#obey me chocolate incident
lou-struck · 10 months
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Obey Me Brothers and Datables x reader
Part 5 Finale and Solomon's Date Punishment
~Finally, after a day of Romance and Confusion, everyone gets together to tell you why they have been acting so odd today, But where is Solomon?
Series Masterlist
a/n: I know it took me awhile to get this done so thank you guys for interacting with this series. 
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“You know why everyone’s been acting weird, don’t you?” you ask the Devildom Prince, knowing in your heart that you are finally getting some answers. He laughs and presses a kiss to your forehead. “I do, but I think it would be best if you were to hear the truth from everyone.”
You turn your head to the side and feel rather confused by his wording. 
The Demon Lord raises his hand, and with a snap of his fingers, You are transported to his throne room. You are on the throne, still sitting comfortably in the Prince’s lap as the others begin to appear in front of you. Stepping through a multi-colored Layer of smoke. 
Lucifer is the first to wave the red tendrils away from his face as he greets his monarch. “Greetings, Diavolo; it appears you have begun to catch Mc up to speed about the incidents today.” You do not notice the way the Avatar of Pride’s brow twitches at the image of you on the Prince’s lap, but the others certainly do. 
Mammon, however, is a bit too greedy to hide his intentions as he gives you some serious puppy dog eyes. “Hey, human, come here. Let the great Mammon have a look at ya.”
“No, if anything, they should come to me,” Leviathan presses, looking enviously at the scene in front of him. “We still have time to go and get a milkshake at the introvert cafe.”
Bephie childishly crosses his arms. “We slept through our date, so I should get a redo.”
“That really sounds like a you problem, Belphie.” Asmo frowns crossing his arms over his chest. 
“I’m still hungry,” Beel muses, rubbing his stomach. A bit of chocolate is on the corner of his mouth, no doubt from your gift to him. “Mc, we should make more strawberries; feeding them to you this time would be fun.”
“Enough!” Lucifer scolds, silencing his brothers with a glare. “We are here to explain to Mc why most of you were acting so strange today.”
“I-it was still fun,” you say softly from the throne as the demons, and Angel look a tad ashamed of themselves. It hurts your heart to know that they feel like they let you down somehow. 
Today was wacky, romantic, and very special to you. And before they even begin their explanation, you know that there is no anger in your heart.
“How about you begin, Lucifer,” Barbatos says, coming to stand beside you on the throne. His gloved hand comes to rest on your shoulder, giving it a comforting little squeeze. 
“Yes,” The Prince says from behind you. “Since you were the first to figure everything out, it only makes sense you begin.”
Lucifer can’t hide the pride he feels from Diavolo’s compliment as he steps forward. Crimson eyes full of tenderness as he meets your gaze. Mc, I sincerely apologize on behalf of everyone for our strange behavior and paranoia today. We were under the impression that you were in danger after Solomon called a meeting with us this morning.”
“Danger?” you ask, eyes wide as you remember the paranoid look several of your dates were wearing throughout the afternoon.
“Solomon told us that a creature from the human world with little white wings and an enchanted bow filled with love-inducing arrows had set its sights on you and wanted to take you away from us.” He looks almost embarrassed to be telling you such a ridiculous story, but you listen politely, nodding along with him as he speaks. “I was skeptical at first. But when it comes to you, My Dear, we did not want to take any chances. Until you confirmed that Cupid was not real, I felt uneasy about having you leave the House of Lamination at all for the rest of your dates.”
“The same goes for me,” Satan adds, stepping forward to capture your attention. “Admittedly, we do not know much about the human world’s traditions, so when Solomon told us you were in danger, I tried to do some research about the Cupid but found next to nothing.” His green eyes look almost glassy as they look away from you in embarrassment. “I felt useless knowing that you could be taken away from us forever, and I didn’t know how to stop it, so I boarded up all the windows to my room and canceled the plans I had earlier for us.”
“Solomon was messing with us,” Mammon says softly, “I didn’t trust that shady Sorcerer, but then he started using his magic to trick us into thinking the flyin thingy was trying to get ya when we were on our way to the races.”
Simeon coughs politely to not interrupt anyone before they continue with their explanations. “I don’t mean to pry, but were any of you ever going to tell me that Mc was not in danger?” You can tell he is regretting his paranoid actions from earlier and you shoot him a soft smile. 
“We did,” Asmo chirps, looking at the gorgeous Angel. “You just never replied to the group chat.”
Simeon looks visibly confused as he pulls out his DDD, trying to find the aforementioned group chat. His brow furrows as he awkwardly taps on his screen looking increasingly more frustrated as he finds nothing. “I think my device is broken; I haven’t received any notifications all day.”
“Let me see that.” Levi huffs, snatching the DDD from the Angel’s hands and inspecting it carefully. He smiles and drags his fingers across the screen before handing it back to the Angel with a chuckle. “ROFL. You had it on airplane mode, so you weren’t getting any notifications.”
“But I haven’t been on any planes,” he says as dozens of notifications appear on the screen. “Ah, I see the messages now. I apologize for my interruption. Thank you, Leviathan, for your assistance.”
“Speaking of Solomon, where’s that little Rat?” Barbatos murmurs, pulling everyone’s attention briefly away from you as they look around looking for that shady jokester of a sorcerer. 
“Didn’t Asmo go get him earlier?” Mammon asks, crossing his arms. 
Diavolo laughs from behind you merrily. “He did indeed. I thought it would be amusing if I held off on bringing him here until after the explanation.”
He waves his hand, and a deep purple cloud of smoke cyclones in through the large doors, dropping a ruffled-looking Solomon on the floor rather roughly. 
Your eyes widen as you take in his disheveled appearance. His hair is ruffled, his mouth is gagged with a white cloth, and his hands are tied behind his back with some Fuzzy pink handcuffs that you can only assume to belong to Asmo. 
You get up from your spot, much to the disappointment of Diavolo, and go to check on your fellow human.
“Asmodeus, did you really have to secure him so thoroughly?” Lucifer sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation.
“I thought Mc would appreciate a bit of fanfare.” the Avatar of Lust winks. Solomon rolls his eyes at the theatrics as you gently remove the cloth from his mouth. 
“Fancy meeting you here, Mc,” the sorcerer smiles genuinely as you fiddle with the handcuffs, knowing that these ones have a release latch on the outside. “Have you had a good Valentine’s Day so far?”
You giggle and look fondly back at the Angel and Demons who have spoiled you rotten today. “I have. I wouldn’t trade this for the world.”
“I see,” he hums, gently scrubbing the tender marks on his wrist as the cuffs clatter to the ground. “It looks like I’ll just have to blow you away on our date tonight.”
“W-what?” Mammon stammers loudly. “Why does he get to have a date with Mc?”
Barbatos looks irritated as he nods along with Mammon. It’s a rare occurrence, but you understand. “After the stunt he just pulled, does he really deserve such a reward?”
The others begin to bicker amongst themselves as Diavolo sits silently in deep thought. It only takes a regal raise of his palm to silence the others as he looks at you with a twinkle in his eyes. 
“Mc, Although he has done nothing to deserve his time with you today. It seems unfair that you will not get to have your final date of the day.” he starts to say as the others look on in disbelief. “Therefore, I promise that you will still have your date with Solomon. I’ll have a car brought around to take you to the location, and Solomon will join you momentarily. We just need to have a word with him about his little transgressions…”
For the first time in your life, you see a look akin to fear in Solomon’s gaze as he looks around at the 10 immensely powerful beings he played a trick on. But before you can say anything to help him, you are ushered out of the room by Barbatos. 
His gloved hand is securely on the small of your back as he murmurs to you, “Do not worry Mc, I promise Solomon will arrive at the restaurant in one piece. We would never wish to disappoint you.”
“Are you sure?” you ask, hearing the sound of shuffling and yelling behind the closed doors. At least Solomon is untied and hopefully able to talk his way out of anything too drastic.
He kisses the back of your hand as the Prince’s limousine pulls up at the bottom of the palace steps. “I am certain.” he chuckles happily. “Solomon simply played a joke on us, and we will gladly return the favor. So please relax until then. We shall see you soon.”
“We?’ you ask as he guides you into the plush limo and waves you away with a charming smile, leaving you alone with your thoughts and a few absolutely gorgeous dinner outfits you can change into if you wish to do so.
Solomon ~
Candles flicker all around you as you watch couples enjoy their own romantic dinner dates at one of the finest restaurants in the entire devildom. You have only been waiting at your table at Ristorante Six for about twenty minutes or so as you wait for Solomon and whoever else to join you. 
After rushing around all day, you are thankful for the chance to reflect upon the day’s events. 
It has certainly been a wild ride so far, but you wouldn’t change it for the world. 
Being cared for, wooed, and doted upon by so many amazing individuals makes your heart feel so full, and you are thankful that they all seemed to appreciate the gifts you have prepared for them. 
It brings a smile to your face as you twirl the crystal flute of chocolate raspberry fizzy demonus in your hand and take a deep sip. Letting your eyes flutter shut as you savor the rich and fruity taste. 
You open your eyes when your eyes are assaulted by the sounds of several gasps of shock and amusement from the entrance of the restaurant. You are on high alert as you see the flashing of several DDD cameras.
Noisily, you lean forward in your seat, trying to get a glimpse of what is so amusing. You poke your head out more until you see what is catching all the attention, and you realize it is Solomon.
Sure, before the exchange program, the sight of a human in an upper-class demon establishment may have turned a few heads, but now, the real cause of this chaos is the snowy-haired sorcerer’s attire. 
He is wearing nothing but a diaper, fake white wings, and a quiver of plastic arrows on his back. His features are expressionless as he walks through the crowd looking for your table. You slowly raise a hand up to get his attention, and when he sees you, his face turns a deep pink color. 
“Well, don’t you look dressed for the occasion.” you giggle as he sinks into the chair. His little cheap wings lose a few feathers as they brush against the back of the chair. They fall to the floor silently as he tries to cover up his lap with one of the large cloth napkins. 
“I look ridiculous.” he murmurs, “I haven’t felt this embarrassed in at least thirty years.”
“I think you look cute,” you giggle, taking a roll of bread from the table’s bread basket. “I guess at the end of the day, you were right; there was a little Cupid trying to take me away.”
He laughs, the little wings flopping as his chest rumbles. “I have a feeling the others thought the same when they forced me into this thing.”
You laugh and look at him teasingly. “In a strange way, It kinda suits you.”
He grimaces as you laugh; in the corner of your eye, you notice a hostess leading a large party of familiar-looking individuals to the booth next to your table. 
You lock eyes with the Avatars of Sin, Prince of Hell, his royal butler, and a sweet smiling angel as they wave at you. DDDs at the ready to take photo after photo of Solomon in this rare moment of embarrassment. 
“You have a few fans over there.” you giggle, pointing back to the table.
He has the gall to look smug as he shoots a glance back at them before taking the hand of yours that he is holding from across the table and raising it to his lips. Taking the time to press a soft kiss to each one of your fingertips. 
They all look a bit jealous, especially Mammon, who removes a bottle of demonus from its bucket of ice and drinks deeply from the neck of the bottle. “They told me they would be watching over us. I guess this is what happens when you trick some of the most powerful beings in the three realms.”
“I like that we get to all be under the same roof.” you smile, directing your attention back to the sorcerer. “But I still get to spend some time with you.”
“I hope I didn’t ruin anything for you. I hadn’t thought about that part when I threw this whole thing together,” he admits. 
You feel touched by his sentiments as you reach across the table for his hand. “I promise you didn’t ruin anything. Today was so much fun, even with the occasional Cupid-related freakout.” you reach for your bag only to realize that you had left it in the car earlier. 
“What is it?” he asks, looking at your worried features.
“I just left my gift for you in the car.” you huff, “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he laughs, “I left yours in the Lab after Asmodeus kidnapped me earlier. But is there anything I can do to make it up for you now?”
You smile almost devilishly as you reach for your DDD. “There is one thing you could do for me.”
“What is it?” he asks, knowing exactly what you are about to ask for. 
Ou swipe to your camera and show him the screen. “Could I get a picture with my little cupid?”
He sighs and removes the napkin from his lap. “How many do you need?”
You stand up and give him the sweetest smile you can. “We’ll just have to see. I’m sure there are others who will want a picture with you as well.” You look over at the booth and see that they are already lining up to take a picture with Solomon; The Cupid who just couldn’t stay away.
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Tagging: @enchantedforest-network, @chaoticotaku, @nicksworld0715 , @ikevampharem, @ppichippi , @rabba-vee, @alexisjustheree, @scienceisfornerds, @rustybucketofghosts, @ihatecorns, @ignorxntf00l, @sleeppykitten ,@marvelous-maniac, @evervee
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trashland-llamas · 9 months
Bah Bah Black Sheep
x gender neutral reader
Synopsis; Mc has a nightmare where they're the sheep character in Catherine and die trying to complete the obstacle course. Waking up, they go seek their beloved demon.
aka I wanted an excuse to write an Obey me x Catherine cross-over
w.c; 1843
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It was the third night in a row that they shot up from their bed, gasping for breath. Their dream had felt so...real. It had been the third night in a row where they had plummeted from the obstacle course of bricks. Climbing and climbing until they reached the top. An exhaustion hitting their senses and they became lucid, almost as if they had actually pushed the blocks into the needed places. Almost as if they had jumped and crawled. It was strange how a Sisyphean task could plague them so dearly. At this point in the week, MC didn't trust themselves to go back to sleep. Still relatively new to the Devildom, they were unsure how any of the brothers would take to them asking for comfort. If anything it was the lesser of two evils.
Getting out of bed, they tiptoed out their bedroom door with their blanket wrapped around their shoulder. The only thing keeping away the cold as they crept down the hallway.
Mc didn't want to interrupt Lucifer's diligent work, lightly knocking at his open door. Jumping a little, he does well to hide his surprise at his visitor. Wiping the drool from his mouth as he takes in the sheepishness of their form and the design of the blanket slowly falling off their shoulders. 'Sorry, didn't mean to wake you--'
'It's fine,' waving off their apology, 'now what did my brothers do this time?' Assuming mc had come to tattle. 'It wasn't your brothers.' Passing the threshold, they plopped down on the couch. The one that Lucifer would crash on if he hadn't already fallen asleep at his desk. 'Had a nightmare, didn't want to be alone and figured you'd still be awake.' Mc having learned that it did best to be honest with Lucifer. They always got less punishments that way.
Lucifer didn’t know how to feel except…touched that mc chose him over the rest of his brothers. He didn’t really know how to console them. He avoided bringing up the subject of the dream as he believed it would just make matters worse. Having spent time in parallel play before, Lucifer read from the reports he had to fill out. Complaining ad nauseam about the incidents at hand. ‘That’s the–I don’t even know, just that it’s not the first time I’ve had to tell Mammon to stop his underground gambling ring.’ Mc falls asleep once more, finding solace in his voice. 
‘Mc, are you still awake?’ Looking over, he finds his answer. ‘Ah, I’ll take that as a no then.’
Mc's not surprised when they find him moving about the kitchen, ransacking the fridge. Beelzebub abruptly pauses when he spots them, blinking a few times to reassure that he himself isn't dreaming. 'Mc, what are you doing up?'
'Nightmare, what are you making?' Mc quickly changed the topic of conversation, seeking a distraction. 'Found some human recipes I've been wanting to try.' A lot of them being comfort foods they mentioned being a part of their childhood. Something that would make living in the Devildom easier. Steam from the pot wafted towards their nose, 'chicken noodle soup?' The warmth from the kitchen erased the torment they had experienced in their dreams.
Nodding, Beelzebub dished them out a bowl. Gently leading them to a chair, himself perched on the opposing counter top. 'I have the ingredients to make hot chocolate. And you can tell me all about that dream you had...if you want.'
'This is fine, just give me a minute.'
'Take all the time you need.' Beelzebub hangs onto every word they speak, getting up to hug them once finished. 'You're okay, no pesky dream can hurt you here. Will fight them myself.' Trailing his hand up and down their spine, smiling when he hears small snores, carrying them to bed.
‘Mc?’ Leviathan was a light sleeper as it often eluded him. He was aware of their presence in his room when he felt them start to crawl into his bathtub. It was rather roomy despite only being meant to hold one person. It was deeper than it was wide. Mc could see why he hid here when avoiding interactions with his brothers. ‘Levi?’ Not really giving him any response in turn.
‘Not that I mind, but why are you here?’ 
‘Couldn’t sleep…bad dream.’ Levi internally cooed at how soft their voice was. ‘Oh, okay.’ Hearing this, he lifted the blanket, watching as they cuddled up to his side. Placing their blanket over both of them. Leviathan was glad that he kept his room dimly lit. That way, mc wouldn’t see how flushed his face was. ‘I won’t bite.’ Referring to how he was awkwardly hovering his arm above them. ‘What was your dream about?’ 
‘Was stuck in a video game, had to climb these falling blocks, towards this bell. But I fell.’ Levi tried focusing more on their words than the fact they whispered it into his neck. ‘You died?’ His brain filled in the blanks for them, visualizing it clearly. His hand now wrapped around their waist, cradling them to his chest. ‘Mhm,’ the sound of his heartbeat calming their senses. ‘Well, as far as I can tell, you’re still alive.’ Cursing himself at the obliviousness of his statement. Luckily, snores were emitting from them. Feeling safe in his arms.
Unable to find him in his room, MC makes the trek down to the library, hoping to find him there. The lights dimmed, crafting a cozy atmosphere around the avatar of wraith. Surrounded by piles of books, being the reason he doesn’t spot MC slowly making their way towards him. Only looking up when they accidentally stub their toe on one of the table’s legs. ‘MC, what are you doing up?’ Placing a bookmark in his book so as to not lose his spot. Satan knew that humans were more fragile than demons and thus needed sleep to recuperate. ‘Bad dream…couldn’t sleep.’
‘Hmm, c’mere.’ Pushing his chair away from the desk to make room for MC to sit. ‘Do tell, what was this dream about?’ Too exhausted himself to keep up the angry front usually seen day-to-day. ‘Was forced to participate in this game where I had to climb and move these heavy blocks. And there was a monster at the bottom chasing me. Couldn’t think of routes quick enough and ended up going splat.’ 
‘Wouldn’t the monster at the bottom eat you first?’ Ignoring the need to tell them that all they interact with are considered monsters by their realm’s standards, not thinking it’d do any good. ‘Woke up before that happened,’ MC retorted matter of factly. Satan started chuckling, content when his laughter brought a small smile to their lips. 
Standing up, he picked MC up with him, blowing out the candles as he went. ‘Ready to try going back to sleep now?’
‘Will you stay with me?’ Satan couldn’t deny MC with how they clung to his chest, one hand gripping their blanket while the other held a tuft of his shirt. ‘Of course.’
Believes MC was jumping him in the middle of the night, unable to remember if he owed them money. That or…were they trying to steal his treasure? ‘Go back to bed!’ Not wanting to deal with their presence, Mammon rolled over onto his stomach. If he didn’t see them then he wouldn’t have to deal with the dread of betrayal. He’d wake up in the morning and realize that seeing MC standing at his door was a figment of his imagination. Gathering up the courage, they set up their blanket on the side that Mammon isn’t occupying. ‘Ore-sama,’ whispering the makeshift title into his ear. The action causes the avatar of greed to spring up in bed. Only calming down when he hears them laughing at him.
‘You’re actually here?’ MC finding his line of questioning ridiculous, nods. ‘Luci would have my head if I let you freeze.’  Not even bothering to ask why they’ve decided to wiggle into his bed. Instead, Mammon pulls them even closer. Rearranging the blankets once he feels MC’s cold feet on his leg. Nuzzling into their neck, ‘say it again.’ MC knows exactly what he wants to hear but decides to play hard to get. ‘What do you mean?’ Feigning ignorance. ‘You know.’ 
Sighing, they relent. ‘Ore-sama.’ Their voice deadpan. Mammon falls asleep before MC even gets a chance to tell him the contents of their dream. Surprised once more when he wakes up in the morning, MC is still entrapped in his arms. Taking the rare opportunity to trace all their features to memory, scheming as to how he could make this happen again. As to what situations would make them come running to him for protection. He really should have asked them about their dream. 
The avatar of lust sleeps on a plush queen mattress that just screams comfort. A nest of sorts set up with tons of soft blankets in pastel colors. MC would have to get his attention verbally, seeing the eye mask covering…well, his eyes. Or so they thought, ripping it off his head when MC stepped on a creaky floorboard. Apparently Asmodeus was an extremely light sleeper. ‘MC, are you sleepwalking?’ They shook their head no. ‘Don’t get me wrong, your company is lovely, but if you’re not sleepwalking then why are you here?’ Unable to recall if he had shown them his room yet. Concern written all over his features. ‘Got scared and couldn’t sleep…couldn’t be alone.’ Taking in their response, Asmodeus patted the spot next to him, ‘C’mere then.’
‘We talking you got scared of the dark and ended up in my strong arms or did a bad dream lead you here? Was I in your dream?’ Asmodeus going out of his way to compliment himself, now out of the foggy haze that came with being suddenly woken up. ‘I don’t need a nightlight.’ Looking away as they added their blanket to Asmodeus’ cozy nest; crawling underneath his covers while they were at it. ‘Didn’t say you did, but what happened in your dream that spooked you so badly? I can’t help if I don’t know,’ attempting to coax them into telling him. It was rather curiosity leading his train of thought. 
‘I died,’ pausing at Asmodeus’ gasp, ‘was trying to scale this building. Was weird, it was a puzzle. Could feel my muscles getting tired as I did it, moving and pushing the blocks.. I was so close, almost got to the top but I got stuck and slipped.’ Attentively listening with bated breath as they recounted their dream to him. ‘That must’ve been a fright to wake up from. I can see why you wouldn’t want to be alone.’ With the main conversation over, Asmodeus dragged MC with him as he laid back down, gently directing them to rest their head on his chest. ‘It’s okay, I’m happy to be your knight in shining armor. No sleep goblins can get you while I’m around.’
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reccyls · 11 months
The King's game Halloween bonus story is so funny and also extremely interesting.
So King's Game = participants draw lots that have numbers marked on them, except for one that has a dot on it. The person with the dot is the king, and calls out numbers, then the people who have the stick that corresponds to the number has to obey whatever order the king gives.
Crown is doing a king's game for halloween, and it, well.
Practice round: Harrison is the king. He orders #6 to give him their pudding. It turns out to be Elbert. But, Elbert already ate all of his pudding, because it was decorated very prettily and he wanted to have it. So Harrison goes, that's fine, give me Al's pudding instead. Since Alfons is Elbert's servant, that's basically the same thing. And Harrison hasn't forgotten or forgiven the incident where Alfons ate his chocolate pudding
Round 1: Jude as the king orders #3 to work for him for the entire next day. Everyone else is dreading being chosen. Only... #3 is Ellis. Absolutely nothing changes. Ellis is all smiles as he says "looking forward to tomorrow too, Jude"
Round 2: Kate is the next king. She says #1 and #5 have to put their arms around each others' shoulders and say 3 nice things about each other to help build camaraderie. It's Roger and Alfons. Immediately Harrison says, "Oh that's the worst possible combination you could have picked".
Alfons wants to get this over with quickly so he rattles off his list of 3 things: Nice glasses, nice shirt, nice vest. Done.
Roger just laughs and actually decides to give 3 genuine compliments about Alfons. He says that Alfons used to be all cute and innocent way back in the past which is very 👀. I'm not sure if we've ever found out beforehand that they knew each other for that long. Liam also says this is the first he's hearing of it.
Anyway, Roger's next 2 compliments are also apparently genuine. Throughout all of this, Alfons is holding onto his glass so hard that it cracks.
Round 3: Liam is the next king, and he orders #7 to say the tongue twister "Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards" really quickly without biting their tongue. It is Elbert. And he tries. He really really does, poor boy. Alfons calls it off "before El dies of blood loss from biting off his tongue"
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Round 4: Roger as king. He orders #7 to put #8 on their back and do 30 pushups. Then the next day, one of them has to be his test subject. #8 is Ellis... and #7 is Jude. Oh dear.
But Jude does it, and as he gets down to start counting his pushups, Elbert is standing off to the side still trying the tongue twister.
It takes Jude a little bit, but he does get to 30. And immediately after he finishes, he storms outside to smoke. Elbert also finally manages the tongue twister and just says that he's tired.
So next round will be the last one.
Round 5: William is king. He orders #3 to give him a loving kiss.
Oh would you look at that? #3 is Kate. William says that she can kiss him any place that she likes. So she ends up kissing the back of his hand like she's swearing an oath.
And that's the king's game!
...Or is it?
Alfons and Roger are both whining about how tamely it ended and they both start chanting "One more round, one more round" in unison. Everyone gets their turn to appeal to Kate to extend the game even more. Some (like Ellis) say that they're really excited to obey Kate's orders, and others (like, say, Roger) say how they're looking forward to giving her orders.
In the end, the game continues. But as for what happens next, I quote, "What happened between me and then 9 villains that night... Unfortunately, I don't think I shall be able to talk about it. It is just our forbidden secret."
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bluejaysandblackbats · 4 months
You're Just Like Quicksand
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Batman Beyond
Summary: Jason Todd is ready to go into semi-retirement after fifteen years working with troubled youth, but one case in particular forces him to confront the sins of his youth and painful memories from his past. (TW // Character Self Harm Mention in this chapter)
Chapters: 13/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Terry McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Bruce Wayne, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): TBA
Additional Tags: Protective Jason Todd, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Retired Jason Todd, Multiple POV, Hurt/Comfort, Parent-Child Relationships, Canon Divergent AU, Angst, Mourning Jason Todd
Chapter Thirteen: Parasomnias (Jason Todd's POV)
Three weeks passed since I’d seen Terry, but I doubt it helped my case with Andrew. I sat beside Andrew’s bed every night, wondering if I’d made the right choice. It occurred to me that my recollection of my family was rose-tinted and not necessarily reflective of reality. I’d forgotten Andrew’s sleep problems. Years of sleep paralysis nocturnal panic attacks, bedwetting, and insomnia. It started before his mom died, and we tried everything. Over-the-counter sleep vitamins, sleeping pills, nighttime meditation, and lavender in the humidifier. None of it worked until one day it seemed to stop mysteriously. Andrew was fifteen then. That’s when he got hooked on a drug that was a combination of the original fear toxin antidote and a high-dosage sedative. It wasn’t necessarily illegal, but it was experimental at the time. He hated me for taking him off the drug. We were back to sleepless nights. Even after the drug was approved for use, Andrew decided not to take it. 
I turned the soundproofing on for his room, so he wouldn’t wake Avery-Marie, and I sat by his bedside, waiting for the worst. I shut my eyes, not flinching when his hand fell out of the blankets and touched my head. He got an hour of sleep before I heard his breathing. Sleep paralysis. I knew the sound better than anything. He couldn’t scream, so he struggled for breath. Mostly rushed inhales without a solid exhale. “Drewby, it’s okay,” I whispered as I touched his hand. He gasped for air as I pushed his hair back. “Drewby, look at me.”
Andrew leaned forward and started crying into his hands. “Come up here,” Andrew cried. I obeyed, climbing under the blankets with him. I draped my arm around his shoulder, shutting my eyes as he trembled. “I saw her again.” 
“Yeah? Andrew, look at me… It’s okay. Look at me. She’s not here,” Jason whispered. Andrew hid his face in my shoulder and sobbed. “I know… Drewbers, I—.” 
“You don’t know… No one understood except Avery, and he’s gone now. You never told me how he died. Does Avie know?” Andrew asked.
“No, and you won’t ask her,” I whispered. Andrew opened his mouth to argue. “Drewby, let’s go to bed—.” 
“Maggie and Mom haunt me when I sleep… Tell me what happened to Avery,” Andrew replied. 
I covered my face. “Drugs… He wrote a letter. It mentioned you… He said the same thing you told me… No one understood except you. Will you ever tell me what happened?” I questioned. 
“Drugs? Avery who took his meds in chocolate pudding?” Andrew laughed. It was the first time I’d heard him laugh since before the incident. “He—. He wouldn’t. You’re lying.” Andrew’s laugh faded into weeping. I rubbed his back. 
“I wish I was lying. I never saw it coming. He looked so happy, Drewby. I saw him the day before. I—. One year. He’s been gone a year. Abigail blames herself for bringing drugs into the house, but it wasn’t her fault,” I whispered. 
“It wasn’t yours either… You made a mistake. No one thought he’d kill Maggie… But why didn’t you quit?” Andrew asked. “Is this one anything like—?”
“No… He was upset, but I’ve been watching him. He’ll get over it. I wasn’t in his life as long as H—. I wasn’t in his life long. He’ll move on,” I reassured him.
“Did Uncle Dick let you see what happened to Henry?” Andrew questioned. I shook my head. I shut my eyes, remembering Dick blocking me from entering. 
“He said, ‘I can’t let you in there. It’s not good.’ I didn’t see anything. Barbara drove me to the hospital… And you were gone when I got there. They never found Mikey—.” 
“Michael’s alive. I saw him,” Andrew whispered as he wiped his face.
I didn’t know what to say. Andrew was in and out, so I couldn’t tell how much of what he said was true. He kept cycling back and forth between the past and present. “I saw Michael with somebody. They were in Louisiana. Kissing. He saw me and I waved, but I don’t remember—.” Andrew rubbed his eyes. “It was Louisiana. I know it was because people were celebrating in the streets… He smiled at me.”
Andrew laid his head on my lap, and I stared at the posters on Michael’s side of the room. “How’d he look?” I asked. I shouldn’t have asked him, but my heart got the better of me.
“He was drunk, but he looked cleaned up… He had a suit on. I feel him sometimes… So, he’s still—. He’s still alive, Dad,” Andrew answered. 
I scratched his head. “Are you tired?” I questioned. 
“No more than usual. Where’s Uncle Dick?” Andrew asked in reply. Dick loved my kids. He always visited them between missions, entertaining them while I was busy. He used to do all sorts of tricks with the kids when they were little. Old circus habits died hard, I guess. Andrew loved him. Andrew ran away from home once when he was thirteen and went straight to Uncle Dick’s in Blüdhaven. He always ran to Dick’s, but he didn’t that last time. Andrew didn’t want to be found and was smart enough to stay hidden from me until he felt like seeing me again. 
“Do you wanna go up to Uncle Dick’s to visit for a few days?” I asked.
“Are you dropping me off? I don’t want—.” 
“I won’t leave you there… I think—. It’ll be nice to take you and Avie to see your uncle. It’s been five years… And he hasn’t met Avie yet. We’ll take a family trip,” I replied. Andrew rolled over. 
“Did you tell him I’m alive yet?” Andrew asked. I hadn’t told anyone. Andrew held my hand as his eyes fluttered. He was exhausted and fighting it every step of the way. 
“No, I didn’t tell him, Andrew… What’s on your mind?” I asked. 
“Don’t tell anyone yet… I don’t want to leave the house right now. Please,” Andrew pleaded as he hid his face in my side. 
I faded into a memory. Andrew and Michael were twelve, and I was up late working in the living room when I heard Andrew in the laundry room. I got up to check on him, and he hid his face in my sweater, holding the fabric tight in his little fists. “Drewby, what’s bubbling beneath the surface?” I asked aloud like I did that night thirteen years ago. I rustled a hand through my son’s hair and watched as he looked at me with his big brown eyes. 
“After Henry killed Maggie, Avery snapped, and he got loose. Henry shot him—. No, he grazed Avery’s arm, but it didn’t stop him. Avery beat Henry to death with his bare hands, and I had Maggie’s—. Maggie’s blood was all over my face. 
“And Avery untied me and hugged me, but I couldn’t cry. How could I cry when Avery did the unthinkable to save me? I don’t know what happened to Michael or how he got free, but I—. Every time I get close to him I can’t speak. He didn’t see what Avery and I saw, so he can still smile. What Avery did killed him… What I saw broke me. He looked untouched by it all. I can’t take that from him,” Andrew mumbled. 
“How many times have you seen him?” I asked. I couldn’t process anything he said about Maggie and Avery. It was too much to think about.
“Twice. I would’ve gone to see him this year, but I couldn’t look at him anymore. He’s still in Louisiana… So, he’s not hiding anymore. You should go. Take Avie with you—.” 
“I can’t leave you, Drewby,” I interrupted. 
Andrew smiled. “I’ll be here. I promise I won’t hurt myself,” Andrew whispered. I shook my head. I was afraid. I couldn’t lose another child. 
“I’ll wait until we can go together… I can wait,” I reassured him. Andrew yawned. “Sleepy?” 
“I’m always tired… But, I don’t know if I can sleep. You can sleep if you—.”
“Don’t worry about me. Get some shuteye,” I whispered. I playfully snipped at his bangs… But the truth was, it took all my mental power to bury what he said about his brother and sister. That would haunt me forever.
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evereinefaust · 6 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐬 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Chocolate X afab!Reader
Synopsis: After witnessing Chocolate being intimate with one of their customers, MC was reminded of her past wound and current insecurities.
Word Count: 1,834
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[Y/n]'s [e/c] orbs gazed over at the tan, raven-haired male as he gracefully strode to every table and served the customers. She frowned after seeing a blonde girl starting a conversation with him, an evident blush adorning her cheeks when Chocolate chuckled. An invisible knife pierced through her heart and it brought immense pain along with it. She sighed in frustration, returned inside the kitchen, and sat on a stool.
"I really can't, after all..."
She banged her head against the kitchen's marble counter, alerting the blonde worker beside her. "You okay, [Y/n]-chan?" Cheese asked, worried about why the girl would bang her head against the marble.
"I'm fine," her muffled reply didn't send any reassurance to the older female.
Cheese frowned then gently lifted her master's head only to see a wound on her forehead, blood dripping down in between her eyes. [Y/n] could only stare at the blonde with an annoyed look on her face for disturbing her breakdown.
"Wah! [Y/n]-chan, you're bleeding!" the female screamed in horror at the sight.
"It's nothing. I'll just bandage it later on," [Y/n] stubbornly insisted, carefully removing Cheese's hand from her shoulder and standing up, about to leave. "Sorry to disturb your work."
"Don't leave yet! I still need to treat your wound!" It was obvious that Cheese was panicking. After all, she was in the middle of cooking when her master attendant decided to injure herself by banging her head against the marble counter and acting as if nothing happened then leaving.
"I'm fine!" [Y/n] persisted, trying to pry away from the blonde mouse's tight grip on her. "Please return to your job, Chi-chan!"
Their argument lasted for quite a good few minutes and slowly their increasing volume of voices can be heard by the customers. Some of them even paused eating and stared at the door to the kitchen with curiosity and anxiety. This even earned the waiters' attention such as Chocolate, Pudding, and Sandwich. At first, Chocolate tried to focus on his work and let Cheese handle their master attendant but then a loud shout alerted everyone in the room.
He gave Pudding the tray that he was holding before rushing into the kitchen. But as he was about to open the door, a short, [h/c]-haired female exited at the same time, her figure whipping right past him.
"[Y]...[/n]?" Chocolate stared at the entrance of the restaurant where the girl had run to, his sky blue hues bewildered at the occurrence.
Even the customers were worried about the well-being of the girl who stomped out of the restaurant in pure rage. Most of their customers were regulars at the restaurant and personally knew the girl who owned it, so seeing her in such a state made them question what might have happened between her and her food souls.
Pudding and Sandwich reassured the customers while Chocolate talked to Cheese about what had happened. The sad look on the female's face was evident as she explained everything to the ravenette.
"Okay. Thank you for telling me this, Cheese. I'll go and talk to Master Attendant," Chocolate said and then left the restaurant in search of his missing attendant.
Chocolate could only guess that the girl ran back home after the incident, and true enough when he returned home, he asked every food soul he'd encountered about her. They all said that she had locked herself in her room, telling everyone who tried to approach her to go away and leave her alone, which they reluctantly obeyed.
"I wondered what happened to her, she's making all of us worry," the tan male frowned, his brows creasing with worry over the girl. Once he reached the room at the end of the hallway, he stood there and fixed himself. He gently knocked on the wood. "[Y/n]? It's me, Chocolate. May I enter?"
"Go away. Leave me alone please."
The male sighed. He tried twisting the knob open to know if it was locked or not, and fortunately, it was open. He welcomed himself inside and made sure to close the door behind him. There he saw the girl sitting on her bed, her back leaning against the headboard. Her legs propped up and arms wrapped securely around it, burying her face. Chocolate only witnesses his master attendant being upset rarely since she's bright and cheerful when she's with them.
"Go away, Sho-kun. I don't want to talk to anyone right now," he heard her muffled reply.
"What if I don't want to? What will you do?" Chocolate pressed, disobeying her completely as he walked over to her and sat on the edge of the bed in front of her.
[Y/n] didn't answer Chocolate's question. This made the male confused as to why she stayed quiet and was about to touch her when a hand slapped him away. "I said go away, didn't I?" she snapped at him, her [e/c] hues glaring intensely at him.
By this time, the ravenette fully saw the swelling wound on the girl's forehead, along with some smudged, dried blood on it. He also observed her red, puffy eyes and knew that she had been crying ever since she came home.
"What's wrong, [Y/n]? Is there something upsetting you?" he asked, genuinely worried about her. His brows were knitted upwards and his sapphire eyes showed grief in them.
[Y/n] immediately regretted snapping at her food soul once she saw his crestfallen expression. She turned away to avoid his gaze and tried not to tear up in front of him. After all, she doesn't let anyone witness her vulnerable state to avoid having them worry sickly about her. She always considers herself an emotional pillar to everyone and she should never show any weakness because of this.
Her food souls knew how hard and strict she was with herself. They knew how she beat herself up just for the sake of others and she would always think more about them and less of herself. Whenever she gets hurt or feels depressed, she would just lock herself in her room and beat herself up, even more, thinking that she doesn't deserve to be weak at all.
In the end, this made her heart stone cold and her feelings practically numb.
"I'm sorry..."
"Sorry for what?" Chocolate brushed a strand of her [h/c] locks away from her injury.
"For snapping at you and Chi-chan and for making the others go away. I should never have done that..." she muttered, regret evident in her tone.
"It's okay," the ravenette reassured. "Let me treat your wound first so it doesn't get infected," he then stood and grabbed the first-aid kit from her bathroom.
Chocolate started to treat [Y/n]'s wound as the teen patiently waited for him to finish. Once he was done with her wound, he returned the kit to its proper place and sat back on the bed he previously sat on.
"I will let Milk or Tiramisu check on your wound once they get back," he told her.
"Now, if you would, please fill me in on why would you do something like that," sapphire eyes stared intently at the girl as if searching her soul for the answer.
[Y/n] sighed, giving up on being a tough nut to crack. "I just got frustrated when I saw you being swooned over by other girls," she admitted, feeling embarrassed to even say the reason for her frustration.
Chocolate had the urge to chuckle and tease her for being jealous but he suppressed it, knowing that it would hurt her feelings and upset her more. After all, she's been through a lot, and by her experience, she won't be upset over something as trivial as this. He could only guess that her seeing him in such a situation triggered something inside of her. A breakup, maybe?
"It's just..." she let out an exasperated breath and continued, "It's just that I saw him in you."
"'Him'?" the male cocked a brow.
"[Ex/n]. My first and now my ex-boyfriend," a sad smile was plastered on her face as she said the name.
After seeing her sad smile, Chocolate immediately reminded him of his previous master attendant. A sharp ache struck him and he clutched his chest tightly due to the pain.
"How long has it been?"
"I'm not pretty sure myself... Maybe three months or so? I never knew since we never had a proper break-up like saying 'let's break up' or something," she told him. "It's more like we slowly gave up on each other—to let each other down slowly."
"It's entirely my fault. I hurt him greatly and now I don't know how to make up for my mistake—to make up for him. We've lasted for at least a year. It's quite a feat for my first time, huh?" she chuckled bitterly then frowned afterward. "After that, I asked him about what he wanted me to do: to be still with him or to leave his life entirely. But he never responded for the longest time I've waited for his answer."
After seeing his master attendant recollect her painful past relationship, he wrapped his arms around her without thinking about the action. This surprised both of them but neither pulled away. [Y/n] slowly relaxed in the embrace and placed her hands on the male's back.
"I'm sorry for making you remember your past," Chocolate whispered in her ears, clear guilt heard in his tone.
[Y/n] shook her head. "No, it's fine. It's not just you, whenever I see any of my male food souls being close to girls other than me or the others, I feel extremely jealous and upset. I kept remembering [ex/n] no matter how hard I tried to move on. I kept thinking what if I didn't make that stupid mistake, then maybe we'll still be together right now and experience happiness once again."
By this time, all the welled-up feelings were released from [Y/n]'s stone heart. The numbness has gone temporarily and she could feel the excruciating pain in her heart. The girl sobbed, clenching tightly on Chocolate's clothes, afraid that he'd vanish from her grasp. Her lids were closed shut as a waterfall of tears cascaded down her pale cheeks.
Chocolate stared at the pillows with saddened, half-lidded eyes, his grip still secure on the girl. He never knew that she was going through much in her teenage life, but despite all of it, she's desperately trying to stay strong for all of them—to be the pillar of support. He gripped her body closer and closed his eyes.
"I promise to heal your wound that reopened, I promise to protect you and ensure that you're always smiling," Chocolate slowly pulled away to examine her tear-stained face. He wiped it gently using his thumb. He leaned in and planted a loving kiss on top of her head. "I don't want to see you looking upset. I hope you are always happy when you are with me."
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rihannatoxic · 2 years
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Continued chapter
Chapter 10:Lost & Found prt.3
Previously on distance
But wang questioned him, sir? Aren't you forgetting something? It took him a while before realizing what he was talking about. Then he instructed him to head home to the villa. Hoseok couldn't help but feel anxious to get home. He got out of the car telling wang he didn't need to open the door for him as for the both of them had a long day. He insisted he go home and have the day off and tomorrow.
But sir-Knowing he couldn’t obey his boss order he didn’t bother speaking anymore and pulled off.
Hours later after the incident, you started to wake up slightly as the drug effect started wearing off considering the fact you slept it off.
You then used the little strength you did have to open your eyes. You then sat up noticing that you were in a bed you then started to look around the room observing it wishing that you can get up out of the bed to inspect it further but you only had so little strength.
As you looked around, it was bout the biggest room you saw guessing it was a master bedroom
Room POV
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You thought the room was beautiful and fancy and got caught up in a thought of how the rest of it looked. But finally came back to reality and was wondering how you got there and why were you there in the bed seeking through your thoughts a man came into the room in a suit nicely fitted to his height with a tray and platter.
You're finally awake my lady He said. I brought you some breakfast and some nutrients to help with the effect of the drug He said.
Breakfast?My lady?Drug?! You thought how did this man know was the one who drugged you and why is he serving you? You sat there quietly as your throat started to tighten making it hard for you to swallow as you caught a slight chill down your spine. He then came over to your bedside and sat the platter down and picked up the cup of nutrients it smelled like tea, he then stood next to you handing you the cup. You don't know who the man was nor did you ask to know you just didn't let your guard down with her. He then noticed you were a little shaken by his presence and started to speak up.
Oh, my apologies my lady he said kneeling in front of you as he spoke out. I'm W I didn't mean to startle you or make you feel uncomfortable I hope my lady will accept this treatment and feel better. Feeling a little at ease you took the cup of Nutrients praying that nothing was wrong with it you didn't allow your negative thoughts to come in. What if it's poison? What if I die? Should I trust him? You then started liking down into the cup. Well, it smells nice you thought, and decided to take a sip. It was good but has a strong aftertaste. It wasn't bad but you snapped out of it and forgot that a man was kneeling before you. You ain't have the nerve to speak but instead eased over out of the bed and help lift him.
But on the other hand, he spoke up and said I'm sorry to my lady you shouldn't have helped me it is my job to help you I have failed to do my job correctly please punish me. Wait punished he didn't even do anything wrong you thought. You then realize that you couldn't keep giving him the silent treatment and spoke up and said No.No I....It's not like you didn't fail you helped me. Please get up. He then listened to you and stood up. He then said Thank You, my lady.
N-No, please have a seat. He was a little surprised but rejected you saying I'm sorry my lady but I have to refuse. A little shocked you then said please have a seat I feel bad because of all the time you were kneeling. He felt some kind of affection because no one has ever treated him with kind respect. You then felt your stomach sink in with hunger as he started to hold the plate asking you what do you want from the platter. The covered pancakes and chocolate caught your eye. He then removed the plate from the platter and sat it on the side of the table. With a glass of orange juice. You then finished up your Nutrients by chugging them down. You then begin grabbing the spoon and drizzling the chocolate over the pancakes and strawberries.
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A few minutes later you finished eating and were getting a little drowsy feeling sleepy your body letting you know that you were tired and needed sleep. But you wanted to ask the man why were you there and what was his name but you figured it can wait and laid down for a rest. Wondering through your thoughts you felt the urge to cry but held it back because you had to stay strong and most importantly find a way to get out of there. What was going on in the world? All the business meetings and jobs paperwork and who was going to manage the tower while you were gone. You then became frustrated breaking your rest it was bad for you to go back to sleep but you manage to anyways.......
Meanwhile...Hoseok POV
We've been up in the sky for 12 hours I wonder how long it will be till we land. The flight attendant on the jet then came in. Is there anything I can help you with sir? Yeah, coffee it will do he said looking down at the paper paying her no mind. She then bends over in front of him getting a mug to pour the coffee in. He then lowered his paper on set it aside. By the looks of it, he knew she had bad intentions her skirt was too short which is a violation because it should be knee length. She then went to pour hoseok a cup of coffee but purposely tripped over the seat spilling the coffee on him.
Oh, I'm so sorry sir she said as she started bending down in front of him again getting a towel from the cart. The only thought that ran through his mind was...Is she dumb she's wearing a fucking skirt for god's sake why is she not squatting down? Is she a fucking man or what? She then finished getting the towel standing up as her shirt rolled up to her waist ignoring the fact that her lingerie was showing. She then leaned into him wiping the coffee off hoseok toon off his suit and vest u buttoning his shirt showing his muscles, and waistline. The attendant didn't waste any time and fell over into his lap oh I'm so sorry sir I didn't mean to she said In a slick and lower seductive tone.
I-I apologize sir I'm very clumsy please forgive me. He then wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close to him he then locked eyes with her. She then held the towel close to her feeling her heart pound as her face started to blush. She then saw it as an opportunity to lean in to kiss hoseok. But before she could she found her face grabbed and thrown over to the other side of the jet. Hoseok then stood up and called her a “pervert”.Thank you for my key card you may leave now he said glaring at her. Feeling flabbergasted she could do nothing but leave. Hoseok then laid back letting out a chuckle. She thought I was feeling her she is not my munch. He then sighed looking at the time of his watch it was almost time for him to land.
I wonder how y/n is doing. I miss her. I hope she is okay. As those thoughts ran through his head he started blushing red. He then started looking through his photos and memories of you and him together...
Uhh...why can't I ever win him over It has never been hard to win a man over why it's so difficult with him she said furiously. A fucking keycard really why... A smirk then appeared on her face as she said I always get what the hell I want he'll come around sooner or later.
A grimacing smile appeared on her face in the mirror. Fixing her skirt and u buttoning the top of her shirt revealing her breasts. Let's see how this goes as she walked out of the back with a smirk on her mouth with red lipstick on. Only if she knew hoseok didn't like red......
To be continued...
Copyright © 2022, rihannatoxic| Tumblr | no reposts, translations, copies, etc.
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linpunny · 4 years
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Pocky game
‘Just a taste…’Mc brought the mixing spoon to their lips and indulged in the sweet taste of the warm chocolate mix.  “Its perfect!!” They exclaimed happily.’ Just a few more mixes and it should be ready to be put into the molds.’ Without thinking they licked the spoon and mixed the paste a few more times before starting to pour the mixture into the molds. The molds consisted of varying traditional Devildom valentines shaped designs. Hearts, bats, skulls, three legged crows and of course Ruri-chan and Azuki-tan from The Magical Ruri Hanai: Demon Girl anime. (courtesy of Levi.) “Oi MC pass the bowl over here will ya!” Mammon shouted. The demon brothers and MC continued to pour the mix into the molds completely unaware that the chocolate had already been enchanted by MC’s lips. An indirect kiss. Thus, the Chocolate Incident begins. Will the brothers be able to restrain themselves from the overpowering feelings of love for MC? Or will they fall head over heels for MC?
A/N: I was more than just a little disappointed that there were no sexy demon kisses in the event. I sparked inspiration after reading @sevensins-stuff post for their genius interpretation of how the event SHOULD have gone. The idea was there, and the story line could have been something romantic but ya know… lolz. The backstory belongs to Sevensins-stuff, I’m just writing fics based off their idea. Please enjoy!  Inspiration from the Chocolate Incident Pop Quiz SSR Mammon card “Too Sweet to Be True” unlocked devils flower. 
Warnings: None
word count: 1004
               “Mammon! Wait! Don’t take any chocolate yet.” MC raised an eyebrow at the greedy demon who was already stuffing various chocolates into individual bags and heart shaped boxes. “Why the hell not MC? What good is all this chocolate doin’ just sitting here. Sides’ I can make a huge profit off this stuff.” Mammon shot MC a toothy grin, his signature shades hiding the true intentions from the perfect little human who was prancing around the kitchen. Mammon went over the plan in his head again, ‘Kiss the chocolate. Ask MC to taste it. Make MC fall so hopelessly in love with THE GREAT Mammon that they forget my stupid brothers even exist. Its full proof. The Great Mammon is a genius. ’ This might be harder than he thought though, he was feeling a little guilty for trying to trick his human into falling in love with him. He ruffled his messy white hair in frustration, unsure if he would actually be able to give them his enchanted chocolates. 
Mammon wanted MC to fall in love with him just as naturally as he had. Everyone in Devildom knew he was not too fond of the human exchange student at first. They were a hassle and he hated that Lucifer had put him in charge of watching over someone so fragile. What good would come from him being involved with a human? Despite how much he tried to resist and deny his feelings it was hopeless. MC was now more important than Goldie, and all the Grimm in Devildom.
“MC, look there’s somethin’ I need to tell ya-“ He was cut off by MC waving a stick of homemade Pocky in his face, their eyes taunting him, “There’s a game we play in the human world with Pocky..wanna try it? I bet you’ll lose.” They teased and winked playfully at him. “You think you can win against the Great Mammon?? IN YOUR DREAMS MC. Ya do know who your talking to right?” He cocked an eyebrow at them and let his sunglasses fall down the bridge of his nose, revealing his haughty gaze. “Explain the rules and watch Mammon beat ya. Don’t go cryin to me when ya lose Human.” His words were laced with confidence as he laughed at MC.
Mammon’s confidence was now shattered into a million pieces as he stared down at MC with a stick of chocolate hanging from his lips, he could feel the heat from his face radiating as MC looked at him with those curious eyes. T-t-too close!!! He took a small nibble of the pocky, the sweet taste of chocolate melting in his mouth as he tried to muster the courage to continue the game. Suddenly every inch of Mammon’s body seemed to be on fire. His bones ached and it felt like his body was at war with his pounding heart. He felt lightheaded as he took another bite of the pocky, his mouth inching closer and closer to MC’s. Another bite. Another nibble. Another inch closer to him losing himself to the human who was teasing him with their lips. He couldn’t handle it anymore, the heat from his face was now spreading to his entire body.
“Tch.” Mammon bite down hard on the pocky and spit his end of the stick on the floor. MC staggered backwards but he grabbed for their wrist and pulled them closer to him. His eyes were like an ocean, strong and violent as the waves crashed and swelled within him. He brought their hand to his lips and brushed a few kisses against their knuckles , a low growl escaping from his throat as he proceeded to place gentle kisses on their fingertips, “MC, don’t ya know your driving me crazy over here…acting all innocent, teasing me with…” he dropped their hand and brushed a thumb against their lower lip “Your mouth…” His voice low and sultry as he planted a heated kiss on their soft lips. He moaned lowly as he his felt the hands of his precious human tangle in his hair, begging and pleading for more of the warmth that was washing over the two.  Greedily he licked and nibbled on their lips enjoying himself before sliding his tongue in their mouth, tasting every inch of them that he could.
He broke the kiss as the pair panted gazing into each other’s eyes, “You win this time human..” He mumbled as he went in for another kiss. 
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qrowsofafeather · 4 years
*rubs hands*
.... wait can we smooch the others? The Otaku FM episode seemed to imply it was brothers only.
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Silly MC, you know damn well why.
... you tease. ;)
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emmys-grimoire · 4 years
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Heh. Don’t think he’s going to be this confident in the next lesson.
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obeymedreams · 4 years
Melting Mess
Okay, so we know that the chocolates melt pretty quickly when the brothers touch it!
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Is it because they forgot to temper the chocolate or because demons run hotter than humans?
Also this event weirdly enough could have worked for easter, like an easter egg hunt except the eggs try to escape you.
Side note: My soul is CRUSHED that I cannot get the Luke and Lucifer card. I was not expecting it to require part 2 completion! I want to know about their relationship so badly!
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insect-empire · 4 years
The Chocolate Incident Archive
The twitter announcement:
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Pop quiz:
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Pop quiz icon (transparent):
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2/13/2021 - 2/23/2021
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blue-temperature · 4 years
[ESP] Obey Me — The Chocolate Incident —
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/¡\ Advertencia: Esta traducción, al igual que las próximas tendrán solo las opciones que yo elegí mientras jugaba. Si quieren que agregue todas las opciones y sus respuestas, dejen un comentario aquí en Tumblr o en mi cuenta de Twitter /!\
La Gran Caza de Chocolate
— Beelzebub: Fiú... Aquí vamos.
— Mammon: ¡Whoa! ¡¿Qué demonios es eso?!
— Satan: ¿Es... una roca?
— Beelzebub: No, es chocolate.
— Mammon: ¡¿Chocolate?! ¡¿Llamas a eso chocolate?! ¡Luce más como una roca!
[ Definitivamente luce como una roca ] ✓ [ Luce delicioso para mí... ]
— Mammon: ¿Verdad? No luce como chocolate para mí...
— Beelzebub: Aunque es no es solo cualquier chocolate. Este chocolate es 99% cacao puro.
— Mammon: ¿Qué significa eso?
— Satan: ¿No lo has oído? Elegir chocolate basado en el porcentaje de cacao es furor estos días. Comer una pequeña cantidad de chocolate negro cada día se supone que es bueno para tu piel y salud en general.
— Mammon: Oh... Entonces, ¿Qué hay con ese gran pedazo de chocolate?
— Beelzebub: Mi tienda favorita me lo vendió. Pero es demasiado amargo, así que necesito agregarle leche y azúcar, entonces dejarlo endurecerse de nuevo antes de poder comerlo...
[ Qué dolor... ] [ ¿Seguro puedes comerlo como está, Beel? ] ✓
— Satan: Hay algunos que comen 99% de chocolate negro...
— Beelzebub: Le di un mordisco antes, pero incluso yo no pude soportar la amargura... Además, hay una cosa más que hace a este chocolate especial.
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— Beelzebub: El chocolate está encantado. Primero, haces que la persona que te gusta bese el chocolate. Entonces, cuando lo comes...
— Mammon: ¿Besar el chocolate...?
— Beelzebub: Tus sentimientos serán correspondidos.
— Satan: Tus sentimientos...
— Mammon: ...serán...
— Leviathan: ¡¿CORRESPONDIDOS?!
— Mammon: ¡AAGH! Levi, ¡¿Cuándo llegaste aquí?!
— Belphegor: Estoy aquí también, sabes.
— Asmodeus: Oooh, ¡Suena divertido!
— Lucifer: Suena como que un desastre está esperando para ocurrir.
[ ¡Estoy de acuerdo! ] ✓ [ No terminará en desastre... probablemente. ]
— Lucifer: Es todo tan fácil de imaginar.
— Mammon: Por cierto, ¡¿Quién los invitó a todos aquí en primer lugar?!
— Asmodeus: Dijiste que los sentimientos serán correspondidos si comes el chocolate después de que la persona que amas lo bese, ¿cierto?
— Leviathan: ¿La persona que tú...a-a-a-ames...?
[ ¿Por qué todos me están mirando? ] [ ¿“La persona que amas”, huh...? ] ✓
— Asmodeus: Me pregunto a quién ama MC...
— Leviathan: Tengo... ¡Tengo que sabeeeeeeer!
— Beelzebub: Bueno, voy a hacer algo de chocolate.
— Mammon: ¡Estoy haciendo un poco también!
— Asmodeus: ¡Ooh! ¡Yo también, yo también!
— Beelzebub: ¿Qué hay con ustedes chicos...?
— Lucifer: *suspiro* Tengo un mal presentimiento sobre esto.
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— Beelzebub: ¿Todos vinieron a hacer chocolate, huh...?
— Lucifer: Solo estoy aquí supervisando para asegurarme de que no destruyan la cocina.
— Belphegor: Despiértenme cuando el chocolate esté terminado... *bostezo*...
— Mammon: ¿Para qué te molestas siquiera?
— Satan: ¿Debemos empezar entonces?
— Beelzebub: Dividámonos. La mitad de nosotros puede cortar el chocolate y la otra mitad puede derretirlo.
— Mammon: Yo cortaré.
— Beelzebub: Yo quiero ayudar cortando también.
— Satan: Yo derretiré el chocolate.
— Asmodeus: ¡Yo también!
— Leviathan: Um... Probablemente debería ayudar derritiendo el chocolate también... La labor física no es realmente mi fuerte.
— Beelzebub: ¿Qué quieres hacer, MC?
[ Cortaré el chocolate. ] ✓ [ Derretiré el chocolate. ]
— Mammon: ¡Dulce! ¡Cortemos el chocolate juntos, MC!
— Beelzebub: Estoy feliz de que estés con nosotros.
— Leviathan: ¡Cambié de opinión! ¡Quiero cortar chocolate!
— Mammon: ¡Sin cambios de lado!
— Beelzebub: Movámonos a nuestras estaciones entonces.
[ ··· ]
— Beelzebub: El chocolate está derretido finalmente.
— Mammon: ¡Oh! Probémoslo entonces...
— Beelzebub: Yo no haría eso...
— Mammon: ¡BLEEEEGH! ¡Es tan AMARGO! ¡Sabe como ceniza...!
[ Quiero probarlo también. ] [ ¿Has comido ceniza antes? ] ✓
— Mammon: Bueno...n-no, ¡No lo hice! ¡Pero así es como imagino que sabe la ceniza!
— Beelzebub: Siguiente, lo agregaremos en leche y azúcar.
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— Asmodeus: Ahora, lo vertemos en el molde de chocolate...
— Satan: Todo lo que queda es esperar a que se endurezca.
— Belphegor: *bostezo*... ¿Ya está listo el chocolate? ¿Hm? Whoa... ¡Mira todo esto! La mesa entera está cubierta con chocolate... ¿Están pensando en abrir una tienda de chocolate o algo?
[ Definitivamente hicimos demasiado. ] ✓ [ ¡No se echará a perder por algunos días! ]
— Belphegor: ¿Qué estaban pensando al hacer tanto de una sola vez?
— Lucifer: Bueno, lo hecho, hecho está.
— Mammon: De todos modos, debería estar endurecido mañana por la mañana. ¡No puedo esperar para probarlo!
— Asmodeus: Mañana en la mañana...
— Leviathan: ¿Mañana, huh? Hm...
[ Ambos tienen esa mirada en sus ojos. ] ✓ [ ¡No puedo esperar tampoco! ]
— Leviathan: ¡¿Qu-Qué mirada?! ¡No tengo ninguna mirada!
— Asmodeus: Estás imaginando cosas, MC.
— Lucifer: Ahora que han terminado con el chocolate, ¿De quién es el turno de cocinar la cena y qué piensa hacer a esta hora?
— Leviathan: Ups...
— Lucifer: *suspiro* Delivery será.
— Asmodeus: ¿Quién dijo que pediremos pizza? Voto por comida francesa.
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— Mammon: ¡De acuerdo! ¡¿Cómo va nuestro chocolate?!
— Leviathan: ¡Hey, deja de empujar!
— Asmodeus: ¡Levi, tú eres el que está empujando!
— Mammon: Hm... ¿Huh?
— Beelzebub: Se ha...ido. No queda ni una sola pieza... ¡¿Qu-Qu-Qu-Qu-...Qué está pasando aquí?!
[ Beel, ¿Te lo comiste? ] ✓ [ Mammon, ¿Lo vendiste? ]
— Beelzebub: No, no fui yo.
— Mammon: ¡¿Entonces quién lo HIZO?! Asmo, anduviste fisgoneando alrededor del chocolate desde ayer.
— Asmodeus: ¡Solo porque Levi tenía esa mirada en sus ojos!
— Leviathan: ¡Espera un minuto! ¡¿Estás implicando que yo tengo algo que ver en esto?!
— Belphegor: *suspiro* Esto suena como que tomará un tiempo...
— Satan: Mientras que no se vuelva un baño de sangre...
[ ¡TODOS, DETÉNGANSE! ] ✓ [ Quedarse atrás y mirar. ]
— Mammon: *tragar*...
— Asmodeus: Lo siento...
— Leviathan: *gemido*
— Lucifer: MC tiene razón. Qué patética exhibición.
— Mammon: ¡Pero todos están diciendo que no tocaron el chocolate!
— Belphegor: ¿Entonces quién fue?
— Beelzebub: ¿Hm...? ¿Vieron esa cosa marrón volar fuera de la cocina?
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— Satan: ¿Qué dem...? ¿Qué son esas pequeñas cosas marrones volando alrededor de la cocina?
— Beelzebub: ...Se ve como el chocolate que hicimos.
[ No hay manera... ] [ ¡¿El chocolate se está moviendo?! ] ✓
— Beelzebub: Es casi como si estuviera vivo.
— Asmodeus: ¿Es esto a lo que se referían cuando dijeron que estaba encantado?
— Beelzebub: No mencionaron nada como esto.
— Mammon: ¡Hey, tú! ¡Regresa aquí, pequeño...! ¡GRRAAAH! ¡Maldita sea...!
— Satan: ¡Es demasiado rápido!
— Mammon: ¡Hey, se dirige hacia la puerta!
[ ¡No dejen que se vaya! ] ✓ [ Dejarlo ir. ]
— Mammon: ¿Cuál es el problema, de todos modos?
— Asmodeus: Um, ¿Hola? ¡Ese chocolate está encantado! Si toca los labios de alguien y de alguna manera termina en la boca de alguien más...
— Leviathan: ...¡Tendremos parejas formándose por todo el lugar!
— Lucifer: Será mejor que los capturen a todos antes de que puedan dejar esta casa.
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— Mammon: ¡Heeey, choco, choco, chocooo! ¡¿Dónde estás?! ¿Hm? ¿Viniste a ayudarme a buscar, MC? Podría jurar que vi uno volando por aquí, pero no puedo encontrarlo.
[ ¿Por qué no intentas llamarlo de manera agradable? ] ✓ [ Solo tenemos que seguir buscando. ]
— Mammon: ¿Crees que nos entienda? Bueno, vale la pena intentarlo. Sal, pequeño. No voy a lastimarte... ¡Hey! ¡Ahí está! ¡Vamos, tú! Grr... ¡¿Cómo es tan rápido?! ¡Ni siquiera tiene alas!
[ Acercarse por el otro lado. ] ✓ [ Anima a Mammon. ]
— Mammon: ¡Gracias! ¡Grrrraagh! ¡Bien! ¡Atrapé uno! ¡Jejeje! No te alejarás de mí esta vez. ...¿Huh? ¡AAAAGH! ¡Se derritió! ¡Lo apreté demasiado fuerte y se derritió!
[ La temperatura de tu cuerpo es alta después de correr tanto alrededor. ] [ Awww... ] ✓
— Mammon: Mi chocolate... MC y yo íbamos... ¡Maldición...! ¡No me rendiré! ¡Tiene que haber más chocolate en algún lugar de por aquí! ¡Estoy yendo por tiiiii!
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— Leviathan: Muajaja... Pon esto aquí... y acomoda esto así... ...¡WAAAH! ¡¿Qu-Quién está ahí?! Oh, eres tú, MC. Me sorprendiste. Acabo de terminar de armar una trampa para atrapar al chocolate.
[ ¡Gran idea! ] ✓ [ ¿Una... trampa de chocolates? ]
— Leviathan: Lo sé, ¡¿cierto?! ¡Es infalible! ¡Debo ser un genio! Así es como funciona. Pongo una pieza regular de chocolate aquí para atraer al chocolate encantado dentro. Cuando el chocolate se aproxime, pensando que es uno de su propio tipo, tiraré de esta cuerda y la caja le caerá encima... Así, atrapará al chocolate dentro. No es la trampa más original, pero es efectiva. Así que...si consigo atrapar uno...con mi trampa...¿Podrías...ya sabes...b-besarlo?
[ Por supuesto lo haré. ] ✓ [ Pensaré en ello. ]
— Leviathan: ¡YAAAAY! ¡Gracias! ¡Definitivamente voy a atrapar uno! ¡Sin importar qué! ¡*jadear*! ¡Hay algo en mi trampa! ¡Lo tengo!
— ???: ¿Qu-Qué dem...?
— Leviathan: ¿E-Es ese...Beel?
— Beelzebub: *masticar*, *masticar* ...Vi un pedazo de chocolate en el piso...
— Leviathan: ¡¿Qué demonios, Beel?! Lo que estás comiendo es mi trampa, ¡¿Sabes?!
— Beelzebub: ¿Trampa?
— Leviathan: Aaah... ¡El chocolate encantado se está yendo!
— Beelzebub: No te preocupes, lo conseguiré.
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— Beelzebub: ¡*jadear*...*jadear*...! ¡Maldición, es realmente rápido! ¡Hey! ¡Regresa aquí! ¡Congélate!
[ Tus reflejos son mucho más rápidos de lo usual. ] ✓ [ Estuviste tan cerca... ]
— Beelzebub: ¡Puedo moverme dos veces más rápido cuando tengo comida frente a mí! ¡Yaaaaaaaah! ¡Finalmente te tengo, chocolate! ¡*masticar*...! *masticar*, *masticar*...¡*tragar*! ...Delicioso.
[ ¡¿T-Te lo comiste?! ] ✓ [ ¡Finalmente lo atrapaste! ¡En tu estómago! ]
— Beelzebub: Sip... ...Espera, tenías que besarlo primero. Oh no, ¿Qué he hecho...? Necesito tener cuidado de no comer el próximo. Me voy a buscar el resto del chocolate.
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— Belphegor: *suspiro*... ¿Tienes que seguir volando así alrededor? Está haciendo que mi cabeza de vueltas. La última vez que revisé, no se suponía que el chocolate volara... ...¿Hm? Oh, MC, eres tú.
[ ¿Estás intentando atrapar el chocolate? ] [ ¿Qué estás haciendo? ] ✓
— Belphegor: Estoy observando al chocolate. Todos corren alrededor intentando atrapar uno como si su vida dependiera de ello. Debe ser debido al encanto... Pero tú y yo nos gustamos lo suficiente como para no necesitar magia, ¿cierto?
[ Eso es cierto. ] ✓ [ No lo estoy diciendo. ]
— Belphegor: Eso es lo que pensé. Aunque es agradable oírte decirlo. Oh, el chocolate dejó de moverse. Voy a capturarlo.
[ Así que, quisiste atraparlo todo el tiempo... ] [ ¡No hagas ningún sonido! ] ✓
— Belphegor: Lo sé. También has silencio, MC. Con calma...con cuidado...despacio... ¿Huh? El chocolate está cubierto de polvo... No quiero comerlo ahora... Está inmundo. Y estoy comenzando a tener sueño. No quiero capturar más. Voy a tomar un descanso. Buenas noches.
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— Asmodeus: Hmm, ¿A dónde huyó ese chocolate...? ¡Oh! ¡MC! No lo creerás. Me salí de mi camino para ir por una red y no pude encontrar un solo chocolate por ningún lado. Incluso si encuentro uno, sería demasiado rápido para poder atraparlo. Estoy tan cansado de esto... Estoy cubierto de sudor, mi cara se siente pegajosa y asquerosa y, todo lo que quiero es tomar un baño caliente.
[ ¿Por qué no lo haces entonces? ] ✓ [ ¿Por qué no te quedas ahí? ]
Asmodeus: Tienes razón... Voy a hacer eso ahora. ¡No puedo quedarme luciendo tan feo! ¡Hey, deberías tomar un baño conmigo MC! ¿Qué dices? ¡Vamos!
[ ··· ]
— Asmodeus: Espera aquí mientras lleno la tina. Hm, hm, hmmm... ¿Hm...? ¿Huh? ¡Heeeey! ¡Es un chocolate! ¡MC! ¡La red! ¡Dame la red!
[ ¡Red! ] ✓ [ ¡Mascota! ]
— Asmodeus: ¡Gracias! Voy a atraparte esta vez... ¡Detente ahí! ¡Heeyah...! ¡Te tengo ahora! ¡Bien! ¡Lo tengo! ¿Hm? Puaj... ¡Está todo derretido! Oh... El baño debe estar demasiado caliente... *suspiro*... Ahora tengo chocolate por toda la mano. Eso es, me estoy metiendo en la bañera...
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— Satan: Los movimiento del chocolate parecen ser aleatorios, pero parecen rebotar en las paredes... Lo que significa que necesitan algo para empezar... En ese caso, su trayectoria podría basarse en... ¿Hm...? Oh, MC. Estaba observando los patrones de movimiento de los chocolates, así puedo formular un plan para capturarlos.
[ ¡Justo lo que esperaba de ti! ] ✓ [ ¿Es esto realmente necesario? ]
— Satan: Bueno, atraparlos alrededor sin algún tipo de plan podría ser solo un desperdicio de energía. Encontré que hay un chocolate en particular que siempre sigue exactamente la misma ruta. Pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en la cocina. Así que voy a emboscarlo allí. Vamos.
[ ··· ]
— Satan: Si mis especulaciones son correctas, debería venir aquí en cualquier minuto. ¿Ves esa caja que puse por allá? Sigue exactamente la misma ruta todo el tiempo, así que podría terminar saltando justo en esa caja.
[ Es un plan perfecto. ] ✓ [ ¿Eso realmente va a funcionar...? ]
— Satan: Sí, definitivamente voy a capturarlo. Y, una vez que lo haga, finalmente tendré lo que necesito. No, no importa. ¡Ahí está! Bien... bien... ¡Está viniendo por aquí! Solo un poco más lejos... ...¡¿Qué dem?! ¡No se suponía que saltara tan alto! ¡¿Huh?! Saltó para evadir la trampa y... aterrizó justo en la olla de la cocina... *suspiro*...Parece que el curry de hoy va a tener un ingrediente secreto.
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— Lucifer: Entra. ...Oh, eres tú.
[ ¿No estás buscando los chocolates también? ] ✓ [ ¿Encontraste algún chocolate? ]
— Lucifer: Por supuesto que no. Después de todo, yo no tengo nada que se perdieran. ¿Quieres un poco de té? Te serviré una taza. ...Aquí. Ten cuidado, está caliente. ...Dime, MC. ¿Tienes algún interés en ese extraño chocolate?
[ ¡No hay manera! ] [ Quizás... un poco. ] ✓
— Lucifer: ¿Es el demonio que buscas tan difícil de encantar que necesitas confiar en el chocolate encantado? ¿Por qué desperdiciar tiempo en buscar tal cosa trivial cuando, al final, solo terminarás parada ante mí... de nuevo?
[ Bueno... ] ✓ [ ¡Tengo que irme! ]
— Lucifer: ¿Qué sucede? Te estás sonrojando... Ven aquí.
— Lucifer: Huyendo de nuevo... MC es más que difícil de capturar que cualquier chocolate.
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— Asmodeus: Uuuugh... No sirve de nada...
— Leviathan: ¡Se derriten tan pronto como los atrapo en mis manos!
— Mammon: Son tan malditamente rápidos también... No puedo seguir persiguiéndolos...
[ Estoy cansada... ] ✓ [ ¿Rindiéndose ya? ]
— Mammon: Sí, ya no puedo mover otro músculo. Mejor consigamos algo para comer y descansemos.
— Lucifer: Mientras estén dentro de la Casa de los Lamentos, no debería ser un problema. No pueden causar ningún problema mientras estén contenidos.
— Belphegor: ¿Huh? Las ventanas de abajo estaban abiertas la última vez que las vi...
— Lucifer: ¡¿Qué?!
— Beelzebub: Tenía calor, así que las abrí.
[ Hacía mucho calor. ] [ No tendrías que haber hecho eso... ] ✓
— Beelzebub: ¿Por qué no?
— Mammon: ¡¿No has estado prestando atención en absoluto?! ¡¿Sabes lo que has hechoooo?!
— Asmodeus: ¡Todos! ¡Esto es malo! Acabo de ver un video en Devilgram... ¡Los chocolates se dirigen hacia la cuidad!
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— Asmodeus: ¡Miren! Esto fue tomado en la plaza de la ciudad...
— Mammon: Whoa, tienes que estar bromeando...
[ No entremos en pánico. Necesitamos ir por ellos. ] ✓ [ OMG¿QUÉHACEMOS?! ]
— Asmodeus: No creo que tengamos tiempo de sentarnos aquí y pensar en un plan.
— Lucifer: ¿A qué te refieres con eso?
— Asmodeus: Aquí hay otro vídeo... Mira. El chocolate está saltando en los labios de un demonios y aterrizando en la boca de otro. Sabes lo que eso significa...
— Satan: Se volverán parejas sin darse cuenta de lo que les está pasando...
— Leviathan: ¡EEEEEEEK! ¡Este chocolate es un monstruo!
— Lucifer: *suspiro*... No hay tiempo quedarnos parados. Tenemos que atraparlos.
[ ¡Sí! ] ✓ [ ¡Buena suerte, todos! ]
— Lucifer: Escuchen con cuidado. Tenemos que encontrarlos todos. Hasta el último.
— Mammon: ¡¿Por qué estas cosas siempre nos pasan a nosotros?!
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— Lucifer: Esto es malo... ¡Hay parejas por todos lados!
— Mammon: Todos se están juntando con todos... El amor no conoce límites cuando se trata de raza y género.
— Asmodeus: ¡Esta podría ser una ocasión feliz!
[ Tienen razón. ] [ Todos enamorándose de esta manera es caótico. ] ✓
— Asmodeus: Vamooos... Ustedes son tan negativos.
— Lucifer: No es momento para bromas.
— Satan: Es solo cuestión de tiempo antes de que comiencen a moverse en RAD.
— Belphegor: No quiero creer que todos en Purgatory Hall y en el Castillo del Señor Demonio se están volviendo pareja...
— Lucifer: Esa es la última cosa que quiero ver. La situación es peor de lo que pensé. Todos trajeron sus redes, ¿correcto? Es momento de que actuemos. Mammon y Beel, ustedes dos están conmigo. Satan, Asmo, Belphie y Levi serán el segundo grupo. Y MC, tú...
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— Lucifer: Elegirás al grupo con el que quieras ir.
[ El grupo de Lucifer. ] 1 [ El grupo de Satan. ] 2
1 — Equipo de Lucifer — Lucifer: Síganme, entonces.
— Mammon: Entonces, ¿Cómo vamos a capturarlos a todos?
— Lucifer: Tengo una idea.
— Beelzebub: ...Tengo tanta hambre.
— Lucifer: Usaremos a Beel.
— Beelzebub: ¿A mí...?
[ ¡Beel se comerá todo el chocolate! ] ✓ [ ¿A qué te refieres? ]
— Lucifer: Exactamente. La sincronización de su estómago no puede ser más perfecto.
— Beelzebub: Comer es una cosa en la que sé que soy bueno. Déjenmelo a mí.
— Beelzebub: ¡YAAAAAH! ¡*masticar*! *masticar*, *masticar*...
— Mammon: ¡Wh-Whoa! ¡Sigue así, Beel!
2 — Equipo de Satan — Satan: De acuerdo, vamos juntos.
— Asmodeus: Hey, Satan. Encontramos al chocolate. Apurémonos y capturémoslo ya.
— Satan: Necesitamos entender su comportamiento primero, para incrementar nuestras oportunidades de capturarlos. Echa un vistazo. Cuando el chocolate encuentra a alguien quedarse quieto, lanza su ataque poco después.
— Belphegor: Tienes razón. Se detiene por un momento para bloquear a su objetivo.
— Asmodeus: Lo que significa que necesitamos atacar mientras está bloqueando, ¿cierto?
— Satan: Exactamente.
— Leviathan: ¡Esto es justo como esos juegos de disparos! Con la única diferencia de que estamos equipados solo con una red...
— Belphegor: *suspiro*...Esto es un dolor...
[Tenemos que dar todo lo que tenemos. ] ✓ [ Sí, que dolor. ]
— Belphegor: Lo sé, lo sé. Ayudaré también...
— Satan: Busquen una abertura. Cuando el chocolate se detenga, captúrenlo con su red.
— Asmodeus: ¡Lo tengo!
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— Lucifer: Esto debería ser todo sobre ellos.
[ Vamos a casa ya, estoy cansada. ] [ Gracias a Dios. ] ✓
— Lucifer: Es muy temprano para celebrar. Necesitamos echar otro vistazo alrededor para asegurarnos de que no se hayan perdido ninguno.
— Mammon: Incluso si nos perdimos uno o dos, probablemente están derretidos en algún lado ahora. No te preocupes por ello. ¡Vamos a casa y tomémoslo con calma!
— Leviathan: ¡Hey! ¡¿Es eso de allá uno?!
— Mammon: ¡¿Quéee...?!
— Asmodeus: ¡Tocó los labios de MC!
— Leviathan: Tocó los... de MC...
— Todos: ¡¿LABIOS?!
— Mammon: ¡Es mío!
— Leviathan: ¡No, es míiiio!
[ ¡No le pertenece a ninguno de ustedes! ] 1 [ ¡Ninguno de ustedes puede tenerlo! ] 2
1: — Belphegor: ¡Mío!
— Satan: ¡Me pertenece a mí!
2: — Beelzebub: ¡Lo siento, MC! ¡No puedo dejar que nadie más lo atrape!
— Asmodeus: ¡Ni siquiera tú, MC!
— Mammon: ¡Whoa...!
— Asmodeus: ¡Mammon! ¡Lo estás dejando escapar!
— Belphegor: ¿Hm? Se está dirigiendo directamente a ese fantasma...
— Fantasma: ¡Muajaja! ¡*masticar*!, *tragar*...
— Mammon: No hay...manera...
— Lucifer: ¿Ese fantasma... realmente se lo comió...?
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— Fantasma: ¡Muajaja!
— Mammon: ¿Qué se supone que haremos ahora?
— Asmodeus: No hay nada que podamos hacer ahora. Se lo comió.
— Leviathan: ¿Pero no se supone que se enamore? No parece como que MC sienta algo.
— Lucifer: MC es humana, después de todo. Tal vez la magia solo funciona a los seres de Devildom.
[ Aw, hombre... ] [ Gracias a Dios. ] ✓
— Satan: Estoy tan aliviado. Tú y ese fantasma casi—
— Mammon: ¡No lo digas! ¡No quiero imaginarlo!
— Beelzebub: ¿Hm...? El dueño de esa tienda de dulces acaba de enviarme un mensaje. Aparentemente, los efectos del chocolate solo dura un par de horas.
— Asmodeus: ¿Huh? ¿En serio? Oh, bueno, entonces...
— Fantasma: ¿Muaja? ¡Muajaja!
— Belphegor: Oh, desapareció.
— Lucifer: *suspiro*...Así no había necesidad de capturarlos, después de todo.
— Mammon: Fue todo por nada...
— Asmodeus: Bueno, ¿Qué debemos hacer con el chocolate que tenemos?
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— Mammon: Espera un minuto, si aún son efectivos por unas horas más, eso significa... ¡Que puedo venderlos!
— Asmodeus: ¡Hey, Mammon! ¡No puedes tenerlos todos para ti mismo de esa manera!
— Leviathan: ¡Espera, quiero algunos también!
— Beelzebub: Guarden un poco para mí... Tengo hambre...
[ ¡Denme algunos! ] [ Esto es tan patético... ] ✓
— Lucifer: Me sacaste las palabras de la boca...
— Satan: ...Incluso si no funcionan en MC, ¡Aún quiero probarlo!
— Belphegor: Cuidado, Satan. Estás pensando muy alto.
— Mammon: ¿Hm? ¡Hey! ¡Este maldito chocolate ya se derritió!
— Asmodeus: Eeeew... ¡El piso es un desastre!
— Leviathan: Eso es porque estuvieron atrapados en una casa calurosa por demasiado tiempo...
[ Esto es probablemente lo mejor. ] ✓ [ Aw, hombre... ]
— Lucifer: En efecto. Nunca jamás quiero pasar por tan ridícula persecución de nuevo.
— Beelzebub: ¿Aún son comestibles aunque estén derretidos, cierto?
— Belphegor: No te hagas eso, Beel... Eres mejor demonio que eso.
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dnetter69 · 2 years
Your Fault (Tainted Miracle AU inspired/Black Widow) sneak peek of story
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"You're a sad sight, you know that, right?" A soft female voice said.
Julieta turned around to spot who said that. The thundering sky helped her illuminate her room briefly to reveal who spoke to her, but found no one.
The distraught mother shifted her eyes to find the voice. She knew she heard that voice before. The familiarity of the tone jogged the memories she locked away in her mind...memories that to this day...that she grossly regretted.
Was her mind playing tricks on her? Does her shake and regret messed her up so bad that she begins to hear voices that faintly sounds like....
Julieta's heart sank to the floor of the realization. Can it be? No, no way...she can't be...
The voice lets out a bitter scoff. "You can't even remember your youngest daughter. And here I thought you would have some memory of little old me."
Her tired eyes widened in shock as she heard the voice again. Slowly, Julieta turned around to the far right corner of her room and by the sound of the voice, it's coming from that spot. The healer covered her mouth as words choked in her throat.
"M...M...M-Mirabel?" she squeaked.
To confirm, the darkened sky released a flash of lightning as it brightened her room again to reveal the visitor. And true to her suspicions...there standing in the corner with their arms folded, wearing a purple ruana with the hood obscuring their face. The figure releases a soft chuckle.
"You probably still have cobwebs in that head of yours. Let me help you clear them up," the stranger said. The figure pulled back the hood to reveal themself to the woman.
Julieta releases a choked sob as tears began to form from her eyes as she recognized her little Mirabel. Her belly turned to knots as she took in the features of her grown-up vida.
Her dark brown hair was matted and unkempt. Sitting on top of it was a purple bandana with gold and white designs on it. A purple ruana covered her obviously malnutritioned body, with the thinning neck proving otherwise. She wears the same green rimmed glasses on her face.
Her face.
Oh Diós mio, her face.
Her mariposa's face was marred from the candle incident with a hideous scar splayed over her face. The scar stretches from across her eyes and down to her neck and continues down to seemingly her arm. Julieta wanted to puke of taking in the scar and how she received it from such a tender age of five.
But the most striking feature is her eyes. Mirabel's chocolate eyes was replaced with whitish blue. Warmth and friendliness was no longer in them eyes. In turn was a cold, relentless, bitter, wrathful, blank...and dare she say it...demonic feeling to them. As if staring into them will tear your soul asunder.
Julieta took timid steps forward to see her daughter up close. It's been ten years ever since she last saw her daughter face to face. Not a day went by that the mother felt shameful for letting her fears of being outed by her mamá stop seeing her own daughter. But here she is...in the flesh.
"M-Mirabel...oh my vida, I can't believe that you're here," Julieta whispered. A soft smile crept on her face as her hands drew closer to caress her little Mira's face.
"I thought Alma told you not to make contact with me ever again," Mirabel said icily.
The smile dropped as Julieta took a step back from the cutting tone she's getting. "I--I...M-Mira...p-please understand that I was--"
"If you're going to apologize for that, then you might as well spare me the excuse," her daughter stated, her cutthroat tone making the mother taking a back step.
While Julieta did obeyed her mamá about not making physical contact with Mirabel, she still made deliveries to the barn to ensure she's well-fed.
"B-But mí vida, I made sure that you're well-fed. I-I kept making the deliveries to the barn so you wouldn't starve. Y-Yes, Mamá did told me not to see you again...b-but I still made the--" Again, Julieta's feeble reasoning was coldly cut off.
"Do you hear the words that are coming from your mouth, Julieta?" she asked cruelly.
The woman was about to try to explain her again but realized something about Mira's rebuttal made her stop. Then, after replaying the words in her head, her heart skipped a beat.
"J..Julieta?" she whimpered.
Mira tilted her head in mock confusion. "What? You thought I would still call you my mother after proving to me on how much of an embarrassment you are for all these years? Don't make me laugh."
Julieta sobbed softly. "B-But Mirabel...I did what I had to do for--"
"For the better of the family? Or better for that perra of a grandmother?" the girl asked bitterly.
The woman's eyes widened by the curse word her daughter called about Abuela. "Mirabel, she is not a--"
"Oh no? Then answer me this, Julieta." Mirabel began to take a few steps out of the corner. That made the mother take another back step.
"What kind of grandmother would treat their own nieta like they're the plague?" Mirabel asked.
A back step
Julieta stammered. "I-I'm sure that she didn't mean to--"
"What kind of grandmother would make their mind up to come to the conclusion that isolating their baby granddaughter in a filthy, dirty, dark, damp barn filled with nothing but dirty donkeys would be a good idea?"
Another back step.
"What kind of grandmother would threaten their family into not making any contact, let alone helping that little baby girl?"
Two steps backwards.
Julieta said nothing.
"What kind of ungodly, wicked, evil woman would go to such lengths? And for what? To protect their feeble, fragile candle light? Or to protect their stupid fear and ego?" Mirabel asked, each question getitng more and more cruel and furious.
"Mira...please let me explain--"
"But you wanna know what's truly frightening? What's truly horrific? What's really cruel?" Mirabel asked, this time getting close to Julieta's face.
The mother's mouth quivered. Her mind was feeling as if it's about to break the more she listens.
"This is all your fault."
Julieta's face became blank. Her mouth closed and her eyes turned glossy. Her entire frame became eerily still like a statue as her fragile mind is processing the words given to her.
"what?" she whisperer, barely audible.
Mira's narrowed eyes widened. "Think about it. Alma was only acting out of fear. Fear and ignorance would make anyone do, think, say, and act in such ways. Stupid and thoughtless and cruel? Yes, but reasonable. They're stemmed out of fear." She pointed a finger at the quivering woman.
"But you. You don't realize it but the person who hurt me the most, who betrayed me the most, who broke my heart the most, who backstabbed me the hardest, who hated me the most...it's not Isabela, not Bruno, not even Abuela...
but you."
Julieta shook her head slightly in refusal. "no..."
"You are my mother. Mothers are supposed to be the guardian of their children. They are supposed to fight against whoever and whatever that's trying to bring harm to their little ones," Mirabel continued blankly.
"You was supposed to defend for me. You was supposed to stand up for me, even against their own family. It doesn't matter if that person is your own mother. It doesn't matter if that person was your own family member, mothers are supposed to stand up for their children, no matter who they are."
"please hear me out---I did it because--"
"Because you're a coward." Mirabel finished cruelly.
The woman's body began to tremble like a leaf being violently tossed and turned by the wind as the venomous yet truthful words continued to cut away at her mind.
"You are a coward. You stopped visiting me to save your own skin. You was so cowardly that you would bring the food to the doorstep but not inside where I am," Mirabel stated.
"B-But I let you in the k-kitchen. I would be seeing you to check up on you," Julieta whimpered pathetically.
"Check up on me? What am I, some kind of pet?" the girl asked icily.
The woman stammered feebily. "B-But...but I--"
"You are also a liar. You lied to me about you would always be with me no matter what happens," Mirabel interrupted again.
Julieta took another step back. "H-how?"
Mirabel scowled. It made the woman flinch. "You don't remember? The day you stopped giving me the food to keep me from starving was the day you broke your promise. You was trying to tell me that you stood up to Alma about it, but like a piece of paper, you folded. And don't get me started on that pathetic wimp I'm ashamed to have as a father."
Julieta whimpered as she stood with shell-shocked eyes. "B-But Mirabel--"
"BUT NOTHING!!! That's your problem, you coward! You keep giving me nothing but half-baked excuses into the reasoning why that perra would do this to me! You did nothing to help me! You stopped seeing me! You stopped feeding me! You, just like everyone else in this forsaken family turned your back on me because of a stupid mistake!!" Mirabel snapped, jabbing a finger at Julieta's chest. The poor woman was whimpering like a wounded puppy but the scarred teenager was not done, far from it.
"You are a liar, an insult to real mothers in the word. You claimed that you tried to stop Alma from doing what she's doing but like a dog with its tail between its legs, you scurried off and obeyed once she threatened you. A REAL MOTHER WILL DEFEND HER FAMILY FROM ANYTHING THAT THREATENS THEM, NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE!! YOU DID THIS TO ME!! AND ALL FOR THAT BITCH ALMAAA!! SHE THREW OUT A FIVE YEAR OLD GIRL!! YOUR PATHETIC SISTER WANTED ME GONE!!!" A furious snarl disfigured Mira's face. "And you....you helped them! You allowed them! You let them! You did nothing! Absolutely nothing!!!"
All of a sudden, Mirabel opened her ruana and the sight turned Julieta's mind blank as her heart broke in a million pieces. Mirabel was wearing a long purple dress with the same intricate designs her hair bandana has. She wears a stitched up top that was made of various dirty cloths that exposed her belly.
But what broke the woman was the state Mira's belly is in. True to them cruel words, the day she stopped giving her food, Mirabel starved. She was sure she counted all the ribs that are showing themselves under the skin. That hideous scar continued down to her left chest and down to her forearm.
The thunder unleashed a crackling, deafening roar with flashes of lightning highlighting the horror that Julieta is seeing.
"I had to live off by stealing from the grocers. I had to make provisions for myself to keep from withering away. It may not be much compared to your so-called food made of love, but it kept me alive," Mirabel said softly, the fury still present in her tone.
Julieta has nothing to say. The more Mirabel continued her rant, the more her self-hatred and shame turned to self-loathing. She want to crawl in a ball and die by how horrible she's feeling right now.
"And you know what? What makes this more disturbing is the fact that you could've stopped this from happening," Mirabel continued as she closed her ruana. "You would've stood up, actually, stood up to that perra if you weren't so selfish. I wouldn't have to rely on stealing into keeping me alive. I wouldn't have to make my own clothes. I wouldn't have to be sleeping in the same place with the stinky donkeys. I wouldn't have to be sleeping on dirty blankets to keep warm."
Julieta couldn't hear no more. Her mind was so far gone that all she could do was stand still with a blank yet horrific expression on her face, as tears creepily fell down her cheeks, makeup smearing. All she could do was accept the truth.
"You would've made me proud to have you as a mother. But you didn't." Mirabel's expression fell as her eyes widened and her eyebrows raised. She began to circle around the fragile woman like a predator eyeing its prey.
"You had the power. You would've stopped this from happening to me. But you didn't," Mirabel continued venemously.
Julieta's body began to tremble.
"You are a liar. You are a traitor. You are a coward. You are a rotten excuse of a mother. You helped Alma into hurting me. You helped Alma into turning my life into hell."
The woman's lips tightened as she listened.
"You helped her into killing me. By killing my joy. My childhood."
Julieta's face darkened at the bone chilling mention. Her body froze as if the very blood in her body turned ice cold.
"You don't love me," Mirabel whispered coldly. She stopped her circling and began to walk towards Julieta's right side.
"You didn't protect me."
"You stopped feeding me."
Crack Crack Crack.
"You killed me, mamá."
The rain thundered and boomed more loudly as Mirabel continues her verbal destruction.
"You abandoned me, mamá."
The lightning flashed the sky with the thunder unleashing its deafening boom. Julieta just stood there with the same numbing look on her face. Nothing else matters to her anymore. She doesn't care anymore.
Mirabel leaned closer and closer until her mouth was centimeters away from the broken woman's ear. As soon as she's within touching distance, she said these words that would kill the sweet, kind, and loving woman known as Julieta Madrigal:
"You disappointed me. And no amount of your cooking could do anything about it. This is all your fault."
And that was the final nail in the coffin.
Any rebuttal or explanation that was in Julieta's mind was killed. Anything that closely resembles the kind, heartwarming, gentle, tender-loving mother was gone. All that's left is a hollow husk. Julieta's eyes was dead. In them eyes is a empty void of nothing, filled with soul-rending condemnation and shame.
A flash brightened her room again, but no thunder rolled in. Like the damage was so great that the thunder itself isn't powerful enough to emphasize it.
Her mind shattered like glass. Her heart was shattered. Her soul was shattered. Everything about Julieta Madrigal was shattered.
But like shattered glass, it can be used for something else.
Right before Mirabel turned away from her to take her departure, Julieta lets out a whisper.
"what you want me to do?"
Mirabel stopped. She didn't turned around, and neither did Julieta. But both of them are aware that one is listening to the other.
"I want to make you proud of me. I want to earn the right of being your mamá again. I want you to love me again. I want to make things right with you," Julieta continued feebly.
Mirabel sighed. "Like I said, it's too late. There's nothing you could do that would make it up to me." She resumed back to her departure.
Panic filled her mind as she heard those footsteps. Julieta sharply turned her head at her direction. "Anything!"
That made the teenager pause.
Relieved that she's staying, Julieta lets out a shaky smile. "Yes, I would do anything." In a disturbing display, the mother fell to her knees with her hands clasped in a pleading position. "I know I let you down. You're right about me. I am a liar, a traitor, and a coward. But I am more that willing to do anything to make you proud of me! Please tell me what I should do to earn your love, mi amor! I don't care about anything anymore! What I want is to be your mother again, so please...what do you want me to do?! I'll do anything!" she cried out desperately, her voice turned hoarse by the yelling. After that, she broke down into quiet sobs, her eyes clenched shut.
Mirabel's eyes shadowed, her expression unreadable. But a faint, infinitesimal, yet cruel smile crept on her face.
"Anything, you say?"
Julieta continued to beg, "S-Sí, mí amor, anything! Anything you want!"
Silence fell upon them.
"Well, there is something..."
Julieta's face brightened as a smile formed on her face. She's going to be given a chance to make it up. Whatever it is, she'll do it gladly.
Her smile grew brighter as she saw her daughter walking towards her with a smile of her own. Julieta was beaming ear to ear as Mirabel was standing in front of her.
In yet another disturbing appearance, Mirabel's scarred hand rested under Julieta's chin, lifting her up slightly.
"Anything?" she asked again, to confirm.
"Yes, my love, anything for you~" Julieta said again eagerly.
Mirabel's smile grew slightly wider. "Well then...in that case...if you really want me to make it up to me and to love you again...to be my mother again...there is one thing I want."
"Yes, love?"
Mirabel crouched down to reach eye level with Julieta. Whatever she wants her to do, Julieta would do it as long as it gets her to become Mirabel's mother again.
"Help me destroy the miracle?" Mirabel asked coyly.
The smile turned to a uncertain frown as she heard the request. Destroy the miracle? Get rid of the very foundation of Encanto? Destroy the family?
"Destroy the miracle?" Julieta parroted.
Mirabel nodded as her smile fell. Once her smile fell, Julieta's heart paced rapidly.
"You know better. You saw how poisonous it's turning this family. It made you into the village's cooking slave for anything minor or inconvenient. It turned Pepa into a nervous wreck and a watering can for the lazy ingrates here. It turned Dolores into the town gossiper. Made Camilo into the fool. Made your brother into an insufferable waste of space. Turned Luisa into the town donkey, ironic, huh? Made your Isabela unrecognizable. And Abuela would no doubt make Antonio do something with little to no breaks. For what reason would a five year old be doing that a grown up would do? And do I need to say what it did to me?" Mirabel said.
Julieta nodded slightly. "N-No, it's true...it's true...but...I'm ashamed to say that I'm afraid of mamá. What if I get caught? What if I failed you? What if I--"
"We will fight in the end anyways. It had to come to that, if we're ever going to be free. I know it's scary, but don't you want to grow through temporary fear to achieve something that you'll be proud of rather than doing nothing and feel nothing but contempt and self-loathing at yourself for the rest of your life?" Mira calmly asked rhetorically.
Julieta pondered. She's been suffering ever since Mirabel's failed ceremony. Not a day went by she wished she could go back and stop Abuela from casting her out. To redeem herself into becoming a mother and guardian for Mirabel with or without Agustín.
But it's a scary thought. To no longer being able to heal the sick and wounded with her cooking? To destroy the thing that blessed her with a gift that every doctor in the world would kill over? To go against her mother's miracle? The reminder of her lost loved one?
"Here's some wisdom to help you with your choice. I know about how much the candle holds everyone dear. But sometimes...the very thing that holds everyone together, will be the same thing that will destroy it from the inside out," Mirabel said, bringing Julieta out of her thoughts.
"Sometimes in life...family will treat you worse than a stranger on a street."
Those words held so much weight that it gotten rid of any doubt forming in her mind. She needs no reminder on how brutally true those words are.
"And besides, didn't you said that you would do anything to make it up to me?". Mirabel's frown deepened as her face darkened. "Was that another cruel lie to get my favor?"
Instantly, Julieta pleaded. This time, she fell on her face with fresh tears blurring her vision as the accusation brought back unpleasant memories.
"No no no no! I wasn't lying! I am more than happy to do anything you want to be your mother again! P-Please forgive me, I-I just didn't expect that," Julieta begged. "But it's risky...what about Bruno? And Mamá?" she asked.
"Don't worry about them. Let me handle them, you help me get rid of the candle. But if they ever try to get towards me...protect me," Mirabel placated.
Julieta lifted her face slightly but not looking at her face. "P-Protect...I can protect you?"
Mirabel's features lightened as a smirk formed on her features. "Of course, you're my mamá, aren't you? And real mothers protect their loved ones from anything or anyone, don't they? And you claimed that you're a mother, didn't you?"
Julieta's expression changed from uncertainty to determination. "I am, my love. If bringing the Encanto down and destroying this messed up family will bring us together, then I will gladly do it for you. Just tell me when and I will do it."
Mirabel's expression softened. She helped Julieta off her face to get her back to her knees with her hand once again resting under her chin. Julieta relaased a hopeful gasp as she saw her smiling daughter's face. She aims to reach that goal into making that face stay on her forever. Nothing else matters to her anymore. She doesn't care about the miracle anymore. She doesn't care about Bruno anymore. She doesn't care about Isabela anymore. And she certainly doesn't care about Mamá anymore.
All that matters to her is her Mirabel's love and happiness.
And she will do anything to get that back. To become a mother again.
No matter what.
"Well then, mamá...what are you waiting for? Go out there. Do it. Make me proud," Mirabel ordered.
Julieta nodded as she held onto her daughter's wrist and caress it as she stares lovingly in her blue eyes.
"Of course, mí amor."
(AN: That's the sneak peek. I hope it turned out well to all of you. I'm still in the middle of going through the rough drafts of the chapters but I am happy that this section turns out well. I'm doing a twisted spin on the yandere for Julieta. Thank you, again c-rose for giving me the inspiration for this! All credit and kudos goes to you and I hope you will love the story once I get it done!)
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smolchildlevy · 3 years
Hello luv! Can I request a hc of Obey me character (undetables + brothers) with an Mc who has a protective friends, they're trio and their friendship is like hanajima, arisa and tohru from fruba (this just came out of my mind while answering the test🤣) take care and have a great day<33
Hey heyyy darling! Hope u like <3
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Obey Me! Boys with a mc that has protective friends
Warnings: flufff
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-He’s very protective over his brothers so he sees where they would come from.
-And he honestly respects their devotion to keeping you safe.
-Meanwhile they don’t think he’s all to bad himself, since he’s well put together.
-Scared of them. That’s it.
-They barely let you around him because of his gambling and scamming tendencies.
-He just wants time alone with you but knows that with the way he can act, that might not happen-
-He does however thinks it’s nice in a way, to not have to always be there to protect you and can leave it to them.
-Another one that’s sorta spooked by them.
-He gets so nervous bc he doesn’t wanna mess up his chance with you.
-I feel like they wouldn’t have to worry all too much because of that fact.
-They would probably think that he can give good hw answers-
-But anyways, he thinks they are good people for keeping your safety in mind.
-Ngl if they like reading, they’ve got the perfect person to recommend certain ones.
-Literally lust incarnate.
-They keep their eyes on him the most.
-They barely let you talk to him without them around.
-He thinks they’re no fun, but thinks it’s sweet what they do for you.
-Is the protective friend to you.
-All of you get along though they were alarmed bc of his stature and muscles.
-They def love the fact he knows so many good places to eat.
-They keep their eyes out for him too.
-After the whole incident in the attic, they never leave your side when you go near him.
-He understands it, but thinks they’re sorta annoying?
-He just wants you alone in a good way this time-
-He’s very much nice to you, so why worry?
-They kind of think of him like a golden retriever.
-Why would he ever hurt you?
-He sees them as kind hearted.
-Doesn’t mind them, and they wouldn’t mind him.
-it’s sort of like a mutual understanding.
They do like him because he makes good food tho 👀
-Shady sorcerer, need I say more?
-There’s no way in hell (pun intended) that they would let you experiment with this man.
-He thinks that they aren’t too bad.
-He’s happy you have such good friends that will protect you.
-There’s nothing to worry about with this man so your friends probably won’t say anything bad about him.
-He’s so pure 😭 so why even think of bad things when you’re with him.
Taglist: @polly-loves-chocolate @sinnersft @milkandcookies-post @chirikoheina @angryhope
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obeythedemons · 3 years
His Office [Obey Me! Headcanons]
I got my own cubicle today with my promotion. I may or may not have bought cat-themed office supplies. They’re not masculine in any way, but they’re cute and I play Obey Me! do you think I’m worried about my masculinity and also I don’t care for gender norms
Obey Me! Masterlist
Everything has its place
If something is moved even a centimeter he’ll know
Both as a way to ensure Mammon doesn’t steal something, but also to ensure he’s as efficient as possible when it comes to his work
Splurged on some very nice pens that write smoothly and doesn’t smudge
Everything is clean, he has a hand vacuum that he uses every day on his desk
Has a very high-end computer - he cannot deal with IT issues, not today
Paperwork is everywhere
Not because he gets a lot, he just refuses to ever do it and it piles up
Has no idea where anything in his office is
Has a framed picture of Goldie on his desk
That picture changes to MC after a couple of days of knowing them
After that picture changes to MC, he starts to actually do his work and the pile of paperwork decreases and becomes more organized
Anime stationery, especially Ruri-chan themed!
Brings in a gamer chair to be his office chair, otherwise, he’s not comfortable
Has a bunch of sticky notes around his desk with anime doodles from when he’s in a meeting
Got rid of the phone to his office, if people want to talk to him they can IM him or email him
Set up RGB lights for his office and uses that as a light source
His desktop is whatever anime or video game he's obsessed with
Has binders that are clearly labeled and organized - he likes to read their contents when he's bored
Also has a binder that has whatever book he's reading in it - that way he can read and look like he's working
Knows everyone that works there, so he knows exactly who to contact when a problem comes up - meaning his workload is minimal
Also keeps a chair in his office for anyone that wants to visit with him
His desktop changes every five minutes to a new picture of a cat - it seems to never repeat itself
Rose gold décor everywhere
Has a couple of mirrors in his office so he can look at himself when he's bored or fix his appearance
Has a cup for pens and a cup for makeup brushes
In fact, his desk has more beauty products than actual office supplies
Is the perfect person to go to if they need a breath mint, some lotion, chocolate, or menstrual hygiene product
His desk is filled with snacks and like two pens
Has a minifridge under his desk for cold snacks and drinks
There are crumbs everywhere - Lucifer comes in once a week to clean up for him, but it's still not enough
There's a trophy he won for playing Fangol on a corner, it's not front and center
What's front and center are pictures of his family and MC, he got a digital frame so he can have a lot of photos of them
Has a blanket hanging off the back of his chair
His chair also has a cushion on it so he can sit on it and be comfortable - also uses it as a pillow for his desk
Has wrist supports for his keyboard and mouse - they're squishy
Has an essential oil diffuser where he regularly uses lavender
Uses a single lamp for light, but usually keeps it off so he can sleep
Has a very large desk, it's ridiculously large and he only uses a small portion of it
Though, what he doesn't use starts to fill up with knickknacks from the human realm after he meets MC - he likes to show MC them to try and make them laugh or smile
Keeps personal items to a minimum, he doesn't want business rivals to visit his office and try to blackmail him
He does have a couple of chairs for when people visit him - he likes it when it's just to visit and not for a business meeting
Tries to not be in his office too much, he'd rather go to other peoples' offices and see what they're up to
Has an electric tea kettle on his desk with a couple of mugs
One of his drawers is completely filled with different teas
The drawer below that has snacks that pair perfectly with the different teas
The top of his desk is completely clean and organized - has little to no paperwork as he completes it faster than anyone else
Is usually away from his office to meet with Diavolo
His desktop background is rarely seen as he always locks his computer when someone enters or when he leaves - it's a picture of Lord Diavolo, MC, and himself
Has the oldest computer that he doesn't know how to work - he wouldn't know how to work a new one on either
Does all of his work on paper - much to the annoyance of some of his co-workers
Has so many binders, folders, and notebooks on his desk - they're unlabeled, but he knows exactly what is in each of them
He uses a Rolodex - no one knows where he found it or that they even made them anymore
Is the person people go to to rant about their job while he patiently listens and offers the best advice
His office is off in a weird corner that people didn't know existed until they had to go find him
He looks young, but it seems like he knows everything that has ever happened in the office - that should be impossible
Has all of the old, archive documents that seem to be irrelevant and should be tossed
He has his own microwave in his office after the incident in the communal area
Has polaroid photos of Simeon, Luke, MC, and himself posted along a wall
People walk into his office and then back out thinking they have the wrong spot - who brought this child here? He works here? Is this legal?
Has a lot of HR forms at the ready that show he does work there!
Still not sure if it's legal
Is always bringing in baked goods for the whole office to try - is always nervous when Barbatos tries his baked good, but lights up when Barbatos praises him
Has a cushion on his chair to help him reach his computer, his legs dangle off the edge
Is in charge of converting Simeon's forms to a digital format
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voiceswithoutlips · 4 years
Calico - Chapter Two
— pairing: Hybrid ot7 x Human Reader (Female) — genre: hybrid AU , fluff, angst, slow burn (like real slow), eventual smut — word count: 2K — Rating: M — warnings: trauma, mention of past abuse.
Click for Tag List
— chapter summary:
Y/N runs a animal shelter, Calico was built on a simple principle, to help those who were in need. What will Y/N do when her sanctuary is threatened by an unexpected hybrid?
— A/N: This is going to be a series, I’m just getting back to writing, so I’d really appreciate your input and feedback <3
Ch. 1  Ch. 3  Ch. 3.5 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6
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I stumbled out of bed with a groan, it was almost noon and my hangover was killing me. Last night I was too stressed so I drowned my worries in a bottle of whisky. Why was adulting so annoying, ugh. The house was quiet, Jason had probably already gone to the shelter. I made my way to the kitchen, my zombie brain screaming for coffee. I like my coffee black and bitter, just like my soul. Kidding, I don’t have a soul. 
My phone rang somewhere in the living room. The place looked like a tornado had torn through it. The floor was covered with papers and cushions and clothes and other unidentifiable mess. What the fuck happened last night? By the time I found my phone the ringing had stopped. 28 missed calls from Jason and 2% battery ...great.  
I made my way to the exam room, the most likely place for Jason to be. It was just a five minute walk from the house. I was in my pajamas, my hair sticking out and the coffee cup in my hand. It was Sunday, I was grumpy.
There was a half-naked man sitting on the exam table, no not a man, a hybrid. His white fluffy tail was droopy. Long white ears poked from his long black hair, he desperately needed a haircut. His ears were limp on his back. There was a hole in his left ear, it was properly done but too big for a piercing. My eyes widened with realization, I’d seen that before on cattle, his previous owners must’ve tagged him. 
The hybrid showed no reaction as I went to stand beside Jason, and directly in front of him. His upper body was muscular, he had a thick neck and washboard abs. He was gorgeous. He had a strong jawline, cute eyes and a small nose. The combination of cute and sexy was deadly. His hands were clasped together and he was hunched over, trying to make himself look small, not an easy feat to achieve.  
“Y/N, this is Jungkook,” Jason introduced the hybrid. The bunny stiffened, he didn’t raise his head to look at me. What do I do? I wasn’t good with people, I preferred animals to humans.  
“Hello, I’m Y/N,” I greeted. He was sitting so still that you would think he wasn’t even there. Was he even breathing? He was still looking down. 
I looked at Jason, I didn’t know what to do. “I found him near the hatch this morning so I brought him in for a checkup.” I nodded. 
“Are you hungry? I’m practically starving!” I asked, extending a tentative hand towards the bunny, palm up. He flinched.  I kept my hand where it was. I would stand here for hours if I had to. My stubbornness knew no bounds. Minutes passed slowly, Jason was leaning on the counter perfectly at ease, he was a good actor. 
Slowly Jungkook took my hand. “Let’s go have breakfast,” I whispered, a smile on my face as I slowly led him to the kitchen. Well kitchen was an overstatement, it was a small room with six refrigerators and two freezers, most of them contained medical supplies. A sad, overused coffee machine and a small stove for “Emergency Ramen”, it was our own special recipe. 
I opened the fridge with a “No Science Allowed” poster taped to its door. I pulled out a bunch of greens to make a salad, rabbits need their greens. We always stocked the fridge for humans and the animals. I wasn’t a particularly good cook, I could cook enough to not starve but that was the extent of my cooking skills. A quick chicken salad, eggs and toast and a bunch of pancakes and breakfast was served. 
Jungkook was still standing near the door where I had left him, eyes downcast, ears flopped. I was an idiot, a massive idiot, I assumed he would sit at the table on his own. Bad Y/N! 
“Jungkook, come sit with me,” I mentally hit myself, it sounded like a command, I was terrible at this. I was used to animals, you tell them what to do, you can’t ask a dog if he’d like to sit with you, but Jungkook was a person. I can be an animal therapist but humans? They were beyond me. I didn’t know how to get to him.  
He sat at the table. I pushed the food in front of him, expecting him to eat, another mistake. Hybrids are supposed to obey, they don't do things on their own. I was supposed to tell him what to do. I wanted to pound my head on the table. Stupid Y/N. 
“What would you like to eat?” I asked in the gentlest voice possible, at least I hoped it was gentle. 
 No response.  
“Go on this is all for you,” I tried to be encouraging. 
 “Tell you what, if you finish your breakfast, I’ll give you a treat,” his ears twitched. He tentatively picked up a fork and started eating. His movements were small, he barely made any noise as he chewed but at least he was eating. 
I was still confuzzled, it is a word, a made up word, but then again all words are made up words. Confused and puzzled. I had no idea how to approach him, do I treat him like a human or a rabbit. The ‘treat’ card worked but will it work every time? He was taking small bites, I wondered if the food tasted bad. Maybe I forgot to add sugar to the pancakes? Did I forget to season the salad? I sighed internally. He needed a proper meal but sadly, Jason and I were terrible cooks. We lived on take-outs and ramen. Maybe it was time to learn how to cook.
I stood up, he froze. I had to get him used to people. I ignored his stiff posture as I walked to one of the freezers and pulled out a container that held my favorite ice cream. It was ‘ice cream for breakfast’ kind of day. I didn’t bother with bowls, two spoons and I was back in my seat. 
“You know this is my absolute favorite ice cream in the entire world. It's called Chocolate Brownie Fudge with Marshmallows. It's like a little piece of heaven in a plastic container,” I offered him a spoon. He looked at it as if it was going to bite him. “Go on, it's your treat!” I encouraged with a grin. It was meant to be a small smile but he was too cute and the ice cream made me happy. 
I dug into the ice cream as if my life depended on it. Jungkook watched me curiously, the spoon still in his hand. He hadn’t finished his breakfast but it was a start. For me, it was Sunday, the day where I threw caution to the wind and ate what I wanted. He hesitantly took a spoonful of ice cream, watching me as if I was going to pull the container away from him and tell him it was a joke. 
As soon as the spoon touched his tongue his eyes lit up like christmas. “Amazing isn’t it?” I asked, taking another bite. He nodded excitedly. Apparently he had a sweet tooth. I pushed the ice cream towards him and watched him devour the whole thing in minutes. God he was adorable!
I settled down on the couch in my office, I desperately needed a shower but that’d have to wait. Jason had taken Jungkook back to our house, he was going to stay in the guest room for the time being. It's not like I was going to put him in the hybrid shelter building, nobody deserved that and he couldn’t stay as a rabbit forever. 
I had a file in front of me, a file on Jungkook. All hybrids are installed with a microchip and registered in the hybrid database as soon as they are born ...or rather created in the labs. Hybrids couldn’t procreate, they were made in labs owned by big corporations. Jason had scanned Jungkooks microchip, the file contained everything about his life.
He was created in Corebear Tech’s lab and sold at the age of six to a wealthy family as a pet for their son. He was sent back to the company when he was twelve because he had grown too big for a rabbit hybrid. Corebear Tech then sold him to Apexi Pharmaceuticals and I guess that’s where Yonu found him.
I felt …I didn’t know what I felt. Maybe a sense of defeat. Jungkook was twenty-three, he was in that lab for eleven years. He was just one year younger than me. I was lost. I couldn’t even imagine what he must’ve gone through. There was no way I was going to let Apexi take him back. I called Song Hwa and gave her the file. After all we had evidence to collect and a case to build.
“Not this again!!” I ran through the front door as soon as I smelled smoke in our kitchen. Jason was standing in front of the stove fanning a pot with a newspaper. 
“I was cooking rice, I don’t know what happened,” he said opening the windows.
I took a peek, the rice was black, utterly totally burnt. “Jason …you’re supposed to add water to cook it…”
“Oh,” Jason loved to cook, the problem was he just couldn’t. I was 200% sure that he was cursed by some evil witch. The moment Jason tries to cook, all hell breaks loose.  
“You’re on clean-up duty,” I grumbled. At least it wasn’t that bad, the cake incident was still fresh in my mind. Once upon a time, when we still lived in our dorm, Jason decided to bake a cake …in a pressure cooker. Needless to say, it was a disaster. The cooker blew up, damaging half the kitchen. Thankfully no one was injured.
I softly knocked on the guestroom door. Jungkook had spent the whole day in his room, not that I blamed him. New place, new people, it was bound to be scary.
“Hey Jungkook, you want to come out for dinner?” I asked. I could deliver him ramen to his room if he wanted but I hoped he’d come out and eat with us. Yes, we were having ramen, Jason and I still lived as we had lived in our dorm, the only difference was our house was nicer and we had a garden.
Jungkook opened the door, he hadn’t locked it. He scrunched his nose as soon as he stepped out. The house was full of burnt smell from Jason’s cooking adventure. The smell must be stronger for him.
“Yeah, Jason tried to cook rice. Pro tip, never eat the food that Jason makes, he’s a terrible cook. Do you want to come eat with us?” I asked. I got a small nod in return.
“Let’s gooooo!! Do you like ramen? We have a really good recipe, well its nothing special, we just throw in some bacon and rice cakes and of course a fuckton of cheese,” I rambled as he followed me to the dining table. “You can never go wrong with cheese, unless you’re Jason,” Jason made protesting noises, I rolled my eyes at him.
Dinner was a bit awkward. Jason and I kept trying to make Jungkook talk but it didn’t work. The poor bunny hadn’t spoken a single word since he’d arrived at Calico. The only thing we got out of him were small nods and silence. I wondered if we should consult a therapist. He was human after all and he needed help.
I heard a sharp gasp from my left. Jungkook’s eyes were huge, he was frozen in his chair. He had accidently knocked the salt shaker off the table.
“I’m so..sorry. Please don’t punish me. I’ll do anything,” his voice was so small, it made my heart ache.
“Oh honey no!” I said as I held his hands. “It was an accident. You remember what I told you? This is a safe space, you’ll never be punished here. I won’t let anyone hurt you, okay?” I was mentally cursing myself for holding his hands on impulse. What if he didn’t like people invading his personal space? My worries were put to rest as he squeezed my hands.
“Okay,” he said in the smallest voice.
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