.”
The priest guided them through the vows, and the children beamed, clapping their hands in excitement as their parents exchanged rings once more. The atmosphere was filled with love and laughter, a stark contrast to the initial weight of their first wedding day.
Finally, as the ceremony came to an end, Steve leaned down, his forehead resting against hers. “With this ring, I give you my heart,” he whispered, sealing the moment with a kiss.
Y/N felt a surge of joy as their lips met, the kiss infused with all the love they had cultivated over the years. When they broke apart, their children rushed to them, enveloping them in a tight group hug.
“You’re really married again!” one of the kids exclaimed, bouncing on their toes with excitement.
Y/N laughed, feeling lighter than ever. “Yes! And this time, it’s filled with love.”
Steve wrapped his arms around all of them, pulling his family close. “And I couldn’t be happier,” he said, kissing Y/N’s temple. “We’ve made it through so much, and I look forward to every moment ahead with you all.”
As they stood there, a family united in love and joy, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a magical glow over the beach. In that moment, surrounded by their children and the beauty of nature, Y/N knew they had created a new beginning—a celebration of love that would carry them forward, stronger than ever.
im so sorry for interfering in your story but I so badly wanted to share it to you....and I apologies if I offended you in any way you felt like I used your story to write...let me know if you liked it or not....because the only part I was feeling incomplete with was their wedding, the rest worked between them..so I just wrote it...sorry again😬😬😬😬😬😬
Wow, I'm so glad you enjoyed the story so much that it left you wanting more. You are a good writer yourself and should definitely write your own stories and post them if you haven't already.
That being said, while I appreciate the enthusiasm, the story ended just how I wanted it to. Steve has made amends for his transgressions, and his Queen has moved on from their early days. Seeing as the story is set in a medieval fantasy setting, weddings weren't often about love or held to that standard, especially for royalty so, it was never about declaring any kind of love but rather forming a union between households and families. Steve and his Queen show their love in other ways and don't look back anymore. But I appreciate the love you've shown my story. You don't have to be sorry!
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gummybear1178 · 1 year
F-14: Family of 14: You Don’t Know But...
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Also on AO3:  
Hope you guys enjoy! If you want on the taglist let me know! (See guys I am learning Tumblr)
Not fully sure where this story is going other than it will be IceMav and their 12 adopted dagger squadron kids!
The dagger squad is determined to find out who Maverick is married to, leading to some shenanigans and eventually the reveal! Followed by one shots featuring MavDad Icemav and Dadmiral with the Daggers!
Feel free to leave requests and ideas
The Daggers sat on the deck of the Hard Deck. Penny had been kind enough to allow the Daggers to make it their unofficial hangout. However, they hadn't taken her up on the offer much until Mav and Ice's house kind of became off limits for a few weeks.
Well, not so much off limits, more so they had semi banned themselves temporarily. Electing to one, let Mav rest and feel better, and two, not get in the middle of whatever was going on between Ice and Maverick.
"I wonder what happened?" Phoenix finally asked the looming question in the group.
"I don't know," Bradley admitted, knowing the rest knew he was most likely to know. "All I know is that the Flyboys told me the house is probably a no-fly zone for a bit."
A few Daggers snorted at his attempt of humor to lighten the mood.
"No, but really, all they've told me is it's something to be left between Dad and Pops. They claim they will be fine once they talk."
"And when will they talk?" Fanboy asks quietly.
Several of the Daggers heads went down.
"Usually, they don't take long. It's just a matter of them getting it out." Bradley watched the waves. "I barely remember a fight between them growing up, at least not one that wasn't over within a few hours."
Jake looked down at his water bottle.
He just had this family start to form. He couldn't lose it now.
"Kids, look, Maverick and Ice, they fight on occasion. They are also stubborn, which means sometimes it takes a minute for them to work it out. But they always do." Penny said, stepping out onto the deck.
"Hey, Penny." Several of the Daggers greeted. Others just nodded in her direction.
"While their stubborness may make it take an extra second to solve their issues, it also means that they are stubborn about loving each other. Those two have been through a lot together. They will get through this." Penny assured.
"How do you know?" Jake asked. A few glancing his way surprised by the raw tone to his voice.
"Becuase they always do." Penny stated as though it was a fact, and after the way she said it, the Daggers didn't think that it could be anything else.
"You know you are our unofficial aunt, right?" Fanboy asked, breaking some of the tension.
"Oh, trust me, I know." Penny rolled her eyes, "And I wouldn't change it for anything." She winked before heading back into the building.
Phoenix smiled, and with a renewed hope amongst the Daggers, she decided to suggest a change of topic.
"Alright, how about we play a game?"
"What kind of game we talkin'?" Javy asks.
"A get to know each other more game. We each know each other on varying levels." Phoenix explained.
Each Dagger chimed in a version of agreement, and so the game began.
"It's called 'You don't know, but...' and basically you tell everyone something that they don't know. It can be about yourself, a random fact, or really just about anything. Some of us know other better than others, so just not something everyone knows. Like your call sign. The point is to get to know each other better."
"Alright, Phe, you suggest the game you have to start us off." Bradley pointed out, leaning back in his chair.
And so the game was on.
"Alright, you don't know, but... I played softball in high school."
"I guess I'll go next, you don't know, but I am a huge Swiftie to the point my call sign was almost Swift." Harvard said.
"You don't know, but I got my first black eye in college from lightsaber dueling in the courtyard." Fanboy admitted/bragged.
"Only you." Bradley laughed.
"Hey, we had a many a people come try and join us. Also, I would like to point out it wasn't becuase I couldn't duel it was because my roommate was supposed to just go left then right and just keep repeating but then got confused and went the same way twice."
"If we ever doubted your call sign, that's all the proof we needed." Bradley laughed.
"You don't know, but I hate being called Bagman." Jake said, glancing down at the deck.
"Good to know Hangman." Phoenix said, but the look on her face made him know she took the statement seriously.
"You don't know, but I want you guys to call me Jake..." Jake added, having already taken a huge step out of his comfort zone. Why not take one more.
"Good to know, Jake." Phoenix amended, a small smile on her face.
Meanwhile, Javy watched his best friend with a smile on his face. Proud of him for opening up.
Javy knew that was a huge step for Jake.
Now, if only he could take another huge step when it comes to another pilot. Javy internally rolled his eye,  knowing that was going to be a much more complicated process.
"You don't know this, but I went to LSU, GEAUX TIGERS!" Javy said, allowing the mood to lighten and take the pressure off of Jake.
And so the game went on.
The tension in the house was palpable. Even the ever light hearted Fanboy would be able to feel it.
Maverick had finally started to feel better.
Which, on one hand, Ice was very happy his husband was feeling better. However, on the other hand, that meant the looming conversation was soon to occur.
Ice walked into the living room with a cup of tea in each hand.
Maverick sat wrapped in a blanket on the couch. He reached out a hand to take a cup from Ice as Ice sat down.
"Ice..." Maverick started.
Ice sighed, he knew that tone. He had been anxiously awaiting that tone.
"Conversation time?" Ice asked softly.
"Look -"
"I'm not objecting, I know the conversation needs to be had. So, let's have it. Where do you want to start?"
"What did you tell Cyclone?" Maverick finally settled on after a moment of pause. He had run this conversation through his head hundreds of times and he still wasn't sure how he wanted to start it.
"I told him that if someone tells you that you can't do something, you have to p
rove them wrong. That you will do everything to prove them wrong."
"Did you really think that I wouldn't do everything possible to make this mission go well. To make it succeed. To bring Bradley back alive?" Maverick's voice strained during the last sentence.
"No, Ice, you are the one who has believed in me. You pushed me to be better, but never by making me believe that you didn't believe in me. Rather because I knew you believed in me. So, why, why would this time be different? Why would you tell Cyclone to not believe in me, why not have him believe in me and not have me fighting him every step of the way?"
"I needed to make sure you came back, you and Bradley and everyone else. I panicked, and I know you do well when you do something out of spite." Ice admitted.
"So, the encouragement of keeping my kid, our kid, alive wasn't enough?"
"It should have been. Deep down I know you would do everything to come back and make sure he came back, but my fears took over. My biggest fear was losing you; losing Bradley. I let my fear control me."
"And you've never done this any other time? Never?"
"This is the first, only, and last time I have ever done that."
"I'm going to ask again Ice, do you regret it?" Maverick asked, his eyes as serious as ever, he had already asked this, and Ice evaded. He would not evade this time.
"I regret my methods. I regret that I told someone to esentially hurt you. I regret hurting you. I regret letting me fears take control of me. However, if that is the reason you survived, I don't know if I can fully regret it."
"Ice, we established, I would do everything no matter what. That spite it not the reason I survived and so did the Daggers. So, one final time, do you regret it?"
"Yes, I regret it."
"And you will never, and I mean never pull that again?"
Maverick simply nodded taking the information in.
"Maverick, I always believe in you. I know not everyone has, and I never should have contributed to the doubt others have had. I never doubted you. I was scared. I acted irrationally. I am so sorry Mav... I love you."
"I love you too Ice."
"I know you went through years of superiors telling you that you couldn't do something and judging you just from your last name all because of a government cover up. I know all of that. I never should have told someone to act like that. I truly am sorry."
"I believe you Ice. This hurt, I am not going to lie. I do however, understand why you did, I may not agree with it, but I see where your thoughts went and why. I forgive you, but don't ever do that again."
"So, we can tell the kids the parents have made up so they can come over again without fear of feeling like they are in an igloo with the cold tension?"
"According to Viper, they have been referring to our house as a 'no fly zone' so I think we can change that status. I missed our Daggers."
"They missed you too." Maverick smiled as he leaned against Ice's side. "I'm not telling them why we were fighting. Just we had a disagreement, we talked about it, and it's over with. They don't need the details."
Ice nodded silently as he tucked Maverick's head under his chin.
The world was back on it's axis.
"Alright Grand-Daggers, I've been told today will be my last day as your instructor, however, I am in town for longer so this will not be that last you see of me. The impending last day though, does mean it's time for some good stories." Viper said with a growing smirk. "For this, I have brought in a guest instructor, Grand-Daggers, meet your other Grandfather, Jester."
"Greetings, grand-daggers, I do believe it is story time." Jester dramatically walked in, swinging the door open.
"Now, how about I tell time Maverick made a excel sheet detailing who he thought reminded him most of from pop culture characters. However, in trying to send it to the flyboys, he accidentally sent it to the whole base. Cain, a 1 star admiral at the time, was not happy to be matched with Skeletor, however, Stevens, a 2 star admiral at the time, was very happy to be matched with Luke Skywalker, and well, he took care of Cain."
"I mean it's Luke Skywalker, ofcourse he was very happy." Fanboy agreed.
"Leave it to him to somehow send an email like that to the whole base." Yale laughed.
"Though, Bradley over there did convince Ice to go as Batman for Halloween one year becausae he was going as Robin." Jesters began the next story.
"Yea, then convinced every other flyboy who was stateside to join in. By the end we had most of the Justice League and a few villains." Viper added.
"Who was Mav?" Halo asked.
"Green Lantern, more specifically Hal Jordan because he was also a military pilot. Air Force though, so Maverick made sure to wear his bomber which of course has his Navy patches. Claimed he was improving the character. Which techinically he was."
Short, but it's something. Hope you guys enjoyed. Sorry it took sthe o long, hopefully another chapter or 2 in August. July is questionable. However, it's been months so I wanted to get yall something.
As usual, let me know what yall thought and what yall want to see!
Thanks for reading and continuing to comment!
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warp--space · 7 months
“Hey papa, did you and dad ever renew your vows?”
Toshinori nearly dropped the plate he was holding and his eyes flew to Hinata, his twelve year old daughter, who perched suspiciously daintily on the kitchen table.
“...Little shit, didn’t even hear you come in. Should you really be using your powers to sneak up on your parents like that?”
She rolled her eyes. “Didn’t answer my question.”
The villain sighed, going back to doing the leftover dishes. “Technically, every time we get married in a new timeline it’s a renewal of our vows.”
“Okay, but what were your FIRST vows?”
Toshinori thought about it, speaking softly. “... I suppose the first vow I ever made to Rian was that I promised to protect his sister. That was a lifetime before we got married…”
He sighed. “When we first got married… it was as villains, in the bar. I don’t think we ever managed it as heroes… we vowed to support each other in all our endeavors. To never give up on one another, and to never lose the faith we’d built up. To protect each other, and those that followed us, with everything we had. We vowed to remain devoted until the day we were both in the dirt.”
The young girl looked at her feet as they swung back and forth, obviously considering something deeply involved. Toshinori simply shrugged, finishing his chore.
After a moment, Hinata boosted herself onto the counter next to him. “And… you’ll promise the same stuff when you get married again, right?”
“That’s good.”
The older blonde quirked an eyebrow. “Why are you bringing this up tonight? I get that it’s Valentine's day, but you aren't usually this… sentimental about things you haven’t seen.”
She quirked her eyebrow as well, like a mirror image. “Because… I’ve never gotten to be old enough to love someone like you and Dad love each other. There were times where I MIGHT have felt something like that, sure, but… not strongly enough to kill for.”
Toshinori thought, for a second, about pointing out the way she trailed after Midoriya and the miniature Todoroki… but instantly decided he wasn’t ready for that conversation and pivoted. “That’s probably for the best, little flower. Devotion can easily turn into obsession, and I don’t doubt that I'd sound a lot more like a lunatic if it wasn't for my memories.”
She giggled. “Dad’s already suspicious… but I think that he thinks that YOU just really like sunflowers too, and that’s why you always get some.”
“He should honestly be more suspicious about—”
“How you sleep together? How you sit with him in your lap? How you give him googly eyes? How you always make sure our bases have soundproofed Master bedrooms? How you have a budget specifically for—”
The older man grumbled, ruffling the girls hair as she giggled. “Mouthy little shit… Twelve year olds aren't supposed to comment on their parents’ sex lives, Hinata.”
The young girl just laughed, wiggling away. Then, she stopped, looking up at him. “...You know… we should tell Dad more about me.”
“... I agree. But we have to do it carefully. Not just all at once.”
“Aren't you going to ask him to marry you?”
Toshinori blushed. “It’s… not the right time yet. I have a date in mind for a wedding, and if I ask now it’ll be too fast.”
“I mean… that depends on the day, I think.”
The older man froze, heat rising up behind his eyes as he slowly glanced back at the sound of footsteps. There, walking slowly from the kitchen doorway, was Rian. He had obviously just ended his shift at the bar downstairs.
And his face looked as red as the blonde’s felt.
The girl’s eyes darted back and forth quickly, before she slinked down from the counter. “Oh boy! I better go watch TV!” She announced loudly, darting out of the room.
An awkward cough.
Rian fidgeted, looking frantically around the room. “S-so… what day were you thinking of…?”
Toshinori leaned back against the counter, his voice more gruff than he would have liked. “April First.”
The brunette blinked lamely, then looked up. “Why April first? I mean... be a use it's the day you saved me?”
“... Because if enough of our lackeys think it’s a joke, we might be able to keep the party small.”
One beat.
Then two.
Then the younger man burst out laughing, soon joined by his taller counterpart.
“Do you at least have a ring…?” Rian asked shyly, wiping his eyes.
The blonde smiled fondly. “Yes, but since I've had it for three years, we might need to get it fitted.”
The smaller man blanched. “THREE…?”
“The timing never felt right, Kitten!”
“W-well does it feel right NOW?!”
“... If you’ll say yes.”
Rian slowly looked up, his hazel eyes crinkling as he smiled. “...Always. Toshinori... I already vowed to dedicate my life to you years ago... And I don't plan to break that promise.”
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aceofnace · 1 year
I was honestly expecting the most romantic season of tv I'm not kidding bc what do you mean soulmates who are separated by a love curse that's such an incredibly good plot, the stuff of dreams ships never get. But let's be real they kinda botched it, no matter how it turns out, we had half a season where they barely interacted and we're never going to see their big moments together and them being madly in love and solving crimes together and protecting each other and moving in together and getting engaged( I had this wish that it would be Nancy who proposes bc it would be such a big thing coming from her and for ace to see someone actually want that with him, it would mean so much growth for both of them). Now all we can hope for is they don't slap us with Tristan and Nancy as soulmates, give us as many moments of them together and give us a flashforward of their happily ever after ..
I was expecting that too, especially after the first 3 swoonworthy episodes of the season. I thought, this is THEIR season. But boy, did it go downhill fast. Episode 4 had NO Nace interactions, and then 5-7 just had painful ones (how many times did they break up again?). Episode 8 seemed promising...but then 9 and 10 ruined it again with no interactions. Now we're heading into episode 11 with both Nancy and Ace seemingly falling for their new supernatural love interests and it's like WHAT? With only 3 episodes left to go? Make it make sense!
Obviously, they were hoping for a season 5, and they wrote the season with that in mind. But that tells me if we had gotten a season 5, this still would've been dragged out well into next season. So the only solace I can take with all this is that it's a good thing they found out the show was canceled before they finished writing the final episode. Because if it had been canceled after, then the series would've ended with Nace not together. And even if it had been renewed for a season 5, with the writers/actors on strike for who knows how much longer, there's a chance next season would've eventually gotten cancelled anyway, or it would have at least extended a Nace endgame for another year or more. This way, although it's going to be rushed af, we're still going to end the series with the knowledge that Nancy and Ace are together and in love.
I am hopeful we'll get a little flash-forward epilogue that might show Nancy and Ace married, or at least engaged. Bonus points if they show us one of them proposing. I'm just not sure how they would fit that into the finale, but it's really all I want at this point. I'm so sad that so many opportunities were wasted this season (that should have been NACE slow dancing!). This was supposed to be their season to shine. And it started out so promising! I have no idea how or why they lost sight of the plot so heavily, but they did. And I know some people will say, "You know, this show isn't just about Nace" and while that's true, once you make your titular character and another main character star-crossed lovers and add in something like a curse keeping them apart, you're kinda making them the main focus—especially when you drag it out until the very end. So, it's understandable that a lot of us are solely focusing on Nace and how disappointed we are. We expected more. We deserved more. But that's just my opinion.
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