#obi-wan and cody end up ending their relationship while all of this is going on because cody lied to him too
0h0possum · 8 months
Codywan Headcanon/AU that lives rent free in my head
I think my favorite codywan headcanon/AU is that they are just so good at being professional and discreet when they need to, for literal years, that no one knows they are a thing.
Like my favorite idea of codywan is that they both agree their duties and obligations come first. Honestly they kinda deal with it like a business contract. They sit down and agree: yes they have feelings for each other, yes they want to be together, yes they want as much as a relationship as they can get now since they both never know when one of them might die, yes they need to put their war duties first, yes Obi-wan will always put his Jedi duties first, yes Cody will always put protecting and creating a future for his brothers first, yes the will keep this relationship under raps as it could be under scrutiny for breaking GAR and Jedi rules, yes they will only act as a couple when off duty.
They are just the opposite of Anakin and Padme, no one knows about them. Cody and Obi-wan aren’t trying to hide it per say, they just are so good at being The Commander and The General that no one would ever think they were anything but professional coworkers and maybe friends. Even if there are signs they may be more, their friends and family overlook them because ‘Cody’s too strict about following the regs to be interested in a relationship’ or ‘Obi-wan is too focused on being a model Jedi and following the Code to be in a relationship’.
They are too good at balancing their lives and being ‘The Unproblematic Couple™’.
So when the war ends and they defeat Palpatine, save Anakin and get the clones rights (because we only Stan happy endings in this Codywan house), they both agree mutually to take a break.
Cody takes time to find himself away from the GAR and being The Commander. He spends time with his brothers and helping them all find their feet once they leave the GAR. He helps build a life for them all, while also taking time to find who he is besides a soldier.
Obi-wan spends time reconnecting with Anakin and Ahsoka, making amends with both of them. Getting to finally return to being a peacekeeper and not a General at war. I imagine he would maybe step down from the council to just be a simple Jedi. Not Master of Sorensu, youngest ever High council member, The Negotiator, General, or Sith Killer.
After their short break they agree to start meeting up again, seeing if they still feel the way they did about each other when not in the stressful environment of war and an army setting. But, lo and behold, they still of course love each other. (All the while everyone just assumes it’s Obi-wan and Cody meeting up as ex. Coworkers. They used to be the best of FRIENDS during the war)
After Obi-wan sees Anakin is fine (living with his wife and kids) and the rest of the Order isn’t in dire need of his help, and Cody sees his brothers are finding their feet in the world without need of his leadership, they both just decide they’ve been dating long enough (a few year during and after the war) and they’ve put other duties ahead of theirs relationship long enough.
They just fucking get married and buy a house. Obi-wan leaves the order and Cody moves away from his brother. And they just get married.
WHICH COMES OUT OF NOWHERE TO EVERYONE ELSE. Everyone’s like “??!!!”, “since when have you two ever been together?!”
And fucking Obi-wan and Cody (with biggest deadpan older brother energy) just say “oh yeah, since like the middle of the war? We thought you guys knew? It just never came up in conversation?”
Just absolutely bamboozling everyone in their lives. Rex and Anakin both are like “YoU nEvEr ThOuGhT tO tElL mE? YoUr BrOtHeR?”. Cue Obi-wan and Cody vaguely shrugging and saying ‘there were more important things going on’.
But yeah I just like the idea of Cody and Obi-wan jump scaring their families with their relationship.
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221bshrlocked · 9 months
Keep Your Religion
Pairing: Commander Wolffe x Jedi AFAB!Reader
Words: 7630
Warnings: 18+ only. Starts off angsty then gets to the smut. Softer than usual Wolffe because that man would be madly in love when he finds his special someone. Lots of Kissing. Possessive Behavior/Words. Dirty/Sweet Talk..but mostly Sweet. Exhibitionism Kink if you like squint! Oral Sex (female receiving). Penetrative, Unprotected Sex (wrap the shlong before you king kong my dudes). Slight Breeding Kink. Wolffe is insatiable yall!
Summary: You try to end things with Wolffe because you fear your relationship will end badly due to the rules set in place for the Jedi and the Clones. Wolffe convinces you otherwise.
A/N: Can you believe I finished another fic? Neither can I. It was about time for another Wolffe fic so here you go my lovely humans. I hope you enjoy. Comments are always always always appreciated so let me know how I'm doing please and thank you. I do apologize that I'm not tagging, it hasn't been working for some reason since post editor changed permanently to this new looking editor. I'll try to figure it out I swear! P.S. this is the second of hopefully many more submissions for @clonexreaderbingo
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Something about seeing him so relaxed and loose tugged at the strings of your heart. It was a rare sight, one you thought he would only grace you with when the two of you are alone together. But here he was, throwing back whatever shit drink the bar offered him and his brothers, all the while smiling at Cody’s remark about the new shinies embarrassing themselves in front of Anakin and Obi-Wan. You’re nursing your own drink in the corner, trying to find the best possible way to approach the booth without making a scene. He’d told you before that almost everyone close to him knew of your relationship, but you felt weird about dropping the pretenses. You were his boss, after all. Well, not completely his boss, but a commanding officer regardless. If you started acting extra friendly, you’re not sure how the rest of the Wolfpack would take it. 
As you swirl the spotchka around, you suddenly feel like someone is watching you, hunting you even. There’s only one man who’s ever made you feel so heated and just as you look up from the glass in your hand towards the group of Clones you were previously studying, you notice Wolffe staring you down, the slightest hint of a smirk flashing at you in an attempt to get you to react to his attention. 
Normally, you’d enjoy the subtle flirtatious expressions, even tease him a little to get a rise out of him before escaping to the nearest room to lure him for a private moment. Or, as private a moment as 79’s can offer a Jedi Master and a Commander of the Grand Republic Army. 
But tonight was different. Tonight, you came out to the Clone bar to decide the best way to end things with Wolffe. It was the last thing you wanted to do, but you didn’t want to push your luck any further. Things were getting worse by the hour, and you couldn’t afford losing Wolffe all because some assholes in the Senate didn’t think he deserved to love or to be loved by someone. Then there was the matter of the Jedi Council, and how strict they were becoming. It was already frowned upon before the war, and it only took a few months into this galactic conflict for them to push their ideologies even harder on everyone at the Temple. 
You would never forgive yourself if they punished him simply because you couldn’t stand being far away from him any longer. You narrow your eyes at Wolffe and down the rest of your drink, disappointed in yourself for not having the guts to tell him earlier. 
And for knowing that you probably wouldn’t be able to do it tonight. 
The smile on his face drops instantly when he notices you avoiding his gaze, and you curse yourself for ruining his night. It was going so well, and one look at you made the worry return to his mind again. 
Clutching your robes tightly, you pay the bartender quickly before excusing yourself and heading towards the bathrooms in the back. You could feel the tears threaten to spill down your cheeks and the last thing you wished for is for someone to see you and make a huge fuss about it. As you push through the crowd, you feel those same pair of eyes hold you down harshly, as if they were refusing you permission to leave without confronting them. 
Quickly wiping your eyes, you push open the doors and turn around to lock them behind you, only to nearly bump into the chest of the man you were hoping to avoid tonight. You gulp nervously, and before you can say anything, Wolffe tilts his head to the side and studies you closely, his eyes roaming down your body to see if anything needs his immediate attention. 
When he finds nothing out of the ordinary, he takes a step closer to you and shuts the door behind him, not bothering to lock it as he continues to back you up until you hit the wall. 
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you’re trying to avoid me.” His gaze is direct, unfaltering in the haze of lust he was sending you under. You furrow your eyebrows and try to look anywhere else but him, but as always, he doesn’t give you the easy way out. Grabbing the bottom of your chin, he turns you until you have no choice but to look straight into his eyes and respond. 
“What if I was?” You’re not sure what pushes you to say something so defensive, but the chuckle it gets out of him makes you realize you had already lost whatever game he was playing with you. 
“I’d say you should have gone to another bar.” He’s right. You know this, and he definitely knows this too. The ease with which he continues to have an effect on you would normally be welcomed, but you’re pissed at him. Pissed for being so weak for him. For not bothering to put up a fight. 
“But here you are…at the one place you knew I was coming to tonight.” Wolffe leans down and nudges your temple with his nose, breathing in the scent of your sweat and perfume, and forcing you to reach for him so you don’t topple over from the sheer amount of control he has on you. 
“So tell me mesh’la, what have I done to deserve the cold shoulder?” He whispers the question in your ear, slowly sliding his hands down your body until they reach your waist. You’re having a difficult time breathing, and you moan his name as you throw your head back when he squeezes your hips and pushes his chest impossibly closer into your own. 
“I- you didn’t…it,” you can’t form a coherent sentence, let alone a sensical thought, when you’re so overwhelmed by his presence alone. You thought he would laugh at you, but when his breathing becomes nearly as erratic as your own, you understand that he was genuinely trying to figure out if he’s done something wrong. His methods seldom changed, and you weren’t surprised that he was trying to get you to talk by touching you as intimately as possible without tearing your clothes off. 
“Don’t tell me I did nothing wrong…sir. Something must have happened, or else you would be begging me to have my way with you right now. So what is it? What have I done?” Wolffe repeats again, making you feel guilty for your behavior and for what you’ve been thinking of doing since the last time you were together. You remind yourself that he deserves someone better, someone who wouldn’t compromise his position in the GAR all because of their messed-up religion. He deserved so much more than you. 
And the mere mention of your rank made it worse.
“W-Wolffe, I umm, I can’t do this anymore.” You know this was the last thing he expected you to say because in the blink of an eye, he’s removing himself from you completely and putting space between your shaking body and his own wound up chest. When you muster up the courage to look into his eyes, a shiver courses down your spine. 
It has been so long since he’s given you such a look, one that was filled with nothing but suspicion and guardedness. He’s quiet for longer than you like, and when you reach for him in an attempt to console him, his frown deepens and he twitches away from you. You hadn’t expected such a reaction to hurt this much, but it does, and like before, you have no control over the stream of tears rolling down your chin. Again, it’s not what he expects to witness from you, certainly not after what you just declared to him, and when you sniffle to get yourself under control, he closes the space between you more aggressively than before, slamming his hands on both sides of your face and clenching his jaws tightly when he sees you pouting at him. 
“I don’t know what I’ve done, I don’t. But I’m sorry regardless. I am so very sorry. Whatever it is, we can talk it out. It’s not worth throwing away all that we have. Please. Just- krifff…tell me what it is I have done, and I will get down on my knees right now and beg for your forgiveness. But don’t do this, don’t give up on us.” In all your time knowing Wolffe, you’ve never once heard him speak with such a tone. He was always assertive, confident and unwavering in his commanding presence. 
But the only thing you could feel now is his fear. 
“You did nothing wrong, it’s me…it’s all me Wolffe.” You know this won’t be enough for him, but you try to convince him regardless. Then he drops his head against your shoulder and you know you won’t be able to hold out much longer. 
“I wasn’t born yesterday sweetheart. If you’ve ever held an ounce of respect for me, you’ll tell me what I did wrong. You owe me that much. I- I deserve to know.” If you didn’t know better, you’d think he was close to breaking down as well. 
“I do Wolffe, I respect you…more than anyone. You have to know that.” You hope he doesn’t turn away when you reach for him again, and as you cup his cheeks in the palms of your hands to raise his attention to you, you’re met with an expression you never thought you’d see on his features. 
“You haven’t done anything baby, it’s me. It’s…all me.” If you were a better person, you would have been consistent in your tone with him, but seeing him so torn down broke you, and you couldn’t not soothe him the way you always did whenever he comes back from a particularly difficult mission. 
“You deserve someone better Wolffe, someone who would never compromise your safety. Being with me is- it’s getting dangerous. The Council is becoming more strict…the Senate even worse. If they court martial you because you’re with me, I- I don’t know what I would do.” There’s something so gut-wrenching about the way he refuses to look away from your moving lips, and when you stop talking, he doesn’t blink once, his cybernetic eye focusing in and out before slowly blinking along with the other.
“Someone better?” It’s clear that he’s still hurt by the word vomit you threw at him, but whereas his voice showed it earlier, the shakiness and reluctance is gone now, replaced with a menacing, almost angry tone that you were too familiar with, one that you’ve witnessed during battle when his orders weren’t obeyed immediately. 
“I can’t give you what you want Wolffe, not without hurting you eventually…unintentionally. My- my religion, it’s becoming a threat to your well-being. It’s not worth the hassle. I am not worth the hassle. You could do so much better than-” Whatever you’re about to say gets lost in the damp air of the room as soon as Wolffe decides he’s heard enough of what was on your mind. He grips your neck tightly, winding his other arm around your back and violently pulling you into his embrace as he swallows your surprised shrieks. Your frown deepens for another moment before you surrender yourself to the possessive kiss, and Wolffe must feel you melting into his arms because he growls against your lips and claims your tongue without remorse. 
His hold on you only grows stronger when he feels your arms move to wrap around his neck, and when he’s sure you’re trying to get closer to him and not push him away, he tilts his head to the side and deepens the kiss, not caring for how messy or aggressive he’s being with you as he shoves his tongue past your lips and reminds you of what you could be missing if you got what you wanted and left him. 
As the need for air becomes difficult to ignore, Wolffe breaks the kiss and gives the two of you a moment of respite. When he opens his eyes and finds your orbs glistening with unshed tears, he swears beneath his breath and lunges for you again, the hand around your throat loosening for a fraction of a second before tightening around your jugular and forcing you to accept his rejection of your wishes. You moan into the kiss, allowing him to take whatever he wants from you, knowing that he wasn’t going to allow you to go through with whatever it is you thought you could get away with tonight. When he’s content with the reactions of your mind and body to his touch, 
“You nearly broke my heart, ner runi. Don’t ever say that to me again!” Wolffe refuses to let go of you, afraid you’d leave the room thinking that he agreed to the sentiment you dropped on him a second ago. When you say nothing in return, he shakes his head and crushes you into his arms, nuzzling into your neck and breathing you in to attempt and calm his nerves. He prays that you give him some form of an answer that confirms your understanding of what he just said, but when you don’t, Wolffe sighs heavily and pulls back enough to take a better look at you. 
“Wolffe, we need to talk ab-” Again, he doesn’t care for what you have to say and cuts you off, letting you know that this was definitely the end of the conversation. 
“No, we’re done talking. You can keep your religion sweetheart, I couldn’t care less for its consequences…but don’t you fucking dare and ask me to abandon mine.” His voice is firm, the familiar unyielding articulation confirming to you that he’s already made up his mind on the matter. There would be no more on the matter. 
As much as you hate to admit it, it feels like a bantha has lifted one of its feet off your chest. You look into his eyes and find them filled with a more familiar emotion, one that kept you going ever since you confessed your feelings to him. You thought it would be difficult to get him to accept your proposition, but you realize then and there that it was definitely harder for you to come to terms with your initial thoughts. 
You slowly smile at him, and it must be what Wolffe needs to hear to forget the last few minutes because his touches become less crazed and more soothing, a level of intimacy you’re always yearning for when the two of you are away from each other for too long. 
“And what...what is your religion?” You barely find the attention span to ask, the familiarity of his touch and his voice sending you down a spiral of lust-filled thoughts that only increased the longer Wolffe remained in your presence. 
“Your body is my religion cyar’ika, and I’m not planning on losing my faith any time soon.” The confession is lewd, mostly because he’s using your weakness to drive the message home. But as dirty as the admission sounded on his lips, you couldn’t help but sink into his embrace, wanting to hear more of him so you could forget about why you were here in the first place. 
“Is that s-so?” You’re practically shaking in his arms, and Wolffe uses your momentary distraction to tug your robes apart and leave a trail of kisses down your neck to where he wanted to bite you most. 
“Yeah,” he licks at your skin, wishing with all his heart he could have you right then and there. It’s not as if the two of you haven’t fucked at 79’s before. He just knew that you both needed something more, something that he can only accomplish in the privacy of his rooms. 
“Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to excuse myself for the night, tell the boys I have to finish reports for the General.” He slips a hand underneath the edge of your shirt, drawing circles on your waist until you slowly begin to roll your hips into him. 
“Ahuh,” you’re not really paying attention to what he’s saying, your body already frozen with anticipation now that it felt his hands and his tongue leaving marks across it again. 
“Focus,” he squeezes your ass, shaking it twice to get you to open your eyes and look past the haze to obey his next commands. 
“Yes sir.” You bite into your lip and giggle when he narrows his eyes at you and mumbles something about punishing you for being a tease. 
“You’re going to leave shortly after, something about being needed back at the Temple.” Your stomach twists in knots when you realize he’s using his ‘Commander’ voice on you, and you can’t help but wrap your arms around his neck and mold your lips with his own when you remember the last time he used that same tone on you. 
What a night it was. 
“And where w-will I actually be going?” You ask as soon as Wolffe pulls you away and breaks the kiss. 
“My room baby, where you’ll stay for the rest of the night.” He says matter of factly, as if you shouldn’t even be asking his such a question. 
“Pray tell, Commander. What will we be doing that- oh kriff, that will require me to spend the night in your quarters?” You throw your head back when his hand slithers up your body and cups your breast through your Jedi robes. You can almost feel the heat radiating off the palm of his hand, and the harder he gropes you through your clothes, the more you wish he would just push you down on all fours and fuck you into oblivion. 
“Well, I don’t know about you sweetheart, but I’ll be practicing my faith...and worshiping every inch of your body until the only thing you can feel is me.” The smirk on his face would be menacing if you weren’t so used to it by now, and you gasp lightly when he leans down and bites the skin of your shoulder peeking from beneath your cloak. 
“Oh gods-”
“That’s it, moan for me cyar’ika. I want the whole fucking bar to know who makes you feel good.” Wolffe shoves your thighs apart and pushes his leg in between, slowly moving you back and forth on him to give you a preview of what’s to come tonight. 
“Wolffe, please. I need you.” You fall forward against his chest, whining for him as he continues to move you across his thigh and dares you to come from such a simple touch. 
“Oh, now you need me?” You know he’s joking without looking at him, but the question throws you off guard and you snap your gaze up to see if he was hurt by what you said previously. 
“I- I didn’t…I’m sorry.”
“None of that.” Wolffe shakes his head, not wanting to ruin the moment by something so trivial. He slows down his touches but keeps you moving on him, hoping to distract you long enough to make this night a little better for the both of you. 
“Wolffe,” you call for him again, not in warning but in desperation, hoping that he can see how sorry you are for ever doubting what the two of you had. 
“That was cruel of me, forgive me sweetheart.” His voice is soft, so much sweeter than before, and you’re reminded by how quickly his mood changes whenever he senses you’re upset or angry. 
“How could you ask that when I am the one who hurt you?” You should drop it, everything that he’s done is proof that you should let this go and get back to more important matters, but you can’t stop yourself from asking him, wanting to know why he’s always so patient and caring with you when he was the one who deserved better. 
“You didn’t hurt me, cyare.”
“I did, I- I almost…”
“You could never hurt me, little one. Never.” Like before, he doesn’t care for whatever you have to say, not because he doesn’t value your words, but because he knows how difficult your relationship with him probably weighs on your mind. 
Even from the beginning. 
You study him for what feels like hours but is probably only seconds. And you wonder how anyone could ever think him cruel and rude when he was so loving and unbelievably long-suffering. Without warning, you throw yourself at him, mirroring his actions from before and shoving your mouth against his own to feel grounded. He doesn’t waste a second, pushing you harder against the wall and sucking on your tongue until you were a moaning mess in his embrace. 
“F-fuck, if you keep that up, I won’t- kriff, I won’t hold back.” Wolffe rests his forehead against yours, trying to keep himself in check so he doesn’t end up embarrassing the two of you by what his body is willing to do. 
“Then don’t!”
“You want me to fuck you right here, where anyone can walk in and see you getting filled with my cock?” He shouldn’t be surprised by how wanton you are, and although he knows he should step away and put some space between you and him, he can’t help but retort with his own teasing comment. 
“Please Commander.” You lean up and kiss his jugular, nipping at the skin just above his armor and soothing it with another kiss before laying your head back and meeting his intense gaze. 
“Always playing dirty. Just for that, you’ll have to wait.” Wolffe clears his throat and eyes you up and down before taking a few steps back. He barely manages to hold back from laughing when you stumble forward and nearly lose your footing. You’re about to complain when he raises a hand and silences you, furrowing his eyebrows at you in an attempt to look intimidating. 
“Another word, and I won’t give you my cock tonight.” He warns calmly, smirking immediately when you shake your head and tell him you’ll be good.
“No please, I’ll stop. I’ll behave, I swear.” 
“You’ll behave-?” The question trails until the room is silent again and you know instantly what you said wrong. 
“Commander.” You whisper to him as you try to fix your clothes and hair so you don’t look like you were fucked against a wall by the Commander of the 104th Battalion. You don’t dare smile at him, afraid he’d misunderstand the gesture for another one of your teasing expressions and completely throw the night away. 
“Good girl, now do as you’re told and I promise to reward you.” He watches you saunter past him and before you unlock the door, he smacks your ass quite harshly, watching you closely to see if you were going to behave or retort like you usually do. 
“Yes, sir.” You don’t dare give into his tricks, hoping to get through the next hour or so without getting distracted, or worse…caught. 
“Off you go.” He gestures for you to leave before him, and when you’re no longer in sight, he shuts his eyes and sighs in relief. Wolffe is not sure how the two of you got to where you are now, but considering the fact that he expected something like this to happen since you got together, he’s relieved that it was for reasons different from what his mind conjured up all those nights he spent alone in his bed. 
You walk out and move towards the bar again, your eyes roaming across the busy bar and waiting until Wolffe walks out before you make sure that no one noticed the two of you together. He follows you soon after, finding you almost instantly and winking at you before he heads towards his men. You watch as he tells Sinker to give him his helmet, and you assume they all roll their eyes not a second later because he told them he needed to get some paperwork done. 
But as soon as Cody looks at you, he knows what Wolffe is planning on doing, and before you can turn away from him, he raises his glass and smiles at you before downing the rest of his drink. You should be embarrassed at being seen, but something about the way the Commander gestures at you makes you smile, as if he was telling you that he hoped the two of you are okay. You shake your head at him and throw your hood up, walking to the Commander of the 21st Nova Corps to let him know you’ll be leaving earlier tonight. 
“Ah General, I was wondering when you’ll be joining us.” You smile at Commander Bacara and the boys, giving them a few credits to let them know the next two rounds were on you. 
“Sorry Bacara, I’m calling it early tonight. Needed back at the Temple!” You feel bad for lying to him, but as always, he doesn’t ask for an elaboration, telling you that he hopes you don’t have to do too much paperwork while you’re still on break. 
“See you later,” you nod at him and the others when they salute you, and just as you walk out of the bar, you vaguely hear them yell for the droid making its rounds to get them a round of quanya. 
“Hmm, didn’t peg them for the type.” You mutter to yourself as you step out into the chilly Coruscant air, looking around to see if Wolffe was anywhere to be seen or if he has already left. When you don’t sense his Force signature nearby, you make your way towards the speeder bike Anakin lent you and bring it to life, trying your best to contain yourself so you wouldn’t be caught by another Jedi nearby. 
You make your way through the streets as quickly as possible, and when you make it to the Temple, you park the bike nearby and think of the best way to make it through the barracks without being seen by any of the Masters…or Commanders. 
It’s not the first time you entered the barracks, and under normal circumstances, it wouldn’t be strange to see a Jedi making their way through the hallways. But it was nearly midnight, and you weren’t sure you could lie your way through a question if you were caught before you made it to Wolffe’s quarters. You’re about to reach out to the Force to see if anyone is awake when you hear footsteps approaching you from behind. The familiarity of its warmness sets your mind at ease, and you take a deep breath before you turn to face him. 
“General, is there something I can help you with?” He’s putting on a show for the surveillance cameras, and you clear your throat before you tell him something about wanting to review the plans for the next mission. 
“Very well,” he’s curt in his response, and you get the sense that he may be avoidant because he has about as much control around you as you do whenever you so much as hear the mention of his name. 
“Thank you, Commander Wolffe.” He nearly falters in his steps at hearing you call his name, and he swears beneath his breath as a way of warning. You nearly smile at his reaction, but you remember how closely the guards watch the cameras and you choose to switch your attention to the ground. Not another word passes between the two of you, and as you reach his room, you feel your heart threaten to leap out of your chest at the prospect of finally spending a night with him. 
Up until now, the two of you had to make do with stolen moments and short breaks, whether on missions or back here. Neither of you have ever spent the night alone, and you find it fitting that tonight would be it. It’s comforting and nerve-wrecking all at once, and as soon as you step into his quarters, you allow yourself to take in the calm before the storm. 
Before the door slides completely shut, Wolffe is on you like a moth to a flame, nearly ripping your clothes off of your body as he pushes you down onto his bed. 
“W-Wolffe, I-” You try to ask him why he’s so frantic and crazed all of a sudden but he lets go of you and stands to his height, making quick work of his armor in record time all the while keeping you still with the mere look in his eyes. 
“I can’t do slow tonight, can’t wait another fucking second without having you.” You always admired how much care he puts into his armor whenever he’s taking it off or putting it back on, so seeing him drop each pass to the ground sends a zap of lightning down your spine. 
You mirror his actions without another word, throwing your boots and socks away before struggling to take your pants off. Moments later, you feel the bed dip once Wolffe crawls towards you, his muscles flexing in such a menacing way that makes you fall back into the sheets and wait for him to tell you what to do next. 
But then he says nothing, and you’re torn between asking him what he needs from you and letting you do whatever the fuck he wants. He reaches for the edge of your pants and tugs them right down your legs, not once blinking as he violently takes your sweater off and throws it somewhere behind him. You’re left in nothing but your undergarments, and as you twist your arms to take your bra off, Wolffe shoves your thighs apart and makes space for himself in between. 
“I need you, now.” His voice should terrify you, it should be enough of a warning for what he has in store for you. But you find it exhilarating, knowing that only you could get him to lose this much control. You try to reach for him, wanting to feel his skin beneath the tips of your fingers, but Wolffe shakes his head and grabs both of your wrists in one hand, slamming them above your head and tightening the hold he has on them while he slithers his other hand down your nude body. 
“If it were up to me mesh’la, I’d tie you to this fucking bed and have my way with you whenever I want. I’d- kriff, I’d fill you with my cum every minute of every fucking day…so everyone would know you’re mine…so they know that I’m yours.” He teases you through your panties, rubbing lazy circles across the damp spot quickly becoming larger. 
“Wolffe, please…take me.” You whine his name in desperation, hoping he’d finally give you his cock and end your misery. 
“I swear to the maker sweet girl, I’m going to fuck you all night long…kiss every inch of you, mark you with my teeth and hands until you’re my very own altar. I’m going to worship you baby, but only if you promise me one thing.” Wolffe slips his fingers beneath the flimsy material of your panties, rubbing at your clit furiously to get you to focus on him and him only. 
“A-anything…anything Commander.” You turn to the side and kiss his forearm, hoping he’d see how willing you are to do whatever he asks of you. 
“Pray for me.” As you look bite into his skin, Wolffe pushes his hard dick into your cunt, not bothering to give you a moment to get used to being so full before he starts fucking into you with sharp thrusts. You’re screaming his name instantly, arching your back from the sheer amount of pain and pleasure he was bringing upon you so quickly. 
“FUck, there we go…such a good fucking girl for me, screaming my name so sweetly. Go on ner Jetii’ika, tell everyone who fucks you like the perfect cockdumb whore you are.” He leans down and bites the top of your breasts, letting go of your wrists for a brief second so he can rip the last bit of clothing shielding you from his hungry eyes. 
“Wolffe…f-ffuck, oh gods…Wolffe!” You twist your fingers into his bed sheets, crossing your legs behind his back and whining for him when he descends down on you and sucks on your nipple. His hand seeks out your own, and when he intertwines his fingers with yours, he grunts and growls against your skin, reaching for the other breast and groping you harshly until the only thing you can feel is his tongue, and his hands, and his cock wreaking havoc on you. 
Wolffe knows he should slow down, perhaps be a little less demanding with you. But something about seeing you in his bed when everyone else is asleep makes him more possessive, more needy with your body. And it didn’t help how you were reacting to his advances, how completely you surrendered your body to him without so much as a question. He opens his eyes and roams them over your already bruising skin, and when he finds you wanting for more, he increases his pace and fucks you until you couldn’t even breathe out his name. 
You sense his gaze on you, and as you look through heavy-lidded eyes, you find him completely focused on your dazed expression. 
“Wolffe, I- I love you.” You’re not sure what makes you say those words now, but a voice in your heart told you this was the right moment. You’ve spoken before about what this thing between the two of you was, and you knew, as well as he, that this would be it. There would be no one else, not for him, and definitely not for you. 
But you’ve never actually said those words out loud. You’ve said it in the way you kissed him, in the way you gave yourself to him…and Wolffe had pretty much conveyed them to you with every stolen glance and every quick touch he managed to sneak when the two of you passed each other on the General’s ship. 
Like before, Wolffe hasn’t expected to hear you part with such a confession, now of all times. He falters in his pace for a brief moment before he sinks his cock into you and stills completely, wanting to be as close and connected with you as possible when he finally said what he’s felt for you since you introduced yourself to him. 
“Ni kar’tayli gar darasuum…cyare.” You let out a quiet sob at the intimacy of the moment, and Wolffe wraps his arms around your neck and your waist to feel you against every bit of his skin. His thrusts are shallow, barely leaving you empty out of fear of losing this moment. You throw your arms around his neck and bring him flush against you, crying for him one last time as he seals your lips with his own and sinks into your wet cunt. 
The world comes to a halt around you, and all you can feel is Wolffe’s lips claiming your mouth just as he fills you with his seed. You come with him, shaking softly in his arms as his hot cum shoots into you and coats your walls with proof of his need to mark every fucking inch of you. It’s too much and not enough, and you push your heels into his ass in an attempt to bring him even closer to you. It’s not possible, you know that, but you want nothing more than to have him sink into your body until you weren’t sure where he ended and you began. 
Wolffe is fighting for his life, torn between giving you a second to breathe and quite literally stealing your breath to fill his lungs with your essence. He parts for a brief moment and looks at you, kissing your eyes softly before shoving his lips against yours again. You don’t dare ask him to give you a moment of respite, mostly because you’re sure you would miss him if he were to put space between your skin and his lips. 
Suddenly, the world turns around and you break the kiss unintentionally, gasping in surprise when he turns the two of you around until he’s laying on his back and you on top of him. You smile against his jaw when you feel his hands slide down your back and grab at your ass. As he starts moving your hips back and forth, you nuzzle into his neck and breathe in his scent, licking and kissing his skin the more he fucks his cum deep into your cunt. 
“I’m not done with you yet, ner kar’ta.” The promise is both teasing and terrifying, but you can’t find it in yourself to hesitate, not when he was promising you the stars all night long. 
And he does, he brings you the heavens until you can no longer breathe without tasting the cosmos on your tongue. With every touch of his fingers, you beg him for more…more of his sweet words, more of his sinful kisses, more of his needy cock.
He fucks you until you lose your voice, and when he’s sure he’s rung your body of every ounce of pleasure it can offer him, he fucks you some more, filling your pussy until you were nothing but a mess, a mixture of his seed and your juices.
And then he pushes you down and parts your thighs to pull you apart with his tongue, and you feel that familiar heat rise in your chest all over again. You tug on his hair, torn between urging him to make you cum again and pleading for him to stop because you could no longer stand the pleasure. You were so sensitive, and Wolffe knew very well how painful the ecstasy was becoming, but some twisted part of him wanted to mark your cunt with his teeth and tongue as well. He wanted to devour you, body and soul. Your release comes in the form of a silent cry, and Wolffe laps up your mixed cum until you can’t take it anymore, softly pushing his shoulders away so he can slow down.
There is a lazy smile on your features, one that deepens further when you see Wolffe crawling on top of you and leaving a trail of wet kisses across your sweaty skin.
“Satisfied?” He dares to ask, lightly pinching your nipples when you don’t respond right away. You giggle at the touch, pulling him closer to you so he can kiss you some more. He melts into your body, roaming his hands across the tired muscles until he has no choice but to fall beside you.
You hum in response, studying his relaxed expression and laying the softest of kisses on his forehead before pulling him into your neck. Neither of you say anything, and only when your breathing steadies does Wolffe pull away to make sure you’re comfortable and asleep.
He sits up on his elbows and takes in his handiwork, biting his lower lip when he sees the bruises already forming all over your body. The contentment falters for a split second, but his worries evaporate when you sleepily reach for him and bring him back into your arms. He mutters his love for you one last time before surrendering to the comfort of your embrace, falling into a deep sleep almost as soon as he rests his cheek on your shoulder. 
It’s hours later when you wake, and you groan tiredly when the sunbeams hit your eyes and make it difficult to escape them. You turn to the other side and peek through your lashes, only to find Wolffe already wide awake, softly touching the length of your arm with his lips and nose, as if he was tracing every little mark he left on your body from last night. He looks up when he notices your breaths coming in erratically, winking at you and smirking at the sudden spirit of shyness falling over your tired form. 
“I can taste the sunlight on your skin.” He moans against your clavicle, lightly nipping at the skin over the bone when you turn away from him and hide beneath the sheets. 
“Hmm…such a smooth talker.” You groan from underneath the shield you’ve created, giggling like a little girl when Wolffe tugs them away and attacks your face with playful nips and kisses. 
“Only for you cyar’ika.” He whispers into your ear before biting at the space just below it, his touches becoming less playful and more needy as he takes in the way your body is reacting to his advances. 
“Wolffe, your lips feel so good.” You throw your head back and sink your nails into the muscles on his back, gasping for air the longer Wolffe continues to mark you up. It’s almost as if he was looking for spots on your skin he hasn’t left his bite marks or fingerprints on. Not that you were complaining. 
“Just my lips, General?” You can hear the smile on his handsome face, and you nearly push back to edge him on, but you realize it would serve you better to give into him and tell him what he wants to hear. 
“N-no, it’s everything you do to me Wolffe. It’s in your touch…your- your voice…your cock.”
“My little Jedi can’t get enough of me.” He shifts you in his arms until you’re laying on your stomach, and when you try to look back to see what he has in mind, he combs his finger into your hair and pushes you into the pillows until he has access to your back. When he hears whine his name, he descends down on you like a crazed man, sinking his teeth into the skin he wasn’t able to reach last night while pulling on your hair to remind you who was in charge. 
“Oh gods…never, Wolffe. Never. I want you all the kriffing time, even now…I just want you to- to,” you forget what you want to say, the need to commit this moment to memory outweighing whatever information your mind wanted to part with. It must be the reaction Wolffe was wanting for because he chuckles against your heated skin and finishes your thought for you. 
“Claim you?”
“Please.” You try to push the sheets away from you so you can feel him against your back, and Wolffe lets go of you for a split second to let you do whatever you wish, returning flush against you once you’re completely nude to his eyes. He’s on you in the blink of an eye, teasing you with the head of his hard cock while keeping a firm hold on your hips so you don’t move against him.
“Can’t really do that now, can I mesh’la?” He struggles through his words, his hungry eyes picturing all the things he still wants to do to you as you lay there beneath him, willingly submitting your entire self to him without a second thought. 
“You’re already mine, little Jedi. You’re mine, have been since you came here all those months ago and told me you wanted me.” He massages your back with his calloused hands, trying to come to terms with the fact that he will never be close enough to you. He’ll never get tired of this. He’ll never not want to touch you with everything he’s got. 
“But since you plead so sweetly,” you moan into the sheets as you feel him part your thighs and slowly sink his cock into your swollen cunt, keeping you filled to the brim and refusing to move until you begged some more. 
“Wolffe...” You reach back and tug on his hair to bring him closer to you, the need to hear what you do to him igniting a flame in your chest, one that only he could put out by showing you how much he craves you. 
“F-ffuck, you’ve ruined the mornings for me cyare. Now I- I won’t stop thinking of your wet, tight pussy when I…kriff, when I wake up.” Wolffe bites into your shoulder as he rolls his hips into you, no longer able to control his desires from you. He wanted you to know the effect you have on him, the hold you had on his very soul ever since you walked onto his ship and offered your aid all those months ago. 
“I’m yours Commander, always. Y-you can have me whenever you want.” You sigh heavily when he growls against your skin and continues to fuck into you without caring for how rough he’s being. 
“E-even at sunrise, General?” Wolffe chuckles as soon as your cunt clenches tightly around him at the mention of the honorific, letting you know that he enjoys calling you by your rank as much as he does when you moan his. 
“Especially at sunrise-” You barely manage to breathe out, smiling through the assault he was bringing on your body as you surrender yourself completely to him.
“My little tracinya,” Wolffe nuzzles into the crook of your neck, content with the way you seem to melt the harder he fills you with his cock. A part of him knows he should maybe discuss the incident from last night, but he finds it difficult to pay any mind to your words when he already has you so willing and wanting beneath him. 
Later, he would consider the little issue of your religion later. 
But for now, he was adamant on showing you his own.
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blackkatmagic · 3 months
Do you have summaries for the unpublished stories (in the last patreon poll)? I would love to hear more about them!
Absolutely! I realized belatedly and while not massively sleep deprived that I should have put the summaries in the heading part, whoops. :'D
Feral/Plo - identity porn/sugar daddy/biology made them do it AU:
Canon goes AU in that Talzin handed all three of her children over to Sidious instead of just Maul. Fast forward to the middle of the Clone Wars and Feral has grabbed his brothers, both of whom are in a bad way, and skipped out on Talzin/Sidious to hide on a planet that's mostly under Republic control, where he makes a living collecting information/carrying out assassinations for the local crime lord. Enter Plo, who's in the middle of like. the Kel Dor version of a horny season. Not quite fuck or die, but fuck or be distracted and miserable and horny for months. Feral, thinking this will be a good opportunity to gather info on the Jedi, volunteers to help him out by being a sex partner whose sturdiness can stand up to Kel Dor physiology. Except that Plo is nice and Feral is maybe not prepared for that.
Jaster/Granta - Sith empire vs. Mandalorian empire AU with lots of daddy issues:
Xanatos is the Sith Lord ruling over Telos, and Granta plays assassin/weapon for his father, right up until he makes a mistake, a Jedi gets away, and Sith Emperor Sidious demands that Granta be punished for failing. Xanatos promptly sends Granta to murder Mand'alor Jaster, who manages not to die but does clock the daddy issues at 20 paces. When Xanatos completely disavows Granta and leaves him for the Mandos to execute, Jaster offers a deal - he'll let Granta live, but in return Granta will be his consort as a fuck you to the Sith Empire, and use his skill at killing Sith for the Mandalorians. Granta accepts, and they have a lot of messy sex and even messier feelings about it.
Padme/Rex - Time travel/time slips/identity porn/fake Jedi!Padme:
Canon divergence in that Obi-Wan's remarkably stupid escape from Vader's base in Kenobi doesn't work, and Reva ends up kidnapping Luke and Leia both at the same time to bring them to Vader. Padme, vaguely a Force ghost by sheer force of will, realizes that her kids are in danger and gets so angry that she quite literally tears time itself apart, throwing herself, her kids, and Vader back to the start of the Clone Wars. They all end up scattered, though, and Padme, with a brand-new Force sensitivity and Obi-Wan's lightsaber, makes a plan with her past self and goes to find her kids, pretending to be a Jedi to let her move through the front more easily. Which goes great, right up until she falls in with Torrent by accident as they're looking for a vanished Anakin. Rex, for his part, has no idea what to make of this angry, driven Jedi lady who tears her way through the CIS like she's aiming to bring them down all by herself, but is also devastatingly sad and kind when there's no enemy to fight. He does know that he very much needs to keep her alive, though, and given Padme's recklessness and Vader making plans in the shadows, that's the furthest thing from easy.
Tae/Fox - CIS!clones AU/spy shenanigans/fake relationship:
AU with CIS!clone troopers under the command of whatever Sith Dooku can vaguely train/pull out of the mud, wherein Fox is the Marshal Commander of a newly-captured Coruscant under Dooku's control. Tae is a new Knight, following in Nico's footsteps as a Shadow, and when Nico goes missing on Coruscant, he decides to go undercover to look for him. Of course, the best way to do this is to volunteer to help the infamously difficult Marshal Commander, who chews through aides like it's a sport and defies even the Sith. When Dooku starts getting a little too suspicious of both of them for comfort, though, Tae comes up with a plan - fake a relationship and pretend to hide it, and then no one will look any deeper. Fox agrees, still unaware that Tae is a Jedi and an enemy.
Cody/Maul - identity porn/Force-sensitive!Cody/canon divergence
Cody touches the wrong artefact during the destruction of the Jedi Temple and the building of Palpatine's palace, and wakes up back at the start of the Clone Wars, still fighting the influence of the chip. Not willing to trust himself enough to go to the Jedi, he instead picks the next best thing: Maul. Except that as soon as he touches Maul, lost in the depths of Lotho Minor, it's not spider!Maul who crashes down on top of him, but Sith apprentice!Maul, pulled right out of his fight with Eldra but with all the doubts about his path that it raised. He immediately assumes that Cody is a Sith Lord challenging Palpatine, and Cody goes along with it, hoping that Maul will be able to teach him to control all of his unsettling new abilities. He very much doesn't expect the mad sort of devotion Maul brings with him, or the fact that he's suddenly the whole Jedi Order's number one target, thanks to Palpatine also assuming he's a rival.
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rochenn · 6 months
i love your codywan takes so much, do you have any headcanons or fun things about them that you wish people talked/wrote about more?
Something I've been Thinking about is them being aware, mature and professional enough to not get together in any way during the war. But now throw them into the Rebellion—they end up as co-workers again, except with all that O66 baggage between them and so few people to rely on but each other. And despite them now being equals in rank, they still fall back into that professional Not Doing Anything dynamic even though their old relationship has been destroyed, even though they're much more charged, even though these new hardships weld them so much closer together. It's about the CHANGE. It's about the YEARNING. Raghhh this thought has been making me go insane!!
I've also been a bit brainwormed by Force sensitive Cody, mostly because I wanna see his identity struggle. He's a command clone. One of thousands. He's been saddled with endless responsibility and suddenly he can tap into this power that could get him taken away to Kamino or to the Temple and while the former is out of the question, I wanna see him torn between his old duty and his new possibilities. And the way this would push him closer to Obi-Wan is SO TASTY. Advice. Shared meditation. Lightsaber practice. And uhhh the possible implications if Palps heard that this clone has the Force? Ohhh this could go SO downhill SO fast I shan't say more
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aspenstarflare · 1 year
Time for more Clone wars Head Cannon time:
-The 501st and 212th defiantly have bets against each other of the state of Anakin and Padmé’s relationship but also Obi-Wan and Cody’s. Ahsoka, Rex, Waxer, and Boil organizing these bets whenever the two legions are together (of course under the noses, of General Skywalker, General Kenobi, and Commander Cody).
-Kix sleeps literally with one eye open, due to his Jedi trying to escape the medbay every time he falls asleep. Every time he drags them back to bed he always mutters something along the line of “stupid self sacrificing jedi ideology, whoever thought the force was a free pass to self neglect will feel my wrath.”
-Speaking of Kix, the entire 501st and also the 212th by extension are terrified of him, once 10 droid invaded his medical tent and he took them all out on his own without a blaster. He also can single handily drag one of his jedi or troopers to the medbay without effort.
-Fives and Echo, the chaos twins who bring destruction wherever they go, will try to sneak into Anakin’s council meetings get into his line of sight, and try everything that is possible to make him laugh. During one meeting where they are more particularly funny Anakin just stands there in a council meeting trying to be silent and stiff as a board while he’s shaking from laughter and mace goes “Is something funny skywalker?” and fives falls on his head from doing a handstand at that moment and Anakin loses it and bursts out laughing like a maniac but refuses to explain why to the council ever. So for the rest of the history of the council, they all think Anakin finds Yoda going on mission to be kriffin hilarious.
-After tough missions the troopers of the 501st like to huddle together in a cuddle pile (although only Ahsoka calls it that), Ahsoka discovering this one night while they were all sleep in their huddle, hopped into the pile and snuggled up with them as she couldn’t fall asleep because of a nightmare that has her in a panic attack and Anakin was no where to be found. Cut to the next morning Anakin is panicking about where Ahsoka is and bursts into the barracks to ask the troopers if they’ve seen Ahsoka just to find her in the pile of his troopers between Jesse and Fives. He finds the sight too wholesome to disrupt so he takes a picture of it and leaves. Letting his children sleep in. He ends up framing that picture in his quarters much to Ahsoka’s annoyance when she finds it.
-Sometimes when the clones in the 501st have a illness like a cold instead of going to Kix (much to his annoyance) they to to their General. Sometimes they just want General Skywalker’s hugs, reassurance, and help. Appreciating the fatherly presence and warmth he gives them. He also happens to be really good at spotting when his troopers are ill, which Kix does actually appreciate because better they get General Skywalkers help then no help. (And Anakin does eventually tend to bring his sick troop to the medbay to make sure they’re alright)
-Sometimes on missions where locals are around a person or two has flirted with Ahsoka making her annoyed and uncomfortable as most of them tended being men older than her, but even the people who are age appropriate make her uncomfortable too as she isn’t interested in anyone at all. Usually Anakin would cut in and tell them to Kriff off and get away from his Padawan, but this time, Rex, Fives, Echo, Jesse, and Hardcase beat him to it. With Fives punching the 30 year old guy in the face, Echo shoving him to the ground, Jesse kicking him in the side, Hardcase stepping on him hard so he can’t move, and Rex telling him to never speak or go near his little sister again, telling him to kriff off before he faces a fate worse than death. Anakin smiles at them proudly while Ahsoka silently cries happy tears in the background from being called a “little sister” by her vod.
-I believe it’s already canon or a really universal headcanon that the clones speak mando, but I believe once Anakin and especially Ahsoka learn this they are both immensely determined to learn how to speak it, much to the hesitance to the 501st initially, they aren’t sure as it’s something that their’s. But quickly they get really close to both the commander and general and adopt them as their Vod’ika and Buir and teach them a few words until by the near end of the war it escalates to basically the entire language. (Anakin cries a lot when he learns what Buir means)
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Star Wars Omegaverse Recs
Here's a couple solid omegaverse fics. This list is shorter than most of the ones I write but Meh.
Stars are for my favorites.
⭐ The Rain Fell Already by @loosingmoreletters: variation on Jedi Indentured AU containing omegaverse. Xanatos is omega Qui-Gon's bio kid but nothing changes, depressing but poignant
House Call by @elthadriel: two idiots knot while on medication that requires no knotting because it can get stuck for literal hours. Kix has to help and he is very annoyed about it
Status Quo by @captainkirkk: (G-rated) Anakin responds to Obi-Wan in a "you are my dad" way and the clones are surprised pikachu about it
⭐ Temporary Like Achilles by @intermundia: standard-ish fuck-or-die scenario where both sides are like "I can't take advantage of you/I just took advantage of you" because of course they are. (This author has a lot of solid Obikin, but they have me blocked (no I don't know why) so I can't tag them.)
⭐ He Said Yes by @threebea: (G-rated) B!Quinlan and O!Obi-Wan get mated for Obi-Wan's safety, the nature of their relationship is unclear to basically everyone (romantic? qp? other? unclear)
venus flytrap by IntoThineHands: Sith!Obi, role reversal of trope standard (omega deliberately takes advantage of an alpha)
Bite of Caramel by @thewriterowl: A!Jango needs a date to the family reunion, asks O!Obi-Wan to accompany him
⭐ good things in threes by @galateagalvanized: Codywan accidental pregnancy after O!Obi-Wan's implant gets nullified by an overpowered EMP (along with Cody's brain chip)
all my roads lead back to you by @tennessoui: idiots to lovers comedy (modern au, Obi-Wan got pregnant in a one-night stand across the country with a bartender who kind of looked like Anakin, because he's in love with his roommate but can't come clean and so hooks up with guys who look like him, and Anakin is in love with Obi-Wan enough that he's decided to be the Dad Who Stepped Up to this kid because anything Obi-Wan makes is part of Obi-Wan and obviously deserving of adoration)
The Theory of Letting Go by @ifonlyweknewwhatiwasdoing: never a Jedi!Anakin, Padme dead of uterine rupture, Obi-Wan hormonally addled and insistent on taking care of the twins like they're his own
The Swan Serenade by @shatouto: heavily AU, Mando!Anakin and Jedi-but-more-like-real-world-monks!Obi. (Has the most adorable art in the end of chapter notes, btw)
For Safekeeping by @glimmerglanger: Sith O!Obi-Wan feels safe because of the army of clones, which is the first time he's felt safe enough to have a heat, ends up fucked by his army of betas
when the snow falls we will wrap ourselves in furs by @hornet394: the fic I reread that had me going "I want Rex with O!Anakin but being in character" because this is one of the few omegaverse Rexwalkers that hits that button for me (though it's technically Anakin/501st poly stuff)
⭐ Find a little stranger by @obimanletkenobi: Villain!Obidala, both alphas, find Anakin at an omega auction, decide to ask him to play surrogate for their child since they can't do it themselves (with the offer to drop him off on a random planet with a wiped memory and enough cash to start a new life as a free man if he doesn't want to get pregnant), followed by smut
Belonging by IronCannon: this is the OTHER solid omegaverse Rexwalker
⭐ Conceal Me by @himboskywalker: longfic that is VERY good imo and builds the tension incredibly. Anakin is an omega pretending to be an alpha (literally the only people alive that know he's omega are his mother and the midwife). Senator Obi-Wan is an alpha pretending to be a beta (for weird reasons relating to his parents being kind of insane). They get married for politics, suggested by Palpatine because he found out about Obi-Wan being an alpha but not about Anakin, and decided a forced alpha/alpha marriage was going to self-destruct and help destabilize the Republic further.
Both by @obimanletkenobi: Anakin is the omegaverse equivalent of intersex and this explores the ways he's fetishized and discriminated against by the culture around him.
Peachy the Series by @the-writing-mill: IDK what to say, if you want 15k of O!Obi-Wan getting absolutely railed by two alphas, this is the fic for you
⭐ Packed Together Like Test Tubes also by @the-writing-mill: Jangobi, forced on both sides. Neither of them wants to mate, but the Kaminoans are forcing the issue with synthetic pheromones. It takes several weeks to get to that point and they are both fighting it with every ounce of willpower they have.
⭐ [Only] Think of Me by @inferior-fairy: Empress Amidala and Emperor Kenobi need Anakin to not go off the rails again, but they need a reason for him to want to stay because they love him too much to force the issue (and make him hate them) with chains or the like. So they give him Babies.
⭐ unfortunately it seems I have written more by @gaily-daily: Look at me. LOOK at me. This is fucked up and ugly and horrible and awful and messy and triggering and so incredibly well written as a dawning horror situation. Dead Dove at its finest. It is incredibly good as a story, but it is also really bad, and you need to go in accepting that. Without details, it's messy/triggering in the GoT sense.
⭐ terribly inconvenient and incredibly terrific by @tennessoui: A classic "Anakin wants to do something he is in no way qualified for and then suffers the consequences for his idiocy" plot, very fun.
I can fill those places in your heart no else can by @pontah: modern au post-breakup revenge sex I guess???
Ba’jurir by @mockingjay34: Rex/Fives, explores the intersection of anti-clone bigotry and anti-omega sexism.
Out in the Corner of the Dark with You by kazmir: a 5+1 fic about Anakin giving Obi-Wan a bunch of soft things as courting gifts
instincts by amidnightlove: just some fun and funky 'cycles make people go a little feral' stuff
EDIT: I missed a bunch so there's a Part Two!
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kotemf · 1 month
Codywan week - day 6
I'm posting this late but I hope y'all can still enjoy reading! It's my fill for day 6 of the @codywanweek. You can read the story here, on Wattpad or Ao3. Thanks to the all of you who give it a try!
  Prompt: créchemaster Obi-Wan, quiet love, touch starved
Cody never dared to plan what he was going to do after the war. He never dared to hope that he will survive until the very end. So, when the war ended abruptly and he actually had a choice, he had no idea what he wanted to do.
  He ended up working as a security guard in some gallery. He didn't like it there all that much, it was boring, but it was the best he could find. He didn't have any education besides military training. And he needed money.
  Sometimes, Cody wished he stayed in the army. Rex had and he got to guard the Jedi temple sometimes. Maybe if Cody chose the same path, he could still see his general sometimes. Just a glimpse of the man would be enough. Or maybe it wouldn't.
  Obi-Wan was still a topic that Cody wasn't able to figure out. He wanted. He wanted to see his former general, wanted to touch him, to kiss him, to undress him and so on. Just like he did during their shore leave. Only it wasn't real. It was just a way to distract themselves, just a way to keep their minds busy when not on the front lines. Because forgetting about the casualties of the last battle was so much easier with his general on top of him. That's how it started.
  Now, months later, Cody was still in love with his general. Obi-Wan probably already forgot Cody still existed. He made it pretty clear that there was nothing between them, no attachment. That all their relationship was about was some entertainment. And Cody, in his foolish, so, so, foolish mind, made it something more. Even if he had the guts to go visit his general, he was too afraid that the Jedi would pick up on his emotions.
  So he didn't. He built himself a routine, he couldn't live any other way. Wake up from his dreams about Obi-Wan. Workout, while imagining his general being next to him, doing the same. Think about Obi-Wan while eating breakfast. Go to work. Still think about Obi-Wan. Wander the halls of the building, keeping his eyes open. Still with clear pictures of his very naked general in his mind. Going back from work. Still dreaming about coppery hair and pale skin. Going out with brothers. Finally forgetting the damned Jedi after his eleventh drink.
  This day was no different. Until it was. Because hey, his daydreams were never this real. There was no way his imagination was so good. Because the Obi-Wan he was looking at right now was perfect, more perfect than any of his imaginations. 
  This Obi-Wan was real, showing something on an abstract painting of an ocean to a bunch of tubies - no, not tubies, children. Why the actual kriff was Cody's former Jedi general in a gallery with a bunch of children? And why was Boil there too, catching a Pantoran boy before he could get lost among the crowds of people?
  Cody's time to think about it and order his thoughts was cut short. Boil noticed him, of course he did. He waved at Cody. It would be far too awkward if Cody ignored him. This left Cody with no choice but to join the group.
  "Uh... hello?"
  "Hey, Codes, it's been a while." Boil greeted Cody with a half hug. It's been exactly eight days since they saw each other the last time. Cody wouldn't exactly call it long but whatever. "Ad'ike, this is Cody, my annoying big brother."
  "Cody? Like commander Cody?" a Mikkian girl asked. How would she even know that? She looked to be five standard years old at most, there was no way the Jedi taught her about the war and much less the clones.
  "I used to be a commander, yes." Cody nodded, because there wasn't much else he could do.
  "Master Obi told us a lot about you," a Rhodian boy told him. Now that was interesting. Obi-Wan told a bunch of random Jedi - at least Cody assumed they were Jedi - tubies about him. Why?
  Boil gave Cody a look. Cody didn't like it all that much but before he could really think about what that particular look meant, Boil was already talking to the tubies. "I know Cody is fun and all, but did you know there is a play area for children somewhere? Do you want me to take you there? Cody can wait."
  Apparently, Boil was good with children now. He left with all of the tubies. And that meant... Cody was alone with Obi-Wan. So that was what Boil's look meant.
  "Hello, Cody."
  "General." Cody nodded to Obi-Wan who rolled his eyes.
  "Drop that. I'm not even a general anymore."
  "So you take Jedi tubies to galleries now?"
  "Sometimes." Obi-Wan shrugged. "The council was looking for a créchemaster and I took the job. They are sweet."
  "And you told them about me?" That probably wasn't the right thing to say.
  Cody's question made Obi-Wan blush. It was adorable. Cody wanted to kiss him. It was like one of the fake scenarios he imagined before falling asleep, the one where he bumped into Obi-Wan while walking the halls of the gallery, like in some sappy novel, and Obi-Wan blushed and then they kissed and then they magically teleported to Cody's bedroom. It could still happen, if Cody took a step forward, leaned closer-
  "Well, of course I told them about you." Obi-Wan's words cut through Cody's so very professional day dreams. "They like to hear stories about heroes. Besides... I missed you."
  To say Cody missed Obi-Wan would be an understatement. Cody said it anyway.
  Obi-Wan blushed even more at that and his pale skin did exactly nothing to hide it. Cody loved it. "Is that so?" Obi-Wan looked like he wanted to touch Cody for a moment but then he pulled his hand back and firmly clasped his hands in front of him.
  Cody just wished Obi-Wan touched him.
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
Can I have a Cody finds out/being told that f!reader is pregnant? To make things more complicated lol f!reader is a jedi
Idk where this came from tho… if you don’t have the time or inspiration it’s fine, I love u 🤍
And A Baby Makes Three...
Summary: You find out you're pregnant, and now you have to tell Cody.
Pairing: Commander Cody x F!Reader
Word Count: 996
Warnings: Talk of pregnancy
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: hihi! Thanks for the request! I hope you like it!
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You frown at yourself in the mirror and pull your robe tight across your stomach. It’s not obvious yet, at least, and you suppose, with a little clever misdirection with the force, people might not notice the baby bump at all.
At least, you hope so.
You’ve been the Jedi General of the 212 for over a year and a half now. And while no one had been happy when the order was given, in hindsight you have to admit that it made sense.
After all, Obi-Wan was a negotiator. He was at his most effective using his words to convince both parties to come to an agreement. You, however, had spent the majority of your jedi career careening from one civil war to the next.
You know military strategy like you know the back of your hand.
And, with the sudden death of Palpatine, and the startling knowledge that he had been pulling the strings on both sides of the war…well, having the skilled Negotiator sitting in meetings day in and day out was far more important than having him on a warship.
Of course, he doesn’t seem to be doing the greatest job at bringing about an end to the war, since it’s still going on.
You release the front of your robes with a sigh.
Honestly, what is the point of even having that implant if it’s not going to work like it’s supposed to. You fold your arms over your chest, and tilt your head back as you try to gather your thoughts.
You need to tell Cody, obviously. Mostly because the baby is his, and partly because the fact that you’re going to be pregnant is going to have to change the way the battalion approaches any upcoming battles.
You release a sigh and rub the back of your neck, trying to ease the tension before it turns into a headache. It’s not going to work, the only person who seems to have the ability to massage away your tension headaches is Cody, and he’s busy.
You hear the familiar sound of your door code being keyed in, and you turn towards the door, or maybe not. The door slides open, silently, and Cody steps into the room, and allows the door to slide shut behind him.
Everyone on the ship knows about your relationship with him, but it’s better to not show it off.
Tension drains out of his body as he sets his helmet on the table next to the door, and you smile sympathetically, “Rough day?”
“That’s putting it mildly,” He glances at you, and then takes a moment to remove the top part of his armor, before he crosses the room to slide his arms around you and bury his face in your neck, “We got word from Fox, there’s been no truce agreement yet.” He mumbles.
“So another month of war,” You say with a sigh.
“So another month of war.” Cody agrees, pulling back to press his forehead against yours, “They’re thinking of sending us back to Umbara.”
“Until we get actual orders, let’s just hope that that’s a rumor,” You reply softly as you reach up to soothingly card your fingers through his hair.
“Yeah,” His eyes close as he relaxes into your touch, “How are you feeling? You woke up pretty sick this morning.”
You smile wryly, though it goes unnoticed for the moment.
“Told you that you shouldn’t have eaten Boil’s experiment. You’re lucky a small bout of nausea is all you got,” Cody continues.
“It wasn’t that bad.” You defend.
“Cyare, it was moving.”
“That…is true.” You admit, grimacing as you remember Boil’s meal, “But he was so excited to cook-”
“You don’t have to keep humoring my brothers, cyare. We already like you.” Cody mumbles.
“I genuinely like your brothers, Cody. I like seeing them happy.” You say lightly, “But, as it happens, I wasn’t sick because of last night's dinner.”
His eyes snap open and he scans your face, “You weren’t?”
“No. I wasn’t.” You trail your hand across his cheek, “And I’m afraid I’m going to be sick for a bit.”
His brow furrows, “Do we need to go to the Medbay?”
You huff out a breath, “That probably won’t hurt, but I need to talk to you first.”
There are a million different ways you can say this, but you think that, in this situation, the hard facts are the easiest, “My implant failed. I’m pregnant.”
Cody blinks at you, his jaw slightly slack.
“Really.” You confirm, “The force doesn’t lie.”
He blinks at you again, and his gaze drifts to your stomach, “A baby,” Cody sounds stunned and a bright grin crosses his face, “That’s…that’s wonderful! I’m going to be a dad!” And then the smile fades, “Oh…shit. This is going to change how we handle missions, isn’t it?”
“Oh, undoubtedly. I’m going to get fat. Which means no more vents.”
“It means you’ll have to start staying back at the command tent.”
You purse your lips, “I do not like that.”
“You don’t have to like it. But you do have to accept it.” Cody replies, and then he kisses you, a series of quick, loving kisses, and when he pulls away he sets his hands on your shoulders, “Okay! We’re going to Helix.”
“Can’t we go later?” You whine, even as you allow him to direct you towards the door.
“Nope.” Cody keys open the door and propels you into the hall, “Because, cyare, Helix is going to have to learn a whole new branch of medicine to help keep you healthy. Two, even, because he’s not a pediatrician either.”
“...now I feel kind of guilty.”
“He’ll get over it. Maybe.” Cody says easily, “Or, if he’s angry, it’ll be at me and not you.”
You eye him suspiciously, and Cody’s smile is a bit too innocent for you to believe it, “You’re fragile, cyare.”
Your jaw drops, “I am not!”
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shangchiswife · 1 year
obi-wan kenobi- better man
summary: you watch as obi-wan has moved on from you but you can't help but still have feelings for him.
obi-wan x gn!reader
warnings: none
word count: 705
You tried not to stare.
You really tried for your sanity but you couldn’t help it, your eyes stayed glued to them.
You watched as your fellow Jedi, and former partner, Obi-Wan Kenobi hooked a finger under Duchess Satine’s chin and pressed a loving kiss to her cheek while she closed her eyes and smiled.
Your heart clenched at the sweet gesture.
You remembered a time when he had acted that way with you.
You watched the way the duchess scrunched up her nose with delight and laid her head against his chest.
It was so unfair.
You tried so hard to hate him after he had told you that one September night that he needed to focus on being a Jedi Master and helping to train Anakin instead of being with you but you just couldn’t
You had initially believed him when he said he wanted to focus on work. But you knew that wasn’t the case when you saw him a few weeks later, trailing after Satine like a lovesick puppy with his cheeks scarlet.
You remembered when he used to look at you like you were the most beautiful thing in all of existence. 
The way his blue eyes lit up and sparkled every time you walked in a room.
Now you watched as he looked at Satine that way.
You tried so hard to hate her but you just couldn’t.
Satine was so kind to you, always greeting you with a smile when you came to her planet, and treating you with respect. You had always admired the way she ruled Mandalore with such grace and poise. 
And you knew that if she had known that you were previously with Obi-Wan then she would’ve stayed far away from you because that was the type of person she was. But Obi-Wan had made it clear that the two of you would be secret so you honored his wishes.
Your hands shook as you averted your eyes from the happy couple.
Sometimes in the middle of the night, you could still feel him, your body would tingle from the ghost of his fingers on your waist, his lips on yours.
“I’ve never loved somebody as much as I love you,” Obi-Wan’s voice snapped you out of your clouded mind as you felt your heart shatter at his words.
He had never told you that before.
He had never even bothered to tell you that he loved you.
That day he ended your relationship you had told him you loved him and you’d never forget the horrified expression on his face, his jaw slack as he mumbled “I’m sorry,” and then left you alone, heartbroken, and full of tears.
And still, after all of that, you still loved and missed him.
You stood up abruptly, wiping a stray tear that had slipped down your cheek from the memory.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you started walking away at a fast pace.
You needed to get off Mandalore and bring more distance between yourself and Obi-Wan.
“Y/N?” the voice of Obi-Wan filled the throne room.
You shook off his voice and continued walking to the ship that you had gone on with Obi-Wan. 
Your steps became quicker as you peeked your eyes and saw that both Obi-Wan and Satine were following you, concern evident in their eyes.
Hot angry tears streamed down your face as you approached your ship.
Commander Cody sat at the edge of the ship with his helmet off as he slightly dozed off.
“Let’s go,” your voice was angry as you awoke him with a jolt.
You didn’t mean to be rude but your emotion was taking over your entire body.
“But General Kenobi-”
“I don’t care, Commander, let's just go,” your voice cracked.
The commander took one look at your puffy eyes and trembling lips and nodded before immediately rushing over to the cockpit and urging the ship to life.
 Once the ship started moving in the air, Obi-Wan and Satine appeared on the launchpad looking up at you.
You stared down at him and slowly shook your head at him before sitting down.
It never would have happened if he was just a better man.
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hetalianskywalker · 5 months
Day 9: A Heart Fish
Pairing: Mer Commander Cody x Reader, background Codywan
Summary: You end up going on a quest with a weird fish that’s actually something far more important.
Author’s note: There is a not so secret Codywan agenda. I’m not sorry. It’s implied you and Obi-wan are just friends while you both are in a relationship with Cody. But I mean… who knows what happens after the end of the fic.
Warnings: Some swearing. Obi-wan and Cody both being depressed after Order 66.
Word Count: 1748
Prompt: Something strange is caught in our net, a bulbous fluttering fish with no face. “Mermaid hearts live outside their bodies,” says the captain. “Bizarre to catch one this close to shore.”
Prompt 3033 by deepwaterwritingprompts.
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Something strange is caught in your net, a bulbous fluttering fish with no face. “Mermaid hearts live outside their bodies,” says the captain. “Bizarre to catch one this close to shore.”
“Now you know that’s not true, cap.” You say with a roll of your eyes. However, the faceless fish still unnerves you; it is definitely magic of some kind. You get a bucket of sea water and set the strange fish inside. You watch as it slowly moves around in circles; actually half the crew is now doing the same thing as you.
“It is a mermaid heart.” Another sailor argues.
“Come on-”
“I’m serious. I’ve been to Mandalore a few times while working on a Merchant ship. Don’t ask what exactly happens, but I saw a Mer carrying a fish like that in a tank. And when I asked about it, all they would say is ‘it was part of him.’ What else could that mean?”
You stare down at the odd fish then back out at the watery horizon. If this really was a Mer heart, where the hell was the Mer it belongs to?
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The hot sun blazes down on you and your new companion when you return to Mos Espa’s port. The Mer has still not come for it and it bothers you. You take your paycheck and begin to head home. The fish just continues to swim in circles around the bucket; sometimes it changes speed when you talk to it, but that’s about as close as you get to any kind of reaction to anything.
It continues on like this for a few weeks as you wait for the Mer to arrive at Mos Espa. You find yourself having full on conversations with the fish, who now stops at the side of the bucket to listen to you; you joke they’re a better listener than most people are.
An entire month goes by with still no one coming. You end up having to take your new pet with you on your next fishing job. This time the ship stops at Mos Eisley on the other side of the island to sell the fish before returning.
The moment you set foot on land the fish began to go crazy. It starts banging against the side of the bucket. You panic at first, but quickly realize it wants you to go in the direction it’s pointing; it relaxes and just points its non-existent face in that direction as you begin to follow.
“You can’t be serious?” You pause at the edge out the port city and look out into the barren desert. The fish begins banging again and so you whisper a prayer to any diety that might hear you before you turn around.
“I’m getting us an Eopie.” You grumble to your fishy companion. “One second.”
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“I’m sorry, sir. I think I’m lost.”
“You would have to be to come all the way out here.” The hermit kindly offered you a moment of reprieve from the hot sun as your ride takes a break.
“Would you believe me if I said I was following a Mermaid heart?” He freezes before turning to critically analyze you. A chill goes up your spine even in the hot weather.
“Show me.” You stare at Ben a moment before heading over to your sattle and supplies. You had covered it up in a few thin blankets to help protect the water from evaporating. His blue eyes grow wide before tearing up; the fish is pointing directly at him.
“It’s you.” You gasp. “It was looking for you.” Ben gently sticks his hand in the water and the fish cuddles into him. The man presses his lips together tightly.
“He… He’s been looking for me.” He mutters to himself as he slowly moves his hand out of the water even though it seems he doesn’t want to. Ben then waves for you to follow him inside.
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Over the next few days, you are told a long and fascinating story. A part of your mind is still reeling from the fact your talking to a real Jedi, the only beings able to use any kind of magic. Of course there were certain specialized spells that were almost always out of reach; myths of a Sea Alor being able to control every aspect of a hurricane or a powerful harpy calling the air out of a person's lungs were still whispered about from time to time. However the majority of Jedi prefer to use telekinetic and spatial magic while wielding their kyber swords.
There are parts of the story that he is leaving out like why he chose to hide here, but you leave them be. In short, Ben, or Obi-wan, had slowly fallen for his second in command during the war and the feeling had been mutual. At least, he had thought it was. Commander Cody had turned on him just like the entire Mer clone army had done to all the Jedi almost a year ago. Obi-wan had barely escaped and now lives here in hiding. However, the fact that Cody’s heart had sought him out complicated things.
“Mer heart fish, while defenseless and make any Mer easy to kill, are some of the most intense sources of raw sea magic. They can do things a normal Mer could not like…”
“Tracking you.” You finish softly. Obi-wan nods as he watches the fish swim in slow circles.
“We never had an official bond or made any kind of deal, but genuine bonds of any kind are sacred to the Mer. Loyalty and family mean everything. He was able to follow me just with that.” The Jedi fades off into silence as you both sit there. There is something more he wishes to say, but it takes him a moment to compose himself. There is a deep sadness in the air.
“Also, Mer heart fish can only be created under very specific circumstances. A heart can only leave a Mer’s body if an emotion is too powerful for them to bear. And this fish was made from sorrow, guilt, and loneliness.” So that was how he knew Cody meant him no harm. You look at the fish again as the Jedi runs a hand down his face.
“So what happens now?” Obi-wan turns to look out the window. The hot winds swirl around the deserted landscape.
“From what I can gather, it’s taken him so long to get here because he’s using a very convoluted route to keep the Empire off his trail. He’ll be here soon though.” You jolt in your chair and almost fall over. Obi-wan barely catches your arm before you hit the ground.
“Should I leave?” You ask nervously as he helps steady you. The Jedi’s eyes grow wide before he looks at you confused. “I mean… he’s been looking for you. Why should I be here? I’d only be intruding.”
“But that’s not…” The Mer heart begins banging on the bucket interrupting Obi-wan.
“See I told you Cody just wants to see you. I’m just happy I was able to get his heart where it needed to go.” He doesn’t stop you this time as you head out the door; you ignore the way the Mer heart continues to bang on the bucket.
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Back in Mos Eisley, you prepare to head back to your home port. Even though Obi-wan’s home was toward the heart of the island, it was still faster to head back the way you came to get home; the island of Tatooine was quite large and the rough terrain and creatures just made the journey a bit too difficult alone.
“Why are you here?” You jump before you turn around to meet a hooded man. As you look at his face, you notice the scar that went around his left eye like in Obi-wan’s description and the exact facial features you had seen a million times on flyers.
“Cody?” You whisper tentatively. He nods as he moves a bit closer. He points to a nearby alley and you follow.
“Why aren’t you still with General Kenobi?” You half smile at hearing the use of his old military title. Something feels off about what had happened; Cody obviously loved Obi-wan so the betrayal made no sense.
“I… your heart went looking for him. Why would you want to meet me?” You half joke only to watch the man shift a little uncomfortably.
“I hear and feel what it does.” Cody admits quickly. It takes you a moment to process that and your face burns. Oh Maker.
“I’m so sorry. I…” He shakes his head.
“I want to get to know you. Please don’t go.” He holds out his hand and smiles you. “My heart is…” He stops, trying to find a different word to use. Cody lets out a sigh when he can’t.
“A bit captivated with you. I was seeking you out first for more than just getting my heart back.” Your mind goes completely blank. This whole situation is insane. However, the honesty and genuine admittance makes you want to combust. You’re flattered and embarrassed all at once.
He offers a hand to you. With how he keeps looking away from you, he’s just as uncomfortable as you are. Not knowing what to say, you just take his hand and allow him to lead you back toward the edge of the city. To your surprise, you see the Jedi with another eolpie waiting for you and Cody to share.
“You’re in love with Obi-wan.” You state softly and he nods with a slight blush. “Then why…?”
“Is sharing completely out of the question?” He asks seriously, but gently. “I would still like to get to know you after everything. Even if it was just as friends.”
You take the trip back to think about it, leaning against Cody’s back as you travel through the sand. You look over at Obi-wan and think about how he tried to stop you from leaving; he had been able to tell what Cody felt about you from the heart fish and didn’t have a problem with it. You look up at Cody’s face and bask in his handsome features and kind eyes.
“I think I can share.” The smile he gives you is warm and comforting even after everything he had been through. It is at that moment you know without a shadow of a doubt you are gonna fall head over heels.
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seven-oomen · 1 year
Since I've had quite a bad day today I decided to pauze the writing for Caught somewhere in time for the day and instead work on some Clone / Clone wars headcanons of my own that I'm going to include in the fic. Link now under cut!!
A few things that will be a plot point:
Parentage of Cal Kestis (Like one of them is Obi-Wan, but the other...??? I know, you don't.)
Romance of Cody and Obi-Wan
Sibling relationship between Anakin, Cal, and Ahsoka
Corruption in the senate (Sith Lord and after)
Way to free the clones and end order 66 (chip storyline)
The Jedi can tell all the clones apart by their presences in the force. It's like a second nature to them. They never mix them up.
Cody likes to knit.
Obi-Wan finds that an absolute delight and happily provides him with the materials and anything else he needs.
Although all the clones can technically count as 'twins' only the ones that shared a gestational pod are considered official twins among the clones. Fives and Echo are among these twins. The prevalence of 'twin births' is about 3%.
Triplets also occur but they are much rarer, there have been three documented cases in the history of the clone troopers. I kinda wanna headcanon that Cody, Fox, and Wolffe are one of these triplets. Out of the three Cody was the smallest at birth. (He caught up later just fine).
Echo has a photographic memory, Fives has a natural gift to spot patterns and connections.
Wolffe seems like a stuck up hardass, but he's an actual softie on the inside and has a knack for sensing when his brothers or others need him the most. His pack is his life.
Fox honors his name by having a very mischievous streak with his brothers. Even if he seems to be a bitch for the rules in every day life, his brothers know him better than that.
Wolffe is excellent at poker.
Fox and Echo battle for the title of Holo-tactic champion.
Waxer is actually fantastic with kids, this stems from his time in training, when he would often visit his little cadet brothers and spend time with them.
Kix is an excellent cook.
Cody can't cook to save his life. Neither can Obi-Wan. Fortunately Obi-Wan knows the right people who can cook.
All the clones are caf drinkers, black, no additives.
Rex carves jewelry like bracelets for everyone, Cody puts trackers in everything Rex carves, or he knits. He'll find a way.
All the clones have unique sleeping positions. It's one of the ways to tell them apart.
Cal and Anakin have a brotherly rivalry, to the point where Cal has actively tried to electrocute Anakin, and Anakin has attempted to force push Cal down a flight of stairs. But if anyone else tries to harm one of them, the other unleashes hellfire upon the assailant.
Cal and Ahsoka quickly become best friends and team up against Anakin whenever the situation allows for it. Obi-Wan actively encourages this, it's hilarious to him.
Among Anakin, Ahsoka, and Cal; Obi-Wan is known as mom. Cody is dubbed 'dad' at some point. The other clones find this hilarious.
While Ahsoka starts as a relatively short teenager, her species tends to grow larger than the average human. So by the time she's an adult, she stands at a respective 200 cm (6'6.7). Anakin hates this in particular, because he was used to being the tallest in the group.
And that's what I got so far. Will probably add more at some point.
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fangirlforeversthings · 7 months
Obi wan anakin and ahsoka family soap blurb
So i just rewatched one of @zengers star wars ai videos on youtube (which i can only highly recommend they're the best) and heard obi wan calling anakin and ahsoka 'kids'. And this combined with their relationship what was always big bro little sister and their tired single dad i had an idea of soap about obi wan ahsoka and anakin and their daily life:
Anakin and ahsoka being the kids, anakin the older broher and ahsoka the younger sister and obi wan is their tired single dad raising them (also the mom role with their mom satine already passed away who had loved her beloved kids and husband uncondicionally and was so fun and warm and sweet and is missed every day so badly) and r2 d2 being their pet which dad never wanted but the kids found it lost without a home and begged him that they please could keep it an that they would ofc take care of it (obi dad has to take it on walks and feed it and we know it) but in the end he still loves it aswell. Yoda being their unhinged great grandvather already in retirement home telling dirty jokes at the dinner table on thanksgiving and qui gon being their grandfather living nearby teaching them dumb shit joining them on their stupid adventures. Mace windu being their neighbour who hates kids but especially them two who always destroy his peace and quite, windows and lawn. Yelling over the fence to kenobi to get his fucking brood in control while they always play pranks on him all the time. Padme being anakins girlfriend, rex their cousin and cody, quinlan and obi single dad besties, a bros since childhood trio.
Them (the kids and the dad bros) spreading chaos wherever they go. Kids making the dumbest decisions and going on the stupidest adventures together every day, going on their dads very last nerve and not listening to him most of the time. Them accidently almost blowing up the entire city by trying to get him the best gift for fathers day/ his birthday (they probably forgot it in the first place and gotta apologice) trying to show him how much they love and appreciate him and how sorry they are. They would do everything for him and love him uncondicionally. Obi dad sometimes even joining them on their dumb adventures or himself making the stupid decicions and them experiencing all kinds of chaotic days in normal day to day life.
Episodes where the dad bestie trio and all their kids together go on roadtrips camping and get lost and then get chased by a moose through the woods while some funny song playing the background. Or a funny day trip and then at the drive home anakin would be like "...and that was so funny you should have heard that loud splash when i threw her into the fountain, she was so mad tho. But it was so worth it cause it was sooo funny" "Well certainly not for your poor, soaking wet sister" "oh by the way while we are talking about her....where is she?" "What do you mean anakin? She's right th..." and obi dad then turning blank white in the face after looking in the backmirror while driving realising they had forgotten her in the hotel lobby (still dripping wet) and him than doing a 360. turn weels screaching and yeeting of to get her. Her pouting all the way home and obi wan apologizing the whole time "dear i'm so sorry i don't know how that could have happen your brother was going on my nerves with the pool animal and" and anakin just laughing.
Then in the end of the episodes they'd be sitting on the couch in the living room like "dad you know that we love you so much thank you for being the best of all dads" and these were the rare moments they'd be so serious and he'd be like "aw kids even tho you k*ll my very last nerve every day of course i love you guys too more than everything and i could never imagine my life without you two in it" "and r2" "yeah ofc and r2" and then after a cute warm cuddle anakin would say something like "even tho you're old as f*ck" and crack the moment with the invicible audience laughing and obi dad shaking his head sighing and laughing and then the episode ends.
Just their daily life that would be an awesome, fantastic family comedy soap.
Any show title ideas anyone?
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coruscantguard · 1 year
coruscantguard's Fic Rec List (01)
This list contains some of my favorite fics from my time in the Star Wars fandom! It is by no means a comprehensive list of all my favorite fics, just the ones I could find the very easiest— I'm absolutely planning on making more of these in the future. I hope you enjoy! (No, I'm not procrastinating working on anything rn, shushhhhhh)
we stand here, together by @nightdotlight
21k, Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, Rex & Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, Neyo/Mace Windu
Master Depa Billaba and Padawan Caleb Dume. Windu worries for them, out in the wider galaxy. Waging war, while he and Anakin sit here, waiting. But he trained Billaba, and Billaba is training Dume. Anakin once took lessons from her, when he himself was a Padawan, and he knows she is skilled enough by far, to ensure that both she and her student make it back to Coruscant safely. It’s ironic, that when cut off from the Force he can understand other people better than he has in years.
Nat, will you ever shut up about we stand here, together? No, no I will not. It's been three years since this fic was posted, and it still destroys me emotionally every time I read it in the best way possible. You want a fic to make you cry about the Jedi? I've got a fic that will make you cry about the Jedi in the best way possible. This story is wonderful and amazing and I'll probably be recommending it until the end of time.
Reputations. by @outpastthemoat
36k, Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi
Defeating a Sith Lord before losing your Padawan braid, that’s a difficult reputation to live up to.
SUCH a wonderful look into Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, this fic completely blew me away. The metaphors here are beautiful, the imagery is stunning, and I love how outpastthemoat portrays the Jedi. An all around treat to read, and a fic I've reread many times, and plan to reread many more.
observer's effect by @bytebun
6k, Cody & Obi-Wan, Cody & Rex
The fall of the Jedi was a fixed point, and there had to be a hand on the gun. It might as well be Cody’s.
(The story of your life is a tragedy, but you still get to make your choices.)
This fic contains one of my favorite lines of all time regarding the clones and their names, oh my god. I love the differing approaches it takes to Order 66, I love how the relationship between the 212th and Obi-Wan is portrayed, and the prose just blows me away. I enjoy reading this one SO MUCH.
the falling man by @cabezadeperro
35k, Fox/Quinlan Vos, Fox/Echo
It's been three years since the end of the war. Fox works nights as a bouncer in an Underworld nightclub and does what he can to help in the fight against the Empire. He wasn't expecting Echo.
I sobbed when reading chapters of this, y'all. As in, full out ugly crying sobbed. I remember it very clearly, because I was actually on vacation at the time, and I was hiding in my Grandmother's basement so I didn't have to explain to my family why I was sobbing. Post Order 66 stories just get to me in a way that few other stories do, and this one did so perfectly. The despair and the hope mixed together, the way that they just kept going, the SW cyberpunk setting— it just works PERFECTLY.
Twilight on Owl Creek Bridge by @yellowocaballero
33k, Fox & Leia Organa
SUBJECT: Regarding Senate Guard Objectives For Today This is a polite reminder to all guardsmen that patrol schedules for the Senate vote ratifying dictatorships are posted in the breakroom. I am also issuing a warning to linear time that days should follow sequentially and are not intended to repeat. Please cease repeating. I am getting a headache. Additionally, I'd like to remind all guardsmen that it is illegal to harbor invisible women in the Senate. If you see a ghost claiming to be Leia Organa, please remove her from the premises. She will be making a scene. Thank you for your cooperation in preserving the peace of the Republic, and all hail the Empire. FOX
This fic? This fic blew me away. Holy shit. This is one of those stories that simply altered me as a human being, you know? Every part of this story is expertly done, and I love how it all came together at the end. This story also contains some of my favorite lines of all time regarding the clones, and god, Leia's portrayal here is PERFECT. Feeling so many emotions about Alderrann again.
may you inherit his light by @notbecauseofvictories
2k, Leia Organa & Bail Organa, Leia Organa & Anakin Skywalker
When your father dies, say the Coruscanti, you are left clutching a star map for a different galaxy.
In this, as in many things, Leia is her fathers' daughter.
Speaking of feeling emotions about Alderrann, here's another fic that does that! Leia and Bail will always make me emotional, and this fic does so perfectly. I love their relationship, I love how Leia's grief is portrayed, I love every moment of her life we see and the visual imagery here simply blows me away.
So Call It Grace by @blackkatmagic
10k, Cody/Quinlan Vos, Quinlan Vos & Lando Calrissian
The only thing Quinlan wants is to keep his head down and avoid the Empire. Lando dragging one trouble and then another into his life isn't helping matters much.
This fic owns my entire heart and then some. Oh my god. Quinlan & Lando are such a great duo, and Cody!!! Cody!!!! I have no words, just sounds of joy about Cody. This story just took residence in my mind, and has refused to leave, which I am absolutely more than happy with, because I love this story SO MUCH. Quinlan is one of my favorite characters of all time, to the surprise of no one, and I adore how Kat writes him.
Carrion by callmelyss
2k, Merrin/Trilla Sunduri
Understanding thrills through the Second Sister—what Cal Kestis has awoken here by chance, what’s slumbered among the unquiet dead, waiting. A survivor. The taste of metal floods her mouth; her gloves creak as her hands clench. Laughter escapes her, flat and humorless and long, ricocheting along the close walls. “No,” she swears, allowing the venom into her voice, the hate to curdle in the air, met and devoured, as it always is, by the Dark. “Not a Jedi. Look closer.” The Second Sister goes to Dathomir in search of Cal Kestis. She finds something entirely unexpected.
These two? These two are AMAZING together. I love the writing here, the visual imagery blows me away, and the way these two relate to each other is AMAZING. The parallels here amaze me, and this is a frequent reread for me, it's just so good. This story makes me want to write about these two SO BADLY.
dead dog (bye-bye baby blue) by @patchmates
15k, WIP, Fox & Cody, Fox & Thorn, Fox & Quinlan Vos, Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi
The way it happens is simple: at some point during your service in the Guard, you’ll lose time. The thing wiping the Guards’ memories gets sloppy and Fox remembers the order not to let Fives leave the surface alive. It changes everything and nothing at all.
I am intrigued by this fic, y'all, I am so intrigued. This is a story that I can tell is going to absolutely crack my heart in two, but goddamn am I excited for it to do so. I'm always a huge fan of when people take a more cyberpunk approach to SW, and I am simply fascinated by patchmates' portrayals of the clones. I foresee this fic doing great emotional damage to me, but like, in the best way possible, and recommend it VERY highly.
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sarcastic-sketches · 2 years
The Palpatine Issue
(Continuation of my Kitsune!Anakin AU - ya boy gets turned into a Kitsune for fun and profit by a Force Temple pre-AotC)
Given the majority of Anakin’s spare time ends up being spent in the Temple he ends up seeing a lot less of Palpatine. Not even in the way that Anakin clocked something was off about his vibes and decided to stay away he just chose chilling in the Creche over his old mentor. Palpatine had always been so kind and understanding with him before, why wouldn’t he be now?
Of course, Palpatine has no choice but to say ‘of course!’ when Anakin blows off meeting him again or he’ll lose any chance of keeping Anakin’s confidence. With a sprinkling of emotional manipulation, of course. He tries to guilt trip Anakin, once or twice, hoping he can make him feel guilty about not seeing the old man who took time out of his day to find a spot in his schedule that he could free up for him. But in the end, Palpatine loses him simply because Anakin lets their friendship die. Friendships just fizzle out sometimes and Anakin found things he’d rather do.
The idea that Anakin never once thought that Palpatine would be mad at him for not seeing him and that he would be understanding and happy for him of the choices he has made because Palpatine’s friendly old mentor act worked a little too well is so funny to me. Meanwhile, Sheev is seething because he didn’t make himself indispensable to Anakin enough. He lost to a bunch of rugrats.
It hits Anakin later that he doesn’t especially miss meeting the Chancellor. All the things he used to get from him he can get in passing from people in the Temple for now or his mother and … he feels better hanging out with the kids. He feels better all round actually and his relationship with Obi-Wan has never been stronger. But it’s also Rex he’s spending time with, just for the fun of it while on Coruscant. Introducing the man to Padme and on the rare occasion the younglings when he can convince the Council to let Rex in (it doesn’t take much). The kids have never seen a clone before and this is the man who keeps their big fluffy playmate safe when he’s out of the Temple.
Rex is very proud of that and may or may not do some flashy gunslinger moves to impress the kids Anakin’s kids. He just hopes Cody doesn’t find out about it later.
Anakin doesn’t realise why he doesn’t miss Palpatine but eventually he’s put off meeting the Chancellor so much it becomes one of those things you keep putting off out of awkwardness. The Council knows what’s up because Palpatine accuses them of keeping Anakin Temple-bound while he’s on Coruscant, which they deny. And it’s the truth.
Padme probably mentions that the Chancellor has been looking for him and how he keeps lamenting over how he misses their little chats and it’s such a shame that the Order is keeping him away from the Senate. Which obviously doesn’t ring true to Padme but you know that’s the angle Palpatine would go with. Poor Chancellor misses Anakin Skywalker and those horrible Jedi have barred him from having any political ties. Meanwhile, Anakin just hides part of his face with his hand in embarassment when talking about this with Padme because yeaaahh it has been a while maybe he should make a quick visit. If for no other reason than to assure the man (who is so clearly worried about him) that he isn’t being placed under house arrest by the Jedi. He’s just busy with the kids now.
This man is just so fucking oblivious to the game of 4D chess that’s being played around him.
It’s at that point Palpatine realises he has lost the chance to have Anakin join him willingly. Anakin has clearly made his choice. Which leads me onto my latest thoughts…
Anakin as a Kitsune would be seen as the very last of his kind, definitely now set apart from the other Jedi, Prophecy or not. If Anakin can't be convinced to Palpatine's side, the man might very well hunt him instead.
O66 goes out with the exception of Anakin Skywalker still, only this time the exception is to capture and detain. Alive.
Oh, what's that Anakin? You have past traumas related to being caught again like a commodity? How about getting hunted periodically for being a rare species? Palpatine is very intent on capturing you alive. Unlike the rest of the Jedi.
I want him to be panicked about his own wellbeing for a change, rather than someone else's. I want him vulnerable and Rex not standing for it, vowing to keep this demi-god of a man safe with his twin DC-17 pistols and sheer determination. How could Skywalker not go heart-eyes for that?
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droolingvenus · 28 days
Enter Here:
Hello, and welcome to my little corner of Hell! You can call me Venus, I'm not new to this hellsite by any means and I finally decided it was time to carve out the niche in the Star Wars fandom that I always dreamed of someone else making.
On this blog, I will be posting various headcanons, blurbs, quotes, fanart, possibly fanfictions of my own writing, all relating to what I consider to be my favorite ships, including rare pairings and a variety of ships that I think I came up with because I am single IRL and would really rather not be.
I personally write a ridiculous amount of self-indulgent fanfiction that I don't post anywhere and only write for my own enjoyment, but my preferred pairings and AUs are very rarely anywhere near canon. I always hoped there were more people with uncommon interests in the fandom, but after years of no luck, I've made the decision to find them myself, or convert some people...
My main ships that I enjoy writing about/am interested in exploring are:
Quinfox/Foxquin/Vox (Quinlan Vos x Commander Fox)
Codywan (Commander Cody x Obi-Wan Kenobi)
Blyla (Aayla Secura x Commander Bly)
Quinobi/Obiquin (Quinlan Vos x Obi-Wan Kenobi)
Rexsoka (Extremely wary of this one, I would only explore the concept post-Clone Wars Era as Ahsoka is... A child before the end of the War... Yeah, none of that please)
Kanera (Kanan Jarrus x Hera Syndulla)
Dinluke (Din Djarin x Luke Skywalker)
Wreckme? (Padme Amidala x Wrecker? Weird one that I think ONE SINGULAR PERSON has art of and now it lives in my brain dumpster and I've been toying with it a bit)
I'm curious about Kit Fisto x Aayla Secura a Commander Bly, but I haven't actually explored it much, so if you've got any thoughts or favorite fan works, feel free to send them my way!
These are the ships that I currently find myself interested in and writing about, but I'm open to hearing about what other people might like, my only boundaries are non-familial/platonic ships between clones, that's not my cup of tea, and any Master/Padawan ships, something I'm not interested in and would prefer to not engage with, you do you, of course.
I also enjoy at least two AUs, one that I believe pre-dates my use of it and the other is a very common one: Sith AU (Duh) and Victory Ball AU (In which the Clone War ends in a Republic-Jedi victory and things are all made right, Palpatine will always die, usually in increasingly hilarious or vengeful ways, depending on how my day went)
I am a SUCKER for the Soulmate trope/AU, and if anyone ever wants my thoughts on a specific ship being soulmates, ask! I will gladly babble my nonsense to any who wish to hear it!
I will forewarn that I am likely to post about ships + reader, for example, I'm already planning for my first real post to be a Quinfox x reader headcanon, so if you're like me and are polyamorous or LGBTQ+ in another way, you're welcome to send things in too! There's room for everyone around here, my little deal is that no one can be harmed and it can't be an illegal relationship (Examples include but are not limited to: Non-Con, incest, underage/of age partners, abusive dynamics/themes, coercion,) in our standards. As long as it would be legal here, I can usually give it a chance, though if you want me to write about a ship committing crimes together... That's a different story, I have access to Google and no respect for my search history, if you want to hear about being Codywan's assassin/lover, shoot me an ask, I have thoughts ;)
Lastly, I will post NSFW and suggestive content at some point and while I will do my best to add many tags and warnings, if you can't handle that risk and/or you are under 18, GO AWAY. I'm not sorry that I'm an adult and that I enjoy adult content, and anyone who doesn't want to see it is more than welcome to leave.
Ageless blogs and blogs run by minors will be blocked, and it will not be warned or nice, I don't want you here and if you're truly mature, you should be mature enough to respect that this space is not for you.
Asks are open, requests are open, ranting in the asks is more than welcome, feel free to send any questions in and I'll get to them ASAP!
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
Hello there! I love your writing sm💕💕
If you feel like, can I have a reader X Cody where the reader is the padawan of Obi wan? Something I can read while at work but it can be 18+ if that’s what your muse comes up with
Summary: You and Cody are trapped in a cave after an explosion, and you take the moment to spend time with the love of your life.
Pairing: Commander Cody x Padawan!Reader
Word Count: 799
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: Sorry that it's so short, but I hope you like it!
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“This is dumb,” you announce as you kick at the stone that’s keeping you sealed in this small cavern. “Why don’t I just-”
“Because you already tried that, Commander, and it nearly killed us.” Cody interrupted from where he’s sitting on a rock, his helmet sitting on the ground at his feet, “Relax. The General and the others will find us, as soon as the fighting is done.”
You huff and sit on the rock next to Cody, leaning your weight against him, “I know, I know. I just don’t like it when Master is fighting without me to watch his back.”
“The rest of the 212 is there, they won’t let anything happen to him.” Cody replies as he drapes his arm over your shoulder, “Besides, it’s not so bad being locked in here with me, is it?” There’s a hint of teasing in his voice and you nudge him gently.
“I suppose it could be worse.” You allow with a sigh. 
Cody laughs, and his fingers find the length of your padawan braid, which he slowly runs through his fingers. It’s something of a habit for him, whenever the two of you are alone, he’ll find your braid and run his fingers over the beads indicating your achievements. 
“So, do you get a bead for fighting in a war?” Cody asks after a long silence.
“Steel.” You reply absently, “It’ll be my second one. Assuming I survive the war.”
“You will.”
“Yeah? You think so?”
“If you think death is going to get you out of this relationship-”
You laugh, your head tilting back to thump lightly against his shoulder, “That would be something to see, wouldn’t it? You in a relationship with a force ghost.”
Cody sniffs, “Needs must and all.” He trails his fingers up to the base of your braid, where the first steel bead is located, “I had wondered about this one,” He admits, “It stands out compared to the others.”
“Mm. Master and I were sent to negotiate a peace treaty for a planet locked in civil war…it ended poorly.” You explain easily, “There was an explosion and we got separated, and ended up having to fight in the war.”
“What happened?”
You release a humorless laugh, “People died. People lived. More people died. I developed an allergy to red meat, and got struck by lightning. Master nearly lost his leg to a landmine. It was a whole thing.”
“...sounds miserable.”
“Isn’t that just what war is?” You counter lightly, “At least this time I haven’t been struck by lighting. That sucked, Cody. Like really bad. Still have the scar, Master Che couldn’t do anything about it.”
Cody dropped your braid and his fingers drifted to your left arm, where the scar lies hidden under your robes, “I’m guessing you were struck here.”
“Mm, I was lucky that Master was right there or I wouldn’t have survived. The electricity entered my left arm, crossed my chest, and exited out the right. Stopped my heart.”
“Well, I’m glad that you didn’t die. My life is better with you in it.” Cody says lightly.
“Yes, I know.” You smile up at him, “Shame that this whole thing is forbidden.”
“I’m fairly certain that the General knows.” Cody says dryly, “On account of the very firm talking to he gave me about respecting your boundaries and not pressuring you into anything you’re not ready for.”
At that you burst out laughing. “Oh, I’m sure he knows. But Master’s been married since he was 20, so he’s not about to lecture me about anything.”
Cody’s head snaps to the side, “General Kenobi’s married!?”
You grin, “He married Master Vos years ago.”
Cody’s jaw dropped, “He married Quinlan Vos? Why?”
You laugh, “I assume it’s because he loves him.” You sit up and press a quick kiss to Cody’s cheek, and you laugh when he turns to catch your lips in a deep kiss.
“So that means that we can get married, right?” Cody asks.
“Mm, someday. After the war.” You reply lightly, and your fingers brush against his cheek and you lean in to kiss him deeply, passionately.
Cody blinks at you, visibly having to reset his brain, “Right. Right, so Dooku and Grievous. And then a wedding.”
You laugh, “It’s a date.” And then you tilt your head to the side, as if listening to something only you can hear, “Master and the others are here.”
“Great, this cave kind of sucks.” Cody catches your hand as you get to your feet, “Love you, cyare.”
Your smile softens, and you lean in to kiss the tip of his nose, “Love you more.”
“Not possible,” Cody finishes with an easy smile, before he gets to his feet as well.
Time to go back to the war.
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